#bakugou x reader x midoriya
sugarlywhispers · 2 months
this sudden thought came to my mind and i do not regret it...🙈
love triangle between hero!deku x y/n x villain!dynamight.
and all coming down to one ending quote...
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Sweat drips down Hero Deku's shin and forehead while a bit of blood slides down from one side of his nose. Some new cuts adorns his face and you feel the blame in each one of his wounds.
But nothing compares to the hurt you're currently seeing in his eyes as he looks at you with a desperate pain and horror. His hand is extended towards you as he stands, bloody and trembling, like the rest of his body.
You can feel his pain. And you hate you're the reason behind it.
"Y/N... Please..."
You close your eyes for a moment, as his pleading drags a bit in the eco around the chaos that surrounds all of you.
When you open them, you look to the other side of you.
Villain Dynamight stands mimicking the hero. His hand extended towards you, also trembling and bloodied. They are both heavily injured. It's always like that when they find each other.
But Dynamight doesn't say anything. He just waits and looks at you straight to your eyes. And behind all that explosive red, you can see the fire of his need for you.
Fuck. You have to make a choice... or they will end up killing one another.
You look back at Izuku, his clear devotion and love for you intact as the very first day you met. He is the right choice. He is the clear definition of safe and care. But his self sacrifice actions all the freaking time are... hateful. You hate him for being such a selfless person that doesn't even think what his own loved ones would feel or think about all the times he gets injured to his almost death.
When you look back at Bakugou, he is all the contrary. Fire and unpredictability in one look. Mean and with a foul mouth that makes you wanna gag. You hate the push and pull game he has played til this day, saying how much your presence annoys him yet showing how much he likes you with one careful and soft caress of his calloused hand on your cheek. You hate him for being so... explosive. Yet you love the fire in his eyes when he looks at you after he kisses you so passionately it leaves you breathless and week on the knees.
You understand then.
"I love you, Izuku," you say, throat raspy from all the screaming you did to try and make them stop fighting before. You look up and see his smile, and that feels like a dagger to the stomach. "I love you so much... You are and always be my one. I love you so much I would die for you."
You can hear the little explosions coming from Dynamight's hands. But he hasn't moved or said anything yet, waiting for you to continue.
Tears start sliding down your cheeks as you smile. "I would die for you..." You repeat, looking back up at Deku. He isn't smiling anymore.
"...but I would kill for him."
Hero Deku would never forget the few steps you took backwards away from him and til Villain Dynamight front was right at your back. He would never forget your fire-like eyes expressing clear as day what you strongly felt for Bakugou Katsuki right in front of him.
And Midoriya Izuku would never forget the triumphant, craziest huge grin Dynamight sent his way as the fingers of his hand interlaced with yours and his other arm surrounded you waist.
Hero Deku admitted for once and for all, he lost the war.
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157 notes · View notes
pbelfz · 2 years
Two to One | 12 |
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Pairing: Bakugou x Reader x Midoriya Chapter Title: It’s by the Dime a Dozen Chapter 11 | Chapter 13 Story Masterlist Summary: You are a simple college girl working at a cheap, back alley café! The top heroes, Deku and Ground Zero, visit your work in hopes of ordering coffee, but they pick something else up instead. You begin an interesting relationship with the pair, while slowly becoming aware of certain underhanded tactics they are using. Idolization isn't always that bad... Right?
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(Y/n) held her breath as she rang the doorbell to Izuku and Katsuki’s house.
Her feet shifted on their porch, and she adjusted her backpack, her eyes flickering across the silent, gated neighborhood. The suburbs always made her feel like someone was watching her through their window. She was only gone for an hour and, already, she missed the cracked sidewalks of downtown campus, the honking taxis, and how she had to shove past shoulders on the way to the metro. The wasteful amount of space everyone’s neatly cut lawn seemed to occupy made (Y/n) feel even more insecure about her marginalization.
She didn’t even know if Katsuki would still be home. She should’ve texted him.
The morning chirps of the birds made up for how dreadfully quiet and stale the upscale neighborhood was. Now that she thought about it, their chirps seemed rather loud; there might’ve been a nest nearby. It was getting colder as the winter steadily crept closer into view, and she wondered why birds were still up north. The sudden influx of a harsh chill in the air may have delayed their nesting habits, though. (Y/n) briefly looked over the nearest tree, the branches long ridden of its leaves, but didn’t find any nest, instead spotting a single turtle dove waddling along the edge of Izuku and Katsuki’s yard.
The yank of the front door made (Y/n) yelp, ripping her attention away from whatever previous questions she had about finding a turtle dove so far out from the city. She turned, and upon seeing Katsuki glaring down at her with a gobsmacked expression, shirtless and with a toothbrush hanging out of his mouth, she almost forgot why she came here.
“Da fuck ‘re you doin’ ‘ere?” He belted, resuming brushing his teeth. “’is six in da morrin’!” (Y/n) winced as he almost spat toothpaste at her.
This was her first time seeing him face to face since their hiking trip. He had a light stubble – probably from not shaving yet this morning. Though, sometimes he kept it that way. She tried to subdue her shakiness (he hadn’t noticed, right?) as she reached into her back pocket, pulling out a pack of Mevius Lights. Katsuki paused, his brushing slowing down and his furrowed brow deepening, unsettled as he stared down at the pack of cigarettes in (Y/n)’s hand.
“Izuku left these at my place last night. Since my apartment is on campus, we have a rule about–”
Katsuki met her eye with an accusatory glower, pulling the toothbrush out of his mouth, a bit of toothpaste dripping down the side of his mouth. “Deku was with you last night?”
(Y/n) seized up. “You didn’t know?”
Katsuki’s face twisted into something ugly. He blinked, shaking his head slightly. He took a breath through his nose, attempting to self-soothe.
“No?” He snapped, a little harsher than he meant, but that’s how it always was with him. He heaved a deep sigh, snatching the pack of cigarettes from (Y/n) before trudging back into the house, leaving the front door wide open. Today’s already off to a great fuckin’ start…
(Y/n) stood unmoving on the porch, staring wide-eyed at Katsuki’s retreating back. She glanced to the side as she heard Katsuki spit his toothpaste in the kitchen sink and rinse his mouth out. This… was all she needed to do, right? Return the cigarettes?
She stood uncomfortably fixed, watching through the open door Katsuki stomp around the lower level of the house, grabbing a shirt out of the hallway closet. She slowly began to pivot on her heel, about to retreat down the sidewalk. Okay… Bye, Katsuki…?
“You want breakfast or not?” Katsuki shouted at her from the kitchen.
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An apparent frown was plastered on Katsuki’s face as he slapped the shio koji on the fillet. He didn’t speak to (Y/n) at all except to ask her if the rice was ready. He moved about the kitchen naturally and deliberately – everything was where he expected it to be – though, he was a little cruel in his performance. That fish didn’t deserve to be sliced in the neck so viciously, did it?
(Y/n) felt sloppy and in his way, almost side-stepping him each time he reached to grab a different ingredient. All she was doing was preparing the rice in the far-off corner of the kitchen, and still, she blocked him from a cabinet by simply just being there. While attempting to get around her, Katsuki would glance down at her, finally breaking out of the almost trance-like state that cooking does to him.
“I–,” (Y/n) wanted to apologize. This was probably the fourth time they’ve tried to bypass one another.
“Move?” Katsuki hawked.
(Y/n) shut her mouth, stamping out of Katsuki’s way and pressing her back against the counter, watching him as he searched a cupboard for an extra bottle of soy sauce. She shrunk away from him as he passed her, frenzying around the kitchen more than usual, fixated on making her breakfast.
She was grateful, in a way. Katsuki would wring his own neck before she left his house unfed. She knew now Katsuki wasn’t really one for conversation; however, she tried anyway.
“This is a lot for just miso,” she commented, observing just how much Katsuki was cooking. His nose wrinkled slightly as he ran the steamed beans under cold water. He didn’t look at (Y/n) as he moved to check the rice.
“I’m used to making big helpings,” he replied, and oddly, it made (Y/n)’s stomach stir. This was the first time she’s spoken normally with Katsuki in weeks; to have him not raise his voice at her for a change made her realize what his fangirls were crazy for.
“Yeah?” (Y/n) leaned her elbows back against the empty spot on the counter. She watched Katsuki, her gaze lingering on his back as he lowered the heat for the fillet, sizzling filling the kitchen. (Y/n)’s stomach audibly growled, and she blamed Katsuki’s cooking skills for tuning her appetite. The rice finished, but Katsuki made it over to the pot before she could, stirring and fluffing the grains. He took the pot over to the sink, tilting it slightly as he cracked the lid, draining some of the leftover water.
(Y/n) easily settled into her role of watching instead of helping, and as usual during her visits, her gaze traveled over to the various pictures hanging on the refrigerator. Snapshots of Izuku greeting fans throughout the years were spread around; a few of them looked like they were from the start of his hero career. There were exactly two polaroids of Katsuki and his fans clipped next to Izuku’s. He wasn’t smiling the way Izuku was, and he looked a lot younger, maybe eighteen or nineteen. (Y/n) always wondered if Katsuki enjoyed the attention that came with being a Pro.
Other photos, selfies, of Izuku and Katsuki together littered most of the remaining space, and she could envision the progression of their relationship. Izuku was always smiling in them, wide and with teeth, and only the corners of Katsuki’s lips pulled up into tiny smirks, except for one photo where he was blurry and flicking off the camera from behind Izuku.
There was one photo of Izuku and Uravity together. Izuku didn’t smile as big in that one. (Y/n) always felt something burn within her whenever she looked at it.
(Y/n) looked over all of these photos any time she was in their kitchen, and every time, she found herself pausing at the few that were ripped in half and taped back together.
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Katsuki sat across from (Y/n) at the island bar, crossing his arms. “Eat,” he vaguely gestured to all the food on the table. (Y/n) wanted to make fun of him for his usual way of talking in caveman-speak around her. He was a simple man: ‘woman, eat food, in stomach, work.’
(Y/n) took the pair of chopsticks, eyeing Katsuki with a raised brow. He appeared to be itching to ask her something. She wondered to herself who would even believe her if she told them Ground Zero was so much quieter once they got to know him. He watched her as she took her first bite of the salmon, the salty juices bursting in her mouth.
Katsuki seemed to relax, but his face remained as stern as ever. (Y/n) was too busy digging into her buffet to pay him any mind. Only when she swallowed her fifth bite did she glance up at Katsuki.
“None for you?” She asked, reaching across the table to pick up a piece of egg with her chopsticks. Katsuki shook his head, briefly holding his hand up. He made this for her. This was her breakfast.
The sound of slurping and munching may have been obnoxious, but Katsuki was filled with nothing but satisfaction; it told him she enjoyed his cooking.
When (Y/n)’s eating slowed, Katsuki was the one to pick up the conversation again. “Deku stayed with you?”
(Y/n) nodded, sipping the tea Katsuki brewed. She set the ceramic gently back down on the table.
Katsuki mirrored her, sipping his own tea and nodding.
He looked back at (Y/n) as he set his cup down, leaning back in his seat. (Y/n) thought his expression could’ve been mistaken for concern.
“Was he… Eh,” Katsuki glanced down, quickly licking his lower lip. “He was okay?”
(Y/n) lowered her bowl, meeting his eye. “Um, yeah… He seemed normal. He could’ve told me he was coming over, though.”
Katsuki nodded. He left it at that. (Y/n) needed to finish eating before her first class, and if Katsuki remembered her schedule correctly, it started at 9 AM today.
“Have you thought about it?” He eventually blurted. (Y/n) glanced up at him once more, swallowing a mouthful of rice and egg.
“Thought about…?”
Katsuki’s crossed arms tightened as he scoffed, looking down at what was left of the food between them. “Moving in,” he murmured. The tips of his ears burned, and part of him immediately regretted bringing it up.
(Y/n)’s head spun, and she glanced back down at her rice. “I thought you were on the fence about that?”
Katsuki sputtered at the accusation, fidgeting in his seat as he adjusted his posture. “If you don’t want to, just fuckin’ say that,” he grumbled. (Y/n) frowned at that.
“I didn’t say I didn’t want to, I just…,” she couldn’t vocalize it. She glanced back over at the pictures of Izuku and Katsuki on the refrigerator. “Wouldn’t it be too invasive? I mean, I don’t know…”
Katsuki stared at her blankly from across the table. Izuku was so much better at this than he was. Talking. Why couldn’t she just give him a straight yes or no?
“Invasive for who?” Katsuki almost grimaced.
“I don’t know, you guys just have a whole life here. I don’t want to ruin that.”
“I’ve already told you, you don’t ruin anything, stupid.”
“Then, Koburi Pass wasn’t my fault?” (Y/n) mentioned bitterly, glancing up to meet Katsuki’s eye. He blinked, uncrossing his arms as he sat upright, no longer slouching in the chair across from her.
“No,” he shook his head, looking down at the food between them as he spoke. He sounded breathless and quiet. Shame. “Of course not. That was my own fault for letting my emotions get outta control. Nothin’ to do with you,” and he’s sincere about that, too.
(Y/n)’s stunned by the honesty in his voice. That was the first time she witnessed the quiet, rumbling honor Ground Zero set an example of. (Y/n) slowly took another bite of her salmon.
“It won’t happen again,” he told her. He meant it. He always meant it every time he said it.
Katsuki watched as (Y/n) chewed her food at an aching pace, really feeling his words settle in her gut. She wouldn’t tell him, but seeing him punch Izuku like that – so impulsive yet purposeful, almost practiced – really haunted her. Izuku didn’t exactly answer her when she asked if he’d ever done it before, and she was afraid Katsuki would be overly honest if she asked him. Maybe it was better if she didn’t know and left it in the past.
She took a spoonful of broth, gathering a decent amount of green onions and tofu along with it. Leaning forward, she reached across the table with the spoon in hand, almost shoving it in Katsuki’s face. Katsuki pulled away, his brow ridge creasing as he looked at her oddly.
“Try some,” (Y/n) offered. Katsuki scoffed.
“No. I already know it’s good.”
(Y/n) didn’t relent. “Aren’t you hungry, though? You should eat something before hero work.”
“I’m fine.”
“Please?” (Y/n) tried to pout, but her lips quivered into an inviting smile.
