#those muscles are made for giving hugs and carrying ladies
nekassvariigs · 1 year
Sanji x reader
he's so mf fine.
Praise, Vouyerism, Cum soaked panties, Getting caught without noticing, Handjob, Blowjob.
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During the two years you hadn't seen each other Sanji was plagued by crossdressers everywhere, they practically stalked him as a part of the challenge he took on from Invankov to improve himself, truth be told he didn't get much chance to rest or think about everything that has happened until he arrived back the "girls" saying their goodbyes from the handsome man he couldn't help but shiver and bark back at them. "Yeah, thank you goodbye!" his cigarette floating mid art as he yelled he couldn't be more relieved to get away from them. The amount of times he came close to wearing that skimpy old peoples dress grossed him out just thinking about it.
He wasn't even able to even have a peaceful moment for himself everytime he tried closing his eyes there were eyes glaring at him just to attempt to put that hideous dress on him.
He didn't even realise how much time had passed since the last time was able to picture a pretty lady to jerk himself off to. That being said he felt very frustrated just to be walking around in his suit, his body had grown a bit of muscle since so everything felt way tighter, uncomfortably so.
"Ah! Sanji?" You gleamed noticing your favourite blondie stopping by to by some groceries, the grey smoke clouding his face as he argued about the freshness of the produce.
"-?! Oh, Y/n-chan! Long time no see." He gazes toward you cigarette in hand as he waves you over.
"Sanji!!" You excitedly hurried over hugging his arm as you watched over what he was doing.
With a pang he could smell the pleasant aroma of your perfume it hit him like a truck, granted he had smelled every possible perfume on the Momiro island however yours seemed to him home for him.
He clutched his hand, biceps tensing around his suit, he was trying to keep his cool, unusual of him.
"Ooo, you've gotten stronger Sanji, look at those muscles!" Your hands playfully squeezed at his arm causing the blonde to blush, his cigarette lowering on his lips. A slight shiver ran down his spine from your warm affection as he handed over his money to the shop keep.
"Thank you." The two of you said in unison as you walked back to the ship.
"Y/n i usually wouldn't ask this but could you not cling so tightly around me.." He admitted although the slowly trickling blood down his nose said otherwise.
"Hmm, sure, i didn't know you grew a preferance for personal space." You messed with him ,his internal turmoil stirring up just because he wanted you to be closer to him despite his words, he didn't want to be a wierdo passing out on the street, so he hoped you'd understand.
Grocery bags in hand cigarette in the other the two of you walked down Shabody sharing your adventures.
"Sounds tough, I can't imagine being chased everyday by bloodhungry women." You falsely empathised not knowing what he actually refferred to.
"I told you! Those weren't women! Crossdressers!!" He jeered a silent tear falling down his cheek.
You nodded slightly chuckling at this, you reached to grab a bag in order for him not to carry around all the heavy stuff despite having the airbaloons to hold them in the air. Your hand brushed against his causing him to shiver a little more once again.
"Hmm~~?" you mentally took a note, just how sensitive is he to touch nowadays?
"Sanji could you lend me an ear please i have a secret to tell you.." He did as you said leaning down to give you his ear, he made sure the cigarette stayed low in his hand avoiding the pleasant smell of your perfume to mix with his.
He was good looking before but wow, ever since he crew out his goatee he seemed a bit more mature, you could see that his jawline wasn't as soft more of a tapered one, his eyes looked a bit more mature and his hair seemed well groomed aswell ,a tid bit longer too.
With a slight blush you leaned by his ear gently blowing against it, his whole body jittered in place like he personally had recieved an earthquake.
"WHAT WAS THAT FOR!?" he barked rubbing his ear the tickling sensation not fading for a long time. You chuckled coyly at how easily he responded.
His heart singed with a bit of fire, this random teasing was already going too far for him. He handn't even gotten a chance to holler at a real woman and somehow he found himself holding back his pent up emotions towards you.
He grumbled to himself getting zero explanation from you. He walked a bit faster than you so you'd need to pace a bit to match him.
"Wait Sanji, you're walking too fast!" you ran behind him reaching for his arm when you caught up, his pace slowing down the second you caught him.
"My bad.." His eyes seemed a bit darker and his body a bit more tense than usual, you worried if he was okay for a bit.
You puffed holding your hand in his, inevitable hearts searing through his eyes as he called for you. "Yes y/n-chwan? Do you need something~♡" hearts were practically fluttering around him.
You squeezed his hand harder leading him astray from reaching the ship back into an alley, the crowds of people walking past you just a few feet away.
"Is everything alright-!!" You shut him up with a big yet gentle kiss, he was startled for a long time before he finally kissed you back.
He lowered himself down a bit his bag dropping to the floor yours followed suite. With his hands free your body was his to explore, al tough he was nervous by being around so many people in broad daylight.
You broke the kiss placing his hands around your waist as you pulled deeper into him, your hands undoing the top button of his shirt, revealing his neck to you.
"Sanji, have you been good latley?" you purred just below his ear watching as he swallowed hesistantly. Slowly rocking his hips against your thigh to ease some stress.
His breath stuttered upon hearing your voice, the seduction oozing from it, the dominance it established over him, how weak it made him feel, he loved it..
"..So good.." he whispered back leaning his cheek to caress your head only to be denied as your hand held him by the neck gently.
"Is that so? Have you been a good boy Sanji?" You breathed a whisper against his neck his hips buckling against your thigh the heat in his pants grew a little unbearable.
He mewled closing his eyes, he couldn't belive the scandalous situation he was in, it was so perververted but he seemed to love every second he almost felt ashamed.
With a long drag your tongue ran up his neck licking the long mucle there, his head fell back slowly against the cobble wall, his hands grinding you back and forth against him. You peppered painstakingly slow kisses down his neck to the point even he anticipated the next touch to send sparks down his stomach.
"You taste so sweet Sanji, i could eat you up right here~" you crooned against his neck leaving a sloppy kiss right down his addams apple, your hand traced down his suit until it reached the peak of his bulge.
His eyes followed your face begging for you to do something, anything, he wanted to feel more of your touch.
You gently rubbed his bulge slow circular strokes gliding against the very top of it.
He desperatley kept buckling himself against you his strokes falling uneven each time as you stiumatled him.
"Please.." he begged breath hitching as you stopped to give him a sly smile. You pressed your thigh against his balls causing his face to turn in pleasure as he bit his lip, a low pitched moan falling within them.
His body felt hot, his face flushed with red as he tried to hold his composure his eyes flashed down the brighter side of the alley way, anyone could take a turn and see what kind of game you two were playing, his cock only twitched at the thought but it was enough for you to notice how much the blonde cook was dying to be caught.
"You want someone to catch us? You want them seeing that perverted blush on your face every time I stroke your cock calling you a good boy?" You teased gripping his shaft in a hold. He bit the inner side of his chin watching you through love drunk eyes.
He nearly gasped when you let him go your hands gliding over his clothed abs as you lowered down to your knees burrowing your face in his bugle.
His face was ablaze having the look of a love struck idiot he watched as your face rolled side to side against him your nose pressing against the base of his cock.
"Fuck.." he moaned as this was the first time someone was going such lengths to rile him up, he felt weak in the knees just looking at you, the way your face was plastered against his crotch welled a fire inside his stomach so bright he felt like hed cum before you even started to get to good part of this.
You hummed against his cock your hands gently wound against his thighs as they traced down the backside of them tugging and holding each part of him closer to you.
His cock twitched three times withing those few seconds he held a hand over his mouth muffling his drooling moans for you.
You kissed his clothed erection looking at him with big doe eyes as you asked him to remove his hand from his face. "Sanji~ Be good for me and take that hand away if you want me to continue,okay?~" You smiled watching his hand fall to his side weakly he had a faltering look of drunk pleasure around him.
"Good boy Sanji-kun~" You unbuckled his belt letting it hang loose on his pants his dark boxers seemed stained with cum already.
Your eyes gleamed in surprise as you looked back at him with a knowing smile, he looked embarrased to have came once already yet remained hard ,as much as an honor ot would be for a man ,it made him feel weak against you.
"I didn't know you're this sensitive.." You dragged your finger against the stained underwear a thin slime of cum stringing from your finger as you pulled it away.
"Are you as sweet as you look?" You lolled the finger around your tongue tasting what little amount you had of him on you.
"Mm" you moaned watching him twitch infront of you.
"You really are sweet." You praised the blonde watching his chest rise unevenly above you.
Your hands laced around the elastic you pulled down his boxers reavealing a beautifully curved cock, he was long and thick the perfect ratio for every scenario you could imagine, it curved up slightly the tip matching the blush on his face as it glistened with cum.
You kissed around his inner thighs making sure to mark every spot before you sucked the base of it with a loud pop, a large sloppy kiss before you pleasured your sweetheart.
A low moan fell from his lips when you pulled away his hands hesitantly reaching your cheek to caress it.
"Let me pleasure you Sanji." you kissed his palm giving him a loving look, you missed him just as much. His eyes were begging for your mouth on him so you complied, swirling the pink tip with your tongue, your hands lazily pumping the rest of him.
A guttural moan slipped past him echoing in the alleyway, your eyes gleaming upon hearring the echo, you looked at him through your lashes as another praise fell from your mouth. "That'a boy.." you let a pool of saliva trickle down his shaft, you caught in in your hands massaging it onto his skin to lubricate it more. You made gentle movements against his cock, slowly twisting your hand around it, the squelching was so erotic it filled your ears with plasure alone, the way he bucked his hips every time he reached the end of your hand was astonishing. Every move he made dazed your mind with love for him.
You cupped your thumb to your pointer finger creating a place for him to stuggle against as he bucked his hips, each time he did splay your fingers apart the huskier his moans grew. "You're doing so well sweetheart, give me more of your voice~" you egged him on knowing fully well how loud he could get.
You let him splay your fingers again only to hold him right under the tip as your tongue poked at the incision on it, causing his legs to shake and his voice get lost in the halls as he cried out for you.
His moans escaped through the alley making some passerbys curious enough to stop for a second only to move on without being able to see a thing.
Sanji's voice only grew as he picked at his expensive suit top rising it up ever so slightly to show you his abs.
"Look at you~" You pressed your hand against his adding pressure onto his belly. Your hand roamed under his control as you lowered your mouth onto him holding one hand behind his thigh.
His head was hazy, the knot in his stomach seemed to tighten everytime your tongue lolled down his shaft playing around it like it was a dance. His legs grew a bit weak from having to endure this teasing aswell as the excitment from being out in the open to do such a thing.
His body was littered with kisses and marks, most of which stained his skin pink and purple the longer he looked at them, he couldnt even be bothered with how loud he was anymore, he wanted to let you know how good you made him feel, his moans started flowing like the floods after you decided to deep throat him once, after that it was uncontrolable, the way he mewled for your mouth on him, the way his body responded to your feverish touch against his skin, fuck he felt powerless but he loved every second of it.
The moment you gagged on him he couldnt control the way his toes churned in his shoes he was nearly standing on his tippy toes at some point, dropping profanities and calling sweet nothings into the air.
"You're amazing.." he breathed watching you bottom out on his cock once more, the way you pulled back smearing your lips on his cock made him uneasy, you nuzzled against it guiding the hand that traveled around his torso against him to point it at your face as you sucked and teased the tip.
The repeated cursing that came from Sanji's mouth was an indicator to how close he was. You stroked him, one hand lowering your panties down to your knees as you stood up. You pressed a deep kiss on his lips the moment he reached his climax, with many deep moans he kept thrusting against your hand only later realising he was shooting his cum inside your panties.
They glistened with withe splotches, getting soaked up in the fabric as you showed them to him, only to pull them fully back onto yourself.
He didn't think he could come another time but here he was in an absolutley love struck mind ,an expression beyond explaining,soiling both of your hands in his cum ,lazily thusting it to make sure he gave everything to you.
He wiped off the cum from your hand his own following soon after, he pulled up his pants and immidiatley sunk his head into the crook of your neck speechless.
His heart was pounding so hard you could feel it clash against your own.
"You were so good for me." you whispered against his ear, gently hugging him as a woman passed by with a furious blush on her face.
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jayhorsestar · 11 months
by saturday 22nd july 2023, JUMBO shop floor, afternoon, A1. 'sydney sweeney has got a younger sister, perhaps 12 of age, same height as Selena Gomez younger sister, same eyes of her older sister, both. B1. Selena Gomez has got a younger sister, perhaps 1.60cm, same chestnut eyes as her older Selena Gomez. she was w/ someone, and hugging as giving thanks, for the shopping cart mebbe, so i could only see her head turning to me and catching my eyes, me catching her look, so we have got the look!! for three seconds, then they left, was POS 8 downstream, perhaps three meters away, or less than five. C1. Dario Lopez of NYC, the U.N. dropped by (sort of), they were USA, done GYM and muscle building, and a lady (perhaps NAVY JAG that Taylor Hill must had had entered pan friend and letters sort of relationship during 2019, at NYC). their style was copied from Cristi Hrituc, hubby of Ana-Maria lawyer at Bucharest and Greek ethnic minority. so t'was like a fast walking tour, browsing allegretto, and they caught me following for ten meters, and thus his 'mom in law, the NAVY JAG lady's mom (old woman, nose like vulture), dyed hair, returned once Selgros shopping also done, and kids awaiting for her outside, had left her trekking the JUMNBO a 2nd time, alone. NEWS of U.N. NYC NYC but somewhat the Security Council, not Andrei Voicu financial background. eitherway, a deep studied very short and fast reveal, so that to prevent me start crying, sniffing, or becoming emotional. handing over the torch, carrying the light passing the light, smth like that. D1. Dorobant Bogdan, very much looking like the Insta profile of the 'dariolopez74, perhaps a younger brother of Dorobant Bogdan of same class in school w/ Allen Coliban (the Mayor) and my girl cousin Polixenia Diamantidi, of Greece nowadays. Dorobant Bogdan was 2012 Shop manager DECATHLON Brasov. then mebbe those pics of his very close relative and fake Insta profile revealed tonight hereinunder, 'dariolopez74. married to wife, who looked like some of the ladies sort of depicted onto that fake Insta (that joke of a story). E1. Alina Paraschieva, married and two kids, two little daughters, blondie and green eyes, the cashier at Admiral NOVOMATIC, 2011-2012, night shifted only, could not find her profile fcbk online whatsoever, same approach as Miranda Kerr ten days ago, she was with her family and husband, she let me know the OTHER HER of a three weeks ago, i had approached and smiled and talked to so freely, was her younger sister from COVASNA, also married, and that sister was indeed same o same o MY CASHIER LADY of Admiral NOVOMATIC of the 2011, twelve years ago. sisters, sliding doors, yet i was TODAY seeing a Miranda Kerr body built mom of two, not her suave sister of the age of twelve years ago. CANNOT find her Brasov page online, btw. YET we made eye contact and she left me note by the trollers, where hubby would not had looked, nor aware. F1. LIV MADDIE and LIZZIE, the DOVE fan account, she just like in the pic of yesterday where i was saying I LOVE YOU to younger DOVE by the left. purple color lettering, wearing light denim, same hair length and shaded color, same like in that picture, nothing changed, even her legs, strong, able carrying me if so needed. strong woman, physically. wearing same nose, and i knew of her only when she technically profiled and passing my sharp ONE O'CLOCK. G1. Tg.Mures Hungarian HU sketch lady related mebbe to E.T. classmate of Aprilly Lajos College, 2004-2005. one of the three, and whose older sister 'kissankana left for Sweden on PH vip movies adventure. H1. younger girl cousin of E.T. the Danube river Swiss cruises of 2013-2014, same what PH vip Angel today 'verobuffone, did w/ aid of 'emmacruises, later on, by 2021-2022. before the plastic titties she now has gotten. A, B, C, D, E, F, G, H, and some more ladies representing moms and grannies, dropped by JUMBO shop floor today on a Saturday, incl several Jewish families, and also I1. Tudor, plant manager Prodlacta Inc, married to a fine green eyes, Moldova wife, young sexy 2019. m
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frutavel · 4 years
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Wow Riri how come your loa lets you lift all of those ladies?
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edendaphne · 3 years
“Discordant Sonata” Chapter 18
>>Click here to read on Ao3<<
>>Click here to read on Wattpad<<
 Music glossary:
 Affetuoso: to perform with passion and emotion
**Chapter illustration by @corgi-likes-chat​ **
(Mood Music: “Christofori’s Dream” - David Lanz)
Adrien’s eyelids fluttered open, a sleepy smile still present on his face. He breathed out a long, contented sigh, stretching his limbs out wide enough that they poked out of the bedcovers. He couldn’t remember the last time he’d slept so well.
Last night, after Marinette awoke him from his most harrowing night terror to date, he’d fallen back asleep and something remarkable happened: for the second time in years, he’d actually had a pleasant dream. The only other time he hadn’t suffered from his usual nightmares ever since becoming Chat Noir was on the first night that he’d arrived at the Dupain-Cheng residence.
He tried to think back, wondering what might have caused this, not just last night, but back on that first day Marinette had brought him home. What did these two occurrences have in common?
His mouth quirked to the side and his brow furrowed, deep in thought, trying to remember. He wasn’t exactly in the best frame of mind when he’d arrived a couple of months back, given all that had happened when he ran away from his father; so it was no surprise that his memory of that night was hazy at best. Nevertheless, he hoped to find a correlation; if there was one, maybe he could figure out how to repeat it.
His thoughts were interrupted by a gentle hand sliding across his midsection. Disturbed by his movements, a smaller body rolled toward him, settling comfortably on his chest and breathing out a drowsy sigh.
He looked down and there she was: sweet, lovely Marinette; one of the dearest and most important people in his life. The raven-haired girl stirred, letting out a small whine; Adrien stilled, subconsciously holding his breath, not wanting to wake her and accidentally reveal his identity.
This became much harder when she reached around him, her fingers lightly skimming across his rib cage. His muscles tensed and he bit back a laugh; why did he have to be so darn ticklish?!
He readjusted himself, trying to shuffle out from underneath her; but she clinged to him like an overgrown barnacle, even in her unconscious state. I guess she’s a cuddler, he thought, and he couldn’t help but smile about how well that suited her.
It was still pretty dark in the room, as the sun hadn’t risen yet. He glanced over at the wall clock; he still had about an hour and a half before he had to report to work at the bakery, so he didn’t have to rush to get ready. Relieved, he sagged back down onto his pillow. He could relax for a little longer, he supposed.
Deciding to check his notifications while Marinette slept, he gingerly reached towards his nightstand to grab his phone, careful not to disturb her. He’d deactivated all his social media accounts since running away from home, so there weren’t very many notifications; there was a school-related email and a couple of late night funny memes from Nino.
Adrien checked the Ladyblog next. No news about any akumas this morning, thankfully. However, there were a few blurry snapshots of the previous night’s attack. He scrolled down for a bit, then stopped, his eyes popping open as he focused his attention on a particular photo.
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He couldn’t suppress the lovestruck sigh that escaped his lips when he stared at a picture of Ladybug. His Lady was breathtaking, her eyes so ethereal, her smile utterly resplendent. She was indescribably beautiful, both inside and out and there was absolutely nothing he would change about her. He was hopelessly smitten, no doubt about it.
A few months ago, he would have berated himself for feeling this way about his mortal enemy. But his entire life had been turned upside down since then, and he wholeheartedly embraced this unexpected development.
The next photo was taken after the akuma was purified and the Miraculous Cure had set everything back to where it should be. Ladybug had seen that Alya was about to snap a photo, so she grabbed Chat and turned him around to face the camera, wrapping her arm around his shoulders. She grinned widely, and did a peace sign with her free hand. So cute.
He glanced over to his own face and instinctively grimaced. He was winking at the camera with a goofy, cheerful salute, not bothering to channel the suave, sophisticated mannerisms of a proper model that he’d incurred over the years. God, I’m so cringy, he thought.
Nevertheless, he saved the picture onto his phone. It was the first photo of them together like this, as opposed to impersonal ones taken by the media from afar, or during press releases and interviews.
It had only been posted a few hours ago, but already it had thousands of likes and comments. He didn’t dare look through those, however. Not since he first discovered the kinds of things people wrote about Chat Noir, both before and after his change in alliances. It was better to avoid those, lest he ruin his day reading about how much some people still hated him.
But he remembered Marinette’s words from the night before. She was right; he had to have hope, and believe that things would slowly get better. Attitude was everything.
Speaking of Marinette…
He looked down at his roommate once again. By this point, she’d slinked and climbed almost entirely on top of him, utilizing him like a mattress. His eyebrows scrunched together, and he wondered how in the world he’d be able to slip out of bed undetected.
All the stealth-based videogames I’ve ever played have prepared me for this moment. I got this!! he thought, hyping himself up.
Taking a deep breath in, he rolled over to his side, managing to slide Marinette’s ragdoll-like form back onto the mattress. She made a small noise and he froze, electricity crawling up the back of his neck. A few tense moments passed, and her stirring subsided, her breathing becoming slow and even once again. He exhaled, just now realizing he’d been holding his breath.
Freedom!! Adrien celebrated as he stood, stretching his arms high over his head, taking care not to hit the ceiling lights. His skin felt grimy with dried sweat from the night before; a shower was exactly what he needed right now. He tiptoed over to get a change of clothes from the dresser, giving the occasional glance towards the bed to make sure Marinette was still asleep.
As he made his way to the bathroom, he stopped by her side, a warm smile spreading across his face. He bent over and gave the top of her head a small kiss. Where would he be without her and her family? She and Sabine especially went out of their way to help him feel at home, to make him feel like he belonged, instead of treating him like a nuisance, or like some freeloader just taking up space. He loved them all so much; he vowed to himself to make it up to them someday.
He pulled the bedcovers up to Marinette’s shoulders so she wouldn’t miss the extra warmth too much, then made his way to the bathroom to start the day.
Marinette stirred, enveloped in softness and a familiar scent of spice and fresh rain. Eyes still closed, she extended her arm, reaching for the oversized cat pillow on her bed that she always liked to cuddle.
Her searching hand found something soft. Aha! She brought it closer, snuggling it tight, then began to get comfortable again. But then, her pillow started poking her cheek, over and over and over. The pillow’s poking only intensified when she tried squeezing it even harder. How rude!
Wait... what?
A single eyelid groggily slid open, meeting a small pair of eyes of a distinctive shade of green. A rather frazzled-looking Plagg stared back, his expression unamused from being squished between her and the pillow she was hugging.
“Sorry, Plagg,” she slurred sleepily as she pulled away to give him some space. “What are you doing here?”
He crossed his little arms, raising a brow. “I live here, remember?”
“But why are you in my room–– oh, wait…” she stopped, the memory of last night starting to rush back to her. This wasn’t her room; it was Chat’s. She’d slept in his room last night. And the bed she was lying in was his bed. These were his blankets and pillows, and they carried his scent. Heat rose to her face and a multitude of imaginary butterflies swarmed in her stomach as she realized that she’d actually spent the night with him, albeit under less than ideal circumstances.
And then a second realization dawned on her: Chat Noir was gone.
She sat up with a start, her head whipping back and forth to search for him. As she was about to panic, she heard the shower running in the en suite bathroom, punctuated by some cheerful humming. With a heavy, relieved sigh, she laid back down, careful not to squish the tiny cat god next to her.
“By the way, Little Bug,” Plagg murmured, meekly rubbing the back of his head. “Thanks for helping my kid last night.”
“Oh, of course, Plagg!” she replied. “I’m always happy to help however I can.”
He gave her a melancholy smile. “I just wish there was more I could’ve done. I tried waking him up myself, but he couldn’t hear me at all, no matter how hard I tried.” He sighed, twisting his mouth into a pained frown. “He doesn’t deserve this. He's already gone through so much.”
“Plagg, no, it’s okay! You did your best, and I’m sure Chat knows that too. I’m just glad I was able to get through to him. It was lucky that I happened to be downstairs at that time. Chat couldn’t ask for a better friend than you.”
Plagg grinned widely at her. “I always knew I liked you,” he remarked, scooting closer and nuzzling into her.
Marinette smiled back, returning the hug and kissing the top of his head, followed by providing him with some gentle scratches behind the ears. He let out a small, contented purr as he leaned into her hand.
After a few moments of hesitation, Plagg spoke again, “Little Bug, there’s... something else you need to know.”
They pulled apart, and Marinette eyed him with trepidation. “What is it?”
“It was too dark, so you didn’t see it, but–” he said with a grim tone in his voice, “–I need to let you know what really happened last night.”
“Huh?” Marinette’s eyebrows furrowed together in confusion. “What do you mean? I know he said his night terrors aren’t usually this bad, but was there something else?”
A dark look flickered on Plagg’s face. “Hawkmoth tried to akumatize him last night.”
Marinette felt like she’d been dropped into a vat of ice water. “W- WHAT?!” she sputtered. “B-but how is that possible?! Akumatized?? He was asleep! Hawkmoth can’t akumatize people who are unconscious!!” She paused, pondering the possibility. “Right…?”
“It’s tricky, but not impossible,” Plagg replied. “Hawkmoth knows about Chat Noir’s nightmares, so he must’ve sensed his opportunity and finally taken it last night.”
Marinette brought a hand to her temple in disbelief.
Plagg continued, “I don’t know why he decided to try it now, instead of when he first ran away. And what if–” he gulped, and his voice quavered slightly as he continued, unable to conceal his fear, “What if he tries it again? What if he tries it every night?”
“No… he wouldn’t… he can’t!!” Marinette cried, staring at the bathroom door, her mind racing a million miles a minute. She clenched her fists as she tried not to give into the feelings of dismay and anxiety that were clawing away at her. “Plagg… What do we do?! Hawkmoth’s patterns seem to be getting more erratic and desperate recently. Is he under some kind of deadline? Why is he doing this??”
“I can think of a couple of reasons,” Tikki answered from across the room.
Marinette practically leaped off the bed in surprise due to Tikki’s abrupt entrance. “Tikki!” she exclaimed.
The brightly colored kwami hovered towards them and elaborated, “Firstly, as Chat grows older, his powers will continue to get stronger, as will yours, so you’ll be more difficult for Hawkmoth to defeat as time goes on. Secondly, I think the effects of misusing the butterfly miraculous must be catching up to him as well. His desperation suggests that maybe he thinks he’s running out of time.”
