#he's a prince angel and he deserves all the love
ortali · 1 year
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seonghwa ♡ the fellowship: map the treasure
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cepheusgalaxy · 14 days
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h3nsh1n · 4 months
kim dokja is everything. he's just some guy. he's the kindest person in the world. he's Jesus Christ. he's also Sun Wukong somehow. he's the personification of love as a force that powers reality. he died for our sins. he's a demon. he's an angel. he's suicidal. he's the more important being in the universe. he could be anyone. he's an inconceivable existence that expands along countless of world lines. he's a nerd. he's a concept. he's just some strings of text badly tied together. he's also the prince of the greek underworld. he was bullied in high school. he's an analogy for all the suffering in the world and also everything that is human and worth saving (but there's nothing in this reality that is not worth saving and everything deserves to be loved). he's a god. he's the sacrificial lamb. he's a yaoi man. he's an eldricth horror. he's ugly. he's your friend and also he's you. he's a very complicated anti-suicide metaphor. he's adorable. he's repressed and depressed. he has ptsd. he's the father of various human and non human entities and also the son of various human and non human entities. he's an office worker. he's simultaneously loved and hated by all the universe. he's a gary stu. he's bisexual. he's a murderer and also the most tragic victim of the irrepressible machine of universal suffering. he's a lover. he's a fox boy. he likes isekai novels.
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hotvintagepoll · 16 days
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Hedy Lamarr (Samson and Delilah, Ziegfeld Girl)—Look. I'm sure someone has already submitted Hedy Lamarr because she was spectacularly beautiful, and a very strong lady too: she fled both an abusive marriage AND nazi persecution at a very young age and rebuilt a life for herself pursuing her love for acting all on her own!! Her career as an actress was stellar; while she began acting outside of Hollywood (her very first movie, Ecstasy, won a prize at the Venice Film Festival), she conquered American hearts very quickly with her first movie in the US, Algiers, and then just kept getting better and better. If all this isn't enough, she was also an inventor: her invention of the frequency-hopping spread spectrum radio transmission technique forms the base of bluetooth and has a lot of applications in all kinds of communication technologies. I think that deserves a prize, don't you?
Diahann Carroll (Paris Blues, Carmen Jones, Porgy and Bess)— Face of an angel. She had the range. She brought chemistry with every romance she portrayed. She also had a great fashion sense, and was so pretty Mattel made a doll based off of her.
This is one of two semifinals in the Hot & Vintage Movie Women Tournament. All other polls in this bracket can be found here. Propaganda is not my own and is on a submission basis. Please reblog with further support of your beloved hot sexy vintage woman.
[additional propaganda submitted under the cut.]
Hedy Lamarr:
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The only person you can find both on the Hollywood Walk of Fame and in the Inventor's Hall of Fame--her radio-frequency-hopping technology forms the basis for cordless phones, wi-fi, and a dozen other aspects of modern life. She was also passionate in her efforts to aid the Allies in WWII (unsurprising for a Jewish-Austrian Emigree to America), and her name served as the backbone for one of the best running jokes in what is possibly Mel Brooks' best movie. Look, Louis B. Mayer apparently believed he could plausibly promote her as "The world's most beautiful woman". Is an entire website full of people going to be less audacious than one Louis B. Mayer? I didn't think so!
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Described as "Hedy has the most incredible personal sophistication. She knows the peculiarly European art of being womanly; she knows what men want in a beautiful woman, what attracts them, and she forces herself to be these things. She has magnetism with warmth, something that neither Dietrich nor Garbo has managed to achieve" by Howard Sharpe, she managed to escape her controlling husband (and Nazi Germany) by a) Disguising as her maid and fleeing to Paris or b) Convincing the husband to let her wear all of her jewelry to a dinner, only to disappear afterwards. Also she was particularly clever and helped develop Frequency-Hopping Spread Spectrum (I can't really explain it but anyway...)
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Her depiction of Delilah and Samson and Delilah just lives rent free in my head. The woman was gorgeous.
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One of the most beautiful women ever in film, spoken by many critics and fans. Beautiful shapely figure, deeper seductive voice, and often played femme fatale roles. She was also brilliant and an inventor. Mainly self-taught, she invested her spare time, including on set between takes, in designing and drafting inventions, which included an improved traffic stoplight and a tablet that would dissolve in water to create a flavored carbonated drink, and much more.
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Gorgeous and brilliant pioneer of modern technology and the middle part.
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Diahann Carroll:
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Another groundbreaking black actress, although she might be better remembered for her television roles. She was also an activist and worked with charities to support women in need.
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here she is hanging out with shadow prince anthony perkins :3
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jinkiezzsstuff · 3 months
Alastor watching the princess and the frog by Disney ? It’s in lousiana in the 1920s so it would be perfect for him
absolutelyyyyyyy the princess and the frog is one of my fav disney movies from characters to soundtrack, so this one’s a bit longer. also kind of a part two but also not exactly
history ramble below
also i did some light research on new orleans history because if im gonna write alastor i should know. doggy i love me some history and this history is rich, depressing at times but also rich and meanful to know so i thought id share a little. from talking about the free the peoples movement, to the way women got their rights to their hair back that they didn’t have when enslaved only to have a law banning natural hair and hair wraps and so they decorated the wraps and used coloured fabrics effectively rendering the law useless, to the wealthiest black man of the 1870s for being a prospering business owner, the origins of how voodoo and other spiritual practices mingled perfectly with the pre established voodoo and how voodoo was predominantly black women who were highly respected, the first black man to be govoner in the united states in only 1871, a black woman named Rose Nicaud who opened the first coffee stand in 1800 and made enough to escape being ensalved. then there’s lighter topics like some of the jazz history and how it made various black stars like louie armstrong, and also how the language mingled to make the cajun french that’s sadly dying out, to the architecture that flourished through the varying clashes in culture between african, european, native and haitian peoples. if it’s not too upsetting to read i definitely suggest this page to have an insight on some of the quick history on new orleans, i enjoyed learning about the strength that many had during this time.
United teachers of new orleans < page i was reading
Warnings: jealous Al teehee, reader crushes on naveen and dr facilier (don’t mind me just projecting), cuddling, swearing, alastor doesn’t really know emotions good, fluffy banter, just some ushy gushy mushy tushy
Word count: 2k
The movie Bambi didn't even finish playing before the patrons started to filter out of the room heading to bed. First to go was Vaggie carrying a sleeping Charlie, Sir pentious promptly following along telling his fussy egg boys it was long past their bed time. Then it was Niftys turn to disappear, however she never said a goodnight only sped off leaving behind her vacant swishing rocking chair.
Then once Angel and Husk left, you had decided to just call it quits on Bambi, Alastor hadn't moved much or objected to you turning off the movie, only watching the projector as you scrolled through the app.
You stopped on the princess and the frog, grinning toward Alastor he sighed, getting a glimpse of your mischief from the corner of his eye. "Now what's this about darling?" Turning your body towards his fully facing him, you waited for his gaze to finally meet yours, and reluctantly it did. "Allow me to introduce you to one of, if not, thee best disney movies of all time; the princess and the frog," Alastor's finger rose as he took a breath to speak, but before he could say a word you interrupted him.
"Yes I know princess yuck, whatever Al. It takes place in New Orleans, its main focus is actually in the poorer area with the shotgun houses, and throughout the movie Tiana, the princess, travels through the bayou, oh! With Naveen one of the hottest princes, also it takes place in the twenties, oh!-" Before you could continue Alastor gently gripped your cheeks, your lips puckering involuntarily as he did so."What did you just?"
"Takes place in the nineteen twenties?" You asked, voice muffled from Alastors grip on your cheeks. "Before that dear." Your eyebrows raised looking at Alastor not trying to hide your confusion. "Naveen? One of the hottest princes?" Alastor hummed, booping your nose. "Yes dear, that."
"Yeah. duh dude he's one of the few princes that deserve the princess, he changes for Tiana, he's charismatic, funny, but nevermind that back to what i was saying. There's varying New Orleans culture littered through that might make you feel closer to home, all the music is jazz obviously." Opening your mouth readying to rant on about the Voodoo man that you adored, Alastor hushed you with his finger up to your lips.
"My sweet dear, I will watch this silly picture show so long as you stop rambling about it." Alastor wasn't truly done with hearing your rambling, he was enjoying hearing that you were such a fan of something that centred so close to home when it came to him however if he was going to watch it he rather not have it spoiled.
Giddily you clasped your hands together and hit play, your love for the film and excitement to see Alastors reaction may have made you slightly over enthusiastic just a bit. As the movie began you curled your feet up onto the couch, inching yourself closer to Alastor looking up to his face and back to the movie.
When Naveen got introduced on screen you accidentally gripped Alastors arm tightly shaking him. "My mannn~" You squealed happily, letting go of Alastor once you heard the unmistakable rattle come from him, a growl sounding out of his chest. You didn't pay much attention to him though, instead turning back to the projector and backing off Al. However Alastor wasn't too frustrated with the fact you touched him, but because you were being so ushy gushy over some fake man.
He was easily the same if not better than Naveen. Alastor was charismatic, charming, he could sing, play instruments, he didn't quite understand why you were so particularly interested in this Naveen. Hell, even Alastor had a similar outfit back when he was alive, he could've been Naveen when he was alive.
You didn’t notice Alastor having a mini tantrum in his own world, you were too engrossed in the movie. Suddenly you’ve gripped him again, pointing at the screen. "The shadow man, Al this is your kin!" You egged laughing maniacally at your own words.
Alastor’s face however brightened at the display of the voodoo man. "One of my fav songs." You whispered as Dr. Facilier began singing on screen. Cocking his head to the side Alastor looked down to you bouncing along to the song. "This fellow sounds similar to Husk." Alastor mentioned, watching intently at the shadows that crawled around Dr. Faciliers room, much like Alastors own shadows. "Yeah it really does sound like Husk. Strange, anyways, Dr. Voodoos hot too." Alastors static buzzed around the room and you had to hold back a giggle at the frustrated look on his face, despite the smile it was obvious he wasn't too happy.
"What's up Al, not liking the movie?" Static crackled around the two of you as you questioned him a little slyly as you could tell he wasn’t hating the movie. “No dear, it’s pleasant in comparison to some things i’ve grit myself through, however,” He paused watching you ogle at both the Dr and Naveen. “I can’t understand what’s so great about this Naveen you like. He’s a fool,” You scoffed at Alastors distaste for Naveen, you didn’t mean to make him feel frustrated at your adoration for the characters but it was endearing to see.
“What’s not to like about the man?” You state confidently but Alastor simply shrugged while humming indifferently. A beat of silence passed, the ending of the song playing out of the projector. “It’s just that,” Alastor started up again after a moment of silence, turning his body to face you hands folded in his lap politely. “You clearly have the odd reaction towards these gentlemen and I can't see why,” To give him credit he did look genuinely confused, and just as you were going to speak up he interrupted.
“And please do not say it’s because he is funny, charismatic, musically talented or sweet because I happen to hold all those same qualities!” He finished, hands thrown in the air like he said something especially spectacular. You had a soft smile present on your face watching him work through the sentence theatrically. “Well, Al you are, maybe i think the same about you?” Record scratch.
You cackled at his frozen state, patting his arm gently, cooing that you were only kidding, you turned back to the TV and the two of you decided to leave it at that.
Later on in the movie, when Tiana and Naveen are with the alligator going down the bayou singing about being human, you stared over at Alastor, your heart thumping at the sight of him. His arms were resting along the back of the couch, legs splayed out comfortably, posture sunken in, and his eyes lidded with a closed calm smile. His ear twitched and soon his eyes moved from the movie to you, quirking a questionable eyebrow at you.
Feeling slightly embarrassed for eyeing him up you tried to play it off by asking him a question. “Is there bayous in New Orleans, is that real?” You ask kinda dumbly, of course they were, you scolded yourself. Alastor didn’t seem to mind though he smiled widely, a chuckle reverberating out of him. “Why yes dear! Of course, I personally never lived close to the bayou, but it surrounds New Orleans, and I have been. It’s quite beautiful during a sunset but there’s tons of alligators.”
You leaned forward interested, but it seemed he’d stopped to refocus on the screen which you wouldn’t complain about. You not so discreetly leaned into his torso, arm still on the back of the sofa behind you, and thankfully he didn’t move when you leaned your body into him, instantly decompressing into his side.
They got to the scene where the gang is on the boat going through the bayou, the crocodile fitting in and playing jazz, when you turned to look up at Alastor seeing him already looking down at you. “What’s up?” You asked, watching as he scanned your face. “Well dear you’re just reminding me of home tonight, it would’ve been interesting to be able to show you where I lived, where I worked. Y’know when i did radio, most people didn’t know what I looked like so it came as quite a shock to some that I wasn’t what they imagined. Some were cruel, but my mother always taught me to be respectable if not respectful, so I managed to keep my grace.”
You giggle at his explanation watching him move his hand in all different directions, the radio host coming into play just at the mention of his job. “I’m flattered you would’ve wanted to show me your home n stuff, i wish it were possible.”
On the projector in front of you two, was the scene between Naveen and Tiana’s first date, where Naveen was going to propose. “They always get married so fast in these movies, you spend three days as a frog and suddenly it’s eternity!” You exclaimed humorously, Alastor scoffed an array of instrumental sounds electronically sounding out from him. “My dear it was common back in the day to get married quick, none of this lollygagging.”
You rolled your eyes blowing out air. “Would you get married to someone you knew for three days?” Alastor hummed, tapping his finger against his chin in exaggerated thought. “If it were you, perhaps, otherwise i’d attempt to lengthen it just a bit.” He reviled in the sight of you bashfully turning your head away, shy at his broad flirt. “You’d marry me, after only three days?” You questioned in disbelief, he hummed wrapping the arm he once had behind you, around you pulling you into him.
“Well I found you to be quite a treat the first day i met you, and decided i wanted to be around you for many days on. Is that not marriage worthy?” This confession shocked you slightly. You never expected him to say that he preemptively planned your blooming friendship nevermind that he equated that to being worth marriage. The movie played on in the background as you both watched each other’s faces.
“To me, dear,” Alastor started a smug smile stretching across his cheeks replacing the calm smile that stayed for so long. “It seems like you may unconsciously feel something towards me too.” Jaw dropping you stared at him confused. “What?” You scoff but Alastor only looked smugger.
“Come now, New Orleans centred movie? Jazz, cooking, even that dumbo man Naveen speaks french loves jazz music and dancing, oh and of course the ever so obvious voodoo, it’s almost like this movie is me, haha.” He laughed manically, eyes crossing as his body shook. It was quite the egotistical assumption on his part, but he wasn’t wrong.
You put it on for him but it seems for you too, you paid more attention to him half the movie, and you’ve been more interested in knowing real life facts about his home during his time then what story the movie was trying to tell. Maybe he was right, but even so what did him pointing it out accomplish? “Well that’s why i wanted to show you it, it’s got many aspects you’re involved with in it.”
You mentally gave yourself a pat on the back for such a good save, however Alastor was keen and knew you long enough to catch your lies. “Sure dear, sure.” Al gave you a condescending pat on the head and you speedily swatted at him. The movie played on you once more captivated by Alastor’s reactions more than the movie itself, you’ve already watched it enough to know.
Tucked under Alastor’s arm, warm and comfy, you barely caught the sound of Alastor huffing out chuckles, gazing up towards the projection you playfully hit him. “Don’t laugh at his death!” That only made Alastor properly laugh, dropping his head back, neck cracking grossly. “My dear it was a lightning bug in love with a star! He got stepped on that was hilarious!”
Sounds of prerecorded laughter sounded out with his natural laugh, you didn’t actually care that he found it funny, only pretended too as you gave him a disapproving glare. As the movie closed in you felt a weird gloom wash over you, it was nice being alone with him by his side while you two relaxed. You didn’t want it ending, but alas Tiana and Naveen kissed turning them human, with the reveal that with marrying Naveen, she became a princess effectively breaking the curse, and the movie started with the end song.
“Well dear I did enjoy that, the voodoo was pretty boringly unrealistic, but it’s for children. I did enjoy the mentioning of foods, very common dishes even I enjoy, like gumbo. But alas it was still a pathetic little movie about mortal love.” Standing to his feet when he finished speaking, Alastor dusted himself off and snapped his fingers making all around you revert to what it was before movie night.
“Do you not want to be in love?” You ask softly partly hoping he didn’t hear you as by the time you stood from your spot, you regret saying it. “Well I certainly haven’t looked. Why disappointed?” Alastor bent himself backwards to look at you since you stood behind him readying to exit. Looking down into his eyes you felt hazy, maybe a little drunk on desire as you gently caressed his cheek. “Maybe I am,”
“Darling.” Alastor said sternly as he cracked himself upward, he bent down facing you this time and before he could talk you once again interrupted. “Can’t blame me can you?” Alastor seemed momentarily taken aback, gazing around lazily trying to collect his thoughts. “My dear, I'm uncertain with emotions like this as well as expressing them, love is foolish, however… if you were to tell me ‘i love you’ i would say it back.”