Katsuki stared back at her with a frown. He eventually let out an exasperated sigh, rolling his eyes dramatically, before reaching to take the spoon, but (Y/n) pulled it away right before he grabbed it, careful not to spill anything. Katsuki’s eyes widened just a fraction because what the fuck kind of audacity does this girl have…?!
“Ah-ah,” (Y/n) tutted. She raised her eyebrows knowingly, and Katsuki darkened.
(Y/n) groaned, almost deflating upon his denial. “C’mon, just one bite!”
Katsuki winced, his lip pulling up into disgust as he looked away. His body felt warm again, and he wanted it to stop.
“God, if it’ll get you to shut up, fine.” He caved rather quickly; he disliked the sound of whining.
(Y/n) giggled, leaning forward once more, reaching the spoon across the table, and Katsuki hesitantly met her halfway. He opened his mouth, lips enveloping the spoon; (Y/n) tilted the handle to allow the miso broth to slip down his throat. Katsuki tried to hold eye contact with her, but he ended up glancing away at the last minute, finding comfort in staring at the table instead. (Y/n) smiled at him, pulling the spoon away as she felt him swallow.
Katsuki looked appalled at the question. “Of course it’s good,” he murmured, his abrasiveness simmering down.
“Want another bite?” (Y/n) asked, tasting a mouthful of miso herself. Katsuki seemed to think about it, staring off distantly at the food, before shaking his head. (Y/n) didn’t pester him anymore. She was surprised that he even agreed to be spoon-fed even once.
“So, you haven’t thought about it?” Katsuki circled back to the previous conversation, though his normally gravely tone was softer and more curious this time. (Y/n) lazily played with her food, watching the rice mix with the remaining slices of fish left on her plate. She was feeling full.
She didn’t answer for a few minutes, going back and forth in her mind about the positives and negatives of moving in with her boyfriends. Katsuki was surprisingly patient. It wasn’t exactly too soon, was it? How soon do people normally move in with each other? She’s been seeing them for almost three months now. It’d be a load off of her financially if she moved in, and rent is already such a big chunk of her paychecks. A decent amount of her belongings are already lounging about their home… Some of her clothes… Her toothbrush… Skincare products…
The inside of her cheek rolled between her molars. “Give me two weeks.”
Katsuki’s eyebrows raised.
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Katsuki ended up running late (by his standards). He likes to leave for the agency before seven, so he was already running late by the time (Y/n) showed up. He bustled around the house, switching out his pajama pants for a pair of baggy jeans.
“Katsuki, what the hell are you wearing?” (Y/n) blabbed when he came back downstairs.
Katsuki whirled around, offended. “Wha–?! What the hell are you wearing, hah??” He snapped back, pointing to (Y/n)’s skirt that was much too short for the winter chill.
“Your jeans are just so big.”
Katsuki rummaged through his gym bag, double-checking to make sure he had all of his personal care items. “Don’t like shit hugging my nuts,” he grumbled.
Amid shoving a change of clothes in his gym bag, he paused, his eyes shifting back over to (Y/n), who was rinsing out her bowl.
“You got a ride? The agency’s in the opposite direction of your school.”
(Y/n) froze, blinking. He wasn’t taking her with him?
“I took the bus, but the nearest stop is–,” Katsuki turned away, satisfied with her answer as he moved to put his shoes on.
“Well, you made it out here, you can make it back.”
(Y/n) supposed he was right. She noted then how comfortable she became depending on the heroes, almost expectantly so, and all it took was one denial to remind her of her independence. But they couldn’t blame her for that. They weren’t her caregivers or anything, but they were steadily providing a hefty amount of support in different areas of her life. Meals, finances, transportation; it wasn’t that wrong of her to expect Katsuki to drive her back to campus.
“So, you’re going to leave me here by myself, then?” It sounded more anxious and accusatory than she intended. They never left her alone in their house before. She’s always accompanied by one of them, and their house was just so large. She’s only been in a few of the main, necessary rooms, and that was with their supervision. A majority of it was unexplored territory.
Katsuki glanced over his shoulder at her, lacing up his sneakers with a raised brow. “Uh, you can leave at any time to get to the bus stop. Dunno when your bus is.” Dismissive, but he trusted her. Not many could say that about Ground Zero.
(Y/n) loosened up. She completely forgot she was leaving, too. Still, her shoulders were heavy with responsibility while her gut bubbled with mischief.
“What about locking–?”
Katsuki heaved his gym bag over his shoulder, reaching for the doorknob. “Call Deku. Or I can tell him to call you now. He’s probably already at the office. He can lock it remotely.”
(Y/n) was stunned into silence. Damn rich people.
Katsuki was about to leave when (Y/n) stopped him. He turned to look back at her, a little irritated because she was making him even later.
“Um–! Have a good day…?” She offered, her tone veering off into a question. All of this was too domestic, almost like they were married. She knew she overstepped a line when she got a glimpse of Katsuki’s confused expression.
“You…,” his brow furrowed, “too…”
(Y/n) wanted to kiss him goodbye, but that might’ve taken it too far. Where Izuku was eager to explore, Katsuki aired on the side of caution.
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(Y/n) watched from the peephole as Katsuki pulled out of the driveway in the sleek, black sports car. She could tell it was expensive but not as flashy as it could’ve been – probably to not draw attention when on the road.
Now, with Katsuki gone, the house seemed to hold its breath, and so did (Y/n).
She peered at the stairwell, a resolve pulling her to check the rooms she’s never visited before. Giddy, she bounded up the stairs before pausing at the top, hesitation presiding over her previous enthusiasm to be sure she truly was alone in the large house. It wasn’t like Izuku or especially Katsuki to trick her like that, but she couldn’t help the inkling in the back of her mind.
Multiple doors remained closed on the expansive second floor, and (Y/n) already knew three of them were bathrooms. The first door to her right, however, was noticeably unlatched, hiding an All Might-themed office behind it. (Y/n) gaped as she pulled the door ajar, popping her head into the room to fully take in all of the Collector’s Edition All Might figures, posters, and random trinkets (several cans of unopened vintage All Might soda). It was a no-brainer that this was Izuku’s office. His desk area was cluttered with papers; (Y/n) noted that he kept much better care of his All Might merchandise than his workspace. She briefly pondered how he must’ve handled the previous Symbol of Peace’s death. It’d been seven years since then, but (Y/n) didn’t know how big of a fan he was. She frowned, glancing around the office once more, a pang of sickly guilt coming over her. Backing out of the room, she closed the office door behind her. She shouldn’t be nosing through his stuff like this.
Though, it didn’t stop her from moving further down the hallway, past the first bathroom, the second bathroom, and stopping at the next closed door. This one was shut tight, but she knew it was the guest bedroom. She’d offer to sleep here multiple times when she felt she overstayed her welcome, but Izuku and Katsuki always brushed off her insistence. She couldn’t imagine the spare bedroom was anything special, but she’s never seen it; her curiosity for the house she may eventually live in peeked, and it got the better of her. She turned the knob.
Oh. It was locked.
She stared at the doorknob for a second before trying to twist it again. Definitely locked.
(Y/n) stepped away, eyeing the door strangely before continuing to the adjacent hallway. Katsuki’s office was over here, but she’s never been inside – only peered at him from the doorway while he pounded away on his computer, acting like he didn’t notice her. She wanted to snoop around some; however, knowing him, he’ll know if something’s been moved.
Da, da, da, da, da! It's the motherfuckin' D-O-double-G (Snoop Dogg!)
(Y/n) jolted and squealed, her blood running cold and still in her veins as her ringtone blasted from her back pocket through the empty house. If she were any more superstitious, she would’ve imagined it was for her protection that it went off before she intruded any further. Maybe it was a good thing she forgot to put her phone on vibrate this time.
She fumbled to pull her phone out, quickly recognizing Izuku’s contact name and answering the call.
“Hello?” She blared on an exhale. Izuku took a moment to respond.
“Are you okay? You sound anxious,” he noticed almost immediately. (Y/n) fidgeted, her feet shuffling down the stairs to the lower level of the house, suddenly feeling caught. Izuku could hear her movement through the phone. “(Y/n)?”
“I’m fine, just heading out,” she explained, brushing off her previous haste. Izuku was quiet while (Y/n) tied her shoes, but she surmised he was just preoccupied with something. Once her shoes were on, she grabbed her bag and double-checked that she had everything. As she stepped out the front door, she let Izuku know she was leaving the house. Izuku hummed in acknowledgment.
“What’d you go over there for?” He asked, his tone muted. (Y/n) could hear the drag of a pen signing something. He must have her on speaker.
“You left your cigarettes at my apartment,” the writing stopped. (Y/n) waited for him to respond, but he didn’t. She walked down the sidewalk, looking to see if the dove was still there. It wasn’t. “I’d get in trouble if my RA found them.” She heard the creak of a chair, and Izuku continued writing.
“I’m glad you follow the rules so strictly, sweetie.”
She couldn’t tell if that was sarcasm, but regardless, she swallowed with a tightened lip. They danced around their actions from the previous night; Izuku was comfortable addressing it, but perhaps he wasn’t in the mood to. There was then a click behind her coming from the front door, and (Y/n) whipped around, still holding the phone to her ear. Everything appeared the same; the door she just closed remained closed.
“I just locked the house,” Izuku stated plainly, rather muffled. (Y/n) could tell he had his hand over his mouth, probably resting his chin in his palm. “I can stay on the phone until you get to the bus, but I have to leave the office soon.” (Y/n) blinked an eye roll away as she walked down the sidewalk, passing the large, neighboring houses. Talking to Izuku when he was at work was always cumbersome, and (Y/n) would quickly remember that her place came after hero work.
Almost rebelliously, she made him stay on the line.
“Did Katsuki tell you what I said?” (Y/n) teased, kicking the pebbled concrete under her feet as she walked. Izuku said no.
“I told him to give me two weeks until I decide if I move in with you guys or not.”
Izuku paused, and there was movement on his line; he took her off speaker, his voice now much closer, prominent,with a hint of urgency if (Y/n) wanted to press a little deeper. “Is that a promise?”
(Y/n) hesitated, the end of the upscale neighborhood coming into view.
“It’s a promise.”
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The first week flew by almost unnoticed by the trio, and (Y/n) stayed over more frequently than before. They each melded into a morning rhythm to ensure (Y/n) arrived at school or work on time, even if it inconvenienced the two heroes; schedule adjustments were only a small price to pay for what they were asking of her. Steadily, (Y/n) carried more personal belongings with her each stay. An extra blanket here, some books from her bookshelf there; they flowed in with her, fitting snugly in their new spots in the living room.
Hands wandered a little more generously come nightfall. Katsuki staggered, uncertain as he watched through the dark his boyfriend’s hands slowly move to grip (Y/n)’s thighs, pulling her on top of him. (Y/n) mewled into Izuku’s mouth, and he swallowed it up, a stiffness pressing between them. Katsuki scooted closer to the two, frowning as the sheets rustled. His festering need to always be attended to brimmed, and (Y/n) felt a meaty palm, thick with callus entangling itself in her scalp, pulling her away from Izuku, breaking their kiss. Izuku watched with hungry eyes, dilated pupils harrowing through the low light as his two lovers now locked lips just as deeply, mixing his spit with their own. Katsuki shifted, pulling (Y/n) off of Izuku to now lie underneath the Explosion hero, their kiss never-ending. Izuku was never shy about intruding, placing tender pecks along Katsuki’s neck and jaw, his earlobe catching between his teeth. Katsuki groaned into (Y/n)’s mouth, and it was exquisite the way it filled her lungs. (Y/n) was never completely confident in Katsuki’s sentiments towards her, but as she wrapped her legs around his hips, pulling him further down against her, his thick, hardened cock rubbing against her through his sweatpants, she was optimistic she was getting on his good side.
Katsuki pulled away from (Y/n), giving her a quick peck on the lips, which she didn’t return in time, before sitting back on his heels and yanking his t-shirt over his head. He’s been cautious about exposing his lower half in front of her ever since the rejection; Katsuki learns from his mistakes. (Y/n) watched from underneath Katsuki as Izuku’s teeth traveled from Katsuki’s neck to his chest, biting one of his nipples before kissing it. (Y/n) sighed at the sight, her lower stomach stirring. Katsuki didn’t take his eyes off of (Y/n), the heat of their bodies already creating a light sheen of sweat on each of them. Izuku was already mostly naked except for his briefs, and the hand he had on (Y/n)’s thigh sneakily traveled up to her underwear, slipping them down her legs, stopping right at Katsuki’s aching groin. Katsuki’s breath hitched, and he glanced at Izuku, almost searching for clearance, but Izuku paid him no mind, too preoccupied with burying his nose (Y/n)’s hair, cradling her. (Y/n)’s legs fell from Katsuki’s hips, spreading open for Izuku’s scarred fingers, and Katsuki often can’t help but believe they’ve done this before – without him. Still, he watched with full attention as Izuku teased her clit with his fingertip.
(Y/n) whimpered, already feeling crowded by the two men, and shimmied, pushing her panties the rest of the way down her legs. Her knee brushed against Katsuki’s erection, and he held it there, his hips pressing forward, insistent on finding some kind of friction. Izuku and (Y/n) moved together so fluidly, and Katsuki couldn’t help but feel so rigid in comparison.
Izuku quickly recognized his boyfriend’s silently ripening envy and addressed him with a kiss on his pectoral, sitting up to meet his lips with his own. Their kiss deepened, eyes closing as (Y/n) watched Izuku move to palm Katsuki’s clothed cock. When they pulled away from each other, they shared a loving moment as they pressed their foreheads together, almost grounding one another. Katsuki whispered something to Izuku, and Izuku frowned and seemed unsure, but reluctantly nodded.
(Y/n) reached up, whining and gripping Katsuki’s waistband to get his attention back to her. Katsuki couldn’t help but be pulled back in, caging her underneath him. She guided one of his hands under her shirt, cupping it around her breast, and his cock twitched as his thumb ran over her nipple. He sighed tightly, knowing he had to be careful right now; his reserve was purposeful.
(Y/n) met Katsuki’s eye with an almost helpless glint. Katsuki thought she was really playing up the virgin act, and it made him want to fuck her little cunt open even more. She pulled on his sweatpants again, testing him. Izuku had removed his boxer briefs and was stroking himself, observing the two. Katsuki can only be teased for so long, so he reached between him and (Y/n), pulling his sweats down, his cock bouncing and hitting (Y/n)’s lower stomach. She didn’t mean to gasp; he was just as thick and long as she remembered, his balls hanging heavy and the head already leaking a steady stream of pre-cum down the veiny shaft.