“Out of time? What do you mean?” Marinette asked, confused.
Plagg sighed. “It’s his health,” he answered. "He wasn’t doing very well even before we left. Slowly but steadily, it’s been getting worse for a while.” He turned to face Tikki. “You think Hawkmoth believes that he’s gonna… you know... soon?”
Tikki shrugged in response, her expression blank.
“Oh… I see,” Marinette said, her voice almost a whisper.
Her mind raced, a torrent of emotions crashing into her simultaneously, like a rowboat in a tempest, slamming into a cliffside without respite.
She wasn’t sure how to feel about this new information. Her chest felt tight, like it did when she wanted to cry. Should she feel happy or sad that her mortal enemy was getting sicker and sicker, to the point where his life was potentially in danger? Was it okay to feel–dare she say it– relieved?
What was she supposed to think? As a hero, was it more important to be merciful, or was it more important to be just? Her heart felt like it was being pulled in two completely opposite directions. Despite hating the man with every fiber of her being, part of her thought that maybe dying was too extreme a punishment. And yet, at the same time, the hurt, embittered part of herself thought that maybe dying would be too easy, like he was getting let off the hook instead of being forced to acknowledge his wrongs and feel remorse for the horrible things he’d done.
For years, she’d dreamed about the day when Hawkmoth would be defeated and his miraculous confiscated. It was supposed to be a happy time, full of rejoicing and excitement. But she’d never considered the possibility that Hawkmoth would be defeated by an entirely different force, one that she had no say in how or when it happened. It didn’t feel fair. She hated feeling this powerless.
Her thoughts were interrupted by a brief tug at her sleeve. She looked down at Tikki, who motioned towards the bathroom with a small nod. It was then that she noticed the noise–or rather– the absence of it, which could only mean one thing: Chat Noir had finished his shower, and he’d be coming out of the bathroom any minute now.
“I think that’s our cue to leave,” Tikki whispered.
Marinette nodded. She turned to Plagg and whispered, “We’ll talk more later. I’ll call Master Fu later today and see if he has any advice.”
“M’kay. See ya,” he replied with a small wave. “Bye, Sugarcube.”
Tikki looked back and gave him a reassuring smile, then followed Marinette out the door.
Plagg hovered towards the windowsill while he waited for his charge, plopping down with a heavy sigh. He leaned against the window, taking in the many colors of the dawn sky, which looked almost too bright and vibrant for his liking. How dare the heavens look so beautiful while he felt so miserable inside? The day hadn’t even really started, and yet the only thing he wanted to do was to just crawl back into bed. He dearly hoped that the heavy, uneasy feeling in his gut would go away soon.
(A short while later)
Work at the bakery had been lively and hectic today; so much so that Chat Noir had to be reminded when his shift was over and that he needed to head to school. He gave Sabine a parting hug, the latter thanking him for his hard work and giving him some encouraging words as she helped dust the flour off his suit and hair.
Chat retrieved his cloak from a coat hanger by the door and stepped into the stairwell that led to the living quarters, so that he could retrieve his school supplies and exit through Marinette’s balcony trap door as he normally did. That was definitely one of the plus sides of working in the kitchen while transformed; he could wear his school outfit underneath and not require a change of clothes or a shower when he was through. He could merely detransform and be good as new.
As he ascended up the stairs, he heard a familiar deep voice call out to him from below. Chat froze, then turned around, trying to keep his nerves under control.
“Could I speak with you for a minute?” Tom asked.
“O-of course, Mr. Dupain,” Chat replied, trying to keep his voice even despite his nerves.
Tom’s face was mostly neutral, but his body was rigid and there was a hint of gloom in his eyes. Chat did his best not to cringe as he stood in front of the much taller man who, despite not being a superhero, looked like he could toss him clear to the Eiffel Tower if he felt like it. To prevent himself from fidgeting, Chat finally opted to stick his hands inside his pockets.
“What is it, sir? D-did I do something wrong?” he asked. “I was running a bit late, so I apologize if I didn’t put something back in the right spot. O-or did I mess up an order?? I’m sorry, I can go back and fix… whatever it is!”
“No, everything’s fine; it’s something else,” he answered, and Chat felt the stiffness in his shoulders ease a tiny bit.
However, it came back full force when Tom didn’t say anything else. Chat’s heartbeat sped up as they stood face to face in silence, unsure of the route this conversation was about to take.
What else could he be in trouble for? Did he find out Marinette had fallen asleep in his bedroom yesterday? Oh no… Did Tom think he and Marinette had… done something unseemly together last night?! Was he getting kicked out of the house?? His mind raced and his chest thumped, and he prepared himself to beg on his knees for forgiveness if need be.
A few agonizingly long and awkward seconds later, Tom spoke again, “Chat Noir… I wanted to apologize to you.”
“Oh, I see. Wait… WHAT?!?” Chat felt like someone had yanked the carpet out from underneath him. “Apologize?? What for?”
Tom lifted his arm to rub the back of his head, his entire posture taut as a bowstring. “We didn’t really get off on the right foot, you and I. You’ve been nothing but cordial and polite, and all I’ve done since you arrived is give you the cold shoulder, and for that I’m truly sorry. I wanted to clear the air and start over, if that’s okay with you.”
“Mr. Dupain! N-no, please, it’s okay!” Chat sputtered, his hands waving frantically. “I totally understand why you would have reservations about me living here, o-or even interacting with you guys at all! They’re totally justified concerns! I mean, up until a few months ago, I was still working with Hawkmoth; so the fact that you even allowed me into your home at all is incredibly kind of you! I’ve never felt any ill will towards you, I swear! You were just doing what any good father would––” he trailed off, trying to keep the melancholy out of his voice, “–would do.”
Tom winced and sighed heavily, crossing his arms. “That’s exactly my point, though. It may have been justified at first, but that was back then . I tolerated you for the sake of my wife and daughter, but I was always suspicious. I should’ve given you a chance instead of just judging you for no reason, especially after all this time. So I wanted to try to make it up to you.”
It was then that Tom brought something shiny out of his shirt pocket. It was an adorable little keychain shaped like a croissant. But wait… no, it wasn’t just a keychain, Chat realized. There was a key dangling on the end. A house key. Tom handed it over, doing his best to try to conceal a timid smile.
Chat gaped at him, reeling from what was happening. “I… I don’t know what to say. That is so generous of you! Thank you, Mr. Dupain,” he replied meekly, staring into his hands at the key. HIS key.
He felt the man’s large hand pat him on the shoulder and Chat looked up, meeting his soft, forest green eyes. “Please, call me Tom.”
Chat had to consciously fight the urge to let his jaw drop. If he wasn’t dreaming last night with Ladybug’s revelation, he was surely dreaming now. “Y-yes, sir! Uhh, Mr. Tom, sir. Uhh, I mean…” he stammered, still not recovered from having been gobsmacked out of nowhere.
The older man gave out a hearty laugh. “Just Tom. And please, if there’s anything you need, just say the word. Even if it’s just someone to lend an ear. You’ve got a good heart despite the bad hand that’s been dealt to you, and you have so much potential. We’re happy to have you in our family, even if you’re only here temporarily. Just know you’ll always have a home here with us.”
Chat’s heart swelled with affection, so full that it felt like it might burst, and his eyesight became blurry with unshed tears. He threw his arms around the giant man in front of him, someone who he never thought would fully accept him, squeezing hard.
“Thank you, Tom! Thank you so much, I’m just–” he let out a shuddering sigh then continued, voice cracking, “–thank you.”
Tom squeezed back firmly, giving him an affectionate pat. Failing to hide a sniffle, he then added, “I should let you get going, I don’t wanna make you late for school.” The pair pulled apart, and Tom ruffled Chat’s hair. “Be safe out there, kiddo.”
After saying their goodbyes, Chat bounded up the stairs, practically floating with glee. He’d missed this feeling; the feeling of being part of a family. As he emerged onto the rooftop balcony, he took a deep breath of the crisp autumn air, his heart full of excitement and hope.
He arrived at the school in high spirits and a huge grin on his face. He detransformed in a discreet location and practically skipped to the school’s entrance; then he entered the campus, carefree, joyful, and blissfully unaware of the dark eyes that followed him inside.
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ladykissingfish · 3 years
drunk Akatsuki hc? 🥺
Ask and ye shall receive! ((Sorry it took so long to get to/finish this. Also get the nagging feeling I did a post very similar to this before but 🤷🏽‍♀️ piss poor memory so))
Drinking with the Akatsuki
Takes a lot to get him drunk; his alcohol tolerance is pretty damn high. And when he does reach that point, he becomes … very unlike himself. Friendly, smiling, and extremely loose with his precious money. Kakuzu being drunk is the best time to ask him for an advance on your pay, or a personal loan. Another bonus: drunk Kakuzu is storytime Kakuzu. When he’s sober, the others don’t really like listening to his stories because they’re all boring as hell, and are usually centered around some point that he’s trying to nag everyone on. But drunk Kakuzu, well, he’ll tell you about brawls, dangerous stunts he pulled when he was a kid, sometimes even old lovers. He can keep the rest of the Akatsuki enraptured for hours with his intoxicated tales. The morning after a night of drinking is a different tale, though. He’ll remember loaning money to people and hunt them down to make sure that know they have to pay him back, and he’ll deny like crazy any story tidbits that the others bring up to him. Will also go through several pots of pure black coffee in an effort to de-hangover himself more quickly.
The Pein bodies don’t drink, but Nagato will, very rarely. Beer is his drink of choice, and he’ll opt for foreign rather than domestic. He’s not really the type to get full-on drunk (no matter what he’s the Leader and he carries himself as such), rather he’ll just get slightly tipsy. If he gets tipsy enough he’ll rant a bit to whoever’s closest about pain, and the unfairness of life, and anything else that would put a downer on happy drinkers’ moods. He always hopes that the alcohol will help him to sleep (he’s a horrible insomniac) but most times it just gives him a slight headache while leaving him wide-wake and dry-mouthed.
Nobody wants to be around this guy when he’s had too much to drink, because the normally violent Hidan becomes even more so after hitting the booze. He’ll be willing to take on any and everyone, from teenagers to old men. And being immortal doesn’t help matters any; he could literally get torn limb from limb and his mouth would still be taunting his opponents with “Is that the best ya got, bastard??” Drinking also brings out his creative side when it comes to his human sacrifices and Jashin rituals; he’ll think up new (and horrible) ways to torment and kill his victims. Is the type to finally, FINALLY just completely pass out after reaching his final tolerance point, and the others will (reluctantly) drag him to his room and put him in his bed. Not many are willing to do this, however, as most times before he passes out he’ll have stripped himself completely naked.
An emotional drunk. Gets sad and cries over practically anything. And it doesn’t take much to get him tanked, either; his tolerance level is embarrassingly low and he’ll be ready to sob after just a couple of glasses of wine. Tobi tries to avoid drinking when he can because he knows there’s a good chance of him dropping his persona and letting the others see Obito Uchiha. In fact this HAS happened a few times, where he’a taken off his mask and everything; fortunately for him the others were so gone that the next day they either didn’t remember, or believed that had just imagined the whole thing. Likes to soothe himself by slurring sad love songs at the top of lungs, joined most frequently by Deidara and Hidan. Will also drunkenly stuff his face with meats, which is a complete opposite from his sweet-loving sober self. He can throw down a dozen burgers when boozed up, the results of which will likely be in puddles all over the floor the next day. Will go to his bed and turn around in circles a bunch of times, like a dog, before finally going to sleep. “Tobi” will be the quietest he’s ever been the next day, as he fights a massive headachy hangover.
For being such a thin, delicate girl, Konan can hold her liquor right up there with the likes of Kakuzu and Kisame. One might never even know that she’s drunk to begin with; she walks perfectly straight, doesn’t slur her words, has almost perfect reflexes and normal mannerisms. One thing always gives her away, however; drunk Konan is hungry Konan. Under normal circumstances the little lady sticks to a healthy diet and isn’t one for over-indulging in anything. One shot or beer too many, and suddenly the gloves are off. Konan will make pizza, hotdogs, gigantic sundaes, cakes and pies … and devour almost all of it. She’ll share with the others if asked … but most times she’s eaten so much that there’s not much left to share. When she’s finally had her fill, she’ll go to bed … and wake up feeling sick as a dog the next morning. After the nausea passes, she’ll force herself to go for a long run or walk, no matter how much her head may be aching, in order to work off her excessive calorie intake.
Zetsu doesn’t drink, because alcohol interferes with his plant genetics, acting as literal poison to his system. But he enjoys being around the others when they’re drunk, to see the different types of personalities that emerge. Likes to hang around Hidan in particular, as the man’s sacrifices pick up significantly when he’s drunk, meaning Zetsu has more of a smorgasbord of leftovers to pick from
As a puppet, Sasori doesn’t drink. But when he was a human, it was a different story. He turned himself into a non-human at a very young age, much younger, of course, than would have been the legal drinking age. But his grandmother kept a variety of wines in their home, and when she was away, he liked to pour himself a glass. Always only a single glass; he was intelligent enough both to know that his grandmother would notice if any larger of a quantity was missing, and, already dabbling in making poisons at this point, he understood the concept of “tolerance” better than most. But the single glass was enough; it seemed to comfort him during those nights when he was missing his mother and father. The wine also served as a brain-opener for him, of sorts: it was over wine that he first got the idea of turning himself into a puppet.
Being young and so slender, and not having much experience with alcohol before joining the Akatsuki, the blonde is a bit of a light-weight when it comes to the hooch. He doesn’t really care for beers or ales (he compares the taste to “cat-piss”) and instead goes for the fruity mixed drinks that don’t SEEM that strong … until you’ve had about three or four, and they put you on your ass. Deidara becomes very lovey-dovey when drunk, and not just in a romantic sense. Alcohol makes everyone in the world his friend, and he’s suddenly interested in what others have to say about life and art. He’s even nice to Itachi, going so far as to hug him and tell him that he smells good, something that he will vehemently deny the next day. He’ll go to Sasori and cling to him and gush about how he appreciates his friendship and his guidance, until Sasori gets tired of him and tells him to go to sleep. Deidara can get to his room on his own, but once the door closes, he’s more likely to pass out on the floor than in his own bed. Also, if he didn’t think to tie up his long hair beforehand, he’ll be in for a nasty, messy surprise when he inevitably wakes up to vomit at some point.
Itachi isn’t one to ever let himself lose control of his senses, no matter the situation. Therefore, if he’s drinking with the others, he’ll stick to one or two beers or a single shot before cutting himself off for the evening. He plays much of a “mom” role in the group, making sure the others are okay, lending a shoulder to cry on for the emotional drunks, and, if they’re out somewhere, making sure everyone gets home safe and sound. On the rare, RARE occasions he drinks by himself, and lets go of his hesitation, he’s just as emotional a drinker as Tobi (which is quite possibly an Uchiha trait). He’ll cry into his pillow, he’ll sit and lament over the choices he’s made in life. Sometimes he’ll find and put on the saddest song or movie he can think of, just so he has something to get emotional over. Although this sounds bad, this is actually a helpful bit of therapy for him, as it allows him to release emotions that he normally keeps bottled up. He’ll end a night of solo drinking with a cup of tea, then go quietly to bed, sleeping like a rock until the sun comes up and things go back to normal.
Right up there with Kakuzu as being a guy that can hold his liquor like a champ. In fact his ability to do so has won him many drinking challenges at bars, as well as a formidable reputation as “one bad ass son of a bitch”. It also helps him confidence-wise; normally the half-shark is very reserved and keeps to himself, as he feels that his appearance is off-putting and scary to “normal” people. But alcohol loosens him up and gets him talking, and being bold, and many people find this switch in personality to be highly attractive. Ladies especially take notice of his smile, his eyes … and his muscles. He even scores several phone numbers from interested parties … but by the time he’s sober again, he never follows through with calling anyone. Also helps Itachi in that he keeps an eye on the others when they drink, to make sure that they’re safe.
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capt-spooki3 · 3 years
By The Witch's Grace
Chapter One
A Sbi "choose your own story" fanfiction
It seems Y/n, a known and hated magic user in their small town, has a lot to deal with after the rowdy bunch that is Philza, Wilbur, Technoblade, and Tommy, show up at their door step in the midst of a giant snow storm...
Warning: Cursing, talk of hate/discrimination
2.6k words
“Alright, we need flour, milk, apples... Uh no no stop meowing, please. Shit okay, flour, milk, apples, and what? Oh god, was it- oh! Bottles! Of course, geez.” Y/n laughs at themself before kneeling down, and pets the head of their cat who was demanding their attention. The little feline, who looked like a little toasted marshmallow, purred and meowed as she was happy with the much-needed attention.
“Alright Poppy, I’ll be back. Be a good little girl for me, okay? I’ll be back in time to give you supper I promise.” They baby talked to the cat with little forehead kisses before getting back up to their feet and reaching toward the wall where a large cloak was hung on a large nail next to the door. They threw on the heavy fabric and clasped the small glass button to keep it on their shoulders, their hand lingering as it passed over the glassy eye that permanently stayed on a chain around their neck. The result of a curse placed, not too long ago, that bound it to their person until death. Just the luck of someone who often plays with magic that they can barely comprehend.
The piece would pass as a decoration to any untrained eye, but to those who delved into the arts of magic, any one of them could tell you what this object was. With the deep and light greens with accents of blue and a cat-eye pupil that was forever staring, there was no mistaking an eye of ender. The object was rich in stored-up mana, but it was no joke. Even with the most skilled of mages, they had to be most cautious and limit their time interacting with the eye. The sooner they distanced themself from it the better as the eye has been heavily rumored to take possession of people who use its magic for too long. Mages long past wrote notes in books, Y/n as read countless times, on how the eye has influenced beings to cause great harm and destruction. Its motives are still unknown. 
With the object on their person 24/7, they take caution every moment in case the eye decides it's time to take control. They hope it isn't any time soon.
Tucking the eye of ender under the latch of the cloak, they peeked outside to be met with chilled air kissing their cheeks. The bitter promise of snow.
More the reason to get their errands done as soon as they could to get back home. As if their life being in danger wasn’t the biggest reason to rush so they could hide again. They carefully pulled on their hood and hid as much of their features as they could within the cloak before stashing a satchel that jingled with coins and setting off through the door.
Being able to leave their distant home was always a treat, but also a constant threat to their life. They were never positive if they would return home after each venture. As a magic user, thoughtfully given the nickname of ‘Witch’ from the townsfolk, they weren’t liked much. They made the mistake of trying to show off their powers once before learning quickly that magic was despised among these people. It was only associated with the rich who treated people lower than them like they were dirt under their shiny boots. Luckily they still had a vendor in the town that sold to them, it was the only thing keeping them going.
After about a hour walk down a few winding forest paths that they carved out by themself after years of taking the same route, the port town was in view. Snow littered the ground to the sides of the dirt roads that they walked along and the small breeze that was present ran cold, the overcast sky promised a harsh amount of snow. That is bound to make next week fun. They sure were lucky to bring extra coins so they can stock up.
Once reaching the main town, they made sure to keep their head down and slip through the hundreds of bodies at the markets. It was all routine now, sadly. They took a turn down an alley that harbored a few stray cats and even a dog that scattered when they pressed on down the alley. Softly, they knocked a code to the shopkeep on the old wooden door.
The door just barely creaked open and an old green eye peered out. Y/n looked down to meet the weary eye peeking out at them and couldn't fight a smile. An old cackle rang out and the door opened up wide to an older woman. She was small and had all gray and white hair that was long and braided over her shoulder, but her eyes were alive and she was brimming with joy.
“Oh my little bird, how are you doing?” She said fondly with a slight German accent and Y/n knelt for the woman when she reached to hold their cheeks and look them over.
“I’m well Oma, thank you. You look as young as ever.” The kind words made the woman laugh and she put her hands on her hips and let out a sigh of contentment.
“So what do you need today? I just got in a big order of sugar if you want some.”
“Oh, that would be wonderful actually. I need flour, milk, and is Opa at his shop today? I need apples and he always has those bottles that I need.”
“Actually, he is home sick today,” She started and she walked into the shop to retrieve what Y/n needed. “He caught a small cold but he’ll be better soon. Wait just a moment and I’ll go grab everything.”
The lady went off on her way and Y/n sat on the doorstep, waiting and watching the people walk past the end of the alley. They cringed to themselves whenever they caught the word witch in some distant conversations, they seemed to be a tall tale at this point. At least they weren’t being actively hunted down anymore.
A few long minutes passed and there was a small thump that caught their attention in the shop, when they looked back there were two large sacks and no sign of the woman. Rest assured, after a few moments, the old lady was just barely managing to carry two more large sacks filled to the brim with the few things they had asked for plus much more as they usually only bring one sack home each trip.
“Oma! Oh no, I don’t have enough for all of this! Besides, I can’t possibly carry this all back home.”
“I know, I know. You’ll need it with the weather we have coming on tonight, as payment you can show me that magic you talked about last time. You know that… carrying magic..” She gestured wildly, trying her hardest to remember the word as Y/n stood back up.
“Oh, my spatial magic? I’m not too good at it, but I am sure I can manage this. Alright, are you ready?” They checked the alley for possible watching eyes before holding their hands out with their palms toward the bags.
The old woman stepped back and watched with excitement, her eyes practically sparkling already. Y/n closed their eyes and sucked in a deep breath, their hand flexing a bit and opening wider. A soft purple light began to emit from their hands and two thin, long arms that seemed to be made from the night sky itself stretched out and each hand touched the sack and engulfed it in darkness before retreating back within Y/n’s hands. They let out their held and concentrated breath with a deep sigh, their muscles and bones feeling heavy as they held some of the weight of the sacks within their being.
“That was amazing! Oh, you are so talented, I am so proud of you.” The woman said happily and walked forward, pulling Y/n down and kissing the head of the young mage she seemed to love. “Please hurry home now, stay safe. Opa and I love you and I hope to see you again soon.” 
She waved them off and Y/n waved back, pulling their hood down more for precaution, and slipped into the crowd toward the road they took back home. They felt rather blessed they were able to make it home without even a scare.
They walked along the road, waiting to see their well-worn path as the heaviness of their body grew with walking uphill. Using magic like this weighed on the body and the soul with however much the individual was carrying. They reached up, pulling down the clasp to their cloak to reveal the eye of ender to the world. As much as they didn't want to rely on its power, it was the only way they would confidently make it home. Grasping the warm object tight, it pulsed with magic beneath their fingers as if it were alive, they sent their mana into the eye to mix and grant them a magic boost. They knew quite well the item was evil and no good to toy with, what else should one do when it's bound to them for life? With a soft purple glow to their eyes now, their body felt lighter and the strain to keep their goodies in a personal pocket in the dimension lifted almost completely. They shook off their bits of anxiety with the gain of power and picked up the pace to get home as small flurries were filling the air around them.
The walk back home was fast and they were beyond relieved upon opening the door and feeling the hug of the warm cottage and a string of excited meows when their familiar raced to greet them.
“Hey Poppy, miss me?” They stroked the cat before kneeling on the ground to perform the same technique of magic for consuming the sacks to spit them back out onto the ground in front of them and hummed a soft tune while they went through the goodies and put them in their respected places around the three stories of the home. Before they noticed it, the world outside had grown dark and they lit the lanterns around the house and peered through a window to see the snow blowing strongly and the wind howling, they hadn’t even gotten a chance to see the sunset. This was turning out to be a real blizzard, they did a silent prayer that it wouldn’t last long.
Just as Y/n was trying to put the last of the sugar away there was a heavy thump on the door followed by a hurried couple of knocks of which were all inconsistent but did the job of grabbing their attention. They fumbled with the sugar but safely put it down before hurrying to the door, their fast movements spooked the cat and caused her to scramble away to go hide.
Once getting the locks undone they opened up the door to see four individuals standing there, waiting. Two of the larger individuals there stood on the sides to frame the group in a way. The one on the left most who had shoulder-length pink hair and noticeable tusks sticking out from his bottom lip and inhuman down pointed ears, was using his large, red cloak to hold a blond boy who was about to his shoulder, against him and shield him from the snow. The two both had on heavy armor, though, the blond’s armor was a bit more leather than metal. On the other end stood a taller man with brown hair who also was in armor and was hunched over to be able to get covered by a large dark grey wing that held him. Said wings belonging to a man who was shorter than the brunette and had on expensive-looking mage robes and messy blond hair. The winged man looked to Y/n in desperation as he began to speak.
“Please let us stay for the night. We will leave as the sun rises, please just-”
“Stop talking- just come in. Hurry! It’s got to be below zero out there.” Y/n hurriedly ushered the bunch inside as they held the door open for them.
The burly pink-haired man was the first to make a move as he pushed the blond boy off of him and through the doorway and was already reaching over to push the brown-haired man next. He made sure the winged individual made his way in before going in. He looked at Y/n who was still holding the door and adjusted his jaw, a nervous habit it seemed, eyes darting around a bit before he returned his eyes to them and gave a nod of appreciation.
Y/n barley was able to get the door closed after him before they turned around and was assaulted with a hug from the winged man, he was incredibly cold. They hugged the man back, rubbing his back a little as he said many soft thank yous to them, though they watched the other three who stood close and looked around at the bottom portion of their home. The blond boy hugged himself close, shivering and the brunette rubbed his back as he looked around.
They hope they wouldn’t regret not thinking it through before letting a bunch of strange people into their home.
“I truly cannot thank you enough for this. We would have died out there.” The man said as he finally let go of Y/n and studied their face for a moment, looking for words it seemed. “We should introduce ourselves. I’m Phil and the big guy back there is Technoblade. The lanky one is Wilbur and the blond one between them is Tommy. They are my sons.”
Y/n watched them as Phil introduced them, each of them giving them some sort of little greeting when they were called. Whether it was a head nod or a little wave or a smile. They seemed nice.
“One hell of a family..” Y/n mumbled which Phil seemed quite funny and even Wilbur chuckled a bit.
“Oh yeah, but they are my boys.” He said while looking at the three with fondness.
The sweet moment was caught a little short when Technoblade crossed his arms, his body language screaming distrust. He looked down at Y/n and sized them up as he grumbled out a question that sounded more like a command. “What is your name. Who are you.”
