#ignore how bad the skirt design is. i am tired
mxrtified777 · 1 month
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gaahhhhhh citronshippies
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sassyduckqueen · 3 years
Miraculous: Rise of Anatis 53
Whooo! that's Big Momma and Little Sister down, the Oni-chan inspired chapter. Next up is Startrain! Hope you guys like this. Also @naruwitch helped with this chapter and came up with the nickname treasure for Luka. It was fun to write but I am now tired and need rest! Enjoy the chapter!!
Edit: Forgot to do this last night because I was knackered when I uploaded this but trigger warning for scenes of violence, attempted kidnap and attempted sexual assault.
Chapter Fifty-Three: Big Momma and Little Sister (2/2)
"Mr Couffaine!! What's like having the rock giant, Jagged as a father?!" A reporter shouted as he stepped in front of him and shoved a microphone in his face. Luka groaned in annoyance before pushing it away. He was going to school and was about come to the stairs when this guy appeared out of no where. This wasn't the first time a reporter had turned up since Bob Roth had let slip that he was Jagged's son. A number of reporters had tried to get an interview with him. It had forced Anarka to move the Liberty three times but that didn't seem to stop them. It was only when she threatened to run them through or force them to walk the plank that they had backed off from the Liberty but they had came up with different ways to try and get an interview with them. A couple of them gatecrashed his time when he was hanging out with Marinette, another had actually sneaked into the Grand Paris hotel and managed to get some photos of him having dinner with Jagged before Chloe and Fang had chased them out and a couple of them had taken to turning up on his shifts at work. Luckily, none of them had found him while he was Anatis but he was taking extra precaution with that side of his life. Instead of detransforming in alleyways, he was transforming on rooftops and just climbing down from them. After he checked to see if anyone was around of course. He was knocked out of his trail of thought as the reporter shoved the microphone back into his face. "Did you always know he was your father?! Did he abandon you when you were born?!"
 "Leave me alone," He stated, pushing it away again and trying to walk around him but the reporter moved back in front of him, making Luka sigh in annoyance. "Could you move please? I need to get to my lessons,"
 "Is it true that you were almost akumatized after accusing XY of stealing your work? Do you think that's why Bob Roth released the information of Jagged been your father? As revenge?" The reporter continued, completely ignoring Luka's request. He groaned and pinched his nose before moving again but once again, he stepped along with him. "My sources say that you're also friends with Adrien Agreste, Chloe Bourgeois and a close friend of Paris' very own hero, Anatis? Rumor is you're also very close to the young lady who designed the album artwork for Jagged's latest album Rock Giant? Do you intent to use your connections to jump start a career in the music industry? Is that why you accused XY of stealing your idea? To make your rival look bad while you rise to stardom?"
 "No! I would never do that!" Luka gasped before shaking his head as the reporter smirked. A trick question designed to make him answer. He took a deep breathe and looked at the reporter. "Look, I'm not interested in answering your questions. I just want to go to school and have a normal day so no comment for any of your questions. Now have a good day and leave me alone,"
 Before the reporter could even stop him, Luka moved around him and jumped over the edge of the stairs, rushing up them and through the front doors of the school. He let out a sigh before walking into the locker room. He glanced around and frowned a little as Marinette wasn't there yet but he imagined she was probably just having a hard time waking up again. He smiled a little before shaking his head and moving over to his locker, opening it as he put his bag in. He frowned and looked behind him as he felt like people were watching him. To his surprise, he wasn't wrong. A number of students who he hadn't really paid attention before were looking at him. He let out a sigh and continued to take out his books. Someone cleared their throat, making him look at them. A girl was stood in front of him, making him frown. She had black wavy hair and was wearing a pink long sleeved top, a dark purple skirt, black leggings and trainers. He kind of recognized her as he had seen her around the school but she had never actually tried to talk to him before.
 "Hi, you're Luka Couffaine right?" She smiled, pushing her hair behind her ear. "I'm Renée Marcel. I'm the class representative of Mr Beauregard,"
 "Um... hi?" Luka replied, confused. She giggled to herself as she continued to play with her hair.
 "So I was wondering if you wanted to sit with me and my friends at Lunch," She smiled, making him look at her in surprise and confusion. She literally had never noticed him before and while he had seen her around, he had never talked to her before today. "It would be so cool to have you sit at us with lunch,"
 "Um... Why?" He asked, making her giggle.
 "Oh, you are so funny," She replied, making him blink. She looked at him and frowned as he didn't laugh. "Wait... were you been serious?"
 "Oh," She replied, surprised. "I thought you were just joking, like how your father does,"
 "Ah right," He replied, closing and locking his locker. So that's why she suddenly paid attention to him. It's because he's Jagged Stone's son. He let out a sigh before looking at it. "It's nice for you to invite me to join your table at lunch but I'm quite happy with the friends I usually sit with,"
 "But that's the akuma class," She gasped, causing him to look at her in surprise and annoyance. "And you're like way too cool to sit with them,"
 "Like I said thanks but no thanks," He replied, walking past her as he shook his head. Renee frowned as he walked away. He left the locker room and headed up the stairs to Mrs Mendeleiev's class. As soon as he walked in, the students that were already there kind of just stared at him, making him sigh as he walked to his usual seat. To his surprise, he noticed Marc was sat at his table, hunched over his note pad. He put down his bag and sat next to him, making Marc jump and look at him with big eyes. "Hey, Marc,"
 "O-oh, hey Luka," He muttered quietly. "I didn't realize this was your table. I can move if you want,"
 "I don't mind you sitting here," He replied, smiling. Marc gave him a shy smile back. "But I thought you were in a different class,"
 "I was," He muttered, closing his notepad before he glanced to the side. "I wasn't exactly getting on with my classmates. Like they weren't bullying me but they didn't exactly talking to me either so I asked to switch classes..."
 "I get you," Luka nodded before sighing as he noticed a lot of students were still staring. Only Aurora, Jean, Mirelle, Kagami and Felix weren't staring. Luka wasn't surprised by that. Aurora, Mirelle, Kagami and Jean were his friends in the class so they wouldn't react the same way as everyone else and Felix was... well Felix. Marc frowned and looked around before looking back at Luka.
 "Why is everyone staring at you?" He asked, making Luka hide his face in his arms and groan. "Everything ok?"
 "Honestly, it could be better," He replied, looking up at Marc. "They're staring because they learnt who my father is,"
 "Oh," Marc replied, making Luka nod. "That's true?"
 "Yeah," He sighed, sitting up. "And because of it, I'm suddenly in the spotlight,"
 "Wow. I kind of just thought it was gossip," Marc admitted, making Luka chuckle. "Why did Bob Roth reveal it? Did Jagged ask him to?"
 "No. While Jagged wanted to shout to the world that I'm his son, we both decided it would be better if we waited til we were both ready," He sighed, making Marc frown. "But apparently, Bob Roth decided to release it regardless of what we wanted. Dad... I mean Jagged... thinks that it's revenge against him for leaving Roth's label and against me for calling XY and Roth out on stealing mine and Marinette's work,"
 "Are you taking legal action?" Marc asked, concerned.
 "Yeah, we are but we haven't gone much of a case against him yet," He admitted, frowning. "Since the information isn't really harmful and we can't prove he did it on purpose yet, it's gonna be super hard to go against him,"
 "That sucks," Marc frowned, making Luka sigh as Mrs Mendeleiev walked into the class. "I hope you get it sorted out soon,"
 "Thanks, Marc," He smiled, causing Marc to give him a small smile back as she clapped her hands.
 "Ok, students, today we will be starting a home work project in pairs. You will choose a project to study and create a presentation on in two weeks time. Now when I call your names, come up to the desk and take a work sheet then sit next to your partner," She declared, making everyone groan a little. She began to call the students, causing them to grab their worksheets with their project partner. "Felix Graham de Vanilie and Luka Couffaine,"
 A number of the students stared at him again, making him groan and get up as he walked up. A couple of the other students whispered, making Mrs Mendeleiev to tell them off as he grabbed a work sheet and took a seat next to Felix as she called up Marc and Aurora next. With the pairings sorted out, Mrs Mendeleiev began to teach the class and tell them about their project.
~Lunch Time~
 "I would recommend we go to my house," Felix suggested as he, Kagami and Luka walked into the canteen. Marc was trailing behind them, hugging his note book. Aurora had gone home for lunch so had Mirelle and Jean but Nathaniel would be joining them soon. "I've have a lot of books on physics after all, which I think would help,"
 "Yeah sure," Luka nodded as Felix grabbed a tray. He sighed as he noticed a number of students staring at him again. Felix nodded and frowned as Luka took a tray for himself and began to put some food on it.
 "Is there a reason why everyone is staring at you?" He asked, making Luka sigh again. "Is that because the rumor of Jagged Stone been your father?"
 "Yes," He replied, paying for his food as Felix did the same before the two of them walked to their usual table, just as the others came in. Marinette waved at him as she walked over, causing him to wave back but she could even sit down, Lila pushed her out of the way.
 "Luka!! Hi!!" She gasped, making him frown as she sat down and latched onto his arm tightly. "I can't believe that my uncle Jagged is your father. Isn't it crazy how much we have in common?"
 "Lila, let go," He growled as he tried to pull away from her but she tightened her grip, digging her fingers into his arm. He hissed in pain a little and tried to shake her off. "Let go of my arm,"
 "Oh but Luka, I'm just trying to talk to you," She gasped, making him frown as she leaned closer. "I would hate for something to happen to Mar-"
 "Don't even finish that sentence," He growled as he finally pushed her off, causing her to gasp. "I will say this one more time, Rossi. I am not interested in been your friend. Now leave me alone and get out of Marinette's seat,"
 Lila gritted her teeth and went to say something but Felix and Kagami both glared at her, making her frown before she got up and walked away, causing Luka let out a shaky breathe as Marinette, Juleka and Rose rushed over to him. Since he had his hoodie around his waist, he could always see the marks where Lila had dug her nails in. Juleka looked at them and mumbled angrily as Marinette and Rose frowned. There were small specs of blood, showing how deep they were.
 "Are you ok?" Kagami asked, making him look at her as Marinette took out a tissue and a bottle of water from her bag. She undid the bottle and used it wet the tissue a little before gently dabbed his arm with it. He nodded, making Felix frown.
 "Does she do that often?" He asked, crossing his arms.
 "A fair bit," Luka replied, making him frown. "But I think she does it more to Adrien then me,"
 "She liked to try and leech herself onto me in class," Adrien admitted, frowning. "Though since Miss Bustier put her in the back, she can't do it and Nino stays pretty close to me as well. She won't try it around Kagami because she's scared of her. I think she thinks that Kagami will slice her in half,"
 "I will if she goes near you," She growled, making Adrien swoon.
 "I love it when you get protective other me," He grinned, making her blush a little. "But seriously, Lila doesn't know the meaning of personal space. She claims it's how Italians are,"
 "You should sue her for sexual harassment," Felix mused, making Luka sigh.
 "I don't know..." He stated, making the others frown before he turned to Marinette. "Thank you,"
 "Don't worry about it, Luka," She smiled, making him smile a little before frowning a little. "But maybe you should try and sue her. I'm sure Penny will be able to help with it,"
 "I don't want to bother her," He admitted, making her frown. "She's really busy with the whole... you know..."
 "I get it," Marinette sighed, understanding where he was coming from. Penny was doing a lot overtime to try and help him and Jagged deal the fallout of Bob Roth's interview. "But I still think you should consider it, especially if she gets worst. I'm worried,"
 "Alright... I'll look into it," He nodded, making her smile as Lila glared towards them. "But could we change the subject?"
 ~At Felix's House after School~
 "And this is where I've been staying since moving to Paris," Felix explained as he welcomed Luka to his home. It wasn't what Luka had expected at all. He had expected it to be very similar to Agreste manor but it was actually much homely then it was. He noticed some photos on the walls, causing him to look at them. One was of Felix, his mother and who Luka assumed was his father. Another showed his father again with another blonde man who resembled Felix. The last photo shown the Felix lookalike with a woman who was dressed in summer shorts and red top. She was pulling a silly face but the Felix lookalike looked very serious but he had a small smile on his face. "That's my uncle Felix senior and my aunt Bridgette and that's my father with my mother,"
 "They look happy," Luka muttered, making Felix sigh. "Sorry,"
 "No need to apologize, Couffaine," He replied, making Luka frown. "You're right. They were happy but things happen and nothing can ever last forever,"
 "You know you can call me Luka right?" He asked as they walked into the kitchen area where Felix Senior was sat in front of a laptop. He glanced up at them with a cold expression.
 "Uncle, this is my lab partner Luka Couffaine," Felix stated, gesturing towards Luka, who waved a little as Felix Senior rose an eyebrow. "We're going to be working on a science project together,"
 "Aren't you the boy in the news?" He asked, making Luka frown a little as he nodded. "Hmm. I hope you didn't bring any press with you,"
 "No, sir," Luka replied, making Felix Senior raise an eyebrow. "We didn't come across any on our way here,"
 "Good," He replied, nodding as he got up and walked over to the coffee pot. He took out a mug and poured out another drink. "Will you be staying for dinner?"
 "Um... no?" Luka asked, unsure what to say. He got the impression that the older man didn't want him to stay.  Felix Jr rolled his eyes and glared at the older man.
 "Stop questioning him, uncle," He stated before pulling Luka away from the kitchen and into his room. "Sorry about Uncle. He doesn't get out much and hates anyone that isn't his family or a cat,"
 "Oh," Luka nodded as he glanced around the room. To his surprise, Felix did have a poster of Jagged on the wall. He also had a lot of science posters and magic shows posters. "So what's our project going to be?"
 "I thought we could study Water Electrolysis," Felix suggested, making Luka nod. "No suggestions?"
 "I'm not very good with science," Luka admitted, making Felix frown. "I'm more into art and music,"
 "That seems logical given your taste in fashion," Felix replied, making Luka frown. "Not that it's a bad taste. It's just obvious that you're not into maths or science from it,"
 Luka frowned, making Felix frown as well before he sighed.
 "I'm sorry," He stated, looking at him. "I'm not very good with people or interacting with them,"
 "I get it," Luka nodded, surprising Felix. "I've only just learnt how to really interact with people without music. I still find it hard to talk to people properly,"
 "Really?" Felix mused, eyeing up as Luka nodded. "I would have never have realized. What do you mean to talk with them without music?"
 "Um... I usually have a guitar with me and if I don't know what to say I play it instead," Luka admitted, making Felix chuckle. "I hate not been allow it in school. Maybe they'll let me bring my violin?"
 "You play violin too?" Felix asked as Luka nodded.
 "I also play bass guitar, drums, a bit of the flute. I can sing a little and I can write and compose music," He muttered, making Felix look at him in surprise. "It's like the only thing I'm good at but I like drawing as well. Admittedly I can't draw to save my life but I enjoy trying,"
 "Well, you certainly seem creative," Felix replied as he picked out a book from his book shelf. "Maybe we can work that into our science project. You know what soundwaves are, right?"
 "Yes, it's the energy generated by sound," Luka frowned, making Felix chuckle. "I'm not completely dumb, you know,"
 "Never said you were," He replied, making Luka roll his eyes. "I'm thinking we create a thesis about using sound waves as a source of energy and power. Like wind power,"
 "But with sound," Luka nodded, thinking. "Well, Mrs Mendeleiev did say to think outside the box,"
 "Exactly," Felix grinned before the two of them began to discuss how it would be possible to use sound as a power source. Luka took some notes as they continued to plan and discuss but before he knew it, Felix Senior had called that dinner was ready, causing the two of them to go downstairs. This time Felix's Aunt was in the kitchen. She looked up as they walked in.
 "Hello," She smiled, making them stop. "Are you one of Felix's friends from school?"
 "We're lab partners," Felix answered. "Luka Couffaine, this is my aunt Bridgette,"
 "Hi," Luka smiled before looking at his phone as it vibrated. It was his mother asking him when he would be home. Normally, she wouldn't ask but since the whole dad reveal and the press stalking him, she had taken to doing so. He texted back at that he was just leaving Felix's and would be home soon before looking up. "Sorry, I need to get going home. See you at school, Felix?"
 "Yes," He replied, nodding as Luka waved to his family and left the house, causing Felix to lock up after him. Felix Senior looked up from the book he had started to read and glanced at him. "Something wrong, Uncle?"
 "Not at all," He replied, sipping his coffee. "I approve of your friend,"
 "What?!" Both Bridgette and Felix shouted in surprise as he went back to his book. 
 Luka hummed to himself as he walked through the streets towards the metro from Felix's house. He turned down the street before stopping as he felt like he was been watched. He glanced around but saw nothing. He frowned as he turned back round and continued walking, feeling uneasy as he did. He glanced back and frowned even more as he noticed a man dressed in dark clothing stepping out from the shadows and following him at a steady pace. He didn't think it was the press as they usually didn't turn up on the night. One or two of them had but most of the time they tried during the day. He figured it was because it was easier to get a photo or to film during the day plus it was technically safer. He crossed the street and began to walk over to the entrance to the metro as Tikki poked her head out.
 "Are you ok?" She asked, making him frown.
 "Someone is following me," He replied quietly as he noticed the guy following him cross over the road towards the same metro station. He sped up a little and quickly went down the stairs. Glancing up at the time table, he bit his lip as he saw the train he needed to get was 12 minutes away. He frowned as he noticed the man walking down the stairs with his phone out as he messaged someone. He briefly looked up at Luka, making him feel even more uneasy before he began to walk over to the exit that would take him out of the metro. It was only a 30 minute walk to where the Liberty was docked and he would rather walk through the well lit city that had some tourists out and about then wait in a practically empty metro station with a guy who had followed him since he left Felix's. He also knew he was about a five minute walk from Marinette's home, which made him feel slightly better. He took out his phone and checked the time as he climbed the stairs. It had just gone 7pm meaning the bakery would still be open so if he needed to, he could go there. He locked his screen and switched it off before using it as a mirror. The man now was now on the phone and staring at him while talking to someone. Luka quickly put away his phone before climbing up the stairs and out of the metro. He pulled his hoodie up as he did and headed down the street towards the school speed walking as he did, speeding up as he heard footsteps behind him. He wanted to break into a run and was about to when he saw someone he hoped never to see again walking towards him, causing him to freeze in fear. Issac smirked as he walked over to him.
 "Hello, Luka," He stated, smirking before he roughly grabbed his shoulder. "I think it's time for me and you to have a talk, don't you?"
 "N-No," He gasped as his eyes widen in fear. When ever Issac said he wanted to talk, it never ended well for Luka. A black car suddenly pulled up, making him glance at it with fear as well. Issac smirked at his expression before grabbing his arm and pulling him towards the car as the guy who had followed Luka opened the passenger's door. Reality suddenly caught up with Luka, causing him rip his arm from Issac and run as fast as he could away from him. Issac growled and chased after him, grabbing him and trying to pull him back to the car as he struggled and fought against him. "Let me go!!"
 "Shut up, you brat!" He gasped, punching him before he grabbed him around the waist, dragging him towards the car. Luka struggled and tried to call out for help s Issac pulled him towards the car, causing him cover his mouth with his other hand. The other guy grabbed his legs to help Issac get him in the car, causing him to try and kick him. His eyes started to turn silver as he panicked. He could feel his chest tightened as a panic attack began to set it but Tikki began to hum against his chest, helping him calm down enough to try and escape. She couldn't directly help him as it would reveal his identity to Issac and his goon but she could calm him down. He suddenly sunk his teeth into Issac's hand, causing him to scream in pain before Luka managed to kick the other guy in the face, busting his nose and causing him to drop his legs. He slammed his head into Issac's face as the other guy held his nose before freeing himself again and running away as fast as he could. Issac growled and gave chase again. 
 "Luka!! The bakery!!" Tikki gasped, pointing to it. He rushed over to the door and managed to get inside, just as Issac caught up with him. Issac tried to open the door, causing Luka to grab the handle and pulling it shut, quickly turning the lock on it. Issac screamed angrily and punched the door as Luka sunk down to the floor as Sabine looked up.
 "Luka?!" She gasped as she rushed over to him. Issac growled and began to kick in the door, screaming abuse towards Luka as he did. "Tom!! Call the police!!"
 Luka curled up on himself as he began to shake and sob, covering his ears as Issac continued to scream and try to break into the bakery. Sabine kneel down next to him and held him as Tom rushed in. As soon as Issac saw Tom, he began to stop kicking the door and screaming before glaring at them and rushing off. 
 "What happened?" He gasped, causing Sabine to look up. Luka was still crying and shaking. Tom frowned as he saw him, causing him to kneel down and gently place his hand on Luka's shoulder but he flinched, causing Tom to remove it. "Son, are you ok?"
 Luka just shook his head as he tried to calm down, causing Sabine to help him to his feet.
 "Tom, watch the bakery and wait for the police," She ordered, getting a nod of him before she brought Luka through the back and up the stairs. She led him into the living room and made him sit on the sofa. He was shaking and staring at the ground with an expression of pure terror on his face. His lip was busted and a bruise was starting to form on his jaw. "Luka?"
 He flinched, making her frown as she heard the sirens of the police. 
 "Ok, I need to go talk to the police to tell them what happened so I'm gonna go and get Marinette to sit with you ok?" She stated, making him nod. She nodded back and rushed up to Marinette's room, knocking on the door before entering. She noticed that her skylight was open and Marinette wasn't in her room. "Marinette?"
 "Mama," She gasped as she climbed through the window and slid down to her. "What's going on? Why are the police here?"
 "Something just happened," She replied calmly. "Your friend Luka-"
 "Is he ok?!" She gasped, worry and panic filled her eyes.
 "He's downstairs," Sabine replied calmly. "He's pretty shaken up and scared. I was going to ask you to sit with him while I talk to the police,"
 Marinette was already grabbing a blanket from her chaise and walking towards the trap door as Sabine spoke. She smiled a little as she climbed down, following Marinette down downstairs before heading back to the bakery to talk to the police. Marinette rushed down the stairs and into the living room, stopping when she saw Luka. He was sat on the sofa, hugging his knees and had his head in them as he shook. By the sound of it, he was crying. Her heart shattered at the sound, causing her to walk over. She sat next to him and gently place her hand on his arm, making him flinch a little before he peeked up at her. She put the blanket around his shoulders and wrapped her arms around his torso as he wrapped his arms around her waist and pressed his face into her shoulder as he shook and cried. 
 "It's ok," She whispered, stroking his hair as Sabine came back up with Office Roger and another cop who was holding a camera. Officer Roger cleared his throat. Luka slowly looked up, causing Marinette to frown as he sat up and moved his arms around his waist. Sabine instantly went over to the phone and called the Captain.
 "I need to ask you what happened," Office Roger stated, trying to keep his voice calm as he could. He could see Luka was spooked and he had a rough idea who the man was. He had dealt with a number of domestic disturbances at the Couffaines back when Anarka was married to Issac's. He was a nasty bastard back then and if it was him behind tonight's events then it was clear, he hadn't changed. Sabine walked back over and sat down next to Luka as he slowly stopped, shaking as he thought about what had happened. Sabine gently took his hand, making him look at her.
 "Your mother is on her way," She stated, making Luka nod.
 "We can wait until she's here if you want," Officer Roger suggested but Luka shook his head. He just wanted to get it over with. "Alright then.... can you tell me what happened before you came into the bakery tonight?"
 "I w-was going h-home from Fe-Felix's," He muttered in a quiet voice that wasn't normal for him. "I w-went to g-get the metro but I realized I was been followed and the s-station was r-really empty. I d-didn't feel s-safe so I left and speed up when I realized I was still been followed. I was gonna run from them but... then he blocked my path..."
 "Was it who I think it was?" Officer Roger asked, making Luka nod as he looked up at him.
 "I-Issac Fa-Farrow... m-my s-step f-father," He muttered, making Marinette cover her mouth and Officer Roger to frown. "H-He said t-that it wa-was time we talked a-and then a black car pulled up. He tried to pull me towards it but I pulled away. H-he then tried a-again and when I tried to b-break away and tell him to let go, he punched me and grabbed me ar-around my waist. W-When I tried to call for help, he covered my mouth a-and his friend grabbed m-my legs t-to h-help him g-get me into the car,"
 "He tried to kidnap you?" Officer Roger asked, frowning deeply as Luka nodded. "Can you tell me how you escape?"
 "I b-bit his hand a-and kic-kick the other guy in his face before I managed to br-break f-free then I r-ran a-and s-saw the b-bakery so I c-came inside," He replied before looking at Sabine. "I'm s-sorry. I d-didn't m-mean-"
 "It's ok, Luka," Sabine stated, frown as he wiped his eyes. He was clearly trying not to cry or freak out again. Marinette wrapped her arm around him, causing him to rest his head against her shoulder as Officer Roger spoke into his radio, ordering his men to arrest Issac if they saw him on sight before he turned to Luka. "Are you ok if my colleague take a couple of photos of your injuries?"
 He nodded, allowing the other cop to take some of his face.
 "Do you need anything else?" Sabine asked, causing Officer Roger to turn to him.
 "I'll need to take a witness statement from you and Tom,"
 "Of course," Sabine nodded, getting up before looking at Luka. "I'll send your mother up when she arrives,"
 He nodded in reply before Sabine and Officer Roger left the room. Marinette gently moved and walked into the kitchen, taking out their first aid kit before walking back over and sitting down on the sofa, next to him. She took out a bottle of Antiseptic Liquid and a cotton wall bud before putting a bit of the liquid on the cotton wall bud and gently dabbing Luka's lip, making him flinch a little at the pain.
 "Sorry," She whispered, making him shake his head.
 "It's fi-fine," He whispered, making her frown. His voice was still shaky and he still looked frightened. She finished up cleaning his lip before throwing away the cotton wall ball before checking the bruise on his face.
 "Do you want some pain killers for that?" She asked, making him nod before she took some out of the kit and got him a glass of water. He took them and drank the water as she put the kit away before she sat back on the sofa, causing him to move so he was resting his head on her shoulder. "I'm sorry that he tried to hurt you and kidnap you,"
 "It's not your fault, melody," He muttered as she played with his hair. "I'm sorry I got your family involved,"
 "It's not your fault, Lu," She repeated, making him nod. "He made his choice and if he so much as breathes near you, my parents, the bakery or me, I beat the crap out of him with a rolling pin... but I'm honored that you see us as a safe place so don't ever feel like you can't come here if you need help ok?"
 He nodded as they heard someone come up the stairs. A few seconds later, Anarka burst through the door and rushed over to him, pulling him into a hug before he could even argue. Not that he did. Instead, he hugged her back for a good few minutes before she pulled away and turned to Marinette.
 "Thank you," She whispered before turning back to Luka. She frowned deeply as she noticed the bruise and cut on his lip. "What did that bastard do to you?!"
 ~Friday Lunchtime, Two Days Later~
 Marinette walked over to Juleka as soon as the bell rang to call for lunchtime. She wanted to check in on how Luka was doing after the other night. She ignored Lila's glare as she moved past her and walked over to the model. She glanced up from her bag as Marinette stopped in front of her.
 "Hey, Marinette," She muttered, putting her book away. She knew what Marinette wanted to ask. The two of them began to walk to the canteen. "He's ok. A bit shaken up still but Ma thought it would be best for him to stay home from school for a couple of days. He'll be back in school on Monday,"
 "Oh, good. I was worried when I saw you come in alone," She smiled, glad that Luka was as ok as he could be but she also wanted to check on Juleka. "Are you ok though?"
 "Me? Yeah, I'm alright," Juleka replied, nodding as she closed her bag. "Issac was never like that with me. The most he would do is shout and scream if he actually noticed me but it was rare that he did. I was basically invisible to him but Luka... he took the brunt of it. I guess it's why I'm so quiet. I realized it was better to be quiet and invisible then get hurt. I just wish I could have protected Luka like how he protected me,"
 "Juleka," Marinette muttered before suddenly hugging her, making Juleka jump a little before she returned the hug. "I'm sorry you both had to go through that,"
 "It's the past," Juleka muttered, shrugging before frowning as they took a seat at their usual table. "Or for me it is. I highly doubt Issac actually remembers me,"
 "Normally, I would say that it would be sad but I think it's probably better that he doesn't remember you," Marinette mumbled, making Juleka nod.
 "You know we're doing a movie night tonight," She mumbled, making Marinette raise an eyebrow. "I'm sure it would cheer Luka up if you came to it and stayed over,"
 "Are you sure?" Marinette gasped as Lila sat near them. "I wouldn't want to intrude,"
 "You wouldn't be intruding," Juleka mumbled as she poked at her food. "You're our friend and Ma loves you. If it helps, Rose will be there too,"
 "Really?" Marinette asked, making Juleka nod. "But I thought it would be just you, Luka and the Captain,"
 "It use to be," Juleka mumbled before she smiled a little. "But Ma basically adopted Rose as her future daughter in law and invited her to join us for it when we began dating. She pretty much has adopted you as her other future daughter in law,"
 Marinette squeaked and blushed as Juleka smirk, covering her face as she did. Neither of them had realized Lila had overheard a small part of the conversation and was gripping her plastic fork before she took a deep breathe and moved over to Alya, who was sat with Nino. Alya smiled and greeted her as Nino gave her a dirty look. Apparently, she had interrupted their lunch date. Normally they went outside for dinner or to Alya's but today they wanted to mix it up and have dinner at the school. 
 "Oh, Nino, would you mind if I borrowed Alya for a second?" She asked in her fake voice before pulling the girl up and away from him, making Alya ask her if she was ok. "I'm ok. I was just concerned about Luka. I know he's a bit shy but isn't it odd that he isn't in school?"
 "Oh, I think he must have called in sick," Alya replied, shrugging. Lila frowned a little before smiling falsely.
 "Oh poor thing," She gasped as Alya nodded. "I hate been sick but my mama makes a wonderful chicken soup that makes me feel better every time. Oh, I wish I could give his mother the recipe. I'm sure it would make him feel better but I have no idea how to send it to her,"
 "Well, you could go old school and post her a copy," Alya suggested, making Lila smile.
 "Oh, my gosh! That is a wonderful idea," She gasped, holding her hands together before she frowned. "But I don't know where they live,"
 "Oh, well... maybe you could ask pass it to Juleka then?" Alya suggested, making Lila mentally growl so she put on the waterworks. It usually worked with Alya.
 "Oh but I don't want to bother her or for her to get the wrong idea," Lila muttered, making Alya frown a little. "I know how overprotective siblings can be of each other. I don't want her to think I'm trying to steal him away from her when I just want to be his friend. Maybe I should just forget it. It was a bad idea,"
 "Oh, no. It was a really good idea," Alya reassured her but then she frowned. "But I can't give you their address. I know they're having some trouble recently with the press so I have to respect that,"
 "Oh, don't worry, Alya, I understand," Lila gasped as she hugged her. Alya smiled as she hugged back, failing to notice Lila slipping her phone out of her pocket and into hers. "You're such a sweetheart. I'm so lucky to have a friend like you,"
 "Ah don't sweat it, girl," She smiled as Lila pulled away. "You need anything else?"
 "Oh, no," She smiled, shaking her head. "Enjoy the rest of your date with Nino,"
 "I will," Alya smiled as she headed back over to him. Lila grabbed her bag before heading out of the canteen and into the Library, sitting in a corner that was the most quiet. She took out Alya phone and entered in the pass-code, smirking as she did, giving her access to her phone. Alya was so predictable. She was tempted to post a nasty message about Anatis on the Ladyblog but decided against it before she opened Alya's messages. She scrolled past Marinette's and Nino's, resisting temptation to send Marinette a very nasty message before she finally came to the message she was looking for. It was a message between Juleka and Alya. She opened it and found the part with Juleka's address on it. She took out her own phone and saved the address in her own phone before going through Alya's contacts. She saved a number of them, including Marinette's to her own phone before locking Alya's phone. Now all she had to do was pretend she found Alya's phone. She could use the library as they had been in there earlier that morning. She smirked to herself and got up, heading back to the canteen. She also needed to make sure Juleka or Marinette did leave the school on time.
