#artistes auteurs
r95irth · 3 months
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Please help european artists to get a better protection, by signing the petition :
and spread the #payetonstatut !
This iniative was launched by LigueAuteursPro on twitter
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never hand Fancy Pants a sharpie if you're not ready to bear the consequences. Lucky for him, Trooper Swirly is physically incapable of expressing embarrassment. (click here for more Trooper shenanigans)
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nativehueofresolution · 5 months
i think there's an interesting connective thread between sarah snook saying she thinks shiv just reads whatever's currently popular and got people talking ("everyone's reading this? all right, fine."), and alan ruck saying he thinks connor only reads books that are very old and considered classics - that way he doesn't have to decide if it has literary merit, because everyone else has already decided it's a seminal work. like, it takes them in the opposite direction when looking for materials, but in both cases they're being driven by a desire to not have to have original artistic tastes or opinions and just defer to someone else's judgements. which is just so telling?
shiv can be a bit of a black sheep politically, but she arrived there by just trying to define herself in opposition to her family; it's an indirect way of having someone else decide for you to keep trying to do the opposite of what's expected. it requires little in the way of genuine beliefs, which is why she flips very easily when it's convenient. connor meanwhile just wants any scrap of attention he can get, which is why he brings up random trivia or collects bizarre historical items. he likes to be able to just say or have something that gets people's attention, without having to provide any real explanation or show understanding. and i think it's interesting how that carries over into things like entertainment or art - the lack of self conception makes it hard to do things like pick up a random book you've never heard of because it looks interesting.
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annoyingthemesong · 1 year
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20 of my favorite directors and their best films. Below are the first ten - these are movies and filmmakers whose work I’ve come back to countless times. 
Lists are otherwise pointless, but I also wanted to have a reason to string some images from some of my favorite films together :) 
Kubrick - Barry Lyndon
Antonioni - l’Avventura
Tarkovsky - Stalker
Ozu - Floating Weeds
Hitchcock - Vertigo
Kurosawa - Ran
Fellini - 8 1/2
Altman - McCabe & Mrs. Miller
Bergman - Scenes from a Marriage
Rohmer - La Collectioneuse
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hattoririma · 7 months
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Rejoignez nous en cliquant ici !
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ffoulkes · 1 year
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The 30th anniversary of Mick Ronson's passing was not too long ago. Did I mention I drew excerpts of the Starman clip on Top of the Pops for my comic Performers 1970 four years ago? Here goes. ♥
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legallybrunettedotcom · 11 months
the main criticism of david fincher's movies is that they're very emotionally and thematically thin. i don't think his movies move people quite in the same way that for example paul thomas anderson's do. like he's clearly obsessed with humanity's darker impulses and delving into psyche but even that sometimes feels somewhat shallow. i mean this is all valid criticism but it's interesting that i see a lot of, especially on here, autistic people who really love his movies. i even saw this one forum thread where people talk about filmmakers they think are autistic and a lot of them said his name. i personally do not think i am autistic, like ultimately i don't think i am but i'm also not hundred percent sure, i definitely exhibit certain traits, but i also recognize i do not know enough so i don't really want to delve into this. but it's just so interesting that people say his movies are emotionally distant and therefore "not good" but that's precisely why i like them. i don't watch his movies to have a good cry and to be moved, i watch them because they scratch my brain in a really good way. i'm not seeking catharsis. i don't know where i was going with this.
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petitmimo · 7 months
Chose étrange qu'est la vie humaine. On rit, on danse, on se chuchote des mots doux à l'oreille.
Je n'ai jamais compris ce besoin ou cette envie d'abattre l'autre, de l'écraser, de se prouver plus fort, plus grand, plus violent.
Si j'avais à redessiner la vie humaine, je ne la ferait que de douceur et de miel. Je la remplirai de chant, d'art, d'air pure, d'eau fraîche, d'herbe folle, du chant des colombes, de l'odeur des moissons, de la caresse de la pluie, du salé de la sueur d'un travail accompli. Je la couserai de tartes à la cerise, de fromage frais, de confiture à l'abricot, de douceur sucré. Je la peindrai au milieu d'un tableau impressionniste de nacre, de perle, d'ivoire, d'ébène, de bleu royal, de cramoisie et de violet. J'effacerai les vices, les torts, la lâcheté, la tyrannie, la trahison, les mots bas. Je tâcherai d'y rajouter les caresses du bout des doigts, celles qui font frissonner, les doux baisers mouillés de rosé, la tendresse sûre et pure, celle dont on ne doute pas. Je n'oublierai pas les montagnes énormes, géantes si dociles, les rivières en guisent de larmes, les plaines verdoyante, la toundra endormie sous la neige, la mer dangereuse mais irrésistible.
