#i made the mistake of not practising the style and going right into it last time and i dont want to do that again because it looked bad egh
tatck · 11 months
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Practising him
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ajwamiju · 5 months
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Scene 4: 3... 2... 1... Action!
CW: Reader and Suna being a lil silly, but nothing too serious.
Note: Double upload this time around because I forgot to upload last week lmfao, calculus held me in a chokehold.
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“So, how did your discussion with Suna go?” Kasumi asks as she enters your dressing room where you’re getting your makeup done.
“Horrible. We wanted to try and practise scenes we’re struggling with, but we couldn’t even get through one scene!” You answer and groan. “We tried to do the scene where Hiroki is defending Kumiko from her bullies, but I ended up looking like a helpless victim of attempted murder and Suna looked like he’s actually about to commit homicide… with me being said helpless victim.”
“Yikes…” Kasumi mumbles under her breath, enough for you to hear it. “Well, if it makes you feel better, you’re starting off with a more dramatic scene where Kumiko confronts Hiroki on campus… y’know… scene 113?”
“... The only argument scenes I’ve done are ones where my characters are desperate to try and survive! How am I going to pull this shit off?” You groan, your stylist trying her hardest to hold back her laugh and failing miserably as giggles slip out of her lips. “You can laugh, Watanabe-san. I would also laugh if I were in your position.”
“I’m sorry [Surname]-san… please understand I’m also questioning Director Kurosu’s decision to cast you and Suna-san when you two are horror actors…” Watanabe says as she finishes up styling your hair.
You immediately get into costume and head outside, being escorted to where the scene takes place with Suna and his team already on set, waiting for your arrival. Director Kurosu claps excitedly and sits on his director’s chair. “Ready to do this scene?” He asks.
You and Suna glance at each other and grimace. “Would you like us to be honest or…” You answer half-jokingly.
“I’ll take that as a yes then. Now go on!” Director Kurosu says as he urges you and Suna to get into position.
You walk out of the stage and remind yourself of your lines, waiting for the cue from Director Kurosu for you to enter the scene. Once you hear the ‘action!’ coming from Director Kurosu, you take a deep breath as you stomp into the scene, the camera currently focused on Suna.
“Ashikaga-san!” You shout, keeping in mind to control your emotions to look worried rather than any other expressions you’re far used to while Suna ignores you. “Ashikaga-san! I know you can hear me! Stop ignoring me!”
Suna turns around to look at you, his eyes glaring intensely into your soul, making you stop in your tracks and flinch, as if it’s already ingrained in your brain. “Cut!” Director Kurosu shouts from his seat. “Suna-san, your expression looked too… murderous. Try to look more like you’re caught off guard and startled.” He says.
“Right, sorry…” Suna apologises, scratching the back of his head while you and the extra actors move to your original positions.
“Alright, from the top. Scene 113, take 2…” Director Kurosu announces, “3… 2… 1…action!”
“Ashikaga-san!” You shout, repeating the scene. “Ashikaga-san! I know you can hear me! Stop ignoring me!”
Suna stops and glances back, to see your figure approaching him quickly, stomping towards him. “... Shoji-san…?” Suna mumbles, looking startled.
You grab Suna’s arm and pull him towards you, making him stumble. “Why are you shutting me out? I thought you promised to tell me–”
You and Suna break character and sigh, knowing you’re the one who made the mistake this time. “[Surname]-san, now you’re the one who looks murderous. You need to be more exasperated and desperate to talk to Suna-san, not like you’re taking revenge after he murdered your loved ones.”
“Sorry, sorry. I’ll try to manage my expressions more.” You apologise as you walk back to your starting position.
“Alright, let’s start from the top again. Scene 113, take 3… action!”
“Ashikaga-san!” You shout, repeating the scene yet again. “Ashikaga-san! I know you can hear me! Stop ignoring me!”
Suna stops and glances back, to see your figure approaching him quickly, jogging to catch up to him this time, rather than stomping. “... Shoji-san…?” Suna mumbles, looking startled.
You grab Suna’s arm and pull him towards you, holding both his arms as you try to look desperate, yet not to the point where your life seems to be threatened. “Why are you shutting me out? I thought you promised to tell me everything!”
“... Shoji-san…” Suna mutters as his face scrunches up to one in anger as is what is written in the script. “Who do you think you are!” He scowls, trying to pull himself out of your grasp.
“I am your friend! You’ve promised to tell me if you’re dealing with something so at least you won’t be alone in your struggles!” You recite, trying to keep Suna in your hold, though you’re visibly struggling as well. “Please Ashikaga-san… don’t push me away…”
Suna then successfully pushes you away, his eyes showing anger and distrust towards you. “Don’t overstep your boundaries, [Surname]– I am so sorry.” He says, accidentally mixing up your surname with Kumiko’s.
Director Kurosu sighs before he shouts the cut signal. “This is going to take a while…” He mutters as he rubs the bridge of his nose, bracing himself for a long day of shooting.
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jessequinones · 6 months
Writing Lesson: It’s okay to make mistakes.
I know as a writer I make mistakes, in fact, I’m certain if you go through this text you’ll find grammar and punctuation errors and that's ok. This text isn’t a book or a peer review essay. It’s a conversation from me to you about mistakes in writing.
When I was young, learning how to write, I created this.
2010, Wildcats: Civil War
“What are you saying?” A black tom said to a brown tom with anger in his voice.
Before he was finish Shadow walk away wan Deathclan was about to leave but what Whiteheart said next made Shadow froze in his tracks. “I know I can beat you.”
“Is that so?” Shadow said as he was turning around and was slowly walking back toward Whiteheart.
“That is correct.”
“Well then….let’s have a little battle right here and now then.”
Whiteheart could not say no, or back down now. He walks right it in this battle.
Yeah...it’s not good but the point is, even though I was a terrible writer, I never stole my writings. All of my terrible stories were original and that’s what I want to talk to you about today.
The word plagiarism has been going around the internet for the last few days and I noticed when people who plagiarised other’s works get caught they tend to say they don’t feel comfortable with their own writings and thought it was a good idea to steal. Assuming they’re genuine, let me say it’s okay if your writing isn’t good, that’s how we learn.
You write a bad sentence or a paragraph which doesn’t make sense, and someone will point it out. You’ll learn over time not to make the same mistakes and grow as a writer. Just copying from someone else won’t help you learn because you’re no longer making mistakes, you’re just copying.
I always hated the saying you gotta keep practising your craft to get better because there were a few times when I thought I couldn’t improve. I kept practicing but I kept making the same mistakes and didn’t know how to get better. For those types of situations, I find it best to ask someone whose more experience how to overcome your hurdle and let me be the first to say there are plenty of people in your craft who’ll be willing to help.
As for writing, here’s a trick I did to help me create stories. For practice, I took a book, like the Warrior series for an example, and copied their words. Before you say that’s plagiarism, first things first, I never published the stories I was copying, and secondly, I was figuring out how the Erin Hunters were creating their stories.
When artists learn how to draw for the first time, they copy someone else’s art style and maybe even do trace works until they become confident in their ability to create their own. I was still trying to learn what my writing style was, and I wanted to figure out how someone else created theirs. Over time I started to get an understanding of how sentence structure was made. I understood foreshadowing, and I understood when and where to add descriptions. I would start looking at lines in the books after I wrote them and be like...I could improve this. I started to see things I didn’t think were necessary for the story and after a while, I told myself I was ready to write my own Warriors fanfic.
Learning from someone else, being inspired by another. These are all things that’ll help you grow as a writer but you still got to do the work yourself. You can’t say you created something original if 90% of it was stolen, you’re only hurting yourself.
If you’re a new writer and have questions, even if you think they’re very basic, please feel free to ask me. I’m not the best writer. In fact, I don’t really know how to create informative writing, which is why I’m practising now, but I do know a few things and am always willing to help someone if I have the time and don’t forget. Keep trying and keep writing, your writing is better than you give it credit for.
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tetsurobunni · 3 years
The Final Battle
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☞ harry potter x jjk crossover au // 3.9k words
☽ the battle of hogwarts: jjk style, remnants of satosugu friendship, pain, hurt, more pain…sigh… pure angst with a magical twist for flavor
☽ warnings : major character death
☽ pairing : satoru gojo x suguru getou
☞ my inner harry potter geek really came out full force with this one…so did my sad writer juices i apologize beforehand :)
“satoru….hey, professor nanami cast the spell to defend the school. it won’t be long…”
“i know. i’ll join you when it’s time.”
the illuminating sheen of the dome rose high over the towers of hogwarts. gojo could hear the hum radiating from it, the power from the spell glowing against the overcast sky.
this is it.
should he count his blessings? pray? to what deity, or god, or higher being should he speak to before his world comes crushing down?
gojo’s wand feels heavy in the palm of his hand, thumb gently grazing over the smooth spruce. he imagines the dragon heartstring at its core, the beast he knew lived inside.
he had seen it himself, his peers had too. how even before traveling to hogwarts in his first year just how powerful a wizard he was-and would grow up to be.
if only he knew where he would be in his seventh year. standing in front of the large oak doors leading to the great hall, his fellow students young and old rushing into place all around him, wiping their brows and preparing for a war.
a war that would cost gojo everything.
he knew who he would see on the other side of the battle. the image of his face made gojo’s stomach churn and his chest ache.
his best friend.
his only friend.
he felt a hand rest atop his left shoulder, the scuffed toes of professor nanami’s boots coming into view beside him. he met his professor’s eyes, receiving a small nod of acknowledgment. gojo had grown quite close to his professor throughout his years at hogwarts. he was one of the only people that had garnered gojo’s appreciation and trust.
nanami knew. he had watched all of them grow up, after all. he was the one who informed gojo of the news that sent him spiraling.
that was two years ago.
now, as voldemort rallied his followers and dark creatures of the forest, gojo knew he would face him again.
“the spell is weakening.”
“it was only a matter of time.”
“are you prepared?”
“neither am i. but we must.”
with a pat on his shoulder the professor left his side, sheathing the oak wand in his sleeve.
“strength. endurance. tolerance. balance. practicality. that is what my wand stands for. each of you have your own unique wand that chose you; yes, the core of your wand does hold great power and meaning, but so does the wood that keeps it intact. it is a vessel. and it is strong.”
gojo remembers listening to his professor and thinking he was absurd. but his friend had watched on with glimmering eyes, thirsty for new knowledge, and he had decided that maybe the idea wasn’t all that abhorring.
“hawthorn. somewhat arrogant, reflection, intelligence, vigor, new beginnings or endings. feels most at home with a wizard of natural talent. wicked, eh satoru? what about yours?”
“ah, mines spruce. quick-witted, adaptable, flamboyant, strength, resistance, is known for its unusually fast reactions and somewhat stubborn nature in the hands of a nervous or untrained wizard or witch. good thing i’m not that, eh?”
“your wand is supposed to be stubborn? you’ve had no problems!”
“well of course i haven’t! i don’t remember a moment in my life where i’ve ever been nervous. no wonder…”
the conversation had drifted away in a few minutes, the flickering of the lantern lulling gojo to sleep. when he came to, the weight of a second robe rested on his shoulders. he had ignored the blush that rose on his cheeks and wiped drool from the corner of his mouth
gojo had looked down at the book that ended up as his makeshift pillow and found himself mindlessly reading more information. gojo had failed to mention the extra research he had done; it was innocent, just an extra flip of a page. what he read he never told.
‘although hawthorn is a very powerful wood, it is adept to curses. many of those who practise dark magic have been affiliated with wands made from hawthorn. they are not to be taken lightly in the wrong hands.’
he didn’t regret it then, but after he had gotten the news from nanami about what his friend did, the guilt ate him alive.
now as he looks out the castle doors to the cracks spindling in luminescence revealing the murky darkness of the stormy sky, gojo realizes that this might be his last day at hogwarts.
the realization is fleeting. he can’t afford to be thinking that way. not now. he feels the eyes of his classmates pouring into his being. they’re looking to him to save them.
you should just try to save yourselves.
itadori comes to stand to his right, fushiguro to his left. maki and nobara flank behind him.
this is is family. they all know their tie to one another. they’ve been training together for almost a year on their combat skills. itadori had been experiencing some difficulties, but nonetheless proved to be the closest match to gojo himself.
“holly. with a phoenix feather core. why?”
“just curious. look up what your wood means sometime, will ya?”
“yea…sure. not sure what that has to do with anything…”
gojo and professor nanami both had thought his wand would be made of dogwood- it matched itadori’s personality-the holly was a surprise. paired along with a phoenix feather core was practically unheard of.
but as the dark magic started to rise, itadori started to blossom. he was an amazing wizard.
gojo had his own hypotheses, but as always kept them to himself. no need to cause any further turmoil in his life.
“you can call me satoru, y’know.”
“…yes itadori”
“i’m scared.”
gojo felt his heart clench. the boy beside him might be powerful, but still just that- a boy. he didn’t deserve this. none of them did.
“you can always back away. you know that, right?”
he watched as itadori looked across the bridge towards the darkness, then to his friends and classmates surrounding them.
“are you scared?”
“no.” yes.
despite what lay ahead of them, itadori cracked a smile. “same as ever, eh?”
gojo forced the corners of his lips into a smirk. “you know it.”
as soon as the remaining bits of professor nanami’s spell wore off, the fighting commenced. the huge stone knights began at the putrid giants that shook the ground as they walked, but, as expected, they didn’t hold for long.
there were hundreds of death eaters that immediately swarmed the entrance to the castle. gojo and the others had already gotten separated. he found himself looking for glimpses of them as he fought, power rushing through his veins as flashes of light shot through his vision.
one death eater after another fell to his wand. a goblin here. an enormous arachnid there. a shield spell shot itself from his wand to catch a pillar that threatened to fall on a young girl. gojo didn’t spare a second to marvel at how his wand seemed to act on its own.
itadori was nowhere to be found. nobara was matched against a witch he swore he had seen on the cover of a newspaper. she had been locked up in Azkaban for upwards of ten years.
a patronus he knew belonged to megumi weaved itself through the dust and dirt of the fight, closely followed by its darker counterpart. he made the mistake of watching the white wolf too closely in its decent over one of the towers and felt the breath get knocked from his chest as he flew backwards into a wall.
he coughed weakly into his hand, rubbing the blood that surfaced there onto his pants. the wall he flew into crumbled around him. he wasn’t sure who had landed a blow on him, but whoever it was had to be powerful.
only three people had ever managed to conquer such a thing, and two of them were currently fighting for hogwarts.
gojo petrified a lone death eater that had tried to sneak up on his left. he quickly ran over to the frozen body to lift the mask, though he knew it wasn’t who he was searching for.
“gojo, on the bridge!”
the yell had come from megumi, whom he saw battling three death eaters at once. after quickly disarming one them, gojo turned towards the bridge.
a flash of pink hair caught his attention. he watched as itadori seemingly chased after someone and raised his wand to cast his patronus to follow him. he stopped in his tracks when he saw a figure across the ravine.
it was him.
gojo’s hands shook with a ferocity no one had seen before. his wand illuminated the battlefield so bright many had to shield their eyes. the fighting ceased for only a moment as everyone turned to look at the being that stood in place of gojo satoru.
the short silence was broken when a death eater sent a curse flying towards nobara. a flick of gojo’s wrist was all it took for the death eater to fall in a heap on the ground, dead.
gojo’s entire being felt laced with ice. he knew he would see him. he knew. so why…
why did it hurt so badly?
screams and cries fell on deaf ears as gojo made his way across the crumbling bridge towards the forest. his hands trembled at his sides, legs weak as they carried the weight of this moment.
the figure had seen him and immediately dissipated into thick black smoke.
the forbidden forest had never scared gojo. he actually found comfort in the deep hollows and twisted roots that overcame the dense woods. he spent a lot of time here throughout the years even though students weren’t allowed.
his feet led him along the familiar pathway he had taken numerous times before. a lone centaur raced towards the castle, not sparing gojo a second glance. he had long since become acquaintances with the creatures of the forest.
“itadori? what in the- what are you doing out here? you’re going to get yourself killed!”
“i saw voldemort go into the forest so i-“
“well, what a sight.”
gojo’s eyes widened as he registered the voice that came from behind him. itadori looked over his shoulder in confusion; when he saw who the voice belonged to, his face morphed into a look of pure rage.
“itadori. this is my battle.”
“you need to leave.”
“no, no i’m not just going to leave you here-“
“yuuji? wow, it’s been a while… you’ve grown.”
gojo turned to face the voice, visibly wincing as his eyes landed on his old best friend.
getou had gotten taller since he last saw him. a scar ran across the length of his forehead and his hair had grown longer.
i always said his hair would look good long.
“i can feel the power radiating from you, satoru…it’s delicious. my lord will be quite pleased to meet you”
“your ‘lord’ can kiss my ass.”
getou chuckled, “no need to be vulgar”
gojo’s hand clenched around his wand. one spell and this could be over, but it would be irreversible. even though gojo knew getou wasn’t the same person he was a year ago, he still trembled at the thought of his old friend not being alive.
“no, let him stay awhile satoru! it’ll be so much more fun”
itadori sneered at getou before pointing his wand towards him. gojo could see the slight shaking of his hand. he was terrified.
getou laughed, his arms opening wide as if welcoming the two into his home.
“so much more bite than when i last saw you, hm? the dark lord spoke highly of you…”
gojo’s head whipped around in a flash just in time to see itadori’s body fall to the forest floor. a man with long gray hair skipped towards them, giggling maniacally.
“ah mahito, just in time!” the man bowed in getou’s direction, inching closer to itadori’s paralyzed body. “master informed me that yuuji itadori had followed him here and sent me to fetch him…who is this handsome fellow, hm?”
gojo stood tall, senses on high alert. he was almost okay dealing with getou alone- but now there was an unknown wizard present. if voldemort sent him to do his biddings, then he must be strong…
“this is my old friend from hogwarts…satoru, meet mahito.”
“i’d rather not.”
mahito licked his lips in response to gojo’s remark, sending an unpleasant shiver down his spine. every aspect of this man screamed lunatic…and he was here for itadori.
a grunt escaped itadori from his position on the ground. gojo could see him trying to regulate his breathing, but it was obvious the younger boy was panicking.
“oh satoru, don’t be crass. the dark lord has been yearning to meet the young boy for a long while.”
“a long while? what the hell are you talking about?”
getou chuckled, brandishing his wand from the dark cloak that hung around his shoulders. gojo’s hand instinctively tightened around his wand as he watched his old friend walk towards itadori.
mahito tapped his fingers rhythmically against the handle of his own wand, seemingly awaiting orders. getou kneeled down closer to itadori’s face.
“yes, a long while.”
gojo still didn’t understand what that meant. itadori hadn’t met getou when he was at hogwarts, so how did his presence suddenly become voldemort’s pentacle of fascination?
“take him.”
before gojo could even move to cast a spell, itadori’s scream was cut off as mahito apparated them both away.
“he’s just a boy!”
“maybe so…but a very powerful boy indeed.”
“his power doesn’t justify voldemort’s infatuation with him! i don’t understand why his involvement is needed-“
“they are tethered, satoru. remember?”
gojo’s body turned ice cold.
“…no, you…you…it was just-“
“just a suspicion, yes, that is what you told me, wasn’t it?”
no. no. it couldn’t be.
“the dark lord was very delighted with the information, so, i have you to thank, satoru. whatever may happen to the boy will be because of you.”
gojo’s mind went stark. he didn’t think, just moved with no purpose; he just let his rage pull his limbs into action like a puppet.
unspoken spells flew from both wands, the two wizards trapped in their last battle. the two were evenly matched. this didn’t surprise him.
after all, getou was one of the three people who had been able to land a jinx on him.
it was nonstop. gojo couldn’t stop himself if he tried. he was seething with anger not just towards getou, but towards himself. there was such a sinking feeling in the air, like they were dancing on cracking ice.
for an instant the two locked eyes. gojo felt his footing slightly tip, and that was all it took for getou to find an opening and send him flying backwards through the air. he landed hard on his back, wincing as a jolt of pain went through his head.
he knew he should get up. continue the fight. run and find itadori.
but he didn’t.
“you didn’t kill me.”
he didn’t see getou’s reaction to his comment. a patch of night sky that had broken through the clouds caught his attention.
for a moment he wished getou had killed him.
“get up.”
“i don’t want to.”
“satoru, get up and fight me.”
getou snarled and grabbed gojo by the collar of his jacket, pulling him up to meet his face.
“don’t you hate me?”
“why not! you…you should despise me! i betrayed everyone-including you!”
“i don’t.”
and it was the truth. gojo had spent hours in his dormitory stuffing his leaking eyes into his pillow, trying to be revolted by his best friend. he still had scars on his hands from punching the stone walls of the dungeons, trying to force his own physical pain into hatred.
it never worked.
“…i still don’t understand why you did it.”
that seemed to catch getou off guard. he slackened the grip he had on gojo’s collar, backing away with his head hung low.
“…he found my father.”
gojo’s eyes widened at the statement.
“i…i thought your father was-“
“dead? me too…” he paused for a moment, scoffing before continuing, “but he wasn’t. all that time we spent searching for letters, newspaper articles, headlines on the news- hell even muggle police reports- was for nothing.”
“so you went with him.”
“what other choice did i have, satoru?”
the atmosphere that had engulfed the two snapped.
what did he mean? ‘what other choice did he have’? gojo felt the anger from before start to trickle back into his veins.
“you could have stayed.”
getou met his eyes. they stood in unison, gaze never faltering.
“i had no reason to stay.”
“that’s bullshit and you know it, suguru.”
“what reason then? i was a horrid student, i didn’t care about grades, our so-called friends loathed me satoru! i had no family, no home to call my own i-“
“you had me, suguru!”
getou went silent. the only noises that could be heard were their heavy breaths and muffled yells from the castle. the wind sent a chill straight to gojo’s bones and he shivered, suddenly realizing there were tears trailing down his cheeks.
“i betrayed you satoru. without a second thought.”
“i don’t believe you.”
“i pushed you to investigate itadori’s powers. voldemort told me he would reveal my father’s whereabouts if i gave him information on the boy,”
“i broke your trust! i didn’t even try to warn you of what i was planning, or that my father was alive-“
“don’t you see!”
gojo stared at the look of pure exasperation and pain on getou’s face. he had a feeling it mirrored his own.
he watched as getou pulled the sleeve of his cloak above his forearm, placing the mark of the death eaters etched into his skin on display.
“this is what i am now, satoru.”
“and i’m just supposed to…what? hate you? was i supposed to hate you then? because i didn’t, and don’t.”
“that’s- that’s exactly what you should do! i would hate me-“
“well guess what suguru!” gojo was yelling by now, the words clawing their way from within his chest, “you don’t get to decide how your decisions make others feel!”
he ignored the fact he was moving steadily towards getou as he yelled. when he got close enough, gojo realized they both were shedding tears.
