#light of my life and one of my favorite people in the whole world <3 you are so dear to me <333
kellystar321 · 2 years
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"You're not protecting the emerald too well if the thief is sitting on top of it."
"Well! You're not stealing the emerald if the protector is sitting on top of it too."
"Sounds like an excuse to sit here with me~"
"Obviously not."
HI @darling-has-a-smol-heart HAPPY BIRTHDAY!! i love you so much, here are your blorbos :> <33
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wynnyfryd · 8 months
Trailer Park Steve AU part 4
part 1 | part 2 | part 3
He doesn’t talk to the Munsons much. (Doesn’t talk to anyone, really, aside from his mom and Robin and that one older woman who keeps renting and returning Gone With The Wind as an excuse to leave her house.) He keeps his head down and his nose clean, doesn’t care to make friends with the neighbors; just wants to get by.
One day Eddie approaches their door, waving a gas bill that got mixed up in their mail, and Steve greets him pleasantly enough.
“Stab anyone today?”
“Eat glass, Harrington.”
So it goes.
Steve watches the world pass and the weather turn, lets the hours bleed into weeks and squeezes his eyes shut against the flashbacks when they threaten to overwhelm.
Things with his mom are weird.
They don’t really speak, preferring to shrug their way past each other with careful, tight-lipped nods, and his mom takes these pills the doctor gave her that keep her perfectly pleasant and calm. Silent. Physically present but not really here.
And he can’t imagine how it feels to be her: Florence Harrington, ripped from the comforts of the upper crust and left to rot in a tin can seven miles across town. She spends most of her time letting out weary little sighs as she swans from room to room, drifting like a shade on the banks of the River Styx. (He can make that reference now because Robin won’t shut up about mythology. “It’s so gay, Steve. The Greeks were literally so gay.”)
Shit’s weird with the kids, too. He still drives them around — lets them loiter at Family Video when it’s slow; hangs around when they need a ride to the arcade or the movies or the skating rink; and he’s still on the hook for ‘ice cream. for. life,’ so…
It’s just not the same.
Like. Not to be dramatic, but who the fuck is Steve Harrington without the house and the pool and the free-for-all fridge? Just some kid with a car and a bat and a punchable face. And he can barely afford to keep the car now, anyway, so pretty soon they won’t need him for that, either. They’ll learn to drive; they’ll get their own jobs. Maybe Lucas builds enough muscle to take over as the party tank.
Maybe it’s better if he shelfs himself now before they realize he’s become obsolete.
“Oh, my god, you’re being pathetic,” he groans to himself. His voice is muffled where he’s lying face down on the couch. Ridiculous behavior, because everything is fine; Steve is fine. In the grand scheme of things where there are monsters and melted corpses and all kinds of crazy, horrible shit?
He’s being obnoxious. It’s a lovely sunny Saturday afternoon with just the right Autumn breeze going — gentle but cool; long sleeve polo weather; his favorite kind — and he’s sitting inside throwing himself a pity party.
Fucking absurd.
…Five more minutes.
Just five more minutes, then he’s getting off this couch.
He gets to a minute and a half when he hears the crunch of tires against the gravel, the clanging of a little bell from the handlebar of a bike, and then:
And that’ll be Dustin, trying to bang the door off the hinges and piss off the whole park at the same time. Kid’s nothing if not a multitasker. Steve lets another aggrieved groan loose into the couch cushion.
His mom’s out with the car; the lights are all off. Maybe he can just play dead ‘til Dustin leaves? He loves the kid, he really does, but his left ear is full of static, and he just wants to fucking sleep. Or sulk. Or both.
Jeeeeesus Christ. “Okay, chill,” Steve grumbles as he hauls himself upright and throws open the front door. His limbs feel like lead; there’s drool on his chin. “Wake the whole goddamn neighborhood, why don’t you?”
“It’s two in the afternoon.”
“Yeah, and half the people here work nights.”
“Oh-kayy,” Dustin drags out the word, “but you don’t.”
Ugh. Whatever. He’s not gonna be shamed by a toothless teenager for his depressing loser tendencies. “Did you need something?”
Steve scratches at his belly hair through his shirt, feels a muscle twinge in his shoulder and send a spark of nerve pain skittering up to the base of his skull.
Dustin either doesn’t notice or doesn’t care that Steve’s body is falling apart where he stands, because he just rolls his eyes and says, “Uh, yeah. I need to know why you’re avoiding everyone? Mom’s tried to invite you to dinner six times now.”
“I was working.”
“All six times?” Dustin glares. Steve feels a little pinned by it, feels guilt seeping through the cracks as he fidgets with his bad ear. This kid’s gonna be the scariest lawyer some day. “She’s worried.”
Guilt squeezes hard behind his ribs; he knows Dustin uses his mom as a mouthpiece for the feelings he can’t express. “I’m fine,” he sighs, letting his eyes and voice go soft. “Honest.”
Dustin holds firm, gaze fierce and fists clenched. “Bullshit,” he insists.
“Man, don’t—”
“Bull. Shit.”
Suddenly, their impromptu interrogation gets interrupted by a crashing drum fill, a shriek of electric guitar as Munson’s van squeals into the lot. He’s blasting some melodramatic metal shit about wizards or whatever; Steve doesn’t know. He only knows that the skitter of nerve pain he felt is ramping up to a fullblown migraine now because this guy has to listen to his racket at full fucking volume, apparently, and isn’t this all just “fucking great.”
part 5
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mariclerc · 5 months
Dreams and adventures by the sea | Charles Leclerc
Hello, this is the first time I write here and I like the idea of making several stories! English is not my first language so there are some translation errors, if you see one, please let me know!
Synopsis: Where you and Charles are fully enjoying the summer break with your little girl and you discover a recurring dream that he has.
Warning: None, just a little Charles fluff and Charles!dad/family man. I hope you like it <3
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Sunbeams dance on the turquoise water, palm trees sway gently in the breeze. Charles Leclerc, tanned and carefree, chases a giggling Mollie along the shore. Her tiny pink swimsuit with flamingos glistens in the sun's rays as she squeals with delight and her tiny footprints disappear into the sand as the two year old girl scampers.
"Catch me, Mollie-mouse! Catch Papa!" He said as he chased after Mollie, they were running in circles.
"Dada! Dada!" She shouted with joy in her voice.
Charles scoops her up, spinning her in the air, the sea shimmering behind them. She throws her arms around his neck, burying her face in his shoulder while she giggled.
"Careful, you two! Don't turn into sandcastles before lunchtime!" You called to them from under a beach umbrella as you smiled.
Charles grins, his eyes crinkling at the corners. "Just practicing our pit stops, amore. We have to be ready for next season."
He plops down beside you on the sand, Mollie wriggling between you like a happy starfish. You carefully brush sand off her damp hair, her tiny fingers clutching at your necklace.
"This is the life, isn't it? No deadlines, no cameras, just family and sunshine." You said with a bright smile on your face, it had been a long time since you two had been so relaxed with your favorite people in the whole world.
"Except maybe less sand in the sandwiches, hmm?" He said while nuzzling your neck.
He winks, then reaches for a mango smoothie. You roll your eyes, but the corners of your lips rise. He's never learned to apply sunscreen, and his olive skin is already freckled with a toasty glow, but he still looks cute, as always.
"You look like a tomato patch, Charles. Don't you ever learn?" You rolled your eyes playfully at him.
"Sun's my natural fuel, amore. Makes me look like a Ferrari on the track, don't you think?" He said while shrugging his shoulders.
Mollie reaches for your smoothie, her tiny hand leaving a sticky trail. You laugh, handing her a small sip of your smoothie.
"Just don't blame me when you're peeling like a banana tomorrow."
"Wouldn't trade this sunburn for anything, not even a podium finish." He said with a smile, probably the most sincere smile you've ever seen.
He pulls you close, your skin cool against his heat. Mollie snuggles between you, her eyelids heavy with the sun and the sea. You watch the waves roll in, the sound like a lullaby.
"This is the best kind of winning, isn't it? Just being here, with you, with her."
"The only trophy I need." He said as he placed a kiss on your forehead.
He rests his head on your shoulder, and you close your eyes, breathing in the salty air, the warmth of the sun, the tiny, rhythmic pulse of your daughter's heart against your chest. In this moment, the world shrinks to just this small patch of paradise, a bubble of love and laughter, and you wouldn't trade it for anything.
Back on the yacht, the sun dips lower, painting the sky in fiery hues of orange and pink. Mollie, tired from her beach adventures, yawns and snuggles into Charles' arms. He bounces her gently, singing a soft lullaby that sends shivers down your spine.
"She's out like a light. All that beach air must be exhausting." You smiled as you looked at them.
"Don't worry, amore. We'll have plenty of time for adventures tomorrow. Tonight, it's just you and me." He said in a low voice so as not to wake her.
He winks, his eyes glinting with a familiar spark. You laugh, your heart skipping a beat each time he winks at you.
"And don't think about asking me to help with sunscreen again. You're on your own, tomato boy." You said jokingly.
"Hey! I resemble that remark. Besides, your touch is like magic SPF, amore. Keeps my skin smooth and my engine purring." He pretended to be offended by your words, but then he giggled like a teenage boy.
He pulls you close, your lips meeting in a kiss as sweet as the mango smoothie. The fire crackles on the deck, its warm glow illuminating your faces. The ocean laps against the hull, a gentle rhythm that lulls you into a world of your own.
"I love this, Charles. Just being here, with you and Mollie, although she is asleep, on the open sea. It feels like we're the only two people in the world." Did you whisper delicately.
"We are, chérie. We definitely are." He kissed your forehead with such care.
He leans back, his gaze sweeping across the vast expanse of water. He usually has a vacant look when he is very lost in thought or when he is thinking about something quite deep.
"You know, sometimes I dream about what it would be like to leave all this behind. The racing, the pressure, the fame..." he let out a soft sigh "You know, spending my days with you two without worrying if you're okay while I'm on the other side of the world."
"And become a beach bum? I'm not sure Mollie would appreciate the sand in her toys." You raised an eyebrow as you spoke and giggled slightly.
"No, no, darling, something simpler, you know sweetie... Just a small house by the sea, maybe a little vineyard...a family to raise. I know we've talked about this before, but I'd like to experience that quiet life with you." He said chuckling.
You have had this conversation a couple of times, especially the time you got pregnant, at that time you were 23 and he was 24 and you both had no idea what to do, you were very afraid. He at that time proposed the idea of leaving his racing career behind and focusing purely on you and Mollie, you obviously told him no, since one of his dreams was always, apart from having a family of his own, was to be a racing driver and leave a mark on the sport. You, for your part, when you told your parents that you were expecting Charles's baby, it was perhaps the worst thing you would have said to them, They did not take the news kindly and even told you to abort the baby, but obviously, that was not in your plans, you also wanted a family with Charles, he was always the ideal person for you. Since that exchange of opinions between your parents and you, they never spoke to you again and you did the same and honestly, it was better that way for you and your family.
Now looking back, you didn't regret that decision, on the contrary, you were grateful that it was like that since you knew how judgmental your parents are and how much they criticized you for the slightest, Charles could also experience that the times he went to visit you at your parents' house, they were not very nice to him, it doesn't matter if you had been dating for a long time.
He looks at you, his eyes full of longing. You reach out, tracing the lines of his pretty sun-kissed face. He gives you a small smile, the cutest thing you've ever seen, of course... Aside from your little Mollie.
"We already have that, Charles. We have everything we need my baby."
"Everything except maybe a little more time. Maybe a little less asphalt and a little more sand." He said as he pulled you closer to him.
He kisses you again, this time a slow, burning kiss that speaks volumes of unspoken dreams and shared desires. In that moment, you see a glimpse of the man behind the racing helmet, the boy who yearns for simple things, for a life built on love and laughter. The boy you fell in love with since you were 18 and the one who ensures the safety of his girls.
"Maybe you're right, Charles. Maybe next season, we'll find a different kind of track to conquer. One that leads us back to this very spot, with the sun on our skin and the sea in our hearts." You smiled at him.
He looks at you, his eyes filled with a promise of forever. You know, deep down, that this is just the beginning. The open sea is not just a backdrop, it's a symbol of endless possibilities, a life waiting to be written, together as a family.
And as the stars begin to twinkle in the darkening sky, you raise your glass to the future, a future painted with the colors of love, laughter, and the endless horizon.
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nexysworld · 1 month
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Summary: Mediation between your lawyer and prosecutor leads to an unforeseen outcome. Pairing: Corrupt Prosecutor Nanami x Fem Reader x Corrupt Defense Attorney Higuruma Tags: NSFW, MDNI, Smut, Dubcon, Unprotected Sex, Threesome, Breathplay, Kinda of petplay?, Puppy as a petname, Mentions of abuse (not from nanami or higuruma), Rough blowjobs, Light Bondage, Spanking, Rough sex
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A/N: This was a comm for one of my favorite people @d10nyx. Love them, love this, had so much fun writing it. @dollfacefantasy @kaitkatme Thanks to the both of you for beta reading for me. <3
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You eyed the blonde man staring you down across the table; Kento Nanami, his gaze hadn’t left you since you were toted into the room. He made you nervous, incredibly nervous. You knew his reputation, he was a cutthroat prosecutor with a near impossibly high record of convictions. His name had been all over the news at least once every few months for as long as you could remember. 
Despite all the things you’d read or watched about him, he’d never seemed that scary to you – at least not until now. His cordial demeanor when he patron-ed at the bakery where you worked was very different from the tactful and cold persona that sat before you in the small and dreary room. 
“You needn’t make this more difficult for yourself. We have all the evidence we need for a conviction, you know as well as I that if this goes to trial - “ “That’s not possible.” You countered, not letting him finish his statement. “Because I didn’t do it. I would never hurt him, I loved him. We were going to get marri -”
It happened faster than you expected, the quickness in which his hand collided against your cheek, head turning before you could even register the sting. Instinctively you tried to bring your hand to your likely-now-red face, stopped mid-movement by the cuffs that were locked onto the table. Stunned, you stared at the blonde man, eyes watering, mouth open. 
He’d readjusted in his seat, face neutral again. “I’d be careful if I were you. Trying to assault the prosecutor right before your mediation wouldn’t make a very good impression on the judge.” “But I didn’t, you struck me, I was -” “After you tried to bite me when I was offering the courtesy of showing you the paperwork.” 
Once his words sunk in you glared at him, trying desperately to regain your composure. “Why are you doing this to me? What did I ever do to you?”
He didn’t reply. You assumed he was just convinced of your guilt like everyone else seemed to be.
The day you were arrested was one of the worst of your entire life. It started with you on the phone to the police, your boyfriend having not come home the night before. The afternoon spent calling family members once the police told you the body was found – and the evening, worst of all, being cuffed and tossed into the back of a police car in front of his family. 
Despite how numb you felt being booked into the local jail – the thought of prison hadn’t even crossed your mind. You knew you were innocent. You knew it was all a mistake. Just like you were told your whole life, the police would find the real killer, you’d go free and could return to your grief. 
How naive you were. 
It sunk in how real things were on the second meeting with your court appointed attorney. Hiromi was a nice man, you’d been childhood friends separated by time but you’d heard just as much about him as you had Kento over the years. But your hope was shattered when he began discussing trial tactics and making you recount your story to him ad nauseam. Despite your pleas for him to understand your innocence, the most he would offer was an exhausted smile and a follow up about how it’s not him you needed to convince. 
Once you realized the world thought you were guilty, the panic and frustration had set in. 
Now here you were, before the very man accusing you, and all you could do was look him in the eye as he did as he pleased. 
The door behind you squealed as it opened, you weren’t able to turn and look, but you knew it could only be one person – your lawyer. He tossed a manilla folder onto the table, the metal chair next to you squealing against the cemented ground as he took a seat.
“You’re late.” Nanami stated factually. “Not a good look for your client.” “I would say assaulting my client’s not a very good look for you, Nanami.” He retorted, eyes shifting to your cheek. 
The blonde prosecutor didn’t acknowledge Hiromi’s statement, choosing to look at his watch instead. “The judge will be here in about two hours, if you want to talk about mediation we should do it now so we have something to submit. Unless you’d just prefer the trial.” Hiromi bounced his leg doing his best to hide his thinly veiled frustration. The tension between both lawyers was palpable to the point that it sent a chill down your spine. “Actually, there are a few things I wanted to discuss with you.” Your lawyer slid the folder across the table. “We can start on page one.”
Nanami stared at the offending compilation of papers, before humoring the opposing man and flipping through it. Something was off, it was apparent by the way the man tensed up in his seat. His eyes narrowed as if he was trying to bore a hole right through the folder. He tossed it to the floor, papers scattering all over the place. He’d lost his composure. Kento Nanami lost his composure for the second time today.
Hiromi crossed his arms in his seat, a smug smile tugging at the corners of his mouth. “Didn’t like what you saw? Can’t blame you, don’t think the judge will like it either – or the jury at your trial.” “What?” You asked confused, looking between both men, not having a clue to what was going on. 
Nanami’s jaw clenched, his fancy shoe tapping against the ground as he drummed his fingers on his leg. “The only thing I couldn’t figure out is why?” Hiromi continued the silent conversation the two of them seemed to be having out loud. “You have the guy killed, and you try to lock her up here...but to what end game? At first I thought it was an obvious case of jealousy, but then why would you try to put her away for life.” He mused, putting his hand to his chin in thought. “I guess it doesn’t matter now.” He shrugged. The overwhelming storm of emotions had your stomach twisted into knots. “You...why?” Was all you could sputter out. 
A moment of silence passed, Nanami’s pointed features relaxed slightly. “The goal was never to put her away. If not for your incessant meddling making things more complicated, I was going to offer her a plea deal that would’ve kept her out of prison.” “I’m still not following. Easily you could’ve pinned it on someone else if you just wanted him out of the way.” “He didn’t deserve her, and she can’t take care of herself.” Nanami rose from his seat, grabbing a fistful of your hair and painfully wrenching your head towards Hiromi’s. “Can you blame me?” He asked, using his free hand to pinch your cheeks together from behind. “Look at her. Doe-eyed, naive, and too fuckable for her own good.” You gasped at his words, squirming to get out of his grasp, but he ignored it. “I researched you too, you know. Hiromi Higuruma, a pain in my ass defense attorney, and this puppy’s childhood friend. I can see the way you look at her too. Tell me, you really think she should’ve been with that punk? His criminal history was a mile long.” Hiromi’s gaze locked onto yours, but he didn’t move to stop Nanami’s forcefulness. “So you’re trying to say this was what, to save her from her asshole boyfriend? From herself? There are a million ways to do that without, this.” “I disagree.” The blonde let go of your face, but kept his hand firmly entangled in your hair. “She couldn’t save herself from drowning in a puddle of water. She needed more than just a little help.” He leaned down, nosing at your neck. “You remember, don’t you?” “What’s he talking about?” “I don’t know…” “Yes you do.” His grip on your hair tightening. “Think real hard and tell him.” You wracked your brain to try and pull forward any recollection of what he was talking about. And then it hit you. “Ken asked me out.” “Go on.” “He came into my work every day for lunch. We talked a lot…he didn’t like the way my boyfriend had been treating me. He told me I should let him take care of me instead. I rejected him as politely as I could.” “That’s putting it mildly.” Nanami corrected. “Tell the whole truth, what was he doing to you.” You scrunched up in your seat as much as you could, tense from the feelings of shame washing over you. “He hit me.” “Once?” “No, a lot.” “But you said you loved him, didn’t you? That you’d never hurt him? A shame considering he clearly didn’t feel the same for you.”
