#i just woke up from a surprise nap and i saw this in my inbox and i was bouta start crying
horizonandstar · 2 years
HEY. I read your fic and I wanted to ramble about how much I enjoyed it if that's alright. Normally I'd do it in a reblog, but I couldn't find a suitable post to do it on, so inbox it is then
I just read your fic The Horizon and the Little Star all in one go and had an absolute BLAST. I adored it so much, it was an INCREDIBLE read 💓💕💖💗💝💞💟 you have no idea how obsessed I am with fics containing foreign planet worldbuilding or anything like that, just. Facts about different planets, you know? So it was in the middle of one chapter that I just grinned and kicked my legs in the utter delight of "yes!! This is a good fic, I am reading a good fic right now!" ALSO CRASH-LAND PLANET SURVIVAL. YES!!!
AND SUN AND MOON'S WHISTLING AND CHIRPING, I LOVE THAT. I adored the detail of you explaining the pitch of the whistles, I like that a lot. It's great knowing exactly what sounds I'm meant to imagine, very engaging. Also I'm a huge language nerd and me getting to learn words from a made-up language in the middle of a fic gets me so excited
Also it's so funny hearing the reader say a word Moon would absolutely say and going, "oh Moon is SO mimicking that later."
Your writing is so good, I had such an amazing time reading. You've done an incredible job and made a highly enjoyable fic, I see why I've been directly recommended it twice (but seen three recommendations total). BRAVO, CLAPCLAPCLAP. Take care of yourself, you have a wonderful fic. Have a great day
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i was in the middle of eating when i saw this and then i reread it multiple times and had no idea what to say. and then i took a nap and i just woke up so hello! hi! im here now
thanks for reading and enjoying!!!! i will not lie i did not actually expect to see you here so this was a really pleasant surprise
BUT YEAH!!!!! i love worldbuilding. love making my own and love looking at what other people made like give me that ill eat the words. i think the people who go really indepth with their worldbuilding is really really cool even if that level of indepth would personally tire me out if i tried. like i am.LOOKING and its cool
yeaj!!!!!! glad you liked the detail where its a specific sort of whistle that carries a specific meaning. so far every word that the reader has learned has all been in whistles because those are the noises that i can easily recreate. so what i do is that i actually whistle out what it sounds like and then try my best to describe the sound i just made. AND GLAD u like learning the silly lil made up words and sounds because theres going to be more. this language learning is going BOTH WAYS
YEAH moon is like "hehe words :] gonna use them" and through the power of y/n's current word choices he has not said something absolutely stupid yet. if y/n stopped to think about it a little they couldve had him yelling toothpaste ads or smth and he would be none the wiser
THANK u thank u i am bowing and taking my leave. gonna go back to sleep now. taking this gold star and putting it on my head like fruit sticker
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terracyte · 3 years
“your drawings aren’t even that good”....... please. PLEASE. IF DRAWINGS NOT GOOD THEN WHY DO I CRY WHEN I SEE THEM???????? WHY IS THE LITTLE COMIC THE ONE THING TO MAKE ME SMILE TODAY?????? HUH????????? HUH??????? RIDDLE ME THAT.
anyways i haven’t told you that i love you yet today and so i came on here to do that and then i saw anon hate? please. puh-lease. anyways you are amazing and talented and so kind and funny and sweet and just. i love you! you and your art and your writing and your vibes and just. everything 💖💖💖💖
you're all out here trying to make me combust from all this love and affection I don't deserve huh??? you like my art,, you, an amazing writer and overall general awesome person, likes my writing?? ellen thank you so much I love you 😤💕
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and you complienting my vibes is like complienting my very soul thank YOU :")))
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selfcarecap · 3 years
*wiggles into your inbox* ugh fuck *stumbles* HIII HEARD YOU WERE LOOKING FOR A REQUEST 😁😁😁 so how about this- finding out Peter can play the guitar 😎😎 pls have you seen thomas play the guitar my heart-
warnings: horniness at the end, me writing in past tense?
-this is a repost of an old blurb-
Your plan was to surprise Peter.
Both of you were finally finished with your exams for the term, and had to make up for all the times you couldn’t see each other because you were busy studying.
The last class of your day had been cancelled, so you had time to sneak into Peter’s room before he came back.
You caught his roommate just as he was about to leave, and he quickly let you in.
After a while you decided to take a nap. Peter would take at least another 30 minutes anyway. You climbed up the ladder of the bunk bed, getting comfortable on Peter’s blanket.
You were exhausted from all the studying in the past weeks, and before you knew it, you were asleep.
The clicking of the door woke you up. You stretched your arms over your head, ready to greet Peter.
