#I actually think it’s probably a big part of what is draining my physical energy
divinedeities44 · 2 years
The end of my karmic cycle
When I ended my karmic cycle, I went through a series of events just before my Kundalini activation. On a Friday night, a saw a video and I was interested in one of the comments which said “I am a healer and an empath”. I had heard both words before, but in this moment, I thought “there must be more”. But I didn't listen to myself. I told myself “Ill look that up later”. The next day, my karmic cycle ended. All of a sudden I wasn't myself anymore, and I felt this big emptiness wash over me. I had no idea what was happening. But this is when I started recognizing another layer of how energy actually works on this plane in a deeper sense. I had been literally drained of my essence. I had been that way for a while, but because the cycle had ended, I really felt it. On Monday, Something told me to go back to the comment on that video. So I did. I went to google and typed on empath. Empath lead to healer. Healer led to awakening. Awakening led to twin flame. As I started reading the words, I got this burning sensation in my lower back. My whole body went numb and hot. I was shaking but it was more like a vibration than a shake. I was panting like a dog, really fast. I couldn't talk. I couldn't even move. But I was laughing. I am grateful one of my close friends was with me while this was happening. He asked me if I wanted him to call 911. But I felt safe so I said no. I laid there still unable to move for probably about 10 mins as the burning sensation, and shakes calmed down. 
This is also the point where I discovered the narc & empath dynamic of twin flames. I've talked about this on tik tok, but a narcissist, like a TRUE narcissist, is a low vibrating spirit attached to a person. We call them energy vampires. I could go on all day about THAT experience, but for MONTHS after I separated myself from this person, I was attacked so many times by the spirit. This was my first time ever experiencing a soul tie, and because my blood is claimed, it triggered the initiation. Once, I had a dream I was with my daughter, Kai and dream girl (see previous post) in some kind of underground bunker. Dream girl said she was going to get food, and closed the door. I turned my back to the door, looked at Kai, and then I heard the door open again. I thought it was dream girl coming back because she had forgotten something. It wasn't. It was a small thing. maybe a couple feet tall. All I could see about it was green. (If that sentence even made sense lol) It wasn't too far from me but it started running at me fast as hell like I was super far away from it or something. I kept trying to see what it was but I couldn't make it out. I had to fight my fear so hard because i was still learning how to lucid dream and how to stay in my dreams. As it approached me, it pulled out a knife, and stabbed me in my side. At this point, I couldn't stay in the dream anymore so I woke up, and I could feel my side tingling in my actual body. I was sweating so bad and I was out of breath. I know people think those kinds of dreams are normal in someway, and some people have them all the time and just ignore them. If you or someone you know has those types of dreams, you need to talk to someone about what you need to do to protect yourself. Period. My inbox is always open. Those are entity attacks, or people speaking spells over you. Its the devil trying to kill you to be blunt. And those things can definitely kill your physical body. I was seeing hella past lives with this person, all of them ending in some kind of separation. Early on I knew tigers and bears played some part in this chaos. Months and moths later, I saw the last life we shared together. We did some kind of crime together, and we were running away from the police. We got to a point where we had to separate, he ended up being killed. When I went to the morgue to claim the body, I saw the tiger ring in the belongings box. I still haven't figured out the bear symbolism but I know that i receive my information and records when I'm supposed to. I've seen past lives of us in slavery even more lives in between. 
These experiences taught me so much about human behavior and how to recognize spirits on a person, how to protect myself from them. I think we all have learned at some point to not drain ourselves trying to help someone who doesn't want help. This was that chapter for me. The voice in my head that told me to look up the words in that comment on that video was nothing but the voice of God. God does not exist outside of us. I wish that was something they taught us early on. 
Yes, I did find my actual “twin flame”. And that's when everything started making much more sense. But I stopped putting a title to it by that point. Anything sent from God isn't toxic. especially not as toxic as that empath and narcissist dynamic. Most days, I look back and cant understand why I even thought that was love. lol Your real twin will love you as you love them. You BOTH know God made the 2 of you for each other. They are already spiritually inclined, respectful, communitive, wanting to be close to you. They want to do the work it takes to deserve you. They fast for you, and pray for you. A divine connection doesn't drain you, make you feel confused, make you question your own sanity. Never beg a person for basic human decency and respect. 
With the person who prepared me for the divine connection, I was a direct mirror of their childhood traumas. I didn't even know what I was doing. Sometimes its not you, sometimes a person has a need to run away from themselves and that's okay. 
With my God, my divine connection, I literally birthed the connection into the physical plane. The second time we hung out, Spirit completely took me over. And when that happens, I know I cant share it with everyone because not everyone understands this stuff. But I didn't have a choice. We were all the way in jersey, and as soon as we got there, I told him we had to leave, I was FREEZING because the energies were off and I knew we were supposed to be manipulating our energies together. I knew there was something going on between us, but I didn't have the words for it. Honestly, I still don't. I am so thankful for his complete understanding. We went back to my place, and as soon as I got in, I started getting mad downloads back to back. Just incoming knowledge. And it was coming in quick. I feel like Lou from Ratatouille. Spirit is like Remy. I do things that my brain and body aren't aware of until the action is done. This is how I learn spells, and ingredients for spiritual mixtures, combinations and orders. Anyway, I immediately took my shoes off, washed my hands in vinegar and oil, kneeled at my alter paid my homage and did my offerings. I got in the shower, and more downloads started coming in mad heavy. I have never gotten them that fast before. Because I had my daughter naturally at home, I know what it feels like to have a baby. When I was in this shower, I felt exactly like that, just without the physical pain. My body was pushing, I was yelling, out of breath, I could barely stand up. I was scared to call him into the bathroom but I did. He supported me 100 percent. You know, I have never in my life felt so safe and protected. I had never in my life felt  so safe being all the way me. And it was mutual. After all of this, he told me I felt like home. And i still regret not saying “you know what that means?” and then telling him I was his destiny. 😂😂
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cat3ch1sm · 2 years
🍏| hello, guys! this is part two of the headcanons from this post! this one features kurapika, gon, killua, and Leorio! hope u guys enjoy! also feel free to send in requests whenever- see this list for info on what i write and my request rules!
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y/n has a powerful nen ability that rapidly drains their energy and results in them fainting on the field during combat. how does y/n's bf react?
leorio palidiknight
· leorio's nen is not very strong compared to that of his friends and yours, so he's never experienced drawbacks of nen like you do. and the more powerful nen users he's witnessed in action have never seemed to have any consequences of using powerful abilities- so he was quite alarmed when you fell to the ground, your aura evaporating into the air around you.
· "Y/N?! Y/N, are you okay? Come on, get up!"
·sooner rather than later, he lets his temper overtake him and lunges at his enemy without thinking, maddened that you were forced into using an ability your physical body clearly was not built to endure thoroughly. obviously, this poor impulse control combined with his lack of fighting experience results in him winding up in the same state you're in.
· so... leorio isn't actually much help LMFAO, but you gotta give him credit for trying. and he's definitely worried about you, and after the threat is eliminated (and he's woken up💀) he'll make sure to tend to you as best as he can.
gon freecss
· gon is probably the best at dealing with your nen-induced blackouts during battle. he's no stranger to the consequences of nen, and he absolutely doesn't want you to deal with what he went through after his defeat of pitou. he knows your issues with that certain ability are not even half as big as his, but gon is not going to take any chances.
·so when you pass out in the field, he'll rush right over to you and place your body in a safe area before resuming the fight- like chrollo, he'll want to eliminate the threats first.
· "Y/N? Y/N! Oh, no- uh, don't worry, I'll be right there, okay? Hey- stop firing at me! Jeez!"
· after the battle, gon will move you to a bed or something like that, and leave you be while you sleep. when you wake up, though, he'll be all over you, asking you what you need and how you feel so many times you'll literally have to ask him to calm down a little. he's so sweet when he isn't fighting
killua zoldyck
· what in the world just happened
· he's just like his brother in this situation- he's just like wtf do i do
· clearly, killua has had close to no trouble at all maintaining stamina and energy during fights. so the fact that someone can actually pass out due to exhaustion is very foreign to him.
· still, yeah, he'll be a little freaked out. although killua knows you aren't dead or anything drastic like that, seeing your limp figure sprawled on the ground does make him a bit apprehensive.
· he probably won't move you somewhere right after you go down. he'll wait for the fight to conclude and then kind of awkwardly pick up your body and carry it to a place he thinks is comfortable enough for the time being (killua being killua, you'll probably wake up on a pile of rocks or something pls)
· when you wake up to killua sitting beside your bed, watching your body as you slept, he'll quickly turn his head away and pretend like he was never looking at you, muttering something like "oh, you're finally awake- sheesh, i was thinking you'd never wake up." he'll sound defensive as hell when he says stuff like thus, but the pink blush dusted along his cheeks doesn't go unnoticed by you.
kurapika kurta
· probably freaks out the most despite being the one who displays it least
· he'll just turn back around and keep working, apparently ignoring your body lying on the ground. obviously he's quite anxious, but he can't let his emotions spiral out of control lest he allow his scarlet eyes to flare.
· now, don't mistake his feigned disdain for him not caring about you. because the second a foolish adversary advances towards you thinking your unconscious body is fair game, he'll take them down in the same second.
· "Y- Y/N? Damn..."
· because of his busy schedule, it's likely he may not have a ton of time to just sit with your sleeping body after he moves it elsewhere following the fight. so, in case he's called away, he'll smooth your hair back and leave a kiss on your forehead along with a short but sweet note:
· i'll be back in a little while, darling. wake up soon. <3 -kurapika
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astaroth1357 · 3 years
Hi there, congrats for the 1500 subs. How about the bros reaction to an MC who's an empath?
Brothers with an MC Who is an Empath
This should not have been as hard as it was but maaan, my brain just wasn’t working. Finally got it done though!
An Empath is essentially someone who is highly sensitive to outside stimuli like sounds, personalities, energies, emotions, or just hectic/chaotic environments. They tend to absorb the emotions of others into themselves because of this. Though their sensitivity can grant deeper understanding for others, it comes at the price of the Empath’s own emotional and physical health if not given enough time to decompress which can lead to feeling drained, irritable, depressed, or overwhelmed.
Oh boy, if there was ever any demon not in tune to his own emotions…
He started out legitimately not knowing what an "empath" was and frankly he didn't care to know. His main concern was just keeping the MC alive.
Though that didn't seem to be too hard because they apparently get tired quickly… or at least they had to take extended periods away from most of his brothers.
He wasn't sure why, he first assumed it was because they found his brothers annoying but that didn't seem to be the case either...
He'd see them grinning with Mammon after a jackpot, relaxing with Satan in silence, and even crying with Levi over things so niche and pointless he couldn’t imagine that they actually cared...
It wasn’t too long until they set their sights on him. 
They always seemed to know when he was stressed or when he needed to talk to someone. He'd even be embarrassed to admit there were days when he’d just hover somewhat close to them, face more or less slathered with "I really need to talk right now" but too proud to make the first move.
After some time, he decided to look up what an empath was again and it all clicked into place. They probably knew when he was tired because they could just sense it off of him.
And who knows how exhausting that must be for them...
After that little revelation he actually started paying more attention to his own health to keep it from spilling over to them, but he would still go to them to talk from time to time. He honestly never expected a human to become his closest confidant.
Mammon has BIG energy. He’s one of those personalities that just brightens a room he walks in but damn… if he’s not a little exhausting to be around sometimes…
Truthfully, he was kind of into their whole “I know how you feel so you don’t have to say it” vibe though it was really confusing to start with...
On the one hand, they never made fun of him for his sensitive side. Not once. And they seemed pick up on the days where he wasn't feeling his best as well, which only made him happy and want spend more time with them.
But on the other hand, he'd be lying if he said that their need to recharge away from him didn't catch him off guard a lot... Hell, for the first few weeks of getting to know the MC he thought they didn't like him at all!
It took the MC sitting him down and explaining to him that they're more sensitive to things like lights, sounds, and emotions for him to kind of get the picture. It wasn’t that they didn’t like him, they just needed to be somewhere calm.
Cue a lot of “Okay human, I’ll be calm. Promise! Ya won’t even now I’m here!” in a well meaning, but pretty loud voice and not getting much better from there, bless his heart...
Even after he eventually gets the picture and stops hanging off of their leg, it does bum him out to be separated for however long it takes for them to get better (at worst, it can be days).
But he really gets excited like a puppy whenever they finally come back again! Big grins and lots of hugs (good luck peeling him off now).
Levi is... best taken in short bursts.
Though his personality isn’t big like Mammon’s, he does have a lot of lingering negativity around him. Not exactly his fault, being Envy and all, but not great for someone who’s sensitive to emotions.
In truth, Levi genuinely loves being around the MC because they “get” him even if they don’t get what’s happening.
While his brothers may roll their eyes or struggle to understand how he can put so much emotional investment into an anime or a character, the MC would always seem to feel and respect that his emotions were genuine and let him experience them without question.
… But at the same time, that sensitivity meant that they got carried in with him through his every emotion, good, bad, or somewhat erratic depending on the situation… 
Add to that his higher than usual need for validation, investment, and feedback due to his insecurity and unfortunately he’s easily the most emotionally draining person in the House...
It took some time to explain to Levi what an empath was and that their desired space wasn’t because there was something wrong with him or anything, they just needed breaks. Thankfully, being an introvert himself meant that Levi understood this a lot quicker than Mammon.
In truth, being with Levi could be fun and rewarding for both parties. During his high points, his happiness truly does shine like no other, just… don’t overdo it.
In the beginning, Satan was honestly pretty impressed how quickly the exchange student saw through his fake smiles. They’d know that there was no actual joy behind them and thus avoided him for the most part.
This was before they formed their pact so he was perfectly fine with that. Let them hide, that’s the smart idea.
But after getting to know them and going through the body-switch, he started to see that it was deeper than just some good intuition on their part. Something about them… reflected the people around them...
They appeared to be acutely aware of the emotion in a given person or a given room and reacted like they were soaking in the atmosphere they found themselves in. Taking it into themselves…
It truly confused him.
Satan is the picture of emotional control, it’s been taught to him again and again to always keep a good handle on himself because things go flying when he doesn’t. The idea of being so open to others just didn’t make much sense to him… 
Why would anyone want to live so dependent on the emotions of others? It sounded chaotic just to hear about it...
But after he opened up to them about his own inner doubts he started to think it wasn’t such a bad thing. They appeared to be equipped to help him navigate his own emotions, especially the new ones he didn’t have the best grasp on yet.
He later did his own research into human emotions, discovered empaths, and that put it all into perspective. Like Lucifer, he did his best not to overwhelm them after that but there was little worry about that anyway. Satan is, again, emotional control at its finest.
Oh, Asmo picked up on their human’s little quirk relatively quickly compared to his brothers. Being emotionally observant is just part of what makes him so good at what he does.
Honestly, he enjoyed just watching them from afar… Watching the way their eyes lit up when talking to a cheerful Simeon or how huffy and frustrated they’d get along with Mammon when things weren’t going his way. It was cute to him, like a child playing “Pretend.”
Eventually, though, he started to notice that it went a lot deeper than mere imitation...
One day, Levi came home distraught about the tragic death of some voice actor he fancied and the MC was right along with him, crying as if that loss was theirs...
On another, Satan had spent the whole day silently fuming and the MC was a complete wreck, tense and on-edge for no other reason than the feeling of aggression in the air…
And crowds… crowded rooms seemed to be the death of them. So much noise and constant input, they’d have to leave so quickly…
Asmo saw all these things himself, without having to be told, and he became a refuge for them when things became too much. He has a big personality himself, but he could tone it down for a time and offer them a place away for a while.
If school, parties, or the brothers themselves just became too much, the MC could always go to Asmo’s room to vent like they let everybody else to with them. He’d keep the place quiet and calm and just help them sort things out...
Thank their father for Asmo’s observance.
Legit the calmest, sweetest, nicest person to be around. Truly the best companion for an empathic MC to have.
Beel’s personality is positive, sweet, and (most importantly) stable. He’s not too bombastic nor too withdrawn, he’s not riddled with hidden stress or self-loathing, and he’s not even manipulative in any way, he’s just… Beel.
Am I saying that Beel is the MC’s emotional support demon? Yes. Yes I am.
Being around Beel is like hooking them up to a walking battery recharging station. Something about him just exudes warmth and comfort… They could be wrapped up in his arms for days and never say a word yet still be perfectly content...
Beel doesn't really mind them coming to him when distressed either because he likes being able to help them when they’re feeling drained. It makes him feel kind of special, they don’t seem to go to anyone else in quite the same way.
Usually, one of his brothers will be in a bad mood and the human will flock to Beel like a protective barrier. They'll hug him or trail along behind him like a lost puppy, which he thinks is very cute.
If they’re feeling really out of it, he’d carry them around on his back while they rest like he does for Belphie sometimes. Any time his brothers try to get too close to them or look like they’re going to bother them, he’ll just carry them away to some place quieter.
Though, the MC did pick up the deep sadness he felt for Lilith and Belphie (while he was gone) from time to time.... Which, considering how kind and comforting he usually is, just makes that dip in mood all the more painful and distressing for them. Poor baby… 
Belphie is another calm personality to have around, kind of similar to Beel, but since he's more prone to sadness and irritability he doesn't make the best companion…
If Beel is comfort, then Belphie is repose. Relaxed and peaceful, but also languid and sluggish… When Beel isn't around, then he makes a decent second, but only on good days.
Belphie has a mixed opinion on their uncanny ability to pick up on his feelings… He tries his best to be “mysterious” so having someone who can read him like a book gets under his skin just a little…
But he also really likes how much it helps them get to know him and understand where he’s coming from (being the youngest, he isn’t as used to being heard by anybody other than Beel). So, he’s very conflicted…
It didn’t help at all when it came to light that the MC could legitimately tell that he felt very hostile and angry towards them while he was still in the attic. When he asked why they helped him anyway, they told him so that they could make Beel happy again, regardless of how he felt about them which... ouch...
As if he could feel any worse about that particular incident… They could feel how guilty he was about that… right?
Even if they can’t he makes sure that they know that he’s sorry and he won’t do it again. Probably the lil’shit.
