#everyone knows it's fake; he knows all the behind the scenes tricks to make a haunted house or scary movie scary
snowyfrostshadows · 6 months
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Based on this absolutely galaxy-brained idea by @jell-o101 with a bonus doodle based off a comment @istadris made on the same post
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zoeykallus · 1 month
Hi, Zoey! Are your requests open? I had an idea after watching Kenobi.
There’s a scene in Kenobi where the Inquisitors show up to a market place in search of Jedi. They throw a knife at the shop owner knowing that the Jedi hiding among the patrons will stop the knife from harming him. It would be interesting to see that with Hunter.
Maybe Hunter and Cid’s bartender have a relationship. Bartender was weary of the clones at first but warmed up to them and liked Hunter. They just started dating when Inquisitors show up. They use the knife trick on someone (maybe even Omega) and bartender is forced to expose themselves as a former Jedi.
I’d love to see how Hunter would react to that.
oh oh oh oh... I got something in my head!
*Running in circles*
I actually had a scene like this in my head for a while now, I put the whole batch in there but focus on Hunter as a love interest.
Hunter x Jedi/Reader - One-Shot - The Things We Do For Love
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Warnings: Angst/Canon Typical Violence/Blood/Fluff
No one knows about your past with the Jedi order. You are forced to drop your cover, when you try to save Hunter's life.
Ko-Fi (If you feel like giving me some coffee)
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It's strange, life after Order 66 - hiding, pretending to be someone else. And it doesn't get any easier every day as you'd hoped, at least not at first. Cid's Bar, that's where you ended up at some point. You work behind the counter. You serve all kinds of strange clientele. Cid's Bar is like a meeting place for all kinds of scum in the Galaxy. Life has changed, a lot. Priorities change. The code after you've lived so long is nowhere near as important as surviving and belonging somewhere so you're not completely alone in this universe. But you can't open up to anyone, not exactly the most decent people come and go here. So you keep a low profile. You even flirt here and there to keep up appearances, but at the same time, you keep everyone at a distance. And then, to make matters worse, these clones turn up. Automatically, every alarm sounds inside you. Order 66 flares up in your memory, sharp and painful. It takes so much willpower to stay calm, to not let anything get to you, so much trauma hangs in every thought of clones. No one knows who you are, no one even suspects that you were part of the Jedi Order.
And yet these men surprise you, especially one of them who leads the group. He is so thoughtful, so serious. Hunter always seems to be lost in thought, trying to keep everything under control, to ensure safety. He rarely leans back and really takes a breath. He's almost always worried and tense, you can feel it in the Force. But eventually, he thaws out, you somehow strike up a conversation, and you quickly learn how much depth and kindness lie beneath that brooding, skeptical exterior. Hunter can even be funny, very observant and above all else, he's decent, probably one of the most decent people to ever come and go in this bar. You catch yourself admiring him. Your eyes meet more and more often, you talk to each other more often, even flirt. But this flirting is different, it's not fake, it feels real, exciting and for you, with your past, completely new and almost reckless. You are both obviously interested in each other, just as you are both shy and cautious in a certain way. Weeks, even months go by before your hands touch for the first time, and he asks you out.
You can see it in his face, he can hardly believe it himself, hidden behind his smile is a nervous boy who is incredibly afraid of being rejected by you. The big, brooding leader has a great weakness, you. Of course, you say yes, you can hardly resist this special man, clone soldier or not, Hunter has so much good in him, he attracts you like a magnet, not to mention his good, bold looks do the rest.
It starts like any other evening. More or less. After your first date, Hunter usually comes into the bar smiling, automatically seeking your gaze as soon as he walks through the door. You can't help it, you smile back every time, accompanied by a warm tingling in your stomach, warmth rising in your cheeks and ears.
But something is different today. There is a presence in the room, dark, determined, hard as stone, surrounded by sharp edges. You sense this presence in the Force, its intransigence. You look around in alarm. The bar is a little busier today, your gaze wanders more or less inconspicuously around the room. Then you see him. You meet cold eyes, eyes as blue as sapphires, their gaze steely and sharp, so intense that you automatically lower your own gaze and distractedly clean a glass. But you know this person has already noticed you. Right now you're feverishly thinking about your next steps and how to get out of here alive without putting anyone in danger. Hunter frowns worriedly, watching you. He can tell something is wrong. Tech is talking to him, but he is focused on you right now. He leaves the table where he was sitting with his brothers and is about to come over to you when he hears a voice say clearly and distinctly, not shouting but loud enough, "CT 9901"
You feel hot and cold, a shiver runs down your spine, you're sure Hunter feels the same way, you can see it on his face. All the heads at the Bad Batch table look up in surprise, shock and alarm. Hunter turns to the voice that seems to be coming from one of the other tables a few meters away. A man suddenly stands up, slowly, unhurriedly, confidently. Like a predator who is sure of his prey, who has no reason to be afraid, no need to hurry. Neither you nor Hunter like the body language. What surprises you, however, is that this man, in his strange, dark uniform, is not looking for you as you expected, but obviously for Hunter and presumably his brothers. "All 99ers in one room, this must be my lucky day. And not only that, I feel like I'm getting a little something extra on top of that," the somber stranger says, his voice deep and clear, almost melodic.
The room falls silent, as if the presence of this man demands it. With a confident little smile, the man pulls a knife from his belt, the first movement is slow, almost sluggish, but the throw comes so suddenly that you barely have time to react. It has become so quiet in the bar that you could hear a pin drop. But when the blade suddenly seems to stop in mid-air barely a centimeter from Hunter's eye, a murmur goes through the room. You're sure you can hear someone whispering the word Jedi.
Hunter only lets out a quiet, "What the hell", he can't help but stare at the blade for a moment. He should be dead, he realizes, that vibro blade should have drilled into his skull, but there it is, hovering right in front of his face. Out of the corner of his eye he sees your outstretched hand, your concentrated gaze, and he begins to understand. You stopped the blade from killing him, you stopped it in its tracks. The stranger's cool voice draws you both back to him. "I knew I sensed a Jedi in the room, and I knew you couldn't resist to show yourself" In the next moment everything happens very quickly, there is no time to think, to process, to make plans. The man reaches out his hand, and you feel his grip on you in the force. You are swept over the bar counter, with a pull on your body, trough the force, knocking over two tables on your way to the floor. Everything around you happens in a haze, you hear Hunter cursing angrily, blaster shots, the distinctive buzz of an awakening lightsaber, screams from the other patrons. A red glow fills the room. The smell of burned flesh.
Your left side hurts. You landed hard on the tables when the Sith Force-wrenched you over the counter, maybe you cracked a few ribs. There are shards on the surrounding floor from the glasses that went down. As you try to pick yourself up, you accidentally reach in and cut your right palm. The pain is sharp, clear and distinct, bringing you back to reality from your surprise. You jump to your feet, skillfully, supported by the force that flows through and envelops you. It's been a long time since you've used the Force and your abilities in this way, but it's as if you've never let it out of your fingers, the lightsaber sliding into your hand, its blade glowing blue with its characteristic hum. Blood runs down the hilt of your weapon from the open cut on your hand, it burns, but you ignore the pain. You feel Hunter's gaze, he is still confused. He knows what you are now, but he certainly hasn't processed the news yet. At the moment, you all have other things to worry about. Did the Sith come alone? Are there Stormtroopers waiting for you outside the bar?
You concentrate on the force, on the intentions of your opponent. Everything you feel emanating from him is sharp, dark, glowing hot. He is driven by rage, and the moment your lightsabers cross, you feel all the hatred in his attacks, which are admittedly much stronger than you expected. You've never fought a real Sith before. The first touch of your lightsabers is like an electric shock, an incredibly hard impact, a wave of fury that seems to roll over you from your opponent. The hilt of your weapon is slippery with your own blood, you have to grab it hastily with both hands so that the sword doesn't slip from your grasp or your opponent will decapitate you. For a moment, Hunter's concern penetrates your perception, but you shut him out and have to concentrate. A quick exchange of blows follows, attack, parry, retreat, attack, parry... The handle of your weapon becomes increasingly slippery with your own blood. Then it happens, another hard blow, you parry, the impact of the blades causes your weapon to slip away.
You hear Hunter yell out, hear the shock in his voice, the terror in that simple word, "No!" His blaster lies on the ground, sliced in half by the Sith's blade. Hunter has pulled his knife from his belt in a split second, lunging in the Sith's direction. The blade of your attacker hovers just in front of your neck, you hold the Sith and his weapon in this position with all the strength you can muster with body and force. Your heart races, adrenaline flows through your body. There are only millimeters between your life and death. Millimeters before the red lightsaber could sever your head from your shoulders. Hunter reaches an arm around the Sith's neck and jabs his knife into his side. The sergeant's voice is dark and smoky as he rasps, "Not on my watch"
The red lightsaber goes out and falls to the ground. Hunter kicks it aside, away from the Sith's hands, and lets the mortally wounded attacker slide to the ground. You see Hunter's chest rise and fall, still electrified, while your adrenaline suddenly subsides and your hands begin to tremble a little. You concentrate on the force, your center, and banish the trembling from your limbs. With a sigh, you look at the man on the ground, who is taking his last breaths, his cold, sapphire eyes still looking up at you with hatred, but there is also reluctance in them, surprise, defiance. Echo kneels down next to him, feels his pulse. "Quite dead," he says dryly, and with a glance at your extinguished lightsaber, he asks, "Care to explain?" "Take it easy, Echo. I guess it's obvious why we're only finding out now, it would have been dangerous to reveal the truth," Hunter says calmly and steps closer, carefully grabbing your hand and looking at the cut.
"That needs stitching," Tech says with a sideways glance and adds, "I can do it when we get to the Marauder, we should get out of here, more will come" The others lead the way, Hunter and you follow at a slight distance. You can't quite believe it yet. CF99 accepts you into their midst, no ifs, no questions, yet. Admittedly, Echo is still a little skeptical, but he always is. But you're part of it now, you're no longer alone. The thought spikes a feeling of euphoria in you. "Looks like Clone Force 99 has its own Jedi now," Hunter says with a wry smile. You crack a smile, liking the idea, forgetting for a moment your bleeding hand and the drops of blood that fall to the ground and on your tunic. Crosshair, who is walking ahead of you, casts a jaunty glance over his shoulder and says dryly, "Just don't expect me to follow your orders, General." He says it with a wink, even if his words sound a little hostile, he is friendly to you, you sense his intentions in the Force.
You say quietly, "I wasn't going to give you orders, you have a working system as a group, I wouldn't dream of changing it" The Sniper laughs softly, "Clever Jedi" Hunter drops back a little, and you do the same, sensing that he has something to say to you. After a little while, on your way to the Marauder, he says seriously, "You gave up your cover to save my life, thank you" You chuckle and say softly, "The things we do for love" Hunter listens in surprise and asks, "So our dates aren't part of your cover?" You've opened up to him in the force, feeling his pulse, the tingling under his skin as if it were your own. "I would never play with your feelings, not even as a cover," you say seriously. Hunter breathes a sigh of relief and asks, "So nothing will change between us?" "I'd like us to continue our relationship and see where it takes us," you reply with a warm smile. You feel his relief, his affection, and you breathe a sigh of relief as well.