He probably knew you were here already, Peter tingle and all.
While you were still lying flat on the top bunk, Peter walked into the room as if he was alone.
He put his backpack down, and got his phone out for a second. Your phone was on mute but you saw you just got a message from him. “I’m done with classes now, when can I see you? :)”
Was he trying to scare you? Was he pranking you? Would he creep up the bed slowly when you couldn’t see him, and say Boo? You doubted it.
You didn’t move as you heard him wash his hands in the en suite, and then sit down on the bottom bed.
Should you wait longer? Should you say something? Had he really not seen or heard you?
Your thoughts were interrupted when you heard the familiar opening chords of Best Part by H.E.R. and Daniel Caesar.
It was one of your and Peter‘s favourite songs to listen to. Not just because of how beautiful it sounded— (oh, he was playing the instrumental version on his phone). Not just because of how beautiful it sounded, but also because you related to the lyrics.
You heard him let out a breath of annoyance, and then restart the song. Maybe he didn‘t mean to click the instrumental .
But he played the same song again, without vocals. This time he started humming along.
After a few seconds he paused it again though and you heard a quiet thump against the floor, along with a quiet buzz of vibrating guitar strings.
Your mouth fell open when you realised what was going on.
You leaned over the rail of the bunk bed, sticking your head out. You saw Peter underneath you, head in his hands and a guitar leaning against the bed.
“When did you learn to play?“ You asked, your voice loud and full of shock.
Peter jumped at the sound, staring up at you in surprise, a hand on his chest, “What are you doing here? Fuck, you scared me.“
“Sorry,“ you frowned, swinging your legs to the ladder and getting down. You kissed Peter as soon as you were back on the floor.
“Was gonna surprise you. But then you surprised me. Why didn‘t I know you could play the guitar?“
He scratched his neck, glancing down at the guitar, “You weren’t supposed to know. I only rented the guitar, so I could learn how to play Best Part for you for our one year anniversary.”
“Awww, that’s so cute. It already sounded so good, I thought you were playing the actual song at first,” you grin at him, proud of how good his skills were already.
“Yeah but I can’t get past the first few seconds. And it’s not even hard to play. I guess it’s good that you found out now because it wouldn’t have been a good surprise if I can’t even play it,” Peter pouted, looking away.
“No, it sounded amazing already. It’s the sweetest thing anyone has ever done for me, I don’t care if it’s not perfect. You’re perfect enough anyway, you’re the best part, baby,” you said, and it sounded cheesier than you intended.
“You’re the best part,” he said, his lips brushing against yours.
“So you really didn’t hear me? Why didn’t your spidey senses go off?”
“Probably because you’re not a threat,” he shrugged, closing his eyes as your fingers brushed through his hair.
“So, I already knew I had the hottest boyfriend on campus, but now he can also play the guitar. And he learnt it just for me?”
“Mhm,” he hummed, pulling you in for a kiss, fingers playing with the waistband of your jeans.
“You think you’re gonna get away with not playing for me?” You smiled.
“It’s not that good yet.”
“What I heard was brilliant. The fact that you’re trying is already impressive and more than what most people would do.”
“Okay,” he said, hesitantly sitting down on the bed again, taking the guitar in his lap and positioning it.
He cleared his throat and looked at you, cheeks already red, “Okay, so.”
He took a deep breath, and you made yourself comfortable next to him on the bed, making sure he had enough space with his guitar.
You could see his phone with a screenshot of the chords perched on the bed, leaning against one of the bedposts.
The familiar tune filled your ears once again, and for a moment you thought you preferred Peter’s version over the original.
At first, he was concentrating hard, but after a few moments he seemed to be getting lost in the music.
You were so focused on the lovely melody, that you didn’t even open your eyes for the first half of the song.
Although the music was beautiful, so was Peter. So were his fingers, moving over the guitar strings.
The song was romantic, nothing that should make you as horny as it did. But you couldn’t help but press a desperate kiss to his lips once the song was over, still being careful with the guitar.
He put it down on the floor, pulling you in closer, “So that means you liked it?” He asked, only interrupting your kisses for a second.
“Loved it. You looked so fucking hot. The fact that you learnt this for me is so fucking hot.”
“Can’t believe you’re the one telling me I’m hot,” Peter chuckled, pulling away to admire you.
“Well, if you think I’m so hot, then maybe you could show me what else those fingers can do, other than amazingly play guitar.”
“Oh, you can bet on it.”