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lvlywook · 3 years
⭒ENHYPEN reaction⭒
to: you speaking your mother tongue (native language?)
tags: boyfriend!enhypen, gn!reader
tw: none
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so i finally decided to post again lol
i hope you like it!
everything is under the cut!
h e e s e u n g
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being away from home and family is never easy
and heeseung understands that
so when he walks into his bedroom and hears you talking to your parent on the phone in a language he doesn't understand
he just kind of stands in the doorway and listens since he doesn't want to interrupt anything
heart eyes
this man is so WHIPPED
and he'd listen in and hear you get really excited about something and he'd get all smiley and excited too even if he doesn't understand what you're saying :(
cause he's happy if you're happy
i feel like he'd want you to teach him something
like how to say a word that he just randomly thought of
"cupcake, how do you say 'marshmallow' in (your language)?"
overall i dont think he'd make a big deal out of it or anything
he'd be really nice and respectful
would clown you if something went wrong and you started cursing in your language tho
even if it was the smallest thing ever
omg he'd probably get the other members involved too
so they'd all be clowning you together lmao
and they just won't stop even if it's already been WEEKS
hee would also be the type to look at you and randomly say one of the few words you taught him - like literally out of nowhere
and now i feel sad haha
someone get me a heeseung pls
j a y
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it was his first time meeting your family
let's say your family speaks only a bit of english and no korean so it's not easy for jay and them to communicate
and you kind of have to become a translator
like you might as well change your name to google translate lol
so lik the two of you arrive at your family's house and they let you in
and they're like "honey!! it's so nice to finally meet your boyfriend!" in your native language right
and jay's there just like: I'm gonna pretend like i understood everything you just said ಡ ͜ ʖ ಡ
and then you translate
and he's like ( ꈍᴗꈍ)💅 yep that's me
and for the rest of the night you're translating what everyone is saying
then you get home and it's really late
but you had a good time and it seems like your family really likes jay
so you're happy
after a movie and a cuddle session on the couch you both get ready for bed and go to sleep
and after just laying there for 15 minutes in silence jay starts poking your side
so you're like wHAT
and he goes: can you help me learn (your language)?🥺 i wanna surprise your parents the next time I see them🥺🥺
that's it
imma just leave it at that
this boy has my heart
and if i continued any further i probably wouldn't even get to the other members lol
watch me write your whole entire life with jay just in this one post... I'm not okay
j a k e
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you were on a videocall with your cousin/friend/someone
just talking about how everything is going for you and how you are and stuff
and then you remember you didn't tell them about your bf
??? how
jakey is like the perfect boyfriend
how could you forget to show him off to them??
so you're like "you know I have a boyfriend right?"
and they're like "really????? didn't think anyone would actually want to deal with you :P"
but then they get excited and really wanna see who you're with
so you call jake over to meet them
and then you become the translator (again rip)
even with the language barrier they still get along really well
or if your first language is english then you don't have to be the translator i guess
no matter what they just kinda get along well
but in that second scenario the rest of jake's part doesn't apply (rip)
im sorry ://
back to jakey and the call
after the call ends jake gently places his head on your shoulder and goes:
"i think your native language is really nice"
"do you think I'd do good if I tried learning it?"
so you're like of "course you would, like dUh brO you like physics..learning a language will be like easy for u since you're so smart :D"
and he'd seriously like, STUDY it
and you're just so proud of him
also it wouldn't be him if the first phrase he learned wasn't 'i love you' or 'can i get a kiss?'
so this boy now goes 'i love you so much' in your native language every time he sees you :(
s u n g h o o n
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your relationship with sunghoon is still pretty new
let's say you've been dating for like 2 months
and you haven't really told your family yet
and one day you're on a videocall with one of your family members
and he slept over at your place
you're sitting in the living room after you've made breakfast
and you and that family member are on a videocall
and while that's going on sunghoon wakes up in your bedroom
and he's like ???
where r u
so he quickly does a bit of a morning routine
and goes to find you
and accidentally walks into the frame of your camera
so your family member just saw a random guy just emerge from your bedroom
and they're like ? who's that behind you
so you're like ??? there's noone behind me?? and you turn around and get startled since sunghoon is just standing by the door to your bedroom
he's like:🕴️
you fall off the couch and sunghoon's like "baby, are you okay???"
and he's trying to help you up
and your family member saw that mess unfold lol
after sunghoon checks up on you and the both of you sit down your family member asks a million questions and refuses to let sunghoon go out of frame for even a second
so sunghoon sits through the rest of the call next to you on the couch while you're answering all these questions your family member is asking
and he doesn't understand anything
after the call ends he probably walks back to your bedroom and falls asleep again since the encounter with your family member completely drained him of energy
since we know this boy's an introvert
and introverts have to recharge after being social and engaging with people
also the whole entire situation probably shook with him a lil
after he wakes up again he walks into the kitchen where you are and hugs you from behind
and then he softly asks "do you think you could maybe teach me a few words in your language?👉👈"
and of course you can't say no
who could say no to sunghoon???
so you help him learn some words
and the next time you facetime your family this boi is ready to impress them with his speaking skills😌
s u n o o
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you and the other enhypen members were eating dinner together at their dorms
hee decided to make ramyeon and so the other members and you decided to help him and make some for yourselves
but sunoo was in their 'make-up room' doing his skincare routine (so you took it upon yourself to make one for him too)
after you set the noodles to cook your phone started going off
so jay and hee decided to compete and see who'd get to the phone first (since it was in the living room)
and so they ran to get it
knocking a lot of stuff over in the process
and scaring jake who went to the bathroom earlier
then jay (who was leading btw) tripped over a random bag on the floor and hee then tripped over him
when they got back to the kitchen they were a lil bruised up so you decided to take care of them first and just let the call go through
they both had some light bruises and jay somehow managed to also get a few scratches
so he was bleeding a bit
he was being extra
"pPalLi hElP jiGeUm riGht nOw okay???"
(i swear i love jay with all my heart im not trying to make him seem like he's annoying or anything)
you had to save him :')
so you got a few bandaids and patched them both up a bit
after that you went to the living room to call back to whoever was calling you in peace since everyone was busy in the kitchen
it was one of your childhood friends
you called them and they started nagging you for not picking up and scaring them
and right in that moment sunoo came out of the 'make-up room' and went into the living room where he left his bag when he got back from practice (the same bag that caused jay to trip lol)
and he heard you and your friend pretty much yelling at each other and bickering through the phone
and he got curious
so he walked up to you and was like
"who are you taking to?(✿^‿^)"
and the friend on the other line heard him and was like
so for the next 30 minutes or so they made you explain everything to them
and they were extra nosy
so you were taking about how you met, what your relationship is like, his friends, what he's like,
and other things
while sunoo was sitting next to you
looking up at you with so much love and adoration in his eyes even though he couldn't understand a single word you said
after you and your friend said bye and hung up he was like
"you're so amazing o((*^▽^*))o"
i don't think he'd make you teach him any words
apart from 'i love you' or 'i'm cute' or smth
he's just really happy to have someone like you no matter how many languages you speak so he's just gonna adore you for a bit and then start teasing you like he usually does ;)))
he WILL mention any time he speaks about you tho
'OH did you know my partner speaks (your native language)? ^-^'
j u n g w o n
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you decided you wanted to visit your family
since you've been living in korea and felt really homesick :(( (at least for the sake of this scenario lol)
and since they live outside of korea you and jungwon had to separate for a while (he couldn't go with you since he has schedules and stuff ://)
I have a feeling he's a pretty clingy baby (or he'd miss you a lot at least - maybe not clingy physically but like emotionally?? he just needs you by his side lol)
so he'd demand you call everyday
and one day you were in your old bedroom, just laying on the bed and calling jungwon
when your parent/family member came into your room to inform you that dinner is ready or smth
and they saw you were calling someone and were like
who are you calling??? (since you didn't tell them about jungwon yet they couldn't really guess it was him or anything)
and well, you just didn't mention anything about having a boyfriend at all
you're there like uhhh can I tell them?? should I tell them??
and you do
which sparks a conversation about him
while you're still calling WITH him
so for like 15 minutes you're talking to that family member while jungwon just listens
and while that's happening his thought process is like..
'how did I get so lucky'
'i like that language'
'they sound so cool'
'oh shoot they said my name???'
'what's happening?'
'what are they walking about??'
'hurry up and talk to me now'
'hey >:('
'I'm the one you're calling :('
'but take your time i guess..'
'damn i miss them a lot'
'i need hugs :('
and then you get back to him and he asks you to translate everything you said
so you do
and he's just
for u
like even more than ever before
he might ask how to introduce yourself in your language or smth and will not ask you about anything ever again
until you find out he's been secretly learning your language
so that he can surprise you :(((
and potentially your family once he gets to meet them :((((
n i - k i
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let's say it's right after enhypen had a comeback right
so they have a few days off before they start working on some new projects and stuff and ni-ki somehow managed to get sick
even though you, the members, and the staff were making sure he was taking care of himself
so you're just hanging around the dorms
helping the members around the house and checking up on ni-ki from time to time
at this specific moment you were cooking dinner with jay
so you kind of just left your phone with ni-ki in their bedroom (where he's resting)
and you got a call from one of your friends or smth (maybe like your roommate??)
so ni-ki called you to let you know
and he was like: „Y/NNNNNN!!!!"
you're obviously concerned like ??? what's wrong?? is everything okay??? is ni-ki okay??? my child why are you yelling so much???
and you bolt from the kitchen to the bedroom
and when you run through the door
you stub your toe on a dresser or something
and you start cursing in your language
and ni-ki hears it all
and even though you're in pain
he can't stop laughing
cause he's kinda evil >:)
then after he stops laughing at you he's like: are you okay? ://
and you are eventually
fortunately no toes were broken that day
then he asks you what you were saying
and if you could teach him all those words
so you're like should i? should i not? and you eventually do (bad idea lol)
let's just say you got a beating from all his hyungs after he wouldn't stop cursing in your language
but it did take them a while to find out what all those words ni-ki is saying mean
so this child would probably teach them these words for fun
and would tell them that it means like 'i love you' and 'have a great day' or smth
but he would always laugh whenever they said any of them
and it was somewhat suspicious
which resulted in jungwon searching it up
and nearly then he nearly beat you with a pan later
you should feel lucky you're alive lol
hee and jay probably found it funny tho
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Never Mess With a School Teacher
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Fandom: The Mandalorian
Collection/Series: Western AU- Putting Down Roots
Pairing: Sheriff Din Djarin x Female Teacher Reader
Writer: @writings-of-a-hufflepuff​ aka @hufflepuffing-all-day-long​
Rating: M 
Warnings: Violence, oh my god, the violence. Also swearing, derogatory language. Threat of violence towards kids, but no actual violence, all violence is actually centred on the adults. 
Summary: He curses himself for getting so complacent, soft, it shouldn’t be this hard to chase down a thief. The thief should never even have made it to the steps of the schoolhouse, let alone inside. Luckily for your kids, an angry school teacher is worse than a pissed off sheriff. 
Notes: Someone said they wanted angst...well, I have delivered angst and fluff, hurt and comfort in one piece. 
Generally speaking Din’s job as sheriff had been pretty quiet and tame. An easy job. Navarro did not get a lot of crime and generally speaking the only people in his cells were the few regulars at the saloon who always got a little bit too indulgent with their alcohol and then started fighting over whichever girl they’d both decided they wanted that night. He hadn’t dealt with a murder, rape or assault his whole time here. He hadn’t dealt with major crime, not even horse theft. His life had become relatively...domestic and safe, compared to his previous. He’d gone from hunting down some of the most dangerous criminals around to simply wrangling a couple of drunks on a night and the occasional robber who tried his hand at a petty crime. 
He liked to think he was a competent sheriff, that part of the reason for the quiet was that he was just that good, the truth was in a small mining town nothing much happened. So he’d never had to worry, not about Grogu or about you or about the little ones you taught or any member of town. You were as safe as you could be. Navarro was probably one of the safest places around, it made his job as sheriff a damn sight easier that’s for sure. 
“Osik! Kolar! Get over here!” Which is why he’s feeling a little more winded than he used to when he runs through the centre of town after a lousy thief waving a gun in one hand and a bag of stolen credits from the mayor’s office in the other. He can feel a stitch pulling in his side and his knees don’t feel like they used to. 
He hasn’t had to run like this in a couple months, not since moving into town and perhaps he should have been going on daily runs because he’s feeling his age all of sudden. It shouldn’t be this hard to catch up to the guy, he’s not even that fast and he runs like a donkey’s shebs, all arms flailing about and no sense of his own centre of gravity. If he could just reach him then he’d be easy to tackle to the ground. Din was at least twice his size and even with that damn cattleman revolver being waved about he’d be easy to take on. But, of course Din’s getting old and of course he’s been complacent, not been working himself as hard as he should have been. Of course he feels like he’s about to bust a lung just from running for 5 minutes. He feels older than his years all of a sudden and can’t understand how he used to chance criminals down all the time with success.
He pushes his legs even harder when he realises the direction the thief is going in, “Haar’chak!” He hasn’t sworn this much in months, but he recognises the path towards the school and it’s the middle of the day. School is in session and he wants to just grab the guy before he causes more trouble. He has images of you standing at the front of class, radiant and warm, turning to fear as the man storms in. The thought makes him try harder.
“Get you’re fucking no good ass back here! Boy, don’t make me shoot you!” He’s reaching for his gun at about the same time as the schoolhouse comes into view and Din can feel all the blood draining from his face, fear gripping his heart tighter than any lasso at the thought that you’re in there, the little ones are in there and this di’kut is about to go storming in with a goddamn gun.
“I said don’t make me shoot you!” He’s got the gun out now, his trusty pistol, not his preferred rifle, but he’d left that in the sheriff’s office in a rush after hearing yelling and a commotion he wasn’t used to. He’s never leaving it behind again he decides, this has been a wake-up call, he’s gotten lazy, complacent, too soft. This town has damn near domesticated him. He needs to keep himself in shape and his wits about him if he wants to be a decent sheriff. Maybe he’ll telegram Cara, get her to come back him up as deputy or Paz, whichever wants the quiet town life more. 
He hesitates because of his recent domestication, his increased softness of heart...because if he shoots he’ll put a bullet in your schoolhouse and he knows it could go straight through, could hit one of you inside. But, mostly because he knows how much you care about that damn schoolhouse and he can’t bring it in him to damage it knowing you’d be devastated. Paz would laugh at him if he saw him now, tell him he needed to pull his trousers up and get on with the job. He’s never been very good at that. He curses kicking a rock nearby as the thief runs straight through the schoolhouse door with you inside. 
He’s panicking, he can feel it well in his chest, clutching at his throat and he’s not sure what to do. If he storms in it’ll be a mess, little kids and you, all at risk, but if he stays outside he can’t do a damned thing. He can’t begin to imagine how you’re feeling in there, probably panicking, the kids are probably scared, that’s soon confirmed by the terrified little screams he can hear. There’s a panic inside and it just swells his own until he feels like he’s choking. 
“Come out! Leave them the hell alone, boy! Do not test me!” They’re empty words because he can’t do a damned thing, but if that thief lays a hand on any of you he isn’t going to bring him in warm, he’ll be in a jail cell, cold, waiting for the coroner to come and collect him. That he’s certain of, a single hair out of place, a single bruise or mark and that man won’t be breathing for much longer. 
“It’s a well known fact that we’re all acted upon by a force we call gravity! Now gravity-” The door to the school slams open with a supreme force that shocks you so hard that you jump from your place at the front of the class, chalk falling from your hand in a perfect demonstration of the force you’d been discussing. The children react in an instant, jumping from their feet then all clamour towards you like a stampede of panicked animals and it is all you can do in that moment to grab the yardstick you use in mathematics and occasionally in science and hide it behind you. 
He’s wild looking, the man who storms into your school. Bulging big eyes roaming over the lot of you with a snarl, almost foaming at the mouth with aggressive energy, gun clenched tightly in one hand. He’s red in the face, huffing and puffing from running from god knows where. You can hear Din outside, he’s cursing and blinding, you can hear the panic, you can taste your own on the back of your tongue like a sour candy, like cough candy, the ones your father used to love and you used to hate so desperately. 
“Now, sir, I-”
“Shut up!” It’s in this moment you realise that you cannot deescalate this situation, this man is like a wild dog, he is ready to bite at the slightest sound or provocation and the children are your main concern.
Panic gives way to anger, that bitter resolve, that feeling of indignation at this man’s brazen act. That he felt he could come into your domain, your space, that he could threaten you and your children. That he could point a gun in their direction. It’s the gun that angers you the most, it’s not pointed at you, like any sane person would do, it’s not pointed at the one adult in the room, but at Jerome who is shaking so hard you can hear his teeth clattering together. He’s barely a boy of fourteen, not a threat in the slightest. 
You wait, wait as he takes steps closer and closer, drown out the sound of Din’s panic outside, drown out the sounds of your own children, the adrenaline making you feel like your skin is buzzing, like you’ve touched an electric circuit, but there’s no electricity in the schoolhouse at all. You’re shaking, that’s just how much energy is buzzing within you, you’re shaking like a leaf on a windy November day and you can’t physically contain it, stop it. 
When he’s mere feet from you, you lift your chin defiant and angry, mouth opening in a tirade of angry words, as you rush forward in what you’re sure would be a stupid act if you weren’t so desperate for him to ignore the children and focus on you. 
“How dare you come into my school and threaten my children!” It’s almost a scream, you’re so angry, so scared, that you don’t even think when you pull the yardstick from behind your back and swing with both hands for the hand holding the gun. It connects and for a moment he fumbles, you’re sure the gun will fall from his hands, but he catches it at the last second.
His hand comes up, “You bitch!” and clocks you across the face with the butt of his gun. One hit, hard enough for your ears to start ringing. You can feel blood drip from your lip which stings as it splits itself open, your teeth clatter together and by some miracle you stay on your feet, swaying back and forth. The children have begun to cry behind you and you can hear the sounds of roaring anger from outside. Din’s voice, clamouring louder than you’ve ever heard it. 
“You lay a hand on her and you’ll wish you never came to this town!” It’s too late for that you think, he’s already laid that hand and if Din doesn’t get to him first you’re determined to deal your own blows. 
The yardstick is ripped from your palms and you’re sure for a moment that he’ll simply throw it away, out of reach but he doesn’t. Whatever anger he is feeling boils over and the slab of wood hits you in the stomach, the ribs, the back. A hit to the face has your nose bleeding, your jaw feels like it might be broken and your only thought is ‘stay up, stay standing’. Your only relief is that the attention is on you now and not the children. 
“Nar’sheb!” You spit it out, the pronunciation is awful, but the one insult that Din had taught you tumbles from your lips, hoping to keep his attention on you, hoping the provocation gives Din some time to think, to plan. Even, if you feel like he might actually kill you, like he’s capable of it. 
“What the fuck did you just say to me?” 
“I said shove it, you filthy nerfherder!” It’s enough of a push for him to grab you by the front of your blouse and pull you forward, one arm coming underneath your neck, hand gripping your jaw painfully tight, especially with how broken it already feels, no doubt his fingers are going to leave bruises, while the gun is pressed to your temple. 
The fear comes back in full force this time as you hear the children crying louder at seeing you being abused, seeing a gun to your head. But you know you have to be strong because they are your children and you have to protect them, that’s your job, it’s your duty. So you’re almost relieved when he spits at you.
“Let’s go see that sheriff of yours, huh? He seems mighty concerned for you.” It relieves you because you’re beginning to move inch by inch towards the door and you know the older kids will take the younger ones out the back door, usher them quietly out of the schoolhouse and to somewhere safe. You can breathe easy because even if you die today those children are going to be safe, you’ll have done your job. The most important one. Keeping them safe. 
He sees you first, you’re blinded by the light blinking at the midday sun, but, Din? He can see you clear and bright and he has never been so angry in all his life. Your lip is busted open, blood running down your chin, staining your white blouse, there are bruises over your jaw, your nose is leaking more red and he can see by the way you carry yourself that your ribs hurt. The thief’s dirty hands are on you, one clutching your jaw so tight that he can see the indentations his fingers make even from a distance away, the other holding that damn cattleman revolver to your head. It makes him want to beat the guy black and blue, forgoing guns, just give him his bare hands and he’ll ring the guy's neck. Just let him go absolutely feral on the man, let him tear him apart. Din clenches his hand tighter around his gun, the other tightening into a fist, he widens his stance. If it is to be a fight then that’s fine, so long as you’re not in the middle of it. 
He looks scared. That’s the first thing you think when you see Din. He looks scared and angry, his gun is pointed but you know he won’t trust himself to shoot it, his brow furrowed, wet eyes, and teeth biting into his lip hard enough to bleed. He looks raging and scared and wild. This is a side of Din you have never seen, you are so used to the calm, the quiet, gentle Din. But, this Din doesn’t scare you, it fuels your fire again, that this man would make Din feel like that, that he would make this kind man scared and angry. You can feel that rage welling up, shaking you physically. He thinks you’re scared, you can tell by the laugh and little comment ‘oh don’t be scared now’, that he whispers into your ear, his breath hot against your skin, making you shy away in disgust. It crawls over your skin in a most unpleasant way. 
“Now, Sheriff, i’m going to make you an offer that I wouldn’t refuse, not if you want this pretty little thing to come out in one piece that is.” That name angers you even more, how dare he condescend you, how dare he call you that, it’s worse than being called a bitch or a cunt or any other number of derogatory names. 