"That's what I want too," he says, carefully grabbing your hand and taking another look at the wound. "That looks really bad," he says, frowning. Wrecker comes rushing up and murmurs, "Now hurry up, or our Jedi will bleed to death!" Impatiently, he grabs you and lifts you off your feet to carry you to the Marauder. You make a small, startled noise. "Wrecker," Hunter says softly, admonishing. "What? The little Jedi got hurt!" Wrecker returns unperturbed and carries you to the Marauder. "It's just a cut on my hand," you say, waving it off. "It's bleeding a lot," Tech comments as Wrecker sets you down next to him and points at your stained tunic. Tech already has medical supplies ready, including a needle and thread, but first Echo cleans the wound. You grit your teeth, because the cleaning stings a lot. Echo says knowingly, "Don't worry, it'll be done in a minute"
Wrecker asks curiously, "Is the Jedi officially with us now?" Hunter sits down opposite you and watches as your wound is taken care of, he says, "I think so" "But I'm not really a Jedi anymore. There is no longer a Jedi order and I haven't been following the code for a while now, at least not to the letter," Hunter's eyes meet yours at the last words. Your heart beats faster as a smile twitches at the corner of his mouth. "We're not really regular clones either, we're not really soldiers anymore," Tech says lightly. Crosshair sticks a toothpick in his mouth and mutters, "Welcome to the defect squad, I have a feeling you'll fit in perfectly here"
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Ko-Fi (If you feel like giving me some coffee)
@andyoufollowyourheart @clone-whore-99
@brynhildrmimi @kaliel2310
@misogirl828 @tech-deck
@nahoney22 @ladykatakuri
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silvermaplealder · 1 year
I have a theory (head cannon?) that the only vampire that died in lost boys was Max and that the deaths we saw of the other vampires was a trick performed by David to protect his companions. I went perhaps a little too far in depth with this, but it has been bothering me for years that 4 very powerful vampires were killed within minutes of engaging with young teens. After reading the book, prequel script, and watching the movie too many times, I actually think David and his boys threw the fights to get out of the situation all together, and got the added benefit of Max being killed. Warning, spoilers from the book and prequel script because I'm considering both of them somewhat cannon:
To start, I have to bring up the fact that in the book, David's challenges against Michael to join the gang were considered harmless tricks. The stunts David pulls are things that he can get away with as a vampire that wouldn't actually kill them. Quote from the book: "This was another one of [David's] tricks... something that looked deadly but was nothing more than a simple stunt." David has full control over all the stunts and knows that no harm will come to any of them. Star also calls David a 'magician' with his tricks seeming to be real. And of course, as we saw in the movie David can alter the perception of what someone sees
With that in mind, we start with Marko's death. I don't even want to talk about how Edgar would have to be pretty freaking strong to shove a stake completely through the diaphragm of a humanoid being (including through the front and back layer of his jacket, spine, etc. but whatever). However, Marko's hands appear to be covering his heart. Edgar puts the stake under Marko's hands, below where his heart should be. (heart is marked with the x, yellow is where Edgar shoves the stake)
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so while Marko certainly had a pretty bad day, with the lore mentioning it has to go through the heart, he should still be alive, albeit, in a lot of pain
It would be after the boys run from the cave that the vampires are obviously aware that hunters have found their nest. At this point, they would only have two choices: either try and kill the hunters, Michael, Sam, Star, and Laddie, whomst they have close affection with, OR they would have to fake their own deaths. Otherwise there's no way that they can continue living without the hunters and Emersens returning to kill them again.
David likes to plan shit
When they go to the Emersen house, they would have to leave Marko behind at the cave. Since everyone thinks he's dead, they wouldn't have to worry about him being hurt. Then the fights begin, and this is when it starts to get out of character. David is vibing up in the rafters, alone. Dwayne takes on Sam, alone. And Paul takes on the Frogs, alone. But in every other scene that they kill, they are always together. Their deaths are not simultaneous, meaning that they could have taken on everyone together.
Starting with Paul, I mean let's be real. He could have killed those two Frogs at any point in time when he was chasing them. He literally even shoves them. But the plan isn't to kill the Frogs, it's to fake his death. After getting splashed with the holy water, he has a solid few moments to actually do something. And instead, he stands and waits for the dog to tackle him. Seeing that these vampires can literally fly/float there is no reason for him to actually fall into the bathtub. David is still vibing in the rafters and did nothing to stop the dog or to rescue Paul meaning that this was a part of the plan. He would use his ability to create illusions to convince the Frogs Paul fell into the tub and burned alive. It would also be a perfect way to make his body 'disappear'. The explosion of the septic system is extremely unrealistic, and literally I cannot begin to explain how the heck that would work besides someone manually doing it behind the scenes...
Then to Dwayne. Dwayne literally could have easily killed Sam twenty times over. But again, if killing was the plan, it would have been done in seconds. We saw how violent these boys are with their victims. And speaking of Sam, how about that bow, eh? The force behind the bow to literally yeet Dwayne backwards would not have been something Sam could do. It would take a lot of poundage(45ibs I've been told at the bare minimum to kill a deer with a bow at 25 yards, but should really be 60ibs) to physically drive the arrow clear through his body and throw him back into the stereo. And remember, David is in the rafters watching. He's not jumping in to kill Sam. He didn't try and grab Dwayne out of the air. And yet, when on the boardwalk if someone trips his boys on a carousel David loses his mind. Another explosive death, leaving little to no body for clean up...
And then there's David. Now for David, he'd have to take one for the team. And as we learned in the prequel, it has to be wood to kill a vampire through the heart. David tried to kill Vlad with a metal pipe and Vlad literally just pulled himself off it. Spoiler alert, antlers are not made of wood. So Paul and Dwayne are 'dead' and can leave the scene. That means that David needs to finish up. He fights with Michael, Michael clearly being a baby vampire and David having so many years under his belt. But the plan must go on. David sees Michael's plan is to impale him on antlers, and he makes it happen. David plays dead meaning that the three of his companions are safe and he just needs to finish the part before he can return to them.
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As a bonus, Max comes by. The man walks straight up to his 'son' (whether he regards David with parental love or as just a lackey is up to you, but regardless he doesn't seem phased at David being dead) and is like oh damn not my boys being stupid again. Max doesn't look sad or anything when he finds David playing dead.
Max being impaled on the fence post would have been his own fault and David wouldn't have been a part of it. And Max would have to die to release the half vampires from their vampirism meaning that he really did explode.
What happens after that is up to you to decide. Besides David appearing in the comics (which if I recall correctly Edgar says that half the stuff in the comics was fake anyway? My copies are in storage so I cannot cross reference that), the boys disappear and no longer have to deal with Max.
Thank you for coming to my TedTalk.
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fandomfluffandfuck · 6 days
i have to scream ab this somewhere bc ive just posted the first chapter of a new fic and im SO. EXCITED!!!!!
as well as this, i wanted to know - are you working on anything right now? if so, maybe you don't mind sharing a couple lines of dialogue as a teaser (bc i miss your writing alot especially after you can('t) teach an old dog new tricks)!! think of it as an ask game that i unofficially started lol.
hope ur doing good! xx
I just saw the post you made on your writing account for that, yeah!
I've had a very busy day, so I was hyped to log back onto Tumblr and see that! Hopefully, I can carve out some time to read it soon. It looks so, so good!!
"espresso" by bvckysarm
(Everyone better go read 😤)
Hell yeah, I'm always working on something 😏
Although, admittedly, it's nothing as long or grand as You Can('t) Teach An Old Dog New Tricks. I'm having fun messing around with short (for me) one-shots after spending, what,, five or six months on that series? I love it to death, I do, but, Jesus, yeah, over the length of the average novel, and half a year of writing (more than, behind the scenes, I'd been planning and researching for much, much longer)... I am relishing in noncommittal one-offs, haha.
Here's your teaser 😘
“Aw, you miss me, Stevie?” He needlessly teases, gripping his waist hard enough to bruise him like a soft, overripe peach.
“Uh-” Steve starts to answer him, but he’s cut off by a reverberating moan when Bucky shoves him back and viciously re-spears him on the fake cock he’s got suctioned to the wet, wet tile wall, “-huh.”
Steve stays slumped forward against him, clinging to him, shaking all over still, but now he clings harder; his blunt nails dig into Bucky’s skin and he hisses, enjoying the heat that shudders through his veins from the other man’s touch.
“Missed my cock, that’s what you missed,” Bucky husks into his ear, grabbing his little hips meaner, digging his fingers into his flesh, pushing him back tight onto the toy, making him fucking take it.
He gasps so cutely, so obscenely when his ass thickly presses to the cold tile—taking that toy to the wide, wide base, swallowing it whole—how could he not do it to him? Bucky just wants to fuck. ‘im. up. Vicious.
“M-missed, uunnhh, missed all a’you,” Steve protests weakly, pawing at him uselessly, not as weak and sweet as he thought. Not as weak and limp as he wants to get him—he wants to make him so fucking fuck-dumb.
“Nah, I don’t think you did,” Bucky’s grinning so wide, the muscles in his face already are starting to ache, sharp, “I think I’m just a cock with legs to you,” he tweaks one of Steve’s peaked nipples, just to admire how he shudders, “aren’t I? Isn’t that how it’s always been? Could barely get you off of my cock when you were smaller, Jesus, Mary, and Joseph, I never understood where you put it even though I could see it, bulging through your tummy, so tight and little around me.” Bucky presses his palm there now, dragging his nails down from the swell of his tits to his clenching abs. With the right angle, he can still do it, sometimes, he can spear Steve on his dick and bend him up in a cute little knot and see his dick through his stomach. Bulging. Thick and deep inside him, fucking him until he forgets how to beg for more.
Fucking him until he forgets his own name.
“Still, fuck, I couldn’t ever believe you could fit it in that tiny hole.” Bucky shakes his head, half in disbelief, half in predatory instinct, wanting to bite Steve and tear through him, shaking his head like a fucking dog with a toy, ravenous and slobbering, “then you went and got yourself all big and your need just got bigger, didn’t it, honey?”
“S-so did you, you guh-got bigger, too!” Steve whines, trying to retort but falling flat when he starts to pant, overwhelmed.
“I did,” Bucky purrs, grinding into his hip leisurely, enjoying how hot and feverish he is, God, he really worked himself up into a mess, didn’t he? “And ain’t that good for you, honey? Anything else and you’d’a died, ‘cause you need cock like you need air, don’t you, dollface?”
I hope you're excited for the rest 😈
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cheegu3 · 1 year
Could you do what bully! Yandere treasure would do for Valentine’s Day? :)
I'm sorry it's very late ;-;
tw / trigger warning: yandere themes, alcohol, lovebombing?, bullying, swearing, slapping, non-con kissing, nicknames, possessiveness
pc: tokkiusu, bearjxdn, i4jhoon, littleshxt, k9llsn, haruluv, rutovie, vsteric, yaimufu
bully!Treasure - what they’d do for valentines
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He wouldn't want to do anything big, preferring to keep it lowkey with a date for you two.
Maybe Hyunsuk would give you flowers afterwards if you had behaved especially good during the past week, but nothing more than that. He didn't care too much for holidays and only wanted to mix it up for fun since you spent most of your days together.
If you had been bratty then he'd be overbearingly affectionate on Valentine's because he knew you hated it. He'd force you to stay by him, glued to his side all day and if you left him he'd punish you in front of everyone.
'' Baby, where did you go? ''
His sickeningly sweet voice came from right outside the classroom you were hiding in. If you didn't know any better, you'd think he was actually in a playful and cute mood and just wanted you to come cuddle with him.
But even with his amazing manipulation tricks, he couldn't stop himself from letting his sadistic side shine through as he realised you wanted to play a cat and mouse game.
And once he catches you, there would be no more fake sweetness from his side, only hell.
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He would try not to show it but he was actually very excited. Valentine's was a pretty big deal to him.
It was one of the only days he didn't feel too embarrassed to show his affection openly - or well as openly as he felt like he needed to.
He still felt very awkward about showing it, so he wouldn't buy you anything. A lot of quality time would happen instead of physical love language or words of affirmation. Although I guess him hurting you was a way of him showing love.
He hoped you'd see that by doing small things like going out for a walk while he held your hand painfully tight - that he did actually love you underneath that cold shell he always showed you.
'' Do you know what day it is today? ''
You jumped slightly as your bully had crept up on you without making a sound. That was a creepy thing you'd probably never get used to.
'' Uh...no? '' you avoided his gaze as your heart-rate picked up.
You were scared you had forgotten something special that would make him super mad, you never knew what new thing could set Jihoon off.
But he gave you a small smile, surprisingly.
