#'moms deserve to have one day to feel good about themselves'
builtbybrokenbells · 3 days
Melodic Memories | JTK | Prologue
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In a tattered old box shoved deep down in the corner of an overfilled closet, a lifetimes worth of memories lie dormant at the bottom waiting to be rediscovered.
Playlist: Apple Music | Spotify
Pairing: Jake Kiszka x f!reader
Word Count: 3k
Warnings: breakups, feelings of sadness, crying, high school relationships, angst, fluff, sorry if i miss any!
welcome to the show, everyone 😁 glad to be back with another Jake fic. as always, enjoy, be kind, and don’t mind any grammar mistakes! (this has been sitting in my drafts for SO long)
August, 2014
“Eight songs, Y/N. I sat there for hours, listening to as much music as I could. I sorted through my dad’s old vinyl records, and all of the CD’s Josh and I could find in the house. I searched for lyrics on the internet, I even asked my mom if she had any ideas.” Jake explained, taking a step closer to you. There was a small plastic case in one of his hands, a bushel of hand picked wildflowers in his other, and a look in his eyes that made your heart ache with all of the pain you had been holding back. “This is it; eight songs that tell you exactly how I feel about you. Four that tell you how much I love you, and four that tell you everything you need to know about how I feel about you leaving.”
“Jake,” you whispered, your lips pressed together tightly as the corners of your mouth dipped down into a frown. Your eyes were shining under the warm yellow hue of the ceiling light, the threat of unshed tears growing more imminent with each second that passed. The walls of your childhood bedroom were familiar, but completely different all at the same time. Years worth of cherished memories flashed before your eyes as the boy stood before you amongst half-filled boxes and your torn-apart closet.
“No,” he cut you off, shaking his head so you could not speak any further.
His hair was long, moving against his skin with each turn of his head. It reached the middle of his neck now, and it would only get longer as he continued to grow it out. You couldn’t help but feel that the long hair suited him best, that it brought out the beauty of his face even more than it already did on its own. He’d been talking about it for so long that you could already picture what it would look like on him. You were sad that you would not be able to see it when his mission was complete and the ends of his hair tickled the underside of his shoulder blades.
No, you were sad that you would miss any stage of Jake’s life, devastated that there would be any version of him you were unfamiliar with.
The sweatshirt he was wearing was heartbreaking all on its own; you bought it for him months prior on your three day trip to tour the university you were now preparing to attend. There were bags under his eyes, showing his exhaustion and discomfort with the current arrangement the two of you found yourselves in. His eyes themselves were bloodshot, and worse than that, they were sad. You hated seeing anything less than joy written in his features, because he was a boy deserving of things that were only ever good.
Right now, you knew that what you were doing to him was anything but good, and it was fucking killing you.
You only ever wanted to be the reason for the smile on his face, and now you were the source of his misery; you loved him so utterly and deeply that you turned into the very thing that hurt him.
“You said you didn’t want to make this harder than it needed to be, but it’s going to fucking suck no matter how we do things. I can’t let you leave without telling you—“ he cut himself off, clearing his throat as his gaze flickered to the floor. There were tears glistening in his eyes, too, but he was much more afraid to show them than you were. “I can’t let you go unless I know that you know how much you mean to me.”
“It is hard, Jake. This is the hardest thing I have ever done.” You confessed, sniffling away your sadness as you tried to cement the memory of his face in your brain forever. He was beautiful, and he always had been. His warm eyes spoke love without him ever opening his mouth, and his smile was the only thing that could brighten the darkest of days.
“The whole distance thing is stupid, and I don’t like it. We’ve been together for three years, and I can’t sit at home and act like you don’t mean anything to me.” His words were equal to a stab in the stomach.
You did not intend to hurt him when you suggested taking some time away from each other. You thought it would be easier, that it would make your departure less painful as you both came to terms with the fact you would be leaving him behind, but so far it had been nothing but horrendous. You stayed up every night, staring at the ceiling as you remembered what it felt like to lay next to him. You listened to new music, hoping it would make you feel something other than sadness, but the emotion that plagued you grew tenfold when you realized you had no one to share it with. You checked your phone constantly, hoping to see his name grace your screen, only to find that he was too good at respecting your wishes.
Jake was your boyfriend, and it had been that way for a long time, but he was so much more than just that. He was your best friend, your confidant and the very thing you knew you could lean on in times that were tougher than usual. He was your light in darkness, and he was everything you ever needed all at once. Jake was the whole world, and in that moment, he was yours. As of late, you felt more stupid than ever before, unable to forgive yourself for letting him go. He loved you through the awkwardness of growing into a teenager, and he loved you through the usual triumphs and disasters of high school. He loved you when you thought no one else could, and he did it so well that you had no idea what to expect now that he was not going to be yours anymore.
He stood before you, freshly eighteen with a new found freedom in life. You were just shy of the same age, but the freedom you found did not feel very special at all. You expected your high school graduation to be sweet, exciting and fun, but so far it brought you nothing but turmoil. You scored top of your class and had people throwing scholarships in your face. As much as you wanted to enjoy it, you couldn’t seem to find any joy in the experience. You tried to blame it on your nerves as you spent the summer preparing to drive states away to attend a university that you had only visited once, but you knew it had nothing to do with that. You were thrilled to continue your studies, to pursue something that you had spent your life dreaming about. You were excited to meet people, to grow into the person you were always meant to be.
It was not the school that made your stomach twist with nerves, but the knowledge Jake would not be coming with you. It was the knowledge that after three years, you would have to learn to live without him by your side, and worst of all, you had to digest the fact that he would move on. In due time, his heart and the love he once gave to you would be someone else’s, and he would be happy again, without ever having a second thought about you.
No matter where Jake went, you knew he would flourish, that he would find someone that would love him just as much, if not more, than you loved him.
That thought was comforting as much as it was gut wrenching. Jake deserved to be loved, but you wished you were the person who could love him the way he deserved.
What hurt just a little worse than that was the passing thought that you would never find someone who would love you the way Jake loved you.
You had done everything with him up until two weeks prior, when you pleaded with him to give you some space so you could grieve the fact your relationship would be coming to an end. You did not cut off contact completely, and in that time, you had called him almost daily and payed short visits to his house every now and again. You wanted it to make you feel better, but all it did was make the ache of missing him grow even larger despite him still being there when you needed him. You knew that when you got in your car the next morning, it would be the definite end of the two of you, but it did not mean you were happy, and you were certainly not okay with it.
If missing him while he was still beside you hurt achingly bad, you could not imagine the pain that would come as you drove away from the only thing you ever wanted to have.
The two of you discussed the topic heavily over the last few months, finding yourselves in a great debate of whether long distance would work for the two of you. Eventually, after many tears and lots of sad, sleepless nights, the two of you decided that it would be best to let the loving relationship you had created remain a memory. He didn’t want you worrying about him while you were focusing on your studies, and you didn’t want to tie him down while he tried to make his own life at home.
Although the two of you agreed on the terms, it hurt like a bitch.
“I’m sorry, Jake.” You whispered, your bottom lip quivering as you tried to express your remorse. “I didn’t know how else to deal with it.”
“Just listen to what I have to say, and then you can deal with it however you want.” He tried again, still staying strong despite the pain growing larger in his heart.
“Okay.” You whispered, giving a slight nod as you stepped back and took a seat on the edge of your bed. He followed suit, stopping by your dresser to place the sparse bushel of wildflowers down as he approached you.
He took a seat beside you, extending his arm for you to take the CD. Slowly, you grabbed it from his hands, a slight shake to your fingers as they clasped around the cool, hard plastic. You looked down at the white surface through the clear cover, feeling the first tear fall from your eye. In the familiar, scribbled handwriting, a love note more romantic than any other littered the surface of the CD.
‘I can’t tell you how I feel, so I’ll let the songs say it instead. All my love, Jake ᥫ᭡’
“Wild Horses, Rolling Stones.” He started, watching your face as he spoke. “You told me when we started dating that your dad used to sing it to your mom, and you thought it was the most romantic song in the world until they got divorced. You said that you hated it, and you would never be able to listen to it again, and I could tell that you were so sad about it. So, I sang it to you. I wanted to turn it back into a good memory. I learned the chords and I used my dads old acoustic guitar, and I was fucking terrified, Y/N. It was the first song I ever played for you, and you told me that nobody had ever done anything so nice for you before.”
“‘Cause nobody ever had.” You said, the sentiment still remaining true to this day.
“Wonderful Tonight, by Eric Clapton.” He continued, knowing his time was running short. The evening was darkening into night, and he wasn’t keen on spending your last bit of time together solely talking. “We slow danced in the kitchen to that song, ‘cause I told you I didn’t know how to dance and I didn’t want to embarrass myself at prom. You let me pick the song and then you taught me how, and I think of you every time I hear it.”
The memory was as beautiful as the song was, and you felt another tear fall at the explanation. You had no idea how you were going to let him go, and no desire to do it, anyway, even if you knew it was for the best.
“I need you, Lynyrd Skynyrd. Pretty self explanatory.” He let out a small chuckle, which you joined in on. “The Air That I Breathe, The Hollies.” He jumped straight to the next track. “Listen to the words, and you’ll get it.”
“Jake, this is too much.” You took in a shaky breath, swiping tears away from your cheeks.
“No, Y/N. It’s not enough.” He corrected. “You deserve the whole world, and I wish I could give it to you.”
“You’re not making this any easier.” You forced a smile on your face, your cheeks damp with your own misery. He reached out, swiping away the tears as they fell, hoping that by some stroke of luck, he would still be yours even long after you had gone.
“It was never going to be easy, beautiful.” He finally said the words he’d been holding back the whole time. He had tried his hardest to convince you that it would be okay, hoping that in turn, he would convince himself, too. Now that he was sitting beside you, still just as sad, he knew easy was subject, and only time would heal the wounds that were created that night. “If You Gotta Go, Go Now, by Dylan.”
“Or Else You Gotta Stay All Night.” Your lips turned upwards into a small smile. It wouldn’t be from Jake had there not been at least one Dylan song on the track.
“Exactly.” He nodded. “Ain’t No Sunshine by Bill Withers, cause I know it’s gonna be pretty dark for a while after you leave, Sunshine.”
“Don’t say that.” You said, feeling your stomach twist with remorse.
“It’s true.” He argued. “Romeo and Juliet by Dire Straits, ‘cause maybe it’s just the time that’s not right for us.” His voice was quiet, cracking as he forced the words out, like he was fearful to get an unwanted answer to his rhetoric. “Maybe in the future, the time will be right, and we can try again.”
“God, I hope so.” You confessed, the tears making a rapid return. The more he spoke, the more real the entire thing felt. For years, you had brushed the topic off, forcing yourself to believe that senior year and university was so far away, but now that it was staring you in the face, making it impossible to see past it, you realized the time had flew by like nothing at all. You didn’t want to leave him, because he was the only thing you ever wanted. The idea of having him again in the future made the ache ease ever so slightly, but knowing that the whole middle part would suck made the relief insignificant.
“And the last one is We’ve Got Tonight by Bob Segar, ‘cause we do, sunshine. We have one more night to love each other, and I’ll be damned if I waste it. So here I am, with eight songs and some flowers that I found in my backyard, asking you if you’ll let me love you until you leave tomorrow. It doesn’t have to hurt right now, and we don’t have to let it hurt worse than it has to.”
“Okay,” you breathed, little argument left in you. If he wanted to love you, you weren’t stupid enough to turn him away. Tomorrow, when the sun rose in the sky, illuminating the mistakes you made and highlighting your successes, you would deal with the inevitable disappointment that came along with losing him, but you didn’t have to start yet. At that moment, you still had him, and you wanted to savour the feeling of Jake Kiszka being yours for as long as you could.
“Okay?” He asked, almost shocked at your lack of rebuttal.
“Okay, Jake. We’ve got tonight, so let’s make it last.”
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one-winged-dreams · 1 month
Logging out yesterday dealing with the emotional cramping of mom trauma just to log in and have the first post I see on my dashboard be some victimy blamey post about how 'i'm sorry if mother's day is hard for you' posts are inherently oppressive for the poor mothers of the world :'(
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lauriemarch · 9 months
and at the end of the day, people will still hate women.
because beyonce is a terrible songwriter who has a good body and nothing more and she's really nothing compared to olivia rodrigo, that stuck-up bitch who steals other people's music, but taylor swift is an old, bitter nothing who clearly hates other girls. and sabrina carpenter deserves to die because she followed her heart, not her brain, and that's exactly why zendaya will never be good enough for tom holland. don't forget about kylie jenner, who's stealing precious timothee's innocence away and dating her is like committing arthouse cinema suicide, or how we said the same thing about miley cyrus and her disgusting profanity, think of the children, poor liam hemsworth, trapped in a marriage with such a horrible woman. lana del rey was hot until she was big and she made trailerpark sexy until her ass got a little too fat. and ariana grande, talentless homewrecker, and selena gomez, jealous and unreasonable, and hailey bieber, even more boring than the blood drying on the knives you are so quick to pull. sophie turner is a bad mom and megan thee stallion deserved whatever was coming to her.
and amidst all of this, we still don't know these women. we cannot fathom the pain of having a public divorce, one where people choose sides and hurl insults at you until the battery on their phone dies. we don't watch them chase after sweet-cheeked children in tucked-away backyards or play board games with their best friends while their chests heave in laughter. we don't know their marriages and we don't know their solitudes. we don't watch them unravel themselves, time and time again, preparing for the battle that we have made of their lives. they can never make a mistake. they can never cry. they can never be who they believe themselves to be.
and we take all of this and we go to work, we ride the bus, we go grocery shopping, we walk in dappled sunlight, and we let ourselves shrivel. i compare myself to every body i see and i comfort in the fact that i can still encircle my wrists with my fingers. food turns to dust in my mouth when i think about the fact that taylor swift thinks she's fat and people still hate sabrina carpenter for sticking by joshua bassett's side when he almost died, for God's sake, and now the people on my twitter feed are saying GUTS is the worst album they've ever heard. i liked it, the tiny voice in my head cries out. she wrote songs that made me feel noticed. they're calling the song i relate to the most a total skip.
so i close the app. i try not to think about the endless profiles screaming about how much they hate a nineteen/thirty-two/thirty-eight/twenty-three/twenty-six/forty-two year old. i try not to think about how much they would hate me, if they knew anything at all.
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thehighladywrites · 7 months
That's your mother, but she's my wife first…
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⋆⭒˚。‎♡‧₊˚ pairing: cassian x fem!reader, the inner circle mentioned
⋆⭒˚。‎♡‧₊˚ summary: 18+ nsfw, mdni, light angst, stress, smut, fluff, praise, cassian channelling his inner general, reader being an absolute sweetheart who deserves everything good in life fr
⋆⭒˚。‎♡‧₊˚ amara’s note: okay so I don’t have any kids so some parts might be inaccurate but close your eyes please🤞🏽i have nothing else to say, i just wanna fuck cassian so bad rn...
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Spilled milk, mismatched socks, wailing babies.
Gods, what you wouldn’t do for a moment of peace…
Your children were usually calm, even when they were tumbling down stairs and running into tables, but during your youngest twin kids teething phase, they developed an interest for chewing on anything. Their outburst put your two other kids in distress, making it a difficult period for everyone.
In your attempt to keep your twins safe, you unintentionally became the evil mother for denying them the joy of chewing on concrete bricks, their father’s important books and a million other dangerous things that a child simply shouldn’t be putting in their mouth. 
They had been given enchanted teething toys made out of moonstone by their uncle Rhysand, but it didn’t keep them entertained at all. Safety was apparently too boring for them.
This morning was extra rough because Cassian had to leave early for a mission, leaving you with four kids. Although the two oldest ones, 7 and 12, could get themselves ready for the day, they still needed some help with some things. You were downright in a foul mood, feeling the weight of frustration and helplessness as the twins wailed and your oldest ones argued, all while trying to keep your emotions hidden.
“ You took the last pancake, Ves!” your son angrily sliced the remains of his food as your daughter, Vesna, looked at him with anger. “ I don’t care. I told you that I wanted it and you made no move for it, Therian. Blame yourself and be quicker next time.” she bickered back. They kept arguing about that stupid pancake as you picked your twins and moved to the rocking chair across the livingroom to sooth them. The kitchen seamlessly flowed into the living room, creating an open floor plan that allowed you to effortlessly monitor Vesna and Therian.
 “ It’s okay, babies. There we go, hush now.” But it didn’t work, they kept screaming and you were at your breaking point. You felt like the worst mom ever as you looked up, took a deep breath and blinked back tears. 
You almost yearned for Cassian's return, craving the comfort of your mate's presence amid the chaos. Yet, the nagging self-doubt held you back, hesitant to burden him with your distress and feeling a twinge of selfishness in the idea of asking him to cut short his mission. Despite the internal struggle, you chose to tough it out, convincing yourself that countless women had faced similar challenges, wondering if you could measure up to their strength.
