ooevilynoo · 1 year
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universetalkz · 2 months
“The only way to improve the world is by improving ourselves, because the only thing we can experience is ourselves.”
~Immanuel Kant
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arcane-trail · 1 year
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🔮 Witchy Goth & Pagan Shop 🔮
Use code “TUMBLR” for 20% off
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8302030996 · 6 months
#हिन्दूसाहेबान_नहीं_समझे गीता, वेद, पुराण पुस्तक का आधार सूक्ष्मवेद यानि तत्त्वज्ञान है। जिसमें समझाने के लिए प्रमाण वेदों, गीता, महाभारत तथा पुराणों आदि शास्त्रों से लिए हैं। इस पुस्तक में दिए गए सभी शास्त्रों के सार ज्ञान को अवश्य जानें।
Sant Rampal Ji Maharaj App
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dizzlenook · 6 months
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Hair Affirmations are a great tool in achieving your hair goals! Speak it, know it, live it!
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sanjana-rathore · 1 year
Stop killing animals
One who cuts someone else's neck has to pay back in the next birth.
Stop consuming meat.
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artbyalette · 6 months
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(via "Abstract Warding Off Evil" Magnet for Sale by artbyalette)
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malkahpariyz · 7 months
The minds perception and how mankind can manipulate one another’s perception of reality and truth: in the context of faith and faith teachings.
People aimlessly follow man’s (humans) interpretations of everything instead of thinking for themselves and logically deducing the truth in information for themselves.. and this is the problem with mankind and it’s a scary problem. Because people are taking others words and interpretations as truth instead of the truth as the truth. People are taking the laws that humans made and making it universal law. People will ignore the real definitions of words and their actual logical application/implication, all because one set of human beings have used the word in a different context than it’s actual meaning and definition and have normalized using the word to describe a specific context (even tho the word is truly attached to something more general or of different context than it is typically used in). This goes for many words and the concepts and ideas that are attached to them. All across the languages and cultures and ways of mankind. Curse words, descriptive words, and all words alike. All kinds of words and the meanings attached to them are blindly misinterpreted because of the ways they are used. And it’s time for people to raise their consciousness, think for themselves, and wake up, choose for themselves what is right and wrong, let God Himself guide them to His ways and learn for themselves the difference between what is truth and what is being pushed as a fact but is not necessarily the truth. And so on.
Examples of words, the ideas attached to those words, and how the way those words are used can manipulate the way people see a concept, even if the word truly means something else:
Awful- this word is defined as “something that inspires awe” or “something full of awe” (hence: AWE-FULL) and this is the true definition of this word, but in modern times awful became a word that is used to describe something negative because of the way a certain group of humans decided to begin to use the word within a certain context…
Nice- this word originally had a definition that meant something negative and no so “nice” at all. The original definition of “nice” came from the Latin word “nescius” which means “unaware or ignorant”… meaning the word “nice” actually meant “stupid” for many centuries. Literary context in writings began to change the meaning of this word to what it is today around the 1400s, due to the context a certain group of humans began to use the word in. “Nice” didn’t truly become what it means today until the early 1900s which is truly not that long ago.
Hijab - in ancient Arabic the true definition of hijab is headcovering or veil. Many claim a turban is not a hijab because it does not cover the neck… but hijab definitively means headcovering and a turban covers the head, meaning it is a form of a headcovering, making it a form of a veil, and in turn, a form of a hijab, and just so happens not to be what has been normalized as the main form of hijab in Arabic religious culture. Just as a Khimar is defined as a body covering and much more than a headcovering but still considered a veil due to it obliging the same functions or purposes of a veil.. but can be interpreted as much more than a headcovering and by true definition and application, is much more than a headcovering.
Ass - the word “ass” literally means “donkey” or “animal in the horse family”… and it is also defined as a literary reference to a person who is foolish or stupid.. but in modern times this word is used to describe a person’s buttocks, but that is nowhere near the actual meaning and definition of the word. Even as it stands today in modern times.
Brave- brave used to mean “showy” or “gawdy” but now it means to be of outstanding valor or strength against opposition…but yet and still, oddly enough, logical reasoning makes people use this word in the same fashion of its original meaning (and it happens naturally because the root of truth and actuality is a universal law)… for example, if someone chose to wear an outfit that was “showy” or ”gawdy” or “a risky choice”, you might say it was a “brave” fashion choice they have made.
* there is also words called homonyms: which are words that are spelled exactly the same but have two completely different meanings and contexts.. but that list is way too long to go over today, that’s for another conversation.
* as you can now tell, words are often not used in the context of their actual definition and used in the context of which one set of humans gave those words… meaning words are being applied in ways they do not actually apply very often or words are being interpreted very wrong by many people or words are being used to describe things or discredit/accredit things that they do not describe or discredit/accredit… all in the name of the agenda of the person using the word… someone can mean to curse by saying a curse word like “ass” or they could just be talking about a donkey 🤷🏽‍♀️ it’s all up to interpretation and perception… context and meaning is applied by the person delivering the message… you have to remove yourself from others opinions and thoughts to receive the actual message in its fullness, realness, and totality.
