#anyways happy friday babes! i hope you are finding ways to go out and have fun
ensn4r3d-d0ve · 1 year
A fluffy fanfic where Leon is doing push-ups and you decided to sit on his back to make it harder pleaseeeee (he doesn’t even break a sweat lol). Love your fics! <3
This idea is very cute omfg I’m literally giggling and kicking my feet tbh, I can actually imagine this in my head…
Thank you for loving my fics and the support. 💋
I love u my lovely!! &lt;3
— Stormy Days
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Pairings: Leon Kennedy x Fem! Reader
Summary: The reader waking up to Leon not being in the bed, but drops him a text to see where he is at and he is at the gym working out. The reader asks him if he wants her to bring him food and he says yes. (Basically thats where the request comes into play) NOT PROOF READ!
Cw. Just fluff and its just nothing besides Leon being the best boyfriend on the fucking planet. :)
Character Count: 9.8k
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You woke up, as always, with the sensation of your body floating. This sensation, and your memories of last night's events were fuzzy at best. You knew you had been out drinking with friends from work, and that it was a Friday night.
So why was it still raining outside?
And how did you get back to your apartment building?
You didn’t remember going anywhere you were intoxicated with alcohol to the point where you had to be watched over, like some damsel in distress, and your boyfriend had to come to the rescue scopping you up in his arms like a princess taking you back to the car.
Driving home in the heavy downpour, he would hold you tenderly against him like you were a broken toy in need of repair. He would kiss your cheek when you asked for help getting out of the car, which he seemed more than happy to do. And even though you would feel bad about it later and tell him so, you would secretly admit that this memory of being held lovingly by your knight in shining armor really warmed your heart. Anyways that wasn’t the point.
You had awakened finding yourself in the empty bed.
There was no sign of your knight in shining amour of a man who had been there when you fell asleep. You wondered if he had left somewhere today —he did, and you checked that your purse was right next to the bed and the phone still sitting untouched on the nightstand. Picking up the phone and having texted him to see where he was, so that you can bring him food.
“Hey, love. wya rn?” Had been sent and read at 1:30pm.
*Leon sent one attatchment with image*
“At the gym, babe. Hope you like this. ;)” He replied back.
As you clicked on the image it’s him showing off his abs in the gym mirror, in a black compression shirt (of course with his shirt lifted just a bjt revealing his pack). His face was turned away so you couldn’t quite see it properly, but you could see the muscles rippling.
‘That's better than I expected,’ was all you said. As soon as you typed this, you hit send, but not before thinking to add a quick ‘Love you xo!’, It was a picture that you liked, because it showed his abs well in contrast with his hair —and the dimpled smile plastered on his face that he was obviously trying to hide.
You also thought of sending another message asking if he wanted you to bring him lunch, which he said yes to immediately after reading the text.
It was a nice way to spend an evening, especially considering you didn’t want to stay home alone. But now it was time to go out to see him. The last thing you needed to do was either decide to pick food up or make it yourself. If you chose to buy something for both of you to eat, there was no reason you should be this indecisive right now because either way he’d still appreciate both options. After making that decision, you decided to text him that you are on the way, meaning that you’re going to resort to just picking up food.
So grabbing some things from the kitchen, you grabbed your coat, put on your boots, and got ready to leave. You head to your car and started the engine. Your stomach rumbled, reminding you that since you haven’t eaten anything since breakfast, you need food first. With a shrug, you start driving to the closest restaurant you know Leon likes. You know he goes there every other week for lunch with the team.
It took a little while, but finally you found a parking spot. Walking into the building, your eyes scanned the room, odering it to go and paying. The food came out quickly than you imagined, yet it was starting to feel like a better day due to the fact you can leave a lot quicker to see him.
The gym was at least five minutes away , maybe ten. No problem there, then. When you left the restaurant, your next destination was nearing end, and you parked exited the vehicle , heading towards the front door. Just as you approached it, you could see Leon working out through the window and you were excited to see him.
Almost running inside, you place the bag of food next to him, as he is doing his pushups. “I brought food…” Your hand moved towards the bag, but stopped short at the last second, feeling a bit weird about the gesture. You looked at Leon and saw that his eyes were closed, his chest moving fast as he was pushing himself up and back down off the floor.
He looked good doing so…
He looked like a hero, to be exact.
“You won’t mind if I sit down would you?” You asked tentatively. Leon opened his eyes and glanced at you with a raised eyebrow. “Not at all.” A small smirk made its way onto his lips. “You’re my guest. Sit down wherever you’d like.” You grinned mischievously sitting down on his back, as he continued to do his workout.
You could feel him tense up slightly from underneath you, then relax again, but it didn’t seem to be a problem that you were on him, however, he didn’t seem to break a sweat at all. He just kept doing what he was doing without breaking stride. After a minute you started to think he could do it forever, until he told you “Aright, I’m gonna need you to get off of me, princesses.” his words made your face flushed, when you got up off of him He stood up he wiped his forehead with a towel, then turned around to look at you, raising an eyebrow. “What? Why? Did you find something wrong with my form?” He laughed. Of course he wouldn’t have noticed if that you were blushing, but it was obvious due to the fact you were a tomato red.
“No, silly! Just wondering why you called me princess..” The way you spoke made your cheeks heat up even more. Leon smiled, “Well, I figured that since you’ve spent most of the weekend sleeping with me, I guess it only made sense to let you know you’re my princess.” He smiled. “Plus,” he chuckled, “It’s attached to me ever since you keep calling me your knight in shining armour.”
Your face brightened as you giggled. “I only thought to mean that you belonged to me.” You looked up at him as if your gaze could melt him. He chuckled. “You have been mine for quite sometime now, dear, you can hardly blame me for thinking so.” He finished smiling down at you, leaning down to press his lips briefly against yours.
After a short silence, you pulled away from him and said “Well, that’s not a fair tradeoff at all. I don’t want you claiming me because you’re stuck with me. I want you to claim me because we’re in love.” Leon raised his eyebrows at you. “Why did we ever choose to date each other?” He joked lightly.
“Well, it was either that or get married.” You joked. Leon bursted out laughing at your joke. “True. We do fit perfectly together, don't we?" He looked down at you and stroked your face softly. You nodded, smiling. Suddenly the sound of rain hitting the roof outside was heard. “Looks like it’s about to pour hard again. We’ll have to take home then.” He looked outside the window.
“Yeah...” You agreed sadly. “But I don’t wanna take home yet.” You pouted. “Oh… Well... we can eat our food first. Then we'll leave…” His voice sounded very reluctant, you realised as his eyes flickered away from your face. “Or we could do both. We’ll eat, then we’ll leave, then we’ll come back here later next week?” You suggested. “Sounds like a plan. Let’s hope that everything goes okay today. If it doesn’t, well then...” Leon trailed of. “Well, we’ll try and figure something else out.” He shrugged, giving a half smile.
“Let’s hope we’re not stuck waiting for hours.” You said, shaking your head. Leon hummed, agreeing. As you both ran towards the car with everything getting in the car, the sky seemed to darken significantly. It looked ominous. And as you drove along the road back home you knew that this would be one of those days, where everything seems to go wrong and there’s nothing that can fix it.
When the two of you arrived home, you dropped your bags on the ground before heading upstairs to grab a change of clothes from the bathroom. Leon sat down on the sofa and started watching tv as he waited. After a few moments, you came back downstairs and put a moive on, as you were about to binge and eat your food. You walked over to the couch and sat down beside him, taking a bite from your sandwich before you continued talking to him.
“So, how long do you think the rain will last?” You asked looking out the large front windows, seeing the heavy grey clouds outside. Leon glanced at his phone. “I’m not sure, princess. It looks like we’re going to get some pretty bad weather soon. We might have to call it early, and get some rest.” You nodded. “Maybe you’re right.”
‘Hopefully we won’t get any storms tonight though. If we get a storm, I won’t be able tp sleep tonight…’ you sighed to yourself. As you ate, and watched the TV, and talked with Leon, time passed by quickly.
You had finished eating and you hadn’t really gotten much sleep so you ended up falling asleep laying on his chest, your head laid comfortably against his shoulder, your arms holding tightly onto his shirt as you slept, completely oblivious to the fact that you were wrapped in Leon’s arms. As you were slowly drifting off you felt Leon’s head ontop of yours, while he was asleep as well.
As you both fell asleep in a warm embrace, the rain never stopped pouring down and you woke up the following morning covered in a blanket, snuggled close to Leon’s body. You stretched your limbs lazily and yawned deeply. Once you felt the need to wake him up, you tried to move but suddenly he hugged you tighter and placed a soft kiss on top of your hair. “Mmmh…. good morning~.” You said, still half asleep. Leon groaned in response as his arm tightened around your waist. “Heyyy... I was hoping you’d stay a little longer with me....” you giggled quietly and placed another light kiss on top of his hair. Deciding to stay with him long, leading you both to falling back asleep in an extremely peaceful position.
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Some Headcanons for Pride Month, 5/?: Headcanon that in late summer of 1984, Cameron and Donna find time to take the Mutiny gang to a gay bar
[CN: alcohol consumption at a bar]
The Mutiny staff go out after work together regularly, often to the arcade, and then after that, they usually go to a bar. But they generally go to straight bars, and occasionally to the local strip club, where Lev quickly becomes uncomfortable. He’s the first to go home on those nights, and because she’s an ally (…), Cameron always goes with him, and gladly listens on nights where he needs to vent.
Lev is thrilled and relieved when, after finally coming out at work, it’s not a big deal, but then, a well-meaning Bodie says, “Shouldn’t we be, like, actively supporting our co-worker? What if we go someplace different, there are gay bars, right? Why don’t we go there?” At first, Lev is not down. Harshly, he says, “And cruelly tempt gay men with what they can’t have?” Bodie does not realize that he’s being insulted, of course, he and the others starting shouting excitedly about going to a gay bar, and then Lev thinks it might not be so bad; most of his friends, gay and straight, have moved to different cities for work and school, leaving him with no one outside of Mutiny to go out with. He agrees to this excursion, thinking that even if it’s a disaster, he might get a good story out of it. 
The next morning, Lev corners Donna in the kitchen, and somewhat melodramatically, he swoons against the door frame, and says, “I know that you don’t usually go out with us, but please, please tell me that you’re coming to the gay bar with us?” Donna nearly spills her coffee all over the counter, and says, “What? When?” Slightly frantic, Lev says, “Donna, I need you.” “Aw,” Donna says, “of course!” Sighing loudly with relief, Lev says, “Ugh, you are a lifesaver, thank you!” 
He goes to exit with a flourish, but then sticks his head back into the kitchen, and grabbing the doorframe again says, “I promise that I say this with respect for you as both a fellow engineer and also my boss who can fire me at will but, can you please not dress like the church lady? You can not wear office separates.” Donna starts to protest, and Lev cuts her off, “And also you can’t dress like a soccer mom who stopped taking her anti-depression meds.” Donna starts to protest again, but then feebly says, “…well then what should I wear?“ As if it should be obvious, Lev sighs, exasperated, “Something slutty, Donna.” 
Adding creamer to her coffee and stirring, Donna flushes slightly, and then says, “I can do slutty.” Frowning, Lev says, “Can you, though?” “Yes, I can!” Donna insists, “trust me!” “Like, I’m talking, like, the outfit that sent your mother into a mortified rage, and made her threaten to disown you,” Lev clarifies, and Donna, with a rakish grin, says, “What if your mother didn’t see it, but she would have threatened to disown you if she’d seen it? Does that count?” Lev grins back at her. “See you on Friday night, girl!”
After she helps Gordon put the girls to bed, Donna meets the Mutineers in line outside Lone Star Bar, a large and spacious bar and discotheque that feels comfortably dive-y though it doesn’t look grimy. When Cameron sees Donna, in very, very short cut off shorts, a stripped, sleeveless button down shirt with its tails knotted at the waist to show off her midriff, and high-heeled cowboy boots, she gawks at her, and Donna says, “What?! Lev said to dress slutty!” Eye brows furrowing, Cameron says, “Really? He didn’t tell me to dress slutty.” Donna chuckles, “Well, that’s because he knew he didn’t have to worry about you turning up looking like Mrs. Garrett.” Cameron chuckles with her, more comfortable after having a minute to get used to how Donna looks, and says, “Mrs. Garrett isn’t so bad.” 
That’s when Lev turns and notices that Donna has joined them, and exclaims, “Well hot dang, Elly Mae!” Donna laughs, and says, “So I look okay then?” Squeezing her shoulder affectionately, Lev says, “Gordon truly is an impossibly lucky man. Hey, nerds, turn around, tell Donna she looks good!” The guys turn around, and when they see Donna, they cheer excitedly, and Arki does that thing where he hugs her longer than he really needs to.
Donna notices that while the guys didn’t exactly dress up or change their clothes, they all look better groomed than usual, hair combed and gelled into place, and facial hair trimmed (courtesy of Lev, with help from Yo-yo, who always looks well groomed). Lev even managed to get Cameron to let him brush and slick back her hair. Her vibe is distinctly ‘Marlene Dietrich in Ripped Denim,’ and Donna finds herself even more captivated by Cameron than usual.
Several minutes later, they finally make it to the front of the line and into the bar, where Donna, Lev, and half their party dance happily, and Cameron and the rest of the guys drink and chat. Donna comes back to their table regularly to rest and check in with them, and when she does, tough looking women in what look like men’s clothes say hello to her, and offer to buy her drinks, which Donna politely declines, but she also happily makes encouraging small talk with each woman who approaches her, and Cameron can’t help but envy how easily they interact with Donna. (The same women eye Cameron in this way that maybe should be mildly uncomfortable, but that Cameron finds weirdly validating.)
Lev has a much, much better time than he thought he would, and so does Cameron, and it all turns out to be a fun and freeing night of bonding for the staff. Cameron gets tipsy enough to ask Donna if she can buy her a drink, and is surprised when Donna lets her. Over a couple of beers, Cameron says, “Mutiny is gonna be okay, huh? We’re gonna be okay. I feel like if we can get it together and go to a gay bar without incident, we’re gonna be okay.” Donna giggles at her, and Cameron says, “You should come out with us more often. And I’m not just saying that because you’re dressed like Daisy Duke. You’re great to hang out with. And to work with. You’re great, Donna,” she says. Donna beams gratefully at her and says, “You know what, you’re right, I am great to hang out with! And I should go out with you guys more. And we are gonna be okay!” Lev, Yo-yo, Wonderboy, and Arki hear her, and they cheer in agreement.
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vandysgf · 3 years
the mysmes characters pretending to be your s/o bc someone made you uncomfortable:
if you think you’ve read this elsewhere, you’re right- I originally tweeted these in a thread but I figured it would be my first post here since I made a new blog for writing! TwT
wanna be tagged? dm me/comment!!
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You were pushing through the doors of the theater, immediately making your way to the side of the stage where you usually waited for Zen. Both of you had agreed to meet after his rehearsals, the man promising to take you to his friend's restaurant. Of course, this was to persuade the owner to attend the upcoming party you were hosting, despite your hopes that it would turn into a date. Not that Zen wasn't flirting nonstop anyways, it was just hard to tell if he actually meant it.
Besides, Jaehee would never let that happen.
Just as you sent a text to Zen, a man close by suddenly walked up to you.
“Hey, are you lost?” He smiles, getting closer.
You tense up. “No, I'm here for-”
“Me?” The stranger cuts you off rudely, his tone smug as he raises his eyebrows. He reaches out, as if to touch your hair, when suddenly-
“JAGIYA!” Zen's shout echoes through the theater, your favorite silver-haired actor emerging from a backstage door and running over to you.
The man in front of you jumps back, startled, and looks confusedly between the two of you.
“Zen? I didn't know you had a-” The way he spoke so casually... this must have been one of Zen's co-actors. Explains his cockiness.
“Yeah, I do.” Zen quickly replies, throwing an arm around you like it's nothing at all. “Sorry I kept you waiting babe, but I promise to make up for it on our date.”
Zen guides you along, nodding at the dumbfounded guy before leaving the theater with you. You notice he makes no move to pull away.
“So, great acting back there! Really, you almost had me fooled,” you smile, joking in an effort not to get your hopes up too high.
Zen chuckles, reaching up to scratch behind his ear as he shrugs, smiling sheepishly.
“I wasn't acting at all.”
It's Friday, and today you were going to surprise Yoosung at his last class. You knew he was having a rough week and thought you two could spend some time together to make up for that.
Despite repeatedly convincing yourself that you weren't trying to get anything out if it, you ended up picking one of your cutest outfits- the one with a hint of purple to match Yoosung's eyes. Not that you'd ever admit that aloud, of course.
You glance at his schedule, taking note of which room he was in, and opened his school's map- both courtesy of the one and only Seven Zero Seven, Defender of Justice.
“Hehe, Yoosungie owes me big time~” you remember him chuckling through the phone after calling in the favor. You wondered why it was Yoosung who owed him, and not you.
And so, you find yourself waiting outside the blonde boy's last class, the time telling you that he'd be coming out those doors in about 5 minutes.
Now all you had to was wait and-
“Look at you, all dolled up and pretty,” a student says, eyeing you with a smirk.
You curse internally and bite the inside of your cheek, averting your gaze and ignoring him.
“Hey, I was talkin' to you!” The voice is louder this time, trying to get your attention, but it just made you shudder.
By some miracle, Yoosung had already made his way to your side. You're stunned when he suddenly kisses your cheek, slipping a hand into yours as he does.
“Surprise,” you smile, happy to keep your eyes on him instead. There is a bright blush on his face, but neither of you address it.
Afted you leave together, Yoosung reverts to his nervous self.
“Hey, I'm sorry if you didn't want... I just got so irritated, and I didn't stop to think if you-”
You giggle and cut him off by kissing his cheek, effectively silencing the boy.
The bell above the door chimes as you walk into the café, the smell of coffee filling your nose.
This café was one that you and Jaehee found on the internet one night, both of you searching for the next place to visit. You were on a quest to find the best coffee shop in her area, and this was the 8th one on your list.
Your phone lights up with Jaehee's text- she would be here soon, just got a bit caught up in rush hour. After your fingers send a quick reply, you search for a good spot and take a seat, setting down your belongings.
There are menus on the table, so you take one and flip through it, eyeing the drinks and pastries. You make sure to remember which ones Jaehee would like and estimate the total of your orders, intending to pay for hers as well.
After all, Jaehee deserved a treat.
Right as you set down the menu, you're met face to face with a stranger, your first thought being-
“That seat is not for you,” you snarl through gritted teeth, immediately pissed off.
“Woah, relax baby, it's not like anyone else was gonna sit here right?” The smile on their face is sickening. It disgusts you to the core.
“If you don't leave, I am literally going to-”
Your threat is cut off by a loud thud, and in the blink of an eye, the person is on the floor and Jaehee is sitting right in front of you, smiling.
“I'm the girlfriend here, not you,” she mutters at the stranger. “Sorry I'm late, honey,” Jaehee reaches over to hold your hands gently, a large contrast to the judo move she pulled earlier.
Said stranger looks at your joined hands from their position on the floor and quickly leaves the establishment, embarrassed.
“It's alright, do you want to order now? My treat!” You smile, anger now completely vanished.
“Oh, you don't have to do that just because I...”
“Am I not allowed to treat my girlfriend?” you wink.
It was funny to see Jumin fully clad in his business suit right in the middle of Seoul's night market.
But hey, you would be lying if you said your heart wasn't fluttering at the sight of him.
In an effort to learn more about the common people, the CEO-in-line had asked you to spend your Saturdays with him doing things like this.
If you had bothered to ask him why he picked you, he was prepared with all the logical reasons why. You didn't laugh at him or call him a 'pompous jerk' like Zen did. Driver Kim already knew your address and you had the most flexible schedule.
Of course, all of these cleverly thought of reasons would cover up his truth: he merely wanted to spend more time with you.
But you didn't question it, knowing full well that Jumin was practical. You happily agreed anyways.
And this is how you find yourself in front of a stall, in line to order some street food while Jumin was at another. He caught sight of the goldfish-shaped bread and was curious to try it.
After paying, you went & stood by the side to wait for your food. It should've been quick, but this stall was quite popular and had lots of customers.
This is when someone stands next to you, a little too close for comfort.
“You know, you shouldn't be alone like this... maybe you could eat with me?”
You take a deep breath, willing yourself to stay polite. “I'm not alone, I'm actually with my-”
“Boyfriend?” The stranger scoffs, crossing their arms. “Where is he? I don't see him.”
“Do you have to?” You glare back with a smile.
You wonder if that did the trick because they seem to have stopped entirely. It isn't until Jumin's arm snakes around your waist that you realize...
“Your boyfriend is Jumin Han?!”
He ignores this, choosing to look at you and say, “You didn't use your claws on this one, kitten?”
In true 707 fashion, the chatroom has been flooded with his rather amusing texts and emojis, the reason for this being: you were both at this year's Comic-Con together. And the kicker was that you had come in matching cosplays.
Yoosung sent three of his jaw-drop emojis when Seven uploaded the picture on the messenger. This was probably because both of you were in skirts... short ones, at that.
The RFA's cosplay connoisseur was dressed up as the classic Sailor Moon, 100% in his element. You, however, weren't too used to this. Still, you happily came as Sailor Mars- giddy at the chance to be alone with Seven.
The redhead looked so alive and buoyant, practically bouncing of the walls while the two of you explored the convention. He insisted you point out anything you wanted, as he had more than enough money to get merch and art for the both of you- he just got paid from work, AND made sales with his SEVENSTAR drink.
Overall, things were pretty great.
That is, until Seven went to stand in line for a while. He was buying the new Space Wars lightsword, and he didn't want you to endure the waiting that would happen.
So there you were, sitting on a nearby bench and fiddling with your phone, assuring Zen that you were fine and that Seven was ”behaving.”
But a prickling feeling of being watched creeps into your skin, and you look up to search for whoever was responsible for it. To your surprise, they're coming right up to you.
“Let's take a picture together, sexy,” they purr, their close breath so unwelcome and unpleasant.
Just as you open your mouth to speak, a red flash accompanied by sound effects cuts you off. Suddenly, Sailor Moon has jumped in the middle.
Saeyoung hit the creep with his new lightsword.
“Honey, your Defender of Justice is here!” he turns to wink at you. “Now,” he walks towards the person and grabs them by the collar, seething calmly. “Leave my Sailor Mars alone, got it?”
It was written in big block letters by the door, and under the collection's description was his name-
an exhibit by Jihyun Kim.
After all, this was the entrance to his studio.
V had invited you to see his work. This was the first time he would showcase his newfound painting skills to the public eye.
It was an important moment, and you were never going to miss it for the world.
You push through the doors, taking a deep breath as you step into the gallery. There are a few of his photographs lining the walls, leading to the beginning of the exhibit.
The artist himself was nowhere to be found, but you knew you'd find him soon enough, so you didn't think too much about it.
You stared at painting after painting, taking in every brushstroke and shade of paint on canvas.
So this is what he's been up to the whole time?
The most noticeable thing to your eyes was the fact that there wasn't a single trace of the sun. Or daffodils, for that matter... Rebirth, indeed.
You're fixed on this one piece- it's rather abstract, but the colors make you understand immediately. Pixels of red and pink flowers, blooming and transitioning into a more realistic style.
Yeah. You know exactly what this one's about.
You're so moved by it, the tears waiting to fall from your eyes go unnoticed. Unbeknownst to you, a fellow viewer had been trying to get your attention. They tap your shoulder once, twice, thrice- before you shake out of your trance.
You barely register the way you're pulled away into a familiar chest, Jihyun's protective hand now resting on your hip.
“Do not touch the most precious masterpiece in my studio,” he warns firmly. “You're not allowed to touch my artwork.”
It's another lonely night at Mint Eye- you haven't seen Ray as much anymore since he hasn't been able to visit your room, but you understood.
So you settled for the next best thing: his garden.
When Savior granted you access to Magenta's facilities, you decided the garden was the only place you felt safe enough to explore alone.
Your hands lightly grazed the flowers as you strolled, their sweet scent filling your senses. Each blossom was so beautiful and perfectly cared for, the garden so lovely and alive- making your heart flutter at the thought of Ray's careful hands.
My flower. That's one of the nicknames he called you, though he insisted that you were far lovelier than any of the ones in his garden.
Ah, the memories you made in this place...
Both of you seemed to be reminiscing the same night, because Ray was pacing on the other end of the garden. However, you were unaware of this.
You're pulled back from your thoughts by the sound of a believer cleaning up the construction materials you had run into that first night here.
Still frozen, you watch intently & wait for them to finish. Instead of leaving, the believer turns to you.
“No wonder Mr. Ray hides you away from all of us,” the cloaked figure spoke like a predator, pulling up their hood to get a better look at you.
And Mr. Ray himself snaps his head up at that, instincts taking over as he approaches from behind while huffing. He links your arms, and you look up at him with concern. Ray was shaking.
“Do not speak to my flower!” He yells, then points to other believers whilst jerking his head to the one by you, motioning for them to be taken away.
You blink rapidly & let Ray wordlessly lead you back to your room. He makes sure the door is closed before he speaks- “I'm sorry, I... I promise to protect you better f-from believers like-”
He doesn't get a chance to finish before you hug him tight, murmuring thank yous in his ear.
suit saeran
The flowers on your bedside had started to wither.
You stare longingly at them, missing their sweet scent and the unspoken words behind them.
They didn't have much time left, and you figured it would be better to dry them so they would be preserved, rather than leaving them to wilt.
You would not let them die. You would not forget.
You don't even realize you've moved until your fingers fiddle with a petal. A sigh escapes your lips, hands moving of their own accord as they try to salvage what's left of the bouquet.
The door suddenly bangs, jolting your bones.
“Hello, I- I'm not here to hurt you!” The intruder says, holding their hands up in front of you.
This won't do. You'll be in trouble. “What do you think you're doing here?” You seeth calmly.
“I can help you get out of here, if you want-”
“Listen, you're a nice girl and-” Whatever he was going to say next, you'd never find out, because-
Saeran had come in, throwing the believer so violently against the wall. Several sickening cracks echoed through the room, the body sliding down the wall, unmoving. Were they concussed? You couldn't see them well, but the darkening cloak meant there was blood.
“THIS IS MY TOY!” Saeran's possessive voice booms. He crosses the room in a flash, roughly grabbing you by the chin and pulling you in for a kiss. And another. And another. Like he was intent on draining you of all you had.
When he pulls away, a string of saliva keeps you connected. Saeran turns to spit harshly at the believer and crouches down to meet their eyes.
“No one else gets to play with what's mine,” he snarls, kneeing the victim hard in the stomach. “Congratulations,” a manic laugh escaping your captor's lips. “You just got an express ticket to cleansing.”
