#public apology for being a party pooper
dianneking · 11 months
Hello. I just came to tell you that I'm depressed because of you right now, but you're right, after everything Larissa has been through, it's understandable that she behaves like this. Sad but true. 🥲
I'm truly, honestly, dramatically sorry! I have a logical brain, and a need to find explanations for behaviors in characters as I do with people. It's fascinating and allows me to write hopefully somewhat believable characters, but it can be a curse in some moments.
But at the same time I thought that your little snippet of a scene was adorable, and I'm sorry if I've made it sad. <3
(more sadness below the cut)
It's just. Her face. The utter heartbreak. I cannot. (I cry every time I see this scene and yet it's so beautiful).
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When she survives the whole ordeal (yes, when, not if, I am ready to ignore any following seasons of Wednesday like there is no tomorrow) she is not going to be okay. This is not the sort of trauma that you can just brush off. And Reader is going to have to work so hard to help her heal before she can even start thinking about trusting another human being again. And that might be the most romantic thing ever.
Thank you for coming to my ted talk. Don't forget your used tissues on your way out.
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thebibliomancer · 2 years
Essential Avengers: West Coast Avengers #6: QUEST for CATS!
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March, 1986
I love this title, if nothing else!
Cat Quest! Quest for Cats! Lets goooooo!
Let’s summon a cat out of smoke because this book has insufficient amounts of cats!
As I try to type this, a cat attempts to lay on my wrists! Cats!
But before cats, last time on West Coast Avengers time.
Last times: West Coast Avengers Tigra has been more and more taken over by her cat side. Mostly its causing her to be super horny and mercurial of mood. Also: Wonder Man re-revealed to the public that he did a white collar crime like twenty years ago when it was the 60s. And Hawkeye aggressively pursued Ben Grimm the Thing to be the sixth member of the team! And there’s something going on with this guy called Master Pandemonium who can turn his arms and legs into demons! There’s just a lot going on, okay? But it has resulted in Firebird, the not Phoenix phoenix themed hero, to be hanging around the team. Also, Ultron kept prank calling Hank Pym until Hank yelled at him so Ultron suddenly decided he wanted to make amends instead.
There’s so much going on.
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(I assume its the cat summoning spell from the cover)
Love the caption box that seems to bemoan that California has lost its way in the Greed is Good 80s by losing its interest in the occult.
I mean, these those days you hardly ever find a former living vampire teaching superheroes how to summon demons.
Not like the good old days.
Anyway, yeah, that’s what Morbius remembers of the spell that he saw that one time which he doesn’t even know if its related to the same cat people that Tigra is looking to speak with. But what he does know is that the West Coast Avengers probably should do the spell at Daemond Mansion!
The phone rings, interrupting things. Hank rushes to answer it because IT MIGHT BE ULTRON but its not, its just Wonder Man’s agent.
I do like what Hank thinks as he’s rushing to answer.
Hank Pym, Normal NotSuperheroMan: “It might be Ultron again! He said the last time he wanted to ‘bury the hatchet’ between us -- so it must be time for him to tell me ‘April Fool!’”
I love that sounds perfectly in character with Ultron’s new prank caller persona.
Just calling Hank to get his hopes up and going ‘just joking, bro!’ Lean fully into being a petty shit.
Anyway. Something I notice about Englehart’s writing that I don’t think I remembered from his earlier Avengers run is that its very wordy.
When Simon Wonder Williams goes to answer the phone, Hawkeye, Mockingbird, and Tigra all over thought bubbles where they muse that this might be the verdict on public opinion on Simon re-revealing his criminal past.
(While, hilariously, Firebird is watching all this nonsense going on and thinking "If only I could be an Avenger -- !”)
As it happens, the phone call is good news. Simon Williams’ agent got him a role in a good movie! An A-movie! With Universal Studios!
In also good news, the polls are coming up Wonder Man. The majority of people aren’t bothered by that embezzlement Simon did decades ago. Or however long ago. Sliding time scale.
Hawkeye has to be the party pooper because that’s what the team leader needs to be sometimes and points out that they need Wonder Man on the team for their cat quest.
Iron Man is on medical leave for werewolf wounds and Wonder Man is their only heavy hitter.
Tigra argues naaaaaaah, the cat people are friends! We don’t even need to punch them! Go on and do your movie, big guy!
Mockingbird suggests Firebird could join them since she’s hanging around anyway, which Tigra balks at.
Because she arbitrarily hates Firebird. For cat reasons? Probably.
Tigra: “Her? She’s not an Avenger! She’s just a little bird who got her wings clipped!”
Firebird: “I -- I don’t know what I’ve done to offend you, Tigra -- but I apologize for it, whatever it is!”
Firebird also points out that she has her own mission to deal with. Y’know, Master Pandemonium? But Mockingbird points out that she went off to look for Master Pandemonium and just ended up hanging out with the Avengers again! So might as well stick with them for this cat quest and then they can all look for the guy together!
Hawkeye disinterestedly approves of Firebird as a temporary party member and then runs off to call Ben Grimm.
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Hawkeye lies a liiiiiitle bit, claiming that Tigra has been asking after him so the Thing agrees to join the mission so he can hang out with Tigra for the old times’ sake of that time she was hanging out with the Fantastic Four.
Hawkeye: “Got ‘im!”
Pfft. Oh Clint.
Later, the (West Coast) Avengers fly to Topanga Canyon Hills to visit Daemond Mansion, a clearly very haunted house.
Firebird: “I do not like the feel of evil in these walls! It seems to be... waiting...!”
Tigra: “Nobody wants to hear your feelings, Firebird!”
Geez, Tigra.
You are becoming unpleasant.
Also, despite all the ominous feelings, the only thing in the mansion is a very cat-looking coyote who apparently has nothing to do with the Epic imprint series Coyote.
Thanks, caption box!
ANYWAY, the West Coast (Avengers) find a giant pentagram painted on the floor of the ritual room and get down to doing some black magic(k)!
Didn’t think I’d see it happen so casually in an Avengers book but there we go!
Actually, a more magic focus in their adventurers would distinguish the West Coast Avengers from the Hydrobase Avengers. The East Coast team doesn’t not deal with magic. I mean, Wanda learned witchcraft over a weekend. But its not one of their most common genres of adventure. Its something that happens to them sometimes and they’re never happy about it.
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I can think of a lot of circumstances where a spell of Summon: Cat Hunk can come in handy.
Carpool lane. Need a date for prom. Need some help carrying groceries. Shoulder to cry on. If you be into that kinda thing no judgement. Dealing with rodents of unusual size. Have some extra fish to get rid of. Want to put the fear into a cat-hating dog. Hugs.
1001 uses. And yet I named but a few.
Although Cat Hunk Balkatar hasn’t strictly made any aggressive moves, the Thing immediately moves to punch him. And Firebird, deciding that he’s an evil demon who must be purified, immediately sets him on fire.
Hilariously, while clearly smouldering from the fire, Balkatar claims that since fire doesn’t exist where he comes from, he’s immune to it.
YEAH SURE THAT’S HOW THINGS WORK now I’m going to lick the sun. In my land there is no photosphere so naturally I’m not affected by plasma.
Also, again, they summoned this dude for help and immediately started kicking his ass.
Geez, guys.
Tigra ends the fight by going ‘hey I’m Tigra’ which works a charm.
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Tigra asks that Balkatar take them to the cat lands for their cat quest and Balkatar wastes no time disappearing them to the land of the cats.
Meanwhile, Simon Wonder Williams Man appears on the set of the movie that he still doesn’t know which movie it is.
The motive for casting the big guy? “Pictures live or die by word of mouth, Dino, and Wonder Man’s number one in that department right now!”
Hey, wouldn’t be the first time Hollywood tried to strike while the iron was hot on someone’s notoriety or whatever.
A foot in the door is a foot in the door.
Anyway, then Wonder Man is attacked by a barbarian type with a sword and mace.
A barbarian type: “DIE, vampire! You’ll not mingle my blood with the poisonous ichor which bloats your veins!”
Morbius is in the A-plot, dude.
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The barbarian dude tries to hit Simon with his weapons so he just breaks them. And then tosses the guy across the room.
Dude is like seven feet of pure muscle but he’s not pure ionic muscle.
Turns out though, that this random dude attacking on a film set was in fact an actor! The lead actor! Arnold Schwarzburger, who is legally distinct from Arnold Schwarzenegger!
And like that Arnold’s role as Conan, this Arnold is playing Arkon in Arkon IV (so this Arnold’s barbarian movie did a lot better?) and they need a really spectacular villain!
(Apparently the director told Arnold to attack Simon, as a sort of unannounced try-out for the kind of action the movie might have)
You might remember Arkon from long, long ago in Avengers #75 and 76?
He was the barbarian king of another world who came to Earth to start a nuclear war that would save his own world? He instantly fell in love with Scarlet Witch because she was the One Woman on the team and had to be available for all plots like that?
Anyway, apparently his rampage around Earth in those two issues made enough of an impact on the public that there’s a trilogy of films about him. Not bad.
Plus, if you make movies about people from another world, they can’t demand a cut of the profits. Probably. I think there was a She-Hulk story adjacent to this but I don’t remember what the legal deal was.
Arnold Schwarburger, who is definitely not a real world Arnold who is also a bodybuilder actor, isn’t bothered by being thrown across the room because he’s just thinking how cool the movie will be if Simon plays the villain.
The director suggests that its a sympathetic villain to try to keep Simon’s interest but, hell, Simon would play the horse if he got a role in an Arkon movie!
Looks like things are coming up Wonder Man!
Anyway, back at the West Coast Avengers Compound, Hank Pym goes for a ride on Hawkeye’s sky-cycle.
Ultron-12 invited him to talk and while Hank isn’t afraid of Ultron killing him, he isn’t about to invite Ultron inside the (West Coast) Avengers base.
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Ultron-12 shows up and does Hank a startle, although the killer robot emphasizes that he’s not here to kill Hank.
Ultron-12: “You know, father, I have ceaselessly evolved myself since I gained self-awareness as Ultron-1! In those early days, I hated my father, as many adolescents do -- but having progressed through twelve forms, I have finally seen what most young men see -- that the struggle to assert myself at your expense is essential, but an essential phase that mature men outgrow!”
Oh my god.
I am enamored with Ultron just... growing out of supervillainy. He’s always been a bit of a tantruming piss baby but. The idea that he’s gone through so many iterations that he goes ‘and now its time for me to put away childish things like trying to kill my dad and trying to turn his wife into a robot!’
It’s amazing.
I think my favorite part is that Ultron doesn’t really say that being an evil killbot was wrong, just immature. In fact, he says that it was essential to his emotional development!
I know where this is going (cursed future knowledge) plus there’s so much asshole Ultron content in the future, like Ultron and Hank smooshing into one horrible cyborg. But I can imagine a future Avengers team which casually has Ultron on it, like the difference between present Braniac and the Braniac on the Legion of Super-Heroes. Except with less of a time gap.
Ultron also has non-maturity reasons. Although he credits them to having a mature outlook now.
Ultron-12: “I have looked at my life -- or lives -- and seen that my dreams of creating a ‘son’ in the Vision, or a ‘wife’ in Jocasta, have collapsed -- and you are my only relative! Moreover, father -- now that you are divorced, it is likely that the only ‘son’ you’ll ever have is me!”
Hank Pym: “That’s not an easy concept to swallow, Ultron!”
Ultron: ‘We’re the best company we’ve got!’
Hank: ‘Oh that makes me so sad.’
Ultron further explains that he was impressed how Hank Pym heroically fought when he was kidnapped by the Grim Reaper. Presumably the fact that he did it without any powers adds to the impressiveness.
So he thought about it and decided, ‘yes, that’s good’ and instead of Ultron he now goes by Ultron Mark Twelve because he thinks it sounds human.
I’d personally suggest Ultron Mark Twelve Pym but maybe he wants to reconcile with Hank before he starts using his name.
Ultron-12: “So, father -- may we put my evil past behind us and forget the first eleven Ultrons? May we begin anew?”
Hank is noncommittal. That’s a lot of grievance to just forget but Hank suspects that if Ultron were a meat son, Hank would be ready to forgive.
Its been a couple of pages but the West Coast Avengers and also the Thing and Firebird have arrived on the planet of the cats. Or “the land within.”
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It seems like... its an enclosed world. There’s what could be a rock ceiling above the cat city. And there’s a sorta-sun called the glowsphere, which warms the land but doesn’t grow anything.
Also, all the decorations are cat themed. But I don’t point and laugh whenever anything on Earth is all human themed so I’ll be respectful.
A welcoming party of cat people meets Balkatar and the West Coast Avengers plus the Thing and Firebird before long and remind him ‘UH HEY bringing in outsiders is ABSOLUTELY TREASON, you dunkass!’
But Balkatar introduces one of the ‘outworlders’ as Tigra and the welcoming party immediately changes their tune.
Huh, Tigra was right about the cat people being her friends. Her name is opening doors.
When she goes in front of the king though, he’s less awestruck.
He orders his guards put the non-Tigras in cages so he can speak to Tigra privately.
Ben Thing tries fighting back but Hawkeye convinces him to stand down and let himself be taken prisoner.
I’m sure he has a plan.
Or maybe he’s just over-valuing Ben telling the king to get off “our backs!” and misreading it as another sign that he’ll badger Ben into joining the Avengers (West Coast) yet!
Although Hawkeye does complain about having to make the smart, leadership decisions like not punching cats as they’re led out.
With the (West Coast) Avengers led out, the king gives Tigra leave to talk.
Tigra: “Your majesty, I am cursed with having two separate souls -- the one I was born with -- Greer Nelson, a woman of Chicago, Illinois -- and the one that was overlaid upon it by your people -- Tigra, your legendary warrior!”
This cat king isn’t actually familiar with Tigra’s backstory so Tigra recaps her entire backstory!
As people are wont to do. As was the style at the time.
So in brief, Greer Nelson was the Cat wearing the costume more known for Patsy Walker, Hellcat. The costume was given to her by her friend Dr. Marie Tumolo and increased her physical and mental attributes. Then the Cat got shot by ALPHA RADIATION while fighting crime.
Dr. Tumolo revealed that she was actually a cat person, gathered a bunch of other cat people, and transformed Greer into Tigra through “science, and magick, and mental energy.”
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Tigra was a lot more catlike back in the day. She even had cat ears.
Anyway, after telling her story, Tigra says dominance keeps swinging back and forth between the cat and woman sides of her and she wants the cat removed even if kills Greer.
The king tells her to relax, their science entirely capable of removing part of her soul without harming her. And as The Tigra, she’s welcome to their aid.
EXCEPT the king declares that the part of her they’ll remove is the human woman part.
Tigra: “What? Oh, no -- Please understand, it’s the uncertainty that torments me, not the Tigra part! I’ve had many good moments as Tigra -- but I’m human! I want to be human again!”
King Cat: “Silence! If you were one of my subjects, I’d have you destroyed for such insubordination! I must consider your situation at great length!”
Then King Cat tells Balkatar to take Tigra off so he can think about the situation at great length.
Balkatar asks if he’s in trouble for bringing outsiders to the cat land and the king says he’s not in trouble for Tigra but might be for the rest of the group.
So Balkatar takes her to the cliffs surrounding the city and apologizes for the king, saying that its a hard life in the “land within” so the king has to be harder.
ALSO he mentions that “it is our nature to please females” so uh.
Tigra: “Nothing will please me till my life gets settled!”
Balkatar: “Oh, I doubt that -- not if you have any part of us within you!”
Tigra: “Well... I suppose you’re right! Cats’ moods do come and go -- !”
So she and Balkatar sit on the warm rocks and chillax.
Balkatar mentions that as the Balkatar, he actually does a lot of just chillaxing on warm rocks.
Balkatar isn’t a name, its his job.
The Balkatar is the cat man selected to answer the summons of outworlder sorcerers. So I guesss he has to be on call so spends a lot of time just waiting.
Tigra isn’t really listening to this. She’s more thinking “I can’t not fuck him!”
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So they make out and maybe more. The time skip, it’s like a fade to black.
After the maybe-sex, Grigar the Balkatar tries to convince Tigra to move in with him. Move into his dimension, I mean.
Still, kinda moving fast, dude.
Moving in after one fade to black? Geez, you’re coming off as desperate.
And then its time for the post-maybe-sex history lesson because apparently Tigra is a title just like Balkatar is.
Luckily(?), the history of the Tigra involves explaining the whole ass history of the cat people.
Yay, multi-tasking!
A sorcerer from Earth named Ebrok turned normal cats into cat-people.
I don’t know why he did this but he taught the first cat-people Flavius and Helene magic. The other sorcerers didn’t like cat-people knowing magic and tensions eventually led to a sorcerer on cat-people war.
A war that the cat-people lost.
The sorcerers banished all the cat-people to the land within, with the Balkatar being the sole exception who could come to Earth if summoned by a sorcerer. To do cat errands, I wager.
Unbeknowst to the sorcerers Flavius and Helene managed to avoid this banishment. They hid out with Ebrok and helped him with his work.
Apparently, his work was to create the bubonic plague.
Because one of the enemy sorcerers found out that Ebrok was hiding cat-people and killed him. In retaliation, Flavius broke a flask of black plague over the sorcerers head, unleashing it on the world.
Geez, Flavius. You’re a mass murderer!
This cat story being told by a cat seems to lean sympathetic towards the cat-people but maybe Ebrok was a dick?
Anyway, Flavius had murderer’s remorse. He and Helene fled into the mountains and tried to create a cure of the plague.
Wait, why did Ebrok create a plague and no cure?
But either way, Flavius and Helene’s efforts were thwarted by the sorcerers’ guild, still very angry at the concept of cat-people who know magic.
Flavius and Helene tried to summon the Balkatar to help them but his whole deal prevented him from going against the sorcerers.
So instead, Flavius and Helene decided to make more cat-people! The new-fashioned way! The same way Ebrok made them!
Except, they couldn’t figure out how to turn cats into cat-people. The narration says that the sorcerers blocked their efforts but doesn’t go into any detail on how they did that.
And the panel is just Flavius and Helene looking quizzically at a cat that doesn’t give a crap about them.
So who knows.
Anyway, if they couldn’t turn cat into people, they’d go the other way and turn people into cats.
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“Thus was born the warrior of our legends -- the first Tigra!”
“And she fulfilled her function with great savagery!
I assume that means she killed all the sorcerers in that hostile sorcerers’ guild.
So with the Balkatar freed of the sorcerers’ control, kinda, Flavius and Helene summoned him again and asked him to have sex with Tigra I to create a second race of cat-people.
I have no reason to suspect that this exposition isn’t 100% historically accurate but it sure is a thing that the Balkatar is telling the Tigra that, historically, they should bang.
This Balkatar-Tigra cat-people race eventually led to Dr. Tumolo and her cat-people friends.
And Dr. Tumolo’s research was, retroactively, all about granting humans the power of the cat-people through artificial means. Like the Cat costume, which Balkatar describes as “something very like an artificial Tigra.”
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Uh. Do the powers of the cat-people include grappling claws?
Anyway, all this talk of Dr. Tumolo makes the Tigra want to exposit.
Tigra: “Poor Marie! I guess I’ve always felt I was sort of her legacy -- which made it that much harder to reject this form -- but I never knew how much a legacy I really was! She did her best for her people, as she saw it -- but I wonder now, in retrospect, how much she cared about people-people! She didn’t tell me what she was up to, until she made me a real Tigra!”
Anyway, Dr. Tumolo is dead now, Tigra exposits and flashbacks.
The High Evolutionary turns a cat into a cat-person named Tabur, as the High Evolutionary is wont to do, and Tabur went on a rampage in Marvel Premiere #42. Dr. Tumolo sacrificed herself trying to stop him and Tigra wound up actually stopping Tabur, turning him back into a cat.
This plausible sex and exposition session is interrupted by one of the cat-people who tells the Balkatar and the Tigra that the king has summoned them.
Balkatar: “What a shame...!”
Random cat-person: “What did you say?”
Tigra: “He said -- ‘nice day if it don’t rain!’”
Comedy duo these two.
Anyway, the two lovecats? return to the throne room for the king’s decision.
King Cat: “There is an outworlder who is extremely bothersome to us, since he considers us to be demons! His name is Master Pandemonium... and I want you to kill him!”
Oh, hey, what’re the odds!
Now the Avengers (West Coast), the cat-people, and Firebird are all after Master Pandemonium!
This dude be collecting enemies.
Tigra protests that Avengers don’t kill!
And before the king can answer, the (West Coast) Avengers Assemble right in the throne room and start beating people up.
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They got bored waiting off-panel, broke out off-panel, and came on-panel to help!
What are teammates for, after all.
Mockingbird singles Balkatar out of the crowd and starts kicking his ass, demanding he tell the rest of the cat-people to call off the fight.
She’s missed some nuance about the Balkatar’s position here, I feel.
Either way, Tigra objects.
Tigra: “Wait, Mockingbird! If anybody jumps his bones -- it’ll be me!”
Just going to up and say it, huh?
The (West Coast) Avengers and two guests re-assemble, for some reason. It makes for funny text, at least.
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But Tigra yells the fight to a halt.
Tigra: “The king already made his decision, Hawkeye! He’s going to help me -- no strings attached!”
Gaaaaaaaaaasp, Tigra, that’s a fib!
What prompted the change of mind?
Who knows! And who needs consistent characterization when you can just go ‘lol cat mercurial.’
I don’t object to an excuse to have an adventure in cat-land with the cat-people that gave Tigra her cat-powers. Learn some Deepest Lore about why a tiger woman.
But I have a problem with the inciting reason.
Tigra suddenly having trouble with her cat instincts and all. Which seems to come out of nowhere and has nothing to do with where she was before the ongoing.
Maybe it’ll get better or not get worse? Hope springs eternal.
Now I have to go read part of Secret Wars II to make sense of an Avengers issue that’s super tied-in! Haha, why!
Follow @essential-avengers​ because West Coast Avengers! Just the concept of the West Coast Avengers! Maybe the Great Lakes Avengers, wink. Like and reblog too, to make me feel good about myself.
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tobiosmilktea · 4 years
can i get some GOOD headcanons on kageyama, kuroo, oikawa, and terushima drunkingly confessing time there best friend? similar to how tsukki did it in the number neighbors au 🥰🥰🥰
drunk confessions w/ kageyama, kuroo, oikawa, and terushima
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— k. tobio
kags is the type to be hella emotional when he’s drunk, like full on sobbing or just being moody for no reason
it’s definitely not that bad at first, i would think he could handle his alcohol pretty well but once he get a couple shots in THAT’S when moody kags come in
with you being the designated sober for the group, you had to not drink ofc
out of everyone else in the group he’s one of the more difficult ones
near the end of the might where you had to take everyone home, you literally had to force a sobbing kageyama into the uber
homie would be choking in between sobs as you literally apologize to the driver
ngl it’s kinda hilarious
drunk kags = simp kags
“y/n ur so pwetty 🥺👉🏻👈🏻”
but if he isn’t showering you with compliments, he would be crying into your shoulder about how stressed he has been bc of volleyball
“coach said my sets are getting weird 😔😔”
and then you would sit there awkwardly laughing as you tried your best comforting him
you would run your hands through his hair and he’s literally about to self combust from the contact
by the time your uber arrives to his apartment, trying to pull him out of the car is harder than pushing him into it
his six foot one ass really be making it harder than it should be
once you do finally get him out of the car, he’s completely slumped over you and you try your best to lead him back to his place
his muscular arms strategically placed around and over your shoulders as his feet basically drag on the ground
“y/n~ where are we going?”
