#i also can’t not imagine him walking with his arms doing the t. rex thing
magpigment · 9 months
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william wisp
aka i tried a new shading style for the hair and also draw the other prime defenders eyes cuz why not lmao
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theeasternempress · 3 years
A Little Red Handprint
Summary - Echo is still learning how to adapt to having a child on board and struggles with deciding to treat her like a soldier or like a child. With a simple question from Omega, Echo finally makes his decision. 
Word count - 2.7k
Echo had spent his entire life being trained to become the perfect soldier for the Republic. He could use every weapon imaginable, formulate a battle plan on the spot, follow orders to a T, and take down a droid with a single perfectly-aimed shot. He was proud to say that with time, he had learned to be exactly the type of soldier that the Republic wanted. 
But if there was one thing he was never taught, it was how to handle a child. 
Echo was completely clueless with how to care for Omega. Despite constantly watching Hunter, Wrecker, and Tech from the sidelines as they interacted with Omega, he was unsure of how to interact with her even after a few days.  
At most, he’d dealt with a couple of cadets as an ARC trooper, but he treated them as soldiers instead of the children they truly were. He regretted his past actions the moment he saw Omega’s eyes flood with awe the first time she went into hyperspace as he learned how children appreciate the little things. There was a time and place for being a soldier but for now, Omega deserved to have the childhood no other clone could have.
Echo was fighting a constant but silent battle in his head over this matter. He wanted her to learn how to protect herself as a soldier could, especially after the events of Pantora, but he also didn’t want her to be in constant fear for her life. Echo was sure that their team would do everything in their power to keep her safe, but a thousand “what ifs?” still circled around in his mind. 
He was so lost in thought that he didn’t hear Omega’s soft footsteps approaching. She could tell he was deep in thought and almost hesitated to interrupt him, but she eventually spoke, “Echo, can you help me with something?”
It was only thanks to years of training that Echo didn’t jump out of his skin at Omega’s sudden presence. He’d always had a bad habit of getting lost in his thoughts, something Fives loved to relentlessly tease him for. 
Burying his surprise, Echo turned to meet Omega’s soft brown eyes and replied, “Sure kiddo, what do you need help with?” 
“My trooper’s head is loose, and I don’t know how to fix it,” Omega said, revealing her trooper doll from behind her back and holding it up to Echo. 
It still made Echo’s heart skip a beat to see that Omega had painted her doll to match the Bad Batch’s armor. Even though it was clearly the work of a child, he could tell that she put her entire heart into her work. 
Taking the doll from Omega’s outstretched hand, Echo set the doll in his palm to get a good look at it. It was clear to him that the head had just been unscrewed from the neck a few times so with a couple twists, the head was back on as normal. 
It was an easy fix, so easy that he was sure Omega would have known how to do it herself. Tech had been teaching her how to make all different kinds of repairs and she clearly had background knowledge as well. There had to be some other reason why she asked for his help. 
Just as Echo was about to question Omega, she hesitantly spoke, “Echo, I’ve been meaning to ask, why do you wear leather armor on your belt when no one else does?” 
Echo smiled softly as he realized that Omega just wanted an excuse to talk to him for a bit. The thought warmed his heart as he replied, “It’s called a kama, it’s a piece of armor I got after I became an ARC trooper. My captain used to say that it acted as extra protection, but my brother Fives always said it was just to make us look cool.” 
Ever-curious, Omega propped herself up to mimic his position and asked, “So the reason you’re the only one who wears a kama is because you’re the only ARC trooper?”
“Yes, but the Mandalorians wore them before ARC troopers did. Once Jango Fett introduced kamas to the clones, ARC troopers began wearing them too,” he answered, preparing himself for more questions from the small girl. 
Echo continued to answer her never-ending questions with a never-ending amount of patience. He told her countless stories about Fives and Domino Squad, a fond yet nostalgic smile on his lips the entire time. 
Even without being told, Omega seemed to understand that the members of his previous squad were all dead and didn’t ask a single question about how they died. Instead, she asked questions about things like their favorite colors and Echo’s favorite memories with them. 
Just when Echo thought Omega was running out of steam, she asked, “Can I try on your kama, please?”
Her question surprised both Echo and Omega, the shocked look on Omega’s face showing that the question had just slipped from her mouth.
Without hesitation, Echo reached behind him to unclip the kama and let it slip into his hands. Omega, seeming to understand what he was doing, broke out into one of her bright smiles and stepped forward to allow Echo to tie the kama around her waist. Even on the tightest setting it was too big on Omega, but she didn’t seem to care as she ran her fingertips over the rough leather. 
Echo contently watched as Omega jumped around, giggling when the kama whacked against her legs. Even though she had to hold the kama in place with one hand, she seemed to be enjoying herself. 
Seeing Omega so happy to be wearing a piece of his armor, Echo decided he would let her try on all of his gear. Echo was never more grateful for the prosthetic hand Tech had built him than when he was removing his armor. He was able to remove his armor and leave himself in his blacks in record time, Omega too distracted with Echo’s kama to notice what he was doing. 
Echo called Omega over to him with a quick call of her name. She strolled to his side, still smiling about the way the kama was flapping against her legs. 
Echo held his helmet up with one hand and asked, “Can’t let you just wear the kama, soldier. How about we get you into full gear?”
Omega gasped as her face lit up, nodding furiously. Echo returned the smile and helped her get his helmet over her head. The helmet was so big on her that she could spin it all the way around her head, which led to heavy laughter from them both. 
The rest of his armor was also far too big on the small girl, but he managed to at least fasten it enough so it wouldn’t fall off of her petite frame. 
Echo could hear her giggles echoing in his helmet and couldn’t help but laugh along with her. If his armor was big on her, he could only imagine how easily she would be swallowed up by Wrecker’s gear. 
Omega quickly cleared her throat and stood at attention like she’d seen him do countless times. Even though Omega mimicked Hunter the most, it always brought warmth to Echo’s heart to see the small girl copying his actions. 
Echo stood at attention as well, giving the girl a firm salute and smiling as she returned it with a little more force than needed and whacked her hand against his helmet. 
“Hi soldier, I’m Echo and I’m an ARC trooper,” Omega’s voice rang out, clearly trying to copy the authoritative tone she’d heard from commanding officers. A quick laugh escaped from Echo as Omega dropped her voice several octaves to try to sound more like him.  
Echo heard a quiet snort come from Omega before she said, “What are you laughing at, soldier? Drop and give me twenty!”
Echo replied with a quick, “Sir, yes, sir!” before getting to the ground to begin doing push ups. He felt Omega crawl on his back to sit on him just as she sat on Wrecker when he did his daily push ups. The armor dug uncomfortably into his cybernetics, but he kept his complaint to himself.
Omega jumped off his back after a minute and said, “I’m gonna go show everyone what I look like in your armor!” 
Echo didn’t even have time to respond as she marched to the cockpit to greet Tech, armor clanging together as she moved. Echo slowly followed behind her, walking in just in time to hear Omega say, “Look Tech, I’m Echo!”
Tech looked up from the small project in his hands to see Omega with her arms spread wide and a smile undoubtedly spread across her face under Echo’s helmet. Echo didn’t miss the twitch of Tech’s lips as he fought back a smile at the sight of the young girl swallowed in Echo’s armor. 
Omega put on her Echo-voice again and said, “Tech, did you finish your work on repairing the communications system? Hunter wanted that done by the end of the day.” 
This time Tech allowed himself to smile at the child and responded, “Yes, communications are up and running, though I doubt we’ll need to use them. Everything else is as it should be.”  
Echo quietly stood off to the side, doing his best to give the two of them some space as they no doubt spoke of the projects Tech was currently working on. Tech always enjoyed getting to speak to someone about his various interests, and Echo didn’t miss how Omega was eager to soak up every bit of information he gave. 
A moment later, Omega sped past him and made a beeline for Hunter’s bunk. Before Echo could leave to go after her, Tech spoke, “We’ll be landing in precisely 30 minutes. You might want to get your armor back in that time.”
Echo nodded and ran off to catch up with Omega. Just as she was about to poke Hunter awake, Echo grabbed her wrist and softly said, “Sorry kiddo, but Tech says we’re landing soon and I’ll need my armor back.” 
Echo could sense that she was pouting, but nonetheless let Echo lead her away from a snoring Hunter to a quiet area on the ship. Omega lifted her arms out and let Echo unclasp his armor from around her frame. 
As Echo was helping Omega take off his armor, his thoughts drifted to Rex and Fives. Even though the events on the Rishi moon cost him three of his beloved brothers, it strengthened his bond with Fives and introduced him to Rex. Their armor tied them together and while he wasn’t wearing 501st colors anymore, his armor would always remind him of his brothers. 
An idea popped into Echo’s head as he removed the final piece of armor from Omega and began, “You know Omega, there’s something from my armor that’s been missing for a long time. I used to have a handprint from my Captain on the chest plate of my old armor. Since I’m part of a new team, I’ve been thinking of getting a new handprint too.”
Omega tilted her head in confusion, so Echo continued, “Would you put your handprint on my kama for me?”
Omega beamed from ear to ear and exclaimed, “Of course! I’ll go grab the paint!” 
While Omega ran off to grab the spare paint they kept on board, Echo began putting on his armor, leaving his kama to the side. 
The pitter patter of Omega’s quick footsteps alerted Echo to her presence as she returned with a canister of red paint and a paintbrush in her hand.
“I thought the red paint would look best on it, but I can get black if you want!” Omega said, clearly happy to be doing this with Echo. 
“I think red is perfect. You ready?” Echo asked as he plucked the paintbrush from between Omega’s small fingers. In response, Omega stuck out her left hand and smiled brightly.
Echo kneeled to the ground, bringing Omega down with him, and brought the paint and his kama to his side. Echo plopped a splat of paint against Omega’s hand, which led her into a fit of giggles as she said, “That’s cold!” 
Echo smiled at her laughter and began brushing the paint across her hand, which led to even more giggles as she exclaimed, “Now it’s cold and it tickles!” Echo laughed as she squirmed about, but continued applying an even coat of paint against Omega’s small palm. 
When he was finished, Echo set the paintbrush down and lifted the kama in front of Omega. He didn’t have a preference for where she put the handprint and knew she was smart enough to pick the best place for it. 
“I’ll let you pick a good spot, just make sure to keep your hand steady,” Echo instructed. Omega nodded, her eyes flicking over Echo’s kama. Eventually, she lifted her palm up on the left flap of his kama, just above his knee. It was about an inch or so on either side of the red border, and Echo thought it would look perfect.
As Omega pulled her hand back to reveal the mark she’d made, Echo felt tears flood his eyes. Even if the handprint belonged to someone else, it would always remind him of Rex. Echo was more than happy to be part of this team, but he couldn’t deny that there were some nights when he longed for the company of his brothers in the 501st. His happiest memories were with them and after all he’d been through, he still craved the simple joy that came from something as trivial as a pillow fight or deep conversations over a cup of caf. 
Sensing his sadness, Omega silently laid her unpainted hand over one of Echo’s. Tears began to pour down Echo’s cheeks, but Omega stayed silent and kept her warm hand over Echo’s. He hadn’t cried like this in ages, and he felt years of suppressed moments bubbling up. 
(Rex would love Omega, wouldn’t he? And by the Maker, he just knew Fives would be able to make Omega laugh for hours.)
Echo smiled at the thought, squeezing Omega’s hand before using his sleeve to dry his tears. Echo finished cleaning himself up just as Hunter emerged from his bunk with sleep in his eyes and a fond smile on his face at the sight of Echo and Omega. 
Omega ran over to Hunter with her painted palm held out and exclaimed, “Hunter, look! Echo let me put my handprint on his kama!”
Hunter chuckled, ruffling her hair and replying, “It looks great, kiddo. You’ve got some skills as an artist. Let’s get you cleaned up now, okay?”
She nodded in response, but ran back to Echo to throw her arms around him first. Still kneeling on the ground, Echo was almost knocked over by the force of the small girl’s hug. Echo returned the hug, placing one hand on her back and threading his fingers through her hair with the other. 
She contently sighed against him before mumbling, “Thank you, Echo.”
Echo hugged her tighter and replied, “No Omega, it should be me thanking you. You have no idea how much this means to me.” 
Omega stayed latched onto Echo, only releasing him from her hold when Hunter cleared his throat. She pulled away from him and stepped over to Hunter, but not before giving Echo one of her smiles that could rival the brightness of the sun. He smiled in return, watching as Hunter guided her to the refresher. 
Staring fondly at the little red handprint adorning his kama, Echo knew that Omega may not be a soldier like them, but she was definitely a member of their team and he’d protect her just as he’d protect any of his brothers. The hole in his heart left by the parting of Rex and death of Fives may never be filled, but he had a feeling that their newest member would be bringing a new kind of joy to his heart.
-- Dedicated to my wonderful friend @eternalqueenofthemyscira --
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generalobi · 3 years
Hi, if you're still interested in prompts would you consider writing Codywan with one of them being under some kind of truth spell/truth serum and the other being really supportive? (thanks in advance in case you decide to write it!)
When Cody woke up this morning, he did not expect his day to go like this. Considering the 212th track record, maybe he should’ve.
It doesn’t matter now, because expecting it or not, Cody is still dragging High General Kenobi across half a planet while said General is drugged to the gills. With truth serum. In the rain. At least they’re not captured anymore, but it doesn’t feel like much of a consolation when Obi-Wan can’t even walk.
“Your eyes are very nice,” he frowns, flopping his head back to stare at Cody’s face, “Has anyone told you your eyes are nice?”
“Yes, sir,” Cody says, “I think this is a good place to stop. We can work on getting a message to camp from here.”
Good is maybe stretching it. It’s one of many almost caves on Gyphti, next to a shallow stream and far enough from the city for Cody to feel comfortable stopping. And it’s getting dark now, and there’s no point stumbling about in the night.
He sets the General against the wall and sets about making a fire. Cody’s armour is mostly waterproof but Obi-Wan is soaked and it’s only getting colder.
“Your butts nice too,” Obi-Wan says.
Cody nearly chokes, “You’re not usually so forward.”
“Am I not allowed to tell my husband his butt looks nice?” 
“It’s a good thing we’re alone, cyare,” Cody shakes his head fondly.
Obi-Wan hums, “Anakin would have a stroke. He’s always thought he was slick. He used to sneak out to go to pod races when he was a teenager. He never did realise I followed him every time. He’s a bit stupid sometimes.”
He very carefully does not laugh, because it is General Skywalker they’re talking about, but it’s not easy.
“Of course,” Obi-Wan continues, “He also thinks I’m celibate. And forbidden from having emotions. He used to sleep in my bed, you know? When he had nightmares. We used to cuddle until he fell back asleep, and in the mornings we’d talk about the nightmares. He could never get to sleep if I didn’t hug him goodnight and tuck him in. It seems he doesn’t remember any of that now.”
“Children,” Cody offers sagely, as though he has any idea what he’s talking about.
He sits next to his husband, who stares pensively into the fire. The cave is mostly dry, but the cold is pervasive. If they don’t get rescued soon, it’s going to be a long night.
“So,” Cody says finally, “Truth serum?”
“Hmm,” Obi-Wan closes his eyes, “It makes it very difficult to lie, but mostly it just makes me very talkative. I learnt as a padawan that if you overwhelm them with information then they won’t get a chance to ask their questions at all. And if they don’t ask, you can’t answer. It really is good Anakin isn’t here.”
Because his husband is in a vulnerable postion, Cody doesn’t ask about the being drugged as a padawan thing. If Obi-Wan wants to tell him, then he will. When he’s capable of deciding that.
“General Skywalker would be... less than amused.”
“Oh, no doubt,” he slides down until his head is resting on the cold plastiod of Cody’s armour, “Do you think he suspects us? It’s not like we’re keeping it secret.”
“Rex says he just thinks we’re friends.”
Obi-Wan sighs, “Well, I suppose he thinks I kiss all my friends.”
Cody kisses his hair, filthy though it is, “Didn’t you once kiss Vos in front of him?”
“Yes, and Mace. Though I don’t think he remembers the second one. It was rather a busy moment. And he was twelve at the time.”
“I can’t imagine Skywalker as a cadet.”
“He wasn’t so different to now,” Obi-Wan laughs fondly, “He blew things up, pulled pranks and slacked on his homework. And he’s always been obsessed with mechanics. I think the loss of his arm would’ve hit him a lot harder if not for that.”
He yawns suddenly, “T-this is the part I hate. I’m going to pass out soon, sorry Cody.”
“That’s alright, General, I’ll keep watch.”
“Thank you, Cody,” Obi-Wan says, laying a gentle hand on his arm.
“For what love?”
“For not pushing, when I had not choice but to answer. I really... appreciate that.”
“You don’t have to thank me for that,” Cody says firmly, wrapping his husband in his arms, “Never thank me for that.”
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jeonggukkiepabo · 4 years
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SUMMARY: Soulmates are a common thing. Everyone has one. Some people think soulmates are the greatest gift fate could give, others are envious about happy couples that were lucky enough to receive a wonderful partner. One of them was Min Yoongi. Your time to meet your significant other hasn’t come yet, stumbling into the tattoo parlor with a simple idea in mind, not knowing that you will be bound to step by more often. When you leave for the first time, you’ll go home with your masterpiece of a tattoo.
When you leave for the second time, you’ll go home with not only one, but two soulmates.
The man that was supposed to be your only soulmate, the one that never wanted to tell you that he woke up with the exact same koi karp tattoo just sits and watches - until he can’t take the pain anymore.
GENRE: Soulmate!Au
PAIRINGS: Y/N x Taehyung / Y/N x Jungkook / Taehyung x Jungkook / Taehyung x Jimin / Jungkook x Jimin / Hoseok x Seokjin / Y/N x Yoongi 
WARNINGS: mentions of anxiety, fluff, kissies, deep talk with yoongi, mentions of heartbreak
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Somehow, it was easier to warm up to Namjoon and Jimin than you thought in the beginning. It’s a weird feeling, growing comfortable around basically strangers, but it feels like you’ve known them since forever. Thinking about it now, you’d totally agree to what Jungkook and Taehyung said before: a bond isn’t something random and that it’s impossible to ignore it. To you, it feels just right, without any further explanations needed. You even stopped wondering why you always feel so at ease when one of your mates is around, why any fears seem meaningless when you’re with them.
Because you couldn’t be happier about the bond you shared with your four… now boyfriends. Your soulmates. The loves of your life. Of course, everything is still new for you and the group’s dynamics are still confusing to you, but as Jimin once said: you’ve got time. Things are getting easier every day and everything is falling into place slowly, allowing you to feel lighter every day. 
Soon enough, your spare days are consisting of either hanging around at the tattoo parlour or drawing in the bakery to at least spend some time with Jimin and Hoseok. You’ve grown closer to the latter, lucky to have a neutral person to talk to, someone unbiased when it comes to your lovelife.
He’s incredibly funny and you’d never complain about his teasing jokes, because you’re not the only victim; he’s unstoppable and your four boyfriends are his favorite target for his bickering. And Hoseok himself could only describe you with one word: endearing. He loves seeing you smile, loves to be the reason for your adorable reactions. The red haired man knows that he adores people way too much for his own sake, but you’re definitely one of a kind. He almost feels a soft lightning of jealousy whenever he notices how differently you brighten up once one of your soulmates comes into sight, but he’s quick to remind himself that he has an adorable soulmate on his own.
Hoseok even created a special cupcake flavor for you - a cotton candy cupcake with bubblegum frosting, pink and blue, melting on your tastebuds. 
“Hobi those are amazing!” You smile as you lick the frosting off your cupcake, sprinkles sticking to your nose as you do so. Hoseok grins, shrugging his shoulders as he places another one in front of you. “I know right? The bubblegum frosting kills it! This one is the last, though. I don’t want to feed you cupcakes all day long. They aren’t going to be special to you any longer if you keep eating several of them every day.”You pout, looking over to your boyfriend to save you. Surely someone will make Hobi cave right? No one can resist you; you always end up having what you want. 
“But I like your cupcakes, Hobi! Jimin, tell him that cupcakes are good for me. Some people might need vitamins, but I need cupcakes to live!” Jimin laughs, eyes disappearing as he holds up his hands in defence. Goodness, can you get any cuter? He can’t believe that their soulmate can be such a child sometimes. You’re worse than Jungkook and Taehyung and the three of you can become a dangerous trio.
“I can’t help it, peaches.” He walks over to you, bending down slightly to match your height. Then, he licks one fat stripe across your nose. 
“Jimin!” You screech at the disgustingly wet feeling, but your boyfriend just giggles, licking his lips slowly. 
“You had frosting on your nose, I couldn’t help it. Even though I have to say that I’m not a fan of the bubblegum.” He wiggles his eyebrows and you giggle quietly despite the sticky feeling not leaving your face.
“Yah! No sex in my bakery, Jimin go and do some dishes, mop the floor or do whatever you usually do at work!” Jin chimes in, gently slapping the back of Jimin’s head. You can’t help but laugh out loud as you notice Jimin’s dejected expression. He glares at you slightly, whilst you wiggle your eyebrow just like he did before. You get his “wait until we’re alone” message clearly and think that you might have to run away before his shift is done otherwise you might be in for a complicated time later.
“Karma, Minie. Thanks, Oppa! How are you doing, Jinnie? I haven’t seen you around in a while.” You smile sweetly, trying to distract him from your boyfriend before he gives him more work. The eldest sighs dramatically, showing you all the boxes he just carried inside the bakery. 
“I spent the weekend in my hometown to see my family, but also went to this kind of coffee expo, that’s where I got all that new stuff, coffee beans with rose aroma, different oils to infuse the coffee and pastry and even some of those little sprinkles Hoseok loves using - but those glow in the dark!”
You scrunch your nose worriedly. “Are those healthy?”
“Yah! Who cares about health if you can have cupcakes that glow in the dark? Sometimes you’re the worldwide funny girl, Y/N.” 
Jin laughs and shakes his head as he continues to carry the boxes into the storage room, mumbling how exciting those sprinkles are and that they were worth every cent. A big smile is plastered on your face and you’re sure it won’t fade anytime soon as you feel a warm sensation spreading through your entire body. This is one of your new safe places. You don’t know a lot about Seokjin and Hoseok, but they are possibly the nicest men you ever met (excluding your soulmates) and you often find yourself speaking with the two men, spending some quality time with them in the café. It feels like you’re a little family and you can’t help but giggle at the image that is now stuck in your mind; Jin being the loving grandma whilst Hoseok is the chaotic father that doesn’t even know his children’s friends' names.
“Hobi, please don’t put them on my cupcakes. I think Yoongi would love them though, they match his personality and that way you can test if they’re harmful or not.” You wink at the couple as you start collecting your belongings and shoving them into your backpack before returning your cup and plate to Jimin. 
“Thanks, Minnie. I’ll see you tonight, right?” You press a kiss onto his lips before turning around to Hoseok. 
“Hobi, help your man, you don’t have those strong arms for nothing! Thanks for the cupcake, I hope there’ll be more tomorrow!” Hobi laughs, shaking his head as he hands you a small bag of pastries for the boys in the parlour. You smile quickly before leaving. Jimin sighs behind, already missing your comforting presence.
“You have a lovely soulmate Jimin-ah.” Jimin perks up at the mention of you and he giggles quietly. Hoseok smiles at him, happy to see his friend so joyful, breathing happiness. Jimin has been glowing recently, and Hoseok knows who is responsible; and to be honest, he can’t really blame him.
“She’s the best”.
The days at the parlour are the most thrilling ones because Jungkook couldn’t stop suggesting to tattoo you, even if he’d only get to tattoo small little designs in hidden places. In the beginning, you were strictly against it, but his round doe-eyes combined with the adorable pout made it almost impossible to say no. And boy he knows it. He knows how to use his charms to make you cave in. So one day, you indeed gave in. 
“Fine,” you sighed, “but make me a small dinosaur, I want something cute on my ankle.” 
Firstly, he’s overjoyed that you said yes but then he replays the sentence in his mind and the thought is not so attractive anymore. Jungkook sighs, stomping his boot-cled foot on the floor. 
“A small dinosaur? Why not something more.. dangerous?” 
He can’t help but imagine you covered in his arts, only the prettiest pieces for you, and he can’t explain how much the thought arouses him. It has-scratch that-you have an effect on him that he can’t really comprehend. But… Come on, a small dinosaur? He expected better from you.
“I’m not dangerous, honey. I can still ask Yoongi to tattoo me one, though. If you’re not up for a challenge…” Smirking, you wait until he reacts, knowing that Jungkook would never say no to a challenge. 
But what’s making him silently snap is not really the challenge but the thought of someone else accessing your skin. No. He’s not going to allow that; it’s either him or Tae, but no one else. 
Behind you, Yoongi’s head pops out of the room he’s currently tattooing in. 
“I’d say no as well, I hate those minimalist tattoos,” he replies before closing the door again, leaving you more than confused.
Once you look back to Jungkook, he already prepared some small designs despite his complaints. There is no way he is letting someone else tattoo your perfect skin, so he prepared a little t-rex, a stegosaurus and a cute little triceratops. 
“The last one, the last one!” You clap your hands, excited for the new addition on your body. Jungkook grumbles, moving towards the desk to prepare a stencil.
“Get a girlfriend they said, it’ll be fun they said. Tae would never want a dinosaur tattoo from me.”
You frown, eyebrow raised as you look over to your boyfriend. 
“Are you saying you regret being my mate? Because last night when you had your dick between my boo-” 
“I didn’t say anything, calm down.” Jungkook rolls his eyes as he comes back to you again, pulling you into his own little tattoo corner. Sometimes you’re more dramatic than Jimin and he doesn’t know if he thinks it’s endearing or just slightly annoying. Usually, he goes for the first one.
Small tattoos were soon enough a weekly thing for you, sometimes Taehyung chimed in with an idea but it were mostly some scribbles from Jungkook’s sketchbook that caught your eye and were inked into your skin a few hours later. If the first dinosaur hadn’t really thrilled Jungkook, he began to adore these little additions to your skin somehow all fitting together. The two boys were getting protective of you and what you were getting on your skin, debating where and what to tattoo to make sure the whole would look pretty on you.
One day, Jungkook is just getting started to tattoo a little moon onto your wrist, next to the sun that he gave you last week when Yoongi comes into the parlour, cupcake and coffee in his hands. His eyes meet yours and for a second you see so many different feelings swirling in his orbs that you feel slightly uncomfortable, even with your boyfriend next to you. 
“Y/N, again? Sometimes I wish I wouldn’t have pulled you into the parlour. Don’t you have a workplace to be or another one of your several boyfriends to annoy? Jungkook, you need to charge her for all that material at some point, I’m not shitting money.”  The shop owner scoffs as he places his breakfast onto the front desk. You smile, ignoring his snarky remarks, because by now you know that all he does is bark but not bite. Yet, the gloomy feeling you have is not leaving your skin and you shiver for a second. Jungkook’s eyes snap to yours, worry written all over his features. You soothe him down as you feel his questions through the bond. Does he think he hurt you even though he still has not started the tattoo? 