'' It's valentine's, I'm taking you out today ''
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Similarly to Jihoon he felt quite shy when it came to expressing affection and his love to you.
However when he did, it was always really sweet and gentle. He'd buy balloons and a cake that would await you as you got home, paired with a big grin on his face because he had waited all day for your reaction.
You were terrified but also a bit surprised thinking he wouldn't do anything big. Besides, you had no idea he liked you.
The biggest question was however - how did he know where you lived?
Yoshi would continue to spoil you as the day went on, much to your dismay as he ignored you being uncomfortable.
'' Do you like it? ''
He stepped back, letting you come into the kitchen where various pink and red valentine's day decorations were scattered around.
It was cheesy and would've been cute if it was someone you genuinely liked and not someone who seemed to be the biggest two-faced bitch you'd ever seen - making your life a living hell in school but being sweet behind closed doors once a year.
'' I do '' your face broke into a grimace, trying to make it seem like you were happy.
If you didn't, then maybe you'd anger him and the same scenes from school would repeat itself.
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He was over the moon about this special day - having spent about a month planning everything so it would be the happiest day of the year for you.
It would start right away as you'd wake up with him making you breakfast in bed and waking you up while peppering your face with kisses.
He had started doing that - coming over to your house to spend time with you, clinging to your side like a little puppy and bullying you whenever you upset him.
After that he'd let you shower and get ready while he prepared the gifts. It was a love shaped chocolate box and a bouquet of flowers but he had also bought a moisturiser you had wished for.
When you would come out, he would take pictures of you and then you'd take some together. Then he would force you to hold hands with him as you two walked to school; looking like a loving couple.
'' I love you so much, y/n. If you only knew...'' your boyfriend mumbled sleepily at the end of the day.
He had been getting more incoherent and sleepy for the past ten minutes, the alcohol catching up to him as the day was close to its end.
You had seen him drunk before but it never failed to make you feel uncomfortable, his lovesick confessions making you feel suffocated.
'' I would do anything for you ''
'' It hurt so much - to love someone like this ''
'' You will always be mine '' he finally said before his head dropped and he fell asleep.
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He knew it was valentine's but it would get treated like any other day. Which meant that even if you were nice to him, he'd generally be an asshole to you.
Today was no different. It started right as you walked into the classroom, the classic hair-pulling and nicknames.
He wouldn't give you anything so it was best not to expect too much. After all, he couldn't risk you getting too full of yourself.
And he certainly wouldn't take you out where other people could stare at what was his.
Behave by doing exactly what he did - treating it like a normal day and maybe he'd be a tiny bit nicer the next day.
'' Ah, there you are ''
You sped up as you heard the familiar voice behind you. The bell had rung for lunch and you were planning on running to your favourite spot to eat and read like you always did; finally getting some peace and quiet.
Unfortunately, his eyes never left you when you were in school so he followed you out.
'' You were gonna ditch me? '' he clicked his tongue dissatisfiedly.
'' Guess I'll have to punish you for that ''
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You'd have no idea that all this time, Asahi actually liked you. The harder he fell, the harder he'd hit you.
He wasn't sure why. It just felt like you would've rejected him no matter if he was nice to you in the beginning. So instead he took it out on you - it was unfair that you would reject him in his mind, so you got punished for it.
Even as Valentine's approached, you were oblivious to his burning love for you. As each day of torture would end, he stalked you. Daydreaming in his head about what you two could've been was a must for him, every single day without fail.
Imagine how much his blood boiled as he followed you home on Valentine's and saw you had a date. A tall and handsome man, way better than Asahi himself - the type that he would imagine you were attracted to, and the reason he felt too insecure to approach you.
It felt like a slap in the face when he was right. He clutched his fists to his sides and could only watch as you got into the mystery man's car.
'' You little bitch '' your bully was shaking with anger.
Good luck on surviving your next day at school.
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He was extremely possessive over you and although he was your bully, you were aware of that fact.
During this day your bully would watch you even closer than usual, if that was even possible; stalking around you like a hawk but never being right by you.
It was a game to him, seeing who dared talk to you or give you chocolates and roses. And then, even though it wasn't your fault, he would punish you for it.
'' Come with me, darling ''
You released a shaky breath, hands fiddling with each other as you obeyed and followed him.
He slapped you over and over behind the school. Laughing mockingly any time you fell down and scraped your knees bloody.
The end goal was for you to cry, because then you'd beg for mercy and Doyoung could kiss you like he had wanted to do all day.
It was a possessive kiss, one that always reminded you of the fact that you belonged to this monster.
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He'd be a mix of Doyoung and Asahi - it meant that he was meaner on Valentine's because he felt too embarrassed to make you his, but somehow you knew he liked you.
He made it painfully obvious by the fact that he hurt those that flirted with you or asked you out. That wouldn't have made sense if he was simply just a normal bully.
But it seemed almost painful to him that he knew other guys found you attractive. Unlike Doyoung, as much as he liked punishing you; you weren't hit for other guys confessing or giving you gifts, you were however punished if you kept them.
He'd creep in the background, tongue poking the inside of his cheek as he watched you load the gifts up into your locker.
'' Are you sure about that? '' he asked, arms crossing each other over his chest.
You bit your lip to repress anger from making you act out. One of the gifts was from your crush, and you had been very happy to get it.
Of course your bully had to ruin any fun for you. Upon hearing his dissatisfied comment, your hand moved over the trashcan next to your locker and you released your hold on the gifts, watching as they dropped with a pained expression on your face.
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He was super excited but since he was always so mean to you at school, he felt quite puzzled about how to go about this day.
Maybe it would look natural if he disguised it as a punishment; saying that you had been annoying him lately so he was going to hang out with you after school for the first time.
Jeongwoo would have this whole day planned. He'd take you to an amusement park and although he knew you wouldn't enjoy it, since it was with your bully and because he had disguised it as one of his bullying tactics - he'd still treat you nicer than usual, surprising you.
You'd stare at your bully with wide eyes as he grinned at you while handing you a hairband, one of the amusement park's signature things.
'' What is this for? '' you asked, brows furrowed as you cautiously watched him when he put it on.
'' For pictures dummy, have you never been to an amusement park before? '' he asked, eyes sparkling with love that went unnoticed to you.
You just obeyed him, putting on the headband with no further questions and posing for the pictures like he had asked you to, unaware that your bully was in love with you and not trying to embarrass you like you thought.
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He felt very awkward about the whole thing. Not being much of a romantic person himself - he could only watch and scoff as you gladly accepted any chocolates you received during the day.
Maybe he'd slap you for it later but for now it was just something funny for Junghwan to watch. All these people, thinking they could have what was his - it was only amusing to him.
Of course he wouldn't let his true feelings be known to you during Valentine's but he could still bully you for thinking you could really date any of those people that had approached you.
He crushed your self confidence afterwards - outright stepped on it until there was barely any left. Ruining your things while laughing manically and reasoned with himself after that it didn't really mean anything, you deserved it all.
'' Y/n, where did you go? ''
You hummed towards you bully, feeling high from all the love you had just received which made you less scared of your bully than usual.
You were sure nothing he'd say now could ruin your mood, no matter how bad - but he always proved you wrong, of course.
'' Let's go to an empty classroom, hm? '' he added, eyes glaring at the smile on your face.
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elecilaombre · 1 year
To learn normal from abnormal : Tim is losing his grip on reality and keep letting himself talk aloud about stuff that are normal, right ? Aren’t they bonding ?
“Falling asleep is exactly like some scenes in horror movies. It’s laying down, alone, in a dark room, trying to control your breath, to not be too loud, to fall asleep before something happens. To hear your heartbeat, beating like crazy, pumping as hard as it can, to hear it in your ear, to feel it in your stomach, see it in the corner of your eyeball. It’s hoping it will be fast and trying to ignore all the adrenalin in your veins, the tension in all your muscles. Hoping it will be done quickly because it’s so terrifying.”
Everybody fell silent. Tim had said that without even looking up from his files, like if it was a trivial fact. As if it was normal.
“The fuck replacement ?”
The young man hummed in response, not even paying attention. His eyes were highlighted by dark rings. They seemed at their place on his face. They suddenly made sense. 
“Sometimes I don’t know who is talking. Usually I choose who can speak for ourselves. But someday, when we think about it, even if it’s mid-sentences, sometimes we don’t know which one is in control. It’s like in “ And then there were none”, when they all look at each other, the ten only persons on the island, but still someone else’s, an eleven seem to be somewhere, tricking them. It’s exactly that. We ask each other, ‘if it ain’t you either or the others… Who is it?’. It stresses us that sometimes we don’t always notice this other one.”
Cassandra looked weirdly at her brother. She might not know everything, but she knows for sure that those informations are unusual. There shouldn’t be a ‘us’ in her brother, just a singular person, him. 
But she doesn’t have time to process all of it, to ask anything, Tim is already onto another subject.
“ They don’t love me, god they don’t even like me. I shouldn’t be living with them. I’m just a stranger here, an odd error. I’m pretty sure I can hear them talk about me in my back all the time. I keep disappointing them, they told me so many times. And I can’t even imagine what horrible things they might say about me behind my back. How much I might disgust them. I’m still not sure if I just shouldn’t run away, disappear from their lives. It would be so much better for them… …. … … Sure Kon, I can sleep at your place if it can reassure you, I’m making my bag and telling Alfred then you can pick me up…”
Damian is in the corridor, listening to Drake, baffled by all the lies he is currently saying to his boyfriend. Since when the Waynes had been trash talking to him ? It’s very unlikely, even Damian wouldn’t do it, so the other couldn’t. They all hold so much respect for the third Robin, for their greatest detective. Maybe they should tell him more often. Because Drake shouldn’t believe those things. For a detective, he could be kind of dense sometimes.
“I feel so empty you know, like if I had been bleeding myself all over the place and there’s just not anymore me left in this body. It’s weird, like if I was just reduced to being an automat, to faking all my action, my emotion. It’s not me, it’s not someone. It’s just reminiscent of what I used to be. There are days when I can put some mask on and they will stick. I will be someone for one day, until the mask slips and there’s nobody actually behind it. And there’s days where none of the masks want to stick, so I have to walk around with everybody seeing how empty I am. Somehow, I prefer the fake facade rather than the second option. Sadly, I don’t have any control over it.  I wish so hard to be able to fill this nothing, anything could do the trick, I don’t care. But it won’t work, nothing is enough to fill this emptiness in me. So I just kept being my automatic self. You know, like everyone does…”
Nobody does that. Jason wants to tell him it’s not normal, no one feels like that. But how to turn it without sounding mean. Without triggering Tim who for once said something personal to Jason. That is so wrong, so wrong, he will need to get to the end of this subject. How sad is it to know he isn’t even 20 but already so broken ?
“ You know what is funny ? I can’t even recognize myself in a mirror. Somewhere deep inside my brain we know it’s me, Tim’s face we are seeing. But we also know we don’t remember it looking like that. It seems odd, out of character. Since when our eyes look like that. Do we really have such a tiny waist ? We’re sure we don’t have beauty marks here on our lips… But it is our lips… Like if it’s me, Tim, but in other hands, it's more like a mockery of it, wrong everywhere but kind of close to its original. And each time it’s the same thing, yesterday my eyes seemed too tiny, today too big, tomorrow the right size but wrong color. Never good enough, never alright. I’m tired of being so wrong. it’s us but it’s not us.”
Dick is trying his very best to make his tie look good, next to Tim in the mirror, looking at his younger brother worriedly. Tim looks like Tim for him, a tired version of Tim but that’s his normal with their lifestyle. Nothing seems wrong in his face, or abnormal. But those thoughts are raising so many red flags in Dick’s head. Maybe he should spend a little more time with the other boy, make sure he is alright or if there’s other things that don't sound right. 
