#this led to 2 things. 1 was me trying to sleep downstairs where it was only slightly cooler but not rly. and so i got very poor sleep and
mbat · 2 months
i would like to thank the planet earth that the weather app says itll be in the 50s-60s tomorrow. ive been melting this past week and its led to a chain of events that im still going through
0 notes
heavyhitterheaux · 2 years
NDA Part 3
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AN: to fumble the bag or to not fumble the bag?
Synopsis: As your due date grows closer, you have some important decisions to make regarding your future with your child's father.
Pairing: Jack Harlow x Reader
Please Do Not Repost My Content Anywhere
Part 1
Part 2
There was less than a month to go until your due date and you were now putting the finishing touches on the nursery.
The nursery that was located in Louisville, Kentucky.
With some long hours of thinking, you decided to finally make the move not wanting to put it off anymore.
Communication between the two of you had gotten a lot better.
It wasn't quite at the point where it was before you found out what he had been hiding from you, but it was something.
Before you had left home, Jack insisted on meeting your parents and wanted to reassure them that you would be taken care of and wouldn’t want for nothing.
They immediately had taken to him and was even more surprised at the sight of your protruding midsection since you literally hadn’t told anyone and anytime you would Facetime with them, they could only see you from the chest up.
He really was trying and proving to you that he wanted you and only you.
Therefore, you had to give him credit for that.
When you had finally touched down in Kentucky, you met his.
They immediately took to you and was finally happy to meet the girl who had stolen their older son's heart for the past year.
They were also happy that Ava wouldn't be a problem anymore.
If she ever opened her mouth speaking on their past relationship, Jack could sue her for up to 10 million dollars.
Safe to say, she knew better if she wanted to be paying that off for the rest of her life.
You were currently trying to reach down to place the last few outfits in the bottom drawer of the dresser, when Jack immediately took from you.
You hadn't even heard him come in the room.
"I got it, mamas." He said while kissing your temple and reaching down to put them in their rightful place before standing back up to place his hands on your stomach.
"How are my babies feeling today?"
You simply sighed.
You were tired of being pregnant.
You loved it, but you were ready for this baby to be out of you.
"I know it's getting harder for you to get comfortable at night when you sleep."
"It seems like they don't want mommy to sleep."
"How about this? We put you in the living room with all of your pregnancy pillows and try to get you to sleep. It might be easier since you're sitting up."
"Well, it can't hurt."
"Head downstairs for me baby and I'll grab everything."
Jack had led you to the steps and made sure that you got down the steps okay before going back into your shared room and grabbing anything and everything that he thought would help to get you comfortable.
Once he got downstairs, he came right over to you, putting multiple pillows behind your back, elevating your legs and placing one of your favorite comforters on you.
"How's that so far baby girl?"
"So far so good."
"I'll leave the tv on for some background noise, but try and sleep. I have a few things to do, but I'll still be here so call me if you need me."
"Okay, thank you."
"I love you." Jack said while placing a kiss on your forehead.
"I love you too."
When Jack finally got you to sleep, he simply went into his home office to call Neelam to see what he had coming up for the week and the conversation quickly turned to how you were and how you were feeling.
“How is Y/N doing?”
You Neelam, Urban, and Metta had quickly grown closer along with the other members of PG. You were a breath of fresh air compared to Ava and they saw how happy Jack made you and vice versa despite the huge secret that he had kept from you.
“She’s miserable and I feel so bad. She can hardly sleep at night so I set her up in the living room with all of her pregnancy pillows and her favorite comforter and I finally got her to doze off.”
He requested that if he had to make any appearances or anything, that it had to be around Louisville because the last thing he wanted was for you to go into labor and he had to get on a plane in order to come back to you.
Despite you having an entire month left, he wasn’t taking any chances.
If you could have went into labor yesterday and had a full term healthy baby, you would have been here for it.
“Hopefully she rests up before the baby gets here. We still don’t know if it’s a girl or a boy yet?”
“Not yet. She just wanted to wait until they were born and that’s fine by me. Everything is gender neutral that we got so it could go either way.”
“I am so proud of you.”
“I didn’t do anything.”
“Yes you have. You realized your worth and realized that the ex-wife whose name we do not speak wasn’t really your soulmate to begin with. You deserve this happiness.”
“Thank you. It means a lot coming from you.”
“You seriously hit the jackpot with Y/N.”
“Couldn’t agree with you more.”
“Go spend time with your girl.”
Once Jack hung up with Neelam, he went to go check on you to see that you were knocked out. This is the most he had seen you sleep in weeks and not wanting to disturb you, he took advantage of this as well sitting next to you and bringing you on top of him while still laying on your side.
You were always so nervous to do this claiming that you didn’t want to put all your weight on him, but there was no way in the world he would mind because you were bringing life into the world and carrying his child.
Jack eventually fell asleep himself and a few hours had passed by.
He woke up while hearing you laugh and he opened his eyes to see you watching Never Have I Ever on Netflix.
He simply placed a kiss on top of your head and you turned around to look at him.
“Looks like I’m not the only one who needed sleep.”
“You know that you’re my first priority and I’m always going to make sure that you’re good first. I could care less about me.”
“No, because I care about you and I’m going to need for you to take some time out for yourself too. I’ll be okay.”
“Do you feel any better?”
“A lot better. Oh!”
“What’s wrong?!”
“The baby kicked and caught me off guard that’s all.”
Jack then put both of his hands on your stomach and began talking to your bump.
“Cut it out, no hurting your mother.” Which led to you laughing, but they settled down after he said that.
“Hmm, looks like they’ll probably only listen to you and try to get over on me for everything.”
“Nuh uh. They haven’t heard when you get annoyed or pissed off. That makes me want to run for the hills when you get like that.”
“I am not that bad!”
“Says who?!”
“Stop playin!”
“When we were at that restaurant and I told them I didn’t want tomatoes and they sent it anyway by accident, I just knew I was going to have to bail you out of jail that night.”
“You telling stories, Jackman. I’m as sweet as can be.”
“You definitely are, however, not when you get mad.”
“Look my baby didn’t want tomatoes so I had to let them know. Don’t play with us like that.”
“Wouldn’t want it any other way.” You answered while playing with his Private Garden ring.
“Baby girl?”
“What’s wrong?” You answered while looking up at him.
“I... I know I said that I wouldn’t bring this up again and that you wanted to make a decision in your own time but...”
“Yes, Jack I do still want to marry you if that’s what you’re getting at.”
“How did you...?”
“Consider it my mom instincts kicking in early. I took a lot of time to think about it, and I don’t want to be with anyone else. And over these past few months you really tried your hardest to prove that I was the only person you wanted and... I’m thankful for that. You’re the same person that I met that night who swept me off my feet and you have given me nothing but the world. I don’t want to lose that and I don’t want to lose you. But, we have another person depending on us now and we have to be on the same page, okay?”
“Without a doubt, my baby. One more question.”
“No, I don’t want princess cut anymore because Ava had it. Next question.”
“Damn, are you a mind reader?”
“I just know my boyfriend very well. I’m leaning towards a Marquise or a Heart diamond cut.”
“Consider it done.”
“And we can’t get married until after I lose this baby weight  because I already have my dress envisioned in my mind.”
“You just let me know when you’re ready my baby.”
You were now 7 centimeters dilated and wanted to kill Jack.
You got to the hospital too late to have a epidural so natural birth it was.
“What Jackman?” You asked through gritted teeth and you gripped the side rails of the hospital bed.
“Did you want more ice chips?” He quietly asked. You admit Jack had been doing his best, but you were in so much pain that all you could see was red. 
You also wanted to bite his head off and even threatened to never let him touch you again, but you already know that wasn’t true.
“No, I want your child out of me.” You responded while grabbing the neck of his hoodie and bringing him down eye level to you.
Your parents were on their way and so were Maggie and Brian. Neelam was currently on your left side as she was watching you fuss at your boyfriend.
“Hey, baby girl. Deep breaths. You tensing up is not going to help and it’s only going to make it worse.” You let go of Jack’s hoodie and turned your attention to Neelam and simply nodded.  
“Only three more to go. It’s going to be okay, just think of how pretty your baby will be and you’ll get to hold them. You’ve been waiting for this for nine months.”
You simply nodded as Neelam tried to talk you off the cliff and Jack had placed a wet washcloth on your forehead. 
“Okay, I can do this. AHHHHH SHIT!” You grabbed Jack’s hand and he just knew that you were about to break it.
“So, your contractions are getting closer so it’s definitely almost time to push.”
“Nee, how do you know all this?”
“I watch a lot of medical shows. I’m going to go get the nurse, but in the mean time, don’t kill your baby daddy, okay?”
“Easier said than done, but okay.”
Neelam sprinted out of the room as Jack placed a kiss on your cheek.
“I hope you know I love you and I don’t mean to yell at you.” You confessed and Jack pinched your cheek.
“I know mamas. And I hate seeing you in pain. Not too much longer, though.”
You simply nodded your head as Neelam came back with an entire team of nurses and your doctor right behind her.
“Okay, sweetheart, I’m going to check to see how far you are and if you’re at 10 we can get this show on the road.”
You nodded as she began to check.
Once she took her hand out, she had nothing but a smile on her face and you already knew what that meant. 
“Okay, Y/N, push when I say, okay?”
“Wait, I’m not ready.”
“Yes, you are honey. Nine months in the making so let’s do this. Your baby is ready to meet you and their father.”
You simply nodded as Jack held your right leg and Neelam held your left.
“On 3. 1..2..3. Big push, big push.”
“You’re doing good, come on give me another one.”
“I know, I know it does.”
“You’re doing amazing baby girl. You’re that much closer to holding them. You got this.”
You simply nodded and proceeded to push again.
“Give me another one, almost!”
You did as you were told, and next thing you knew, they could see the head.
“You’re doing great mama! Give me another one!”
On the next push, their shoulders were completely out.
“Y/N, if you want to reach down and pull them out you can.”
You nodded and proceeded to do so, pulling your first born the rest of the way out and placing them on your chest.
“It’s a boy!”
“You were amazing baby. I knew you could do it and look at what we made. He’s gorgeous.” Jack exclaimed while his eyes began to water. 
“He has your eyes.” You looked down to see those pretty ocean blue eyes staring back at you and realized that the pain had been worth it. 
“And definitely has your nose.”
They took him from you to clean him off and run some tests before placing him back on your chest.
“So proud of you, Y/N! I told you it would be worth it once you saw them.” Neelam stated while coming over to hold his hand. 
“It definitely was. Here daddy, come hold your son.” You turned to Jack and noticed that he was a little hesitant.
“It’s okay, babe. You won’t hurt him and he’s reaching for you.”
Jack nodded before you went to place your son in his arms.
“Hi little one. I’m your daddy.”
You immediately melted at the sight of seeing the two of them interact and began to cry. Neelam immediately noticed and handed you a tissue.
“Hey, are you okay?” She asked while putting an arm around you.
You simply nodded while trying to find your words.
“I’m just really happy.”
“And so is Jack.”
You looked back over to see your son had one of Jack’s fingers in a death grip and all you could do was smile.
Even though your relationship had been tested, deciding to stay and work through your problems had all been worth it.
You had your boyfriend.
You had your son.
You had your house.
And were due to be married within the next year.
Maybe signing that NDA wasn’t so bad. 
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Liked by yourinstagramname, neelamthadhani, druski2funny, urbanwyatt, champagnepapi, and 15,398,264 others
jackharlow: welcome to the world Ezra Jameson Harlow. Mommy and daddy already love you so much ❤
druski2funny: I'm going to need some type of explanation because... WHAT, WHEN?
jackharlow: druski2funny it took 9 months my boy like it always does
druski2funny: jackharlow I know that much but still... WHAT
neelamthadhani: Mama did such a good job!
jackharlow: neelamthadhani I just knew she was about to kill me lol
neelamthadhani: jackharlow it was looking bleak there for a second 🤣😂
jackharlow: neelamthadhani my hand is about to be bruised for awhile 🙃
urbanwyatt: on my way to meet my nephew. congratulations man
jackharlow: urbanwyatt can you bring Y/N some pizza and wings? And a orange hi-c from McDonald's? She was like either you get it for me or I'm getting my ass out this bed 😫
urbanwyatt: jackharlow no worries I got her. I'll bring two.
jackharlowsource: that came completely out of left field, but... WE'RE SO HAPPY FOR YOU DADDY HARLOW!
urbanandjack24: right?!?! Like he kept this shit hidden.
jackharlow: what can I say? Got some amazing people around me.
yourinstagramname: hmm he has your big ass forehead too
jackharlow: Baby was that really necessary? 😫
neelamthadhani: jackharlow she's not lying tho 👀
druski2funny: 🤣🤣🤣🤣
yourinstagramname: yes and I love you anyway 😘
yourinstagramname: urbanwyatt where is my food sir?!?!
urbanwyatt: yourinstagramname will you let me get off the elevator first!?
yourinstagramname: urbanwyatt yes 🥰 thank you Urby. Love you 😘
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pxnsneverland · 1 year
Beauty and the Boss | austin!elvis x oc (part 3)
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plot summary: Laura Jean Walker is the daughter to Louisiana's most powerful mafia boss, but to her, he's just her jail warden. When she sneaks out to the Louisiana Hayride with her friend she sees Elvis Presley perform and instantly knows something is special about this boy. Especially when he saves her from being assaulted by a townie. She thinks she's on cloud 9 until she gets kidnapped in the middle of the night by the Memphis Mafia led by Elvis himself. Will Laura Jean try to free herself or will something hold her back from finding her way home?
Part 1 | Part 2
pairings: austin!elvis x oc
word count: 1711
warnings/notes: N/A
Chapter 3
               Elvis took me along a corridor with doors on either side heading somewhere. I could hear conversation downstairs pouring out into the street. I was behind him, and he smiled at me over his shoulder. I folded my arms across my chest and returned a timid smile. I wasn't terrified anymore, and while I could have simply turned back and attempted to flee, I didn't want to. I'd just been kidnapped, but with Elvis nearby, I didn't feel in any danger. He came to a halt in front of one of the doors at the end of the corridor. He opened the door by turning the knob. It was a big bedroom with satin sheets and a canopy over the four-poster bed. The carpet beneath my feet was plush, and there was even a TV in the corner, which appeared to be an expensive model.
              “You’ll sleep in here. At least until your daddy gets you back,” Elvis added.
              “It’s beautiful.”
              Leaning against the wall, Elvis chuckled. “What did you expect, darlin’? A cage?”
              I grinned. “Kind of.”
              “I don’t take kindly to treatin’ people bad just for the sake of it. You ain’t done nothin’ to me. I just need to bargain with your daddy.”
              I was curious about his strategy. Yeah, Daddy probably loved me, but I doubted I was valuable to him. Especially these days when all we've done is argue over my rebelliousness. He probably didn't want me back. “What are you gonna do to my daddy?”
              Elvis shook his head and moved closer to me so he could hold my face in his hands. I liked how softly he touched me. It was as if he was handling something fragile that he didn't want to shatter. “Nothin’, darlin’. Not as long as he returns all the money he stole.” He searched my eyes for something. “Why? Are you worried?”
              “No.” And I wasn't. Whatever Daddy had coming to him, I knew he deserved it. Even for a crooked man, he was crooked. “But what if he doesn’t? What happens to me?”
              “I ain’t got no intentions to hurt you, Laura Jean.” Yet a part of me was still on guard, his speech left no room for me to assume he was lying.
              Elvis gradually took his hands away from my face. He motioned with his head towards a door that led to a conjoining bathroom. “You’ve had a long night. Why don’t you wash yourself up and get dressed? It’s Sunday and my mama is makin’ brunch.”
              Was he inviting me to dinner with him and his family? I didn't know much about abduction or holding someone hostage for ransom, but I knew it didn't involve treating them like a guest rather than a prisoner. Was he playing a trick on me? Attempting to persuade me to believe him? I despised the fact that a part of me wanted to believe him. After all, not even Daddy had shown me such tenderness since Mama's death. “I don’t have any clothes.” My pajamas were tattered and coated in dirt, and my feet were caked in mud from where I had kicked up soil to save myself.
              “Don’t you worry about that,” Elvis remarked, “Just get cleaned up. Mama has a thing about bein’ on time.” He smiled, as if remembering a day when he wasn't on time. He exited the room, closing the door behind him. I waited to hear a lock, a guarantee that I wouldn't leave. But I didn't hear anything save his footsteps down the hall.
Elvis POV
              My head felt like it was exploding. It was a cruel turn of events. For weeks, I hadn't been able to stop thinking about her. Laura Jean. That name, that grin, those honey-colored eyes had been playing over and over in my thoughts like a broken record. I thought I'd find her again eventually, but not like this. Not as the daughter of the thief who had cheated me. Yet there was no going back now. I had a plan and had to stick to it. That is exactly what Daddy would have done. Take care of the family no matter what, he had said. I wish he was still around to give me help and advice. He was sentenced to 30 years in prison after being convicted of fraud and a few other charges. It had left the Memphis Mafia without a leader, and I had no choice but to accept the position...no matter how much I detested it.
              I walked down the stairs and plopped on my couch, pretending that the living room was vacant. I cast a glance towards Jerry, who was reclining against the window. He gave me a cool look. “You didn’t have to hit him.”
              “Yes, I did.” I leaned back, my gaze fixed on the ceiling. “He didn’t have to hurt her.”
              “What do you care? You’re just tryin’ to get to Walker, aren’t ya?”
              I snatched an open bottle off the table and drank from it. That was an old bottle of champagne, but I needed the sting of alcohol to clear my mind. “You remember that girl I told you about? The one from the Louisiana Hayride, right before I met the Colonel?”
              “Yeah, the one you refuse to shut up about. It’s been annoyin’.”
              I laughed and turned to face him. I crossed my arms across my chest. “That’s her.”
              His eyes widened. “What…? EP…?”
              Standing and walking towards him, I held up my hands in surrender. “Now, it ain’t like that. I didn’t know who she was when I met her, and she didn’t know either.”
              “How do you know that? Did she tell you?” Jerry gently placed his hand on my shoulder. “She’s the daughter of a rival, EP. I’m your best friend and I trust your judgement, but…should you really be trustin’ her? You don’t know what her daddy’s got her doin’.”
              I knew he was only trying to keep me safe. He had been the main one, aside from my parents, who had been safeguarding me my entire childhood. And he was right. It was foolish to put my trust in the daughter of an enemy, especially one I didn't know all that well. Yet there was something about her that drew me in, something I felt the first time I saw her face in the audience. “You might worry too much, Jerry.”
              “And you might worry too little.” Jerry sighed and rolled his eyes. “Your music career is just takin’ off. Honest money like you always wanted. Don’t let some pretty mafia princess ruin it. You hear me?” He clasped me on the shoulder and walked out.
              I peered out the window and saw my guys running about laughing and throwing footballs as if they didn't care about anything. And they didn’t. I was the one who carried all of their burdens, Mama's and Daddy's. They were all counting on me to look after them and make the right decisions for them. I couldn't lose sight of it, or everything I'd worked so hard to put together for them would fall apart.
Laura Jean’s POV
              It felt good to take a shower and let the hot water wash away all the tension I'd been carrying. I was surprised to find soap and shampoo already waiting for me. I switched off the water and wrapped myself in a towel. I entered the room that had been assigned to me. Even at home, I didn't have a bathroom that was linked to my bedroom. I lowered my gaze to my dirty garments on the floor. Seeing someone's Mama in dirt stained, shredded clothes, regardless of who Elvis was or wasn't, was not a good way to make a first impression. I turned towards the bed and jumped. A brand-new yellow dress lay on the bed, with matching shoes perfectly put on the floor next it. I looked around, half expecting whoever had left it there to be still there.
              When I couldn't find anyone, I picked up the dress and placed it in front of me. It was lovely and just the perfect size. There was a note that was hidden beneath it:
Wear this today and I’ll get you more later. You’re gonna love
Mama and her cooking. -EP
              I sniggered to myself. I'd never met somebody who was so dissimilar to what they did for a living. On the other hand, I suppose I didn't have many experiences. Nonetheless, I wasn't about to turn down a free meal when I was hungry. I changed into the dress and shoes and inspected myself in the mirror. I couldn't arrange my hair, so I pinned it up with a bobby pin I found in my pajama pocket. I inhaled deeply. This is something I could do. I think I'll be able to get through this. At the very least, I was able to get through today. I exited the room by taking the same path Elvis had led me down to the stairs. Elvis was standing there talking to a boy I'd never met before. When he heard me walking down the stairs, his gaze was drawn to mine. He looked surprised and perplexed, as if the way I was dressed didn't make sense to him. As I reached the last stair, he bit his lower lip. I nervously stroked my arm.
              “Thank you for the dress.” I was getting butterflies in my stomach. He remained silent. He just kept staring at me, and for a few seconds, I felt the dress looked awful. Perhaps it was worse than he had anticipated.
              Elvis opened his mouth to say something, but nothing came out. His friend punched him on the arm, and that's when he regained his voice. “I had a friend pick it out for ya. You look….”
              “Stupid?” I chuckled nervously, wishing he'd just get it over with.             
“Beautiful.” He gave a little smile. “Like a ray of sunlight.” My cheeks became flushed, worsening the butterflies in my stomach. I pressed my palms to my face, trying to conceal what I knew he had seen. Elvis smiled and extended his hand to me. “C’mere, darlin’. I wanna introduce you to my mama.”
 Stay tuned for Part 4! Click HERE to view!
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idkmanfuckthisall · 10 months
Life on Mars
Tracy K. Smith
Tina says what if dark matter is like the space between people
When what holds them together isn’t exactly love, and I think
That sounds right—how strong the pull can be, as if something
That knows better won’t let you drift apart so easily, and how
Small and heavy you feel, stuck there spinning in place.
Anita feels it now as a tug toward the phone, though she knows
The ear at the other end isn’t there anymore. She’ll beat her head
Against the rungs of her room till it splits, and the static that seeps out
Will lull her to sleep, where she’ll dream of him walking just ahead
Beside a woman whose mouth spills O after O of operatic laughter.
But Tina isn’t talking about men and women, what starts in our bodies
And then pushes out toward anywhere once the joy of it disappears.
She means families. How two sisters, say, can stop knowing one another,
Stop hearing the same language, scalding themselves on something
Every time they try to touch. What lives beside us passing for air?
Last year, there was a father in the news who kept his daughter
Locked in a cell for decades. She lived right under his feet,
Cooking food, watching TV. The same pipes threading through his life
Led in and out of hers. Every year the footsteps downstairs multiplied.
Babies wailing through the night. Kids screaming to be let outside.
