#i've had this problem before and it's so annoying and gross
blujayonthewing · 1 month
I really should not try to add 'create video content, a thing I have never done before' to my cicada plans when I've already got a lot of other stuff to keep track of but I do kinda want to on account of I do wanna try eating some and I'm really annoyed that almost everything I could find about doing that is framed as 'WOOOAAHH EEEUUUGH you can EAT?? these HUGE DISGUSTING BUGS???? watch me EAT some BUGS OOOAAHHHH' like okay I get it we live in the culture we live in but there's really not even one video on this from the perspective of approaching entomophagy in the spirit of sincere openness and curiosity??
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doberbutts · 1 year
It was a year or two ago some annoying terf was harassing me because I'm a terrible evil trans man beguiling and leading gay men astray with my gross vagina or whatever
And at some point how women are born with vaginas and men are born with penises and that was that
And I replied 'what about those who are born into the space inbetween? Women with psuedo-penises? Testicles where ovaries should be? Naturally higher testosterone? Facial and body hair?'
And naturally she screeched about how I was an evil tra who throws intersex people under the bus when intersex people have asked to be left out of this conversation.
But the problem is... I was talking about MYSELF. If you're going to forcibly label me a woman because I was born with a vagina, I'm going to require you to tell me what your definition of "woman" is that doesn't inherently exclude me from being ABLE to be labeled such.
A woman is someone born with a vagina, ovaries, and a uterus? And never with testes, prostate, and penis? Well I have a little of column A and a little of column B and that is without any amount of surgery or medical procedure.
A woman is someone whose endocrine system is estrogen-dominant? Sorry, that's never been me, I've always had higher testosterone than estrogen even before I went on T.
A woman doesn't need to shave her face? My beard predates my HRT. Doesn't have an adam's apple? I've had one since puberty. Cannot penetrate a partner without the help of a toy? Can and have. Body capable of creating new life? I've got it on pretty good authority that I've been infertile since the day I was born and that if I did somehow manage to get pregnant the fetus likely would never be viable anyway.
Doctors are sure she's a female baby the moment she comes out? Well considering my name was almost Jon Roger before the doctor realized he needed to take a second glance...
Has XX chromosomes? Well since I figured out this year that I for sure am intersex I do actually know my chromosomes now... but I didn't before. XY babies with my condition usually just die and those who do survive aren't intersex so I have to be XX since I made it to 30 without dying (I mean I tried real hard tho) without medical intervention. But if we're basing it on just XX or XY then you still have to put forth the effort of figuring out where you sort all the other possible configurations such as XY babies that look identical to XX babies and were often not caught until something was medically wrong with them that required a deeper look than just what was on the surface.
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pennywise-fucker · 6 months
I Get To Love You
Homelander x Reader
Request: can we get homelander being reassured by yn? like after jeaousy or him feeling bad?
Warning: Swearing, violence
A/N: It's been a minute since I've had the energy to write, so hopefully this is alright and fits well enough!
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Y/N rolled her eyes and shrugged at the supe who appeared to be hitting on her. She must be wrong, since everyone knew she essentially belonged to Homelander, but still, he seemed overly talkative and friendly with her despite it.
"Oh come on, flying is the best", he assured her, leaning in and touching her knee, a bright smile on his face. Y/N gave him an awkward smile, "It's alright, it mostly makes me nervous when Homelander insists on us flying", she laughed slightly, hoping he took the hint. He did not. "Maybe he just doesn't know how to do it properly", he teased, and Y/N readjusted in her seat, removing his hand from her knee, "I assure you, that's not it", she continued, looking around uncomfortably. "Well, how would you know if no on else has ever flown you around?", he teased, and she flinched when she heard Homelander's booming voice, "Perhaps the same way you know you don't want to die today. Just a feeling, right?", Homelander challenged and Y/N struggled to breathe. She should've left, should've done anything but allow this idiot to continue hitting on her.
"No disrespect, I just figured everyone should enjoy flight, y'know?", the idiot responded, only seeming slightly uncomfortable. "And what makes you think you could show her anything I couldn't?", Homelander challenged, his hands on the table, leaning down into the idiot's face. Y/N saw a slight flash of something that almost looked like challenge behind the idiot's eyes. She hoped she was wrong. She wasn't certain of his powers, but she knew there was no way he was as strong as Homelander. "Well, we are different supes", the idiot shrugged, standing up, meeting Homelander's murderous gaze.
"Um, yeah, you guys are, and I think I should leave with my supe", Y/N interjected, hoping to end whatever was about to happen. "No, no honey, let him continue, since he's so convinced he can do things for you that I can't", Homelander laughed, a terrifying grin on his face, but the idiot didn't seem afraid. "I'm sure plenty of guys can. A woman can never truly know what she enjoys until she's experienced it with different people", the idiot responded, clearly teasing Homelander now. Even the comment made Y/N's stomach turn, it was gross, and it was stupid.
Homelander's grin didn't falter, instead, it grew wider as he flew at the idiot and held him to the wall by his throat, "You think because there's people around that I won't kill you?". he spat, though slightly thrown back back the idiot's ability to get out from his hand and swing at him. Any amusement that Homelander had was now gone, and what was behind his face was pure evil. He quickly used his laser vision, and while the idiot at first was able to dodge it, he was quickly hit and dropped down, with plenty of things destroyed in the process, "This is Vought fucking tower, I own this place!'' Homelander laughed before picking up what was left of the bleeding idiot and slamming his fist into his head over and over and over.
The room had been cleared, and once Homelander dropped the idiot, Y/N approached him, grabbing his arm. Absolute silence. Blood on Homelander and the walls, as well as several destroyed desks and walls. She was pretty certain the entire floor was cleared. Homelander turned and looked down at her, "Why do you make me do these things?", he sighed, annoyed. "Me?", she exclaimed, shocked that he was blaming her. "Yes. You. You could've come and gotten me, could've done anything other than allow him to continue insulting me", he spat, glaring down at her. Y/N took a breath, "I didn't want to cause problems. I'd hoped that he'd get the hint and leave. I brought you up repeatedly", she defended, but his face remained unmoved. "Oh, I'm sure, and I'm sure he loved the chase, the same way you loved the attention", Homelander accused with a sigh, as if he knew exactly what had happened.
"That's not it!", Y/N defended, "I just wanted him to leave. I didn't want any of this. I just want you!", she practically yelled, needing him to actually listen instead of letting his insecurities get the best of him. He raised his eyebrow, then looked around, as if he was looking for an answer, "Homelander, I love you. I only want you. I'm lucky to get to love you", she assured him, grabbing his hand and looking up at him adoringly. He made eye contact, slightly softened now. "I'm sorry I didn't just leave when he started talking to me. I assumed I was misreading the situation, and I was wrong. You're the only person I want attention from", she spoke softly and began stroking his cheek. Homelander licked his lip and nodded, breathing deeply, "I don't want anyone else thinking they can have you", he said when he finally spoke, turning his face into her hand and softly kissing her palm. "They won't. I'm not going anywhere either. You haven't deserved everything you've been put through - the people using you, abandoning you. I just want you, no one else. I want to be here for you, I want to be here with you", she assured him, wrapping her arms around him in a hug. Homelander hugged Y/N back, his eyes welled up, but not allowing himself to cry. He buried his face into the top of her head, closing his eyes, "I'll kill anyone who gets between us", he smiled, relaxing his body and just enjoying holding her. Y/N nodded and nuzzled deeper into his chest, ignoring the blood she was certain was getting on her face. This was her life now, and it was her job to take care of Homelander, for better or for worse.
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ja3honey · 1 year
Day 27 : Hybrid - Yeosang
「Title」 : My Heart Is With The Sea
「Word count」 : 2.76k
-> Genre: Fantasy Au. Smut. Fluff. Angst. Comedy.
Paring: Pirate!Yeosang x Hybrid!Reader
[Warnings] : Warlock Hybrid Yeosang. Swearing. Gross drunk men. Mention of harassment. Hero Yeosang. Powers. Fire blades. Mention of a saloon. Old-timey words. Pet names. Saliva kink. Big dick Yeo. Sub reader. Dom Yeosang. Dirty talk. Details of the reader's body fitting into a curvy plus stature. Begging. Unprotected sex. Cumming inside. Slight breeding kink. Fingering. Yeosang is a cocky bitch. Mention of a Woosan relationship. Poly relationship mentioned. Let me know if I missed anything.
Note: I made the reader Plus size since I've been feeling really shit about my body image so yee. Also, I wanted to write more but I've run out of time so if this gets good attention and people want more. I'll be more than happy to turn this into a min series. And I was making this a JongSan fic but again since I ran out of time I could do Jongho's scenes.
February Filth Fest Event Day Calendar.
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It was like any other day. The air was riddled with the smell of the salty sea that was just over the bend of the hill. Loud men filled your ears with drunken nonsense in between slurps of their ale. It wasn't even midday, but yet, at least twenty men were already on the floor. But you guess it's happy hour somewhere beyond the big blue.
You sigh, picking up three glasses before putting them on your tray and moving towards the bar in a swift motion in order to avoid creepy men's hands. Most didn't mean to play rough, but most men just have sticky fingers. You knew you'd get harassed because this is the type of job you got. And most of the time, it didn't phase you, but you knew it annoyed others more than you.
"You lay a hand on her again, and you will lose those fingers." Yeosang barked, picking up the drunk guy that was hunched on his chair by the shirt collar. Yeosang's free hand was held behind him but not out of the men's view. The whole table saw out a blade made of fire magically appeared in the shaggy-haired male. They were nothing but shitting their pants, feeling anxious about angering the warlock.
"We are sorry about our friend Sir Kang. Please forgive his foolish actions." One of the less drunken men at the table slurred. It was as if they all suddenly sobered up, feeling a tension simmer through the whole saloon.
"How about I punish you anyway. Just to prove a point." Yeo smirked, loving to see fear consume such pitiful excuses of humankind. They all jumped to their friends' defence, making the bar roar with loud shouting. You sighed, having lost the fun while watching the interaction. So you whistled loudly, getting everyone's attention, including your brooding Vaelock lover.
"Alright, ladies. You've had your fun. Now fuck off before I send word to the knights." And just like that, all the men from the table piled out through the front door in a hurry. They were like puppies running away with their tails between their legs. But you knew when the sun set by the next few hours, they'd be back. They always came back.
Yeosang dropped his power, fixing his jacket slightly before waltzing over to you with a sly smirk. It always made him feel power when he got to hurt or scare men, but it made him feel even more powerful when it was that he was protecting you. He leaned against the large dark oak bar while he watched you behind it, placing the empty and half-empty tall pint glasses into the wash-up tub. He just stood there for a moment, watching you with abortion in his eyes. He watched how your hair would fall in front of your face when you bent down for something. Or how you had tucked your shirt into your pants today. It sat nicely on your plump figure. And he can't let his eyes wander too much as they land on your lips. Your very kissable lips. The lips he loves so much, especially when they are wrapped around his co—
"You got such a staring problem." You mumbled with a small smile, making him suddenly look away with a blush painting his features.
"I do not." He feels slight embarrassment from his dirty thoughts only moments ago. At least you couldn't read minds. "I'll be off by the coming hour." He changed the subject.