You checked the car multiple times to make sure all the necessities were there, lest your boss get angry with you before you guys could even leave.
It's another night of recruiting for you and Unknown, which means you'll be staking out the whole night in that vehicle- in very close proximity.
With you riding shotgun, he begins to drive out of Magenta. The two of you sit in comfortable silence, but you stay alert and ready for any commands he'd have for you.
A few RFA members log in, so you enter the chatroom for some entertainment. It's your job, but it doesn't mean you don't get to have fun.
You laugh, and Unknown's eyes flash towards you, his brows furrowed, before he looks back to the road. You know what that look means, & he doesn't have to speak for you to explain.
“The RFA are making fools of themselves again.”
He chuckles at that, shaking his head while he parks the car. Unknown turns to face you, back against the door & an elbow perched on his seat.
“Fill me in on their latest activity while we wait, assistant,” he commands, so you obey. He gives you directions on how to interact with them every now and then, which you mentally take note of.
But he goes quiet all of a sudden, head craning forward a bit as his mint eyes glinted through the night. Slowly, he pulls down his mask to reveal a smirk sitting on his lips.
Your chin is between his fingers as he pulls you in close, a husky whisper in your ear- “Just go with it, prince/ss,” before he kisses you rather tenderly on the cheek with eyes wide open, glaring out your window.
“Hm, you actually smell rather sweet tonight.” His remark darkens the blush on your face, and before you have a chance to ask what just happened, he's already out the door.
You're still frozen in place when a loud SMACK makes you snap your head towards the sound- a body writhing in pain and the faint shadow of your boss walking back to the car.
“What? They were ogling what's mine.”
The sea breeze tickles your nose as you lay under the sun, soaking up its rays and basking in its warmth. And what better thing to complement this heat, than some ice cream?
You happily had a popsicle as you watched the twins from a distance. Saeran had mentioned Saeyoung how he's never been to the beach before, so of course, Saeyoung asked for your help in planning a surprise trip for his twin.
Saeran laughing with his brother in the water might as well have been a fever dream at this point, because really, you never thought you'd see it with your own two eyes.
But you blinked. And you blinked again. And still, you saw them smiling together on the beach.
Your heart soared. It really was a perfect day.
Watching them suddenly makes you feel grateful that the three of you had been lucky enough to see days like this. That you and Saeran were free, that Saeyoung was safe, and that the brothers were together at last.
You laugh with them from a distance, but it doesn't last long, because you whip your head towards the sound of a nearby shutter going off.
It leaves you feeling icky. But you look back at the twins anyways, only to find Saeyoung alone.
“GET HIS ASS!” You hear him say, and suddenly a panting, out of breath Saeran is between you and the person who took photos of you.
“I know you're going to delete those, right?” Saeran smiles, his calm friendliness a very thin veil over the threat he was posing. “I'd hate to impose at a public place like this.”
The creep is now absolutely terrified & complies.
They're still standing by when Saeran turns to check on you, so you smile at him reassuringly. His eyes dart between you and your popsicle.
“Can I have a taste, my love?”
You move to offer some, but instead, he surges in to meet your lips in a slow, passionate kiss.
Both you and the stranger stare dumbfoundedly when he says, “Mm, my favorite flavor.”
The sun is high and bright in the sky today- the perfect weather for a picnic.
This is what Rika said when she called you up today, and who were you to disagree?
With a couple of pastries and drinks tucked in your baskets (courtesy of Jaehee, of course), both of you hopped on your bicycles and rode to the park.
The breeze carried her scent to you, as you were trailing close behind- that along with the sight of her hair blown by the wind was enough to make your heart thump louder in your chest.
She takes you to a spot she found by the lake, the two of you detaching your baskets and moving to set up your little area.
Together, you lay down the blanket and set out the food. You try not to show it, but you felt all kinds of warm every time your hands would brush.
Suddenly being alone with Rika didn't seem like a good idea anymore. She'd probably be able to see right through you, and if she already did, you were lucky enough that she didn't point it out.
You were listening to her talk as you ate, absolutely enraptured with her words as you usually were, reacting when appropriate.
Rika's talking slows and her eyes narrow, focusing at something behind you. Just as you're about to turn and follow her line of sight, she gently turns your chin back to face her before you can get a glimpse of the stranger eyeing you hungrily.
You're about to ask what's up, but she silences you with a smile and holds up a fork to your mouth. Confused, you open your mouth and happily eat the cake she fed you nonetheless.
She smirks and giggles, leaning in. “You got a little something on your-”
Rika wipes the stray icing off with her finger, cleaning it with her mouth. There's a killer glare behind her sweet stare as she kisses the corner of your mouth softly, staying close to you.
“There you go,” She's blushing like you, but all you manage is a dopey smile. “All better, sunshine.”
You placed the vegetables by the fruits in your basket, ticking them off the list.
This was your mission: stock Seven's fridge with actual food while Vanderwood bought more cleaning supplies.
And of course, if the redhead wasn't done with his work by the time you both returned to the bunker, then a certain taser would be put to use today.
It was nice to be alone with Vanderwood for once, albeit doing something as simple as this. If you were gawking too much during the car ride here, well, he didn't have to know.
But the man was an agent. Of course they knew.
You shake your head free of these thoughts and focus on your task. Eggs. You needed eggs.
When you get to the dairy section, you quickly search for a carton of large eggs. But as you're about to grab it, you go still at the sound of an unfamiliar voice behind you.
“How do you like your eggs in the morning, cutie?”
Slowly, you take the tray and place it in your basket, stalling for time as you didn't want to deal with the unwelcome conversation.
However, you had to turn around eventually. When you did, you saw Vanderwood quickly approaching from behind the unknown person.
They tower over the stranger as they pass by with a disapproving grunt. You couldn't quite make out what they muttered, but if you were just a little bit closer, you would've heard the threat of a tasing.
He slings an arm around your neck, dragging you away without a word. As you walk, he squeezes your shoulder gently and turns his head back to press a tender kiss to the top of your head, glaring directly at the creep.
That should've been the end of that, but he keeps his arm around you as you stand in line. And as he carries the bags (with one hand!). And as he places them in the trunk.
On the drive back, he quietly and oh-so nonchalantly reaches for your hand. You bite your lip to keep from smiling too wide and take it.
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sparklysung · 3 years
© sparklysung – 2021. all rights reserved. no reposts, modifications and/or translations allowed.
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pairing – lee donghyuck x female!reader
genre – smut | non-idol!au, enemies to lovers!au
warnings – switch!donghyuck, switch!reader, lap dance, cumming in pants, grinding, dry humping, cum eating, hair pulling (giving and receiving), spanking, mirror sex, protected sex (reader’s on the pill), degradation, dirty talk, bondage (belt), possessiveness (i guess?)
word count – 6.043 words
summary – it only took a couple of words to make the blood boil in your veins and being the competitive individual you are, you had to prove lee donghyuck, your all-time enemy, wrong.
note – not my best, probably could've done better, but oh well. also this was frkng hard to write, damn, and i may have changed things a bit? BUT, i think it's better like this so… hope you enjoy! btw, i got the idea while reading this, so go check it out –it's good–.
taglist – @prvncejxon, @iwishihadabettername
another friday night wasting your time at some random classmate’s party. you were everything but happy to be there. you didn’t even want to go there in the first place, only finding yourself sitting on the kitchen counter, drink in hand and an ugly scowl adorning your face, because of your annoying best friend.
“hey, i get it, you didn’t wanna come here when you could have been peacefully sleeping in the comfort of your room, but come on, at least try to have some fun. you’re already here anyway.” eunbin –aka your annoying best friend– said, pouting her lips in a failed attempt of looking cute.
you kind of felt bad for her, you suppose it wasn’t exactly easy to deal with your lazy ass. but still, she was supposed to love you and appreciate you just the way you were.
and most of the time she did, just not in this specific situation.
“this isn’t fun at all, i just wanna go home. there’s nothing in here for me at all.”
you brought the red plastic cup to your lips, taking a sip of the bitter liquid eunbin had mixed for you. you weren’t lying, there really wasn’t anything that would make you want to stay, only a few friends of yours getting drunk somewhere in the big house you were currently in.
“come on, please, stay for me,” eunbin fake cried, and for a moment you thought she was going to give up and let you go. “in a bit the guys are gonna play something fun! we should join them, please?” as her last resort, she looked at you with puppy eyes. she was playing dirty and she knew it, you both knew you couldn’t resist them.
giving in with an exasperated sigh, you jumped off the counter to get yourself another drink from the bar in the living room. you were minding your own business until you heard him, the last person you wanted to see at the moment.
“so, i’m telling you guys, she was literally begging me to fuck her, she even moaned while sucking me off–,” donghyuck’s obnoxious voice filled your ears, making you roll your eyes. he was surrounded by a couple of other guys you didn’t know so well but were sure you had seen them before around campus hanging out with him.
“shut up already, dongdong, no one wants to hear it.” you interrupted, walking past him and towards the half empty bottle of vodka on the bar counter.
the group of boys stopped abruptly, all of them turning to look at you, ready for the scene that was going to take place in matter of minutes. donghyuck’s attention also turned to you, biting back a triumphant smirk with a raised eyebrow. he could see past you so he didn’t mind the mocking nickname you used; he could tell you were trying to irritate him enough to make him go away. but he wasn’t going anywhere anytime soon. he had been eyeing you all night, trying to find ways to get under your skin to catch your attention. and finally, after staying at a safe distance for a while to not spark suspicions, he got what he wanted.
“why so feisty, babe.” the cocky smirk he gave you just made your blood boil, the growing desire to punch it off his pretty face only getting stronger the more you stared at him.
“don’t you get tired of talking shit all day?” you barked, eyes trained on his body while pouring yourself a good amount of alcohol.
you were certainly going to need a lot of liquid courage to get through the night.
“you boast about girls begging for you but i think you’re just trying to hide the fact that you’re the one who has to beg to get laid.”
“i don’t beg, baby.” you rolled your eyes and muttered a ‘sure’. “also, if you’re jealous of me fucking other girls you just had to say it. i wouldn’t be against giving it to you instead.” the stupid wink he threw at you made your body shake in anger, already fed up with the conversation.
“you wish, asshole.”
“actually, i do.”
donghyuck was so fucking annoying, always teasing you and never leaving you alone. your personalities clashed constantly resulting in fights filled with screams and curses, sometimes to the extent of interrupting the class and getting the two of you kicked out of it. he enjoyed watching you struggle and suffer due to his awful pranks, so you were his favorite target. you couldn’t even have a proper date with anyone because he made sure to mess it up either by scaring the crap out of the guy or sabotaging your plans. he almost completely ruined your love life and cockblocked you forever.
you did not get along and everyone knew it.
although eunbin thought it was pure sexual tension and you just needed to get your frustrations off of you with a good fuck.
it wasn’t though.
or was it?
“let’s go hang out with the guys,” your best friend nudged your arm excitedly and you sighed, not feeling like playing anything with them. every time you decided to give in and take part in ‘something fun’ with the guys, it always ended up with you either in trouble or scarred for life.
you had a bad feeling about this all.
“ugh, fine.” she cheered and pulled you through the crowd of drunk people until you reached the basement.
the sound of laughter and screams drowned the music blasting upstairs, there were empty bottles of alcohol sprawled all over the floor and tables and a circle of people in the middle of the room. both of you joined the group with you sitting between eunbin and mark, a close friend of yours that you sadly shared with donghyuck. while you casually chatted and played around with the boy, happily laughing the night away, you could feel a pair of eyes burn holes into your skull. you didn’t have to look up to know who those eyes belonged to, as said person wasn’t even trying to dissimulate.
and by said person you meant donghyuck.
donghyuck hated the way you leaned on mark’s body, how you let his friend rest his head on top of yours and wrap his arm around your waist.
he was jealous, really jealous of your close friendship with the older boy.
mark and you had been friends for a long time now and you could even consider him your best friend, so you were comfortable around each other. you usually hugged, held hands and cuddled, he was used to you wearing his clothes –half of your closet were stolen hoodies that once belonged to him–, he even had a spare change of clothes in his room just in case you decided to drop by for an improvised sleepover. so it wasn’t surprising when sometimes when the two of you hung out on your own, people –even your friends in common– mistook you as a couple.
and the idea of you two dating made donghyuck feel sick to the stomach.
“we’re playing truth or dare, who wants to start?” seoyeon, one of your friends, spoke while looking around for someone to volunteer.
“i’ll go.” lucas raised his hand and everyone nodded, not minding.
the game went smoothly for a while and eventually, the more alcohol everybody drank, the crazier things got. mark ended up getting dared to lick whipped cream off of yuta’s chest and xiaojun had to cross-dress and dance on a table. everything was fine, you hadn’t been picked by anyone yet so you were pretty much having fun just enjoying the show.
until someone called your name.
“y/n, truth or dare?” jaehyun asked with a smirk.
he had an evil glint on his eyes making you feel suspicious. you knew you couldn’t choose truth or else everyone would make fun of you for being a pussy. and jaehyun just knew you well enough to know you weren’t going to let that happen.
you weren’t one to back down.
still, the way he stared at you made an uneasy feeling settle in your stomach.
what could he possibly have in mind?
seems like your gut feeling was right after all.
“give hyuck a lap dance,” jaehyun said immediately after the words left you mouth, making everyone in the room shake, some in excitement and some –you– in anger. donghyuck wasn’t expecting to take part in the dare, but he really wasn’t complaining either. “thank me later babe,” his shit-eating grin only adding fuel to the fire.
just as eunbin, donghyuck could sense the sexual tension. and unlike you, he acknowledged it.
but for him it wasn’t just that.
you two had known each other –or at least acknowledged each other's existence– for a few years now, since high school. he was forced to see you almost every day at school, so, naturally, fondness for you started growing slowly in his chest. but it wasn’t until you both left for college that your ‘enemies’ label was established.
and if someone thought he may possibly like you, they were damn right.
he did.
it all started during freshman year, when he tried to befriend you during one of the classes you shared. you seemed irritated by his advances and wanted him away from you, so after a few attempts of softening your heart, he resolved that the only way to stay close to you was annoying the hell out of you.
childish? yeah. he cared? not really.
“come here, babe.” donghyuck tongued the inside of his cheek, a smirk forming on his lips. as he saw the grim look on your face, he sprawled his legs, patting his toned thigh invitingly, eager to get things started.
the look jaehyun gave you had ‘you’re not backing down, are you?’ written all over.
“shit, i hate jaehyun, why did he have to do me dirty like that?” you mumbled angrily to eunbin and she just laughed, finding the situation way funnier than you.
“maybe tonight won’t be as boring as you thought? maybe you’ll end up getting laid.” she wiggled her eyebrows suggestively and you only scoffed, “shut up, dumbass.”
“why did you have to do me like that, huh?!” you almost screamed at the older, taking a mental note to beat him up later. he just shrugged and threw you a wink, “asshole.”
mark patted your back to help you relax, he could see you weren’t exactly happy about your dare.
“come on, which song would you like, my lady?” lucas asked, scrolling through his spotify for suiting songs.
“or nah!” yangyang answered before you could even open your mouth. just as you were about to ask for a less sexual song, cheering erupted through the room.
everyone was pumped, adrenaline running through their veins and pushing them to do stupid stuff they would probably regret the next day after waking up hungover. and things just took a rather interesting turn, so they obviously were excitedly awaiting the next series of events.
yay, more stupid memories to regret later.
on the other hand, donghyuck was as doomed as you. he knew the song well, he knew the lyrics by heart but what he didn’t know was if he could control himself with you basically dry humping him in front of a bunch of people to the rhythm of it.
he wasn’t sure it was a great idea.
as soon as you got up to complete the dare, you heard cheering and clapping. and you weren’t going to lie, you wanted to throw yourself out of a window.
breathing deeply in an attempt of relaxing to just get it over with, you made your way towards donghyuck until you were standing a few feet in front of him.
as the music started playing, you started moving. running your finger on the surface of his clothed shoulder, you walked slowly around him, like a predator circling its prey. he tried not to follow your movements, already getting anxious by your closeness and nervously waiting for your next move.
i’ma smoke this joint then i’ma break you off.
i’d be lying if i said you ain’t the one.
you pushed his legs open and settled between them. your hands rubbed his thighs teasingly, fingers drawing closer to his crotch but not quite getting there. you took your sweet time feeling him up, softly scratching his strong arms and leaving red trails behind. donghyuck was so into it, enjoying the sight of you kneeling before him so much that his pants were already starting to feel tight.
heard you not the type that you take home to mom.
is we fuckin’ when we leave the club or nah?
i ain’t spendin’ cash for nothin’ i wanna see you take it off.
and oh how he wanted to see you take it off. all night he couldn’t take his eyes off of your figure, you looked really good in the outfit eunbin had chosen for you.
so good it was almost making him drool.
you sat on his lap, hands going to caress his toned chest and stomach. it was well-known that donghyuck exercised frequently, but it still surprised you. he felt so good you had to bite your lip to prevent a sound from coming out.
when you shifted to sit closer to him, his hands flew to your hips and you could tell his intention was to move them lower to grope your ass, but you weren’t having it.
do you like the way i flick my tongue or nah?
you can ride my face until you’re drippin’ cum.
“if you try to touch me again, i’ll tie you up,” you said with a sweet smile plastered on your face, grabbing him by the wrists and harshly dropping them away from you. donghyuck let out a startled gasp at that, obviously not expecting your attitude. with his hands twitching to grasp anything, he went to grip tightly the sides of the chair.
can you lick the tip then throat the dick or nah?
can you let me stretch that pussy out or nah?
your hips ground against his crotch at such a slow pace that donghyuck was having trouble not pushing you down on him faster. he was getting embarrassingly hornier as seconds passed and wanted nothing more than to fuck you right then and there, even with his friends’ eyes on you both.
donghyuck tried so hard to restrain himself from touching you. he wasn’t one to follow orders, but he tried just for you, he really did.
i’m not the type to call you back tomorrow.
but the way you wrappin’ ‘round me is a prob.
and everything was fine until you kissed him. synchronized gasps filled the room, the sudden show of affection confusing everybody. not even your intoxicated self could understand what the hell were you doing nor who you were doing it with. his breath got stuck in his throat, heart thumping against his chest at an alarming rate. his hands almost tried to bring you closer, but he realized what he was doing on time to stop himself.
he finally broke down when your mouth sucked on his tongue, making his hips grind up against yours unconsciously as his hands grabbed you by your waist, pressing your body flush against his.
that was it.
“you asked for it,” your movements came to a stop as you took off your black leather belt, sticking to your threat of tying him up if he didn’t quit it.
pussy so good, i had to save that shit for later.
took her to the kitchen, fucked her right there on the table.
“oh shit,” donghyuck stirred under you trying to get out of the situation.
this couldn’t be happening.
“no, please,” he whimpered as you fastened the belt until it was wrapped tightly around his wrists, locking his arms behind his back. your audience was unable to hold in their surprise, some mouths falling open. he fought against the restraints to no avail, desperate to free himself, “please, let me go,” he cried out quietly, not wanting the other occupants in the room to hear him.
“stop complaining or else i’ll also gag you,” you spat harshly in his ear, done with his attitude, and he swallowed hard. as you nibbled on his lobe, you felt a strong sense of confidence. it made your chest swell in pride to see the usual big mouth jerk with a smug grin constantly attached to his face falling apart under your touch.
seems like he was the one to beg, after all.
you moved your hips to the rhythm of the music, making sure to press harder against the sensitive tip of his cock, which was already leaking precum. although you weren’t an expert, you’d given a fair share of lap dances, so you knew what you were doing.
and donghyuck could certainly tell.
don’t play with a boss, girl take it off.
take it for a real one.
you gon’ get it all.
“whose bitch are you now, huh?” donghyuck couldn’t speak properly, way too hot and bothered for his brain to come up with any smart-ass response.
you tsked disapprovingly at his lack of response.
“when i ask you a question, you answer.” your fingers tangled in his hair and with a harsh tug you forced him to look up. donghyuck was dazed, lips swollen from you biting on them, eyes glassy from arousal, and mind clouded with lust.
“yours.” he whimpered quietly, forgetting momentarily about your audience.
“good boy.”
you loved how easy it was for you to break him and leave him wanting more, to have him so putty in your hands. specially since hearing comments of other female classmates about donghyuck teasing them almost till the brim of tears was part of your day-to-day life. it felt like you were getting revenge for all of them, so you were enjoying it a lot more than anyone could imagine.
your plump lips trailed down the length of his neck, leaving wet kisses along his honey-like skin, and he threw his head back to give you more access. as you licked, sucked and bit the flesh, donghyuck could hear his heartbeat loud over the music. he usually wouldn’t let a girl suck hickeys on his skin, but the idea of you marking him while everyone watched was rather exciting.
he swore the seconds passed slower than usual. you were just halfway through the song but he didn’t know if he could survive any longer.
donghyuck felt light-headed and painfully aroused, and he wasn’t going to last long if you kept kissing him and moving your hips the way you were.
“i’ma go as far as you let me,” your movements became slower to tease him, making the poor boy want to cry in agony. his jeans felt way too tight to be comfortable and he hoped everyone could just leave you two alone to take it off.
“shit, please,” donghyuck’s eyes closed, head falling forward and hanging low as drops of sweat slid down his forehead. the room felt like an oven and he didn’t know if it was a result of the significant amount of people in such a small space, the alcohol, his choice of clothing or your body pressed closely against his.
probably the latter.
girl, is you sucking me or fucking me or nah?
can i bring another bitch? let’s have a threesome.
“keep saying you’re a freak, you gon’ prove it or nah?” you quietly sang along, pulling his face closer by his hair and grinding down on him harder.
donghyuck was going crazy, he had never expected you to be so sexy, to behave so dirtily. but he loved it, and by the prominent tent in his pants, everybody could tell he was in for the ride of his life.
you’s a ride-or-die chick, you with this shit or nah?
say you not a side bitch, you all-in or nah?
you gon’ make them eggs cheesy with them grits or nah?
you brought him in for a hot kiss that left his head spinning.
donghyuck was growing restless as his climax neared, he was so close he could almost taste it. he couldn’t remember when the last time he got so close to cumming only from some teasing was.
everything was happening so quickly he wasn’t able to stop himself before giving in to the pleasure.
“h-holy fuck,” with a shaky moan that you swallowed, donghyuck shot his load, staining the crotch of his dark jeans. you could feel the wetness seeping through the piece of clothing and dampening your bottoms. his hips gave a few more sloppy thrusts, legs shaking weakly and cock twitching from the confines of his jeans, before falling limp on the chair.
or nah.
as the song ended, he came down from his high. you freed him from the iron grip of your belt, the skin on his wrists was red and slightly swollen. you may have tightened it too much in the heat of the moment, but you weren’t apologizing after giving him probably the best orgasm of his life.
the bewildered expression on his face quickly turned grim as it hit him.
he came in his pants like a fucking teenager.
in a room full of people.
in front of his friends, yours and you.
his friends stood there, both confused and surprised to see donghyuck so affected by your touch. nobody had expected things to end the way they did.
“damn, are you okay my man?” johnny asked, laughing at his friend’s flustered state.
“shut up,” donghyuck answered bitterly. he shot up from his seat, grabbing your hand and shoving you inside the nearest bathroom in the house. he didn’t even care to cover the wet spot on his pants, walking with his chin up and a scowl plastered on his face.
and blame it on how riled up you had gotten from the feeling of his hard dick pressing against your needy pussy, but damn, he looked good.
“i wanna go next!” hendery spoke excitedly. you couldn’t tell if he was just messing with you or if he actually wanted you to give him a lap dance too. either way, it made your lips turn upwards in a smug grin.
once you both made it to the bathroom, he locked the door before pushing you against it, back pressed flush into the hard piece of wood. the ambience took a 180 turn, your confidence faltered slightly at the sight of his angry form.
“you think it’s funny, yeah?” he hummed angrily in your ear. “you think i’d let you do whatever you want and embarrass me in front of my friends just because you feel like it without payback?” the look on his eyes getting darker as the words left his mouth.
“if so, oh baby, you were so wrong.”
trying to test him, you decided to answer.
“you’re all bark and no bite, what else am i supposed to think?” you smirked devilishly when you saw him clench his jaw.
“you’re gonna regret being a brat,” his slender fingers wrapped themselves around your waist and with a harsh tug, he pulled you closer to attack your lips, biting and sucking on them, making your legs wobbly. he tasted sweet and bitter at the same time, probably from the liquor he had been drinking all night, and you couldn’t seem to get enough. his lips were soft and plush as they mingled with yours, teeth roughly clashing and tongues fighting for dominance, “am i?”
donghyuck hissed through his teeth as he unbuckled his pants, letting his cum-covered shaft spring free. he was already hard and you unconsciously rubbed your thighs together to ease some of the tension building up between them. his hand shot to your throat, tightening his grip until you couldn’t breathe properly, before forcing you on your knees.
donghyuck tapped his hard and heavy cock on your lips a couple of times before speaking. “open up, slut,” and you did as you were told, parting your lips and poking your tongue out, waiting for him to slide in.
but he didn’t.
he wanted you to lick him clean, he wanted to see you do as he said, follow his orders like a good girl without complaints.
“clean the mess you’ve done. now.”
the harsh tone of his voice sent a wave of arousal straight to your core. your hands immediately shot up to grab a hold of his length, but before you got too close he stopped you. confusion was written all over your face and for a moment you worried he had changed his mind.
“no hands, i want you to work on it only with that dirty mouth of yours.”
with your hands gripping onto his thighs, your tongue swiped from the base to the head of his cock, eagerly licking him clean. once you had swallowed every drop of his cum, your mouth took him whole, hollowing your cheeks, one hand massaging his balls. donghyuck threw his head back as yours bobbed at a rapid pace, the tip of his cock reaching the back of your throat as you swallowed around him.
when he was about to cum, he pulled away from your mouth, making you whine at the loss. wrapping his hand once again around your throat like a beautiful necklace, he forced you up on your feet. he turned you around before pulling you closer by a rough tug. your clothed ass pressed against his dick, a mixture of his arousal and your saliva wetting the cloth. your hips ground back to both tease him, desperate to feel something, anything. his hands went to the front of your jeans, rubbing his fingers over your clothed clit and a whimper fell from your lips.
“more, i need more,” you pleaded, the barrier of clothes making the feeling less pleasurable.
he surprisingly complied without resistance, dipping the digits under the restricting cloth. a deep groan vibrated against the side of your neck when he felt the wetness that had been gathering inside your panties since your dare.
“look at you, so damn wet,” his mouth watered at the feeling of your needy heat. at this point, donghyuck knew everyone had an idea of what you two could possibly be doing, and although he would enjoy returning the favour by eating you out to his heart’s content, there wasn’t enough space nor time to do so comfortably. but he swore he would make it up to you some time.