Refaire la vie. La revoir sous un nouvel angle. Je n'ai jamais compris la haine, je ne l'ai jamais vraiment senti en moi, je n'ai jamais eu de plaisir sadique à voir l'autre souffrir même si selon certain, il le mérite, même si il m'a fait du mal. Je voudrais sauver, aider, planter quelque chose de nouveau, de beau, d'extraordinaire. Je donnerais raison à ceux d'avant, ceux qui ont rêvé la vie meilleure. Je racheterais leurs erreurs à coup d'amour et d'entraide.
Trop gentille, trop généreuse, trop aidante, mais qui va le faire alors? Pourquoi rester chacun sur ses gardes, chiens de faïence qui montre les crocs sans vraiment mordre. Pourquoi se craindre, pourquoi devoir toujours se demander si l'autre n'est pas la pour me mettre un poignard dans le dos? Je ne veux pas que ma bonne volonté se transforme en aigreur, des fois je me sens glisser dans l'acide, dans la froideur. J'en ressort toujours certes, mais à chaque fois avec l'âme un peu plus sale qu'avant.
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titleknown · 11 months
An article I posted on Pillowfort (Linked to avoid getting zapped by Tumblr's dumb search filters) about an article saying it was about AI art that was really about Vocaloids and "secondary creatives," why it annoyed me, the nature of art and auteurism, and why it matters.
Shoutout to @sam-keeper and @mostlysignssomeportents, in that I overtly shouted them out in this essay!
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hudbannonarchive · 1 month
spotify daily mix you guys heard of this
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corinneecrivaine · 3 months
Co-autrice : Elodie DragonMistic
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Airk's wound was getting worse, his face betraying every quiver of pain. Every step he took became a torture. Fatigue engulfed every fiber of his being, adding to the affliction gnawing at his battered body. Despite the physical support of two knights, standing was becoming insurmountable. The looks he exchanged with his mother expressed his heartbreak. Sorsha, determined to stay strong, tried to hide her worries. But every grimace of pain on her son's face distressed her inside. She noticed the blood seeping through the bandage, signalling that the wound had reopened. The situation was becoming urgent. But despite this torment, Airk showed his courage by moving forward, silently.
Sorsha took his hand, trying to give him some fragile comfort in the midst of this agony "We're not far off, my son. You've got to hold on." she murmured.
The young prince replied with a strained smile, "Oh, I have no intention of weakening, Mother."
Meanwhile, Kit and Jade shared tender moments, slowly learning to rebuild their relationship. But despite their best efforts, the young Bone Reaver felt an overwhelming guilt tugging at her heart every time she met the gaze of the one she loved. In a fit of tenderness and devotion, she gently wrapped her companion's wounded hand, her fingers gently curling around the bruised palm. She could still feel the tension caused by the pain, as if through this gesture she wished to erase both visible and invisible wounds and restore trust. Kit, sensing the reassuring warmth of this contact, allowed herself to be soothed by it, and responded with a gentle squeeze of her hand, accepting this silent promise to move forward together.
Jade led Kit to meet her people, trying to reveal to her that behind their murderous appearances lay beings seeking to survive and free themselves from the chains of slavery they had endured for so many years. Every face the young princess came across bore the scars of a long struggle to win their freedom, scars etched into their flesh.
Kit realized just how much she had been raised in a golden environment, but above all in a world of false truths and deceptions. She could feel the weight of this past with every step she took, the wary, angry glances cast at her because of what she represented in their eyes.
Jade spoke confidently, "Look at them Kit, they're just people, used, hunted, simply trying to survive and free themselves from all these years of oppression." The young woman noticed the fatigue and resilience on every face. Jade continued, "They're not murderers, just victims of a conflict between two kingdoms."
Kit looked down for a brief moment, before meeting Jade's eyes. She was trying to go beyond the convictions sown in her since childhood. "I hear your words, Jade, but they served the cause of Bavmorda."