“Oh, you got a cupcake from Hobi-oppa? Wait, is that the special one he makes for his friend? Poor soul, his friend didn’t pick it up again?” Jungkook giggles, having to pause the tattoo gun for a second to look at his Hyung’s reaction. He knows who the friend is and your confusion is just peak comedy. 
If only you knew what you had started.
Yoongi shoots him a warning glare before mumbling a “I’m the friend, you idiot”. It takes you a few seconds to understand what he just said and you realize why Jungkook is a giggling mess by now. 
Hoseok’s friend is Yoongi. 
Yoongi and Hoseok know each other and Yoongi picks up cupcakes on a regular basis even though he told you he wasn’t one for sweets. 
“You’re friends with Hobi? I’m sorry I didn’t know it was you otherwise I wouldn't have been that rude.” You smile sheepishly even though the blonde man seems to be ignoring you. “That’s so unexpected though, you’re grumpy and he’s a sunshine. I wouldn’t have guessed it, you must make an interesting pair. When worlds collide, huh” you chuckle as you watch Jungkook finishing the last line. “Thanks, bub!” You press a quick kiss onto his lips before he wraps your wrist, then you’re done. He knows that Yoongi is about to say more; the older is unable to finish a conversation without making sure that he has the last word, especially when it comes to Hoseok. Jungkook is not one to get involved where he shouldn’t, but sometimes he has questions that are burning his tongue even if she succeeds in keeping everything for himself. 
What you don’t hear is the painful sound coming from Yoongi as he watches you and Jungkook’s  bond playing games with him again. He’s been trying to deny that the bond hurt him when he sees you with someone else, but sometimes, it stings a little bit too much for him to ignore it. Your tattoo was still there, even after you accepted your other mates, so who was he kidding? He wasn’t even enough for you, he couldn’t replace any of those young men - not that he wanted to. You were annoying, too gigglish and beaut- always there, you were always there. Whether it’s the bakery or their parlour, your scent, your laugh and your voice are everywhere. It follows Yoongi and he hates every second of it. Sometimes he feels like Edward when he met Bella for the first time. Not that Yoongi watched Twilight. No. He has… just heard of it.
You are everywhere and he hates it. He truly wishes he had not dragged you into his shop because now you’re not leaving even though he’s doing everything to avoid you. 
But why does he even want you to be bothered? It's not like you mean anything to him, he has no reasons to expect a reaction from you right? Especially since you found other soulmates, far better than him apparently. You even spend more time with Seokjin and Hoseok than with him anyway. 
“Yeah, I’ve known him for quite some time now. Free coffee and cupcakes from time to time are a nice thing to enjoy.” 
Quite some time, sure, Yoongi thinks. What about your teenage years that you were inseparable? The crush you’ve had on him for ages? The one drunk kiss you shared the night before you turned 18? That drunk kiss could’ve activated the soulmate bond, but you chickened out and ran away like a baby, it’s your loss, bastard. Seokjin used his chance and what happened after that was obvious.
Yoongi turns his back to you to take a deep breath, his oversized shirt slowly moving down his shoulder and exposing his neck before he can do anything against it. He realizes his mistake a little bit too late even though he’s quick to turn around again, looking for any sign in each Jungkook’s and your face - obviously both of you realized something. He sees the confusion melting into a frown on your face and he cannot meet your eyes. This is happening, isn’t it?
“Why do we have the same tattoo, Yoongi?” 
The fact that he doesn’t even bother to answer is making you angry. Why the fuck does he has the same tattoo? You’re 100% sure of what you just saw, you look at this tattoo every morning before getting dressed. You know the lines by heart and it is not possible for you to mistake it by any means.
So why the fuck does he have your tattoo copied on his skin? Reasons and possibilities are flying through your racing and furious mind. You already imagine the worst. Maybe one of the boys even helped him? He cannot reach this place by himself. It means that someone else did it for him. Did one of your very own soulmates betray you like that? “I drew it myfuckingself and now you’re running around with a cheap copy of it? Who did it, Jungkook!” You’re on your feet, getting closer to the young man at a dangerously slow pace. Jungkook blinks at the sudden call of his name “Tell me. Did you or Taehyung help him?” He tilts his head obviously confused by what you are saying and it only angers you more. Is he playing dumb now? You know a tattoo when you see one and even though it’s not your job, you’re well aware that the place of the tattoo is not one someone can reach alone. Someone had to help. 
Jungkook is getting mad too as he starts pulling the puzzle together but he sighs, shaking his head. You are his priority, he has to get you to calm down first. You are a team, not against each other. “Neither Tae nor I knew about this, I’m as shocked as you are, love. We wouldn’t have done that, I promise you. A tattoo is far too personal for us to do something this low. Now though,” Jungkook glares at Yoongi, hands slowly balling into fists, obviously understanding what’s going on. Yoongi just smirks at him, happy to piss the younger off. “Don’t act up, Jungkook.”
At least Yoongi has the upper hand for now and if he can take a little advantage out of it, then he will. The angry face of Jungkook is too good to pass the opportunity. Though, Yoongi does not dare meet your eyes; he fears what he’s going to see if he does. 
“Act up? Why? What’s going on?” But both of them ignore you and this is only rilling you up. 
“You have some guts Yoongi, you still didn’t answer me!” You almost growl, looking at the white haired man whose lips are still holding that sassy smirk. He’s still not looking at you and the fact that he is ignoring you is pissing you off greatly. Who does he think he is?
“You knew about that and didn’t think it would be important to tell her?” Jungkook gets no answer so he goes on “you know what could’ve happened and yet, you didn’t tell her? She could’ve been in so much pain, you could have hurt her, don’t you fucking care at least a little? You rejected your mate without even telling her about it you fucking son of a bitch!” With one big jump, Jungkook was right in front of Yoongi, hitting him right into the stomach. 
But then, you realize it. The tattoo appeared on his skin because it became the link between you and him. Your bond reached him through the tattoo. 
Yoongi is your fucking soulmate and he obviously rejected you as he never talked to you about and seemed to be actively avoiding you. The thought alone causes you to shiver. You failed as a mate before even being given the chance to prove yourself.
You laugh darkly as your fears finally become reality. Four perfect mates who loved you and accepted you for who you were? This was only a story you find in books, not in reality.
 No, in reality you have five mates and one would rather be risking both of your lives (thus risking all of the others as well) than to try to speak to you about it. Your voice is caught in your throat when you realize that you’ve also put your four other mates in danger because of this. If you’d come to lose the bond with them, it could damage their bonds with each other and most probably could hurt them physically and mentally as well. The tears are hard to swallow, but you have to for now. You want to vomit when you remember what you’ve been told about mates rejecting their other halves. It’s unfair how your bond is manifesting only now when it never did even though it reached for Yoongi’s. Because it hurts so much you wish you had felt the pain before, just for it not to hurt as much as it does right now. 
You’re not really sure where the pain comes from but you’re lightheaded when you look at both men again. You see Yoongi on the floor and Jungkook’s rage is flagrant on his features. You never saw him that angry. You’re almost concerned for a few seconds but you laugh bitterly in your head. 
Are you that pathetic that one of your mates had to punch someone for you?
Even though Jungkook’s move is well deserved - and makes you feel somewhat better, because he seems to feel the anger you’re feeling as well - this isn’t his fight. You’re not one to enjoy fights. 
That’s not what you wanted.
Why have you been tied to all of them? It feels unfair. You’re only destroying what they have and not adding anything positive. Just looking at what is happening now, you only brought chaos.
Yoongi might not want you as a soulmate, that’s his own choice. It hurts, sure, but this has nothing to do with Taehyung or Jungkook because the tattoo happened before you were a thing. And now you’ve involved both of them, hurting both in the process and almost putting them in danger because of your bonds. You can’t let that continue, you have to find a way to stop everything.
Once you get a hold on Jungkook and are face to face with Yoongi’s cocky smirk, you can’t help the urge to just smack him across the cheek, tears spilling from your eyes before you leave into the locker room, knowing that Taehyung was just about to finish his break.
This is what Yoongi wanted, so this is what he gets. 
You have to leave, you have to find another place to be because you can’t breathe correctly. You feel Jungkook reaching through the bond but you’re trying your everything to refuse him access. How do you cut a bond without hurting someone? Is that even possible? 
You laugh over your thoughts as you notice that  you are trying to reach for comfort. What are you doing? Are you trying to leave or are you trying to seek for one of your soulmates? What are you trying to do? Feel validated by one of the four men you adore? What if it only made them realize what you are? You’re just a nuisance after all. You keep on ruining what they all have. Do you really deserve to be selfish once again and seek for one of them to comfort you? 
At least you know better than running to Jimin right now, because he would’ve told Namjoon, Namjoon would’ve called Taehyung and Taehyung would… You don’t even know what Taehyung would do, you don't even know what you are doing, you just don’t want to hurt or worry any of them, yet your mind is turning cloudy as you open the door and fall directly into Taehyung’s arms, bond reaching for his instantly. 
You feel pathetic. Running into your soulmates arms as soon as something is going wrong. You’re just going to worry Taehyung, which is going to worry Jimin, who is going to worry Namjoon and- And you can’t think anymore. 
Your mind is racing but you can’t focus anymore. The only good thing about finding Taehyung is that it’s better if he hears about what happened from you, rather than to understand everything by someone else. Besides, it feels a little bit soothing to have him close to you. You feel like you belong somewhere despite… Despite what Yoongi decided for you and for your bond. 
“Angel, what’s wrong? I can feel a lot through the bond, but it’s… Quite negative, what is happening?” Taehyung whispers as he strokes your hair carefully, embracing you in a warm hug that soothes your hazy mind a bit, but everything still feels suffocating. You just hope that your feelings aren’t fully communicated through the bond because you’re probably setting everyone in panic if so. You can’t contain your words but your labored breathing makes it difficult to actually explain what is happening right now to your confused soulmate.
 “Yoongi… he has my koi carp tattoo… He didn’t even tell me, god, Tae. Why me? He hates me, he so obviously h-hates me and now he’s mated to me as well? H-He doesn’t even want me and bad things happen to people that don’t accept the bond and it means that you g-guys are in d-danger because of m-me. God I r-ruin everything, I’m a-awful…” 
“Wha- shh, angel, slow down. You’re okay, you’re safe with me, alright? Don’t say those things about yourself, you're perfect sweetheart. You’re not ruining anything” Taehyung has to breathe a few times not to curse loudly and yell some pieces of his mind to his Hyung.
He respects Yoongi a lot, he has always been his mentor. But there are things that he does not tolerate and making his soulmate cry and panic that much is one of them. 
God, he has felt the urgency in his bond; you were trying to desperately find an issue. Had he not had his hands full of ink when the bond started to weigh his whole soul down, he would have flown to the lobby. He feels regretful for not throwing everything away in order to come to you. 
You and Jungkook are both way more precious to him than some disposable things. He knew something was wrong and he had tried to brush it off, thinking that you both were together and thus, nothing could happen to you. He should have followed his bond at the exact moment he felt something. 
Fucking shit, Yoongi is your soulmate? And he said nothing? What if something had happened to you because of his rejection of the bond? 
Taehyung is gritting his teeth; he has to calm down otherwise he’ll never soothe you down either. Yoongi is an asshole. Okay, he didn’t think that he would ever do something that low but he has to focus on you and soothing the ache in the bond. 
He tries to mentally erase the moment you started saying you were an awful soulmate because it is not helping him. He just wants to leave the room and find Yoongi. 
But Taehyung is an adult, he knows that acting rash won’t help.
He’ll get angry at Yoongi later.
“Jungkook is probably talking to him right now, even though I’m… Definitely not the biggest fan of his actions, Yoongi... I don’t really know if he does, but I think that Yoongi might deserve it right now. However, that’s Yoongi’s problem right now. You don’t have to endure it, nor to wait for him. It’s not because he is your soulmate that you have to think of him first, alright? Do you want me to take you home? Away from Yoongi? I don’t have any more clients, I should be doing some sketches but I can do those at yours if you want to. Think of yourself first for once, will you? If you feel like you have things to tell him, then we can stay, but I don’t want you to feel any kind of pressure for an idiot that didn’t even think of you in his decisions.” 
Tae kisses your forehead, but you shake your head no. 
“I have to talk to him about it. I want to know why he hates me so fucking much. Also, I want to return the right of having a soulmate, some people are overwhelmed with just one, now I have 4 and a half!” Taehyung smiles, proud of you. “That’s my baby.” His thumb runs on your cheeks, erasing the tears that escaped. 
“Whatever Yoongi chooses is not your responsibility, alright? It doesn’t change that we have a bond, the five of us and you are with us whatever happens, okay? You are an amazing soulmate, Angel. Don’t doubt it. The one who fucked up is Yoongi. Not you. Yeah?” 
You nod quietly against his palm and he kisses the crown of your head. You don’t feel quite ready to speak with Yoongi but you guess that you deserve to know the truth and the full story. He does owe you that, at least. 
It does surprise you that Jungkook and Yoongi weren’t fighting anymore once you came back into the lobby. Instead, they are seated on the couch and talking quietly, even though it’s more like a whisper-yelling from Jungkook’s side. You don’t really know how to feel, you’re confused and hurt obviously, but you’re going to have to be the bigger person and actually wait for him to explain if he wants to. Taehyung is reaching to you through the bond and you feel slightly more confident. You’ve been overwhelmed with so many feelings that you had begun to think about things that were so far from being the truth. Your mind just kept on escalating until you’d felt like nothing. You’ll have to thank Taehyung for grounding you. 
“Yoongi..?” You shyly ask as you make your way towards them - somehow afraid of the platinum blonde man. Biting your lip, you try to calm your anxiety down for at least the talk, but how could you without knowing how this day would end? 
You could either end up being heartbroken or happier than ever with a new mate, and with the way he always treated you, you don’t really feel like you have another happy ending incoming. It feels more like the start of the end. 
And besides, you thought about him only but Taehyung told you to think of yourself first: would you even accept him if he actually comes to tell you that he wants to pursue something with you? 
Would you let in someone who is not afraid to put everyone’s safety in danger just for selfish reasons? You’re trying to push the thoughts far from you for now. 
Live the moment and see what can happen: whatever happens, you’ll be able to say that you tried your best until the end. 
“Y/N,” Yoongi sighs and looks over to Taehyung, worry written over both their faces. You were just about to speak when Jungkook chimes in. 
“C’mon Tae, let them talk. I’ll explain everything to you.” 
The youngest stands up and presses a soft kiss onto your cheek before taking his boyfriends hand and walks back into the locker room. He sends you one last wink, silently cheering for you and you smile quietly. What do you have to fear when whatever happens, you’ll always have your soulmates cheering for you?
Yoongi swipes his hair out of his face, exposing his stern eyebrows before looking at you. God, he feels like an asshole. He knows that, technically, he has been one, but he never thought it would come to the point that he would knowingly hurt his soulmate. He always hides behind the fact that he’s in love with Hoseok, but that didn’t give him the right to hurt you. He should have at least told you…
“Sit down, please.” His voice is rough, almost exhausted but also sounds… painful? Distressed?
Slowly, you take place next to him, trying not to touch his leg, trying not to touch him at all. You’re still confused if you want to have anything to do with him to be honest with yourself. 
“I’m sorry.” You choke out, barely whispering as you lower your gaze, avoiding his cat-like eyes that are probably full on judging you right now. 
Yoongi tilts his head to the side, watching you confused. 
“Why? You couldn’t have known that this would happen, I couldn’t know - otherwise I wouldn’t be doing that job. I mean, I’m the one that should be apologizing in the first place. I should have handled everything differently, and the only thing that I can do now is to explain, but… Yeah, the thing is, I don’t believe in soulmates.” He quiets down for a short amount of time, creating a break between his words to gauge your reaction, but you don’t seem to be that surprised.
For some reason, it doesn’t sit well with him. He knows he has done enough damages but he wishes for a reaction rather than your expressionless face. “I don’t think that fate should be the one to select your forever and always, do you get what I mean? Of course, I’m pissed about the fact that I got mated to you, but it’s not you that makes me hate being mated. You have done nothing wrong and I’ve been taking my frustrations out on you, and I know it’s wrong but... It’s just… I’m in love with some fucking stupid red haired baker that loves to add too many star-sprinkles on top of cupcakes and…” It clicks too easily in your mind as those words leave his mouth. It doesn’t excuse him, but you finally understand why everything has been this way.
“You’re… You’re in love with Hobi...” You didn’t expect it yourself, but a big grin takes place on your face as you clap your hands excitedly. Just the fact that you finally understand what is going on is making you- not really happy but - something along the lines. Once more, Yoongi is confused, it’s not the reaction he thought he would get. Not at all.
“Yes, but…  Shouldn’t you be mad or jealous or something? I mean, not that I expect you to be, I’ve been nothing but an ass to you, but, that’s how I felt once you got mated to Taehyung and Jungkook, even though it’s my own fault… If I hadn’t changed your appointment…” 
He catches how your glance suddenly changes at this information. You don’t seem to be mad, nor surprised, but you’re acknowledging what he says, as if you had already considered this idea. “Anyways, I mean…  Aren’t you mad that I don’t want to be your mate?” 
You shrug your shoulders, not sure what to answer. It’s quite a dumb question. Of course you are. Of course you are hurt. It feels like you’re not good enough for him. But… You try to understand his side, and you're not sure how you would feel if you had been in love with someone for like, forever, and you suddenly have to accept and love someone else. It seems like something that you would have had a hard time carrying yourself, so who are you to judge him, or to be mad at him? 
“It’s rude, I guess. It doesn’t make me feel like I’m the most wanted human on earth for sure. It kind of feels like I suck so much that my own soulmate doesn’t feel like they can care or love me. So, the question is kind of easy to answer, I’d rather say that it stings, but who am I to be mad at you? I see your point of view and I’ve already got four mates that are caring and loving - three more mates than I thought I’d have. I never thought that I would have more than one soulmate. I’m always surrounded with love when I’m with them, so I'd say that knowing that there’s another man running around with my tattoo - a tattoo that means so much to me - is just overwhelming, knowing that you don’t want me as a soulmate hurts, but I’ll get over it if that’s what you choose, we’ll just have to be careful with our health because I’m not putting my mates’ safety in danger for you own comfort. Maybe we are soulmates to understand things and not to live them together. It does happen sometimes. I do agree with you, fate shouldn’t be the one to decide - but in our case, fate is just suggesting who to choose, don’t you think so? You decided against choosing me and we are still alive. Besides, I don’t…,” You seem to hesitate for a second, “I don’t feel a bond between us and you probably don’t feel that either.” 
You feel a bit bitter to lie like that. You didn’t feel it until today. Until you realized who he was to you. But you guess that you shouldn't try to make him change his decision. 
“But I do.” Yoongi whispers, finally looking up from the hole in his jeans. 
He tries to read you, but you’re not easily opening up anymore. He feels like it’s his fault, but he still sees that glimmer of hope inside of your eyes, and trustfully, it kills him, because he just wants to give in right now. Yoongi wants to be held, to be loved, anything. 
He just wants to feel. If he doesn’t accept you, would he ever get another chance again? Would there be another human soul accepting his own broken one?
“I fucking do feel bonded to you, Y/N. That’s the problem. I don’t want to smile whenever I feel you around. I don’t want to feel happy when I see your smile. And I don’t want to suffer just because I see you kissing Taehyung or Jungkook - even if you smile at them instead of me, it hurts. I want to be loved, I want to love. But the only person that exists for me is Hoseok. I’ve loved him since I was 16, but fucking fate destroyed  - I mean, not destroyed, wrong choice of words but - my chance of being mated to him disappeared for me that day. The man I’m in love with is mated to someone else, and now even I’m mated to someone else. How do you think it feels like to be rejected by the only person you’ve been interested in? And then there’s your soulmate, you’re supposed to love her, to be everything she’s waiting for, to care and be there for her and a month later she’s suddenly mated to four other men. What does the fabulous fate want me to do? Get into a polyamorous relationship with four men and one woman? Being not the third but the sixth wheel? I don’t think so.” 
You nod, slowly understanding his issues because that’s how you felt just a few weeks ago. From your dreams of a soulmate that would be your one and unique love, to your new reality composed of four men, who are absolutely amazing, do not kid yourself but, it’s so different from anything you thought would happen. It took you some time to accept what was happening, to accept four men who you’re supposed to be a lost part of their soul. 
You don’t really like the idea of being broken without your soulmates, but it feels just right when you’re with them. In a way, you understand why people came to say that. Because it’s so powerful that it’s hard to define it differently. 
Just like how Yoongi said that fate destroyed his chances with Hobi. 
You understand. Because it’s overwhelming, it’s new. It feels like no one can help you out. However, you have your soulmates. It’s been the five of you to get through it and to start your relationship. Yoongi on his side, he has no one to talk to. 
So, honestly? You understand him, as weird as it sounds. Even you, at some point, think that it isn’t right, that you shouldn’t be so understanding: you should be mad. You even thought about rejecting him if he wanted to pursue anything with you after all of that but now all your anger seems to have faded away. 
Yoongi was expecting it from you too. But no. You aren’t. You’re just glad that he finally decided to talk and to stop running away from you. You don’t want to prevent him from doing anything, you just want to be here for him, at least. He is not alone, and he will always be able to count on you. Maybe you’re meant to be soulmates in a… friendzone kind of way.
“I know, Yoongi. I get it, don’t worry. I mean, I probably should be mad, but I understand. I don’t want to force you into anything, you are your own person with your own belief and choices. I’m not your soulmate to berate you, or to be annoying or whatever. You’re just, not alone in this, you know? I don’t want you to feel like you have to do anything with me or to get involved with me- but don’t you think you deserve love? Because... I think you do. Maybe love is what you need to get rid over the thought of Hobi being out of your reach? You need love to start a life where you only care about what the future holds, someone that helps to pull you out of that dark place. Crying and being upset over his bond with Jin won’t make your life easier. It would actually be the other way around. Maybe you need to let go, Yoongi. And once again, I’m not asking you to accept us. I mean, we don’t even know if you’re meant to be with the four other men in my life, and I know that Jungkook and Taehyung might not be your types, I thought so too when I realized that Jimin and Namjoon were a part of this too, but I gave them a chance, and I think that one chance might change everything. You already know all of them and I think that it is safe to believe that your two coworkers are your closest friends by now. You trust them, you take care of them even though you might not want to accept that. The bond doesn’t feel like we are forced to love each other, okay? It just happened and I don’t regret it. But it’s your decision, Yoongi. And I won’t take it away from you, just know that if you ever decide to accept me, accept us, then-” 
And then, he kisses you.
Yoongi kisses differently from what you would have expected. He wasn’t soft, shy or holding back anything. His kisses are hungry, frustrated and maybe a little bit aggressive.
This time, the bond didn’t feel like fireworks or butterflies in your stomach, it was more like an explosion full of bad energy that rushed over into your body. 
Yoongi grabs your face, pulling you even closer and as you put your hands on his cheeks, you feel them. Tears are spilling out of his eyes, the feeling of being complete finally settling into your bodies. It is amazing how a simple action holds so many consequences and feelings. It feels like you did something amazing, while you just kissed.
Once Yoongi breaks the kiss, he pulls you onto his lap, hugging you tightly whilst his body still slightly shakes from being overwhelmed. 
“It’s alright, Yoongi. We’re here, we’re together. You have all of us on your side,” you coo, trying to calm him down as you run your finger through his messy hair. 
He’s not alone, he has never been but if he never realized it and you’re going to change that. He’s going to be loved and cherished as much as he lets you. 
You’ll give him anything, you know it sounds desperate, but you feel so much for him. Goodness, he changed everything upside down in one kiss and one talk. 
You kind of hate it, but at the same time, it feels right. Maybe Yoongi is in it to prove to you that fate doesn’t do it all. You have to fight for your mates too. You can’t be given everything, love and trust is something that you gain. 
You’re starting to feel exhausted because of the ride you just did. You went from anger to pain, to despair, to anger again, to shyness, to compassion and finally you’re here, hugging your missing soulmate. 
“I’m so fucking sorry,” Yoongi whispers, eyes still spilling tears onto your shirt. “I treated you like shit, yet here you are, ready to soothe my pain.”
“Don’t, Yoongi. That was the past. Now we’re here. The healing begins.” You smile soothingly as his arms wrap tightly around you. He keeps on letting apologies fall from his lips and you don’t think that he listens to you when you tell him to stop. He doesn’t need to apologize, you understand him. However, if he feels like he has to, you’ll let him. You’ll give him all the reassurances he needs to walk further with you. 
Seconds later, Jungkook and Taehyung run back into the lobby, eyes wide and lips parted in shock. “What happened, Y/N? I just got a love boner and that wasn’t because Tae and I were basically-” 
“Oh, fuck it, Jungkook,” Tae groans. Then, his eyes fall on you and Yoongi, still embraced in a tight hug.
“Fuck, you did it, love.” His smile was generous, heartwarming and you just know he isn’t mad about the fact that you decided to love one more person. 
Quite the contrary, Taehyung is a perceptive man. He doesn’t really want to tell anyone, but he had known it. He knew it would end up like that, and he can’t wait for the time when you and all your soulmates will be able to be together and walk toward a better future. On the other side, Jungkook furrowed his eyebrows, disbelief visible in his eyes. 
“Yoongi, the fuck? You just said that you would never want her, minutes later you’re having her on your lap? Wow.” You feel the jealousy that washes over Jungkook, the boy doesn’t like sharing you, you are his baby, his best friend and his mate. He was fine that you were being mated to his soulmates, but Yoongi doesn’t belong to him. 
He doesn’t know if he would want him to be his as well, or if he’s just jealous that you give love to someone else, especially someone that just made you cry. Taehyung told him how he found you and Jungkook was not happy. Either way, he doesn’t like it too much.
“Jungkook,” you sigh as you press a chaste kiss on top of Yoongi’s hair before sitting down next to him, patting the free spot. “Can you guys sit down? We should probably talk.”
After all of you talked and came down from the emotional roller coaster, the atmosphere was much calmer. 
“I’m not kissing any of you, just to make that clear.” Yoongi looks at the two men, scrunching his nose in disgust. 
“I wouldn’t want to kiss you anyway.” Jungkook mumbles, earning a kick against his shin from you. “Stop it, Jungkook. You’re gay as fuck and Yoongi is good looking, of course you want to kiss him. I would,” Taehyung shrugs as he grins at the eldest. 
“I’m not gay, I’m bi. There’s a difference, because I like boobies too.” Jungkook pouts, looking at you to help him, but you just laugh, shaking your head. 
“You don’t have to kiss everyone, Jungkook, nor do you have to, Yoongi. It’s fine. Even though I’ve got to tell you that Taehyung is an amazing kisser. But maybe, one day it’ll happen. I didn’t kiss Jimin and Namjoon on the same day I kissed Taehyung and Jungkook either. But we have each other, and that’s what prevails.” 
