#depressive shit
buggedmind · 10 months
I just want these feelings to be gone.
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littlesadzap · 11 months
I'm in a really bad mood and I feel like I need to share this list of things I learned as a mentally ill ex-teenager in a toxic home and with friends as "found family"
Things that I hope are obvious but are not always so obvious
-Your parents are victims and perpetrators at the same time
-Your mental disease allowed you to survive and killed you at the same time
-Your mental disease have made you what you are
-No one will ever truly understand how you feel, and that is okay
-If someone laughs and cries at the same time, it's not funny, it's a wake-up call.
-From some things you can't recover and you have to learn to live with them
-Loving someone can't heal their depression
-If someone you love refuses to seek professional help, forcing them will not help them, a person can heal if they really want to heal
-The only person who can help you is you, you must want it first.
-If a person who needs your help is bad for your mental health, walking away from this person is not selfish,you don't live for others
-If a person with mental illness shows excessive and toxic co-dependence toward you, then you are not helping them, you are sinking with them
-Feeling anger toward the person who traumatized you is human, but letting that anger consume you will not help you
-Some things cannot be forgiven and cannot be forgotten, you are not a bad person for that
-Life owes you nothing
-Manic episodes are not always just funny but can be dangerous
-You can't justify yourself for hurting people just because you were hurt but you can forgive yourself and try to do better
-People you have hurt sometimes cannot forgive you, if they hate you let them but don't allow yourself to hate you for the same reasons
-Loving a person with mental illness is difficult
-Healing is fucking painful
PS. These are just random thoughts that came from my personal experience, I'm not a psychologist, I have no professional knowledge for this, this is all just personal
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I just woke up and I already wanna kill myself
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mapsofinnerspace · 5 months
Quisiera tener a alguien que me abrazara y me amara en noches como esta, en las que soy diminuta y débil.
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shakybonesstuff · 25 days
I want to be fixed.
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lotsumy · 17 days
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That’s a mood Gabriela
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zennotixs · 30 days
Sometimes I feel like I’m not real. My body is not my body, and my voice is not my voice. I look in the mirror and watch a strangers movements. Every actions feels as though I am merely floating inside of this body. It’s not mine, I only inhabit it. My voice sounds like a strangers whenever I talk. Is this me? I feel like a ghost possessing the body of another.
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anzhelrosalva · 9 months
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simon from cry of fear 🐈‍⬛🪓
─── ⋆⋅☆⋅⋆ ──
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notfunnyguy · 11 months
Just wanna kill myself, but I can't afford it.
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sailoreuterpe · 22 days
Medieval Torture in European Literature
Just die so I can grieve
Perish so I can rest
I’m exhausted in your energy
I’ve failed to pass the test
I’m not the stalwart servant
Never daring to ask why
I may not voice my dissent
But it festers in heart and eye
Your castle dreams are rotten
Dank as dungeon walls
You wish a maiden daughter
Veiled and silenced all
I’m not the perfect prop
A plaque beside my name
“Here stands the Fair Girl Child
Who powered through the pain”
You’re not the erudite scholar
Despite the books you read
You’re not the saintly father
Due to the life you lead
Thank GOD I wasn’t born then
When you’d most like to live
Thank God I’m here today
Modern and unconnived
Feel free to delude yourself
And live in your fantasy
At least when you perish
I’ll finally be fully free
I’ll mourn you, surely
Against all good advice
The fallen patriarch icon
My heart will still not ice
Stained glass tears will glitter
And turret thoughts will fall
But at the end of the tale
What I’ll grieve most of all
Will be the what-if plots and tropes
Of a better story told
In another universe
Where I am strong and bold
Where you love me wholly
And not only for my tasks
Where your dreams are for ME
And I don’t have to ask
The barest minimum
(that you still fail to meet)
We share a castle in the air
Where paternal love is sweet
I love you, always, and yet
As evil as it may make me be
I wish your story over
And the next one stars just me
Just die so I can grieve
And finish this winding tale
And close the book forever
And throw away the veil
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riddlemefuckingthis · 3 months
Y’all have some really fucking empathetic songs that you could suggest for a lonely little sad person who can’t seem to understand that life isn’t fun and love? Really appreciate it, thanks.
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diavolito · 9 months
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The only thing she needed was someone to embrace her and tell her that everything would be better, that she was not alone and never would be, that she didn't have to feel like this - useless, helpless, pathetic, an absolute failure, unloved and unneeded and not "normal". But no one was going to do it and she had to wipe the tears, keep smiling and pretending that everything was okay, because she couldn't afford to be weak while weaker people depended on her. But inside she still was yelling and crying for help, running out of strength reserves and feeling closer to the breaking point than ever before
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lazychildoflife · 9 months
Family isn't meant to make you depressed....
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sadgirlbadvibes · 11 months
Ti chiedo scusa se non sono abbastanza per te ... Ti chiedo scusa se ho dei problemi nella testa che non riesco a risolvere e nessuno ci riuscirà mai forse ..non riesco ad andare avanti così .. sento di impazzire ,non va bene nulla mi sento sempre peggio , e so che la mia presenza non ti fa bene nemmeno a te , ho sempre da lamentarmi , ho sempre da provocare un qualche litigio , non mi sopporto più , e vorrei chiudermi da qualche parte , ti chiedo scusa per come sono ,vorrei solo che qualcuno capisse come mi sento e invece anche da parte tua trovo muri .. non so più che fare , ti chiedo di perdonarmi , ma non sopporto più di stare così ..voglio stare bene , non voglio questi sentimenti che sento .. non voglio più stare male , piangere .. ti amo come non ho mai amato nessuno ma forse tutto questo è troppo per me , mi sento vuota ,non abbiamo nemmeno più discorsi , sento che da parte tua non c'è più nulla e non riesco più a fare finta ..finta che vada tutto bene .
-sfogo personale
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mapsofinnerspace · 4 months
Exit bag
living death
living death
they granted you a life by force
in exchange for a living death
endless pain
never ending suffering
a life not worth living
no way out
no escape
no way out
no escape
So exhausted, I need my exit bag
(exit bag, save me from this hell)
(inert gas)
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shakybonesstuff · 1 month
I’ve been sick for so long
I don’t even remember when it started
I don’t know if it will ever end either
Sometimes I feel like this is just who I am now
I will have to live with this for the rest of my life
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