“i don’t understand why you care so much about me-“ gojo let out an unhumourous laugh, “what’s that supposed to mean, huh? you think i stayed up all those hours searching for your father out of what- obligation? pity?”
getou searched for an answer, stammering over the thoughts running through his head.
“i don’t understand why-“
“because i loved you!”
no more skirting around thin fractures, or waiting with baited breath to discover to truth. it was done.
and it broke him.
gojo had done well hiding his pain the past two years. the signature smirk was automatic-it appeared on his face without effort. conversation passed through his mouth without falter. he had trained himself to be the perfect student.
but this…this he couldn’t pretend to recover from.
“it doesn’t matter now. what’s done is done.”
“were you ever going to tell me?”
“…i don’t know.”
when did his wand become so heavy? was his chest supposed to hurt this bad?
“oh god…satoru…”
he didn’t want to feel this way anymore. the sorrow was eating him alive, peeling back layers and layers of his soul.
he repressed the urge to comfort getou as he watched his past love fall to his knees.
“i’m so sorry, satoru.”
“sorry can’t fix everything, suguru,”
if only you had said it then…
“not now. not ever.”
please make this pain stop.
“…i know.”
“so let’s finish this.”
every fiber of his being was screaming at him to stop. a tiny voice yelled ‘you can help him!’. he forced the thoughts from his mind, they would only get in the way.
he had made his decision.
getou didn’t falter from his position on the ground. his wand stayed by his side. the only movement he made was to lift his head towards the night sky as gojo himself had done before.
i love you, suguru. forgive me.
the walk back to the castle was torture. the weight of getou’s body was heavy in his arms. it was worse than he ever could have imagined.
the silence that had encompassed him the forest was shattered the moment he stepped foot onto school grounds. the battle was over, it seemed.
the carnage left behind was gut-wrenching.
gojo ignored the gazes of his peers as he wandered into the great hall. he knew this was where they had planned to house all of the wounded, and despite the hollow feeling in his gut, he needed to find his family.
he turned to see who had called his name and felt relieved when he saw it was itadori. the relief was short-lived, however, when he noticed the sobs wracking the young boys’ body.
gojo retrieved a lone bedsheet and carefully placed getou’s body down, taking one last look at his past love’s face before he covered it. he left getou there and made his way over to where itadori was crouched over a figure lying on the floor. megumi and maki were both there too.
where was nobara?
“it happened right before you went after itadori…”
gojo’s gut wrenched when he saw who the figure was.
“i assume you saw getou…you didn’t even realize what had happened…” the memory of the battle flashed before his eyes.
“i killed that death eater. the woman. i- i could have sworn…no i know i killed her-“
“it was too late.”
he kneeled down and took one of nobara’s bloody hands in his own.
“yes, it���s me, i’m here now nobara.”
“you found getou…didn’t you?”
“…yes. i did.”
this wasn’t supposed to happen. gojo swore he had done everything to prepare them… butit wasn’t enough.
nobara wheezed as a chuckle tried to escape her body, the action causing her to cough uncontrollably as air tried to seep into her lungs.
“i can’t believe…out of all of us…that i’m the one dying…could have sworn it…would have been yuuji…ha!” itadori offered a small laugh, more tears escaping his eyes.
“wow, even on your deathbed you’re still fighting with me…”
gojo met the eyes of maki, who he could tell was choosing not to say anything. megumi refused to look at nobara’s face. instead he stared at the floor, silently crying, not bothering to wipe the tears away.
they’re so young.
gojo felt a sob lurch in his throat but he refused to let it free. he had to be strong. or, at least, act strong. it wasn’t time for his facade to break.
for their sake.
“you ok, nobara?”
“yea…i’m ok.”
gojo watched as she took her final breath.
“gojo…gojo she’s… she’s dead, gojo…”
he pulled itadori’s smaller body into his own, holding him there as the boy sobbed openly. megumi took ahold of maki’s hand, the latter turning her head into the boys’ shoulder as she let her own cries break free.
i’m sorry… i’m so sorry…
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inkedtae · 4 years
golden gills ⇾ jjk. [M]
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𝓅𝒶𝒾𝓇𝒾𝓃𝑔 ⇾ goldfish!hybrid jungkook x bratty!reader (f.)
𝑔𝑒𝓃𝓇𝑒 ⇾ e2l, smut with a sprinkle of fluff and a waterfall of filth 
𝓈𝓊𝓂𝓂𝒶𝓇𝓎 ⇾ Reader taunts Jungkook for being the new Teacher’s Assistant for her history class. She simply can’t stand a teacher’s pet. Jungkook can’t help but make her one. 
𝓌𝑜𝓇𝒹 𝒸𝑜𝓊𝓃𝓉 ⇾ 7k
𝓌𝒶𝓇𝓃𝒾𝓃𝑔𝓈 ⇾ a shit ton of flith, hate-love sex, office sex, super bratty reader, thigh riding, hair pulling, spit play, pube play, panty sniffing, a tad bit of edging, oral (f. receiving), dom!jk, unprotected sex (wrap it before you tap it), lots of spanking, overstimulation, multiple orgasms, pet names, a dash of puns here and there, lowkey crack, probs gonna need some (un)holy water.
𝒶𝓊𝓉𝒽𝑜𝓇'𝓈 𝓃𝑜𝓉𝑒 ⇾ extremely unedited. please do not leave hate towards me or any other readers. please do not copy, repost, or translate any of my work without my permission. currently on a kookie kick so get ready for some filthy (and occasionally fluffy) kookie content. if you have any request, please send them my way (i might consider another member). enjoy!
><> le playlist 
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He strut into class, a little notebook clutched in his large hands. You couldn’t help but notice how his veins popped out. Was he flexing or was that just simply always the state of his hands. His sharp nails, tips tinged orange, dug into the leather binding of the notebook while he spoke with your professor. You glared at him from your seat at the front. He must’ve felt the heat of your gaze as he rubbed the nape of his, looking over at you. 
There, right there was the reason why you hate that man so much. That shit-eating smirk tugged on his pink lips, brownish-yellow eyes flickering between you and the professor. An annoyed sigh escaped you. He was too cocky for his own good. He may have radiated golden rays wherever he went. The yellowish-orange tint of his hair layered with strands of pink was undeniably eye-catching. You figured that if he was full fish and not just a hybrid, then that might be the colour of his scales. But, when that golden image was paired with his arrogant personality, you reminded yourself as your eyes bounced up and down his frame, he was insufferable.
Despite the golden hues of his species, Jungkook felt most comfortable in black. It was a trend you noticed immediately on him. His flowy, golden fin would stick out his shirt, lined along his spine, and tiny golden gills would rest in the hollows of his cheeks but he would only wear black. You hated how you knew that he only liked to wear loose fitted clothing because it looked great on him. It was all he wore so how could you not notice it, you tried to reason. That fact didn’t soothe your rage one bit, however, since it meant that you indirectly admitted to yourself that he always looked good. 
That man is dangerous, you thought to yourself before turning back to your notes. You didn’t have much to write just yet, but you weren’t going to waste your last moments before class staring at Jeon Jungkook. You opted for doodling, gently scratching your orange pen within the margins.
“How come whenever I walk in I always catch you staring?” He asked, sitting a couple of seats to your right. 
“Glaring,” you correct, not bothering to look up. 
He chuckles to himself, the breathy sound confusing your heart and stunting your rage for a minute. “You’re giving me your attention either way, hun,” he replied. “And I barely had to do a thing.”
You stopped mid-stroke, looking up at him with that same glare before your eyes scanned across the classroom. You noticed empty seats peppered between others who were lucky enough to enjoy some peace before the lesson began.  “There are other seats,” you muttered, turning back to your notebook. 
Jungkook leaned back in his chair, tossing his notebook down on the table with a light thud. “I like this one,” he sighed as he pulled out a black pen from his pants. “I can see everything from here, and everyone can see me.”
You furrowed your brows at his words. What a cocky little shit; always needing to be the center of attention. “You’re an idiot,” you hissed, making the mistake of looking up at him again. 
He met your annoyed gaze with a playful glint in his eyes. He had his tongue poking at his cheek, and a single brow raised as if asking if you truly meant that, as if warning you to try again. “Am I?” he challenged. “Or are you too busy concerned with me to realize how wrong that statement was?”
Your face scrunched with confusion as you tried your best to decipher his words.Why did he have to be so cryptic? Why couldn’t he just tell you what the hell he meant? Giving up, you were about to tell him how stupid he sounded when the professor began his lecture. 
He welcomed the class, introduced himself and went over the course syllabus before turning to look at Jungkook. “And, if you have any other questions, please feel free to contact me or my TA this semester, Jungkook.” He then gestured for Jungkook to stand. 
Fuck no. 
Your face fell as he rose from his seat. Before he could even catch a glimpse of your pure shock and devastation, you schooled your features and looked back towards your professor. It all began to click now, why he spoke with the professor before class and why he sat at the front. He even tried to warn you, in his own stupid, idiotic, cryptic way. Did you really insult your TA? He was going to be grading your work for the next four months. You wanted to believe Jungkook wasn’t a total asshole but with the way he taunted you with that look in his eyes before the lecture started gave you pause. 
Your face must’ve been revealing bits and pieces of your panic, despite your efforts, because you soon heard little breathy chuckles to your right. “Relax, hun. I won’t let it affect your final grade,” he whispered as the professor dived into his lecture. “This time.”
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That little shit. 
You had written your essay two weeks prior to the due date, which is a lot coming from you since you’re more of a pull an all-nighter the night before kind of girl. You had researched thoroughly about the topic provided, giving your own analysis on the wars and political practises of the West. You even quoted Karl Marx a few times, and this little shit only just passed you? You had an average to maintain and you knew your paper was not merely worth a passing grade. You even had your best friend, Namjoon, read it over and approve of the analysis, citations and writing style. 
So the moment his office hours were available you made your way over. They were running during another one of your classes but fuck him if he thought you were going to let this slide. You weren’t sure what he was thinking but if this was all some power play, you were about to show him who the fuck was in charge. 
“Jeon, you motherfucker,” you huffed in a way of greeting as you walked into his office. 
Jungkook peeked up at you from his bowl, noodles hanging out of mouth. His eyes were a bit wider, cheeks puffed all too cutely as they were filled with food. He finished slurping his noodles as you shut the door. Though still completely furious, you couldn’t bring yourself to stop staring at his mouth. Something about those pouty, spice stained lips lit up your core and caused arousal to pool into your panties. 
You let out a shaky breath, seating yourself across his desk as he pushed his meal away, directing his full attention on you. He sat back in his seat, that stupid smirk over taking his features. 
“Yes?” He practically purred his response causing you to shift uncomfortably in your seat. 
You tossed your graded paper on his desk, eyes unforgivingly boring into his. “What the fuck is this?” You asked in a calmer voice, but the anger was still ponet in your tone. 
“You’re crappy paper I had the misfortune of reading,” he answered casually, like you just asked him about his day. 
The original fire in your eyes, you somehow were able to maintain since entering this office, dimmed into disappointment. Was it really that bad? But, you worked on it relentlessly. You had at least hoped it would pique his interest. Even Namjoon told you the approach you took was unique and well-thought out. For Jungkook to say it was a misfortune to read wasn’t just a shot at your grade but a blow to your intelligence, your pride. 
He must’ve noticed your change in demeanor as he sat up and sighed. He picked it up to look over it once again, but you ripped it out of his hand, crumpling it with, what you hated to recognize as, shame. “Don’t do me any favours, Jeon,” you all but warned through gritted teeth. “The grade speaks for itself. I can’t believe I thought someone as stupid as you would be able to understand something as layered and complex as this paper. The only thing crappy about any of this is the fact that I have a useless TA.”
Jungkook watched you with an unwavering gaze. “Watch your tone,” he grumbled, voice carrying more edge than those words ever did. 
You’ll admit, it stunted you for a moment, but the pain still lingered. You released the creased assignment on his desk lazily, treating it like the afterthought he believed it was. “Or what?” You taunted, tilting your head slightly. “You’ll fail me?” Your voice dipped in and out of feigned sadness, sarcasm dripping with every word. “You’ll go tell your precious professor? Hmm, little pet?”
Jungkook shifted in his seat, inhaling sharply from his nose before standing up. Even from across the desk, he towered over you. “Behave, (Y/N),” he warned, poking at his cheek with his tongue. 
His words meant nothing. You ignored the inner voice that reminded you that your behaviour was only getting this bad because his words actually meant more than you even wanted to acknowledge. 
“You’re just a useless pet, a stupid little goldfish trying so desperately to look tough in those all black clothes,” you pressed on, gesturing to his shirt that sat atop his chest and biceps all too well. He circled around the desk as you continued, “you can’t even get me to treat you with respect. Better yet, I bet you can’t even get me off. You’re that fucking useless.” 
How or why that sexual sentence slipped in was beyond you. You didn’t really have much time to think about anything, your mouth running on its own and leaving your mind to catch up. All you could see is him, him and those orange hues that lit around his muscular frame like a halo. You noticed him avoiding your gaze and you couldn’t help the teasing giggle that left your lips. 
A brow quirked up as he looked at you through his lashes. You only just realized that they were tipped with bits of gold. “There’s nothing you can do,” you said, standing up for the sole purpose of leaning in and whispering, “little pet.”
Those two words triggered something dark inside him. He groaned out, in frustration or excitement - you weren’t sure, and crashed his lips into yours. You wished you could say you resisted at first, but you were melting into his touch immediately. All logic left you and the only thing you can recall from that moment was another rush of lust and desire soaking your panties. You knew you lost your better judgement when you shamelessly moaned into the kiss at the fact that his lips tasted like freshwater and whatever flavour of spicy noodles he was previously eating.  
A rough hand tangled in your hair, tugging on it to pull you off his lips. You whined at the lost contact, surprising even yourself. You only caught a glimpse of his hooded eyes before he latched his lips onto your neck, setting fire to every inch of skin his mouth graced. Those eyes of his held a degree of rage and lusty fury all while little flicks of orange and gold swam within them. Had they always been like that? You never really got time to think about it before Jungkook bit at your flesh, unforgivingly nibbling and tugging only to slobber sweet kisses to soothe the sting. 
Your hands clutched onto his shirt, desperate to recompose even an ounce of your dignity. As if he knew what you were up to, his chuckled, warm breath fanning your skin, prickling you all over with goosebumps. Your thighs pressed together tightly at the sensation, and you were thankful you opted for a skirt rather than jeans this morning, knowing very well that there would’ve been a wet stain near your crotch. 
Jungkook inhaled deeply, parting from your neck to lick the shell of your ear. “You always smell so fucking sexy when you’re horny for me,” he raved. 
“I’m never horny for you,” your pride answered all too quickly. You wanted to add that he was mediocre at best right now, no matter how big of a lie that was too, but couldn’t find the courage after he bit harshly on your collar bone then lapped his tongue over the sting. 
“Don’t lie, pet,” he warned, smugly throwing your word back at you. 
“I’m not your pe- shit!” You gasped when his lips landed on the shallow hollow of your collar bone. You tugged on his shirt once more, tilting your head back as he began to attack it. His kisses were absolutely sinful and you found yourself wanting them all over you as you rolled your hips into his.
Once he was satisfied with the dark mark he left, he slightly pulled back. He opted for moving you around by the grip he had on your hair. It earned him little blissful whines from you that he couldn’t help but laugh at. He yanked your body closer to his chest, your hands now resting on his shoulders as you somehow positioned your crotch over one of his thighs and quickly, shamelessly moved against it. Your actions surprised you as well; you didn’t realize you were this hot for him.
“What were you saying before, my precious pet?” He teased, hovering his pouty lips over yours. His free hand rested upon your ass, gripping and kneading the flesh like he was coaxing the answer out of you. 
You bit your lip in denial of making a single sound. The notion wasn’t lost on him and he used his grip on your ass to halt your movements on his thigh. While you struggled to defy his silent orders, he held your body flush against his, keeping your clothed pussy trapped over his thigh with a single hand. You could feel his semi-hard against your lower belly as he smirked down at you. Had you not been in his grasp or too stubborn, you would’ve smacked that smirk off… with your lips. 
Jungkook yanked at your hair so that you were looking up at him with lips slightly parted and eyes undoubtedly desperate. That was the thing with your eyes; you could never hide your true feelings from them. 
His hot breath fanned over your chin as he muttered, “What happened to those cute little sounds, pet?” It took the last ounce of self control left in you to not to moan at his words. He continued to stare at you for a moment, admiring how, though you’re trying so hard not to show it, needy you were. 
“Open your mouth, baby,” he cooed. 
His voice was gentle enough for you to immediately comply. You parted your lips, looking up at him innocently. Though you knew what was coming next, your pussy clenching around nothing out of mere excitement, you did not pull away. In fact, you stuck your tongue out as he hovered his lips over yours and spat a stringy dollop of saliva into your mouth. It didn’t taste fishy at all, but simply, what you recognized as, him. You gazed into his eyes with lust-charged hate as you swallowed it without a second though. 
He smiled, satisfied, and released your hair to let his hand slide down to your other asscheeks, moving both hands under your skirt now. A little hiss left him as he felt your wetness reach the back of your panties too. “You really are this horny for me, aren’t you, baby?” He questioned as he guided your clothed pusssy against his thigh once more. 
“N-none of this is for you,” you stuttered. You tried to sound annoyed but the little moan in your tone hinted otherwise. 
He nudged his nose on yours, mannerisms shockingly softer than his grips on your ass. “Want another?” He raised a brow. 
When you remained silent, not wanting to admit that you most definitely wanted another wad of his spit in your mouth, he laughed. The corner of his wondrous eyes crinkled and he threw his head back, laughing at your silence. When his gaze met yours again, he bit his lip to subside the rest of his laughter, taking note of your furrowed brows and pouty lips. 
Jungkook seemed to like the challenges you were offering. He slightly tilted his head, eyes suddenly seeming unreadable. It wasn’t like you were paying much attention to his logic anyway, yours long gone by now. No, you were focused on the pleasure, the built up arousal twisting in your lower belly just desperate to be released. You knew your pussy wasn’t usually that sensitive, sometimes finding that you needed to tug on your skin to really get yourself off. But, holy fuck- 
“Jungkook!” You whined all too loudly as he flexed his thigh beneath you. 
“Hmm,” he hummed, tone reaching dangerously cocky levels. You loved it. 
Meek moans and whines poured out of your lips, like his name was the damn that held them back. Your grip on his shirt was sure to leave creases now, as you looked up at him, holding his gaze while you got yourself. You were passed pride now, ready to admit to yourself that you wanted to stare into those golden-brown eyes because, fuck, the simple sight was enough to make you cum.
Jungkook knew it. He knew you were close and squeezed your ass to let you know that. “Does my pretty pet wanna cum?” He lazily asked. The indifference in his tone was strangely enough to make you a slut for him; as if you weren’t already. 
You couldn’t give him the satisfaction, however. You were far too stubborn for that. Breaking your gaze, you threw your head back and shut your eyes. The pleasure was all you wanted to focus on as you got so fucking clo-
“No!” The cry tore from your throat, breaking as it fell from your lips. He took advantage of the grip he had on your ass once more, trapping your pussy on his flexed, muscular thigh. 
“Open,” he ordered.
You glared at him, sticking your tongue out with a huff. He spat another wad in your mouth, smacking your ass as you swallowed. The force jolted your body closer against his, now completely flush against his chest. Fuck, that chest. So strong and firm. You ran your hands up and down his pecs as he spoke. 
“You close your eyes again, and I’ll have you on your knees,” he threatened. You moaned at his words, earned a quirk of his brow. “Fuck, baby, you’re such a slut for me.” 
“When are you going to tell off that shirt?” You asked, the helplessness in your voice surprising you.
“When you ask nicely,” he teased, bringing his hand back down on your ass.
You leaned back just enough to tug on the hem of the loose shirt. He looked at you expectedly, actually believing you’d ask. A smirk found its way on your lips as your hands snuck beneath the cotton to rub up and down his skin. His breath hitched a bit at the contact, making you silently giggle to yourself. It was nice to know you weren’t the only one coming undone to soft touches. 
He kept your hips locked in place, but began to move his thigh under you. You gasped feeling the pleasure build itself back up in your lower belly. Digging your nails gently into his skin, you scratched at his nipples. It seemed you were both rewarding the other for a tease well done as he returned the blissful gesture by quickening the pace of his thigh. 
“J-Jungkook,” you whined, slowly bringing his shirt up higher and higher. His hands left your ass long enough for you to pull his shirt off and you took it as a sign to also be allowed to move again.
Giddy giggles left you as you got what you wanted and more, and you barely had to play nice at all. He was too consumed with getting you off to care, or so you thought. His hands came down on your ass with a force your pussy couldn’t ignore and you were sent into your first orgasm of the hour. 
Jungkook chuckled to himself, watching your jaw clench as high-pitched squeals escaped you and your pussy released all over his pants. The wet mess emitted filthy, slouchy sounds, further imprinting the fabric and filling the space between you two wonderfully. You held his gaze all the same, riding out your high as your nails dug into his pecs. He hissed at the sensation but did nothing to stop it. 
Your rapid rolls over his thigh stuttered against the friction, the pleasure starting to become too much for you. You halted your movement and quivered the last bits of our orgasm out. He peppered your face with little kisses all throughout, and you let him, whimpering for more. 
Jungkook pulled back at your sounds just to flash you a smug smile. He helped you off him, standing you up again. You bit your lip to keep from whining at the loss of contact. Though you did get your release, you were hoping for more. Your eyes, too obviously, flickered between his abs and the bulge in his pants. 
“If you want more, little pet, you’re going to have to strip for me,” he informed you. Jungkook held your fucked out gaze as he swiped a finger over the drenched spot of his pants to scoop up some of your release. You swallowed thickly at the action, watching as he sucked your cum off his finger. 
“You’re going to have to ask nicely,” you all but whine as his adam’s apple bobbed. 
His once playful teasing eyes seemed to be getting annoyed. The softness within them switched into something a bit darker. He was done with playing, and it only made you want to play with him even more. 
“I’m waitin- ah,” you gasped as he ripped the buttons off your thin, tight sweater off, exposing that yellow bra of yours that cupped your tits all too well. 
Jungkook towered his slender frame over you. “I don’t have to do anything,” he whispered, hovering his lips over yours. “Strip, little pet.”
You pulled your sweater off. A part of you wanted to reach up and just kiss him again. He was so close you could feel his breath against your parted lips. But, you knew better than to fully challenge that dangerous look in his eye. Your skirt was pushed down next, but you kept your panties on, slightly too embarrassed by the fact that they were sticking to your pussy. Reaching back behind you, you fumbled to unclasp your bra. Jungkook remained silent as he reached a single hand back there and undid it easily. 
You thought it must have regained his composure, the thought slightly pissing you off since you were becoming more and more of a mess by the second. But, the moment your bra fell, he attacked your breasts, burying his face between them. His lips latched onto one of your nipples, tonguing, biting, sucking away at it. One of his hands rested on your hip to keep you steady, while his other gripped at your other tit, massaging the fuck out of it. 