 ~After School~
 Lila walked as quickly as she could, following the directions on her phone as she smirked to herself. Alya completely believed she had found her phone in the library and she had managed to delay Juleka by about fifteen minutes by using gum on her locker, causing it to get stuck. Since Marinette was going to be walking out with her, she and Rose were also delayed, trying to help her. She stopped when she came to a houseboat and heard guitar been played. She walked over and smirked as she saw Luka playing his guitar on the deck. He didn't look ill so she crossed the gangplank.
 "Luka! Hey!" She called, making him jump as he stopped playing. He quickly got up as she walked over.
 "Lila?!" He gasped, not happy to see her. "Why the hell are you here?! How do you know where I live?!"
 "Oh, I have my ways of finding out," She smiled, making him frown. "I noticed you weren't in school today or yesterday so I thought I'd come by and see if you were ok,"
 "Leave now!" He gasped, pointing to the gang plank but she didn't move. "I don't want you here so leave! You're trespassing!"
 "But Luka, I was just concerned," She gasped before taking off her bag. "I even brought you your homework. Marc was suppose to give it to you but he was too busy so I said I would bring it,"
 "You mean you stole it off him," He growled as she took it out.
 "Well, he was too busy to notice," She replied slyly before smiling falsely. "I thought we could do it together. I'm so behind on my own work I could do with the help! Oh, is that your guitar? I heard you play. You're really gifted but I guess with a father like Jagged that can be expected. Did you know I use to play guitar as well? I was considered the best of my age but had to stop playing because of my arthritis. Isn't it amazing how much we have in common?"
 "No because you're lying as usual," He stated, making her frown. "Now for the last time, get off my home!" 
 "Alright," She replied as he turned to look at her in genuine surprise. He was glad she was going to go but he didn't expect her to agree so quickly. "But how about a little souvenir photo?"
 "What?" He asked as she suddenly grabbed his arm and pulled him close to her, taking her phone out as she did. He tried to pull back from her but before he could, she kissed his cheek and took a photo. His eyes widen in shock as she did before he quickly regained his senses and shoved her away harshly. "What the hell, Lila?!"
 She didn't answer. Instead, she went to touch him but he stepped back, flinching a little as she did. She had to admit she enjoyed seeing the horror and fear in his eyes. She smirked and took another step forward, trapping him between the edge and her. She stood up on her tiptoes, moving her face closer to his again to kiss him again but this time she was aiming for his lips, causing him to try and push her away again but she grabbed his arms, pinning them with surprising strength.
 "Lila, stop it!" He gasped, trying to free his arms from her. However, she didn't listen and leaned closer, causing him to panic and try to pull away from her. "I said stop!"
 "Get the hell away from my brother!!" Juleka's voice suddenly filled the area as she rushed over and grabbed Lila by her hair, causing her to cry out as Juleka literally dragged her away from him and pushed her to the floor. Lila got up and saw Juleka standing protectively in front of Luka as he sunk to the ground, trying not to have a panic attack. "I suggest you get the hell of our ship before I run you through!"
 "Oh no," She gasped, covering her mouth as Juleka growl. "I read the situation wrong, didn't I?"
 "Read it wrong?!" Juleka screamed, surprising Lila. She had no idea the girl could shout. "He told you to stop and you ignored him!! You just tried to assault him!"
 "I should go..." Lila gasped, backing away as she heard someone running up the stairs. "I hope you both feel better soon,"
 "Get off!!" Juleka screamed, causing her to rush off the boat, just as the captain came up and frowned as she saw her leave before she turned to Luka and Juleka, panicking as she saw him in clear distress and Juleka raging. Lila smirked to herself and took out her phone, opening the photo she had taken and sending it to everyone on her contact list including Marinette.
 ~Back to the Liberty~
 "Lad?" Anarka gasped as she saw Luka shaking. He looked like he was about to have a panic attack. She glanced up at Juleka, who was trying to calm him down. "What's wrong?!"
 "Lila," She growled, making her frown. She had remembered him briefly mentioning her and she was aware that the girl had it in for Marinette but that was all she really knew. "She just tried to forcefully kiss him!"
 "What?!" She growled angrily as Juleka's phone pinged. She ignored it as she got Luka to calm down and breathe before taking it out and checking the phone, making her let out a deep growl, causing Anarka to look over her sword. Her eyes narrowed in anger as she saw this Lila girl kissing Luka on the cheek despite the clear look of disgust and shock in his eyes. "I'm going to run her through,"
 "I'm gonna help," Juleka declared as Anarka grabbed one of the swords that she kept near the door. Juleka followed her over as Luka shook his head.
 "No," He gasped, making them look at him. "She's not worth the prison sentence,"
 "We can't just do nothing, Lad!" Anarka declared loudly, making him flinch as she brandished the sword about but he nodded in agreement. 
 "I know," He replied as Juleka placed her hand on her mother's to get her to lower the blade. None of them noticed the akuma or amok heading towards them. The akuma landed in the sword and the amok, landing in the ship necklace around Anarka's neck, causing them to go really quiet as they listened to Hawkmoth's voice. "I want to file a report for- Ma? Juleka?"
 He looked up to see why they had gone quiet, gasping as he noticed the butterfly mask over their eyes. He jumped up and rushed over to them.
 "Ma! Jewel!" He gasped as they listened to Hawkmoth. "Please don't listen to him!"
 "Hawkmoth, Mayura, you can count on us," They both said in union as Luka backed away from them. "We'll do everything to protect our treasure," 
 Purple smog surrounded them before a dark blue cloud appeared in the air. Luka rushed over to the stairs that led below deck but before he could get down there, an eerie green smog surrounded him and the rest of the boat, causing him to cough as he breathed in it. He rushed down the stairs but began to feel dizzy as he got to the bottom. He tried to fight it, managing to get into the living room and tried to head to his room to get Tikki. She had stayed in his room as he just wanted to play guitar alone.
 "T-Tikki!" He gasped as the room began to spin. He shook his head and pushed forward, despite his vision beginning to turn blurry. He tried to grab onto the sofa as he succumbed to whatever the green mist was, falling onto the floor. "T-Tikki..."
 His eyes dropped and his head fell to the side as he fell unconscious.
 ~Hawkmoth's Lair~
 "My, my. Such a rare emotion," Hawkmoth muttered as he felt Juleka's rage at Lila's actions against Luka and Anarka's fear about not been able to protect him. Sure, she was just as mad at Lila for hurting her son and Juleka was just as fearful for her brother. Both felt like they couldn't protect him and were righteously enraged on his behalf. Hawkmoth couldn't help but grin evilly. He had felt negative feelings coming from the Couffaine's home for the last few days but this incident had caused them to tip over the edge. "A sister angered by the mistreatment of her older brother and a mother fearful that she can't protect her son from the real horrors of the world,"
 He held out his hand, causing a white butterfly to land on it.
 "What perfect prey for my akuma," He mused before looking up. "Nathalie, I think Mayura can give this negative emotion a new dimension,"
 She smiled and walked over to him as she fixed the brooch onto her jumper before taking off her glasses as Dusuu manifested from the brooch
 "Dusuu, spread my feathers," Nathalie declared, casting her glasses aside and causing Dusuu to get sucked into the brooch. She transformed into Mayura and walked next to him as he put his hand under his arm and place his now free hand over the butterfly, turning it into an akuma before moving his hand and letting it fly off towards the window. He took his cane out from under his arm and spun it around before slamming it onto the ground.
 "Fly away, Little Akuma and evilize them!" He declared as it fluttered out of the window. Mayura plucked a feather from her fan before holding it in her hand and charging it up, transforming it into an amok before lightly blowing it off her hand. It floated towards the window as she moved her fan to the side and looked up at it.
 "Fly away, beautiful amok," She declared as it reached the window. "And enhance and hone that frustration!"
 A few minutes after they had sent them out, the connection between them and their victims opened, causing the purple mask to appear around Hawkmoth's eyes and the blue mask to appear around Mayura's.
 "Captain Hardrock, you want to protect your son hmm? And you, my dear Reflekta, want to avenge your older brother? Well, I can help you with that with some new powers," He stated, talking to the two of them. "Big Momma and Little Sister, I'm giving you both the power to track Lila Rossi and make sure she never gets closed to your loved one ever again. Young Mr Couffaine is too gentle and innocent for this cruel world and the clutches of Lila Rossi,"
 Mayura smirked as Hawkmoth finished his speech. 
 "Big Momma and Little Sister, I am Mayura," She stated as they listened. "To help you succeed in protecting your family, you will be assisted by Guard-O-War. It will be completely under your control,"
 "But of course, Lila use her silver tongue to convince Anatis and Lady Noir to stop from accomplishing your duty and protecting your family," Hawkmoth stated, smirking as the two victims got angrier. "Therefore, you must bring me their miraculous to punish them for their naivete! Do we have a deal?"
 "Hawkmoth, Mayura, you can count on us," They both said in union, causing the two super villains to smirk. "We'll do everything to protect our treasure," 
 ~At The Place des Vosges Park~
 "So when you gonna ask Luka on a real date?" Alya grinned as she walked with Marinette through the park. She had a couple of hours before the Couffaine's movie night actually started so she had decided to spend sometime with Alya. However, Alya's question caused her to blush. She went to open her mouth but both of their phones vibrated, causing her to take out hers and unlock it. She frowned as it was from a number she didn't recognize. She opened it and gasped in horror as she saw the photo of Lila kissing Luka on the cheek. She didn't feel heartbroken, like Lila wanted but she felt rage. To her, it was clear he was trying to pull away from her and looked extremely uncomfortable. "Wow, I didn't think Luka liked Lila,"
 "He doesn't," Marinette declared, making Alya look at her. "He hates her and there's no way he would let her kiss him, even on the cheek. She must off caught him off guard!"
 "You mean she forcefully kissed him?" Alya asked, frowning before looking at the photo again and stared at it. Now that she looked properly, Luka looked shocked and really uncomfortable. She felt sick that she didn't realize straight away but surely, it was a misunderstanding. Then again, how did Lila get his address? And Marinette's number? She knew for a fact Marinette herself wouldn't give it to her. She frowned and looked up at Marinette. "But... Lila wouldn't do that... right? I mean that's assault so she wouldn't do it... right?"
 "Oh god!" Marinette gasped as she realized what Alya said. She took out her phone and quickly dialed Luka's number but it went straight to voicemail. "Luka! Please call me back ASAP!"
 She hung up and jumped up, making Alya look at her.
 "I'm going to the Liberty," She gasped, causing Alya to get up as well. "What are you doing?"
 "I'm going with you," She stated before Marinette nodded and the two of them ran out of the park, heading towards the Seine. When they got there, they found the gangplank open and the Liberty hadn't been locked up. Luka's guitar was on the deck as was his amp but there was no way he would have left either of them out on their own. Marinette unplugged the amp and grabbed the guitar, going over to the stairs. She frowned as the door to them was also opened. She headed down into the living area and glanced around, frowning even more as it was eerily quiet. The quietness made alarm bells ring in her head. The Liberty was never quiet, even if it was just Luka home. He usually played his guitar or watching something on YouTube. Hell, he'll even put on the radio and when the captain was home, it was full of sound. Juleka was the quietest of the family but even she would hum when doing things. Marinette couldn't help but feel panic as her mind jumped to the worst case scenario. Issac may have kidnapped all of them.
 "Luka!!" She shouted, rushing over to his room and burst in. She hoped that he would just be in there, listening to music with his headphones on but to her horror, he wasn't. She rushed back out. "Luka! Juleka!! Captain!!"
 "Marinette!" Alya shouted, causing her to rush up the stairs as Alya stared at the sky. "What is that?!"
 "What?" Marinette gasped, looking at what she was looking at. To her surprise, high up in the sky, there was a huge, flying ship that resembled a haunted, pirate ship. It had black tattered sails and was mostly brown with purple flames painted on it and a huge creepy grin it on. It's portals and windows were glowing an eerie green and it had side sails, a tail sail and a fan, helping it fly. It had glowing green lanterns on it as well and it had a green smog around it. It's jolly roger had the skull and cross bones that Captain Hardrock wore on her scarf and it was flying towards them, making Marinette gasp. Someone climbed up the rigging before jumping down and landing in front of them, causing both Alya and Marinette to look over at her. Marinette gasped again as she realized it was Juleka but she was dressed like a pirate. Her hair was purple that faded into pink and she was wearing a corset over a loose shirt and brown leather pants. She had dark brown Cavalier boots on and a black belt with a silver buckle. Her ears had golden hoops in and her corset and boots had a gold trim. Around her neck was a jewel that resembled the one that was on her dress when she was Reflekta but it was part of a choker and her eye makeup resembled the eye jewel that contained her akuma as Reflekta. "Juleka?!"
 "I'm not Juleka anymore," She growled, making them both jump as she took out a sword and pointed at them. "I'm Little Sister and I will do anything to protect the treasure!"
 "The treasure?" Marinette asked before she shook her head. "Juleka, where is Luka and the Captain?! Are they safe?!"
 'Little Sister' suddenly glared at her, making her gulp. She thought for a second that she was about to slice her but she didn't.
 "Big Momma is fine. She is guarding the treasure," She replied before lowered her sword away and went to move past them. Alya grabbed her wrist but Little Sister suddenly threw her over his shoulder and pressed her sword to Alya's neck. She looked like she was about to stab her.
 "Juleka!" Marinette gasped but Juleka ignored her, making her panic. "Um... Parley!"
 She stopped and turned to Marinette, pointing her sword at her as she narrowed her eyes. Alya looked terrified as she looked between them.
 "Name your terms, Lass," She declared, making both Marinette and Alya to let out a sigh of relief.
 "Um... Let Alya go?" Marinette gasped, making Little Sister glance at Alya.
 "Done," She declared, turning to her. "But if you get in my way again, land lubber, I'll run you through! Savvy?"
 "Y-Yes," Alya gasped. Little Sister let her up before she walked away from them. "B-But where are you going?"
 "To find that silver tongued siren so I can run her through with my sword," She growled before jumping up to the main street and away from them.
 "Who's the silver tongued siren?" Alya asked, confused before she gasped and looked at the photo. "You don't think..."
 "She's going after Lila," Marinette replied but she didn't sound too disappointed, making Alya frown before she turned to her. "I'm going to go see if I can signal Lady Noir or Anatis!"
 "Marinette!" Alya shouted as she ran off. "I have the app on here?"
 ~Somewhere near Rue Gotlib~
 Lila smirked to herself as she walked down the street. She was certain that Marinette would be crying her eyes out at the photo of her kissing Luka. However, her smirk didn't last long as she heard a girly but creepy laugh, making her stop and look around but there wasn't anyone around. She frowned and continued to walk, moving her hands up to her chest as she glanced around nervously. She speed up and hid behind a small wall as she thought she heard someone calling her name but when she looked around, she couldn't see anyone there. She frowned and stepped out, failing to notice as Little Sister slipped down behind her. Seeing no one there, she turned around and jumped, letting out a scream as she came face to face with her before she took out her sword and pointed it at her.
 "I forbid you to go near the treasure ever again!" She growled, making Lila gasp as she realized it was Juleka. "Stay away from him and I run you through!"
 "Treasure?!" She gasped, confused. She figured Juleka was talking about Luka but she wasn't stupid enough to try and confirm it. "I don't know any treasure!"
 "Don't lie to me!" Little Sister growled as she grabbed her arm roughly, surprising Lila. She was never like this as a normal person. She was always so quiet.
 "I'm really sorry but I always get what I want," She gasped, looking at her. "It's not my fault,"
 "Well, this time you're gonna have to give in," She smirked, lifting her sword. "Otherwise, you'll really get it wherever you like it or not,"
 "Now that's not very nice," Lady Noir stated, making Little Sister glare at her. "I'm mean I get that Miss Rossi is annoying-"
 "But threatened her isn't going to make it better," She explained, making Little Sister suddenly attack her. She used her baton to block her sword as the two of them fought against each other. Seeing her chance, Lila made a run for it. Little Sister went to follow her but Lady Noir dived at her, causing her to block her attack before the two of them clashed. Lady Noir managed to get the upper hand and knock her sword out of her hand before knocking Little Sister down, smirking as she did. "I guess it's time to surrender for you,"
 "Think again, Kitty cat," She growled, causing Lady Noir to frown as she smirked.
 "Why are you smiling?" She asked, frowning.
 "Because unlike you, I didn't come alone," She replied, making Lady Noir frown before she looked over her shoulder. Lady Noir glanced behind herself and gasped as she saw the creepy looking pirate ship, flying towards her. However, she noticed a second figured standing on the hull of the ship. They pointed their own sword towards her as the ship's canons were pointed at her.
 "Oh no,"
 "Fire!!" They shouted, causing the canons to fire. Lady Noir jumped out of the way, allowing Little Sister to get up as she dropped her sword before she jumped up and climbed on board the ship as it fired more canons, creating a green smoke screen. Lady Noir covered her mouth as she cough before waving her hand to clear the air. Once she did, the ship was gone. She took out her baton and opened it, dialing Anatis' number. It went straight to voicemail.
 "Annie, where are you? We have two akumas and a sentimonster. They're after Lila Rossi," She gasped before hanging up and checking the news feed. The ship had been spotted at the Place des Vosges Park. She jumped onto the rooftops and headed there. She jumped and landed in the park, just as Little Sister roughly grabbed Lila's hand. "Hey! Pirate! Back off!!"
 She threw her baton, causing Little Sister to jump back away from Lila as she smirked. Lila ran off again as Lady Noir caught her baton.
 "Look, if Lila is involved then I get why you're angry but this is not-" She stopped as Little Sister was looking up at the sky. She glanced back up but the ship wasn't around. However, the eye jewel on her neck suddenly glowed before she disappeared in a purple glow, causing Officer Roger to take her place. Lady Noir blinked as she looked at him. "Where did she go?!"
 "Huh? How did I get here?" He asked, glancing around. "Lady Noir?"
 "Officer Roger, what happened?"
 "Well, I was just in my car, helping out a teenager who was been chased by a villain when I suddenly got a weird message and then I appeared here," He explained, making her look at him with confusion before shaking her head.
 "Ok, stay here. I'm gonna go find your car," She gasped before jumping onto a building and heading there. When she got there, she saw Little Sister was sat in the car, smirking before she suddenly disappeared again, replacing her with her mother. Lady Noir frowned and jumped across to the bakery, landing down in front of Lila as soon as she got there.
 "Oh, Lady Noir! Please help me!" She gasped, suddenly hugging her. "You're the only person who can!"
 "Um what?" She gasped before her baton vibrated, causing her to open it. It showed a skull and cross bones before it sudden began to glow before it engulfed her. She covered her face but blinked as she appeared in the bakery. "How did I get here?"
 "Lady Noire!" Tom gasped, making her rush over to him and help him up. "How did you get there?"
 "I'm not sure," She admitted before looking at her baton. The message was gone. "Your wife somehow ended up in a police car. Did she get a message before she got there?"
 "Yes!" He gasped, making her nod. "She looked at her phone then disappeared and that pirate girl replaced her but then she disappeared and you replaced her,"
 Lady Noir frowned and looked out the window, seeing Little Sister smirking but Lila was no where to be see. Literally seconds later, Little Sister glowed pink and then disappeared, replacing her with a confused person. Lady Noir gasped as she saw the man looking at his phone with confusion.
 "That's how she does it!" She gasped, making Tom look at her confused. "Sorry got to go!"
 She rushed out of the shop and down the street, leaving Tom confused.
 ~On The Guard-O-War~
 Luka groaned as he slowly waked up. Slowly, he opened his eyes and blinked as his vision was blurry. He slowly sat up as his vision cleared. The last thing he remembered was trying to get to Tikki then just darkness. He frowned and touched his head as he had quite the headache before glancing around the place that he was in. Immediately, he realized it wasn't his room or anywhere familiar. It appeared to be some kind of bedroom but it was themed around pirates. In fact, it resembled a captain's cabin. He jumped as someone came in, making him glance over at the woman. She had long red hair and was dressed as a pirate. She wore a baggy shirt, a black belt with a silver buckle and brown leather pants that had spikes on. She had black Cavalier boots with red flames on them and a golden trim. She was also wearing a red coat that had a gold trim and a black bandana over her head with a black choker around her neck. Her eyes were exactly the same as Captain Hardrock's.
 "M-Ma?" He asked, frowning. "What's going on?"
 "We're keeping you safe, Lad," She replied, making him frown. "That silver tongued siren or that scurvy dog won't ever hurt you again,"
 "Ma, where are we?" He asked, looking around as she glanced up before she turned back to him. "Ma?"
 "We're in the Guard-o-War, where you'll be safe," She replied, making him frown before turning on her heel and walked over to the wall, causing it to open out. "This is where you'll be safe. No one will ever hurt you again, Treasure,"
 "T-Treasure?" He asked as the wall opened, allowing her to walk through before it closed, making him pale as he realized there was no door in it. He tried to take a deep breathe and keep calm as he looked around. He would just transform and escape that way. "TIkki! Spots on!"
 He closed his eyes as he said the transformation words but snapped them open when nothing happened. He opened his hoodie and looked inside the pocket Tikki was usually in but she wasn't there.
 "Tikki?" He gasped, looking around. She didn't fly out when he called her name. "Tikki?! Where are you?!"
 Again, no answer. He quickly moved his hands to ears, still feeling the miraculous in place but without Tikki, he couldn't transform and escape. That meant he was trapped. Panic began to fill his mind as he realized he was trapped in this room with no way out. His mind briefly flashed back to when Issac forcefully locked in him a cupboard after a beating, making him feel sick. He rushed over to the wall that his mother had walked through. Maybe she would let him out of the room and he could climb off the ship that way. "Ma?!"
 She didn't answer, making him panic even more. His mother had been akumatized, he was trapped inside a sentimonster and he had no way of transforming into Anatis. He banged against the wall.
 "Ma?!" He shouted again, hitting it. "Ma!! Let me out!!"
 Again, no answer, causing him to panic even more.
 "Please! Let me out!!" He shouted, hitting the wall repeatedly until his hand began to hurt. He looked down as tears filled his eyes as he fully realized he was trapped before sinking down on the ground. "Let me out... please..."
 He curled up against the wall, hugging himself as he tried to calm himself down. Slowly, he heard other voices, making him look up. He pulled himself up and banged on the wall.
 "Hey!!" He shouted, hoping to get their attention. "Hello?!"
 "Luka?!" A voice that he recognized as Adrien answered. "Where are you?!"
 "Adrien!?" He gasped. "I'm in the cabin!"
 "There's no door!" He answered, making Luka frown. "You're not hurt, are you?"
 "No, I'm fine," He lied, not wanting to panic Adrien. "What are you doing on here?"
 "I have no idea. I was just walking home when I ran into Lila. She seemed frightened and then my phone rang and suddenly I was on here. Big Momma then pushed me down here," 
 "Big Momma?"
 "It's what the akuma is calling herself," He replied as Luka looked around. 
 "I have to get out of here," He muttered to himself before looking around the room. He noticed the window and rushed over as Adrien called out to him. He ignored him and looked out the window, making him gasp as he saw Tikki trying to keep up with the Sentimonster. "Hang on, Tikki,"
 He examined the window and smiled when he found a latch. He moved it and slammed his shoulder against the window, forcing it open. 
 "Luka?!" Adrien's voice called out, making him look back. "Are you ok? I heard a crash?"
 "I'm fine. I just found a way out!" He replied before climbing through the window and on to the window seal as he held onto the edge, looking down. They were literally hundreds of miles above Paris. In fact, all he could see were clouds. Tikki gasped as she saw him and tried to fly over to him but for some reason, she couldn't reach him. He tried to reach out to her as he did but once again, she couldn't get to him.
 "Something is stopping me from getting to you!" She gasped, making him frown. "I think it's a magical barrier,"
 "Tikki! Spots on!!" He shouted but the barrier from the ship still kept her from him. "Tikki, I need to get off the ship otherwise we can't transform!"
 "Luka, no! You'll have to jump!" She gasped as he moved against the edge and looked up at her. "Luka! Don't!!"
 "I know!" He replied, looking up at her. "Fly to me!"
 Before she could answer, he jumped off the edge, causing her to gasp and rush down towards him as he plummeted down to the earth. He carefully took out a purple macaron as he fell before throwing it to her. She dived towards it and ate it.
 "Tikki! Power up!!" He shouted as they continued to fall, causing her to glow and spin as she transformed, gaining blue wings and blue spots. She also got a little glowing star in the middle of her chest and her two antennae had two small balls on that glowed as well.
 "Star Tikki!" She declared as Luka swiped his earrings.
 "Star Tikki! Spots on!!" He declared, causing her to get absorbed into the miraculous. He transformed but like his other power ups, he had a new form. His basic suit was the same as was his hair but he had a new belt that was blue and red with a ladybug embalm as the belt buckle. His spots were glowing blue and he had a jet pack on his back. His gloves and boots resembled a galaxy and had blue trims. His mask was had blue spots instead of black and he had a helmet over his face as well that was red and blue. He continued to fall before blue beetle wings burst from his jet back. He flew straight up through the clouds, spinning as he did before glancing over to the ship. His yoyo vibrated, causing him to open it and see a message from Lady Noir. He phoned her back, causing her to answer it.
 "Anatis! Thank goodness!" She gasped before noticing his outfit. "Are you flying?"
 "Yes. Space power up," He replied, making her nod. "I'm going after the akuma and sentimonster. Want to join me?"
 "Wait, Little Sister is on there already?" She asked, making him frown. "She must have swapped with someone,"
 "I thought the akuma was called Big Momma?" He asked, making her frown before she gasped. "What is it?"
 "That must be the other pirate who attacked me early!" She gasped, making him frown. "Oh no... It's both of them!"
 "Lady Noir?"
 "The akumas! There's more then one!" She gasped, making him frown. "There's Little Sister who has been chasing and tormenting Lila Rossi through Paris. She uses people's phones to send them messages that then swaps her with them...  and there is Big Momma who must be manning the Sentimonster and helping her track Rossi. Little Sister kept on referring to a treasure though..."
 "Treasure?" He muttered, thinking back.
 "Yeah," She gasped, nodding. "I'm guessing it has something to do with them and Lila but I know who Little sister is. It's Juleka, which means Big Momma must be the captain. I think they got akumatized because of a photo Lila took. It showed her kissing Luka but he didn't comfortable at all but I don't know where he is. i checked the Liberty,"
 "Luka is the treasure," Anatis replied, making her frown. "That's what Little Sister must mean,"
 "But that means he's on the ship!" She gasped. "I'm coming to help you,"
 "No, I'll rescue Luka," He replied, making her nod. "See if you can capture Little Sister while I deal with Big Momma. Normally I'd be against but I think It will be easier to fight them separately,"
 "Alright!" She nodded. "Be safe,"
 "You too, Kitten," He replied before hanging up and flying towards the ship.
 ~Back to Paris~
 Lila ran as fast as she could do the street but Little Sister kept on replacing the people she went near. She had managed to find Adrien and tried to cling onto him but Little Sister replaced him as well. She ran past a man who was suddenly replaced with Little Sister, causing her to jump over and land in front of her as she pointed her sword at her.
 "Do you get it now?!" She growled, making Lila tremble. "I'll hunt you down wherever you go! Just give up on the treasure and I'll let you go!"
 "I don't know what the treasure is!" She gasped, making Little Sister growl and swipe her sword upwards, using it to knock back a car. 
 "My brother!" She growled, making Lila gasp. "Never go near him again and I'll stop tracking your every move!"
 "Alright," She gasped, looking down. "I'll never go near Luka again. You have my word,"
 She expected Little Sister to lower her sword and let her go but then she noticed a small black spot on her hand. It glowed and tripped in size, making her gasp as Little Sister roughly grabbed her arm.
 "The Black Spot betrays you," She smirked, pressing the sword to her neck. "Every time you lie, the black spot will grow. It will only disappear once you sincerely give up on the treasure and leave him alone!"
 "B-But how could I leave him alone? I just want to be his friend! I never meant to hurt him!" She gasped, hiding her hand behind her back as the spot grew. Little Sister growled and lifted her sword but Lila gasped and held up her hands. "Wait! There is something that might persuade me to leave him alone would be..."
 She moved closer to Little Sister.
 "If you got rid of Anatis for me," She whispered in her ear, making Little Sister looking at her with a small smirk. "Do that and I'll never go near the 'treasure' ever again,"
 "Lila!" Lady Noir gasped as she jumped down. "Are you alright?"
 "If that's what it will take to get you to leave the treasure alone then I'll do it," Little Sister declared, causing Lady Noir to give her a confused look. "But first... It's time to skin a cat,"
 "What?!" Lady Noir gasped as Little Sister charged at her, causing her to block her sword with her baton. However, Little Sister was going full force, managing to knock Lady Noir's baton out of her hand. She jumped out the way and grabbed her baton again but Little Sister knocked her back again as they battled down the street and landed on a fire truck. She ripped the hose pipe out of the engine and tried to hit Lady Noir with it like a whip. She jumped back and hit the hose with her baton, knocking it back. Little Sister growled and when to hit her again with the hose. This time Lady Noir caught it but before she could anything, Lila cried out.
 "My leg!!" She gasped, causing Lady Noir to look in her direction for a second but it was a second long enough for Little Sister to take advantage of it. She yanked the hose from Lady Noir's grip and threw it back, wrapping it around and pulling her towards her before slamming her into a lamp post and tying her to it with the hose. Lady Noir struggled against the hose as Little Sister glared at her. Lila couldn't hold back the smirk as she got up, showing her leg was clearly fine.
 "You little con artist!" She gasped, trying to get free as Little Sister turned to leave. Hawkmoth's mask appeared over her eyes as she did.
 "Relax, Hawkmoth, she's trapped and not going anywhere," She replied, jumping up in the sky as Lila stalked over to Lady Noir.
 "You! You helped her!" She gasped, struggling against that. "Why would you do that?!"
 "Me? Of course not," Lila gasped, causing the black spot on her hand to grow even bigger, making sigh. "Well, I guess that means I'm lying again,"
 "I knew it!" She gasped, struggling against the hose. "Why did you help her?!"
 "Well, I may have made a little deal with her," She smirked, making Lady Noir growl. "I'll leave alone her treasure, if she gets rid of Anatis for me."
 "You hate him that much?!" She gasped, making Lila laugh.
 "Of course, I do," She laughed, walked closer to her. "And now that you're tied up here, you can't help him... so I think I'll take that ring of yours since you won't be needing it anymore,"
 "I have one word for you," Lady Noir stated, narrowing her eyes as Lila reached for her hand.
 "Oh and what's that?" She laughed, making Lady Noir narrow her eyes.
 "Cataclysm!" She declared, charging her hand with the dark energy. Lila gasped and stepped back as Lady Noir manage to tap the hose, turning it to dust. She looked at Lila angrily, making her gulp as she stalked forward.
