#candy shop icons
d4myeon · 20 days
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candy shop icons [requested]
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chaos64sprinkles · 5 months
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Buying Food that matches Christmas! Scene 26
Sprinkles: Okay, let's go shopping for packaged foods now, for Christmas dinner, first I'm going to get the roast chicken, then the candy cane along with gingerbread cookies, then the box with lasagna inside and finally the bag with mushrooms inside, I know you can only see one but if you can look closely it will look like there is more, anyway, after putting it in the cash register, the amount I had to pay was 253 dollars, a lot of money, right? No, nothing, I paid for it, carrying two carts to look for more stores and explore the mall more before returning home.
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Remembering Emmy Winning writer, character actor extraordinaries John Candy! Gone too soon but never forgotten! ^__^
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pricelessemotion · 6 months
poltergeists for sidekicks | E.M.
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summary: [2.3k] the kids drag eddie to the halloween store where you happen to work.
pairing: eddie munson x fem!reader
warnings: fluff, pining, eddie being a lovestruck idiot, r wears big prescription glasses and is described as having messy hair
a/n: happy halloween! here’s something i’ve been working on for ages just in time for the end of spooky szn! xoxo
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Eddie doesn’t hate Halloween. 
He used to love Halloween. He likes autumn. He likes watching the leaves change colors. He can appreciate the novelty of a hot apple cider and a hay ride. Hell, ever since he was old enough to go trick or treating, he reveled in it. Free candy and all he had to do was put on a costume and say three magic words? Sign him up. 
As he got older, he started to like Halloween for a slightly different reason. Don’t get him wrong, he still liked the free candy, but he liked the excuse to be someone else for a night. He liked how he could throw on a Michael Meyers mask and go door-to-door and be greeted with glee and sweets. 
It does a funny thing to a kid’s self-esteem, being treated better when he’s wearing the face of a fictional serial killer. 
Now, though, Eddie Munson is decidedly too old for trick or treating. He’s resigned himself to spending the holiday like it was any other day by spending the night in his room, playing guitar, and coming up with new campaign ideas. 
Which is exactly what he was doing when three freshmen started pounding down the door of the trailer demanding entry. Within moments, they are practically on their hands and knees asking, nay begging, for the older boy to take them to get last-minute Halloween costumes.
“Aren’t you guys too old to go trick or treating?”
“This is why we need to go to the store! If we wear masks, no one will be able to tell how old we are, hence extending our years of candy collecting.” Dustin explains, matter of factly.  
Eddie sighs, leaning back into the sofa, steepling his fingers together. “What’s in it for me?”
The three boys huddle together, conspiring in a manner that is not dissimilar to the way they plan their counterstrikes during Hellfire. They nod in sync, turning around so that Lucas is standing front and center, flanked by the two other boys.  
“That one girl you like is working there.”
Eddie remains stone-faced, quipping sarcastically, “That’s very specific.”
Mike lets out an exasperated groan, threading his fingers through his hair before yanking at the ends in frustration. “Y’know, the weird one. Coke bottle glasses, messy hair, always holding a book?”
Lucas’ eyes widen. Dustin smacks Mike on the chest and the hollow sound rings out through the empty trailer. They all start talking over each other, with two of them berating the third for A. being insensitive and B. expecting a good outcome from said insensitivity. 
Eddie wants to make a comment that your hair is not messy, it’s actually more voluminous. Besides, his hair is messy and he likes to think it makes him look badass. The glasses comment was a little unfair. Sure, the frames are a similar shade to the iconic green of the bottles of Coca-Cola. But the magnification was endearing, leaning more towards doe-eyed than bug. Unfortunately, Eddie did not consider that while he was observing you, someone might’ve been observing him. 
The assurance of your presence is how Eddie ends up here, parked outside of a hardware store turned seasonal shop. He’s helping his friends. He’s supporting a local business and therefore contributing to the local economy! You being here is just a bonus.
A bell rings above them as he swings open the door, the motion setting off a scratchy pre-recorded cackle. He’s gotta hand it to whoever is running the store. They’ve gone out of their way to transform the dingy overhead fluorescents and worn-out linoleum into something that actually resembles an eerie boutique. 
“Welcome in! I’ll be right witch you!” Your voice lilts out from the depths. 
You appear out of the darkness, expertly weaving under fake cobwebs and pushing aside fanciful drapes that have no doubt been strung up precariously around the store to add to the ambiance. You’ve got a witch’s hat on, tall and black and pointy, which further explains the pun you greeted them with. 
“How can I help you?” You smile brightly, adjusting your glasses. 
The younger boys barely spare you a glance, just a chorus of we’re good! before running off to the other side of the store, where all of the costumes are located. 
You barely blink at their rudeness. Whether that’s indicative of your experience in customer service or due to your generally sunny disposition, Eddie isn’t sure. You turn your smile and magnified gaze at him, “What about you?”
Eddie startles only slightly. He begins to peek over his shoulder as if there’s somebody else in the mostly deserted store that you could be talking to. What about him?
“Oh, I don’t need anything. I just came here with–” He gestures vaguely in the direction that the boys wandered off to. “The little shits that left me in the dust.” 
You bark out a laugh, a small smile settling on your lips. “It’s sweet of you to help them out.”
Eddie only blushes in response, murmuring a quiet it’s nothing, scratching the back of his neck like he might find a switch that’ll make him remember how to talk like a normal human being.   
“Well, if you change your mind, let me know.”
You pick up a clipboard and a pen and start leisurely strolling down the decor aisle, making inconsequential markings on the paper. Whenever you come across gaps in the shelves you reach back into them, pulling the products to the front edge with a concentration that is quite adorable. 
He’s definitely staring by now. Feigning interest in a skull-shaped candy bowl, Eddie scrambles for something, anything to keep the conversation going. “I’m surprised you’re not busier.”
“You just missed the afternoon rush.” You say, straightening a pair of plastic tarantulas that have gone askew. “Not too many people came today, though. I guess they realized that it’s so close to the holiday that the shelves would be picked over.”
You shrug, “I think by October 30th, most people figure if they’re gonna dress up, they’d rather just pull together something from their closets than spend money. We’re actually busier the day after Halloween because everything gets marked down and people want cheap candy.”
“Makes sense.” He nods. “So, I take it you’re a big fan of Halloween?”
Your smile is apprehensive as if you’re not sure if he’s making fun of you. Your fingers brush the brim of the witch’s hat. “What gave me away?” 
He falls into step beside you, clasping his hands behind his back and puffing out his chest. “I just had a feeling.” Then, feeling much braver than usual, he adds, “I like your outfit.”
You look at him again, clutching the clipboard to your chest. For once, your eyes are leaning more towards bug-eyed. The black velvet dress has draped sleeves and a skirt that swishes with every step. Orange and black striped tights protect your legs from the inevitable chill that comes with October in Indiana. “You do?” 
“I do.” He insists, “It totally adds to the magical vibe. If you told me that you were an actual witch and this was just something you do to pass the time I’d one hundred percent believe you.” 
All apprehension has slipped off your face, replaced by a genuine smile that cracks open his chest. “Thanks…” You trail off.
“Eddie.” He supplies. 
“Well thank you, Eddie. I’d tell you my name but I’m guessing I don’t have to.” You say, rubbing the plastic name plate on your chest. 
Eddie does know your name, but it isn’t because of your name tag. He was far too proud to ask around for your name, and far too afraid of rejection to ask you himself. He’d been lucky enough to get a library book right after you. He’d pulled the weathered paper from the slip, seen your name at the bottom of the checkout card, traced the loopy letters with the pad of his fingers. It had definitely been more than a little pathetic. 
Eddie coughs, clearing his throat, trying to maintain any semblance of nonchalance. “Do you have any plans for Halloween?” 
Your face slowly lifts from the clipboard, twirling your pen between swift fingers polished in a deep burgundy. Directing your gaze at him, you peer through dark lashes and Eddie’s never been more thankful for the inventor of coke bottle glasses. The magnification allows him to see the spark of intrigue dancing across your pupils. 