“You gonna actually suck it this time?” Katsuki nipped, his face souring into a scowl, and it made (Y/n)’s chest thump. In the heat of the moment, with how tentative he seemed, she almost forgot how awful his attitude could be. She stuttered, suddenly insecure as she shifted underneath him, and Katsuki pulled away to stroke himself once or twice.
Izuku stepped in then with a gentle smile, his hand replacing Katsuki’s around his shaft. He glanced at (Y/n).
“I can show you how.”
(Y/n) watched, holding her breath, as Katsuki huffed a dry laugh but leaned back, moving to rest against the various pillows and blankets thrown about. Izuku glanced at (Y/n) before leaning down, his lips wrapping around the tip of Katsuki’s cock. Katsuki’s jaw fell slack as his hand gripped Izuku’s hair – not tugging but guiding him down to take him further – and (Y/n) studied every technicality presented to her with widened eyes, frozen in place: how Katsuki’s hips tilted at just the right angle, thrusting lightly, how Izuku’s jaw loosened whenever his tongue jutted out, licking up the base of Katsuki’s cock, the wet noises of spit and pre-cum mixing, the moans coming from Katsuki. (Y/n)’s tummy swirled as she watched the Number One and Number Two heroes, and if she remembered their titles even for a second – how this is their private life the media doesn’t see – she’d have to glance away.
Katsuki pushed Izuku’s head down into his pelvis, his pubic hair tickling his nose. (Y/n) gaped, and she sat up on her elbows, watching Izuku deepthroat Katsuki. Katsuki groaned, licking his lower lip, and as Izuku swallowed around Katsuki’s cock, his hand came up to fondle his balls.
(Y/n) watched Katsuki’s face as he huffed and bit his lip, finally pulling Izuku off of him. Izuku popped off, coughing, with a mess of saliva and tears dripping down his face. He was grinning, though.
(Y/n)’s cunt was throbbing with how soaked she was. Her fingers wandered lower, finding relief in drawing small circles around her clit. She spread her juices around, wondering if the two men would notice her need.
Izuku readjusted, positioning himself on Katsuki’s lap, and only then did (Y/n) realize just how painfully hard the Number One hero was. There was an air of desperation that (Y/n) recognized in the three of them now, and she watched Katsuki wrap his hand around his cock along with Izuku’s, frotting. He stroked both of their cocks with a rhythm that had Izuku thrusting up into his hand, wailing, eager to finally be touched. Katsuki’s jaw tightened, and his breathing became ragged as his hand pumped even faster, twisting his wrist once at the head of their cocks.
(Y/n) couldn’t sit there anymore, realizing both of them were too trapped in their chase for release to look elsewhere; she had to go to them. She came closer to Katsuki, and his free hand innately found her hips without even looking at her. She guided him to her cunt, and he inserted one, two digits easily. Katsuki’s gaze broke away from his hand pumping his and Izuku’s cocks to find (Y/n), her hips gyrating on his other hand as she rode his fingers, chasing her orgasm. Izuku took in the sight hungrily, his orgasm quickly approaching.
“C’mere,” Katsuki ordered (Y/n). (Y/n) faltered, her movements stilling for a moment, but she saw Katsuki eyeing her breasts. She paused just long enough to lift her shirt over her head, dropping it somewhere on the bed behind her. She leaned forward, and Katsuki took a nipple into his mouth, sucking and licking on the nub. (Y/n) squealed, her hips continuing to gyrate once more; his fingers fucked up in time with her, and his wrist rubbed against her clit with each thrust.
Izuku was pushed over the limit of what he could handle. He came with shuddering groans, his grip flinging to Katsuki’s hand to slow his pumping, but Katsuki persisted, even going as far as to speed up his strokes to ride Izuku through his orgasm. Izuku’s cum acted as lube as Katsuki pumped their cocks together vigorously, and Izuku begged him to stop, the squelching noises almost bringing Katsuki to his peak, too.
Izuku quickly pulled away, likely out of fear of further overstimulation. (Y/n)’s orgasm followed after; watching Izuku fall apart for the first time, seeing his thick semen spurt out and land on his and Katsuki’s bodies, and a particularly hard bite on her nipple from Katsuki was her downfall. She came on Katsuki’s hand with a loud moan, drenching his palm in his juices as her toes curled underneath her. Katsuki continued to stroke his own cock, using Izuku’s semen to quicken his pumps. Katsuki thrust up into his hand, feeling his balls tightening. He pulled off of (Y/n)’s breast as she came down from her orgasm and looked at the mess she made in his hand.
“Oh, fuck.”
He pumped faster. Just a little more.
(Y/n) suddenly grew bold.
She quickly knelt, taking the head of Katsuki’s cock in her mouth, tasting the remains of Izuku’s cum – warm, bitter. Katsuki audibly gasped, his eyes widening as he watched (Y/n) suck on the head of his cock. He felt her tongue run over his slit, and just as (Y/n) was actively trying to be mindful of her teeth, Katsuki came into her mouth with gritted teeth.
“Fuck! Fuck, fuck, fuck, fuck, fuck!” He hissed, his hands reaching to grip anything that wasn’t (Y/n) because he couldn’t promise himself that he wouldn’t shove her head all the down his shaft right now.
(Y/n) flinched, feeling the rush of cum into her mouth, just as salty as Izuku’s. She wasn’t too crazy about the taste, but maybe it was acquired.
Just as (Y/n) pulled away from Katsuki, Izuku kissed her, his tongue searching for hers and ridding her of any excess essence leftover.
Katsuki held her close that night.
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The second week ended slower than the first, but (Y/n) kept her promise.
By that time, the only things left to move from her apartment were some clothes, pictures, and the Shoto figurines.
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miniimight · 7 months
❝ CAN WE LEAVE ? ❞ feeling overstimulated at an event, you ask him to take you home
with deku, bakugou, todoroki ( pro heroes )
notes something short while i work on requests ! they are open so shoot me an ask with whatever scenario want me to write ! <3
it was so loud. it was too bright. and the music's vibration grated on your sanity with every rhythmic thump. there were too many people—too many bodies, so many conversations, and shit it was so hot. you felt as if you were floating, in a woozy state as you made your way over to your boyfriend, who was chatting with a couple friends.
at your hushed whisper, izuku immediately honed into your expression and body language. his eyebrows creased in concern as he guided the both of you to a corner. "what's wrong, love?"
you pursed your lips. "there's just... there's a lot of..." you sighed, unsure of how to phrase it.
he leaned into you, blocking you from the party scene behind him. "it's okay, sweetheart, we don't have to stay if you don't wanna." he read your mind and you couldn't be more grateful.
tears pricked at the corner of your eyes as your head pounded. "izuku..." you whined, massaging your temples.
deku shushed you and pulled you into his chest, helping you walk out of the venue. "let's go home."
"no need to thank me." he smiled and pressed a kiss to your forehead as he hoisted you up and into his arms. "i was over it a while ago."
you giggled and he flashed a goofy smile.
he took you to your side of the car before climbing in himself, turning down the radio and resting a loving hand on your thigh. "rest up."
you laughed softly. "if i sleep, i might not get up, even when we get home. you'd have to carry me."
he looked at you playfully, a smirk on his lips. "it's cute how you think that'd be a problem for me, love." he pat your thigh as if that was a done deal, pulling out into the road.
the comfortable silence lulled you to sleep.
"home?" he asked.
you nodded shyly.
he stood up and said a brash goodbye to his friends, lacing your hand in his as he pulled you through the crowd. once you were both far away enough from the party, you heard each other loud and clear.
"how long did you wait?" he mused as he fished in his pockets for keys.
"what?" you furrowed your eyebrows.
"how long did you wait to tell me?" he gave you a pointed look. you looked away and pursed your lips.
"you were having fun with your friends, and i really didn't want to cut it short..." you mumbled, your eyes stinging.
he opened your car door for you, leaning over the car as he watched you buckle your seatbelt. you stared up at him with glossy eyes and he softened, brushing his thumb over your cheek. the silence was welcomed as your eyes fluttered shut.
"don't be an idiot." he murmured. "just tell me the second you feel uncomfortable, 'kay?"
you leaned into his hands with a smile. "i will."
he smiled and shut your door, slipping into the driver's seat. he took your hand in his again, kissing your knuckles as he sped off.
"now?" he cocked his head to the side. "are you not enjoying the party?"
your eyes squeezed shut as you shook your head, the movement alone making you feel dizzy.
"okay." he set his drink down. "okay, we can leave."
"thanks..." you followed him, unsure of his feelings at the moment. he opened your car door and closed it shut once you were inside, walking to the front of the car. you saw him out the windshield picking up a call, pacing slightly as he conversed.
you grew more nervous by the minute, wondering if you should've just grinned and gotten through it. he was having a good time catching up with his friends, after all.
finally, he sat in the driver's seat, sighing as he leaned back. you watched him with concern and a little bit of guilt.
"i'm sorry, i... we can go back if you want. really." you said.
he looked at you incredulously, his expression reading utter confusion. "but... i thought you weren't enjoying it?"
"well, i—" you stammered, collecting your thoughts. "you were having a great time with your friends and i should've thought of that before i asked to leave."
he shook his head and leaned towards you. "i'm just as tired as you are, darling." he smiled. "to be honest, i'm glad you asked to leave."
"who were you on call with?" you let curiosity get the better of you.
"midoriya, he was just concerned about you." he buckled his seatbelt and brought the car to life. he cast you a little smirk. "i'm afraid you're not very good at hiding your expressions, love."
your face heated as you turned back to face the windshield. he laughed softly, "it's alright. we both aren't."
© miniimight ! thanks for reading <3
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misssmina · 26 days
Y’all don’t make use of funny character traits enough.
Bakugou is the nosiest kid I have ever seen. Put it in your fics. Make use of him constantly coming to incorrect conclusions.
Midoriya is actually a really violent kid, he just has the patience of a patron saint. The entire world is lucky he’s too sweet to act on his anger. (Go look in his notebook)
Iida is so shady. “One is my friend and the other one is Bakugou.” COME ONNNNN
Kaminari is such a girly pop y’all. Y’all don’t give him enough silly gen z slang. Please go listen to how he speaks in dub. Sounds like he has 6 sisters.
Uraraka is so unreasonably chill. Almost nothing bothers that girl. Please make her more vulnerable to things because she just can’t be assed to care.
Kirishima is a shit talker, and regularly puts people in their place. Y’all keep writing like him like he’s some little puppy. This man is a Doberman.
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csmtmra · 12 days
embarrassing pictures
sending the mha boys an embarrassing picture of themselves🙀
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ׂ ౨ৎ. cont. fem!reader, crack
ׂ ౨ৎ. incl. katsuki, izuku, shoto, touya, keigo, tamaki, eijiro
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roaron · 1 year
MHA boys getting caught masturbating
authors note : hello all, I know ive been writing a lot of MHA related stuff lately, but do not worry. that isn’t all I wrote about LOL, im just in a MHA mood. if you want me to write for any other characters just go ahead and ask, saves me time instead of me having to think of different characters to write for. cheers :)
characters - (izuku midoriya, shoto todoroki, katsuki bakugo)
warnings - nsfw obviously
minors don’t be doing no funky shit, get lost or just hide in the shadows idc
enjoy !
Izuku Midoriya
- when you initially walk in on him his head is flung back, legs spread, naked chest heaving, and his hand on his cock. what a sight.
- he doesn’t even notice you until after he cums, so when he finally looks forward and sees you staring at him he screams and grabs a pillow to try and hide his dick.
“Y/N !!!???, OMG IM SO S-SO SORRY”
- he refuses to look at you until you move towards him and sit at the corner of the bed.
“want some help ?”
- he looks at you absolutely shocked but nods shyly nonetheless
Shoto Todoroki
- notices you straight away and immediately looks away from you, his face completely red and his fire side raging out of control.
“y/n… please knock next time..”
- he still refuses to look at you, the duvet brought over himself in an attempt to hide his erect cock spewing cum everywhere.
- you both stay there for a while until you decide to speak up and break the awkward silence.
“shoto, would you like me to help you finish ?”
- he snaps his head towards you and stares at you wide eyed before hanging his head low in embarrassment.
“…yes please”
Katsuki Bakugo
- the second he notices you his eyes blow wide and he starts saying curses under his breath. he finally looks at you after about a minute of silence, cheeks dusted pink.
“enjoying the fucking show ? hurry up and get out.”
- you decide to ignore him and keep staring at his naked figure, nipples perked and abs flexed under a glossy sheen of sweat. your mind runs wild as you catch you bottom lip between your teeth and play with the bottom of your skirt.
- bakugo notices your change in behaviour and let’s out a chuckle before sitting up straight and crossing his legs, cock still on display.
“for gods sake, stop eye fucking me and get over here”
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hanahaki270 · 1 month
♡ Sharing a Dorm ♡
Synopsis ┊Your dorm is going under renovation and you need to find a place to crash in for a while. Luckily a certain someone offers you to stay in theirs for the time being.
Characters ┊Katsuki Bakugou, Shoto Todoroki, Izuku Midoriya.
A/N ┊beginner Writer here, these were harder to think of than I thought ngl. If you have any requests please send them to me, I'm open to do different characters and also different anime's!
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Katsuki Bakugou
❥ By no means whatsoever does he offer his dorm out of the kindness of his heart. He just got pissed off of seeing you sleeping on the couch in the commons area every morning, and accidentally stepping on your blanket or pillows. After stepping on your blanket once more he grabs your shit and puts it in his dorm and acts like he's bothered by this but really he doesn't mind at all.
❥ Makes you sleep on the floor for the first two nights until you convince him to share the bed. He's reluctant at first but then allows it as long as you stay on your side of the bed. Do you really though?
❥ Expect to sleep earlier and get your sleep schedule in check because his dorm, his rules, lights are off at ten pm sharp with no exceptions.
❥ Also expect your grades to go up. While he's your roommate he's going to make you don't slack off on your studies.
❥ When he wakes up in the morning and notices your head resting on his chest he gets somewhat annoyed but secretly likes it. he's willing to get behind on his strict schedule and let you rest on him a little longer. but just a little.