Unbeknownst to you, you had been signaling Cassian with your feelings through the bond since this morning. He was already on his way back the moment your emotions reached him. He was just in time to hear your daughter’s frustration directed towards you, though none of you had felt his presence or heard him approach your home. 
“Mom, you're seriously failing at shutting them up. It's not dragon taming to handle two kids, and it shouldn't be this painful for the rest of us. How about you take them outside and only come back when you've figured out how to keep them quiet? Because none of us can stand the noise.” You looked at her stunned as a million thoughts went through your head. Guilt, anger and self-doubt took root inside you.
 Guilt, because was she right? Anger, because she shouldn’t have spoken to you like that ever. Self-doubt, because your fears and feelings about motherhood were spoken out loud. 
Your first-born had a sour expression on her face that quickly fell before she looked down at her plate sheepishly. Maybe she felt regret? But what made her react like that instantly? Your daughter could be hotheaded and it usually took her a few hours to calm down, but not this quick. 
Looking at where she removed her eyes from, you look and see your husband, body tense and wings tucked in tightly. You felt immediate comfort and wanted to throw yourself in his arms and fucking cry. How you had missed him this much in only a few hours was a mystery. 
His boots thudded heavily against the wooden floors as he approached your embarrassed daughter. “Look at me,” was all he needed to say before Vesna reluctantly lifted her head. She knew he was going to chew her out. He clenched his jaw in anger as he looked down at her. “Your lack of empathy for what your mother is dealing with right now is astounding. Instead of criticizing, maybe you should try contributing to the solution. We're a family, and we handle things together, not by throwing blame around. She's your mother, but remember that she's my mate and wife first, and no one speaks to my mate and wife with disrespect ever, not even you. Now go ahead and apologize to her.”
Your husband, ever the general.
With teary eyes, realizing the gravity of her words, Vesna approached you. “Hey, Mommy,” she mumbled, avoiding eye contact. She hadn’t called you mommy in forever. “I... I shouldn't have said those things. I'm sorry. I didn't mean to be so harsh. I know it must be difficult and my anger took over. I really love you and I’m sorry.”
You were a bit surprised by the apology and softened your expression before replying, “It's okay, sweetheart. We all have our moments. Just remember, we're a team, and we need to support each other.” She nodded, still feeling a bit guilty, and said, “I'll try to do better. Can I help you with anything now?”
A genuine smile appeared on your face as your replied, “That would be wonderful. Let's work together to make things smoother for everyone. How about you start clearing the table and Therian picks up things from the floor.” She nodded and gave you a small kiss on the cheek before hurriedly making her way back to the kitchen table. Cassian gave her a kiss on the head and gave her a proud smile.  “I’m glad you apologized, and it takes courage to admit when we’re wrong. Let’s move forward now. Your willingness to help now means a lot. Thank you.”
Feeling the tension ease after the daughter's apology, your mate approached you. He gently placed a hand on your shoulder and said, “Hi pretty.” You look up at him with a thankful smile. “Hi lover.” He smiles right back at you. “I know it's been a rough day. I’m so proud of you, sugar. We'll get through this together. How about you go upstairs and soak in the tub while I take care of the kids.” He leaned down, pressing a soft kiss on your forehead, and wrapped his arms around the twins who had gone quiet.
Feeling reassured by Cassian’s comforting words, you smiled appreciatively. You gave him a tender kiss in thanks before scurrying upstairs, grateful for the support and unity he provided for your family. 
As you undressed, a delightful surprise caught your eye – the tub was filled, and a slice of your favorite cake awaited you on a nearby table. Gratefully, you thanked The House for the steaming tub and the unexpected treat. Stepping in, you let the heat envelop you, soothing the tension in your muscles. Time seemed to blur as you relaxed in the warm water — minutes or hours, it was hard to keep track. Exhaustion gradually overcame you, and your eyelids grew heavy in the comforting embrace of the tub, a sweet slice of cake adding to the calmness of the moment.
Entering the room, Cassian caught sight of you in the steaming tub, content and relaxed. A mixture of emotions flooded over him – admiration and a deep love that seemed to intensify in this quiet scene. He approached silently, not wanting to disturb the serene moment. Gently, he reached out to stroke your hair, his eyes reflecting the warmth and affection he felt. In that intimate moment, a silent understanding passed between you, affirming that you’d never be alone ever. You’d be there for each other and it made your heart swell. 
Curiosity lit up your eyes, you looked at your husband and asked, “Hey, where are the kids? Did you take care of them?”
A gentle smile played on his lips as he revealed, “Actually, Rhysie and Feyre picked them up. They thought we could use a quiet weekend, just the two of us. They’re taking Nyx, Ves and Theiran on a trip up the mountains but the twins are staying at the River House with Elain and Lucien. She made a special herbal blend that helps their gums, it’s all very Elain.”
Surprise and gratitude washed over you as you processed the thoughtful gesture. “That's so sweet of them, you remarked, a genuine smile forming. “A quiet day sounds perfect.” You exchanged a glance, appreciating the unexpected silence given by thoughtful friends.
“So, are we entirely alone for the entire weekend?” You attempted to conceal your smile as warmth surged in your belly upon meeting Cassian's gaze, only to discover him returning a heated look. “Indeed, sweetness. It's just you and me, alone. Whatever shall we do to pass the time?” His commanding, taunting voice always managed to drive you crazy. He had a charming voice that you could listen to forever. “I can think of a few ways…” you responded as you stood up, dripping wet. You beckoned him closer  and deeply inhaled his delicious scent. He smelled like home. Throwing your arms around him, you inched your lips closer to his, teasing him, not letting him get close enough for a real kiss. He frowned and slightly pouted. “Either give a proper kiss or I walk away.” You knew it was a false threat. Cassian wouldn’t ever leave your embrace now that he was turned on. 
But you decided to keep playing with him, wanting to see how far you could push him. 
“Yeah? Walk away then, baby.” You let your arms drop to the side, slightly tilting your head with a small smirk on your lips. You felt a surge of amusement as you observed him, jaw tight and knuckles white from clenching, meeting your gaze with defiant determination. “Stop fucking with me, y/n/n. You want me as much as I do.” It was his turn to return a mocking smirk. “ What, you think I don’t know you by now? You think I don’t know that you wanna be fucked until you can’t think straight? Little one, I have years on you. I know your body better than you. I’ll ask again. Are you going to kiss me properly or do I walk away?”
 Fucking hell. He really did know your body better than you since his words only fueled you on. While you enjoyed toying with him, it was time to throw in the towel. No way where you wasting any more time. With hands behind your back you looked up at him, doe-eyed and blushy. “I’ll give you a proper kiss, Cassie. Then please take me to bed.” He smiled down at you with a devilish smile, putting his hand on your hips as he pulled towards his warm chest. “ Whatever my baby wants, she gets.” With hands on his chest, you stood on your toes as water swished around your legs, putting your plush lips against his soft ones. 
 Careful, gentle, loving, comforting and really fucking hot.
That was all you could think of when you were kissing him. One of his warm hands roamed all over your body as his other one cupped your face, deepening the kiss. Your own hands stayed in one spot, your favorite place to put your hands. His chest. You absolutely loved touching his chest. Giving his pecs a light squeeze, resting against them, anything really. Centuries of honing his body into a weapon had made him look like a god. 
You wanted to dry off and move to your bedroom, and as if Cassian had read your thoughts, he grabbed the towel without breaking the kiss and wrapped it around you. He simply picked you up, wrapping your legs around his waist as he moved to the bedroom before gently lowering you to the soft bed. Cassian caught your wrists and pinned them, crisscrossed, above your head while he settled between your legs, once again wrapping them around his waist. You kissed until your lips swelled and pulled away for air. 
He forced your legs apart, hand cupping your pussy. You let out a gasp, quickly gripping onto his broad shoulders. Cassian carefully watched your face as it contorted into pleasure when he pushed in two fingers, your eyes rolling into the back of your head as you let out a moan.
 “Feels good, wifey? ” Cassian asked as your nails dug into his shoulders, hips bucking into his touch. “ mhmm, yeah it feels really fucking good.” you managed to respond as you felt his fingers speed up, curling into that delicious spot that made you absolutely melt. 
He wanted to be inside of you, fuck you and ruin you all over the sheets. “ It would feel a lot better  if I had you wrapped around my cock.” He said, looking up at you through is his dark lashes, eyes full of mirth. You clenched around his fingers at the thought of him filling you up with his thick cock. It had been a while since you had been properly dicked down by him, since you two were busy with life and kids. Quickies, fingering and handjobs were all you had time for since the twins were born 6 months ago. As much as you loved your kids, you also loved alone time with your mate and it was rare these days. So of course you’d use this weekend to get fucked, and maybe that would help you relax a bit. Cassians cock had always been the answer for you. 
Mad? Get dicked down. Sad? Get dicked down. Happy? Get dicked down. 
No wonder you had four kids…
You nodded eagerly at him, “ Please cassie, fill me up. I really need it.” He sat up, dumped his clothes on the floor and positioned his cock infront of your throbbing core, teasing a bit. He used his fingers to scissor you open a bit. When you felt even more slick under his touch he retracted his fingers and licked your wetness off of them. He smiled at around his fingers and said, “Delicious.” Your chuckle morphed seamlessly into a moan when he slammed his lenght into you.
  He let out a sound of pleasure as he pushed himself into you. You clenched around his cock, you were so wet and slippery around him. He let out a pleased groan as he started giving you deep strokes. His pace quickened with the intention of finishing inside of you. He loved to make a mess of your pussy like that, fuck you full of his cum and watch it slowly drip out. Nothing made him more possessive than seeing his mate full of his cum. “Fuck, you’re taking me so well, sweetheart. Such a good girl for me, I’m so proud of you, my beautiful girl.” He knew the exact words you needed today and it made you feel so emotional that he knew you this well. 
You blushed. Pleasure crept up your spine once more. Your legs were starting to shake, sweat coated your back. He pulled you into his arms and kissed you as his strokes were getting faster and faster, his lips muffling your moans. He kept up the pace, feeling the pleasure flow through his body, bringing him closer to climax. He loved the feeling of you around him.
 He was addicted to it. He was addicted to you.
You moaned and arched your back as he continued to fuck into you. You wanted to cum so badly, and as if Cassian once again read your mind, he said something that almost made you cry.
“ Don’t cum yet.”
He must have caught your annoyed stare because he looked down, sporting his usual grin, and said, “I want us to come together. You can handle that, right, pretty?” Your brows furrowed as you attempted to feign annoyance, though deep down, you weren't truly bothered at all.
 No, no you weren’t mad at all because if he was adamant about you finishing together, then you’d do everything in your power to make it happen. You got closer to him, pressing a quick kiss before deepening it as your tounges swirled around each other before you pulled away, biting his lip. He let out a groan and it only spurred you on. You pulled out all your tricks, whispering downright filthy things in his ear. That seemed to do the trick. Cassian thrusted deeper and deeper, rubbing tight circles on your neglected clit before you came in unison. 
You moaned at the feeling, warmth filled you as his pace started to slow down. Your mate collapsed on top of you and your put his head on your chest as you ran your fingers through his hair. He remembered that he hadn’t pulled out yet but before he could you stopped him. 
“ Please baby, don’t pull out yet. It feels really warm and good and I want you in me forever.”
You felt his chest rumble with a gentle laughter. “ Whatever you want, you shall have. You did so well, sugar. I love you.” You kissed his forehead and gave him praise back. “ Thank you, baby. I’m so happy you’re here, I love you too.”
Safe to say you fucked the whole weekend, everywhere, only taking breaks for food and occasional naps. But you also basked in the intimacy of having him. by yourself. Eating together, talking about everything between the heavens and earth, cracking jokes and just enjoying yourselves. 
You and your mate, together for all eternity...
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goldenlikedayl1ght · 5 months
false god - m. murdock
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a/n: sorry if this is bad i did my best because i have been thinking about him a lot warnings: cursing, smut, cunninglus (reader recieving), exhibition (kind of?) matt has an oral fixation, praise, premarital activites, reader is deaf and uses hearing aids but it's only mentioned once, if i missed any let me know! word count: 1.8k summary: the night before your wedding, you and matt are starving. you want to order room service, matt wants to eat out. pairing: matt x fem!reader now playing: false god - taylor swift "but we might just get away with it/religion's in your lips/even if it's a false god/we'd still worship/we might just get away with it/the altar is my hips"
When the devil finally proposed to you, he did it amongst flames and darkness.
Okay, maybe it wasn’t quite as dramatic as that.
Matt had proposed to you in the empty office of Nelson, Murdock & Page where you had met, with the lights turned down and candles lighting up the air around you. It was romantic, just as the two of you deserved.
Planning took a long time, too, with flowers, dresses and food taking over your every thought.
But now, all of that was done. There was nothing to be worried about anymore, as you and Matt specifically requested that if anything were to go wrong, Foggy and Karen would take care of it the best they could and not alarm the two of you unless someone was either dying or threatening to kill you.
So, in less than twenty-four hours, you would be Mrs. Matt Murdock, doomed to a life of lawyer jargon and patching up wounds, with no way out. The thought made you giddy.
The ceremony was going to be held at the church, but the pair of you had moved in with each other a long time ago, so it felt weird to try and avoid each other the night before the wedding and the morning in your own apartment. So, you and your future husband, as well as your small wedding party, had booked a few rooms in a hotel near the church.
You both had your respective ‘last hurrah’ a few weeks prior, so there was really nothing to do after the rehearsal dinner other than head to your room and relax, waiting for your alarm to go off to start getting ready.
You had decided to take it easy, enjoying a glass of wine after what you deemed to be an ‘everything’ shower, taking all the necessary precautions to feel like your best self on your wedding day. You had even bought yourself a nice silk pajama set, white, just like your rehearsal dress, and just like your wedding dress.
Your wedding dress hung freshly steamed in the closet of the hotel room, your shoes placed neatly beneath it. Your jewelry and accessories were laid out neatly on the dresser across from the bed. Your wedding ring sat in a box, inscribed with your husband’s name on it. He sat next to it, your name in braille on the inside of the ring.
In the morning, your mom, your sister, Karen, Marci and the woman who had been doing your hair and makeup for every major life event would be there, coffee in Karen’s hands, as your soon to be husband and his best friend got ready together, reminiscing on how they had landed themselves here.
Everything was perfectly set in place. Your job now was to just get married, and really, how hard could that be?
So, with your wine, you tuck yourself into bed with full intentions of getting a good night’s rest in your silky bridal pajamas.
Except, your job was almost done. There were no more seating arrangements to make, no one else to chase after for an RSVP, no more fittings, and no more menus to create to adhere to you and your soon to be husband’s particular tastes.
So, for the first time in weeks, you weren’t stressed at all.. Which left you with one conclusion:
You missed Matt.
You had seen him a few hours ago for the rehearsal dinner, but you were suddenly left with the conclusion that you were aching for the man you’d spend the rest of your life with.
Before you realized what you were doing, you were calling him.
On the second ring, he answered.
“Hey, sweetheart. Everything okay?”
“Hi. Everything’s great.”
A pause.
“Okay, do you want to talk about anything..?”
“There’s nothing else to do, Matty!” You’re out of bed and pacing now. “I’m stress free, and I can’t even be with you!”
You hear his laugh from the other side of the line, and it makes your heart flutter.
“We have the rest of our lives to spend the night together, baby.” He must have had a drink or two like you, because ‘baby’ is his tipsy nickname for you.
“I know, but I miss you now. And I’m hungry.” You tell him.
“Do you want to come over, order room service, and make out?”  He grins. “You just have to leave before midnight, it’s bad luck to see the bride the day of the wedding.”
You’re putting on your slippers when you pause and consider this for a minute.
“Matt, You’re blind.”
“And you’re deaf, don’t forget your hearing aids, baby.”
“How drunk are you right now? How would I be talking to you if I didn’t have them in right now?” You question.
A pause.
“I can’t wait to marry you.” His voice is softer now, and before you know it, you’re out the door and walking down the hallway.
He opens the door before you can knock, because of all the men in New York, you’ve landed the one with heightened abilities.
“Hi.” You grin, but he doesn’t respond. He simply leans down and picks you up bridal style, much to your objection. He kicks the door behind him closed before he carries you to the bed. He lays you down on it, finding himself on top of you.
“Silk?” He asks gently, his hand on your side.
“Mhm. Bridal pajamas.” You giggle. He just grins and leans in to kiss you. He pulls away from the kiss only to move to your jaw, and then down your neck. “Matthew, I want to order room service, I’m starved!”
His hands find their way underneath your top, his fingers beginning to creep up your skin.
“Me too. Been planning so much, I’ve hardly had the chance to be with you.. To touch you like this.”