"Off on another adventure." You sigh softly, feeling a little lump in your throat form. You knew his life was on the sea, but it always made you nervous when he left. The waves can be large and unforgiving. Just as the weather can be cruel. His life can easily be taken away, and it kept you up at night whenever he felt for the docks.
"Yes. Captain said he found some news on Atlantis city. If we find it, we will finally be able to be done with these wanted posters and outlaw crap." Yeosang spoke with only a small amount of distance in his tone. Like he was off in his own world. They had been looking for this cromer thing for months with the idea that they could get redemption from the kingdom of East Valley. And how did they disrespect the kingdom, you may ask...well, that was a very long story. But in the shortest way to put it, they angered the king.
And why might a king be mad at a group of immature pirates? Simple. They are pirates, and royalty just has something against the lower class, especially those who bend the rules and live out on the sea. And because San and Wooyoung slept with the Princess....at the same time...
They went to East Valley on a job. To find a cromer for this warlock, but in toe, figured out that the King was the one who had it stolen from the old wizard years and years ago. So they needed to get into the castle, grab it, and leave. Like they weren't ever there. But the Princess saw San and Wooyoung and when Seonghwa told them to keep her distracted, he didn't think they would fuck her...
"Wait... You are looking for Atlantis city?!" Your voice came out strained and uneasy. This caught Yeosangs attention, tilting his head in concern.
"Yes. I thought I told you months ago?"
"You said you were looking for a hidden kingdom. I couldn't have guessed Atlantis." You were worried. Anyone who goes looking for such a place nine out of ten turn up dead or go missing. Worry clouded your mind, feeling your breath quicken. Yeosang suddenly jumps the bar so he can stand next to you. His body heat melted your cold, anxious thoughts. He leant his head on top of yours, holding you tightly in his arms. He knew of your worry and how to beg for him to stay. And he felt guilty every time he left. But he loves the sea and wouldn't see a life without it. But he also couldn't see a life without you. He was stuck at a crossroads.
"I'll be safe. You know I will. Hwa is an excellent navigator. And the captain would never put us in danger for anything. We come first." His words made you feel better, slightly. He pulled away from you so he could look you in the eyes. They were filled with tears, just waiting to be let out. You didn't want to cry. But your emotions seemed to have other plans.
"Just promise me. Promise none of you will get hurt ..."
He had to chuckle at the fact you referenced everyone. You had grown close to his crew since the day you met. Yeosang obviously tried to keep you for himself for a while, but alas, the others also found interest in you. Little did they know you were actually bedded with Yeosang already.
"None of us will be in danger. I promise." He gave you a small kiss on your forehead. It was a moment of peace in his arms. Like the world had stopped. You were the first to pull away, putting down the bar rag and moving things around to keep your hands occupied. Yeosang chuckled at your flustered state, suddenly recalling the dirty thoughts he had prior. And then a new thought came to mind.
"You know..." He hooked his fingers in the belt loops of your pants before pulling your body back into his. Your back flushed against his chest he leaned down so his face could sit nicely in your neck. "I could go for a parting gift. Something for me to remember while out at sea."
Your face flushed red and you looked around the large opened room, thanking the gods that the only customers that were still in the bar were either passed out of too far to hear your lover's filth idea.
"I..." You were going to decline out of embarrassment, but then the idea simmered in your mind making your thigh clench at the thought. "My shift finishes in ten minutes."
He chuckled darkly at you, giving your neck a few kisses for saying. "You know where to find me." Leaving, you flustered while he walked out of the bar as if nothing just happened.
"Yeosang!!" You moaned feeling a slight burn at the twisted position you were in. Your legs were hung over his shoulders while he practically bent you in half as he pounded into you. His teeth grazed against your neck as his muscles tensed from the exertion. Your hands fly to find something to hold onto, gasping out moans as his hands find yours. His fingers lace with yours before pinning them to the mattress.
“I’ll make sure to fill your cup. So you are nice and full while I’m gone.” Yeosang grunted, feeling sweat beads form against his hairline.
You whine in response, his words weren't fully registering in your pleasured-filled mind. You were so lost in the grunts and pants he spilled into your ears as he pressed so deep, fucking into the perfect spot that had your thighs quivering on either side of his head. Your plump legs were dropped to a more comfortable position on his waist as he gripped your cheeks with his fingers. Your mouth opened instinctively as he pursed his lips, gathering saliva before spitting it in your mouth and smothering your lips with his in a sloppy kiss. Teeth clanking together from the punishing thrusts as his hips rutted yours.
“My pretty Darling. Mine… All of this is mine.” A sick smile curled his lips, goosebumps lining his skin when your shaky hands found their way up his chest and to his shaggy black hair. Fingers tangling in it as you blubbered incoherent words, a shift in his hips tensing your body and making your hands tug the sweat-dampened strands. He’s strained from the angle of his head being pulled back. The column of his neck looked as if it was begging to be marked up as you pulled him down to you, latching your lips to his pulse point and sucking harshly on the skin. His vulgar sounds vibrated against your mouth as his warm right hand slipped between your slick bodies to toy with your clit. Your back arches painfully at the overwhelming feeling.
“Fuck Yeo... Please FUccckk.” You scream throwing your head back feeling Yeosang press sloppy circles to your sensitive bud while his thrusts suddenly lose their rhythm. He suddenly wanted to see your face, so, picking up his hand slightly he waved a finger in the air, making your hands tug off his hair within a second. You try to move your hands away from either side of your face but alas, his power that bands an invisible cuff around them made it impossible.
“Come on baby, whose cock is this, hmm?”
You mumble inaudibly over the wet sounds of skin slapping. His lips brushed over yours mixing his breath with yours. His hips snap forward, his thick cock ramming into a spot that got you seeing stars. His hand leaves leave your clit, one gripping your hip, bruising the soft curves while the other grabs a hand full of your large bust. “I asked you a question, Doll..”
 “Mine- mine, all mine-“ you finally cried out, words slurring together from the seemingly permanent fog that had settled over your mind. He finally let your hands free from his hold in a silent gesture for his next move.
“Prove it then.”
“I can’t- I- Yeo, please-“ you cry, tears pooling in your eyes while your fingers slip down to dig your nails into the skin of his shoulders. The stinging sensation only urged him to keep going while a shaky moan escapes his lips.
“You can do it, Darling. Take what’s yours.” He demanded, jaw clenched tight and pace faltering. Your ankles hooked together at the base of his back, heels digging into the spot to pull him impossibly deeper as you frantically rocked your hips against him along with his thrusts. Yeosang grunts in a pleased response, head dipping down to bite a mark to your shoulder as his cock twitched in your velvety walls. Your orgasm tore through you like a wildfire. Stealing the breath from your lungs and making your body convulse. His guttural moan was almost barely heard over the roaring in your ears as hot spurts of his cum filled you.
Your body was worn out when he slipped from between your shaking thighs. A soft whine pulled from your throat when you felt his middle and ring finger against your cunt, pressing the seed that had seeped from you back into your walls. Your overstimulated cunt already clenched around the digits and body fully reacting to the shocks of pleasure as he finger fucks you.
“Best parting gift ever,”
Yeosang ran over the dock as fast as his legs to take him. The ship was in sight, and his heartbeat finally could rest easy, knowing his captain wasn’t just going to up and leave him like he had been threatened in the past. His feet land on the familiar oak beauty. He spots his friends scattered around the deck, one in particular―a like blonde―shaking his head in annoyance.
“Next time we leave you.” The blonde shouts heading up to the stern deck where the wheel is. Yeosang just huffed out in response, turning his attention to the redhead and his feline-featured lover.
“So how was it?” Wooyoung giggled.
Yeosang choked looking dumbfounded. “What?!”
“You know. How was she? Or he. Or both. I don’t judge.”
“Shut up Wooyoung.” Jongho suddenly appeared from the captain's quarters fixing his overcoat slightly. “Don’t you have a kitchen to stock?”
Wooyoung went to reply with a snarky remark but San pulled him away with a small smile telling him to drop it. Yeosang shook his head slightly glancing over at the younger male. The ravened hair man waltzed over slowly, keeping his unreadable expression until he stood only centimetres away from him.
“She okay?” He spoke softly knowing exactly where he had been for the past couple of hours. Yeo had to chuckle at his words as sudden flashes of your fucked out expression and blissful moans echoed in his mind.
“Uh yeah. Last time I checked.” he couldn’t hide the smug smirk on his face.
“Last time you checked uh-huh.” Jongho smirked lightly hitting his shoulder while nodding.
Yeo just bit his lip, watching Jongho walk away.
“Cap, what's the plan?” Yunho tilted his head until he heard a crack. Seonghwa was pacing around the large map on the big oak table. “Do we travel west?”
“If he cut through this roar he can make it to the caving island before the storm hits,” Mingi spoke up an idea, making the captain nod slowly, leaning into his chair ever so slightly.
“Do it. Three days will be added to our trip, but we'll make it happen.” Hongjoong waved his hand, standing up before turning to look out the window, seeing the dark clouds approaching east. The rest of the crew gear up for the sudden travel. Heading west to a small island riddled with caves big enough to hold a ship until the storm blows over.
“This storm is getting bad out there. They should be okay right…” You stood by the water's edge as your friend Livera played with a stick in the sand making random scribbles.
“I’m sure they are fine. Besides the storm is probably not that bad.” The red hair knelt down finding a crab suddenly emerging from under the sand. She bit her lip in excitement, eyes widening with sparkle inside them.
“I just… What if―Bubs if you are so worried, why don’t you go find out?” Her big soft ears that were perched on the top of her head twitch while her tail bright red tail wags slowly.
You turn your attention away from the sweet fox, noticing how the waves crash against the bank as if the ocean calls for you to join it. “Maybe I will.”
And you run straight into the water before diving in deep.
- Part Two -
Ateez Masterlist
Taglist : @yunhofingers @violetwinters @lmhmh01 @purrhwa @joti17 @jess-1404 @pinki-minki @yesv01 @minkiflwr @rielleluvs @dilfjohhny @whatudowhennooneseesyou   @az-con @jen176pink @sundaybossanova @8tinytings @mysticfire0435 @yeosan8 @spookyauthorspopmusictrash @zi-ever @fl0r4f4wn @candypop1611 @toxicccred @yvnjin-s @meltheninja13 @atinyreads @e-ahn19 @stardragongalaxy
© 𝐉𝐚𝟑𝐡𝐰𝐚. Do not steal, plagiarise, translate, repost, or use my work in any way, shape, or form.
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james-is-here · 30 days
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I've had this idea for three months and it took so long to put into words because I was trying to come up with...not lyrics so to speak but what I think it feels like in a position like this.
Zombie Au? There's an infection and it's spreading but it's not necessarily zombies. Felix is your little brother.
Blogs: @belladonna6-6-6 @heartbinn @leezanetheofficial I genuinely forgot who else wanted tagged, please let me know again if you want to know when I post
Tags: Death, angst, you might cry (I genuinely cried), I'm so sorry if you cry 🥺, blood, kn1fe, Felix being the precious soul he is even in a dire situation, lots of crying, th-the use of st-stuttering since i've once read that the stuttering is annoying so I'm just warning. LMK if I forgot anything.
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You ran and ran, hand tight around your brothers as you keep looking back to make sure he's still keeping up with you and also look out behind the both of you.