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shirophantomvox · 3 years
How Illumi, Hisoka, and Chrollo would react to their S/O in the hospital
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Hi, anon! You are welcome to join my Discord Server if you are a fan of Hxh, Voltron, or both! I promise this is a safe environment! This is an interesting topic for sure! To the other anon(s), I am working on your request! This will contain both fluff and angst. I forgot to include Leorio in this, so I’ll include him in the next HxH post. You’ll have to forgive me, I have 2 more requests in my inbox and I am not feeling the best. I just got my second Covid shot and it is hurting like hell. Nevertheless, I encourage you all to get your shot if you can. I will be on this site one and off and I should be on it for real next week. I have run out of ideas to write and I began to think I was annoying people with my HxH content (no one said this I just assumed). This post has 1974 words. After these requests are finished, I plan on doing a character analysis for Leorio.
Anyway, let’s get into the post!
We’ll start with Hisoka this time.
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In all honesty, this man has heard of a hospital (since he sends a lot of people to it after fights) but has never been in one.
The signs, floors, staircase numbers, and elevators all confuse him. He has only been in one once when he was a kid and has never been again.
He isn’t a social butterfly in this setting because this is a professional establishment and not a college party. Asking for directions takes quite a toll on him because of his established pride. You know guys act when they want to find a destination on their own and will go miles out of the way instead of just asking for direction.
He doesn’t talk to anyone; all he wants to do is find you and make sure you are alright.
He is the tallest person in the freight elevator. So tall that everyone at turns to look at him at once for at least 10 seconds and turn back around surprised.
“How tall is he,” one of the nurses ask.
“Tall enough to be my house!”
This annoys him. He takes out the Joker card and lays it against his thigh but realizes he cannot make any hasty decisions. His bloodlust was activated merely out of irritation and not by threat. You were on his mind and destroying these worthless humans wasn’t an option for today.
He approached the guest desk and waited for about 2 minutes before he was acknowledged.
“May I help you,” a smug receptionist asked. Wow, these people do not know who they’re talking to.
“I’m here to see y/n.”
“Y/n is in room 345. Go down the hall and to the right all the way down.”
This man nearly ran with a quickness! His jester shoes somehow made the floor shake as he ran.
You were awake, eating the horrible food the hospital provided and watching TV. It seemed like you were doing ok, but you had just been in a car accident. Your arms and right leg were still sore. It was so bad that you’d be fine with Hisoka carrying you everywhere.
When you two are alone in serious public places, he doesn’t play games or tricks. He is often portrayed as a ruthless man, but in settings like this, he places the jokes and games aside for later. When he enters your room, he is silent for 30 seconds. Much too long. He was shocked; he walked around your hospital bed, pulled up a chair, and stared at your cast. It had many names written on it.
“Yes, I am ok.”
“I apologize for not being there for you,” he began to say.
“Shh… it’s ok. This is life. It hurts like hell, but I’m a trooper!”
Admiring your cast and its multiple fonts of handwriting and messages, he grabbed a sharpie marker, wrote his name, with a heart and spade next to it. Surprisingly, his cursive was very neat and legible.
“I didn’t know you knew how to write in cursive! Why don’t you write me letters?”
“I see you every day and it hurts my hand.”
The doctor wouldn’t be in for another 1 ½ hours, so Hisoka used your thigh as a pillow as he took a nap. He had been up for countless nights thinking about you. He was screwing up so bad, Chrollo let him leave early.
“As soon as your better, we will fight again. I won’t go easy on you. You won’t be in the hospital but you get the jest.”
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Illumi isn’t the type of man to overreact in these types of situations. When you both agreed to date each other, you knew you all were tough cookies. You were aware of the dangers of dating an assassin and he knew about the dangers of dating a bounty hunter. People hated you both and you targeted.
One night you both were caught in a vulnerable state. While you both enjoyed chocolate milkshakes at a laid-back 1950’s styled diner, two men were previously thrown out for fighting. While your back was turned one of those men shot your arm, causing you to carelessly throw your body to the ground due to impact.
While everyone else was screaming, Illumi jumped to the ground and tied his hair tie around your arm to temporarily stop the bleeding.
“Illu, why does it feel cold in here,” you managed to breathe out.
His heart dropped to his stomach for the first time in history.
“Don’t say things like that!”
Illumi is already horrible at displaying emotions, but all he could do is frown in fear. Once the EMS came barling in, he demanded that he ride with you.
Illumi hadn’t experienced anything like this since Killua had been injured when he fell from a tree.
You and he were separated when you were rushed into surgery leaving him alone in the waiting room.
When Illumi is stressed and cannot properly display how he feels, he tends to act in “odd” ways.
He begins to furiously turn pages in magazines or bother the receptions every 2 minutes about the status of your surgery. When the woman finally says that you’re still alive, he tones it down a little.