It confused you, what Alastor said, you couldn’t tell if he was mocking you and telling you he was going to lie about his emotions to spare you, or if he was egging you on attempting to get you to tell him your true feelings. Regardless you swallowed down any worries for the future instead focusing only on the now, and looked deeply into the soft red glow of his eyes.
“I love you Al,” With a cheeky smile you watched him stutter, the visible shock was clear, and you wondered if he actually expected you to say that. Just as you began to worry you fucked up, he bent down to your height. “I love you too my dear,” And with that he gave you the chastised kiss on the lips, before standing to his full height materialising his microphone. “Got to go dear! Duty calls!” And with that he seemingly disappeared into the shadows, leaving you to waddle tiredly to your room. Little did you know that Alastor whisked himself away to have a minor panic attack in the safety of his radio tower, not believing himself and his broad actions, nor could he believe the pounding in his chest and flutter in his heart.
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songbirdseung · 2 months
angry angel / park jongseong
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synopsis: you say I deserve better but what could be better than you?
pairing: jay x reader, grumpy x sunshine
warnings: arguments, hinting at a breakup, angtsy (cause that's all i know) but still fluff in the end, lmk if i missed anything
wc: 3k
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You always wondered why he told you to keep the key to the padlock when you both pushed the latch of the lock that is supposed to symbolize unbreakable love. Wasn't the whole purpose of the love locks being to throw the key into the water to show that the love lock would be bound to the railing, just like how you two were to each other?
When you started dating Park Jongseong, all you friends questioned your taste and judged your decision-making skills. Since you two were the complete opposites, it didn't seem right for little miss sunshine to pair up with Mr. grumpy pants.
But something about that serious and nonchalant behavior, you saw a gentleman and a committed lover. To which he was, he was no lovey dovey prince charming. But you were so attracted and drawn to the person he was. You were just hoping that one day, you'll get to the bright side of Park Jongseong, the cute and soft side.
For Jay, his friends felt the same. They were always expecting Jay to settle down with someone who was like him, so when you walked in the room holding his hand; let's just say shock was an understatement. When they were told, they were going to meet his girlfriend, they thought a sophisticated, old money kind of vibe, laid back woman would show up. But there you were with your bubbly and friendly personality.
Nonetheless, they loved and adored you. It was something they definitely teased Jay about once he arrived back to the house after dropping you back home.
Jake, Heeseung, and Sunghoon are lounging on the couch, chatting and laughing. Jay enters, looking a bit flustered but trying to maintain his usual composed demeanor.
Grinning mischievously "Well, well, well, look who's back from his romantic rendezvous." Jake says. Jay raises an eyebrow "Very funny, Jake. Can we not start this?"
"Oh, come on, Jay. Don't be such a killjoy. We're just curious about your date with YN."
"Yeah, we're dying to know how Mr. Serious managed to snag such a bubbly girl like her." Hearing this from Sunghoon, Jay sighs "She's not that bubbly.
"Oh, really? Because when she walked in here earlier, she practically lit up the room with her energy."
"Yeah, and compared to her, you look like you're about to give a lecture on quantum physics."
Jay was used it, but he did share the same thought on how he managed to start a relationship with you and why were you both so attracted to one another.
But that did not change the fact that he did love you and did do things that you never expected from him.
Every morning, you wake up to the smell of freshly brewed coffee and the sound of Jay bustling around the kitchen. Despite his grumpy demeanor before his first cup of joe, he always manages to make you a perfect cup, just the way you like it. As you sip your coffee, Jay places a gentle kiss on your forehead, mumbling a sleepy "Good morning, beautiful" before heading off to tackle the day.
Or after a long day at work, you come home exhausted and stressed. Jay, despite being equally drained from his own day, immediately springs into action. He starts preparing your favorite comfort food, humming a tune to himself as he works. As you sit down to eat, he listens intently to your day, offering words of encouragement and support, reminding you how capable you are even when you feel overwhelmed.
Even that one evening, you're feeling particularly down about a personal setback. Jay, knowing how much you love spending time outdoors, suggests taking a spontaneous evening walk together. Despite his initial reluctance, he puts aside his own concerns to focus on cheering you up. As you stroll through the park hand in hand, he shares stories and jokes, doing his best to bring a smile to your face.
But the funny thing was in public, you two weren't even seen as a couple since both of your aesthetics don't even blend. A few to mention; You and Jay decide to grab dinner at a trendy restaurant downtown. As you walk in, Jay, dressed in his usual business casual attire, heads straight for the bar while you, in your bright and colorful ensemble, take a moment to admire the decor. As you wait for your table, you catch the curious glances of other patrons.
"Excuse me, are you waiting for someone?"
"Oh, yes, my boyfriend. He went to grab us some drinks."
Jay returns with drinks and wraps an arm around your waist, prompting surprised murmurs and raised eyebrows from nearby diners.
Then, at a friend's party, you and Jay arrive separately due to conflicting schedules. You, in your vibrant and flowery dress, mingle with the guests, while Jay, in his usual attire and his blazer hangs back near the snack table. Throughout the evening, friends and acquaintances approach you.
"Hey there! I didn't know you were single! You're always out and about on your own."
"Actually, I'm here with Jay. He's around here somewhere."
Also, during a weekend shopping trip, you and Jay browse through stores at opposite ends of the mall. As you peruse the racks of colorful dresses, you overhear nearby shoppers speculating about your relationship status.
"Look at her, all dressed up and shopping alone. Must be single."
"Actually, I'm here with my boyfriend. He's probably browsing in a different section." Jay unexpectedly appears by your side, pulls you into his arms for a quick kiss.
Over the years, they created countless memories together, each moment etched into the fabric of their shared history. You two explored the city's hidden gems, from markets to serene parks, finding beauty in the ordinary and joy in each other's company. Jay, with his practical nature, was always there to ground you when your dreams soared too high, while you, with your boundless optimism, infused Jay's world with color and light.
The love you had for one another was not without its challenges, of course. There were moments of doubt and uncertainty, times when you and he clashed and disagreed. But through it all, you both remained steadfast in their commitment to each other, weathering the storms of life with unwavering strength and resilience.
As the chatter and laughter filled the air at their friend's get-together, Jay found himself engaged in a conversation with Jake, one of his closest friends. They stood by the drinks table, sipping on their beers as they caught up on each other's lives.
"So, how's work been treating you lately?" Jake asked, leaning in with genuine interest.
"It's been alright, you know, the usual grind," Jay replied, his attention momentarily diverted by the sight of you across the room, deep in conversation with another guest.
Jake noticed the shift in Jay's demeanor and followed his gaze. "Hey, everything okay?" he asked, concern evident in his voice.
"Yeah, yeah, everything's fine," Jay muttered, his eyes still fixed on Yn and the other man, who seemed to be hitting it off effortlessly.
Jake raised an eyebrow, sensing his friend's unease. "You sure about that? You seem a little distracted."
Jay sighed, torn between wanting to trust Yn and the gnawing feeling of insecurity creeping into his mind. "I don't know, man. It's just… seeing her talking to that guy over there, they seem to have so much in common, you know? They're laughing and joking like old friends."
Jake nodded in understanding, placing a reassuring hand on Jay's shoulder. "I get it, but you gotta remember, Yn chose you for a reason. You two have something special that goes beyond shared interests. Trust in your connection, mate."
Jay nodded slowly, his thoughts swirling as he tried to shake off the nagging doubts clouding his mind. "Yeah, you're right. Thanks, Jake. I needed to hear that."
As the day rolled on, the group migrated to Heeseung's place for some video game fun. Jay settled in next to you, eager to spend more time together after the earlier bout of insecurity. However, his hopes were quickly dashed when you turned to Sunoo, suggesting to team up for Mario Kart.
Confusion and hurt flickered across Jay's face as he struggled to comprehend your unexpected choice. He had been looking forward to bonding with you, but now it seemed like you had other plans.
"You sure you want to team up with Sunoo?" Jay asked, trying to keep his tone light despite the turmoil brewing inside him.
You glanced at Jay, her expression guarded. "Well, you never really cared for video games, Jay. I figured you wouldn't want to play with me anyway," she replied.
Jay's heart sank at your words, the sting of jealousy and insecurity gnawing at him from within. He wanted to protest, to assure you that he did want to play with you, but the words caught in his throat, drowned out by the weight of his emotions.
With a forced smile, Jay simply nodded, his silence betraying the turmoil raging beneath the surface. As you and Sunoo dove into the game together, laughter and joy filling the room, Jay couldn't shake the feeling of being left out, of being replaced by someone who shared your interests more closely.
As the game progressed, Jay's thoughts spiraled, his jealousy and insecurity consuming him from within. He watched you and Sunoo's playful banter, their shared excitement over each victory, and felt a pang of longing for the connection they seemed to share.
But amidst the turmoil, a small voice in Jay's mind reminded him of the strength of his bond with you, of the countless moments they had shared together, each one a testament to their love and commitment to each other.
As the evening drew to a close and it was time to say their goodbyes, Jay watched you flit from friend to friend, your infectious laughter and warm hugs filling the room. He couldn't help but marvel at how effortlessly you connected with others, a social butterfly in her element.
Meanwhile, Jay lingered on the outskirts of the group, his own circle of friends much smaller in comparison. He had always been more reserved, more comfortable in the company of a select few rather than a bustling crowd. And yet, seeing you thrive in the midst of so many people, he couldn't help but feel a twinge of inadequacy creeping into his thoughts.
As you bid farewell to each of her friends, Jay's gaze lingered on your interactions, he noticed your exchange with Sunoo. You two made plans to meet up again tomorrow, a casual invitation that seemed to hang in the air between them.
Soon after, you walk up to him. "Ready to go, baby?" taking a hold of his hands and placing them around her waist, then proceeding to place her hands round his neck pulling him closer. "Yeah, let's head home."
As they made their way home in silence, Jay couldn't shake the feeling of unease that settled over him like a heavy cloak. He longed to voice his concerns, to express the insecurity gnawing at him from within, but the words remained trapped in his throat, unsaid and unresolved.
Deep down, Jay knew that his feelings stemmed not from any fault of your, but from his own struggles with self-doubt and insecurity. He knew that you loved him for who he was, differences and all, and yet, the fear of losing her to someone more like her lingered in the recesses of his mind, a nagging doubt that refused to be silenced.
"Hey, Yn," Jay began, his voice hesitant yet determined, "what are your plans for tomorrow?"
You turned to him "Oh, I'm going go-carting and to this cute arcade cafe with Sunoo," you replied, a smile tugging at the corners of your lips.
"Why not with me?" Jay blurted out before he could stop himself, his words tinged with a hint of desperation.
Your expression softened, a flicker of understanding crossing your features. "Well, you mentioned before that you weren't interested in doing those things," you explained gently, reaching out to squeeze his hand reassuringly.
Jay felt a wave of remorse wash over him at her words, a bitter taste of regret flooding his senses. "I… I know," Jay murmured, his voice barely above a whisper. "I'm sorry, Yn. I shouldn't have said that. I… I regret it now."
Yn offered him a sympathetic smile, her eyes soft with understanding. "It's okay, Jay." Jay took a deep breath and mustered up a small smile. "Just… be safe tomorrow, okay? And have fun," he said, his words laced with genuine warmth and sincerity.
You nodded, returning his smile with one of your own. "I will. Thank you, Jay," you replied, voice filled with affection.
As the weeks passed by, Jay couldn't shake the growing unease that settled in the pit of his stomach. He watched from the sidelines as you and Sunoo grew closer, bond seemingly strengthening with each passing day. They laughed together, shared inside jokes, and spent more time together than Jay and you did. And with each passing moment, Jay felt the distance between them widening, a gaping chasm that threatened to swallow him whole.
Unable to bear the weight of his doubts any longer, Jay knew he had to confront you about the growing rift between them. He waited for the perfect moment, a quiet evening at home when the world seemed to stand still around them.
"Yn, can we talk?" Jay asked, his voice trembling with uncertainty as he watched her from across the room.
You glanced up from her book, sensing the gravity of Jay's words. "Of course, Jay. What's on your mind?" you replied, setting the book aside and giving him your full attention.
Taking a deep breath, Jay sat down beside you, his heart heavy with the weight of his words. "I've been doing a lot of thinking lately, and… I don't think this is working anymore," he began, his voice barely above a whisper.
Your eyes widened in shock, a flicker of hurt flashing across your features. "What do you mean?" you asked, voice barely a whisper.
"I mean… I think we should break up," Jay admitted, his words hanging in the air between them like a heavy cloud.
But before he could say anything more, you reached out and placed a gentle hand on his arm, touch a comforting anchor in the storm of his emotions.
"No, Jay," you said firmly "We're not breaking up until you tell me what's really going on."
Jay swallowed hard, the lump in his throat making it difficult to speak. "I just… I feel like you deserve better," he confessed, his voice barely audible.
Your brows furrowed in confusion, your eyes searching his face for answers. "Better? What are you talking about, Jay?"
"You deserve someone who's like you," Jay continued, his words tumbling out in a rush. "Someone who shares your interests, your personality… Someone who can make you happy in a way that I can't."
But before he could say anything more, you cut him off.
"Why can't you be that 'better' man for me, Jay?" you asked, "Why do you think I need someone who's exactly like me? I fell in love with you, not some carbon copy of myself."
Jay blinked in surprise, taken aback by your words. He had never considered that he could be enough for you, just as he was.
As you and Jay sat together, enveloped in the warmth of your embrace, you felt a rush of emotions wash over you. With a deep breath, you took Jay's hands in yours, your gaze locking with his as you poured your heart out.
"Jay, I want you to know that I've always tried my best to support you and your interests," you began, your voice filled with sincerity. "I may not share all of them, but I've put in effort to understand and appreciate the things you love. Remember when I spent hours learning about vintage cars just so I could have meaningful conversations with you? Or the time I surprised you with tickets to that basketball game, even though sports aren't really my thing?"
Jay's eyes softened as he listened to your words, a flicker of realization dawning in his eyes. He had never fully appreciated the lengths you went to in order to connect with him, to bridge the gap between your differences and find common ground.
"And it's not just about the big gestures," you continued, your voice growing more earnest with each word. "It's the little things too, like making your favorite meal even when I'm tired, or watching that action movie marathon with you even though I prefer rom-coms. I've done all of that because I love you, Jay, and because I believe in us."
"I'm sorry, Yn," Jay whispered, his voice choked with emotion. "I've been so blind to everything you've done for me, so focused on my own insecurities that I failed to see the love and effort you've poured into our relationship."
As the tender moment between you and Jay lingered, a playful glint sparked in your eyes, and a mischievous grin spread across your face. "You know, Jay," you teased, your voice filled with playful banter, "I was just thinking about heading to that tower where we placed our love lock. Maybe I'll grab the key, just to keep you on your toes."
Jay's eyes widened in mock horror, a playful gasp escaping his lips. "You wouldn't dare!" he exclaimed, his tone mockingly dramatic.
You laughed, the sound echoing through the room like music to Jay's ears. "Oh, you know me, Jay. I'm full of surprises," you replied, a twinkle of mischief dancing in your eyes.
As the laughter subsided, curiosity sparked in your mind, and you turned to Jay with a quizzical expression. "Speaking of the love lock," you began, "why did you tell me to keep the key instead of throwing it into the water like you're supposed to?"
Jay's gaze softened as he looked at you, a fond smile tugging at the corners of his lips. "Well, Yn," he began, his voice tinged with warmth, "I wanted us to have a reminder of our love, something tangible that we could hold onto, even when times get tough."
You nodded in understanding, touched by Jay's sentiment. "That's sweet, Jay," you replied, your voice soft with emotion. "I'm glad we have that reminder, especially on days like today when we need it the most."
With a gentle sigh, Jay pulled you closer, his arms wrapping around you in a comforting embrace. "Me too, Yn," he murmured, pressing a tender kiss to your forehead. "Me too."
As you continued to bask in the warmth of your embrace with Jay, a playful glint still dancing in your eyes, you couldn't resist teasing him a little more. "You know, Jay," you teased, your voice laced with amusement, "you were actually kind of cute when you were jealous of Sunoo."
Jay's eyes widened in surprise, his cheeks flushing slightly at your words. "Wait, you knew I was jealous?" he asked, his voice tinged with disbelief.
You chuckled softly, reaching up to gently stroke his cheek. "Of course I did, Jay," you replied, your tone affectionate. "You weren't as good at hiding it as you thought you were."