You shouldn't be outside at night but your original camp was surrounded by the creatures, slimy, gross, deformed creatures which use to be human beings. It was dusk, barely enough light to see where you're going.
The slow ones were called draggers, the fast ones were called runners, three runners were currently chasing you and your brother. You look back in front of you to find a couple draggers and skid to a stop, running to your left but you went to fast and Felix tripped, loosing the grip on your hand and falling to the ground with a grunt before shuffling back to his feet and catching up to you, taking your hand again.
His fumble unintentionally let the runners catch up to you both as you pant heavily. You still don't know where you're running, the road you're on unfamiliar as you run past buildings after buildings.
You suddenly hear a high pitched whistle and look ahead to your left, a person waving you over to an abandoned convenience store, they wear some sort of head cover that they seem to wear to blend in with the monsters but you saw their eyes and the fact that they were waving you over. You're quick to run over to them but suddenly your hand is empty again.
Turning around, you weren't expecting to see a dragger on your brothers foot. "Felix!" You dash over to him, kicking the dragger in the head before picking your brother up and running into the store.
You set Felix down, cradling his face and looking over him to make sure he's okay. "You guys okay?" The person- or the man- took his head over off and you see someone around you and Felix's age. "Yeah...Yeah, I think we're good. Thank you." "No problem. I'm Chris." "I'm Mn, this is my little brother, Felix." "It's nice to see a few new faces. Come on, there's a few more of us in the staff room."
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The other survivors you met were really nice, they were friends of Chris'. Minho, Changbin, and Seungmin. They all lost someone to the infection.
Minho lost his lover, Jisung.
Changbin lost his best friend, Hyunjin.
Seungmin lost his little brother, Jeongin.
and Chris lost his wife and daughter.
You and Felix lost your whole family, you only had each other.
You both were currently on the floor in front of a fire Chris made, everyone else either somewhere in the store. Felix was curled up in your arms between your legs, one leg extended and the other you had your knee up the Felix leaned back on, your body was like his own little bubble, his comfort as your arms were secured around him and you just stared at the dancing flames in front of you.
He shifts, burying his face further into your neck as he slept but slowly he began whimpering and shifting, squirming in your hold as he tried to bury further into your neck. "Felix, bubs, wake up." You rub his arm gently, trying to wake him up and you know he's awake when he moves to face you, you move your legs to hold him properly in your lap as he cries on your shoulder. "Felix..." "I'm so scared, Mn..." "I know...I-I am too." "N-No, I-I'm scared of being in here..." "Wha- Lix, What do you mean?"
He sniffs, moving off your lap to rest his leg on your lap and pull up his pant leg. "No-" The tears hit you fast as you sob and gently graze your finger over the wound. "Th-The Dragger g-got me...I-I'm s-sorry, Mn. I-I'm so s-scared." He's started sobbing now and you just bring him into your arms, holding him tight. "I-I'm sorry..." You shush him, gently rubbing his back. "I-It'll be o-okay, Lixie." You bury your face in his shoulder and hold him tightly. "I-It'll be okay..." If you were reassuring him or yourself, you couldn't say.
Although, someone over heard you, and they were happy that an infected was now in their safe space.
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In the stillness of the night, I hold you tight.
As time slips away, fading out of sight.
Every beat of your heart, a whispered plea.
Begging for salvation that I cannot decree.
There was one night, or day, you don't even know the date anymore, that you all gathered near the fire ring, conversing about anything and everything. Chris was telling stories of his family and Changbin told stories about him and Hyunjin, it hurt to learn that Changbin loved Hyunjin but never got the chance to tell him until Hyunjin got infected.
You and Felix were sitting on one of the break room tables, you could tell he's getting weaker, he was getting more tired and he didn't have as much energy anymore.
"I'm sorry...I have to say something before we're all dead." Minho suddenly spoke up and stood up, pulling a knife from the counter. "Woah, hey, Minho! What are you doing?!" "There's a runner or dragger here and I need to take care of it before we're all dead."
Your protective instincts gave it away as you stood and stepped in front of Felix. "Mn?" Seungmin questions your sudden shift before standing up, watching you protect the boy. "Minho, please..." "You really expect that'd change my mind?! Come on, wouldn't any of you want to kill the infected before it took your loved ones?" "Minho, this is my brother, my baby brother, he's all I have left, Please." "You'll end up loosing him." "But I still have him! I still have him now! I don't- I don't want to loose him yet, I-I just can't." You cry, turning towards Felix and cradling his face, gently shushing him as he sobbed, holding onto your wrists as he placed his forehead on yours.
He's muttering that he's scared, that he doesn't want to go, that he doesn't want to leave you and it hurts you even more, leaning back to kiss his forehead before returning to your previous spot.
Suddenly there's hands on your biceps, pulling you away from the boy and you sobbed, begging that this doesn't happen, trying to pull out of Chris' hold but he's stronger than you in the moment. "No, No P-Please! Please, just a little longer please!" Chris pulls you to the back wall of the break room, you try to pull your arms out and run to your brother but suddenly Changbin and Seungmin are holding you in place by your shoulders, keeping you from escaping Chris' hold. You struggle against them as Felix limps backwards away from Minho before falling to the floor.
"I-I'm sorry, Felix..." Minho stutters before driving the blade into his stomach. "No!!" You choke, watching Minho do it a couple more times before dropping the blade and stepping back. "Felix!"
They finally let you go and you dash over to your brother, kneeling next to him and bringing him into your hold, placing a hand on his heart and sobbing heavily. Every other beat is strong but the in between beats are slow and barely there.
"Felix, No..." He sobs, tilting his head into you and you lean further down to connect your foreheads. "I'm scared, Mn..." "I know...I know, bubs, I'm so sorry..."
Your breath grows faint, a fragile sigh,
Yet in your eyes, a fire refuses to die.
I'd trade my every breath to keep you here,
But destiny's grip, I cannot interfere.
His chest begins to rise and sink slowly, but when you lean back to look at his eyes, they almost look alive still, wide and looking up at you the usual way he looked at you, like you were the most amazing guy in the world. He always looked up to you, he loved you as his big brother.
"I-I wish I c-could take your place...give you all that I have. I w-wish you didn't have to go th-through this, Lixie...I-I'm such a terrible brother, I-I'm so sorry." You place a slightly bloody hand on his cheek and wipe his tears away. "Y-You're wrong-" "Ssh, save your breath." He chuckles weakly. "Ironic." His eyes glance down to his stomach where his shaking, bloody hands rest.
Through every gasp, I whisper tales of our past,
Each memory a lifeline, meant to last.
Though time may steal your earthly form away,
Our love's immortal flame will forever stay.
"You'll be with Mama...a-and L-Livy...a-and Rach..." "B-But th-they w-were turned..." "No, that's- That's not them...they're somewhere b-better..."
You move a few strands of hair out of his face and reach down to hold his hand. You don't care about the blood anymore.
"I-I don't w-want you to g-go, Bubs...Y-You belong h-here." "I-It w-would've h-happened...s-sooner or l-later." He inhales shakily, squeezing your hand. "I'm n-not r-really l-leaving." "What do you mean?" He raised a hand slowly and pointed at your chest. "I-I'll b-be here...y-you'll always l-love me, Nn. I-I'll a-always be here..."
I'm here by your side, my love, don't fear,
In the darkness, I'll be your light, my dear.
Though I cannot save you from fate's cruel art,
I'll stay with you, till the last, never apart.
"I-I don't want to leave you now...D-Dying is s-scary, I-I'm s-so s-scared." "It's gonna be okay...I'm gonna be here with you, it's okay. It's okay..."
You stayed the whole time, rubbing your thumb back and forth on the back of his hand and occasionally kissing his forehead. "I-I wish I could've s-saved you. I-I wish th-this didn't have to happen, I-I'm so sorry, Felix..."
You were gonna stay until his last breath.
As your eyes meet mine, in the final gaze,
I'll be the guardian of our love's eternal blaze.
Though you depart from this world's embrace,
You'll find me waiting in love's timeless space.
You had your eyes closed the whole time, you couldn't handle seeing him the way he was but you finally open them, Felix should see you before he goes.
"I-It'll b-be okay, Nn." He raised a hand to the side of your face and you held it tight. "Stop fighting it, Lix. I-I know you are, it's okay. I'm here, y-you're safe. S-Say h-hi to th-the girls and Mum if you see th-them...a-and l-let me know y-your with me every- every once in a while, mkay?" "I-I will a-and t-take m-my locket..." "Lixie..." You choke out as your eyes remain locked and you watch the light fade, his eyes filled with tears and his hand goes limp. "Lix..." You sob with a whine as the others finally kneel by you.
"I'm really sorry, Mn..." You were silent, sobbing over your brother. "Mn, we should move him." You sniff, moving a shaky hand to his neck and Minho gently helped you unclasp the locket, you clutch it in your fist before you leave a final kiss to his forehead and close his eyes. "Okay." You say softly, barely above a whisper.
You pick him up and turn to the other guys. "I-I can't...I-I don't have the strength to just l-leave him somewhere." "I'll take him for you..." Minho offers with his lips pressed together in a soft, apologetic smile. "I-I happen to know a nice area nearby so he won't just be out in the open." "Thank you..." His eyes widen at your words, he just killed your brother, why are you thanking him?
"Wh-When it got worse, I-I don't think I-I'd h-have the strength to actually l-let him go..." He hums in reply and steps up to you, letting you place Felix in his arms before he walks away. "Wait!" Minho turns around and you walk over to him, taking Felix's bracelets, putting them on, and any other items he had on him. You also snatch the pocket knife you saw from a nearby table and cut a part of his hoodie off, the only light blue part of his sleeve that wasn't covered in blood, and put it in your pocket, saving it to make something later. "Thanks." Minho nods before walking away again.
It's lucky the convenience store still has running water as you move to wash off the blood. "Hey, found the clothing section for you." Chris announces, placing a hoodie and jeans on the counter next to you. "In a convenience store?" "Well, from the thrift store next door." "Light Blue?" "Had a feeling...if that's okay?" Tears gather on your lash line before you nod and extend an arm. With Chris' small nod and a gentle smile, he lets you hug him tightly.
"I'm surprised you're not mad at us." Seungmin commented and Changbin slapped his arm. "I-I'm actually grateful...Yeah, you let my brother...b-but it was a necessary thing to do...I-I wouldn't have had the strength to do it my-myself when i-it got worse."
"I'm back." You leave Chris' embrace and turn to Minho. "Thank you...again." "It's no problem...Sorry I got a bit angry before." "It was understandable. Now if you don't mind, the state of my clothes is making me want to cry again so I'm gonna change."
"We'll be out here." Chris said as you walked to the bathroom with the clothes he got you.
When the door closed, Chris turned to the others. "Him thanking us for killing his brother is weird right?" "A little but it makes sense. Were you watching back there? He held his to his final breath. I could tell he wouldn't have been able to let him go if the infection got worse."
"How'd you know?" "Saw them a couple nights ago, Felix showed him the bite on his ankle from the dragger that attacked him before they came in here. I could see him changing and didn't want Mn to keep him to the point of turning into one of those and attacking us." "Did it hurt?" Changbin asked.
"So much. He looked as precious and kind, I really didn't but I was protecting us." You then walk out of the bathroom, throwing your old clothes into a nearby empty box. "Can I hug you, Minho?" "Uh, yeah, sure." He asks hesitantly and you walk over to him, wrapping your arms around his back and shoulders as he did the same to you.