“ I’m never truly hungry. If I wait enough, hunger goes quickly away and most of the time it turns out I was just bored. So I never know if I should eat or miss it. When was the last time I ate a real meal ? Do I deserve to eat ? Do I really need to ? I used to be fat when I was younger. My parents hated it, hated me, hated my body. They found me disgusting. Now that I’m thinner, I kept wondering if I should eat or not, if it will make me fat to eat now or if it would kill me to miss it. And each time I guess, I always guess wrong. It’s exhausting, you have no idea, I hope it doesn’t do that to you very often.”
Duke didn’t know what to answer. They were eating take-out on a rooftop. And now he was worried Tim was developing or had already developed an eating disorder. He should try to do some research about it, and watch Tim more closely. Even if he already had guessed his relation with food was messed up, it didn’t feel good to be right. So, not knowing how to answer, Duke just offered the rest of his part to Tim.
“ It’s so selfish of me to stay alive. I’m not useful. I’m easily forgettable and replaceable.”
“ Do you remember what I'd just say ? Because I don’t. Most of the time, I have no clue what I’m saying. There are words coming out of my mouth, sentences I thought of, but nothing that my brain did proceed. It sometimes feels like it’s not me who said that ? If I don’t remember things happening ? If I don’t remember being there … Having said those things ? Can I be held accountable for it ? Because, to me, it’s just like it didn’t happen. Words seem to flow from my mouth, but without being asked to, without my permission. Sometimes I even wonder if I say things that I actually think or if it’s just coming from nowhere. It’s not me who’s talking and … Excuse me, what was I saying ?”
Stephanie tried to not show on her features the fear burning inside of her. That was wrong. Since when Tim had lost himself that much ? Did he even register that he confessed that to her ? Does he even mean everything he can tell them ? Are they losing him ?
“ I feel so alone. Even when I’m surrounded by all of them, even when people talk to me, I feel alone. Alone because people don’t really know me and don’t want to know me. Alone because in the end, I’m not even there and it doesn’t matter. I could not be here and nobody would notice ! I’m a ghost. Nobody listened to me, I kept getting ignored. Nobody looks my way anymore. I’m decaying in front of the whole world,, but nobody notices, nobody is truly close to me. Some part of me wants to disappear discreetly, to make my point : nobody will notice I’m not there because it doesn't matter. On the other hand, I’m so afraid to disappear without anybody noticing, nobody to mourn me, as if I never even existed. If nobody noticed me alive or dead, did I even exist ? Or was I truly just a shadow ?”
Bruce swallows dryly, hidden in the corridor, listening to Tim behind his half open door. The young man is talking sadly, while pacing back and forth in his room. His phone is on speaker, abandoned on his bed and the person on the other end of the line just hums a little “ Whatever Timothy”, proving his point. Nobody seems to listen to him truly. Bruce believes Tim's eyes start to shine in the dimly lit room, shine from unshed tears trying to free themselves. Tim is right, realize Bruce, closing soundlessly the door, incapable of facing his son, he does be alone in this world.
“Sometimes, I phase out. I’m not here, but my body is still there. It’s like I’d gone hide myself in some corner of my brain. And so, given that I’m absent, nothing happens. And no, it’s not sleeping because I’m aware of everything, I’m awake. Just not there. Just rejecting everything. And those absences are physically exhausting. It means staying in the same place and exact same position, muscles all tightly stretched. I think One day I just won't come back to front and stay to putrefy inside my own head. I hope nobody finds my very alive and decaying corpse. It’s better if I disappear in the woods without one word.” 
He whispered his thoughts silently. With a bit of sadness piercing through his voice, just a little dot. Barbara wanted to hug him tightly, to beg him to stay with her. But he was on the other side of the city on patrol and she shouldn’t have hacked on his com. Now she had the crushing guilt of knowing Tim needed help and knowing she would never acknowledge her hearing his private thoughts. Maybe it would had been easier if she hadn’t heard him at all.
“ Do you truly know Timothy ? Because I sure don't. We are all different personalities and we take charge of the exchange given who is in front of us and what they expect. I’m Tim the little brother but I’m also Tim the older brother. I’m Tim the perfect student and Tim that follow no rule? I’m Robin, no not anymore I’m Red Robin. I’m a well known vigilante. I’m Timothy Jackson Drake, the heir, the CEO of Wayne Industry. I’m Tim Drake. I’m whoever they need me to be. I’m polite to her but not to him. I’m so calculated but too impulsive. I’m cold but too much on the other side of the spectrum. Switch switch switch. I’m broken. The masks won’t stick anymore and now we have been discovered, us, the Tims. We ain’t truly one, we are just working in concordance. It’s like a ballet, one touch of anger, then passive aggressive and final on the exhausted Tim. Each one try to work hand in hand to make the best approximation of a real functional human.” 
Alfred stopped next to the young man. He had pushed Tim outside in the garden to keep him company while he was gardening. What was all that talk about switching. He knows Tim, he is the young boy who imposed himself as Robin, whom he considered as his grandson. He didn’t know this odd young man seated across from him, talking about personalities. Maybe his work, both at day and at night, might finally get to him. He must be exhausted once more. Alfred looked at him, studied him. Tim was entranced by his own hands. He seemed so lost. Alfred would forbid him to work tonight and make him go to bed early. That should fix it, right ?
“ If I only exist through pain and medications, what is the point of keeping the facade up ? No one want to be around me, I’m unsupportable. I can’t keep saying, Im’ fine, I’m ok, while yellling inside that I want to dissapear. Do they realise the sacrifice it is to stay by their side. Sure it’s easier for them, easier to have me alive, even though I don’t exist in their world, to know I existe somewhere. But I’m tired. It’s been 4 years takings pills, seeing professional… why do I still have no answer ? Why I still feel like I shouldn’t be here ? I’m quite sure I belong inside a casket, or even a box, hidden from everyone sight. I kept dropping, breaking over trivial things. My world resumed by other’s world. I’m not the main character, I just live in the background. Worst is knowing that I’m fake in every part of me. I tried so hard to be someone, that I ended up being nothing, a big pretty liar. But nobody see that, no one want to see it. I’m gonna dissapear. That is all I want. Everything had ad always been so heavy, so hard for me. I’m tired of faking it, of being ok, of being pushed away. I just want to dissapear the same way I lived, discreetly and whitout noise. To be gone is what I truly wish, what I truly aspire.”
Ra’s took a shaking breath. The Detective, His Detective, was showing signs that were alarming. Maybe he needed to step in and take Tim with him. His so-called family was clearly failing him. If not he would never have said any of this shit even less to Ra’s who is his enemy. Shouldn’t he confess to his close friends or even family ? Ra’s tried to catch his arm, and Tim stayed still. He couldn’t. He couldn’t take the young man with him like that, just kidnap him. He needed to prepare for him and for the opposition he would encounter from the vigilantes. So he left with regret filling his head. He would be back.
“ I want to matter,” cry Timothy, eyes unseeing, deversing tears, hot burning tears. “ I want to matter. I want to be noticed. I want to be loved. I want to be held. I want to be seen. I want ! I want to exist, damn” he murmurs. “ Please, don’t forget me. Don’t let me disappear in indifference. Please… I want to … I want to exist” he ended up sobbing. Nobody hears his pleas, nobody sees him drop to his knees, clutching his chest in a mock embrace, rocking himself back and forth while he cries and sobs in despair. Does he even know what he is saying ? Has he slept recently ? Has he eaten in the last two days ? Is he in control today ? 
The mask won’t stick anymore. Nobody has confronted him even though he kept talking about everything that felt wrong. He doesn’t know how to ask for help anymore ? He tried, he talked over and over. Maybe it was just normal stuff. Maybe he was making a big fuss about nothing. Maybe everybody felt that way. They must have wondered why he was whining so much then. Yeah that must have been what was happening. He was a bother once again. He kept making remarks that were obvious. He was so dumb. 
He was shaking. That was going to be it. Tim was at his point of no return. He had hit rock bottom. All those weeks talking to everybody, trying to open up, only to pass for an idiot. He was so dumb. That was gonna be it. It might be normal to feel like that. He might have bothered them with his little identity crisis, with his silly story that everybody had to live through. Except he couldn’t anymore. He couldn’t put on anymore mask, feel himself, his selves, slip through his fingers. He couldn’t be afraid of sleep, of staying awake, of eating, of starving. He couldn’t let himself be a nuisance for others, no more. He was done. He had tried his hardest but sometimes even the simpler thing could be too much for the weakest soldier. 
Maybe someone would care after it ? Maybe he might be mourn ? Maybe Batman could have better vigilante. Maybe Dick could focus on his only younger brother fully. Maybe Jason will forgive him. Maybe Alfred wouldn't have to care about him. Maybe Kon could be happy with Cass and find happiness in the arms of his old crush. Maybe Stephanie would finally be less awkward when hearing his name. Duke could easily take his place and be more integrated in the family. Maybe Ra’s will let him go. So many maybe, an absence of answer. He was hopeful they always managed to land on their feet. 
His hands were still shaking. He still managed to take all the meds. Over the last four year he managed to stock up on prescription drugs, quite a lot actually, unfinished tabs, started treatments then abruptly stopped leaving vials full or half full of meds.
For Tim it didn’t matter which one was going in. He just started taking pill after pill, emptying the vials, and going through another. He started feeling a little out of it after his third different medicine. He kept going at it, until he had to sit against the couch cause it was moving too much around him. Then he just opened the bottle and let the little pills roll on his coffee table, eating them like candy. 
He never felt himself go.
After everything, when all ended, it would haunt all and each one of them. They knew.
If you read if all, thank you. I hope you liked it. This one is dear to me because it has an odd way of narrating that I love.
All those thoughts your just read are mine, so don’t read too much about it from a canon perspective. It's therapeutical for me to put my abnormal thoughts on some type of media. If you ever had those thoughts, please seek help, or even message me. Those are not normal or insignificant. 
I wanted someone to help Tim, but I'm better at sad ending. 
Please forgive me my broken english, I’m actually french and writing in another language is challenging. Please give me your thought, I will greatly appreciate it.
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keef-a-corn · 1 year
Dat’s right, People, it’s time for ‘Keef watches TFP and you just get the notes!’
This is for season 1, episode 13: Sick Mind.
I write down the timestamps, but I watch Transformers Prime on Stan (an Australian streaming service) so they may be slightly off.
ALSO! I try my best to note points for every character, but tend to get a little caught up by Bee (although I think I do a pretty good job with the notes regardless) so do be warned.
00:07 - that’s amazing and so useful.
00:11 - hehe penetrate. + the kid’s faces look so funny.
00:12 - Bee’s looking at the roof. His gaze is too high for him to be(e) looking at the same thing everyone else is.
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00:24 - honestly I really like the way that line was delivered. Just makes it sound like Ratchet’s hypothesis was created on the spot.
00:25 - I just think it’s silly how they’re all just standing like that.
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00:30 - Arcee and Bee are in sync and I love it.
00:38 - Suspense, my beloved!
00:44 - didn’t even think twice about bringing his husband, huh?
00:51 - I don’t think he brought his medical ki- LOOK AT THEIR HEIGHT DIFFERENCE.
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00:57 - holy shivers.. the visual is so beautiful and yet so dark.
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01:07 - ‘lemme get us in first’ proceeds to make door.
01:12 - it’s at this point that it’s weird Ratchet doesn’t have a battle mask. Maybe he doesn’t need it. But I think he still would.
01:17 - Optimus checks to make sure Ratchet’s okay. Y e s .
01:31 - h o l y . Imagine seeing that!
01:34 - I was going to point out that they’re all the same model, then I saw the veins and the eye sockets and started crying.
01:48 - Ratchet touches da Booba.
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02:01 - why was that bot fastened up there?!
02:04 - It’s confirmed by this- if Optimus was to be bot in an apocalypse, he would let the group know. Also a slight detail I like is that Optimus goes to touch his eye, but doesn’t, knowing he’ll probably make it worse.
02:58 - everyone else staying very fair away
02:59 - Cybonic Plague like bubonic plague.