Your hands were lost somewhere in his orange-yellow hair, tugging at the long strands. You moaned his name repeatedly. Shameless and horny, you were loving his attention. “Oh, god, just fuck me,” you sighed. 
He hummed against your nipple. “In a minute, babe,” he muttered between alternating tits, now latching his lips onto your other nipple. 
From his slightly bent over position, you could see his fin lined along his spine. You wondered how it looked in the water, if it flowed within the waves like it did out of them. A hand reached over, gently grazing the ripped, but soft fin with the tips of your fingers. He shuddered against your touch, rolling his shoulders back but didn’t stop his tongue’s attack on your tits. 
You whimpered against him, lightly scratching his scalp with one hand and rubbed up his fin with the other. “Jungkook,” you breathed. You were desperate, needy and in total need of another orgasm. And that was what you kept telling yourself as you stuttered, “p-please, kookie.”
Jungkook froze, mid-suck and looked up at you slowly. “My, my,” he smirked, abandoning your tits and straightening up to his full height once again. Your hand on his fin slid up to his shoulder once more, an action that disappointed him too, his eyes flashing something too needy to be masked by his cocky demeanor. “Begging already, baby?”
You pressed your thighs together, granting yourself the smidgen of friction he was hell-bent on denying you. “That was barely a beg,” you scoffed. 
He shook his head at your words. “Shall we change that?” He lifted your hips before you could even respond and placed you on his desk. You were surprised he could lift you being that you were a grown ass woman and all. 
He spread your legs, groaning quietly to himself at the sight of your cum slick thighs and sticky panties clinging to your folds. Placing a hand to his forehead, he lowered his head and took a deep breath. 
You hated the sudden fear and panic of insecurity that shot through you. However, you couldn’t help but weakly ask, “s-something the matter?”
He nodded, meeting your gaze once more. “Yeah,” he sighed. You felt your heart drop, ready to close your legs when he continued, “those ruined panties haven’t come off yet.” A sigh of relief left you, your momentary panic bringing down all your walls with it as a blush tinted your cheeks. 
Jungkook must’ve liked that sight too because he was proudly smiling to himself. “Let me help you with that, little pet.” He dipped his head between your legs, lapping up the cum that stained your inner thighs too, not too bothered by the slight discolouration of them. 
Your legs were already trembling at the warmth of his mouth. He hooked his arms under both your legs, pulling your pussy closer to his face. Nudging his nose against your clothed clit, he inhaled your sinful scent. “God, this must be a fucking dream,” he muttered more to himself than to you in particular. “You smell even sexier when you fucking cum, babygirl.”
A whimper trickled out of your lips at his words as you gripped onto the edge of the desk. Little did you know that was merely the start of his filth. His mouth engulfed your clothed pussy in a single motion, licking and sucking the cum out of your panties. The hungry groans he made against your heat were boarderline pronographic. You were living for them, rolling your hips into his face relentlessly chasing after your next high. 
Jungkook tsked against your panties as if warning you to behave again, then sunk his teeth into them, catching a bit of your folds too. You cried out his name, your nails scratching at the dark wood beneath you. He watched you intently as he pulled those ruined panties off. You lifted your ass for him a bit and brought your legs together as he leaned back. 
He stood over you once they were off, the piece of clothing still locked in his jaw. Taking them out, he sniffed at them again. You pressed your thighs together once more, mesmerized by the sight before you. “Beautiful,” he rasped. Then he stuffed the wet, balled up panties in his pocket. “Mine now,” he explained, noticing the shock in your eyes. “Just like this pussy.” 
Grabbing your ankles, he pulled you closer to the edge of the desk and spread your legs apart once more. A little blush crept up his neck as the mess before him. He moaned to himself, getting on his knees. You never knew you needed to see a shirtless Jungkook on his knees before. He looked heavenly but his tongue was hellish, licking a clean strip up your folds. You threw your head back as he sucked on your clit. 
“Kookie,” you whimpered, having a lazy hand get lost in his hair again. You weren’t sure how or why you fell into that nickname, but you did and you weren’t planning on stopping. 
He hummed up at you, also accepting the nickname like you’ve been calling him that forever. His tongue swirled around your entrance, teasing - always fucking teasing you. He’d poke the tip of his tongue in only to watch you shudder and immediately clench your walls. His mouth traveled a bit higher halfway through another assault on your clit. 
“Can’t help it,” he muttered before licking at the short hairs a top your pussy. You blushed deeply at his actions. You had hoped he didn’t notice, but now seeing him practically lose himself over it, you felt a bit of pride swell in your chest. 
Jungkook bit at the flesh, tugging the hair with him as he pulled back. He spat on your pubes just to lick it up against the hair again. You gasped, looking down at his filthy actions with pure lust in your eyes. He repeated this action a couple of times, noting how excited it made you then returned to the wetness between your folds. 
“That really turned you on, huh baby?” He questioned watching as more of your wetness pooled out of your entrance. Diving right back in, he lapped up all the new arousal repeating the same flicks of his tongue over and over again. You couldn’t really grasp what the pattern was at first, but then it hit you all at once, forcing you to cry out in approval. He was licking his name against your entrance in Korean and English, poking his tongue into you with the dots of his js. 
“M-marking your territory?” you questioned, trying to sound as confident and composed as he did but your moans kept getting in the way. 
“I’d be drowning in it too if I wasn’t part fish,” he chuckled, fanning his warm breath against you. “Why don’t you prove me wrong, little pet?” His tone hinted that it was more of a suggestion rather than a challenge. “Cum for me.”
You were up for it either way, rolling your hips into his face. Nothing felt as sexy as when the little gills in the hollows of his cheeks brushed up against your inner thighs, slightly quivering at the contact. That unexpected sensation and the way Jungkook began to devour your pussy was enough to shock you into your second orgasm. 
“Oh, fuck yes,” you cried out, moans tumbling out of you endlessly. Your eyes rolled back, head falling back with them as you quivered against his face. “Yes, yes, yes, yes,” you squealed as you rode your release to the end. 
Jungkook flattened his tongue, letting you get yourself off on him. Once he was sure you finished spasming on his tongue, noting how your thighs started to squeeze his face as they came together, he flicked his tongue back into action. He lapped up your cum, swallowing every ounce of what you’d given him. 
Sensitive and gasping for air, you attempted to weakly push his face off of you. It was an impossible task. He was too strong and too consumed with the task at hand, slurping your juices, unfazed and unbothered. 
“Kookie… I… fuck,” you squealed, closing your legs around his face. He was practically suffocating against your pussy as he drank you up.
He suddenly, and very easily, pushed your legs apart as if you hadn’t just been using all your strength to close them. He got up, face glistening with a mixture of his saliva and your cum. He looked like a fucking goldfish god with his hair all tossel from your grip and face all smeared of your cunt. You wanted to clean it all up for him, but he wouldn’t give you a chance yet. 
His thumbs slid into his waistband about to push his pants down when he caught a glimpse of you. You were looking all fucked out, trembling from the remnants of your last orgasm, legs curled up into your chest. “You’re gonna make me lose my mind,” he whispered, all hints of playfulness and teasing threats gone from his tone. He almost sounded sincere, almost sounded like he actually meant all those things he said, like it wasn’t all just words thrown in the heat of the moment. 
You were panting quietly, not exactly sure what to say to that. You felt like you were saved by the exposure of his cock (on many levels) and pushed all thoughts away until you were back to your normal, rational state of mind. 
His cock was huge, veiny, and leaking precum, desperate for some contact. You shakily slid off the desk, fully prepared to get on your knees for him and give his heavenly cock the attention it deserved. But Jungkook tsked at you, nodding his head back to the desk. 
“Back on the desk, babygirl,” he grunted as he began to pump himself using the precum collected on his pink tip. 
You leaned against the edge of the desk for some stability, swallowing thickly at the sight of his veiny hand around his veiny cock. Licking your lips, you met his gaze shyly as if silently asking him to reconsider. 
Jungkook smirked, slightly buckling his hips into his hand. He gave himself a couple more pumps then set his hands on your hips to lift you back up on the desk again. “Be a good girl and I might consider letting you wrap that pretty mouth of yours around my cock next time,” he promised with a smile all too sweet for you to challenge. 
“Next time?” You meekly questioned. 
He positioned himself between your legs, that giddy smile still etched on his lips. He slapped his cock against your wet pussy a couple of times, making you whimper his name, before replying, “just behave, little pet, and you can have my cock down your throat anytime you want.” He then, without much further warning, sunk his cock into your entrance, hissing at the tightness. 
“J-Jungkook,” you sighed, only now just realizing how fucking badly you really needed him to fill you up. Tears pricked your eyes at the pure blissful sensation of his cock stretching you out so fucking good. 
Noticing your tears, he halted all movement. “Am I hurting you?” He asked, concern laced in his tone.
You shook your head immediately, all but begging, “keep going, please. Fuck, please kookie.” 
He let out a sigh of relief and continued to sink into you until he bottomed out. You gasped, holding his gaze while your nails dug into his shoulders. He flashed you a golden smile before pulling out and ramming back into you at a sinful pace. 
 “S-so b-ig,” you choked out between harsh thrusts. 
His face was contoured with pleasure, nose scrunched and brows furrowed in too cute of a way that you would’ve never even guessed he liked it this rough. “Ah-yah,” he gasped, overtaken by the clench of your cunt’s walls. “Tightest cunt I’ve had.”
You wrapped your legs around his waist, pulling him closer. He complied with little complaints and you leaned your forehead against his. Noses brushing, breath exchanging, Jungkook fucked you into the desk with such force, he jolted it back a bit with each thrust. You tilted your head enough to kiss his gills and whine against them. A smile graced his lips at the contact and he tightened his grip on your hips, his fingers digging into your soft flesh. You peppered each gill with kitten licks, then soft kisses despite how rough he was fucking you. 
Your arms moved around his back, practically hugging him. Shaky hands found his fin again and tightly gripped onto it. He buried his face in your hair, evading his senses with the floral scent of your hair, and groaned out little praises in your ear. You bit at his shoulder, subsiding your moans into his skin. You knew you weren’t exactly behaving, leaving little marks on his shoulder, but you also knew Jungkook was too engrossed with how your cunt gripped on his cock to care too much. 
All rough kisses and bites  on his shoulder came to a crashing halt, however, when he hit that spot deep within you. “Jungkook!” You shreeched, throwing your head back. He hit it again and again. Each time he hit it harder and rougher, coaxing you closer and closer to your release. 
You rested your forehead against his again, wanting to stare into his eyes when you came all over his cock this time. “There, there,” you encouraged, moving your hips up to meet his. The entire room returned the quick slaps of skin on skin in faint echoes, reminding you just how filthy this was. 
“Your close, aren’t you, little pet?” Jungkook asked as your cunt tightened around him. “Wanna cum, babygirl?”
You nodded your head eagerly, toes curling as that knot in your lower abdomen twisted in ways you weren’t completely familiar with. 
He chuckled and smacked your ass. You gasped, gawking at him in disbelief. “Beg.” he ordered. “I won’t repeat myself again.”
You squealed in frustration. “P-please Jungkook,” you started. “Your cock is so big… just wanna cum all over it. I- ah, I need to cum. Please, just please let me cum, kookie. Please!” 
“Cream on this cock, babygirl,” he growled in approval. 
You unraveled all you had to give him, cumming on his cock as he continued to ram into you in an unforgiving pace. You held his gaze all the while, shrieking moans and trembling whines escaping you. Your eyes slightly rolled back, mouth hung open as you tried your best to maintain eye contact. 
“Ah, fuck! You- you’re so fucking sexy when you cum, baby.” He gasped, thrusts getting sloppier. 
Though you were being overstimulated once again and felt the blissful burning of your after-high start to creep up on you, you still talked Jungkook into his orgasm. “Please fill me up, kookie,” you started, but never really got to finish as that was all it took for him to release ropes of white within you. 
You ground your hips into his as he buried himself deep in you. His brows knitted together, eyes just as needy as yours, cumming deep inside you. You knew he was cumming a lot just from how full you felt, but his cock was so huge, fitting your cunt just right, that it plugged all his cum in you, no remove for leaks. 
You circled your hips into his as he gasped for air, panting his hot breath over your face. “You’re so handsome when you cum,” you whispered, filter completely gone by now. 
Jungkook huffed a little smirk. He nudged his nose against yours before placing a gentle kiss against your lips. It was all over, the heat of the moment, the need for a release. Still, you kissed him back like it was a normal pastime. His tongue played with yours and you let him. It was like you two already had a routine of rough sex and intimate aftercare. And, shockingly enough, you didn’t find that off-putting at all. In fact, you realized you could actually get used to this, used to him like this. 
He pulled away, gasping once again. You joined him this time, slowly untangling yourself from him. You hadn’t even felt him soften inside you, practically just as big as when he was hard. You both gazed down at his cock, watching as he pulled it out to find it coated in a mixture of your cum, completely creamed. The cum plugged within your cunt came pouring out in thick glopes all over your graded paper. 
“Shit,” you whispered, watching your paper being ruined. “Now, that’s never going to the professor,” you huffed, looking up at him again. 
He bit his lip and scratched the back of his neck. “About that,” he began. “That’s actually not your real grade.”
A mixture of confusion and rage clouded your once sex-blown gaze. “What?”
“I may have given you another copy of your paper with a crappy grade just to get under your skin,” he confessed. He rested his hands on your thighs, rubbing them gently as if trying to calm you down. 
It worked. 
You raised a brow up at him. “Were you trying to get me naked?” 
Jungkook blushed, softly chuckling. “That was just as wonderful a surprise to me as it was to you.”
You held his gaze for a moment, finding comfort in the silence and his cute smile. “It was wonderful,” you muttered. 
“No one has touched my fin or gills like that,” he suddenly said, a blush tinting the tips of his ears. 
“Like this?” You asked as you leaned in to stroke his fin and kiss his gills once more. 
His hands found their place on your bruised hips and he hummed, “mhm,” before peppering your neck with sloppy kisses again. “Now get that pretty ass of yours off my desk.” He lifted you up only for you to wrap your legs around his waist. He laughed at your childish antics, holding you up by a newfound grip on your ass. “Come on, (Y/N),” he chuckled. 
You pulled back only a bit with a pouty smile playing on your lips. “Make me,” you whined. 
Jungkook smirked. “As you wish, little pet.”
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foxghost · 3 years
Joyful Reunion, Chapter 84
Translator: foxghost @foxghost tumblr/ko-fi1 Beta: meet-me-in-oblivion @meet-me-in-oblivion tumblr Original by 非天夜翔 Fei Tian Ye Xiang Masterpost | Characters, Maps & Other Reference Index
Book 2, Chapter 19 (Part 2)
Duan Ling and Fei Hongde agree upon taking turns for the night watch, with Fei Hongde on the first watch, and Duan Ling returns to his room. He feels as though these seven days have truly been the longest seven days of his life.
Wu Du is lying on the bed, reading the secret manual Lang Junxia returned to them. Duan Ling lies down next to him, and before long he’s asleep. His dreams are filled with close quarters combat, with soldiers fighting through the streets. A year ago today, he was in the city of Shangjing safeguarding what last hope they had; cavalry dressed in iron and weaponry held high through a sea of flames are drawn in scenes that seem to be slowly replaying by his ear.
At the fifth of the night watch, Duan Ling wakes up. The city lies silent in the still of the night, with a river of stars shining above.
“Wu Du?” By the time Duan Ling turns over, there’s no longer anyone next to him.
Duan Ling gets off the bed and walks outside on silent feet.
Wu Du is in the courtyard practising the Palm of the Realm from the manual. Fist forward, turn to palm, right palm press, left palm follows, each move flowing with poise and perfect composure, foot up, step forward.
Duan Ling can’t help but remember Li Jianhong’s silhouette while teaching him; beneath the stars Li Jianhong is a phantom-like silhouette cloaked in stardust, moving like a shadow behind Wu Du, moving through identical motions.
In that moment, Wu Du’s figure seems to take on most of Li Jianhong’s presence, seemingly exhibiting the dignity of an emperor surveying his land.
“The Sword of the Realm can be transformed to use as a hand-to-hand style through fist, palm, and feet.” Wu Du turns around, palms pushing down. Then his left hand makes a gesture of separation while his right hand lifts, he puts one leg to cross over the other, and he pushes both palms forward. He says in a solemn tone, “It uses motion to train the self for stillness, with the flow of qi in the body moving in the opposite direction as the fist and palm.”
Duan Ling watches him for a while, then he walks up to go through the entire set once with him. Previously, he had hastily learned the movements without trying to get a deeper understanding, but this time, with Wu Du, he has managed to understand a bit more. After they get through the full set, they’re both covered in sweat, but Duan Ling feels very refreshed.
The sky is starting to brighten, but dark clouds have come to cloak the sky. It is an exceedingly stuffy and hot morning, the air sticky with humidity, and Tongguan is always foggy and moist, so everyone inside is covered in a sheen of sweat. Duan Ling puts on fresh clothes and says to Wu Du, “I’m going to send Yao Jing off to her groom. Come on, come with me.”
Wu Du nods. They both get into formal clothes and head to one of the wings in the Bian estate. Yao Jing is keeping watch over Bian Lingbai’s sickbed, in a conversation with Fei Hongde. Duan LIng gives Fei Hongde a nod and says to Bian Lingbai, “Uncle, I’m sending Jing’er off to be married.”
Bian Lingbai lies there motionless like a corpse, so Duan Ling turns away from him and brings Yao Jing out of the room. The steward has already had her dowry organised, and they wait in the main hall as one must, in accordance with the rites. Shang Leguan comes in first to seek permission; since Bian Lingbai has no children and he’s bedridden besides, his only “nephew” is left to preside over the ceremony. Duan Ling first must decline, but then he’s saying, “Shang Leguan, you’re not following the correct etiquette. What groom comes to ask permission in person?”
Everyone finds this funny. Yao Jing sticks her head out from behind the screen to sneak a glance, and she can’t help but smile either.
Shang Leguan is tall and handsome, and though he’s just been made fun of he doesn’t seem to mind. He smiles softly and withdraws from the room.
Soon enough, Shang Leguan enters the room to state his request again; Duan Ling once more refuses.
“After the third ask,” Wu Du says to Yao Jing, “you’ll be leaving for Xiliang to be wed.”
Outside of Duan Ling, Wu Du seldom speaks with anyone. In the eyes of outsiders, this assassin who seems to exude danger from every pore of his body is mysterious beyond comprehension, but from Yao Jing’s perspective, Wu Du has saved her life once. As she’s Yao Zheng’s cousin as well, it gives them yet another layer of familiarity.
“Thank you, General Wu, for saving my life,” Yao Jing says quietly from behind the screen.
Wu Du adds, “Be sure to take good care of yourself once away from home. Xiliang isn’t like Great Chen. It’ll take time, but you’ll get used to it.”
“Yes,” Yao Jing whispers.
Listening to what Wu Du is saying to her, Duan Ling feels a nameless sort of sadness. He remembers not having a thing to his name when he arrived in Xichuan and how equally lost he was.
But he believes that Helian Bo will take good care of her.
For the third ask, Helian Bo comes personally. He doesn’t say anything at all; wordlessly he performs a special set of rites facing Duan Ling, and Duan Ling replies with the same.
It’s the third ask where the fiance himself comes personally to greet his bride. All at once, everyone in the room seems rather surprised, but Duan Ling has known about this for a while.
“Make sure you take good care of my younger sister,” Duan Ling says in Tangut, then he repeats it to everyone else in Han.
“You have my word,” Helian Bo replies.
Thus Duan Ling takes Yao Jing’s hand and guides her out from behind the screen, and places her hand in Helian Bo’s. Yao Jing had thought she was going to marry Shang Leguan, so on finding out that her fiance is actually “He Mo”, she looks entirely shocked.
The middle-aged steward speaks up, “Mister Bian, hasn’t there … hasn’t there been some mistake?”
“There’s no mistake,” Duan Ling explains to them. “This is the prince of Xiliang, His Highness Helian Bo.”
Yao Jing finally regains her composure, realising that the position waiting for her is actually going to be Princess-consort!
Wu Du’s face has also taken on an extremely strange expression as he studies Duan Ling. Duan Ling nods at him and says, “There’s no problem.”
With this confirmation, Wu Du says, “Let’s go.”
Helian Bo helps Yao Jing into her carriage, and her dowry is carried onto it one box after another. Everyone else gets on horseback and they canter along with the Xiliang wedding party, all the way to the gates of Tongguan. When he says goodbye to Helian Bo, Duan Ling feels a bit ashamed; he recalls how Wu Du had told him he was “heartless”, and suddenly he does think he seems rather heartless.
“Take care, Helian,” Duan Ling whispers next to his ear, “I’ll come visit you.”
Helian Bo gives Duan Ling’s arm a pat, “Letter … will come soon.”
Duan Ling nods. Helian Bo is trying to say something else, but Duan Ling is signing with one hand like a brush going across a page, letting him know that if there’s anything important, Helian Bo should write to him.
“Go on.” Even now, there’s still a great weight on Duan Ling’s heart — after all, Helian Bo isn’t out of danger yet. He’ll only be safe after he returns to Xiliang.
Brokenhearted at the thought of their separation, Helian Bo stares at Duan Ling from afar. Duan Ling waves at him; he can see Helian Bo stopping his horse in the middle of the plains as if there’s something else he’d like to say, so all Duan Ling can do is turn his back on Helian Bo, and pretend that he’s leaving.
Wu Du finds this quite funny all of a sudden, and ridicules him. “A Tangut barbarian, and a stammerer who’s hardly known you for long at all at that … But he does seem to have a lot of feelings when it comes to you.”
Sometimes when Wu Du speaks he seems rather too willing to catch people in the raw, leaving no room for argument. It makes Duan Ling really want to punch him.
“Is he gone yet?”
“Not yet,” Wu Du replies absentmindedly.
Duan Ling waits a little while longer, and Wu Du tells him, “He’s gone.”
Duan Ling only turns around then, staring off distantly in Helian Bo’s direction. The wedding party has already turned into a tiny little black dot.
Mountain peaks gather, turbulent waves billow; Tongguan road winds through mountains and rivers inside and out.
Like waves the dark clouds tumble as they roll in, with lightning flickering between the cloud layers.
“I forgot to pack them umbrellas,” Duan Ling says.
Wu Du starts to laugh, and Fei Hongde’s voice suddenly rings out from beneath the gate tower.
“Young master!” Fei Hongde is climbing the tower, and Duan Ling hurries down to help him up the stone steps. Fei Hongde is huffing and puffing, and as soon as they see each other Duan Ling knows that it’s most likely bad news.
“The scout’s come back with a report,” Fei Hongde says briskly. “According to their surveillance, all of the mounted bandits in Qinling have withdrawn.”