“I was just gonna stay home. Maybe help my mom pass out candy.” The implication of the last sentence seems to hit you. You look down again, scrunching up your nose. Eddie finds it endearing how your first instinct is honesty rather than anything else. 
“Cool. That’s cool,” Eddie says in a manner that is decidedly uncool. He fiddles with his rings before shoving his hands into his pockets. “Actually, I was wondering if—” 
Suddenly, Eddie feels stupid for getting lost in your eyes and not paying attention to his surroundings. Maybe then he would’ve noticed how the linoleum got ever so slightly softer under the soles of worn-out boots. He would’ve seen the cloaked figure looming in the alcove, waiting for some unwitting soul to step on the pressure plate.
Unfortunately, Eddie did not see any of those things. The poltergeist, or ghost, or whatever the fuck it is swings out. He stumbles backward, releasing a shriek that is so high-pitched, that he wonders if he should start tapping into his upper range. Maybe it would add more texture to Corroded Coffin’s Tuesday night sets. 
Instinctively, his arms fly backward, as if to protect you. He stumbles right into you, and he’s sure that if you didn’t grab his waist from behind, you would’ve fallen right over. Unfortunately, the movement has both of you careening back into a shelf, sending bags of overpriced candy and shitty Halloween decorations tumbling to the ground in a cascade of all things creepy and corny. He quickly spins around.
“Shit, are you–”
“I’m so sorry!” 
“I should’ve warned you–”
At that moment, chests heaving and hearts racing, you both seem to realize that your hands are still grazing Eddie’s waist. You spring apart, scrambling to clean up the display, haphazardly grabbing the fallen items and placing them back in their rightful places on the shelves. Among them is your hat, another casualty of the calamity. 
“I should’ve warned you,” You say again, slightly out of breath. “That thing nearly scares me to death every other day.” 
“It’s fine. I should’ve paid attention to where I was walking. It just added to the whole spooktacular experience.” He picks up the hat from the floor, dusting it off. “I think this belongs to you.” 
You give a bashful smile, but instead of putting the accessory in your outstretched hand, he gingerly places it on top of your head. Your glasses have slid down your nose from bending over to clean up his mess, and his thumbs gently push the joints of the frames until they’re sitting in their rightful place. 
“There,” He punctuates his statement with a resolute tug on your hat, making sure it’s securely on your head. “Perfect.”
You preen at him, eyes sparkling, before you cast them down at the floor. Dustin comes running around the corner, closely followed by Mike and Lucas. All of them are carrying armfuls of miscellaneous Halloween supplies, obviously alarmed at the clamor, but not alarmed enough that they didn’t take their sweet time coming from the opposite end of the store. Eddie takes advantage of your bashfulness and distinctly shoots them a look that says get the hell out of here. Dustin’s eyes dart between the two of you before they widen and his mouth forms a small oh. He sends Eddie an exaggerated wink, walking backward in order to not interrupt the private moment, dragging his two friends along with him.
“Thanks,” You smile at him. “For protecting me. I know who to bring with me if I ever want to walk through a haunted house.” 
He gives a lopsided grin, “My pleasure.”
“Ahem.” You clear your throat, “Anyways, what are your plans for Halloween?”
This is it. This is the moment that Eddie has been waiting for since he put down his guitar and his notebook and opened the trailer door. 
“That depends.” He clasps his hands behind his back, jutting his chin up in the air. “Are you working tomorrow?”
“I get off at four.” 
“The Hawk is doing this continuous horror movie marathon. Maybe you would want to go?” Eddie’s fingers are practically vibrating with excitement. He nearly forgets the most important part. “With me? I mean— Only if you like horror movies, I just figured because I’ve seen you walking around with that Stephen King novel. NOT that I’ve been watching you or anything!”
You let out a small giggle. The fact that you’re laughing and smiling is a good sign, even if it is slightly at his expense. He decides to lean into self-deprecation, hoping it’ll seem more charming than desperate. 
“I’d say I don’t scare easily, but I think we’d both know that’s a lie by now.”
You scribble something near the bottom of the paper on the clipboard, delicately folding it and ripping it off before placing it in Eddie’s palm. 
“Well, I’ve heard horror movies are less scary if you have someone to hold your hand.”
It doesn’t even matter that a ghost animatronic essentially acted as his wingman. The note with your number on it sits heavily in his pocket, thumb tracing over looped ink. Even though it’s cold as shit, he embarrassed himself, and signs of the spooky season decorate every corner, Eddie has a smile that rivals even the best of jack-o-lanterns. 
As Eddie turns off towards the dirt path that leads to Forrest Hills Trailer Park, the smile still hasn’t faded. 
For once, the streets of Hawkins seem a little less haunted. 
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likes are appreciated, comments and reblogs are cherished ♥️
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pansyfemme · 6 months
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jude + he/him + nineteen
FTM femfag colorfreak and general rainbow lover. I’m a sophomore in art school, a lover of obscure indie pop, and a guy who makes transgender penis jokes on the internet. Stay weird with it always, yknow?
I’m veryyyyyy t4t towards other trans guys butch, fem, femme, and masc alike and this is 90% of my content fair warning.
Art: @fagboyfriend
Twee/Indie Pop blog : @upforabit
dm for nsfw blog
selfies are under: #Jude pansyfem irl
putting a short faq under cut bc. i get the same questions a lot. check it before you ask about my icon or header or anything
How long have you been on T/How do you have a beard at 19? I came out at 12 years old, started blockers at 14 and HRT later that same year, and had top surgery at 17, making me 5 years on t and 2.5 years post op.
What show/game/comic is your icon from? its a cropped version of the album cover of the 1999 album “shake the pounce” by vancouver based twee pop band Gaze. It’s a favorite album of mine as well as just a cool little guy i like a lot
Where is your header from? a painting i did in gouache a year or two ago and thought would make a nifty header.
Oh come on, you’re not unboyfriendable! “unboyfriendable” has been my title for a long time now on account of it being a lyric from a song that means a lot to me, “all my little words” by the magnetic fields. i promise i am very fuckable im just really into sad music sometimes
How do I refer to you? Actually, i don't get this question a lot, and I shouldn't, since this info is both in my pinned above and in my bio. But a lot of people still seem awful confused. I am male. FTM. I use He/Him pronouns and masculine terms with the exception of compliments like 'pretty' and all that. I am not nonbinary, and do not like to be referred to gender neutrally. I simply am a trans man who enjoys gender non conformity and cross-dressing.
Are you Bi or Gay? this world is full of beauty. im queer. take that how you will. I generally consider myself open to any gender as long as they’re trans, (i am strictly t4t.) but still identify pretty strongly with being a queer guy in the way that i do like other men.
What style are you wearing/where do you get your clothes? I started by wearing my personal version of the japanese fashion subculture Decora Kei. My decora became a bit messy and grungy, and while i do still identify as a decora boy and wear full coords from time to time, i consider myself now someone who enjoys colorful fashion and takes influence from 90s harajuku fashion, punk subcultures, drag and other campy fashion. I shop a variety of places, but a lot of my stuff is from Kei Collective or Candy Trap.
What is Twee/Do you Make Music? Twee is a music genre I developed a special interest in a few years back. It's a style of indie pop that originated after the UK rise of the famous c86 compilation tape in the late eighties, and was developed with a focus on low-fidelity, diy sound combined with upbeat, bubblegum-y pop sentiments and a naive, childlike outlook. It's both cute and somewhat rough around the edges. I do not make music, and don’t hold any musical skill. I’m just a major fan.
Do you take commissions? you may direct all art related questions to my art blog inbox, but for the time being, please just dm me for commission info. I take them on a case by case basis currently, im a full time student and have a lot on my plate. I’ll let you know my availability and pricing upon request, but i generally prefer the ‘you tell me your vision, i give you a quote and you tell me if that works for you’ model of pricing because each peice is considered its own thing in my mind. Pricing for ‘full body’ or ‘lineart’ doesnt work for me beacause the media and subject doesn’t really dictate how much time or effort a peice will take for me.