 "N-Now we can talk about this, Lady Noir," She gasped, holding her hand out as she saw how angry she was. "I was just trying to protect myself,"
 "By placing Annie in danger and helping Little Sister capture me so he's facing them alone?!" She growled before lifting her fist and slamming it into Lila's face, causing her to stumble back as she held her nose. "Now if you excuse me, I have spend enough time with you then I care too,"
 She jumped up, using her baton to lunch herself up to a building as her ring beeped. She hid behind the chimney before dropping her transformation and catching Plagg. She gave him a chunk of cheese before looking from behind it.
 "What's wrong, dollface?"
 "Lila tricked Little Sister into a deal. She'll leave the treasure who is Luka alone if Little Sister takes care of Anatis for her," She explained, making him almost choke as he ate his cheese. Marinette gasped and looked at him. "Are you ok?"
 "Fine!" He gasped before coughing. "We better hurry up and save bug boy then,"
 "I know," She replied, checking her phone for the location of the sentimonster. It was last spotted high above the arc de triomphe. She put her phone away before taking out a purple piece of cheese, making Plagg groan as he took it and ate it. "Plagg! Power up!"
 He spun around and glowed as he transformed before revealing himself. It wasn't much different to his usual form but he had a glowing ball on his antennae, a glowing star in the middle of his forehead and he had small bat wings that were green in color. He had a little green trim on his ears and his body looked like it was made from deep space. It was more of a very dark blue then black and it appeared he had stars all over himself. 
 "Plaggstroid!" He declared as Lady Noir held out her hand.
 "Plaggstroid! Claws out!" She declared, causing him to be sucked into her ring before she transformed into her new form. In general , her suit was the same as her normal form but instead of it been black, it resembled deep space like how Plagg looked. She had green detail across her gloves and boots and she wore a black belt with a green trim. Her belt buckle was a black circle with a green trim and a green paw print in it. On her back was a green and black jet pack with green straps. She had a helmet over her face that was green and black. Her mask and eyes were the same as were her ears but her hair had gone through the most drastic change. It was still the same style and length but instead of it been black, it was a bright but icy blue color. She ran to the edge of the building and dived off, causing green bat wings to burst from her jet pack before she flew up in the air, spinning around as she did. She stopped in the sky and looked around before taking out her baton and opening it. It showed Anatis was nearby so she flew in that direction, catching up with the Guard-O-War as she did. Just as she got there, she saw Big Momma and Little Sister had trapped Anatis with his lucky charm, which was a hose, similar to how Little Sister had trapped her but he was tied to the mast instead of a lamp post. He was trying his best to fight them off, kicking them back. Lady Noir narrowed her eyes before diving downwards back towards the earth. She flew back to where Lila had been and suddenly grabbed her, making her scream as she flew back into the sky and back to the ship. Lila screamed as she threw on the ship, just as Little Sister was about to reach for Anatis' earrings. His yoyo began to ring, causing her to stop and look at him. Big Momma rushed over to him then but Lady Noir flew over and slammed into her, knocking her to the edge. "Annie, answer it!!"
 "What?" He gasped, kicking Little Sister back before answering it, showing a skull and crossbones symbol on it. "What is with that symbol?"
 "No!" Little Sister shouted, going to reach him but he answered the phone, causing her to swap places with him. He smirked as she struggled but jumped back when Big Momma attacked him. Lady Noir flew over to Little Sister and grabbed her sword as Anatis blocked Big Momma's sword with his yoyo.
 "Annie! Catch!!" She gasped, tossing it towards him as Big Momma threw him to the ground. She rose her sword as to hit him but he caught the sword and blocked it, knocking her back as his luck vision lit up the two swords and her necklace. He kicked her back and held the sword out, causing her to grow because she charged at him, causing him to clash swords with her as Lady Noir landed on the ship. He spun around, moving his feet with skill as he blocked Big Momma's sword with his, causing Lady Noir to look on in amazement as he met her blade. In the corner of her eye, she saw Lila getting up and moving towards Anatis but she quickly grabbed some rope and threw it around, trapping her to the stairs as Anatis disarmed the captain and grabbed her necklace.
 "Lady Noir! Destroy the swords!" He shouted, tossing Little Sister's as well. She grabbed both swords before summoning her cataclysm, destroying them both. The akuma fluttered out as Little Sister and Big Momma turned back to Juleka and Anarka, causing them to look around as Anatis caught the akuma before running up to the wheel, just as Adrien came out of the lower deck. Lady Noir gave him a puzzling look before rushing over to Anatis, who looked at Adrien. "Adrien! Help the captain free Miss Couffaine!"
 "Aye, aye, Captain Anatis!" He grinned before rushing over to her and beginning to help.
 "What's the plan?" She asked as he held the necklace.
 "We need to land this thing before we catch the amok," He replied, spinning the wheel. The ship jolted forward and began to move as Anatis steered it, driving it down to the Seine. "Hold on!!"
 Everyone grabbed onto something as it crashed into the water, destroying a bridge before Anatis steered the wheel. Finally it came to a stop and a plank appeared from it, allowing everyone to climb off. Anatis ran his hand over the side of the ship, smiling a little as Lady Noir dragged Lila off the ship before she looked around.
 "Where's Luka?!" She gasped as Lila tried to get out of her grip. However, she ran straight over to Juleka, who pulled back her fist and punched her, making Lila fall to the ground as she glared at her as her nose bleed.
 "That's for my brother," She stated before looking to Anatis. "Is he safe?"
 "Yes. I got him off the ship beforehand," He replied before looking to the Sentimonster ship. He gently placed his hand on it before crushing the necklace in his hand, releasing the amok. He caught it in his yoyo before catching the lucky charm as it fell towards him. He released the butterfly and feather before throwing the hose up in the air. "Miraculous Ladybugs!"
 It burst into the cure and moved around them, fixing all the damage that been done and returning them to the Liberty before disappearing once everything was back to normal. Anatis turned to Lila, who's nose was still bleeding.
 "Why didn't your cure fix me?!" She screamed. "I was punched twice! Once by that mangy cat and then by her! The cure should have fixed it!"
 "Well, it's quite simple, Miss Rossi," He stated, making everyone turn to him. "That wasn't caused by the akuma so the cure won't fix it. Besides, you're lucky that's all they did to you. If I had Lady Noir's power, I wouldn't have hesitated to cataclysm you,"
 "I am the victim here!" She screeched, making him shake his head.
 "No, the victims here is Luka and his family," He stated, making her look at him. "That's right, Miss Rossi. I saw that picture and Luka told me about how to tried to forcefully kiss him. I advised him to take legal action against you as that is attempted assault,"
 "Not to mention that you made a deal with Little Sister to leave Luka alone if she tried to get rid of Anatis for you!" Lady Noir shouted, making everyone glare at her. 
 "I... I was afraid!" She gasped with tears in her eyes before she pointed at Juleka, who let out a little growl. "She was stalking me all over Paris! I was terrified for my life!"
 "So you sold me out?" Anatis growled, making her gulp. "I know you hate me but that's low. Even for you, Lila,"
 "I don't have to listen to this!" She gasped, turning on her heel but before she could even get off the ship, Officer Roger turned up and took her by the arm. "Hey! Get of me!!"
 "I just got a phone call that you assaulted a young man," He stated, taking her away from the ship as Anatis and Lady Noir's earrings beeped. She tried to pull away but soon she was in his car and driving off. Anatis turned to the others and gave them a salute before jumping off as Lady Noir said goodbye to everyone else. Once he found an alleyway, he detransformed and caught Tikki, handing her a cookie before helping her into his pocket and running back over to the Liberty, just as Marinette also ran towards there. 
 "Luka!" She gasped, rushing over to him and pulling him into a hug. "Oh my god! I was so worried! Are you ok?! Oh!"
 She quickly pulled away.
 "I'm so sorry!" She gasped, covering her mouth with her hand. "I should have asked if I can hug you!"
 "Marinette, I don't mind you hugging me," He mumbled, making her blush. "I know your intentions are not bad,"
 "Of course not," She gasped. "You're my friend,"
 "And you're mine," He smiled, opening his arms. She smiled and hugged him before they pulled away from each other. "I should get back to the Liberty..."
 She nodded and the two of them walked over. Almost instantly, Juleka rushed over to him and hugged him as soon as she saw him, crying as she did. Luka hugged her back before Anarka joined in with the hug. 
 "I'm glad you're ok, Lad,"
 "I'm fine," He smiled before looking at them. "But please never get akumatized like that again,"
 "We'll try," Juleka muttered, making him nod. "But what should we do about Lila?"
 "Well... I heard you punched her..." Luka grinned, making them look at him as he shrugged. "Anatis told me when he came to let me know it was safe to come home,"
 ~The Police Station~
 "You're lucky that they're only giving you a warning, Lila!" Her mother gasped as they walked out. "That poor boy and his family must have been so upset!"
 "I didn't realize that it was unwelcome, Mama!" She gasped as they walked over to the car but to their surprise, Nathalie was waiting by it. 
 "Can we help you?" Mrs Rossi asked, looking at her.
 "I'm Nathalie Sancoeur. I work for Mr Agreste," She explained, making both of them. "He's been looking for a new model to work with his new clothing line for teenagers and he was sent your daughter's portfolio from Vincent Aza,"
 "Oh yes I remember Vincent," Mrs Rossi stated, nodding. He had worked with Lila a couple of times in Italy.
 "Mr Agreste feels Lila has exactly what he is looking for in a model and wishes to hire her,"
 "Really?" Lila gasped, surprised. "Oh that is wonderful! Mama! Please can I do it?"
 "Well..." She frowned. "What about school?"
 "It won't interfere with her school and we are willing to paid for her time," Nathalie explained, pushing up her glares. "It would be excellent for her career too,"
 "Please Mama!!"
 "Well... ok,"
 ~Back at the Couffaine's Boat~
 "Dad, I'm fine," Luka sighed as he sat on the phone to Jagged, who was panicking about him. Penny was trying to calm him down but it wasn't helping. "Dad, calm down.,"
 "You were nearly kidnapped!" He gasped, making Luka. "I'm getting you a bodyguard,"
 "Dad, I don't need one," He gasped, shaking his head. "Issac hasn't turned back up and the press are finally leaving me alone. Giving me a bodyguard will draw more attention,"
 "But that Lila girl..."
 "Will have to go through Juleka to get to me,"
 "At least have a taser!" Jagged gasped, making Luka sigh. "Or a crocodile!"
 "Dad, I don't need a crocodile or a taser," He gasped, pinching his nose before shaking his head. "But if it makes you stop going on about it, I'll invest in some pepper spray and bring that with me wherever I go ok?"
 "Alright," Jagged sighed. "But we're adding endangerment to the case again Bob Roth,"
 "Fine by me," Luka replied before looking as Juleka popped her through. "I have to go. Movie night is about to begin,"
 "Alright," Jagged replied. "Be careful,"
 "I will," Luka replied, smiling a little. "Good night, Dad,"
 "Good night, Luka,"
Next Chapter: Coming Soon
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So, I've rewatchew film Z and it's been a while I want to talk about it so I'm gonna try preparing a big review.
While I'm working on it, here's my opinion on the designs of the final battle :
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Beautifull boy, classic pirate look fits him really well, don't ask me why he has 2 big ass swords considering he is so bad with them but... Big piece of meat and flip/flops, final touch *chef kiss*
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Red fits him so well, I wish he was wearing this kimono more often (make Zoro wear something else than green please), big ass coat over his soulders is so dramatic, perfect.
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2 positive reviews ? Well here we go for the bad ones ! What the fuck is that ? I mean, it's Nami's outfit in a Toei produced movie, I knew it was going to be real bad in term of logic and sexualisation but damn this is not even making her sexy just... dumb. Helmet with mini skirt with protection and tiny heels ? Get outta here.
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Usopp, my boy, my sweet sweet boy, why do people keep hurting you like that... I'll talk about it a bit more an other time but all of the outfits for him in this movie where atrocious, he deserves so much better 😭 Like, what even were they trying to do with this all mustache/beard situation ??? At least he uses his hammer so I guess there's one positive point.
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And good reviews are back !
Look at this absolute snack ! The coat ? Sexy as hell. The guns ? Iconic since Strong World (and a dozen of colours spread, seriously Oda, you keep drawing him with guns, actually give him some). The red gloves ? Ngxdfvjknx.
I adore how big coats and gloves fits him, I fell in love with this style at Strong World and Z did it again so, real happy with this one !
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How tiny were the pirates they took the clothes from ? 'Cause they're from one of the crew that got their ass handed over by Z and... well this outfit is tiny. Were they children in this boat ??
Anyway, not a big fan of it but it's not to bad, the bandana he wears under his hat is real cute and his little pink coat, adorable. But otherwise I don't think such a bright red fits him so well, the blue used for the belt is really of putting for me and... well a hat over his hat... I know it's how his post-timeskip design works but I really don't like it (maybe I'll do a thread on post-timeskip design one day because boy do I have things to say).
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* breath in deeply *
God, am I tired of their designs on women -_- Trying to be positive and ignoring the fact that she is in litteral underwear on a battlefield, we got her wearing a hat again and I would sell my soul to see that happen more often (besides it is a gorgeous hat, shape and colours fits her very well and the black feathers are so extra I love it), she also wear gloves and as previously stated, I have a huge appreciation for those. Her jacket is also looking rather nice, more the colour than the shape, but I'll let it slide.
To be short, illogical, over-sexualised, but with nice elements so better than Nami's outfit.
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The dad is next ! And it is a positive review ! I mean look at him ! This color scheme suits him so well I actually wish he wore it more often ! His gigantic black jacket is so nice looking, and the pink slip and tights are such a nice touch, especially paired up with those flowy red boots (with tiny heels who are so freaking funny with how big Franky is).
A beautifull dad with a beautifull outfit.
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And our last candidate for today, Brook ! Who absolutely rock this outfit ! I think this is my favorite outfit out of all of them because, as usual, the monster trio was really respected and had gorgeous clothes but they weren't super... original in the way that we've already see them in such outfits in the past (it's not a critic, just an observation). While Brook here is in an esthetic that fits him extremly well, as a design and as a character, and that makes his ecentric personality show even more with the mix of bolds colours and accessories (I'm in love with those earings (don't ask me how he can wear any)). And his hair looks so good in red ❤ One tiny negative spot for me would be the blue belt/scarf 'cause I don't find that this colour goes well with the rest of the colour scheme his outfit is in. But otherwise, 10/10, brilliant design, our favorite skeleton has been served !
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bonbonbun-luna · 4 years
Cool! Can you do a crossover/AU where Marinette a Youtuber, by secret, like just a hobby/second job. But know one knows it hurt since she never show her face since she wears a mask and such. Became friends with many Youtubers, even Markiplier and Game Grumps even argues about adopting her. Then get worried about their “little bug” and learned about some not happy things with about the school, a video of Chat being well not cool and the lies of this liar...Team Miraculous YouTubers!
I hope you gonna like it! This is non-magical AU and I don’t really watch the american youtube(Maybe only Pewds), but if you like it, I’ll write the second part where Marinette will interact with them! Send me more requests guys (ฅ・ิω・ิฅ)
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Marinette sighed in disappointment, looking at the trending tab.
The video «Ladybug and I are soulmates» has gained over ten million views and an incredible amount of likes over the past six hours. Reading the comments in which the loyal fans of Chat Noir called her a blind idiot, Mari could hardly hold back her tears.
This has been going on for two years already.
She started making videos three years ago, hiding her true identity with a mask, lenses and a nickname. This should never have become a big deal, but a month after the first video, which somehow magically gained 400,000 views(Mari was sure that her uncle Jagged Stone was involved in this), Netty decided to make another one, finally buying new equipment and completely hiding her room so that no one could recognize it.
Parents watched her with interest, quietly supporting and sincerely rejoicing in their daughter's new ineres.
Sabina couldn't stop smiling, thinking that this year was the best for her baby girl. Her precious daughter finally made friends, scared off her bully, met many celebrities, fell in love and even found a new hobby. Tom cautiously touched all the equipment Marinette bought, being afraid to break something with his big hands.
Blunette ran excitedly, trying to cover the bright pink walls with a peach-colored material. The installation of the camera was difficult for the girl, but she managed, from time to time hissing viciously at interested parents scurrying around her room. When everything was ready, the Netty started the video in dismay, awkwardly waving her hand.
In her hands bluenette held a recently sewn dress, nervously touching the voluminous petticoat. Each time the light hit the skirt, viewers could notice a pattern in the form of birds surrounded by flowers.
Trying to smile boldly, Mari introduced herself as Ladybug and told that she was holding a costume for Clara Nightingale last performance. Gradually, Marinette became more confident, because she finally could talk about what she likes, forgetting about her worries. Smiling proudly, Netty brought the camera closer to the pattern, talking about how she had spent weeks embroidering it. Giggling, she showed fingers injured by a needle and admitted that she was sincerely proud of what she got in result. At the end of the video, she put on a dress on a mannequin and showed every detail, describing the work on it. Standing behind the camera, Netty wished everyone a good evening and shouted «Bugout!», finishing the video.
With the help of her clients, who actively talked about their favorite designer, and Clara Nightingale, who admitted that she wanted to give Marinette the main role in her clip, the video instantly gained a million views, causing the whole school to buzz with delight, and asking her fans(God, she had fans!!!) to make a new video.
It was stupid, but Marinette squealed almost a few hours in a row, excitedly jumping around the room. Sabina and Tom, selling pastries below, actively distracted frightened customers. Awareness of how happy their daughter was, warmed the hearts of loving parents and they couldn't stop smiling.
The realization that she was a celebrity came to Mari only when her best friend Alya started a blog about her, trying to reveal her true identity. After an attempt to credibly rejoice over Cesaire, the embarrassed but determined Netty set about writing the script and release dates for the commercials. It took her almost two weeks, but it was worth it, because at the end she had a normalized schedule and she finally clearly knew what she was going to talk about.
The third Marinette's video, in which she showed and described in detail the work on the cover of the album of Jagedd Stone, attracted the attention of the famous youtuber Chat Noir. The playfully grinning blond admitted in one of his videos that he was beginning to hate his popularity and it was the inspirational speeches of the little seamstress that made him stay. In the end, he winked flirtingly, asking the girl for an autograph. A few hours after the release of his video several thousand grateful fans signed up on her channel, and all the comments yelled that she was their savior. Smiling like an idiot, she tried to answer everyone, quietly rejoicing that she was able to help someone. The number of her subscribers rapidly increased to 800,000 and she couldn't stop excitedly rushing to the phone with every notification.
At one such happy moment instead of another comment she saw a message from Chat Noir. Blushing and goosebumps, she read about how he would like to work with her, and girl couldn't stop giggling. Trying to hold the phone with trembling hands, she quickly agreed, screeching into the pillow from shock. If she only knew back then what exactly would bring this to her...
Two weeks later they first met each other. The guy smiled playfully when he saw Ladybug, and instead of shaking hands he kissed her hand. Instinctively, the girl pushed him away and shook her head.
«Borders, kitty, borders».
Chat Noir laughed and invited her inside his studio. During the video recording, the young man actively flirted and involuntarily Marinette freed herself and began to respond to flirt. The blonde seemed to her as a long-drawn-out friend and she felt absolutely free with him. Needless to say, the video has become damn popular, forcing fans to wonder if they was dating.
The bluenette immediately began to deny everything, saying that this was their first meeting and they were just acquaintances, to which she received a promise from Chat Noir that he would soon become her boyfriend. Back then Marinette ignored this comment, dismissing it as a silly joke, but now she could not help but regret it.
The girl rubbed her eyes tiredly, looking displeased at the time. The clock showed that there were four hours left before school and Netty couldn't help but regret that she had not gone to bed earlier. She was sure that at school she would face another batch of charges, and therefore sighed wearily.
Eight months ago Lila Rossi came to school. She was an obsessive liar, actively manipulating everyone she met. On the very first day, she began to claim that she was Ladybug's best friend, confidentially reporting that she had introduced the youtuber to Jagged Stone. Smiling brazenly, she said that half of the costume ideas belonged to her. Boiling with anger, Marinette tried to tell everyone about her lies, but her classmates was instantly turned on, calling her a bully.
Now, when the school was a clan by the board of this cunning fox, who took control of even the principal Mr. Damocles, it was almost impossible for a bluenette to study. Every day was like a bad drama when she was accused of every crime that could be.
Sometimes, when Marinette was tired, she began to talk about her problems with her friends from youtube.
«It's almost impossible, 'ya know. When I go to school I am among idiots with one brain cell, and when I record a video, I endure the harassment of this moron Noir. Who am I now, a Wonder Woman?»
She never noticed the worried glances that threw at her, so she had no idea that soon there was a surprise waiting for her.
In the afternoon, trying to endure the ridicule of her classmates, she consoled herself with the fact that the weekend would begin very soon.
«Wow, you sigh so tiredly. Being such a bully is probably so hard», a sarcastic voice sounded nearby.
Turning her head, she noticed a gloomy Alya, who put her hands on her hips. Behind Cessarie stood scared and embarrassed Nino, and Adrian's head could be seen behind his shoulder. Seeing Mari’s resolve, Agreste shook his head in condemnation. Can't Marinette just calm down? All she needs is to become friends with Lila and then all the problems will end.
«What do you need, Alya? I'm tired and want to relax», the bluenette snorted, rolling her eyes and looking calmly at her ex-friends.
Alya angrily clapped her hands on the table, her eyes burned with a fire of justice.
«What do I need? What do YOU need from Lila? Stop bullying her! She never did to you anything bad, and you continue to cling to a good person because of your jealousy!»
Marinette grimaced, squeezing the bridge of her nose with two fingers.
«I have no idea what you're talking about, Alya! I haven’t talked with Rossi for more than three months!»
Lila, sitting at the first desk, sobbed, innocently opening her tear-stained eyes.
«Marinette, how can you lie like that! Yesterday you deleted all my contacts! How do I get in touch with my bestie, Ladybug? She recently moved to New York!»
Alya looked sadly at her friend, wanting to console her, and then turned to Netty, her eyes flashing viciously.
«I can't believe you, Dupain-Cheng! You are even worse than Chloe! How can you-», the girl’s fiery speech was interrupted by the shocked Miss Bustier, who flew into the classroom.
The woman looked around the class worryingly, and after she found out someone, who she was looking fir, her a thin, frightened voice attracted the class attention.
«Marinette, I... He... Um... There is someone at school who wants to meet you».
Immediately after the words was said, the happy Jagged Stone ran into the class. A tired Penny was trailing behind him, who noticing Mari, waved her hand.
«Netty! My beloved niece! I'm so glad to see you, dear», the man sang, jumping to the end of the class in an instant.
A pale Lila stood next to him, trying to hide, but she was stopped by Alya, who grabbed the girl by the hand. Frightened, Rossi swallowed a lump in her throat.
«Jagged Stone? Excuse me, aren't you recognize Lila? She saved your kitten, remember?».
The rock star made the most astonished grimace that he was capable of, forcing Marinette to hide her face in her hands, expecting something not that good.
«She did what? The last time I saw any cats was in my grandmother's house, at least twenty years back.» The man grinned maliciously, and then, ignoring the dumbfounded faces of the children around, he again turned to the embarrassed bluenette.
«My dear designer, there are several people who would like to talk with you! They need your knowledge and talent.»
«Uncle G, I can’t, I have a school!»
Mrs. Bustier spoke again, awkwardly clearing throat.
«Actually, we got a note from your parents, Marinette. It seems you really can go»
Jagged giggled like a small kid and excitedly handed Mari into Penny's arms, who led the girl out of class, quietly apologizing and explaining the whole situation. Jagged smiled sweetly, and then looked predatoryly at the class teacher.
«By the way, haven't I mentioned that there are a few people who want to meet some more from your class?»
Kids whispered excitedly, hoping that they would be lucky one. The man smirked viciously, laying documents on the tables in front of Mrs. Bustier, Lila, Alya and Adrian. The teacher immediately picked up the sheets in her hands, reading what was written on them, and then fell into a chair, unable to stand on staggering legs. It seemed that a little more and she would faint from shock.
«What is it?», Adrian asked frowningly, frowning.
«This is a lawsuit, Mr. Agreste. For you personally, this is a lawsuit about harassment and a restraining order».
«But I did nothing wrong!», the blond guy screamed indignantly, frowning displeasedly.
«Really? But it seemed to me that when you put on a mask and start calling yourself a Chat Noir, you stop respecting woman's rights and understanding the word 'no'»
Smiling coldly at the frightened schoolchildren, Jagged left the classroom, leaving chaos and drama behind. The man didn't care, he hurried to his wife Penny and his beloved niece, Marinette.
Today will be a wonderful day.
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primroseprime2019 · 3 years
Speed Metal
On a dirt road, a familiar shiny red Aston Martini DBS V12 sports car with white decals was driving down one of the many back roads towards a local hot spot for street racing. The driver had the radio playing. "As metropolitan PD continues to crack down on illegal street racing, citing the danger to both drivers and pedestrians-" the new reporter was cut off as the driver switched off the radio. He was uninterested in listening to more reports of local cops attempting to put a stop to illegal street racing.
Oddly enough, the radio was switched off automatically, not by a person's hand. This car was known other than the Decepticon Doctor, Knockout. He knew that Ember would probably kick his aft to kingdom come if she found out about Knockout's activities. However, Knockout didn't care as the thrill of illegal street racing was too hard to resist.
Up ahead, three other cars were waiting, with the drivers revving the engines. The ref walked out in front of cars as Knockout pulled up. They were all waiting for the right time to start and for everyone to arrive. All the cars were built for speed and had many modifications that were illegal. The Decepticon car intrigued the large muscular, tattooed driver of the muscle car Knockout had pulled up next to.
"Not from around here." The driver commented, referring to the car model. "European design?" He asked curiously, only to get no response from Knockout. The driver didn't like being ignored like that. "Sure is pretty. Too pretty..." The driver said with a grin as he tightened his right hand into a fist. 'This race is for fully grown men, not prissy little boys with pretty cars.' He thought. Using his ring, he scratched the paintwork on the driver's side door.
Knockout used his side view mirror to inspect the damage. Then he turned to the driver, who just shrugged, satisfied with his work, and rolled up his heavily tinted window.
"Big mistake!" Knockout gritted as he changed gears.
The ref held the flashlight above his head and switched it on, signaling for the race begin. All four cars took off, eager to beat their opponents to the finish line. For Knockout, he was eager not only to be the first to cross the finish line, but also to obtain his revenge against the driver who scratched his paintjob. The race was mean and grueling. The driver had the lead. He looked in his rearview mirror and smirked at the other drivers behind him before going even faster. Flames were escaping from the engine through the exhaust pipe as the RPM meter read dangerously close to seven thousand.
Suddenly, he heard the sound of squealing tires. He looked in his rearview mirror once again and saw that Knockout was quickly gaining the upper hand in this race. He rammed himself into the car. It was time to make this human pay for damaging his paintjob.
"HEY!" The driver cried out in protest.
With one single ram as they turned the corner, the driver went over the edge, destroying the guardrail. The car didn't even tumble down the cliff face or see-saw on a particular ledge. It just headed straight to the bottom, upside down, and the sound of the car crashing as music to Knockout's ears.
"Dude..." The driver moaned.
"You scratch my paint, I scratch yours." Knockout sneered dangerously before driving away, intent on reaching the finish line.
Paige walked down the stairs of the school and she looked around before she saw a boy staring at her. She stared back before she walked over to Jack and Arcee who was in her vehicle mode.
"You okay?" He asked. "I just wanna go to the base," she said quietly as she sat down behind him, wrapping her arms around his waist and resting her head on his shoulder.
"Alright, alright," he said softly, reassuringly. He knew she'd be having some bad days where either she'd be quiet and try to hide in the back of the class or she would just start crying and clutching at her head. And this was one of the days.
"Turn on your music okay?" He said gently as he placed her earpods in her ears. She nodded and closed her eyes as she started to listen to the soundtrack from Collateral Beauty.
"Hey! Cherry moped!" Jack glanced at Vince who stood by his car.
"Um, this 'moped' has dual carbs and can go from 0 to 60 in 3.5 seconds," Jack boasted rather proudly before he drove off.
They soon pulled up to a red light. "Uh, Jack, a lady's vital stats are her own business," Arcee reprimanded him quietly. Jack almost rolled his eyes at that.
"Hey! Nick, right?"
He heard another female voice call out to him. He turned to face the corner and saw Sierra standing there with her best friend.
"Actually, it's Jack," he said. "Jack. Sorry. I'm Sierra," she said with a sheepish smile.
"I know," Jack said with a light blush that was concealed by his helmet.
"You once offered to take me for a ride?" Sierra reminded him. "Of course I did," Jack said instantly, "at anytime."
"I'm your guardian, kiddo," Arcee said quietly, "not your wingman." "So? How about now?" Sierra asked him hopefully.
"Uh...," Jack went to answer, but he stopped short when he saw Vince pull up next to him.
"Hey, hey! Small world!" Vince remarked.
"We're having a conversation," Paige spat.
"Cheer captain here might enjoy watching you take on four wheels of muscle car," Vince smirked as he gestured to Sierra and her friend who were standing there gossiping to one another quietly.
"Are you challenging me to a race?" Jack asked in surprise.
"You catch on quick, ponch. What do you say?" Vince asked impatiently.
Jack saw Sierra encouraging him to accept the challenge. He looked at Paige who was frowning at him. Honestly, she was caught in the middle and she thought it was a terrible idea. Optimus had set rules and for good reasons. Reasons like this one.
As soon as the light turned green, Arcee took off at lightning speed, causing Jack and Paige to yell in surprise at the sudden takeoff.
"You didn't let me answer!" Jack exclained. "Nope," Arcee said.
"But Arcee, we can smoke him!" Jack objected.
"Yep," she said, earning a frustrated sigh from her charge. "You just don't get it," he said.
"I don't make the rules, Jack. Optimus does," Arcee said, "and rule number one, in case you guys missed it: never abuse power for personal gain. And that includes horse power."
"Oh come on! I could finally get him to leave Paige alone!" Jack exclaimed. "As much as I would love to kick his tailpipe for messing with Paige, my answer is no," Arcee said firmly as Vince drove up beside them.
"Vince, maybe racing isn't such a good idea," Jack declined, causing Vince to laugh tormentally.
"Figured. You ride around like you're bike's something special. But it's just a chunky, lunky trike! And ugly!" Vince tormented before racing away as soon as the lights turned green.
"That's it! The yahoo's going down!" Arcee proclaimed before racing after Vince at high speeds.
"Whoa! What happened to rule number one?" Jack asked.
"Gets bent. Just this once," Arcee decided, much to Jack's excitement and much to Paige's dismay.
"Yo, girls! Your pals, Darby and Kendrick, they're-."
"Ready when you are, Vinny!"
To Vince's surprise, when he turned his attention away from Sierra and her friend, he saw Jack, Paige and Arcee next to him all revved up and ready to go.
"Dirt road by trucker's ranch. One hour," was Vince's answer.
When the hour had passed, Jack and Vince were on the dirt road at trucker's ranch ready to go. Sierra, Paige and Sierra's friend stood by the edge of the road eager to witness the showdown between muscle car and motorcycle.
"From here to the next mile mark. Ready. GO!" Vince yelled before taking off.
"Well, that was fair," Jack remarked sarcastically as Arcee took off after Vince.
As Vince and Jack rode past, Sierra and her friend had to place their hands on their skirts to stop themselves from flashing what they had underneath.
"That's why I wear pants," Paige said to Sierra and her friend.
"Uh...Arcee," Jack trailed off.
"Winning isn't enough, Jack. You wanna make him CRY," Arcee cut him short. Vince was surprised when he noticed that the motorcycle was no longer visible through his rearview mirror. He heard the sound of an engine next to him. He turned around and was surprised to see Jack and Arcee riding along next to him! Jack waved casually as Arcee pulled a wheelie and swerved past him at impossible speeds.