"For a promised freedom they never got." Jade replied firmly. She put her hands on Kit’s shoulders "Tir Asleen is not innocent in this war, kidnapping their children to make loyal soldiers and making their families look like murderers. Isn't that what Sorsha did to me." Kit felt the full weight of guilt for his family's actions toward the Bone Reavers.
Night had enveloped the Wildwoods in its nocturnal veil. Jade silently approached Kit. She found her sitting by a fire, her gaze lost in the dancing flames, her thoughts oscillating between anger and pain. She spoke, her voice heavy with sadness and bitterness: "I grew up in a world of privilege and lies. In the end, we're not so different from each other." Jade took her hand, squeezed it tighter and continued, "My grandmother, my parents, are at the root of all this." - We're not our parents, you don't have to carry this heavy burden alone. Together we can try to reconcile our two peoples."
- You're forgetting one thing, Jade: Scorpia. She'll never accept it. This dispute between our two peoples is too deep-rooted and the idea of reconciliation is impossible to contemplate."
At that very moment, an ominous noise erupted from the surrounding woods, plunging the two young women into anguish. Elusive shadows moved swiftly through the darkness. Disarmed and unable to face the impending danger, they exchanged worried glances, sharing their fear. However, as the silhouettes drew closer, the night revealed familiar faces, leaving the two young women with expressions of surprise and questioning. But when they recognized Sorsha, Airk, the knights and the people of Tir Asleen, anxiety gave way to calm.
Kit ran to her mother, happy and relieved to know she was alive, but also worried: "Mother, you shouldn't have. If Scorpia sees you". Anxiety choked her voice.
Sorsha tenderly stroked her daughter's cheek, observing her with a slight smile, "For you, for your brother, no risk is too great." A gleam of pride passed through her eyes, illustrating her love for her children and her dedication to protecting them.
Meanwhile, Jade looked after Airk, helping him to stand.
Suddenly, heavy footsteps and angry voices could be heard in the distance. Scorpia appeared, surrounded by Lori and her men. Her face froze in an expression of fury as she caught sight of Sorsha "What a nice surprise!" she spat contemptuously.
Sorsha, thinking more of saving her son and the people of Tir Asleen than her own life, tried to calm the situation. "Scorpia, we've been attacked by... my son is wounded, we must treat him without further delay. I implore your clemency. We seek refuge for the people of Tir Asleen. Do what you want with me, imprison me if you wish, I don't have the strength to fight. I've just lost everything. But please accept my request."
Despite Sorsha's pleas, Scorpia remained ruthless "Seize her!"
Her men rushed to capture her, but Kit objected, "Let her go!" receiving a blow to the jaw that sent her stumbling. Tension mounted as the situation degenerated into a coming clash between the two clans. The knights, ready to defend their queen, prepared to confront the Bone Reavers. Lying on the ground, Kit glanced at Jade, asking for help.
Wishing to put an end to this impending conflict, young Bone Reaver violently cried out "Stop it! Enough hatred and violence! Look at yourselves! Is this what you want, to sow even more pain and death! Sorsha came to us to protect her people and heal the prince." She addressed her sister, "What do you want? To give the image of a heartless, bloodthirsty person? Don't you think we've suffered enough from this image? As your sister, I'm just as much in charge of our people as you are. I order you to take care of the prince and cease all conflict!"
Everyone remained silent, waiting for an answer from Scorpia. The two sisters looked at each other, one pitiless, the other pleading. "I grant your request, Sorsha. The prince will be cared for and your people protected. As for you, you remain my prisoner, along with your knights. Lock them in the pit!"
When Jade approached Kit to help her up, she pushed her away.
Moments later, the young princess approached the pit where her mother and the knights were imprisoned. Her heart beat violently, overwhelmed with anger "I'm going to get you out of here, Mother."
Sorsha tenderly took her daughter's hand through the bone bars "My daughter, listen to me carefully. The danger is far greater than I could have anticipated. Betrayal is all around us. If you and your brother stick together, you're all I've got left. Don't venture down paths you might regret."
- Sometimes, to save what we love, we're forced to take regrettable action." The young princess replied aggressively.
Entering the tent, Jade discovered Kit gripping her sword, preparing to fight. Concerned, she called out to her, "What are you doing?"
Without even looking at her, the young woman replied in an angry voice, "I'm going to free my mother."