“for who is it, baby?” the answer was obvious, but still, he wanted to hear it directly from you. he inserted one long finger until it was knuckles deep inside of you and you let out a squeak, head falling back onto his shoulder.
“for you donghyuck, all for you.”
“that’s right, slut, only i can make you that wet, only i can touch you like this. you’re mine, don’t forget that,” he inserted a second finger and pumped them deeply into you.
“yes,” you breathed out softly, too far gone to fight back with a snarky remark.
although his fingers felt good and you could possibly –with a bit of an effort– cum just from them, you still wanted more. you wanted to feel the nice stretch of his cock tearing your walls apart.
“please, donghyuck.”
“what do you want?”
donghyuck knew what you wanted. fuck, he wanted it too, so bad. he had been waiting for an opportunity like this for a long time and now that he could finally have it, he was going to make the best out of it.
“fuck me,” your core ached to be filled so you swallowed your pride and spoke out.
“we don’t need it, i’m on the pill,” you rushed, stomach twisting and turning in excitement, “please, just fuck me.”
donghyuck’s eyes turned darker, lust clouding both of your minds with the only desire to fuck each other stupid. he pulled down your jeans so they were pooling on your ankles and went back to pump his fingers inside you to make sure you were ready to take him. as he entered you, you had to lean on the sink in front of you to hold yourself up or else you would have faceplanted the mirror.
“you feel so good, fuck, so fucking tight,” donghyuck growled when he was balls deep in you.
whimpers fell from your lips from the delicious stretch of his thick cock. after a few seconds of you adjusting to his size, you backed your ass into his hips to let him know you wanted him to move. he gave a couple of thrusts to test the waters before picking up his pace and you gripped the sides of the sink as he pounded into you. his mouth worked on your neck while you brought one of his hands under your shirt to play with your breasts.
“such a pretty sight, don’t you think?” he tugged harshly at your hair to force you to look at your reflection on the mirror, thrusts never faltering.
your makeup was ruined; lipstick smeared messily all over your lips from the hot make-out session, neck full of bruises donghyuck left to claim you, shirt pulled above your breasts displaying your puckered nipples while one of his big hands grabbed your boob as they bounced with every hard snap of his hips.
“you have no idea how many times i had to control myself not to pounce on you,” his eyes never left your quivering reflection, completely in love with the way your frame molded with his, “every single time you couldn’t keep that pretty little mouth of yours closed and all i wanted to do was shut you up with my cock.”
“f-fuck,” his thrusts turned rougher as his free hand wrapped around your neck, tightening his grip and amplifying the mind-blowing sensations he was giving you.
your asscheeks slapped against his hips, which drilled against you at an unhuman pace, hitting the right spots with every snap and making your eyes roll to the back of your head. you couldn’t keep your mouth shut, loud moans threatening to fall from your lips so you slapped your palm over your mouth to muffle your sounds.
“don’t, i want to hear you,” he gave a particularly hard thrust to try and draw a sound out of you, “i want you to be so loud that all of our friends know what we’re doing, i want them to know how good i’m making you feel.”
specially mark.
but he wasn’t going to tell you that.
“h-hyuck,” you couldn’t hold back the broken moan that fell from your lips, pleasure overtaking your body. your hands gave in and you almost fell forward, but donghyuck reacted sooner and pulled you by your hair, holding you up.
“address me properly, brat,” he growled in your ear. you felt a hard slap on your ass, the skin of the abused area stinging from the impact.
“i’m sorry… fuck, donghyuck,” your cries went straight to his dick, urging him to fuck you harder. he kneaded the flesh soothingly before spanking it again and again until you could make out the imprint of his big hand on your asscheek.
“f-faster, please,” you pleaded in a whine and he tsked, shaking his head, “such a greedy little slut.”
“what would everyone think of you if they could see you so eagerly taking my cock, mm?” donghyuck hummed, “begging for me to fuck you until you can’t walk properly?
shocks of pleasure shot through you, his dirty talk helping you reach your release faster than you anticipated. his grip on you was so tight you were sure you were going to be sore the next day. your moans turned pornographic as you neared your release, your walls squeezed around donghyuck to the point he was unable to move, so he started drawing circles over your sensitive clit to help you get off.
“let go, baby.”
and soon, his touch threw you over the edge, causing your body to shake and a broken moan to fall from your lips, legs weak as your whole weight only relied on your arms for support. he followed shortly after, grunting as he filled you up with his warm and sticky essence.
as he pulled out, a mixture of your slick juices and his seed leaked from your abused hole, dripping down your inner thighs. his fingers slid over to gather the drops of cum and opposite to your assumption, he didn’t push it back inside of you but brought the digits to your face, waiting for you to open your mouth.
and you did, eyes locked with his through the mirror as your tongue swirled around his fingers to lick them clean.
“fuck,” donghyuck sighed, “i didn’t know you were so dirty, sweetheart.”
and the teasing comes back.
“do you want me to remind you how i made you cum in your pants back there in a room full of people?” you rolled your eyes in disbelief and he just let out a breathy laugh.
“whatever. either way, even if they didn’t have the pleasure of fucking you or at least seeing you get fucked, they surely could hear you from how loud you were screaming my name.”
“good thing mark now knows who you belong to,” the words slipped out of his mouth before he could think and both of you shared a look of pure shock.
“did you just mention mark?”
“you did! what the fuck? were you jealous of mark?” you asked, eyes wide as you remembered the disgusted look on his face when you and mark got too touchy with each other during the game.
“i am jealous of mark.”
“what? why?”
“oh my god, you’re so dense.”
“shut up, i’m not.”
“yes, you are. i like you dumbass, that’s fucking why. why wouldn’t i be jealous if you two act like you’re dating but always deny it when questioned? i can give you my hoodies, i can cuddle you and hold your hand, i can spoil you with cute stuff. i can be your boyfriend, it doesn’t have to be him.”
everything was so weird.
you were supposed to be enemies for fucks sake.
but he looked cute with pouty lips.
“well, you sure have got a damn weird way of demonstrating it.”
“shut up, okay?” donghyuck snapped, done with trying to get you to shut the fuck up. “i just didn’t know how to approach you or talk to you at all, alright?” he sighed, a scowl forming on his face. “you always seem to be angry when i’m around.” the change in his voice shocked you, it was much softer now, as if he was afraid of you hearing it.
“hey, don’t beat yourself for it, alright?” you sighed, feeling bad for being so mean to him for no reason. because you really didn’t have a reason. whenever you weren’t at each other’s throats and you got time to observe him from afar, you saw how caring he was with his friends, even if most of the time he annoyed the crap out of them.
donghyuck actually seemed like a good guy… if you ignored his teasing.
maybe you didn’t hate him as much as you thought.
“so, would you be my-,”
suddenly, the sound of banging on the door resonated through the room.
“are you done already? i need to pee.”
you quickly fixed your clothes, embarrassed by the presence of someone outside the door waiting for you and donghyuck to get out and momentarily forgetting about the boy’s proposal. just as you were about to open the door and get yourself the fuck out of the situation, his arms wrapped around your waist to pull you closer and whisper to your ear in a way you could feel your panties get damp once again.
“we’re not done yet, princess.”
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letteredwings · 2 years
When It’s Right | K.SW
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Sunwoo x Fem!Reader
In life, you go through many ups and downs. Meet many people along the way — some who stay and some who are temporary. Sometimes, you’re lucky enough to meet someone who you want to stay. 
Contains: Fluff, smut; unprotected and exclusive traits (marking) | AU: Slice-of-life, romance | W.C: 4.5k+
A/N: happy birthday @sparkvn ! I’m sorry I didn’t manage to get this out on friday, but I hope you love this as much as I love you <3 please don’t kill me I’m rusty with smut and writing atm so go easy on me please <3
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You wish you could say you fell asleep blissfully. Wish with everything that you could say you fell asleep without any irritation, or angst and that you were in the arms of your lover as you fell asleep. 
But you couldn't. 
A text. That's all he gave. A text to apologise for cancelling yet again. A ‘sorry princess I’m really tired and won’t make it.’  Sure, he told you he loves you and told you to sleep well and that you’d see him tomorrow, but this was the third time he’s cancelled and a whole two weeks since you’ve physically seen him now. You excused the date cancellations— you’ve cancelled before, life happens and you know that your schedules have been awkwardly matched anyway — but this time? Sending you to sleep upset? Unforgivable. 
And the imbecile must know you’re mad, because you’re disturbed by a body dropping onto your bed (that half scares you to death) and then an arm curling over your body and that familiar contented baby-like whine of his as he gets comfortable.
Without opening your eyes, you grumpily say “get out” and then add, “and give me my damn key back.” 
This immediately has Sunwoo whining “princess” and prompts him to wrap his arm tighter around your waist. It makes you grit your teeth, and being trapped under the covers and his arm makes your elbow shooting backward to get him away ineffective. 
So you resort to ignoring him. 
But you should know that as stubborn as Sunwoo is, he is very determined. He allows you to think for a second that you have won when you feel his arm slip away and his body move to sit up and scoot off the bed. But in the next second you feel the brief chill of morning air hit your back as the duvet is pulled away from your body and before you can move, Sunwoo has slid beneath the covers with you and has his arm winding back around your waist. Warm air ghosts your neck making you freeze up in his arms, but when lips start to faintly kiss at your skin, it jumpstarts your body into fight mode. Your foot kicks back into his knee as you try to pull forward, but Sunwoo, though with a cry, has none of it, pulling you back firmly against his chest. Through your wiggles he whines until his lips find your ear and he whispers “let me make it up to you.” 
Did he really just say that?
A scowl forms on your face and you manage to get your elbow to knock back into his chest making him grunt. 
“Is that the only thing on your damn mind?!” To your annoyance, he start’s laughing, his deep lazy chuckle muffling against the skin of your neck, growing brighter and brighter. And you absolutely hate how the sound of his laugh makes your heart flutter.
The sound dies down into a contented groan and he snuggles closer, pressing his nose into your neck. “I know you love it, but get your head out of the gutter babe.” You abruptly turn, somehow managing to straddle him and stare down at him with a scowl, Sunwoo only holding that cheeky grin for but a moment until you start to pound at his chest over and over, making his laughter start all over again; he grabs your fists with a starry-filled gaze on you, his grin fading for his lips to press kisses to your fists. Pulling your wrists from his hold proves as useless as hitting him with them in the first place, so with dejection you settle on cutting into him with your unimpressed eyes. “Don’t be like that, princess. I meant properly. I have a surprise for you. It’s already booked and I made sure it's not when you got assignments or some shit, so.” 
Suspiciously, you ask “really?”
With a smile, he guides your fists to his lips to kiss once more, nodding his head. “Really. Then after a beat of silence, “...but…you have to drive.”
Of course. 
Sunwoo’s lucky that it’s you who has mostly been busy in the weeks leading up to your getaway, because he’s hanging on by a thread resisting your begs and fluttering lashes to get him to tell you where you’re both going to be going. You even tried to bribe him:
“I’ll give you the head of your life.”
“Every head from you is the head of my life.” This smooth idiot. “I’m not telling you… Can I still get some head tho— ow!” 
Watching his arms flex whilst he puts the bags in the car, you can’t help but sigh out. How does one look so delectable doing the simplest things in the world? Though his black tee hangs from his frame, those broad shoulders are still clear as ever, the blades in his back moving when he leans forward to slide the bags into the back of the boot. 
Still an idiot though. 
Briefly, you wonder if you should chance asking him again. You know how effective your kisses are. Maybe you could catch him off guard, put him in a little daze and ask then. Or you could— 
“Ow! What was that for?” His cackle echoes in your ears as you rub the sore spot on your head. Growling, you move forward in an attempt to flick him back, gritting your teeth when he merely holds you back by your head, boisterously laughing at your attempt to get him. 
“Babe, babe, babe! C’mon we gotta go.” Biting his lip, you yelp when he quickly manoeuvres behind you, giving you no time to even think the moment he lifts your feet from the ground and stumbles over to the drivers side. 
“You little shit!” You yell once he places you back on your feet. But again, he pays you no mind, physically moving you into the car and going as far as strapping you in. He looks into your eyes with a smile as the belt clicks in place, kissing your nose making it scrunch and the last thing you hear when the door slams shut is his mischievous laugh. When he gets into his own seat you shoot daggers at him. “I could crash the car and make it look like an accident.”
He scoffs. “Please, you get scared driving as it is. No way you would drive dangerously on purpose.” Damn him.
Rolling your eyes, you turn the ignition on while Sunwoo scrolls through his playlist. “Where should I go then, imbecile?” 
“There— there!”
A frown overcomes your face, brows pinched together as you eye the lone diner on the exit from the highway. 
“The surprise is that?”
“What? No, I’m just hungry.” 
Though you roll your eyes, you can’t help but smile upon quickly glancing to see his starry gaze on the diners sign reading Bao On The Road. 
It’s surprisingly hard to find parking, though the small lot could account for that. But when you enter, you find it bustling as much as the highway. 
The interior represents the food— a fusion of Asian American— with hanging sky-blue lanterns and a fake cherry blossom tree by the entrance with classic American diner style booths.
You’re seated by a chippy waitress after five minutes and spotting the flush on her cheeks you’re both quick to wave away her apologies for the delay. It really is full to the brim. 
She makes quick work of clearing a just vacated table, spraying it down before moving aside for you both to take your seats. Just as she hands you a menu, a customer calls for her attention and she hastily tells you both that she’ll return to take your order shortly before practically running off to the waiting customer. 
Sunwoo is already looking at the menu, eyes scanning the foods listed quick time.  
“Okay, I know what we’re getting.” 
“Do I not have a choice?”
“You always like what I choose and we share anyway.” He says, smiling in a know-it-all manner. 
“Whatever.” You roll your eyes, though you know it’s true. You know each other like the back of your hand— something that you think is both a gift and a curse at times. 
And after you’ve ordered and the food comes you can’t say you regret letting Sunwoo order. Across the table are various plates — fries loaded with pulled pork and smothered in sriracha, hoisin and topped off with spring onion and sesame seeds, bao buns filled with chicken and gochujang, another beef with its own delicious mix., dumplings, noodle soup and hotteok served American style with bacon and maple syrup. 
Your mouth waters and you realise how hungry you are too. 
Unlike you who is unsure of what to start with, Sunwoo pulls the hotteok his way and cuts into it. You eye the fries, thinking that’s an easy place to start, but then a forkful of food hovers by your lips. Meeting Sunwoo’s eyes you see that cheesy grin he sports as he says ‘ahhh’. 
“I can feed myself.” 
“I know. But I can feed you too. So open wide.” 
He follows your head each time you move away making you laugh. “Stoooop.” You whine. But when he pouts at you, you eventually (with an eye roll) give in and let him feed you. 
And just from that he looks like the happiest man in the world. 
It’s over two hours later with a few stops in between that Sunwoo finally tells you to pull up on a trail leading to your destination. 
You’ve long since left the city, the roads becoming more rural and cars fewer. There’s a sign that reads Greene's Luxury Cabins and you nearly swerve shrieking in excitement. 
“Babe!” Sunwoo scolds.
You pay him no mind, nearly bouncing in your seat. “A cabin? We’re staying in a cabin? You got us a cabin?” 
Sunwoo laughs, shaking his head at you, but relaxes in his seat looking at you with warm eyes, committing your excited face to memory and feeling his heart stir with so much love. 
You arrive at a standard base— a wooden building with a hanging sign that reads reception with a dusty clearing for cars to park. 
Eagerly, you park up, exiting your vehicle before Sunwoo can even unbuckle his belt. 
“So,” he grins, side eyeing you as he rounds to your side, “do you like it?” 
It’s so much cooler in the mountains, the stifling heat of your city gone, something you welcome wholeheartedly. Pine trees fill the surroundings, its needles littering the floor and gathering that earthly smell in your nostrils. The sky is clear in a different way to home, a blanket of pale blue filtering everything in cool tones. 
You try to hide your smile by burying yourself in his chest, curling your arms around his waist. Nodding against him as an answer, you feel the deepness of his chuckle reverberate in his chest, then you feel his fingers slide through your hair against your scalp, cradling your head against him. 
“Welcome.” Turning, you see an elderly man come out the door, an old fatherly smile on his face. “Would you be Sunwoo?” He asks, keeping that smile as he stares at the pair of you. When Sunwoo nods, introducing you both and shaking his hand, the man reaches into his pocket and hands a clipboard over to Sunwoo. “I’m Marcell. It’s lovely to have you both. Here’s the keys. Just sign this— it just says you’re liable for damages and confirms your payment. There’s chopped wood prepared at the cabin, but if you need more, just come back and we’ll have some for you. Or if you’re confident, you can do it yourself. Any issues, either come back or speed dial one.” 
“Thank you! We’ll probably return soon for more wood.” You laugh, pulling away from Sunwoo to take the keys as he quickly flips through the pages on the clipboard and signs where needed. . 
As you walk back to the car after thanking Marcell, Sunwoo mumbles “I can do it.”
“What do you know about chopping wood?” You ask incredulously. 
“How hard can it be?” 
The drive to the actual cabins is around another fifteen minutes in an area remote from the reception and the rest of the world. 
You can’t believe your eyes when you see it— it looks so glamorous. The wood is polished and strong, the glass pristine and shining. Behind the cabin is the lake Marcell told you both about and you can’t wait to wake up tomorrow and have a nice hot drink by it. 
Upon entering, you’re quick to leave Sunwoo behind at the entrance with the bags, speeding off to look through the rooms. A beautiful open space for the kitchen and living room, the fireplace grand and so inviting, Up the stairs you find a master bathroom in your bedroom and already you can’t wait to try out the shower. The bed looks so big and comfortable and you’re soon reminded of how tiring the drive over was. 
Going to another bedroom that was nearly as big as the master, you peer out at the lake and sigh. 
I can’t believe I’m here. 
You don’t remember the last time you went away, but you can already feel every ounce of stress fade from your body. 
You jump when arms envelop you from behind. Sunwoo rubs his cheek against yours, swaying you both side to side, and smiling softly, your hands rest over his. 
“Thank you… I love it.” You say shyly, staring out the window. 
He turns you in his arms, holding your face between his palms and leans down to kiss you sweetly. “And I love you.” He says easily, sending your heart into a frenzy. 
When you wake up from your nap, Sunwoo’s not beside you. You feel groggy, but so rested that you don’t even want to think about moving. 
But then your eyes land on the doors to your master bathroom and decide that a nice hot shower is exactly what you need. 
The white granite walls and black tile floors are complimented with cute potted plants here and there. The space is so big it fits a walk in shower and a large bath that you’re sure is big enough to fit two people— you’re also sure Sunwoo’s going to want to try that with you. 
As soon as the hot water sprays over you, your eyes slip shut and find yourself completely relaxed. You almost don’t want to leave, so used to quick showers at home, but after idly standing beneath the water for what felt like hours you finally finish up and get dressed. 
You wish you knew you were going somewhere cooler, because your skirt, even paired with a sweater that hangs off your shoulders anyway, isn't doing much. 
“Sunwoo?” You call out, going downstairs. “Baby, can you get the fire going? I’m cold.” 
You find him already in front of the fireplace, with a fire already going and he smiles up at you making your own lips lift into a smile automatically. Holding out his arms he pouts out his lips. “Baby,” he whines, “I missed you.”  
Giggling, you move to sit next to him on the rug where he’s leaning against the sofa. His arm wraps around you immediately and naturally he places a kiss on your forehead. 
“Sleep well?”
“Like a baby.” You sigh out happily. 
“That’s good, princess.” 
Eyes set on the wood burning away, those engulfing flames licking orange, crackling the wood as it wears away under the fierce heat, you can’t help but feel totally content; the simple arm slung over your shoulder, allowing your head to fall into the crevice against his neck and the quiet make you feel as if you’re in your own little world with him, one that you find you could stay in forever. 
Moments pass with that contentedness, of the simplicity of being with your lover and watching those flames burn away. This seemingly minor moment is something you’re sure your heart will cradle, a memory that will hold precious always. 
What follows will be something imprinted into every fibre of your being. 
Sunwoo starts with brushing his lips over your bare shoulder, letting the flesh of his lips hum against the feel of your skin on his mouth, warmth blossoming beneath the gentle caress. Those brushes lead to faint kisses along your shoulders, up and down the length of your skin, fingers curling your upper arm for his thumb to run across as he goes on. Eventually his lips trace a path up your neck, forcing your head to naturally gravitate away to allow him his exploration.  Teeth pull delicately at the skin of your neck, tongue darting out to smoothly run over where he pleases and you feel that the heat has made itself home inside of you. 
His hand grabs your face, making you meet his lips. It’s dizzying, the way his head moves fluidly as he pushes against your mouth, keeping your head in place to take each brush, light bite, the tantalising way his tongue reaches into your mouth to stroke against yours, each second making him steal your breath deeper than the last. He grapples for your body, arm around your shoulder keeping you in place, whilst the other reaches for your hip and pulls you atop his lap, keeping your back resting against his solid chest, neck curving to keep kissing him like your life depends on it. 
You feel your mind slipping away already. It’s that simplicity. Of having his mouth on yours and practically feeling your cognition start to fail the longer he kisses you. 
Sunwoo pulls your knees either side of him making your back bow against his chest. Lost on his tongue, you’re not prepared for the pressure of his palm smoothing low on your body, travelling upwards till they reach your breasts, groping wholeheartedly making you mewl into his mouth. Your lips break away to gasp for air, head falling back against his shoulder, eyes blearily staring up at the ceiling and mindlessly reaching for his wrists, trying to ground yourself as he continues squeezing your breasts. Without your lips on his, his return to your neck, suckling the skin gluttonously as if gorging on sweet nectar, leaving your skin sticky with his mark. 
It’s no wonder that you start moaning for him, nor is it a surprise when your hips start to grind down onto his crotch, rhymically gyrating your hips to feel that perfect pressure on your bud, the feel of him hardening between your thighs making your desperation grow. Those hands glide down to your hips, tightly gripping and pushing you down even harder making you cry out. You sharply gasp when his teeth sink in at the junction your shoulder meets your neck and as if possessed you start moving faster, totally consumed in the overwhelming sensations he bestows upon you.
Sunwoo reels you back in though, forcing you to slow down making you whine out.
“Slowly, princess. You can come like this, can’t you?” Shit, his voice. You can only respond with a pathetic sound from the back of your throat, gulping heavily to ease the dryness. The heat — may it be from the fire, or what he’s conjuring from your body — makes you feel unbelievably dizzy, no proper words able to be formed as you do your best to keep going slow how he wants. Your hand reaches back to card your fingers through his hair, gripping tightly as he sets the pace for you himself, fingers digging bruisingly into your skin. “Just like that, my love.” He groans softly against your skin, leaving fluttering kisses up and down your neck. 
“I know, love. Let go.” The heat unfurls in slow mind numbing washes, like you’re submerged and washing ashore in a way that is simultaneously peaceful and all-consuming, leaving you grappling for his hands and your chest heaving in its fight for air. He kisses your forehead, coaxing you through it with soft praises, keeping your hips rolling until your body twitches and tries to alleviate away from his body to end the continuous onslaught. He allows you to slump against him, hugging you against his chest as your mind slips back into place— as much as it can, anyway. 
Soon, you find yourself on your back, head heavy and body weak. He leans down and slants his mouth over yours, kissing you sweet and slow, in gentle little pecks and deeper lasting kisses in between. You miss the feel of his chest against your body dearly when he pulls away, confused by the sudden loss of contact until you realise he’s settled between your thighs and staring between your legs where your skirt has flipped up and the mess he’s made of you stains the fabric of your underwear. 
“So beautiful, princess.” He sighs out, utterly mesmerised. The pads of his fingers trail up your thighs teasingly, all the way to the band of your underwear allowing him to hook his fingers beneath the material and drag them from your legs. Moving onto his stomach, your head cranes to see him and mindlessly, your hand reaches up onto the sofa and pulls a cushion to place beneath your head. 
Now, you can properly see the way his eyes smoulder in darkness. Gaze pointedly focused on your eyes as he smooths his fingers up the undersides of your thighs and allows them to hang over his shoulders. He peers at you from his peripheral when he turns his head to start nipping at your skin, teasing you with soft kisses and then sharper bites, with that sucking pressure that lasts until he is sure the evidence of where his kisses have reached can be seen. That inferno starts to build low in your gut all over again, with each caress of his tongue, each time his teeth sinks into your delicate skin and bruises you lovingly. You seem impossibly wetter.
So wet, that he can’t resist tasting you any longer. His nose presses against your clit when his tongue seeks to fill you right away, the slick muscle pushing its way through your tight opening making your walls pulse with need. Immediately tremors travel the nerve endings from your toes all the way up your thighs and you whimper, biting your lip to stop the screams that are sure to come. His hands smooth up and down your thighs as he digs his face into your heat, jaw working slow and rhythmically as his tongue swivels in and out of you, his whole head moving with his up and down motions, dragging the thickness of his tongue over your fluttering opening to your clit over and over, pausing over your bud to dart his tongue side to side around and around until his lips wrap around you and then comes the fireworks before your fuzzy vision, the pressure in your gut winding tightly and it’s when he slides one, then two fingers smoothly inside of you, pressing deep and slow, feeling up your walls and igniting fire inside you that you break apart all over again with a broken cry and trembling body. 
You’re still catching your breath, shaking uncontrollably when he sits up, keeping one of your legs over his shoulder. A taste fills your mouth and a pressure presses down on your tongue and you moan again realising its his fingers. He slides them in comfortably, smiling affectionately as he watches your dazed face and the way your lips immediately close around his fingers and start to suck. Then, he starts to ease into you. Bulbous tip stretching you far more than his thick fingers, feeding girthy inch after inch into you until he’s seated deeply inside.  Your head cranes back into the cushion, your broken moan teetering into a cry feeling so full of him. 
His hips move fluidly into you, in drawn out nice and slow thrusts. Each time his pelvis collides with yours he rolls his hips up to hit you deep and precise. To fit into you in that perfect way. All the while his fingers drag in the smallest movements over your tongue, your mouth swallowing around him as your crazed eyes meet his hungry ones. His other hand pushes your sweater up, gripping your breast when he slides his hand beneath your bra to tweak your nipple. Suddenly, his hands come away to grip your thighs, folding your legs so far back your knees are either side of your head and then he leans down, messily kissing you, tonguing into your mouth as his slow thrusts start to fuck into you harder, stopping insdie of you to grind deliciously against your clit, to let his length stroke your insides good and proper. His hands seek yours, pinning them to the rug and interlocking your fingers tightly when he gains speed, going so hard you move along the floor and feel your entire body rattle with his strength. Tears well in your eyes and he rubs your noses together before kissing them away, hovering his lips over yours and peering deeply into your eyes as if he can see the map of your soul and explore it and claim it as if it is his.