Every day, the man crept down into that room, bringing food,
Lying down with the daughter, who had no choice. Like a god
Moving through a world where every face looked furtively into his,
Then turned away. They cursed him to his back. He didn’t hear.
They begged him for air, and all he saw were bodies on their knees.
How close that room. What heat. And his wife upstairs, hearing
Their clamor underfoot, thinking the house must just be
Settling into itself with age.
Tina says dark matter is just a theory. Something
We know is there, but can’t completely prove.
We move through it, bound, sensing it snatch up
What we mean to say and turn it over in its hands
Like glass sifted from the sea. It walks the shore,
Watching that refracted light dance back and forth
Before tossing whatever it was back to the surf.
How else could we get things so wrong,
Like a story hacked to bits and told in reverse?—
He grabbed my blouse at the neck.
All I thought was This is my very best
And he will ruin it. Wind, dirt, his hands
Hard on me. I heard the others
Jostling to watch as they waited
For their turns.
They were not glad to do it,
But they were eager.
They all wanted to, and fought
About who would go first.
We went to the cart
Where others sat waiting.
They laughed and it sounded
Like the black clouds that explode
Over the desert at night.
I knew which direction to go
From the stench of what still burned.
It was funny to see my house
Like that—as if the roof
Had been lifted up and carried off
By someone playing at dolls.
Who understands the world, and when
Will he make it make sense? Or she?
Maybe there is a pair of them, and they sit
Watching the cream disperse into their coffee
Like the A-bomb. This equals that, one says,
Arranging a swarm of coordinates
On a giant grid. They exchange smiles.
It’s so simple, they’ll be done by lunchtime,
Will have the whole afternoon to spend naming
The spaces between spaces, which their eyes
Have been trained to distinguish. Nothing
Eludes them. And when the nothing that is
Something creeps toward them, wanting
To be felt, they feel it. Then they jot down
Equation after equation, smiling to one another
Lips sealed tight.
Some of the prisoners were strung like beef
From the ceilings of their cells. “Gus”
Was led around on a leash. I mean dragged.
Others were ridden like mules. The guards
Were under a tremendous amount of pleasure.
I mean pressure. Pretty disgusting. Not
What you’d expect from Americans.
Just kidding. I’m only talking about people
Having a good time, blowing off steam.
The earth beneath us. The earth
Around and above. The earth
Pushing up against our houses,
Complicit with gravity. The earth
Ageless watching us rise and curl.
Our spades, our oxen, the jagged lines
We carve into dirt. The earth
Nicked and sliced into territory.
Hacked and hollowed. Stoppered tight.
Tripwire. The earth ticking with mines,
Patient, biding its time. The earth
Floating in darkness, suspended in spin.
The earth gunning it around the sun.
The earth we ride in disbelief.
The earth we plunder like thieves.
The earth caked to mud in the belly
Of a village with no food. Burying us.
The earth coming off on our shoes.
Tina says we do it to one another, every day,
Knowing and not knowing. When it is love,
What happens feels like dumb luck. When it’s not,
We’re riddled with bullets, shot through like ducks.
Every day. To ourselves and one another. And what
If what it is, and what sends it, has nothing to do
With what we can’t see? Nothing whatsoever
To do with a power other than muscle, will, sheer fright? 
0 notes
itsany62 · 3 years
SteveTony - Superfamily
Here are some Superfamily fics that I love. Don’t forget to leave kudos and nice comments in every fic!
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What We Learn?, by nannersmelo, 1 k >, Fluff.
“Who is this?”
“That doesn’t matter. What matters is that we have your husband, so you will listen very closely-”
“My husband Tony? Tony Stark?”
“Oh well,” Steve laughed, “good luck with that.”
Intruder, by wordscorrupt, 500 words.
Steve and Tony face a rather tiny, adorable intruder in the middle of the night.
the privilege of loving you by starklystar, 7 k > words.
“Why won’t you let me touch you?”
It’s a desperate plea, half-shouted and half-whispered, Steve’s voice cracking at the end. Tony stops in his tracks, halfway to the stairs. He doesn’t dare to turn back, and he really doesn’t want to fight, or to leave, to spend the last month of his life away from his husband and their son. But Steve can’t know, can he?
Or: Tony has palladium poisoning, but he doesn't tell Steve and Peter
ah-choo by starksnack, 3 k words, Hurt/Comfort.
Peter catches a cold at the park while Tony is away for work. Steve is all out of sorts trying to care for a sick child on his own.
The Sign by nightwalker, 2 k > words, Adoption.
Tony hadn't slept the night before and he knew Steve hadn't either. They'd just laid there, side by side, listening to each other breathe and thinking their own thoughts. Somewhere around dawn Steve had rolled onto his side and splayed his fingers over Tony's heart.
Bellflower (unwavering love) by S_Horne, 1 k > words.
“Aw, man.” Tony shook his head at himself as he finally broke. He bent down and tucked his hands underneath Peter’s armpits, hoisting him up onto his hip with a practiced ease. “You’re lucky you’re cute.”
“No m’not.”
Tony shook his head, straightening Peter’s shirt out where it had bunched up around his chest. “You’re in one of those moods today, aren’t you?”
Peter shook his head sagely and Tony huffed a laugh. “Not. You’re just mean.”
“I swear,” Tony said, blowing out a sigh, “if your Pops walks in and you turn into an angel, you’re grounded until you’re 50.”
a little lemonade by tonystarkssnipples, 1 k > words.
Tony came downstairs after putting Piper to sleep to find Steve with about 10 pounds of lemons spread across the table. At Tony’s footsteps, Steve looked up at him with wide eyes. “The recipe says a cup of lemon juice per gallon.”
“I don’t know how many lemons make a cup of lemon juice.”
It's summer and Steve wants to help their daughter with a lemonade stand.
Distracted by a Dime by happyaspie, 56 k > words, Homeless Peter Parker.
Peter Parker thinks he has everything figured out. Where he can eat, sleep and make a little bit of money. What he needs to do in order to continue attending Midtown High and being Queen’s friendly neighborhood Spider-man. How to keep his entire situation under wraps and most importantly, who he can trust.
Then, along comes Tony Stark with an offer he can’t refuse. The plan is to remain professional, to not get too close to the Stark-Rogers’ family. Not getting comfortable means not slipping up and saying anything that he can’t take back.
...but for Peter- things rarely go as planned...
one makes me want another by parkrstark, 12 k > words, Adoption, Angst with a Happy Ending.
Steve and Tony adopt Peter when he's 6-years-old and 10 years later, he still thinks he's living the best life with two father doting on him. Until they tell him about the new baby they're bringing home and suddenly, the attention is all on her.
steve rogers-stark: full time dad/husband, part time spider relocator by parkrstark, 1 k > words, Spiders, Fluff.
"Love, what's wrong?" He called out, waiting for a reply.
"Steve!" Tony instantly screamed back. "Come here! I need you!"
Steve quickened his pace slightly, trying to keep himself calm so he didn't worry Peter. Babies could sense that stuff. "Where is 'here', love?"
come morning light (we'll be safe & sound) by parkrstark, 14 k > words, Hurt/Comfort, Angst with a Happy Ending.
After a strange mission, Steve, Tony, and Peter find themselves trapped in their own living nightmares. Some memories of their past, some they hoped to keep from even each other, and some of the worst 'what if's their minds can imagine. All they have is each other until they wake up...but is that enough to survive until they figure out how?
Gelid Feint by geekymoviemom, 21 k > words, Fluff and Angst.
Gelid: icy; extremely cold
Feint: a deceptive or pretended blow
Steve Rogers’ world had completely changed since he was discovered in the Arctic Ice. Not only had he led a team of actual superheroes to defend New York against an alien invasion, he had also found love, and the family he’d never dared to dream he could have.
So when Nick Fury asked Steve on a simple mission to retrieve materials from a hidden bunker, Steve thought nothing of it.
Until the demons he’d thought he had buried within the Red Skull’s airplane suddenly reappeared, and he was forced to face the one enemy he’d thought he had vanquished.
He had cut off one head, but now two more had taken its place.
love lives on by parkrstark, 6 > k words, Teacher Steve Rogers, Alternate Universe.
Steve doesn't like picking favorite students, but when he gets Peter in his class, he can't help it when this sweet little boy becomes his favorite. He shouldn't be surprised when one day his father picks him up, and Steve realizes that he's the son of Tony Stark...the love of his life he let go back in high school. Steve wants his second chance, even if Tony doesn't want anything to do with him anymore.
maybe love is the reason why (we're seeing it eye to eye) by parkrstark, 134 k > words, undercover as a family, Fake/Pretend Relationship.
"I'm sorry. Repeat that again." Tony leaned forward in his seat from across the table. He even stuck a finger in his ear as if he was cleaning it out. "I don't think I heard you right."
Fury rolled his eyes-- or well, eye. "You and Rogers need to go undercover as a married couple in a community out on Long Island."
After Civil War, Tony and Steve are sent on an undercover mission as a couple to try and find Hydra informants. Somehow, they end up with Peter as their undercover son who decides to play matchmaker even if the two of them are doing their best to ignore their feelings after Siberia.
little moments like this by parkrstark, 1 k > words, Domestic Fluff.
Steve grabs the blanket and covers himself. "Stop it! My husband will kill you!"
It takes Tony only a second to realize what Steve thinks is going on and he laughs. "Steve, it's me. Tony." He tries to take the blanket off, but Steve doesn't let him.
"Don't-- take advantage of me! My husband will kill you!"
Or, Steve is loyal to no end. Even after a night of drinking Asgardian mead.
Trapped in the Shadows by geekymoviemom, 97 k > words, Alternate Universe - Modern Setting, Parent Tony Stark.
All Steve Rogers wanted after a lifetime of war was to immerse himself in quiet, and solitude. Opening a bookstore seemed like the perfect answer. He could escape to any world that he desired, all while keeping his past firmly behind him, where it belonged.
Until the day Peter Stark walked in.
anytime by complicationstoo, 714 words, Pre-Serum Steve Rogers, Established Relationship.
Steve is there, holding Tony's sleepy one year old against his chest and stirring scrambled eggs on the stove with his free hand. He's murmuring quietly to Peter, low enough that Tony can't quite make out the words, but there's a soft smile on his face as he talks.
Tony wanders further in, sneaking up behind him and wrapping his arms around his waist. He buries his face into Steve's hair, and he can hear the grin in Steve's voice as he says, "Good morning, dear.”
How To Change A Diaper by writerstrash, 1 k > words, Established Relationship, Fatherhood.
Steve and Tony deal with a wriggly, crawly baby Peter who enjoys keeping his parents on their toes.
104 notes · View notes
adezahnae · 3 years
While Mommy’s on a Little Trip (Part 3)
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A/N: HELLOO!! TODAY IS PART 3!! sadly this mini-series will be ending soon🥺 I hope you enjoy☺️
Part 1 | Part 2 | Part 2.5 | Part 3 | Part 4
Warnings: NSFW, smut, cheating, secrets, angst?, oral (fem. receiving), public sex, dirty talk, spanking, squirting, creampie, fingering, stepdaughter!student!reader x dilf!stepdad!mathteacher!jaehyun ft. dilf!boss!doyoung
Tagged Ppl: @softieekayy @seungmoomin @keeach @seoyutayong @whoreforshuaaa @mrg-jjh
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Your POV
I felt someone poking my cheek making me scrunch my nose. “Baby...Baby wake up..” I heard Mr. Jung whisper. I opened my eyes to see his beautiful smile. I smiled back. “Good Morning..” He said in his morning voice, making me shiver. “G-Good Morning, Daddy..” I said. He kissed my forehead. I turned over to see the time 10:23am on the clock. I gasped. “Daddy! School we’re-“ “Baby, it’s Saturday.” He said.
I breathed out and laid back down. “Then why did you wake me up? I was dreaming.” I pouted. “About me and you, I know.” He said. I cocked my head. “How?” I asked sitting up. “You moaned in your sleep the same words you said when we first fooled around.” He smirked. I blushed and looked away embarrassed. He laughed at me. “Aww Princess, it’s okay. I still think about that day as well..” He said pulling me into his lap. “Really?” I asked. He nodded his head. He put a kiss to my lips but I back away, scurrying off of him.
“What’s wrong?” He asked. “I have Morning breath..” I mumbled. He smiled at my cuteness. “Well, go and get ready. I’m taking you out for the day.” He said getting out of bed. “Where are we going?” I asked. “Firstly, for food because I’m starving and then, wherever you like.” He smiled. I squealed and jumped on him, hugging him.
“Thank you!!” I said. I jumped off of him and ran down to my room. “Daddy loves me!!” I yelled going down the halls. After I got dressed, I went downstairs and grabbed my bag. “I’m ready!” I said. He was already by the door, looking good as ever. He wore a black T-Shirt with black skinny jeans and black shoes, along with dressing it up with his sliver necklace and watch along with a black hat.
“Come on, Princess.” He said opening the door for me. We got in the car and fastened our seatbelts. I was about to kiss him on the cheek, but he turned his head, making me kiss him on the lips. I giggled and hit his arm. He smiled and pulled off. We rode pass many buildings on the city watching the sun reflect off of them. Just me and him. No one to stop us from loving each other...
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“Doyoung..yes...” I moaned gripping his hair. He hummed against me, sending vibrations through my body. This is so wrong...lying to my daughter and husband about going on a business trip, knowing that I’m here, sleeping with my boss. He looked up at me with such lustful eyes making me forget about my guilt. He pulled away and came back up to kiss me. He then looked away. “What’s wrong?” I asked sitting up.
“Are you thinking about him?” He asked me with his jaw clenched. I stuttered. “N-No, I-“ “Then why do you have the look of guilt on your face?” Doyoung asked. I looked away from him, sighing. “Do you love him?” He asked now looking at me. I avoided his gaze. It’s no secret that I love Jaehyun. He’s a great father and husband to me and my daughter. I know he wouldn’t do anything to hurt me, but I’m hurting him. By cheating on him with his best friend.
Doyoung scoffed got off the bed. “Doyoung wait.” I said grabbing his hand. “What, Mia?” He replied back. “Don’t leave me...I need you..” I said. “Then if you need me, say it.” He said sternly. He gripped my chin and looked at me. “Say it, Mia. Tell me that you want me and that you need me..” he ordered. I looked in his eyes, taking his thumb in my mouth, sucking on it. I pulled away and told him. “I want you and I need you, Doyoung. I love you, only you...” He placed a kiss on my lips and laid me back down. “Good...” He mumbled against my neck.
“I’m taking you back home tomorrow and you are packing your things and coming with me.” He said. I breathed out. “Okay..” I whispered. He laid down on the bed pulled me on top of him. “Show me how much you love me..” He smirked. I smiled back and leaned down to give him a kiss. “Yes sir..”
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Your POV
“Do you like this one, Princess?” He asked me holding up a red dress. I walked towards him and smiled. “I do, but don’t you think you’ve bought enough?” I asked. He chuckled at me and grabbed the dress anyway going to the cash register, ready to check out of the store. “Daddy!” I said following behind him. “I can never spend too much when it comes to you.” He said pinching my cheek. I huffed and grabbed my allowance.
“Here.” I said handing him the money. He looked at me confused. “Sweetheart what’s this?” He asked. “My allowance for the past month. It’s $105. Just use it to pay for it.” I said. He scoffed and smiled. He took the money and pulled out his wallet. He pulled out 5 $100 dollar bills and handed it to me along with my allowance. “Here.” He said.
I looked a him with disbelief. “Dad-“ “You take it and go find two more pairs of shoes or whatever you want to spend it on.” He said. “But I-“ “Princess, are you going against Daddy’s orders?” He asked in warning tone. I shook my head. “No Daddy..” He replied. “Good, now go and get what you want.” He smiled. I hugged him and ran off to the shoe aisle.
As I was looking at shoes, I heard someone calling me. “Hey! Hey Y/n!” They said. I turned in the direction the voice came from and seen the same boy from my class who tried to give me his number. I sighed. “What is it, Adam?” I asked looking at shoes. “What are you doing here?” He asked. I looked at him. “Adam you need to go, like now.” I said. “Why?” He asked getting closer while looking around. “Because I’m here with my dad now go! You know what he said in class! He doesn’t play about that stuff!!” I exclaimed, nervously still peeking in his direction. He was too busy looking at more clothes so he couldn’t really see me. Adam laughed.
“What? I can handle our big, buff and bad teacher.” He said exaggerating his voice. I laughed at little at his joke attempt. “Oh! A smile..I finally made you smile.” He said smiling back. We were then having a small conversation until I heard footsteps behind me.
I turned around seeing that it was Mr. Jung. I gasped. “Daddy I-“ “Come here, Y/n.” He said calmly. I rushed to his side and seen him approaching Adam. “Dad, he’s okay.” I said. “Adam, where’s your phone?” Mr. Jung asked completely ignoring me. Adam felt around for his phone, not getting a sign that his phone was on him. Mr. Jung pulled Adam’s phone from his pocket. He then looked at the text messages and showed them to me. I took the phone and read them.
Adam: I’m gonna get Y/n you just wait!
Ethan (Friend): You still haven’t gotten in her pants?
Adam: No! But I will!
Ethan: No you lost the bet! You haven’t fucked her yet so...
Adam: I will! Just give me two more days!
Ethan: Fine. Time is ticking😈
I looked at Adam with disbelief. “You tried to just get into my pants?!” I asked walking up to him, but Mr. Jung held me back. “Y/n! I wasn’t trying to-“ I threw his phone at him. “Go to hell Adam! Don’t you ever talk to me again!” I yelled. I walked off away from Adam. “You bitch-“ Before he could finish the sentence, Mr. Jung punched him in his mouth.
I ran over to grab Mr. Jung and pulled him away from Adam. “Let’s go, Daddy! Come on!” I said going to the cash register. I put the boxes of shoes on the top, letting the cashier scan the clothes. “$1,295 dollars and 56 cents.” He said. Mr. Jung pulled out his credit card and handed to the cashier.
The cashier looked at me and smiled. “That guy back there was for sure wrong..” He said. I nod. “I know.” I replied. “If you were my girlfriend, I would never let that happen to you. Ever..” He said grabbing my hand. I smiled but then I froze and looked at Mr. Jung, who was burning holes in his eyes. Mr. Jung took he card back, along with the clothes. “Excuse me, but we’re not done shopping.” He said.
He took my hand and led me to the back where the dressing rooms were. He pushed me in the room and closed the door and locked it. “What’s wrong?” I asked. “Pull your pants and panties down, don’t make me tell you twice.” He said pulling off his hat and shirt. I pulled down my pants and panties waiting for his next instructions.
He walked up to me pushed me again the wall. He kissed on my neck and made his way down my chest. His hands went to my button up shirt and ripped my shirt open half and half. I gasped. “Daddy-“ “I’ll buy you a new one Princess.” He mumbled against my chest. He made his way to my heat. He took my legs and put them on his shoulders. He gave my clit a kiss, flicking his tongue over it. I gasped out and grabbed his hair. He made patterns with his tongue and licked a long slow stripe along my entire heat. He took two of his fingers and teased my hole, then pushing them in.
“D-Daddy..so good...” I whispered. He sped up his pace, bring me closer and closer to my high. He looked up at me and sucked on my clit. “I-I’m...Ohhhh!” I moaned. I reached my high and he pulled away. He stood up and tapped the back of my legs. “Jump.” He ordered. I jumped and his picked me up, placing me on the wall again. He unbuckled his pants and pulled them down just enough to let himself free.
He slammed me down on his member, making me scream out. Luckily, it was just me and him back here. He started at a brutal pace, making me cry out. “Wait! I-It’s too much!” I said tapping his shoulder but clearly enjoying the pace. “It seems like my Princess needs to be reminded that she’s mine and no else’s.” He grunted going harder than before. He took my arms and pinned them against the wall above me. I whimpered out at the pace.
He put me down and turned me around. “Hands on the wall.” He ordered. I put my arms on the wall and arched my back, the way he liked it. He gave me a smack on the ass and re-entered himself, still a brutal pace. He groaned out and gripped on my hair, yanking it a little. “Harder! Yank my hair harder!” I begged. He yanked my hair harder, making me clench around him, signaling that I was close. He bent down to my ear. “Don’t you even think about cumming right now. I mean that.” He ordered in a low voice.
I whimpered and pushed myself back on him, wanting it more harder than before. He slowed his pace really, really slow. I whined. “Daddy~” I said pushing back. He smacked me on my butt. “Beg for it.” He ordered. “I want it!!” I whined. “That’s not enough, Princess. I need more.” He smacked me on my butt again. “Please! Oh please Daddy, I need it. I want you to fuck me hard! Harder than before, please!! Plesseee!!” I whined shaking my butt back onto him. He spanked me again and went at a hard and fast pace. I whined out in pleasure.
“I’m so clossssee!” I said. “To whom you belong to?” He whispered in my ear. “Daddy! I belong to you daddy! Only you!” I ranted. “Cum.” He ordered. He kept hitting my spot as came, causing me to squirt. I cried tears as he continued to slam his hips against mines. He came after me with groans and growls. He rode out our highs and pulled out. Once he did, our cum ran down my legs, causing me to shake. He kissed me on my back and shoulders giving praise. “Good job, Princess..good job..” He mumbled.
My body stood still, shivering at the littlest touch. He looked in my bag and pulled out tissues. He cleaned up the mess on my legs and pussy and on the floor. He placed them in the trash can and grabbed my clothes. He placed my legs in the panties and slipped them on me along with my pants.
He dressed himself back up, looking as if he didn’t just have sex in a dressing room. “Stay right here.” He said. He walked out of the dressing room and grabbed a pretty black button up shirt from the rack, went to the cashier and paid for it and came back to me. He put in on me and buttoned it up for me. I gave him a weak smile. “Thank you...” I mumbled. He kissed on my forehead and smiled. “You’re welcome.”
He fixed my messy hair and he picked me up and put me on his back. He grabbed my bag and clothes, carrying me to the cash register. She rung us up to over $1,000 dollars. He happily paid and I grabbed the bags. And us leaving the store. I giggled as he ran down the sidewalk with me on his back.
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tsukikento · 3 years
Empathetic Chapter 18
Pairing: Bakugou Katsuki x Reader
Summary: After your mom, the number 1 hero in America, gets offered a teaching position at U.A., you two pack up your things and head to Musutafu, Japan to start a new life. Pressure for you in America was at an all-time high, and now you’re in Japan, where almost no one knows you, or your family’s past.
This tale starts on your first day of class where your new teacher decides the best way for you to fit in is to fight against the strongest person in your class: Bakugou Katsuki.