You hum softly, but then your stomach rumbles loudly. So, when He lands on his knees in front of you and pulls you forward so that his head is between your thighs, he takes a second to lean over, searching for the room service menu before handing it to you, as well as the phone.
“What looks good, baby?” He asks, leaning his cheek against your thigh. Your pajama bottoms are shorts, so his warm cheek is a sharp contrast to your skin.
“What are you up to, Murdock?” You ask suspiciously, sitting up to look at the menu.
“Nothing, what kind of desserts do they have on there?”
What a weird, secretive man your future husband is.
“Uh, they have a crème brulee, apple pie, angel cake with chocolate ganache frosting—”
“Oo, can you order me one of those?” he asks, starting to kiss your thighs. Your face flushes.
“Sure, But I’m also gonna order the chocolate covered strawberries and the brownie al a mode—”
“Whatever you want, sweetheart.” He hums, “You just have to order it for me.”
You raise an eyebrow at him, but you go to dial the number for room service.
The woman on the other end of the phone is very nice.
As she begins to talk, Matt listens in, but mainly focuses on pulling down your shorts and panties, kissing along your thighs.
Your free hand goes to his hair to try and keep him from eating you out while you order room service, but he is a persistent man.
His lips meet your clit first, and he listens as you gasp, trying to finish the order that he had so kindly requested you to make. His tongue meets your folds, finally satiating the hunger he had for weeks leading up to this.
Your fingers grip his hair, only making him quicken his pace.
“Can I also get uhm—” You can barely think straight. “The uh, Fuck—” Matt’s nose rubs against your clit, his tongue moving at a devastating pace.
“Ma’am, are you okay?” The woman on the other line asks.
“Yeah, Sorry, stubbed my toe on the dresser,” You explain. Matt grins from his place between your thighs. His tongue drags up and down, as if he’s licking every inch of you, like maybe he’ll never be able to taste you again. “The angel cake, can we get two slices of that?” You ask, your fiancé’s pace increasing.
“Yeah, of course. Anything else?”
Matt takes only a moment to stop his assault on your pussy, to add, “The strawberries, baby,” before continuing to lap his tongue against your wet heat.
“The chocolate covered strawberries, and that’s it,” You finish.
“Alright, we have the brownie, the strawberries, and the cake..” She finishes. “What room?”
“Two twenty six,” You tell her. You roll your hips up to try and get more from Matt, but one hand leaves his grip on your thigh to hold your hips down. He knows you’re close, he always knows.
“Oh, are you the bride for tomorrow?” She asks.
This god damn wedding.
“Mhm,” You manage out, biting your lip to try and stop yourself from moaning.
“Congratulations!” She chirps, “Consider the room service complimentary, then,” She gifts.
“Thank you, very much.” You hum.
Matt stops his assault again.
“Ask her how long,” and then he’s back to tasting you, relentlessly.
“How long?” You ask, breathlessly.
“Should only be about ten, fifteen minutes.”
“Okay, thank you,” You say again, your grip on Matt’s hair tightening as you edge closer to your orgasm.
“Of course! Have a very happy wedding day!” And with that, she hangs up, and you toss the phone in the general direction of the machine.
“I’m gonna kill you,” You tell Matt, who stops quickly.
“Do you want to kill me, or do you want me to make you cum?” He asks. He looks really pretty between your thighs.
“Please, Matty..” You give in, and he smirks.
“That’s my good girl.” And he continues to suck your clit, edging you closer and closer. His pace quickens, somehow even more. You let out a soft moan that sounds like absolute heaven to Matt’s ears.
Your thighs are starting to shake because you’re so damn close. Matt keeps his licks consistent, waiting for your release. Your fingers tug on his hair, as you moan, finally hitting your release. He lets you ride out your high, licking all your cum up, making sure to suck up every last drop.
“So sweet and so good for me..” he hums, planting a soft kiss to your clit before pulling away, licking his lips.
“You’re such a dick..” You giggle.
He laughs, kissing your thigh.
“Did so well for me, Sweetheart..” He hums, leaning up to give you a soft kiss. When he pulls away, he slips your shorts back on, and looks like he has a new idea. “Ten to fifteen minutes, huh?”
“Mhm..” You’re just looking at him with such adoration.
“We could probably put that pretty mouth to good use while we wait, right?”
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fluentmoviequoter · 2 months
Keep Living with Us
Part 2 of Keep Living with Me | Requested Here!
Pairing: Tim Bradford x fem!Anderson!cop!reader
Summary: After the death of your mother and getting engaged to Tim Bradford, you take another step in life.
Warnings: fluff, brief angst, mentions of parental death (Zoe Andersen), pregnancy
Word Count: 1.8k+ words
Picture from Pinterest
Masterlist Directory | Tim Bradford Masterlist | Request Info/Fandom List
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“What about those?” Tim asks, pointing at another page in the magazine before you.
You hum before turning the page. Tim pulls his hand away from your lap before gently removing the magazine from your hands. He raises an open palm to your cheek and gently turns your face to his.
“What’s wrong?”
“I don’t want to answer any questions unless they’re asked under fairy lights,” you murmur.
Tim notices that your eyes aren’t quite to his. The past few months have been hard, but you’ve been able to move on and take your life back from the man who murdered your mother. Thanks in no small part to Tim and his constant presence by your side.
“That proposal spoiled you,” he muses. “I knew I should have asked you in those ratty old pajamas.”
“You said I look beautiful in those pajamas.”
“And you do. You don’t have to talk to me about it if you don’t want to, but don’t hold it all inside.”
“I just- planning a wedding is hard, but I always thought I’d be doing it with her. My mom was in every idea and dream I had of my future. Now she’s gone. Even looking at bridal magazines makes me miss her more.”
Tim leans forward and kisses your forehead. He loves you and has reminded you that life is worth living, and the loss and grief you feel do get better, though it never goes away.
“I have a question for you,” you murmur against his palm.
Tim looks up before he clicks his tongue. “No fairy lights.”
“Will you go dress shopping with me? You don’t have to see the dress or anything, but I want you there.”
“Of course. I’m great at picking wedding dresses; ask Angela.”
“Thank you.”
Tim hasn’t said you’re welcome in weeks, always saying, “I love you” instead. Just as he does now.
“I love you more.”
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“Knock, knock,” Wade calls through the curtain separating your bridal suite.
“Come in,” you call.
“Wow,” he compliments as he enters. “You look beautiful.”
“Don’t make me cry this makeup off.”
Wade chuckles before asking to speak privately. Your bridal party, including Angela and Lucy, excuse themselves, and you take Wade’s hand as he leads you to sit on the settee.
“I know what you just said about crying, but I have something for you.” He pulls an envelope from his blazer pocket and taps it against his hand. “Your mom was a planner and a good one. She, uh, wrote you this letter and gave it to me in case anything ever happened to her. Actually, she wrote you a different letter, and replaced it with this one a week or so before everything happened.”
You take the envelope carefully, tearing up at the sight of your mom’s handwriting on the front.
“I’ll leave you to read it, but it’s a big day, and you deserve to know that your mom loved you.”
“Can you stay? Please,” you say as he stands.
Wade nods and returns to his seat. He watches you as you remove the letter and read it. When your eyes reach the bottom of the paper, you look away quickly and wipe under your eyes with the pads of your thumbs.
“Can you find Tim?” you ask with a sniffle. “I need to talk to him.”
“I can. He’s not seeing that pretty dress, though.”
You stand after Wade leaves and pace the bridal suite. It’s less than three minutes later when Tim steps through the curtain. Finding it impossible not to, you laugh at him.
“This was Wade’s idea,” he grumbles.
Tim raises his arms, and you take his hands with another laugh.
“Whose tie is that?” you ask.
“Wesley’s. Can’t you tell from the quality silk?”
Tim uses your joined hands to pull you closer, and he lowers his voice to ask if you’re alright.
“Wade gave me a note from my mom. She talked about you and how happy we were together. Uh, the last line was that our life together would be twice a life.”
“You sound like you’re about to cry,” Tim says. “Please don’t. If you start crying, I have to take the tie off.”
“Just hug me, Tim,” you demand.
Tim happily pulls you into his arms and kisses the top of your head. In parallel to the night after the funeral, Tim holds you close and whispers promises that everything will be okay and you’re never alone. When he adds that he loves you and he can’t wait to be your husband, you choke on a cry.
“Don’t,” you say as his hands move to the tie. “I’m okay. You- you can go now.”
“Oh, great,” Tim groans as he turns away. “Now it’s my turn to cry when you walk down the aisle in the perfect dress.”
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The moment you step into Tim’s sight at the end of the aisle, tears build in his eyes. Though it’s Wade at your side, you feel your mom’s presence, too. It’s as if she is right beside you and cheering you on the entire walk down the aisle.
“You’re perfect,” Tim whispers as he takes your hand.
You shake your head, but Tim squeezes your hand to reiterate his point.
“The dress is perfect,” you reply with a smile.
Tim picked it for you to try on and it ended up being your favorite. The surprise on his face when he first saw it was just as amazing as you anticipated. Now, at the altar before all your closest friends and those who have become family, you know that you’re living again, and nothing can take the life you have built with Tim.
“I love you,” Tim mouths as the crowd takes their seats.
“I love you more,” you reply silently.
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“Hi,” you greet.
“Watch your step,” Tim chides as his hands move to your hips. “This is harder than it looks.”
Tim moves the bouquet into the crook of his elbow before taking your hands. The sun has set, and only ambient light illuminates the trail before you.
“Hi again,” you start over. “We got married, Mom.”
“Thanks to you,” Tim adds.
You don’t sit down, too worried about grass stains on your reception dress. Tim seems to understand why you stop farther back. He steps forward and sets the flowers at the base of the headstone before returning to your side.
“It was your daughter’s idea to give you her bouquet,” Tim says.
“And it was your son-in-law’s idea to do it before we left. Everything that I am and have is thanks to you, Mom. I miss you like crazy, but I know you’re with me everywhere I go.”
“She loved you,” Tim murmurs against your shoulder.
“She loved you, too,” you tell him. “We’re going on our honeymoon. I know you would’ve given me a hard time about the time off, but you’d also be happy for me. I love you, Mom.”
You turn away and smile at Tim. He nods before kissing you and whispering, “I’ll catch up.” When you’re out of earshot, he squats and says, “I will treat her better than you ever thought I would. Thank you for letting me be your son-in-law, Zoe.”
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Four months after you return from your honeymoon, you walk into the Mid-Wilshire Station; not for work, but to visit Tim on your day off. Your smile is wide, and even Smitty notices your contagious excitement.
“Tim!” you call when you see him.
“Hi,” he greets as he turns to meet you. “What are you doing here?”
“I have something to show you. Can we go somewhere private?”
“Ooh,” Smitty interjects before pursing his lips.
“I would gladly go somewhere away from him,” Tim agrees.
He leads you into an empty break room before looking you over. Other than your growing smile, you look the same as you did when he left this morning.
“Here,” you say, passing him a small box.
Tim raises his brows before removing the lid. The small plastic stick inside causes him to freeze, and he slowly puts the lid back on and sets it down before cupping your face between his hands.
“We’re pregnant?” he asks softly.
You nod, and your smile falters for a moment before Tim’s smile grows to match yours. He pulls you into a kiss before wrapping his arms around your waist and spinning you around. As you gasp in surprise and excitement, you know that this is the life your mom and Tim talked about.
“What is happening in here?” Angela asks as she opens the door.
You nod at Tim, and he says, “We’re having a baby.”
“You’re pregnant?!” “Who’s pregnant?” Lucy asks from outside. She sees you and squeals before joining your hug with Angela. “Ooh, can I do your gender reveal party?”
“Not without me,” Angela answers.
“You’re not arguing with me, Tim. What’s wrong?”
“I can’t find a single thing wrong with this moment,” Tim admits as he pulls you into another hug.
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“You really didn’t know about this?” Tim asks again.
“No! Just shoot it, Tim!” you cheer before placing your headphones on again.
Tim levels the gun in his hands before aiming at the target. A shooting range gender reveal sounded like the perfect idea, and you were happy to let Tim do the honors. As he pulls the trigger, you hold your breath for the millisecond it takes to hit the target.
The packet behind the target erupts and turns the range pink. You cheer before Tim picks you up and yells in excitement. He sets you down and kisses you before running his hands over your bump, where your daughter is healthy and growing.
“We’re having a girl,” he whispers in awe.
“I love you,” you reply.
You’re pulled apart by your friends, but the joy of everyone around you only increases your happiness.
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The night after the gender reveal, you find yourself lying beside Tim, with your head on his chest as you watch your most recent ultrasound.
“Look at her little hands,” you coo. “She’s perfect.”
“Hey,” Tim says. You ignore him to point out something else. “We should name her Zoe.”
You sit up quickly, momentarily forgetting that you have a bump to impede your movements. Tim moves to accommodate your new position and smiles at the look on your face.
“What?” you ask.
“We should name her Zoe. Your mom got us here, and honoring and remembering her like that would- I think it’s a good idea.”
“It’s a great idea,” you agree. “Tim, thank you. For everything.”
“Of course.”
“No, you don’t know; you can’t imagine how much you and our relationship… how much you’ve done for me and what it means. I can’t thank you enough or tell you that I love you enough.”
“I love you more,” Tim says.
You smile wetly as tears gather in your eyes. Tim pulls you against his chest and restarts the ultrasound recording. When he whispers again that he loves you, your baby kicks. At this moment, you can’t imagine how different things would be without Tim, or if you had given up and stopped living. You’ll never know because of Tim Bradford.
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jupitermoontarot24 · 2 months
😈🤍Your Person's Current Feelings?🤍
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Hi guys welcome to another reading!
Check me out on Patreon where I upload weekly : twice per week!
Piles 1-5
Pile 1 💗
This person could be heartbroken over a certain situation that you guys had. I think this is definitely something from the past. This person could be numbing the pain with alcohol, with work or with healing properties. This person could be numbing the pain with the knowledge of spirituality. Getting closer with their god, reading more, doing yoga. This person could also be talking to their mother about this situation. Getting advice from their mother or mother figures in their life. I think this person has the confidence to come to you now. It might have taken a long time for them to mend this broken heart and to actually get enough advice and knowledge from other things and people to come to you. Going to their mother could have been the last step that they needed. They might have started different business endeavors and rebuilding from the Dark Night of the Soul era they were in. It's like they got their mother's blessing, or they just want advice from a different perspective especially if they're masculine they wanted a feminine perspective. I think their mother gave them some good advice too to just go for it. You know when you're going through something in life like even if you're about to get arrested or something lol you call your mom because it's like your mom knows the answer to everything. That's all this person feels, they feel like if their mom told them that they should do it then they definitely should because moms know best. This person feels like they are healed enough to come forward. They could have been broken when they met you so it's not that you did anything but they were already triggers, red flags and things there  they needed to heal that maybe they didn't realize until they met you. So they realize that they had to come together with themselves before they gave themselves to you fully. It's like all these things that they did, did fulfill them yes but they know that the only thing that will completely fill them is you. They might have it all now. They might have a good decent job, they might be at peace with themselves but they still miss you. That's how you know that you really love somebody, you have everything you still think about them. This person could've even healed the relationship with their mother or parents or mother figures as well. This person can have the greatest day ever, and then come home and think about you all night. That's what makes them know that they need you in their life in whatever way. It's like everything around them blends together and nothing stands out anymore. They realize how important love is now. This person could have just dated people because they were cute or because it made sense or because it looked good but they realized that the only thing that matters is true love. They have matured a lot. You could meet this person again or hang out with them and I promise you they are a completely different person than when you met them originally. They act so differently, they think so differently, they are so different. They feel like you are the one for them and they would have done anything to show you that, but they also had to do these things to show themselves that they were deserving of this love. It's nothing you could have done to keep this person around. Nothing that you said, nothing that you did. It's something they know they needed to do in order to be the best person they could be for you. They feel sorry for the way things ended and for the way they treated you but they don't regret leaving because it had to be done. They hope you understand and you get why and where they come from. They want your forgiveness though. 