And it is his. 
You moan against his lips and he kisses you deeply when his hips stutter and become rougher, as if he is trying to break you— and God does he make you feel so good, make you feel like he’s taking you to heaven and his voice becomes raspy, groans coming up from right in his gut and against your skin. 
“Fuck I love youIloveyouIloveyou” He slurs out, the pleasure consuming him as much as it consumes you until that beautiful moment hits you, together. Your walls tighten around him as he pushes so deep you think you feel him in your belly and then warmth floods — you and him, that beautiful togetherness of his seed filling your insides and your orgasm flooding around him; heaven. 
He pants against the crook of your neck while your body fights through the blinding white that overtook your vision, everything slowly, wonderfully coming together in complete bliss. You run your fingers through his hair, humming in content, feeling the aftereffects buzz beneath your skin. 
Sunwoo rolls over making you yelp, keeping his soft length inside you as you lay across his chest, now the one staring down at him. His fingers run up your back, tiptoeing into your hair and cradling your head against him. 
It’s quiet. It’s peaceful. The air warm and electric with your love. 
"I want to marry you "
Your entire body freezes over him. Shock replacing that mellowness— you almost think you misheard. "What?" 
"I want you to be my wife." 
Though your heart flutters, you slap his chest when you lean up to stare him down. "This is how you're proposing?" 
He chuckles, "I'm just saying… I know it's you." 
Because when it’s right, it’s right. 
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torubeth · 3 years
Things the haikyuu boys’ would tell after you’ve slept
ft. Suna Rintarou, Iwaizumi Hajime, Matsukawa Issei
-Suna Rintarou It was a Friday night. A night where everybody clashes on their bed, thinking about all the events occurred that week. Some people go out, some stay in, and then there’s you and Suna. Who’s all wrapped up in tangled sheets, a tv show muffled in the background, the soft color of the LEDs adding a bit more effect to the comfortable atmosphere.
You were tired, worn out even. This week hasn’t really been the best for you and Suna could tell. You may not notice it but Suna has always kept an eye on you. He knows you better than you know yourself. And he knew that right now, you needed to rest. So all he had to do, was pull you into his chest by your waist and you were out cold. Small snores adding to the already comfortable silence.
He started running his fingers through your hair, eyes still fixated on the tv.
“You know y/n, I’ve always been so envious of you ? You may not see it but the world does. I do. The amount of hard work and effort you put in everything you do, is something I wish I did. You will tell me to shut up if you were awake right now but it’s the truth baby. You really are the iron man in the relationship. When I fell in love with you, you brought a side of me I didn’t even know existed. A side I thought I will never get to experience, that is until I met you. You taught me how to love, how to find love in the simplest of the things, to appreciate even the littlest of the things. Rain meant nothing but sadness to me but you said that there’s more to it. You taught me how to find happiness even in those darkest of days. If I know what love is, it’s because of you baby. And I’m grateful, for having you, for getting to call you mine. I’m not the best in words but I’m trying. I love you so much, it scares me. I’m scared that you might get bored of me and leave me. If you do, I won’t be able to handle it well baby. I’m way too obsessed with you. Weird right ? But I just want you to know, I love you y/n, very much, and I’ll keep loving you”, he said, kissing your temple,and slowly drifting off to sleep.
-Iwaizumi Hajime Honestly speaking, Iwa didn’t believe in love at first sight. Hell, he didn’t even believe in love. So it was a shock to everyone, because of how head over heels he was for you.
He didn’t know how to love, what to do or where to begin but he tried. For you.
But you taught him, taught him the meaning of love and he’s grateful he got to experience such a beautiful phase of life and that too, with you.
So it was no surprise, finding him talking to your sleeping figure on a normal Friday afternoon. Practice got cancelled due to the heavy rainstorm so you both decided to stay in and take a nap. Well, at least you did.
“You know baby, how I used to the hate rain ? Cause every time it rained, coach called in and cancelled the practice. But now, it’s hard to hate it. I enjoy it now and….it’s beautiful. So thank you for opening my eyes babe. But you know what’s more beautiful ? You. *scoffs* They said love will make you do crazy things and it’s even more crazier that I’d do anything for you. When you said you liked me, for me, I felt like I won in life. This is the first time, I’ve been recognized by my true self. Or even chosen over my best friend. Don’t get me wrong though, Oikawa is amazing, but when you said you liked me and not him, I felt alive, like I was actually important to someone. So thank you y/n, for giving me a chance and for loving me. I know I’m a bit hard headed sometimes, but that doesn’t make me love you any less. I hope you know that. Anyways, sleep well princess, I’ll have lunch ready for you when you’re awake”, he said, placing a small kiss on your cheek and heading towards the kitchen.
-Matsukawa Issei School ended, sky turning shades of orange, indicating that’s it evening of a normal autumn day. You and Issei were walking together hand in hand to the station to catch a train back home. Both of you tired from the days work. Few minutes of standing in the waiting room and your train arrived. You entered in first and took a seat next to the window, leaving Issei to sit on the edge. You leaned on the window, eyes slowing closing and before you know it, you’re fast asleep. He notices this and puts your head on his shoulder.
“You know something Y/N ? I always, and I mean always, wondered why you would choose someone like me ? And I know you’ll disagree to this but it’s the truth you know ? There’s Oikawa and Iwaizumi and yet you chose ME! I don’t get it. Sometimes I feel like you could do better, cause there are so many options available for you. Don’t get me wrong though baby, I love you, god I love you so much but…..there are days where I feel like you’ll get tired of me and…..leave me. And I don’t want to experience such a day in my life. So that’s why I’ll do my best! Do whatever it takes to make you happy. You don’t ask for much, always putting others before yourself and that’s one of the reasons why I’m head over heels for you. *laughs* Everybody on the team says I’m a simp, and they’re not wrong. And this simp is madly in love with you……mate I hope you’re sleeping or else we’re gonna have a problem…..” he finishes, a tint of red dusting his face.
Sighing, he rests his head on yours, just looking out the window when, “AND CUT! That’s was so good bro! I didn’t know you could get all sappy!”, Makki said. Issei’s eyes widens in horror. “WHA- WAIT! MAKKI ? WHAT’RE YOU DOING HERE !?”, he asks, face even more red. “Shhhhh! You’re gonna wake y/n up! And dumbass…..did you forget, we go home in the same bus, EVERYDAY!”, Makki says, rolling his eyes. “Right….listen…did you, uhm, you know-“ “Did I record your sappy speech ? HELL YEAH! YOU BET I DID! I’M SHOWING THIS TO THE WHOLE TEAM!”, Makki says, laughing out. Knowing it’s too late, Issei just slumps back into his seat, glancing your way to make sure you were still asleep and you were, small snores escaping your lips, making him smile.
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hanayumi · 3 years
okay okay, it’s almost friday and that’s cool and all, hope everyone’s hydrating and eating well, but LISTEN!!!!! mikey when he’s jealous :D a jealous mikey :D (slight nsfw incoming)
well he does like to show you off in public a ton. under normal circumstances his arm will never leave your waist, but there are times when certain things will catch his eye and he’ll wander off for a split second (ie. taiyaki for sale, buy 1 get 5 free!! def not a scam) and he gets all pouty when people mistake you for being single (as if they couldn’t tell by this gremlin of a man looming with a scowl in the distance) — and in such cases he’s not above staking his claim on you right then and there for all to see >:(
the best-case scenario: he’ll shoot the unsuspecting fellow a glare that could make a fucking bear shit itself, casually stalking up to the both of you so he can have a mini stare-down that lasts a grand total of three seconds. then when the guy panics and tucks tail he plays all innocent, batting his eyelashes and humming, oh my, what’s the hurry? (but secretly his heart leaps with joy and childish victory) his arm slinks instinctively over your waist, having learnt his lesson not to leave you alone when you’re out in this shady part of town, and he’s already ushering you to the next location, regardless of your protests, and that’s the end of that.
the worst-case scenario: he makes an utter show out of being your boyfriend. this usually happens when the guy you’re speaking to gets a little too touchy for his liking, perhaps inching closer to you while you don’t notice. he swears he burst a blood vessel at the sight. mikey doesn’t give a shit if people stare (the more the merrier); he likes to show up in the middle of your conversation and put his chin on your shoulder, arms wrapping around your hips, a sneer screwed onto his lips as he starts scrutinising your little friend from top to bottom, with that judgemental gleam in his eyes as if he were ascertaining whether this dude is worthy of hearing your voice or not. (the answer is an unequivocal no.) yes, it’s a little embarrassing, and you probably whisper at him to cut it out, but then he’ll hum softly, and go, hm? cut what out? you always like it when i do this, baby — and the person goes googly-eyed as his eyes dart anywhere but the two of you.
mikey enjoys watching their faces shift from inflated self-confidence to immediate horror and realisation when he makes his appearance. they think they’re being fucking sneaky by hitting on his girl? so be it. he enjoys the attention very much, the little demon. perhaps if he’s feeling extra devious he’ll skip the snarky greetings entirely, and steals a deep kiss while the poor guy watches. doesn’t let you pull away until your face is positively scalding as he groans into your mouth, nibbling on your bottom lip for good measure — all on purpose, of course, to beat it into the man’s head that you’re already spoken for. he simpers like a self-satisfied idiot when you turn your head only to realise with a squeal that the guy had already excused himself (mikey, your inner exhibitionist is showing). it’s absolutely mortifying and you don’t let him off the hook unless he lets you wallop him on the head a couple times.
but but when you scold him for being over-protective he probably does feel bad (he can’t help it because its just instinct to protect what’s his, and coupled with his trigger-happy fists, that’s a disaster waiting to happen)) and he’ll apologise for real if you tell him he went too far with his ‘intimidation tactics’ — maybe huffs and grumbles about you ‘not wanting him anymore’ (and why don’t you go and marry that prick huh!!) and ignores you out of pettiness for a few minutes before he caves and runs back to you for attention <3 anyway don’t mess with mikey’s girlie unless you wanna have a very unhappy man knocking the daylights out of you — there have been a few occasions when someone overstepped a boundary or two, and you couldn’t stop your seething boyfriend in time and the both of you had to wait around awkwardly for the ambulance making sure the poor man didn’t pass out from blood loss >-<
HERE I PRESENT A FEW LINES OF DIALOGUE that i think about way too much :
“piss off, will you? she’s my woman.”
“yes yes, my girl is fucking breathtaking. why don’t you go find your own? there’s no one else like her though, i can assure you that.”
(a whisper into your ear when he leans over) “i could fuck you right here against this wall this second, babe, and that asshole can watch.”
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Feeling like a family
Summary: Y/n visits Harry during his lunch break, letting him in on the relationship both her and Milo have with Xavier. Then they go to the zoo and have a little family day :) 
warning/ disclaimers: swearing, family issues. 
Things have been going amazing with Harry and Y/n. Ever since their date a couple weeks ago they have been seeing each other more and more. Harry has been coming into her bookshop while she’s working when he can. Just to surprise her and make her day a little better, sometimes he brings her lunch on the weekends and she visits him when he is spending hours after school hours grading art work and setting projects up for his students. 
It’s been new and exciting, and extremely fun. Not to mention the kissing has definitely been a plus. They went to have coffee with each other a couple days after their date, spending a good portion of the morning together. They have basically been inseparable since, Harry even invited Y/n and Milo over for dinner so they could all get to know each other better. Loralie was just excited to have guests that weren't family, and also to see a friend from school outside of school. She had a great time with Milo, they played together while Harry and Y/n cleaned up dinner together and snuck kisses in the kitchen. 
It's another Wednesday. Harry had Loralie and Milo's class now and he is letting them finger paint. It’s mainly been a calm class, he didn’t have to deal with much usually and if a kid did have a melt down the teacher and/or teachers assistant would deal with it instead of making Harry deal with it. “Looks great, Lora,” Harry says, kissing the top of Loralies head before scooting past her and walking over to his messy desk. He has papers, projects, markers, paints, all over his desk, even with all the time he spends after school he feels like he may never get it organized. 
“My mummy likes your daddy.” He hears, looking up to see Milo and Loralie talking. His cheeks turn crimson when he hears it, did they really give it away that easy? Their children now caught onto the fact that the two were dating? That was just embarrassing. “My daddy likes your mummy.” But that was more embarrassing. 
Harry ignores it (and the burning in his cheeks) and just hopes that the teacher will hush the class. He busies himself with cleaning his desk, trying to shove the papers into the drawers and file folders that they belong to but his mind is still distracted. He’s gonna have to tell Y/n that their kids know. The bell rings and he looks up from his desk. “Okay, you can leave your paintings where they are. I'll put them on the drying rack and you’ll get them tomorrow!” Harry sings, moving over to Loralie to kiss her cheeks and say a goodbye until he sees her at lunch time. “Bye daddy” she says, waving to him after kissing his cheek and joining her class. 
Harry laughs, letting out a sigh and putting the messy finger paintings on one of his many drying racks. It’s his lunch time now. He has to supervise lunch so he gets his break before everyone else. 
He wanders around his class room, doing random things and cleaning up his messes that he’s made from the two days of the week before him. He didn’t have plans for lunch, he would probably just have an extra big dinner. He’s happy to find Y/n cured his rumbling tummy when he sees her walking through his classroom. He smiles, chuckling at her big dramatic smile that was obvious teasing. “Hi, darling.” He says, leaning over his desk to press a kiss to her lips. 
She sits on the art table in front of his desk, setting two to-go boxes down. “Hi,” she says back, handing him one of the to-go boxes. “No sitting on the tables.” Harry teases while he reaches out to take the white Styrofoam box in his hands, quickly thanking her. “Suck it up.” She shrugs, her feet setting in the chair that was once tucked under the art table. “I just got you a sub and fries.” She says, plucking a chip from her box and taking a bite out of it. 
“Why Are you here? Not that I’m not happy to see you, of course.” He smiles, reaching over and giving her hand a squeeze. She shrugs, tapping her shoes down on the chair while she pulls her food into her lap. “I forgot to put Milo's' lunch box in his backpack so I had to drop it off.” She says, making Harry smile. So he thought she would have lunch with him? She’s adorable. “So how’s your week been, babe?” Harry sings, sitting back in his big office hair and relaxing into it while he eats. 
“Fine. Milo's dad visited.” What?! Since when did he come around? And since when was he “Milo's dad” and not “Xavier”? Harry knits his brows, gulping down his food before he responds, a little nervous. Harry and Milo are best buds, they have grown closer and he’s tried to pay him more attention when he sees him in class as well, he doesn’t want their friendship to be ruined now, even though what he is thinking is selfish. Milo deserves a good daddy. 
“Since when does he come around?” He asks, Y/n rolling her eyes at his tone. “He’s a photographer so he’s always traveling the world. I mean he pays child support, he’s not a shit dad. I just have my own issues with him.” She says, her tone heavy with annoyance. Harry was under the impression that he was a horrible dad and didn’t even try to care for Milo, but now he hears he pays child support and visits? 
“I just thought he didn’t care.” 
“Well… he’s trying. Like I said he’s traveling the world so he can’t always see him but he pays child support and he’s trying to come around more. He did come over and take some cute photos of Milo though.” Y/n smiles, remembering how her baby posed so well for the camera. He was shy at first but then they found a stray kitty out on a walk and he was more than willing to pose with it. 
Harry nods, taking a bite out of his sub. He finishes his bite and wipes his mouth with the brown paper napkins, “Is he gonna take Milo for the night or something like that?” Harry questions. Y/n is happy that Xavier is trying to see him more but she doesn’t think she would be able to be away for a night, especially when he doesn’t see Milo that much anyways. “I don’t think I would be comfortable enough to let Milo stay with him, for now at least. But he’s flying off and leaving Friday so I don’t have to worry.” Y/n confesses, taking a bite of her sub while she waits for Harry’s response. 
“Yeah, I understand that.” 
They eat together before Y/n deems it time for her to go. Giving him a hug and a kiss goodbye before she heads out and opens the book shop back up, letting Harry finish out his day. 
Harry and Y/n had made plans to take their little ones to the zoo. Y/n told Harry that Milo had been going on and on about lions so it was the perfect time for them to go. Harry has packed up Loralies stroller, putting snacks, his wallet, and her diaper bag in the bottom carrier. Luckily (but also unluckily) Milo is at the age where he does not want to be in a stroller, every time Y/n tries to put him in it while they are out he complains and tries to get out of it the whole time. 
Harry had picked them up, driving about an hour to the zoo. Milo and Loralie babbled to each other the whole ride which made their parents happy- meanwhile they were just humming to the radio and making small talk the whole ride. 
“Are you ready to see the lions?” Y/n coos to Milo, pulling him out of his car seat and setting him on the ground, holding his hand so he doesn’t run off in the car park. Harry pulls Loralie out, pulling out her stroller from the back, preparing to put her in it. “No! I walk today.” Loralie says with a bit of aggression in her voice. Harry hands with his hand up defensively, “okay, but you're gonna want it after walking in the heat for hours.” Harry takes her stroller despite her not wanting to be in it, she takes Harry's hand instead, walking next to Milo. 
Their first stop is the stingrays, getting the food from the people who work there then getting down in front of the large pond to pet their slimy skin. Milo and Loralie giggle the whole time, pulling their hands away as soon as they feel like slimy stingray and making dramatic gross faces that make their parents laugh. The kids definitely had fun feeding them and petting them but Harry and Y/n instantly shipped them off to the bathroom so they could wash their hands. 
Next is the walk through aquarium, “come on, it's this way.” Y/n says, cooing down at Milo and fast walking toward the cave shaped aquarium. When they walk inside it's lit up blue. They look all around them and they see lots of fish, big whales, all different things. “Woah!” Loralie exclaims, making Harry laugh, kissing her cheeks. All of a sudden Milo breaks out in loud giggles, pulling at the length of her mom jeans. “Mama, Look!” Milo giggles, pointing to a fish sticking to the aquarium glass, looking like it's making a silly face at everyone. Y/n laughs, squatting down and wrapping her arm around Milo, resting a hand on his belly. “Let's go see them” Y/n says, pulling him up on her hip and kissing over his cheeks. She takes him over to the silly fish while Harry lets Loralie look around, staring above her at the large fish swimming by until she stumbles back. Harry catches her, standing her back up and taking her over where Milo and Y/n are, showing her the fish that Milo was trying to touch through the glass. 
“He's so cute.” Harry compliments, laughing at how Milo's is so obsessed with the silly looking fish. Y/n turns to look at Harry, thanking him cockily- taking all the credits for his adorableness. Harry bumps his nose with hers in a butterfly kiss while their kids are looking straight ahead. He gives her a peck while the kids are still distracted then he turns back to the fish. “Okay, it's time to go look at the animals!” Harry cheer, pulling Loralie off of the ledge she was standing on. 
They walk through the entrance of all the animals, seeing some monkeys. Loralie and Milo start to imitate the monkeys, giggling at each other and the animals. They move onto koalas, waving at the cuddly animals before they get to see the lions- this is what Milo has been waiting for. “ROAR!” Milo yells, trying to climb on the wooden fence between the people and lions. Y/n giggles at him, pulling him off the fence and on her hip. “You’re a baby lion, aren’t you?” Y/n coos, kissing his forehead. Milo nods before she pulls him in her hands, extending him out. “Nants ingonyama bagithi Baba!” She sings, making the boy giggle, roaring again before she pulls him back in, kissing all over his face, making him squeal and push away. 
Meanwhile Loralie wants to pet the real baby lions. She’s got a frustrated face on since Harry didn’t let her climb over the fencing and pet the furry lions. Harry can’t help but laugh at her. They walk a bit more, walking for a while until they go to their next exhibit. 
It’s all calm until Milo starts screaming. He sees a bird wandering free, it was a large blue bird with huge feathers framing its head. Y/n knew that the peacock was harmless, they wouldn't let it wander free if it was, but Milo was gonna be scared of it regardless. “No, no!” He yells, backing away from the bird, trying to scold it for just walking around. Y/n laughs while Milo grips onto her leg, wagging his finger at the bird and yelling at it for scaring him. “It’s not gonna get you, bubba.” She laughs, pulling him into her hip while they get to the penguin house. 
They walk into the cold penguin house, their noses instantly crinkling from the smell. “Brrr” Loralie says, running her arms up and does while her teeth chatter. Harry laughs, tossing her little jacket over her shoulder to warm her up. “Look at the baby penguin.” Harry coos to Loralie, holding her up to the glass so she can wave at the little puffins. “Tiny!” She squeals, waving at the baby penguins. 
“Yeah,” Harry laughs at her. “They are tiny, Lora.” He agrees with her, giving the back of her head a kiss before settling her back down on the ground, letting her wander off a few feet away to look around at the penguins a bit more before they leave and look at the polar bears. 
After the polar bears, they head to the gift shop, Loralie gets a purple bucket hat with a blue monkey on it and a stuffed penguin she named “tiny”. Milo got a shirt of the name of the zoo and a matching stuffed penguin that he couldn’t choose a name for just yet. 
They head back to the car, Loralie’s legs are tired on the walk but she refuses to go in her stroller, instead Harry holds her while they take the long walk back, one arm holding Loralie up to his hip and the other latched with Y/n’s hand while her other hand holds Milo's. Once they get to the car Loralie and Milo get buckled up in their car seats, sure to fall asleep soon. 
Harry and Y/n get into the front seats, their hands instantly finding the others. “I had a nice day with you.” Harry smiles, his face only inches from hers. Y/n blushes, giving his hand a squeeze. “Yeah, I had a lot of fun.” She says, focusing on Harry’s thumb rubbing at the back of her hand. They hear little whispers and giggles, turning their heads back to their little ones. “Kiss, kiss, kiss!” They whisper- chant. Their parents' cheeks instantly burn, looking back to each other with big cheesy smiles on their faces. 
“Well?” Harry shrugs, leaning in and pressing his lips to her. She giggles on his lips, both of the kids in the back yelling. “Ew!” Loralie says. “Gross!” Milo agrees. 
The parents laugh, pressing one last peck to each other's lips before Harry starts up the car. They had a good day together. Harry got closer to Milo and Y/n got closer to Loralie. It kinda feels like they are becoming a little family.
Hii!! if you liked this please reblog and tell me what you thought of it!! please let me know if you would like to be on my tag list!! and please make sure you have read the first two parts :) 
tag list: @romionefp @iaalien @hopeyoustaythenight @evanjh
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kyberheart · 3 years
A Deceitful Creation Part #1 -  Wolffe x F!Reader
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Part #2
Summary: You’ve been trying for a while now to get pregnant with your lover. Knowing that may never happen, you ask for some outside help from Wolffe on the down-low...
Word Count: 1483
Warnings: 18+, piv sex, infidelity, pregnancy/trying for a baby, cursing, angst
A/N: Heyyyyyyyy.... I’m still here! I had some stuff going on this past week so I missed my Friday fic upload, but hey! It’s Sunday, only missed it by a few days so whatever. I’m still working on part #3 of my little Techy-boy story. Hopefully will be finished by Friday the 3rd! Heh... part #3 on the 3rd... perfect. ANYWAY I hope you like this little blurb I wrote. I wanted maximum sad with lots of OOF. I kept the summary and header as vague as possible to not spoil the end. Good luck in there!
(Ao3 Link if ya want it)
Wolffe was different with you. All teeth and tongue and nails dug into the plump flesh of your thighs. The look adorning his eyes in this moment is akin to a knife’s edge; he was holding back as not to tear you to shreds.
Your lover on the other hand, well… he was the whisper of a cool breeze in the night. A cascading avalanche of stolen breaths and languid strokes. Completely and utterly tender with you.
“C-close Wolffe, almost…I’m—!”
He nods, stooping to kiss you, but swiftly retracts his head with a tiny scowl. He knew the rules. No marks that can’t be covered up, no pet names, and under no circumstances can he kiss you. This was just a mutually beneficial transaction. Nothing more, nothing less.
“I got you… I got you…”
He’s reaching down, down, down to make contact with your clit. You keen, dropping your head back into the mattress. He fucks you through your orgasm, spilling inside of you as your legs wrap tightly around his waist. You tremble under him as you come down from your high. In a blur of muscle-memory Wolffe is reaching behind you for a pillow. He props your hips upward with it, grinding into you a few more times to make sure his seed is in there nice and deep.
“If this isn’t the one, I’m not sure if I can help. Maybe what they say is true, maybe we’re all infertile. I mean, I’ve heard rumors of defectors running off and getting people knocked up, but…” He shrugs, pulling out of you to head into the ‘fresher. You sigh, staring at the grey ceiling above you. That really wasn’t the case. Some were infertile, yes. You knew that all too well…
“I’m headed out. I have a supply run to facilitate. You alright?”
Wolffe grunts as he snaps his scratched armor around himself. He wasn’t much for conversations after the act. Rather, he preferred to be on his merry way as fast as possible. It wasn’t so much to avoid catching feelings as it was to steer clear of talking. He was undoubtedly the most stand-offish of the clones you knew. You were often surprised at how easy it was to lure him into the bedroom with how hostile his demeanor could be. Though on second thought he was just a normal guy. Sex is just as fun for him as it is for others.
“Yeah, I’m good. Thanks Wolffe. If this one doesn’t stick I’ll leave you alone.”
He pauses to search your face. You smile at him, wrapping your arms around your chest with a sleepy yawn. A garbled message blips from his forearm, which he answers with a quick acknowledgement before seating his helmet onto his head.
“Understood. I’ll see you around. Say hi to my vod for me when he gets back.”
And with that, he’s silently leaving your apartment into the void beyond. In the silence of the room your mind wanders once more. You think of your lover. Where was he right now? Somewhere far, far away? Somewhere he was safe? Was he warm, fed, and happy?
The cool dribble of Wolffe’s cum down your thigh snaps you from your rumination. You glance at the clock, finding it’s already been twenty minutes since he’d left. More than enough time, you think. With a quick curl of your spine you’re up on your feet and heading to the ‘fresher for a nice long shower. Hopefully when you were out you’d have a comm or a message from your lover.
----------------- He hunches low, lips hovering so close to your ear his hot breaths could have burned a hole through your head.
“That’s it baby, such a good girl. Just a—oh, squeezing me so tight tonight, huh? This’ll be the one, the kriffing ONE. Gonna fuck you full, fill you up to bursting. Make you s-swell with my baby. Can’t wait to see you like that… all mine…”
You cum so hard the world around you dissipates into nothing but him. He growls, pitching you forward with his angled thrusts. His hips crush you into the bed as he cums right along with you. His amber eyes sizzle with freshly tapped desire. Whispered adorations mingle between the two of you, lost to the spinning darkness of the night. When you’ve calmed your heaving breaths, you reach up to grab one of the pillows above you. He helps you position it under your hips before kissing you roughly. Between pecks, he speaks with a heart full of gentle sweetness.