❥ Demands you now be his training partner but is careful to not get carried away. You're strong, but he still doesn't want to run the risk of hurting you. therefore, he always keeps Aid kits in the bathroom just in case you do get any scratches, even if they're minor.
❥ Constantly threatening to kick you out over every little thing but actually has no intention of doing so. He won't admit it but he enjoys your company. "I swear if I see one more sock lying around I'm grabbing your shit and throwing it out."
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Shoto Todoroki
❥ "Why don't you sleep with me." he said boldly unaware of how his sentence had more than one connotation to it. I mean you need help and as your friend he's more than willing to help you out. plus he has the biggest dorm compared to everyone else, if anything he's the most suitable to offer his help he thought.
❥ Asks you what temperature you prefer to sleep in so he can use his quirk to either make the room colder or warmer depending on your preference. and ALWAYS makes sure to make both sides of your pillows cold.
❥ When he's out visiting his mother you make sure the place is clean (though it usually is since he tends to be on the neater side) and prepare some soba for him as a token of your appreciation. After a couple of times he starts to look forward for it and got saddened the one day you forgot.
❥ In return he made sure not turn on the lights when getting ready in the morning as to not wake you up. Part of it was for a selfish reason though, he thought it was cute how you slept soundly on his bed.
❥ Speaking about sleep; During the night he would find himself cozying up next to you, not on purpose though. He just felt comfort in your presence and he realized you felt the same way when you also moved closer to him during the night.
❥ Leaves out coffee for you in the mornings since you tend to stay up late on nights and wake up always running late to your classes.
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Izuku Midoriya
❥ Overheard you talking to Tsuyu and Uraraka about how you need a place to sleep in and walked over to offer his help without a second thought. You already spend most of your time in his dorm room during the day to share notes anyways. The only difference would just be you spending the night.
❥ Offers for you to sleep in his bed while he sleeps on the floor. After you refuse to let him sleep on the floor he shyly agrees to share the bed with you constantly asking you if you're okay with it.
❥ Midoriya stays up late at night writing in his notebook and murmuring thoughts to himself. You persuade him to go to bed and leave his worries for the following day. he deeply apologizes for the burden kind of embarrassed. "I-I'm sorry! was I keeping you up? I'll go to bed in a few minutes don't worry."
❥ Always invites you to go out with him whenever he leaves the dorm, even if it's something as simple as going to the gas station to get some snacks.
❥ he loves to talk your ear off geeking out about the knowledge he knows about the top heroes and their quirks. When he notices he got carried away he gets all types of flustered but even then he doesn't get the sense of being judged.
❥ Since he's constantly getting injured and going to see Recovery girl he always comes back exhausted. regardless, his stubborn ass still tries to go out on missions and push himself to the limits. he get's frustrated when you don't let him do so and force him to rest and leave his chores to you. But he loves you for it.
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blondieeu · 2 months
hold on. bakugou k.
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katsuki who has worked harder than any other pro hero to get to where he is today. so when he gets called for the "#1 Hero Award" at Japan's Pro Hero grammys he's winded.
ring sparkling on his finger while he blinks away small tears at the microphone before beginning his acceptance speech.
"first of all, i'd like to thank my wife"
and everyone in the room turns to look at you and smile. you could even feel your face getting a little hot from so much attention.
"so many times i jus' wanted to quit and she slapped my ass back in place."
the crowd laughed, bakugou sharing a smile in the moment. One of the first real, genuine smiles they'd seen from him in all his years of being famous.
"thank you all for this reward, i will continue to try my best to be Japans best Pro Hero!"
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like this one? check out pyrimids.
blondieeu xx
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jackkilmerlvr · 17 days
your breaths came out soft and slowly, his tongue and lips caressing your neck as he cuffed your boob softly. kissing your chest, he slowly moved down your body, your hands fingering through his hair.
his lips felt hot and needy against your body as he played with the band of your small night shorts. your small fingers brushed around his nipples, feeling his bigger hands start to slide your night shorts off your waist. his breaths were fast and needy against your skin.
“I’ve missed you so much, baby. Now take these off.”
| bakugou, deku, denki, kirishima
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gglitch1dd · 5 months
Angry Dilfs- Midoriya Izuku
Husband Midoriya Izuku x Wifey Reader
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Context: Your husband doesn't take lightly to people staring at your ass, especially if it's Bakugou Katsuki.
Warning: Brief SMUT/ Angry sex. It literally lasts like 3 paragraphs, its not that deep, Shouting, TOXIC EX! Bakugou Katsuki, the mention of vasectomies (the horror), Children (the horror x2)
Note: This sort of links to The Contract series that I wrote for Izu.
You leaned back in your chair as everyone laughed around the table. The long dining room table sat big enough to fit your entire family and the Kirishimas who had come over. Your husband sat at the head of the table to your right. He had a resting smile on his face as he looked at the people around you. Your large man, husband of sixteen years, father of five and Number One hero sat with his large figure in his seat, plate long empty as Katsuki told his story. You got up from your seat, moving to take you and your husband’s plate to the kitchen, the kids having gone to play video games or talk amongst themselves, leaving you adults to talk (plus your newborn, Kota who was chewing his hand).
You picked up his plate, instantly taking his attention. You leaned down to him, placing a kiss on his forehead. He moved a hand to your waist. “Want a refill Izu?” You asked softly, motioning to his glass.
He nodded his head with a smile. “That would be wonderful, thank you.” He spoke softly back up to you. You smiled as you moved to the kitchen.
Izuku watched you with a fond smile before turning back to Katsuki. However, the blond hero seemed to have his own crimson gaze following you too. That did not sit well with Izuku. Truth be told, the blond Number two ProHero had been looking at you seconds too long for Izuku’s liking.
Katsuki took a sip of his Manhatten as he leaned back, a chuckle at the back of his throat. “I told her that she should try running after a car going a hundred sixty kilometres an hour and see how she feels.” He jested making the men at the table chuckle.
 Eijiro sat beside Katsuki with a smile on his face. He watched as his twelve year old daughter shuffled into the kitchen, her black hair tied down in a braid as she moved to help you in taking care of the dishes.
Katsuki looked to Izuku who had picked up Kota from his high chair and brought him to sit on his lap. The eight month old was a rather happy and giggly baby, never really crying much and had the cutest and roundest freckled cheeks. Katsuki raised an eyebrow at the baby who seemed no infatuated with Izuku’s hand. “So when’s the vasectomy appointment, Deku?” He asked motioning his glass to the green haired man.
Izuku raised an eyebrow with a scoff. “What vasectomy?” He asked.
Katsuki shrugged as he leaned back. Eijiro looked at him uneased, not liking how this might end up going. “I mean you’ve got five kids, don’t you think it’s time you…” He made a scissor motion with his fingers and made snipping noises. The motion made Eijiro shiver at the pure thought of anyone coming near his own pair.
Izuku stared at Katsuki unblinkingly for a moment. Out of pure decency and the fact that he was holding his youngest son with him, he kept his composure. Katsuki had the habit of jesting and poking at Izuku just because he wanted to. Izuku hated it almost as much as he hated the blond himself. He let out a breath as he ran a hand through Kota’s soft green curls. “That’s between me and my wife, Kacchan. If she wants me to do it, I’ll do it.”
“If I want you to do what?” You appeared again, placing down a glass of lemonade in front of Izuku. He never liked to drink whenever the kids were around, even if it was just a glass. If he was going to drink, it would be away from them. You leaned against your husband, your weight barely effecting him at all as you held a warm bottle of milk that you had just warmed up for your youngest son in your other hand, shaking it gently.
Izuku opened his mouth but Katsuki beat him to it. The blond leaned forward with a teasing smirk on his face. “Don’t you think it’s time your husband got a vasectomy?”
Your eyes widened as you turned to look down at Izuku, wondering where that all came from. He sighed as he shrugged, telling you that he didn’t even know where it came from. You turned your head to look back at Katsuki. “Well, I think we will talk about it if that’s how we want to go about doing things.” You worded carefully, not entirely sure what the point of the question was. “Either way, I’m happy with my boys.” You smiled sweetly as you looked down to Kota who was silently staring at Eijiro who was playing peek-a-boo with him, soft giggle escaping his mouth. You picked him up gently, taking his attention making him squeal at the sight of his mother, happy to see you. Bright green eyes holding nothing but happiness and love. You chuckled as you held your little boy in your arms. “My five boys are all I could ever wish for.”
“I’ve given up on having a girl.” Izuku casually stated as he lifted his glass of lemonade up to his lips.
Eijiro chuckled as he scratched the back of his head. “I think I would only ever have girls, if Katsuki-”
“Don’t start with me, Red.” Katsuki dismissed with a hand up and a roll of his eyes. At that, not too far away you heard shouting from the two oldest boys in the house who were shouting about their video game. “Two is enough as is.”
Eijiro stared down at his empty glass, his large hands holding it rather tightly as he kept a smile on his face. “Of course, babe.” He said softer this time, red hair cascading down his shoulders as he stared at his cup. He took a deep breath before looking up with a smile. “Speaking of which, we should get going. It’s getting late.” He puffed out as he stood up in his chair. He looked to you with a grateful smile. “Thank you for the meal, Y/N.”
You smiled. “It’s no problem, Eijiro.”
Eijiro waved to your youngest, making the baby wave a hand back flexing his fingers as his way of saying bye. Eijiro looked to his daughter. “Satomi, sweetheart, say your goodbyes, we’re leaving.” He notified her.
She put down the glass she had rinsed off and looked up with a smile. “Okay, daddy.” She said sweetly as she moved back over to you. “Sorry I couldn’t finish the dishes, but I did most of them. Thank you, it was really nice.”
Satomi was always such a sweetheart, carved from literal gold and gifted from the heavens. She was her father’s little copy and you knew how much she was a light in his life. You put a hand to her face and smiled. “You didn’t have to, Satomi, but thank you. I’ll see you soon, okay?” She nodded her head excitedly and said goodbye to your husband. You turned to look down the hall. “Toshinori! Kane has to go now!”
It took a few seconds before your oldest son who had just turned fourteen appeared, curly green hair mostly hidden under a beanie. “What?” He let out in disappointment. “We were just getting to the good stuff.”
Appearing as well was Kane, thirteen and the splitting image of Katsuki. His puffy blond hair and crimson eyes looked so much like his father, but he had so much softer edges to him than Katsuki. “What!? Can Toshinori and I have a sleepover.” He bargained.
Eijiro chuckled. “On another day, Kane. Not tonight. You can both play video games tomorrow.”
Kane frowned but nodded his head with a grumble, following Toshinori to go pack up their games.
You saw little heads of green hair peaking from the side as well, Toshinori’s three other brothers peaked from over the side, a ten year old, six year old and four year old, giggling with mischief in their eyes. You gave them all a pointed look and motioned up the stairs. “Sprouts! Go get ready for bed.”
They all grumbled, the oldest one of the three of them, ten-year-old Asahi, led his brothers upstairs.
“Kacchan, can I talk to you for a second?” Izuku asked as he stood up, his hands in his pockets. A serious look was on his face as he confronted the blond.
Katsuki rolled his eyes but stood up from the chair he had made himself comfortable in and headed towards the back sliding door that led to the garden outside, following after your large bulky husband. Your eyebrows furrowed in wonder at what they would be talking about but you decided to leave them be. Kota had been drinking from the bottle you had gotten him, safely holding it with his hands as he started to get tired from the long day. You turned to look at Eijiro. “Come, let me get you guys some left over brownies.” You motioned for him to follow you.
Eijiro let out an awkward laugh, his daughter going off to Toshinori and Kane who were still packing up. “You don’t have to, Y/N.”
“Nonsense.” You shook your head. You leaned over closer to him. “Izuku eats too many anyways.” You whispered teasingly.
You handed him Kota making his eyes widen in surprise, but he held the baby properly and supported the bottle that he was drinking from as well. You made swift work of packing a container of brownies that you had baked. Living in a house filled with boys, you had learnt to cook and bake in the masses. You carefully got foil and placed the chocolate brownies in the container. You looked up at Eijiro who looked down at your youngest son with an adoring look. The little one blinking slowly with sleep in his eyes.
You motioned to him. “He really likes you.” You pointed out. “You’re so good with kids, Eijiro. How come you and Katsuki never had more kids?” You asked trying to make sure you weren’t coming off too strong. After you and Izuku had Toshinori, Katsuki and Eijiro got egg doners and a surrogate and managed to have Kane and the next year, Satomi.
Eijiro he looked down at Kota with an easy smile, holding him sweetly as he rocked him in his arms. “Katsuki didn’t see the point in it.” He spoke nonchalantly. “Said too many would get in the way of his career and spot as Number Two. He doesn’t want added pressure I guess.” He shrugged.
You nodded, remembering how serious Katsuki took his career when you both had been dating long ago. Too long ago. But that was in the past. You didn’t say anything more, glancing at Izuku and Katsuki who stood outside, the sliding door closed, blocking any bits of their conversation. However, you could see by their body language that it must have been a heated conversation to say the least.
“What the fuck are you saying, Deku?” Katsuki let out with a harsh crimson glare aimed at the taller man in front of him.
Izuku had his arms folded over his chest as he stared down at Katsuki. Hands gripping his biceps as he frowned at the blond man in front of him. “You heard what I said, Kacchan.” He tried keeping his voice even toned and with less aggression as he could muster. Knowing how Katsuki could get. “I’d appreciate it if you stopped staring at my wife.”
Katsuki scoffed as he rolled his eyes. “And on what basis would you think I would be doing that?”
“On the basis that I have eyes.” Izuku stated plainly. “I’m not ignorant about your feelings to her have not gone away even after the two of you broke up nearly two decades ago. I don’t know what inner complex or feelings you must be going through,” He motioned to the blond man in front of him, his eyebrows furrowed in seriousness. “But I think it’s for the best you keep those in line and in check.”
Katsuki smirked with a tilt of his head, his crimson eyes finding amusement in the situation as he let out a low chuckle. “Or what, Deku?” He asked lowly with a raised eyebrow. “You’re gonna blame a man for having eyes or are you going to blame your wife for having a fat ass?”
Izuku closed his eyes as his fingers dug into his bicep, he took a deep inhale before looking away from Katsuki. “Okay, I think it’s time for you to go, Kacchan.”