Warnings/Genre: This piece will feature some angst and reference to an abusive parent, if you are ever worried about other tw’s feel free to send me an ask and I will let you know. There will also be fluff, slight angst, pining, and slowburn.
A/N:  Usually, my chapters are ~5000 words, but this one is less than 3500. However, that is because I wanted to end the chapter here! I hope you guys enjoy some of this glorious fluff with a short explanation to the reader's backstory. There is more to come and unfortunately it with be rather angsty.
(series masterlist)
You didn’t know what to say and Aizawa didn’t expect you to say anything. He gave you a few moments for the concept to sink in and then he began speaking again.
“Your mother is already on a plane back to the United States. She is in contact with your siblings and even tried calling you a few times.” He paused, debating his next words carefully, “Our goal is to have him think you are still in America. Your family is arranging for there to be a record of you at your old school. Your mother left in hopes to convince your father that she rushed home for you.”
You nodded meekly. It’s not like anything will change if I speak up.
Aizawa sighed. “We are working on our end to get rid of your trace here, but we believe overall that it is safest for you to stay here on campus, surrounded by heroes. What this entails is that you will not be in the limelight at all. You will stay training under me, you will not go out on missions where the public can see you, and you will not participate in the sports festival.”
Aizawa sat down next to you, trying to be as considerate as possible in such a difficult situation.
All you wanted to do right now was call your mom and siblings. You wanted to hear their voices, hear the truth from them, and then have their soothing voices tell you it would all be okay.
“I’m sure you want to talk to your family right now,” Aizawa began as if he was the one who could read your mind, “But you can’t.” He once again rubbed his eyes in irritation at the problem. “If you call them, your number will show outgoing calls from Japan to the United States.”
“I understand,” You solemnly replied.
“However, tomorrow morning, I will be calling your mom with the intention to talk to her about the situation and missing class,” Aizawa explained. “Come to my office half an hour before class and you can talk to her.”
You nodded, trying to comprehend just how important and serious this topic was.
“I don’t expect you to be amazing in class,” Aizawa elaborated, “I know this is a tough situation. However,” He looked into your eyes, “I want you to be there and I want you to keep fighting for your hero education as this gets sorted out.”
You nodded.
Aizawa stood up. “Now, go to bed, get some rest.”
You nodded a final time. “Thank you,” Your meek voice responded, bowing slightly because you knew it was the polite thing to do. You made your way back to the dorm as Aizawa followed behind you.
When you entered, you saw Ashido and Kirishima now in the room with Bakugou, Kaminari, and Sero. However, no one else was there anymore. Briefly, you wondered if your friends, particularly Bakugou, yelled at everyone to get lost.
“Have a good night,” Aizawa said as he left you, closing the door behind him.
Frankly, all you wanted to do was go up to your room, sleep the night away, and talk to your mom in the morning. You hoped everyone could respect that.
Ashido was the first to approach you. They had all been sitting at the usual spot on the dining table. The load wooden chair creaked against the wooden floor, surely adding another scratch to the collection. She rushed over to you and pulled you in quickly for a hug.
It was brief, mainly because you didn’t hug the pink girl back, and she pulled away in concern.
She looked deep into your eyes, unsure what to say.
With the utmost concern and care she could muster, the girl simply asked, “Are you okay? Do you want to be alone?”
“I do,” You mumbled out quickly.
“Of course,” She immediately replied, turning to lead you up to the dorms. She was your escort, and she would make sure no one, not a single soul, bothered you.
As you walked, your eyes wandered to the group. Most of your friends were standing at the edge of the dining room, too scared to enter. Bakugou, on the other hand, stayed in his chair, his eyes never leaving yours.
He looked at you with a serious face and motioned for you to take out your earbud.
You listened and took out one.
Are you okay? You heard his thoughts, much more apparent than anyone else’s, ask.
Not wanting to lie to the blond, you shrugged. You didn’t want to hear anything else, especially because most people’s thoughts were focused on your own situation. You popped the earbud back in as your rounded the corner to the hallway that led to the elevator.
Time passed numbly as Ashido ushered you to your bedroom.
“I’m going to fill up your water and bring you a couple of granola bars in case you get hungry,” She paused to look at you, “Do you need anything else? I could wake you in the morning for class if you’re going.”
“No,” You smiled, “I appreciate you.”
“Of course.” Mina’s tone was much more calm than usual. “Even if I am asleep, feel free to text, call, or bang on my door till I wake up, okay?”
You laughed, “I will.”
Your door shut. You sat down. Minutes later you heard the clink of your water bottle be pressed against your door.
A vibration.
I left it outside your door <3
On your phone were multiple calls and texts. A few from your mom, a few from Aizawa, and a few from Momo and Iida, the class representatives.
You clicked on each, ridding yourself of the red notification bubble. Sighing, you got up to grab your water before going back to bed.
You snuggled yourself into the duvet and attempted to play some videos to distract yourself.
You felt tears prick your eyes multiple times through the night until you finally fell asleep.
When you woke up, you were sweaty. You already had been, but this fresh sweat was most likely the result of a nightmare you already couldn’t remember. Your mouth was dry, and you immediately moved to grab your water. You gulped down half your water in only seconds, thankful that it was filled by Ashido.
It was still dark outside so you grabbed your phone to check the time.
If anything you were only asleep for an hour. It had been difficult to fall asleep in the first place, but now it seemed you were being plagued with nightmares.
You pondered if it was better that you didn’t remember what you dreamt. Part of you wished you could.
You sighed into your empty room.
Knowing yourself, if you fell back asleep, you would have the same nightmare.
Maybe I can distract myself for a little bit and try to fall back asleep later.
You looked around your darkroom. But what to do?
Sighing, you stood up from your bed and began grabbing your toiletries. You were much too sweaty for your liking and assumed a nice shower would help calm you down.
Quietly, you slipped downstairs, not using the elevator because you knew it would ‘bing!’ when the doors opened and closed.
Thankfully, the living room and dining room were empty. Your bare feet padded against the hardwood as you made your way to the showers, trying to keep quiet in case anyone heard.
You entered the bathroom, lights switching on immediately due to the motion sensor, and placed your belongings onto the sink counter. You turned to one of the stalls and switched it on before returning to your belongings. As the water heated up, you grabbed your essentials and flung your towel across the tile walls that separated each shower stall. You took off your earbuds and placed them securely into a cloth pouch you attached to your basket.
You peaked around the room, ensuring no one was there, before quickly peeling off your sweaty clothes. You rushed to your stall, closing the curtain, and sighing into the security of a warm water stream.
You took your shower slowly.
You spent your time massaging your head as you applied shampoo. You exfoliated your legs carefully, getting every inch and letting your thoughts fall down the drain with the soapy water. Your mind was clear, and you numbly followed each step meticulously.
It was when you were just about to wash the conditioner out of your hair and get out of the shower that you heard the door click open.
Whoever entered, disturbing your peace, let their heavy toiletries basket fall onto the counter.
I can’t fucking believe it!
It was Bakugou.
Someone else is showering at this time when I wanted to be all alone.
You debated telling him it was you, curious to see if knowing it was you would ease his anger. However, he would also know you could hear his thoughts in these moments.
He turned on the shower that was two away from you. You heard him sigh and pictured the blond rubbing his eyes in frustration.
His thoughts flickered over multiple subjects in the span of seconds. With many people asleep, thoughts were quiet. Bakugou being so close made it easier for you to focus on his thoughts but did not stop your head from hurting slightly.
You weaved around his thoughts, pushing away the passive ones that were simply about turning on the shower, grabbing his shampoo, body wash, and conditioner, and entering the shower. You moved away from his frustration, searching for something more.
Is she okay?
I wonder if she was able to fall asleep.
I wish I ignored stupid pink hair and just went to visit her.
A wave of shock when through him. After a few swears within his head, he finally replied.
“Y/N.” A short pause, “Didn’t I tell you to call me Katsuki?” Another pause, “For practice, I mean.”
You chuckled, running your hair under the water. “No, Bakugou-san, I don’t think you ever did.”
You heard him open a bottle.
“Well, you can,” He finally said, his voice annoyed, but his thoughts telling you it was a façade.
You didn’t bother replying. Instead, you turned off the water and ringed out what water you could from your hair.
“I’m fine by the way,” You said, interrupting the silence.
You could tell Bakugou wanted to ask some questions, but his thoughts were not directed to you. They were not specifically asking so you didn’t say anything.
You dried off your body and wrapped the large towel around your body before realizing you didn’t bring any spare clothes.
Even worse, you slipped your clothes off and just left them out there. At least, you were smart enough to throw them into your basket of toiletries. Despite that sliver, if silver lining, you still needed to wash your face, brush your teeth, and put some products into your hair. There was no way in hell you were going to put your sweaty clothes back on that you ran in.
Maybe if I work quickly… you reasoned as you secured your towel best you could and proceeded to the sink.
The silence allowed you to work quickly, washing your face and applying products to it while Bakugou simply showered, thinking about how to ask you whatever it is he wanted to ask.
“Can you still hear my thoughts?” He asked out of the blue. Or, at least, it would have been if you didn’t hear his thoughts prior.
“Yes,” You replied as you applied a heavy glob of rose water gel cream to your face and neck.
“Then why aren’t you answering my questions? I know you can hear them?” He inquired.
“Your thoughts are different when you are thinking them and actually talking to me,” You explained, moving on to rapidly put lotion on your exfoliated body. “I don’t answer because they aren’t for me.” You paused, unsure how to phrase this next part, “I don’t want to interfere with your thoughts, I just can’t wear my earbuds when I’m soaking wet.”
His water shut off.
His water shut off and you still had things to do.
You checked your towel, rolling the top over a few times for maximum security.
“You might as well just answer them,” He explained. His green towel disappeared, his hand swiftly grabbing it from the tile walls.
“I’d rather you ask me what you really want to know,” You shot back, “I am not inclined to explain a difficult situation to someone without enough balls to actually ask.”
You could hear Bakugou scoff at the comment.
“No offense,” You added.
A chuckle. “None taken.”
He opened his curtain and stepped out. The blond was wrapped in only a towel, much like yourself, except this one hardly clung to his hips.
You looked away, looked anywhere else, and kept working. Next, your hair.
“It’s fine, you can look,” He teased.
It was a bold comment, but you could tell he was nervous to say it and just as nervous to look at you.
“I could say the same thing,” You looked into his eyes, cautious of his expansive chest. You pointed at your head, “Remember?”
“Tch, how could I forget?” He said, meeting you at the large sinks.
“You should have brought clothes,” You said, continuing the conversation and purposefully moving it away from tonight’s events.
“I could say the same thing,” He repeated, mocking you.
You laughed lightly, “I thought I would be alone.”
“So did I!”
You paused, “Yeah, well I got some pretty bad news tonight so you can’t be angry at me.”
The conversation stopped. Bakugou was tentative to say anything.
“You want me to tell you that badly, huh?” You questioned, looking at him through the mirror.
“You don’t have to,” He quickly replied.
“I know.”
You were done. Teeth brushed. Face fresh with lotion. Hair oil on. You turned to lean against the counter and watched the blond as he brushed his own teeth. You folded your arms, more so for the security of your towel, and for the comfort it would provide you.
“And just so you know,” You began, “I’m not telling you this because I crave attention.”
Bakugou gave you a look, not bothering to reply.
You bit your lip debating where to start. As you thought, your eyes looked over Bakugou’s body, admiring his strict diet and workout regimen. It’s really doing him wonders.
You caught Katsuki’s eyes, and he smirked, knowing exactly what you were doing. He didn’t pressure you to start your story and instead simply looked back into the mirror.
“Anyways,” You began, “My dad broke out of prison and he’s probably going to come looking for me.” You wanted to tell this story quickly, much like how one would rip a band-aid off quickly. “My mom is going back to the United States, and I am staying here because it is safest. However, I can’t do certain things,” You paused, “Like compete in the sports festival, or call anyone.”
Bakugou looked at you, your story clearly processing in his mind. He opened his mouth but closed it after a few moments. You knew what he was going to say though.
I’m sorry you can’t compete in the sports festival.
Albeit a little off-topic, you could tell the comment was coming from a good place. He had been training with you for weeks now in preparation. He also knew that it would be your opportunity to get an internship. However, now there was no possibility of doing that.
After deciding not to say such an oblivious statement, he was unsure what to do.
“It’s fine,” You finally said. “You don’t need to console me of anything.” You sighed, “It’ll be tough, but they will eventually get him, and everything will go back to normal.”
An awkward silence filled the room. Although, it wasn’t silent for you. Bakugou’s mind rushed with thoughts, the most prevalent one being—
“Is he where you got your quirk from?” Bakugou asked.
“Yes,” You answered before adding, “But his abilities are much more fleshed out than mine. He is able to manipulate feelings so strongly, and for so long that it’s basically mind control.”
Not wanting to elaborate, or go into your family history anymore, you began packing up your belongings. Bakugou also seemed ready to go as he began doing the same things.
Motioning to the blond, you finally put your earbuds back in. “You’re free,” You joked, enjoying the silence.
Bakugou snorted through his nose and grabbed his things. He held the door open for you and you each made your way to the elevator. You pointed to the elevator and stairs, silently asking him which one he would rather take.
Bakugou answered by leading the way up the stairs, walking slow enough that you were still able to keep up.
“I’m glad I ran into you tonight,” Bakugou said, breaking the silence. His voice echoed through the hall, making your heart flutter. “I was really worried honestly,” He added, worsening your nerves and making your face heat up.
When you didn’t reply, the blond turned to look at you. He immediately saw your red face and began to get red himself. His lips formed a fine line as he tried to remain serious and not smile.
“Don’t look at me like that!” He exclaimed, turning back around, and speeding up.
“What do you expect me to do?” You replied, “You started it.”
Bakugou scoffed, opening the door to your floor. “Yeah, but I didn’t look at you like—” He wasn’t sure what to say and gestured at you— “That!”
“Like what?” You shot back as you each walked to your rooms.
“You know,” Bakugou grumbled, his face becoming even pinker than it already was.
“But what if I don’t?” You questioned.
“I know you know,” He said, looking at you finally. “Of course you know with how I’m reacting.” Bakugou scowled at you and pouted his lips. “I’ll see you tomorrow, okay?”
You smiled brightly and the blond and nodded your head. “If it helps at all,” You began, “I’m glad I ran into you too.”
Bright red.
He was as red as his eyes.
You smiled even wider, happy to know you could make him react that way.
Before he could close himself away into his room, you decided to add insult to injury.
“It was also really reassuring having you with me when we first got back,” You paused, thinking about what to say. “It may be small, but you really helped me at that moment, especially when you moved me around.” Although you were doing this to get a reaction out of the blond, it was also an embarrassing moment for you. Neither of you was outright saying that you liked the other, but you were getting quite close to it. “I’m also really glad you yelled at everyone to leave so it wasn’t super crowded when I got back.” You thought for a moment, “At least I think you did.” A smile graced your face that would have anyone starstruck.
Bakugou stared at you like a deer in headlights. His eyes were wide, his face was red, and he could hardly move. It felt rather funny, each of you standing there in only a towel as you proclaim something so personal. Your arms held onto the top of your towel and Bakugou’s hung loosely by his hips.
For a moment, you imagined the garb falling off. It was a hilarious image and you knew the both of you would be nervous, but the way it hung really teased the idea of it.
It took a few moments, in which he stared directly at you, for him to regain his motor skills. With a ‘Wshh!’ of the door he was gone, tucked away in his small dorm.
You smiled to yourself, happy with how tonight played out. Even if your family was fighting for you, even if you had to fear your father showing up at any minute, it felt good to have a silly little high school romance. It made your life feel normal, it made your heartbeat incessantly, and it made you crave more time with the stubborn blond who stole your heart.
Once back in your room, you bit your bottom lip, trying to tame your smile. You change into some pajamas and make sure your alarm was set for the next day. You didn’t need to work out, but you needed to get to class early so you could talk to your mom. You were happy, really happy. Despite everything, your day was an overall great day and you knew it was all thanks to Bakugou.
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magic-belodie · 2 years
AL Episode 2 Negative Route
I finished the negative route of MCLAL episode 2. It cost me 894 AP. I didn't get an illustration. Here is the summary: 
(This summary is the sequel of the summary negative of episode 1: https://magic-belodie.tumblr.com/post/674726241045233664/al-episode-1-negative-route)
You start this episode waking up in the guest room. There is no sound. You take your phone. It isn't even 8 o'clock. You decide to go downstairs. You go to the living room to check if Lysander is there. Once you are there, Rosa the bunny comes hopping from the kitchen to you. You ask if she slept right and where her daddy is. But the smell of coffee tells you he is in the kitchen. So you go to the kitchen.  
Lysander ask if you slept well and if he waked you up. You slept alright and waked up on your own. Lysander answers with in the countryside, people generally sleep better. But you take him in your arms. He kisses you on the forehead. You ask him if he is already long a wake. Lysander hasn’t been a wake that long. He washed him self and bought some bread for break-fast. Lysander’s gives you a cup of coffee and you two go sit down to eat. In the meantime, he asks you if you want a tour of the house. You answer that he doesn't have to because you already looked around yesterday. Lysander answers oh fine, but you didn't have a guided tour. That is true, if Lysander wants to, you will look with him again. So you two start with the tour here in the kitchen. The table you two are sitting at has Lysander always known. You can see bite marks in it from Leigh. You ask why Leigh bite in the table. Leigh tripped while trying to avoid stepping on his gerbil. Luckily, Leigh didn’t break any teeth. It is a bad memory for Leigh and the table. You ask if the house has more scars like this. Lysander answers with tons, like any rooms in an old house. Each mark is evidence of a moment. There, on the counter, is also a scratch. Lysander’s father never wanted to tell how it got there. But Lysander’s father always had to laugh when they asked. Even Lysander’s mother didn’t know how it came there. Lysander’s thinks that the scratch is so old that it maybe came there when the parents of his father owned the farm. But Lysander does know that it has something to do with a donkey named Maryvonne and a barrel of cider. Each place of this house has mystery like this. You get curious to the tour and want to hear more stories. Lysander can talk about it the whole day. Under a chair you can find trace of a trap door. It is closed of now, but it led to a basement. Lysander doesn’t know what was in there, he thinks it has something to do with world war two. So was this farm always in Lysander’s family. It was built by the parents of Lysander’s great-great-grandfather. It is passed on from father to son for six generations. You understand now why Lysander didn’t want to sell. Leigh thinks that his paternal grandparents were pirates and hide their treasure in the basement. You don’t think that is true, Lysander agrees with you. The house hasn’t changed much. The only thing that changed in the kitchen is the double door to the garden. When Lysander was little, it was just one door. The double door gave much more light. You look at the kitchen utensils. Most of them are from Lysander’s grandparents. Those things really stand the time when they are taking good care of. But Lysander’s parents brought a few things; the refrigerator, the oven, the coffee machine and so on. You find this kitchen very big even for a family of four. Lysander answers with; you say that because you’ve never made a year’s worth of jam. With kids running around the kitchen and all stuff you need. This kitchen won’t be big enough. Do you require kids running around while making jam? Lysander and his brother wanted to taste everything. Lysander and Leigh got too much sugar and the two dogs started playing with them. Two kids and two dogs can take a lot of room in. Laughing, you can imagine it. You ask if Lysander had many dogs. He had, the last one died when he was 15. Lysander and Leigh wanted another one, but their mother was too sad. You ask him if he wanted one after he owned the house. Lysander thought about it, but he doesn’t want accidents with another animal. He also wouldn’t have much time to train it. You two finished breakfast and go to the living room.
The furniture in the living room haven’t changed since Lysander lived here. Now that he is talking about it, he hasn’t put much of himself into the house since he is living here alone. But his parents did buy all the board games for Lysander and his brother. One of the games goes about pirates. Lysander wonders if that is where his brother got the idea for the trap door for. Lysander’s parents found it important to spent time with each other as a family. A lot happened through it with board games. Lysander missed that time with his family. You tell him that you never liked board games, it always ended badly. Too bad, in this case it also ended badly. Emily the goat had eaten a part of the game. One day he found her with the box open. A part were missing and Emily looked like she eats it. Lysander could never prove it. But he kept the box for the art work. You start looking at the coffee table and ask if Lysander’s brother didn’t bite in this table. Lysander laughs; the coffee table was bought after they bought a cage for the Gerbils. But on the other hand, Lysander’s brother split his head open against the edge of the fireplace, but there’s no trace of that on the chimney. Lysander’s brother still has a scar of it. That is why Lysander’s brother kept his long hair. You ask Lysander if he ever got injuries. As a child, he never got seriously injured. He was very calm and shy. But his health was fragile. And that's why the pillows don't match, and none of them are originals. He was often sick on the couch. You don’t want him to go in detail. You both start looking at the ceiling. There is a mark and a nail on a beam. Lysander takes you in his arm to let you see where the mark exactly is. The mark was made by a champagne cork on his 15th birthday. His father was telling a story about when Lysander was a baby. He didn’t pay much attention to uncorking the champagne and more to the story, and that is how the mark got there. The nail on the beam was the story Lysander’s father was telling about. When Lysander was a year and half his uncle, was throwing him in the air. And Lysander bumped his head into the beam. Not very hard, but enough to make Lysander cry. But it could have been a disaster because the nail is sticking out. The cork almost hit a chandelier, so that could also have been a disaster. Since then, his mother didn’t want them to talk about almost disasters because they can create other disasters. He is not sure that there is a moral into this story, but you prefer listing to the kitchen stories, because they have history in it. That is true, but it is the little stories that make history. Rosa the bunny comes inside and put her head against Lysander’s leg. It is time to get to work. The tour is over, but you may help Lysander with his work. And you are exciting about helping him, but you are still in your pajama. You go upstairs, put on some old clothes and go back down. You ask Lysander if this is good. Lysander looks up and down, and this is perfect. You two start with feeding the animals. You two left the living room hand in hand.
