#the family thing is gonna fly off the handle and i will have to deal with it alone
bones4thecats · 2 months
What If They Had A Family? - Hazbin Hotel (PT.2)
Type of Writing: Random Idea Name: What If They Had A Family? (PT.2) Characters: Alastor (LINK), Adam, St. Peter, and Lucifer Morningstar Idea-Giver: Random Ideas
A/N: The readers here are all female besides in Alastor's, which I themed gender-neutral. You can tell who my favorite here is lol
⚠️ Trigger Warnings: Swearing and Death ⚠️ Spoilers for: S1 ⚠️
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Link to Alastor Post:
What Are They Like As Parents? - Hazbin Hotel
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Angel-Third-Wife! Reader ; Red-and-Green Macaw
🎸 Adam has lost his first two wives to the same exact man. I mean for crying out loud, this guy needs a break
🎸 When Adam had first met you, he was very weary at first. Every single other wife of his had run off with the same god-forsaken guy, so do you really blame him for his distrust?
🎸 It took a little while, but the first man did take notice at how you gave him the time to get used to you and trust you, and while you didn’t know it, he warmed up to you really fast when you had cleaned his guitar off and handed it to him while requesting a song
" Let me guess, you want one of the best fuckin’ musicians in history to sing for ya’? You’ve got good taste, love. "
🎸 He absolutely adores you, and when you had finally sealed the deal, he loved talking about having children. He did have two, but they didn’t exactly end well…
🎸 You just smiled and spoke with him deeply, making sure he understood what he really wanted, you didn’t want him regretting his actions or getting in over his head when you did eventually get pregnant
🎸 When your baby girl, which you named Harmonia, came into Heaven, Adam was beyond happy. He planned on spoiling your child until his final breath
🎸 She had caught yours and his wing patterns, so they were large much like her fathers and were blue with Adam’s signature light yellow stripe. And he would swear every time she flapped her wings, she would give him another heart attack. His baby girl was growing up so fast!
🎸 Now, to the real juicy stuff
🎸 Adam is very provocative, so there is no doubt that one of your daughter’s first words is a swear, most likely the f-word
" You mother- " " Fucker! " " That's my girl! I’m so proud of you! " " Adam! " " What? She spoke! Swearing or not, still a word, toots. "
🎸 You’re gonna get a headache from their actions. Thank god Lute is right alongside you whenever Adam brings his baby to work with the excuse that he’d miss her
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Angel! Reader ; Bombus Auricomus (Kind of Bumblebee)
📑 St. Peter and you had a mutual understanding, children was something you wanted to handle later on
📑 When you did eventually bring the conversation back up, St. Peter just smiled and held your hands in his as he said he had a surprise for you that he thought you’d enjoy
📑 As he covered you eye with a bandanna, your husband brought you down your home’s hallway and opened and door before you heard his wings flap nervously and he tore the fabric away from your eyes
📑 Your eyes widened as you looked at the small nursery, it was colored a pastel yellow with tiny pastel flowers along the bottom and tiny things of honeycomb with bees flying around. And right above the crib was a tiny cot mobile themed with books and bees
" Oh my god… it’s- it’s perfect, my dear. Thank you so much… "
📑 When you and St. Peter talked a bit more on the topic, you guys did eventually conceive a baby, one that you would later identify as your baby boy
📑 Your time in childbirth was magical for St. Peter, as he was nervously pacing and screaming as you practically squashed his hand in your grip. How were you not a warrior angel?!
📑 He no doubt passed out during the ordeal
📑 He had awoken in the chair next to your bed with a glass of water and a couple pills next to the glass. But he ignored it and looked over at you, who was asleep and holding your baby boy
📑 When you awoke, St. Peter pledged the name Favus, which in Latin meant Honeycomb. And when you looked at your son’s tiny light yellow bee wings, you smiled and kissed your husband’s cheek, saying it was perfect
📑 Your husband and son bond so much as he ages. While St. Peter is normally busy with things at Heaven’s Gates, he always takes time to be around his family
📑 He adores to teach your son how to sing. Singing is something that he is spectacular at, so he would love it if his son bonded with him on that
📑 And when his first word came out? No doubt he passed out once more
" D- Dada! " " Did you just- holy saints… you just said… " *faints* " Peter! "
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Fallen-Angel! Reader ; Bee Hummingbird
🍎 Lucifer is slightly hesitant when it comes to having any more children. He didn’t want to have a bad relationship with them like how he used to with Charlie, even though it was far better now
🍎 While you were understanding at first, you were growing self-conscious, did he just not want kids with you?
🍎 Once Charlie brought the topic up to her father, the King of Hell just broke down, he was ruining another relationship?! You surely wanted to leave him just like Lilith did all those years ago…
🍎 Charlie just sighed and gave her dad a piece of paper, one with many ideas that could possible help him. But he only looked for a couple seconds before getting the best idea he’s ever had, besides fixing his bond with Charlie and being with you, of course
🍎 Lucifer had brought you out to a small and untouched field just outside of Pentagram City and handed you a bouquet full of bleeding heart flowers, cardinal flowers, fireweed, and trumpet honeysuckles
" My Queen, I just wanted to come somewhere secluded to speak about the possibilities of a family between us. I really want us to move onto the next chapter of our lives, and I’m sure that Charlie would like for us to as well. " " Really? " " Of course. I love you more than anything else in existence, both mine in Heaven and in Hell. There is nobody else I would do this with than you. " " And Lilith. " " I'm going to ignore that comment… "
🍎 Charlie and the rest of the Hotel were beyond happy for you guys when it was announced you were having your first born son, hell, even Alastor hugged you and handed you a small deer leather slippers, he even made sure they were extra soft for you
🍎 Lucifer just hugged you from behind as Charlie pulled everyone into a group hug, crying about how happy she was to have a baby brother coming into Hell, and she said she couldn’t wait to see how adorable he looked
🍎 When your son did finally come out and looked into his father and mother’s eyes, you guys knew how right Charlie was. He was beyond cute
🍎 His tiny yellow and red eyes, red cheeks, and yellow-tinted ‘hair’ that he inherited from his father while tiny fluttering wings, a slightly long tail similar to the Goetia family’s, and a small beak with feathers for hair that came from you just made him so sweet looking, as if he belonged in Heaven with the rest of the Morningstar family
" What should we name him, Lu’? " " Hm, how about Anaticula? It means duckling in Latin. " " Perfect… our little humming-duckling. "
🍎 As Anaticula aged, it was apparent how much like his father he was. He was very silly and talented despite his immense power from his fallen-angel parents
🍎 By the way, his first words are most likely something related to redemption or ducks, since Charlie and Lucifer ramble about the two topic quite often
" It’s just, the redemption was proven to work with Pentious. That means Heaven may rethink their choice! " " Redeemed ducky? " " Did he just…? " " My baby boy just said his first words! Oh, how splendid. Charlie! Call Y/N, she must hear this immediately! "
🍎 He loves to brag about his son in front of Alastor as well, he may now have a baby and new wife to care for at home, but your husband just has to rub this into that Radio Demon’s snout!
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winns-stuff · 9 months
Forever will absolutely despise both Hera and Hecate heavily because they were never the girl boss feminists that everyone believed them to be and they quite literally take the sides of men rather than their female peers. They’re the number one dick riders for Hades and both of them failed in actually supporting and taking care of Persephone.
Hecate was studying on Demeter’s land and utilizing her own resources from that said land and knew that Persephone was not supposed to be anywhere near Hades or the Underworld. Not only did she not reach out to Demeter once when her own daughter ran away, got stuck in the Underworld, and had a place to hide away from the feds but she also allowed this grown ass man to sniff around the very naive and gullible 19 year old Persephone. When Persephone was hibernating due to all of the stress and cold temperatures that both Hades and the Underworld brought her she never talked to Hades about cutting ties with her or supplying Persephone with an apartment by herself where she can get away from all the stressors she kept her near Hades at all times. She was also the second in command of ruining her social life, she encouraged Hades to do that dumbass eye pulling thing over someone he had no business knowing in the first place and she didn’t even apologize to Persephone at all. Hecate is the biggest op ever to Persephone, she never cared for her at all and she quite literally is just Hades’ hunting dog when it comes to vulnerable women.
Next is Hera, we all know why she failed Persephone multiple times but I’m gonna repeat them anyways because the amount of shit Persephone lets Hera get away with is actually criminal. First off we have to talk about the infamous match making thing, first of all she doesn’t even know anything about Persephone? She met her once at a party while she was drunk and another time when she was literally a fucking baby that’s the only flashbacks we have of her and Persephone interacting together so why would she be in such a rush to do this anyways. Besides the fact that Hera is literally picking Persephone’s own love life for her, the girl is 19 years old Hades even said so himself that she isn’t even old enough to handle the effects of magic why the fuck are you trying to hook up this (mortally) freshly new 19 year old with someone who’s old enough to be her uncles and great grandfathers? Another thing is the fact that Hera single-handedly forced Persephone to work in the Underworld despite not having any real friends, family, or other people there was actually fucked up of her in the first place. Once again, Persephone doesn’t have street smarts and she knows nothing of the Underworld and she’s a nature goddess as well, she’s literally made of fucking plants if she doesn’t have any sunlight she’s not going to do well which is why Persephone (used to be) is always cold when she went down there in the first place. Hera did not give a flying fuck about Persephone and she quite literally only used her as a puppet just so she can get over her own fling. Not only that but the fact that Hera was actively trying to find out what happened to Persephone by discussing it with other people and not even trying to question her is wild as well. Persephone’s assault is her business and if people that Hera questioned started to catch on and question Persephone about it I can imagine that that would probably trigger her. If Hera didn’t even want to see anyone while dealing with Kronos why not give Persephone that same privacy? Don’t even get me started on the dress thing too, I swear Hera acts exactly how everyone wants Demeter to act like. You cannot tell me that Hera isn’t Persephone’s overbearing mother who forces her to do things she doesn’t want to, puts an unbelievable standard on her, doesn’t let her make her own decisions, and keeps her in the dark about things.
Anyways, moral of the story here is that along with Hades these two deserve to be up there with the true villains of Lore Olympus because they’re quite literally just like Thetis but maybe even worse honestly. They both show us where their loyalty lies and that they care more about Hades’ feelings rather than Persephone so much so that they’d throw her under the bus without remorse if he asked them to.
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astroprompts · 6 months
“Why do we even have saucers? We don't drink tea!”
“Do you have a thousand dollars? Because each minute I spend talking to you, that's how much money I'm wasting.”
“You're the only one in this building who isn't a total snooze-cooze.”
“No one watches this show to feel feelings. Life is depressing enough already!”
“All this time, I assumed there was more to me than everyone thought. But maybe there isn't.”
“I don't care if you are happy or not. You have a job to do.”
“Look who finally decided to pick up the phone.”
“You must think I'm a real monster.”
“You were born broken, that's your birthright.”
“Can't say I'll miss it, but we did have some crazy adventures together these last few weeks.”
“Sometimes you wanna go where no one knows your name.”
“Is that name supposed to mean something to me?”
“I want to do things with you. Fully clothed, sober, in daylight hours.”
“Look, you obviously really care about this girl and that scares you, so you sabotage yourself.”
“How about you just stop sulking and go win her back, dummy?”
“I'm cynical, and I'm possessive, and I can sometimes fly off the handle. I'm not always the best at being not terrible. But I want to be better, I'm trying to be better.”
“Why do I always do this? I push away everyone I care about.”
“No matter what, we're going to stick together.”
“I'm no good with funerals. When I cry, it messes up my makeup and then I get really bummed out.”
“Okay, you're clearly in one of your moods.”
“Why serve dates and not have a place to put the pits? You know, some people just have no class.”
“There's so much to hate about what you just said.”
“Shove it up your ass with a spoonful of sugar, you supercalifragilisticexpiali-bitch!”
“You know, maybe it's for the best we don't get together that often. We'd most likely drive each other mad.”
“No one knows how to get under your skin like family.”
“You wanna check out this cool new game I got?”
“I know there's no accounting for taste, but come on.”
“There is no shame in dying for nothing. That's why most people die.”
“Quick, jump out the window, shimmy down the drainpipe and wait in the car.”
“When you don't regret the tattoo in the morning, that's how you know it's love.”
“I guess I was just foolish enough to believe this dumb world still had a little spark of romance in it.”
“Look, what happened back there is not your fault.”
“If you wanna go for a walk in the woods at night, go crazy, but I'm not going anywhere.”
“Look, pal, I'll pay the bill, just-- Just let us get you to a damn hospital.”
“Um, do you wanna talk about what happened?”
“Any time someone tries to love you, you shove them away.”
“I was this badass overachiever that had these big plans to change the world.”
“So, now you're just gonna do whatever a teenage girl says?”
“I don't need you to like me. It would be fun if you liked me, because I'd prove my parents were wrong to never support me, because I earned the admiration of an authority figure, proving I have intrinsic worth, but it's not a big deal or anything. Jeez.”
“You know, sometimes I feel like my whole life is just a series of loosely-related wacky misadventures.”
“When you think something isn't about you, you find a way to save the day and realize that it was, all along, all about you.”
“Oh, is that that thing where you strangle yourself in an attempt to heighten sexual arousal?”
“So, noose-wise, what are we talking? You use a standard sailor's knot or more like your average birthday-present bow?”
“I don't know if I want your jack-off kit at my house.”
“This is the part of the movie where you get your heart broken. Where the world tests you, and people treat you like shit. But it has to happen this way. Otherwise, the end of the movie, when you get everything you want, won't feel as rewarding.”
“Jesus, why does cantaloupe think every time it gets invited to a party, it can bring along its dumb friend honeydew?”
“When we know what we know about a monster like that and we still put him on TV every week, we're teaching a generation of young boys and girls that a man's reputation is more important than the lives of the women he's ruined.”
