#brownies truly do cheer me up
strawberrycrushes · 3 months
"Ei..." You mumble softly, letting the back of your fingers graze her cheek. "Ei, I'm sorry. Please cheer up now. Haven't you been upset for long enough already?"
Meanwhile your girlfriend huffs and turns her head, swatting away your hand pettily.
"Ei," You chuckle, "It was an accident, I swear."
Ei whips her head around with a pout on her face. "How can it be an accident? I wrote my name on the box!"
You give her an apologetic smile. The Fontainian treats she had been looking forward to enjoying, it was true that you finished them off, but... "I'm truly sorry Ei, you know I am, but the box only had three sweets left. I didn't think you'd mind this much."
Ei bit the insides of her cheek. Saying it aloud like that really did make her seem quite childish. But still! Those were limited edition, and she was planning on savouring each and every bite.
Nonetheless, she thought as she stole a glance at you, perhaps you had been apologetic enough.
"I will forgive you." Ei begun, but raised a finger up just as your face was about to blossom into a bright smile. "On one condition."
You looked at her curiously, "What condition is that?"
"You have to bake me your brownies again." She spoke resolutely and you blinked. "That's it?"
Ei nods, "I have judged your crimes to be of little consequence in the grand scheme and have as such, decided to let you off with a light sentence." She says grandly and you smile.
"My god truly is merciful." You kiss her hand.
The next time Ei finds you, you're hard at work in the kitchen and she feels a bubble of guilt surface inside of her. Her demand for your hand baked treats seemed fair while she was giving it out, but now that she thinks about it, don't you have to work super hard to make things like that?
Having no experience when it comes to these matters, the efforts behind these common, menial tasks were rarely on the forefront of her mind. So when she saw your focused expression, the impulsivity of her foolish display caused her cheeks to flush deeply.
She approached you from behind and wrapped her arms around your waist, hooking her chin on your shoulder.
"Dear..." She gently grabs your hand and your attention altogether, "I apologise for my...less than appropriate behaviour earlier. You don't have to actually go through with this. I was being ridiculous."
Your eyes widen before a sweet expression dawns your face and you shake your head helplessly, resuming your prior actions. "I'm making these for you because I want to, not because you 'ordered' me to or something. Seriously, you have such ridiculous worries at times Ei." You chuckle and lightly flick her nose, causing her to scrunch her face. "Even still, I should at least help out right?"
You pause.
"Ei...the last time you helped out you burned the kitchen halfway through. And that was when I asked you to boil water for me."
Ei straightens her back as her pride prickles, "I have no idea what happened there. I looked away for barely a second and then..."
You laugh and press a kiss to the bridge of her nose. "It's alright, the incident was hilarious enough to make up for itself in any case." You sigh, relaxing against her hold as your movements slow down.
Ei had always been someone quite self conscious of her actions. It was difficult to nurture her pride and inexperience alongside one another, especially since her skill was really only deeply rooted in the battlefield. Even despite that fact she still tried to handle you with love unfamiliar to her, spoiling you to no end with gifts and affection galore. Her efforts always made your heart skip a beat, yet as her lover you were not immune to the urge of spoiling her as well.
"Ei." You suddenly cupped her face, catching her momentarily off guard as you kissed her, "Don't worry about me so much. This is a small thing, and I want to do it for you." You speak firmly in such close quarters that Ei feels a sense of warmth blooming from inside her, causing her legs to go light.
Suddenly you remove Ei's arms from yourself and walk her out of the kitchen.
"Now shoo." You tease, "I have work to do. Come back to me in say...half an hour more. I'll be done by then I'm sure."
Ei turns around, "But-"
"No buts." You finish off with a laugh, cupping your face with her hand. "I want to treat you. I ate your sweets so it's only fair that I pay you back with something sweet in return. Unless..." you trail off ominously, "You're saying that you actually just don't want them."
"No!" Ei's eyes widen and you laugh at how quickly she changes her tune. "I'll let you get to work." She straightens up and dusts off her clothes, quickly walking off.
Archons you loved that woman.
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prettygirlmjmjmj · 9 months
Solo self care activities
When I want to truly take care of my mind, body or self and dedicate time to me, I often struggle. I get weighed down by details and worry about what I’m going to do. If you’re anything like me, then I’m certain this list will help. If not and you’re just bored of doing the same old self-care, here are some activities to help switch things up for you! I like to pick 4 - 8 (a mix of high energy and low energy activities) and try to do all of the ones I have selected this month.
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Have a dedicated self-care bath. Use your fanciest bath gel, add a bath bomb, throw in some flower petals and dried lavender, light your sweetest smelling candles and decorate your bath space with crystals (rose quartz or clear quartz are my personal favourites for self-care). Spend a long time in that bath, reading or watching your fave show and just taking time for yourself before you start your more extravagant bath routine. If you don’t have a bath/access to one have a super fancy shower instead!
Go on a walk through a green space in your area. Grab a water bottle or iced drink, put your headphones in and put on your hot girl playlist or podcast, find out where you want to go and start walking. Regardless of if it’s a twenty minute gentle walk through the park or a two hour plus hike in the woods, get out and get some fresh air. Walking is such great exercise and it’s so much fun especially when you’re in a beautiful space and taking joy in the world around you. You don’t need to have the most stamina, start small and work your way up to a longer or harder walk.
Bake something! Think of your favourite baked good and find a recipe for it. Change it up to your preference by doing something like adding hazelnuts to your brownie batter or strawberries to your cupcakes. I personally prefer baking from scratch but if you aren’t the most confident baker or don’t have the time the definitely get a box mix. If you’re on a diet or just trying to eat healthier, now is the perfect chance to find a new healthy dessert! For example, healthy muffins are super easy and delicious. You can add fruits and nuts to make them more nutritious meaning they are super versatile and unique for you.
Write a love letter to yourself. This activity is so simple and so fun. Grab your favourite pen and a piece of paper and start writing to your future self. I love to write down my goals, habits I’m trying to start or break, things I’ve been enjoying lately and things I’ve been looking forward to. I try to be as positive as possible so future me reading the letter either feels accomplished having completed the goals and tasks or cheered up and motivated to get back to completing them and pushing myself. If you feel like giving future you a treat, you can even include things! Dried flowers, stickers and ribbons can be such a fun thing to include and help make the letter even more exciting to find and read.
Buy yourself flowers. I love receiving flowers and in my opinion there’s nothing that helps make a space feel fresher and lighter than a colour bouquet of flowers. Buying them for yourself means you can pick and choose the style and type of flowers making the bouquet even more special and perfect for you and your space. As the petals begins to fall you can collect them and dry them out, saving them for letters or journals or scrapbooks. If you don’t like buying fresh flowers due to allergies, pets or the fact they’re more temporary, I recommend buying dried flowers! These keep for ages and are very versatile. You can buy them online or see if florists near you have them. Of course, if you feel like splurging a little, the Lego flowers are adorable and double the self care as you get to spend time building them!
Organise your favourite photos into a scrapbook/journal. This is a brilliant way of keeping your memories in a more special place and being creative. I find it so easy to get lost in journaling or scrapbooking as I arrange my photos and add pretty paper, stickers or washi tape pieces. Pinterest has some beautiful scrapbook spreads which can help give you inspiration! A detailed page like this will look lovely in a more simple journal and if you find that you really love this craft, plain paper notebooks are very cheap and accessible, making scrapbooking a fairly easy hobby to start. Digital scrapbooking is also an option! Make a digital collage or find a website/app which allows you to create a full on scrapbook spread.
Give yourself a manicure or pedicure (or both!). Grab your favourite nail polish, a file and a base coat and get shaping and painting. Taking care of your nails is so relaxing and such a simple way to elevate your style. I have a dedicated nail care routine, but if you don’t then still take the time to care for your nails Abu adding a protective layer of polish. If you have the money or love doing it, definitely get your nails professionally done! All in all, getting your nails done either by a professional or yourself is so fun and worth it. This is also a great activity to do with friends. Invite some people round, have a nice meal and put your favourite show on whilst you all paint your nails. This is also a nice way to get some colour/style inspiration for your own nails!
Do some gardening. Check what seeds would be suitable for planting at this time of year, find a spot in your garden/balcony/allotment and plant the seeds either in dirt or a pretty pot. If you're feeling nervous about growing something from seed find a plant and help it to flourish! If you don't have an outdoor space, house plants help brighten a space and make it feel more cozy and homey. I love gardening and its so relaxing taking care of your little plant babies and watching them flourish.
Go to the local bookshop! I love book shopping and could do it for hours even if I only buy one book. Bring a friend or family member with you and buy each other one of your favourite books to try. I try to support independent bookshops over chain ones but if you don't live near any, buy your books from wherever. A cheaper alternative is to borrow some books from a library - you can normally get loads of books and can step outside of your comfort zone because you don't need to risk spending money on something you may not like. You can even look for academic books and learn something interesting or relevant to your academic career.
Try a new workout, like Pilates or hot yoga. Find a YouTube workout or tutorial that interests you and give it a go. Even if you cant do all of the moves or finish the workout it's still fun to give it a go and step outside of your athletic comfort zone!
Go to a museum or gallery. Look up museums and galleries that interest you, exhibits that are on and ticket prices and find a museum or gallery that you'd love to go too. So many museums have a very low admission cost and are often even free. I love going to museums (especially history ones!) and always learn and see something interesting.
Find a film you'd love to see and go to the cinema. I love going to see a film on a big screen and get film snacks like popcorn. Lots of cinemas not only have modern films on but also do older movie nights. A local cinema near me is doing a Halloween themed night and I am definitely planning on going! I enjoy going to the cinema with friends, but if you have a film you'd love to watch and no one you know is interested, go anyway and make a solo date out of it.
Go on a picnic. I love picnics so, so much. I always make a few jugs of homemade lemonade (when I want it to look prettier I make raspberry lemonade) and bring baked goods, cut up fruit and veggies and sandwiches, although if going with friends we typically decide who's bringing what. If the weathers bad or its too cold then an indoor picnic can be fun and very cute!
Watch the sun set or rise. Whichever option you pick, it is a great time to be creative! Journal, scrapbook, take photos, paint or sketch, sunsets/sunrises can be so awe-inspiring and really help you feel more creative. I love watching the sunrise in the winter with a cup of matcha and my journal.
Do some kind of art class. I personally love pottery painting but getting out and being creative is always fun, especially when you get to try activities that you may not be able to do at home. This is such a fun thing to do with your friends, I love pottery painting with my friends and going out for a meal afterwards.
Go to some kind of outdoor market. It doesn't have to be food (although I love a good food market), it could be a farmers market or craft market! This is a great opportunity to get outside and support your local artisans and farmers. You can find such cute items and speciality fruits and vegetables that might be harder to find in your local shops. I adore seasonal markets and will definitely be visiting Christmas markets come December and autumn markets if I can find any near me.
Have a beach or lake day. I am 100% a beach girl but I know that lakes are also very fun. You can find so many activities to do at a beach or lake, from collecting shells and rocks, sunbathing, reading, swimming and so much more. Salt water is great for your skin and swimming is a super enjoyable form of exercise. If it's too cold for a swim, a walk along the beach/lake is also fun and normally much more quiet.
Have a day off from devices. I know this is harder and if you literally can't not use devices due to work or other commitments, just try using no social media and sticking with just emails, messages and phone calls. I always find that this day to be super relaxing. I just let my friends or contacts know the day before that I wont be available the next day and do some activities I often struggle to find time for.
Have an everything shower! These are always very fun and make me feel so clean and organised afterwards. This is also a good way to polish your routine and find out what works really well for you. My everything shower is pretty detailed but if you prefer to keep it simple then absolutely do so!
Go to a coffee shop and study! You don't have to study for school, research something that interests you (or study for school). Sip your favourite drink, get a yummy snack and study in a way that helps and interests you.
Read a comfort book. This is a favourite of mine and I love re-visiting a book from my childhood or a new comfort book. If you aren't a big reader listen to an audiobook instead!
Refresh your morning and night routines. Find out what isn't working and change or remove it from your routine. I love working on my routines and adjusting them depending on the season or a variety of other factors. Changing your routine will help you to find the best routine for you and ensure that you stay healthy and happy.
Sort through your wardrobe. Every few months I go through my wardrobe and work out what I'm regularly wearing, what I'm not using and what I don't like any more. Instead of letting the items I don't like waste away in my wardrobe I try to donate them to charities or gift them to friends who would love them. You can also sell them on apps such as vinted or depop and make some money of off old clothes. Keeping your wardrobe tidy helps make it easier to find clothes, plan outfits and saves you plenty of time when picking an outfit. Sorting your wardrobes also a way off switching out your light summer clothes to your warmer winter clothes and so on, making sure you keep up with the season and weather.
Make a wish list! Whether it's for your birthday, Christmas, a celebration or just so you know what to get when you want a treat, a wish list helps you keep track of what you want and saves you from buying an item you don't love as much. I have wish lists for clothes, books, self care products and room items. Just editing these, adding to them or taking things away, is so much and I enjoy making brand new wish lists.
Finally, do a deep clean of your space. Put your favourite playlist or podcast on, fill up your water bottle and make a checklist of what you'll deep clean and get going! The more often you deep clean your home the easier it gets. Even if you can only bring yourself to deep clean your bedroom, it's still a start and I guarantee that when you finish deep cleaning you will feel so much better!
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Thank you for reading! All my love, mj.
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straykidsstaytext · 10 months
Save Me
Okay everybody, here it is the start to the text series. A little bit of setup and some stuff I wanna point out. This is a non idle AU MinhoXReader I’m dyslexic and suck a lil bit with grammar so if you see errors just over look it pretty please. You, Seungmin, and Felix have all been friends since freshman year of high school. Chan and Jeongin joined the friend group during their first year of college. Hyunjin was originally friends with Changbin but a month into college he quickly ditched him choosing your side in an argument. Since then he has been one of your close friends. Han and Minho are new to the school but they have been friends their entire lives. Han has been here since the start of the year but Minho is getting a late start. Han, Hyunjin, Felix, and Jeongin are friends occasionally they invite Jisung to play games so you do know him. You do have a group of girl friends but I’ll get to explaining them later on.
Also there will be pictures and some text to read for set up also some of this I feel like deserves a bit of a Drabble
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I walked up to Seungmin as I left my dorm building he rolled his eyes playfully at me. I smiled lightly punching his arm as we started heading in the direction of the coffee shop on campus. Knowing each other for so long we always knew how to help the other feel better. When he’s down I always bake some brownies with Felix and bring them over to him. Food always cheered Seungmin up, I was completely different. I preferred him just being around me no talking about the problem just companionship. As we were walking he broke the silence.
“I know you hate hearing this, but he’s the worst.” He chuckled as he nudged me.
Shrugging as I let out a sigh “I know.”
Raising an eyebrow at me he cleared his throat. “Even in high school he was always so, I’m trying to find the word.”
Looking over at him I saw the wheels turning in his head to find the right word. “Abrasive?” I said laughing at my tall friend.
Clapping his hands together and pointing in my direction. “Bingo! That’s the word I’m looking for! Abrasive he’s so abrasive!”
Laughing at his words I shook my head. He wasn’t wrong Changbin had always been not the most approachable person.
Except to me in the beginning, we started dating senior year of high school. He was always rude to the majority but, was always sweet to me. Something changed when we started going to college. Halfway through our first year he started treating me coldly. We stopped hanging out as much, dates weren’t really a thing anymore. I didn’t hold it against him because I blamed it on the stress of school. Plus going home for summer break it felt like we were back to normal again. Now we are a few weeks into our second year and he’s reverted back to how he was. Distant, cold, and as my bestie would say it abrasive these are all words I could use to describe my boyfriend.
For some reason I continue to blame his change in behavior on the stress of school. Something deep down in me truly feels like there’s something wrong. I push those thoughts even deeper to try and ignore them. Recently it’s been harder especially since he hasn’t had much interest in me since we’ve returned to school. I basically had to beg him to go out with me tonight but I know he’s just gonna bail. He always finds a way out of it.
Lost in my thoughts i didn’t notice someone walking across infront of me. I gasped as i slammed into them. Stumbling forward at the impact of the collision I felt two arms wrap around me holding me from falling completely forward. Quickly regaining my balance I took a step away. Looking over to the person who saved me I didn’t recognize them.
“I’m sorry I didn’t mean to walk into you.” I said nervously to the stranger.
Chuckling softly he waved his hand in the air. “No, no it’s fine!” He held his hand out to me. “I’m Lee Minho, I’m new here.”
I politely smiled at Minho shaking his hand. “I’m Y/N, and this is my best friend Seungmin.” I said pointing back behind me.