Illumi is open to conforming advice from strangers; he has been receiving it secretly from strangers. Since Silva was busy abusing him, he often found comfort from “the streets”.
He has a bad habit of pacing back and forth and fidgeting in his seat while horrific images fill his mind. All he has seen is pain and even though he was used to it, he didn’t want you to go through it as well.
While sitting in his seat (finally!) and head in his lap, doubled over indescribable sorrow, a little girl walks up to him with her hands folded and a doll under her arms. Illumi feels her presence and looks up. The girl’s curly hair covered her endearing eyes and her smile is wide.
“They’ll be alright. I just know they will,” turning around returning to her mother, the girl said with confidence.
On cue, Illumi placed his hand over his heart, smiling just a little.
He walked quickly to your room once you were out of surgery.
His speed walk mimics one of a soldier; his left arm in since with his right leg. His shoes echoed throughout the hall.
As soon as he enters the room, he shuts the door harder than usual and gives you a tight embrace. This surprises you! You’re lucky if he lays his head on your shoulder!
Illumi had been working out lately. He wanted to beat you in the “squish the melon” contest. He is very competitive and even if he lost, that doesn’t hurt his ego. Not in the slightest. Since it was just the both of you alone, he bends down to hug you tight, so tight that your face is squished against his.
This behavior is only surprising because he usually doesn’t coddle you even when you get hurt, but this time he realized that you could have died from the gunshot wound.
After that he kissed your forehead and almost simultaneously the doctor barreled in just missing the sweet moment between you and your beau.
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When Chrollo is holding meetings with the Phantom Troupe, he always appears to be neutral. That is very important. A leader has to show strength even through the worst/hurtful times of their lives.
Chrollo had gotten a call from Nobunaga that you had gotten hurt on a mission and had actually gotten captured by the enemy. Phinks was able to get you back but you suffered horrible injuries.
This is protocol; they do this for any of the members. The troupe was oblivious to the fact that you and Chrollo were dating. They thought you were here to replace Uvo.
In situations like this, he is calm on the outside but screaming on the inside. Common sense will tell you if you are startled by the news you’ve just received and you begin to drive, you could cause more harm on the way to your destination.
Chrollo is very silent; he doesn’t call to check on your status or anything; he would rather see it for himself.
You were a trooper! After all, you are dating a dangerous robber.
Chrollo already knew what room you were in so he just went.
“I knew I should have kept y/n by my side. Y/n insisted on doing my dirty work that they almost died! How foolish could I have been?” He constantly cursed himself for letting his guard down with you.
He always gave you room to think and complete your own tasks but he can’t help his protective nature; one he has for the troupe but times 10.
His childhood friends had been shot by law enforcers, his home was horrific, and the last thing he needed was for you to be gone. You were keeping him afloat in society.
When he opened the door, Phinks was sitting in a chair, one leg over the other, laughing at a TikTok video.
Nobunaga on the other hand was watching the world news and seemed invested that he didn’t hear Chrollo enter the room. Once they both saw, they stood to their feet.
“Y/n is ok boss. They suffered a few cuts and burns, but they're breathing.”
Chrollo’s straight face remained as he stared at you.
Chrollo’s silence is something the troupe has internalized as a sign of anger, rage, or both. When he didn’t speak and just stared, everyone knew that their next mission was going to be a brutal one.
Chrollo is a man that isn’t afraid to express how he feels. He could cry right now if he wanted to and no one would dare laugh at him or insult him. After all, Nobunaga cried when he realized Uvo was dead.
Nobunaga and Phinks excused themselves as they saw him place his hand over his mouth.
Once the door closed, He pulled up the chair, grabbed your hand, and gently squeezed it. His warmth woke you up instantly and you turned your head. You winced in pain causing Chrollo to jump from his seat, moving to your right side so you wouldn’t turn your head too much.
“I’m glad you're alive, darling. What were you doing putting yourself in danger? Feitan could have handled the beast!”
He isn’t trying to doubt your ability to fight, he’s just concerned for your safety. Even so, why would he insist that you join the spiders?
A tear dropped from his face as he silently kissed your hand three times. You smiled warmly and placed your right left hand on top of his.
“I am fine, boss. You need not worry. I’m a trooper, remember?”
He placed your hand against his dry cheek and continued to kiss it. You were his lifeline and he wanted to spend every moment with you.