“Stop.” Your voice was barely above a whisper, face scrunching up as you tried to will away the onslaught of incoming tears. “Enough. Let go of her.” Hiromi said, swatting Nanami’s hand away from you finally. The blonde complied, releasing the tension on your scalp. “I’ll admit that she’s always had a knack for getting herself into trouble. But morally, this is insane, you realize that right? Surely someone as smart as you is aware that this entire plan is asinine. She just as easily could’ve wound up in prison regardless of whether you wanted to plea her out or not.” “Perhaps.” Kento conceded. “But, I’ll admit, I’m not infallible, and I’d be lying if I said there wasn’t an amount of jealousy forcing my hand.” “Let me guess, if you can’t have her you don’t want anyone else to have her either.” “Something like that.” He drummed his fingers against the table in thought. Something about his demeanor had you on edge still. He was caught redhanded, and even admitted to it – yet he didn’t seem to care at all. “Tell me though, Hiromi – would you not do anything for her too? Look at her right now, doe-eyed and empty headed. Tell me honestly that you think she’s better off left to her own devices.” “Hey!” You tried to interject but found yourself pushed down and forward onto the table, arms locked beneath you by the cuffs. “What are you doing?” Hiromi stood, nearly kicking the chair back behind him. “Proving my point. She’s not even struggling, so easy to overpower. How long would it have been until he killed her - or the next felonious garbage takes her for themselves. Do you want to see her that way, Higuruma?” The hand that wasn’t pinning you down made its way to your orange pants, squeezing your thigh gently. 
“H-hiro.” You whined, crooking your neck, trying to look at your lawyer. He was standing there, while his expression remained serious as if he were in thought, he hadn’t moved to stop the prosecutor from touching you either. The hand squeezing at your thigh tingled under his touch. 
Hiromi’s eyes moved from Kento’s hand to your face, he finally moved but it wasn’t to step between the two of you. He circled around the table, kneeling down to where he was eye level with you. “I have a question, it’s important you answer me honestly.” “You can’t be serious - while he’s holding me down like this?” 
He didn’t acknowledge your words, or the noise you let out as Nanami tightened his grip on you. “Why did you stop returning my calls?” “What?” “In college.” He added. “I had my theories, but I want to hear it from you. Why did you stop returning my calls, why did we stop spending time together?” 
Nothing was making sense, scared and confused, cheek painfully pressed against the cold table. You couldn’t comprehend why he was asking this right now.
“He asked you a question, pup. It’s rude not to answer.” Kento said, a sharp slap against your clothed ass made your eyes go wide. 
Hiromi was still looking at you expectantly, unfazed by the blonde’s harsh treatment. He brought his hand forward, gently brushing it against your cheek. “Focus on me. Can you answer my question?” “Because… it made him mad.” “Who?” “My boyfriend at the time.” “And you just had to do what he said, didn’t you? Always following instructions like a puppy.” Hiromi mused this time, ruffling your hair. “I hate to admit it, Nanami, but I think you’re unfortunately right about her.” He sighed, running a hand through his own hair. “Well now that puts us in a predicament, doesn’t it? What do you suggest to resolve this situation?” 
“I’ll tell the judge there was an investigative error and I no longer believe we have the evidence necessary to try her.” “And you don’t think you should answer for your crimes?” “I don’t, no. I saved our pup, you wouldn’t be here without my actions either.” “Fair point.” He conceded. “And after?” “After? I say we work together to make sure she keeps out of trouble.” “Wait a minute!” You finally found the courage to interject. “You two humiliate me and then talk about me like I’m not even here. I just want to go home.” As your brain caught up to you, you struggled against where you were pinned down, wrists sore from the metal digging into them, and the tension from your forced position. “Hush, no one has humiliated you besides yourself with your own bad choices. If you were listening then you’d know we’re discussing exactly that.” Kento said harshly. “No, you’re discussing me as if I were a child. I didn’t ask for any of this!” 
“Well you’re certainly throwing a tantrum like a child right now.” Hiromi added. “Be patient, let us work this out for you.” “I don’t need you to work this out for me, damn it! I didn’t commit a crime. I didn’t ask for either of you to watch over me. I don’t want you to. All I want is to be off this stupid table and left alone -  “ The pathetic sadness you’d felt a few minutes ago was replaced with anger and frustration. You weren’t the first girl to date a couple of assholes or to invest too much into a relationship. The whole situation was, as Hiromi previously pointed out, insane. You couldn’t even understand why he was suddenly going along with any of this either. 
“You’re only proving our point, you know. All this fussing and for what?” “I’m not fussing, I’m upset!” “The more you interrupt us the longer this will take.” “You’re being too nice. She won’t get it until she’s put in her place.”
Hiromi shrugged. “She’s already tied to the table, not sure how much more ‘put in her place’ she could get right now.” 
“I don’t need to be pu -” Another painful smack against your clothed bottom shut you up again. Before you could register it, he brought his hand down again, and then another time. By the time tears stung your eyes, threatening to spill again, he finally let up. Despite the humiliation, that familiar and needy aching feeling permeated your core mixed with the lingering soreness of the man’s palm.
Hiromi’s face contorted slightly showing that he wasn’t completely comfortable with the harsh treatment still. Something Kento picked up on easily. “Don’t worry. It’s not a punishment for her, look.” He commanded, yanking your pants down roughly. 
“I’ll be damned, she’s soaking.” Hiromi brought his hand forward, running two fingers down your panty clad slit. “Incredible.” His voice dripped with amusement and admiration. 
“Dogs love obedience training.” For the first time, you heard the same amusement in the prosecutor’s voice.
“She’s been locked up for what, several months now? No wonder she’s acting bratty, all pent up with no sense of direction. Poor thing. Nanami, would you mind if we paused our discussion? Just until our pup is sated.” “While I’m not one to reward bad behavior, I think it’ll help keep her quiet. Very well.” 
Before you could even process what they were suggesting or toss out another interjection, the lawyer had already begun, yanking your panties down to match the orange pants at your ankles. You could feel the warmth of his palms firmly placed on your butt as he spread open to get a better visual of your most intimate parts. 
He was as expert as you’d have expected with that way the flat of his tongue dragged against your clit. Your breath hitched, legs tensing as he lapped between your folds before swirling his tongue around your sensitive bundle of nerves. 
“Hiro.” You whined, cuffs rattling as you squirmed. His firm hands kept you in place as his mouth continued to work against your wet cunt. Warm slick began dripping between your thighs, drying against the cold air of the jail. 
“Poor puppy.” Kento added, “Wanting to move so bad, what you need is a proper leash, not shackles.” 
Too focused on the building pressure between your legs, and eyes squeezed shut, you could only hear the sounds of the handcuffs unclicking. The tension removed from your wrists was relieving.
Hiromi’s movements slowed, not enough to stop pleasuring you, but enough to just keep you from tipping over the edge. The crack in your voice amused Kento as it was his turn to touch your face this time, far more gently than earlier. “Push yourself up.” He commanded. 
You did as you were told, pushing yourself up by your arms. The man behind you stopped pleasuring your needy pussy to help get your knees on the table. The lack of contact between your now shaky legs made you whimper. 
 “Whining won’t get you anywhere.” Kento chided, tilting your chin up to look at him. You watched as he chucked his white suit jacket onto the chair behind him, before he undid that leopard printed tie he always wore. Hiromi’s fingers made their way to your slippery hole, pressing two in to the first knuckle with ease. Lightly he began thrusting them in and out, enough to make your muscles spasm, but not enough to help release the build up of pleasurable pressure or to satisfy the internal need to feel stretched. 
You lacked the words to be able to ask for more than that they were already giving you, slack jawed and panting. You felt like the dog they kept referring to you as - and you were starting to think they were right on the mark about it. 
The blonde before you wrapped the tie around your neck, giving himself enough slack to hold onto. “There, a proper leash for you, pup. Don’t you think so?” 
“Y-yeah.” You managed to sputter. 
“What do we say when we get a present?” He followed up. 
Hiromi’s fingers made their way deeper, curling upwards to hit that special bundle of nerves within you - the sensation knocking your thoughts out. In retaliation to your lack of response to his question, Kento yanked the tie forward. For a brief second the fabric tightened, the air cut off from your lungs, the blood flow to your head as you were jerked forward. It wasn’t a scary sensation like you would’ve guessed. It was startling, but your head felt fuzzy and floaty. “I asked you a question. I’ve already told you once it’s rude not to answer.” He released some slack back into the fabric letting you breathe again. The blood rushing back to your brain made you want to giggle from the sensation. “Th-thank you Ken.” 
“Good girl.” He praised. “Do you know what good girls get?” “A treat?” “That’s right. Looks like you can use your brain when it suits you.” The backhanded compliment went right over your head, too hot and aching now to process much. You nodded idly, a dopey smile making its way to your features. 
Hiromi pulled his fingers from your entrance, wiping the excess juices onto the outside of your bare leg. He leaned forward to press a kiss to your left buttcheek, right where the imprint of Nanami’s hand was left earlier even through your clothing. “Think you can take us both, sweetheart?” 
“I think so.” You tried to look at the man asking the question when you heard the sound of his belt being undone, but Kento yanked on the silk tie again, jerking your head back to focus on him. Expertly, the blonde used his free hand to easily undo his own belt, unzipping his pants enough to be able to pull out his half hardened erection. 
He pressed the tip against your lips as he stroked himself in slowly and evenly, enough to make the precum leak out onto your rosy lips and for it to fill out full. Darting your tongue out, you lapped the sticky liquid off over your lips before daring to run it along the source, moaning at the taste. 
You opened your mouth to try and take the tip in when the airflow was cut off again. He held the tie firmly, letting enough time pass for that familiar lightheaded feeling to come back, stars bouncing around your vision. “Ah, ah, not yet puppy. You can have your treat in just a moment.” 
He kept his hold on it tight, leaving enough space to finally let you breathe, but keeping the empty headed feeling. “Please, Ken?” Your voice was rough, talking against the yellow tie. 
“Give it a sec pup, it’s not a punishment, I promise. I just don’t want to overwhelm you.” Kento’s voice was unusually sweet as he spoke, or maybe it was the spots in your vision and drumming in your ears making you hallucinate. “He’s right.” Hiromi said, swiping the swollen head of his own cock along your length, swirling it around your clit. “Just trust us.” He pressed forward, prodding at your hole one last time before sliding in. The slick and saliva from his earlier actions made it easy for him to bury himself to the balls in one smooth go. “Fuck, you’re tight.” Unable to see him you could imagine the way his dark brows were furrowed, the way his hands dug into your hips. “Oh.” You rasped as he began sliding in and out in deep slow strokes, letting you feel every detail of his cock as your walls squeezed down around him. “Good girl.” Hiromi praised, removing one hand from your hips to gently pet down your back. The words of approval made your tummy feel warm and full of butterflies. His cock was long and thick, each time it brushed against your cervix you swore you could feel it in your ribs. So full, so hot. Head fuzzy. Everything felt so nice.
“Atta girl.” Kento said, running his length along your cheek as he watched your dazed expression. He pressed himself against your lips once more, using the tie to guide your mouth over him finally, letting you suckle on his tip. You took him eagerly, happy to have something in your mouth while Hiromi sped up the pace fucking into you faster from behind. The focus on the length in your mouth kept you grounded. 
You made sure to run your tongue down Kento’s length each time he snapped his hips forward into your mouth, carefully swallowing him as much as you could each time he hit the back of your throat. 
Hiromi’s hips positioned forward at a sharp pace, so quick your legs trembled with each movement. Your knees hurt and your palms were sore against the table. The hand he’d been using to sooth you, moved between your legs. He thumbed at your clit, it was a little rough and uneven given the rest of his movements, but the sensation was pleasurable enough to have you bucking back for more. “Easy pup.” He said, voice hoarse and labored. “She’s just sucking me in. Think she’s close.” “That true? You're going to cum all over the nice man’s cock?” Kento asked, not removing himself from your mouth. You mumbled as best you could around him in agreement. Kento kept a grip on the fabric around your neck, his other hand he tangled into your hair to keep you firmly in place as he dragged his cock all the way out until just the head was resting against your tongue, allowing you a proper inhale of breath. You panted, like a dog with a bone. Fitting.
Hiromi slowed the way he was fucking you so he could focus on gathering your juices onto his fingers to more carefully attend to your clit. His fingers rubbed it back and forth with a deliberate even movement. “Hiro.” You moaned, slightly lisped from the cock pressing your tongue down. “So close…”  “I know.” He replied, rocking his hips forward matching the pace of his fingers. The white hot tingling sensation was about to push you over the edge, straight to that delightful explosion of pleasure.
You watched Kento give a knowing nod to the dark haired man behind you. As you felt your core tighten, ready to burst, the blonde pressed himself into your mouth to the hilt this time. Your nose was buried in the soft blonde patch of hair, throat constricting around him as tears fell from beneath your lashes. 
You weren’t expecting him to hold you there like that as you came. The lack of ability to breath, speak, or even squeak forced your brain to focus on nothing but the euphoria of your cunt clenching around Hiromi. The waves of pleasure spread out from your core skipping down your nerves like fireworks, matching the stars flickering in your vision. 
Kento pulled out of your mouth, giving you only a split second before the mushroomy head met the back of your throat again, and again as he fucked your mouth with abandon. It gave you not a moment to recover from the exhaustion of jelly feeling racking over your body. If not for the grip on your hair you were positive you’d have fallen over and slinked off the table like human slime. Eager for your treat, you lolled your tongue out of your mouth, letting him continue to use you as he pleased. 
Hiromi’s nails dug back into your hips - the lawyer losing his own composure as he fucked you roughly. There was no longer a rhythm to his movements, he was frantic, chasing his own pleasure the same as the man burying himself in your throat with every moment.
“Good girl…good fucking girl…” They both took turns chanting out of unison. Neither was focused on the other anymore, only the pleasure they could take from your eager holes. 
Hiromi was the first to finish, slamming himself into you and holding you there while his cock twitched and shot his seed into you. He stayed for a moment catching his own breath, before sliding out, unplugging your hole. 
He whistled as he watched the white fluid dribble out of your hole, down your thighs and onto the table. “Messy, messy puppy.” He said half heartedly. 
Without the support of his hands on your hips now, your lower half sunk down in exhaustion, leaving yourself propped up on your hands. Drool and precum were cool against your cheek and neck as they poured out of the corner of your mouth, his balls slapping against your chin with his movements. He didn’t warn you when he was going to cum, but you could tell by how much he throbbed and twitched. With a painfully tight grip on your hair, his cock drooled at the back of your throat shooting his load. You did your best to swallow it all, trying to will down the desperate cough trying to escape, and failing. 
He pulled out quickly leaving you to sputter and cough, cum adding to the fluids already covering you. “Th-thank you.” You said between violent rounds of coughing, eyes watery and squeezed shut. 
He pulled the tie off completely. “Next time, make sure you don’t waste any.” He said, but it lacked the usual bite of his tone. “You’re welcome.” The hand that had made the roots of your hair sore, gently patted your head, guiding you to lay down. 
Exhausted you didn’t move from your spot on the table, catching your breath and relaxing. Too tired to care about the feeling of being messy. You heard the two of them re-buckling their belts, and righting themselves.
“Hmm we should probably get her cleaned up.” Hiromi said. “Sloppy little slut.” Kento said with a sigh. “Let me go meet with the judge, you get her looking presentable again.” “On it. I’ll grab her stuff from booking too.” 
The metal door opened with a horrendous squeal, almost dragging you back from your twilight state. It stirred you enough to lift your head, watching Hiromi grab a few handkerchiefs from his briefcase. “Shhh.” He cooed, dabbing at your face with the soft cotton fabric. “You did so good for us.” He praised, wiping away as much of the mess as he could before moving between your legs. “Don’t worry, once you’re home we’ll get you properly cleaned up.” You groaned lightly, at the soreness between your legs, grateful though to be dried and re-clothed, lifting your hips enough for him to pull your panties and bottoms back up.
“Hiro, I’m tired.” You mumbled against the table. “Close your eyes then. We’ll come get you when we’re done, ok?” He took his jacket off, folding it up and tucking it under your head as a makeshift pillow, covering you with Kento’s that had been discarded on the chair. You curled in, both their spiced and citrusy colognes melding together. The warmth of your new bedding and tiredness from the events had you unconscious in seconds, not even moving when the door squealed again, indicating Hiromi had made his way out of the small meeting room.
 “Sleep tight, pup.” 
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pearlesscentt · 9 months
in the comfort of shared proximity
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── inspired by taylor swift's lover ; "and at every table, i'll save you a seat, lover."
wonwoo x reader, established relationship, fluff, 558 words
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in the years that you had been together, wonwoo had formed a habit that never fails to touch your heart and soul. like a traveler following their north star, he unfailingly gravitates towards you. as though there was no other place on earth that is better than the spot beside you; like every seat, every corner, every inch of space in this world was meant for the two of you to be together.
at dinner parties, where the room is buzzing with people you know, he would navigate through while slowly making his way around the smalltalk, but his destination is crystal clear. he would slide into the chair next to yours, as if the other ones don't quite hold the same allure. there, your fingers would brush against his, and that delicate touch was enough to form your own little bubble amidst the sea of chatter and laughter.
"my favorite spot," he'd always say, his voice is low and quiet, as if it was a secret that nobody else could be a part of. and as he smiles, you could feel right then and there, your heart growing double in size.
during nightfall, in the tranquil embrace of your shared bedroom, you often sit side by side with only the soft glow of your bedside lamps. the pages of your respective books are illuminated, and for a moment, the two of you get lost in different worlds. but then your shoulders brush — a subtle reminder that no matter where life takes you, you have a home and a bed and a person to fall back to.
"you're right," he'd murmur, breaking the silence as he traces shapes onto his page, "this book does remind me of us." and under the low light, you glanced at him. he looks so peaceful. there is truly no place and no feeling better than this.
even on those long nights when hunger suddenly strikes and nothing is as appetizing as a bowl of cereal, you find yourselves on the kitchen floor. it's 3 a.m., the whole world is deep in slumber, the soft crunch of cereal and your hushed exchange of memories is music to your ears.
through fits of giggles, he'd say, "this is a five-star dinner to me." and with that, you spent what felt like hours, just telling each other stories in between spoonfuls. this is your own slice of the world and you make your own rules.
but it's not just in these specific moments that define his affinity to be close to you. it's in the intimacy of your fingers intertwined with his as you watch a movie on the comfort of your couch. it's in his proximity that anchors you amidst the chaos of a crowded room. it's in the way he seeks your skin in his sleep, his hands reaching out to your touch because it's the warmth he needs, even under the softness of your shared blanket.
every instance with him is an echo of love. it reminds you that for him, every moment is a chance to bask in your presence. with wonwoo, there is a seat for you at every table, not out of habit, but out of love — a love that treasures closeness even in moments of silence and revels in the happiness that is found in simply being together.
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svt masterlist | navigation ── reblogs and feedbacks are highly appreciated !
© 2023 PEARLESSCENTT. please do not steal my works.
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cinnbar-bun · 2 months
Would you be willing to write what kind of fan would ace, sabo, shanks, and law for the reader!! I loved your last one!!!
You got it dude! Sorry for taking so long.
Ace, Sabo, Law, and Shanks- Reversed AU HCs
AU: In which YOU are the character of a very famous franchise, and they are regular people who are fans of your series.
Note: GN!Reader, crack, very unserious, SFW
Part 1 with Straw Hats here!
Broke ass guy who can’t afford anything for you minus like, a bootleg or something small. Has buttons of you. 
Highkey think he would be a menace and just wear something so off with you on it (you are free to decide what that looks like). 
If people ask why he’s got you on his phone or like a keychain of you, he just beams and responds that you’re the love of his life and refuses to elaborate. 
Lies, he WILL be elaborating and making it everyone’s problem. 
Marco wants him to shut up about it. 
Thatch jokes around often and makes cakes of you for Ace on his birthday or something. Ace refuses to eat it for like two seconds before he’s quickly trying to fight off the others from taking a slice. 
Whitebeard has not realized you’re fictional and still asks about meeting you soon… he just wants to meet the one his son keeps raving about. 
Ace has to lie and it becomes a whole ‘my partner is in Canada, actually they can’t see you now.’ 
Whitebeard is so impressed with the fact you travel all over the world <3 wow, you must be so worldly! 