“I don't understand why you can't be on my side about this.”
“I asked you, really nicely, not to make a big thing out of this.”
“Why does it suddenly matter what I want?”
“All I ever wanted was to be your friend.”
“Stop kidding yourself. If you really wanted the simple life, you'd have a simple life.”
“Love is an illusion, and happiness is fleeting, no such thing as God, and all your favorite musicians beat their wives.”
“Well, I'm sorry that things have been so hard for you, but that doesn't give you the right to be shitty to me.”
“I can't be around someone who's just fueled by bitterness and negativity.”
“You know, it's funny. When you look at someone through rose-colored glasses, all the red flags just look like flags.”
“I wish I could just go home right now and crawl into bed and not have to talk about anything or explain anything.”
“I'm sorry I'm not the person I thought I was.”
“Hey, you wanna climb up on the water tower?”
“I'm really glad we left that stupid prom, but I'm kind of bummed we didn't get to dance.”
“Look, sometimes when you're an adult, the right thing isn't always the best thing.”
“You're the first grown-up I've ever met who actually treats me like... You know, a person.”
“I said so many things when I was young. I thought I was so deep.”
“It doesn't matter where you are, it's who you are.”
“So many times in my life I've done the wrong thing, but this is the right thing, and I have never been more sure of anything.”
“I've wasted so much time sitting on my hands and imagining what could have been.”
“If you are not out of my driveway in 30 minutes, I will call the police.”
“If you ever try to contact me or my family again, I will fucking kill you.”
“Wake up, captain dumbshit.”
“Now let's get out there and tell all those garbage rat bastard sons of bastards what we really think of them, once and for all.”
“If you're holding out for something better, well, I hate to break it to you, but you're gonna be alone for a long time.”
“Every day, it gets a little easier. But you gotta do it every day, that's the hard part.”
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rachelsfav-queer · 7 months
How would mommy Enid and daddy Yoko handle Wednesday getting overstimulated and having a complete meltdown? Poor thing is totally inconsolable :'(
Whew. Okay, this one is obviously very important to me, as I’ve said in a previous post. But, I didn’t really explain why so, let me do that now. Btw, this whole thing is gonna be a long one, so either strap in or hop out.
So, first off, I’m reading this ask as if Wednesday is autistic, along with the typical headcanon of her being a little that’s been present lately for VampRavenWolf. So, I’ll be basing it on my experience with autistic meltdowns, which for the most part has been extremely traumatic. I won’t get into any specific details about my experience for privacy reasons and I also don’t want to trigger myself by forcing myself to remember it all.
As for my story, there was a point in my life where I was in an extremely toxic environment that almost constantly produced meltdowns for me. Now, meltdowns are already a very traumatic experience for autistic people, but it was made 10x worse for me by the fact that I was surrounded by people who were only aiming to make it worse for me, hoping that I would eventually self-destruct, in whatever way that meant. They genuinely didn’t care how it happened, just as long as they could get rid of me. That is my story, it’s a very shortened and simplified version of it, with a whole lot of missing context, but it’s my story nonetheless.
I want to say that I still appreciate this ask. Because it gives me an opportunity to share my experience in hopes that by doing so, I can help at least someone. Let them know that they’re not alone like I thought I was for most of my life. That is how I heal the trauma that was dealt to me.
So, with that out of the way, let’s get to the actual ask!
TRIGGER WARNING: Descriptions of sensory overload and meltdown as experienced by an autistic character, light descriptions of self-harm in the form of harmful stimming, and descriptions of panic attacks. All below the cut.
So, for this scenario, I’m gonna set it in VampRavenWolf’s home. It’s already gonna be hard for our poor little raven, I don’t want to subject her to dealing with it in public. Secondly, we’re gonna say that something happens with one of the smoke detectors, some sort of malfunction that causes it to go off for no reason. This will be what causes everything to go down. Alright, this is everyone’s last chance, if anything in the warning above is triggering to you, PLEASE leave now and do not read. Remember, you are not forced to read this if any of the trigger warnings make you uncomfortable. Please, take care of yourselves.
Alright, we all good? Great.
The day already wasn’t going great. Wednesday had just gotten home from school half an hour ago, and her classmates all day had apparently made it their mission to annoy her. Not even Bianca was able to ward off everyone all day, considering she only shared half of her classes with the raven. And of course, both her girlfriends were either out dealing with work or handling family issues, of which they’d only gotten home from a few minutes before Wednesday did, only to have to retreat to their respective offices to finish even more work.
Spending so much time away from her Mommy and Daddy was always the most exhausting thing in the world for Wednesday and although she understood that they couldn’t just spend every second of every day right by her side, the fact still upset her greatly.
At the moment, Wednesday is sitting in the living room, watching TV with Raven on her lap, though she’s not paying very close attention (Raven isn’t either). The absence of her Mommy and Daddy weighs heavy on her mind, only made worse by the day she’s had. Wednesday’s just about to get up to find her Mommy in hopes that she’ll give her the attention that she so desperately needs when suddenly, the smoke alarm in the kitchen goes off. The loud, piercing noise sends Wednesday falling off the couch as her hands fly up to cover her ears. It takes a few seconds for her mind to catch up with her body, but when it does, Wednesday begins crying violently, coughing wildly and her breathing quickly becomes unsteady, short and with no rhythm.
Meanwhile, Enid and Yoko are alerted immediately by the noise and rush out to check everything out. Seeing no signs of a fire, they determine the alarm is just malfunctioning and pull it off the wall, taking out the batteries and silencing the screaming noise. Once the alarm is off, though, the quiet exposes the sound of their baby sobbing in the living room and once again the women are rushing to the sound. Their hearts break at the sight of Wednesday curled up on the floor with her hands clutching her head tightly. Enid walks forward first, lowering herself as slowly as possible, and speaks gently, “Hey, little raven. It’s Mommy. Can I come closer?”
The muffled sound of her Mommy’s voice catches the raven’s attention and she gravitates towards it, opening her eyes slightly and choking out, “L- loud, Mommy! Too loud!” Still overwhelmed by the stimulation, Wednesday’s brain is in desperate need of regulation and so instinctually her fists begin slamming into the sides of her head over and over and over and over and-
Thinking quickly, Enid gently pulls the seer's arms by her wrists and wraps them around her torso, allowing the girl to pound her fists into the wolf’s back, “Okay, okay baby. That’s it, let it out on Mommy. She can take it, you’re okay.” Enid continues to mutter reassurances over and over again while Yoko leaves for a moment to grab Wednesday’s noise-canceling headphones, returning the moment she finds them and carefully sets them on the raven’s ears.
Meanwhile, Wednesday’s sobbing only gets worse, her breathing getting shallower and her body getting weaker. Yoko and Enid are starting to get seriously worried, they look at each other with fear in their eyes and Yoko asks weakly, “What do we do?”
Enid looks back down at the girl in her arms, desperately trying to think of anything to bring their girlfriend out of this meltdown safely. Suddenly, she gets an idea. “We need to help her regulate herself. Here,” Enid breathes, offering the girl to Yoko, “Hold her, she prefers cold. I’ll go turn down the A/C and grab her weighted blanket. I’ll be right back.” While Enid does that, Yoko gets an idea of her own. She first shuffles back to lean against the couch, then, staying careful not to jostle the raven, Yoko does her best to unbutton as much of her shirt as she can and lays Wednesday’s head onto her exposed chest. Almost immediately, Wednesday’s breathing begins to slow, as do her tears. Yoko continues to whisper gentle words of praise and reassurance until Enid gets back. The werewolf covers the two with the black blanket and gets yet another idea. Stepping away from her girlfriends, Enid transforms into her wolf form and then lays her head gently against the seer’s back.
And with the combined weight of the blanket and the werewolf plus the chill of the vampire and the A/C blowing down on them all, Wednesday slowly starts coming back to herself. Eventually, her breathing is even again, and a few sniffles here and there are the only signs that she’d been crying. Petting her hair, Yoko speaks, “Hey there, baby bird. You back with us?”
Wednesday nods slowly, “Yes Daddy. Feel better.”
At the sound of her baby’s voice, Enid lifts her head and gently nudges Wednesday’s cheek with her snout, chuffing softly which makes the goth smile tiredly. Which in turn pleases her Mommy and Daddy, knowing their girl really was back with them.
“Get some sleep, baby bird. We’ll be right here for you. We have you always.”
End <3
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greatlyblessed · 7 months
Sorry not if you were ever asked this. For 03 what is your opinion on each of the boys?
Hey! I don't think I've been asked this on tumblr so, time to go on a Rant™️
('03 is my favorite turtle show. It's just so goooood but okay specifically about the turtles--)
oh right i got really long I should add in a readmore--
Gonna start with Mikey. Ah Mikey. I think I called him a gremlin troll of a turtle in some tags earlier and I stand by that. This turtle wakes up every day going 'how can I make someone else (mostly Raph) chose violence'. He is good at reading people and he makes that everyone else's problem. Weaponized Incompetence King. I love him so much. He was my favorite on my first watch through but I don't think I have a favorite any more.
But also he's a good boy!! He wants to help people out. I was rewatching the series but I didn't really get past season 1 so I'm just thinking about the first Turtle Titan episode. He got an idea on how they could be COOL but nobody else was down for it, so fine he'll do it on his own--
10/10 turtle. Menace to society. Probably the smartest Mikey in the turtle multiverse.
Raph. Oh sweetie. Boy has so many feelings and struggles with dealing with them. 😭Relatable. He learns and grows over the course of the series and I'm happy for him. Big softie on the inside, prickly cactus on the outside. Feel like a lot of his anger is just other feelings turning into anger because y'know. Emotions Hard.
He has his struggles and his problems but he loves his brothers. I love his dynamics with everyone. Fighting with Mikey, the way he manages to actually be Soft with Donnie. The way he manages to even out into someone that helps Leo keep his balance over just. Challenging him in a way that sets Leo off. (Remembering the fight over the sword Shredder gave Leo early on now--)
10/10 turtle too. Goober. Not as funny as he thinks he is (and that only makes him more endearing.)
Leo. Oh no honey. Sweetheart. Baby boy. This boy goes THROUGH IT. I've seen a meta about his Trauma and how he's a lot more laughing and joking around pre-Window and then we don't see him lightening up again till Fast Forwards/BTTS. And yeah I can see it. This boy thinks DEEP. Maybe a bit too much so. Internalization King. Give him a nice cup of tea, a warm blanket and a hug please.
He's just so weighted down with the task of keeping his brothers alive. Mikey's the one who wanted to be a superhero but Leo's probably the one who actually has the most 'heroic' temperament. Very keen sense of 'bad things are happening and we can do something about it'. But also 'bad things may happen to us if we meddle too much'. (Which, they do. And then they all almost die because of calls Leo made so of course he handles that extremely well.)
10/10 turtle. Daddy's boy got his Autistic Swag. Ninjitsu is his special interest.
Don. Ah, Donny. (Which is apparently how it's spelled in 03.) Kind soul. Sweetheart. Precious. Absolute menace. Do not let his mild manners fool you. This boy is insane. LEAST common sense out of the four of them. Thinks that playing a flight simulator makes him qualified to fly an actual helicopter. (If Raph had hair Don would absolutely be making it go grey.) Mikey is a menace on purpose. Don? Don thinks he's the sensible, rational one. Which just makes him even more terrifying.
He's such a kind, sweet soul. Loves building his vehicles lol. He's got the combo of being fairly even-tempered and also more mild mannered so he's good at not making any Bickers worse among his family. I love how they all dropped everything and went to check on him in that one episode where he was stressed out and yelled at everyone. 😭
10/10 turtle. Let's not forget this boy had his own PTSD arc in the Back to the Sewers season. Of all places.
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comfortinnfortmill · 9 months
Your Home Away from Home: The Comfort and Convenience of Comfort Inn Fort Mill
Hey there, fellow travelers!
Imagine this: You're on the road, exploring new horizons, and seeking a cozy haven that feels like home. Well, get ready to join me, your friendly Ross, as I take you on a virtual journey through the whimsical world of Comfort Inn Fort Mill.
Picture this blog post as a scene straight out of F.R.I.E.N.D.S, with a dash of Ross and Rachel's banter. So, let's dive in!
Episode Title: The One Where We Discovered Comfort Inn Fort Mill
Ross: "We were on a break!" Oops, wrong quote. But seriously, folks, Comfort Inn is where you can experience modern comfort without the 'we were on a break' drama. Located just off I-77, this gem is a stone's throw away from Carowinds Amusement Park. And guess what? If you're flying in, it's just 14 miles from Charlotte Douglas International Airport. That's like the shortest layover ever!
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Rachel: "Oh, my God!" Ross, you're telling me they have cozy beds, microwaves, refrigerators, and flat-screen TVs in the guest rooms? That's like all the comforts of home plus a bonus!
Ross: You got it, Rach! And guess what's even cooler? Some rooms have sofa sleepers, which is perfect for families on the go. They're even cool with bringing your furry friend along – for a small fee, of course. I can totally imagine bringing Marcel, my monkey, along for a little adventure!
Breakfast Banter: Unleash Your Inner Joey
Rachel: "It's like all my life everyone's always told me, 'You're a shoe! You're a shoe!'" Well, folks, here's something better than a shoe – a FREE hot breakfast! Comfort inn carowinds is famous for its delicious waffles that will make you say, "Joey doesn't share food!" But don't worry, they've got healthy options too, just in case you're watching your waistline.
Smells Like Team Spirit: Work and Play
Ross: "Pivot!" Oops, wrong situation. But hey, business travelers, listen up! Comfort Inn at the Park isn't just for leisure seekers. They've got a banquet room that can handle up to 50 guests. So whether it's a company celebration, a board meeting, or a mini Friends reunion, they've got your back. And don't forget the fitness center – you can work out those pivot skills!