In the garden, you see more animals than you saw last night. Lysander explains that some animals already got to their hutch. They were probably shy. You are going to feed the chickens first. Lysander picks up the feedbag and all the chickens go to his foot. You are surprised the chickens know when you get the bag that it is feeding time. Chickens are a lot smarter than people think. Lysander lets the food fall out of the bag. All the chickens rush to it. Lysander tells them to calm down and leave enough for each other. He also tells you the names of the chickens; Genevieve and Solange. Then he picks something out of his pocket for you to give to Oboe. But you first need to know which animal that is. Oboe is the duck, he named it after the instrument represented as a duck in the story of Peter and the Wolf. He puts a little part of cauliflower in your hand. You are surprised ducks eat it. Oboe loves it. As soon as you walk away from the chickens, Oboe come towards you. You throw the piece of cauliflower towards Oboe. The cauliflower ended next to Oboe. Oboe continues to walk towards to you and then looks at you and realize you threw it. He starts looking around him. Lysander asks if you expected Oboe to catch it. You didn't, you weren't aiming very well. But Oboe found the piece. Then Lysander put some other vegetables on the ground for the duck. The duck can find it good with the other animals. Which is important to Lysander because he hasn’t been able to find him a companion duck. And now with giving the duck the cauliflower, you have made a friend. You will see it tomorrow, the duck will certainly come towards you. You start smiling at Lysander. He is so sweet when he talks about his animals like that. Lysander ask why you are smiling, and you tell him that he is cute. He realizes that he is talking about his animals as people. His brother always found it off beat. It is, but it charms Lysander. Because Lysander is off beat, you like him. You step towards him to kiss him. Lysander takes you into his arms. After the kiss, you both step away, blushing. You ask what else you can do. Lysander will fill the watering cans. And you will feed an apple to Emily. You start walking with it to the chickens and ask which one of them it is. Lysander says it should be easy, she is the only one with hair and hooves. Oh, yeah, she is the goat. The chickens are Genevieve and ?. Lysander remembers you that it is Solange. You will have all the time to learn their names. You start walking towards the goat. Lysander asks if you are okay. You feel a bit uncomfortable with feeding the goat, but you go because you have to learn. Lysander smile encouraging to you and advise you to hold your hand out flat with the apple. You give Emily the apple. After it, she sniffs your hand for more. But that is all there is. Emily eats only grass, but from time to time she gets some treats. Lysander is proud of you that it went well. He hands you one watering can to water the vegetables. And asks if the can is not too heavy. You can handle it. You find that are a lot of vegetables for only Lysander. Lysander doesn’t eat most of the things he harvests. He delivers baskets of vegetables according to the seasons. His clients finding him with a bit by word of mouth and by people who visit the farm. He didn’t tell you before, but he let people visit the farm. Children, couples, single people. There is one old gentleman; Claude, who comes by every two weeks. He hit of with Aneth the cow the first day he came. She follows Claude everywhere. It was surprising to see. Since then, Claude comes every two weeks. To spend time with Aneth. Lysander thinks he even talks to the cow. As thanks, he always buys something from the baskets. All the visitors can buy something from the baskets, that’s how Lysander earns money. Visitors can even ask for their favorites. You advise Lysander to let school classes come to the farm, that will spread the word and give him some good reputation. He likes the idea. After watering all the vegetables, you two go back inside for lunch. 
Inside, Lysander put some bread on the table for lunch. He apologizes that he didn’t arrange something special. You tell him that it is okay and that you will eat better tonight. Lysander ask if you rather want him to cook, but you tell him that it is okay. You two eat in silence, enjoying it. After the meal, Lysander and you drink some coffee. And you ask him; if we still have a lot to do this afternoon. Lysander answers that you two are going to pick apples. He only has two trees, but they provide a lot of fruit. You are excited and get up to start fast.
Lysander and you walk towards the Pastures. There are a lot more animals than yesterday. They were probably already in their shelters. You see two alpacas. Lysander is surprised you know them. Most people see them as lama’s. They are both female and their names are Wooly and Fuzzy. Alpacas are most known for their wool, but they are also very social. And they protect the chickens from foxes. Lysander didn’t know they could do that before they came to the farm. You two reached the trees. Lysander puts two bags in a wheelbarrow. There isn’t really a technic for it. When you see an apple, you just take it and put it in the bag. You complain that it is going to take you days to pick them up. It is going to take less time than you think. And if you didn't finish today, there is something left to do tomorrow. You both start picking up the apples. In between, you start to looking at Lysander. How his shirt moves against his body while picking things up. You like what you are seeing. Lysander starts smiling at you because he notices that you stopped picking up apples. He asks if you are alright. Everything is fine. At the end of the afternoon, the bags are full. You two take them back to the kitchen.
You put the two bags on the counter. Lysander gets you and himself some water, and you both drink it up in one gulp. Lysander wants to know what you find of your first day on the farm. You tell him that it is not your natural environment. It is not that you didn't like it, but you are not used to do physical work. You ask how you were as his assistant today. There is room for progress. Lysander asks you if you want to take a shower. And you feel like you need one. But that wasn’t what he said, but you will decently feel better after it. You correct him that you will smell better. You don’t even dare to come near him now. Lysander answers with you can, he has nothing against a kiss. You two kiss passionately and smiles after it. You can continue after your shower.
Upstairs, you take a fast shower and head over to the bedroom. In your underwear, you are looking at the door an imagining what would happen if Lysander would walk in right now. You stop your daydreaming and put on your clothes. You can only pick one outfit. Once you are dressed, you start to look at the locked door, and you try if it is open right now. At that very moment, Lysander walks into the room. And ask if he could help you, do you need clean towel. You take your hands from the door handle. No, you had found a towel, you were just curious what was behind the door. If you had asked, Lysander had shown it to you. With a sad face, he picks up a key out of the drawer from the nightstand and opens the door. Behind it is an office. You are torn by relieved and disappointed. You two go inside.
This is the place where he still writes. You wondered if he were he still writing, but you didn’t dare to brought it up. The desk is covers with all kinds of notebooks, loose papers and texts. Lysander wasn’t sure of you were interested, but of course you are. You bet he keeps notebooks in here, so he won’t lose them. Lysander starts laughing. He had to find a solution because you weren’t there to find them. You ask if heel still writes songs and poems. A little, but lately he is writing stories. In high school, he had written one for a competition in a magazine. It didn’t get published, but it was a fun experience. Afterwards, he was busy with writing songs with Castiel. Since recently he started again. You are so happy that he is writing again. At that moment, your stomach starts to growl. Lysander suggests to make dinner. You go after him to help.  
Lysander puts down all the fruits and vegetables on the counter and ask what you want. You don’t know what some of them are. You point at one thing and ask what it is. It turns out to be mountain spinach. You two decide to make a mountain spinach salad. Lysander picks a few other things to go with it. You notice that since you have been here that you didn’t eat meat. Lysander barely has eaten meat for two years now, because working with animals makes him feel guilty to eat it. He knows that some animals that he has also eats meat, but still. When he was little, he didn’t like killing animals with his parents. He also didn’t like to eat the animals he has known. So little by little he started to eat less meat. He asks if that is a problem for you, otherwise he can buy some meat for you tomorrow. You tell him that you haven't eaten meat for a few months. Lysander answers with really wonderful, then you won't feel out of place. You two make the dinner ready. Lysander asks you to wait in the living room for 5 minutes, so he can finish a surprise. Afterwards, you can meet him in the garden near the vegetables.
In the living room, your thought go about how excited you are for the surprise. You keep watching at your watch until the time is over, and you can go to the garden. 
Near the vegetables, you find Lysander. He is sitting on a picnic blanket. Around him all fireflies lights up. It is so beautiful you don’t know what to say. Lysander tells you that you don’t have to say anything, but just enjoy the moment. He takes your hand and guides you to sit next to him on the blanket. You eat together the meal. After that, Lysander puts all the stuff into the basket and you two go lying together on the blanket. You don't get an illustration with Lysander, because of the low LOM and the wrong dialogue choices. You bring the conversation back to Lysander writing, you love that he still does that. He writes songs for Castiel. He writes more than Castiel can sing. You tell them that they don't have to be sung. They can become a collection of poetry. That is true, you just need to remove the repeated refrains. He will think about it when he has enough written down. But still he wants no one to see them. You ask if he is a shamed. Lysander has always written beautiful texts. That is nice of you, maybe it will motivate Lysander. You both stare silent out into space for a moment. Lysander starts talking about why he stayed on the farm. It wasn’t immediate, but he ended up realizing that his life was here. He loved his life in the city, the excitement, his friend and you. But in the end he missed the silence and the solitude a little. When he came back three years ago and his bother left, his was alone. He rediscovered the farm with a new eye. Lysander understood what his parents found in it, and why they loved this place so much. It took him some time afterwards to come up with the idea of converting the farm into a refuge. He didn’t like animals rearing for their product. That was the idea he disliked probably the most. So he changed his view on the farm, and now the animals need him more than he needs them. It is responsibility he takes with pleasure, because he managed to give meaning to it. That also goes for the house. When he lived with his parents, it wasn’t a conscious choice. Today, he chooses to live here. He made their stories and this place his own. He has his life here. Since then, everything has taking on a new meaning. He knows why he wakes up in the morning and what he has to do. And since you are here, he feels even better. You cuddle up against him. Lysander wants to know how it goes with you. Do you already know what you want to do after your masters? Last time you two talk about it on the phone, you weren’t sure. You tell him that if you want to do research, you will have to go on a complete decorate. But there aren't many spots, and you already feel out of energy. You are not sure if you want to keep this rhythm for another three years. Otherwise, you will do what you can. Lysander has found the place where he belongs, but you still have to search. He puts his arms around you, and is sure that one day you will find your place. He is sure of it and kisses you on the forehead. You two keep on talking for a while. You two get tired and decide that it is bedtime. Lysander ask if you want to sleep next to him tonight, and you say yes. You both head to the bedroom.
In the bedroom, Lysander changes his clothes in the bathroom, and you put on your pajama and go into the bed. Lysander joins you soon after. He kisses you and put the lights out. You wish him sweet dreams, and he answers with sleep well. You both fall a sleep and the episode ends.
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writingsfromhome · 3 years
Bad Timing II
A/N: I’m just about finished the whole series and I’m excited for you to read this! <3 Sorry for the late upload, I started a new semester and had zero time to write but I worked on this all weekend. I’m curious to know if your opinions on Harry change after this part, the next part’s going to be packed but this is an in-between. Thanks as always for reading <333
Part 1 / Part 2 / Part 3 / Part 4
I lay awake in bed, staring at the blank ceiling before my phone’s constant buzzing forces me up. A couple voicemails, and a single text from Harry: GM, call me if you need anything.
I stare at it longer than I should, the audacity to think we were fine enough to text me so casually. But there was some small solace in knowing he took the extra step to let me know. Ugh; my head injury was more serious than the medic diagnosed. I throw my phone on the bed and head downstairs where I’m surprised to see him gone. It was only 8am and I needed a coffee, otherwise I would not make it through the day. When I see the pot of coffee half full, I stop in my tracks. Harry made coffee before he left. I touch the pot and it’s still warm, he couldn’t have left that long ago.
I open the dishwasher that I’d loaded last night only to find it empty. I stand straight, hand on my hips--had he unloaded the dishes too? How did I not wake up to the noise? How did he even know where everything went?!
Maybe he wasn’t such a dense detective after all, the thought makes me smile. I look around the room and notice he’d tidied up from last night, and folded everything away on the couch he slept on. I take my coffee to the couch and without thinking, hug the pillow to my face and inhale. The strong scent of his aftershave sends a sharp and painful jolt to my memories. What the hell was I doing?
I drop the pillow and settle on my kitchen table, responding to some emails while I make a game plan for the day, shaking off the claustrophobic feeling I got thinking about going back to work. I finish the last of the coffee and start moving, shower, dress appropriately, pack my laptop...I just had to keep busy so I wouldn’t have time to think about it.
“We’re here for you, whatever you need,” the regional manager lets me know during the meeting. I’d learned post-trauma policies the bank had. I was sorry to know them, I really just wanted to put the whole thing behind me. I tell her that. “Unfortunately, it’s not that simple. We do require you to go to at least one counseling session, your employees have got to go to a group meet with a licensed therapist so you can all discuss this and get over the awful event.”
“I see,” I chew my lower lip. I didn’t want to talk to anyone about the way I jumped at every little thing and stared down each and every stranger on the tube on my way in today. I felt crazy. Maybe I did need a shrink. “I’ll include that in the memo I guess. Thanks again for all the support and the resources-”
“That’s my job, our job.” She motions to the man sitting beside her who hadn’t actually said much the whole time. We talk for a little while longer, and by the time they leave I’m exhausted. But I make the trek to the hospital to visit Cole like I told him I would.
The weekend flies by: I take the train to visit my dad up north and let him take care of me like I was a kid again. It was nice to unwind, I thought, I should visit my dad more often.
But come Monday, I’m back in my pantsuit ready to get on with my life. I try not to think about Thursday too hard but it’s difficult when first thing that morning, a therapist shows up for a group session. Most of my employees look anxious to be here, but I watch their shoulders relax as they discuss what happened. Watching everyone bond brings a lightness to the heaviness that sat in my chest: it was good.
“Ms. Y/L/N? When can we schedule a one-on-one?” The therapist stops me at the end of the session.
“I think this session helped a lot,” I put on a big smile. “I don’t think that will be necessary.”
She smiles politely, as if she expected this, “It’s a requirement for back-to-work. I have time right now if you’d like, I’m not seeing another employee until lunch.”
“Um,” I look to where everyone mingles, comforting each other and breaking off into groups. If I had to talk about it in order to work, and work is the only thing to help me get my mind off of it...I guess I had no choice. “Let’s do it now.”
But an hour later and I’ve mostly just talked her ear off about Harry showing up, how awful my luck was that he would be the lead detective on the case, how much damage he’d done to me. How he appeared on one of the worst days of my life again.
“It’s almost a sign,” I ramble. “Like...what are the odds?!”
“Do you still have feelings for him?” She asks, looking like she knew the answer.
“No,” I scoff. “I hate him. He broke my trust!” And my heart.
“Those are feelings,” she says wisely. 
“Well sure, yeah, I have negative feelings towards him. Why wouldn’t I?”
She pauses, a very pregnant pause. “It’s been almost 4 years right? Usually, those feelings start to...dissolve into a more neutral ground when you...receive closure. You take time to grieve, to sit in the wound in your heart, but then you pick yourself up and try to heal. It seems like you’ve just told yourself you were healed and got on.”
“I am healed,” I insist.
“Just like you started this sessions by letting me know you were over the trauma that happened to you a few days ago?” She asks. I avoid her gaze. “When I asked about Thursday, you said you were ‘over it’ and you just wanted to focus on work but you’re not giving yourself closure. Likewise, with Harry. You haven’t found closure even after all these years.”
I stare at her, she’d sliced right into a vulnerable part of me--I’d led her there, I realise. It was something I knew all along, I just didn’t want to point at it alone.
“You’re right...I feel like I never got closure.” I confess. “How? I just want to know h-how he could’ve left me for another woman after all those years together--as lovers and as friends? He was there when mum...he was there through hell. And then he put me through hell.”
“I’d like to believe Harry showing up on a...hellish day is a sign like you say. But maybe a sign you need closure. Talk to him, ask him what you need to know in order to close that chapter of your life.”
I exhale, the idea of it making me feel claustrophobic. She wanted me to open myself up to him again and invite him to hurt my feelings? I try to ask her more but she looks at her watch. We’d gone over.
I thank her and walk out with a weight on my back that feels bigger than the one I went in with. I thought therapy was supposed to make me feel lighter.
I’m hiding behind my desk as the footsteps get closer and closer to the door. I clutch the knife in my hand and-
I jump up out of sleep, and open my eyes to my office. I stare at the table in front of me where the papers I used as a pillow are rumpled.
“Y/N? You have a call on-”
“Adam,” I look at my assistant. He’d been really quiet today and I was worried about him but there was so much to catch up on I hadn’t had the chance to talk to him. “Sorry I...haven’t been sleeping well.”
“I’m sorry Y/N...the detective’s on the line he insisted he talk-”
I roll my eyes and answer the phone, motioning for Adam I’d be okay. He hesitates at the door before closing it tightly behind him.
“Y/N?” Harry’s breathless voice answers irritably on the other line.
“Harry? Why are you calling me at work?” I ask, still sleepy from the nap. Is this about the case?”
“No it’s about your things at the station, it was processed--we couldn’t find anything useful so we’re returning this batch. And I think some of it belongs to your staff? Did you want to pick it up or should I drop it off to yo-”
“I’ll pick it up,” I wanted to make it clear that Harry in my space wasn’t going to be a normal thing. “I’ll head out in a bit, can I just collect it at reception?”
“They’ll buzz you through to me, I’ve gotta go-”
“Just leave it with reception...” I say to dead air. He’d already hung up. Damn.
“I’m here for some things, it was taken for evidence?” I say to the woman at reception.
“You’ll have to be more specific love,” she raises an eyebrow. “A lot happens here.”
“The bank rob-”
“Ah, Harry’s case. I’ll buzz you through-”
“No I thought maybe I could collect it here uh-” I look for a nameplate. “Serena, listen, I’m in a rush so is there any way for you to get it-”
The phone ringing cuts me off. She holds up her finger and I stand tapping my foot. She rolls her eyes at whoever was on the other line, motions that they were chatty and points to the glass doors. I sigh, I guess I was seeing Harry. I think about my therapist and cringe, I couldn’t.
When I walk in, I scan the room for Harry but I don’t spot him anywhere. I walk awkwardly until someone asks if they could help but they point to his desk and tell me I could wait there.
“I’m actually here to pick up some evidence, couldn’t you just give it to me?”
“He’s the lead officer, he’s got to sign off--”
“Fine,” I hated the bloody bureaucracy around here. I go to where he points and sit in Harry’s chair, ignoring the looks from people around me. I toy with the pen and doodle on an empty paper. Y/N was here I write and smile, it was juvenile.
“Y/N! Sorry! Nobody told me you were here.” Harry shows up a few minutes later. He opens the bottom drawer and takes out a nondescript cardboard box. If I knew if was down there I would’ve left a long time ago. “Just need you to sign this.”
“Okay,” I sign where he points and reach for the box. “I’ll grab that, thank you.”
“Can I walk you out?” He fiddles with his phone.
“Will you take no for an answer?”
“Nope,” he’s all teeth when he smiles. I sigh and walk in front of him. It’s weirdly silent but I notice he was typing on his phone when I look over.
“Well...g’night then.” I say at the door but he pushes it open and walks out with me.
He finally puts his phone away and asks. “Are you alright? Have you gone back to work?”
“Yeah,” I chew at my bottom lip, nervous. “We’re really sticking together, trying to get through it.”
“That’s good. That’s how it should be.” He waits a beat. “We’ve been trying to catch the robbers, they hit up another bank so it’s hell inside. That’s why I was so busy.”
“Another?” My heart plummets, and my palms feel slick.
“Yeah but we’re working as fast as we can. So...uh, did you need anything from me before you go?”
“I...” I think about the therapist’s words and chew my lower lip. I try to work up the courage. Fuck it, I realise. I had nothing to lose. “I do...actually.”
“Oh,” he looks surprised. “Good, what’s that?”
“I want to talk, about us. I...I need like, closure Harry. I think I deserve an explanation about...” I trail off as I notice him staring at me blankly. “What?”
His blank expression settles into confusion. “What’s more to explain Y/N. I’ve told you everything, I-I dunno. I thought one day we could get together like old friends, but it’s obvious you’re still upset with everything and I don’t know what more I can say? I said everything in that letter but if-”
“The letter?” I ask sharply, cutting off his chatter.
“Yeah, the one I wrote you after we...after you moved out?” When I don’t react he continues: “I dropped it off at your sister’s the week after you cleaned out your things? You didn’t...read it?” He looks hurt, if that was possible all these years later.
“I...did. Obviously I just...had some questions.” My heart races; what letter? He wrote me a letter?
“So what do you want to ask?” He looks at me curiously, concern etched in his brows. “I would like to talk actually-”
“Now’s not a good time,” I cut him off again. I had to know about this letter first. I can’t believe I walked into this blind. “I’ve actually had a long day, this is--we can do this another time, okay? Thanks for...walking me out.”
The first thing I do when I get home is call my sister. I can sniff her guilt a whole country away.
“Y/N, you were heartbroken! Y-you didn’t need to have it broken all over again reading his stupid letter! I was looking out for you!”
“That wasn’t your call!” I raise my voice. “I’ve been...I haven’t had closure all this time! I thought he didn’t even care enough to try to explain it to me and you knew he sent a letter this whole time?”
“Well when he showed up to the flat I wasn’t about to-”
“When did he come to the flat?” I wanted to strangle my sisters and her protective instincts.
“After you moved your things out. He wanted to see you and I knew you were a mess, I told him you never wanted to speak to him. I was looking out for you babe I-I didn’t even realise I was keeping you from closure I just...I didn’t want you hurting. Don’t be mad.”
I swallow the lump in my throat, she was right. It was Harry who hurt me, and I shouldn’t take it out on her. “I know. I know. I’m sorry for yelling I just-I wish I could read that letter.”
“I’m sorry,” she sniffs. “I should’ve given it to you once you moved out...I still have it though. I think I tucked it into my old yearbook. D’you want me to...”
“Mail it? Yes, as soon as possible please. I need to know what he wrote.”
“What if you just get hurt all over again?” she asks.
“I’ve been hurting, I don’t think his outdated explanation will hurt any more. Just please mail it the first chance you get okay?”
I was so close to it, I think. I had to get that letter. I needed closure. I deserved it. And just knowing I could get it, it’s almost like I was waking up in a dark tunnel I hadn’t realised I was in this whole time. I knew where I was, and I could see light on the horizon.
The last time I had a full night’s sleep was on Y/N’s couch, this case was a lot bigger than we thought. It wasn’t just a robbery at one branch, these same people have hit up two other places in the last few days and they were good. The worst part was they weren’t afraid to use a gun.
“Chief,” one of the constables comes up to my desk, where I’d been staring at footage for the last hour. “There’s been um, there’s a problem-”
“Spit it out,” I say, eyes still on the screen.
“The evidence you released on Monday...blokes down in evidence can’t find the SIM from the scene...we think they accidentally left it with that batch.”
I look up from my screen and I can practically see the sweat breaking out on his brow as I stare. If that was important evidence, we’d misplaced it at the height of an investigation. My arse would be on the line too--it was my name on the authorization letter.
“Don’t panic until we’re sure it’s not with the evidence we gave out,” I get up and put my hand on his shoulder. “I’m looking into it right now, don’t let anybody know it’s happened.”
I grab my jacket from my chair and root in the pocket for my phone but Y/N’s number goes to voicemail. I curse. I look at the time, it was 6 already. I had a feeling she might kill me but I would have to drive to her place, I hoped she didn’t leave the evidence at work...after all I did tell her to return it to her employees...I have the brief thought of asking her in the morning but I remember my arse on the line and walk quicker.
“Woah, someone’s in a hurry,” Detective Cole comments as I rush past her. “Not even a hello.”
“Sorry,” I flash her a smile. “Urgent!”
“Need any help?”
I pause long enough to turn around and answer. “Normally I would say yes but I’ve got to do this.”