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2dmenenthusiast · 3 years
If you're ok with it do you think you could write hcs for aizawa and toshinori having an s/o that has anxiety and bad nightmares from past events and one night they wake up and notice she's not in bed bc she ended up waking in a panic and in a daze somehow makes it into the kitchen and ends up grabbing and hurting herself pretty badly with a knife since she's not all the way herself and just the guys trying to bring her back and calm her
heeyyy thank you so much for requesting and being my FIRST request ugh you have no idea how happy I was when I got this in my inbox we’re absolutely thriving tonight. Anyways ya’ll should know I love me some angst like mm yes let's make people sad so *cracks knuckles* let’s do this (also after reading over your prompt again I realized I kinda changed some things with toshi opps. I hope you like it anyway!)
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okay so
I imagine Aizawa would be really good with helping you handle your anxiety and nightmares
like he’s super supportive and understanding when it comes to that, even if he doesn’t show it a lot
he can always tell when you’re about to have an anxiety attack and makes sure he’s there for you in the way you need him
like you need a hug? He’s got you. You wanna lay down with him for a bit? He’s already got a warm blanket in hand and is dragging you to the couch before you can even ask
this man just knows
and you’re hella grateful for everything he does for you, but that doesn’t stop you from constantly feeling like a burden whenever you have an episode or a really bad nightmare
It’s a pain in the ass to go through what you do, and you can only imagine how Aizawa feels when you’re giving him a front-row seat to all of it
but he insists it’s okay. That you’re not a burden, and he’s willing to sit through every anxiety attack and nightmare if it means you’ll feel better
still, you feel bad for making him worry over you so much
Like the one night you woke up from a nightmare so bad, you couldn’t even recognize that you were awake, or that the man you loved was right next to you
all you can hear is screaming and crying, and you’re just panicking as you try to make sense of everything
you don’t even know how you’ve suddenly wound up in the kitchen, scrounging through drawers to find something to protect you
and you don’t even feel it when you accidentally cut yourself on a knife, you just grab it in your shaking hands
of course Aizawa wakes up
mans can tell even when he’s sleeping when you’re not next to him
So when he gets up and finds you in the kitchen, he’s a bit surprised
when he calls out your name in that soothing voice it is, you don’t even recognize that it’s him speaking
you just turn around and point the knife at him, not moving from your spot as you’re breathing erratically
and at this point he’s kinda panicking because oh shit his partner has a knife and doesn’t know what’s going on
but he’s cool and collected about it
he takes slow steps towards you with his hand out, telling you to just listen to his voice and that everything’s gonna be okay
when you slowly start to lower the knife, he’s behind you faster than the speed of light, wrapping his arms around you and slowly lowering you to the ground as you drop the knife
once you realize that you;re safe in your boyfriend’s arms, you cradle your bleeding hand to your chest and just cry
he doesn’t try to quiet you, he just pulls you into his lap and lets you sob into his chest, giving you soft reassurances that everything’s gonna be okay, and that he’s here. he’s real. And he isn’t going anywhere
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btw All Might and Toshinori are two different people there is no arguing about this
but I digress
like Aizawa, I fell like Toshi would always be really good at helping you through anxiety attacks and whatever other obstacles you encounter in day-to-day life
like he is your #1 supporter and hype man and will do whatever he can to make you feel better
does his cute “I AM HERE” for you to make you smile, even when he can’t really shift into his All Might form anymore
gives the BEST hugs don’t even joke with me about this ugh
with one arm around you and his other on the back of your head just pushing your face into his neck as he comforts you
probably smells amazing too like-
And he’s literally always so reassuring
Like you’re insecure or nervous about telling him something? Don’t worry about it, babe. Toshi doesn't give two shits
He’s gonna love you through and through, no matter what you think is wrong with you
If you start talking bad about yourself, he lets you get it out. It’s good to voice how you feel
but afterwards, he’s gonna tell you how amazing and resilient he thinks you are
that everything will get better in the end, and he’s here for you no matter what
Though, you’re almost certain he’d change his mind after he saw the state you were in when you woke up from a particularly bad nightmare
you’ve had pretty bad nightmares before, Toshi always there to comfort you when you woke up
but none of them were this bad
You had woken up from a nap, the sun still out as you laid on the couch
but Toshi wasn’t home
you were so out of it, not even remember when you fell asleep or how long you slept
all you knew was that when you heard keys jangle outside the front door, you had to hide
you ended up running into the kitchen and grabbing a knife from the knife block, crouching down behind the kitchen counters and trembling so violently the knife almost fell out of your hand
When Toshinori walked through the door, he expected to see you on the couch still sleeping, but was surprised when you weren’t there
of course, when he rounded the counter and saw you on the floor with a knife he was immediately concerned
And when he said your name, it surprised you and caused your hand to slip and drop the knife, your fingers grazing the edge of the sharp blade and cutting you when you tried to catch it
Toshi didn’t really have a clue what was going on, but he knew something was wrong, and that he had to help you
That’s why you’re suddenly seeing him knelt in front of you, and he just
gently grabs your face in his large hands and makes you look at him
“It’s me, y/n. It’s just me.”