Jay shook his head in disbelief, a sheepish smile spreading across his face. "I guess I need to work on my poker face," he admitted, his voice tinged with self-deprecation.
With a soft giggle, you leaned in to press a tender kiss to Jay's lips, your heart swelling with love for the man beside you. "Don't worry, Jay," you reassured him, your voice filled with warmth. "I love you just the way you are, jealousy and all."
As Jay's arms tightened around you, holding you close as if afraid to let go, you couldn't help but feel a surge of gratitude for the love you shared. "And besides," you continued, your voice growing more serious, "why would I ever want to end our two-year relationship over something as silly as jealousy? We've been through so much together, Jay, and I wouldn't trade that for anything in the world."
With a tender smile, Jay pressed a lingering kiss to your forehead, his love for you shining brightly in his eyes. "Neither would I, Yn," he murmured, his voice filled with sincerity. "Neither would I." And as you melted into his embrace, the doubts and insecurities that had once plagued you melting away, you knew that as long as you had each other, you could weather any storm that came your way. For in each other's arms, you had found your home, your sanctuary, your forever.
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42spideys · 1 year
TEDDY BEAR — e-42!miles morales x m!reader
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synopsis: some miles hc’s about him dating a cute chubby boy and how he is with him!
pairing: earth 42 miles morales x male reader, earth 42 miles morales x black male reader
tags: m.reader, fluff, slightly suggestive, possessive miles, really intense love from miles
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when you and miles got together it was a shock to everyone, especially you. you weren’t the most talkative person, ridiculously shy, but he still found himself drawn to you.
you were the cute chubby boy that he sat next to, he liked to sneak glances at you. enjoying who your cheeks puffed out when you were confused on a question, his favorite is when you give his arm a small tap and try to ask for help. he always teases you when this happens, he can’t help himself, you’re just to cute :((
you pouted at the math equation in front of you, you tried 16 different ways to solve it until you finally gave up. you glanced over to your seat partner, miles, he always made your face heat up. you chewed on your bottom lip, trying to hype yourself up to ask him for help in a way that was comfortable for you. you tapped his arm with a shaky hand, he tilted his head towards you with hooded eyes filled with boredom.
you almost forgot what you wanted to ask him, the way the sun bounced off his body, making him glow almost like an angel. everything about him was perfect to you, his eyes, his nose, his lips…you felt yourself get lost.
“focus, guapo, what did you tap me for,hm?” you felt your face burn in embarrassment, you slid the piece of paper towards miles with a pout, pointing at the question you were fighting for you life for.
cute. you were always really, really cute.
he follows you around the school, kinda like a bodyguard. you were happy to have him for company, he knew that you didn’t talk unless you either wanted to or had to, so when you guys were together he would do all the talking for you.
he is so protective over you even before you guys get together, glaring at people when they look at you funny, outright pulling you away from situations he finds weird.
and he’s so so jealous…
you could be in a one sided conversation with another student, giving small “mhms!” once and awhile, miles literally wrapped an arm around your shoulders and just walked away with you.
when you whine at him he’ll just give you a “she was talkin to you funny, don’t fall for that, rey.” you groaned a fake annoyance at him before giggling at his small pout.
and when you guys finally get together
he is going CRAZY
spoiling you with art of you, buying you your favorite snacks, little stuffed animals, cute collectibles, and so much more.
you’re his prince and he has to treat you like so! he won’t have it any other way >:(
“miles!? what the hell, you shouldn’t have gotten me this stuff! how much was-“ miles silenced you with a soft kiss to your lips, you whined at the contact. miles pulled away from your wet puffy lips with a smirk, “i’ll buy you whatever i want, you deserve it and so much more, so take it before i tackle yo ass.” you took the large bear and roses from miles arms, your face practically burning off.
miles was all giddy inside, he loved seeing you squirm and get flustered whenever he bought you practically anything. you weren’t used to getting gifts in the slightest, you barley got anything for your birthday and christmas, not that your parent didn’t care about you. money was just really really tight, miles knew that, that’s why he made it his mission to spoil you like you deserved to be spoiled!!
don’t let him catch you being insecure about yourself or saying anything mean about yourself, he will fr go off in disbelief
you’ll mutter something about, “i hate my tummy…i really gotta stop eating.” think miles wouldn’t hear that, but erm…
he absolutely did and damn near broke his neck trying to turn towards you, his face twisted in confusion
what do you mean by that?? who said you could say that about yourself??? do you want your ass beat or something?? (lovingly of course)
“the fuck did you just say?” miles glared at you, making you instantly shrink into yourself. you picked at your fingers, looking away from miles burning glare, “i said,” you heard him get up from his desk and walk over to you. he took your chubby face in his hand and made you look up at him, you instantly melted in his touch. “what did you say, hm? you talkin’ bad about my favorite boy?” “…i said i don’t like my tummy.” you mumbled, you heard miles give a laugh he only did when he was either about to fight or say something absolutely outrageous.
he sucked his teeth before pushing your back on the bed, he lifted your hoodie to expose your tummy, this made you shiver and pout at him. “miles! what are you-“
kiss kiss kiss!
you start giggling as miles continues to kiss and bite your tummy, you tried to pull him away by his braids but he just bit you even harder leaving teeth marks. after he was done with his tummy attack he hovered above you, his gold chain you gifted him for his birthday dangling perfectly above you. “don’t let me catch you saying some dumb shit like that ever again, or i’ll find other ways to keep that pretty lil head of yours straight.” he cooed.
“miles, technically i cant do that because-“
“i will kick you out of my house.”
at first he really didn’t like physical affection, but after you guys made it official he would go crazy if he didn’t get to touch you at least 10 times a day
constantly having his hands or body on your or near you
coming behind you in the halls to wrap his arms around your midsection while getting his head in a nice and comfy position in the crook of your neck, holding your hands and locking pinkies with you, biting your cheeks when he got bored
always kneading your cute chubby tummy like a cat whenever he got the chance
he also loves your neck, like that’s top three on his list of favorite body parts on you. perfect place to leave hickeys and bites :3
“hold still, i’m not done.” miles has been sucking and biting your neck for what seems like hours, your neck was throbbing with pain, you still didn’t even know why he was so intense about giving you these marks. “miles, what the hell are you even doing?” you whimpered into miles ear, he grunted in accomplishment and had a huge smirk on his face. “give me my phone, let me show you my masterpiece.”
you handed him his phone in pure confusion, you rubbed at your sore neck with a pout. “jeez, my neck hurts.” miles chuckled at your complaining, “you could’ve told me to stop at any time, rey.” he unlocked his phone to go to his camera, he placed his hand under your jaw, lifting it upwards to the left. he made sure his hand was in the shot, the whole time he was taking pictures he had a smirk on his face.
“let me see what you’ve been torturing my neck for the past ten minutes for, please.” miles rolled over next to you and handed you his phone, “only because you asked so nicely.” as soon as you saw the pictures you thought you were gonna pass out, miles had somehow sucked his initials in your neck with a bite mark under it. you covered your face in embarrassment, quickly shoving your face in miles chest. “i cant stand you, how am i supposed to walk around with this?” you peaked up at miles who was still just smirking “that’s the point, i want everyone to know that you’re mine and mine alone.”
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hunn1e-bunn1e · 7 months
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Demon Brothers - With Flirty Male Reader
So! While writing this ask I've very quickly figured out that I can't flirt for my life. Thus; this ask was translated into Headcannons instead of my original plan of a split between Headcannons and a Oneshot. I hope you enjoy this because that was a half hour of embarrassment that I can't get back. —Benny🐰
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☕ You're either very brave or very very stupid; there is no in between. The audacity that you have to flirt with the avatar of pride: Lucifer himself is absolutely appalling. This poor overworked demon goes through full 5 minute factory reset just to understand what the fuck you just said to him.
☕ Stop. Please, just have a normal conversation with him. It can be about literally anything— A dream you had last night, the breakfast this morning, Beel's Fangol practice, your homework, how you think he should send Mammon to rehab for his obvious Kleptomaniac tendencies... Lucifer will even indulge in speaking about those weird captioned images and short videos that you call memes; just, please... he understands that he's handsome, but make it quick; he has paperwork to do.
☕ Do you really think that you can flirt your way out of a punishment? First Asmodeus and Diavolo (after Asmodeus spent some time with him, Diavolo attempted to flirt his way out of his Princely duties to take a few hour break) and now you? Goodness, he's surrounded by idiots. You're going to give poor Lucifer gray hairs, you know.
☕ Lucifer may let you bargain your way out of facing his wrath, though. He finds the image of you being ripped from your flirtatious facade and forced to think about things that you could offer him as collateral as he patiently taps his fingers on his desk to be on of the most amusing thing he's seen in almost 200 years. He won't lie; your nervous figiting is pretty entertaining too.
☕ Though... you might want to be a little more careful going forward, lest you catch the avatar of pride on a day that he's particularly stressed; he might just take you up on one of your occasionally more... lewd flirtatious remarks. Perhaps he'll put an end to your flirtatious ways with a well deserved spanking? Lucifer is sure you wouldn't complain, given your very clear attraction to him.
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💰 You broke him; the minute those words left your lips he went completely offline. Of course; Mammon thought that you were just making fun of him at first and tried to see of you'd slip up and insult him like so many others have. However, you only doubled down and now, the poor, flustered avatar of greed can barely look you in the eyes anymore.
💰 Truthfully, Mammon can't help but compare you to Asmodeus with how seem to need to add some sort of flirtatious comment into every sentence. Though you're not as dramatic and not at all cruel like his younger brother. He doesn't see your flirting as a bad thing but he can't help but get jealous when you start flirting with his brothers, Barbatos, Lord Diavolo and that angel. You're only supposed to do that sort of thing with him! He's your first man, dammit!
💰 Flirting your way out of being roped into a money making scheme? Pretty unlikely, believe it or not. When Mammon gets a hint of money he's chasing it and no amout of compliments will get you out of being dragged along for the ride. However, you might be able to flirt your way into getting him to take all the blame when the plan inevitably fails. All you need to do is lay it on thick and he's sold. This demon is madly in love with you, he will do anything you ask and more.
💰 While your first man is okay with taking the fall for you in any situation; he expects you to nurse his sore body back to health after hanging from the rafters for 6 hours again. You'll convince Lucifer to give him back Goldie too, won't you? Of course you would, Mammon doesn't work for free, after all.
💰 Mammon may or may not practice pick-up lines in his bathroom mirror. While he's confident in the solitude of his bathroom; once he's face to face with you his anxiety skyrockets and he stumbles over his words like a drunk man trying to navigate a dark room. You have no idea what you do to him, do you?
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🎮 Sorry, he's dead. Unfortunately, you had to go and flirt with this yucky otaku demon and he keeled over and died from overheating. Leviathan blushed so violently that he liquefied his brain and he fainted right then and there, bonking his head on various objects on his way down. Ah... poor guy...
🎮 Please, please, spare this poor man, he cannot handle it. Leviathan is too precious so go easy on him or he may just never leave that little hidey hole he calls a bedroom ever again. He's not brave enough to face you when you're like that! You may be his Henry but it feels like he's gone in too deep now, he can't even look at his beloved Ruri-Chan like he used to because you wrestled your way into her place! Just what the hell are you doing to him!?
🎮 You want to escape one of his long winded rants on TSL? All you need to do is give Leviathan a lovestruck gaze and his brain is fried; then you can make your escape. Fat Chance! As if he'd ever willing let you opt out of letting him share his one of his passions with you! Malfunctioning or not; he'll keep on talking; whether it's just to continue the conversation or to distract himself from you, we still don't know. You'll let him right? Or... do you think he's just a gross otaku afterall...?
🎮 If you do ever get into trouble with Lucifer for whatever reason; just pop into Levi's room and hide under the blankets in his bathtub while he's distracted by whatever game he's playing at the time. His older brother will never find out and neither will he until he stumbles upon you when he's feeling tired after an excruciatingly long raid. Of course, even after he finds you, he won't tell a soul.
🎮 Leviathan may or may not be hoarding various cosplays of characters with flirtatious personalities that just so happen to be in your size. How he got your measurements for the alleged cosplays is information that he will take to the grave. (He actually just asked Asmodeus but he prefers to seem mysterious about for some reason...)
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📚 Are you sure you wanna do that? Do you really want to take that risk? Truthfully, Satan knows all he has to do is amusedly raise a brow and you'll be quite as a mouse. But he finds it funny that you try to hide your fear of him behind that meaningless banter that you keep spewing. He's almost immune to your antics due to his abundant knowledge of human psychology and the time that he's spent observing you... almost.
📚 You'll have to either say something very shocking or tie it in with cats somehow in order to have an effect on Satan. He hangs around Asmodeus far too often (a personal headcannon of mine is that the two are actually very close) to be very influenced by flirtatious or suggestive remarks too much anymore. Usually he'll either raise a brow at you or just send you a teasing smirk. Though if you play into his vast knowledge and offer him a risqué fact he doesn't know, he'll be very interested.
📚 Wanna try your hand at flirting your way out of being on the receiving end of one if his wrathful outbursts? Are you a fucking idiot? Do you have no self preservation instincts at all?? You best get to steppin'; or else Satan will rip your face right off in his blind rage. To be honest, if you do go and try that, you deserve what you get in return for your stupidity.
📚 If you ever get into trouble with Lucifer, all you need to do is go to Satan and he'll harbor you in his room so long as you keep your hands to yourself. Make sure to let him know whenever you plan on flirting your way out of one of his oldest brother's punishments; he'll bring himself some popcorn. Not only will he get to see you embarrass yourself, he'll also get to see you annoy Lucifer; it's a 2 for 1 deal!
📚 If you catch him in a really good mood, Satan might just flirt back at you. Resting his chin on his palm and looking at you with the softest eyes as he lets loose words so sweet you'd think he was made of sugar. He can be really suave when he wants to, he just has to be in the right mood, ya'know.
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🛍 Look, I'll be blunt; Asmodeus hangs out with literal sex demons on the daily, he's heard everything. He's the avatar of lust; he is unfazed. So when I tell you that this man immediately thinks your just wanting to either have sex or something close to it, I'm serious. There is no if, and, but or in between; you guys are either doing the sideways tango or making out. If you don't want that, don't bother flirting with him.
🛍 Asmodeus is 100% unfazed by your flirting. No matter how sweet or raunchy you get, you'll never pull a big reaction from him. It'll mostly just be little hums of acknowledgement, his well rehearsed smile or bedroom eyes. I don't know what you were expecting, to be honest.
🛍 You think you can flirt your way out of doing anything with Asmo? Haha, no, you silly little human, you.~ He'll give you an airy little giggle and then drag you along to either his bedroom or whatever place that he needed to take you originally. Sometimes he'll strait up ignore you and act like you hadn't even said anything at all. Other times he'll use his charms and make you feel guilty for even thinking about opting out of spending time with him. It's a lose, lose situation; or a win, win depending on how much you like the guy.
🛍 You think he'll let you flirt your way out of one of Lucifer's punishments? Absolutely not! Or, at least, not without him giving you a few pointers first. Truth be told, Asmodeus thinks you have almost no rizz (he still loves you regardless~♡) and as the avatar of lust, he feels like it's his job to fix that! Or... at least try.
🛍 Truthfully, Asmodeus will keep you at an arm's length (for a while until he figures out your true intentions) like he does all of his sex demon friends. He believes you only want him for what they want him for; his body and looks. He won't ever show it but it does take a toll on him. He can breath a sigh of relief when he figures out what you really want from him.
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🍔 It's like talking to a brick wall; Beelzebub doesn't get the implications of your words. And why would he? He's far too innocent and thick headed (in the sweetest way possible) to understand something like that. Why do you even want to flirt with this precious man? Are you trying to corrupt him, you heathen!?
🍔 If you want a flustered Beel, you'll have to drop the flirting all together. Say what you need to say in clear message so he can't confuse any meanings or insinuations even if he tried to. And boom. You'll get a cute, flustered giant with flushed cheeks and an angelic smile. He'll be like a school girl with a crush; shyly fiddling with his fingers and giddily shuffling in place.
🍔 Trying to flirt your way out of sharing your food with Beelzebub? Don't. Give him a portion, you stingy bitch. Flirting aside— how could have the heart to say no to this man, you monster!? Back on topic; flirting will just fly right over his head, so I wouldn't even bother. Just give him some of your food, it's not that hard. You'll get a cute, grinning avatar of gluttony out of it, so what's that harm?
🍔 You're trying to flirt your way out of a punishment from Lucifer? Well... Beel doesn't wanna make his eldest brother mad... but he also doesn't like the idea of not helping you when you need it. He's so torn! What should he do! Unfortunately for you, the poor man will be so caught up in whether he should help you or not, that Lucifer has already found you and now you're hanging from the rafters. Please don't be mad at him, he didn't mean to ignore you, it was just a really hard decision for him!