Can you boost/reblog this post for me? This is a tough answer, i know, but if we are not mutuals, or I do not know you, I cannot do that for you. My reasoning being that I have been baited by very similar asks in the past that turned out to be scams, and I do not want to take the risk of spreading misinformation or scams now that I have a much larger following. I do my best to spread stuff that ends up on my dash and/or I can factcheck, but if I do not have that, I will be wary, considering my past interactions.
Can we be friends/Can I DM you? Anyone is welcome to send me a message of any type at any time, unless I have those settings changed, in which case i likely have it off short term, because i experience fairly regular transphobic harassment and i find it the best way to protect myself. However, just understand that I am a stranger on the internet. I don't always want to continue every conversation, and I'm not online all the time. I have all push notifications for tumblr turned off, including asks and dms, because it's much better for my mental health to be able to opt out of tumblr the moment I close the app. So, if i don't respond, i'm probably just doing something else or didn't see your message. And, if you come in full force flirtatiously, i appriciate it greatly and i'm sure i'll let you know, but i'm pretty shy one on one. Additionally, i may not respond if you're a blank blog, way older or younger than me, or honestly.. anything that makes me uncomfortable. so like. all of these are pretty basic rules but, people don't follow them so i must clarify.
Do you have a DNI? I haven't in a long time, due to it being pretty frequently ignored and my following count growing to the point i can't really control that anymore. I can and will block people, but i feel my opinions are made fairly clear through what I post here.
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dreamgrlarchive · 6 months
A Prissy Girl’s Guide to Spring
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since i won’t be active on tumblr when next spring comes around, and i’ve done 3/4 seasons, i felt it was appropriate to go ahead and finish the series! if you find yourself inspired by my aesthetic/looks, you can absolutely use this as a guide for the next primavera season! 🐇
what’s the look this spring?
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my personal forecast for fashion spring ‘24 is “pink pilates bimbo” for sure. the renewal of spring is the time for a wellness reset. so i’ll be engaging in a physical activity but i’ll still be in barbie attire. pink athleisure pieces with super girly additions is my predicted aesthetic. 🎀
first and foremost…
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let’s talk about what spring symbolizes: renewal, cleansing, and restarting. that makes itself apparent in the seasons colors; the darkness of winter transitions to the soft pastels of spring.
start spring cleaning and prepping for seasonal allergies. stock up on in season fruits to keep in the house. take up outside activities like biking, outdoor yoga, and jogging. buy new fragrances. prep your skin and hair for the overtime humidity.
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pretty umbrella
allergy meds/quarterly check up
new water bottle/tumbler
fresh and clean candles + home fragrances
matcha and jade citrus tea
neti pot
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clothes and accessories
pink athleisure. the lululemon strawberry milkshake jacket is a must! (or a dupe if you’re on budget)
foldover yoga pants
bedazzled pieces
pastel colored pieces
cute mini bags
victoria’s secret totes
tennis skirts
sheer + lacey tops
florals for spring? groundbreaking.
glitter + sequins
satin dresses
lace up sandals
hunter boots
coach baguettes
victoria’s secret co-ords, leggings and sweaters
ballet flats
ugg slippers + fluff sandals
cute gym shoes with pink/sparkly details
lace up pieces
baby blue is a staple color for spring
ruffle trims
warm materials + revealing cuts
“pastry princess” looks inspired by sweets and dessertz
cropped baby tees
stripper heelz
diamond jewelry
body jewelry + belly chainz
sparkly hair clips and headbands
butterfly aesthetics
ribbons and bows
ostrich feathers
sparkly keychains and wristlets
bodysuits + heels combo
statement jewelry like hello kitty, fruit or desserts
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pretty eye pigments (try mac, huda or iconic london)
vibrant pinks
warm bronzer
glitter gloss
translucent glosses in pink and orange
charlotte tilbury flawless filter
nars super orgasm blush
morphe 8r complexion palette
morphe nikita palette
natasha denona diamond & glow (favvv)
a bunch of clear glosses
fenty diamond bomb
fenty fussy gloss bomb
urban decay moondust shadows
cake beauty products
joseon spf 50
bright and/or floral fragrances (gucci flora gorgeous gardenia, jimmy choo illicit flower, carolina herrera good girl blush, juliette has a gun collection, yves saint laurent mon paris intensement, marc jacobs daisy fragrances)
victoria’s secret love spell + warm and cozy + la crème fragrances
sol de janeiro body mists
body shimmer (fenty beauty or bath and body works)
sweet body butters
sol de janeiro beija flor
exfoliating gloves
juicy sheet masks
cetaphil moisturizing cream
native candy shop collection
victoria’s secret tease + eau so sexy
5 blade razors and post shave oil
cute mirrors to keep in my purses
glitter nails
lavenders and pinks
protein treatments for moisture overload
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ihavethedreamies · 1 month
Peach | Jaemin
Na Jaemin - NCT Dream
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Rating: M (18+) MDNI
Word Count: ~2.5k
Pairing: Jaemin x AFAB!Reader
Genre: Reader-Insert, Smut, Established Relationship, Porn without Plot
!!This is smut…if that much isn't clear you should probably leave now!! MDNI!
Warnings: She/Her Pronouns used, Swearing, Kissing, Oral (M! & F! Receiving/Anal), Anal Play, Sex Toys (Butt Plug, Butterfly Vibrator), Deepthroating/Face-Fucking, Rough Sex, Squirting, Daddy Kink (he calls himself that once), Unprotected Sex (Don’t!!)
Summary: Jaemin isn't too happy his girlfriend doesn't like peaches…
Author's Note: This series was supposed to be of drabbles, at least this is the longest.
This is only vaguely based off of Smoothie…I say this because I got the idea for a fruit theme, but past that its unrelated.
🍉 Mark 🍉
🍇 Renjun 🍇
🍌 Jeno 🍌
🍒 Haechan 🍒
🍓 Chenle 🍓
🍍 Jisung 🍍
I am cross-posting this on Archive. Please reblog! If you know anyone that would like this or future fics but they aren't on here my name and icon are exactly the same on the other site. Happy reading!
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"You really don't like peaches?" Your boyfriend looked at you, looked utterly dejected at this new information. You sighed, flapping the produce bag so it would open, holding it to him. He dumped the five peaches into the bag he had carefully cradled in his arms and then added two more for good measure. As you put the bag in the cart you shrugged.
"I will eat them sometimes. They just are…weird."
"Weird how?" Jaemin took the cart from your grasp so he could push it for you.
"Why are they fuzzy?" You were a bit ashamed to admit why you disliked them so much. The texture was just so odd, it was like velvet. And you hated velvet too, it was unnatural. You much preferred nectarines, of a similar vein but NOT fuzzy.
"But they are so sweet and juicy…" He stopped to send you a mischievous look, "like you." He booped your nose with his finger then continued on, leaving you staring after him in disgust.
"Why do I love you?" You mumbled, trudging after him.
"Because I'm sweet and juicy too." He replied way too casually. You rolled your eyes and you two continued to shop, eventually getting the canned food. You grabbed a couple of different things, and you watched him put a can of pre-cut peaches in.
"We're buying fresh ones." You took it back out so he would put it back.
"These aren't fuzzy, maybe you'll like these." Jaemin tipped the can back and forth in your face, putting it in the cart once again. They weren't expensive, so you just let it happen. In the candy isle, you looked for your favorite kind and he came over with some Japanese brand of chewy candies, and they were peach flavored.
"I will convince you to like something peach. Don't make me get the Crush soda!" He pointed at you, finger close but not touching your forehead. Sighing you dropped the issue, finishing shopping then going back home. You sat at the counter eating some chips as he put the rest of the groceries away, he wouldn't let you help. He said it was because you were too short to reach everything, but he really just liked spoiling you. When he was done, he brought over the bag of peaches, setting each one on the counter in a row, smallest to largest.