03:00 - why did they both look at Bee?
03:12 - if you ever get stressed, I recommend just watching Bee. The way his eyes wander away from the children is adorable.
03:20 - Goddamn. Amazing how he wasn’t infected.
03:40 - this is what we call foreshadowing
04:08 - That’s it. Smaller bots do cool ass gymnastics tricks when they feel stressed out. That’s my new hc.
04:16 - KnockoutKnockoutKnocko-
04:22 - he knows they’re there. He just doesn’t want to deal with Autobots.
04:24 - yes, I know Arcee’s there.. but where did Bee hide?? Like he’s yellow, he doesn’t have any hiding spots.
04:41 - Optimus is literally dying and is concerned Ratchet was infected!
05:22 - Bee’s little nod when Arcee says ‘it’s Megatron’
06:01 - She said the title!
06:32 - that was a humbling ‘no’
06:53 - The intensity of this scene is so well portrayed.
07:06 - with confidence I know Bee said ‘I’ll do it.’
07:09 - The way Raf’s voice breaks when he said ‘Bumblebee’
07:13 - shut up! This team is so supportive! It could make a grown man cry.
07:29 - Well that was rude.
08:38 - Dunno what’s going on with these two, but they should kiss.
09:08 - Arcee bending down to Bee’s level like she’s talking to a child.
09:23 - pretty visual
09:54 - delicious, more lore.
10:20 - Ratchet having to tell Bee it’s not Optimus after he was about to go hug him.
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10:34 - Bee hiding behind fake Optimus
10:38 - ‘One Shall Stand and One Shall Fall’ foreshadowing.
10:53 - it’s the intro!
10:59 - noo he genuinely got upset
11:09 - the little door wing bounce. ⭐️👄⭐️
11:13 - what the fu-
11:24 - Real or fake, Bee will protecc Optimus.
11:33 - amazing how Megatron will sooner remember Bee by his rank than by literally anything else. (It shows that he thinks he’s superior to Bee)
11:50 - let’s all agree Bee absolutely said ‘W h a t ?.’
Also the tilt! He’s like a little Puppy!
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11:51 - Megatron’s initial reaction is a mix of shock and horror. It’s short lived, but it’s there.
12:06 - Hehe I love how Ratchet pronounces ‘Bumblebee’
12:10 - The height difference! OH DEAR THE HEIGHT DIFFERENCE.
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12:27 - ‘what are you?’ ‘M E G A T R O N’
12:29 - They look like father and son rn
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12:38 - Ordinarily a logical theory as to why clones showing up would not be good is because they would be a road block to the protagonist. In this situation, it wouldn’t be unreasonable to assume that the primary reason as to why the clones showing up would not be good is because no one wants to watch Bulk, Bee and Optimus die.
12:42 - Why is Megatron so casual about Bumblebee now? Like he looks Bee in the eyes when Bee says something.
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12:46 - What?. Megatron gave Bee a moment to try and communicate with the imaginations.
13:00 - excuse me but what the fuck? WHY IS MEGATRON EXPLAINING IT TO BEE??
14:44 - this is such a serious situation… then there’s ‘Bumblebee’, such a cute and silly word.
15:07 - you’re telling me that Megatron looked so deeply into Bee’s eyes that HE REMEMBERED WHAT HAPPENED?!
15:32 - ya know.. he’s addressing Bee and is talking very calmly.. who is this because it ain’t Megatron.
15:35 - e v e n more calm?!
15:43 - the way Bee’s eyes move!!
16:33 - Megs ain’t even humouring Bee anymore. What the actual frag? If someone wanted to use sick mind as a reason why Megatron and Bumblebee could have a relationship (not love, more friendship or caretaker-) I would be 100% on board.
16:48 - What can we infer from this situation? That Bumblebee is not showing nearly as much fear and is most likely being a little snarky? Absolutely!
17:12 - a bit rude to say ‘speak now’ huh?.
17:20 - shooting Starscream would do no good, he’s already got his hand on the cord, if he’s his he’s going to accidentally pull it out. She’d be better off aiming at Soundwave.
17:51 - Okay, honestly got no clue what Bee could’ve said.
17:54 - I paused the show and it honestly looks like Megatron’s going in for a fist-bump.
17:56 - Bee looks at the formula, then at Megatron.
18:04 - ‘what the?’ Fight me. That’s what he said.
18:05 - Megatron honestly sounds like a parent doing a temptation test on their child.
18:07 - ‘what?’
18:48 - Ratchet became more animated in this moment.
18:53 - Why is the place being destroyed? Is that this risk of the C.P.P.?
19:04 - technically he didn’t.
19:08 - Megatron sounds kinda desperate at this moment. It makes sense considering that his mind is essentially breaking down around him.
19:30 - Amazing aim
19:49 - fun fact, I actually used this photo as a reference for Soundwave’s side profile.
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20:13 - there’s something so sweet about Optimus immediately putting his hand over Ratchet as support. + the gentleness of Ratchet’s voice.
20:18 - Bee gotta cheer rather than just clap… Now if you look at Raf, you realise Bee’s just copying him.
20:25 - as soon as Ratchet heard ‘physician’ he gestured at Bee.
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20:59 - (inference) the only reason that Soundwave had to keep Megatron alive was because there was brain activity, so wouldn’t now be a good time to tell Soundwave it would be best to give up on Megatron?
21:02 - The BOOOOW
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21:06 - Bee jolts slightly and his eyes dilate, how did no one notice that?
And that was Sick Mind!
Honestly I enjoy that episode a lot! And watching it right after predatory makes the episode even better!
The episode fleshes/metals (I’m so funny) out a lot of the characters and the impact Optimus has on their lives and how far some may go, especially Bumblebee. I also think that the episode does some justice for Megatron, showing that he's not pure evil and will listen to reasoning, and there’s a progress between him and Bee where he gradually shows Bee more respect, although the dynamic was short lived, it was still very refreshing.
The episode also sets up that Bee is really good with communication (despite the barrier) and persuasion, using what he knew about Megatron to get the cure.
Genuinely a great episode 10/10.
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chanheeinc · 2 years
How do u think the boyz would react to an s/o who is gullible and is getting manipulated by "friends"...?
I hope you like this!
Livid. Anytime they make backhanded compliments or just straight up rude remarks, he’d have to leave the room to calm down. Tries explain to you that your friends aren’t great for you, but never forces you to take action. He just hopes he can show you how to appreciate yourself.
Has no idea what to do. At first he didn’t take a lot of the things your friends said to heart, he assumed they were just joking around. The third or fourth time they all came over and tricked you into doing something that made you uncomfortable again, he’d take a stand. He suddenly has a speech prepared and everything.
Confused. Friends don’t act like this what’s going on? Why are they being mean? Why are they being mean to my person? Why are all of them even here? I can’t even remember her name. If I ask to leave n never meet these people agin will you get mad?
Awkward. Just fake laughs and glances at you with an expression that says wtf. Doesn’t cause a scene infront of anyone, talks to you in private. Will throughly explain what is messed up about the whole situation.
Just as gullible. Truly a match made in heaven because both of you have no idea what going on really. Sangyeon canes and explains to both of you why the whole scenario is messed up because Juyeon mentioned something in passing.
Refuses to hang out with them. Puts his foot down, talking about how they are so mean to you. Has other people weigh in so it doesn’t sound like he is trying to control you, but after your mom also agrees you kinda get the point. #1 protector.
Will ask the friends to leave and not return. “If you can’t respect y/n then you shouldn’t have the privilege of being around them.” Tells them all to hurry so he can disinfect the house.
Loses his mind. Yells at people, calls them names, tells them how horrible they are, convinces one friend to join a cult, you name it. He hears one rude remark or one attempt to trick you he’s lost his plot. Probably hides you behind him.
Ju Haknyeon:
Just straight grabs your hand and leaves. No explanation, just leaves. He’ll explain it to you on the car ride home. Your friends start inviting you out less and less since he’ll be there to defend you. Cold.
Fights fire with fire. They say something rude, he’s 10x worse. They try tricking you, he finds a way to set their pants on fire. He’s fun and loving but there’s a line. Will make sure everyone knows he knows what they are up too.
Cries over it. He gets so mad that he can’t control his tears when he’s explaining to you how terrible your friends are. Tried collecting himself, but you make it worse by apologizing. Soft baby.
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amtrak12 · 6 months
Pst, @erin-gilberts since some people are giving out fic snippets to trick-or-treaters....
I've also dug up a scene from my ancient idea for a Yatesbert Amnesia AU. I wasn't sure what I still had on it, and um... turns out I have a lot more than I remember???? This document was labeled "Chapter 19" and apparently my working fic title was "Pretend Truths".
It's a first draft and comes with all first draft caveats. The premise was Abby and Erin have just moved into a fancy condo together with that sweet, sweet government money, but then a bust goes wrong and a ghost steals a couple of years of Abby's memories so she no longer remembers anything about their reunion or the movie events. She takes one look at Erin's clingy concern and the condo they share and assumes they're dating now. They're not. But Erin... goes with it! Because the alternative is Abby being mad at her all over again about being abandoned and Erin would prefer not to face that again. Fake dating! :) What could go wrong?
(Feelings. Feelings could go wrong. Or at least make things super complicated!)
I couldn't begin to tell you what plot points led to this scene, but it's primarily a conversation between Abby and her younger brother OC I gave her. *shrug* I thought maybe you'd enjoy reading it :)
(@ you and anyone else who sees this: Please feel free to steal anything you see here because I highly, highly doubt I'll ever go back and finish this story, and if I did, our takes would be different anyway. So have at it!)
1600 words behind the cut:
Abby didn’t mind her old, worn out bed at her old, worn out apartment that night. In fact, she hardly slept at all that night. Her mind kept replaying moments from the date: Erin’s blush when Abby flirted with her, the feel of Erin in her arms as they danced, the disappointment in Erin’s voice when Abby insisted she had to leave.
The heated way Erin kissed her.
Never had she imagined Erin kissing her like that. This week had been one remarkable, never in her wildest dreams, moment after another, but making out with Erin topped the cake. Took the cake. It was the icing and the candles and the birthday kid nabbing the biggest piece all rolled into one.
With a cherry on top.
The next morning, Abby beat everyone to the lab except for Kevin. Though, Kevin didn’t really count. He was still sound asleep on a cot behind his desk. (They should really hire a proper night shift security guard at some point.)
It was nearly eight. Her brother would be up and ready for the day. Abby moved to a room upstairs where she wouldn’t wake Sleeping Beauty and called her brother.
Ethan answered after a single ring. “Hey, you’re alive!”
Abby frowned. “Who said I was dead?”
“You know how telephones work: you tell one person you’re in the hospital, they tell someone else you were in the morgue.”
Abby hummed. “Mom’s still pissed I let a ghost steal my memories, huh?”
“She ranted to me for thirty minutes the other day.”
“Nah, it’s fine. It’s my fault for being the favorite child.”
Abby laughed. “You are so not the favorite child.”
“No, you forgot it. They made it official with a ceremony last year.”
“Ah, that would be a good one. But the joke’s on you. My memory is already coming back.”
“Really? Because I heard you forgot my child’s name.”
“I did not forget Reyla’s name,” Abby sidestepped.
Ethan tsked. “That’s the second child.”
“I remembered Lanie after Dad said it.” Abby snapped her fingers. “Oh, and her middle name’s Kyla! Ha!”
“Nicely done! You had to read back through a lot of emails to find that.”
“I remembered it on my own, thank you very much.” Abby frowned. “Though, I should have read back through my emails. Those have to be a goldmine for jogging my memory.”
“So what did you read to remember things? Just your journals?”
“Yeah, and talked to Holtzmann. Erin helped with things too.” A happy rush filled her chest as she spoke her girlfriend’s name.
“So not all of your memories are back yet?” Ethan asked.
“I have enough,” Abby insisted. “Anyway, I’m calling to make sure you’re still flying in with Mom and Dad for our book signing.”