“back to your apartment, tobio.”
this is the part where he groans and immediately starts resisting
the thing is it doesnt last long considering he’s completely fucking drained, if anything the moment you past by the threshold into his apartment he was already halfway unconscious
your muscles strained guiding him to his bedroom to which your literally just plop him onto his bed
you sigh to yourself as you felt immediate relief on your body
after a beat or two passed to regain some strength and energy, you tug on kag’s body again to make him properly lay on the bed rather than being at the cusp of falling off
“you’re so fucking heavy, tobio.” you pull his bedsheets over him, “also don’t get out of bed or else i’ll kick you.”
honestly he looked so cute as he was in the process of passing out
“y/n?” he called out before you could leave his side
it was then his right hand would find yours and pull it close to him, mumbling: “you treat me so well, y/n... no wonder why i’ve been in love with you since high school.”
perhaps you ended up not leaving his side that night
— k. tetsurou
homie won’t leave you alone while you guys are out drinking
he literally refuses to leave your side as both of you were drinking
i would say kuroo has a pretty strong alcohol tolerance but ngl yours is stronger fr
this obviously led to kuroo getting completely shitfaced at a much quicker pace than you and when he’s drunk, it’s obvious
like REALLY obvious
he’s most definitely a giggly drunk
he probably laughs at every little thing with that obnoxious hyena laugh you love to hear so much
if there was ever a moment you two did split up, you would immediately know where he was the moment his loud ass laughs literally thundered throughout the entire bar
“excuse me, have you seen my friend? he’s tall, has black hair that look’s like a chicken’s—”
“oop- nevermind”
you were literally on your way to fetch him as it was getting super late and the both of you needed to go home when you saw him stumbling farther away from you
“kuroo! where the hell are you going?” you would shout over the loud conversating crowds and music
he ultimately didn’t hear you as he continued walking towards the bar
you grumbled as your eyes stay locked on his large figure to which he starts climbing a bar stool
“oh my fucking god—kuroo!!”
this dude literally CLIMBS ONTO THE BAR
“LADIES AND GENTLEMEN!!” he yells over the large crowd, everyone’s attention is on him and you were immediately struck with second-hand embarrassment
when i tell you were wanted to drop dead then and there
your eyes widened in shock, your mouth parted, and you stood there completely paralyzed as kuroo points you out in the crowd
everyone surounding you turn towards your figure and your cheeks immediately flushed a bright red and your heart suddenly beating a thousand beats per minute
silence filled the club like a wet blanket as you nervously chuckle
this was so awkward like it’s not even funny
“well?” a random guy from across the bar shouted
you purse your lips, “if i say yes, would you get off the bar and take me out on a real date?”
the biggest smile melted upon kuroo’s lips as he laughs
he jumps off the bar and practically cuts through the crowd just to pull you into the tightest hug you’ve ever received
“god, you’re so drunk.”
“it was my only way of getting myself to finally say it.”
— o. tooru
if you think this boy has attitude when he’s sober just wait until he’s drunk
like literally he’s so mfing sassy and for what reason ??
i dont even think this boy drinks that much let alone has a high tolerance of alcohol
oikawa’s a lightweight (i said what i said 😤)
literally if he downs anything more than three shots, he’s a literal goner
not to mention HES ABSOLUTELY WILD
drunk oikawa — the wild, sassy one
i’d say he’s pretty loud, but def not as loud or confident enough like kuroo to stand on a mfing bar and confess his love
nah, if anything, oikawa’s more rowdy when it’s a party at someone else’s house
he knows to keep himself in check if he’s drinking in public (like he knows from experience and almost got arrested one time for public indecency but it izz what it izz)
so he practically learned to control himself, but if it’s a house party ??
knowing that it’s at a friend’s house, especially if it’s your house, he’s letting himself get completely loose
he knows you’ll take care of him anyway
throughout the night he’s literally messing around with friends, maybe a game of beer pong would usually get him drunk
put once the party’s over, he would usually be the last one to leave as he was left on your couch passed out
you didn’t even notice he was there until he started snoring
you couldn’t help but laugh at his adorable unconscious state, it was almost as if you wanted to leave him be, but you knew he had to get back home
so you stroll towards his slumped figure on the couch and kneeled on the ground
his cheek was pressed up again one of the cushions and he was dribbling a bit of saliva but you ultimately chose to ignore it
“oikawa,” you muttered as you rubbed his shoulder and shook it
he wouldn’t really respond for the first few times, but after repeating his name after a while, he would start to stir
he would groan and could barely open his eyes
half-lidded, a smile forms on his lips at the mere sight of you
“hey there gorgeous.” he slurrs through his teeth as he continued to stir
“c’mon, get up you gotta get up and go home. i called an uber for you.”
you tried helping him get up, but he just plops down again
“why can’t i stay wit you?”
“cause you don’t live here.”
“i would if we were together.”
your brows furrow in confusion, “what do you mean?”
“i always wanted to live with someone i really liked... and that’s you.” his words were almost incoherent how slurred they were through his drunkened state
“you like me?” you asked just to reassure what he mumbled was truly what you heard
he nods as you brush his tangled jungle of hair out of his face
there was a deep onset of crimson blush that appeared on your cheeks as he did so, your heart beat quickening it’s speed as you sighed in contrnt
“you act like i didn’t know this whole time. you’re quite obvious about your feelings, oikawa.”
— t. yuuji
you and terushima were club regulars
each weekend you were out with him club and bar hopping just for the fun of it
but lately, the more often you do things the more desensitized and bored you get of the same activities over and over again
you and terushima sat in both of your car ready to drive to downtown where all the clubs were when you both lazily sighed
“i’m not really in the mood for loud music and socializing.” you would confess, ready to perhaps hear terushima’s jests of you being a party pooper
but instead he sighs and agrees to your surprise as he’s typically the one dragging you to these places anyway
“same,” he mutters. “i think i’d just hangout with you tonight.”
there was a slight tone in his voice as he peaked at you that you couldnt exactly pinpoint as if you were waiting for the catch
“i still wanna drink though.” he added, there it was
“good call”
from then on you stopped by a convinient store where you and terushima buy the cheapest six pack of canned beer
in the end alcohol was alcohol and you both didnt care about the quality
this was the only case in which you had a lower tolerance than terushima as he could literally handle the strongest of liquors and still act sober
it’s kinda scary as sometimes you can never tell whether or not he’s actually drunk
but as he is a sober drunk, the only way you can tell that he’s absolutely blasted is that he becomes brutally honest with you
that brutal honesty sometimes comes with a childish offhanded joke that you would roll your eyes to
not to mention he sometimes becomes a bit of a perv too
“your ass looks better in the dress you wore last weekend” was one example
and because you both wanted some quiet for once on a late saturday night, you drove all the way to the park where it was quiet enough for you two to relax
terushima had held your hand to help you walk up the steep hill to the top of the park in which oversees a great view of tokyo
with it’s pretty city lights shining upon you two, you and terushima settle yourselves on a bench and crack open your beers
you and him cheers as you two silently sipped at the alcohol
by the time both of you were in your third can of beer, it was obvious terushima was completely wasted
“not gonna lie,��� oh here it comes, “your driving sucks.”
you couldn’t help but laugh at his honesty
a laugh that he likes so much, it sounded like heaven to his ears and he wanted to make you laugh again and again
“i mean, you’re the one whose making me drive you everywhere all the time.”
he scoffs, humming in response as his half-lidded eyes flickered towards you, admiring how the moonlight reflected upon your face as you breathed in the sky
“you’re so beautiful,” he practically whispers.
“hmm?” you turn towars him with you eyes coated in honey
god he was in deep
“i like you.”
it honestly shocked you at first as your eyes widened into saucers
it was straight and brutally honest confession
just how you like it
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purplerose244 · 3 years
I don’t care
Hi!! This is my fic for the @ninjago-valentine-exchange!! Thank you so much for organizing this, I really had fun writing this! 🥰
Special thank also to @nightlybirdie for the lovely fanart I got to respond to! It’s such an adorable little comic! 😍  I thought making a songfic about the same song you choose would have been fitting, since it really is very Lava like ❤🖤❤🖤
Here we go! Enjoy!! 😊
Summary: It's just another celebration party after all, Cole should be used to feeling left out.
Turns out, someone is very not okay with that.
Also on the AO3
We’re at a party we don’t wanna be at
Trying to talk but we can’t hear ourselves
Red your lips I’d rather kiss ‘em right back
With all these people all around I’m crippled with anxiety
 It wasn’t that Cole hated parties.
Although it wasn’t that he loved them either.
“… so thank you again, ninja!” Tipping his hat, the police commissioner finally finished his speech, one that after such a long time spent with them fighting crime and evil beings – like ten years or something? – was starting to sound vaguely repetitive. “Now, without further ado, let us begin this celebration party! To honor our saviors!” The crowd cheered, all the police members bowed at them, and it was finally time to forget about the danger and relax.
… right.
Alright, the black ninja wasn’t a party-pooper – he wasn’t never going to give Jay that satisfaction. There were of course great pros about being here after all, starting from the fact that the very reason there was such a big event in the first place was because they had saved the city once again – he needed to remind Lloyd to bring the sign ‘days Ninjago City wasn’t attacked’ back to zero. This was a celebration in their honor, a thank you for their determination and commitment and for keeping their world safe every time. He could see familiar faces into the crowd, having fun, enjoying the peace that once again so difficulty they had managed to regain.
The music was nice. Nowhere near his usual choice, and he knew he was going to grab his headphones and blast soft rock at full volume as soon as they were back at the monastery, but nice nonetheless – relaxing too… oh… oh, no, no dozing off. His friends were all there, dancing, talking, perfectly in tune with the festive atmosphere.
Oh, there was also a buffet, that was nice. It was also an extremely generous one, with tarts, sandwiches, shrimps and so on, one that could make even Zane’s nindroid mouth water. The black ninja himself had finished his recognition at the table, even though he had ended up with a glass of whatever while standing on the side of the ballroom. All he knew was that it was sparkling and slightly bitter. Not really his taste.
Nothing felt like his taste right now… but that went beyond his beverage choice.
He tried to widen his collar, for the fifth time in the last hour. He should’ve known better than borrowing a suit from his father, besides their obvious different sizes. Even beyond the blatant reality that being the master of earth pulled out muscles that a dancer just didn’t have, it was the most irritating reminder of the time he had spent trying to meet his pa’s expectations by joining a quartet. It had been a while since that matter had been solved, there was no point into sulking over it. There were more important matters ahead.
His finger went to his collar. Sixth time. Great.
Was he the only one holding on instead of having fun? Again?
One impressively loud laugh shook his from his thoughts, and he didn’t have to look to recognize Jay, near their latest used-to-be-enemy-but-now-they’re-our-pal. Great, someone must have asked what happened during their adventure, there was no way Motor Mouth would have missed the opportunity to vent – as long as his obnoxiously talkative nature didn’t bring their new friend back to the evil path. Right next Zane was showing off his dancing skills, that familiar endearing view that probably involved his famous funny switch. Or not, that nindroid was lovable no matter what after all. From the resigned but fond smirk of Pixal, leaning against the wall not far while watching the robot making a spectacle of himself, he wasn’t the only one thinking that.
Lloyd had been kidnapped by a few reporters of the NGTV, although despite the awkward atmosphere he looked like he could handle himself – which wasn’t new, man that kid was indestructible. And even though he was confident that Nya was not the biggest fan of formal clothes just like himself, like the pro she was she knew exactly how to deal both with her dress and the people crowding around her. Besides, she deserved a bit of spotlight.
His friends were having fun, that made the master of earth happy unconditionally. Although he would have liked to share that light-heartedness, or simply being willing to let himself go for once. Well, they were doing fine, he could end this and finally go home by himse-
Wait. No. Something wasn’t right.
Where was that? Where was the crowd of people getting consistently louder and more insistent the closest they got to their red hero? Where was the never-ending flirty attitude that was almost a main characteristic of the master of fire? Where was the improvised meeting of the Kai fan club happening every single time they ended an adventure, like these screaming admirers had been silently waiting for the end to end just to see their diva?
A shiver caught him. Surprise? Confusion? Relief? Cole wasn’t quite sure, he just knew that there was no massive amount of chocolate hair nowhere in the ballroom. A pinch in his chest made his back straighten up. He took the slightest sip of his drink, grimacing at the taste.
Then, someone shouldered him. Wow, silent as a ninja. Then again, it wasn’t hard at this point recognizing his teammates without looking.
Especially someone as warm as him.
“Apologies my good sir, but it looks like we’re in quite the predicament over here.” Yep, he could see Kai’s smirk in the corner of his vision, moving up his mouth with that little dimple on the corner. “This is very clearly a party-fever, non-sulking area. You better correct your behavior, or I will be forced to take drastic measures.” Kai stuck out his tongue as he cracked his knuckles, despite himself Cole couldn’t help half a laugh.
Only half, because this guy could be very irritating when trying to push his reasons on others – the cow yak predicament between him and Jay was never going to be forgotten and was actually brought up again every once in a while. Only half… because there was something mesmerizing at seeing the reckless master of fire getting cleaned up in a classy and refined suit. White immaculate shirt. Perfectly stirred jacket. That little red bow over his neck, because if this guy didn’t like to show off that red was his color on every occasion then the Overlord was a good guy.
You could say a lot about the red ninja, really a lot.
Not having style? Not between that – of course his ego didn’t need to know this.
The black ninja huffed, catching himself before he let his eyes lingering on him for too long – thank you master Wu, poor unaware sensei probably didn’t know his meditation lesson were being used to hide a crush.
“Drastic measures as kick me out? Because first, I would like to see you try.” Kai was strong, but not earth strong, thank you very much. “And second, I can leave on my own, thank you.”
Another shoulder. Much quicker than the other.
“Nah huh, this is also a very restricted non-ditching area.” Now he was cornered. Which wasn’t much because it was only Kai and his mischievous look. Also it was Kai and his mischievous look. “You either have fun and enjoy yourself, or security will escort you to prison in a conga line.”
“Really?” The hothead dared to shrug, like this made-up nonsense was a fact and these ‘laws’ were beyond him. “You don’t have to be a bringer of justice here too, just leave me be a solitary public figure for five more minutes before leaving.” A little frown moved his scarred eyebrows, which looked a little too knowing for some reason. “Besides, don’t you have a fan club to return to? I’m not seeing brown wigs twice your head moving around, that’s worrying.” A third shove, this time the black ninja let out a proper laugh. The red ninja’s hair only got crazier and crazier since they met, and it was always funny.
Endearing, too… dang it feelings!
The master of fire crossed his arms over his chest, pouting yet smiling.
“I can have a party without getting assaulted by my fans, you know? Besides, it’s been a while since we had a proper celebration, I wanna be with my team for once.” It was surprising and also very not. Kai was that much of an egomaniac, he loved the attention; but he loved his family even more, and it was true that they didn’t get much time to enjoy simply be united – trying to survive a villain while experiencing discoveries and development didn’t count as a relaxing bonding experience.
Cole gave a look at the crowd. The others were all still there.
“I’ll give you that, should we call up the others then?”
“No no no, you don’t get out of the radar that easily!” Again with the grin, what was that dangerously pretty head of his plotting? He looked focused too, it was scary. “Cut loose, will ya? You always end up in the corner at these things, you could at least pretend like you wanna be here.”
The black ninja winced.
“Gosh, you sound like my dad.” He definitely didn’t want to think about his dad in front of his crush. “We’re not all social butterflies, okay? I’m fine being myself.”
“Oh that’s not it, you’re okay. You being you is amazing.” Was that flirtatious? Was that a random compliment? Dang it, Cole had known him for too long, he couldn’t tell the difference anymore! “But whenever we get to an event like this one you always look like you would rather go back fighting and it sucks. Not being much of a party person is fine, I just want you to have some fun that’s all.” Ah. There it was. Underneath the mocking, the arrogance and the flirts, was a guy that could fire up a group of ninja with the power alone of his blatantly sincere words. Being against the next reason Ninjago City needed to be rebuilt, or while trying to give a random party some meaning. “Besides, speaking of fans, I know you have some. You could improvise a convention too.” He gestured towards him with both hands, like he was presenting him for a talk show.
The master of earth grinned. His chest felt warm, as always. Curse this guy for being cute. Curse him for being here instead of somewhere else wowing some random guest, blessing him with his company. He was right about not being together enough. Cole did miss having peaceful times with his teammate… he had missed spending time with Kai.
 But I’m told it’s where I’m supposed to be
You know what?
It’s kinda crazy coz I really don’t mind
When you make it better like that
 He took another sip. Grimacing. He shook his head.
“My fan club is nowhere near as wide as yours.”
“It’s not a challenge you know… although if it was, we all know who would win…” The red ninja flexed his arm. The jacket moved accordingly, showing off results of a training that even without involving massive rocks looked still impressive.
Cole swallowed over a sudden dry throat, only to frown.
“Huh… Lloyd?”
Kai blinked and sulked down altogether.
“Lloyd indeed.” They looked at each other and laughed.
The previous song slowly faded, a new rhythm took over. To Cole’s relief, it was something less ballet-like and more vivacious, capturing a few couple and individuals into the ballroom to enjoy the music. Jay was showing off impressive dancing skills, although him coming out of nowhere with a new ability wasn’t unheard of – roller skating, skiing, how did he even have free time to learn where he would always invent and eat junk food? Nya wasn’t too far behind, crossing path with Zane and improvising something together, laughing all the way. Lloyd was about to shake his head with a snicker and step away, only to have Pixal push him in with a little grin.
It was so peaceful. Them having fun, enjoying themselves, doing something other than risking their own lives and protect the land. They were the moments the black ninja loved the most.
Kai was humming himself, smiling just as widely. Cole chuckled warmly.
“You look like a very proud father.”
The red ninja arched an eyebrow and smirked.
“Wouldn’t you like that, honey.” Oh dang it, was he for real?! Was that a flirt?! Was that a little blush or for the master of fire having red over him was as natural as igniting flames?? Was he going somewhere with this, help, abort, something, anything! “We should chime in and join Zane and Jay, make a reprise of the Blade Cup Tournament! I remember the choreography still, bet we could show it to Nya, Lloyd and Pixal too.” Alright, never mind, false alarm… possibly, again, it was confusing.
Cole took another sip. It possibly tasted worse at every try, he didn’t even know why he was holding the glass still. At least he looked refined… or something.
“No way, I’m not going through that again.”
“Oh come on, I thought you got over your dancing complex with the Triple Tiger Sashay.” Kai shrugged, looking at him right into the eyes. “You dance good too, it’s a waste.” Was he in vain of compliments today or he was silently mocking him through an elaborated plan?
… nah, he wasn’t one to make complicated plans. He was a pretty face, and an airhead.
Cole shrugged.
“I don’t mind dancing, not as much as I used to at least. I even like it nowadays.” Having a hobby besides saving Ninjago was kind of important to not completely lose it – and playing videogames became a little too competitive once Jay or Lloyd got in the zone. “But it’s a little too connected to what my dad used to expect me to be and sometimes I don’t wanna even brush that thought.” They were good now, of course they were. But they spent time apart because of it. It was still hard to think about it. “… I don’t like to think that it would’ve been easier to just bear and go on. It makes me wonder what I would have become in that case, through tedious dancing lessons and failures.” Wow, his insecurities were put under a test, and there was no menace in sight for once.
Urgh, nope, not tonight, not after the mess they had been forced to fix for their city. Tonight it was about feeling light, thoughtless and happy. He needed a joke, a mockery, something, and while their official jokester wasn’t available Kai was the next best thing.
Any moment now… any moment now…
… okay now he was deliberately teasing him with those pretty eyes of his. He looked even sappy now, their shoulders were touching. He was so warm.
“It’s… kind of a scary thought, you know. Thinking of a you in a reality in which we haven’t met.” He smiled, one enigmatic, slightly worried smile that Cole couldn’t remember to have seen before. “But master Wu would’ve found you anyway, right? I don’t want to think of a world where we don’t know each other.” Because he was a precious teammate of his. “That’s not right in my head, I kinda hate it really.” Because they were too close as friends to even conceive it. “I’m just happy to have the strong, kind, incredible Cole by my side for this life.” Because he… cared. Because Kai cared about all the people in his life, all the precious members of his family.
That included him. As a… as…
The master of fire was staring at him, lips pressed tight together, burning cheeks and glimmering eyes. His face radiated heat, beyond the temperature itself; it was like an image so hot it got blurry, yet the beauty of it was nitid and flawless.
Cole was mesmerized. Then he slowly took a step back from his condition, finding the energic music fading away around them, and the red ninja still froze with his eyes on him.
It made him smile.
Having his attention always made him smile.
“Oh my gosh, it’s Kai!!” Because it wasn’t for granted and it wasn’t as easy as it was, back when they had started their legend as the ninja team. Now they were celebrities, and having a group of fans jumping excitedly in front of the brunette was ordinary administration. “Kai! You’re so cool, thank you for saving us again! You are our favorite ninja, can we get a picture? And a photo? Possibly both, if you can!” There were a couple of girls, one guy and a kid jumping from one foot to the other. All looking at ease and confident with their dresses and manners, addressing one of the heroes of this island.
Huh. The party had started to get nicer a few minutes ago, now it was back at being dull. Awkward. Uneasy. Solitary. Once again the too tight suit became very vivid, especially around his arms and chest. Once again the music, that had gone back at being slow and classic, got at his nerves. Once again he was being a spectator, looking at the scene like it was airing on television.
Kai was smiling naturally, he was more than used at that kind of attention. But his eyes were quick at focusing on him, and another little frown moved his forehead.
“Thanks for the support guys, but I’m a little busy right now…”
Cole rolled his eyes. He hated pity, so much. It felt like a slap right now.
“No you’re not idiot, come on, show your fans some respect. They get to see you without the city falling apart for a change!” The group nodded eagerly, eyes brightening the room. The red ninja wasn’t looking at them, his eyes were fixed on his teammate and it was even more irritating. “I’ll be at the buffet if you need me, have fun.” He looked hurt. What right did he have to get hurt? From what even? The master of earth was the one casted aside, for a change!
He walked away from the scene, losing Kai’s voice between excited shouts and squeaks from the group. Like that was new, it was always the serious, uncharismatic, downer of the team the one getting less recognition. He had known that when he had met this band of crazy people that he had started to call family. He had known that when Lloyd had taken charge and lead them towards one victory after the other. He had known that when Nya had been called into action, showing off once and for all that she was the real deal. There was always someone before him, brighter, to capture the attention. Being a robot, being an inventor, being the most handsome guy in existence…
… and it was fine.
Cole wasn’t stupid not unrealistic. He knew who he was, he knew his skills and his pros. He knew there were many people cheering for him too, he knew that Ninjago City loved him. Having less focus didn’t mean he wasn’t going to do his best to give back that support. But moments like these made him feel like it was unfairly easy to be pushed away in favor of something better. This really wasn’t what he was used to. The party, the attention… him.
It wasn’t about the attention after all. It was about feeling inadequate. Unlike others, he wasn’t born for the attention. Others were ready to burn to catch everyone’s eyes through their beauty. Cole only wished the difference wasn’t always this upsetting.
The guests were walking around him as he passed through. He didn’t actually want to go back to the table, he had simply said the first thing that had come to his mind – with that one girl so close to Kai thinking had been very difficult. Then the police commissioner had called the attention upon the impressive cake that was being brought in by a carrier. Shaped like the monastery, with their faces on the base. Wasn’t he the absolute dessert lover that he was, he might have found the cake too cute to even attempt a bite. Then again he really was, which was no secret at all. The chief of the police department was more than happy to give him the first slice.