“I swear, Deku,” He stepped forward closer to the Number One hero, “Just because you can give her all the sons she wants and all the money in the world doesn’t take away the fact that…” He leaned in close, a smirk on his face and a whisper out of his mouth. “I’ve been in your wife’s pussy before. It doesn’t take away the fact that at one stage she would have been in the exact same position she’s in now but instead she would be Mrs Bakugou and she’d be having my blond brats instead. So why don’t you stop your high horse because you were lucky to wind up with her, and leave me be.”
The blond stepped back as he moved to leave Izuku outside, heading back inside the Midoriya residence. Katsuki smirked as he moved over to where everyone had now moved to the entrance hall, making their way outside. You held Kota in your arms as you allowed Eijiro, Kane and Satomi outside.
Katsuki smirked as he walked over to you, his hands in his jacket. “You take care now, Y/N.” Katsuki kept his eyes on you with that deep intense gaze.
“You too, Katsuki.” You nodded with a pleasant smile, ignoring his eyes racking over your figure as he stepped to leave outside.
You felt Toshinori step closer to you. Your son having a tense smile as he moved to hold the door. “Goodbye Uncle Kacchan.” He dismissed.
Katsuki scoffed as he looked the boy up and down. He rolled his eyes as he moved over to his Audi. “Midoriyas.” He shook his head.
Toshinori’s face dropped as he glared for a second before closing the door rather. He shook his head with a frown. “Uncle Kacchan is weird.” He stated simply making you chuckle. Toshinori had been getting taller and taller everyday and you were just waiting for the day he would surpass you, already nearly being your height.
You nudged him softly. “You heading to your room?”
He nodded his head. “Yah. Training with dad this morning made me kind of drained.” He explained.
Toshinori had received One for All from Izuku, having been born quirkless and was slowly being trained in dealing with the powerful quirk he now had. One for all was a strange thing, as Toshinori inherited it, it never diminished Izuku’s own power either. Having two holders of such a powerful quirk was something you knew the Commission seemed more than excited to explore once your son hit UA. But you were just glad he was managing the new quirk so well and he hadn’t gotten seriously hurt.
You nodded your head. “Alright, you head to bed. I’m sure you two will be going for another morning jog.”
Toshinori nodded his head, a spark in his bright green eyes at the thought. “Yah! Dad said it would increase my stamina, but honestly I think its also for indurance. Ever since receiving One for All, I noticed the gravity of having to have a lot of energy but also learning to use the energy I have. It’s really interesting actually, especially since I haven’t unlocked all the other quirks yet! I wonder if I’ll be more like dad or grandpa All Might? All the past holders seem really informative but nothing I’ve already received from dad and-” You watched your son drone on a tangent, so passionate about his quirk.
You couldn’t help but smile dearly at your oldest boy. He was so much like his father. You chuckled and nodded. “Alright, alright, Toshi. Just don’t push yourself too hard. You still have time before hitting UA.” You reminded him, pulling on his beanie a bit more. “You head on to bed now.”
He nodded his head and leaned over and placed a kiss on your forehead. “Night, Ma.” He whispered closer to you, remembering his little brother who was now passed out in your arms on a milk coma. Toshi turned to look at the sliding door to where his father was.
You turned to look at Izuku who had his back to the door, standing motionless as he looked out at the garden. You put a hand to Toshinori’s shoulder. “I’ll tell him you said goodnight. He’s probably counting the bunnies again.” Toshi nodded his head and left to go upstairs. “Mind checking on your brothers for me?”
“Not at all.” He spoke cheerfully as he left to go upstairs.
You watched him leave to go upstairs before turning to look at your husband. Your eyebrows furrowed in worry, feeling as though something happened when he was talking to Katsuki. However, you knew he needed some time to collect all the millions of thoughts that buzzed around his head.
“Ah! Izuku!” You cried out as his hands gripped your hips. Your ass slapped against his pelvis hard and fast as he slammed you back onto his cock. His grip on you was bruising to say the least, borderline painful but the pleasure was also just as overwhelming.
You hadn’t expected to end up in this position when you had both retired for the evening, you putting down all the boys, making sure they were all in bed and asleep while Izuku insisted on cleaning up downstairs. He was an attentive husband that way. With all the work he did as Number One, he still always put in work in the home and with you and the kids. You felt lucky to have a husband who managed to balance it all like he did.
However, you were surprised to find yourself wrapped up in his arms, pure need and wanting in his intentions. It flattered you to say the least and you took your chance at intimacy with your husband as quickly as you could. That’s how you found yourself face first in your sheets, so glad that your room was soundproofed.
However as much as you loved your husband and how much he filled you up so effortlessly, this was a surprise to you. The aggression he had tonight seemingly came out of nowhere. Now you weren’t totally adverse to how rough he was being, however you had that nibbling feeling inside you that told you that something wasn’t right.
You bit back a moan as you turned to look at him. Your large thick husband seemed deep in his head but also focused as he fucked you. His eyebrows were furrowed and seemed less vocal than normal. That raised enough flags in your head (as well as the bruising you would have on your hips and ass) to tell you that you had to put a pause in things.
“Izuku… Izuku stop.” You let out rather firmly. At your tone of voice, instantly your husband paused. Not even asking or entertaining the thought of pressing on for more sex that could clear his turbulent mind. You looked back at him worriedly. Your husband had never struggled performing in bed, but you knew just how strong his emotions are and how they could effect him.
He let out a low growl. “Shit!” He shouted, pushing himself out of you before letting go of you completely.
You finally relaxed into the sheets for a moment, letting out deep breaths as you tried to collect yourself for a second before turning over to look at your husband. Izuku sat with his head in his hands, turned away from you, his scarred back facing you as he was silent. You bit back the slight discomfort to your sex as you shuffled over to him. “Izuku...” You spoke softly, placing a hand on his back as you sat up. “Talk to me. What’s wrong?”
He let out a deep breath before standing up and out of bed. “Bakugou Katsuki. That’s what’s fucking wrong.” He let out clearly riled up and angry as he started to pace around the room.
You watched him silently, nodding your head, allowing him the moment to vent. “Okay, what did Katsuki do?” You asked him.
Izuku stopped momentarily to look at you. He motioned to the side. “All night, he had been staring at you like you were some piece of meat on a platter for him to take all for himself. I mean, this isn’t the first time, Y/N.” He told you, green eyebrows furrowed in a mix of anger and confusion. “I mean, I see how he constantly looks at you at Hero Galas, when we meet up with friends, school events, even in our own house! Now I decided to talk to him because I don’t appreciate him staring at my wife like that and he comes back to the fact that he’s still adores you! Telling me all about how he’s been inside you before and how you should be Mrs Bakugou. I told you that he would never move past that.”
You shifted uncomfortably, remembering the drama that had happened long ago when you were once in love with Bakugou Katsuki, only for him to cheat on you with the very same redhead man you had eating at your dining room table tonight as well. It was something you still thought about, but one you had gotten peace with. Mostly because you were happy with Izuku, you were happy with the family you had built based off of something you never thought would give you so much happiness.
However, the thought that Katsuki still thought about you in such a way made you uncomfortable. Of course you couldn’t deny that you and Katsuki had had sex before nor the fact that at some point in your life you did fantasize about being Mrs Bakugou, but not anymore. That was the past.
You nodded your head. “I understand your anger, Izuku. I don’t like it either.”
He motioned to you, relieved and glad that you understood his point. “Thank you.” He let out with a sigh. “I never liked having him here, but because our kids are friends and because I know how hard you have worked to getting peace and harbouring no ill feelings, I didn’t say anything. All I want for you is to be happy even if it means having to deal with Katsuki for a few hours, but…” Izuku stopped as he let out another sigh.
He looked to you and shook his head, completely and utterly at his end when it came to this situation. He looked almost as if he wanted to find another solution than the one he was going to give you but couldn’t see one.
“My love, I…” He paused before looking at you serious and having made up his mind. “I don’t want Bakugou anywhere in this house while he still thinks like this. I don’t feel comfortable with him here. I can’t control outside but in here… I just…”
You nodded your head understanding. You didn’t think it would come to this but you weren’t surprised. “Izuku…” You motioned to the place in bed next to you, tapping it gently with a smile. His shoulders lowered as he walked over to you, slowly before lying down beside you. You smiled at him as you ran a hand through his soft hair. “I agree.” You affirmed, half taking Izuku by surprise. “I will not allow anywhere to make you feel uncomfortable in our own home, no matter who they are. I don’t feel comfortable either so it’s okay. This is our home and we get to decide who we let inside and out of it. I respect and understand your feelings.”
Izuku closed his eyes, wrapping his arms around you and pulling you into his chest. He rested his head on top of yours. “What about the kids?” He sighed. “I don’t want this to effect them.”
You smiled, glad that he was thinking about them. “I don’t think the younger ones care all that much. But with Toshi…” You lifted your head from off his chest and looked up at him. “Izuku, he praises the ground you walk on. Your son idolises you and he isn’t stupid either. He notices things and understands them. He’s a lot like you.” You teased with a smile. “I think if he asks, just sit down and talk to him. This is a good lesson that sometimes even if they are your friends, if they make you uncomfortable, you shouldn’t allow them into your space. He’ll understand, he listens to you.”
He nodded his head as he stared down at you. He gave you a gentle smile and put a hand to your face. You smiled, seeing those clear eyes again. “Thank you, love.” He whispered, placing a kiss on your forehead. “I’m sorry if I was rough with you. I didn’t mean to ruin the mood.”
“Izuku, it’s fine.” You shrugged it off, moving to cuddle in to him closer. “We don’t need sex to make each other feel better or at all. This,” you squeezed him tighter, earning a chuckle as he held you in his big warm arms. You leaned your head against his chest hearing his heartbeat. “This with you… in my husband’s arms like this, is much more intimate than anything else.”
He hummed, glad to hear it from you. “Hey Y/N…”
“I love you.”
You smiled. “I love you too, Izuku.”
[Angry Dilfs- Katsuki Bakugou]
[Angry Dilfs- Kirishima Eijiro]
Next we have Eijiro!!
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pbelfz · 2 years
Two to One | 11 |
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Pairing: Bakugou x Reader x Midoriya Chapter Title: Mold Chapter 10 | Chapter 12 Story Masterlist Summary: You are a simple college girl working at a cheap, back alley café! The top heroes, Deku and Ground Zero, visit your work in hopes of ordering coffee, but they pick something else up instead. You begin an interesting relationship with the pair, while slowly becoming aware of certain underhanded tactics they are using. Idolization isn't always that bad... Right?
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“Since when were you were a Deku fan?”
(Y/n) played off her smile by letting out a pointed laugh, tossing a dirty rag into a bin before getting a clean one. She wore a Deku t-shirt that she bought over the weekend to work today instead of her usual café shirt, and it made Hana’s head turn as soon as she noticed. (Y/n) shrugged.
“Just trying something new, I guess,” she turned away to hide her smile, leaning forward to straighten a pastry in the display case. Hana grinned.
“I’m gonna tell Daddy Shoto that you’re cheating on him.”
(Y/n) giggled and rolled her eyes. “Please tell him. Can you also tell him to stop leaving his underwear on the floor of my apartment? I’m really tired of picking it up every morning.”
Hana’s nose wrinkled. “Ew. No. That’s your job. I’m just going to rat you out so he can leave you for me.”
(Y/n) laughed, making her way to the register as their first customer of the day entered the café.
(Y/n) hadn’t been around Izuku and Katsuki since their hiking trip. She talked to Izuku less and didn’t talk to Katsuki at all, intrinsically deciding she needed space from the both of them. Katsuki actually texted her outside of the groupchat last night asking if she wanted food delivered to her apartment, but she declined. The sight of his fist colliding with the side of Izuku’s face crept into her mind each time she debated contacting either of them; the entire altercation left a bad taste in her mouth.
Maybe some space would be good for the three of them. Before the hiking trip, they were having sleepovers almost every night. It’s no wonder Katsuki was growing tenser by the second.
As (Y/n) became comfortable with the idea of going ghost for a little while longer, the bell hanging over the café door chimed, announcing the second customer of the day. She was bending down behind the counter, making sure everything was stocked, but she noticed Hana stiffen beside her. (Y/n) shot up, assuming their manager just walked in, but she hit her head on the corner of the countertop.
“Ah! Shi–!” Her hand flew to her head as she winced, but she froze as she looked up, coming face to face with Deku in his hero costume.
She immediately straightened, and she couldn’t help the grin that beamed on her face. She bit her lip to dim it down. Still, with the distance she put between them, seeing his face in person again – especially in his hero suit – made (Y/n) almost forget why she wanted to avoid him.
Izuku adjusted the mouth guard that hung around his neck as his gaze flickered between her face and her Deku t-shirt, lingering there for a few seconds each time. At first, (Y/n) filled with pride and anticipation. Look, I finally bought some of your merch! No need to bug me about it anymore! That is, until she saw Izuku’s face slightly – ever so slightly – fall into a frown as his lip tightened.
(Y/n)’s excitement plummeted, and she examined his body language carefully, analyzing him within seconds. As he met her eye once more, his brow furrowed vaguely, and he gave her a closed-lipped smile. (Y/n)’s stomach dropped further.
“Hi, Mr. Deku!” Hana was eager to make conversation this time around. The only other customer in the café peered up from his newspaper, eyes widened as he spotted the Number One Hero. Since when did he get coffee here?
As trivial as Izuku’s irritation was, it seemingly vanished as quickly as it arose when he turned to greet Hana, giving her the signature Deku smile seen in interviews.
“Hey there!”
(Y/n) shook it off. Maybe she was just imagining things.
“What, um,” (Y/n) took a breath, “What can I get started for you this morning… Deku?”
Izuku looked back down at (Y/n) as she stood behind the register. He inwardly sighed, quiet enough that no one heard.
“An iced matcha latte. Please.”
(Y/n) pressed a few buttons on the screen without looking up at him. His tone was light and Deku-esque to the untrained ear, but (Y/n) heard the small attitude he carried. At this point, she just wanted him to leave. The fingers on her free hand drummed on the countertop beside her as she finally sent a glance up at Izuku.
“Regular milk?”
“No. Oatmilk.”
She knew he drank oatmilk. She was just being difficult now.
“Oh. Sorry.”
Izuku watched her, as patient as can be. Absentmindedly, his hand came up to hook onto his opposite arm, almost hugging himself.
Hana elbowed (Y/n) as she brushed past, giving Deku a sweet smile as she went to make his drink. The corners of Izuku’s eyes wrinkled as he quietly smiled back.