You don’t even give him the chance to make his offer. You slam the pointed heel of your boot into his foot, hard as you can, before bringing an elbow back into his stomach and using what little you know about the centre of gravity to off balance him and shift him over your head and in front of you. The gun goes flying and your hands reach for the heavy metal pail you keep in front of the school house for collecting water, thanking God that you’d decided a cast iron one would do better than tin as you heft it over your head and across his face with a ringing smash and a crunch of bones. 
You stand over him, chest heaving, “You come near my children again and I will kill you, do you hear me! I’ll show you what a pretty little thing like me can do, sir!” For good measure your swing the pail down again, the man groans and far from being disgusted with your show of violence, you feel better than you have all week at knowing the threat has been dealt with.
You look up breathing heavy, blood dripping from your lip to see the children had made it outside, watching you with wide eyes, almost as wide as Din’s, but not quite. The gun is slack in his hand and he is watching you with a heat you’ve never seen before, it makes you swallow hard.
Din’s sure he’s in love. That’s what he thinks it feels like as he watches you, your chest heaving in anger, your features twisted from their usual soft and delicate countenance. This is love, this feeling like you’ve reached into his chest and grabbed his heart in your bare hand. You are the picture of a mother bear protecting her cubs and that part of him that is deeply Mandalorian cries out for you, cries out to grab you and hold you close. You are in that moment more Mandalorian than he is, mandokarla in every sense of the word. You have the spirit of a true mandalorian, the spirit of a mother, strong, brave, prepared to do what needs to be done. Undefeated. The man beneath your feet groans and it spurs him to action. 
Pulling handcuffs from the back of his belt, Din closes the gap between himself and the thief. He’s rough as he rolls the man onto his front, pulling his arms far behind his back and locking them together. He knows he’s rougher than he needs to be, but the man’s lucky. Lucky that he can’t bring himself to hurt him more with you stood there. 
“You’re lucky I don’t put a bullet in your head right now, osi’kovid. I should kill you for what you’ve done.” He means it too, he wants to just do it, but he knows it’s not right. Not when the man is incapacitated, unable to defend himself. Not when the little ones are watching on, many of their parents having made their way through town at the sound of the disturbance, clutching at the little ones with relief and shock. 
“Then why don’t you, big bad sheriff?” Din hauls him to his feet roughly, presses his mouth close to the thief’s ear not wanting the others to hear him.
“The only thing keeping you alive right now is the woman standing in front of you. If she wasn’t here I'd tear you limb from limb. You’re lucky she’s there.” He means it too. He won’t hurt him, not like this, because he knows you wouldn’t approve, because he knows no matter how angry you are you’d never be okay with him hurting an unarmed, handcuffed man. But, god if he isn’t close to snapping. All that panic has turned into anger, anger which he focuses on the man as he roughly drags him towards the cells. 
You think you weren’t supposed to hear it, the threat, but you did and it is both scary to see him like this and a mite attractive.  Your gentle sheriff is showing a harsher side than you’ve ever seen and it should shake you to your core, make you distance yourself, but it doesn’t. Did you not just show the exact same side of you? Did you not just consider beating the man to a pulp yourself? All because you loved your children, wanted them safe. You think this anger from Din is a reflection on how much he cares for you and the children, how scared he had been and it warms something inside of you. Your chest aches with a longing that you don’t understand as you watch him roughly walk the man away. 
“Are you alright, Miss!” It’s Mr Hewitt, concerned for your welfare, but you just wave him off and make your way to the children, hand clutching at your ribs. 
“I’m perfectly alright, Mr Hewitt, don’t you worry about me!” The children, for the most part are with their parents, all of whom have congregated after commotion drew their attention and word spread quickly through town. They’re crying into their mother’s skirts and their father’s trouser legs and it breaks your heart. They should never have had to witness or experience that, it should never have happened. 
“Children!” Their heads snap up instantly, ever attentive to your teacher's voice; they watch you with focused eyes even while they hiccup and sniffle. “I think we’ve earned the rest of the day off, don’t you? Go home, rest, play and I shall see you bright and early tomorrow morning!” 
Truth is you need to sit down. You can’t even begin to think about teaching right now. So sending them home seems your only option. 
Parents smile at you, wish you well, tell you to look after yourself as they escort their children home. The only little one left is Grogu who runs towards you with panicked eyes, and despite the pain you kneel on the ground in front of him. The little one wraps his arms tight around your neck before pulling back, little hands patting over your cheeks and hair, as if imitating an adult checking your injuries. It brings tears to your eye because in that moment you’re reminded of what could have happened, what could have been lost. It’s not fear for your own life that has tears falling, but fear for him, for all the little ones and their youthful innocence. 
“Cabur...cabur” It’s said to you, little hands framing your face, big brown eyes serious as he looks up at you. It isn’t a word you know, mando’a you are sure, and it’s not a word you’ve ever heard leave his lips before. A quiet child he had only recently begun to start talking and often in one or two words only. 
That’s how Din finds the two of you. You’re kneeling in the dirt, skirt stained probably beyond repair, blouse bloody, face bruised and cut. Grogu is in your lap, your arms wrapped around his little chubby body, his hands cupping your face as he says it over and over again. ‘Cabur’. Guardian. Protector. It warms him from the inside out, that his ad, his son sees you as such, that his son cares about you so much and that you care about him just the same. He has no doubt that you were prepared to die for those children and it scares him and warms him in equal measure. 
You hear his footfalls, dirt and gravel crunching under well worn boots, spurs clinking lightly as he comes to crouch next to you. Warm fingers reach out to gently graze your jaw, taking in the dark mottled bruising and deep swelling.
“What does it mean?” Wide eyes turn on him and he can’t help but smile softly at you, moustache twisting upwards at your curious nature, always so eager to learn, always wanting to engage more with the world around you. 
“Protector, guardian, cabur’ika.” You wince slightly when he presses around your nose, checking to feel if it is broken. It’s not, but it will swell and bruise along with most of your face. The blood has stood spilling from it and that reassures him that it isn't too serious. It still hurts to see you like this, to see you hurt in any way. 
“Little.” He can already see your brows furrowing, lips setting into an offended scowl as you glare up at him. At the diminutive suffix, not fully understanding the nuances of mando’a yet.
He laughs at your offence, not because it’s funny because it does not mean what you think it means, “It’s a...a familiar term. It’s not because you’re little.” He hopes he makes sense. He doesn't call you a little protector to make fun of you or tease you, but because it shows familiarity, closeness. You are becoming part of his clan without realising it and the familiarity feels good to show. Just as when he calls Grogu, Gro’ika. 
“Oh.” The annoyance metals from your features as quickly as it came and he continues his prodding of your skin, carefully assessing your injuries. Your jaw isn’t broken, he tells you, but it is badly bruised and he tells you to talk less in class, although he gives you a look that says he understands that is unlikely to happen. A gentle finger pulls your lower lip from between your teeth, you hiss, but he’s gentle as can be when looking at the split lip. Badly split and still bleeding red over your chin and blouse. 
Din rises to his feet, offering you a hand, “Let’s get you clean up, cabur’ika”. He helps you stand, Grogu letting go and sliding from your lap to instead hold your skirt hem as the three of you walk. 
Din wraps a strong arm around your waist to help you walk, your pace is slow, careful and it takes longer than it really should to get across town to your small house. It’s not much, just 2 rooms; the main living area with your kitchen, wash basin, tub and a bedroom separated from the rest. But it is home. Cosy, he thinks, like you. It screams home, lived in, a place to live, not just rest your head. 
He eases you onto your settee, propping up pillows behind your back as he urges you to lay down. He even plumps a few in his hands like a mother hen, clucking around you as he unlaces your boots and gently pulls them off to make you more comfortable, grabbing a throw and tucking it around you. He’s filling a washbowl with water from your tap, the one luxury you have, being a plumbed-in kitchen sink. 
“Din...you don’t have to do this.” He should be dealing with paperwork, probably writing a telegraph for someone from a local prison to come and collect the man currently in the jailhouse. He shouldn’t be here with you, he has better things to do. 
“Yes. I do. Someone needs to look after you, cabur’ika.” You watch him grab salt from the side mixing it in with the water, just enough to help keep your wounds clean. Watch him decide which cloth on your countertop is the best to use. He feels the fabrics, which is too abrasive, which is softest, gentlest, before deciding on one and dropping it into the washbowl. 
Grogu is sat by your fireplace watching as his buir shifts you slightly so he can sit on the edge of the settee, washbowl placed on the ground. His fingers are gentle as they rest underneath your chin and urge you to look up at him, calloused but soft on your skin, careful of any pressure that might hurt you. 
The salt water stings, but the cloth is soft and he hushes you quietly at every hiss or groan of discomfort you make. Carefully cleaning your wounds, wiping the dirt, sweat and blood from your skin. 
“It’s okay, Cyar’ika. I’m sorry….i’m sorry.” It’s more than just a sorry for the temporary pain of cleaning your wounds, it’s more than just sorry that I am causing your wounds to sting. There is a deep pain in his voice that strikes you to your core and you shift, hands wrapping around his wrist as you sit yourself up despite the pain in your ribs. 
“You don’t have anything to be sorry for, Din. Listen to me,” you tug on the wrist, pull it towards you and hold him to your chest, urge him to look you in the eye. You can feel the guilt rolling off of him in waves, “You didn’t do anything wrong. It’s not your fault.”
“You wouldn’t be like this if I was better at my job...I got complacent, lazy, I should have been able to catch him before he even got near the schoolhouse! You shouldn’t have ever been put in that position, you and the little ones…” It’s the break in his voice, the tears welling in deep brown eyes that has you wrapping your arms around his head and pulling him to rest his cheek on your chest. Rubbing circles in the back of his neck, twisting dark curls between your fingers. 
“You did everything you could. You are not at fault and I will not have you blame yourself for something you had no control over. You are a good sheriff, Din. You are so good. Please don’t blame yourself for this, darling.” You scratch careful circles into his scalp with your nails, rub soothing lines over his neck and under his jaw, whisper gentle reminders that he is the best thing to happen to this town. That he provided you with a school. That he has made this town safe. That he is not at fault for this. But, you know, deep inside you that he will carry this moment with him, that he will not forget what happened and what could have happened. This guilt will weigh heavily on him, and will follow him.
“You could have been killed. The little ones could have been hurt.” He has always been a man of emotions, quiet emotions, but emotions nonetheless. You’d known from the start that he had a protective streak, that that extended especially towards children. That the mandalorian in him, his upbringing, urged him to keep them safe as much as your own duties did.
“But they weren’t. Keeping them safe is my job, Din. Don’t add it to your worries.” But, they weren’t his responsibility. When they were in your schoolhouse they were yours. The last thing you wanted was him to take that responsibility onto his shoulders when he already had so much, that guilt. It was your responsibility to protect them and while scared and shocked, none of them had a hair out of place or a scratch on them. They were okay. 
“You could have died, cabur’ika. You could have died.” 
“I know. I know,” It hits you. Like being trampled under horse hooves and the wheels of a carriage, like the yardstick to your ribs, full force and winding as you finally understand. You could have died. You could have died. 
It is your turn to cry as your breathing becomes uneven and your mind tries to make sense of the fact you nearly died today, just doing your job, just in your schoolhouse. That there is so much you have not achieved, so little you’ve seen or done and you could have lost the chance to ever do. “Din…” You’re clutching at him, fingers digging in his back as he pulls you tighter to him. 
There is a moment where he worries that you cannot breathe, that the force of your tears will choke you in his arms and so he holds you tighter, barricades you in his arms. Walls shielding you from the world. He brings a hand to the base of your neck cupping it to tilt your head up as he presses his forehead to your own. A comforting gesture, a keldabe kiss, he wants you to feel safe again. Wants to impress upon you your importance in his life even if he is not ready to say it yet.
He can feel your breath evening out with the gesture, your lungs relaxing as his presence comforts you. It pleases him to know he can calm you. He is the only thing present in that moment, not what happened, not the wild eyes of your assailant, not the fear, not the kids, not the room around you. Just him. His warm forehead pressed into yours, gentle, but firm enough to ground you. Large hand cupping the back of your neck, the other arm wrapped entirely around you to keep you close. 
It is a little movement behind your back and two small arms wrapping around your back, unable to truly wrap around you fully that bring you back into the present. 
It’s a little voice saying ‘Cabur’ into the fabric of your blouse, little hands gripping at you, trying to soothe you that makes your heart ache in an entirely different way. You pull back from Din, enough so that you can reach around you and pull Grogu into your lap, between the two of you, shielded by you both. It should scare you, how it feels like you have your entire world on your settee, how it feels like family. It should scare you what you would do for Din, for Grogu. What you would do to keep them safe, happy, healthy. Instead it warms you, to know that you’ve found somewhere to belong that isn’t just a schoolhouse and a classroom. 
“It’s okay, Ad’ika. I’m okay. I promise.” You run a hand through his dark curls, boop him on the nose to make him smile and feel a true smile creeping on your face even if it hurts. You’re not lying either. You’re okay. You will be okay. With this little child who cares for you deeply, with his father who is always there to look after you, you know you are okay and will be okay. 
“Ori'haat,” Din says to you, lifting your eyes back to him and the soft little smile playing at the corners of his mouth, “I swear. You said you wanted to learn more.”
“Or-e-haht?” You are back to your little game. The one where he tells you a new word and you try to pronounce it, but the unfamiliar words twist wrong in your mouth, coming out butchered to his amusement. He enjoys it, you know he does. It is easy to see because his eyes always twinkle with humour and his face softens, some of the harsh lines fading away. 
“Oh-e-haht?” You always concentrate hard and it is this fact that makes your mispronunciations cute, copikla, rather than frustrating. He does not mind you making mistakes because you try earnestly to correct them and always practice the words till you have it right. He enjoys teaching you because he enjoys hearing his language from another person, enjoys the familiarity, the homeliness of it. 
“Oh-ree-haht!” This time it’s Grogu who announciates it, loud and clear with a little grin on his sweet little face as he looks between you and his buir as if waiting for praise. 
“Very good, Gro’ika,” Din ruffles the boy’s curls before turning his eyes back to you. The boy preens under the praise, little grin growing in size as he sits between the two you. How he always manages to get it right on the first try you don’t know, you’re a little envious of the boy's knack for seemingly everything. He is a quick learner in school and out of it. 
“Jate, good.” You smile proud of your efforts and shift a little in your seat, ribs pulling and causing you to let out a pained breath. It's going to be sometime you think before you are fully back to how you were, without pain or bruises. You have yet to look in a mirror but are sure that you look terrible.
“Would you like to stay for dinner?” You extend the invitation, knowing you don’t want either of them to go just yet, even though Din probably has things he needs to do and it is selfish to ask him to stay when he has his duties to get on with. 
“You’re not making dinner, cyar’ika. I’ll make it.” He untangles himself from you, grabbing the washbowl to empty in your garden. The view of you with his son cuddled up to you makes his heart warm, even with the mottled bruising and cuts across your features. 
“I will not argue about this with you, i’m taking care of you and you will rest, cabur’ika.” His tone brooks no argument, demanding for the first time, truly, that you listen and do not fight him on this. You should be resting, not standing cooking dinner. You are in too much pain and he would sooner tie you to your bed then let you hurt yourself in an effort to be the hostess. 
With a heavy sigh, you conceded defeat. “Okay, but I’m not happy about it, Din Djarin.”
“I know.” He says with a smile.
Mando’a Translations:
Nar'sheb - contemptuous comment, like saying shove it.
K'olar! - get over here!
Cabur - guardian, protector 
Cabur’ika - lit. little guardian/protector, but the ika shows familiarity, making this more of a pet name, friendly term. 
Haar’chak - damn it
Shebs - butt, ass.
Di’kut - idiot.
Mandokarla - having the *right stuff*, showing guts and spirit, the state of being the epitome of Mando virtue
Osi’kovid - shithead
Ori'haat - I swear
Cyar’ika - sweetheart, darling
Jate - good
Copikla - charming, cute, typically not used for women, but for animals and children. But honestly, I think the reader wouldn’t be offended like a typical mandalorian might by being called copikla. 
Ad’ika - Little one.
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favescandis · 3 years
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New Q&A with Alexander Skarsgård and Esquire Middle East
‘Alexander Skarsgård on pro wrestling, death metal, the joys of Godzilla vs Kong’ - by William Mullally, March 25, 2021
The Swedish star speaks to Esquire Middle East about his latest film, being home in Stockholm, and staying ripped for The Northman during quarantine
Alexander Skarsgård did not have the 2020 the rest of us did. There was no quiet quarantine, no tubs of ice cream devoured at three in the morning, no existential boredom, no staring out the window as we wondered if we’d ever be able to start doing things again.
No, Skarsgård had to spend the year staying in the best shape of his life to play an honest-to-god Viking warrior and Nordic prince Amleth in Robert Eggers’ upcoming epic The Northman. Not that he minded, of course.
Skarsgård is in a very good place. Before The Northman, he filmed Godzilla vs. Kong, which was one of the most joyful experiences of his career. It’s a film that is much better than anyone could have hoped, that fixes the flaws of the previous outings of the franchise in Kong: Skull Island and Godzilla: King of Monsters by making its supporting characters actually interesting to follow—including Skarsgård’s turn as a conspiracy-loving mad scientist named Nathan Lind—and making the battle between the legendary behemoths the stuff of Hulk Hogan vs. Andre the Giant.
Esquire Middle East caught up with the 44-year-old Swedish actor, who is aging like a vampire, fittingly enough, over Zoom ahead of the film’s release.
Read the full ESQ&A with Alexander Skarsgård below:
Alex, it’s great to see you again. How are you?
I’m pretty good. You’re in Dubai, right? I’m in Stockholm, Sweden at the moment.
How long have you been home?
I’ve been here for two months now since I wrapped The Northman.
How’s that been?
Yeah, it's been really nice. I mean, it's obviously a difficult time, but considering everything, I'm lucky, because everyone is doing alright. It's a nice opportunity for me, as I'm constantly on the road normally. It’s great to just be home, and not just for a week around Christmas or weekend over summer. I actually get to be here and spend some real time with my family.
You didn’t have any downtime in 2020?
Well, I was actually shooting for most of 2020. When the pandemic hit, I was in Belfast about to start filming the Northman, then we shut down for three months, and during that I had to train basically. It's a very physical role, so I had to keep working out. I was still in work mode for the whole lockdown. Then in July, we started shooting till the end of the year.
Did you prefer it that way?
I was very grateful to be able to work. It was definitely different from the normal set because we were completely isolated. We got tested three times a week and I basically lived in a bubble up in the hills of Northern Ireland and didn't see anyone didn't do anything for six months other than work and sleep and train.
I have a friend Adlai who lives in that village in Northern Ireland and I kept trying to get him to go break into your set because I needed to know more about this movie.
It was one of the most amazing experiences of my life. The most amazing experience.
You’ve been making a habit of working with great horror filmmakers, with Robert Eggers (The Witch) on the Northman, and Adam Wingard (You’re Next) on Godzilla vs. Kong.
What’s interesting about all these guys like Adam and Rob Eggers is they produce these really dark and twisted movies but they are two of the nicest human beings I've ever met. They're so sweet and genuine.
What do you and Adam like to talk about?
Death metal, probably. He's a big metal fan.
Are death metal people sweethearts, generally speaking?
Yeah, actually. Sometimes I feel like that's sometimes the case when you meet musicians in death metal bands they're like the sweetest, loveliest people who talk about their grandmothers and stuff.
Why do you think that is?
Maybe it's cathartic. It's a way to get out all that dark energy onto the big screen or as a musician onto an album.
Did you and Adam click immediately?
I met him years ago for another project. We didn’t end up working together on that but it was such a memorable meeting that we stayed in touch over the years. He’s not only a wonderful guy but so intelligent, such a film buff who knew everything about not only the horror genre, but even just films in general. When Godzilla vs Kong came up, I was just really excited to get an opportunity to work with him.