"Thank you-" "Stop thanking me for killing your brother, it's kinda weird." You laugh, pulling away and joining the others on the floor. "Was gonna say thank you for protecting us...although I was against it...what you did makes sense...as much as I want to hate you for killing him you did it to protect us so...guess that skims off some of the hate." "Some?" He looks at you bewildered and the rest of you laugh.
"You killed my brother, you expect there to not be at least a little hate?" "Yeah, but you said some which means there's more hate then gratitude." While you and Minho went back and forth, the other three watch small smiles.
Even in a world of chaos, there's still time to find joy.
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😭 I'm sorry if this made you cry and also I wrote this in like three hours it was like 1:20am when I started and now it's 3:41am so I'ma go to bed.
The angst is angsting 😩
His locket had a picture of your family on one side, and him and you together on the other.
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jestersfinaljest · 7 months
Could you write for the wonderful, amazing, beautiful, silly Ace Trappola? Like him falling in love with a male reader who isn’t the prefect and is just a normal student and is totally in denial that he’s gay? (Sorry if that doesn’t make sense)
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。.。:∞♡*♥ ︶꒦꒷♡꒷꒦︶┊┊❁ཻུ۪۪♡ ͎. 。˚ °
‘Okay, I’m man enough to admit when a guy is pretty, I mean, Pomefiore guys have some pretty guys, I am confident in my sexuality to admit that!’ Is what Ace kept telling himself. He had quite literally bumped into a student, just a student from another dorm, just a normal student. A totally normal student who had made his heart pound in his chest. Ever since that encounter, Ace has been out of it, making up excuses in his head, saying things to himself like, “I’m not gay, I can’t be.” or “My heart was beating like that for different reasons!” But deep down, he knew he couldn’t deny it.
The student he had bumped into had very little thoughts about the ‘incident’, sure he thought about it a couple of times, seeing the ginger’s flushed face before he ran off, leaving him slightly confused with a newfound liking. He just stood there after the ginger ran away, questioning a little bit, but nothing he wouldn’t lose sleep over.
Ace, on the other hand, lost tons of sleep, waking up from dreams of kissing or cuddling with the student. 'I don't even know his name! And now I'm having dreams about him??? This is crazy, this didn't even happen with my girlfriend in middle school!!' The more he kept denying that he may have a thing for the student he bumped into, the more the student was on his mind. He had seen him around NRC, just peacefully walking around or chatting with a friend, and every time he did he made a beeline to the opposite direction of him. Now come on, Ace thought he did a good job keeping his little problem under wraps, but it's Ace we're talking about. The ginger got distracted during so many basketball practices that it got the attention of Jamil and Floyd. They didn't bring it up, yet, but time will tell when they would. Deuce and the Prefect had brought it up though.
"I'm just saying, you seem to be pretty distracted lately, we're just concerned is all." The Prefect had told him, Deuce standing next to them nodding full heartily. "Yeah, so what's got you like this? It's weird hanging out with you when you're not so loud and annoying." His arms were crossed over his chest, continuously nodding like he was only saying good things. Grim was too distracted with eating a can of tuna Prefect had bought him from Sam's store to even care what the topic of the conversation was about.
"I'm fine! It's just.." Ace felt hesitant to tell them about the feelings he had so desperately wanted to leave. He wasn't sure how they'd take it, I mean, in an all-boys school? What if they get disgusted by him and think he's weird or gross? These are concerns he'd never think he'd have to think about. "I think I might like the guy I bumped into a week ago, okay??! And I've been stressing with these feelings because I just can't be gay, can I??" Ace felt a weight being lifted off his heart, and then a heavier one dropped down. His heart pounded with anxiety and fear at their reaction.
"Well, why not? Being gay is normal. It's not necessarily a bad thing, you know." Prefect had said something first, shrugging their shoulders. "There's probably a lot of gay people in NRC, I already have a couple of suspicions..." They trailed off, looking away to the side. Deuce, once again, nodded in agreement before stopping himself. "Yeah, that's right--What, uhh, no. Not that last part, uhm, anyway...What me and Prefect mean is that we don't mind who you like because, at the end of the day, you're still our friend!"
A truly lovely and heartwarming scene for Ace, who was given love, support, and confidence to talk to the student! After sorting out his feelings and emotions, he went out and walked around campus for a bit, searching for the student. Around ten minutes passed and he finally found him, sitting on a bench in the courtyard, on his phone. He summoned all of his courage and sat down next to him, his leg starting to bounce out of nervousness. The student had heard someone sit next to him, and by Seven, did Ace feel something when the student clearly brightened up seeing his face.
"Oh, hey! It's you, the guy who bumped into me and then ran away!" He chuckled lightly and turned his head to face Ace, who was feeling extremely jittery and suddenly a bit aware. "Ah, yeah, uhm, I'm sorry about that...I just wanted to apologize for that. I'm Ace Trappola, freshman." The student nodded, "Apologize accepted. [Name]'s the name, also freshmen." Ace felt his heart skip a beat, he finally knew his name. They both stayed silent for a while, too awkward to say anything, maybe.
After a moment or two, one of them finally spoke up, neither of them knew who said it at the time, but one of the two knuckleheads blurted out,
"I think you're pretty cute...!"
Cue matching red faces and a pair of freshmen with no clue what to do now.
a/n: i am so sorry if this is not what you wanted, i usually work better when i have thorough details, since i always want to give the reader exactly what they want so...but thank you for requesting!! this is my first time writing for someone who isnt a friend.
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mlmmetalhead · 2 years
hiii can i pls get a scenario of like a big bad delinquent male reader standing up for jonathan and jonathan is scared that y/n will hurt him too but he's actually really chill andthey become friends, and them maybe more??;
Jonathan, the pretty boy.
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Jonathan Byers X Male reader
CW: swearing, bullying, use of "queer" as an insult, smoking, reader is mentioned to be higher and more buff than Jonathan, cheesy ahh writing I've done at 4 am
He has already got used to be thrown insults at.
Basically an everyday routine by now.
Wake up, go to school, hear gross words, go home.
Day after day, how many times he didn't try to hide and skip in the bathroom. In fact, there, a new way of torture started: banging on the door, throwing wet toilet paper, looking under the door, and again, insults. He didn't even do anything to provoke them. In Hawkins High, you have to simply be a loner, to be chosen as a punching bag. Jonathan got tired of it. Every day. He dreamt of just staying at home sometimes.
It was one of those day, when everything seemed to be pushing him. When the oh so familiar words he didn't really care about anymore, started hurting again for some reason. But he couldn't do anything. He couldn't and he knew it. So what else was there left but just take it? Take every push, every punch, every insult... Just waiting. Waiting once it will all be over again, and he could get up and go home.
Jonathan closed his eyes, listening to the same words again and again, even starting to wish his bullies would think of something new, as he was getting bored of those same phrases over and over. That is, until he heard a new voice.
"Hey, get the fuck off him."
Everyone stopped at the same time, as if a switch went off.
"The hell dude? The police are coming or something?" - that's Tommy's voice, he's a total bastard, annoying as hell.
"No, but I am. Get. The fuck. Away. Bitch." - again, that new voice. Jonathan didn't recognize it, at least, he didn't think he did.
"Jeez, do you have a problem? Why so feisty?" - Tina. She's not actually doing anything, just standing around, laughing her ass off.
"Guys, that's L/N... If he's serious, we actually have to go, like, right now... Have you seen what he's done to Billy's face that one time?" - Vicki. She whispered that last part to the rest of the group.
After which, fast running and some phrases, unrelated to Jonathan could be heard, furthering away. He was abandoned, once more. Thrown out like a toy, once someone took it away from it's previous owners. And Byers had a feeling, the new owner's going to test out his new toy really soon...
His steps came closer, until he stopped, about ten inches away from Jonathan's head on the ground.
"You're alive?"
Jonathan nodded, biting his lip and nervously trying to cover his face up.
"You like lying around like this or what? Meditating?"
He heard a deep laugh above him. Jonathan opened up his eyes a little, being ready to shut them at any needed moment. He was met with a curious face above his, which had a sly smile and a cigarette in it's mouth.
"Ayy, you woke up! That's good."
Jonathan felt a pat on his shoulder, at which he flinched instinctively.
"Hey, relax, I don't enjoy beating people up, unlike some fuckers, who can't even take one person without a group..."
Byers made an attempt to stand up, and failed miserably, before being caught by the stranger he still was cautious of.
"Careful there... What's your name, eh, pretty boy?"
"You have a last name, John?"
The stranger smiled, smoke coming out his mouth.
"Good to know. I'm Y/N L/N. You may have heard some things, don't take them as gospel, really."
Jonathan thought about it for some time. He did remember some talks about a student with the same last name beating the shit out of Billy Hargrove on some party. And teachers talking about someone like that stealing something from the cafeteria...
Byers nodded, nervously looking around.
"Hey, it's alright. I promise I won't hurt you, okay, pretty boy? I only bite if someone bites me first. Or if... I'm asked to."
Y/N winked, making an unfamiliar feeling bloom in Jonathan's chest.
"So, Jonathan, wanna go somewhere? Like, to eat, or maybe just hang around the streets or some shit... I'm bored out of my mind, if I'm honest, and you seem like a bodyguard wouldn't hurt. What do you say? No pressure."
Sure. No pressure. This big, intimidating man, who just scared off his bullies with two sentences, is now being all friendly, asking to hangout, and saying, no pressure?!
So, of course Jonathan said yes.
And if he's being honest... He didn't regret it. Y/N turned out to be a surprisingly guy to talk to, once the fear wore off. They went to get some food, and then took a relaxing walk in the woods, talking about whatever. Y/N ended up driving Jonathan back to his house, and when Byers got undressed to go to sleep, he found a note in his back pocket.
"Sorry for scaring you, pretty boy. xoxo"
And a number written down.
Jonathan smiled and shoved the note under his pillow.
"Jonathan, your boyfriend's here!" - Will shouted in the direction of his brothers room, moving out of Y/N's way, as he entered the house.
"I swear to god Will, if you don't stop calling him that!"
L/N chuckled, as his friend emerged from his room, rubbing his eyes and faintly smiling.
"Hey, Y/N... Where are we... We going somewhere?" - Jonathan looked up and down at his friend.
"I don't know. We can go somewhere if you want. I mean, you said Will's going to leave, so..."
"Yeah, I am. So you two can kiss all you want." - Will said as he took his backpack out his room, heading to the dood.
Y/N laughed again, as Jonathan covered his face in annoyance.
"Thanks for your permission, Will. Wouldn't have done it without."
So there they were, sitting in Jonathan's room, as Joy Division played softly. Y/N had his hands wrapped around Jonathan's figure lightly, the other boy's head on his shoulder.
"Thank you." - Byers's voiced echoed in the room lightly.
"What are you... talking about?"
"Thank you. For saving me then, for providing me emotional support... For making the bullying less intense now..."
"Nah, you'll thank me once it'll be completely over, Jonathan the pretty boy."
"Well, that's a new name."
"Couldn't decide which one to call you, so I chose both. Sounds chessy as hell, I know."
"It does, but y'know... That's why I like it."