He smiled at us before taking his phone out a shocked expression spread across his face. “I’m so sorry I’m gonna be late for my first class.” He said this as he started booking it in the direction of the literature department. Seungmin walked up beside me watching after Minho before he looked at me smirking.
“What?” I asked as I raised an eyebrow at him. He shrugged his shoulders laughing. “No what is it? Why are you laughing??”
He laughed even harder as he continued walking. “Nothing Y/N, I can just see the future sometimes.”
Quickly catching up to him I huffed and crossed my arms. “What’s that supposed to mean dude?! What future??”
“Sometimes you’re better of not knowing short stuff.” He bumped my shoulder smiling, “let’s hurry before you get no coffee!” For once I decided to leave it be and we continued on our way.
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queer-and-dear-books · 11 months
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Title: If I See You Again Tomorrow
Author: Robbie Couch
Genre: Sci-fi | Friendship | Romance | LGBTQ+
Content Warnings: Internalized Homophobia
Overall Rating: 9.8/10
Personal Opinion: I was already convinced that Robbie Couch was my favorite author and then he goes and releases this banger? It is so riveting, unique, romantic, and refreshing. Something Couch does really well is not putting the romance dead center. He focuses on the friendships that the protagonist cultivates first and foremost and the romance naturally comes forward after. And every pairing feels so genuine to me. Clark and Beau especially. They make me believe in destiny.
Do I Own This Book? Technically yes. My friend bought it (and also Blaine for the Win) for me when he was in NY visiting but he also borrowed it so it’s not physically with me at the moment. But yes, I do own it.
Spoilers Below For My Likes & Dislikes:
- I love the way everything is connected. I love the way everything has a reason for being. Down to the last detail. Everything from why Clark couldn’t find David Dopamine’s time loop video to why Thom freaked out on day 310 when Beau showed up. It doesn’t matter how small or big the detail was, it was important. The significance of Beau’s errands too, being the key to Clark curing his loneliness is so special to me. Because I love every person Clark came into contact with on day 310.
- Let’s talk about the people Clark met on day 310. Starting with, of course, Beau. Oh my god, the guy is nuts. But his spontaneity was truly magnetic and I can see why people so easily gravitate toward him. He can be a bit over-the-top with his shenanigans but he shines brightest when he is acting over-the-top. 
- Otto is my favorite though. I just love burly bakers. Gentle giants. He deserves a hug. In the loops where he gave Clark the recipe to his blue velvet brownies, I was breaking down in tears. And then when he finally talked about Ben, I just about lost it. My emotions were a mess but Otto is just so kind and so friendly with everyone, I just can’t. I’m getting emotional all over again just thinking about him.
- Emery was an unexpected joy. He feels like a supporting actor in this story which is, well, exactly what he is. Like he fits the role to a T. What I mean by that is that I didn’t really expect much from his interactions with Clark but as they learned about each other, became friends in some loops, I really felt a bond with him. It’s like when you get attached to minor characters in shows and you cheer when they come on screen. That’s how it felt with Emery. Like he was just some guy you want to support and see thrive away from the antics and chaotic messes of the main cast. I hope he gets his breakout role someday.
- Dee is a delight. I mean, she is a whirlwind. And I find it so hilarious that she would reject Clark so vehemently in some loops. Which is reasonable! She is a woman alone at night, she has every reason to have her guard up. But on day 311, when she invited Clark out for BLTs and milkshakes, I could feel her cry for help. Her need to not be alone. And wow, when she explained everything that happened at The Wrinkles concert, it’s no wonder why she felt like she could die from embarrassment. But I love that she found courage in Clark’s vulnerability and was able to share her secret. Not only that but I am just overjoyed that she and Emery are likely going to get their fairy-tale ending!
- Now for the people Clark has known since before day 310. I am talking about Sadie! Oh my god, that ominous, “I need you” text deviation on day 310 had me in a chokehold. I was so fucking worried about her and it turns out she was just lonely without Clark. Not to downplay her loneliness at all! She just moved to a new place before her senior year, that’s nuts. I get why she’s sad. But oh my god, when Clark Facetimed her and she started crying because she missed him, I was all up in my feels because I truly felt their friendship. It was palpable every time they Facetimed but that last one on day 364 had me in a vicegrip.
- Clark’s family! I had already guessed that his dad had an affair. Or at least, I knew he was the one who was actually at fault for the divorce. It was obvious but also still a surprise enough to gut punch me. Like, you see it coming but the impact still surprises you. But god, when Clark decided to check in on his dad for the first time on day 364, I was a mess again. I just can’t handle a family crying session. And I love that Clark was mature enough not to end things on a bad note even if time was going to loop again.
- Then we have mom and Blair. Mom was really trying her hardest to connect with her son and Clark did not make it easy on her. And I understand why. A divorce is a big deal. Combined with their fight and Sadie moving, it’s no wonder why Clark erupted on day 311. But on day 364, when he decided to finally bake with his mom and apologize for what he put her through, I was going to go ballistic. My emotions were everywhere. As if it was not enough for Blair to say, “You’re a great big brother and I love you.” Like stop. Sibling love gets me worse than parental love. 
- Ms. Hazel is such a good therapist. Oh my god, I just, I love when characters actually seek help. And I love that Clark took his therapy homework and therapy itself seriously. It can be so easy to ignore that stuff, to not take that leap of faith, but he did it. And I love how he openly appreciates her sessions. That’s a beautiful thing.
- Now, as if all of these new and old relationships weren’t enough, we have Professor Copeman. Oh the regret and shame she had for not corroborating Runyon’s story, I felt that in my soul. But the fact that they were destined to meet and change each other’s lives in such a big way is just so beautiful.
- And that’s the last thing I need to talk about. The time loop itself! The fact that it happened because Clark and Beau were meant to meet! I’m glad it wasn’t just a romantic soulmates thing like Beau thought. It’s just about two people who will have a deep impact on each other’s lives. Like that is so special to me.
- Here is my one real gripe. How can Clark even consider that Mr. Thunderburnt’s theory is correct? Firstly, he doesn’t mention Loop Partners. Secondly, if getting trapped in a time loop has to do with a breakup, then why is Clark experiencing it too? Obviously Runyon’s theory is the correct one in this situation! I guess if I was in Clark’s situation, I would not be the most rational but the soulmate theory is just stupid to me. And it kind of upsets me that Beau just refused to believe any other theory. He wasted a lot of days after giving up when he could have enjoyed them with Clark.
- Also soulmate is written as two words and that bugs me.
- Thom. I don’t really like that he was framed as being wrong for wanting a subtle partner. I do think it was wrong of him to try to change Beau into something that fit his needs better, yes. But I don’t know, maybe it’s because of my culture but I just hate the narrative of a relationship being good only if it’s out. The Long Run and The Minus-One Club have shown me just how wonderful in-the-closet relationships can be. When both partners can wait until they’re ready to come out. But yes, I do see why Otto didn’t like Thom or at least, didn’t think he was a good fit for Beau. I just feel so sympathetic toward Thom! As someone who knows people that have been disowned, rejected, and spurned by loved ones after coming out, I can’t not feel some sympathy for Thom. I just hope he finds a relationship that suits his needs from the start.
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holdinbacksecrets · 5 months
Hiiii friend 👋👋 how have you been? It's been a while haha!!
The bts voicemails are sooo sweet I loved that 😭🩷
look, I've got a cute thing to share too! (hope the link works lol)
So every time I see this photo the exact same scenario starts playing. Night out with your friends, but he's actually new to your friend group and is kinda shy at first till he realizes that he's welcomed there. you two meet and instantly click and then suddenly you come up with a plan to ditch your friends for a bit and just run around and have some fun together for the rest of the night. Idk the whole thing is just cute in my head 🥹 no idea how to proceed with the rest. I wish I was a writer, I'd just make wholesome stuff all day haha
I also came have to say I'm thankful for your work, that it exist and I know about it! There's a few things that give me a huge dose of comfort lately and that's your blog, kook and his 'bestie vibes' lives and a brownie recipe i discovered a month ago 😆 life is nice! not perfect but nice!
Hope you're having a good day/night!
- 🧁
oh my goodness hello 🥺🥺 so good to hear from you! doing alright, hanging in there >.< it sure has! i was so happy to see you in my notifs 🫶
thank you for reading! i’m so glad you enjoyed them ☺️ they were fun to write
oh my heart 🥺 i love him 😭😭 i love the scenario it created for you. pictures inspiring scenarios is one of life’s simple pleasures, and i find it fascinating (but i’m not surprising) how jungkook can inspire so many different kinds. yours is so sweet and wholesome 🖤 “i wish i was a writer” you can be, though. now i’m curious if you’ve ever given writing a little jungkook piece a shot…?
🥺😭😭🫂🫂 thank you 🥹 i appreciate your words so much. i feel so happy and my heart feels so warm knowing my blog has brought you comfort. writing is one of my favorite things to do and being able to share it with such kind people has been a lovely and surreal experience. i feel so lucky, truly.
ooo brownies! classic brownies or are they ~special? big cheers for the comfort jungkook brings, too. i adore him.
your words about life are so true. i needed the reminder. sending you love. thank you for being here 🖤🖤✨
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survey--s · 2 years
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You win $10,000 - you can’t save it or spend it on yourself, what do you buy? If I could put it towards my business, I’d buy an enclosed field to use for dog-walking. That would be absolutely amazing. If not, I’d give some to Mike to buy a van for his business and the rest would probably go to my parents, though they don’t really need it tbh.
You’re driving - do you slow down or speed up at a yellow light? It depends on how fast I’m going, whether there’s someone up my bum etc. Normally I’ll go through as it’s safer to do that than it is to slam on the brakes and potentially get rear-ended. Is your favorite dessert hot or cold? My favourite summer desserts (tiramisu and cheesecake) are cold, and my favourite winter dessert (crumble and custard) is hot.
What is your favorite part of the last movie you watched? I like pretty much all of it, but the bits with Jack Sparrow are the funniest. Have any of your friends ever cheated on somebody? Yeah, I know for sure people who have. 
Pin the tail on the donkey - fun or stupid? I mean, most games are pretty stupid but that doesn’t stop them also being fun. In your opinion, who is the absolute WORST actress? Keira Knightly comes to mind as I’m watching her at the moment. She just seems very stilted and awkward in anything she plays.
Have you ever TRULY walked out of the house missing an article of clothing? No. I can’t really understand how that happens unless you’re rushing out in an emergency or something. I mean, how do you not notice you’re missing your pants/shoes etc?
If somebody asked you to make them rice right now, could you do it? Yeah, sure. I don’t really make rice much but it’s easy enough to do. Edward Cullen, Edward Scissorhands, or Edward Norton? Scissorhands.
When was the last time you were on a water slide? Uhh, years ago when we went to Center Parcs.
What is one article of clothing you absolutely refuse to wear? Crocs.
Are you shy about showing people your feet? No. I don’t like feet in general, but I have no issue with people seeing mine.
In your opinion what is one of the ugliest cars on the road? I don’t really pay much attention. Have you ever been on the very top floor of a skyscraper? Yeah, a few times. I’m not a huge fan of it, lol.
Have you ever won anything out of one of those crane machines? Yeah, I’ve won quite a few stuffed toys over the years lol.
Alright, what is your favorite foreign curse word? Scheisse.  Honestly, have you ever thrown popcorn at somebody in a movie theater? Nah, I’m not a brat.
Mix your name with the name of the person you like (example: Brangelina). Our names don’t really mix very well like that.
Do you know any songs that have your name in it? Yeah, Nina by Ed Sheeran.
Would you rather be cold in the summer or hot in the winter? Cold in the summer - you can always put more clothes on if you’re cold.
Which is more fun to bake: cake, cookies, brownies, or pie? I don’t really enjoy baking anything, but I guess cookies as at least you can eat the raw cookie dough lol.
Would you rather have your own music studio or your own dance studio? Uh, I have no real interest in either, but maybe music studio as I could rent it out and make money.
Who are the most popular sports teams where you live? Do you cheer for them? I don’t pay attention to any team sports.
Can you remember being taught how to ride a bike? Was it hard for you? Yeah, my dad taught me when I was really young. I don’t remember finding it that hard. I do remember having a pink and white barbie bike and learning on a school playground that was locked at weekends, so my dad would lift me and my bike over the fence every time, lol.
Have you ever been, or do you have any desire to go to an Opera? I’ve been to musicals but opera doesn’t really appeal to me.
Can you name 5 different shows on MTV? Do you watch them? Uh, Catfished, Teen Mom...no, lol. I did watch the OG Teen Mom for a while and I like Teen Mum UK too.
Honestly, have you ever borrowed a pen from somebody & never gave it back? I’m sure I have at some point, sure.
Did your parents ever bug you about sitting up straight? Hahah, constantly, and for sitting with my legs open lol. My mum even tells me off now if I’m slouching and I’m mid-thirties.
0 notes
stray-kids-react · 3 years
Shy s/o doesn't think they deserve them
Bang Chan
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° He loved your shy personality, he just wanted to cuddle and praise you all day long. Even though you are a naturally soft person, that also comes with a lot of insecurities.
° Your boyfriend is a hot aussie leader with a heart of gold who fans call daddy, you can't but feel that you don't deserve such a God like boyfriend. And he can see it bothers you.
° Chan is a sweet heart who will check in on you as often as he can even with his busy schedule, he knows having an idol boyfriend can be stressful and he wants to comfort you.
° Felix was baking brownies, which you usually helped him out with even if it is just to cheer him on as he does his thing. But both of the aussies noticed your missing presence.
° Chan waltzed up to his studio, where you often hung around when you were at the dorms. Once he walked inside he noticed your figure curled up in a chair.
° You were scrolling through some messages that were sent to you via Instagram. None of the messages were pleasant, and Chan's heart broke as he read the truly gruesome ones.
"Maybe they are right. Maybe I don't deserve you." you sighed, slumping back.
"Don't say that, you are a beautiful person inside and out who I couldn't survive without." He reassured, taking your phone away as he cuddled into you.
Lee Know
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° Minho always liked you since you first met during the shoot of hellevator. He was pretty obvious with his fondness of you, but you never believed that he could like you.
° Later on once you began dating, he soon realized how low your self confidence truly was. So he made a promise to himself to try and increase it as much as he can.
° Many fans would threaten you for 'taking Minho away', but Minho would shred the letters before you could see how many there truly were. He knew it would hurt you.
° Minho is very affectionate towards you and likes to show you his love through touch. Whenever you seem down, he will cover your face in small pecks until you begin to smile.
° Has seen how come fans and staff treat you, pushing you around and telling you that you aren't worth his time. Minho took it into his own hands and protected you from them.
° He doesn't like seeing you upset or feel like a burden to him, especially since you are so special to him. Minho asked Chan and JYP if he could take at least a week off, they said yes.
"You didn't have to take a week off just for me, I am okay with your schedule." You explained, ruffling his hair.
"I know you're okay with it, but I needed to get away just for a while. And I miss you everytime you're not with me." He replied, gently placing a kiss to your head.
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° Will do anything to make you see for at least a second how important you truly are to him, he usually sends you hearts and does an adorable aegyo voice when talking to you.
° When you first began to hang out, you were very distant and almost never said a word. Changbin wanted to get to know you, so he constantly made efforts to befriend you.
° Once you opened up you Changbin, he noticed how self conscious and self critical you were of yourself. His confusion as to why you hate yourself only grew stronger.
° Every morning when you both get out of the shower, he will stand you in front of the mirror and poke every feature on your body saying that it is gorgeous and perfect.
° Likes knowing that you feel comfortable around him and that you have him to go to when you are feeling down. He wants to always be there for you and support you.
° Won't admit it to you, but he once teared up while you were asleep because he picked up a hate letter that was directed at you and he was worried that you read it.
"Your eyes, stunning. Your tummy, adorable. Your ears, cute. Your lips, kiss able. Your butt, squishy. Your shoulders, gorgeous..."
"Binnie you have five minutes before dance practice, you should really get going now."
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° Hyunjin is known to be a visual God in all of kpop, even though he is also VERY talented. Many people have a crush on Hyunjin, and you happened to be one of the many.
° His personality was addictive to be around, his looks were God like, and his talent was insane. Thus making it harder and harder for you to see how much he truly adored you.
° You saw yourself on totally different levels, you alwere at a ten while he was in the thousands. Your thoughts always doubting a scenario where you two would date.
° Assuming Hyunjin was just being nice to you, it became very hard for Hyunjin to clue you into that fact that he liked you. Everyone knew this except for you it seemed.
° Jisung, being a close friend to both Hyunjin and yourself. Took it upon himself to try and arrange a way for you to not be so self critical and completely oblivious.