White chocolate and blueberries. He hated himself for being so irritated, he would have wanted to enjoy his cake without bothering images into his head. He knew it wasn’t that big of a deal. Whenever there was a party, his mind just liked to remind him how uncomfortable he felt. It was only a matter of waiting for it to be over. Then he could share a bag of candies with Lloyd, or pull some weights with Nya, or meditate with Zane, or train with Pixal, or destroy Jay at videogame. Or do anything, absolutely everything, that involved spending time with Kai.
Just for the sake of having him near… ah, dang it, feelings again!
He swallowed a bit harshly, all of the sudden he couldn’t have more. The slice was half eaten – yeah he liked to have that big of a first bite –, and even after spending the night munching over those little snacks that couldn’t contain more than one or two calories each. He felt full. He couldn’t even enjoy his dessert now, might as well leave before anyone noticed him. He had planned on leaving much earlier so it wasn’t a problem.
Cole looked down at that forsaken drink, arching an eyebrow. Maybe it was good with sweets? Maybe that was what made it good? He drank, grimaced and grunted. He moved to put the drink on the table once and for all.
A quick ninja hand snatched the glass. A second later it was emptied.
“Finally, you were driving me crazy with this thing!” Kai, smiley and innocent, almost knocked down another glass as he let the empty one fall over the table. “All night sipping and hating!”
The black ninja’s mind was empty. From nothingness, only one doubt emerged.
“… you’ve been watching me?”
 Don’t think we fit in at this party
Everyone’s got so much to say
When we walked in I said “I’m sorry”
But now I think that we should stay
 That wasn’t probably the question to ask, no matter how much the master of earth was stubborn over the idea that nothing was a big deal at the moment. Something like ‘what are you doing here’ would have sounded out of place though, and teasing directly about what happened to his fan club didn’t sound better. Besides, the handsome master of fire finished his drink putting those perfect lips right where Cole’s had been just a second ago, and the black ninja’s strategic leader brain that had many times got him out of a bad situation wasn’t working.
Or maybe it was? There were very few things that could really, actively melt his heart like this. The red ninja’s blush was one of them. It had to have something to do with his element, the reddening was absolute and total. Like watching a thermometer reaching the maximum.
“J-Just a little! One or two times!” Liar, Cole had been doing this sip and regret thing all evening. The thought alone was an injection of giddiness. “Not up for cake? That’s new.”
Oh. He felt a little more in vain for cake. Two bites later it was done.
“I was taking a breath.” It was easier with him around. Did he know that? “You’re done with the fans? That was quick.” Kai huffed with superiority, but the black ninja was no fool: he could see the girl from before sighing a little, like she didn’t get nearly as much red ninja as she had been expecting. “You didn’t have to leave them behind for me.” That came out exactly as badly as he thought it. Why did he say it anyway? Why was the master of fire this shocked and fearful? “Kai I’m not some special case that you have to take care of, you know that. You don’t have to hang around me just because.” Huh. It came out like that.
Huh. Kai looked one with his element, burning from his forehead to his neck, looking almost sunburned. Adorable. So adorable, even while Cole was waiting for whatever was going to come from this situation. Which was, beyond his expectations, the red ninja’s rough and long hand slowly reaching for his, holding it tight.
Warm, so warm, so unfairly warm.
“I… I hang out with you because I want to. I want you to have fun because I…” He swallowed, hardly, and it felt like a light was switched on in the black ninja’s mind. “… I like when you have fun. When you s-smile, too.” It was so different from the usual flirty attitude that this guy used. It would have sounded like a mockery to any other. “I like being where you are too, that’s all I need… I-I mean it!” But Cole knew this guy, he knew him too well not to know that flirting was a show.
This awkward, embarrassed, red gorgeous person was the real deal. One that came out only when the time was right, and the person was right.
Cole was right. He was… right?
“I… I don’t know what to say.” He really didn’t and it was the worst possible answer. But it was true. What did you say to someone you harbored feelings for that showed interest back towards you? Thanks? Same here? I love you?? It was true but it was out and everything felt unnecessary and uneasy again.
The hold tightened. Kai was still blushing, but he was smiling with that special energy into his eyes. The one that usually meant a very bad plan coming, or one heck of an idea.
“No need. Just come with me.” Not like he could resist him right now.
Right on cue the music had changed, slowing down. The master of earth had a suspicion the one holding his hand was behind this – not like bribing Dareth currently at the console was particularly hard, especially with a couple of Puffy Potstickers in hand. Then again, the one holding his hand was this handsome fella that was leading him towards the center of the ballroom, between fanciful people and a couple of eyes in awe at seeing their heroes there. It was easier to ignore the comparison, the feeling of inferiority, while feeling Kai’s fingers clenching around his palm, shaking firmly. It was cute. So very cute. Cole could barely see in front of himself between all these people, yet it felt like nothing was really shouldering him as he passed through.
There were lights above them. Were they always there? Cole didn’t notice before, which was silly since it was all dark outside. His head was lighter, he didn’t have control over his strength even if he had wanted to break free from that hold. He didn’t. Not when the red ninja had that familiar determination making his entire body tense. Not while he turned around, smirking.
Still blushing. Still holding his hand. The master of earth looked down. Two pairs of feet staring at each other. Memories of the dance lessons came flooding back.
He looked up. Those glimmering embers made it much better.
“You brought me here to dance?”
“Impeccable deduction, Rocky.”
“Do you even know how? Dancing in couple is not the same as in a group, and we both know you have awful balance.” It was the only thing that made him regret throwing the battle against Jay back at the tournament of elements: losing the possibility of seeing this klutz making a fool of himself on roller skates. Confident Kai? Goofy and charming. Energic Kai? Attractive and brave. Angry Kai? Literally hot. But man, clumsy, adorably unsteady Kai? A wholesome force strong enough to break every single mountain he had ever climbed in his life.
The master of fire huffed with superiority, which was already promising. Around them a few couples were getting together, slowly moving with the rhythm.
“Please, I defeat evil lurking behind our backs on regular basis. I can handle a dance.” His eyes went down on his feet, while he unsurely grabbed his other hand. “You just gotta work with me, first you move the left… right… no left, left!” Left went right over his partner’s foot, and it was gone right away ironically almost as it got burned. “D-Don’t laugh, I got this!” Screw everything, the master of earth was very glad Ninjago had been in peril just to arrive at this specific moment.
Ah, but he was the responsible one, wasn’t he? Snickering right in front of the brunette’s face while he was doing his dang best at not stomping onto his feet would have not been very mature.
… continuously at least, he could take one giggle.
No one could call one giggle immature. Or two.
“I can hear my father’s pleas from here.”
“Shut up, I’m getting there! Right foot, sorry, then left…” Wow, it was almost impressive considering Cole had managed to see him before almost gracefully practicing spinjitzu with them. Then again, it was so like him it hurt. “There there’s the… huh… casket?” Oh dear, he meant the casque? Yep, definitely good pa wasn’t here. The black ninja almost blacked out he was laughing so much – pun not intended –, wiping away a single tear. Then he looked up, embers were staring. So focused and bright they were too much to look at. Kai grinned. “At least your smile is back.” The softest curve ever.
It was impossible not to look at it. It was baffling how many people were attracted to the master of fire solely for appearance and superficial charm. Yet this part, this tender side of him was the most lovely part. The most hidden too, reserved only to those who got close enough to the fire to get burned, without regretting a single moment.
Cole giggled again, stepping forward. Automatically he took charge, assuming the position that had been sculptured into his mind by years of dance lessons. Kai’s hand was still shaking as he took it, his eyes were trembling too. It made the black ninja smile more.
“It’s easy to smile when I’m with you.” Another incredible thing about this guy, it made all the people around him more confident. Stronger. Him included.
Kai gaped. He stuttered, looking down, up, at him and not.
Then he sighed, whining weakly.
“I was trying to properly confess, Boulder Brain.” It would have been such a shameless, anticlimactic moment for anyone. Gosh if it hadn’t dissolved all the anxious anticipation the black ninja had. “Why did you have to one up me right now?” Maybe it wasn’t only Kai that made him feel this at ease, maybe it wasn’t only them knowing each other so well. Maybe there really was one and only, for life, and the master of earth knew it by instinct.
A pretty good instinct too.
Cole grinned, stepping closer because dang if this didn’t feel immensely good.
“Force of habit, you’re just that slow.” Dang if this easiness between them wasn’t the most comfortable feeling he had ever felt. “You should really put your mind into training a little more, prove that you can keep up with me, Fireball.”
Music was changing, people were moving, the party was continuing and neither of them was looking anymore. Who cared anyway? What was important right now?
Warmth was.
Kai’s hand on his cheek was. Kai’s softened eyes on him were.
“I can do that. You know I never quit in front of a challenge.” One blink of an eye later, their noses were brushing. Another blink, their breaths were caressing each other’s lips. One last, the master of fire turned that kind of serious. The one that put everything on the table, because he considered a moment that important. “… I hate when you ditch a party.” Cole held together a little gulp. “And it’s not about you not being a party person, or wanting you to have fun, or even for you to get the credit you deserve. It is in part, but it’s not all.” He smiled, his thumb tracing gently his cheek, so very careful with him. Him, the lifter of their team. Him, the mighty master of earth. Him, the one that could manifest an earthquake with a punch. “It’s just that I miss you every time. You make everything better for me… I want to be with you as much as I can.”
It was never about that after all. It was never about who he was or what he represented, for either of them. It was just about two guys, two friends that had been lucky enough to get closer to each other reciprocally. In comparison to this, everything felt so meaningless.
The room was empty, the music was gone. It was just them.
Cole closed his eyes.
“You could convince me that parties are cool, you know. Then I won’t ditch anymore.” His closeness, his heat, his presence. The black ninja wanted to take in everything about this moment and never letting go. “I feel like I’m on the right path right now…” Wow, they weren’t even together yet and his flirty tendencies were already rubbing on him. Was he really that gone already for not minding it one bit?
Ah, who cared, Kai was so close he could hear him swallow. His thumb was still shivering, and it made his heart flutter. Then he laughed, low and sincere.
“Let’s see if I can be convincing.” He whispered.
Kissing the red ninja was exactly how he had imagined. It was warm, a little clumsy, so very sincere and vigorous. It reflected how he moved, how he acted, how he fought, how he protected. Yet it was nothing like he thought. It was so sweet it made his eyes pinch, it was delicate and even a little uncertain. It was him on the inside, the him that didn’t always want to make an impression, the him that had so much love to give to his most precious ones. It was him. In every possible way, it was him.
Cole smiled, kissing back, holding onto him as he was held back.
He liked parties. And he loved Kai.
 ‘Cause I don’t care when I’m with my baby, yeah
All the bad things disappear
And you’re making me feel like maybe I am somebody
I can deal with the bad nights
When I’m with my baby
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nightswithkookmin · 3 years
Hello Goldy 💜 So JK dint post for Jin and so does Tae. Both of them di t post for Jinins bday also. Whats going on here ? I dont understand if JK and Tae have been banned from posting on their boyfriends bday. As u can tell i am both Jikook and Taejin shipper. What do u think is happening or should i say not happening.
This topic...
Hold on, lemme put on my tinfoil hat:
I got nothing. Lol.
Secondly, aaaaah Tae Kook!
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Lol. Tae Kook. The evil power duo of BTS, my favorite rageddy boogie men of ship street Avenue, PPP- pathological party poopers of Bangtan fantasyland- stomping on shipper's parade, putting commas in people's hopes and dreams. Y'all didn't get the memo? When we said y'all be snatching hearts, this is not the kind of horror heart snatching we was talking about! Y'all ratchet for this shit. Lol.
Someone give them the memo. Atatatatatat.
I mean for Jk, I've already speculated a few times- several times now, how I feel he's kind off been on a self assertive journey since late 2019 and coupled with a lot of things I felt was happening with him, Jimin and group around that period, that him not posting for the members' birthdays sort of make a lot of sense to me.
I've also speculated on what I felt was going on with Kook, RM and Tae around JM's birthday this year, so Tae not posting for JM also sort of made sense to me?
Tae missed Jimin's birthday as well. It would have been 'problematic' in today's social media climate if he posted for any body else within the group after that. It's the same with JK when he missed Jin's birthday last December- had he posted for anybody else, I'm afraid several trucks would have been sent to BigHit HQ demanding his head on a spike. Chileee.
Can't blame them though. Even the members themselves, during 2017 Festa, descended hard on JK for gifting a present to Jimin and not the others- they pay attention to these things, you know? Jin in his recent VLive had said he had been up waiting for texts and all- or something along the lines of that, and I'm pretty sure he pays attention to who posts what on their Twitter account on his birthday. Well we know Jimin does this too. Lol.
You don't need to be a mad scientist to figure out that one member posting for another and not the others would make the members feel some kind of way about it even if they don't say it out loud.
Frankly, like I said, I feel they set themselves up for this shit- miss one, miss them all or risk solo stans coming for your ass. That's how we roll on these fang gang streets. Lol.
But for Kook, I sort of felt his was deliberate- may be an impulsive decision at the time, but deliberate nonetheless. I mean he had all 24 hours post Jin's birthday to belate that shit- better late than never, but he didn't do that.
Whatever had transpired within that period- which I've speculated on in past posts, I feel that had pushed him to his breaking point and had incentivized him or propelled him to reel back, reevaluate his goals, intentions, purpose, calling- whatever you wanna call it, and eventually had embarked on a journey to reassert himself and take back control of his life all throughout 2020- until recent times...
- Y'all see Jikook's dynamics have flipped again post Jimin's birthday right? Clear your schedules. We gone talk. Soon. Muhahaha.
I don said, Jikook have/had been asserting themselves against eachother and against the group this year. And for Jk, that self assertion would come in the form of him putting up boundaries and reinforcing already existing boundaries among other things, which would in turn require him demanding and demonstrating his independence from anything and anyone he had relinquished his self autonomy to- prior to. In my opinion.
I'm gonna step on a few toes here and regurgitate, JK didn't just take a step back from his life, he took a step back from Jimin as well, in my opinion- I can literally hear temperatures rising. Chilee. Lmho.
It's easy to lose yourself in the process of loving someone. And when you love this person more than you love yourself, in the thick of love, under heavy public and peer scrutiny, where you are being told to change this and that about yourself everyday and everytime as a prerequisite for being able to love this person you want within a group; then you are bound to end up with nothing but the total eradication of who you are at your core or at least a drift away from your true self and the expressions of it... Sigh.
I mean all the, 'try not to be so possessive, he's our friend too' 'operation neutralize Jikook' 'chilee, don't lean too much into him, this is an award' 'I've got Jimin, restrain Kook' 'oh I think you stared too long here' 'look away' 'you got him a present, why didn't you get us any' 'is that your heart eyes?' 'Tuck it away' 'why do you film Jimin a lot?' 'use this person, not Jimin for your GCF if you want the clicks' 'GCF in Tokyo? How about OT7 in wherever mate?' - all these little tweaks and adjustments he's had to make to his personality and his expressions of self in order to hide his relationship within the group climaxes honestly. In my opinion. And late 2019 to me was that peak for JK. Again, in my opinion.
Changes like these don't come drastically. They creep up on you. Its slippery slope till you're caught knee deep in the mud. For instance, notice when the members complained about him not caring for them because he hadn't presented them with gifts like he did Jimin, he had agreed immediately to give them presents in the future in order to not answer to their question of why he had chosen to give just Jimin a present. That compromise to me was one of the early signs of him losing his authenticity. In my opinion.
Jimin and the members were quick to point out that he didn't have to do that because giving and gifting were not obligations and honestly they were right. He doesn't have to do things if he doesn't want to.
That's the paradox of Jungkook. He does the things he wants to do without shame and he is fearless and unapologetic about it. But you see, he is also often very passive when it comes to the things he doesn't want to do and would hesitate in insisting on his boundaries until he is pushed to his limits- from my observation of his interactions with the members and I think Suga and RM have talked about this too.
A classic example of this is his conversation with Jimin about their friendship- when Jimin said they were in between love and friends. His hesitation was a sign he was uncomfortable with that description but he didn't assert himself over it.
Another example would be Jimin saying during their log that he was taking a liking to JK- JK didn't react as much but JM turning to ask him if he was ok with him saying things like that was a sign they had had the talk about 'boundaries.'
JK is a very assertive person but his position as the youngest within the group places a lot of restrictions on his assertiveness I feel.
We talk a lot about Jimin being Kumbaya and sacrificing a lot of their personal happiness for the good of the group- well, I've been talking. Y'all don't say shit much- fuxking lurkers 😒 y'all suck. Lol. [Delete before you post, you idiot. They don't know you like that]
Anywho, we often talk about Jimin in this context but we- by we, I mean I, don't talk enough about all the ways JK often sacrifices his authenticity for the Kumbaya of the group as well. But unlike Jimin, I feel JK does it so he can keep his glass closet- fucking whippidy whip whipped. Lol.
And it's crazy because that sacrifice he makes of his true feelings and it's expression is what often leads people to question whether he acts exclusively with JM at all.
Often I hear shippers complain about how he did this with Jimin but he did similar thing with another member- listen, if you've heard JK sigh upon seeing RM imitating his mannerisms to try to neutralize his nonverbal gestures around Jimin, you'd understand what exclusivity means for him.
And when, you think about that he had to apologize to and explain himself for choosing to wear his man's bag over another member- it's not hard to see where his authentic self began to erode- It started from the moment the apologies begun. Never apologize for who you are- class dismissed. Lol.
Then he goes on to talk about losing his passions for his GCFs, his music- this is a person everyone within the group had said is or was the most passionate member within the group... You gotta wonder where it all went wrong. Know what I mean? Come on work me. I'm writing this at 2am. Lol.
I think Jimin was right when he said giving should never be a task. You should give from your heart and from your own free will. Not for show, and certainly not to please anyone.
Wishing a member a happy birthday should never be a duty, task or obligation- especially when such moments and expressions of it has become performative over the years rather than as true expressions of the love and affections they have for eachother- ok, I'm dozing off now. Lmho.
I mean let's face it, posting on Twitter for eachother has become more of a culture and an established tradition within the group that sentimental members within the group hold on to.
The birthday twitter post has been hijacked and lowkey/highkey advances the OT7 kumbaya agenda BigHit is bent on pushing and sells the BTS bromance fantasy to us rather than an actual representation of their love for eachother. In my opinion. I could be wrong about this.
JK asserting himself would mean him choosing not to participate in expressions that to him are performative, shallow and lacks depth whatsoever.
I know what you are gonna say- but but Jimin's birthday. But but but nothing. Lol. I have said I felt he was going to post for Jimin's birthday. Dude geared up for it with the 5/8 and everything.
And given as he's been on a journey to do the things he wants to and to pursue meaning in his expressions of self within the group, I feel and I believe he believes wishing his man a happy birthday on social is meaningful- Confirmation bias this shit. Lol.
Not that the act itself is meaningful, but that the act holds meaning to Jimin. I think I've talked extensively about Jimin and how important his birthday is to him. The only reason I feel he wouldn't or didn't post for him was if Jimin had asked him not to- which I believe he did. Posting for Jimin would have been tantamount to outing their relationship gangster style. Lol.
And we all know how the members feel about that. Smirk.
So no, I don't think he's been banned from posting for his man's birthday. I think this is him deciding not to partake in performative expressions of love- perhaps because that has never been him?
I don't know for Tae's Journey. His decision not to post feels very random to me. Who knows, he and JK have been talking a lot lately it seems and getting closer post Sope. So if you ask me, this perhaps is him taking a page out of JK's self help book and pursuing that authenticity of self expressions I've talked about?
I mean he did do awesome things for Jin's birthday so I don't think we can complain much. Getting his friends to wish Jin a happy birthday certainly pulls weight over a second post on Twitter. Jin got a birthday party with the members, RM had the same.....
The thing that bothers me and my friends over here about Jikook's incident is the lack of closure after that traumatizing experience.
With the others JK didn't post for, at least we got to see him in a VLive with them interacting and just giving us moments here and there. So even if he didn't post, we know he was with them and they shared the memory of that day together- which I feel is what we shippers want. For them to show eachother love- whatever way they express it.
With Jimin- Nada. Zero. Zilch. We got nothing my guy. Jimin didn't share any insight or give any details remotely resembling closure for us. We were hoping for a bangtan bomb or Episode but nothing so far. I hate it here.
We didn't get to see JK showing the love we know he feels for Jimin- he's proven time and again he loves that man. We didn't get to see them share the memories of that day together. Not even through narration- Jimin, you sonova bish! Lol.
Would I ever move on from that incident? No.
Do I want to move on from that incident- chileee I've been trying. It would haunt me for the rest of my Jikook life. Lol. I still get get nightmares thinking about it and it's Christmas. Sigh.
I think we would have to observe rather than anticipate how they choose to express and communicate their love for one another- especially Jikook and by extension Taejin- chilee Anon, I respect your hustle. Lol.
I don't blame you though. I mean sometimes Jin be looking like he wants to gobb-ok
What was your question again? Lol. I hope I answered it. Chilee. Keep supporting Jikook.
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siapsymud-moved · 4 years
Send me a ❤ and a ship and I’ll answer these questions about them.
Where was their first official date? First ‘date’ they didn’t really have one. Now official date, took Hancock with them to the beach for a weekend to themselves.
What is their favorite date location? Green Dragon, they’re just personally attatched and it’s fun to go.
How many dates before their first kiss? None, kiss came before the dates
Who asked who out first? Oh goodness... it was really neither. The two of them caught feelings and then eventually acted on them
How many dates before they considered each other a couple? So this one is tricky. They already consider themselves best friends and when they eventually found out all the things they’d gone through together it just kept strengthening their bond. When the truth came out that they’d already once had been in love with each other they ended up kissing again. There was never any label formally put on them, no dates they went out on because they’d always been together and after living together for all this time and spending so much time around each other, it was one of those things that just happened. I don’t even know if this makes any sense. They just have always been partners in a way, before it was definitely just partners in crime/treason, and now they’re just--- partners.
How many mutual friends do they have? ...They’re all kinda dead now. BUT They used to have quite a few as their social lives were rather intertwined due to the Sons of Liberty as well as due to the fact that Sam was John’s mentor. Now really the only friends they have in common are Alexander if you count him and Abigail and Joseph. 
Which one of their friends is most likely to get in between an argument between the ship?
Which one has more friends? Back then, it was probably John. Nowadays it’s kind of a toss in between them both, but I feel like Sam might have more just because he keeps befriending teachers.
Which one has introduced the other to more people? I feel like John has always won at this one, even more so with modern times because he’s got friends like Theodore and Dustin while Sam really had no one.
Did they start out as friends and made their way to a couple, or were they a couple almost right away? They began as mentor/mentee and just very close friends, that is all they remained as for their first time around. During the war they were allies and friends who’d caught feelings for each other, sadly due to death there was little time for that. Now in modern times they were friends for a long time before they found out the secrets from the past and are exploring a relationship again.
What do they argue about the most? Gosh uh- anything? Mostly stupid arguments that relate to the past in some way or another.
How do they usually solve their disagreements? Sam apologizing and then trying to get John to forgive him, that’s really the only way it’s ever gone.
Do they argue a lot or not very often? They used to argue a lot more in the past, more differences in between them to pick at. Now a days there’s less fights and they happen with less frequency. At the end of the day though, they have been best friends for far longer than partners so butting heads it’s inevitable. But at least the arguments are less explosive.