“Hell yeah. I’m not missing your first signing.”
Abby grinned. “Good. So what time are you guys arriving tomorrow?”
“We’re leaving on the first flight, so I think we’re due in around nine. I don’t know. I’m just chilling this weekend and letting Mom and Dad be the adults.”
“The kids wearing you out?”
“No, this month has been rough for work.”
Ethan had the Yates tendency for science and technology careers in a different direction and had become a social worker. Abby could only imagine what Ethan meant by ‘rough’.
“Well, I will make sure to have a fun, low key weekend planned for you when you get here. I’ll even keep ghosts away if you want.”
“I don’t want,” Ethan said. “If a ghost shows up while I’m visiting you, you better believe I’m getting in the car with you to go find it.”
Abby laughed at his enthusiasm. “Okay, you win. You are the best of us kids.”
“Hey, um.” Abby bit her lip.
“What’s up?”
Her parents hadn’t known she was dating Erin, and she didn’t remember ever telling Ethan. But she was figuring out forgotten memories felt differently than events that had simply never happened, and telling Ethan about dating Erin felt like it had never happened.
“I want to tell you something. I don’t know how much it will come up this weekend -- we haven’t talked about to handle you guys coming in, yet.”
“What’s going on?” Ethan said, concern slipping into his voice.
“Nothing bad. Just something I haven’t told Mom and Dad, yet.”
“You found a way to open your own portal to the other side without releasing doom and gloom upon the rest of the world.”
“No.” Abby forced herself not to get distracted by how awesome that idea sounded. “Erin and I are dating.”
Abby waited.
“What?” Ethan finally answered.
“I’m dating Erin. She’s my girlfriend.” Abby couldn’t keep the smile off her face as she said it.
“Holy shit.”
Abby laughed. “Yeah, that’s fitting.”
“Wait, when did this happen?” Ethan asked. “Is this before or after the amnesia?”
“Before, technically,” Abby said. “But we’ve only been dating a couple of weeks.”
“What do you mean by technically?”
“I mean, I don’t remember all of it yet, but Erin said it’s been two weeks.”
“Wait, this is real life, right? You haven’t suddenly teamed up with Holtzmann in our lifelong blood feud and are trying to prank me?”
“You and Holtzmann do not have a blood feud.” Abby rolled her eyes.
“Uh, she’s trying to steal a family title that’s been rightfully mine since birth. That’s a blood feud.”
“I definitely do not remember meeting you in the hospital at the ripe old age of ten and thinking ‘yep, that’s my best man.’”
“Everyone already knew it wouldn’t be Steph or Mike by then. They suck.”
“This has nothing to do with your prank war with Holtzmann,” Abby said. “And why would she prank you with my relationship with Erin, anyway?”
“Who knows. I’ve just learned to be suspicious when she’s involved.”
“She’s not involved. It’s just me and Erin. We’re dating. That’s all I wanted to tell you.”
Abby gave him a moment to process this.
When he still hadn’t spoken after three moments, Abby prompted him. “What are you thinking?”
“Honestly? I’m kind of bummed I wasn’t involved somehow in this big revelation.” “That’s your reaction?”
“Well, yeah. I’ve known both of you my entire life -- or practically my whole life in Erin’s case. By the way, you should remind Holtz of this, because if you’re dating Erin then that just strengthens my claim to best man.”
Abby was absolutely not discussing the possibility of her and Erin getting married someday in the future. That definitely felt like it would jynx things.
“How would you have been involved in my romantic relationship with Erin? You’re my little brother. That’s weird.”
“I wouldn’t be involved in the romance part of it,” Ethan said. “I’d be the precocious kid who schemes to get the two love interests together.”
“You’re thirty-three and this isn’t a movie.”
Ethan gave a melodramatic sigh. “Erin would get it. ...Right? She does still like romcoms, doesn’t she? I have a clear memory of her gushing nonstop about Tom Hanks one Thanksgiving. Which in retrospect, she’s not wrong about. Tom Hanks is very crush-worthy.”
A smile toyed at Abby’s lips -- not because her girlfriend and her brother both had a crush on the same male celebrity, because gross. No, Abby smiled because Ethan was right. He had bore witness to her entire relationship with Erin.
“Ha, I just pulled the Lovers card for you,” Ethan said.
It took Abby a moment to realize what Lovers card he was talking about. “You pulled a Tarot card for me?”
“I’m doing a whole spread for you. Don’t you want to know what’s hiding behind this amnesia veil?”
“Hmm, that’s a good reminder. We should add Tarot cards to the list of paranormal tools and events to reinvestigate. Just because Erin and I didn’t find any proof of psychic abilities in Tarot readers in college, doesn’t mean psychic communication with entities or forces is impossible. A ghost did interfere with my memories.”
“I’m not sure what the connection there is, but I focused on the question “What has Abby forgotten about her relationship with Erin” and so far the cards are saying exactly what we already know. You have amnesia which makes you feel a little conflicted and uncertain in your relationship.”
“I’m not conflicted!” Abby said. “At least, not anymore.”
“That might be what the Six of Swords of saying at the Heart of the Matter,” Ethan said. “You’re moving forward in the relationship and things are becoming more stable.”
“That’s true.”
“I’m flipping over the hidden influences now.”
Ethan immediately followed this with a hum, though he didn’t explain it. Silence for a few moments as Abby presumed he was flipping over cards. Then, Ethan let out a sharp, “Oh.”
“What is it?” Abby asked.
“Uh….” Ethan trailed off. He cleared his throat. “Um, no it seems fine. You’ve got The World in the physical realm. Your memories are returning. Eight of Coins in the mental realm, so whatever work you’ve put into your relationship with Erin is paying off. The psychoenergetic realm shows the Three of Elixirs which is a happy celebration. You just caught the ghost who blocked your memory which I know isn’t ‘hidden’ by any means, but may have had hidden consequences. Then, there’s Temperance in the Emotional Realm. Consciously you’ve been conflicted about your relationship, but subconsciously you know the truth. It’s a reminder to listen to yourself.”
“Okay, so what was that ‘oh’ for?” Abby asked.
“Um, well… there’s a Seven of Blades as the hidden influence of the Heart of the Matter,” Ethan said. “A deceit of some kind. When paired with the Three of Elixirs, it may mean the ghost you caught isn’t actually the ghost you were looking for. Or the ghost tricked you and you didn’t catch anything.”
“No, we definitely caught something,” Abby said. “And it was definitely the ghost… at least, I think it was.”
She thought for a moment. 
“I’ll double check at the lab tomorrow.”
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iidahoe · 2 years
kaeya / reader
contains: angst , hurt / no comfort
tw: cheating
word count: 1.3k
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How could this even happen? You had no clue, but here you were, watching your beloved become someone else's. What happened to the promise? Did it not matter anymore?
Tears threatened to fall from your eyes, the man you loved, kissing someone else, right in front of you too. Where did it all go wrong? You thought he loved you; but you were clearly wrong. Just look at him, he was kissing someone else with no shame. Not even the slightest hesitation, he just went all in.
You really hoped it was all a misunderstanding and that you were seeing things. Maybe this was a nightmare and you'd wake up to him right beside you. But no, you were wrong, especially when you felt the warm substance fall out of eyes.
You were wide awake. Too awake. Why couldn't he just tell you, instead of this? He deliberately invited you here, and he deliberately decided to kiss another person. He wasn't even drunk, in fact, his glass was sitting on the bar table, untouched.
"Why are you so shocked? You know he's a big flirt, it's obvious he was gonna kiss someone sooner or later"
The red head behind the bar spoke nonchalantly, he was unhappy to be at such a large gathering, cleaning glasses while paying little to no attention to anything specifically.
That was right, you and him decided to keep this relationship a secret. No one knew, not even his sworn brother. Had he never spilled while he was out drunk? He seemed like the person who was open all the time. But it had just hit you, never once when he talked to anyone did it seem honest, it was all just white lies. In honesty, had he even spoke to you at all full heartedly?
Everything. Everything just felt like a big hoax to you right now. The one you loved, kissing someone else. While you stood there frozen, watching with blurry eyes. Did he not have the slightest shame? Kissing someone like that out in the open, especially with his soon to be ex-lover watching from the sidelines.
You tried to dismiss it off; thinking you were drunk, but you couldn't. You hadn't even touched a glass of wine tonight. The tears threatening to fall, fell; you were beyond pissed now. The sadness washed away, leaving just an angry person ready to yell their heart out. But, you weren't one for making scenes, so perhaps you'd have to wait until you could yell to your heart's content. Not that he'd listen, anyway. But perhaps it'd give you just the right amount of relief; the adrenaline in your veins hopefully taking the pain away for a while. And besides, you'd probably be kicked out. You didn't exactly want to ruin your image either.
"I'm.. not shocked."
That's all you could stammer out as you decided to divert your gaze. Abruptly pulling out a stool from underneath the bar table, you sat down. Your posture sulking downwards and your voice weak. The tears were light at first, that was until you buried your head in your arms, hoping everyone around you would just vanish.
"...Ah, I see"
Realization dawned onto the red head, his eyes widening ever so slightly as he took it in. He never knew the annoying blue haired man had a lover, he never thought he would be able to get a lover. Sure he was flirty, but almost everyone knew he was untrustworthy and hard to please. Almost everyone knew that he was suspicious and held a fake personality most of the time. His face cheery for one person and deathly serious for the other. The man was definitely mysterious, but annoying nonetheless.
So how didn't you know? How could you fall for his tricks so easily? He didn't know at all, he was sure everyone at least had the slightest suspicions for him. So why didn't you fall into that category? Were you from a different land other then Mondstadt? You couldn't be, after all, you'd been a regular at his bar.
"..May I have a dandelion wine please?"
Your voice was so utterly weak. How pathetic you thought to yourself. You knew he was suspicious, so why trust him so naively? God, how much dumber could you get.
"Yeah.. sure"
He'd seen a lot of break ups happen in his bar, most of them being clean breaks but some rare ones being exact replicas of this. He had never experienced romantic love for himself, so he didn't know how it felt. But what he did know was that it probably hurt like hell, maybe it was like when he lost his father. Or maybe like when him and Kaeya grew apart. He didn’t know any better.
But he did no one thing for sure, betrayal hurts like a bitch. So maybe he could at least hold some empathy for you. Growing up with Kaeya definitely made him hold even more spite, the once joyful kid couldn't even seem to hurt a fly. Now look at him, it truly made him angry. How could he do this so carelessly?
"..It's on the house."
He felt like he had to. I mean, he grew up with the man who caused the person in front of him so much pain. How dare he waste someone else's time on something he knew wouldn't work?
"Ah.. thanks"
The words seemed to catch in your throat; the kind action being the exact thing you needed right now. Your mood would've lifted slightly if it weren't for the sounds of the man behind you. Just his presence made your guts churn with anger. You wanted him away from you, but you couldn't leave so abruptly; especially after what you had just been offered.
You downed the glass of dandelion wine, not caring whether or not you'd get drunk. But you should stop, after all, you doubt he'd bring you back to your home safely. You couldn't trust him anymore, not after what he had done.
You knew now that it definitely wasn't a misunderstanding. He wasn't just pulled into the kiss by a random person, he in fact wanted the kiss. To be honest, most the sounds were coming from him, it was unbearably annoying; almost heartbreaking.
Maybe you shouldn't have invested yourself into the relationship so much, especially after a short period of time. But that was your mistake, you did the exact opposite.
The night was so overwhelming, even though you had only had one drink. Kaeya's constant teasing made your heart sink, he was doing it on purpose. Talking about his 'newly' found lover and asking why you were so down all of a sudden. He knew you had cried, I mean, your puffy eyes weren't helping the situation much. But what did you know? He was probably glad seeing you so down, likely feeding his ego. But you didn't care anymore, he'd hear an earful from you and that'd be the end of it. Half a year wasted on something that would die this quick.
