#daily sign of life
notchemicallybalanced · 2 months
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I see him peeking 👀
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astroa3h · 5 months
south node through the houses ⚡️
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South Node in the 1st House: Past life ego and self-reliance dominated. Picture a leader or a lone wolf, often arrogant and isolated. This life’s lesson is about embracing humility and the importance of partnerships.
South Node in the 2nd House: Materialism and greed might have been your focus. Imagine a life centered around wealth and possessions, often at the cost of deeper values. Now, it's about finding richness in experiences and relationships.
South Node in the 3rd House: Your past life involved manipulation through communication. You might have been a gossip or a smooth-talker. This life challenges you to seek deeper truths and use words for healing and upliftment.
South Node in the 4th House: Overbearing family roles defined you. Maybe an overly protective caregiver or someone lost in family identity. The current journey is about finding your own path and understanding true strength in independence.
South Node in the 5th House: Self-indulgence in creativity and romance was key. You were likely a hedonist or attention-seeker. Now, it’s about finding joy in ordinary life and channeling creativity into collective well-being.
South Node in the 6th House: Obsession with control and perfection might have ruled. Picture a micromanager or a rigid worker. This life teaches you to embrace flexibility and understand that life’s beauty often lies in its unpredictability.
South Node in the 7th House: Lost identity in relationships characterized your past. Possibly always conforming or manipulating in partnerships. This life is about discovering self-worth independently and learning the power of self-awareness.
South Node in the 8th House: Your past involved power plays and intense drama. You might have been familiar with life’s darker aspects. Now, it's about appreciating simplicity and understanding transformation in a positive light.
South Node in the 9th House: Dogmatism and imposing beliefs were your past. Think of a rigid philosopher or a preacher. The current life lesson is about embracing humility and finding wisdom in diverse perspectives and heart journeys.
South Node in the 10th House: A past driven by power and status obsession. Imagine a tyrant or an overambitious professional. Now, it's about understanding that true success lies in service and the value of quiet, simple moments.
South Node in the 11th House: Over-idealism and group conformity marked your past. You might have neglected your identity for collective causes. This life encourages finding your unique voice and realizing change starts with individual authenticity.
South Node in the 12th House: A past life of escapism or solitude. Maybe a recluse or someone dealing with unresolved trauma. The challenge now is to engage with the world, face reality, and learn that healing comes from connection and active participation.
xox astro ash
Get your own Past Life Reading @ astroash.net
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positivelypositive · 11 months
this is the sign...
...that you were looking for.
don't wait anymore. it's your time to shine.
you are capable and you are ready. there is nothing too tough for you.
there is no need to wait anymore. a brighter future awaits you. start your journey towards it, today ✨
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canisalbus · 7 months
I like how this is just a vaschete fan blog now love wins
Sometimes you gotta let the brainworms take the wheel and blog about your goobers for months on end.
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keymintt · 5 months
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sona goofin'
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thefourchimes · 1 month
had a funny moment earlier at campus
so i’m sure we all know this scene and picture of the cool sisters
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11/10, very meme-able and hilarious
and so its break time and i’m in a classroom with my humanities friends after we just had a class, and we’re just having the usual chaotic and wild time with each other (us humanities are very insane /lh /pos)
naturally for me and my hyperfixation, i bring up encanto a whole lot and my friends have heard me yapping about it a lot already too so they’re not surprised, they even talk about it with me too
in the middle of us discussing which encanto character is who in our friend grp, one of my friends asked if i wanted to watch encanto on her laptop, and ofc i said yes, so we did watch a bit
at one point, we were at the chaotic dinner scene
we were just watching it but then we had to pause it because another friend of ours was talking about something
i went to pause it without properly looking at the scene it stopped at, then we talked a little bit with each other while the movie is paused
after a bit, one of my friends looked over and pointed out the movie again, and then i looked too and saw—
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i had apparently somehow paused it at the same exact moment of the pic 💀 the hilarious part about this is that i had even showed that very same pic to my friends earlier before we started watching
the timing and the brain rot is so real
encanto hyperfix is strong woooooo
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38 days since we last heard from our good friend Jonathan Harker.