“I’ll keep doing this—you’ll see. We’ll have a little one running around before you know it. Our little adi’ka… yeah…”
His eyes grow distant, lips stilling at the nape of your neck. You huff, smacking his shoulder with your hand.
“I know babe, don’t worry. With how much you’ve been between my legs I think we’ll be having LOTS of them running around.”
You wink at him, leaning up to kiss him again. He chuckles, reciprocating your heavy prodding tongue with his own within your mouth.
“I just… I know we’ve been trying for over a year… what if I...”
You shoot him a frown, tilting your head up to look him straight in the eyes. The fact of the matter was daunting and sat like tepid acid on your tongue. If he knew he wasn’t able to sire children, it would truly break him.
“NO! You are perfectly fine the way you are. I’d know, remember? I’m chief medical officer here dummy. You—WE have nothing to worry about. It’ll happen when the time is right. Trust me.”
He smiles at you, the sight of which could warm even the frostiest planet of Hoth into the dunes of Tatooine. All your love, all your patience and turmoil and sympathy and curiosity and… kriff, you’re everything was him. All him, always was and always will be. Him.
-------------------- The vividness of your dream wakes you with a start. It seemed to be recurring the last few days, a memory of the last time you and your lover were together. You shake your head of the images that haunted you. If only he was home, you wouldn’t worry so much about him.
It had already been a few weeks since Wolffe had occupied your bed. A queasy feeling was beginning to settle low in your stomach. Your lover hadn’t been back in a long while, and you were starting to think something wasn’t right.
You rise to pee, realizing in the dimly lit hush of dawn that this was becoming a frequent occurrence for you. When your shirt brushes a bit too roughly against one of your nipples you yelp. Were they always so sore in the morning? Wait…
Could this be it? A surge of adrenaline hits you like a Hammerhead Corvette as you rush into the ‘fresher. Not long after, you have a small white strip laying on your counter. Your knee bobs with anticipation, head in your hands as you sit on the hard tiled floor. This might just be it!
As the lines swell in the tiny viewport, you force yourself to breathe as deeply as possible. The memory pushes it’s way to the front of your mind once more to taunt you, to make you feel a twinge of guilt at what you’ve done. With a groan you run your fingers soothingly through your hair. You knew you could do this. Joy, passion, and relief would pave over the deceit from which this baby would be born. Your lover would never know the truth, but it was unimportant in the grand scheme of things. Forging a life, a family for the two of you was all that mattered right now.
The time is up. The minutes counted down with bated breaths. A scream tears its way from your throat as you see the result:
Before you can have a full-blown excitement meltdown, a beeping from the other room draws your attention. Your comm sits on your nightstand, signaling you of an incoming message. The words flash on the screen as you wipe tears from your eyes:
Dropping in to save a Jedi Master on Lola Sayu. Don’t worry, should be home before your pretty little head hits the pillow. See you soon my love. My heart is yours, forever.
Oh, you were squealing with delight now. It was finally happening! For REAL! This was a dream come true. A baby… you were going to have a baby! And your lover was going to be home by the end of the day. You wanted to comm him, send him a picture of the test, yell it to the kriffing UNIVERSE that you were fulfilling a long-awaited dream. Both of you were. You calmed yourself, resolving to tell him in person when he got home.
You couldn’t wait until Echo was back!
169 notes · View notes
meetmymouth · 4 years
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warnings: smut, smoking, alcohol consumption.
thank you @harryandhockey​ and @burberryharold​ for beta-ing this baby, you guys are the sweetest angels! 
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When the doorbell goes off for the third time that night, she groans and tosses the lipstick on her bed, then makes her way towards the door. Through the stained glass, she sees a tall figure and rolls her eyes.
“Look, this is the third time- oh. It’s you.”
The blonde raises her eyebrows, “Who were you expecting? Also wow, I feel so welcome, thank you.”
“Sorry,” the door closes behind Charlotte, and they walk inside.
Once in the tiny kitchen, kettle already on, she takes time to coat her eyelashes with mascara.
“Who did you think I was, that was quite the welcome.”
“Couple of girls kept knocking on the door. Something about a survey. I’ve no idea. Hey, can you help me put this on?” She takes a necklace out of her jean pocket and hands it over.
It’s Thursday, which means happy hour at their local pub and after that, they’d take N31 towards Camden to listen to a friend of Charlotte’s, an upcoming indie artist. She usually didn’t like going out on weekdays since she worked 8 to 4 and she would need to wake up at 6AM sharp to get ready and leave her flat for her Friday shift. But ever since Charlotte started working for the touring musician Harry Styles, they saw each other twice- once when they toured England and the second one being right before Charlotte left for tour. Being close friends since school, it was safe to say that she felt her absence and missed her friend dearly but were also so proud of her for everything she’d achieved.
So when Charlotte came home during their break, she wanted to spend as much time as possible with her friend and if it meant spending her Friday shift hungover while cleaning up animal urine and puke from all kinds of animals, then so be it.
“There,” Charlotte pats her on the neck after she clasps the necklace and she turns around, hand reaching to turn the kettle off.
“Ta. When are we leaving? And do you think I should go for my Adidas or the boots?” She points at the heeled boots, half white half black by the kitchen entrance and Charlotte follows her gaze as she sips the hot beverage.
She looks at the boots, then her, then the boots again, “The boots for fuckin’ sure. They’re sick- where’d you get them?”
“Depop,” She lets out a chuckle, “Think they’re Topshop, ‘m not sure. Should we leave? Y’know I walk dead slow and now that I’m wearin’ the boots…”
“You really do...go get your shit, I’ll wash this.”
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They’re gathered around a round table, the green paint of the wooden table beginning to chip, and everyone’s got drinks of their own, G&T being the most popular choice. There are only five of them, Charlotte, her, Phoebe and her girlfriend Jamie, and they’re chatting about anything and everything until Charlotte turns to her, straw between her red lips.
“Oh dear, what have you done,” she cuts her off and earns a glare from her, and from the corner of her eye, she sees Phoebe and Jamie cross their arms as if they’re getting ready for their usual bickering.
“Fuck you,” Charlotte sighs, “I didn’t do anything. I just invited some more people to Julien’s show and wanted to...kinda ask if that’s alright with you”
“Oh,” she looks around the table, finding the other girls looking at their phones and she turns to Charlotte, “It’s fine. Who are they?”
Phoebe snorts at that and her eyebrows raise in question. She gives Phoebe a look, but Charlotte’s quicker as she throws a damp tissue at the blonde and Jamie laughs when it lands back on Charlotte’s lap. “You know Sarah from the band?”
“Oh, yeah!”
She remembers meeting Sarah at Charlotte’s new flat after she moved to London, the brunette bringing a cute snake plant and a weird- but cute tea set as a housewarming gift and they got on well. They talked about plants, Sarah giving her tips on how to keep certain plants alive, and she asked her lots of questions about her experience being a woman, especially a drummer in the music industry. Sarah was very soft spoken; she spoke as if she was talking to a baby, but she always made sure to maintain eye contact when she was having a conversation with you, listening and nodding when appropriate so that you felt special and...understood. She was lovely, which was why she found it weird how Charlotte was acting awkward about her joining them tonight.
“And her boyfriend, Mitch, of course,” Charlotte adds and she nods, motioning for her to keep going. “And Harry.”
“Harry Styles?”
“Oh boy,” Jamie whistles.
“Obviously,” Charlotte sucks on her straw, slurping her drink, “Yeah, him,” she repeats, this time softer.
“I...why?” She chooses to ask, surprised as she’d like to think Harry Styles as this unreachable, ever-so-busy person who wouldn’t be interested in a night out like this. She turns to Phoebe, and then Jamie, and they respond with a shrug as Phoebe goes back to cuddling into Jamie’s side.
“What do you mean why?” Charlotte places her drink on the table, “It would be rude not to since I asked Sarah and Mitch.”
“Well, I just mean, isn’t he busy?”
Jamie whistles again and sings her name, “You got a crush, babes?”
“Nonsense, never even met the guy- which,” she looks around the table, “-is one of the reasons why I was confused. Anyway, it doesn't matter,” she shrugs and turns to Charlotte, “I’m not bothered, Lotts, it’s totally fine.”
She gives her a nod, “I just find him intimidating and don’t think he’d be into indie, that’s all.”
It was true. Despite having not met Mr. Harry Styles, deep down she knew he’d be intimidating because he was so good looking and well, just like most people, she loved One Direction. She was a big fan, she even got told off by her stepmother once when she was younger because apparently the tape she used to hang her One Direction posters was ruining the walls. She often referred to them as twinks, and she didn’t even know what it meant until she was older. She remembers how she got made fun of at sixth form because one of the girls found her old Tumblr and told everyone about it. Harry’s never been her favourite though. Not because she didn’t find him attractive, not at all. It was because he was too attractive and was everyone’s favourite so whenever asked, she’d shrug and tell people how she found Louis funny, and then Zayn because ’he’s the hottest’.
Long story short, despite her friendship with Charlotte, she’d never met Harry, never had the opportunity to attend one of his shows because she was either too busy or they were playing in a different country and she simply couldn’t afford it. So tonight would be the first time they’d get to be in the same place and to say that she was nervous would be an understatement. And her, she always thought she was awkward. Way too awkward for social gatherings but she liked going out regardless, drinking cheap alcohol and dancing to shitty songs in an equally shitty pub. She loved being a student. Loved the freedom the title had given her. What’s your occupation, she’d get asked from time to time. Student, she’d say without hesitating. She was a student. She didn’t have to be anything else for three years. Sure, she was also working part time at an animal shelter but for the most part, she loved being a student. That’s how she met Phoebe, and then Jamie. In a way, she was their matchmaker.
She remembers meeting Phoebe last year when they had a class together. She was the first person to smile at her in the overcrowded lecture theatre and she remembers thinking how nice Phoebe’s green fringe looked. Meeting Jamie though, was funny. Phoebe usually got weird when they joked about it since she met Jamie before Phoebe did on Tinder, even went on a date with her, and then right before she was about to ghost her, she thought of how similar Phoebe and Jamie were. It was then that she made Phoebe go on a date with Jamie, and after a month of pining, they got together. Even though they were similar, she always thought that they actually completed each other, Jamie being the logical one and Phoebe encouraging Jamie to let loose from time to time and live in the moment.
Charlotte reaches and boops her nose, “He’s a musician, he loves all kinds of music. He won’t eat you, babe. He’s nice, I promise.”
Phoebe knocks on the wood, getting everyone’s attention, “Can we get a picture with him? An autograph?”
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She feels a throbbing pain in her feet, toes in particular once they’re in and they wait for Phoebe and Jamie to buy their drinks, knowing she’d wake up with blisters in the morning. Charlotte takes out her phone and presumably texts the others, letting them know they were already here. She felt nervous. Nervous because she always thought she was rubbish when it came to meeting new people; they either thought she was too intimidating or rude but in reality, it was only because she always felt anxious meeting new people and would rather stay quiet than talking nonsense.
She takes time to analyse her outfit, a pair of black mom jeans and her boots, oh the boots who were currently grilling her feet. Then she tries to adjust her lace bodysuit, all of a sudden feeling super self conscious about the ”revealing” outfit. She adjusts the top, hoping her tits weren’t out before, and sighs when she touches the oversized blazer, rolling up the sleeves a bit more since it was beginning to get warm, too warm for her liking inside. Considering how she often felt self conscious about her arms, she felt more comfortable with the blazer over the sexy bodysuit.
“So,” she starts, eyes studying the crowded bar before her gaze stops at Charlotte, “Are they here?”
Charlotte looks up from her phone and nods, leaning her head on her shoulder. She feels her arm going around her waist and smiles, nudging her head with hers and she looks up, giving her a smile of her own. “What’s up, blondie?” she asks, hand coming up to ruffle Charlotte’s fringe.
She sighs, “Just tired, to be honest. I’m glad I wore trainers.”
“At least one of us is happy about their shoe choice.”
They watch as Phoebe and Jamie walk towards them, the brunette handing her a tall glass as Phoebe hands Charlotte her own drink. “When’s she on?”
Everyone turns to Charlotte, “Half an hour, maybe?”
“When are your friends coming? It’s getting quite...stuffy in here,” Jamie looks around and Phoebe nods, hands going around Jamie’s waist to pull the brunette into her.
“I texted Sarah and she said Harry was parking the car- oh, I see Mitch.”
They all look around, and she spots the tall guy with long hair, walking towards them with Sarah and Harry behind. She gulps and tries to look away, praying that no one takes notice of her sweaty forehead and shaky hands.
As the trio walk towards them, she takes a moment to examine Harry, and his outfit. Even in the dimly lit bar, she’s almost sure the high waisted trousers he has on are navy, and he’s got a tan...or a beige shirt tucked in them, chest on full display and she notices a cross necklace, looking as if it was made for his pretty neck. She clears her throat as quietly as she can and looks down but not before she takes a peek at his shoes, and she almost snorts at the choice of red boots he’s got on, noticing how everyone had trainers on while the two of them had what looked like very uncomfortable boots on.
To be honest, she thinks, he looks pretty good. She looks around them, noticing how most guys had jeans and ugly trainers on whereas Harry looked like he made quite the effort with his outfit but she also knows that even if he turned up in jeans and ugly trainers, he would still look amazing. Damn Harry Styles. Was she blushing?
The three of them are in their space now, close enough so she can make out Sarah’s overpowering perfume, and she clears her throat once again when Charlotte embraces Sarah first, then Mitch. Before she can watch her hug Harry, Sarah’s in front of her.
“Hi,” she smiles, going in for a hug, “It’s so nice to see you again. It’s been a while,” she says and her voice comes out muffled since they’re still hugging and she hopes her hair smells decent because Sarah’s face is pressed against her neck and hair.
“It’s nice to see you too! How have you been?”
“‘Been alright, I suppose!” She beams at her and turns to the man with long hair, “This is Mitch.”
As Sarah introduces everyone with Mitch, she feels Harry’s eyes on her, though she can’t turn her head and meet his gaze because that’d be rude seeing how Mitch is about to reach and give her a one armed hug. Alright then, she thinks, they’re a hugger. Then, it’s Harry’s turn. She looks at him, seeing how his eyes are focused on Phoebe and Jamie as he gives them both a warm smile before Charlotte starts talking again, introducing everyone to Phoebe and Jamie, then everyone turns to her, and she feels her face heat up seeing how everyone’s attention is on her now. She knows it’s her turn.
Harry takes a step forward and her earlier thoughts are confirmed when she can finally make out the colour of his trousers. “Hey, ‘m Harry,” he gives her a smile without waiting for Charlotte to speak, “Nice meeting you,” he comes closer and wraps an arm around her, engulfing her in a hug but it’s definitely different from Mitch or Sarah’s hug. It’s tight, much warmer and he’s got both arms around her, palms flat against her back as he rubs her back.
And of course she responds with the same warmness and hugs him back, “Hiya,” she introduces herself, and once they pull apart, he repeats her name and it sounds like poetry, something so personal and...erotic. But maybe, she thinks, maybe it’s just his deep voice making her feel that way.
Despite the moment they shared, if she could call it that, felt like hours, it was merely a minute. And it wasn’t like in the films where they hug, everything around them slowing down as the people watch in awe. No, not at all. When she looks around, she sees that everyone’s been already mingling, Phoebe and Jamie smiling at each other while they sipped their drinks, and Mitch is nowhere to be seen, possibly at the bar getting drinks.
Harry turns to Charlotte with a grin, “So is she any good, should we replace you with her?” He says, nudging her with his hip.
That sort of makes her smile, seeing Harry so carefree and friendly with the people who are essentially working for him. Even though she doesn’t know Harry Styles like they do, like Charlotte does, she knows he considers these people to be his friends and colleagues rather than his employees. It’s also fun seeing him this friendly with her best friend, and she feels proud, as she always does, knowing Charlotte has made herself great friends and that she clearly enjoys working with these people.
Charlotte nudges him back, “She’s great, I wouldn’t mind being replaced by her. Oh, there she is,” she points at the stage, and everyone turns to look at the pink-haired girl on the tiny stage with a sleek looking acoustic guitar on her side. As the others start talking about Julien, she finally takes the opportunity to look at Harry. Once their eyes meet, he gives her a smile, dimples on full display, and she swears she could see him blush when he looks down after she beamed at him. Even if he did blush though, he recovers quickly when he’s offered a drink and he mutters a thank you to Mitch, then lifts the slice of lime off the rim of his glass and sucks it into his mouth and she deems it as a good time to look away.
And she does, when she feels Sarah close, and she turns to her, Sarah welcoming her with a smile, “How’s uni? It’s your last year, right?”
“Oh, yeah,” she clears her throat, “It’s alright. Exhausting, but alright.”
“You’re working too, right?”
“Yeah, I work at an animal shelter.”
“It must be exhausting.”
“It is,” she gives her a nod, “I work three days a week and I also have classes so I only have Sundays off. I’ll probably leave and focus on uni after Christmas break though, I have my dissertation next semester.”
“Oh, cool! I miss being a student,” she purses her lips and turns to Harry, who had been listening to their conversation, his pretty fingers, most of them adorned with equally pretty rings, wrapped around the tall glass, “You probably can’t relate, H, can ya?”
He rolls her eyes but laughs regardless, “Piss off.”
Despite the chatter around them, it’s not ridiculously loud so they can carry a conversation without having to shout. They fall into an easy conversation, everyone joining in, and all of a sudden a pink neon light falls over them and they all turn to the stage. Julien starts singing, and all the chatter around them dies down, some people already starting to sing the words back at her.
She looks away from the stage for a minute and catches Harry’s gaze from across the room. They’re close enough for her to make out a few droplets of sweat on Harry’s forehead, and their eyes meet as he gives her a smile, eyes sparkling with mischief, then brings the glass up to his mouth. She watches as his top lip rests on the rim before he lifts it to his mouth and when she looks up, she sees him still looking at, gaze unwavering and mouth curled upwards in a sly smirk. She was caught. She was caught and he looked like he was loving and devouring every second of it.
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Julien takes a break, promising to come back with a brand new song from her upcoming EP, and there’s a group of people making their way towards the exit, presumably to have a smoke and get some fresh air.
“Where’s she gone?” Charlotte huffs, eyes searching the room for the pink haired girl.
“She’s over there,” Phoebe points at Julien and they all turn to where she’s pointing at, spotting Julien near the bar with a drink in hand.
“Is she flirting?”
“She’s got groupies already?” she says after she takes her eyes off of Harry and everyone laughs.
Charlotte comes closer and nudges her shoulder against her, “You’d know, wouldn’t you?” “Be quiet,” she nudges back, and their group falls back into their conversation except Harry, who keeps staring at her and she gulps, hands reaching to feel her blazer pockets.
“Right,” she mutters, “It’s time to poison myself. I’m going out for a fag,” once she feels the bulge in her pocket, she turns to Charlotte, “Send me a text when she’s back on, yeah?”
“I’ll come with.”
She looks up at Harry, surprised, but nods, waiting for him to follow her outside. Even though she tries her best not to make eye contact with anyone as they leave, she’s aware of them watching them, everyone in their group equally surprised, but they keep walking, Harry following quietly behind. Once they pass the smelly bodies, they’re finally outside, the wind licking her face once she steps out and she tries to hug herself closer, seeing how the thin blazer’s not doing a good job at keeping her warm.
Harry wishes he’d brought a coat.
They’re quiet as he follows her to a quiet corner, only a few people turning their heads their way, presumably recognising him, and they stop near a brick wall and she takes her tobacco out of her left pocket. She looks up, catching him staring at her ring-clad fingers wrapped around the dark green packet, and she clears her throat, making him look up at her. They share a smile, both feeling at ease with the comfortable silence between them. She spots a wooden bench near and sits down, hands already working the packet open. When she starts tearing the tobacco apart, Harry can’t help but note how quickly she’s working it between her fingers, and he’s almost certain she’s been doing this for years.
“Want one?” She asks and he saunters forward, coming to stand in front of her with hands in his pockets.
He shrugs and she takes that as a yes, fingers pausing their work on the tobacco to take out something that resembles a cigarette and it’s only when she pushes it from the bottom that Harry realises they’re filters. Placing one between her lips, her fingers dip into her pocket once again to retrieve some papers and Harry finds himself unable to look away from her lips and how pretty they look with something between them.
He looks down at her lap, where the packet of tobacco is, seeing her fingers work swiftly as she fills the thin paper, and despite knowing better not to glamorise something as horrible and disgusting as smoking, he takes his time to admire the way she pushes down the tobacco with her index finger, presumably trying to fit and secure everything inside the paper. Taking the filter from between her lips, she places it inside the paper, at the very end, and her fingers start rolling.
Oh fuck, he thinks, knowing what’s about to come. Unable to look away, he watches as she brings it up to her mouth and licks a long stripe along the paper, and despite the lack of lighting around them, his eyes make out her pink tongue moving along the paper and it doesn’t come as a surprise when he feels a sudden twitch in his trousers at the unholy image before his eyes.
“There,” she hands him the rolled up cigarette, “Hope you don’t mind that I licked?”
He wants to laugh because of course he doesn’t mind. In fact, he quite enjoyed it, according to the knot in his stomach and his twitching cock in his underwear. He enjoyed it so much that he now couldn’t stop imagining her mouth doing other things, preferably dirty things with, or to him.
“Nah, it’s all good, thanks.”
“No probs. Didn’t take you as the smoking type,” she lets it slip out.
“I...don’t smoke, really. Only sometimes. When I’m drinking. Which…” He looks at the cigarette between her fingers, “...isn’t that often.”
She notices the nervousness that tinges his words, and it makes her feel better knowing he’s also as awkward as her. “Fair,” she sends him a smile and repeats all the steps on her own rollie, putting it between her lips just like Harry, and she takes her lighter out of the same pocket. She lights her own first and reaches to light his, and he sort of bends over until his cigarette reaches the lighter. They both take a hefty drag of their cigarettes and she blows the smoke out first, Harry watching her pursed lips as he lets out his own next, both of their cigarette smoke swirling in the air and joining in together.
He takes it out of his mouth and lets his arm dangle on his side, cigarette between his fingers, and watches as she takes another drag before fumbling with the packet on her lap, putting everything back in her pocket haphazardly.
“Do you go to uni in London, or?”
“Westminster, yeah,” she takes another drag and notices how Harry hasn’t taken another one of his since.
“Nice,” he says and a grin stretches over his face, “Charlotte talks about you a lot.”
“She does?”
“Yeah, all the time. If I didn’t know about her boyfriend I’d say she was in love with you,” he laughs and gestured to the lighter in her hand and she lets him take the lighter from her hand, watching as the flame lick at the cigarette between Harry’s lip and he takes a long drag. “I mean, we...the band feel like we already know you. It’s sweet, how much she cares about you.”
“Well, I’m pretty hard not to love, you know.”
He blows out the smoke, a chuckle escaping his mouth, “That right?”
“Yeah, I’m fucking great.”
“Well, I-”
He gets interrupted by her phone going off and a pout forms on his face. She huffs, looking around, then throws the cigarette on the ground despite the sign and he does the same, not feeling bad in the slightest. “We going in?” He asks, like a lost puppy waiting for his owner’s command.
“I guess. Is it bad that I don’t want to? Like...does that make me a bad friend?”
“Nah. I...I kinda wanted to stay here too. I was enjoying our conversation.”
She sends him a grin, eyes mischievous, and stops walking, “You telling me you weren’t bored to death by my dry ass conversation?”
“Dry? You opened up and talked about your narcissistic behaviours, that’s not boring, darling,” he smirks and she rolls her eyes, hand reaching to slap his chest and it feels easy, like they’ve known each other for years. “Alright, alright, ’m just messing with you.”
She starts walking again, a few steps ahead of him, and he follows, passing three girls with phones up to their faces.
It’s easy, he thinks, it’s easy with her.
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People in the bar begin to leave one by one, and it’s only their small group and a few others left, some of them still sipping their drinks and the others talking and laughing. Some even come up to Julien, who’s sipping her water from a reusable water bottle as Charlotte keeps snapping pictures of her, and they all congratulate her, telling her how excited they are about the EP. She’s all smiles, fringe sticking to her forehead due to sweat, and her long arms are equally sweaty, dressed in a tight black dress with striped knee high socks adorning her long legs, and a pair of platform Mary Janes.
“So,” Harry says, folding his arms across his chest, “Do you have any plans for October?”
Mitch snorts across him and Julien tilts her head, puzzled, “Erm...I’ve no idea, to be honest. It’s months away and God knows I’m shite at thinking ahead. That’s why I’m friends with this lot,” she gestures to their tiny group, causing Charlotte to snort and Julien continues, turning her attention to her who’s playing with the hem of her blazer,  “This one though...”
“Oh, fuck off.”
“Oi, what’s crawled up your bum, eh?” Julien turns to Harry again, catching how his gaze flickered over her body, then her face instead of looking at Julien and she finds herself smirking at the tension between the two.
“We’re thinking of putting a show together for Halloween. I have a bunch of new and upcoming artists in my mind that I’d love to see perform that night. Would you be interested?” Harry’s attention is back on Julien and he watches as the girl gasps, eyes widening in excitement.
“Shut the fuck up!” She yells, almost dropping her water bottle and they all laugh, Charlotte reaching to flip her on the forehead and she slaps her freshly-manicured hand away, “You’re not taking the piss, are you?”
Harry laughs, “Am definitely not. I love your vibe. That’s actually one of the reasons why I asked Charlotte if I could come tonight,” he says as he runs his fingers through his hair, the strands gliding easily between his long fingers.
“Yeah,” Charlotte smiles at Julien, “He’s on a hunt. He thinks he’s one of those talent agents. Just say yes, Jules, it’ll be fun.”
“Holy fuck. Yes. Fuck, yes. Of fucking course, yes!”
They all laugh when she lunges herself at Harry, arms wrapping around his neck, “Thank you, thank you, thank you, fuck I could literally kiss you right now but I won’t, I’ve been watching you both undress each other with your eyes all night,” arms still around Harry’s neck, Julien turns her head towards her, whom Harry’s been looking at all night, and gives her a wink before breaking their hug. “So, do I have to do anything? What do I have to do? Fuck, I’m so bad at this-”
“Hey,” Harry interrupts, “It’s fine. Relax. Are you signed with anyone? Have a manager?”
“Oh, yeah, I’m with Gleam, my manager, Alana, she’s sick that’s why she wasn't here tonight.”