From Time
Pile 2 🤠
This person is infatuated with your physical looks. I think this person is surprised about the way you act or you react to certain things. They can feel like you have a bratty attitude. They feel like you can be shallow if you care about the way your hair looks, the way your outfits look and the way you look. This person can feel like you always feel like something is wrong or something is always wrong. They feel like you're hard to please, you're impossible to please. They feel like you only see beauty within yourself or the things that you want to see beauty in. I mean beauty is in the eye of the beholders is it not? They could feel like you talk too much or you complain too much. They feel like you like to disagree with them. They feel like they're doing all the work in the relationship. They can feel like they have to do a lot to make you comfortable, to get you to have sex with them. They can feel like it's starting to weigh on them because everything is always on your time and your way. You need things to be specific in a certain way. They can feel like you only give if you receive first. They feel like you're very restricted. Yes this person feels like they have to say the right things, they have to make the right moves and have to do everything right to be on your good side. They feel like doing too much work makes them not even want it like how they used to. This person feels like they always have to be on some type of guard when they're with you. I think this person is in their feminine energy. If you're reading for a masculine this person is feminine energy. That's what it feels like. They feel like they should be receiving or whatever and that's why they don't like doing this because they're not a provider, they're not in their masculine energy. This reading has a lot of cups so they're more emotional than anything else. They can also be a liar is what I heard. This person doesn't want to work for a strong relationship. It's like working is not something that they want to do. They can feel like you should be with somebody else or they might lose you to somebody else because they're putting in less effort. This person can start getting on your nerves or distance themselves before they tell you how they feel. This doesn't seem like a straightforward person honestly. They might come and tell you this soon though. They might try to have sex with you before they break up with you definitely. This is coming to an end. I don't think that there is any life force left in this relationship. 
Trey Songz - Last Time [Official Music Video]
Pile 3 ⭐
This person could feel like they want to tie you down. They don't care if you don't want to be tied down or even if you just broke up with somebody they want to be with you. They want commitment with you and I think they want to be selfish too. They don't care if you're not ready. They don't  care if you're still grieving a relationship. Maybe you just got out of one? This person is afraid that you'll heal and somebody else will get you or maybe they're afraid that you'll get back with your ex. They feel like you are so adorable, so cute they would never want to make you cry. They want to spend some money on you real bad. This person is bored so it's like they only spend their time thinking about you because you're the only thing that they are looking forward to right now. You can grieve it out while you're with me, you can cry on my chest if you need to. Is what this person wants to say. This person is concerned about how you feel though, they don't want you to think that they don't care. It's just that they would prefer for you to be with them and be sad with them instead of crawling back to your ex who did the damage. They want to treat you right through this process and treat you how you should be treated. They want to get your hair done ,nails, they want to get anything done for you that will make you feel better. They want you to have a revenge glow up on your ex or haters. They feel like you should just give up all your burdens to them. 
They want to be the one that you cry over, the one that you laugh with. They want to be the one that makes you feel different emotions.
Chris Brown "i Wanna Be" Lyrics
 This person wants to put their hands on you and help to heal you. They want to come save you, they want to be your savior. This actually makes me want to cry. This person knows what it's like to be hurt by somebody you love. They've been through that and they understand how you could feel. This is very genuine energy. This person feels like you're not elevating with this person or the people around you. They feel like it's only two moods with this person. It's like you're either okay or terrible. They feel like you're being choked by this person/ppl. You're being suffocated, you'll never be able to grow around them. They feel like this person is stressing you out, because of this you can't be the best person that you could be. They feel like you're too good for this. They feel like this relationship comes at a price. They feel like you smile through the pain with this person. This person wants to know what you see in your current partner or ex. This person feels like you're always in a state of confusion with the person you're with now. It feels like this person feels like you're an angel dealing with the Devil. They want to come see you right now. This person thinks about all of this a lot. They have been watching you, they've been watching this other person, they've seen it all and they feel bad. They feel bad that you're being treated like this. They feel like you should be being treated so much better. This person is actually about to say something and offer you some type of Love offer. They think about this a lot. They pondered this all day everyday. They want to give you something stable. They will fight for this connection. This is heavy on this person's mind. This person could light a light bulb with how much electricity they burning thinking about you omg lmbb. This person seems like they're very serious about you so I hope it goes well. 
T.I. - Why You Wanna [Official Video]
Pile 4  😏
This person could be hurting inside. They could be numbing it with weed or just other things. They can feel like something else is going on behind the scenes and they're just waiting for it to be exposed. This person could feel like you're pretty on the outside but you have inner work that you have to do. They could feel like your emotions run darker than you lead or you look. This person can feel like you numb these emotions too with whatever. They could think you guys are meant to be together but maybe just not right now. They could think you say things behind their back, that's for some people. They could think you're not happy in this relationship. This person can feel like you suppress your emotions and you express them through your hair or the way you dress or through smoking instead of speaking on them. This person can feel like your relationship is not progressing. It's not getting worse but it's also not getting better like you guys are not growing closer. This person can feel like it's only a matter of time before you guys split. Whether that's you breaking up with them or they break up with you. They may feel like you have trust issues. This person can feel like they're being punished because you have trust issues. I think you could come off happy but you might not tell this person your thoughts or how you feel but I think this person can feel the underlying energy. They feel that there's some masked things underneath the surface. This person could feel like you don't always handle what's bothering you and instead you let it build up. They feel like you wouldn't fight for their relationship if it came down to it. They feel like your heart is somewhere else and that doesn't have to be with another person but maybe you have a lot on your mind or a lot you have to sort through. This person feels like you're not happy. They feel like it's something missing within you that only you can figure out. They think about this a lot when you're not together. They feel conflicted about how they want to tell you these things. They feel like you could break up with them soon. This person could be preparing for you to break up with them. They might be slowly preparing in whatever way that means. This person could want to have a good memory to leave off on so they might try to have a really good day or really good next couple weeks with you. It's like this person is waiting for the other shoe to drop in your relationship. They're suspicious of you in some type of way. I'm not sure if this person can figure out who or what is driving you to feel like this. Maybe they've tried and they had no luck?  This person is watching you really closely though. They are watching you super close because they just feel like this is coming to an end and they want to be prepared for that. It's like you guys have a good time but it's kind of shallow now, its surface level. They feel like you're cheating on them and you won't tell them the truth, they feel like you're keeping secrets. This energy is kind of Dreary so I'm going to close this out. I think you get the picture. They feel like they would be playing themselves to stay with you, or they feel like a fool in the situation. 
SiR - John Redcorn
Pile 5 😊
This person could want to have a conversation with you. They could want you to come over to where they're at so you guys can talk. This person wants to see your body, they want to see what you're wearing these days. They definitely want to touch on you to feel your body. They want to do something sensual like paint, and drink wine together, stare into each other's eyes and share how they feel. It's like you're a ghost or a phantom in this person's place. You must not talk to this person anymore? It's like they sit in their room or their living room and they think about when you were there. They think about you all the time. This person can feel like they took this opportunity for granted, they took you for granted. This person is also more spiritual, they could be more spiritual than they once were. They could have also picked up another hobby, something that calms them down and brings them back to center. They could have felt like you centered them so they had to find something else to ground them since you guys aren't together anymore. They want to kiss you right now. This person wants to have sex with you bad. They want to be intimate with you again, they want to share that moment with you again. It's like if they got the opportunity to have sex with you again they would show you through the sex how much they really love you. They feel like you made their house a home and now it feels cold without you. This person can't find anybody that looks as good as you, smells as good as you, and has great style like you do. They can't find anybody like you. This person hopes they get the opportunity to tell you why they did the things they did and how they really feel about you. They want to be completely honest with you. They want to be the person you come home to and vice versa. They want to ask you for some type of commitment. Later on they might ask you to move in with them or have a child with them. This person is really regretful for all the things they did to you because you were always so nice and genuine to this person. They had demons that they had to face and this caused you to leave. I think this person has realized this and they've come into union with themselves. This person had to remember that they were human, that they weren't just a robot with a battery pack. It's like they forgot to feel emotions and care about people. They are so horny I don't know if they just are horny to please you or they are just horny in general but oh my gosh. I think they're horny for you. I think they want to show out in the bedroom for you. They love you. They want to show their Devotion to you. This person could reach out soon as well, they want you to come see them. They have a lot of pent up anger and
resentment towards this relationship. I think they want to test the waters with you. They don't know what type of situation you're in and how you feel about them currently. They could think you're at peace without them and that you're working on your stability. They could reach out, out of nowhere. I think they've been watching your social media. They've been visiting your social media from time to time. They do want to message you. This person has sat on this energy for a good little while and they've actually thought about it and honed in how they really truly feel about it, could have took them a minute too. They don't want to lose you, they see themselves in you and they really admire that about the connection. They want to nurture you. They love you but I feel like they don't show that necessarily. I think they have a good poker face or they're used to having to hide their feelings about everything so they're not used to being vulnerable. But they realize that they have to be vulnerable with you in order to have you around. You could show up in this person's dreams. They were unavailable; they were emotionally unavailable when they met you. They think about sharing a household with you .This person can't move on without saying what they want to say and getting it off their chest first. They don't care if you're dealing with somebody. They have to say this. They feel like you bring in so much abundance to them, you brought in so much life to their environment. They felt like they were rich with you; they just feel so alive. They don't feel like that anymore ,they feel broke and lost. 
Jordin Sparks, Chris Brown - No Air (Official Video) ft. Chris Brown
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harmoonix · 2 years
Sweet Astrology Notes part II💕
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Hey everyone i saw y'all liked the part one so much so i decided to make a second part of this too ��💕
Part One:♡
People with Sagittarius Moon are having one of the best Moon Placements because it makes them to be sooo optimistic and very jovial, is something very pure they have about their optimism and happiness. (Applying if Moon is in the 9th house or at Sagittarius Degrees 9°, 21°)
Jupiter in Leo can give you a very charming and very attractive husband/spouse (If you are attracted to Men). A very passionate spouse too but be careful because they might have a big ego (This can apply if you have Leo in the 7th house)
People with Leo Moon can give a very royal aura, they are having a very attractive personality
People with Mercury in Pisces might enjoy reading about fairy - tales and Romantic Romans/books
People with Ascendant - Lilith aspects can look very witchy and intimidating other people :0, a lot of eyes are on them
People with Ascendant - Sun aspects are having a very good personality, like omg these people have a shining aura around them, mostly gold either yellow but they can shine always and wherever they go
People with Mars - Pluto aspects can break you in bed either to break the bed with you. Send prayers for y'all's beds 💕
People with Pluto - Neptune aspects radiate some powerful enchanting character, these people can feel very dreamy and mostly with cloud in heads but they are in their own unique world
People with Gemini moon are so cute, i just wanna hug them all day, my friend has this moon placement and omg he is so cute i just wanna hug him all day long
People with Jupiter in Virgo can attract a very practical and open minded husband/spouse, they can also give you a lot of affection 🥺omg so sweet y'all who have this Jupiter sign are lucky af
Jupiter in 9th house might experience a lot of traveling, there are high chances you can met your spouse in a foreign country or to travel with your spouse a lot omg i love this palcement too/This can apply if you have Asteroid Juno (3) in the 9th house
Mars in Pisces can give a Sirene vibe, a very high sensual and attractive placement, they can have a high drive in bed too, stay safe y'all and enjoy 💕
Mars in Sagittarius can have a very curvy body either big thighs, either their body/silhouette is very attractive to others
If asteroid Juno (3) makes an harmonious aspect with the Moon (Quintile, Bi-quintile, Sextile, Trine and conjunct might work too) your spouse can very emotional and needy of you, i swear Juno - Moon aspects are one of the best aspects to have you are lucky if you have them. Your spouse might take care of you a lot too
If it makes an harsh aspect (Semi square, Square, Opposition, Conjunction can apply too,) the spouse can have a very hard time to be emotional or it might be hard for them to open themselves 🥺 these people do really deserve a big hug, it can be very hard for them to open their feelings.
Moon in Cancer can be overprotective to their family members and friends, tho they don't do it to harm others, they are just protective of their loved ones
Neptune in Scorpio Degrees (8°, 20°) can make someone to fantasize a lot about erotic things either can be very horny and to think at that all day long
Neptune in Aries Degrees (1°, 13°, 25°) can make someone very confident about their dreams, about their future they have a strong confidence esteem
If you have the Moon at Cancer Degrees (4°, 16°, 28°) you can have a very good connection with your mom, a very powerful one. But if you have these degrees in your moon and you don't have a good connection with your mom, then your ancestors could have a good connection with you instead, you can communicate with them trough your dreams
Lilith in Cancer and Leo or Lilith at (4°,5°,16° 17°, 28°, 29° degrees, Lilith in 4th or 5th house,Lilith making an aspect with the sun or moon) these energies in Lilith can give a very powerful magnetism, because are the energies of Moon and Sun in Lilith. And Lilith can feel very powerful in the luminaries
Can we talk about how Pisces Rising have been blessed with such pretty eyes? I swear these people have such pretty eyes 👀😱
If you have your Ascendant at a Virgo Degree (6°,18°)these people have been blessed with very pretty physical appearance by the Virgo herself
Capricorn Rising people were made to be famous, to be models, to be A tier in the top, to be very great leaders
Lilith In Gemini/3rd house or at a Gemini degree (3°, 15°, 27°) either aspecting Mercury, they like dirty talk a lot + flirting combinations
If you want someone who can flirt with you all day i suggest to date people with Venus in Scorpio/Aries/Capricorn/Taurus/Libra, they really know how do it. Experts
Mars - Sun aspects 🔥 have a very dominant energy towards others, they wanna feel that their the dominants
Jupiter in 8th house people might experience a good sex life, Jupiter expands everything soooo, there you go natives with these placements gonna enjoy a lot 🔥👀
Venus in the 8th house are gonna experience some good things too y'all this is also a very passional house, maybe more love than before especially if you had your Venue Return 👀💥
Venus in the 6th house will always take that "Caring" before and after making love because it's very important for them to feel good and to take care of their partners , i feel like they would hug you all day after making it.
People with strong Lilith and Pluto placements 😍😍😍 you just know they gonna destroy you
People with with Jupiter and Mars aspects are gonna go for more rounds, more than usual they have a very high libido 💥
People with Midheaven - Sun aspects are very liked by everyone around them, the same goes for people with Venus and Midheaven aspects they just are on everyone likes 😍
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spacecowboyhotch · 5 months
In Plain Sight, Ch 5: To Atomize
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summary: nathan leaves his house to tell you he loves you.
pairing: nathan bateman x f!reader
contents: 18+/NSFW/MINORS DNI, enemies to lovers (sorta), boss/employee dynamics, mentions of sick/dying parent, pining, dom/sub dynamics, mid love confessions, oral (m + f receiving), p in v sex, creampie, squirting, NATHAN’S SO IN LOVE AND SIMPY AND FREE
wc: 6,138
an: we've sadly reached the end of the main story. thank you thank you for all the support on this fic. a girl watches ex machina once and suddenly is writing 20+k for an asshole simp. i do plan to write the extras fairly quickly (the next month or so) and they'll vary in length. i hope y'all stick around for more of them.
in plain sight masterlist | family dinner | tiana | TIONB | planted | little hamlet
You and Nathan are doing work out on the couch, your legs thrown over his. It’s all very domestic, something the both of you could get used to. 
He doesn’t look up when he asks, “That date out— do you still want it?”
“I do but honestly, I don’t think it’s realistic. You like being out here, Emma and Phillipa shouldn’t be at home by themselves for so long— not to mention my mom.”
“You don’t talk about your mom,” He observes, his eyes rising from his laptop to look at you. 
You continue your work as you talk, “There’s too much to talk about. And nothing at all.”
“And the vagueness returns,” There’s more bite in his voice than he wants there to be, but he can’t help it.
You notice immediately— going rigid like stone before you fix him with an empty gaze. “She’s dying. She can’t work. She sleeps most days. In the mornings before I come here, I read to her and when I get home I tell her I love her and kiss her goodnight. Is that specific enough for you, Mr. Bateman?”
Nathan just looks at you, his eyes for once, void of any emotion to tell you how he’s feeling. Nathan 3 months ago would have stormed away, or said something snarky. But, he just keeps looking at you. The silence makes you uncomfortable and your words replay in your mind over and over, guilt building each time. Your mother’s a tender subject, but Nathan is…more than anyone has ever been to you despite not making that clear to him. You open your mouth to apologize but he shushes, closing his laptop and then yours before he pulls you into his lap and holds you close. 
He kisses at your temple, your forehead, your cheek, “I’m sorry, sweetheart.”
It shouldn’t catch you off guard, his affection and tenderness but it does. You melt into him even as your walls go up inside. “It’s okay.”
“It’s not, honey. It’s not. Can you tell me what—“
“Cancer. Off and on since I was in high school.”
“You’ve been taking care of your sisters off and on since they were born?”
You shrug. It was true. In the moment, when you and your mother had made those decisions together— your father wishing and washing his way in and out of your lives whenever he felt like— they hadn’t seemed like a big deal. But, Nathan’s tone can’t help but make you realize how much you’d missed out on because of your duty to your family.
“Shit, honey.”
“It’s alright, Nathan,” You breathe. It’s not, it’s never been okay, but you’ve been telling yourself that for as long as you can remember. 
“It’s not. You’re a good fucking woman. You and your family deserve better.”
“They do deserve better. My sisters don’t have a time remembering her like I do. Before she got sick. That’s fucked up isn’t it?” 
“Yeah, baby, it is.” His hold on your tightens, a hand smoothing up and down your back. “Let me take you out for one night.”