Rich boy who I don’t think would directly get merchandise of you, but he would totally buy things that have your signature color or remind him of you. Very subtle things. I could see him buying one expensive figure of you, but otherwise it’s just subtle things he will proudly wear in public. 
Doesn’t have much time for gaming, so I don’t think he would be playing the mobile gacha games but he will admire the artwork and units of you. 
This is actually a partial truth, he had them at one point but was sinking so much money into your units that Koala had to step in and get him to stop this addiction. 
He’s been doing his best okay… but your alt unit is so tempting he wants to GET IT HE NEEDS TO GET IT LET HIM ROLL ONE MORE ONE MORE ONE MORE- 
Sabo’s phone is now under parental controls and he needs Koala or Dragon’s permission to download or buy any in-app purchases. 
But he’s like, so normal about this, okay? He doesn’t have a problem.
Likes to eat your favorite snacks or food on your birthday as a sort of ‘celebration’ of you. Again, pretty subtle things like buying a dessert you like from that one bakery, or ordering a meal that you ate one time on the show. 
On second thought I could see him having special editions of the manga, but that remains in his office never to be borrowed by anyone. 
“Why the hell would I be into this?” 
Acts like he’s above watching cringe animes when he’s got better taste in his consumption of media like House MD or Scrubs or something. 
But you know, he’s always getting dragged into silly shit with his friends so everyone is forcing him to watch this popular anime with over 1000+ episodes. 
Law feels like performing surgery on himself with no anesthesia at the sheer number of episodes. 
It isn’t until like 400 episodes in when you’re introduced and everyone swears they can see the light in his eyes return and he’s entranced. 
Suddenly this is his favorite show, although he refuses to entertain that. 
He totally has a few figures of you, but when asked, he just yells that they’re Bepo’s and he’s keeping them safe. 
The others know he’s not going to buy merch so they just buy him silly trinkets of you and he tries to keep lowkey and hidden so no one knows about his love for you. 
He’s not the same man he was 400 episodes ago. He still can’t decide if that’s a good thing or a bad one. 
But you’ve invaded and latched yourself into his mind and damn it, he’ll keep you there. 
Cringe but free. 
Buggy got him into this show (Buggy made a slip up once and has tried to deny that he’s liked this series since) and Shanks casually watches a few episodes when he’s free. 
Has a couple of figures that a kid Uta always wants to play with (hell no, put that shit back!!!) 
Lies to Uta whenever she asks who this figure is of and he dramatically will hold the figure of you and tell her this is, in fact, who her other parent is. 
Great job, Shanks, you weirdo. Of course, Uta knows when she’s older that he’s lying out of his ass, but when she was younger she was deadset on meeting you. 
So Shanks was forced to include her in his watches so she can see her ‘other parent’. Shanks makes wild stories when Uta asks why you’re in the TV and says you’re so so cool they just had to make a tv show about you. 
He’s the kind of guy who forgets Uta is a kid and whenever something super violent or adult happens, he goes ‘oops’ after a few seconds and shoddily covers her eyes, to the point she can pretty much still see everything. 
So both of them kinda get in a feedback loop where when he gets something, she wants it, and when she wants to do something, he’ll do it when it comes to you. 
You are a staple in that household. Shanks isn’t the best at maintaining your figures but he does remember to dust you off once in a while (mostly after Uta screams at him to keep it in good condition). 
He’s tried to get into the card game (Uta insisted), but he finds the rules too hard and difficult, so him and Uta made an easier version (which he often lies about to be able to win). 
His luck is crappy too when it comes to the blind packs, so when Uta got the rare card of you he was practically gonna wrestle it out of her. 
He’s also weird and rich enough to get any crazy or out there merchandise of you if he felt like it.
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jeonqkooks · 1 year
a fluff drabble ; 37 & 50 w the supernova couple:(
ways to hold the sun | jjk
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pairing: jungkook x f!reader prompts: "you wrote me a song?" + "this isn't adrenaline, i want to spend the rest of my life with you." rating: PG genre/warnings: established relationship, idol au; fluff, itty bitty angst (for the supernova peeps?! shocking :o); kissing, implied smut, jk rides a motorcycle, unedited bc yolo 🤷‍♀️ word count: 1.8k note: thank you so much anon for sending in this request!! i'm almost a year late to this but like i always say, better late than never right? lol. anyways, this request gave me the chance to wrap up their story with a neat little bow. i can't believe this is the last thing i'll write for supernova :( this series will always be one of my personal favorites and i'm so emo that i'm ending their story with this drabble. but, they'll always have a special, special place in my heart and i'll always love them <3
as always, i’d appreciate any thoughts or comments you may have, and please drop a like and/or reblog if you enjoy reading ♡
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How do you hold the sun?
The answer is simple.
You hold him with two arms wrapped around his waist - tightly, because it feels like he holds your life in the palm of his hand. In more ways than one, he does.
You hated that motorcycle that he loved so much, calling it unsafe even though he isn't reckless at all. He may be a daredevil sometimes, and the most adventurous compared to his hyungs, but Jungkook would never neglect his safety. He returns home to you every day, that's always his number one priority.
He'd convinced you to let him take you out on his motorcycle today, to this spot he knows just outside of the city to watch the sunset together. You'd been against the idea at first, but it was a losing battle and you were all too aware of it. Once he'd whipped out a pout and big puppy dog eyes, you knew you'd cave.
Now, as you sit behind him, holding onto him like a koala as the bike moves smoothly along with the wind, you're glad that you'd agreed to let him do this. The city grows smaller, and it feels like all of your worries seem more and more insignificant - manageable, like something you could easily overcome - by the second, until the whole skyline can fit into one single frame.
It feels nice, hiding in plain sight. The ridiculously chunky helmets that sit securely on your heads shield you from any and all outsiders. You can squeeze him as tightly as you want even at the red lights, and he can hold your hand without the fear of being recognized. To anyone else, you're just two lovebirds and a license plate. Two people in love. It's the most normal thing in the world.
When you arrive at your destination and he takes off his helmet, the radiance of his grin almost knocks you off your axis. It's ever-bright, filled with so much happiness that could make you cry for some reason. You'll never understand how a person can be the entire universe, so wonderful and spectacular and magnificent, but he is. He always will be.
There's that one poem that you hold close to your heart. Sometimes, when you retrace the words in your mind, you think it must have been written for you and him. "We deserve a soft epilogue, my love," it reads. "We are good people and we've suffered enough."
You aren't sure if you're a good person, but as he kisses you with so much love that must rival any other love in all of history, you think you do deserve a soft epilogue.
Your mother often says that good things should be repeated three times.
You and him.
You and him.
You and him.
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How do you hold the sun?
You hold him with your fingers intertwined with his, a soft smile on your face, and dozens of polaroids scattered across the floor.
"Just one more," Jungkook says, reaching for the purple Instax again.
"Stop!" you laugh, lightly pushing him away when he tries to point the lens in your direction. "You've said that twenty times in the last two hours."
This is a new hobby that he's taken up. Ever since Hoseok gifted him the damn camera, it's all that Jungkook has been doing. To say that he was obsessed would probably be an understatement. He snaps photos of everything and nothing, of his meals whenever you draw a heart on his plate with the mayonnaise, of the crescent moon outside the window at night, of himself as he makes silly faces at the camera.
But most of all, he takes photos of you.
He keeps so many of them in his wallet that the stack of polaroids dedicated to you is thicker than all of his cash, which is to say that there's a lot. He keeps one in the pocket of every coat, because he said every time he reaches inside for warmth and finds a piece of you there, it makes him smile and forget that he's even cold at all. You'd nearly melted when he told you that. It was so earnest and pure that it almost made you feel guilty for ever thinking there'd come a day where the adoration he had for you could fill anything less than the sky.
"Please?" Jungkook pouts, before pulling you closer and kissing your cheek sweetly. "I need just one more for my new coat."
At this point, it's not a matter of having enough polaroids for his coats anymore. It's a matter of having enough coats for his polaroids.
You roll your eyes with playful endearment, but you allow him regardless. It shoots pure serotonin through your veins when he grins. He lets go of your hands to hold the camera, immortalizing the grin that you mimic, a contented sigh leaving him as he takes the shot. He tells you he loves you afterward, like it's such a privilege to be able to have you at all.
No one ever warns you that when the sun holds you back, your heart will feel so full that it might just stop beating altogether.
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How do you hold the sun?
You hold him with your face tucked safely in the crook of his neck, his arm around your body, rubbing odd patterns on your bare back.
You're both calming down from the hour-long session of twisting around in the sheets on a lazy Sunday morning, your only witness being the sunlight that creeps in through the slit between your curtains. Jungkook hums a tune that you're unfamiliar with, and the soft vibration of his chest almost lulls you to sleep again.
"What song is that?" you mumble, your eyes fluttering close.
"Your song."
"Hmm?" You don't quite register what his answer, you already have one foot in dreamland already. "My song?"
"Wrote it for you."
And suddenly, just like that, you're wide awake.
He presses an absentminded kiss against your hair, like this is all just common information.
"Huh?" You push yourself up to prop your upper body on one elbow, looking down at him with a slight frown. "You wrote a song for me?"
"Yeah," he chuckles at your reaction. His other hand that isn't touching your back comes up to brush your hair away from your face, tucking it delicately behind your ear. If you weren't too focused on a different issue, you would blush, even though this is something he's done a million times. "I wrote a song for you."
"Be serious."
"I am serious."
"How?" you ask, unbelieving. "When? Why?"
"What do you mean how? It's literally my job," he laughs, pulling you flush against his body again. "Why? Because I love you. When? I started writing it after we first met."
"Jungkook," you breathe, full of teary-eyed affection as you press a kiss to his jawline, his neck, the top of his shoulder, anywhere you can reach while he's embracing you this tightly.
You repeat his name three times, then three more, then three more, until you're a broken record and he has to shush you with a kiss, one that makes your knees buckle even though you're already lying in bed.
If the world wanted to take him away from you again, you really wouldn't be able to survive. So you hold him desperately, thinking that you never want to let him go. Praying that the world will let you keep him this time.
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How do you hold the sun?
You hold him with all your might, even though you're blinded by how bright he shines. Even though he's the source of all life, and you're just a flickering light that can be snuffed out at any moment.
You're always the first person that he looks for. He runs to you at full speed, picks you up with his arms around your waist and spins you around despite your flushed cheeks indicating embarrassment as everyone - the staff and his members included - chuckles fondly at the sight. You can still hear the crowd out there chanting their names, still buzzing with postshow excitement. Jungkook is buzzing too, that much is clear.
You know he misses this - the stage, the fans, the bond he shares with all the people that adore him. It's in his eyes, the way they sparkle so brilliantly that could put stars to shame. If you were any good with words, you would write whole novels about the light in his eyes.
He presses you against the wall while everybody else carries on with their business. You suppose they're used to this from the two of you. The staff hurries to clear the set, moving equipment from backstage to the vans outside so they could finally wrap up an exhausting day. The boys shuffle wordlessly to their dressing rooms to wind down, to bask in the high that only the stage could bring them.
Jungkook peppers kisses all over your face, his nose bumping your skin as he moves from your forehead to your cheek, the bridge of your nose, to your jawline, to your chin, to your lips. You giggle quietly as you let him shower you with affection, the palpable love seeping through every kiss.
That is, until he says something that makes you stop breathing completely.
"Marry me."
You stare at him, dumbfounded, as you try to make your brain work again. His chocolate orbs stare back at you, and it feels like looking at the night sky on a cloudless night to find the entire galaxy twinkling, smiling down at you. It's unfathomable how you could be loved by someone like him.
"Marry me. Please, marry me." he says again, his fingers caressing your face like you're the most precious being he's ever seen. Before you can open your mouth to answer him, he continues, "This isn't adrenaline. I want to spend the rest of my life with you."
You know you're nothing compared to him who lies in the center of the universe. You will never be able to shine as brightly as he does, not even a fraction.
You know you're nothing compared to him, and yet, he revolves around you regardless. To the rest of the world, you're insignificant. You're merely a soul among billions of others. If you were to disappear one day, you don't think a lot of people would care.
But to him, you're everything. You're the reason he exists, you're his favorite person in the whole wide world, you're the only one who will ever have his heart, you're his soft epilogue. He doesn't dim his light for you, and he should never have to. Instead, he lifts you up. He makes you shine too, even if it's only the two of you who see it. It's only you and him, but it's more than enough. It's the only thing that matters.
So, the question remains: How do you hold the sun?
The answer, in the end, is simple.
You hold him with love.
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all rights reserved © jeonqkooks. reposting, translating and/or modifying is not permitted by any means. [posted 25.06.23]
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atinystraynstay · 5 months
Little Star - Lee Minho
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Synopsis: Saying goodbye is never easy. A bit of the weight of sadness is lifted thanks to your boyfriend, Lee Know. While he might not always have the right words to say, just being present with you meant more than words could ever be said. You were his world, after all. He would go to every extent he physically could to bring you comfort.
Pairing: Lee Minho x reader Genre: Angst - mourning and grieving, comfort at the end
Warning: mentions of death (pet) Word Count: 1.6k
Never before has Minho driven so fast. However, hearing the way that you spoke on the phone made it more urgent than ever that he was beside you. He didn't even say goodbye to the other boys.
"Wait what? Right now?" He spoke. He jumped up, eyes scanning around Chan's studio for his belongings.
Han could sense the urgency and helped Minho get his bag. All the boys were on standby, waiting to see what they could do for their friend at the moment. Chan already gave the nod to Lee Know that he could leave. Minho mouthed a 'thank you' as he remained on the phone with you.
"Y/n, sweetie, breathe. I'm coming, okay? I'll be there in 15 minutes. Wait no. I'll be there in 10."
You were in the private room towards the back. Your phone was on the countertop by the cotton balls, tongue depressors, and treats for patients. You were waiting for Minho to text you that he arrived, but you were trying to spend your final moments with your beloved pet.
The receptionist desk had turned on the electric candle at the front - a signal that silence was expected in the lobby. Seeing the light was on from the glass door, Minho tried his best to calm his breathing before walking in. He didn't want anything to stand in the way of getting to you, or upsetting you.
He swallowed the lump in his throat. The vet was one of his least favorite places. Being a pet owner himself, he knew how crucial the vet was. He just dreaded moments like this.
Approaching slowly, he looked at the receptionist who offered a friendly smile. "Hi," he said softly. "My girlfriend brought in her dog. Um, she texted me," he awkwardly said. Of course the receptionist could have an inkling why he was here, but it was just heartbreaking for Minho to say outlaid.
The receptionist nodded before standing up, gesturing towards the door towards the back hallway. "They've been waiting for you. Go ahead and knock," she said softly. Minho thanked her quietly, giving a small bow of his head before quickly walking in the direction of you. As he walked, the hallway seemed to stretch forever. He just needed to get to you.
Your dog was your whole world. While Minho wasn't necessarily the biggest fan of dogs, he had a soft spot for yours. Your dog greeted him openly, wanting to bounce and lick him with their tail wagging. Even though you had warned Minho your dog tended to be standoffish with encountering males. Minho seemed to be the exception, for you and your dog.
Minho also knew the importance any pet holds in someone's life. Soonie, Doongie, and Dori were the whole world to Minho. They were like his children, so he would go above and beyond for them. You felt the same way about your dog. This was a part of owning a pet that nobody ever wanted to get to.
You adopted your dog your freshman year of college. You were volunteering at the animal shelter when you began to take your dog on walks. You two had an instant bond that everyone at the shelter recognized. Before you entered the shelter, your dog would just lay around on its bed. it showed no interest in people who might want to adopt him. Until you.
When you appeared in front of the kennel, your dog showed signs of life for the first time in months. His tail wagged, and his ears picked up. It was a match made in heaven. Little did you know that you both would end up saving each other.
For the past 6 years, you and your dog had each other. 3 apartments, 2 major moves, 1 college graduation, a few guys coming in and out your life. Your dog quickly getting acquainted with Minho as he began to come around more solidified that Minho was the guy for you. I mean, you already knew that from the butterflies in your stomach and the way your cheeks heated up being around him. Your dog's approval of your new boyfriend was everything though.
That was 2 years ago. Last month, you noticed your dog was not showing interest in your evening walks. You figured it might have something to do with the change in weather. Sirens went off when your dog began to lose his appetite. Before, he was known to finish off the bowl in a matter of seconds. Almost like piranhas being fed. Your dog not even showing an interest in his kibble concerned you. You just never knew you'd end up here.
Once Minho reached the examination door you were in, he let out a breath he didn't even know he was holding. From the other side of the door, he could hear your sniffling which shattered his heart.
He knocked gently, not wanting to startle you, especially given the circumstances. He was here to support you, and help mend your broken heart. Not cause more damage. He heard you sniffling quickly, almost as if you were trying to get yourself together. He would have cracked a joke about it, but this wasn't the time or place. "Come in," you called out, your voice soft.
Slowly, Minho pushed open the door to reveal himself. You seemed to also breathe a sigh of relief at the sight of your boyfriend.
"Hi, sweet girl," he whispered. He stepped into the room, quietly shutting the door behind him. Usually, you would have thrown your arms around Minho. Not today. You stuck beside your beloved dog, who was looking at Minho was the saddest eyes while keeping their head against the cold metal of the examination table. Your hand was running along the back of your dog.
Seeing it was just Minho, you began to feel the tears fall from your cheeks. You watched as he kneeled down to by eye level with your beloved company. "Hey buddy, I know," Minho cooed. The sight alone was enough to bring you to turns. You saw your dog try to wag his tail, maybe getting from side to side once before stopping.
Knowing your dog was ready to go, it broke your heart. But it also meant that you were making the right decision. Even though you wished your go could live forever, you didn't want to be selfish. Finding the cancer mass on his stomach, and finding out how much pain he was in and would continue to be if you tried different treatments just didn't sit right with you.
Minho kissed your dog's head lingeringly. You couldn't sworn you saw tears forming his eyes which made more tears swell up in eyes. Minho was not the type that liked to show emotions so easily.
Keeping his hand by your dog's left ear, scratching the one spot your dog loves, he stood up to be by you. His free hand moved to wrap around your frame, pulling you in close. He pressed a kiss into the side of your head, squeezing you gently. You rested your head on his shoulder.
You weren't ready to say goodbye to your little star.
For a moment, it was silent between the two of you. There weren't words that Lee Minho could say to make you feel better. Whatever you did need though, he would stick by your side and provide for you.
Knock knock
Both you and Minho seemed to stop breathing. Your hands stilling on your dog. The door pushed open, revealing the vet who wore a comforting smile. Your vet admitted she was saddened by the circumstances. Your little star seemed to have captured the hearts of everyone who interacted with him. "I'm glad you could join us, Mr. Lee," she spoke softly. "Are you two ready?"
Prior, the vet had allowed you time to say goodbye to your dog. You also asked if it was okay to wait for Minho to arrive. "Whatever you need. I'll be around in a little to check in," was what she told you.
You both nodded your heads as you looked down at your sweet boy. He fought as hard as he could. "You can either stay or you can leave. Whatever brings you the most comfort." You immediately pick your head up to look at the vet, shaking your head. Your comfort right now didn't matter. There was no way you were going to leave your baby boy alone.
The vet understood immediately before stepping to the side, allowing the vet technician in. She gently pushed the cart into the room, carrying the needles and medication they would use during the procedure.
"We'll get started." The room was silent, it was still. You and Minho kept caressing your dog's fur, trying to pour in as much love and comfort as you could. You could not even given to fathom what might be going through your dog, but you sped you were easing some of the pain.
To help ease your own, Minho's thumb caressed your lower back. He continued to press kisses into the side of your face and head. His kisses melted into your skin. It made you appreciative for such a partner like him. He would travel the galaxy for you, and you would do the same for him.
You couldn't dare watch the nurse inject a needle into your dog. You kept your eyes on your dog's face, seeing as he didn't wince at the needle. He didn't wince or try to squirm away. You looked at Minho who was also looking at you.
You two had each other. Through thick and thin.