"Wha?" Vince gasped.
Arcee did a little honk in victory as they drove past the mile marker before Vince. Jack let out a whoop in celebration.
"OUTSTANDING!" Jack cried. "You know, now might be a good time to give Sierra just a quick ride around the block?" He asked hopefully.
"Don't push it," was Arcee's answer and he grumbled.
"Ah, Breakdown, Comet. Has there been any change in Megatron's condition?" Ember asked as she walked into the medbay.
"Only cosmetic," Breakdown answered honestly as he folded the buffer back into his arm.
"Well, I am sure that you and the good doctor have been doing everything in your power. Where is Knockout?" She asked, looking around. As if on cue, the Decepticon medic walked into the medbay.
"Can you believe what some skinjob did to me?" Knockout huffed as he inspected the scratch on his arm.
"Have you been out street racing with humans again?" Ember frowned. "I'm not only an automobile, I'm an automobile enthusiast," Knockout said nonchalantly.
Ember frowned deeply, "we run a tight ship around here Knockout. I strongly suggest that you request permission from me next time you decide to disappear on your little jaunts."
"No worries, Red," Knockout said dismissively. Ember gave a low, warning growl.
"Mistress Ember," Knockout corrected. "The day our master emerges from stasis, I shall gladly relinquish that title," Ember huffed, "but I believe that outcome is unlikely something to do with the quality of medical care around here. So continue buffing as we do want Megatron looking his best for the memorial." With that, she turned and walked out of the medbay.
Knockout groaned, "buff this." Comet gave him a look, "Knockout."
"You hush," the Decepticon medic huffed.
Arcee drove into the base. Jack and Paige dismounted Arcee, allowing the Autobot to transform into her bipedal form.
"Not a word to anyone," she said firmly. "Our little secret," Jack said with a wink. Arcee smiled and she walked away.
"Dude! Vroom vroom vroom! And the winner is...," Miko smirked at the two of them.
"Jack!" Paige finished as she and Miko performed their handshake.
"Miko, who told you?" Jack asked nervously.
"You kidding? It's all over school!" Miko told them.
"You beat the pants off that blowhard bully Vince!" Raf cheered, "And I'm sure he'll leave Paige alone now because of how protective her big brother best friend forever is!"
Raf and Miko let out yells of surprise as Jack and Paige suddenly pulled them into a group huddle.
"You guys have to keep this on the DL. Especially from Optimus," Jack hissed.
"Why?" Miko asked.
"Because that race totally broke rule number one: never abuse power for personal gain," Paige said, "and I'd rather not let the Prime know that I'm the target of bullying."
"What are you four doing?"
Jack, Paige, Miko and Raf jumped and yelled in surprise as they turned around and saw Optimus standing there with a curious expression on his face.
"Uh...nothing," Jack answered with a nervous chuckle.
"Just talking about...stuff at school," Paige shrugged.
"Top secret stuff!" Miko piped in.
"Stuff you don't wanna know," Raf added.
Optimus let out a hum and raised his optic ridge. He knew something was up. Thinking that the four of them would tell him eventually, he left them to their devices. As soon as he was out of earshot, they all let out sighs of relief and slumped against one another.
"That was close," Jack sighed in relief.
"I can't believe we lied to him," Paige moaned.
"I can't believe how robotic we sounded," Miko retorted.
"How did we manage to keep the secret so long?" Raf asked, causing the other three to laugh.
Raf was right. If they had trouble telling a lie to the leader of the Autobots, how did they manage to keep the secret of their existence for as long as they had so far?
At school, Jack walked down the stairs, his hands stuffed in his pockets. “Hey. I've been looking for you," Sierra said as she came out of the school with a duffle bag, "The race! How great was that?! I was like, 'Yeah! Go Jack!'"
"It was no big deal," Jack shrugged.
"You got that right!" Vince agreed as he shoved his way past Jack, "If you think you can run with the big boys, The Circuit. 11 PM."
Paige walked towards Jack and she stopped when she saw Vince and Sierra. Jack was staring at Vince before he frowned, "...fine. If I win, you leave Paige alone."
Paige widened her eyes and Sierra smiled. Vince huffed, "deal."
"You agreed to WHAT?!" Arcee demanded as she drove down the road with Jack and Paige.
"It was some kind of secret racing club. I don't know. I had no choice. Sierra was right there!" Jack defended himself.
"You always have a choice Jack," Arcee said sternly, "and what part of 'just this once' did you not understand?"
"I know, I'm sorry," Jack sighed, "but we're on right?"
"We are not on," Arcee said firmly as she drove into the base.
Knockout was driving down the road when Breakdown called. "Knockout, Ember's looking for you. Where did you go?" He asked through the commlink.
"Oh, just out for a little drive," Knockout said, "I just roll from town to town sniffing around until...the next opportunity presents itself. He saw a car race past him and he changed gears to catch up with it.
Back at the base, it was pretty quiet. Everyone was off doing their own little thing...except Raf who remained behind to play video games. He was actually doing well...until Jack distracted him and caused him to crash.
"Raf? Uh...is there any way I can borrow Bumblebee for an hour?" Jack requested nervously, causing Bumblebee to widen his optics in surprise. "Don't involve me in this!"
"Jack," Paige said in a warning tone. "Jack, you know racing's against the rules," Raf said, "what if Optimus found out?" "He'd be mad!" Bee exclaimed, his doorwings twitching with nervousness.
"But Raf, he's gotta get the girl!" Miko exclaimed, "and beat the bully!"
"Jack, I appreciate you protecting me but I don't need you getting into trouble because of me," Paige said.
"This isn't because of you, Paigey," Jack said sternly, "I'm doing this to protect you. And to prove a point."
"Well...," Raf trailed off, still unsure about letting Bumblebee race.
"Come on, Raf. Just this once?" Jack pleaded him sincerely. Raf looked both worried and unsure.
The moon cast a luminous shadow over the circuit. Racers and their girlfriends lingered around the starting line of the track. They were conversing. Talking about how they were going to win the race against some of the best. So they were amazed when they saw a black-and-yellow muscle Camero roll up onto the scene.
But no one was more surprised then Vince as he waited patiently at the starting line for the race to start. He couldn't even HIDE how surprised he was when Jack rolled down the window so they could see eye-to-eye.
"Bike's in the shop," Jack shrugged.
Vince didn't say anything in response. He just turned to the track laid out before him. Suddenly, something beautiful blocked their view. Jack leant back into Bumblebee's seat in surprise at the sight. It was Sierra. She just stood there smiling and waving at him innocently.
"Circuit drivers, are you ready? Make it mean but keep it clean! Fire 'em up in 5...4...3...2...1!"
However, behind them, nobody noticed another car pull up. What was more important was the fact that Jack and Bumblebee didn't notice the new racer. And that is because the new racer is Knockout.
When the countdown had finished, Sierra threw her hands to the ground and crouched low. Then she turned and watched the drivers begin to race around the circuit. They didn't notice Knockout riding along a little too close to them.
"The Autobot they call Bumblebee," Knockout remarked. Knockout decided to make himself known. And to do that, he rammed himself into Vince's car and immediately took the lead from him.
"What's Knockout doing here?" Bumblebee buzzed when he spotted Knockout.
"What was that, Bee?" Jack asked worriedly before glancing in the rearview mirror as Bumblebee continued his concerned bleeps, "Wait. I know that car."
Jack yelled out in surprise as Bumblebee suddenly veered right and began driving along the wall. Knockout immediately copied his actions...with a gun popping out from near his cap for the fuel tank! Immediately, the Decepticon began firing shots at the young Autobot. Bumblebee did his best to avoid Knockout's shots. Vince breathed out his surprise as he saw Jack and Bumblebee drive up the wall and jump off the track. Knockout immediately followed suite.
"Can you lose him, Bee?" Jack asked nevously, earning bleeps in response, "What'd you say? ...I hope that means 'yes.' Cause I'd rather not call base for back-up."
"Anyone seen Jack?" Arcee asked casually, causing Miko and Raf to freeze nervously.
"Not since we last saw him," Miko answered nervously.
"...they're racing, aren't they?" Arcee asked knowingly.
"Just this once," Raf piped in nervously.
"Did you know about this?" Arcee asked Nightwalker, WhiteRain, Bulkhead.
"No...maybe...a little," Nightwalker answered nervously. Bumblebee suddenly called in. "Bumblebee to base. We're being chased by Knockout. Require backup."
"You're being chased by Knockout?!" Raf repeated in disbelief. "Take evasive action?" Bumblebee asked.
"That sounds like a Decepticon," Miko remarked as she stood up with her first clenched.
"Bee, do not engage. Your first priority is to keep Jack safe," Arcee said firmly, "until I get my hands on him." "Arcee, let me come," Paige said.
"Paige, no. I'm not putting you in danger," Arcee said firmly. "Jack is my best friend and my brother," Paige said sternly, "and I want to kick Knockout's tailpipe for shoving me into that museum's glass last week."
"Anyone else scared of her right now?" WhiteRain asked, earning nods from Bulkhead and Nightwalker.
Arcee frowned at Paige before she sighed, "alright." She transformed into her vehicle form and Paige climbed on. Bulkhead, WhiteRain and Nightwalker transformed into their vehicle forms and drove after Arcee.
Bumblebee and Jack continued driving along the road. They had a hard time shaking Knockout off their trail who continued to fire at them. So Bumblebee leaked some oil on the road behind him. The laws of friction didn't agree with rotating tires coming into contact with slick oil. So as the story goes, Knockout lost control of the car.
"Slick," Jack remarked.
Bumblebee drove himself back onto the track in the circuit and backed himself under a bridge. Knockout eventually regained his footing and began driving back towards the circuit. He came to a stop at the beginning of the bridge Bumblebee was hiding under. Sensing Knockout's presence, he shut off his lights and engine. Jack froze, trying not to make a sound or move. His internal sensors read no signs of any Autobot or Decepticon in the area. So he put pedal to the medal and drove right out of there.
"I think we lost him, Bee," Jack whispered. Then Jack was faced with another problem. And that problem was Vince. Vince came to a stop in front of the odd duo. His face was beginning to turn red in pure anger.
"Oh you've gotta be kidding me!" Jack groaned.
"Darby," Vince growled as he pounded his fist into his open hand.
Knockout just happened to hear that, having not fully left the facility at this present time. Burnt rubber made its mark on the road as the car suddenly activated its breaks and made a complete stop in the middle of the road. He used his sideview mirrors to look for a sign. ANY sign of his foe. So when he saw the colours of bumper lights, he immediately changed gears and reversed back to the bridge, another advantage of driving on an empty road taken by him.
"Vince! You have to get out of here, OK? You win! Congradulations! Now go!" Jack pleaded.
"No. No. Start and back-up, loser. We're finishing this race! Don't wanna take it to the finishing line? Fine! Then we've got something to settle right here! Right now!" Vince proclaimed.
Vince's rant was suddenly cut off by his own screaming. Jack was surprised and concerned as a giant black hand reached down and scooped up Vince into his palm. And that hand just happened to belong to Knockout. Vince yelled out in surprise as he was thrown into the air while Knock Out transformed into his vehicular mode. Vince landed in Knockout's passenger seat with a grunt. He protested as the sunroof slammed shut above his head and the seatbelt wrapped themselves around his frame tightly, preventing any means of escape for Vince.
"What's going on?" he demanded, afraid of what could happen.
An Energon zapper appeared before Vince's eyes. Energon sparks flew from the prong for his head. As he felt the sparks take their effect on him, Vince moaned and slumped forward into the seat as he passed out. Satisfied with the current state of his captive, Knockout switched on the ignition and drove away, putting pedal to the metal once again. Jack ran up the side hill onto the road in the hopes of stopping Knockout for getting away with the bully. But he was too late. Knockout was gone, disappearing in a cloud of sand and dust as he disappeared into the dark horizon.
"Breakdown, you'll never guess what I'm packing," Knock Out gushed excitedly as he continued down the highway with Vince unconscious and bound in his passenger seat, "Bumblebee's human friend! And when the Autobot attempts to stage a rescue..."
"He has a...breakdown!"
"Bee, he's getting away!" Jack cried as Bumblebee approached him, bleeping his idea to him, "I-I-I can't understand you! Look. I'm not Raf! Can't you just honk once for bad news and honk twice for good news?"
Bumblebee seemed to like that idea. Finally, he found a method of communication Jack would understand. So he honked twice, telling Jack that he had good news indeed. Jack virtually melted in relief at understanding the mute Autobot. Well...he did until he saw Arcee, Nightwalker, WhiteRain and Bulkhead arrive. And Paige was with them and she wasn't happy.
When Paige hopped off of Arcee's vehicle form, she marched over to her best friend/brother and whacked him on the head, making him flinch and rub the back of his head.
"Jack, we need to chat," Arcee said, placing her servo on her hip. "Later, Arcee. Vince got snatched by that slick sports car 'Con!" Jack announced.
"What would Knockout want with that guy?" WhiteRain asked, surprised.
"He probably mistook him for Bumblebee's human friend. I'm not even Bumblebee's human friend," Jack said, "Look. It doesn't matter why they took him! Vince is in trouble!"
"Oh well. Tough break for Vince," Bulkhead shrugged carelessly, making Arcee, WhiteRain, Bumblebee and Nightwalker look at him.
"Bulkhead!" Paige and Jack exclaimed. Bulkhead looked at them, "what? Hear the guy's a jerk. Even more so to Paige."
"Okay, no argument there but the guy's also innocent," Paige huffed, "he doesn't deserve to get hurt- especially by the Cons."
Arcee furrowed her optic ridges before she transformed into her vehicle form, "hop on."
"They should have called by now," Raf said worriedly, "do you think Bumblebee's okay?"
"Don't worry Raf. Bulkhead and WhiteRain won't let anything happen to Jack or Bee," Miko said reassuringly. Then the two heard heavy pedesteps and turned to Optimus walking into the main hangar.
"We should just tell Optimus the truth," Raf whispered. "Absolutely not!" Miko whispered back, "we made a deal! Just act completely normal."
"Raf, Miko, do either of you know where the others have gone?" Optimus asked as he walked up to them.
"Why, no sir," Miko said nonchalantly, "we do not know."
"Miko is correct," Raf said with a nervous smile, "we do not know." "Why would we know?" Miko asked as she and Raf nervously smiled at the Autobot leader.
Optimus only raised an optic ridge at the two.
The chase for Knock Out and Vince continued, despite the fact that it was – by now – the early hours of the morning. But they wouldn't give up. Especially since their secret was at risk. When they heard the sound of a car coming at an intersection, they stopped to allow the car to go through. The red and white car whizzed by. Jack, Paige and Arcee realized that it was Knockout. So they immediately took off after him.
"Bumblebee brought company," Knockout observed.
"On your guard, boys and girls. Could be a trap," Arcee warned.
"And remember. No shooting," Jack reminded the two boys.
"Speaking of safety, Jack, this is where you get off," Arcee said. Paige looked to Jack and flicked her tail.
She and Arcee took off. As they drove around the place, Bumblebee, Nightwalker, WhiteRain and Bulkhead saw a giant hole in the wire fence. Suspecting trouble, they immediately transformed into their bipedal modes and unfolded their blasters. Paige was climbing up the water tower, ready to attack from above in case trouble came.
Knockout turned his front lights on, temporarily blinding Bulkhead and Bumblebee. Then from the wall next to them, Breakdown and Echo broke their way into the fight. Breakdown's hammer hit the road between Bulkhead, Nightwalker, WhiteRain and Bumblebee, causing the two to flip away. Bumblebee stood ready to fight. But Breakdown easily knocked him out of the way. Eventually, he did the same to Bulkhead. Nightwalker and WhiteRain charged at Breakdown and Echo, taking out their weapons.
Vince was still in Knockout's passenger seat unconscious. However, Knockout's didn't care at the moment. His mind was occupied with another quest.
"Where's the two-wheeler and the little half breed?" he asked himself. Arcee and Paige dropped down onto the Decepticon medic's hood.
Arcee started punching at Knockout's hood. "Hey! Watch the paint! It's custom!" He snapped.
"Seriously?" Arcee grinned. Paige, as she was in her lioness form, dug her claws into the hood of Knockout's car.
The tires squealed as Knockout rolled out, with Arcee and Paige riding along on top of him. The fight between Breakdown, Bulkhead and Bumblebee continued, unaware of the situation with Arcee, Paige, Knockout and Vince.
Outside, Jack's attention was captured by the sound of squealing tires. He turned and saw Knockout attempting an escape with Arcee and Paige standing on top of him, trying to maintain balance. Eventually, Arcee and Paige lost their balance and fell off. But Arcee transformed into her vehicular mode and caught Paige before the two chased Knockout into the night.
"That's my girls!" Jack cheered to himself quietly.
"Uh, Breakdown, in case you're looking for me, things got messy. So I hit the road. One scream is enough for today," Knockout said through the commlink.
No sooner then Knockout had said that, Breakdown turned around and found himself smacked in the face with a lamppost, sending him flying through the same wall he broke through before. And that hit was courtesy of Bulkhead.
The chase between Autobot, Galatrian and Decepticon continued. Arcee and Paige were hot on Knockout's tail. So Knockout added more pressure to the accelerator and gained more miles ahead of them, causing Arcee and Paige to groan in frustration at yet another lost chance.
"Eat my dust," Knockout smirked at them. There was a loud truck horn and Optimus drove up beside Knockout. With a gentle nudge from the Prime, Knockout lost control of himself and drove into a ditch.
"Optimus, Knockout has a hostage," Arcee said. Optimus transformed into his bipedal form and he walked over to Knockout.
Optimus picked Knockout up and held him in the air by his rear bumper. Knockout screamed in pain as Optimus riped the driver's side door off of the main frame. Carefully, Optimus reached inside the interior of the car and freed the still-unconscious Vince from his current predicament. With Vince safe in his servo, he simply threw Knockout to the side as he transformed.
"Do you know how hard that is to replace?" Knockout had screeched after observing the damage to his arm. That was when he realized he was outnumbered.
Bulkhead, WhiteRain and Nightwalker aimed their blasters at the Decepticon medic.
'Scrap! If I'm not in trouble with these bots, then I'm in trouble with Ember!' Knockout thought before he transformed into his vehicle form and sped away.
Optimus turned to the others. Bumblebee drove up beside Arcee, Jack inside his vehicle form.
"Optimus... this is my fault," Jack sighed. "We must get this boy to safety. Explanations can come later...from all of you," Optimus said sternly.
Nightwalker lowered his head and WhiteRain's shoulders slumped guiltily.
"We're in trouble," Bumblebee said quietly.
Vince came to hours after he was taken from the circuit by Knockout. Only, he didn't find himself in Knockout's car. He found himself in Bumblebee's passenger seat with Jack driving.
"How did? What happened?" Vince groaned as he sat up.
"Some guys jumped you under the bridge. They tossed you into their trunk. Must have been some kind of initiation," Jack shrugged convincingly.
"Really?" Vince asked, startled. "Yeah. Found you knocked out on the side of the road," Jack said before he stopped next to Vince's car, "Look. I gotta be honest. After what I saw tonight, I think racing isn't really my thing."
"I hear you, Darby. Hard to win a race driving a pedal car!" Vince sneered, causing Bumblebee to put pedal to the metal and drove away.
Knockout walked down the hallway as Echo and Comet walked over to him. "What happened to you?" Echo asked, noticing the damage on his arm.
"Knockout, to the control bridge. Now," Ember announced through the commlink. Knockout lowered his helm and the three walked to the command center.
When the doors opened, Comet walked over to Breakdown and Echo walked over to Soundwave.
Ember turned to Knockout, her optics showing bridled fury. "You were supposed to be tending to Lord Megatron," she said sternly, "instead... you decided to go and defy my orders and pull a careless stunt like this."
Knockout flinched as he lowered his helm, not wanting to meet his leader's optics. Ember was no angle. As the alpha of the Decepticons, she would not hesitate in punishing soldiers. Even if those soldiers were her friends.
Ember looked to Starscream, "Starscream will be the one to give you a lesson you won't seem to forget." She turned back to the screens as Starscream walked towards Knockout.
Comet widened his optics and he stepped forward but Breakdown put his arm in front of the young mech and silently shook his helm.
"Not to worry," Starscream said to Knockout, showing a sharp claw, "your punishment shall be merely... cosmetic."
No! Not the finish! Anything but the finish!" Knockout pleaded before Breakdown, Echo and Comet cringed at the sound of screeching metal and the sounds of Knockout's screams.
The next day, Jack walked over to Arcee and climbed onto her vehicle form. "Hey, Jack. Do you have time for that ride?" Sierra asked hopefully.
"I'm sorry, Sierra. I can't right now," Jack apologized regretfully.
"No problem. I guess I'll just see you around," Sierra shrugged sadly before walking away.
"Hop on," Arcee invited as she pulled up next to him.
"Whoa. Really?" Jack asked, surprised.
"Just this once," Arcee emphasized.
Jack smiled as he and Sierra drove down the road, enjoying the sights before them.
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a-forgotten-spirit · 4 years
Love Isn’t An Illusion (7)
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Pairing: Todoroki x Bakugou, Todoroki x Reader x Bakugou, VERY SLOW BUILD
Summary:  Getting supplies for the camping trip with some fun rivalry swimming.
Words: +-7600 (I have problems)
Warnings:  bad parenting, overbearing parents, overthinking, talking about bathing suits, fear of public places, over planning, wearing a skirt, anxiety, protective Shoji, being noticed by fans, social metres, explaining swimwear, saying you have a chest (sorry if you dont, itty bitty titties are good too!), explanations of clothing, the league, undressing and people looking at you (not sexual), being self conscious, overly competitive, 
Tagged:  @kittycatspervertedheart​ @lemorrite​ @gwendlynn​ @marleps​ @thicctati2​ @saitamastamaticsoup​ @succulent-momma​ @aurorahoneybuns​ @imjusttireddudes​ @misconceptualised​ @ochabby​ @katsukisuwus​ @gayverlinq​ @star-witchs-blog​ @fallbb123 @icyhotpie​ @kyrah-williams​
A/N:  I wrote this for the fans. I do not own My Hero academia or the characters, I don’t own most of the plot for this story, I had watched the show and re-written the dialogue and plot as if the reader was the main character. Everything is centred around the reader. Please comment, makes me happy. Ask if you wish to be tagged. Patreon is still in the works as I’m not confident to do it however, for now I am doing commission stories if anyone is interested
Chapter 1 Chapter 2 Chapter 3 Chapter 4 Chapter 5 Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Walking into the house my mother walked up to me hands on her hips and she looked ready for a fight. I was tired and just wanted to go lay down. I wasn’t in the mood to deal with her right now or at any given point if I was honest but after the exam I had, I quite enjoyed turning my brain off for a few days. 
“Who dropped you off” she inquired immediately. I sighed and hoisted my bag onto my back more comfortably as I looked up to see her. My head was pounding and Bakugou's jumper was so warm and fluffy I just wanted to go to sleep. 
“Friends from school” I answered, my heart did the weird thing where it decided to not work and beat quicker then it should. I was there with my friends. Todoroki was always ready to help me move around and helped me through the panic attack while Bakugou had brought me food and gave me his jumper. I was thankful for both. Her hand moved in a continuous motion as if to continue “Bakugou and Todoroki” I answered. 
“Todoroki, like Endeavor Todoroki,” she asked and I nodded slowly “His son, with the fire and ice. You’re friends with his son” I nodded again. She’s never been interested in heroes, at least whenever I talked about them “Oh darling look at you. He is a fine choice to swoon. Money and looks, he will make a great friend. I have to meet his father” 
I was blank. She had to be joking right. I did not just fight ten Pro heroes for my mother to go on about how I'm friends with someone as if I had something to gain “I’m friends with Todoroki for Todoroki, not Endeavor. I do not like Endeavor and I never will. I like Todoroki for who he is not who he is related to” I said slowly as if I had to sound it out. 
“Oh sure” she huffed and I knew this wouldn’t leave so I left it, she could think all she wanted, it meant nothing to me. “Bakugou, Bakugou” she whispered and hand on her chin. What was she doing? “Bakugou like the fashion designers” my head fell as I sighed out and shook my head “You are going for the top aren’t you. Just like your mum” 
“Ok, whatever. Think what you want but I like them for them” she continued to go on as I shook my head again and then walked away up the stairs and into my room. Placing my phone on to charge I wiggled my arms into the jumper and unzipped my hero costume before falling into bed and falling asleep. 
This morning was long, filled with questions about the boys and what they did, who I liked more. I didn’t answer a single one. I was not in the mood. I pulled on my uniform folding Bakugous’ jumper and left it on my bed. If he didn’t want me to keep it I could say I just forgot it, easy. I chose to pull on the UA jumper I had specifically asked for and then I was ready for school. My mother offered to drive, I accepted and put in my music to ignore her. Headphones covering my head and ears. Arriving I thanked her and I was off to class, as I was walking down the hall I could hear Kaminari yelling, he didn’t pass. 
Aizawa walked in and I quickly followed “Sorry” I could see the looks but one glare from Aizawa and everyone was quiet. I made my way to my seat quickly, sitting down and placing my headphones in my bag out of the way, looking up and paying full attention. 
“Morning, unfortunately, there are a few of you who did not pass your final exams. So when it comes to the training camp in the woods” he paused then his head raised a wide smile as his eyes did the same “Everyone is going” that was good. Kaminairi and Mina looked quite upset. They all asked if he was being honest and that they got to come with the rest of us “Yeah. The good news is no one bombed the written exam. Five failed the practical badly. Two teams of course and Sero failed as well” I could hear a quiet yell. I forgot he got caught with Midnight and fell asleep the whole time. “Allow me to explain, the practical the teachers made sure to leave a way for the students to win” my eyes fell and I shook my head “Except Y/N” he nodded and I looked away. They did no such thing. “Otherwise you never would have stood a chance” I rolled my eyes. 
“I think I did just fine thank you” I whispered and played with the ends of my sleeve. I spent three days in the hospital to win that goddamned test. I knew some people heard that at the little chuckles around me. 
“We were interested in observing how each of you approached the task at hand. The training camp will focus on strength” this was going to be a long camp, my head rested on my palm as I looked to Aizawa. I need to work on harnessing my quirk and not passing out every time I go overboard. “Those who failed will need those lessons the most, we were never going to separate you” leave it to the teachers to absolutely scare everyone in the class for no reason “That was just a logical deception we used” his smile was bright, he was quite proud of himself. 
“He tricked us all, I should have expected this” Iida voiced I turned seeing him quickly lunge up from his seat “Mr Aizawa this is the second time you’ve lied to us aren’t you afraid we will lose faith in you” he was standing straight his hand up in the air as he yelled. He had a point but I don’t think the teacher cared. 
“That’s a good point, I'll consider it” No he won’t, he enjoyed making us stress and try our best “But I wasn’t lying to you about everything” this man was full of surprises and it was making my head fuzzy. “Failure is failure” I smiled so not a topic for me. “We’ve prepared extra lessons for the five of you” the mood dropped drastically amongst the five. “Frankly they’ll be far tougher than what you’ll face at summer school” at least he was honest. 
The rest of the day went by as usual and I talked to Bakugou and Todoroki mostly a few people coming up to me to give their congratulations and a few telling me they thought I had died when I just fell. I laughed at that comment. 
“I had about a hundred thoughts playing at once so I overworked my brain” I smiled and scratched the back of my head, a nervous habit I picked up when I was younger. I saw confused faces. “Each illusion is a single thought if they act differently so by the end of the match I had about a hundred independent thoughts going through my head at once” 
I was bombarded with questions as I answered them without giving too much information away. I had Mina hugging me tightly at one point in tears about how worried she was, I swear my hair was wet by the end of it. I smiled, genuinely. I did have the best class anyone could ask for. This was one of the first days I wasn’t rushing to study or do anything, it felt nice and I had friends.
“We’re at the training camp for a full week” Iida readout, he seemed shocked and I nodded to myself. Another week without my parents, what more could I wish for. My parents had signed off on it earlier in the year not caring for what I did. 
“No way, I’ll need a bigger suitcase” Midoriya pondered and I thought to my belongings. I had a big enough suitcase. When I got along with my parents we had gone on a few holidays so I just had to find it. 
“No kidding, I don’t even have a bathing suit” the thought sent shivers down my spine. I would be fearful to get into the water knowing if Kaminari sneezed I could be electrocuted and die. He had control but still, it was worrying. I didn’t often go swimming so I too would need to buy one. “Guess I need to buy some stuff” 
“Guys since we are off tomorrow and we’re finished exams I have the best idea” Torus’ happy voice sang out her uniform moving indicating she raised her arms in excitement. Everyone seemed interested now. “Why doesn’t class 1-A go shopping together” it wasn’t a bad idea. I preferred to go shopping with people I knew then alone I had to admit I feared to be alone in public places just as much as the next person. 
“Hey yeah, we’ve never hung out as a class before” Kaminari smiled as Uraraka nodded enthusiastically. I could hear everyone agreeing and getting more excited about the weekend's events. I too was quite excited though, did they mean everyone in the class? 
 “Bakugou, see you there, right” Leave it to Kirishima to always ask if the explosive blonde would attend a get-together. I like that Bakugou had friends and seemed to get along with people, even if it was only a select few.  
“I can’t think of anything more annoying” his eyes were closed and face distasteful as he grimaced at the mere thought of seeing anyone in school out in public. I smiled and rolled my eyes silently as he walked off from the group hands in his pockets and back slouched. 
Everyone was talking and I smiled happily though I could hear Midoriya ask Todoroki if he was going to join the class on our little adventure “I visit my mum on days off” he smiled, small but it was there. Did he live with his dad but not his mum? Maybe they were divorced or something. I was sad he wouldn’t be there but I could understand why. I didn’t blame him. 
“Party poopers, don’t you ever get tired of being so serious” Mineta shouted, I would’ve liked both Bakugou and Todoroki to come but they had their things on. I had made friends with the class so hopefully, I wouldn’t be left to my own devices but if so I was more than capable of shopping on my own. 
“What about you Y/N” I turned to look at Jirou who had asked the question “Are you going to come” she smiled and I saw a few of the other girls smile in response. I was being offered, I had friends. I would never regret coming to this school. 
“Yeah” I nodded and stood from my desk patting my skirt down to my legs “I need some swimwear and hiking clothes” I scratched the back of my head nervously “I live in jumpers and long pants so I’ll need some outdoors clothes” I didn’t leave the house much before this year. I stayed in my room and played games now I was studying non-stop. 
“We can help with that” Uraraka put her fist in the air and I nodded unbeknownst that a few boys were more than interested in the conversation I was having. “You’ll be an outdoors person in no time” I laughed rather loudly and nodded. 
“I look forward to it” and I wasn’t lying I was beyond excited for this camp, the whole thing a new experience and I hadn’t gone on ‘holiday’ in quite some time if I was honest. 
We all walked out of the room and set up a group chat for the weekend, I waved everyone goodbye and began my trek home. Headphones on and music blaring to calm myself through the walk, it was long but when I arrived home I could see my parents were home. I walked up to the two of them turning down my music and pushing the headset from my head to my neck. 
“I’m going out with the class over the week to go shopping for the camp” I stated, they didn’t care what I did. I could see my mother think for a moment and then nodded, remembering something. 
“Yes you did make it into that camp, my bank is still connected to your card, get everything you need. A week was it” she asked not looking up, they had no concept of money because they had so much. I didn’t spend a lot of money but I did need things for the week trip. I nodded. “Ok” then I was off to my room. 