Rachel: "No more falafel for you!" And guess what, Ross? They offer free WiFi and parking! Perfect for those moments when you need to Google the best falafel place nearby.
Poolside Shenanigans: The One with the Splash
Ross: "My sandwich? My sandwich!" Oops, sandwich trauma flashback. But let's talk about the real deal – the seasonal outdoor pool! On a warm day, take a dip and relax. Just remember to leave your sandwich at a safe distance.
Rachel: "Welcome to the real world! It sucks. You’re gonna love it!" Actually, Ross, at Comfort Inn Fort Mill, the real world doesn't suck. It's like being welcomed into a cozy haven, minus all the apartment-hunting drama.
The Charlotte Chronicles: Explore Like Chandler and Joey
Ross: "Could I BE any more excited?" Well, yes, because there's more! Comfort Inn Fort Mill isn't just a comfy stay – it's your gateway to Charlotte's wonders. From the Billy Graham Library to NarroWay Productions, Blumenthal Performing Arts Center, and Discovery Place, you're in for an adventure.
Rachel: "It's like all my life everyone's always told me, 'You're a shoe! You're a shoe!'" Wait, did we already use that quote? Never mind, because Comfort Inn Fort Mill is more than a shoe – it's the perfect fit for any traveler's journey.
Pack Your Bags for Comfort Inn Fort Mill!
In the grand scheme of things, our journey through Comfort Inn Fort Mill has been nothing short of delightful. From imaginary splashes in the outdoor pool to daydreaming about exploring Charlotte's attractions, we've taken you on a whirlwind tour that's as heartwarming as Ross and Rachel's relationship. Whether you're on a real adventure or just escaping the everyday hustle in your imagination, remember that Comfort Inn at the Park is a place where comfort, convenience, and a dash of humor collide.
So there you have it, fellow adventurers! Comfort Inn Fort Mill is like your home away from home, but with a touch of Friends-style humor. Whether you're a Ross, a Rachel, or just a fan of the show, this cozy heaven is waiting to welcome you with open arms. So next time you're in Fort Mill, remember, "We were not on a break," and check into Comfort Inn at the Park for an experience that's worth every quirky quote!
Source:: https://www.apsense.com/article/your-home-away-from-home-the-comfort-and-convenience-of-comfort-inn-fort-mill.html
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No Means No, Chapter 6: Enter Sadie
Chapter 1, Chapter 2, Chapter 3, Chapter 4, Chapter 5, Full Series
Summary: Sadie wants to take things to the next level with their relationship. August isn't sure he can handle that.
Warnings/Tags: Mentions of Rape/Noncon, Flashbacks, Trauma, Making Out, Difficult Conversations, Protective Stella
Taglist: @theladywyn, @ihavepointysticks
August and Sadie had been dating for a while now. Things were good. Really good. Better than he expected. He could scarcely believe it. He felt like he was living in a dream and he didn’t want to wake up.
Sadie was fun. She didn’t treat him like a kid or make a big deal that she was older than him. And she’s the first girlfriend he ever had that didn’t go running for the hills the second his family got to be “too much”. Ironically, Sadie was very stable. And he loved playing music with her.
There was just one small, tiny, itty bitty problem that would probably implode their relationship very soon.
August may not be the best at reading people but he could tell that Sadie wanted to take things to the next level physically between them. They hadn’t explicitly talked about it yet but her lingering gaze and how much more heard their makeout sessions were getting to be lately were getting the message across clear enough.
The problem with that was that he was utterly horrified of having sex with someone again.
It’s not that he didn’t trust Sadie. He just didn't trust himself. He wasn’t sure how he would react when they got that far. It was a testament to how far he’d come that he was willing to even kiss Sadie but who knew if he would be able to handle her taking his shirt off or touching his chest or his wrists- or even the main event itself.
“You should just talk to her,” Stella said for the umpteenth time. “I’m sure she’ll understand.”
“And what if she doesn’t?” August paced from one end of his room to the other. “What if she doesn’t believe me? Or she thinks I’m overreacting? Or-”
“Then I’ll kill her.”
August stopped his pacing and stared at her. “Stella, I’m being serious.”
“So am I.” She got off his bed and walked over to hug him. “I know you’re freaking out but it’s gonna be okay. Talk to her. She’ll either be understanding or she won’t. If she is, great. If she’s not, then she’s not worth your time anyway. And she’ll be dead.”
August returned the hug, leaning down and resting his cheek against the top of her head. “Please don’t get arrested for murder,” he muttered. “I need you here.”
Stella gave an exaggerated sigh. “Fine. But seriously, talk to her. It’ll work out.”
August sighed. “I hope so.”
“It will. Trust me.”
He did trust Stella. He just hoped he could trust Sadie. And himself.
August really meant to bring it up with her. There just never seemed to be a good time. Whenever he and Sadie were together, he was happy and time seemed to fly by. He didn’t want to break that spell, as much as he knew he needed to.
Of course, that meant things came up in the worst way possible.
Sadie had initiated another makeout session while the movie they watched played in the background. That was safe enough. She pushed him so he was lying back on the cushions while she straddled him. That was…fine. He was fine. This was Sadie; he had nothing to worry about. 
Then her hands left his chest, traveled lower, and lower, until they reached the hem of his shirt. Then they went under, pushing his shirt up as her hands explored his skin.
It’s okay, he tried to tell himself. This is Sadie. She won’t hurt you. You want this. Everything is fine.
But it wasn’t fine. Because no matter how much he told himself he was safe with Sadie, his mind kept taking him back to that day, when he wasn’t safe with Ruby, and he just couldn’t.
“Stop. Please- Just stop.”
And she did. Sadie sat back on the couch and August opened his eyes to see her looking at him with a soft frown on her face. “Is everything okay? Was I going too fast? I’m sorry, I just- I thought we were on the same page here.”
August sighed and sat up. “I want to be on the same page. I really do. I’m just- It’s complicated.”
Sadie cautiously reached for his hand. “...Do you need to tell me something?”
And he did. It was hard, but he told her everything. He told her about Ruby slipping him a roofie and taking advantage of him. He told her about Stella finding out and eventually telling his dad. He even told her about how things fell apart with Faye because she got tired of waiting on him. “And… that’s about it.” He held his breath, waiting for her response.
Sadie hugged him tight. “Thank you for telling me,” she said softly. “Don’t hide things like that from me, okay? I don’t want to hurt you.”
August leaned against her. “I won’t. Not anymore. You don’t keep secrets either, okay?”
“Of course not.” Sadie kissed his cheek. “Do you want to go back to watching the movie?”
“...Actually, do you mind if we call it a night? I’m kind of tired.”
“Not at all. I’ll just head home. Call me tomorrow?”
August smiled. “Yeah. For sure.”
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mawkabre · 6 years
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thefanficmonster · 3 years
Ranboo x Reader (Female)
Warnings: None, unless talking about the future counts
Genre: FLUFF, Humor, RPF (Real Person Fic)
Summary: Following the arrival of the dreadful invitation to his cousin’s wedding Ranboo turns to the only cover-up he can think of to keep his still-single status hidden from his family.
Requested by Anon. Hi darling! Thank you so much for your wonderful request! I’m so glad you sent your idea to me and I’m so glad you were my first official Ranboo request. I’m really sorry it’s taken me so long to write it but I still hope you’ll come across it and read it! Love, Vy ❤
“Heyyy, so Y/N, I have a favor to ask you...um yeah, call me back, it’s awkward sending it via voicemail. Bye“
Huh - that’s the first thought that goes through my head when I listen to the voicemail left after a missed call from my best friend Ranboo. The favors he usually asks for consist of requesting assistance for his videos in which I also appear with a mask and sunglasses to keep the brand running. I genuinely have nothing against my face being shown but when I think about it, I’m honestly a bit glad people can’t identify me.
Anyways, back to the favors, Ranboo is no stranger to asking me for them but they’ve never been considered too awkward for a voicemail which is why I’m no slightly concerned. I’ve been swamped with work for school and studies for the graduation finals for the past two weeks and it seems like I’ll never get on top of it and I know Ranboo’s been in a similar situation too, so maybe he needs help with that? He’s not used to asking help for school stuff, he sometimes even has a hard time accepting it when I openly offer it to him.
I eventually sigh, decide that playing this guessing game will not get me anywhere and settle on giving him a call as I make my way home from the gym with my legs barely putting up with the task of carrying me around.
He picks up on the second ring.
“Hey! Wh-...“
“Would you pretend to be my girlfriend for my cousin’s wedding next weekend?!“
My legs take that opportunity to stop moving in the middle of the sidewalk which is luckily void of any people at the moment. It’s not my fault my body’s first reaction was to freeze up at the question that came flying at me like an out-of-control jet, almost as though he’s been dying to say it and get it over with.
“Um...run that by me again please, I think I misunderstood.“ I say, blinking blankly as though awoken from a fever dream. No, actually as though I’m IN a fever dream right now.
“Ok, now that the cat’s out of the bag, wanna grab some coffee and talk about it face-to-face. I need to see your facial expressions to gauge what response to expect.“ He says, the previous nervousness gone and his voice calm as regularly once again.
I’m this close to face-palming but I squeeze my eyes tightly shut and bring myself to utter a reply, “Our usual spot. Be there in ten minutes.”
                                                             *  *  *
“No freaking way.“ I shake my head, folding my arms over my chest as I lean back in my seat in the booth we picked when we arrived. Good thing I got an iced coffee cause even a hot one would’ve gone cold by now considering I haven’t yet taken the time to have even a sip of it. I’ve been too busy listening to the long and short of the explanation and begging speech Ranboo probably made last night to try and convince me to agree to this nonsense. “Dude, we’ve been friends since middle school-...“
“Exactly! Who else was I gonna ask?“ He cuts me off, pleading gaze meeting my unimpressed one.
I huff before continuing my previous statement, “We’ve been friends since middle school so you know my opinion on weddings.” I put extra emphasis on the word ‘opinion’, giving him the clear hint at the distaste I’ve expressed on the topic multiple times before.
“And you know we’re on the same page there but there’s no way I can avoid going unless someone kidnaps me.“ He too now gets in the same stance as me, his coffee forgotten too.
I can’t help but snort out a little laugh, “I’d be more than happy to kidnap you considering the other option is far less appealing to me.“
He, of course, rolls his eyes at me as though he didn’t offer to do the same thing so I could avoid an exam but anyways. “So you’re gonna choose to fake a kidnapping that has the potential of landing you in jail over coming to eat some great food and maybe even have some fun at a wedding with your best friend? I’m hurt.“ He says, frowning to cover up the smile that’s fighting its way onto his face.
Now it’s my turn to roll my eyes, “I’d be kidnapping you, dummy...” I cut myself off to let out a long sigh and calm down before I go off at him. His smirk isn’t helping me much with the task either. I’ve known Ranboo long enough to know he’ll eventually convince me and he’s known me long enough to know how to do that exactly. With that in mind, there’s really no point in getting so worked up and wasting my energy. And so, despite my own rationality, I cave. “Fine, but I’m not staying the whole wedding.“
His eyes immediately light up and almost makes me feel the compromise was worth it. Almost. I mean, when you’ve been best friends with someone for so long, seeing them happy is worth more to you than your own comfort sometimes.
And he knows it too. Which is exactly why he outstretches his hand for me to shake and says: “Just one dance and you’re free to go. Deal?”
I take his hand without hesitations. That’s a better offer than I could’ve ever imagined. “Damn straight it’s a deal.“
                                                            *  *  *
“How long until you kick the heels off?“ Ranboo asks, bringing me a non-alcoholic cocktail and sitting down next to me.
I take a sip and giggle, “You kidding? I already kicked them off and replaced them with flats. I need mobility if we dance. They also lower the risk of me severing off a toe of yours if I step on you on accident.”
He laughs, clinking his glass against mine before he gets a bit more serious, “By the way, thanks for handling my family’s attack so well. I know it might’ve been a bit much but you handled it like a pro. Still, I’m sorry on their behalf.”
I shake my head and wave my hand dismissively, “Don’t mention it. I’d probably react the same way if my brother or cousin brought a date to an important family event like this.” I instinctively turn to look in the direction of where the majority of his family has gathered around, chatting with guests, smiling brightly. It’s hard not to immediately take a liking towards these people. They’ve been a second family to me ever since Ranboo and I started hanging out so I completely understand why they were so shocked to see me in the role of his ‘girlfriend’.
“I’ll tell my parents the truth later, our extended family is the ones I wanted to fool to be perfectly honest.“ He looks around as do I and we catch more than a few pairs of eyes fixated on us that turn away when they realize they’ve been spotted, “Mission accomplished by the looks of it.“
I chuckle. I’ve never felt so comfortable at a wedding before. I don’t feel stressed nor anxious despite knowing that there’s quite the number of eyes on me and there are whispers going around about my ‘relationship’ with Ranboo. It’s oddly calming and relaxing to be surrounded by some familiar and some unfamiliar faces. This cocktail is pretty great too.
Speaking of which, if it had any alcohol in it I’d blame it for the decision I’m about to make but this one’s entirely on me: I tap Ranboo with one hand while taking out my phone with the other. “If we’re already the talk of the wedding, let’s give them something to talk about.“ I say as I put up my phone, pretending to be taking a selfie leaning in to give him a kiss on the cheek.
When I pull away I can clearly see that he’s still processing what just happened. I can’t help but burst out in a fit of laughter as I reach out to wipe the lipstick stain I left on his cheek. He looks like a lost, clueless puppy with the question: ‘what on Earth just happened???’ replaying in his head and it’s so freaking cute!
Wait....what was that? Since when do I use the adjective cute to describe Ranboo? Didn’t I think he looks handsome in a suit earlier too? The hell is with me today?