“What scout?” Duan Ling doesn’t remember giving these orders. He sounds surprised.
“I sent them to keep an eye on things,” Wu Du explains. “Which way did they go?”
“The mounted bandits are gathering in the easternmost section of the Qlnling.” Fei Hongde says solemnly, “I’m afraid they already got word that General Bian is immobile, and they’re planning to come attack Tongguan!”
This news is no surprise. All of Duan Ling’s previous plans were made to prevent the other side from starting a fight abruptly. Yet what’s meant to happen will happen anyway. Fortunately, the governor sent by the imperial court is already on his way — even though Tongguan isn’t safe, it has a fighting chance.
Duan Ling meets Wu Du’s eyes. Wu Du says, “How long do you think we can hold out for?”
“Killing was your mission. Don’t worry, what comes after that is my responsibility. However, you’ll have to follow my orders.”
Wu Du looks like he just heard the funniest thing he’s ever heard. “What can you do about it?”
Duan Ling looks into Wu Du’s eyes. “Do you trust me?”
Wu Du frowns. He studies Duan Ling again, feeling as though it’s the first time he’s ever seen him.
“I’ll go make the arrangements now,” Duan Ling says. “As long as all goes as planned, we can definitely last until the governor gets here. But he won’t be taking all that many people with him, so even if he arrives we’ll still have to rely on ourselves.”
It’s the most rigorous challenge Duan Ling has ever faced. He will finally have to go on the battlefield. No matter when the new governor arrives, this is a battle he must fight.
“Tell me.” Wu Du says, “Tell me what you’re going to do. I can follow your orders.”
“My Lord—” Another soldier is coming up the gate tower. He says to Duan Ling, “General Wang and General Xie have returned. They would like to meet with you at the estate.”
Duan Ling gives Fei Hongde a nod, and the three of them return to the general’s estate.
Two giant cases of gold bars are sitting in the main hall.
“It’s all gold.”
As soon as Duan Ling enters the hall, Vice General Wang reports, “There was a full fifty-thousand taels of gold there!”
With a single glance, Duan Ling could tell that the two of them had already taken a pretty big cut — several thousand taels, at least. He doesn’t expose them though. He says to Fei Hongde, “Please pass along a message to summon every soldier ranked Major and above.”
While he’s waiting, Duan Ling unrolls a map on the table. He sends Wu Du a glance, then he asks the two Vice Generals to come closer.
“How many men do we have left?” Duan Ling asks.
“Minus the ones on patrol outside of Tongguan,” Vice General Wang has just taken some gold so he’s obviously in a good mood. He says to Duan Ling, “we have a force of twenty-seven thousand men in total.”
“Twenty-seven thousand …”
“What’s this?” The Vice General with the surname Xie asks him.
“These are the places where the Tangut mounted bandits are lying in ambush, and their force is twenty-thousand men.” Duan Ling points at the Great Wall and moves his finger to the east, landing in Tongguan. “Both these markings outside and inside the Great Wall mark their troops.”
As he finishes speaking, Duan Ling observes the look on their faces, thinking to himself that there’s no way these two don’t know that there are mounted bandits moving about within Tongguan’s jurisdiction. It must have been one of the transactions between Helian Da and Bian Lingai; Helian Da is selling his horses to Bian Lingbai, so Bian Lingbai has been looking the other way about the bandits Helian Da has sent over. Otherwise there’s no way he’d have dropped that investigation against those who robbed Yao Jing’s caravan.
As he expected, both Vice Generals looked a bit uneasy, turning to glance at each other. Duan Ling doesn’t expose them this time either. “News of my uncle’s bedridden state and immobility has probably already reached the other side. I worry that the Tangut are going to work with the men they’re keeping inside the city walls, and attack Tongguan.”
Even if Bian Lingbai hasn’t told his subordinates what he’s been up to, there are traces to be found, ultimately; these two would be able to at least take a vague guess at what he’s done. If Bian Lingbai is severely ill and this illness is incurable, Helian Da won’t be able to get back the money he’s owed. While there’s no commander at Tongguan, the enemy will most likely fight their way in here.
“Master Fei Hongde has already dispatched a messenger to Xichuan with an order not to stop along the way, in order to inform the imperial court of our situation. I have invited the two of you here to ask your opinion — are we going to give up on Tongguan’s defences and run off with the money? Or will we hold the city until the court sends a governor to come reinforce us?”
“You jest, young master.” Vice General Xie’s name is Xie Hao, from Yingchuan.2 He used to lead the garrisoned troops beneath Mount Jiangjun in its defence of the border, and once fought at Li Jianhong’s side. Even if Duan Ling isn’t trying to goad them into action, there’s no way he’d desert.
“If Tongguan ever comes under Tangut control,” Xie Hao says, “the central plain will lose its defensive barrier. Let’s not even speak of whether we should run for now — even if we do run, where could we ever run to?”
Duan Ling turns to Vice General Wang, but he’s not as firm as Xie Hao. He smiles as he says to Duan Ling, “There’s no need to try to goad us, young master. Our loyalty is with you, as it is with the General. Just let us know what you need.”
That’s all Duan Ling needed to hear. “Naturally, the bandits are rallying because they’re going to mount an attack on Tongguan, but a regular army is surely heading here from outside Tongguan as well. We must split our forces into two — one force will have to eliminate the bandits from Qinling as soon as possible, and attack them by surprise.”
Duan Ling draws the bandits’ route on the map and says to them, “Whichever one of you is willing to stop the bandits from advancing on Tongguan, take Wu Du with you.”
Wu Du stands apart quietly, watching all this without a word.
“I’ll go,” Vice General Wang replies.
Duan Ling produces Bian Lingbai’s tally and hands it to Vice General Wang. “You must end the battle as quickly as you can. Total annihilation is not our goal, what we want instead is for them to lose their bearings — use an ambush to defeat them.”
Vice General Wang takes the command tally. Duan Ling turns to Xie Hao. “From today onwards, we must strengthen Tongguan’s defences. Hide troops inside and outside the gates. As for the rest, listen to Master Fei’s instructions.”
Xie Hao nods, “Yes sir.”
Those people Fei Hongde summoned earlier have also arrived.
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Yingchuan, located in present central Henan. ↩︎
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megalony · 4 years
When she’s better
This is my first Harry Styles imagine that I hope everyone is going to like, any feedback is always lovely.
Taglist: @lunaticspoem @butlegendsneverdie @langdonzvoid @jennyggggrrr @rogmeddows @radiob-l-a-hblah @rogertaylorsbitontheside @chlobo6 @rogertaylors-lipgloss @sj-thefan @omgitsearly @luckytrashgooprebel @scarsout @deaky-with-a-c @killer-queen-ofrhye @bluutac @vousmemanqueez @jonesyaddiction @ambi-and-sunflowers @milanosaurus @httpfandxms @saint-hardy @7-seas-of-fat-bottomed-girls @mrsalwayswritex @rogerina-owns-me @peterquillzsblog @im-an-adult-ish @crazylittlethingg @allauraleigh
Summary: Harry and (Y/n) recall what happened during labour when their daughter was born and how it affected them and their daughter’s future and life.
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"It isn't about the money, I have more money than they could offer, we're not here for a settlement. I don't want this to be swept this under the carpet, I want them to admit liability for what they've done to our daughter."
Harry never spoke like this.
It wasn't in the singer's nature to be abrasive or even to be straight to the point with people. When interviewers asked him questions that were rude or interfering or just plain rude he weaved around the question or gave a polite answer, Harry didn't know how to be mean or rude or cruel or subjective. He gave people the benefit of the doubt, he treated people with kindness and expected others to do the same.
But this was someone Harry couldn't be calm with and it was a subject that simply couldn't be talked about kindly. He felt cheated, he felt broken and hurt and fearful for his daughter's future and he didn't know how else to go about this when it was foreign territory to him.
"I understand that Mr Styles-"
"Then why offer us a settlement that discloses we can't go to court if we sign it?" Harry took law in college even if it wasn't something he had pursued or taken to university, he knew the basics. He read the contract that was pushed in front of him and waved in front of his face like a flag, it was there urging them to sign to make this all go away when that wasn't the point of them being here.
If Harry and (Y/n) signed the settlement in front of them all that would happen was a sum of money would be placed into their bank account for Lilah's future and that would be it. There would be no one taking responsibility for what they had done to her, no one would say sorry or be held accountable and if (Y/n) and Harry ever changed their minds, they couldn't go to court or take this any further because the settlement meant that was it. It was a contract to make everything go away for the hospital, not for them.
Harry would be blunt of that was what their solicitor in front of them wanted. Harry would tell her that the money the hospital were offering wouldn't make a dent on what he himself had made by the time he was nineteen with the band and it was nothing compared to what he had gotten over the years afterwards. He didn't want money, Harry had far too much of it for his own good, he didn't need any more money he was set for three lifetimes over.
He and (Y/n) hadn't come here today to try and get money for themselves or for Lilah because they could provide for her. They were here because their daughter deserved some kind of justice for the mistakes that had happened and Harry wasn't leaving without it.
"Because going to court can take months, even years and there is no guarantee that you will win the case, and that's if it gets to court. A settlement is easier for both parts and it is the first point of call. The medical board has already examined your case and is willing for a settlement because court is unlikely."
"We've got the rest of Lilah's life to take them to court for what they've done to her. Money can't change how they've ruined her life." (Y/n) felt Harry taking her hand in his when she spoke up for the first time since they entered the office. She wasn't in the mood to argue but it seemed to be the only way they were going to get through to the solicitor who was supposed to be on their side. They had hired her so she could help them get the hospital to admit liability for Lilah.
Lilah's birth two years ago hadn't been a smooth ride, it had been anything but and because of the midwife and doctor's negligence during her birth, Lilah hadn't been breathing for fourteen seconds. She suffered with her breathing when she finally managed to breathe and was stuck in ICU for two months and two months ago at Lilah's checkup, they found out she had cerebral palsy caused by the lack of breathing during her birth. It wasn't something that could be treated or cured, Lilah could only be helped and her life made easier but her condition was lifelong.
Harry and (Y/n) had more than enough money to care for Lilah and any medical expenses or treatment she would need, they weren't trying to sue the medical board for compensation. They wanted them to take responsibility for how they had ruined Lilah's life. Walking was going to be a struggle for her, if she could ever walk, she might have speech problems and development issues growing up. Her life was never going to be normal or easy but if her birth had been smoother her life would be normal.
"Mrs Styles, I can see why you're wanting to do this, but you must see that there is a very limited number of people who take these kind of cases to court when they're not after compensation for their child. The court would deem it pointless."
"It's pointless to want justice for your child? Lilah's whole life is ruined and money can't fix it, I want them to admit what they did and be reprimanded for it." (Y/n) knew this. She knew most parents didn't have the kind of money she or Harry did so when they went to court they wanted both justice and compensation which meant they would be able to look after their child and have their child cared for for life. But just because they had money didn't mean they had justice.
"I'm sorry but the court won't see admitting liability as a reason for taking things that far if you don't want compensation. I'm not saying it won't ever happen but the chances aren't great when you aren't asking for money, that's how the court and the hospital will see this."
"Fine, tell the medical board we'll take them to court for liability and for compensation that can be donated to a charity of our choice because of what they did. They can put a large chunk of money towards a charity helping kids with cerebral palsy because they caused it for Lilah. They ruined her life, all we're asking is for responsibility and we're getting it. Tell them anything, that we want that doctor fired for this, just... please, our daughter isn't a case they can throw money at to get her to go away. Her health can't be fixed with money, they should know that."
The way Harry spoke was almost admirable if it wasn't for the pained expression on his lips or the way that his rings punctured into his fingers and his palms when his hands clenched into tight fists. His legs were crossed causing his knee to push into the desk in front of him as his head was leaning on his right hand, pushing his ring into his jaw.
If they would only go to court for compensation reasons then he and (Y/n) would do that. They would take a large amount of the hospital's money and donate it to a charity to pay for what they did to Lilah, as long as it got the hospital to admit what they did and get some kind of repercussion for the doctor who let Lilah suffer in the way she did.
Her life was ruined just as it began, no money could fix the doctor's mistakes and no amount of money could make her better, if it could Harry would have paid it already. He wanted to be able to tell Lilah when she was older that this wouldn't happen to anyone else and they got justice for the life she had to live.
"Okay, I'll see what I can do."
Lilah-Rose Styles.
The name floated around in (Y/n)'s head like a mantra she couldn't stop thinking about until she could see the letters dancing in front of her when she opened her eyes. But what really made her head swim and her heart beat faster was when she heard the name from Harry's lips. The way he spoke so slowly and drawled out the name made it sound like it was the most precious thing in the world. Anything sounded better when Harry said it but that name sounded so unique when his accent and slow speech put a spin on it.
For this last month of the pregnancy (Y/n) had heard that name from his lips almost every day and it was heaven, it was as if she was already born and right here with them when he said it. The name made this so much more real, even more real than being in labour right now.
They practised saying the name and seeing how it rolled off the tongue, how it looked in writing and they imagined how she would look and if the name would suit her. But now they had their hearts set on the name, (Y/n) was worried she wouldn't look like a Lilah-Rose when she was born.
"I'm gonna get it tattooed somewhere, with a little rose in the corner and the letters spelled out in vines and petals." The way Harry whispered those words in her ear made (Y/n) smile sweetly despite the agony she felt and the sweat glistening on her skin or her hair that was matted in its bobble and hanging limply wherever it so pleased.
She could tell that Harry already had the design ready in his head as always, with an intricate tattoos he could picture the exact size it would be, where he wanted it, if it should be in colour or just dark navy blue ink. He could picture every little detail and describe it as if it was already inked onto his skin.
"W-where? You don't have much space left." (Y/n) mumbled quietly through gritted teeth, not wanting to speak much louder in case her voice broke but there was no annoyance or malice in her tone. The only free space Harry had left was his back, his neck and his legs. Having their daughter's name on his legs wouldn't seem right, having her name on his back meant Harry couldn't see it which was why he had no tattoos on his back and on his neck didn't seem right somehow.
"Just above the butterfly, gotta have it near my heart, right?"
(Y/n) could only nod her head in response before she tucked her chin into her chest giving Harry the exposure he needed to kiss the back of her neck which reminded her of butterfly wings delicately fluttering against her skin.
Both Harry's hands were curled around (Y/n)'s to the point her hands were engulfed and no longer visible but that was how she liked it. The only difference was that he didn't have his rings on, only his wedding ring was left and it was weird for both of them when he only took a few of them off when he went to sleep. But Harry didn't want all the rings on right now because he wanted to hold (Y/n)'s hands and the rings would only puncture into her skin and cause her more pain.
(Y/n) found herself staring at Harry's nails for a few seconds when it felt like her head was buzzing with static. She focused on the very light shades of pale pink and lime green coating his nails and she almost got lost in the simple colours until the pain came rushing back to her.
The water they were sat in was very calming and soothing to her torn and aching muscles but it wasn't medicine, it didn't mask the pain. But it did stop (Y/n)'s muscles from seizing up and stopped her from being stiff sitting on the bed like she had been for the past six hours.
"Okay, a big push for me and her head should be almost crowning."
That was music to (Y/n)'s ears, they were getting so close now that it was becoming scary, but it was almost over. Lilah was so close she was almost within their reach, they could have her in their arms soon, they could see what she looked like and how big she was and how delicate she looked and hear her cry for the first time and take her first breath.
(Y/n) felt the water lapping at her skin when she leaned back against Harry's chest and sunk down just a little bit more into the water, letting it envelope around her in a smothering hug.
It felt relaxing to have Harry's hands in hers and his arms pulling around her waist like he didn't want her to suddenly drift away in the water. But (Y/n)'s eyes soon opened and her head leaned back on his shoulder to look up at him when he shifted back in the water rather suddenly like something had spooked him or dawned on him. She didn't have the energy to speak so she just looked up at him quizzically.
"I- is that normal?" Harry looked over at the midwife who was across from them in the small pool they were sat in but his eyes showed only anxiety and confusion. He knew what to expect, he'd been to the birthing classes and to all the doctor's appointments with (Y/n) and they'd gone through the birthing plan they wanted. But when he looked down and saw that the water was turning a bright shade of red, it didn't look normal to him. Blood was normal in this case but the way the water looked like he was becoming dyed with food colouring made Harry nervous.
(Y/n) tightened her hands around Harry's when Jane reached forward to examine her stomach before pulling back.
"It's a small haemorrhage because baby seems to be breach. She seems a bit distressed so I'll call doctor but the best thing might be to get you out of the pool and onto the bed." The midwife they knew as Jane didn't look worried which settled one of the many nerves raging in Harry's stomach but he still didn't like this.
He could feel (Y/n) tightening her hands around his and he saw the pained expression on her face. The water had calmed her from the moment she sat down in the pool and it was making her more at ease and relaxed, getting back on the bed wasn't what she wanted, she wanted to have Lilah here in the pool.
"Harry I- I can't move." (Y/n) tucked her face into Harry's neck as she felt like crying in anger and annoyance. Her legs were immobile right now and her lower half was numb despite her not having any pain relief, standing up wasn't going to be a good option, let alone trying to walk over to the bed. (Y/n) wanted to stay here, she wanted to sit in the water and have Lilah here and have her properly as opposed to having her breach like this.
It dawned on Harry as odd that Jane didn't know sooner that Lilah was going to be breach but he suspected Lilah must have just wriggled around at the last minute and decided to change her position to keep them on their toes.
"S'alright love, we'll get you up and on the bed, you'll be fine."
They both turned their heads in the direction of the door when it opened and a doctor walked in. He looked to be middle forties with slightly grey hair and grey stubble but he wore a smile which was kind of calming. He spoke quietly with Jane for a few seconds before he examined (Y/n)'s stomach presumably to check Lilah was actually breach.
"Alright Mrs Styles, let's get you on the bed and check you both over, I don't think we'll be needing this pool any longer."
Harry could hear the small whimper that left (Y/n)'s lips at the news but they couldn't really do anything else. He got out first so he could help (Y/n) without the risk of slipping or falling himself but he could see the way she trembled and how her legs were buckling the moment she stood up. She was too numb and weak to be moving far at all. Her arms locked around Harry's neck and his hands were firm on her hips, slowly guiding (Y/n) out of the pool with Jane holding her arms for added precaution.
"Shh, shh it's okay, I've got you." Harry's voice was so quiet yet calming it sounded like he was singing in (Y/n)'s ear when a pained moan escaped her lips and her nails suddenly punctured into his upper back. Her head pushed into his chest and her back arched along with her knees but Harry managed to keep her upright, not wanting her to go down on her knees in case she hurt herself.
He made sure to be careful when they walked over to the bed since all three of them were dripping water from the pool but Harry couldn't help but wince when (Y/n) screamed the moment they tried to ease her onto the bed. She seemed to want to squat down or kneel on the floor but that wasn't really a choice right now.
Harry kneeled on the edge of the bed with (Y/n) sat in the middle, her legs hanging off the other side of the bed and her back leaning up against Harry, his arms cocooned around her waist to calm her down and secure her against him. He could almost feel the pain (Y/n) didn't seem to notice when the doctor injected her in her thigh with something to help clot her blood to make sure the bleeding would stop.
Jane placed a few monitoring stickers on (Y/n)'s stomach but the sudden noise the monitor made made both Harry and (Y/n) jump, it sounded like Lilah's heartbeat was slow but the monitor was panicking and getting louder to voice its panic.
"Baby is distressed and she's haemorrhaging... should I call for an emergency C-section?" Jane tried to be quiet when talking to the doctor but both parents heard and Harry felt (Y/n) shaking in his arms. That was a last resort, (Y/n) wanted to do this naturally but she didn't count on anything going wrong, she hoped for the best and didn't try and think about the worst.
"Is something wrong, that sounds bad." Harry had both his mother and his sister talk him through this so he would be ready and neither of them had had anything happen during their pregnancies. Everything had gone smoothly and Harry was only prepared for this to go smoothly too, he didn't know what to do if something went wrong or out of plan, he liked things scheduled and perfect. Things going wrong or out of time didn't settle well with him because he liked to have control of the situation so everything was okay.
"Don't worry we won't need a C-section, baby is just unsettled. I'm sure (Y/n) can start pushing again and the sooner we have baby here the better things will be. We don't have any reason to panic just yet."
The doctor seemed very certain and he was still smiling like he had control but it didn't feel right. (Y/n) wondered if a C-section might be easier because it would be swift, Lilah could be born quickly and helped instantly. But then again, if she was almost crowning now, it might be too late for a C-section if she was almost here.
"Let's start pushing." The way he spoke was almost forceful even though he was calm and still partly smiling. It was like he was in a hurry or had somewhere else he needed to be.
(Y/n) looked up at Harry who looked just as uncertain as she did because they both knew (Y/n) had been coached to push on contractions rather than as and when she was told by a professional. But as soon as the next contraction hit (Y/n) pushed like she was told, even though this time it felt like her lower half was beginning to burn.
Harry punctured his teeth into his lower lip to stop himself from screaming when (Y/n)'s shriek tore through to his soul as if she had been stabbed but it didn't phase the doctor at all.
"Just unhooking baby's legs (Y/n), keep pushing everything is fine."
She couldn't keep pushing, it was hurting more than it should and (Y/n) didn't like how this doctor was acting or speaking. He could have warned her that Lilah's legs were caught and he was going to pull them down to free them rather than hurt her and then tell her what he was doing. He could be more considerate and understanding that she was pushing a baby out and it wasn't going according to plan.
"I can't... H- Harry s-she isn't okay..." (Y/n)'s chest was vibrating and shuddering up and down as she was barely breathing, all of her air was bumping out through her lips but only small amounts of air were being inhaled to the point she wasn't really breathing at all. (Y/n) could see the monitor was becoming more frantic and Lilah wasn't even moving anymore, aside from (Y/n) forcing her out into the world. Something wasn't right, she didn't want to do this anymore she wanted to be at home safe and sound with Lilah and Harry, not here in pain and in danger of something going wrong.
"I know, I know but she's almost here now love. Just keep going at your pace, you're doing so well." Harry couldn't do anything or say anything to make it better. He could only hold (Y/n) and encourage her to carry on because Lilah was nearly born, they couldn't very well have a C-section now when she was half born, the only way to help her was to get labour over and done with, as bad as it may seem.
Harry's eyes darted around the room though he wasn't sure what he was searching for. He watched Jane getting towels and clamps and scissors ready to cut the cord and she set up the scales and got tubes in case Lilah couldn't breathe, she seemed to have given u and let the doctor take over fully. But he wasn't much help and when Harry leaned over he could see the steady flow of blood dripping onto the sheet on the bed and the one placed on the floor. The blood was trickling down Lilah's legs and smeared onto (Y/n)'s legs and it made him want to be sick.
"Baby's arms are stuck, I need you to push long and hard for me so we can free them."