Yoongi hasn’t felt that complete in a long time, yet here he is: happy. And strangely enough, he can’t wait to see what the future will bring. 
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TAGLIST (hopefully I didn’t forget anyone lmao): @ ithinkileftmycoatoutside  , @ supertweetycherry ,@ rainyinseoul , @ btsismybiass , @ ray-of-sunshine10 , @ littlepinknightmare , @ quiet-anarchist , @ gali-005 , @ barbikatherine , @woosanniepabo ,  @ quiet-giant , @ asifetch7 , @ psiphidragon , @ hxsxxk-180294 , @ tellmeyoulovemepls , @ strawbewwymochii , @ do-you-dream-of-me , @intellectualxprincess​ ,  @yoshiure  ,  @r-e-d-i-s-h, @mirror-juliet​, @moments-of-melancholy​, @ungodlyjoon​, @heartblackerthancoffee​, @i-like-puppy-mg​, @holaaaf​, @peachinnie ,
↬  COLLAB BETWEEN @jeonggukkiepabo​ X @deolly​
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Hi! Could you do whole alphabet for Echo too? I'm so inlove with your Rex one. So soft
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A/N: Sorry, I couldn’t find a nicer gif of my boy. Also, REBLOG AND COMMENT IF YOU LIKE THIS! These take just as much time as a drabble or one-shot to finish. Spread the love.
A = Aftercare (what they’re like after sex)
Echo pre and post-Citadel is a cuddler.  He cuddles, and talks, and tries to stay awake for as long as he can, because he doesn’t want to lose a second with you.
B = Body part (their favorite body part of theirs and also their partner’s)
He loves your legs. King of looking respectfully whenever you wear something with a short hem line. 
Pre-Citadel, he liked his hands.  They’re steady and true.  Not to mention dexterous fingers which you seemed to appreciate.
Post-Citadel, he likes his eyes.  They’re different from before, a bit paler, sunken, but still undeniably human.  He needs to remind himself of that fact every now and again.
C = Cum (anything to do with cum, basically)
Pre-Citadel, he loved cumming inside you. Nothing felt better than the feeling of his cock buried in your cunt as you milked him for all he was worth. He could stay inside you forever. 
Post-Citadel, cumming on his part isn’t really an option, but he be damned if he doesn’t try to make up for it by having you cum again and again.
D = Dirty secret (pretty self explanatory, a dirty secret of theirs)
Wanted to have a three way with you and Fives.  He wasn’t interested in having sex with Fives, rather he wanted to share you with someone he trusted.  He thought about he and Fives taking turns with you until you were sex drunk and covered in each of their cum.
He’d never dare bring this up with you or Fives.  All the same, even post-Citadel, he still thinks about it.
E = Experience (how experienced are they? do they know what they’re doing?)
Not a lot.  He gets nervous around people he’s attracted to and often ends up repeating the last sentence they said on instinct.  Some people find it endearing, but it hasn’t gotten him laid that often.  He’s had sex once, maybe twice before meeting you. 
F = Favorite position (this goes without saying)
Pre-Citadel, you on top and riding him into the sunset.  Save a horse, ride and ARC Trooper.
Post-Citadel, you laying on your back allowing him a perfect view of your face as he fucks you with a vibrator. Bonus points if you dig your finger nails into his arms until they sting.
G = Goofy (are they more serious in the moment? are they humorous? etc.)
He’s the same both pre and post-Citadel. He puts all his attention on you, but every now something awkward happens. This makes him nervous, which means he rambles and says something that gets you laughing and then him laughing until you’re a mess of giggles. So a sweet balance of tender and silly.
H = Hair (how well groomed are they? does the carpet match the drapes? etc.)
Pre-Citadel, pretty close shaven down there.  He generally tries to keep all things neat and titty and that includes his private parts.
Post-Citadel, well there isn’t anything to worry about.
I = Intimacy (how are they during the moment? the romantic aspect)
Pre-Citadel, a nice balance of sweet and tender to just for fun. He called you beautiful every time you were together and tried to show how much he cared.  But, there were times when it was just for fun.  A pleasurable way to spend what limited time with you he could.
Post-Citadel, he’s still sweet and loving, but there’s more of an edge there.  A quiet desperation, as if he’s trying to prove something when you’re together.  The praises come more raggedly and a storm of unspoken emotion takes over him.  It’s more intense.
J = Jack off (masturbation headcanon)
Pre-Citadel, he didn’t do it that often and honestly a little embarrassed when he did. He can’t help but be paranoid he’s brothers will stumble in on him and he knows the ragging he’ll get if they do.  Plus, it feels...well, a little childish when he knows you’re just a phone call away.  At the very least with phone sex, you’re with him in some way.
Post-Citadel, there’s nothing to jack.
K = Kink (one or more of their kinks)
Pre-Citadel: Fuck, he loves it when you call him a good boy.  There’s just something about that little endearment that drives him wild especially with you fucking yourself on his cock like you own it.  Add in some hair pulling and biting and he’s lost. 
So, needless to say, total sub.
Post-Citadel: Still likes to be called good boy, but gets a different kind of satisfaction in pinning you to the bed.  Has started experimenting with tying you to the bedpost and finding that he likes it.  Developing some dom tendencies.
L = Location (favorite places to do the do)
Pre-Citadel; your apartment on Courscant.  Just a little home away from his brothers, completely your own with no chance of either of you having to do the walk of shame and getting shit for it.
Post-Citadel: same thing, but has expanded to his room on the Marauder.
M = Motivation (what turns them on, gets them going)
Pre and Post Citadel; seeing you in a short tight skirt giving him a perfect view of your legs and proper framing of your ass. Pair this off with a few dirty words in his ear and he’s checking the clock every five seconds for his shift to end.
N = No (something they wouldn’t do, turn offs)
Pre-Citadel: Pegging.  You tried it once, he wasn’t into it, moving on.
Post-Citadel: No restraints for him.  Nothing to take away his senses or any kind of agency.  He needs a way out at any given moment.
O = Oral (preference in giving or receiving, skill, etc.)
Pre-Citadel: split right down the middle between giving and receiving.  He was an absolute mess every time you went down on him.  His rambled and groaned and begged until his climax hit him like a train.  He’d be a trembling mess once you were done with him. 
On the other hand, he loved giving. If you decided to ride his face, he was a happy man.  Maybe a little too enthusiastic and messy, but damn if it wasn’t satisfying.
Post-Citadel: It’s all about the giving and his technique has improved considerably.  He has learned how to tease it out, make you squirm and even make a smug remark or two before finally letting you cum. This pacing also will keep him down there for hours.
P = Pace (are they fast and rough? slow and sensual? etc.)
Pre-Citadel: Fast and enthusiastic.  He wanted to make you feel good, feeling energizing thrill when you were together and that meant wanted to make you cum fast and frequently.
Post-Citadel: He’s more willing to take his time.  He wants to enjoy every second that he can with you and that means slow and steady, absorbing every little twitch and moan your body produces.
Q = Quickie (their opinions on quickies, how often, etc.)
Pre-Citadel: More often then you’d think.  He wants to give you what you want, but if you guys ever worked together he feels like he needs to be ready to go at a moments notice.  So that means a lot of quickies in supply closets and empty locker rooms.  It was against regulations, obviously, but he did gets a kind of thrill in breaking the rules with you.
Post-Citadel: Not as much his thing.  He really, really wants to take his time with you and he’s more than willing to wait.  Honestly, seeing you so pent up for him sends it’s own kind of trill down his spine.
R = Risk (are they game to experiment? do they take risks? etc.)
Pre and Post-Citadel; He’s willing to experiment.  You guys do your research and properly talk about it before hand, setting boundaries and safe words, if needed.  If there is one thing you guys have always been good at, it’s communicating.
S = Stamina (how many rounds can they go for? how long do they last?)
Pre-Citadel: The rounds didn’t last so long (10 to 15 minutes), but he had a great recovery time.  Number of rounds averaged about 2 to 3 per night.
Post-Citadel: Literally as long as you can stand, and maybe a little longer.
T = Toys (do they own toys? do they use them? on a partner or themselves?)
Pre and Post Citadel: Plenty of toys and frequently used; vibrators, dildos, handcuffs, cock rings, the works.  If anything post-citadel, the number has expanded.
U = Unfair (how much they like to tease)
Pre-Citadel: Terrible at teasing.  Just the worst. Cannot tease to save his life. Needs to give you everything the moment you ask for it.
Post-Citadel: Has learned how to tease and is an asshole about it.
V = Volume (how loud they are, what sounds they make, etc.)
Pre and Post-Citadel: Talks a lot during sex.  Rambles about anything and everything that comes to his mind. It’s like a filter has been removed.  It starts as desperate breathy whispers and end with loud declarations and pleading.
W = Wild card (a random headcanon for the character)
Pre-Citadel: He actually considered turning deserter for you.  He never told you or anyone, besides Fives.  But there were moments with you laying quietly in his arms, he wondered what would happen after the war.  He didn’t know if he would have to say in the GAR or if he would be free to leave.  And if he was forced to stay, would he? He couldn’t imagine keeping this up forever; meeting in dark corners, sneaking out to your apartment, as if what you were doing was wrong. If the war ended and the Senate decided to keep them as soldiers, he would leave.  He would leave for you.
Post-Citadel: He still wonders about the war and how it will end.   He wanted to be your husband.  To give you children and a quiet life somewhere warm and safe.  But, given what he was now, normal would never be an option. It eats at him in the dark with you pressed quietly against him.  If he were a selfless man, he’d let you go.  But he won’t.  He can’t. He doesn’t want to.
X = X-ray (let’s see what’s going on under those clothes)
Pre-Citadel: Standard issue thick clone dick.  Can and will fill you up until you’re bursting at the seams.
Post-Citadel: The dick is gone and the Techno Union did not deem it necessary to get him a replacement one. Technically they do exist, but they’re ridiculously expensive and most won’t sell to Clones.
Y = Yearning (how high is their sex drive?)
Pre-Citadel: Surprisingly high.  Before he met you, he was convinced he was the horniest virgin in the GAR. So, when you did get together you guys were going at it like rabbits.  Call it years of repression finally letting loose.
Post-Citadel: The drive isn’t what it was, but he still wants to give you pleasure.  More like 2 to 3 times a week as opposed to every night.
Z = Zzz (how quickly they fall asleep afterwards)
Pre and Post-Citadel: Can and will stay awake for as long as he can.  Even if you can see his eyes drooping, he’ll force them open for as long as you’re awake, rambling long into the night.  He wants to be with you as long as he can.
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peppersonironi · 4 years
Batfam Avengers Crossover Chapter Two: Meeting
Chapter Two, folks! Finally some batfam appearances.
Rating: Teen And Up Audiences 
Category: Gen 
Fandoms: Batman - All Media Types, The Avengers (Marvel) - All Media Types 
Relationships: Selina Kyle/Bruce Wayne, Natasha Romanov & Damian Wayne, Clint Barton & Cassandra Cain, Tim Drake & Peter Parker, Peter Parker & Tim Drake & Duke Thomas, Pamela Isley/Harleen Quinzel, Tim Drake/Kon-El | Conner Kent, Dick Grayson/Wally West, Roy Harper/Koriand'r/Jason Todd, 
Characters: Bruce Wayne, Selina Kyle, Jason Todd, Dick Grayson, Tim Drake, Damian Wayne, Cassandra Cain, Stephanie Brown, Barbara Gordon, Justice League (DCU), Alfred Pennyworth, Tony Stark, Steve Rogers, Natasha Romanov (Marvel), Clint Barton, Thor (Marvel), Bruce Banner, Peter Parker, Alfred the Cat (DCU), Bat-Cow (DCU), Goliath (DCU), Selina Kyle’s Cat Isis, Kate Kane (DCU), Duke Thomas, 
Additional Tags: Batbrothers (DCU), Avengers Meet The Batfam, MCU/Batfam crossover, Crossover, no beta we die like robins, rated T for Jason’s language, I bleeped it out though. Just to be safe, Alternate Universe - Canon Divergence, canon? What’s canon?, Deaf Clint Barton,Deaf Character, Implied/Referenced Child Abuse, Happy Batfamily (DCU), Birdflash and joyfire are implied/referenced,
Summary: Avengers enter the cave, and meet the batfam!
Notes: In sorry if this chapter is a bit boring, I tried to keep it light. (I know the techie stuff that I glossed over bored even me) But now that I’m done with the first introductory chapters, I can move to some - hopefully - more fun scenarios!
“Woah.” Peter looked around at the giant cavern that the Green Lantern guy had flown them into. His ring had formed some kind of platform to carry them, and Peter was still theorizing how it worked.
They had flown toward the city - named Gotham apparently - following the mysterious “Batman”. Then reached a waterfall, which had a huge mechanical door system that parted the water. They had gone through a long pathway lit up on the edges before emerging in the cave.
It was huge, with multiple platforms built into the rock. Peter first found himself on one that was clearly meant for vehicles, as there were multiple motorcycles parked beside where Batman’s car stopped. There were other levels that held gym equipment, a sparring ring, weapons stations, and some sort of lab. There was weird memorabilia too. Peter spotted a giant penny, dinosaur, and a Joker playing card. A few more levels had cases for suits, not unlike that which Mr. Stark had. Though some of the suits were strange. One was clearly bloody and ripped. One of the most prominent platforms held a huge computer with a dominating black chair.
However, Peter could have sworn it was playing … The Dinosaur Game? That was weird.
Batman got out of his car the way he had before and made his way over toward the Avengers, where they had been set down by Green Lantern. He opened his mouth to speak, but before he could, a very loud voice called out in the cave, startling everyone except the Batman.
“Bruce! Where the F*** is my AK-47?!”
The Hulk, who had since transformed back into Bruce Banner, frowned in confusion.
No one got the chance to question it, however, because a young man in a skin tight black bodysuit swung from another level, and was now hanging upside down from a support beam near Batman. He had a blue bird on his chest, Peter thought it looked a bit like an eagle. He also had on a black domino mask.
“Hey B!” He said cheerily. “ I should probably warn you that Hood is on a rampage ‘cause he can’t find his gun. And also Robin is threatening everyone as per usual. ” The Dark Knight sighed. “What about Red Robin, Spoiler, and Oracle? ”
The new comer grinned. “Dinosaur Game Championship. Oracle is in the lead.”
There was a sudden shout of disapproval from where the apparent game seemed to be held.
“And Signal?”
“Taking weapons stock while muttering about how insane we all are.” He shook his head. “He seems to forget he’s one of us, and therefore crazy by association.”
The Dark Knight sighed once more, this time with his fingers on the bridge of his nose. “Thank you Nightwing. Would you tell Red Hood that his AK-47 is in the Med Bay where he left it when he was doing his stitches? And tell everyone to meet in the conference room in uniform. Code 27G.”
Nightwings eyes - well, lenses - widened. He glanced at the Avengers. “Huh. Sure can do B.”
He swung up from his perch, flipped onto the platform above him - Peter was pretty impressed at how casually he did so - and ran off, seemingly melting into the shadows.
An awkward silence followed, with the Avengers all huddling protectively together. Peter really wanted to explore - that T-Rex looked awesome - but he saw the worried look on Mr. Stark’s face. This was an unfamiliar situation. They must be cautious.
A moment later Peter had had enough of caution. “Excuse me sir, is that a dinosaur?”
The Dark Knight turned toward Peter and glared. Out of the corner of his eye, Peter saw Mr. Stark tense up. But a split second later the glare softened. “Yes. Animatronic. From one of my early … endeavors.”
Peter grinned under his mask. “Cool!”
Batman lifted his head, and began walking on a path up. “Come, I’ll show you where we can talk.”
They entered a meeting room that was off to the side of the cave. There was already a group present. They were clumped loosely in a corner, boredom and intrigue apparent on their faces. They all stood to attention when Batman walked into the room, all except for Nightwing from earlier. He was currently in a handstand in the center of the conference table, shifting from one hand to the other. He collapsed onto the table at the sight of the arrivals, before quickly jumping to his feet and saluting with an embarrassed grin on his face. Batman rolled his eyes and they all went back to what they were doing, except Nightwing who slumped into a chair.
The group of teeneagers were dressed in more skin-tight suits. Peter was slightly taken aback by how young they were. The smallest seemed to be around ten - perhaps he was this “Robin” mentioned earlier - and the oldest in his early twenties. Most seemed to be about his own age though, in their mid teens. It felt weird to not be the only kid.
The closest was a young man sitting in one of the chairs with his feet on the table. He seemed to be taller than Nightwing, with a broader chest. He wore gray cargo pants, some sort of utility belt, an armored shirt with a red bat on it, a leather jacket, and a red helmet that looked a lot like Tony’s. Peter could already imagine the copyright complaints from their resident billionaire. The man also had gun holsters on each leg, and was stroking a - newly returned - AK-47 in his arms.
The first teenager had black bottoms and red top with a black and gold “X” over his chest, joined by some symbol that looked vaguely like an “R”. He also had a black cape and smooth cowl. He was standing in the corner, leaning against a wall with a tablet and mug of coffee in hand.
A teenage girl stood beside the teen, dressed in a mostly purple with hints-of-black bodysuit and a purple hooded cape. She wore a full black mask over her face, with only white lenses. It was a bit freaky, but she was mostly non-threatening, due to her easygoing posture and laugh, which was directed at the teen with the cowl.
The kid was dressed in black leggings, green boots and gloves, a red and yellow tunic with an “R” on it, black and yellow hooded cape, and green domino mask. Though the strangest thing about him was the huge Katana he was sharpening while sitting at the table. He also had an unimpressed glare on his face. Peter decided that he and Helmet-Guy were the scariest in the room. Aside from Batman.
Another teenaged boy had a tired look on what Peter could see of his face, as he looked slightly disapprovingly at his companions. He stood in more heavily plated bright yellow and black armor with a bat symbol on it. He had a utility belt, and a helmet which looked to be shaped like a bat.
What was with these people and bats?
Peter didn’t get to ask, as at that moment a new person joined the group. Flying down a ramp was a red headed young woman in a wheelchair. She expertly slowed to a stop in front of Batman, who had not yet entered the room. Peter noticed that she had hastily applied a black domino mask, leaving a pair of glasses in her lap, along with a laptop.
“Sorry I’m late B, I forgot where I had put my extra mask. These things keep disappearing!” She said the last part while glaring at the kids.
“It’s fine, Oracle. Now that we’re all here-” He paused, then looked around at the group. “Where’s Black Bat?”
“Handling a Robbery downtown. She’s finishing up. ETA 20 minutes.”
Batman nodded. “Very well, we’ll continue without her, she won’t mind.”
He entered the room, ushering everyone else to do so as well. With a quick glare, all the kids sat down. The Avengers joined them, as there were plenty of seats. The only one who did not sit was Batman.
He spoke once everyone was ready, mainly directing his words to the kids. Peter briefly wondered what it would be like to actually be respected like that, but shook off the thought. Batman quickly and efficiently summarizes the events, including several readings of the energy sources, which only the red and black teen seemed to understand as he nodded along, looking fascinated. Once he was done, Batman turned to the Avengers. “Names. No need to share personal identities if you are uncomfortable. Though since we are from different earths, I doubt it would matter.”
“Everyone already knows our identities on our earth,” Mr. Stark said, receiving several weird looks from the teens. “So it’s not a problem for us.” He removed his face plate. “Tony Stark, I’m Iron man in the suit, which I built myself.” He gestures to Steve Rogers next.
“Captain America, Steve Rogers. Our resident super soldier and senior citizen.” Steve frowned at the last comment.
“Bruce Banner,” Mr. Stark said next, “Alter ego is the Hulk. Anger Issues and Gamma radiation galore.”
Red Robin perked up. “Cool! How did-” He was cut off by a glare from Batman.
“This is Thor Odinson, named… well, Thor. God of lightning, has a hammer. You can call him Sparky Sparky Boom Man.” A pause. “Yeah, maybe just stick with Thor.”
“Clint Barton, codename Hawkeye. Our long distance weapons specialist.” Mr. Stark gestured to Clint’s bow for good measure. The kids giggled and whispered something to each other that sounded like ‘Green Arrow knockoff ’, though Peter didn’t get it.
“Black Widow, Natasha Romanov. Intelligence expert, and ex-assassin.” This got a bunch of whispers from the kids.
Peter was the last to be introduced. He pulled off his mask while Mr. Stark said “The kid’s Peter Parker, our rookie, also known as Siderman ”
“You sure it’s Spiderman,” Helmet-Guy said.
Peter glared. “Yes.”
“Red Hood,” Batman said, frowning. “No antagonizing the interdimensional visitors.”
Red Hood just shrugged and went back to stroking his gun.
The Avengers just sat around awkwardly. The Woman jabbed her elbow into Superman’s ribs, which got him talking.
“Oh… It’s only fair we introduce ourselves, since it isn’t really official earlier.” This time it was Superman who spoke. “I’m Superman, known as Kal-El, a kryptonian. Human name is Clark Kent.”
Huh, he didn’t look like an alien.
“Here we have Wonder Woman, an amazon, demigoddess, and princess. Secret Identity is Diana Prince.” He gestured to the woman, who, despite just being called a princess, looked very threatening indeed.
“Martian Manhunter, a martian known as J’onn J'onzz. Civilian name is John Jones. Yes, quite original.” The Martian nodded in greeting, and Peter was seriously freaking out. A real martian!? Cool!
“Flash, a speedster also known as Barry Allen.” The man pulled back his cowl as Superman spoke.
“S’up?” He asked with a smile.
“And Hal Jordan, one of the Green Lanterns.”
“The best Green Lantern.”
Batman grumbled something that sounded suspiciously like “keep telling yourself that.”
Superman turned to Batman, but before he could, the Dark Knight spoke. “I can do it myself Clark.” He lifted his hand and removed his cowl to reveal a handsome man in his early to mid thirties with black hair and blue eyes. “Batman, also known as Bruce Wayne.”
He turned toward the kids. “These are my kids, as well as partners.”
He started with Nightwing. “Nightwing, aka Richard Grayson. My eldest.” Richard grinned and removed his domino mask. He too had blue eyes.
“Call me Dick,” he said.
“Red Hood, aka Jason Todd, my second eldest.” Jason pressed some button or something on his helmet and took it off to reveal… a domino mask. After a quick glare from Bruce, he sighed and took it off. Revealing black hair and blue eyes.
“Red Robin,” there was a soft ‘yum’ that came from the corner, though Peter couldn’t tell who said it. “Aka Tim Drake.” Tim pulled his cowl back and grinned. He had black hair and blue eyes.
“Over there is Signal, aka Duke Thomas, my ward.” The teen took off his helmet, revealing yet another black-haired kid. Though Duke was clearly african american, and had brown eyes.
“Next is Robin aka Damian Wayne, my youngest.” Damian sneered as if he were above everyone around him.
“Spoiler, aka Stephanie Brown, is a family friend.” Stephanie waved.
“I’m also his ex,” Stephanie said, jutting her thumb at Tim.
Tim groaned. “When will you stop introducing yourself like that?”
“When it stops getting under your skin.”
Tim sank back in his chair and flung an arm over his eyes.
Batman sighed once more. “Oracle, aka Barbara Gordan. Also a family friend, and our tech specialist.” Baraba nodded in recognition. “Now that introductions are out of the way, we must discuss how you got here, and how you’ll get back.”
Everyone nodded and began the discussion. Mr. Stark started off the explanation, going over Anagnorisis, the compound, the gun that they got hit with, and how they ended up in the crater.
The other adults - mainly Batman - popped in, talking about the calculations for such an interdimensional jump. Peter listened intently, as he found it utterly fascinating, but didn’t add anything. Then Tim spoke, listing off a series of numbers and variables, that were received with nods. Peter was a bit jealous that he spoke so easily. So Peter decided to add something later on, a small comment about energy sources. When he did, the conversation stopped. Peter thought he was dead meat for interrupting, but then Bruce - Wayne, not Banner - spoke.
“The kid’s smart.”
Mr. Stark smiled proudly.
A moment later the conversation continued. They went on for almost a half hour, and even Peter was getting a bit bored. He could tell the other kids were too. The girls seemed to have gotten back to their Dinosaur Game championship, and there were small cheers and groans coming from their corner every so often. Jason and Damian had yet to set aside their weapons, though they had begun a small conversation too quiet for Peter to hear. The only people who seemed to be paying attention were Dick and Tim, though Dick clearly didn’t understand half the words that were being tossed around.
The adults seemed to be disinterested as well, namely Barry and Hal, who were in the middle of a thumb war. When they inevitably got too loud, Batman sent a glare their way. The other members of the Justice League seemed to only be listening out of courtesy. As were Thor and Clint. Natasha seemed to be focussed more on the kids. She had a small frown on her face, as if something about them bothered her.
Everyone paid attention when Batman spoke next, however. “It should take at least a week to charge up the energy sources and prepare a device to send you home.”
Peter perked up. “That’s not that long. Have you dealt with interdimensional travel in the past?”
Several of the kids groaned. “Don’t remind me,” Stephanie said.
“Worst twenty-six hours of my life!” Dick agreed.
Then Jason spoke, and Peter was speechless.
“It was almost as bad as that time I died. Now that wasn’t a fun evening.”
“You died?” Natasha said, clearly confused and worried.
“I’m better now,” he said as if referring to a common cold. Jason had a small smirk on his face as he shrugged.
“Back to the discussion at hand,” Batman said, glaring at Jason. “Yes, Peter, we have dealt with the multiverse before. It should be fairly simple to locate your dimension and send you back. The only problem is powering the device. It requires Superman flying out to the sun and placing the energy core inside to fuel it. It needs to remain there for over a week.”
“You can fly to the sun?” Mr. Stark asked. “How do you survive?”
Clark shrugged. “I have impenetrable skin, and a very high melting point.”
No one questioned this, though Peter was quite intrigued.
“Where will they stay?” Dick asked, which caused a sudden silence.
“Does the Watchtower have enough rooms available?” Barry asked.
“What’s the Watchtower?” Peter asked.
“Our space station,” Diana answered, much to Peter’s delight, “and no, we have those visiting Green Lanterns, remember? Hal has been grousing about it all this week.”
“I was not!” Hal said, then sighed. “Okay, maybe I was, but that’s beside the point. What about your farmhouse, Clark?”
Clark shook his head. “Under renovation. Speaking of which I need to head over there after this. Lois will have a cow if I’m late.”
There was silence after that, as everyone was thinking. Then Stephanie got a - slightly evil, Peter thought - smile on her face. “What about the Manor? God knows we have enough space.”
“You don’t even live here!” Tim said.
Bruce glared at Stephanie for a bit then sighed. “The Manor would work. Though why anyone would want to stay with you rabble rousers is beyond my understanding.”
Jason snorted. “Says the guy who adopted us all willingingly.”
Batman grumbled, but was saved from replying as a sudden noise came from the door.