------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Author's Note: I wrote this lil piece after realizing it's been one year since my parents had to put down my childhood dog. I truly believe Minho would be the best person to comfort you during such a hard time 🩷
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fineghkst · 6 months
How Lucien acts around his mate
a/n: It’s been a while since I wrote anything so I’m posting this one before I give up. I will try to post more next week so feel free to send requests!
warnings: fluff; kinda suggestive; not proofread; english is not my first language so let me know if you find any mistakes
At the moment he finds out
Lucien felt the bond the first time he saw his mate. He was truly surprised, even shocked to be honest. Lucien didn’t expected to have a mate after what happened to Jesminda, he was actually afraid of having one and end up putting your life at risk by being connected to him. Lucien would be ecstatic and happy, but at the same time couldn’t help but fear.
How he acts?
He would be completely open about it and would probably just split it out as soon he has the opportunity. Lucien just wants to be with his mate and knows how important is to keep a clear and sincere dialogue. He really values honesty, especially when it comes about the bond.
Lucien is not the only one affected by it and even if you didn’t feel it yet, he doesn’t want to left you in the dark.
Will he tell anyone?
As I said before, Lucien doesn’t keep the bond as a secret. He won’t scream it to the whole world (since it’s not something that belongs only to him but also to his mate) but I think he would share it with his close friends (Jurian, Vassa and maybe Feyre) and also with Eris.
In short, he won’t try to hide it but in respect to his mate, he will kept it low until you’re comfortable enough to tell other people.
When his mate feels the bond
Lucien will definitely be insecure, he was opened about the subject since the beginning but once you feel the bond too he’s too scared you will reject him. I think he always would be around you, but if you rather not having his company he will give you all the space needed.
When his mate accepts the bond
Lucien got used to the feeling of rejection and somehow already waiting for it. Once his mate accepted the bond, agreeing to spend the rest of your life with him, Lucien was truly surprised and extremely happy, a type of happiness he thought he would never be able to feel.
That was the first time the light inherited from Helion reveled itself. He felt a joy that made the power overflow through his veins.
He won’t leave your side (and your bed).
Things he loves to do with his mate
Definitely traveling. Once the matebond was officialized Lucien just wanted to enjoy every second with you and above all, the freedom you both had. He didn’t want to be rooted in a court for a while and neither did you. So you both dedicate your free time on travels to other cuts and to the human lands, even those beyond the continent.
Lucien doesn’t actually enjoy having to wear a disguise to deceive humans, but there was nothing better in the world than knowing every piece of the world next to his favorite person.
Does he often gets jealous?
Is something rare to happen, but sometimes the matebond makes him a little possessive. When someone shamelessly hits on you, Lucien sassy personality would definitely show up (all I have to say is: poor guy who thought it would be a good idea to flirt with Lucien Vanserra’s mate.
Favorite body part
Your neck. Lucien loves to kiss your neck and to buy you jewels that enhance your skin. He also loves the way you react when he give small kisses or when he decided to use his hands as your necklace.
HE LOVES IT. Lucien loves to be feeling your skin against him so he doesn’t care if you are in public or not, he just wants to feel your skin against his.
How often he says “I love you?”
At the beginning it was harder for him to say the 3 little words, Lucien thought somehow he would scare you away once he said it, so he rather demonstrate with attitudes.
You were the first to say you loved him and once you did, Lucien realized how stupid he was being and started to say how much he loves you every day.
Lucien been through a lot and because of that, he’s always scared something bad will happen to you. I don’t think he would be the overprotective type but would insist that you learn to defend yourself, supporting you to start training with the Valkyries (and also become one of them).
Random bonus
When it comes to you Lucien is always open to any kind of conversation, no matter how difficult it is. He told you everything that happened in his past without censorship (you were the first person he felt completely safe for that).
He loves to hear you talk and always encourages you to always tell him when someone bothers you, setting your boundaries. Lucien becomes your best friend, not only your mate.
He’s also very open to try anything new on bed. So if you’re curious about something, Lucien is definitely down for it.
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wangxianficfinder · 2 months
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Fic Finder
Apr 7th
1. Would have been Lan Wangji/Wei Wuxian.
After the Sunshoot campaign and for some reason Wei Wuxian is in Cloud Recess and Lan Qiren discovers that they don’t have a core. But the lan clan had a technique to fix a lost core for others that had been attacked by others that could melt their core. @nikkiwhitecraft
I was the requester for #1.
I am sure that part of the story that Wei Wuxian and Lan Q had to travel, and that was when it was discovered that Wei Wuxian had no core, and Lan Q was annoyed he never said anything and the Lan Clan had a technique to restore a core that was lost/melted as the core melting clan was known.
Thats all I remeber
NOT FOUND Righteous at a Cost by thunderwear (G, 21k, wangxian, LQR & WWX, Canon Divergence, Fix-It, no one dies, LQR finds out about WWX’s core, WWX and LQR are friends??, In My Fic?, its more likely than you think, LWJ in the bg like whats happening?, Fluff, WWX goes to Gusu, Mutual Pining, Golden Core Reveal) Might be this? LQR discovers WWX lost his core, brings him back to CR & finds a way to restore it
2. Hey! Im looking for a fic where the jins got the tiger tally, and that they wanted to 'flood the world with vermillion light'. I remember that it was post-the first siege of the burial mounds, and WY was maybe dead? After which the other sects had to fight the Jins, and there was also something about the people wishing that WY was alive. Please help me find it! Thank you so much!
FOUND! I'm pretty sure this is the deleted "When the World Comes Crumbling Down, you Will Call my Name" by pft_a_Frog22. The archive link was https://archiveofourown.org/works/35867848.
the deleted fic for #2 can be found at the wayback machine here
3. Hi! I’m searching for a fiction on AO3 where Wei Wuxian is a Rogue cultivator, he founds Lan Wangji floating in a river/lake and saves him. Wangji don’t remember anything due to the trauma he has suffered and his core is damaged altogether. He had a severe injury on his back but when he recovers he starts to travel with Wei Wuxian, not knowing his brother is searching for him. Because of his poor health issues he breakdown with a fever in the middle of a hunt, far from everything, during this time Lan Wangji loses consciousness, Wei Ying is visited by a strange fox spirit, really creepy whom he made a pact with to save Lan Wangji life's. In the history, Wei Ying has an uncle that reach both of them to advise something, Lan Wangji discorver to be a really powerfull fox spirit, i think they call him Huxia or something like this, Wei Ying "dies" by the venom of a fierce corpse (most like become one of them) and is ressurected by the Jade Emperor himself, the Demon subdue palace is actually a palace and Wangji's mother was the previous Huxia.
I’m going crazy cuz I remember ALL the history, but not the name of the fiction.
I appreciate the help with all my little heart. ❤️ @myukisora
4. Hi, could you please help me find a wangxian fic? I apologize for the inconvenience, especially because i don’t remember much of the plot except select few parts of it and i dont remember if it was a thread on twitter or on ao3.
The scenes i do remember are as followed: Prior to this scene, wangxian might have had an argument or were avoiding each other because i dont think they had spoken to each other in a while. The scene i remember is WWX going to JYL’s place where everyone is gathered for a get together, wwx dotes over JL, going on about how he’s the favorite uncle. When he enters the living room, he sees LWJ on the couch, and sitting next to him is JZX half brother MXY talking to him. He thinks they are sitting a little too close and he gets a bit jealous but doesn’t say anything. I’m not sure if I remember it right, but i think people or mainly nhs kept saying how MXY resembles WWX, worsening the situation. Wangxian and their whole eye contact happens and everyone in the room is tense because of their interaction or lack their of. WWX suddenly goes to the bathroom, leaning into the sink…waiting and LWJ follows him in. They end up reconciling.
Thats all I remember, I know its not much, and i have been struggling as well because of it going through my bookmarks on ao3 and twitter. I’m hoping someone remembers this part as well and can mention the fic. Thank you!
Hi, the fic you mentioned is not the one :/ i am so sorry for the inconvenience. I can try adding more context. It’s the fic about WWX entering JYL’s party at her place and finding LWJ sitting on a couch with MXY. The scene is towards the very end so MXY’s presence is more of a cameo, he wasn’t present for the fic. WX might have a fwb situation that went wrong or it might be a lwj fucks fic. Lwj follows wwx to the br, its tense as wwx stares at him through the mirror but they both make up
NOT FOUND Talk Hard by DeviyudeThoolika (E, 161k, wangxian, LXC/JYL, JZX/WQ, JC/MM, Modern, College/University, Roommates/Housemates, rare pairs galore, Falling In Love, Getting Together, Separations, Getting Back Together, BAMF WWX, Drunk LWJ, Protective WWX, Good Parent YZY, Mutual Pining, Fluff, Cultivation Sect Politics, Hurt/Comfort, Slow Burn, Angst with a Happy Ending)
5. Hi,
I’m trying to find a fanfic where instead of Jin Zixuan dying to Wen Ning at the pass it was Wei wuxian who pushed him out of the way and died instead? I’ve been trying for ages and still can find it. Thank you!
neither of these are exactly what you described, but it might be
NOT FOUND! A Butterfly Flaps, A Sword Stabs by RadAceFriend (T, 37k, JZX/JYL, JZX & WWX, JZX & LWJ, JZX & JGY, JZX & JL, Major Characted Death, JZX Lives, WWX does not, background wangxian, Not Jiang Family Friendly, Sect Leader JZX, POV JZX, Canon Divergence, the horrifying experience of killing someone you didn't like much, and finding out that you're one of the only people you know upset about it, Wen Remnants Live, LSZ is a Wen, WangXian Get a Happy Ending)
NOT FOUND! in this place where we don’t have a prayer by Cerusee, Mikkeneko (T, 42k, WangXian, Canon Divergence, WWX dies at Qiongqi path, Demonic Cultivation)
FOUND! finding you always, all ways by BlueFrogs (T, 31k, WangXian, ChengQing, Reincarnation, Fix-It, Fluff and Angst, Happy Ending, Romance, Memory Loss, technically there is character death, but he comes back lol, Age Difference, due to reincarnation)
6. Hi, hope you are having a great day! Could you, please, help find a fic, which, I think, had a wangxian arranged marriage due to growing Wen threat, but honestly cannot remember the exact premise. But there was a scene where wrh manages to get wq married to lwj as a second wife, and wwx felt like he failed the Jiang-Lan alliance. And there was a big confrontation between wq and wwx, where she tells him the reason for the marriage was to save her family. And lwj might have been ill or cursed and wearing a mask (not sure).
FOUND? The deleted "A Price to Pay" by wangxianist.
7. Looking for help finding the name of this fic on ao3 I’m have trouble hunting it back down. Burial mounds settlement days canon divergence.
Essentially the premise is that the people living in Yiling often see Wei Ying taking care of and teaching A-Yuan by the river and a woman one day who was also there to wash her clothes asked him to look after her son while she was busy. This snowballed into Wei Ying basically running a little informal school out of Yiling where he teaches and just looks after any child that is brought there, including orphans and prostitute’s children which is kinda illegal. Lan Zhan knows and regularly visits. If the children show aptitude for cultivation they usually get sent to the Lan or (later in the story) the Jiang. The rest of the Wens kinda accidentally become a part of the Yiling community so much so that they all move out of the burial mounds and into the town proper. Because they’ve all left the mounds and disconnected pretty hard from the cultivation community they don’t even realize that the Jin’s sent people to attack the mounds. They found no one and declared to the world that they had slayed the rest of the wen dogs alongside Wei Wuxian. Jiang Cheng only finds out his brother is alive because he’s been informed that a small school in the Jiang territory hasn’t been paying taxes and when he goes to investigate finds Wei Ying safe and sound. @coffeehousefanfics
FOUND? Just as the Snow Melts by draechaeli (T, 66k, wangxian, JYL/JZX, SL/XXC, Everybody Lives AU, Canon Divergence)
8. Hello, could you please help me find a fic where Lan Zhan finds a number to call Wei Ying which Help? to people at night and calls himself patriarch yilin afterwards They (wei Ying and lan Zhan) meet in the university library
FOUND? Maybe You’re the Reason by Clearpearls (E, 67k, WangXian, Modern AU, College/University, Phone Sex, slight D/s, Secret Identity, Praise Kink, Phone Sex Operator WWX, he’s part-time though, slight internalized sexual repression, Fluff, Light Angst, Dirty Talk Orgasm Delay/Denial, Slow Burn, Sub LWJ, Bottom LWJ, Vibrators, Aftercare, Introspection)
9. There's an au where Wangxian are like murder husbands and it has very dark themes. It's a series but I remember one of the fics in it had a scene where a woman tries to get their attention so the other cuts off her body parts or something like that? Would you be able to help me find it?
FOUND? So Full Of Love (Wouldn't Know Where to Start) by witchupbitch (M, 63k, wangxian, Best Friends, Friends to Lovers, Fluff, Eventual Romance, Eventual Sex, Possessive LWJ, Protective LWJ, Blood and Violence, Killing, Idiots in Love, Humor, Mafia AU, Modern, Flirting, shameless WWX, Confident WWX, Explicit Language, Swearing, Mutual Sexual Tension, dark LWJ, Dark WWX, They're both twisted, Exhibitionism, Sex, Possessive Behavior, Unhealthy Relationships, Twisted and Fluffy Feelings)
10. Hey!!! Love your work!
Do you know of a fic where jiang cheng's younger self sort of takes over his future self for some while before going back and this repeats for some time? I remember a young jiang cheng talking to older wwx. Older wwx doesn't believe that it's really the younger jc so he asks him to ask about why wwx dislikes dogs (i think). Young jc asks young wwx and it's because www had a pet dog named 'doggie' who had turned on him during the winter. Sorry that's all I can remember
11. Hi, I dunno if my ask got lost in the mail but i was looking for a fic that had a line "lan wangji was a musician, he know how to make his hands do different things" in reference to one hand jackin wwx off and the other up his ass. if this sounds familiar lemme know please
12. Hi! I really am looking for this story in AO3 and still can't find it. It was about Wei Wuxian who got married to Wen Chao but Lan Zhan couldn't take it so he plans to take Wei Wuxian back by claiming Wei Wuxian each time he got (even in the wedding night of WWX and WC) and destroying the company of the Wens. As they (LWJ & WWX) continued the deed, WWX ended up pregnant and LWJ is more than determined to take WWX back. I do hope you can help me find this story. Thank you in advance!😘
FOUND? 姻緣 | this marriage was always predestined by saccharinings (E, 43k, wangxian, Cheating, Infidelity, not between wangxian, WWX is married and LWJ persuades him to cheat on his husband with him, Dark LWJ, A/B/O, Feminizing Language, Exhibitionism, Size Difference, WagnXian Have a Breeding Kink, Stomach Bulge, Possessive LWJ, Manipulation, WWX Wears Lingerie, Rape/Non-con Elements, for one part, Hair-pulling Kink, Alpha LWJ, Omega WWX, Mirror Sex, Vibrators, Phone Sex, Rimming, Edgeplay, slight choking kink, Light Bondage, Inappropriate Use of Gūsū Lán Forehead Ribbon, LJY's Big Fat Crush on Milfxian, Pregnant WWX, WangXian Endgame, Spanish Translation)
13. Hello! I've been trying to find a fic I lost on AO3 for a few days now so hopefully you can help 💚💚
It was canon-verse but an AU where lwj and wwx hadn't met and wwx was still the Yiling Patriarch. Someone has an idea to give wwx a "bride" and wwx picks lwj and he goes to live at the burial grounds with wwx and the wens. At some point lwj gets stabbed and almost dies and wwx reveals he picked lwj because he assumed lwj would be in on some kind of plan to spy on/hurt wwx and the wens but lwj wasnt a part of that at all. It had a happy ending but i cant remember exactly what it was. Pls help 🥺 i want it in my bookmarks soooo bad
FOUND? 💖🔒 love, in fire and blood by cicer (E, 360k, wangxian, Canon Divergence, YLLZ WWX, Arranged Marriage, political scheming, Gratuitous Domesticity, Mutual Pining, EXTREME SLOWBURN, the inherent eroticism of the forehead ribbon, The Mortifying Ordeal of Being Known, neither wwx nor lwj want to be Perceived, but sorry kids! it's gonna happen!, rated E but the the NSFW stuff doesn't begin until chapter 19!, bottom LWJ in chapter 20 and 27)
14. For the next fox finder
Pls help me find this fic where wwx and lwj are night hunting and wwx gets hurt badly lwj makes a deal with a spirit/god but in exchange to save wwx he will lose his love/ emotions (he only acts on what’s needed not on the things he like or is want)
Wwx ofc suffers because of this but is able to re awake lwj love after 3 years while he’s playing wangxian (( he has already lost hope lwj would recover his emotions))
15. hi! im looking for a post canon fic where jc sends a letter to cloud recesses saying that gusu lan owes him a debt since wwx married into the lan. lwj responds very angrily. it wasnt jc friendly and at the end of the fic, wwx finds a bitter letter from jc who dies alone. wwx and lwj live longer and happier lives. id love it if you could find it, thank you!
FOUND! The Price of a Golden Core by AshayaTReldai (M, 9k, wangxian, LXC & WWX, WWX & JC, Major Character Death, Angst, Tension, Aggression, JC pays the price for his choices, demanding letters, JC is a Brat, Supportive Lan Brothers, WWX deserves the best, Life Debt, Sad Ending, Sad Ending for JC)
16. Hi! So, I’m looking for an AO3 fic, Lán Zhan/Wei Ying, that I read what feels like years ago and I can’t find it again. I remember it is a bit of a dark lan zhan or dark cloud recess fic, with Wei Ying being brought to this ‘hunt’ type thing with a group of people. I believe all the people brought are given Lán Zhans scent, so that he may track them. I also believe that it’s not expected that the participants will survive, and they’re being offered a reward if they do. Please help me find it! @diabolic17
FOUND? 🔒 Five Fifteen by 3neetee (M, 11k, wangxian, rape/non-con, modern, ABO, alpha LWJ, omega WWX, mating runs, graphic depictions of violence, dom/sub undertones, light bondage, rape/non-con elements, dark LWJ, betrayal)
17. Hey mods! 💜
I’m pretty sure I found this fic on here but now I can’t seem to find it. I’m not sure if it was on a itmf or fic finder. But it’s the one where wwx takes a curse from some ghost in order for her to move on. It’s a curse where he can’t see or feel anyone that feels “strongly” about him. He assumes the juniors all either hate or fear him and I forgot what he assumed lwj. They say to break the curse he has to accept the others’ feelings. So he tried to accept the fact that jin ling hated him although jin ling did not mean what he said and was confused at how wwx reacted. I think lan jinyi was the one who figured out wwx couldn’t see them because he launched at him as if he was going to attack him and wwx didn’t flinch. In the end he starts seeing and feeling impressions of them until he can see them in full again. Please help? I’ve been through my history and bookmarks and all open tabs of ao3. No such luck.
Thanks for all that you do! @jikcf
FOUND! See Me, Feel Me (Listening to You) by Ghost_Honey (T, 29k, WangXian, POV WWX, WWX Needs a Hug, WWX’s Abyssmal Self-Esteem, Emotional Healing, Angst, The Juniors love their Senior Wei, Curses, WWX is an Unreliable Narrator, JC & WWX Reconciliation, Emotional Hurt/Comfort, Platonic Cuddling)
18. Hi! I’m searching for a fic that I’m pretty sure was a threadfic on twitter... It was foxian and dragonji, and LWJ came across WWX while he was in heat in a cave and they mated. WWX went back to Lotus Pier not knowing who he’d been with only to find himself pregnant. He has hybrid babies and LWJ eventually tracks him down and he turns out to be a prince or something? WWX goes to visit Cloud Recesses, still unsure about LWJ. There was also a scene when one of the babies gets snatched by an eagle or some other bird and LWJ saves them? I think that’s as far as I got, as it was a WIP at the time and I lost track of it. Thank you!