🍔 When Beelzebub "flirts", he usually offers you some sort of food item that he really wanted to eat. He'll take occasional glances to see if you've eaten it or not and to see your reaction to it so he knows what you like in the future. Accept it! Don't you dare turn down a gift from this sunshine, you'll make him sad!
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🌌 Hey, so... you remember how he killed you via snapping your spine like a toothpick. I really wouldn't recommend flirting with him in any capacity. I don't think Belphegor would appreciate you waking him up to flirt or if he's already awake, which is a rarity in it's self, he'd rather you be quite so he can nap. He's just here to use you as a pillow, not to hear you run your mouth.
🌌 The best time to "flirt" with this slightly homicidal demon is when he decides that you deserve to take a nap with him. (Read as; when he decides to sleep on your bed and use you as a pillow.) However; said flirting must be soft and sweet. Gentle praises in a soft voice. Comb your fingers through his hair. Belphie will drift off to sleep with small smile on his face. Expect him to be in a very flowery mood when he wakes up again.
🌌 You want to attempt to flirt your way out of stargazing in the attic for the nth time in a row? Sure! You do that! In fact, Belphegor thinks that your bones are looking mighty crushable right now. Don't get too ahead of yourself, he's not above physically holding onto you and keeping you in the attic until he's satisfied. You're not getting out of this one, hun.
🌌 On the run from Lucifer? Belphegor's got you covered! Just head on up to the attic while he goes to Satan for a hex he can place on the door to keep the prideful demon away. Anything to fuck with Lucifer will have him come running, so keep him informed, okay?
🌌 On some rare occasions, when you and Belphie are alone together, he can be real sweet to you. Calling you something romantic like his north star or something of the like. However, he quickly ruins the mood with an obnoxious yawn. Whether he does that on purpose or not is up to you.
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yanderestarangel · 9 months
can you write some headcanons for smoke (tomas vrbada) from mk1? there’s barely anything on tumblr for him😭
TW: SFW, NSFW Headcanons, AFAB Anatomy, Husband!Tomas.
A/N: thanks for the idea anon<3 I miss this big guy on tumblr, Tomas my love deserves more attention.
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He is the shy type, a loving, passionate and gentle lover, even with his most serious exterior he melts in your arms.
Tomas loves just being at home with you, especially if you are married - whether it is an arranged marriage or a spontaneous marriage - he likes you, if it is an arranged marriage he will be shy to even talk to you, but he will do his best to being a good husband, respecting your limits, remembering important dates like your birthday - he even saves money to buy something you really want and makes dinner for you -
He is the type that will want to be your safe haven, if you live in the same house with him, you will take care of the house while he goes out to work with the Liu Kuei clan, but if you want to work for him that's fine, but he You will be reluctant at first for fear of being hurt in some way.
Tomas doesn't allow you to be close to Bi Han, don't take him the wrong way, he's just afraid because he knows his brother, Bi Han doesn't like anyone and probably if you and Tomas are married by arrangement, it was the grandmaster himself who forced him both to get married, as a form of "humiliation" for Vrbada, but it had the opposite effect, he was happy to have someone like you.
He's the type who only talks if you talk to him, he's always been like that, sometimes if you get too distracted he'll even forget that Tomas is at home, getting scared when you turn around and see him at the kitchen table, cutting his teeth vegetables for dinner for both of you.
On his days off from the clan, he likes to just spend time with you, watching movies, taking care of the house - mowing the grass, reading some books, practicing some new moves or, if you want, sex all day long, oral, anal, vaginal , whatever you want and order he will do to you, do you want him to fuck you from the outside? He goes. Do you want him to fuck you with his dick all over the house? He goes. Do you want to suck his dick? He'll let you stand between his legs until you're satisfied - he loves your blowjobs, especially if you pay attention to his balls, even if he's too shy to talk.
Tomas has a twenty centimeter dick, thick, slightly bent to the right with two thick veins that stand out on the sides, which pulsate extremely when he is hard. The color is pink at the tip going halfway, he is very sensitive - he gets hard with practically anything you do, even cumming in his pants if you tease him, especially if you masturbate him through the fabric, he whimpers and begs to cum, begging for your pussy, mouth, breasts anything, he just needs your body connected to his-
He values your pleasure first, but sometimes he can't hold back, cumming before you do, he's embarrassed, blushing while apologizing to you, but he won't stop trying to make you cum, he has so much repressed lust :( Tomas will continue to have a hard-on even after the first orgasm, that is, he will make you cum, whether with his dick, mouth, fingers or taking turns between the three, after all, it's your pleasure that matters to him.
He loves fingering you, always paying attention to your clit, he knows the right spots, where to touch, where to massage and how to massage - Tomas will finger you with both fingers, using his thumb to pay attention to your throbbing bud, while you praised him for holding his fingers so well - Example:
"-Good boy | Good girl"
"-Pretty little doll"
"-Little prince | Little princess"
"-My angel"
"-My boy | My girl"
"-Mine, mine alone"
"-You've done well/a good job my love."
"-You're making me really happy right now baby."
"-Fuck that's it, I know you can take it all."
Cowgirl - Tomas likes to see you in control, your pleasured face bouncing on his dick, as he watches your pussy being impaled by his dick, Vrbada's strong hands on your waist, squeezing the soft flesh of your body as he watches your breasts jump with each movement, he helps you by praising you and moaning to let you know that he is loving it, he is also quite vocal, you can see Tomas' face contorting with pleasure, his worked muscles trembling with each ride of your pussy tight on him, just keep enjoying yourself on his dick as he praises you for being so good for him as he cums inside your pussy with a guttural moan.
Reverse cowgirl - Vrbada loves seeing your ass bouncing on his crotch, how your back and waist look so delicate while your pussy swallows him greedily, he tries to be a gentleman with you but loses control, holding your ass tightly , slapping and fucking you at his pace.
Missionary - He loves this position because he can look at you, every reaction of pleasure, every time his cock slips out of your pussy, every time you moan when he pushes his thick shaft into your uterus, he always captures your pleasure, praising you and talking looking into your eyes how beautiful you are, while kissing you on your neck, breasts, face,lips, placing his forehead on yours while closing his eyes or looking down, seeing your wet intimacies, he loves seeing your full belly, with a slight elevation caused by his seed - he loves making a good creampie, taking his fingers up yours sensitive hole and dirtying the tips, rubbing it on your lips while he made you taste his cum.
Bonus: The only time you saw him angry was when Bi-Han betrayed him and Kuai Liang, he arrived at your house, an aura of anger and black smoke surrounding him tightly, you didn't even have time to ask. Tomas's anger and frustration seemed to radiate from him as he entered the room, his emotions practically palpable. Without saying a word, he took off his mask and kissed you fiercely, his desperation and anger evident in his actions. As he rubbed his hard cock against your body, you could feel the intensity of his emotions swirling between you. It was clear that he intended to release his anger through fucking, and you were more than willing to be his outlet. His grip tightened around your waist as he turned you around, removing your shorts and exposing your delicate pussy. With one hand, he easily trapped his legs, holding you in place as he ravished you with an almost primal intensity. "-Fucking Bi-Han." -Tomas growled, his voice mixed with anger and frustration. "-He betrayed us, son of a bitch, our father would be so disappointed... he was always so cold to me... shit shit, I thought he was my brother." As he continued to thrust into your pussy, his movements becoming more urgent and forceful, he tore off your shirt, exposing your breasts to his hungry gaze. The sight of your bare flesh only intensified his need, your lewd growls echoing through the room, he pushed his fingers into your mouth making you suck on them. "-Take my fingers, my dirty little slut" -ordered Tomas, his voice dripping with dark desire. "-Suck them, show me how eager you are to please me." With each strong thrust, Tomas vented his anger on your poor pussy.
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gojos-thot-patrol · 9 months
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Starring Vampire!Gojo, who's become obsessed with his favorite barista at an overnight cafe. He knows that they're soulmates. He just has to convince her that they are as well.
CONTENT WARNING: This fic contains Yandere typical behavior, kidnapping, obsession, noncon/dubcon, blood kink, (spit kink if ya squint), unprotected sex, references to murder, and mind control. Obviously I condone none of this behavior, and reader discretion is heavily advised.
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Satrou watched as you fluttered around your apartment, lighting candles and turning on Over the Garden Wall. You had on your coziest sweater, and not a single overhead light was in use- opting instead for the warm glow of your table and floor lamps. You were welcoming in fall with everything you had in you. You looked warm, cozy, and safe. And despite all of that, he couldn’t help but imagine just how much warmer, cozier, and safer you would look trapped in his mansion.
He adjusted his sitting position on his tree branch, watching you pumpkin spice your tea as you cuddled up on the couch. He loved that you left your curtains open just for him, just so he’d be able to keep an eye on you. He knew it had to be for him, who else could watch you on the fifth floor? And if you didn’t want to be watched at all, surely you would close your curtains. It didn’t make sense for you to just leave them open for no reason. Not with the amount of creeps running around in this town. Creeps he would protect you from.
He thought back to the first time he met you. A brand new barista at his favorite overnight cafe, seemingly hand picked for him. Your sparkling eyes and dazzling smile drew him in, but your irresistible smell is what trapped him. Like warm cinnamon and honeyed apples, already nostalgic to him even if it was his first time experiencing the smell. He was hyper aware of the fangs in his mouth, the need to sink them into whatever was producing that intoxicating smell threatening to overtake him. He felt like a cartoon character drawn to a fresh pie on a windowsill. Your voice sounded damn near angelic. He could still remember the poetry you relayed to him, the first words ever spoken between the two of you. Words he'd treasure forever.
“Hey, I like your glasses!” You smiled, definitely being nice to him because you liked him not just because you wanted a tip. He almost blushed. His glasses- round with red lenses- were more for utility than they were a fashion statement, or something he even liked wearing. They hid his eyes, making them appear to be intensely blue rather than the bright red they really were. Still, if you liked them he’d wear them until the inevitable heat death of the earth. 
“Oh, thanks.” He chuckled nervously, giving you a tight lipped smile. He didn’t want to freak you out with his…condition. At least not yet. 
“No problem man, what can I get you tonight?” It was then and there he decided you would be his one day.
And it was here and now he decided one day was today. He stood up on his branch and leaned against the trunk of the tree. He watched as you did your regular bedtime routine, going to sleep safe and relaxed, knowing your prince charming was coming to take you to his castle tonight. He knew you were on the same wavelength as he was. He knew from the friendly smiles you gave him every time he came into your cafe, from the way you spoke to him as if he was an old friend- with trust and understanding.
Like, when you first started talking about your boyfriend for example. At first, he thought you were trying to discourage his affections, hint at him to go away. But, he quickly came to his senses. You were his one true love, and he was yours, why would you try and throw that away for some mortal asshole? It wasn’t hard for him to figure out that you were asking him to take out the trash. 
He remembered how pathetic that boy sounded as he pleaded for his life. It disgusted Satoru that he was able to get so close to you. You deserved someone that could defend you, not some child that cried the moment things got dicey. You deserved him, Satoru Gojo. No one else would do. Still, it was an honor to take care of this chore for you, even if he wished it had been more of a challenge. He was glad to have taken on the task. It reaffirmed his love for you, and the desire to give you what you deserved. 
The lights in your neighbors windows finally went out, assuring him that no one would try to be a hero if you decided to play hard to get. He waited another hour to make sure everyone was asleep before he dropped out of the tree, taking on his bat form and flying to your window. He turned back into a human, catching himself on your brick windowsill. It was around now he realized he didn’t exactly think this through, but- it’s fine. It’s fine! This is true love, this is fate, things were going to work out. Probably. 
He pulled himself up, balancing with one arm on the thin ledge and opening your window with the other. He smiled when he found it unlocked, confirming that not only were you on the same page as him, you were waiting for him. Good girl. He slid into your studio apartment, and immediately had to brace himself against a wall. It was overwhelming just how much this space smelled like you. It made sense, of course, you spent more of your time here than anywhere else. He expected it to be rich with your smell, but he didn’t expect it to be so intoxicating. He could feel his fangs buzzing with the need to feed, and his body flush with lust. He was down right giddy at the realization that soon, his home would smell like this. 
But he had to get you there first. He straightened up, coming to his senses as he turned took at your sleeping form. He felt his chest tighten with affection. You looked so peaceful when you were asleep, softly snoring and completely content. You looked ethereal in the pale moonlight, snuggled under your fluffy blanket. If he saw a picture of you like this, he wouldn’t believe you were real. Which, is saying something cause he’s, ya know, a fucking vampire. 
He strode over to your bedside, gently running the back of his knuckles along your angelic jawline. “Rise and shine, beautiful. It’s time to go home.” He whispered softly into your ear, his rich voice filling your mind and causing you to stir.
“Mm- wha..” You muttered softly, not fully understanding the gravity of the situation in your groggy state.
“Come on darling, our bed is waiting for you at home.” He cooed again, taking your warm hand into his ice cold claws. 
“Wha..wait, Gojo?”
“You can call me Satoru. Or Love, that would work too.”
“GOJO?!” Oop- you were awake now. You ripped your hand from his, scrambling to get away from him. So you were going to play hard to get. “What are you doing in my home?!” You demanded. He tried to push back his annoyance. 
“Darling girl, this isn’t your home.” He gently reminded you, “Your home is all the way on the other side of town, with me.”
“Oh, fuck That!” You yelled, grabbing your bedside table lamp, a heavy porcelain antique, and smashing it across his head. To your credit, if he wasn’t a supernatural being- that would have really fucking hurt. If he didn’t know you were just playing, he would have thought you were actually trying to injure him! But, even if you were just playing, he couldn’t let violence slide. 
“Now now baby girl, Is that anyway to treat your lover?” He asked, pulling you into his arms with a speed that you quite frankly could not comprehend. His grip was impossibly strong too, not only rendering escape out of the question, but making it hard to breathe. You could feel bruises forming where is fingertips met your flesh, and bile rise in your throat. 
“I’m not your fucking lover Gojo-”
“Darling, please it’s Satoru to you.”
“You’re fucking crazy!” You snapped, trying to wiggle out of his grip, despite the futility of it. 
“Crazy for you Babygirl.” Oh great, not only was he out of his fucking mind, he was going to be cheesy about it too. 
“Let me go!” You demanded, trying to thrash but only managing to squirm. You tried kicking him, but it was about as affective as performing CPR on a corpse.
“I will, as soon as we get home.” He “assured” you. It was then you realized he was leading you to your open window. Oh no. Oh no no no no no! Was he going to fucking kill you?! Was home the afterlife?!
“What the fuck are you doing?!” You screamed, clawing as his arms and struggling against him in any way you could, “Gojo-”
“Satoru.” He was starting to lose his patience with your insistence of using his family name. 
“Motherfucker, we are on The. Fifth. Floor. You’re gonna kill us!”  Ohhhh riiight, You were human! You had never flown before! Of course you were freaking out, the first flight is always a little scary. He reminded himself he needed to be more sympathetic with you while you were adjusting, and mentally berated himself for forgetting in the first place.
“Don’t worry darling,” He said, sitting on the ledge and holding you even tighter to his chest- if that was possible, “I won’t let you fall.” He said before promptly falling back first out of the window. You don’t know what was louder, the sound of the wind rushing past your ears, or the screams ripping from your throat.
And then the wind got softer, as if you weren’t falling but-...You looked up to confirm your suspicion. Gojo was holding you on his chest as coasted through the air, looking as relaxed as he would if he was on an inner-tube on a sleepy lake. You suddenly understood what was happening.
“Oh, I’m dreaming!” You all but laughed at the realization.
“It is a dream come true, huh?” He smiled, “I thought we might share dreams.” You rolled your eyes at him, but noticeably relaxed. If you were dreaming, that meant there was no danger. You weren’t flying through the air with a sociopath that was trying to kidnap you, no. You were at home, safe in your bed. In the morning, you would throw away the expired clove in your pantry, and watch The Lost Boys as this fucked up dream slowly seeped out of your mind. All would be well.
That was the thought you were clinging onto as he landed in the lawn of an old southern gothic mansion on the edge of town. You were familiar with this property. The kids spread rumors of it being haunted, overrun with ghouls and ghosts and all things that go bump in the night. Most of them wouldn’t go up to it’s front door, even on Halloween night, with the promise of candy hanging in the air. They believed that once you knocked on the door, your days were numbered. Even the adults spoke about it in hushed whispers, sharing conspiracy theories about who the home owner could possibly be, and why no one ever saw them. Many assumed it was abandoned. 
And now that you were in the front lawn, you understood where all the fear came from. The house was overwhelming, a dark aurora clinging to it and a sense of dread radiating off of it. But, you were dreaming! You couldn’t be hurt! You let Gojo lead you into the front door with zero fear, knowing that you were impervious to danger at the moment. 