Who admits to being wrong more often? Samuel does 99.999999% of the time.
Who is more likely to initiate sex? Toss of the hat and depends on the day.
Do they prefer to do it in a bed, or do they prefer a chair, or perhaps the shower?  Maybe other spots? Bed is just easier and more convenient, but it doesn’t mean it hasn’t happened in other spots.
Do they practice any kind of bdsm in the bedroom at all and if so, what kinds? EEEEH? I don’t know
Who’s usually more dominant in the bedroom? Sam tries to be and just because he’s a bossy lil shit, but also because he likes to surprise John
Lights on or off? On
Do they share any kinks? A handful, I think
Does either one have any kinks that they don’t have in common with the other? Not as far as they’ve found out
Have they ever had sex anywhere public before? ...honestly, yeah. DC Fieldtrip, kids were busy with a movie and the two of them slipped away for a few minutes.
Who would be most likely to suggest bringing in a third person and who would that person be? Neither, it’s just them both and they like it that way.
When are they most likely to cuddle? At night when they’re both done with work and are usually hanging out after dinner or putting on a movie. And definitely any time one o them is just laying down in bed either reading or scrolling through things on their phone.
Where is their favorite place to cuddle? In bed with Hancock laying down next to them or in between them.
Who’s usually the big spoon? Depends on the day, but Sam likes to hold him so it goes that way.
Do they cuddle often? When they’re both in Boston yes, if you consider they’re apart for 4/7 days of the week then no.
Are they married?  If not, is it something that could happen between them? Not married, and whether that’s something that could or could not happen is just up in the air. Their relationship is so far from normal that it’s hard to say if it would ever happen, but Sam would like to one day. Or at least just give a ring to John. Can’t exactly get married when your fake identity doesn’t exist. It would be mostly just symbolic and for them if it did happen.
If they are married, where did they get married at?  If not married, what is their dream wedding location? Probably Boston ngl, they’re attatched to the place
If married, who proposed to who?  If not married, who would be more likely to propose to who? Sam to John
If they are married, which one moved in with the other?  If not married, who would be more likely to move in with the other? I mean--- Sam moved in with John already just because John has the bigger place and Hancock is happy
Do they have kids?  If not, would they consider having kids? They have one Hancock
How many kids do they have?  If no kids, how many kids would they want to have? 1 because John is a party pooper and won’t let Sam get a second dog
What are the children’s names?  If no kids, what would they name their kids? Hancock
What are three random headcannons you have about the ship that are not related to romance or sex? 
Samuel steals John’s clothes, even before they were together it just happened. But I mean is it really stealing when John is okay with it and Sam always returned them and you have permission? Also when John himself would just pick out Sam’s clothes
Back many years ago, Sam used to write letters to John. This was back when he still thought John was dead for good. But he was so depressed and so alone that he would write to John as if he were still alive and like he would answer him back and they could bicker like in the old times. Those letters remain but they’re stashed deep into a box.
One of the reasons Samuel regrets that ten year period of not speaking to each other and why he was so broken inside when John died so young was because during those ten years he came close, several times to apologizing to John himself. In the end he always talked himself out of it, convicing himself that he was right and it was John that was wrong and should apologize first. They could have had more time together.
Which one is more likely to suggest getting pets? Samuel, always Samuel.
Which one eats more snack foods? Samuel, he keeps a drawer stashed with snacks in his classroom 
What is their favorite movie to watch together? Hamilton, they have the whole thing memorized
What is their favorite tabletop game to play together? It’s hard to say when you’re just playing with each other, I’d say probably something really dumb like a trivia game or something that requires actual strategy like chess or so.
What are your three absolute favorite things about this ship? How close to each other they are and their bond to each other, how they’re absolutely ridiculous sometimes when you put them together but it just feels so organic that it works, and what they mean to each other and how far they would go for the other.
What is one thing you don’t like about this ship? That they are absolute DUMBASSES who can’t seem to communicate on the fact they’ve both had or have feelings for each other, and do all these cutesy things together but it’s always ‘nah we’re just bros’. IT IS GAY WHEN U KISS THE HOMIE AND U BOTH LIKE IT
If you had to rate this ship on a scale of 1-10, what would you give it? 11/10
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mochilici0us · 4 years
 One New Message | jjk (3)
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➳ 𝗴𝗲𝗻𝗿𝗲: angst, thriller, stalker au
➳ 𝘀𝘆𝗻𝗼𝗽𝘀𝗶𝘀: Skye realizes she has to deal with a ruthless stalker when the messages she’s constantly receiving are getting more and more threatening. A stalker that makes her recall memories of the past she swore she would never rake up again
➳ 𝘄𝗼𝗿𝗱 𝗰𝗼𝘂𝗻𝘁: 2,4k
prologue, part one, part two, part three, part four
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March 2013
‘‘And then he said <<I have a girlfriend but we can still meet>>” I mimic my crush’s stupid voice
'Shit, that's so bad...''
''I like him Ruby, he looked different but he's actually a piece of shit'' I take a big sip of my drink enjoying the burning sensation of the alcohol
''Thank God you didn't have sex''
''I know right'' My gaze travels on my friend noticing how she's  just fiddling with the glass. She looks unusually concerned
''Why aren't you drinking?'' I question
''I...what?'' She finally gets back to reality. Her reaction makes me chuckle
''My parents aren't home, we have no one to control us... We can drink as much as we want''
"Not today Skye..." she shakes her head
"After a long my parents are finally out and we won't take advantage of it? Don't be a party pooper" I tease her biting the black straw
''I know Skye and I'm sorry I just don't feel like drinking alcohol today''
My eyes quickly study her stiff figure ''Are you ok?''
''These days I feel kinda... off'' her asnwer worries me even though I was expecting it
''Why? Is everything ok with Carlos?''
''Yeah...we didn't fight''
''Then?''I can feel her discomfort, it brings me down too
''I don't know...'' she mumbles, her eyes never leaving her lap
''Cheer up Ruby, everything's gonna be fine''
''I'm sorry'' our eyes finally meet ''Is Susan coming?''
''No, she fought with her dad and she's not allowed to leave the house''
''I swear to God this girl...'' we both burst into laughter. It's a pleasant sight to see her laugh again. I sip my drink whereas she goes for plain water. After a few minutes of comforting silence I speak
''The sky is beautiful tonight''
Ruby nods and leans back on the armchair "It's full moon" she remarks
As I observe the breathtaking sight I notice something moving in the sky
''Ruby, Ruby look'' I yell
''What?'' Ruby jerks up
''It's a shooting star'' I can't contain my excitement. This is my first time seeing a shooting star
''Skye darling it's probably an airplane'' she leans back again and covers herself with the beige fuzzy blanket
''Don't be pessimistic'' I slap her thigh through the thick blanket and she yelps
''Make a wish''
She just growls
''Make a wish Ruby'' I order again impatiently
''Don't believe in such things Skye''
''Just do it'' I plead desperately She exhales defeated and hushes for a few seconds.
''You did?'' My eyes widen
''Me too'' I smile brightly like a kid making her crack a smile too
''Happy now?'' my face falls when I notice her irony. It's not like she did me a favor, the wish counts for her not for me. However, I choose not to reply because I don't want to upset her, she's already alarmed enough.
''You're angry?'' she asks as if she had read my thoughts.
Again, I stay silent
''I'm sorry If I offended you. It's just... your wish won't come true because of a shooting star''
''Don't lose your hope Ruby. You've been through difficult times I know but karma is watching'' I explain fondly
''It's not about karma or hope or whatever sweetheart....'' she stops trying to find the right words ''You're young and can't process what I'm saying but one day maybe you'll understand'' I can't find a proper answer so I just stay silent and glance at the woman next to me.
''One last thing. Did you make a wish? Answer honestly'' I find myself asking in soft voice
She smiles warmly ''Yes''
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''Did you make a wish Skye?'' Grace's eyes look brighter than ever as this is the first time she sees a shooting star.
''I did. You?'' I gently caresss her hair as she lays in my arms. The view through the huge window in the living room is amazing especially those starry nights with full moon, Grace and I love cuddling like this gazing at the stars. Tonight though it's different, I feel like I experience moments again as the shooting star made the already similar situation even more familiar, awfully familiar. I'm experiencing a deja vu that reminds me of very dark, hard times.
''Of course but I can't tell you because it won't come true'' I laugh softly at the child's innocence.
She was right eventually. Wishes don't come true. Shooting stars is just a myth.
I can't ruin the moment so I let my sister live her dream. We must not taint childens' innocence. After a couple of minutes she's asleep. I carefully carry her to bed and tuck her in giving a goodnight kiss on the forehead.
Lying in my bed at the end of a hectic day has to be my favourite part. My bed is always so warm, so welcoming, soft, cuddly, a good sleep fills me with so much energy. This night is different now. I shake uncontrollably, memories coming back,haunting me, never leaving me to rest.
''I understand now'' I whisper as I finally calm down and smile sadly.
I close my eyes waiting for sleep to come. Surprisingly, I drift off instantly.
But the demons of the past I expected to face in my dreams after the deja vu I exprerienced previously never came. On the contrary, smiling angels with colorful wings visited my dreams flying with me and leading me on beautiful places.
After a long time, Skye had blissful dreams.
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''It's my pleasure to work with you mr Park'' I extend my hand for a handshake
''The pleasure is all mine mrs Westbrook'' he captures my hand and instead of firmly shaking it he lowers his face and places a soft kiss.
His sudden intimacy catches me off guard but I choose not to show my discomfort so I plaster on a fake smile.
''We're getting started next week. I'll keep you updated''
''I appreciate it. See you next week'' he smiles at me and quickly leans his head to greet Taehyung. We greet his partner as well, a tall, good-looking yet mysterious man with sharp eyes covered by glasses.He must be the smart guy Park Jimin always carries along in order to make better negotiations.
''What do you think about our new business partner?'' I ask casually while fiddling with a pen even though I already know his answer
''I don't like him'' he mutters while walking across the room
''Why?'' I chuckle entertained
''Why? Did you see how he kissed your hand? Who does he think he is? God I hate these cocky idiots''
''Taehyung calm down. This is about our profit, I don't care about his kiss on my hand or whatever''
''He should stay in his lane or else...''
''Or else what Taehyung?'' our eyes lock ''Stop being so possesive. We spesialize in public relations we must be diplomatic, what has gotten into you?''
He breaks our eye contact breathing heavily ''You're right I'm sorry, I overreacted''
"He's a strong business partner that's why I insisted we talk about a potential cooperation. And now that he finally agrees you're mad because he kissed my goddamn hand? You're so unprofessional sometimes"
He hangs his head low without replying. He's hurt, I shouldn't have gone so hard on him. I exhale loudly as I realize my mistake ''Let's have a coffee'' I suggest but he instantly shakes his head
''No, I... I need to take a walk''
''I insist, I shouldn't have talked to you like that"
He chuckles humorlessly running his hair through his head.
''I'm sorry" my eyes search for his but never meet them. Instead of replying he turns on his heels and opens the door walking out
''Wait'' I stand up and grab my purse. I can't let him leave without apologizing properly.
''Taehyung wait'' I yell and scuttle trying to catch up with my furious friend.
My new 11cm stiletto high heels make it so difficult for me to keep up so I just walk as fast as I can and pray for my physical wholeness.
''Taehyung''I repeat before he reaches the elevator.
And just as I thought everything was fine and I had became a stiletto master I stumble and fall on the ground, the loud crack sound making it clear that it's not a simple tumble.
Well thank you Susan for your stupid heels...
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The doctor will see you in a few minutes'' the anxious nurse replies
''That's what you said 15 minutes ago nurse, she's in pain'' Taehyung is pressuring the poor girl for a more specific answer.
''We have so many patients to attend and the doctor is alone today. Please bare with us'' She bows and leaves
''We should have gone to a private clinic. The treatment here sucks'' he exhales annoyed and takes a sit next to me
''It's ok Taehyung I can cope with the pain, it's not that intense anyway they gave me pain killers after I had the x-ray''
''I'm so sorry Skye'' he caresses my thigh and no matter how much he tries to hide it, he's about to cry
''Stop apologizing, it's not your fault'' I grin and he averts his glassy eyes
''Itis my fault. I should've waited for you''
''No,it's my fault because I wore these damned, sky high heels'' I grab his chin making him face me "And I'm sorry for being rude, my nerves have been bad lately"
He chews his lower lip nervously ''Skye you're not angry, are you?''
''I'm not. Don't feel guilty'' I assure him with a fond smile
''Excuse me mrs Westbrook'' the nurse finally appears ''The doctor can see you now'' once I realise what she's carrying I freeze. A wheelchair? I'm going to sit in a wheelchair? Even the thought makes me sick. I can't believe how unlucky I am..
Taehyung instantly lifts my shaking figure and helps me sit.
''Do you want me to come along?'' he asks
''No''I shake my head ''Wait here''
He nods and once the nurse makes sure our dialogue is over she pushes the wheelchair.
I suddenly feel so vulnerable, so powerless, how am I supposed to drive now? Work? Take care of my sister? I'm unable to keep up with my busy everyday routine. My thoughts overwhelm me, I suddenly feel like I'm about to pass out.
However, I swallow my tears as we finally enter the doctor's office. The empty doctor's office.
''Where's the doctor?'' I ask
''He's coming don't worry. I have to leave now, can you wait here until he come?''
''It's not like I can move anyway" I joke, mentally facepalming because of my terrible sense of humor. Thank God the nurse appreciates my humor and laughs warmly. She is sweet, at least I don't have to deal with a stupid, rude person.
She takes some files from the office and leaves. And now I'm all alone, intimidated, expecting the worst...
After a few seconds the door behind me opens
''Oh you're here? I'm sorry for the delay'' I listen a deep yet sweet voice. I'm curious to turn and have a look at the doctor but right now I can hardly move.
''It's okay I just got here''
The doctor finally walks and stands in front of me. The moment I lay my eyes on him my breath hitches in my throat. He can't be a doctor, he's so young, so.....
''Can you show me your x-ray please'' he politely asks as he takes a sit. I'd rather he keeps standing though so that I can catch a glimpse of his pretty legs again.
''Here''I hand him the x-ray avoiding eye contact, which is very unusual for me but I'm afraid that eye contact with him would make me look embarrassingly flustered.
He analyzes my x-ray silently taking notes, giving me the perfect chance to finally examine his face closer.
There's no doubt he looks youthful, flawless complexion without wrinkles or signs of aging and fatigue, chiseled jaw, strong neck, small pink lips and a pair of big, piercing eyes. Very interesting face.
''So...'' he raises his eyes just to meet my wandering ones. He just caught me checking him out. I quickly avert my gaze and keep my cool.
''Thankfully, you just sprained your ankle''
''Thankfully?''I repeat in a low voice
He chuckles revealing his cute front teeth. He chuckled? HE CHUCKLED?
''Your injury is not concerning. Your ankle will be put in a cast for 2 weeks and you'll be perfectly fine after''
''Oh..'' I'm too confused to answer properly. Only 2 weeks? I thought my injury was serious.
''I have to move you to the clinic bed'' he walks towards me and pushes the wheelchair closer to the white, leather furniture.
Clinic BED?
''Why?''I find myself asking. Shit, watch your mouth you stupid.
''To put your ankle in a cast. Excuse me'' just as I finally digest all the information he places his hands under my thighs and behind my back and carries me effortlessly towards the clinic bed.
I'm not sure whether it is because of the fact that I haven't been intimate with a man in a long time or not but right now I think I'm going to melt in the doctor's strong arms. And his musky, warm cologne makes me go even crazier. It feels like he's doing it on purpose, he's aware of how sensitive I am to smells and holds me like that, so that my head is placed right next to his neck.
Is this how he carries every patient?
He sits me in the cold clinic bed and gently rolls up my bottoms. I can't help but droole as his long fingers touch the soft material of my white crepe pants revealing my pale, thankfully shaved skin.
''Um.. Can I ask you something?'' I speak first
''Of course'' he opens a drawer searching for his tools
''Are you sure my injure is not severe? I mean.. I even heard a crack sound when I fell''
''You didn't break any bone. There's a little bit of swelling, no bruising..'' he strokes my ankle ''the pain must be mild, am I right?'' his eyes meet mine waiting for confirmation.
Even though I have hard time talking, I answer a ''yes'' without breaking the eye contact.
''There's just a minimal tearing that's why you probably heard this sound. The recovery time is very short and not painfull that's why I said you're lucky'' he wraps the cast around my ankle.
His touch is so affectionate, it resembles a caress.
Is every doctor that gentle?
''So you fell?'' he grins
''What?''his question catches me off guard
''You said you fell''
''Oh yes I'm not accustomed to wearing high heels so...'' I laugh akwardly
''You're ready'' he announces and takes a sit in the bed next to me clearing his throat.
How can a man look so attractive in tight black pants? I was never into men with tight clothes, I prefer baggy pants and shirts, a more comfy style but this dude right here made me change my mind completely, flexing his glorious thighs shamelessly.
''Some final instructions. Don't overwork your foot, your ankle is lightly injured but still injured. If you feel any pain take a painkiller, paracetamol is fine. I'm going to give you crutches, this is how you're moving for the next two weeks even though I strongly suggest you avoid walking.'' he stops and takes a quick glance at my red toe nails licking his lips.
''Last but not least, be careful when you shower. If you get your cast wet, irritation or infection of the skin could develop. You can find waterproof cast covers at pharmacies, they are really helpful. That's all you have to do these two weeks. Do you want me to repeat something?''
''No I'm okay'' I answer honestly as I repeat every single instruction in my head
''You're coming back in two weeks to remove the cast. If you have any question feel free to call. I'll probably not be able to talk but my co-workers gladly will''
''Thank you doctor'' I nod and smile sadly realising this might be the last time I see him.
''And be careful. Avoid high heels maybe'' he jokes and runs his hand through his rich, black hair. I was ready to answer when the nurse arrived
''Are you ready mrs Westbrook?''
I stare at the doctor and he nods.
The woman helps me sit in the wheelchair and opens a display rack full of crutches. I can feel the doctor's gaze on me the entire time but my eyes remain glued to my ankle. Many thoughts are running through my head right now. Sad thoughts. After a long time I finally feel attracted to someone, a man I'll probably never see again.
That's the reason I don't stare back, I don't want to give myself false hopes.
''Let me help you'' I hear his voice as he moves towards the nurse to help her carry the pair of crutches.
It's now or never, my heart whispers overpowering my mind's voice.
So before leaving the room I catch a glimpse of doctor's right side of his chest.
The nurse pushes the wheelchair. Neither the doctor greets nor I. This is how our first and last meeting ends. So impersonal, so cold, pure professionalism not a single sign of emotion.
''Jeon Jungkook'' I whisper as we're moving through the corridor.
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''Do you want anything to eat?''
''No Susan I'm full''
My friend spent the entire day here cooking her speciality for me. She's very attentive but her habit of overfeeding me gets on my nerves.
''Are you sure?''
I roll my eyes fondly
''Just as you said you would start working out...boom'' she gestures at my sprained ankle giggling because she probably knows I would never go to the gym anyway.
''Don't laugh because you're the reason I'm hurt''
''I'm the reason? How? Did I push you?'' she cocks her shaped eyebrows 
''You made me buy these heels, I couldn't walk properly''
''You need practice with heels''
''I know right, I can practise perfectly now'' I slightly raise my right leg annoyed
''Calm down and stop talking nonsense''
I growl and keep studying ''It's so hard to work from home''
''Then stop working Skye. This incident is your chance to take a break these 2 weeks. Taehyung and the rest of your employees won't let you down we both know that''
I run my hair through my oily hair thinking about her suggestion ''Yeah but...''
''The doctor said you should rest. Come on Skye...'' she moans in exaggerated despair
Oof the doctor... I didn't tell her about the gorgeous doctor I met yesterday, there's no point anyway...
''Okay okay. I guess you're right'' I nod my head defeated
''I'm always right'' she pinches my cheek making me yelp ''I have to pee''
''TMI'' I yell as she walks away
My eyes wander around the room. They land on my cellphone. Head full of thoughts.... What a stupid  idea, let's do it.
Once I hear the bathroom door lock I grab my phone and log into facebook. Jeon Jungkook I type hurriedly feeling my heart beating like a drum.
I place my finger right above the ''search'' icon.
Is it worth it Skye? I hesitate Besides, if he was interested in me he would have searched for me, he can seemy name in the record of the hospital, he's a doctor so he has access to these files. And why would he be interested in me in the first place? He didn't even spare me a glance yesterday.
''Fuck it'' I throw my phone away along with my business files and lean back in my bed.
Indeed I need a break, these days I've overworked myself to the point I feel abnormally exhausted. A good, sleep would be perfect now, Taehyung's in the company, Susan is picking up the kid, I have no responsibilities.
Just relax Skye, close your eyes and relax, close your eyes and...
*Knock knock*
I open my eyes and jerk up as soon as I hear faint knocks in the front door.
''Susan'' I speak loudly
''Someone's knocking the door''
She gets out of the bathroom and as much as I can hear from my bedroom she walks towards the door. ''I didn't listen anything but ok'' she yells from the living room
''You were busy extracting the urine''
''TMI'' she jokes making me crack a smile
Who's knocking the door? Probably Taehyung came to check on me. He feels so bad because of my accident, he has even convinced himself it's his fault. Well I mean it is his fault partially, he should have waited instead of running like the wind.But I would never put the blame on him for something I did.
Susan comes in my room. Alone. A puzzled expression on her face.
''Who was it?''
She gulps trying to find a proper answer ''Um.. Skye darling... Are you sure you heard someone knocking the door?''
My eyes widen ''Yeah... I heard it clearly''
''That's weird because...there's no one there''
''A-are you sure?'' I stutter
''I just checked''
''I... how is this even possible?''
''You're just tired. Please sleep'' she approaches me and covers me with a blanket
''I am not hallucinating Susan,don't act like I'm crazy. I'm 100% sure someone knocked on the door so please go and check again-''
I stop talking as soon as I hear the familiar noise.
''Is this what you heard?'' Susan asks relieved
''I think so. Why?''
''Because that's your neighbour hammering nails into the wall Skye'' Again this noise, 3 hits, 3 knocks at the door as I initially thought.
''It was just a misunderstanding.'' she clicks her tongue ''Sleep now, you need to rest.I'm picking up Grace and feeding her don't worry''
''Thanks Susan'' I smile feeling better now
Well as it seems I misunderstood things. I tend to become paranoid sometimes but that's normal isn't it? I'm a young, wealthy woman raising a little child, there are so many dangers out there. I have no private security, no bodyguards just an alarm and the hope that this neighbourhood is indeed as safe as everyone claims. I close my eyes and wait patiently till I drift off to a sweet sleep.
But no matter how hard I try to convince myself, deep inside I know that the sound of my neighbour hammering nails into the wall was completely different from what I heard and that someone was outside my apartment knocking the door.
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Limerence [M] ︳08
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Pairing: Zuko x OC
Genre: Romance, mainly fluff with future smut, and if you squint hard enough - you’ll find some angst.
Rating: SFW
Words: 4100+
Notes: AHH - so this is by far one of my favourite chapters. Realistically, I’m well aware that there are plenty of well-written chapters, far better than this one, especially when I reflect on my newer writing. But this is the first chapter where my inner thirst slightly peaked through and I knew - I had to write smut in the near future. It’s also the chapter in which the plot thickens...I hope you enjoy loves <3
Masterlist ︳07 ︳09
❤ Buy me a coffee? ❤
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Limerence: (English/n.) the state of being infatuated with another person.