The meeting room had a wide glass window next to the exit - which was open - so Peter had a good view of the sleek black motorcycle that entered the cave, upon which rode a figure dressed all in black. The motorcycle was parked and yet another costumed teen - this time a girl - strolled toward the conference room.
She was dressed in head to toe black, in the form of a skin tight suit. She also had a yellow utility belt, and outline of a bat on her chest. She wore a black cape and cowl which had pointed ears and covered her whole face. There seemed to be some form of stitching across her mouth, which was quite creepy.
She walked forward and entered the room quickly. Bruce smiled upon seeing her.
“Ah, Black Bat. How was the robbery?”
She motioned with her hands in a way that Peter didn’t understand. It seemed vaguely like that sign language which he’d seen Clint use.
Whatever it was, Batman seemed to understand. “Very good. These are our visitors. Code 27G. They’ll be staying at the manor till we can send them back.”
Black Bat reached up and took off her cowl revealing an asian girl around eighteen year old with a black bob. “Good,” she said. “Names?”
“We’re allowing them. Over there we have Tony Stark, Steve Rogers, Thor Odinson, Clint Barton, Natasha Romanov, Peter Parker, and Bruce Banner.”
“Bruce?” She asked with a smirk.
Batman sighed. “Yes.” He turned to the group. “This is my Daughter Cassandra Cain. Alias is Black Bat.”
Everyone muttered small hellos, except Jason who said something with the word “favorite” in it. Cassandra didn’t seem bothered by the lack of enthusiasm. She just smiled and walked over to Damian.
“Seat. Mine.” She spoke simply.
Peter thought the kid would just sneer, but instead he quickly moved over. He could have sworn the kid looked scared. Perhaps the kid was all bark and no bite.
“Well, if that’s all, I really should be going,” Clark Kent said as he rose from the table. “Good luck with staying at the manor. See ya kids.”
“Bye Uncle Supes,” The kids chorused
“I should be going as well,” Barry said. I’m needed at the station.”
Soon the rest of the league left, and the Avengers were left alone with the bats and birds.
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dawninlatin · 4 years
We’re not getting a pet, love
Part of the Manorian Teacher AU
This was requested by @biaguiar11​. Sorry for taking so long, hope you like it:)
Words: 2307
AO3 Link
A/N: I would like to dedicate this fic to my cat, Chewbacca. Had you not been so adorable this morning, this piece of shit never would have existed. *tears up* I love you man<3<3
Also feel free to leave a comment, telling me what you think;)
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«Come on!»
«Manon, please.» Dorian tried his very best to make sad-puppy eyes at his girlfriend, pouting his lip, all of it to convince her that they simply had to get a cat.
«We’re not getting a cat, and if you send me one more GIF of cute kittens I will block you on all social media.» She was glaring at him from across the counter, and Dorian would be lying if he said it didn’t terrify him slightly.
They’d been having this discussion for weeks, but she wouldn’t budge. Dorian insisted that it was the natural step to take next in their relationship - they’d recently bought a house - and honestly, every home should have a cat.
Too bad Manon didn’t agree.
«But just imagine a teeny, tiny, adorable kitten curling up against you, with it’s tiny paws and tiny, little face.» The image was so adorable it made Dorian tear up a little.
Manon shook her head, giving him an annoyed look. «Kittens aren’t adorable. They’re cunning, vicious little creatures that will kill you in your sleep,» she said, shuddering.
«Don’t tell me the Manon Blackbeak is afraid of kittens?» 
«Pfft, I’m not afraid of kittens,» Manon claimed, but Dorian noticed the way she didn’t meet his eyes, the way she bit her lip. His girlfriend was many things, but a good liar was not one of them. 
Dorian was baffled. Even if he hated that word, it was the only way to truly describe how shocked he was at this admittance. She was the one who killed the spiders in their relationship, after all. «So getting a pet snake is fine with you, but you’re afraid of a cat?»
Last week, when they’d had the exact same argument, Manon had suggested that if he was so eager to get a pet, they could get a snake. He knew she’d said it just to shut him up, but he wouldn’t be surprised if he one day came home to them having a pet snake. The mere idea had him feeling a little sick. He’d told her as much then, but Manon had only grinned like a mad woman.
No way were they getting a snake.
«I’m done with this discussion,» was all she said before disappearing up the stairs.
Dorian wasn’t done though, and he stood up, trailing after her, all the way into their bedroom, where he found her putting away laundry. She always started cleaning when she was angry.
«Why can’t we get a cat?» he whined.
«I’m allergic,» she said, her words blunt. She didn’t even turn around to look at him, instead walking into the adjoining bathroom with a pile of clothes.
Flopping onto the bed, Dorian said, «We both know you’re not allergic.» He gave her a pointed stare as she reentered the room, stopping in the doorway.
«I just don’t understand why you absolutely have to get a cat.»
«I just don’t understand why you absolutely refuse to get a cat.» Dorian pouted once more, fluttering his eyelashes for extra effect.
Manon let out a long, annoyed sigh, but he knew her anger had faded based on the faint smile playing on her lips.
«Pets are a lot of work, Dorian. We’re busy enough as it is.»
This, at least, was an argument he had prepared for. «It isn’t. All you have to do is feed it twice a day, let it out when it has to pee and give it some love and attention. And you’re very good at the love and attention part!»
«But I have already decided that we’re not getting a cat.»
Turning so he lay on his stomach, he brought back the puppy eyes from earlier, and said, «But think of all the sad, lonely kittens at the animal shelter who doesn’t have anyone to love them…» Dorian pretended to wipe away a tear. Manon answered by giving him a deadly glare accompanied by her middle finger.
«Must you be so dramatic? I’m really dating a child…»
Dorian placed his head in his palms, kicking his legs just to further her point. «You love it when I’m dramatic.»
«I don’t,» Manon said, sitting down next to him.
«You do,» Dorian said, flicking her nose.
«Don’t boop me.»
«If we had a kitten I could boop them instead.»
Manon quickly stood up again, throwing her arms in the air as she let out a frustrated groan. «I’m not losing this argument!»
She had lost the argument.It was the only way to explain why she now found herself standing at the local animal shelter. 
Manon wanted to be mad, she really did, but Dorian was making it hard for her with his fawning over all the tiny, squeaking kittens.
«Oh, look at that one Manon. Isn’t it adorable?» 
No, they weren’t adorable, she wanted to say, eager to get it over with as soon as possible. They had come her straight after work, so she was tired, and hungry, and she didn’t even want to get a cat. This was all on Dorian.
But to be fair…he deserved this. Deserved to be happy. It was what had made her cave in the end, actually. 
Dorian had pouted his lips and made those puppy eyes for the billionth time and said, «Don’t you want me to be happy?» 
And truth be told…she would gladly endure a little ball of fur terrorizing their home if it meant the love of her life was happy.
Manon rolled her eyes at her own thoughts. Living with Dorian had made her soft…
Sensing her discomfort, Dorian placed a hand on her lower back, drawing her closer. He pressed a light kiss on her head before his attention shifted back to the small demons. 
But Manon couldn’t stay in here for much longer. Animals in cages, even if they were well cared for, and only here for a short while, had always made her uncomfortable, and the hall was too dark, too cramped, the walls coming closer, and then there was the gods-damned smell. Was this smell supposed to take permanent residence in her house from now on? She had to get out, had to get air-
«I’m sorry,» she mumbled to Dorian before heading towards the heavy door at the end of the hall. She’d nearly made it when a tiny squeak made her stop. 
She crouched down and peered into the dark cage. In one of the corners, she could make out a tiny, pitch-black kitten taking her in with big, sad eyes.
«What’s wrong with this one?» she asked the middle aged woman that had shown them around.
«He’s a fighter, that one,» the woman said, giving Manon a grim smile. 
«Born much smaller than the rest of the litter, so his mother abandoned him. When he came to us, he was so weak we didn’t think he would survive, but he fought with teeth and claws, and now he’s as healthy as any other cat.» She looked proud of the little black cat. «He still keeps to himself though, won’t go near the other cats, as afraid as he is. I swear he is even terrified of his own shadow.»
Hearing these words, Manon felt something strange settle deep inside, and she hardly had time to think before she announced to the room; «We want this one.»
Dorian, who’d made his way over to her, looked at the kitten, then back at Manon, and grinned. «If you say so.»
Maybe this wasn’t such a bad idea after all.
This was a horrible idea.
When they’d first gotten home, the cat with them, Manon had gone straight to the shower, leaving Dorian to take care of it all.  
Once she emerged from the bathroom, nearly an hour later, Dorian was still sitting on the floor, and the cat was still inside the cardboard box they had carried him in. 
Apparently, Dorian had tried everything he could think of to coax the kitten out of his hiding spot, but he remained in the corner, curled up into a quivering ball. 
It wasn’t until he had spotted Manon, looking over the edge, that he had let out a high-pitched meow, making his way out of the box on stumbling feet.
«Him,» she tried explaining, pointing to Dorian, as the cat made his way towards her, «Go to him.» But the cat either didn’t understand, or he simply didn’t care, stopping right in front of her.
«I’m not your mother,» she told the creature, voice frantic. It was sitting on the floor, staring at her with big, yellow eyes. It blinked once, and Manon jumped off the floor.
«Okay, that cat is giving me the creeps, so I’ll leave you to it, I have work to do.» 
Dorian’s answering chuckle followed her into the kitchen, where she started making a much needed cup of coffee. She opened the cabinet and pulled out her favorite mug. The one shaped like a t-rex.
A yelp escaped her as she turned around to find the tiny, black kitten sitting right in front of her, head tilted slightly. «Holy sh-»
«I think he likes you,» Dorian said, appearing in the doorway. He was wearing his usual smug expression. 
«Nope, I can’t do it,» Manon said, taking a step forward. The cat followed, trailing her like a shadow. 
Deciding to distract him, Manon walked over to his bowls and stood there, waiting, until he began eating. Once she’d made sure he wouldn’t fall into his water bowl and drown, Manon hauled ass all the way to her study on the second floor, leaving Dorian with the horrid beast he had wanted so badly.
As the door shut behind her, she let out a sigh of relief. If the cat somehow managed to reach her now, she was moving out. He could just have the house.
Manon began to work, needing to plan her classes for tomorrow. She tried to focus on her task, but more often than not, her mind wandered off to what she was missing out on downstairs.
She truly didn’t care for the creature, but what if he was scared? Would he be able to settle in their home? He had been treated so horribly…had been so alone. Would he get the love and care he needed from them?
Cursing her boyfriend for putting her in this situation, Manon grabbed her laptop and dragged herself back down to the living room. 
What she didn’t expect to find was the house all quiet, Dorian sitting on the couch with a book, the cat nowhere to be seen. «Where is he?» she whispered carefully.
«Under the couch, sleeping. I think he likes dark corners.»
«Hm,» was all Manon said, sitting next to him. She opened her laptop once more and tried to focus on her work.
«Are you okay?» Dorian asked, and as she turned to look at him, she found concern softening his features.
She sighed. «Yes. I’ll get used to it…eventually.» She didn’t sound entirely convinced, but Dorian released a breath of relief.
«You know I love you, right?» Dorian asked, before standing up and pressing a kiss to her forehead.
«Yeah, and I love you,» she whispered back, pulling him down so his lips could meet hers.
As they broke apart, Dorian headed towards the stairs, announcing, «I’m taking a shower, won’t be long.»
Manon sunk further into the couch, fighting to stay awake. She just had to finish up her work-
A high-pitched meow interrupted her, and she looked down to find their cat trying to climb onto the couch, his claws imbedded deep into the fabric. «Not the couch,» Manon groaned softly, but there was no real reprimand in her voice. 
The kitten struggled to pull his tiny body onto the piece of furniture, and when he finally succeeded, Manon reached over to pet his little head. The movement felt awkward, but the cat’s eyes widened, and he quickly climbed onto Manon’s chest, before settling there, right over her heart. 
Manon’s whole body stiffened at first, nervous for what the beast would do next, but he only began purring, pressing his small paws against her chest. «Fine,» Manon whispered, giving in at last. She placed her laptop on the table, simply letting herself relax.
She began stroking him, and he answered by purring even louder.
«What a big day you must’ve had,» Manon said to the small cat. «I can’t imagine how scary it must be to move into such a big house with two strangers.»
He probably couldn’t understand her, but she kept going anyway.
«This is your home from now on. We’ll give you love and care, and I promise we won’t abandon you.» The kitten looked at her with those big eyes of his, meowing once. It made Manon’s heart feel all warm and fuzzy.
«We need to give you a name, too. Dorian wanted Batman, you know, since you’re all black, but one, that is the most uncreative, unoriginal name I have ever heard, and two, all the other cats will bully you for it, and we can’t have any of that, can we?» She gave him a serious look. «So I refused, you can thank me later.»
But Batman or not, the cat still needed a name. Manon searched her memory for anything that could fit. It had to be unique, and badass, and- 
The cat lifted his head, staring at her.
«Your name is Abraxos,» Manon decided, marveling at how right it felt.
After that, he settled down, curling into a ball once more. Before Manon knew it, Abraxos was asleep, and at the small, warm weight on her chest, at the sound of him snoring softly, Manon smiled, knowing she already loved this cat very, very much.
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writer1 · 3 years
Fear of the unknown
Chapter 4
You and Rex make it to the meeting room, finding General Kenobi and General Skywalker already there. You both sit down across from them.
"Captain Rex, I'm happy to see that your human again." Rex smiles at General Kenobi, he's happy to be human again and to find out what's happening to him.
"Not as happy as I am to be human again."
"I'm sure. And you can just call me Obi Wan, both of you can." Anakin previously silent in the conversation, turns to Obi Wan.
"Master, what did you find out about werewolves?" Obi Wan turns to Anakin, clearly annoyed.
"I'm getting to that Anakin, be patient." Anakin sits back, pouting a tiny bit. You and Rex chuckle.
"So, I found out a few things. Pretty much there isn't much besides legends about werewolves. But I found out that one of our own Jedi padawans was bitten by one 300 years ago." Wait! There was a werewolf Jedi. You can't believe it, Anakin and Rex both look surprised to.
"Wait! Master you're saying that there was a werewolf Jedi, and we were never told this!"
"It wasn't that we weren't told Anakin, it's that nobody knew. His Master had a journal were he talked about it, that's the only place I found information about him." You don't understand why nobody would have known.
"Who was he?" You ask Obi Wan, wanting to know everything you can do you can help Rex.
"His name was Jak Evos. He was 10 years old when he was bitten."
"He was only a youngling when he was bitten. I'm an adult and I can hardly handle it, I can't imagine being his age." You agree with Rex, that boy was just a child. It's horrible.
"Yes, what he went through must have been horrible. I asked Master Yoda about him, he knew him but he never knew that he was a werewolf. He and his master kept it a secret from everyone." Your heart goes out to that youngling, how afraid must him and his master have been to never tell anyone.
"What happened to him, Master." You turn to Anakin, he's just as upset as you and Rex.
"Master Yoda said that he died in a battle when he was in his forties."
"What I found out from the journal is that a werewolves transformation is connected to their emotions. Such as fear or anger. That's probably why Rex couldn't transform, he was to afraid and nervous." So Rex's transformation is connected to emotions, that's not good. Not good at all.
"And once y/n got here he calmed down so when he went to bed he was calm enough to transform." Anakin's right, Rex pretty much had fear radiating off him when you got to the Resolute. Once you told him that you still love him, and wouldn't leave he calmed down considerably.
"So what does this mean, I'll transform whenever I get upset." You can tell that Rex is afraid, he's grabbed your hand and is squeezing it hard. Not hard enough to hurt you but still hard.
"Not just then, if you're on a planet during a full moon cycle you will transform no matter what. And to make matters worse the journal says that full moon transformations are also very painful." Obi Wan looks upset by this new knowledge, and so are you. What's going to happen now, what will Rex do if his mission's take him to a planet with a moon cycle.
"So what are we supposed to do, Master. What if Rex transforms during a mission and can't calm down again." That's another possibility, Rex can be gone on missions up to months at a time, if he transforms and can't turn back,not only would it jeopardize the mission but it would take awhile to get him back to you.
"From what I read in the journal, Rex might be able to learn to control it, the journal said that Jak couldn't stop it completely when he was upset or angry but he could hold it off, although it wasn't a very nice feeling." That worries you, so many things could happen if Rex can't hold it back
"That could work, if I start to transform I could hold it back till I could get to cover." That's a good idea, it would keep Rex safe while not jeopardizing the mission.
"But what about him transforming back to human, Master."
"That's where miss y/n comes in." Wait what!
"What do you mean me." It seems that Rex is thinking the exact same thing as you
"Yeah what do you mean y/n, General" Obi Wan looks between the two of you and smiles.
"I was thinking of asking the council to allow her to accompany you on missions. They think that the two of you are good friends, besides aren't you a mechanic miss y/n. Anakin does need another mechanic on the Resolute, do you not Anakin." Obi Wan gives Anakin a sly look, who returns it.
"Obi Wan's right, we do need another mechanic." You see where they're going with this and you like it, this way you can be with Rex all the time and if he does transform then you can help him turn back human.
"I'm in." Rex turns to you, you notice that he looks nervous.
"Are you sure, y/n. It's going to be dangerous."
"I'm sure." You smile at him and squeeze his hand reassuringly, you are absolutely positively that you'd rather go with him.
"Is that all you learned about werewolves Obi Wan." You ask, you can tell just by looking at Rex that he's ready to leave, he's probably having a hard time processing everything he learned.
"I haven't finished the journal yet but that's what I've learned so far. I'll comm you two if I learn anything else. You can take a break today, okay Rex" Obi Wan looks at Rex, and he nods, which worries you since your boyfriend isn't one to take breaks. You grab Rex's hand and you both leave the meeting.
"Where do you want to go, Rex." Rex looks at you, he's afraid and nervous.
"I'd like to go to the barracks, they should be empty right about know." You nod and hold out your hand.
"Okay, lead the way Captain." He smiles when you hold out your hand and he grabs it, he starts leading you to the barracks. Once you both get there Rex walks over to his bunk, he starts taking of his armor and you look away as he starts changing out of his blacks and into a t-shirt and some comfy pants you bought him a few months ago.
Once he's changed he starts pacing around the barracks, hugging himself and having a minor freak out.
"What the Kriff! am I supposed to do, cyare. I can't be in the middle of a mission and just transform into a giant wolf, that would not end well." As Rex is pacing around you see that grey fur is starting to grow on his arms and face, and his ears are growing longer and more pointed.
You can tell that he's scared, and he does have a good reason to be. You stand up and walk over to him, noticing that he's a little bit taller and his eyes are yellow. You give him a quick, sweet kiss.
"Hey, remember what General Kenobi said, you might be able to hold it back long enough to hide if you have to." You cup his face, brushing the tiny bit of fur that has started to grow there with your thumb.
"I know, y/n. But this is really bad, look at me I'm partly transformed as we speak. If this happens during a battle and the Separatists find out-"
"Shhh, we'll figure this out. I promise. But if you don't want to transform than you have to calm down. Try taking a few deep breaths for me?" Rex does as you ask, taking a some deep breaths before starting to turn back to normal. Once he's done and back to normal he pulls you into a hug.
"What would I do if I didn't have you cyar'ika." You smile, Rex is one of the sweetest men you've met.
"I have no idea?" You love how sweet Rex is, and you can't believe that you aren't going to be separated from him again.
"You're going to have to grab your things from Coruscant soon. We're probably going to have another mission in the next few days."
"I'll have Fives get a gunship ready for me to go tomorrow, okay. Why don't we spend your day off watching a holo-film." Rex nods, happy to have something to take his mind off everything.
"Sure, I'd love to, cyar'ika. Can we watch it in my quarters, the boys might interrupt us if we're in here." You nod and you both head back to his quarters, leaving his armor forgotten in the barracks.
@captainrexisboo @tobitofunction @pentaghasm @ohmsjedi @pro-fangirls-unsocial-life @ellie1366 @marine-captain-deku @reimet @suddenly-clones
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artificialqueens · 3 years
Pretty in Pearls, Chapter 3 (Jankie) - Plastiquedoll
read on ao3 💄| previous chapters
A/N: hi! I was going to update earlie but things happened...... so here's a new chapter. I hope you enjoy it and thanks for reading it <3
It was late when they went back to their room, Jan had only two classes in the afternoon but Rosé had one in the morning, yet, they talked for what it felt like hours and Jan only stopped speaking to read Jackie’s message. She was very happy. During that day she had made several friends –something she couldn’t have imagined a week before- she had met some of her professors and attended a couple of classes so she wouldn’t feel as nervous the following day.
In the morning she heard cursing in whispers when Rosé’s alarm went off announcing she had to get ready to go to class. After the girl left, Jan had the room for herself. She laid in bed watching videos on Instagram for a while and then decided it was a good moment to take a shower and get a cup of coffee.
Tuesdays were her lightest days and she could get used to it. She felt fresh out of the shower, braided her hair, and put on some clean clothes before walking out of the dorms.
On her way out she crossed paths with Nicky and who seemed to be her roommate. The girl had orange long hair and a great amount of makeup on but that worked perfectly on her. She also wore high waist pants with a turquoise loose blouse and dangling earrings. Nicky looked as great as the day before with a mauve off-the-shoulder mini dress and a high ponytail.
“Jan!” She waved at her.
“Hi, Nicky! How are you?”
“I’m doing good, thank you.” She smiled at her. “This is Crystal, my roommate. Crystal, this is Jan, the friend I talked you about.”
“Hi!” Crystal greeted Jan with a lot of energy. “Nice to meet you.”
“Nice to meet you too, Crystal. Well, I kind of feel like I know you through your room.”
“Oh, God…” She blushed. “I’m not taking the One Direction poster off, I already told Nicky.”
“I swear Niall’s eyes follow me whenever I’m in the room.” Nicky shivered.
Jan giggled.
“I have to go, I’m already running late.” Crystal said while checking the time on her phone. “See you guys later.”
“Don’t forget your keys…” Nicky reminded her.
Crystal pulled a key set with tons of colorful keychains. “Never again. Bye, Jan.”
After the girl left, Nicky looked at Jan. “You missed a great dinner yesterday.”
“Oh, I imagine but I needed to spend some quality time with my roommate. But I’m still craving Thai food since it was mentioned.”
“There’s no choice, we’ll have to go back soon.”
“Are you heading to class?”
“No, I have my Tuesday mornings free. I was getting some coffee, actually.”
“Ugh, lucky you. I have a class in thirty minutes. Do you mind if I get coffee with you?”
“Sure, that’s great because I was going to google where the café is, I have no idea.”
Nicky just smiled. “I’ll show you the way.”
They walked for a couple of minutes; Nicky pointed to the café’s exterior when they got closer. As soon as they got in the smell of freshly brewed coffee embraced them. Autumn was around the corner and college students demanding pumpkin spice lattes prematurely were flooding the place.
Luckily for them, the line moved fast and the barista quickly took their orders. Jan ordered decaffeinated –because she wasn’t technically allowed to drink coffee after that one incident on St. Patrick’s day- but she compensated it with a lot of sugar and whipped cream. Nicky, on the other hand, asked for an iced Americano.
While they were waiting sitting at a little table, Jan recognized the familiar figure of the one person from her hometown she so badly wanted to see.
“Oh my God…” She suddenly felt coy when he started walking in their direction.
“Janie!” He greeted the girl but his eyes went directly to Nicky who was unimpressed while on her phone.
“Hi, Nathan.”
The name rang a bell for the blonde girl who looked up.
“How are you doing?” He rested half of his arm on almost all the table’s surface.
“Oh you know… just chilling before classes. I have Tuesday mornings free.” She tried to sound chill, smooth even.
“Cool…” He kept staring at the other girl a little too much. “Who’s your friend?”
“Ah, yes… this is Nicky, she’s in the same dorm as I am… Nicky, this is Nathan, he’s…”
“A friend from New Jersey.” He extended his hand to shake Nicky’s but the girl glared at him.
At that moment, their names were called by the barista.
“I’ll get the coffee.” Nicky rushed to leave the table. “Salaud…” She murmured before going.
Jan was thankful because now she had some time to speak with Nathan alone.
“So how’s the-”
“Janie, your friend is smoking and she’s French or something, right? That’s hot. Do you think you could set us up?”
Jan’s spirit sank. She should’ve guessed.
“Uh… I don’t think she’d be interested. She’s already dating someone.”
“What a shame because she’s one hundred percent eye candy.”  His gaze followed Nicky’s curves.
“Besides, I thought you liked that girl you met yesterday,” Jan mentioned shyly.
“Abby? She’s alright I guess but this is week one, I have to keep my options open, you know?” He shrugged. “Can’t wait to hit the baseball field next week again, huh?”
“Yes! I’m so excited about it, actually-”
He threw his backpack over his shoulder. “I gotta run, Janie.”
“Oh, okay… see you.”
“Tell your friend that if she ever needs a rebound…” He left, still looking in Nicky’s direction.
Jan tried to smile but she ended up with a weird grimace.
The blonde returned to the table when he was away.
“Here’s your drink…” She tried to put a real smile on the girl’s face but she failed. “Jan, what is it? Did he tell you something?”
“Oh, no… it’s nothing.” She took a sip of her sweet beverage but didn’t enjoy it as she intended. “It’s just Nathan being Nathan…”
Nicky bit her tongue to avoid telling her he seemed like an asshole.
Jan looked at Nicky, of course he’d be interested in her. She was beyond gorgeous and she was stylish as hell with her pretty dress and makeup while Jan had barely washed her face and put on the first pair of joggings and a graphic t-shirt she found in her drawers.
“I bought you a cookie.” She slid the little chocolate treat in front of her.
“Aw, Nicky… thank you.”
Nicky squeezed her shoulder.
“I have to go to class but I don’t want to leave if you’re feeling down.”
Jan shook her head. “No, I’m fine, really…”
“Are you sure?”
“Yep, I’ll go to the library or drop by the copy room to annoy Jackie a little.”
“She’s in class during the mornings, someone else is running the copy room in the mornings.”
Jan sighed. “The library is then.”
“Always exciting.” Nicky checked the time on her watch. “Now I really have to go. See you later, dear.” She blew a kiss in the air.
“For sure.” She smiled to show Nicky everything was alright even when it wasn’t.
But enough of being pitiful, she had a cup of coffee, a cookie, and the sun was shining outside. She had this.
The library turned out to be a great place to spend some spare time between classes. Jan met the librarian –Mrs. West- who was probably one of the sweetest people she had ever seen and she was kind enough to explain Jan the rules –besides keeping it low in the study and reading area- Jan walked directly to a free desk and pulled out her computer. She needed to check if she was registered correctly on her classes once again just to be sure and she had to revise if her teachers from the previous day had left some new reading –they did.
She read the two papers and prepared a little draft for the next class before she noticed, it was almost noon. Nicky had said Jackie had classes in the morning but maybe she was free already, so Jan pulled out her phone and typed a quick text.