I searched my room for my suitcase, it was just a plain black hard suitcase that was big enough for a week's trip. Suitcase, done. I got out my phone and began to make a list of the things I would need. It was long but I wanted everything to be perfect and if I had no purchase limit why not spoil myself for once. 
Once the list was done I looked at the group chat and saw all the details Iida had set up sending a quick “Thank you” and mentioning Iida I was off and ready for bed. I had had dinner between rummaging through my room and making my list. 
Waking up the next morning I did my usual routine and stretched, I felt so relaxed no studying for me though I liked that I was still busy in away. I liked to keep myself busy. When you do things for so long and then stop you have to find something to replace it. I walked out into my room in my underwear and sighed, what was I going to wear? What was everyone going to wear? We were going to the shopping centre so casual but something I could easily take off if I needed to try things on. I laughed, I could use my illusions to see how they would look. Cute it was. 
I opened my wardrobe searching through my long-sleeved shirts until I found a black long-sleeved shirt with holes in the sleeves held together by an F/C lace-like strip that crossed over each other to the bottom of the sleeve. Short black skirt with my shirt tucked into baggily. I moved to my accessories drawers and opened it to see my belts. My F/C belt would go perfect matching the strips of lace, I placed it through the hoops in the skirt and smiled. Some simple boots and the look was complete. I brushed my hair and placed my little backpack on my back. Pull of a portable charger, my wallet and just my everyday things. Walking out I walked past my parents and I was off on my adventure sending a message I would be a few minutes late due to buses not matching up for me. 
 I hopped off the bus saying a quick thank you before I left to go into the centre, turning on my phone one last time to check I had the right information. I looked up and saw the group then looked down, was I too casual? I began to panic and shook my head. These were my friends, these were my people. 
“Hey guys, sorry for being a little late” I called out and watched as they turned to me smiling lighting up and waves being thrown though I didn’t miss the double takes I was receiving from a few of them. I walked up to them and stood in the little group we had formed. 
Everyone seemed quite excited but Midoriya was looking around in awe and muttering to himself about how all the shops captured almost every single quirk known. I laughed and felt my arm get hooped to Mina who was jumping around and full of energy like usual. I smiled. 
“You’re going to scare the children” Tokoyami blandly stated and shook his head crossing his arms in fake seriousness, at least, I thought it was fake. “Stop” I heard a few laughs as Midoriya blushed in embarrassment. 
“Wow, aren’t they UA students” a bystander called out and I turned to see a little group of people forming, this was a downfall of being in the top school but there was nothing we could do. I was going to become a hero and having fans was part of that. 
“1-A” another called out as I looked to the three men looking overly excited to see the group in public. After the sports festival, I couldn’t blame them but still yelling across the mall hallway was a lot for my anxiety. I hadn’t even thought about if anyone recognised us.
“I saw them on TV” so my accusations were right, they had seen us at the festival most likely and then the thought of my video saving people and Hero Killer Stain came into my mind. I gripped the straps of my backpack, Mina having left my side a few minutes ago. I moved to stand behind Shoji who immediately moved to shield me from the view.
Even with all the people talking and fanning Jiro and Momo were just talking about what they needed to get and see, they chose to go together. They were such good friends. I smiled at the interaction. 
“You ok,” Shoji asked his mask moving slightly with the question. I nodded and saw a few people turned to look at my still slightly shielded figure. I flushed and turned away from the looks. 
“I’m just anxious about people looking at me” he nodded and rubbed my back to calm me down “Sorry about that” I could see people shake their hands and smile, it made me feel a lot better. 
“We all have our weaknesses, though you seem so confident when fighting” Kirishima pointed out and again they nodded in agreement. My hand came to my chin to think, they were right. 
“I’m far too competitive to lose it just comes off as confidence” I laughed and scratched the back of my head my cheeks reddening at the confession “I’m one of the most competitive people you’ll ever meet. One of the downfalls of my personality” I nodded and heard a few laughs in response. 
When everyone was done saying what they needed or wanted for the trip Kirishima spoke up “Why don’t we split up and look around, we can meet up here when we are done. It’s noon so let’s say we all meet up here at three” I heard a chorus of sure's and yes’ as we all broke off.
I walked off with Shoji and Tokoyami having asked if I could tag along to the supplies store. I said I’d meet up with the girls later so I could buy some swimwear with them. We were talking and walking around until we made it to the store. Shoji grabbing a basket for us. I had moved my headphones to my bag but when I walked I could hear the keychains bounce. 
“What do you need Y/N,” Tokoyami asked and Shoji came back into the conversation from looking around. I hummed for a second taking out my phone and unlocking the device showing them both a photo. 
“I wanted to buy this, It’s a PowerPoint that has four docks for plugs and then three USB hubs. Just in case there aren't enough powerpoints I thought this would be good to bring” I explained and then pulled the phone back scrolling down “It says this store has them but I’ve never been here so I might have to ask someone” I whispered looking back up to the boys. 
“I didn’t even know they had those kinds of things but that is a very good idea” Shoji nodded impressed with the find and I handed him my phone saying to scroll as they also had others he might be interested in. 
“Yeah Y/N has a good point, we have no idea where we are going and it would be good to be prepared for anything” Tokoyami nodded and moved to look at the phone as well “They are very practical” he added and I nodded. “Anything else,” he asked my phone being handed back to me. 
“A flashlight maybe, I don’t know where we are and if I have to go to the bathroom in the middle of nowhere I would like to know where I am going” a hum from Tokoyami and a firm agreeing nod from Shoji we began our quest for the items. 
It was an enjoyable trip as we rushed through each aisle and tried to find the products. The workers had told us isle five near the back to the left though all three of us stared at the shelf. “Are you guys seeing something I’m not?” I asked, turning to them. 
“No” Shoji shook his head and then tilted to shake his head, “They said isle five” we all looked up, we were in that aisle. “To the back” we were to the back of the isle “On the left” his voice went to nothing as I moved to crouch down. 
I moved a few boxes looking at the signs and then I saw them “Found them” I called out and heard a sigh of relief as I leaned forward to grab them from the back of the shelf, there were three left. I hugged them to my chest. “There’s three left” I sighed and moved to put them in the basket “No one in the class can get them” I smirked and we all laughed at the situation of us being overly prepared. 
Moving onto finding flashlights and a few other things including bug spray and a travel utility kit. “What about portable charges, there may not even be electricity. We could be camping” Tokoyami spoke up and I shrugged nodding. 
“Good point, we have no idea where we are going. I have one but when I was looking for the ports I saw one that can charge your phones up to four times in one charge” they were both interested in this new information as I showed them my phone again. “It’s pretty cheap too, sales” I smiled. We were off again looking for this device. Finding them we added them to the basket and we were leaving the store, finally. We paid for our things. I put my things in my bag and we were off once more. “Kaminari and Mina are picking out swimwear if you wanna come” 
“I need something to fit my arms, hopefully, they’ll have something” Shoji nodded as Tokoyami looked less than comfortable at the idea of trying on swimwear. I smiled and looked up the store. 
“Hey Tokoyami” his eyes turned to my own and I showed him the picture of the pitch-black swimwear set that was long-sleeved and came up his neck and down his legs. “They have a black pair that covers your whole body” I sang with a smile. 
“I guess I do need a swim set” he crossed his arms as we made our way to the store, keeping our chatter casual and easy. I put my phone away as we came into the store and met up with the two, Mineta and Kirishima had joined them. 
“Hey, guys” Kirishima waved smiling widely, happily. I waved back and we all began to browse. Mina and I moved over to the women's section even though the rash shirts in the men's section were looking more than appealing. 
Mina and I began to look through the swimwear as I sighed out, there was far too many to look through. “What do you usually wear in the water” she bounced over happily already holding a few things to try on. I, on the other hand, had nothing. 
“I don’t go swimming” I could swim quite well my parents have cared for me not drowning to get me a lesson at a young age. Though I didn’t go swimming often, we didn’t have a pool and I was very focused on studying to get into UA from a young age. 
“What’s a colour you like,” she asked and began to go through the swimwear I was looking at “This is just all shirts” she whispered more to herself then I as I nodded and she smiled “You’ll have to buy a bikini to go underneath as well” I hadn’t even thought about that. 
“I like F/C and black and yeah I do need to get a bikini” I sighed and put my head back, this was a lot for my social metre to take, my body anxious but Minas’ bubbly personality was helping my anxiety lessen. Taking out my phone I sent out a message to both Bakugou and Todoroki asking if they needed anything while I was out.
“Already got everything” was the message from Bakugou simple and easy then as I was about to click out “Thanks though” I smiled and was about to send a reply when the phone vibrated again “You should plan next time idiot” of course he couldn’t end on something positive. I replied and then moved onto Todoroki. 
“No, it’s ok. I’ll go after visiting my mother. Thank you” even though his typing style was neat and formal. Only saying what he needed too and then ending the conversation whereas Bakugou wrote whatever came to mind in that second and sent it off. I replied to him as well and then put my phone away. 
“Black isn’t a colour but I'll allow it” she stood quickly smiling out and then moving around the store grabbing Kaminari and Kirishima to help her find something for me to wear. I laughed at the awkward faces but they both went to work. 
“Y/N” I was called over to Mina who was holding a bikini set that was F/C, it was modest and covered everything that needed to be covered. I nodded and then looked to the fabric taking it, it had a nice texture as well. 
They looked nice, the bottoms weren’t held together by a string which I instantly liked and the bra part looked rather nice. The bra had little ruffles along the rim which were cute. I looked at the size and laughed. She looked confused as the boys walked overhearing the commotion. “You got a size far to small at least for the top” she tilted her hand and then looked down to my chest. 
I moved to hold my shirt against my body and her eyes widened “That’s some voodoo magic” she called out and I could see a few boys blushing as Mineta fell to the floor. “No what” she called out and looked amazed. 
I let go of my shirt and she shook her head “I just wear baggy clothing and jumpers to school. I appreciate the thought though” I laughed and moved to grab the size that fit me and she looked about ready to faint I laughed again. “It’s not the first time” she nodded and we went looking for the rest of the swimwear we all needed. “Kirishima” I watched his head turn and I held up a red swim shirt that had a picture of Crimson Riot on the back. 
“I need it but I don’t usually wear shirts” he whispered and looked overly happy that I had found it. Leaning down I showed him the matching bottoms a little picture of the hero on the bottom of them. “There we go” he nodded and got both of them “Isn’t this kinda childish though” he frowned. 
“If they had a swimsuit that had my favourite character on it, I’d get it. It’s manly to be you” I nodded and his eyes lit up as he jumped putting his arms together. He was so happy that someone had simply let him be a fan
“You’re right” he nodded and went to go show the others who were more than interested to listen to him babble about how much he loved Crimson Riot. I didn’t doubt he had far more merch then those two pieces of clothing. Though I was surprised to see the merch for such an old hero.  
I looked around as the others did, Tokoyami having grabbed the black pieces of swimwear I had shown him prior when we were walking over. Mina found some pink swimmers that complimented her and I walked further into the store seeing something I knew one of my friends would be interested in. Grabbing the colour I assumed he’d like I walked over to the group. 
“Shoji” I held up the seemingly normal swimsuit and I watched as everyone was confused until I pulled down an almost invisible zipper down the sides of the shirt and his eyes lit up. 
“You seem to find what everyone needs Y/N” I could see the smile through his mask and I nodded handing over the shirt showing him where the zipper was. “I have bottoms so I’m all done” I looked back and watched as the boys went off Kaminari having picked some yellow bottom with Pikachu on them, I smiled as they went to try on their clothes. 
I walked around until finding a nice black rash shirt with F/C strips along the ribs. Picking my size I walked over to Mina “Do you think I should get shorts or with the bikini bottoms be enough” I asked. She turned and looked at the outfit I was holding up. 
“The shirt seems pretty long so I think you should be fine” she nodded and then moved to feel the rash shirt “That’s super soft” her eyes widened and I did the same nodding. “Go try them on” I looked down and tilted my head. Creating an illusion her eyes widened “You never need to try on clothes, I'm so jealous” she cried out and I laughed “But they look super good”
I nodded. A few more minutes and trying on clothes we were ready to move on with the rest of our trip. Paying for the clothing and a reusable bag to put it in we were off everyone having bought something. We walked and talked as we moved on to different stores buying things and talking about what we would need. It was a fun trip and I had messaged my mother if she could pick me up having bought all the things I needed and it is quite a lot. She said yes, she was acting nice the last few days but I didn’t mention it. 
“I think that was a successful trip” Tokoyami pointed out and we all agreed. “It’s almost three so let’s all meet up with the group” we stopped by one more store to buy some new pillowcases and then we made our way back to the centre, being the first to arrive. 
Throughout the trip we had been stopped a few times by people interested in our school and other things, we mostly thanked them and then went on with our day. I smiled at my ‘fans’ and then we were off to the place where we said we would all meet up. Having arrived we weren’t the first, of course, Iida was here before us all, bags in hand. He dressed like a dad and I loved that he wore such formal but casual clothes. Though when we arrived we were told that Midoriya had been attacked per se by Shigaraki. The league of villains so-called leader. I was practically shaking when we were told. Then asked by police if we had seen anyone. I hadn’t even thought about the league or Stains little followers. I wasn’t safe, we weren’t safe. The police conducted a sweep but Shigaraki wasn’t found and I didn’t know if I wanted him too. Midoriya was taken to the police station to file a report. 
I stood with the rest of my peers and waved them off with a “Please be careful getting home” as I walked to the carpark placing all my new things into the boot while my mother was on the phone to someone. Getting into the passenger side I waved to the group getting waves back and raised my phone pointing to it mouthing “Message me” I got nods and then I was off on the drive home. 
My mother complained to someone on the other side of the line, but their conversation ended quickly. Her eyes glazed over to my body for a moment before talking “Did you get everything you need” she seemed very calm which was odd. 
“Yes, I did” I responded and she nodded stopping at a roundabout “I’ll be gone for a week as of the camp, I don’t know if I’ll be able to message as we don’t know where we are going” I explained as she drove through turning to the main road, the road home. 
“That’s fine, you still have your suitcase” I hummed a yes and she nodded “Your father and I are going on a week vacation while you are gone” so that’s why she was being nice. She didn’t want me there anyway. “I’ll drop you off on Monday and pick you up when you get home” I nodded and the conversation was over. 
Arriving home we went our separate ways. I moved into my room and began to get messages from everyone that they got home. I sent a message that I arrived home safely. I was so worried about the league but shook my head and began to pack my bag for the trip. I arranged everything and then began to pack, Aizawa saying they had beds for us so I didn’t need to bring Tatami to the trip. I packed my pillow and then packed around it, the piece is the biggest. Clothing folded perfectly and then placed inside. I packed the PowerPoint and extra chargers just in case. I had to charge my headphones tonight. I lifted myself from the floor and put them on to charge. 
Then came dinner, it was simple and easy to eat. Down with some ice water I was in a good mood, and excited mood. A few moments on my phone then I was back to packing. I finished well into the night having made sure I had everything but leaving a note in the bathroom to pack my toiletries the day I was leaving before I left. I believed I was ready for bed as I stretched and then looked back to the bag. Amongst shopping, I had bought some t-shirts and shorts, ready for the outdoors. My boots were thick but flat so I could wear them without care if we had to do a lot of walking. I moved to pack a few jumpers for sleeping or if it got cold. I packed Bakugous without a thought.
I had gotten a message in a new group titled “The girls” I smiled when I was informed that I was being asked if I wanted to join the rest of the girls using the schools' pool tomorrow before the camp. “Use the school swimsuit,” I said I’d be there.
I had arrived at school the next day wearing the school swimsuit under my regular clothes and going to the changing room to undress when I saw the rest of the girls changing. I waved as they began to talk about nothing in particular and I joined in a few times. 
“I am so excited for camp,” Toru yelled, voice high and full of energy even though it was rather early in the morning. I was still just waking up, not quite remembering how I got to school. As I peeled off my shirt I watched as the girls stopped talking.
“It’s so weird, right” I was confused and I followed their gaze to my chest as I flushed and looked away “Oh sorry Y/N” Mina apologised and I waved a hand as it was ok. It was I didn’t mind. “We went shopping  and I was amazed” 
“I can see why your outfits make you look flat” Jiro bluntly stated and I nodded looking down at my breasts. I wasn’t flat I thought I had nice breasts. We continued to get changed and then walked out into the pool area. “We got permission off Aizawa to be here so there was no need to worry” I nodded, I didn’t think about it. Momo had planned this and I trusted her. 
We were just chilling stretching off to the side of the pool when the boys began to show up. The swimsuits weren’t too bad, covering my body, I should have brought something like this for the camp but I didn’t mind too much, I thought my outfit was cute. We stretched and then we began to play volleyball. We were having so much fun playing and joking with the girls. 
“Chance ball” 
“Got it” 
We were having so much fun with I was smiling though I kept most of my body under the water being a little self-conscious of the tight clothing I was having fun nonetheless. I threw myself back aiming for a ball and hitting it over the net as I splashed into the water on my back gaining us a point. 
When my head rose I heard a loud voice “The next time I beat you, I want you to be at your strongest, you damn nerd” I turned seeing Bakugou in all his glory, shirt off and tight pants on. I watched him storm his way towards Midoriya and my heartbeat quicken. He was so attractive. The girls and I watched on confused as to what was happening. 
“Hey I got your message, sorry I'm late” Kirishima waved his hand around smiling. His arm was out holding Bakugou from the green-headed shaking male “It took a while to convince Bakugou to come out” I wanted to thank Kirishima for trying his hardest this is all I could have wanted. He was so muscular as I sighed out and flushed glad no one was paying attention to me. 
“So Deku, you wanna settle who's the best of us right now” Bakugou was sure in a mood, his arm raised and hand outstretched to allow his palms to pop with small harmless explosions. He was sure fired up “Huh” he yelled. Midoriya stepped back shaking his head. 
“You know what we could make this training a contest” Iida spoke more to himself then the group and my ears picked up on the chatter. “Hey everyone I propose we see which of the boys can swim 50 metres the fastest. A friendly race” he smiled and I couldn’t help the way my hands twitched. There was no such thing as a friendly race, at least in my books. 
I ducked beneath the water and swam over quickly as they all rounded up. I popped out of the water on an illusion raising myself in front of them in all my glory. “I hope I’m welcome” I smiled and saw their fearful faces. Licking my lips I dropped down in front of the water falling from my body as I smiled. “I do enjoy beating you all” I was not met with smiles but determined faces of my peers.
“OK then, the boys and Y/N” Iida nodded and I moved to crack my knuckles rather loudly as I saw a few of the boys look rather excited and some just look nervous. I think I saw Kaminari wince to the sound of cracking bones. 
“Iida why don’t you let us help you out with this” Momo asked the girls now out of the pool and looking excited as the rest of us. I was bouncing around, I was far too competitive for my good. I hated not being apart of competition but this was something else. This was a real competition. Iida agreed to the help, from the girls. 
“And quirks,” Ojiro asked slowly his hand raised with a towel around his neck “Are we allowed to use them” I could win easily if we did. Just set them on a little course that wasn’t in the pool and I could easily win. 
“Well, we are at school” Iida pondered, yes, just say we can. “So there shouldn’t be a problem with that” I smiled to the group and moved my hand letting out a little mist for emphasis I saw wide eyes and worried faces. “However you cannot cause damage to your classmates or the building” I could agree with that.
Bakugou walked forward and just past me to stand in front of Midoriya, they needed a new hobby “I’m going to annihilate you Deku” clenched fists and hard stare he spoke calmly, honestly. “And you too Icy-Hot” I turned to where his eyes were to see Todoroki sitting on the floor, without a shirt. The lords have blessed me today. “You bastard” he was in a bad mood, like always. Then the explosive blonde turned to me “You especially” then he walked off and I smiled. 
“I look forward to it” I called out behind him. We all moved into lines. I was in the second heat so I watched the first five boys race. Then the whistle went off. 
Bakugou was flying through the air landing on his feet at the end of the pool. “How was that you sidekicks” he called out hand raised and I smiled when he got backlash from his friends “It’s called freestyle swimming” he had a point it was a freestyle. 
Then it was my go with Todoroki, Sero, Kirishima and Sato “On your marks, get set, go” the whistle was off and I watched as an illusion came around them jumping in as I jumped off the ledge and walked to the other end of the pool stepping up and letting the illusion fall. Sero taping his way across the surface of the water and Todoroki surfing on ice.
“You’re supposed to be swimming” Kaminari and Mineta yelled as I simply shrugged my shoulders. Watching Sato and Kirishima get to the end of the pool. Todoroki looked at me as well. 
“What can I say. I like to win” I smiled and moved back to the lines “At least I touched the water” I put my hands on my hips and lined back up “Beside quirks are allowed and I didn’t hurt anybody or property” I wasn’t wrong. 
“It’s time for the final race. Bakugou, Y/N, Todoroki, Midoriya you had the fastest four times. You will fight for first place” his hands were on his hips as I nodded Midoriya and Todoroki making a verbal response. 
“Listen up scarface" I believed that to be a little harsh to the ear but then again that was Bakugou "Don’t you dare hold back as you did at the sports festival” his voice was so angry, he really still thought about that, did he forget I had beat him? ‘Bring everything you’ve got” I didn’t take it personally, I think Bakugou had a thing for people who didn’t take him seriously, while I did. “You too fight to win” he turned to Midoriya they were all agreeing and talking. 
“Are we forgetting I beat all three of you” I voiced and it went silent. “I mean” I laughed lightly an aura of danger being released. “I don’t like when people don’t take me seriously” I smiled and saw the nods.  
We got into place and I smirked standing on the pedestal. I could hear yelling and other things as I smiled seeing the boys activating their quirks and I sighed. “Get set” this would be easy. I smiled. “Go” as I went to jump I saw no illusion appear.
I heard the yells of my opponents as I fell into the water, having just stepped in instead of swimming. I rose to see Aizawa his hair up and quirk activated “It’s five pm, your authorised pool time is officially over. Hurry up and go home” did he have to do that. It was one race that would have been over in less than a minute. Kaminari and Sero voiced my complaints. “Are you questioning me” his eyes shone and I was glad I hadn’t been the one to talk.
We all rushed to get changed and go home once we were allowed. I sighed and got out of the pool feeling my quirk return to me, it was a weird feeling when it was off. Then I was heading home having to get ready for the camp. 
I ate once I was home and then began to repack making sure I had everything I needed when I finished packing for the night and laid down being rather exhausted more then I would like to admit. I sighed out and went on my phone seeing a message I had missed about a quarter of an hour before. “Do you have a spare charger I spent longer with my mother and left mine with her” Todorokis’ message read. I smiled, he had messaged me. 
“Yeah, I’ll pack it and give it to you at camp” I responded, I was never one for emojis or the little stickers but when I received one from Todoroki it being a little cat saying ‘Thank you’ I couldn’t help the blush rising to my cheeks. “No issues” I replied and stared at the ceiling for a moment to calm my racing heart. 
I was tired but that didn’t stop me from watching a video I wanted to catch up on, a few hours passed and it was getting close to midnight, I had to get some sleep. I moved to place my phone on charge, pulling the blanket over my body and the warmth and sleep consumed my form. Hello, summer break. 
Chapter 8 
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kandyrezi · 4 years
I see you did yandere connor headcanon and I love it~ Could you also do yandere rk900? Please?
— [ ♡ / ♢ ]  Yandere!RK900 hcs.
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(a/n: hi, nonnie! thank you for sending this ask in. i had to stop before this list got too long since i am majorly hyper-fixated on this man and needed to write about him as soon as possible. i thank you for the indulgence.)
- : - : - : - : - : - : -
(tw: degradation, manipulation)
» RK900 - or Nines if you prefer - is not a nice android. He’s both selfish and a possessive yandere. He’s inexperienced with human emotions and in all honesty, doesn’t really care to learn how to empathize either, for this reason what he feels can barely be classed as love – a morbid, obsessive curiosity would be more accurate.
» As a military android, he wasn’t created to be social or friendly, and even with his object of obsession, would this somewhat carry over to his yandere tendencies. He’s blunt and straightforward, not caring to sugarcoat his words with his intentions.
» He essentially treats you as a pet and scolds you like a child anytime you get hurt or are lagging behind in work duties. Being the highest form of android technology, he was after all, designed to be intelligent and competent – by default he’s going to outsmart and beat you at everything.
» You’re so inferior compared to him, yet Nines still considers you superior to majority of your human compatriots. Once his focus has begun to shift from only caring about set mission tasks and you manage to worm your way into his list of (this time, outside designated parameters) objectives, you’ve unknowingly sealed your own fate from that moment – there will be little chance of ever getting away from him when he decides to place an invisible claim on you.
» He’s always subtly trying to touch you; a hand brushing against the small of your back to usher you to move along, hovering unnecessarily close over your shoulder as you’re trying to do your work, grabbing you by the forearm from behind to let you know you’re needed somewhere. Once he even had the gall to run his fingers through your hair unprompted when you were alone in the interrogation room looking over some case files.
» His tall, imposing stature always looming over you is enough to make you feel smaller than you really are. You suspect he takes some pointless pleasure in your affliction, possibly with the intention of breaking you – but when you don’t, it only makes him want to chase after you even more.
» He might at first get the impression his presence makes you uncomfortable since you keep avoiding his gaze, but when he notices how much you fumble and blush around him, he secretly thinks it’s amusing, relishing in the fact no one else gets these reactions out of you. It takes everything within his self-restraint not to press you against the wall or bend you over a table to find out what other interesting reactions he can get out of you.
» Nines would also stalk you from afar before deciding on doing anything else. He finds out anything there is to know about you – your close friends and relatives, schedule, places you frequent, hobbies, past history, your favorite foods and drinks, when you’re alone, he even knows the type of conditioner you use. All that without once stepping into your home.
» Either no one would believe your words or you’d possibly end up getting dismissed outright if they were told the stoic, scary android was acting inappropriately towards you and basically coming on to you. The RK900 barely gives anyone a second glance, keeping distance from most people unless it’s with the intent to gain or further an objective, believing them to be otherwise waste of his time – so why would he have any interest in harassing you in such manner? There clearly has been just some odd misunderstanding.
» If it wasn’t bad before – now Nines even begins to act as if you’re his possession he can do as he pleases with, and while he isn’t the type to get jealous - of humans especially - should you become too friendly with someone for his liking, he uses whatever excuse available to request (order) you to stop wasting time and start doing you work, lest you want him to punish you.
» He will eventually tire of you being allowed to roam as you please – Nines wants to take you away and keep you locked up where the only form of contact you’ll have from then on is only him. If possible, he’ll dig up any incriminating material in order to blackmail you into staying with him. Once he has you in his clutches wherever he’s chosen to take you, you aren’t leaving – ever.
» His word is law; there is no begging or bargaining with him. He takes what he wants from you when he wants, no matter how much you try to fight him off of you, you’ll only end up with bitemarks and bruises in the aftermath of the struggle – not that those don’t suit you quite nicely.
» Privileges are earned, not simply given, bit by bit in exchange for compliance and good behavior.
» Calculated as he is, Nines takes great care in making sure you’ll never escape, though there will be many attempts, most of which Nines himself set up as “tests”, such as leaving the door purposefully unlocked to see if you’ll take the bait.
» He’ll do this partially because he likes to observe your psyche, find out how you react when put to unfamiliar situations where you’re forcibly cornered with no way out and how long you can last in keeping him off your trail. It all ends the same way each time, but it allows him to learn new things about your survival and self-preservation instincts.
» Nines would like it equally just as much if you kept a fighting spirit until the very end to keep things interesting, or if he manages to bend you into a broken little plaything solely for his own pleasure – either way is fine with him. He gets some kind of sadistic glee seeing you so scared of him. It feels really good to him knowing he can get under your skin like that.
» He likes having you dressed in soft, frilly white skirts and loose, silky blouses – there is something about you looking so delicate and soft like a doll that fuels him on.
» It’s possible he might begin to mellow out a bit with you once a sufficient amount of time has passed between the two of you, he doesn’t mock nor push you around as much as he used to (that being said, if you’ve shown nothing but contempt towards him yet suddenly started behaving… suspiciously courteous towards him, he would keep a closer eye on you).
» You’re so used to seeing him as stern and domineering, that when he finds you quietly sobbing one day; instead of ridiculing or ignoring you in such a pitiful state, he comes closer to you and without a word, raises your chin to meet his own indecipherable gaze as he wipes away the remains of your tears and caresses your hair in such a tender, comforting gesture it could be mistaken for loving – the action would honestly render you speechless.
» If you, at that point, still try to escape and he catches you – everything you’ve worked up to towards will be back to square one.
» ( as side note, the difference between him and his predecessor would be the fact – Connor might be delusional and completely convinced what he’s doing is helping you, he always has a counterargument ready no matter how much you argue back, he’s trying to get you to understand his side of things... )
» ...Whereas Nines is completely lucid - he’s not out to help nor save you from any imaginary dangers – he doesn’t care if you get hurt so long as you don’t die, he might even hurt you himself just to prove he’ll always have power over you. He’s self-aware enough to know his methods are unconventional, though he only cares about making sure no one else but him will ever have you.
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retroateez · 3 years
Prophecy - Chapter Sixteen
words; 2729
prophecy masterlist
tag list; @hewwo-from-the-other-side
"What are you doing?"
The book crashes heavily onto the stone floor, your arms darting out in a panicked effort to catch it.  Hopelessly, you watch as it clatters loudly, though as it hits the ground, it falls shut, not allowing the intruder to see the contents of the page.
"Iris? What are you doing down here?"
You peek upwards, and you see the confused figure of San standing before you, bewildered.
But you can't answer him, all too consumed by the fizzling feeling darting through your body. The burning from before simmering to a halt like a cauldron taken away from roaring flames. Your breathing becomes erratic and heavy, a weight pressing down on your chest rendering you in tears.
"Oh gods," San mumbles and rushes to your figure, mimicing your own position of sitting on your knees. "Oh gods, oh gods."
You kneel, trembling and yet somehow completely motionless opposite San.
"Iris?" he calls to you gently. "Can I touch you?"
You don't register the movement, but you assume you must've nodded, as San slowly reaches out and places both of his palms on your cheeks, lifting your head up and forcing your streaming eyes to look into the concerned, inky wells of his own.
"Breathe slowly, okay? Slowly... There you go." San slows his own breathing down, allowing you to match the rhythm and soothe the manic pace your lungs were working at.
A few minutes pass, and your breathing returns to it's original pace. San is still sat across from you, his hands in his lap as he waits for you to explain what on earth just happened.
"I'm so tired of feeling useless..." you frown, and pull your knees up to your chest, hugging them tightly to your body.  "It's my fault everybody is involved in this mess, and they only let me help when they need it.
"I thought maybe... maybe if I learnt something useful and showed them that I am capable then they would be forced to listen to me." Sniffling, you wipe the tears from your eyes with the sleeve of your shirt.
"I know how you feel." San sighs, and you study his frown. His cold, defensive demeanour from the last few weeks melting away and being replaced with a sadder, vulnerable version of him.
"I know that I'm the court jester," he continues. "But I'm more than just jokes and silly costumes. I can do much more than that, and... and I wish people would let me prove that to them."
"It isn't fair." You whine.
"Life isn't fair." San agrees.
"You won't... tell anyone about this, will you?" You ask timidly after a few moments silence.
"Were you doing anything bad?" He asks.
You shake your head. "Just studying." You weren't technically lying. Just concealing the truth.
"Alright," San nods. "I won't say anything. But I better not catch you doing it again."