Then it hits me - the feeling isn’t foreign. Like, I know I’ve felt it before but I never analyzed it or even bothered to acknowledge it. But now that I do, I’m afraid of what it might be.
“There!“ I say, desperately trying to push the thoughts away along with this little firework show in my stomach, “Now you have pinker cheeks. Well, cheek, singular.“
As if snapping out of his state of confusion, he returns to Earth with a smirk, “Kiss the other to even it?”
Alright, his blush might not be even but mine now is and it’s ten times as intense and very much apparent but I don’t let the feeling shine through anything else as I proceed to actually kiss his other cheek too, wiping the lipstick stain.
“Thanks. You’re the best.” And just like that, as though it’s no big deal, he kisses my forehead.
See, that’s the thing, it shouldn’t be a big deal! It’s never been! This is far from the first time I’ve kissed him on the cheek or the first time he’s given me a forehead kiss. These are regular occurrences after years of this lovely friendship we have. Why do they feel so different now?
Then, much to my relief, the music starts and the lights turn off leaving only one spotlight for the groom and bride to have their first dance. They look absolutely astonishing and I can certainly say I’ve never before stopped to think that about any newly weds of the weddings I’ve preciously been to. I don’t know if it has something to do with the company I have for this particular wedding or it’s maybe the fact that my mindset’s changed over the years without me realizing.
Then I automatically look at Ranboo who just so happens to be looking at me too and all I can say is: my mindset hasn’t changed.
A loud applause takes over when the couple finish their dance, officially opening the dancefloor for any other pairs who’d like to occupy it and I’m happy to see how many people are eager to rush up with their partner.
 Ranboo gets up, putting the glass down and offers me his hand, “So, wanna dance? Don’t take this as a sign to leave though, we said one dance and you CAN leave, not SHOULD.” He says, giving me a warning look.
I roll my eyes and am about to give him some sass right back but he takes my hand and picks me up from my seat, leading me to the dancefloor.  And I gotta admit maybe it’s a good thing he did. If he left it to me I would’ve probably said no to the dance and ran the hell away. Why? - Cause I’m freaking terrified of this new mindset and point of view and these intense emotions I never used to pay any mind to before in regards to my best friend.
Friends don’t feel that way about friends. Friends don’t look at friends that way. What’s happening to me?
When I gotta look him in the eyes like this, not for the first time might I add, I can finally understand how the friends-to-lovers trope works: it’s all meaningless until it starts to mean so much to you. It’s all platonic until it reminds you of a romantic movie moment. It ‘best friends’ until it’s ‘I wish we were more than that’. It’s all casual, until it’s not.
And, unfortunately, it’s irreversible.
Damn do I wish I ran away now...
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raggaraddy · 3 years
Can you Taehyungs version of reader being shot cause of them?
I really like your Jimin and Namjoon Version that you’ve written🥰
Request from @dramaclub-thin: Mafia BTS where the reader is shot for/because of them.
A/N: It is so much longer than I meant for it to be. Hope you enjoy! Thanks for reading.
If anyone else wants to request, you can here.
Mafia Bangtan other parts:
Summary: When you agreed to help Bangtan take down one of their enemies, you never imagined it could go so wrong.
Trigger warning: Smut, violence, blood, murder.
Mafia! Taehyung
"Are you ready?" Namjoon asks, shutting off the car's engine and turning around in his seat.
"Yeah," you nod back, hoping the rocking pit of nerves in your stomach isn't visible on your face. Scanning back and forth between him in the front and Jin sat beside you, you're checking to see if they are showing any signs of worry either. Finding a bit of solace in their surety.
"We're gonna lag behind about 20 minutes to be cautious and stay out of sight. But we'll be close. Just do everything like we said, and you'll be fine." Namjoon summarizes once again. Jin offering you a kind, reassuring smile to accompany the leader's words.
You nod again, sucking your tongue to the roof of your mouth. Running your fingers through your hair to fluff it for the 30th time. Hyperfixated on the time, you see the dashboard clock tick over. 20:21.
"Okay, let's go." You exhale deeply.
It was three weeks ago that Namjoon came to you with a problem that Bangtan was facing. Their weapons dealer was forcefully put out of business, which was Namjoons gentle way of saying he was killed, cutting off their supply to automatics and other bigger guns. Leaving them vulnerable. The man who took over their previous partners supply was known to be working with some of the other, smaller local crews. It was also known that he was a rival of Namjoon's and due to this tension refused to work with Bangtan. Normally, a problem like this would be something that they could handle. However, as Namjoon explained it, this guy was backed and protected by foreign money and was too hot to touch without starting a bloody war.
So the plan was simple. Risky, but simple. The supplier had to die. And it needed to appear to be from natural causes, so it could never fall back on Bangtan. No one directly affiliated could be involved. That meant none of the members could risk doing it. It also meant that it was too high a priority to trust an associate or hired gun with this information. Not with the reach and money the opposition had. No, it had to be someone within the family that could handle this, but someone the supplier would never know.
Opportunely, the supplier was known to have a weakness for women, hence the logical conclusion for Namjoon was one of the member's girls. Trustworthy enough not to turn or rat, not likely to be noticed among the myriad of other women, and except a few of them, all had no record linking them to Bangtan, so they would be complete unknowns.
Jin said it, but you already knew it. Out of all of the girls, you were the one who was the most capable. Your difficult past left you with many emotional scars but made you the best person to handle the responsibility. You're not susceptible to intimidation. Have very few moral hangups. And most importantly Namjoon knows how much you love Taehyung. How you would do anything for him. To keep him safe and happy. He knows he can trust you, and that when the time comes, you wouldn't hesitate to do what they needed you to.
As for you, you knew that Taehyung trusted Namjoon irrefutably and you had seen countless times that he was a good leader. Furthermore, you could appreciate the gravity of the situation. Because you're sure that if Bangtan's brain had any other choice, he would not have asked for your help. But since he had, you were going to do what was necessary to keep your family and Taehyung safe.
The problem was that Namjoon had insisted on secrecy. The only ones to know about his plan were you, him, and Jin. A few years ago, sure, lying would not have been a problem for you, you hardly ever told the truth to anyone. But this changed when you met Taehyung. He was the first person you could be honest with, the first person you ever let love you. And lying to him was something you were genuinely struggling with.
However, you knew Namjoon and Jin were right. There was no way Tae would have been okay with you being put in harm's way and he wouldn't be able to separate his feelings from the urgency of the task.
Although, that justification doesn't make you feel less guilty for deceiving him. And to make matters worse, you expected this to be over with last week already. But on your first date with the supplier, he had left the club early to deal with work suddenly. Giving you no time to spike his drink.
So here you were, attempt number two.
While you were meant to meet the supplier at a fancy restaurant first, Namjoon's plan was to skip that and get to his house as quickly as possible. Before the valet could open the supplier's car door, you leant through the open window, teasingly licking your lips. "I just realized," you purr, noting his eyes drop to your mouth and back. "I'm actually not that hungry. So how about we skip to the end of the night, and then you can take me out for breakfast tomorrow morning."
Your blatant offer works like a charm. 20 minutes and a car ride later, he's pulling you down onto his couch. Hardly able to keep his hands or lips off of you.
Tearing at your blouse he rips the buttons apart, his mouth sucking and licking at your neck. One of his hands roaming and grabbing at anything he can, while the other starts to hike up your pencil skirt. He removes his vest and buttoned shirt, not once parting his lips from yours. His large, hard chest muscles pressing against you as he pins you in between his arms and the couch. Spreading your legs apart, he grinds his crotch into your core and you can feel what effect this is having on him. And you have to admit, despite your mind being focused elsewhere, physically it's having the same kind of arousing results on you.
But this isn't what's supposed to happen. He's moving too fast and it's quickly getting away from you. You only want to get him comfortable and distracted enough that he completely lets his guard down. You're trying to poison him, not fuck him.
Pushing his chest lightly, you spring upright. Slightly out of breath you pull your hair over your shoulder covering up a little and running your fingers through it, trying to regain some composure.
"I could use a drink." You pant, batting your eyes up at him.
"Sounds good." He nods, his gaze dark and ravenous. Suddenly haulting he leans back down to kiss you. His hands gripping your hips as he kisses you back into the sofa. Abruptly leaving you flat on the couch with flushed cheeks.
This is better. One or two drinks from now, you should be able to slip him the ricin. He drinks it, you fake a headache, and skip home.  24 hours from now he has a heart attack and dies from natural causes. Nothing tied to you. Nothing connected to Bangtan.
"I hope you like-"  The supplier calls out, only to be interrupted by a grating smack at the front of the house. You startle upright, sitting alert watching the hall entrance. He comes from the other side, coming back from the kitchen, a curious look on his face. Both of you staring at the same doorway as Taehyung suddenly comes in.
Your eyes go wide, half not able to believe he is actually here. He wasn't supposed to be!  Namjoon had arranged for Jimin to take him out tonight. And you had told him you were going to meet some of the other girls.
The thing you didn't know; a week ago when you met the supplier at the club, you had also said you were out with a few girls, including Jimin's girlfriend. But she was with Jimin at that time. And Jimin was with Taehyung. And she knew nothing about any plans to go out.
So when you said there was a movie night tonight, he asked around and found out that was also a lie. He wanted to trust you. To trust that it wouldn't be as bad as his worst fear. Still, the more he thought over how you lied to him, the more he worked himself up, getting himself into a paranoid and anxious state. Until he found himself tracking your phone, following you to an unknown house.
Seeing you half undressed and with someone he considers an enemy, his anger and jealously turns to pure rage. It only taking a second for the scene in front of him to confirm his worst suspicions.
Unleashing his gun he shoots wildly at the supplier. Reason slipping from him completely.
Barley able to avoid being hit, the supplier dives behind one of the sofa chairs. Nearly being riddled with the showering of bullets.
Wrapping your hands over your head, you cover your ears from the explosive sounds. Still firing, and keeping the supplier pinned, Taehyung storms at you.
"Tae-" you start. The gun empties, but Taehyung couldn't care less, tossing it aside. All of his attention focused on you.
"What the fuck do you think you're doing?!" He growls through gritted teeth. His hand flying down smacking your cheek, slapping you back into the sofa. "How could you do this to me?!" He screams, his voice wavering from the emotion in his question.
"I can explain," You ignore the burn on your cheek, running your hands along your body, trying your best to cover and redress yourself.  You never wanted him to see you like this, and the look of betrayal in his eyes is stinging your heart more than any slap could.  "I-," you begin with no next word coming. There's nothing you can tell him. Not while the supplier is right here.
Taehyung's anger aside, you're terrified to think what him being here means. Namjoon's plan is completely derailed. And Taehyung attacked the supplier, creating an entirely new problem. You're not the smart one. You have no idea what to do or how to fix this.
Where the hell are Jin and Namjoon?
Taehyung is so fixated on you that he doesn't see the other man charging from the side.
"Look out!" You scream. Only it's a second too slow. Taehyung doesn't have time to react and the supplier swings a ceramic table ornament at his head. The shattered fragments raining over you, as your boyfriend is knocked to the ground. The shoe of the imposing man booting into Taehyung's torso.
You dive towards them, driving your body weight into the supplier to separate the two men. Pushing him away as his heel scarcely misses Taehyung's face.
He stumbles back a few steps and straightens up, nodding and pursing his lips with a look of revelation. Seeing you spring to Taehyungs defence revealed much more than you had intended.
While you're attempting to help Tae upright, he quickly shirks you off and lunges at the other man diving through him and dragging him to the floor. Fighting for dominance and survival, the two men break into a brutal fight trading blow after blow as they struggle to overpower the other.
While you're relieved to see that Taehyung is the more skilled of the two, and mostly has the upper hand, you're mainly sick with worry. The ramifications of this will play out beyond this simple fistfight.
All you can do is get Tae out of here for now, and hope that the supplier hasn't realised that this was an attempt to kill him. Maybe if you're really lucky he will only think of it at face value. A cheating girlfriend and her jealous boyfriend.
"Tae," you grab his arm, dragging him back with resistance. "We have to get out of here. Please,"
He drops the supplier's collar, who falls back limply. Turning to you he has blood pouring down his face from a cut on his cheek. Intensifying the cold look in his eye.
"We? What we? Don't you wanna stay here with this piece of shit." He snarls, standing up.
"I can explain after." You tug him again. He can hate you all he likes later. But first, you have to get out of here. "Please," you beg for his agreement.
Staring harshly, he retreats from you. A pained look in his eye that cuts you more than any blade could. Anger, hate, rage. You could handle all of it. But there's so much hurt and sadness on his face. It's nothing you ever wanted to be responsible for. It's more than you can bear.
"Tae," you hold your hand outreached, gingerly approaching him.  He doesn't withdraw further, allowing you to rest your hand on his cheek. Your heart breaking further as he leans into your touch. Resting in your palm for comfort like an injured puppy. "I promise, baby, this isn't what it looks like." you coo, "I love you so much,"
His eyes close, his face scrunching in anguish. He wants to believe you so badly. To forget everything he has seen. To take you home and never let you go. He may be the first person you let love you, but for him, you are the only person he ever let himself love.
Turning, you use his softening demeanour to lead him towards the door. But the supplier pulls your attention. Neither of you were paying him any mind and standing in the corner of the room he's pulled his own gun from hiding.
Reacting without a thought you shove your back into Taehyung, covering him. Guarding him.
At the same time, a shot rings out and the bullet hits you. A painful, sharp sensation piercing through your torso that makes you stumble back. Losing your footing you fall into Taehyung, your body never hitting the ground. Taehyung catching your weight, lowering with you. Resting you on his legs.