Were the words ‘Godzilla’ and ‘Kong’ enough for you, or did something specific draw you to this one?
I think it was a combination. I had just come off of a couple of really dark intense projects. I did the Little Drummer Girl, which is a limited series based on the John le Carré novel about conflicts in the Middle East, and I just come off Big Little Lies, two seasons of domestic abuse.
Did you just need something different?
It was just really two of the most rewarding experiences of my career but also really, really draining really intense experiences. I was just craving something fun and exciting. I hadn't done any big tent pole matinee-style movies and since Tarzan.
But you said it was a combination—are you also a Godzilla nerd?
Oh man, I was like a little boy. I just got giddy when I saw the renderings, the drawings, the storyboards, like the world that they wanted to create. I thought tonally they were the right people to make this kind of movie because I thought they had the balls to go all the way and make it as big and crazy and fun as it as I think it deserves to be, with the right amount of sarcasm and irony, but while still taking the topic seriously, and the characters seriously, and really caring about both Kong and Godzilla.
Did you and Adam share a lot creatively back and forth?
Oh, yeah. He would run up to me and ask what if they run into a creature that almost looks like an owl and start explaining how it works. And then you start sketching something on a piece of tissue. And then a week later, he would come back with something amazing that the visual artists have created. To be part of that from an early stage is so exciting to me.
As a pro wrestling fan, that balance of ironic and serious you mentioned sounds awfully familiar to me. Did you guys make a pro wrestling movie on purpose?
It’s a lot like pro wrestling. Like, you want the fights to be big spectacular, fun, and entertaining. But you want to care about the wrestlers, right? You want to root for them. I think Adam did such a great job in finding that tone. They beat the sh*t out of each other on an aircraft carrier, but you also want to connect with these creatures and care about them. The movie asks, what does Kong really wants other than beat up Godzilla? What is he longing for in life?
That’s exactly what I think when I watch the Undertaker throw Mankind off Hell in a Cell.
Godzilla vs. Kong is in theaters now across the Middle East
Photo from WarnerBros. Entertainment. Thanks to SophTop on Delish for the find!
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bookwyrminspiration · 3 years
thoughts on the potential of each of sophie's abilities? how would you develop them if you had control of the story?
okay okay okay! so! this goes with the whole "telepathy but rewrite someone" post i made earlier, but because I've already talked about that i'll try to focus on her other abilities instead
teleporting: Sophie has the ability to be go anywhere in the world above ground, granted she's seen a picture of it. The entire fucking world. That's big! In canon it's purpose was mostly shock factor--woah, weird elf girl was based on a horse and has a brand new ability! And since then, it's just been used for getting from place to place. Which is fine! i just think it could be used for more
if i were in charge of the story, i'd take more of a perspective that she has access to the void, which she can use for teleporting and moving between different points in space, but that's not all it would be. i think with a level of practice and control, she could learn to open the void without needing to go through it, essentially creating portals instead. But! here's the catch! in canon, she always enters the void, and then creates the exit. my proposition: she could lock people in the void. Open a portal, shove them through, close it behind them and leave them there. or, close it when someone is halfway through, cutting their body in half
there's a lot of possibilities with this one!! you've probably seen some movies/stories with this kind of concept as well, so you can apply some of that. the things like redirecting a knife midair so it hits someone else, opening a portal so someone's punch hits them in the face, etc.
enhancing: this ability I could see being used alongside the telepathy rewrite, cultivating a close crew of people loyal to the death with powerful abilities and then taking them to the next level. But here's an idea I had: enhancing is all about the transfer of energy, right? she stores up energy and releases it through physical contact with her fingertips. but transfer can go both ways--what if she stole energy, draining people's reserves until they can't fight and redistributing it to her friends/acquired people. she could end a fight so quickly, just make contact and incapacitate someone.
if we went more in depth on just the enhancing part, the giving energy in canon, I'd want to see her use it on the Neverseen. That may sound counterprodutive, but here me out. What if she overloads them, gives them too much energy and makes their ability to strong to control, so they loose it. This would be a riskier one, with a lot of potential to hurt her and her friends, as them loosing control would affect everyone in the vicinity, but it could mess with the Neverseen's ability enough to provide distraction for an escape, sneaky plan, or something else. If that makes sense.
not necessarily to use with sophie, but I also think it could be interesting to have an enhancer who uses their ability to carelessly, all the time, that they need to take energy from people to survive. they keep overexxerting themselves and are starved for energy. if they're not careful, they could take too much, it could be addicting. like their own personal brand of heroine. im so sorry for the twilight reference
polyglot: this one is difficult, but let's see what I can come up with. The main aspect of this ability that she uses is the ability to speak with animals, and i'm fairly content with that. So, i'd just want to take it to the next level. There are animals everywhere. Animals can access places she can't and are innocent in appearance. Right now i'm just imagining Sophie building trusting bonds with a few birds who can fly around Neverseen/enemy places and overhear things, then relay that information back to her. Especially since elves aren't ass accustomed to the idea of bugs (the listening device) and things listening in.
not only that, but some animals can be fucking terrifying! imagine having them on her side! Actually, if you remember from the deleted scene from Nightfall, Sophie was starting to build up a relationship with the gorgodon--imagine if she actually had. That creature is incredibly strong and has been mistreated its entire life. Sophie coming along and giving it a home, communication, understanding, i could see it growing fiercely protective of her and her open mind. Her Polyglotism combined with her telepathy makes for a lot of potential because of her communication with animals and ability to understand them. it almost creates an entirely different ability, in a way
inflicting: right now her inflicting is very all or nothing, it's just this thing that explodes out of her, everything at once. i'd like to see her develop more control, the ability to determine exactly how much of each emotion she'll be imposing on someone else. The capacity to build upon itself and make it grow. In my mind this could be used to convince whoever she's inflicting on that the emotion in their own and that it's how they actually feel. It's not just this trainwreck thrown at them all at once, maybe it's just a subtle trickle of doubt, this little fear. that's reasonable. that could belong to them, but as it builds and builds and builds it becomes more and more incapacitating and the person may freak out because they think it's their own feelings and the inflicting could remain undetected for a while.
another thing: i think it would be a cool caveat if the inflictor also had to experience the emotion they were inflicting. not as strong as their target, but inflicting comes from memories of emotions and experiences, so I can only imagine it would grow stronger if the person was actually feeling the emotion as they inflicted.
this whole post is getting long so i'll stop here, but!! these are just some of my many thoughts on abilities and how I would like to portray/tweak them in the story. if you've read the wings au, you know i've added a few variations and messed around with the abilities a little there, so it was a lot of fun to do them for these too!
seriously it's so interesting to me I could keep talking about abilities forever
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daisylovesatla · 3 years
very rough draft of the start of a zutara fan fic
AU where Aang and Katara don't end up together cuz it doesn't make sense that it would be written that way but anyway, I wrote some pages about what would happen if Zuko's lightning bolt actually hurt him a lot more than it did...my ADHD brain can't remember where I saw that AU from but when I do I will tag u I promise...anyway it's Katara by herself at the palace healing Zuko and then the rest of the Gaang arrives from the Earth Kingdom, where Aang and Suki and Toph and Sokka were all fighting against the fire nation's ambush, cuz it would take more than like. a week probably to get to the same place as Zuko and Katara. Anyway I hope it makes sense I'm tentatively posting the first chapter in case everyone hates it but it's only 3,000 words I think.
(eta the ao3 link)
Book 4: Reconstruction...:)
Book 4: Reconstruction
I need some fresh air. She sighs to herself, rubbing her sore wrists and rising up from the cushion she was kneeling on. Keeping her eyes closed, afraid of the emotions that would flood through her if she snuck a glance at him while she wasn’t intensely focused on his injury, pouring all of her energy into that one spot, both emotional and physical.
It has been two weeks since the comet, and she has been doing all that she can to support him, to try to do something that could in some small way, return the favor for his sacrifice. As soon as her back is to Zuko’s bed, she opens her eyes, and is confronted suddenly with the bigness of this place. The tall, melodramatic metal doors that weigh way more than they need to, the beds with far away canopies rustling above them. Just the mattresses here are the size of her entire igloo back home, and even though it isn’t the first time she has been surrounded by superfluous opulence like this, something about this place feels particularly daunting.
She can sense his pulse, slow, but steady, consistent, as his blood flows through his veins and with it, water. Even when it isn’t a full moon, Katara is able to feel the water in everything, including the people she is surrounded by. She has yet to decide if it is an advantage, or only makes it harder to navigate through the world.
Her legs feel like lead, and she struggles to ignore the dryness of the room, the fires lit in their mantles 10 feet above them sucking all of the moisture out of this space, the lack of water, of that familiarity, making her feel like she is choking, as her breaths become more and more shallow and her heart continues to beat faster and faster, only worsening whenever the memories of that fateful, final Agni Kai come rushing back to her, making everything feel so much worse.
No, I can’t think about that right now. Katara closes her eyes again, and takes a deep breath, trying to replicate the breathing technique Aang taught her the first time he saw her meditating. In through my nose, out through my mouth, that’s what Aang taught me. She tries not to think much more about Aang than this. Too much has happened. Aang is expecting an answer, she is sure of it, an answer she can’t give him. Yet there is a hope swimming just below the surface in her, that this now or never attitude leading up to his battle with Ozai would no longer be there in him, that fire gone, the flames put out.
I have no answer right now, she decides, as she finally gets her legs to take the final steps towards the door. Yearning for a sense of coolness against her increasingly warm skin, she presses her hand against the door, and lets it ground her as she pushes it open, nearly jumping as it creaks and struggles to with each inch that she can shove it open. What is it with rich people and big doors? She chuckles to herself as she remembers storming Ba Sing Se, when things were so simple and yet not simple at all.
Running her fingers through her thick, curly hair trailing down her back, she sucks in all the air that she can in this hallway with much better circulation, finding it easier to keep her balance and move forward. The war may be over, but she is anticipating many battles are going to be fought in the coming weeks and months, battles over territory, freedom, the right to the throne. She has to heal Zuko so that he can advocate for himself, she determines, as she envisions Ozai’s loyal courtiers’ unfounded complaints with Zuko taking the role of the fire lord. She worries for him and she worries for herself. A water tribe peasant, Azula called her during the Agni Kai. Despite her strong demeanor, her ability to inspire other people to recognize their own worth, it is still difficult for Katara not to internalize this when she knows she is surrounded by enemies, no matter how much Iroh tries to reassure her and the rest of them that this is not the case. She has spent far too much time being attacked and assaulted by members of the Fire Nation to naively assume that with a change in power, a change in attitude amongst the people will quickly follow.
Many citizens are still loyal to Ozai. They still see her and Sokka and the rest of the Water Tribe as peasants, as savages with too much power. They are still afraid of waterbenders altogether, as gossip and rumors spread around the nation about Hama in the weeks following her imprisonment. She feels a pang of guilt for how it turned out with her. A Southern Waterbender, alive after all these years that she feared she was the last one, the only one, the one expected to carry on this legacy all by herself. Finally, somebody who understood her struggles, intrinsically, who had fought for so many years to be free, suddenly imprisoned again by people from the same nation that had stolen her away from her home, because she could not let go of her anger against them, like Jet.
She does not want to think about the revenge Hama tried to take on that people. How misdirected it was. How she never wants to be as full of rage and anger and resentment that she would start to do something as heinous.
It doesn’t change that that is how many people from the Fire Nation see her people. She can’t blame Hama for that, it would be wrong to expect any one person to be a representative for their tribe, their culture. “This is all so complicated,” Katara mutters under her breath, as she struggles to breathe, to let herself be free of these thoughts. Her anger, always there, ready to burst out from inside her in the form of an uncontrollable explosion.
Katara barely notices how far she has walked from Zuko’s room, until suddenly she hears a familiar voice call out to her. Startled, she looks up from the floor where she was mindlessly staring as she strolled and sees Sokka and Suki waving over to her from the other side of the hallway.
“Sokka! Suki!” She cries out, as she runs over to them, as fast as she can. “You’re here! You made it!” As she gets closer, she notices the crutch Sokka is leaning on, and her stomach feels like it is full of sand. “Are you okay? I can try my best to heal it, but I’m pretty worn out right now…” She glances at his bandages on his leg and starts to think up the best method for healing him after so much time has passed since his injury. “I’m sorry, I wish I had gotten to it sooner…” Katara begins, but she is interrupted by Sokka,
“Hey, it’s okay! For most of my life you haven’t been able to heal me when I get hurt, so it’s not like I’m not used to being in pain,” he teases, and then lets go of Suki who he was leaning on, as he goes to embrace Katara.
She can feel hot, somehow still dry, tears flow down her cheeks as she relaxes into this hug. While news had spread quickly from the Earth Kingdom to the Fire Nation about Toph, Sokka, Suki, and Aang’s victory in Ba Sing Se, her stomach had been twisted with worry the entire time they had been apart. A lot of it could have been hearsay, and until she got to hug her friends and brother in person, she could not let go of her unease. Hell, the talk of Caldera City was Zuko’s honorable triumph, but nobody who knew the truth of the aftermath of this battle had let it slip to the public that Zuko was in critical condition right now. Only Iroh, Katara, and some of the servants who were helping take care of meals and other menial tasks knew. It would throw this world into even more chaos if every day citizens knew there was a chance that Zuko wouldn’t…no. I don’t want to think about that future. I simply can’t. The guilt overwhelms Katara, but she pushes these negative feelings away and struggles to focus on the present. Sokka’s voice brings her back to the present, as she can feel his quickening heartbeat against her chest, and his tears dripping onto her robe. “We were so worried about you and Zuko, Katara. I’m glad you’re okay.”
She stammers, as she realizes it’s time to break the news to a few more people, wishing Sokka hadn’t let go of her as quickly as he did. She desperately missed her brother, and they hadn’t ever been apart for this long before, in all their side journeys in the past year, and hunting trips prior to that.
“Yes, I’m ok,” she lets the words spill out of her before she has a chance to choke on them, “But, well. Zuko...Zuko got really hurt.” Immediately, she can see the blood drain from both of their faces, and she grabs their hands, trying to comfort them despite not having the ability to comfort herself. “I’m healing him, but it’s still going to take a while. We have to just wait for him to recover.” She smiles, weakly, and fears it looks more like a grimace. “I’m glad you guys are back, though. It’s just been me and Iroh watching over him since the fight.”
Suki squeezes her hand, and the sadness and sympathy mix together in the look she gives Katara. “I’m really glad you’re okay. We’re here for you guys,” her smile sweet and boring into the deepest parts of Katara as she finishes speaking. Katara is taken aback, as her skin crawls with the thought that Suki understands, already, what happened at that Agni Kai, even if she doesn’t know the full details.
Sokka furrows his brows, and she can feel his warmth and fear as he nods in agreement with Suki. “Toph and Aang are in the courtyard with the Turtleduck pond, can we go see him with them?”
Of course, a practical response from Sokka. She knows better though. He is close with Zuko in different ways than Katara, but this was crushing for him too. She tries her best to smile reassuringly, as she fights back tears that are full of frustration and fear and anger and a deep, hollow grief that she hasn’t felt since Aang was struck by Azula, what feels like years ago but was only 4 months ago. In these four months, so much has changed, including feeling ready to face Aang. That kiss, just up and leaving, wasn’t ok and Katara wasn’t going to accept any excuses about it, just apologies.
He left everyone to go off on their separate missions, never really knowing whether or not those separation missions would be worth the danger they were putting themselves in, and that blind faith she was able to put in him when they first met was starting to get really old.
“So?” Suki chimes, pulling Katara out of her own thoughts.
“Oh, sorry,” she blushes, “I spaced out for a second. Um…” she tries to come up with an excuse for her sudden zoning out. “I’m worried about leaving Zuko by himself for a long time, and it’s been about twenty minutes so, I better get back, but stop by with everyone, sure.”
Suki gives her a quick squeeze of the arm, as they both walk off a few minutes after listening to Katara’s directions. Her chest feels tight, and she turns in the opposite direction as them, going back to Zuko.
They still don’t know how he got hurt. She doesn’t want to tell them, after so many instances of Toph teasing her about Jet and Haru, and well, she doesn’t want to hear it. Especially when Toph can feel her heartbeat. That damn seismic sense, she chuckles to herself, trying to let herself joke around a little bit.
Suddenly she is back in front of the door. She tries to shake off her anxieties and pulls the door open, the cold handle no longer soothing her but sending chills down her spine. This time, she keeps her eyes open as she walks back in, and all of the feelings she had been able to push down while talking to Sokka and Suki started to bubble up to the surface again, her cheeks feeling hot and dry, too dry. She wished she could bend a cloud of mist around herself, but knew that all of her energy had to be devoted to healing Zuko.
His familiar heartbeat suddenly found itself back on her radar, and she tried to hold back her tears and desire to just collapse and give up. But it was her duty to heal him. Her duty to heal him, the Fire Lord, just like it was hers to heal the Avatar. There was no way that any Northern healer would be willing to come down to heal the Fire Lord, nor would they be able to get there in time. So even if there were people more skilled, more capable, she knew that in order to maintain balance, it was her job to keep his heart beating.
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bitchiha · 4 years
To Eternal Bliss, I’m so Glad to Know (ModernAU!Hidan x Reader)
The Rats 1k event prompt: Street racer x Hidan
A/N: hey.. aha.. how y'all doing.. hum so i haven't been doing great, I think that is evident through my inactivity on this blog, but that being said i am in a bit of a better place now. i finally have some time to myself and i intend to put that towards my 900 follower event. Enjoy this wonderful piece of modern racer Hidan that strayed into crazy murder himbo I love car man Hidan.
Title inspired by: this song.
MAJOR TWs: smut, harassment (brief, undescriptive), uhm murter, reckless driving, lots of mentions of and contemplations of death. You are a literal accomplice to murter. Reader is confused. But.. It’s not supposed to be gory and dark, I kinda wanted it to just be stupid and reflect a himbo hidan as much as I could. Last like 6 paragraphs aren’t edited.
You shouldn’t be in a criminals car, much less in the middle of a police chase and much much less be falling in love with him.
 His silver hair flashes wildly in the occasional flicker of red and blue lights, teeth bared; he was making that face again. That one he had when he first met you, lips curled and canines showing. It looked like he was in pain. It was just because he was actually trying to use his brain, you think. He grips the wheel tightly, the whites of his pale knuckles glowing as he swerves onto one of the busiest city streets you know. 
Barely avoiding a collision with a distinct yellow blur you could barely classify as a taxi, he continued to speed through the lanes, horns blaring and merging into the sound of the wailing sirens quickly approaching. Another sharp turn onto a slightly less busy road had your body slamming against the console, leaning close to Hidan. Your eyes stray from the window and onto his face, unable to hear what he is saying, you make out the movement of his lips:
The tires screeched as he fumbled around with the controls, sending the car into a full 180 and narrowly avoiding a police car sacrificing its auto body in favour of capturing Jashin. That was real close call, just scratching the side of the passenger door, but you wouldn't know; you were still watching your boyfriends features as he speeds off down another dirty alley. 
You were pretty sure that one day you were going to die trapped in Hidans little metal box.. A distant part of you wanted to throw up when you realized you wouldn’t have it any other way.
Sure, he was obnoxiously annoying in the most serious of times and incredibly oblivious when you desperately needed him to get a clue. I mean fuck, it felt like despite his adolescent years of elementary and secondary school (which you’re not even sure he attended) his brain only had the capacity to process two things. The first being lewd shit and the second would be the gas pedal... and maybe half a braincell was in there thinking of you, but probably only of you in your panties or something really shallow like that. 
You really shouldn’t love him. 