° The next afternoon, you walked into the dance practice room which was now turned into a full on romantic dining area. Shocked as you saw Hyunjin with a rose in his hand.
"Is this for me? It can't be... There must be some sort of mistake or-"
"No mistakes, I've liked you for a while and thought I was being obvious enough. But Jisung told me that I should simply confess."
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° You and Jisung have been dating for a while, and you watched proudly as Stray Kids gained more and more popularity as they deserved, since they are talented kings.
° The hate comments sent towards you, and the jealous fans or occasionally staff members and idols. Those never used to bother you, but they became more frequent.
° This slowly picked away at your already small amount of confidence, over thinking everything you do or ever did. And Jisung began to notice your distressed state.
° After a performance he went up to you back stage and leaned in for a kiss, when you barely responded to it and looked around the room nervously, his heart twisted sadly.
° Jisung took you to an unoccupied dressing room, and locked the door behind you. He cupped your cheeks gently as he rested his head against yours. A small sigh escaping him.
° You felt all of the built up sadness and anger rise out of you, as tears slowly sprinkled down your cheeks. Your hands clinging onto his back as he embraced you.
"Shh shh shh, it's okay. Just let it all out, it'll be okay. I'm here for you, you know that."
"I'm sorry, I just felt like I don't deserve you and I shouldn't have been so distant, their words just really hurt."
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° Felix knew it was going to be a bumpy ride seeing as he is under a huge company and his band is very popular, but he was willing to go through all of that with you.
° You and Felix were best friends before you started dating, he knew you were shy and quite distant when it came to people. He started to find it cute after a couple years.
° JYP himself has criticised you for interfering with his idols's lives. Even though you didn't interfere and honestly helped Felix calm down throughout the schedules.
° Felix was disappointed by some fo the fan's toxic behavior towards you, knowing that those types of comments will stick with you for quite sometime. You made him happy and he wished others would see that.
° The other members and artists under JYP saw you as part of the big jyp family, but even their support couldn't stop the sadness that brewed as more hate letters were sent.
° You didn't want to stress your already overworked boyfriend, so you tried to find a quiet spot to cry in. But Felix knew you too well, and knew where you would hide.
"I'm okay Lix, I don't want to stress you out since your already on a hectic schedule today. I'll be fine I swear."
"I won't leave until I know for a fact that you are okay, the practice can wait. You need me right now and I'm going to be here for you."
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(He looks so cute! I couldn't help myself lol)
° You were also a beloved idol, and many eoopel actually found your relationship with Seungmin quite adorable. You felt lucky that there wasn't so much hate directed at you.
° Even though you both seemed to have it easy compared to other idol couples, you couldn't help but feel insecure when Seungmin treated you like a queen/king.
° Many fans of yours knew that off stage you are an adorable shy bean, but no one except for Seungmin knew why you would become so shy and distant towards others.
° Your shyness came from extreme anxiety and self image issues. You never had much confidence, and Seungmin made many goals to try and bring your confidence up.
° One day after a hard performance, you sat in front of your dressing room mirror and let your tears slide down your cheeks silently. Letting your anxiety take over everything.
° Seungmin walked in with a box of celebration cupcakes, only to have hsi smile fade once he saw the tears rushing down your features. He felt his heart sink.
"I'm sorry Seungmin. It's stupid really, but I just don't feel like I deserve you."
"Y/n, we are perfect for each other. I spoil you with love and affection because you always make me feel special and loved."
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° You knew how beloved Jeongin was, by fans, members, idols, netizens, family... Everyone. This sent a large amount of pressure towards you once you began dating.
°Jeongin loved your quiet and calm personality, it was a nice break from the loud JYP building and Stray Kids dorms. Your shyness is what attracted him to you.
° He liked cuddling with you in your apartment, talking about nothing and everything as a random movie played in the background. It was his favorite place to be.
° You both were open with anything that was bothering you and never let something stir inside of you for too long. He wanted to be your safe haven for when you need one.
° One weekend when he was staying at your place, he noticed you seemed more quiet than usual and asked you what was bothering you. Since something clearly was.
° You snuggled into his chest as you clung onto him tighter, sighing in defeat knowing you will have to admit your feelings even though you think they seem silly.
" I feel like I don't deserve you. I mean, you are Yang Jeongin a literal angel."
"You deserve the universe and everything in it, I love you and only you. Don't put yourself down, remember how much I care about you."
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boba-beom · 3 years
Yours Truly | Choi Beomgyu
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valentines series
✧ pairing: Beomgyu x reader
✧ genre: hint of angst if you squint, lil crack, cheesy, fluff!! | Bestfriends to lovers! au
✧ warning(s): none!
✧ word count: 4.3k
✧ summary: Best friends stick together no matter what. Even getting over your first heartbreak, you know you’re not alone with the company of someone who eases that pain.
✧ note: I finally came round to posting this, I’m so sorry it took me a while to post and it’s so late. I just wasn’t satisfied enough and I ended up comparing my works to some so I didn’t feel too confident with my writing but I guess this will do. I know there’s more room for improvement but I hope this will suffice ღ
✧ taglist: @shiningstar-byulxx​ @cupidtyun​ @feyregels​
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A year was how long your first relationship lasted. It’s been over a year; over a year since your first relationship had ended, also it being your first heartbreak.
You felt like your feelings were lost after the breakup, almost like everyday was harder than the previous, with the emptiness following you around and even having to create a new routine, it was just exhausting. But thankfully you had Beomgyu by your side the whole way through. He was there before, during and after your relationship, and honestly, you noticed he’s been treating you much better than your ex did in the last couple months of your relationship.
Perhaps it’s the way he knows what food you’re suddenly craving, or what music you like listening to — that’s a given, you both have the same music taste. It could possibly be the fact that he understands how you feel when it’s difficult for you to communicate, and he knows how to cheer you up when you’re having a rough day. Or it could just be that he’s known you for just over 10 years.
During the first couple of months you decided to shut everyone out, airing messages, declining calls, you name it. After the 5 months mark, Beomgyu finally managed to drag you out of your bedroom, free from misery where you spent your days grieving your past relationship, looking at old photos of you and your previous significant other that were still stuck on the walls that you haven’t yet taken down.
Since you gradually started leaving your apartment again, you often went on outings with Beomgyu, most of them being spontaneous. You both had your fair share of little shenanigans; from late-night walks just to end up at a convenience store to eat ramen noodles, to baking cookies or brownies at bizarre times in the night and making a mess in the kitchen, but cleaning up was just as fun.
You always enjoyed his company, also having it progress to casually being affectionate with each other. There’d be times when you’d be laying beside him on his bed, scrolling on your phones and his arm would be wrapped around you while his fingers would dance along your arm. It was normal between the two of you considering that Beomgyu is a very touchy person. Sometimes, his fingers would be found twirling on the strings of your hoodie while you’re both watching a movie on the couch, or even running his fingers through your hair — which you’ve found yourself falling asleep to.
Some days you’d just go over to his apartment since he lives with his roommate, Taehyun, and you much preferred to spend time with them, the more the merrier, and to your convenience he just happened to live a few minutes away from you. Every time it was just the two of you in his apartment you would end up playing video games until you lost track of time and he’d suggest you staying for the night. This occurred more often than you expected.
Today was one of those days.
You had spent the late afternoon window shopping with Beomgyu, your arm linked with his, as his hands were shoved in his pocket, while the collar of his puffer coat covered the lower half of his face, shying away from the light gust of wind. The only thing visible to you were his eyes peering under his dark, tousled bangs, that have started to grow out, and his pink-tinged nose from the cold because he was too stubborn to wear a scarf.
Every now and then you thought it was nice to buy stuff for yourself, but at the moment you had been saving money, staying put and being aware to not overspend your budget. But that didn’t stop Beomgyu from buying whatever you wanted. That was, if you’d let him.
There were a few clothing stores still open and your eyes were focused on the clothes through the glass at the store front, admiring all the different styles ranging from formal wear to casual apparel, and even a few red and pink themed clothing items. What caught your attention was a cherry red top with a sweetheart neckline and puff sleeves, something that looked fragile yet striking.
Beomgyu saw the way you looked at the item, watching you in pure admiration. “I can get it for you if you want, you know?” his voice seemed hushed, as if he had to be careful not to interrupt your trance between you and the item through the glass plane.
“Oh, no it’s okay, I was only looking anyway.” Your small but polite smile wasn’t fooling Beomgyu, if anything, that committed him to take ahold of your wrist, losing your balance which you found your feet stumbling over the other, dragging you into the store.
The polite smile that was once was on your face was mirrored by him, all while your brows scrunched with guilt. You watched as he took out his credit card, waiting to input his pin before handing you the paper bag with the cotton top, neatly folded inside with the receipt.
“You really didn’t have to do that-”
“Oh but I did, and I think it’ll look nice once we find you an occasion so you can wear it.” He was smirking. You could hear it in his tone and you had to act like you didn't know, but it’s fine because he didn’t know how the pace of your heartbeat picked up from that one sentence.
The walk back to his apartment wasn’t quiet, nowhere near that, yet it baffles you how much both of you can talk about numerous topics and not run out of things to say. You never took Beomgyu as a shy person, even when you first met him, or when he’d meet other people for the first time. He just happened to have that comforting aura about him that made other people feel at ease just by his presence.
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“Hey, help yourself with any of my shirts from my drawers, I’ll be in the kitchen with Taehyun.” Beomgyu shouted through the door while you were in the shower.
Usually you’d bring your own clothes just in case but you really weren’t expecting to be at Beomgyu’s place today — well, you weren’t expecting to stay too long anyway — and you didn’t mind wearing his clothes because at this rate it was nothing out of the norm for you. You admit you loved the smell of his peachy cologne while searching through his wardrobe for something comfy to wear for the rest of the evening. 
You were a little cold to just wear an oversized shirt, and his pyjamas were too long for you to wear, so you decided to wear one of his grey oversized hoodies paired with some black cycling shorts.
Throwing it over your head, you looked into his mirror, noticing how baggy the hoodie was, and looking at the hem resting halfway down your thighs. Though you’ve worn his clothes before, this was the first time you started to feel a little different. You always wore his peachy-scented clothes, so what changed?
As you entered the living room, you had your hood up, completely engulfed in the soft material. Taehyun was sitting by the breakfast bar in the kitchen, instantly looking up in your direction while Beomgyu had his back facing you. It wasn’t until he had realised the younger’s attention was drawn towards you, leading him to turn around.
From his reaction, you slowly approached him with your hands hiding within the floppy sleeves and your face framed under the grey material. A genuine smile crawled up on your face, noticing the pink hues appearing on Beomgyu’s cheeks, which you found adorable but you wouldn’t dare vocalise that.
“I hope you don’t mind,” you fiddled with the sleeves, “your pyjama bottoms were all too long for me and I wanted to wear something a little thicker than your shirts.”
It took Beomgyu a second to snap back to his senses. Shaking his head lightly from his reverie, he stuttered, “Oh, um, yeah that’s alright.” He smiled, “You look cute.”
You watched his eyes scanning your hidden figure swallowed by his hoodie and he swore you could potentially hear his heart thumping in his chest if you were any closer. Usually small reactions like this didn’t affect you at all and only recently you’ve started to feel flutters in your stomach, yet you tried to suppress that.
Throughout the many years you and Beomgyu shared you always saw him as a family friend, and your parents almost brought you up to look at him as a brother figure. Almost. But there were times where he felt a little more than just a friend, a little more like a crush? However, that was too risky for your liking, and the idea of losing someone like him if things were to change between you was something you didn’t want to think about, not now at least.
“So, movie night tonight, yes?” You looked at Taehyun, wondering if he’ll be joining you and Beomgyu. After all, it was a Saturday night so you’d be relaxing for the weekend.
“Like I’m gonna miss that, I’ll head to the corner shop and buy us some snacks.” Taehyun threw a bright red hoodie over his head, walking through the room and watching him leave for the door.
You scooted beside Beomgyu, tip toeing so your mouth was close to his ear. “Let’s play a round of Mario and Sonic olympic games while we wait for Taehyun. I just know I’m gonna beat your ass.”
“Your confidence is a bit too big for your boots, missy.” And with that, Beomgyu pulled your hood further over your face, hearing his obnoxiously loud laugh racing to the couch while you were trying to uncover your vision from the light material and catching up to him.
A few rounds of the wii game had passed by and you changed the game to Mario Kart. At this rate Taehyun had returned a while ago, but he was patiently waiting until you and Beomgyu were satisfied and settled with the scores. Obviously knowing Beomgyu, he’s as competitive as you are and that’s what made it even more entertaining.
“I think you’re cheating!!” Beomgyu accuses you, his bottom lip sticking out in the process. 
“I don’t know how one cheats at Mario Kart, Gyu.” You continued laughing lightly at his pouty face, still sulking. You never thought you’d find him cuter than he already was, leading you to impulsively lay a quick peck on his cheek, hoping he’d stop sulking. For all you know, he didn’t react to that on the surface but internally he felt so giddy, hoping you didn’t feel the warmth of his cheek.
“That isn’t enough.” He huffed in the cutest manner, but his teasing tone flew right over your head.
Rolling your eyes, you chuckle as you leaned in again, not knowing what else to do so you insisted on laying a second peck in the same place hoping he’d stop pouting. Though Beomgyu thought you caught his teasing tone, he didn’t expect you to actually repeat your actions. Turning his head to talk to you, he unexpectedly met with your lips pushing onto his instead of his cheek. You froze not knowing what to do, but at this rate your heart was about to pounce out of your chest.
This wasn’t what Beomgyu thought would happen but he enjoyed the feeling of your lips against his own, promising himself that he’ll stop if you stopped, but you didn’t. His lips had a hint of sweetness to them, and you convinced yourself that they were softer than you imagined to be, only because you had casually stolen some glances at his lips a few times before.
It felt longer than a chaste kiss, almost irresistible, until you both swiftly pulled away from each other due to the sound of Taehyun clearing his throat, almost forgetting that you two weren’t alone. You didn’t find it embarrassing but you both pretended that didn’t happen and continued to prep the snacks and films for the ongoing movie night.
You and Beomgyu stayed put on the couch that you were already sitting on while Taehyun went to occupy the other sofa to himself. It was times like this that you appreciated both of their companies, making you wonder what you would be doing if Beomgyu hadn’t dragged you out of your bedroom. You found it quite entertaining whenever you came over, sometimes witnessing the both of them bickering with each other, resulting in Taehyun pulling Beomgyu into headlock until he admits to something or apologises for teasing him too much.
You remember the way your ex had treated you. It wasn’t too bad but it wasn’t as good as how Beomgyu’s been treating you throughout, almost like everything you craved in a relationship was between you two, to some extent. You were just thankful that he was someone you trusted and could rely on so easily, sometimes forgetting that the heartbreak was even present. It wasn’t worth your time thinking about it anyway.
A couple hours have passed and you changed your position on the sofa. Your head was resting on Beomgyu’s lap while his fingers were subconsciously combing through your hair, alternatively massaging your scalp as he did so. You don’t recall falling asleep from his soft touches, but as long as those movements were continuous you knew you’d be sleeping like a baby.
“So...” Taehyun broke the silence, walking to the table to refill his glass of water, catching Beomgyu fondly observing you sleeping peacefully. “Are you guys dating?”
Beomgyu’s soft actions were held at a halt causing you to stir in your sleep, slightly waking up but keeping your eyes shut to hopefully fall back asleep again. “No, we’re just friends,” there was a lace of uncertainty in his voice. You could already feel your breath heaving at where this conversation was leading to.
“What’s stopping you from asking her? You’re already this close, and there wouldn’t be a difference other than your label.” Beomgyu nodded slowly, listening intently to what the younger had to say. “Plus, friends don’t kiss like that.”
Beomgyu’s eyes shot towards the blond-haired boy’s statement. “Taehyun, I don’t want things to be awkward if it doesn’t work out. It’s a two way thing and I don’t want to put that pressure on her.” You hear him sigh, his fingers resume combing through your hair.
At this point you were unsure whether Beomgyu could feel your pulse aggressively racing, but what you were sure about was that perhaps your feelings aren’t unrequited. You didn’t think Beomgyu would be interested in you. He was confident, out going and a people’s person, and you looked at yourself to be quite the opposite. Yet here you are, on his lap listening to a conversation you didn’t think you’d be eavesdropping on.
“I can’t afford to lose her, Tyun. I hate seeing her hurt and I do want to be the one to make her happy, to make her feel the love that she deserves, you know? And I don’t know if she’s ready for that yet, I don’t want to pressure her.”
“Is that why you’ve been turning down every other girl that’s shown interest in you?”