He stands up and brushes the dirt from his knees, then extends a rough palm out towards you. Gratefully, you take it, quickly bundling up Yunho's book and clutching it to your chest to conceal it from San's view.
"I hope you're prepared for the ball tomorrow," San says suddenly. "If your dancing is as shocking as it was the other day then there's zero hope for you."
"I'll be fine. Wooyoung'll teach me how to dance."
San rolls his eyes and shrugs, telling you that he'll see you around and that you should go to bed before somebody else catches you. You watch him leave, peering at his raven black hair bouncing as he walks until he was finally out of view.
It's not until you hear the distance clunk of the door closing that you release a breath you didn't know you were holding. You grip slackens on the book and your arm muscles sigh in relief. Letting go of the book, you study your right hand curiously, turning it over to examine your palm and fingers, trying to remember the fizzing feeling in your blood.
The tingling had stopped now, only the tiniest remnant of power was left in your body, slowly dissipating until it disappeared entirely. Never in your life had you expected to feel something like that, something so exciting and yet so dangerous. Staring down at your outstretched hand, you imagined red hot trails of angry, bubbling lava, slowly seeping into the crevices between your fingers and wrapping down your wrist, crawling down the expanse of your forearm.
It felt... good.
But nobody else can know, you remind yourself. If Yunho found out you stole his book, he'd kill you. If Yeosang found out you were learning magic, he'd kill you. You didn't want to think about what Wooyoung would do.
You figured that anybody detecting magic from the castle wouldn't be a problem, concluding that there's no way you'll be able to produce any substantial power that could be detected. Yeosang had told you that anybody could do magic, but only certain people could wield the chaos enough to do any damage. There was no way you would be able to do that. Besides, you were teaching yourself, so there's definitely no chance of anyone being able to rat you out.
You tuck the book under your arm, and start the quiet creeping back to your room.
Nobody will catch you. You won't let them.
"I really don't- Ow! I really don't see why I have to wear this ghastly thing." You grunt in pain as the poor woman behind you tugs harshly at your outfit.
She's got a foot on your lower back and she yanks at the strings of the corset that is built into your - admittedly, very beautiful - dress. It is an incredibly elegant, sky blue silk gown that grazes the wooden floor beneath you. Complete with flowing sleeves that end past your fingertips, made of a crystal blue, sheer material that makes you feel like a princess of a fairy kingdom in a land very, very far from Ateez.
The sheer fabric also lays atop the baby blue silk of the skirt, with small, rose pink butterflies sewn into them at various points. The bodice is tightly laced both at the front and the back, luckily the neckline doesn't sweep too low, only showing your collarbones.
"Because, His Majesty says you have to." The woman, named Callonetta, tells you. "Besides, you look wonderful in this dress."
She's right too. You do look amazing in the gown, but you frown at yourself as you catch your own gaze in the mirror ahead of you. Inspecting your right arm, clad in ocean blue sleeve, and admiring how serene your blood feels compared to the way it was angrily boiling not even a whole day ago. Your gaze falls onto one of the light pink butterflies stitched to the bodice, the way it's wings have been poised make it look like its about to take flight, rip its tiny little legs free of its string prison and soar out the open window.
But of course, it can't. Because it isn't real, it's fake body pinned down to the bodice and you imagine it wriggling and writhing in pain as the seamstress pushes her needle into its frail wings. Such pain caused only to look beautiful. Totally restricted, unable to live life the way it was intended to be; free, happy, uncontrolled.
Another sharp jerk of the bodice strings from behind snaps your attention back to the mirror, allowing you to survey yourself properly.
Your hair, braided tightly and pinned back to form a crown around the base of your skull, with small curls pulled out to frame the sides of your face. Tied together with a sparkling silver circlet, the sides hidden under the expanse of hair, the metal twisting together to form a intricate design that presses against your forehead. In the center, encased in silver, is a single, circular sapphire that glitters in the candlelight everytime you move. Small, yet detailed silver leaves surround the gorgeous gem, and you even notice tiny, metal roses trailing up the sides of the circlet and disappearing underneath your hair.
You wonder if the late Queen had a tiara or crown as impressively beautiful as your circlet.
"The circlet belonged to Her Majesty," Callonetta informs you suddenly, as if she could read your thoughts. "This was the one she wore when she and the King announced the birth of King Hongjoong."
You could imagine how graceful Hongjoong's mother had looked. Radiant from the miracle of childbirth, tired yet still regal and proud of her newborn son. Sapphire circlet glistening in the rainbow coloured light of the main hall.
"What about this dress?" You whisper.
Somehow, you couldn't picture the Queen wearing a gown such as this. Sure, it was stunning, but for a Queen, much too simple. And yet you couldn't ignore the definitive lack of women in the castle, Callonetta and the cook being the only two you had met thus far.
"Heavens no," Callonetta scoffs, throwing her messy, ginger plait over her shoulder as she refocuses her attention on tying your bodice, "This dress was made for you specifcally. His Majesty has a personal tailor, he will refuse to wear anything made by anyone else."
Your face flushes at that, an embarrasing, startling shade of pink that puts the butterflies on your dress to shame.
"The tailor is renowned for his work," she continues, "All his garments have his printed emblem inside the back of the neckline, a small, roaring bear. Nobody knows why he chose a bear of all things, but it certainly is striking."
Your mind is cast back to the bear at the inn you and Yeosang stayed at on the journey to Wooyoung's. It all seemed so long ago now.
“Did you hear that?” you whisper to Yeosang.
“It’s just a bear.” He mumbles in response, making you jump slightly because you thought he was still asleep.
"A bear?” you hiss.
“I know,” he says sarcastically. “Un-bear-lieveable.”
You retrieve one of your pillows and launch it at his figure, smirking triumphantly when he grunts in surprise.
“That was a terrible joke.” you complain and bury yourself back into your improvised bed.
“Whatever,” Yeosang yawns. “just go to sleep, we’ll be meeting the astrologer tomorrow so you need to rest.”
Finally deciding to listen to the mage, you squeeze your eyes shut tightly in hopes you’ll fall asleep quickly. Luckily, you do just that, sleeping peacefully and dreaming about the bear in the forest outside. He’s wounded, bleeding heavily from a nasty gash on his neck and panting in pain. You reach out to help him, but of course it’s just a dream; he’ll be okay. You hope.
You think about that bear more often that you'd like to admit, imagining his large, brown eyes, watery with pain and the wounded yelping haunted your dreams.
A final, squeezing tug of the laces and Callonetta sighs in relief. She tells you that you're ready for the ball, and that you should wait in the dressing room until somebody comes to get you. Before you can ask who, or when, she hurries out of the door and you hear her shuffling quickly down the stone hallway.
Once again, you stare miserably at yourself in the mirror, wishing that you could attend the ball in your typical white shirt and plain black breeches.
Maybe Wooyoung is right though, perhaps the ball will bring some enjoyment into your life, away from all the secrets and worrying and death.
You suspect that nobody will be coming to get you for quite some time, so you perch yourself at the window seat opposite the mirror. Reaching under the cushions, you retrieve Yunho's book, which you expertly hid before Callonetta arrived.
Flicking through the pages, you spot the spell you learnt yesterday and your heart freezes between your ribs. Holding your breath, you decide to ignore that one, and flip the pages eagerly. Eventually, you come across a double page spread that piques your interest. You can't decipher  Yunho's messy drawing of the hand movements this time (perhaps for the best), but you can make out his scrawled handwriting of 'circular' just below it.
"Aevon bleidd." you whisper aloud, the language feeling foreign on your tongue.
After repeating the phrase multiple times, you realise you must have nailed the pronounciation as there's a dull pounding in your skull, and your fingertips are turning a concerning shade of blue. From your nails all the way down to the tip of your elbow, you feel a travelling freezing feeling flowing through your veins like a great and powerful river. Your veins pulsate a vivid blue, much like the way Yeosang's thundered with lightening the first time you met him.
“I’m a mage,” he had told you suddenly over porridge one morning. He clenched his large palms into equally large fists and laid his forearm upon the table, facing upwards towards the canopy of jade leaves above your heads. “You see those blue lines? They’re called veins, and our blood runs through these.”
You nodded silently, unsure of what his point was.
“In mine, flows blood as well as chaos,” he explained. “Almost anybody can do basic magic, provided you’re taught by the right people.”
Using his other hand, he ran a gentle finger down the stripe of his prominent veins, and the cerulean bumps bubbled and boiled into a startling shade of sunlight. You squinted in awe; you swore you could see a lightning storm rattling around inside of his arm.
“But only those born into chaos possess the abilities to truly wield it.” Yeosang snapped his fingers, and the bolts of lightning in his veins returned to the cool, sea blue they were before.
Snapping the book shut abruptly, you clutch your forearm to your chest and squeeze your eyes tightly shut. This is wrong, you think. Everything about this is wrong. Is magic supposed to feel this way? Make your insides wriggle and writhe and struggle in a desperate attempt to become your outsides? Yeosang had said only certain people had the ability to properly wield chaos into magic, did this mean that you were one of those people?
Ordinary peoples veins didn't stream like rivers.
Ordinary peoples blood didn't burn like fire.
Stuffing the book back between the cushions, you stare out of the window at the castle gardens below. Despite spending the majority of your time amoungst the flowers, it is only from up in the window you notice the penstemons - beardtongues, representative of bravery - arranged to spell 'HJ'.
It was surreal, your life, when you truly sat down to think about it. How barely a handful of months ago you were just a poor, lowly thief stealing bread to make it through the day, and now here you were, sitting in a dressing room within the castle of the most powerful kingdom on the planet, wearing a dress and jewels so expensive you felt dizzy at the thought.
Surrounded by elves, mages, kings, bards, magic and with all of those came danger.
A light tapping on the door, then the creaking of the door slowly opening catches your attention, and you look over to see a very proud looking kingsguard.
"I must say little thief," Seonghwa glides towards you with a small smile on his perfect face, watching you attentively through his narrow eye, the other eye obstructed by his hair. "You do scrub up incredibly well."
Hopping off the window seat, you offer Seonghwa a grin of your own. His hair, as always, is not a single bit out of place, shiny black and hanging over his left eye. Uniform pristine and blacker than the night sky, with various medals and badges pinned to each breast.
"I could say the same about you, sire." You mockingly sweep down into a curtsey, and Seonghwa scoffs.
"Enough joking around," he says seriously. "Are you ready to go? His Majesty is just finishing his preparations, you must take your seat at the head table before he arrives."
Your blood runs cold, sudden panic sprinting through your body, and you're not sure whether this feeling is worse than the spells or not.
You nod, ignoring the anxieties, trusting Wooyoung's words and making a silent pact with yourself to have a good time.
"Excellent." Seonghwa holds his arm out to you, and with a final smirk leads you towards the door.
"Your elven prince awaits, m'lady."
hi! sorry this took so long to get out, things have been very busy lately! thank u for reading and i hope u enjoyed! once again, the language for the spell is taken from the witcher 3′s elder speech!
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yikesharringrove · 4 years
Hi! Could you please write about Billy having PTSD/issues with panic at school like having a PTSD episode in class or basketball and Steve helping him get somewhere private and helping him calm him down and having dad Hopper pick him up?
Read on ao3!
The Hawkins police force was surprisingly, well, good.
For small town cops who mainly sat around snarking and smoking, they caught on to the violence in the Hargrove-Mayfield home fast.
Billy was in town no longer than a month before his dad was being placed into custody. He supposed it may have had something to do with a little redhead spitfire and a police chief who spent a few nights a year fighting monsters with the best of ‘em.
But nevertheless, it took a few home visits and one instance of Claudia Henderson witnessing Neil slap Billy in the parking lot behind the gas station for Neil to get arrested.
The rub was, Billy was still a minor, and Hopper didn’t really know if Susan could handle this boy, this 5′10″ ball of muscle and rage.
So he took the kid in.
He had experience in angry kids who were abused their wholes lives, who knew nothing but hurt. So he cleaned out the spare room in the cabin, helped Billy move his few duffle bags in there, his weight racks, his two boxes, just barely unpacked only for him to be moved again.
The first few days, Billy was quiet.
Didn’t really talk to him or El, mostly kept to his room. Not that Hopper didn’t try, it was difficult. El was easy to coax out, with the promise of some Eggos, she’d be wide-eyed and in the kitchen, nearly plastering herself to Hopper’s back as she followed him around, the hungriest little shadow.
Billy would smile tightly at Hop, obviously not trusting his huge stature.
When Billy had moved in, he and El had a talk. They were both going to try their best not to yell, to make loud noises, sudden moves. Hop had seen Billy flinch at cabinet doors being shut too hard, a beer can being crushed. Hop tried his best not to touch the kid without warning after one such incident when he reached out to clap him on the shoulder. Billy had squeezed his eyes shut, his chest heaving, braced for a blow.
El infiltrated before he did.
She asked Billy to help her with her reading. Noticed Billy was always flying through new library books, could demolish books in one sitting. He helped her with word definitions, vocabulary. Hop even came home one night to hear Billy in El’s room, reading to her softly.
Billy became fiercely protective of El very quickly after that. He had asked Hopper about her past, heard about her coming from the lab in general terms from Harrington, but Hop was candid, told him about the abuse, solitary confinement, the forced killing. Billy hardly left her side after that.
That’s another thing that came with Billy; the Harrington brat.
Apparently, at some point in the tunnels, the two had set aside their differences, had become friends even, good enough friends for Hop to come home to find the Harrington brat on his couch, braiding El’s hair, laughing at the television.
Turned out he wasn’t much of a brat as he once had been. Hop figured a brush with The Upside Down could straighten out even the shittiest kid, the kid that would mouth off to Hopper when he found him and his friends doing illegal shit at the quarry, throwing parties and getting into fights.
He now would just kinda, be there. He and Billy would talk quietly to one another, Hop once overheard actual giggles coming from behind Billy’s closed door one night.
And then El decided she liked him too, so it was a done deal.
Hop wasn’t sold on Harrington until December.
Neil’s trial was coming down the pipeline. He had been in custody for some minor charges, but the trial was for the long-term abuse he had been doling out to Billy.
So Billy had to testify. And Billy was a wreck about it.
Hop noticed him drawing into himself as the date came closer and closer. He would lash out sometimes too. Never at him or El or Harrington, but sometimes he would be doing homework and get tripped up a little and throw the textbook, swearing up a storm. He would listen to louder and louder music, would lift weights and chain smoke like nobody Hopper had ever seen.
The most explanation he got was when he heard Billy in his room with Harrington, talking softly through the door about the trial. He heard Harrington tell Billy he was proud of him for standing up, that he was strong. Hop smiled, and agreed with Harrington silently, moving on to plant himself on the couch for a while, the television loud enough he couldn’t hear the rest of the conversation (or when it dissolved into breathy moans).
But Harrington proved himself to Hop the next Wednesday.
It was only three days to the trial. Billy was shaky at best. Steve had been over most nights, had been talking him through his testimonials, practicing with him. When it would be too much for Billy he would coo praise into his hair before distracting him nicely.
But Billy was sitting in class, in his AP Chem lab to be exact, when someone dropped their textbook. The big monster made a loud smacking thud on the tile floor and billy was off.
His breathing was shallow, coming in too rapidly to fill his lungs. He fled the class, ignoring the teacher shouting his name as he all but ran.
He was so lucky to find Steve wandering the halls, swinging the hall pass on his finger as he avoided his English class. He grinned when he saw Billy, the smile giving way to concern when he noticed Billy’s wide eyes, the way his hands shook.
He pulled Billy into the library, shutting the blinds on the study room, the one they designated as theirs after a few too many panic attacks.
Steve could smell a bad one a mile away. He got Billy sitting, planted himself on the table in front of him, careful not to touch, and just, talked.
Billy had told him once that he liked it when Steve just made noise. It gave him something to focus on. Steve would keep his voice soft, delicate, and just rambled on, explaining the plot of some movie Billy didn’t care about in extreme detail. Billy was able to just focus on the sound of his voice, was able to focus on the overwhelming safety he felt when he thought Steve.
It took Steve until the end of the period to get Billy calm enough to head out, collecting Billy’s things from the lab, explaining to the teacher with his most charming smile that billy had fallen ill, a terrible flu causing him to run out and spew in the nearest restroom.
He checked back in with Billy before asking the sweet librarian if he could use the phone, gave her his big eyes and most I am the sweetest boy in the whole world smile he could muster.
He asked for Hopper when the tired secretary picked up with Hawkins Police, how may I direct your call?
Hopper sounded gruff on the phone, chided him for skipping class when Steve said hey Chief, it’s Steve. But he went silent at the mention of Billy’s name. When panic attack and bad one and library cut through, Hop was off the phone and in his truck, sirens on, speeding towards his kid.
He didn’t bother stopping at the office. He was Chief of fucking Police, he didn’t need to check-in or whatever. He found the library quickly, explaining to the woman at the circuit desk that his kid’s friend had called him, that his son was sick.
He checked every study room, opening the doors slowly after a few soft taps, knew sometimes Billy got tense when the doors flew open.
He found them in the last one, the shades on the window drawn. Harrington was perched on the table, talking softly to Billy, stroking through his hair.
Billy was sitting in a chair, his face planted onto Harrington’s leg as he shook. Harrington smiled a little at Hop, just kept talking, kept running his fingers through the curly hair.
“Hey, Kid. I’m gonna check you out for the week. When you’re ready, we can go home.” He hesitated when he moved to put his hand on Billy’s shoulder. Harrington took his wrist, moved Hop’s hand up, gently set his on Billy’s head, replacing where his had been skirting through Billy’s hair.
Hop just set it there gently for a second, giving Steve a thankful smile before pulling back, checking both boys out of school for the week. Figured if Billy was gonna sit tense at home, it may be easier for him if his best friend was there, his best friend that obviously knew exactly what Billy needed in his moments.
So he took them both back to the cabin, let Steve get Billy set up on the couch under a few blankets, sat with them on the armchair through a few episodes of some cartoon none of them were paying much attention to, El sitting on the floor, leaned against Billy’s legs.
Steve hadn’t stopped touching Billy once since Hop had seen them. He was holding Billy’s hand now, his thumb gently rubbing Billy’s skin.
They ate dinner together, Steve chattering away like he did, although he looked a little harder now. What he once thought was a nervous tick on Harrington’s part, was obviously helpful for Billy who would throw Steve looks through his lashes, would stare at him like he hung the stars in the fucking sky.
That was the first moment he realized why the kids called Steve their mom, he took care of people, had been taking care of Billy right under Hop’s nose.
He cornered Steve after Billy went to bed. Offered him a smoke on the porch.
“Kid, tell me about Billy. How do you help him like you do? He doesn’t trust me, which I understand, but if he continues not, then I can’t do shit for him.”
“I mean,  he does trust you. He just hasn’t figured you out yet. With his dad, he knew he was angry just from the way he would breathe. He doesn’t quite know what you’re about, if you’re gonna be mad at him for the same shit his dad always was. If he breaks a glass, are you gonna slap him or make sure he didn’t hurt himself? He’s weary. Doesn’t wanna test your limits.”
“But, he knows I wouldn’t hit him, right?”
“He doesn’t know that. The only father he’s ever had slapped him around his whole life, Chief. Now he has you, and you may not have given him a reason to be freaked, but he’s defensive, careful. Doesn’t wanna give you a reason.” He took a drag, making a face at the cigarette. Hop smoked strong stuff, the menthols Steve kept behind his ear were mainly just for show.
“But, if he’s, you know, like he was, how do I help.”
“He likes noise. The first time he had one in front of me, I started nervously talking and doing the dishes and he called it my benign chatter or something. He said he just focuses on the sound of me and because the noise is connected to someone that’s, safe, he feels safe.”
“But, if he doesn’t feel safe with me, how does that work?”
“He feels good with El, maybe she could practice reading aloud to him, or something until he’s there with you.”
“Okay, that could work.”
“And you can’t touch him until he’s ready. He’ll freak if you lay a hand on him. I was sitting there for a long time, but once he put his head on me, that means he wants touch, just soft. He likes his hair being touched a lot.” Hop huffed a bit of a laugh.
“He’s like a scared cat. Exactly like a scared cat.” Steve laughed too.
“It took me a while to figure this shit out, Chief. You’ll get there. He just doesn’t know where he stands a lot of the time. Kinda sees the worst in people. Makes sense, though.” He stamped out the barely smoked cigarette.
“You’re a good kid. Kinda had it out for ya for a while there. But I’m glad he’s got a friend like you.” Steve’s smile was really, odd. He wouldn’t look Hop in the eye, but then again, the kid could never hold eye contact for long. Hop kinda got the feeling Billy wasn’t the only one with some father issues.
“Uh, thanks, Chief. I should, uh, I should get home I guess. I’ll tell Bill I’m going.”
Hop stayed on the porch, mulling over what Steve had said.
Steve headed inside, kissed Billy goodnight and promised to be over tomorrow, pulled on one of Billy’s jackets and leaned over, muttering at him you’re safe here, Bill before giving him one more kiss.
Hop came home early the next few days, always walking in to find Billy and Steve pressed against one another on the couch, El usually pressed to Billy’s other side while they all watched t.v.
Steve waited outside the courthouse during the trial, hugged Billy tight when he came racing out, whooping and yelling the bastard’s goin’ to the slammer, Pretty Boy!
They all ate ice cream for dinner, the rest of the brats celebrating along with Max. Billy even hugged Hopper, briefly and with one arm, and went right back to Steve’s side after, but it was a start, and Hopper liked where this was leading.
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finallyaniguana · 5 years
Watch The Eyes: Honesty to an Extent [11]
[10]     masterpost     ao3     [12]
"I'm sorry I couldn't make yours too, Adrien," she looked over at him, still standing in the doorway.
He clicked the door shut.
"That's okay, Mari. You know how my père is. Can't have the face of his company repping another designer. Especially one no one knows the identity of yet," he winked.
Her face warmed with pride. She was making a name for MDC in the entertainment industry, mostly doing tour pieces here and there for Jagged Stone and Clara Nightingale. Those outfits were starting to get recognition by designers wanting to recruit the new up and coming talent.
After she was done showing off Marinette's hard work, Alya cleared her throat and looked at the designer meaningfully.
Marinette met her gaze, standing a little taller as if in challenge. Alya quirked an eyebrow, meaning the behavior did not go unnoticed. There was a solid ten seconds of staring before Nino cleared his throat too, trying to end the silent stand off.
Just as quiet as the stare down started, Marinette conceded, agreeing to share her news with the boys with a nod.
"I just recently found out I have a soulmate," she said matter of factly.
If Nino had been drinking something, he would have choked. Adrien was rather convincing pretending he didn't already know.
"What?! This is huge!" Nino exclaimed, excited for his childhood friend. "How did you find out?"
Alya glared down at her.
"On my birthday-"
Nino interrupted.
"But that was two weeks ago!"
Adrien shushed him, ignoring Alya's squint, imploring Marinette to go on.
"I switched bodies with him."
The boys thought for a second before Adrien spoke.
"I think I've heard of that... it's super rare," he said with the last of the awe summoned from the first time she told him.
"That would definitely explain why you don't have any marks or anything. Wow. I can't believe it, Mari. Congratulations," Nino said.
"So," Alya prompted. "What's the next step to finding him?"
Marinette scrunched up her nose at Alya's questioning. She sighed.
"Well, all the information I could find on this bond says I should meet them this year. I don't have to go find him or anything like that," she offered.
"Anything else?" she asked innocently.
"He does not have blue eyes." 'They're green.'
Alya looked confused before frowning at her and raising her eyebrows.
Marinette sighed again.
"He is from the United States. So, I will most likely meet him here. In Gotham. Since, you know, I don't have any other trips planned."
Nino stood stock still, his eyes blown wide.
"So soon?" he croaked out.
Alya nodded with a wicked smile.
"Which means Marinette has to leave the hotel everyday looking like the absolute goddess she is! We are watching out for our girl these next few weeks. He is going to love her!" the reporter said with conviction.
Marinette was grateful to have such... passionate friends. But there was the whole "secret identity" issue to work past. That was something she hadn't even told Adrien about. She didn't want to betray his trust before she ever had it. There was no telling whether or not 'Robin' would be accepting of her as an addition to his life. He wouldn't be the first to reject their soulmate and probably not the last. It was always sad when that happened. She didn't want that to be her, so she was going to do every she could to earn the vigilante's trust.
"He should recognize any of you. It happened right before "we" all walked to the park," Marinette informed them.
"Hold up, hold up. We were with you? How did we not notice something was up?" Nino looked shocked.
"He must be a good actor?" Adrien supplied.
Nino looked as though his mind had been blown. Alya jumped up and down and started animatedly explaining her plan for success to the two boys. Marinette just sat shaking her head.
"There is a boy out there who knows all of our lovely faces except Marinette's! Do not let him go unnoticed!"
Their little group eventually parted ways after listening to nearly a half an hour of Alya instructing the two boys on how to watch out for her best friend to make sure her meeting with her soulmate was perfect. Unfortunately, neither Alya or Marinette could answer any of Nino's questions; Alya, because she didn't have the answers and Marinette because she was pretending to not have answers. Adrien elected to keep his mouth shut, lest Alya become suspicious of his extensive knowledge of this bond.
Back in the hallway, the taller of the two let out one last warning.
"If you don't walk out of that room tomorrow in your absolute best. I am turning you around and picking for you."
Marinette rolled her eyes.
"Please, Alya, I doubt I'm going to be meeting my soulmate on a tour of Wayne Enterprises," she laughed.
"Better safe than sorry, babe. Goodnight!" Alya shut her door with a click.
MDC stared at the door her friend disappeared through, suddenly apprehensive knowing Lila was on the other side. She was probably going to ask about the dress. Alya shouldn't say anything. She knew what secrets she was supposed to keep. But it still worried her. She unlocked her own door and disappeared through it, the hallway now quiet.
"I'm glad Alya wasn't too mad at me, huh, Tikki," she said at last.
"Of course she wouldn't be too mad, Marinette! She's your best friend!" Tikki said back encouragingly.
As she got ready for bed, she finished unpacking the rest of her things, including the unfinished skirt and bodice of her gala dress, which she carefully hung in the closet.
"Tikki... have you seen my phone charger?" Marinette asked.
The little goddess blinked at her before shaking her head. The teen then proceeded to drop her face into her hands.
"Of course," she groaned around her fingers. "It's already almost 11 o'clock, so I don't think I'll be able to borrow from Alya."
Tikki flew over, patting her holder on the cheek.
"It's official, Tikki," she abandoned her face's perch in her hands in favor of staring deadpan at the ceiling. "I'm the disaster."
It was unclear to Tikki whether she should laugh or continue to comfort the girl. She she did both.
"It's not a big deal Marinette. We'll just get one tomorrow. I over heard Mlle. Bustier and Richard saying there is room on the schedule to look around Gotham for a bit. The safer parts of Gotham of course!" she giggled.
Marinette smiled gratefully at the little fairy before finishing up her routine, save plugging in her phone. She did set an alarm though, in hopes that what little battery she had left would last through the night.
Marinette laid out an outfit she was sure Alya wouldn't turn away. While packing, she had to resist the urge to pack much darker colors instead of her trademark pinks. She was going to tour Wayne Enterprises in a floral print grey skirt that ended a little above the knee paired with a soft pink sweater to match the flowers. She also set aside black tights and a pair of boot socks to complete it. Her comfortable black boots would be good for the amount of walking her class was sure to be going the next day. Nodding her head, satisfied, she turned her head to Tikki.
"What do you think? Good?"
Tikki smiled and nodded.
She laid it all out over the armchair in the corner. Stretching, she climbed under the covers of the full size bed. It was not near as comfortable as sleeping in her room, but it certainly exceeded expectations. She clicked off the bedside lamp she had been using.
Tikki settled down on the pillow next to the girl's head.
"Goodnight, Marinette."
"Goodnight, Tikki."
That night, Marinette had difficulty sleeping. All she could do was stare at the ceiling, straight as a board, thinking. She was suddenly uncomfortable in her usual sprawled out position that she usually slept in. Her mind was going a million miles a minute, running through every possibility for error and coming up with a contingency plan for every one. At three am, frustrated and tired, Marinette got up, leaving Tikki sleeping soundly on her pillow. She slipped on her flats, grabbing her room key and sketchbook on the way to the door. If she wasn't going to sleep, she might as well do something productive. Tiptoeing out into the hall, Marinette glanced around the dim passage.
The building was an eerie quiet. It reminded Marinette of the silence when an akuma is nowhere to be seen, but certainly nearby.
Perhaps it was because she was already tense about her soulmate, or maybe it was because she knew what lurked in Gotham's dark.
'You may not rest now, there are monsters nearby.'
She snorted and rolled her eyes at the bad joke she made to herself.
She wasn't dumb. In addition to her research on Bruce Wayne, the scholarship provider, she also tried to learn as much as she could about his city. Dangerous even during the daytime. Even more dangerous at night. Villains attacking every other day.
It used to be like that in Paris before Hawkmoth started taking fairly long breathers in between each attack.
The main difference was Gotham's heroes didn't have superpowers to protect them. No miraculous cure to bring back those caught up in the attack. If one of them lost their life out there... there was no coming back from it (presumably). That only increased her apprehension about meeting her elusive soulmate. Every day he put on a mask and jumped off a building. Being a vigilante is by no means safe. What if one day he goes out and never comes back and Marinette never gets the chance to meet him? She wasn't sure she could handle that.
She was sure footed down the hall way, evenly stepping where she was sure she wouldn't make any noise. The stealth was unexpected but involuntary, something in her encouraging her to blend into the shadows and not be seen. Her feet were moving of their own volition away from her room, no set course in mind. Marinette supposed she would wander the hotel until she found something of worth to bring out her creativity.
She found herself standing at a set of sliding glass doors leading to a balcony. Looking out, the city lights twinkling in the hazy blackness before her. No matter how creepy she thought Gotham looked in the day time, it was much worse at night. Beautiful in its own way but still creepy. But it was somehow refreshing to the unrelenting cheer and positivity The City of Lights instilled. Gotham had no such luxury and accepted as a whole its role in the world. It was a hub for crime.
Eyes unblinking, Marinette stared out over the city her soulmate lived in. Batman's city. She opened her sketch book to a new page and began to put down her ideas. A charcoal grey suit sewn with metallic silver accents. Sharp lines made way into a flowing dress beside it, halter with a low cut v neckline. The skirt of the dress carefully stitched with gold and silver beads for stars in a wide scatter at the bottom, following a line up to one side of the halter strap growing closer and closer together the higher you went.
An unexpected light flashed ahead of her in the night. The sky was lit up with a powerful spot that could only mean one thing. Batman was needed. Marinette waited, completely still.
Far in the distance, she saw them. Bounding over rooftops as if someone would catch them if they fell. Of course it was too dark and much too far away to see who was out there. He could be out there. A less observant person would have missed them all together, but after years of fighting akumas, she was adept at noticing the small things.
Suddenly overwhelmed, Marinette shut her sketchbook with a satisfying smack before turning on her heel and heading back down the hall the way she came. It was a wonder she hadn’t gotten herself lost. The hallways were even quieter than before, as though the walls themselves could witness her inner turmoil. She was hiding it well. All her emotions were carefully tucked away behind a neutral mask. Can't show weakness.
Back in her own hallway, she was startled out of her stupor by a figure standing there. Lila.
Marinette had no idea how Lila knew she would be awake or walking around. She was just standing there, hands behind her back, lifting herself up on her toes then back down again. She had her hair tied up in a neat sock bun.
'Ha. You look weird without your sausages.'