"What the hell are you doing?" You asked, not sure you wanted to know the answer. He didn't answer, taking the can of peaches, opening it, and placing seven of the slices on a paper plate. In front of each peach, he put one of the candies.
"What. Are. You. Doing?" You reiterated and he held up his hand, telling you to wait.
"If you eat a certain number of each one, I will do different things for you."
"Like what?"
"What do you think, baby girl?" He leaned on the counter, smirking and you shuffled in your seat under his intense gaze. Clearing your throat, you closed the chip bag and shoved them to the side.
"Alright. What are they?"
"One candy equals one minute of making out." He pointed at each one. Jaemin moved to the slices on the plate.
"One is I'll let you ride my thigh." You nodded for him to continue.
"Two, I'll get you off with my fingers. Three, your vibrator. Four I'll let you suck me off at the same time. Six, I'll cum in your mouth, and all seven I'll fuck your face." He listed off, recognizing the look on your face with each level. He knew you too well. You swallowed hard and he flashed a devilish grin.
"Okay, what about those." You nodded toward the full fruits. He held one up.
"If you only eat one of these, I'll have you sit on my face. If you do all the other ones, plus one of these…" He drifted off, trying to keep his face flat, but he was still smirking. Your eyes followed his hand as he put the fruit down and pulled a bottle out of his pocket you had no idea was there. He set it down, the fluid inside was a peachy color…
"I'll use this." Jaemin leaned back against the counter opposite the island as you looked at the bottle.
"Real original. Peach flavored butt lube…" You sighed, but your cunt clenched at the thought. You had been talking about experimenting…
"Okay, deal." You agreed, holding your hand out to shake and he grinned.
"You sure, baby?"
"We'll see." You shrugged, trying to stay nonchalant. You were a little nervous, the last time you had canned peaches, you gagged at the slimy texture. The candies weren't too worrying, the artificial flavor was probably quite different from real peaches. He took you hand and shook it, leaning back again, nodding for you to start. Unwrapping the first gummy, you slid it into your mouth, the sugar decorating the outside rough on your tongue as your teeth sank in. It really wasn't too bad, though you wouldn't go out of your way to buy any.
"One minute." You started, unwrapping the next gummy. After you had chewed and eaten all seven, Jaemin smirked, coming around the island, and pulling off the stool to him. As he brought you to and settled on the couch, he set a timer for seven minutes, cracking some joke about seven minutes in heaven, then hauled you down onto his lap. He groaned exaggeratedly as he pulled you down to seal your lips with his, tongue already snaking its way into your mouth. Your head swam as Jaemin kissed you, he really was too good at it. You felt a bit of saliva drip down your chin, he was rough and noisy. You both were sucking air in harshly through your noses since you couldn't use you mouths, but not wanting to cut short the seven minutes in any way. When his phone alarm went off, his hand buried in your air and forced you to pull back from the kiss. You were both panting, but you were way more than him, with that stupid cocky grin on his ridiculously attractive face. With ease, he stood, you still on his lap. This forced  you to wrap your legs and arms around him with a yipe and he went back to the kitchen, setting you on the island counter. He slid the plate over to you, grabbing a spare plastic fork and handing it over. This was more nerve wracking for you. You pondered if literally swallowing the slices whole would be less skeevy than chewing them since they got kind of rubbery in the can. Taking the first piece, you brought it to you lips, cringing at the taste of the syrup they put in the can to keep them the right texture. Sliding it in, the slippery texture made you gag slightly, so you just bit it in half, then swallowed both pieces. Thinking of it like a medication pill made it go down easier, since those weren't supposed to be appetizing.
"Thigh." He recited, stepping forward even further, standing between your legs where you sat on the counter. You swallowed again, making sure the pieces were done and then proceeded to do it again. The flavor wasn't too bad, but the texture was still unpleasant.
"Fingers." Another, swallowing both halves.
"My cock." He placed his thumb over your lip, swiping a bit of the syrup away.
"My cum." You licked you lips that time, swallowing hard to get the rest of the sixth piece down. When you finally ate the last slice, he smiled deviously, running his index finger down your throat, as if following the fruit as you swallowed it. Before you could do anything yourself, he pulled away, dashing to the bedroom, coming back out with your butterfly vibrator. He came back over, pulling your butt to the edge, running his hand up your thigh and under your skirt. You shifted so he could flip it up, smiling at your pink panties. He pulled them to the side, your slick letting the silicone head of the small vibrator slide in easily. You shivered a bit as he got it all in and let your underwear settle back in place, the wings of the bottom of the toy cupping your whole cunt. He helped you off the counter, and you got on your knees in front of him. As you pulled his hard cock out of his sweat pants, you whined, lapping up the drop of precum beaded at his head. Jaemin smirked, holding the remote for you to see, then turning it on. Your breath hitched as he increased the intensity, you squatted further so the base of the toy hit the floor, allowing you to press it into your more. Opening your mouth wide, you sat like a good girl as he took his cock in his hand, leading it in. Listening to you breathe roughly through your nose, he kept going, filling your throat with his cock. Your eyes rolled back at the sensation, loving the feeling of your throat trying to accommodate but not gag. Jaemin just held his cock there, your nose pressed to his groin, your hips rutting against your toy. When he could tell you needed to breathe, he pulled his hips back enough to allow you respite, then started to thrust his hips. Every fifth thrust, he shoved his cock as deep as he could, his palm laying over your throat feeling it stretch with his girth. He groaned loudly, he always did.
"Fuck, baby girl~" Your eyes were watering, tears flowing over your cheeks, breaths harsh through your nose and he knew you were close like him. His thumb hit the button the remote again and at the new intensity, you hit your climax, your moan around his cock helping him finish as well. You nearly sobbed as hot, thick spurts of his cum went straight down your throat. It seemed to never end, and your vision blurred from lack of air. Jaemin noticed and pulled halfway out, a few small spurts of cum still leaving his cock, then pulled out completely so you could suck in oxygen. His cock was a mess of saliva and release. Panting from where you squatted on the floor, you watched him shut the toy off, sighing in relief, and he picked up the full peach that time.
"Undress and get on the bed." He ordered and you scrambled to do so, sliding the toy out and throwing it in the bathroom sink. You slid your clothes off and sat at the end of the bed like a good girl, he came in not even a minute later, only in his pants and holding the peeled and cut fruit on a plate in his hand. Setting it down next to you, he went to the nightstand and got the plug you had bought last week.
"Start." You hadn’t made good on the deal yet, but he knew you would. When you picked up the first piece, you were relieved it wasn't nearly as slimy or sticky as the canned stuff, but you were kind of full from the previous parts, as well as what you swallowed of Jaemin's release. You were feeling impatient, so you scarfed it down, shocking him a bit, but you were licking the last of the juice off your fingers when he came to stand in front of you. He had given you the smaller one luckily, so you didn't have much to eat.
"Roll over, get on your knees." He smacked your ass lightly and you crawled up the bed, doing so, face on the sheets, butt in the air. He grinned, your slick folds had dripped down over your pucker. He opened the cap of the bottle, you shivered when the slightly cold fluid hit your rim. You had expected the tip of his finger, or even the end of the plug, but you gasped when instead, his tongue ran around your back entrance. It was peach flavored not just scented.
"Fuck, 'Min." It was an odd sensation, but not totally unwelcome. He noted that the lube had a very artificial taste, he much preferred the real thing, but if it was you he eating instead, that was fine. After a few minutes, he pulled his face away, licking his lips, then picked up the plug.
The toy was pretty small, but he still slathered it in lube, as well as your rim. He watched the muscle flutter around the silicone, and you whined a bit.
"Breathe." He coached and slid the plug into your ass. Your breath hitched, then you sighed and relaxed once it was in.
"How's that, baby girl?" Jaemin stroked the skin of your ass cheek with his thumb, your cunt visibly fluttering.
"W-weird." You admitted, and he hummed.