Barrelling down the alley he randomly slammed the breaks down, the lack of warning sending you flying forward. Bracing yourself to be slammed into the front of car, but just when you thought you were going to break your nose Hidan reversed, sending your body backwards instead. You yelped and he sent you a stupid little apologetic curl of his lip before twisting his body, hand coming to your chair for support as he sped the car backwards through the trash littered street. You didn't understand why he suddenly changed his mind about the direction until a few seconds later when a black and white cop car swerved down the alley in the direction you were back pedalling from. Hidan must have known they were going to try and cut his route off.    
  At the sight of the police vehicle your boyfriend impulsively slammed the breaks, rolling his window down and leaning his head out of it, “Ha, you stupid fucks think you could catch Jashin with some lame shit like that? I could smell that from a mile away!” From your boyfriends childish tone you predicted he was going to blow a raspberry, but the sound of speeding tires approaching quickly stopped him. Sirens blaring, the police car sped its way forward. 
“Oh fuck.” Hidan sped Jashin backwards again. 
  You remembered the first time you met Jashin.
  It was late that night, you were making your long trek home after a disastrous closing shift. You were tired. So fucking tired. You never would have taken that shortcut if you weren’t truly physically drained. As you made your way briskly through that musky trash infested canal, you were stopped by a man who smelled just as intensely as the alley itself. It was so much so that you had thought that perhaps it was the mans smell that was so potent and not the space itself. 
  Defining what the source of that smell was wasn’t important though, not when he was coming straight at you with barred, yellow teeth. You didn't know what to do and to be fair, what the fuck were you supposed to do? He was yelling something, you couldn't hear it over the thrashing of your erratic heartbeat.  Were you going to die? You were so fucking tired. 
Maybe you should run.
  You didn’t though. Didn’t have the energy. So you let the man come face to face with your figure, grabbing at the lapels of your coat and screaming. His breath was unbearable and you thought you were going to pass away just from the smell as opposed to actually being murdered. Although you suppose this could probably qualify for a murder, his breath was most definitely a weapon. But despite his shouts being directly at you, his humid breath spraying across your face as his chest constantly heaved, you couldn't understand what he was saying. 
“Jashin! Jashin is coming!” 
  What the fuck was Jashin? Could you still not hear him? He was probably sick. You were tired. So you continued to let him shake your form. Was he going to kill you or just ask for some money?
  Thats when a beast of sleek red metal swerved down the alley, trampling over peeled open garbage bags and beer bottles, approaching you with each sound of a crinkled can. It was gunning straight towards the man who was backing you up against the wall, he was frothing and screaming at the sight and the next moment the hood of the car slammed into his form. Despite your close proximity to the man, you were left barely unscathed and a little bit disappointed.  
  The scene laid frozen for a good thirty seconds: the man unconscious on the floor, your unsteady breathing and the window of the car rolling down. It inched back to reveal a man about your age - which made him just barely a man - with silver slicked back hair, barred teeth and knitted eyebrows. 
  You just stared at him, backpack beginning to slide down your shoulders. He stared back at you, waiting to see what your next move was going to be. You didn’t have one. 
  “...If it makes you feel any better, douchebag deserved it.” The man said a few minutes later, he clearly wasn't expecting the crumpled body on the floor to have tried to seek out help, let alone from a cute girl. He smoothed his hair back. 
   His crappy attempt to seduce you didn't work and nor did his equally crap words of consolation, you were tired. This whole situation was even more tiring. You just wanted to sleep. 
  “I won't tell anyone, if you just drive me home.”
  He clearly wasn't expecting that, you could tell that from the pained look intensifying on his face and his little choked gasp. A few moments later it released like an elastic band snapping and his features set into a smug smirk. A cute girl who wasn’t gonna snitch on him?
  “You’re not going to question the fact that I just hit someone with my car? Is it cause I'm so fucking sex-” 
  You weren’t listening, walking over the heap of a body and around the car into the passenger seat. The contrasting smell of vanilla and cigarettes clouded your senses as you clicked your seatbelt into place - noticing his lack of one in the process.
You hated that your face was burning up as you spoke. “I live a few blocks away.” 
For a while you were sure that this was the first girl Hidan had ever had in his car. It was obvious that he was freaking out, maybe if he didn’t hit people in alleyways and then blamed your silence on the fact that he was so fucking sexy, then maybe he would be able to talk to more.
  He tried to blab to you the whole way to your apartment accidentally making wrong turns to try and extend the length of your stay. He told you about that man in the alley, said something about how he totally fucked him over in some black market shit for auto parts. Said his enemy, - he stressed this word very intensely - Shikamaru probably put him up to it. Nobody messes with Jashin goddamit, I fucking hate that guy. It was a shit justification for murder no doubt, there is never a good reason to hit someone with a car, but you supposed your indifference wasn't any better. 
  You stole a couple glances at him every now and then, when his eyes took a break from darting back and fourth between your thighs, your face and the road. He had a sharp jaw, pretty cheekbones, gelled back hair with small strands escaping every so often - causing him to brush them back when too many tickled his forehead - his lashes were long and his eyes so pretty so in the dim light of the empty city streets. His teeth were straight and sharp canines peeked out whenever he sent you a suggestive smirk.
You also spent an unbelievably long time watching his fingers maneuver the steering wheel, the way his hands flexed with a certain turn. The veins of his forearms travelling underneath his leather jacket pushed up at the elbows, his jeans were all worn out and faded and his shoes looked like they were about to fall apart, it was a big difference in comparison to the well kept state of his handsome car.
  When he finally made it to your complex after running out of roads to take wrong turns down, he looked at you like a lost puppy, rolling the passenger window down to call out to you as you opened the lobby doors. “So I’ll meet you out here tomorrow then? Say, around 9?” 
  You turned to look at him confusedly, inquiring as to why he would be picking you up when you made no reservations to see him again, why would you want to see your accomplice in a murder ever again? But he was already speeding off before you got the chance. 
At least you could finally go to sleep.
The next day he was outside your apartment fifteen past nine, blaring his horn as he maneuvered his upper body to hover out the window of his lovely Jashin. You were nestled on your couch, staring at the blue light of the TV screen in your dark apartment desperately trying to avoid the textbook glowering at you from the coffee table.
‘Cute kitten saved from tree’ was sprawled across the bottom of your television in bold letters as a perky blonde read off the little cue cards in her hand. You’d been watching the news all day, waiting for the red breaking news! To slice across the screen and read out the description of a crippled homeless gambler found dead in an alley, but it never came.
It mad you feel a little angry when you realized his death wasn’t going to be announced and you knew there was no way it hadn’t been discovered yet. Then you sat startled at the realization that you didn’t feel anything towards what happened. That the anger you felt in wanting it to be so desperately displayed on the news was because you hoped you would feel something then.
The sound of Hidans car horn threw you out of your thoughts as you jumped like a frightened cat to the window. Peeling back the curtain you were surprised to see that blood stained blotch on the road with a lavender haired boy peeking out, baring his teeth.
You contemplated staying inside, he didn’t know your apartment number, but you knew that he definitely wouldn’t stop blaring the horn if you didn’t. His hand was undeniably laying flat against the centre of he wheel as he continued to sound out, you heard someone yell for him to fucking shut up. Hidan continued as if he didn’t hear. It kind of flattered you.
You wanted to vomit.
You took the stairs.
It was the beginning of winter when you finally let Hidan fuck you. You were in some parking lot lined with pitch black shops on a Sunday night. Everyone closed early going home to their families, except the two of you of course.
It was odd being with him for this long. One outing turned into another and then another, before you knew it he was picking you up every night at nine -sometimes fifteen minutes passed,- blaring his horn excitedly as he peeked out his car.
He told you it was the perfect place to do donuts, didn’t you want to do donuts? You did. It was the beginning of winter. It was icy. His idea was incredibly fucking stupid. But you agreed because maybe you’d skid on the ice and smash into a store, get crushed by the crumbling debris..
There was little snowflakes hitting the windows of Jashin as you two sat parked in the middle of the deserted lot.
“You ready? Oh you’re gonna love this, babe.”
He grinned as your face heated up at the name, you always got all flustered whenever he said anything like that. It made him feel giddy. His long fingers start Jashin up, moving to clutch the wheel as the car thrums to life.
When he makes the first swerve with his car, he turns his head to watch your body all stiff and frightened. It was funny. He laughed as your face twisted into an even more flustered one - if that was possible. God, you were always such a hard ass at the beginning of the night, but when he dropped you off outside your apartment early into the morning he always made sure to leave you with a little smile on your face. Even now, this early into the night he could see the beginnings of one.
He twisted the wheel again and your body flew to the left, smooshing into the console and the surprised laugh that left your mouth had his guts twisting. He wanted to hear it again. Your walls always fell when he did stupid shit like this. You were kinda fucked up now that he thought about it. Always getting all giggly when you should probably be screaming at him to be more careful for fucks sake! But you never did and he loved that about you. Just as fucked as he was.
“Hey babe, babe! This one’ll be good. Watch, watch.” He gripped the wheel again and grinded his sneaker into the gas, the first skid across asphalt was intentional, but when he tried to regain the reigns of his dark red beast it began to thrash out of his control.
Goddamn ice patch.
The car twisted, screeched and burned into the pavement for a good twenty seconds and when he was sure you should be screaming because I mean come on, that was fucking scary, he heard silence.
As the car came to a complete stop and your body was once again flung against the console, he turned to you. He thinks he was gonna ask if you were okay but he couldn’t remember because the next moment you were grabbing tufts of his gelled hair and sucking his face off.
He loved every second of it. The amount of times he’d tried to get his dick wet with you before was astronomical, but you’d always tell him no and he would pout like a dog. But hey, now you’re shoving your tongue down his throat like a dog so he settled on the idea that good things do come to people who wait.
The reason you decided to do it then was blurry. One moment his car was skidding around the parking lot and you were laughing and thinking of the chance of death and the next second it spat onto your tongue and you realized you didn’t want it anymore.
Like that first time you slid into his car, as you kissed him now you tasted contrasting flavours. Mint and cigarettes. For a moment you thought you were going to pull away, but you felt the sudden need to drink all of it. To somehow understand why you felt like you were burning from the inside.
It was his fault really. Hidan made you feel less tired, if that was a good way to put it. You started looking forward to things after you two met and eventually you actually started to feel a bit more deeply for poor crumpled man in the alley. It felt as if you’re body was being thawed out by this silver haired idiot who was groping for the clasp of your bra underneath your shirt.
So you climbed over the console, fumbling with the side of his chair to pull his seat back as you began to strip off your top in haste. You unbuttoned his jeans and slid down to the space between his leg, choking and drooling all over his cock because when you did you felt all these funny emotions bubbling in your body, you felt alive.
He was a loud mouth when you had his dick down your throat, groaning and saying the dumbest, lewdest shit his sex wired brain could think of. You know how many times he’s thought of this? You feel so good, you feel so good. God this is so good, Jashin probably loves it too... We should fuck on the hood of the car next. Long slender fingers guided your head up and down him as he began to twitch thrust his hips upwards, finally spill into your mouth. Douchebag didn’t let your head go and you felt some of his juices dribble down your tongue.
“Swallow it, swallow it while my dicks still in your mouth... Atta girl, you’re so good. So greedy..”
And you swallowed it all, he hoisted you back onto his lap and pushed your skirt up. He was whispering all this perverted stuff in your ear and your mouth fell open against his neck. Words making you flush fiercely and slowly grind your hips against him. You stopped him when he was beginning to shove your panties down your thighs, though.
For the first time you felt small in comparison to him as you met his eyes. He stopped his movement seeming like he was going to say something too, but you cut him off.
“- Hidan... I’ve never done it before.”
He stares at you all wide eyed before laughing and for a second and you think about getting out of his car and walking home because that’s such a douchebag thing to do, but then he surprises you.
“Me too, I was just about to say.. but I mean it can’t be hard right? Well, I am hard,” he laughed and you found yourself huffing a small giggle at his stupid joke, good mood returning as he continued, “I was just gonna go with what I seen in hentais.” That explained his dirty talk.
It was pretty good for your first time though. Ideally not the best place to have sex, you kept hitting your head and he couldn’t quite get his hips thrusting at a good pace with the confined space, but you didn’t care. You didn’t care because it was Hidan and you think you just might be in love with him.
That’s why you don’t say anything when a few weeks later you see “Shikamaru Nara, infamous street racer found dead in a back alley crash.” flashing across your tv screen.
You don’t comment, just give a little understanding hum when Hidan calls you and tells you he can’t pick you up tonight babe, or for a few nights, Jashin needs some repairs..
It’s why now, as he speeds through the streets recklessly with your bags in the trunk and the sound of sirens ringing in your ears that you feel tears prick your eyes. You wish you could have told him to be more careful, that he shouldn’t have done what he did without planning it. Something, anything.. it’s too late now. But he’s not to blame.
You think it’s your fault, really.
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catboymingi · 3 years
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pairing: mingi x reader
genre: very slight angst, fluff
word count: 2.3k
warnings: i do not think there are any?
a/n: entirely self indulgent and inspired by a flareup of my very own body rude disease, very soft mingi being a literal angel
it’s better to address your pain than to cause someone else pain, but late is still better than never
maybe you should have told mingi about it when you first started dating, but you hadn’t had an actual flare-up in months then, so it didn’t feel important - especially not when he’d started having issues of his own, being forced to rest and unable to perform with his dance team for a while. it wasn’t a priority, and you hadn’t wanted him to worry when you were fine. and you were still fairly fine when he was finally able to perform again, to do all the things he wanted, when he was so happy again; you just didn’t want to ruin this with a disability that barely even affected you at the moment.
but then you did get a flare-up, maybe caused by overexerting yourself when mingi had asked you to come to one of his practices with him and tried to teach you a little of their newest dance, which you let him even though you knew that it might not be the smartest idea. or maybe it was just because you didn’t have one in amazingly long, and it was just too good to be true, so your body needed to remind you who was in charge. it didn’t really matter either way, because now you were in pain, were exhausted, and, which bothered you most, were unable to pretend that nothing was up.
the first week or two you tried to ignore your symptoms, somewhat successful, but past experience should have told you that that was a stupid idea because it only made things worse, and after like eleven days of pretending you were barely able to leave bed anymore. you tried to play it off as a cold when mingi got worried, but when that cold started lasting more than two weeks he didn’t believe you. and because you still hadn’t told him about whatever shit disease caused your body to act like this for him the logical conclusion was that it was his fault. you seemed to avoid him, spending all your time either in bed or in the bathroom, and your bathroom trips took much longer than they used to. an hour or more for showering, upwards of fifteen minutes to just go to the toilet? it felt like you just wanted an excuse to be away from him. you used to love cooking with him, but now you probably hadn’t even really seen the kitchen in at least a week, and, considering how he didn’t want to spend all his time in bed now that he didn’t have to, probably not him either. it made him insecure, caused anxiety to creep up on him, the fear that now that you didn’t have to baby him anymore, that he didn’t give you a task, a purpose anymore, you’d lost interest. and that fear lingered, made worse by the fact that you didn’t even try to touch him anymore (little did he know that moving at all left you exhausted, left your limbs feeling heavy, that you could barely even rub your eyes without feeling like it had drained you of the last little bit of energy left in your body and left you needing a several hours recovery period), until he decided he had to talk to you.
the way he sounded like he was calling for a random friend on the other side of the street rather than his girlfriend scared you. you knew you’d not been giving him a lot of attention lately - you couldn’t -, and now you were scared he was tired of you.
“hm?” the fact that you couldn’t even sit up to show him that you were actually listening made you so angry with yourself. you were just laying there as if it didn’t even matter.
“can we talk?”
“what’s wrong?”
getting the words out was hard, but the tall male knew he had to do it sooner or later. so he did it, now.
“do you even still love me?”
you looked at him in shock, unable to fully comprehend what he meant, but as soon as you did you started protesting.
“wha- mingi, i- of course i do, i love you. i love you.”
he sighed, running his hands through his hair.
“it doesn’t feel like it. you don’t even try to spend time with me anymore, at all. is- is it because i don’t need your help like that anymore? are you bored with me?”
had you really given him that impression? that you were bored with him?
“baby boy… come here.” and you opened your arms for him, for a few seconds, as long as you could, before you had to let them sink back to the mattress. and it felt like it was just a poor attempt from you to pretend he was wrong, still without having to put any effort into actually showing him that he meant something to you. and maybe it was childish, but he didn’t want to be the one to come this time. he wanted you to come.
“no. you come here.”
one look at him told you that he meant it. even though logic told you that he’d understand if you explained, that he’d come to you right away, you didn’t want to. you were… ashamed. you didn’t want to be weak now when you’d been strong for him all this time. instead of doing the sensible thing you forced yourself up, out of the bed you’d barely left for who even knows how long now, and towards him. your steps were clumsy, your legs hurt, and you just wanted to cry, but you were determined to make it. so you did, clinging to him for dear life as soon as you were close enough, trying to take some weight off your legs because even though holding yourself up by the arms around mingi’s neck was painful it hurt less than standing without any support.
“i love you, mingi, please don’t doubt that.”
were you crying because of the pain or because you were scared of losing him? you didn’t know, but you were crying. and he was still hurt, he really was, but he also couldn’t stand seeing you cry like this, so he wrapped his arms around you tightly.
“then what’s wrong? why do you never want to be around me anymore? or touch me? this is the first time in days that you initiated anything and i still had to tell you to do that. it feels like you don’t want me anymore.”
now your boyfriend was crying, too, and as much as you wanted to comfort him right there you had to sit down. everything hurt, your arms and legs and head and heart.
“bed”, you practically begged, despising the way you couldn’t even stand for more than five minutes without being desperate to sit down again. he complied, half dragging your weak body to the place you so longed to be.
as soon as you felt the mattress against your legs you all but let yourself drop to the bed like a sack of potatoes, which led to you not exactly laying the way one usually laid in a bed, your legs dangling off the end where mingi was still standing and your body bent kind of weirdly over the crumpled up blanket you had left behind when you’d made your way towards him and which was now causing your upper back to be up in the air while your head was bent down at an awkward angle due to the difference in altitude.
“i’m sorry i’m such a horrible girlfriend”, without as much as an attempt to change positions, which had him slightly worried, “it’s… i love you, and i wish i could be better. but it hurts. it hurts so fucking much.”
“what hurts?” being with him? had he done something? was that why you didn’t want to be around him - because he’d fucked up without realising and never even apologised?
“everything. moving. not moving. breathing. everything hurts, mingi, and i want it to stop.”
it was then that he realised, and he felt incredibly stupid. it wasn’t like he didn’t recognise this kind of behaviour - he’d acted similarly when his pain had been at its worst. it just hadn’t occurred to him that this might be the reason.
“how long?” and now it didn’t bother him anymore that he was the one pulling you into his chest as he laid down next to you - it bothered him that he’d doubted how much you’d wanted, needed that when he felt you relax into his touch.
“i don’t know. a month or two.”
“wait, you went out with me when you felt like this?”
if you’d had the energy to lift your head you would’ve seen the shocked and pained expression on his face as realisation hit him of just how much you’d gone through without him knowing.
“it wasn’t that bad.”
“it got worse the more you did?” it was only half a question, because mingi knew that that was how it was.
“i just didn’t want to keep you home when you were finally having fun again. i didn’t want you to worry.”
“baby…” he didn’t even know what he wanted to say, because there was no good thing to say to that. you wouldn’t have kept him from having fun, but he knew those worries all too well, so he couldn’t even blame you.
“how bad is it right now?”
you wished the way his big soft hand was rubbing your arm did anything to make you feel better, physically, but it didn’t. the only thing that would help right now was sleeping, but even that hurt. the time until you fell asleep, the pressure on your shoulder and hip bone. and instead of an answer your boyfriend got you crying at the hopelessness of your situation and knowing that, no matter what you did, you’d be in pain.