you’ve got tears running down your cheeks like a dam broke, but he’s not any better. He’s crying right along with you
He helps you stand, kicking away the knife before he takes you into his arms and holds onto you tightly
and you’re just limp against him, grabbing onto the sides of his shirt as you sob, but you know it’s okay
because Toshi’s here
and even if he isn't the #1 hero anymore, he’s still number one to you
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ravenforce · 4 years
Manhattan 5
Word Count: 3891
Pairing: Lou Miller x Fem!Reader, Background Platonic Avengers x Fem!Reader
Warning/Rating: Fluff because the world is dark and scary right now. I need fluff. You need fluff.
A/N: Thank you so much for everyone who likes, and follows this story. You guys are amazing. Please leave your reactions, bloody or otherwise, on the comment section. My inbox is open too if you’d like to pop by. Oh, and please note the ff:
1. If there are any grammatical mistakes I’ve still overlooked, I apologize.
2. I’m on a roll right now, since I have time while the city is on lockdown. I hope you guys are staying home and keeping up with protocols. Stay home, read fics. You’re helping your health workers that way. If you’re struggling to see the light, or experiencing anxiety about this pandemic and need someone to vent to, my inbox is open. Given probably time difference, please allow some time for me to reply. If you want to, drop me your Whatsapp, Telegram or wherever I can reach you faster. Be safe. xx
Manhattan Parts: 1 |  2 | 3 | 4 | 6 | 7 | 8  | 9
Monday - A week before the Art Week
Most of the preparations for the event are in order with minor details needs ironing out. So, Debbie moved the regular Monday morning meeting to late afternoon since everyone has been working at full capacity the last few weeks. Assigning you to spearhead not only the artists’ acquisition but also the whole opening night was one of the best decisions Debbie ever made. You were hands down one of the most meticulous floor directors she’s ever met, and she has met so many. So it only came as a slight surprise to her when they came in for the meeting to see you snoozing on the conference table.
“What the?” Nine complained when she bumped into Debbie’s back as she loiters at the entrance of the conference room.
“What’s the hold-up?” Daphne said peering behind Constance. Debbie shushed them and continued inside.
Nine laughed as silently as she could when she saw you sleeping on the table, surrounded by different things: your laptop with Nine’s security plan open, the guest list submitted by Charlie and Agatha, the final menu from Tammy, the brochure design mock-up from Daphne and a cold-brew. Nine pulled out her phone and snapped a photo of you with a chuckle.
Lou smacked her softly with a newspaper in the head. Nine glared even though it didn’t hurt.
“She must have been here all morning,” Lou surmised as she looks at your current predicament. Debbie looked at you and then at her best friend.
“I think you should take her home,” she said. She can’t have you burning out before the opening night and that’s in a week time. Lou nodded before she sat beside you and woke you up. It was a testament on how tired you must have been because you were pliant to Lou stirring you out of the room and into her car like you were sleep-walking.
“Uhm, Debbie,” Charlie said as he tries to organize your table. Debbie asked what it is.
“She finished everything,” Agatha finished for him.
Charlie nodded. “This one says the security plan is approved, and she finished installing the CCTV. There’s no more blind spot at the back patio,” He read the post-it on Nine’s laptop. 
“This one says approved,” Agatha said while showing Tammy’s final menu. “This one says, needs everyone’s signature.” It’s the catering contract they’ve all been sitting on for weeks now.
Everyone then started to pick up post-it notes stuck on their tables. 
“Mock-up’s all good and approved. I’ll send it to the printer right now,” Daphne sing-song. 
“Mine said, ‘you rock’,” Constance read grinning. Some of them didn’t get notes on their work since they are already done and in order. So you just left them encouraging notes, which they showed off to everybody. Lou left you for a moment in her car to get her laptop to find her friends making such a ruckus because of some post-it notes.
“Lou, did you get a note?” Amita asked smiling broadly at the blonde.
“No.” No one believed her. Especially since Nine could see that Lou’s holding a piece of orange paper on her back. She swiped it out of Lou’s hand.
“Aww, look at that,” Nine says before showing everybody your drawing of a star with a small quote written at the bottom of it.
“Nine, please don’t,” Lou begged before trying to swipe it again from her friend but Constance and Amita were hugging her in place, chanting read it, read it. 
“I feel like a part of my soul has loved you since the beginning of everything. Maybe we’re from the same star,” Nine read. Lou groaned, pinching the bridge of her nose.