Harry could feel the exact moment the doctor tried to free Lilah's arms because it sent waves of shock and pain through (Y/n) who vibrated in his arms. Her scream was ungodly and Harry could only imagine how the pain must have felt but as he hugged (Y/n) tighter and tried to calm her down by humming in her ear, he leaned forward to look down over her shoulder.
The blood was getting substantial but what scared the flesh from his bones was looking at Lilah. Only her head wasn't born yet but her chest was moving like she was convulsing and her arms were shaking and it made Harry wonder if she was trying to breathe. He'd heard of it, babies trying to breathe when born breach because it would be confusing to them but if she was doing that she could suffocate.
"I- it hurts... please..." (Y/n) didn't know what she was pleading for but whatever it was, she needed it to happen now. She was feeling like she was about to pass out from the pain that the doctor was only making worse and she could feel Harry's lips pressing to her cheek and the tears falling from his eyes because he was scared for both his girls.
She just wanted it to stop.
"Just the head now (Y/n), we need baby born now so she doesn't start breathing with her head suffocated like this." His words did nothing to calm the couple down because Harry knew. He could feel it in his gut that his girl was already suffocating but if he told the doctor or (Y/n) that it would only further hurt and panic his wife. Harry couldn't tell (Y/n) in case she hurt herself trying to get Lilah into the world.
"S-stop! Stop it!" (Y/n) wanted to kick her feet out and knock the doctor away from her until he was on his hands and knees and didn't dare come back near her but she couldn't move her legs an inch with how numb and broken they felt. The air was taken from her lungs when it felt like the doctor was butchering her.
(Y/n) had been prepared when they came to the hospital, she knew that when having Lilah the head would be the worst to give birth to but she thought that would be first and then it would be much easier to push. But having her come the wrong way round meant the worst bit was at the end and (Y/n) was out of energy to push any more but it was almost as if the doctor was pulling Lilah or moving her to try and get her head free and (Y/n) didn't like it one bit.
"What the fuck are you doing?!" Harry looked over at the doctor with malice in his eyes, he was causing (Y/n) so much pain with such an air of confidence about him that he shouldn't have. He should be kind, sympathetic and be helping (Y/n) rather than trying to get this whole ordeal over with.
"Baby is born now." His words were overpowered by the mix of a scream and a wail that echoed around the walls and reverted back to Harry's ears that made him cringe.
Harry felt (Y/n) slump down against him like she had suddenly passed out or even died but when he looked at her he could see her half-lidded eyes were still conscious. His arms tightened around her despite not wanting to cause her pain, he wanted to comfort her as well as himself and holding her closer was the only way he could calm himself down right now.
He leaned over (Y/n)'s shoulder again, pressing his lips to the top of her head but his eyes focused on the doctor who had their girl resting on his knees. She wasn't moving anymore, not even a spasm of her arm or a little wriggle, her chest wasn't quaking and her lips were a pale shade of blue with her skin being pale grey instead of peach or bright pink.
She wasn't okay.
He looked down at (Y/n), trying to hide the pain in his eyes so she wouldn't get scared but she was already afraid. She hadn't heard their girl cry, she hadn't managed to look down and see Lilah and the doctor wasn't saying anything either. She knew something had been wrong and she knew Lilah wasn't okay by the way Harry wasn't smiling or crying with joy or marvelling at their daughter.
"Shh... it's okay." He knew it wasn't but he didn't know what else to say.
Harry watched Jane mess around cutting the cord and delivering the placenta as the doctor stood up and moved a few feet away, not looking panicked as he tried to get Lilah to breathe. Harry couldn't help but count the seconds he watched the doctor try and force Lilah to take a proper breath and he got to roughly thirteen seconds before his eyes widened in their sockets. He heard (Y/n) moaning in absolute agony when they both watched Lilah take a breath but blood and a murky substance left her lips at the same time.
Jane rushed over to the doctor with a small tube which they placed down Lilah's throat to clear her lungs as she continued to cough and breathe very shallow, small breaths.
Neither couple knew who had called for another doctor who came rushing into the room but they were thankful for her. When Harry felt the way (Y/n) started to shake against him when the previous doctor who was no longer holding Lilah came over to them, he felt like screaming.
This man had hurt (Y/n) when there was no need, he hadn't treated her with any respect or kindness or like she was a mother in pain and he'd not cared or fussed over Lilah when she was in peril.
"Get out. Get out I want him out!" The words were repeated again and again with more rage until finally the new doctor came over to the couple.
"I'm Dr Hane, I'll take over your aftercare now. Dr Cole, can you leave the room please?" She clearly didn't understand the tension in the room but she was at least obliging to the couple's wishes and putting them first. She took a few seconds to check over Lilah who was in Jane's arms before she moved to kneel in front of (Y/n). "Jane, please take the little one down to ICU immediately, (Y/n), is it? We need you laying properly on the bed, let's sort you out honey."
"Baby... I w-want my baby..." (Y/n) reached a shaking hand out to Jane who was just about to rush out of the room with Lilah in her arms. But (Y/n) hadn't even gotten one glimpse of her yet, she wanted to see her and touch her and make sure she was alive before she was swept away anywhere else.
"You can't hold her just now but you can touch her and look at her for a few moments... she's inhaled fluids and some blood when trying to breathe in the womb so her lungs need to be cleared out."
Dr Hane nodded and Jane who moved and stood beside the couple, not really willing for them to hold her since Lilah was clearly unwell and needed special care right now but they could see her. Harry's hand enveloped over (Y/n)'s and reached out for Lilah, their fingers brushing over her cheek and pale chest. They were relieved that the blood wasn't due to a problem in Lilah's lungs but at the same time, inhaling fluids was still a very bad thing, she could get infections or pneumonia from that.
Harry kissed (Y/n)'s temple repeatedly when her breaths started to tremble before a round of sobs escaped her lips when Jane left with Lilah. (Y/n) felt like it was the last time they were going to see her, like they were stealing her away or she was dead and they couldn't even hold her.
"S'okay baby, shh, we'll hold her when she's better." Harry hoped to God that his words were true.
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lifeofkaze · 3 years
An Art of Balance #6
A/N: If anyone’s interested, the perfume Lizzie is wearing is one of my all-time favourites, Aqua di Gioia by Giorgio Armani. It’s really poorly described here because my olfactory recognition doesn’t go beyond ‘good’ and ‘bad’, but well. It’s divine though. Also, bear with me if sth astrological is wrong, this stuff is complicated! Katriona Cassiopeia (aka KC) belongs to my lovely friend @kc-needs-coffee
  Word Count: ~ 2.100
Chapter 6: A New Perspective
As it turned out, Orion’s decision to name Everett Hufflepuff’s new Beater had been the right one. He still had a way to go, but he immediately fell in line with the rest of the team. What he lacked in precision, he made up in strength.
Orion had taking his individual training on himself. As the team’s captain, he saw it as his personal responsibility to ensure every one of his teammates was able to reach his full potential. Everett was a fast learner, but it would take him a few more sessions to even be remotely able to hold a candle to the Ravenclaw Beaters.
Rath and Cassiopeia had been a well attuned team for many years now, both as skilled a Beater as they came. They would need any protection against them they could get, and the match against Ravenclaw was approaching fast.
Although Orion wasn’t the type of person to let his mind be clouded by worries, he had to admit he wasn’t entirely sure they could get Everett into proper form in time. He had been voicing his concerns to Lizzie the other day, during one of their tutoring sessions. If anyone knew what it took to become a Beater in a short amount of time it was her.
Lately, Orion had found himself looking forward to their meetings in the greenhouse, despite his already tightly packed schedule. It was refreshing to discuss their team matters with someone that didn’t flood him with a multitude of statistics for a change. Lizzie had a different approach to things than him, but they weren’t polar opposites like he and Skye. Exchanging views with her had provided him with a new impulse more than once.
In fact, he had come to enjoy her presence in general, even more so than before. They had always been friends but his knowledge about her had pretty much begun and ended at the Quidditch pitch. Seeing her outside team meetings and practise had allowed him to get to know other sides of her. He’d had no idea Lizzie had been part of the duelling club until last year. Or that Arithmancy was one of her favourite subjects. Or that she used a perfume smelling distinctively of jasmine and mint.
Orion had a harder time bonding with her friend Rowan. He hadn’t had any points of contact with her before he had started tutoring them. Now, several weeks later, he still knew hardly anything about her. She seemed to be exceptionally smart, but also equally as shy. Most of the time she would consult her textbook about the plants he tried to teach them about, while Lizzie paid it no mind, listening to his explanations instead.
Orion couldn’t help his impression that Rowan was struggling with his unconventional style of teaching. He didn’t refer to books more than he had to, rather letting his instinct and experience guide him.
Having trained with him for years, Lizzie knew his way of conveying knowledge was not always straightforward. Rowan, however, had a hard time letting go of protocol. She was clinging to the academic theory as if her life depended on it. Following the rules could help with a lot of problems, but she would never master the delicate nuances advanced Herbology had to offer, if she wasn’t willing to tread paths unknown to her.
“And what exactly is the difference between dried foxglove petals and desiccated foxglove petals?”
McNully snapped him out of his thoughts and back to where they were sitting in the Great Hall. It was study time and most of the students were gathered at their House tables, brooding over their homework.
They had been discussing their latest Potions essay, covering the effects sourcing methods had on the quality of ingredients.
“That is what we are supposed to illustrate, I believe.” Orion dipped his quill into the ink bottle they were sharing and tried to pick up where his wandering thoughts had let him off. His eyes wandered casually across the other Hufflepuff students lining their table.
It lingered where Skye and Lizzie were sitting. Lizzie was rapidly flicking through the pages of her textbook with a puzzled expression. Skye was talking insistently at her, looking equally as bewildered.
Several heads shot up as Lizzie audibly slammed her book shut and clambered off the bench. When Skye made no move to follow her, she jerked the other girl up off her seat and motioned with her head towards where he and McNully were sat.
They quietly walked towards the head of the Hufflepuff table. Seeing them approach, McNully reached for his wheelchair that was blocking the way. He moved it aside to allow the girls to join them. Orion smiled.
“What can we help you with?”
Wordlessly, Lizzie held up her copy of Unfogging the Future and slid into a seat between Murphy and him. She reopened the page she had been examining before and gave a frustrated sigh.
“I cannot tell you how much I hate Divination, I really can’t. You’re good at this, aren’t you?”
Orion supressed a smile. “So I am told. What bothers you in particular?”
“It’s those bloody birthstones,” Skye explained. “No matter how often we go over it, Lizzie and I always come to different results and we can’t find the mistake.”
They handed him their notes and Orion quickly gave them a check before returning them.
“That is because both choices are correct. There is more than one birthstone for each of the zodiac signs. You both chose the right stone for the right sign, but in different parts of the time span covered.”
Skye groaned in frustration, earning her a chiding glance from Professor Flitwick, who was supervising them today. “What do you mean, more than one? Why can’t this stuff be straightforward for once?”
“Everyone is different and such is reflected in the stones fortifying our inner strengths. Why should there be so little birthstones when there are so many traits to represent?”
Both girls looked at him with blank expressions.
Patiently, he flipped the pages to one of the star charts at the back of the book. “The astrological year is divided into the twelve zodiac signs. Each zodiac sign is subdivided into three decades, meaning a set of ten days. There are additional factors to consider, but simply put, there are three birthstones for each sign, representing one decade each. That is why you come to different conclusions, you didn’t factor in the time of the month.”
He contemplated telling them about the stones meant to counteract each signs weaknesses. But seeing Skye pinching the bridge of her nose, while was Lizzie trying to process what he had just said, muttering “I hate Divination” under her breath, he decided against it. Better not too much at once.
“How do you know all this nonsense?” Skye was shaking her head in disbelief.
“I know all this because it is explained in the introduction of the chapter you two apparently weren’t reading too diligently.” He turned the pages back to the beginning and pointed at the paragraph on the first page.
Lizzie’ cheeks flushed a bright read as she quickly scanned the text. “I can’t believe I overlooked this.” Embarrassed, she quickly snatched the book out of Orion’s hands and got up. “Thanks for helping anyway.”
They made their way back to their places, the scent of jasmine and mint lingering behind. Orion was always glad if he could help a friend. A few seats down the table, Lizzie was discussing what he had just told them with Skye. He thought back on what Penny and Murphy had said on the train ride to Hogwarts a few weeks earlier.
Lizzie really had changed a lot. She seemed to be standing taller, an air of effortless confidence around her. The blush on her cheeks had made her look really pretty, reminding him of how the rush of the wind brought the colour to her face when she was flying. She was moving differently as well, more graceful and fluently, her hips swaying ever so slightly with every step she took. He had never noticed her hips swaying like that before.
McNully nudged his shoulder. “Uhm, Orion… if you don’t want to rewrite your whole essay, I’d move my quill if I was you.”
He snapped out of it and looked down at his parchment. The ink was dripping from the tip of his quill, forming a large black puddle at the end of his last sentence that was quickly spreading onto the rest of his half-finished essay.
Orion cursed under his breath, immediately drawing his wand to vanish the excess ink. Fortunately not too much of his work was ruined.
McNully raised his eyebrows. “Such a strong language, my friend. I have only heard you curse three times, so far. One time was when you crashed your broom into the commentary box and broke your wrist, the second time when you forgot the time while broom balancing and almost missed your Defence Against the Dark Arts O.W.L. exam and the third time when you burned yourself on your cauldron and spilled Wiggenweld Potion all over Professor Snape. This reaction is 87,9 % surprising.”
He felt the heat creeping up his neck. McNully was right, he wasn’t easily enticed to displaying his emotions verbally. He hadn’t meant to let himself slip like that.
Choosing not to answer his curious friend, he committed himself to restoring the missing part of his essay. But McNully wouldn’t let it pass like that.
He was nodding in the direction of Lizzie. “I wonder if she knows how much attention she is attracting.”
Orion gripped his quill a little tighter, concentrating on finishing his sentence. He fought the urge to follow McNully’s gaze.
“Our friend has a captivating personality, for sure. But would you mind lifting the veil of ignorance from my eyes and tell me how you reached such a conclusion?”
For a moment, McNully smirked knowingly before he directed Orion’s attention over to where their roommates were sitting. He could easily make out what McNully had been referring to. Everett was eyeing the girls up without even trying to conceal it.
“Him, of course. He’s been checking Lizzie out ever since she came over to us.” He smiled innocently at him. “Why, who did you think I was talking about?”
Orion’s brow furrowed in concern. He didn’t like the predatory look on Everett’s face. This guy had somewhat of a reputation.
“Yeah, I don’t like the looks he’s giving her either,” McNully echoed his unspoken thoughts with a scowl. He leaned closer to him, putting his elbow on Orion’s shoulder in conspiratorial way. “I think we should do something about it, don’t you? And by ‘we’, I obviously mean ‘you’.”
Shaking off McNully’s hand, Orion gave him a disapproving look. “And why would I do that? He is our new Beater if you don’t recall.”
“For the sake of the team, of course!”
McNully started reciting his calculations. “I’d put the chance of him going for our little Chaser prodigy at roughly 80 %. There are some variables unaccounted for, but I’d say the chances of Lizzie falling for him lie at something around 54 %. Which would affect the team’s dynamic gravely. And we can’t have that decreasing our- I mean, your odds on winning the Quidditch Cup.”
Orion blew onto his parchment until the ink had properly dried. “You talk as if he was actually hitting her up. All he did was looking at her.”
And there was certainly nothing wrong with looking.
“Lizzie can fend for herself if need be. Besides, who am I to interfere with the course the heart is deciding to take.”
McNully looked at him as if he had lost his mind. “Mate… I don’t think the heart has much to with it if you get my drift. Seriously, do something.”
“Don’t worry, I will.” He stood up and handed Professor Flitwick his work of the day.
McNully raised one eyebrow at him. “And what would that be?”
Orion gathered his strewn books and notes. “Finding balance inside and outside of my mind, my dear friend. See you at dinner.”
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studywithdanielle · 4 years
How to Study For: Uni Entrance Exams
14 JUL 2020
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Hey guys! I’m currently studying for the TSA and I thought it would be helpful for me to consolidate my process so I can look back on it. Then I remembered that I have a studyblr (woop woop 🎉!) and that I can possibly help others by posting it on here.
NOTE: This is a strategy for exams consisting of multiple choice or short answer questions. If you’d like me to cover essay question prep, just let me know 🥰 !
Btw, I’m a conceptual learner that likes formulas so if this sounds like a rocket launch countdown, I deeply apologise ?.
What You’ll Need:
Internet - I mean, what don’t we use it for these days?
Practise papers
Practise questions
Phase 1 - Preparation
Step 1: Don’t panic
Okay you can panic a little, especially if you’ve left it late but not all hope is lost!
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Yes, I know the ‘duh, duh, duh!!!’ didn’t help but panicking will only make you feel overwhelmed and will make the exam seem impossible. Here’s what you should do instead:
Step 2: Find out what the university actually wants
Why do they have an entrance exam anyway?
Especially in the UK, most universities don’t have an entrance exam so if they do, there’s a reason and you’re going to be Sherlock Holmes and find out why that is. Whilst it may seem like they’re trying to traumatise you, I don’t think they particularly enjoy marking a zillion papers 🤧.
What do they expect?
For most university courses, there are a grade requirements and knowing what those are is really helpful for setting your own expectations. If your course (likes mine) doesn’t require maths and there are maths problems on the exam, they won’t be at A-level, IB HL or AP standard.
What score should I be aiming for?
This links to the previous question but finding admissions stats for your subject will help you determine a mark that you’re aiming for. Many of these tests are not designed for really high marks so releasing that expectation early will save you a great deal of stress.
What skills are they testing?
For some entrance exams, the university will list out the skills they’re testing in their entrance exam. Practising these skills broadly will help you to develop them. For example, if they’re testing translation in a language entrance exam, reading in the target language and understanding it will be good practise because you’ll be able to convey ideas from another language if you understand them.
Step 3: Master your strategy
The worst thing that could happen in an exam is that you don’t know what to do or what to write. The best way to tackle that? Having a strategy. Sometimes just having something to do in an exam even if you don’t actually know what you’re doing gives your brain some time to stop freaking out and start problem-solving. To master your strategy, you need to:
Find out the question types
For example, the TSA is split into 2 sections (I have to do both 😭), one multiple-choice paper and one 30 minute essay. I know there are about 9-10 different types of questions targeting 2 skills: critical thinking and problem-solving. By doing this, I can work towards perfecting each question type and in theory will be able to do the whole of the first paper.
Figure out the timings
You can do this in minutes per mark or if there’s an advised amount of time you should spend on a particular type of question, take a note of this.
Figure out your process for each question type
Usually at the beginning of a book full of practise questions, there will be a description as to how best to approach each question. If there isn’t or you don’t have access to one, try looking up strategies on the wonder that is the Internet. If you’re still not sure, attempt questions with commentary answers so that id you get them wrong, you can create a strategy of your own using the tips you’ve gathered from there.
Practise, practise practice. Oh, and did I say practise?
When practising questions:
Make sure to practise a block of questions that are all the same type. This will allow you to learn how to identify the question type quicker and also gives you a sign to stop so you don’t spend all day working on these questions because you’re stressed 😪.
1. Attempt the question
2. Mark the question
3. If you got it wrong, try and figure out why yourself - write this in a different colour.
4. Check the markscheme or talk-through (if there is one) and add in anything you may have missed or anything that could be helpful for the next question in another colour. Now you’ve differentiated between what you could figure out and what you couldn’t.
5. Attempt the next question
*This may seem tedious because why would you not mark all the questions at the end? Doing it this way ensures you approach each question with a better idea of what to do and allows you to pick up on nuances that you may not have otherwise realised. Also, you don’t want to instil the “wrong” method or idea because of muscle-memory.*
6. Once you finish your block of questions, make note of something that went well, something that could’ve been better and what to do for next time. I’d advise you to keep this in a table so that you can see your progress over time. Make sure to look at this before you attempt this style of question again.
Okay so now we now how to practise a block of questions, do we do them to time or not.
I’d recommend doing them not to time at first.
This will allow you to focus on mastering your process and approach to each type of question. You should continue to do this (if you have enough time) until:
You’ve perfected your process/approach
You’ve ensured your strategy actually helps YOU get the right answer
Once you know the strategy works, you’ll feel more confident in the exam, especially because you know if you blank, you have something to fall back on.
I say ‘YOU’ because whilst a strategy straight out of a textbook may work fine for someone else, it may not be the best way for you. Don’t be afraid to tweak it to fit you or create a whole new strategy altogether!
Now, if your strategy works, move onto the next stage. If not, let’s troubleshoot your strategy.
Troubleshooting your process:
1. Find patterns: are there a particular nuances you’re always missing or mistakes you’re making?
For example, in the TSA being able to differentiate between premises and conclusions is really important. If I find that this is something I can’t do, I’ve discovered a pattern.
2. Practise on easier questions.
With the example above, I may look up arguments for GCSE RS or psychology students and try and identify premises and clauses.
3. Adjust your strategy as is necessary
You may realise that you should another step to your strategy, such as highlighting key words, after practising on easier questions
Right, so you have your strategy down - now what?
Practise to time.
It’s the timing that’s the stickler for many uni entrance exams and the best way to get that down is to practise doing the questions to time. I’d still recommend doing the questions in their question blocks at this stage or mixing up blocks that are similar in question type.
Step 4: Practice tests
Now you know what to do when you see all the types of questions, it’s time to apply what you’ve learnt to a real paper. This is where you see what has stuck and what hasn’t so it’s important to see this is a learning process - don’t expect to get 100% on your first try.
When completing a practice test:
1. Answer the entire test
Since you’ve got your processes down, it’s not necessary to mark each question individually since it’s so time-consuming.
2. Go through and mark the test
3. Try and work out where you went wrong, do this in a different colour.
4. Go through the mark scheme and add further corrections in a different colour.
5. Make a note of your mark, what went well, what could’ve been better (even better if ...) and what to do for next time in a tracker. Look at this before you next do a practice exam.
6. If you find you’re getting a particular type of question wrong every time, go back to those question blocks and master your strategy again.
As I said earlier, these tests are not designed for really high marks and so even after lots of practise, there’ll probably still be things that aren’t quite right. But if:
You’re getting the scores you want/need
You have your strategy for each question type down
Then congratulations - you are officially ready for the exam 🎉.
Whilst I wouldn’t advise all practise to stop, I do think that at this stage, running through loads more exam papers is a bit redundant. Maybe doing one every week or fortnight will suffice. Plus, if you started preparing early, you don’t want to go through alllll your practice papers before the exam actually comes around.
Phase 2 - Lead Up to the Exam
Congrats - you made it!
Honestly, I think if you’ve prepared properly then doing hardcore practise isn’t necessary and might burn you out in the lead up to the exam. If you take away anything from this really long post make it this:
Consistent practise always wins. Always.