“Techno- for god’s sake be a little nicer could ya? Bloody hell, they just saved us.” Wilbur retorted and Technoblade huffed a little growl and looked away. Wilbur gave a short and annoyed sigh, looking back at Y/n as he pulled his hand away from Tommy and instead rested a hand on the hilt of the sword at his waist. It wasn’t meant to be seen as a threat, but the gesture did make Y/n a bit uneasy as they shuffled back a tad. Instead, he just spoke kindly with an inviting hand gesture.
“What is your name?” He stated and he and Phil looked at them expectantly.
They hesitated for a moment with the eyes on them and cleared their throat, standing taller. “My name is Y/n... it’s nice to meet all of you.” They thought for a moment about what they should say to these people who stood awkwardly, warming up from the cold. “How about I uh… go get some blankets for you all. Blankets and I’ll set up my two spare rooms.” They added as more of a side note to themselves than the group and hurried up the stairs to get things together. 
This was going to be a long night. They can only hope the snow stops soon.
[Chapter Two]
Hi!! Spooks here. Like the first chapter? Want to make sure you know when i post the next chapter and any after that?
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Personal trainer
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Summary: Chris Hemsworth is your new personal trainer. It doesn't sit well with your boyfriend Thor, until it does.
Warnings: 18+ smut, threesome?
Pairing: Thor x Reader, Chris Hemsworth x Reader?
Square filled - Rivalry
Word count: 1.8k
A/N: Written for @avengersbingo Please read warnings before proceeding.
Thor Odinson Taglist – @raspberrymama @bitchycherryblossomlove @jennie22feona @innerpaperexpertcloud @thorfanficwriter @darklydeliciousdesires @longlostinanotherworld
Everything Taglist – @godofplumsandthunder @ladyacrasia @agustdowney @swaggysposts @littlegasps @suchababie @another-stark-sub @supraveng @kahlanmars @disappointmentofthefam @pandaxnienke @tom-hlover @just-the-hiddles @fyreball66 @asmigurub @avantgardium-leviosa @imerdwarf @gladiosamicitias @fanofalltheficsx @ladyburberry @chickensarentcheap @dontmindmyname123
Flames of anger and jealousy grew bigger and bigger inside Thor as he watched you chatting so animatedly with your new personal trainer Chris.
He couldn’t wrap his head around why you needed one in the first place, in his eyes, you were perfect just the way you were.
But he went with you to the gym religiously, insisted on staying ever since you got a new trainer, even though it was against the gym policy. Nobody really felt brave enough to ask the God of Thunder to get out of the place.
The way you giggled and casually touched his biceps or hit him on the chest every time Chris made a funny comment made Thor’s blood boil. He had an effect on you just as much as he did on every other person in that gym. The women did their level best to strike up a conversation any chance they got, while the men took it up as a challenge, the man was intimidating, but undeniably the hottest trainer you had ever laid eyes on.
You were about to finish a set when Thor walked in to check on you under the pretext of getting you a bottle of water.
“Alright give me ten more (Y/N).”
“I already did like a hundred. Leave me alone.” You joked, panting loudly as you wiped sweat off your forehead, chest heaving while you laid on the mats.
“Ten more no excuses. I’ll take off my shirt if you do it properly.” Chris sent a wink your way, holding your knees in place and fixing your stance for the last ten crunches you were about to do.
“Oh you just want to show off those perfectly chiseled abs.”
You finished the set and exhaled out loud, tired after that grueling core workout he made you do, when Thor walked in.
“I don’t see that shirt coming off Hemsworth. A promise is a promise.”
Your teasing was the first thing Thor heard and he didn’t like it.
“What’s going on here?”
“Oh hi! Uh nothing, Chris made me work hard today. I was just asking for a reward.”
You went over to the Asgardian, stood on your tippy toes and pecked his cheek.
“I’ll take my clothes off for you when we get home, my love.”
Thor’s voice dropped as he spoke, grabbing you by your waist and pulling you closer, not bothered about your sweat-covered body.
“Well let’s get going then.”
Your flirt was cut short when Chris joined you two, Thor’s grip on your side tightening, not that you were surprised.
“Great job today (Y/N), you killed it, like always.”
“More like you killed me. It was a great workout Chris, thank you. You’ve met Thor, haven’t you?”
“Yes of course. How are you mate?”
“Perfect. Now do I get to take my girl home with me?”
“Ah she’s all yours. We’ve had our fun.”
“What does that mean?”
Chris held his hands up in surrender as Thor narrowed his eyes at the man, he clearly disliked the guy and made no attempts of keeping those feelings to himself, the situation begging for you to intervene.
“Alright that’s enough. Chris, I’ll see you tomorrow.”
Thor reluctantly let you go as you hugged Chris goodbye, keeping an eye on his hands the entire time to make sure they weren’t going where they were not supposed to be.
“Are you being serious right now?”
You demanded as Thor kept his eyes on the road as you drove home, not meeting your gaze, his jaw clenched. It had been a fun workout session and Thor was getting on your nerves with his childish behavior.
“I do not like that man.”
“Well I do.”
Your deliberate comment was laced with irritation, but there was truth to it. Chris was a nice guy and all you wanted was for Thor to get along with him.
“You like him? More than you like me?” He didn’t sound hurt, it was just an unnecessary overreaction which angered you further at this point.
“Right now with the way you’re behaving? Yes!”
You probably shouldn’t have said that, but well you did.
That kept him silent for the entire ride home.
It wasn’t until late in the evening that the pouting and moping God of Thunder found you and apologised for his irrational outburst. Not only did he make up to you, he made sure you remembered who you belonged to, a workout you definitely appreciated more than the one you had in the morning.
“Look at you all cute in your workout clothes.”
You giggled as Thor stepped out in his attire - a T-shirt that perhaps was too tight to contain the rippling muscles of his physique, and pants that hung low over those hips but you wouldn’t have it any other way.
Chris was coming over to your house today and you had planned to go for a little hike along a trail with Thor. It was about time the two boys learned to be comfortable around each other and not start a pissing contest every time they met.
“I’d prefer being called handsome, my love.”
“Promise me you won’t get all crazy and jealous when he arrives.”
“I wasn’t jealous, I just don’t like him getting his hands all over you.”
“Alright you have my word.”
Just as you were pecking his lips, the doorbell rang causing Thor to pull you in for one last searing kiss and making you giggle before you ran to open the door.
“Well hello! Welcome to our humble abode.” You joked, giving Chris a side hug and inviting him in, knowing Thor was lurking behind.
“Thank you (Y/N) you’re looking great. I see those squats working wonders.” He winked, joining in your laughter before Thor made his presence known.
“Thor! Nice seeing you again. I didn’t know you were joining us today.”
They shook hands like civilised men before turning to you.
“Yeah I thought it’d be a good idea to do this together. Shall we?”
“After you, my lady.” Chris bowed and gestured for you to take the lead, as you did, Thor slipped in his hand into yours and clasped it firmly.
The hike took thirty minutes to reach the summit, but Chris had managed to turn it into a workout for you, making you jog the entire length not once but twice. By the time it was finished, the two men weren’t phased however you were left a sweaty panting mess, hands on your knees as you glared at them.
“It’s not fair!”
“Alright I’m going for another one.” Chris announced, racing back down alone while Thor made sure you got some water as you perched yourself on a large rock, watching the sun go down on the horizon.
Your Greek God of a trainer shortly returned sans his T-shirt, a self-confident grin adorned his face as he came to a halt right next to you.
Tiny beads of sweat made his body glisten in the golden light cast by the setting sun. The dips and plains on his torso enhanced, your mind was too busy making up scenarios where you ran your hands all over that perfect body.
Before you knew it, Thor was also shedding the fitted tee you’d made him wear, being nonchalant about it but you knew what was going on. Shaking your head was all you did because nobody was at a loss here. Being surrounded by two drop-dead gorgeous, strong and very shirtless men was better than anything else.
“Okay you two. If you’re done basking in all your half naked glory, shall we head home?”
Neither of them answered but made no attempts to put their clothes on either. You shrugged and stood up when the muscles in your legs screamed.
“Come on (Y/N), don’t be the odd one out. You know you want to.”
Chris gestured for you to take your tank top off.
“Oh there’s a lot of things I want…”
You bit your bottom lip before walking over to your boyfriend and asking your boyfriend to carry you the rest of the way.
Thor was more than happy to oblige.
It felt like a heady mixture, having the two men you desired the most this close to you.
You felt Chris’s hands move slowly along the side of your neck, down to your shoulder before sliding your bra straps off and letting it fall down your arms. All while your mouth moved in sync with Thor’s as he kissed you senseless, groping at your breasts over the fabric until it readily slid down.
You wasted no time in unhooking your lacy bra and throwing it blindly across the room. Your hands found home in Thor’s hair, gripping and pulling on the ends as your tongues danced in harmony until Chris covered your breasts with his large hands, those deft fingers pinching and rolling your nipples until they peaked and pebbled.
A sinful moan escaped your lips as the kiss broke, your head thrown back onto Chris’s shoulder as his lips found the heated skin of your neck, leaving hot, open-mouthed kisses while Thor watched, stroking his erection through his boxers.
The blurry but arousing combination of hands and mouths continued while you felt yourself getting wetter by the second, your panties a complete mess at this point.
Chris let his hands slide lower, along your stomach and down into your panties all while Thor had recaptured your lips and was claiming your senses.
Your wet folds were played with agile fingers and your arousal was gathered between them before two of those fingers entered your warmth.
The stretch felt wonderful as you cried out, your voice muffled in the kiss. The two burly gentlemen touching and kissing everywhere, worshipping and devouring you.
Thor moved down to close his lips around your nipple, licking and sucking languidly while Chris worked his fingers inside you at an equally slow pace, stretching you out and getting you ready.
The Asgardian slipped his hands behind and squeezed your cheeks before finding your puckered hole, rubbing along the entrance and making you moan loudly in wanton need.
“My love.”
“Quit teasing you two…”
“Wake up, my love.”
You were dazed and disoriented when your eyes fluttered open. Thor’s concerned figure looming over you as you slowly came to your senses and realized it wasn't real. A wet dream featuring the love of your life and the man you were shamelessly lusting over.
“It was a dream.” You muttered, repeating it to yourself as if reminding you that it could never happen.
Thor’s hand slid down your body and between your legs where your arousal was evident. You’d slept naked tonight, which meant the sheets were probably ruined. A smirk formed on his face as his fingers teased your glistening folds.
“Just a dream..could be a reality if you want.”
“You heard me. Good thing he’s sleeping in the guest room.”
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My first time writing for Mr Hems. Thots???
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timextoxhajima · 3 years
Love Me A Little Less: Chapter 1 - Frankenstein
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Member: (3rd person pov) arranged marriage au with Lee Juyeon
Genre: angsty wangsty
Taglist: @hyunvelies​
“We buried you.”
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The feast before Kim Jang Won is absolutely stunning. Lemon meringue tarts, strawberry smoothies (with actual strawberry bits in them), pancakes and freshly buttered croissants, a gorgeous transparent glass pot with the golden shade of chamomile tea and a beautiful tray of puffs and eclairs.
It would be even more stunning if it wasn’t her view every morning though.
“Hey, um, don’t we have like alternating menus or something for breakfast? I feel like I’m eating the same thing every morning now, it’s kinda getting tacky.”
“Miss Kim, I hope you know you’re the one who decides what the menu is. You chose this set like a week ago and you told us not to change it for the next two weeks.”
Jang Won sneers at her butler, arguably the only person on the property to has the guts to talk to her in a way that could get her fired.
“You’re lucky I can trust you.”
Ro Il Jung purses his lips into a thin white line, scratching his cheek with one of those knuckly, wrinkly-skin-covered fingers of his. “You seem to forget that I wanted to retire last year, Miss Kim.”
Jang Won huffs childishly, sticking her tongue out, now a gentle, thick shade of smoothie on her tongue. “I’ll let you retire when I find someone else I can trust, Mr Ro. It’s just too bad I don’t have anybody in mind right now.”
Mr Ro shakes his head like a parent disapproving of his child, but a house guard pulling the heavy doors of the entrance over accompanied by some urgent yelling tears his attention away from the owner of the mansion. 
Jang Won looks up from her butter and croissant, at Mr Ro, who excuses himself before heading for the entrance hall. 
“Sir,” He begins before he can even note the visitor. “If you could--”
“Mr Ro!”
Jang Won hears her butler’s words fade to a complete silent, only listening to their visitor talk. But it’s strange, because it’s a familiar voice...
Mr Ro cannot believe the sight before his eyes.
“I can’t believe you’re still working here. It’s so great to see you again!” Then the visitor pulls Mr Ro into a hug, harshly patting the space between his shoulder blades. 
The lady of the house cannot take it anymore, not when she can’t eavesdrop on the conversation occurring in her own halls. So she gets up from the table, heels clacking against the marble floor as she heads into the entrance hall.
“Alright now, who’s got the guts to stop me in the middle of my French breakfast this morning?”
Mr Ro turns in silent shock, eyes wide and glaring while Jang Won processes the face of the visitor. 
The man hadn’t looked like he aged a day since he was--
“I’m sorry,” Jang Won scoffs, waving her beautifully done manicured fingernails in the air. “If this is some impractical joke, please do tell because my brain is just about to explode from the sight right now. Y’know,” She gestures to her head and mimics the sound of a bomb. 
“Jang Won...” The visitor strides towards her, arms wide. But she raises a palm and shifts backwards, a cautious half-smile mixed with a frown plastered to her flawless skin. 
“Not another step, nuh-uh,” Waving a finger before his nose, she shakes her head. “There is no way in Hell you can be standing here.”
“Oh, but I am, love,” Once a warm voice that sang her to sleep, Jang Won cannot decide if the tears in her eyes are welling from relief or fear. “I’m home.”
“No... no!” She slaps away his outstretched hands. “We... we buried you...”
“And I can only imagine what you’re feeling right now, my child, but... we have more important things to worry about.”
Mr Ro’s face is contorted with a mess of confusion and anxiety and he watches the first tears fall down Jang Won’s cheeks. 
“What...? ‘More important’-- No, how is anything more important than you... standing here?” The last word comes out like a final breath, at a volume just enough for him to hear. 
“I came bearing news, Jang Won. I-- Well...” He rubs the back of his head, eyes tilted down to his feet. “Because I’ve return to the board of administration now... part of the company now comes back to... me--”
“And... you cannot inherit any part of the company unless you are married to someone from a family from the same administration board.”
Jang Won’s tears solidify into fumes of anger as the thought runs through her neurons. The middle aged man begins to panic when he can read the rage in her eyes, her fists now clenched and the markings of her rings probably embedded into the flesh of her palm. Her knuckles begin to turn white as does his face, ever so slightly.
“Now, now, love. I know what you’re thinking and we can sit down and have a chat about this--”
“‘Sit down and have a chat’?” Jang Won scoffs miserably, lower jaw hanging agape. “Why don’t we sit down and let me ask you whiCH SCIENTIST MADE YOU FRANKENSTEIN?!”
The hallways of the mansion echo the shouts, the sound waves bouncing back and forth between the marble walls mostly adorn with gorgeous, one-in-a-million paintings. 
“That’s not important now, hun. I just need you to understand that without this marriage, you will lose the house and everything you own from HERA & ARTEMIS.”
“I built HERA & ARTEMIS after you were fucking bURIED! Who are you to tell me that you will inherit it ownership and I can’t just because I’m not married?!”
“These were instructions from The Board, Jang Won. I had absolutely no say over this--”
“BULLSHIT! If you have the power to take ownership of HERA & ARTEMIS just because you climbed out of your own grave, why don’t you have the power to help m-- Oh, oh...” Jang Won frowns in disdain, disgust welling her lungs and her gut. 
“What?” His eyes widen and shoulders shrug.
“You came back just to tell me this... because you want HERA & ARTEMIS for yourself.”
“What-- No--”
"You... low-life... scumbag!" The sharp shatter of the glass cabinet behind him echoes through the entrance hall of the mansion. One of the palm-sized statues sitting on the table in the middle of the circular hall lands amongst the billion pieces of glass on the marble floor.
"You give me my freedom and now you tell me I have to get married?!" The final word is literally pushed through her teeth when she cannot clench her jaws even harder. The tremors vibrating up her fist and into her arm and then her entire body makes her look like a volcano ready to erupt, so if these people haven't gotten enough, they have yet to see what's in store.
"Just who the HELL do you think you are?!" Grabbing another one of those tiny statues, Jang Won throws it into the other glass door of the cabinet.
"Jang Won, will you calm down?!"
"Don't you DARE tell me to calm down! You waltz back into this house after GOD knows how long- Hell, we BURIED you!"
"There was a mistake of the body identification and frankly, I expected a warmer welcome from you!"
"HA! A ‘warmer welcome’?! What do you want me to do? Set the entire house on fire? Do you want me to? Because I will!" The man has his brows furrowed back, palms out stretched to her. The mansion staff have all gathered a safe distance around the two of them, Mr Ro and some of those closer to Jang Won trying their best to get to her and calm her nerves but there is just absolutely no way she isn’t going to hurl a brick at her father.
"I can't BELIEVE you're standing there as if you own this place," The muscles around Jang Won’s nose twitches as the frown sinks deeper into her forehead. "I want you to hear this mighty well and crystal clear. You may have been the one who gave me life, but you will never EVER be my dad.”
The huffs that are billowing out Jang Won’s nostrils are starting to hurt.
"There is not a single cent you're stepping on - or touching, for that matter - that belongs to you. The only reason why I haven't fucking put a bullet through your right eye is because I'd go to jail and every thing I've worked for would be thrown out the window.”
“Now, now, love, we can sit down and be civilized about this—”
“Fuck you,” The anger surges through her, and she picks up one more palm-sized statue from the blue resin table. The heavy bronze weight leaves her fingers, and before it can hit the slightly aged man, someone reaches out and catches it instead.
“What the HELL are you doing?!” The scream echoes through the hall of the mansion. Younghoon sighs heavily, hand retreating back to his side as he hands the statue to one of the house staff.
“You have no right to get involved in this—”
“Jang Won, let’s go,” Younghoon strides across the space and grabs her arm, back-facing his father and trying to pull her in the opposite direction. “We can talk about this in your office.”
“How are you thinking straight?! We BURIED him! We watched his coffin get lowered into—”
“I know! I was there!” His eyes flutter shut in frustration, shoulders raising as he sucks in a deep breath, flaring his nostrils. “There’s no point destroying your own property over this. We can carry out some investigations, figure out what really happened, then we’ll work from there.”
The grip on her arm tightens when her instincts try to writhe away from him, but obviously, he doesn’t relent.
“Don’t do it. It’s not worth your time, or mine.”
He stares down at Jang Won, but it doesn’t scare her, not when she has a ghost standing right in the middle of some shattered mess. Not one cut on him.
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Younghoon grimly shuts the door as Jang Won stomps over to her office desk and rests her palms flat against the Agar Wood surface. With a sharp, swift feat, she swipes nearly all the documents off the furniture. But when she misses the empty glass (that would usually be filled with some kind of alcohol or soda), she doesn't hesitate to pick it off the desk and propel it into the marble by the television mounted to the wall.
The shatter startles Younghoon as he whips around, eyes darting frantically between her and the mess she’s made.
"Jang Won!"
"Should I be concerned you don't seem one bit bothered that a dead man is standing in our living room - MY living room?"
"That dead man is our father."
"No, that dead man WAS our father before he ditched us! How are you not- UGH!"
Frustrated, furious and absolutely exasperate, she plops down into one of the two sofas sitting in the middle of the office, feet almost tempted to kick the frosted glass table in the middle but she holds herself back. Younghoon manages to get a few house staff into the room, who hurriedly help clear the glass and return the documents to the table. Fingers pressed into her temples, Jang Won could only imagine the gratification she could receive have if she had the chance to ram her first into someone's face.
Younghoon waits for the staff to leave, then stands by the sofa opposite her, one hand on his hip and the other running through his hair. The late morning sun reflects off his soft, dark brown locks when he absent-mindedly rubs the back of his head and he proceeds to unbutton his blazer to allow him a seat. The leather squeaks under his weight before he leans his elbows on his knees, knuckles resting under his lips and chin.
"Please tell me you're actually thinking and not just trying to look pretty. You're in my house now, not some studio photoshoot."
"I'm thinking about where to put a whole person for you."
"Don't bother, he's moved half his things into the first guestroom. He's probably holding a conductor's wand right now and asking the staff to help him with the second half."
"Have you called the funeral services?"
"And say what? 'Hey sir, have you... perhaps mis-screwed a coffin about 2 years back and now we might have a problem of a zombie'?"
"I'm just saying someone might've paid someone to replace the bodies!" Younghoon frowns, eyes stuck to the rug under his feet. "We don't know how it happened but someone MUST know, right?"
"I think your best bet is the asshole living down the hall now."
"He's not gonna budge, we both know that."
"Well, Sherlock Holmes, thanks for pointing out the obvious."
"I'm just trying to help. You need to stop your nonsensical whining and use your brain like how you used it to get all this money."
Jang Won picks up a pillow and hurls it into Younghoon. “You’re lucky you still stick around, else I’d have the both of you screwed over.”
Younghoon catches the pillow, holding it to his side. “The day I stop looking out for you is the day I die, alright? So you can be rest assured I’ll--”
“Miss Kim!” Mr Ro’s voice calls out from outside the office. 
“What is it, Mr Ro?” Younghoon turns and returns the call, head tilted towards the door. It croaks open, and Mr Ro’s eyes are tired, wary as he sticks his head in.
“Your father just left and... and I think you should see the news.” Mr Ro pushes past the heavy door and reaches for the remote sitting on the frosted glass. The television screen mounted above the fire place flickers on, and there it was, her father’s face.
“The Board has just confirmed the ownership of HERA & ARTEMIS will thus forth be returned to Kim Jo-Pil, father of Kim Jang Won, the current owner. Investigations as to Kim Jo-Pil’s supposed death two years ago are still ongoing.”
“I’m gonna kill him.”
“You can’t.”
“Watch me.”
“We’ll be-- Wha-- The Board’s just come in with some new information! Kim JO-Pil has announced a marriage between Kim Jang Won, current owner of HERA & ARTEMIS and Lee Juyeon, the next-in-line to becoming the next Director of Apple, South Korea.”
Younghoon’s eyeballs are about to bludgeon out of his eye sockets. “Jang Won... I know what you’re thinking... But don’t--”
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Purple Pill - Shinso x fem!reader
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[edit:i am actually crying. thank you, Zo, @joyousandverywarlike​, for making me this amazing banner. it’s so beautiful and it’s exactly what I imagined his eyes to be like]
I should make a banner for this but I’m lazy and honestly, 420 subscribers snuck up faster than I expected (cough thanks @lady-bakuhoe​ and @animewh0re​)
WARNINGS: Hard drug use, unprotected sex, orgasm denial
Authors note: idk how many of you are in the underground techno scene like I am, but please, be safe. It’s easy to get sucked into this lifestyle. If you know anyone that has lost their way, or you feel like you are yourself, reach out to someone. As always, inspired by Myst Paris . They’ve always made me feel safe during these experiences. Here’s a spotify playlist if you want to listen while reading.
You don’t like the colour purple. In fact, you absolutely despise it. You actively avoid it, yet you’re always surrounded by it.  You like red. You enjoy blue. But not together. You can’t escape it, especially tonight, with him around. So you try to forget, push everything out of your mind and focus on the present, it’s why you’re here, after all. You want to be numb, feel nothing and everything at once, so devoid of thought that your body can’t help but be overstimulated.
There’s no denying it, the way you feel the bass thumping through you, controlling the speed at which your heart beats. It’s fast, throttling your muscles as your feet step, hips sway. Your hands move up your thighs, pinching the hem of your skirt, always a skirt, pulling it up until it slips from your grasp. You trail your hands along your waist, tugging at your skin before you cross them, finding a place on either end of your clavicles, chest expanding and contracting as you writhe for the beat conductor. Your head swings side to side, predatory, searching, snakelike, before your fingers crawl up your neck and past your ears, in the air, flying. It’s so fucking good, and with your chin up, eyes closed, there’s no purple.
There’s a siren in the music, trickling in, winding up a build as you stare at the ceiling. It’s brutalistic, chipping cement, a few skylights missing glass, hinting at the late night and early morning. It’s a waning moon, no longer full but emptying out into something new, transformative. You moan, pure ecstasy drifting with the music to join the cacophony of smouldering bodies surrounding you. It’s sweaty and delicious. You feel an empty cup crush beneath your boot, and you realize you’re still on the ground, not weightless. So you pretend, hands reaching sideways and down, brushing against moist shoulders briefly. They swipe yours in return, acknowledgement of souls trying to soar, before you’re alone, hugging yourself with only the sound as a blanket. The beat drops and you’re back to stomping, feral movements.
You’re so lost that you don’t see it. Lavender flames part the sea of bodies stomping to the beat, as though burning them, changing to mist. A wildfire is heading straight for you. Damn purple.
“Funny seeing you here,” his voice is deeper than the bass of the music, vibrating through your skin and into your bones, boiling your marrow. It peels your eyes open, dragging you back to earth. The lights strobe, flashing into your dilated pupils. You’re electric, buzzed. He’s blocking the view of the DJ, of the crowd, your lifeline. Everything is in focus and moving.
“Your hair is alive, Shinso,” you mumble, staring at the mess of purple on his head. “It’s making me sick.” He chuckles as you grab a fistful, dragging him to slouch. It’s soft, how disgusting, so you’re rough.
“Oh, kitten, what low-grade shit have you already taken?” he asks, eyes lilac, pupils narrow, sober. Unfortunate but expected; he doesn’t use when he deals.
You shrug. It was half a pill hours ago, remnants from last week's reverie found in your earplug holder. It’s four in the morning, but the night has just started. The bass flips, a new beat lifting the melody and you bounce, still fisting his hair. He grimaces, prying your grip from his locks to hold your palm, unburnt even though you’d just touched fire. His fingers massage and knead the flesh as you sway. The lights flash. Red, blue, red, blue, fucking purple, so your eyes shut, pulling his lithe body against yours, fingers dancing under his shirt and up his spine. He chuckles.