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yourlovelyspace · 13 days
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What does it say? 💝
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dogstomp · 2 months
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Dogstomp #3154 - August 20th
Patreon / Discord Server / Itaku / Bluesky
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jlz7 · 8 months
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felizzlemynizzl · 9 months
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spiritchill · 2 months
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The signs as Nicholas Cage pt1
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shopwitchvamp · 30 days
I've unfortunately been struck down by a migraine today.. (I possibly foolishly powered through feeling off all day and got the restock up anyways. now feeling off has definitely coalesced into "oh it's a migraine") So I won't be around tonight for more promo posting or keeping up with all the busyness in the shop. Thank you all for the flood of orders that have already come in! I'll return tomorrow, hopefully recovered ✌️
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moonchild-in-blue · 9 months
Oh, and I know I can tell I'm falling further again But I won't turn away It's far too late for me
(It's too late for me / It's too late)
I can't really put into words how much of an iron grip this song has on me. Especially that last part, where he repeats "It's too late for me" - I can't listen to it without tearing up and waiting to sing along from the top of of my lungs. It's one of those where I desperately wish I didn't relate to it, but in a weird, sick way, I'm glad I do.
It's SUCH a cathartic feeling to just put in on full volume and sing along. I just know Vessel must've had such a visceral moment recording this (all of their songs really, but yeah).
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astroa3h · 5 months
past life reading: jacob elordi ✨
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For a past life reading I first look toward a clients South Node placement. Jacob has his South Node in Pisces @ 23 Degrees, not only an Aquarius Degree, 23 Degrees brings about unexpected shifts and extreme dramatic changes. Then, I look toward their Nodal MC (In Jacob’s case) or IC line, paired with my intution I can pick up where this past life took place. I believe Jacob lived in Los Angeles, California during his most recent past life. *yes I'm on a Jacob Elordi kick lol*
The Piscean energy, known for its depth, intuition, and spiritual inclinations, resonates with the artistic and creative life he led in Los Angeles. It implies that Jacob's current life is a continuation of that journey, bringing forward lessons, talents, and unresolved quests. The unexpected shifts and dramatic changes he experiences, especially in high-profile relationships and his unique personal style, are echoes of the past. They are invitations to explore deeper layers of his soul, to understand the complexities of human relationships, and to embrace the artistic and intuitive gifts he has carried over from that past life.
I believe he was deeply rooted in the arts and culture scene of Los Angeles during The Golden Age of Hollywood (1920s-1950s). Not merely a spectator, but a creator, a mover in the vibrant world of creative expression. His career was marked by an innovative spirit, likely intertwined with the burgeoning film industry, which was flourishing in Los Angeles during this period. His work was more than a job; it was a calling, a way to leave an indelible mark on the world, merging artistic vision with the palpable energy of the city.
His face reflected determination and intelligence, with sharp, possibly deep-set eyes. These eyes, a dark hue, would have conveyed depth and insight. His eyebrows might have been prominent, lending an air of intensity to his expressions. His olive skin tone was influenced by a mix of ethnicities. He may have worn minimal jewelry, with a pocket watch being a very imporant staple in his every day life. His walk and posture likely exuded confidence and purpose, with a straight-backed, assertive manner of carrying himself. 
However, there are a lot of set backs in his past life and a feeling of failure in his career. Confirmed by his South Node square his Midheaven. The early to mid-20th century was a time of significant social and cultural shifts. Adapting to these changes, especially in a diverse and dynamic city like Los Angeles, might not have always been easy. He could have found himself at odds with the evolving societal norms or struggled to find his place during times of change. Like many in the creative fields, financial stability might have been a challenge. There could have been periods of financial hardship, where sustaining his artistic endeavors or maintaining a certain lifestyle became difficult.
xox astro ash
Get your own Past Life Reading @ astroash.net
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claymorexpunisher · 7 months
Imagine trusting a man enough to let yourself be the perfect ✨passenger seat princess✨ at least 98% of the time.
Wonder what that’s like…
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