But you were content with one thing that night; that you had gotten out of a relationship that was going to go downhill very soon. His suppressed toxicity was probably going to shine through his exterior pretty soon anyways. Your remarks were small and weak that night, just hoping it'd be over. And when it finally was; you yelled. You yelled and you yelled at him, your voice breaking every now and then. But he wasn't listening, you knew that.
An act of kindness from his sworn brother must've helped you. The stoic man seemingly breaking his stone cold facade for a few seconds as he pitied you. Knowing very well how irritated and lost you must feel.
The night was no longer young; the sun rising and showing its face brightly. Your eyes felt sore, and so did your throat. Your words out in the open for him to reflect on, but he wouldn't.
Oh how bittersweet you felt. Your emotions all over the place and your headache raging on. What a bad day it was going to be.
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antlerx-art · 9 months
predicting the wait and see in this one
“can i watch” hehe crowley just wants to be with aziraphale
HE MENTIONED DOCTOR WHO and “the doctor” is right behind him ahhhh british people youre so british
lol the demons just went from 10000 to 70
oh i love how he’s not assuming the spouse’s gender
eric you’re about to die i’m afraid
crackling at aziraphale being so stubborn about knowing french 💀
NO WAYY crowley asking the same questions as the fandom about aziraphale’s french he’s so us this season
“he’s not my bit on the side he’s far too pure of heart to be anybody’s bit on the side” CROWLEY YOURE. STOP. IM FINE IM FINE THIS IS FINE (this is, in fact, not fine)
uhhh crowley what are you trying to do with that rose and that wineeeee hmmm
“smitten 🥰” aziraphale please teach me irregular verbs with that smile
yes i also had this theory of gabriel faking the amnesia but that’s not likely
“you’re being silly😊”
oh shit i’ve been dreaming about this moment “when you told my only friend to shut his stupid mouth and die” YES YES YESNYES CROWLEY SAY IT TELL HIM LETS GOOOOOOOOOO he took off his glasses shit shit shit
naur gabe is sad
“jimmy boyeeh”
he’s gonna stop him right
THIS MUSICCC so romantic i can’t wait to see the dance AND CROWLEY IS LOOKING AT HIM THROUGH THE WINDOW
mrs sandwich !! did she just change clothes
ohh what a pity Lindsay is your former partner🙄
so i wasnt hallucinating they actually change clothes as they get into the shop
gabriel’s fancy suit HELP
yes crowley put those demons in their place SHOUT AT THEM
aziraphale also made a miracle to make everyone speak like they’re in the 19th century?
okay now give me aziracrow dancing
crowley stop worrying and think about the ball challenge
ohhh andrew o’neil is mutt’s (?) spouse that’s why azi used they/them before I LOVE THIS CHARACTERRR I LOVE THIS SHOW
“well perhaps you could tell me while we dance” IM GOING TO DISCORPORATE
hi shax can you please come back later this is too important
“i don’t mind hard work” MAGGIEE you’re so sweet
shax interrupted the ball HOW DARE YOU????
surrender the angle 📐
no stop don’t harm humans
i cant believe he’s democratically telling them that they can’t attack
“happy anniversary love” AWH
“you’re a good lad” / “not actually, either” GENDERFLUID CROWLEY MY BELOVED
“why don’t you stand up for yourself? make your own plans” / “i am, but rescuing me makes HIM SO HAPPY” SHUT UPPPPPP AZIRAPHALE I KNOW WHAT YOU ARE I KNOW YOU LIKE BEING RESCUED SHUT UP this show is so not real it can’t be
HELLO AGAIN MURIEL! police officer moment
angel crowley on his waaaaay
(I had to rewrite some of this since tumblr decided not to save my post, but i could remember the best bits of the deleted part so it is authentic)
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miredinmiddleearth · 2 years
Rings of Power, Ep. 7 Review - RIP
I’ve made it this far...Buckle up, mellon. Time for my thoughts on episode seven:
1. Dang. Everyone survived. Whelp, except that guy whose name I neither remember nor care to remember.
2. Wait, they SURVIVED?! Heat alone would do the trick, but pretending they survive the heat, that’s not snow they’re walking through! The ash would finish off anyone left! Look, LotR doesn’t have the best history with believability when it comes to volcanoes, but Rings of Power keeps professing it is meant to feel grittier and more realistic. So much for that, I guess.
3. The scene where Durin begs his father to help Elrond is actually poignant...and it makes me angry. Here’s why -
Lore/book reason the dwarves awake a Balrog: they were too greedy and dug too deep.
RoP reason the dwarves awake a Balrog: Durin is desperate to help his friend.
Writers, do you not see how thematically misaligned and stupid you are being?!
4. So now we know how the mithril cures the darkness. Apparently you just sit beside it. Wait, that begs the question, why do you even need to mine for mithril? Couldn’t the elves just book a mithril session and hang out int he caves for a bit? Totally cured.
5. Miss Pro-Genocide Galadriel gives a lecture on goodness and letting go of revenge. HA. That’s rich! Have we seen literally any evidence of a mind-change or reason she grew between the last episode and this one? Psh, no. Why would we need such a thing? 
6. I actually found the scene where Miriel realizes she’s been blinded quite decent, as well! Amazing! In an ACTUAL display of strength (not whatever fake nonsense we’ve seen the women display prior), Miriel must maintain composure and pretend she can see so she can be strong for her people. They actually did something good? 
Don’t make me laugh. The next time we see her, she’s wearing a blindfold, not hiding her blindness in ANY way. Apparently she only needed to fake being strong for a short horse ride.
7. When the heck did they have time to set up camp? At least the show is consistent. They’ll always fail to include what’s actually relevant. 
8. Apparently we need to waste time worrying that Isildur, the incredibly vital character from later tales, is dead. Great use of time. Proof upon proof upon proof of the ineptitude of the writers.
9. Galadriel finally said her brother’s name! Her primary motivation, and it only took 7 episodes for his name to get dropped.
10. Celeborn DEAD?! They had me going for a second. But no. Clearly gotta come back (Galadriel says he went away to war and never returned). Still, super stupid. Brother motivates her but apparently couldn’t care less about her hubby. Also, she met Celeborn because he came upon her dancing? Seriously? You couldn’t give them their own meet cure? You had to steal Luthien and Beren’s?
11. Durin is going to mine all the mithril by himself? Great plan, dude.
12. So are we supposed to dislike the dwarf king? Because I don’t dislike him. Mining mithril is not safe. Period.
13. Cool burning of harfoot carts, but unclear how many perished. Unfortunately, I think they all survived. Alas.
14. SIgh. Bronwyn survived, too. Also, watching her fling her arms around her son’s neck reminds me that she was shot through the shoulder the day before. Healed up nice and dandy, apparently. Also, she’s awfully clean for someone that went through a volcanic blast.
15. I laughed the hardest I’ve ever laughed in this show when Nori’s dad gives his brethren a pep talk. He says the harfoots, better than anyone else, “stay true to each other.” I CACKLED. Harfoots stick together? The same harfoots who wanted to leave you behind. Who wanted to take off your wheels and leave you to die. Who didn’t offer a single ounce of assistance when you were injured. THOSE harfoots?! (The laughter continued when harfoot who proposed murder is declared “always right.”)
16. Halbrand survives to show his pretty face another day. HIs wound is infected and he must be gotten to the elves!
Oh wait, he’s fine. Walking around like the wound is nothing. No? He still needs immediate aid that will require a very long horseride? Okay...
17. I know they’re shooting for Disa sounding inspirational and supportive of her husband, but to me she just sounds straight up evil in that speech at the end? SHE sounds greedy and possessive and manipulative. Definitely don’t think that’s what they were going for...
18. Ah. She we’re not just changing greedy dwarvish motivations to helping a friend, we’re adding that a leaf woke the Balrog. What is this, Kung Fu Panda?
19. The introduction of Mordor’s name made me roll my eyes.
Just one episode left. Just one. The end is in sight. (Yes, I know they’ve started filming season 2).
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afoxysunny · 1 year
So every time i listen to The Greatest Show from the greatest showman (this version specifically if you wanna check it out) i have to think about the circus episode of Lazytown bc my brain is rotten like a villain number one.
So today i want to finally write down some of this au that has formed in my head
Au where Robbie is an actual Circus leader and the kids are actually part of his circus
Let's start with Robbie Rotten, Ringleader of The Runaway Razzle-Dazzle. Rumor has it that he built this traveling circus up from nothing after running from a life where his ingenuity and flare for the dramatic where never appreciated and even forbidden, though nobody knows if that's actually true. His circus almost seems like a different world where neither physics nor time seem bound to their normal, boring behavior. Much like the name of his business and mysterious backstory imply, his fellow performers are all young children who, for one reason or another can't or don't want to go back home. Everyone has a weirdly descriptive name for their act and personality so, much like Robbie Rotten himself, surely they wear fake names for fun and flare.
Now let's go through the kids in alphabetical order
Ella Rotten - for all that's known she could be related to Robbie though people also say she was probably just the first to join him. She never says a word and does most of her talking through dance. While Robbie announces the shows she underlines him with grace and motion that should not count as language but everyone understands somehow. Behind the scenes she also helps a lot with organizations as she is incredibly charismatic
Jives Junkfood - stronger and taller than any other performer though apparently the same age as most others. His act involves some nice visual comedy and storytelling about healthy food giving him super human strength. It is said this obsession with food is a nod to the neglectful family he left behind when joining the circus. Off stage he helps mostly with carrying equipment and setting stuff up
Penny Pestella - some call her obnoxious and loud but nobody can say her magic shows aren't incredible. She is dramatic and hyperactive, knows exactly how to get attention on what she deems important and uses that perfectly for her tricks. Apparently she used to be a beggar and thief, trying to get some money going as her parents surely didn't. Her main job off stage is marketing their next shows in the new locations
Pixel Hyperbyte - a technical genius who quickly replaced Robbie himself with taking care of lights and music. Together those two are unstoppable at creating the woldest gadgets for any fantastical act. He isn't a performer himself, more a helping hand in the shadows. Rumor has it that he built the headset and arm cover he wears himself to hear again and properly use his arm in the first place
Stephanie Splitz - a phenomenal gymnast and dancer, even able to compete with Ella. When these two and Penny perform together on special occasions word travels farther and wider than the circus ever could. A jack of all traits but a master of none? Stephanie seems to excel at most everything she tries out and therefore quickly became and invaluable member of the whole circus. Apparently she joined the circus after her family sent her away when they didn't feel like they wanted to give their child the time of day anymore and instead of going to her politically powerful relatives she became a performer. Though, who would ever believe such an obvious lie, if she really was part of an influential family they certainly would've found her by now
Stingy Spoilero - another one rumored to be a descendant of a rich family, if that was true it was no wonder nobe of them came to get him though as his act was mostly based on making a comedic farce of rich man's stereotypes and a lot of physical comedy with the help of whoever wanted to play the sensible everyperson for Stingy's character to bounce off of and juxtapose. Despite supposedly having been kicked out of a high society family for not being talented enough in business he usually mans the ticket sales and other expenses of the whole circus without any issues
Trixie Troubleby - an unusual and rash girl, fearless and daring. She walks the tightrope like she's on the ground, throws knives without any show of it taking effort or concentration and even sometimes performs with Jives to prove her strength as well as gladly playing the villain for anyone who needs one in a set they want to perform. While talented in many physical areas she lacks the grace and grandeur her fellow performers like to put on. It is astounding how little is known about this powerhouse, though some whisper she must've run from a family completely opposite of her nature or else there would be no reason for her to not work a normal job.