He smells like lavender and spice, and you wince, face contorting in pain at how it stabs your lungs, cutting through the fog of your fading high, unwanted purple. Still, you press him closer, needing touch, forehead rolling between the dip of his pectorals, before your lips rest on his shoulders, almost biting, looking past and pining for the DJ. He’s a deity controlling the bodies of everyone in the warehouse, yet you feel cut off, held captive by the man wrapped around you, a prisoner, safeguarded. You feel Shinso sigh, his breath cool against your sweating neck. His arms wrap around your waist, pulling you deeper into his field of flowers, you inhale poison.
“Want something a bit stronger, kitty?” he’s husky, like leaves rustling in autumn, auburn against a periwinkle sky. He knows you’re not where you want to be. He’ll help you get there.
“Mmmm,” you hum in response, the hands on his back pawing and pressing the fabric of his shirt. It’s a soft cotton, or perhaps hemp. It’s nice, white, a canvas to paint on. Your fingers trace over the hills and valleys of his muscles, hips grinding against his, digging your nails into his skin. You don’t see it, but you feel the blood, red, wondering if you can create some blue, digging harder. Then the beat drops and you begin to stomp, feeling a fresh sense of clarity, focus, drive with the music. Shinso hisses.
“Careful with the claws,” he muses, the hands on your hips releasing to unzip the body-bag sandwiched between your bodies. You press your palms flat, feeling his heart beat in his back, syncing with yours but not with the bass.
He moves stealthily, slowly, hand snaking against your bare chest and over your bralet, a tease. His knuckles brush your nipples as he pulls the zip down. You pull your head off his shoulder to stare into those dark eyes, they’re bored and calculating. You’d shiver if it wasn’t for how warm it is, heat trapped under his gaze, sweat glistening on your skin, dripping down his neck.
His sweat. It’s reflecting the lights, cyan and scarlet swirling together so quickly they morph into violet. You press the tip of your tongue to the roof of your mouth, running it up and down, you’re antsy, coming down. His body is ice cold beneath your touch, burning holes into your fingertips. He smiles lazily, his hand withdrawing completely and suddenly, there’s too much space between your bodies.
“You got water?” He asks, serious, no hint of a smirk. He doesn’t wait for you to respond, lifting a hand to your lips, a bottle already open and waiting and you open your mouth for him to pour it in. “Don’t swallow.” He says it almost too late so you push the liquid into your cheeks, right leg bouncing in an effort to stay still, the music calling you. You need to dance. There’s distortion and a steady beat as you stare at a rolling back to your left, mesmerised and longing to feel the silky skin, brown, not mauve.
Your gaze rips to the man in front of you when he crouches, ducking below eye level of the singular, mandatory bouncer, not that they would stop him. He’s got a syringe and small glass vial in his hands, and without looking at you, he pulls out a carefully measured amount, just a few milliliters, if that. He knows your tolerance so well. You remember the last time he gave you GHB, the euphoric mania that blossomed, and you grin with sealed lips. At least it’s not a purple pill. He crooks a finger and you bend forward, a moth to his lilac flames, letting all the water pool forward to avoid burning your mouth.
“Careful, kitten, remember what I told you?” he asks, steady hands waiting for your nod before he expels the acrid drug between your lips and you swallow quickly, making sure it’s the water that carries it, diluting it. In seconds, he’s packed it all away and passes you the water bottle. You chug it, extremely thirsty, suddenly on edge at expecting something to hit you at any moment.
There’s a howl to your right, a whine to your left, and you let out a moan as the music suddenly picks up double time. Your hands fly to the back of your neck, forearms pressed snugly to your ears, falling into the beat until sensations pull you back out. Shinso won’t let you go that easily, and you don’t want to leave him. He’s still kneeling, as though in prayer to your body and motion. It’s empowering to see him beneath you, amongst the dirt. He’s untouchable and yet here he is. His palms drag up the length of your calves as he places kisses along your thighs, fingers inching higher until they’re under your skirt, kneading the flesh of your ass, a thick index trailing along the crease of your underwear. You roll your hips, feeling his finger slide between your folds. Your teeth chatter, remnants of the previous pill, and you shudder against his hands. One of your hands finds refuge in his hair once more.
“Shinso, not now,” you whine, tugging him up. He stands, large palms splaying against your lower back again, arching it as you step together, rhythm flowing through your bodies. This time, he smells like smoke and geranium, a burning flower. His hips are pressed against yours, cock obviously hard, waiting, expectant. His lips come to your ear and he gives you a kiss before tasting the sweat near your hairline. It’s a threat, you’re inside him now, swallowed by purple.
“Hmm, did you just tell me to wait? After I gave you what you needed.” He’s tutting, his tone condescending, sending shockwaves through your ear canal, flipping a switch in your brain. You need to be alert, you’ve made the mistake before, tread carefully. You inhale, breathing in his fire, almost choking on ash.
“Dance with me,” you say, stretching more of your neck for him to reach, his lips soft and soothing. He’s sucking down on the skin, pulling red marks to the surface that will turn to blue then eggplant.
No, you pull away, head jerking out of his reach but he quickly resumes, fingers tangling behind your head to bring your face close to his. He doesn’t kiss you, not yet. He merely surveys your emotions with half-lidded eyes, calculating how long it’ll be before you’re floating away. You can’t stop bouncing, heightening the friction between your bodies. He’s starting to sweat now, you can see it beading in his hairline. You realise he must’ve been behind the DJ booth, where there’s restricted access, privacy. Something taps your lips and you open your mouth, compliant, thankful for something to suck on apart from your tongue.
“Kitten, you don’t tell me what to do,” his whisper makes you shudder. He’s planning something, lilac eyes becoming amethyst, bewitching. His fingers are bitter, sharp, like the green stalk of a flower, and you’re addicted. You curl your tongue up, swirling it around, feeling the bumps of your muscle curl against the miniscule grooves of his fingerprints. He pushes them in deeper, roughly, and if you were tighter, wound up, sober, you might’ve gagged. Instead, you feel the saliva begin to pool around your teeth, coating his knuckles and dribbling down your chin as he fucks your mouth with his hand. There’s no telling how long you’re sucking on them, time nonexistent, but the music slows, crashing periodically, like helicopter blades coming to a halt. 
Then there’s quiet. 
You hear the squelch in your mouth, the popping of spit. The pressure spreads from your throat down, and ice begins to frost in your gut, travelling up. Something is creeping. The contorting bodies begin to holler, whoop, moans of pain mixing with cries of pleasure as the next deity set’s up. You let your head fall back, his fingers slipping down your chin to grasp your throat, spit cold against moist flesh. He’s growling, you realise, the rumbles from his chest trembling in his fingertips. Has he been waiting for you all night?
It feels like an explosion behind your eyes, going off in your mind, sparking everywhere, and suddenly, you’re weightless once more. If it wasn’t for Shinso’s hand wrapped around you, who knows where you’d have floated to? The lights strobe again, faster, more urgent, the bass kicks off in a hurry, there’s a scream underneath the music, chilling your bones. Hardcore. You find yourself massaging his forearms, biceps, shoulders, fingers toying underneath the fabric of his shirt.
“You’re too clothed,” the statement leaves your lips, finding yourself dizzy with energy, talkative. He’s in hyperfocus, the flames of his hair sparking off purple, rising to join the stars above. You can see the glint in his normally dull eyes now, brought about by the onslaught of your new high. He grins, lips pulling like a cheshire cat, twisting his face, and you drag his neck down to meet your lips. There’s another shriek in the beat and you pull back, breathless. “I don’t like it, not this, let’s go get some air?” Words tumble around you as they pour from your mind incoherently, against his smiling lips. His nods, forehead rubbing yours.
“Of course, kitten. Follow me,” and your hand is wrapped with his as he tugs you sideways, the bodies weaving around his straight path to the side of the warehouse. He tugs you to the front when you turn to the back, thinking of catching your breath in the outdoor area reserved for those that might be getting overwhelmed, tripping badly or need a release. That’s not his plan. Another scream and you grip his wrist with a vice, feeling the bass throttle your bones as you walk closer to the music, violent, bruising. He pushes past the metal railing, and you cross the barrier from purgatory into hell, so close to the speakers you can feel yourself become the music, imagine the screams, until you can’t.
The door is shut, cutting off the cries and beat, only the thrum can be heard in the room, a never ending thump rattling your bones. You can’t stop moving, the music calling you to return now that you can no longer hear it. You’re bouncing as you walk, almost skipping when Shinso sits and pulls you on top of him in a straddle. His hands find the plush of your ass, kneading it between those sinful fingers. The room is dark, the shapes blending into each other, the lightbulb colouring the room as a monotone; violet, UV. You prefer red. You moan as his lips find yours once more, with no worry of interruption, and you grind your hips down on his cock beneath the rough fabric of his pants. He unclips his bag from his chest, not breaking the kiss, before unclasping the back of your bra, tugging the flimsy material down your arms and to the floor. You’re hungry for him, starving, and for the first time that night, you want to devour plum.
“Take this off,” fingers tug at his shirt, mumbling against his lips as you stare into his eyes, falling into the deep well, almost past the point of no return, your high slamming the back of your mind, desperate. Let it in, a voice whispers and you shiver when Shinso raises his eyebrows, following your command.
“Hm, I thought you told me to wait, kitten,” he muses, dropping his shirt on top of your discarded bra, his fingers going back to your ass before running over the bend of your hips, digging them into the fold. Your hips are making the smallest circles, rolling against his erection, feeling how he twitches beneath your folds and his zipper.
“Nuh-uh, fuck me.”
His chest is pressed against yours, nipples rubbing together, teasing, the friction almost too much to bear. Fuck, you need more. You pull him in close, fingers tangling in his hair, burning your palm but you don’t care, crashing your mouth against his to feel whole. It’s not enough.
Let me in.
The metal button is undone and you lift slightly to unzip, tugging at the fabric as he accommodates your movements, helping just enough so that his cock springs free. Your heart is in your throat, choking you with want, desire. He pulls the bottom of your thong to the side, grazing against your slick, groaning at how wet you are. You mewl, his nickname for you taking shape. Your hands rest on his shoulders, steadying your vibrating bones, the pounding in your mind almost peaking. Shinso places a steady hand on your hip, under your skirt, the other finger teasing your folds open, keeping your underwear to the side.
“Say please,” his voice is cool, detached, regarding your flushed face and wild eyes with a boredom in his own. It makes you breathless.
“Please, Shinso.”
He brings his face close to yours, lips spread ear to ear like the ones between your legs as you feel the silk of his cock tap your entrance. The blacklight distorts his features, turning them rabid, unholy, dangerous, magenta. You begin to lower, but he keeps pressure in his hands, slowing your descent painfully, torturously. You can feel your chest heave, toe curling in your boots, pussy throbbing at the stretch. You mumble a mmmmpf, from behind closed lips, pushing yourself down.
“Patience, kitten, you’ve been teasing me for a while now,” Shinso smirks, lopsided and disgustingly seductive, twitching his cock as he lets you fall another inch. You’re stir-crazy. Your fingers tap against the ultraviolet skin of his shoulders, toes furl and unfurling, lip caught between nibbling teeth and eyes rolling up, all in an attempt to stay still.
Let me in.
He let’s go and you drop. You land with a thud, feeling stretched out beyond belief, the high no longer slamming against the door but rather kicking it down. Each bang makes you tilt forward, rising your hips up slightly before forcing his tip to hit your cervix once more as you lower. You’re slow, riding him timidly, as you revel in feeling so full, heart leaping out of your throat and floating above your head. Then faster, as you feel the bass of the music vibrate through his skin, the wall behind his head shaking, and your very cells begin to rattle along with it.
“Fuck, yes, Shinso,” you’re moaning, feeling talkative as the GHB creeps into your veins, mumbling words of praise at the man beneath you. He regards you coolly, biding his time, waiting until the high takes over completely.
“Please, fuck me, Shinso, please, god, please move.” You’re begging him now. Why won’t he thrust up? You focus on his eyes, the way they drink in your bounce on his cock. Shinso ‘tsk’s’, and his hands still your movements, keeping you seated, grounded, whining. Your mouth doesn’t stop trembling, lower lip swollen from all the biting. Your ankles shake from the need to walk out, back to the souls ascending to heaven, leaving their bodies behind, leaving you at his mercy.
“Mm, kitten, you’re awfully chatty for someone that just wants to be fucked,” Shinso purrs at you, keeping one hand firmly on your hips, bruising you, marking you, hurting you blissfully. You gyrate, feeling how he swirls within you, poking the sides of your walls, so damn full. You open your mouth to respond, but you’re silenced, gagged and restrained. His fingers invade, and you suck, replacing the gnawing of your cheeks to focus on the intruder between your lips.
“There you go, that should shut you up, pretend it’s my cock,” his fingers are impossibly long, moving slower than before, when they were plunging. It’s a relief, having something to suck on, relieving pressure in your neck and ears and jaw and hair and oh, you moan. The hand on your hip slide to your ass.
Let me in.
It’s him. Amythest and Byzantium, lavender and lilac, fucking purple. He wants to be inside you, controlling you. You’re so empty, chest hollow with cheeks and cunt stuffed, so you suck, gyrate, pulse, all together, all at once. Impatient as ever, you feel the tip of his cock graze your most tender spot. With the hand that is not dominating your mouth, he holds your hips down with a vice. You crave him enough to defy him, ecstasy rolling through your core with his roll of your pelvis. You can’t see him, eyes staring into your mind in euphoria, at a galaxy, but he’s there, standing behind the entrance and exit, waiting.
“Do you want me that badly?" he asks. Shit, he's cornered you. He won't give you what you want unless you answer him, but the moment you do, you will be under his control. He'll only make you wait longer for the release you so desperately need. The alarm bells are ringing, don’t fall for the trap. His questions are dangerous.
You nod your head, shocked at how you can contain your words when you're so vocal, high off your mind, incoherent thoughts refraining from babbling out. Shinso smirks, releasing your hips, letting you fuck yourself on his cock, whining and moaning and writhing, hands gripping his hair, the cushions of the couch behind him, running through your own locks before looking at the ceiling and humming, tears pricking up at the corners of your eyes. You gag on his fingers as they slip in deeper. It's too much, feeling so full, so empty, needing more, so much more.
Shinso's hand releases you, tongue lolling out of your now empty mouth, searching for warmth. There’s bruises on your hip bones, the pressure like a ghost over your skin, still apparent. You whine, biting your tongue before sucking it to stay quiet, swallowing your words as you press up against his chest. You're sweating, and thirsty, for water, his sweat, his mouth, fingers, cum, anything. The sheen of your bodies reflect violet in the blacklight, and he’s glowing. You’re a moth to his purple flame.
"If you want me to touch you, all you've got to do is ask." He whispers against your ear, breath teasing your skin, teeth blinding, eyes dark.
Let him in.
“Yes,” your consent is apparent, simple, all consuming, and Shinso grins, stands, flips you like a rag doll. Your body is his to use how he wishes. You’re floating, completely euphoric, manic, body tensing and relaxing. You need more. You’re watching your body get fucked from above, soul vibrating on a higher plane of existence. He feels good, so, so good.
Drool drips down your chin, smearing against the backrest of the couch. The weave of the fabric leaves more marks against your cheek, red indents turning to magenta, sangria, wine, perfect companions to the bruises on your hips. Your body is filled with mist, clouds, swirling around as Shinso thrusts into you from behind. They leave your mouth in gusts as you moan, loudly, taking over the muffled thrum from the bass. His large palm splays against your lower back, pressing down as he angles his hips up, wrecking you.
“That’s right, kitten,” his voice is thunder, rumbling in the room, against your skin, pricking up goosebumps. “I’m the only one that can make you feel this good.”
His fingers are lightning, burning like ice as they reach around for your clit, slick with sweat, adding a delicious friction as he circles the nerves. More fog slips from between your lips as you whine, moan, mewl, plead. The fabric of the sofa cushions bite into your knees, you feel how the static creeps down your calf and into your toes, each ricochet of Shinso’s hips sending an oscillating wave of pins and needles down your leg. Your fingers grip what they can, coming to rest beneath you to try and peel your face from the backrest like velcro. 
You can see yourself convulsing around his cock, walls clenching rhythmically, winding you tighter and tighter. He’s thrusting deeper, harder. You’re going to cum, the release lying in his next thrust, and then it’s gone. Shinso pulls out, fingers flying from your clit to pinch the skin of your ass as his length comes to rest in the middle, his balls bobbing against the folds of your sex. You’re crashing, a wave collapsing in on itself as your orgasm is ruined by his touch, or lack of. Tears stream out of your eyes, shoulders shaking as you sob at his denial.
“Shinso, please, don’t stop, why’d you stop?” His cock slides against the crease of your ass, you can feel the warmth fading, cooling against your skin. You roll your hips to try and trap his length between your folds again, but he turns, slapping your throbbing pussy with four fingers, making you cry out.
“I need to hear you say it,” he commands, making you turn your head, peering over your shoulder at his sadistic smirk, fisting his cock just out of reach of your sopping cunt. You whine at the image; he’s bathed in glorious, royal purple. You’re frozen, unable to move and grab him. Your soul sucks back into your body, trapped under his gaze, nails digging into the sponge beneath. He spanks you, muscle trembling, the shock pushing you forward as you collapse with your face pressed into fabric. You can’t breathe.
“Say what?” you ask, voice muffled as you roll your forehead side to side, your need for touch insatiable, “I’ll say anything if you’ll just fuck me.” Your inner thighs tense up, trying to relieve the aching pressure in your core.
“Hmm, kitten, so desperate, aren’t you?” his cockhead is at the entrance of your slit, teasing up along it, daring you to lean back and swallow it. You moan, and then a sting blooms as his palm comes down on your tender skin. “Answer me.”
“Yes, I’m desperate, please,” you’ve let him in, there’s nothing you wouldn’t do to clutch on to your high with twisted fingers, they’d have to pry it from you. Lavender invades every inhale, burning your lungs, acid taking over your senses. He bends over you, across your back, and whispers into your ear, cool breath fanning the heated flesh.
“Would you like to cum?” he asks, the tip of his cock slipping between your folds. You can feel the edge of his head, the curve, as your lips wrap around it greedily, throbbing, sucking him in as he keeps it at bay. You nod your head furiously, dragging it against the sofa, tears darkening the fabric, tasting the sweet salt on your lips.
“Well, too bad, kitten,” he says, your pussy cold as he withdraws, falling down next to you. His large palms wrap around your cheeks, thumbs wiping at the streaks beneath your eyes, like miniscule cuts beneath your skin. Your heart drops to your stomach, lips back between your teeth as you chew, metal flooding your tastebuds. “Come sit on my lap instead.”
So, you clamber onto him, eagerly lining up your entrance once more to sink down and feel full, satisfied. You’ve always hated the colour purple, but you’re addicted.
I wanted to put this at the top, but it was getting long, but I appreciate you guys so much.
Thank you @joyousandverywarlike​ for being my light in the darkness and @hisoknen​​ for making sure I’m properly tagged. @whats-her-quirk​ for always hyping me up, i love you soul mate. @league-of-thots​ ;)
This was lowkey inspired by a thirst Zo and I did in the Harem discord after reading Snack Run by @lookslikeleese​ so go check that out!
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stormyoceansmain · 3 years
[im very much NOT a writer - i cannot stress this enough - but i truly mean it when i say sambucky is making me go insane. i find no other explanation for ending up writing 3.8k words of sambucky, alpine, and movie night. thank you if you decide to read this, i hope it's not too terrible]
Sam shows up at Bucky’s place for movie night with a case full of beers and ten minutes to spare.
Sarah makes fun of him for this Friday tradition they’ve been carrying out for the past few months, says he should just muster the courage to ask Bucky out on a proper date already. It doesn't matter how many times Sam told her he is just helping Bucky catch up to the 21st century, she always ends up giving him that Look that says she's not believing any words coming out of his mouth, which is kind of unfair, if you ask Sam.
Well, fine, maybe Sarah is right. Maybe Sam does want to take Bucky out on an actual date and hold his hand and kiss him goodnight and do all those sickeningly romantic stuff he used to daydream about when he was 16. Turns out former assassins who are incredibly annoying but also surprisingly kind are very much Sam's type. Go figure.
Still, they worked hard to reach the kind of friendship they currently have, and Sam doesn't want to lose that. He's also not blind to the way Bucky flirts with Sarah, and despite her insistence that Bucky does it more to rile Sam up than for any real interest in her, he’s not about to risk it all on a whim.
This resolution almost crumbles into dust a moment later, when Bucky opens the door wearing sweatpants and a blue shirt that matches his eyes. He is barefoot and his hair is getting longer, losing the harsh edges of the cut and curling slightly behind his ears. He is still all chiseled jawline and defined muscles, but he looks softer, more comfortable in his own skin, and the easy way he smiles at Sam makes a heavy warmth pool around Sam’s stomach.
“Hey,” Bucky greets him, sliding his metal arm around Sam's shoulders to pull him into a brief hug.
This, too, is something of a novelty. There's always been a sort of intense physicality about Bucky, both in how he carries himself and in how he is always aware of the bodies moving around him, but the casual affection, the playful abandon with which he touches and lets others touch him these days, feels like a wonder. Sam would have never expected it, and he had come to love and hate it at the same time.
“Hey yourself,” Sam greets back, splaying his free hand across Bucky's back, allowing himself to hold him there and breathe him in for a second, a fresh lemony smell coming off his hair, before giving him a quick pat on the shoulder and putting a respectable amount of space between them.
He buries his hands deep into the pocket of his jacket and follows Bucky inside, trying to resist the urge to slide his fingers under the hem of Bucky's shirt and feel the warm skin underneath it.
It's the first time Sam steps into Bucky’s apartment since Bucky took home the stray kitten he found on the side of the road three weeks ago, and the changes around it are staggering. Sam was used to empty spaces and few, essential furniture, but now the space in front of the window is occupied by a giant cat tower, and lots of smaller scratching posts are scattered all over the living room, along with different kinds of cat beds and toys.
“I see you redecorated,” Sam says with a grin.
Bucky shrugs, opening two of the beer bottles with a quick twist of his metal hand. “Cats need stuff.”
“Don’t get me wrong, I'm glad.” Sam grabs one of the bottle and clinks it against Bucky's. “Pets are great company and the place looks much better like this. I wouldn't have pinned you down as the crazy cat lady type, but it's always better than Robocop.”
Bucky rolls his eyes, takes a sip of his beer. Sam catches the smile he is trying to hide anyway.
Sam knocks their shoulders together, asks, “So where is she?”
“Hiding, probably,” Bucky says, as if it’s the most normal thing in the world. “She doesn't like strangers.”
Sam stops with the beer halfway to his mouth. “Excuse you,” he exclaims, outraged. “I very clearly remember accompanying you to the vet the first time you brought her in. I also sacrificed two of my shirts for her and have scars on my forearms where she scratched me to death. I think I deserve more than being considered a stranger. We basically co-parented that cat for the first few days!”
“That's nice,” Bucky deadpans. “Why don't you go tell her that? I'm sure the speech will convince her to keep the claws to herself.”
Sam glares at him and Bucky pats him on the arm. “Just relax,” he adds, turning to open the fridge and taking foods out for dinner. “If we let her be, Alpine will come out eventually.”
Bucky is right, of course. Sam had a few experiences with strays growing up, cats and dogs alike looking for shelter from Louisiana's storms under their porch, and no amount of treats he and Sarah tried to give them had been able to lure them out from their hiding spot. The best course of action in these cases was to wait, letting them come out when they felt safe enough.
It still weirdly feels like a rejection of some sort, but he tries not to let it show.
Sam takes a swig from his beer and asks, “Alpine?”
Bucky turns on the stove and shrugs again. He remains silent for a moment, a distant look on his face that Sam has learned to associate to memories better buried and forgotten. He is about to start telling Bucky about the science fair at the boys' school to change the subject, when Bucky speaks again, low and careful.
“She reminds me of the snow on the Alps.”
He doesn't elaborate on that, but Sam nods anyway, like he understands. He doesn't, like Bucky will never be able to fully understand what it means for Sam to carry the shield, but it's okay. They have each other, and that's still something.
Sam taps his foot against Bucky's bare one, watches Bucky's entire being exhale and relax. “Couldn't you have named her Snowflakes or something like that?”
Bucky levels him with a stare that tells him he would rather jump off another plane rather than calling his cat ‘Snowflakes’, and Sam laughs.
The far off look in Bucky’s eyes melts away and they fall into an easy rhythm, Sam sitting at the kitchen table and talking about some renovations he and Sarah would like to do to the house, Bucky cutting the vegetables to sauté.
They have moved on to argue about the best way to season chicken breasts – you cannot leave cayenne pepper out of the spice blend – when Sam catches a flash of white out of the corner of his eyes, and interrupts himself mid-rant.
A second later, Alpine jumps on the kitchen counter, sniffing the air.
It's been only three weeks since Sam last saw her, but she's already grown a lot, and looks much better too: her fur is shiny and clean, her eyes bright, and the slight sprain that caused her to limp around seems to be completely healed.
Alpine lets out a soft chirping sound and headbutts Bucky's arm, rubbing her head against him.
The smile Bucky turns to her is blinding, and Sam has to look away before he ends up doing something stupid, like climb over the table and kiss him.
“I know you're here for the chicken,” Bucky tells her, scratching her behind the ears. “But you can't eat this one.”
He scoops her up with a single hand, ignoring the disapproving meow that follows, and deposits her on the table right next to Sam's arm. Sam freezes, unprepared for the sudden proximity and recalling how quickly she can turn around and scratch, but as soon as Bucky's hand retreats, she is moving away, giving Sam a wide berth. She doesn't go back into hiding, though, just settles on the corner farther away from him and stares him down in a way that reminds him so much of Bucky, Sam doesn't know if he wants to laugh or cry.
He is also struck by the sudden need to make Alpine like him.
“Is she gonna maul me if I try to give her a treat?” Sam asks.
Bucky tilts his head, considering, which does very little to reassure Sam about the safety of his fingers.
“I wouldn’t try hand-feeding her,” Bucky answers, fishing out a bag of treats from one of the cupboards. “But she likes to chase them.”