Inside you were greeted with a surprisingly warm interior. The outside seemed more like a defense mechanism now, like a bug that disguises itself as a much deadlier creature, when in reality the bug was harmless. Antique table lamps bathed the room in warm light, The red vintage wallpaper making the old black furniture look inviting. The class and elegance of the home put you even more at ease. Leaving you vulnerable. 
You didn’t even notice the amount of locks he was locking behind you, or the fact that some of them required a code. “Welcome home darling,” He said as he finally finished securing the million latches, returning and wrapping his arms around your waist, “What do you think?” He purred.
“It’s…cozy.” You said. It was, in it’s own weird way. “I always wondered what the inside of this house looked like.” 
“Well, it’s yours now, so feel free to make any changes you want.” He smiled, kissing your forehead. You felt a chill as his cold lips pressed against your skin. Your brain may have known it was dreaming, but your body didn’t. You still felt shaky, your heart was still racing, and your palms were still clammy. Your body was in super-hyper-defense mode. Which, was to say you felt like you were seconds away from a panic attack. He must have noticed the blood draining from your face.
“It’s late darling. The grand tour can wait, let me show you to our room.” Oh, good idea. If you slept, you could wake up in your bed and get this dream over with. You nodded and let him lead you up the ornate, spiral staircase, and down the hall to the master bedroom. An absolutely massive room that matched the living area, only instead of red it was a powder blue, A truly extravagant bed was the center piece of the room, a large canopy hanging over it. You noticed there were no windows in the room. Come to think of it, you hadn’t seen any windows at all, other than in the living room. And even still, they were boarded up.
“Thanks for the room, I uh…I think I’m going to go to sleep. You can go now.” You told him. His laugh sent a blizzard through your body.
“Go now?” He cackled, “Darling, this is my room too.” He said gently, wrapping his arms around you and pulling you close. “We share everything…” He leaned down and pressed his nose into the juncture of your neck, taking a deep breath and getting lost in your scent. He felt you try to push him away, but you would have had an easier time trying to push Mount Fuji over. 
“Gojo, I-”
“Satoru.” He growled, “For the last time. My name, is Satoru.” He very gently reminded you, gripping you tighter and digging his long black claws into your side. You gasped from the pain, feeling drops of blood leak from you new would. You felt the pain. You felt pain.
You weren’t dreaming. You weren’t dreaming.
 You felt a sharp icy chill rip though you as he dragged his cold, slimy tongue along your neck. “You smell so decadent my love.” He praised. You lost your words as you felt him run his hands under your sleep shirt and up your bare skin. His chilled fingers left frigid trails along your body, reminding you of where he had touched- where he had violated. Your heart felt like it was going to explode out of your throat, and your stomach turned as he pressed your hips into his, making it painfully clear just how happy he was to have you here. 
He could smell your blood leaking from your side and it was clouding every other thought he had. He hadn’t fed in weeks. No one else was worth it, no one smelled nearly as appetizing as you. Every other disgusting mortal tasted rotten to him now, and no matter who he chased they were never you. They may have had your skin color, or your eye color, but none of them could hold a candle to you.
But he had you here now. His darling, his world. His perfect meal. And he was fucking starving. “I bet you taste as good as you smell.” He purred, dragging his fangs across the thin skin on your neck.
“N-no, don’t-!” Your words turned into a scream as he dug his fangs into your flesh, your scream dying in your throat as he bit down. You felt his sharp fangs pierce into you, opening up your veins and letting the blood flow freely for him. You felt his cold tongue collecting the very crimson that give you life, greedily feeding on you as if you were the finest meal he had ever had.
Probably because you were. The flavor of fresh apples and salted caramel spreading in his mouth and through his being, making his cold body buzz with your warmth. You tasted better than he had ever imagined. He roughly grabbed your hair, tangling his claws in it as he pulled your head to the side, giving him more room to feast. It restarted your nervous system. You found your will to fight again, thrashing in his grip and trying even harder to push him away. He growled at your sudden insolence, forcing himself away from your throat.
He grabbed you by the chin and forced you to look in his eyes. “Why do you insist on fighting me, Love?” He groaned. You realized he wasn’t wearing his normal glasses, and his eyes were still as red as the blood currently flowing through you. Fuck, how could you have been so blind? You tried to break away from his grip again.
“Because you’re a fucking monster!” You snapped. Well that was harsh. He didn’t want to do this so early on in your living with him, but really you left him with no choice. “Let me go!” You demanded again.
“Why would I do that?” He asked, his eyes burning into your very soul. “You want to be here.” You watched as his eyes changed. Red irises now ringed with violet, then gold, then violet again. It was so…mesmerizing.
“No I-...” Your words fell from your lips, and you couldn’t bring yourself to finish the sentence. You could feel your brain filling with fog, the edges of your vision becoming a vignette. Slowly you could feel the ice he filled you with melting from your body, leaving you feeling something much warmer instead.
“Yes you do. You’re my girl, of course you want to be here with me.” He purred, a soft smile looking so misplaced on his bloodstained face. “You do want to be with me, don’t you Y/n?”
“I do.” N-no. No that's not what you meant to say. What the hell?
“Then why are you trying to fight me?” Because he’s a fucking creep that stole you out of your bed and was now practicing the ancient art of BLOODLETTING on you!
“I don’t know.” No! Why weren’t your words matching your thoughts?! Why couldn’t you say what you meant!?
“If you don’t know Darling, then there's no point to it. I don’t want to hurt you my love, please don’t force my hand.” he sighed, cupping your cheek in his palm. You wanted to jerk away, but you felt your body lean into his cool touch. It felt nice against your warm cheek.
“I’m sorry.” You absolutely were not sorry.
“It’s okay Beautiful. I know how you can make it up to me.” His grin was wicked with ill intent as he returned to your neck, licking at the blood flowing there. You could feel your body temperature continue to rise, what was once almost pleasant slowly becoming unbearable. You whined softly at the unpleasantness of the heat.
“You’re warm,” He noted, running his cold hand along your side. The ice he held wasn’t unwelcome anymore. Now it felt like the cool waves of the ocean on a hot summer day. You felt you head nod limply at his obvious observation. Of course you were warm, you were on fire. 
“Let me help.” He whispered, pulling your shirt over your head. You’d think being exposed to the cool air in this drafty mansion would have helped your situation, but you felt no change. You didn’t feel a change when he slipped your bottoms off either, and you almost whined when he pushed you onto the bed, the fluffy fabric of the blanket making everything worse. 
And then his lips were on yours, like the first chill breeze after a heat wave. More, more, you needed more. Your hands fumbled with his shirt buttons, struggling with numb fingers to fit the brass through the holes. Finally, after undoing three, you gave up and ripped the shirt off over his head- possible ripped fabric be damned. 
“I knew you wanted me darling,” He grinned, your eagerness to have him undressed fueling his undeserved sense of confidence. You didn’t care though, because his skin was finally on yours. His chest pressed against yours, you finally felt some sense of relief, like putting aloe on a bad sunburn. You moaned softly as he trailed kisses from your jaw to the wound on your neck, still bleeding but much slower now. He gently sucked on the dripping injury, and instead of pain, you felt euphoria. You moaned softly, pressing your thighs together to try and relieve some of the building pressure.
He gave you a tight lip smile, red covering his lower face, as he moved down on you, spreading your legs. His grin grew once he saw what you were working with. He knew it would be pretty, he had imagined it more than a few times while fucking his hand- chasing a high he knew only you could give him. But honestly, he didn’t think it would be that pretty. You noticed his lack of commentary just in time to find out why he was keeping his mouth shut.
He leaned down and spit your own blood out and onto your cunt, making an already pretty pussy prettier. You were embarrassed to say you moaned, but the blood chilled by his mouth felt do fucking good on your burning body. 
“God, you’re a freak.” He laughed, showing blood stained teeth. “Yet another thing we have in common.” He cooed as he massaged the sangria into your clit, sending waves of euphoria through your body. His hand moved down, slowing tracing your entrance before slipping a long finger inside, quickly followed by a second. 
“Oh, fuck!” You gasped as he curled his fingers up inside of you, gracing your g-spot with an expert precision. You felt your hips buck up against your will, reacting to him in ways that would have made you nauseous in any other state. 
“You like that Darling?” He asked with a smirk, curling his fingers again and again. You whined softly, chasing the chill of his touch. “Answer me.”
“Yes.” You grumbled. You wanted to tell him no. You wanted to tell him to fuck off and stop touching you, but at the same time that was the last thing you wanted him to do. It felt like his touch was the only thing that could regulate your body, not to mention the fact that it just felt so fucking good. 
You were sure whatever he did to you was causing this heat, but you had also never been this sensitive before. His every movement sent waves of electricity through your nervous system. Your body craved him in way it had craved no one else before, responding to him like it was made for him. You felt a cool pool of pleasure forming in your stomach, your body buzzing with desire and anticipation.
He bit his lip as he felt you clench around his fingers, and immediately he had to feel that clench around his dick. He pulled his hand away, placing his two fingers in his mouth and sucking them clean, eyes rolling back at the sweet taste. You whined at the loss of contact, hips bucking in search of the pleasure they were robbed of. You wanted to cry, the frustration of a lost climax clouding your already cloudy brain. “Noooo!” Was all you could manage to say, and god did you sound pathetic saying it.
“Don’t worry Darling girl,” Satoru chuckled as he pulled out his cock, “I got something even better for you.” You watched as he pumped his dick, the angry red tip looking so much redder against his pale skin. He rubbed his hand over the leaking tip, using the fluid there to slick himself up. You wouldn’t say this about a lot of guys, but you thought even your normal brain would be able to admit he had a pretty dick.
A pretty dick he was about to shove into your soaking cunt. You bit your lip in anticipation as he lifted your hips up to meet his. “Ready pretty girl?” He purred. You nodded an aggressive affirmative and he almost laughed. “No no Beautiful, with your words. Tell me you want me.”
“I want you!” You whined, hearing your voice but not your words again, “I want you so bad, please. Please I need you, I need you to fuck me until I can’t walk anymore, until I can’t think straight, I want to be ruined for anyone else, please!”
“Atta girl,” He praised, finally pushing into your needy cunt. He shuddered as he did, your warm velvety walls enveloping him and pulling him deeper than he realized possible. He almost came right then and there, like an untouched virgin, but managed to contain himself. Your moans weren’t doing him any favors, but you couldn't help it. He felt like a snowstorm inside the inferno that was your body, controlling the fire that raged there and finally giving you some relief. The stretch stinging at you was just an added bonus.
“You feel so fucking good Darling,” He praised, pulling back and slowly pushing himself back in, perfectly rubbing against your g-spot. You curved your back in pleasure, electric waves of euphoria crashing into your body, and quickly dragging you back to the edge. 
“It’s like you were made for me,” He cooed, “My perfect meal, my perfect fuck toy, you were designed to be mine.” He moaned, tangling his fingers into yours as he looked you in the eyes, painting a scene of what he thought intimacy looked like.
“Fuck, you feel so good Satoru..” You moaned, cunt fluttering around him as your climax quickly approached. Something in his brain switched. Before you fully understood what was happening, you were folded into a mating press, his cock reaching places inside of you you weren’t even sure were possible to reach. Your veins felt like they were full of smoke and your entire body felt like it was made of stars, ecstasy exploding inside you every time he moved. 
“Say it again.” He demanded.
“Satoru!” You yelped, honestly a little pissed off he expected you to talk now.
“Again.” He demanded, pumping into you with a vengeance.
“Satrou!” You whined, digging your nails into the pale flesh of his back, dragging your nails and leaving angry red claw marks in your wake. 
“Who do you belong to Y/n?” He asked, eyes burning into your again. You knew the answer he wanted. You clenched your teeth and sucked on your tongue. You used any willpower you had left not to say it. He may have taken your body, but you couldn’t let him take you. 
“Come on Darling, answer me. Who do you belong to?” He prompted again, this time coupled with the perfect thrust of his hips, lining up perfectly with your sweet spot, and using a free hand to rub your clit. The wave of lust and pleasure that overtook you washed away any willpower you may have had left.
“You, Satoru.” You whined, feeling tears prick at your eyes.
“That’s right darling,” He grinned wickedly as he licked at your neck wound, letting the blood flow over his tongue. “You’re fucking mine.” He started pounding into you with a vengeance, and you felt the strings in your stomach start to snap. Your entire body tensed up vision went white hot as galaxies exploded inside your veins, euphoria crashing into your body in seismic waves, making your cunt quiver from the after shocks. Your head felt like it was filled with cotton and you could feel your thighs trembling around him as you struggled to catch your breath.
“Satoru I-” You tried to communicate but couldn’t get the words, your already altered brain turning to much and leaking out of your ears as he fucked you through your high. His was close, he wouldn’t be far behind. The way that your cunt fluttered around his cock mixed with the pretty sounds you were making were frying his own nervous system, and all he could think about was how pretty you’d look with his cum dripping down your thighs. 
“Y/n,” He panted as he pounded into you. Your eyes met his. You lifted a shaky hand to push his snowy hair out of his face and he was done for. The small intimate act leaving him gushing deep inside you to the point of overflow. “Fuck I love you,” He moaned as he fucked you through his high, “I Love You, I love you so fucking much.”
He all but collapsed on top of you as he finally finished, pulling you into his cold chest. Your body temperature finally felt normal again, and you could feel the effects of his hypnosis slowly wearing off. He noticed too, and kissed away the tears that slipped down your cheeks. 
“I’m sorry Darling, did I overwhelm you?” He asked, genuine concern filling his voice. You wanted to scoff at the question, but choose to keep quiet instead. You were locked in his house. You had to play his games now to stay alive. He took your silence to be an affirmative.
“I’m sorry Darling. You don’t have to say it back yet, it’s okay. I know you love me.” He smiled, your blood still staining his fangs and making you sick. He finally pulled out, and you hated the empty feeling that followed. “Come on, let’s go get you cleaned up, okay?”
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jinkookspencil · 9 months
one to seven | jjk
you're finally ready to get intimate with your boyfriend one day... but it quickly turns into seven...
pairing: jk x chubby reader (f)
words: ~6.3k
tags and description: fluff but suggestive 18+ (read note) / established relationship but it’s early on in the relationship / i hope this is clear in the fic but it’s divided into seven days and the first bit before ‘one’ takes place during the seventh day, then it goes back to one (the first day) and leads up to that beginning (seven) / probably could be considered slice of life but yn does go through some sort of change/arc since yn is insecure.... at first / one-shot / obviously inspired by seven by jungkook / as requested by this anon! tysm for requesting!!
note on the rating and label: i labelled this suggestive, but it’s really all about sex (since it’s inspired by seven) and yn’s relationship with sex, especially in relation to jungkook / with that all said, i wouldn’t consider this smut because even though it’s all about sex, it doesn’t really go into them actually doing it and describing sex in graphic detail. that is what i stopped writing. this fic has more of the build up and the ‘after’ - the time surrounding the actual sex. i think this is as ‘nsfw’ as i’m willing to go. it alludes to many different aspects of sex though (yn is having fun).
author’s note: these past few days, i’ve been quite down. jungkook made me smile more than people i know and needed in real life, so i’m always thankful to him, but i’m also very thankful to the community on here and the anon who requested. writing this kept my mind busy on nights that were otherwise heartbreaking and tiresome for me - if i didn't spend those nights writing this, i probably would have cried myself to sleep. so really, thank you. i'm so happy to have this community and the other requests in my inbox to work on and give me joy in the meantime. i needed this, and the fact that i hit a follower milestone on here (1k yay!) while writing this makes it all the more meaningful. thank you guys. i hope you guys enjoy reading this, please let me know what you think <3 💕🌻
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The sunlight streaming in beneath the curtains wakes you, interrupting the pitch-black darkness of Jungkook’s bedroom… But your boyfriend’s arm, suddenly wrapping around your naked torso calms your aching body.
Just a week ago, you’d been too shy to be so intimate with your boyfriend. Sure, you’d been together for months, but that’s how long it took for you to finally get comfortable enough - and Jungkook, the angel that he was, waited. Instead of making love, he spent all his time proving his love, kissing you as you liked, praising you, making sure you were always comfortable and always knew what you deserved… as well as how deeply he felt for you. He never rushed, never complained - only pleaded to be kissed and touched in the ways you were comfortable with, never more.
It was a regular Monday when everything changed. No sudden, irresistible ‘turn-on’. No sudden urge of sexual desire that overwhelmed your senses. Not even a sexy picture from Jungkook - those he loved to send just because it made him happy to do so (and to receive compliments from you).