Use your logical reasoning mind, to know what is acceptable and what is not. Do not just take the words of others as law, figure out what the actual laws are. Then, you must choose for yourself what you deem acceptable for yourself and what you want to oblige (obligate) as the law you would like to follow in honor of who you obey (in this case I am alluding to obeying God). To make a proper decision on what is proper, you must know the full premise first. You may choose to increase and maximize on what is proper for your faiths sake and that is what you are supposed to do, but you are not to judge how others do things based only on what you deem necessary, especially if the full premise encompasses what others are doing in good faith as well. This mindset is the art of knowing what is right and choosing what is right, and not judging others if what they choose is inclusive in what is right or does not go against what is right, even when it’s not exactly what you chose. You must know the full premise and true context of everything to make a conscious righteous decision, and have a balanced and proper understanding of everything (for you and your neighbors sake), this is exemplified as: knowing that nakedness is not a sin, but what nakedness incites is sin, so we choose to be modest… knowing that many curse words are just words that mean other things, that people have used to curse others, but still choosing not to curse because those words carry cursed energy now…knowing that a turban is still a headcovering (meaning still a form of hijab by definition of the word) but choosing to increase the practice to be that of certain standards of the hijab for whatever reasons you deem it necessary.
The point is to know what is actually real so you do not wrongfully condemn or persecute others for what they practice or do not practice just because it differs from your application of a practice or decision to go against a certain practice. As long as the practice does not comprise what is good, holy, and righteous & as long as the practice is not hurting others or done with the intent to hurt others & as long as the practice does not go against God…(all at the same time that is).. we are not to judge others for it. This is NOT a statement to justify whatever is totally wrong or against God, this is a statement to justify what is actually right, that just may differ from one another’s perception of what is right, but is yet and still within and obliging God’s good grace and orders. I have given analogies here to make the concepts broader and so that people may have something to compare the logic to.
I hope I have touched many peoples hearts and minds and in a blessed way today.
Thank you for listening and learning with me.
- The Modest Blog
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zenz-ii · 1 year
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chalosatlok · 8 months
संत रामपाल जी महाराज के 10 सतलोक आश्रमों में 6 से 8 सितंबर 2023 को उनके अवतरण दिवस पर अखंड पाठ, रक्तदान शिविर, दहेज मुक्त विवाह का आयोजन किया जा रहा है।https://www.jagatgururampalji.org/way-of-living.pdf
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universetalkz · 2 months
As you begin to change for the good, people will fall off. You will not feel the need to fit in. You will look at things differently. Your mind will change. You will start to see what is really for you, and what is not. This is not called switching up; it is called growth.
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alaephoenicis · 1 year
統合 〜 分離された魂のプロセス 【第一部:トラウマと隔離】
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オリジナル動画:https://youtu.be/fCeme7amQV0 公開日:2023年1月23日
【和訳:ALAE PHOENICIS】 最新情報は Telegram へ:https://t.me/alaephoenicis
序説:三部に分けて説明する予定、視聴者で質問のある方はコメント欄へ。 第四部で、寄せられた質問に応える予定。
次に「恐怖と抑圧」についてです。 (訳注:ドイツ語のVerdrängung は心理学用語では「抑圧」と訳されることが常ですが、抑圧というと何かを「押さえ込む」イメージではないかと思います。しかしVerdrängungというのは意味的には押さえ込むと言うより「押しやる」ということ。つまり自分という機能範囲スペースから無理矢理に追い出してしまう、無かったことにする、という感じ)
苦しみによる内的圧迫感を緩和するために、外に助けを求める、というのも補整の手段となったりします。本人にはある「欲求」があったのに、トラウマによって邪魔されたとか、もしくは満たされないままだったりする場合は、そこに張り詰められた感覚は緩和されたり、癒やされたりすることが大事です。孤独、愛情の欠如、不安、親密さの欠如… このような「欠如」が原因のトラウマは「外からの補整」が与えられることが必要です。そんなとき、本人には「自分の中には何かぽっかり穴が空いていて、何をやろうと満たされない」という感覚があるものです。
それは自問することから始まります。 「一体なぜ、こうなのか」 「なぜ、自分には何度もこんなことが起きるのか」 「なぜ、こんな気持ちになるのか」 「なぜ、私はこんな反応をしてしまうのか」等等…
孤独感や、切り離された感覚、大きな憤り、深い悲しみ、痛み、恐怖とパニック。 何かが起こった時や決断を迫られた時など、こうした感情が強烈に沸き起こり、しかもそこには色んな「思考(想い)」が絡んできて、頭から離れないということがあります。「そんなのだめ」「それをやったらこうなるかも知れない」…これらは魂の部位が自らの存在に注目を呼びかけ、以前と同じことを体験しないようにと助けを求めている叫びなのです。
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mamtasuthar · 11 months
Watch "ब्रह्मा, विष्णु और शिव के माता-पिता कौन है? | Sant Rampal Ji LIVE Satsang | SATLOK ASHRAM" on YouTube
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aowski · 1 year
The Core of Our Being
The deepest core of our being is what today's spiritual battles are about. If our deepest core is utter depravity (death), then religion comes to the rescue with its sin solutions. But if "The Kingdom of God is within You", then what is at the core (life) needs to be resurrected.
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nagpalrohit · 1 year
Ganges Intersteller Travel Organization
Last week I visited Rishikesh along with my family and enroute we started creating a wonderful fictional story about a mesmerizing sacred place ” Rishikesh” I am adding some visual treats here to add spark to the imagination. Rishikesh, a place known for its spiritual significance and serene beauty, had now become a hub for interstellar travel. The futuristic city of the Ganges Interstellar…
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radar-reads · 1 year
"Just because someone did it before you, doesn't mean you can't be the first to do it"
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