Alpine observes with quiet intensity as Bucky dumps a few treats into Sam's hands, and when Sam tosses one a few feet away she jumps down the table and runs after it, grabs it with a paw.
“Alright,” Sam declares, “that's pretty cute.”
Sam spends the next few minutes throwing treats at Alpine, inching them closer and closer to himself to test how willing she is to get near him with the proper incentive. The last one he places right in front of his feet, then he sits back and waits. Alpine hesitates, eyes flitting between him and the treat as to evaluate if it's safe enough, until finally she starts to move, slowly, slowly. She gets close enough to stretch her paw out, pull the treat towards herself and take it out of reach to eat somewhere else. Sam still takes it as a win.
Bucky clears his throat and announces that dinner is ready, so Sam leaves Alpine alone and helps him set the table.
Dinner is nice. Bucky makes a glazed chicken with honey and garlic that it's to die for, which Sam finds utterly unfair, considering he comes from a time where spices were believed to be a menace to the public.
He still goes back for seconds, and by the time they move to the living room to watch the movie, Sam feels full and content.
He finds Alpine curled up on one end of the couch, and while he believes they made some progress in their relationship, he doesn’t think either of them is ready to bring it to the next level, so he takes the seat on the other side, careful not to disturb her.
Bucky doesn’t say anything about it, just flops down between Sam and the cat with ease, his knee bumping into Sam’s.
This week they are watching the second movie in The Hobbit trilogy, if only for the horrified look in Bucky’s face when Sam told him that not only they made a movie out of the book, but that they actually managed to stretch it into three. Bucky, it turns out, is one of those people who notices every little changes from the original material, disapproves of them on principle, and is very vocal about his displeasure, exactly like the old man he actually is.
Sam had almost fell off the couch laughing during the first movie, and it had taken him a while to convince Bucky to give the other two a chance. Maybe it was a little assholey of him, knowing that it only gets worse, but just because he likes the guy it doesn’t mean Sam doesn’t want to subject him to some bad cinema for his own entertainment. After all, that’s what friends are for.
It doesn't take long for the comments to start up again. Bucky holds up for thirty minutes, rolling his eyes and grumbling under his breath from time to time, but then Legolas and Tauriel show up and Bucky turns his head to look at Sam, face completely blank, says, “Who the fuck are these people.”
Sam bursts out laughing, and it only gets worse when they reach the scene between Kili and Tauriel in the Woodland Realm: Bucky throws his hands up, exclaims, “Oh, come on,” and starts complaining about how they made the dwarf hot just to add a romance. It has Sam in stitches, and he has to grab onto Bucky's shoulder to stay upright and not end up falling into Bucky's lap.
The tirade ends with Bucky sulking and shaking his head, and Sam is glad for the temporary reprieve just so he can catch his breath. He feels flushed and warm, cheeks hurting from smiling, and the quiet is comfortable, familiar.
After a while, his eyes grow heavy, and he realizes he nodded off only when a light weight sets on his shoulder, jerking him awake.
The movie has ended, screen back on the Netflix title page, and Bucky fell asleep as well, head drooping until it had come to rest against Sam’s body.
The metal arm is glinting gold and blue in the light, and Sam stares down at it, then up at the lines of Bucky’s face, the soft waves of his hair. It always surprises him how vulnerable Bucky looks like this, how younger, and it’s so hard to remember there was a time Sam had actually been scared of him, of what he could do. Now, he would trust Bucky with anything. His life, his family, his home. His heart, too, if Bucky ever wanted it.
Sam knows he should wake him up, send him to bed so he can sleep comfortably there while Sam stretches out on the couch, but he also knows that Bucky still has trouble sleeping sometimes, and Sam doesn't have the heart to wake him up if it isn't really necessary. He’s well aware it's also a little bit selfish, because it's nice, having Bucky this close, warm and solid and smelling of lemon.
Sam takes a deep breath and rests his head on top of Bucky's. He thought he could handle this thing he has for Bucky, keep it under control, but he’s starting to realize he might have actually underestimated the size of his own feelings, which could become a serious problem in the future.
For now, though, Sam closes his eyes and lets himself have this.
The next time Sam wakes up, it's to something walking all over him. He blinks against the sudden light and when his vision clears, he finds Alpine sitting on his lap.
Sam stares at her, wondering for a moment if he is still asleep and dreaming all of this up, but his neck is sore, his arm heavy from Bucky resting against it in his sleep; there’s the beginning of a headache pulsing behind is eyes, and a pressure in his bladder telling him he should probably get up.
Alpine sniffs at his shirt and Sam tentatively raises his free hand, strokes a finger between her ears. She leans into the touch, head tilting up and guiding Sam's hand under her chin. Sam tries really hard not to shriek with delight.
“Oh, you're a sweetheart,” he says, a grin spreading out across his face. “Just like your owner. All tough and fierce on the outside, but adorable and charming on the inside.”
Alpine meows back at him, like she agrees with that statement, and Sam tenses up, glances at the steady rise and fall of Bucky's chest.
“We gotta be quiet,” he tells Alpine, petting her down her side. “We don't want to wake him up.”
“I'm already awake,” comes Bucky's voice next to him.
Sam's entire body jerks in surprise, and Alpine leaps off him, startled.
“Man, don't you do that ever again,” Sam says, a hand placed over his chest. “You almost gave me a heart attack.”
Bucky hums, sounding way more amused than he has any right to be, and sits up.
Blood rushes back into Sam's arm, and while Sam is glad to start feeling it again, he's already mourning the loss of contact between them. Except Bucky doesn't go far, just adjusts his position to angle his body towards Sam and rest his head on the back of the couch. It's easier to look at each other, like this, but they are now so close that Bucky's soft breaths are hitting the exposed line of skin above Sam's shirt, the hollow of his neck, making him shiver.
“So,” Bucky says, dragging the word out, lips tilting up at the corner. “I'm adorable and charming?”
Of course Bucky would hear that, that's just Sam's luck. God, he is never going to speak again. He will take a vow of silence like in one of those monastic orders and move some place far and secluded where he won't be able to embarrass himself anymore.
He swallows, makes himself let out a laugh. It's meant to be mocking, but it sounds more nervous than anything else. “I think old age is making you hear things,” Sam still tries to deflect, “I clearly said annoying and self-centered.”
Bucky jabs him in the side with a metal finger. “Nice try, Samuel,” Bucky says, grinning widely. “But I've been told I'm a sweetheart.”
Sam's cheeks heat up. “I was talking about Alpine!”
He wonders if maybe T'Challa would let him hide in Wakanda for a while, just long enough for Sam to regain some kind of dignity. He hopes against all hopes that Bucky will have mercy of him and drop the subject, but of course Bucky doesn't. Sam wouldn't either, if their roles were switched.
“You said she is like her owner,” Bucky points pout, eyes bright and so very blue. He pokes Sam in the ribs again. “Which means, you think I’m a sweetheart, too.”
Sam bats his hand away. He may have embarrassed himself and he's lucky if he ends up this night without Bucky realizing Sam has feelings for him, but he is Captain frigging America. If he has to go down, he will go down fighting.
“What you are, it’s a nuisance,” Sam says. “And a creep. Who the hell pretends to be asleep when they are actually awake?”
“I wasn't pretending, you just assumed I was still sleeping.”
“Anyone would assume that, if you don't say anything.”
“I thought you were going to move as soon as you woke up, it's not my fault you didn't.”
“I was trapped between your heavy ass and your cat. What's your excuse for not moving?”
The argument comes to a halt, an awkward silence stretching between them as Bucky lowers his eyes, scratches the back of his neck. He clears his throat, shrugs.
“Your shoulder is nice,” he says in the end.
It's Bucky's turn to blush, a darker pink dusting his cheeks, and Sam feels like he missed something important.
“My shoulder?” Sam repeats.
Bucky doesn't answer him for a moment, then he straightens up on the couch, rolls back his shoulders like he is bracing himself. He looks up at Sam, and all Sam can see are his eyes.
“It’s comfortable,” Bucky whispers. “And I always sleep better when you’re around.”
Sam's mouth is suddenly very dry, and his heart is drumming against his chest in a way he has come to associate with diving down in midair, or dropping from a high place before his wings open up. This, too, feels a little like falling.
“Buck,” Sam says, because he thinks they are on the verge of something here, but he needs to be sure, doesn't want to mess this up and do something he's going to regret just because his head wants so desperately to see what's not actually there. “You gotta tell me if I'm reading this wro--”
Bucky kisses him.
It's a short kiss, just a soft press of Bucky's lips against his own and he's already gone, moving back to look at Sam with wide eyes, face open and vulnerable.
“Okay?” Bucky asks, and if he didn't sound so uncertain, like he's expecting Sam to push him away at any moment, Sam would laugh at how much of an idiot they both are.
Instead, he holds Bucky's chin between his fingers and pulls him back in. The kiss is deeper this time, turns into a wet slide of tongues and a harsh grate of stubble that makes Sam's insides feel tangled and hot. Bucky's arm slides around Sam's waist, and Sam moves his hand from Bucky's chin into his hair, grips it in a way that makes Bucky exhale sharply into his mouth. Sam wants to touch him everywhere, and he moves his free hand to do just that when a long, loud meow interrupts them.
They break apart just in time for Alpine to jump on the couch and sprawl in the space between them.
Bucky huffs out a small laugh, pets her from head to tail. He looks lovely, with his hair sticking up in odd places from Sam's fingers raking through it, his lips red from kissing, and Sam itches to go back for more, to lay him down and map every single part of Bucky's body with his mouth. He has, however, a horrible feeling about this.
“We will never be able to do anything with her around, won't we?” Sam asks, voicing his thoughts out loud.
Bucky sends him an amused smile. “Someone feels confident.”
Sam rolls his eyes, bumps their knees together. “Says the one who was about to climb on top of me.”
He's pretty sure he was the one grabbing and pulling Bucky closer, actually, but it doesn't seem like Bucky is going to call him out on it.
“It was a good kiss,” Bucky says, smile going soft at the edges, turning shyer.
“It really was,” Sam agrees, and because Sarah is always right, even if he'll never admit it in front of her, he adds, “Wanna go out on a proper dinner, see a movie? Maybe do the kissing part again?”
He's not expecting the way Bucky's lips drop down at those words, and Sam's heart sinks. Maybe he did read this wrong, after all. Maybe Bucky wanted to keep things casual, no string attached, and Sam just ruined everything. He tries to tell himself it was better to know that now, before things got too serious on his side, but it gives him very little comfort.
Bucky takes a deep breath, lets it out in a huff. “I don’t know, man,” he says. “If you make me watch another one of these godawful movies I’m afraid I'm gonna have to break up with you before this relationship even starts.”
Sam blinks at him, then bursts out laughing, sudden and loud. “God, you're an asshole,” he declares, but there's no heat behind it, and when he searches for Bucky's hand, Bucky intertwines their fingers together, places a kiss on the back of Sam's hand as an apology.
“I’m lucky you have terrible tastes, then,” Bucky says.
Sam really has questionable tastes, and if you had told him a few years ago that this was how his life was going to turn out, he would have probably laughed, or worse, tried to stop it from happening. But now, sitting there with Bucky grinning at him and Alpine purring between them, he feels lucky too.
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mayraki · 4 years
“Manipulating bitch”
jj x reader
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not my gif! credits to the owner.
summary: her kook cousin is staying at the cut for a couple of weeks, and after she flirts with jj, y/n gets jealous. but she’s never going to admit it.
note: this came out longer than I expected😂 hope you enjoy!
“Fuck my life!” You said after entering John B’s house. The rest of the Pogues turned their heads to you while you sat down at the couch and covered your face with your hands.
“What’s wrong?” Sarah asked concerned.
“Dude, don’t.” You heard Kie say. “In my years of knowing her, I learned that you don’t have to get closer to her. Just talk from a far.” You heard JJ let out a little laugh and you gave everyone the middle finger.
“Kie, I don’t think you’re going to be so happy about this either.” Kie furrowed her eyebrows and you sighed.
“Two words.” You said lifting your index and middle fingers. “Manipulating. Bitch.”
Kie’s face changed completely. “No...” you nodded and she face palmed her forehead. “Ugh!”
“Exactly.” You said getting up and grabbing the blunt you had on your back pocket and light it on fire.
“Who’s this ‘manipulating bitch’?” Pope asked and you turned to him.
“She’s my cousin, unfortunately.” You sat down on the counter. “She’s going to stay with my family for three weeks. Three!” You said putting your fingers up. “Apparently, she’s being a total brat and her parents want her to live the ‘Cut’ life. Typical! I don’t know why my dad keeps putting with his brother’s bullshit.” You said giving the blunt a good smoke.
“She can’t be that bad.” Sarah said.
“Oh baby.” Kie shook her head. “You innocent little baby.”
“She’s the worst.” You said and Kie nodded. “One day, my parents wanted me to take care of her, and because I didn’t let her go to a party, she set my bed sheet on fire.” Pope gasped and Kie nodded next to him. “Yeah, and that’s not even the worst thing. Another time, she tried to get me in trouble. She didn’t want to go this fancy party her parents were having so she jumped into a bush and blamed me, saying that I pushed her.” You clenched your jawline while having the memory on your mind.
“Yeah, she’s baaaad.” John B said.
JJ walked to your side and let the smoke in his mouth get out. “Ok, but, is she cute?” Kie rolled her eyes annoyed and you punched him in the arm. “Ouch!”
“The next one will be on your face if you say something like that! Don’t even think about it, JJ.” You pointed at him and got up from the counter.
“Jealous?” He said with a smirk and you let out a laugh.
“In your dreams, Maybank.”
“Hi Y/n!” Your cousin, Kim, said when she got out from the car. She quickly ran up and gave you a big hug. You patted her back and took a step back to free yourself from her. She always liked to pretend to have a good relationship with everyone, so they would do things for her if she asked. But you didn’t fall for her tricks since you were three and you were starting to think for yourself. “So good to see you!”
“Yeah.” You said sarcastically and you mother gave you a killing stare. You shrugged your shoulders and as you were about to walk inside your house, Kim’s voice stopped you.
“Y/n, could you carry my bags upstairs?” She asked with a sweet voice and you turned to her.
“You have arms, you can do it yourself.”
“Y/n!” Your mom gave you a serious look and you sighed.
You walked to her and grabbed her bags, giving your mother a sarcastic smile.
‘This is going to be fun!’ You thought sarcastically.
“I can’t believe my parents are making me stay here.” Kim said while looking around your old car with a disgust face.
“Well, and I can’t believe my parents are making me hang out with you.” You said in a whisper and you thanked the music for being loud enough for Kim not to hear you. You didn’t want to hear her high pitch voice.
“Where are we going anyway?” She asked while changing the radio. You bit your lower lip tying to not argue with her about it, you absolutely didn’t like when people touched your stuff.
“To my friend’s house.”
“You have friends?” She asked and let out an annoying laugh. You sighed and made the grip on the steering wheel stronger.
After arriving at John B’s house, you got out from your car and walked towards the front door without waiting for your cousin. You needed a good smoke.
“Wait for me!” Kim said but you were already inside. Pope, Kie and Sarah turned their head to you and then looked behind you. Kie rolled her eyes and continued with what she was doing before, which was smoking a blunt.
“Oh, I need one of those.” You pointed at Kie and she handed one that was on the table. You light it on and took it your mouth. Your body relaxed immediately and you let it fall on the couch.
“I don’t think your parents would like the idea of you smoking.” Kim said on the door and you rolled your eyes. “I’m going to tell them tonight. Or, if you... let me sleep in your bedroom, I’ll pretend I never saw you.” She said with a proud smile but you let out a little smile and locked eyes with her.
“I wouldn’t waist your breath, they already know.” You said taking the blunt to your mouth.
“You must be Y/n’s cousin, I’m Pope.” Pope said getting up and giving her his hand for her to shake. But she looked at it with disgust and after hesitating, she shaked it.
You turned to Kie and then rolled your eyes. She did the same and then turned the other way.
“Kiara, nice to see you again.” Kim said with a fake smile and Kie just nodded with the blunt on her mouth. “Sarah Cameron, nice to finally meet you.” Sarah gave her a little smile and you lost your thoughts while giving the blunt another smoke, until Kie sat down next to you on the couch.
“This place is a mess!” Kim said walking towards the kitchen and opening the fridge. “What a girl gotta do to get a glass of water around here? Jesus!”
“Dude, why did your bring her here?” Kie whispered.
“If I’m going down, I’m taking all of you with me.” You said and turned your head to where Kim was, now moving her phone around the room trying to get reception.
“Ugh! This doesn’t work! How do you guys live here?!”
“Where are John B and JJ?” You asked Kie and like a calling spell, they both entered the house.
“Finally! You guys took your time!” Pope said while helping the guys with the bags on their hands.
“Well, the grocery store it’s not as close as you guys might think it is.” John said.
“And, we had to carry this bags on the motorbike. It’s not as easy as it looks!” JJ defended himself.
“Well, the food is here and that’s all I care about.” Kie said with excitement and you let out a little laugh.
You didn’t got up from the couch and you noticed Kim was looking at JJ with a smirk on her face. She was watching him, more specifically, his arms. He had a shirt with no sleeves and you could easily see his muscles. And the fact that he was carrying heavy stuff and putting them away, his arms were more enjoyable than normal.
John B and JJ were so occupied with the groceries that didn’t noticed Kim in the room, until she walked to JJ and stood next to him.
“Do you have a motorbike?” She asked and for the first time, he turned to her. He looked confused at her trying to figure out who she was, but when he turned to you, he remembered.
“Yeah, I do.” He said and she bit her lower lip.
“That is a nice shirt.” She said touching his shoulder. Your heart dropped and you clenched your jawline without thinking about it.
At this point, everyone was looking at your cousin and JJ, Kie was trying to not rolled her eyes for the fifth time since she came into the room. Pope and John B were staring at you and waiting for your reaction. Sarah was still helping JJ with the groceries, but Kim was making it difficult since she was in the middle of the kitchen trying to get JJ’s attention. But he was too busy focused on the food and not paying attention to her compliments.
Everyone went back to putting the groceries away after noticing that JJ was, basically, not giving a fuck about Kim. You couldn’t keep your eyes away from her and follow her every move.
That’s when she, sneaky as possible, took a piece of bread and throw it on the floor in front of JJ.
“Oh, let me grab it.” She said with a smile. She kneeled down, giving JJ a perfect view of her ass. He widen his eyes and looked up. He let his arm go up in the air and giving everyone the look of ‘I don’t know what the fuck to do’.
“Not on my watch.” You whispered and walked over to where JJ was. You let your arm rest on his shoulder and when Kim turned to JJ, she locked eyes with you and then rolled her eyes.
“Can we go home now?” She asked annoyed.
“You can go, I’m staying here.” She gave JJ a last look with a smirk and then walked towards door. But stopped once John B talked.
“We have to get the beer for the party tomorrow.” You nodded and then looked annoyed at Kim, who was still on the door.
“Is there a party tomorrow?” She asked with a smile on her face.
“For you? No.” You said with a fake smile and then grabbed a beer from the fridge.
“Oh, well, I don’t think mom and dad are going to like the idea of you going to a party without me. You know, since you have to hang out with me. You don’t have a choice.” A proud smile appeared on her face and then locked eyes with JJ. “I’ll be there.” She winked at him and then walked away.
You sighed and without looking away from where she left, you said “The manipulating bitch, ladies and gentlemen.”
“She is the queen of the kooks, I never thought that I was going to meet someone that I hate this much.” Pope said.
“And she was all over JJ!” Sarah said sitting down next to John B.
“I mean, can you blame her?” He said with a smirk and then walked to where you were standing.
“I told you the next one was going to be on your face if you said anything.” You said and he lifted his hands on the air.
“Not my type.” He said and you sighed. “You know my type.” He pointed at you and your stomach turned.
“No brain?” You said and everyone laughed, but JJ just shook her head.
“You just called yourself a no brainier.” He winked at you and then walked to his room, leaving you confused and with a heart going full speed.
The music was loud as always when there was a party on the cut. People had beers on their hands and some of them were dancing around. You had your feet on the sand while talking to Kie about some girl that she was seeing.
“Then ask her out!” You said after taking a sip of your beer.
“I think I will!” She said nervous. Something caught her attention behind you and she rolled her eyes. You turned to where she was looking and you saw Kim entering the beach.
“I didn’t think she was actually going to come! She hates this kind of parties.” You rolled your eyes and took a bigger sip from your beer. You watched her walk into a group of people and how she stopped once she was next to JJ.
“I think now we know why she came.” Kie said and you sighed. You hated the fact that your annoying cousin was interested in one of your friends, especially if it was JJ. “Dude, relax your face. It looks like you want to kill her.”
You didn’t noticed that your jaw was clenched and the grip on your beer was stronger than before.
“It’s just... she’s so annoying!”
“You usually don’t let her get to you, expect if she’s with JJ...” she took a sip of her beer and you turned to her.
“What are you trying to say?”
“Maybe... maybe, you’re jealous that she’s flirting with him.”
You furrowed your eyebrows and shook your head quickly. “Me? Jealous? What? No! Why would I be jealous?”
“C’mon, Y/n! You like JJ! Maybe you two don’t know it yet, but there’s something going on there.” She pointed at your heart and you shook your head.
“No, there’s nothing going on. And you know the rule! No Pogue on Pogue.” You said taking the beer to your mouth.
“Fuck the rule! We made it when we were kids, doesn’t mean anything now. Besides, I think he-” she was about to say but was cut off my JJ appearing next to you.
“How are my favorite ladies?” He let his arm go around your shoulders and you took a sip from your beer trying to hide de fact that you were taking about him seconds ago.
“Fine! I’m going to get another beer.” Kie said before giving you a wink and walking away. You gave her a serious look and she just let out a little smile.
“So, where is your admirer?” You asked JJ.
“I have no idea. She keeps following me, but I told her that I was going to the bathroom. At one point I thought she was going to ask me if she could come.” He said and you let out a laugh.
“Yeah, if she wants something, she’s going to get it.”
“Well, I’m sorry to disappoint her, but she’s not going to get this.” He pointed at himself and you couldn’t help but let out a little smile. “But I like the fact that you get jealous when she flirts with me.”
You opened your mouth in surprise. “Why is it today? I’m not jealous JJ!”
“Oh, admit it! You couldn’t control yourself when she practically made a private show for me yesterday.”
You let out a laugh. “Sure, JJ, if it makes you feel better. Then yes, I was so jealous that I wanted to rip her hair out.” You said sarcastically and a proud smile appeared on JJ’s face.
“I knew it. You loooove me.” You let out a laugh and turned to where a group of people were now screaming in excitement. You noticed that they were celebrating that fact that they won a game of beer pong.
“Wanna play?”
“Don’t waste your energy, princess, I always win.”
“Is that a challenge, blondie?”
He locked eyes with you and he let out a smirk. “Bring it on.”
As you were walking to the beer pong table, with JJ’s arm around your shoulders, your cousin, stopped you two by standing in your way.
“Am I interrupting something?” She asked innocently.
“Yes.” You said annoyed.
“We were about to play some beer pong.” JJ said while making you walk again but after two steps he stopped. “Would you care to join us?” He asked to her, but without breaking eye contact with you.
“What?” You asked and Kim got excited. You realized that JJ was trying to annoy you and prove that you were jealous. But your proud self was never going to let him win. “You know what? Yes, Kim, join us.”
“I’ll play with JJ!” She said following him to the other side. You gave JJ a proud smile when he rolled his eyes.
“Kie! Play with me!” You called her and she nodded with a smile. “We better win.” You said to her in a whisper when she got next to you.
You grabbed the ball on the table and prepared yourself to do the first shot. And like you expected, the ball went perfectly inside a cup.
“Drink up, blondie.” You said and gave Kie a high five.
JJ did the second shot and it went into the cup. “Your turn, princess.” He said proudly and you grabbed the beer cup.
It was Kie’s turn, and fortunately, it went into the beer with no problem. This time it was Kim’s turn to drink, and she did it after giving JJ the look ‘Yeah, I drink. I’m cool’. You rolled your eyes and when it was her turn, she looked at the cups on your side and then turned to JJ.
“Can you help me?” She asked bitting her lower lip and JJ furrowed his eyebrows.
“Kim, you just have to throw the ball! C’mon!” You yelled at her but she didn’t look at you. It was obvious that she wanted JJ to do the classic ‘let me help you’ move and get behind her really closely. JJ walked to her and grabbed her hand, but staying next to her.
You let out a big smile when you noticed JJ’s actions and tried to not let out a laugh. She throw the ball after JJ gave her corrections, but she failed and the ball went into to the sand.
“Maybe next time, Kim.” You said pretending to to feel sorry for her. She rolled her eyes and then walked to the side of the table.
The rest of the game went normal, you and Kie got every shot and you were up by one. Everytime Kim and JJ would get a shot, she would go and give him a celebrating hug. You would try to ignore to stop yourself from pushing her away.
I’m not jealous. You kept repeating to yourself every five seconds. Somehow, not even you believed that statement this time.
“Ok, last shot. If I get this, we win.” You said grabbing the ball Kie was handing to you.
“Wait, we have to think of something to get if we win.” JJ stopped you and you furrowed your eyebrows.
“Like what?” Kie asked.
“Maybe, if you guys win, we” JJ pointed at himself and Kim “will buy you two dinner.”
You nodded “And what about if you win?”
JJ stood there thinking and a big smile appeared on his face. “Kim. You can choose whatever you want. But, if we win, Y/n has to go on a date with me.”
“Wait, no, it has to be a share price.” Kim complained and JJ shook his head.
“This game has no rules, so I can do it.”
You stood there without knowing that to say. Kie walked next to you and whispered in your year. “Dude, just say yes. We’re going to win anyway. You never miss.”
“Alright.” You nodded and JJ gave you a smirk. You lifted your arm and got ready to throw the ball.
You had two options, win, and get free dinner. Or, lose, go on a date with JJ and, for the first time, see Kim not get what she wants. JJ had a smirk on his face while his arms were across his chest. Kim was biting his lower lip annoyed and you let out a little smile.
Me and JJ on a date. You thought and your stomach turned. Am I about to do what I think I’m about to do? You knew that JJ asked you on a date because he wanted to annoy Kim as much as you did. Why other reason is there?