FOUND? Twitter thread by cerbykerby (wangxian, cw: dubcon, mpreg, memory loss)
19. Hello! Hope you're well! I've been looking for a fic like crazy and have not been able to find it, so hopefully you know it? It's a fic where instead of nie mingjue dying, nie huisang dies as a result of jgy and nmj attacks the cloud recesses because he blames Lan xichen in part due to him defending jgy. Please help me find this if you can. Thank you in advance!!! 🫶🙏🏼 @cherryblossom8
FOUND! Digging Graves by nirejseki (Not rated, 13k, NHS & NMJ, WWX & XY, wangxian, Revenge, Broken Moral System, Non-Graphic Violence, the masterless sabers)
20. Pls there was this one fic in ao3 , I was so looking forward to it but I lost it 😭😭😭I don’t know much about it but the summary was smth like Wwx getting pregnant and being in an island?? Shizui grows up and smth please 😭
FOUND? The Winner Takes It All by YilingSani (M, 46k, WangXian, Modern AU, Single Parent WWX, Old Friends, One Night Stands, No Smut, Angst with a Happy Ending, PTSD, Panic Attacks, Forgiveness, Second Chances, Inspired by Mamma Mia! (Movies) Teen Pregnancy, Mpreg, mention of miscarriage, Birth Trauma, amniotic fluid embolism)
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eliashirsch · 16 days
God Tier Top Gun Fanfictions. A Masterlist. (4/3)
More Top Gun fic recs:)) Different pairings ahead.
Winner Categories:
1. Best of the Best Authors (1/3)
2. Best of the Best Series (2/3)
3. Best of the Best Fics (3/3)
4. Honorary Mentions (4/3)
Honorary Mentions
gold rush by gamerring @asimmutableasgravity
All his life, Jake Seresin has wanted to live his life as loud as possible. So that when he dies, people can place flowers on his casket. When the light hits him, sunbaked and smiling and grinning. He's whole and happy and everything he could ever want. He bites down on his teeth. Later, he hunches over the porcelain, petals falling out of his mouth, and is already one step in his grave. - Flowers, fighter pilots and the true fatality of your feelings spilling out.
Jake angst:)) And here’s another one from gamerring:
it's nice to have a friend by gamerring
"Will you marry me?" Ice is on his knees. His posture screams military, but his face is genuine. His eyebrows are furrowed in worry and a hesitant smile plays at his lips. The ring sits in a green velvet box. The band is gold and shiny, with a diamond inlaid in the middle. The rock seems to glow under the sunset, and Maverick's heart starts beating against his chest. This- it's spectacular. It's breathtaking. It's not for him. He bites his cheek for a microsecond, and then forces a smile."That's great. She can't say no to that." And a traitorous part of his soul hopes she does. - Three times Maverick should have said something, and the one time he did.
Just read the summary:) (This is canon.)
Lessons in pushing boundaries by will_thewisp
Maverick never needed lessons in pushing boundaries. Not if those boundaries are about going faster, further or screwing up on an ever increasing scale, because he'd run off the edge of the world before he'd let a thought that scared him shitless take root in his mind. It was enough that it was already in his heart. Or Maverick crashes the Darkstar and needs a very long time to learn that there's things that can and should be fixed. And that he's always had the tools to do it.
Don’t forget a tissue when reading this!
Amen by demiclar @demiclar
"What do you want done with your body when you die?" Pete Mitchell grieves his best friend.
Can you tell I love Mav angst?:)
Vanilla Milk by Specter_Ross
After the mission, Rooster is struggling to sleep so Maverick pulls some old methods out from when Bradley was a kid, in hopes of helping him.
I never get tired of reading MavDad and Bradley:)
A Perch Built for Two by chase_acow @cowsalot
Rooster is well known for keeping his own company, but between Maverick's reemergence and the suicide mission, Hangman manages to weasel his way into Bradley's attention. He's never let an alpha so close to him before, but Hangman might be the best choice - experienced and unlikely to ask for more than Bradley was willing to give. Unfortunately for him, it's Bradley who wants more, and he has no idea how to ask for it.
Another win for Hangster!
A Little Unconventional by McDanno50
Maverick didn’t know how he ended up here a month after the mission – on his back with his legs spread for not one, but two, hungry alphas. These alphas wanted Maverick so much that they no longer fought but worked together all in the name of mutual pleasure. It felt too good to be true, like a fevered dream conjured up by a broken mind. But even if he couldn’t believe his eyes, he had four other senses to rely on. A self-indulgent fic in which Omega!Maverick gets fucked by Alpha!Bradley and Alpha!Jake. That's literally it.
Not Clamorous For Pardon by Arsenic @arsenicjade33
Okay, but what if the Navy didn't outlaw flogging as a punishment in 1896? Asking for a friend.
Another one of my favorite tropes: Mav being bullied by the Navy:(
still dangerous by cygnettine
Where was he? Jake was to his right, Bradley in front of him, the girls between their dads. Someone was missing. He was missing. Why was he missing? He was supposed to be there; that was a family dinner and he was family, he was his whole soul, why wasn’t he there? *** Maverick loses himself and wanders helplessly in his own mind until someone finally comes to his rescue.
Mav has Alzheimer's Disease:(
take a chance on the edge of life by Lacerta
It was a suicide mission. Of course they didn't succeed on their first try. - When Maverick dies, he loops back to the morning before.
An Edge of Tomorrow AU. Love this one. 
you've got the win in your bag by discosleaze @paulmezcal
“I’m going to go in and get something pierced, and if you’re a good boy, it’ll be my nipple. If you’re not, it’ll be my tongue.” Speaking of tongues, Bradley just about swallows his. “Why would that be a bad thing?” he croaks out, not enjoying how amused Jake is, mocking, even. “Well, Bradshaw, because I wouldn’t be able to blow you for weeks afterwards.” Jake contemplates a second piercing, Bradley contemplates nothing.
asdfghfghjkjhgfdsadfg. This one’s too hot for me.
How Big? by thenofutureshoe
"Most people would have had to give themselves a pep-talk, most people would have been nervous or unsure of the whole thing, Maverick Mitchell was not most people. He was a fucking power bottom and proud of it. This was not his first rodeo, pun intended. And he always got his man." Once Maverick hears the story behind Slider's callsign, it sounds more like a challenge than anything else.
This one… I never thought their difference in size could be this hot…
a dream of crashing by thefireplanet
Maverick buys a plane. Somehow, this becomes Iceman’s problem.
THIS ONE’S NOT COMPLETED! But it’s still so fun to read and the characterization is spot on!
and the bunny goes 𝒽𝑜𝓅, 𝒽𝑜𝓅, 𝒽𝑜𝓅 by Meadow_Wanderer
Contrary to expectation, he rarely measures time by the number of years he's lived without his father. Instead, he appraises in happenings. Every birthday, school graduation, and precious firsts; every milestone passing as the memory of his father becomes fainter and fainter until finally he reaches the last occasion where the end and the beginning meet, the son and the sire a breath's width apart, like reaching to touch one's reflection in the mirror. The very same one he'll face in just shy of a few hours.
Weird and fun!
you are not alone (i watch over you) by redwithlove
“Bradley, do you remember the time when you were eight and you wouldn't let me near your Pops for two days?” “What, really? Why?” “Yeah, for two whole days, can you believe it? And it all started over a can of Pringles.” Or—Bradley with Ice and Maverick over the years.
Mav and Ice and Bradley being family:) My favorite genre of topgun fics:))
PHEW! That's all the fics I've got! Thanks for reading until the end! Don't forget to leave a comment on these fics if you enjoyed them!
Here's my google doc for all four categories! >> God Tier Top Gun Fanfictions: A Masterlist
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celaenaeiln · 8 months
12 am anon back at it again. my friend called me at 2 am, tipsy on i wanna say wine??? and ranted about how nightwing’s “superpower” is his charisma for like 15 mins . and then they talked about how he looks like he’d have a great spice tolerance before hanging up. i think its a hyperfixation .
I absolutely love it!! You and your friend just have the best conversations ever.
Your ask immediately reminded me of this scene from YJ Season 3
"That's just about everyone. Wasn't sure they'd all respond."
"You command more respect than you realize."
"I'm starting to get that."
Literally this boy has charisma oozing out of his pores. It absolutely is his superpower!
Charisma is known as "a personal magic of leadership arousing special popular loyalty or enthusiasm for a public figure" or "the quality of being able to attract, charm and influence those around you." And Dick is the living embodiment of it.
It's actually a canon trait of his
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The New Teen Titans (1980) Issue #5
Dick has the unique ability to lead people. It's not just about telling others what to do, it's people wanting to follow him, listen to him, and and accepts his commands of their own volition.
In the DC/RWBY comic, the RWBY team crosses over to Gotham with all their problems so they have to work together with Batman, Batgirl, and Nightwing (Ruby REALLY gets along with Dick which for some reason makes so much sense idk why). And the batfamily get superpowers.
And DC-
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DC/RWBY Issue #3
THEY ACTUALLY GAVE HIM THE POWER OF INSPIRATION. THEY SAID "if anyone has the ability to lead people to a better life, give them light and hope, and be everyone's favorite leader and savior, then there is only one person to which we can attribute this power to."
Inspiration is the factor that leads people to moving mountains, becoming greater, and changing our entire lives and everyone else and Dick is the one who bestows that power.
He literally inspires people to be better and inspires them to follow him and became the greatest they can be.
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Teen Titans (2003) Issue #33
He just has the ability to inspire people to reach greater heights. The younger generation, his own, and the older ones kind of hero worship him.
Charisma is a dangerous power to have. It's essentially the unique ability to convince people to want to do things for you.
Examples of charismatic leaders are Martin Luther King Jr, Joan of Arc, Fidel Castro, and Napolean.
These people moved nations, worlds, societies but they are only one person. And Dick, has the ability to do this too.
To describe him as a person, to describe his charismatic authority, you need to combine all those figures into one person. And that's the equivalent of his power.
Because in the comics when he wants something - the whole superhero society answers.
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The Titans (1999) Issue #39
On a separate note, Dick does have a high spice tolerance!
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Batman and Robin (2009) Issue #1
Also Romani food is made hot and spicy, commonly using chili, paprika, and red and black pepper. So he can definitely handle the heat.
Lol I'm just imagining Dick absent-mindedly chewing on a red chili pepper while he watches Garth dare Wally to eat a ghost pepper while Donna's rolling her eyes and Roy's hyperventilating on the floor because he's having flashbacks to Ollie's Chilli.
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outivv · 1 year
— what about your own world? —
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Synopsis: they ask what your life was like in your own world
Warnings: ehhh semi angst? Semi fluff? Crying, and Idk if I should put a warning for this- but a single mention of death in sebek’s Part, But, as always not proofread :p
Characters: deuce, idia, Sebek, And malleus
Pronouns for reader: gender neutral/ not mentioned
A/n: hello hello!! I’ve been on big idia and Sebek brain rot recently, I may honestly weite another thing for them later too HEVJEEG. Theyre both one my favorites what can I say. Anyways, hope you enjoy!! Have a great rest of your day <3
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— Deuce —
“What was your life back… you know… back home?” Deuce asks. You’re supposed to be fetching ingredients for a potion you need to make in class, but deuce has seemed… distant, or maybe distracted, this entire time. Now you know why, of course. “Why do you ask that.” You dont look at him, reaching for a jar full of specific bird feathers, which are very important for this potion. The rows and rows of bookshelves full of jars, full of ingredients, were the only audience to hear your conversation, so you didn’t mind telling him what your life was like, however, you wondered why he would ask such a thing.
He thought for a moment, as you climbed down the ladder you were on, and handed him the jar of feathers. “Well I was just thinking. Cause you’ve been here for almost a whole year, Crowley must be close to finding a way for you to go back home.” Deuce walked down the row of shelves to the next ingredient you needed as he spoke. He’s right, you’ve been here a long while, and Crowley must be close to getting you home by now… (but you’re not too… trusting of that. Despite what Crowley may say.) was deuce worried about you going home?
“Well, even if he does find a way for me to head back home, I’m not so sure I’d take that opportunity.” Deuce whips his head around, almost dropping all the jars He was holding. You quickly put you arms around his own, to secure the jars, giving him a look that screams ‘oh my god- please be more careful’. He looked away embarrassed, “why not?” Referring to what you said before. “Hmm, well, I like my life here. And back home wasn’t all that great so. If I could pursue something here, be happy… keep all my friends, stay with you, then I’d rather do that than be somewhere where I wasn’t… enjoying myself I suppose.” Deuce teared up at that, he can be very dramatic at times… “are you crying?” He quickly turned around hiding his tears as he kept walking “no! Just allergic to whatever is in these jars.” He said in between sniffles. You sighed trailing behind him. If you had any doubts before you certainly don’t now, as it’s clear you can’t leave deuce alone.
— Idia —
Idia is insecure with your… relationship. God he can barely even call it that. He feels like he barely even does anything… why would you put up with him? He’s sure that the moment Crowley found a way for you to go home, that you’d be jumping at the opportunity. He holed himself in his room even more than usual, and you, as his partner, of course noticed. A few days into his depression spiral, Idia heard a familiar knock on his door, followed by a voice, “idia? Can I come in.” It was you, of course. The only people allowed in his room are you and ortho, and ortho doesn’t really knock. “Yeah…” He Said Just loud enough for you to hear.
Upon entering, you could see idia wasn’t even gaming at his desk like usual, instead sitting in his bed, curled up in blankets upon blankets, scrolling on his phone. His room was dark without the light of his computer, you could barely see him, as his hair was mostly hidden in the blanket, and his phone was the only thing illuminating his face. “Idia? What’s wrong.” You said walking over to sit on the edge of his bed. You moved the blanket off from over his head, revealing some of his fiery blue hair, and running your fingers through it. “What was your life like back in your own world.” His cold tone made you widen your eyes. He doesn’t ever take that tone with you, only before your relationship started, and that was mostly because he was so anxious around you, being cold was kinda his default.
“What do you mean?” You tilted your head, And He quickly sat up his blue hair turning bright orange and red, as he screamed “your own world! Your home! When Crowley finds out how to get you back you’ll leave me, because that is your home. That is where you belong!” His words sounded harsh to anyone else, they sounded like he wanted you gone, like he wanted you to leave because you didn’t belong. But that wasn’t the case and you knew it. You could see how small he looked, his blankets open, revealing his shaky hands. Looking up at his face, surrounded by flame, you could see the tears welling in his eyes, his dark circles deeper than usual. Has this been bothering him for the past few days?
“Can I hug you?” You ask, as to not overwhelm him in a very intense moment for him. He nodded, and you slowly wrap your arms around him, he grips onto your jacket, and resting his head on your shoulder, wetting your uniform as tears start flowing. You don’t care about that though. “My life, in my world had It’s ups and downs. I have people there that I miss.” You started and he sobbed, and screamed harder, his mind spiraling, thinking your words confirm all that he’s been feeling, and thinking, the past few days. His hair reflecting his thoughts, as it started burning brighter, wrapping itself around you, but it never hurt, or burned you. “But. I love you more.” You start again, and idia grabs onto your jacket with both hands, one clawing at you back, while the other holds onto your front. He doesn’t want to let you go. “I know that no matter what Crowley finds, if I can’t return to you, then I won’t ever go back to my word.” Your arms wrap around him almost protectively, as he sobs out his feelings that he’s been keeping to himself for the past few days. Except, he knows you won’t leave him.
— Sebek —
Sebek loathes humans, he believes they are weak, and would pity them if he had the time to. But after meeting you, he’s found that humans aren’t weak, magicless or not, you have stopped 6 (almost 7 heh) overblotted students. That is quite a feat that even must admire. “You know [name] may return to their own world eventually right?” Lilia said, snapping Sebek from his thoughts of you. “What?” He furrowed his brows, Lilia cant believe that right? I mean… with the life you’ve built here and all… and with how close you two had become you won’t leave him right? “I’m sure [name] misses their family, friends, you know.” Lilia truthfully brought up this conversation because he wanted to see how Sebek would react.
Lilia knows that Sebek harbors feelings for you, whether sebek wants to admit it to himself or not. Lilia knows he is deep in denial. Sebek Looks down at the lunch table he’s sitting at, pondering. “I must go speak with them.” He suddenly Said, grabbing his bag, and lunch tray, to go search for you. He found you in the courtyard, you usually eat lunch there with grim, deuce, and ace. “Human!” Sebek shouted as he approached your Little group. Ace almost dropped his lunch at Sebek s booming voice, while deuce instantly looked ready to fight if Sebek made a single wrong move. “I need to speak to you. Alone.” He Said staring down at you, a very apparent scowl on his face. You looked at him like how he imagines a small animal looks seconds before death. “Uhh yeah for sure.” You respond, as you grab your bag, and put your lunch away. Leading inside, to a quiet hallway is when he starts asking questions, “are you planning on going back to your own world when Crowley… finds a way back for you…” straight to the Point as always, but you don’t miss the meek tone in his voice. A very sharp contrast from what he was portraying mere seconds ago.
“Uhhh I’m not sure yet, why?” You question, very very confused. Sebek puffs his chest out, almost smug, as he says “no reason. Goodbye now.” And walks away. You stand there absolutely confused out of your mind, and when you return to your friends, you just… sit there… for a moment. Later in the day however you overhear a specific someone talking to another specific someone “I told you [name] wouldn’t be leaving.” Sebek’s booming and prideful voice could be heard even though you were outside the classroom, “well you never specifically said that, but a win is a win I suppose.” Lilia said with a sigh, faking defeat, “but does them considering staying mean that you’ll be asking them out? May solidify their decision to stay here.” Sebek is frozen at Lilia’s words, to which Lilia only laughs. And when you walk into the classroom sebek’s face turns into a deep frown of shame, surprise, and absolute despair, to which you and Lilia absolutely lose it over.
— Malleus —
You cant leave him. You shouldn’t leave him. Malleus wants the one person who he has ever loved this way, to stay by his side, to rule with him, to love him as he loves you. Of course you aren’t… dating… yet, so he doesn’t have any way of telling you these feelings without sounding scary as hell, and Even he knows that. So he expresses it in a… less… obvious way I suppose. “[name]?” He asks, while you’re on one of your late night walks together. Usually he’s rambling on about the gothic architecture of the school, but Today he’s been unusually quiet. Until now of course. “Yes?” You ask, looking over at him where he was already looking right at you.
“What was your life like? Back in your realm, I mean.” He simply asks. You have to think on that for a minute actually, It’s such a strange question that you truthfully didn’t expect from malleus. It’s to the point where you wonder if there’s hidden meaning behind it. “Well, it was good for the most part. I mean… I miss my family, and friends, so that must show how good it was Haha” you say with a sad smile. You really have been feeling homesick these past few days, and malleus’s question kinda sent you over the edge. Before long, tears start falling from your face, malleus stops dead in his tracks to embrace you as soon as he realizes your crying.
He realizes you miss your own life, in your own realm, but He cant help but feel upset, and possessive. He wants you to stay with him, he wants you to love him the way he loves you, he wants to hold you like this forever if that’s what it took to keep you by him. “It’s alright, child of man.” Is the only thing that slips past his lips. He bites his tongue as to hold back all the words he wants to spew, about how he loves you, how you can stay here with him! And how he would miss you ever so dearly if you left… “I’m sure Crowley will find a way back for you.” His mouth grows dry at his own words, and his voice shakes. You look up at him, to see him not looking at you, but straight ahead, tears falling down his face. He wants to scream how much he loves you, how much he wants to protect you, but he can’t. He knew that would break your heart, and his own if he did.
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mazzymoonlight · 1 year
Are There Still Beautiful Things?
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summary: inspired by taylor’s “seven”, follow JJ and reader through snapshots of their lives together.
warnings: mentions of the death of a parent, mentions of excessive drinking, mentions of abuse
word count: 9.9k
a/n: hellooo & welcome to my first fic :) some of this had been previously posted in parts, but after evaluation i realized this needed to be heavily edited & worked better in this format. this fic has a special place in my heart, so i hope you enjoy reading as much as i enjoyed writing it. (p.s, happy obx 3 eve!)
please, picture me in the trees, i hit my peak at seven feet, in the swing over the creek, i was too scared to jump in but i, i was high in the sky with pennsylvania under me … are there still beautiful things?