To Jackie C.: Hi Jackie! Nicky told me you were in class I was wondering if you’re out already, I can drop by the copy room :D
The reply arrived a minute later.
From Jackie C.: I’m already out and heading to the copy room, I’ll be there in no time.
And with that, the girl picked up her things and walked following the map that was scribbled over. She rushed toward the copy room in a way that her former high school teacher would’ve scolded her for« running in the hallways». Finally, she opened the door of the room carefully.
“Hello…?” She walked in.
“I’m over here.” Jackie had a little closet in the corner open. “I’m picking some toner for the machine. I swear, every morning it’s the same, Yvie forgets to change it every time and I have to-”
Jackie smiled as soon as she saw Jan waving in front of her.
“Hi, there.”
“Hi! Thank goodness you’re out of class I was so bored… Well, I was being «productive» or something like that –I’m guessing it’s something college students aspire to be- but then the internet of the library started malfunctioning and I got distracted with the little T-Rex game –do you know which one? With his little jumps and tiny arms, it was so cute- and then I wasn’t being productive anymore so…”
“It’s so good to see you again.” Jackie shook her head.
“How was your morning?” She moved closer to the counter.
Jackie pointed at the chair next to her and Jan sat there.
“All of my classes are during the mornings; that’s how I get to work here after I’m done with them.” She explained while changing the copy machine’s toner. “On Tuesdays, I have this one class with a professor that absolutely despises everything I say because –and listen to this- «I try to push a gender agenda» on his classes.” She scoffed. “Only because they don’t mention women in art centuries ago it doesn’t mean that they weren’t there… it’s ridiculous.”
Jan listened to Jackie ranting for ten minutes about the class, the girl was fuming but there was something entertaining about seeing her mad and the way she gestured as if it was a Ted talk… not to mention she did it all while doing the maintenance work of the printers.
“I’m sorry, I really went off with it…”
“No! It’s okay. I don’t know much about art and listening to you is like actually taking a class… but more engaging because you’re pissed and it shows.”
“Yeah… I have to tone it down in class or that… professor… is going to fail me.” Jackie let a big sigh out of her chest. “Anyway, I’m sure Nicky told you about last night’s dinner…”
“Yes! I wanna eat Thai food so badly now… Nicky is great by the way, she’s very nice and helped me a lot with the dorm things. Thank you so much for introducing me to her and Jaida.”
“No worries. They all liked you the moment they met you anyway.”
Jan beamed and blushed a little.
“So, you met your roommate…”
“Oh, right! My roommate, Rosé, is great… we got along like, instantly and she’s a theatre major so now I’m sharing the dorm with a Broadway fangirl. It’s going to be fun.”
“Wait, isn’t that the girl with the pink hair? I’ve seen her a couple of times I think.”
“Yeah, she thought you were very serious.”
“Don’t tell anyone I’m nice, I have a reputation to keep.”
Jan giggled. “But you are nice! I can’t believe people think otherwise.” She snapped her fingers. “You know what, I’m having lunch with her right now. I have a class at one so I was going to head to the cafeteria, why don’t you come with me?”
“I’d love to but I have to stay a little longer before taking my lunch break. If you have a class at one you better hurry before it gets too crowded there.”
“Oh, that’s too bad… I’ll get going there but… text me later?”
“Sure.” Jackie smiled at her.
“Okay, have a nice day! See you later!” The younger waved on her way out.
“Bye, Jan.”
At lunch, Jackie sat with her friends and while she tried to finish reading a museum review of a new exhibition, she got a text message from Jan telling her how boring the class was. Jackie shook her head and replied back to her shortly after.
Widow was next to her chatting with Heidi, Jaida was sitting across the table typing on her phone until Nicky arrived so the quick smile that appeared on her face went unnoticed –thank goodness.
“Bonjour, mon rayon de soleil.” Nicky kissed her on the cheek.
“I’ll pretend I understood every word… hi, baby.” She kissed her back.
The blonde sat next to her and they shared a lovey-dovey look.
“I want what they have,” Heidi whispered while looking at their friends. “What does take to get a girlfriend here? I’m in the art department, it should be easier.”
Widow cackled.
“I thought you had retired from the dating world when Janelle Monáe blocked you on Instagram.”
“Okay, listen… I was nothing but respectful to Miss Monáe, I still don’t understand the reason behind that blocking but yeah…”
“Heidi you don’t want to date, you’re just horny.”
The girl gasped. “How dare you?”
“Because… you can’t keep your interest on one person for more than a week.” Jackie pointed.
“I think you’re better off single.” Widow agreed.
“Excuse me… I came here to have lunch and a lovely chat not to be attacked like this.” Heidi crossed her arms on her chest. “Unbelievable.”
They didn’t say a word.
“You may be right though…” She finally admitted.
“Oh! You know who should get a girlfriend…” Jaida glanced at the brunette in front of her.
Jackie sighed. “We’ve been through this yesterday… I already told you she’s out of the conversation.”
“I didn’t give any names though,” Jaida smirked. “You did that to yourself.”
Jackie blushed. “Whatever… I’m too busy to date anyway.”
“But you’d make an exception for a special someone, wouldn’t you?” Nicky pushed.
“She’s straight.”
“So it’s pasta until it gets hot and wet.” Heidi pointed.
The table burst into laughter.
“Enough with that, I’m serious. The last thing I want is Jan to feel awkward, she already has a lot on her plate.”
“Right, all jokes aside… I met the guy she pines after this morning…” Nicky started gossiping. “and my goodness he’s even worse than what I pictured… a jerk with capital letters. I think he was trying to get my number through Jan.”
They all made a disgusted sound in response.
“No fucking way…” Heidi’s mouth dropped.
“She deserves better and I don’t even know her personally.” Widow stated.
They agreed, especially Jackie who had seen the guy the day before breaking Jan’s heart in just a matter of seconds.
“Maybe meeting new people will help her seeing beyond his… spell?” Jaida raised an eyebrow.
“He’s not that charming, trust me.” Her girlfriend assured, basing her opinion on the –hopefully- only encounter they had. “But anyway… Crystal has classes until four…” She looked at Jaida with bedroom eyes. “would you like to take a nap with me?”
Jaida caught the hint instantly. “See y’all later, bitches.” She stuck out her tongue and both left the table.
“Maybe I am just horny.” Heidi reflected before sipping her apple juice.
“Be honest with me, do you hang out with us because you like us, or is it part of your sociology thesis investigation?” Jackie asked Widow.
“Bitch, you’ll never know.” She chuckled.
A week had passed and with that, Jan had established a little routine: in the mornings she would go to the library –sometimes on her own, sometimes with her roommate or one of her classmates-, she had lunch at the cafeteria in rotating schedules –as if she was the loving child of a divorced couple- during the afternoons she was at the copy room whenever she had some spare time and when Jackie was there and afterward she’d have dinner with her and her friends or with Rosé. They all ended up having dinner together on Friday night so Jan was secretly hoping the group would merge into one big supergroup.
She had also become close with Jackie’s friends including Widow of whom she had heard a lot but was formally introduced to a few days later and with Crystal, Nicky’s roommate who shared the struggles of being a freshman like her. Plus, she met one of Rosé’s friends from her musical comedy class as well, a girl called Lagoona that adopted Jan immediately and kept teaching her Spanish words.
On the weekend she watched cartoons wearing pajamas with the girls from her dorm in the lounge room and then completed some assignments for her classes with Crystal at the same place.
On Monday, however, she was extra excited –more than usual- because it was the day she was going to play baseball again. She could almost smell the grass of the field, the rubber of her sneakers, and the leather material of the ball… She could picture herself running around scoring like no other.
And because she was so thrilled, time seemed to pass slower than ever.
“Jackie…” She cried while sitting on her –now- regular reserved spot behind the countertop. “I still have to wait another two hours…”
“Two hours are almost nothing, c’mon.” The brunette was in the middle of copying a Shakespeare play for a group of students from the Literature department. “Besides, it’s not like it’s been years since the last time you played.”
“It’s been like two months.” She pouted. “Two long never-ending months.” She dragged the words to make emphasis on her sadness.
“But you survived.” Jackie pointed out before reaching for the staple on the shelf.
That day, Jackie was wearing a pleated plaid skirt with a knitted long sweater and mid-heel loafers. She moved smoothly in the limited space; Jan had memorized her moves by the time; she knew exactly when she had to lean back for the brunette to pass through while she mumbled something about Yvie not taking proper care of the machines or when she was fighting with the printer that didn’t mind for the students’ urgencies at all. She had also discovered that Jackie always hummed to California Dreamin’ no matter how often it played on the radio, that she liked gourmet jelly beans and that she had a stock of candy hidden somewhere -only she hadn’t found her secret spot yet.
“Hi, Jackie.” A girl hummed with a melodic voice as she rested her elbows on the countertop while batting her lashes overly.
Jackie, who was on her back stapling a final set of copies, took a deep breath as she recognized the owner of the voice right away.
“Hello, Vanessa.” She spun on her heels and faced the girl. “What can I do for you?” Her tone was deadpan.
Vanessa, the girl in question, was gorgeous with her long black hair perfectly curled, flawless makeup, and clothing; she was wearing a cropped pullover with the word «Angel» stamped on it a and pair of high-waisted jeans. She was tiny but she wasn’t scared of wearing high high-heels.
She flashed a dazzling smile as soon as Jackie turned around.
“Are you finally going to accept going on a date with me?” She blurted out.
Jan’s eyes got wide. Her type of courage was worth admiring, she was certainly fearless.
“No,” Jackie replied, coldly. “I’ve told you before; I’m not going to date you.”
Jan gasped but Vanessa didn’t even flinch. She just waved her hair and readjusted her pose.
Oh, she was about to say something, wasn’t she? Jan looked, expectant.
“Please…” She pouted. “Pretty please? You can’t say no to a pretty please.”
Jackie rolled her eyes. “There we go.” She shook her head and sighed. “Look, I’m not going to repeat the whole speech but if you have something for me to print or copy, I’m all ears.”
This time, Jan couldn’t keep it to herself. “Jackie!” She shouted and jumped off the chair.
The brunette turned toward her. “What? It’s Vanessa.” She said as if that was a fair justification.
Vanessa waved. “And who are you?” She looked at Jackie, then at Jan, and then at Jackie again. “Is she your girlfriend?”
“No.” Jackie blushed a little. “This is my friend, Jan. Jan, this is Vanessa she’s a sophomore that testes my patience since she was a freshman.”
“I worked very hard for that title.”
“Nice to meet you, I’m Jan!” She shook her hand.
“Vanessa has an on and off long-distance relationship and she likes to flirt when she’s on the «off» side,” Jackie explained.
The girl shrugged. “Can you blame a girl for asking? I gotta try once in a while at least.”
Jan chuckled.
“Anyway, can you copy the marked pages of this textbook? I need it for class, you’ll be glad to know I didn’t come here exclusively to ask you out. Although…”
“Give me the book.” The brunette extended her hand to grab the object, Vanessa held it tightly for an instant but Jackie pulled it. “I’ll be done in a couple of minutes.”
“Thank you!” She smiled showing all her teeth. Then she turned back to Jan. “So Jan, is it…?”
“Don’t even try it!” Jackie yelled from the distance.
Once her shift was over, Jackie closed the copy room and walked around for a little before deciding to take a look at Jan’s baseball practice. She told herself it was okay to drop by, after all, she had been hearing about it all afternoon, she was curious now. But being honest, she had to ask around to find where the baseball field was –she didn’t even know their university had a women’s team before she met Jan- so she wandered through the corridors before finding the door that led to where they were playing.
The lights were on since their practice was after sunset and most students had classes during the day. The perimeter was surrounded by a chain-link fence so she guessed that was how close she could get to the field; she finally found a bleachers section -and she was one-hundred percent sure people smoked weed behind them.
She sat holding her purse against her chest. It seemed she made it just in time; it was Jan’s turn to bat. Even in the distance, Jackie had never seen the younger so focused on something as she was at that moment, it was like watching a completely different person. She moved into position and prepared.
She had the number eleven on the left sleeve of her striped uniform, purple socks on and a pair of shoes –already- covered in dirt. She adjusted her high ponytail under her cap before grabbing the wood bat with determination. Jan’s eyes were sharp as she tried to read into the pitcher’s moves.
Jackie had a shiver.
The pitcher threw the ball and she missed it, it went directly to the catcher’s glove. The brunette mouthed some curse. She had never been this invested in some sport.
Second attempt, she would get it this time. Jackie crossed her fingers, her heart was beating faster.
The pitcher threw the ball again and this time, it impacted against Jan’s bat making a thunderous noise that echoed everywhere. Jackie gasped, her eyes followed the girl’s figure as she ran as fast as she could before one of the players grabbed the ball from the ground. Now she knew her heart was about to break her ribcage, she couldn’t get herself to calm down. Jan was running and running like a roadrunner cartoon and she was about to make it when the players started passing the ball, maybe someone was going to catch her before she made it. But she was so close, just one more base to go. She ran, encouraged by her teammates, and drifted creating a cloud of dirt around the base.
She made it.
Home run.
“Yes! Yes!” Jackie cheered and raised her hands in the air.
Apparently, loud enough for the whole team to hear it.
Jan, who was bent over her knees, still out of breath due to her incredible race, grinned and waved as soon as she recognized Jackie. The brunette smiled back and clapped discreetly, even when she had just displayed such enthusiastic behavior.
The team -mainly the batter- had gained a new fan and the season hadn’t even started.
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marveloussupernerd · 4 years
Trick or Treat! - V
Every night this week I’m doing randomly generated Halloween prompts for the mysme characters :) hope it gets you in the Halloween mood
Prompts: trick or treating with their kid (in the future), their daughter (shoutout to this sweat bean in the forgive ending), dressing as superheroes!
Summary: you and V take your adopted daughter out trick or treating. v chill family domestic fluff. V is lowkey OOC I think but also it’s set in the future ? So who knows. I actually super like him in this tho
“You excited for trick or treating this year, Lucy Lou?” You asked your daughter, picking her up to take her to her room to get ready. She had definitely gotten big since you and V had adopted her. It was hard to believe that was more than two years ago. She was the sweetest seven year-old on the planet; she had that kindness that you saw every time you looked at V, and just a genuine appreciation for nature and everything around her. She seemed wise beyond her years.
“Yes!!” She swung from side to side in your arms. You plopped her down on her bed once you got to her bedroom and made your way to her closet to get her costume. “Is Daddy going with us?”
“He sure is. He’s getting dressed up right now too!” You pulled out her costume, a little Wonder Woman dress. Lucy had been a princess last year, but this year she was super into superhero shows and wanted to be Wonder Woman. You and V had to get involved of course. What sort of parents wouldn’t want to dress up with their kid on Halloween?
You helped Lucy get her costume on, fluffing out the skirt so it sat nice and fastening the Velcro on the back. “You look pretty cool, you know that? It might be kinda cold though. Maybe we should bring a coat just in case...” you started going through the closet again to find something that would match her outfit.
“Mommy! Wonder Woman doesn’t wear a coat. I don’t need one either,” she poured.
You rolled your eyes and chuckled, grabbing a jacket and throwing it in her trick-or-treat bag just in case.
“Knock knock,” you heard your husband at the door. “Can I come in and see your costume?”
“Yes!!” Lucy squealed excitedly. V swiftly made his way into the room, cape flying behind him, and swooped up Lucy.
“Wow! You look great!” He cheered, holding her back a little so he could take a good look at her costume.
“And you look exactly like Superman,” you complimented, reaching out to fix his cape so it felt nicely. “I would’ve thought you were him if it weren’t for the hair, y’know,” you teased. He did have his hair gelled into place just like the superhero, but the blue shade was sort of a dead giveaway. He looked very handsome though.
“Okay, okay. Your turn! Go get dressed up,” V urged you, pushing you out the door.
“Yeah Mommy! Don’t make us late.”
“Sounds like she’s turning into you,” V giggled, shooing you out the door. You stayed in the doorway for just a minute to watch the two together, V picking her up and helping her ‘fly’ around the room. You were both nervous to have your own child to take care of, but Lucy was perfect. You were happy you could give her the life she wanted and deserved.
You shook your head, clearing your thoughts, and got to work getting ready as quickly as possible. You were (miraculously) able to find a batgirl costume that wasn’t extremely sexy and revealing, but actually had some character integrity! The batgirl costume was really a lot like the Batman costume, but people loved to make it into a short dress. Fortunately, you got the spandex suit version. Win. You made your way back to Lucy’s room to present yourself for judging.
“Mommy! You look so... cool!” Lucy exclaimed.
“She’s right,” V pressed a kiss to your cheek. “You look amazing.” He raised his voice to sound all authoritative and superhero-y. “Now it’s time to go. We’ve got a city to save.”
You chuckled, grabbing the candy bag and leading the way out the door. Lucy was super excited during the first few houses because she got to see all the neighbors. You were lucky to live in a neighborhood with a few kids her age. In fact, you decided to go with one of the neighbors and their son, who was close with Lucy. He was dressed up in one of those inflatable T-rex costumes and you were all constantly making sure he wouldn’t run into something.
After the trip around the block, the neighbors gave in and called it a night, but Lucy, all sugared up from a full-sized Hershey bar from the previous house, wanted to do more houses.
“You sure you’re not getting tired?” You asked. She shook her head excitedly.
“Come on, a superhero’s work is never done,” V defended her, looking over at you and smiling. He had taken over holding her candy bag. It had gotten quite heavy, and that seemed like a job for Superman. Plus, Lucy was holding your hand as you went around.
“Okay. Just a few more houses and then we’ll start heading home. It’s getting cold out, huh Lucy?” You asked, using your mom voice to be assertive.
“I’m okay! I’m not cold and I’m not tired. I could do this all day!” She bounced excitedly on her toes. “Plus, look how close we are to Uncle Yoosung’s house! We have to go.” She was so excited, in fact, that she skipped over a few houses just to greet her uncle, who was sitting on the porch with a bowl of candy in his arms.
“Uncle Yoosung, Uncle Yoosung!” She called, breaking free of your grip to run up the stairs to hug him. She tackled him in a hug, almost knocking him off his chair. You and V followed closely behind. “Do you like my costume?” She did a twirl to show it off.
He squinted for a minute, really holding it out for dramatic effect. “Wait! Is that you, Lucy? I thought you were actually Wonder Woman. How’d you get Batgirl and Superman to join you, huh? Do your Mommy and Daddy know you’re out with them?”
She giggled, swaying slightly. “This is Mommy and Daddy! We all dressed up like superheroes!”
“Hi Yoosung. How are you doing?” V asked, putting his hand on the boy’s shoulder.
Yoosung smiled; seeing the two patch their relationship, especially with Rika back and everything that went on with that, was nice. “I’m doing good.”
“How’s Rika?” You asked. It had been challenging for you and V to forgive her, but you were happy you did. She had a lot of issues that weren’t her fault and was trying to fix them and be a better person. You couldn’t blame her for that. Even V was quick to forgive her; you had to come to terms with the fact that he had loved her immensely. You were fortunate to have formed a decent relationship amongst all of you.
“She’s doing pretty well. Her book is getting a lot of positive feedback and she’s been doing a lot of talk shows,” Yoosung nodded along as he recounted her whereabouts.
“That’s great! Her book was really lovely,” you complimented. And it was. It was extremely motivational for Rika to be so open about her experiences and to show the reader how to overcome your past.
“You read it?” V asked curiously. He didn’t sound upset or anything, just genuinely surprised.
“Of course I did.” Your eyes trained on the ground. “I wanted to support her.”
He wrapped an arm around your waist and kissed the top of your head. He didn’t need to say anything; you knew he was thanking you silently.
“So do you have any candy for me or what?” Lucy asked, breaking up the conversation.
Yoosung’s eyes lit up. “Oh do I!? I’ve been hoping you’d show up.” He reached under his chair and pulled out a little goody bag. “Lots of different candy in there, all your favorites especially for you.”
“You’re the best, Uncle Yoosung. Will you thank Uncle Yoosung?” You asked, nudging her along. She was very polite but still needed to work on her manners when it came to people she knew well. She uttered a thank you and launched into his arms for another hug before bidding him goodbye.
You had hardly gotten down the stairs when Lucy started to complain. “I’m sleepy...” she was walking slower now, trudging along.
��Oh no. I was afraid this would happen,” V said, picking her up into his arms. She rested her head on his shoulder.
“Cold too,” she muttered.
You giggled. “Good thing I brought you that jacket, huh?” You took the bag from V and shuffled the candy around so that you could grab the jacket. It really was a tag team effort for him to turn Lucy around and help you get the jacket on her very sleepy, unresponsive form.
The two of you began the walk back to your house, Lucy fast asleep already. “She really burnt herself out going to Yoosung’s, huh?” You joked. He chuckled, glancing down at her. She must have shivered or something, because he swung his cape around so that it was also covering her up. “You’re so good with her. It makes me happy to see.”
“You’re so good with her too. I’m happy we can give her a good life,” he smiled. “Thank you for reading Rika’s book. You’ve shown her a lot of kindness.”
“You’ve done so well forgiving her too, Honey. I know it couldn’t have been easy, but I think our support has really helped her.” You, once again, were fixated on the ground. It still felt kind of awkward to talk about. “I’m happy to see her successful and doing well mentally.”
“Me too.”
“You ever think she’s gonna meet Lucy?” You asked, breaking the simplicity of the conversation.
He stopped in his place, thinking. The second he realized he had stopped, though, he kept walking. “Not yet. I forgive her but... thinking about what happened with her and I. Imagining something like that with Lucy... I can’t risk that.”
“You’re so protective and sweet. I love you so so much V.” You stopped on your front porch, pulling out the key to unlock the door.
He grabbed your hand to stop your motion, pulling you in for a kiss on the lips. It’s not that you didn’t kiss on the lips often, but you did try to keep it to a minimum, as Lucy was at the phase where that was absolutely disgusting. The kiss was long and romantic, well, as romantic as it can be with a child in one arm and your significant other in the other.
“Ew,” Lucy piped in sleepily. “You guys are gross.”
The two of you couldn’t help but laugh, rushing inside as quickly as possible to give Lucy a taste of your medicine and shower her with kisses too.
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supeson · 4 years
part one, part two, part three, part four, part five, part six, part seven, part eight, part nine , part ten, part eleven, part twelve, part thirteen
“Ma, I know! Please!” You roll your eyes as you talk to your mother on the phone. A black Lexus pulls up and you silently thank whatever above. “I’ll get it done, alright? You know I will. Now look, I gotta go, my ride is here. Alright, love you too. Bye.”
You slide into the back seat and rub your hands together. “Alright Alfred, this is the part where he kills me for reals, right? No more pussyfooting around. I was just talking to my ma, and I told her I loved her, so we’re all square.” He just looks at you via the rear view mirror. “Okay, okay, I’m done. No need to ready your throwing tomatoes. But, can you at least tell me why I have to come to the Manor today?”
“Master Bruce has something he would like to show you,” The butler says cryptically, braking the car to let someone cross. 
“Great, that’s not reassuring at all.” You cross your arms and look out the window for the rest of the ride. 
Even in early November, the Manor looks beautiful. The fall foliage is out in full swing, oranges, reds, and yellows exploding across the front lawn. You gotta hand it to Alfred, he’s one hell of a gardener. Crossing the threshold of the house doesn’t scare you anymore. If anything, it just makes you even more tired than you always are. 
You haven’t really seen Bruce since the whole Joker thing. There were check-ins here and there, of course. Dick popped by a couple of times, but really, you were alone. You appreciated the time to digest and recuperate from the ordeal, of course, but also couldn’t help feeling an acute sense of loneliness. You couldn’t really tell anyone what had happened that night, aside from having a scrape with the world’s loosest screw and living to tell the tale. So when he texted you, asking you to come over, you felt relieved. 
You follow the butler into the dining room and frown. “Are we? Eating again? I’m sorry, I had some fries from BatBurger earlier, so I’m all-”
He simply moves the hands and steps aside as it slides to the side. You look at him and he just nods, sweeping one had to the now-open door. You huff but go through the door. Alfred hasn’t steered you wrong yet, why would he start now?
There are no railings for the stairs. 
“Stupid billionaire slash vigilante. Can’t even put in a fucking railing for his own stupid stairs going down to his stupid lair. Can’t wait ‘til I hear he broke his ass going down the stairs or some shit. Would definitely deserve it, stupid bastard...” You continue to grumble all the way down the stairs, going slowly. You almost make it to the bottom, until you trip on nothing, and launch yourself down the last four steps. Your eyes squeeze shut on response and your arms come up to brace yourself for a fall that never comes. You look up into blue eyes and a small, soft smile. 
“Karma has preemptively gotten you on this one, it seems.” Bruce helps you right yourself, then takes a step back. "This is the Batcave."
You look past him to see glass cases with costumes, a wall of gadgets, a giant penny, and hell even a T-Rex display from a museum, decorating the cave. The computer is shut down, but you can hear the faint hum of all the technology in the room. You're in awe a little bit, and Bruce just watches you. You walk around him and inspect the little worktable he has set up in front of his gadget wall. You reach your hand out to touch something, but yank it back just as quickly. "Nothing in here is gonna like, get me, right? I'm not about to choose the weapon that you'll hunt me down with?"
He comes up behind you and runs his hands over some devices. "You are actually. I recommend the thermite grenade. Place it on your heart, wait a couple of seconds, then you're gone. Almost painless."
You whip around and whack him on the arm. There's barest trace of a smile on his face. "Shut up! You're not supposed to feed into my jokes! I hate you!"
Bruce rolls his eyes but follows as you continue to wander around the Cave, touching all the bits and baubles. You go to sit on top of the Batmobile, but stop. He raises an eyebrow in question and you shrug. "I don't wanna dent the hood."
He lets out a genuine laugh at that. "Trust me, it would take more than your weight to crush the hood. A supercharged Bane has been flipped onto the top of that car and didn't leave a scratch."
"How many people have you fucked in the Batmobile?" As soon as the words leave your mouth, you freeze, and wish your brain's filter would have caught that before it got out. You hear a heavy sigh behind you and try to backpedal. Badly. "I mean, you must have, right? You were young and dumb once right? Or as dumb as Batman can get, I guess. It's not impossible to imagine-"
"One. One person." And he wants to leave it at that, you can tell.
"Sorry." Bruce just rubs your arm, trying to be comforting, but falling flat. You suck in a breath and ask the question that's been gnawing at the back of your mind. "Why are you showing me all this? What's the point? It doesn't really change anything between us."
His face pinches up. "It does. It drastically changes things between us. You know my most well-kept secret now. Hell, you figured out that all of my kids are vigilantes as well. How does that not change things?"
His tone has risen, just a tad, but you still notice it and shrink back, flinching a little. He sees of course, and immediately steps back. You won't look at him as you speak.