Taehyung grimaces in pain, his hand wrapping his own side momentarily. The bullet went clean through you and cut his side before flying into the wall behind the both of you. Dismissing his own injury, he leans over your body, ripping off his shirt and pressing it and his palms into your entrance wound. Trying to slow the bleeding.
Looking up at Taehyung with tear-filled eyes, you're in shock. Every breath you take is sore but other than that, your body is numb. Your hands clinging to his, all you can think is that you wished you knew what to say or do to lessen his panic. The sweat on his forehead rolls into the cut on his cheek causing the blood to drip further down his neck and chest. The fear and worry in his eyes exposing what you can't see or feel. That you're losing a lot of blood.
The supplier comes over the top of you both. He presses the barrel of the gun into the back of Taehyungs head, forcing him to crouch lower over you.
"I was searching for a reason to annihilate Namjoon and his pathetic crew. Thank you for giving me one." He digs the gun down harder. Taehyung growls, baring his teeth in frustration. "Too bad we didn't get to finish what we started though, Y/n. Oh well." He smirks, cocking the gun for additional effect.
"I love you," Taehyung whispers, the finality in his voice breaking your restraint, tears gushing down your face.
"I-," you can only begin.
Another blast rings out that makes both you and Taehyung jump. The supplier's body goes heavy and plummets to the ground, smashing through the glass coffee table beside you. Glass shatters everywhere as he falls down dead, blood pouring out of his head, collecting into a pool.
"Fuck sakes." Namjoon sighs from the living room entrance. Standing with Jin, both looking over the destruction with disbelief.
"Hyung," Taehyung calls out, his voice raspy and on the verge of tears. "Help." He looks down at you, your face pale, your limps drooping as the blood loss is starting to make you dizzy.
Namjoon opens his mouth readying to scold his brother, but he quickly stops himself. His own faults glaringly obvious at this moment. Jin removes his belt, wrapping it around your waist he fixes it tightly, making you whine in pain, keeping Taehyungs shirt pressed to both sides of your wound.
"Can you carry her?" Jin asks his younger brother.
Namjoon passes all of you, walking toward the lifeless body of his enemy, shooting another round into the back of his head with a frustrated look in his eye.
Taehyung nods at Jin with wide, panicked eyes.
"Then bring her." Namjoon turns with a flick of his head gesturing to follow him.
Jin supports Taehyung as he struggles to get himself and you to a standing position. Finding more strength once he is upright, lifting you into his arms as you whimper and moan weakly.
"Taehyung-" you start, your words sounding breathless and weak. "I'm sorry," you whisper.
"Shh baby." He hushes you. "Don't worry about that now."
He gets you into Namjoons truck, laying you down the length of the seat. As Namjoon speeds to the hospital, Taehyung sits in the back, his legs under your head. Holding firm against your bullet wound while petting your head.
Jin takes Tae's keys and follows you in his car. Already calling a cleanup crew to get rid of the supplier's body. Trying to salvage what he can of the bad situation.
"Namjoon," you call out. Even as your mind is starting to slip into unconsciousness your worry over the family is consuming your focus. "the plan. Can you fix the-" you breathe heavily running out of air.
He looks over his shoulder, guilt overtaking his expression. Nodding with an affirming grunt.
"Plan? What plan?" Taehyung muses, the shock steadily drifting away. "What is she talking about, Hyung?" One look at the blame on Namjoon's face and it clicks into place. "What did you do?"
"It wasn't supposed to happen like this." Namjoon reasons.
"Are you kidding me? You organized this?!" He snaps, "How the fuck could you risk her like that?!"
"It was supposed to be easy. She wasn't meant to get hurt-"
"Well, clearly she did!" Taehyung roars, his hands bunching into fists.
"I'm sorry, Tae. I wanted to help." You whine, lifting your arm up to touch his chest, trying to soothe him in any way.
"It's okay, baby. I know you did." He coos kissing your forehead, Taehyung's rage immediately subsiding towards you. He takes your blood-drenched hands in his and kisses them lovingly. Kissing down your forearms, pressing your hands to his head in agony and want to have you closer. Wishing he could absorb your pain and suffering.
Returning his wrath to the leader his voice lowers, coming out like ice. "We're gonna talk about this once she's okay." He snarls, "And know, I hold you personally responsible for every second she's in pain."
Looking in the rearview mirror, Namjoon nods solemnly. "Yeah, I do too."
Luckily for you, you recover quickly, and no permanent physical damage was done. But the damage that was done to Namjoon and Taehyungs relationship, the repercussions caused for Bangtan, and the fall out from the supplier's death... well that's another story entirely.
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miekasa · 3 years
okay but what about airport!levi? he gives quiet businessman vibes sitting in his slacks and turtleneck
IN HIS TURTLENECK 😭😭 He would also be quiet and to himself, but not in the emo way. You got me thinking about all of them now, so here are my other thoughts about the boys at the airport.
He thinks the idea of separating classes on an airplane is beyond stupid, but if the flight is particularly long, or particularly packed, he’s not above paying for business class for a little extra personal space for the two of you.
When he doesn’t do that, tho, he never picks your guys’ seats ahead of time, so sometimes you’ll be separated. Good thing he’s also not above lying at the check-in desk, “I’m in Zone 1, could my wife be seated next to me so that we can board together?”
They respond with an “of course,” and move your seats together, and Levi walks back with a content nod of appreciation. You are not married, and marriage sucks about as much as class separation on a 30 foot long plane, but it has its benefits.
Masks on, regardless. No debates. Pandemic or not, the mask stays on. Do not perceive him, keep the pressurized air sharing to a minimum.
Doesn’t wander much in the airport. There’s nothing in there that he hasn’t seen already, except for the marked up prices on touristy t-shirts.
And if you wander, he’ll usually just sit in the waiting area to watch your bags while you window shop and do your thing. If you’re gone for more than 30 mins, he might call, under the pretenses of, “Making sure you didn’t get lost. You know that Starbucks was near gate 41 to the left, not the right, right?” Like he’s a comedian or something 🙄
He does encourage you to get snacks before you board, tho. Airplane food is gross, and he would much rather pay for a $13 sandwich that you can snack on later, than for you to have to eat mush.
He’s got a little portable mug he takes with him for when he’s wants to buy a hot drink before getting on his flight. It’s cute.
Doesn’t fall asleep on the plane ever. No matter how long the flight is—at most, he’ll take a quick power nap somewhere in the middle if it’s over 9 hours, but other than that, he’s good to go.
Doesn’t mind if you fall asleep, and he always adjusts your neck pillow to make sure you don’t get cramps.
Travel champion. This man loves being in the airport even though he’s convinced it’s a time capsule, he fucking loves it.
King of “your airport fashion matters, babe.” Not necessarily wearing a whole three piece suit, but he does put in a little effort; it’s not just the first pair of sweats he has laying around.
Swears coffee tastes better in the airport. It does not. That does not stop him from buying it. He should learn to quit tho, especially for someone who hates airplane bathrooms as much as he does.
Charming with all the security personnel and desk assistants. You could be checking in for a flight at 4am, and Jean’s got people smiling and cheery for their shifts.
Bitches about the selection of movies on the flight, and learns to just download his own ahead of time. Gets really startled when he’s watching something and the flight attendants try to grab his attention for food or drinks—the very loud, classic, Jean Kirstein “HUH?”
On that note, he also gets startled by the loudspeaker announcements in the airport. He doesn’t know why he has to hear about American Airlines flight 2170 to Cancun, when he is not on American Airlines flight 2170 to Cancun.
Not opposed to paying extra for better airplane food or drinks on the plane if it’s the right time of day. He always finds something to toast to, plus he likes to treat you whenever and wherever he can.
Takes care of your overhead luggage and helps out the people around him if he sees they’re struggling. Gets shy when you call him a gentleman for it, and he rubs his neck, grumbling, “I was just helping the line move a little faster.”
Great timing, generous, will pick up your checked bags for you, and already rented a car a week in advance: 10/10 travel buddy.
He doesn’t like planes and there’s no solid reason why—nothing bad happened to him as a kid, and it’s not even that rare unfortunate incidents freak him out or anything—something flying just makes him a bit uneasy.
He won’t say it though, and he tries to keep it together when you’re checking in, but you can tell he’s anxious once you’re sitting and waiting for your flight to board.
He’ll ask to switch seats if you have the window seat, because somehow the feeling of being boxed in between the plane wall/window and another person makes it feel more like a car than a plane and he’s okay with that.
Going to the airport is one of the few times he hair won’t be styled, and falls in his face a bit. He usually throws on a beanie to cover it up, but you think he looks pretty cute either way.
Can’t usually fall asleep and he hates it because he just sits there thinking about the worst for the entire duration of the flight. But when you travel with him for the first time and coax him into taking a nap it’s so much better.
It’s about the only time he’ll let himself be publicly babied by you; but it makes everything so much easier that he doesn’t even mind.
So now, whenever you get on flights, he just puts his hood up, lays his head on your shoulder and waits for the magic to happen.
Bonus: you’re traveling with his friends, and Pieck and Marcel past to your seats, surprised to see Porco fast asleep on your shoulder. Pieck squeals, going on about how you must be a wizard to have gotten him to nap, to which Marcel just shakes his head, “Nah, he’s just really in love with her. Look at his face, that’s the calmest he’s been since he was five.”
Loves the airport. Not an ounce of organization in his soul though. By that I mean, yeah, he’s probably forgotten his passport at home, or forgotten that a full size bottle of body wash cannot go into his carry-on luggage.
Forgets to wear shoes that easy to take off and is fumbling over himself after the security check trying to lace them back up or put them back on.
Likes for you guys to have coordinating sweatsuits, and even though you don’t travel super often, Connie’s got at least 3 pairs of them lined up for you guys.
Sweet enough to drop plans or rearrange his schedule to travel with you if you were originally gonna be alone. He knows you can handle yourself, but he doesn’t want for you to travel alone if you don’t have to, especially if you’re going someplace far and/or for an extended period of time.
He always finds breakfast food to eat before he gets on his flight (if you two even have time to spare for food that is). It could be 9pm, but Connie’s asking for a breakfast wrap.
Hates waiting in the little pre-flight area. Claims it’s boring as hell and that’s why there’s no reason to get there 3 hours early 🙄🙄
He always spends at least 30 minutes browsing all the movie and TV show options available on-board, loudly exclaiming in excitement when they have something cool to watch—only to fucking fall asleep 10 minutes later. Right on top of you when he was oh-so-excited to watch Madagascar 2.
Always steals the aisle seat, even if it’s yours. It’s probably for the best though, because he has to get up to pee at least twice, no matter how short your flight is.
Makes some cheeky remark about you meeting him in the bathroom. He doesn’t mean it... unless he does. Unfortunately, you’ve never... successfully been able to do that out of fear of being caught by the flight attendants, but there have been a few quickies in the “family” (“It’s ethical, because technically we’re participating in the act of making a family, babe”) bathroom before you boarded. It’s his fault, not yours.
He really likes planes, and traveling in general. I think trains would be his favorite mode of transportation, but airplanes are good too.
I hate to say it but he claps when the plane lands. I will not elaborate or defend my stance on this.
Prefers the window seat because he likes to look out at the clouds as he’s in the sky.
He took his passport photo a little before he cut his hair, so the security personnel always hold it up and flicker between his ID photo and his current appearance a few times before stamping it. It makes him a little embarrassed because he can’t tell if they think he looks better or worse and sometimes he’s really fighting for his life convincing them that that’s him in the picture 😭
Listens to music rather than downloading a movie or watching a show, and always brings wire headphones to the airport so that it’s easier to share and listen with you.
If you fall asleep on him first, he’ll likely fall asleep on you shortly after. If he’s tired enough, he’ll fall asleep first, though he’s somewhat embarrassed and disappointed because he wanted to see the descent and skyline outside.
When he’s not asleep or window-watching, he’s somewhat fidgety out of excitement, rather than nervousness. He’s excited to be traveling and looks forward to wherever you’re going, even if it is just a weekend long work trip.
Hates traveling alone, though. It just feels particularly lonely to him to be going someplace foreign without company by his side. So, he’ll call you at every checkpoint and send you updates.
He only ever buys two things in duty free: shot glasses with the name of the city/country you’re traveling to, and whatever variety of button down short-sleeves are available to him.
You knew this was coming, but this man is absolutely at the airport 18 hours before your flight takes off, and he’s driving like a manic getting there, like you don’t have all the time in the world.
Fascinated by anything and everything in duty free. Definitely spends more money than necessary on your return flight on the grounds that he was getting a good deal.
Exchanges money in the airport and keeps cash in his fanny pack. There’s no traveling without the fanny pack.
Plays crossword puzzles on his phone on the plane, and it’s just about one of the only games he has. That and Candy Crush—I get the feeling he’d be on level 500+ of that game and he always knocks out at least 10 levels on a flight.
Always a little surprised when he feels his your head on his shoulder, but he says nothing, and acts like he didn’t even notice, but there’s a telling little smile on his face.
Takes the most foul selfies of him and your sleeping self. In his defense, he had the best intentions; but that angle was flattering nobody. It’s too bad he’d already paid for the in-flight wifi and sent it to Hange because now you’ll never live them down.
You could probably get him to put on a (skincare) face mask during your flight. He forgets to take it off tho, and if you don’t tell him, he’d fully walk through customs with it on his face.
Accidentally gets drunk because he doesn’t understand that just because he can handle several glasses of whiskey in his favorite bar on a Friday night, does not mean it will translate on a plane.
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beann-e · 3 years
Bnha Characters reacting to when you quit your job
your steps were quiet as you tried to work up the energy to unlock your front door. Your hands sweating and cold when you finally got the energy to put the key in the lock a deep exhale leaving your lips when you finally walked in.
Your Body only carrying you to your kitchen counter before you dropped your keys and bag on the same counter your body now rested against.