“Nathan, I just said—“
He takes your jaw into his hands, intentional yet gentle with his grip as he guides you to look at him. Those big brown eyes are warm but firm. “We’ll do it in the city. I’ll pick you up from your apartment, you’ll be a phone call away. I’ll bring you home first thing in the morning. C’mon baby, you deserve a break. Let me give it to you.”
You agree to Nathan’s advances, like you always do these days. This date takes a lot of coordinating— but somehow it all turned out in your favor. Nathan jokes that it’s because of his god-like will. You’re just happy to take the breather when it’s presented to you. Emma gets invited to her first sleepover, Phillipa’s school is having a lock in. Somehow, Nathan had convinced you to accept him paying for one day of round the clock care for your mother so her usual nurse, Celia, could have a day off too.
You’re realizing that maybe you’re just as gone for him as he is for you. That you believe what he’s said about the depths of his feelings for you and maybe, you’re ready to take the next step and allow yourself to feel them openly for him too. How quickly the tide turns. How quickly Nathan had put in the effort to show how badly he wanted this— you. 3 months ago you could say with sincere surety that you did not like Nathan Bateman. And now…well you were sure you couldn’t deny loving him. 
He tells you to dress formally— it lands you in your favorite black dress, the one that always gives you a boost of confidence and makes you feel good. You’re going to need if your racing thoughts about how your feelings have deepened are any indicator for how the evening will go. And maybe, once or twice, you’ve imagined Nathan peeling you out of it when your fingers slipped beneath your waistband late at night.
When you open the door, Nathan’s in a crisp white button down and slacks, a suit jacket draped over his shoulders— your knees nearly give out. So do his.
“Fuck me,” He breathes.
“My neighbors can hear you,” You remind him breathlessly, your face hot as his eyes slowly trace your figure. 
“They should be lucky we’re not staying here or they’d hear a hell of a lot more. Fuck. You look incredible, baby.”
“My eyes are up here.”
“I’ve seen enough of those.”
“Can you fucking blame me? You walk out here in this tight little dress, one I imagine will stay on until after dinner, which is a fucking sin if you ask me. I’m giving commotion for the dress honey, it is what it is. Come here,” He reaches for you, snaking his arm around your waist so he can kiss you thoroughly. When he breaks the kiss he whispers, “Hi.”
Some of your nerves dissipate at his clear attraction to you, his sweetness. You smile against his mouth, bumping his nose with your own. “Hi. You look so handsome.”
“Thank you,” He murmurs, a smug grin spreading across his face. 
“Patience and good manners, you’re a changed man yet.”
“Does that mean if I ask to feel you up in the limo, you’ll say yes?”
“My neighbors, Nathan,” You remind him sternly, though you’re still smiling. 
“Stuffy old fucks probably need a good show.”
The limo ride to the nearby docks is 40  minutes with the traffic — and he helps you out like a gentleman, guiding you to a moderately sized boat. It’s impressive, all cream and blues, the 
“Nathan, why is there a helicopter next to this boat?”
“In case you need to get home,” He says simply, if that explanation is enough. 
“In case— we got here by limo.”
“You’re a phone call and a 10 minute helicopter ride away from your family.”
How were you gonna make it through dinner without dragging him to the ground so you could ruck up your dress and fuck him? He was saying all of this, doing all of this so nonchalantly, like it isn’t the nicest thing anyone has ever done for you.
He leans in, mouth and beard tickling your cheek as his whispers teasingly, “This is usually where people say thank you.”
You lean away, giggling a little. Your tone is suggestive, “What if I’m saving my thank you until after dinner?”
“Finally gonna show me some of those methods? It’s been driving me fucking nuts, honey.”
“Depends on how good you are.”
Nathan bites back a moan. This is all so fucking surreal. Being out of his home, being with you. Learning more and more about you, seeing you. Being yours and you being his. It’s more than he could’ve hoped for. He thought he would’ve fucked up by now— and he has, but you held a selfless amount of patience in your heart. He finds himself feeling…grateful? It’s an unfamiliar feeling, one he pushes away from a young age. 
“Don’t be filthy before dinner,” He murmurs lowly.
“You‘ve been eyeing my tits since you picked me up,” You challenge. 
“I’ve been appreciating them, there’s a difference. You ever been on a boat before?”
You eye the boat thoughtfully, “My mom used to take me on the ferry. Does that count?”
Nathan hums. He hasn’t ushered you onto the boat just yet, the two of you standing out on the docks in the salty breeze. It’s nice, being out in the fresh air like this, the water dark as the sun finishes dipping below the horizon. He’d anticipated much more anxiety given his hermit tendencies but it was just you and him and the few staff he’d hired to manage the boat. 
“Do you want to name it?” He blurts out all of a sudden.
“Name what?”
“The boat,” He nods towards the ship. 
You frown, confused. “You haven’t named the boat?”
“I bought it last week.”
“Nathan, did you buy this boat to take me out on a date?”
“Yes I did,” He says with no shame. 
All of that will be an adjustment, the blasé way that he spends money— especially when he spends it on you. You know that he has a fuck ton of it but still; you’ve never lived a life of luxury. 
“Do all employees get this sign-on bonus?” You tease.
“Hush, cheeky girl. Name the boat.”
You grow thoughtful, and that thoughtfulness quickly melts into a melancholic, wistful feeling. You think about your mom. How she’s been swayed back and forth by the tide of life, doing her best to float above it all. It would be nice wouldn’t it, to name something after the woman you love most?
“Boats are named after strong women. So I think…Tiana,” You murmur, voice full of emotion. You clear your throat quickly, hoping he doesn’t notice. 
But Nathan’s obsessed with you— and now that you’ve let him in, he can sense every push and pull. He maneuvers you so that your back is flush with his front. “I like it. Tiana…is that your mother?”
You don’t trust your voice. You simply hum, nodding a little bit as you press back against him. 
He squeezes you tighter, “It’s perfect, baby. Absolutely fucking perfect.
He cups your jaw with one hand, guiding your gaze to his. He’s never seen you nonverbal like this before, never seen sadness in your eyes like this. It makes his chest ache. He guides your mouth to his, kissing you with gentle reverence you never would’ve guessed he was capable of until recently.
Nathan just holds you, letting you melt against him in silence for an undetermined amount of time. His worry grows. “Do you want to call the nurse before we sit down for dinner? Emma? Phillipa?”
Finally, you speak. “No. No, it’s alright. I spend the entire day away from all of them when I’m working for you— I can do this.”
“Just say the word, okay, sweetheart?”
You lean in to give him a soft peck of appreciation, “Yes, I will. Thank you, Nathan.”
Dinner is much more elaborate than it had to be— but this is Nathan you’re talking about, a man with practically the entire world at his fingertips. Of course a 10 course meal makes sense to him. Not that you’re complaining about a personal sized crawl through Italy; breads and antipasto, pastas of all sorts, wines that are perfectly paired, and to end your favorite dessert from the first time the two of you shared a meal together. Despite his underestimating himself and his chaste manner, you think that Nathan is good at romance. He’s great at romance. By the time you’re finishing the last bite, you’re warm and full, a little buzzed and most importantly— needy for him. 
Your entire body is craving his. You’ve denied your desires and his for long enough. You need him, you feel like you might go insane with lust— with love, if you don’t have him. 
“Are we sleeping here?” 
“There’s a suite downstairs, or there’s a hotel nearby I reserved. It’s your call.”
“Here…here is good. Will you take me to bed?” You ask, nonchalantly. 
Nathan chokes on the wine he’s sipping, setting it down to looking at you more intently. “Take you to bed,” He repeats.
“Yes, Nathan, take me to bed,” You practically purr at him this time, voice low and smoky.
Nathan has had  lots of sex in his life, never been flustered or taken aback by anyone. He’s accepted that all of his past experiences go out the window when it comes to you, but he doesn’t expect such a strong reaction out of himself when faced with the opportunity to finally ravish you. He feels like if he stood up right now, his legs would give out like jello. 
The way you’re looking at him— he’s sure no one has ever looked at him like this in his entire life. Carnal and hungry, like when you kissed him breathless in the forest, but more intense. It’s almost overwhelming. He’s never been consumed before, and that’s exactly how you’re looking at him. Like you’re going to swallow him whole. His cock twitches and he takes a deep breath.
“Come here,” He says softly, pushing away from the table and holding his hand out for you.
You stand, moving closer to him but don’t take his hand. “If I touch you…if we start here, I don’t know if I’ll be able to stop.”
Nathan feels winded. He squeezes his eyes shut, and nods. “Fuck, honey, alright. Follow me.”
Nathan guides you through the dining room and down a hall, not even bothering to mention what doors the two of you pass. His heart is pounding in his chest— he’s ready for this, been ready for so long and he wants this to mean something. He had been ready to wait as long as you needed in order for this moment to be everything it can be. 
The suite he takes you to is larger than you anticipated it to be, but you can’t bring yourself to care. As soon as Nathan shuts the door behind you, you practically launch yourself at him, your hands starting at where his shirt is tucked into his pants. You ruck it up, leaning forward to kiss him.
“Whoa, mmm,” He hums into your mouth. His hands finally fall to cup your ass, kneading and squeezing the way he’s wanted to for hours now. “You been this desperate the whole time?”
“Have you?” You counter as you press him against the door, grinding your hips against his. You can feel him through the fabric of his trousers, and it makes your mouth water. 
“Fuck, baby, lemme get you on the bed at least,” He breathes when he feels the way your hips rut.
You pull away, looking at him with bright but hazy eyes— like he’s just come up with some revolutionary idea. “The bed, right. Come here.”
You start to walk backwards, guiding him with you by his shirt. Once the back of your thighs hit the bed, you switch positions with him, encouraging him to sit down so that you can straddle him. Nathan feels weightless— this is like his dream come true. Just a couple months ago he was jerking himself off imagining a sight like this, and now he was living it. 
Looking up at you, he feels warm. Fuzzy. Like he’s in the safest place he’ll ever be in. With his limited data and hope, trust— things he’s never had with anyone— he knows that he is. This is all he’ll ever need. You’re all he’ll ever need. He loves you so much it hurts. 
“Baby,” He sighs, guiding your mouth down to his. Where your mouth is hurried and insistent, his is lazy and indulgent. He wants to savor every moment.
“Hmm,” You hum grinding down against his clothed cock in a move that makes both of you moan. 
“I fucking love you.”
You lean away, eyes wide with alarm. Part of you, most of you, thought that to be true. Well— whatever he was capable of feeling that was close to love. He’s proved himself to you. All of his intentions, his actions, his words— no matter how haphazard he’s been in communicating them— have been pure. While just a few months ago you were sure Nathan could love no one but himself, you’re sure now that he’s being completely honest. It sends you further into your frenzy. He loves you. 
Nathan Bateman fucking loves you. 
You’re quiet for so long that he feels antsy. There’s no regret, no anger in his heart like he thought there could be when first pursuing you. But he is starting to feel small, like a nuisance like his parents made him feel all those years ago. 
“Really?” You ask breathlessly, unsure if it’s from his declaration or your body’s response to being pressed against him like this. 
He scoffs, squeezing your hips, “Really? You think I fucking—“
“Okay, alright, I love you too.”
You fix him with narrowed eyes. Of course you get scolded but he gets to do the exact same thing as you. It’s very Nathan. It makes you love him more. 
“My really is fucking justified, I’m some asshole, you’re…you’re the moon. The sun. The sky. I’m not good at this poetic shit but I mean it.”
“You’re the sweetest, most thoughtful, insightful and just— kind. I know what you’re thinking, I know that something or someone’s taught you not to think that you’re kind and worthy but you are. Even if you’re an asshole and a clown, you are. And I love you.”
“We’re fucking corny and sickly sweet and so cliche. I could vomit,” He says, his grin wide and genuine. 
You nuzzle into him, laughing softly at the tickle of his beard, “You would study it, see if it quantified any of your love for me.”
“So you think I’m disgusting,” He murmurs, using his grip on you to rock your hips down against his cock. 
The pressure is sweet, and you shiver even as you try to get your voice even. “Am I wrong?”
He laughs a little, eyes fluttering when you help him rock you down even further, “No.”
You reach up to remove his glasses, bending to set them on the side of the bed— you didn’t want to break them, now with how you were about to ravish him. “Kiss me, Nathan.”
Usually, he needs to be told things once, twice, and again but this request Nathan obeys immediately. His hands start to travel up your body, fingers sliding under the fabric of your dress to expose inch after inch of your precious skin. His eyes are closed as he bares you to him, pulling down the cups of your bra so your breasts spill out, but he can feel how beautiful you are under his fingertips. Smooth and soft, fitting perfectly in his grasp.  Every touch, every kiss is electric. His hands skate up your stomach, cupping your breasts before he takes your nipples between his fingers, rolling them gently.
“Fuck. Fuck. Fuck, you feel so good. So good,” He mumbles into your mouth, his fingers still working, eager to hear the soft little sound you made.
You melt into him, nodding frantically as you continue to sip from his mouth. “You too.”
Nathan breaks away from your mouth, biting and kissing his way down your neck, sucking a faint mark into your skin. More. He wants more of you, and you more of him. He kisses a trail between your breasts before leaning in, suckling one of your nipples into his mouth. You taste so fucking good. Like honey and cocoa, so delicious. Not for the first time, Nathan thinks about how much he wants to consume you. Or be consumed. He can’t choose, his head is spinning and he’s getting more frantic, shaking beneath you as he sucks and nips at you. 
You can feel yourself getting lost in him, but this isn’t what you’ve thought about all these months. He feels incredible, his mouth is warm, his hands sure. The pleasure that’s blooming all over your body is one you'll never give up. But, no, for all these months, you’ve thought about turning him into a whining, shivering mess. You’ve thought about making him cum over and over until he can think of nothing but you. 
You lean away, cupping your face in your hands,  “Wait— please, let me touch you. I get off all the time, but I haven’t touched a man in so long. I wanna see you.”
Your hands fall, gripping his shirt and ripping at it. Buttons scatter as you work him out of the shirt, leaning in to coax his mouth open for you once more.  “Let me make you cum. Please, I need it.”
“That’s what you want?” He asks skeptically.
“Yeah, and you’d give me anything, wouldn't you? You ask, tilting your head at him expectantly.
“I’d give you anything,” He confirms.
You slid out of his lap, reaching behind to unclasp your bra and discard it. It leaves you in nothing but black lace panties. “Then take your pants off.”
All Nathan can do for several moments is stare at you, his mouth agape, ready to drool. He could believe he’s died and gone to heaven, except he doesn’t believe such a place exists. And if he did, he would not end up in a place where he would be so privileged to be met with the sight of you. You're an angel in the most sinful way.
“Nathan,” You coo when he doesn’t move, a soft grin on your face.
“Sorry,” He mumbles, a soft blush rising in his cheeks. 
It’s adorable, it makes the heat in your lower belly burn brighter. You can feel yourself getting wetter for him by the second. “I thought about you like this so much.”
“Could've fooled me,” He heaves, trying to seem less affected than he is. That boat sailed the moment you asked him to take you to bed. 
You laugh softly at his words, dropping to your knees and resting your hands on his broad thighs.  “Don’t be snarky, baby, just let me make us feel good. You want that don’t you?”
Nathan shivers, even as your warm, honeyed voice glides across his skin. God he knew you’d be like this, knew he’d bend to your will so easily but to hear it and feel it. “I do,” He sighs, allowing you to guide him to sit down on the edge of the bed.
Your eyes are dark with hunger, and you lick your lips a little as you look up at him. “God, your cock’s so fucking pretty. Can I put my mouth on you?”
“You can do whatever you want to me,” He whispers earnestly.
You aren’t gentle or patient or thoughtful about letting him adjust. You take Nathan’s cock completely, so deep that he feels like he’s starting to enter your stomach. It takes everything in him to keep his hips down, a will that crumbles when you swallow, your throat tightening around him. The sound you make is a cross between a gag and a satisfied hum. You pull off without missing a beat, spitting on the tip of his cock and lifting a hand to grip and pump him.
“Mmm, shit, that’s really…that’s really fucking—“ Nathan babbles incoherently, words cutting off. 
You start in on him again, your head bobbing up and down as you take him over and over again. The noises he’s making have you squeezing your thighs together. Soft and breathy and so so sweet. You peer up at him wanting to see how he looks. The flush in his cheeks is deeper and redder, his eyes somehow sharp and hazy all at once. Seeing him so vulnerable, gooey and nearing the peak of pleasure you don’t stop, sucking harder, allowing the tip of his cock to go deeper.
One of his hands falls to your shoulders, gripping it gently, “Wait— wait— fuck, hold on baby, just,”
Carefully, you pull off of him, wiping at the trail of spit that connects your mouth to his cock. You look up at him with those sweet little eyes, like you haven’t nearly sucked what little of a soul lies within him. “Hmm?”
“Wanna cum inside you, please.”