"Look, man, I just don't get why I have to be all balls deep, all of a sudden. It sheds some light on some things, yea, but it's not like like I'm gonna go out and tell the press. You know I won't. And I'm not gonna take this as some call to action, or whatever, to put on some spandex and start fighting. I'm good, actually. I don't want to do that. Gotham has enough going on without adding some anxiety ridden nobody to the mix. I want to go home, eat some ice cream for dinner, and maybe make plans to see my boyfriend next week. If we're even still together..." Your ears are burning as soon as you utter the word 'boyfriend'.
"You're right." Your head snaps up, looking directly into Bruce's, the blue piercing right through you. "I'm pushing you, to see what you really want. I wouldn't want you on a patrol with me anway. Everyone I get involved with seems to be drawn into this life. Sooner or later they put on a mask, and go out and fight crime, and sometimes-" It's the first time you've ever seen him falter. "Sometimes they die. And I don't think I could bear to see you die. Especially at the hands of one of the many villains who think they can take Gotham for themselves."
There's a tense, silent second between the two of you. Bruce looks as stoic as ever, but you can see the tension in hs shoulders, and the glint of worry in his eyes. It's the most emotion he's ever expressed to you, and your eyes are wide. You take a step forard and hesitantly wrap your arms around him. The tension dissipates from his shoulders as he slowly reciprocates. You're silent for a while, just standing there and hugging each other.
It's muffled into his turtleneck, but he can still hear you. "Trust me, I'm never gonna wanna face the Joker ever again. Never fucking mind the rest of the maniacs you punch in the face daily."
A low laugh rumbles his chest. "Fair enough. Do you want to go upstairs?"
"Yea...it's fucking freezing down here. You might be the night, but I prefer the afternoon." You take his hand and start leading him to the stairs. "You're going up first because there aren't any hand rails."
A voice sounds from above. "Finally. Alfred made dinner and made me come get you. Glad you decided to keep it in your pants, Bruce."
You look up to see a figure in the doorway, leaning against the frame. Bruce frowns again and takes the lead, seemingly forgetting that he's holding your hand as he quickly strides toward the figure.
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spine-buster · 5 years
Alone, Together | Chapter 32 | Morgan Rielly
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“Get your hand off my butt, baby.  We’re in public.”
“I can’t.  It’s glued there.”
Bee couldn’t help but snort as she felt Morgan’s hand pat her ass.  She looked up at him trying to contain her smile, watching him as he was watching the commotion around them.  Friends and family of Zach and Alannah were filing into the foyer of the Art Gallery of Ontario, excitedly looking around at all the decorations around them.  They were waiting off to the side for some more teammates to arrive – Fred, Tyler, and William were due to arrive any second according to their texts to Morgan, all solo bachelors for the night, along with John and Aryne (who had flown in just that morning from Sydney and Matt Martin’s wedding in the Hamptons the day before), Nazem and Ashley, Jake and Lucy, Mitch and Steph, Connor and Madison, and Kasperi and Cassie.  Some former teammates had even flown in for the wedding, like James van Riemsdyk and his fiancée Lauren, and the new Stanley Cup winner Tyler Bozak and his wife Molly.  Bee knew it was going to be a great party.
“What are you gonna do when we have to sit for the ceremony?  Am I gonna sit on your hand?” she asked.
She couldn’t help but snort.  “You’re unbelievable.”
Morgan finally looked down at her with a smirk on his face.  “What am I supposed to do when you’re wearing that,” he said, motioning down to her dress.  “Plus I know what you’re wearing under it.”
“Behave yourself,” she warned.  “We’re at a wedding.”
“Can’t make any promises.”
This was Bee’s first ever wedding.  It wasn’t like she was ever invited to them as a kid (and it wasn’t like she and her mother could go even if they were), and considering her age, nobody in her friend group had gotten married yet.  When she and Morgan got the invitation, she stared at it for like, five minutes, taking in the gold foil detailing, the heavy cardstock, and all the other bits included, like a parking pass and a map to the Art Gallery of Ontario.  It was so luxurious and well designed.  The whole wedding was going to be so luxurious if the invitation was anything to go by.  When she let Morgan know it would be her first wedding, he told her what to expect, what they day and night would entail, and how there would probably be a lot of alcohol and the hockey boys going a bit crazy.  Bee knew she’d have to get a new dress and probably get her hair done, so she made sure to go shopping with Ashley, who helped her pick out her dress, and had gone to a hair appointment earlier in the day so she could get a messy bun done.  She was excited, to say the least, and had been eagerly jittery about it for at least a week.
“He’s touching the buuuuutttt,” a high-pitched voice mimicked the octopus from Finding Nemo.  Morgan and Bee both whipped their heads to see Tyler leading Fred and William towards where they were standing.  Morgan made no attempt to take his hand off her ass as his teammates approached, though when Bee leaned in to hug them, he was forced to let go.
“You guys are looking quite dapper,” Bee smiled as she gave big hugs to Willy and Fred.  They said their thanks and complimented her on her dress before she turned to Tyler.  “You look like a vacuum salesman.”
The boys cackled as Tyler’s jaw dropped.  “This is a new suit!” he cried out.  
“It is?”
“Bespoke!  From Mo’s guy!” he pointed towards Morgan.  
“Garrison Bespoke!” he stressed.  “He took my measurements and everything!”
Bee couldn’t help but laugh.  “Oh you know I’m kidding, Tyler,” she smacked his arm playfully.  “The suit looks great.”
“Thank God.  This is the most expensive piece of clothing I own.”
“Your hair on the other hand…” she began, a devilish grin on her face.
“Don’t you dare speak about my hair.”
Before the teasing could go any further, the group was ushered to a row of seats about halfway from the front.  Morgan sat on the aisle seat, Bee next to him as he held her hand in his lap.  Tyler sat beside her, with Fred and Willy next to him.  Eventually, Kasperi and Cassie snuck in to finish off the row, and John and Aryne settled in right behind Morgan and Bee, along with Jake and Lucy, and Nazem and Ashley.  Music was playing from a set of speakers high above them (Bee imagined the DJ had set them up – no way would an art gallery be blasting music in those speakers) as the traditional ceremony began.  Bee smiled when she saw Zach walk down the aisle to the chuppah with his parents.  Zach looked so dapper in his suit, and he looked nervous as he joked around with his groomsmen.  When Alannah began to walk down the aisle, Bee couldn’t help but become emotional at the sight of her.  She looked so beautiful in her dress, her long blonde hair in perfectly done waves and her veil extending behind her like a princess.  Bee shed a tear as Alannah finally met Zach at the end of the aisle, who had already wiped away a few tears himself.  
Morgan continued to hold her hand lightly in his lap throughout the ceremony.  His fingers were loose around hers, and his thumb grazed the back of her hand tenderly throughout the whole ceremony.  She could feel him looking at her at certain points, and when she’d turn her head to look at him, she’d see him gazing at her, his eyes glossed over with an emotion Bee couldn’t quite discern. 
The moment came when Zach had to break the glass.  As he stomped his foot down, the glass in the napkin shattered and everybody screamed the traditional “Mazel tov!” and began a round of applause.  The music started back up again as they walked back town the aisle hand in hand.  Bee looked up at Morgan once Zach and Alannah reached the end, their wedding party following behind them.
“Now it’s time to party,” he winked at her.  
Cocktail hour was exciting and full of food.  They had a raw oyster bar that kept getting restocked, a sushi station, passed hors d’oeuvres, and a “cheese” cake – literally wheels of cheese imported from Italy stacked on top of one another.  Bee couldn’t get enough, especially of the cheese cake, and Morgan ate so many oysters she thought he wouldn’t be able to eat dinner (Morgan always had room for dinner).  He also had room for drinks – lots of drinks, because fuck, a teammate was getting married and they needed to celebrate every fifteen minutes with a toast to Zach, a toast to Zach’s dad, a toast to the chuppah.  Bee milked her gin and tonic for most of cocktail hour, watching as the bartenders poured drink after drink for the boys.  Morgan made sure to keep his hand in its place (read: on her ass) whenever he wasn’t eating or having a drink with the boys, and this time, Bee appreciated the contact a little more.  
When they were ushered from Walker Court to Baillie Court for dinner, Bee picked up hers and Morgan’s place card.  The giant table they were seated at saw her and Morgan sitting with Jake and Lucy, John and Aryne, Kappy and Cassie, Fred, Willy, and Tyler.  The other “hockey table” beside them constituted Tyler and Molly, James and Lauren, Connor and Madison, Mitch and Steph, and Naz and Ashley.  They were definitely the loudest section of the room, tucked into their own little corner relatively close to the head table.  
As they began to sit down in their places, Bee was in the middle of a Fred and Morgan sandwich.  Being squishes between two giant hockey players was probably the dream of a lot of girls, but Bee felt like she had T-Rex arms and wondered how she’d be able to eat her meal without elbowing her boyfriend and good friend.  Morgan’s hand immediately went to her thigh.  “Morgan, Fred is right here,” she warned, her voice low as she whispered in his ear.
He turned to her.  “I can’t stop thinking about what’s under that dress,” he said, much, much louder than he intended.  It was clear the alcohol was coursing through his veins and he either had no filter, no shame, or no concept of how loud his voice was.
Either way, Fred snorted beside her.  Bee gave Fred an exasperated look as he continued to smirk and giggle.  “Morgan,” she said sternly.  “Keep your voice down, please.”
“Yeah Mo.  If I really want to I could reach over and put my hand on your thigh, too,” Fred chirped in, doing just that, leaning over Bee’s body and squeezing Morgan’s thigh.  “Never mind asking to see what’s under that suit.”
“Oh my God,” Bee grimaced before she facepalmed.  The last thing she saw was Fred wiggling his eyebrows and Morgan wiggling his back at him.  Apparently everybody else at the table was too busy in their own conversations to see what was going on.  “Please hold off until we start dancing.  I don’t think everyone else at the table will appreciate your shameless flirting while they eat.”
After Zach and Alannah’s first dance (Bee definitely cried) but before dinner began, Zach’s dad made a heartwarming speech about their families coming together.  Zach and Alannah were high school sweethearts, so he spoke about how much they had grown together and how he was so happy to “finally have a daughter” in Alannah.  After the first course, their best man and maid of honour also made their speeches, which were hilarious and poked fun at the couple, all while celebrating their friendship and love.  Lastly, after the main course, Zach and Alannah gave their own speech to both laughs and tears from the guests in attendance.  Throughout the speeches, Morgan rested his arm on the back of Bee’s chair and she leaned back into his chest.  She could feel him rest his cheek on the side of her head and couldn’t help but smile at him being so unapologetically affectionate.  She didn’t know if it was just him, or the alcohol, or a mix of both.  In a room surrounded by love for Zach and Alannah, she felt fortunate to know Morgan still couldn’t help but show his love for her, too.  
Then, the party started.
The DJ opened the dancing with some Rihanna, and everybody crowded the dance floor quickly.  Bee, Aryne, and Lucy began moving their hips along to the music, the boys dancing awkwardly as they always did – probably because the food had softened their buzz and they didn’t feel the rhythm as much.  Song after song, the DJ kept the dance floor full.  Eventually, the boys were pulled away from some drinks and shots at the bar, and the girls met up with the others, taking group photos and posing with their hands rubbing Aryne’s bump. 
When the DJ began to play a slower-tempo song, Morgan returned to the dance floor, grabbing Bee’s hands and twirling her into his body as they moved to the beat of the music.  With his one hand on her lower back and his other holding hers against his chest, he looked down at her and gave her a quick peck on the lips.  “I lllllove you, you know that?”
Bee couldn’t help at his slight slur of his words.  She wondered how many shots he downed at the bar while she was dancing.  “I do.  And I love you too.”
He bent down slightly so he could whisper in her ear, although, with the alcohol running through him, she knew his whispering would probably end up be screaming, just like it was at the dinner table.  “I know I’m not supposed to say this but you’re the prettiest girl in the room.  Even with Alannah in her wedding dress.”
Bee couldn’t help but give him a look – somewhat appreciative, somewhat disapproving.  She knew now that it was the alcohol talking.  “Stop.”
“I’m being serious.  This dress is doing things to me,” he said, his hand wandering further down her back.
“Eeeeeeeasy cowboy,” she giggled, grabbing his hand and bringing it back up to its previous position at the small of her back.  “There are family members around.  Don’t want them getting a bad impression.”
“Imagine if they knew how loud you scream my name.”
A shiver ran up Bee’s spine at Morgan’s words.  “Morgan.”
“Imagine how loud it’ll be tonight,” he continued, whispering into her ear.  “Imagine how loud you’ll be after I peel that dress off of you and call you my good girl.”
“Morgan, stop,” she stressed, looking beyond Morgan to see Lucy pouting her lip at them, mouthing the words ‘So cute!’.  If she only knew what he was saying instead of the sweet nothings she probably thought he was saying.  There were a lot of people on the dance floor, too, and God help her if one of them had supersonic hearing.  
“Is it pink?”
“Is what pink?”
“Whatever’s under this dress.”
Bee couldn’t help but roll her eyes.  “You’re just gonna have to wait and see,” she said coyly.  “Besides, by the rate you’re drinking now, you might not last long enough to see me in it.”
That got Morgan’s attention.  He looked at her wide-eyed, shaking his head.  “No.  No.  No,” he said quickly, garnering a giggle from Bee.  “I am not – no – I am not passing out before I see what’s under there.”
“Good choice, Morgan,” she winked at him.
A grin still managed to make its way across his face.  They continued to slow dance together.  Bee noticed Aryne resting her head on John’s shoulder as they danced together.  She even saw Kappy and Willy dancing together, holding each other in their arms as Cassie filmed it.  They were already hammered.  Cassie would have her hands full tonight.  “I still meant what I said before.  You’re the prettiest girl in this room,” Morgan said again, smiling down at her.  “You’re the prettiest girl in every room.”
“You flatter me too much.”
“Cause you deserve it.”
Bee couldn’t help but smile, leaning her head in the crook of his neck.  “And you’re the best boyfriend in the world,” she whispered, relaxing in his arms.  
Eventually, everybody came back out onto the dance floor.  Connor Brown had a tray full of shots for everyone and Fred carried other drinks for them, including a gin and tonic for Bee, and they all began to dance some more.  She felt slightly buzzed as she danced along with everyone, laughing and giggling and incorporating some truly heinous dance moves.  When the DJ played Lizzo – a four song set of “Boys”, “Good as Hell”, “Juice”, and “Truth Hurts”, everybody went crazy.  The girls were singing along at the top of their lungs, dancing and acting out the lyrics as much as possible.  The boys, to their credit, were graciously playing along, dancing and moving their hips, pointing to their bowties during “Boys” and pretending to check the girls’ nails and flip their non-existent hair during “Good as Hell”.  Tyler – a surprisingly excellent dancer – ended up dancing with Bee and swinging her back and forth along to the beat of “Juice”, indulging her by pretending to grind up against her when the lyrics “The juice ain’t worth the squeeze if the juice don’t look like this”.  Everyone around them whooped and hollered as Morgan danced towards her too, backing his ass up towards her body on the other side, putting her in a hockey-player-grinding-sandwich.  Bee was laughing so much she couldn’t dance anymore, covering her face until Alannah pulled her out and subbed Zach into the sandwich so she could dance with her.  
When the DJ played an entire 90s-Eurodance set, the European boys went nuts.  Kasperi and Willy went crazy with their dancing and jumping around, and Fred – oh my God, Fred – he was doing it along with them, his big body jumping and grooving along to the music that he apparently loved so much.  Perhaps he had fond memories of it growing up.  In any case, everybody eventually joined in with them, Cassie filming the whole thing on her phone.
When the DJ announced the late night food stations, the girls still didn’t leave the dance floor since the music was so good.  Instead, the men left and came back soon after with the goodies – poutine, Angus beef sliders, grilled cheese sandwiches, and fried chicken.  When the boys brought the piles of food back, the girls screamed in excitement.  
“I brought you poutine,” Fred smiled drunkenly as he showed her the steaming bowl of fries, gravy, and cheese curds.  Aryne was already digging into a grilled cheese sandwich and Cassie was filming herself eating a fry dangling from Kasperi’s mouth.  “I already ate some.  Sorry.”
“You brought me poutine?!” Bee was ready to cry at his words.  Fred nodded his head, a giant smile on his face as he set the bowl down on the table.  Bee wrapped her arms around his big shoulders and pressed a kiss onto his cheek.  “Freddie, you are the absolute best person on the planet.”
“Hey, what am I, chopped liver?” Morgan demanded playfully, holding a plate of fried chicken.  “I brought you fried chicken!”
“Well I’m eating the poutine first,” she stuck out her tongue at him, grabbing a fork and digging into the poutine.  
Another shot at the bar with Zach, Alannah, and all the hockey guests happened after everybody finished eating, followed by another gin and tonic for Bee.  Group pictures – so many group pictures – were posed for (and no doubt uploaded to Instagram).  More dancing with Fred and Tyler, more slow dancing with Morgan.  By the end of the night, everybody watched from the sidelines as Zach and Alannah danced to their last dance together.  
Morgan and Bee stood off to the side, Bee’s back to his chest as he had his arms wrapped around her waist.  Bee could feel Morgan’s chin resting on top of her head, and slowly but surely, he moved down so he could rest it against her shoulder.  When she shifted her eyes to look at him, she saw a simple, loving smile on his face.
His eyes were looking at Zach and Alannah, but his mind was elsewhere.
Morgan and Bee were giggly as they stumbled into his apartment, kissing whenever they could, grabbing wherever they could.  Bee worked on untying Morgan’s tie while his hands were busy groping her ass through he dress.  He kicked off his shoes and she hers, and he helped her unzip her dress to reveal her pink underwear and bra.  He drunkenly grabbed handfuls of her ass before they fell onto the bed together, dragging each other further onto the bed as Morgan’s large body loomed over hers.  She worked at the buttons of his shirt before pushing the material off, then worked at his belt as he kissed her all over – wet, sloppy kisses; butterfly kisses; nipping kisses that left soft bite marks on her skin; long kisses that were sure to leave hickeys.  
The way he was kissing her felt different tonight.  It wasn’t that he was holding back.  And it wasn’t that he was drunk, either (well, half-drunk – he had the wherewithal to be gentle with the zipper of her dress so he didn’t break it).  It just felt…different.  There were moments where he’d stop and look at her, his mouth open as their lips traced each other’s, but his blue eyes would be piercing hers, as if he couldn’t believe she was below him, her legs wrapped around his torso pressing his body against hers.  Then he’d start kissing her again, and his hands would wander along her sides, and it felt like there was even more meaning than there usually was behind his kisses.  Like there was something he was trying to say with them, something that he couldn’t say with words, or something that he was trying not to say.
“Our wedding’s gonna be all flowers,” he mumbled suddenly against her lips.
Her body stiffened slightly at his words.  Okay, so maybe he had no filter right now.  Maybe the alcohol was still coursing through his veins and he was a bit more than half-drunk.  “Flowers?”
“Mmm,” he smiled, biting her bottom lip.  “Cause you love them so much.  Lots of flowers.  All the flowers in the world.”
She couldn’t help but smile at his reasoning.  The fact that he was even thinking about this stuff, and then saying it with no filter, made the butterflies in her stomach flutter.  She knew it must have been because of the wedding.  She couldn’t help but feel a sense of giddiness.  They always said drunk words are sober thoughts, and, well…she was going to get to the bottom of this.  “What else?” she couldn’t help but ask.
“Good food.  Raw oyster bar,” he continued in between kisses.  “You in lace.”
“Lace?” she giggled slightly.  
“Mhm,” he nodded slightly, moving down to her neck.  “The dress and whatever’s underneath it.  You know how lace is my favourite.”
“You’re lucky it’s my favourite too,” she said, moving to unclasp her bra and toss it to the side.  “What else?”
“Vancouver or Toronto – doesn’t matter.  Just somewhere nice,” he continued, kissing down her body and over her breasts.  “You pick.  You pick everything.  Whatever you want.  But the flowers.  You love flowers.”
He hooked his fingers into her underwear and slid off her panties, pulling his own underwear down right after.  She took the initiative to flip him over so he was on his back, and climbed on top of him to straddle him.  She grabbed his cock in her hands and stroked it a few times.  She couldn’t help but admit that she loved this.  She didn’t know where it was coming from, but she loved it.  She wanted more.  She wanted to know it all.  “Where are we going for our honeymoon?” she smiled, biting her lip as she lowered herself on to his cock.
It took Morgan a few moments to answer – he was too busy relishing in the feeling of his cock inside of her and watching it disappear into her.  “Positano,” he gulped.  “If I don’t get to take you there before then.  So you can see the giant lemons.”
“Oh yeah?” she breathed out, bottoming out, putting her hands on his broad chest.
He nodded, gulping again.  His hands squeezed at her hips.  “Or Bora Bora.  France.  Lake Como.  New Zealand.  Antarctica.  Where do you want to go?”
“Anywhere with you, baby.”
“Then we’re going anywhere,” he agreed.
Bee couldn’t help but smile as she began to rock back and forth.  As the less drunk of the two, she took it upon herself to do most of the work, knowing Morgan would probably appreciate it.  “It’s so deep baby,” she moaned, one of her hands going to her clit.  “God, it’s so fucking deep.”
“I’d go to Turkmenistan if you wanted to go there,” he continued, his mind apparently still stuck on their earlier words.
She couldn’t help but laugh, surprised that he even knew it was a country.  “Okay, stud,” she giggled out.
“I mean it.  You tell me what you want, where you want to go and we’re going.”
She leaned down so her breasts were pressed up against his chest.  She kissed him a few times before smiling at him.  “I want you to make love to me,” she purred against his lips.
With a flash in Morgan’s eyes, he took the initiative to wrap his arms around her and flip her over so she was on her back below him.  He fucked her nice and slow, and passionate, and loving, giving her the same kisses as he was earlier, a mix of sticking his tongue down her throat and tracing his lips onto hers as he looked down at her, his big blue eyes searching for something within her that she didn’t know he was looking for.
“You think about this stuff too, right?” he asked, his tone of voice almost worried as he looked down at her.  
She nodded her head.  Yes, she did.  She did think about this stuff.  She thought about what her future would be like with Morgan.  She thought about marriage, about children, about raising a family.  She thought about growing together.  How could she not?  He was the love of her life.  It was so clear that he was.  He was everything that she could have asked for in a partner, and she’d be a liar if she said she hadn’t thought about it.  She saw the look in his eyes.  She heard his tone of voice.  As if he had anything to worry about.  “Of course I do,” she kept nodding.  “All the time.”
He didn’t say another word.  Instead, after some more work on his part, he felt her walls clench around him and he exploded within her, filling her up as he always did, cock twitching at the feeling.  She kept her legs wrapped around him as he collapsed on top of her, falling into a quiet, gentle, contented sleep.
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twdeadfanfic · 5 years
The first to blow your mind Pt.2
Daryl Dixon x Reader
*Summary:  It’s Daryl Dixon’s 18th birthday and he can’t stop his brother from dragging him to the strip club, one of Merle’s favourite places, to celebrate. There’s a new singer there, a girl with a beautiful voice and a beautiful smile, even Daryl can see it. Little does he know, he’s going to meet her again at the woods soon. This was a request but it got out of hand.
Daryl’s POV. Teen Daryl.Pre-apocalypse. Hurt/Comfort, Fluff, Angst
3847 words
Chapters: 2/8
Link to masterlist with more  chapters and works is in the info of this blog.
Thank you all so much for the support in last chapter, I was so nervous, and this got more support than I could have hoped for! Thank you for every like, reblog, and lovely comment, it made my day! I hope you’ll like this chapter too.
***I’ve been reblogging a lot of young Norman pics to get in the mood for teen Daryl, if you want to check it! Some of them are really how I imagine him in this story: twdeadfanfic.tumblr.com/tagged/tftbym ***
Last chapter...Daryl and reader met, first at the strip club then at the woods, and it seemed to Daryl that, somehow, the girl wanted to be his friend. He’s not very sure, but he thinks he might want it too, and so he’s on his way to meet her again...
For the longest time, Daryl didn’t know what to do, go to that part of the woods where he knew the girl might be or not. He still didn’t know what to think of her, confused by her. He knew he wanted to see her again, no matter he tried to stop himself from feeling like that, even though he didn’t understand why. He had barely been able to sleep that night, his thoughts shifting to the girl, her smile as she talked with him, as she sang, how different the girl from the woods and the girl at the club seemed, even though they were the same. 
Nerves clutched his stomach as he walked to the woods, making him feel like an idiot. He didn’t know what to do once he saw her again, what to say to her. That, if she was there. Maybe the girl wasn’t going to show up, maybe she was messing with him, maybe she didn’t really want to try to be his friend, if that’s even what she was trying to do. Maybe she was laughing at him after all. Maybe it was some kind of trick. Maybe... 
Daryl heard a voice singing softly and he knew it was her, she had come. Somehow, it made him more nervous. He walked silently towards the voice and he saw her, walking and dancing around. He watched her in silence until she noticed he was there. She jumped a bit when she saw him, but then she was smiling. 
“Hey, you came!” Daryl just nodded in silence and as the girl approached with that bright grin on her face, he’d to fight the urge to run away. “I hope you haven’t been watching for long... it’s embarrassing.” The girl chuckled, biting her lip. Daryl didn’t know why she thought it was embarrassing, or if maybe she thought he was stalking her or something. He didn’t really know what to say. “I was just practicing, you know, trying not to suck at it.” She chuckled again. 
“You don’t suck,” Daryl said quietly, looking down, unable to meet her eyes. “Told you, you sing well.” He didn’t understand why she might think otherwise, maybe she was just pretending or something. 
“Thank you!” Even without looking at her, Daryl could hear the smile in her voice. “I can’t really practice at home, it seems I bother my neighbors or something, thin walls or whatever.” She let out an annoyed sigh. “But I meant the dancing...I think it’s still not my thing, I don’t really know what to do half of the time. Your brother gave me great advice my first day, though, yelling at me to ‘move that ass’” The girl joked, giggling, and Daryl blushed, hearing his brother in his head. 
“Must be the first time he gave good advice.” Daryl didn’t know if he was joking or not, he owed Merle a lot and he was his big brother and smarter, but lately he was starting to see how Merle wasn’t the best at taking the right decisions most of the time. He had to stop himself from looking around as he said that, paranoid of his brother hearing it, even though he knew it was impossible and stupid...a reflex, he guessed. The girl just laughed at that. 
“Honestly, it helped, I’d finished singing and I was feeling so awkward, didn’t know what to do...I guess that move my ass is as good as anything, at least I’m not there standing like a tree or just walking around while the other girls dance so good. I still don’t know what to do with my arms half of the time, though, they are just here...hanging like hosepipes or something.” 
Daryl’s eyes had been fixed on the ground, but he looked up at her weird at that, and as the girl wiggled her arms sillily as she giggled, the ghost of a smile tugged at the corner of his lips. 
“Or else they go like this, like t-rex arms, which I guess it’s not that sexy either, but well, everyone has their kinks.” She kept just wiggling her arms around in silly ways as she spoke and Daryl couldn’t keep it together any longer, snorting. 