His weight shifted to the other foot as he looked back down at (Y/n), his pleasant demeanor steadily dropping.
“That’s going to be 300 yen,” (Y/n) told Izuku, looking back up at him. It almost made her jump at how he was already staring right at her.
Izuku unzipped a pocket on his hero costume, taking out his wallet. He set down three 100-yen coins on the counter. Hana finished making his drink as soon as he paid.
“One iced matcha latte with oatmilk for Deku!” She practically sang.
Izuku’s fingers lingered on the coins for a second longer than necessary, touching (Y/n)’s when she reached to pick up his money. (Y/n) glanced up at him, and he was already looking at her. He wasn’t smiling anymore, not even fake smiling. He was expressionless, a stony appearance similar to when they went on the hiking trip. She knew Izuku could make that face, but Deku doesn’t. He was Deku right now.
He slid his hand away, and just as quickly and intensely as anything with Izuku began, it dissipated just as rapidly. He grabbed his drink, sending thanks with a brief wave before heading out the door.
(Y/n) was left standing at the register with a pit in her stomach that only seemed to multiply in size and an urge to leave the register to call Izuku. Hana was left feeling invigorated for making, in her opinion, the best fucking iced matcha for the Number One Hero.
Hana glanced over at (Y/n), noticing her friend’s stiff posture.
“… You okay?”
Hana nodded, looking back over to the display of coffee beans for sale. Nobody ever really buys those.
“I don’t think he liked my shirt.”
Hana shrugged. “Maybe it’s a knockoff?”
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About thirty minutes later, (Y/n) left her cashier duty for a quick bathroom break, immediately pulling her phone out of her pocket on the way there.
There were no notifications from Izuku or Katsuki.
She frowned, wondering what the hell just happened and why Deku just waltzed into her work out of nowhere.
Once in the single bathroom that was much too cramped, sweaty, and smelled of molded grout, she sat on the toilet, quickly typing away on her phone. She texted Izuku privately, outside of the groupchat.
(09:07) (Y/N)ヾ☆* : Are u mad at me??
(Y/n) tapped her fingers on the phone, typing nothing, as she awaited his response.
Two minutes turned into ten which turned into twenty, and (Y/n) fell into the old habit of escaping into the bathroom to avoid her shifts; she couldn’t abandon Hana like that.
She called Izuku, impatience fueling her as she bit her lip.
As soon as she brought the phone up to her ear, she heard the ringback tone once before Izuku sent the call to voicemail.
Hi! This is Deku’s, Izuku Midoriya’s, personal phone! Please leave a message, and I’ll get ba–!
(Y/n) hung up, groaning. She swiped back on her phone, returning to her and Izuku’s texts; however, she saw that he was already typing.
(09:38) DEKU✧˖° : No im not mad. In a meeting. Talk later
(Y/n) immediately relaxed against the metal tank of the toilet, reining herself in. She didn’t text him back, not wanting to disturb his meeting any more than she already had, so she held the urge to apologize until later on.
She stood, washed her hands, and returned to work, finally. Hana gave (Y/n) a weird stare, watching her best friend emerge from the bathroom with a big smile on her face.
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Izuku didn’t text her back. Or call her.
It quickly became an afterthought as (Y/n) carried on with the rest of her day. A few of her friends in class pointed out her Deku t-shirt, and while she giggled and shrugged in response, it made her relive this morning’s events at work.
She didn’t hear from Katsuki either.
Evening approached quicker than expected, especially with the chill in the air picking up recently. (Y/n) huddled further down into the blankets on her bed, typing away on her laptop.
A couple of soft knocks on the window next to her made her freeze, her fingers stilling on the keyboard.
There was another rapping on the glass soon after the first, and (Y/n) almost jumped at that one. She twisted around, peering at the foggy glass, before gasping when she saw Izuku waving at her from the fire escape.
(Y/n) sat up, pushing her laptop to the side and unlatching the window’s hinges. She tugged it upwards, but the wood was worn and slightly molded, so it took more effort on her part than she expected. After a few moments of watching her struggle, Izuku pressed his fingertips against the glass, gently coaxing the window upwards before it suddenly snapped open, sending woodchips flying.
He wore the hood of his jacket, almost zipped all the way up to his chin, and (Y/n) heard taxis driving down below on the wet asphalt of the city. It must have rained earlier; (Y/n) didn’t notice the water leaking down from her upstairs neighbor’s balcony until she poked her head out a little before dipping back inside.
Why are you here?” (Y/n) probed as Izuku leaned forward through the windowsill.
Izuku almost looked offended. “I came to see you.”
(Y/n) blinked, giving him a once over. He’d obviously been home to change and shower, seeing as though he was no longer in his hero costume.
“You couldn’t have told me you were coming?”
Izuku tilted his head slightly, his brow furrowing. “I…,” he couldn’t think of an excuse. “I’m sorry,” was all he had.
(Y/n) shrugged, shifting on her bed, crossing her legs. “No Katsuki?” She pondered.
“No. He’s at home.”
“Does he know you’re here?”
Izuku stalled, just for a second. “Yes.”
He and (Y/n) stared at each other, and Izuku waited for permission to enter. He’s entered her apartment several times in the past, but suddenly showing up like this made him feel rather insecure about his place.
(Y/n) sighed, her original persecuting demeanor failing as she remembered the paper she was in the middle of writing. A hand came up to scratch her head. Still, Izuku waited. He had a knack for being patient.
How quickly she folded for him. “Come in, I guess.”
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(Y/n)’s rubbed her face, stretching the skin and not caring whatever wrinkles she may cause in the future. Her laptop sat in front of her, and she leaned forward once more, trying to find a way over the hump of a paragraph in the middle of her essay. She tapped on her keyboard, the screen boring into her eyes as the rest of the light in her room dissipated.
Izuku lay across her twin-sized bed, leaning against the pillows in the corner, an arm resting on the window. Her tiny bed was honestly too small for him, and it was definitely too small to fit both of them. (Y/n), at one point, used Izuku’s crossed legs as a table for her laptop, while she huddled in the corner opposite from him. He was fine with that. He was fine with the silence, too.
Izuku flicked his wrist hanging out the window, the ashes from his cigarette flying off. He brought it to his lips, taking a drag, before exhaling a puff of smoke through the corner of his mouth, aiming specifically back out the window, not wanting to flood (Y/n)’s with the smell of nicotine.
(Y/n) sent him a backward glance as he thumbed the end of his cig.
“Didn’t know you smoked.”
Izuku, who’d been gazing out at the back-alley streets below, looked over at her.
He shrugged. “Bad habit.”
(Y/n) turned back around to face her computer screen. She changed tabs, choosing a different Google Doc that her class group was editing together.
“I don’t think it’s good for you,” (Y/n) spoke up once more after a few minutes of silence. She didn’t look at him this time.
Izuku just finished taking his last drag before putting out his cigarette on the windowsill. He’d been resting his head on his palm, idly watching (Y/n) as she stressed about her homework. He kept his legs as still as he could get them, since she was using him as furniture.
“I know,” he complied. He wasn’t very talkative today. If (Y/n) had the energy or the time to really examine their dynamic, she may find that he wasn’t all too different from usual.
“When’d you start that?” She continued conversing while she typed. Izuku made a face as he thought back, rubbing his forehead as he actually tried to remember when he smoked his first cigarette, but (Y/n) spoke once more. “Was it… Before or after Uravity?”
Izuku gaped at (Y/n), but he quickly corrected himself. “Uh…,” he genuinely tried to recall that time of his life. “During.”
(Y/n)’s eyes flickered over to him. They shared a brief, knowing glance before (Y/n) returned to her group assignment.
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(Y/n) slammed her laptop shut, a wave of relief washing over her as she let out an exasperated sigh. She turned in her final assignment for the night, and her sudden excitement awoke Izuku, who’d been dozing off. He’d long since closed the window, especially now that the rain had picked up again. (Y/n) reached around to set her laptop down on her desk before crawling back under the blankets. Izuku was about to shed his layers and join her, as he’d been lying above the duvet, but his work phone suddenly rang. He groaned, frowning as he pulled his smartphone out from his back pocket.
Sighing, he threw his legs over the edge of the bed, scooting past (Y/n) as he answered the call, giving a brief greeting.
(Y/n) pulled the blankets further into herself, watching Izuku sitting on the end of the bed by her feet. He looked so stern. Izuku’s pointer finger tapped on his thigh a couple times before he stood up, giving (Y/n)’s calf a gentle, affectionate squeeze.
“No, there should be–,” whoever was on the other line cut Izuku off.
“I’m very confident in my interns’ abilities to–,” he was cut off once again. Izuku’s jaw clenched as he swallowed, and he caught sight of (Y/n) watching him, so he turned his back to her, shifting his weight to the other foot. (Y/n) never felt like she should hear his phone calls.
Izuku sighed through his nose. “I assigned that specific task to them. They’re capable.”
“I’ll be there to mentor them tomorrow.”
“It’s fine. Goodnight.”
Izuku finally ended the phone call with a roll of his eyes. He turned back to (Y/n), who was balled up near the top of the bed. He gave her a soft smile – the first smile he’d given her all day – before reaching behind his head to pull his shirt off.
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Having previously slept in Izuku and Katsuki’s king-sized bed made this much more difficult than (Y/n) thought. She and Izuku crowded each other, and it took much longer than usual for both of them to get comfortable. Izuku was normally the one to wrap his leg over (Y/n)’s hips, but she beat him to it tonight. She wrapped herself around Izuku, clinging to him, and Izuku pulled her thigh higher onto his hip as his head settled into the pillow. There wasn’t much space for movement, but neither of them really minded.
Through lidded eyes, Izuku watched his fingertips trace through (Y/n)’s locks, though he failed to notice the unrest that stirred within her.
“Izuku,” she uttered, snuggling closer into his neck. He wore cologne tonight. It wasn’t one of the expensive ones he and Katsuki kept on the master bathroom shelf, but a cheaper one. A subtler one: clean and warm.
“Hmm?” He pulled back slightly to look down at her.
“Are you okay?” She asked quietly, her voice muffled against Izuku’s skin. Izuku blinked in brief confusion.
“What do–?”
Their hushed voices were barely above a whisper – they didn’t have to be, not with how close they were to each other right now.
“I mean, are you okay? I’ve never seen Katsuki… punch you before,” (Y/n) addressed the elephant in the room, biting the bullet. Izuku’s lip tightened, but his grip on (Y/n) loosened just a fraction.
“He was just worried about you. And angry at me for putting you in danger,” Izuku explained as best he could.
“So, he punched you?” (Y/n) pulled back to meet Izuku’s eye. Izuku rolled his own with a snort, weighing his answers.
“Kacchan is very… Explosive!” Izuku punctuated his sentence by tickling (Y/n)’s ribs, making her scream as she tried to pull away from him.
“Izu–Izuku, stop!” (Y/n) cackled, finally pushing him away far enough in the small bed. Izuku laughed along, allowing her to relax once more against him. “I’m being serious.”
Izuku blinked, hiding the roll of his eyes and giving her a small, closed-mouth smile as he rested his head on his palm.
“Is that the first time he’s ever punched you like that?”
This question caught Izuku off guard. He didn’t answer her, instead, his fingers found solace playing with the threads of the blanket. (Y/n) frowned.
“Do you think he’d… do it again?” She pressed further. “What about to me?”
Something in Izuku snapped awake, and he gazed down at her with dismay, pulling her closer into him.
“No… No. He’d never hurt you. He only hurt me because he thought I hurt you,” he soothed, his tone soft as his nose brushed against (Y/n)’s. He pulled back, only to press his lips against her forehead. In some ways, Izuku’s words pacified her. She decided to change the conversation, for both of their sakes.
“You came to my work this morning.”
“Mhm,” his mumble was deep in his chest. “Wanted to check on you. We hadn’t heard from you in a while.”
“I was fine.”
“Just wanted to be sure.”
“You didn’t seem too happy about my Deku shirt,” (Y/n) commented.
“I just wasn’t expecting to see you in it,” Izuku defended.
“I dunno. You seemed a little upset,” she huddled closer into his chest. Izuku sighed quietly.
“We can’t have people finding out we’re together,” he finally muttered. “People don’t even know me and Kacchan are together. Who knows how the public will react if they find out I’m dating a college student.”
(Y/n) rolled her eyes; she figured that. She interrupted his rambling.
“Izuku, everyone wears Deku shirts.”
Izuku paused. “You’re right.”
They settled for a minute, but Izuku’s cogs were turning. “I just don’t want you getting involved in our stuff,” he tried to explain.
“Well, you should’ve thought about that before taking me in,” (Y/n) countered.
“Taking you in? Like a stray?”
They both giggled, and (Y/n) found herself playing with Izuku’s fingers. She never asked him the story of his scars. His hand was so much larger than hers, the calluses on his palms a stark contrast to the smoothness of her own. Izuku intertwined their fingers, and (Y/n) noticed how much thicker his were. She looked up at him, and he was gazing lovingly down at her, still resting his cheek in his other hand.
“Has me being quirkless made you have second thoughts about me?” She blurted, though it was a quiet breath of a question. Izuku tilted his head slightly, his brow furrowing.
“Full of questions tonight, aren’t we?” He teased, rubbing his eyes on the heel of his palm.
“I’m serio–”
“I was quirkless once,” he slipped. A look of disbelief passed (Y/n)’s face.
“I’m serious, Izuku. I think about this a lot,” she almost whined.
“I’m serious, too.”
(Y/n) glared up at him, and Izuku met her gaze with his own tired one. That’s okay. She didn’t have to believe him.
“Well,” Izuku circled back to her original inquiry, “I don’t care that you’re quirkless. Sometimes, I think it makes us get along better.”
(Y/n) perked up at this. “Really?” She cuddled closer to him. His embrace tightened.
“Mhmm,” he brushed some of her hair away from her eyes. (Y/n)’s lips met his, finally, for the first time that night. He kissed her back, pulling her closer to him, deepening it. She tasted the nicotine on his teeth, and if it were any other person, she’d gag, but it was him. Deku.
They pulled away briefly before melding even deeper than before, and the tip of her tongue traced his own. Izuku’s hands were wandering, and if he was being honest, he had no idea where to put them. What was safe right now? What was she comfortable with? His scarred hands eventually settled on her back.