The room heating up and shifting from the ice quiet atmosphere youd created when you felt strong arms wrap around your waist and pull you back to meet a hard chest
Small kisses being planted on the side of your neck as you let out another sigh of relief as you spoke trying not to drown in the comfort being given to you “ baby “
Your body shook as you heard a deep grunt of acknowledgment “ we — we need to talk “
you felt as another set of kisses were placed to your neck before his head snuggled into the spot between your neck and shoulder “ I— I think I made a mistake“
You bit at your lip as you kept going “ I— I was trying my best to stick up for myself y’know like you told me”
“ mm—and did you“
“ I did —I mean I did stick up for myself and I had to I needed to bu—”
“ slowly losing interest y/n “
you let out a shallow cough “ but I think I did it at the wrong time “
his body stood up a bit straighter head still remaining in the same place somehow “ baby I —i lost my job “
You felt as your boyfriends body went hard almost as if he was trying not to slam your own body into the floor in anger his grip around your waist only getting tighter “ like I said I — I wrong time“
“ wrong time? — y/n wrong place “ he screamed as he jolted your soul out of your already shaken figure. His head flying back to look at you conveying all the anger and annoyance he held, “ what the fuck do we do now “
you let out a small laugh to try to ease the tension “ we — we rely on your hero check ? “
You watched as he sucked his teeth and moved out of the kitchen “ I can barely feed a fucking roach with my salary y/n “ his voice getting louder as he walked into the living room you following closely behind “ i — i can barely feed you — us — y/n this is why we don’t have little crumb snatchers running around now “
his voice deep and heavy “ cause we’re broke do you get that babe ? huh no — fuck — you— fuck fuck fuck you gotta go back — you can’t just be chilling around the fucking house while i’m working my ass off that’s not how starting a family works y/n “
“ baby it’s just until I can get a new job “
“ tch— and how long will that take y/n “
“ well I— “
“ huh months ? “
“ well n— “
“ couple weeks “
“ I mean hopefull— “
“ babe you don’t even fucking know “ he sighed as he griped the skin on the bridge of his nose “ so fucking stupid — so so so fucking stupid “
the room went quiet as your eyes dropped to the ground. “ wel— no — I — I don’t know kats” you shook your head “ I— I really don’t“
“ and that’s the problem y/n “ he screamed eyes finally opening to look at you.
God, he loved you but seriously you just didn’t think sometimes
It’s not that he was calling you stupid it’s just that he really really loved you
He loved that you listened to him. That whenever he gave advice you heard it and went with it.
The night he told you to speak up he was honestly just fucking with you. He always forgets that he has someone who loves him now meaning he’s taken seriously. He always forgets he’s not in high school anymore.
He can’t say something crazy and asshole—ish and expect to just be ignored. He has someone that loves him and will truly listen.
Your not the stupid one
nor the one in the wrong he is
and he knows he is because he heard everything you said about your situation. Yet, he knew you were different from him whereas he had been speaking his mind for years regardless of ranks.
You couldn’t.
You had a job where everything relied on ranks and status. You couldn’t just say whatever the fuck you wanted to like he could and yet he convinced you that night to speak up whenever your boss gave you extra work you didn’t wanna do.
His eyes felt heavy and so did his body his brain automatically beating himself up as he stared at you imagining the rough day youd had. If he was pissed off with the current situation he could only imagine how you felt.
Someone who hated to rely on others yet, now having to rely on their boyfriend.
“ come here “ your eyes lit up at the statement as your tired body wobbled over and into bakugous arms. Head hitting his chest as he crushed you “ I love you and i’m proud of you “
your heart sank.
“ fuck those idiots you only have room for one anyways and hes— fuck trust me I know i’m enough “
“ so “
“ so “
You sat on the couch legs splayed out in front of you and hands playing with the tassels of the pillows placed next to you.
God you loved these pillows. You actually remember the day you bought them.
Y’know back when you had money
“ y/n “ you watched as shoto shifted uncomfortably on the couch next to you “ my love what are you doing home “
He shook his head confused at the body placed comfortably next to his own “ your not supposed to be home for “ he looked down at his watch moving his suit jacket up his arm to create space and to make sure he was seeing the time correctly “ for 7 more hours “
you let out a short laugh “ you sound like you just got caught cheating sho “
his eyebrows crinkled together as he stared at you in disgust “ y/n I would never “
His hand moved to be placed on your thigh “my love is that what you think ? — if that’s why your here then I can assure you tha—I mean honestly if so I would never be stupid enough to disrespect you in our home— you could’ve went to my office at least I mea— “
“ I lost my job shoto “
The air shifted as the hand on your thigh suddenly felt colder than before “ I— I lost my job “
you took a deep breath shaking your head “ it’s a long story on why but i’ve been leaving the house — pretending really— to go to work “
You chuckled “ god i’m sucha bad person “ your small chuckle turned into a hearty laugh as you felt your body go slack “ A fucking horrible timekeeper too if I managed to forget my husband gets off before me on weekends “
“ do not say these things about yourself “
“ it’s not like it’s a lie “ your tear filled eyes coming up to look at his. ” right “
“ I will not stand for this y/n “
“ for what — having an unemployed s/o—i mean you already have one so not much to do about that “
you scoffed “ why don’t you want a housewife ? huh“ you smiled “ I can wear the skirts for you y’know with the aprons cook you dinner and maybe we can have kids y’know we can even get —“
“ enough “
your body shook your eyes widened facing the 6 ft male now towering over you “ your always joking about serious things and I — I don’t understand “ his eyebrows creasing in desperate need to understand you. Eyes darting around your face “ how “
his voice going deeper as he got angrier “ y/n you lost your job“ his eyes grew wide “ do you realize how serious this is “
“ wh— “ you shook your head letting out a short scoff “ of course I do —I mean sho i’m the one who qui—lost it “
“ no you clearly don’t “ he scoffed “ not if your sitting here making jokes in my face “
His mouth quirked up in disgust “ it’s almost insulting — disgusting really “
“ wh— sho—“ you felt as a tear fell from your eye “ baby what could be so disgusting huh ? so ‘ insulting ‘ about me choosing to leave huh “
his eyes softened “ because of your reason to leave “
“ my reason ? “
“ my love I know you — I know you didn’t get fired and I know you wouldn’t just leave you loved it there “
your head dropped as your fiddled with your fingers “ so that means something led you to make that life changing decision and it hurts me that you were forced to make it “
Your heart broke, he was right he was always right, for days at work youd been dealing with an overbearing co worker who would tell you to do everything they didn’t feel like doing and when you finally decided to say no to them
They went and told your boss. Who even though you’d been working there longer than your so called coworker still believed everything they were told.
That was the day that you sadly found out your job favored years over hard work.
Due to the other person being there longer you were trumped in telling your story. It was seen as not necessary because , someone who was there for so long would have no reason to lie on someone like you.
A newbie
“ someone made you quit this job “
“ sho no they— I decided “
You felt as the couch shifted from him kicking it. You thinking he was moving to grab his shoes except walking past them and unlocking the door instead.
“ baby where are you going — we need to talk about how we’re going to split the bills now that i— “
“ i’ll handle it “
“ shoto you can’t put everything on your dads card we’re not “ you let out a soft exhale “ we’re not children anymore “
“ i’ll pay for it all myself — and you can be my little housewife “ he scoffed as your expression grew sour “ it was so funny a moment ago right “
“ shoto i’m not gonna ask again where are you going “
“ where else “
your eyebrows came together in a furrow “ wh— “
“ my love you work for my company ? obviously who ever I put in charge “ he shrugged walking barefoot to his car unlocking the door “ isn’t doing a very good job if they fire their bosses s/o ? “
He got into the drivers seat as he turned the car on and reversed the car “ needs to learn respect no ? so i’ll just have them switch places with you“ he smiled softly “ i’ll see you when I get home “
His once furious eyes turning soft at your body hidden in pajamas “ go inside baby —it’s cold —go order us some takeout i’ll be back in a little ok “
“ sho “
“ just let me handle this —i love you and i’ll be right back my love—go “
You shook your head softly “ go y/n “
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the-witty-pen-name · 3 years
The Nanny Pt. 1
Lee Bodecker x Nanny!F!Reader
Word Count: 3k
Warnings: mentions of alcohol, implied age gap (reader is in her 20s), cursing, Sandy and Carl being bad parents, 18+ content in later chapters 
Based on this Request: The reader moves to Meade/Knockemstiff while answering an advertisement for a nanny in the paper. We learn that the ad was posted by Sandy, who has the reader watch her child whenever she and Carl leave to do their secret thing. After one of these trips, Sandy and her husband never return, so the reader is left caring for their baby. With the new investigation into these events, she meets Sandy’s brother Lee, the older, out of shape, alcoholic bachelor, and they are suddenly thrown into each others lives as he begins looking into his sister’s disappearance. Through it all, Lee starts to fall for her, and they slowly become a family.
A/N: Here is the first part of my newest series and I want to thank the anon who reached out to me with this idea! 
If I missed anything I should include as a warning that I missed please let me know!
Taglist Form is in my bio and should be updated to now to include this fic! (If for some reason it isn’t working send me a message and I’ll make sure you’re added!!)
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“Damn it, Sandy, can’t you handle that?” Carl yells from his dark room as the baby starts crying again.
“Fuck you, Carl,” Sandy shouts back, hurrying to put out her cigarette before heading to the nursery.
Their little girl was just about a year old, and neither one of them knew what they were doing. Carl was incredibly indifferent and despite her honest attempts at motherhood, Sandy’s maternal instincts never kicked in like she thought it would happen. Carl was annoyed that it cut into their time they would be on trips. They weren’t able to photograph models with the baby on the road, so he’d been itching to get back on the road.
“Is she hungry?” he shouts back, not even bothering to take his eyes off of the most recent photographs he had been developing.
“I just fed her!”
“Then why is she crying?”
“Fuck if I know,” Sandy shouts back exasperated. She scooped up the baby from her crib and started to rock her back and forth in her arms. Sandy also tried burping her, humming a little lullaby she made up on the fly… no luck. She walks around the house with the baby on her hip, trying to rock her back to sleep.
“We haven’t able to get back on the road in a year,” Carl says, clearly frustrated.
“That ain’t purely my fault,” she spits back, “Takes two to make a baby, Carl.”
“Fuck I know,” he groans, “But I need new inspiration. If I take one more picture of nature…”
“If she’s such a hindrance, pay for a damn sitter like I suggested months ago,” she counters.
“We can’t have no stranger walking around the house Sandy,” he points out.
“Just keep your damn room locked, it’s not a huge deal,” Sandy sighs. “Besides, no one is gonna snoop around if you pay ‘em enough. You damn well produce your own incriminating evidence; you should always have that room locked anyways.”
“We only have to worry about your damn brother,” Carl points out, “We hire a fucking sitter that’s two people we need to worry about.”
“You’re just to goddamn cheap to hire somebody,” Sandy states, moving back towards the nursery, the baby now snoring softly.
“You know what? Fine,” Carl says defeated. “But you’re in charge of putting the ad out and hiring somebody.”
“Thank you,” she says in a sing song tone, happy she got her way. But the moment of quiet that follows is short lived as they baby starts crying again.
“Please for the love of God can you just take care of that?” Carl yells, and the argument circles back to the beginning.
You had sat in the small dinner in the corner booth hunched over the newspaper and nursing your now cold cup of coffee. You had just arrived in Knockemstiff and were looking for work. “Any leads?” Julie asked as she topped off your coffee. Julie was your roommate. You had found her the same way you were currently looking for a job. You must have answered at least ten terrible Roommate Wanted ads until you had found Julie. The two of you now share an apartment- the top floor of a three-family owned by a sweet older couple.
“Thank you,” you say without looking up from scanning the ads. “Maybe this one?” You say pointing to one of the ads. She looks to see her manager stepped out for his smoke break before sliding in the booth across from you. You slide the paper over to her and she reads the ad out loud.
NANNY NEEDED Knockemstiff, Ohio
Couple that travels for work in need of a nanny for one-year-old daughter.
Temporary live-in position for several weeks at a time. Pay negotiable.
Call Sandy Henderson at the below number.
“I can sublet the room temporarily while you stay there,” Julie offers. “It’s a pretty vague offer,” she continues. “I wouldn’t commit until you call and speak to that Sandy woman.”
“Oh, I’m sure I’ll need to be interviewed,” you agree. “What kind of people are comfortable just leaving their baby for weeks at a time with a perfect stranger?”
“Paul is still out back I think,” she chuckles, “I’ll let you use the wall phone.”
You take a seat at one of the stools at the counter, and she dials the number for you and then passes you the receiver. You mouth a thank you and she waves her hand in dismissal as she heads over to take someone’s order.
“Whaddya want?” the woman on the other end answers abruptly.
“Oh, I’m calling about the ad in the paper regarding the nanny position. Is it still available?”
“Oh, shit. I’m so sorry, hun,” the woman says, now in a much nicer tone. “Thought it was my brother calling. Yes, it is, and we need it filled as soon as possible. When are you available?”
“For an interview?” You ask.
“Yeah,” she says mumbled, like she is dangling a cigarette from her mouth. “Can you come today?”
“Oh, wow. Yes, I can,” you reply.
“Great, um, you got a pen? Take down this address.”
About two hours, a change of clothes and a cab ride later, you were standing outside a house towards the end of town. It was a little run down, but what building in this town wasn’t? You were a little nervous of course, but it was also the most unconventional way you have gotten an interview. Part of you was relieved, because the woman on the phone sounded real, not phony, but the circumstances still made you uneasy. Julie had the address and said you’d call when you got back to the taxi dispatch.
“Welcome, welcome,” Sandy smiled, opening up the door for you. She had one hand on the doorknob and one of the cutest babies you’d ever seen in the other. “Come on in, make yourself comfortable.”