You sighed and the ball left your hand when you throw it. You watched the ball fly across the table and it looked like it was going to go into the cup perfectly. But it landed next to it, making it’s way to the sand after hitting the table.
JJ lifted his arms into the air celebrating with a proud smile on his face. You bit down your lower lip trying to fight the smile that wanted to come out. Kim just let out a simple ‘ugh’ and then walked away. A little moment of proudness came into your body. You turned to Kie who had her arms across her chest while looking at you with a lifted eyebrow.
“I’m sorry.” You said getting closer to her.
“Oh, c’mon. We both know you did it on purpose.” She tried to sound mad but a little smirk appeared on her face. She shook her head and when you tried to say something, she cut you off. “Don’t argue with me.” She winked at you and then walked away when JJ appeared next to you and let his arm go around your shoulders.
“Let’s just pretend you didn’t do that in purpose. And the fact that you got to annoy Kim was just a good side effect of your loss.” JJ said and you rolled your eyes but then a little laugh came out of your mouth. “Just admit that you were jealous?”
“What? Why would I admit something that’s not true?” You crossed your arms around your chest.
“It is true. I would admit it. If I had a cousin that had a thing for you, I would be fuming.” He said and you stood there processing what he just said to you.
“What?” That’s all you could say. JJ just shook his head and a smirk appeared on his face.
“You’re never going to admit it, do you?” He asked and you shook your head.
“Well, you lost anyway, what are doing then? I can ask John B for his boat and...”
“Wait, are we actually going on a date?” You asked.
“Yes, why would I ask you on a date if I didn’t want to go on a date with you?” He asked confused.
“I don’t know.. you wanted to annoy my cousin?”
JJ let out a little laugh. “If I wanted to annoy her, I would’ve kiss you right there in front of her. But that’s something that I want to do later.” He winked at you and then walked away, leaving you, for the second time, with a mind full of thoughts and a heart beating faster than ever.
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galahadwilder · 4 years
Say It Later, Say It Now
I wrote this fic for the @luckycharmzine!
Marinette and Adrien are dating and happy. Marinette finds out Adrien is Chat Noir. Adrien finds out Marinette is Ladybug.
You’d think this would make things simpler. You’d be wrong.
Marinette falls back on her bed with a huff, arms splayed wide, and stares up through her skylight into the cloudless Paris sky. She takes a moment to imagine her comforter is a pink, fluffy cloud, that she’s lying in the sky somewhere drifting on the breeze, that her world hasn’t been turned upside down again and that the only thing she has to worry about is the sun on her face and the ground a thousand miles below.
Then she breathes in, remembers how his face looked into that same skylight just two nights before, and the moment is lost.
“He’s Chat Noir,” she murmurs to herself, throwing her arm over her eyes. “My boyfriend is Chat Noir.”
In retrospect, it makes perfect sense. Both boys have the same kind heart, the same terrible sense of humor, the same smile, the same sadness behind their eyes. Despite their superficial differences, deep down they are clearly the same. But if she hadn’t seen him destransform, she never would have guessed that polite, well-behaved Adrien was the same person as her boisterous and jovial partner.
She has no idea what emotion she’s feeling right now—is she happy? Scared? Angry? No way to tell—but it’s definitely intense. She feels her nails digging into her palm, her tendons pressing against the skin of her knuckles, and forces herself to take a deep breath, loosen her muscles.
Tikki peers down from her unhappy cookie-munching in her little nook above Marinette’s bed, alcove hidden from anyone entering from both below and above. “Marinette?” she says. “Are you… all right?”
Marinette turns onto her side, curls up into a fetal position, hugging her knees to her chest. “I… Tikki, I—I have no idea,” she murmurs, staring at a thread that’s poking out of her handmade pillowcase. She’s gonna have to fix that soon. “I mean, both guys I’m into being the same guy? And him falling for both of me?” She groans. “I know I’m Ladybug, but that’s stupid lucky.” She closes her eyes, chews on her lip. “It’s… too much.”
Marinette feels Tikki light on the pillow in front of her, and opens her eyes to see her Kwami hugging her nose with a bashful grin. “Stupid lucky is what I do,” Tikki says.
Marinette smiles, nuzzling into Tikki’s tummy. “Yeah,” she says. “Yeah it is.”
Tikki’s pats Marinette’s forehead with her paw. “Do you need me to turn off the lights?” she says.
Marinette nods.
There’s a moment of silence as Tikki flits off toward the door, and then the lights click off, bathing Marinette in blessed darkness. Immediately, her senses begin to calm, and her thoughts arrange.
Then she realizes something.
“Oh, no,” she breathes, rolling onto her back. “Tikki?” she says, her voice small.
Tikki flits into view over her, looking down at her with concern. “Marinette?”
Marinette stares up at her Kwami, her heart thrumming with fear. “He doesn’t know I’m Ladybug,” she says.
Tikki shakes her head. “No,” she says. “He doesn’t.”
Marinette winces. “I’m going to have to tell him.”
“Oh, cats. Oh, cats. Oh, CATS,” Adrien says, pacing a trench into the floor of his room. “I’m… I’m dating Ladybug.” He grinds the heels of his palms into his eyes. “How did I not see it?”
Plagg snorts into his Camembert. “Took you long enough.”
Adrien drops into his computer chair, presses his hand to his forehead and runs his fingers up and back through his shaggy hair. “Cats,” he hisses. He should’ve seen it. Ladybug and Marinette don’t just have the same fire, the same brilliant mind—every part of them is the same, right down to the way they scrunch their noses when they’re thinking. And yet, if he hadn’t seen her detransform… “What am I—” He chokes. “What am I even supposed to do?”
Plagg smirks without taking his eyes from his cheese. “Come on, Kitten,” he drawls. “You’ve been planning how to date Ladybug as long as I’ve known you. You talked my ear off every night for three years until I convinced you to go for Bakery Girl instead.”
Adrien chokes, wheels around toward his Kwami. “And you knew the whole time!” he yelps, jabbing a finger at the tiny cat. “You knew they were the same person!”
Plagg raises an eyebrow, tilting his head contemplatively. “Yes I did,” he says with a sly smile. “Gotta say, watching you moon over her twice was better than those KDramas Tikki loves so much.”
Adrien blinks, swiveling in his chair. “Is that where you go at night?”
Plagg shrugs. “Some nights, yeah.” He nibbles on his Camembert, before looking up at his wielder. “So,” he says, “how are you planning to tell her?”
Adrien stumbles backward and collapses into his computer chair. “Oh, cats,” he breathes, staring blankly at his computer screen. “I have to tell her.”
Marinette arrives early for school the next day. She’s rarely awake this early, but knowing what she needed to do had left her too jittery to sleep. She’s too nervous to sit, but too tired to pace, so she stands in place, her bag held over her knees, waiting for her boyfriend to arrive.
“You okay?” Tikki whispers from inside the backpack held between Marinette’s hands.
“Nope!” Marinette whispers back with a grin that she’s fairly certain doesn’t quite reach her eyes. She’s excited—her boyfriend is secretly also the boy she trusts more than anything else in the world. But on the other hand, she’s been hiding a huge part of her life from him for as long as she’s known him, and she has no idea if he’ll ever forgive her.
So she stands, waiting for her soulmate, her other half, the boy she loves, to arrive so she can spill his secret.
She’s so lost in her thoughts that she doesn’t even notice when he does. Adrien folds her into his arms, kissing the top of her head. “Morning—”
She shrieks, leaping backward, almost slamming her skull into his chin.
“—Myyyyy… rinette!” he says.
“Oh my gosh I’m so sorry!” Marinette yelps, trying to turn in his arms to comfort him.
He only laughs, holding her tight against his chest. “It’s fine!” he says brightly, kissing her head again. He presses his cheek to her scalp and nuzzles. “I knew the consequences when I snuck up on you.”
“You do love to do that,” she murmurs fondly. Just another bit of the cat in him that she should’ve seen. Then her eyes widen. “Hey,” Marinette says. “You didn’t call me Princess.”
Adrien’s arms stiffen around her. “Um,” he says, a tremble in his voice.
She bites her lip, forcing down a spike of annoyance at his father—she recognizes Gabriel’s hand in that tremble. She puts her backpack down on the steps and takes his hand. “It’s okay, Adrien” she says, soft. “You’re allowed to give me more than one pet name.”
He breathes out, relieved, all the tension gone from his body, and she realizes—she can’t tell him right now. Maybe later.
Yeah. Later’s good.
He’d almost called her “My Lady.” Oh, cats, that was not how he wanted her to find out.
He��s glad she sits behind him, because while he definitely can’t concentrate in class today, if she were in front of him—especially after that—he doesn’t think he’d be able to even pretend to be paying attention.
She seems clumsier than usual today. A lot of her more extreme pratfalls disappeared by around their third date, once he made it clear that he didn’t mind her word vomit and in fact found it kind of cute. But today, every time she meets his eyes, it seems like she’s halfway to the floor again, and he’s barely on his toes enough to catch her.
He can’t help feeling a little thrill, though, that he’s having this effect on Ladybug. One-year-ago-Adrien would be having a heart attack right now. As it is, everything’s a little too soft and warm with her for that.
“Adrien, I’m fine,” his Princess—his Lady—protests, burying her face in her hands.
“Not today you’re not,” he say with a smile and the Soft Eyes she loves so much. “Besides, I’m not gonna pass up a chance to be gallant.”
Marinette pouts, gesturing downwards to where his arms are holding her up, supporting both her shoulders and her knees. “Sure, but you don’t think carrying me all the way to the lunchroom is a little bit much?”
“Nope!” Adrien says.
He sees Nino and Alya ahead of them, synchronized mock-gagging at them, but he ignores them.
“Ugh, you are the worst,” she says, reaching up to scratch under his chin.
He purrs, smiling—
And then suddenly realizes that she doesn’t know he can do that.
Also, Marinette doesn’t scritch Adrien. Ladybug for Chat, sure, but… she doesn’t know it’s him. And she definitely wouldn’t reveal her identity like that if she did.
He swallows, barely taking a moment to realize that Marinette has gone as white as a sheet.
“Mari?” he says. “Are you okay?”
“Fffffine!” she shrieks, leaping out of his arms—or at least trying to. He’s supporting her too well, and her flats hook onto his elbow, and he barely has time to brace before they’re both sprawled across each other on the ground.
The entire hall comes to a halt, staring at them, as Marinette’s face gets steadily redder. Adrien realizes—his body weight is pressed on top of her, pinning her down, and she’s regressed today for some reason—she’s about to explode. He reaches out toward her—
“I’m sorry!” she shrieks, clapping her hands over her mouth. “I’m sorry, I’m sorry, I’m so sorry, I’m—are you—oh gosh I’m so sorry—”
It’s an utterly surreal moment, realizing that this girl, who has pitched him across entire city blocks without batting an eye, is having a panic attack over tripping him. It’s all he can do to roll of her, climb to his feet, and hold out a hand.
“It’s okay, Marinette,” he says, smiling gently. “I’m fine. You okay?”
Her pupils slowly begin to contract again as her breathing slows and she takes his hand. “I—I’m okay,” she says.
He pulls her up with a smile. “I love you,” he says. “I have to expect you to…” He waggles his eyebrows. “...sweep me off my feet every once in a while.”
She giggles, closing her eyes, and he realizes he can’t tell her now. Later, maybe.
Yeah. Later’s good.
Ladybug arrives for patrol in a bit of a funk. School was excruciating—she hasn’t been that clumsy in front of her boyfriend since the first time they kissed, she spent all day making a fool of herself and she couldn’t once get up the courage to tell him what she knew. She’s almost ashamed to be meeting him now, knowing his secret with him not knowing hers.
But as she lights onto the rooftop, she sees in his hunched posture that he seems not to have had the best day either. Which is… odd. He seemed fine when they left school?
“Everything okay?” she says, padding up behind him and sitting on the roof next to him, kicking her legs out into open air.
He turns to her with wide, sad eyes. “I—um,” he begins. “Girl troubles.”
Ladybug’s heart rate spikes. Girl troubles? He’s Adrien; there’s only one girl in his life. Troubles? Did he—did her clumsiness embarrass him? Did he finally decide she wasn’t good enough?
“Are you breaking up with me?” she whispers, hugging her stomach.
His head snaps around, his eyes wide. “Wait—” he gasps, his face bone-white. “My—Marinette, I’d never—” He bites his lip. “You know?”
Ladybug nods with a whimper. “I—I’m sorry, I didn’t mean to—”
Suddenly his palms are on her cheeks, his forehead pressed to hers. “I love you, My Lady, My Princess, My—My Marinette,” he breathes in a rush. He smiles. “I’m here as long as you’ll have me.”
Relief floods her body as she realizes—he’s not leaving her. He’s staying. “Your—girl trouble,” she manages. “You found out?”
He closes his eyes and nods. “Saw you yesterday.”
She giggles, tears coming to her eyes. “Same.”
“Cats,” he snorts. “We’re both idiots.”
“Yeah, but you’re my idiot,” she says, scratching his scalp, smiling as he begins to purr. “Always and forever.”
“I can live with that,” he whispers, raising her chin and meeting her lips with his.
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fenheart87 · 3 years
The Dress
For @bloody-no-kissu, you're art is always amazing and inspirational! I love you bloody!
It was a rare day that Marinette was fully rested, had no events to attend and the bakery wasn't busy enough for her parents to ask for her help. Feeling inspired but not able to pick up a recent project without being hypercritical of her work, the young designer decided picking up something different might help. Grabbing a blue folder with various doodles and stickers, she spread the sketches one by one on her desk.
"Oh, these look great!" Tikki chimed, flying closer to examine the handwritten notes.
"I know but I can't choose! I want to do them all, eventually but where do I start?" Marinette huffed, eyeing the designs with a playful pout.
"Hm, why not choose randomly? You could number the designs and put matching numbers on slips of paper to pick the one to start with!"
"Tikki, that's a great idea!" Marinette cupped the floating ladybug gently in her hands and pressed a quick kiss to her forehead before scribbling on a scratch paper. Tearing the numbers apart, she put them in a hat and let Tikki do the honors.
"Here we go!" Tikki dropped in the hat and shook the pieces around before flying back out with one piece between her paws. Twirling in excitement, she opened the paper and held it up like a sign. "Lucky number four!"
"Okay so four is," the designer stacked the extra papers and pulled out the fourth design page, "this one. Huh, I don't have one color scheme for this, I made two. Oh wait, this started out as a design for Rose but I made something else for her. I can finish this dress for me though, time to go fabric shopping!"
"Oh can you get some crushed velvet? It makes a wonderful bed." Tikki asked, hovering by the trapdoor as her holder ran around the room to gather her things.
"Sure! Any color requests?" Marinette paused to let the kwami zip into her purse, handing Tikki the list.
"Blue or green, maybe aquamarine!" They shared a giggle before the designer made her way downstairs to let her parents know about her trip into town.
"Maman, Papa, I'm going to the fabric shop. I've got so much creativity I feel like I'm going to explode!"
"Well we don't want that, then we couldn't possibly have family bear hugs!" Tom shouted, scooping up his wife and daughter who giggled and snuggled in for the hug. "Please be safe and call if you need help or eat somewhere else for lunch."
"Of course Papa!" Marinette withdrew from the hug and grabbed her personalized tote bag that she used for trips like these. With one last wave goodbye, she set off to her favorite shop. A ten minute bus ride and quick shortcut through the plaza, she arrived in front of The Special Thread. The bell rang merrily as the younger design held the door open for an elderly lady before beelining towards the crushed velvets. It was the backrest left corner and after a glance around, Marinette popped open her purse to let Tikki out to be able to help pick out the right color.
"Okay here are all the cool colors of the crushed velvet and then here’s the penne velvet too. What did I need and who did I need it for? Oh wait, the list!” Marinette knew the shop owner and many of the regular customers were used to the young designer talking to herself as they tended to indulge in the habit as well. Actually checking the list after fighting the urge to ruffle through the soft velvets, “I need a burgundy color to accent Marc’s and a peachy tone for Nathaniel, more princess tulle for Rose and some black lace for Juleka… Oh that’s perfect!”
“Marinette, I like both of these colors but can't choose…” Tikki chimed, respectfully waiting until Marinette’s attention was back from her creative mindset.
“It’s on sale, why not get both and I can make a matching pillow or something? I have a coupon too and those colors are gorgeous, the blue reminds me of Luka.” She may have not noticed the dopey grin on her face as she grabbed the selected velvets and moved to another fabric wall  but Tikki could see it clearly and cheered internally. “Let’s get a couple yards of each and then I saw the perfect shades for Marc and Nathaniel but Ms. Cribler might have more in the back so I can get a little extra, just to be on the safe side.”
“Hello, Marinette, you looked especially inspired.” The shop owner smiled as she spotted Marinette, sorting through some bolts of fabrics to be put away from previous customers. Today she was sporting her favorite cardigan, the plum on bottom faded into lilac near the collar and the different embroidered designs and patches were still like new and matched her skirt that had vines and flowers blooming all over in a field of wildflowers. The addition of several animals made Marinette smile, it was the elder woman’s way of supporting the superheroes that protect their fair city.
“Hello Ms. Cribler, I am feeling very inspired and had to even get creative in choosing what to make next! How has the shop been today, need me to return anything? I’m passing through the solids and plundering the lace next.” The young designer placed her chosen bolts of fabric on the counter, eyeing the rather large pile that was being sorted.
“Oh things have been busy, it seems the creativity is floating in the air! I can hold these until you’re ready of course, if you can run this pile,” Ms. Cribler patted a pile with about ten bolts of various creams and browns, “they need to be put away. I have gotten everything I need from those. Is there anything in particular I can check the back for?”
“Ah yes, I need some more of this burgundy shade and if you have more peach colors, something more pale orange and less pink peach color that would be perfect. I’ll take these with me and see what I can find in the lace bolts.” Marinette picked up the pile with ease and marched carefully to the proper section and began putting them away. Tikki joined her, zipping back and forth to help quickly find the right spots she needed. Once those were completely put away, the duo weaved through the aisles and found the lace bolts. With a soft hum, the young designer pulled several options down. Marinette set them down on the return cart that was nearby, carefully unrolling them just enough to see a clear picture of the lace.
“What part of the dress is going to be lace?” The kwami inquired, floating at the top of the pink bag.
“Mid back up to my shoulders, just along the back side.”
“Oh, then this one would be so pretty!” Tikki flew up and showed off her choice, wrapping it around her tiny body like a toga.
“Super stylish Tikki!” Marinette giggled and returned the other options back to their proper places. Picking up the one she wanted to purchase and making sure Tikki was in her bag once more, she weaved her way back to the solids for another look and didn’t have anything that spoke to her. Continuing on, Marinette returned to the front cutting table where Ms. Cribel was helping out a familiar face but not a familiar face to see in the shop. Tikki giggled and ducked completely out of sight, closing the clasp of the purse.
“Found the lace alright Marinette?”
“Yes ma’am, take you time Luka, I still have to check out these other colors.” The girl smiled brighter as the other customer turned around, his typical and slightly goofy Luka smile in place.
“Hey Marinette, look like you have quite the haul.” Luka teased, shifting to talk to her.
“Yeah, I just had this moment of inspiration but now that I think about it the dress I’m making would be ideal first date material… I could tweak it for Rose and embellish it a bit for an anniversary vibe…”
“Is the dress for you?”
“Yeah it was originally, I just don’t think I’m going to have a date to wear it for soon.” Marinette scrunched her nose slightly, it felt weird to talk about dating in front of Ms. Cribel. Finding a salmon color that would be fantastic, she moved the bolt to her purchase pile and scooted it closer to the register where Luka had a thoughtful frown on his face.
“Well why don’t you change that? Isn’t the dance coming up?”
“Yeah, in a couple months.” The designer giggled as a light pink dusted his cheeks, sometimes she wished she liked Luka first. That thought struck her like lightning and decided right then and there she was going to be true to herself and no longer be pressured by the Girl Squad for her change of heart. “Hey Luka, are you, uh well, are you busy later? The weather is really nice and Maman made the best dumplings and the park doesn’t have a big photoshoot or news report or meeting going on today…”
“Yea- no, I mean no but I mean yes.” Luka clenched his jaw while taking a deep breath to calm down, eyes wide with hope before continuing, “I have no plans unless you wanna have plans later?”
“Yeah, it’s a date… I just have to finish my dress first and I can text you?”
“Yeah, anytime. Ever. Yes.” The musician clench his jaw again, making Marinette laugh in sheer joy. He was just as nervous as her but they would work it out on their date.
“Okay, well I think you’re good to go and I still need my materials cut. Uh did you- nevermind.”
“Can I walk you home? I can carry some of your stuff, these are good for other things than playing guitar.” Luka playfully flexed his arm, seeming to forget he had his jacket on and she couldn't see his muscles.
“Oh you will and you had better let him or you’re banned from my shop.”
“What? Ms. Cribel-”
“Marinette, you have a boyfriend now. Call me Ana as a thank you for giving you a discount to celebrate. Now, how many of what do you need today dear? You need to hurry and get home!” The shop owner punctuated her words with a few snips of her scissors, reaching for the lace first.
“Ah, the lace I need four yards, six of the salmon and burgundy and since the velvet is half off..” Marinette dropped into thought and with a glance at the boy beside her made a decision, “let’s do ten of each. And my special order too, if you have it in.”
“I sure do! Let me finish this right up and I’ll grab it for you.” Ana swiftly unfolded the bolts and made precise, clean and quick cuts, working through the small stack in under a minute. The musician seemed a bit shocked but Marinette knew she could move faster and still have the same pinpoint accuracy. Folding all the cut lengths and wrapping the bolts once more to set them aside, the shop keeper tucked the purchases into a bag and threw in some extra thread. Leaning down to reach under the counter, she put another bag that had a receipt attached onto the counter as well.
“Did you have everything?” The young designer asked, rolling and tucking that big into the bigger one.
“Of course! You are my favorite customer, anytime you call I make sure I have everything or get it delivered before you show up. It brings me joy that you create so many beautiful things when these hands are not quite steady enough anymore, it makes me happy to see you thrive.” The younger was touched and the awe showed in her face, causing the older woman to smile.
“She is pretty amazing.” Luka’s soft voice drew their attention, Marinette blushing while Ana had a knowing smile.
“Total today is one week of fresh croissants and details of today’s date.”
“What? No, i couldn’t possibly take all this for free-”
“Marinette. I am trading you, your parents food and you story for my measly fabrics. I will simply kick you out of my shop if you refuse.”
“Okay but two weeks at least and I can come help you put things away.”
“Deal, now go finish your dress and knock his socks off!” Ana winked playfully, both teens were blushing as they left.
“She isn’t usually like that but thank you for helping me.” Marinette grinned shyly, Luka had taken the bag of fabrics before she could and left no room for protest.
“Seems like she knows you well. And of course Marinette,” the soft way he spoke her name was going to give her heart problems if it kept skipping every time he said it, “anything to spend more time with a beautiful girl.”
The girl in question just blushed and ignored him, not that Luka seemed to mind as he escorted her home in silence. It was a comfortable and breathable bubble they were in and not even when he had to catch her when she tripped boarding the bus that would take them to her house. In a smooth and thoughtful move, Luka managed to hold her hand without her noticing until the end of the bus ride, only smiling in his sweet way at her blush.
“Well thank you for walking me home, now I can finish the last piece and then we can go on our date.”
"Yeah, no problem. Now I know where to pick you up too." He grinned crookedly, her blushing was too cute.
"Yeah now you know… Um, I haven’t done this before and I know you’ve been there for you through a lot and i appreciate it so much but like I don"t want you to think I'm going on this date as like a rebound or something stupid to deal with Adrien when its not.”
“Marinette.” Luka met her eyes dead on, a growing smile on his lips. “You have never and would never lead anyone on like that. I have always respected your feelings, even when you decided to gift them to someone other than me. My feelings for you haven't changed at all, you’re still the song in my head.” This boy was too much for Marinette, she suddenly stopped in the middle of the sidewalk and Luka calmly looped around her and gently guided her into movement again with a gentle press of a hand.
“You are something else.”
“A good something else?”
“Depends how nice our date is later!” With that teasing remark, Marinette used the last of her courage to press a kiss on Luka’s cheek before dashing inside and up to her room. Carefully the designer set down her purchases on her desk before jumping up and down and squealing in happiness.
“Great job Marinette!” Tikki giggled and flew in a few loops to show her excitement as well.
“Oh my gosh, Maman! I need your help, if you’re not busy!” Marinette stumbled a bit on her way down but caught herself before she fell. She knew this would be one of her best creations yet.
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chaoticpuff17 · 4 years
A Dangerous Game
Part 26
warning: violence. smut. penetrative sex. fingering. dirty talk. cunnilingus (mild). swearing. yandere behavior. angst 
Hello darlings! It’s here! The wedding! The angst, the heartbreak! And Taehyung too! I loved writing this chapter, and I hope you all enjoy reading it! Sorry its a long one!-- chaotic puff
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The wedding was upon them faster than anyone truly realized except perhaps for Namjoon for whom the day could not come fast enough. Anyone looking for the groom would find him giving orders half done up in his tux and his hair a mess from the amount of times he had run his hands through it. More than one poor soul had been threatened by the crime lord throughout the course of the morning. Every member of staff was on edge trying not to set off the hair trigger the man seemed to be operating with. But for every bit of nervous energy the groom exuded, the bride carried herself with a sort of gentle indifference as though nothing could touch her.
She watched the bustle in the garden, the people going in and out of the house, from the vantage of her old window. For the days leading up to the wedding, Namjoon had her move to her original room where she could rest and get ready away from the bustle of the final wedding preparations. Of course she was not without someone by her side. There was a team of ladies all there devoted to making the bride look perfect, every inch the match of the great Kim Namjoon, and there was her ever present guard. On this day, it happened to be Taehyung.
He may not have been her favorite of her minders, but his joking and boxy smile had kept her calm throughout her busy morning. And she had to admit, the man had style and had been a godsend in directing the ladies in making sure she looked up to Namjoon’s standards while still looking like herself. It didn’t hurt that he had also kept a steady stream of mimosas flowing throughout the morning, and had insisted on breaks whenever she began to get overwhelmed.