(Y/n) pulled away, shifting slightly to kiss down Izuku’s jaw. Izuku sighed as (Y/n) traveled lower to kiss and lick at his neck, and he quietly wondered where she learned that from. She began to suck on a spot of his neck, but Izuku suddenly sat up, reluctantly pulling her off of him.
“No hickeys,” he gently scolded.
(Y/n), who was feeling rather confident in her actions, suddenly backed down, and Izuku noticed the deflation in attitude.
“How about we try something with you?” He offered, gently coaxing (Y/n) to lie back. She did so, lying flat on her back with Izuku hovering over her from beside her. “Is that okay?”
(Y/n) gawked up at him as she nodded. Izuku laughed, a charming smile on his face. He leaned down, giving her one, two, three slow kisses before moving to her ear, planting a gentler kiss there. (Y/n) shuddered, gripping Izuku’s forearm that was resting on her belly, his grip holding her against him. One of his legs intertwined with hers.
“I’m going to go lower, okay?” He murmured, waiting for (Y/n)’s permission.
“… Okay.”
Izuku briefly licked his lower lip, becoming painfully aware of the pressure in his briefs. He was sure (Y/n) could feel it against her but just wasn’t saying anything. He couldn’t put all of this on her at once; he had to introduce all of this little by little. Her virginity uprooted his and Katsuki’s arrangement, and Izuku almost wanted to salivate at the chance to expose her first.
“Take your underwear off,” he told her, observing her carefully. (Y/n) only blinked up at him, almost shocked to hear such an order come from Deku. Still, she haphazardly reached down, slowly peeling her panties down her legs. Izuku drank in every movement.
“Can I touch you?” Izuku asked, meeting her eye once more. (Y/n) swallowed, seeming unsure, but then she nodded. Izuku’s cock twitched at the reply, and in the future, he’ll have her respond verbally, but since it’s her first time, she gets a pass. His callused fingers carefully, painstakingly traveled down her navel, and as much as Izuku wanted to keep his eyes on the direction of his hand, he continuously glanced back at (Y/n)’s face to gauge her reaction. She was watching his hand.
His middle finger delicately swiped down her slit, not aiming for anywhere in particular. (Y/n) shot up with a gasp, making Izuku pause.
“Are you okay? You’ve touched yourself before, right?” He quietly asked. (Y/n) nodded, laying back down.
“It’s just different when it’s someone else.”
Izuku lightly circled his fingers around her pussy, not taking his eyes off of her face. He placed his thumb on her clit, and that was when (Y/n)’s grip on his forearm tightened.
He flicked her clit once, and (Y/n)’s hips wiggled, trying to get him to do it again. He flicked it a second time, and she whined. Izuku rolled his eyes, sighing and wondering how the fuck he was going to stop. He leaned down, giving her a kiss on her pulse and another one right by her ear.
“You’re making a mess on my hand, you know that?” He whispered, as he now began rubbing her clit in strong, circular motions with his digits, using her own arousal to slicken his movements. (Y/n) seized up, her mouth gaping as she let out a breathless cry. “How many fingers can you fit inside?” He asked her.
(Y/n)’s head lolled to the side; he knew what he was doing. “Two.”
Two of her fingers. Izuku’s were thicker.
Izuku tested her out with just his pointer finger, steadily entering it with no issue. (Y/n) moaned and closed her eyes, to which Izuku gave her another kiss on the jaw.
“You’re doing so good, baby, you’re doing so good…”
After a few pumps, he added another finger, which gave a little more resistance, and Izuku could only imagine how her tight cunt would feel stretched around his cock. He was aching for release himself, but he’ll have to hold off for now.
Once she adjusted, he pumped his fingers slowly, in and out, in and out, curving them slightly now and then. (Y/n) was the noisiest he’s ever heard her, biting her lip and gripping the bedsheets. Her legs spread wider and wider, allowing for more entry, and Izuku finally got a peep at the sweet cunt he’s been fingering, which did wonders for his raging erection.
Izuku’s thumb paid close attention to her clit, moving in circles, then backward, then zigzags, then light strokes. (Y/n) let out a particularly loud moan, feeling her thighs tense, and Izuku knew she was close. He picked up the pace, working his fingers even faster – not too fast, but the fastest (Y/n)’s ever experienced before. Izuku was torn between watching her cunt or watching her face as she had her first orgasm with him.
“Izu–!” (Y/n) gasped, her words caught in her throat. “Izuku, wait–!”
Izuku continued his attention on her pussy, perhaps even faster than before. The sloshing noises of her cunt filled the apartment. Izuku chose to watch between her legs.
“Baby, you’re okay, trust me, okay?” Through the huffs of hot breath and whimpered moans, Izuku’s words of comfort found (Y/n)’s ears. “You can let go. It’s only me.”
(Y/n)’s back arched as her thighs tensed, and she let out a relieving scream. Izuku moaned himself, feeling her tighten around his fingers as he continued pumping her. His cock twitched, so eager to be stuffed inside of her. Her juices flowed down his hand to his wrist. (Y/n) jolted, her hips gyrating, as she rode his fingers as her orgasm subsided. She was sweaty, almost heaving breaths as she eventually felt herself relax into the blankets.
Izuku almost looked stunned.
Maybe he got a little greedy.
“I’m going to use my mouth, okay? Okay, (Y/n)?”
(Y/n) was so exhausted, she was about to fall asleep until she heard that. She sat up slightly. “Wha–?”
Izuku moved to be inbetween (Y/n)’s legs. Before she could protest, (Y/n) felt Izuku’s mouth eagerly sucking up her juices, making her gasp as her hands flew down to grip his foresty tresses. He hardly paid her any mind now; it was as if this was for him.
He gripped her thighs as he slurped up some of the slick that dripped between her cheeks, and (Y/n)’s toes curled, her thighs tightening around his head. His tongue dipped inside of her a few times, and he moaned before pulling away, giving her clit a quick lick.
(Y/n) was out of breath once more; all of that was more than she was prepared for. Izuku returned to his spot beside her, pulling her against him, finally giving her time to come down from her orgasm high.
“Shhh, you did so good. You did so good,” he praised, licking his lips to clean up the last of (Y/n)’s arousal from his face. (Y/n) cuddled into him, her legs shaking slightly. She felt his hardened cock still pressing against her stomach, but if he wasn’t going to address it, then she wasn’t either.
“I’m so tired,” (Y/n) mumbled. Izuku rested his chin on her head, closing his eyes.
“I know.”
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Just like usual, Izuku was gone in the morning.
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yanderenightmare · 5 months
Bakugou Katsuki & Midoriya Izuku
TW: NSFW, dubcon, captive darling, abuse of power, coercion, deepthroating, penetration v, threesome, degradation
fem reader
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Thinking of pro-heroes Dynamight and Deku finally capturing the villain they’ve long been seeking, only to offer her a get-out-of-jail-free card if she gives them a little something in return…
You’re on your knees between them.
“Aww, now that’s a pretty sight~ ain’t it, Deku?”
“Agree, Kachan~ who’d've known the little felon could be so sweet~”
It’s but a small favor in regard to what they’re giving you in exchange. Suck their cocks, and you go free. You’ve done worse for less before. Being a criminal has never come without costs.
Still… the whole thing is so embarrassing. Mouth wide open with their leaky cockheads hugging for space inside it. They’re way too big to both have room, but they don’t seem all that concerned by it.
“C’mere,” The blonde groans, taking your head for himself – angling your plump lips back and forth on his shaft, sucking his teeth as you suckle on the fat veins found there. “That’s it, street scum- earn that freedom…”
Another weighty palm drapes your head, and you’re steered over to the other throbbing member. He nudges his tip inside your mouth and has the plush head fuck the pocket of your cheek, eerily smiling down at the sight. “Street scum is a bit harsh, isn’t it? I mean, look at that face~” He purrs, petting the abused cheek he was bulging.
Your hair is pulled in the other direction again, and you pop off the one in your mouth only to be invaded by the other again – this time deeper – and deeper again. He uses both hands to hold you down. 
“Still only useful for one thing-” He growls, and you gag, spit bubbles frothing around the shaft as your throat tightens up.
When he lets go, you jerk back with a cough – both your palms splayed flat on the ground, spluttering with hiccups, spit drooping down your chin while sipping sharp breaths that burn in your lungs.
“Aw- where’d all that confidence go, hm?” His hand tangles back in your hair and angles your face up again – now riddled with pretty deep-throat tears. Lips bloated and shivering with short shuddering inhales and exhales.
“’Think the poor thing bit off a little more than she could swallow…” The other man muses, grabbing your jaw and angling you his way again, pushing his slicken cockhead passed your lips. 
He drives just as deep as the former one did, aided by all four of their hands pushing you down until your nose pressed into the stiff muscles of his pelvis, buried in the ticklish green curls there – feeling his cock bend down the gorge of your throat. It does an excited jump each time you gag.
He pulls out slowly – but not all the way – looking down at you as you suck in breaths around the chub of his grith.
“We can always test ‘nother of yer’ holes if it gets too much for yah?” The blonde husks, tapping the weight of himself against your forehead, resting his balls in your hair.
“Don’t patronize her- I think a hardened criminal can handle this much...” The one taking space in your mouth says – beginning to slide himself all the way back down again, hitting your uvula like a punching bag with his balls slapping wetly against the slobber on your chin.
Your hands brace themselves against the stiff muscles on his thighs, feeling them flex through the spandex of his tight uniform. You close your eyes, squeezing them tight as he bores down your jugular again. Spluttering up spit and taking desperate breaths once you’re released.
You’re not given much time before another fist finds your hair again – though this time, your own hands come up to protect you – keeping yourself at arms-length by bracing against the oncoming hips.
“Wah-wait- break- just-” You blub, and the cock slides up your face instead, tapping its hefty weight against your cheek and temple.
“Hm, maybe you were right, Kachan. Maybe I was overestimating her…” The green-haired one mused, his voice sounding suggestive – followed by a soft scoff from the one resting his cock on your face.
“Okay then, up we go, lil’ crook-” He leaned down and grabbed you by the arm, lifting you from the floor. “Wouldn’t wanna make yah pass out, after all...”
He spun you around so your ass was pressed against his crotch, making you rest palms-first against the other man’s swole chest – standing tightly between them while the blonde behind you balled your dress up around your waist.
“No, wait- you’ll still let me go, right?” You stutter, reeling from the feel of his fat shaft, wet with your drool where it slid up between your crack while he softly humped his hips into your rear.
The one in front took your chin. “Oh- don’t worry~ let us have our fun, and we promise no prison.”
The cock is tapped on your asscheek whilst its owner places wet hot kisses up your neck. “Still up for it, hm?” He gruffs hotly at your ear, holding you steady by the hip whilst stroking himself in the other.
You bite your lips, brows doing little tremoring motions as you quickly try and mull it over in your head. Ending up with giving them a little nod.
He bites your earlobe with a rusty chuckle. “That’s a smart cookie.” Ushering you up to stand atop the other man’s shoes, making you just the right height for him to send his shaft down the cleft of your butt. Sliding it in between your thighs, rubbing himself against the puff of your cunt through the lacy silk of your panties.
He’s kind enough to get you a little warmed up first before peeling them aside and lightly slapping his manhood up against the slit. But the way you gasp is just way too cute for him to hold back – making him run his fat cockhead through your lips, back and forth to slick you up, rubbing over your clit – forcing an involuntary buck of your hips. 
He hums at the movement, finding your hole and kissing it with his tip, groaning out a “Yer’ way too pretty for prison…” against your ear – playing with your entrance without pushing in just yet, giving the ill-prepped thing a warning of what to handle. “Poor doll would be everyone’s favorite lil’ jailbird.”
You croon with a whimper when he splits you open, even as he does so slowly – and the other guy takes the opportunity to catch your mouth with his. 
“Wouldn’t stand a chance against the other inmates…” He moans, sliding his hand from your chin to your neck, holding it just tight enough to encourage you to keep your head up – as he slips his own thickness between the doughy fat of your inner thighs, rubbing over your clit on its way.
It makes you ache around the member bottoming out inside you. “Not to mention the guards…” He continued. “They’d all have a ball with fresh ‘n’ tight meat like you.” 
You moan into the mouth in front of you, panting on his lips when he speaks. “It would be too cruel of us to send you to a place like that…”
“Despite it bein’ where all you wrongdoers belong.” The hands placed on your hips keep you planted as he pulls out and lolls forward again.
Your thighs shudder from the feel of it, squeezing the one caught between them tightly. “Poor thing would get passed around from morning to lights out.” His words pour into your mouth where it gapes open – feeling his ridges and veins catch your clit – making your lower belly coil like an adder – clawing your nails into his chest in order to pursue it.
“Tied to the bars of yer’ cell for everyone to have a go.” The one behind grunted, kneading himself into your womb – fucking you deep and slow enough to feel you flutter on his length. “We’ll be a lot nicer with yah.”
 “Promise, sweet thing.” The one in front chuckles when you cum – shaking on both their cocks – weak in their hands – resting your sweet face against his chest with blank eyes glossed over from pleasure.
You’re not going to prison, but you’ll soon find out if you agree that staying locked up in their house as their personal pet is much different or better…
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miniimight · 7 months
MISSING A DATE . they forget about a big date with you and realize it too late
with deku + bakugou (in their pro-hero era)
one thing about him is that he always tried his absolute best to make time for you amid his busy schedule. you understood that you weren't the only one that demanded his attention due to his work and were okay with that. as long as you still got your 'me-time' with him, where he blocked out the world and focused on you and only you, you couldn't ask for a more perfect relationship.
but this was your last straw. you had forgiven the late nights, the last-minute cancellations—gotten used to being alone in your luxurious apartment, which only reminded you of the one thing you were missing.
you had planned this date for months. a set time where you both blocked off time that night to just be with each other in a word that tried everything to keep you apart.