“that bad?” you just sobbed more, and you could feel from the way his body tensed that he was resisting the urge to pull you closer, hold you tighter, because it might hurt.
“is there anything that helps?”
you’d have to shake your head or speak, but you didn’t want to do either. you wanted to fade away until this stopped, but you had no way of telling how many more days, weeks it would be. that was the worst part of it, maybe; knowing that it would get better again, because it always did, all symptoms almost vanishing, but you never knew for how long they’d be gone and how long the next flare-up would last.
“are you comfortable? do you want to sleep? eat?”
replying still wasn’t in the realm of the possible, and it seemed like your sweet boy quickly caught on to that, because he told you: “one tap is no, two taps is yes. does that work?”
you tapped his chest twice, lightly but you did, glad to have found a way of communication with him that wouldn’t take just as much energy as the other possibilities.
“do you want to eat?” one tap.
“sleep?” two taps.
“are you comfortable right now? nothing you’d like me to change?” one tap. it was embarrassing, but your clothes hurt. even though it was just pyjamas they felt too tight, the elastic waistband made you feel like someone was gripping your hips harshly, and while you knew that wouldn’t happen you also wouldn’t be surprised if they left a bruise. the shirt had an uncomfortable neckline and was slightly crumpled around your body, adding uncomfortable little pressure points, and you wanted to get rid of it.
“can you tell me what to do? or show me?” two taps. then, you moved the hand on his chest to the neckline of his shirt, tugging at it slightly, hoping he’d get it.
“shirt off?” two taps.
“mine?” one tap.
“yours?” two taps.
“we’ll have to sit up for that, baby. but i’ll do the work. that okay?” two taps, again.
he carefully sat you up, supporting your back with his hand, allowing you to lean your head against him until you had to lift it briefly to fully remove the shirt. then he immediately helped you sink back into the sheets, giving you a soft kiss.
“anything else?” two taps.
“what do you need, love?”
that was a question outside the tap system, and he realised at your complete lack of response.
“more clothes?” two taps.
part of you was embarrassed when he undressed you like a little child, but you were glad he did, and you were glad he didn’t try to make the situation sexual. you wanted to sleep, wanted to be held, and most of all you wanted him to tell you he loved you.
he came back up to kiss you again, shortly and softly, very obviously trying to avoid any kind of effort for you. you couldn’t have been more grateful for him than you were in this moment. you couldn’t have wished for a better boyfriend.
“sleep now?” two taps.
“careful, i’ll pick you up. this isn’t comfortable.” two taps, your way to tell him that he could go ahead, that it was okay.
he lifted you so carefully, putting you so you weren’t laying the wrong way across the bed, and then settled next to you, looking at you with those soft, brown eyes.
“i’m your baby boy, but you’re my baby, too. let me take care of you, too. okay?” two taps and a smile that you were convinced would work better than any painkillers ever could.
“i love you.” one tap.
“i don’t love you?” one tap. the gears in his head were shifting, trying to figure out what you meant, before you could see the figurative lightbulb light up above his head.
“you love me?” two taps. then a soft peck to your nose.
“i know.”
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prhyst · 2 years
AKA my explanation for why Rhys is able to march with the mercenaries in PoR/RD despite a history of being ill for long periods of time and why in TOA he’s able to fight.
Rhys appears to have something like chronic fatigue syndrome along with other bouts of illness that the best I can do is chalk up to having a weak immune system. Being generally tired easily, feeling especially drained from anything with a physical toll be it exercise or as feh would describe, getting a sunburn and then needing to let that heal, are all issues that would make it sound like Rhys would probably not make it through long marches in the heat or snow. At the start of the game Rhys had just finished being in bed with a fever for a week, and in a Rolf support Rolf refers to Rhys has having been previously ‘barfy all the time’, but it seems like this has changed enough to allow Rhys to be a playable unit (most?) every map.
Narratively, I think it makes some sense that although CFS doesn’t just go away overnight and Rhys still has low stamina, his immune system might be getting stronger as he grows up. In my own life, I used to miss a month of school every winter as a kid, but as an adult I can go a year or two without getting sick even while working with the public. Doesn’t work that way for everyone, but I use that as part of Rhys’s ability to bounce back a bit better from getting sick, though he still does get sick.
Mechanically, most of this was probably handwaved for the sake of gameplay. However, he has a skill that’s almost unique to him as a starting skill called Serenity. Units in Tellius have a biorhythm that gives them either stat bonuses or penalties depending on where they are on their own personal wave. For example, this is Rhys’s:
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His natural biorhythm is set almost exclusively between two extremes, but his skill Serenity negates half of the stat bonuses or penalties effects of his biorhythm. On one hand, he never has the absolute worse penalties; on the other, he loses his best stat streak. Serenity would make his curve in actual gameplay flatten out.
This skill also lets me say that perhaps this is why Rhys has enough fortitude to be on the roads and battlefields with the mercenaries. It’s not clear to me if Serenity is magic or not since it’s difficult to directly translate stat effects, though I sort of suspect it is (Devdan can have it but shhh he starts with some mag stat at least). Rhys passively adapting to his extreme lows by letting his biorhythm curves even out seems like his own ambient faith magic is working to keep him steady, even if his energy is generally going to be lower than other people’s. That, or it could just be his internal serenity letting it even out, though I don’t feel like biorhythm is something people can really use willpower to manipulate.
I just think it’s neat that a game mechanic can explain why Rhys narratively feels consistently strong enough to march with everyone, and it was something that bothered me for awhile before I actually looked at his skill. Biorhythm is sort of weird and not something most players I’ve ever talked to pay much attention to, so it was easy for me to miss when I first stated musing him.
Anyone can access any weapon in TOA, and I’ve kept Rhys mostly to magic. However, with the stat mechanics being as they are here, he may branch more into physical weapons and be written as not the best with them/still prone to overexertion, but able to use them to an extent. Magic staffs are outright said to not be able to cure illness temporary or chronic so it’ll certainly never be wand waved away (and it’s a big part of his character so I wouldn’t want to anyway to be clear, and also magicking away this kinda thing is just eurgh not what I’m about), but I think he can try and train a bit with new things with support and be kept IC. Though this post was mostly about his in game skill Serenity, Renewal, which he has in TOA, could also be fudged a bit to excuse him training for a bit without injuring himself. Either way, I really want to both keep him IC and also let him explore classes <3
This got long but thanks for reading!
Extra note: Rhys seems to have low biorhythm during January events. Thanks Death Maiden kdasjfglfgeufhuqoa
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labnegativeone · 3 years
So, was that meeting with Lab 8 just a one time thing? I had kinda thought it was going to be some sort of annual occurrence for comparing notes.
...Come to think of it, has any new research been conducted during the two years this ask blog has been active?
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Our big research assignment was supposed to be Painwheel. So far, well...the skullgirl blood has obviously had an effect on her. She’s stronger and faster even without the parasite assistance, but it’s draining away the energy that would usually be stored as body fat much faster than usual. It doesn’t seem to be having any obvious adverse physical effects, aside from looking a little ghastly.
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“I’m surprised nobody ever called you out for starving her, actually.”
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None of THAT, thank the Trinity. We don’t really know what would happen in real Skullgirl combat at this point, but it’s...ugh.
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...It’s viable. On a technical level. I’m not particularly interested in trying it out on any greater scale, but it functions. It’s improved her capabilities. Just to look at it from a...purely objective viewpoint.
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This one’s pretty talkative. Aren’t they the one that told us our methods were bad and we should feel bad?
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“Hi, Carol!”
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Avian was...
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...Where was Avian? He called the meeting, didn’t he? I thought so. I mean, I remember...I heard his voice, right? But he wasn’t there. Ileum was the only one that really...stepped up...I...
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No, if that was it he just would have called it off. Rescheduled. We’ve done it before. It’s not strange.
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Oh! Right.
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I brought it up with the director, but he said we didn’t have anything to report. My guess is, he just wasn’t interested in putting any more ideas in these three’s heads. He was probably already planning on the stunt he pulled with Fortune.
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nissakii · 3 years
Is Nishinoya an ESFP? MBTI Analysis with Functions
With a height of 159cm and the number 4 on his back, our fierce libero of Karasuno has always a big presence wherever he is.
One of the manliest among the crows and with his apparent animal-like instincts he never fails to impress the people around him.
All those things are visible by simply looking at Nishinoya first hand by watching the anime or reading the manga.
But there is another thing: Nishinoya is an ESFP.
Something you cannot directly see on first glance.
Oh yes, for those of you who are not familiar with MBTI personality test, the MBTI personality test basically gives the tester four letters meaning you are either E or I, N or T, F or S, and lastly J or P.
Last time in our post we only covered those letters and didn’t go much deeper into the cognitive functions, we only went over the letters without making any connections to the stack.
As an supposed ESFP Nishinoya’s stack is the following: Se-Fi-Te-Ni.
Step by step we will cover each function, it’s meaning considering the position on the stack and also Nishinoya’s extroverted nature (E).
I will show you my deep analysis on Nishinoya’s personality type through my own observations until the latest season and the manga (status: season 3), showing you in detail why Nishinoya is potentially an ESFP. (Yes this is a spoiler warning.)
Let’s not wait any longer and dive into the journey of Nishinoya’s personality!
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Ever wondered that there are people who are either surrounded by a group or have someone else around, but you never see them alone?
That’s extroversion, the kind of person who feels the most energized and happy when they can be around others.
The E in ESFP stands for the trait that shows how someone ‘charges’ their battery, meaning if they get exhausted by spending time alone or with people. In case of an extrovert, they get easily drained when they are spending time alone and derive their energy when they are around others, seeking much more social contact to refill the battery.
And Nishinoya is just that kind of person if you observe him throughout the anime.
The very first indicator of his obvious extroversion can be seen right away when he is introduced in the series, someone who is very loud and open-minded, boldly saying anything that comes into his mind at the moment.
After Hinata talks to for the first time he shows an easy-going and open nature that seems ready to interact with even strangers. He gets easily excited as seen when Hinata called him senpai and he immediately got carried away by that offering him anything he wants in return, teaching him at any time he wants to.
Not only does he get excited over that single thing but in several other scenes you can see him as a moodmaker as he pushes away the most negative aura due to the excitement of a new opponent he can learn from or confront.
He doesn’t fear direct confrontation and speaking his mind, and even when got suspended, the others asked him how he was in such good form despite being absent. Nishinoya stated that he had trained with the neighborhood women and other people to keep his training on-going.
After returning to Karasuno and playing as a regular again, it’s seen that he casually talks to the new members as well as his upperclassmen.
Additionally Nishinoya is always standing next to someone, very close, jumps on their back or like in Tsukishima’s case even bites his shoulder despite the fact he isn’t that close to him.
A true extrovert through and through.
Dominant Se:
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Our first actual function, the dominant Se.
What is Se?
Se is a perceiving function aka the S for Sensing and since we established Nishinoya is an extrovert the first function on his Stack is, to no surprise, also extraverted.
Therefore Nishinoya’s dominant function is extraverted Sensing.
What does that mean now?
Having a perceiving function as your dominant function can already say a lot how you interact with the world around you and it’s the first thing people will notice when they look at you without even having to interact with you.
Since the dominant function is the first one that develops in our functional stack it’s the strongest and the most natural one we use, meaning it’s the easiest to use.
The Se in Nishinoya’s stack being his first function represents a lot about how we perceive him as a person, it could also be seen as the function when you introduce someone and the first words you would describe a person with.
What are the first words you would describe Nishinoya with?
Probably a lot and I can tell you: all of them would fall into the Dom Se category!
Now after a long explanation let’s see what the Dom Se is actually telling us.
His dominant function tells us that Nishinoya interacts with the world directly as his relationship with the world is established through physical sensation, it relies on sensory experience meaning what is happening around me is a constant question that his subconscious is trying to answer by observing the things around him.
Stimulating experiences to get a kick of adrenaline and enjoying the world around him, taking any opportunity that comes his way as he spots them and takes advantage of them.
People with Dom Se can be described as adventurous, loud, bold, courageous, adaptable and entertaining.
They also think that actions speak more than words, does that ring a bell?
Starting with the most obvious part is his strong sense of focussing on opportunities as he brushes off worries and concerns that others might have by playing them off, especially Asahi is someone he always explains not to be a worrywart, he often scolds Asahi for whining a lot instead of properly doing something unlike some other Aces.
Another one would be wearing shirts with word plays on them, especially those which sounded manly to him, as he also is determined to become a manly man despite his height and does live by those principles to fulfill the desire of becoming what he wishes to be instead of simply saying it or pretending to.
This is not the only decision he made based on the excitement he felt, even joining Karasuno was due to the fact he liked the uniforms and wanted to wear them as he regarded them as cool and manly.
His way of intaking all the events happening is clearly shown in the anime many times.
Nishinoya never takes his eyes off whenever they are playing or watching someone, always having the people and events around him in sight.
In-game his reflexes are unmatched as seen in the first Dateko match in season one where he got the ball with his foot at the last second.
Shortly before the first Seijoh vs Karasuno match, Hinata and Nishinoya were sitting next to each other watching Oikawa serve against another team. Especially in the manga Nishinoya emphasizes his strong desire to receive one of his serves since he mentioned that in his middle-school years he heard about an extremely talented setter that had powerful serves, even though they were not that strong like the current Oikawa.
His adventurous and courageous side wanting to enjoy the challenges around him is seen here clearly. He never directly spoke to Oikawa and in the practice match he wasn’t there but immediately spotted him. He also got angry when Aone spoke to Karasuno before their first match as he still holds a small grudge against him, even though he wasn’t at the scene at that point he always looks around and spotted them talking, quickly joining in.
Nishinoya’s constant watch on what is happening around him is also shown when he receives during practice despite just arriving at the gym or training independently without anyone asking him to receive, he also looks out for his team members and has a close watch on his opponents all the time like Yaku from Nekoma who stated that people like Nishinoya who constantly watch others with the desire to grow are indeed scary.
Yet those parts also show us that Nishinoya’s Se can go into extremes that may be considered unhealthy.
We see that Nishinoya is very moody at times and his behaviour flips in an instant, which can be - in Daichi’s case f.e - very annoying and unpredictable.
Nishinoya is a serious player and we also see him being hard-working showing us that he actually cares about his team but at other times his simple curiosity and superficial mindset can cause more trouble, yet we see it rather off-court than on-court when he interacts with people.
Auxiliary Fi:
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The second function on his stack: Auxiliary Fi.
The feeling side we can observe in Nishinoya without digging too deep is also due to the function being rather on the top of the stack as the second function works like a support for the dominant óne.
Fi stands for introverted Feeling which is one of the judging functions, since Nishinoya’s Dominant Se is a perceiving one the information he constantly gathers also needs processing to evaluate situations and develop a good moral judgement before rushing to things.
Therefore the Se-Fi works like that: Se intakes information that Fi is going to process and evaluate properly in order to reduce more damage and help his emotional state by not completely being too reckless.
Being the second function Nishinoya resisting his Fi would be quite hard so we can see a lot of moments he actually uses it in the anime as well.
We have different varieties were his Fi is present one would be when he sticks close to his Dom Se, his comfort zone and tries to ignore the Fi but it comes out in a way or another, which is displayed through brushing off important feelings or emotions, ignoring warning signs, the lack of understanding why some paths may be dangerous and unhealthy,looking down on those who are too earnest and avoiding responsibility by playing the victim.
While Nishinoya is earnest himself and also displays those types of behaviours rather than the beginning in the series we see those slight resists in some examples.
The first scene in which Noya appeared was showing that he broke a mop and was very angry as he lashed out due to his emotions. That very scene was due to Asahi declaring that he would stop playing which stirred him up, also showing that he stopped coming to the club as well (even without his suspension) because he just can’t play if Asahi is not around, making this decision heavily based on emotions only.
Nishinoya doesn’t need Asahi to play his position, rationally speaking and with his skill-level it wouldn’t be a problem at all to keep playing with other people instead, yet he simply was against it irrationally choosing what felt right to him as he tried to blame Asahi for the whole situation they were in.
We also see that when Asahi is overly earnest and tries his best Nishinoya tends to make fun of him or look down on him for his good-nature and soft heart which is one of Asahi’s good sides yet a weak point as well.
He doesn’t take any warnings either as he brushes them off easily one example would be when he ignored the warning that the vice-principle was coming and he still ignored that fact causing him to get suspended.
Still Nishinoya’s Fi also displayed itself in a manner that can be viewed as overindulging in Fi which means when still developing Fi and don’t knowing how to use it, Nishinoya for example can use it subconsciously in an extreme manner.
The Asahi example can be again taken for that.
Another one would be that negative feelings are kept unresolved and inhibit his judgement, one of that moments are few but in the case of season 4 we see that even Nishinoya can stop to function in his position as a Libero after meeting Atsumu Miya’s serve that made him remember how he messed up many times and how he used to fear everything at a point making him feel useless.
Nishinoya takes things too personally at times too, as he almost started a fight with Kageyama on the court when they played against Dateko in season 4 episode 6 and 7.
His first reaction was feeling attacked by Kageyama’s remark about him being in the way which was justified, after the matter being explained Nishinoya backed off but the immediate reaction showed his trait.
But most of the time, especially apart of the beginning where Nishinoya started to appear, we can clearly see him use his Fi in a healthy manner.
Nishinoya’s emotions are always authentic and he accepts emotions very well not making fun of them (in a serious way that is).
He wanted to play against Oikawa due to his respect to him and his immense development in that short time he had heard from him in middle-school, motivating him even more as he played against him.
All in all his emotions are easily spotted, genuine and he shows them openly. When he is sad or touched he easily cries, when angry he gets louder and yells at people, even when Hinata talked to him he got touched and therefore offered to help him right away, simply because Hinata said some nice words.
Especially when excited and happy he even jumps high and climbs on other people’s backs.
He is also very understanding towards mistakes and short-comings, being the first one to encourage his teammates no matter if it was a good play or a big mistake.
Even on the sidelines he is the first one to jump over and rush into a hug to congratulate the one who made a point.
His famous line “I got your backs”, also shows us his other ways of showing emotional encouragement and himself displaying his empathetic nature of thinking about others while pushing his own self-care of confidence.
Someone who wears his heart on his sleeve, that is Nishinoya Yuu.
Tertiary Te:
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As his tertiary function is Te his balance consists of Fi-Te.
Even when someone with an auxiliary Fi tries to resist it or there is a lack in it, in Nishinoya’s case it being the second on his stack makes it hard so Te is the defense mechanism that comes in when Fi is in one of those mentioned states.
Te rewards the lacking Fi with a sense of competence and strength, this means the lacking Fi misuses the Te causing the person to fall into a Te loop that tries to find a short-term “solution” for deep-lying self-image or self-confidence issues.
Nishinoya is very stubborn when it comes to his own skills and competences, despite being an amazing Libero and proving that fact in every match he stills seems to be never satisfied with himself and always seeks to improve, as he does that in a very domineering way not letting anyone stop him or even gets angry and resentful when someones tries to threaten or advise him that he is fine as he is. He refuses help from others at those times and does what he believes his right, as long as he sees he is competent enough to reach his goal his Te rewards his Fi with that false sense of strength to make him more confident about himself for the time-being than he actually is.
When he tells himself that he can do a certain thing for sure and obsessively emphasizes that even when he is in a monologue it is mostly to negative emotions, f.e when he fails to get receives several times or especially when he is not confident.
In season 4 we also see him almost not doing an overhand receive because it was the more secure way despite Nishinoya clearly trained to do exactly that receive especially when it came to jump floaters after experiencing Hanamaki doing it in the game of season 2.
His negative emotions mostly are buried behind a facade of I got your back, I am sure I can get any receive and many other words that should express his power.