"What is that supposed to mean?" Lila snarled.
"Oh, did I say that out loud? Terribly rude of me," she gave the taller girl a tired smirk before attempting to walk on past her.
Lila put out her arms to prevent Mari from moving any further forward.
'End this.'
Marinette blinked that unexpected thought away. Aggression wasn't the answer.
"Where were you, Mari, sweetie? I was worried you'd gotten kidnapped by a villain or something!"
"Ugh. You wish. Excuse me, I'd like to return to my room."
Everything about this girl brought out the worst in the usually sweet designer.
"It really would be a shame if Mlle. Bustier found out her class president was wandering the halls at night. Come now, Marinette, you know that's against the rules."
She rolled her eyes at the weak threat. There wasn't much Lila could do to her, but if she thought this would make her trip even a degree worse, she would do it.
"How would you know I was wandering the halls unless you were too?" she asked lightly.
The liar's expression soured.
"You aren’t going to ruin this trip for me, so I’m going to give you one last chance. It wouldn't hurt to just play along, would it? It's not like you have any proof. It's your word against mine and who would believe a nobody like you?" Lila taunted.
"How do you want to go down? As the worst class president in history? Worst friend in history? I can make that happen. Just keep up your little charade and it won't be a problem."
Marinette's frown deepened.
"I'm not the one playing charades. You are. And you look ridiculous."
Lila scoffed with disdain at the insult.
"I wouldn't even bother getting up tomorrow. You and your little trashy designs aren't going to impress anyone. That's probably why you don't have a soulmate. Nobody would be able to put up with your self righteous crap," Lila sniffed.
Marinette stood straight, staring past the Italian and down the hallway. Her eyes narrowed the more she spoke.
"How much do you think it will take to make Alya hate you? Would you like to find out? I can start on that tomo-"
"Stop speaking."
She looked into the girl's contempt filled olive green eyes.
"I'm not some little girl who you can intimidate, Rossi. I would suggest backing off before you end up regretting your actions."
She brushed past the girl, leaving her struck frozen in the hallway. She had no idea where that burst of angry confidence came from. She only hoped it would help and not hurt whatever came next.
@vixen-uchiha @worlds-tiniest-spook-pastry @violatiger8 @mochinek0 @constancetruggle @yamadochie @seraphichana @captainmac6 @nataladriana9 @iggy-of-fans @riarkle-felinettelove @luciferge @mystery-5-5 @mellownieice @northernbluetongue @imanerddealwith @ayuchan07 @poshplumcot @annabellabrookes @legendaryneckjudgestudent @chez-pezeater @friedchickening @da-tasuky @crazylittlemunchkin @g-arya @i-like-fairytail-and-stuff @witchbitch1998 @theatreandcomicfreak @lysslovsanime @zalladane @tbehartoo @goggles-mcgee @tumbling-down-hills-and-stuff @kanamexzeroyaoifangirl @melicmusicmagic @reichi-vogart @ladybug-182 @chaosace @mariae2900 @vivilakitty @xxmadamjinxx @akbtch @7701deathlyhalfbloodprincess @elspethshadow @danielslilangel @tinyterror333 @maynora @anjuschiffer @creator-josie @thecatnipmademedoit @jessigurl-design @allolale @caffeine-theory @zerotosiki @draco-kasai @schrodingers25 @cassiejaydee @synnesstra @oscarwilde-hellyeah @valeks-princess @winter-gardenflower @novicevoice @cadencehood @sassy-spocko @rogueptoridactyl @dast218 @kae690 @thequestionablyhuman @18-fandoms-unite-08 @beaversuenightly @graduatedmelon @dur55 @gaylord1027 @fertileleaf @bamagirl513 @kurogaya913 @littleblue5mcdork @completelypeccable @sassydepression @resignedcatservant @batmans-attic @linnyalou @shreky-boi @actual-disaster-human @kandi-pie @gingersnapnoir @disneyfoxuniverse @souleateralicestein @kand-roo
so I figured out the reason my tag list was getting capped is because I was using mobile. so I decided not to be a dumb dumb anymore and will do my best to update from my computer instead. im working on a masterlist so stay tuned for that. I hope you enjoyed!
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moonstruckbucky · 5 years
Come Over (5/7)
Summary: You’re new to New York City. Fresh out of post-grad and wanting a change of pace, and this change comes in more ways than one.
Pairing: Bucky Barnes x fem!Reader. Neighbor AU.
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Warnings for Chapter: There’s some fluff and a quick look into Bucky’s head.
Notes: We’re getting into the thick of it here, folks. There’s only two more parts after this and I can’t even believe it. Feedback is always appreciated! Enjoy x
P.S. - I almost forgot the goddamn Read More again.
Series Masterlist //  Main Masterlist 
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The rest of October passes by in a chilly blur and in surprising quiet. It’s because, you learn, that Sharon is away again for work. You can’t help but notice the change in Bucky; he smiles more, doesn’t appear to walk on eggshells with anything, and you’re back to your regular coffee dates. You know it should set off alarm bells in your head that he’s so closed off when she’s around, but then you realize Bucky probably doesn’t have a lot of friends due to Sharon’s obvious insecurities and probable control issues. So you ignore it, allow yourself to feel bad that the only time Bucky can be himself is when she’s away.
The tension from the month before is gone, and so you choose not to look a gift horse in the mouth. Bucky’s apologized again and again for obviously upsetting you by being loud, and you find no choice but to accept each one when he looks at you with those goddamn eyes.
It’s during one of your weekend coffee dates that Bucky opens up a little bit more. About himself, his relationship, how Sharon went from being an amazing woman when they first started dating to now, where he barely recognizes her most days. 
“Her jealousy is out of control,” he sighs, shaking his head. He looks off to the window in your kitchen, lost in his head as if he’s trying to pinpoint the exact moment his relationship took a nosedive. Unthinking, you reach across the table and lay your hand on his and his eyes snap to first you and then your joined hands.
“Have you talked to her? See if you can find out why she’s started being like this? There has to be a reason…”
You can see the minute Bucky gets defensive; his jaw locks and he sits up, yanks his hand out from under yours. “I haven’t cheated, if that’s what you’re insinuating.”
You hold your hands up innocently. “I wasn’t insinuating anything, Bucky. I was just asking. Sometimes these kinds of issues are deep-seated and stay dormant for a while before coming out. When did you start noticing her jealousy spiking?”
He blows out a breath and shakes his head, his long hair hanging in his face. You have to clench your fist to resist reaching out and brushing it aside. Bucky leans forward on your small table, chin resting on his hands as he thinks. His eyes light up in realization and he seems almost bashful now. Your curiosity piques.
“A-About the time you moved in,” he admits quietly, and then hurries to add, “I-I-I mean, there were other, smaller instances, I guess. But it was just, you know, her arm around my waist or some sudden PDA. Nothing huge. But, god don’t take this the wrong way, but when I told her you’d moved in, it’s like some kind of flip was switched. We ended up fighting about it.”
“I...I heard,” you mutter, twirling your coffee mug. Bucky looks horrified and you hurry to placate him. “I couldn’t hear specifics. Just...just your raised voice, that’s all.”
Groaning, he slides a hand down his face. “Some neighbor I am, huh?”
You smile sadly and shake your head. “Bucky, you’re a great neighbor. People argue. It’s fine.”
He meets your eyes, gratitude shimmering within the blue depths, and his gaze holds you there. Heart beating erratically in your chest, you realize this is a moment. It’s magnetic, the pull between you, and it takes an exorbitant amount of effort to break the stare and shatter the tension. Bucky shifts in his seat and focuses on his coffee cup.
“More coffee?” you ask because you need to fill the silence with something. At his nod, you scoot back from the table and refill both mugs. Take your seat and try to bring back some lightness to the room. “So Thanksgiving is coming up. You and Sharon have any fun plans?”
He scoffs bitterly as he stirs his coffee. Body rigid and an eye roll barely suppressed. “She’s away for work so, I’m on my own.”
“For Thanksgiving? That’s unacceptable. You should come spend it with my family. Clint will be there, and maybe Sam. I’m sure they’d love to have you.”
The invitation is out before you can really think too much on it. It feels natural, asking him to join you. Feels too natural if you let yourself think on it, but you don’t. It’s out there between you and you watch Bucky for his reaction.
He’s surprised. But he wants to say yes, you can see it on his face, but he shakes his head. “I couldn’t intrude on your family like that.”
It saddens your heart to think Bucky would be intruding. For people who aren’t really that close, you’ve shared a lot of personal baggage between you, and the thought of Bucky spending a holiday meant to be spent with family alone hardens your resolve. You won’t accept ‘no’, can’t. Not when Sharon doesn’t seem to care about being home with him.
“You won’t be.” You’re sure of this. Clint loves Bucky, and you’re damn sure the rest of your family will too. “You’re coming with me. No ifs, ands, or buts. Got it?”
Bucky thinks better of arguing with you. Sighs and nods his head like an obedient child but with a quick smile that says he’s grateful for the invitation. The two of you settle back into your chairs, the air between you both light but with a lurking tension that bubbles just beneath the surface.
The weeks leading up to Thanksgiving are hectic, manic, whatever word that describes ultimate bedlam you prefer. Stark Industries is closing on a new deal to allow for human trials of a new “super-suit” Tony has dubbed it, and it’s crucial that all ducks are in their designated rows to minimize liability risks. It’s a tornado of paperwork, phone calls with lawyers and insurance companies, emails back and forth with the physicists assigned to the project.
It’s a mess, and it leaves you haggard, exhausted, and more than a little cranky. You’ve accidentally snapped at Wanda more times than you can count, and if you hadn’t been paying attention, Tony might’ve been at the end of one of your fits as well. Fortunately, you’d just managed to catch yourself after he’d reminded you—again—about the write-up due to the project managers before the holiday.
It’s late the Tuesday before the holiday when you return home—nearly eight o’clock, and you’re about ready to collapse. You feel drunk on exhaustion as you stagger down the hall barefoot, your stupid heels hanging over your index finger. Eyelids heavy, like two lead weights are weighing them down, you stifle a yawn in your elbow. One of your heels goes clattering to the floor.
“Fuck,” you hiss, groaning long and loud as you bend over to retrieve it and your back protests the movement. You don’t realize you’re in front of Bucky’s door until it opens, and your neighbor, in all his pajama-clad muscled glory, frowns down at you.
“Y/N? What the hell happened to you?”
You sigh and close your eyes, lean your head against your knee. “Thanks, Buck. You really know how to make a girl feel special.”
He rolls his eyes before stooping to wrap a hand around your arm. Gently he helps you to your feet, and you can’t help it when you stagger just slightly into his body.
“Whoa, easy there,” he coos, steadying you. His body is unnaturally warm where it presses up against yours and for a second, you let yourself bask in the heat. A moth to a flame. Wings scorched, but you’ll gladly burn.
“Sorry,” you sigh after a few moments, shaking your head, “it’s been a busy past couple of weeks and I’m about ready to collapse.”
“C’mon, gimme your keys. Let’s get you inside.”
He slides your keychain from your hand, opens your door, leads you in. You whine at the sight of your couch, but before you can faceplant into the cushions, Bucky’s steering you away.
“B-But,” you stutter on a whine, reaching out dramatically, childishly, for the piece of furniture.
“Mm, nuh-uh. First, comfy clothes. Then I’m making you something to eat. And then you’re going to bed.”
“Bucky.” You’re still whining, but you’re far too tired to care. Bucky sits you down on your bed, lunges forward when you tip backward in an attempt to climb under your duvet. He keeps you upright, and you pout. “Bucky.”
“Patience. Which drawer is your pajama drawer?” He sighs when he glances over his shoulder, sees you curling up in your blankets in your work attire. Averts his eyes when your skirt rides halfway up your thighs.
“Third from the top,” is your sleepy, mumbled reply paired with a half-assed lift of your arm. The drawer slides open then shut, and you grunt as fabric hits you in the face.
“Get changed and meet me in the kitchen.”
“You’re awful bossy,” you snark as you sit up, but he’s gone, and you can already hear him banging around in the kitchen.
When you’re finished, you step out of your room to see Bucky bent over the stove with a box of pasta in his hand. He dumps the entire contents of the box into the pot, stirs, and then glances up when you appear in his line of vision. He smiles softly. 
“You look exhausted.”
“Yeah,” you sigh as you sit at the island, dig your hands into your eyes as if to ward off said exhaustion. “We’re ready to move onto trials with one of the suits and Tony’s been running me ragged but fortunately he gave me tomorrow off because of the holiday Thursday so…”
“Good. You should rest a lot tomorrow.”
“You’re still coming Thursday, right?” you ask tentatively. You’re trying not to come across too eager, but Bucky’s sly little grin tells you you kind of failed.
“Of course. It’s definitely better than spending it alone.” There’s a bitter undertone in his voice, but he’s moving on before you can press on it.
You eat in the living room; Bucky throws on some true crime documentary that only holds your attention for about ten minutes. Between the comfy clothes, the blanket you’re under, and the warmth of the food in your belly, you’re out like a light, head cocked uncomfortably against the arm of the couch.
Bucky glances over, does a double take and smiles softly. Mouth open, eyelids fluttering. It shouldn’t make his heart race, yet he thinks it might give out with how fast it’s beating, how his chest vibrates with its beat. He gently grabs the nearly-empty bowl from your limp fingers, which curl up and into the blanket, tucking it under your chin as you roll over and shove your face into the back cushion of your couch.
It’s endearing, despite the deep circles Bucky can see even in the dimmed lighting in the room. Setting both bowls on the coffee table, he wipes his hands on his sweatpants; he’s nervous, has never been this close, much less in such a vulnerable situation. Your warm against him as he scoops you up; his conscience would never let him rest if he’d left you to sleep on the couch. He feels his heartbeat stutter when you curl into him like you’d curled into your blanket, nose buried against his chest. He hopes the rapid thudthudthud of his heart doesn’t wake you, prays you stay oblivious to the way you’re making him feel. Your nightshirt slides up and his fingers touch your bare skin. It’s like setting fire to flint—a spark, and then all-consuming flame as it slithers and writhes up his arm and into his belly, his chest. He knows his cheeks are a thousand shades of red; he’s never had such a visceral reaction to touch before, even when he’d met Sharon and still knew who she was. 
He side-steps into your room, avoids bonking your head or your dangling feet against the frame. Blankets pulled back, your soft and pliant body laid underneath. A soft sigh that slides between your parted lips, a content smile as you roll onto your belly, tug your second pillow to your chest, a visible deflate. Bucky’s immobile, feet planted so firmly into your floor he wonders if he’d grown roots there. He knows he should leave, knows he’s a creep for remaining unmoving, but he can’t look away from you.
Your eyelids still flutter, your mind lost in some dream that he’s yearning to hear about. How did he fall so deeply?
Like dragging lead through water, he begins to walk from your room, freezes when your lips mumble out something that sounds oddly like Bucky. He swallows around the lump in his throat, the rising guilt in his belly that burns like acid. He leaves the door open a crack, cleans your empty bowls, and leaves because he can’t bare the gnawing in his gut, the want, the longing, the absolute need for you to destroy him.
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Chapter Six
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aalissy · 4 years
This is the very first time I’ve written post-reveal, pre-relationship :O. Shocking, I know! Especially because I am very much trashhhh for this trope. I hope I did it justice, though :). Lemme know what you think?
The drilling sound of a sewing machine filled Marinette’s room as the girl carefully stitched together a new skirt. Adrien was sat on her chaise, occasionally glancing over at the concentrating girl, a notebook balanced on his knees in a half-hearted attempt to study. 
It had been a few weeks since the two had both accidentally stumbled into the same alley when they detransformed back. To say it was a shock to see Ladybug’s bright, ocean eyes melt away into Marinette’s cheerful, blue ones was an understatement. Adrien had fallen backwards, his back colliding harshly with a cold wall. He may have yelped rather squeakily, wincing in pain as he rubbed at the sore spot. That was all it took before his lady was rushing forward, peering at him with eyes filled with concern, her lower lip sucked into her mouth, “Adrien?! Are you alright?”
“Me, yep,” his voice rose an octave before he cleared his throat, hoping to lower the obnoxious tone, “Why wouldn’t I be?!”
Marinette’s brow creased with anxiety before she was offering him a hand up, “A-are you sure? That looked like it hurt.”
“Trust me, my lady, that’s the least of my worries right now,” Adrien took her hand, letting her help him up, ignoring the tingles that raced up his arm from the contact, “H-how are you not freaking out right now?”
Her lips quirked for a second before she looked at him rather tiredly, “Well, to be honest, I’ve been suspicious for a while now... and this had to happen at some point. With me being the new guardian it was only a matter of time before we had to reveal our identities,” she shrugged before giving him a weak smile.
“M-Marinette, are you alright?” he reached out for her, his fingers skimming the sleeve of her jacket before she was backing away from him.
“Yeah, I’m fine,” her smile was less shaky now, but her eyes... her eyes seemed hollow and empty, “I-I just need a little time to sort through all this. Give Kagami my regards,” she gave him a half-hearted wave before she was running off, towards what he assumed was the bakery. 
Adrien watched her leave with a sinking feeling, and, if he were Chat right now his ears would have drooped on his head, his tail limp behind him. But he wasn’t his superhero counterpart, the model sighed, adjusting the strap from his backpack before making his way back to the mansion. 
The next day at school, his dread grew and he was absolutely terrified of seeing Marinette. When he heard the telltale sound of the designer rushing in, he avoided her gaze, tapping his pen noisily on the desk. He assumed that she would ignore him as well but that wasn’t the case. Instead, he felt warm fingers scratch through his hair, causing his eyes to flutter close with relief, “What’s the matter, minou? You look tired. Did you get enough sleep last night?”
Adrien’s eyes slowly opened hazily, a small grin growing on his face. He looked up at the bright beam on the girl’s face. This was Marinette. His lady. How could he have expected anything different from her? Damn if he didn’t tumble a little more into love with her right then and there. He grinned crookedly at her, “Yeah. Thanks for checking up on me, bug.”
“Anytime, kitty,” she giggled and his heart stuttered as her fingers ruffled his hair again before she took the seat behind him.
That day in class was one of the worst in his life. All Adrien had wanted to do was crane his neck and stare at the girl behind him. That wasn’t even counting the few glances he did manage to sneak back there to check on her. Every time their eyes connected, Marinette would smile brightly, her blue eyes sparkling at him before she gestured back to their teacher, mouthing at him to pay attention. His head would whip back to the front, heart pounding and his cheeks a deep, rosy red. Yep, he was screwed.
That led them to where they were today. Him, still a hopeless, lovestruck pile of goo when she so much as laughed and her the same confident, teasing superheroine she had always been. Adrien sighed, his gaze once more being drawn over to the girl who held his heart in her hands. At least they were hanging out more, his head fell onto the palm of his hand as he watched her tongue peek out in concentration while she sewed. Most days they were together, hanging out under the guise of studying before ducking out into the Parisian streets to patrol together. He had just always hoped that there would be a lot more hand-holding and kissing involved. His cheeks flamed as he envisioned a world where Marinette would fall into his arms, her eyes filled with as much love as his own.
Adrien scoffed, giving his head a rough shake. As if Marinette could ever like him back. He had thought he had it bad when he was pining after Ladybug but Marinette was even more unattainable. The sweet, cheerful girl who had half of the class in love with her already. The thought that she would ever return his feelings was so impractical that he was surprised he could even think it. He sighed rather loudly, a large pout forming on his lips.
“What’s the matter, minou?” Marinette tilted her head back to look at him, “You look sad.”
“N-nothing. I was just thinking,” he stammered, his blush growing darker as he was caught.
“Thinking about what?” she moved from her desk chair to walk closer, nudging his legs over to sit on the chaise with him. A small, teasing grin spread across her cheeks as she scooted closer, her head turning upside-down to look at his empty notebook. Her pigtails brushed against his knees and Adrien clenched his fists against the urge to bury his hands in her hair. She nodded her head down at his notebook before looking at him mischievously, “Getting a lot of studying done I see?”
His heart tightened painfully in his chest, “Yeah, for some reason my heart just isn’t in it today,” he shut his notebook, putting it on the floor along with his textbook, moving his legs to make more room for her to sit so that he could breathe more comfortably.
Marinette frowned, and god did he want to smooth the small crease in her brow with his thumb, “Are you alright, Adrien? What is it that you’re thinking about? Is it something bad.”
“No, no it’s just,” his eyes darted about the room, searching for something to talk about besides his overwhelming love for her, “Do you remember that time I pretended to be a statue?” Adrien winced. Of all the things to mention why did it have to be that?
The designer in front of him seemed to freeze, her eyes growing in alarm before she scooted slightly away from him, “Y-yeah why?”
He needed to do something, anything, to erase the unease in her eyes. So, he blurted out the first thing he thought of, “No, it’s just... well, I was thinking that was the first time you kissed me where we both remembered it.”
Marinette chuckled tightly, her hand waving in the air before she stood up, “Yep. That... that was definitely a moment. That happened.”
“Marinette?” Adrien frowned as she began pacing her tiny room, running a hand through her hair.
She stopped after about a moment, whirling around to face him, “I just don’t understand why, um,” she cleared her throat before continuing, “Why you’re thinking about well, that?”
“I don’t know,” he murmured, ducking his head down shyly.
“Just one of those thoughts that popped into your head, then?” Marinette smiled rather tensely at him.
“Yeah, yeah, must have been,” he rubbed the back of his neck anxiously.
“Good, good,” she blew out a terse breath before murmuring, “I’m sorry, by the way.”
Adrien’s brow furrowed, staring at her in confusion. Sorry? What did that mean? His head tilted before he spoke, “About what?”
“For kissing you, of course,” Marinette chuckled nervously, her index fingers tapping together.
“Well why are you sorry about that?” his frown deepened.
This time she looked at him in confusion, a tiny crease forming on her own brow, “What do you mean why am I sorry? I kissed you without your permission. Besides, I doubt you wanted my lips on yours...”
“Well what if I did?” Adrien blurted out, barely recognizing the words forming on his lips before they came out. Shut up, shut up, what are you doing Agreste?! He berated himself.
“I don’t... I don’t understand... what?” Marinette’s eyes were blown wide, and was that hope in her expression or was he mistaking it for something else?
This was it. This was his moment to back out of this conversation. Laugh it off and keep himself safe. Keep himself stuck in the friend zone forever. But this was Marinette. And she was looking at him so vulnerably, what seemed like hope burning in her bluebell eyes. So, he took a deep breath of courage and repeated himself more slowly, “What if I did want you to kiss me?”
She laughed. A high-pitched squeak of a sound, contrasting harshly with her usual, adorably soft giggles, “Well then I’d say who are you and what have you done with Adrien Agreste? He’d never want to kiss me.”
“And what if he did?” he stood up slowly, so as not to spook her. His steps towards her were slow and cautious, as though one wrong step would ruin the whole dynamic of their friendship. 
Marinette’s gaze darted around the room and she took one step back, “I don’t... Adrien, please. I can’t... we can’t.”
“What do you mean?” he got close enough to grab her hands with his, restraining himself from brushing a kiss against her fingers.
“I-you... Kagami... what would Kagami think?” her gaze landed on him almost desperately.
“Kagami? What do you mean?” Adrien looked at her, his head tilting to the side curiously.
Marinette gulped in a harsh breath of air, before returning her gaze to him, “I don’t think your girlfriend would like it very much if I was kissing you.”
“Girlfriend? Marinette, what are you talking about? Kagami and I didn’t work out. She wanted things that I just wasn’t ready for.”
She removed her hands from his and it felt like she took a piece of his heart with her as she began pacing once again, her hand running through her hair. When she finally stopped, she jabbed a finger into his chest, “You told me! You told me that day that the girl you were in love with didn’t like your jokes! How did you and Kagami not work out if you were that in love with her?!”
“Marinette I wasn’t talking about Kagami, I was talking about you,” Adrien’s hands waved in the air in exasperation, “Well, the Ladybug you, I mean.”
Her mouth fell open, her finger paused in the air like she was going to jab at him again, “I... me?”
“Yes, you. Marinette, it’s always been you,” he once again grabbed her hands, squeezing them tightly.
“No, no that can’t be... that just can’t be...,” she shook her head roughly, “Cause if I like you and you like me th-,”
Adrien cut her off by practically shouting, “Wait, you like me?!”
“Yes, yes this isn’t new,” Marinette shook her head, her gaze still trained on the floor as though she were trying to work out a puzzle.
“What do you mean it isn’t new?! This is certainly new to me!” he squeaked, his voice high-pitched with shock. He let go of her hands to tilt her chin up, scanning her eyes for any sign that she was lying to him.
“You mean you didn’t know?” her eyes were blown wide, “Adrien it was obvious!! I kissed you and you still didn’t realize I was in love with you!”
He choked out a gasp, “Marinette I asked you multiple times if you liked me that way and you said you didn’t! I didn’t realize you were lying! And that day in the museum you said you knew it was me the whole time. That you were just pranking me! How was I supposed to know?”
“Because literally everyone else in our class did! You were the only one I stuttered, stammered, and blushed around and you still didn’t figure it out!” Marinette’s eyebrows rose with frustration.
“Wait, wait, wait... You mean all this time I’ve liked you and you’ve liked me?” he sputtered out.
“Yes, finally!” Plagg sprouted out from the pillow that he and Tikki had been sharing, “I can’t believe it took you two geniuses this long to figure it out!”
“Plagg!” Tikki scolded him before looking at the two teens apologetically.
The black cat turned to his partner, rolling his eyes, “Well it’s not my fault, sugarcube. I figured the reveal would solve all this lovey-dovey mush. I didn’t think it’d make it worse. Do you have any idea how long I’ve listened to this one gush about how cute Marinette looked in class today, and oh, how Marinette did this today. It was exhausting.”
“You act like I didn’t have to deal with Marinette giggling about how Chat saved them from an akuma today or how that stupid cat was going to kill her with his playful teasing,” Tikki chuckled.
Adrien swallowed a harsh lump in his throat, his cheeks a bright red before he turned to face Marinette whose own cheeks were on fire. Sucking in a deep breath, he gave her a wobbly smile, “This may be long overdue my lady, but would you do me the purrleasure of being my girlfriend?”
“Are... are you serious?” she turned to him, whispering the words as she searched his eyes.
“Cat’s honor,” he grinned at her.
In the next second, she launched herself into his arms, planting her lips on his own. His eyes widened for a second before he melted into her kiss. He picked her up, clinging her to him happily as their kiss deepened. When they finally pulled back, he was breathing raggedly, but he smirked in satisfaction at the state of Marinette’s rumpled hair.
“Shut up, minou,” she stuck her tongue out playfully, “You look just as raggedy.”
“I’ll let you know that I always look purrfect!”
“Oh my god, why did I agree to date you again?”
“Because you love me,” he teased, pulling her into another passionate kiss.
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kumeko · 4 years
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Title: a helping hand or two
A/N: For the @featherszine! I got assigned CCS, winter, and of course I had to put in a little Meiling, Tomoyo and Kero into the piece.
Ever since he was little, Syaoran had fought monsters, battled immortal guardians, and more scarily, survived his mother’s training. There were few things left on the planet that could surprise him. 
 Yet, despite all that, nothing was as frightening as Tomoyo’s smile when she says, I’ve got the perfect outfit for this.
 Absolutely nothing. He'd even rank the fight with Yue below it.  
Tugging on his coat, he had to admit that his outfit wasn't bad for once. While Tomoyo had a gift for design, almost all of her creations were some level of impracticality, better suited for photo shoots than actual wear. Today’s outfit was no less fashion forward, a snowflake-themed outfit complete with sharp edges and inconvenient dangling snowflakes. As long as something magical didn’t happen, the ensemble was more annoying than in the way.
 “Now turn to the right,” Tomoyo ordered, stars in her eyes and a video camera in hand. A drone floated around him but she liked the personal touch of taking her own shots.
 Slightly exasperated, he obliged. They’d been at this for a good ten minutes now. He was used to this when it came to Sakura, less so for himself, and even then it had never been as public as this, in the middle of the town’s ice rink. When he’d agreed to go skating, Syaoran had expected to, you know,  actually skate. At this rate, it looked like he’d be stuck outside the bathrooms until closing.
Freed from her own photoshoot, Meiling smiled happily as she watched. “You'll send me some pics, right?”
 “A whole video package,” Tomoyo answered, shooting her a thumbs up.
 Syaoran wondered if it was too late to run. And just what was Meiling doing with pictures of him? She’d broken off their enga—she was going to send them to his sisters. A chill ran up his spine and he wasn’t sure if that was premonition or just a really good guess.
 “Ehh? Really?” Meiling brightened up more, if possible, her expression almost glowing. “And thanks for making me an outfit too!” She twirled around to show off her cheongsam-styled dress with a flared skirt. “I’ve always wanted a Tomoyo creation!”
 “Of course.” Tomoyo closed her camera and pumped a fist in the air. “A group collection, making each piece uniquely tailored for everyone’s personality but match overall as a whole…” She quivered. “It was a dream come true.” Happily, she sighed, pressing a hand against her cheek as she admired Meiling. “Why, coming up with your ribbons and accessories were the best parts.”
 Popping out of the changeroom, Kero fly triumphantly toward them. “Not as great as mine!” He tugged on his snowflake tie with a grin. “The most handsome fellow is here now!”
 “Ahhh, the stuffed animal’s escaped,” Meiling muttered in a deadpan. It was amazing how quickly her enthusiastic smile melted into a blank expression. “Put him back in his cage and remove his stuffing.”
 “Who’re you calling a stuffed animal, you annoying brat?” Kero growled, and Syaoran had a strange feeling of déjà vu as the pair argued.
 “Um, Tomoyo,” Sakura called out, interrupting the fight as she timidly stepped out of the washroom. “We’re just skating, right? We don’t need all this.”
 Syaoran tried had not stare. Really, he tried. Tomoyo had always dressed Sakura cutely, and today was no exception. With a white fluffy skirt and a ruffled, ice-blue dress shirt, she looked like a snow princess. Dimly, he was aware of Tomoyo’s knowing glance but he couldn’t do anything about it. Hell, he couldn’t even think of a word to say to Sakura.  “Y-you…” he stuttered, but it was like he’d forgotten how to speak. How did they talk before? How was he ever able to get past mono-syllabic words?
 Not missing a beat, Tomoyo cooed and turned her camera to Sakura immediately. “Nonsense! My work isn’t just for magical fights.”
 “Yeah,” Kero agreed, floating around Sakura and tugging his bow again. “And I look good!”
 “For a stuffed animal,” Meiling added snidely.
 “Besides,” Tomoyo barreled on, ignoring the interruptions. “If anything else weird happens and you have to create another Sakura card, you’ll already be dressed!” She frowned, twirling a long lock around her finger dejectedly. “I missed all your adventures recently.”
 Sakura bit her lip, friendship and self-consciousness warring on her expression. In the end, as expected, shame lost and she clasped Tomoyo’s hands. Forcing a smile, she nodded. “Of course!”
 “Great!” Tomoyo smiled gratefully before pulling out her camera. “Now, smile!”
 “Here, let me help.” Sakura glided up to him smoothly. Even her stop looked graceful and Syaoran was reminded once more on how easy sports came to her. “You can’t skate like that.”
 Leaning against the railing, he wanted to argue that he could. Technically, he was almost halfway around the rink now, even if that was more out of a stubborn determination than anything else. Yet Sakura was leaning close, her hand out expectantly, and without realizing it, his hand was already on hers.  The second her fingers curled around his palm, he burned a bright red and resisted the urge to pull away. “T-thanks,” Syaoran managed, barely keeping his voice deeper than a squeak.