"remember tonight, baby." you chirped as you kissed him goodbye that morning.
he hummed and gave you a tight hug before leaving.
you felt giddy as you prepared yourself, slipping into your best clothes and fixing yourself in the mirror. you felt as you did on the night of your first date with him. you couldn't be more excited.
then, you waited. and waited. the restaurant happily sat you next to a window, the streetlamps twinkling romantically against the dusky backdrop.
you waited some more. soon your bright posture slouched as your checked your phone. messaged him a couple times, called a few times more. he's probably just running late.
families came and went, and before you knew it, hours had passed.
you burned in embarrassment as you stared at the empty chair across from you, focusing your frustration as if he was sitting there. but even that didn't give you relief. every one of your thoughts and feelings came to the same conclusion—
he hadn't shown up.
you ordered some food to-go. why not get something out of this outing? besides, the food would do good to distract you from the dread swirling in your stomach. you flashed the server a quick smile before dragging your feet out the restaurant.
you threw your bag, coat, and shoes to the ground as you walked into your apartment, uncaring of where they ended up. you needed the couch, a movie, and the food you were carrying.
a few hours later, izuku showed up. you heard the door slide open and the jangle of his keys. his heavy sigh was familiar and it almost made you feel bad for feeling so angry about him missing this date. almost.
you made no move to greet him as he entered the living space, a big grin plastered on his face. "you look pretty."
the compliment was just salt on the wound, ironically. you hummed, remaining laser focused on your show.
he tugged off his white gloves and set them on the table. "what's got you all dressed up tonight, hmm?" he sat next to you, running his hands up and down your arm.
you just handed him one of the takeout boxes. "want some?" you said dryly.
"what's this—? oh, i recognize the name of this restaurant..." he surveyed the box in his hands, his voice becoming quieter as he sunk into his thoughts. "oh."
you got off the couch.
"oh." he repeated, staring at the takeout box incredulously. "baby, don't tell me tonight was—"
"it was." you said simply, walking into the bedroom. you couldn't bear to look at him.
"fuck." you heard him hiss. a light thudding followed as he hurried after you. "y/n, god, i'm so sorry—don't tell me you went there alone—"
"izuku, i don't care anymore." you turned around abruptly, making him skid to a halt before you. his expression read shock. "i don't."
he slumped and inched closer to you. "no, don't say that—"
"you don't give me a reason to care anymore." you laughed wryly though your lips trembled. "i—" your breath hitched and you turned away from him.
his voice sounded watery as he tried to turn your body to face him again. "i'm so sorry, there was a hangout at the agency after work today and... shit, i totally forgot—"
"a fucking party?" you snapped. "you blew off the date you and i planned for months in advance because we never get to spend time together anymore to hang out with the same goddamn people you see every single day?"
he groaned. "i know, i know—"
"you don't know, izuku." your voice quivered. "you don't, okay?" you sobbed.
he was stunned to silence, unsure of how to right something so horribly wrong.
"you don't know what it's like to always be waiting. i'm always waiting for you. you always have something better to do." you sobbed, sitting on the edge of the bed. you really didn't want to have this conversation with him; you knew you'd break down sobbing. you thought it would've been best if he didn't come back home at all.
he knelt beside you, resting his head where your knees hung over the bed. he stared up at your heartbroken face with tears threatening to flow. "there is nothing that deserves my time more than you." he said firmly.
"you say that as if it's true." you said quietly. "but you don't even..." you looked away from him to reign in your emotions.
he frowned deeply. he knew it was all his fault. you reminded him this morning and he still forgot. you had no reason to believe the words coming out of his mouth. that doesn't mean he's going to stop trying to prove them.
he rested his head against your stomach and wrapped his arms around you tightly. "you have every right to hate me right now, y/n. you've been lonely and overlooked and i haven't done anything to make things better."
you refused to look at him.
he tilted his head with hopes of catching your gaze. "y/n, i mean it. there's nothing that deserves my time more than you. anyone else would've left me. you've given me love and understanding with my hero work..." he choked on his words, finally facing the reality of his relationship. "and i've just taken it and left you behind."
you sniffled.
he stood, bending at the waist to kiss your forehead. "i love you. so much. it's time i start proving it, huh?"
your eyes flickered to his, questioning evident on your expression.
he smiled sadly. "japan has many heroes. i'm sure kacchan and todoroki can handle things without me for a while."
you huffed and rolled your eyes. "very funny. you're a hero, izuku, it's in your nature to shoulder everything." you pouted, guilt threatening to inhabit your thoughts.
he shook his head, cupping your cheeks in his hands. "i'm dead serious. the world doesn't need me everyday, you do. and i'll adjust my schedule to suit."
"but..." you groaned. "god, why do i feel guilty now?" you mumbled.
"stop it. you're not keeping me away from anything. this was long overdue. nothing would make me happier," he grinned and kissed you again before tackling you in a hug.
you left the restaurant without another word, feeling so sick to the stomach that you couldn't even bear to go home to the empty apartment.
you tried desperately to convince yourself that something important was holding him up. he didn't forget. he just had some life-threatening epic battle that he needed to attend to. he didn't forget.
you crashed at a friend's house for the night, after a very satisfying rant session about your dilemma. they were a great soundboard and didn't try to regulate your emotions. in a lot of cases, just letting your feelings fly free was the best way to cope with a situation out of your hands.
rrrring rrring
you saw the caller ID and was tempted to ignore the call. but your hands moved on their own, accepting it and putting the phone to your ear.
"y/n l/n." bakugou snarled on the other side. "where the fuck are you?"
"a friend's house."
you shrugged, hoping your unbothered reaction would be translated across the phone. "wanted to be with someone last night after my boyfriend stood me up."
silence. a very long silence. you heard him cuss under his breath before he replied. "yesterday was our date."
you hummed.
"y/n. come home."
"i'm good here, really."
"i'm serious, come home."
"why? the off-chance of seeing you there?"
his voice grew more desperate. "y/n—" his breath caught in his throat. "i'm home. i'm waiting for you. we can do something today, maybe—"
"katsuki, you can't keep treating me like a test that you can make up whenever you fail the real thing. you're not there when it fucking matters." you snapped, your resolve crumbling as your eyes started to water.
he gave a weighted sigh. "you're right. i've been treating you like shit."
you scoffed.
"but you're always on my mind. every time i see you asleep when you were trying to wait up for me, i—" he inhaled deeply, trying to keep it together. "i'm not the best boyfriend. believe me, i know that. and i'm losing you... i can see that, too."
you waited.
he sniffed. "come home, y/n. please. i—"
you hung up. you tossed your phone aside and stretched. you gently wiped at your cheeks, realizing how many tears streaked them.
after thanking your friend for their hospitality, you decided to go home. you dreaded the conversation that awaited you. uncertainty riddled your thoughts; was this the end?
you opened the door and immediately heard pounding footsteps to meet you. bakugou stood there, looking uncharacteristically stressed and awkward.
you just gave him a passing glance as you slipped off your shoes, hanging your coat up. you walked past him, going to the washroom to refresh yourself with a much needed shower.
as the water ran down your skin, you began to feel guilty. he was a hero. he saved lives. and you were crying over a missed date with him? when his mere presence meant the safety of those around him?
no matter how valid your frustration and sadness was, you couldn't help the creeping guilt from overwriting your feelings.
you stepped out of the shower, then dressed comfortably for a night in. when you opened the bathroom door, he was waiting outside like a puppy.
you sighed. "i'm sorry." you finally said.
his neck snapped to look at you. "why the fuck are you apologizing?"
"you're a hero. i knew what i'd be signing up for when i got into a relationship with you—"
"are you crazy?" he growled, grabbing your cheeks and tilting your face to look at him. he searched your eyes with concern, as if there was something wrong with you. "you don't need to apologize. my being a hero is no excuse for the way i've been treating you."
you frowned. "but—"
"no." he pulled you into a hug, wrapping his arms around your head. "you—" he laughed dryly. "i can't believe you thought to apologize to me. you're really crazy."
you opened your mouth to say something, but he cut you off. "i'm so lucky to have you. seriously. i can't live without you and i will do everything to prove that from now on."
you pulled away and looked at him. "you better mean it."
he gave you a lopsided grin. "i do. thanks..." he trailed off.
you cocked your head to the side. "for...?"
he kissed you gently. "staying." he hugged you tightly, his next words barely a whisper, "i'm always gonna be there for you."
amidst a couple of tears, you believed him.
© miniimight ! thanks for reading <3
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misssmina · 23 days
Y’all don’t make use of subtle/weird traits in fics enough.
Bakugou literally has hyperhidrosis. Make him switch shirts constantly, or constantly wiping his hands, or outright refusing to touch things because nitroglycerin is a volatile substance.
Midoriya is constantly chewing on his lips or thumb while in thought. Either his lips are SO chapped or he’s a skin picker and the skin around his finger tips are super rough.
Uraraka is a poor kid. She would absolutely have some kind of financial anxiety. Make her be extremely frugal OOOORRR BETTER YET make her absolutely awful with money.
Aizawa is a hypersomniac. Give the man a nightmare disorder or something. We can be more imaginative than just always kinda tired.
Kirishima has/had really bad quirk envy. Please I need to see this addressed more. Even at the best hero school, in the top class, he talks down on his quirk.
Todoroki really doesn’t think very much. He acts quickly but very thoughtlessly. Coming to incorrect conclusions and moving too fast without knowing what to do next.
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csmtmra · 10 days
bring some tampons
asking the mha boys if they can bring you some tampons
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ׂ ౨ৎ. cont. fem!reader, crack
ׂ ౨ৎ. incl. katsuki, izuku, shoto, touya, tamaki, eijiro
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roaron · 1 year
Okay, but what if THEY walk on you mastubating??
- OMG I was planning to do this and you just reminded me, thank you very much stranger for feeding into my delusions. i deadass can’t believe that this is how I spend my time. ENJOY (´∀`=)
MHA boys catching you masturbating
authors note - I tried to make this as gender neutral as I could so that everyone could read this without feeling left out and shit. hope I did y’all justice one again. ENJOY ! ALSO, thank you all for the submissions and request, im already working on like 10 !! they’ll be out really soon trust me :))
characters - (izuku midoriya, katsuki bakugo, shoto todoroki)
warnings - nsfw obviously
minors im onto y’all, either be sneaky or pick your ass up and get out this class yfm ☆
ENJOY (´∀`=)
Izuku Midoriya
- as perfect as your boyfriend izuku was, he was a very busy man. crime didn’t fight itself and as the number 1 hero, he had a duty to protect. so after a tiring day of saving people, izuku comes home in hopes that you could both cuddle and he’d fall asleep in your arms.
- he makes his way to the bedroom and that’s when he begins to hear soft moans coming from inside the room. soft moans of HIS name.
- he quietly opens the door and the sight before him almost makes him drop to his knees. on your shared bed lies you with your legs wide open, a hand delving in and out of your hole, and another hand playing with your perky nipple as your head is flung back in satisfaction.
- the view in front of him, added to the pornographic sounds you were making drove him over the edge as he feels his pants tighten. he bites his bottom lip and his lids hang low over his eyes as he approaches you and sits at the corner of the bed, still going unnoticed.
- subconsciously he reaches a hand out towards you and strokes your leg, making you jump.
- you hastily attempt to grab a pillow to cover yourself but your boyfriend stops you right in your tracks, moving to tower over your naked form and pin your wrists down onto the bed.
“no no no, please don’t y/n. i really want to see.”
- he then let’s go of your wrists and moves away from you, sitting cross legged on the bed in front of you, staring at you intently before reaching a hand into his pants and resting it there.
- it takes you a moment before realising he’s waiting for you, only then do you continue touching yourself and that’s when you notice how he begins touching himself too.
Katsuki Bakugo
- it was starting to get lonely around the house, and it was only the second day that your boyfriend bakugo had left for his 2 week hero trip. you sulked for the entire day, missing his presence, the way he holds you, the way he kisses you. the way he touches you.
- just the thought of him touching you brings heat to your face. you rush to your shared room and begin to take off your clothes. first your robe, then your panties. a pretty pink one that bakugo had gotten you.
- you lie back on your shared bed and begin to work on the problem between you legs, stuffing yourself with your fingers and crying out your boyfriends name, pretending it was him fucking you.
- unknown to you, your boyfriend had just arrived home to tell you the trip was cancelled and that his friend izuku had taken care of it, knowing how bakugo doesn’t like being away from you.
- but as he walked through the door, the first thing that greets him is a loud moan of his own name. bakugo stands frozen and confused as to what was going on. he calls for you but there’s no response so his first instinct is to head towards the bedroom.
- he swings the bedroom door open and that’s when he sees you.
“oh my fucking god.”
- you immediately notice his voice and let out a cry, grabbing a pillow and covering yourself in complete and total embarrassment.
“k-katsuki, I didn’t know you were home..”
- you couldn’t believe what had just happened but when you looked up at your boyfriends face, you noticed him reaching down to pick up the pink panties you’d discarded on the floor. you shriek as he then makes his way over to you and stares deep into your eyes.
“really y/n. you couldn’t fucking wait.”
- you look away, unable to maintain eye contact but bakugo just grabs your face and snaps it so that you are forced to look at him. he looks from your eyes to your lips before pushing his mouth against yours, tearing the pillow you’d been holding away from you and replacing your hands between your legs with his own. hastily pumping his fingers inside of you, while swallowing all of your moans within the kiss.
“as much as I love you y/n, you really are a whore.”
Shoto Todoroki
- shoto had only left about an hour ago to go and spend the day with his family, trying to rekindle the bond between him and his father was no easy task, but he’d faced harder ones. being the number three hero and all. you were the one who convinced him to go and yet now you need him more than anything.
- you didn’t want to tell him how horny you were before he left, because you knew that he wouldn’t want to go with his family and would instead prefer to stay home and fuck you.
- you sigh to yourself and make your way to the bedroom you both share, preparing to spend your time touching yourself instead of having your gorgeous boyfriend have his way with you.
- now naked with you back against the headboard of the bed and with your hand buried between your thighs, you let out soft moans of shotos name, craving his love and his touch, you wished that he was here with you, praising you and kissing away your flaws.
- completely lost in your own pleasure, you fail to realise that shoto had returned home in search of you after having an argument with his father. you also failed to realise that he was in fact stood tall in the doorframe, staring at your shaking figure. his eyes staring at the wet mess between your legs and your needy fingers.
“y/n, my love.”
- you jump back to reality and notice your boyfriend standing in front of you, his head tilted upwards with his eyes staring downwards at you, almost in a degrading way. it only made you want him more.
“shoto, please come here.”
- not a second goes by before shoto is in front of you, kneeled on the bed awaiting your commands. he could switch between dominant and submissive so quickly, it’s one of the many things about him that drove you crazy.
- you shyly gestured to the space between your legs, and with that, shoto dipped his head down and put his mouth to work.
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