“Don’t let me keep ya,” she smiles, I notice Serena eyeing the both of us suspiciously as she packs up for the day. She was always trying to convince me to ask her on a date, but I was done with dating coworkers after I made the mistake of marrying one and breaking up quickly thereafter in the past. I’d changed careers quickly after that.
Y/N’s POV:
“Oh my god,” I stop in the middle of my bedroom as my sister reveals her big news over Facetime, an ultrasound held up to the camera. “Oh my god!”
“I know!” She squeals.
“I-I-you’re pregnant!” I was shocked, I didn’t even know my sister was trying for a third kid. “You better give me a bloody niece this time!”
My sister laughs, one hand on her belly. I should’ve known, I realise, she’d been cryptic the last few times we talked, dropping clue, but I’d been so wrapped up in other things I didn’t pick up on them. “It wasn’t even planned but Y/N, it feels right. The boys are stoked--they want a sister too.”
“I am so happy for you and Stu,” I let out a whoop. “I wish I could hug you! I’m going to book some time next month and come see you--this is big! Did you tell dad?”
“Not yet, don’t say anything--oh,” a cry bursts out from somewhere on her end. She rolls her eyes and tells me she would call me back. But I get a text to say there was an accident with a toy truck and a jug of OJ, she would call me back later in the evening when everything was settled.
I throw my phone down on my bed and sit on the edge in my robe, I’d just come out of the shower to my sister’s call. I was over the moon for her, but it was times like these I felt like an awful person. Because as I think about her happy news, I put my hand to my own belly and imagine what it would’ve been like to be the one calling family with good news. The familiar ache in my chest comes back, once upon a time I did have good news for a short period of time.
It was a few months before Harry and I split, I’d skipped a period and went immediately to the pharmacy. I’d decided to wait for a week before I would tell Harry because he was stressed from work. He was always stressed at that job, but I wanted it to be perfect. I’d spent the whole week stopping by nursery stores, browsing baby books, even buying a few onesies and the cutest booties I couldn’t put down. I picture the baby--mine and Harry’s, wearing them.
But the day I’d planned to tell him, I’d woken up and knew instantly something was wrong. I never told him, I fought with him that day instead...I couldn’t even remember over what. I held the awful burden on my own, packed the future I couldn’t have into a little box and shoved it under the bed. A few months later, Harry and I were over. That future was as fragile as the paper-thin wings of a butterfly, one that would never take flight.
I do what I did on my darkest days, I root underneath my bed and pull out the box.
I still had it; it was morbid, holding on to a future that was deader than dead. But I hold it in my lap, and run my hands over each piece of clothing. I imagine just for a moment what I could have had, they would’ve been 3 and I would’ve been a mum. My chest tightens, and I squeeze the items closer.
H’s POV:
By the time I get to Y/N’s, I’d stress-sang so many 90s hits that most of my nervous energy had streamed out the car window. I gather myself, clear my hoarse throat, and knock; ready to be beheaded. When there’s no answer, my nerves return. I knock louder, and try to peer through the frosty window.
“Harry?” Y/N opens the door in a flourish, looking fresh from a shower. I try to block the visuals that spring to mind, my mind blanking as I try to remember what I had to say. “Hello? Harry? Why are you here?”
“Uhm,” I shake my head. “Urgent business--the evidence I gave you on Monday, please tell me you still have it?”
Her eyebrows furrow, “You’re knocking on my door at nearly 7 for evidence you returned to me?”
“It’s urgent,” I look around out of habit. “Y/N, we may have accidentally given you something with the evidence we were meant to keep--please I wouldn’t be here if it wasn’t important. I’m not messing with you, this is my head on the chopping block--I need to know if you have it.”
“For fuck’s sake Harry,” she opens the door wider. “Just...come in.”
“You have it?” I step in eagerly and close the door behind me, basking in the warmth inside. It was a chilly spring evening.
“I haven’t touched it since I brought it home, I threw it somewhere in my room.”
“Didn’t it...have your employees’ personal items in it?” I ask cautiously.
“It’s not like they’re eager to have reminders of that day!” she snaps and I back down. She turns in a flourish of her robes and walks upstairs. She doesn’t say anything so I follow her up, drinking in every detail I can about her new life as we pass through.
She’s headed into her bedroom when her phone buzzes. I recognize her sister from the contact photo that takes up the screen. She glances at me, and back at the phone, making a decision.
“It’s beside the dresser, don’t make a sound or my sister will come here in record time to rip your head off.”
“I take it she doesn’t like me,” I try to joke.
“She’s not the only Y/L/N sister that doesn’t like you,” she puts a finger to her mouth and takes the call into the other room.
Maybe I should stop cracking jokes with Y/N, I think. It was clear she still hadn’t forgiven me. I was surprised she still held on as vehemently all these years later.
I head into her bedroom, a tidy and plain room. Compared to what I’d seen of her main floor, her bedroom looked like it belonged in a hotel. I spot the box almost immediately resting between a laundry hamper and her dresser. I pick it up but on the way back, the box on her bed catches my attention. The lid is half on, and I know I shouldn’t but something almost possesses my hand to nudge the lid aside. I stare and what’s inside the box sends me reeling; like I was seasick, but with both feet firmly on the ground. The feeling punches me directly into a past I’d abandoned. A future I abandoned too.
When Y/N finds me a few minutes later, I’m holding the shoes from the box in my hands. She stops beside me. I look to her and her face is frozen in fear, before it shuts down into anger--no, fury.
“What the fuck are you doing going through that?” she snatches the shoes out of my hand and picks the box up.
“Y/N,” I say gently. “What...what is all this?”
“Did you find your stupid box? Just--” her eyes search the room frantically and settles on the evidence box on the bed. She picks it up and shoves it into my chest. “Take it and go Harry, I don’t want t-to talk. To you. Please just--” her voice breaks.
“Okay I’ll go I just...” my heart feels heavier than lead and I want to say the perfect thing to her but nothing comes out. When she shoves me I scuttle out. I hear the sob that escapes her as soon as I exit into the hallway, I almost turn to go back in and offer comfort. But I couldn’t comfort her, not since the day I gave up on her. I walk to my car, not even relieved to have the evidence. I don’t know how long I sit in the car and think about the contents of that box: folded in neat piles were baby onesies, bibs, and a pair of tiny shoes. Remnants from a broken past, a broken promise.
I wasn’t an idiot, and I wasn’t heartless despite what Y/N thought. I know what my selfish actions did to her, I know how I’d fucked her up without meaning to. But it’s only now that the weight of it settles entirely on my shoulders. How many years has it been, and that small box of new onesies stayed under her bed. Her room might’ve looked sterile and fresh but its corners held heavier burdens than I thought were possible. A new feeling of shame blooms from within me, and it stays like a bad aftertaste.
***Y/N POV:
I was going to read that letter, find my closure, and burn everything from my past ceremonially in a bonfire, I think as I watch the trees in my backyard rustle with the morning wind. It had been a few days but I couldn’t even focus on him finding that box, the humiliation of watching him look up at me with confusion and pity...it was enough he’d broken my heart, but now he felt sorry for me too. I focus back on the greenery while my fingers toy with the letter that’d come in the mail, a few years late.
The envelope looked worse for wear but it was still as sealed as the day Harry had written it. I hesitate, trace my fingers over my name on the front. A memory comes rushing to me, Harry in my dorm writing silly things on my post-its and sticking it in places I wouldn’t find until he’d left. Like under my covers, or inside my closet door. They would be silly like
Y/N smells like farts
or cheesy like
have a terrific day
. I usually tossed them, other I’d tucked between classroom textbooks. I wonder what happened to them.
Finally, I work up the courage to slide my finger under the seal and break it open. Two pages fall out, his distinct writing halfway between cursive and chicken scratch covers both pages. I read:
You’re probably wondering why you’re reading this--I don’t think I deserve your consideration for even a moment let alone for enough time it will take for you to read this. Yet I want so badly for you to read this, to just know I didn’t mean for this to happen to us. And I know you think I’m the one who did it to us, but I need to explain.
You always told me I was good with my words, that maybe I was an artist in another life--a poet you liked to say. But every time I try to find the right words to say to you, English may as well not be my first language. I should have tried harder, should have found the right words for months but I kept putting it off until it was too late.
You are and will always be my best friend first, Y/N, I know I’ve broken your trust but I care about you deeply. I just wasn’t happy. And that had to do with the road we were going down together, not you. I’m deeply sorry for the words I said that day, for how I’ve made you feel these last few months. I guess, ultimately, I was being selfish. And I don’t have an excuse for that. I fucked this up but I wasn’t happy and I was taking it out on you, and on us. I used the things we couldn’t have as an excuse, but I’m not happy where I am in my life. And that’s something I need to find; I need to figure out what I really want.
I can only hope we’ll circle back to each other one day, in the future, when we’re in better places. But I don’t think we were right like this, maybe it’s bad timing, or maybe there’s a blanket over us much too heavy for us to find comfort under. I’m sorry for leaving us like this and for breaking your trust but I need to do this.
Know you’re perfect as you are, right now, there’s absolutely nothing about you I would ever change. I, on the other hand, have a lot of changing to do.
I wish you nothing but the best, you deserve the whole bloody world Y/N, but I don’t think I can give that to you. I hope one day, you can find it in your heart to forgive me. For now, know I love you and I’m truly sorry.
Harry, xx
My finger brushes over the last line, I take myself back to the Y/N and Harry four years ago--and it’s not so hard to do. I lived there more often than I’d like to admit. But I picture us, I picture Harry sitting down to write this. How might I have taken this if I read it all those years ago? I picture myself dissolving into tears--maybe my sister was right in not showing me.
I also imagine I would have known why, and maybe I wouldn’t be where I was right now if I’d had that closure.
But even all these years later, the tears stream down my face as if it were just yesterday Harry handed the letter over to my protective sister. There was so much hurt and heaviness, looking at it from the perspective I had now...I see a glimmer of truth in Harry’s letter. We’d worked wonderfully as best friends, and our intimacy was comforting. But we were also two people being pulled in two directions while clinging onto what we thought would keep us happy. It didn’t mean I forgave him for what he did, how he did it. But I finally understood why.
All this time, I asked why--I wondered if there was something I could’ve done to have fixed it before he left. I see now, he’d wanted an out the whole time. Nothing would have fixed us except time apart. I still felt like shit, but this epiphany made me feel closer to the closure I needed. The light on the horizon grows a little brighter. We’d just had bad timing.
I feel bright and chipper Monday morning; a sunny morning and a weekend of closure could do that to a woman. I bring along with me a box of treats; it had been a week since the horrible robbery. We’d put some precautions in since, had the therapist stay a few more days, a few of the employees decided to transfer and as sad as I was to see them go I knew it was the right thing for them to do to feel better. As for myself, I forgot about it most of the time. But it would creep in every so often and freeze me up.
I spoke to the company’s therapist once more after Monday, she’d asked about Harry and I had told her about the letter. She was intrigued but quickly changed the topic to how I was feeling after the events of last Thursday.
“Y/N?” Adam walks into the staff room as I finish the note to accompany the treats. “What’s all this?”
“Treats to cheer everyone up! Not that sweet fried dough is going to erase everyone’s PTSD...” I try to make a joke but Adam’s face is tense like it’d been since that day. “Adam I’m teasing...have you um, have you talked to someone one-on-one?”
“Me? Why?” He jumps. “I’m fine, I’m alright it’s mostly out of my head anyway.”
“Hm,” I look him up and down. “I don’t believe you but I’ll let it drop...for now.”
He fidgets with his hands, “Anyway I came in here to let you know the detective on the case called first thing about returning some evidence-”
“I can’t pick that up.” I say finitely. “Do you have room today? Maybe take an extended lunch and pick that up?”
“From the station?” he stutters.
“Is that where he said it was?”
“Uh yeah, yes. He wanted you to pick it up.”
“Well DCI Styles won’t get what he wants for once, you’ll pick it up at lunch okay? Just keep me posted.”
I go back to my office with a coffee and get a crack on with my work. I check for any updates on the client from last Thursday but I continue to receive the automated email that their office was closed for the week. It was weird, but I just make a note to follow up later on.
After lunch, Adam appears shaken, with the evidence. I instruct him to leave it in the staff room and send out an email, making sure to remind them that they didn’t have to go through it if they didn’t want to. I would keep it there until it was cleared out, even if that took the month. I think about my scarf in there, the one used to tie my hands. I wanted to burn it, never see it again. I send Adam a quick email to remove it from the box and dispose of it.
H’s POV:
“This just doesn’t make any sense,” I comb my fingers through my hair, as if it might trick my brain into seeing the pattern here. “This same group’s hit four places total, and yet Y/N...the HSBC was the first. There’s got to be a connection there, it’s here but I just can’t see it.”
“Harry,” Detective Cole puts her hand on my shoulder briefly before moving it away. “Maybe you need a break, I don’t think I’ve seen you go home the last few days and your shirt’s a bit...ripe. Maybe take the rest of the day off?”
I sniff myself, she was right. She shrugs with a I had to say it look.
She was right too that I hadn’t gone home. I did almost nothing but focus on this case, not only because it was growing bigger by the day and I had pressure from upstairs. But it was a welcome distraction to the new guilt that seemed to jam every other area of my life.
It was almost like I was reliving a timeline, going back three or so years ago. It felt like Y/N and I were freshly broken up, and I was trying to pick myself back up from it. Except that’s not the way it went all those years ago--I’d moved on, quickly then. But now, time was catching up. Or maybe it was karma.
“Earth to Harry?” Cole waves her hand in front of my face. “You really should go home.”
“Yep,” I scratch my stubble. I should shave too. “I’ll just drop by evidence before I go.”
She looks like she was going to say something but she gets up from the chair beside my desk, and walks back to her own. I sigh, sifting through the files on my desk to take home with me. My notepad underneath shifts and I spot Y/N’s familiar writing: Y/N was here. I run my finger over it and smile, remembering how she had written that on the baseboard of every flat or dorm room we’d left. And just like that, the guilt and shame take the memory’s place. How the fuck was I supposed get past this and focus, I think.
I shove my files into a bag and head out. Evidence tells me there wasn’t a lot on the sim card but they were still trying. I ask for an email if anything comes to light, and go home where I fall asleep before my head hits the pillow.
i meant to take a short nap, but I wake at 4am and my mind’s buzzing with so many thoughts that I have nothing else to do but get up, eat a mashup of breakfast and last night’s dinner. With nothing more to do, and 6am creeping up, I decide to get in my car and drive while the roads were somewhat clear.
Driving helped me think sometimes, on my worst case after my promotion, I’d gotten on the road one night and driven all the way to Leicaster. After a night’s rest in a hotel and the drive back home, I’d cracked the case. But this time, with my thoughts racing, I end up driving to Y/N neighbourhood on autopilot. Maybe because she was on my mind, the guilt a constant companion since that day.
I park on the other side of her street, and watch her front door from the rearview. I don’t know why I was there, it felt ridiculous and creepy. Yet, I couldn’t leave. Maybe I could offer her a ride to work, I think. But I know she would decline because she didn’t even come in herself to collect her evidence. She’d sent her awkward assistant instead.
Her door suddenly opens, and a strange man walks out. She leans on the doorframe and laughs at something he says. He leaves a kiss on her cheek and walks away. She shouts something after him and he turns, saying something back that gets her laughing. My heart races, seeing her face in the distance wrinkle with laughter. I remember all the times I could get her to do that, effortlessly. The guilt returns tenfold.
He adjusts his coat, turning back around and she watches him fondly for a few seconds longer before closing her door. I’m suddenly irritated, immediately suspicious of this bloke. I watch, unblinking, until he turns the corner out of sight. Who was he? Her boyfriend?
I look at the time on the dashboard, 7:08am. I sit, indecisive for another half an hour. My thoughts churn: the robberies, the motives, Y/N, the worn out box with baby clothes, her male guest who’d spent the night, the look on her face when she’d woken up after her concussion and saw me: disbelief, anger, and sadness.
I get out of the stuffy car and walk across the street where I hesitate outside her door. I knew I was crossing a line, pushing a boundary she put up by not picking up the evidence herself. She’d made it clear what she wanted, but I never denied that I was a selfish bastard. I raise my hand, and knock.
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xpeachesncream · 3 years
hi my dearest nikki <3, for Valentines season, Idk if someone already requested this but I wanted a Tae x y/n vacation somewhere abroad with some spicy steamin' lovemaking and a marriage proposal perhaps? hahaha i am forever in love with these two and your playlist in PW is my everyday playlist,just a tmi :)
perfectly wrong | drabble [12]: when the love is real, and right.
word count: 2.7k
warnings: cussing, mature language/implied sexual content, sweet taehyung, unprotected soft sex as you try and cater to your man, straddling, some breast play, nothing too bad really - this drabble is meant to be cute af! (highly recommend music linked above lol)
note: imma make ya’ll cry with this one. lmfao, jk 😂 please don’t cry! happy valentines, loves! you are all beautiful and strong ❤️ you’ve come so far, please don’t ever give up! keep on keepin’ on, baby! i’ll always be here rooting for you!
update: please read this announcement!
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School graciously provided another week of freedom in February, which so happened to fall right by Valentine's day. You were excited to relax and sleep in, be lazy with Taehyung and do absolutely nothing.
Except, not. Because all of a sudden, your man is rushing into your apartment, telling you to pack your things so you could make it in time for your flight later that evening.
"We gotta go, love." He pulls the luggage out of your closet and starts throwing your undies and bras from your drawer into it.
"Taehyung, please. What are you doing?" You looked over your covers, too lazy to move and do anything about it right now. You watched as he started rummaging through your pajamas and your socks, for whatever reason. "Tae, hello?"
"Come on, you need to pack. We have a flight to catch."
"Says who?"
"Says me." He smiles toothlessly, his bread cheeks poking out from either of his face as he holds up two airline tickets. Because you have terrible eyesight, you can't even make out the destination on the tickets and you don't even try to. It would be useless.
"Where are we going? I thought we were just going to stay home all week."
"I mean, that's always nice, but I saw that flights were cheap so I just bought 'em."
"So you just bought 'em? Really?"
"Miss girl, I don't have time to answer all of your questions right now. I can do that on the flight." He tilts his head and starts motioning for you to get up. "Come on, pretty please? It'll be worth it, I promise." You slightly whine, but you get up anyways and start to get ready for whatever this was. You throw on some comfy sweats and Taehyung's hoodie, then begin to pack your things. He says it's a tropical area [but 'not really,' he also says?], it's mainly humid and you'll be going into the water majority of the time. So, you pack a few bathing suits, a few light kimono type cardigans, shorts, crop tops and light jackets and call it a day. You've left whatever pajamas, underwear, socks and bras Taehyung had throw into your luggage cause at this point, you've learned that he does pay attention to what you pack and bring along.
And so that's what happened before you found yourself in a 1-bedroom Villa overlooking the ocean in Disney Aulani 8 hours later. You began to think this was planned all along, being that Taehyung had snagged a fancy room, with an ocean view and a fat bouquet of roses just waiting for you on the king-sized bed. Happy was an understatement.
Taehyung had made sure your entire week was filled with things to do, being that you both didn't know when you could go back to Hawaii like this. He rented out a jeep, driving you around the entire island of Oahu within the week's time, sight seeing, taking tons of pics together, stopping at food trucks, shopping small towns, and pulling random, small hikes together. He even made sure to take you to the Dole Plantation so you could grab that dole whip you had been raving about for so long and to the flea market to grab tons of cheap, fun souvenirs. He knew just what you liked, and he knew what would make you happy. He was happy to see you happy. Some days also were more lowkey, where you'd spend it at the various pools in Aulani's backyard, going snorkeling or paddle boarding, or even just going down the street at the ABC Convenience Store to binge on the cheap hot food [like $2 spam masubis!] and milk tea.
If it was easy to just snap your fingers and live somewhere else with Tae, it would be right here. Days moved so slowly on the island and you loved every minute of it. People really appreciated taking things slow here. Just imagining your life with Taehyung on an island like Oahu was *chef's kiss* - imagining your man in his shorts and fluffy hair in a loose shirt, waking up to the sounds of the beach every day. God damn. You truly loved him, and you'd go anywhere with him.
And Taehyung felt the same exact way, which is why he had one last thing planned before it was time to head back.
He had gone downstairs to grab some things as he says, but he had asked you to get dressed so he could take you on a fancy, romantic dinner. He had thrown on some slacks and a button up short-sleeved shirt tucked in, his curls messy but also not? Whatever you call it, he was fine as hell and you wanted nothing but to eat him up. Truthfully. You sat on the couch in a simple black, off the shoulder, mesh-like dress, which Taehyung also wanted nothing but to eat you up with the way you were swaying your hips in that dress. On everything, he almost wanted to call dinner quits just so he could have you instead.
But, he needed to stick to the plan for specific reasons. You sat on the couch, flipping through the channels when Taehyung had walked in and straight into the room. He had something tucked under his arm but you couldn't figure out what else he was fiddling with in his hands. Then, you heard him on the phone, faintly responding behind the walls with a 'sounds good, thank you!' before he opened the room door with a smile on his face.
"Ready for dinner?"
"Sure, weirdo." You laughed as you walked towards him, getting on your tippytoes to plant a kiss on his lips. He took your hand and led you inside the room, only for you to see the balcony lit with candles and a table for two set up, with a simple rose in the middle as decoration and soft music playing in the background. You had placed your hand over your mouth, speechless as to how he even did this right under your nose.
The best part [besides Tae himself] was the view of the ocean with the sun slowly setting in front of you.
"Welcome to Maison de Taehyung." He giggled with that deep, nerdy giggle of his that you love so much, making you playfully shove him away. Before you could make your way to the balcony, there was a knock on the door. Taehyung had welcomed Room Service in, allowing them to wheel in the food to the balcony and set the rest of the finishing touches before leaving you both to your privacy.
"Baaaaabe." You whined, almost in tears. He pulls you close, his large hands cupping your cheeks as he plants a kiss on your forehead. Your nose. Your lips. The butterflies.
He leads the way, pulling out your chair before sitting himself down. The food was amazing, the main course being a specialty the chef had whipped up just for Taehyung pulling his charm downstairs with the front desk. Typical Tae, really. You didn't need dessert, being that the main dish was super filling, but you ate it anyways because fuck it - you're in Hawaii with the love of your life and it was a bomb ass chocolate cake. You don't skip on that.
You sit on the bed as room service is quickly cleaning out the balcony, taking the plates and the table cloth along with them. You were full and satisfied, and you couldn't wait to just be in bed in Tae's arms. Dinner was special because not only did you get to eat this food with that view, but you got to talk to Tae about everything and anything. He indulged in every minute of it, giving you his undivided attention while the colors of the sunset bounced off of your skin. He loved you more than you even knew. He loved that he was here with you, and that you had taken a chance on him because this is where he wanted to be. This is the life he wanted, and this is the person he wanted to share it with.