“That’s enough,” Rose swiped the paper out of Nine’s and gave it back to Lou. “That’s sweet. Now, aren’t you supposed to be taking one awesome girl home?”
Lou nodded her thanks, picked her laptop up and gave Nine the finger with a smile before leaving the room. Debbie then asked them to settle down.
“And here I thought Ocean’s workaholic,” Daphne teased just as everyone settled down. Debbie playfully rolled her eyes.
“I’m not workaholic. I’m just…” Debbie tried to defend her but struggled to find a word to describe herself.
“A control freak?” Constance teased while typing away in her computer. Debbie threw an eraser on her head that sent everyone laughing.
“Just admit it, you and Y/N are the same,” Tammy joined in. “That’s why they get along well.”
Debbie chuckled. “Like I’m the only one.”
The truth is everyone gets along with you, which isn’t a problem except for Lou. Since then, everyone seems to be trying to monopolize you at work while she’s away to do PR work with Debbie outside of the office. Causing you two to barely see each other in the office, or hang out after work.
That’s the last time Lou was able to spend time with you was two weeks ago. When you showed up on her front door at midnight on a Friday night asking if she could let you crash. You were so tired you fell asleep instantly the moment she pulled you in her arms.
The sun was high in the sky when you woke up Tuesday. You raised your arm to look at your smartwatch. It reads at 11 o’clock. You bolted upright and rolled out of bed in your haste to go shower. You were halfway towards the bathroom when you stopped on your tracks. 
“Morning, sleepyhead,” Lou’s teasing voice sounded behind you.
You turned to look at her, and then around the room. You have no recollection of coming to her place at all. The last that you can remember was coming in at work early to go over what needs your approval and whatnot. You also remember finishing them earlier than you expected, so you decided to take a power nap. Everyone was supposed to arrive after lunch anyway, you’d have sufficient time for a nap, and to clean up before the meeting starts. 
“How did I get here?” you asked confused. 
“I took you home,” Lou said before opening the newspaper in front of her again to cover her face. She thinks you look sinful wearing only your underwear and her huge ACDC shirt. “You know sleeping on the job is unbecoming for you.”
Shit, you thought. “I’m sorry, I was just tired. It wouldn’t happen again, I promise.”
“It wouldn’t because Debbie is…”
“Is firing me?” you gasped. Lou looked at you over the rim of her newspaper then she folded it and put it neatly back on the table. 
“Oh, don’t be dramatic, love,” she said smiling. “Debbie’s not firing you but she’s taking charge from here on out.”
“But why?” you asked before sitting down next to your lover on the dining table. 
“Because you’ve done enough,” she said before putting waffles on your plate. “You did very well, love but now you’ll have to let the rest of us finish the job. That’s what it means to work in a team.”
You frowned at the delicious looking waffle. Lou is absolutely shit in the kitchen but she makes amazing breakfast. She poured you a hefty amount of coffee too on your favourite mug.
“Okay,” you conceded. Lou smiled as she watches you eat your food quietly. If she’s right, it’ll take a little bit of time before you can truly be okay with Debbie’s decision. Control is really hard to let go of, especially if you specifically built a life in which you have all of it. 
“Oh, and you’re on house arrest for today,” Lou said cheerfully. She was so delighted when Debbie called her early in the morning to tell her that you’re not allowed to come into work for the day. 
“Don’t sound so happy. She’s not to partake on any strenuous activities for the day that includes sex,” Debbie said seriously over the phone. 
“Not even if she bottom?” Lou tried to reason out. Debbie laughed on the other line before yelling no and hanging up. 
Nonetheless, Lou’s happy. Finally, after two weeks, she’s going to be able to have your undivided attention. She loathes to admit it but it’s not just about the sex anymore. She truly loves your company, even if all you two could do was watch Netflix and sleep. 
“I guess I don’t have much of a choice,” you grumbled with a pout. Lou laughed, it would have been effective if you don’t have waffle sauce on your face. She reached over and wiped it before putting her finger on her mouth. 
“Don’t look so glum, baby,” Lou said. “Don’t you want to stay here with me?”
You and Lou arrived at work a little late than your usual time in. Thanks to Lou jumping in the shower with you, and positively making shower longer than necessary. If you know what it means. When you arrived at the gallery, Tammy was just serving the brunch she made for everyone. 
“Y/N!” she yelled the moment she saw you. You smiled at the woman. For you, Tammy’s one of your closest friends at work. She sweet, funny, and she takes care of everyone. Only Lou thinks that Tammy’s taking extra care with you. 
“Hey Tams,” you said as Tammy rubbed her face against your cheeks. Lou gritted her teeth.