But rather, it was a settling feeling of happiness and contentment that did it. A magical ‘you know when you know moment” that shook your entire world and made itself apparent… when he sent you an adorable selfie of himself in a frog hat at work with the caption "prince charming". As expected, he was still wearing said hat when greeted you at his front door with a wide smile and wide arms, and you pull the hat off of him when you tip-toe to kiss him.
This was home.
A hearty meal (that Jungkook prepared himself) later, you stop the movie you’re watching and move to touch your boyfriend’s cheek. “I kinda really wanna make out with you, Koo.” He wastes no time and your lips are interlocked in seconds. You place Jungkook’s hesitant hand above your waist, guiding his fingers to the hooks of your bra, but he moves it swiftly to tug at your neckline and kiss you on your shoulder, where you’d just begun allowing him to kiss.
“I hope I’m loving you right, baby,” he whispers onto your skin, pecking it once more.
The words broke your heart. Of course, he was loving you ‘right’. His efforts did not go unappreciated or unseen, especially after years of heartbreak and boys who saw you as nothing but 'beautiful on the inside,' fetishes, momentary and secretive pleasures, or simply not a girl worth sticking around for. Jungkook, on the other hand, was almost hard to tame. He praised you constantly, but never just your appearance and never just in private. Early on, it seemed that neither of you was into PDA, but soon enough Jungkook was mindlessly touching, kissing, and holding you in public - and you found out that you actually loved it. You loved him.
“You’re loving me right, Jeon Jungkook,” you whisper back into his hair to reassure him, and you feel him smile against you.
“You deserve the world. You’re my world,” he says, breaking away to look at you and cup your cheeks, only for you to pull him closer once more, and he yelps when you return his hand where you’d wanted it. “Cheeky!”
“Jungkook, I’m ready. I'm ready to...,” you announce in a blurt, placing your hand on his chest.
“What? Hun, if this is about what I said, I didn’t mean-“ he panics.
“I knew I was ready before you’d even opened up your beautiful mouth, Koo. I saw the frog hat, and I just knew."
“Do you have a ‘thing for frogs’? Is that what did it? You’re teasing me, aren’t you?” he giggles. “Very funny. Let’s just kiss-"
“I want this, Jungkook. I want you. I’m scared… but I want you.”
Immediately, his eyebrows furrow, and he’s staring at your lips attentively. “What are you scared of, my angel?”
You’re unable to look at your boyfriend anymore, hanging your head low. “I'm afraid that you won’t like my body. I wouldn't have taken this decision if I didn't know for certain that you found me beautiful but... I'm still scared. Because what if you change your mind? I waited until I knew I wanted to be with you fucking forever, and… if you change your mind about me -”
Jungkook pokes his cheek with his tongue - and it’s so attractive but so damn nerve-wracking that you’re unable to complete your thought, the deep-rooted fear inside your head, and your voice trails off.
He breaks away, cupping your cheeks. “Look at me,” he says. When you muster up the courage to do so, he is already staring into your eyes. “I could never change my mind about you. What did I say, hmm? You’re my fucking world, and I already want that forever too.” He plants a soft kiss on the edge of your lips before continuing. “I know saying 'don't be scared' might not calm your nerves, but I mean it if that's what you're afraid of. I've felt your body, love. I've seen you a million different times and I think you're gorgeous every single time. I never said this to you before because I never wanted to pressure you, and I want to, you know, love you right, which is respectfully and the way you deserve, but baby… I’ve wanted to see... kiss your body for ages. Do you know how many times I’ve dreamt about this? About seeing you? About making love with you? I want you - in every single way possible.”
"You've been so patient, and I know it must've been hard... I'm sorry, Koo," you mumble, tears forming at your waterline as you take a deep breath.
“Don’t be, my angel,” he whispers, pulling you in for a hug and kissing your forehead. “I want you even if sex was entirely off the table because I want you.
When you first told me about everything, it's clear you went through a ton of shit you didn't deserve. It makes me so furious but I’m glad you know what you deserve. Someone who listens to you, who makes you feel comfortable and safe, and loves you. I’m trying to be that guy because you’re the girl worth waiting for, baby. The girl worth a thousand, million universes rather than this world alone…. and I love you more than anything.”
He kisses you, deeply and truly, more passionately than he’d ever done - and you know you meant your words as well.
“I love you more than you can imagine, and I said what I said too… I- I want..you, Jungkook. I’m ready,” you say, leaning in with your breath ghosting his lips.
“Are you su-“
“I’m sure, Koo…. I’m wearing lingerie under these clothes,” you whisper with a giggle that he echos.
“Oh, my love….” Jungkook says fondly, inching closer towards you to kiss you once, then staring into your eyes as he pulls you into a hug and moves a hand to rest where you’d wanted it before holding your hand with the other, kissing your knuckles as he led you into the bedroom. But he quickly lets go. In a flash, Jungkook hurriedly dashes around his room, muttering to himself while lighting every candle he owns. “I need to make this romantic - my girl deserves ultimate romance! If I’d have known I would’ve gone all out, I would’ve… I don’t know what I would’ve done other than jack myself off beforehand at the thought of it finally happening, but - fuck, Jungkook, what are you saying? No, it’s good you didn’t tell me beforehand. God, you’re so hot for being spontaneous.”
Jungkook ends his panicked monologue entirely relaxed and only an inch away from you, his demeanor transformed, and your endeared giggles stop at the scene of it all becoming very real.
“Stop me whenever you want me to,” he whispers, caressing your face.
You nod with a smile as you sit back on his bed, taking a deep breath when Jungkook hovers over you and helps lift your dress over your head, leaving you in the new silky lingerie set you’d bought.
It was hard to ignore the excitement on Jungkook's face, of which he made no effort to hide. “My beautiful girl,” he says, taking in the sight of you before finally looking at your face once again and pressing his lips against yours, undoubtedly feeling the rush of your heartbeat with your chest against his and his fingers at your neck.
“Let me ease your mind,” he whispers, letting his hands wander to your hips, gripping them as he lowers himself until he is face to face with your waist. He was steady in his pace, still not rushing while he kissed your waist and up and down your torso with careful touches…. despite the fact that he soon tore your new lingerie into pieces.
Jungkook wakes up beside you the same way he’d made love to you both times the previous night: slowly and gently. Vanilla, just like the scent you inhale on the arm he wraps around you, but passionate and caring in a way that proved your feelings about him, and his towards you. Just what you needed.
The love and care he showed you that morning, from the sudden morning fuck session to the following hours twisted in bedsheets grazing each other's skin, and the soothing, soapy shower you took together, were among the most blissful moments in your entire life. Refreshed and giddy, you meet Jungkook in his kitchen in just your bra and one of his oversized tees - the most naked or revealing you'd been in front of him, save for the night before and the morning you'd spent together…. There probably was no need to cover up anymore, you happily thought… until he seemed to notice your stretch marks.
“Next time, we’re keeping the lights on. How’d I not notice these last night? Or in the shower?” he asks curiously, pausing while plating your meal just to see the lines at your hips.
“You were probably too mesmerized by my beautiful eyes,” you joke, ruffling his hair as he bent down to inspect your marks.
“Way more than just your eyes, baby,” he giggled. “Do you have them anywhere else? I think I see some on your thighs.”
“Yeah and on my stomach too. They’re all over,” you say, showing him, before finally dropping the question on the tip of your tongue. “Are they… a turn-off?”
“A turn-off? Not in the slightest. Why would they be?” he questions curiously.
“People don’t usually like em,” you say, grabbing Jungkook’s arm. “My skin isn’t ‘picture perfect.”
“It’d be boring if it is. Mine isn’t. Look at the arm you’re holding, babe. I added tattoos so my skin wouldn’t be picture-perfect, baby. Except your markings are entirely your own, and hey, the way they look like roots? It’s almost poetic, isn’t it? Wow.”
You kiss his lips immediately, tasting the berries he’d whipped up into your smoothies - but the breakfast was quickly forgotten. Jungkook places you onto the kitchen counter instead, tracing and kissing every mark on your body so lovingly with the daylight shining onto you…. and you’d discovered that Jungkook ate everything with passion and furrowed brows.
Though you’d been spending days with Jungkook already, Wednesday was the day you had a planned date - one that was actually outside, after the back-to-back days spent intertwined all around his apartment.
A knock was at your door just as you were putting on the final touches to your outfit - a dainty set of gold jewelry - and you were still fiddling with the earring when you answered.
Jungkook showed up at your place to pick you up, dressed in a grey, collared shirt with a striped tank top underneath - adorable enough to drive you crazy - but more importantly, he’d shown up with a heartwarming bouquet of sunflowers in one hand and a picnic basket in the other - but he drops both at the sight of you.
“Oh baby,” are the first words Jungkook says, rushing in to pull you into a kiss. “Can we forget about the picnic? This… this is my fantasy.” His finger skim over the cotton fabric at your hips, scrunching up the fabric over your thighs.
“It’s forgotten,” you reply, letting his hand wander. “Tell me all your fantasies, Kook.”
“You, my dream girl. You’re my fantasy….. and fucking said dream girl - you - in a sundress… oof. This was… This always was….”
A laugh escapes you and a feeling of comfort floods your senses, seeing marvel on Jungkook’s face as he studied the floral dress that lay on your body. Neither of you bothered to move about the apartment for a while, kissing, touching, and more then and there behind the front door, until Jungkook pulled his hand from within your underwear to tug the dress off your body, revealing your sheer slip underneath.
“No fucking way,” he sighs, placing his hand behind you, fingers digging into your plush thighs and swiftly lifting you in his hands. With Jungkook still kissing your clavicle and ignoring your fearful, pleased shrieks, you have no choice but to comply, wrapping your legs around him and edging closer to his body, giggling as Jungkook rushes to the couch.
“Ride me? Ride me in this, pretty?” he pleads, kissing your neck once more before already leaning back.
“I’m scared, my love. What if I crush you?” you say, skimming his abs.
“Oh, wait - there’s another fantasy,” he proclaims with a smirk. “I’ll be fine. If you’ve crushed exes in the past, I’m actually jealous. though they probably weren’t strong enough.”
“No one ever wanted me on top, JK… but I guess you're strong enough since no one ever carried me like that before.”
“Fucking weak ass idiots. I don’t want to think about that now. I want you on top of me… in this pretty little dress that lets me see… everything,” he gasps, cupping your breast over the fabric before quickly adding, ”…if you’re okay with it.”
“Tell me if I hurt you,” you say as you help undress him.
“You could never.”
You could never forget the whimpers and the laughs you’d heard from Jungkook that evening, both when you’d asked him the same question. “Am I doing okay?” in the heat of the moment, was met with an ineligible whimper you’d heard for the very first time from Jungkook, who could only respond as such for minutes.
“Fuck, yes, you— you’re doing so good, baby,” he let out, continuously praising you afterwards, even until you asked the question again.
“Was that okay?” you ask him breathlessly when it was all over. He burst into a laugh, and if he hadn’t held onto your body so tightly, you’d have thought he was laughing at you.
“Okay? OKAY?! Honey…,” he starts, placing soft kisses on your skin as he talks. “Let me explain…This angle was… the way I could see you... your body...… and what you were doing to me. Oh, what did you do to me?! The way you wrapped around me, the way you rode… It was just right. And the fact that it’s your first time in that position? Then you pinned me down and I lost myself, I really did. You’re not a mortal human. You’re a witch. Some sex witch. That’s what you are - and you took my soul pleasuring me like that. No… no human woman could ever ride that way… that well. I’ve never felt that good… ever.”
Finally reassured, you wrap your arm around his tattooed one. “My spell worked! I’m glad you felt so good, baby.”
Jungkook sits upright, holding your hand. “Wait, did you feel okay? How was it for you?”
At that, you grab one of your nearby pillows to cover half your face, your shyness returning merely to answer his question honestly. “Jungkook… I know you’re big, but I’ve never felt you that deep before.”
“And? Does it hurt?” he asks with wide, concerned eyes that briefly trail down your sweaty body and how the fabric clung onto it even more.
“A bit,” you admit, throwing the pillow aside. “But it was… very good and very fun once I got over the scare and saw that you seemed to be enjoying yourself, playing with my tummy and tits and all, lifting me up a little too….” You trace his arms, hesitantly finishing the rest of your thought. “And then your hands stayed at my hips and ass. Albeit I missed the beginning, but god, was it heavenly - with your moans and the way you looked so helpless, in awe... pleased... because of me…. I kinda liked seeing you under me then, I liked having that….,” you pause, holding Jungkook’s face in your hands. “To have that control over you. To see you moan like that because of me. It was fun, baby. I wanna ride you again.”
“Yeah?” he asks, laughing again, and even harder when you nod eagerly.
“Oh, baby… You’re in for way more fun than you ever imagined.”
Jungkook reluctantly left your apartment the next day and kept his promise to return by bedtime. But when he shows up at your door at midnight, entirely devoid of color, you’re concerned.
“I know I look like shit, and I do feel like shit, but I’m okay,” he says instantly, quickly explaining that because he’d been spending his days and nights with you, he’d barely had time to go to the gym, so he’d crammed in an intense session before the planned picnic the day before and spent hours boxing after leaving you that next morning.
“Couldn’t you have told them you’re doing enough cardio with me?” you joke, poking his arm, but Jungkook winces through his smile and grazes where you’d touched him - this was the most he’d do to admit that he was so sore.
You wrap your arms around your boyfriend to envelope him in a tight hug, and he does the same, squeezing your soft body and letting out a moan as he does so. “This feels so good. So cozy.”
“Then it’s just cuddles for you today, baby,” you say, rubbing his back and tapping his ass gently. “I’ll go change out of all this lingerie I’m wearing underneath.”
“No, no, no,” Jungkook pouts, shaking his head, nudged in the crook of your neck, as he begins to tug at the hem of your shirt. “My body is still strong, I promise. You proved that you’re not a mere mortal - I’m the same! I won’t let my physical human-appearing body stop me - wait, don’t learn this lesson from me, by the way. You have to tell me whenever you’re in pain, okay?”
“Okay,” you groan.
“Are you still in pain, actually? From all the riding?” Jungkook says teasingly, wiggling his eyebrows, with his hand softly resting on your stomach.
"Yeah, a little - especially this morning. But it’s like my body craves you so much that it basically got over it by nightfall… that doesn’t mean you’re not sore, though, Koo.”
“Please, baby,” he protests, kissing you. “I want you. It’ll help me forget the pain…. Do you really have lingerie under there?”
You allow Jungkook to pull up your top to see your breasts, held just right in pink lace.
“Fucking hell,” he says, rushing to take your top off when you let it drop over your body. “Please tell me you’re down to fuck.”
“Jungkook!” you yelp, pushing your boyfriend’s ticklish fingers aside until you’re able to hold his hands. “You’re in pain, and you’ve been making me feel better all week, baby… Let me do the same for you, hmm? Please?”
Jungkook cocks his brow as a reflex but doesn’t move. He lets you caress his face and kiss him deeply before leading him into the bedroom. He doesn’t say anything beyond quiet gasps of amazement when you begin undressing, down to your lingerie, nor does he say anything when you take off his clothes for him and push him onto the bed...until you let your hand skim down his torso...
“I can fuck, I promise,” Jungkook says in a panic. “Fuck… Are you su…?”
Looking up, you see anticipation in his eyes, his gaze flickering between himself and your salivated lips. You’ve never done this to him before. Surely, he’d been wanting it, and still, he never rushed you… It’s best you hurry up to it.
“Shut up, Jungkook,” you say. “Let me swallow your damn pride.”
It was no lie you’d blushed often after your first night together - merely days ago - and though you’d had each other a number of times since, Jungkook kissed every inch of your face every time it flushed in the slightest. It was only natural for you to do the same to him when he spent the entire morning after your fourth night together flustered.
“You told me not to be shy, and now you’re going all red?” you giggle, kissing your boyfriend’s red ear.
“I can’t help it,” he says, touching where you’d kissed him. “My girlfriend is a fucking sex witch… Wh-where did you learn to do that?”
“The noises you made were a pretty good indication of how you like it,“ you say, letting your hand trail down his chest.
“…God you sound so fucking cocky right now, and it’s turning me on even more”, he groans, his hand resting over yours but letting you lead the way rather than guiding it himself.
“So…. you liked it, huh? Me taking control a little?”
“A little? Hun….” he trails off, so you kiss his forehead. “Can you….”  He fiddles with his fingers and his face flushes again, so you kiss his lips. “Aish....” he giggles, trapping your arms to finish his sentence in peace. “Baby, can you…. Can you boss me around again tonight?”
“You want me to dominate you?” you ask, taken aback.
A wide smirk appears on Jungkook’s face.
Such a request proved to be a night for your classic black lace lingerie set, with matching robe and dark lipstick… but Jungkook smiles too innocently when you enter the dimly lit bedroom, looking as such.
“I can’t be all bossy if you look at me like that, Koo.”