"I'll be right back, baby."
"What are you up to now?" You giggled.
"Mmm, it's probably best you just wait." You nod silently as you watch him walk out of the room.
You stepped out into the balcony again in hopes of Tae joining you when he gets back, getting the last few bits of the sun right before it sunk into the horizon. Your phone began to buzz in your hands, signaling a call coming in.
"Jeon Jungkook." You answer his facetime call.
"Let me see Hawaii."
"You're too late, the sun literally just went down." He clicks his teeth.
"Maaaan. I would have liked an invite."
"Don't get mad at me fool, I didn't even know we had a flight until Taehyung busted into my room trying to pack my things." He laughs.
"What a guy."
"What do you want?"
"Jeez, that's no way to talk to your bestfriend."
"I'm on vacation, you should be lucky I didn't send your ass to voicemail. What do you want?"
"I just wanna talk to you guys. I'm bored."'
"Where's Hobi and Yoongs?"
"Being boring at their own homes."
"Jimin and Namjoon?"
"Jimin is home, Namjoon is downtown."
"Then sucks to suck, loner."
"You're a real piece of work, even in Hawaii." You laugh. "Where's Tae?"
"I don't know, he ran off again. He's been busy trying to surprise me with things left and right."
"Has he now?" Jungkook bites his bottom lip, knowing full well what's about to happen next. The whole reason Taehyung stepped out was to call him and calm his nerves. Was this Taehyung's bestfriend, or yours?
"Yeah, he's the best." You say, smiling to yourself as you fiddle with the top portion of your dress. You hear the front door close, assuming Taehyung had gotten back from whatever he was doing. "Uh, I think he's back, I should--"
"No, can't you just talk to me for like 5 minutes, Y/N?"
"Why are you so needy?" You chuckled.
"I just told you I was bored. I wanna say hi to Tae."
"Well when he comes here, I'll let you say hi."
"What else did you guys do today?"
"Uh, we took it pretty easy and played around at the beach."
"Baby, can you help me find something?" You hear Taehyung's voice right behind you.
"Sure." You say, keeping your eyes on Jungkook, who's chuckling to himself. You furrowed your brows at the camera. "What's wrong with you?"
"Nothing. Go help him."
"Okay, hold on." You say, putting the phone down by your hip. You turned, only to jump back in surprise. "Taehyung!" You gasped, your hand over your mouth. Taehyung had been behind you the whole time, his 100 watt smile shining as he bent down on one knee, holding out a small case that held a fancy diamond ring.
"Look, you know I'm pretty bad with speeches but I think you already know how you make me feel. I just, I--" He did a slight head tilt as he chuckled and took another deep breath. "I really, really love you, Y/N. It's always been you. You've become my better half and I truly can't see my life without you." You begin to cry heavily, forgetting Jungkook is still hanging on to dear life by your hip. It all makes sense now.
Why the hell would Jungkook call you at this time?
"Will you spend the rest of your life with me?" He asks, tears welling up in his eyes watching you cry in front of him. Your words can't escape your mouth because you really don't even know what to say. You're speechless, and you didn't even expect this to happen right at this moment. You knew you loved him, and you knew you were set with him. But to have him propose on a night like this in Hawaii? Unbelievable.
You nod and he shakily slips the ring onto your ring finger before you wrap your arms around his neck tightly as he hugs you. You pulled back to kiss him, only to be startled by all the screaming coming from your phone. Taehyung laughs as he holds you and watches you bring the phone back up to your view, seeing Jimin, Namjoon, Hobi, Yoongi and Jin all in one frame with Kook.
"You fucking liar!" You yell at Kook, making him laugh his loud, elmo laugh.
"We love youuuuuuuuu!" Jimin yells from his position, with Jin blowing kisses into the frame.
"You planned this all along." You turn and say to Taehyung softly. He just nods and shrugs, making you bite your bottom lip as to how attractive he was for pulling all of this shit right under your nose. "I'm gonna have to call you guys back later."
"Ooooooh, ew." Yoongi says before you abruptly hang up the call and jump into Tae's arms.
He brings you into the room, you tossing your phone onto the dresser, causing Taehyung to laugh into the kiss. He sits on the edge of the bed as you grip his face softly, your tongues fighting each other for dominance as the kiss intensifies. You feel his hands start to unzip your dress from the back, causing you to bite his bottom lip and gently pull back. He lets out a small moan as he fiddles with the rest of your zipper and successfully gets the dress to fall from your shoulders, exposing your breasts from underneath. You arch your back slightly, allowing Taehyung to plant kisses down your neck and to your breasts, using his tongue to toy with each nipple one by one. He sucks on it gently, pulling back with a pop before he blows onto them, goosebumps rippling through your body. You quickly unbutton his shirt as he's kissing your neck, causing you to let out a small hiss feeling his tongue against your skin.
It doesn't take long before both of your clothes are scattered across one side of the room, Tae holding you close as you continue to straddle him. You grind your hips into his, feeling his hardened member rub against your throbbing pussy.
"Fuck." He whispers. "I can feel how wet you are." You bite onto your bottom lip as you position yourself onto his hardened member and slowly sink yourself down. You watch as his head tilts backwards, eyes shut while his mouth is slightly opened to let out a moan. You began to slowly rock your hips into his, his arms wrapping tightly around you. You loved feeling his warm skin against yours and his strong arms holding you close. "Baby." He moans. "God, I love you." He says as you start to pick up your pace, rocking your hips a little  quicker.
"Nnnnng--Tae." You let out a breathy moan, tilting your head back in pleasure. Your back slightly arches along with it, allowing Tae to let his hands roam up your back while he kissed you softly along your chest, down to your stomach and back up to your breasts. He loved every bit of you, and he wanted to show you. Every. Single. Inch.
"If you keep moving like that, you're gonna make me cum." He whispers, nibbling onto your earlobe while his hands guide you, pushing you to ride him faster. In which, you do. You grant your man's wishes and pick up the pace quite a bit. The least you could do is cater to him after what he's done for you this week. He's moaning your name, calling you baby and whispering how special you are to him in your ear, making it incredibly difficult for you to keep holding on while he does so. "You're so beautiful."
"Babe, I'm close." Your nose is touching his, his eyes locked onto yours. "Fuck, babe. I'm gonna cum." You whine the more your hips are working his cock. You feel every inch of him inside of you, tickling your core enough to send you hurdling over the edge in a matter of minutes. "Ohhhh, fuck!" You yell, your body tensing up as he holds you close with your hands tangled in his hair. It's not long before he fills you up, your walls pulsating around his member being the cherry on top for him.
"Mmmmmshit! Baaaaby." He elongates his moan, no other noises coming out of him as the sensation completely takes over his body. You wrap your arms around his neck while regulating your breathing, his member beginning to soften within you.
"I love you." You whisper in his ear.
"I love you too, fiancé." He says, causing you to giggle as he places a kiss on your shoulder before allowing you to get up and get cleaned up.
So, we're really doing this thing, huh?
This thing called life with Kim Taehyung.
Absolutely, yes. 100%. 
You'd do it over and over again, just as long as he was by your side.
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mmvalentine · 3 years
The Pianist pt 6 | Jurdan
Modern AU. Part 1 part 2 part 3 part 4 part 5 part 7
Jude woke alone in her apartment and tucked into bed, even though she was pretty sure she fell asleep on the floor.
Things went back to normal: she woke up early, went to work, then tried to sleep while Cardan made a racket. Over the next few days, however, she noticed that Cardan started to cut off his practice time at a reasonable hour, and, surprised by the silence, Jude sang in the evenings instead. She wondered vaguely about her downstairs neighbour, and whether she was the new nuisance, now.
Cardan stopped appearing at the diner with his friends and without him, they were still annoying as all hell, but somehow seemed a little lackluster. She still ran into Cardan around the apartment building, but did not see that much of him. And they never did talk about that kiss.
Until one day, Cardan burst through the doors of Java Island where she was working the morning shift. Jude was startled to see him, not least because she'd never known Cardan to be awake at all in the morning.
"There you are!" he said. "I've been looking everywhere for you. I went to the apartment, to the diner, to the subway... I'm so glad I found you."
"Yes... at my job. Why are you looking for me?"
Cardan paused to catch his breath. "There's a talent scout coming into school today," he said. "They come around once a year, and they hire for big companies and producers. On more than one occasion, they've offered a record deal on the spot."
"So?" Jude asked. "I don't go to Juilliard, what does this have to do with me?"
But Cardan shook his head. "It doesn't matter," he said. "I've booked a practice room until 9am, and if you're in there you've got a chance to be seen. But you have to come now."
Jude bit her lip. She knew full well if she walked out in the middle of a shift, she'd lose this job. And she couldn't afford rent on just the other two.
On the other hand.
Jude threw her apron onto the counter, and ran with Cardan.
Cardan led her through the doors of the famed school of arts, and Jude barely had a chance to gawk at the soaring ceilings and towering glass walls. Cardan pulled her down several hallways and into a practice room, and the clock on the wall told her the time was 8:45am.
"Okay," he said, speaking quickly. "We walked straight past the scout, did you see him? Small man, round glasses."
"No, I-"
"Doesn't matter," Cardan cut her off. "The point is he's coming, and you need to start singing now."
"What do I sing?!" Jude asked, too panicked to be embarrassed at the desperation in her voice.
"I don't know, fucking anything!" Cardan hissed back. "Okay, sing... 'Ain't No Sunshine'. Like that day we first saw you."
He sat down at the piano and started up the song, and Jude had to take a second to piece her brain back together. Cardan nodded at her encouragingly, even sang the first couple of lines to her before she finally got a hold of herself and picked up half way through the first verse.
It wasn't a moment too soon because the next thing she knew, the scout was standing in the doorway. Jude shot an alarmed look at Cardan, but he just fixed her with a stern gaze as if to say keep going. And so Jude sang.
The thing about singing was, as nervous as she was to begin, she never felt nervous when she was in the middle of it. There was something so grounding about singing, and soon the little room and the man with the glasses and even Cardan at the piano faded away, and there was just the song.
So when she opened her eyes, she was disappointed to see that the scout had left the room before she finished her song, and she hadn't even noticed. Jude sighed, and rubbed her face. It was worth a try.
But when she looked back toward Cardan, he was smiling. Possibly the widest smile she had ever seen on his sharp face.
"He loved you," Cardan said.
"He. Loved. You."
"He walked out."
"They never stay for long, that's normal."
"Then how do you know-"
And then Cardan looked pointedly at the end of the grand piano. Jude followed his gaze and there, on the glossy black surface, was a simple, white business card.
Jude walked slowly toward it and picked it up. Turned it over in her hands. The card read:
'Bryern Phooka. Agent.' Then a number, an email address, and on the back, a hand written note.
Great voice, kid. Call me in the morning and let's set up a meeting.
Jude read the note three times. She looked up at Cardan, who was still grinning. Then back to the note, and back to Cardan, and then a hysterical laugh bubbled up her throat.
Cardan came over and read the card, then crowed at her, and Jude laughed again and he wrapped her up in a hug and before she could think what she was doing she pressed her lips to his.
Jude pulled away with an embarrassed laugh, and made to walk out the door. But Cardan was faster, and shut it before she could get there.
"Jude," he said, his voice dangerously low.
"Cardan," she mimicked.
"Jude you have to stop doing this to me."
"Doing what?" she asked.
Cardan stepped close to her, and slid his hands under her jaw and behind her hair.
"Leaving me hungry," he replied, and then kissed her again like he could devour her whole and only then would be be sated.
Jude, for once, let him. Didn't fight him, just closed her fingers around his wrists and kissed him back. Cardan could have wept with relief; he didn't know if he could bear it if Jude pushed him away again. He wanted to go slow, to be careful, to not scare her away. But his body had different ideas, and his arms tugged her too tight against him. His teeth bit down too hard into her lips.
But Jude just sighed, and licked his tongue, and Cardan lost it. He picked her up around the waist and set her down on the piano, so that her face was level with his. His fingers gripped the painted wood tightly as her hands slid into his hair, and he groaned when she tugged against his scalp.
Cardan moved his hands to her back and his lips to her neck, and when Jude tilted her head back to give him better access, he wondered if she knew how badly he needed her. Cardan grabbed a hold of her legs above her knees, and slid the hem of her yellow waitress' dress up her thighs. His hands curved around the outside of her legs, and down to her calves, where he yanked her suddenly to the edge of the piano. Jude made a squeaking sound in surprise, and Cardan covered her mouth once more with his.
Now when Cardan kissed her, Jude wrapped her legs around his waist. The warmth of her body was delicious, and Cardan crushed her to him. His cock ached between the restraint of his jeans and the heat of Jude just beyond, and without thinking he rolled his hips against her. Jude moaned a little, and tightened her legs around him.
God, if he could just taste her. Just once.
Cardan's fingernails skimmed up and down the outer sides of her thighs, slipping beneath her skirt, down to her knees and back. His lips found her ear lobe, the pulse in her neck, the hollow in the base of her throat. His hands squeezed, slid up her legs, and when she moaned again, his thumb reached for the cotton of her panties.
And found her soaking wet.
Cardan groaned, and dropped to his knees in front of her. Pushed her legs apart while she sat on the piano and then gripped her hips as he licked his tongue between her legs. Once over her underwear, then once with her underwear pushed to the side. Jude moaned loudly, and her head fell back as her hands caught the surface behind her.
"Cardan," she whispered, and his name in her mouth spurred him on. He plunged his tongue deep inside her, before dragging it back up to flick over her clit, and the sounds Jude made were almost better than when she was singing. Almost.
Cardan laved his tongue over her. And over, and over, and over. Jude's breath came in short pants and her hands twisted in his hair. He sped up his pace, moving back and forth against the apex of her thighs as she started to move her hips up toward him.
"Yeah," she breathed. "Just like that."
Cardan lifted her thighs onto his shoulders and moaned against her pussy. He couldn't speak in the moment but her name went round his head like a song.
"Cardan... Cardan I'm going to come..."
The thought made him even harder, and Cardan reached down and grabbed his cock through his jeans. He was going to finish her off first, and then...
At that moment, there was a loud rap on the door.
"You guys, it's past 10! I have the room booked now!"
Jude's eyes shot to the door, then down to Cardan between her legs. She laughed silently, and tried to pull back from him.
But Cardan wouldn't let her go. He held onto her thighs, and redoubled his efforts. Jude gasped and bit down hard on her lower lip, trying not to make a sound now that someone was standing on the other side of the door.
"Seriously!" the voice came. "I really need to get the hours in!"
Jude was back on track now, Cardan could see it. Her eyes were closed and her mouth moved wordlessly. Her legs had started to shake, and Cardan's tongue moved sure and steady until he could see her knuckles go white on the edge of the piano and then she was coming on his lips.
The climax shook through her in waves, and Cardan made she she had come all the way down before he lifted his mouth, and kissed her on the pussy then on the thigh then on the lips.
He stood, still hard as a rock, and pulled Jude off the piano.
"You guys," the voice whined.
"We're coming!" Cardan barked back, and then smiled at Jude as she readjusted her dress, and miraculously, smiled back at him. He kissed her again, softly, tenderly this time.
"You wanna get out of here?" he asked her. Jude bit her lip.
"I have to get back to the cafe and see if I still have a job," she replied.
"Right. Okay, well don't forget this." Cardan held up the agent's business card between two long fingers, and Jude beamed.
So I usually post a smut warning up top but like... spoilers?! Also I figure if you're this far in and you're at all familiar with my fics you know what's coming. Hope that's okay.
TAGLIST: @asteria-of-mars @swankii-art-teacher @loosingdreams @feysand-loml @cityofbookish @story-scribbler @thebonecarver
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mypoisonedvine · 4 years
Love, Theoretically | Sebastian Stan x reader (Chapter 2)
read Chapter 1 here
series summary: having lost your husband, sister, and best friend all to the same extramarital affair, you ran away to a secluded villa in the Hungarian countryside to write and get a little time away from the life you’d left behind.  you were only looking for peace and perhaps some inspiration for your novel, but instead you found an unlikely connection with the immigrant repairman– even though the two of you don’t speak the same language.
word count: 2.3k (exactly the same as last chapter, i’m proud of myself lol)
warnings: just fluff and ~pining~ for now
thanks again to @evnscvll for making this moodboard-- and this series is for her 3k celebration challenge so def check out her writing!
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You should’ve known that you wouldn’t be able to force yourself to write, but after a quick shower to wash off the day’s journey, you decided there was nothing better to do but sit at the desk and hope for inspiration.
Your husband had never been very supportive of your writing, which is why you had struggled to complete your latest novel.  He, like your publisher and many of your readers, wanted a sequel to your last book, in spite of the fact that you were adamant it was impossible.  It was a complete story, even if the ending was ambiguous.  There was no room for growth in the characters or the world of the story; just because readers wanted more didn’t mean that they would actually enjoy a forced product.
The publisher and your husband, however, shared a very strong opinion: the fans won’t care if it’s forced, and neither should you as long as it sells.  But, they weren’t writers.  You were.  And you knew there were different stories you needed to tell… if only you could find the words for them.
You were a few pages in when you heard the stairs creaking outside your closed door.  There was a quick knock at the door; you answered with an offer to come in.  
“I was just wondering if you wanted some coffee,” Mrs. Alberti explained as she crossed the room, standing beside you at the desk.  You nodded with a quick thank you as she set the cup and saucer down onto the wood.  “Oh heavens, he’s working on the house again,” she suddenly groaned, motioning out the window.  
You leaned over and nearly spit out your coffee when you saw Sebastian outside.  He was only wearing some much-too-tight jeans, driving a hammer down onto wood as the sun cast orange light over his body.  He was glistening with sweat, which was probably pretty uncomfortable for him but he looked damn good anyways.  
“Is he always… like that?” you shuddered.  
“Maybe I didn’t just hire him because he was cheap,” she shrugged, handing you a cloth.  “Go soak this in cold water and bring it to him, he looks overheated.”
You should’ve questioned why she was giving you chores, but you just took the rag and did as she asked.  He didn’t notice you walking out to him at first, but stopped when he did see you, waving quickly and setting down his hammer.
“For the heat,” you explained as you handed it to him.
“Ah, mulțumesc,” he nodded, accepting the rag with a smile.  
As he wiped the sweat from his face, you found your gaze trailing over his arms, down his chest and abdomen.  Jesus, how could this guy eat Mrs. Alberti’s cooking every day and still have washboard abs?  When you looked back up to his face, he was looking right at you with a grin-- oh shit, had he caught you ogling?  But then again, maybe he wanted you to ogle.  Why else would he be doing housework so… shirtlessly?
“Wh-what are you working on?” you asked him to break the silence.  He gave you a puzzled look.  “Er, the wood,” you motioned to the work he was doing, “why?”
His face softened with understanding.  “Construiesc un cadru nou pentru fereastră,” he explained, motioning vaguely to the house, “în partea de est a casei.”
“Right…” you nodded, realizing that you had no idea what he’d said.  Clearly you hadn’t thought this through.
“Aici, permiteți-mi să vă arăt,” he said, grabbing a board and walking past you, motioning for you to follow him as he slung the rag over his shoulder.  You figured you looked like a lost puppy trailing behind him like this.
He stopped when you reached the wall of the house, and grabbed part of the window frame; it creaked and moved as he wiggled it, clearly on the verge of falling off.  Then, he held up the new board he had been hammering and you realized that it was going to replace the rotting portions of the frame.
“A intelege?” he smiled.
“Da!” you answered, and he laughed.
“Cred că asta contează ca român,” he shrugged.
“It’s good you’re fixing the window.  I’m sure Mrs. Alberti appreciates everything you do.”
“Bătrâna îmi plătește rahat, dar sfârșesc trăind aici gratis.”
“Well, I should let you get back to it,” you decided as you stepped back with an uncomfortable smile.
“Nu te voi mai ține, sunt sigur că ești ocupat,” he said, and though you had no real way to interpret it, his tone didn’t seem to indicate that he was trying to stop you from going.
With a little wave and a heavy sense of god why am I such a dork?, you left him and returned indoors.
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First nights in new places were always sort of surreal, but this was definitely less weird than the sleeper car of the train.  You’d felt like a proper stowaway then, but you had a stronger feeling of belonging here… even if you didn’t quite feel like you had any place to call home at the moment.
As you laid in bed and looked at the room turned on its side, you found yourself missing your room.  Your real room.  It had been designed and decorated somewhat meticulously, but most of all you missed the things about it that you hadn’t put that kind of thought into: the random earrings on your bedside table, discarded casually before you went to sleep; the layers of blazers and skirts draped over the chair in the corner; the still-slightly-visible coffee stain on the corner of the rug, even though you’d spent hours trying to get it out.
Meanwhile, this room was so obviously not a space that people lived in, but just a space people passed through.  Though nowhere near as sterile as a traditional hotel room, it had the same emptiness even with its personality-- specifically, a reflection of someone else’s personality rather than your own.
All that said, sleeping was pretty easy once you got yourself comfortable in the fluffy mattress, even if you were aware all through the night that you were not at home.  So aware, even, that you weren’t surprised at all when you woke up in the new space for the first time.  What you were surprised by was the sounds of heavy rain against your window, immediately dashing your plans for a morning jog.  As much as it seemed apropos to type by the window instead and soak in the moody weather, you decided to head downstairs for a cup of coffee first.  Already having forgotten where you had left off, you grabbed the pages you'd already written to reread with your breakfast as you slipped on some comfortable clothes and made your way down the creaky steps
Passing through the living area, it was impossible not to notice Sebastian sitting in one of the chairs, staring intently at a half-played chessboard.  Stopping for a moment to try to determine what he was doing, he moved a piece and you realized he must be playing with himself.
Against himself, you interrupted your own thought, he's playing against himself… important distinction.
“You play chess?” you asked, pointing to the board.
“Şah,” he replied.  
You pointed to the chair across from him.  “Can I join you?” 
“Luaţi loc,” he offered as he gestured to it as well, nodding in approval.  You smiled and sat down as he reorganized the pieces back to the starting position.
“Negru?” he asked, pointing to the black pieces-- “Sau alb?”-- he pointed to the white.
“Um, black,” you decided, pointing to them since they were already on your side anyways.
“Tu primul,” he prompted you, and you moved your pawn.  He moved his, and after that, it was long stretches of silence between moves.  It didn’t feel awkward anymore, though; even between two people who share a language, chess is usually a silent affair.