Since we saw in the manga part and anime in season one, in the first practice match against Nekoma that Nishinoya praised Yaku for his skills but didn’t recognize his own, Yaku mentioned that Nishinoya probably doesn’t even see it himself. It shows that Nishinoya might be aware he is not confident but subconsciously expresses confident manners when in a loop.
Inferior Ni:
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Ni, the last one on Nishinoya’s stack and it’s also the function that could be considered the least developed one out of the four.
While Ni is there to learn about intuitive connections it’s there to encourage yourself to nurture the inner world and reflect on the things happening around you, as well as connecting them into a context so you can fill the unknown in yourself. It also provides the imagination of idealistic ideas and envisioning the future ahead of you all that is part of introverted Intuition.
Yet in Nishinoya’s case Ni is his last function on the stack, it means he is more prone to resist and ignore his NI, especially when his Dom Se is going to extremes, this can cause the ignored Ni to become louder and louder when the problems caused by the former and it even can be threatening over time.
And that’s where Ni grip comes in, it unconsciously tries to compensate for the lack of the Se or Se extremes, but since the Ni usually is still underdeveloped it doesn’t turn out well and then the so-called grip happens.
The grip can be described when people would say this isn’t like you at all since usually the one exhibiting the grip behaviour isn’t even aware of that fact.
Nishinoya in Ni grip would be almost the opposite of what he almost is.
Hard to believe that the upbeat Nishinoya could be anything but loud and excited?
Well very wrong, in season four we actually see Nishinoya in his best Ni-grip behaviour.
Where do you ask?
Atsumu Miya standing on the other side of the court.
Yes, Nishinoya may be really excited and loves the challenge but especially in the course of the match we see him being quite different than we usually know him and see a whole different side of him.
It’s almost as if he was isolating himself while he felt trapped, felt very gloomy, frustrated, helpless, unassured and doubtful which are all signs of Ni grip.
He was doubting himself over and over and panicked about not being able to move, totally frozen and paraylzed by fear.
It’s as if the Nishinoya who said I got your back was a whole other being in that moment, his calm and contemplating nature about all the mistakes he could make by getting targeted and not being able to even move for Atsumu’s serves started in entire flashback about how he used to fear everything in his life.
He himself explained he moved on from that point where he was scared and after a long time admitted he was scared yet again like he used too as he indirectly questioned his confidence, abilities and his own value.
Usually Nishinoya who might be stubborn when it comes to advice or help but still accepts that he has Daichi and the others next to him, felt totally alone and trapped in that situation, closed-off and being able to reach out if it wasn’t for Kinoshita getting him out of that wrecked thought-process.
But Nishinoya himself questioned if this is all he could do, if this is the so-called Libero he should be and was almost freaking out by not being able to do anything due to he fear that overcame him,
It was a rare moment but that vulnerable, deep in thought Nishinoya who was unusually quiet and almost going crazy due to his inability seeking much more in that moment - That’s also part of Nishinoya but only the part that comes up when he is at his lowest.
As we understand now we surely can say, it was a moment where Nishinoya’s inferior Ni worked against him in a stressed situation, seeing it not being as developed as it should be but since it’s his inferior function around his age it’s quite normal for him to subconsciously misuse it to compensate for his Se extremes.
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Nishinoya is the very depiction of an ESFP as he embodies all the traits that his functions should represent. His personality type that is called the entertainer fits his fierce and energized nature, unpredictable of what he is going to do next.
With his short height yet big presence, he always stands in the spotlight as his amazing skills, loud voice and strong personality overshadow his much taller allies and opponents.
Even his flashy way of talking, his hairstyle and confidence Nishinoya earns the title of an ESFP.
Never getting tired of what is possible and what has to come, and never stopping to explore much more to what is there in the world.
Can you agree or do you see other traits in Nishinoya?
Write it down in the comments!
Until next time, rushing for my tea with a rolling thuuunder!
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wuxian-vs-wangji · 4 years
So like you said, in the show they say flat out that Wei Wuxian didn't die, he was injured by the fall instead and the sacrificing curse used Mo Xuanyu's life force to heal him completely (even his scars other than the four slashes). Why do you think Nie Huaisang kept Wuxian in a coma for so long without trying to heal him?
First off, highlighting this ask is about the S-H-O-W (that means *not* the novel)
So just to state it a little more clearly:: In Episode 42(?) when Wuxian unsheathes Suibian in the Jin treasure room, Jin Guangyao says he remembers an old scroll written by Wei Wuxian himself showing a spell in which “a severely injured person can be healed” by someone else’s sacrifice.
Making this change has a cascading effect on the story, since Wei Wuxian does not resurrect into a different body but back into his own (thank god, because we got to keep staring at Xiao Zhan an extra 19 episodes). In general what I think happened is that Huaisang was either instructed by Mingjue to stand in wait or that he just was watching from afar when the Battle of Nightless happened. If anyone understands the dangers of out-of-control resentful energy it is a Nie.
The writing was on the wall, they couldn’t stop Wei Wuxian’s death even if they wanted to. He was going to die sooner or later- by execution, suicide, his own magic destroying him, etc. 
So the Nie- probably unknown to anyone else- were prepared to contain his soul and the resentful energy therein as they do their ancestors. No other sect deals with explosive resentful energy, it was always going to be on the Nie to handle that one (but not in a way the other sects know about because that would risk  exposing the Saber Tombs).
Now, in the NOVEL- putting little clues together- it looks like Wei Wuxian was contained in a Spirit Trapping Pouch, like what Xiao Xingchen’s soul is contained in. He’s bound in some way- no one, not even Wangji, could reach him with any form of spirit inquiry.
So since his body wasn’t destroyed in the SHOW, context clues here say that Huaisang found Wuxian around the same time Jiang Cheng came down the side of the cliff to look for the body. Jiang Cheng has Chenqing at the showdown in Guanyin Temple- so he found the flute. Again, a Nie knows how dangerous resentment is, and they’re EXPERTS at containing spiritual weapons. That Huaisang took Wuxian but didn’t/couldn’t search thoroughly enough to find Chenqing suggests he was rushed.
Wei Wuxian was presumably on death’s door. He burned away the arrow wound to his heart, but I’ll dip to the novel to say that it clarifies that the Stygian Tiger Seal drains Wuxian’s spiritual power VERY quickly. Between that and just how long his attack on Nightless ran, the boy’s batteries were on empty and he probably couldn’t heal a granite belly-flop.
So, Huaisang leaves with Wuxian’s body (probably with Mingjue’s knowledge because Huaisang couldn’t do this all on his own), then what happened? I straddle the line between two schools of thought on this one.
#1 :: Keeping him in a coma was the safest way to contain him
If Huaisang somehow froze Wei Wuxian so that his injuries neither healed nor bled out, it would be like entombing him in his own body. Generations of Nie went insane at the end of their lives and turned into violent rage monsters. Huaisang- and probably Mingjue because, again, you’d need the Clan Leader on board for this- wouldn’t look on Wuxian in the same light as the others because of Nightless. They don’t consider their father/grandfathers/etc. any less because of how their lives ended, they’d understand Wei Wuxian wasn’t the problem, the Yiling Patriarch was.
Wuxian was so lost and so powerful, he was going to be HARD to contain when he died. If that was possible at all. So while they looked for a solution or delayed the inevitable, it is safer to prevent Wei Wuxian’s death at all. If there is a way to freeze someone (that time stop spell Wuxian uses but on a long-term scale), they could pin him at his last breath to buy time.
Then Mingjue disappears, Huaisang keeps Wuxian sealed away, and eventually Mo Xuanyu brings up the sacrificing curse and Huaisang realizes that unleashing Wei Wuxian might be the way forward against Jin Guangyao. 
******* Click HERE for my post arguing that Mo Xuanyu might be the original mastermind (Though “Fatal Journey” rendered some of it moot, the overall logic is still sound)  *******
I also want to note just somewhere in this whole answer that Nie Huaisang seemed supremely confident that Wei Wuxian wasn’t going to go full Yiling Patriarch when he emerged, either because Wangji was nearby with baby Lan or he trusted that Wuxian wasn’t the monster he was painted to be. Either via a friend’s intuition (Huaisang never seemed to really fear him) or perhaps he had someone playing something like Cleansing over his body to make sure he was calming down. IDK, but the boy doesn’t seem worried in the least. He’s even right next door throughout the resurrection and Saber Spirit Attack, not worried about getting away from the crater in case Wuxian goes nuclear again.
OK, back to my answer---
#2 :: Sometimes they just don’t wake up
Xiao Xingchen had no will to live, even trapped in the soul pouch. Wei Wuxian was very much in the same state mentally.
Physically though, it might not have mattered WHAT his mental state was, he was simply too injured to ever regain consciousness on his own. Even if Huaisang tried from Day 1 to heal him, helped re-set bones and stitch his wounds closed, Wei Wuxian’s body was too shattered.
It is possible for someone to simply sustain too many injuries or suffer too great a trauma to wake up from a coma. It happens IRL too. People will even wake up after YEARS in a coma. So Huaisang might not have intentionally kept Wuxian out of it, he may simply have been unable to wake without massive healing work to re-set the body to where it was when it was first injured (like if Wuxian was brain dead).
I will say this theory has a flaw, IDK how fatal it is though:: Jin Ling isn’t dead yet, but Wangji still reaches his soul via Inquiry in the Saber Tombs. So if Huaisang healed Wuxian and just let him lay in a coma undisturbed for 16 years, Lan Wangji should have been able to reach him. I mean, even if it’s hard and the odds of success are terrible, he played Inquiry every single night for 16 years. Even a blind squirrel finds nuts sometimes (unless distance played a factor, or any other protections the Nie had up, which is why I say this may not be a fatal flaw).
**I do want to make a note about the Sacrificing Curse as a healing tool that wipes out ALL of Wei Wuxian’s injuries. Watch the Doctor Who two-part episode set “The Empty Child/The Doctor Dances” (from Season 1 of the reboot). Sorry, but to make my point I need to spoil the big twist:: The “monster” wreaking havoc on London during the 1940s Blitz is actually a crashed medical ship with healing drones who find a dead child but aren’t programmed to human DNA, so they create terrifying creatures with gas-mask faces because that’s how they think humans are (they save the child, don’t worry).
At the end of the 2nd part, the Doctor reprograms them with human DNA so they burn themselves out healing the individual people and turning them back to normal. There is a line where a physician is approached by a patient who shockingly says her long-missing leg has even grown back.
It is wrong to say the Sacrificing Curse healing all of Wuxian’s injuries- even his scar- is “convenient” (as some people did on a previous post of mine). I think it’s like the drones in the Doctor Who episode- you tell them to heal, they’ll heal abso-fucking-lutely everything that is imperfect or incorrect. Think about it- Wei Wuxian even got a Golden Core out of the deal. The curse used whatever it needed from Mo Xuanyu to heal Wei Wuxian. No exceptions. If he had a PAPERCUT it would treat it as an imperfection no different from a crushed skull. 
A powerful healing spell like that is powerful precisely because it works on a massive scale. Mo Xuanyu was dying to save Wei Wuxian, so he was going to get his money’s worth. Yeah, Wuxian’s burn scar disappears. IDK why that’s so hard for some people to process when they can easily accept that he’s no longer puddle-shaped.
TL;DR:: IDK, but I’ve put a ton of thought into it.
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itsamejin · 4 years
trash || part 2 || taehyung angst/fluff
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Part 1
Summary: Taehyung and you are friends with benefits, but you’re having a hard time maintaining this secret relationship when a close friend of yours starts falling in love with him.
Warning: Suggestive themes, mentions of alcohol and casual sex, cursing and crude language/humor
Genre: Fluff, Angst, fwb!au, college!au
Word Count: 5,245 words
Taehyung stared at the door you had left through only minutes ago and couldn't help but take his eyes off of it. His brain was short-circuiting, his limbs refusing to move from their spot just in case you decided to come back. He would have looked like a statue if not for the tears that stained his cheeks.
For whatever reason, Taehyung felt like he had witnessed a fever dream so intense that even pinching himself repeatedly wouldn’t wake himself back up. Those heartbreaking words that came from your lips felt so surreal that he didn’t want to admit that you had said them. Whether it was the denial speaking or if you were lying to him about your feelings, Taehyung didn’t know if he could fully grasp what was happening. 
Wasn’t it just an hour ago when he held you in your arms, whispering sweet nothings into your ear as you dozed off to the sound of his voice? 
Were you not tangling your fingers into his hair, complimenting him about how beautifully they reflected in the moonlight? Did none of those little things mean anything to you? Did you really feel nothing for him each time you embraced or kissed?
Or was he the only one in love after all?
Taehyung shook his head as more tears fell. You had walked out the door by your own will; no one forced you to leave. He begged you to stay and you said you couldn’t. He should be angrier, but he couldn’t bring himself to feel such emotions when the image of you walking out on him as he poured his heart out to you kept replaying in his mind. 
Taking one last look at his bedroom door, Taehyung laid himself down onto the bed softly. Just minutes ago, you were beside him with the brightest smile on your face. Your scent still lingered and when Taehyung closed his eyes, he swore he could feel you wrap your arms around him. 
Taehyung had never cried himself to sleep before, but there was always a first for everything.
It was the morning after and Hana held onto her poster board tightly, showing up to his place an hour earlier than their promised time. She was outside his door, practicing her lines and breathing through her words. Her mind was swimming with nervous energy.
“I know you don’t really do relationships,” she muttered to herself, “but I can’t help but like you-”
Taehyung pulled the door open with sunken cheeks and puffy eyes. The events of last night had drained his usually sharp features. His mouth was slightly agape at the sight of a nervous-looking Hana, clutching what seemed to look like a science fair poster panel. If he was being honest, Taehyung forogt that they were supposed to meet up. He was perplexed, to say the least. 
“I thought you were coming at 11?” he sighed groggily, a little peeved that he couldn’t get some pain relievers to ease his headache that came from crying his eyes out the night before. He didn’t have the energy to have a conversation with an excitable Hana.
“Surprise,” she stuttered softly, blushing. “I wasn’t planning to knock just yet.”
Taehyung opened the door wider, inviting her in. He knew what she was there for, but he just wished that he could get it over with a little quicker. His throat was killing him.
“Your place is a mess,” she sighed heavily, viewing his room that reeked of bad decisions. 
“Haven’t had a chance to clean up,” he croaked. “Anyways, what did you want to talk about?”
Hana paused her movements and her back tensed slightly. How could she forget her words so easily? She’s been practicing the confession for days now.
“I know you don’t really do relationships,” she said sternly, but with a noticeable shake in her voice. “I can’t help but like you in more than just a physical way, Tae. I was hoping you would feel the same.”
Hana gulped as she felt around the poster board and turned it around for him to see. The big bright letters of confession brought a small smile to Taehyung’s face. ‘At least she cares,’ he thought to himself. He shook his thoughts away as he took a glance at her faltering smile. Her knees were shaky.
“This is really sweet but-”
She put a hand out, halting him from speaking any further.Even though she looked about ready to bolt from his place, she stood her ground. Taehyung respected her for it.
“You don’t have to answer me now,” she whispered. “I just didn’t want to regret anything.”
She slowly handed him her poster board, all sparkly and beautifully well written. Taehyung, as sad as it was, wondered if you would have ever done this for him- if you would even give him the time of day outside of the sex you had. Taehyung didn’t want Hana to suffer through the same harsh rejection you had inflicted on him. She deserved more than that. 
Taehyung ruffled Hana’s hair slightly.
“I do have my answer,” he said softly.
Hana looked up at him expectantly. There was such a pretty glint in her eyes, the kind a puppy would give. It broke him to think that someone could actually love someone like him.
“And?” she asked, anticipating.
Taehyung took in a deep breath, hoping he wouldn’t regret the next words he was about to say.
Weeks later...
“Tae took me to that really cute cafe in Myeongdong,” Hana sighed wonderfully, stars written in her eyes. “The one that has that really pretty rooftop garden.”
Frankly, you were sick of her chirping about the dates she’s gone on since you essentially broke Taehyung’s heart. Not because she was talking about him (though that might have contributed slightly to your annoyance) but that he was the only topic of your conversations! You two used to have chats that didn’t revolve around boys, but now you just felt like she was using you to brag about her love life.
“Was the food good?” you asked, scrolling through your phone mindlessly as you laid on her bed. You didn’t actually care for the answer too much. You just felt like showing your interest, especially when Hana talked about her dates so excitedly. “I’ve been wanting to go.”
“It wasn’t really to my taste,” she replied, touching up her makeup at her desk. “But Tae seemed to really enjoy it! He hasn’t been feeling good these days so it was nice seeing him as his usual self.”
You were already coming to terms with the shitty things you did, but it felt like Hana was rubbing salt onto your psychological wounds. She didn’t know about your relationship with him, so granted it wasn’t fair to judge her. You just couldn’t help but be bitter whenever she mentioned him.
“Would you recommend the place? I’m planning to go with some friends,” you said, just saying words for the sake of speaking.
She shook her head.
“Their coffee sucked,” she said straightforwardly. “And the waiters weren’t even cute so I doubt you would want to stay for bad drinks and unattractive people.”
You let out a genuine laugh. Hana had probably noticed how down you’ve been lately. She was good at bringing up your mood, not knowing that she was slightly the reason why you were so sad in the first place. ‘Stop it,’ you told yourself, ‘you broke it off with Taehyung. Hana isn’t responsible for anything.’
You had racked your brain over it many nights, hoping that he wasn’t too angry at you for what you had done that night. You had texted him a couple of times and there was never an answer and the one time you called, he had hung up on you. The amount of apologies you had made to him after that night far outnumbered the times you would casually text any of your other boy toys. Maybe he moved on and just wanted to act like you didn’t exist, but you can’t help but doubt that. He was the type to linger- the type to forgive even when he didn’t get an apology.
“I definitely need to choose where our next date is,” Hana sighed. “I’ve been dying for some Thai food recently.”
Her words made you suck your cheeks in, resentful at the prospect of the two of them going out again. You didn’t even know if Taehyung and her were even dating! She never told you how the poster confession went, so you just assumed it worked out since the dreaded thing was no longer lounging in the room. She was always vague about her relationship with him and you were starting to wonder if Taehyung even changed at all. After all, you breaking his heart would’ve been useless if the two weren’t committed to each other already.
You just figured that Hana smiled so brightly these days that something must have been going on, no matter if they were serious or just playing around. You had tried to ignore the slight pain in your chest whenever you thought about them, but the longing to see Taehyung grew as each day passed. How was he doing nowadays? Was he thinking about you as much as you were thinking about him?
“Anyway,” Hana said, finally changing the topic. “How about you? What did you do yesterday?”
You wondered if you should tell the full truth or half a lie. What wouldn’t make you look the most suspicious?
“I hooked up with a guy,” you replied, turning your phone off and made eye contact with Hana. “And before we actually fucked, I started crying like a lunatic.”
She gave you a strange look and all you could do was chuckle at her reaction.
“Why were you crying?” she asked carefully, not wanting to pry too much.
“No reason, but really when I tell you his balls were the size of my-”
She hushed you as you tried to say the next words.
“Sometimes it’s good to not give information,” she said, clicking her tongue at your vulgarity. Hana went back to applying her lipstick, knowing that a conversation with you about your unhealthy fuckgirl tendencies would lead nowhere.
“Suit yourself,” you sighed, smiling to yourself slightly. “You’d have been crying too if you saw what I saw.”
Hana threw one of her eyeliner pencils at you, shaking her head in disbelief.
“You are so vulgar,” she sighed in disappointment.
You pouted your lips teasingly in response, but your heart still felt heavy. You had lied to Hana once again and with very little hesitation. Your heart already felt rotten from all the deception, but now you genuinely felt like you were choking on your guilt. 
The real reason you broke down, the real reason you cried was that the guy you tried fucking the night before had the same cologne as Taehyung. When you held him in your arms you couldn’t help but feel like it was him caressing your body, that it was him holding you close. It felt like you could feel the pulsing of his veins on your skin.