If you’ve been consistently practising, there’s no need to cram too much last minute revision. I will say though that looking over your practice test tracker the night before the exam may be helpful as a last-minute reminder but, of course, if this is just going to stress you out further, don’t do it.
Last-Minute Tips
Don’t make this your whole life - It’s summer! There are so many more actually fun things you could be doing. Even practising a couple of times a week at first is absolutely fine.
Ask from advice from the experts - If there’s anything in particular that you’re worried about, ask someone who’s done or is practising for the test or email the university - they might be able to give you one of their students details so you can ask them directly.
Well, that’s all I’ve got for you ...
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I hope this was helpful! Feel free to add your own tips and if you have any questions or feedback, just ask me or message me - my DMs are always open. Of course, you could just leave a note on here but if you want to be a little fancy, hit me up!
Alsoooo, let me know if you want me to a) do this for essay-based entrance exams and/or b) turn this into a mini-series and apply these steps to different tests like the TSA, LNAT, BMAT, UKCAT, STEP etc. Then all the resources will be in one place. Obviously, I’m not preparing for all of them (doctor who? definitely not me 🤧) but I have some friends doing some of these exams so I can get some extra exclusive tips from them.
Now, carrying on with QOTD:
QOTD: How do you get over exam nerves?
For me, acknowledging that I’m nervous before the exam and that it’s okay before I distract myself makes me feel much calmer. In an actual exam, I usually cover my ears and try and focus on what I’m reading to get out of my head 😅.
PS: This is my first informative post - please don’t judge 🙈! And if you’ve found it helpful, please reblog so that others can see these tips too ☺️.
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cescalr · 3 years
4: Tell me about one of your abandoned WIPs. Why did you abandon it?
Usually abandoning a work is because I'm not sure where to go with it. All abandoned works of mine need a rewrite for obvious reasons (a few years have passed and my writing has changed, in both style and level of skill), so... there's that. The one I'll talk about is RRT. It says 'on hiatus'; this is a lie. I'll be changing that tag soon when I feel emotionally ready to do so a;lkgaj;slkdg god damn it.
62 186 wasted words, Published: 2016-12-06, last updated: 2018-03-25.
That's 3 years. It's abandoned. God damn it.
So. Where did I go wrong? Why'd I stop writing it?
Well, first off; I left it too long. I can take a year to write a chapter, but if it takes me a year to start writing a chapter, It means I've forgotten all the shit I didn't write down about where I want to go with something. My work ethic is poor and my planning skills are poorer, so.... whoops. It's something I'm working on now, but I really didn't know what I was doing back then.
Another thing Is power creep. I kind of had an Idea :tm:, but not exactly where I was going with it. Have a looksies at this comment, which I think is accurate;
'Frankly though u story is good its stiles and malia are starting to sound less like themselves and more like how u want them to be and how u view them. Espeically that scene with stiles talking about angels age when there was plenty of that in teenwolf. And again vamps are just as tough as weres and u that shadow stiles again again makes it sound like every dark xander mary sue fanfic . I can see great potential in ur story if u stay away from some of these things ive stated. Not trying to insult u.'
I was fifteen at the time of writing, so it explains some of the issues (kind of ooc, incorrect power balancing, etc.)
For example, in response to the comment;
1) Correct. I wasn't happy exactly with their characterisation in the show at the time, so I just went whatever way I wanted to. This is not really great practise, and it's made things a little awkward for me in terms of continuing the fic.
2) There was an unfortunate amount of statutory r*pe in both fandoms. Stiles was not very nice to Derek about it, and he was the victim, so canonically Stiles is a piece of shit and I'd probably slap him, but ic, the commenter's right. Nobody would give a crap about Angel being (some-hundred-and-)26, while Buffy was 16. God damn it. Hate that shit.
3) I can't say for sure whether TW's weres are the same strength as Buffy's vamps. But they're certainly not stronger than buffy herself, and I didn't keep that in mind. Whoopsie.
4) yeah, it does kind of sound like every dark!xander mary sue fic. Whoopsie.
5) That last line was very pleasant, and I made sure to thank them for it when I replied.
So, there's some reasoning. If I were to redo RRT, I'd change a few things. Probably put them in a different season, change the power levels, and I'd update the characterisation to match how I currently portray them. There are a few elements I do still like, of course. Stiles and Theo's dynamic, Stiles and Malia, Peter's general existence/presence within the fic. Making Giles act a little more responsibly after a wake-up call could've been handled better, but I do enjoy it. Buffy/Faith. Avoiding the cheating storyline. WillOz. Xandelia. Etc, etc.
'"I was supposed to get the claws for Malia, so she could depower her mother. She knew they might kill her, but didn't seem to mind all that much."
"Alright," Stiles allowed, "Say that's true. Those are the glowy blue claws, right? What do they do?"
"Steal power," Theo said. Informed. "They take power from a supernatural to give it to the supernatural who's wearing the claws."
"Alright," Stiles said. "That sounds dangerous in the wrong hands. Were you planning on using them?"
"... Yeah." Theo admitted. Properly, this time. Genuine.
(He's going to have to lie to make up for it.)
"Who were you going to maybe kill?"
"I was going to do it when it wouldn't kill them," Theo said. "A specific moon. It powers down the supernatural aside from Chimeras, since we aren't really supernatural beings in that sense."
Stiles' lips twist, mockingly amused. "Bet you like that, don't you?" He said. "Being a fake magical being that could die at any second."
"That's where you're wrong," Theo said, grinning to himself in the dark. "I'm the first Chimera. The first one to work. I'm no failure."
Stiles pulls his lips between his teeth and then - "Depends on who you ask."
Right. Theo supposes Stiles would consider Theo a failure. A failure as a friend, a failure as a brother, a son, as a person that could care about anything except himself.
But that's from Stiles' perspective. Over here, on Theo's side, the same could be said for Stiles.
(Maybe if either of them had said or done something, all of this would have turned out different. Or maybe it wouldn't, and they'd be here still, but more bitter. Maybe - in a world only Theo would imagine - It would be Stiles that was 'locked up' and Theo with the significant other who'd run away from a 'mistake' he'd made.)
(Theo's the only one who thinks it's only Theo that imagines that scenario.)
Theo sighs and looks out the window. It's late, still - really early morning - and he shakes his head.
"It's late." He says. "You should get some sleep."
Stiles didn't look all that great (in comparison to how he normally looks, which... well -), and Theo...
He's not sure. He cares, he supposes, in a roundabout way. He wants void Stiles, that's for certain, but he wants Stiles to want that, not to be possessed again. If he's tired, if he's weak, then maybe that would happen. Who knows here, who knows in a world like this one, with strange demons and vampires and all manner of creatures wandering the streets.
Theo cares. He doesn't like that, of course - but he does. They were friends once, these two. That's not easily forgotten.
(And maybe Theo thinks of him in a way that's vastly more complicated than friend. The way that means he doesn't want Malia and Stiles as a package deal, the way that means he's honestly just jealous of Scott.)
(But that's speaking in strictly maybes. For Theo... well. That wouldn't help, is all. It would hinder.)
See, some of it's salvageable. I kind of like that. Anyway! Yeah. That's it. And that's why. :)
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clareisa · 4 years
I’ll protect my Queen - mafia!AU -「I.M - Im Changkyun」
Request (requested by @xxkittenbebexx): Changkyun mafia Au, a death threat is aiming his S/O during their fiancee celebration party. Fluff could lead to smut as you want
A/N: Hope you like this one as well!♥
- gifs are not mine, credits to rightful owners
- English is not my first language, so please, excuse my mistakes
♥AUs Special Writing Season ♥
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  The mansion of MX family, how they were calling themselves, was today busier than it normally is at regular days. People, that could be only dreaming to take a look into the most beautiful villa in the neighbourhood, were today running around, stress taking over them, decorating the massive building for the special event that will be taking a place this evening. The French villa was impressive by itself with all of the luxury details on walls, heavy and expensive furniture from all around the world but the exotic flowers, shinning chandeliers and the live orchestra practising for the evening were creating extraordinary and blissful atmosphere. 
  And why such a madhouse and need of everything to be perfect? Well, one of the founders and the youngest brother in MX family was going to announce that he choose a woman that will be next to his side from now on until they’ll meet again in the afterlife. That he is finally ready to officially introduce the fourth queen of the underworld of Seoul, after his three older brothers Hyungwon, Kihyun and Minhyuk did as well. And this one is going to be the biggest and the best party in the world that is highly hiding from innocent society.
  The veil of the night dropped on the city of Seoul and the villa of MX family opened the gates for special guests from all around the country and world as well. The air was filled with mystery and excitement. No one besides the seven founders and house servants ever saw the future wife of the youngest brother. 
  You were looking out of the window behind the curtain carefully so no one could see your face. Nervously you retracted the curtains fully, put your hand on your heart trying to calm down the fast beating of your heart and the buddle on nerves in your stomach. Carefully you moved in front of the golden mirror. Your eyes ran up and down your form trying to get used to the view in front of you.
   Hair slicked back making your face and neck perfectly visible and serious looking. Scarlet red lipstick making your lips plump, eyeshadow making your eyes bigger and more cat-like and highlighted cheekbones was perfectly complementing each other perfectly. Looking at the choker-like pearl necklace made you smile because it was hiding the deep red Changkyn’s marks from last night. The long off-shoulders dark emerald green dress was hugging your figure perfectly. The Bardot neckline was showing your prominent collarbones and the slit starting in the middle of your thigh was making your right leg visible. Covered in luxury but you somehow felt naked. 
  The sound of the big mahogany door of your shared bedroom slowly opened and your lover peeked throught the gap. You turned to him, he fully opened them, entered the room and closed behind him. 
  Dark midnight black hair falling to his forehead, sharp eyes and perfectly fitting suit on his lean but defined muscular body made him the man that every woman desired but he was only yours and you both couldn’t be happier about it. The big smile appearing on his handsome face makes you a little more confident in your own skin. His dreamy gaze eyeing you up and down in complete trance made all the stress disappear in a second. 
  “You are absolutely gorgeous, my love.” he said looking back into your eyes. He slowly walked to you and as he was close enough, his hands wrapped around your waist gently while your arms wrapped around his neck. 
  “You really think so?” you asked giving him a small smile. 
  “Of course, my love. I can’t wait how all women will be jealous of your beauty and grace, all men jealous of me because I’m the one who has angel by his side and just all people being blinded by your dazzling aura.” Changkyun slowly caressed your cheek in a loving manner. 
  You chuckled and looked away for a moment trying to avoid the tears, “You should stop being this perfect or I’ll ruin my makeup.” you looked at him again with, now, bright smile. 
  “You can’t cry now. Save that tears for tonight when all guests will leave.” he winked showing that arrogant sly smirk of his that could drive crazy. You playfully hit his chest but avoided eye contact by hiding your face to the curve of his neck. Changkyun chuckled and kissed the top of your head while caressing your neck saying: “You don’t need to worry. I’ll protect you for the rest of my life. I would be happier if none of that people would ever see you but I can’t make you isolated.” 
  He leaned a little back and took your cheeks to his palms, “You gave up on your daily life because of me and my lifestyle. So at least I’ll make the best of this lifestyle for you.” you nodded smiling at him and he kissed your forehead. 
  “Let’s go, shall we?” he offered you his hand which you gladly took. You swallowed all your nervousness. In the end, you were with Changkyun, nothing bad can happen to you with him by your side. 
  The walk through the corridors was surprisingly quick and you both were already on the top of the staircase ready to walk down like a royal couple. You took a deep breath looked to Changkyun’s eyes and nodded with a small smile. Changkyun gave the small orchestra a signal with nodding and they started playing some classical piece. All heads immediately turned to your direction and you two started walking down the grand staircase. As your lover said earlier, almost all women were eyeing you with jealousy that you were the one standing next to Changkyun. Some were even poking their men in a jealous manner to stop them from starring at you. The only gazes that were calming you down belonged to other six brothers and wives of three of them that become your best friends since Changkyun introduced you to them. 
  All guests followed you to the garden where the grand dinner was prepared. They all sat down only you two were standing. “Let me introduce you all to the woman I’m planning to stay beside until the day I die. As you all know we got engaged just yesterday.” he said and everyone immediately cheered. Family expansion was always a big event in the mafia world.  
  Changkyun looked at you, holding his glass of champagne. “I fell for her dearly. I was never this happy in my whole life.” you smiled at each others, “And I’m even more careful than before. I’m ready to protect this woman with all of my life and since she’ll be soon part of your family as well I expect the same from all of you.” his face smile but voice colder than ice. 
  “So now please welcome my queen, the fourth queen of Seoul underworld. Cheers!” he lifted up the glass and everyone shouted the sam response with raised glasses. You both took a sip from the expensive liquor and bowed to all people in front of you in 90 degrees as act of respect. They bowed back as a symbol of welcoming you gladly in the family. 
  The dinner was going smoothly. Everyone enjoyed the food and now they were dancing on the build dancefloor in the garden after you and Changkyun got the first song just for yourself as the official new engaged couple. You were enjoying the celebration a lot so far. People who you were introduced to you were despite their high-class snobby looks were very warm-hearted and gladly welcomed you. 
  One of the waiters came to you two and put a beautiful cake, “Mr Im, this was sent as a gift from guests that couldn’t come tonight. Please enjoy. It should be a favourite flavour of our queen, red velvet.” he smiled and slowly walked back to the mansion. You were looking at him as he was walking. You knew all employees of the mansion but you never saw this one. 
  “You should cut the cake. It is your favourite so let’s cut it and eat it until Hoseok hyung and Hyunwoo hyung will come and eat it all.” he chuckled. You nodded, still not so sure about the waiter. You stood up and started cutting the dessert. It was really weird, it felt like it was filled with something else than the normal cake. As you finished the first cut you wanted to peak what was inside. As you pulled with the knife to the side something red wet and sticky immediately leaked out of the cake right on your leg. 
  You shouted in shock and jumped back when you saw the intestines leaking out and streaming down your revealed leg. You froze, your bottom lip was shaking, you couldn’t move. It wasn’t, of course, a real cake. It was just a top of the cake with carved inside where someone put a lot of rotten human intestines. 
  Changkyun was immediately standing up. “Close all the gates! All the doors! Now! No one will get out of here until I’ll find that jerk and stuff his mouth with this!” his voice was scary and angry. Everything immediately closed and everyone stopped talking and dancing. 
  “Babe?” you heard your lovers voice next to your ear. You looked with teary eyes at him. “It will be okay...Just look at me right now, okay?” he said and you slowly nodded. He took the napkins and slowly, still looking into your eyes, took off the parts of the intestines still stuck on your leg down. You could feel some of the rotten flesh slowly sliding down your skin. But the smell... the smell almost made you gag but the calming eyes of your fiancee were keeping you from breaking down. 
  “Now we will go and wash you, okay?” he smiled a little. You swallowed and nodded. He softly lifted you up and bridal style, not caring about your legs being bloody. As he was walking he called for Jooheon and told him: “Don’t let anyone leave. Check everyone and their invitation card and find that fucker who brought that cake to us.” Jooheon nodded and all the security, all brother and even their wives started searching for the culprit. 
  You hid your face to his shoulder gripping his suit tightly in your shaking hands. He quickly took you to your bedroom and entered your bathroom. He quickly helped you out of the blood-stained dress and helped you to stand in the shower. He took the showerhead and carefully cleaned you three times, especially your legs. 
  After he finished he dressed you into your favourite pyjamas and tucked you into your shared bed between the fluffy nice smelling sheets. Your breath became calmer but your eyes were still closed tightly not wanting to open them. You felt how Changkyun sat next to you on the left side. He was looking at you with a sad expression. His phone rang and he picked the call seeing Jooheon’s name on the screen. 
  “Yeah?” he asked. 
  Jooheon on the other end said, “We found him. It was a spy from our Busan rival.” he said. You could hear it all and you choose to focus on their voices instead of the vivid memory of this evening. 
  “Good. You know what to do... change up with others every two hours. I’ll take the final shot in the morning. I think we will be sending the same gift our Busan friends sent to us. But our package will be fresher.” your lover said in a cold voice and hanged up. You gulped. You knew what he meant by that and you were always kinda scared of him when he took care of such a “businesses”. 
  You felt his body came closer to you, wrapping his hands around you tightly and put your head on his chest. He took your still shaking hand and started placing butterfly kisses all over your palm and fingers and then he put it on his hot soft cheek. 
  “Love, you can open your eyes it’s just me.” he whispered but you shook your head no. “Please baby. It’s just us two.” he said and slowly placed a gentle kiss on both of your closed eyelids. As if his lips were magical you slowly opened your eyes and saw his handsome face with a sweet smile. He was still holding your palm against his cheek, kissing it occasionally. 
  “I’m sorry, it’s my fault, love. I should have known better.” he sighed sadly.
  “It’s not your fault, Changkyun.” you smiled at him a little.
  “They will get what they deserve. Don’t worry. But I should have known something would happen.” he tried to contain his anger. 
  “You did everything, love. I’m okay. I should start getting used to this. I know it will get only worse and I want to be ready, not break down like today.” you said in now much calmer voice.  
  The man next to you couldn’t help himself and kissed you. Maybe it was partly from pity or anger but most of it was from pure love and intentions to help you feel better. You gladly welcomed his soft lips on yours and kissed him back with the burning love you have for him. Your hands went to his dark locks and gripped the roots. His hands went to your thighs and started massaging them intensely. His skilled hands went under your silk top sending shivers because his cold hands touched the hot skin of your tummy. 
  He broke the kiss and looked into your eyes, “I just wanna make you feel good, love. You don’t have to agree. I just want you to forget everything and focus on just the feeling, the pleasure. Be greedy tonight and don’t care about anything but you. What do you think?” he asked carefully. 
  You didn’t know if it’s right but you would welcome to think about something else than what happened. And Changkyun always knew what you need. So you slowly nodded making your man smile. He kissed you once again and when he broke the kiss he already got that playful but lewd spark in his eyes along with his suggestive smirk. Changkyun laid on his side, his hand slowly going between your legs and gently separated your legs apart, holding your inner thigh. His fingers started ghosting around your sensitive area, pulling the material of silky shorts to the side making you gasp a little when the tip of his fingers brushed your folds.
  “Let me take you from hell to heaven, my love.”
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defschoice · 3 years
The Foreigner Part 1
Characters Got7, Stray Kids and Reader/fictional character
Genre: adoption, kidnapping, family reunion,
Words: 3255
Summary: One day she gets kidnapped and taken to South Korea and when she wakes up she's in a big room that looks like a dance practice room which it also is and it's located at the company called JYP. She's been stuck there for a few hours over night when a bunch of boys comes in to practice and finds her when they start to speak to her they find out she doesn't speak Korean that well so they can't communicate with her in any way until they find out that she's very similar to one of the boys but still different in a way
Crystal's POV
It's was now Monday the 21th of July and I have now been in this room for 20 hours without any food or drinks or anything. I don't even know what kind of place this is or where in the world I am.
I was sitting thinking to myself about how I could get out or when there would maybe come some when I heard footsteps and voices. It sounded like a bunch of male voices which I'm not a fan of at all.
As I crawled down to the nearest corner of the room the door opened and it stormed in with boys and the light also got turned on which hurt my eyes at first.
When they saw me all their talk stopped and they just stood there and looked at me.
"Hey, little one. What are you doing here?" He said but I didn't understand a word of what he was saying.
"Aish! I don't think she understands what you're saying Mark" a tall man with a brown mullet said.
"Try and let Jackson or Jinyoung speak to her, maybe she understands them" the mullet man continued to say.
The others stepped away when a semi-tall man came over and sat down in my level as he started to speak a language I actually understand.
"Hey how are you?" He asked and I slowly started to losen up a bit because of how soft his voice is.
"I'm afraid" I said to him as he took his arms around me.
"Do you understand me if I speak English to you?" He asked as he took a piece of hair behind my ear
"A little bit" I said as he nodded his head.
He stood and walked over to other boys.
"So what did you talk about with her?" A very tall man asked him as he looked at me.
"Well seems to be that she doesn't really speak but she understands a little Korean" The boy with glasses said to all of them as they nodded their heads.
"So if we s say something to her she won't reply with words? The tall boy asked.
"Basically yes unless we learn her some Korean." The The boy in glasses said as he looked at me.
As I sat there in the corner another of them came up to me and he was kinda pretty for a man being.
As he came closer I became more closer to him I ran up to The boy in glasses and hugged him tight as he took me up in his arms.
"Maybe we should introduce ourselves so you know our names. Wouldn't that be a good idea?" He asked me as I nodded my head and hurried it in his neck.
"Well I'm Bambam and I speak Thai sometimes" he said as I nodded.
"Hi, I'm Jinyoung"
"Hi, I'm Yugyeom"
"Hi, I'm Jaebum"
"Hello, I'm Jackson"
"Yo, I'm Youngjae"
"Hey, I'm Mark"
They all said one by one.
As I was sat in Jinyoung's lap he looked at me.
"What's your name sweetie?" He asked looking at me.
"3276" I said showing him my arm with the numbers on.
Jinyoung looked worried at the other boys and then at me "Sweetie, don't you have a real name?" He said as I just looked up at him with big tears eyes.
I just nodded my head as a no.
Crystal's pov
The boys looked worried at me when I nodded my head as a no. I hate attention especially when it's all on me and nothing else. I could feel how my eyes started to tear up as I thought of everything that had happened and my parents so I just yelled out "mummy!" As I hide in Jinyoung and started crying softly.
"Awe sweetie, I'm right here okay? I'm gonna protect you" he said as I started to calm more down while the boys just awed.
Soon after I was carried over to a couch as they all were starring me which I didn't like as I mentioned earlier.
"We're gonna have to do some dance practice now, so you can just sit here and watch us, for the time being, is that okay?" Jinyoung asked as I nodded my head and they started dancing.
A few hours later
Darkness. That's all I can see. Not again. Did the boys kick me out or throw me back to the bad guys? Please don't! Not that place again. 
There's nothing I can hear. It's all quiet. Suddenly footsteps are coming towards me, ripping the darkness away from me. Looking at it, I all this time had a back over my head. Where the hell am I?! 
"Well hello, sleeping beauty. Did you have a nice nap?" The man in front of me asked. I just sat shocked to answer him. Big mistake. Next, I knew was pain on my cheek. Where're the nice boys when I need them? 
"Answer me, you little brat!" He yelled at me. I jumped in fear, causing him to smirk. Pain from my side always made him happy. A sick kind of happiness. Remember only for eomma. 
"Y-yes, s-sir" I answered in fear.
Smirking he walked over to the dark side of the room. What does he even want from me anyway? I have nothing. I'm only here for eomma so she doesn't get the pain and has to suffer more. 
Turning all the lights on, he revealed a woman. Tied up, just like me. Please don't be eomma! 
"You see, 3276 I know I have never been able to break you. Yet. Do you know who I found walking around in the streets yelling your name? Your very own mother" He said ripping the bag away from her head too. No! Not her! He already killed appa. Not eomma too! 