The girl giggled and as both them laughed together, Daryl found himself relaxing ever so slightly. She looked at him as if curious, a look on her face Daryl wasn’t sure he could read, and he looked down again, self-conscious, though by now he was feeling surer that the girl didn’t want to mess with him or laugh at him. He was so lost as for why the girl had decided she wanted to speak with him and maybe be his friend. 
“I don’t think you’re bad at it,” Daryl mumbled, shrugging, eyes on the ground. 
“Thanks, you didn’t get to see me dancing much that night, though...maybe that’s why you think that.”  
The girl laughed again and Daryl tried hard not to think about that night, not wanting all the shame and embarrassment to come back to him. He tried not to think on her rocking and her hands moving over her body as she sang, or on the moment when she ditched the dress, sure that if he did he couldn’t look at her and keep talking to her. He felt his cheeks heating up anyway, but if the girl noticed, she didn’t say anything. 
“I think it’s starting to grow on me, though, I think I’d like to actually learn how to dance. Like, not only wiggle my ass so I get tips, you know, I want to really learn. Some of the girls that work there are so good, yet none of the people who go there appreciate it, they just have one thing in their mind. Kind of like when I sing. But well, it’s a living.” 
Daryl looked at the girl as she vented, sounding disappointed. She looked at him and bit her lip, giving him a shy smile. “I’m sorry, I’m here talking your ear off again, you can tell me to shut up.” 
“No... I just don’t know why you want to tell me all these.” He admitted. 
“Guess I don’t really have someone to speak to.” The girl shrugged. “And it feels like you listen to me when I speak...but I guess it’s just that you don’t really feel like talking and here I am bothering you with my shit.” She let out an embarrassed chuckle. 
“You ain’t bothering me.” It wasn’t like he didn’t feel like talking to her, it was just he didn’t know what to say, but he did like to listen to her. He felt less nervous the more she spoke, less on edge. Maybe it was silly, but Daryl felt like he wanted her to keep speaking so he could know more about her. “So you don’t have friends to speak to?” 
“Not really, not anymore at least. My best friend Nora moved to the city a year ago. Once I’ve got enough money I’m going to move there too and we’re going to live together, and it’s going to be awesome.” She smiled sadly. “Also, some of the girls I work with are really nice too. When I started, I owed my landlord last month rent and also I couldn’t afford that month either, I was about to be kicked out but some of the girls gave me half of their tips so I could pay. I owe them a lot.”  By hearing her talk, Daryl guessed she hadn’t had it easy after her mother died. “So, I hope your brother keeps coming and tipping good and allowing me to pay rent.” The girl joked awkwardly. 
“Don’t think he plans on stopping.” Unless Merle decided to leave the town once again, that club would probably still be one of his favorite places to visit night in night out. 
“So... what about you, you got a lot of friends?” The girl asked him and Daryl almost snorted. 
“Just my brother.” If he’d had friends, it had been a long while ago, when he was little and his brother wasn’t there.
“And those guys you were with that night?” 
“They are my brother’s friends, not mine.” Daryl knew how they were, what they were. 
“I don’t really like how most of them look.” The girl admitted, looking at him as if expecting he might snap at her for saying that, but Daryl couldn’t care less, he didn’t like them either. “Don’t want to know what they do to get all that money either.” Daryl knew, most of them got their money same way that his brother did, others in even darker ways, but he didn’t say anything, embarrassed about it. “Wouldn’t like them asking me for a private show, so to speak.” 
“Merle wouldn’t let any of them hurt you.” Daryl genuinely thought like that, Merle could be many things but he wasn’t a rapist or anything like that, and Daryl couldn’t believe he’d hurt or let his friends hurt any of the girls. 
“That’s good to know.” The girl gave him a small smile. “Anyway...you wanted to hunt and here I am bothering you with half my life and not letting you hunt, sorry.” 
“Told you, you ain’t bothering me,” Daryl muttered. “And I think you scared the game away when you sang and then talking.” 
“Oh...sorry...” The girl bit her lip as she gave him a small, shy smile. 
“It’s okay, I’ll find something.” There must be some squirrels not far, maybe a rabbit. He’d found deer some times, but those were easier to scare and used to be further away from the town. 
“Can I go with you? I promise I’ll shut up.” The ask took Daryl aback, but he found himself nodding, for some reason he didn’t want them to part ways yet. The girl smiled brightly and his stomach did funny twirls. “Lead the way.” 
As she followed him in silence, Daryl forced himself to stop thinking about her and focus on tracking. It took him shorter than he thought to spot a rabbit. He pointed it at the girl, who didn’t seem to have seen it yet. He aimed his crossbow and shot, and the girl gasped next to him, looking away as the rabbit fell dead to the ground. 
“Sorry, I bet you think I’m stupid or weak, or something...” The girl apologized, seeming embarrassed, when he looked at her. “I’d never seen...just...sorry.” 
“It’s okay, girl.” Daryl didn’t know what to say and he tried not to sound harsh. The first time his uncle had taken him to the woods as a little kid to teach him how to track and hunt, he’d seen him kill a rabbit too, and he remembered being upset too. He also remembered how his father had laughed at him, calling him names. Things were different now. 
“Thanks.” The girl smiled softly, but she still seemed a bit embarrassed. “I’m Y/N, by the way.” Daryl nodded, he knew her name, she had told him yesterday, but it felt a bit personal to call her by her name, but it seemed she wanted him to. 
“Wait here...Y/N.” He made his way to the dead rabbit, guessing the girl would be upset to get closer, and he wrapped it with a rag before getting it into his hunting bag and making his way back to Y/N. 
“You want to keep hunting?” 
“Nah, that's enough.” He didn't want to upset Y/N more and the rabbit would feed him for the night, probably next day too, if he stewed it.  
“Okay… I have to go back.” 
“Do you want me to walk you back to the town? He asked shyly, gaze on the ground.  
“That would be nice, thank you!” 
Next day, Daryl didn’t think it twice about going back to the woods, same place, same hour. Even though their walk back to the town had been mostly silent, Y/N had told him she’d be there the next day too, as if she wanted to see him again. Daryl had barely slept again, thinking about her, he’d barely been able to listen to Merle when he’d been running his mouth as always, until his brother noticed and snapped at him. Daryl couldn’t care. 
He wanted to see her again, even though he still didn’t understand why she might want to see him again. By now, he was almost sure the girl wasn’t playing him or anything like that, and he'd found himself enjoying it as he listened to her talking. Somehow, he felt like he wanted her to tell him more about her. 
She had told him she hadn’t many friends, and probably that was the reason why she had decided she wanted to befriend him. He hadn’t any friends...so maybe they could, indeed, be friends. The idea made him nervous and a bit scared, but it made him smile too.  
As he walked closer to the place where he’d found her the previous days and he didn’t hear her singing, he began to worry, wondering if maybe Y/N hadn’t come, if maybe she had decided she didn’t want to keep hanging out with him, but then she spotted her, walking and dancing a bit. This time, when she saw him, she didn’t jump. She approached him, a bright smile on her face, and Daryl’s heart began beating faster, nervous.  
“I haven’t sung so I wouldn't scare your game if you wanted to hunt.” She whispered to him, and a small smile tugged at the corner of Daryl’s lip as he found himself thinking she was cute. He chastised himself, blushing.  
“You made noise as you moved anyway.” It was difficult to learn to move silently, and dancing around probably she had been heard by every animal that was close enough.  
“Oh… didn’t think about that, sorry.”  
Daryl hadn't wanted to make her feel bad and he hoped he hadn't upset her. He wished he knew how to talk better with people.  
“No, I didn't mean it like that, just… You don't have to stop singing or nothing.” She had told him she couldn't do it at home and he didn't want her to feel she couldn't sing there either just in case he might go hunting.  The girl said nothing, just gave him a smile. “I can hunt later.” 
They stood there in silence for what felt eternal to Daryl. He'd wanted to see Y/N again but now he felt he didn't know what to tell her, waiting for her to speak as nerves knotted his stomach. 
“So… Do you want to take a walk with me, maybe?” She asked, sounding unsure too, and Daryl nodded, it'd be better than just stand there. The girl smiled to him and as Daryl turned around, she began following through the woods. 
They walked in silence and Daryl began to worry. During the couple of days he’d seen her, Y/N had seemed like a talkative person, speaking with him even though he hadn’t said much, but she was silent now. Daryl wondered if he might have done something wrong, if maybe she now thought he didn’t want her to talk with him, but then why would she want to see him and walk by him. 
“You okay?” He asked when he couldn’t take it any longer. 
“Yeah, why?” 
“You’re quiet.” Daryl shrugged shyly. 
“I’m trying to...I just kind of felt like I’ve been talking too much, and you seem to really like your quiet so, dunno...” The girl let out an embarrassed chuckle. “I guess I didn’t want to be annoying.” 
“You ain’t annoying. I liked to listen to what you were saying.” Daryl forced himself to overcome his shyness and say it aloud. 
“Yeah? That’s good to know.”  
Daryl looked at her through the corner of his eye, a smile tugging at his lips when he saw her grinning. She didn’t say anything else and Daryl wondered if maybe he should be the one to speak, but he didn’t really know what to say. Before he could worry too much, Y/N spoke again. 
“You move like you’d been in the woods forever.” 
“I come here since I was little.” He liked it more than the town too, away from people’s gossip, from his father, from everything. 
“That’s cool,” the girl said, and Daryl just shrugged. 
“So...besides coming to the woods, what other things do you like?” 
Daryl’d never felt comfortable with personal questions, half the time he was asked he was sure there was some hidden intention behind it, but he didn’t feel it from Y/N. Still, he didn’t know how to answer. 
“There must be something you like.” 
“Why you care?” His insecurity made him snap and he regretted it, but he didn’t know how to apologize. 
“Told you, I thought you were interesting.” The girl shrugged and Daryl looked at her weird, he still didn’t understand why she might think that. “Guess, I wanted to know something more about you...” She looked down and Daryl thought she was blushing. “I’m sorry if it was too personal or anything, we can talk about something else.” 
“No, it ain’t that...”  
Personal questions made him uncomfortable and defensive, but not from her. Still, the idea of telling her things about him and Y/N deciding she wasn’t interested in being his friend anymore made him nervous. Y/N was silent again and Daryl thought for something to tell her, something he liked. 
“I like bikes.” 
“Your brother has one, right? I’ve seen him around town a couple of times with some other guys.” 
“Yeah, he’s let me ride it sometimes.” He’d always complained about it, threatening him if he damaged it, but he’d let him ride it sometimes since he was big enough to hold the bike right. “I like to ride.” 
“Cool, you got a bike?” 
“Not now but I’m putting together one and it’ll be ready soon.”  
During the last couple or so of years he’d gotten a couple of old bikes here and there, wanting to have his own, but both of them had soon died. He had managed to save some pieces, though, and with some other parts he’d managed to get cheap, he’d been trying to build his own. Merle'd been always saying how he wasn’t going to be able to do it and whatever bike he made was going to fall into pieces as soon as he turned on the engine, but by now Daryl had managed to keep the bike going and he was sure it was pretty much done. Putting a bike together, that was something he’d liked doing too. 
“What you mean putting together?” Y/N looked at him as if confused. 
“Building it from pieces and parts of other bikes.” 
“Seriously?! You’re building a bike?!” Y/N stopped walking to look at him with wide eyes, making Daryl feel a bit insecure under her gaze. 
“Woah...how cool is that?!” Y/N was grinning and Daryl didn’t think someone had ever looked at him like she was doing, she seemed impressed and Daryl couldn’t help but feel a bit proud. He couldn’t hold her gaze, though, and he began walking again. 
“Are you studying mechanics or something?” 
Daryl scoffed, he’d dropped out of school as soon as he was able. “Nah.” 
“And yet you built a bike by yourself...that’s like so impressive.” Her words gave Daryl again that mix of feelings, of pride and embarrassment. He’d never thought it was that impressive, he was just following what he read on old manuals and bikes magazines. “Would you like to study mechanics?” 
Daryl had never thought about it, studying had never been his thing. He hadn’t even considered he could study something related to bikes, building and repairing stuff. He didn’t know what to think about it. 
“Well, by what you’re telling me, it doesn’t seem like you need it.” The girl grinned to him and Daryl found himself smiling too. He usually felt uncomfortable when he had to share something about himself, not that he had to do it often, but he didn’t feel like that with Y/N, not with how she was looking at him. 
“And you?” He’d found himself wanting to know more about her almost since she began speaking to him. 
“No, I’m useless at building anything with my hands, I can’t even doodle.” Y/N giggled and Daryl realized he’d been so caught up in his own mind he hadn’t actually formulated the question he wanted. 
“No, I meant, what do you like besides singing.” 
“I think I’ve found I like dancing too... even though I’m not that good at it. I used to like reading a lot too, but I barely do it these days.” 
“What kind of books?” Daryl glanced at the girl through the corner of his eye, wondering if she might be finding him nosy, but it didn’t seem so. 
“My favorites were detective books and that kind...I think maybe because they were my mother’s favorites. Shows and movies too, when I was little some afternoons my mum and I would just like marathon half a detective’s show or a bunch of movies. And when I was a little older I began borrowing her books.” 
She looked sad as she talked about her mother and Daryl’s heart clenched a bit, trying not to think on his own. He wished he knew what to say or what to do to make Y/N feel better, but he didn’t. Soon, though, she was smiling again. 
“Do you like detective books?” 
“I could lend you one of mine, maybe, if you feel like reading one...” 
“Okay.” He wasn’t sure if he was going to like it, but if she wanted to lend him one of her books, he wasn’t going to say no. 
She smiled and looked at her watch. “Shit, I gotta go, I’ve to get ready to work tonight.” 
“I’ll walk you to the town.”  They had walked further from the clearing where they’d met and Daryl didn’t want her getting lost in the woods, especially when the sun was going down in an hour. 
“No, you wanted to hunt, I can go by myself.” 
“I’ll walk you back to the clearing and then I’ll go hunting.” Even though she said she could go back by herself, Daryl felt uneasy about leaving her alone there. 
“Okay, thanks.” She smiled and began following him back.
Once they reached the clearing, Y/N stopped to look at him with that bright smile and Daryl’s stomach did those damn twirls again. “Thank you for walking me here, Daryl.” I’m going to come tomorrow again...so if you want to, we could meet again, if you’re free.” 
“Yeah, yeah, okay.” Daryl couldn’t help his smile at her wanting to meet again, and then at the way in which she grinned. It was hard to believe, but it seemed she really liked to talk to him and spend time with him, she really wanted to be his friend. 
"See you tomorrow then!” 
Daryl made a friend! What did you thought? Do you like this friendship? If you have a moment, please let me know yiur impresions. As always, thank you for your reads, likes, comments and reblogs, it means the world to me!
As always, English is not my first language so sorry if there are mistakes.
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freerebelmentality · 5 years
The family visit
AN: About the request. Reader and Joe visit her family for the first time. She has a nephew and hopes he will like Joe. Nephew gets jealous and doesn’t like Joe but reader explains she’s helped raise her nephew since he was an infant and always looked to his aunt as a mother figure. I can’t wait to read what you would come up with. I hope it’s enough for an imagine. Actually scratch that, can that be a fic? Please and thank you 💕💕 Love ya to bits and I miss you 😘 This fic was requested by anon. So anon I hope I did you justice and wrote it out the way you wanted. Other then that please everyone enjoy. I can finally post fics now. I have my internet going. FINALLY!!!!!
Word Count: 2,132
Joe comes home from meetings, he gathers the mail from the table and looks through them. He sees an envelope with little kid writing and knew there was a letter inside. A smile forms on his face and begins searching for you throughout the house.
“Hey, have you looked through the mail?” Joe asks as he enters the office the both of you share
“Hey, I didnt hear you come in. No I didnt. I just checked the mail and left them on the table” you reply as you get up from the chair and give him a kiss.
“Well you have mail from a very adorable admirer” he says as he hands you the envelope
You knew it would be from your nephew, ever since his dad taught him how to write and telling how the mail works. Your nephew started writing you letters, made you drawings he did at school and every mail day you would always hang up his work on the wall in the office. Or would hang them on the fridge or even the bedroom the both of you share.
“Dear aunty
Its me Freddie. How are you? Im fine, today at school the teacher took us on a field trip to the museum and we saw dinosaur bones. The T-Rex is so huge, you should see them. For Christmas I want dinosaur toys.
Daddy tells me you have a boyfriend now and live with him. Aunty thats gross. I cant even touch girls because they have cooties. Well not you because you’re aunty and I love you. And I miss you, lots.
When are you going to come and visit me?
I better go, daddy is calling me for dinner.
I love you and I miss you
Love always
He sent you another drawing from his field trip to the museum. You loved him for sending you these and miss him a lot more now.
You finally decided to make a visit back home and finally introduce Joe to your nephew. Well finally introduce him to your family now.
“Joe?” you yell from the office in hopes he will hear you from where ever he is in the house
“Yeah?” you hear him coming up the stairs and peek his head into the office
“How do you feel about making a trip to meet my family?” you looking to the man you love
“Its about time you ask me to meet your family. I mean you’ve met mine and I have always wanted to meet this little admirer thats been sending you all these letters and amazing drawings” he replies with a wide smile to his face.
“What drawing did he send you this time?” he asks looking to the desk
“He sent me a drawing from his field trip to the museum and his favourite part was the dinosaur exhibit” you reply with a smile on your face.
You get up from the desk and walked towards Joe.
“Ooh dinosaurs, that was always my favourite too” he says as he winks at you
As the days go by the both of you get ready to head back to your home town and finally make a visit. Joe goes out of his way to find toys that your nephew will love and even got him the Jurassic Park movie.
“Are you all packed up and ready to go?” Joe asks as he enters the bedroom
“I am just about done, Im just making sure I dont forget anything” you reply while looking around the room and bathroom.
When you are done packing, Joe begins to load the cab with your luggage and his. The ride to the airport was nerve racking enough. Scratch that, the plane ride was nerve racking.
You hoped and prayed your family would love Joe. Most importantly, you hoped your nephew would love him or even like him.
“Why so tense babe?” Joe asks while entwining both of you hands together
“Im nervous because I am really hoping and praying my family will love you. Most importantly, I am hoping my nephew will like you” you reply while squeezing his hand
“Thats what I am hoping for as well but I think they will” Joe says while giving you a kiss to the forehead.
When landing at the airport, you see your dad near by luggage pick up and a big smile forms on your face. You run to him and give him a big hug.
“Dad, I missed you” you say as he twirls you around
“Missed you too” he replies while still hugging you
“Dad, I want you to meet someone” you say while looking behind you
“Dad this is Joe my boyfriend. Joe this is my dad, David” you introduce the two
Your dad has a smile on his face and brings out his hand to shake Joe’s hand
“Nice to finally meet you” your dad replies while pulling him in for a hug
“Its nice to finally meet you too” Joe replies as he pulls away from the hug
“C’mon lets get you kids back to the house and rest. The truck is this way” your dad says and leads you to where he is parked
The rest of the ride home was Joe and your dad talking and getting to know each other. You sat in the back while you gave Joe the front seat.
As the days go by, you spend your time at your parents place and they love Joe. Now the biggest test was your nephew. He was away on vacation with his dad and you knew he is going to come back with great stories.
Ever since being back, he couldnt wait to finally see his aunty. His most favourite person in the world.
“DAD CAN YOU DRIVE FASTER!!!” Freddie yells from his booster seat in the back seat.
“I cant go any faster bud and no worries your aunty will still be at grandma’s house” your brother Jensen says turning into the street your parents live on
“Ooh I see them” you squeal in delight looking from the window
You go running out the door and meet them at the drive way. Your brother puts the car in park and Freddie takes his seat belt off and rushes to you.
“AUNTY!!!!” Freddie yells running into your arms
“Baby I missed you so much. Finally get to have you in my arms” you say while trying to hold back the tears.
It was hard leaving home for work, hard for you to leave your nephew because you helped raise him while your brother worked.
You pulled yourself away from your nephew to get up and hug your brother
“Its so good to see you, finally” you say while hugging him
“Me too. Welcome home” he replies
“Lets head in because I want the both of you to meet someone special” you say while looking to your brother and nephew
“More special than me” Freddie says while never letting go of your hand.
“No one can ever be as special as you are” you say while getting into the house
“Ouch” Joe jokingly says as he has his hand to his heart
“Jensen, Freddie. This is Joe my boyfriend. Joe this is my brother Jensen and my very special nephew Freddie” you introduce them finally
Joe and Jensen share hand shakes and hugs
“Its finally good to meet you man. After three years, why did it take so long to meet you anyway?” your brother asks looking to the both of you.
Your nephew is weary of Joe and stays away from him and continues sitting with you.
“I know thats what I said too. Finally get to meet you all and I always wondered where this beautiful person came from and now I know” Joe replies as he continues talking to your brother.
Your family warm up to Joe and love him. They really love him and you were happy they love him. Now it was your nephew who needed to open up to Joe
“Hey Freddie, I have something for you. Someone tells me you really like dinosaurs” Joe says as he gets up and walks up the stairs to the room you both share.
“What is it?” he asks looking to you.
“I dont know kiddo, lets see what he has for you” you reply while shrugging your shoulders
“You didnt need to get him a gift, he already has enough toys at home” your brother says while Joe comes back into the living room
“When y/n told me Freddie is interested in dinosaurs I had to get something” he says while handing Freddie the gift bag
Freddie didnt take the bag from Joe, he took one look to the bag and walked away from the living room and went walking up the stairs.
“Freddie” your brother says as he watches him walk away
“I’ll go talk to him” your brother continues as he gets from the couch and walked up the stairs as well.
All evening Freddie has avoided any eye contact with Joe, avoided any type of conversation with him and always moved to another seating spot when Joe got closer.
“Dont take it too personal, he just needs to get more used of you” you say while taking Joe’s hand in yours.
“There is something you need to understand about Freddie. His mom abandoned him when he was just a few months old and Jensen has been a single parent ever since” your mom says while placing her hand on Joe’s shoulder.
“Since then y/n has stepped in and took on the mother role for Freddie. She helped raise him, got him the things he needed and did everything a mother would do for her child” your dad adds
“Y/n basically put a hold on her life to help her brother raise Freddie” your mom says as she reaches for her tea
“Ever since then I have never been so grateful to have a sister like y/n. She has done so much to help me, she babysat while I went to work as a construction worker and when I was done working. She found work and worked for a while” your brother adds as he comes back down the stairs and into the living room
He came back down with Freddie. You notice him walking closer to Joe and looking shy as ever.
“Im Freddie, whats your name?” Freddie asks putting out his hand for a hand shake
“Hi Freddie. Im Joe” Joe replies with a smile
Joe opens the bag for Freddie and begins telling him about the items. Joe also mentioned about the Jurassic Park movie and told Freddie he is in that movie back when he was a little kid.
They bonded over dinosaurs and even played with Freddie’s dinosaur set.
As you looked to your boyfriend and nephew, you know he is warming up to Joe and you knew he is beginning to like him.
When they were done playing and it was time for Freddie to go back home, he stopped to give you a hug and a kiss.
“Good night aunty. I love you. By the way I really like your boyfriend, hes cool” Freddie says as he gives you a kiss to the cheek.
“Joe, it was nice meeting you and hope you will come to visit more often” your brother says as he gives him a hug
“It was really nice meeting you to and great to know how much Freddie means to y/n” he says as he pulls away from the hug.
“Good night uncle Joe” Freddie says as he comes running to him and gives him a hug.
His heart warms up at the name and gives him a big hug
“I think someone is warming up to someone” you say while wrapping your arm around his waist
“I think someone is and I am really happy about it” Joe says as he wraps his arm across your waist
Joe couldnt believe you have put so much on hold to help your brother raise your nephew. It gave him a glimpse on how of a good mother you will be to your future children with Joe. How he loved the idea of having a family with you. What better person to mother his children in you. He wouldnt want anyone else but you.
You were happy how much your family loved Joe and how they wanted him to make a visit more often. You loved how Joe interacted with your parents and how he got along with your brother. Most importantly, you love how Freddie warmed up to Joe and how much he has liked Joe.
It was a perfect family visit and was perfect all together.
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loudsuitlover · 5 years
The girl, the Miss, the Mrs II
Tumblr media
A/N: They met they met they met 
It had been raining for days and even though it was still cloudy in the morning, Harry had woken up with the thought of taking his little nephew somewhere. If he couldn’t take him to the park, then he would take him to the cinema or they could surely drive until they found a bowling alley. George had never been to a bowling alley before and he had said that to Harry a couple days before when they were bulding Lego cars on the living room table. He had thought in that moment he could have been a much better uncle- he could have been a much better anything- for then he realized he barely knew his sister’s child. He remembered he had been in Tennessee when he was born and then he remembered his sister calling- he was on Spain with Y/N at the time- and telling him her son had indeed Asperger Syndrome. He remember he cried on the phone, even though it didn’t seem to matter that much now. 
Gemma was working, typing away on her laptop with her legs crossed Indian-style and she gave a smile to her daugther as the girl joined her on the kitchen table, placing her Chemistry books next to her mother’s laptop and giving her a soft smile back. It was a Saturday, so under any other circumstances she’d feel a little worried that her daughter would rather do Chemistry exercises instead of going out but she knew, even though it had been a week, that Eric had really hurt her and she also remembered her first heartbreak and she remember how much her mum had meant to her in that moment so the only that was on her mind, and the only thing she wanted to do, was to be there for her daugther as her own mother had been for her. 
She had been on the same page for twenty minutes when she spoke. 
“Mum” she attracted her mother’s attention as the woman hummed “do you think if uncle Harry had married Y/N we would have seen him more?” 
Gemma stopped typing and then Laura looked up at her from her notebook and so her mum coughed and tried to pretend like she could still write after that question. It had taken her by surprise, that her daughter would be talking about her brother’s love interest, that she would think it would have change their own relationship with him, but mostly it scared her that she could be right. 
“Mmhm” she doubted instead “why do you say that, honey?” 
Laura shrugged. 
“It’s just... You know, I can almost count the times I’ve seen him in the last... Ten years with my fingers... But he’s also... It seems like he really loves us.” 
“That’s ‘cause he does, honey.” 
“He barely sees us though.” 
“Well, you know your uncle is a singer, love. He doesn’t even have a permanent residence. I bet if you ask him where home is, he would say Holmes Chapel.” She smiled. 
“Where Nana’s biscuits are.” They both chuckled. “I don’t know, I just think if he didn’t have his heart broken he wouldn’t have to hide so much.” She shrugged. 
“You think he’s hiding?” 
“I think he’s... Have you noticed how much George likes him?” 
They both stared into each other’s eyes. When it came about the little one in the family, few words needed to be exchanged. They both knew what some people said, that children with Asperger Syndrome or other Austitic disorders had a world of their own and so they thought they could be right but they also knew, and this was something they knew from experience, that they were very generous when it came about sharing it. Mother and daughter knew they probably have a different connection because they were not just a mum and a daughter, they were also little George’s guardians and that brought them all the more closer together. 