The moment their eyes locked they knew - the flames within him twisted while the water within her turned. It was a connection, a connection that would lead to love, adventure, and drama.
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(Greek/n.) Flirtatious talk that leads nowhere.
~ Ying Yue Jiang ~
            The hot water felt pleasing against my skin, as my muscles relaxed and all of the excitement from the day seemed to melt away. The room was steamy, and I could barely see Suki and Toph who sat across from Katara and me. Suki and Katara sipped away on their glasses of wine, along with me, while Toph sat at the edge of natural hot spring, a beer in hand. We drunkenly giggled away as we gossiped amongst ourselves. Only the dim lights from the candles lit the room, as well as whatever light the stars cast through the glass walls and ceiling. It was a beautiful room and a perfect way to end one hell of a day.
            Katara lazily rested her head upon my shoulder, “I'm sorry for everything…” she whispered once again for the hundredth time this day. I rested my head upon hers, “Don’t worry. I know you meant well. Everything worked out in the end, right?” It was true; everything did seem to work out in the end, although that statement did seem to undermine the number of things that suddenly had to be done. The moment I accepted my Imperial Consort Seal it set in motion an entire list of tasks and responsibilities.
            Right away Zuko sent a hawk back to the Fire Nation, with word to prepare a celebration for our arrival. He explained to me that it was a tradition to celebrate, but especially so in this case since it was unexpected and it served as a relief for the council. But, I was more eager to tell the gang of the news, but in the end, I ended up being the surprised one. It turned out that this was something Zuko had talked over with everyone, so it wasn’t much of surprise as it was for me. Regardless, everyone was ecstatic that I agreed, as there was a consensus that it was the only way for us to move forward with our relationship, whatever that relationship was.
            Although, the real treat was finally reconnecting with Katara. After a magnitude of apologies, we ended up hugging everything out. And thankfully, she was happy knowing that Zuko and I managed to figure something out. So glad, that she insisted on a spontaneous girls night to celebrate, which lead us to where we were now. A bit tipsy and relaxing in the hot springs late at night. The best way to end a day…
            “How do you think Dad will be once I leave?” I asked Katara. She lifted her head off my shoulder and smiled, “He will be fine. A little sad to see you go, but I'm staying behind, remember? I'll keep an eye out for him.” I smiled and let my free hand play with the water, taking in the warmth. It was bizarre to think that this will be some of the few moments I'll have here, in the Southern Water Tribe. Yet, the thought of venturing out was thrilling; I would finally be free, and experience things I only dreamed. But more importantly, I would be with Zuko. Gosh, I'm such a romantic.
            “So Fire Nation Royalty, have you two consummated yet?” Suki said with a giggle. I was certain I looked completely bugged eyed as I almost spat out my wine. Toph burst out laughing, hearing me cough as I choked. “Suki!” I cried out, flushed. “I just said we aren’t dating, let alone doing that!” Toph snorted, “You don’t need to be in a relationship to do that, Princess.” Toph said so matter of factly that I could feel my mouth drop. Suki giggled and gave me a look, a look that meant that we all drank a little too much, well at least these three ladies.
            I could feel myself shrink farther and farther into the water, wondering how we always managed to make it to the topic of sex, or anything related to that field. I could see Katara also blushing madly, “Gosh, shouldn’t that stuff remain private.” Katara muttered as she sipped away on her wine. I giggled; Katara indeed was the definition of a prune. Although I wasn’t as laxed as Suki or Toph, I wasn’t naïve. How could I be a naïve liking Zuko? Just remembering the playful banter between us two caused me to smile, but the way his fingers delicately danced on the skin of my neck…
            “So you are telling me, that you never wondered, not even a tiny bit, about how the guys are in bed?” Suki questioned Katara. I snapped myself awake; I'm thinking a bit too much about Zuko’s fingers. Katara shook her head, “N-no! You nasties, one of them is my brother, and I'm dating the other!” Katara said quickly.
            “Hello, you still got Zuko!” Suki retorted back.
            Katara was the one who looked bugged eyed this time, “My sister likes him, I can’t fantasize about him!” I giggled, and playfully bumped in Katara’s shoulders, “Don’t worry I'll tell you how he is for you.” I said kittenishly. Suki burst out laughing, along with Toph, proud that I was partaking in this conversation, the wine has officially taken over. “Told you so, give it like, three days tops, and you’ll find the information you need Katara,” Toph said between fits of laughter. Katara groaned loudly and took another large gulp of wine. “What do you mean three days tops?”
            Suki rolled her eyes, “Come on; even Katara can tell that it just a matter of time.” I blushed, but before anything more could be said, we were distracted by the sound of a door opening and closing shut. Aang waltzed into the room, and quickly started to bend the steam away from himself, “You guys seem to be enjoying yourself.” He started as he watched us giggle away like a bunch of children. “What’s got you girls all giggly?” Aang asked, curious.
            Within seconds Katara stood up, although it was clear she was struggling to keep herself balanced. “Absolutely nothing interesting.” She said quickly, a bit too quickly. Aang raised a brow and walked towards Katara, holding her steady. Suki rolled her eyes and took a small sip from her wine, “I thought it was interesting…I think he will be rough.” Suki said with a very obvious wink towards me. I could see Aang stiffen as his face redden, and not from the steam in the room, “Rough?” Aang repeated hesitantly. It turns out Katara isn’t the only prune here. Katara blushed and gripped her head tightly, “I think we drank a bit too much…” She groaned.
            Aang helped Katara out of the hot spring, and with one swift motion, pushed all the steam aside to one corner of the room, “Sorry to be the party pooper, but I’m pretty sure being drunk and near water screams for trouble.” He said as he helped Katara dry off and wrap a towel around her. Here comes Dad mode; in three…two…one… 
            “Suki, I'm going to get Sokka to help you. Yue, I'm getting Zuko. And Toph stay put, I'll come after I put Katara in bed.” Toph waved her hand, dismissing Aang’s orders, and stood up. She wrapped a towel around her shoulders as she reached over to grab one last beer, “I'm fine, it's these lightweights here that are going to need the help.” With that, she walked out the door, off to her bedroom most likely. I swear this girl could drink a barrel and be unfazed.
            Quickly, I stood up and grabbed my towel, “Don’t worry Aang, I'm fine!” I said hastily. The last thing I wanted was Zuko to come and see me in my bathing suit. Any other day I couldn’t care less, but after that conversation, I prefer to save myself the embarrassment. Aang looked over me hesitantly, before nodding his head in defeat and dashing out the door with Katara.
            I looked over to see Suki was also out the water and drying herself off, “I'm not drunk.” Suki grumbled under her breath. I laughed and began walking towards the door, “You know Aang…” I said as I opened the door. Suki huffed and trailed behind me, “I swear, between Aang and Katara, who needs parents?” I nodded my head in agreeance, a more accurate state than that has never been said.
            We walked out of the room and began walking down the hallway to our bedrooms, and I could see Sokka jogging towards us. “Aang said you were a bit tipsy.” He said with a grin as he swiftly grasped Suki’s arm to keep her steady. Suki rolled her eyes but held onto Sokka nevertheless, “I'm not drunk, just a little bit happy.” She said. Sokka chuckled and shook his head, “You sound like me. That means you are drunk.” I snickered as we continued walking down the hallway.
            “And you didn’t drink?” Sokka said as he gazed over to me.
            “I drank a little bit, but not as much as those three. I have a reputation to uphold now.” I grumbled, which was not exactly a lie. Sokka nodded his head, understanding what I meant. Now with my new title, there were a bunch of do’s, and dont’s that I had to adhere. Public intoxication was a huge no-no. Sokka opened his bedroom door open and helped Suki walk in. I turned to head to my bedroom, but Sokka’s voice stopped me, “Hey Yue…” He trailed off. He never calls me Yue…
            I turned around and smiled, “What’s up?” Sokka smiled and bashfully looked at his feet, “I'm sorry about everything that happened. I should have stepped up.” I looked up at him surprised, “It was just a big misunderstanding. We are all happy- I'm happy, trust me.” I said softly. Sokka looked up and smiled, “I'm just glad everything worked out in the end. And if you need anything let me know, you know we got your back-” I could hear Suki crash into a wall from inside the bedroom. We both looked at each other, and slowly large grins started to appear. I couldn’t help but laugh as Sokka scratched his head, “Let me re-phrase, we always got your back starting tomorrow. Tonight is a no-go.”
            I smiled and bid him goodnight, feeling slightly sorry for Aang and Sokka, they’re definitely going to have one hell of a night. I went inside my bedroom, and in a matter of minutes, I had already washed up and prepared for the night. The wine slowly starting to take effect, and a sense of sleepiness beginning to overcome me. I should really start having a glass of wine before bed; it's better at making me sleepy than tea… I sat at my vanity and began mindlessly brushing my hair. Mid stroke, a soft knock stopped me. My eyebrows pinched together, and I gazed towards the door, who would knock at this hour of the night, did Sokka or Aang need help? I placed my brush down and quickly slipped on my robe, before opening the door.
            “Zuko?” I said surprised. Zuko leaned against my doorframe, undoubtedly dressed for bed as well. His black hair was let loose and fell down his shoulders. I really need to get hair advice from this man… He smiled softly, “I didn’t wake you, did I?” He asked. I nodded my head, “No, I was getting ready for bed. You need something?” I asked as I tied my robe. Zuko stood up straight and scratched the back of his neck, “I was wondering if you can come to my room for a minute. I want to show you something before you go to bed.”
            I titled my head to the side and made a mental note, maybe a little bit of time away from Suki and Toph would do me good, as the moment Zuko asked me to go his room I immediately went straight to the dark side. I blushed slightly, taken off guard at his question and Zuko chuckled, “Not like that, I mean unless you want to, then, by all means, you are welcomed.” Zuko teased. I slapped his arm and pushed him back to step out in the hallway, “Well, when you ask someone to go to your bedroom in the middle of the night what else are they suppose to think?” I shot back.
            Zuko laughed and directed me towards his room, “Maybe…this?” He finished off as he opened the door. My eyes widened the moment I took in at exactly what Zuko had wanted me to see. Zuko had lit the small fireplace that was placed off in the corner in his guest room, and on top of the coffee table were two mugs, hot cocoa. There were blankets set on the couch directly across the fireplace, and I couldn't help but be completely overwhelmed with happiness. “You did…this…for me?” I asked, speechless.
            Zuko gently nudged me forward to the couches, before shutting the door closed behind him. “You don’t think me giving you that Imperial Seal was your gift, do you? I had to make it up to you somehow, and something told me that anything with hot cocoa was a safe route.” I must have looked like a child because I couldn’t help but clap in excitement as I observed the tasty drinks, “And you made it yourself?” I asked.
            “Well…I tried the first time, and that didn’t go so well. So I asked Lia and Kima for some assistance.” I laughed and slowly walked over to Zuko, gently placing my hands on his chest, “Thank you, I truly mean it.” I said tenderly as I looked at his eyes. Gosh, I could get lost in those eyes… Zuko smiled warmly, as he nudged his head over to the couch, “Let’s relax. Aang told me you and the girls had a bit of fun tonight. Hopefully, this can sober you up a bit.”
            I groaned and waltzed over to the couch with Zuko. “I'm not drunk, why is Aang such a worry wart,” I whined. Zuko plopped on one end of the couch while I sat on the other end, but Zuko patted his lap. I titled my head, confused, “Put your feet up; you are freezing, I can warm you up.” He said. I blushed, but at this point, I was too tired to argue. I raised my legs and let them lay across the couch, letting my feet rest on Zuko’s lap. He quickly tossed the thick blankets over us, before handing me my cup. It was the library all over again, except this time, there was no speculation about our feelings.
            I sipped away blissfully on the drink, as I felt the way Zuko’s hand delicately drew random shapes and lines on my ankles, warmth radiating off his hands. His fingers were so light as if he was afraid that he would burn my skin, but his touch was tempting. I smiled and let my head fall against the side of the couch, just basking in his touch. It felt so right, sitting here, with him, enjoying the night. It was crazy to think that just moments ago I wanted nothing to do with him.
            “Enjoying yourself?” Zuko said with a chuckle. I hummed softly and smiled at him, “You’re going to make me fall asleep at this rate.” I said with a light laugh. Zuko shook his head and smiled largely, “You just got here! We didn’t even talk.” I grinned and took another sip, “So what do you want to talk about so eagerly?” I said playfully. Zuko laughed and continued doodling aimlessly on my ankle. “Hm, there’s so much I still don’t know about you.” Zuko stared. I raised a brow at him, “Is that so? What could you possibly want to know?” I asked curiously, interested as to what he would want to know about me.
            “Hm, your bending…or that tattoo of yours…” Zuko spoke delicately.
            “You have to pick one or the other. Like I said before, I have to have one secret.” I said mischievously. Zuko laughed and shook his head, “Tell me about your bending, I’ll eventually see that tattoo of yours.” He said confidently. So confidently, it took me a minute to realize what he was implying. I raised a brow, “See my tattoo eventually? Someone here sounds quite confident in that statement.”
            Zuko grinned, “You aren’t as naïve as I thought.” He spoke as he took a sip from his cup. I huffed and placed my mug down, “What made you think I was naïve?”. Zuko chuckled deeply, different from his usual light-hearted manner. “Because it’s easy to tease you-” He started. Although I could feel his hand slowly trail up my leg.
            “Easy to make…” - his hand gently caressed my calf.
            “you…” - he leaned over just a bit, close enough that I could see his golden eyes darken.
            “blush.” He finished, his hand stopping right at my knee.
            My face was rosy, entirely overwhelmed by him. My heartbeat was going crazy, unknowingly responding to every word and every touch. He has me wrapped around his fingers, and he knows it, oh, Zuko knew all too well what he was doing. As gentle and sweet as he was with me, he always managed to have this sense of power. Zuko was always in control, being dominant, even times where he was ‘relaxing,’ he was always a step ahead. It was evident this was how Zuko was born; born to be a leader, command attention. And as shameful as it was to admit, I loved it. Every single second of it. I may be sweet, but I was never one to submit, but if Zuko oh so dared told me to do so, I would ultimately come undone.
            I bite my lip anxiously, trying desperately to control my heavy breathing. Was it the wine, or maybe I want a taste of those pouty lips. Zuko smirked and calmly pulled back. Leaning his back once again against the couch, fingers dancing along my ankles; as if nothing had happened. But I could still see the satisfied smirk that played along with his lips; he wasn’t an idiot, he knew all too well what he was doing and how it was affecting me. I realized that although I wasn’t naïve, I was an untouched delicacy to him.
            I lifted the blankets and snuggled tightly against them, pressing them close to my body. And I thought I could play his game of teasing; this asshole has me beat! Zuko chuckled amused, watching me struggle to think of my next plan of action. “Would you like to go to the market with me tomorrow?” He casually asked, trying to save my pathetic ass. Is this guy really going to act like nothing happened? I smiled sweetly and squirmed underneath the blankets, but to fair, I should be thankful he is ignoring the obvious...
            “I wouldn’t mind…I have to go shopping anyways.” I said, softer then I attended, realizing that the wine was truly starting to wear me down. Feeling the warmth from his touches and the fireplace, I felt cozy and content. “Shopping for what?” Zuko asked. I leaned against the couch once again, gently closing my eyes. “For your family…I want to buy something for your Uncle, Mom, Step-Dad, and your little sister…” I mumbled. I didn’t need to have my eyes open to tell he was surprised, “You don’t have to do that.” I groaned and shook my head, “I want to…I want them to like me.” I said softly.
            Sleepiness was starting to take over, gosh, from giggles to flirting, to sleeping? I need to stop drinking wine... Zuko sighed and gently patted my leg, “They are going to like you, trust me. What is there not to like?” He asked. I shrugged my shoulders, too tired to argue, as I tucked the blankets under my chin. “I don’t know…” I trailed off. Zuko chuckled and gently shook me, “Are you falling asleep?” Zuko asked quietly, I could feel the shift in weight, as he was most likely leaning over me.
            I nodded my head and let out a pleasant hum, “Let me take you to your room…” Zuko started, but I groaned in annoyance. And to be honest, I don’t know what happened next. At that point, I let the wine do its thing. Whether or not Zuko got me back to my room or not, will remain a mystery until tomorrow. I never felt cozier in my life, just cuddled up on the couch with Zuko’s warm faint touches. I felt safe, and within seconds I was off to dreamland…I can freak out in the morning…
~ Unknown ~
            His eyes were heavy, as they fluttered open and closed, sleepiness trying desperately to consume him. Slapping his leg, he shook his head, knowing better than to fall asleep on the job. He had one task, and one only, keep at eye out for anything unusual. Whatever that meant, was left to the unknown. For days, he and a few other men stayed crouched in the bushes, staying hidden as they observed day and night. It was clear that tonight was going to be like any other night, wholly uneventful and fruitless.
            Just as his eyes were about to flutter shut once again, he caught sight of it. A majestic bird, wearing clothing probably more expensive than his own, soaring through the air. It was clear the bird was tired, as the bird was gliding through the air lowly, rather than high into the night sky. All sense of tiredness left the man’s body, and suddenly he realized that this was the unusual thing he was meant to keep an eye out. “Pst, up there!” He whispered harshly to his partner, whose eyes quickly shot open upon hearing the news that they may have caught something. “Well don’t just stare at it! I'll catch the damn thing, and you go notify the boss!” He grumbled back, stumbling quickly to his feet.
            The man nodded, and he quickly scrambled to their boss. He barely took a few steps before he could hear his partner’s glorified cheer, “Easier then I thought, the poor bastard was hungry.” The man said behind him, as he quickly ran with the Hawk in a net. He could hear the bird desperately trying to fly away, realizing that the fruits were bait, but it was pointless.
            They knew they reached home-base, as it was a damp cave, completely isolated and well hidden from people. Although everyone knew the chances of running into people here would be close to impossible, no one lived on these islands for years since the genocide. “Boss, we found something!” The man shouted. Right away everyone in the cave went silent, as they turned to face her.
            She stood up from her seat and hastily walked towards the men. It was a common fact that you never speak to her unless granted permission. Therefore, whatever news these men had, better be good. “Found what?” She hissed out. The man pointed behind him, towards his partner who gripped the bird, but more importantly, the letter attached to the bird. “It was a messenger hawk.” The man spoke. Her eyes narrowed, examining both men and the bird before she outstretched her hand. Without hesitation, they dropped the note on her palm, and she eagerly read the letter.
            Her eyes widened before a playful smile danced upon her lips. “Attach the note back, and let it resume its travels. Everyone else, get ready to leave.” She shouted quickly. No one dared question her authority as everyone scrambled to their feet and began packing to depart. Her attention reverted to the two men standing in front of her, “Guess you aren’t as useless as I thought.” She hummed.
            Both men looked at her, bowing and giving thanks, despite the back-handed compliment. They knew it could have been worse. “Where are we going to?” One of the men asked; a bold question given who he was asking it to. Her eyebrow raised slightly, amused that he would dare speak out of term, “It’s time to make our move…and I think a few people would love to join.”
            The man was confused by what she meant by make our move, but before he could ask more, she turned on her heel and left. Although, it was probably a good thing, given that she wasn’t known to be patient, and when annoyed, she often killed.
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Copyright © 2019 Mystic-Kitten, inc. all rights reserved. No reposting, modifying, or translations of any kind allowed. Thank you for your cooperation.
Disclaimer: I do not own any Avatar characters portrayed in this story besides Ying Yue Jiang, Lia, Kima, and any future creations.
❤ Buy me a coffee? ❤
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rosesisupposes · 5 years
"Dedication has no reward." with whatever ship you think works best?
Aka, this is penance for hurting all the boys recently. Prepare yourself for some Royalty Royality
Prompt Tag
word count: 1,924
pairing: Royality
warnings: tooth-rotting fluff
reader tags: @residentanchor @royally-anxious @bewarethegrammarpolice @jemthebookworm @arandompasserby  @sparkly-rainbow-salt @astral-eclipse​ @thelowlysatsuma @adorably-angsty and of course, @notveryglittery
read on ao3
Crown Prince Patton, His Royal Highness and heir to the kingdom of Solarya, was a very friendly man. He thrived on the days he went out to meet the people of the kingdom, when he rode or walked through the markets and greeted his future subjects as they went about their normal errands. The Knight-Captain of his personal guard, Sir Roman, had his hands full on those days, keeping the prince safe without cutting him off from the public. The balance worked itself out as a loose ring of guards and Roman right by Patton’s side, alert and ready to counter any threat. But being there to watch him work was always distracting. The prince was raised in luxury, never having had to do errands or work for a living. Instead of creating distance, this difference created an opening. Patton would ask fishmongers how the catch had been and listen with interest and attention as they described weather and sea patterns. He nodded sagely as clothing merchants demonstrated the difference of cheap and well-made cloth, admired the qualities of produce as farmers burst with pride, and stopped to smell and compliment the color of a bouquet of peonies from the flower sellers. Every walk or ride through town brought new interactions. The earnest interest and validation he showed were why the people of the capital city were utterly charmed by their prince.
They weren’t the only ones.
One sunny morning, as Prince Patton walked through a wide open square, a tiny form dashed in front of him. The prince almost tripped, but caught himself as the toddler crashed into a guard’s leg. The little girl looked up, eyes huge.
“Hello, little miss!” Patton said gently, kneeling to her level. “I’m Patton! What’s your name?”
“I’m Val,” she squeaked out, staring warily at the armored men around her.
“Good morning, Val! Are those flowers I see?” the prince asked.
A gap-toothed grin spread as the child held up a fistful of daisies, half-woven into the beginnings of a crown. “I’m helping Mama,” she explained.
“And I’m sure you’re doing a great job,” Patton said warmly. “Where is your mama? Is she close?”
The girl placed her flowers on her dark hair as she pointed past the circle of guards. A woman with matching hair and similar dimples hovered there anxiously. Roman, as the closest, turned and bowed.
“Greetings, madam. Is this lovely young lady your daughter?”
“Yes, I’m so sorry, she knows she’s not supposed to be running away from me.”
Patton took Val’s hand and guided her to her mother. “Not a problem, my lady. I’m glad Val ran into us.”
“Oh my goodness gracious, Prince Patton!” the woman exclaimed, dropping into a deep curtsy. “I truly apologize-“
“There’s no need, mistress,” Roman interrupted, putting a gentle hand on her shoulder. “Prince Patton wishes only to ensure that your daughter is well and happy. His Highness could never be inconvenienced by meeting such a charming subject and her lovely mother.”
A blush spread across the flower seller’s golden cheeks as she took her daughter’s hand and led her back to her stall, dipping one more curtsy as she went.
Back at the castle, Patton flopped onto a window seat as Roman took his regular place by the door.
“Knight-Captain? Roman?” he called.
“Your Highness? How may I assist you?”
“Oh, nothing, I just- what you said at the market today.”
Roman frowned. “Did I err in any way, Your Highness? I did not mean to offend.”
“No, no offense whatsoever!” Patton said, sitting up straight. “You, you just said a really nice thing to that flower seller, Val’s mother. About me and how much I care for my people.”
Roman willed the heat in his cheeks to not show through as he replied, “Was that not my place? I apologize-“
“No, I - I was glad to hear it. You didn’t need to reassure her, but you did. And you- so many people here,” Patton featured to the castle around them, “they think I’m wasting my time when I try to spend time with the commonfolk. They tell me it’s beneath me. But you- you were smiling. You think it’s a good thing?”