"Eomma!!" I screamed with tears in my eyes. She locked eyes with me. Crying too. 
"You see 3276. She is going to suffer too. All because of you. I hate to do this to you. Wait, no. I don't. I know this is the only way to break you from the inside." He craped ommas neck hard caursing her to gasp for air.
"If your omma didn't fall in love with your coward of an appa. We wouldn't be here" He started. Punching omma in the face. Leaving a bloody nose. "YOU COULD HAVE BEEN MY DAUGHTER!!" He screamed, making both omma and me jump in fear. "But no! She chose Nick, you asshole of an appa!" Yelling again he begin to beat her up. Being more and more violent. Until I screamed he would never be my appa. That was the last drop he needed. He pulled out a gun shooting omma multiple times all over her body. 
"EOMMA!!" I screamed, looking in the eyes of Jinyoung. Crying my eyes out I jumped down from the couch and in his arms. Holding tight onto him. 
Jinyoungs POV
I don't know how long we had been practising but suddenly I heard small cries coming from the couch. I stopped the music and made my way to her. Is she okay was the only thing I could think of. When I saw her I immediately yelled the boys over. How the hell do we wake her? We started to yell her name. Nothing. Shaking her she sat up bright and screamed omma. We locked eyes and she soon was in my arms. Holding onto me like I was going to dissapair in front of her. I hold her tight. Calming her down. What did she go through to have this bad of a nightmare? 
Jinyoung's POV
I looked up at the other boys as they all looked worried about what just happened. I hugged her tight as I could feel how she was crying and shaking.
"Guys I think we should end practice for today and just get home" I said with a sad and serious look on my face.
As we were walking down the hallways of the jyp building, Stray Kids came walking towards us.
"Are you guys done with practice?" Chan asked us. 
"Yes we are, you can use it now if you want to" Jaebeom replied looking quick over at the girl and back to Chan again.
"Great thanks, mates" Chan said as he did the bro hug with Jaebeom.
Right before he left to be with the rest of SKZ he looked at me with a questioning look on his face.
"Who's that little princess?" He said as he lightly giggled at bit.
"I'll explain it you later bro" Bam said as Chan just nodded his head and went into to practice with the others.
A few hours later
Jaebeom's POV
As we arrived at our dorm, we all went over to the couch and sit with Jinyoung and the girl.
"How about you tell us a bit about yourself?" Mark asked with his soft voice. She slowly nodded her head as she was clinging on to Jinyoung after from what happened.
"I'm 10, idk my name, I have no family and I like music" She said with a cute little voice.
"We are your family now if you want to live with us?" Youngjae said as he smiled at her. She nodded her head and slowly got up from Jinyoung's chest and now just sat on his lap.
"What of kind of artist do you listen to?" Jackson asked her calmly.
"I really like listening to NCT, I think they have a really cool style in music" She said as she suddenly lighted more up in her mood and became more relaxed around us.
"Nice, do you have a favourite in the group?" I asked her whilst smiling at her.
"Yes, I really like Taeyong he's so cool and especially with his rapping" She said as she got all excited about it.
"How cute!" Yugyeom said as he laughed a little bit.
As we all started to clean up around the house, she came up to me and looked at me.
"Jaebeom oppa, when can I get a name like you guys?" I looked down at her big brown eyes who shined like diamonds and crystals as i lifted her up on the kitchen table to sit.
"What do you want to be called?" I asked her as she shrug her shoulders "I don't know, can't you choose something?" She asked looking tired.
"Sure I can. What do you say about we call you Crystal?" I asked where and her eyes lit up like stars in the night sky.
"I love it Jaebeom oppa, thank you!" She said as she hugged me quick and let go again.
"Where's Jinyoung?" She asked suddenly going back to being terrified as she grabbed on to my hand tight.
"I think he's in his room, come here let's go into him" I said to her as I lifted her up in my arms and placed her on my hips as she immediately gripped tight onto me like something was gonna happen.
"It's okay I'm right here, nothing is going to happen to you" I said trying to calm her down as we reacted Jinyoung's room.
"Jinyoung, there's someone here who wants you" I said when Jinyoung came up to take a tired and scared Crystal in his arms.
Jinyoung's POV
After Jabeom left I placed her on my bed and started to change into my pyjamas.
"Jaebeom has given me the name Crystal" She said shy.
I looked at her in awe.
"How nice, do you want him to be your dad?" I asked as she slowly nodded her head while she quick said "Pls don't hurt me for choosing him" I sat down beside her when she flinched a but.
"Crystal, look at me. I'm not going too hurt you, I would never do that. It's great that you find trust in him. I'm the mum of this group anyway, so you don't need to worry and if anyone ever hurts you, then we will take care of it" I said as she hugged me tight and stared crying as I tried to calm her down till we eventually fell asleep both us. 
Next day...
Jinyoung's POV
I looked around in my room as I realised what happened yesterday and found a sleeping Crystal in my arms. I sat up and let her sleep as I went out in the kitchen and started cooking breakfast for the boys.
Soon the the kitchen was filled boys who clearly where hungry for the food.
"Hyung, this smells delicious!" Yugyeom said as he sat down at the table together with Bambam and followed by the rest of the boys except from Jaebeom who hasn't come out yet.
"Hey Jackson have you seen JB?" I asked looking at him as he just shrugged his shoulders a bit.
"Last time I saw him he went into your room to check on Crystal I think" He said as he filled his mouth with Rice.
Sooner than later JB came out in the kitchen with Crystal half asleep in his arms as he sat down at the table.
"Hey princess, did you sleep well?" I asked as I walked over to her taking her up in my arms so JB could eat.
She just nodded her head as she rubbed her eyes "Mmmm" she just said yawning a little bit while she rested her head on my shoulder.
"Hey Youngjae, could you and the other boys watch her for me and JB as we have some stuff we need to do" I asked winking at JB as he choked a bit on his rice.
"Sure Hyung, We can take her to the park. What do you say to that Crystal?" He asked as she just nodded her head slowly.
This is going to be interesting as she doesn't really speak to other than me and JB, but I can feel that she will connect fast with Youngjae.
Youngjae's POV
Me and boys decided to take Crystal to the park so we or she wouldn't disturbe JB and Jinyoung hyung.
"Crystal, don't want to go play with some of the other kids at the playground?" I asked her as she just nodded her head as a no.
Until Jackson got up and said "Come princess, I'll go with you" He said clearly more excited about this than Crystal but she agreed with going along with him in the end.
Before they left Mark yelled to Jackson "Yo Jackson you better not loose her, okay? Keep an eye on her and stay close to her" Jackson just nodded his head not really carrying about what Mark said I think.
Jackson's POV
As we walked to the playground I looked down at Crystal as she looked up at me.
"So what do you want to do?" I asked her as she pointed to the swings and we went over there. As we got closer and I started swinging her I noticed a really pretty girl like omg she is breathtaking. I looked at Crystal as I said.
"Sweetie, uncle need to go for a short time. I'll be back again soon I promise but you need to stay here okay?" I said as she nodded her head and continued to swing by herself.
15 minutes later...
As I went back to the swings where I left Crystal she was gone... shit the boys are going to kill me when they find out. I started looking for by slowly calling her name so the boys wouldn't notice that i literally just lost her until Mark came over and tapped my shoulder as i flinched a bit of nervousness.
"Hey Jackson, how's it going?" He asked smiling but I knew that smile and it wasn't a good one it was the I know you did something wrong but I'm trying to kill you right now smile.
"It's going great hyung don't worry" I said trying to play it a bit cool.
"Great then where is she?" He asked putting his arm on my shoulder.
"We're playing hide and seek so I can't tell you" I said trying to come up with a lie hoping he wouldn't find out the truth.
"Why don't you just tell me that you lost her instead of this?" He said looking straight at me.
"Fine... I got distracted and when I came back she was gone. I'm sorry" I said looking down at the ground.
"I'm disappointed in you cuz you didn't listen to me as I said but let's find her before it gets dark, wait here and I'll tell the other boys.
Crystal's POV
As I sat on the swing waiting for uncle Jackson to come back I saw a butterfly, it was so beautiful so I had to follow it not watching where I was walking or in which direction when suddenly i was lost and couldn't find back to where uncle Jackson and the others where.
I got really scared as I'm not used to be myself in a place i don't really know. I tripped over something and started to get an anxiety attack as to boys was walking up to me which made me even more scared.
Felix's POV
As me and Han were walking a little late night walk along Han River we saw a little girl who was sitting on the grass crying so we walked up to her but she started to flinch and get even more scared.
"Hey calm down we're not trying to hurt you, we just want to help you" I said as she looked up at us for the first time.
I took her up on my lap as we sat on a bench when Han whispered to me "Yo Felix doesn't she look a bit like Changbin?"
I looked at her once again and saw it a little bit but not much.
"What's your name?" I asked her while trying not to sound too scary with my deep voice.
"C-Crystal" she said sounding very shy and scared.
I looked at her trying to calm her down.
"Nice. My name is Felix and that is my friend Han Jisung" I said as she bowed shortly at him and he bowed back.
"What are you doing out here alone? Where's your parents?" I asked her as she became even more silent.
"I was with uncle Jackson at the swings and then I got distracted by something and got lost" she said as something hit me when she said Jackson
"Jackson as in Jackson Wang from GOT7?" I asked her as she just shrugged her shoulders.
"I just want JB appa and Jinyoung eomma" she said as she started crying into my chest.
"We know your appa and eomma" I said to her as she lifted her head once again.
"You do?" She said sniffling.
"Yeah they're in the same company as us, we talk to them a lot" I said as she calmed a lot more than she's ever been this whole time.
"Let's take you with us back to our dorm as it's getting late, okay?" I said as she nodded her head yawning a bit as I lifted her up and we started walking towards the dorm.
We sooner than later arrived at the dorm and as soon as we went in Changbin widened his eyes as soon as he saw her.
"Yoona???" Changbin said shocked...
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lilhwahwa · 5 years
ATEEZ Reaction/Mini scenario: S/O falling asleep on the couch waiting for them.
a/n yo I’ve been sick, 5  assignments to finished, 3 tests. Sorry for the delays. and for this being shit 
(this post is made from my personal opinions and may not be match to the real life feelings of the requested artist)
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It happened just a mere second after your eyes gave up as you fell into dreamland, right there on your couch, snacks all made up in front of you on your coffee table. When Hongjoong finally came home, three hours later than he expected, he was met with a sight that made his world stop for a moment. He wasn’t sure wether to feel all giddy inside from you being so cute or guilty because he was late to your movie night.
Your breathing told him you weren’t in deep sleep yet, but it was already getting later and he didn’t want to wake you up, so he went and cleaned up, letting you rest before coming back and waking you up with some kisses and gentle strokes to your cheek, an apologetic look on his face. 
“Let’s go to bed” he’d whisper softly. 
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He wasn’t sure when he was coming back so he didn’t promise anything, you assumed it would be late and got permission from the staffs to enter the guys’ dorm to cook something nice for them, most importantly your boyfriend Seonghwa, who had been kept busy with fan meetings and performances everyday. “Late”, was later than you thought as you sat on the couch, the slight scent of the kimchi stew and grilled meat faint, but there to remind you that it existed. 
When the boys came home, Seonghwa entering last as he was on his phone trying to text you good night, he was shocked to hear gasps around him and the boys suddenly all energetic calling out to him to tell him you were there, but kind of, asleep. He wouldn’t have the heart to wake you up, but he wouldn’t leave you either, so he’d somehow compromise himself to fit with you on the couch, grabbing a blanket. You'd shift slightly into him and his chest as he’d press a soft kiss to the top of your head.
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This whole week was filled with exams, it had put you through your maximum as the hours of sleep disappeared faster and faster, at this point you only had five hours of sleep, every two days. 
After school though you had decided to buy some snacks and bring them to Yunho’s practise room, the staff advised you to wait in a separate room to “not distract him”, you obliged and went into a small and empty practise room, the first thing you had spotted, a couch, the brown material was so inviting and you couldn’t reject the idea of just sitting down on it, or maybe lying down, but only until Yunho was done. Time flew and you found yourself drifting off to sleep. When Yunho was finally told you were there, he rushed to greet you, only to find you gently breathing with your mouth opened and eyes closed. He, like the others, didn’t have the heart to wake you up, picking you up bridal style and carring you to the dorms, where he put you down on his bed and carefully observed you like a treasure, before falling asleep happily with you beside him.
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It was your first anniversary, Yeosang was going to be back from abroad just in time and decided that it would be perfect to celebrate your anniversary and his home coming. You cooked up his favourite foods, making sure to set the table in the kitchen nicely and put a lighter to light some candles later, setting a romantic mood. You finished cooking and cleaning faster than you planned and decided a nap wouldn’t hurt as you went into your living to watch some random movie playing. What you didn't expect was your eyelids to become heavy as the warm scent of food and TV-background calmed you down until you fell asleep, on the couch. 
On the other side Yeosang was panicking, his flight was delayed and he would come home even later, his phone wouldn’t allow him to call without wifi and he felt like his day was ruined, and he was about to ruin yours too. When he finally arrived home, at 2 am, his heart was bleeding from guilt, which didn’t get better when he saw the food and you, his love, sleeping on the couch probably asleep as you waited for him so late. He sat on his knees beside your head on the floor and admired you, whispering about how sorry he was and caressing your head before going to put the food in the fridge for tomorrow’s day. 
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(I already have something similar for San so I switched this one up a lil, you can find it here)
Of course San felt bad, he couldn’t see you this whole week, as you finally sat together in your bed watching a cartoon, you could help but to fall asleep. You were on San’s chest, his scent and warmth lulled you to sleep, his heart beating calmly as your matched his. He couldn’t miss this opportunity though, the goofy San jumped out and went to unlock his phone going into the snow app. 
You had never let San take pictures of you a lot, and his phone was kind of girlfriend material empty. He put on different filters and started shoving the camera in your face to snap pictures, in that process somewhere, he really had time to look a you, to have time to observe you, to be with you. His heart was warm and at home as he pushed you harder into his chest, hugging you like a pillow. 
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You had popped some popcorn and made your bed comfortable as you waited for your boyfriend, who you knew would be tired and needed time to relax after this busy week, so what better than a movie and popcorn on his free day off? Well the company had called him in to record a few lines, but it took more time than he expected.
What was supposed to happen at 6pm, turned more into 12am as you sat on your bed, on your phone. You knew he’d gone in to record but no more updates  ever made their way to your screen. You were getting both frustrated and worried. 
You finally had enough and let the sleep take over you as the movie you were supposed to watch played in the background. When Mingi finally came home, rushing to find you and finding you asleep on the fluffy bed, a bowl of popcorn on his side of the bed he felt guilt flood over him. He was too embarrassed to wake you up and apologize, also worried that you were tired. Next morning he made sure to try cook you a breakfast.
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The sun made its way back into the bed below the horizon, yet you were nowhere close to yours. Over the last few hours you had gotten your apartment ready before your boyfriend came over, cleaning and ordering pizza takeout. You hadn’t seen each other all week and he promised to spend some quality time with you, only he was actually late, the hard working man was kept in the practise room without clocks for a reason, if he didn’t know the time, he’d never stop, good for work, bad for him, and you. 
When finally the company was closing for night, did he realise his mistake of forgetting time. His phone was on silent mode the whole time too, missing the dozen missed texts and calls from you. He cursed himself out, knowing at this hour you’d be sleeping. Which you were, on the couch, curled into a ball as the pizza sat untouched in front of you on the coffee table. When he came back with flowers in his arms as an apology only to see you asleep, he'd get very upset and sad at himself, not only was he busy this whole week and not met you once, he missed the evening you had prepared for you and him. He carried you too bed, surprisingly not waking you up during the process. The next morning he’d try to cook breakfast, like Mingi. (he gave up and you ate leftover pizza btw)
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Jongho was beyond angry. The tone of his voice didn’t match the song, he got cursed out by the manager and he lost his sunglasses. (lol that’s random) He called you to warn you that he’d be home late and not to wake up for him, the minute he started talking you knew something had happened, but asking him right now, would only make him snap at you, which you didn’t want. 
“Just come home when you can” you said softly as he hung up. You wanted to lighten the mood by making some small treats for him to eat to get his frustrations out ApPLe pie.
But his arrival was more delayed than you had planned, the kitchen didn’t take away your boredom for too long as it came back and made you watch a movie, on the couch, where of course you fell asleep. 
When Jongho came back, the leftover anger still radiation off him, disappeared as he watched you sleep, the apartment smelled sweet and comfortable, he was finally able to relax, smiling to himself at the thought of being loved enough for someone to do this for him. Next morning when you woke up, you had a sweet breakfast together ;). (eating nothing more)
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mythicalsecretsanta · 4 years
Mr Audi (T)
Title: Mr Audi Creator: @cryo-girl Prompt(s) used: a romcom meet-cute Rating: T Tags/warnings: N/A Description/caption: N/A
Link to AO3, or read below:
Link floored the gas pedal and took a quick look in the rear-view mirror. He smirked and readjusted his sunglasses with a practised move before he set his eyes back on the road. The light of the day was already fading, casting the streets in a red and golden shimmer that blinded him if the angle was just so.
The map on his crappy sat nav told him what he needed to do, and after a glance at the glowing green line on the screen Link drifted around the next corner with a slick flick of the wrist. The car spun, and for a moment Link was flying. This was what he loved and craved so much, these seconds where he was the centre of a blurry world which revolved around him and his machine.
Link was a racing driver, and he loved it. Nothing could give him more satisfaction than the sound of his car— the howling of the engine, the rubber of the tyres against hard concrete. Every little purr seemed synchronised with his heartbeat.
Link shook his head and took a look back again. The white Lexus was still closely following him, too closely perhaps. Link had only recently made it into the top twenty, and he needed to end this race on a darn good position if he wanted to keep his rank and get the cash to replace a few much needed spare parts on his baby.
His baby was a 2005 Corvette C6 with a professional nitrous system and reinforced gears, spray-painted after his own design in matte black with yellow highlights. It had been in a pitiful state when Link had won it in a midnight race a while ago, and it had taken him a long time to gather all the original parts which were needed to restore it.
For the last month it had been on the street though, with over 400 hp and 190 mph, and it had won Link the entrance into the high circles of the illegal underworld of car racing.
This race wasn’t exactly high-class, but winning it still meant good money and circuit practise. Link took another glance at his sat nav and changed onto a lane that led into a long tunnel. There was a lot of traffic around this part of the city, and he had to navigate around trucks and family vans without losing speed. He lost sight of his pursuer in the Lexus for a while and when he rushed out into daylight again he noticed a slightly battered BMW tailing him instead.
He took the next off-ramp to the freeway. This was the part Link loved the most, when he could tease the last kilowatt out of his machine and make use of an engine that enabled him to accelerate from 0 to 70 mph in 5.2 seconds.
The road over the bridge was surprisingly empty, only a few cars scattered on the lanes. Later, Link honestly couldn’t fathom how it had happened; one moment he was enjoying his leading position and the nice view onto the river, easily pulling around the other road users. A second later he heard a grating noise and felt the whole vehicle shaking as he gripped the steering wheel tightly, struggling to regain control over his skidding car. He’d hit another car, right at the back of it, and pushed it around 180°.
“Fuck!” he yelled, watching at least three of his competitors rushing past. “Fuck, fuck, fuck, fuuuuck!!” Link slammed his fist into the dash.
How could he be so stupid? To make such a damn beginner’s mistake, getting into an accident without any cause, crashing into a civilian’s car?!
Link’s instinct was to get going and try to make up for the lost time, but there was something that made him stay and take a look at the other car. It was still standing on the spot where it had come to a stop; it didn’t seem seriously damaged, fortunately. A matte blue Audi A1, shimmering in the soft evening light.
Link didn’t know what had gotten into him, but he put his own car into reverse and slowly drove up to the Audi. He was only a couple of feet away when the blue car suddenly began to move, the damaged engine producing a pitiful sound.
What the heck, Link thought and started to follow the car. Why didn’t the driver confront him? The accident had been his fault. He followed the Audi, the race completely forgotten. Something was telling him that this little yuppie car was special; he felt drawn to it.
After twenty minutes of following the Audi he had enough. He went down on the accelerator and bumped into the back of the other car which came to halt. With a triumphant smile, Link steered his Corvette around it and prepared himself to finally, finally look at the driver of the blue car.
He turned his head and— saw nothing. The inside of the Audi was entirely black, and instead of a person who drove it there were only a handful of pixels.
Link put the controller down and rubbed his eyes. You’re getting insane, he thought. He’d just spent half an hour pursuing a digital car in the hope that the driver of said car, who didn’t exist because it was a fucking video game simulation, might fall in love with him.
“I need to get out” he muttered to himself and pushed the power button on his Xbox. The TV screen flickered for a second before it went black. Link wondered when he’d been outside for the last time. Yesterday? No, it had been the day before that, he’d had the monthly meeting with his boss. Link had always thought that working from home was one of the great advantages of being an analyst, but now he almost wished he had a job which forced him to go into the real world more often.
Still embarrassed about his strange behaviour in the racing game earlier, he decided to take a shower and go to the stores. It’d do him good to get some fresh air. Link stopped in front of the bathroom mirror to take a look at himself. What he saw depressed him to a certain extent.
Floppy hair, big glasses that always seemed to have smudges on them and pale skin. A scrawny body in a nerdy graphic tee.
Link was usually confident about his personality, he was smart and he prided himself on valuing his brains over his looks, but the blue Audi incident had surprised him and left a queasy feeling in his stomach.
Maybe his desire to find someone to love was bigger than he’d thought. But who would take a nerd like him? Who would put up with his adult braces and his weird eating habits? Link was a realistic person; there was no prince for him who would come riding on his German automobile and swoop him up into his arms.
With a sigh he turned to the shower.
“Hey! Look where you’re going, dude!”
Link had bumped head first into something very big and very soft. He’d been in the pasta aisle, looking down on his shopping list and hadn’t noticed the other man standing in his way.
“Oh, sorry, I-” He looked up and immediately stopped talking. The most attractive guy he had ever seen was staring down at him with an amused smile.
“You have to watch your step, man” the stranger said softly and shook his head, his long hair flying around. “Delicate guy like you, could easily be broken.”
Link felt panic rising in his chest. He was terrible at talking to strangers, especially when those strangers were beautiful and called him ‘delicate’. “Um…” was all he managed to choke out.
The other man laughed. “Are you all right? Did I knock the ability to speak out of you?”
“Oh, erm, no I’m okay. Sorry again.” Link adjusted his glasses and looked at his feet. He was afraid that he might die if he looked into that face again. That beard…
“It’s fine. It’s not everyday that I get that much body contact with someone as pretty as you are.”
What? Link knew that his social skills were incredibly poor, but it almost seemed to him as if he was being hit on by the stranger. That couldn’t be, right?