“Check,” you announced as your bishop came into range of his king.  He looked up from the board and gave you a puzzled look.  “The bishop, see?” you demonstrated, tracing a line through the air over the diagonal squares which led from your piece to his.
“Ahh,” he nodded, stroking his chin as he considered his next move.  It called additional attention to the shadow of stubble which dusted over his jaw.  
He maneuvred a rook in the path of your bishop, and you settled back into your chair and you pondered your options.
The next hour went by oddly quickly.  Not in a rushed way, just in a way that made you wonder how it had already been an hour.  
“Şah,” he informed you as his knight threatened your king.  You weren’t sure if it was supposed to mean ‘check’ or ‘checkmate,’ but since you were able to capture his knight with a pawn, it was definitely just a check.
Instead of mourning his knight, he grinned and moved a rook forward, capturing the aforementioned pawn and trapping your king for good.  You gasped a little as you realized you’d fallen right into his trap.
“Şah-Mat,” he declared triumphantly.  That definitely meant ‘checkmate’; you could tell by the smug look on his face as he crossed his arms and leaned back into his chair.
“You got me, man, that was sneaky,” you smiled.  Offering your hand for a shake, you looked up at him: “Good game.”
He grabbed your hand and shook it, squeezing just tight enough that you wondered if you were the only one noticing a certain energy to the air.  “Bun joc,” he replied with a nod and a smile.
He let go of your hand after lingering just a little too long, his fingers brushing over yours for an electric moment.
Now the silence was awkward again, as the two of you sat in the high-backed chairs, staring across the table at each other.
“So, you really don’t speak any English at all, huh?” you considered aloud.  He looked back at you vacantly.  “English?  Even one word?” you lifted one finger as a symbol.
“Halloo,” he replied-- apparently a broken attempt at ‘hello.’  You laughed a little.
“Yes, that counts!  Did you learn any English in school?”
“Televiziune,” he replied.  
“Ah yes,” you nodded, “I know what that is.  Television; I’m a big fan myself.”
“Puteți vorbi un singur cuvânt de limba română?” he asked you, raising one finger as well.  Turnabout is fair play, after all.
“You mean other than ‘da’?  Or ‘salut’?” you asked with a laugh.
“Pentru a fi corect, acestea sunt cuvinte,” he shrugged.
“Teach me,” you requested.  “Just one word.”  
You looked around the room, settling on a lamp.  “What is this?  In Romanian-- română?” 
“Lampă,” he replied.
“Okay, well, that one isn’t very exciting,” you frowned.  “Um, what about this?” you bent down from your chair, picking up one corner of the rug.
“Covor,” he answered, leaning down with you to run his hand over the soft shag.
“Covor,” you repeated, surely butchering it.
“Da,” he smiled.  Okay, maybe you didn’t butcher it so bad, or maybe he was just being nice.  
“Can you teach me more?” you asked, hoping it wasn’t too demanding.
“Uhhh,” he stalled, looking around the room.  Finally, he pointed to the fireplace.  “Vatră.”
“Vatră, fireplace,” you tried to memorize it as he said it.
You pointed to the window.  “What’s the window called?”
You pointed to the stairway.  “Scară,” he informed you, smiling a little.  You hoped this wasn’t boring for him, because you were actually having a bit of fun.
You pointed to his feet.  He furrowed his brow a little and lifted one, grabbing his shoe.  You nodded; “Pantof,” he explained.
You grabbed your blouse and shook it a little, appreciating the puffs of cool air that rolled down your chest;  “Bluză.”
You pointed to him; “Sebastian.”
You already knew that, but it was interesting to hear the way he said it versus Mrs. Alberti’s pronunciation.  “Yes, that’s an English name too,” you told him, “but pronounced differently…”
You wondered if your name had another pronunciation or translation, so you pointed to yourself; “Frumoasă,” he said, a little slower, a little more thoughtfully.
“Is that the Romanian equivalent to my name-- or does it mean ‘woman’?” you asked.  He just smiled vacantly.  
“This,” you pointed to the book, “what is this called?”
“Carte,” he answered.  “Engleză?”
“Book,” you replied.
“...book…” he said slowly, contemplatively.
Suddenly inspired, you grabbed the loose pages of manuscript that you’d laid on the small table beside you.  “Book,” you repeated, flipping through the pages.  He seemed confused.  “My book,” you clarified, pointing back and forth from yourself the papers.  “I’m writing this-- that’s why I’m here.”
“Ah!” his face lit up with recognition.  “Ar trebui să scrii o carte!”
“Yeah,” you nodded.  “I’m a writer; or, I’m trying to be.  My last book did… better than my first, at least.”  
“Ce fel de carte este?” he asked.  You looked at him with confusion to indicate you weren’t sure what he was asking.  “Uhh, book… este--” he made a sad face, rubbing under his eyes like a cartoon character’s weeping-- “sau--” he fake-laughed.
You laughed, actually, at his charades.  “It’s a thriller, it’s crime--” you thought for a moment, then made the motion of stabbing someone with a knife. 
His eyes got wider.  “Este… erotic?” 
You choked a little, realizing that your hand movement was… more ambiguous than you originally intended.  “No!” you blurted out suddenly.  “No, it’s… crime, mystery--” 
You looked around and saw a magnifying glass resting on the side table by your chair; grabbing it, you held it to your face and gave your best quizzical look.
“Oh!  Crimă!” he grinned.  “Detectiv?”
“Yes, yes, there’s a detective,” you sighed satisfactorily, “and absolutely no handjobs.”
shamelessly tagging the people who liked chapter 1!  @mariahthelioness29 @navybrat817 @navegandoaciegas @mandalorianspace @2smittinkittin @maizyistrash @honeygingergemini​ 
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forthechubbies · 4 years
Mrs. Jeon Vol 3
Synopsis• One nightstand gone Marriage!? The past catches up with Yn when her head over heels husband finds his lost bride and will keep her by any means necessary.
Category's•Violent Thoughts, Hostel Behavior, Nsfw (Later), and Bratty Jungkook.
Duos• Yandere! Jungkook x Chubby! Reader
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Vol 1, 2, 3, 4,
What’s going on down there? It sounds restlessly calm. You could hear muffled voices but nothing more; you aren't too keen on testing your luck and sneak into the corridor to eavesdrop on their conversation. Pretty sure the door is locked anyway.
Instead, You took note of the confined walls surrounding you. A typical master bedroom accessorized an earthy decor, cute mini-plants placed in various room areas, two tiny pet turtles in a tank constructed into a giant wooden bookshelf.
Speaking of books, talk about books galore. The shelved books had little to no wiggle room aside from the one empty slot belonging to the open novel on the nightstand. The owner won’t mind you partaking in one quick gander-
“Ah!” You gasp, fixing your eyes on your newly treated ankle. For a minute, you just about forgot this crazy abducted situation your in. The bedsprings dip as you flop back into the spot where Jimin left you. Jimin was the man you fell on during your first attempt at freedom; he was even generous enough to bandage with utmost care.
A kind gesture a particular bunny wasn’t too thrilled on seeing, Jungkook's face soured while watching Jimin’s filthy little womanizing hands caressing the delicate soft plushy skin of his carrot’s legs.
Son of a bitch trying to cop a feel on his wife, Jimin’s flirtatious persona, led him out to be a well-known heartthrob but often seen as a gigolo through certain people's point of view and, frankly, Jungkook's wife won't be a victim of the Jimin Effect.
The smash of a glass object-making contact with the hard marble kitchen floor snatched Jimin’s and your attention giving it to the irritable bunny who’s psychotically enthusiastic about testing his progress in strength by snapping his hyung’s neck-
Oh, no, his carrot looks frightened-He shouldn't do such a brutal act of love with his wife nearby; her poor innocent heart might shatter. No violence...At least for the time being.
Next thing you know, Jungkook's face lightened up, and even when Jimin bit his head off for breaking one of Jin’s fancy dinnerware, his facial expression persisted undaunted. Jungkook kept a serene masquerade, but through closer observation, he clenched his jaw at Jimin’s hand on cradling the small of his wife’s back, guiding her into hiding in the upper part of the house for a reason unknown.
Jungkook let Jimin take you no-fuss included, Hence, Your encaged situation. For all, you know, The men were downstairs plotting a far-flung strategy to murder you making it look like a battle of defense.
Though, You were more occupied by another Crack for the floor down below. ” Ahh!” You cried out, falling back on the bed once again.
Meanwhile, Downstairs.
”Stop! Breaking Hyung’s plates, or we're both as good as dead!” Jimin growled. ”Quit avoiding the question! Who the hell is that woman!? Did you hurt her!? Why-!” Jimin asked Jungkook until his cheeks burned a reddish hue, and his neck veins were dominant.
In one swift breath, Jungkook responded. “ She’s Mrs.Jeon. My wife.”
Jimin knew his maknae had a few loose screws in his head, but this is getting out of hand.
”Wife?! Do you know how old you are!? Kook, You just turn twenty-three-”
”So What.” Jungkook interrupted. ”You want me to wait until I’m an ancient fart like Hyung to get married.”
”Pffft.” Jimin pressed his lips into a thin line suppressing his need to laugh. ”Ahem, respect your elders-You little brat.”
Amidst the brothers at each other's throats, another member of the maknae line awakened from his mid-morning nap; drowsy eyed Kim Taehyung waddled upstairs to check up on his Hyung living in the room above him.
He could have sworn a faint scream is what he heard-Well; there's no harm in checking.
You jumped at the squeaky hinges of the door opening. Wait, it was unlocked!? Expecting the uninvited visitor to be Jungkook, You raised a pillow over your head, ready to be hurled-to your amazement; it was a completely different man.
A long-haired male with long chocolate locks kept at bay by a beige headband; his attire was disarray. His tank top hung off his shoulder, slightly creased in his pajama pant’s waistband.
Adorable, to say the least, the poor thing’s eyes weren’t even fully open yet, the pretty pink pout of his lips nearly forced an” Aw” from yours.
”Who are you?” He grumbled, scratching the back of his neck.
Sweet mother of deep, He stood a few feet away, but the raspiness and depth of his voice caused your insides to start quivering.
”I’m-I’m the sand fairy.” You choked out, fluttering the tips of your fingers as if spreading magic dust. ” I'm here to ensure all your dreams are sweet. ”
You nibbled your lip nervously, hoping he takes the bait. He yawned in response dragging his exhausted body across the room to you; he halts. You gulped, staring up at him; you felt like a mouse about to pounce on by a tiger.
”H-H-I!” You yelped.
The man took no real investment in your fib; instead, he decided to reap the benefits of how soft and plushy you are by laying his head on your bare thighs. He wiggled in place to reach maximum comfort.
”Ah.” He moaned, falling back to sleep.
Oh, dear.
The sound of the hyung’s arrival made the two maknae gulp.
First in the door was Hoseok, hands full grocery bags ” Come help! Quick, save the ice cream if it isn't soup by now.”
Namjoon followed behind. ” I told Jin not to get the ice cream first-He knows how he gets with his coupons.”
”The worst part is he got upset when we told him that's enough food then told to stay in the car.” Yoongi stretched out the pins and needles feeling in his limbs.
”You may say that's enough now, but when that brat comes, he's going to eat us out of house and home!” Jin scolded, unconsciously fetching the rest of the bags.
Jin froze, staring at Jungkook, helping put the food in the correct places. He didn't hesitate to smother his baby boy in a hug, but right after, he jabbed Jungkook's gut.
”Oof!” Jungkook doubled over, gripping his chest. ” I missed you too,” He coughed.
Jin stood tall. ” And there's plenty more where that came from once Hoseok gets his hands on you.”
Anyone but Hoseok.
” I heard Jk!” Hoseok rushed Jungkook a bear hug. ” Thank goodness you're alright!” He jabbed in his Jungkook's gut. ” Where the hell have you been?!”
Jungkook groaned. ” Ou-Ouch..I won't be able to tell you if I keep getting hit.” He cleared his throat. ”America.”
”America!” The hyungs blared out.
Namjoon pinched the bridge of his nose. ” What possessed you to go there on your own? Have you forgotten what you are?”
Jungkook sighed. “ I know, I know, but I just envy normal people around my age having the freedom to go wherever they want.”
“ But you’re not," Yoongi brutally minced Jungkook’s sob story. He’s not particularly fond of beating around the bush, especially when dealing with his brothers earlier this afternoon. “ Unlike ‘normal’ twenty-year-olds, you are adored by army who would be upset if anything happened to you.”
Jungkook bowed his head in shame; the thought of army never really crossed his mind.
“And-“ Yoongi continued. “ There are crazies in every country, so what made you think heading off on your own would be alright!?”
“Why America?” Namjoon’s brow jumped as the gears in his head began to turn. “ Out of all the beautiful places we visited-You chose the U.S? What was there that you had to leave without an explanation?”
Namjoon stared at Jungkook’s eyes not in a malicious sense, just a habit when trying to figure out a solution or, in this case, a missing clue to the reason his little brother hopped up and left.
“Twinkats (Twinkies),” Jimin laughed nervously. “ I bet his suitcase is full of them.”
Sadly, Jimin’s fairy charm wouldn’t work this time. Jungkook is drowning in deep waters, and there’s no salvage coming for miles; at this rate, Jungkook had two options: tell the truth, orrrr, run away with his loving wife in his arms.
Not gonna lie; Jungkook leaned towards the second option, but the fates had another plan.
”Hyung! Hyung! Namjoon-Hyungie!!” Taehyung screamed bloody murder, sprinting downstairs minus jumping the last five steps. ” Her ankle is purple!”
Taehyung paused, breathing heavily in front of the kitchen where the interrogation is being held, accompanied by a woman injured cradled in his arms, more worried about him dropping than her throbbing ankle.
Taehyung had the room’s undivided attention, and Jungkook’s enviousness scowl; his wife was clinging on to another man like a baby koala to its mother but had it been him, she would scratch his eyes out.
Let's not mention the fact! It seems like she's only wearing a shirt, and guess who the owner is, not him!
” Who-”
” How!?”
Before getting into details about the hyung's reaction to their new houseguest, let's first take a detour to Prince Taehyung mini rescue adventure.
A good hour in, Taehyung woke up from the best nap of his life to beautiful damsel sniffles and tears. The sweetheart asked what was wrong and nodded as the damsel explained, coming to realize she was in distress. Prince Taehyung aided the beauty with new clothes and tied a red ribbon into her hair….beacause he thought it would look pretty (Shrugs).
However, her ankle injury required a different source of help, so who else to ask but his favorite Hyung? But he couldn't find Yoongi in his room, so he decided to ask Namjoon instead.
Back to the original story
Taehyung explains the truth unconsciously, throwing his little brother under the bus.
Jin’s eye twitched as he peered at Jungkook, who was attempting to slip out of the kitchen. ” You little sh-!”
Let's just say Jin didn't nearly beat Jungkook almost half to death with a rice paddle while shouting numerous insults to bruise a thousand men’s pride in a second.
It went silent after Jin banished Jungkook to the beach house a few feet from the house until he wanted to see his face again. Namjoon took it upon himself to introduce the gang.
You politely shared a warm hello but wished nothing more to go home.
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arcturusreads · 3 years
Christmas Whiskey Part 3 - Merhayes
Here's a part three for you guys and I think this is the last part I've got for this but I had so much fun writing Christmas Whiskey. I wasn't expecting it to be a multi-chap fic but it's been so much fun to write. Hope you enjoy it, lovely . You can find part 1 here and part 2 here
They were midway through their second movie of the evening, Leo, Scout and Allison had already been taken upstairs having fallen asleep towards the end of the first film. Irene couldn’t help but keep glancing at Cormac and Meredith on the sofa together. She was well aware of the way that Cormac would often stare at Meredith whilst she was watching the film. The way he would ask her if she needed anything whenever she would move around in her seat.
Dumb, Irishman. She could help the thought. She’d sat down with multiple times since he’d moved to Seattle, telling him that Abigail wanted to see him happy, wanted him to find love again.
She wanted him to find love again. Cormac had become a brother to her, no need to the in-law part anymore. Of course, she missed her sister and seeing Cormac was someone else might be a bit weird, but he didn’t deserve to spend the rest of his life alone.
The boys were teenagers now, It wouldn’t be long until they were off to college and there was no one home with Cormac. No one to vent to, no one to laugh with. All Irene wanted for Cormac was for him to fall in love, but the stubborn, dumb Irishman seemed to be digging his heels in even when it was staring him right in the face. More like even when he was staring at it right in the face. Repeatedly.
Pulling her eyes away from the film for a moment, Meredith looked down at the floor and smiled at the sight of her kids. A quiet laugh escaped her lips when she saw that Ellis had fallen asleep, half on top of Austin. Curious as to what had amused Mer so much, Cormac looked over and grinned.
“Looks like Ellis found a pillow,” he whispered.
Shaking her head Meredith stood up and stretched, “I’m surprised she didn’t crash earlier if I’m honest.”
She crouched down to where Austin was sat with Ellis, “I’m really sorry about her.”
“It’s cool, really. She was talking to me about the movie and two seconds later she passed out but I don’t mind if she stays here.”
Meredith laughed, “That sounds like her. I should probably get her in bed though and you can have your arm back.”
Gently, Meredith rubbed Ellis’ back, trying to coax her out of her sleep. “Come on, baby girl, it’s bedtime.”
Ellis slowly opened her eyes, rubbing them with and looking around, slightly disorientated. “But the film,” she whined.
“Ellie Belle, I think you’ve already missed most of it. Come on sweet girl, I’ll put it on for you another day, okay?”
Ellis thought about it for a minute before nodding. As Meredith stood up, Ellis reached up both hands wanting to be carried up to bed. Cormac could sense Meredith’s hesitation; he knew that she had was still struggling with exhaustion and the effects of Covid.
He quickly got up from the sofa and scooped Ellis up off of the floor, lifting her in the air before placing her on his hip. Her giggles reminded him of Meredith, she truly was her mother’s daughter.
“I hope you don’t mind if I help you take this little munchkin up to bed, Grey.” He knew that if he had offered to help her pick Ellis up, Meredith would have flat out refused.
“Please, momma,” Ellis big, puppy dog eyes had broken any resolve that Meredith had to tell Cormac that there was no need.
“Alright then,” she tapped Ellis on the nose.
“Do you want us to pause the movie, mommy?” Zola looked up at her mom who shook her head.
“It’s okay, sweetheart. We won’t be long.”
Irene watched the three of them as the trooped upstairs and couldn’t help but thing how domesticated all of this was. For two people who weren’t dating, they certainly had a good family unit between them.
Meredith led the way to Ellis’ bedroom and as soon as Cormac had put the little girl down she made a beeline straight for her bed.
“Uh, uh. I don’t think,” Meredith stopped her in her tracks. “Teeth first and then you can get into bed.”
“But momma!”
“No buts, come one! You want strong, healthy teeth, right?” Ellis nodded at her. “Then you have to go and brush them, come on, I’ll help.”
“I want Dr Mac to help!”
Meredith turned to Cormac and raised a brow. “Dr Mac?”
“Aye, well, I may have spoken to your kids on the tablet whilst you were in hospital and Ellis wanted to know who I was.”
This was definitely full of surprises. Meredith had known that he had visited her in her room whilst she had been in a coma, even if he hadn’t admitted it to her when she’d asked. She hadn’t expected him to have spoken to her kids though. It made sense why they had felt so comfortable with him coming down today though. She knew that her kids could be a little protective over her at times, especially Zola.
Meredith turned back to her daughter, “Come on, then. I’m sure Dr Mac would love to help.”
She held out her hand for Ellis to grab and went to the bathroom that the kids shared with Cormac trailing behind them. Whilst Meredith got Ellis’ toothbrush ready, she wasn’t willing to tidy up the inevitable mess of toothpaste around the sink today, Mac lifted Ellis up so she was sitting on the counter, legs kicking back and forth.
When she was done brushing her teeth, Cormac picked Ellis back up and carried her into her room.
“You’re spoiling her you know.”
“Princesses were born to be spoilt, Grey,” he called over his shoulder, Ellis giggling away in his arms.
As Meredith tucked her into bed, Cormac leant against the doorframe. He couldn’t help but admire Meredith as a mother. He had seen as a doctor, as a friend, as a colleague but this was a new side of her that he hadn’t been exposed to and it just caused another rush of emotions within him. He saw how the way she made each one of her kids feel important, how she was determined to make time for them regardless of how busy work was. She was more than just her job and he wanted to know every single thing about her. He wasn’t quite that even that would be enough.
Meredith sat on the edge of Ellis bed, whispering to her and stroking her hair until the little girl fell back to sleep. Kissing her forehead, Meredith gently and quietly got up from the bed and almost jumped out of her skin when she turned around and saw Cormac still standing there. Ushering him out of the room, Meredith turned off the light, whispered one last goodnight to her youngest and quickly shut the door behind her.
“You know you could have gone back downstairs ages ago; you didn’t have to wait here.” They moved further along the passage, so their voices wouldn’t wake Ellis up.
Cormac slipped his hands into his pockets and shrugged. “Well, I didn’t want Ellis thinking that Dr Mac was running away from her the first chance he got.
“You know you’re going to have to tell me what you’ve said to my kids to make them like you so much.”
“Well, that just for us to know and for you to find out. You know, Grey, they were exactly like you when you first met me.”
Meredith narrowed her eyes, “And what’s that meant to mean?”
Chuckling, Cormac lent back on his heels. “Oh, you know, a little apprehensive of me but they warmed up to me a lot quicker than you did.”
“You think I’ve warmed up to you?” She teased.
Cormac took a step towards Meredith. “I sure as hell hope so, Grey.” The teasing tone was gone, his voice dropped.
Meredith’s breath hitched in her throat and Cormac took another step towards her, closing any distance there was between them. He cupped her face, running his thumb up and down her cheek. Cormac leaned down and Meredith stood on her toes, their noses brushing before the sound of china smashing on the floor downstairs made them jump apart.
“We should- uh, go and see what that is…” Meredith suddenly didn’t know what to do with herself, looking anywhere but at Cormac.
Rubbing the back of his neck, Cormac winced, annoyed that yet another chance had been blown between them. “Yeah, you lead the way.”
Hearing the disappointment in his voice Meredith finally looked at him and realised that he wanted that moment to happen just as much as she had. “We should pick this up another time, maybe when there are so many people around?”
She smiled gingerly at him, hoping that she hadn’t completely misread the signals because that would be just her luck. The smile that appeared on Cormac’s face was enough to ease the worries she had though.
“Sounds like a plan, Grey.”
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physicalturian · 3 years
Why don’t you listen to me? Law x GN! Reader - Part 3
Spoilers for : Punk Hazard and Dressrosa arcs [No gender used for the reader, no physical description, everyone is +18] Words : 3341 Archive of our own Bad flirting, fluff, embarrassment No warnings, if you feel like I should put some, send me a DM or an ask!