Whenever you breathed his scent in it felt like Taehyung was there with you, synching his heartbeat to yours. Before you even knew it, you were ugly crying into the poor guy’s chest. You wept and wept until the stranger had left you to sulk with your thoughts. 
The sadness lingered as you sat on that hotel room bed, wondering why you even bothered trying to fuck another guy when someone more important was still in your mind. You wanted to see Taehyung, you wanted to be the one to ride around campus with him on those rickety bikes, to go on those cheesy dates, and talk like babies to each other. Maybe you were an idiot for realizing this late, but you cried even more at the thought of Taehyung leaving you like how you left him that night. Cold and unwanted.
As you looked around the hotel room, with wine bottles laid around and your clothes were haphazardly thrown on a chair, you figured that you didn’t deserve him-
“What color do you think Tae would like on me? He said he liked purple, but I can’t help but think that pink suits me better...”
- she did.
To you, the most effective way to drown out your sorrowful thoughts was to party it away until you regretted it the next day. This cycle would repeat until eventually, your feelings were numb enough to the point that it didn’t feel like you had them in the first place. It worked for you a great deal so many times before, what’s wrong with trying it out now?
The club was a good place to start and maybe after a couple more drinks, you could find a pretty boy to take with you back to your place- a repeat of the previous nights you spent in shady motels and fraternity houses.
You spent countless nights in other people’s beds, drowning out your thoughts to distract you from the pain in your heart. It changed nothing once you left, though. It would sit at the pit of your stomach and churn at the sight of him. He was with Hana earlier today, kissing her in front of the whole campus to see. And you managed to convince yourself that you were okay with it- that you were okay with the emptiness that persisted within you.
After ordering yourself another tequila, you set your eyes on a handsome looking back. The guy looked strong and since you were tipsy, you couldn’t quite make out his face. Even without the drink in your hand, you had sauntered over to the person in a way only a totally hammered person could. You just prayed he was good looking when you’d see his face in the morning.
“Oh I’m so sorry,” you said, pretending to bump into him. “I should have looked where I was-”
After seeing who you were talking to, you just wanted to crawl into a hole and die in it. Why was God never on your side?
“[Y/N],” Taehyung stared at you, eyebrows furrowed from confusion. 
You had almost tripped on your high heels at the sound of his voice. It’s been weeks since you last heard him even open his mouth.
“Oh my god, I am so sorry,” you apologized profusely. “I thought you were someone else. I-I’ll just go.”
As you tried to stumble away from him, he had caught your elbow to prevent you from falling. He had a can of beer in his hand, but he set it down to hold you up. It seems you drank too much after all.
“How much did you drink tonight?” he asked worriedly. You wished he didn’t care. You’d have preferred for him to scoff, to push past you, and insult you. Anything to make you hate him just a tiny bit and maybe then you’ll forget about him. 
“Do you need me to take you home?” he asked worriedly.
You shook your head rapidly.
“No, no. I’m fine,” you said, attempting to loosen his grip from you. When you managed to do so, he just looked even more concerned. “It’s a short walk from here. I’m good.”
Taehyung crossed his arms disapprovingly. 
“No way in hell am I letting you walk alone by yourself.”
You rolled your eyes.
“I swear to you I’m fine,” you replied. “I’m, like, not even drunk.”
You started making your way to the entrance of the club. Your drink was still waiting for you at the bar, but you couldn’t spend another second in that musty room filled with sweating bodies. Unbeknownst to you, Taehyung followed closely behind.
“Just let me walk you home, [Y/N],” he pleaded. “I’m not looking for anything in return.”
As you finally felt the air of the outside as opposed to the stuffy musk of the club, you stared up at him. The cool air that hit the exposed parts of your body had started sobering you up, but not enough to make you completely conscious of your next words.
“I’m not gonna fuck you Taehyung,” you said, knowing full well that those words would hurt him, prevent him from taking any more steps forward. After all, it was like that with every man that ever offered to walk you home. It always ended with sex, the kind that felt like a favor- the kind that you’d definitely regret the morning after.
“I’m not like that,” he whispered sadly. “You know me.”
You pursed your lips at his words and turned your back to him, heading to the direction of your dorm.
“No, I don’t,” you replied, already walking away. “As far as I’m concerned we’re strangers. You think so too, right? You’re ignoring my messages and not accepting my apology as if you weren’t doing the same shit I did with other girls.”
You could hear him sigh and felt a slight tug on your elbow as he made you face him once more.
“I don’t have to accept your apology,” Taehyung said sternly, letting go of you as he felt your body tense up at his touch. “And maybe we are strangers now, but I’m a decent enough person to want you to be safe. Just let me walk you home.”
You shook your head, but it made your head hurt even more. You two used to speak so comfortably. Where did this hostility even come from? You clutched your scalp and massaged it to relieve yourself a bit.
“Hana wouldn’t like that,” you said, bringing your arms to a cross over your chest. “Guys don’t walk home girls they pretend don’t exist.”
Taehyung flinched, not necessarily at what you said but how you said it. There was a certain kind of pain laced in your words, the kind that he had when he was begging you not to leave him.
“Why do you care about my relationship with Hana so much?” he asks, genuinely anticipating the answer. “It’s not like it’s any of your business.”
You refused to look up at him. You couldn’t bear to see his face when you were seconds away from bawling your eyes out. ‘How the tables have turned,’ you thought to yourself.
“I need you to treat Hana right,” you said slowly. “She deserves to have someone that isn’t hung up on a person that isn’t even an ex.”
He scoffed. There you were again with that word “deserving.” Who were you to make these decisions for him? It’s not like he was a fucking child.
"You’re the one being melodramatic about me ignoring you,” he said angrily. “I’m not the one who fucking left that night.”
He was right, but unfortunately, you were drunk. You had no sense of common sense left in your aching brain and his words weren’t registering at the moment.
“I was looking out for her, Taehyung,” you said threateningly. “I’m not being fucking dramatic. The fact that you’re in a club probably chatting up other girls and now walking me home is not something a good boyfriend would do.”
He chuckled darkly at your drunken splurge. Why were you so invested with his love life if you claimed to not love him back?
"What the hell are you even talking about [Y/N]?”
You pushed him away slightly, feeling claustrophobic at how close he was to you. He caught you as you stumbled out of his reach.
“I need you to just trust me and let me take you home,” he said lowly. “We can go back to ignoring each other another time. Right now I just want you home.”
This time, you pushed his chest aggressively. He just couldn’t let it go.
“Why can’t you just leave me the fuck alone when I ask you to?” you shrieked, earning odd stares from people around you. “I said no you dick!”
Taehyung knew that if the scene escalated any faster then you’d both be in a compromising position. 
“Please just calm down,” Taehyung said sadly, searching for some acceptance in your eyes. “I would never do anything to hurt you.”
You shake your head. Your thoughts were coming out jumbled, completely illogical. His mere presence had caused you to act a fool.
“You told me I was your favorite girl,” you swallowed down your tears as you let the hysteria consume you. “And then she goes and makes a poster board for you to show that I’ll never fucking be like her- that she deserves you more than I do. It’s not fucking fair, Tae.”
You cried into the cold night, the street filled with silent watchers of your break down.
“I wish I was like her too Tae,” you swallowed down your saliva. “I wish I wasn’t myself. I really wish I could just-”
He pulled you close to him, his nose almost touching yours.
“Stop saying that about yourself,” he pleaded softly. “Please.”
You wished in the deepest part of your heart that he would embrace you and reassure you of all the recent insecurities that bubbled up inside of you. Taehyung comforted you with his warm gaze, but you couldn’t reciprocate the same. Instead, you collapsed there on the street as Taehyung failed to catch your falling figure.
“[Y/N],” Taehyung screamed as your body collapsed onto the concrete floor. He dropped to your limp body and held the back of your head into his palms. He slapped your face gently. “[Y/N], are you with me?”
You nodded slowly. 
“I’m just tired,” you said through slurred breaths. “Just give me a second.”
You were dozing off as you spoke and your eyes closed into a sunken state. 
“I need to take you home [Y/N],” he said softly, scooping you up into his arms. “You can’t walk by yourself.”
You punched him lightly on the chest. 
“Let me go Tae,” you whimpered. “I’m perfectly fine.”
He scoffed. 
“You say that all the time,” he said, starting to walk towards the direction of your apartment. “But it’s okay to rely on others sometimes, [Y/N].”
He squeezes your waist lightly as he felt you drift into unconsciousness. As he walked on, taking a couple of breaks and switching you to lay on his back instead of carrying you bridal style, he finally reached your dorm. He knocked a few times and finally, it opened.
“Tae!” Hana gasped, seeing your groggy state. “Oh my god, what kind of trouble did she get in this time.”
She opened the door wider and Taehyung walked through, setting you down on your bed lightly. 
“She was at the club,” he said, tucking you in to the sheets properly. “I think she drank too much.”
Hana nodded slightly, looking up at how Taehyung was so fondly staring at you. It bubbled up a resentment she didn’t even know she had.
“I can take care of her from here,” Hana said lightly. “Thank you for bringing her home.”
Taehyung shook his head, still staring at you. His guilty conscience was eating him up.
“Hana, I need to tell you something,” he said hesitantly. “I’ve been keeping something from you.”
Hana scoffed, sitting next to your laying figure and putting a palm to your forehead, checking for anything abnormal. 
“If it’s about you having a crush on [Y/N],” she started, avoiding his gaze. “I already know.”
Taehyung’s mouth opened, slightly agape. Did she know the whole time? Regardless, it wasn’t what he wanted to talk about specifically.
“That’s not it,” he said sadly. “I need to tell you why I rejected you when you asked me out.”
Hana stopped her movements and with shaky hands, she clasped her palms together. She looked up at him, tears welling up in her eyes. 
“I know already, Tae. Don’t bother,” she said sadly. “Your ex told me a few days ago that you and [Y/N] were dating. Thought I wouldn’t find out?”
You stirred a bit in your sleep and out of fear, Taehyung grabbed Hana’s wrist to take her out into the hallway. There, she had started to cry a bit harder.
“[Y/N] and I weren’t dating,” he said with a heavy heart. “She and I were a thing, but it didn’t last. I’m clarifying that now. I still...”
He struggled to find his words, but he took a deep breath. He’s never voiced his true feelings before, but he needed to do it now before anything else.
“I’m still in love with her,” he said quietly, tears threatening to spill out. Hana choked back more cries, keeping her eyes locked to the floor.
“Tae, I’m a bad person,” she hiccuped. “I’m the worst, worse than trash, worse than whatever you guys were doing behind my back.”
Taehyung sighed.
“Don’t blame yourself, Hana,” he said, patting her head softly. “None of this is your fault, I shouldn’t have led you on.”
“No, you don’t understand,” she shook her head rapidly. “I’ve been lying to [Y/N].”
Taehyung pulled his hand back and tilted his head out of confusion.
“What do you mean?”
She sniffled and let out more sobs, finally looking up at him.
“I’ve been lying to her.”
A girl with fiery stilettos sashayed down the university halls with a clear purpose. She was hearing around campus that innocent, little Hana had failed with her corny love confession. She wanted confirmation herself. The tall female stopped at her destination, in front of a small and neatly dressed girl with sulking shoulders. Hana did not look ready for a confrontation, making this all the more entertaining for the one wearing high heels. This should be fun.
“So, Hana I heard about you and Taehyung,” the girl started, “I’m sorry if things didn’t work out. You know how he is.”
Hana looked up at the much taller lady, intimidated somewhat, but remembering that this same girl was failing a semester of prerequisite classes.
“Word travels fast, huh?” Hana chuckled slightly, attempting to soothe the tense atmosphere the girl had initiated. “Well, he wasn’t ready to be in a relationship. Nothing worth talking about.”
The girl gasped as if she was given a new set of information that wasn’t already known throughout campus. Over-the-top acting skills came in handy when you are purposely trying to act like a bitch.
“But I thought it was because he was with [Y/N]?” she questioned. “They’ve had a thing for a while now. I’m surprised you didn’t know!”
Hana blinked repeatedly, not comprehending the words coming out of the taller female. What the hell was this girl talking about?
“[Y/N]? As in my roommate?” Hana asked, furrowing her eyebrows.
She chuckled.
“Of course! Who else would I be talking about?” she mocked. “Everyone thought you two just decided to share him or something. You know we all expect that from [Y/N], but now it makes sense that you didn’t know.”
Hana gulped back her frustration. If she wasn’t the civil person she was, Hana would have decked the girl right then.
“No, I didn’t know,” Hana replied sternly. “As far as I’m concerned it’s none of your business either.”
The high-heel clad girl cackled, flipping her hair away to show more of her face. She stepped towards Hana menacingly.
“You’re not angry that your friend’s been fucking Taehyung behind your back?” she asked dramatically. 
Hana clenched her jaw. Of course, she was angry. She always felt like Taehyung and you were secretly flirting and it seems her suspicions were confirmed by the worst person she knew.
“And why should I trust what you’re saying?”
She rolled her eyes.
“Because he hasn’t changed at all Hana!” she sighed disapprovingly. “You know he did the same thing with me? I’m sick of seeing him play around with girls and get no consequences. Same with [Y/N].”
Hana thought long and hard, biting her bottom lip out of frustration. She felt betrayed, not by Taehyung, but by you. You were living with her for how many months now and you were dating him behind her back? It just didn’t sit right with her conscience. Were people always this dishonest when it came to guys?   
The girl clicked her tongue to grab Hana’s attention and patted her shoulder firmly.
“You have all the cards in your hand and don’t know how to dealt them,” she sighed, shaking her head with disapproval. “Taehyung could be yours if you just take the initiative.”
She moved her face closer to Hana, whispering directly to her ear.
“The good girl never gets the cute guy, Hana,” she stepped back lightly, relishing in the frustrated expression that Hana adorned. “Don’t you want to put him in his place?”
Hana pushed her hand off and the girl could only smirk back. She had already planted the seed in Hana. Her work here was done.
“They deserve whatever’s coming to them, Hana. You’ll do the smart thing if you know what’s good for you.”
Genuinely, Taehyung felt devastated with this new set of information. You had genuinely thought that he got over you within mere weeks. 
“I kept feeding her these lies,” she started sadly. “I told her I’ve been going on dates with you, that what we have is romantic. I knew she got hurt each time I talked to her about you, but I wanted to make her jealous. I wanted to hurt her.”
Taehyung’s mouth opened slightly, surprised with Hana’s words. All of those invitations to hang out, whether friendly or not, would be perceived as dates to people that didn’t know the full story. He didn’t know what to think at that moment.
“So the reason why she thinks you and I are dating is that-”
“I never said we were,” she said wiping away her tears. “But I made her believe that we were.”
“She’s been spouting bulllshit about us,” he gritted his teeth. “And you knew about it this whole time?”
She let out a cry, wiping her tears with the back of her hand.
“I feel so fucking guilty, Tae. I’m sorry.”
Taehyung shook his head, letting out a deep breath. He didn’t have the energy to discipline her at the moment. All he cared about was that you were in your bed safe, albeit with a girl who was knowingly deceiving you. Then again, you were lying to Hana a few weeks ago too.
“I don’t know what to think right now,” he muttered, refusing to make eye contact with her. “I think it’s best if I don’t see either of you for now.”
“Tae I’m so-”
“I accept your apology, Hana,” he said softly. “I know you’re not a bad person, but [Y/N] isn’t as forgiving as I am. I just don’t know if I can handle any more betrayals.”
He swallowed his saliva and continued speaking.
“I’m sorry for leading you on Hana, even if you’ve been making up lies to [Y/N]. Genuinely, I’m sorry that I put you between the two of us. It wasn’t fair to you.”
Taehyung nodded to himself, turning around towards the elevator. It didn’t feel right to talk any further, but Hana enveloped him in her arms. She cried into his back, staining his clothing.
“I’ll tell her,” Hana whispered. “I’ll tell her everything, just please don’t hate me.”
A/N: I’m back! Sorry for the massive delay, with the protests going on and my life being fairly busy, I haven’t had the time to update my stories. I’ll try to get some up as soon as possible! Please support the black lives matter movement! Here’s a link to resources so y’all can spread awareness and donate! Let me know how you feel about this chapter and Hana as a character! Part 3 will come some time in the future...
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renifall · 3 years
My take on canon lives: an incredibly self indulgent essay
Alright, first order of business: what are canon lives? (This section is for people who don’t know how canon lives work, like my parents, or my therapist, who I show things I’m proud of, and sometimes I’m proud of good writing)
Canon lives (and subsequently canon deaths) are a system put in place to give the story of the Dream SMP more weight. Minecraft allows players to die and respawn over and over (save for hardcore mode), but on the Dream SMP, characters can only die three times. However, these three deaths must be a) important to the story or b) prewritten. These days, they are often they are both.
How many lives a character has is either well known in the fan base and server, or easily found on the wiki. However! I play D&D and I like desperately trying to make sense of story systems into a way that can exist in a lives in world, so, without further ado, here’s what this post is actually about.
Everyone has canon lives, and the amount they have is visible on their body. When someone is born/spawns(?) they have three hearts on their dominant arm. Should the person lose that arm later in life, the hearts appear on the other arm (or leg, or chest and so on) within a minute.
Everyone’s hearts are different, but only slightly. They vary in size and color, and when someone loses a life, the way they are crossed out varies too. They may be grayed out, turn into broken hearts, or scratched out, etc.
Everyone knows about lives, it’s just how the world is, how it’s always been. Lives are just another bit of information on documents, another part of your identity. You lose them anytime your heart stops beating, or you sustain enough physical damage that it becomes impossible for your body to function properly. So yes, scenarios in which someone’s heart stops beating but they are resuscitated would be considered losing a life in the DSMP. The only deaths that override canon deaths are natural causes (illness and old age).
On the subject of losing lives. When someone loses a life, they are revived within a minute (think of totems of undying/that one sequence in Hog Hunt), at either the location of death, or their body fades to dust and they reawaken in the last place they felt safe, ie. a bed. Their body is healed to the point of proper function, though they retain any scarring that comes of healing such injuries.
Now onto the fun stuff!
• Some people like to decorate their hearts. The hearts themselves don’t take ink, but the skin around them does. People tattoo them with leaves, ribbons, and other fun things that I don’t have the energy to write.
• Some people (typically those with one life) hide their hearts. Usually hiding your hearts is a sign of shame or fear. Naturally, someone not hiding that they have one life is a sign that they aren’t afraid to die.
And here’s what this whole essay was for! Painful headcanons! I will probably add more in the future but I’m kinda drained now. (All mentions are for rp characters, not ccs)
• Dream’s hearts are green, and are on his inner forearm. He scratches at his hearts absentmindedly. His missing lives are indicated with broken hearts. When Techno got locked in, Dream tore a piece of his clothes and tied it over his hearts.
• When it’s not too cold out, Tubbo rolls his sleeve up, clearly showing one big gold heart on his outer forearm. The others scratched out, as if by marker.
• Tommy and Wilbur don’t have any hearts. Once, Tommy tried to draw on where they used to be in red marker, but the ink didn’t stick.
• Phil has one red heart on the back of his hand, with two dark flecks on it. Most assume he just lost the other two, but he has none crossed out, and his hand is only big enough for one heart.
• Foolish never had hearts. After he was killed at the Red Banquet, two emerald green hearts appeared on his outer forearm, the third being blood red, and slashed in two.
And the REALLY self indulgent part, my dsmpsona’s hearts.
• c!Ren has all three of her lives (retcon oopsie). Her hearts are purple, and are on her right forearm.
• c!Ren keeps her hearts covered at all times, because of how guilty she feels when she sees them. Her sister Shae lost all her lives, each one while protecting c!Ren.
• Shae’s hearts were on her upper left arm. They were pale blue, and when she lost lives, they were grayed out.
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