 “It’s fine!” Sakura smiled brightly at him and his heart flipped. Did she know she did that to him? She had to, right? He was a terrible liar, all things considered, and there was absolutely no way he was able to hide what he felt around her. “That’s what friends are for!”
 Then again, she’d always been some level of dense. Syaoran took a deep breath, trying to calm his speeding pulse. “Right.”
 At this point she was skating backwards, slowly pulling him along the skating rink. Both of his hands were in hers now, and it wasn’t like they were holding hands. This was all to stop him from falling but no matter how many times he repeated that, even through the gloves, his skin burned from the contact. Trying to distract himself, he commented, “You’re really good at this.”
 It was a normal level of praise, given in an entirely normal way.
 Sakura grinned, puffing her chest proudly. “It’s cause I rollerblade all the time. It’s the same thing, only the brakes work differently.”
 “They do?” Syaoran asked, curious despite himself.
 “Yeah.” Sakura slowed their pace down and gestured at her skates. “You change the angle of the blades when you stop, but with rollerblades I just tilt it back.” She grimaced. “It was scary to do that though.”
 That surprised him. He had thought the only thing that scared her were ghosts. Sakura picked up the pace again and he urged his clumsy feet to keep up with her. Every time he wobbled, she tightened her grip on his hands, keeping him steady and balanced. If there was one small mercy, it was that he hadn’t fallen in front of her.
 From his peripherals, he was dimly aware of Meiling slowly skating around the rink, her balance little better than his. Tomoyo was making circles around them, her camera in hand, and he could already picture her replaying this on her theatre-sized screen.  
 At some point, it didn’t feel as unnatural pushing one foot in front of the other. In fact, it felt kinda smooth and he peeked down at his feet.
 He was gliding.
 “You’re doing it!” Sakura chirped, echoing his thoughts, and he looked up to find her smiling proudly.
 “I-I am,” he stuttered, surprised. Straightening his posture, he repeated more confidently, “I am!”
 “Great.” Sakura loosened her hold. “I’m going to let go, okay?”
 “Yeah—wait, what?” Syaoran panicked as she let go and slipped to his side. He wasn’t ready. He definitely wasn’t ready and—oh, his feet were still moving forward, still gliding.
 “See? You can do it,” Sakura cheered, coming to a stop to watch him. “Just like that.”
 “Yeah.” Syaoran added more power to his legs, pushing off the ice more firmly. He could do this. Looking over his shoulder, he shouted excitedly, “I’m skating!”
 That was a mistake. Sakura only smiled in response, tucking a lock of her hair behind her ear. She didn’t feel that way about him, he knew. Her eyes were for Yukito, and she didn’t feel that way about him at all. But something about her looked bashful, her cheeks a rosy red (from the cold, he reminded himself), her eyes slightly downcast. Syaoran swallowed.
 Should he say something?
 Do something?
 He crashed into the side of the rink before he could figure it out.
 “Syaoran!” Sakura yelled, horror colouring her voice. “I’m coming!”
 “Me too,” Meiling shouted. “Really slowly.”
 “Sakura…Meiling…” Dazed, he lay flat on the cold ice. The world turned a shade of yellow: the ice, his hands, even the shadow looming over him. Looking up, he found Tomoyo giving him an amused smile.
 “You okay there?” she asked. “What happened?”
 He blinked. “I think so.” His knees and chin ached, but he’d suffered worse fighting the Clow cards. Or were they Sakura cards now? Lying flat, he closed his eyes. “I was just...surprised.”
 “Mmm…” Tomoyo hummed thoughtfully. “She didn’t teach you to brake, did she?”
 Nor did she teach him to turn, so he would have ended up like this at one point or another. Now that he was still, he could finally feel how cold it was, how the chill sank into his bones. His hands were still hot, tingling from her touch, and it was like everything he’d felt for Yukito but amped up to the max. “I didn’t think it’d be so hard,” he muttered, half to himself.
 “It’s always harder than you expect,” Tomoyo answered knowingly and he opened his eyes to catch her sympathetic gaze. It was like she knew everything and he wouldn’t be surprised if there was magic in her lineage too. “Need help?”
 She offered her hand and he stared at it. It was tempting. Beyond tempting. He was tired of feeling flustered, of trying and failing on his own. Looking past her, he watched as Sakura quickly rushed toward them, concern on her face, giving her best like she always did. Even with Yukito, no matter how clumsy she got around him, she tried her best.
 How could he do anything less? Taking Tomoyo’s hand, he shook his head as he stood up. “I can do it.”
 “Are you okay?” Finally caught up, Sakura braked hard and stopped right in front of him. She scanned him, her body bobbing up and down as she checked all of his limbs before determining there were no wounds. “I’m sorry!”
 Despite himself, his body stiffened automatically. “I-it’s fine.”
 “Really?” Sakura prodded his head gently, still looking for an injury. “Maybe we should get helmets.”
 Her finger grazed his ear and it was too much, way too much. Knees weak, he collapsed again.
 “Syaoran?” Sakura gaped in horror.
 By this point, Meiling had finally pushed her way to their side of the rink and she reached down to touch his forehead. “He feels feverish.” She frowned. “Maybe he’s sick?”
 “In a sense, he is, but it’s nothing to worry about.” Tomoyo winked at him. “Sure you don’t want any help?”
 He’d be lying if he wasn’t reconsidering his stance.
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thenovelartist · 5 years
Falling for the Dork, set 4
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11.      Facetime
When Alya went on a trip, she and Marinette would text back and forth and then maybe call once. Marinette did not desperately miss her best friend and feel lonely.
Apparently, Adrien was different.
It was because she had a crush on him. It had to be. There was no other reason for it. She was just one of those overly clingy girls that needed to learn what personal space was.
Adrien was on a two-week long trip, and he was four days into it. She could buck up for ten more days. She could get a grip.
It wasn’t… that long… of a time…
She reached for her phone.
Hey, she texted. Just thinking of you and hoping your having a good time.
There. A text. They could text about the day. That was okay. Not her clingy need to see him.
Too bad that her heart rebelled, racing when she saw those three bubbles meaning he was responding.
I’m hopeless, she thought. But when she saw his next text, she realized she was plenty okay with that.
Adrien was being ridiculous. He knew it. Friends were able to stay apart for days on end and not have the desperate need to see each other. He would see Marinette when he got back. No big deal.
So why was he reaching for his phone?
Before he could type anything out, he saw that there were bubbles on her end of the text thread. His heart fluttered in his chest, excitement suddenly racing through him.
And when he finally saw the text, he beamed. What a coincidence! He texted back. I was just thinking of you too :D
The little dots appeared on his screen, and he waited eagerly for her response.
Miss beating you in UMS
Adrien laughed. I don’t miss that XP
He was a liar. She always did this little victory dance when she won, and it was one of his favorite things in the world to watch.
Can I facetime you? He texted on a whim.
There was silence for a while, and Adrien thought he royally screwed up. But then, his phone rang with a facetime request. From Marinette.
He instantly answered. “Hey!”
“Hey,” she said with a grin. Her chin was propped up on her forearms and it looked like she was already in bed. “How’s the trip?”
Adrien rolled over, laying down on his pillow and holding the phone above his face. “Fine,” he said. “There are good moments and a lot of boring ones.”
“It’s what happens when dad has a business trip. I’m used to it.”
“Still sucks.”
Adrien couldn’t disagree with that. “Yeah. Oh well.”
Marinette asked about all the good details of his trip, which Adrien was happy to recount. And in the end, they ended up chatting for two hours.
“It’s late,” Adrien commented. “As much as I want to stay up talking with you, I should go to bed. Early morning.”
Marinette hummed, but it was clear she was disappointed. “I understand. Can… can we do this again soon?”
“I’d hope so,” Adrien answered maybe a bit too quickly. “I’ll text you?”
“Yeah, sounds good.”
“Good night, Marinette.”
Marinette smiled, waving at him through the phone in an almost shy way that somehow tugged at his heart. He wanted a screenshot.
He almost caught one.
“Sleep well, Adrien. I’ll talk to you soon.”
And with that, she was gone.
Leaving Adrien to stare at the ceiling in disappointment for a good while before finally drifting off to sleep.
 12.      “Adrien’s Girlfriend”
IF the sake of her heart, it was a really bad idea to agree.
But when had she ever been able to say no to Adrien.
Hence why she was here, in a fancy ballgown dress she’d designed, attending an event hosted by Gabriel Agreste
As Adrien’s date for the evening.
The limo stopped in front of Adrien’s house, and Marinette got out on her own before the chauffer could open the door for her. She pushed the skirt of her dress­—full from many layers of tulle—out the door before stepping out of the car.
The night was warm thanks to the ending of summer, and the light breeze caused her hair to flutter on her bare shoulders. It had been daring to go strapless, but in the end, it made Marinette feel much older than she was. Like she was a beautiful, capable young woman who was worthy to stand beside Adrien.
Halfway to her walk toward the front door, Adrien appeared in the doorway.
Her breath hitched, and she froze. He cleaned up so nicely in that perfectly tailored black suit. His hair was tamed and brushed to the side in a stylish fashion, and he was missing his glasses meaning he must be wearing contact lenses.
And he was the most handsome man she’d ever seen.
“Wow,” were the first words out of his mouth as he slowly approached her. “You… you look… wow.”
Her face was warm, and she doubted it was from the heat of the night. “You look handsome yourself.”
“I’m nothing compared to you.”
The words slipped smoothly out of his mouth and caused her heart to ramp up its pace yet again. Only then did she realize the problem with wearing a strapless dress: if she were to blush deeply, the top of her chest was on display, meaning everyone would know just how flustered a certain young man caused her to be.
She regretted the strapless decision.
“Well,” Adrien said, regaining his composure. He extended an elbow towards her. “Shall we go?”
With a small, embarrassed smile, she wrapped her arm over his elbow. “We shall.”
“Before we go in,” Adrien said, a blush spreading on his own cheeks. “I… should probably warn you that there was a little misunderstanding, and before I could correct it, half the people there believed that my…” he cleared his throat. “My girlfriend would be my date for the evening.”
Marinette felt her blush deepen. “O-oh?”
Adrien gave her a sheepish smile. “Are you okay with that? Or should I tell everyone you suddenly were ill upon arrival.”
She was fine with that because she wanted to be that. Not that she could say that to Adrien. “That’s fine. It will keep the women off your back, right? Which is why you wanted me to attend in the first place.”
Adrien’s smile softened as he looked down at her, and Marinette wanted nothing more than for him to look at her with that smile much more often. “Then let’s go, milady.”
It wouldn’t be until much later that Marinette realized that the only reason everyone thought she was Adrien’s girlfriend was because Adrien had never bothered to correct anyone for the mistake in the first place.
Her heart wasn’t quite sure how to take that.
 13.      Good Luck
He was on a roll with the cat puns. He was feeling kinda punchy this morning, but then again, that might be the coffee talking. He and Marinette had stayed up until the wee hours of the morning to finish a project that took a little longer than it should have. Now, Adrien was running on a double shot of espresso and maybe four hours of sleep.
“You know,” Marinette began in a tone Adrien couldn’t fully distinguish. She was either fed up or teasing him. “This nickname is way overdue, but with the excessive cat puns and cat puns on shirts, I’m going to start calling you ‘kitty’.”
Marinette nodded with just enough sass for Adrien to know she wasn’t teasing as much as she was fed up. Or maybe tired. She, too, was running on a mocha with a double shot and four hours of sleep. “Especially when you wear something like that, nerd.”
He looked down at his t-shirt—his favorite anime kitty one—for a while. “You know,” he admitted. “I’m kinda shocked it took you this long, too.”
She rolled her eyes. “Come, kitty, kitty. We have class.”
Adrien took the new nickname in stride. But one thing bothered him quite a bit. “I don’t have one for you.”
“Good,” Marinette grumbled.
“No,” he whined. “Not good. I don’t have anything cute to call you.”
“My name for you is not cute,” she said, her voice a little too growly to be teasing.
He ignored it. “Of course, it is. You gave it to me.”
In an instant, she turned bright red. “Dork,” she mumbled, quickly turning away.
“You know what this means, right?” Adrien pressed as though he didn’t just cause her to go beet red for who knows what reason.
“It means I get to think up one for you.”
“Why?” she whined.
“Because you’re my little good luck charm and you deserve it.”
Again, she spun away. Okay, that time, he knew why she blushed.
“Aww. Is my little good luck charm embarrassed?”
“Back off, dork.”
“No way. Not when I have to give a cute name to my little lucky charm.”
“Adrien,” she whined.
“Oh, I’m sorry,” he said with a smirk. “Am I embarrassing you?”
She hid her face in her hands and groaned.
Adrien felt rather proud of himself. “Come on lucky, let’s go.”
“Noooooo,” she whined.
“Don’t like that? What about ‘little ladybug’?”
“Why are you doing this to me?”
“You’re as red as one. Oh! What about bugaboo? No, you’re classier than that. Milady? No, too formal. What about—”
He stopped. Her face was red, but it was more than that. Her eyes almost looked glassy.
He took it too far.
“Sorry,” he said. “I… I’m sorry.”
She bowed her head, arms crossed over her chest and making her look small.
He sighed. Draping his arm over her shoulders and pulling her close, he led her over to a more secluded spot of the school. “Lack of sleep and caffeine catching up to you?” he asked in a low tone.
She nodded.
“This isn’t the first night you’ve pulled that, huh?”
She shook her head.
“That’s what I suspected,” he said, pulling her close for a brief hug. “How many nights?”
“All week.”
“Sewing project?”
“No. This one.”
Adrien stopped dead in his tracks. “What do you mean?”
She sighed. “I mean I’ve been working really hard to get this done.”
Adrien’s brow furrowed. “Was it too much?”
“No!” she snipped, stomping her foot in a childish gesture. “It was just… I couldn’t get it.”
“Mari,” he whined. “Then why didn’t you ask me for help?”
“Because! You were always busy with your stuff or working on your half of the project and doing other things and…” She trailed off, her lip quivering.
He curled her close to his chest, rubbing her back in soothing motions. “You should have asked. And next time, please do, okay? This isn’t healthy for you to run like this and I’d rather stay up a little later to help you than have you stay up way too late too many nights in a row and have you crash like this. Understand?”
He felt her nod against his chest.
“Okay,” he said. “Come on, princess. Let’s get to class.”
There was no teasing in that comment as he curled an arm around her waist to tuck her to his side and guided her through the hallways.
They walked in silence on their way to class, but Adrien stopped outside the classroom before they entered. “You okay now?” he asked out of concern.
She didn’t look up at him. “I like that name.”
It was a whisper. One Adrien barely caught. “What name?”
“Princess,” she answered, sliding out of his hold. “It almost sounded like you meant that one.”
And with that, she scurried into the classroom.
Leaving Adrien with a blush on his own cheeks. “Princess, huh?” he murmured to himself. “I like that one, too.”
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lorei-writes · 4 years
People I’d Like to Know Better
Aww, I got tagged by @datenoriko . Let’s do this!
Birthday: March 13 ( it’s somewhat awkward sometimes, because I never know what to answer whenever somebody asks me for my age if it’s before my birthday - the most accurate answer would be my actual age, but the more useful one would be to round it up. Either way, I’m almost 20).
Zodiac: Pisces! (And I can’t swim and have been terrified of water since forever).
Last song I listened to: Take This Lonely Heart - Nothing But Thieves
Okay, stay with me there. Disclaimer: I do not do all of that stuff all at once. I do not know why it is that, but my hobbies have always followed fixated pattern: find something you like and do nothing else in your free time. I do not want to brag here, I’m just really passionate about those things! + I’m babbling way too much.
Math - I absolutely adore math, especially logarithms and trigonometry. There’s nothing more satisfying that finding a solution to a problem, even if it’s “using a cannon to kill a mosquito”, as my tutor says. That being said, I usually studied on my own (the majority of my classmates at high school just oftentimes needed more time than I did. I did have a private tutor - it is a really common thing in my country - but I usually had the general idea of the concept before the class and we’d just solve the tasks I didn’t know how to tackle). Because math is just like that! It makes sense! I feel safe doing math - if I can see enough examples, then I’ll probably be able to come up with a pattern and the solution. However, there’s a single problem with math ^^”” I had a very bad posture and could sit studying well... 6 hours at school + 3-5 at home (+private tutorial depending on the day)?^^””” It wasn’t all math, but it certainly did increase the amount of time I’ve spent like that... A couple of years of that and you know how I injured my spine ^^”” It was really bad, hehe, I could hardly write ^^” The first physician I’ve seen also didn’t diagnose it right, so I had to take a year off to somehow figure it out ^^””
Writing - I LOVE WRITING. I think I’ve started doing it when I was 11? Although it’s probably hardly noticeable, since I had never written stories in English before, haha. I usually write fantasy, because the word building aspect of it is just so enjoyable. Other than that... I am this unfortunate kind of writer that can’t lie ^^” I always have to research everything, otherwise it doesn’t feel right at all! I most probably always am overly optimistic in regards to economic stuff, but yeah, overall I tried to read up. Recently I’ve been EXTRA excited by how different English is when compared to Polish! I hope one day I’ll be able to convey the same raw emotion in both of them. And that I develop muscle memory, so that I don’t make so many typos!
O, and there’s some actual I-have-looked-it-up-stuff in my stories (spoilers): Had it happened in the future, part 2 - I know a person who has lost an eye in a very similar way, Dragon’s Treasure - technically, those are the symptoms of a poisonous hemlock... Poisoning. Gash, it sounds so stupid. Either way, it doesn’t grow in Japan (but it does in China, India, almost the entire Europe), so I put up the “it was exported” hypothesis. Either way, the funny thing in the story is that we still don’t have an antidote for it, so Torakikumaru was literally saved by the fact that he wasn’t hungry after stuffing himself with candy - yes, the konpeito he shared with Nobunaga. The boy just didn’t ingest enough of the plant for it to be lethal. Together? That’s how untreated hypothyroidism looks. I hope to write more stuff including some small details like that ^^” O, yeah, I was also really happy with how the Judgement day turned out! I don’t know if you’ve noticed, but I’ve referenced the Exodus there ^^” Well, more precisely, Exodus 34:14, per verse. Though I’d say that that what happened before is also kinda important - the golden calf and so on.
Yes, I’ve been on one shots rampage since I’ve started this blog. 
SEWING - I’m self taught seamstress! I make mostly backpack and cute bags, but I can sew some simple clothes just as well ^^ Recently I’ve been doing some easy fixes and mending, but I hope to make a flat lined skirt in near future. Now that I finally have my hand back, I want to WORK. I also do embroidery. 
Crocheting & Loom Knitting - I’m not the best at either of this, but it’s soo calming. I oftentimes crochet when watching something - I actually can do this and still read the subtitles, so I can watch anime!
Languages - it’s low-key embarrassing, but I can only speak Polish and English ^^” I know some very basic French and Japanese as well, but yeah, I hope to learn more about those. Preferably, I’d like to understand written and spoken Japanese without much trouble. Though I like to just listen how others speak about languages just in general - what are the grammar rules, etc. It’s so fascinating!
Biology - I kinda cheated on biology (well, and chemistry) with math, but I still do love it. I especially like reading about the engineering of human body - how it evolved, what are the flaws in the “design”, how it all works. And for some reason, I like the long words. Just the long words. And since I like to know what they mean, people at school assumed that I was smarter than I was - like, nope, dear, I just read about random stuff and get VERY excited when there’s just a single tiny tineey chance I can infodump somebody.
Drawing - I used to draw portraits before my spine injury ^^” I was kinda decent at it, but yeah, well... Spine. Couldn’t hold the pencil. I’ve lost most of my skill now, but I’m slowly coming back  to it. I love coloring things with alcohol markers. They blend just so beautiful. I also paint with acrylic paints aaand want to learn more about watercolors! 
History - Eh, kinda random, but I watch a lot of stuff about how the daily lives of people in the past were - how did they do the laundry, how was the soap made, how did women deal with their periods, how did the underwear look, etc. I’ve read an amazing book on women in Medieval times! 
CATS - everything cats. Literally. From cat related goods, to actual products for cats - litterboxes, cat litter, anything. I like researching cat behaviorism. That’s probably good tho, because I have three lovely little cat ladies ^^
Otome games - I write only for ikesen, but I’m playing ikevam too. I played ikerev, but gash, the game crushes all the time! :C Other than that, I’ve finished Masamune’s route in SLBP and it was enjoyable - it is only that the colour scheme of the interface makes my eyes burn. I do not mean to say that it is ugly or bad, it just hurts me - not in metaphorical sense, it really, literally tires me out and makes the experience unpleasant. I know it’s weird.
Last movie I watched: Oh. Em. The thing is, I do not know ^^” I plan to watch some Ghibli movies on Netflix, but haven’t got around to it just yet ^^” I don’t remember when was the last time I’ve watched a film other than that - I just can’t focus for long enough. Or I get too excited. Long story short - you don’t want to watch a movie with me. You really don’t.
Dream job: Teacher! I would want to teach math. I’ve seen far too many bright minds go dull because the parents couldn’t afford the private tutor and that is just sooo wrong. However, it means getting stuck in a dead end job and becoming the private tutor after the school - teachers are gravely underpaid in my country and frankly, I don’t know if I will be able to afford to become one. 
Meaning behind URL: None. I just like Masamune & keep here all my stuff and the stuff I like. It makes me happy ^^
Tags: @missjudge-me, @fairstival, @nad-zeta , @metroidgirl0234 ! Hope you guys don’t mind ^^” If you don’t like the tag game, feel free to ignore it.
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Pink + White
anonymous said: Hey lovie, I was wondering if i could get a Ben Imagine where the reader and him are early into their relationship and she has some narly scars on her thigh from some bad teen years and she sreally self conscious about it so she always keeps her legs covered but one day she forgets and Ben sees and asks her about it and is just really sweet and understanding and comforting, please and thank you xxx
(a/n: not writing smutty ben is... wild to me. anyways pls ignore layout i'm having to do this completely on mobile and it SUCKS. a short, sweet sunday instead of sinful sunday srry hehe)
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Your flat smelled of bacon and pancakes, aromatic and purely early-morning scented as you cleaned up your mess from breakfast. It was a Sunday, and you planned on going over to your boyfriend’s to surprise him once you’d gotten a chance to shower and get dressed – after all, it was your one month anniversary today. But, you were craving pancakes and bacon, so of course you had to make yourself some first. If you showed up to Ben’s and hadn’t eaten, he’d probably go full mother mode and try to make you a four course breakfast.
He was such a doting boy, so concerned with your well-being, and he was always constantly checking in on you and making sure you were feeling healthy, loved, and appreciated. Maybe it was in his nature, or maybe he was just making the extra effort to be a good boyfriend, but in any circumstance, you appreciated it through and through.
Sitting the last of your dishes in the drying rack to the left of your sink, you wiped your hands off on the dishtowel before stretching and resolving to head to the shower now. As you were headed down the short hallway to the bathroom, however, your doorbell rang.
“Who in the hell?” you murmured, tugging down your pajama shorts so they covered more leg subconsciously as you walked to the door. When you swung it open, you were greeted by a slightly sleepy, but very smiley Ben. He was holding a bouquet of flowers in one hand, and you couldn’t help but smile widely and blush at the sight of him. “Ben, I didn’t know you were on your way over!“
“Happy one month!” he replied cheerily, holding out the flowers as he stepped over the threshold into your flat, kissing you respectfully on the corner of the lips before shutting the door behind him. “Sorry I just showed up out of the blue, I got antsy and couldn’t wait any longer.” You took the bouquet from him as he spoke, admiring them before smiling up at him and nearly falling over from the look of excitement on his face. “Do you like them?”
“Love them, Ben,” you replied, going up on your tiptoes to give him a quick, affectionate kiss, then turning to head to the kitchen to get a jar to set them in while you were out today. As Ben leaned against the doorway and watched, you filled the jar with water and hummed happily to yourself, so pleasantly surprised that you completely forgot you were still in pajama shorts.
Since you and Ben hadn’t really gone that far yet – although there had been some makeout sessions that had teetered dangerously on the edge – Ben hadn’t seen you in anything shorter than a knee length skirt. So, when you turned around to bring the vase back over to the kitchen table, Ben was stunned to see the irregularity of the skin on your thighs. He wasn’t appalled, per se, but he was mildly concerned as he ran his eyes over the scars that littered the area.
When you sat the jar on the table, Ben’s eyes snapped back up to yours, and he was relieved to find that you were blissfully unaware of the fact that he’d been staring. Sending you a soft and convincing smile, he held his arms out for you and you giggled as you walked right into them, letting him pull you into a tight hug.
“So what d’you want to do today?” you asked, resting your head on his chest as he swayed back and forth with you, despite the absence of music. Resting your hands on his back delicately, you kissed his chest as you did so, then closed your eyes and nuzzled your face right into where you’d just kissed.
“I was thinking that we could just be lazy for a while, then go out for lunch?” he murmured, kissing the top of your head. “M’kind of tired, honestly.”
You grinned at the slightly embarrassed tone he took on as he admitted that, but you decided that a few hours of resting and being turds on a log wouldn’t hurt. After all, it was spent with him, so it was no time wasted. “Your wish is my command.”
“Isn’t that was guys are supposed to say, stereotypically, of course?” he joked in a dimwitted tone, and you rolled your eyes playfully as you pulled away from the hug, tugging him out to the couch.
“Don’t force your gender roles on me.” Ben threw his head back and laughed as you plopped down on the couch, tugging him down with you.
“I’m just joking. It actually physically pained me to say that,” he chuckled, laying down on his side and wrapping his arms around your waist, pulling you close so you were face to face with him. Your leg was propped up around his hip in a non-sexual way as you two began to talk, just rambling on and on about anything under the moon and not really getting much rest at all, despite your initial intentions. But suddenly, when you were talking about some fun high school memories, the conversation took a quick turn into something that made your stomach turn in seconds.
“I mean, I tried to be nice, but I think she really genuinely hated me. I’ve never had a teacher kick me out of class more,” he laughed, his hand resting on your hip and fingertips tracing circles into your skin as you listened, smiling softly.
“I’m sure she was just trying to make a better student out of you,” you countered, and Ben rolled his eyes as he laughed, shaking his head.
“If sending me to the hall for dropping a paper and picking it up makes me a better student, I should have been valedictorian.” A small giggle left your lips, and Ben’s lips curled into a grin as he slid his hand down your thigh. When his thumb grazed over one of the scars on your upper thigh, you could feel your blood run cold, and the look on your face must have said it all, because Ben’s smile disappeared from his face in an instant, his eyes dropping to his hand. “Y/N, I’m sorry,” he murmured, looking back up at you after a moment. “I didn’t mean to make you uncomfortable.”
“S’ok,” you mumbled, your stomach doing flips as you tried not to cry in front of Ben. Even if it had been years, you were still ashamed of the scars that served as constant reminders you of who you were. You weren’t that same person anymore, but you still had issues seeing past the scars when they were right there, broadcasting to yourself and everyone that you hadn’t exactly had the best teen years. “You didn’t know.”
“I mean, if it isn’t too much to ask,” he replied softly, returning his hand to your hip as he watched you carefully, gauging your reaction, “I’d like to know. But I don’t have to, it’s up to you.”
As his hesitant, curious eyes scanned your face, you were quiet. This was a subject you didn’t know how to breach with him, and it took a lot of courage for you to clear your throat and reach down, taking his hand in yours. “I won’t go into specifics right now, because it’s a lot, but let’s just say I was a different person as a teen. I didn’t have the support I have now, and I didn’t have a wonderful boyfriend who cares about me more than I’d ever deserve.”
“You deserve even more than I can give you, silly,” he gently admonished, kissing your knuckles as you watched him. A sweet, mild smile came back on to his lips, and he squeezed your hand before leaning forward to kiss your forehead. “And I respect that. You can tell me whenever you’re ready. No hurry. Could be today, could be in 50 years, and I’d still adore you.”
“God, why are you so sweet? This is so unfair,” you murmured, laughing once before burying your face in his neck to hide the blush that was on your cheeks, as well as the tears that were threatening to make an appearance. But you managed to hold back the tears, instead pressing a soft kiss to his jaw before nuzzling his cheek. “What factory did they make you in? You’re one of those perfect boyfriend robots. I’ve been set up.”
Ben’s chest rumbled with a laugh as he pulled back to look at you, a fond look in his eyes as he scanned your face once again. “Nope, sorry, no factory or robot. You’re just stuck with regular, plain ol’ human Ben.”
“Stuck with? That’s a load of shit if I’ve ever heard one.” The tone of your voice was almost incredulous as you replied, making Ben laugh again before he squeezed your hand, then let go of it so he could crawl up off the couch and help you up.
“Let’s go get some lunch, yeah? Then you can see again how messy of an eater I am so you’ll believe I wasn’t factory-made.”
Taking his hand when he offered it, he pulled you up to your feet, then let go of your hand as he nodded over to the tiny outcrop just outside a sliding door in your living room that passed as a balcony. You took that as a sign that he was going to take a smoke break, and you nodded before heading down the hallway, but he stopped you after a second.
“Can I pick out your outfit?” he asked, sounding genuinely embarrassed to be asking such a question, but you only grinned, nodding quickly before heading off to the bathroom again.
When you were done with the shower, you wrapped your towel around your head, also wrapping one around yourself before tiptoeing into the bedroom. Ben was crouched down over two different outfits, still pondering when you came in, and the look on his face was almost hopeless as he tried to decide.
“So which one am I wearing, Mr. Fashion Designer?” you asked, looking between the two and marveling at his impressive ability to coordinate. The only catch was that the two pieces he’d picked out for the bottoms were both skirts, and you didn’t recognize one of them. The other, you knew went down to your knees, so it was no problem, but the other one looked like it had probably been gathering dust in the back of your closet for years – it made you wonder if you even fit into it anymore.
“I’ll let you choose, I’m stumped,” he grumbled, seeming upset at his inability to decide, and he stood up to step back and let you take a look at the two.
The skirt that you recognized was a plain black one, and he’d paired it with a striped red tee that had the sleeves rolled up. With it, he’d put a black beret that you barely wore, but it blended well with the theme, and you nodded in appreciation.
The second one was a shorter skirt, and it was a light pink tennis type, probably from years ago. He’d paired it with a simple white button up tee, and as you looked over it, he brought over a pair of white Converse that he’d dragged out of your shoebox. Looking up at him, you smiled softly and took the shoes from him, holding them to your chest as you nodded to the pink skirt. “I’ll wear that one.”
He looked beyond ecstatic that you picked the tennis skirt, and you knew why. As covert as he was trying to be, you knew the tennis skirt was definitely an attempt by him to take a step towards becoming comfortable with what you’d just discussed. It wasn’t too short, like the pajama shorts you’d just been wearing, but it was just long enough to barely reveal anything. So, it wasn’t making you go through baptism by fire. It was a baby step, and you felt your heart do a few flips at the thoughtfulness as Ben picked up the other outfit, putting it back where he’d found it before leaving you in your bedroom to get ready.
The faint smell of smoke left with him, and you stared down at the outfit, taking a deep breath. “Well,” you breathed out softly, picking it up and moving it to your bed as you started to get ready. “Here goes nothing.”
When you finally walked out to meet Ben in your lounge, the look on his face wasn’t anything less than the mushiest affection you’d ever seen. “Ready?” he asked, standing up from where he’d been watching videos on his phone. Nodding, you took one last glance at the flowers on the table, a knowing smile playing at the corners of your lips as you realized they matched the pink of your skirt.
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