He was a smart man. He’d balanced out the alcohol with the food he coaxed into her whenever she had a break from the ladies determined to make her look every inch Namjoon’s queen and made sure that the mimosas weren’t too strong. No one wanted the bride to be drunk on her wedding day, except perhaps for the bride. She would have welcomed the numbness the alcohol would have brought, but Taehyung was not about to take the fall for a drunk Y/N when Namjoon was already two seconds away from a conniption fit.  
She emerged from the closet carrying her skirt gently lifted in one hand as she came back into the main room. The satin of the gown flowed down her body hugging her figure from the sweetheart neckline till just below her hips where it flowed out in a gentle trumpet skirt with a lovely train trailing behind her. It was simple and elegant, just as everything Namjoon had arranged for the wedding. Everything about her appearance had been decided on by Namjoon as she had shown no interest in any of the wedding plans.
Her hair was pulled back in an elegant chignon on the back of her neck with her veil fixed into it with an elegant silver comb. On her finger sat the ring Namjoon had given her accompanied by the only other jewelry she wore, the earrings he had given her that first day. The pearl and diamond earrings were just as lovely now as they were then, and she looked at them with a sort of bittersweet irony. Namjoon, she had found, was a romantic at heart. The earrings were sentimental, the first piece of jewelry he had given her as his “wife”.  
“What do you think?” She asked smiling humorlessly as she played with the veil that fell down to her hips flaring it out behind her as she did a little spin.
“You look beautiful.”
“Not a hair out of place. I’ve been poked and prodded enough to ensure that.” She grimaced remembering the hours spent in hair and makeup. She’d been pulled out of bed early that morning pushed into a bath, and then swept away into wedding preparations with Taehyung happily chattering away the whole time.
“And you look perfect!” He cheered lifting a glass in her direction before throwing back the contents and reaching to fill his glass again.
“Oh no.” She huffed shooting him a dark look. “If I’m not allowed to be drunk for this affair, you’re not allowed to be drunk.”
“It’s a wedding.” He deadpanned adjusting his suit. “Everyone will be drunk before the night’s over, except for you and Namjoon. Namjoon’s way too excited for today to get drunk and ruin it. And you are on strict alcohol limits, noona. Namjoon said no tipsy brides.”
“Yeah, well he’s a spoil sport.”
“You’re the one marrying him.” He grinned playfully shoving her shoulder.
“You can have him.” She snorted taking a sip of her own mimosa which was really more orange juice than champagne at this point. “You couldn’t have brought screwdrivers instead?”
“No drunk brides.” He sing songed shooting her shit eating grin. “I’m not about to be the one hyung shoots today.”
The door opened distracting them both especially with who entered. There stood Jackson looking bedraggled in his suit and breathing heavily as though he had run to be there, and he probably had. She wasn’t naïve enough to think that Jackson was allowed anywhere near her.
“What are you doing here?” Taehyung asked standing and taking a defense stance in front of the bride. “You’re not allowed up here. Guests are supposed to be downstairs, and riff raff is supposed to stay outside with the rest of the trash.” He growled.
“Y/N.” Jackson continued ignoring Taehyung’s insult. “Y/N, please. I need to talk to you.” He begged stepping further into the room despite the dirty looks the ladies and Taehyung were giving him.
She took in a shuddering breath grabbing Taehyung’s arm for support. “Get him out of here.”
“Get him out of here!” She shouted standing from the sofa and moving to stand by the window instead her skirts rustling behind her.
“Y/N.”  He pleaded.
Taehyung stepped forward pushing Jackson back. “She doesn’t want you here.”
Jackson shoved back trying to push past the taller man. “Y/N, please. Just let me talk to you.”
“Out.” Taehyung grabbing the other man practically throwing him out of the room. “If I see you near her again, I’ll shoot you myself.” He hissed closing the door behind him. He pulled out his phone tapping a message out to the other boys before turning his attention back to the woman who was shaking over by the window. “Could you get her some water?” He murmured to one of the attendants before moving over to her. “You okay? Need me to grab Jin-hyung? He’s probably trying to sedate Namjoon hyung, but I’m sure I can steal him away. He likes you better than hyung anyway.”  
She shook her head. “How did he get in here?” She whispered staring out the window to the garden out at what would very shortly be her wedding ceremony.
“I don’t know, but I’ll check the CCTV footage. If you don’t want Jin, I can call Jungkook up for you, or Yoongi?” He offered looking over her worriedly.
“I’ll be fine.”
He paused looking her over for a minute as if contemplating something. “I’ll call Jungkook. He’ll be here in a minute.”
And he was. The younger man came bursting into the room only a few minutes later looking over at her frantically. “Noona!” He crowed swooping her up in hug and spinning her around when he reached her.
“Kook!” Taehyung scolded trying to pull the other man off of her. “You’re going to mess up her hair!”  He fussed over her making sure her veil was still in place and that her hair and dress were fine once Jungkook has set her on his own two feet again.
“You look beautiful, noona.” He gave her his bunny grin before glowering at his hyung. “How did that fucker get up here?”
“I don’t know! I’m going to go check the security cameras! See you at the ceremony, noona.” He shot her a wink before moving to take his leave.
“You okay, noona?” He asked giving her a puppy dog look despite the fact that he was much taller than her and all muscle.
“I’ll be fine, Kookie.” She gave him a weak smile wrapping her arms around herself. “How long till the ceremony?”
“I need to get you down there soon. Probably in the next half hour or so.”
“So soon?” She whispered.
“You’ll be fine, noona.” He assured looping an arm over her shoulder comfortingly. “And now you’ll really be our noona! You’ll be hyung’s wife!”
“You sure we can’t just get in a car and go?” She asked staring down at the guests milling around in the garden. She knew none of them, but she knew they were probably all mafia connections of Namjoon’s.
Soon enough Miss In came to usher them down stairs. Jungkook let her loop her arms through his, using him as support as they descended the stairs towards what felt like her impending doom. Marriage was far more permanent than kidnapping. It was legal, binding. That was what Namjoon wanted. He wanted her bound to him to tightly she could never leave.
Someone handed her bouquet. White peonies. Everything was white peonies. She knew the meaning of the peony, and it left a sour taste in her mouth. Romance. Prosperity. Good fortune. A happy marriage. That’s what he wanted, a happy marriage, and he was going to get it whether she wanted to give it to him or not. He was going to have it all, the romance, the prosperity, the good fortune, and the happy marriage too.
She would have chosen anemones, aconite too. Loneliness and hatred. That was what this marriage would be for her. Loneliness and hatred. This was not the life she wanted for herself, and she wanted it even less as Jin came to stand beside her ready to lead her down the aisle where she could see Namjoon waiting. She had to try though. What other choice did she have?
She didn’t register the music, nor did she pay attention to the eyes of the guests on her. Her focus was on Namjoon. He looked dashing in his tux, she hated to admit, with his hair pushed back from his forehead, and a smile on his face that looked absolutely blissful showcasing those damn dimples of his.
Jin kept her steady as he led her down the aisle, his hand a comforting weight on her arm keeping her grounded a she wanted nothing more than to run back up the aisle and disappear. It was the most emotion she had felt in weeks.
Jin handed her over to Namjoon placing a gentle kiss on her cheek and murmuring words of encouragement into her ear before he did.
She didn’t really remember the ceremony. It was all a blur to her up until the moment it was her turn to say ‘I do’. Namjoon squeezed her hands bringing her back to the present reminding her it was time to seal her fate. Odd how two little words could carry so much weight. They were almost suffocating. She said them though, her voice barely a whisper.
The officiant had them sign the papers there an then placing their stamps on the paperwork sealing her fate. Namjoon’s happiness was almost dizzying once it was done. It radiated from him in waves washing over her almost nauseatingly.
He pulled her into a sweet kiss savoring the fact that she was his now, well and truly his. There would be no escape for her now.
The reception passed by in almost the same blur for her as the ceremony had. Person after person came up to congratulate the happy couple. And she did her part. She smiled. She thanked people. She remained by Namjoon’s side like a good obedient little wife should all the while feeling hollow, an empty shell of herself.
“You look beautiful, jagi.” Namjoon whispered pressing a kiss to her forehead. “Absolutely stunning.” She didn’t respond staring off into the distance. “Are you alright, jagi?” He asked lightly squeezing her hand.
She started looking up at him with wide eyes. “Yes, I’m fine. Just a little tired.” He hummed eyes scanning over her for any signs of fatigue. “I think I just need a minute. I think I’ll go over to the pagoda if that’s alright with you.” Her smile was thin, strained.
“I’ll get you some water and meet you there.” He murmured releasing her with a content smile, one that she did not return instead lifting her skirt slightly and making her way through the garden paths and towards he pagoda.
It was evening now and the garden was lit up like a fairy land as the guests milled around. One occasionally stopped her, offered their congratulations, and she thanked them with a tired smile. It was a relief when she reached the pagoda. It too was lit up just like the rest of the garden, but it was far enough away from the main festivities that she could have a moment of peace.
She basked in the night air leaning over the railing to stare down at the dark water of the pond. The surface was smooth, glasslike in the night. This was one of her favorite spots in the garden. She often took tea here. It had a beautiful view of the gardens, and was shielded from the sun. She and Namjoon had even taken meals there together on occasion.
“Y/N?” She stiffened at the sound of the familiar voice. Whirling around she found herself faced with Jackson.
“What are you doing here?” She hissed bracing herself against the railing. “You’re not supposed to be here.”
“Y/N, please, just talk to me.” He pleaded walking towards her despite the way she flinched away from him.
“I don’t want to talk to you.”
“Please, Y/N, I’m trying. We don’t have much time.”
“You should go.”
He sighed pulling a hand through his hair agitatedly. “I know. I know. I just need you to talk to me. This was never my intention. You have to know that.”
“I don’t know anything anymore.” She scoffed inching her way along the railing looking for a way around him.  
“Y/N, please, I can get you out of here. I just… I just need some time.”
She laughed, the sound bordering on hysterical. “It’s too late for that now. I’m married, Jackson. I’m fucking married!”
“I know. I’m sorry, little bear.”
“You have no right to call me that anymore. You’re a liar.”
“You’re a liar and a sneak. Where you ever going to tell me?”
He ran his fingers through his hair again growling under his breath. “You didn’t need to know. You’d been…”
“Don’t!” She shrieked. “Don’t pull that shit on me. I’m not some fragile flower you need to protect. I never was.”
“Just listen to me!” He yelled surging forward and grabbing her upper arms. He shook her slightly his grip on her uncomfortably tight.
It was only for a moment though. In the next second he was ripped off of her pressed against one of the beams of the pagoda, Namjoon’s hand around his throat. “Step away from my wife.” He growled eyes blazing with a cold fury. “I thought I told you never to go near her again? Are you deaf or just stupid?” He hissed cocking his head to the side curiously as Jackson clawed at his hand trying to get him to release the strangle hold he had on him.
Namjoon released him, only to send him flying to the ground in the next second with a brutal punch. Namjoon circled him his movements slow and deliberate as he examined the man before him. Jackson’s nose was bleeding, and he was dazed, but he made a move to get up, only to receive a savage kick to the rips sending him sprawling to the ground again.
Namjoon tsked staring down at him with disdain still circling him like a predator. Namjoon’s men were there in an instant pulling Jackson up and holding him on his knees as Namjoon stared him down. “I warned you, Jackson.” He sighed looking down at the man with something akin to disappointment, but there was a sick sort of glee in his eyes belied the fact that he was enjoying this far too much to be disappointed.
He sent another sharp hit to Jackson’s head followed swiftly by another.
“Stop it.” She shrieked pressed back against the railing. “Stop!”
But Namjoon ignored her sending another harsh hit to the man’s face. Yoongi and Hoseok held Jackson still, completely unbothered by the violence. Hoseok looked almost gleeful while Yoongi remained impassive, almost bored by it all.
“Stop it!” She shrieked again tears welling up in her eyes as she surged forward to take hold of Namjoon’s arm before he could throw another punch. Jackson was already bloody and bruised, and she didn’t want to see any more of it.  
“Please stop.” She whispered shivering in the night breeze. “Joonie, please.” He froze hearing the nickname.  He looked down at her in surprise eyes flitting over her features taking note of the distress displayed there. “Please, Joonie.” She whispered tightening her hold on his arm.
He sighed turning his attention back to the bloodied man. “Take him away. I never want to see his face here again.” His eyes narrowed dangerously as he lifted Jackson’s face up to look at him. “The next time you cross me, I won’t be so gracious.”
He turned then, back to Y/N while he wiped the blood from his hands with a handkerchief. “I think it’s time to retire, jagi.” He held out a hand, and she obediently took it allowing him to pull her into his side and lead her out of the pagoda.
She was shaking the whole way through the garden and back into the house. Namjoon ignored the guests trying to give them well wishes, focusing on bringing her back inside. He took her back to the master bedroom gently leading her into the walk-in closet where he carefully undid the zipper of her dress allowing her to step out of the heavy mass of fabric before draping the white robe that the attendants from earlier had her in over her shoulders.
He sat her down at the vanity pulling off her veil and setting it aside before setting to work on the myriad of pins that had been shoved into her hair that morning. He took his time, gently pulling out each pin and setting it on the vanity. Slowly, her head was released allowing her hair to tumble over her shoulders where Namjoon laid a trial of kisses over the fabric of the robe.
They hadn’t been intimate since that first time. He was frightened of setting her off, but tonight was different. Tonight was their wedding. Tonight she was his, and he had every intention of having her.
She stared at him in the mirror watching as he trailed kisses over her shoulders gently moving the robe away from her shoulder allowing it to catch at her elbows.
“You were absolutely radiant today.” He purred eyes meeting hers in the mirror. “A vision.” A kiss to the junction of her neck and shoulder. “A goddess.” Another kiss placed higher up. “Won’t you let me worship you, jagi?”
She nodded mutely, allowing him to pull her up and sweep her up into a bridal hold as he carried her into the bedroom dropping her onto the beds before crawling on top of her kissing a trail from her navel up. He straightened up straddling her waist as he removed his shirt before his hands came down ripping her bra in two throwing the ruined contraption away as she gasped at the unexpectedly brutal movement.
“Beautiful.” He growled leaning back down to lavish attention on her now exposed breasts.
He toyed with the flesh there, pulling, sucking biting watching in satisfaction as her breathing became heavier. She groaned as he delivered a sharp nip to the sensitive nub grinning from ear to ear as he trailed kissed back down her skin towards the apex of her thighs. He stopped when he reached the lacy edge of her panties, hooking a finger under the fabric and slowly pulling it down her legs before throwing it to meet her ruined bra and his shirt on the floor.
“Shhhh.” He cooed pressing his hands down on her thighs to keep her still as she began to shift nervously. He placed a wet kiss to the skin of her inner moving upwards towards his goal. “Let me make you feel good, jagi.” He ran a finger up her slit flicking her clit and reveling in the way she whimpered under his touch.
 “You’re hardly wet at all, jagi. We can’t have that, now can we?” He hummed sympathetically shooting her a predatory grin before burying his head between her thighs.
She gasped back arching off the bed at the first feel of his tongue against her clit. Marcus had never done this to her, but Namjoon seemed all too pleased to do it. He pressed his lips over her core, sucking her clit into his mouth as her body jerked a high pitched whine escaping her mouth. She could feel him grin against her. The smug bastard.
His tongue teased her clit, pleasure winding its way up her spine as he worked. His hands kept their grip on her thighs holding her in place as he continued teasing her, nipping and licking at her cunt and drinking up the arousal that was gathering there. Eventually one of his fingers came up teasing her slit as he worked over her clit before slipping inside her pulling another moan from her. He slowly thrust his fingertips in and out of her working her over before slipping in another finger and then another relishing the way she keened and moaned as he curled them within her pumping them in and out at a quicker pace bringing her closer and closer to her high before she came with a scream falling back against the mattress as she came down.
Namjoon didn’t stop there though. He continued to tease her ignoring her whines of protest as he sucked on her clit harshly fucking his fingers into her determined to make her cum again.  
“Namjoon!” She warbled out trying to push him away, oversensitivity taking hold pleasure bordering more on the side of pain now, but he growled pushing her hands away and continuing his assault until he felt her walls tighten around his fingers as she came again.
He sat up watching with satisfaction as she laid against the pillows dazed from the onslaught of two consecutive orgasms. “So beautiful.” He purred. “Look at you. So wet for me. My wife.” He swooped down taking her mouth in a harsh kiss that was more teeth than tongue, nipping her lip making her gasp. “Gonna fuck you full.” He growled. “Make you scream for me.”
“Namjoon.” She keened squirming underneath him trying to create some friction to ease the ache between her legs.
“I know, jagi.” He cooed slowly unbuckling his pants slipping them off all the while watching her with heavy lidded eyes. “Such a good girl for me.”
He settled himself between her legs rubbing his lengths over her folds coating himself in her slick, a low pleased growl escaping him. Her breath hitched as he pressed the tip of his cock into her entrance slowly pushing himself in until he was buried to the hilt letting her feel every inch of him. “You take me so well, jagi.” He moaned panting into the skin of her neck. 
He moved setting a brutal pace as his hips snapped against hers. “Namjoon!” She keened throwing her head back against the pillows. She may not have liked him, but even she had to admit he was an excellent lover. Marcus had never been so concerned about her pleasure, but Namjoon seemed to revel in it, pleased by his ability to make her moan his name despite her distaste for him.
With each thrust the tip of his cock brushed against her cervix slamming in and out of her until she was seeing stars. It wasn’t long until she felt the pressure building in her abdomen again, his cock filling her in all the right ways constantly hitting the spots that left her breathless.
“Fucking hell.” He groaned nipping at her neck. “You’re so fucking tight.”
She didn’t know how much longer she was going to last as his fingers came down to rub tight circles against her clit. She came with a high pitched scream of his name, followed not long after his pace stuttering as he released spurt after spurt of cum into her in quick succession.
He lied on top of her for a moment taking a moment to enjoy the feel of her heat around him before pulling out of her, his cum leaking out of her as he did. “I love you.” He whispered placing a light kiss to her lips. “I love you so fucking much.” Another kiss. “My wife.”
part 27
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babbysquid · 3 years
Not A Whiskey Drinker Pt. 4
Author’s Note: Okay so I got a bit carried away with this chapter but I couldn’t help myself so it’s about twice as long as previous chapters. This is where things really start to get more plot based so the story will really get moving from here. The way I’ve planned out the plot so far though it’ll be several chapters long so get buckled up!
Warnings: mild cursing, suggestive language, Jack “Whiskey” Daniels needs his own warning
Length: 2,586 words
Not A Whiskey Drinker Masterlist
“She almost broke the man’s arm Champ!” said Whiskey, phone to his ear.
“I don’t care. If you’re exaggerating this skill of hers she’ll be a liability.”
“She won’t be a liability!” Whiskey was seething at this point. Yes it had only been a few days, but somehow he had become protective over you. Seeing you twist the man’s arm back at the bar lit a fire somewhere deep inside his stomach. Whiskey heard a sigh through the phone.
“Fine. You’re training her and she’ll be your responsibility. Don’t fuck it up Whiskey.”
With that Champagne hung up. Whiskey was buzzing with excitement. With the combination of your quick wit and your apparent hand to hand combat skill you were definitely capable of becoming an agent with the Statesmen.
The ding of the elevator stirred Whiskey from his thoughts. Strutting out of his office he quickly caught up to you.
“Mornin’ Y/N. How’s my lovely little lady today?” you rolled your eyes and shook your head, continuing towards your office. Along with your normal bag you had also brought a tote bag that contained some office necessities. After setting your bags down you pulled out an electric tea kettle and made your way towards a shelf to find a spot for it.
“Y/N think fast!” came Whiskey’s voice as he threw the mug that sat on your desk. You quickly spun around and caught the mug before it could smash on the floor.
“You’re the absolute worst.”
“Not a coffee drinker either?” Whiskey said, eyeing the variety of teabags you pulled from your tote.
“Nope. Coffee is a slap in the face. Tea feels like a hug.”
Whiskey gave his standard full body laugh.
“You really are somethin’ darlin’.”
“Out.” you said, ushering him out of your space. “Come back if you need me.”
“Ya know if I didn’t know any better I’d say you’re the boss and I’m the assistant.” Whiskey leaned against the door frame as he said this.
“Whiskey…” you said with a grumble, trying to push him from the door, but the man wasn’t budging. Bending down he whispered in your ear,
“I am a mighty fan of switching up the dynamic every once in a while.” he said and you could almost feel his smirk against your skin.
“Out!” and you shut the door on his face.
‘I swear to god this man will be the death of me.’
The rest of the day was fairly standard. Random errands Whiskey needed, picking up lunch, sorting through notes, etc. The only difference between today and the previous was the fact that Whiskey kept throwing things at you any chance he got.
“So I organized these files and highlight all the—“ Before you could finish your sentence you looked up as a pen, a baseball, and a full bottle of whiskey were flying at you. Quickly you caught them all and managed to keep the files you were holding in your hands as well.
“Whiskey what the fuck?”
Initially it felt like Whiskey’s standard teasing, but at this point it was ridiculous and was getting on your nerves. If you didn’t catch the whiskey bottle it would’ve made a huge mess and you were most likely the one who would have to clean said mess.
“Wouldn’t have thrown ‘em if I knew you weren’t gonna catch ‘em.” said Whiskey from behind his desk, propping his feet up on the wood and stretching his arms behind his head.
You were too focused on the files when you entered his office that you didn’t realize Whiskey had taken off his blazer and tie. He was wearing his standard white dress shirt and some suspenders. He had the sleeves of his shirt rolled up to his elbows and you couldn’t help but stare at his tanned arms. You didn’t realize how much muscle the man had. You shook your head.
“Why do you keep throwing shit at me?”
“Oh darlin’,” Whiskey stood up and pulled the bottle of whiskey and the baseball out of your hands, set them down on his desk and leaned on the wooden table. “just testing your reflexes and reaction time.”
“Ginger was right.”
“Hmm?” said Whiskey, pulling his suspenders off his shoulders and popping open the bottle of whiskey. You stared as he brought the bottle to his lips. His Adam’s apple bobbed up and down as he took a swig. He licked his lips and you felt a shiver run through your body.
“I’m waiting darlin’.” he said with a smirk. He knew you were staring. He had made sure you were staring.
“She said you were a character.”
“I have been called larger than life.”
“Uh, anyways here are the files.” Reaching out to hand the files to your boss, his hand met yours and once again the two of you froze. The only movement coming from the room was the rise and fall of your chests and Whiskey’s thumb making slow circles on the back of you hand.
“Jack I— oh.”
You immediately moved your hand and Whiskey took the files from you at the sound of Ginger’s voice.
“Sorry.” said Ginger, giving you an apologetic look. “Champ gave me some…” Ginger paused, looking for the right word. “updates — classified updates — that you need to hear Jack.”
“Guess that’s my cue.” you said, making your way out of the office.
“Get home safe Y/N.” said Whiskey giving you a smile. Your heart fluttered in response.
‘Stop. You cannot have feelings for your boss. Especially Whiskey.’
It was finally Friday after work and to say you were exhausted was an understatement. The rest of the week had been pretty straightforward minus some odd behavior from Whiskey. He continued to randomly throw things at you or ask seemingly random questions.
‘How quickly can you run a mile?’
‘About 7 and a half minutes.’
‘Ever got in a fist fight?’
‘No, but I’ve prevented some from starting.’
‘How flexible are you?’
That question you decided to ignore. There was one question, however, that kept replaying in your mind over and over again.
‘Have you ever shot a gun?’
When he asked the question you stopped in your tracks. Sure he was from the South so he most definitely had experience with firearms but you? Nope. Frankly, guns scared the shit out of you. Why did he want to know?
‘No. My dad and brother would go to shooting ranges occasionally but never took me. But if they asked I would’ve said no.’
You pondered his reasoning for all these questions as you took a shower. The questions could’ve been an attempt to get to know you better but they were nothing along the lines of ‘where did you grow up?’ ‘do you have any pets?’ or ‘what’s your favorite color?’. You were stirred from your thoughts by a knock at the door.
“One second!” you called, stepping out of the shower and pulling a towel around yourself. You rushed to the door leaving a small trail of wet footprints behind you.
“You really had the audacity to knock while I was—“
“Well aren't you a sight for sore eyes.” came a thick accent. Your eyes widened immediately and you swallowed.
“You gonna let me in darlin’?”
You were too shocked to do anything other than follow his request. Stepping aside to allow him to enter you shut the door behind you.
“Nice place. Nice getup too.” he said with a wink.
You were suddenly hyperaware of the current state of your appearance. Your hair was dripping wet and you were naked other than a much too small towel wrapped around yourself. Your boss (your very attractive boss) was in your apartment and you were essentially naked.
“One second.” you said, and ran back to the bathroom to change into the clean clothes you pulled from your closet before. Throwing on your sleep shorts and a large shirt you stormed out of the bathroom to confront Whiskey.
“Firstly, how the hell did you get my address and secondly, why the fuck are you here?”
“Firstly,” said Whiskey, putting his hands on your shoulders attempting to make you calm down. “I told you we did a background check. And secondly,” he guided the two of you over to your small couch and placed a plastic bag on your coffee table. “I brought dinner.” You narrowed your eyes and glared at him.
“What is it?” your voice still tinged with anger.
After a minute you responded.
“Okay fine you can stay.”
Whiskey took several boxes of sushi out of the bag and all your favorites were there. Your mind was doing flips to figure out much all this costed. Sushi was not cheap, especially from the restaurant he got it from.
“How’d you know sushi is my favorite?”
“Background checks.”
“Okay now I can’t tell if you’re joking or not.” Whiskey just gave you a smile and dug into the food. The two of you ate in silence. While scarfing down your sushi as politely as possible, it had been a long time since you had your favorite food, you observed the man next to you. He still had his black Stetson and black cowboy boots, but his slacks and blazer had been replaced by some tight fitting jeans and a matching denim jacket. The same camel coat he wore when you first met was hanging on the hook on the back of your door.
“Those gears in your head are turning darlin’.”
“Why’d you actually come here? I doubt it was just to buy me dinner.”
“Straight to business sugar? I do have to admit you’re not wrong about my intentions.” Whiskey pulled off his hat and sat it down on the coffee table. A hand went up to smooth his hair down and he turned to face you directly, a serious look on his face.