The little boy had always been so retiring and that was exactly the word, but he was also so, so good. In that moment, under her mother’s stare, she had to swallow the little lump that would form on her throat every time she thought about just a week ago, when she had come home crying and she had yelled at both her mum and dad and she would have locked herself on her room if only she had had a lock- but instead she just closed the door, lied in bed and cried as she felt her heart breaking for the first time in her life; and in that moment the door cracking opened, the little feet walking to her bed, and her little brother sitting with his legs crossed on the corner of her mattress with his brand new book of dinosaurs on his lap. 
“George, what are you doing here buddy?” 
“I know you’re sad.” He reasoned. “And I want to be with you.” 
She felt new tears falling down her cheeks, but that time they felt different, and she just nodded her head, changing her position so she could be closer to the little boy. 
“You want to know about the T Rex?” He asked his sister as if that could fix her. “You know in Jurassic Park, that scene where the T Rex runs after the car and the family is inside screaming because he’s going to get them?” She nodded. “Well that’s not true! A T Rex couldn’t run as fast as a car!” He giggled. “He was too heavy, he could only run 30 km per hour.” 
“Well” Laura said “I think they get along so well because uncle Harry gets him like we do and I think he does that because he also doesn’t really like people too much.” 
“You know the phrase Treat People With Kindness you have on your schoolbag right? That’s his. That’s your uncle’s merch.” Gemma smiled. 
“I know, mum.” Laura rolled her eyes. “I didn’t mean like that. I mean... You know today Charlie called and said they were all going to the mall to see Rose and I just... I don’t really want to go out, you know? And I know I’ll get over this, but Eric wasn’t my Y/N. I mean... Imagine you didn’t have dad, or us” she raised her eyebrows “maybe you wouldn’t be so... outgoing? And you definitely wouldn’t want to hang around the people who remind you of dad the most, would you?” 
“Lauri” Gemma smiled “never change that little head of yours, yeah?” 
Laura smiled back at her mum before they went back to their own tasks and then Gemma tried not to, but couldn’t help to, steal little glances at her daughter’s phone every time she would text. And then her own phone lighted up on the table and she smirked. 
Haha I know you do. I just hate yoga, it’s nothing personal haha- Y/N
“Hey mum, Dylan might come over before dinner to help me with Maths. Is that alright?” 
“It sure is, sweetheart. Ask him to stay over for dinner though. Dad is making a roast.” She raised her eyebrows excitedly and her daugther laughed. 
“Okay.” She smiled. 
And then they both cut vegetables while Asher got all the ingredients on the table, as usual terribly singing to Ben Howard while the two women on his life whispered under their breaths. 
“This is the kind of Saturdays I like.” He smiled. “My girls helping me out, only my little man is missing but he’s having fun so it’s not that bad.” 
“You’re so cheesy, dad.” Laura rolled her eyes. 
“You really are, babe.” Gemma laughed. 
“Hey! You both are mean.” 
Laura left the already cut courgette on the table next to her father before she gave him a little smile. 
“I’m only doing this because I’m single.” She dared to joke, making her dad roll his eyes as her mum laughed. “Guys, I’ve also been thinking” for she couldn’t say she had been searching for Y/N online, hoping she could contact her and try to fix a 35 years old man’s heart “what if... What if we tried to get in touch with Y/N?” 
Her dad dropped a fork, Gemma smirked at his awkwardness. 
“What for, baby?” Gemma asked. 
“Well, you know, it’s about to be Easter. What if... What if the Easter bunny wasn’t the only one doing magic?” She smiled. 
“Okay we’re definitely unsubscribing Netflix.” Asher shook his head. 
“Oh, come on, dad! You believe in love! What would you do if mum just disappeared? You’d like to at least know how she’s doing, right?” 
“Yeah but Y/N didn’t just disappear, Lau. Y/N left and that’s different.” 
“He doesn’t hate her.” Laura said. “And there must be a reason for that. He wouldn’t still talk of her that highly if she had just left. Something... Something must have happened.” 
“Or not, love. This is not To All The Boys I’ve Written A Letter.” 
“That’s not even the name of the movie.” Laura just noted, softly shaking her head at her dad as he rolled his eyes. 
“Gemma talk some sense into our daughter’s head.” 
“Actually, Ash-” 
“I think it’s a good idea.” 
An hour and a half later Dylan had given up about his friend actually understanding what she was doing with those calculations. She just had a brilliant memory and she remembered it by heart, the method, the equations, so if you asked her she had no idea what was going on but she could give you an answer and for that day, Dylan thought that was okay. 
“No, Dylan, it’s not a blind date. There are so many ways that could go wrong.” Laura explained her friend as he picked up his books. “But my mum and I are gonna meet with her! She agreed, you know? She doesn’t know my uncle is here or anything but maybe Mum tells her when we see her.” 
“And then what? You think they’re gonna get back together? After two years?” 
“Crazier things have happened.” She shrugged. “Plus, love will find a way. I thought we had been over this already.” 
He just stared at her and if she wasn’t just fifteen or if she knew just a little bit more about men, she would know that meant a completely different thing to him. He stretched his legs under the table and the thought crossed his mind, that at some point he might be her Harry and she might be his Y/N and then he tried to fight the little stupid smirk that was pulling from the corner of his lips. 
“What?” She swatted his arm playfully. 
“Nothing!” He laughed. “You’re just so cliché. You live for a romcom, don’t you?”
“So does my uncle!” She widened her eyes. “That’s why I know this can work. You’ve just never been in love that’s why you can’t understand.” 
Dylan nodded. Right. So cliché and so oblivious. 
“And then the parrot said that the cat couldn’t fly and then the cat fell out the window and he yelled see how I can fly?” George laughed right after Harry had closed the door. “Is that funny?” 
“It is funny, George.” Harry chuckled. 
“Oh, here’s my baby!” Gemma squealed as she ran towards her son. 
“Well hello Gemma.” Harry chuckled. 
“Hello brother.” She smiled. 
If only he knew what was coming for him. 
At that point he thought he was close to being a trespasser, for two weeks at his sister’s house seemed to be the closest to too much a sibling could get but he also felt as if he was taking all the time he hadn’t allowed himself to have with his sister’s children and also, ever since he had heard your voice again, on those damn videos, he just couldn’t get it out of his head and I love you, Harry but also I think I’m falling for someone else. Two years; two years apart and more than 20 together... How did two years mean anything at all? He got up and decided that day was going to be about reminiscing. 
Laura had her arm tangled with her mother’s as they both walked to the café they had agreed to meet with you in the mall. Laura was meeting Dylan at the theatre afterwards, just on the top floor of the same building, but she was too excited thinking at last she was going to meet the already famous Y/N for her to think about any other thing. She just walked as if she knew nothing about the world, like an innocent girl about to meet Santa for the first time and she felt her body squeaking if that was possible when her mum greeted someone. She tried to look for her on the cafeteria, she narrowed her eyes; her mum had greeted someone else. Then they sat down on a table outside, on the corridor of the mall, right in front of a costumes shop and she sighed, licking her lips and hoping they could fix this for her uncle, and then you arrived. 
Your hair was a bit shorter than she had seen on your graduation video and you wore round sunglasses but when you smiled at them, she smiled as well because if your smile looked the same then maybe everything else about you hadn’t changed as much either. You wore skinny jeans and a white blouse and she thought she wouldn’t mind looking like that, she thought she wouldn’t mind at all and that Dylan would find you hot. 
“Hi.” You grinned, placing your sunglasses on the top of your head. “You look so gorgeous!” You complimented Gemma. 
“So do you!” 
She got up from her chair and pulled you in a very tight hug and Laura just stared at your profile as you closed your eyes and enjoyed her mum’s embracement. She took that moment to really see you and then she undertstood why it had been that long and her uncle still hadn’t forgotten about you because you had the kind of face one never forgets and she knew if Harry was in love with you then he would see you even prettier, and that was prettier than anyone could ever forget. 
“This is my daughter Laura.” Gemma smiled. 
“What?” Your eyes widened as you stared at the young teenager who looked a lot like her mum did. “You have got to be kidding me! I feel so old!” You laughed. “Hi Laura! I’m Y/N, I bet you don’t remember me.” 
“Remember?” She frowned. “So we’ve met before?”
You chuckled, nodding your head. 
“You... You know who I am? Or who I was?” 
“Yeah.” Uncle Harry’s girlfriend. 
“Well we used to take you out quite a lot before we moved but I think you were... Like... 5 or 6 so... I expected you not to remember me.” You smiled. 
“Wow, I didn’t know that. I’m sorry.” 
“Don’t be!” You chuckled. “It’s not like you can control that! You are so beautiful. Sorry I had to say it. You look a lot like Anne.” 
“She does, doesn’t she?” 
“Yeah, how is she by the way?” 
“She’s good. Yeah, she’s good. She... She finally moved to London.” 
“Right! Well that’s... That’s great.” 
“And... How is Asher? And George?” 
“They’re good.” Gemma smiled. “Little George found his passion in dinosarus, right Laura?” 
“Yeah.” The girl laughed. “He’s like a little genius. He can tell you everything and anything about dinosaurs the little nerd.” 
“That’s funny.” You smiled. “My sister had a child too.” You grinned. “A year ago. He’s called Nick. She... She wanted to... Ask Harry to be the godfather, even if we were not together.” You shook your head, giving them an awkward smile. “She didn’t, eventually.” 
“Is... Is Tommy the godfather?” 
“No!” You widened your eyes. “I wasn’t with Tommy at the time already.” 
“Wait, what?”
“Wait, who is Tommy?” Laura asked. 
“Tommy is... My ex.” 
“Like my uncle.” 
You gave her a look. Why did it feel like the little girl was judging you? Instead you gave her a little smile before you whispered “no, not like your uncle.” 
“I guess you’re wondering why all of a sudden we wanted to meet” Gemma dared to direct the attention to the elephant in the room “and quite frankly the fact that even without knowing you said yes was what really made me let my daughter do this.” 
“Your daughter?” You looked at Laura. “What is it? Is everything alright?” 
“Yeah, yeah, don’t worry. He’s alright.” 
“Thank God.” You brought your hand to your chest and sighed. “I... I came without asking because I was so scared something might have happened to him. I knew you wouldn’t tell me that over the phone.” 
“No, God, no.” Gemma said. “He’s perfectly fine.” 
“He’s staying with us.” Laura blurted out, making her mum sighed as she shut her eyes. Now this was the moment when you stood up and walked away. 
“He is?” You asked instead. “Last thing I heard was that he had moved to Japan.” 
“He did.” Laura confirmed. “But he’s back now.” 
“He is.” 
You repeated her words, sounding like an idiot, because for a moment there you had felt overwhelmed by her statement. It was as if only thinking that he could be in the same country as you was turning you into a silly girl who couldn’t count to three. All of a sudden you wanted to cry and you knew it didn’t make much sense but you also knew if someone were to ask you you were going to start crying and you would tell them you didn’t know your own name. 
“Is he?” You voice croaked. “Fuck” your eyes widened as Laura’s presence hit you “I’m sorry, does he know I’m-”
“No” Gemma said “we didn’t talk to him, we just... Laura, tell her what happened.” 
Laura looked at her mother in a moment of panic. How was she going to tell her what had happened? Her mother didn’t even know she had had that talk with her uncle, or did she? And she didn’t even know which part she could tell and which part should be a secret but her mum just nodded and then she understood she wanted her to be the one to do this, for she had been the one who wanted to do this all alone, so she sighed before she turned to look at you. Her mum turned her head to order two coffees, a chocolate and two pieces of cake and then she told her everything, from the moment Harry had comforted her about Eric Shepelld to the conversation they had shared in the kitchen and you were not sure whether you were about to faint or to cry. 
“What about Kendall then?” You asked Gemma. 
Laura frowned. Her uncle hadn’t told her anything about any Kendall, or about any other girl for that matter, and then in that moment, she felt as if she had been unfair and all of a sudden it was as if she had just noticed how much affection there had been on her mother’s embrace to Y/N just before and then she thought the whole thing might have not been as simple. Maybe her uncle had thought at some point he was in love with someone else too. 
Gemma just shook her head and then for the first time Laura realized sometimes adults, even being 34 years old, don’t know what’s going on either. 
They had left the cafeteria with the promise of talking soon.  Gemma had driven home and Laura had made her way up the theatre to meet with Dylan who, as expected, was already waiting for her right where he said he would. She gave him a big smile and then she realized how lucky she was to have him and the thought crossed her head, if only for a second, before she wrapped her arms around him. 
“I take it it didn’t go as well as you thought it would?” Dylan asked her. 
“It’s not that.” She smiled. “I’m just happy to have you.” 
He grinned, and he prayed she couldn’t see the blush on his cheeks, so he tightened his arms around her figure, not only because he liked to hold her, but so that his face could go back to its normal colour. She pulled back and looked back up at him. 
“Promise we will never stop talking to one another?” She asked. 
“So far in these ten years of friendship, you are the one who’s stopped talking to me.” He smiled, grinning wider when she frowned. “Remember when I chose Mary Hardy as my bus partner to the museum trip when we were 8?” Laura grinned. “You stopped talking to me for two days.” 
“You never chose another bus partner after that.” She shrugged. 
He grinned and wrapped his arm around her shoulders, leading her to the fifth theatre. And I never will now. 
Harry was sitting on the kitchen table, at the farthest corner with his guitar on his lap, and he had been strumming on the same melody all morning for he couldn’t get it out of his head and somehow it felt as if he had heard it before. For some reason that scene, the guitar playing on somebody else’s kitchen had reminded him of that summer the two of you went to Jamaica. 
All of a sudden it was as if he could see you, waking up after him, as usual for you were not as much of a morning person as he was; and making your way to the kitchen on your undies and his shirt from the night before. He had been jogging in the morning and he had probably waking you up with the sound of the shower. He grinned as he saw you, your hair a proper mess as you yawned and he knew you hadn’t even washed your face. 
“There you are.” Your voice was crocked from sleep. “I woke up and you weren’t there.” You pouted. 
He chuckled, resting the guitar on the table next to him and patting his lap for you to sit on it. You smiled, proud of yourself for having at least brushed your teeth, and then you straddled him, your hands instantly finding a home on his hair and he hummed in appreciation. His hands slided down your back as he just smiled at you and then he all but whispered “give me a kiss” and so you leaned down and captured his lips with yours and just the thought of you kissing him made him weak at the knees, even if it was years later at his sister’s kitchen. 
He is sure it’s strange, that he can still perfectly rememer how you kissed. It might be getting harder, especially to close his eyes and think he’s feeling it, but what’s true is that he still remembered the feeling and he still remembered the way your lips seemed to perfectly mold to his. 
“Why do you smell so good?” He whispered, his nose buried in the spot right behind your ear before he started kissing down your neck, making his way back to your lips. 
“I love waking up with you.” You moaned. “Don’t... H... Don’t just leave in the morning.” 
He chuckled against your neck, feeling the skin of your bare legs turning into goose bumps as he kissed your jaw. 
“But you’re such a sleepyhead, baby.” He bit down your skin. “I woke up and couldn’t sleep any more. Thought I’d let you sleep after last night...” 
He smirked smugly and you cupped his jaw and brought his face to yours. You gave him a skimo kiss, tangling your fingers on the curls of his neck as he just grinned like a child. 
“I always miss you so much when you’re gone.” You whispered. “So when you’re here, I want to wake up with you and if that means you literally have to stir me awake I want you to do so.” 
He just stayed quiet then. It was as if all a sudden he had realized you were serious and then he nodded, he would wake you up every morning for the rest of his life, and he wanted you to know how much he fucking loved you, even if he was away a lot, even if you had to wake up alone a lot of days in the year. He wanted you to know you were the only one and he also wanted to stop hearing those things, even though they were true, so he kissed your lips and the deeper it got the harder his grip on your body but you only moaned, naughtly and greedily rolling your hips on his for you loved that slightly agressive side of him. He still kissed you as he unbuttoned the shirt of his you wore, leaving your chest exposed and your undies getting more and more wet. You couldn’t stop moaning and it was some sweet perverted way of complaining because the way you moved over him could never give you the relief you needed. 
“I want you.” 
You half whispered half begged, holding his neck and making him look into your eyes because you wanted him to see it, that hunger for him that was roaring at your belly; despite everything he had given you the night before, you still wanted more and you hoped you would always want more and that between the two of you there would always be that energy, that attraction, and that years wouldn’t pass over that, that you would always be young for this. 
“I want to fuck you so hard right now.” 
He had to clear his throat at the memory of that and he could feel his neck and cheeks turning red. He looked that at his pants. Great, he’d need a cold shower then. 
When he came out of the shower, Gemma was already wearing a fancy dress and he gave her an amused smile. 
“Am I babysitting?” He asked. 
“No, you’re coming along.” She nodded. “Today’s Asher’s company charity dinner, remember?” She raised her eyebrows.
“I do remember.” He lied. 
“Sure, sure.” She smiled. “You’ve got about twenty minutes.” 
She sat down on her bed as she put her earrings on and Asher noticed she was frowning so he pressed a kiss to her shoulder and whispered it would be alright as she gave him a grateful smile. It’s not like she believed in destiny or soulmates or that kind of thing, but she was certain she would never love anyone the way she loved Asher and so she just got it. There are no soulmates, she thought, but sometimes the one is just the one. 
Laura had put on the dress Asher’s mum had weaved for her last Christmas and she spun around in front of her mirror. She could wear a little mascara and a little light lipstick that night and somehow when she looked at herself in the mirror she realized that light makeup made her look older than her usual dramatic black line and she thought she might listen to her mum more often. Dylan texted her the colour of his tie. Do you like it? - Dylan. She smiled, for some reason she was feeling a little nervous about seeing him; but it might just be how tremendously nervous she was that her uncle was going to see her. 
The Weatherfords got there just ten minutes late, just like the vicepresident of the company should, as Gemma had said; but still it gave Asher an excuse to lean down and whisper on her ear that they should have another baby so they could have a proper excuse for being late. She giggled and blushed and her husband grinned because she was the most beautiful woman he had ever seen and she was also his and he couldn’t really ask for anything more. 
Laura and Dylan had been talking to Harry for the biggest part of the night and his niece had noticed how much female attention he was getting just as she had noticed when he would smirk at the ones he might like. She couldn’t really get mad at him for that, could she? Then why was she? She grabbed Dylan’s wrist, had a glance at his watch, and didn’t notice the way he was staring at her. So she could get even prettier. 
“Lauri, you do know there’s not a like a... band coming or a show or even a clown, right?” Her uncle smirked. “You can stop checking the time.” 
“Are you sure there’s not a clown coming? Cause I’m seeing one right now in front of me.” 
Harry laughed and then he had a sip of his scotch. He had never really drank scotch, but he could almost hear Niall going real men drink scotch, only Harrys drink gin so he had ordered a scotch instead even though next time, he’d order a gin because even if only Harrys ordered gin, he was a Harry after all. 
You walked inside Asher’s boss’ house after having given your name to the doorman. He had given you a gentle smile as he opened the door for you and as soon as you stepped inside you felt yourself calm down because you had been afraid you were overdressed. You straightened your dress right after you left your coat on the rack and then had a look around, hoping to see Gemma soon. It was moments like this when you missed her gray hair for the brunette Gemma was harder to spot in a crowd. Not so much Asher, the tallest man you had ever met so you just had to walk to that tall head who was laughing hard. 
Harry was still meters away when you joined Gemma, joking with his niece and her best friend and he couldn’t help but think those two were going to end up together- or at least he hoped so for Dylan’s sake- but it wasn’t long until Laura spotted you and tangled her bare arm with that of her uncle, guiding him towards you. She was biting her bottom lip, feeling like a kid in Christmas at the anticipation of her uncle’s reaction but then as they got closer and you were in sight, she felt him completely tensed next to her, and she wished they had given him some kind of warning. 
He stopped on his tracks and he didn’t look at anyone and his niece had to stop too for he wouldn’t budge and people were going to notice. 
“Is that?”
Only then he looked at her and Laura just nodded, now afraid that he was going to get mad or that he was just going to turn around and leave but before he could do any of that, Y/N had noticed the way Gemma had seemed to stop listening to you as she set her eyes on something behind your back so you just turned around and your heart stopped beating when you saw him.
You literally chirped before you ran towards him, almost stumbling with your own feet before you threw yourself at his arms. His heart went off in a mad frenzy and he was sure you were going to feel his rapid, crazy pulse against your skin, as your arms tightened around his neck and, even though if he had known and if he had had time to stop and think about the possible ways a reunion with you could have gone, he would have never considered this a possibility; he buried his head into your neck, and he breathed there for seconds enough for him to know this was actually you as if your presence had momentarily overwhelmed him. 
He finally said, and the way he sounded, and the awkward word, made you almost jump from his chest. You cross your arms across your chest, caressing your elbow timidly with your fingers as you looked at the floor. There was a strand of hair that was shielding your face from his stare and he was dying to reach for it and tuck it behind your ear but he knew he couldn’t do that now, despite your warm welcome and having just had your arms around him. 
“I’m sorry.” You whispered. “I don’t... I don’t even know why I did that. It’s just... Really nice to see you.” 
It broke his heart to think that you had assumed he didn’t want to hold you. He would kill to have you in his arms again but instead he just shook his head. His mouth had suddengly gone dry and he was tongue tied, he was sure if he were to speak he would stutter with the words. He scratch the back of his neck, he could feel his skin turning red. 
“It’s nice to see you too.” 
You smiled at him and the ridiculous amount of times he had spent gawking at the pictures of you he had or just thinking about your face couldn’t prepare him for actually seeing you again. It was really an experience because it wasn’t just the way you look, absolutely fucking perfect if you were to ask him, but also the way you smelled and the way you sounded and the way your skin looked, soft like a peach, that could never be captured in a picture. The desire of running his fingertips down your bare arm almost got the best of him but he just smiled back and in that moment even Dylan almost started believing in romcoms. Laura had grabbed his arm, and that alone, considering the way she looked tonight, was reason enough for him to be glad that this Y/N girl had arrived. 
“Y/N” Gemma attracted her attention, giving her brother time to gawk at her “if you want a drink, Harry can take you to the bar, right Haz?” 
“Sure.” He nodded. 
The two of you walked towards the bar in silence and even though he was still trying to wrap his head around the fact that you were just right there next to him and that he could just reach an arm and he would touch you, he knew this was the moment when it got awkward. He gave you a little smile when he rested his elbow on the bar and then he asked you what you wanted to drink. You smiled. 
“Strawberry gin and Sprite.” 
He chuckled before he nodded. He was glad to know you still had the same drink. He wondered how many things were still the same and how many things had changed now. He then thought after all, he was at least allow to look at you without being embarrassed and so he did and he couldn’t bring himself to catch all of that. Your nose, the few freckles he had memorized, your eyes, your thick lips and then he looked down at your neck as if he was afraid that freckle he was obsessed about was gone but it wasn’t so he smiled. You looked just the same, if only a little wiser. You sighed before you gave him a big smile. 
“How are you?” You whispered. 
He opened his mouth and then he closed it again. He probably wouldn’t even be able to tell you his own name. He couldn’t remember a single time he had been more nervous. 
“I am... I’m good, yeah, good.” He smiled. “And you?” 
“I’m good too. I’m very, very happy to see you. I hope you know that.” You gave him a little smile. 
“Yeah, I know.” He smiled. “I’m... I’m sorry I never went to... You know your invitations.” He smiled. 
You nodded, looking down at your feet and he knew he shouldn’t have brought that up. You had invited him a few times for the past year to some exhibitions of yours, a photography exhibition you have modelled for... But he had never find the courage to go because he was afraid this exact thing that was happening now would have happened then. That he would look at you and you would smile at him and he would feel his entire body turning into jelly and he wasn’t ready to feel that. For months he thought he could never be your friend and the thought of torturing himself by trying to be just that was too much for him to handle. 
“I would rather not talk about that.” You smiled. “If that’s okay?” 
“Sure.” He shrugged. “Sorry I... I shouldn’t have said that.” 
“That’s fine.” 
“Well then... Uh... How about you tell me about you?” 
He was afraid she was going to tell him things he didn’t want to know but how could he ask her to leave out everything that could possibly have to do with a family or a lover or a kid? He really needed to calm the fuck down if he didn’t want to have a goddamned heart attack so he just had a sip from his scotch and he just asked the waiter to refill it so he didn’t waste a second asking for a change of drink. 
“Well” You blushed and he hated that you felt embarrased with him “there’s really not much to tell.” You chuckled and he lost all control over his expression as he just grinned at the sound. “I... I moved to New York.” 
“Really?” He smiled. “That’s what you’ve always wanted.” 
This is the part where she tells me her boyfriend has always wanted to live there too. 
“Yeah, it is.” You smiled. “It’s not... As good as I thought it’d be though.” You chuckled. “Maybe it’s just a bit lonely... I feel like it’s really crowded but there aren’t really many people. I don’t know if you know what I mean.” 
“I think I might. It kind of sounds like Tokyo to me.” 
“Really? We... I mean you loved Japan when... You remember when we went there together?” 
“Yeah, but that’s the thing.” He smiled. “Can you think of a place we’ve been together I didn’t love?” 
You chuckled and shook your head. 
“I remember that suit.” 
You whispered, your eyes set on the black suit he was wearing and he looked down himself, suddenly remember he wore that same suit on Mitch’s and Sarah’s two years anniversary party and the fight you had the next day. 
“I remember what I said to you in the morning. It wasn’t true, I-”
“Harry, I know.” You looked him in the eyes, and the green in them almost made you want to cry. “Relax, okay? It’s just me.” 
“I know.” His voice almost croaked so you frowned, surprised that he would be so emotional and you brought your hand to his arm. “But that’s exactly the thing, Y/N. It’s you. And... And it’s just been so long and I feel like I have so many things to tell you and so many things to ask you but... I know it’s been two years but... I’ve missed you a lot and... I know you haven’t but I can’t help but hope you’ve missed me too.” 
“Of course I’ve missed you.” You pouted. If she does that again I might cry. 
“What?” She smirked. 
You caught up with was he was doing immediately and you rolled your eyes, glad to see some things never change, and glad to see he was still that good at lighting the mood when things got sad. You shook your head, blushing and biting on your bottom lip. She still does that.
“I said of course I’ve missed you.” 
“I know.” He grinned. “I just wanted to hear you say that again.” 
And then the dinner was being served so both of you walked back to Gemma’s family but before they arrived. He grabbed your elbow and made you stop in the middle of the huge hall. 
“You said you’re living in New York now.” He said. “So how long are you staying?” 
“I don’t know yet. I didn’t really expect to see you here. I didn’t know you were back in England.” 
“So... You would stay... Longer? Because of me being here?” 
You just looked at him. The way he was looking at you, as if it hadn’t passed a single day, and you hang the moon in the sky, you smiled and without another word you started walking towards the table. 
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