Y/N laughed, ruffling Jonathan's hair up and giving him a quick peck on the lips. Jonathan froze, looking at the other boy wide-eyed. Only after he realised what he had done, L/N quickly stood up, grabbed his jacket and stammering out:
"Sorry I... I just remembered... I uh... Need to go."
He stormed out of Jonathan's room, his hands shaking a little when he tried to open the front door. Stumbling with the lock, he felt a pair of hands on his shoulders. Y/N slowly turned around, only to be met by a pair of lips smashing into his. Wasting no time, Y/N reciprocated, lifting Jonathan up by the waist, pushing the kiss deeper. When they finally parted, Jonathan rested his forehead on Y/N's, feeling each others heavy breath on their lips.
"And thank you... For this, too... Y/N, the pretty boy."
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gemmasgraveyard · 4 months
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Hi! My name is gemma, im 22 (mdi)
◇300lbs sw active in 2024◇
My account has gotten deleted so many times and it makes me so sad. Backup @riotgrrrlgemma
Sw: 305
Cw:??? Idk I don't have a scale
Gw4: 175
150 is the goal ♡
Or less
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Read for stupid rambles, update frequently
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If you scolled this far thx!
I'm gonna put some stuff here about me, like my favorite music and sh!t like that
I'm 22, a Gemini. Although I don't believe in astrology, I do think a little of it is true. Like,, my moon and rising are so accurate.
Scorpio moon, sag rising
Anyways, I'm a size 22, isn't that crazy?
I remember when I was size 18 and actually to into actually how my teen body changed from size 12 to 18. This was the lowest in my life, I basically just shoved down the way I felt with food. My parent kicked me out because I told them I was as by their partner.
Long story short they don't believe me and never will... so I kept shoving how I felt with food
Now I live alone, I'm happier
Or. Am I. Because like I don't feel anything but guilt and anxiety. I try not shove my face with food but unfortunately I'm not better than I was before.
I'm still so fucking massive and I've been doing this since November. I fucking hate my self.
Sorry to like trauma dumping
Anyway, I always found my outlit to be creativity. I love knitting, painting, crafting, and making diy clothes. Music is another thing I'm trying to dabble in, I love all music and all genres. How can anyone make a horrible song? At least, that's what I think. So much goes into it. It's just such a beautiful thing. Even in the songs that others find bad or corny, I love.
I love smoking w33d and gaming.
I know that sounds corny asf, but honestly, I could spend all day being a gremlin and not binge. I used to play Cold War so much, and because I have anxiety, I would clench my jaw. The way that felt was enough to make me not want to eat.
I want to start going out, but every time I do I feel so ugly and gross. I start to feel guilty just being there. I guess I'm guilty other people have to see me? I don't know. Anyways sorry for dumping this here. But yeah I might just dump my rambling I have in my head.
April 5
Sometimes I think God isn't real then I pray for strength in order to fast and it works.
April 12
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I went out a few days ago. No one worried about how ugly I was because I did my makeup. I am starting a 44h fast. I love the number 4 soooo much. Anyways, I'm almost out of weed and cigs, which is very annoying... just like how my partner wanted to sit down with me and have dinner before he went to work. I tried to just serve him, but he was like almost lecturing me, and I ate. It's okay. Like I said, I'm starting a 44h fast now. I just hope this isn't a problem in the future. Update at 2 pm so my partner made me make breakfast, I'm not upset. I just had eggs, but I was able to make him some eggs and sausage. He went to go pick up his check, and he got me cigs and weed. But he came back with a pizza and was like "oh this is for dinner and maybe tomorrow's breakfast" so glad to have this man in my life but why pizza !
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lolia21 · 8 months
Wei Wuxian, Feminism and Autonomy
The title sounds way fancier than this is going to be. So sorry for that. But this is a thought I've had for a while not and i just got double-triggered. So I'm listening to this MDZS podcast that i really like while reading mdzs fan fiction. The podcast is "Podcasts are Forbidden in the Cloud Recesses" and the fan fiction is one of those cast watching the show ones. Which is one of my favorite genres for this specific media. So I'm having a good time. But then the podcasters make the same point the fan fic does as I'm reading it and it just really pissed me off? Thats the preface for this whole long-ass rant.
So Wei Wuxian in my opinion Wei Wuxian has all the worst parts of being a heroine grafted onto his character and no one seems to care. Like I know the fandom feminizes him a lot because the author does and its part of his character. But I'm talking about like how he is written and how we are supposed to engage with him as readers.
Ok so, i don't understand people who don't understand why Wei Ying doesn't know Wanji likes him. That's it that's the whole premise. Because here's the thing it is very common in media for girls to have to tolerate shitty men and look past their flaws to love them. Its commonly expected for female characters to either fix the guy or learn to look past his flaws or change themselves in some way. Its also really common in media for the problems of dating and protective sex and dealing with sex appeal to fall on teenage girls. They are the ones who should flirt less, they should dress more modestly, and they should date less to be more appealing. And I see this same mindset with Wei Ying in the Fandom and in the novel.
Lan Xichen and Nice guys
This idea came to me one day when I was rewatching the untamed and I got to the Gauyin temple scene. The one where Xichen goes on this long-ass speech about all the things Wanji has done for Wei Ying. I'm watching this scene and I think "is this how it goes in the book? Because if so this is really fucked up." I hadn't read the book in a while so I hopped online (this is before the official novelization) and re-read the last like thirty-ish chapters for fun. And it's actually worse in the book. The entire speech is how Wanji has sacrificed so much for Wei Ying and how he hasn't been grateful and hasn't noticed his brothers feelings. How long Wanji has pined for him and how he's too selfish to notice. And its just a really gross speech to me. Because it implies that Wanji is owed Wei Yings affection because he has done these things. That Wei Ying is a bad person for not noticing Wanjis feelings and returning them. But here's the thing, Wei Ying doesn't need to return shit. Like he should be thankful for Wanjis help, that's fine. Be he is not obligated to fall in love with him cause of it. And frankly, most of the kind things Wanji did either happened out of Wei Wuxians view or after he had died. And I realized that Xichen doesn't really care about Wei Ying? Like he see's him not as a person but as a thing that will make his brother happy. He only encourages their friendship because to makes Wanji happy He doesn't take Wei Yings feelings into account at all. The moment that friendship comes with heartache for Wanji Xichen stops supporting it and caring about Wei Ying. He calls Wei Ying Wanjis biggest mistake just cause he doesn't seem to like Wanji back despite how nice he's been. To Xichen them getting together is something that has to happen and if it doesn't its because Wei Ying is the problem for not liking him faster or as much. Which brings me to:
Wanjis Trauma is not Wei Wuxians Problem
I was inspired to actually get this down because of that double hit. So here's what happened I'm listening to the podcast and they just started talking about how sad and repressed Wanji is. How he hasn't learned to express himself or learn about sex and how sad that is. That WEi Ying is being the loud annoying little brat he always is. And Wanji, baby boy just can handle it. So he lashes out and is super rude and dismissive. But ohhh he's just so horny its not his fault! And at the same time in the fan fiction, they get to the scene where Wei Wuxian flirts for some free loquats and Wanji gets jealous and looks away. In the Fan fic they have older wei wuxian apologize for flirting because she should have known better? That pisses me off. Enough to make a long a tumblr rant. So much of the fandom assumes the responsibility of putting work into the relationship on Wei Wuxian. Of course, he should feel bad about flirting in front of Wanji. He's his future husband. Even though at this point Wanji as been nothing but cold, distant, authoritative and dismissive. Wei Ying has zero reason to believe he is jealous and even if he did;t that's not his problem! The idea that Wei Ying needs to learn to be less of a flirt fort eh sake of Wanji feeling comfortable is bullshit. Wei ying doesn't owe him a damn thing. Its just so common for people and the author to rush to defend Wanji was being repressed and unable to express himself. While Wei Ying is called selfish and thoughtless for not being willing to sympathize and make concessions for him. I understand that Wanji changes after the time skip. He realises that Wei Ying isn't obligated to like him or act a certain way. But at the same time he still doesn't full give Wei Ying full autonomy in their relationship in my opinion. Because he doesn't confess first. He's so afraid of rejection or Wei Wuxian liking him out of obligation that he decides to help him but not confess. He decides that if Wei Wuxian falls for him it should be by choice (I'm assuming, its actually really unclear to me). But first of all that doesn't happen! Xichen gives that stupid nice guy speech. and second, that's still fucked up. If he actually respected Wei Ying he would be upfront and tell him and deal with the fallout after that. Instead, he just helps wei ying out and while burying his feel feelings and hopes that is enough. How could Wei Ying not feel shitty after hearing that? I don't know. I just think it's reasonable for Wei Ying to be hesitant to like Wanji based on how he's been treated. It's true that both of them have issues with communication but those issues started with Wanji. He's the one who showed that he's so blindly rigged in his ways and refused to admit out loud how he felt to start with.
Side Bits
I completely forget the scene where Xichen tells his family back story to Wei Wuxian until just now. Thats so fucked up and manipulative coming from him. It's just meant to make Wei Wuxian feel bad for leaving Wanji and explain some of his behavior. No one pulls Wanji aside and explains that Wei ying spent years on the streets and then in a toxic household where the matriarch openly hated him. So he has low self-esteem and genuinely thinks his life is worth less than others. No one was like hey he's bubbly and loud because there's no other option for him. Like in the book the only people that advocate for Wey Ying are the Wens and Sometimes Yanli.
After Fenmiin and Madam Yu die they and the land Jiang Cheng gets so mad and sad he starts to choke Wei Wuxian to death. He stops and starts crying but that's so messed up. Like Wei Wuxian also closed a second pair of parentel figures just now but his body I still used as a means for a man to let out his sadness. Like he's still just a vessel for someone else's emotions. I think this actually happens a lot with Jiang Cheng. He has a habit of blowing up at Wei Ying in a way that is implied to be deserved or not that bad. But just doesn't feel great to me based on everything else I've written about.
Wei Wuxian is only able to clear his name and live a semi decent life because he gets with Wanji. Wei Wuxian success is not based off his talent or smarts alone, it is mostly based don't he fact that Wanij is willing to vouch for him and help hide him. Like I know part of it is Huasiang helping him but he would not have gotten far without Wanji helping him. Not only that but Xichen is only willing to help them even a little in their research because of his brother. And that's just a little annoying to me.
By the end of the story Wei Wuxian has no financial autonomy. Which isn't a big deal because this is ancient Chinese vampire times so as the "wife" he wouldn't have much anyway. But still not great.
Meng Yao and Wei Wuxians mothers and meng yao and Wei Wuxian are talked about in similar terms that are interesting. So both of them are "tainted" by specifically who their mothers are. Men Yao because his mother was a sex worker and Wei ying because his mother was known to be a highly wanted and playful woman. People both assume they are going to be exactly like heir parents and treat them as such. Which affects how they actually interact with people. MEng Yao knows he can't appear greedy or even like he's ambitious because he knows that as a son of a sex worker, everyone will think he's naturally greedy and manipulative. And he is those things. But they made him this way. he had to no choice but to be a sneaky asshole because the moment he showed any ambition it was either immediately squashed because of his status or people were like I know it. He is sued by his father in the same way his mother was. Wei Wuxian on there other hand has three people in his life who treat him a certain way because of his mother. Fengmain lets him get away with a lot and is openly affectionate to seemingly make of for his relationship with his parents. He doesn't spoil Wei Wuxian as much as he doesn't really expect anything of him? He just wants to see Wei Wuxian happy doing whatever he wants. He assumes Wei Wuxian is a wild and free spirit because his mother was and thats not fully true. On the other hand, Madam yu and Qiren treat Wuxian almost like a temptress. He's just a reflection of his moms wild, playful and seduction personality to them. They both think he's someone they have to actively control and suppress lest he get all the attention and make people behave inappropriately. Its that same notion I wrote about way earlier. How girls have to be the ones to control themselves and their appearances so as to not tempt the men folk with their ankles.