“I can’t change my round face and round eyes, baby… but then again, I thought you couldn’t switch up your ‘sweet, innocent girl’ persona until yesterday,” he smiles.
You roll your eyes. “Keep saying more things like that. That’ll make it easier to dominate you. I’m not so innocent, you know?”
“Oh, I know. I was there last night.”
“I have no idea how to go about this,” you admit, shoulders dropping in front of your boyfriend. “Tell me what to do.”
“No - you tell me what to do. Boss me around a little. No ‘please’. No pet names for now. Just commands. Tell me exactly what you want. What you want me to touch. What you want me to do What you want me to say. I'll help, and the instructions will help me please you just the way you like it in the future.”
“And if you get uncomfortable?”
“We have the safe word.”
A final kiss and nod of reassurance give you all you need to go on.
Trying it out, you manhandle your incredibly strong boyfriend until his arm wraps around your waist, his left hand resting just where you wanted it at your hip, while you guide the other hand to your heat. Already, you’re electrified by the control and decide to prolong this for as much as possible…. Might as well have some fun...
“First things first….” You say, backing away to lie on the bed and gently pushing Jungkook off when he follows, so he still stands in front of you, waiting. “Strip. To that song from your Calvin Klein ad.”
“Yes, ma’am.”
Jungkook was a smartass. He clearly didn’t mind being bossed around for a little - the ‘clear instructions’ did help him, and he seemed to be enjoying every minute of it, as he’d claimed - but when you’d tapped out from it all at dawn, there was not only amusement behind the smile on his face, but pride as well.
“That’s my girl,” he said, kissing your hand when you were both ready to pass out. “Oh, I worship you.”
The little brat knew the effect it’d have on you, and you didn’t wait until the next morning to call him out on it.
“Did you want me to take control because you thought it’d make me more confident?” you ask while Jungkook cleans you up, and he smiles at your question.
“If you feel that way, it’s all you, baby,” Jungkook says, kissing your body. “Is that how you feel?”
“I feel… powerful,” you admit.
A moan promptly escapes Jungkook at your words, and his kisses grow hungrier, finally meeting your lips and letting out another noise when you tug at his lips. Jungkook only breaks away to look into your eyes and sigh in adoration before kissing you once more.
The night made you feel like a whole new woman. And you were ready for more, too, feeling the urge to grab Jungkook the moment you wake up…. but you soon realize you had his bed to yourself. Seeing the messy sheets and his hairbrush tossed onto the mattress, you briefly recall being nudged awake at noon and him muttering some words about a sudden work meeting. A Post-It note tacked onto the bedside table backed up the fact with a short message in Jungkook’s handwriting.
“Baby - Got called into the company. I’ll be there til 7 at least. Text me when you’re awake. I love you.”
Washing up didn’t do anything to wash away the urge to have Jungkook once more - if anything, it only prolonged your steaming shower. Wrapped up in a robe with nothing to do in your boyfriend’s apartment on a quiet Saturday, you get an idea.
Risque pictures were never something you’ve done before, and an hour passes by the time you’re comfortable with the ones you’ve taken. Looking through your camera roll, you weave through and delete awkward photos until you were left with a variety of shots that left you surprised by how hot you’d looked, whether you were entirely bare or with the lingerie you’d worn the night prior.
Though it’d been the afternoon and a long while since you’d woken up, you send the photos to Jungkook.
you🌻 [5:01pm]: “good morning baby :)” (5 attachments)
A text arrives a minute later.
jk💕💫 [5:06pm]: “Oh fuck.”
jk💕 💫[5:09pm]: “what have i done”
jk💕💫 [5:09pm]: “what have YOU done”
you🌻 [5:13pm]: “well besides take the photos, i took a very, very long, very hot shower… since you’re not here. hope you’re having fun at work xx”
No texts arrive while you lounge around the apartment in one of Jungkook’s T-shirts, reveling in the image of him being hot and bothered for you during some meeting … but close to an hour later, you hear the familiar beeps of the keypad at Jungkook’s front door.
Your boyfriend storms through the door with furrowed brows and a stern look, his jacket thrown aside and his shirt already off of him and discarded by the door. Somehow, he manages to squiggle out of his trousers on his way to you, and he’s naked save for his boxers by the time he gets to you on the couch - which all took mere seconds.
“Jungkook!” you squeal with joy when he lunges at you, biting your neck and quickly taking off the t-shirt you were wearing. His bites resume at your clavicle and above your chest, which he aggressively holds in his hands, tutting at the fact that you hadn’t worn any underwear or a bra underneath it. But his fingers move to the small of your back, forcefully pushing your hips upwards and towards him while he wedges his leg between your thighs.
“Brat,” he whispers. “Missed me, huh?”
“You’re one to talk. What happened to staying til 7?” you quickly ask.
“Fuck that,” he says, continuing to kiss you, but soon you’re unable to let go of a nagging worry.
“Baby,” you stop him, placing your hands on his bare shoulders. “I don’t want the boys to hate me. I don’t want to be the reason you’re missing work.”
“You’re saying this now? After you sent me the sluttiest photos I’ve ever seen in my life? While knowing I was at work? And right before the fucking we were going to do because of said photos?” Jungkook asks with raised brows, but you feel his shoulders slouch, and he squeezes between his eyebrows before his hands stroke your arms.
“Baby, it’s fine. I guess I have something to say about it, too. Taehyung hyung…… fuck… he accidentally saw the photos. I was so distracted and obviously aroused by your nudes that I just stared into my phone for a damn while. He was sitting right beside me and peeked. Since I gave him an earful for not looking away until I caught him, he’s apologizing by covering for me. I’m sorry he ever saw it, baby. And for what it’s worth, they all told me they love you already - apparently, I’ve never been so giddy. They can’t wait to meet you, honey….So even though it’s unfortunate that he saw it… at least we get to fuck, mm?”
Smiling, you hold Jungkook’s hands in yours and kiss him quickly. “So… Taehyung didn’t look away, huh?”
Jungkook’s jaw drops, and for the first time in your relationship, he looks genuinely irritated. “And why do you care?”
“I like knowing I’m sexy, boo,” you say, leaning back on your hands. Jungkook seemed to be just as you expected and hoped him to be - the jealous type. “Aren’t you proud to have such a hot girlfriend? One the guys are so jealous of?”
Jungkook’s eyes turn feral, and suddenly, he lunges at you with the same hunger he’d met you with earlier. His lovebites on your neck and shoulders are sure to leave very visible marks, and you couldn’t be happier.
Suddenly, he whips his head up, his nose brushing yours, while his fingers wrap around your neck, grazing over where his mouth had been.
“Listen to me, brat,” he says, obviously resisting the smirk that appears on his face when he catches your knowing, anticipating glare. “I think I let you have too much fun, hmm?”
You nod, slowly, and his fingers tighten around your neck while his other hand finds your chin.
“Don’t you ever forget: I’m yours.”
The both of you try to catch your breath, and Jungkook realizes that tears are streaming down your face before you do. His behavior stops at once.
“Baby? Baby, what happened? Did it hurt? Was I too much? I’m sorry,” he says with a croak in his voice, kissing your wet cheeks.
Your angel - though minutes ago, it seemed as though Jungkook had transformed into your own personal sex demon, torturing you with endless, repetitive, fiery bouts of pleasure. It felt too good - why were you crying?
“Jungkook, no,” you let out, catching your breath. “No, it was… electric. Can you cry from feeling too good?”
He lets out a sigh of relief as he wraps his arm around your sweaty waist. “I’ve read once that it can happen to some people, yeah. I’m just glad to know you’re okay.”
“Angry sex hits different I guess,” you say. peeking at Jungkook through your periphery. His eyes seem to be wet too.
“I still haven’t forgotten what you said, you know?” he says, bringing his leg up to wrap around your thighs in a cuddle. “Are you really happy that Tae saw your photos? You want him to think you’re hot? Do you think he's hot?”
“I don’t care at all, my love,” you say, softly scratching Jungkook’s scalp and seeking his gaze. “I just had an urge. To fuck or be fucked angrily - but the thing is, you never get angry. I figured jealousy might do the trick, but… it was childish, and I didn’t mean what I said in the slightest - so I’m sorry.” Jungkook remains silent, tracing the marks on your stomach in thought, so you go on.
“You fuck me passionately enough, Koo - too passionately, even - if that’s what you’re wondering. I guess what I said is only half the truth. I knew it might work because I get jealous over you, too, you know? I get angry. Sure, it’s rare nowadays since you’re always there for me and make my world happier and calmer…. but I guess I buried my anger and jealousy, how pent up I can sometimes get seeing other girls - models, idols, staff, fans… everyone - they ogle you and visibly want you for themselves… and I won some cosmic lottery because you’re you and you’re mine! Naturally, I get worried. Jealous.”
He takes a deep breath, and you quickly whisper an afterthought. “I hoped you felt the same way about me. That I’m yours.”
Jungkook sits up, grazing your hair now, before placing a soft kiss on your forehead…. and flicking it right afterward. “My beautiful idiot - and I will only call you an idiot this one time because you’re acting like one! Did you miss the part where I gave Taehyung an earful? I know he respects me, and he respects you, but I still got jealous that he even saw it. I rushed here, so hot and bothered and ready to fuck because of the photos but also because of that anger. I wanted to fuck my beautiful girl. You know how you say you love it when I wrap my arm around you in public - I do that all the time since you said it, but do you know the first time I did it was because a guy wouldn’t stop staring at you? It’s happened far too many times.”
“I was probably too happy to have your arm around me to notice,” you whisper.
“Maybe, baby. Exactly, actually. Baby, you need to look at me when you see those girls you mentioned because if you do, you’ll see what they see: someone so ridiculously in love already. I never took notice because ever since I met you… every other girl ceased to exist in my eyes. The only one I see is my beautiful smartass witch who has taken over my brain and magically transfigured herself into my whole world.” You chuckle, but he goes on. “My love, I can’t tell you not to get jealous. God knows I can’t stop myself, either. But if there’s one thing in the world you shouldn’t worry about, it’s me thinking of anyone else.”
“Neither should you, Koo,” you say, holding onto him.
“I’m yours… and you’re mine.”
“I’m yours, and you’re mine,” you repeat, tears streaming down your face once more.
And once again, Jungkook kisses your tears away before kissing you more deeply, and you discover make-up sex to be more passionate than angry sex.
The sunlight streaming in beneath the curtains wakes you, interrupting the pitch-black darkness of Jungkook’s bedroom… your boyfriend's arm wraps around you, pulling you tightly against his body in his sleep. You remain that way, happily pressed against him and breathing to the magically rhythmic beat of Jungkook’s snoring and mumbling. A feeling of sleepiness returns as you close your eyes with your mind drifting away in your feelings of contentment… so much so that you don’t notice that his snoring has stopped.
“I think I met you in another life,” he whispers.
Sharply exhaling at the most romantic words you’d heard your entire life, you face Jungkook, brushing away the hair on his face, and to your shock, he opens his eyes widely.
“Oh, baby. I didn’t realize you were up,” he mumbles, with his face flushing.
“I think so too,” you say back, instantly kissing your boyfriend and suddenly bear-hugging him underneath the covers. Ready to fall asleep once again, you rest your head on Jungkook’s shoulder while he moans, happy as ever to lay underneath the weight of you…. but you soon pull away to confirm your suspicion. He is excited.
“Oh, Jungkook, baby…. With the week we’ve had…. I’m exhausted,” you admit while still clinging onto him tighter.
“It’s not a week yet, baby,” he moans, his hand finding the small of your back. “I’ll take it slow.”
“You’re lucky it’s Sunday, and that we have the whole day to ourselves, you little sex demon,” you say, grazing up his chest until your fingers find his nape and you’re able to pull him in for a sleepy, sloppy kiss and mindless touches.
“Let’s sleep in.”
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femdomlieeh · 8 months
Wearing a skirt for you pt. 2 (m)
Sub!Seventeen (maknae line) x Dom!GF!Reader
WARNINGS—boys wearing skirts/dresses ✧ dom/sub dynamics ✧ praise ✧ degradation ✧ name-calling ✧ pet names (master, mistress, mommy, baby boy, kitten/kitty, prince/princess)
NOW PLAYING—Bounce Back ✧ Little Mix
SCENARIO—GF asks them if they can wear/try on a skirt
A/N. Hyung line ver.
M.LISTS—random idols ✧ latest updates ✧ read on wp
All rights reserved © femdomlieeh
✧ ੈ ✧ ‧₊˚ * ੈ ✧‧₊˚** ੈ ✧ ‧₊˚ * ੈ ✧‧₊˚** ✧ ੈ ✧
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이석민 / dk / dokyeom / seokmin
He would be such a cute, blushy baby boy when he heard your request. He'd choke on his strawberry milk and ask you to repeat what you said in case he was hallucinating or heard you wrong. When you confirmed you really wanted to see him in a dress or skirt he would be as pink as his drink. His wonderful smile would be on display for you because he had been curious about this stuff for a while.
"C-Can you say that again, Mommy?" he asked with a nice voice.
"Don't you think you would look so so pretty in a skirt/dress?"
"M-M-Maybe. I can try one for you, Mommy," he stuttered with red cheeks and a huge smile covered by a hand out of embarrassment.
He will get more comfortable with it overtime but it will never fail to make him blush and feel cute.
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김민규 / mingyu
Mingyu would be so blushy. Big boy wouldn't know what to say. Were you trying to give him a heartattack? He was never one to be embarrassed, but he would be red when you said what you said. He liked feeling small in your presence. He liked being humiliated by you. He liked getting orders from you. With no doubt he'd put on a skirt/dress for you too.
"Who are you?"
"Your slut," he whispered.
"I'm Mommy's little slut," he moaned as he felt your hand go up his naked thigh under the skirt.
This one is a bit shy about making moves or doing anything without your orders, so you'll have to bring it up if you want to see him wearing anything like that in the future. But don't worry, he's just waiting for you to tell him and he'll put on a matching set of a crop top and short skirt for you.
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徐明浩 / the8 / minghao
Minghao wears crop tops sometimes so it wouldn't be too out of his comfort zone to try on a skirt/dress. He would feel more comfortable putting on a skirt/dress if you asked him to do so because then he knows you're into that or at least curious and interested — he wouldn't take the first step though just in case you didn't like it. But he's been waiting for this and is therefore prepared and has a sexy skirt hiding in his closet already.
"Can I wear one of your skirts/dresses, Mami?" he batted his eyelashes innocently.
"Of course."
He went to your room and when he came out you didn't expect to see him in stockings too.
"Dirty Kitty."
This will become regular. He will surprise you in your skirt or new skirts and pair them with crop tops, thigh highs and garters etc. And whenever he's feeling like a bad kitten he will send you nudes with your favourite skirt on.
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부승관 / seungkwan
Seungkwan would do anything for a kiss even if it's something he doesn't quite get yet like wearing a skirt/dress. But he was the goodest boy for you after all so he would try with an open mind. He'd be pretty nervous though, because he'd want to be pretty for his Mommy so it's important to encourage him with your support, love and kisses. Praise your Babyboy and he'll be even gooder — if possible.
"Do I get more kissies, Mommy?" he gave you puppy eyes and puckered up his lips.
Who were you to deny this precious angel?
His face brightened up and he happily put on the feminine clothing item.
"Do I look pretty for you, Mommy?"
He'll surprise you with a cute skirt or dress every now and then when he's missed you extra much, or if he's in deep need of your attention. Give him your love, he deserves it.
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최한솔 / vernon / hansol
He would try to joke around a bit to lighten up the mood or try to hide his real feelings about it. In reality he would be so damn shy about it, because it might've been something he'd seen in a dirty clip or pic before. And he maybe had a thought about surprising you in a crop top one night (taking baby steps) before you even asked him to put on the skirt/dress. He would be grateful he was in a relationship where you were comfortable enough with each other to try new things.
"You look cute," you played with the edge of his skirt.
"T-Thank you, Mommy," he stuttered and blushed.
He will not be shy to introduce new sides of himself. You two will make mental lists of things you want to try out because you know you can trust each other and have fun.
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이찬 / dino / chan
He would shake his head and be against it the exact moment it came out of your mouth. This brat would decline in a bad manner too. He wasn't that unholy, right? But he only acted bratty because he wants you to be meaner to him. If he heard your stern tone he would put on a skirt/dress it in a split second. Although the idea of using skirts/dresses isn't the sexiest thing he could think of, he certainly wouldn't mind giving you a lapdance with one on, it would be a win-win situation.
"Put it on. Now," you used the voice he didn't dare go against.
"Yes, Mommy."
Putting on a dress/skirt as you edge him will be his go-to punishment if he misbehaves — which happens often — because it's a bit humiliating to him. But he'll enjoy it more than he'd like to admit.