Beomgyu pauses, nodding his head as a confirmation to Taehyun’s question. Though you didn’t hear his response, you felt his little movements. That was all you needed to hear to confirm your feelings were being reciprocated, and not just because of your strong friendship bond.
“I could even say that she’s the only girl that’s made me feel this way, but I don’t even know how she feels towards me.”
Taehyun opened his mouth to speak until you started stirring on Beomgyu’s lap again, silencing the boys from their unfinished conversation.
“Hey, are you okay?” Beomgyu cooed, “do you want me to take you to bed? You’ll sleep a lot better there.”
His voice was so soft, carefully trying to not wake you up, though you've been partially awake since the beginning of the boys' conversation, and all you could do at the moment was nod your head slowly.
After saying good night to Taehyun, Beomgyu led you into his bedroom, a place that wasn’t so foreign to you, and before you knew it he had already tucked you into his bed, feeling the weight of his comforter warm you up. You flutter your eyes open, hoping to see if Beomgyu was still in the room. One thing you’ve realised is how much you cherished his presence, just the comfort he gives you from being around was unmatched, and suddenly you constantly want to be around him more.
To your contentment, you saw him sitting beside you, his back against the headboard but he was looking down at his phone, scrolling through what seemed to be his playlist until he selected a song. The volume was low, but it was loud enough for you to hear from the other side of his bed, hearing the intro of a song that you also knew.
He placed his phone on the bedside table before his head leaned against the top of the headboard, and his eyes were staring into the blankness of the ceiling.
Can I call you baby? Can you be my friend?
He sighed, gradually sinking his body into the sheets until his head had hit the pillow. Thankfully for the comforter being raised to the lower portion of your face you were able to observe him, attempting to keep still and not disrupt his pondering.
Can you be my lover up until the very end?
Your eyes were focused on his side profile, settling on the light cascading through his blinds and along his soft features. It wasn’t all the time that you were able to admire him like this, but you weren't going to miss this chance to do so. You could do this for hours on end and you wouldn’t be tired of it.
If you stay forever, let me hold your hand I can fill those places in your heart no one else can
It was hard to miss the glistening in his eyes, watching him blink a few times before his eyes finally shut. He looked peaceful but conflicted. Everything was starting to make sense from the way he behaved around you, and you were just disconnected with your feelings, misunderstanding yourself. 
Maybe it is worth taking the risk. Maybe it’s time for you to move on, no not to find a rebound, but for you to be able to heal and grow with Beomgyu. Just maybe. You heard him hum softly along to the lyrics while the gentle vibration of his tone was close to lulling you to sleep, another aspect that you've found yourself sleep with ease.
You’ll know soon.
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It's been a few of days since you last slept at Beomgyu's apartment, since you last spoke to him—since you unintentionally heard his confession.
You couldn't bring yourself to keep your half of the confession any longer. Of course you wanted him to know how you felt towards him, but you were unsure how to express that or even bring that up to him without it being too abrupt.
Hindering you from your thoughts your phone started ringing, looking at the caller ID to see it was Beomgyu. With no hesitation, you answered, “Hey, Gyu?”
“Hey, can you come over?” There was no hint of urgency in his voice, yet assuming it could be important.
“Oh, yeah, sure. What’s-”
“Okay great,” he cut you off. “Wear the red top I bought you and come over at 4PM. I’ll see you later.”
He ended the call and left you dumbfounded. You haven’t heard him sound so jittery yet direct, and it always made you wonder what went on in that boy’s head.
Without wasting time, you looked for the cherry red top that once caught your attention a few nights ago, still processing the fact that Beomgyu decided to pay for it. You matched it with black ripped jeans, keeping it casual with the dark colour pleasantly complimenting the shade of red.
It wasn’t long until you were done freshening up. Looking up into the mirror you thought to yourself, ‘this is my chance to confess to him, it’s only fair to do so.’ You remembered some old photos of you and your ex still on the wall, walking over to take them down and throwing them in the bin. You slipped into a dark corduroy jacket, leaving your apartment to make your way to Beomgyu’s place.
While walking down to Beomgyu’s apartment complex you were stuck in your thoughts, wondering how you’d tell him how you really feel. Or even admitting that you heard his conversation with Taehyun, but you decided you’ll cross that bridge when you get to it.
Finding your way through the building, you arrived at Beomgyu’s door, knocking until you heard him say, “It’s open!” You shook your head, remembering that Beomgyu usually leaves the door unlocked for when you come over, mostly because he’s in the middle of a game, but also because you’re essentially always welcome to come over.
You turned the handle, opening it to see no one in the living area. After closing the door behind you, your eyes wandered the room, and no one seemed to be there, but you did notice two controllers on the table with a letter beside it.
Slowly approaching the table, you glanced at the letter with your name written in the middle, with the prettiest handwriting, before unfolding it. You turned it around and read:
‘Dear y/n, 
I don’t know where to start but I want to let you know that I will always be by your side through our life’s mountains and valleys with loyalty that will never be broken. But most of all I promise to love you madly, deeply, unconditionally and with all of my heart until the very end of time.
Yours truly, Choi Beomgyu ʕ•ᴥ•ʔ’
A smile adorned across your lips as you let out a small chuckle. You knew Beomgyu had always been so eloquent with his writing since it was his way of expressing himself, crafting his words in such a way for other people to interpret, and you didn’t know if you were capable of adoring him more than you already did.
Placing the letter down, you noticed a note situated above both of the controllers, ‘Mario is red, Sonic is blue. Will you be my player 2?’ The smile never left your lips, turning around as you heard someone clear their throat behind you. He startled you for a second, your eyes scanning his almost shoulder-length hair, his matching red sweater and a bouquet of red roses in one hand paired with a giant teddy bear in the other.
“Beomgyu-” You inch closer to him, retrieving the flowers and the bear and looking at them fondly before placing them aside.
“Y/n, I love you, and I can’t hide this anymore. But if you’re not ready, then I can wait for you.” He brought his hands up to rest on either side of your waist pulling you in, his signature peachy scent tickled your nose. His familiar touch of affection usually wouldn’t faze you, but it was like he held you for the first time, butterflies erupting in your stomach.
“I know,” you chuckle.
“Wait, how? Was I that obvious?” You continue giggling at his reaction.
“Let’s just say I was kinda awake when you had that conversation with Taehyun.”
He pouts, his hands letting go of his hold on your waist and cutely crossing his arms, which you found absolutely adorable. “You pretended to sleep?”
“No, silly,” you took ahold of his hands and rested them back onto your sides. Wrapping your arms around his shoulders with your fingers playing with his long hair and caressing the nape of his neck, you continued, “you stopped stroking my hair so I woke up.”
He clicked his tongue, “Ah, I should’ve known.” You both chuckled, leaning in until both your noses touched. “Y/n, will you be my person?”
His person. After the past few months and the past few years of spending time with Beomgyu you realised that this is what it meant to be someone’s person. To be cared for, and understood by. To be loved even when you initially didn't give that love to them. But here you are now, finally understanding your feelings. Finally understanding his feelings.
“Of course I’ll be your person, Choi.”
Beomgyu didn’t hesitate to push his lips against your cheek, followed by your lips. You hadn’t realised how much you longed for the feeling of his soft lips against yours, and this time it wasn’t an accident, feeling him breathe a sigh of relief into the kiss.
As you parted for a brief moment, foreheads resting against each other, Beomgyu spoke, “I’m always going to be right here when you need me. I promise you that.”
“Thank Gyu.” You chortled.
“Okay, that was disgraceful,” he rolled his eyes at your weak pun, “come here.”
You felt his hand reach up to caress your cheek as his other hand pulled you in by the waist. Another kiss landed on your lips but it was short and sweet. Once you parted you watched Beomgyu grin the widest grin you’ve seen on his face for a long time. His eyes glistened at the sight of you in his hold. That familiar shine in his eyes, but this time they displayed pure happiness.
It was definitely worth the risk.
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© boba-beom
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travellingarmy · 3 years
║Venti║ Frappuccino
Requested from Wattpad.
Modern AU. Fluff.
Word count: 2.3k
With the sound of the bell the hang just above the entrance, you would be greeted by the smell of a freshly brewed cup of coffee mixed with a sweet aroma from the many pastries that you would see before you.
Working at the cafe was no easy feat with the many people coming in and out in random times but as a university student that still had to pay for their tuition and dormitory whilst still having extra money left over for food, you couldn't complain. Well, not that you would complain. You found joy in being a barista.
"(Y/N), you're zoning out. Come on, we still have customers to serve to." Barbara taps your shoulder, gaining your attention. "Ah, sorry," you muttered, turning to your station. "Hehe, there's no need to apologies. I assume that you have an exam coming up?" she asks, eyeing you from the corner of her eyes as a customer waltz inside. You hummed and nod slightly. "It's a good thing that I met Master Diluc. Otherwise, I don't think I would be cut out to major in business."
After getting the order from the random customer, she returns to have a chat with you. "Stop with the 'Master Diluc'." She laughs. "It's a bit old-fashioned, don't you think?" And indeed it was, but he comes from a wealthy family so you saw it best to address him formally. "And don't be so hard on yourself and say negative things about your own capabilities! You entered this university by your own smarts! Diluc is smart as well, yes, but he got in due to connections along with his brother. That says something a lot about you."
Barbara was always good at cheering people up and supporting them. One can tell that she was quite popular in high school. She wasn't in the same major as you so you ended up being friends through working in the same cafe. She majored in music-- not that it should surprise anyone. With one look at her, you could definitely tell without even knowing her personally. You saw it best that she would become an idol and her personality will help her with that.
You smile at the blonde. "Thanks." She waves her hand in front of her in small motions in dismissal. "I'm just stating facts." You both returned your focus on your job afterwards, listening in on the chatter of others instead. Most were students so they mainly talked about their studies.
The bell rang once again, getting your attention. Coming in, was a usual customer that you learned comes around at 2 in the afternoon; during your shifts. Yes, there were other customers that you would recognize-- making them usual customers as well but this one was quite distinctive, you'd say. He had dark hair that was always braided on both sides of his head that had a natural teal at the tips of it. He would always come alone, only carrying his backpack- that had his laptop- and a notebook.
You don't know who he was but you figured that what made you so intrigued with him was his fluorescent green eyes that would seemingly glow even in the day. It was truly unique.
You look at Barbara who was busy making another customer's order and decided that you would be the one taking his order. Coming up to the counter, you put on a smile as usual. "Hello, what can I get you?" you repeat the words that you grew to familiarize yourself with as if you were a robot being programmed to say it to people you take orders from. In fact, you already know what he will get but it was something you had to say every time.
"Hi, can I get a venti-sized Matcha Green Tea Frappuccino and two double-chocolate chunk brownie?" he says, not needing to look at the menu. You nod, punching in the code of the ordered drink and snacks. "Please wait at the side." You see him walk away from the counter and take his phone out, seemingly texting somebody.
You made the drink in no time and brought it over to the pick-up counter along with his brownies. "Thank you," he said and take his order, then walking to a table and place his things. He sat down and took out his laptop and started jotting things down in his notebook, looking up at the screen from time to time.
You noticed that he brings in new notebooks every week. A waste of paper, you thought. You wonder what major he was in to go through so many notebooks each week but it was rather hard. You guessed business, but you have never seen him around the area so that flopped. He looked like a porcelain doll with his small, pale face and skinny body- that looked as if it would be easy to break- that you guessed he was probably majoring in one of the arts-- visual arts, drama, music. Something that someone with his size could take. You asked Barbara if he was majoring in music but she answered that she has never seen him around.
Well, no matter. The thought alone doesn't bother you as it doesn't hold any importance.
The following week, you didn't go to work and so did Barbara. Well, it wasn't as if you chose not to go to work, rather, it was because the cafe was getting renovated so it had to temporarily close.
Since you had no work to go to, you focused all your energy in your studies. When you aren't studying, you enjoy what little time you had to relax before suddenly getting the urge to study even more so that you don't fail-- sometimes even studying with Diluc outside in the campus grounds.
During those times, you looked out for the guy who usually came to the cafe in the afternoon but to no avail. At this point, you are wondering if he truly goes to the university. That was soon to be answered, however, when you went shopping for more school supplies. The area was located closer to the entrance of the campus so it was quite far away since your department was across the place. The department that was closest to the stores was the arts. It was always lively there with the students showing off their talent and skills. You loved going near there because it looked fun.
After purchasing the needed supplies, you walked back whilst looking at the students and whatever they were up to. Once near the exit that would say that you were no longer in the arts, you hear the strumming of a guitar not too far to your left. It was a rather familiar music but you didn't know what the song was or where you heard it.
You would have just acknowledged that it as a good piece of music and walk away if it wasn't for the fact that when the music stopped, a sigh was heard and the person shifted, allowing you to see their side profile that hid behind a small tree.
Your eyes widened at the sight of the person that dawned familiarity. You finally found him! With that said, your question as to what he was majoring was answered. Music. Looking at him, you see that he looked somewhat annoyed, looking at a piece of paper beside him, brows furrowing. All those papers that you have seen him scribble onto and later crumble it because it dissatisfied him were most likely his other works.
He was so focused on fixing the notes in his paper that he has not felt you watching him. His state made you pity the male. It was most likely a stressful thing to make music with the right notes that satisfied oneself. He was most likely here because the cafe was closed.
An idea came to but you don't know if you should go through with it, not wanting to appear like a creep to him by making a homemade Matcha Green Tea Frappuccino and giving it to him. That thought was quickly changed and decided that you will do just that tomorrow when you looked at him a bit longer.
You waited until it was 2 in the afternoon to make him his frappuccino and bring it over. You were glad to see him at the same spot at the same time. Otherwise, you wouldn't know what to do if he didn't show up. Now thinking about it, you always see him at 2 in the afternoon and wondered if he knew of his routine.
Walking closer, you see that he had more papers and notebooks than what he usually brings to the cafe. "Um, excuse me.." At that, you felt awkward that you walked up to a stranger and began a conversation just to give him a drink.
He looks up, his eyes seeming to glow brighter when they landed on you. "Oh, aren't you the one working at that cafe?" he asks, not needing to specify which cafe since he remembers you. You hummed and nodded. "Aren't you majoring in business? What brings you here?" Your breathing hitched when you saw him smile that you almost forgot the reason as to why you were there. It was adorable.
"Huh? How did you know I majored in business?" you ask. "When you aren't working, I see you studying with Master Diluc.. And I heard your conversation with Barbara from time to time," he answers. "Eh? You know Diluc and Barbara?" Your eyes widened in surprise.
"Well, I know Master Diluc because my brother has a business relationship with his father. As for Barbara, I see her exit class every time I go in," he says. Ah, so that's why Barbara doesn't know him. They have different times, you thought. "Anyway, care to answer my question?" His smile was still on his face when he asked. He seemed more relaxed than when he was working in his music. "Oh, right, I saw you yesterday and thought that you might need something sweet." You offered him the frappuccino as well as some homebaked brownies. "Ah! Thank you." His closed smile soon reveals his teeth, closing his eyes that crinkled at the corner. He accepts the drink and snacks. "Hey, why don't you sit down? It is a long walk from where you came from, yes? And it would be rude to just shoo you so soon." He pats the empty space beside him. "Ah.. Okay.." You hesitantly agreed, not wanting to make him sad at your early leave.
When you sat down, you suddenly felt more aware and felt the awkward tension-- well, you only felt the awkwardness in the air. He seemed fine, sipping the drink freely. Then, "Wah! This is good," he compliments. "I can tell when you make my drink and when your friend makes them." He leans close, putting a hand near his mouth as if to whisper to you. "Don't tell your friend, but I really like it when you make my drinks." He winks. You chuckled, feeling warm inside. "So, what is your name?" he asks, leaning away to give you space. "(Y/N). What about you?" "Venti!"
You smiled. "So, Venti, do you only play the guitar?" you ask, eyeing the wooden instrument on his lap. He shook his head. "I play instruments from all families-- the strings, woodwind, brass, percussion, keyboard, and guitar," he says. "However, I don't play the bigger instruments that require to be picked up because they are too heavy. I also don't really like drums. I find them too loud." You were amazed to know that he could play so many instruments. You have only tried a hand at the piano that you later gave up in high school.
"Which instrument do you like the most?" you asked, seeing as he already said which instrument he doesn't like playing. "Oh, that's easy! The lyre!" His eyes sparkled at the thought of the instrument. "There aren't many occasions where I can play the instrument so I play other instruments like the guitar."
It could be because your major was not appealing and boring that you found yourself interested in the topic at hand and started asking more questions. "Did you get a teacher to help you play the instruments?" He shook his head. "I have lots of books at home to learn from so I taught myself." If you weren't already surprised at his talent, you would be now. "All those instruments?" you ask. He nods proudly.