In Conclusion
Fuck the Patriarchy, Learn Necromancy.
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lovelybrooke · 10 months
Not an actual post, just me ranting about Asexual representation in fandoms (specifically fanfiction), or the lack thereof.
Tw for: discussion of the eraser of asexual and aromantic identities, discussions of sex and romance.
I am so sick and tired of seeing characters that are heavily considered to be Asexual by not only their creator but their fandoms, have their asexuality completely erased in favor of having heteronormative smut written about them.
Now before I get too deep into ranting, I want to preface this by saying that fanfiction, at its purest form, is wish fulfillment. It's not always complete, in-depth, looks into characters or fictional worlds or an evaluation of certain characters morals. While it can be that, fanfiction at the end of the day is meant to make people happy, and that sometimes means having OOC characters or characters that are completely different than how the creator made them.
However, that argument really only applies when a small part of a character is erased. This is why erasing things like sexuality from a character doesn't work as well because 99% of the time, sexuality is a huge part of the character.
This is why it annoys me when I see so many Asexual, Aromantic, Bisexual, and Transgender characters have those invaluable parts of their identities erased, almost always so that the fanfic author can put them in heteronormative situations, smut being the most common.
I am Asexual, and I've seen this happen to so many characters that are heavily considered to be asexual. The best examples I have is L Lawliet from Death Note and Roman Roy from Succession. The creator of Death Note literally said that he couldn't imagine L having sex, and the closest thing Roman has to a sexual relationship was him masturbating in a bathroom while Gerri dominated him through a door.
While L's asexuality doesn't play a huge role to his character, Roman's does. Roman literally refuses sex multiple times to the point that it causes problems in his relationships, his father thinks there is something wrong with him, and the only way he almost had sex with Tabitha, one of his girlfriends, is if she pretended to be dead. Everything points to him hating sexual intimacy, but for some reason people still write him as if he is some dominate fuckboy who going to bend you over his desk the moment he can.
News flash, Roman wouldn't fuck you, because he'd think it's gross. And if he did, it would not be in the heteronormative "Man dominate, woman submissive" type of way. The most that would happen is Roman beating off while you say mean things about him and then pretend like it didn't happen.
This works with other characters and situations as well. While I haven't watched it a ton, from my knowledge, Saiki Kusuo from the anime Saiki K, is heavily considered to be Aroace. He uses his powers to stop people from confessing to him, he says multiple times he doesn't understand the point of dating/romance, and only goes on dates if it means he gets food. But for some reason, I see so many fanfics writing him as if he'd be this perfect boyfriend for you and only you. That for some reason, you'd be the one that makes him realize that relationships are great, and that romance is for him.
You see the problems with these examples? In both cases with Roman and Saiki, major parts of their character are just washed away by fanfic authors so they can be put in straight coded relationships, sexual or otherwise (I say coded because not all of them are fem reader/oc, only really the smut are).
What people don't understand is that is continues to push this narrative that asexual and aromantic identities don't exists and are not as important as heteronormative one. Whether or not this is intentional is not something I can say, but it doesn't change the outcome.
And before I get people telling me that I should just, "let people write what they want to write" and "fanfiction is just that, fiction. It's not meant to be taken seriously." I know for a fact that if I took a character that was either canonically gay or heavily considered to be gay and totally ignored that so I could write smut where the fuck someone of the opposite sex, people would be fucking livid, and they wouldn't except those excuses. But for some reason, that doesn't apply to Asexuality.
And I know people are going to try and say, "well asexuality is a spectrum and some asexual actually enjoy sex. Same with some Aromantics." Yes, you are correct, both are spectrums. But with most of these characters, including the two I used as examples, both are completely shown to be either romance or sex repulsed. Using the "asexuality/aromantic is a spectrum" argument doesn't work when you put them in heteronormative situations and completely ignore their identity, because even if they enjoy sex/romance, they're still asexual/aromantic.
I'm also willing to acknowledge that the fault mainly lies in the creator of these characters. Because a lot of these characters are never explicitly said to be asexual, creators can get away with capitalizing off of asexuals and their idealities while also never saying if they actually are asexual so that their media will still be consumed by straight people. This isn't a new concept; it's happened a lot with bisexuals, but it doesn't make the action any more okay. It's tiring as an asexual to see the very few bits of representation I've seen be taken away from me just to favor straight audiences. And it's even more tiring to see fanfic authors play into it by not acknowledging something that is so integral to a character.
I don't want to discourage fanfic writers from writings what they want to write, but please at least attempt to acknowledge asexuals and their identities. Try understanding why they seem so hellbent on insisting a certain character is ace before you write them as some dominate fuck boy or some submissive baby.
And if you're someone who is reading this and is getting mad at me for criticizing the way you or your favorite author writes a character, please try and see things from my point to view. I'm tired of seeing the same smut/romance fics written about L, Roman, Alastor, Yeleana, Jughead, Saiki, and many, many other characters where they're written to fit a straight, heteronormative mold. It's fucking annoying.
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aestheteanime · 2 years
red flags/icks | aot
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ft. eren yeager, armin arlert, jean kirstein, connie springer, levi ackerman
cw: gn reader, toxic behavior, connie's is a *little* suggestive (just towards the end it's mentioned)
eren yeager
says all of his exes are "crazy"
and he's had multiple relationships in the past so it's a little concerning that all *12* of them are, in his words, "probably clinically insane"
he also says that they're all obsessed with him even though some of them he's been broken up with for months or even years?
eren says the issue with his past lovers was that they were too untrusting and that they wanted to know what he was doing all the time
he phrases it like this... "yeah i don't know, they all just like-- assumed i was cheating on them and wanted to look through my phone? kinda stalkerish if you ask me. i had to drop 'em."
doesn't understand that they most likely had probable cause to think he was cheating
if you two end up breaking up you'll most likely be lumped into the "crazy ex" category since he can't seem to understand that maybe he's the problem
armin arlert
gaslights you to the MAX
it feels like every conversation you try to hold with him, he's constantly trying to twist reality and make you doubt your own perceptions
he also turns every joke you make into a life lesson?
for example, you joke about how sasha was stuffing an entire loaf of bread down her throat the other day and armin says "she was probably really hungry and didn't eat all day, why are you being so mean? i thought you two were close friends?"
literal definition of when you try to tell your mom a joke and it completely backfires-- like literally just laugh it's not that deep
armin is really good at making you second guess yourself too
you're almost convinced his favorite phrase is "i never said that."
all in all, he might not actually mean to gaslight you but he can't stand possibly being the one to blame
jean kirstein
does the "awkward white guy smile"
you know, the one we're he purses his lips together and his upper lip disappears
usually does it in uncomfortable situations
like if you're at a bar and the waiter or bartender asks to check his id; he makes the face while waiting for it to be handed back to him
he also has no idea he does it?
like he'll make the face, look at you (maybe raises his eyebrows too *ugh gross*), and then stops making the face
if you ever tell him he does this, he denies denies denies
"i do that? no way, tell me one time i've done it."
oh honey i could tell you hundreds
you know it's him just trying to be nice in awkward situations but like, why can't you just make a neutral face
at least he doesn't take selfies like that
connie springer
avoids certain conversations
he completely changes subjects when something comes up that he doesn't want or like to talk about
they're usually things he thinks you could disagree with him about-- politics, family issues, household problems (forgetting to take out the trash, not cleaning the dishes, etc.)
he's such a people-pleaser and doesn't want to upset you in any way but it starts to get annoying when you want to have a serious conversation
even conversations about your mental health he'll try and change the subject because he wouldn't know what to say to you
you can try and corner him by talking to him in the car, right before you go to bed, etc. but it doesn't work
he's not great at communicating so he also doesn't really open up to you
this leads to a lot of unresolved "fights"
well, you try to fight
he just walks away
or you both just have angry sex
levi ackerman
isn't very nice to customer service employees
not on purpose, obviously
but sometimes he just doesn't realize he's being an asshole
it's not like he says super mean things right off the bat, but if a waiter gets your order wrong at a restaurant he wouldn't hesitate to say "that's not what they ordered. you really had one job, go back and have them fix it... please."
only says please when he sees you glaring at him
overall he's just very short and to the point and it comes off as cold and hateful
and he doesn't necessarily mean to come off that way, he just doesn't understand how hurtful his tone can be
you usually have to do the talking for him at restaurants or stores since you don't want to risk him accidentally saying something rude
he doesn't mind you speaking for him at all though-- the less talking he has to do the better
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Hello! Can I ask for some Ace x Levi fluff oneshot?
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This one took a few days to conseptualize and write since i'm not the best at interpreting drdt characters, but I think i've got it down! Fluff isn't my strongsuit but this came out really cute in the end! Hope it was worth the wait
NOTES: Pre-KG/Non-Despair AU, pre-established relationship, FLUFF!!, mild swearing(Ace being Ace), oh my god they were roomates..
~ Ace M. x Levi F. (Oneshot) ; Movie Night
Word Count: 1315
"FUCKFUCKFUCK-!!" Ace screeched, the poor jockey was called out to practice for an upcoming horse race, but before his manager could get anything set up it started pouring rain. He was sent back to his dorm because they still had time to reschedule the session at a later date. Unfortunately Ace was absolutely NOT ready for this to happen and had to run back on his own, leaving him soaking wet and his uniform ruined- he'd definetly have to do the laundry when he gets back.
After a bit more running and being irrationally angry at the world for attacking him like this, Ace swung open the door to the building, taking the elevator up he returned to his and Levi's shared dorm. Levi was sitting on the couch, reading a magezine but ironically having the weather channel playing on the tv as background noise. He looked over as the door clicked open, Ace looking something akin to a grumpy, wet cat. The designer would huff out a laugh had he not been conserned over the well being of the other, it was raining pretty hard outside.
"Stay on the mat, Ace. I'll get you a towel.." Levi stood up and set aside what he was reasding, rushing into their bathroom to emerge with two neatly folded towels in his arms.
"You really did get caught up in that storm, huh?" Levi asked him, handing Ace one towel for himself and using the other to dry the shorter ones hair.
"Fucking-- Obviously!" Ace's eyes screwed shut as his hair was messily dried, he was clearly pissed and Levi knew him well enough to understand why. Instead opting to stay silent and allow Ace to cool off, removing the towel. "S-Sorry. This is just so damn annoying.. It said CLEAR SKIES today, it wasn't even cloudy when I left!"
"I know, love. I know.. Perhaps you should consider taking a shower. You're far too soaked to simply dry off on your own, you might get sick from the cold."
"Psh? Sick? I'm almost never sick! I'll be fine if I just change out of these wet rags…" Ace tugs on his uniform to bring attention to it, realizing how gross he feels with it on.