The young Bone Reaver tried to reason with her, but to no avail: "Listen to me! I'll find a solution. Trust me."
- Trust you!!! You let Scorpia imprison my mother!!!"
- But I saved your brother and your people!
A heavy silence fell, broken only by Kit's gasping breathing. She stared at her lover and lowered her tone of voice for a brief moment "You've become one of them."
Jade stretched out her hand to hold her back, but Kit firmly rejected it: "We can fix everything, we can bring peace between our two peoples."
The young princess glared at her, her eyes burning with intense rage and pain, "The only way to bring about peace is for me to kill Scorpia."
Kit stormed off, carried away by her fury.
"I can't let you do it." Jade murmured, her voice full of regret.
The young princess screamed Scorpia's name angrily through the Wildwoods, her cry ripping through the air, making every tree branch shiver. "Scorpia !!!! Scorpia!!! I'm waiting for you!!!" - I'm here.
Kit turned abruptly, her fiery gaze staring at the Bone Reaver leader with all the hatred coursing through her veins. "Free my mother!"
Scorpia stood up to the young woman, ruthless and unafraid of the threat posed by the princess.
- You know I can't do that.
- Release her, I command you. She clenched her fists, trying in vain to contain the rage that inflamed every fiber of her being, overwhelming her with uncontrollable power.
- I don't take orders from you, Princess. Do you know why you're still free? Because of your closeness to my little sister.
Kit remained silent for a while before speaking in a sharp voice: "I challenge you. If I win, my mother goes free."
- And if you lose?
- I take her place.
- Bring me my sword, Lori. she ordered curtly
The two young women faced each other, fury bubbling up in Kit's eyes, meeting Scorpia's coldness which provoked her "Come on!!!"
In a burst of anger, the young princess lunged, crying out with weapon in fist, but her sword clashed sharply against a blade. Surprised and shocked, she discovered Jade standing in front of her: "She’s my sister Kit. I can't let you do it."
Faced with the one she loved, the young woman froze, plunging her gaze inflamed with rage into that of her lover, where all the love she felt for her shone. In this visual exchange, a comforting warmth emanating from Jade seemed to seep into Kit's tormented soul, gradually calming the torrent of hatred that had invaded her. A few tears began to roll down the princess's cheeks, overwhelmed by all the tenderness reflected in Jade's eyes. She lowered her guard, exhausted, "I can't fight you." And walked away, her heart heavy with inner conflict.
Scorpia approached Jade, her incisive gaze expressing unwavering determination "You know I can't let her go free after what she's just done."
- Let me handle her. I need to talk to Sorsha.
Before leaving, Jade turned back to her sister, her grave expression showing the urgency of the situation "What threatens us is far greater than this conflict between our two peoples. Only you can maintain this truce, thin as it is."
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sanstropfremir · 1 year
I'm really enjoying reading through your blog, and of course it has to do a lot with the fact that I also love to bits everything Taemin puts out. Unfortunately tumblr makes it really annoying to try and get to older posts, so sorry if you've already spoken about any of this T-T
A big part of why I love Taemin's solo work so much is his unique style, which shines through both technique and performance.
Taemin has many times spoke about how he's heavily involved in everything concerning his work: styling, picking out the samples, lyrics, themes, choreo, you name it he took care of it at some point. "The taemin genre" couldn't have emerged simply out of him being an above average dancer, his signature is on everything.
But surely, very often he can't do much more than express his opinion on something, and a lot of the end product is still created by other people? It would be silly to expect him to dance, sing, produce, write lyrics, style all at once, right? Or would it?
I very, very often hear people take pride in the fact that their fav is an "all-rounder", that presumably does most of the "creating" purely by themselves, or at least can shine all alone, even without the support of a group. But does that imply that artists that only do the performing part are somehow less "authentic", or worthy of praise? Or that idols comfortable in their position as a team player aren't talented or into what they do? To call yourself a master you probably have to spend a decade on just one skill, so why expect teens and young adults to be Da Vincis?
Now, of course it's still amazing when an idol puts in the work and branches out. Taemin's vocal improvement undoubtedly gave him more creative opportunities and made his stages that much more impactful.