"Oh! Since you are here, care to listen to a song I've made?" he asks, eager to show you what he could do. You nod excitedly. He laughs and adjusted himself to be more comfortable when playing the guitar.
The song wasn't finished but it was enough to have you breathless. "I don't know how many times I had to rewrite the same notes but I hope this one sounded better?" he asks, turning to you when he stopped playing. You nod. "It sounded amazing!" The compliment made him bashful, scratching the back of his head as he chuckles. "I'm glad you think so! I hope I can finish this soon." He turns his head to look at the paper before returning his focus on you. "Will you listen to it when I finished?" You did not hesitate and nodded.
It wasn't too long since you two started chatting but it felt as if you guys had been friends for a long time. When the cafe opened the following week, you greeted each other with a smile with you already punching in his order that you have memorised by heart.
"Here is your Matcha Green Tea Frappuccino."
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cacoetheswriting · 4 years
fluff alphabet - spencer reid
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A = Attractive (what do they find attractive about the other?)
It would be safe to say you’re strangerly attracted to his genius. Many people find it annoying, how he spits facts completely unwarranted, but not you. His vast knowledge of quite literally anything is what sparked your interest in the young doctor in the first place.
Spencer on the other hand is captivated by your smile. The kindness behind it; how truly genuine it always is. He especially likes when he is the reason that smile spreads across your face, from cheek to cheek, illuminating your perfect features.
B = Baby (do they want a family? why/why not?)
Definitely yes, and you know Spencer would make a great dad. He has a way with kids and it comes to him so naturally. Frankly you can’t wait for the day you get to tell him you’re expecting.
C = Cuddle (how do they cuddle?)
One arm wrapped securely around you, pulling you in as close to him as possible. Your head resting on his shoulder landing just below his chin. He smells your hair taking in the scent of your shampoo before placing a soft kiss on the top of your head. 
D = Dates (what are dates with them like?)
He likes to take you out to the movies where you share popcorn and a large soda. A lot of coffee dates where he enlightens you on books he read or reread and you fill him in on the latest pop culture gossip. Nothing too adventurous but never boring.
E = Everything (“you are my ____” (e.g my life, my world…))
“You’re my home.” Spencer whispered, his hands cupping your face. You blinked a couple of times registering what he just said but before you got a chance to respond he continued. “When I’m with you, I feel so comfortable and at peace. I can truly be myself around you, no judgement or scrutiny.” He took a soft breath. “When I’m with you I feel at home and that doesn't make much sense to me but you’ve told me before that not everything has to make sense. Especially when it comes to love.”
F = Feelings (when did they know they were falling in love?)
One evening at a bar with your friends you repeated a fact to the group that Spencer had told you earlier in the week. It caught him off guard because no-one really listens to the rambles that come out of his mouth. Yet here you were, the biggest smile on your face as you reiterated: “chewing gum boosts concentration.”. You glanced at the young doctor from across the table. His eyes lit up as they locked with yours. That’s when he knew. 
G = Gentle (are they gentle? If so, how?)
Spencer is one of the gentlest souls you have ever met. He has an incredibly pure and kind heart. He always puts you first and would never dare to do anything that could hurt you. Your happiness is his priority and even though he’s not the most physical person he always does everything in his power to make you see how loved you are. 
H = Hand/Hold (how do they like to hold? how do they like to hold hands?)
For many reasons he isn't the biggest fan of public displays of affection. But when he does hold your hand, he traces down your fingers gently with his own before intertwining them. He’d then lift your hand to his lips and place a soft kiss on your knuckle.
I = Impression (first impression/s)
At first Spencer found you quite hard to read. He’s usually not good at social cues or interactions therefore it took him longer than the rest of the team to really get to know you. 
You on the other hand were instantly mesmerised by the young doctor. The wealth of knowledge he possessed was captivating and in a way inspiring.
J = Joker (are they into pulling pranks?)
Definitely; Spencer loves a good practical joke. He also has quite a good sense of humour. Not everyone always understands his jokes but they never fail to make you giggle.
K = Kisses (how do they kiss?)
When Spencer kisses you he does so with all his might. Unlike his usual gentle demeanour, when he kisses you it’s always with immense passion. He cups your face with his hands and pulls you in as close as humanly possible. 
L = Love (who says I love you first?)
You do - however completely by accident. “Did you know nutmeg can be fatally poisonous?” Spencer asked as the barista handed you a brown paper bag with a pumpkin dessert bar inside. “A little dash of nutmeg in a pumpkin pie or on your eggnog gives it extra flavour Spencer.” You noted flashing him a smile. “Too much nutmeg, however, can be toxic. Two to three teaspoons of raw nutmeg can induce hallucinations, convulsions, pain, nausea, and paranoia that can last for several days.” He stated. You couldn't help but laugh. “I love you Spencer but I’m not going to die because of a sweet indulgence.” It took you a second to register what you just said. Your free hand travelled to your mouth covering it with a soft gasp. “Shit Spencer, I didn-” “You love me?” He interrupted. All you could do was nod in response. 
M = Memory (their favourite moment together)
After a particularly hard case Spencer drives you home, like he has done so many times before. He walks you to the door of your apartment and waits until you are safely inside. He places a soft kiss on your forehead and says goodnight - which is when you ask him to come inside, stay the night. Rather than going to sleep however you stay up baking what turned out to be the worst brownies either of you have ever tasted. 
N = Nickel (do they spoil? do they buy the person they love everything?)
Spencer is not an overly material person. He prefers to shower you with words of affirmation and subtle compliments. Although when he does give you a gift it is always extremely thoughtful and definitely something that means a lot to the two of you.
O = Orange (what colour reminds them of their other half?)
If he had to associate a colour with you it would be yellow. Yellow - the colour of optimism. The colour of sunshine and enthusiasm. It stimulates the left side of the brain, helping with clear thinking and quick decision making. 
P = Pet names (what pet names do they use?)
He shortened your name. It was unintentional when it first happened but you liked the way it sounded so it stuck. You on the other hand, if you’re not using his first name, usually call him ‘honey’ or ‘sugar’ which he used to hate. If you’re feeling giddy you’ll call him by the original nickname you came up before you were dating: ‘suspence’.
Q = Questions (what are the questions they’re always asking?)
“Are you okay?” - you are his priority therefore he likes to make sure nothing is ever wrong. “Do you need anything?” “How are you feeling?” 
R = Rainy Day (what do they like to do on a rainy day?)
When the weather outside is far from ideal and the two of you are not out working a case, Spencer likes to curl up on the couch with you. He’ll put on an old back and white movie as you provide the drinks.  
S = Sad (how do they cheer themselves/each other up)
If he’s feeling sad you find yourself reaching for a random book on his shelf and reading the first few chapters aloud. His head rests in your lap, eyes closed, as he listens to the sweet sound of your voice. 
If you’re feeling down, Spencer will draw you a bath. He’ll light a couple of candles and dot them around the bathroom. He’ll play relaxing music through the speaker of his phone as the two of you enjoy the warm water together. 
T = Talking (what do they love to talk about?)
The short answer, everything. You never run out of topics to discuss and the conversation flow is always pleasantly smooth. 
U = Unencumbered (what helps them relax?)
Quite simply you. No-one knows Spencer the way you do and even though the two of you haven't been together for very long you know exactly what to say or do to calm him down.
V = Vaunt (what do they like to show off? What are they proud of?)
Spencer is modest which is one of the things you admire about him. The one thing he truly shows off is his knowledge of pretty much everything - even if he does it unintentionally. 
W = Wedding (when, how, where do they propose?)
“Almost fifty percent of all marriages in the United States end in divorce or separation.” Spencer said turning off the documentary you just finished watching. “Researchers estimate that forty-one percent of all first marriages end in divorce.” He continued. “Well, lets hope when we get married we’ll be in the lucky fifty-nine percent that lasts.” You teased, a small smile circling your lips.
X = Xylophone (what’s their song?)
Let’s Groove by Earth, Wind & Fire. The song was queued by Penelope at one of Rossi’s famous get togethers - before you and Spencer were dating. She swayed and twirled, soon joined by Morgan, as the rest of the group watched and laughed. You glanced at the young doctor and before he got a chance to protest you dragged him into the middle of the room to dance. 
Y = You’re the ___ to my ___ (e.g the cookies to my milk, the macaroni to my cheese)
“You’re the Holmes to my Watson.” He furrowed his eyebrows in confusion. “Why am I not Watson?” “Because you’re not that kind of doctor.” You nudged Spencer playfully. He couldn't help but laugh under his breath. “That is a terrible analogy.” “Terrible or not, it’s true.” 
Z = Zebra (if they wanted a pet, what pet would they get?)
He wouldn't want a pet for now. The job is too demanding, he’s away for long periods of time and there'd be no-one to take care of it. Perhaps in the future, when you’re married and have kids. Perhaps. 
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liquid-luck-00 · 4 years
Father Daughter Bonding
Bio!Dad Bruce
Day 2: Father Daughter Bonding
Previous ~~~ Next
It had been an interesting few hours. Mari fortunately dealt with her emotions but that meant quite a bit of crying. However, once she calmed down she began to come out of her shell. He knew that that she was smart but talking to her face-to-face was different from all the calls and texts they exchanged over the years.
She was strong and competitive. Diana would probably declare her an Amazon if Mari knew how to fight. Hell with her wit she might even be a match for Hal,Barry, or even Jason. But that wasn't what mattered in this moment.
Well long story short he did not know what he was doing. One second he is being demolished by his daughter at Ultimte Mecha Strike III cheering her up, the next Marinette starts taking out ingredients for a mid morning sweet snack. Marinette gets a notification on her phone, most likely an alarm, as she goes up to her room and he hears the shower start.
Out of curiosity he goes over to the counter and reads the recipe she laid out. It was a recipe for fudgy brownies. This doesn't look to hard, so he picks up the whisk.
Okay this is definitely a first, but really how bad could this be. I am Bruce Wayne, I am Batman, the big bad bat how hard could it possibly be to bake some brownies.
Baking is well, Bruce didn’t know what he was doing. Heck Alfred doesn’t even let him in the kitchen in fear that the Manor will go up in flames. Sorry city of Paris, I haven’t been here long, but you are going up and in flames.
However his determination does not waiver. Brownies I can do that right, coco powder, unsweetened chocolate, boiling water, espresso powder and whisk. Next is the butter, oil, eggs, and why does this need more yolks than the clear stuff. Add vanilla, then sugar and oh no.
Mari left to deal with an akuma but before coming back down she showered. And as she descended the stairs she saw it. Her Dad was furiously trying to make the brownies recipe she laid out before leaving. But what she couldn’t believe was the huge white cloud of flour that enveloped the entire room. And she couldn’t help the laugh that escaped her. Her father who was dressed in a pristine suit was covered in flour and chocolate.
He looked up and he had a sheepish smile before almost whispering “Mari Help.”
She gave him a smile and shook her head. “ Nope. You” she pointed at him “Are almost done”
“But” he knew in that moment he was not going to win this argument.
“All that’s left, if the flour is anything to go by, all you need to do is mix in the chocolate chips and put it on a lined pan”
“Okay” he went to get the cup of chocolate chips that sat on the counter and when he turned back, he saw her grabbing some of the batter on a spoon. He could only give her a disapproving glare.
“What? A good chef tastes their creation at every step” was her only response. He sighed and chuckled at her antics. She was his daughter, he couldn’t even refute that logic. Especially when he used that same excuse on Alfred when he was younger. She wore a smile the whole time they baked and when she set them to rest she took him up to her room.
The next instant she was taking his measurements. In a flurry of movements he watched as she sketched and designed a suit for him. It was simple, elegant even, but there was something more, something that seemed inexpressible on the page.
“Ooh we should go fabric shopping. I have got to make this now.” She was smiling, this was the first time she truly smiled, it wasn’t the small smiles that she wore every other moment. This smile seemed to be bright, maybe bright enough to light Gotham. In that moment he is making it his mission to see that smile as often as possible.
“Sure, lets go”
Fabric shopping was not something that Bruce ever thought he would do. Yet to his surprise it was rather enjoyable. Mari seemed to know which type of fabric she was looking for and then spent time deciding between many bolts.
"Which one?" she held up two bolts of black fabric for him to choose from.
"Uhh... Aren't they the same?" That was the
wrong thing to say, because the look on her face was one of utter horror.
"Non, look this one" she pointed to the bolt on the left "has more satin, meaning it will be sleeker with more of a shine." He looked at it closer and he now saw what she meant. "This one has more cotton it will be more breathable but duller in shine." she finished explaining.
They finished shopping and headed out. Mari was extremely persective and it was only highlighted by what happened next. He didn't see what had caused the reaction but Mari began to run and turned into an alley.
He followed after her and he could not believe what he saw. His little daughter who was no taller than 5' 2" flipped a guy who was three times her size dazing him. Then proceeded to pressure point him to knock him out, zip tie him and pulled out her phone.
"Bruce can you call the police" she instructed while handing him the phone. While she went over and comforted a girl.
It wasn't until they all gave statements to the officers and were heading back to the bakery that he found his voice and asked "How did you do that?"
"Maman taught me self-defense and some pressure points" she shrugged her eyes misting a bit before she blinked away the tears.
"Mari, I know you are about to go on your fall break would you like to go and visit Gotham?" he had to ask, he couldn't leave her, not now, not after she finally began to feel better. She didn't answer until they were back in the apartment above the bakery.
"Okay" she said softly "I want to go" she gave him a smile and he returned it with one of his own. After seeing her take down that thug he knew she could handle herself in Gotham. But most importantly she will be able to handle his boys. This meant he had almost two weeks to deal with funeral plans for Sabine, Tom, and Gina. But most importantly to mentally prepare himself for everyone's reactions.
@mochinek0 @justafanwarrior @abrx2002 @ranger-gothamite @fantasiame @moonystars14 @mochegato @bigbeautifulandfullofsugar @maribat-is-lifeblood @iglowinggemma28 @miraculous-ninja @talutah0 @vixen-uchiha @danielslilangel @witchsblackfox
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girlgrouptrash101 · 3 years
Cooking with Loona
Request: "i know requests are closed and i’m reallyyy sorryyyy 🥺 i’ve been going through a lot and i just didn’t have time and didn’t feel right enough to ask this: maybe cooking with loona??"
A/N: to the anonnie that requested this, i hope you're feeling better and ily ❤️❤️
(had to put a keep reading tab cuz the post was too damn long f)
- C
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we’ve all seen the cement brownie she tried to give to chuu on her birthday vlive..... yeah....
she always skips like half the steps when she’s following recipes and then gets confused when her food doesn’t turn out the same like,, Heejins sweetie pleASE-
lowkey can’t cook but she thinks she can because you hype her up too much
like she will serve you a dish that will somehow be both burnt and cold at the same time and you still tell her she did amazing because it makes her so happy and that’s all that matters
your guys’ favourite thing to make together is probably cupcakes or cakes
because you get to bake them and Heejin gets to decorate them, and they always end up looking and tasting immaculate
everything in your guys’ relationship works better when you’re together, you two simply complete each other :’)
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not only does she make the most kickass bread but girlie really is a chef of all cuisines too
you still don’t know how or where she even learned to cook so well but you aren’t complaining at all
whatever you feel like eating, Hyunjin knows how to cook it to absolute perfection and she always offers to teach you how to make your favourite dishes
you two also have matching yellow cat aprons uwu
the kind of girl to either kick you out of her kitchen for distracting her while she’s making a meal or else back hug you and help you stir a bowl with her hand over yours all romantically
it literally just depends what mood she’s in at that very moment
highkey loves loves loves cooking for you and surprising you with dinner after a long day, because her favourite thing to do is put a smile on your face :D
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starts off really strong and sticks to the recipe... but then her mind wanders and she's like,,, well,,, what if i add this????
and you're like haseul,,,, please don't put chilli peppers in Kim lips birthday cake, i promise she can do without them,,,,,
she finds cooking in the dorms a bit stressful, doing her best to feed the hungry members after a long day of practice
so cooking with you tends to be a much more therapeutic experience, just you two, a bit of music and some tasty treats
but she of course brings back plenty of wonderful bakes for her members to enjoy too, they're literally her babies she is can't just let them STARVE 😔🙄😢
lowkey pretends she's having trouble stirring so you'll reach from the back and help her with the spoon all romantically
miss haseul you are not slick we SEE YOU
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yes she did in fact bejewel her cookery book
"yeojin... I can't even read the recipes, there's too much glitter!!"