"Ace.. I insist. It would benefit both of us if you did, I can assure you."
"What's that supposed to mean-?"
"Ah, forget it- I didn't mean to say it like that. I meant it would help you feel better if you took one."
Ace raised a questioning brow but decided to let it be for now, slipping out of his boots and leaving them on the doormat to clean later on. "I'll clean that up later, sorry for all.. of that." He half-mumbled.
"It's no problem, really. I'm just worried about you Ace.." Ace turned around, covering the small blush on his face as he made his way into the bathroom to take a shower. It was still weird that someone could- no, that Levi could care about him so much. Sometimes the redhead wonders when he'll tire his boyfriend out. The thought put him in a more solemn mood than he wanted to be in, but he tried to brush it off.. He'll overthink it later.
Levi sighed, running a hand through his hair. His boyfriend was going through a lot right now, he may be a little.. Ignorant to other's feelings at times, but this wasn't hard to pick up on. The only problem now is- "What can I do about it….?"
He spent the next 10 or so minutes pondering it, Ace, Ace, Ace… What does Ace like? Of course- Levi has the basics down, but he was thinking of more. He thinks Ace deserves a little more tonight; so he took out his phone and dialed up a number, clearing his throat as the person on the other end picked up quickly.
Around 20 or so minutes later, Ace was out of the shower and completely dried off. Most of the stress melted away from him and he was in a more casual set of clothes, it could even be considered pajamas.
Ace, walking out of the bedroom, realized that Levi was nowhere to be found. Well, that is until the front door swung open a little harder than the stylist seemed to want it to, grimacing slightly at the bang. He set down a paper bag on the coffee table in front of their couch and finally noticed the jockey looking at him with a confused and curious expression.
"Ah- you're already out-- Sorry I thought you would be in there for a little longer."
"Uhh Levi? It's been 30 minutes, i'm not tryna take 10 years in the shower and waste all our hot water."
"Y-Yeah well I was just.. Not ready- Nevermind, you're here now so I guess you should come sit."
"Well whats all this for-?" Ace walks over and peeks inside the bag. Levi sheepishly rubs the back of his neck.
"You weren't very pleased after you got home, even though you are much calmer now in comparison.. I thought it would be nice to treat the both of us to a movie night." He smiled.
Ace was a little taken back- Levi is usually good with helping him calm down or making him feel better but this is a little more than he had expected, especially considering it's so late. The jockey fiddled with his shirt collar, he's not usually.. flustered like this. Not outwardly.
Levi took off the coat he was wearing and went into the bedroom. "Why don't you pick out the movie for tonight? Grab whatever you want from the takeout I ordered.. I know you don't like meat so I tried to find something small that you might like."
"…Thanks, Lev. I uh- I- I mean it. I'll pay you back." Ace hid his face with his shirt, but he was clearly blushing.
"It's no problem, really. I did it for the both of us, because I love you."
Levi turned around into the bedroom with a grin, probably went to get some pillows and blankets for the couch. Ace was a flustered grumbling mess at this point, muttering something under his breath as he looked to see what movies they had physical copies of.
"Levi would probably like something chill or whatever… Maybe a little old? He looks like he likes older movies." Ace mentally cursed himself for never really doing this sort of thing with Levi, the guy was too selfless to him sometimes.. Made it a little hard to know his tastes, especially he wasn't exactly easy to read either. (Not that Ace could pick up on that, really)
But Ace noticed a movie he knew nothing about, it looked.. Sort of old? Definetly foreign because of the style of animation. Quickly skimming the back he decided.. Yeah! This would definetly work. Plus, he'll get to watch a movie he's never seen before, it should work out great!
"Alright, we're all set up. What movie did you pick?" Levi was in a t-shirt and some sweatpants, he was holding one of those chinese takeout boxes with shrimp fried rice inside, a pair of chopsticks in his other hand.
Ace popped open the dvd player and got the disk out of it's case, putting it in and grabbing the remote. "Oh well- I found this movie i've never seen before n shit, 'Howl's Moving Castle'? I dunno it looked like something you'd-" As he turned around, he met Levi's gaze, his face was clearly lit up with excitement. A rare sight to see, even for Ace! Someone known to always be so calm practically had stars in his eyes.
"Ah! I love that movie! It's- It's really good. I think you'll really like it Ace!" The redhead sat down next to his boyfriend, still in awe at the other's pure joy.
The stylist scooted closer to him, as the movie started. Ace hesitantly wrapped an arm around the other's waist and pulled himself closer aswell. Maybe today was a good day afterall.
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i've had a thought about james and sirius vs snape, ie the bullying.
so, first, we must agree: walburga hated sirius and vice versa. to walburga, sirius was a muggle lover and blood traitor. he was the son she couldn't control. to sirius, walburga was the mother he never wanted, and she certainly wasn't the mother he could make love him (even though she was his mother and therefore supposed to love him). so this makes death eaters, voldemort, and the rest of his backwards family the people she chose over him.
it doesn't matter how old one is, how terrible one's parents are, or how undeserving one thinks they are, rejection (read: hatred) from a parent hurts. it's traumatizing. it's awful and it impacts every aspect of a person's life. it affects their relationships with other people, it pits them against the rest of their family, and it makes everything that parent likes over them feel gross and evil.
at this point in his life (the hogwarts express), sirius has already figured out his family is evil and doesn't ever want to be like them. he can't imagine anyone ever choosing this life (his life).
enter snape. sirius knows nothing of his home life. snape knows nothing of his. all they know is that their own homes suck and that hogwarts is a potential permanent escape.
for sirius, hogwarts is friends. it's people who care about him, and not just his usefulness to the family. they care about him as a person, and none more so than the blood traitor and the half blood werewolf.
but then there's snape. who is in slytherin. who makes friends with the blacks and malfoys. who somehow gains their favor. the boy who sirius sees as lily's half blood friend with no reason to hate the muggle borns, is somehow becoming what his parents wanted him to be.
it's little things at first. a stinging jinx here, a color changing hex there. maybe some mundane little pranks. then, as snape reciprocates and becomes more ingratiated within slytherin, and thereby the blacks, it grows. it's no longer a small feeling of annoyance. now it's becoming hatred. it's becoming jealousy.
because why should his mother prefer this slimy, annoying little arse over him? what does snape have that sirius doesn't? why should snape want sirius' family, when sirius' family is one of the worst in the world? beyond that, why is snape so eager to join the group that's hurting people? hurting people snape grew up with? hurting lily? what does snape have against remus, the best, kindest person sirius knows? at this point, sirius can't find fault in his actions against snape when everything snape does is so clearly to gain favor with the people ruining sirius' life as well as his friends' lives.
i don't think sirius bullied snape because he thought snape was the weird kid or because it was easy or any of the typical reasons we here in anti bullying seminars in grade school. to me, sirius saw snape as everything he wasn't, but everything his mother wanted him to be. to sirius, snape was the death eaters. he was voldemort's youth campaign, he was what was manipulating his little brother, and he was everything his family believed in. this absolutely doesn't excuse bullying someone, but, as i've said before, snape gave as good as he got. (not to mention, snape went after remus, and he lashed out at other people that weren't even involved, like lily, harry, neville, hermione, ron, several other young kids, etc. that's also inexcusable.)
as for james, he would have done anything for his friends, even if that meant morally compromising himself to make sirius forget about his horrible mother. (which is also a problem - james' actions are less defendable than sirius', but at least he realized what he was doing was wrong. again, not excusing it, at all. i stand behind lily and her "arrogant toerag" comment in that moment, but not snape. never snape)
in conclusion (i swear this wasn't supposed to be so long), bullying is bad in any form, but reciprocity can be just as bad as instigation, and as i've said before, good characters are ambiguous, but in order to be ambiguous, they have to be morally grey. fucking no one is perfect.
snape's perspective
lily's perspective
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angelsdean · 1 year
I'm not denying the misogyny in earlier seasons but I also just rewatched s1-5 and I can't recall a woman ever turning Dean down and him turning around and calling them a bitch. Yeah he uses that word too often but tbh does he actually call women it that often?? I seem to recall him just using it generally, which makes a huge difference. Still not great but still big difference.
Like yeah I was annoyed and uncomf with how often he hit on women but they usually weren't super drawn out scenes and his actions towards women who weren't written just to be eye candy by ACTUAL misogynistic writers, he treated as equally as everyone else.
There's absolutely no denying his behavior s1 (arguably up until he goes to hell) teeters that line, but I feel like those early seasons have been remembered as way more gross and extreme than they actually are... But tbh what's new about how people view Dean's character and how's he conflated into things he's not
Hi! I saw your ask earlier but then got caught up with work things and since then i've also posted this, which analyzes the instances of dean using the word "bitch" throughout s1 and the contexts in which its used, which like you said is mostly exclusively in general phrases, most commonly his "catch phrase" son of a bitch.
As for the flirting, like you said a lot of his behavior varies depending on the writer. And in a show like this where there's been so many different writers it's something to take into consideration when analyzing a character's actions. I tend to focus on which behaviors are most consistent throughout. There are some things here or there that just are completely ooc with past consistent behaviors and are indicative of like, the writer's own misogyny creeping in rather than consistent with Dean's own behaviors and I think that's something important to take note of when doing character analyses and "studies." Like the one that always jumps out to me that is just SO inconsistent with Dean's character is in 4x13 After School Special where Dean says three of the high school cheerleaders are "legal." All of Dean's interactions with young people / teenagers both before this and after shows him in clearly a mentor role or respectful and understanding toward them. I'm think especially of his interactions toward Claire and Krissy. Or in the fanficiton episode. He doesn't treat any of those girls as anything other than what they are: kids. So that instance in 4x13 just stands out as massively ooc and it's an episode written by Dabb who, imo, does not get Dean + Kids at all. But anyways, that's a whole other thing lmao.
But yeah, I really feel like a lot of people could do with a rewatch. Many just have this hazy memory of Dean flirting and checking women out in the early seasons and have exaggerated those moments into a whole other character. I think those early seasons where definitely a product of their time. Early 2000s television was often very sexist and had its problems. And some of that is reflected on how Dean's character was written and portrayed. But it's not nearly as bad as many make it out to be. And from a meta / analysis perspective I view a lot of those moments as reflecting the struggle and conflict between Dean's overcompensating masculine persona and his real self he's trying to hide.
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most annoying barbie take(s) you've seen? feel free to go off if you want to
Oh buckle up because I've got 2 major gripes.
1. People using Life in the Dreamhouse as the end-all-be-all of what Barbie media/content should be like. Yes it's fun and hilarious and I still love it to this day but I'm sick of everyone comparing every new idea to it.
For example, I'm not the biggest Dreamhouse Adventures fan but the fact that people are STILL comparing it to LitD is ludicrous. First of all, they are different KINDS of series, DA being a 22-min TV series aimed at teaching life lessons and LitD being a short form web series (with a couple exceptions) that spoofs reality shows and satires Barbie. They're also totally different in tone, setting, and characterizations of Barbie & co. Yet people treat DA like it's some inferior LitD reboot/successor. DA isn't TRYING to be LitD!!!