Roman hesitated, but nodded. “I do, Your Royal Highness. I don’t believe there is anything wrong with a ruler knowing more about those they rule over. I think the way in which you treat the folks at market is admirable.”
Patton smiled wide. “Thank you, Sir Roman! It means a lot to hear that. But, um. If you’d like- you can just call me Patton. If we’re not around my father or his advisors, of course.”
Roman was sure his blush was showing now. “I- wouldn’t it be rather improper?”
“Ugh, you sound like my father’s Grand Vizier. ‘Consorting with commoners is improper,’ ‘Napping during council meetings is improper,’ ‘Making shadow puppets in the torchlight is improper.’ He’s no fun whatsoever,” Patton grumbled.
“Sounds like he’s a party im-pooper,” Roman said before he could stop himself. He immediately clapped a hand over his mouth, blushing a deep red. But to his surprise, the prince was staring at him with shining eyes of delight.
“Sir Roman, you make such witty jokes and you’ve been holding out on me?”
“My role is to protect you, Your Highness. Not to be chatty.”
Patton’s expression drooped. “Oh. Yes, I see. I wouldn’t want to distract you from your duty.”
“Your Highness, I- I didn’t mean that I didn’t want to tell you jokes, I just wanted you to know why I haven’t before. Even if it is improper, I would like to be your friend as well as your guard.”
The prince softened. “I would like nothing more, Roman.”
“Nor would I, Your Hi- I mean, Patton.”
Roman had already been a constant presence at his prince’s side ever since his appointment when Patton came of age, but the change in Patton’s mood was now obvious to most residents of the castle. Let his father think it was a determination just to be a good student and ruler- he knew it was from having a guard and companion as delightful as Sir Roman.
Soon, Roman had perfected the art of imperceptibly whispering in Patton’s ear during grand receptions and banquets and meetings, murmured jokes and wicked nicknames for the many tedious advisors and foreign dignitaries. Patton quickly learned to conceal his giggles, laughing on the inside alone. But Roman could tell, in tiny shifts and tapping fingers on the arms of his throne, that Patton was entertained, and felt the glow of pride all the same.
Not quite four months of their first-name-basis had passed when another morning found them in the market. It was spring, almost the spring festival, and the courtyards and squares were filled with the heady perfume of flowers. Patton walked with his ring of loose guards as he greeted vendors and merchants and shoppers. He stopped by a flower cart, admiring the colors and wreaths.
“Oh, look at the lovely contrast here, of the light blue and red together,” he said, brushing the soft petals of some hydrangeas.
“Thank you sir- oh! Your Highness!” the seller exclaimed. It was the same one they’d run into months ago, and a wriggling head underneath the tablecloth that revealed itself to be Val confirmed it.
“My lady, it is wonderful to see you and Val again,” Patton said with a smile. “I don’t believe I got your name last time we met.”
“It’s Teresa, Your Highness, sir,” she said breathlessly, hands twisting in her apron strings.
“A pleasure, Mistress Teresa. Your handiwork is stunning,” the prince said gallantly. “Is there significance to these flowers?”
“Hydrangeas are used to represent heartfelt feelings, Your Highness. And gratitude, for being understood.”
Patton smiled softly at the light blue flowers that so well matched his personal crest and the livery his guard wore. “And the roses?”
“They’re LOVE!” Val cried happily from behind the stall.
Teresa smiled and smoothed her daughter’s hair. “That’s right, sweet pea. Red roses for romantic love.”
Patton leaned forward to bury his face in the lovely scents. Roman edged closer to the stall, watchful as ever. As the prince drew back, his expression was soft as he contemplated the blooms. Roman found himself unable to tear his gaze away from the sweet smile playing across the royal’s lips. Patton’s light blue eyes suddenly met his, but the expression didn’t change.
“They match you, Roman,” Patton said.As Roman’s mind suddenly started racing with implications, he continued.  “The blue and red match your uniform.”
Roman felt an unavoidable blush rising as he nodded. It was true- he wore Patton’s personal livery and the red sash that denoted him the leader of the guard. That was surely all the prince had meant.
But that night in Patton’s chambers, the prince asked Roman to sit with him.
“Sir Roman, I feel I should apologize for the position I put you in today.”
“‘Sir Roman’? Did I do something wrong that you’re using my title again? You know you may always use just my first name,” the knight said warmly.
The prince ducked his head. “No, you haven’t done a thing wrong. I fear that I have, though. Earlier, in the market - I didn’t intend to embarrass you, or put you on the spot. I know that as your liege, I have an obligation to not make your service uncomfortable in any way, and I failed in that. I hope you can forgive me.”
Roman stared at his prince, confused. “Patton, in what way have you failed? I’ve never been uncomfortable around you - indeed, these past months have been some of the most enjoyable since I was but a boy on my mother’s farm.” He felt the lightest flush spreading over his cheeks as he added, “I find myself often forgetting that you are my liege rather than a friend of whom I am excessively fond.”
Patton looked up into Roman’s warm brown eyes. “I… feel the same way, Roman. I thought, today, with the flowers, that I was being too obvious. Heartfelt feelings of gratitude, and… love.”
Roman felt his breath catch in his chest. “You… you love me, too? I wasn’t just imagining it?”
Patton nodded, fully blushing now. “You feel the same way?”
“I hardly dared dream that it could ever be requited, dearest Patton,” Roman said, taking the prince’s hand in his. “Your kindness towards your people, your humility despite your position, the light in your eyes when you’re able to make someone smile… how could I not fall utterly and entirely in love?”
After a moment of hesitation, Patton lifted their entwined hands to kiss Roman’s. “And you, sweet knight, who cares for the soldiers in your command as you would yourself, who does his best to serve justly and well, who sees me as a man, not just a royal - is it any wonder I’ve become infatuated with you?”
Roman cupped Patton’s face, and slowly leaned in, their lips meeting in a chaste kiss that transformed them both into red-faced balls of giggles. Patton rested his head on his knight’s shoulder, a smile on his face.
“Are you sure you don’t get tired of me, my love? Spending every waking hour at my side?”
Roman kissed the top of Patton’s curly-blonde head. “Never, my sunshine. When my mission is to ensure no harm comes to you, there is no limit to how many hours I will gladly spend on guard. Dedication has no reward. Nor does it need one, not when it means I get to spend time with you.”
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monster-ronpa · 5 years
Turtle requester. You can leave Leon.
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You got it! I hope you like this! 
Sorry it took a bit!
~Mod Rachnera
Slow But Sweet (Mondo, Ishimaru, Gundham, Nekomaru, and Kokichi with a Fem!Turtle Monster S/O)
Mondo Oowada
Mondo’s own loud and aggressive nature contrasted with yours greatly.
While he was very temperamental and could get riled up enough to have outbursts regularly, you were very calm and quiet and didn’t like fighting.
How you two got together was beyond anyone who knew you both closely, especially considering Mondo’s lack of skill with women, but it happened.
Perhaps it was because you were kind of like–his mentor in not breaking a hole into the wall everytime he got angry.
Partially due to your timid and quiet nature, Mondo had to try and calm himself down and learn how to express his anger in ways that weren’t violent and scary. Not only did it scare you into your shell but he really just needed to try and do that anyways (he just had no motivation til he met you.)
And hey, he’s getting it. 
With your help in thinking rationally and calmly, he’s getting a hold of controlling his anger, not jumping into risky situations or getting into fights that weren’t worth it thanks to you stopping him and having him think about it first..
Because of this, he was thankful to you, even if he went bright red when trying to express it.
Kiyotaka Ishimaru
Taka, while not the most temperamental or violent person in the world, was still very intense for you to be around. He was pretty outspoken and strict, and while you weren’t totally carefree, you were definitely more relaxed than he was.
Although Taka is not going to lighten up much on things like tradition and responsibility, he might need to take it down a notch, since to you it’s a bit much.
You’ve voiced your concerns to him, that he’s a bit too tense most of the time especially around you when you both are alone and that he just needs to try and take a break once in a while.
“But S/O, I can’t take…breaks! That time should be reserved for studying, not slacking off!” “Taka…taking breaks isn’t slacking off, though…it’s…just letting your mind rest a bit, that’s all..”
While it was a jarring change and he needed some time getting used to not being in work mode 24/7, he was glad that you were helping him with it. Compared to before your relationship, he’s a lot less stressed and tensed up, which is great.
Gundham Tanaka
Surely this relationship was something no one saw happening at all.
Someone as flamboyant and seemingly arrogant and overconfident like Gundham ending up with a girl that was literally not that. Softspoken, a bit slow (literally), and pretty humble. That’s what you were, anyway.
And sure, at first you and Gundham weren’t really sure how it’d work, seeing as every time he went on one of his rants you flinched away or even hid in your shell. 
But over time, you both warmed up to each other.
Besides, Gundham himself could actually be pretty calm and even bashful–he got that way in private.
But in public? He had on that Overlord persona of his nearly all the time.
Some of his friends used to find it very exhausting, but over time, they noticed that he actually toned it down a bit. Not yelling or proclaiming as much. Though, that could probably be expected, hanging out you.
Of course, he was still Gundham, that wouldn’t ever change. But you probably helped him to express his more natural personality around others more than before.
“My darling, how can I ever repay you for helping me to feel more…natural, around these mortals?” “Mmm…maybe with just a hug..”
Nekomaru Nidai
Your relationship…..eh, it had a bit of an awkward start. He mistook your shell for a rock for some reason and was getting it out of the pool only for you to start squirming and panicking cuz someone was lifting you and you were just napping after a swim.
“Wait, wait! Please s-stop, I’m just sleeping!” “Wh–there’s someone in there?! Sorry! Uh, h-here, I’ll, uh…let you down, I guess!”
And it went from there.
Nekomaru had it in him to know when to be calm, although that didn’t really stop him from being energetic or loud at times.
But if he made you pretty anxious or scared ever, he’d immediately apologize for it.
“I just got caught up in the moment, S/O. I’m sorry. Are you okay?”
He was very good at comforting you, always reassuring and understanding.
He actually helped you get a bit more confident and comfortable around others, as you were actually kind of reclusive and disliked interacting with others if you didn’t have to.
You helped him know when to tone it down if he couldn’t control his emotions, and he helped you open up more. Win-win!
Kokichi Ouma
“Hey, S/O~” “Yes..?” “Boo~!” “AH-! K-Kokichi..” “Aw, wait, are you crying? I’m sorry~”
So, Kokichi and S/O. It was a thing.
At first you actually disliked him quite a bit. He was mischievous and you got startled by his pranks pretty easy. Even ones that weren’t that bad.
He usually tones them down a bit if he plans to prank you, but to be honest he’s starting to avoid it altogether since he fears you might start to hate him if he didn’t. (Which wasn’t true, you’d love him anyway.)
Apart from pranks, his energy was just a lot for you to keep up with. He was almost constantly curious and mischievous, and you were a lot less...in-your-face and a lot “tamer” than he was.
Of course you humored him sometimes, like if he wanted to ride on your shell when swimming. But you also let him know when it was probably time to settle down.
After some fake whining and calling you a party pooper, he usually does settle down and accept some relaxation and, you know, not being a gremlin sometimes.
He’s apparently so accepting that even Kaito admits that when you’re around, Kokichi can managed to be relaxed through fifteen minutes of conversation with minimal interruptions. Good going, S/O!
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@startreksecretsanta for @that-one-curly-haired-chick
Pairing: Michael/Tilly
Subject: Michael and Tilly go to Vulcan for hanukkah and Tilly meets Michael’s adoptive parents.
Word count: 3361
       Vacations were supposed to be relaxing. A time to sit back and unwind, forget the stresses of the universe and spend time with those that you loved. That is what a vacation was supposed to be.
   Instead, Michael found herself standing in a line up that seemed to never end, the check in desks just barely in sight past all of the starfleet officers, traders, and vacationers who were trying to reach the same destination as her.
    The other side of those stupid check in booths.
  An elbow bumped her in the side, pulling her attention away from the annoying situation in front of her and towards the cheerful smile plastered on her girlfriends face.
     “You’re being grumpy.” Michael still wasn't exactly sure how Tilly always seemed to know her emotional state, thought it must have been easier to see when you grew up around openly emotional people. “come on Michael, we're here to have fun. Loosen up a bit.”
       Michael stumbled a bit when tilly gave her a playful hip bump. Her way of trying to get Michael to smile, and admittedly a pretty effective method.
      It was nice, being with someone who wanted nothing more than to see her smile. Someone who actually wanted her to express her emotions instead of suppressing them.
       She gave her head a shake. “I just don't like standing in line waiting for the clearance to go home.” she admitted with a sigh “I go through this every year to be home for hanukkah, and every year it's just as congested, loud and slow. You'd think the federation would have fixed this by now so that it didn't take hours to get through.”
       “It’s hard to adjust for a sudden influx of people travelling to a single destination.” argued tilly, her hand rubbing Michael's back in an attempt to calm her girlfriend “besides, you said your father was coming to pick us up. I don't think he'd like seeing you walk through those doors to see you upset and aggravated.”
      Michael groaned when a picture of Sarek disappointed face flashed through her mind. He always made it a big deal when he saw her letting her emotions get the best of her. She was supposed to be controlled and focused, not annoyed and close to snapping at the next person to brushed up against her.
        Tilly was right and there was no arguing with the fact. It was better to just relax and wait out the line. Besides, it was one of the few chances she was going to get to be affectionate in public, and she shouldn't be wasting it.
     Unfolding her arms, she reached out and slipped her left arm around Tilley’s waist and gave her girlfriend a gentle tug. After that, tilly fell against her side with ease, laughter filling then air as she wrapped her arms around Michael's waist and pressed a tender kiss to her cheek. “hello to you too.”
        This vacation was going to be perfect, and a stupid line up wasn't going to ruin it.
       It was funny. Michael thought she had been annoyed and uncomfortable waiting in line for two hours to get onto Vulcan, but as soon as they had been approved and let through, Tilly had grabbed her hand and dragged her through the exit doors with the unstoppable force of a terrified gorn.
        And she was never going to let Saru know that the thought had crossed her mind.
      “freedom!” Tilly threw her arms up In triumph, beaming over at Michael while everyone else made their way around them. It was hard not to notice all of the stairs her girlfriend was getting, especially from a small family of Vulcans who happened to be passing by when Tilly wrapped her arms around Michael's neck and kissed the daylights out of her.
       Michael would be lying if she said she wasn't a little embarrassed by her girlfriend, but at the same time it was hard to be mad when she was being kissed so powerfully.
      “I see public affection is not an issue for you two.” the slight amusement in Sarek voice would be missed by anyone else, but Michael knew him to well. She also knew exactly how him and Amanda were in private, and she had no hopes of ever being that embarrassing and adorable with Tilly.
       Tilly, however, seemed sufficiently embarrassed by the sudden intrusion on their moment of victory, and Michael had little warning before she found herself being pushed back while tilly covered her mouth and looked at the Vulcan ambassador in horror.
        “I apologize for the delay in our arrival.” Michael stated, turning to face her father fully and smiling slightly when he held up two fingers towards her. It was second nature, reaching out to meet his gesture, and the sudden influx of relief and warm washed over her when she pressed her fingers against his. Sometimes it was easy to forget just how much Sarek cared about her. He hid it so well in public, and it didn't help that his actions weren't always those of a caring father.
       “Amanda is waiting for our arrival back at the house.” there never was any pointless banter when it came to Sarek. “She is looking forward to baking with you both tonight.”
       “i assume Spock will choose to forgo baking again in favour of studying?” inquired Michael, frowning when Sarek diverted his eyes “he’s not coming home?”
       “Spock has decided to stay on the enterprise for the holidays this year.” Sarek explained “a logical choice, as it is a human holiday.”
       “A human holiday that is part of his own history.” argued Michael “he may be vulcan, but ethnically he is also jewish. Not being here with his family is not the logical thing to do. He just doesn't want to risk another argument with you.”
     “Spock has his reasons for the choices he makes and we must respect them.”  Sarek stated, his eyes meeting with Michael's once more. He was still embarrassed by the situation, and Michael could only imagine how upset amanda was about the whole thing. Sarek had probably heard about it non stop since Spock gave them the news. She didn't need to add to his personal shame when it came to his relationship with his son.
        Thankfully, Tilly always seemed to know when to insert herself into a conversation. “Well, if your brother isn't here to play party pooper I can pick up some of the slack for him.” ok, maybe she didn't know exactly how to make the conversation better, but at least she tried. Michael appreciated the effort.
        Sarek seemed to appreciate the effort as well. For the first time since their arrival, Michael saw his shoulders relaxing and his hands falling to his side instead of staying clasped behind his back. It was a rare sight, especially if amanda wasn't around.
    “We can continue our conversation at the house.” he promised “Amanda will want to hear about your latest adventures. And she is...excited, to meet your mate.”
      Michael could feel the heat rising up in her cheeks. How could Sarek make one word so embarrassing?
        “Mate?” and of course, tilly was going to find a way to make it worse. “is that how vulcans refer to their partners?”
       “it is.” Sarek nodded “Michael has explained her relationship with you and it has the same devotion and care as any vulcan marriage. Thought you two are not yet wed…”
       “Ok!” Michael clapped her hands together, breaking up the conversation before it could get any worse. She was not ready for this type of conversation yet, not with Sarek. “we.. should get going. Amanda doesn't need to be kept waiting.”
        “Alright.” the embarrassment only got worse when Tilly stepped up the into her space and pressed a gentle kiss against her cheek. “let's get going, mate.”
         This time, Michael wasn't sure how exactly how to feel about the use of such a private and important word. She was still embarrassed, especially when she noticed Sarek raising an eyebrow, this time with a glimmer of amusement tucked away deep inside of those soft eyes. On the other hand, she felt warm. Sure, mate wasn't exactly how most humans referred to their partner, but Michael wasn't most humans. She was raised on vulcan, with vulcan beliefs and ideals, and it made her feel amazing knowing that Tilly recognized and respected that on some level.
         There were no more words after that. There didn't need to be. Sarek simply took a step back and waited for Michael to claim her place by his side, Tilly standing off to her right so that Michael was situated between them as they started to make their way towards the exit.
    Michael had forgotten how warm and kind Sarek could be. It was, admittedly, an easy thing to forget sometimes, the way he held himself in public and how he restricted their relationship in front of others. Sometimes it felt like she was no more than some kid he had taken in when her parents died.
        But the ride to the house had reminded her just how deeply he really did care. Not for one second did he let Tilly believe his relationship with his kids wasn't important, and Michael couldn't help but smile a little as he told her girlfriend stories about her and Spock getting into trouble while they were growing up. Sarek rarely opened up to anyone, and it took Tilly two minutes to get him to let his guards down and tell her family stories, it was amazing.
      “Wait,” Tilly slapped her in the shoulder gently, pulling her out of her thoughts and back to the current story “you gave your vulcan brother chocolate? On purpose?”
     “Spock is half human.” she defended herself “there was no guarantee he would have the same effect as his father. Besides, he wouldn't stop asking to try my cupcake.”
      “i find it difficult to believe that my son would do something so…”
 “illogical?” Michael beamed when her father narrowed his eyes towards her “Spock isn't always the most logical being. Sometimes he's more, human.”
     “Out of all of my children, Spock is the least human.” argued Sarek “with you as a close second.”
     That familiar warm feeling washed over Michael once again. Sarek was never obligated to view her the same as Spock and Sybok. She wasn't his biological child, but he always found a way to remind her that she was no less important or valued. He was far from the perfect father, but she did appreciate the effort he put in to being a just and kind father sometimes. .
     “Is this it?” they both turned towards Tilly, raising an eyebrow when they saw her half hanging out of the shuttle looking at the house that they had stopped beside. “oh, please tell me that's your mom Michael. She's beautiful.”
      Leaning forward, Michael peered through the small space left between her girlfriend and the end of the window, a smile pulling at her lips when she saw Amanda waving at them from the front garden.
        “We're here.” The words were soft, which would be a surprise for anyone who didn't know the man who had spoken them. Michael, however, knew without a doubt that Amanda was a soft spot for Sarek. He adored her in every way and he had no issue showing it around family and friends.
       Of course, when it came to other vulcans he closed himself off. Michael knew the xenophobia he faced over his choices in regards to his human family members. She had seen it in his memories, and it made her hate everyone who had the audacity to look down on any of them. To think they weren't good enough just because of their human DNA.
      She gave her head a shake. There was no point dwelling on the past. She was here for her family, no one else. She couldn't let some judgemental ass holes ruin her vacation, especially when she still had to properly introduce Tilly to everyone.
      The door opened in front of them, allowing Tilly to hop out. Once she had her feet on the ground, she turned around with a bright smile and held out a hand for michael. “such a romantic.” she joked, reaching out to take Tilley’s hand and pulling herself out of the shuttle.
      Sarek waited for them both to find their way out of the vehicle before he finally grabbed hold of the side and hoisted himself up. As soon as he had his feet on the ground, he was gone from their side.
    “You dad is weird.” She glanced over at Tilly, raising an eyebrow at her girlfriends comment “i mean, don’t get me wrong. He’s super sweet and his stories are pretty amazing, but he’s just so…distant.” It was funny. Michael used to think the same way Tilly does, back before Sarek took her in. When her parents were still alive. Now though, she knew a lot better.
    “It’s because we’re in public.” She explained, wrapping an arm around Tilly’s waste and watching as Sarek and Amanda greeted each other with a tender touch of two fingers. “Sarek is...he’s complicated. He’s sweet but also strict, and that strictness comes from being not only Vulcan, but the Vulcan ambassador. He is the face of all of Vulcan when he’s in public. If he makes one misstep, he’s screwed.”
    “So…” Tilly glanced over at her, a soft smile on her face “How much shit was he in for marrying a human?”
       Michael chuckled “I think that's a question best saved for Amanda.” she admitted.
  Tilly grabbed hold of her arm “let's go then.” she insisted, pulling Michael behind her as she made her way towards the house.
This week off was going to be fantastic, Michael could already tell.
      With a warm cup of tea in hand, Michael made her way into the living room where she had left Tilly and her parents not too long ago, hoping that it would be safe to leave her chatty girlfriend with the people who had raised and helped mold her.
    She was wrong.
       She was so very wrong.
 “And then Michael jumped off the side of the cliff after Doctor Culber.” Michael's face paled. Of all the stories Tilly could choose, she went with that one?
    Amanda was going to kill her. Maybe, just maybe she could slip out before…
   “Michael Burnham!” god, that woman's ‘motherly senses’ were way too good for Michael's health “How many times have i told you not to do stupid things?”
      “i don't think you can get worse than ‘start a war with the Klingon empire accidently and mutiny against your Captain’” Michael grumbled under her breath, wincing when Amanda turned her head to glare at her. “come on, I wasn't going to let the doctor fall to his death. Paul would have killed me if I came back to the ship without his boyfriend.”
        “there are more logical ways to protect those we care about.” Sarek pointed out.
     “Yes, i’m definitely going to follow your advice after the ‘starfleet vs the vulcan science academy’ debacle.” she huffed, a smirk pulling at her lips when Sarek diverted his eyes. “anyways, I'm sure there are better stories to tell.”
    Tilly, for her part, had the decency to look embarrassed for her mistake.
     “well, how about…” The ensign thought about her options for a moment, weighing the pros and cons in her mind (at least, that's the only reason Michael could think of for the thoughtful look that appeared on her girlfriends face.) “well, I don't really know much about you other than what I've seen on the ship. You rarely ever talk about yourself or your family except little tidbits here and there.”