“Who is this?” you coo, leaning down to the baby’s eye level. “She’s darling.”
“This little sweetheart is Valerie,” Sandy smiles, passing the baby to you. “She’s so well-behaved. Hardly ever cries.”
“She’s adorable,” you smile, as the baby cuddles up close, resting her head on your shoulder. “I didn’t properly introduce myself on the phone. (Y/N) (Y/L/N).”
“I’m Sandy,” she introduces herself. “Please take a seat on the couch, get comfortable. I hate things that are so formal. Bleh.”
You take a seat on the couch, and readjust the little girl in your arms so she’s sitting on your lap and her back is resting against you so she is supported.
“So, my husband and I are on the road a lot, usually,” she begins, “We took some time off when we had Valerie, but we really need to start working again, you understand.”
“Of course, what do you both do?” you ask politely.
“We’re photographers,” she beams, “Mostly nature and landmarks- which reminds me! We have a darkroom in the house, but that door will be locked when you’re staying here. We don’t want any damage to any of the negatives we have stored in there you understand. Everywhere else in the house is yours to explore! And of course we gotta spare bedroom you can call your own.”
“Fair enough,” you joke.
“So, tell me about yourself, honey,” she smiles, crossing her legs in the armchair where she sat.
“Well, I just moved here a few weeks ago actually,” you begin, “I just recently finished school, and now I’m looking for work. I just got my degree in early childcare from the state college.”
“Oh, that’s wonderful,” she says with a clap of her hands. “So, you’re local?”
“Yes, I live in town.”
“Excellent! We’d also love for this to be like an on-call thing as well, you know for date nights and things like that for times when we’re home. Like for a few hours here and there. And of course, we’ll always live money for groceries or whatever you need on top of your pay for emergencies incase Valerie needs formula or diapers or anything.”
“Perfect,” you smile, surprised how well the conversation was going. Sandy was easy-going and nice to talk to. The two of you sat and talked for a little under an hour, her asking all the standard questions you anticipated. You also were able to ask her some more of your own questions as well. It was the most effortless interview you had been on easily.
“I’m sorry you weren’t able to meet Carl today,” she says when she is showing you out. “But hun, I feel confident to offer you the job. We haven’t had many applicants and you’re the most qualified one I’ve spoken to. The job is yours if you want it?”
“When can I start?” you smile, making her laugh.
“Your number is on the resume, right?” she says, scooping up the baby. You nod, waving goodbye to the baby and then saying goodbye to Sandy.
“I’ll call you when I speak to Carl, but I think once he knows he’ll want to head out as soon as we can. Plan for Sunday,” she says as you get into the cab.
Just like she had promised, you get a call from Sandy on Saturday afternoon asking you to show up the next morning at 9. You spend the day packing up your clothes and anything else you’d need for a few weeks. Sandy said they’d be back in two weeks but you pack for three just in case. Julie was also nice enough to help you. You didn’t need to do much. Ever since you had settled in Knockemstiff, you had been pretty lazy with unpacking and for once procrastination played out in your favor.
Julie insisted on taking you out to celebrate that night before starting your job tomorrow. There was a small little bar, a little shack of a place just on the outside of town you went to. Julie had a car and you drove, anticipating she’d have a lot more to drink than you. It was a hotter summer night, so you drove with the windows down and the radio playing a little louder than you normally would.
The outside was decorated with string lights of primary colors and the wooden awning looked like it was one more storm away from collapsing. But the atmosphere inside was to die for. The jukebox was playing loud dance music, and the place was crowded. Empty recycled glasses lined the walls on a high shelf as decoration along with weathered posters of anything Americana. A row of motorcycles and trucks were parked outside the little place and it looked like a pileup from how crowded the lot was. People lingered outside as well, and you both hoped you’d find seats inside.
The two of you found a high-top table and Julie made her way up to the bar, skillfully maneuvering through the crowd to grab you both some drinks. You let your eyes wandering, surveying the room and just people watching. Couples were dancing closely to the music that was rattling the jukebox, and a group of people were sitting at the bar huddles in to watch the little black and white portable television. You also noticed a group of men in uniform several tables down, local police. They weren’t paying any attention to anyone but their own conversation, except one.
He just so happened to have looked up just as your eyes landed on their table. Steel blue eyes cutting across everything and just staring right back into yours. It was a fraction of a second and his gaze was broken by Julie taking her seat across from you. You cleared your throat, and finally allowed yourself to exhale. You felt her raise an eyebrow at you but she didn’t press, just gave you a knowing smirk you brushed off. You still felt his gaze on you even if your view was now obstructed.
Sandy and Carl were in a rush when you arrived in the morning. Sandy ran you through the details of where everything was kept and told you that she would call to check in when she could when they made stopped. She helped you carry your bags in from the trunk of the taxi while Carl packed their bags in their car. He was polite enough, but you felt in your gut to just keep your distance. Sandy led you upstairs to the guest room she told you she worked to clean out for you. It was simple, a bed and a dresser with a small closet. She said it mostly had been storage and her weekend project had been clearing it out for you. It was simple, but good enough for you for sure. You thanked her and she dismissed it saying you were the one doing her a favor, making you laugh.
The whole ordeal was very hurried. Carl was rushing to get on the road as soon as possible and you could tell he was clearly irritated at how long Sandy was taking showing you around and explaining things about Valerie. Carrying the baby in your arms, you finally were settled in to your new role and Sandy gave one more big hug and a kiss on Valerie’s head before rushing down to the car. You waved to the pair of them from the small front porch, Sandy looking back and waving to the baby from the passenger seat until they were out of your line of vision.
The first day was a little daunting. New space, living in a house that isn’t yours and a baby babbling in your arms. She was a sweet thing, and she already had taken a liking to you. Heading over to her nursery, you saw that she had a little play pen folded up in the corner of the nursery and you quickly set it up in your room so you could unpack while keeping an eye on her. She babbled just happy utter nonsense to you while you navigated around the space and her big eyes just followed you, just watching you was entertaining for her for now. You were a new face and she was entertained just by that for now.
A few hours later, Valerie had settled down for a nap in the early afternoon. She was sleeping soundly in her crib and you were getting formula ready for when she woke up. It was quiet, the only noise in the house was the small sounds of your own rustling in the kitchen. You wondered when you would hear from Sandy, if it would be later tonight or in a couple of days. You just were lost in your own thoughts when you were startled by a loud knocking on the door. Instantly, Valerie began to cry. You wiped your hands quickly on the skirt of your dress before grabbing her. You rested her on your hip and rocked her gently, shushing her to calm down while you went to grab the door.
The first thing your eyes saw were the same blue eyes who was looking at you at the bar last night. The man’s eyebrows furrowed and he looked really confused. He had one hand rested on his hip and the other against the doorframe, but he stood up straight when he saw it wasn’t who he expected. Your eyes then went down to the shiny Sheriff’s Badge fixed in place on his uniform.
“Who are you?” he asks abruptly. “Where’s Sandy?”
“Sandy and Carl left this morning,” you explain, not sure if he recognizes you. “I’m their nanny.”
He laughs and shakes his head as he looks down, almost like he doesn’t believe you, or he just doesn’t believe the situation. “Carl? Carl Henderson hired a nanny?” he scoffs and you nod, holding Valerie a little closer. The little girl rubs her eyes and yawns, when her eyes flutter open, she looks at the stranger in the doorway and immediately reaches out to signal she wants to be held by him. You ignore her resistance to wanting to be in your arms until you get more information about why the Sheriff is at their doorstep, though she obviously knows him.
“I’m Sandy’s brother,” he explains, “Did she say when they were coming back?” He doesn’t try to hold the baby yet, just holds out one of his fingers and her little hand holds onto it tightly.
“Two weeks.”
“They hire a complete stranger to watch my niece and live in their house unsupervised while they drive around?” he scoffs, shaking his head again in disbelief.
“I’m more than qualified…”
“It’s not a jab at you, sweetheart,” the man tries to explain, “More so a reflection on my sister and her husband is all. They are… fairly selfish people and I wished this situation surprises me more than it does.”
“Should I tell her you came by when she calls?” you ask.
“If she calls,” the man chuckles, “Sure, let her know Lee stopped by to visit.”
“You don’t think she will?” you ask, tilting your head.
“We’ll see,” Lee shrugs, “Do I know you from somewhere?” He rests his arm back up on the doorframe and looks down to the baby again, extending out his free hand to her again and scrunching her cheeks.
“I don’t know,” you shrug, not wanting to admit you remembered seeing him last night. He purses his lips together and nods, not pressing further. He pushes off from the doorframe and puts his hands into the pockets of his leather jacket.
“Must’ve been in a dream then,” he smirks, and you feel your cheeks flush. He walks down the steps and back towards his cop car. “What did you say your name was?” he asks, turning back around.
“I didn’t,” you chuckle.
“Hmm,” he nods, and raises his eyebrows, waiting for you to fill in the blank. You tell him your name and he repeats it back to you like he’s thinking about it, trying it out to see how it sounds.
“Well,” he says, standing behind the open driver’s door, “Good luck, and I hope Sandy proves me wrong. Let me know if she calls.”
@adelaide-walker @thedepressolit @samanthadegaro​ 
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ladyperceval · 3 years
Can I please request 10 for Daniel Ricardo please!!
10. Your sick and I have cuddles.
You knew you couldn’t tell him. He would’ve been on the next plane home, and he couldn’t risk it. Not when he has such a good chance this weekend. Not when he can come home with the trophy.
You could handle the cold for a few days without Daniel, he didn’t need to know how bad it was without him. You just wanted him to do well.
That’s why you were currently pulling yourself out of bed, trying and failing to not feel dizzy as you made your way to the bathroom. A quick shower and a touch of makeup should make you look refreshed for yours and Dani’s pre-race good luck call.
You insisted in it. You had to tell him you love him before he gets into that car. You trusted him but the others, although friends, could become reckless at times.
You had just touched up your lipstick when Dani had called you.
“Baby, I wish you were here. We look so strong this weekend and you know I can’t deal without my family here.” He says, a smile gracing his lips when he sees your gorgeous face staring at him.
“Love, you know I tried but I couldn’t get off work, Dan wanted me to work this weekend and you know how he gets when I try to argue with him.” You say, rolling your eyes at your boss’s name.
The truth was you were supposed to go, you were gonna fly down after Quali just to see Dani and cheer him on, you knew he needed it this season.
But two things prevented that… a message from Zak and you getting sick.
Zak had asked you not to come down, he didn’t want Daniel to not be focused this race and he felt that your presence caused the driver to be distracted. You weren’t going to let Zak get you down but on Friday afternoon you started to feel sick, and you weren’t willing to risk it.
But you were still there to support Dani, even if it was at home.
“Baby, hello, are you even listening. I was busy telling you- “Dani looks at you, trying to see if he has your attention.
“Sorry my love, I was just busy- “you couldn’t finish it, a coughing attack coming on suddenly and causing you to turn away from the camera.
“Dani, baby, I love you and good luck for today, go get some honey love” you wink and end the call before Dani can even ask if you are sick. You don’t need him to know. Zak doesn’t need another reason to dislike you.
~~~a few hours later~~~
You had just set up on the couch, sweats on, one of Dani’s hoodies, a comfy pillow and a blanket. You were ready to watch your man and had just watched them finish the Italian national anthem when a message came through.
“I know you are sick.” You sigh when you read Dani’s message hoping he isn’t distracted by it.
The beginning of the race had you on the edge of your seat, but you knew you would doze off and miss a few laps, you had set an alarm to ensure you were awake for the last few.
You woke up with 2 laps left, you were happily surprised to see Dani was still in first, the thought making you smile. You just wished you were there to celebrate with Dani.
As he crossed the finish line his message to the team came through, a message that made you smile and realise you had met the one.
“Zak, book me a ticket home, my girl is sick, and I’ve got some winning cuddles for her.”
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nextdoorharry · 3 years
imaaaaagine a world like that..can you?
in which you and harry are exes, but still remain good friends when you’re always there for each other. both of you can’t help but reminisce…in your head.
a/n: super sorry i haven’t written in FOREVER!! been crazy busy with school (still am) and i will get back to the writing grind when i’m not as busy, with that being said this is just a quick thing i was thinking of. also, no hate to olivia and harry’s relationship at all. pr or not, both deserve respect and anything written in this piece is solely for writing purposes only. no hate will be tolerated toward an individual. we’re all human.
it happened when you were on your way home from dinner with your friends. a call from harry. this wasn’t out of the ordinary for harry to call you, being exes and all. you both apologized after the breakup and agreed that you both couldn’t let 5 years of love, being close with each other’s families, and a pet cat all go to waste. you agreed upon being friends with him. still hang out here and there after the breakup, acting all platonic. you can’t help but have a glimmer of hope its a call wanting to start a relationship again.
“hello?” you said, one hand on the wheel, other holding your phone.
“hi love, sorry s’a bit late, was wondering if i can come over. it’s about olivia.” harry says. still sending you butterflies when he said the simple yet warming term of endearment. but once he said olivia, your heart dropped.
she’s beautiful, confident, and makes your harry happy from what the tabloids portray. the last time you and harry spoke was before he went off to LA, filming for don’t worry darling, a movie his new lover produced. still a few texts since then like “happy birthday!” “congrats on the grammy,” or “how’s the cat?” you two always saved catching up for in person. it was just your thing you kept during the 5 year relationship and after. it keeps things more meaningful at the time, rather than texting or quick phone calls.