JJ Maybank thinks the last time he was truly, truly happy was when he was seven. At such a young age, anything seemed possible. The sky was the limit and the ocean was their backyard. He had his mother and his father, and even though it leaked sometimes, a roof over his head.
And he had his friends, his favorite people in the world. John B, who he had been sat next to on the first day of second grade and was now inseparable from, and y/n, the girl whose mother was his mother’s best friend, who he had known his whole life.
It was always the three of them, getting into trouble together and spending nearly every moment with each other. You rarely saw one of them without at least one other, and even at such a young age, it was clear they had a bond some people spent a lifetime searching for. They were lucky, and people liked to tell them that.
In their younger days, one of the moms (or more often, both of them together) would often take the trio around. Watching at the beach while they learned to surf, the parks while they played until red in the face, treating them to dinners at the local establishments, or ice cream on those extra hot and intolerable days.
But their favorite was camping in the backyard. They would set up a tent and a bonfire, and roast s’mores and stare at the stars.
JJ’s mom had a particular affinity for the mystery that hung above them and would spend hours teaching the kids everything she knew. She loved the moon, she would tell them everything she knew. She liked to talk about the phases and what they meant, what kind of full moons they were in store for soon.
But Saturn was her favorite, she would talk about any chance she could.
Did you know it’s actually a big ball of gas? That it would float in water?
The ring is made up of ice and dirt and bits.
It’s windy up there.
It takes twenty-nine earth years to revolve around the sun.
Time must move slowly up there.
And they let her talk too. And they listened to every word. They listened to the tales and myths and theories of space until they couldn’t fight the sleep back, and their eyes of wonder became sleepy, slowly blinking at the woman in front of them.
“Goodnight,” She’d say to the three of them, and then she would lean in close to JJ, and leave a kiss on his little forehead.
“I love you to the moon and to Saturn.” he would fall into sleep with a smile on his face.
Nights like that were always beautiful. Memories like that were beautiful.
JJ couldn’t help but wonder; without them, was there any beauty at all left in the world?
sweet tea in the summer, cross my heart won’t tell no other, and though i can’t recall your face, i still got love for you your braids like a pattern love you to the moon and to saturn, passed down like folk songs … the love last so long.
The summer they were fourteen, JJ’s life changed. His mother passed, and he was never the same after it. It seemed like the entirety of the outer banks was aware of the light that had been lost.
y/n and her parents were right alongside Luke and JJ. None of them knew what was in store without her. Filled with anger, sadness, regret, and guilt, they all knew that she had so much more to give. Life was not kind, life was not fair, and although they all knew it, they never thought that they would get a reminder quite like this.
JJ stood in between his two best friends, y/n’s hand in his, she was struggling too, but she was holding back. She knew she had to be strong for JJ, she had lost someone special, but he lost his mother, and that was something that he would never get back, something that could never be replaced.
That night y/n stays with JJ, and they end up outside the same way they used to, but without a bonfire tonight. Tonight they stare in silence at the night sky, both thinking about all the things JJ’s mom had told them about the stars and planets above.
“I keep thinking she’s on Saturn,” y/n says, suddenly, the thought slipping out before she can think about stopping herself.
“I keep thinking about Saturn, how much she loved it.” She clarifies, “And I keep thinking how happy she must be to finally see it.”
There’s more she wants to say, but figures it’s nothing that JJ hasn’t already heard. What can she say, really? When she catches his smile, the first she’s seen in weeks, she leaves it at that. She’s said all she needs to.
“Yea,” he said, wiping a stray tear. “I bet she is. I like that thought.”
And he meant it. The thought of his mom, an angel on her favorite planet, he didn’t think there was any other explanation.
JJ’s fifteenth birthday creeps up, and y/n had worked extra to get him a special present. She had seen it in one of the windows of the fancy boutiques on figure eight and immediately ran in to look at it, begging the store owner to hold it for her after seeing the price on the tag. It had to be JJ’s, she knew it the moment she saw it.
So two weeks later she returned with money collected from babysitting and delivering groceries, the proudest smile on her face. Bringing it home and exchanging the chain for a longer silver one before wrapping it up neatly.
Everyone gathers at the Maybank home on the day of. John B and his father, y/n and her parents, and Pope and Kiara, who the trio had recently befriended.
Luke had even put in a little effort, putting up some simple birthday decorations he had bought from the dollar tree. It wasn’t very much, but all JJ cared about was that everyone he loved was there with him. JJ was happy, but there was a lurking sadness in the back of his head. This was his first birthday without his mom. There was an empty space that would never be filled, no matter how hard he tried. And he was trying very hard.
Despite the weight of loss, it was one of the best days JJ’s had in a long time. Luke had set up a slip-n-slide for the kids, really just a tarp with some water and some dish soap but the kids didn’t care. He grilled hamburgers and hotdogs and even stocked up on more sodas than they needed. y/n had made a cake and John B helped her decorate it. It was sloppy, but it was theirs, for JJ.
y/n had waited until later to give JJ his present. She found him still sitting at the outside table with his hand on his chin, looking up into space like he always did.
“There you are.” She says, siding into the seat next to him. She follows his gaze up toward the night sky.
“Looking for Saturn?” she asks.
“Always am.” He answers sadly despite the small smile on his lips.
She doesn’t say anything, only matches his sad smile with one of her own, and holds out the box shyly.
“Happy birthday Jay.”
He takes it gently, looking at her with a look neither of them can register yet. He leans into her a bit, nudging her softly before tearing at the paper.
When he opens the box his smile drops, and suddenly it feels like he can’t breathe, he feels caught off guard as his emotions blindside him. He had no clue what to expect but this certainly wasn’t it.
y/n sees his reaction and it feels like a gut punch. Why had she gotten him that?
She felt so certain it belonged with JJ but seeing him look so upset now she just felt stupid.
“JJ, I’m sorry, I can bring it back, I just thought … if you don’t like it I’ll take it back.” She tries to explain herself and reaches for the box, but he jerks away from her when she tries to take it back.
She freezes, confused now. He doesn’t catch her reaction, still looking at the necklace in his hands.
“I think I’m forgetting her.” He finally says, voice barely above a whisper, like he was scared to say it. Like this was the first time he was admitting it to himself.
“I’m scared y/n, it’s only been a year, and every day I’m scared I’ve lost another piece of her, what if I’m forgetting her?” And then he’s crying before he can stop himself, sobbing almost.
He clutches the box to his chest like he’s scared to let it go, like letting it go would be the end of the world for the second time.
y/n pulls him in, a few tears of her own falling, thinking of all the things she would do and the things she would trade to take away his pain.
“JJ… you’re not going to forget her, okay, I promise you. All you’re doing is healing, trying to learn to live a normal life without your mom, something that no child should ever have to do. You have so many memories of her, you have so many stories and pictures. You're a piece of her. When you’re older you’ll pass the stories on, and people who never got to know her will know her. And when you're older, older, you’ll tell your kids about their grandmother, the woman who was as strong as a hurricane and soft as a butterfly all in one. You won’t forget her JJ, you can’t when you’re part of her.”
She talks him down, and once he subsides he sees the truth in her words, he trusts her so he trusts what she’s saying wholeheartedly.
“You promise me, y/n?”
She holds him tighter
“Cross my heart JJ.”
“Okay,” He says, sitting up from her.
“Okay?” she questions, wiping the last few tears from his face “because you don’t have to be.”
“I know, but I will be.”
She smiles at that, she knew he would be, even if he didn’t fully believe it, he was the strongest person she knew.
She nods towards the necklace “so you like it then?”
He nods. “I think this is the best present I’ll ever get.” And finally pulls the chain out of the box, staring at the clip confused as he tries to figure it out himself.
y/n laughs, making a motion for him to come closer.
“Here, I’ll do it for you.”
She undoes the clasp and wraps it around his neck, closing it again before adjusting, the charm settling just above his heart.
Her fingers linger on the charm, smiling at the memory, the meaning of it.
“Now you have your own Saturn, always with you.”
His hand closes on hers.
You are my Saturn y/n, he thinks.
But instead, he wraps her in a hug, “wanna camp out tonight? I’ll get John B to come back, the three of us like old times.”
She nods in his arms.
That night the three of them all felt like things had gone back to normal, even just for the night both John B and y/n were glad that JJ could feel some type of relief, even if it was fleeting. They knew in the morning things would go back to the way they were, and JJ would struggle a little bit more than the average person, but if they could just give him a couple of hours, it was worth it.
And finally, when they’ve retired to bed and settled in their sleeping bags, JJ and y/n had the same thought running through their minds as they fell asleep.
I love you to the moon and to Saturn.
And JJ swears he felt something press against his forehead that night, exactly like old times.
and i’ve been meaning to tell you, i think your house is haunted, your dad is always mad and that must be why, and i think you should come live with me and we can be pirates … then you won’t have to cry, or hide in the closet and just like a folk song, our love will be passed on
The summer they were sixteen was one they had been dreaming about what felt like their whole lives. Finally old enough to roam freely, exploring all the nooks and crannies unsupervised. The trio had now officially graduated to a group of five, and now they took on the world with Pope and Kiara by their sides.
It should have been a dream. Granted, most of the time it was, but there were nightmares constantly lurking in the corner. JJ didn’t want to admit it, but he was pretty sure he had finally lost his father.
Luke Maybank was never the same after his wife died, but for a while, he at least attempted for JJ. He tried, he really did, to be there, and be something for JJ. But he was losing himself, and in the past year, he was slipping further and further away, turning into someone that even y/n’s parents, who had known him for so long, didn’t recognize.
The drinking was getting out of control, and the hitting started not too long after. When he was sober, he was sorry, but eventually, it became a rare occasion to find Luke Maybank sober
So JJ’s normal became sneaking around his own house, avoiding the last of his family, seeing how many family dinners at y/n’s he could get invited to each week, and saving everything he could from his oddball jobs to get out as soon as possible.
He didn’t like to talk about it, in fact, he never did. He let the pogues think whatever they wanted to and never gave them a real answer when they asked. As far as he was concerned, they didn’t need to be concerned about him, he’d be leaving soon anyways.
But y/n knew. She watched like she always did, she was observant. She watched his eyes get that faraway look whenever he rattled off his latest excuse and the way his smile would fall when he thought no one was looking. She watched him and knew he was hurting more than he would let on.
She had gone to his house to find him but only found Luke instead, and what she saw scared her. She did not recognize the stumbling drunk man looking back at her. And he didn’t recognize her either. The girl he had watched grow up next to JJ, the girl he had roasted countless marshmallows for when she was scared of getting too close to the fire. The girl he made pancakes for in the mornings and the girl he lit fireworks for on the fourth of July. None of the memories registered, he had run her off his property like a stranger had just trespassed.
It was when y/n knew that for the second time, JJ’s life had changed. The knowledge tormented her for weeks. She hated the small piece of her that still felt sympathy for Luke, he was a broken man with plenty of reason to be. She was holding out hope, that something good would happen to JJ.
But when JJ showed up with a black eye one afternoon, blaming it on a group of kooks, she knew she had to say something. She spilled half-truths to her parents, although she suspected they picked up on the unspoken story from the tears in her eyes.
“I’m just - I’m worried about him. I just have this feeling that things have been, I don’t know … harder than normal lately.”
Her parents had sensed the shift too, all her confession had done was confirm the suspicion. Her mother told her then that JJ was always welcome in the home, and her father told her he would try to talk to Luke the next day.
And that worked for a little bit, JJ had visibly perked up and for a minute things seemed like they were back to normal, and y/n was waiting for the right to tell him what she knew but it seemed Luke had beat her to it.
She had been waiting for him at the beach, but her smile immediately turned to worry when she saw him storming up toward her.
“What the fuck y/n?” was the first thing out of his mouth, and now instead of worried she was panicked realizing his anger was directed towards her.
“JJ, what-” But before she can get anything else out he’s talking again.
“What did you do? What did your dad do? What’s with all these cryptic messages of watching us and threatening to take me away? I mean what the fuck, what does that even mean? Take me away? Away from what, my home? My father, my only family I have left? How could you do this to me?”
Her face pales immediately, her head shaking.
“JJ, that is not what happened, that’s not what he meant -”
“So then it’s true, he did come by?”
“Yes but he didn’t threaten your dad JJ, he -”
“You know what y/n, I don’t care. I just came to tell you to stay out of it. I don’t know what you think you know, but my dad and I are fine. We don’t all have a picture-perfect family to go home to at the end of the day.”
His words stung, leaving her nearly speechless. “That’s- that’s not fair JJ. You are family.” She chokes out, but he was already walking away.
“What if it was me?” She calls out, frustrated.
He stops, and she keeps going. “If I were you, and my dad was putting his hands on me. If I started showing up with marks and bruises, wouldn’t you do anything to protect me?”
“I don’t need you to protect me y/n.” And that’s the last thing he says to her before walking away.
JJ’s not around for the next couple of weeks, and it drives y/n up the wall not knowing where he was, or what he was up to.
She spends time with the pogues, but she’s never fully there at any time, part of her mind was constantly on JJ. She finally broke one day and told the pogues to please go find JJ and make him go out on the boat with them. They tried to argue with her but she told them that she was pretty sure that if he didn’t blow off some steam soon, he was going to start getting into trouble, and it wouldn’t be good for him.
She gave them space for a few days, and just assumed that they had picked up JJ and got him out of the house for a bit, so she nearly lost it when the pogues finally confessed that they hadn’t seen or heard from JJ since they had been tasked to go find him.
“Are you sure he’s not at the house?” she asked “Sometimes he just won’t come out, or if you ran into Luke then -”
“He wasn’t there, and we didn’t see Luke either. We checked inside.” Pope answers.
She could feel herself panicking.
“Why did you say something sooner?” She stressed, looking mostly at John B.
He looks down, away from her gaze. “You know how he is y/n… and you were already worried enough. We thought he’d turn up soon, he always does.”
She shakes her head, “maybe, but haven’t you noticed that when he does there’s always a new bruise?”
The three of them exchange looks while she closes her eyes, taking a breath and trying to think for a moment.
“Okay, why don’t you guys go check some of our beach spots maybe? There are a few places I can look and just keep me updated if you find him and I’ll let you guys know too.”
They part ways and y/n knows she’s going back to check the house first. Even if he had left, he was never gone from the house long, there was too much to leave behind.
She parks a little way down from the house, she hadn’t been back since the day Luke had yelled at her and if she was being honest she was still a bit scared. She crept up to the house carefully, freezing she hears shouting, the noise becoming clear once the door swings open.
“Boy, I tell ya, that’s just about the funniest thing I think I’ve heard you say.” y/n hears him laughing maniacally.
“You’re not going anywhere, you won’t leave her, you know you won’t. You’re stuck here, just like me.”
Luke stumbles off towards a trail and y/n waits until he’s out of sight before dashing into the house, finding it still and quiet. She wonders for a moment if Luke had been talking to himself the whole time, not finding it entirely impossible considering how drunk he seemed.
And then y/n is suddenly realizing that the last time she had been in this house was JJ’s fifthteenth birthday, and she was suddenly very aware of how empty it felt. It had lost the warmness and comfort it once held, feeling more like a ghost town than a home now. She felt out of place, which was something she never, ever thought she would feel in the Maybank home.
She notices a slightly open closet door at the end of the hallway, and she swore she could hear sniffling, muffled cries like someone tucked away and hiding in there.
“JJ?” she called out, and when it suddenly went silent again, she knew, rushing over to the door and opening it delicately.
And there JJ was, curled up in himself, knees up to his chest and a photograph in his hand. She knew exactly what photo he was looking at, and she immediately dropped next to him. She didn’t know what to do, she didn’t want to scare him, but looking at him broke her heart.
So instead she starts talking.
“I remember that day.” She says. “That was one of the fourth of July parties, we were all there, even John B and his dad. And this was the year the full moon lined up with the holiday, and your mom was so excited, she talked about it all day and got us excited too. Our dads bought way too many fireworks like they always did. And we ended the night with s’mores, of course, because it wouldn’t be one of our nights without them. You always were so messy. There she is again, cleaning you up.”
JJ falls into her then, and y/n catches him like she always does, and always will. She has tears too, staring at the picture of an innocent JJ, a smile plastered on his face, stacked s’more in hand, staring up at his mom who he loved so much, with no idea he was going to lose her in the next few years. And there was his mom too, beautiful as always, her own s'more in one hand and the other attempting to wipe the sticky marshmallow from his mouth, laughing because she knows it’s useless. But she was his mother, so she would try regardless.
She wraps him up in her arms, her grasp firm so he knows she’s there but not tight enough to hurt him.
“I know why you won’t leave. I know why you won’t leave him, why you always come back. You’re holding on to that last piece of normal. It’s okay, it’s okay to hold on, but not when it’s hurting you like this. This house is full of memories, but it’s haunted and full of pain too. I would never ask you to leave what you know, but please just come with me for tonight, maybe a few days at most.”
JJ has always trusted y/n, so even now, when he was upset and jumbled with emotions he trusts her.
She lifts them both up gently. “Let’s get some spare clothes, okay? I can pack them for you if you want.”
They both walk into his room but he makes no effort to pack. Instead, he picks up another photograph that was sitting on his dresser before sitting at the end of the bed. Without saying anything else she grabs one of his duffle bags, and starts putting in a few extra shirts and shorts, and even grabs a pair of sweats and a sweatshirt just in case. When she’s finished he’s still staring at the photo like he’s in some kind of trance.
She throws the bag over her shoulder and reaches her hand out to JJ. That seems to break him out of his state a little, standing up and pocketing the photographs. He takes her hand and they walk out of the house together, out to her car.
She pulls into her driveway, and they walk into the house together and up to her room.
“Why don’t you shower and change?” She can tell he’s still dazed, and she’s hoping a shower will relax him.
While he showers she makes her way back downstairs, her parents are out of town for the next few days, so she figures she’ll cross that bridge when she gets there. She does, however, text the pogues, realizing just how long it had been since they all began looking for JJ. She keeps it simple and just lets them know that he’s okay and with her for now.
And then, she makes two sandwiches, one for herself and one for JJ, because she knew he wouldn’t eat if he thinks she had made something especially for him. When she walks back up the stairs into her room, JJ is already out of the shower and changed. He looks up when she walks in and she lifts up the plates of sandwiches slightly.
“Eat with me?” she asks.
They sit and eat the sandwiches in silence, and when they’re both finished she runs the plates back down before returning with two classes of water.
“Okay,” she says after a few sips. “Just try to get some rest, okay? I’m going to shower, but I’ll be quick.”
Long after the shower turns on, JJ is still hesitating and realizing how stupid their fight was. All that he knows is that he missed y/n, and now he was here with her, everything felt like maybe it would all be okay.
He had just made it under the covers when the water shut off, and a few minutes later y/n came out, not hesitating to lay down in the bed beside JJ. It didn’t matter that they had been fighting, or not speaking, or had not seen each other in the past few weeks. They would always be there when it was needed.
“I’m sorry y/n,” he says suddenly. She had thought he had fallen asleep.
She shakes her head, even though he can’t see her.
“It’s okay.”
He rolls over, and now they’re both on their back, staring blankly at the ceiling as if staring long enough would make it disappear and show them the night sky just on the other side of it.
“But it’s not.” He starts, “You were just trying to protect me. And this whole thing has been so stupid - I’ve been so stupid. I didn’t like that, us fighting, us not talking. It just feels like … a storm sometimes. In my head, and it scares me when I’m not in control.”
His hand finds hers in the dark, “I know you were just trying to protect me. I was just mad at myself because I feel like it’s my job to protect you, and I wasn’t doing that.”
She squeezes his hand. “Maybe it’s not okay…” she starts, “but just know I understand, and that I’m always going to be here.”
She looks at him then, reaching up and finding his chin, turning it gently.
“And we protect each other, okay?” There’s a desperation in her voice that he picks up on. One that he understands, deeply.
He gives her wrist a soft squeeze, “okay.”