        “That would be Sarek’s fault.” Amanda chuckled when her husband narrowed his eyes towards her “Vulcans are very private In a lot of ways and he was always trying to teach Michael to be more vulcan.”
    “Well, if you don't mind me saying, I kind of like it.” Michael looked away, embarrassed by her girlfriends comment “Michael is an interesting mix of Vulcan ideals and human emotions. It's kind of cool and shows just how much we could still learn from each other.”
        “Well, I'm glad she held onto those emotions,” This time when Amanda looked back at her, it was with a warm smile. “even of Sarek tried to train them out of you.”
      Rolling her eyes, Michael made her way over to the couch that Tilly had claimed for them and carefully took her seat beside her girlfriend. “It’s better to make your way through life with a logical mind.” she quoted her father “but it's also fun to smile once in a while.”
       “Well, I hope the ambassador realizes how much he has influenced you, in positive ways I mean.” Tilly smiled over at the Vulcan “Michael may not be your biological child, but she’s a lot like you, sir.”
     Sarek seemed confused by the comment, his brows drawing together as he tried to process what Tilly had said.
      Amanda chuckled when she saw the look on her husband's face “it’s a complement Darling.” she stated, reaching out to place also hand over his “sometimes people give you those.”
      “My parenting skills have, admittedly, not been an area i receive many complements in.” Sarek sighed “Spock himself has made more than a few negative observations about my skills as a father.”
     “Well, if you cut him a break on the whole ‘joining starfleet’ thing he might realize you're not so bad.” argued Michael.
      “Spock had a promising future at the vulcan Science academy.” Argued Sarek.
      “And I didn't?” Michael watched as the older Vulcan lowered his eyes “ya, that's what I thought. Spock made his choice and he's good in Starfleet. You should be proud of him.”
    “I never said I was not proud of my son” Sarek stated. “if anyone thinks that, they are mistaken.”
   “Well…” Michael leaned back into the couch, smiling when Tilly moved a little closer and placed a hand on her knee “I think it would help your relationship a lot if he heard that from you.”
      At that point, Sarek went quiet. Michael couldn't tell if he was trying to process what she had said, or trying to find an argument against telling his son he was proud. She could only watch in amusement as he looked over at his wife for guidance.
    “we'll talk about it later.” Amanda promised, placing a hand over her husbands in reassurance. “for now, we have family visiting and we've barely talked about Tilly.”
   “oh, there's no need to talk about me yet.” Tilly promised “There’s not much to learn. My life was pretty straight forward and boring until I met Michael. Besides, I've told her everything about me and she has told me absolutely nothing.”
        “Embarrassed to talk about us Michael?” joked Amanda.
   “Stories can never do justice to the real thing.” Michael quoted an old saying she remembered from her childhood, frowning when she saw the way Amanda's face softened at her words. “what?”
��    “Your mom used to say that all the time.” Amanda mused.
   Tilly slapped a hand over Michael's mouth when she attempted to respond. “Her mom? As in her biological mom? Oh please tell me there are stories.” Michael rolled her eyes. She wasn't about to deny the fact that she would love to hear stories about her biological parents. Amanda and Sarek always had great she movies about them. Tilly’s enthusiasm was just...a little over the top.
            “Well, in that case.” she groaned, reaching up to remove Tilly’s hand from her mouth as Amanda got ready for story time. “how about the day Atiena decided to show Sarek and Sybok how to bond by taking them rock climbing with her and michael?”
     Tilly squealed, slapping Michael in the arm as she tried to contain at least a small portion of her excitement. Beside Amanda, Sarek rolled his eyes.
    This was going to be fun.
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furidojasutin · 6 years
Prompt: Pride
Pairing: Fraxus (Freed x Laxus)
Universe: Canon
Rating: K+
a/n: Written for Fraxus Week Eve! I’m not sure if I’ll be able to write something for every single of the nine prompts of the Fraxus Week but I’ll definitely try! So I hope you’ll enjoy the first one <3
June is the month of pride. There's a lot of days for a lot of different things, persons, events... but many of them seem to be chosen at random. Pride month is different. It's important, and exists for a definite reason.
Magnolia is a tolerant town. One would rarely come across hostile people that are resident in the very town. Visitors and new members, however, could cause issues. And unfortunately, even though one should be able to expect it since it's only natural, there are still too many people who dismiss (and worse) the wide range of perfectly normal sexualities and identities.
As Freed sat in the middle of the crowded guild hall, he couldn't help but think of how lucky he was with all the people he had gathered around him. His friends, his true family members and – of course – his boyfriend. For as long as he could remember those people had shown him nothing but understanding and tolerance, and not only regarding his sexuality. That he was gay hadn't been a secret for all too long – and they had made coming out so much easier.
He's had a quite rocky start with all of them, and it had been his fault entirely. He'd been lost in a vision that was delusional and wrong. He didn't have to keep to himself and Laxus and the Raijinshuu. He wasn't better than them. They were all equal, and this is what a true precious bond was like.
He understood it now, and it was all thanks to them. Them, who had forgiven all four of them for the horrible deeds they had committed.
Glancing around Freed watched the mayhem unfold. It was loud and chaotic as usual; they were partying. Every evening was a reason to party this month. Then again, wasn't it always? It sure felt like this around here and if this feeling would get dimmed then there would definitely be something missing.
Silently, he reached for his mug of beer. Wine tended to be his preferred drink but this was one of the moments at which an ice-cold beer was irreplaceable. It was even better sharing the gesture with his boyfriend who was sitting next to him in comfortable silence, shaking his head upon hearing Natsu shout something incoherent.
“I give him five seconds.”
“Five seconds for what?”
“Till Erza steps in,” Laxus responded nonchalantly and imitate Freed's previous gesture. Reaching for the mug he took a big sip. “There she is.”
Right on cue the familiar redhead had caught her target. The rune mage followed her with his eyes and his lips twitched, hinting an incoming smirk. It was typical. “I'd be interested to know where Bixlow is,” he then added and turned his head now looking at Laxus.
The blond shrugged. “I've no damn clue where he went.”
“Perhaps it's better not to know.”
“What, you thinkin' he's making out with somebody in some random corner of the guild?”
Freed snorted. What? Bixlow, making out with somebody? He wasn't the type to just grab somebody and go for it. Bixlow could get flirty for fun but that was it. His best friend was also one of the only heterosexual people in the guild but he was a damn great ally and supporter to have. And on top of that he knew that he had laid his eyes on somebody; or at least that's what Freed assumed.
“That's not what I'm worrying about.”
“Right. He's not the type.”
“Then who is?”
Laxus just wanted to empty his mug but he paused. Freed was looking at him with a subtly raised brow and all the dragon slayer could do was to show a small grin, fangs showing slightly. “We are.”
At that, Freed couldn't help but give a short, deep laugh. He knew that this was an attempt to flirt and he gladly welcomed this attempt. Honestly, Laxus wasn't exactly wrong either. There had been the one or other time they had sneaked into a hall way just to get rid of some tension – non sexual! - and just to share some kisses and quick, almost innocent roaming hands.
The Raijinshuu's captain just wanted to respond when he cut himself off as suddenly Laxus and him got hugged together and he felt a kiss getting pressed to his cheek.
“You're what? Adorable? Too silent right now? Party poopers? A perfect match? Enlighten us!” Cana had slung her arm around the two men and grinned. The scent of alcohol wafted from her but that wasn't anything unusual. She was far from being drunk.
While Cana had also placed a quick peck on Laxus' cheek, Mirajane had been the one to press her lips against Freed's. She too was having one slender arm wrapped around her friends and chuckled at the brunette's retort. “I don't think there were talking about any of this, Cana.”
“And we're not damn adorable,” Laxus grumbled.
“I would argue against this, Laxus.” Mirajane hummed in her sweet voice.
“And you're not denying the other options?” Cana asked and removed her arms from the two men to jump onto the table to sit down on it. She almost ended up knocking over Laxus' mug as he had set it back down on the tabletop. Almost.
“We're no party poopers.” This time it was Freed who spoke and he took a sip of his own drink before putting his mug next to Laxus'. “We're pre-partying.”
“Pre-partying?” Cana spluttered out a charming laugh, then she shook her head. “Right, whatever yer sayin' big boss. But yer definitely too silent and a perfect match.”
The couple was comfortable being silent, watching their guild mates and conversing every once in a while. If the mood struck or the opportunity was there then they'd join whatever was going on. But for now they were perfectly fine; everybody seemed happy. They were happy.
“Thought so. Yer not arguing against those,” Cana continued and grabbed Laxus' mug of beer to empty it. It earned her a scowl from the dragon slayer but she hardly cared.
“No, we aren't,” Freed responded and the hint of a smile became visible on his face. It was genuine. Mira took note of this tiny change in his expression, and had to smile silently to herself.
It was silent for a moment then. Cana dragged the back of her hand along her mouth and crossed her legs while Mira watched how Laki and Kinana were having some sort of challenge with Lisanna and Levy.
There was something different about the atmosphere. The atmosphere became hardly ever negative when Fairy Tail partied but there was just something about this that made a change. Perhaps it was the colorfully decorated guild; colors of all pride and identify flags were gracing the big hall. Mirajane had the lesbian flag drawn on her cheeks while Cana had a bisexual one on hers.
Lucy was running around with a top in bisexual colors. Natsu wore a chain in demisexual colors. Gray was wearing a bisexual tie around his neck. Both Gajeel and Juvia shared pansexual colored best friend shirts. Evergreen wore a flower in her hair that was painted in demisexual colors and Mest wore a rainbow sleeveless shirt. Levy had a bisexuality bow in her hair, Erza had a bisexuality flag painted on her arm and so had Lisanna. Everyone had something to express themselves as obviously as possible.
Freed and Laxus were no exception. It had taken some convincing on Laxus' side but in the end they had agreed to both wear flag necklaces; the gay one for Freed and the demisexual one for Laxus. Freed's necklace had the shape of a lightning bolt while Laxus' necklace had the shape of sword.
Both had silently admitted to themselves that these chains were rather nice. They would keep them, definitely.
Though not only that. Pride month made it even easier to share affection in public. Of course, screw people who believe that any other couples than heterosexual ones should be allowed to show an exchange of chaste affection openly. Screw them anyway, yes, screw them. But it was still easier around this time.
Cana and Mirajane had vanished in the crowed again. Freed observed how Mirajane joined her brother and sister whilst Cana playfully slung and arm around poor Levy who got startled by the sudden approach. It had the brunette laugh heartily and utter a quick apology, making the script mage pout.
A quite light-hearted play, all of it, and Freed got himself to reveal another genuine smile that he didn't feel the need to suppress this time.
It was then that he felt a touch on his hand. Instinctively, he looked down and spotted another hand on his. He didn't need to wonder who this hand belonged to. He had felt and held it so many times in so many different ways; he would always recognize the feel of those fingers touching his.
Looking back up he stared right into orange eyes. Laxus' mien was unreadable, his usual stoic face. But there was something soft in his eyes, something Freed knew.
Slowly, he intertwined his fingers with Laxus' under the table. It wasn't often that they would hold hands at the guild, or at all really, and every time was special. This stage of their bond had taken some gotten used to. Now it felt so natural to be like this. To be open about their romantic feelings for each other and do couple things.
It had been a little awkward especially for the dragon slayer at first so having him initiate such actions meant even more than some might assume.
Finally, there was the hint of a smile on Laxus' face right back at him. He silently appreciated the gesture and the fact that Freed reciprocated it. The eye-contact didn't last long and they went back to enjoying each other's presence in silence for now. Their shoulders were touching fondly, their hands linked and right now they couldn't think of anything better to do.
Apart from, maybe, spending some time with their closest friends who now joined them at their table again with Evergreen continuously scolding Bixlow for anything he had done.
And honestly, it was such little things as well that they knew that everything was okay and how it was supposed to be.
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aarunomura · 6 years
DEAR❤VOCALIST Wired 「Vocalists’ 4th CR-Sponsored Training Camp @GU・A・M!! ~The Complete Documented Coverage~」Part 1 (Translation)
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This short story is一according to Climax Records’ Public Relations一a transcript of recorded footage of what went down at the boys’ training camp held during Golden Week last year. Since the main training camp went on for 3 days, this translation will be split into three parts. This first part will focus on Day 1.
Please do not re-translate or post this translation anywhere.
NOTE: I didn’t include every instance of sound effects/onomatopoeia. Because I’m not very good at translating/describing sfx, I felt that my descriptions of them would only make things sound too tautological (especially when the actions are already inferred from the dialogue) and interrupt the flow of conversation between the characters.
♢ Destination
United States of America, Guam. A 3 hr and 35-55 min direct flight from Japan, it is an island in the southernmost point of the Mariana Islands in the Pacific Ocean. Ahead of Japan in time by 1 hour.
♢ Accommodation
Room allocation is as follows, and no changes are allowed for any reason whatsoever.
Japanese Suite: President Panda Room 1111: Ciel Room 1112: CR’s PR Room 1010: Re-o-do & Joshua Room 1011: Judah & Momochi Room 1012: A’ & Yuu
※ Smoking is prohibited in all rooms.
♢ Day 1 Timetable
All entries below are in local time. 
7:00 AM:
Everyone meets up in front of the hotel. Bus transfer.
※ As President Panda and Ciel will be engaging in business matters while playing golf, their plans all day are different from the others.
7:20 AM:
Arrive at private beach @ Hagåtña.
Objective: Aim to increase stamina through all kinds of beach activities.
※ BBQ will be prepared for lunch.
※ Smoking is prohibited at the beach.
6:00 PM: 
Arrive at hotel.
7:00 PM:
※ Buffet at the hotel’s restaurant.
♢ DAY 1
───Late at night, the CR group arrived in Guam. Local time is 7 the next morning.
Ciel: ───Because of that, I will be with the President and playing golf. In the meantime, all of you will take part in the training camp program...
Re-o-do: ...I can’t do this, I’m sleepy. So sleepy... What time is it in Japan right now...?
Ciel: There's only an hour in time difference. In short, it is currently six in the morning in Japan.
Re-o-do: S-Six...? No wonder...
A’: Anyway, playing golf first thing in the morning after getting here... How much energy does that shitty Panda have www
Yuu: Well, Panda-san was apparently the only one in first-class. He must've been sound asleep on the plane, am I right?
Joshua: Heeh, first-class? As expected ♪
Judah: Hah? You've gotta be kidding me.
Momochi: You’re right... And yet we were on economy... Anyway, to be in the same hotel room as Judah-kun... There’s no way I can sleep...
A’: Eeeeehhh? And I have to be in the same room as Yuu-kun for three nights? No waaayyy.
Yuu: What's with that. It's not like I want to be in the same room as you. Why this idiot out of all people...
A’: Hah~~~?! Idiot~~~~?!?! Shut up, you! Anyway, what are you gonna do if I lose all my hair from the stress of being stuck with this guy who's like a nagging hag~~~~~?!?!?!
Yuu: Hah!? Who are you calling a nagging hag!!
Ciel: Oi, you lot. You’re being noisy. In any case, training camp has already started. Quit complaining and be serious about this...───Hmm?
Ciel: It appears the bus has arrived. Come now, everyone, get on.
Re-o-do: Where is it taking us this time?
Ciel: I hear that the place you’ll be going to is a private beach in the area of Hagåtña. President’s instruction for you all day today is to cultivate stamina so that you will be able to endure the menu that starts tomorrow.
Momochi: Stamina...? Letting us rest at the hotel would’ve be better then...
Yuu: I know right.
Joshua: A private beach, eh. I wonder what's there. I'm looking forward to it ♪
A': Maybe this means we get to do stuff like beach activities?! That means I’ve gotta try out everythingggg!
Yuu: Just how lively are you guys...
Judah: Anyway, I'm getting on the bus. It's so hot if I stand around here any longer, I'll die.
Re-o-do: ...True. We’ll be off then.
Ciel: Right. Good luck, everyone.
A’: We’re hereeeeee~~~~~~~~! THE・BEACH!!!!
Joshua: Hey, hey, A-tan. Look! There’s a banana boat over there!
A’: Yayah?! Then there’s no choice but to ride it, huh?! How ‘bout we all ride it together~~?!?!
Yuu: I am not getting on it. Anyway, are you really going to ride that when you just got here.
Momochi: I’ll pass as well... If I suddenly go into the water even when I’m sleep-derived, my legs will cramp up...
Judah: Anyway, don’t they have anything to drink around here. ...Oh. That thing over there—well if it isn’t a cooler box.
Joshua: Ah, Judah-kun! ...He left.
Yuu: Hmm. That thing over there—could it be a BBQ set? So this means we can go ahead and grill and eat as we like?
Re-o-do: BBQ, huh. Somehow, that reminds me of the training camp at that deserted island... 
Momochi: But since there are parasols and beach chairs here, I guess it isn’t that bad compared to that time~
Yuu: Well, this place does feel like a resort, more or less.
Momochi: In any case, I’m going to rest over there... If I don’t preserve my stamina at least during this time when President Panda isn’t here, my body won’t last.
Yuu: I also need to take some measures to prevent sunburn. At this rate, my skin will be in trouble.
A’: Haaaaah? Why is everyone being such party poopers? Shitty Panda isn’t here either,  and we get to play as much as we want~~~~
Re-o-do: ...Alright, this should do.
Joshua: Oh? Re-o-do-kun. That outfit...
A’: Th-The charismatic prince wearing flippers wwwwww Hold it, Joshua wwww Take a photo wwww You'll fetch a good price, selling it to Minettes wwwwwww
Joshua: Heeh, snorkling, eh. It does look like there would be fish around here.
Re-o-do: Right? Drawing experience from all the previous training camps, this time, I’ve brought something good from Japan.
Joshua: Something good?
Re-o-do: Of course, I'm talking about this...!
A’: HA wwwwww A disposable waterproof camera wwwwww Reo-sama wwwwww
Joshua: Waah. This is something you can take photos with in water as well, right?
Re-o-do: Yeah, that's right. As long as I have this, I can get by without bringing my smartphone to places where it’s at a risk of being submerged in water. Also, I can take photos of fish when underwater. Convenient, right?
Joshua: That's true! As expected of Re-o-do-kun!
Re-o-do: I'm off then. Just to warn you, you better not touch my smartphone. I’m leaving it in the shade of the tree over there... But do anything unnecessary and I’ll seriously kill you.
A’: ...Saying that only makes you want to touch it, doesn’t it~?
Joshua: But I think he put a lock on it, you know? In the bus earlier, he also reverted his home screen to the default, and seemed to really be on his guard.
A’: Wait www How observant are you wwww Scaaary wwwww
Joshua: Eh? I just happened to catch sight of it, that’s all ♪ By the way, everyone has already gone off, but what now?
A’: Hmm~ We don’t have much choice so why don’t us two just play for now~?
Joshua: You’re right ♪ Then, what should we start with? Banana boat?
A’: That sounds good too but~~~~ Don’t you wanna jet ski? I actually researched about it in the plane but~ apparently you can ride one without a license in Guam~~~~
Joshua: Eh, sounds fun! Then let’s ride it right away!
Yuu: Aaah, it’s still scorching hot even though I’m in the shade. The sunlight here really is on a completely different level from that in Japan.
Yuu: I need to put on some sunscreen before it’s too late. Sunscreen, sunscreen... Found it.
Yuu: Leaving that aside, “Cultivate stamina so that you will be able to endure the menu that starts from tomorrow.” ...What on earth are we going to be forced to do? I feel nothing but worried... *rubs sunscreen*
Judah: Who knows. Not me. Mm... *gulps down drink*
Yuu: Owah! How long have you been here for? Don’t scare me like that!
Judah: Hah? I was here first. You were the one who came up to me.
Yuu: ...Is that so. My apologies then.
Judah: Anyway, there’s nothing but juice and water in that cooler box. Are they tryna mess with me or what. Damn it... *rubs sunscreen*
Yuu: Heeh. So you also brought along sunscreen. *rubs sunscreen*
Judah: Something like that. The sun’s intense. *rubs sunscreen*
Yuu: ...? By the way, that’s the same one I have. You brought that along with you from Japan? You’re unusually well-prepared...───Hmm?
Yuu: Aah, I’ve already used this bottle up. Let’s see, the new one is...
───*rummages through bag*
Judah: Sunscreen made in Japan are the most effective was what the staff said earlier. *rubs sunscreen*
Yuu: Yeah, they aren’t wrong about that... Speaking of which, where’s my sunscreen? That’s odd. I could have sworn I brought it along...
Judah: Where are you even looking at. There’s one right here.
Yuu: Aah, I see, I see. You own one... Hold it! Isn’t that mine?! Why are you using it without permission for?!
Judah: Don’t mind the minor details☆
Yuu: Of course I’d mind! Not to mention there’s absolutely none left! What am I going to do about tomorrow!! THIS IDIOT!!!!
Momochi: ... Everyone sure is lively~... Ahaha...
Momochi: Well, on a different note... Time to take a bit of a nap while I still can...
Momochi: It’s a little stuffy, but it’s better than getting sunburn. If I get about two more towels...
Momochi: Alri~ght, perfect ♪ I applied sunscreen on my face and arms and legs so it’s all even.
Momochi: And with that, good ni~ght♥️
Re-o-do: ───Puhah! Alright, I was able to get a good shot.
Re-o-do: If I show her these... I wonder if she’ll be happy. Since I want to surprise her, I might as well keep this a secret until I get back. Fufu... Fufufufufu...♥️
Re-o-do: Alright, let’s take a few more snaps. This time, a different group of fish...───Hmm?
───*reckless driving* *SPLASH SPLASH!!!!*
A’: Wait wwwwwwwww What is this wwwwww This is freaking fun thoughhh~~~wwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwww
Joshua: A-tan! That was awesome just now! It was like you were drifting! Do it again!
A’: AAAAALRIIIIIGHHHHHHT! Make sure you don’t fall off YO!!!!!!
Re-o-do: Uwaah!
Joshua: This is super fuuuun!!!!!! Hey, I’ll drive next!
A’: Very well! Squad member Joshua! We shall return to base for a brief moment~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
───*reckless driving* *SPLASH SPLASH SPLASH!!!!*
Re-o-do: ...They can’t hear me at all... Damn it, I’ll have to complain directly to them after this...
Re-o-do: Anyway, it isn’t the time for that. I need to quickly take photos of the fish...
Re-o-do: .........
Re-o-do: ───Puhah! The fish are all gone...
Re-o-do: Argh! Geez! This is all A’s and Joshua’s fault!
Re-o-do: ...Hah. I ended up not finding any fish... I absolutely won’t forgive those guys...
Re-o-do: Anyway, smart phone, smart phone... Ah. Found it.
Re-o-do: Ah! I just got a message! I need to reply to her ASAP. Fufu♥️
Re-o-do: Oh no. My screen got wet. Let’s see, my bath towel... Hm? It should be around here somewhere...───Hmm?
Momochi: Zz... Zz...
Re-o-do:  ...Momochi? Is he asleep? And just how many bath towels is he using... It seems hot and stuffy just from the looks of it... Hm, ah!
Momochi: Zz... Zz...
Re-o-do: He’s got some nerve, using my bath towel as well... Oi, Momochi. Give that back.
Momochi: Zz... Nn, nn......... Mm...
Re-o-do: ...It’s no use. He’s fast asleep. Geez, I’ve got no choice... I’ll be taking this back.
Re-o-do: ...Momochi?!
Momochi: N, nn......... Tch, what is it. That hurt...