“As you’ve probably noticed Statesman Brewery is… different. We are a brewery but we’re also something more. First and foremost we are a secret independent intelligence agency.”
You choked and almost inhaled the gulp of water you were swallowing.
“I know it’s bizarre darlin’ but please don’t hurt yourself,” he said, placing a hand on your knee. “even if I wouldn’t mind doing some CPR on a catch such as yourself.” You gave him the standard look you gave him when he said these types of comments. “I wasn’t just throwing shit at you to scare you and those questions I asked? Bit of a verbal test if you will.”
“Okay now tell me the actual truth.”
“I’m serious Y/N.” his eyes darkened slightly. “You have the makings to be an agent.”
“And you think that because I caught some random crap you threw at me and because I can run a mile slightly faster than the average person?” you leaned against the couch, arms crossed. Whiskey seemed serious about what he was saying, but you weren’t fully convinced yet.
“You were at The Parking Lot on Tuesday.”
“Okay what the fuck are you stalking me now? More ‘background check’ stuff?” you said, making air quotes with your fingers.
“That was pure coincidence. Promise on my late mama’s soul.” Whiskey raised a hand and traced an ‘X’ over his heart. “I saw that ungodly man try to have his way. Was close to stopping things myself before I saw you twist his arm around his back. You were faster than a jackrabbit.”
“You saw that?”
“Sugar, the whole bar saw it. But even if the bar didn’t, I still would’ve. The second I saw you and your friend walk in, well, let’s just say I wasn’t interested in watching the football game anymore.”
Whiskey had been watching you. He saw you act fast and save yourself from that dick at the bar. Subconsciously you pulled your shoulders back and your heart swelled with pride.
“You showed him who’s boss.” Whiskey winked, repeating the phrase that seemed to keep coming up.
“Okay okay so let me get this straight. You’re some sort of secret agent, whose coverup is a business man in the alcohol industry.”
“So far so good sugar.”
“And you’re suggesting that I join this secret intelligence agency?”
“Not so much suggesting as I am insisting but other than that you’re right on the money.”
“Did you hire me as your assistant with the intent of offering me a position as an agent?”
“That, darlin’, was all you. You impressed me that night. Spoke to Champ and Ginger about it and convinced them that you’d be a good agent.”
“Champ and Ginger are agents too?” Your eyes widened. “Is Sara the receptionist one too?” Whiskey laughed at this question and your curiosity.
“No Sara is not an agent. Only a handful of people in the New York and California offices are agents. The rest of them are at the Kentucky branch.”
You paused thinking about your next question and looked down at your hands. You couldn’t help but fidget, anxious about how Whiskey would answer the next question.
“And what if I say no?”
“That’s not really an option.”
You swallowed hard and looked back up to meet Whiskey’s eyes. He had a serious look, but that seriousness slowly melted into something softer. Hope? Encouragement? Something else? He shifted on the couch so his knees touched yours.
“I have seen what you can do. You’ve got reflexes like a cat, almost broke a man’s arm.”
“He deserved it.” you grumbled.
“No arguments there darlin’. You have what it takes. Sure you’re gonna need training and whatnot but you’ll get the best of the best at Statesman. Besides, you’ll have the top teacher we have to offer. Me.” There was that million dollar smile again.
“Okay initially I was on board, but after hearing that I’ll have to spend more time with you? Kill me or dispose of me or whatever the ‘not option’ option is.” You jumped at the intense laugh that came out of the man in front of you.
“Darlin’ you’re breaking my heart.”
“And you’re breaking my sanity.” you rolled your eyes and started to put away leftovers from dinner. When you closed the door to the fridge you heard Whiskey’s voice in your ear.
“You haven’t said no.”
You turned around, practically chest to chest with Whiskey.
“Doesn’t really feel like I have a choice cowboy.” giving him a smirk. Whiskey reached around your waist to grab a pen that was on the kitchen counter. It felt like he was cornering you, but something inside you welcomed it. Whiskey scribbled on the notepad that sat next to the pen, ripped the page off, and pressed the paper into your palm.
“Pack your stuff for a week long trip. Meet me at that location on Monday morning at 6am.”
With that Whiskey turned and grabbed his coat and hat, making his way to the door.
“Sweet dreams darlin’.” he said, tipping his hat and closing the door behind him. You glanced down at the paper. His handwriting was much nicer than you were expecting. All that was on the paper was an address located in a really nice part of the city and a phone number. You could only assume it was Whiskey’s cell phone number. The only other thing on the paper was a small heart with a ‘W’ inside it. You didn’t want to acknowledge it, but seeing that doodle made warmth spread across your chest.
taglist:  @absurdthirst @space-daddy-owns-me @agentwhiskeypussyindulgence @littlemissoblivious @agingerindenial @mack4676 @loveforminato @thats-one-tender-foot @xwingsandohs @purplepascal042 @harami-mami @nova646 @lesbianlena @computeringturtle @cassandras-nest
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oxhaven · 3 years
Kawaakari : Last Light On The River
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➹ description - sequel to kawaakari | samurai!yongguk comes back to your lonely town but it seems he has his mind on other things. You’re distraught on what to do and how to feel but it still remains, who will you serve?
➹ pairing - samurai!yongguk x reader as oc(yeji)  
➹ rated - M for mature | 18+ | NSFW
➹ genre - NSFW | smut | angst | edo period japan | samurai!au
➹ word count - 5k
➹ warnings - this is smut | profanity | NSFW | 18+ | unprotected intercourse | drunk sex | alcohol | bad representation of the edo period | tattoos
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You could see the mirage of sweltering heat lining the orange dirt path. People lined up in front of their stores and even customers and passerby's stayed towards the side to keep the path open for the royal carriages coming forward in the distance. Their loud gossip turned into hushed whispers as the carriages came closer, seeing samurai in full armor leading the extravagant royal display that was pulled by finely dressed servants.
You scoffed to yourself, folding your arms over your kimono as you watched the applause and cheers begin for the presence of the king in your humble town. He had returned from meeting with some diplomats on the other part of the district, and purposely rode through town to flaunt his power over the people. You were proven to be correct, the gold rimmed door swinging open with the sight of a black covered leg kicking out before the sun gave light to the recognizable grace of the King himself.      
Bodies crowded together just to get a glimpse of the King make his way down the dirt path in the gold court carriage that two servant men pulled from the front. His fine gold and black robes hung from his pale body loosely, leading up to the small flawless face except for the single scar over his eye. His joyous laugh roared over the cheers of people pushing amongst themselves to wave at the King. You recognized the red tint in his cheeks and half closed eyes, his body staggering in the entrance of the carriage as his hand grabbed hold of his falling crown, the hanging beads crashing against each other.  
Ah, he’s already drunk. And in a good mood.
You had served the King with feminie company a few unfortunate times during past summers where he called upon your sisters. Head mistress never passed up the opportunity to offer the King her services, making you and the rest of your sisters dress your best and head to the castle to dine with the Emperor. It was uncomfortable and stomach churning, the deadly rumors about the King refusing to leave your head. King Yoongi was known as a tyrant, torturer, and sick bastard who took pleasure in every form of pain. You were proven right with the suffocating tension when you all settled into the dining room, the men keeping their hands off the ladies until King Yoongi flicked his wrist; permission granted to enjoy the feast and wine. The mood only lightened when your sisters got enough wine in him, a more comfortable expression on his face that was able to make you loosen up as well.
You remembered the many parties you attended like that for the King, making sure to keep a safe distance away from him as he served his men that he granted to join his events. You managed to avoid the many summonses this summer to serve the King, passing the responsibility onto your sisters as you settled for laundry duty. Serving the King meant more money; ten chickens, five pigs and a goat you could send back home for your sickly mother but you couldn’t handle that much murderous tension in a room, it was too much on your heart. You took on basic work back at the oiran with the other men that frequented the shop but you mainly helped out with errands such as these. Trying to gather fruit in the market that now was bombarded with attention to the King rolling through. You sighed out in annoyance though you kept a safe distance hidden away in the crowd, taking in the sight of the foolish King about to fall out of his carriage. You noticed the many samurai surrounding him, raising an eyebrow to their armor cladded bodies and stone faces as they led the way towards the castle. They definitely garnered attention to themselves, making you wonder what entailed during the meeting with the noble diplomats.
You watched the carriage continue to move forward, the many townspeople following the gold display in hopes that he would drop some gold coins for them. You shook your head, wondering if you should pack some extra unpaid fruit in your bag since no one was planning to do their jobs today. You moved to head back to the stalls but quickly stopped in your tracks with eyes going wide.
There were still more men coming, but you recognized this attire on instant. They didn’t wear bulky armor like the samurai in front, but you knew these guys were the real deal with their black robes and glimpses of the familiar crest on their bodies. The group of them followed behind with a significant distance between the carriage, greeting the people as they came by.
Your eyes scanned the group of men, searching out the person that you begged your mind to remember. Remember the appearance, the distinct features, call back on the love you once shared.
It was as if time had slowed, the glimpse of the black hair being pushed back with a tan hand, long fingers getting lost in the black locks before they moved to the back of his neck to massage the tense muscles. You recognized his thick eyebrows, above those dark eyes you could get lost in if you stared for too long. You recognized the nose, pink full lips and the peek of the assorted tattoos along his body right underneath his neck being hidden by his black robe. You recognized it all, drinking him in as quickly as possible before you dared to utter his name.
Your mouth didn’t even fall all the way open before you were roughly pushed aside, screaming women mingling in the group to convince the samurai to take a chance on them. If it wasn’t for your eyes frantically searching for Yongguk again you would have knocked this heavy basket of fruits on each of their hands and started a brawl.
You managed to find him again in the larger crowd, only for your face to fall with the sight of the many women between his arms. A tiny hope of him acting a bit humble, pushing them aside and focusing on his own task at hand. Instead he welcomed the attention, heated bodies against his own as his mouth moved saying something to rile the girls up in a fit of giggles.
You didn’t notice the way your body quivered or the tears stinging your eyes making them grow red. The basket of fruit that you carried suddenly grew too heavy on your arm, intense wave of emotions filling your chest as you watched his head tilt downward, red painted lips beside his ear as a girl whispered something you assumed to be words of desire, a slight smirk on his face before his eyes darted up to catch yours.
A breath hitched in your throat as you rapidly blinked, feeling hot streams of liquid burning a path down your cheeks. You staggered back as you swallowed a building lump in your throat, unable to read the look in his eyes as he continued to look at you. You finally found your footing to quickly turn around in the direction back to the oiran.  
“Yeji-ah, you can’t stay like this forever.”
You muffled your sobs into the satin pillow you buried your face in, your body shaking with the cries you let out as you laid on the fluffy futon underneath you. Your friend sighed in the mirror, carefully drawing a winged line over her eyelid as she painted her face with the make-up on the table.
“Crying all night isn’t going to do you any good.” she tutted, not sparing your form a glance as she continued her work in the mirror.
The night air that came in through the open windows was cool on your hot skin from a very long soak in the bath that you spent crying in there too. You still had more sobs in you to get out, believing that this broken heart was never to be healed.
“I will cry for many more then.” you drawled, moving your smushed face to the side and finally breathing in some fresh air.
“You can’t do that~, you have work to do.”
You raised up your heavy body on your arms, pushing yourself up into a sitting position with legs crossing over. You wiped your nose with the back of your hand and pulled the snot back in with a sniff, hearing your friend make a small noise of disgust.
“I waited and waited for him to return back to me. I worked so hard even though I missed him so much.” You whined with another sniff, your numb heart being hit with another wave of sadness mingled with jealousy as the memory of the woman whispering in his ear flashed in your head again. “He’s a sleazy bastard. I should have listened to him the first time he said not to pursue him. I hope the gods give him what he deserves and-”
A hard smack against the table made you keep quiet, peeking up at your co-worker who was finally looking at you with a kind smile and freshly painted face. “This is not the Yeji I know.”
You made a noise of surprise when she hopped out of the chair and toppled over you, wrapping her arms around your form in a tight hug making you groan. Her hands clasped your face, mushing your cheeks together as she made you turn your attention on her.
“I’m not going to sit here and say I told you so because I already did but you can’t keep ruining this beautiful face with tears for a man.” You blinked at her, your smushed face making pout as your eyebrows knitted close together. Her mouth turned into a brilliant smile, playful eyes sparking with mischief.
“I heard the yamazaki is dining in a bar near the castle, and it’s going to be a very fun party.”
Your head began to shake with denial but her tight clasp kept you still as she continued, “How about we go stir it up a bit more, and I’ll give you a makeover that’ll make every man drop to their knees before you get through the door.”
You blinked at her, your voice coming out muffled, “But Yongguk will be there.”
“That’s precisely why you’re going my love.”
“I don’t want to see women on his arm.”
“And he probably doesn’t want to see his men drooling all over you. But that’s what’s going to happen. And you will take back your pride and ego and show him the power of a courtesan that can kill men and women with her appeal.”  
There was a long pause between the two of you, her words settling in before her eyes smiled at you and she smacked a kiss on your lips. She released her hold on you and moved to return back to her seat, giving you the option to let her help you or not. You didn’t really like the idea of going out to a party, much less know that Yongguk was going to be there giving other women attention. Your emotions were unstable; the idea of having to let go of a lost love you’ve waited so long for that you changed your whole demeanor to that of a young girl being married off to a fine prince. Thus, this fine prince ended up being a sordid asshole who had no morals. Though, you couldn’t hold back the excitement in your heart, a little piece of yourself coming back. The look on his face when he saw you in all your glory and unfazed attitude proving two could play this game. And you wanted the last laugh.    
That’s what it means to work in Oiran.
Adrenaline coursed through your veins, mixed in with the couple cups of wine you downed to get you going. You took extra care in getting ready as fast as you could before the night wasn’t young anymore. You dressed in the finest gowns you could borrow, a kiss to your forehead from the headmistress as she prompted you to bring back customers since you weren’t making any money. Her nose wrinkled in disappointment but she let you and your sister go, holding hands as your laughter filled the night along with whistles of approval from men passing by. There were more people frequenting the district up near the castle, probably due to the King throwing another extravagant party to himself. But you made sure not to go too close, recognizing the famous bar you and your friend were headed towards that was lit up with joyous noise.  
You squeezed the hand in yours a little tighter, your friend sparing you a glance as you held your head a bit higher, moving along the path towards the entrance of the bar. You heard the catcalls and whistles, men already falling to their knees to capture your attention like withered flowers. A naughty smile played on your lips, the fire lit lights from the windows shining on your face as you stepped in, your presence being made known by the men who were fascinated with your beauty. Donned in silk red and white robes, shoulders and neck exposed the cool summer air as your hair was pinned up in a messy bun with fringes of your hair coming down to tickle your exposed skin.  
You glanced around, already gaining company as paid drinks were offered to you before you could even find a seat. Your friend and you loved to play a game of hard-to-get, only showing each other attention as men tried to get in between. Your eyes scanned the bar in search of the bastard you had your mind on all this time, biting down on your glossed bottom lip as your brown eyes searched through the yamazaki men.  
Indeed you found him in the hazy smoked corner of the bar, giggling women at his feet and pouring him drink after drink, even feeding him a chicken teriyaki. He seemed to have noticed you first, dark eyes boring into yours as a red tint washed over your body. You cleared your throat and looked back at your drink in hand, throwing your head back as you let the burning liquid course down your throat.  
A few more men sat at the table with you and your co-worker, compliments and words of desire already spewing from their mouths as you turned your work switch on. As a maiden who pleases men this was the same exact scenario, but instead of money you were earning Yongguk’s attention.
“What’s your name, pretty girl?”
This one had caught your eye, among the others that your co-worker was keeping entertained he had his dark eyes on you. You scanned him over, being surprisingly reminded of Yongguk as you took his features in. Tan skin, thick eyebrows, short black hair and an adorable smile that made his eyes smaller. He was much more giggly, his body leaning towards yours as you rested a hand against his chest to steady him. “Yeji.”
He chuckled foolishly, “Nice to meet you, pretty girl. Name’s Himchan.”
You chuckled to yourself, laughing at his drunken actions as you watched him take a bottle of liquor out of the hand of his companion beside him, not even sparing him a glance at his flustered face. He poured the liquid into your cup, up to the very rim before he did the same with his own.
You could feel heat against the nape of your neck as you took your cup into your hands again, carefully bringing the rim to your plush lips and drinking down the alcohol. Your face scrunched over as the strong alcohol filled your senses, making your body shiver. Himchan watched your actions closely, all the while letting his hand creep up your leg. The rough hand trailing up your thigh exposed more of your skin, his face leaning in as his tongue wet his pink lips ready to press against-
You watched his face fly onto the table, his hand torn away from your body as you held back a sudden scream. Himchan was out cold before he could even put up a fight, his body slumped against the table. Your head spun to the side, seeing Yongguk stand tall over you with a hand rubbing over the knuckles of his fist.  
Both of your attention was turned to the loud roar of one of his men, seeing the rest of the bar had taken notice of what went down. The large man staggered before dragging a bottle of one of the wooden tables, swinging it back over his shoulder before throwing it towards Yongguk. He dodged expertly, the wasted booze splattering over the wall as the rest of the bar went into an uproar. Yongguk had spurred on a drunken brawl, the yamazaki men beginning to fight amongst themselves.
Fists were flying in each other’s faces as women screamed and moved to get away. You stumbled back, pushing away the heavy bodies that threatened to collide into you as you searched out for your friend. Your search was short-lived, a familiar rough hand wrapping around your wrist and pulling you out.
A rush of fresh air hit your heated face as you welcomed the outside, gathering your loose robes with your other free hand. You stared at the back of the man pulling you away from the bar, an ocean of mixed emotions washing over your body as you searched for your voice.  
He didn’t even spare you a glance, continuing to drag you along to wherever he was going.
“Stop!” you let out again with a shaky voice, attempting to pull your arm back but his grip proved stronger.
“My fucking arm, stop!!”
You collided into his body abruptly, his familiar scent filling your senses as you instinctively grabbed his body. You didn’t have time to gather your bearings, your head being tilted back with a possessive hand in the back of your hair and pulling it down. Soft lips met your own and it took every muscle to tighten over for you not to melt. His lips were firm but needy, kissing you just like you imagined you would when the two of you were granted to meet again.
You heard a growl rip from his throat the same time his other free hand clutched around the fabric on your chest. Your heart skipped at the thought of him ripping your garments off of you when you were still outside, but he controlled himself as he released it and let his hand trail up your heart skin to wrap gently around your neck.
He pulled away from your lips much to your disappointment, the hand on your neck keeping you in place as your eyes fluttered open.
He looked just as completely entranced as you probably looked to him, holding each other’s stares as your breaths mingled together in the short distance. He dragged his hand down from your neck, stepping back with his hand now in yours before leading you off again to a nearby ryokan. The both of you hurried in, ignoring the judging eyes of the innkeeper who recognized the face of the yamazaki. Yongguk led you down to a room, guiding you in and shutting the door behind the two of you.  
You brought him into your arms, leaning up to kiss him like you did before with more desire as you fought with robes on your body. He pushed you down, falling onto the floor and silently thanking that there was already a soft futon set up underneath you. He didn’t stray too far from your body, kissing you hungrily before dragging his lips down your neck.  
You had played this out in your head a trillion times, thinking of all the different ways this could go. But now here you were, unable to do anything with your hands as they scratched and pulled on his body trying to anchor yourself with the pleasure and emotions your body was experiencing.  
He managed to suck a few red patches over your neck and chest, already putting claim on you as his lips trailed down further. Your silk robes were no match for his steady hands putting shame to the hard time you were having earlier. You couldn’t decide if his kisses were hot against your skin or if your body was so hot that his kisses were cooling you down. Either way he had reached down to a region that needed him the most, your thighs spreading on instinct for him.
A finger dipped into your pool, swirling about before he pulled it up to the light revealing a sheen of wetness on his digit. His dark eyes caught yours in a heated gaze, making sure you watched him take his middle finger into his mouth, sucking it clean. You moaned wantonly at the sight, quickly biting it back with a whine in fear of your loudness.
He watched his head dive in, feeling his tongue against your slick folds as he licked up hungrily. You covered your mouth in silent scream, feeling his tongue quickly work into rhythm that circled around your folds and lapped up to flick your clit.
You pressed your hand against your mouth tighter, the noise in your throat finding its way out as your lips mouthed curses into your palm. Your free hand found it way into his hair, but he quickly pulled your grasp into his own hand and held on securely. His tongue dipped into your hole, pushing it in as far as it would go making your walls sputter in desire for more length, more girth, and more heat. Your legs were a quivering mess as he lapped you up, altering with his tongue going inside you in a mocking gesture of what was soon to come.
You had needed this. Badly.
Your robes were beginning to stick to your body though you were quite exposed to the air that began to fill with sex. You almost couldn’t take it when his mouth wrapped around your rosebud, sucking into his mouth and letting his tongue swirl around making you scream into your hand. You began to buck into his mouth, wanting even more of the pleasure you didn’t know what to do with.
He swirled his tongue over your pussy a few more times, a squelching noise filling the room shamefully as you whined to mask over the sound. Disappointment washed over you when he moved away, only to clench your walls at the sight of him sitting on the back of his heels, loosening the tie around his yukata.
Your eyes darted down as his robe opened up gracing you with the sight of his tan skin, toned body that was donning fresh new battle scars since the last you’ve seen of him. Nothing caught your eyes more than the hard meat standing at attention. You didn’t notice your legs were quivering in anticipation until his hands were underneath your thighs, pushing them back to fold over your torso. The concept of time had escaped from you not knowing if Yongguk was moving too fast or too slow as your eyes strained to watch him the pitch of darkness. You realized you didn’t need to when you could feel it, feel the head of his cock at your entrance coating itself in your wetness all the more making that same shameful sound.    
He was pushing himself in before you knew it, making a lustful noise tear from your throat as you stared up at him with eyes losing focus. You heard hiss out a curse, something about the tightness as he permitted his dick to go in deeper.
Claim you.
He held the back of your knees firmly, letting them shake in his hold as he guided his cock to go inside of you. He was so large, too thick for you to take in all at once. He knew this, which is why he pulled back to push in more slowly earning another fucked out whine from your throat. The two of you continued on like that until he was satisfied with what length you could take, pulling his hips back and experimentally snapping back in. Your body took the move well, coating his dick in a sheen of wetness as he built up a steady, slow rhythm. Even though your body was taking it well the pleasure was too much for you to handle. It had been so long since the last time for you never dared to have sex with another man if it wasn’t Yongguk. No amount of fantasizing and masturbating prepared you for this as you held onto his wrists so you wouldn’t lose yourself to the pleasure.
Yongguk watched his dick slip inside you, picking up speed as you took more of his length. Your wells sputtered over his girth, the tightness coaxing him to spill himself so early in the act. He chased the temptation away, snapping his hips into your own until his trance broke with your noise breaking into a high pitch. He whispered a soft apology, before returning to a bearable pace and letting his eyes scan over your body. You were a mess that was all his, in a shameful position that opened up just for him. You couldn’t hold himself back from picking up speed again, wanting to hear more of the noises spilling from your mouth. You were calling upon the gods, not bothering to hold back your wanton sounds as you spurred Yongguk on. You ignored the soreness in your legs as he pushed them back further, letting his body hover over you as he slammed his cock into your squelching pussy. Your eyes rolled back as you begged for it, making sure to tighten your walls over him everytime he came down.  
He cursed aloud before falling back onto his knees, halting his movements as he gained a tighter grip on the back of your knees. His dick slipped in and out of you, a slower pace than before though you weren’t complaining. The oncoming feeling of heat building in your lower stomach made you whine, as you reached out uselessly for Yongguk.
He stared down at your pleading expression, messy hair sticking to the sides of your face, lustful eyes begging out, “Make it last...please, make it last.”
You whispered the words over and over, listening to the growl that tore from his throat as he disciplined himself to keep a steady pace as he felt your walls squeeze over his cock. Your orgasm washed over in waves, a gurtled moan of his name as your eyes rolled back and curses spewed from your shameful mouth. You choked on a whine when he picked up speed, your sore legs falling to his sides as he released them and his hands fell between you. You listened to his mingled grunts and moans as he fucked you like he wanted. You wrapped your heavy arms around him, letting your mouth trail kisses along his neck and whispered dirty nothings into the air just for him to hear. He cursed loudly, quickly pulling out and emptying himself on the lower part of your stomach. You felt the hot spurts of liquid on your skin, the act of it almost turning you on again.
He fell over you again, welcoming his body in open arms as a tired smile played on your face. The both of you were spent and sleep was calling to you but the excitement of being with Yongguk after so long kept you up. You traced pictures into his back, your mind racing with the things you wanted to say to him.
You felt the weight on your body raise off of you, a look of surprise donning your features as you watched him gather his robe to cover him again and move away from your body. You quickly sat up, pulling your own silk to cover your body as you silently watched his back turn to you.
“So we have sex and that’s it? No I’ve missed you or this is where I’ve been this whole time?”
He was silent to your shaky questions, a hand coming up to rub the back of his neck. “You’ll be safe here tonight. Go home in the morning.”
You scoffed in disbelief, a familiar twinge in your heart as you blurted, “You’re a sleazy bastard. You take all the women you want and throw them away after one night. If I didn’t show up tonight it would probably be another woman in here with you wouldn’t there?”
“Stop it.” his deep voice gently commanded, his back still turned to you as anger welled up inside.
“I’ve waited all this time for you and the first thing you do when you get back is play with some prostitutes and ignore me? When were you going to make time for me!?” Your voice was much louder, enough to wake up other possible guests in the inn. Your mouth pressed closed when he turned around with a harsh stare until you realized what was being held in them. Your jaw trembled as you felt your eyes burn, hoping to get the rest of it out in a clear voice.  
“Did you forget about everything between us?”
You stared each other down for a long while, refusing to break eye contact in fear that if you did it meant he no longer carried those feelings for you. You blinked when he moved towards you, a hand on the back of your neck pulling you to the lips that placed a soft kiss on your head.
“Keep your feelings close to your heart. Don’t let anyone else see what’s inside.”
You gasped when you felt the tight tension on your neck make a snap, your consciousness quickly going out and sleep welcoming you home.
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