"Well Y/N, sometimes, sacrifices have to be made in the name of beauty."
said sacrifices are usually cupcakes and cakes that don't rise, burnt food or just complete mush that doesn't even look like food
however, when yeojin is fully dedicated she can pack a mean lunch, sometimes she makes them for you when you're going off to school/work, and she always makes sure presentation is A+
prefers to just go out to cafes/restaurants on dates rather than cook
but that doesn't mean there haven't been times where you and her have been in the kitchen at 2am, trying to make a gigantic cake for you and all her members to share 😌
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has the most peaceful, lofi cooking playlist ever
you two work in harmony, always helping one another but never tripping over the other in the kitchen
it's so harmonious it's like.... y'all were meant to be or sumn idk 😳😳😳
however if u try to eat any batter she will smack ur hand and be like no ⛔ that is for LATER hfhdhd
her hair always gets tied up in the cutest little bun when she's baking, and that along with her fairy apron makes her look like an actual princess
she also LOVES cooking/teaching you how to make her favourite foods from Hong Kong that she'd always make with her mom
those meals always help her when she's homesick, and with you by her side make her feel like she's not alone 🥺
Kim Lip:
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CEO of pretending she has everything under control when in reality she has absolutely no idea what’s going on
“Uhhh Jungeun, is something burning?” “NOPE NOPE IDK WHAT YOU’RE TALKING ABOUT HA HA HA........”
wants to put your apron on you every time but she’s always way too shy to ask so she just resorts to back-hugging you until you get the hint and let her tie a cute little bow behind your back with the apron string hehe
makes pretty decent food when she’s not flailing around and panicking over a single grain of rice that escaped from the pot or something
however she refuses to admit when she messes up in the kitchen
like she could burn something to a crisp or use completely the wrong ingredients but she’d still eat every bite just to prove she’s the best cook in the house
if your food sucks she will tell you to your face, followed by a kiss so you forget about the fact she just roasted your cooking skills lol
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Jinsoul gives off Hawaiian shirt drunk uncle at the family barbecue vibes who won't let anyone near the steaks
and you're like,, Jinsoul do you even know what you're doing????????? to which she responds - "food, heat, it's cooking. isn't that all i need to know?"
chaotic but refuses to acknowledge the chaos she causes in the kitchen
so when you have baking dates u have to keep such a close eye on her to make sure she isn't going to poison anyone with her creations
once she gets into it tho, she's grooving around the kitchen in her little robot apron, dancing to Christmas songs when it's not even Christmas and just 10/10 having a blast
not really the biggest fan of cooking but she knows you are, and since you help her build her gundams she does like to try and help our properly in the kitchen when she can
perhaps Jinsoul best girl???? perhaps??????
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hello this sunshine absolutely LOVES baking, especially for others because putting a smile on someone's face is her main goal in life
she loves decorating with icing too, her go to patterns are smiley faces, flowers and the sun!
her playlists are always so upbeat, the two of you end up bouncing around the kitchen singing at the top of your lungs as you work
LOVES LOVES LOOOOOVES backhugs, especially recieving them,,, it makes her feel all worm and mushy inside hehe
also likes to kiss face icing off of your face, just to have an excuse to give you as many little pecks as she so desires
choerry always makes you a birthday cake every year, and she puts so much work into it, it absolutely melts your heart
plus it makes her happy to see you eating well and having a good time, she truly just is the biggest sweetheart :']
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she always says yes whenever you ask her to cook with you, but only because she just wants to flirt with you for an hour
"why do we need to make all this food, when the real snack is right in front of me? 😏"
cooking with you actually really does make her happy though, she loves that she can be so domestic with you, it's such an amazing break from her hectic life
also lowkey makes her feel like you're a married couple... and you best believe Yves can't wait to wife you up
she doesn't suck at cooking, but has often times gotten,,, ahem,,,, somewhat distracted and has prioritized making out with you against the kitchen counter rather than how long the food has been cooking, which ends up in a lot of burnt meals
baking with her is really a time, and has more than once ended in a very messy food fight because Yves wouldn't stop smearing icing all over your face 💔
her specialty is dialing the local takeaway and ordering food instead ✨ okay Yves Ramsey go off ✨
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this baby girl is just torn between actually wanting to cook or just asking you to cook with her so she can get affection from you (as if she doesn't get that anyway smh)
backhugs except she won't let go
whenever she's making something she calls you over and she's like "Y/N is this okay?" and always asks for kisses as a reward for doing good
will feed you every single ingredient no questions asked
she loves surprising you with meals on very random occasions though, for example that one time she cooked your favourite food because it was the anniversary of the first time she got sick while dating you
she's actually a pretty good cook when she puts her mind to it though, she loves making good food that'll cheer people up when they really need it
btw you will be forced to wear matching aprons and they will be the pinkest, loudest and sparkliest ones that she can get her hands on ✨
Go Won:
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have the fire service on speed dial before you even think about cooking with gowon omg
you literally also need to have indestructible tastebuds because she WILL destroy them
her speciality is starting fires and combining foods that were NEVER. EVER. E V E R. meant to be combined 😭😭
"babe come try this dish!! it's ramen mixed with coca cola, jelly and vegetable soup!!! it tastes GREAT trust me"
at the end of the day you just leave her be in the kitchen because at least she's having fun LMAO
(just always have a fire hydrant by your side okay??? she set the loona dorm on fire making chicken nuggets once...)
despite all her chaos, she somehow always produces something edible at the end and.... sometimes it actually tastes good too???
Olivia Hye:
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lets you do all the work cuz she's worried she "might mess it up" when in reality she just wants to order takeout and cuddle instead smhhh
will probably follow you around the kitchen or rest her head on your shoulder while you do all the cooking, because this tsundere is secretly the biggest softie for you
she's actually a decent chef when she's motivated to help though
like she even put together a cooking playlist for you guys - which she very shyly revealed to you one time, a slight blush on her cheeks as she played the songs for you
cuz miss olhye is very much a romantic, she just doesn't have the confidence to show you all that yet hehe
her favourite is making desserts because well,,,, she gets to eat the batter and also gets tasty treats at the end
10/10 cooking backhugs also 🖐️😌
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hxt1b · 3 years
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Mark x Reader 
Genre: Angst   
Words: 1.3k
Synopsis: Happiness is an emotion that she likes to call fleeting. He’s the embodiment of happiness. What happens when he forces himself into her heart. 
It was a cold day. Snowflakes were falling softly around you, dancing to the ground mockingly as they swirled around you. You watched as a couple laughed with each other sitting on a bench across from you in the park. The world was happy, but you didn’t have anything to smile about, you didn’t have anyone to smile with let alone laugh. You didn’t have anything. Happiness to you was a fleeting emotion that came slowly and left fast. You can count on your hand the time you’ve been truly happy. Three times. All three times the happiness faded to the bitter reality of the truth. You are not made for happiness. 
Shaking your head lightly you peeled your eyes away from the disturbingly happy couple. You didn’t wish for them to be unhappy. You didn’t wish for anyone to be unhappy. You didn’t want anyone to feel the way you did. Going through each day feeling numb. Yet, that didn’t mean you wanted to stand and watch other people live their happy lives. That didn’t mean that when you saw them be happy you didn’t feel pain. Most would say at least you feel something. You didn’t agree. The constant pain was torture. It was better to feel nothing at all. 
“You made it?” His voice was smooth, you could hear the soft cheer behind his words. 
“Why wouldn’t I?” You asked, not looking up at him. 
He didn’t reply, just took the seat next to you on the bench. 
“I’m shocked you agreed.” You were shocked too when you said yes. He’d called you two days ago asking you to coffee, you felt selfish after you had agreed. Because to you, it’s very black and white. You knew the outcome; you knew the ending because it was the same with everything and everyone. You tried so hard to keep your hands to yourself so hard to constantly keep him at arm’s length, but all that work was gone to waste when his beautiful soft laugh came through the phone after he asked you filling the second of silence that would have been before you said no. But you said yes. 
Now here you sat next to him on a bench in the park across from the two lovers laughing with each other. You finally looked over at him. It hurt, he was so blindingly full of life and happiness. He was smiling over at you, the smile twinkling in his eyes. His nose was red from the cold, he had his coat pulled up to his jaw. Your heart ached. 
Quickly he stood up. 
“Well let’s get that coffee.” He said and held his hand out for you to take. In your pocket your hand twitched, begging you to take his hand. You looked up at his face he was still smiling down at you. Slowly you moved your hand out of your pocket and slipped into his cold hand. 
“Oh, your hand is so warm.” He laughed, “It’s nice.” 
The café wasn’t far. Just a two-minute walk away from where the park was. It was warm and small. Mark led you over to a table and pulled the chair out for you. A small smile formed on your lips at his act. You took the seat. He sat down across from you and rubbed his hands together, a breathy laugh leaving him. 
“So, I like the hot chocolate here.” He said making you look up at him. 
You laughed a little at him, only Mark would ask you out for coffee and recommend hot chocolate. 
“Hot chocolate it is then.” You replied. 
You watched as he got up, looking away only while he quickly took his coat off, but it’s hard to keep your eyes off Mark. They followed him again as he made his way over to the counter to order for you both. His awkward laugh filling the small café as the cashier said something that your brain didn’t register. 
You could feel the world lighten when Mark was around. With every breath, he took you could feel the room fill with this joy, with his personality. It took you over sometimes. Sometimes Mark would make you forget that those emotions were temporary. 
He came back with two hot cups in his hands. 
“I also got us a brownie, it looked good.” He said moving your cup towards you. “You don’t mind sharing, do you?” He was looking at you slightly concerned. Like the thought only just occurred to him that maybe you wouldn’t want to share the brownie with him. 
“I don’t mind at all.” You were smiling again. It was easy to around Mark you didn’t even realize that you did it. 
You listened as he spoke. He talked about his mom, and how she called him today telling him about something that he didn’t quite understand. You were just mesmerized by the way his lips moved when he spoke the way he had a knack for drawing out a topic that didn’t need to be. But you loved to listen to him talk. You loved the way he laughed every few sentences. 
Two days later Mark asked you to a Winter Festival. Then to dinner. Then to a movie. And week and after week you were out with Mark. You met his bandmates and they teased him in front of you about how you were out of his league. You laughed more, you smiled more you, without allowing yourself, felt more. 
The movie playing on the screen was not registering in your head. Your brain was zeroed in on the feeling of Mark’s fingers drawing circles at your wrists. Fixed on the feeling of Mark’s heartbeat as you leaned your head on his chest. 
Mark's laugh shook you as something happened on screen. 
“Dang babe I can’t believe that just happened in the movie.” He said through the laughter. You giggled and agreed with him even though you had no clue what even happened. Pushing off his chest you looked at his face. 
“What?” He asked, “Baby why are you staring at me?” a nervous laugh leaving him. 
Before you could think any more than you already were before you could let the doubt cloud your brain you pressed your lips against his in a soft kiss. Instantly he replied pulling you onto his lap. He kissed you harder and faster with each passing second, his emotions pouring out of him and into the kiss. 
Mark had always been like this. Free and open. He gave his everything, and maybe just maybe this time it would last. Mark was your fourth one. The fourth form of happiness that you could count on your hand. 
“What’s my name on your phone?” Mark asked later that night as you curled up against him in his bed. 
“Uhh, Mark?” You replied. 
“I have you as ‘Girlfriend.’” You smiled into his chest not being able to look up at him. 
“I’ll change your name.” 
You rolled over in his arms and grabbed your phone from his nightstand going to his contact and changing his name. You could feel him watching you as he moved himself to wrap around your body again. 
“Good?” You asked. 
“Great.” He replied kissing the back of your neck. 
But you weren’t wrong when you said that you weren’t made for happiness. You weren't wrong when you said that for you all good things came to end. You were wrong to forget. You were wrong to believe that this time wouldn’t be the same. 
“We have to stop. We need to take a break. I can’t handle this.” 
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jwillowwolf · 3 years
Magic and Miracles - Prologue
Tag List: @sandersidesbigbang @thomassanderssidesbigbang2021 @theimprobabledreamersworld
First Chapter > | Masterlist
This is a multi-chapter fic I've been working on for the last couple of months as a part of the 2021 Sanders Sides Big Bang. The original idea came from this post by @remy-please-come-back [thanks again for letting me use the idea 💜].
Summary: Ever present, never seen. Feared and admired by all beings. The life that bursts from the earth, the secrets hidden in stone. It dances in the fire’s flames; it gives the wind its mournful tone. Here it is, this is it. Defined yet unexplained. In the depths of the ocean, and of your own mind. In the veins of all creatures, including humankind. For magic is in everything, yet unknown all the same.
For the longest time, Logan wanted to learn magic. So, when he was offered the chance to study it at a new magic school, he decided to follow his dreams. Along the way, however, he'll learn about so much more.
Warning/s: food mention.
Characters: Logan, Emile, Remy, OCs.
Read on AO3
0 | The Underdog's Debut
Ever present, never seen. Feared and admired by all beings.
The life that bursts from the earth, the secrets hidden in stone.
It dances in the fire’s flames; it gives the wind its mournful tone.
Here it is, this is it. Defined yet unexplained.
In the depths of the ocean, and of your own mind.
In the veins of all creatures, including humankind.
For magic is in everything, yet unknown all the same.
Perhaps this was why people found it so intriguing from such a young age. They wanted answers to what magic was, and while they didn’t find what they sought, they did learn how it could be used to their advantage. Spells were created to do anything that their caster’s heart desired. From creating a small orb of light for reading in the night to manipulating a tidal wave that could crash down on your enemies.
Magic was something not easily understood, which was one reason why the Council of Wizards evaluated all potential magic users. They wanted to gage that these young mages could safely use the power they were wielding. If not, then they needed to be properly dealt with before things got out of hand.
This was a good thing, but also not because to learn magic safely you would need someone else to teach you first-hand.
Now that doesn’t seem like much of an obstacle, except the only established wizards were of the nobility, and therefore only worked with nobility. The system was pretty much rigged to make it hopeless for average people to learn and use magic. Or it was until our protagonist came along.
He rose from poverty to royalty, became a hero among heroes, and faced off against one of the greatest threats to humankind that ever existed! But I’m getting ahead of myself -sorry- let's start from the beginning, shall we?
Oh, but where to begin? Ah! We’ll start from his first test with the Council of Wizards when he was only a young lad of 15. It was the beginning of spring, which is when the COW always held the learner’s test. This test evaluated your magical potential and gave the council a heads up on how many new mages there were. Yes, COW, don’t ask me why they went with that acronym.
The ceremony was being held in the grand hall of the palace, and it was open for anyone from the Srednas Kingdom to come and watch. The test itself was rather simple but the festivities that came with it made things feel like a special holiday. Nobility and common folk alike were gathered to watch and see what new wizards would be taking on learning magic. There was even a small market of sorts set outside the palace to take advantage of the crowds and sell foods, drinks, and commemorative merchandise.
Inside, people were everywhere, talking excitedly to one another and trying to find good places to view the proceedings. At the end of the room, there was a dais with two thrones where King Thomas and his husband, Prince Consort Nico, sat to watch. In front of the dais were nine chairs for the COW members, who talked with the royals and amongst themselves. Even they seemed eager for what was about to happen, and yet no one knew truly how monumental today was going to be.
The event had begun the same as any other year. Noble children from across the land showed off whatever three spells they’d learnt for the test. Most were common tricks like lighting candles or making plants grow. A handful showed off with advanced versions of these spells, such as holding the flames in their hands or making entire trees grow. Still, regardless of how many times these spells were cast, the crowd watched in awe with each new user who passed their test.
And then a young man in a simple navy tunic and black trousers stepped forward. He looked to be in his mid-teens, the same as most of the young mages and walked with an air of subtle confidence. He had a slender form and soft features that pronounced his youthful appearance. His hair was raven black, swept neatly to the side, and his eyes were such a dark brown that they seemed almost black.
“Please state your name and title.” Silvia, the eldest council member, said.
“My name is Logan Picani.”
“I don’t have any.”
Silence fell over the hall. “Pardon?”
“I don’t have any titles.”
“How do you not have any titles?”
“I’m not a noble.”
Some people audibly gasped and began whispering conspiratorially to one another.
“Young man, you do understand what this test is, correct?” Allen, another council member, asked with a thinly veiled look of disgust.
“Yes sir, I do. I also know for a fact that there are no rules against my taking the test because of being a commoner.”
Allen frowned and opened his mouth to say something but was cut off by Silvia. “I suppose not. Well then, let’s see what you can do.”
Logan took a deep breath and then held up his hand, “Ignyght.”
The tip of his little finger began to glow with golden light. The crowd watched on in silence as he carefully moved his hand to draw the necessary rune with the trail of light that flowed from his finger.
Once the rune was complete, he spoke again. “Solhart.”