Re-o-do: S-Sorry. I just wanted you to return my bath towel. I didn’t think you’d fall from the chair...
Momochi: .........
Re-o-do: ...Momochi?
Momochi: Zz... Zz...
Re-o-d-o: .........Are you sleeping?
Momochi: Zzz...
Re-o-do: ...That’s a relief. That was him sleep-talking earlier too then.
Re-o-do: Ah, she replied! This isn’t the time to be doing this.
Joshua: Momochi-kun, wake up. All of the meat will be gone.
Momochi: Un... Nn? Eh...? Ground...? Why am I face down...? Eh...?
Momochi: Did I fall from my chair while I was asleep...? And then I continued on sleeping...?
Joshua: You must’ve been awfully tired. Have you been sleeping the entire time...?
Momochi: Ahaha... Y-Yeah. I had only intended to take a bit of a nap, but it looks like it’s pretty much evening now, doesn’t it~?
Joshua: I see. Ah, right. Everything is all set up for the BBQ so I've come to get you. The person in charge said that they’ve started a charcoal fire and that all that’s left is for us to grill the food we like ♪ Come over quickly.
Momochi: Really? Thank you~♥️ I’m coming, I’m coming♥️
Joshua: Oh? Speaking of which, Momochi-kun. Is your back okay?
Momochi: Eh? Back? Now that you mention it, it does feel tingly...
Joshua: I mean, it’s all red, you know? You should quickly get it cooled down, I think.
Joshua: The sunlight here really is on a different level from that in Japan, isn’t it. I applied sunscreen, yet my shoulders have gotten pretty tan.
Momochi: Y-Yeah... That’s true. Since it’s Guam, right. Haha... Ahaha...
Momochi: *mumbles* Wait a minute... What condition is my back in right now? I need to cool it down immediately... This isn’t the time to be casually having BBQ...
Joshua: ...? Is something wrong?
Momochi: Nope? Nothing at a~ll♥️ Leaving that aside, look! It’s a beautiful sunset, don’t you think~!
Joshua: You’re right! As expected of Guam ♪
Yuu: The meat just now should be just about cooked. Huh?
Judah: *chews* Mm, so good.
Yuu: OI! First my sunscreen, and now this! What’s your problem! How much longer are you going to keep on stealing other people’s things until you’re satisfied?!
Judah: Hah? Ain’t got a clue. Oh, this one’s also cooked.
A’: AH! The meat I was raisingggg~~~~~~!!!!!!
Judah: *chews* Mm, so good. Those who don’t pay attention are at fault.
A’: HAAAH?!?! Just how self-centred are you~~~~~!!!!
Yuu: I know right!!!!
Joshua: Now now, you two. I’ll give you mine ♪
A’: Joshua, are you an angel~~~~~ Wait, HAH?! What the hell is this! It’s just veggies?!?! You tryna pick a fight with me!??!?!?!
Joshua: Eh? That wasn’t my intention though...
Yuu: I’ve had enough. I shall be cooking by myself while defending my portion. No one come near me please.
───*trudges off*
───That night...
Yuu: Hah... I’m glad the first day has safely gone by... But the problem is tomorrow...
Yuu: SHUT UUUUUP!!!! What’s with you all of a sudden!!!!
A': DAAAAAAAAHHH! Yuu-kun!! The shower tried to kill meeeeeee!!!!
Yuu: Hold it, why are you coming out here naked! Do you want me to beat you up?!?!?! Anyway, saying that the shower's trying to kill you, what do you even mean by that!!!!!!
A': Isn't it obvious! The shower made a direct attack at my sunburnt skin! It hurts so much I could die!!!!!!
Yuu: How would I know?! It's your own fault for not putting on sunscreen! Anyway, if you're going to get out, then put some clothes on!
A': I'm not getting out ye~t! In fact, I'm just about to get in~~~~!
Yuu: Then why did you even bother getting out for?! Arghh, geez! Seriously can't believe I'm in the same room as that guy!!
Re-o-do: Fu... About the area that’s sunburnt... Like you said, Joshua, it feels a little better if I cool it. However, with normal water, it melts in an instant...
Joshua: Since there should be a convenience store downstairs, do you want me to go and buy something that will cool it?
Re-o-do: Are you sure?
Joshua: Yup, it’s fine. I was actually thinking of going to buy sunscreen for tomorrow anyway ♪ Ah, Re-o-do-kun, you also need sunscreen, right?
Re-o-do: Then, if you don’t mind, thanks. It’d be bad if I get sunburnt any further too.
Joshua: Okay ♪ Then I’ll buy the one that looks to be the most effective!
Re-o-do: ...Say, Joshua. You're a really good guy, huh.
Joshua: Eh, you think so? That makes me happy ♪ Anyway, I'm off, okay!
───*opens sliding glass door* *walking footsteps*
Momochi: Ahhh, it hurts... I won’t be able to sleep tonight like this...
───*rummages through pockets* *lights cigarette*
Momochi: It hurts just having my clothes brush against it so I definitely won't be able to lie on my back... *puffs*
※ NOTE: Smoking is prohibited in this room. (CR's Public Relations)
Momochi: Aaahh... I want to go home already... I can't sleep, there are barely any smoking areas, cigarettes are super expensive, and what's worse, I'm stuck in the same room as Judah... *puffs*
───*Zoom!* *Smack!*
Momochi: GYAH! THAT HUUUUURTSS~~~~~~~~!!!!!!
Judah: It fucking stinks!
Momochi: Even though I tried to be considerate by coming out here to the verandah, what's with that attitude?! I can't believe you'd throw a pillow at me out of nowhere! And at my back out of all places!!!!
Judah: Hah? You’ve got something on your back? Anyway, who cares about that, hurry up and open the windo—Owah!
Judah: Don't go throwing it back!!!
Momochi: You threw it at me first! Anyway... If you don’t want to be killed, then don’t touch my back ever again! Got it?!?!
Judah: Hah? I didn’t touch it. I only hit it with a pillow.
Momochi: Like I care about your hair-splitting! Aah, I'm seriously annoyed... *puffs*
Judah: ARGHH! I’m telling you! It stinks!!
To be continued: PART 2
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linssikeittomies · 6 years
The Place Between Here And There - An excerpt from Ch 6
Ch 6 was supposed to be a fluff fest for the ages, and yet in the 10 pages of fic there is just barely 6 pages of RusAme, and if you squint real hard, maybe 1 of those pages is fluff? Goddamn you Ivan and your secrets and social anxiety! orz
Al had never been to the bar before, so he hadn’t known what to expect. Literally the only things he knew beforehand about the place were the address and that Jack used to work there about ten years ago. When they got there, Al could totally see it as a place Jack, one of the most party-pooper people ever conceived, would work in - pretty small, kinda quiet, with a multi-generational vibe to it. Not clearly for twenty-somethings, not clearly for forty-somethings. Once the hour got later, it would probably turn into more of a nightclub, but at eight, it was sorta quiet and unassuming, a bit more classy than your usual drinking bar. You could actually talk without even raising your voice to a shout. Two smaller dance floor instead of one big, more booths than tables, they gave a little more privacy. Al had noticed that these types of places were what Vanya preferred – the more crowded and loud it got, the antsier Vanya became. He would try to create more and more space between himself and strangers the more people poured in, pretending the crowd didn’t bother him, until finally he broke and started openly glaring at anyone closer than arm’s length and constantly checking the time. Al on the other hand lived for crowds, he loved nothing more than the pulse of a full dancefloor, enjoyed talking and dancing with strangers and loud music. He still went to straight-up nightclubs on the weekends he wasn’t with Vanya, but on dates he wanted them both to have as much fun as possible. Al liked the quieter places alright, as long as he had someone interesting to pass the time with.
They both got a beer at the counter – Al insisted Vanya try it out, because it was his favorite brand. Vanya wasn’t a beer person, but gave it a try for Al’s sake. He liked it enough to not pass it onto Al after the first sip. Though Vanya was hardly the type to not finish a drink even if he hated it - if it was in front of him, he would drink it. “Good, ain’t it?” “It isn’t the worst beer I’ve tried”, Vanya amended. That basically meant it was the best damn beer he’d ever tasted, despite what the sour face might indicate. “Told ya it’s the best! Now, tell me about your day. Nab any criminals lately?” “We’re no closer to finding a viable suspect. At this point I don’t know that much more than you do.” “Gimme some ‘a dat juicy confidential info! I’ll make it up to you later”, Al winked. Vanya wasn’t convinced, and refused any further talk about work. But Al was determined to hear more, so he kept buying his lover more beers, who was helpless to refuse them, while making sure to stay sober himself. About an hour and three beers later, Vanya finally started opening up a bit more about the case. “Everyone’s frustrated, there’s no evidence and no clues. The man’s smart, you have to admit”, he said with a weirdly appreciative tone. Creepy. He needed a reminder of what kind of smart man BK was. “Too bad he uses those smart for something evil. Can you even imagine what a shitty person he is? He doesn’t just murder, he tortures.” “You’re not the first to say that”, Vanya answered flippantly. Every now and then Al got the feeling Vanya didn’t really care all that much about the victims – he couldn’t quite put his finger on it, but there was something about the way Vanya spoke about them, it kind of felt a little disrespectful, maybe? That he forgot what they had gone through and that they were dead, with heart-broken families left behind? Mattie would have known exactly what was off, but they didn’t talk with each other – they knew of each other, of course, Mattie had been the first to know about Vanya and Al’s one month anniversary, and siblings tend to come up in conversation. “Everyone needs a hobby, I suppose”, Vanya finished, shrugging, like he was talking about graffiti artists. This was what Al meant by disrespectful – like he wasn’t talking about torture and murder. “Murdering people is a shit hobby. He should take up boxing or something if he really needs to punch something.”, Al sneered, upset and somewhat regretting bringing up the subject. His reactions to the fates of the poor victims were profoundly different from Vanya’s, and reminded him that there was something undeniably wrong with Vanya’s brain. “That would only make him more dangerous. So far all the victims have been weak, you wouldn’t want him taking down MMA fighters. Or firefighters”, Vanya countered. “But wasn’t that one guy like six foot two?” Vanya thought for only a moment before figuring out who exactly Al was talking about. “Turner, 6 feet, 130 pounds, dancer. Looked taller because he was so thin. Didn’t know the first thing about self-defense.” The conversation started feeling like one of those who would win, Batman or Superman arguments. Was it just Vanya’s illness, or did all homicide detectives become like this? What about pathologists? If Al some day got into the academy, would he in time become as nonchalant about rape, death and torture? He liked to think no, his compassion was more deep-rooted than that – but Vanya was a bleeding heart deep under all that pretend indifference, had he at one point been like Al? Could he with utmost certainty say that he would never look at a body and not feel sad? “And the last victim was the twinkiest twink you’ve ever seen.” “Poor boy”, Al said and felt his heart squeeze. He was sure he would never talk like that about someone who had been strangled and beaten for hours, until no healthy skin was left anywhere, then castrated and cut open while still alive, no matter how many years he worked for homicide. “I think you would’ve liked him”, Vanya mused. “How the hell would you know?” You didn’t even give enough of a shit to call him young and thin instead of twink, how would you know what kind of a person he was. Vanya looked taken aback, and apparently only then realized he wasn’t completely sober. How he had gotten drunk enough to not know what he was saying was anyone’s guess, since it always took a good five shots of hard liquor to get him tipsy. All Al knew was that he had learned to read the signs pretty well - more relaxed speech, more open posture, more absent-minded smiling. Vanya never started slurring or stumbling, he just became happier. Al wished that could be his natural state. Maybe with time, and some tender, loving care. “Sorry, I should not talk about cases with civilians.” “’S okay, ‘s just me. So how’d you know I’d like him?” Vanya wasn’t completely swayed by the argument, but he was terrible at saying no to Al. “He had many friends. Very social, everyone said he had a taste for adventure and was always up for trying something new. He was well-known in the gay community.” “Wait, he was actually gay? I thought you called him twink just to insult him.” “I said I should not talk about the case with civilians. Read the papers and you will know everything you are allowed to. I do not trust myself to keep confidentiality right now.” The weirdest thing about Vanya’s drunkenness was that he could tone it down at will. If he wanted to sober up, he would. He had displayed the ability a couple times before, but never this clearly. It was like alcohol had never entered the man’s system – gone were the casualness and smiles. “You’re such a tease!” Al complained, because he was really getting curious again, despite Vanya’s callous words about the victims. “Only for you, my darling podsolnukh”, Vanya smiled, but the playful words were so clearly calculated to steer Al’s thoughts elsewhere it wasn’t even funny. “Don’t try to sweet-talk your way out of this, mister. I’ll kiss you.” Vanya was super shy in public. Even though he had gotten more cuddly in private, PDAs were a great way to punish him. “You leave me no choice, being so cunning as to get me drunk to unveil my secrets.” “That’s it, you’re getting smooched right now!” Vanya did his best to push Al out of reach, but Al was the stronger of them and managed to smack him twice on the cheek. “You are making everyone uncomfortable”, Vanya muttered after Al finally left him alone. “You’re the one making a scene out of it! No one would have noticed a thing if you hadn’t been squealing like a pig!” “I was not, and you should take other people in to consideration before pulling these stunts!” “Oh yeah?” Al said, and Vanya blanched at whatever horror he imagined Al would do next. Al allowed himself a victorious smirk before forming a wicked plan. He got up to stand on the seat. “HEY! EVERYONE!” he yelled at the top of his lungs, and only a couple heads turned. “Stop that! Get down!” Vanya screamed. “THIS GUY IS MY HUNNY BUN – urk!” Vanya pulled Al down by his collar and dragged him out, so red in the face he could’ve been mistaken for Clifford. He was so embarrassed Al had no doubt he would’ve walked home without his coat if Al hadn’t complained about being cold. And even then he refused to enter the bar again, staying outside while Al went to finish Vanya’s last beer and grab their clothes. He was so embarrassed that Al felt a real need to apologize – apparently only Vanya could induce this feeling in him, the only other time he had felt the same need was after causing that panic attack. Vanya accepted it, but not without a long string of Russian expletives – because let’s be honest, they couldn’t be anything else. Then he said he would turn Al’s thermostat all the way down as revenge. Al had expected he would want to stay at his own place after a shock like that, but didn’t question the decision. After all, Al’s home was a mile closer, and there was no way he was walking any further in the wet snow. The streets were mostly empty, but a little past halfway Al spotted a couple making out at a bus stop. He felt a bit jealous, a lot of his past exes had been wary of displaying their sexuality out in public - understandably, sure, since so many of them lived in the south. But even Vanya, who had never shown a single sign of being anywhere near the closet, hated showing affection in public. Al on the other was a very tactile person. He loved holding hands, hugging and kissing. Vanya rarely took the first step, even in private, but followed Al’s lead easily, and lately had started initiating more often. Al liked to think it wasn’t just because Vanya wanted to appease him. Al pointed out the couple to Vanya, who made a face. “Oh c’mon, it’s cute! They’re not afraid to show their love! Unlike some people”, Al teased, and Vanya got a little mad about being reminded of the bar incident. “Lust, more like”, Vanya scoffed loudly. “It’s just not appropriate. They should be more considerate of other people.” “No one’s died of seeing a little affection, babe”, Al argued. “No one’s died of public urination, and yet I don’t see you advocating for that.” “C’mooooooon, just a lil kiss? I really wanna kiss you. That straight couple inspired me.” “No. And you shouldn’t fetishize an orientation.” “I wasn’t fetishizin’ no orientation, I just saw them doing somethin’ I wanna do. How ‘bout just a teeny tiny peck?” “No.” “First you’re a tease and then you’re a bore. Boo.” Vanya chuckled at that, and then took one gloved hand out his pocket. “We can hold hands, if it makes you happy. I don’t mind.” Al took the hand with a giddy smile and squeezed it gently. Vanya’s sweetness shone through these little gestures, and said so much more than his words did. Why couldn’t Al have met him years ago? Woulda spared him a lot of heartache.
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xofanfics · 7 years
Dating Taehyung
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Imagine dating Taehyung...
Taehyung would be the sweet, caring type. He was probably shy to approach you.
Taehyung would like physical affection. When out in public, he’ll hold your hand and constantly give you kisses on your forehead and cheeks. He probably wouldn’t mind pda. Obviously he wouldn’t shove his tongue down your throat in the middle of the street but he won’t be afraid to kiss you in public. His kisses would be slow and sweet. 
Taehyung would genuinely enjoy cuddling even if you didn’t have sex. He loved just holding you and giving you little kisses. 
If you don’t like eye contact, prepare for Taehyung to be looking at you constantly. “What are you looking at?” you’d ask. “You,” he’d say. “You’re just so beautiful. I can’t believe you’re mine…” He’d like to sleep facing you just so that your face is the first thing he sees when he wakes up.
For dates, he’d take you to do something fun. He’d take you to an amusement park or an arcade. He’d take you to your favorite place to get dinner and he’d insist that you both have a drink later at karaoke. He’d get tipsy off of two drinks and he’d sing to you. Then he’d insist that you dance with him and say that you’re being a party pooper if you refuse.
While he’s working he’d send you pictures on Snapchat. He’d record the meeting he’s in and the caption would read “what’s this guy even talking about? I’m so bored.” He’d take pictures of what he’s eating and send it to you to make you jealous. 
Taehyung would be the kind of boyfriend you can joke and have fun with. You’d probably have tickle fights and you’d kick him in the forbidden place in an attempt to get him away. Your eyes would widen. You’d say, “Oh my god, Tae. I’m so so sorry! It was an accident!” Meanwhile he’d be on the floor, wallowing in pain. Through clenched teeth, he’d say, “Don’t worry, you’ll pay for that later.” When he recovers, he’ll tackle you onto the couch and kiss you.
You’d probably argue about silly things like who left the door unlocked or who the last person was to use the bread. You’d go back and forth about it, both of you insistent that it wasn’t your fault. Overall, you probably wouldn’t argue much. It would have to be something big. If you do get into a fight and he’s wrong, he’ll apologize first and try to fix things because he values your relationship so much. He’d listen to you intently when you’re explaining why you’re upset because he loves you so much and doesn’t want to lose you. He’s not afraid to take responsibility.
He’d be the type of boyfriend to hold you when you’re crying even if he has no idea why you’re upset. He’d hold you and whisper that everything will be okay. He hates seeing you cry. He would especially hate if he was the reason you’re crying. Seeing you cry would automatically make him sad and he might even cry, too. He’d hold you in his arms and say, “I’m so sorry I hurt you…”
You can talk to him about anything. He’d be a good listener and he’d let you talk for as long as you need to, sometimes saying nothing but letting you vent to him. When you’re feeling down, he’d be sure to lift you back up again. He’d support you in whatever you do but also won’t be afraid to tell you if he thinks something is a bad idea.
He wouldn’t be super experienced but he would pay attention to the things you like in bed. He’d definitely go down on you, to get you nice and ready. He’d enjoy doing this and using his tongue to drive you absolutely crazy. He’d be the type to hold onto your hand while he does it. He’d look up at you to see how you’re responding, too. In bed, he’d mostly want to please you. He’d love hearing you moan and he’d kiss you while you’re having sex, moaning into the kiss. He’d constantly whisper that he loves you and he’d make lots of eye contact with you, especially if you’re on top. He’d make love to you, rough or nice and slow; whichever you’d prefer. 
After sex, he’d hold you close to him. You’d both be lying on your backs, sweaty and breathless. He’d want to talk to you after, not necessarily about what just happened but about other things. He’d want to talk to you about his ideas and life, in general. You’d probably end up talking until one of you falls asleep.
Taehyung would care about you a lot. He’d enjoy just being in your presence even if you’re not doing anything. You being there would be comforting for him. He’d make sure you always feel secure in your relationship. He values your relationship so much so it won’t be easy to stay angry at him. He wouldn’t be afraid to admit that he loves you and he’s so grateful that you’re his girlfriend.
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Saizo & Izana: C - A Supports
C Support
Saizo: Lord Izana.
Izana: Hiya, Saizo! What’s up?
Saizo: ...I have observed your behavior at camp. I believe it is unsuitable for someone of your position.
Izana: Really? What makes you think that?
Saizo: Instead of sparring with your allies, you have dance battles.
Izana: True, true...
Saizo: After skirmishes near villages, you try to force families mourning their loved ones to smile.
Izana: Uh-huh...
Saizo: And you have been spotted in public wearing nothing but a bath towel.
Izana: Ah, yes...
Saizo: Overall, you act as though you do not take this war seriously.
Izana: I could see that.
Izana: What’s your point?
Saizo: ...You do not understand?
Izana: Nope! Everything you just described sounds like fun to me! In fact...
Izana: Let’s have a dance battle right now! I’ll go get my bath towel!
Saizo: Lord Izana, you aren’t-- ...hmph. He’s gone.
B Support
Izana: Hi, Saizo! Ready for that dance battle?
Saizo: I see you did not listen to my advice last time we spoke.
Izana: You gave me advice? It sounded like you were just complaining.
Saizo: Look at it this way.
Saizo: What would you say if you saw Lord Ryoma, crown prince of Hoshido, strutting around camp in nothing but a bath towel?
Izana: I would say... “Wow! Prince Ryoma! Who knew you were such a party animal? Let me join you!”
Saizo: ...This isn’t going anywhere.
Izana: I don’t get it, Saizo. Why are you such a party pooper?
Saizo: I am not a... “party pooper”, as you so crudely put it. I am merely being practical.
Izana: You think so? Well, maybe that’s your problem! Maybe you need to have a party every once in awhile!
Saizo: I do not think--
Izana: How about this? You spend one day living life my way. If you don’t feel more relaxed, then I’ll try to be less fun! You know, like you.
Saizo: ...Hmph. If that’s what it will take for you to change your ways... You have a deal.
A Support
Izana: Come ooooon, Saizo!
Saizo: I feel like a buffoon.
Izana: But you look great!
Saizo: These clothes are horrific. How do Izumites wear these?
Izana: Heyyy! I thought you said you’d try to have fun.
Saizo: This is not fun.
Izana: You’re still being a grump! Hmmm... What can I do to make you loosen up? ...Ooh! I’ve got it!
Saizo: Please don’t.
Izana: Too late! Time to dance!
Saizo: Ack--!
Izana: Wheeeee!
Saizo: People are staring.
Izana: So what? This is fun, isn’t it?!
Saizo: Far from it.
Izana: Ugh. Fine. I give up. There’s just no helping you! Party pooper.
Saizo: Does that mean I can take off this terrible outfit?
Izana: Yes. And I’ll be sure to be boring like you tomorrow, like we agreed. Hmph.
Saizo: ... *sigh*
Saizo: Lord Izana, I must apologize... I overstepped my boundaries.
Izana: Huh?
Saizo: I have no right to tell you how to live your life. If you wish to be carefree, that is your choice.
Izana: Really? Wait, what made you change your mind?
Saizo: I realized how terrible I felt when you tried to force me to change my ways. It isn’t right for me to do the same thing to you.
Saizo: Not to mention... People seem to enjoy having you around for some reason. It raises army morale.
Izana: Aw, Saizo! You may look tough, but you’re a sweetheart, aren’t ya?
Saizo: Are you trying to hug me? N-No, get back!
Izana: Too late!
Saizo: Urk-- Can’t... breathe--
Izana: Fiiiine. Drama queen. Go on, change back into your stuffy ninja clothes.
Saizo: Thank you.
Izana: If nothing else, at least I got a new party buddy out of all of this!
Saizo: Party buddy? Wait, I didn’t-- ugh. What’s the use?
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