“Okay, that’s fine. Just give me your phone number and your manager’s contact details and we’ll sort everything out. Hey- relax, it’s gonna be fun!” He reaches and gives her shoulder a squeeze.
“I called an Uber,” Sarah says after her phone goes off, “And it looks like…” she taps on the screen a few times, “Hassan is here.”
“We could’ve gotten maccies,” she says, pouting, as her head rests on Charlotte’s shoulder.
Sarah sighs, cuddling closer into Mitch’s side, “We’re leaving for Brighton tomorrow morning.”
“Yeah, Sarah’s making us wake up at, like, five,” Mitch grumbles.
They all start walking towards the exit, Julien and Harry in the back talking about the show as Charlotte links her arm with her as they follow behind the others. As they walk, she remembers how Harry arrived with Sarah and Mitch, meaning they shared a ride, and she turns to look at Harry who seems to be in deep conversation as he waves his hands around.
She feels hot all of a sudden, remembering how neither of them wanted to go inside earlier, how good he looked and how his voice sounded, deep, so deep, when his attention was only on her and not the girl on the stage or his drink or the people around them. As selfish as it sounds, she wanted all his attention on her, she wanted him to only look at her, see her, think of her, and she feels foolish because they only met tonight, and their conversation earlier didn’t last that long.
Once they’re outside, everyone sighs, almost in relief as the fresh air fills their lungs, and everyone bids their goodbyes to Sarah and Mitch, then Phoebe starts complaining about how uncomfortable and tired she was.
“That’s it from us, folks, my wife needs a shower,” Jamie pinches Phoebe’s cheek as Phoebe blushes, swatting her hand away.
She turns to Harry for a second and he’s just standing there, arms folded with an expression she’s unable to read, and Julien laughs, muttering something about catching a black cab since she now has money to waste.
Everyone leaves and it’s only them, and Charlotte comes closer to her as she nudges her hip with hers, “Hey. Is it cool if Harry gives you a ride? Tom’s picking me up.”
She panics and gives her a puzzled look. A car ride with Harry. Alone. Just the two of them.
She swallows, “How come you never mention it?”
“He just texted me, we’re driving up to Manc. Will you be okay?” She reaches and strokes her cheek, then turns to Harry, as if the question was directed at both of them.
“Well, yeah...I mean- I’ll call a Bolt or something-”
“It’s fine, I can give you a ride,” Harry says, hands now in his pockets. He looks like he’s cold too, considering how he’s only wearing a thin shirt and his chest is on full display, letting the breeze softly lick at the flesh.
“I wouldn’t want to be a bother, I can take a Bolt. Really, it’s fine.”
“I insist...whereabouts is your place?”
“Ehm,” she sniffs and her eyes look for Charlotte for a moment, and when she spots her, she’s watching them despite the phone pressed against her ear. “Marylebone.”
“Great! That alright with you?”
She looks at Charlotte again, the short haired girl failing to meet her gaze, and she turns to Harry again, lips pursed, “I guess- I mean...sure. Okay.”
Harry beams at that, the dimple on his left cheek widening with the smile, and she wants to reach out and touch it, place her finger there. She doesn’t though. Instead, she gives him a smile and looks down at her boots, feeling all giddy inside with the realisation that she’d be alone with Harry for a while and it would also be away from any prying eyes, in the warmth of his car.
Charlotte comes back and reaches for her, giving her a big hug as she buries her head in her neck, and she involuntarily breathes in the smell of cigarettes and Charlotte’s personal favourite, Chanel no. 5.
“Text me when you’re home, yeah? And text me if you need anything...he’s nice, I promise,” she whispers the last part, as if she’s letting her in on a secret, then reaches for Harry to give him a hug.
“Drive safe,” she says, walking backwards, “I mean it.”
“I will. Precious cargo, am I right?”
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Harry opens the door for her and waits for her to get in, her lips form the words ‘thank you’, and once they’re both inside, seatbelts on, Harry sighs and tries to fix his creased shirt. She watches his hands, the rings catching the light coming from a lamppost outside, creating beams, and she notices the single, nearly-chipped gold nail polish on his left pinky.
“So…” they both say at the same time and he laughs, shaking his head, and a few strands fall to his eyes.
She chuckles too, eyes falling to her hands on her lap as she fiddles with them. “I think we’ve been set up,” she mumbles and looks up at him, finding him watching her carefully with one hand on the steering wheel and the other on his thigh.
“Yeah? You think so?”
“Oh, yeah. I’m usually not this dumb.”
“Maybe you wanted play dumb, hm?” He gives her a smile, causing her to scoff, and he surprises them both when his left hand reaches to stroke her cheek, making goosebumps appear on her skin and she swears she could hear her breath hitch at the warm touch, feeling hot all over.
They stare at each other, his hand still on her cheek, and she swallows, “Sure, whatever you say.”
“Is this okay?” He asks, gesturing at the touch, voice as soft and smooth as honey.
She nods, because it is. It is more than okay and if it were up to her, they’d already be kissing, tasting each other’s dirty, sweaty skin and touching each other all over, feeling each other’s bodies...she wanted all of that.
She swallows again, his gaze shifting from her face to her neck, then lower and lower until it reaches her boobs. They look divine, he thinks, despite the lack of lighting in his car, they look absolutely gorgeous, sort of spilling out from the lace material and he gulps, hand beginning to make its way down to her neck. He rests it there as long fingers caress the side of her neck, discovering a few moles there, and he looks up at her, only to find her eyes fixed on his lap. He looks down to, the slight tent not coming as a surprise, and he gives her a grin, the other hand coming to rest atop his bulge.
“Hm?” He hums as he waits for her answer despite knowing what she would say.
She clears her throat and looks around, seeing the almost empty parking lot all dark except the stop sign near the exit, and turns her attention back to Harry.
“Yes. It’s okay.”
“Mmm,” his fingers curl around her throat, thumb stroking the flesh there, “Thank you, love. Can I kiss you?”
“You can...Please,” she practically moans when his thumb presses a sweet spot on her neck and he gives her a smile, hand reaching to unbuckle both of their seatbelts with a click.
It doesn’t happen that fast. First, he gives her a look, almost as if he’s trying to remember where her lips are and the nose, then her eyes...he keeps looking, and looking, and he brings his hand up to her mouth, resting his thumb on her bottom lip as her eyes shift downwards with the movement. While he watches her, she takes her time to watch him, his face, and she feels something bubbling inside her, much like the bubbles that rise to the top when you open a coke bottle.
Pressure, she thinks, pressure and the need to devour him. Thus, without thinking too much, she reaches and grabs him by the nape of his neck, his hand falling atop the car seat as their lips meet, both of them hungry for each other’s touch as their teeth clash and Harry lets out a hiss when she bites his bottom lip, suckining it into her mouth.
His hands go up to her cheeks, pushing her far enough to look into her face and eyes in particular and he smiles, the inside of his palms feeling the soft peach fuzz on her face. When she lunges forward to continue their kiss, he stops her, thumb stroking her cheekbones as she lets out a huff, and he chuckles, “Slow, baby, slow. We’ve got time. I want to feel you, taste you as much as I can, yeah?”
She nods, letting him stroke the side of her face some more and feel her skin against his soft hands before he starts leaning in, this time slow, so slow that it feels like hours to her. Before she closes her eyes, she catches a glimpse of his pink tongue dart out to lick his lips, and he finally captures her top lip, sucking it into his mouth softly and she melts under his touch, her mouth pursed as she starts responding with her own kisses. Their lips, she feels, fit together like a puzzle piece.
Harry’s tongue swipes across her bottom lip and she opens wider, letting him lick into her mouth further. It’s hot, wet, and she feels herself getting wetter and wetter as the smooch noises grow louder with each kiss. His hands are now cupping both of her cheeks, and as he presses wet pecks on her parted mouth, one of his thumbs travel down to her mouth and he stops their kiss, and she opens her eyes, giving him a puzzled look.
He shushes her, lips pursed as he does so, and her eyes watches the movement, wanting to feel them all over her body now that she knows how he feels and tastes like. He presses his thumb against her bottom lip, then into her mouth and pulls her closer to him. He shuts his eyes and tilts his head when she closes her mouth around his thumb, sucking it like a lolly, and his cock twitches in his trousers again as he watches the way she sucks on his flesh, humming around it as if she’s having the most delicious meal of her life.
“Fuck, baby,” he rasps, “Y’like playing with me, don’t you?”
She doesn’t respond. Instead, she takes his thumb out of her mouth with a pop and she holds him by the wrist, placing his hand on one of her boobs and Harry lets her warm hands and the feeling of lace overpower him as he gives her boob a squeeze, then travels his hand down to where he supposes her nipple is and brushes a thumb over it, a beaming grin stretching across his face when he feels her pebbled nipple under his thumb.
When he looks at her face, she’s biting her lips, eyes shut, and he bites his own lips as he traps her covered nipple between his thumb and index finger, tweaking it gently which causes her to breathe out a moan, toes curling involuntarily inside her boots. He tugs at it, then his hand travels up and he looks at her, as if to ask her permission for what he’s about to do. And she nods, of course she does, and she feels her upper torso getting sore from the position they’ve been in but she lets it go, reaching for his hand near her boob and places it on top of his, encouraging him to keep going.
With her hand on top of his, he slides the bodysuit down from the top, and he feels his cock twitch in interest so he has to bring his other hand down to press against his bulge over his trousers in hopes of relieving some of the tension. He plays with her nipple, tweaking and squeezing it between his fingers before finally leaning to capture the pebbled nipple into his mouth. “God damn, your tits...so fuckin’ hot, baby,” he bites her nipple and she shudders, back arching in pleasure. “Wanna do everything with you...wanna fuck you- wanna fuck these tits,” he whispers against her nipple, now wet with his spit, and his hot breath sends chills down her spine.
It’s warm, his mouth, so warm and wet around her hard nipples and she lets out another moan, arms wrapping around his neck and she tries to press against him closer. “Fuck,” a moan leaver her mouth, “Please, Harry, fuck me. Do something, just- ‘m so wet.”
“Yeah? Want me to fuck you? Jesus,” he presses a kiss to her nipple before he frees her other boob from the fabric, “You’re so fuckin’ hot. Got me so fuckin’ hard, just look at these gorgeous tits, baby. Bet your cunt’s even more gorgeous, hm?” He whispers, hands already on the other boob, squeezing the nipple and he watches as it hardens, looking so pretty and puckered for him and he gets his mouth on that one too, licking across the nipple before he bites it into his mouth.
“Can I take this off, sweetheart?” He touches her shoulder, squeezing her there over the blazer, and when he sees the hesitation in her eyes, he travels his hand up to her neck and strokes it there, “Y’don’t have to, darling. However you’re comfortable.”
“No,” she says ever so softly, “It’s okay.”
He smiles at her as she takes the jacket off and throws it somewhere at her feet. Harry grabs her by the neck and brings her in for another kiss but this time, it’s slow. And sweet. Slow, sweet, and warm, so warm that she feels it in her chest, in her stomach, and it reaches everywhere, the kiss warming anything and everything inside her. He swipes a tongue across her bottom lip before pulling away, and places both hands on her boobs, squeezing them, mouth popping open as he watches them in awe.
“Fuckin’ hell,” he brings one of his hands to the front of his trousers and the heels of his palms press against the bulge, but instead of giving him some relief, the touch makes him hiss, wishing for something softer, warmer.
“Can I fuck you? I need to fuck you, please, sweetheart,” he whispers and she nods, tongue darting out to lick her dry lips and he nods as well, looking around inside the car, swiftly examining the tinted black windows before he turns to her, “I hate that I’m about to fuck that pretty pussy in the backseat of my car instead of a comfortable bed but I need it so bad, sweetheart, I need you,” he licks his lips, “That okay?”
“Yes...more than.”
He helps her move to the backseat, boobs still hanging from the top, and he joins her in the backseat quickly. They’re closer now, nothing serving as a barrier between them, and with the way they’re facing each other, she can make out a tiny pimple on the side of his nose as well as a little mole on his forehead. Her gaze falls to his bulge again, and he’s already fumbling to get them off. With a swallow, she shuts her eyes so she doesn’t see Harry watching her intently, dilated pupils fixated on her sweaty skin, her lips in particular.
He leans in and presses an open mouth kiss to her damp skin, the touch making her open her eyes.
Take it off” she whispers, voice as sweet as honey, “Come on, I want you to fuck me,” she breathes against his hair, his head now in the crook of her neck, and she feels him nod, his hands coming to rest atop hers.
He fumbles with the button with shaky hands, her hands coming to rest on Harry’s waist and he sighs in relief when he hears the zipper. He lowers his trousers along with his underwear clumsily, the pile of material pooling around his ankles. He’s hard and leaking already, the tip an angry shade of red, and she takes a few seconds to admire the thickness of his cock and how pretty it looks, his dark, coarse pubic hair making her mouth water as she imagines deepthroating him, nuzzling the hair at the base of his cock.
Harry looks up and she’s got one hand on her boob while the other rubs herself through her jeans, presumably feeling aroused with the way the fabric is feeling against her pussy. A low, choked ‘fuck’ leaves his mouth following a growl as his long fingers begin unbuttoning the beige shirt and she watches, bottom lip trapped between her teeth with fingers rubbing herself.
Once it’s unbuttoned, he’s quick to get his hands on her jeans, eyes briefly searching for something in hers before he starts unbuttoning them. She stops him and bends over to take her boots off and he watches her back, hand reaching involuntarily to travel his fingers down her spine, stroking her waist before he bends forward to place a kiss on there as she keeps fumbling with her boots. Once they’re off, he’s quick to help her get the jeans off too, and he throws them in the front seat, smiling when she hears her giggle.
“Alright, Miss Giggles?” he says softly, palm resting on top of her thigh as one of his hands reaches and strokes the side of her face, fingers playing in her wild strands of hair.
She bites her lip again, giving him a nod, and he brings her face into his, lips pressing a tender kiss to her chin before he opens his mouth slightly and grazes his teeth across the flesh, and he presses a final, loud kiss there before he pulls away with a pop, leaving her chin all shiny and wet with his saliva. He lowers his eyes and spots her thong, fabric too tiny and flimsy to cover all the areas of her pussy, and he lets out a groan at the sight, hand immediately reaching to touch what’s under her little thong.
“So pretty, darling...so, so pretty,” he murmurs and she watches with parted legs as he positions his middle finger against her pussy over the black lace, thin, so he feels just how warm and wet she is between her folds. This makes him pause to look down at his cock, just to make sure he’s not about to spill all over the carseat since he feels the pleasure at the tip of his cock, ready to explode right then and there. “How can anyone ever resist you, hm? This pretty girl…” with one hand still between her legs, he reaches with his other hand and ghosts his thumb over her nipple, his other hand working her thong as he pulls it to the side, “...this pretty pussy,” he murmurs, making her eyes lull shut at the compliments.
She parts her legs wider to give him more room to work with, and he grins as he looks up at her hungry eyes, knowing what she’s asking for. And god, is he about to give her what she wants. The way she looks, not just half naked but from the moment he’d caught a glimpse of the grumpy girl across the room, it’s been driving him insane. Not that she was rude or looked bored, but she looked cute, kinda nervous, as if she too was as uncomfortable as Harry by the prying eyes and tipsy chatter around them.
From the moment they were introduced, Harry knew she didn’t particularly like to be looked at. Maybe he was being judgmental, or reading too much into things, but he got the impression that she was sort of nervous to be around people, especially new people. He tried his hardest not to be some weirdo, an utter creep who kept looking at the beautiful girl across him but truth be told, it wasn’t the first time Harry had seen the girl’s face.
He knew of her, stories about her, from Charlotte, and saw numerous photos and throwback videos of them on Charlotte’s Instagram, but he would never actually admit to the fact that he’d clicked on her tag on one of Charlotte’s posts, and scrolled through her feed for hours, giggling from time to time at her silly captions and numerous pictures of a Golden Retriever and a black cat cuddling.
Yes, he might have found her interesting, took a few screenshots of her posts where she proudly displayed her favourite reads, immediately ordering everything on there, and a few funny memes, but now with his middle finger circling her clit, he would never, ever admit any of that to anyone, ever.
“Harry,” she breathes, and it sounds sort of harsh, rough even, the reason presumably being a mix of the cigarettes she’d been smoking and the way his finger teasingly, slowly moves over her pussy. “Harry…” she says again, melodiously, fingers curling around his wrist and he looks up with a grin, eyes almost evil, dark and pupils dilated from hunger bubbling up inside him.
He retracts his finger and brings it up to his mouth slowly, her eyes watching him like a hawk, and his pink tongue darts out, licking a long stripe up his middle finger and he truly devours the savoury taste, eyes finding hers as he sucks the finger into his mouth. “Taste so good, sweetheart,” he murmurs, “Want me to play with that beautiful cunt, hm? Give it my full attention?”
“Yes, please, I need it so bad, I’ve been waiting for so long.”
“Yeah?” He asks, ever so softly, “How long?” He presses, his middle finger once again placed between her wet folds, and she wraps her fingers around his wrist.
There’s a bloom of pleasure in her voice when she lets out a shaky breath, a stuttered ’yeah’ because she doesn’t want to give in to Harry’s teasing game, and he leans forward, capturing her chin with his mouth as he bites the flesh while the pads of his finger massages slow and deep over her swollen clit.
He feels the spongy bit under his touch, “Tell me you’ve been thinking of this too,” he breathes against her wet chin, then brings his middle finger down to her hole. It’s wet, so fucking wet when he drags his finger back up and circles her clit faster than before which makes her legs kick out in pleasure, one hand grabbing harshly at her boob as the other go up to Harry’s soft hair and she pulls, fingernails scratching his scalp while doing so. He groans against her skin and drags his finger down to her slick little hole again, circling around the wet, soft muscle and he pushes his finger in, her cunt making a wet, lovely sound as he does so as his eyes fall to his throbbing cock.
It’s so hard, an unpleasant feeling blooming inside, so he takes his finger out of her hole, making her let out a tiny whimper as she clenches around nothing with the sudden loss of his touch. Harry brings his finger up to his mouth, and his pink tongue darts out to lick, mouth closing around to devour the slightly salty slickness.
“Can I fuck you now?” He asks as his hand goes to stroke the side of her neck, goosebumps appearing immediately at the touch. She shudders, unable to respond and Harry’s voice is softer this time, “Can I, baby? Will you let me fuck your pretty pussy now? I need it so bad, sweetheart, so fucking bad. See how hard I am for you? So fucking hard for you, baby.”
“God,” another shaky breath, “Please, I’m so wet and horny- I need it, Harry, please.”
“Need my cock, yeah? Need me to fill that little hole? Stretch your tiny little hole, darling?”
“Fuck- please, I- please stop teasing me, I need it...please, fuck me.”
Harry feels something, a prickly sensation inside him, his groin tightening, and he knows it’s her dirty mouth and sweet face to blame. He looks down at his cock, hard as rock between his legs, and grabs her by the waist, pulling her on top of him with ease. “There, sweet girl.”
He lets out a hiss when her warm pussy makes contact with his cock and she bites her lip, leaning forward until their sweaty foreheads meet. “Your pussy’s so fuckin’ warm. Shit, we need condoms,” a strong arm wraps around her waist and she gasps when he leans forward so suddenly. His face is buried into her boobs as he tries to retrieve his wallet from one of the compartments in between and she watches him struggle, unable to control a tiny laugh escaping her mouth.
“Well,” Harry mumbles, warm lips making her skin feel all tingly, “This is lovely...mmm,” a few kisses are pressed between her boobs, then another open mouth one on her left nipple, and they’re finally back to their previous position, condom package between Harry’s lips as he rips the top, never once taking his eyes off of her while doing so.
“Ready for me?” He gives himself a few lazy pulls, thumbing at the tip while she watches, one hand kneading her boob. “Hm? Ready to take my cock?” He moves his hand slowly, up and down, causing her to swallow.
“Yeah...fuck yeah. Please, fuck me.”
He looks up at her as the rubber works its way down his cock, and she joins her arms around his neck, fingers playing with the hairs at the nape of his neck, and he brings his cock to her cunt, earning a moan from her, her warm breath licking at his face ever so softly. He grunts, voice strained with pleasure when he feels how warm and wet she is at the touch of his cock and slides it against her warmth before he brings it down to her tight little hole and pauses there.
“Y’ready, sweet girl?” He nudges their foreheads together and it’s sweet, so sweet despite the position they’re in, and she nods, feeling their damp foreheads stick together, and Harry gives her a bright smile, dimple appearing on his left cheek.
And he pushes it in. With his thumb pressed against the tip, he pushes his cock inside her, the tightness squeezing his already sensitive cock as if she doesn’t want to let him go, as if she wants to keep him inside of her forever and ever.
“God, such a tight cunt, baby. Squeezing me already, hm?” He murmurs into her mouth, “Easy, darling...slow. Slow, yeah? Want to feel you properly,” his hands go up to her hips, holding her there to still the movement of her hips, and her arms loop around his sweaty neck, fingernails scratching the back of his neck and he hisses, face moving forward to press a bruising kiss on her parted mouth.
Once she calms down, hips stilled, his strong arms begin moving her up and down and they both moan, quick breaths leaving their mouths and mixing together just like how their bodies are almost joined together, two becoming one, and Harry starts moving his own hips so he can fuck into her as she helps her by moving her own hips up and down, slowly, just like he’d asked her to, feeling his cock stretching her tight hole with his every move. There’s a honking outside and both their movements still for a second, and a muffled chuckle leaves her mouth, arms tightening around Harry’s neck.
Their eyes meet, Harry’s mouth turning upwards, “What’s so funny, Miss Giggles, hm?” He murmurs as his hips speed up again, their skins slapping against each other as his cock strokes the insides of her walls ever so softly, sliding in and out of her.
“Jesus, you’re so fucking big, I- I knew you’d be big but...fuck, you’re so good, so fucking good, Harry,” she moans, earning a grunt from him as she meets his thrusts, her hands sliding down to Harry’s shoulders and squeezing his smooth skin briefly before she brings her palms down to her chest.
She strokes the hair on his chest, admiring the way his cross necklace sits proudly there, amongst his now damp chest hair, and she brings her palm to one of his nipples, thumb stroking the slightly darker nub and he lets out a groan as goosebumps appear on his chest and nipples.
“God,” she breathes and Harry can smell the fruity-sour alcohol on her breath, and his mouth pops open when she tweaks his sensitive nipples. “I love your nipples,” she moans again when his cock brushes that sweet spot inside her and he does too, arms tightening around her waist, and she tweaks his nipples again, this time harder as her hips speed up, ass slapping against his meaty thighs and she keeps jumps up on down on his cock.
As she does so, her boobs too move, bouncing up and down with her every movement and Harry reaches with one hand, capturing one of her nipples between his fingers as he tweaks left and right before letting it go, watching her skin prickle at the touch.
“Shit, y’feel amazing, just wanna keep you forever,” he groans, low and delirious, fingernails digging into her waist as he thrusts into her, “So fuckin’ tight around me...so tight and snug. I want you- want this everyday. Wanna be able to touch you, kiss that little face everyday, fuck this beautiful pussy...so good, darling, you’re so fuckin’ good, letting me fuck that sweet cunt in the backseat, hm? Are you good,” he breathes her name into her mouth, then bites her bottom lip, earning a gasp from her when his thrusts become particularly rough. “Are you a good girl?”
“Yes, yes, yes, I’m good, I’m so good, please- I’m gonna cum, I’m gonna fucking cum please keep fucking me, keep fucking me hard, Harry- keep going,” she speeds up her movements, Harry’s cock sliding in and out of her as wet, dirty sounds fill the car and he curses under his breath, hips lifting off the seat to meet her strokes.
“Are you close?” He manages to ask, a low grunt in his voice.
She doesn’t respond. Instead, she brings one hand down to her pussy and begins rubbing her clit, moaning when she touches the little nub and then, with her other hand, she reaches for Harry’s face, thumb stroking the side of the smooth skin before she places it on his bottom lip and presses hard, making him part his mouth. She pushes it in, eyes lulling shut at the feeling of his warm tongue as he sucks on her thumb, hips continuing their movements as he fucks her cunt with quick, rough thrusts.
When she opens her eyes, Harry’s watching her, sweat glistening on his forehead and she brings her finger down to where Harry’s cock meets her warmth and rubs the top of his cock, moaning when she feels the vein there. She brings it up to her clit again, all wet and warm, and she rubs harder with rough strokes as Harry juts his hips forward a few more times. “I’m gonna cum, fuck- I’m gonna fuckin’ cum, baby,” his grip tightens on her waist and she places her hands on his shoulder, squeezing there.
“Come on me, I want it on my tits,” she mutters, fingernails digging into the smooth skin of his shoulders and he lets out a grunt, pulling out quickly as she gets down, Harry’s legs parting immediately so she can get between them.
And she does, gets on her knees between Harry’s parted legs as he takes the condom off, hissing at the feeling as he tosses it somewhere on the floor, and he begins stroking his now-wet cock as she thumbs at her nipples, kneading her boobs before pushing them together. His wrist works harder and quicker at the sight and he finally comes undone, his warm cum spilling onto her boobs, decorating her soft flesh with white stripes and she looks down, watching with sparkling eyes.
“God, fuck,” he breathes, letting his head tilt back, “You’re something else, y’know that?”
She hums, sending him a grin as he gives himself three more lazy strokes before he lets go of his cock and watches the spattered cum against her skin separate with the movement when she lets them go.
“Got some on your top, sorry, love.”
She looks down, then swipes a thumb across her skin and brings it up to her mouth. Pushing it in, she sucks around her digit as she tastes the salty-sour taste and Harry watches, all wrecked and fucked out.
“It’s fine, don’t worry about it.”
“You’re so naughty...come up here,” his ring-clad fingers reach for her wrist and he helps her sit next to him.
He reaches the little pocket behind one of the seats, taking out some tissues as she watches him take out a few and clean her up as much as he can. Then their eyes meet, both sleepy and wrecked, and he lifts his hand up to her cheek, stroking it, and she leans into the touch, making him smile. “You’re lovely,” he mumbles, hand still on her cheek.
“You’re lovelier.”
He chuckles as she fixes her top, “You really are. Really lovely.”
“Stop it, I’m not good with compliments.”
“Well,” he shrugs, reaching for his trousers on the front seat, “I said what I said. You hungry? Thirsty?”
“I’m kinda thirsty. Aren’t you?”
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As they lean against the bonnet of Harry’s car, now parked outside a McDonald’s, there’s a comfortable silence between them as they sip their waters, bodies close to each other, close enough for Harry to smell his faint cologne on her skin.
“You cold still?”  He turns to her as she takes a bite of her chocolate muffin, and he follows as a few crumbs land on her chest.
“I’m good. Feel very warm...ed up,” she chuckles, thumbing at the corners of her mouth.