… Part 1  -  Part 2
“Good morning my two lovebirds, how was the evening? Was the sky clear enough for you to stargaze?” The skeleton said happily.
I felt my face heat up when he pointed his last question at me, has he heard my discussion with Robin? We did not even stargaze, I did not have the courage to suggest that, because I’m an idiot. “Mister Brook, you’re awake- what a lifesaver you are! Would you be so kind-“
“Bone-ya, your turn to watch over the gaz idiot, he’s dead asleep right now so you get the easy part.” Law stated before standing up, blankets in hands, as he pulled me up with him and tugged me towards the door that led inside the cabin. I followed his fast pace and once we were inside, he let go of me without looking back at me.
 “I’m already using the free bed in the men’s quarter, I’ll check if there’s a spare bed somewhere-“ A soft voice interrupted Law, a voice I knew quite well already. Facing the source of it, Robin had a towel around her shoulders as she dried her hair.
“My bed’s free, since I’m awake,” looking at me she smiled brightly, “You can use it, I don’t think Nami will mind. She’s a quite the heavy sleeper.” I was a bit surprised by her suggestion, but considering the look on her face, she really did not mind. I nodded slowly. “Thank you, I would love that.”
Turning around to give my captain a look, I smiled. “I’ll be off then, good night- or like, morning, but you get me. Good sleep.” I felt a weird feeling in stomach when he smiled back, albeit a bit tiredly, it was still genuine. Before I left, he placed his hand on my head a few seconds, not doing anything, then walked away without another word, his hand falling to his side. I stood there a bit confused, then looked back at Robin when she cleared her throat right next to me.
“Ah right, show me the way, I’m right behind you.” I told her as she walked in front of me once more, helping me through the ship until we finally reached the quarters. As I was about to enter the room, she put her arm right in front of it, stopping me right there. Meeting her eyes, I saw a certain mischievousness to it and sighed internally. This is about last night; she is definitely going to mention it-
“How was the evening with your captain? Have you made a move?” I couldn’t help but return her smile, she seemed to excited by all this. Almost as invested as I was, it was like having a friend. She had such a warm aura; I had no choice but answer her truthfully.
 “It was… something? And I did not make a move- I said I was not going to do anything, and I didn’t. No matter how cute he looked ok? I just,” Moving my hand, flat in front of me in a calming gesture, I exhaled, “I just need to ignore it and it’ll be fine, right?” A charming laugh escaped her lips, she moved her hand in front of it as it grew a bit louder.
“You’re oblivious, it’s painful to see. Do you not see him trying?” She asked between laughs. I scoffed nervously, intertwining my hands together in front of me, I looked askance.
“Trying what? What do you mean?” A small part of me had a hint of what she was saying but I did not want to get my hopes up, I knew him a lot longer than she did, I knew how to read him.
 She knew him for a few days, barely, I was better at this, right? Sighing my name, she shook her head. “You have my full support for this, but the others want to see how long it’ll take for you both to come to the realization. I don’t want you to never understand, so I’ll say this: Law clearly likes you, have you not noticed?”
With another nervous laugh, I had a crisped smile. “But does he though? He’s just being nice; he might not look like it but he’s a real kind man.” I continued, making the fruit user exhale once more. She then chuckled and turned around, adding that it’ll take more time than expected then she bid me goodnight.
 Left to my own device, I stood by the door a moment, taking in what she had said. Weighting her words in my head, I hardly saw her as someone who’d lie or play with others; But at the same time, I did not know her enough, and I knew how to read Law’s behavior, or did I? Maybe I was too biased now to see anything. Then it would make sense that she saw things differently and he might like me? No, no… Taking a deep breath, I opened the door and exhaled loudly. I need sleep, I can’t start hoping like that, I had to focus on where we were going and what was at stake. Yes, taking down one of the Seven Warlord of the Sea, it’s not that had. They had a plan, right? My brain was starting to overthink as I slid under the blanket of the empty bed in the room. I had barely caught a glimpse of the thief’s form, for she was hidden beneath the blankets, cocooned.
 Ironically, it’s when you sought sleep the hardest that it did not come.
 I looked at the ceiling of the quarters, minutes after minutes. I was tired, but I could not fall asleep. After some time, I even heard Nami get up and get prepared, maybe even heard a gasp from her when she saw me sleeping in her friend’s bed but she probably understood quick enough.
 Once she left, I was alone with my thoughts once more. I heard each and every creak the ship was making. Every step echoing against the wooden floor, under me. Voices talking semi-loudly, things being lifted. The boat in itself was coming alive as everyone awoke to their usual time. But after an hour I was still wide awake. I tried, I tried hard but I was not used to it. I missed the muffling sound of submarine when we’d be underwater. I was used to the sound of steps on the metallic ground, not the wooden one. And the constant pressuring feeling of being underwater, it had been not been so long ago since I was in the submarine and yet I was already missing it. “It’s going to be hard to sleep here. Who would have thought, uh.” I huffed as I threw the blanket off myself and got out of bed, making sure to make it properly before leaving the room.
Once I shuffled out of the room, opening the curtains as I did so, I was about to go downstairs when I bumped into something, someone.
“Shit, sorry-“ moving my hands from in front of myself, I looked at the person and made a surprised face. “Law? Why aren’t you asleep?”
He scoffed, “Why aren’t you?” he returned the question, giving me a once over before looking to the side.
“I can’t sleep, I’m not used to being on the water. I usually sleep when we’re moving underwater, so it’s pretty weird, and noisy too.” I explained with a laugh before asking him why he wasn’t asleep.
“I can’t sleep either. Bepo is usually my go to pillow.” He stated, his eyes squinted at the light hitting us on the deck.
Pursing my lips, I made a noise then cleared my throat. “I might not be as comfortable as Bepo but if you need a pillow, I can try my best.” I suggested half-jokingly, hoping that if it was too much, he’d laugh it off. But instead of laughing, he met my gaze and quirked a brow.
“Are you asking me to sleep with you?” He teased; a sly smirk painted on his face.
 I grimaced in answer, running my hand on my scalp. I decided to flee the embarrassment, “I was just, suggesting something- But hey, you know what? I’ll just try to go back to sleep, I did sleep well in that room up there, so uh- see you?” I said as I pointed to the crow nest, the moment I use my devil fruit ability to teleport up there, I felt a hand on my shoulder. It startled me but I stayed focused and got us there safely, but not without almost dropping him mid-air. As our feet touched the ground, I quickly faced Law, my brows furrowed.
“A bit of a warning next time would be nice, you scared me!”
“Do you plan on sleeping long?” I was a bit disturbed by his question, the awkward smile on my face definitely portraying so.
“I hope so? I don’t really know, it truly depends on how well of a blanket you are, really.” I replied playfully, giving him a side-look. He rolled his eyes before putting his hand on my shoulder once more,
“Zoro-ya will probably go to the gym once he wakes up, I don’t want to get interrupted. We’ll take the infirmary bed.”
 From the tone of his voice, it’s not like I had a choice. Although he had a point, I did not want to be woken up by the sound of weights being lifted from the ground and hitting it every few minutes. It would be quite annoying indeed. Agreeing with my captain, I gave him a curt nod and teleported us back downstairs, and we made our way to the infirmary. As we did so, Law was careful enough to grab the blankets from last night then brought us to the room in question. He did not bother knocking, and simply went inside, startling the young reindeer who was working at his desk. “To-Torao! What- you scared me! Why are you here-“ Law interrupted the doctor, mumbling he needed the bed. I could see he was getting snappy from his lack of sleep so I pushed him aside and gave a wide smile to the blue-nosed reindeer.
 “I’m so sorry to disturb you like this, it’s just that we had a long night, watching over Caesar and all- what Law meant to say is: could we borrow your infirmary for a few hours, just enough to get some sleep?” The youngest of the crew was like a deer caught in the spotlight, literally, he also seemed pensive for a moment. When he eyes looked to the side, he quickly looked back at me and chuckled nervously.
“Y-yeah, sure! But don’t- don’t do anything nasty or-or stuff like that! It’s still my room- and I have things to do today!” He tried to hide his nervousness as he slowly stepped away, towards the door but he was clearly feeling strange.
 We waited until he left the room before talking. “You were this close to snapping at him. You can’t snap at doctor Chopper, he seems so nice!” I exclaimed, observing Law’s actions. In a few movements, he had taken the mattress of the bed and put it on the floor, throwing the pillows and blankets with it. I looked, intrigued, as he settled everything the way he wanted before taking his hat and coat off.
“It… surprisingly looks cozy. Well done Captain.” The look he gave me almost made me choke, I squeaked his name instead as I joined him on the floor, moving the number of pillows I liked to have it right under my head. Once I was laying comfortably, I heard the click of the light being turned off and then I felt the weight of Law’s body next to me.
“Do you want a pillow? Or is my body enough-“ I gasped when I felt his hand on me, as if he was testing how comfy it’d be. I was grateful for the lights being turned off because my face surely heated up the moment, he touched me.
 Without hearing his answer, I put a pillow on my stomach and patted it loudly for him to lay down. “Come on, off you go. Hopefully I’ll be Bepo-worthy.” I breathed out in the darkness.
 “Try to get some sleep,” he said my name softly before laying down on the pillow that was set on my stomach. I did not reply right away, instead I had my hands in the air, just barely lifted from myself but still, raised. I did not know where to put them. I would often sleep on the side or with my hands on my stomach or over my eyes but I couldn’t do that right now. As I was about to force myself to just have them at my side, instead the usual position I’d sleep in, Law’s voice reached my ears, his soothing voice saying my name. “Just put your hands down please, you’re stressing me out.”
 “Well, with your stupidly nice face on me, I don’t know where to put my hands, ok?” I hissed/whispered back, his hand suddenly grabbed mine and shuffled on his spot; He moved so that he was now on his stomach, face in the pillow as he spoke, a bit unclearly.
“Put it on my back, I don’t care. But please, sleep.” He whispered. At this very moment I found out I did not mind it at all when he spoke softly like that, dare I say I found it quite endearing. But I did not mention it. I placed my hand on his back and closed my eyes, sighing.
“’m sorry, good night Law.” He mumbled something in return, but all I could hear was the weird way he said my name into the pillow.
 Soon enough, we both drifted to sleep. I hardly had time to focus on the noises around me, too enthralled by the breathing that was happening on me. But it helped, once I focused on his breathing, I was quick to join the land of dreams. However, during my little time of sleep, I was woken up by some thrashing coming from Law. His legs twitching, sometimes kicking as one of his hand gripped his pillow tighter, while the other was under the pillow and over my waist, his fingers gripping at nothing.
 Hesitantly, I touched his back gently and grabbed his hand, calling out his name in the softest way I could. “Hey… Law? Hey, you’re alright. You’re good, we’re in the Sunny, with the Straw Hats. Law, are you okay?” Soon after, he stopped trashing and calmed down, his expression a lot softer than a minute ago. Without an answer, I sighed tiredly and pulled the blanket over his shivering form, rubbing his back as I fell back asleep. The rest was of the night went on without a hitch.
 Not that I’d ever admit it, but it was probably one of the best naps, or night during the day, I have ever had. It was comfortable to have that weight on my body, it was very different from the pressure of the submarine but I found it comforting nonetheless.
 Unfortunately, all good things come to an end. And our end was the loud sound of the door to the infirmary being slammed open, startling me awake. I cursed under my breath as I tried to focus on the blinding light that was coming from the entrance.
“Chopper needs his infirmary!“
“Nami, Nami! I said it could wait a few more hours- let them sleep, they clearly both need it, have you seen how tired they look-“ his face turned bright red as his mouth opened, as if he had seen something he shouldn’t have.
 Only half awake, I blinked a few more times to see the people in front of me more clearly. “Give us a minute, we’ll come out- just a few more minutes.” I think I slurred. I knew it wasn’t articulate, but I also knew I tried my best to speak as clear as I could. The famous thief sighed loudly, mumbling something about being two idiots, lovebirds and better not be doing weird shit in there. Chopper, right next to her, was still in shock and seemed to be stuttering as he said he did not mind if we stayed a bit more, he’ll come back later.
 When they left, closing the door behind, I slumped back on the pillow and sighed, almost choking when I felt a breeze on my stomach. Trying to see the shape in the darkness, and with a bit of time, I understood why Chopper was surprised. Law’s face was no more on the pillow I had set on my stomach, but was just resting on my bare stomach. My shirt having risen during the night, his warm breath was tickling my skin at each exhale. My heartbeat suddenly sped up and I hesitantly put my hand on his hair to push him away, but he spoke at that very moment.
“I dare you to do that.”
I stopped right away, scoffing. “I thought you were asleep. Did you hear what they said? We have to get out.” I whispered back, not moving my hand from his hair. He huffed a laugh, making my skin tingle. I don’t know if I hated or loved the feeling of his jaw moving against my stomach, but it was something.
 “Tony-ya said he’d come back in a few hours. We still have time.” His fingers graze against my waist, and I jerked at the sudden touch. “Unless you want to go, it’s fine by me.” He breathed. In my mind, things were going all over. I did not know what to do, should I leave and just end this right there? Whatever this is? I mean, he probably just moved during his sleep, he did not do that willingly, I think. Or maybe I should stay? Enjoy the only time this’ll ever happen and just act casual. How could I act casual when I could feel his rough beard grazing my skin every time he spoke? Fuck.
 Taking a deep breath, I let go of his hair and placed my hand back on his back. “I’ll stay, it’s fine. I was sleeping well, I think I’d like to do that some more, yeah…” I trailed off, closing my eyes but still not fully relaxed. If I did not know better, I’d say the man on me was snuggling up but I think he was just getting more comfortable. “Good, because I was also sleeping soundly until that thief came crashing in,” he mumbled before continuing, “They always have to be so loud, it gets on my nerves.” He muttered.
 I chuckled and rubbed is back as I said, “You can’t complain, you chose them as your allies. Plus, they’re loud but they seem nice. I think it’s a good choice, you could have chosen someone like- Eustass Kid or someone like that, that would have been something.” At this point I was fully awake, but I could see the time it took for Law to answer, he was slowly falling back asleep.
“Never. Redhaired idiot, too much.” Ah, he was past the point of making sentences.
“Sleep, please.” He added as his final word, gently pressing a kiss on my skin.
 Wait- what? I covered my mouth in surprise, looking down where he was, for what I could see in the darkness at least. Maybe, maybe Robin was right? Or did he do it just, out of habit or something? I don’t think he kisses Bepo, my own thought made me laugh but I quickly shook that thought off. Bringing my hand to his back once more, I slowly slid it to his hair, brushing my thumb through it. What is he doing to me?  I thought as I closed my eyes and slowly faded back to sleep.
[Part 4]
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highonchocolate · 3 years
Take Two: The Guardian in Gotham Chapter 16
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It was nearly an hour later that his phone rang, his ringtone loudly cutting though the peaceful quiet that had descended upon the room. Swearing, he jumped up to turn it off before anyone heard, wincing at the screen’s brightness. Marinette’s name flashed across the screen, and he fumbled to accept the call, pressing the button and holding the phone up to his ear.
“Hello?” He asked, trying to slow his pounding heart. 
“...Adrien?” Marinette’s voice asked hesitantly in his ear.
“Hi ‘Nette一”
“I'm so sorry!” She blurted out, unintentionally interrupting him. The words seemed to spill from her mouth, a torrent of apologies she couldn't have stopped if she tried.
“I should have realized how you felt, I should have known how much you were hurting. I'm so, so, incredibly sorry that I didn't treat you properly. I saw you as a useless sidekick, and I forgot that we’re partners. You're not less than me. You are my equal, and my best friend. It was so wrong of me to treat you that way, and I know my actions are inexcusable.” She paused, recollecting her thoughts. Adrien waited patiently on the other end, not interrupting her apology. 
“I knew, god, I know how much of an asshole your dad is, Adrien, and I一 I used that to hurt you, because I knew it would hurt you and I一” She took a shaky breath, the sound crackling over the speakers.
“I wanted to hurt you.” Is the quiet admission, shameful and horrified. He nearly dropped his phone in surprise at the confession, eyes wide in shock. As much as he had known it, it still hurt to hear it out loud. One of his best friends had used one of his weaknesses against him, knowing exactly how much it would hurt him. 
She took his silence as an invitation to continue, voice clogging with tears. “I don’t know why I was so mean, I mean I did, but like, I just...I don’t know why I said any of that. I wish...I wish I had seen how much you were hurting.” She repeated, guilty and sad. “And I’m so so sorry Adrien. I’m so incredibly一”
“Marinette!” He interrupted, cutting off her slew of apologies. “It's okay. I forgive you.” He hesitated, “but I can’t forget.” He told her unapologetically, hoping she would understand.
“I...I get that.” She said, “And I’m going to do my best to make it up to you.”
“If you want to make it up to me just...try not to say stuff like that, to anyone. And you know..” He trailed off, waiting for her to fill in the blanks
“Yeah, treat you the way you should have been treated all along?” She asked. “I'll do that. And if I can’t do it right, I’ll learn.” She added determinedly.
“Thank you.” Adrien told her, sincerity filling his tone. “For trying”
She felt the tears that had been welling spill over, cascading down her cheeks in a waterfall of silver. “Thank you for giving me the chance to try.”
He smiled, a small, sad thing. “Yeah.”
They sait in silence for a moment, just listening to the other’s breathing over the phone, before Adrien suddenly spoke up.
“Actually, I wanted to give you an apology of my own. I shouldn't have said it was your fault that Lila was harassing me. It isn't. If it's anyone's fault it's hers. It was wrong of me to blame you for that, and I'm sorry.” 
“I'm sorry if I made you feel like your problems weren't as valid, or if I made you think you had to keep it all inside.” She told him, wishing she was there to give him a hug. 
“I think we're all entitled to expressing our emotions.” Adrien remarked quietly, staring out through his windows at the Parisian skyline. “Me, you, our team...all of us.”
“Yeah,” she discreetly wiped away the few tears that had escaped during their conversation, sitting cross legged on her bed as they talked. 
“Too bad that’s been taken from us.”
Adrien was quiet for a while, his breathing the only sound from his end. 
“Once we defeat Hawkmoth, what do we do from there? Bunnix said there was a future Hawkmoth, and I don’t want to keep doing this forever. I want to do...so much more than this.” He finally said, voice hushed as though sharing a terrible secret.
“I know. I don’t think...I don’t think I could go through all of this again.” She confessed. “I’m so scared.”
“Well, I guess we’ll be scared together.” He offered, by her side even an ocean away.
She huffed out a laugh. She was lucky to have him. Even if she didn’t deserve his friendship. 
“I swear once this is done I’m going to take these jewels and stick them exactly back where they came from.” From where she had been hovering above her head, Tikki giggled and reached down to hit her forehead with their paws. 
“Hey!” She smiled as they scowled playfully at her, turning her attention back to her phone as Adrien spoke.
“Oh yeah definitely. I love Plagg, and I’m sure you love Tikki, but I can’t wait for the day we don’t have to save Paris from complete and utter destruction every other day.”
“Oh same.” 
They sat in silence again, but this time it was less awkward, more comfortable. They each understood what the other was trying to say.
“Sorry Mari but I have to go.” Adrien said eventually, turning over to check the time. “It’s already one am over here.”
“Gotta get that beauty sleep,” She teased. “Bye Adrien.”
“Bye Mari.”
There was a click as the line disconnected. With a sigh, Marinette tossed her phone onto her bed, reaching over to her abandoned sketchbooks and pens. Flipping through the last few pages, she stared at the half-finished scrawls of outfits for the five of them. She remembered tossing them to the side as her inspiration came and went, uncaring if they wrinkled or tore as she angrily shoved them away. 
As she continued to look at them, she felt her creativity begin to rise. If I added a few ruffles here, and shortened the skirt...maybe purple? Ew, definitely no plaid. Oh and this one could have a hat! But like...a beret, not a bowler hat. Maybe made with netting instead of solid cloth? Navy stones!
Determined, she sharpened her pencils and began to sketch, barely erasing as the lines flowed from her hand, forming shapes and designs.
Four hours later, she came out of her haze, blinking confusedly as her eyes adjusted to the darkness of the room around her. She squinted at the clock and stifled a yelp at the time blinking cheerily at her in red LEDs. Was it eleven pm already?! Ignoring it for the moment, she turned back to the designs spread across her desk, and allowed her lips to curve into a satisfied smile as she took in the lines and colors spread across the pages. 
She grabbed her phone, turning on the desk light and adjusting her papers as she snapped pictures of her sketches. Fidgeting with excitement, she sent them to the group chat. 
Designs for us! [Sent 11:22 PM]
(AdrienSketch.IMG) [Sent 11:22 PM]
(LukaSketch.IMG) [Sent 11:23 PM]
(ChloeSketch.IMG) [Sent 11:23 PM]
(KagamiSketch.IMG) [Sent 11:23 PM]
(MariSketch.IMG) [Sent 11:23 PM]
Their responses would come sporadically as they each woke up and checked their messages. Remembering that, she turned off the lights and climbed into bed, falling asleep almost instantly. 
Her dreams were blessedly nightmare-free, and she woke up thankful for the uninterrupted night. Unlocking her phone, she saw several message notifications from their chat, opening and reading through them as she walked into the bathroom.
Beautiful! [Sent 12:15 AM]
These look so cute, Mari!!! [Sent 12:15 AM]
Kagami’s right Mari, these are amazing! [Sent 1:02 AM]
^^Yeah, what they both said. [Sent 1:02 AM]
Also, I see you [Sent 1:03 AM]
These are awesomeee! [Sent 1:03 AM]
That was not subtle at all [Sent 1:03 AM]
What? [Sent 1:04 AM]
Ohh I see it now [Sent 1:05 AM]
Very funny Mari [Sent 1:05 AM]
Oooh Nettie so cuteee!!! [Sent 2:36 AM]
I like the removable cat ears on the hoodie lmao [Sent 2:36 AM]
Right?  [Sent 2:53 AM]
Favorite part of Adrien’s design. [Sent 2:53 AM]
^^ [Sent 3:04 AM]
^^ [Sent 3:16 AM]
Lol I was wondering if youd spot that [Sent 8:22 AM]
Im trying to see if i can add anything similar to all of yours [Sent 8:22 AM]
Im definitely open to suggestions :D [Sent 8:23 AM]
With that, she turned off her phone and headed downstairs, ready to relax and enjoy her weekend.
@laurcad123, @liquid-luck-00, @toodaloo-kangaroo, @stainedglassm
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