“This is you cumming inside me,” You challenge, kissing at the head of his cock.
“Inside your pussy,” He gasps, the vein that trails down the center of his forehead on display as he fights to stay still—as he holds back.
You rest your head on his thigh, looking up at him like he’s hung the moon. The sight alone almost makes him cum. 
“Say, please,” You whisper.
“Please, sweetheart.”
“You’re so good, do you know that?” You ask him softly, reaching up to cup his face. 
“Good?” He asks with a furrowed brow. The word directed at himself feels clumsy in his mouth. 
“Good,” You repeat as confirmation. “So good that you’re gonna lay back against those pillows without another word aren’t you?”
Processing your words, he simply nods, helping you to your feet before he scoots back, propped up against the pillows, looking so devilishly handsome. If you stared at him long enough, you’re sure you could cum from just this sight. But why torture yourself like that, when you’re this close to having him buried inside you? Body humming with anticipation you crawl up the bed, straddling him once more. 
“Do you want to feel how wet I am?” 
“Yes,” He answers quickly before tacking on, “please.” 
That sentence alone shows just how much Nathan Bateman is a changed man. Please without being promoted? Atop apologies and vulnerability and love confessions. 
You hold your panties to the side for him, “Go on then. Touch me, baby.”
Nathan’s eyes track to where your pussy runs along his cock, burning hot. He reaches for you, letting his fingers sweat through your folds, causing both of you to moan. You’re so fucking wet, dripping, glistening in the warm lamplight. 
“For me?” He asks, voice and hands trembling as he finds your clit, pressing his thumb against it.
“For you. Because you’re so fucking good for me. Good to me.”
Every fucking word out of your mouth pulls his closer to his release. He needs to be inside you, he can feel the clock ticking. “Can I fuck you now, honey? Please, I need to feel you.”
“Who knew Nathan Bateman would beg?”
“On my knees for the rest of my fucking life, baby.”
You can picture it, except in your dreams, Nathan’s beard is shining with your slick. Your breath catches, and you grow too needy to continue teasing him. It takes you just a few seconds to line him up with your entrance, giving neither of you time to adjust as you sink down on him completely. His back arches, huffing a heavy, labored breath. He’s sweating, he can feel it, his skin slick underneath your fingertips as your pussy grips him so deliciously tight. You’re dripping down his cock already.
“Fuck, honey—,” He laughs, squeezing at your hip, nearly pushing you off to hold on. “Fuck me, you couldn’t have— warned a guy?”
“Sorry,” You breathe, grinning down at him, “needed to fuck you.”
Nathan’s eyes roll as you rock your hips, completely breathless, “Shit—your pussy’s so fucking tight. So hot, you been saving this all for me?”
You bend, your nose resting against his as you gaze into him, “Savor it— don’t think. Don’t control. Just enjoy it, Nathan. Be with me. Give in to me. Say yes.”
“Yes,” He slurs, drawn out and drunk on you. 
You guide his hands to either side of his head, holding them down by his wrists as you start to move, your pussy taking his cock the way your throat had with even more ease. The two of you fit together so perfectly, your cunt swallowing his entire length over and over, pleasure mounting higher and higher inside you. Nathan’s winning the fight against his body now. He’s happy to submit to you, it feels so good, so perfectly sweet, like he was made to be underneath you like this. But his body screams for release, to roll you over and fuck you hard until you squeeze his cock so tight there’s no choice in his cumming.  
“Wanna cum…wanna cum in your pussy,” He whines, his hips lazily rocking up to meet yours. 
“You will baby, I’ll let you fill me up,” You assure him, slowing the rhythm of your hips, teasing yourself and him for a moment as you close your eyes and let yourself really feel every single inch of him.
Nathan’s lips are parted slightly, pink and flushed, soft gasps leaving him as your hips grind down against his. You remove one of your hands from his wrists, leaning back so you have room to run your thumb over the swell of his bottom lip.
“You okay, baby?”
“Yeah,” He says, his words syrupy, “feels good. So good.”
“Let me in there,” You murmur, tapping two of your  fingers against his lips, and he opens wide immediately. You purposefully clench your cunt around him, a small reward for his obedience and he groans, his back arching as pleasure burns in his veins. 
“I’m gonna soak your cock,” You tell him matter of factly.
Nathan’s eyes go wide, his chest rising fast as his lungs beg for air. No matter what he does its not enough. He’s drowning in you, there’s nothing he can do about it. There’s nothing he really wants to do about it. “Soak my—“
“Nice and wet, all over you. Gonna make us messier,” You whisper, like the sound of his cock gliding in and out of you isn’t already obscene. “You want that don’t you, Nathan?”
He doesn’t have words, just soft, needy sounds. Pleading round eyes. Shallow, noisy breaths. It’s all the answer you need.
“I know, baby. I know. Cum whenever you need to, I’ll make it,” The gentle tone of your voice doesn’t match the devious look in your eyes. 
You know exactly what you’re doing. You know his cock aches with the need to release, know he’s fighting this because he never wants this to end. Know that he’s never been this deep in subspace in his life, that he’ll obey any command you give him.
You shift up on your knees, until you’re taking nothing but the tip, and then rock back, taking him as deep as you can. Bending to your will, Nathan cums with a sound that can only be described as sweet agony. 
As he fills you up, your hips slip into a grind, pressing and pressing the tip of his cock against the sensitive spot inside you. You can feel it coming now, you know just how to twist your hips, just how long to rub at your clit to make it happen. Your thighs grow tight, your cunt clenching as it starts to milk him for everything he’s got. You gush around him, the sound so wet and filthy that Nathan thinks he might cum again. Your slick is everywhere; your thighs, your stomach and all over Nathan, his lower belly glistening with you. He looks down and groans again, need rising sharply in his chest. He wants to taste you. 
“Let me taste you, please. Drown me,” He begs, one of his hands shakily reaching for where the two of you connect.
Your hands fall to the pillows on either side of his head, propping you up from where you’d since collapsed onto him. “Nathan, baby, you’re tired—“
But, Nathan is desperate— as desperate as you were when you asked him to take you to bed, you can hear it in his voice as he pleads, “Sit on my face. Please, please, please, baby. Fucking, please. Let me eat your pussy.”
Your lost to him and his begging. With the little strength you have left, you shuffle up, getting you thighs on either side of his head, gently lowering yourself down through the burn of your muscles. Nathan has another idea, weakly reaching for you and effectively smothering himself in your pussy. Its messy, the sounds of his mouth as he licks and sucks at your clit like a starved man. Like you two hadn’t just stuffed yourselves full at dinner. 
“Nathan,” You mumble, trying to steady yourself by leaning against the headboard. His beard tickles against your thighs, but makes the work of his mouth even better, brushing each and every bit of your sensitive pussy.
Despite your plea, Nathan is insatiable, pulling you down by his grip on your ass. He’s gasping and whining into your cunt, like it's all too much and too little at the same time. He can hardly breathe with how firmly he’s got you pressed against his face, though he wouldn’t change his position for the world. He would happily die here if it was what you wanted.
He can feel your thighs shaking against the sides of his head and knows that you’re close to cumming. Doubling his efforts, Nathan switches from running his tongue through your folds to focusing solely on your clit, circling and circling in a maddening technique. When you fall apart on his tongue, he presses his tongue inside of you, eager to drink up every single drop of your sweet honey. 
He feels like he’s cumming again, his cock jerking behind you though there’s nothing for him to release. He feels like he’s been split right open, all of his tender, vulnerable spots on display.
It takes several minutes for Nathan to come back to himself once you shift off of his face, laying your body against his. He’s gasping for air with tightly shut eyes, his entire body shaking. You run a hand up and down his chest, cooing soft praises as you try to soothe him. 
He stares at the ceiling, steadying his breaths. “Jesus fucking Christ, baby. You’re the filthiest person I’ve ever met.”
You tilt your chin to look up at him, admiring the shine of his beard that’s completely covered in you. A mark that he’s yours. “Thank you.”
The grin on your face— you’re trying to fucking kill him. How many times has he thought since he’s started this endeavor of winning your heart and why is it not over now that he has? Your grin is smug, full of fire, the fire he’s wanted from the moment he laid his eyes on you. He loves you so fucking much. If this is what he gets, he’ll be better for the rest of his life. He’ll move to the city, do the house in the crowded suburbs with the picket fence, get married. Have kids, and attend the most boring PTA meetings that plan bake sales. Bake sales where he’d have to make cookies— real cookies, not the ones with coconut sugar and almond flour, and low sugar chocolate. If it was what you wanted he’d do it all. Any of it at the drop of a hat.
“What are you thinking about?” You trace small shapes on his chest, enjoying the post-coital cuddle. 
“What about me?”
“That you’re everything,” He says easily. It’s nice— the reservations, the anxiety that he had about all of this has faded in the shadows. 
With you, Nathan gets to be completely honest, knowing that he’s safe. None of what his parents said was true. He’s not unlovable. He’s not selfish. He isn’t just a fuck up that can never amount to anyone’s expectations. Despite his mistakes, he’s allowed to be loved. 
“Remember when I was just your employee?” You ask teasingly, snuggling further into him.
“Fuck, I was an idiot for months. Best thing I’ve ever had, dangling in front of me in plain sight.”
“Not Bluebook?”
“Or buying that property?”
“The money?”
“Your freedom?”
He snorts, “My freedom?”
“You said I could do whatever I wanted to you,” You remind him. 
“And I fucking meant it.”
“It doesn’t sound very…freeing. Very Nathan,” You muse softly. 
Nathan’s quiet for a long time— so long that you grow nervous, afraid that you’ve said the wrong thing. Just as you’re about to sit up to apologize, he wraps his arms around you, dropping a kiss on your forehead, “This, sweetheart, is the freest I’ve ever been in my life.” 
nathan taglist: @missdictatorme, @hon3yboy, @runa-falls, @campingwiththecharmings, @toracainz, @steven-grants-world, @clemdango04, @jdbxws, @crispysublimecupcake, @sub-aro, @faretheeoscar, @cupidysm, @whentheskyispinkandabitblue, @nova-ivy541, @sparkypantelones, @veritable-trash, @mangoslushcrush, @thhriller @tenderhornynihilist, @queerponcho
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emmyrosee · 1 year
So the other day I realized that every time I laugh a little hard/loud my mom either physically cringes or tells me to chill out, that day she looked at me and said "It's not THAT funny, geez." And it made me a little more self conscious of my laugh than it should've been maybe?
Anyways, can I request Bakugou noticing everytime the reader almost laughs they quickly cover their mouth and stop themselves from actually letting their laugh out, and confronting them about it? I just need my comfort character to tell me my laugh isn't actually as terrible as I think it is :((
I hope you have a great day, thank you!!
First of all. FirsT OF ALL-
Your laugh is sexy and wonderful and tell whoever says otherwise to kick rocks. Laughter is one of the best ways to release endorphins and raise moods. You laugh at whatever the sam-hell you want because baby, laughter is free and you deserve to do it in comfort.
Now… on to the piece!!
It wasn’t just funny. It was downright hilarious.
The tiktok playing on repeat was so goofy, so ridiculous it made absolute cackles pour from your lips. For a moment, you let them fly, and you don’t think twice about it.
That was, until Katsuki came in, drying his hands on the paper towel. “What’re you laughing at?”
Arguably, the worst way he could’ve phrased that.
“Just… Just a video,” you manage, clearing your throat of giggles. “Didn’t mean to take you from your dishes.”
“You didn’t, I wanted to know what was so funny.”
You swallow thickly. He cocks a brow.
“It was nothing,” you brush. He rolls his eyes but he doesn’t press; he knows better than to press your boundaries in such a way.
Drying his hands, he does come over to sit with you on the couch, scrolling on his own phone. It’s quiet, no need to make conversations after being together for so long, but your heart sinks to your stomach when, once again, a video crosses your feed. This time, however, you let no laughter out, and instead smother it with your hands.
Katsuki says nothing, but judging by the way he peered at you from the corner of his currant gaze, you know saw.
More silence.
Another hilarious video, this time from Mina, and it has you whining to try and hide your laughter from pouring out uncontrollably.
This time, however, it makes him speak up.
“You keep doing that,” he says, not even bothering to look up from his phone. Chills shoot up your spine, and your jolt does cause katsuki to peek at you from his scrolling again. “What’s your problem?”
“Nothing,” you defend. “I’m fine.”
“And I don’t believe you.”
“Would you just drop it!”
A smirk quirks on his cheek, “so somethin’ is bothering you.”
A pout etched on your face, almost disappointed he realized something was wrong, and he lets out a soft sigh and turns towards you, his phone being pocketed. “You don’t have to tell me. But I don’t like you lying that it’s nothing. We don’t hide from each other, you know that.”
“Katsuki,” you whimper, adverting your eyes. Silence surrounds you both, and bless katsuki for his patience, but you just want it to end and be left alone. He moves one of his hands to rest on yours, the familiar weight making you feel more at ease.
“Do… do you hate my laugh? Is that why you asked what I was watching? It made me laugh too loud?”
“Huh?” He asks incredulously. Bleach blonde brows furrow in frustration, “of course I don’t hate it, the fuck? I was asking because I wanted to know what was funny. Don’t assume shit, you know better.”
“But you… you didn’t-“
“Literally only wanted to know what was funny. Don’t you know I appreciate a good laugh now and then?”
That, has you about to laugh, but your quick to hide it under a cough and muffled giggles.
He groans, “you’re doing it again. Just laugh, I don’t know what your problem is-“
“My problem is my laugh!” You whine, tears stinging at your eyes. “Don’t you think I want to laugh and have fun and not worry about what people think about the damn noises? How long I laugh? How when I think of a joke, I laugh more? Huh?”
This time, his brows raise, and his eyes widen as he realizes the can of complexity he’s just unleashed. But he doesn’t snap back, he never does; he quickly zones himself back with the new lenses you’ve given him into your mindset.
“Your laugh is fine,” he mumbles, tossing an arm around your shoulder. “I never said you shouldn’t be able to do those things, nor would I. Where’s this coming from anyways?”
You don’t answer him, and he doesn’t press further- he already knows the answer, but you curl into his side to hide away from your insecurities regardless.
“But… but it’s so loud-“
“Yeah, and it’s fine that it is.” His thumb gently strokes over the skin of your arm, “that’s how we know it’s real. Your laugh isn’t a problem or something. It doesn’t bother any of us, and you know dunce-face eats it up when you encourage him with your cackles. It’s cute. I like your laugh. Fuck anyone who says otherwise. Don’t hide that shit, or feel like you even have to.”
“You like it?”
“I do. Makes me all soft to know you find me and my obnoxious ass friends funny.”
Your cheeks flush and you nuzzle into his side, letting his gentle touch bring you back down.
“So…” you begin, and he hums for you to continue. “You really think it’s cute?”
He gives you a small glare and you flash him a smile, “don’t make me regret it.”
“You think I’m cute?”
“You are, in fact, making me regret it.”
“I mean… I am pretty cute-“
“Regretting it,” he snaps before tickling up your sides to make you squeal and laugh once again; but rather your hands cover your mouth, they circle his wrists to move his hands away. “Shut the hell up before I make you regret it.”
“So mean!” You whine, writhing against him. It doesn’t last long, and he moves his hands to instead wrap around you and pull you into his chest, his nose nuzzling the back of your neck. You purr and use your strange position to curl into him, letting his big arms protect you both from whatever insecurities dare try to tread.
“I’m glad you think it’s cute,” you confess, and he chuckles.
“Of course I think it’s cute. Wouldn’t go out of my way to hear it if I didn’t.”
“I think you’re cute, Katsuki.”
He plants a gentle kiss to the tender muscles at the nape of your neck, “I think we’re cute together.”
You crane your neck to look at him, his contented face burrowed into the warmth of your muscles, eyes closed as he all but soaks you in.
“Yeah?” You mewl.
“Fuck yeah.”
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1d1195 · 1 year
Traditional I
Inspiration is funny, ya know?
Definitely multiple parts. Hope you like the idea, wasn't part of my list, but appeared in my brain without warning. Couldn't ignore it. Enjoy!
Main Character messages/Harry messages
Do you not want...a traditional relationship? If you’re paying me, how do you know I’d be a real companionship?
Because only the sweetest person on earth would send a profile out to a bunch of multi-millionaires to pay her a measly 1500 a month AND turn down a higher offer all because it’s more than she wanted.
There was a prominent frown on her face. She could sort of make out the sad, nearly disgusted face of the reflection in the back of half her computer screen. She looked over her profile again and again making sure it wasn’t too desperate but wasn’t overselling something she couldn’t produce. “Ahh...” she felt herself wincing at that reflection and bit her lip nervously as her cursor hovered over the submit button. “Ugh,” she sighed.
When Louis suggested it, she thought he was joking.
“Babe, someone would pay good money for your ass,” he told her.