“Are you flirting with me?” he blurted out before he could stop himself. Stupid.
The stranger’s smile disappeared and Link hated to see it go. “Er, kind of? I’m sorry if I’m too straightforward, I’ve been told that I’m coming on a bit strong sometimes. I didn’t mean to make you uncomfortable.”
Link’s heart was pounding and he noticed that he kept readjusting his glasses. He almost pinched himself to make sure this wasn’t just a very good VR video game.
“No, it’s okay! I don’t mind it, I’m just… not very used to anyone wanting to flirt with me.”
The stranger smiled again, running his fingers through his blond mane in a deliberate way that made Link suspect he was doing it in order to impress him.
“That can’t be true. Pretty guy like you.”
Okay, now Link was certain that the man was messing with him. There was no way a guy like that, with expensive jeans and a carefully styled beard, would call him pretty.
“Are you trying to make fun of me?” he asked, taking a step to the side in case the man got mean.
“What? No, no! You are pretty. Not by regular standards maybe, I mean I’d get rid of the glass bricks in your face and maybe a shirt that fits would help, but you’re definitely cute! I like nerdy types.”
“But if you’re not interested, that’s okay, sorry to have bothered you.” The stranger put his hands up and took a few steps back, away from Link.
This was Link’s one shot at meeting someone. He knew he finally had to break out of his shell.
“No, I’m interested!” he called out. The stranger stopped and looked at him. “I’m interested, please stay. I’m just not good at flirting, but you’re really handsome and I think I want to get to know you. Please allow me to ask you out?”
Link hoped that this was what people said in these situations. He only really knew how dating worked from films. Apparently his words had been right though, because the other man beamed and walked back to Link.
“Great! I’m Rhett. I’d like to give you my number, but my phone’s in my car. Do you wanna go outside to get it with me?”
Link nodded eagerly and they left the store, both abandoning their shopping carts. “I’m Link, by the way” he said.
They reached the parking lot and Rhett pointed over to a car at the very end of it. “That’s my car.”
Link followed his gaze and almost started to laugh.
On the other side of the parking area —standing out between a mass of white, beige and silver cars— stood a matte blue Audi A1.
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jovialyouthmusic · 4 years
Girls’ Night Out
A multiple AU piece of fun featuring my female LIs
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The girls get ready to go out on the town - and the boys wonder what they’re up to.
Word Count 1381 - it’s a mini fic!
A/N I’m going for short chapters as it’s such fun to write. Things will ramp up soon, promise! Lizzy will have her eyes opened.
2 Preparation
Elizabeth looked at her reflection dubiously. She didn’t recognise herself at all. The dress Sophia had chosen for her felt positively unseemly with its plunging neckline and hem only halfway down her thighs. She was used to bare shoulders and décolletage, and Lucy had grinned to see her in her favourite ballgown, making a lewd comment about her cleavage that made her blush furiously.
But her legs! She now knew that Lucy’s legs were not bare, but covered in the thinnest gossamer material that hugged her contours, and she had been shown how to put on a pair without damaging them. Sophia had referred to them as ‘tights’ and she thought the term completely appropriate. She felt positively naked under the hem of the indecently short dress.
‘You’ve got a great figure Lizzy, show it off’ Lucy had appraised, and even Charlotte had nodded in approval. True, the fashion in her period had been to hint at the female form by draping the body in thin translucent muslin, but under that she usually wore loose legged bloomers, not this fabric that reminded her somewhat of sausage skins.
‘I’m not sure about this’ she said dubiously ‘It looks very much like something John would wear with his breeches’
‘It’s called a Tuxedo dress, sweetie’ said Sophia ‘You’re exactly right, it’s modelled on a man’s jacket.’
‘But surely women should dress in a feminine way’ she protested.
‘Nobody would mistake you for a man in that dress darling, trust me’ Lucy piped up. Charlotte stood and walked over to the looking glass, smiling at her as she turned and looked at herself in the looking glass.
‘It’s empowering’ she said ‘You could always wear a suit – you know, a jacket and trousers or pants’ Elizabeth frowned again.
‘Women wear trousers? That is puzzling. I’m not sure which is more strange – exposing my legs to male scrutiny, or covering them like a man’ she mused.
‘Well you look spectacular’ Lucy asserted ‘You’ll really turn heads’ Lizzy muttered in exasperation at yet another puzzling utterance from the brunette.
‘Okay, now the shoes’ Sophia said, indicating her feet ‘I suppose you’re used to wearing flats’ Lizzy frowned for a moment, then goggled at Lucy, who coughed and extended her legs to show the most impossible footwear she had ever seen. She had worn shoes with heels of an inch or so – she and her sister had giggled at one of her father’s friends who had not been blessed with great height and wore leather buckled shoes with heels of a good two inches in order to make up for the lack. But these must be four inches, she thought.
‘However do you walk in those, Lucy?’ she burst out, and languidly the other woman rose to her feet.
‘Like this’ she drawled, and walked the length of the room with a sway to her hips that made her feel hot again. She turned, hand on hip and smiled alluringly ‘The boys can’t resist me when I wear this, they make my legs and backside look spectacular’ she winked. Lizzy gulped
‘Your world is indeed very different’ she said ‘I think I might turn my ankle wearing something like that – and it looks indecent to me’ Lucy shrugged
‘Different times, different values’ she said ‘It’s our culture – in some parts of the world women have to completely cover themselves from head to foot in public’
‘Oh I’ve seen pictures in travel books’ said Lizzy ‘I’m sad to hear that’s not changed’  
‘Now then’ Sophia interrupted ‘perhaps just a little heel – two inches perhaps?’ She closed her eyes for a moment and concentrated, and a pair of black pointed shoes with a heel appeared in her hand.
Lizzy was trying to get used to the way things kept appearing and disappearing. Because the others had been self aware for a little while, they were well practised at changing their appearance instantly or conjuring up an item of clothing for her. They could just imagine an outfit with their eyes closed and they would be wearing it in the blink of an eye, though they said it was tiring if they did it too much. She herself had to physically put on the garments that the others brought into existence for her, hence the lesson in how to put on a pair of tights or ‘pantyhose’.
Next, she sat by the dressing table and Sophia styled her hair into what she called an ‘updo’ which wasn’t very much different from the way her maid arranged it for dinner parties. The only difference was the soft stretchy bands used to fasten her hair, though nothing seemed to have replaced the hairpins used for the final touches. Altogether it was much more comfortable, and to finish up with her new friend produced a metal canister which produced a strange smelling spray that made her hair a little sticky and held it in place.
Her mother used rouge to redden her cheeks whereas Lizzy usually just pinched them to bring a little colour to them, but Sophia produced a whole array of coloured creams, powders and paints that she referred to as ‘make up’. She set to work painting her face and making her eyelashes dark and sultry.
‘You don’t need much’ she said as she patted powder onto her cheeks ‘You have lovely skin and your eyes are already enough to melt hearts at a glance’ She stood back ‘There, all ready to go out on the town. Stand up and show us the whole effect’ Lizzy did as she was told, stumbling a little on the heels she wore.
‘Perfect’ said Lucy ‘Now can we go? There’s a cocktail pitcher calling my name’
‘Hey Bas, why did you call this meeting?’ Drake asked. The guard paced the virtual waiting room anxiously.
‘Something’s up’ he said ‘Sophia isn’t answering my calls’ Drake snorted.
‘She’s her own woman, Bas, you can’t be in each other’s pockets all the time. Maybe she’s acting out another fic’
‘But then why aren’t I with her?’ he scowled, rubbing his chin thoughtfully ‘and when did you last hear from Lucy?’
‘I uhh – hmm, neither of us have been active until recently, but…’ He screwed his eyes up and concentrated ‘She’s active right now’ he said
‘Hey guys. What’s up?’ Brad appeared suddenly, making Bastien jump. Drake frowned
‘Okay, so if Lucy’s active, and our Brad is here, just what is Lucy doing? At least one of us should be with her’
‘I told you something odd’s happening’ asserted Bastien ‘I’m going to call Charlotte’s Drake and find out if he’s seen her’ Brad groaned
‘This is going to get very confusing with two Drakes’ he complained.
‘Well we’ll have to give each of them nicknames’ Bastien suggested ‘How about Lake for Lucy’s Drake and Chake for Charlotte’s?’
‘Fine by me’ he shrugged ‘as long as I don’t get called something stupid like marshmallow man’ Charlotte’s Drake materialised.
‘Bas!’ he said cheerfully ‘long time no see’ He looked at Brad and… ‘Oh – this is weird’ he muttered.
‘Hi, Chake’ Lucy’s Drake grinned ‘Bas suggested nicknames – I get to be Lake – neat, huh?’
‘Whatever.’ he said dismissively ‘What’s happening, Bas?’
‘Have you seen Charlotte recently?’
‘Uhh, we had a few readthroughs lately, someone was bingeing, but just now…’ he wrinkled his nose in concentration ‘That’s odd. She’s definitely active, but I’m not with her’ he shrugged ‘I guess there are one or two chapters without me in’ Bastien sighed in exasperation.
‘Well, all Les’s female MC’s appear to be busy, but none of us are’ he said ‘What do you think they’re doing?’
‘Isn’t she writing some odd spinoff?’ asked Brad ‘I heard it was a period drama with a certain Captain Lykel’ Bastien frowned.
‘That’s right. Maybe we should look up the Captain, see if he knows anything’
‘I doubt if he’s self aware’ said the newly named Lake ‘He’s not been around very long. Remember how long it took all of us?’
‘Yes, but it’s happening faster just lately’ said Chake ‘It’s like we’re being read much more – there’s lot of spare energy floating around’
‘Well, whatever his state of awareness, we need to talk to him’ Bastien said. ‘We have to get to the bottom of this’
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towaniegaita · 4 years
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MeseMoa. who trended when the members kissed each other - "My desire comes out strongly in my underwear" and a naked confession
This is an interview from modelpress published on 2nd November 2017 to mark the release of Tomitake and Nibansenji’s solo photobooks. Here’s the link for the original Japanese text and the photo gallery.
Unfortunately I couldn’t find an author to give credit to other than modelpress Editorial Department, and M-Up Inc. for the photos and article sponsorship.
I’ve done my best to translate it but there are still a few places that I’m unsure about. If you notice any mistakes please let me know and I’ll do my best to rectify them. 
The 9 member boys group MeseMoa. was formed in 2012 on a video sharing website. The 'self-proclaimed idols', who completed a nationwide 47 prefecture tour in 2016, have faced a sudden rise in popularity. In the MV for their song Shadow Kiss, included on their 1st album Secret that was released in April this year, the members shocked the world by kissing each other and became a hot topic. It was announced that 2 of those members, Tomitake and Nibansenji, will release their own fashion books this winter.
Starting with the first photobooks of the members who boast outstanding style, we talked frankly about their winter fashion and their views on love.
Does Tomitake practise his poses in front of the mirror?
How did you feel when you first heard that you were releasing these photobooks?
Tomitake: Because we're idols, I didn't expect we'd have the opportunity to release photobooks in the way that fashion models do, so I was surprised. I couldn't believe that a stylist who works for famous fashion magazines would do the styling for us!
Nibansenji: I've taken a step into a world that I'd thought was irrelevant to me, so somehow I still don't get the sense that it's something that I've done. Even when I look at the photos that have been taken of me, my reaction is more like, "I've seen this kind of photo somewhere before!" (laughs)
What kind of fashion tastes did you have shootings in?
Tomitake: Within MeseMoa., my image is soft and cute, so in contrast to that there was a lot of cool fashion this time around. I was hoping for a wild, masculine kind of styling. That's why I think that people who know me as Tomitake from MeseMoa. will find so many never before seen versions of me included in the book. But we also shot some cute scenes where my true nature just jumped out. I dragged Niban into it as well (laughs).
Nibansenji: I was well and truly dragged in.
Tomitake: I dragged him in for the cuts in the animal costumes (laughs). I'd said that I wanted to take some photos dressed as a rabbit, and they made that come true. I was a rabbit…
Nibansenji: And I was a giraffe. I'm tall so a giraffe seems pretty close to my image. Tomitake was a rabbit just because he likes them.
Tomitake: Right (laughs). From what I've seen, Niban generally wore a lot of beautiful fashion.
Nibansenji: I wore loads of clothes that I usually wouldn't, but my personal experience of the shooting was that it was less like a photobook and more like shooting for a slightly casual fashion magazine. Personally I think that in the photos we took, it wasn’t that the clothes looked good because I was wearing them, nor that I looked good because of the clothes, but that the clothes and I had a pretty harmonious balance (laughs).
I'm sure you've taken on various jobs as part of MeseMoa., but did you have any previous experience being fashion models?
Tomitake: Not really, so it was pretty difficult. For example, Niban had this cut where he was wearing a beret. Wearing a beret as part of a costume and trying to express the natural way it would be worn during everyday life seemed difficult to me when I was watching.
When shooting for fashion purposes, you have to think about the best way to show off the clothes while you're working.
Tomitake: Right! I learnt so many new things while we were shooting.
Did you make any special preparations before the shooting? Maybe checking your poses in the mirror?
Tomitake: Nope! I did…not at all (laughs).
Nibansenji: I didn't either, but I'm pretty sure Tomitake was definitely posing for the mirror (laughs).
Tomitake: I didn't! (laughs) There wasn't anything particularly troubling for this shooting. Often I watch overseas dramas that have fashion as their main theme, and I like to check fashion magazines if I have time, so maybe I just naturally absorbed some information about posing and stuff from there.
Nibansenji, the 'raw gemstone' that dulls as soon as it's been polished
Apart from dramas and magazines, how do you learn about the latest fashion?
Tomitake: I also use Instagram and other social media. Overseas fashion and Japanese fashion can be completely different so it's fun to look at. I actually prefer flashy clothes, but I tend to choose plain clothes for my everyday wear…I'm Japanese after all (laughs). That's why I was really glad to wear the clothes I actually wanted to wear this time.
Tomitake seems to take a lot of interest in fashion, but we've heard that Nibansenji is the complete opposite.
Nibansenji: I honestly don't care.
Tomitake: (laughs)
Nibansenji: I don't read fashion magazines or check fashion on the net. Most of the clothes I regularly wear are presents from fans…actually today's clothes are pretty much all presents (laughs). I don't have anything I'm particular about, but because I'm tall it's hard for me to find a size that fits. That's why when it came to the shooting I really didn't know how to act. Probably the first thing I asked was, "What should I do?". When it comes to MeseMoa., we usually shoot as a group of 9 or at least on a set with someone else so I'm used to that. But I really didn't know what to do when I was shooting alone, especially since I was trying to show off the clothes for the camera, so that was tough.
Tomitake: Niban honestly never buys clothes by himself. And this jacket he's wearing today? I'm pretty sure he's been wearing that same one for years and years (laughs).
Nibansenji: It's probably been about 5 years. I take care of my possessions.
Tomitake: You never change your wallet either, do you?
Nibansenji: I've been using this one for about 10 years now (laughs).
Tomitake: See! The way he takes care of things is just in a completely different league to me. He always uses things for several years, so I'd say in a way he's good at buying items that aren't influenced by trends (laughs).
Nibansenji: All the things I like are basically the same. So if you think that you haven't seen me using something for a while, please just assume that it was torn or broken (laughs). I do hear about some trends, and think that they're cool or unusual. But I don't leave the house unless I have plans, so the variation in clothes I wear outside will probably never increase.
Does that mean that you never really consider going out to buy clothes?
Nibansenji: Not really. Sometimes I'll go shopping if somebody invites me though.
Tomitake: He says that, but we've known each other for years now and yet I've only been shopping with him once and that was when we were abroad (laughs). I want to see him wearing lots of different clothes, so I'm persistent in inviting him. Niban can pull off stylish clothes, so we members try to get him to wear various things. By the way, I think of him as a 'dulled gemstone' (laughs). A gemstone that rarely lets you polish him, and when you think you've managed he grows dirty again in an instant…All of his own accord. Even though he's been nicely polished, he deliberately walks right back into the mud.
Niban: It's like, 'The polishing's done now? Sweet, I'm off to roll around in the mud' (laughs). Staff members often say I look completely different when I'm wearing our outfits and have had my hair and makeup done.
By the way, have you bought any trending fashion items recently?
Nibansenji: Last year I bought a blouson jacket from MA-1.
Tomitake: The most recent one was last year? (Laughs) It's true though, when I was at school I'd often talk about the latest fashion and trends with my friends, but as a group we prioritise music and dance instead. Honestly, we members rarely ever talk about fashion together.
Underwear particulars and confessions
Were there any outfits or items used during the shooting that you especially liked?
Tomitake: I had an on-location shoot in a leather biker jacket, and I really like that kind of rock-style, it packs a punch. I also came to like clothes that show off my body line.
Nibansenji: I wonder what I liked.
Tomitake: What I liked when I saw your photos were the outfits that used colour! Since you usually wear completely plain outfits. That orange knitwear and other slightly brighter clothes suit you surprisingly well!
Nibansenji: You think so? I tend to wear loose clothes, but I think maybe clothes that show my body line suit me more. However I still can't handle clothes that feel really tight to my body…
Speaking of, do you have any particulars when it comes to underwear?
Nibansenji: I won't wear anything other than trunks! Tight clothes and tight underwear are both bad.
Tomitake: You seem not to care about your underwear. That's why I always tell him to stop wearing pants that look like a middle schooler would buy them with their pocket money (laughs). By the way, I prefer boxers. My desire to wear flashy clothes comes out strongly in my choice of underwear, so I like to wear bright patterns. But today they're just a simple blue! (laughs)
Thanks for letting us know (laughs). We've heard that more and more people are moving away from wearing trunks, but how's the situation among those you know?
Nibansenji: Nobody else except me wears them. That's why Tomitake and even others ask me if I don't want to change. But I still don't like boxer types…
Tomitake: He'll probably be wearing trunks his whole life (laughs). One time he stayed over at my place and I lent him an entire outfit, including underwear. At the time he said he'd put up with it for a short while, but it was clear even then that he wouldn't want to keep wearing them. Or he could go full circle and start wearing fundoshi (laughs).
Nibansenji: That's never happening! (laughs)
Analysing their ideal types of women
Are there any items of women's fashion that you specifically like to see?
Tomitake: If Niban were to start talking about girls' fashion here, even his fans would get mad and wonder what the hell he's talking about (laughs).
Nibansenji: Especially since my own fashion is so slapdash (laughs). I guess it's okay to say that you like certain things, but if you start to say that you don't like something then it gets difficult, right?
Tomitake: That'd be so annoying! (laughs) I like seeing people who stick firmly to their principles, or seem to be having a lot of fun with their fashion. On a basic level, my eyes are drawn to flashy clothes. I'll probably see a lot of leather items that excite me in the coming season. But I also like a sweet and spicy mix, like a biker jacket over a dress or something.
Nibansenji: A sweet and spicy mix…?
Tomitake: It's a style that mixes sweet, feminine items with cool items. If I saw someone wearing a biker jacket over a pretty red dress I'd definitely look at them and think, 'What a cool rock style!'. But I also like very sweet, cute outfits. Also I think girls who can pull off woollen hats and berets have a high fashion sense. Berets in particular seem like they'd be hard to match with your clothes, but they leave such a girly impression so they're an interesting item.
Nibansenji: Damn…there's so many words flying around that I've never heard before (laughs).
Tomitake: Make sure you're following along properly! (laughs)
Nibansenji: I'll remember the sweet and spicy mix (laughs). I can't really give a concrete idea of fashion I particularly like, but for me as long as the person suits the clothes they're wearing then I think that's good fashion. But I do get intrigued when someone has a 'gap', I quite like that. Take our fans for example, if there's a girl who always wears skirts and suddenly one day she turns up in pants, then in my mind I'm kind of like, "Oh!". This is pretty clichéd , but I also like fluffy clothes.
Tomitake: You say all that but I can't even picture the type of girl you'd like. I think you can easily imagine my type though.
Nibansenji: Yeah. A dazzling girl, wearing black leather clothes that show her body line with her nails neatly painted. And uniform length hair.
Tomitake: Ah~ You know me so well. I like girls who are like divas from overseas. Like Beyoncé (laughs). A tsundere but without the 'dere' part (laughs). I like to be the one doing the chasing…I think.
Nibansenji:  Well, you tend to go for a pretty dazzling look when you crossdress.
They do say that when men crossdress, they tend to choose the style of their ideal woman.
Tomitake: I get that! My crossdressing was pretty damn dazzling (laughs). Niban dresses like a quiet girl who seems like she'd spend time reading books in the library. But then when she takes her glasses off she's really beautiful!
There's the 'gap' as he said.
Tomitake: What I can tell is that he prefers girls who aren't so flashy. This is kind of a different subject, but Niban is really close to what many girls hold as their 'ideal boyfriend'. I've got a lot of peculiar traits so there's a clear divide between those who like me and those who don't, but Niban's not like that - he's the type to be liked by everybody. Just saying it out loud annoys me! (Laughs)
Following on from your types, could you tell us about how to capture each other's interests?
Tomitake: Niban says that he's sloppy, and from the outside he seems like he's not too bothered about the fine details, but sometimes he's very particular about certain things that make you wonder why. I guess it depends on how you would approach that. He's not the type to get fussy over lots of things, but nobody understands his targets except him, so you might have to keep an open mind with him.
Nibansenji: I guess so. I think for Tomitake, it's best to firmly take the lead but also indulge him a little on the side. It's definitely better to take control over him. You need to be the type who'd tell him to stop hesitating over the same thing forever and a day.
Tomitake: You might be right! I don't think I could fall in love with someone who's not firmer than I am. Someone who can get things done makes me want to chase after them. If they were to say, 'Follow me!', I'd just be like, 'Yes!'. That's why I only need the 'tsun' part of a tsundere (laughs). Ah, but when it comes to our fans I like people who are kind and cheerful!
The photobooks are connected to the dream MeseMoa. is aiming for
It looks like you'll be holding lots of events around the release of the photobooks. What kind of events would you like them to be?
Tomitake: It's been a long, long time since we did an event with just the two of us. In the past Niban didn't really talk much, but recently he's become more proactive.
Nibansenji: I can talk in situations where my speaking partner won't, but if I'm with someone who talks a lot then I don't really speak.
Tomitake: Are you calling me a chatterbox? (laughs) Well then, this time I'll leave it to you. But when you start talking, you keep going for ages! (laughs) I'd like to give these events a sense of being special, but also with our usual unchanging atmosphere. Everything we're doing right now is all working towards the dream that MeseMoa. is aiming for. That includes the photobooks. The opportunities are increasing for many people to see our photos lined up in the bookshop, so that becomes part of MeseMoa.'s dream.
Nibansenji: We're really grateful for this chance. I'd like it to be seen by lots of people who are seeing us for the first time, but also both Tomitake and I believe we've taken some photos that will really satisfy our current fans, so I hope everyone is looking forward to it.
Thank you very much.
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