Then he’s curling into her, and she lets him. It’s silent for another moment before y/n breaks it this time.
“JJ?” she says quietly.
He’s barely awake but he still answers her with a tired “Mhm?”
She hesitates, “to the moon and to Saturn.” She backs out, but the unspoken meaning is still there.
He smiles.
“You are my Saturn.
please, picture me in the weeds, before i learned civility, i used to scream ferociously … any time i wanted
y/n blinks and suddenly it’s graduation. She’s never been happier, a swirl of excitement and pride all in one stirring in her stomach. For herself and everyone but mostly for JJ. Things had been okay enough, but no one could deny the hand JJ had been dealt. He faced it every day, the sideway looks and the backhanded comments and the flat-out insults. But he had done it, proved them all wrong.
Luke had even made it to the ceremony, sitting tucked away in the back as he watched his son walk the stage, and afterward y/n eyes them as they had a conversation before finally parting ways.
JJ runs over to the rest of the group, scooping up y/n and spinning her around, cheering and causing a scene.
“We did it, we’re done!” He’s yelling, “we’re free!”
They continue to chat for a while and joke around, taking photos until the parents are all satisfied before parting ways with plans to meet back up at the beach later in the night.
JJ goes home with y/n and her parents, where there’s a small celebration set up for the pair. They eat cake and flip through old scrapbooks and photo albums. He’s happy, but there’s a sting in his chest, wishing his mom was there.
He imagines briefly, what it would have been like had his dad never changed, if he would have been there in the living room with them, or if he would have had his own afternoon planned. He decides not to dwell on it, instead, he wraps his arms around her from behind on the couch. He focuses on her, and her parents, the photo album of past memories. He understands he’s still lucky.
It gets later, and before JJ and y/n leave for the beach her parents call them into the kitchen again, they have something for JJ. He blushes at the statement, although he tries to hide it. He’s handed a small box and is shocked when he sees a silver key sitting inside.
“We hope we aren’t overstepping,” your mom starts, “really, it’s a bit overdue but we just thought - we just want you to know you’re welcome here anytime.”
Her father places a firm hand on his shoulder when he sees JJ getting choked up, “just if you ever need anything. Hell, if you ever just want to come bother us. You know you’re family.”
He laughs a bit, trying to lighten the mood, shaking his head, “Aw man, now you guys got me all emotional.”
Then he looks up at her father, “thank you, really.” And then he turns to her mother too, and she pulls him into a hug that he gladly accepts. “This means a lot to me, really… I don’t … I don’t know what I would’ve done without you guys. Where I’d be… just, thank you.” He tells her.
“You don’t need to thank us, honey. We’ll always be here to take care of you.”
The moment passes, he pulls away, clearing his throat in an attempt to hide his emotional state and he turns to y/n. “Alright, soaps over.” He announces, “you ready to go?”
They make their way to the beach, talking about summer along the way. JJ keeps listing all the things he wants everyone to do together before it’s time to part for school.
They find a spot on the beach, sitting and talking about how strange it is to be done with high school, and the future. Everyone is leaving, even John B. But JJ and y/n decided to stay close to home, not ready to leave yet.
“After college,” he says, “that’s when it’ll be time to go.”
“You would leave Outer Banks?” She asks, slightly shocked.
“Yea.” He says, confused as to why she was so shocked at his statement
“I’ve always said that, why the face?” He questions.
She looks down, realizing that he was right, he had always said that. She never thought about it in detail, never pressed him on it. Maybe she thought all this time that he never really meant it. Everyone always says they want to leave their hometown but how often did they really?
“nothing it’s just, something I heard Luke say once.”
She catches the way his face drops and she tries to backtrack
“No, no, it was nothing bad I promise. I heard him say ‘you know you won’t leave her’ and I don’t know, it’s just the only thing I’d ever agree on with Luke. That you wouldn’t leave your mom behind, and I understand that. You could build something better, be something better.”
He has a pained look on his face, his hand reaching up to the Saturn around his neck.
“Did you mean what you said, about me being a part of my mom?”
She rests a hand on his shoulder, “of course I did JJ. Everyone knows. You’re the best parts of her.”
“Then it won’t matter where I go. She’ll always be with me.”
Then the look on his face turns into a smirk.
“Besides,” he starts, “it wasn’t my mom he was talking about.”
y/n pulls her arm back from JJ’s, retreating into her own space.
“Oh.” She says simply, starting to wonder who would keep him tied here.
The only other girl he really had in his life was Kiara, and they had been awfully close this past year. She had even gifted him a locket for his seventeenth birthday and it now sat right next to his Saturn charm. It took everything in her not to ask what it was, her curiosity was killing her but she respected his privacy more. But truthfully, y/n couldn’t blame JJ even if she wanted to. Kiara was special, she wouldn’t want to leave her either. She didn’t want to leave any of them.
And then y/n started to realize that she always thought it would be her and JJ. Whenever she imagined the future, JJ was there too. She was realizing that maybe it was selfish of her to just assume he’d always be there. She knew he had dreams of his own, and who was to say that she was involved in any of them?
“Hey now,” he starts when he notices the change in her demeanor, grabbing at her face and pushing at the corner of her lips, playfully trying to force a smile.
“Why’s my y/n so sad?” He says with a pout, putting on a dramatic voice like he’s talking to a hurt child.
She pushed his hands away, trying to look annoyed but failing miserably, not being able to control the smile that follows her laugh.
“Well I’m sorry, my best friend just dropped a bomb that he has some mystery woman he’d follow to the ends of the earth. I guess I’m just a piece of moldy bread to you now, huh? I’ve been replaced.”
She overplays her sadness, saying it dramatically, but truthfully deep down a part of her is hurting at the thought.
His hands have moved to the side of her face.
“Come on now y/n, you’re supposed to be the smart one.”
She places her own hands on his, turning her head to the side slightly in question.
“Oh my god y/n,” he laughs, “are you going to make me say it?”
She remains silent, her face reflecting her deeper confusion, wondering what he was on about. She honestly felt like she had missed something, feeling like he had moved on to a whole new topic all together.
“It’s you, you big dummy!” He exclaims, shaking her a bit to emphasize his point.
Suddenly y/n is shocked and embarrassed, moving her head down, trying to hide from JJ’s gaze.
He laughs again and pulls her in, “I would never leave you y/n. You’re stuck with me.”
She doesn’t reply, but she doesn’t need to, instead, she lets him tuck her into his chest. Her eyes land on that locket of his, and she can’t stop her fingers from playing with the charm.
Then suddenly his hand is running up her arm and grabbing hers.
“Why don’t you just ask already?” He says and she immediately freezes. “I know you want to know.”
She still doesn’t say anything but she shrugs her shoulders a bit. Yes, y/n was dying to know what was in the locket but part of her also felt it was an unspoken line that she shouldn’t cross. It was Kiara that had given it to him, so it was probably something that meant a lot to the two of them, and she didn’t want to pry at their relationship.
Of course, he would tell her if she asked but she never let herself.
“Just open it y/n.”
She looks up at him, still hesitant. But the look on his face reassures her, so she pinches open the locket and immediately smiles when she sees the photo inside. That photo from that fourth of July all those years ago, sitting with his mom on the banket, marshmallow all over his face. She can’t help the bittersweet tears that prick at her eyes, thinking about all that JJ had accomplished, and wishing more than anything that his mother had been there to see it.
Then silently JJ reaches up and opens the locket the rest of the way, and when y/n sees the photo on the other side it feels like all the air has been sucked out of her. It’s a photo of him and her from when they were little, looking like it’s from the same night. There they were, standing next to each other with wide eyes and beaming smiles, sparklers in hand. Trails of light surrounded the sparklers, the children unable to keep them still.
And that was when y/n knew. She knew that it would always be the two of them, somehow and someway. She knew that she would go wherever he wanted or needed to go at the drop of a hat and that he too would follow her without hesitation. And most of all she knew she was lucky. She knew how lucky she was to have someone like JJ in her life.
She closes the locket with tears in her eyes, and rests her palm on his chest, feeling his heart beat wildly. When she finally looks up she sees him tearing up too. She reaches up and wraps her arms around him, holding onto him tightly and he does the same.
“I love you JJ.”
He squeezes her tighter for a moment.
“I love you too y/n.”
And maybe the words meant more to both of them. It seemed like over the years that the lines between loving platonically and loving romantically had blurred. Best friends, soulmates, twin flames, they were always something to each other. But the one thing that they did know was that they had time. They had so much time to figure it out and neither were in a rush to figure it out. What they were now was good, who were they to question it?
sweet tea in the summer, cross my heart won’t tell no other, and though i can’t recall your face i still got love for you, pack your dolls and a sweater, we’ll move to india forever … passed down like folk songs our love last so long
It’s Friday night and the Fourth of July. y/n has been cleaning the apartment all day, needing everything to be perfect. Everyone lived busy lives now, but they were coming tonight to celebrate. She even decorated. A few balloons tied to chairs and red, white, and blue streamers hanging from the doorway.
She hears the front door opening but doesn’t look up from the counter she was wiping down.
“Are you still cleaning? It’s just the pogues y/n, relax.”
“I know,” She says, folding the last blanket and placing it on the edge of the couch “I just want it to be nice. It’s all going to be so different soon.”
There’s a beat of silence and a bittersweet tension hanging in the air.
“Why are you home so late?” She asks, changing the subject quickly.
He lifts the grocery bag in his hand, “beer” he says simply.
She rolls her eyes. “JJ, we have plenty of beer.”
She starts walking towards the kitchen and JJ trails behind her, pulling the pack of beer out of the bag.
“Oh y/n, you can never have too much beer.” He places the pack in the fridge and then starts taking out a few more items.
“Plus, we can’t do the fourth without our favorite.”
She smiles at the contents on the counter, “how could I forget the s’mores?”
JJ turns back to her and puts his hands on her shoulders.
“Because you’re in overdrive, and stressing yourself out. Go take a nap before they get here. You’ve been up all day and I know you had a late night, you’re tired.”
“No, I was going to make some snacks and -” She protests.
“You don’t need to make anything, Kie said she’s bringing dinner from The Wreck.”
“Well, what about the fireworks?”
“John B has it covered”
“What about -”
JJ cuts her off again, “everything is done y/n, we’re ready for tonight. Go rest.”
She pulls him in, wrapping her arms around him.
“Are you sure?”
She looks up at him, admiring him for a moment. It was something she caught herself doing often, and if he noticed he never commented on it.
College had been kind to JJ. Once he got a handle on it he thrived in the freedom of it. They were coming up on a year since graduation, and JJ had since shed his childlike habits. He was still himself, the light of the party and loud and still sometimes impulsive but underneath it all, he was a man now. It was evident in the way he carried himself now, broader and more confident. He took his life seriously and was happy to do so.
She smiles up at him, “I’ll take a nap if you come with me.” And when she looks at him with those eyes of hers, JJ simply cannot resist.
“Okay, come on.”
They walk over to the couch, JJ picks up the blanket and unravels it before laying down.
“JJ! I just folded that.” She says, slightly irritated but laying down nearly on top of him anyways.
He only rolls his eyes at the comment, dropping the blanket over them and wrapping his arms around her, y/n melting into him as soon as he does.
Minutes of silence pass, and JJ thinks she’s fallen asleep until she speaks up.
“Are we sure about this?”
“y/n, we’ve spent months talking about this. I promise you we’re doing the right thing, okay?”
She sighs, knowing deep down that he was right, so she lets herself relax and catch up on the much-needed sleep.
Hours later and the night has finally begun. They’re all sitting in the living room, chatting. JJ and y/n exchange a look, and they know it’s time. 
“Alright guys, we have something to tell you all.” Her smile is spreading, but she still turns to JJ for reassurance. He takes her hand in his and the pair turn back to the group.
“We’re moving.” They both spit out at the same time. 
The other four drop their mouths in shock, it wasn’t the news they thought they were getting, but it was still enough of a bomb to catch them completely off guard. 
But the speechless shock only lasts a brief moment before they start bombarding the pair with questions.
“Okay, okay!” y/n shouts, trying to calm all the voices talking over each other. 
“San Francisco, California. That’s where we’re going. I got a job offer and JJ found a few places hiring where he can teach surfing lessons.”
Kiara and Sarah are nearly jumping from excitement, pulling her into a hug. 
“y/n, that’s amazing!” 
“Congrats, baby!” 
“When do you have to be there?” 
y/n’s smile drops and she pulls away. 
“Well, that's the thing…” She starts, glancing towards JJ again, and that’s when he steps in. 
“Our lease for here is up at the end of this month anyway …” 
“You’re moving across the country in less than a month?” 
“We didn’t think it was going to move this fast but things just seemed to line up that way…” 
After the excitement and explanation, they’ve migrated into two separate groups, the boys still lingering in the living room. 
“So that’s not the announcement we thought we were getting tonight,” Pope says, nudging JJ. 
JJ looks at him confused, “what do you mean?” He asks. 
“He means,” John starts, sitting up, “when are you gonna ask y/n to marry you?” 
JJ nearly chokes on his drink at that, even spitting a bit of it out. 
“What the fuck are you talking about?” He asks, “we’re not even dating.” 
The other two glance at each other for a moment before back at him.
“What?” The other two echo back, just as confused. 
“And I thought two of my best friends moving across the country was going to be the biggest news of the night,” John says, taking a swig from his beer. 
“What have you two been doing the past five years then?” Pope asks.
“We’re just … She’s my best friend, you guys know that.” 
“But aren’t you guys more than that?” John asks. “You know, you could have told us you’ve been dating since high school and we’d believe it. You really aren’t together?” 
JJ shakes his head, trying to explain what he doesn’t fully understand himself. 
“No, not like that. We’re just… we’re JJ and y/n. Like we’ve always been.” 
The other two share a small laugh. 
“What?” The blonde asks.
“It was never JJ and y/n,” Pope answers. “It was always jjandy/n.”
“Have you guys really never?” He pries. “... At all? Anything? This whole time? Have you talked about it ever?” Pope continues as JJ shakes his head.
“No… we haven’t, we’ve never had to. I just know I’m always going to have her, and she’s always going to have me. We’ve never questioned or talked about how or in what way.”
“But what are you going to do if she meets someone? If you meet someone? Will you move out? Do you two even know how to function without the other?” Pope spits the questions out at a rapid-fire, genuinely curious.
“Of course, we can function without each other, we aren’t codependent.” JJ sighs, taking a breath, “I don’t know what’s going to happen if we meet people, we’ve never had that problem. She’s never mentioned guys past a hook up so I don’t know.”
“And what about you? What if you meet a girl?”
“I don’t know! Good god, what’s with the third degree?”
“You’ve seriously never thought about the future?” John presses. 
“Not in, that sense I guess.”
“Okay, here, close your eyes. Don’t give me that look, come on just close them.”
JJ rolls his eyes but does as he’s asked. 
“Okay, now, imagine yourself five, maybe even ten years from now. What do you see?”
“I don’t know… I just - I just see y/n.” 
In the kitchen, Kiara and Sarah are giving y/n a similarly hard time, although it seems to be phasing her a little less. 
“You know we totally thought the two of you were going to tell us that you were finally engaged, right?” 
y/n rolls her eyes at Sarah, jumping up onto the counter to sit, “I’ve told you guys, we aren’t even dating. I don’t know where you keep getting that.” 
“Still?” Sarah nearly shouts, “You guys still aren’t dating?” 
“Ha!” Kiara cuts in before y/n can reply, “You owe me ten bucks.” 
“Oh, so you guys are betting on us now?” 
“Sarah’s betting.” Kiara says, “I’m making a profit.”
The other two are still standing, leaning against the counter inches away from y/n.  
“What have the two of you been doing this whole time?” Sarah starts asking. “I thought for sure after we graduated college the two of you would finally get together.” 
“They’re their own thing, Sarah, I keep trying to tell you.”
“But you guys are basically together, aren’t you? Is it just a ‘we don’t want to put a label on it’ thing?” Sarah presses.
“No, we aren’t together romantically at all. As I’ve said, I don’t know why it’s so shocking to everyone whenever I remind you.” 
“But do you want to be?” Kiara asks, shifting the tone of the conversation a bit. 
“I don’t know.” She says quietly, thinking it over. 
“I mean, Sarah is right you guys have been together for, well your whole lives really. You guys are moving across the country together. The two of you are pretty much starting your lives together. What if he brings someone home? What if you meet someone?” 
y/n just shrugs, starting to feel the tingling of emotions. 
“To be honest with you, I don’t like to think about it. I mean I’ve dated here and there, and I know JJ has too but it never became anything serious for either of us.” 
That day on the beach all those years ago had been enough to hold her over. The thought of always being together in some way, but now that they were getting older and a new part of life was starting, would that hold true? 
“I just know I want him in my life.” She continues, “I mean, I think part of me always did think that maybe we’d end up together but… I don’t know I just, I guess I just want to make sure we’re together because we want to be, not because we’re all we’ve ever known. Sometimes I get scared that we’re holding each other back, that there’s something or someone we’re missing out on.” 
She looks back up at the two girls, shaking her head at her emotions that seem to be building up. 
“But most of all I just want him to be happy you know? I need to be prepared if it’s not with me. I guess I don’t know. I don’t even know what I’m saying.” 
Sarah places a hand on y/n’s shoulder comfortingly. 
“No, we get it. I think a lot of this is just anxiety from the move, from this big life change coming up. I can tell you, the one thing that’s never going to change is you and JJ. You guys are absolutely not holding each other back. Trust me, one of us would have said something if we were worried.” 
“You can’t see it from the outside.” Kiara jumps in. “It’s not always bad to have someone like you have JJ. Never once have either of you held each other back. You’ve always brought out the best in him and he’s always brought out the best in you.” 
“You really think so?” She asks, looking between the both of them. 
They both nod, pulling the girl into a group hug best they can, just as the boys are walking back in from the living room. 
“Hey!” JJ immediately shouts, walking over to the three girls. “Which one of you made my y/n cry?” 
Sarah wordlessly moves from her side and next to Kiara, making space next to y/n for JJ to slide into, sending a look to Kiara at the words my y/n while doing so. 
“Kiara was telling me a story about work.” y/n says quickly. “You know how I get about the turtles.” 
“Oh yes,” He says, lifting a hand and wiping away the few tears, “that would explain it.” 
“What about you boys?” She asks, nodding at Pope and John as well, “What were you all gossiping about, huh?” 
“John was telling me all about the fireworks he brought. You ready to go light ‘em up?” 
She jumps down from the counter excitedly. 
“Yes, let’s go!” She says, grabbing the large plate that contained chocolate and graham crackers in one hand and a large bag of marshmallows and skewers in the other. 
The rest of them follow the pair out, watching as JJ takes the plate from y/n so she doesn’t have her hands full. 
“Okay,” Sarah says, “I’d put money on a year from now.” 
“Oh my god, Sarah,” Kiara says, giving her a playful shove. 
The rest of the night is good, y/n makes sure to take a moment to let it sink in, all their smiles and all their laughs. 
They set off fireworks, and sparklers, throw poppers at each other’s feet, watch the boys run from one another with roman candles in hand, and JJ and y/n eat their weight in s’mores. The night runs longer than intended, especially since the girls decided to bring the alcohol back out. 
Finally, long after the night has settled and everyone has lingered for as long as they can, the group starts to say goodbye to each other. Dishes and trash are brought back inside, excess fireworks and belongings collected, and goodbyes dragged out until JJ and y/n are left in their apartment.
y/n lets out a long sigh, feeling the night and the drinks and the reality of them leaving catch up to her. It felt a lot more real now that they had told their closest friends. 
JJ notices her lingering by the door and tugs her gently on the arm. 
“Hey, you wanna sleep with me tonight?” 
She nods silently, a grateful smile on her lips. 
“Go change and meet me in there, okay?” 
She moves a little bit slower than usual, weighed down by exhaustion, doing the bare minimum to get ready for bed, simply changing her clothes and brushing her teeth lazily before pulling her hair up and walking to JJ’s room. 