I think it's gotten even worse recently with the live-action Barbie coming out. Endless LitD comparisons are being made. I mean, at least it's a bit more understandable this time with Barbieland seeming similar to dollsize Malibu and an air of self-parody. But even so people are whining and crying about characters like Raquelle not being there. Again I love LitD and Raquelle is iconic but she's beloved BECAUSE of LitD. She didn't even exist before it, unlike Midge who was Barbie's first best friend. (Sidenote: Barbie Diaries Raquelle and Fairy Secret Raquelle do not count; they are completely different characters). (Sidenote #2 it's RAQUELLE not Raquel at least get it right if you're gonna whine). I mean the "Raquelle" entity has been around before LitD like characters such as Teresa, but again the one people always talk about is this one iteration of her. If anything you should be complaining about the lack of Christie and Teresa, who have been around for generations like Midge and used to be mainstays of Barbie.
I also want people to stop saying other versions of Barbie are "wrong" or that people outside the fandom don't understand what the characters are "really" like because of this ONE version of the characters that has been discounted since 2015.
2. People wanting Aqua's "Barbie Girl" in the new movie
Look we all loved this song as a kid, I get it. I did too because I thought it was a real Barbie song. But it's not. Yes Mattel sued and then made their own version and used the melody in commercials between 2009-201x whatever the date was BUT it's been abandoned since then.
The song depicts Barbie as a stereotype dumb bimbo blonde with a gross horndog version of Ken as her love interest. Even with lyrics like "imagination, life is your creation" & "if you say I'm always yours" it's surrounded by things like "you can touch/you can play" "kiss me here touch me there/hanky-panky". Like I'm not gonna stop others from making sexual/humorous depictions of Barbie. My problem is this fandom wanting "outsiders" to see another side of Barbie but still insisting this song be part of it. Why are you holding on to it so tightly? Maybe I just don't get it.
And going back for a sec, again Mattel SUED over this song. Like I don't think it's going into the movie just for that reason
I feel like I had another thing to say but this post is long enough so I'm just gonna stop here
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jaybird-fanfics · 9 months
Burnt Out: Chapter Three
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This guy's apartment was as shitty looking as he was. You almost mistaken the outside of the building as abandoned from how run down it looked. The inside wasn't much better. The walls were gross, once white you imagined, now almost dull brown color. The carpet looked filthy with dirt and whatever else he or someone else had tracked in from outside. His living room was a mess, empty beer bottles here and there. As well as a few used cigarettes butts littered around. His kitchen was even worse. Has he never heard the concept of cleaning? You didn't even want to imagine what his bedroom looked like. 
The walls were paper thin as well, you could hear everything. To your left, it sounded like what seemed to be a heated argument between two people. To your right, someone was blasting loud music. You swore you recognized the band, Deftones maybe? This place would drive you fucking insane if you lived here. But, honestly, you've seen worse. You heard the man shut the door behind you. You turned to him and spoke. 
"Alright, let's get on with it." You say as you walk closer to him. You reach down to the waist line of his pants and began to pull them down. But, he stopped you by grabbing onto your hand. Annoyed, you looked up at him with a raised eyebrow. "Problem?" You ask. Instead of answering, the man just stared at you. You let out a huff. "Look creep, if you don't want me to do anything, why did you-"
"You've changed." He said suddenly. "What?" You ask. He leans down a bit to get a better view of your face. He smirked. "Yeah, it's you alright. But, different." Finally having enough, you jerked your hand away and made for the door. Fuck this. You don't get paid enough to deal with weirdos. Just as you placed your hand on the door handle, you felt yourself being roughly spun around, and back pressed against the door. You look up the man, who had his hands on each side of your head. "Did I say you could leave?" 
You clicked your tongue. "What? You gonna kill me now? Cause I got news for you, my boss will know. He'll see that I haven't came back and he'll send his band of motherfuckers after me. And when they find you hacking my body to pieces, or however you prefer to maim your victims, they'll be on your ass for taking away the boss' most prized whore." You tell him, never breaking eye contact. The man began to laugh. "You think I won't kill them too?" 
You just shrug. "You got a death wish? Do you even know who you're talking to right now?" The man asks. "Yeah, I know." You say. "Dabi right? League of Villains, and all that. I just don't give a fuck. I came here to do my thing and get paid, I don't really care who the money is coming from. Pretty sure I explained this to you already?" Dabi's smirk faltered slightly. "So, you're not scared of dying? Is that it?" He asked. You sigh. "Look, we can go back and forth like this, asking each other questions all night long. But, that's not my job. I don't get paid to make conversation. I get paid to please freaky fuckers like you, then I go home. So, for the last time. Are you going to let me do my job or not?" 
Dabi sighs as well before finally backing off of you. "You really have changed." He says before reaching into his pocket and pulling out a stack of cash. Your eyes widened slightly. That's the most you've seen in a while. He then hands it to you. You look at it before taking it slowly. "But...I haven't done anything?" You say, not taking your eyes off the money. "You clearly want it. Just take it." Dabi mutters. You pocket the money before looking up at him. "I've changed? The fuck does that mean?" 
"Thought you didn't get paid to make conversation." Dabi looks at you with a small smirk. You roll your eyes. "You talk a lot of shit, acting like you know me." You say to him, a bit of venom lacing your tone. "Maybe I do." Dabi shrugs. "Yeah right. We met twenty minutes ago jackass." You scowl. "So don't act like you know me, when you don't know shit!" 
"I know more about you than you think." Dabi says, his deep eyes staring into your own. "Name one." You challenge. 
"I know, that you had a perfect life. You had money, you were at the top of your class, everyone adored you." You felt a wave of shock hit you as he spoke. How did he...
"Then your parents got murdered. You were sent into foster care. And now, you work the streets for some dickhead who treats you like shit." You felt your heart drop. How the fuck did he know all of this? 
"And I know that, you had a best friend. He was always by your side. Until one day...he died."
"Stop!" You finally say. "How...How do you know this!?" Dabi chuckled. "So, it really is you then. Never thought we'd cross paths again, yet, here we are." What the fuck was he talking about? You've never met him until today. You would remember meeting Dabi of all fucking people on more than one occasion. "I understand why you wouldn't recognize me. I fucked myself up pretty bad." Dabi continues. "Take a good look at me, piece it together." You stared at him for a moment, growing more and more confused by the second until it hit you.
That hair...those eyes. You felt your legs go weak, your whole body trembled. No...There was no way it was him...But, the more you stare, it began to make sense. Of course he knew about you, because he was...
His name left you in a hushed whisper. Dabi chuckled. "There it is. I know this might be a lot to take in. But, try to keep it together. I can't have the whole world knowing I-" Dabi was cut off as he suddenly felt you tackling him in a hug. He was nearly sent falling over, but managed to catch himself. He started to push you away, but stopped as he heard your soft sniffling and felt your shoulders shaking. He stood there, letting you hug him. He wasn't sure what to do otherwise. You slowly lift your head, moving your hands up to place them on his cheeks gently. Dabi flinches but settled slowly. 
"Toya...It's you...It's really you..." You look into his eyes, the same deep blue eyes you remembered from back then. But, everything else about him was so...different. His hair, once flaming red now a dark inky black. He was covered with deep burn scars. His soft voice now low and raspy. No wonder you didn't recognize him at first. "What...What the fuck!?" Now, you were angry. You felt a lot of things actually. You were happy, you were sad, you angry, you were relieved, you were hurt. 
"What the fuck!?" You say again. "You're suppose to be dead! You can't be here! You can't!" You words came out in choked sobs. Dabi puts his hand on the back of your head gently, and pushes it against his chest. "I know. I'm not suppose to be here. I am suppose to be dead." He starts. "But, that's not what life had planned out for me." He looks down at you. "I could say the same for you too. You didn't chose this, did you?" 
You didn't answer him, you just shut your eyes tightly. Trying not to remember that night. That night your life was changed for the worst. "You said I changed. You're right. But you have too." You pull back to look up at him again. "What happened?" You ask, firmness in your tone. Dabi sighed. "I never talked about my family much to you back then, and for good reason. I didn't want you to know what was going on. I didn't want you involved with my shit." He starts. "Something...bad happened before I "died". Something I'll never be able to forget. As long as I live, I will never forget...I'll never forgive. In a way, I did die that day. And was reborn, into...well, this." 
"And those?" You say, looking at his scars. "Who did this?" Dabi let out a short weak laugh. "I did. I did this to myself." He tells you. "What? How?" You ask. "My quirk, the more I use it, well, I get some new burn marks." He explains. That's awful, has it always been like this? You could only imagine how painful it must be. "Does it hurt?" You ask as you carefully touch his scarred wrist with your finger tips. "No. Can't feel anything anymore." Dabi says dully. It still didn't make sense to you. How did this happen? How did it come to this? 
The two of you fell into silence for a while. Just, being in each others company. Eventually the two of you moved to the, rather uncomfortable, couch. Still, neither of you spoke. You didn't really know what to say, despite the thousands of questions swarming in your head. And Dabi, you could say he felt the same. But eventually, you were the first to break the silence.
"So, you became a villain?" You ask suddenly. "Yeah." Dabi muttered before pulling out a cigarette from his pocket. He held the end up to his thumb, and it sparked to life with heat. He brought it to his lips and took a long drag before passing it to you. You take it and take a few puffs yourself before handing it back. "It's weird." You start. "Who would have thought? Well behaved, friendly, and kind hearted Toya would become one of the most wanted villains alive?" Dabi just hummed before taking another drag of the cigarette. 
"You asked a lot of questions tonight. I feel like I should get a turn." Dabi says, glancing at you. "Shoot." You say with a shrug. "How did you get mixed up with this kind of...profession?" He asked, making you frown. "I didn't have a choice." You continue. "I needed money, otherwise I was going to die on the streets. No one was willing to help me, except him..." Dabi stays quiet. You didn't really know what kind of reaction you expected from him. But somehow, the silence was worse. 
All of a sudden, your phone buzzed. Dread filled you as you already knew who it was. You grab your phone and look at the screen. It was Ryuji, of course, demanding you come back now. You sigh heavily before standing up from the couch. Dabi watched you as you head for the door. "Well, this has been...something. Catching up on an old friend who was supposedly dead." You reach for the doorknob but paused when you heard Dabi walking up behind you. "Don't go." You heard him say. Your grip on the doorknob tightens. You wish you didn't have to. You really wish you didn't have to, but, you knew the consequences would be dire if you didn't do as you were told. 
"Like I said. I don't have a choice." You mutter. Before you leave, you turn to Dabi. "Before I go, I have to ask. How did you find me? Or was it just luck that we stumbled across each other?" 
"I have my ways." Dabi smirks. You couldn't help but crack a smile. "You really are a creep." Your smile started to fade. "Bye Toya." Dabi's smirk fell as well. "Don't make it sound like I'm going to disappear again. And you should really start calling me Dabi. Can't have people finding out who I am, you know?" You nod before walking out of the door. "Alright, see you around then? Dabi." 
"Yeah, see you around." 
You and Dabi stare at each other for a moment before you slowly shut the door. You begin to walk away, as you made your way deeper into the city, your mind was filled to the brim with thoughts of Toya. Or, Dabi rather. You couldn't believe it. That your once best friend, is not only back from the dead, but a wanted villain now. Life really wasn't kind. Not if someone as sweet as Toya could turn out like he did.
Soon enough you found yourself at your apartment, where Ryuji would be waiting for you. You inhale and exhale deeply before walking inside. 
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