#divine message
mosscreektarot · 2 years
Pick an Image: What Your Spirit Guides See
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Pick the image you feel most drawn to...the one you can’t stop looking at. 
Group 1
Your Spirit Guides truly love you. They feel deeply connected with you and feel like you are adept at receiving their signs/following their guidance. There’s something in your past you aren’t ready to let go of. You are clinging to this memory and it’s inhibiting your spiritual growth. 
You actively communicate your thoughts/connect with Spirit and have an excitingly fresh energy. You offer guidance to others but often refuse to take those same words of wisdom when it comes to yourself. 
There’s a lot of blockages here. You may feel listless or deeply wounded. Your Spirit Guides aren’t judging you for dwelling on these feelings and memories. However, they gently want to remind you that your real growth depends on focus. How you can turn your life around? Your guides watch you continuously replaying an event in order to find healing. Truthfully, all you are doing is blocking yourself from allowing new energy into your life. 
What do you want to look forward to? The things you want in life don’t lay in the past. You need to start focusing on the changes you want to manifest. Picture your highest self and the kind of life you would be living as your happiest self. That’s all you need to do in order to re-align yourself with forward movement. 
The past is not propelling you forward. You need to take an active role in shaping your future. You have an ocean of emotional depth, and compassion that is untapped. The fight is over. Your guides are assuring that peace is intimately close at hand. Just take a few more steps. 
Group 2
Your path has been a rough one. Whether there was abuse or neglect (some of you may be experiencing ongoing abuse), you have trodden the path of pain. The people around you don’t support you and there’s a feeling of isolation…almost like you’ve been forgotten. You may not even feel like your Spirit Guides care. 
Know that they are ALWAYS watching you. They see your plight and try to infuse hope within you. They shield you and protect you as much as they can, but because the material world is how it is, there isn’t much they can do to defend you in a physical sense. I see a lot of you are stuck in this situation. There really doesn’t seem to be a way out for you at this time. You can’t see a future for yourself. 
Your Spirit Guides want you to know you have the courage within yourself to find a safe path. You have fortitude, determination, and power. Your first step is to speak up. Find someone you can talk to. Get guidance. Rescue yourself via communication. Karma will come for the people who have harmed you. There is a way to move on. 
Your Guides ask that you meditate, and reach out to them. They will offer your comfort in this madness. It’s easier for them to communicate with you when you are in a meditative state. The signs they send are often ignored because of the stresses and chaos of daily life. They are reaching out to you. Look for them. 
Group 3
Karma is here for you. A past action has come back to bite you. Your guides think the punishment outweighs your “crime”. This karmic retribution is the result of multiple small mistakes that have snowballed. 
This is a nasty wake up call, but it’s going to bring a change within yourself that may surprise you. Some characteristics you believe to be “weak” or frivolous are actually things you could be more in touch with. Don’t be afraid to look silly or to express your inner child. You will be more in tune with gentleness, warmth, grounding, and balance. The cosmic wave you are riding is colossal, but with time you’ll see why and how this event has shaped you for the better. 
For those of you without a partner, this personality shift is going to magnetize a lover who appreciates every facet of your being. 
Some of your foundation is crumbling, and you feel like you’re being pushed to the edge. Your guides see this and they are right there with you. They feel on every level the pain and heartache you’re suffering. They understand your current state but they also have the foresight to know this is going to be the detour you need to get the future you desire. 
Your guides are next to you every step of the way, and are always ready to warn you if something is amiss. You may get a flash of fear or hear a word in your mind telling you “no” or other subtle messages. Be ready and willing to take their advice in order to stay on your path. You’ve put in some of the work that needed to be done but you still have a ways to go before you’ll get your reward, will be tremendous. 
“Try to be soft.” 
Group 4
“Why are you ignoring us?!” There’s an organized religion/background of skepticism you may be coming from, and there’s a hesitance to let that go. Some of you fear being judged or “punished” by your Spirit Guides. You don’t know what you’re stepping into should you acknowledge your guides. Half of you don’t even believe in Spirit Guides (why are you clicking this?! :P ). 
However, you feel the inner calling. You on some level know there is divine guidance. But...instead of seeking guidance from your Spirit Guides…you fight them. You really don’t want to listen or connect because you’re scared of how they see you and what they may say. 
Your Spirit guides want you to know they will always be gentle with you and speak softly. They want to have a bountiful friendship. Their goal is your goal. They are not here to determine your life path, but to help you on it. 