Harry groans, nudging her with his shoulders and she nudges back, harder, and he gasps, “Oi, be nice. I’m feeding you.”
“Soz. Guess I owe you like...what is it, a fiver?”
“You’re a very mean girl.”
“I’m the nicest. I’m good,” she gives him a grin, earning another eye roll from him as she takes another sip of her water before placing it on the floor, “Seriously though, thanks for the muffin.”
“Don’t mention it. I’m kinda bummed you turned down the nuggets but…maybe next time?”
“Next time?” She asks, crossing her arms, trying to warm herself up despite her promise from earlier.
“Well,” he clears his throat, hand going up to his necklace, “I’d love to see you sometime. Again. Preferably for longer than an hour and...you know, just us two? Hanging out?”
She smiles and leans forward, taking him by surprise when she presses their lips together. It’s a sweet, slow kiss, and his hands grab the back of her neck, pressing their faces closer as they kiss. Her hands find his waist and she gets on her feet, coming to stand between his legs without breaking their kiss, and she loops her arms around his neck, smiling when he moans at the feeling of her fingers playing with the hairs at the nape of his neck.
He tastes the muffin, the chocolate, and himself, and as foolish as it sounds, he wishes there was a way to be closer to her somehow, closer than they already are at this moment. She pulls away, their foreheads pressing together as they smile at each other.
Harry scrunches his nose and smiles, bringing it forward so their noses touch, “What was that for?” He whispers, hands tight around her waist as he hugs her closer.
“Just felt like it...just felt like kissing you.”
“Yeah. I like kissing you. I liked kissing you a lot tonight.”
He smiles, nose booping against hers once again, “I liked kissing you a lot too. I’d like to kiss you a lot tomorrow. And maybe the day after that.”
“That’s fine by me. You can kiss me tomorrow...and the day after that,” she whispers, pressing their bodies together.
Harry closes his eyes, taking a deep breath as she watches with curious gaze, eyes crinkling with a smile.
“What are you doing,” she whispers, and he shushes her, smiling when he opens his eyes to find her staring with her eyebrows raised, “What are you doing?” She asks again and he squeezes her waist, forehead pressing against her once again and he leans in closer to press a tiny kiss on the corner of her mouth.
“I’m listening,” he whispers, lips almost touching hers as he speaks.
“Listening? What are you listening to?”
He strokes her cheek, “A song.”
She raises her eyebrow again, “What song? I can’t hear it. Are you- you’re not actually serious, are you?”
“Ssh, it’s a song. Listen,”
“Har-ry,” she groans, pressing her forehead on the crook of his neck, “What is it?”
Harry smiles, arms hugging her closer as she presses a tiny kiss to the side of his neck, “Aubade.”
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buckyownsmylife · 3 years
daddy issues - chapter xiv
The one where Ransom doesn’t feel ready to become a father, but he should have thought about it before sleeping with a complete stranger.
When Ransom’s latest one night stand lets him know that he’s going to become a father, he finds himself looking for the qualities he never believed to have so he can become the parent he never got to witness as a child.
for general warnings and author’s notes, please go to the fic’s masterlist.
A/N for this chapter: this chapter’s coming to you unedited because I am honestly emotionally exhausted and the only reason I even got this done is because “playing” with these two makes me happy. So yeah, I’m officially stretching the story a bit more (next chapter is the one I’ve been referring to for a while) and after it we’ll be pretty close to the end!
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Y/N’s P.O.V.
Ransom had been a weird mixture of nervous and excited ever since he picked me up from work after visiting his grandfather. I knew they had a good relationship - from what I gathered, it was the only truly peaceful relationship he kept with his entire family - so I didn’t understand what the anxiety was about until he admitted, almost blurting out, “He asked me to visit the publishing house with him tomorrow.”
It was impossible to contain my smile. “That’s great, honey! He really does trust you, huh?” But Ransom didn’t even nod, just kept looking at me with eyes filled with a heavy emotion I couldn’t name, so I tried to occupy myself with other stuff.
“What time are you leaving? Do you want me to book a car to take me to university or will you still be able to give you a ride?” When he didn’t immediately answer me, I raised my gaze from the pile of essays in my hands to check on him, and the moment our eyes met, he seemed to snap out of whatever it was that was keeping him immobilized.
“No, I should be able to take you. Don’t worry about it.” I wasn’t worried, but I knew Ransom enough by now to be aware that he wouldn’t relent, not wanting me to go to my workplace without him, so I just smiled.
“Okay, babe.” The petname escaped my lips so easily, I froze when my own ears processed it, but I didn’t want to make a big deal out of it. Out of the corner of my eye, I could still see Ransom’s frame paralyzed where I had left him, so I just focused on my work and pretended like nothing different had happened.
“I should be up in a minute.” I tried to act as nonchalant as possible. I didn’t look at him again, but I saw him nod from my peripheral vision before turning around and leaving towards the staircase, allowing me to breathe deeply again. What the hell was going on with me?
Ransom’s P.O.V.
She never came to bed when she did decide to call it a night. Well, she did stop by my bedroom, but chose to remain by the threshold until I caught sight of her figure, and when our eyes met, she smiled and wished me a good night.
I sighed when I realized that I was going to have to sleep alone. I didn’t like that, I didn’t want it. But there was nothing I could really do about it. She wasn’t my girlfriend, she was just the mother of my baby. At least to her own eyes.
Having her so close and then seeing her pull away was tearing at my heart, which is why when I got up in the morning to find her in the kitchen, breakfast already made while a packet waited next to my plate, I felt like I would physically melt.
“What is this?” I asked, already reaching out for it. I opened and checked to find a few sandwiches - homemade - before she could confirm what my eyes were seeing, but I was still struggling to process.
“I-I fixed you a lunch bag. I don’t know how long it’s going to be with your grandpa, didn’t want you to starve.” I just stared at her, unblinking, while this warm feeling spread over my chest, even turning me on.
Because I understood what this was. I understood what she meant by this. This was her, recognizing she had taken two steps back yesterday, and compensating with a gesture that moved us even closer to where I hoped to take us.
My heartbeat picked up at the realization that she did want something more. She did, she just needed time to adjust. And I could give her that - I could keep giving her that, just as long as we kept moving forward.
“It’s okay if you don’t want it.” I’d taken too long to answer, she had approached me quickly to snatch the bag from my grasp. “It’s stupid anyway.” I stopped her, both hands on her waist before she could fully turn around.
“No, give me it!” I know it sounded whiney, but I didn’t want to risk being without my lunch bag. Once it was in the safety of my hands, I put it to the side for just enough time to cradle her face and force her to take in what I had to say. “Don’t you ever say anything you did for me is stupid. I’m not used to having people do things for me because they thing I’d like or need them. This means everything to me.”
The soft smile she gave me, the way her eyes looked up at me from under her eyelashes had me feeling like I was on a rollercoaster and the fall had just begun. I suppose, in many ways, it already had.
The little gesture didn’t leave my mind the entire day. I caught myself smiling at nothing, becoming easily distracted while Harlan tried to explain something about the presses to me, but every time I ran a hand over my face and apologized, he just gave me a knowing smile.
I didn’t even feel embarrassed about it. I was almost proud, really. I had spent an entire life having to pay for what I needed - and I did it, unashamedly so. And now there was this incredible woman who wanted to take care of me. I could barely believe it.
I couldn’t believe that this woman that I didn’t even know a few months ago was now everything I thought of, everything I wanted in life.
Everything was going well, too well. I should have known it was only a matter of time until something ruined it.
I first noticed it because Harlan’s face suddenly fell when he raised his gaze to meet mine, instead settling on something over my shoulder. When I turned around, I quickly understood why.
It was my mom, and by the way she marched in our direction, she clearly wasn’t here to do anything cheerful.
“Was I supposed to know about you having a baby through my own father?” I cringed, even visibly flinched at the knowledge that she now knew about my kid. “Have you no respect for your mother?”
My snicker said everything she needed to know, and when she raised a finger to shake it on my face, it took Harlan to control us both. “Okay, alright, that’s it. This is still my place of work, an extension of my house, I won’t have you two disrespecting it’s sanctity.”
I huffed, adjusting my coat as I turned my back on her to focus on my grandfather again. He was the reason why I was there, and the only reason why I didn’t just leave upon seeing my mother.
“Now, Linda, if Ransom didn’t tell you about something this important in his life, there must be a reason for it. What do you think it is?” My mother turned her face from her own father, seeming particularly interested on her own high heel shoes now. We both knew she wouldn’t relent, so with a sigh, Harlan met my eyes, silently asking me to be the bigger person here - I knew.
“How about this, I’ve been meaning to have you all for dinner for a while, it’s been a long time since the family gathered for anything other than a holiday. Is Friday good for both of you? You can bring the girl, if you want.” That last part was directed to me specifically, making my eyes widen. I could only imagine what she would say if I suggested a family dinner with my entire family, especially considering everything I had told her about them - and why I wasn’t excited to tell them about the baby in the slightest.
“I’ll see, but she might be busy.” My mother snickered, making me narrow my eyes at her, thinking about a very important reassurance I needed to get before I even considering attending that dinner. “If I do end up bringing her, I don’t want to see any of you all treating her as anything less than a princess, is that understood?”
Of course, Harlan knew I was speaking more to my mother than to him, and that I expected the message to be extended to the rest of the family before Friday rolled around, but seeing as my mother was still brushing her already perfectly clean skirt, he was the one to answer.
“Of course, Ransom. We’re all excited to meet her, she’s a welcome guest in my house.” The warning was there for the both of us. And even though it was my mother that would need to keep that in mind, I already knew I was the one who would end up leaving the only place outside my house where I felt safe because as long as she was there, there was no way I’d feel okay.
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generallybarzy · 3 years
not despite, but unconditionally.
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an: written for my lovely lovely friend @softboybarzal who i love dearly so so so so much 🖤🤍💜 happy late asexuality day!!!! I hope this is everything i think it is and I hope it makes you feel all soft and happy because of it. I really put my heart in this one for you and everyone else out there who feels like someone won't love and accept them because of their sexuality. I love all of you sm and I promise you will find someone who cherishes you like barzy does in this fic.
tagging: @softboybarzal ​ @fallinallincurls ​ @matbaerzal ​ @npatrickz ​ @canadianheaters ​ @selenophileangel ​ @deleausvp ​ @colecaufield ​ @hockeyhughes11 ​ @nazdaddy ​ @barzysreputation ​ @comphybiscuit ​ @aboveaveragehockeyboys ​ @ifiwasshawnmendesidslapmyself ​ @petey-patty ​ @starswin​ @heatherawoowoo ​ ​
word count: 2.6k
After only a handful of months with Mathew, you already knew he was an amazing boyfriend- always attentive, but never suffocating, endearingly clingy and cuddly and soft, and the most caring and gentle man you had ever met in your life. Something you loved about Mat- but, god, how could you choose when there were so many things to love?- was how open he was to listen, to learn about you, to know you. How good the two of you were at communicating with each other, and how much he listened and made sure he understood what was wrong when you were upset. But, this beautiful talent of his came with downfalls, and that downfall- for you, anyway- was that you could never pretend to be fine around him. He knew you much too well. He knew everything about you. 
Well, except for one thing.
So when you walked through his apartment door for your Friday night cuddles with a gloomy smile and a far-away look in your eyes, he knew something was wrong. 
“Heyyyy, baby.” He bounced over to the door, always energetic, and grabbed your bag and coat from you. He bent down and lay a big smooch against your lips, smoothing a hand through your hair, and you subconsciously leaned into his touch. While he knew you always loved being near him, there was something so withdrawn about you lately. He smiled his comforting little smile, watching you with soft eyes. “What’s wrong?” 
“Nothing, bubs. I’m just tired, long day at work, that’s all.” 
It was a lie, you knew it and Mat did too. Maybe you were tired, maybe you did have a long day at work, but he could see there was something else there. Even so, he smiled softly and kissed your cheek, vowing to himself that he’d get it out of you after a bit of cuddling. “Okay. How about we go cuddle and watch some Netflix, ‘kay? I have a hoodie ready for you to change into in my room, and I’ll start the hot cocoa, okay?”
“Thank you.” 
“Always.” He lay another kiss on your head before shooing you off to the bedroom to change. “Go get cozy, babe.” 
The moment you stepped into Mat’s bedroom, you knew how this night was going to go. Mat’s room was all tidied up, the bed was made and the drawers were closed and his nightstand was de-cluttered, and while he wasn’t necessarily a dirty person, it was obvious he had cleaned up today, and you knew why. Whenever you would come over and see he had cleaned his room, he would later try to take your relationship to the next level by turning your cuddle session into a makeout session, and the only reason those makeout sessions didn’t become more was that you would shoot him down and say you were sleepy. Granted, you loved the makeout sessions, you loved to fall asleep on him, and you loved how understanding he was that you weren’t in the mood. You just weren’t sure if he’d be so understanding that you were never gonna be in the mood.
After you stripped out of your clothes and into Mat’s big hoodie and a pair of sweats, you opened the door to go back out to the living room, where Mat was fluffing some pillows up and putting on Netflix. “Hey, just in time!” Mat set the drinks on the coffee table and pulled you into his side and flopped down onto the couch, snuggling into you like you were a teddy bear. 
“So snuggly tonight, Maty.”
“Only for you.”
The movie dragged on, at least thirty minutes passing with barely any talk between you. Your mind was racing with what you were going to tell Mat when he inevitably tried to make a movie and you rejected him again. He was going to be so upset, you knew it, he was going to break up with you right here. You didn’t want to think about it
Then, just like you knew would happen, you felt his lips against your ear. 
You welcomed it, gladly, you always loved when he kissed you. What worried you was what would come next. You couldn’t keep lying to him about this, leading him on, you had to tell him. “Mat, baby, stop.”
"What's wrong?" 
"Ah, I'm just… I'm too sleepy to do anything." 
Mat was silent for a few moments, before sitting up completely, bringing you up to sit next to him. "Are you just saying that?" God you didn't want to have this talk, you didn't want to fight, you didn't want him to leave you. You could feel the tears in your eyes. “Oh, hey hey hey.” Mat scrambled to collect you, bringing his hands up to cup your face and wipe away the tears, kissing your face tenderly. “Please, babe, I know something’s wrong. It’s fine if you don’t wanna have sex tonight but like, this might make me sound like a dick but I’ve waited and tried again and again and I’m just worried. Is there something wrong? Is it just that you’re not attracted to me or...? What? I promise I won’t be mad, I’m just trying to understand, ya know?”
“No, I’m attracted to you, I promise. I just…” 
“What is it?” Mat’s voice was quiet and gentle, his brow furrowed. He was genuinely trying to understand. 
“I- You might not like it, Mat, and uh, if you want to leave me after this… if it’s too much for you, I’ll understand. I won’t blame you.” 
“Hey, hey…” Mat tilted his head down to try and catch your gaze, his eyes gentle, his fingers even more gentle on your chin. “Okay, you know I’m not pushy, but babe, I’d never make you do anything you don’t want to, but I need you to tell me this. You’re worrying me.” Mat saw the hesitation on your face, the way you couldn’t meet his eyes, and reached out slowly. “Can I hold your hands?” He saw the way your hands reached out instinctively for his and took that as his okay to hold them, marveling at how small your hands were in his. “Take your time, talk when you’re ready.”
You took a few deep breaths, and could only bring yourself to glance up at him momentarily. You couldn’t delay this any longer. "Mat, I don't want to have sex with you." 
His eyebrows furrowed in confusion and he shook his head softly. "Um, okay, yeah that's okay. I won’t push you to. We can wait as long as you need." 
"No, no, I… I mean, like, ever." 
"I… I don't understand"
“I’m uhh. I’m asexual, Mat.”
“Okay.” Mat glanced down to the floor for a moment, biting his lip and furrowing his brow. You could see the gears turning in his head, and you loved him so, so much just for trying his hardest to understand it. After a moment, he looked back up at you, gentle questioning in his eyes. “Okay, so, what exactly does that mean for you, specifically?”
You were taken aback. Never before did anyone ask you what your sexuality meant to you. No one ever asked where you fell on the spectrum, they just pushed you aside because all they hear was no sex, and decided you weren’t worth a sexless relationship. You were at a loss for words. “I just, I guess I don’t get turned on, if that makes sense? Physically, yeah, I can get aroused, but in my head, I don’t feel the sexual attraction. Trust me, you’re hot and all, but it’s just… nothing… clicks, down there, ya know? I don’t get the urge to have sex or anything.” 
Mat nodded quietly, listening intently, so you continued. No one had ever given you space to ramble about your sexuality. No one had ever listened. And if he was gonna break up with you anyway, might as well get it all out. "I'm conflicted when it comes to sex, honestly, because I don't really want it or need it but I'm willing to do it for you if you really want it, ya know? I'm okay with making you feel good, but it just doesn't do anything for me."
“Well, if it doesn’t feel good for you, why would we do it?”
“It, it’s not that it doesn’t feel good. Well, for some people, it doesn’t. It’s a spectrum.” You saw Mat nod, and it made your heart swell how much he was willing to listen. “Some people hate sex, some people are okay with it, some people like it, we just don’t… necessarily need it. I’m okay with it, sometimes. I’m sure it wouldn’t feel too bad if I was doing it out of love, for you, but I just… don’t need it. I would do it for you, to make you feel good, ya know? But it doesn’t do anything for me.”
“So, that’s what was bothering you so much?”
“Yeah.” Mat was silent, his eyebrows furrowed up in thought. You could feel the tears coming back, even though Mat was so willing to listen, you knew he wouldn’t be willing to stay with you and give up something he wanted as much as sex. "I just, I know you want to have sex, and I just… I knew I needed to tell you, but I was trying to delay it because I just... I love you so much and I don’t want to ruin that. I know you want sex and I can’t promise you that, and I just…” Tears were streaming down your face now, and you could hear Mat frantically hushing you. “I just really really don't want you to leave me because of this."
"No no no baby, don't cry.” His arms surrounded you quickly, cradling you close against him. Your nose found the crook of his neck, settling there against that comforting scent that was just so him. His warmth surrounded you, you could feel his heart beating against your chest, his arms heavy around your back, keeping you close, and you felt safe. “Shh, baby. Please don’t cry over this. Please. I love you.” He lay kiss after kiss on your face, soft little pecks all over your wet cheeks. “I love you.” 
“But you’re gonna break up with me, aren’t you?”
“No!” He leaned back from the embrace, keeping his arms tight around you and catching your eyes with the most serious look you’d ever seen in your relationship. This was the first big, serious talk, after all. “Let’s get that into your pretty little head first, okay. I’m not breaking up with you. I. Am not. Breaking up with you. Ever. Tell me babe, what am I doing?”
“Not breaking up with me.” You smiled tearily and he beamed down at you.
“That's right, you're stuck with me." His lips fell to a tiny half-smile. "Listen, I love you, and we’re not breaking up. But, I don’t want you to think that you’re holding anything back from me. You’re not. It’s not that “you don’t wanna have sex, but I guess I can still love you despite that”, alright? It’s not that I still love you despite your asexuality, or even though you don't want sex. It's that you're asexual and I love you. Two. Independent. Facts.” He punctuated each word with a kiss on your forehead, his hands cupping your cheeks gently. He tilted his head then, glancing towards the ceiling as he thought over his word. “Okay, that might’ve been a little confusing but hang in there for me. It’s that… You don't want to have sex and you're my girlfriend and I respect that. Saying I love you despite this makes it seem like your sexuality is something I should have a problem with, but it isn't. It's another part of you, and I love you. All of you. My love for you isn't dependent on the idea of us having sex, okay? What's that “U” word I’m thinking of? For when I love you no matter what?"
Your throat was tight and your voice shaky as you sputtered out. "You, um, you mean un- unconditional?" 
"Yeah. Yeah. I love you unconditionally, okay? I love you for more than just sex. You're more than that... We're more than that, okay? A lot more. We’re all those dumb inside jokes we have that no one else is allowed in on, we’re weekly movie nights with hot chocolate and snacks. We’re hugs and kisses and cuddles on the couch after one of us had a bad day. We’re those shy kisses while surrounded by my teammates after we see each other on the concourse after a game, and me showing up at your work with lunch and embarrassing you in front of your coworkers, going out with all of our friends, and sneaking away to talk on the roof when the lights and the noises get too overwhelming. We’re about supporting each other in life, no matter what. That’s us. Sex doesn’t matter. If you decide later that you wanna try sex, I’m okay with it. If you’re okay with oral but no penetration, I’m okay with that. If you wanna touch me but don’t want me to do anything to you, I’m okay with that. If you decide you don’t want any type of sex ever, I am a hundred percent okay with that too. You know why? Because you’re so worth it.”
“Mat...” As much as you wanted to believe him, there was something nagging away at you, saying of course Mat wants sex, he’s hinted at it before, and what attractive young man like him wouldn’t? “Are you sure? You might be giving up sex for the most part.” 
"I’m a hundred percent sure. No, no, a trillion percent. Trust me. As long as I can stay here with you and cuddle you and love you and be with you, I'll be happy. Forever. Five-ever." He poked your cheek cutely, and a smile finally broke out on your face, prompting a stunning smile from Mat as well. “I promise you.” He leaned in again and pressed his lips to yours, passionately and with a smile, knowing that finally, you were comfortable again. “And I’m a big boy, I can get myself off if I need to. Promise.”  
“Mat!” You pulled back from him with a laugh.
“Hey, seriously! I don’t need you to do anything for me you don’t want to. I wouldn’t be a very good boyfriend if I forced you into stuff, would I? I’m completely fine going without, forever if I need to.” You buried your face in Mat’s chest, breathing in his cologne and soap, trying not to cry, this time not out of anxiety, but happiness. “I never want you to be scared to tell me anything, okay? I’ll promise you, I’ll always listen.” Mat squeezed his arms around you and lay back on the couch, pulling the blankets up around you and tucking you in tight against him. You snuggled down against him, your heart swelling with the absolute love Mat was willing to give to you. You couldn’t believe you were lucky enough to have him.
“Thank you so much.”
“You don’t need to thank me. I would never break up with you over something like that. Never. Now, how about we get back to the movie, huh? I’ve had enough serious talk tonight.” 
“I love you, Maty.” 
Mat smiled, his heart pounding against you. He smiled, knowing this was it for him. He smiled at the thought that he was lucky enough to call someone as amazing as you his person, his better half, the person he loved the most in the world. Sex wasn’t even a small price to pay. It meant nothing to him, sex wasn’t even on his mind, as long as he could stay in moments like these with you, forever. This was truly, honestly, all he needed. 
“I love you too, baby. Unconditionally.”
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snazzied · 3 years
— Quackity X F!reader : FLUFF
— word count: 880
[ warning: not fully proofread :) ]
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you woke up, later then usual. Checking your phone like normal, you saw many missed texts and a couple of calls from your boyfriend. Quickly scrambling to your two's messages to see if something was wrong.
[ 🤍 QuAcKaTiTy ]
- 'hi hello! yes i am here, what is it?'
🤍- 'finally! im sorry i spammed you- i forgot, time zone change and things- heh- anyway! i got an email earlier about a cheap plane to you!'
you thought for a moment as you glanced over at the empty spot on the side of the bed next to you..
you missed him, obviously! You hadn't seen him in months since your last meet up. He was your boyfriend..you missed the way he held you at night, his hands playing with your hair as you tried to fall asleep. His soft singing when you couldn't, just his voice in general made you smile, but talking over the phone wasn't the same.
Quickly, you texted back.
- 'do it'
🤍- 'really? are you sure?'
- 'yes, I'm sure. I miss you holding me at night...please?'
🤍- 'alright, I'll try to get the tickets. I'll text you later :)'
And with that...radio silence...for hours.
you got some work down around your new space, cleaning up a bit, organizing...then you heard the all too familiar sound of a text. Him. You rushed to your phone and looked at the notification.
🤍- 'its official, I'll should be there around noon on Friday. I cant wait to see you..'
Internally screaming, you were ecstatic. you realized- Friday...today was Wednesday. You only had one full to day to get the entire apartment clean.
it was now Friday- in a matter of minutes you have to leave to go pick up your boyfriend from the airport. Why were you nervous? It's not like it's your first time meeting him- you two have been together for almost five years! Maybe it's just the thought that he won't like your apartment...or not think you can live on your own.
After one quick check of your apartment, you grabbed your keys and headed to the airport. You hadn't even heard that he landed until you arrived, eventually getting a text.
🤍- 'i just landed, I'll be at west gate.'
You weren't too far from his gate so you walked a bit until seeing the gate, sitting at a bench not too far away while you waited for it to open. You watched like a hawk when it did, watching every person walk out...until you saw him. He was rolling his suitcase behind him as one hand held his phone, his thumb scrolling through. Swerving through groups of people, you made your way over as fast as you could. He didn't even get the chance to look for you before you threw yourself into his arms, making him stumble back slightly. "There you are!" He smiled and let go of his suitcase handle, wrapping his arms tightly around you, "I missed you so much." His head dropped into the crook of your neck, leaving a small kiss under your ear. Finally you were in his arms again, it had only been a couple of weeks or so, but you couldn't handle the emptiness anymore. His head lifted as did yours, making eye contact, he smiled before leaning in and leaving a soft kiss against your lips. "Let's go back to your apartment, I need to ask you something." You nodded, now extremely curious of what he's talking about.
Finally arriving to your apartment, he pulled his suitcase next to the door and turned towards you smiling before pulling you into another hug. "Babe, is something wrong?" he chuckled and held you tighter, "No, I just missed the feeling of you in my arms." smiling at his words, you reciprocated the hug. "Okay okay, now onto the real question.." he pulled away but kept his hands on your arms, you hummed in response and looked at him, his eyes were soft and looked nervous. "If I were to...ya know...move here..." you lit up at the thought of him being extremely close to you, you were about to speak before he quickly rambled out, "How would you feel if I uh- move in with you..." you stood, shocked, your mouth hung open, "Obviously if it's okay with you I can find an apartme-" before he could finish you were flung into his arms, tears brimming your eyes in happiness. You finally didn't have to be miles away from your world, instead having him right next to you everyday, everynight. His arms held you tight as he heard your soft sniffles, "You have no idea how much I want that...please.." you let go and moved your hands to his face, holding it gently, "Don't ever second guess yourself when it comes to us, of course I'd want you here, I'd never want anyone else but you." Your voice barely coming out as a whisper, you wanted him to know that he was the only one to you, hoping you were the only one for him. He nodded at your words, "Well then..." you smiled softly and sniffled a last time, "...I guess your moving in." He smiled at the sentence and left a soft kiss on your lips.
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Hey love, was wondering if we could get some more mean girl x soft boy with Peter with promts 10 and 37??