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ravennaortiz · 4 months
Okay I have another request. This time it's for Jax. I have a list of prompts for him.
7. Stay away from my sister. (I'm thinking maybe possibly an au cross over.)
13. I promise.
17. I love you.
15. Are you gonna kiss me or not?
21. Like what you see?
27. What if someone sees?
25. Don't act shy now.
Hey! Ohhh I like these prompts for Jax and I agree with the crossover idea! In fact I think I know exactly which hot temper Mayan to pair him with! Lets see what kind of magic I can work up for ya. I do see some smut so. As always 18+.
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Prince Charming
Jax took the punch to his jaw like a champ. He knew it was deserved after what had transpired the last few weeks. In his effort to bring a peace between the Sons and Mayans he had fallen head over heels for you. Unfortunately for him you were seen as Mayan royalty and off limits . Jax had ignored every warning as all he could think about was tasting the forbidden fruit that was you.
"Its fine" he stated as he stood up waving Chibs and Tig back as he met the gaze of your brother. Smirking Jax rubbed his jaw. "Nice sucker punch" he remarked making the younger man bristle as he stepped closer pushing his forehead to Jaxs. "Are you gonna kiss me or what Guero? I mean your sisters a bit of a freak but I can't imagine she would be down for this" joked Jax trying to ease the tension in the room.
"Stay away from my sister" growled Guero as he shoved Jax backwards. "Or else" he added before going to turn away. "I can't do that man. Shes a drug and I'm an addict" replied Jax with a shrug.
"Jesus Jax. What did you say?" you murmured as you stepped up on the porch of the Mayans clubhouse. Angel had called you and told you their had been a scuffle between Jax and your brother. He hadn't wanted you to be shocked when you arrived to the party. "I told him you were very pretty I promise" joked Jax making you roll your eyes as you stared down at him on the bench.
You sighed as you shook your head before shooting him a small smile. "I love you but your such a bad liar. I told you not to tease him" you replied as you crossed your arms. Jax chuckled but his attention was on the way your nipple rings poked out of the skin tight dress you were wearing. "So are you gonna kiss me or not? Make my boo boos better?" he questioned as he let his eyes roam your body.
"I think you should kiss me. I had to rush out the door so fast I couldn't finish getting ready" you replied as you placed a hand on your hip. "Jax moved his hands to your hips and pulled you closer before planting a kiss on your covered navel. The feel of his lips through the fabric sent shivers down your spine. You felt Jax groan into your stomach as his hands moved under the fabric of your dress.
"Let me see what you didn't get a chance to put on babe" commanded Jax his icy eyes igniting a fire over every fiber of your being. Grinning you stepped back checking to make sure you were alone before pulling the hem of your dress up and giving him a quick spin. The cool night air on your bare skin felt like sweet sin. Giggling as you pulled your dress back down you sent him a smirk as you watched him move his hand to his belt.
"Like what you see?" you inquired as you moved back to him. "I sure do" murmured Jax as he pulled you down on his lap making you straddle him. You moaned as you felt his hands slide up the back of your thighs to your ass and his teeth gently nipped at your nipple piercing through the fabric of your dress. Jax continued his assault on your body as you rocked your hips against his growing erection that tented his jeans.
"I'm close Jax" you moaned into his neck after a few moments. "Need to be in you babe. Need you to cum on my cock" mumbled Jax as he lifted you up some breaking the contact you had. "What if someone see us? " you whispered as you bit your lip nervously as he worked on removing his cock from the prison of his pants. "It'll look like were just having a heated make out. Also I doubt anyone would care" replied Jax as he watched your eyes move to the hand stroking his cock.
"Don't act shy now. Not like this isn't the first public fuck we've had" replied Jax with a smirk as you let him position you back over his cock. You moaned as you felt the head of his cock slip through your slick folds. Jax groaned as he felt you sink onto his hard cock your soft walls gripping him tightly. Jax held you in place as he pistioned his hips up into you. Barely leaving you giving you deep fast strokes that had you seeing stars before tipping over the edge himself within a couple minutes." I love you so much" panted Jax as he kept your firmly planted on his softening cock as he kissed your neck. "Lets get home for round two" you replied feeling him grin into your neck.
Want more Jax? Click here
Want to make your own request? Click here
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colourstreakgryffin · 10 months
So! I haven’t had my feed of Obanai in a long time! And well, I came up with this random idea out of the blue and wrote it, and now I really like it!
I wanted to write a short story but ah, screw it, headcanons are my stronghold after all
Iguro Obanai with a Fluttershy! Reader
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You’re sensitive, meek, very timid and sweet. So how did you bond with Obanai so much to become a couple, when he is the direct opposite of you? It’s a funny story, really
You were interested in Kaburamaru at first. You simply LOVE all types of animals and connect easier with fauna then human beings, so you managed to approach the already scary fellow Hashira to ask about his serpent companion
It went from acquaintances to companionship to friendship then to love, but it took quite some time. Due to the matching closed-off nature you two share. Obanai is afraid of getting hurt again and you’re just too timid
Overtime, you always wanted to be besides him since he made you feel heard, welcome and safe. You clung onto his side everytime the Hashira did get-togethers and though, you didn’t have the gut. You did wanted to be closer
And that closer came to be when you finally managed to blurt out your feelings for him when you invited him over to meet all your cute woodland animal friends at your homely cottage. Obanai accepted it wholeheartedly and gave you the first kiss you have ever had in your life
Obanai is a very protective boyfriend. You’re a doormat and can’t stand up for yourself, out of your kindness but Obanai happily will and he won’t hold back to make sure you never get stepped on again. You feel like a princess being rescued by her prince, and you love it
Obanai loves your animal friends and he has been trying to learn how to care for them. They make you happy so he will always appreciate whatever makes you happy. He may get a bit jealous over those animals getting affection but they don’t get your love like he does
Obanai has been practicing his flowercrown making skills for you since it is incorporated in his reclusive dates with you. At flower fields, in the forests, at private restaurants. He gifts you with a cute flowercrown each date
Obanai is aware of your social anxiety and he will keep you safe from social situations. You don’t need to speak a word, let him do everything as he holds your hand and kisses it to quell your fear, and succeeding
Obanai, alongside his flowers and flowercrowns, bought you a adorable light pink butterfly-shaped gemstone pendant and you wear it constantly as a sign of your love for your lovely boyfriend. You don’t need material needs from him as you prefer to be in his presence
You help each other in the most perfect ways. Obanai helps boost your confidence and adapt in sociality whilst you help tone down his harshness and bend to becoming a more approachable person. It’s a fair exchange and he truly likes the cute routine you two share
Your cute white bunny pet, Angel is very mean to Obanai but he never snarks back. Your pet is important to you and everything you love will be preserved and protected by him
“Look, Darling. Angel is getting better, he didn’t scratch me as much. Does it make you happy? Yes, that’s my only mission. Make my beautiful love happy. Because she deserves it”
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00angelyoon · 9 months
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- ☆ angel of the night
𝗟𝗶𝗸𝗲 𝗰𝗿𝗮𝘇𝘆- 𝗷𝗶𝗺𝗶𝗻
“𝐓𝐡𝐞 𝐦𝐨𝐨𝐧 𝐞𝐦𝐛𝐫𝐚𝐜𝐞𝐬 𝐲𝐨𝐮.”
“너를 품은 달”
“𝘁𝗵𝗲𝗿𝗲 𝗶𝘀 𝗻𝗼𝘁 𝗮 𝗯𝗮𝗱 𝘁𝗵𝗶𝗻𝗴 𝗵𝗲𝗿𝗲 𝘁𝗼𝗻𝗶𝗴𝗵𝘁.”
☆ “𝒻𝑜𝓇𝑒𝓋𝑒𝓇 𝓎𝑜𝓊 𝒶𝓃𝒹 𝐼.”
☆ featuring: husband jeonghan x afab reader.
☆ tags: est. relationship, newly weds, smut and fluff.
☆ notes: reader is whipped for jeonghan but i mean who wouldn’t be ?this my first smut ever.
☆ warnings: petnames (darling, baby, pretty, pretty girl and angel) mean dom!jeonghan sub!reader degradation also slight praise kink multiple orgasms fem receiving! oral fem receiving fingering lingerie swearing teasing fluff towards the end mentions of food at the end, newlywed jeonghan x reader and they’re in london not proof read intentional lowercase porn with barely there plot.
you’re jacket was practically useless to the numbing cold but you were so drunk on love you couldn’t feel anything. the smell of cigarettes and fresh coffee suffocating the air. and the talk of others but you knew the only thing you can hear was jeonghan’ charming voice the only thing you could smell was his versace eros cologne the only thing you saw was his angelic features the only thing you craved was his soft bewitching lips only him, only jeonghan.
he was a
𝗔𝗻𝗴𝗲𝗹 𝗼𝗳 𝘁𝗵𝗲 𝗻𝗶𝗴𝗵𝘁
Truly he was, most definitely.
“are you cold darling.” jeonghan whispered to you almost seductively or you were just too unbearably horny for this man that practically anything he did turned you on, “no, not at all.” It wasn’t a lie how could you focus on anything other than yoon jeonghan the man that you miraculously just married.
”you’re lying through your teeth.” He chuckled gently the sound made your heart compresses so tightly it hurts, he shuffled across the bus bench to sit more comfortably “come here.” he pulled you to his chest “you know you can tell me if your uncomfortable your not a burden.” “hope you know that baby.” He cooed “could never be.” He kissed your forehead then moving his head slightly to look at you “ever.” he reinstated.
“you’re bewitching me it has to be illegal.” “has to.” he laughed so gently it was killing you “really i’am?” you hummed in response “wow really.” he reiterated while nodding his head twice “how long till the bus?” He turned his head and looked at the led display of the time of the busses “its says due.” he says calmly you hummed in response and got up.
“finally get to get out of this cold.” he says you only nodded at him because you couldn’t bring yourself to speak you were too overwhelmed by your happiness, you got your prince charming your happy ending. you stepped on the bus you both tapped your cards you sat on top of this double decker bus it was packed you sat in the back of the bus together next to each other your white dress was covered in water in a pitter patter pattern you rested your head on his shoulder and looked outside at the window.
he turned his head to look at you “were here baby.” he sighed, you wondered how could you be pretty if he was right there you barely even remember what happened it felt like a fever dream but the next thing you know is your lying on top of the hotel bed like prey in only a negligee while jeonghan stared at you with hooded eyes full o lust but laced with love and appreciation “my pretty you’ve been ignoring me the whole time on the bus.” “why?” he cooed kissing the side of your neck “don’t think you deserve to touch me.” he sighed
“was planning on rewarding you but you’ve been so bad to me.” he whispered so adorably while sloppily kissing your abdomen like he just had to “see you still are.” he pouted so adorably “jeonghan.” you moaned as he slowly flicked your clothed clit “m’so sorry.” he chuckled “are you really?” he questioned “i’am.” “you know i’am” he then removed the piece of soaked fabric. you groaned at the feeling of the cold air hitting your burning cunt he then removed the negligee and your bra the air hitting your tits. you screamed out in pleasure when he licked the first fat stripe of your wet pussy “you like that huh?” “such a whore for me.” he chuckled “i’m so lucky aren’t I” your breathing echoed throughout the room you arched your back, grabbing the sheets, when he added 2 fingers you were full on riding his face with no shame thats what he did to you, he thought you looked so pretty like this. he was whispering something about he can’t believe your his, only his and how he could die in between your thighs.
he started to twist your hardened nipples
you felt a knot forming in your abdomen it was begging for release “m’gonna cum.” “then do it .” “cum for me.” he then brought up his head to attach your mouth to another wet needy desperate kiss.
that was all it took you hit a mind blowing high he was lapping at your juices full on making out with your cunt it was so hot. he came up to kiss your temple “jeong.” “han.” you sighed all you could think about was him splitting you open with his fat cock, “need you so so bad right now.” you sighed in pleasure “what do you mean pretty girl i’m right here.” he chuckled, the tightening in your chest returning but being over shadowed because of your insatiable lust for jeonghan.
“I want you to fuck me and you know it.” you bit back he sighed “I’d suggest you cut the attitude if you want me to fuck you like a bitch in heat .” whispering in your ear biting your earlobe you don’t know what it is but that traveled straight to your core you bit your lip and whispered back into his ear “please cant take anymore of the teasing.”
he sighed and swiftly removed his clothes climbing on top of you alining his tip with your entrance you were so wet that it was so easy for him to enter. he immediately started thrusting into you your back arched in pleasure your eyes fluttered close overwhelmed with the pleasure, “open.” he groaned so obviously satisfied it made you beam with happiness “your eyes.” he grabbed your chin and made you look at him “so so pretty aren’t you.” he continued “such warm tight cunt, fucking perfect for me.” he groaned in a raspy way it was so sexy, you were so close.
you could understand from his strangled moans and erotic now uncoordinated thrusts, it was so messy but felt so good, he kept hitting the right spot again and again, he was as close as you were. you started rubbing your swollen clit, he took your hand and replaced it with his much more slender leaner ones he was so much better “m’so close jeong.”
“han.” he started to kiss your tits it felt so unbelievably good, “then cum, cum all over my cock.” he pulled the hair out of your face, “to show that your sorry.” he kissed your nose “do it.”
he started thrusting into your g-spot repeatedly. you felt your high coming he thrusted on more time and it happened you had the most mind fucking blowing orgasm ever, you clutched onto his shoulder.
he thrusted and kissed you so sweetly to help you ride your high. he came seconds after “𝐓𝐡𝐞 𝐦𝐨𝐨𝐧 𝐞𝐦𝐛𝐫𝐚𝐜𝐞𝐬 𝐲𝐨𝐮.” jeonghan panted “so gorgeous.” he kissed you now more softly now “aren’t you.” he pecked both of your nipples gently “𝘁𝗵𝗲𝗿𝗲 𝗶𝘀 𝗻𝗼𝘁 𝗮 𝗯𝗮𝗱 𝘁𝗵𝗶𝗻𝗴 𝗵𝗲𝗿𝗲 𝘁𝗼𝗻𝗶𝗴𝗵𝘁.” he insisted “come on.” he sighed “didn’t forgive you, just for you to ignore me again.” he slowly removed himself from you. little did he know your mind was still hazy and your tongue forget everything except his name.
“jeonghan.” you pant out lazily
that was all you were able to spit out. jeonghan stood up and went to the bathroom and brought out a towel and started cleaning you up.
you snuggled into his chest when he slept next to you, he brought his arms around you and pulled you into an embrace “what do you want to eat.” he hummed afterwards “how bout pasta.” you suggest “sounds good.” jeonghan agrees.
his eros cologne still clouding your smell he is always clouding your senses.
“𝒻𝑜𝓇𝑒𝓋𝑒𝓇 𝓎𝑜𝓊 𝒶𝓃𝒹 𝐼.” you command
“𝒻𝑜𝓇𝑒𝓋𝑒𝓇.” he reiterates
that was better than a thousand unsaid “𝘐 𝘭𝘰𝘷𝘦 𝘺𝘰𝘶.”𝘴
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maryangelex · 10 months
Simon Riley would definitely be a girl dad.
He would be so patient with his daughter(s) and just so damn sweet. All the affection he lacked in his childhood and his past would just ooze out of him intrinsically the minute he held his little girl for the first time.
Imagine the baby’s first night home. He would not take his eyes off his little girl. The slightest amount of fussing and he’s worked up, mans would be more stressed about her comfort and wellbeing than he’d ever been about himself or anyone on the battlefield.
Everything would be a mission: Diaper change? Roger that. She’s hungry? On it. Crying cus her pacifier fell out? Engage immediately.
And when she’s older, of course he’s gonna play with her, that man is gonna be her best friend. That little girl is gonna be the boss of him though, he’s under her command. Princess tea parties with dad complacently sitting at the smallest plastic pink chair and the tiniest teacup in that behemoth of a man’s fingers. The tiara is a necessity too.
And when they’re role playing it has to be her way. If he says something off-script she’ll let him know and he’d say “Oh, understood…Sorry, love” And yeah big, bad, gruff voiced Simon is using a girl voice, unless he’s playing a prince or a villain which is a rare occurrence in their playtime.
The older she gets the more love grows in his once cold heart if that’s even possible. He’d be so protective of her, so kind and gentle and understanding yet he’d be like her shadow and guardian angel. He wouldn’t be a “chill dad” because he’s used to seeing danger in every situation and knows anyone/everyone could have ulterior motives with his little girl. But he’d definitely be an understanding dad; super authoritative, never authoritarian.
He’d always tell her how proud he is of her, “Love ya, kiddo” at any and every moment. He would just overall be the dad he unfortunately never had, he’d make it his goal for his little girl to never feel what he felt. Only the love he deserved and later got when he met his wife.
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