But even just being an idol and maintaining an attractive appearance (for criteria as harsh as it is in k-pop) would easily count as a full-time job, so I would go as far as to say that this expectation of total creative control is a little delusional.
haha it was really funny watching you go through everything! yea tumblr is really bad about that, but if you go to my blog on desktop/not the mobile version you should be able to page back through ALL my asks, which are all tagged by 'answers'. there are like probably around a thousand of those now tho.
i have kind of talked about this before, but i'm very happy to talk about it again, because i always think it's worthwhile to clarify what the actual process is like for creating a collaborative work.
you are right, taemin and every other idol who says they're 'involved' in the process in some way is most likely just picking options and expression opinions about things that designers and stylists have already curated for them. it is physically impossible for a single person to do EVERYTHING involved in something like creating a kpop cb, because there are just too many tasks. and if one person DID try to do it all on their own, it would take probably 100x as long to finish. let me use styling as an example: lots of idols have professed to have input on styling choices, but this can range anywhere from bringing in moodboards and having discussions about what styling they're interested in at design meetings, to just picking which thing they like best from a selection of clothes already provided by the designer. in NO fucking world is an idol:
taking measurements
shopping for fabric
shopping for clothing
sewing and altering clothing
doing the budgeting
labelling and collating all the pieces together
taking fitting notes
these are all extremely specialized skills that 1) take TIME to learn how to do and how to do well, and 2) just take TIME to DO. you want to know what i spend probably 40% of the total production time of a show doing when i costume design? fucking SHOPPING. an idol may contribute ideas to a design and make executive choices, but in NO way are they solely responsible for everything about styling. the only idol that i would believe to have a heavier hand than most in this regard is kibum, who does actually have a good knowledge of fashion and fabric and i could see him going shopping with a designer. but if you think that man is sewing anything? cmon.
and this is just for ONE aspect of a cb. you think an idol is also painting the set? shopping for props? setting up the lighting? most idols that are known for dancing aren't even choreographing their own work, INCLUDING taemin. it is absolutely and unquestionably delusional to say that an idol has total creative control over something. this whole idea doesn't originate in kpop (it's auteur theory's fault), but kpop does suffer from an acute version of it, because there's a general collective concensus that devalues the creative work of the labourer. basically, people will only classify you as a "true artist" if you're the one who comes up with the ideas, because ideas and concepts are given more importance and weight. it's a type of because 'being in charge'/'at the top of the food chain that's been perpetuated by capitalism and western postmordern art theory that intentionally places value of conceptual skills higher than those of craftspeople. no type of person is a ''true artist'' and most art takes many people with many different skills in order to create. i find it unintentionally very funny that you use da vinci as an example of an 'allrounder' (or 'renaissance man' as they used to be called) because he, like every other famous painter from the era, used apprentices to help paint his paintings!!!!! he was even an apprentice himself for verrocchio!! da vinci's legacy would not have been possible without all the other people who helped him create the work that he did!
what is the real kicker about this whole mess is that downplays the beauty of the fact that art is made collaboratively. an 'ideas' person cannot realize those ideas without a craftsperson there to help them. everyone who takes part in creating something is important, and it's fucked to only acknowledge specific people in that process.
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nev-shitposts · 1 year
Là sur insta je vois même les artistoss être en FEU c que vraiment tout le monde est en colère.... 
Parce que même si y’a des gens déters (ou tout bêtement dans l’impossibilité de militer de certaines manières) globalement souvent, sans vouloir cracher dans la soupe, les artistoss ils se bougent que pour leur fiak & leur droits.
(encore une fois, y’a des gens militants et supers, hin, mais en globalité je trouve qu’on a dû mal à être solidaire) 
(et dans la restau c pareil ça me déprime cette affaire) 
Bonne manif au demeurant, ou bonne journée à celleux qui ne peuvent pas !!!!! 
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dbguidebook · 6 months
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*Note: This Post Contains An Affiliate Link.
Darling Bonnie's Book Club: Sofia Coppola Archive. #Societythings
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jaimelagrenadine · 2 years
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La vie est trop courte pour attendre un bouffon - #jaimelagrenadine ©
☀️ > www.instagram.com/jaimelagrenadine_off 🛍️ > www.jaimelagrenadineshop.com
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annoyingthemesong · 1 year
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Powell - The Red Shoes
Scorsese - Goodfellas
Spielberg - ET
Herzog - Stroszek
Ray - the Music Room
Bunuel - Exterminating Angel
Leigh - Naked
Wertmuller - Seven Beauties
Renoir - the River
Melville - Army of Shadows
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