"Jaemin~" You practically squealed when the head of his dick ran through your slick folds, but he was taking his take actually starting to press in.
"Please!" You wanted to cry, needing him and so he relented, sliding home. You let out a slight choking noise, the burn of his cock stretching you so fast and hard, along with the plug in your ass, was overwhelming. He was nice enough to let you adjust to the new sensation of having something in both wholes, but it always took a while for you to get used to his cock. From behind he reached the deepest part of your cunt, and your tight gummy walls gripped to every ridge and vein of him. There was no verbal warning for him starting, but you saw his hands rest on and grip the head board, prompting you to do the same with the sheets.
"Fuck, princess!" He laughed in glee, not trying to be gentle in any sense, bullying his cock into your pussy as hard as he could, like he was rearranging your insides. Each thrust took your breath away, making you nearly hyperventilate. He was spewing the sweetest filth, praising you and your cute little cunt. How well you took his fat cock, and how much he loved fucking you stupid. You could barely babble in reply, tiny orgasms washing over you over and over.
"J-J-Jaemin-!" You dug your teeth into the pillow, the next wave coming was much stronger.
"Okay, baby girl, cum for daddy~" He chuckled as you whimpered, another hand thrust, and he was even taken away by your orgasm. Your cunt clenched even tighter around his cock than he thought possibly, spurts of slick spilling from your cunt, dripping and puddling onto the sheets. It was too much, too hot, that he made a few more shallow thrusts, then spilled inside you. You milked him dry, it felt like, and it made an even bigger mess. He sat inside you till he had nearly softened all the way, letting you calm down some and slowly pulling out. His finger circled the base of the plug, the end of it had a little emoji peach on it.
"You like peaches now, princess?”
🍉 Mark 🍉
🍇 Renjun 🍇
🍌 Jeno 🍌
🍒 Haechan 🍒
🍓 Chenle 🍓
🍍 Jisung 🍍
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lullabyes22-blog · 2 months
FnF Characters in an Acting AU + Shipping AMV Reactions
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For you @frostybearpaws
Mel: Former model. Not just any model, mind you. We're talking Iman or Naomi Campbell levels of powerhouse. She is the muse for a dozen fashion brands, from Versace to St. Laurent. Fluent in a half-dozen languages. Has an MA in art history. A prodigy at piano and harpsichord. Her social media is sublime eye candy; she is lauded as a style icon, and highly sought after by Vanity Fair and Vogue for covers.
Champions tirelessly for better roles for black women in TV and film. Outspoken advocate of the #MeToo movement. Passionately antiwar, and works with a number of educational advocacy groups. Has even made a formal speech before Congress.
re: the AMVs - "Oh this is delightfully done." Flattered by the passionate responses of fans, and amused by the spirited fanbase split between Meljay and Melco. When asked who she ships: "Meljay, I'm afraid. Silco has his charming qualities. But Mel needs someone who will prioritize her, and only her."
Violet: Relative newcomer. Mostly typecast in sporty 'tough chick' roles. Had a big breakout role in a "Bend it Like Beckham" type early 2000s film. The scriptwriters chickened out with a heteronormative ending, but fans latched on to all the queer subtext in film. She's got a huge Insta following, due to her popularity in the fandom, her status as an LGBTQ+ icon, or her being an ex-pro athlete.
She's a big proponent for more diverse representation in pop culture. She also has a degree in gender studies, and is an avid fanfiction reader. She's even written some smutty one-shots of her own <3
re: the AMVs: "Wow. Just... wow." Speechless at how horny y'all are.  Like, off the chains horny. And she's totally not judging. At all. But... "Damn. Take a cold shower, guys."
Sssh. She ships CaitVi too.  And she agrees the Nao arc was uncalled for. "Idk what the writers were thinking. Vi would never cheat on Cait. Even if they did break up." </3
Jayce: Child actor who was thrust into the limelight after starring in a 1990s sitcom. It was cancelled, but ended up having a massive cult following. His last big project was the 2000s comedy flick, "Freaks of Zaun," which, despite a critical drubbing, remains a favorite of the genre. He's kind of a douche irl, but fans are still super into him. He's also an influencer, and runs a successful YouTube channel where he posts workout routines, travel vids, and other lifestyle-adjacent stuff.
Huge fanboy of his own character, and never shuts up about him.
re: the AMVs: "You know what? I kinda get it. These are pretty good." Is a little miffed at the whole "Jayce is an idiot" meme.  “Look, he's a fucking scientist. I don't think a stupid guy could pull off the invention of Hextech." He also doesn't appreciate the ship wars, especially when it gets into toxic territory. "C'mon, guys. It's acting. There are no actual relationships. Don't turn this into a hatefest."
Has gotten cancelled once already. He's since learned not to touch that particular can of worms.
Ships MelJay and tolerates JayVik. Blanches at the mention of JayCo.
Jinx: Total newbie to the industry. Was a former gymnast, and an Olympian in the making. A torn meniscus put her out of the competition. Her agent, who'd been trying to convince her to switch to acting, seized the opportunity to get her in front of the camera. She's never had a day's training. But she's a natural. Her energy is infectious, and her charm is unmatched. A real sweetheart, too. Loves dogs and is a vegan. Advocates tirelessly for animal rights.
re: the AMVs: Shrieking at the first video like a kid in a candy shop. "Is this real? How do I join?" The first to suggest livestreaming the cast's reactions. She's not a fan of shipping wars, but has a live-and-let live attitude. Will scroll through instagram liking any video or post that has #Timebomb in the tag - her favorite ship, btw. She also likes Melco, Sevilco and JayVik.
But not Cait/Vi. Or Jinx/Silco.
"Just... yuck."
(CaitVi shippers accuse her routinely of homophobia. She's not homophobic. She's ace-aro. She's just finds the CaitVi pairing boring.)
Sevika: A rising star, and a fan favorite. She was a former MMA fighter before an accident left her with a paralyzed left arm. She'd been content to go the rest of her life as a trainer, until a talent scout noticed her. She was cast as a supporting character in a cop procedural. It ran three seasons, but her charisma made her a longstanding fandom icon. Audiences in FnF have been clamoring for more screen time, and the writers have been accommodating. Rumor has it that they're working on an origin story arc, where she'll be the main character.
re: the AMVs: "How'd this become a thing? You're all fucking weird." Has an opinion on every video. Doesn't hold back. Her reviews are highly anticipated, and fans love her blunt commentary. She doesn’t ship anyone. But she will like any MelCo tags that cross her Twitter feed.
Not because she thinks they're hot, but because she hates Jayce, and thinks it'd be fun to watch him suffer.
Married IRL to Mel, whom she met on set<3
Caitlyn: Nepo baby. Her parents were both Academy Award-nominated actors, who met while filming a romcom. They've had an on-again, off-again relationship for the last thirty years. Cait has been in the industry her whole life, and acting professionally since she was five. Her resume is filled with romantic comedies and period pieces. She's been compared to Audrey Hepburn, and is considered a classic Hollywood beauty. Originally, she was cast in the role of Nandi, opposite "young" Silco. But the Vekauran community derided the casting as whitewashing, and her chemistry with young Silco was totally lacking. She was recast as Vi's romantic interest, and the rest is history.
She's a huge fan of CaitVi, and is known for her frequent appearances at Comic Con. Always happy to pose with cosplayers of her character. She also has a penchant for weird memes.
re: the AMVs: Has a very strict rule about never Googling her name. Opts out of the shipping wars, too. "If it makes people happy, who am I to judge?"
Vander: Former action star, and a fan favorite. Played a superhero vigilante in the late 80s. Known for his iconic lines: "We can do this the easy way. Or the hard way." He had a string of hit films before the industry shifted away from the genre. His career suffered, and he found himself typecast in a string of poorly-received knock-offs of his old films. His final movie tanked at the box office, and he nearly threw in the towel. But his manager convinced him to audition for the show.