Ziggy Zweets - the youngest of the performers and therefore not yet allowed on stage. He might be the most enthusiastic in the whole circus though and will help anybody there with everything he can, building on every skill he has until hopefully he will find the performance for himself. He definitely has the knack for putting on a good show already and simply needs to refine and calm himself which lead to many in the audience believing he joined the circus without a good reason to leave home while just as many speculate such a happy young boy would not leave home without something horrible to hode in his past
This post is a Kilometer long but we have one more person to cover
Sportacus - a wandering hero, as little tying him to one place as the wandering circus he was sent to investigate. A couple sent him there to find their sweet zweet son who ran off for absolutely no reason they could imagine. Sportacus tries to join the circus to find out why so many children would not go back home and if they're in danger in this circus taking them so so far away. But when he gets to know all them and this found family they have together he has to face that sometimes someone's parents aren't the best to grow up around
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aberooski · 6 months
I actually legit almost dm'd you about it the other night cuz I was actually going crazy over the idea but then I fell asleep and forgot akakskks
OKAY SO! I've actually been thinking about this for a while as a possibility because my mind runs wild with this shit as we all know all too well by now aksksk
I was actually thinking about everything I had in my pipeline because once I get finished with this 1 shot I'm doing for a fic exchange I wanna actually sit down and dedicate time to getting through Chazzerella because I meant to do it literally MONTHS ago so I could get to work on OUAD 2, and then we have Chazz Princeton and the Seven Duelists, and then I was like OH F U C K
And now here we are akskksksks
OBVIOUSLY Chazz is Rapunzel he's literally always the princess in these things who's surprised? It's more fun and it always just works out best that way plot wise. Only I am thinking about foregoing the hair maybe, I mean her hair doesn't actually really matter in Barbie Rapunzel apart from her dream where Stefan finds her and we have the whole "let down your hair" reference, and Gothel cuts it and uses her hair to trick Stefan at the ball but otherwise her hair doesn't matter or is really called attention to. BUT I'm still in the early planning stages so I mean maybe I'll change my mind 🤷‍♀️
But my initial thought is that we begin similar to OUAD, Slade and Jagger would be the villains obviously. Exiled from the kingdom for being just bad people, they resent their parents and when they have Chazz so they'll still have an heir, they kidnap Chazz as a baby and spirit him away deep into the darkest forest of the neighboring kingdom far of their parents' reach out of their hatred and resentment. But in the Barbie fashion, they frame the king of their neighboring kingdom, Atticus and Alexis's father, for the crime with a desire to sow seeds of discord so that both kingdoms will destroy each other. Then they can swoop in and rule all the lands themselves.
I also had an idea to try and differentiate from OUAD, they had already grown resentful and spiteful of their parents and were sowing seeds of discord between the kingdoms, and eventually at some point they like, fake their deaths so they could work behind the scenes and to cover their tracks. So then when their parents have Chazz to reinstate the line of succession and they kidnap him, it's even easier to frame the crime on Atticus and Alexis's father and keep him hidden because who would suspect them? They're dead as far as everyone knows, they can very easily hide and keep him and his whereabouts concealed. And obviously since Gothel is a mage in Barbie, at the very least Slade will have magic powers because I mean come on. He's the main bad guy here.
But regardless of how we get to that point, they raise Chazz and keep him under lock and key in their secluded home hidden and concealed deep in the forest where no one would dare to look, forbidding him from ever leaving the old manor under the guise of keeping him safe from the outside world, not that they haven't still been abusing him all this time themselves also Barbie Rapunzel really is Rapunzel and Cinderella at the same time in a way and that makes so much sense for them 🙄 when really they're just waiting for the two kingdoms to destroy each other. That way they can swoop in and rebuild their own kingdom on the ashes of the old one with no one to stop them, and Chazz will stay their prisoner. But unlike like every version of Gothel they cover their tracks by telling him that their parents died when he was a baby.
Which brings me to a question I have yet to figure out, the equivalent of the hairbrush/paintbrush 🤔
And the Ojama spirits are there to bug him with their love. Obviously.
B U T Chazz has been trying to find a way to escape from his brothers for a while because shocker, they've been abusing him and um, they're terrible. But he knows if he simply tried to run away they would find him and he'd never be able to get away, so he's gotta be careful. And one day he stumbles upon a 🎵 secret tunnel 🎵 in the basement and finds himself on the outskirts of the kingdom. But not without making the Ojamas stay back to watch for his brothers. He wanders into the village and after exploring around, he runs into Alexis. I'm not exactly sure what happens but they run into some sort of trouble and while trying to help Alexis, though he quickly discovers she's more than capable of handling herself just fine, Atticus swoops in having come upon the scene and saves Chazz leaving him all 😳😍😳
Alexis leaves eventually leaving Chazz and Atty alone to talk. But they don't get far enough into the conversation to make introductions before Atticus is drawn away momentarily but not before telling Chazz to wait for him there. Which he intends to, but the chime of evening bells and a sinking feeling in his stomach tells him he needs to get back before his brothers discover he's gone. If he wants to escape for real he'll need to be more careful than this. As much as he hates it, he needs to go back for now. He'll just have to hide the tunnel again and try again another time when his brothers wouldn't suspect a thing.
Chazz hurries back before Atticus can return, creating a mystery for the prince to solve.
Honestly I imagine when he gets back through the tunnel it's like that movie moment where the kid sneaks back in like heh got away with it, then the lights turn on and the parent figure is in the chair in their pjs all mad like "where were you? 🤨" so like when he gets back through the tunnel Slade and Jagger are just waiting for him there in the basement all 😠 I think that would be funny but also yikes..... and they take him back to his room where they start like interrogating him to find out what happened while he was gone.
I also literally just now as I'm writing this out thought another things that could happen and like, how they find out, is that Jagger had gone into town and sees him with Atticus, but maybe doesn't get a good enough look to know exactly who Chazz is with or something so we can keep the mystery of who his mysterious suitor is, and Ojama Yellow shows up to tell Chazz that they found out Jagger went to town and he has to come back before he's found, but at this point Atty has left so Jagger swoops in and forces Chazz back to the manor, dropping him at Slade's feet with the whole "look who I found wandering around the village this afternoon" bullshit and that would be when they march him back to his room and start interrogating him.
So like that's another way that could go? And obviously they wanna know who the fuck he was with, but obviously Chazz doesn't know who Atticus was and they don't exactly believe he's telling the truth because I mean, in their minds, why would he tell them the truth? So in their frustration and to keep Chazz from trying to escape again, then we get the fun part where Gothel turns Rapunzel's room into the tower muahahahaha so Slade does that, intending to leave Chazz there until he tells them who the boy he met was.
And this is where I need to figure out the equivalent of the magic paintbrush cuz this is where that comes into play after the like stardust turns the hairbrush into the paintbrush.
And that's kinda all I have actually for real thought out atm I mean I did only just start actually planning like last night after all aksksk but I literally just watched the movie again yesterday too and like everything's falling into place fairly easily 😌 but I've still got like the whole last like half to plan out and some questions to answer and decisions to make about what I have so far but GAH THIS IS GOOD SHIT !!
ALSO AS WE ALL WELL KNOW, There are dragons in Barbie as Rapunzel. So I was thinking I could find a way to sneak Light and Darkness Dragon in there at some point, maybe towards the end like LDD gets summoned somehow and like rescues Chazz from the tower and gets him to the kingdom in time to thwart Slade and Jagger??? We'll see what I can figure out I guess aksksk
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majkoszkice · 1 year
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Random selection of recent sketches. I'm still super normal about Cayden, as you can see.
Featuring some other characters too this time!
The first sketch is a scene from the beginning of our last session, where our rogue failed a save against some kind of magical effect and started vomiting a little and chanting demonically. We had to save against the chanting, which we promptly all failed and became fascinated while a spectral hand cast by an enemy tried to hit us with ghoul touch (it eventually succeeded). And the rest of that session was equally lucky!
Next there are some Yovannis (aasimar wizard, currently in a different campaign with my druid). Scenes include one from a recent session where my druid was a shark and cast water breathing on everyone, but even with the spell you still have to know how to swim, so I just helped with that. And the one with a moustache is an illusion Cayden cast to have a fake party member to trick enemies by sending him first into rooms and such. We named him Wavanni (as in Waluigi) and I thought it was funny that Cayden decided to make the illusion look like his friend he actually misses now that the original party split up.
Next is Cayden with Jenkin, they never met but the idea was amusing. And random puppy eyes.
Next is a series I made for fun (the first one is serious tho) before a dream PvP session we have from time to time. I lost this time, breaking my winning streak (3/3 wins up to this point).
And the last is from a few sessions ago when we did the ol' gnome throw to allow me to cast a spell on some guys behind a tall wall. I'm not really satisfied with the sketch tho
I have more stuff, but apparently I never took photos of them hhh
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hopeymchope · 2 years
In regards to your reply to the ask of another anon:
"Furthermore, when we finally learn about "The Most Despairing Event in the History of the Togami Family" via Danganronpa Togami Vol. 2, I was disappointed that we never see Byakuya do anything so twisted and ruthless. Instead of showcasing where he fostered such a cutthroat attitude, we're shown that his ultimate victory over his numerous half-siblings was about as lazy as possible."
I find it interesting as i personally always assumed that the entirety of the flashback itself WAS another attempt at what we saw Byakuya do to Syo by tampering with the crime scene but on a much larger scale, seeing as not only is it confirmed later on that, at the very least, the entire second half of the flashback and Kazuya's confession were forgeries (mainly hinted at by the fact that Chapter 3 of Volume 2 is specifically referred to as "Unreality Side" as opposed to the "Extraordinary Side"), but we're also given pretty blatant hints time and time again that Byakuya at least was deep into the conspiracy going behind the scenes (with the Kudan deliberatly writing the "prophecy" so that Byakuya Togami is the one to stand victorious and Nanamura well... Being Nanamura, lot of evidence piles up on him having rigged the game beforehand) and may or may not have comitted some of the acts by himself (the novel making a pretty clear point on how no one was able to find the weapon used to stab Wasuke at the start, only for the ending of Chapter 3 to show how Byakuya, while disguised as Polaris, was carrying a pair of shears with him that he uses to cut off his hair). Its something i find weird in regards to the way most of the fanbase consumes this book, but to me at least it was always pretty set in stone that Byakuya went out of his way to gaslight Blue Ink into rewriting the book and convince herself that Kazuya was the murderer while prying on Shinobu's pre-existing insecurities brought upon by the confrontation Nanamura had as he named Kazuya as the suspect. The main difference here being that Byakuya is smart enough as to not leave any decisive evidence pointing torwards his true actions at that time, despite the novel leaving around hints so you can come to that conclusion. ...Also the fact that psychic lightsabers are very much not real, so there is no way that Kazuya could have been giving an accurate account of events as he says that he killed everyone.
Note: This is a follow-up to this ask.
Asker, you seem to know more about Volume 2 than I do. Last I checked, we English-only plebes are stuck with merely some lengthy summaries of Volume 2, but no complete translation. And the summaries don’t make any mention of some of this stuff. 
As you’ve noted, Kazuya does confess to the murder of Yasuke. And he claims to have done it with his light-beam projection weapon — the silly psychic lightsaber which we eventually learn (in Volume 3) does exist, albeit without any kind of superpowers at all. It’s just a mechanical trick device he wears up his sleeve and extends as needed. Which doesn’t preclude it from being a murder weapon.
So it’s at least possible that he killed Yasuke with his fake lightsaber device. I never caught onto or considered the possbility that Byakuya might’ve used his scissors to sneakily stab Yasuke — but I really think the narrative would’ve called attention that possibility instead of just mentioning the shears casually once time and then ignoring them. (Or maybe it did? And the summary failed to note that??) Furthermore, if we fully embrace this scenario, are we then assuming that Kazuya legitimately believes he killed Yasuke, or do we assume he’s fully aware that Byakuya was the real killer? If it’s the former, then Byakuya would’ve had to do it from the back in order for Kazuya to not know he did it, right? Which would create a very different kind of wound. And if it’s the latter, what purpose does Kazyua have for lying about it? Just trying to appear to be more in control than he really is?
I guess that, ultimately, I’m just saying that everything you said may or may not be true — but alas, I have no way of knowing. :-/ I continue to hope that one day, one of these friggin companies translating light novels will see that there’s money in DR!
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