Yes!! My favorite, of course, I made reader a Stark too cause spoiled rich mean girl with soft little Peter kills me. Hope you like it!
Requests are still open guys, you can use the prompts or just request whatever you want to, I write for Peter and Tom, love you guys xx
Full of Surprises
Pairing: Peter Parker x Stark! Reader
Summary: Peter wants you to take him to a party, which ends up being nothing like he expected
Prompt #10 - “I don’t think you’re down for the parties I go to pretty boy.”
Prompt #37 - “You wanna sneak out?”
It would be hard to summarize (y/n) Stark in any sort of brief, meaningful fashion, she was too complicated for just a few sentences. If Peter had to call her just a few things he’d say she was complex and charismatic. She could be a little bratty, she liked getting her way, but most people still liked her, they still wanted to be around her. She was glamorous, with her designer clothes and nice cars and the paparazzi, she held the whole Stark legacy in a custom made, diamond encrusted pink birkin. Peter didn’t get the appeal of the money or the popular girl front she had at school, he thought the real her was a lot more interesting.
In getting to know her he had found she was actually a lot softer than most people thought, she just took a bit to warm up to people. He couldn’t blame her really, he’d seen firsthand the way kids at school tried to get close to her just for the exclusive invite or a Twitter follow, so he understood her hesitation. What he didn’t understand was why she wanted to be popular and famous, why she liked it all so much. It was puzzling to him, but he found both sides of her equally endearing. Even dorky little Peter couldn’t resist the pull of her glamorous life, he couldn’t deny that part of him wanted to be closer to that side of her too. He wanted to be the boy on her arm at all the parties she went to, but he had to get out of his comfort zone to do that…
“Yo Parker, you riding with me?” (y/n) turned around to face him as their final class drew to a close.
He nodded, “Yeah, if that’s cool with you.”
“I was hoping you would, I need your help,” she winked, slinging her bag over her shoulder as she stood.
He followed after her, his brows knit in confusion, “What do you need my help with?”
“There’s a party this Friday, dad said I can’t go,” she rolled her eyes, “So annoying, anyways, I was going to ask you to cover for me. I’ll tell him I’m at your place studying or something and you just tell him I’m with you if he asks. I know you're a perfect little angel, but I’ll owe you so big and I promise you won’t get in trouble with him. Plus I’ll buy you whatever you want.”
“You don’t need to buy me anything, you know that,” he blushed, biting down on the inside of his cheek as he contemplated his next move, “There is, uh, something you could do for me though…”
“Oh really?”
He nodded, “I want to go with you.”
She paused right in front of the limo and raised a brow at him, “Seriously?”
He nodded, “Yeah.”
She laughed as she climbed into the car, apparently finding the suggestion to be the funniest thing she’d heard all week, “Peter it’s a party with people and dancing and alcohol, I don’t think it’s your scene.”
“Then I’ll sneak out.”
His cheeks flushed and he frowned, “I’ve been to parties, I want to go, you always have fun don’t you?”
“You’ve been to high school parties,” she rolled her eyes, “There is no way May would let you go to this kind of party.”
“You wanna sneak out?”
“I sneak out all the time,” he reminded, “I’m probably better at it than you.”
“Point taken,” she smiled brightly at him, “Okay, why do you want to go out to parties all of a sudden?”
He shrugged, trying to seem as nonchalant as possible, “I might as well give it a try, maybe I’ll like it.”
She hummed, contemplating what to do for a moment, “Okay, I’ll take you, but no dorky t-shirts.”
“What’s wrong with my shirts?” he glanced down at himself with a frown.
“Well I think they’re cute, but they aren’t really party material. In fact I don’t know if anything you have is…”
He blushed at the compliment, “I can just wear a plain shirt then.”
“I’ll pick something out for you,” she smiled, “My arm candy has to match me.”
“Okay, but I’m not wearing the Spiderman suit.”
“You’ll wear what I tell you too babe,” she patted his cheek, smiling while his blush spread up to his ears, “Pick you up at 8?”
“Y-Yeah, sounds good.”
。・:*:・゚★,。・:*:・゚☆   。・:*:・゚★,。・:*:・゚☆
As promised, (y/n) arrived at Peter’s house at 8 sharp, holding a garment bag and dressed in a knee length tan trench coat.
“That’s what you're wearing?” Peter cocked his head in confusion, looking her up and down before quickly adding, “N-Not that you look bad or anything! I-It's just not what I normally see you wear to parties and stuff…”
His mouth went dry and he could only nod as he took it all in, “Y-Yeah, you look great.”
“I’ve got an outfit on under it, I just didn’t know if May would be home,” she pushed the garment bag into his hands with a smile.
“She’s working late tonight, I told her we’re going to the movies,” he shut the door behind her, his whole face blooming red as she tossed the trench coat off.
“Great, I look hot don’t I?” she giggled, spinning so he could admire her full outfit, a baby blue cropped cami and a matching skirt that fell just above her knee. The skirt had a slit leading up her right thigh and the whole thing was covered in a slightly darker blue Louis Vuitton monogram.
“I know,” she smiled proudly before gesturing to the bag in his hands, “Well come on, promise you’ll look hot too.”
He swallowed and opened up the bag to reveal a blazer with the same color and print as her outfit, “You don’t expect me to wear just this right?”
She burst into a fit of laughter and shook her head, “No, I was thinking just some jeans and a white shirt underneath, but hey, if you’re really feeling yourself I won’t stop you.”
“No, no, tshirt and jeans sounds great,” he pulled the blazer from the bag, “I’ll be right back.”
“Don’t keep me waiting,” she sang as he disappeared into his bedroom.
Peter was only gone for a second, returning almost immediately dressed per her instruction, “Happy?”
She nodded, “You look great, blue’s your color,” she stood, grabbing the edge of his jacket, “And red, and yellow.”
“You just listed all the primary colors,” he laughed.
“And I was right,” she moved up to his collar, flattening it out for him, “You for sure look best in yellow, but I know blue is your favorite, so I figured we’d wear blue.”
“Thanks,” he didn’t know how else to respond, “So what are we going to do there?”
“Oh come on Peter, you know what happens at a party,” she laughed, her hands moving up to his hair, tussling it slightly, “Didn’t you tell me you went to parties?”
He blushed, “Well one party, and it didn’t go great… I mean it can’t be anything that crazy right? Just like spin the bottle or beer pong or something?”
“Oh sweety,” she clicked her tongue before stepping away from him and slipping back into her coat, “If that’s when you’re hoping for then I don’t think you’re down for the parties I go to, pretty boy.”
He went wide eyed, “W-What do you mean?”
“You’ll see,” she smirked, “Ready to go?”
He nodded, his stomach beginning to fill with nerves, “I guess, I’m a little worried now though.”
“You should be,” she winked, “Not even Spiderman can save you from the night we’re gonna have.”
Her words had put Peter a bit on edge, and had him wracking his brain for every party he’d ever seen on tv. Once they got in the car he tried to drill her on the matter, but she only continued to tease him, never giving him a straight answer on anything, going as far as to tell him they were going to be summoning a demon at midnight. Something he had rolled his eyes at until they pulled around to the back of what Peter had to assume was some kind of club.
“(y/n) are you sure this is the right place?”
She nodded, “Yeah, it just looks sketchy from the back,” she flicked the car off and smiled at him, “Come on, you’re gonna love it here.”
He knit his brow in confusion as he followed her, “You sure about that?”
She rolled her eyes, “Yes, just come on,” she grabbed his hand and dragged him to the door.
He was hesitant as he followed her up to the large metal door, worried momentarily she might have been serious about the demon thing until she opened the door.
“Holy shit,” he swore as he glanced around the giant arcade.
She clenched her hands in front of her nervously, “What do you think?”
There was no party, not even close, in fact the only other people in the building were employees.
“I’m confused.”
She sighed, “I thought it was weird when you said you wanted to go to that party, I mean it’s not really your scene,” she glanced away from him, her normal confidence seeming to fade in an instant, “I don’t know, I kind of got to thinking maybe you just wanted to go because we were going together, and I thought that maybe you’d want to do something a little more personal so I rented out this old arcade,” she bit her lip, “I don’t know, maybe that was stupid, the party is real though, we can go to that instead if you want…”
Peter stared at her for a minute, trying to connect the dots, “L-Like a date?”
She nodded, “Maybe, I don’t know, it kind of seemed like that was the vibe.”
“No, no, no,” he grabbed her arms, stopping her from walking away, “I want to go on a date with you so bad.”
“So you rented a whole arcade?” he gaped.
“Oh come on Peter, you already know I’m excessive,” she groaned, “God, this was so stupid, let’s just go to the damn party.”
Her cheeks flushed, “You do?”
He nodded, “Yeah, I’m just a little shocked, you didn’t have to do this for me.”
“I didn’t really know what to do,” she fiddled with a piece of her hair, still unable to meet his eyes, “I mean you know I’m pretty sure of myself most of the time, but you make me nervous.”
“I make you nervous?” he went wide eyed while she nodded.
“I’ve never really liked a guy before, at least no this much,” she explained, “And I mean we can go to the party if you want still, but if you want this to be a first date I just thought something a little more special would be nice…”
A smile spread across his face, “There is nothing I’d like more than for this to be our first date.”
She giggled, wrapping her arms around his neck, “We haven’t even started the first one.”
“Thank god, it would have been totally humiliating if you said no,” an airy laugh escaped her lips.
“There wasn’t a chance of that happening,” he assured, “I can’t really afford to rent out an arcade, but I’ll plan our second date okay?”
“No but you went through all this trouble, I figured you’d want another.”
She rolled her eyes, “You know Peter if this relationship is gonna work I think my ego is big enough for the both of us.”
He laughed and pressed his head to hers, “We’ll see how you feel after I kick your ass at every game in here.”
“There is not a chance in hell you’re winning even one game tonight,” she leaned in just a tad, “But I’ll tell you what, if you do I’ll give you a kiss.”
He smiled and pressed a quick kiss to her nose before pulling away, “You’re on.”
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hangovercurse · 3 years
Stay With You ii
You get the call after Rook’s accident and go to the hospital to take care of him.
Requests: “ Could you maybe write another Rook story about where you get the call after his accident that he’s in the hospital and just always staying there with him and when his dad shows up he sees you leaning on the bed sleeping holding Rooks hand or something and he knows you’ll take care of him? I just really love Rook “ “ I was wondering if you know what happened to rook and if you could write something cute like taking care of him after being worried at first about him. I had a mental breakdown when we got the news I'm hoping he gets well soon “
JP “Rook” Cappelletty X Reader
Warnings: Cursing, mentions of the accident (violence, broken bones, etc.), angst
A/N: I needed something happy to come out of this situation so... I wrote it.
Word Count: 2372
part i
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You woke up a few hours later to Rook moving under you, your eyes finding his instantly. “Hey baby, how are you feeling?” You asked as you sat up, a smile on your face as you saw that the bruising on his face was fading. He had clearly just woken up as well, sleep still in his eyes.
“Better, I think. Awake.” You nodded, moving the pillow from his lap.
“Your dad’s here.” You said softly, nodding your head towards the man who was sleeping in the chair against the wall. You giggled at the sight and Rook let out a chuckle.
“I’m hungry” He whined and you frowned, remembering what the anesthesiologist told you about no food 8 hours before surgery. He was scheduled to go in at 10 am, and it was currently 5 am.
“I’m sorry, babe. The doctor said no food until after the surgery. I can see if they’ll let you eat jello if you want.” He frowned and you reached up to rub his face. You could tell this was going to be a long 8 weeks.
Truth be told, Rook was a baby when he got sick. He would lay in bed and whine until you agreed to cuddle with him. And if he wanted something, he would pout until he got it. But you kind of loved it. “I’ll be right back.” You whispered, standing up to go find a nurse.
He smiled at you, “can you hand me my phone?” He asked. You moved to the other side of his bed where his phone lay on a table and handed it to him. “I’m gonna see if Colson’s still up.”
You nodded, happy that the two boys were so close. You put your mask on and left the room, flagging down one of the nurses working the night shift.
When you got back into the room with 2 cups of lemon-flavored jello, Johnny was up and the father and son were having a light conversation. You set the cups on the tray and moved it so it was in front of Rook. He tried to raise his hands but you could tell he was struggling. He let out a sigh and looked at you, embarrassment in his eyes.
You smiled lightly, trying not to giggle at his helplessness. “Do you want me to help you?” You asked and he gave a nod, pouting. You adjusted his bed so he was sitting up fully.
“Can you sit next to me?” Johnny let out a laugh as you rolled your eyes a little bit.
Rook tried to shift over in the bed, but you could tell it was hurting him. “Baby stop, you’re gonna hurt yourself.” You sighed.
“I want you to sit on the bed with me.”
You looked at his dad, an exasperated look in your eyes. He just chuckled and turned back to his phone. “I don’t want to hurt you.” You frowned, taking notice of the fact that there was very little room on the bed to begin with.
He squinted his eyes at you, still pouting. “You won’t hurt me.” You raised your eyebrow and moved to sit halfway on the bed, your right thigh resting on the mattress but the majority of your weight still on your left foot on the ground. “Not good enough.”
You rolled your eyes, scooting closer so that your back was against the back of the bed, turned on your side. He smiled, reaching his arm up slowly to try and wrap it around your shoulders. You glared at him, but he shot you a “My hand is broken, not my arm.”
You sighed, sitting up and leaning onto his chest, where you knew he wanted you. You pulled your other leg onto the bed, careful not to put any pressure against his. You leaned up slightly, putting weight on your right hand as your left grabbed the jello cup beside the bed. He opened his mouth and you rolled your eyes. “I don’t like how much you’re enjoying this.”
You placed a small spoonful of the yellow food into his mouth, making him smile. “In a few years, its gonna be you in this bed and I’ll be feeding you jello.” You tilted your head at his words, furrowing your eyebrows. “Y’know, when you’re giving birth to our kid.”
You blushed, a smile making its way to your face. You knew JP wanted kids at some point, and you did too. But you guys had never really talked about it. And now he was bringing it up so casually. Before you could respond, the door opened, and in walked Colson with a backpack full of what he called “everything Rook will ever need,” which you assumed to mean weed and tequila.
Rook smiled, “Yo, dude, what’s up?” Colson threw the bag onto the floor on the opposite side of the bed from you.
“How are you, man?” Colson asked, throwing himself onto the chair next to it.
Rook shrugged, “I’ve been better.” He chuckled and you rolled your eyes, a small giggle coming from you. “Y/N’s feeding me, so it’s not too bad.”
His dad spoke up, “You’re forcing Y/N to feed you jello, you mean?” You laughed at that as Rook’s shoulders fell. “Nice to see you, Kelly.”
“You too, Johnny. I like the new hair.” Colson smiled at the older man, who thanked him. “So, what did the doctors say?”
Rook gave him the rundown, one surgery today, Wednesday, and another on Friday. Casts on his hands for 6 weeks and on his legs for longer. The four of you spoke for a while afterwards and then Colson pulled out a game of connect four (which you raised your eyebrows at but Rook seemed excited about it).
Eventually the Anesthesiologist, Dr. Stenson, came in with a few nurses to take Rook to surgery. You had to climb off the bed, much to Rook’s dismay. “I can’t go into surgery with you, dummy.” But part of you wished you could stay with him because you did not like the way those nurses were looking at him. Colson noticed your distaste and chuckled, causing you to send him a glare.
“He’s going to be very drowsy when he comes back once the anesthesia wears off.” Dr. Stenson said, and you smiled at the thought of Rook on anesthesia, which he claimed would be “just like being high.” Dr. Stenson shook his head at that.
Before he was wheeled out of the room on his bed, he made grabby hands at you as best as he could. You leaned closer to him, pressing your lips against his quickly. “I love you, Y/N” He said, quietly. He didn’t mind anyone else hearing, but he wanted these words to be only for you.
“I love you too.” You said, just as quietly. He leaned back up to kiss you again, making you smile. You were starting to love helpless Rook; it was just endless attention and neediness.
The nurses took him off to surgery, leaving you, Johnny, and Colson alone in the room together. You collapsed onto the chair you had slept in, letting out a sigh as Colson chuckled at you. “Shut up.” You scrunched your nose at him, curling into the chair and bringing the pillow under your head.
“You guys are cute, what?” He asked, defensively, but the smile on his face was anything but.
You pouted, trying to push yourself further into the chair to find some comfort, but you knew your attempts to sleep were futile. You groaned, sitting up and throwing your head down towards your chest. “I’m so tired.” You mumbled, causing the two men to laugh.
“This is your life for the next 2 months.” Johnny chuckled. “If he doesn’t marry you after this then you need to leave his ass.”
You chuckled, the irony of his dad telling you that made it even funnier. “I can’t believe he still hasn’t proposed.” Colson shook his head in disappointment.  
A laugh fell from your mouth. “It’s funny how everyone is more impatient than I am for my own proposal.”
“I don’t understand how you’re so patient! I’ve barely been with Megan a whole year and I already wanna marry her.” Colson threw his head back against the back of his chair.
“I mean it’s not like I’m worried it’s not gonna happen. We were just talking about kids. He just doesn’t feel the rush, I guess. I don’t either, what’s the big deal with getting married anyways?”
Colson tilted his head at you, “It’s like, this huge proclamation of your love. Like you’re telling the whole world that you’re gonna love each other for the rest of your lives.”
You shrugged, looking down at your nails. “I mean, we don’t really need big proclamations. It’s in the little things. I love him, he loves me.”
You could feel both men’s eyes on yours and heat ran to your cheeks as you thought about the idea of a white dress. “But you do wanna get married, right?” Johnny asked and you smiled.
“Of course, I just don’t want to push him into something like that. He’ll ask when he’s ready.”
Colson shook his head as you looked back up, “He is one lucky motherfucker. Literally every other person would’ve kicked his ass by now.” You chuckled, not saying anything. “Wait you guys were talking about kids?”
You nodded, “right before you got here, actually.”
Colson furrowed his eyebrows, “I never saw him as the type, honestly.”
You smiled widely, “He brought it up.” Colson shrugged, a hum coming from his mouth. “I think it’d be kinda nice. I don’t know how it would work with him being on tour all the time, but that’s a discussion for another day.”
“I seriously can’t imagine Rook being a dad.”
“Can you imagine Rook getting married?” You giggled as Colson shook his head.
“Well I, for one, am looking forward to being a grandad, so hop on that.” Johnny said and you laughed. You spent the rest of the time while Rook was in surgery playing connect four and eating shitty hospital food, trying to keep your mind off the fact that Rook was in fucking surgery.
When he did get back, it was a sight to behold. The nurses wheeled him back into the room, his eyes lighting up when he saw you. “Y/NNN!” He slurred, “Look at my beautiful girlfriend.” He said to the nurses and you and Colson busted out laughing. “She’s so cool. She comes on tour with me sometimes, and we partyyy.” He made a dancing motion with his arms even though they his right was in a very large cast.
“Okay Rookie, the nurses are gonna leave now, okay?” You said, trying to hide your laughter. The nurses gave you a look of thanks and left the room after leaving you with a list of what he could and couldn’t do. Colson took his phone out and started recording, knowing that whatever Rook was gonna say next would be funny.
The surgery went well according to them, but the doctors would be in later when the medicine wore off to tell you more. “How are you feeling?” You asked, knowing he wouldn’t give a real answer.
“I feel greeeat. I’d feel better if my fiancé were laying with me right now, but other than that I am just fine.”
You cocked an eyebrow, an amused look on your face. “Your fiancé?”
“When did you propose?” You giggled, looking over to his dad and Colson who were both cracking up.
A look of realization crossed Rook’s face, “Oh shit, I forgot that step, didn’t I?” You nodded, “Do you wanna get married?” You bent over in laughter at his innocent expression. He pouted at you, whining. “Why are you laughing I’m asking you to marry me?”
You tried to speak through your laughs, “I’m sorry babe.” You took a deep breath in, “I’m not laughing at you.”
“So, you don’t wanna get married?” He asked, getting very upset.
“I do, baby. I do. But you gotta get a ring.”
“Oh yeaaaah.” He looked over at Colson. “Colson, where’s the ring?” Your head snapped to Colson, whose face went red.
“Dude you didn’t get a ring.” He tried to cover it up but you could tell he was lying.
Your eyes went wide and your mouth hung open. “Yes I did, I told you to bring the ring with you when you came.” He whined.
You giggled, hand going to your mouth. “Oh wait.” He said, turning back to you. “I can’t ask you to marry me right now. I gotta get down on one knee and my legs are broken.”
Johnny had an amused look on his face when you looked over to him for help. “Okay, Rookie. I’ll forget that you proposed and then when your legs get better you can do it again, okay?”
He nodded, “But you’ll still say yes, right?”
“I’ll still say yes.” You smiled, eyes closing as you continued to laugh. “You should get some sleep, hun.” You moved his braids out of his face.
“I wanna cuddle.” He pouted.
“You just had surgery; I can’t give you cuddles.” You frowned as he looked sad.
“Why don’t you love me?”
“I do love you, Rookie. I just can’t cuddle you with your arm broken.” You could hear Colson wheezing from the opposite side of the bed. “Get some sleep and we can cuddle when you wake up.”
He groaned but leaned back into the bed anyways, slowly drifting off to sleep. You turned to Colson, eyes wide and face red. “You had a whole conversation about marriage while you had his ring in your bag?” You whisper screamed.
He raised his hands up in surrender, “I was just doing what I was told. I didn’t think he’d propose to you while he was high off his ass on anesthesia.” He chuckled.
Johnny chuckled, “at least you got it on video.” You sighed and rolled your eyes, putting your face in your hands.
“Congratulations!” Colson said, eyes swinging up in the air.
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eternalmx · 3 years
error. | im changkyun. (pt. 1)
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☁️a/n: for @kyunsies;; because she said if I wrote it she will cry so I'm waiting for the tears. sksksk jk but I hope you enjoy it angel. ily♡ also;; highly recommend listen to so beautiful by dpr Ian while reading okay? definitely takes it to the next level. I'm bringing back eyebrow piercing kyun for this jdjdjd. I had to it was only right to do so.
✒ summary : Be honest. He's every father's worst nightmare. Black hair, tattoos, dresses in all black, rides a motorcycle. But is he really the stereotypical bad boy? Or he's just got a soft spot for this one girl?
warnings : none.
wc | 1,017
9:15𝓹𝓶 • "C'mon babe! It'll be fun" he says through the phone.
"Kyun... I don't think that's a good idea. If I get caught sneaking out I'll be in so much trouble not to mention my father already hates you. It won't do us any good" she says, fighting the urge to sneak out with him.
"I won't force you if you don't want to but I promise you it'll be worth it. You'll love what I have plan" he said, you can practically see the pout on his face as you heard him whine through the phone.
"How fast can you be here?" she sighed, pushing herself off the bed and going to her closet to get changed.
"I knew you couldn't resist me! I'll be there in twenty, be ready okay?" he said, quickly hanging up. The weather wasn't the best a bit foggy as it's been raining all the. The street lights reflecting on the water puddles in the street. She made her way around the house, careful not to make any noise. She packed a bag with some water bottles and snacks just in case they went far. After she went back t wait in her room she heard tapping at the window only to find Kyun smiling at her. His long black hair slicked back slightly, most likely from he remainder or rain. His leather jacket suiting his attire well. The small lamp in you room illuminating his features and his eyebrow piercing.
"Hey, you put it back in" she said softly, hand moving over the cold metal.
"I thought I'd pop in back in for a change and I kind of missed it" he said, smiling.
"You know I could walk out the front door right?" she said, realizing the path he decided to take to get to her. He was sitting comfortably on the little raised roof by her window.
"But where would the fun be? This is more romantic and mysterious. We look like troubled teens" he said, making her laugh. She clicked off the lamp and he helped her out onto the awning.
"Be careful pls, it's slippery" he said, as soon as you foot slipped slightly making him grab you roughly and pull you against him.
"We haven't even left and I already almost died. Maybe my dad's onto something?" she said, giggling softly and holding his hand tightly.
"Not funny. Here give me your backpack" he says, helping her remove it. "What's in here anyways?" he asked, as they walk slowly towards the end of the awning.
"Snacks and juice boxes and water" she said, she was serious in the statement but when he heard her say juice boxes he lost it.
"Shuuuuu! He'll hear us!" she said, turning to hit him softly. "It's not that funny" she whined, in a harsh whisper.
"It is. Be honest, were sneaking you out of your house and your dad hates me. we're gonna get on my motorcycle and then when we get to where were going we're going to drink juice boxes? That's a plot twist. I like it though. It's messing with my bad boy image I've got going for me but I'll let it slide because I love you" he whispered back, making her smile to herself. They finally reached the end of the awning when he stopped you as the light to her father's bedroom flickered on.
"We gotta go now" he whispered. Him going first down the wooden ladder. She rushed down almost missing a few steps but he was there to catch her if she fell. When she finally reached him he had his hands on her waist and spun her to face him.
"Well, are we just gonna stand here?" she asked, as he stares at her. He leaned in to kiss her but ended up pushing her against the house as the heard a window opening.
"Hello? Who's there?" her father yelled. The porch lights turning on as they both moved around the house. "You better get out of here!" he yelled.
Her eyes were wide and changkyun gave an apologetic smile to her. She grabbed his hand reassuringly as they waited for the lights to turn off after they heard the window shut closed.
"Are you cold?" he asked, taking off his leather jacket.
"A little, I was busy packing the snack I forgot to grab a sweater" she said, rubbing her hands over her arms as he placed his jacket around her.
"Better?" he asked, pushing his hair back.
"Much better." she said, nodding her head and doing a little happy dance.
"You just wanted the jacket didn't you?" he asked.
"Yes and no. I actually am cold but the jacket is a bonus. It was a test. You passed. Now I'll sneak out with you. I know you'll take care of me if it all goes wrong" she said, smiling and grabbing his hand. They began running down the street to his parked motorcycle.
"Thanks for trusting me." he said, as they reached his bike.
"Why wouldn't I?" she asked, placing the extra helmet on before standing in front of him.
"I don't know. I'm sure it's not easy. Especially because your father already has his mind made up about me" he says, leaning against his bike.
"Babe, what he thinks matters to me. Of course it does, but you aren't what he has his mind made up about. I know you more than what's on the outside and soon he'll come around but don't thank me. I should be thanking you if anything. It's Friday night and i was gonna be couped up studying but instead here I am. With my handsome boyfriend about to go to an undisclosed location with snacks and juice boxes. This is the high life" she said, giggling softly. She got on the bike and wrapped her arms around him.
"I love you" he said, before starting to rev the engine.
"I love you more babe" she said, kissing his cheek.
"Ready!" she said, squeezing tightly against him as he pulled out the spot.
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