“What is wrong with you?” She deadpanned.
But here she was. Making the profile to find someone willing to pay for her companionship. That’s what all the websites said. But it was a Sugar Daddy. That’s what it was called. It wasn’t ugly or distasteful. She didn’t care what people did with their lives at all. It wasn’t something that she thought she would have to do for herself until it was her last resort. That didn’t mean it wasn’t something to look at with disdain. She was all for women getting paid to be themselves simply for being lovely.
She didn’t want to do it because she didn’t think she would be good at it. She wasn’t sexy or wild, she didn’t feel beautiful, and obviously her ex didn’t think she was much fun if he was looking elsewhere for quite some time for entertainment both in and out of the bedroom. A stranger with a lot of money probably wouldn’t find her exciting like the other profiles she perused before completing a questionnaire of her own.
In all honesty, it seemed like it would be a second full-time job trying to convince a man that she deserved the money she was asking for and she wasn’t sure she could do that on top of all the other tasks she had to deal with these days. She told herself she wouldn’t let Louis convince her. But she needed the money—a good chunk of money at that. Best case scenario, there would be no takers to supply her with money. She would remain in her needy financial state and would find some other low paying job and try to manage the seemingly endless pile of obligations.
Louis was kind enough to let her stay with him and Eleanor until she figured out her shit. It wasn’t her fault that the guy she was dating cheated on her, broke her heart, and kicked her out of their shared house all in one swoop. She was living for free because they had been together for so long and it was his aunt’s old house near university. She had money and scholarships to pay for classes, so she didn’t need to manage a job while also getting an internship.
It was her final year before she would be awarded her master’s degree. Nothing could go wrong.
Except she returned early from visiting her mom and didn’t tell him.
So, there he was, moaning into another woman’s mouth on their bed.
She would have kicked herself out if he hadn’t done it first. “You could use a better dick in you too, love,” Louis had joked.
With a deep breath, like she was about to jump into a pool, she held her finger over her track pad. One last bout of reasoning ran through her mind. Her full-time internship would pay crumbs. Not enough to afford rent or a place of her own. She needed to get out of Louis and Eleanor’s hair. It was just one year.
Blowing out a breath she smacked her laptop shut and headed to Eleanor’s kitchen—she would have said Louis and Eleanor’s kitchen, but Eleanor had a strict “no Louis near the oven” rule. One hand on her box of cereal and another on the silverware drawer to grab a spoon, she was shocked to hear her phone pinged with a message after two minutes. “Shut up,” she muttered to herself. She could almost hear Louis saying I told you so.
She ignored it. The first taker was probably not the way to go—too eager. She wasn’t a prude but the idea of having sex for money wasn’t really what she wanted to sign up for this last year of her program. But then there was another ping. And another.
“What the fuck?” She whispered.
“What is that dating app?” Louis called from the door. The pinging was incessant. “I’ve never heard that one,” he said as he meandered into the kitchen. She turned the volume down and Louis snagged it from her hands.
“YOU DID IT,” he gasped, practically cheering as he unlocked her phone without her permission. “HOLY SHIT! You’ve got like fifteen takers already, babe. I told you that ass was worth it.”
“Louis, please give—”
He gasped. “Love, are you that dumb?” He asked gazing at her screen.
“What do you—”
“You can’t ask for a crummy fifteen hundred dollars a month,” he rolled his eyes. “You’re going to get all kinds of creeps and people that will make you do despicable things.”
“But I don’t—”
“A fifteen hundred dollars a week would be a lot better, don’t you think?”
“Louis, I just need a little bit of help. I don’t want to take someone’s money if I’m going to be bad at—”
The pinging stopped. “See?” He rolled his eyes placing her phone back in her hands. “Much more selective clientele...and you won’t be bad at it. I’m telling you that ass is going to pay for anything you want.”
“Louis,” she groaned and rubbed her hand over her face.
“Eleanor thinks so too, don’t you love?” He called down the hall.
“You’re home?” She called to her friend supposedly down the hall.
“Is it your profile that you've been whining about all this time? I would have helped you,” she said. “He’s right; your ass is going to be a great selling point,” Eleanor didn’t leave her room.
“I don’t want a ton of money. I just need to get by...” she explained to Louis.
“Yeah, but if you’re going to get paid for sexual activities you need to be compensated appropriately,” he said seriously.
“Why do you know so much about this?” She rolled his eyes. “Eleanor, you know he doesn’t have money, right?”
Flicking her cheek, he finished pouring the cereal for her (he was only allowed to touch kitchen items that didn’t involve cooking. He only recently upgraded to having microwave privileges again—especially after the baked potato incident). “I just know some girls from my dorm a few years ago talked about it a lot,” he rolled his eyes.
She was quiet while Louis slid the bowl in front of her and she took a few bites. She was still mad and upset about her ex. But she had bills to pay and quick. She frowned. “This is not what I wanted,” she mumbled.
Louis frowned grabbing a second bowl to join her cereal party. “I know, babe, but it’s okay. You’ll do great. Let’s see what your serious options are now.”
She shook her head. “I don’t want to look right now. I’m too nervous.”
Louis chuckled around a bite of his food. “You don’t have to do sexual favors y’know.”
“Based on my research, I think I have to if I want this kind of money.”
He smirked. “Then we better find you a guy with big hands.”
“Jesus Christ.”
She didn’t look the next day or even the day after that either. It was too much to think about all at once. Submitting the profile and having her best friend talk about her ass and sexual favors was a bit much. Eleanor eventually came out from the other room and gave her gentle encouragement that Louis often lacked.
There was a bunch of remote training she needed to do before she started her internship on Monday. A company she had never really heard of; it was a good company. Not one that was plastered everywhere, but the research she did on it seemed to show it was a good place that made a good amount of money. She was emailing her supervisor, Niall, who had interviewed her for the position at the time. He was extremely nice, and she was grateful it was one less thing she had to worry about when the rest of her life seemed to be falling apart. She would be Niall’s assistant and learn the ropes of his job that entailed, “really two jobs in one. I just know the owner, so I often get stuck in two roles,” he joked to her.
Good morning Mr. Horan,
              You’ll see that I’ve completed the training required. I’ve attached all the certificates and approvals and sent them to HR as well. This was just for your record. Please let me know if there’s anything else I need to do. I’m very excited to start, is there anything I need to do specifically when I get there to make your life easier? Please let me know.
              Have a great weekend!
Her phone pinged yet again with an alert that someone was interested in giving her money for companionship. She frowned slightly, almost wishing that it wouldn’t ping anymore. She didn’t want Louis knowing and she was really wishing that it didn’t have to be like this. She didn’t want to do this. She wanted to be with her ex and live happily ever after the way she had planned for so many years.
For all the shit to hit the fan in the last, busiest year of her life, she was incredibly sad.
              I’m glad you’re excited. You don’t have to do anything special. I’ll show you around on Monday. Don’t stress, you’re going to do great.
              Have a lovely, relaxing weekend as well.
(Please call me) Niall
She smirked at his response. This seemed like the least of her worries, but she had heard others didn’t typically last long at this company. Niall probably knew that as well as she did. He probably had to be polite to the rotation of interns coming through his office when his boss didn’t like them.
Another ping.
She sighed and figured it was now or never.
She deleted the creepy pick-up lines and anything that had a picture attachment noted on the message threads. That narrowed her choices down to four. She read through each of the opening messages and only one particularly stood out.
I’d like to give you five thousand dollars a month.
The only reason it stood out was because it was the only thing that was said. The other messages, while kinder than the ones she deleted, talked a lot about themselves and said they liked her profile. You seem cheap, lol wasn’t exactly what she wanted to hear. But there wasn’t a lot to go off of the one negotiating for triple the amount she was asking for.
She looked at the username for a moment trying to make heads or tails of his name. Coming up short she sighed quietly. “Louis? Eleanor?” She called.
With no response she decided she was on her own and clicked on his message thread again.
Thank you, that’s very kind, but I really don’t need all that much. I’m just...a little down on my luck and need enough to afford a place and whatnot. I couldn’t possibly use all that every month.
Hmm... The reply was almost instantaneous. Been waiting for you to reply, love. Can’t say I expected you to say that. You must be new to this whole arrangement.
She frowned. Appearing inept made her feel grumpier than she already was.
I am but I’m not greedy. That’s all. I just want what I need.
I appreciate that. But then you’re on the wrong app love. I want to give you five thousand a month AND pay for your place.
She was really glad Louis wasn’t around. She was blushing madly and there was no way he wouldn’t make fun of her nor take her phone from her himself and send messages she didn’t want to send. Taking a deep breath, she pursed her lips and nodded. I think you’re right...I don’t know. I really need the money. I just...I don’t want to take what I don’t EARN...and I’m not sure I’m comfortable with this arrangement, after all.
You don’t have to do anything you don’t want to, love. I make a lot of money. More than I know what to do with. I give to a lot of charities, and I’d just like to have a bona fide companionship that wasn’t about my money.
She snickered. Maybe you’re on the wrong app.
Sorry, I guess I am new to this. Do you not want...a traditional relationship? If you’re paying me, how do you know I’d be a real companionship?
Because only the sweetest person on earth would send a profile out to a bunch of multi-millionaires to pay her a measly 1500 a month AND turn down a higher offer all because it’s more than she wanted.
She didn’t respond for a while. A few minutes turned into half an hour. Then before she knew it two hours had passed, and she felt like she hadn’t done anything in that time yet somehow no time had passed and the man at the other end had enough of waiting for her reply.
I didn’t mean to scare you. I spend a lot of time scouring these profiles. I want someone GOOD for my money. You hardly want anything. I could pay you what I want and any apartment you wanted before breakfast for a whole year because my company already has that money transferred into its account. I could pay your student loans if you wanted. I just want someone real, and you have the most real and lovely profile I’ve ever seen.
Sucking her lip into her mouth she kind of wanted to share this text with Louis but maybe it was too private. Maybe it was too ridiculous to believe that on her first attempt, her first profile and site she found someone so sweet.
If you don’t want to, I understand. But please be careful. If you’re not interested in traditional relationships this isn’t the site for you.
Then why are you on this site?
To find someone like you.
She frowned. Seems a little predatory :)
He sent an eye rolling emoji. Just trying to help you out, love.
She waited only a few moments this time before replying. You don’t want a traditional relationship?
It’s not a make or break it for this deal. I’m willing to work up to it if needed. I think you’re lovely and would like to spoil you however you see fit.
If she wasn’t careful, she was going to fall in love with his messages. That definitely couldn’t be part of the deal. Pacing in front of Eleanor’s refrigerator, she looked over the message that caused a flutter in her heart. Even her ex didn’t talk like that about her.
I think I’m interested. She messaged. What’s your name?
Harry. Harry Styles, love.
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mcflymemes · 10 months
PROMPTS FROM RED, WHITE & ROYAL BLUE *  assorted (and slightly adapted to suit this meme format) dialogue from the book by casey mcquiston, adjust as necessary
on purpose. i love him on purpose.
i've always thought of myself as a problem that deserved to stay hidden.
i'm going to have you offed. you'll never see it coming.
take anything you want and know you deserve to have it.
get in there.
you're literally putting your dick in the leader of a foreign state.
before you, i was all right letting everything happen to me.
i can't believe even mortal peril will not prevent you from being the way you are.
sorry, are we not? did i skip ahead again?
you've been warned.
he died as he lived: avoiding plans and sucking cock.
my life is a cosmic joke and you're not a real person.
hey, have i told you lately that you're brave?
i honestly have never thought i deserved to choose.
we're gonna make it work. you and me and history, remember?
if you finish that sentence, i'm gonna spend tonight in jail.
but the truth is, also, simply this: love is indomitable.
i actively wish for the sweet release of death.
yes, good, carry on.
i won't hear a word against it.
we're gonna do it together.
i said you look great, baby!
i meet you in every dream, and when i wake i cannot close my eyes again for ruminating on your sweetness.
i'm so in love i could die.
you can take your legacy and your decorum and you can shove it up your fucking arse.
i wonder if it's too late to swan dive off the roof.
i'm learning all your hidden depths today, sweetheart.
you must invent an entirely new system.
a curious thing about grief is the way it takes your entire life, all those foundational years that made you who you are, and makes them so painful to look back on.
he's proof that it doesn't matter where you come from or who your family is.
i've bloody well had it!
we can unpack the ironic symbolism later.
that's beyond our sense of decorum!
i'm not afraid of anything i feel. i'm afraid of saying it. i'm only afraid of what happens when i do.
aw, you do care.
if there's any legacy for me on this earth, i want it to be true.
straight people probably don't spend this much time convincing themselves that they're straight.
the moment you first called me a prick, my fate was sealed.
you are the absolute worst idea i've ever had.
should i tell you that when we're apart, your body comes back to me in dreams?
can you perhaps stop putting your sodding life in danger now?
what are we even defending here?
history will remember us.
when i sleep, i see you.
i hate this so much.
every person who bears a legacy makes the choice of a partner with whom they will share it with.
we're just gonna fucking fight.
he is my choice.
i can appreciate that maybe this isn't your fault.
i've been gay as a maypole since the day i came out of mom.
when i wake up in the morning, it feels like i've just been with you.
i can feel your skin against mine, and it makes every bone in my body ache.
your spine's a ridge i'd die climbing.
for a few moments, i can hold my breath and be back there with you, in a dream, in a thousand rooms, nowhere at all.
the phrase 'see attached bibliography' is the single sexiest thing you have ever written me.
i promise you, one day we'll be able to just be, and fuck everyone else.
give yourself away sometimes, sweetheart. there's so much of you.
i want to set myself on fire, but i can't afford for anyone to see me burn.
you see, for me, memories are difficult.
never tell me the odds.
i wish there weren't a wall.
jesus christ, it's like they can see into your soul.
you're it, okay? i'm never gonna love anybody in the world like i love you.
i'm finished. i don't care.
god, i want to fight everyone who's ever hurt you.
the whole world watched, and history remembered.
are you quite finished?
just so we're clear. i'm about to have sex with you in this storage closet to spite your family.
you insane, hopeless romantic little shit.
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dyns33 · 2 months
Rafiq alruwh
I'm not sure yet if this will be a Bane x reader oneshot or not.
I like it like that, but I could find ideas for part 2. My only problem being that I still need to finish others Tom Hardy's characters story, while wanting to write Feyd Rautha stories.
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As much as Y/N listened to these stories over and over again, she couldn't imagine the feeling everyone would describe.
The moment your skin touched your soulmate's skin, and suddenly everything became clear, better. A feeling of joy and the burning need to stay by this person's side forever.
It was a rare phenomenon that scientists could not explain. It was completely impossible to know when this would happen, or if it would happen, because fate seemed cruel. Most people either didn't have soulmates or didn't have the chance to meet them in their lifetime. The world was too big and time too short.
There were still skeptics, who claimed that it was all nonsense, lies, invented by people blinded by love or who wanted to give themselves a certain gender. Only those who ended up meeting the person changed their mind, the others remaining too jealous to accept the truth, considering that it was only a romantic utopia.
Y/N wanted to believe in it. She dreamed of meeting her soulmate and experiencing this special moment.
Her parents were not meant to be together. It was visible.
In her entourage, she had an uncle who had had this experience, a few neighbors, a friend, and all had said the same thing.
What they had in common was that they were all good people. Maybe that was one of the reasons.
“You might have had to choose another type of profession then.”
“I’m just saying that cop is not the most popular job in the world.”
"And I would say that choosing to be a non-corrupt police officer in Gotham is almost like being a saint."
"You'll end up getting killed, long before you meet your soulmate. I'll never understand why you wanted to be a cop, especially in this town."
There came a day when her mother's fears almost became a reality. The day when terrorists took the entire city hostage with a bomb, preventing everyone from entering and leaving.
It was probably not what she had thought when she talked about dying, but for several months, hidden with her colleagues, Y/N thought about her soulmate, trying to imagine this meeting that would probably never happen.
Staying mainly with Blake and Gordon, she tried to hide her pain, but it did not escape Miranda Tate, who took her hand with a gentle smile and asked what was tormenting her.
“We’re going to die here.” Y/N whispered. "I mean, I'm not afraid of that, that's the risk of the job. But… I didn't think it would be like this now. I wish I had met my soulmate before."
"Your rafiq alruwh. I didn't think many people cared about it here."
"My what ?"
"That's how my father called soulmates. I grew up with a lot of stories about it, because he and my mother were related. I prayed a lot to be that for one of my friends, but no. Our destinies are linked, but not like that.”
"Even if I would have liked him to be mine, I wish him happiness and that he meets his other half one day. A being worthy of him, of his love and his protection. He deserves to be happy. You too, you seem kind. Maybe you shouldn't have been here."
Her words were strange, but Y/N didn’t tell the others. It wouldn't have changed anything anyway. Even though she had discovered that Miranda Tate had the detonator, that she was the real leader of the terrorists, the streets remained controlled by the militias.