He’s just climbing into bed and she follows without hesitation, curling into him. She thinks about how easy it is with JJ, or maybe natural is the better word. Everything just is with him. 
He notices the way she’s holding his hand tightly and to her chest.
“Hey,” he starts softly, “you know if … if you’re second guessing this whole move, just say it and we’ll stay. Or… just tell me and I’ll stay.” 
“No,” she says quickly, holding him even tighter now. “It’s not that…” She pauses, trying to gather her words and her courage. 
“It’s just, you know that I love you, right? But do you know that I love you?” 
JJ thinks he can’t breathe and worries for a second that his heart beating as fast as it is can’t be healthy. He wonders for a moment if he’s already fallen asleep and if this is all just a dream. 
Because this is the moment he’s been waiting for his whole life.
“I’m starting my life with you. Moving all the way across the country… away from our home, our family, and our best friends. But the thing is, as hard as I know it’s going to be … I don’t care. Because I’ll be with you, JJ. I’ll have you. I don’t want anything else. Anyone else. I never have.” 
It’s more of a confirmation than anything else.
There’s a moment of silence, and she holds her breath. Then another, while JJ tries to find his words. His mind races, processing her precious words. Pieces of their life together flash through his mind.
He’s crying before he can stop himself, overwhelmed.
“Just… come here.” He says desperately, pulling her in and locking her into his hold. 
“You’re going to make me cry.” She says, muffled in his chest. 
If it was anyone else, maybe the tears would be alarming. She would’ve read the situation differently, and taken it as a rejection. 
But it was JJ. And tonight is more of a confirmation than a confession. 
He pulls her even closer, tightens his grip in hopes of emphasizing his words, and just how much he means it. 
“I never told you outright, but you had to have known, right?… that it was always going to be you? I’ve never been good with my words but I hope I’ve shown you. I hope you’ve felt it this whole time. How important you are to me. How much I love you.” 
She escapes his grip, pulling away only so she can see his face. 
“I have never felt anything but loved by you JJ.” 
And then JJ blacks out he thinks. Or maybe it was just a mind-numbing rush of adrenaline. Or maybe it was natural instinct that had been lying dormant this whole time, just waiting for the right moment. 
Because one second he was staring at her glossy eyes, and the next his lips had found hers. 
It’s soft and slightly desperate, dizzying and intoxicating. 
A sensation that both of them had been the feeling they had simply been waiting for their whole lives. 
They only break away to relieve the burning in their lungs. 
“Say it,” she begs softly, a little out of breath and a little drunk on JJ. 
His mind is in a haze, a smile still adorning his lips as he tries to get back to hers. “I love you.” 
“No,” She says, pulling on him to get as close as possible, “the other one. Tell me again.” 
He doesn’t even hesitate, knowing what she means in an instant. 
“You’re my Saturn, y/n.” 
She smiles into his chest, “again.” 
His hand finds her cheek, guiding her face to look up at him. 
“You are my Saturn.” 
“Never stop saying it?” 
He kisses her again, then pulls her back into his side, tucking her into the spot that she’s always belonged in. 
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mireyaaaaaa · 3 months
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The Blue Umbrella
Her POV [Pt.1]
I have an unhealthy obsession with writing stuff revolving around blue stuff. Go check out my previous fic, ‘Blue Hoodie’ if you can guys! It would mean a lot if you like my fanfictions<3
Warnings\ Not proofread, fem!reader, kinda slow paced sorry but I hope you like this!
“I really should’ve checked the forecast” I mumbled, stranded at the study café, looking at the formerly sunny sky now a dark shade of grey. One moment the Sun was shining brightly, the next moment the clouds started pouring heavily. All I could do was wait for the rain to stop so that I could go home. It wasn’t that I hated rain, it’s my favorite weather. I feel so carefree, all my worries about well… everything are washed away by the rain. Afterwards, the cool breeze and the scent of soil in the air, it’s the most calm and serene feeling I can feel in my life, constantly shadowed by my problems… But, today wasn’t the right day, my sister was finally coming back from her foreign studies and I can’t wait to meet my only friend. My sister was probably the only person I’m close to and can share everything with. My parents often fought, so growing up, my sister was the one responsible for me and always there for me.
I was sitting on one of the tables outside the café, thankfully covered, watching people pass by. Couples were having a stroll together, laughing and sharing an umbrella, I saw a family of four having the time of their life just chatting and enjoying each other’s company. I wish I had someone to share my time with. I wish my family was that happy. Now that my sister was back for a few weeks I would make sure I spent all my time with her. Only problem, I had no way of getting home. Sure, I could run as fast as I could but I would still reach home drenched and catch a cold.
I spotted a group of five friends not far from here. I don’t know why, but I couldn’t help staring at them. There was this one guy in particular who really caught my eye. He looked like he was being left out and not being paid any attention too. He was cute, dark messy hair, and beautiful eyes. It was as if someone stole all the stars from the sky and put them in his eyes. He had a sad smile on his face as he looked down at water droplets falling onto a lone pink tulip at the side of the pavement. I couldn’t help but feel sad, not for him, for me. Well, for him too. I mean, it sucks being ignored by your own friend group or just being left lonely. I mean being alone isn’t that bad, but it isn’t always good either. I felt a tear roll down my cheek… no idea why, kind of did. I knew how that felt.
I felt a light tap on my shoulder; I didn’t realize I had zoned out. I quickly wiped away the few tears that tainted my cheeks. I turned around and… WHAT?! No, like, wasn’t he over there a second ago? The guy from the other side of the road, was here. Right. In front. Of. Me. “Take it.” ,were the only two words he said to me, handing me the umbrella before sprinting away, his bag held on top of his head.
I was left staring at the blue umbrella. He didn’t even know me? Why would he help me? Was he secretly my guardian angel? Did he know I was desperate to go home, or was that feeling masking my face right now, clearly evident to the whole world. Not that anyone would pay attention to me. But then, why did he? The next time I met him again, if I did, I would ask him if it hurt falling from heaven. Okay my thoughts are getting really cheesy for a random stranger with a blue umbrella. Thank you… whoever you are.
I shook my thoughts away and shrugged. I got an umbrella, isn’t that what I wanted? I made my way back home, walking through the silent streets.
“Mom, Dad, I’m home!” I announced as I took of my shoes and put them on the shoe rack to dry off. “Y/n! Where were you?” I heard a familiar voice call out as I heard footsteps rush towards me. I almost started crying at the sight of her. My sister was back! She rushed to hug me and engulfed me in bear hug. “Aww you’ve grown up y/n!” “I missed you so much! Sorry I’m late, I was stranded at the study café. Where are mom and dad?” I asked. I shouldn’t have. Melisa flashed me an awkward smile “Uhm in the kitchen but we can just go chill in my room. I set up a movie night for us!” “Are they… arguing again?” “Don’t worry about it y/n… you know how they are…” I frowned but I was used to it. Most of the time when I reached home I would only be welcomed by silence or the occasional noises from the kitchen or living room where my parents were arguing over just about whatever topic they can. I’m probably invisible and only appear when they need something to argue on or someone to scold if the other one is not at home. I missed Melisa so much, it’s a pity she’s 5 years older than me so she left home for foreign studies and well… found a job there and she’s probably going to settle there.
As we made our way over to the stairs I heard shouting from the kitchen. I heard my name.
I looked at my sister with tears starting to form in my eyes. “M-Mel.. they’re going to separate? Where will I go…? Why is our family broken?”
“shh it’s okay y/n I’m here for you. I know this is tough, especially hearing them argue over you and say all that mean stuff. But you’ve stayed strong for so long… you’ll go to college soon and you’ll be able to have a better life, yeah? If I could I would take you with me but you know our parents would probably get really mad over that and stay that we’re being ungrateful and stuff like that.” She looked down. “I’m sorry y/n” I hugged her “Don’t be. None of this is our fault. W-what movie are we going to watch?” I asked, trying to switch to another topic and a better atmosphere. She wouldn’t stay for long, I had to make most of the time we had. “Your favorite~” “OMG ARE WE WATCHING (your favorite movie/show) AAA THANKYOU!” “Look at you being all excited. Why are you still holding onto that umbrella? Wait, where did you get that?” oh. Oh. OHH. “Oh uhm… so… as you know, it’s raining heavily! I was at the study café and it started raining cats and dogs. And it’s not like I could run all the way home without getting drenched and catching a cold so I just sat there doing people-watching and stuff and I saw a group of friends just chilling you know? And there was this boy, with sparkling, chocolate brown eyes and fluffy, dark hair. Is that the right adjective? He was kind of secluded and had a faint, sorrowful, smile on his face but it was pretty oh and-“
“Okay sis I get it. You’re in love with a stranger. Did you talk to him? What’s his name? Did he lend you this? Spill the tea!”
“No I’m not! I just found him cute and attractive and kind of noticeable because I could relate to that feeling. And no, I did not talk to him so I don’t know his name. And yes, he has lend this umbrella to me. He just appeared in front of me out of no where and told me to take the umbrella, handing it to me. Then, he ran away. What was that about?” I rolled my eyes. “An introduction wouldn’t have hurt!”
“Okay y/n don’t admit your crush. I won’t force you”
“I said it’s not a crush!”
“Oh but it is! My sister is in love~” Saying that she ran into her room and I chased after her. We both collapsed onto her bed in a fit of laughter. I missed her so much. How many times am I going to say that?
A/n>>> Okay so I know Leo didn’t really make an appearance in this but as I mentioned, this will be kind of slow paced… mostly because I’m not getting ideas to fit in the middle of the few ideas I already have and my exams are going on. I had an exam today also (the day im posting this) and after this, two exams are left, and these subjects are as tough as maths so I’m probably not going to write any sequel parts this week.
Also, I was originally writing this for Percy, hence blue umbrella, but Leo has literally stolen my heart since the day I read the lost hero so there is no way I wouldn’t write a fic for him and this is the only idea I have right now
Im going to  post a leo pov too by the way! And im writing a long luke castellan mafia ff thing I started a long time back so expect a lot of new posts in march! Or not. Most probably yes.
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cowboybarzy · 10 months
hey, could write to barzy where he and the reader are bffs, but he doesn't really like the reader's relationship with Lando Norris or Mason Mount. And they end up getting into a little conflict because barzy has feelings for her?
see it with the lights out — mat barzal
tysm for this request!! this is so exciting and combines my love for f1 and hockey <3 this is loosely based on ‘you’re in love’ by taylor swift and will be a 4 part series based on the chorus lyrics
hockey x f1 (mat barzal, lando norris) MASTERLIST
word count: 2.3k
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ONE — you can hear it in the silence
"Hi, birthday boy." You jumped up from your seat when you saw your best friend walking up to your table. You gave Mat a big hug and a kiss on the cheek. “Happy birthday.”
"Thank you." He patted you on the head then turned your attention to your boyfriend who had also stood up to wish him a happy birthday.
"Happy birthday, man. Glad you could come," Lando said, giving Mat a handshake. After the niceties were out of the way, you sat and started perusing the breakfast menu.
You were currently in Monaco to support your boyfriend Lando's formula one race weekend. You had been dating for almost a year now and this was your first weekend in Monaco. Probably the most famous race of all. It was even more special to be here because you best friend, Mat, traveled all this way from Vancouver to see the race as well. It was his first race, since he too was a busy athlete. His season ended a couple weeks ago however, so he was finally free to come see one.
You and Mat had been friends since kindergarten almost and even through his moving around a lot, you stayed very close. You even lived with him for a while when you needed a break after finishing your degree to figure out what you wanted to do with your life.
And that's when you met Lando. At a club in the city during one of his breaks from racing and you had been inseparable pretty much since. You fell hard and fast, living your life together with rose-colored glasses. You loved traveling with him, exploring beautiful countries all around the world and of course watching the races. While you didn't have much knowledge of Formula One before meeting Lando, you quickly became a fan. Formula One racers lived a very glamorous lifestyle; parties, designer clothes, and lots of fancy vacations. But it had it's downsides, too. Lando was constantly under scrutiny by the press and could barely go anywhere without being recognized. And that had affected you quiet a bit as well, as many people were wondering who the new girl on the paddock was. He was also very busy, but that made the time you did spend together more special.
"Oh, crap. I gotta go to practice." Lando stood after checking the time on his phone, gathering his things then he bent down to kiss you. "I already put my card down, so don't worry about this. See you later, love." You grabbed him by the hem of his shirt to kiss him again, then he turned to give Mat a handshake. After giving you a wink, he was gone.
"So," you turned your attention back to Mat, after watching your boyfriend walk away. "Where so you want to go shopping first?"
The whole weekend was filled with parties, shopping, exploring the city and even more parties. Lando was gone for a lot of it, but you loved catching up with Mat and spending time together without the pressure of him having to go back on the road again. You went shopping a lot, both of you spending way too much money, but when would you be back in this place? It was also Mat's birthday on Friday so you celebrated him thoroughly throughout the weekend, too. You had made a lot of friends in the F1 world this past year and were happily introducing Mat to all of them.
Mat and Lando had met before, but because of their crazy schedules, they didn't have much time to get to know each other. This weekend was perfect for both of your favorite people to get spend more time together. They both made an effort showing interest in each other, but you could tell there was tension. Mat wasn't too pleased of your new boyfriend, he was protective you, and Lando wasn't too comfortable with how close you and Mat were. But you just rolled your eyes at both their protectiveness over you since it didn't seem to cause any problems.
On Saturday you watched the qualifiers from the stands, having to explain all of the rules and regulations to Mat so that he would be ready for the big race on Sunday, which you watched from the McLaren pit. The race was amazing as always and you were so proud of Lando when he finished 9th. He's been having a bit of a rough season so having him score points in Monaco was very special.
"Congrats, baby! You did so good," you screamed over all of the post-race noise, when you finally got to hug your boyfriend. He was sweaty and out of breath, but he kissed you deeply. He hugged tightly and spun you around, not caring about the crowd around you.
"Thank you," he whispered before pressing another kiss to your cheek and releasing you. He got many more people congratulating him, including Mat, before he was pulled away for interviews again. So you waited in his dressing room, like you always did, except that Mat was there too.
"That was a lot of fun," Mat remarked, recalling the race as he leaned against the small table in the room.
"Yeah, it gets pretty addicting." You we're still coming down from the high of the race, but when you saw Mat's grim expression on his face, your excitement faltered. You could tell he was faking a smile, as he looked around the room and saw you settled comfortably right in the center. Silent looks passed between the two of you and you could tell Mat wanted to say something, but was holding back. He did for a few more minutes before he gave in.
"So, this is your life now?" He gestured around the room, F1 merchandise and memorabilia hanging on the walls. You could see a bit of judgement in his eyes, that made your stomach upset.
"Yes. And?" You were confused why he seemed upset, especially after the great weekend you had. He was always protective over you, every since your playground days, but you hated when he judged you for the guys you were dating.
"This is what you want? You're happy?" He paused after each question and you didn't really answer. "You and Lando, eh?"
"Yes! Why– What are you trying to say?" You we're getting upset, but your conversation was quickly interrupted by none other than Lando himself. He walked in with a grin on his face, his suit unzipped and a drink in his hand. He nodded over to Mat, before plopping down on the sofa beside you and pulling you into a hug and gently placing his lips on yours. You pulled away after a couple of seconds, aware that Mat was just a couple of feet away, but Lando's lips lingered until he was sure Mat was pissed off enough.
Mat watched the two of you, with his jaw clenched, as you talked quietly and Lando's hand touched your cheek with intimacy that he had wanted to do for so long. While he respected Lando as an athlete, and somewhat of a person, he couldn't stand you being with him. He had taken you away from him. You were always busy now, off traveling the world and partying. The first he wanted to do with you, like you always talked about as kids and he didn't like that some other guy was offering all of that to you. And the ladder, he wanted to protect you from. He knew you and therefore knew that while you did love going out, you weren't the person to get wasted all of the time and go clubbing. You had changed since you started dating him and he didn't like what he was doing to you, especially since he couldn't be around all of the time to keep you in check.
On the other hand, he also felt bad about feeling this way, since although you had changed you did seem happy and it wasn't like his job would allow him to take you traveling around the world. And deep down he knew his feeling towards you were probably just acting up and making him believe the worst in Lando out of jealousy.
The next couple of days consisted of more parties before you flew back home to Vancouver with Mat where you caught up with your family and friends that you hadn't seen in a while. Things had been a bit weird between you and Mat since that unfinished conversation but neither of you brought it up again, so you just dropped it.
And before you knew it, you were back in Monaco. You had always loved traveling, but before Lando you had never spend this much time on an airplane. Not that you were complaining. Lando had this weekend off and of course wanted to spend the few days with you.
"I really like this," Lando murmured against your skin as he ran his fingers over your new bikini, admiring your body. You chuckled and traced your lips along his cheek.
"I thought you would." He lifted his head and smiled against your lips, before closing the minimal gap and kissing you deeply. He pressed you against the yacht bathroom wall, in which you currently hiding from all of the people you were spending your vacation with. Your bare leg wrapped around his hip to keep him close and make it easier to grind against him.
Suddenly, the small door opened. "Oh, shit! Sorry!" Your head turned to see Mat slap his hand over his eyes, then slamming the door back shut. Your head fell against Lando's shoulder with a giggle.
"Why is he here?"
"Lando! Be nice!" You pinched his side in response. He shrugged and gave you a sweet innocent smile. While it seemed that your boyfriend and best friend got along, you knew they were only pretending for your sake. First Mat had insinuated not being Lando's biggest fan and now Lando, too, was admitting not liking him as much as you had hoped he would. He had rolled his eyes when you told him Mat would be tagging along to your Monaco vacation. "We haven't seen each other in a while. We're just catching up."
"He looks at you like he wants to sleep with you." The laugh that bursted out of you surprised you, but you found the idea of you and Mat sleeping together humorous. "I'm serious! I swear he was taking your your top off with his eyes earlier. And only I get to do that!"
You rolled your eyes, still chuckling. "Don't worry, he's just protective. He's always been like this."
"Mh, well maybe for a reason."
"We're friends. That's it. He might have pretended to be my boyfriend a few times to get me out of uncomfortable situations at bars, but that's it." He grumbled, but chose to believe you and drop the topic when your hand snuck to your back and pulled on the bikini string, making it fall to the bathroom floor.
“Stop!,” Mat shouted and pointed the shower head up to where you were standing leaning over the railing. You ducked quickly to avoid getting sprayed by the water.
“You need to post more on insta,” you justified your taking pictures of him as he was getting out of the ocean and rinsing off. “Your female following will appreciate it very much. Well, let’s not kid ourselves, even the guys will eat it up.”
He rolled his eyes with a laugh and sprayed you again. Your boat day included jet skies and waterboarding and Mat had just finished his turn. Although you gave it a try, you much preferred tanning and watching the guys have fun, so you stayed on the boat.
“Let me see.” He reached for your phone as he climbed the stairs to the main deck. You walked over to the little sofa that was partially covered from the sun and grabbed drinks before you settled on it. As he scrolled through your camera roll, he gave some approving nods and grunts.
“See this one is good.” You stopped him at a picture you just took of him rinsing off. “Very much instagram material. Everyone will appreciate it.”
He ignored your grin. “I just posted pictures a couple weeks ago.”
“Oh, so now you’re going to stay radio silent for the next six months?”
“Better than posting every minute.”
“I do not do that!,” you exclaimed, punching him in the shoulder. He chuckled and muttered ‘sure’. You tried to get another punch in, but he caught your hand and wrapped his arm around you so were pressed against him and couldn’t move anymore. The laugh got caught your throat as you looked up to meet his gaze.
His green eyes sparkled, still a bit red from his ocean dip just a few minutes ago, as he looked down at you. You were suddenly really aware that you both were very naked and that confused you, since you’d seen each other like this plenty of times. His skin was hot against yours, sending heatwaves down your spine. His eyes bounced between your eyes and lips and you got this funny feeling in your stomach when you realized you wanted him to kiss you.
“Some things are better kept private.”
And the longer you sat in silence, looking at each other, the more you thought he wasn’t talking about posting on social media.
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