The rune turned stark white and then disappeared. For a moment nothing happened, then a small white orb appeared where the rune had previously been floating. This earned a few excited claps from the crowd and an approving nod from two council members. But Logan didn’t stop there.
“Groh.” This time the light from his fingers was bright green. He made a different rune then repeated the sealing word, “Solhart.”
The orb multiplied until nearly fifty of them were floating in a cluster before Logan.
“Stahwynd.” A deep blue light flowed from Logan’s finger as he drew the final rune. “Solhart.”
The orbs burst apart from one another like birds flying off a tree in fear. Some people from the crowd shouted in shock as the balls of light zoomed off in all different directions until finally, they stopped. Now they were floating all around the room above the spectators who gasped as they realized what Logan had done. The hall’s ceiling was pitch black, so the lights looked like stars in the night sky. It was a breath-taking sight that inspired many to cheer and clap for the young mage.
“Alright, please settle down,” Silvia called over the noise before looking at Logan with a thoughtful expression. “Where did you learn this?”
“I taught myself.”
Silvia nodded then turned to talk with her fellow council members in hushed tones. Allen and two others seemed upset, while the rest of the council were neutral if not mildly impressed. After a few minutes, she looked back at Logan with a soft smile.
“Mr Picani, you are officially granted your learner’s license. I hope when we see you again in a few months time, you will once more surprise us all.”
The crowd cheered and Logan nodded before walking away with a look of pride. As he made his way through the crowd, he received congratulations from many strangers. And then he was tackled to the ground by an enthusiastic brown-haired girl.
“You did it! You did it! I knew you could do it!”
“Everleigh, my ribs.” Logan wheezed, causing the girl to release him.
“Oops, sorry. My bad. Is your chest okay?”
“It’s fine.” Both youths got up with smiles on their faces. “I did it.”
“Yep. In a couple of months, you’re going to be an official grand wizard.”
“Considering I just got my learners, I don’t think I’ll reach such a title that quickly.”
“You just created a night sky in the palace ballroom! I think you’re underestimating yourself.”
Logan smiled softly, “Come on, we should head back to the bakery to celebrate.”
Everleigh nodded in agreement and linked their arms so they could walk side by side. As they walked, Everleigh excitedly told Logan about how incredible it had looked from the crowd, and what kind of reactions the people around her had had.
Logan was uncharacteristically grinning by the time they’d reached the bakery. Walking inside only made his smile widen as the smell of fresh bread and sweet pastries filled his senses. It was after all the smell of home, so of course, it made him feel warm and welcomed. His father, Emile Picani, was standing by the counter helping an elderly customer when Logan and Everleigh walked in.
“Thank you, dear.”
“Oh, I should be the one thanking you, Mrs Goldstone. The brownie recipe you gave me has become a bestseller.”
“I’m glad to hear that. Have a nice day dear.”
“To you as well, ma’am. Oh, Logan, Everleigh, you’re back. And smiling,” Emile gasped, “did you get it?”
“He’s a wizard!” Everleigh dramatically announced.
“Not yet, I still need to finish the second test in a couple of months. I do have a learners’ license though.”
“Well, I think this calls for some celebratory tarts,” Emile said, ushering both youths into the back of the shop where the Picani’s sitting room/kitchen was located. “I’m proud of you logan. That hard work really paid off.”
“Speaking of hard work, you are going to take a break, right?” Everleigh asked.
Logan looked away from her sheepishly. “Well…”
“Come on, Lo. You’ve been working hard non-stop for months.”
“Yeah, kid, you work with me in the bakery all day, then study well into the night. And don’t think I haven’t seen you pull an all-nighter here and there.” Emile chastised.
It was true that Logan had worked long hard to get to where he was. it wasn’t exactly a simple task when books on magic were hard to find, and what knowledge they had was even harder to grasp. Figuring out pronunciation for the initiation/sealing words and learning to keep his hand steady as he drew the runes.
It had taken him many long nights of studying by candlelight to figure out the spells he’d performed. But with Everleigh’s library apprenticeship and his own persistent nature, he’d managed to learn a good deal about the basics. And now it was paying off. He officially had a learner’s license and would get a chance to become a genuine wizard.
Then he could use magic to help so many of the villagers who couldn’t afford the high-priced assistance of other magicians. Medicinal potions? Enchanted prosthetics? Transition spells? He would be able to give all this and more at prices his peers could afford.
Logan knew that what he was doing seemed near impossible, but he was going to do it or die trying! …okay, so maybe Emile and Everleigh were valid in their concern for his health, but this was his best and only way to study magic.
Before Logan could argue this, however, a stranger walked into the bakery. He was tall and slender, with a bronze tan and confident bearing. He was wearing a black leather jacket over a clean white tunic, black trousers, and dark brown riding boots. His short curly hair was the same dark brown shade as the boots, and his eyes were hidden by black tinted glasses.
“New customer, how do you how do?”
The stranger smiled. “Hey there, gorgeous. Sorry but I’m not a customer today. Is this where Logan Picani lives?”
“Yes, that’s my son.”
“Son? No offence honey but you look too young and handsome to be a dad.”
“Is there something I can help you with, sir?” Logan asked, taking over the conversation for his blushing father.
“Ah, yeah, I’m here to offer you a very special opportunity on behalf of the crown prince.”
Logan and Emile gaped. “The crown prince?”
The stranger nodded. “My name is Remy Animosni, and on behalf of his highness, I’m here to extend an exclusive invitation to the Srednas Magic School.”
Logan frowned. “I wasn’t aware that there was a magic school here in Srednas.”
“Well, that’s because there wasn’t, not until now anyway. It’s something that the prince arranged to start this year with a few students to show how good it could be to the council. You particularly caught his interest today with your starry spellcasting, hence the personal invite. You would learn alongside six other students under me about everything there is to know concerning magic, from the full basics of spells to how you can modify your own enchantments.”
“That sounds incredible,” Emile said.
Remy nodded. “Yep, and not only that but you will be given your own room at the school and anything you may need or want during your stay will be provided by us, free of charge. The location of the school is just an hour out of town, so you could visit home on weekends if you desired. So how about it, kid?”
Logan was gobsmacked. The crown prince had not only seen him but was impressed enough to send an invitation to learn magic at a special new magic school.
“Wait, what do I have to do for the prince in return?”
“Absolutely nothing. The offer is completely free of any fees or deceptive dealings. I promise. The prince even sent this with me to make sure you could have physical proof if so desired.” Remy stated, producing a scroll from inside his jacket.
Emile and Logan both looked over the document and found no problems. It was a straightforward invitation for Logan to study magic at the prince’s new school, with promises to provide anything he could need while he was living at said school, and nothing more. The father and son shared a thoughtful glance. It was definitely an opportunity.
Emile smiled. “Do it.”
“Really? You think I should accept?”
“A chance like this only comes around once, and I can always hire someone if I need the help. Follow your dreams kiddo.” Emile said with an encouraging smile.
Logan bit his lip as he considered things. He really hadn’t thought today could get any better, then this happened. He was worried about leaving his dad, but Emile had told him to take this chance. And he was right about this being a once in a lifetime opportunity. Besides, Remy had said he could still visit the town on the weekends…
“Okay. I accept.”
A/N: thanks for reading, I hope you enjoyed this. I'll be posting two chapters a day until the full fic is up, so if you want to be tagged, you can just ask. [Also, here's a link to chapter 1]
I'd love to hear what you thought about the chapter if you wouldn't mind commenting. Thanks again for reading! Here's hoping you have a magical day 💜
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It is hku’s 6th month anniversary, and it’s been a growing theme (tradition?) that I tend to write essays for said occasion, most of them being jokes. But instead, today I present a different kind of essay, one that isn’t written as a joke for once. This is an essay focusing on the grey morality of hku, and focuses on Siv as the example of said grey morality. Because of this, I do have to warn that there are major story spoilers ahead, so if you haven’t read hku or aren’t caught up to current events, I would recommend not reading this! This essay isn’t going anywhere, and spoiling yourself isn’t a very fun experience!
With that disclaimer out of the way, the essay (as per usual) is under the cut! Enjoy!
The Grey Morality of HKU
We live in a world that is not purely black and white, but instead many different shades of grey. Writing greyness into stories is difficult, especially when trying to create morally ambiguous characters, which is why most character conflicts in fiction is black and white. Moral greyness in characters is a very thin tightrope to balance on, since such characters fall in between heroes and villains, and bring layers of depth and complexity into the world. Most humans are not purely good or evil, and morally grey characters showcase this well. These characters can be incredibly complicated, and thus, it's difficult for authors to commit and stay on their tightrope. Sometimes they lean too far to one side and their intended moral greyness gets destroyed. But in Hyrule Kingdom Updates, or HKU, Quill not only walks this tightrope with ease, but does backflips on it and performs a whole circus act with their characters mimicking the same routine. One of these talented tightrope-walkers that performs in such a circus act is Asivus Hartell, better known as Siv. 
Siv is one of the main examples of the grey morality of HKU. He’s the sarcastic, pessimistic orator that serves as the role of the narrator for the story.  Introduced as a psychological egoist, or someone who believes that everyone’s actions are derived out of personal interest, his personality, attitude, and actions all reek of the scent of “villain”. He’s cynical, hates almost everyone in the castle, and is also a criminal. Over time, his egoist beliefs are slowly challenged, and when his ties to the people who challenge his egoist morals are cut, his egoism goes even further downhill, leading him to become a utilitarian existentialist.
Utilitarian existentialism is hard to properly define, as there is no clear-cut definition. It is the combination of two different philosophies, utilitarianism and existentialism. Utilitarianism is the belief that actions are right if they are useful or for the benefit of a majority; if it provides the greatest amount of good for the greatest number of people, it’s the right thing to do. Existentialism is the belief that there are no set morals for life and no specific meaning to life— people are free to create their own meaning and define their own existence. Utilitarian existentialism is the combination of these two beliefs, and Siv falling into this moral belief can lead to its own opportunities, both for the plot and for himself.
Siv, by the dictionary definition, is a villain. One of the core beliefs he holds, mostly thanks to his egoism, is that everyone is a terrible, selfish person except for him and Ganon. This is not only harmful to the rest of the population because of the possibility of the Calamity being revived, but it’s harmful to Siv as well. Thinking everyone is bad except for the entity that’s weaponizing your malice, or manipulating your trauma, is not the most healthy thing. In addition, as the readers, we can see things from multiple perspectives, and therefore know that not everyone is a terrible or selfish person. By seeing these multiple perspectives and knowing these things, we root against Siv and his goal of resurrecting the Calamity, for his view of the world and the people in it is flawed. Siv succeeding in his objective wouldn’t be good for anyone, including himself. If this was Siv’s only belief, it would be more of a clear-cut black and white story, and Siv would just be a villain. However, that is not the case.
The other core belief Siv believes is one that Astor leads him to: Getting rid of all the terrible, selfish people in the world is the morally correct thing to do, as the kingdom would be a better place and he’d finally be happy. “Defeating the evil in the kingdom will make everything end up good” is a mindset that many stereotypical heroes share. This is the belief in the stories of many people’s childhoods, and people root for them because it’s usually correct in the context of said story. There’s nothing fundamentally wrong with Siv’s belief; he does have a point and does deserve to be happy. Furthermore, most of the problem causers in Hyrule would be gone, preventing all the hurt and trauma all the characters have to cope with from happening again. For example, getting rid of Ligero is something the entire reader-base has been cheering for since the old man was first introduced. It would be satisfying to see people such as those face consequences for their actions, and as readers, we like satisfying endings. Unfortunately, the problem is that Siv believes everyone is bad except him and Ganon, so he’d be getting rid of everyone, and effectively resurrecting the Calamity, something that devastated the kingdom and brought a massive amount of death, in the process. Taking that into account, you wouldn’t want Siv to succeed. And as a bonus, killing anyone and everyone he could possibly care about in any capacity would not be good for his already crumbling mental state. All of this creates a mental tug-of-war  in the reader’s head, because they're rooting for Siv to succeed but also hoping that Siv will fail. Is he in the right? No, because not everyone is a bad person and killing everyone by raising the Calamity isn't ever the right thing to do. But is he in the wrong? Also no, because utilitarianism isn't inherently bad, neither is existentialism, and the moral principle itself can have good intentions. Quill writes Siv to be a very complex character with no absolute right or wrong mentality. There’s no surface answer to if Siv is correct in his thinking or not, as this moral greyness goes a lot deeper than the surface level you see within the dialogue.
Siv walks upon the same morally grey tightrope that we, the readers, fight ourselves over within our own mental game of tug-of-war. His moral ambiguity is a huge part of his characterization, as well as a major highlight on the plot of HKU as a whole. The picture Quill painted is not only in multiple shades of grey, but also full of color and life. And out of all the shades of grey Quill used in their masterpiece, one of the most interesting shades is Siv. Quill did an excellent job at exploring this moral greyness and it shows well; you can truly see the care that they put into Siv as a character through how he affects the world around him. The kingdom of Hyrule is not made of black and white, but instead, is painted in multiple shades of grey that reflect our own world within itself, since nothing is as simple as it seems. 
Want to read more about Siv’s morals? Quill wrote an in-depth explanation themselves, and does a much better job of explaining it than I do, so I recommend reading it if that peaks your interest! Click HERE to be sent to that post! (also major spoilers, so be warned)
Now, since you got to the bottom of this post, and because I might be a little too polite, I need to give some thank-yous to a handful of people.
The first thank-you is to Rev (@swordlesbianss) for giving me the push I needed to actually write this thing! You pretty much kept me accountable for getting this done by mentioning your essay (which I look forward to reading when it’s ready, take your time), so thank you, Rev! You definitely got me to actually start writing the original version of this essay, and caused me to write it to where it is now!
The second thank-you is to Aura (@auroraborealis1890) who beta read the first draft of this essay! You made sure it wasn’t completely incomprehensible, thank you so much Aura! By being able to read it at all, you were a huge help to what was essentially a crazy person’s ramblings. You’re a great friend and I’m very grateful you read my first draft of bullshit <3
The third thank-you is a huge one to Bunny (@bunnywabbit229) who polished up this essay! All of the tone, spell checks, and really beautiful analogies were proofread by Bunny, some invented by them! They took a good 5+ hours out of their day and made this little rock of an essay become the shining diamond it is! I could point out so many things that they made better, but I don’t want to gush for too long. Bunny, I know I already told you this but if I could buy you a large brownie pizza, I would because you helped so much and I appreciate it so much!
The final thank-you is to Quill, the author of @hyrule-kingdom-updates, who made the inspiration for this essay. You have made such a wonderful story that’s rich with so many amazing characters and astounding worldbuilding. You made a masterpiece that inspired an essay of over 1000 words and I’m in awe. You truly deserve to know how wonderful your writing is and all the effort you’ve put into your characters and story is not going unnoticed. So thank you so much for putting your story out into the world, Quill.
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indefiniteimagines · 4 years
Not Even For A Minute || Poussey Washington Imagine *Requested*
Summary: Poussey has a crush on the reader and thinks she doesn’t like her back, but she does.
Pairing: Poussey Washington x Reader
Warnings: Fem!reader, lewd language/comments, language, reader doesn’t have a preferred sexual orientation, use of R slur, angst, fluff
A/N: Holy shit! This is my first piece of writing in actually only a couple of months, but I’m claiming years because I am officially back like I was in high school. I’m so sorry if this is not my best, I am EXTREMELY rusty, so take it easy on me for now :) 
It was dinner time at Lichfield and it was only my second meal in my new home. My new home filled with almost 200 other women. For the next 5 years, I will see the inside of this cafeteria 3 times a day, 21 times a week, 1,095 times a year and a whopping 5,473 times in total. You’re probably wondering why that matters, but it matters.
I take my tray and do a quick search for a place to sit. I find a spot at the very end of one of the middle tables. It was the only seat with no one in a two foot radius of me. I sit down and look at the food in front of me. My first dinner includes spaghetti, two mini oranges, a salad, and a brownie. It’s not horrible when you think about it. It’s a pretty standard meal. Well it would be without the questionable odor coming from the meatballs. I close my eyes and sigh. 
“Maybe she’s deaf.”
“She ain’t deaf.”
“She can’t hear you if she’s deaf, dummy.”
“Fine, then you try, Angie.”
I was so deep in my own world that I almost didn’t notice the cherry tomato that hit me in my head. 
“Hey, girl!”
I opened my eyes and looked to my left.
“Are you talking to me?” I asked with a hint of a nervous tone.
“Uh yeah, have been for the last 5 hours. You retarded or something?”
“5 hours ago? No that can’t be right. Remember, we was in the laundry room 5 hours ago, Tucky.”