He and Silco are known for their on-screen chemistry, and were the subject of a lot of "Are they?" questions. In an interview with the Hollywood Reporter, Vander even stated, "Look, I'd do Silco. It's no secret." Which caused quite the stir on the internet. Sources still aren’t sure if he meant the actor or the character.
He's a huge fan of the show, and a proud member of the fandom. He ships Jinx & Silco, but as platonic soul-family. He's also a CaitVi and Timebomb fan.
re: the AMVs: "Aww, this is cute." He's the most positive out of the bunch.  Is a bit weirded out by the fan obsession with his love life. "I mean, I'm flattered, really. But c'mon, guys. I have a husband." Is super active on Twitter, and frequently replies to fans.
Viktor: Little-known actor from a small country in Eastern Europe. He'd been an up-and-coming romantic hero, guest-starring in a popular soap opera. When a visa snafu kept him from appearing on the show, he was replaced. But the fans revolted. They loved the character, and didn't want to see him gone. The studio listened, and after he found good legal representation, he was able to secure a permanent work visa and keep the role.
Very sweet and reserved; he's not really into social media, or even the internet.
re: the AMVs: Totally geeking out over them. Has a huge crush on Jinxtor, but doesn't realize it's a no-no in the USA as Jinx is 18, and Viktor is 34. He enjoys JayVik as both a scienbros dynamic and as a romantic couple.
Favorite ship is SkyVik. He's even collaborated with a few AMV creators on Youtube on a whole collection of SkyVik videos.
"It's a tragic love story, no?"
Silco: Indie darling. He was a teen star in the early 80s, and garnered a small but loyal fanbase. His first film was a horror flick, where he played a troubled runaway who'd been possessed by a demon. The raw animalism of the performance garnered him a Golden Globe nomination, and his subsequent projects had a similar gothic flair. He's also starred in a number of subversive art house films. His breakout role was the dissolute vampire king in the cult classic, "Blood for Blood" - for which he snagged an Oscar nod.
IRL he's a vocal advocate for unionization, and regularly attends protests in support of worker's rights. Conversely, he's also a vocal proponent of capital punishment.
re: the AMVs: Is mystified at first. Then intrigued. Then appreciative. "This is quite good. The editing. The cinematography. The music. It's not all amateurish, as one might expect." Mostly, he's a silent observer. Always watching, and seldom commenting. A veritable mystery.
He ships CaitVi, but only for the aesthetic. Jilco gets a raised eyebrow and a headshake. Vanco gets a crooked smile. Sevilco, and he'll actually chuckle.
"You are a strange, strange people."
His favorite ship is Melco. Largely because he and Mel had a fling irl during his tenure on the show.
Ekko: Hearthrob of the fanbase. He's an influencer, and runs a YouTube channel where he reviews tech toys and gadgets. His fans are mostly teens, and he has an adorable 'too cool for school' schtick. He's a huge nerd, though, and is actually a prodigy when it comes to mechanical engineering. His parents were scientists, and he was homeschooled his whole life. He got his first TV role by winning a game show, where he had to create a prototype toy that would be marketed and sold to kids.
He's also the funniest out of the cast. And he knows it. Always quick with a zinger, and can turn even the most awkward situation into a comedy routine.
re: the AMVs: Cracks up over the first few videos. Then becomes an avid fan of the whole genre. Has a soft spot for Timebomb, but he and Jinx are friends irl, so he doesn't want to make things weird. Comes up with his own random ships to troll the fanbase.
Ekko/Vi - "A disaster. Imagine how awkward that would be."
Ekko/Mel - "She's totally out of his league. But I'm down to see how it would go."
Ekko/Sevika - "Now, that would be something. She is one hot mama."
Ekko/Jayce - "I'd top him. There, I said it."
Ekko/Cait - "She's totally a virgin. She'd die."
Ekko/Silco - "Fuck this guy, amirite? Literally."
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loveleejae · 5 months
thread : ​​the boyz's boyfriend vibe
🤍 💌 🤍
once a month, you go to the amusement park with his nephews, ride the carousels and eat cotton candy. getting to know your and his parents. a serious relationship. mom and dad for all the boyz
a joint vacation in canada. a photo on the background of niagara falls, which has been a screensaver on a laptop for 5 years. hiking in the mountains and guitar songs. hugs in front of the tv every night. every morning messages "good morning, sun💛"
shopping is like the best date, with his comments "I'm the best model of our time, right?". watching melodramas together. after which you have to calm down an overly sentimental younghoon 🥺 new cute selfies in dm every day
constant jokes that only you laugh at (just because you love him). eternal hugs and kisses on the cheek, because he loves skinship very much. he grumbles solicitously when you forget to eat or dress lightly. every day before going to bed, messages "I heart you 🤍"
frequent dates in cat cafe. weekend evenings as an excuse to drink red wine and arrange a book reading together. he takes you to a museum, after which he will say that you are the main art there. he will bring home a cat and say that it is your son (after which there will be outrage from eric, who thought that he would be the child)
the best english teacher. because he teaches from beyonce's songs. during video calls, lullabies will be played on the synthesizer before going to bed. the constant competition "who twerks better", which he always wins. thanks to him and morty, you will stop being afraid of snakes
all weekend you lie under the covers and watch cute videos with cats (with the same ones as new). you're like that iconic meme " - it's ugly. - I don't like it either." he will make sure that you eat well and properly, he will cook everything you ask for himself
on weekends, as a tradition, there is a marathon of horror films. sometimes, instead of kisses, soft "bite" on the cheeks. he takes you to an amusement park, where he will win a stuffed giraffe, which you will name after him
you have a stomach ache from laughing all the time because his jokes are amazing. there are a lot of tangerines at home for the new year, which his mother sent. an annual joint vacation in jeju. he will introduce you to the whole 99-line
mutual pranks as the meaning of this relationship. "who's flirting with whom." after you take his t-shirt, he'll put on your top and say, "it suits me better." he flirts in dm at random like "are your parents space by any chance? then where did they get such a sun?"
a joint vacation in los angeles. he will teach you how to ride a surfboard. best friends with his mom. you'll be bothering juyeon together. he will grumble that the house is not tidy, and in return he will receive grumble for the fact that everyone wakes up because of his alarm clock, but not him
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[don't repost]
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ikezuyawa · 30 days
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Goods list for the new Doukyuusei series pop up shop. More details: Link
A3 Original Art Reproduction - 22,000 yen
Big Acrylic Stand (2 types, 170mm H x 79mm W) - 1,925 yen each
Clear File Set (2 types) - 990 yen
Tin Badge Collection Vol.1 (Holographic, Random, 6 types) - 495 yen each OR 2,970 yen for the whole set
Tin Badge Collection Vol.2 (Glittery, Random, 10 types) - 495 yen each OR 4,950 yen for the whole set
Acrylic Dialogue Stand (5 types) - 1,815 yen each
Acrylic Diorama - 4,070 yen
Double-Sided Illustration Card Set - 660 yen for all 5
Canvas Art (2 types) - 4,950 yen each
Acrylic Panel (2 types) - 3,850 yen each
Magnetic Candy Tin (Removable middle magnet) - 1,650 yen
Tin Badge Set - 1,100 yen for both
Iconic Scene Clear Card Collection (16 types, random) - 440 yen each OR 7,040 yen for the box
Mini Towel - 990 yen
Mug - 1,980 yen
Pouch - 1,980 yen
Daily Tote Bag - 2,750 yen
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For every 2,000 yen spent, you will receive a random mini illustration card (left picture). For every 5,000 yen spent, you will receive a venue-exclusive illustration card, however this one is exclusive to in-store purchases and will not be included in the mail order period (right picture).
All goods will be sold online after the event period through MEDICOS ONLINE SHOP.