They have nothing bad to say about you! They want to work with you to help you manifest the shifts you desire. Not sure if this applies to all of you, but there is this soft kitten energy here and it’s very playful and teasing. They get why you feel this way but find it really humorous. Crazy Aunt energy (if you know you know). They want you to laugh and play and be less serious. Finding a connection with your Spirit Guides will fundamentally change you in the best way. You’ll laugh more, and be truer to yourself. Don’t be scared of “the little furry creature”  who wants to be your friend. (I’m dying laughing; your guide is hilarious)
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ivemanifest · 1 year
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Vibrations & Frequencies Make Your Reality ❇
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narciesuss · 7 months
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urloveangel · 1 year
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Divine Messenger
--prompt from @nosebleedclub "kindling" (5 January)
"There the angel of the Lord appeared to him in flames of fire from within a bush. Moses saw that though the bush was on fire it did not burn up. So Moses thought, 'I will go over and see this strange sight—why the bush does not burn up.'" -- Exodus 3:2-3
A beacon of light deludes us into thinking we will receive the truth on feathery wings. No--we will only know it after the whips cut out our muscles and rip out the gore which makes up our home.
I am already blind because I wandered to the darkest places-- navigating only through the light of the wolf moon, diluting in the clouds due to the thickening fog. I only returned on frostbitten feet, not because the watchmen call for my hands, but to receive this message and run.
Paper falls onto the ground-- their spells are already broken, for they are transmuted to mere kindling for an empire of gears and codes, unaware of the aesthetics of passion. Beyond the glowing hands and frequent prayers for a more perfect society, they know not the suffering of the subjugated-- those who bear the crown of thorns for purposes other than theatrical, those who alert others through speaking tongues-- poetry must always speak truth, unless it puts out the divine flame.
I do not confess here, for I know what I've done is just. I release my binds, leave them to the smoke, and let my memories collect dust.
From ashes I'm born, and to ashes I will come back to when I die. But I do not know why a merciless god would smite out of vengence against a country who indulges in beauty and art. I bear witness, purging the sea of tears to give solace to the hedonistic but truthful amongst us. They know the limits of denial, and let them feel the colors brand on themselves-- the color of pomegranates, bursting, bleeding, blooming in the winter night...--Elda Mengisto
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uapro · 10 months
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eclectic-ways · 1 year
Hi, I saw your post on angel numbers 1111. Ive a question about the numbers. Ive been seeing recuring numbers daily for months now, but they dont fit any description/definition that Ive found yet. The numbers are random like military time on my clocks when I happen to look. My wife has seen it with me ALOT. its numers like 1313, 1212, 1717 ect on clocks for me or "mirror" numbers like 2332, 1441, ect on clocks, phone. And then its on my receipts, on gas pump, trip odometer on truck, everywhere multiple times daily. And I became an animal magnet about the same time too. Had a coyote come up and sit by me when I was working on a trailer door out in the yard, and cats, lots of cats sit on me, by me.....just about 5 months going now. Any ideas on this? I havent found much but the angel numbers answer but mine dlnt seem to fit that explanation. Thanks for your time. Todd/Shankhan7us
Hi there 🪸🐬
I would say you’re definitely being reached out by divine forces for a significant reason. This doesn’t have to be about you or your endeavors becoming spiritual. There could be several reasons, but in your case, it’s almost obvious that they are trying to either give you an important message or a warning. Something(s) you should not ignore.
I wouldn’t really care about the meanings of the corresponding angel numbers right now. Instead, pay attention to the other synchronicities in your daily life not to mention your dreams. Sleep with the intention or prayer of guidance. Most importantly, let your intuition (not wishful thinking) guide you. Your spirit animals might also be trying to connect with you. Sometimes every signal is a part of the puzzle you must solve yourself.
So mote it be ✨
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tiktoksinspo · 1 year
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montystarotchild · 1 year
A Message You Need to Hear Right Now 🤍
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kajahealer · 1 year
📮 Divine Message 心靈耳語|你很聰明|就像一台高速電腦|你有能力學習和記憶大量的材料|粵語|廣東話
☆ ☆ ☆ ☆ ☆ ☆ ☆ ☆ ☆
Teaser|1:11|Early Access|https://www.patreon.com/posts/73581151
★ 你很聰明...就像一台高速電腦...你有能力學習和記憶大量的材料...你在找出你感興趣的主題方面特別有天賦...
★ Welcome Home. Thank you for being here and tuning in. Enjoy your Sacred Journey. Bless you with LOVE and LIGHT.
Full Length Video|5:44|https://www.patreon.com/posts/73581105
☆ ☆ ☆ ☆ ☆ ☆ ☆ ☆ ☆
The Light within me Honors the Light within you
Namaste 🙏
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ivemanifest · 1 year
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Open up that part of yourself
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narciesuss · 7 months
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dataportdoll · 7 months
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Winter to her gods: Please give me a sign! Her gods: You got it, chief.
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readingwitheash · 1 year
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uapro · 10 months
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today’s angel number 444
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I have been getting this message like crazy, that basically just says:
-Trust your intuition
-Everything happens for a reason
-There are no Coincidences
-Do not doubt yourself
And I been having this urge to meditate, investigate, and invest more on my practice, this aries season has been crazy so far, but I am having a great time, I rarely post, but maybe this message needs to get spread.
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