“Jesus, Angie! I was being snide.”
“You mean sarcastic?”
“Snide means sarcastic.”
“Then why not just say sarcastic?”
I watched as “Tucky” closed her eyes and tilted her head in annoyance.
“I’m sorry, but did you guys need something?”
Tucky’s eyes snapped open, “Uh, yeah. Why’re you sitting here?” She took her bottom lip into her mouth as she waited for my response.
“Oh, I’m sorry. I didn’t know anyone was sitting here.”
“She never said that,” Angie said while flashing her pearly browns.
“I’m confused.”
“Wow maybe she really is retarded,” Angie said.
“Tucky” nodded at Angie, “I think you’re right, Ang. Here, I’ll break it down real slow like for you: You don’t belong here.”
“Look, I don’t want any trouble. Just let me finish my dinner and I’ll never sit with you again.” I tried to reason with the little troll, but she just wasn’t having it. 
She nodded her head while picking up her milk carton. She then poured it all over my food. “Seems to me like you’re done.”
All I could do was stare with my mouth open. 
“Why did you do that?!”
“BECAUSE YOU DON’T BELONG HERE!” She screamed as she stood up and let one of her fist hit the metal table.
“Dogget! You’re done! Empty your tray.” A CO finally intervened from the next row over. Dogget and her Meth Mates got up from the table and walked out. 
All I could do was sit there with my head hanging low as I let a few tears escape. I’m not usually this weepy, but in my defense, all I wanted was that little brownie...which was now swimming in a pool of used milk. 
*A few tables over*
“Fuck was that about?” Poussey asked her family as she nodded her head over to the other table; finally arriving with her tray. 
“Mmmm, Meth Mouth and her cult were fuckin’ with one of the newbies,” Janae replied in the middle of finishing her bite.
Poussey hovered over her chair to get a good look at the bothered inmate and sat back down while shaking her head. 
After having a mini pity party for myself, I got up and dumped my spoiled tray before leaving the cafeteria. I go back to my temporary bunk and buried myself under my blanket. 
“Cheer up, Kid. You’ll be out of here sooner than you know.”
I gave a pitiful grin to the nice older woman.
“I like your eyeshadow.”
“Duh,” she said as she threw me a wink.  
I let out a sigh, got comfortable and laid in my bed until morning.
I finally fell asleep, but only for 2 hours. At the ass crack of dawn, I was woken up by the morning announcement, which had absolutely no enthusiasm. “Good morning, ladies. Try to seize the day. The world is your oyster.”
“You’d think she’d quit if she hates her job so much.” That was the first time I heard the redhead with the horrible bed head speak.
“Bell is about as enthusiastic as a wet bag of hair, but she’s one of the good ones.”
“I’ll keep that in mind,” she said groggily.  
“You joining us for breakfast?”
I drifted back to sleep before I could hear her response. I woke up in what seemed like an hour, but was only 30 minutes. For the slightest second I forgot where I was. I opened my eyes and was met with DeMarco standing right in front of me.
“Well good morning sleepyhead! Nice of you to join the living.”
“What? What time is it?”
“You see a clock in here? What I do know is that you got 10 minutes left for breakfast. You better hurry.”
I hop down off my bunk and start to change.
“You don’t talk much, do you?”
I gave her a shrug as I zipped up my jacket and headed for breakfast. I arrived in the cafeteria and was able to get my food right away since there was no line. Some tables are still filled, but some are also empty. I scan the room and pick the table farthest away from Doggett and her followers. I was in the middle of eating my eggs when Angie walked by and sneezed on my tray. 
“Oops, ‘scuse me,” she said with a shit eating grin.
“God damnit,” I whisper to myself while trying not to deck this bitch.
“You shouldn’t say the Lord’s name in vain like that.”
I look up at her through hooded eyes, “Walk the fuck away.” My voice was low and I kind of scared myself.
“Oooo, devil eyes. Hey! She’s got devil eyes,” she says louder than the first time, except now she’s giggling and pointing at me while backing away. Doggett sucks her bottom lip at me while flipping her hood and getting up to walk out. I can feel people starring so I do a very quick observation and then stand up to leave. 
“Empty your tray,” the guard at the door told me. “Get some coffee while you’re at it. It’ll help you stay full until lunch.”
 I look up at his name that’s stitched into his shirt. Ohhhh, so this is O’Neil. I heard some of the girls talking about his scandalous relationship with CO Bell. Good for them. I turned around and went to dump my tray before following the advice and going for the coffee. 
“Yo, why they always fucking with her?” Poussey asked the table as she watched in disapproval as Y/N dumped her tray.
“Why do you care?” Taystee asked while rolling her eyes.
“For real? You ain’t notice that ever since China got out, Prince Charming over here been lookin’ for a new helpless, basket case? I mean, shit.”
“Aye don’t talk about Brook like that. Not cool, Cindy.”
“ “Cindy”? Bitch, fuck you think you is? My mama? Ugh, check ya tone.”
“Whatever man. I’m just tired of seeing Meth Madness fuck with people like they run the place.”
“Again, why do you care?”
“Shit just ain’t right, is all.”
“Mmmhmm,” Taystee replied as they got up from the table.
I turn around after filling my mug and notice that it’s just me, the inmates that clean up and the CO’s supervising them. I carry my warm mug through the halls and I notice there’s not as many people crowding them as there were last night. 
“Inmate! Where you are supposed to be?”
“Uhm, I’m not really sure.”
“Wrong answer!”
“Don’t get smart with me. Jefferson! Tell inmate...Y/L/N where she’s supposed to be.”
“Well, since it’s after lunch, we’re supposed to be headed to our work detail. Not whatever you was doing, apparently.”
The tall guard with the creepy mustache looked down at me and raised his eyebrows.
“Thank you, Jefferson.”
“I don’t have a work detail yet.”
He closed his eyes and sighed. When he opens them he looked back at Jefferson, “you work in the library, right?”
“Take her with you.”
She sucked her teeth, “Man, what do I say when someone asks why she’s there? No offense, but I ain’t taking no shots just because she’s somewhere she’s not supposed to be.”
“What’s a shot?”
“Jesus fuck. Will you both get out of my goddamn sight?” 
He snatched my mug; Jefferson and I gave each other a look and started towards the library. When we got there it was almost empty.
“You know, the labels are there to help the books be put back in their respectful place, not to look cute. I mean, damn.” I notice Jefferson chuckle at the girl we hear before seeing. She’s talking to a pair of inmates who are whispering to each other before tossing another book down and scurrying off. 
“Are you fucking kidding me?!” she calls after them, but to no avail. She sighs to herself before returning back to work. 
“Hey, P! Whatchu up to?”
“Practically cleaning up behind bitches. I mean, why is it so hard to put a book back in its original spot? Jane Eyre belongs in literature, not SAT Prep,” she called back.
“Truly first world problems,” Jefferson said unamused.
“Yooo, you ever heard of “Oedipus”? It’s mad crazy. Like this one part where the main dude...” she kept talking as she rounded the corner to finally come face to face with us.
“...who’s this?”
“Our puppy dog for the day,” Jefferson said as she rolled her eyes.
“Oh alright then. Well I’m working over here in history. Y’all can start in fiction. It’s a fuckin mess over there.”
“Um, then why don’t we all work in fiction?”
“Did you not hear me say it’s a fuckin mess? Have fun.”
I walked away, smiling to myself. I didn’t think anyone here would care for books like I did.
After the work day was over, I separated from the two friends and went back to my temporary bunk until dinner. The next day I followed Jefferson back into the library.
“Oh, puppy dog is back.”
Jefferson turned her head to me, “Don’t you know when you gettin your work detail yet?“
“Sorry, still no.”
“As much as I’m sure you love the view you get, I’m gettin tired of you following me.”
“I can ask someone if I can work somewhere else.”
“T-ha! And make me look like a problem? I think not.”
“Nah, we could use the extra help in here since bitches can’t put shit back where it’s supposed to go. Hate to break it to y’all, but foreign language is even worse than fiction was.”
“My god. Can’t you help us over here instead of doing whatever it is the fuck you doin?”
“Uh no.”
“Why not?”
“Because I’m President of the Library.”
“Says who!?”
“Suzanne,” she said as a matter of fact while leaning forward to show us her ID that read “President Washington: Library”.
“Aw damn. It’s official and everything. Man, that’s some bull shit,” Jefferson said as she walked away.
All I did was look at the Presidential badge and smile.
“Since you don’t complain like some people, just know you’re first in line for Vice President. Just don’t tell Taystee,” she told me on the sly.
“Ohh, got it.”
“I’m Poussey, by the way,” she said extending her hand.
“Y/N. Nice to meet you.”
“Yeah you too.”
She has a beautiful smile.
Towards the end of the work day, I found myself near Poussey’s section. Since our work for the time being is pretty much done, I start to browse the shelves when I spot a book dear to my heart, “Alice in Wonderland”. I get a mini rush of serotonin and pop a squat up against one of the shelves. I lose track of time, until I realize I no longer see anyone. “Imagination is the only weapon in the war against reality”. You are right about that, Mr. Carroll.
“Hello?” I’m immediately startled. I start to shuffle to my feet and by the time I stand, I’m met with someone else.
“Whoa, shit. My bad. I didn’t think anyone else was in here.” Shit, I must’ve I said that out loud.
“Sorry, I guess I lost track of time.”
“It’s cool. So you haven’t been assigned a work duty yet, huh?”
I shook my head.
“I, uh, I must admit that this is the best job. Call me bias, but it’s the truth.”
“Thanks,” I say with a slight smile.
“You’re the one Pennsatucky and her crew keep messing with.”
“Yeah, that’s me.”
“Y’all got beef on the outside or something?”
“No, but I found it’s better to not provoke a methed out mental case.”
“Not wrong there. Well, I’ll see you around. Oh and be careful with Alice, she’s my favorite.”
The next few days were the same. I would follow Taystee into the library and listen to her and Poussey be absolute clowns. Poussey and I got to be closer since we were usually the last two to leave. We talked about how much time we have, our family, and she even told me about the Vee drama. During my stint of unpaid work in the library, I was finally able to change out of the highlighter jumpsuit and into a khaki set.
After an hour or so into a shift, I found myself distracted with my favorite book, “In Five Years”.
“Oh uh, that goes on the second to last shelf right behind you.”
“Huh? Oh yeah. It was actually already in the right spot, but it’s one of my favorites,” I tell her as I put the book back.
“What’s it about?”
“This woman named Dannie-“
We both looked towards the door and saw and the same pasty CO that sent me here.
“With me.”
I gave Poussey a grin and walked towards the CO,
“Where are we going?”
He didn’t answer me and just kept walking. I followed him to a warehouse that smelled of Clorox and musty water.
“Janitorial. Your job assignment. Morello will fill you in on what to do.”
“Oh yeah I can do that. No problem.”
The first couple of hours involved cleaning the halls, but I moved on to the Spanish bathrooms. Poussey was right, the library was the best job to have.
*A few weeks later at dinner
“I don’t know why you’d let Edward Scissorhands cut your hair and not me.”
“Because Danita only charges me a bag of Doritos. Not two cokes. Plus, she don’t even ask for the Cool Ranch flavor!”
“Beggars can’t be choosers. I do two cokes worth of work, Child.”
I laughed at Taystee and Sophia having their little banter in the food line. I walked with them to the table and sat down.
“...but then the dragon realized the little ghost girl was friendly, even though she was cold as ice. Fire and ice, that would never work!”
“Why not? What happened to opposites attract?” I ask sort of challengingly. 
“Mommy said ice is used to put out fires. Well, technically water is used to put out fires but ice is just water in solid form. So the fire would go out!”
“But do you know what happens when fire and ice mix?”
“The world goes dark?”
“No. They make steam,” I gave Poussey a “subtle” smirk.
“Mommy says steam is for showers, crab legs and “fun times”.
“I miss making steam with a fine gentleman with a curve on that dick.”
We all laughed along at what Cindy said and I agreed with her.
“There are just some things your fingers can’t accomplish,” I said jokingly while being serious. She pointed her fork at me, “I like her.”
Poussey was noticeably quiet throughout the rest of dinner. Only chiming in to seem interested. She didn’t even finish her tray before she was dipping out.
“Wait I’ll come with you.”
“Nah, stay and eat. I’ll catch you later.”
“Uh oh. Trouble is Lezzy Paradise?”
I almost didn’t hear Cindy as I kept watching Poussey leave the cafeteria.
“Stop it.”
Taystee rolled her eyes and shook her head.
For the next few days, it was hard to get ahold of Poussey. Since we knew each other’s schedules, it was easy for her to avoid me.
Meals were no better. She made sure to get there early so by the time I was sitting down, she was done.
“Aye, you need to fix that,” Janae told me with her eyebrow raised.
“I don’t know what the problem is.”
“I know you are not that dumb,” Boo said as she sat across from me.
“She’s kicking her own ass because she broke the #1 rule of being interested in pussy...” she continued.
I looked at her as I was waiting for her to continue.
“Never fall in love with a straight girl!”
“Love? What-When did I say I was straight-”
“The other night when that one was talkin bout curved dick and you chimed in basically foamin at the mouth at the thought,” Taystee said.
“Noooo, I was joking.”
“Yeah well, apparently she don’t know that.” I looked at Janae and sighed.
I had to wait until the weekend to see her. It was pouring rain and there was a leak in the library and the cleaning warehouse had a slight flood, so neither of us had work.
I snuck my way to her bunk only to discover her to not be there.
“There’s only one place she’d go...” Janae told me.
I made my way down and opened the door.
She was right.
“...there was another before you, but she got out. There’s a time machine in the laundry room. That was their place. That’s where she goes to think.”
“How’d you find me?”
“Your bunkie.”
“What do you want?”
“What’s going on? Why are you being so weird?”
“I don’t know what you’re talking about,” she said standing up.
“Are we not friends anymore?”
“Friends,” she said with a sarcastic chuckle.
“Can we please sit?” I gestured to the inside of her hiding spot. She backed up slightly to let me further in to the time machine and we both sat down. Neither of us said anything for a while until I did,
“I’m not gay...”
She nodded her head with a sad smile on her face.
“...but I’m not straight either. I’m just me. I’ve dated guys, I’ve had experiences with girls-”
“Experiences? But you’ve never dated a girl?”
“No, but for the past few weeks, I’ve really wanted to,” I said with a slight smile.
“Why didn’t you tell me?”
“Because of this. I didn’t want to say something stupid and mess this up. And because I’ve never dated a girl before, but I have dated guys, I didn’t want you to think I was using you. I thought that because I don’t identify as anything, you wouldn’t like me back.”
“I thought you didn’t like me.”
“I didn’t want you to get hurt.”
“Look, I got my heart broken not too long ago by a girl that promised me forever. She didn’t identify as anything either and she ended up falling in love with a dude when she got out. We were both in a dark place when we met and getting to know each other and eventually falling in love helped. I could’ve given up on love and fate, but I haven’t yet. Look, maybe this-..this connection that we have, challenges what you thought you were. And maybe I'm gonna get my heart broken in a thousand different pieces again. But those are maybes. You can't live your life according to maybes.”
The next few months were bliss. Poussey and I have connected on a level I didn’t know was attainable. 
Today is Valentine’s Day and right now we’re back in the time machine. We’re both laying down, holding each other and looking up at the ceiling. 
“It’s about a woman named Dannie who’s this a high-powered corporate lawyer. She’s one of those types who has everything planned out. The story has a lot of twists and turns because her five year plan goes differently than she thought.”
“So why is it your favorite if it’s so inconsistent? For a woman who knows what she wants “Dannie” sure seems okay with settling.”
“It’s my favorite because it mirrors me. It mirrors us. In five years I saw myself at some job a teenager would have with my only responsibility being my phone bill.”
“What do you see now?”
“I see me with our dog, Keith, holding signs with your dad on your release day. Then I see us heading to our apartment where you can see it for the first time in person. Then we’ll go to our jobs, pay rent, and hound our parents for travel money.”
“I’m in your future?”
“You are my future.”
She gave me a kiss when there was a bang on the cardboard door, “Hey kids! They’re doing interviews in the bunks,” Boo informed us.
When we got to her dorm, there were a few guards asking ladies questions about love.
“Does anyone else want to be asked questions?”
“Yeah, I do,” Poussey said while raising her hand.
I feel Taystee put her elbow on my shoulder, “What the hell?” The rest of the family comes around.
“Okay Washington, what is love?”
“Love. It’s just chilling, you know? Kicking it with somebody, talking, making mad stupid jokes. And, like, not even wanting to go to sleep, ‘cause then you might be without ‘em for a minute,” she looked at me, “And you don’t want that.”
•taglist: @mina672
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