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flowerytale · 6 months
I went to a pharmacy today with my ex boyfriend (I know, this sounds like a joke... But we still do this kind of things sometimes and everyone knows how much I LOVE pharmacies, especially the ones with a lot of skincare products). You also need to know that I'm not the biggest kid person (I'm horrible I know, feel free to unfollow) So, we were waiting in line and before us there was a mother and her son, he was probably like 3? I don't know, he was little... And he started to throw a freaking tantrum because he wanted lollipops and candies. His mom was so done (poor woman) that she picked a lollipop from the basket on the counter to keep him calm while she was buying her medicines. I don't know why but he started screaming and playing with that poor lollipop until he cracked it. Another thing you need to know is that my ex is an extremely calm person, so unbothered that it hurts. He didn't know what social anxiety was before knowing me lol but now he knows that some situations can overstimulate me (will forever be iconic the time when we went to ikea for the first time together after the lockdown and I started crying on the floor, behind an enormous box full of paper napkins💀) so he started looking at me very worried, but honestly I was more sorry for the mom than anything else (also because people can be so rude with struggling moms, she was very embarrassed) so I said to him smiling "Everything ok, but I'm so sorry for that poor lollipop". While we were talking the mom gave the kid a new lollipop and they left. Then I paid for my shopping and while he was talking with the pharmacist about his stuff I saw a friend and I went to say hello to her. He paid and while we were leaving he gave me two lollipops: one intact and the broken one. I almost cried. I don't know maybe I'm stupid... I don't even know why I'm writing this here, but it's always the small things for me. Now I have this two heart shaped lollipops, one is broken in half and the other one is still beautiful... And honestly I have ho idea which one I'm today.
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byghostface · 8 months
1. Some daminika headcanons
Damian is slightly shorter than Nika, but he didn't mind it much, cuz it's often an advantage for him to place his head on Nika's chest and listen to her heartbeats easily whenever they cuddle.
Damian loves to listen to Nika's heartbeats while they hug and hold Nika's hand constantly. Sometimes he would caress her wrist subconsciously like he is trying to check her pulse to make sure of her presence. (Nika finds it very endearing and soothing)
Nika is not afraid of cold as most people are, which might be due to her meta physique, and she often finds herself having cold hands. But Nika still loves to hug Damian like he is a warm plushie (naturally his body heat is higher than hers), and feeling the radio warmth from Damian is very pleasant to Nika. Damian is thrilled to warm Nika up at any chance he gets, this also makes it a great excuse for him to hold or hug her wherever he can. -[Do you have cold hands again?]-
Nika would give Damian casual kisses here and there pretty often, while Damian would sneak some smooches on her lips when they are in the more private spaces.
Nika has a sweet tooth, her favorite fruit flavors are strawberries, peaches, and grapes. Damian often tastes the flavors of sweet candy when they kiss. One time to prank her, Damian eats a mint candy just before they smooch, and Nika hates it instantly (it was a strong spicy mint, not the holidays' sweet peppermint she would enjoy), then refuses to kiss him for several days. Although Nika looks cute and intimidating with her tantrums, Damian regrets it a bit and ends up getting Nika some dark chocolate cookies to make up for her.
Nika would come to Wayne Manor early and do some makeovers with Damian before they went out on a date. Sometimes they would shop for more variable clothes and accessories together and plan on what to wear on their next date.
Damian and Nika both have no problem with PDA, but they're more at ease when there are just pedestrians in the background instead of acquaintances they frequently know. Most of the time is simple physical touch( hug, hand holding, etc.), but they would sneak little kisses when they think the people aren't watching. (Not caring much if people do see it though.)
They aren't hiding their relationship but they are not broadcasting it either. Although Damian likes to tell anyone who would listen about how he and Nika are an item, Nika thinks is cute but a little silly of him to decide on their relationship so quickly without her opinion. So they should figure out how their relationship would like to be privately for now. (But If you happen to know, so be it.)
Most of the time Damian is the little spoon(Nika is more initiative), but when Damian is uneasy Nika would let him be the big spoon so he could hold her better.
They had matching icons on chirper. They would also try to match their layout aesthetic and found some symbolism(emojis, stickers etc.) to represent each other.
1.2 (dates and activities).3 (taking care of each other, sleep habits, gifts) .pet names.art styles.asking game
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twst-rose-prisms · 28 days
Alisa Whiterose's profile
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𓇼 Bio 𓇼
- Dorm: Octavinelle
- Japanese: アリサ • ホワイトローズ (Arisa Howaitorozu)
- Birthday: July 10th (Cancer)
- Age: 16
- Height: 165cm
- Dominant hand: Right
- Homeland: Queendom of Roses
- Family: Unnamed Mother & Father Alice Whiterose (non-blood related sister)
- Voiced by: Kana Hanazawa
- Other Name(s): Mademoiselle Angelfish (by Rook)
𓇼 School 𓇼
- Grade: Freshman
- Class: Class D (no 5)
- Club: Board Game
- Best subject: Alchemy
𓇼 Preferences 𓇼
- Hobby: Shopping, Yoga
- Pet peeves: Saving money
- Favorite food: Strawberry candy
- Least favorite food: Green smoothie
- Talent: Photographic Memory
A cheerful, trendy girl who is a remarkable Magicam icon to her followers with her fashion sense. She loves cute things in general and likes to take pictures or selfies many times. Though in reality deep down, she's a cunning, calculating and somewhat cruel girl who isn't afraid to bend the truth to get what she wants. At least, she only gives that treatment to those who get on her bad side or break Azul's contract as one of his debt collector and assistant.
𓇼 Unique Magic 𓇼
Sugarhoney Whisper ( 嘘の行進 "Parade of Lies" ) Can bend the truth permanently with any lies she wants (even jokes or nonsensical words if she wants to). However, she can't lie to the same people with the same lie twice, and if they remembered the truth then the lie that she told them will become useless.
𓇼 Background 𓇼
Living under the sea can be both exciting and also scary at the same time, especially when you're not a carnivorous, big animal with sharp teeth or a giant body. You could easily be eaten or won't be big enough to survive, it was the same for Alisa. A tiny, feeble angelfish, that's all she was. Got drifted away from her family at a rather young age (at least, for a sea creature), and she learns what it's like to survive for yourself and yourself only in a harsh, but memorable way. She admires the land above the sea, she wants to feel the warm sunlight, and the bright and white clouds that she only heard in the tales under the sea. She only has one wish - and that is to become a human. A creature with limbs that can grab, touch and feel things easily. She isn't even a merfolk, which makes her wish, her desire grow stronger every day. Even fishes have sentience too you know!
She doesn't remember what happened or how she became a human, but she does remember her body above the water's surface, drifting near the shore as she opened her eyes and looked around at the unfamiliar world around her. Her life changed completely right at that exact moment as she realized she had gained a human body. Her wish finally came true, after oh so many years of longing and waiting.
𓇼 Trivia 𓇼
She is based on pink fluorescent Pterophyllum (Angelfish), she has a human form like other Octavinelle characters, even though she didn't her a merfolk form at first until after she had a human body that she gained one.
Her hair is styled like 2 long fins of an angelfish's body, although she doesn't seem to mind it, she did wish her hair to grow even at some times, which indicates that her hairstyle is natural.
Her merfolk form has fluorescent gills and tail that can glow under the sunlight, with clear, translucent fins and her eyes also turn into a more ruby-pinkish color. She rarely turns into her merfolk form because she is rather insecure about it.
She has an excellent photographic memory and can remember the exact details of a photo that caught her attention, she is also very good at remembering people's faces, Due to this, Azul made her one of his assistants and made her work on things that related to memories or when searching for his clients.
As her backstory stated, her real homeland wasn't Queendom of Roses like in her profile but it was the Coral Sea.
While one of her pet peeves is saving money, she is actually good at it, although it brings her frustration every time she does so.
Everywhere she goes she always puts on makeup including her school look to her PE uniform. It's also the same with manicures, she likes styling herself a lot in general and isn't afraid to show off her charm confidently.
Often stays at NRC for winter holidays and rarely goes back to her home, she prefers to stay at the dorm more as she doesn't seem to have a good relationship with her family, it seems that it's the same case with Alice - her older sister.