As always, they were saved by the Batman. She had never really known what to think of the vigilante, protected by Gordon and hated by everyone else. He clearly wanted to help Gotham, but his methods remained illegal, and not necessarily effective in the long term.
His death was a tragedy, but not necessarily the end of a symbol. Hope was still there, even stronger, and the Gotham police were determined to ensure everyone's safety.
Y/N felt this determination too.
Still, she froze as she inspected the sewers with Blake and Ramirez. They too had a moment of hesitation, as their lamps illuminated a body. A huge body, sitting against the wall, face hidden by this frightening mask.
There had been a search for Bane and his men after the explosion. Witnesses said the Batman fought him, and won, but they found nothing.
Obviously, the terrorist had managed to drag himself here to die.
"What do we do ?" Ramirez asked shyly. “Should we put a bullet in his head ?”
"What ? Why do you want to do this ?"
"To make sure he's dead. I've seen a lot of movies, man, I know the mistakes to avoid."
She didn't approve of the speech, but Y/N agreed, it was necessary to check it out.
Feeling almost stupid, she moved forward slowly, her hand reaching towards Bane to see if he felt a pulse.
She didn't expect the large hand that quickly grabbed her neck before she could touch him.
Fear paralyzed her body, and yet there was something else. An indescribable, incredible feeling, which resembled happiness but more intense, which was absurd in this situation.
Y/N felt so lost that she didn't realize the hand was relaxing, just resting against her skin instead of squeezing and snapping her neck like it easily could have done.
"Habibi…" was the word spoken with difficulty by Bane, who stared at her with an indecipherable expression.
“Let her go right now, you bastard !”
Maybe he was as confused as her, or maybe he was too weak, but the terrorist didn't avoid Ramirez's punch, while Blake grabbed Y/N to pull her as far away as possible.
She stood still, not understanding what was happening, as Ramirez called for reinforcements, proud of having been able to knock out the giant, even though he knew as well as anyone that he would have had no chance. if his mask hadn't been damaged and he wasn't half dead. It was not possible.
Bane couldn't be her soulmate, Y/N refused to believe it. A man like him had no soul, not after everything he had done, and above all why would he be destined for her ? She didn't feel like she had committed a crime that deserved such punishment.
She was probably never going to see him again anyway.
If he survived to Blackgate, he would be locked there forever. Even if she had permission, she had no intention of visiting him.
But the feeling remained there, strong, impossible to ignore, demanding more. An incomprehensible need to be close to the one who had touched her, so that he would touch her again.
Y/N resisted. She gave her report to Commissioner Gordon, forgetting a few small details, and indicating that she did not wish to follow this case, leaving Bane's case to better agents than her.
This seemed to surprise him, as he considered her one of his best people, but he accepted.
However, it was impossible not to think of her soulmate, since the whole town was only talking about him and his arrest. The television was on loop every day, and her colleagues thought they were doing the right thing by keeping her informed of progress.
"They say his face is horrible. I think there are photos in the file."
"I'd love to see that ! I can't imagine that fucker at all without his weird mask. Do you think he has a normal voice without that thing ?"
“I can go get it so we check.”
Ramirez's gaze met hers as he stood, and without her needing to speak, he knew it was best for him to sit back down and change the subject.
Y/N didn’t see the photos. She absolutely didn't want to.
After several weeks, she asked to take a vacation, claiming to still be traumatized by what had happened to her, in addition to the near destruction of Gotham. She needed some time to rest.
Turning off all the screens and her phone, she tried meditation to clear her mind, so she could get some sleep and forget that her soulmate was a crazy, half-dead terrorist who would soon be judged.
This miserable attempt being a failure, she turned her phone back on shortly after midnight, only to be bombarded with calls and messages, coming from several colleagues, Blake, and Gordon.
"What is happening ?" she asked, calling the Commissioner back.
"Damn, I almost sent men to check on you, you weren't responding ! Where are you ? Are you okay ?"
“I’m at home, why ?”
"Don't panic. Blake will come get you."
“Gordon, what’s going on ?”
"He hasn't said anything since his arrest, keeping very quiet, and then yesterday Bane spoke. He asked to see you, giving your name. The other agents are categorical, it's impossible that he knows ot, no one told him. The agent simply replied that you were not on the investigation, and even on vacation… Damn, he…"
“Gordon, what ?”
"He escaped, Y/N. We don't know how. No one knows where he is, or what he's going to do. But since he talked about you, I don't want to take any risks. Don't move, John will come right away."
She could have told him that she knew very well why Bane had spoken about her, and that it was undoubtedly necessary for her to leave without delay, but fear held her back.
Even if it wasn't her fault, what would the commissioner think when he learned of her connection to the fugitive ? He was a good man, but all men had their limits, and she would be the first to be wary of someone designated as Bane's soulmate.
After hanging up, she jumped out of bed to grab her gun and shoes, ready to wait for Blake to arrive in her living room.
Y/N froze in the middle of the hallway, seeing the huge figure standing between her and the front door.
His face was covered by a scarf, his posture a little less proud than in the videos she had seen of him during his city hostage situation, he appeared to be in pain, but it was obvious that if she tried to pass, he would retain her without the slightest difficulty.
“Habibi.” he whispered, and indeed his voice was different without his mask, more human. "What a joy to see you again. More beautiful than I remember or on pictures. Will you come with us without resistance ? I don't want to hurt you."
"Hands in the air." she replied, pointing her gun at him, ignoring the urge to hug him. “Don’t move, my colleagues are coming.”
"I admire your sense of duty and honor, Habibi. But I will not return to prison, ever again. And I will not leave you either. I thought of you every day. Is your neck healed ? I need to repair my wrongs to you.”
“I said, put your hands in the air.”
“So you leave us no choice, Habibi.” he sighed, looking behind her.
We. He said we, and someone gave him her name. Y/N reacted too late, one man grabbing her gun, and the other not holding her shoulder, injecting something into her neck with a syringe.
In an instant, she found herself on the ground, her vision blurring, but her body not panicking, as it was invaded by an incredible sensation. Bane had reached out to hug her, his eyes smiling as he ran a hand over her cheek.
"It's okay. I'm taking you home, rafiq alruwh."
All her life, Y/N had waited for this moment, this feeling, this sentence. She told herself that the stories we said to children were really stupid, as her eyes closed.
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jewishvitya · 6 months
I just wanted to thank you so much for all of your insight and generosity with your perspective as an anti-zionist israeli, something you absolutely don't owe us but I feel immense amounts of respect and admiration for. from an American jew, it's been so valuable to know there are people like you out there, it's made everything feel much less hopeless despite all the hopelessness. I've felt very alone recently, surrounded by all the Jewish people in my life who are pro-israel and don't seem to grasp the gravity of the situation and my pro-palestine gentile friends, and I've felt very alone in my grief as I've only really started to unpack and dismantle my own biases very recently. reading your posts and your perspective on everything has just made me feel very seen as a jew in this situation, especially as I try to reconcile my feelings about everything going on with my own feelings about my faith and my identity.
you've probably seen that I've gone through a lot of your posts and that I've followed you. i just want you to know that I'm not necessarily following you just for that, I know you're just a fandom blog, it's just that after looking through your posts I feel like you're just a really nice person and seeing yoi on my dash from you would be endearing coming from you even though im not into it myself.
just. thank you again for sharing your story and continuing to share. you have no idea how much it's helped me.
I'm in tears. I've been crying way more than usual over the past couple of months, but it's nice for a change to have those tears to come from being touched instead of grief. I apologize if I'm going to ramble.
You say I didn't owe you all this, but I do feel responsible. I'm watching so much destruction and seeing how comfortable people around me are with the loss of life. This is why I've been talking about what we do and not as much about the impact of October 7 on me or people I know. I did a bit of that in the beginning, but pretending it was the start of everything to keep going back to that one day, after two months of horror, as if I can't count past 7... I didn't choose to be born where I am, I didn't choose to grow up in the most extremist community this place has to offer. But since I'm here, since I'm comfortable at the expense of Palestinians and violence is being done in my name and I have the tools to highlight issues within my society, I think it's a moral obligation.
I know how I talk about things here, and that's genuinely because I don't want to minimize the severity of the racism and the nationalism in Israel. And someone perceived my words as showing hatred for Israelis. But... I love my people. I don't expect those who see or experience our violence to feel the same or even understand me, but I do. It's my neighbors and my childhood friends and my family. It's children I see playing outside and getting excited when they see I have a cat, and the random people who stop me in the street and give me directions if they think I look lost.
Even growing up in the West Bank settlements, the people were very good to me. I needed years to internalize the fact that this kindness doesn't get extended to you if you're not part of the in-group. It broke my heart. It still does. Seeing people who I know are capable of kindness and compassion, hardening themselves against the pain of other human beings. Closing their eyes and telling themselves it isn't real. It's all an act.
I told a friend I feel like I'm betraying my mom, who was deeply bigoted, but also a wonderful mother. She taught me a lot of the principles that are guiding me now - I just took down the walls she put around who deserves to be considered. She'd be horrified with seeing the things I'm saying if she was still alive. But she taught me to care about people, I just decided it means all people.
Everyone should be prioritizing Palestinian liberation, and at the same time, I care about this too. I care about the morality of my people. I need us to be better than this. I want to dismantle the nationalism that teaches us hate and violence so we can start to heal and come to terms with what we did (and still do) here. I want us to fix what we can and hold ourselves accountable. I want us to reimagine safety in a way that doesn't cause harm, and build good relationships with the rest of humanity. Every marginalized community is experiencing bigotry in interactions with every other community, that's just how these things work. But I believe healing the world, and healing my society, is possible.
And it's hard, because so much of what we learn is rooted in truth. Antisemitism is real. Millennia of persecution are real. The trauma we carry is real. If the idea of an ethnostate makes us feel safe, and the idea of losing it makes us scared, how do we differentiate between fear as a natural reaction to antisemitic violence and fear that was taught to us for the sake of nationalism? Especially those of us living in Israel, immersed in the propaganda. It doesn't matter in practice, our feelings of safety or fear don't justify an ethnostate, especially not one built on top of another nation, but it matters for the conversations I have with people.
And I said that the violence I'm seeing feels like an attack on my identity. Seeing a giant hannukiyah in Gaza, when Hannukah tells the story of occupied people fighting off their oppressors. Seeing images that echo so much of the horrors that were done to us. The Magen David being used with hate and spite. It's all so painful. And I love this land, it's the only home I've known, so seeing us destroying nature and soaking it with blood and calling that connection?
Judaism does guide me here. The concept of tikkun olam. The idea of לא עליך המלאכה לגמור ולא אתה בין חורין לבטל ממנה - doing what I can, even if what I'm able to do isn't some decisive blow that entirely turns the tide. The idea that every human being is a whole entire world, to me it means that every single person alive is worth fighting for. So no matter how much death I see, there's still worlds more to save.
And Jewitches had this post that felt just healing to read. Nationalism hijacked our culture, and it will always leave a mark for centuries into the future. But I'm not letting go, and I'm not letting that create a rift between me and thousands of years full of history I can be proud of.
I feel your grief. And I'm grateful for the anti-zionist Jews I met by talking about this, because honestly, I need you people in my life. The pain and the anger are both easier to hold together.
So, thank you for following. I might follow back, just to see you around on my feed. And thank you for sending this. Feel free to message me anytime for any reason (I promise it won't result in a lecture every time).
Also, your url gave me pjo nostalgia
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cellias · 6 months
ok yes the “she met a pinecone’s fate” felt so mean and out of place with the empathetic Percy we see in the book’s narrative BUT !!
when rewatching the scene my attention was brought back to what annabeth says before that— “she fought valiantly and met a hero’s fate.” i remember thinking about how brainwashed (for lack of a better word) annabeth is. she respects the gods immensely at this point in her life, all she wants is for her mother to notice her, because that’s all she knows. her father let the emotional neglect go so far that she ran away at seven years old, and her mother only communicates with her a few times.
her idea of a hero is the willingness to self-sacrifice, and the bearing of tragedy in life, but this idea disregards the fact that had the gods been more attentive and present, thalia wouldn’t have had to do sacrifice her life. her concept of a hero’s fate ignores the unjust fact that thalia was only recognized by her father in death and is hyper-focused on the honor that it is to be given a god’s time of day. we also see annabeth holding the gods to a high esteem later in the episode when she argues with medusa in favor of the story that she’s heard rather than what the person who lived through it has to say. as well as when she tries to stop percy from sending medusa’s head to olympus.
this ties into percy’s “impertinent” behavior toward the gods. we know percy thinks the gods are fucked up, he shows it in the book and the series early on when he learns about them. he’s mad at poseidon and acknowledges that it’s his fault sally is gone, unprotected and seemingly unnoticed, and that percy is kinda left to fend for himself in a new world. in the series he prays to his mom instead of his father despite seeing the tribute the other kids give to their godly parents. he rejects that side of his parentage because he feels his mom is the only one who deserves the credit for his life. he says that the gods had been unfair to thalia in the book when he learns about her. he defends himself against the Zeus’s accusation by saying “‘i’m just a kid!’” i think that line is important, and especially what annabeth says about it later on, because it shows how different their mindsets are.
percy has been protected and loved by his mom his entire life up to this point. she’s tried to give him a good life, and that’s the root of his character. he realizes the incredulity of this entire situation because he has not been fighting to survive without the love and support of a parent since he was young. annabeth left her home at a young age, was left in dangerous conditions, and fought for her life when she was only 7, and she’s been training for war ever since. she’s surrounded by kids who went through the same thing, specifically luke and formerly thalia. in the series, annabeth takes the “I’m just a kid” claim and reveals she finds it naive and ignorant, because he’s a part of something bigger than him and that he needs to accept his fate. (again, she’s been preparing for this her whole life, he’s been thrust into it after losing his mom)
when percy hears this story from grover about three demigods on the run, two of them near his age when they went through it, he is hearing a story about three kids being ignored and left to fend for themselves by their parents. he’s already angry about the gods’ lack of interference and how normal it seems to be at camp. when he hears annabeth regard thalia and her ultimate fate as heroic and respectable, he doesn’t see it as the same. he finds thalia heroic and brave, but her fate not so much. annabeth’s admiration contrasts his questioning toward the gods. percy most likely found Zeus’s decision to finally notice his daughter by turning her into a tree as anything but heroic, more pathetic.
at least that’s how i interpret the “she met a pinecone’s fate” line. I think it adds to his reputation and growing disdain for the gods and their attitude. idk what do u guys think 😫
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finleyforevermore · 3 months
Hey guys! How've we been since I've been away? Hm? Not good? Yeah, I thought so.
I was AFK (which means Away From Keyboard for those who weren't aware, or didn't think to Google it /nm) because my mom had taken away my phone for a bit but I could still use it to help with my math homework.
I did lurk around Tumblr a bit, and I did "officially" come back online for a bit, but I mostly lurked.
And how delightful it was to see (can not clarify enough how sarcastic this is) that someone I follow but am not moots with decided that March 20th was the day they were doing to commit suicide. They did not succeed. But they sure as hell scared the fuck out of me. Same story I've seen before with my other friends, abusive parental figure, and possibly SA'd like some of my other friends. Lovely.
And then ANOTHER friend as it turns out has an extremely abusive mother and got fucking strangled by aforementioned mother, then said in the posts of a vent post, "something something maybe she should've killed me".
Being technically AFK I had to go on anon for a bit and try my damndest to prove to my friend that their mother is beyond saving, and there's no use seeing her in a positive light, and they by no means deserve what happened to them. I don't know if it worked. If you see this, I'm sorry if I came off as rude. But that really was the straw that broke the camel's back.
I'd been trying to keep together fairly well but I had been thinking of Liam, Nex's death was ruled a suicide (and now his murderers will not be charged), all of my other friends are traumatized and now I've discovered another friend has an abusive parent, and someone tried to fucking kill themselves.
And so, we have this. This song has been my coping mechanism for the past several weeks and what I can best describe as my theme song. Whenever I see something tragic with either my friends or someone else my first thought is the words of this song. Largely because of the themes of getting salvation for the unjust wrongs done upon Sweeney or in this case my friends.
I really don't know why I was blessed to know such wonderful incredible beautiful people only for them to suffer relentlessly and have gallons upon gallons of trauma.
Do bad things happen? Sure. But with my friends it's non-stop. One traumatic event after another after another after another and I'm. Just so done. I'm so sick. And I'm so tired. Of everything. Of all the pain and suffering. Of the fact I can't do anything. Of the fact I feel too much. This probably shouldn't be impacting me so much but for some reason it is.
I would've been apprehensive posting this because I'm kind of self-conscious about my voice but some of my friends are suffering 24/7 so I think my voice is the last thing I should be worrying about.
Enjoy if you want. Or don't. That's ok too. Love you guys.
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