#Manifesting with depression
burrowedhydra · 15 days
I think I have realized something absolutely vital when it comes to manifesting with a brain thats often feels "dysfunctional" due to disability or mental health issues and can make you feel alienated from other advice or the loassumption community in general.
Anything that is "holding you back" is a circumstance. And what do we know about circumstances? They dont matter.
You cannot keep your toughts in control bc you have adhd and keep getting distracted? You have autism and you don't know if you understood everything right or if there's some hidden feeling you have yet to look for? Circumstance. Doesn't matter. Whatever you did, counted in favor of your manifestation, even if something distracted you during your technique
You have BPD or severe trauma and spiral every time you think about your end goal? Nope, the bad thoughts didn't count, you did absolutely amazing.
You cannot even begin your techniques because of executive dysfunction? Who the hell needs techniques anyways! Every breath your lungs have taken since you learned about manifestation has done nothing else but take you closer and closer to your success story.
You have depression and cannot even keep a happy thought and feel it real even tho that's supposed to manifest? Nah. Not true. Whatever technique you did and mindset that you decided for with whatever effort, completely fucking worked.
You are overthinking the fact that you're overthinking and worried if mere worry will mess up your manifestation? Nope. Your unfavorable thoughts are a circumstance, they don't matter in manifestation.
Notice anything in your head that goes against your pure intention and call them what they are: circumstances, not negative, not positive, but insignificant to the outcome.
Im not saying this do downplay lived experience here. You are allowed to experience pain, but said pain does not have the ability to control your outcomes. They can hurt like hell, I know, but they messed up NOTHING IN YOUR PROGRESS. Your godself cannot be bound by the circumstance of flesh. I'm saying this to liberate you from the thought pattern that makes you think your circumstances are so unique that they surely have to matter. Nope, they don't . No mental health issue nor disability is holding you back. Literally nothing is. Not you "not doing it right". You are not born to just suffer through the 3d, even if the manifesting community forgets about your unique experience and feels a bit alienating because of it. You are doing it right. You are doing it perfectly. Congratulations.
Well done, sweetheart. You did well. Welcome back to your power, God.
May you use all that power for good.
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vixensofdeath · 8 months
I wish my reality would be as good as my delusions
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chai-ky · 4 months
Me: I'm over TMA, haven't thought about it in years
The Magnus Protocol: *exists*
Me: ... Fuck TMA was really fucking good huh
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adviceformefromme · 4 days
Please take note that everything you consume is affecting your energy. The Netflix series you're binging on, the words in the songs you listen to, the news you consume, the conversations you have, the foods you eat….It’s all impacting your energy field. So my question today is what are you allowing into your life that is keeping you in the gutter? If you’re suffering with anxiety, depression, feeling like crap, feeling insecure, what exactly are you doing to protect your energy? How far are you willing to go to keep your energy safe and guarded from those low vibration energies that are coming for you daily?…Are you willing to stop complaining about everything wrong in your life as you open your mouth each day? Are you willing to consume foods that make you feel nourished? Are you willing to switch off the news so you don’t take on the problems of the world and feel helpless? Protecting your energy is crucial for survival and happiness in this world, your energy deserves to be protected. You deserve to feel happy, to feel good, and it starts with you saying no. Saying no where possible to the things that are bringing you down…just a little thought of the day. 
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poeticsapphicism · 10 months
if barbie belonged to GLORIA and she lived in a DREAMHOUSE does that make barbie gloria’s DREAM GIRL ??
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shiningirl · 10 months
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darkcrowprincess · 18 days
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I miss my dog so much it hurts.. some days less than others.. but i went out on a walk today. Along an empty beach. He loved beaches. And places he could sprint along..
Then i saw a cloud that looked just like his fur.. and i knew. I knew he’s still with me. In some other universe.. he’s still happy and running in the water after anything i would throw his way.
Fuck i miss him…
I lost him…
I will get him back.
What is lost isn’t gone.. it is simply waiting to be found again.
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mountainhaunt · 4 months
forever envious of the bipolar types that have euphoric mania. what do you mean you don't purely feel irate and paranoid and restless the whole time? what do you mean it feels good and you long for it when it's away?? where is ur rage? where is ur depersonalization?? what is this natural high of which u speak
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proseka-headcanons · 4 months
Heyyyyyyy it's way late and I shouldn't be trusted to say shit buttttt
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Ena means so much to me if she existed when I was a kid I would not be half as fucked up as I am today she is just like me frfr
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adviceformefromme · 3 months
What is that little voice in your head telling you on a day to day? Is it kind, sweet and supportive? Is it judgemental as hell, pushing you like a strict mother, making you feel as though nothing you do is ever good enough? Does it whisper how beautiful you are in the mirror as you wash your hands or point out the acne you're desperately trying to get rid of? Your inner voice is the soundtrack to your daily life and needs to be on your side, like a best friend, not your worst enemy. But how do you shift your inner voice from cruel to kind? I actually had to do this last week. I felt like nothing I was doing was good enough, especially as I'm in a chapter of self-growth. It was exhausting me. Thoughts like, your clothes are terrible, you desperately need botox, your bank balance is in the gutter, you need to do more, be more, become more...you are not good enough.My inner world was literally dragging me down day in day out. Full to the brim of judgmental thoughts. It was fucking exhausting. So what did I do to shift the gears ? 1] I noticed what was going on - this might happen immediately, but you could also be living with negative inner chatter for months if not years. So if you’re feeling icky and in a low vibe state take some time out to become aware, this means sitting in silence, or a guided meditation to take you out of your head. This little mental break will give your inner critic some rest bite so the real you can see what the hell has been going on. 
2] I journaled, I wrote and wrote and wrote. I know journalling is not for everyone, but if you can. Just start asking yourself some questions mine was something like ‘why is nothing I do enough, I am trying my best, I really am, why is nothing I do is ever enough’ after some digging, the answers always reveal themselves. 
3] Make a new pact with yourself to be kinder and more loving. I wrote myself a little love letter and decided I will be kinder. I will be more loving, I went deep and used examples of how and this worked like magic. It’s been a week already and my inner voice is more gentle and loving. 
Sometimes a little check in with yourself to re-align is all that’s needed. 
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lua-magic · 8 months
The opposite of depression is not happiness but vitality.
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butchjolyne · 10 months
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im so heavy in your arms
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becomingitgirll · 1 month
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POV : day in the live of 20 years old lonely girl
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darkcrowprincess · 18 days
Mike Wheeler:
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Also Mike Wheeler( mainly through season 3-4):
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parkercore-69 · 4 months
resonating with abed a little bit TOO much recently, because i too feel like i’ve been passing through life never really understanding the people around me and never really understanding myself, either. Connecting with society through movies and tv and using what I’ve analysed in film to try and make sense of people, yet still being thrown in a loop whenever someone does something I can’t personally ever imagine my own self doing.
and THEN, finding someone who I thought I understood perfectly and vice versa. Finally finding someone who’s mannerisms I could read like a large print book and who’s thoughts i could click together like lego. I felt like i could be fluently understood without any reasoning, like we were both speaking some language only we knew. Loving every moment i spent with them as if it was some sort of sacred experience I may never get to see again- but being ensured that this was forever. Yet, inevitably, being chucked back in the loop when they still leave and I find myself slowly forgetting words in a language that used to feel like second nature.
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