Coming from a family that specializes in selling potions or witchcraft tools, she has a good understanding of making potions especially alchemy, it's also her best subject.
Although she can appear cruel, that's not actually the case most of the time as stated in her profile. She is pretty friendly towards most people and is not afraid to start a conversation with others whether they're strangers or not.
She always wears a white ribbon with her name on the fabric everywhere she goes, even in selfies or photos she doesn't seem to take it off most of the time. To her, it's a "special gift to remind her of a special memory" and she seems to treasure it a lot.
She often uses modern slang in her sentence and doesn't seem to get embarrassed about it, she said that it's not because it's trendy that she does so but rather she is just fond of it and found it funny.
Despite being a freshman, she has her own henchman and often makes him work for her but it's mostly just carrying heavy things or buying stuff for her. She treats him like a good friend and often puts him in photos with her.
One thing she despises the most is photobombing, especially her selfies. She has her own "ritual" before taking a photo, from planning the angle, lighting, etc. and will get moody if her "ritual" gets interrupted or goes wrong.
She dislikes eating veggies in general but can tolerate them if she has to eat them, although green smoothie will definitely get a no from her.
She often has a sweet, candy smell coming from her as said by others, it's unknown whether it's natural or not as she will not give a clear answer or just smiles in a very cryptic way.
Like other Octavinelle students, she also works part-time at the Mostro Lounge, mostly at the bar and serving drinks with a cute, charming smile that would get others swooning for her (she is confident in her look).
She has a mole under her right eye, one on her left ear and right thigh. She isn't afraid to show them off or has no problems with it whatsoever.
Put her together with Cater and you'll hear nothing but a bunch of modern slang, trendy topics or talking about Magicam stuff in general. She also makes sure she catches up to the latest trends or gets updated on the latest news constantly. (Her phone case is also pretty eye-catching and customized to look very "Alisa-styled")
If you're reading this then first of all, thank you so much for reading till the end! I really appreciate it!! I'm finally done with my 2nd OC reworking! I'm happy with how she turn out even though she doesn't look that different comparing to her old design, but she got more drip! Really have fun designing all of my OCs so far so expect more to come in the future~
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beapuppycat · 2 years
ive seen too much criticism about the reboot and im just gonna ask you guys to be rational for a second. please stop making it seem like the reboot is soulless compared to the original because its not.
we get it, its not the same. i know we lost the "you took too long. now your candy's gone" line. i know we lost the stuttering "recipe" line, and "MY ASS, MY ASS, MY ASSSSSSSS" and the internal monologue to her dad and some really meaningful clips in the 'whats your favorite color' scene. those are iconic about the original. but just because something isn't the same as the original, doesnt mean its not good, and yall are making it seem that way, and it's genuinely upsetting to me
look at all the stuff we gained. we gained a more fleshed out, rounded version of both deckard's and cas' characters just from a few short scenes of vulnerability, some more explanation of their shop and family, and cas' explanation of how she met toast. and then we got more lesbian coded scenes of their relationship. we gained a more motherly bee and more explanation to how old puppycat is. we got animation thats more up to date with lazy in space's style. we got plot holes patched and abstract plot points that were pulled in to something we could make a bit more sense of. and we lost that scene where bee is at the beach and is abnormally tan, which is a win. no one talked about how weird that part is.. so im gonna put that here. and of course we got new pieces in the soundtrack and it was weaved in with the old so nicely.
you can talk about everything you miss about the original, thats fine... but to use that to try and discredit the reboot is such a disrespect to natasha and her team imo. its not bad to have to change some things to make a plot more linear. and it sucks because out of anyone i expected huge fans of the original to understand this and not have anything negative to say about the reboot man. im not saying everything about natasha and her team's creative decisions are perfect, but theyre damn good, and maybe you guys just want something to be mad about.
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miririririri · 2 years
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꧁𝐬𝐭𝐫𝐚𝐲𝐤𝐢𝐝𝐬 𝐚𝐬 𝐛𝐨𝐲𝐟𝐫𝐢𝐞𝐧𝐝𝐬꧂
➜ 𝚑𝚘𝚠 𝙸 𝚒𝚖𝚊𝚐𝚒𝚗𝚎 𝚜𝚝𝚛𝚊𝚢𝚔𝚒𝚍𝚜 𝚝𝚘 𝚊𝚌𝚝 𝚊𝚜 𝚢𝚘𝚞𝚛 𝚋𝚘𝚢𝚏𝚛𝚒𝚎𝚗𝚍
Genre: major fluffff
bang chan
• MAJOR simp
• he would be super nervous to ask you out at first
• but then once he asked he was over the moon you said yes
•buys small sweets and candies for you
• back hugs are a must
• love to cuddle 24/7
• if you were to ask for cuddles he would drop everything to be with you
• honestly this boy loves you more than anything and is glad he's yours
lee know
• very low key
• i feel like he would be normal to you in public or in front of the guys but when you're alone he is a baby
• he loves to do stuff for you, even if it's just handing you something
• LOVES to see you with his cats
• he seems like the person who would give small kisses here and there
• like sometimes he would give you one on your shoulder and the next on your nose etc.
• i feel like he would be big on starting prank wars between you guys
• overall man love you and loves your company
• bro loves to tease - even if it's something small
• if you're shorter than him he'll tease you
• if you're tall than him he'll tease you
• i feel he wouldn't be too big on pda but sometimes just loves it
• he likes to let the members know how beautiful his s/o is
• "they're sooooo pretty and i'm so glad they're all mine"
• loves to take you out on gym dates or just a stroll in the city
• bro's whipped for you
• he loves to teach you new things - nothing big, just small things you need help with or smtn
• i feel he would be really big on helping you with mental health
• just being really sweet and caring to you
• loves to watch you play with Kkami
• takes you out to get ice cream often
• takes a lot of pictures bc he loves to just go back and look at them
• uses a lot of humor and loves your smile
• honestly thinks you are the epitome of perfection
• this boy is a handful
• loves small kisses, a lot more and more often then lee know tho
• KING of pda
• i feel like he would be the guy to take you to a trampoline park or smtn like that for a date
• if something is wrong bro freaks out and calls chan
• " idkwhattodoshehasareallybadheadacheandisjustsittingonthecouchwithherphoneandcomplainingggg"
• takes you to the most outrageous places just because he thinks they are cool
• mans is gonna make sure you never fall out of love with him
• felix will always make time to be with you even its smtn small
• he will clear his calendar just to come over and watch a movie with you
• he gives the best hugs and pep talks
• every date he gets you a little plushie that you keep on your bed
• he jokes you're assembling and army with the plushies
• loves to play online games with you and loves when you get really into the game
• literally the most iconic couples tiktok's are made by you two
• loves to see what you are interested in and incorporates that into everyday life
• this boy loves to see you smile
• he once got a picture of you and made it his wallpaper just so he could see your smile everyday
• i feel like he would take a lot of pictures for social media or for you guys and then print them out
• loves to dance in the rain with you
- just with comfy clothes on, no music, just dancing in the rain
• small hugs here and there
• takes you to a local cafe and just listens to you talk about what ever is on your mind
• loves to give hugs at the most random times just because he wants to
• he loves to show that he loves you and loves when you love him back
• he is a child on the outside but a full blown gentleman on the inside
• literal epitome of "treat her right"
• takes you on park walks, loves going to dinner with you
• buys flowers for you whenever he notices the last bouquet is drooping
• does the grocery shopping but loves to go clothes shopping with you
• he would love to see you talk about something you are passionate about and then agree with you even if he didn't
• loves to cuddle (maybe more than chan [probs not])
• will love you until he can't
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laconicearthling · 7 months
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Enjoy the cotton candy colors of a gradient sky, that will lick your lips with sugar and spice every time you look at your home screen. Feel the joy of madness and love and twirl in the magic of pastel colors in the new iOS 17 Gradient Aesthetic App Icons Pack brought to you by Laconic Earthling Shop.
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