“ah, olivia. isn’t she my replacement?” you teased while laughing. you hear a burst of giggles from the other end of the line. god you missed hearing that everyday.
harry on the other end of the line, heart aches a bit hearing you say that. no one could ever replace you. ever. you are so special to him. if only it wasn’t for his team making it difficult for him to ease down on touring for a bit for you. you asked for one thing from harry, which was to start settling down. you both were only getting older and the talks of marriage and kids were frequently becoming the topic of discussion with family. a year and some after the breakup, which happened to be during quarantine, where he had so much time on his hands without you, he reflected on what could’ve been and how stupid he was for letting you go. you were always so patient with him. going to his shows, god awful dinner parties with industry people, changing your work schedule just to fit into his. you asked for one thing. and instead of fighting for you with his team, he instead sided with them, and let you go.
teasing not dying down, harry goes, “someone keeps up with me in the tabloids, eh?”
it’s the fact that he’s not wrong. you remember that tabloid very well. when the first pictures of harry and olivia came out in an article titled, “harry styles and olivia wilde new romance? is y/n replaced?”
your heart was hurting.
“of course i am. keep having to make sure my name is finally out their mouths.” you joke. “i’ll be home in about 15 minutes if that’s okay?”
you pull into the driveway already seeing harry sitting on your porch chair. he waves at you and you get out of the car, walking up to him. he stands up and greets you with a bear hug.
“missed you, y’look nice. where’d ya head out to?” he asked, hoping and praying you weren’t out on a date looking like that. he knows you only wear a red lip when its date night. his mind filled with jealousy at the thought of you with someone else. whereas he has no right being there are pictures of him kissing, cuddling, and whispering to olivia on a yacht in italy. all for the cameras. his stomach turns. that was supposed to be you and him. on a yacht on italy. except leaving the display of affection for the bedroom.
“on a date” you say blatantly.
his heart drops. and lets you go from the hug. lying through his teeth he says, “ah really? happy for ya, you have to tell me about it, hope it was with a good bloke.” he says lightly.
“i’m kiddingg, was out for dinner with friends. mel got engaged by the way! was celebratory dinner for her.” you say, unlocking the door, letting harry in.
harry sighs in relief. “that’s good! m’happy for her, pass on my congratulations.” harry follows you into your kitchen, sitting down on the counter stool, watching you making his favorite “calm down” drink, loving that you remembered how he likes it. he didn’t even have to ask you to make it. you just know its what he needs right now. he can’t help but ponder that it should have been you. it should be your friends out for your celebratory dinner for your engagement with him.
you pass him his tea, knowing he’ll only take a few sips of it yet keep it in his hold for warmth. you were on the other side of the counter across from him, making a mini cheeseboard you two can snack on while talking.
“so..what happened?” you ask, heart not ready if you can handle what he’s about to say about his new lover.
“s’just so complicated. originally it was supposed to be a pr stunt for the movie. but now i don’t know how the pr team messed up so badly but they did. no one is really believing it. everything was executed poorly. it sucks because it’s her team conducting everything which means i barely have a say in it. i look like the bad guy being portrayed as a home wrecker, and she’s not doing anything about it! s’like she’s enjoying it. the kissing, the night outs, etc. she knows that if my team did have a say, it would have been over a while ago.” he breathes out. he’s been wanting to rant to someone for so long about this. he also just wants you to know that he’s not into her. it’s all for show. he’s still all about you. he wants to make that crystal clear.
you nod your head listening to everything he’s saying. body feeling uneasy filled with jealousy when harry says she’s enjoying the intimacy they have to do for show.
“well, did you talk to her about it? or talk to jeff at least? there has to be something he can do..?” you ask.
harry sighs, “i’ve tried so hard. jeff said nothing they can do about it. and he’s telling me not to mess with olivia because her team can do more damage than good with my name. not that s’already ruined.” harry rubs his face with his hands, feeling stressed.
the way he’s acting is familiar to you. early on in your relationship, when you two were a freshly new couple, you guys wanted to be completely private. during that time, with harry and the band’s album coming out, his management made him do pr stunts like these. he was as stressed as he is now. you were so new to dating something in an industry. he didn’t want to scare you away. but you understood. you get it. and you still get it as he’s speaking.
“hmm..if i can recall, back when you had to do a stunt with kendall on the yacht, m’pretty sure it was the same situation. with kendall’s team being difficult, your’s not having much of a say. do what i told you back then, stand your ground, harry. tell olivia like you did with kendall. also kendall’s team at the time played dirty, yet they still were understanding with you and got someone new for a stunt. olivia’s team will probably get someone new as well. and how badly can they ruin your rep? everyone knows you’re the nicest person who wouldn’t kill a fly. and tabloids are tabloids. would you rather have a few bad headlines about you or would you rather deal with a stunt for what? another year now? that you feel uncomfortable with?” you state. smiling a bit because you know harry knows your right, he’s smiling a bit too. he knows you love being right and debating, pulling out facts. that’s what you always did during an argument. which is why you were always right.
man. why couldn’t he stand his ground with his team. why didn’t he take your advice back then? he should’ve sided with you. not his team. why is he always so scared of them?
self-loathing, harry breathes out a laugh, “always have to be right don’t ya? you know what to say every damn time,”
“what can i say? the lady is always right.” you say, smiling proudly while cleaning up the remains of the cheeseboard you and harry snacked on.
“thanks y/n, really, i know i can always come to you with this stuff,” harry states. looking at you with his piercing eyes, meaning every word he said.
you smiled and nodded, cleaning the kitchen a bit. it started to pour early on when you guys were having a chat about his situation, hoping silently it would come down faster so harry has an excuse to stay, you offer nonetheless. “why don’t you stay back for a bit, hm? s’pouring out there, only gonna get worse. we can watch something?”
“love island?” harry suggests.
“thought you’d never ask.”
few gasps and scoffs at some of the islanders and their drama later, you slowly were drifted off to sleep. harry, sitting on the other sofa from you, peaks to see if you’re still watching. his face was in awe. he misses this. domestic nights with you, chatting away eating in the kitchen, then watching something afterwards. only difference is that you two are on different sofas. whereas before you’d be coddled under his embrace. he slowly drifts off to sleep as well. rain still going on, technically he can still go home. driving in the rain was never an issue for him. but he’ll always use an excuse just to be with you.
iMessage: Olivia Wilde
1:34 AM - I miss you, and our casual hookups. Can’t stop thinking about it.
that was one part harry left out of the story. he hooked up with her.
ahhhhh!!!! lmk if you guys want a part 2!!!
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splendentgoddess · 2 years
Travel + Poorly Timed Confession please!
Sorry this is SO late @neutronstarchild!! Blasted “real life” and all that. I actually worked on this on my phone while at work, hahaha.
Okay, so! Travel AU + Poorly Timed Confession, coming right up!
Now, the idea of airports and confessions usually evokes the image of somebody about to leave, maybe forever, and somebody else begging them "Please don't go! I love you!" So in an effort to write not that, I have come up with an entirely different scenario. Also too, it's kind of long so I made a cut. Enjoy!
Inuyasha eyed his girlfriend critically as Kagome tried her best to give him her biggest, brightest smile, despite the anxiety absolutely dripping from her every pore. He knew she hated flying, so it wasn't exactly a surprise that she was a nervous wreck as they made their way through the airport, but something seemed...off.
"You gonna tell me what's wrong? You're more nervous than when you came with me to meet my mother for the first time two years ago," he murmured, speaking quietly as they waited in line so as not to draw unnecessary attention their way. "You know by now that my entire family absolutely adores you."
Some of her nervousness temporarily melted away as she reassured him quite genuinely, "And I adore them. I'm looking forward to spending Christmas with them, I promise."
He could tell from her scent that she was telling the truth, but her nerves were still there.
He absolutely hated that she was so scared, but truly appreciated that she always faced her fears to travel back east with him. That first time, he had actually offered to drive, but she'd shook her head and said with determination that if he could handle getting on a plane with all of his hanyou senses, then she could get over her silly fear of flying. Who the hell wanted to drive to New York from California?! Besides, their entire holiday break was only a week long. It would be impossible under normal circumstances, and Inuyasha had only offered because he could stay awake for two days straight and make the drive in a single shot, only making the occasional quick stop at a gas station here and there.
He was honestly grateful she had declined that offer, although it had been genuine. If he had known she was going to be extra terrified this year he would've offered again.
"At least once we get on board you can get nice and plastered, and then you won't be afraid anymore," he joked quietly, since that was always how Kagome wound up dealing with it. On their first trip back east she hadn't even known there was booze at first, since she'd never been on a plane before. The poor thing had been white-knuckling it until he'd finally asked her if she'd like a drink. "There's alcohol?!" had been her excited reply.
That the mention of booze only seemed to make her even more nervous in that moment confused him, but then again it was probably just bad timing, because they were now next up at the gate, and then they were handing over their tickets and boarding the plane, and her terror doubled. You wouldn't know it to look at her, though. She was still all smiles.
No wonder she always wins big at the poker table, he thought, a crooked smile on his own lips as he thought back to how they'd met in Vegas, only to discover they both lived in L.A. What'd happened in Vegas had happily not stayed in Vegas. Their drunken one-night-stand had turned into a relationship over two years strong and counting.
Of course, they'd omitted that detail when telling their respective families how they'd met. Her entire family was in California, and didn't mind having early or late holiday celebrations with them so that Kagome could be with his family on Christmas. Everyone approved of their relationship. In fact, Kagome didn't know it yet, but he was planning on proposing soon, on Valentine's Day.
Inuyasha was pulled from his wandering thoughts when he and Kagome took their seats, him in the window seat of course, and he took her hand in support only for her to damn near crush his hand in hers with a strength he didn't think she possessed.
"You need to calm down, love," he murmured gently. "This much anxiety and adrenaline can't be good for you."
His ears automatically lowered as soon as he said it, expecting to be snapped at with something like "I know that!" or "Like I can control it!?" or something else equally justified. Telling a panicking person to calm down was usually never a wise move, but he wouldn't be Inuyasha if he didn't occasionally remind himself of what his own foot tasted like.
Much to his shock and confusion, though, Kagome actually seemed to take his words to heart, and tried her best to calm herself down, breathing slowly and deeply.
"I'm sorry," she whispered quietly. So quietly he wouldn't have heard her if not for his hanyou ears.
"We'll get you some vodka and you'll be fine," he said, lifting the hand he still held to kiss the back of it, offering her a tender smile.
There went her nerves again.
"No alcohol this time," she said, her forced smile wavering just a little.
He raised an eyebrow at her.
"You don't have anything to prove, to me or yourself," he assured her gently. "As far as I'm concerned, you already 'faced your fear' enough by getting on the damn plane. You've earned a drink."
That time, both of his eyebrows rose at her clipped tone.
"And why not?" he asked.
Kagome had casual drinks all the time, but she certainly didn't have a 'problem' in his opinion, where she needed to cut back or go sober. She'd also never said anything to him about trying to cut back. And what a time to start!
"Because I don't want to drink. I don't have to drink if I don't want to," she answered flatly.
"Well okay yeah, that's definitely true and it's not like I'm trying to get you drunk against your will or anything," he amended right away. "It's just that this is out of fucking left field," he whispered, before sighing. "Do you have any idea what it does to my inner youkai to scent your terror and know there's not a damn thing I can do about it?"
Great, now she also smelled guilty.
"I'm sorry," she said again.
"Just have some drinks for your nerves, Kagome, and if you wanna quit drinking later I'm down for that. I'll quit with you. But for right now, for this long ass flight, go ahead and drink this one last time."
He wouldn't mention that it would actually be the second to the last time, because he didn't want to deal with her terror during their return flight in six days, either. One thing at a time.
"I can't."
She sounded so sad all of a sudden, like she actually did want to have a drink but really thought she couldn't. Did one of her bitchy coworkers say some shit that put it into her head she was an alcoholic?
"You can, if you want to," he replied.
"But why?" He wasn't trying to be pushy. He was just confused!
Their whispered conversation was interrupted by the flight attendant doing her usual pre-flight shtick.
Yeah yeah, keep your hands and arms inside the plane at all times, Inuyasha thought sarcastically.
When they actually taxied down the runway and took off Kagome had her eyes pinched tightly shut and a firm grip on her arm rests, having let go of his hand, but he wished she'd held on because then at least he could've felt like he was offering her some sort of comfort. Seeing her so distressed, he couldn't help but whimper.
"Why?" he asked her again after they leveled out, and the pain in his voice broke down her resolve.
"I'm pregnant," she told him quietly.
He processed her words, but couldn't respond at first, his higher brain functions having come to a screeching halt.
"I'm pregnant," she repeated, turning her head to meet his eyes with a sheepish grin.
"And you didn't think to tell me?!" he still whispered in reply, not wanting any nosy neighbors overhearing if he could help it.
"In my defense, I just found out yesterday," she said.
"We could have driven," he pointed out, leaving off the silent 'You should have told me' part.
"I wanted you to enjoy a normal Christmas at your parents' house without the added stress. We haven't...we haven't discussed anything, yet."
He could admit she had a good point there.
"Do you...that is..." He didn't know how to phrase the question, but thankfully unlike her he was a horrible poker player, and she could easily read his sudden fear in his eyes.
"Of course I want to keep it, I love you," she assured him with a tender smile before leaning sideways for a chaste peck of a kiss he happily turned slightly less chaste as he wrapped a hand around her neck.
He let her go before it could turn scandalous and assured her, "Then, there's no problem." He grinned lopsidedly, showing a fang. "This is a little ahead of schedule, 'cause I'd had plans for Valentine's Day and I left the ring back home, but..."
Her eyes widened, and before he could even officially ask the question she was frantically nodding her head yes. He chuckled, and inhaling deeply, he was relieved that most of her fear had left her. She was still a little nervous to be up in the air 'in a steel bucket' but he quickly realized that a lot of that morning's fear hadn't actually been about the flight itself. Taking her hand again, she wove her fingers through his and squeezed. Everything was going to be just fine.
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