She was in a bloody good mood when you two arrived especially since she got to spend a whole day with you, and got to wake up next to you again earlier. It was the kind of morning where she feels like she can conquer the world. Now, not so much. Now, she thinks she can murder a blonde. 
“Sit,” Tammy said after forcing you to sit next to Nine who paused her eating to give you a kiss on the cheek too. “Here, I made these especially for you.”
“Ah, Tams. You didn’t have to but thank you,” you said as you look down on the special food, packed just for you. Debbie, Daphne, and Rose watched the scene unfold as well as Lou seething. 
“Hey! Why does Y/N’s food always different?” Constance asked after catching a peak of your food. Tammy laughed along with everyone else. 
“Ah! I know, I know!” Amita yelled before guessing. “Is it because Lou probably fed her take out all day yesterday?”
“Exactly, Y/N deserve home-cooked meals,” Tammy said before sitting down next to you. Lou schooled her face, sighed in an attempt to reign in her rising temper. It’s too early to engage. She decides to be the bigger person even though she hates it. Just because she can’t cook to save a life doesn’t mean she doesn’t deserve you. Right?
“Tell your girlfriend to take her hands off my Y/N,” Lou whispered beside Debbie as they watch Daphne talk to you about the printed collateral.
“Your Y/N?” Debbie asked softly. “Did you finally grew the balls to actually put a label on what you two are doing?”
“No. Labels are for clothes.” Lou frowned deeper as she continues to watch Daphne gripping your biceps as she laughs animatedly at something you said. Debbie chuckled softly as she watches Lou continuously fuming beside her, while you remained oblivious to her girlfriend’s teasing.
“Stop making that face. You know you’re only giving her ammunition,” Debbie said laughing before walking towards you. Daphne caught Lou’s eye from across the room and winked.
Her friend tested her patience all week long by being overly tactile, and flirty with you. It didn’t help that you were too busy and too oblivious to their advances. Not that she thinks her friends are truly competition but still. She likes to think that you’re hers and hers alone but Debbie’s right; you’re not. Not yet at least.
She was looking forward to today because she wanted to spend the weekend before the art opening on Monday together. She planned to stay the night in your apartment, call for delivery, and maybe catch up on some Netflix shows you two are watching. She plans to take you out to Coney Island for some R&R under the sun the next morning. She thinks you’re losing colour by being in the gallery too much but all her plans were foiled when she bumped into you in the hallway going to your door.
“Lou?” you asked while fixing the strap of your shoulder bag. You’re wearing a tight black dress, black knee-high boots, and nude overcoat. “Did we have plans?”
“No, I was just coming to see if you wanted to hang out,” she confessed reluctantly. “But you seem like you already had one.”
“Sorry. I already promise I’ll go out with Nat and Carol tonight.”
Lou’s face fell. “Oh,” is all she said before she nodded and took a step backwards. “Okay. Have fun.”
She tried to smile but it didn’t reach her eyes like it usually did when you know she’s genuinely happy. You’re about to tell her that you can see her tomorrow but Lou nodded at you one more time before she power-walked away from you.
It’s almost midnight and you’re about your third drink when Maria plopped down next to you at your table in the club. You kept your eyes on the dance floor to keep an eye out as Nat, Carol, and Wanda continued dancing to an upbeat song.
“Refill?” Maria asked leaning against you so she doesn’t have to shout. 
“No, thank you, bubba,” you answered before looking at your sweaty, beautiful best friend. You wiped the sweat on her eyebrow. “I think I’m heading out.”
Nat, Carol, and Wanda heard it as they reach your table. “Already?” Wanda yelled before pouting and plopping down way too close to Maria to be classified as just friends.  
“Come on, Cinderella. Stay for another hour,” Carol begged while doing her best impression of puppy eyes.
”Let her go,” Nat said as she offered her hand to you to help you out of the booth. “Big day on Monday. She needs all the rest she can get.” 
You held Nat’s hand even after she pulled you out. “Thank you,” you said smiling broadly. 
“What?” Nat asked when she noticed you smiling. You just shook your head and if it was possible smiled wider at the redhead. 
You were just elated that complicated histories aside, you all found a more solid ground to stand on now. You’re happy that Nat and Carol are finally together. If you’re being honest, they look so much better standing hand-in-hand than glaring at each other like before. Maria and Wanda isn’t something you foresee but nonetheless, you can breathe better knowing that your best friend found a good girl to spend her days with. Not that they have admitted to dating yet. 
“Thank you for coming out tonight.” Nat pulled you in a hug on the sidewalk while waiting for your Uber. Carol, Wanda, and Maria joined in too. 
“Shut up, I like fifth wheeling with you guys.”
Nat and Carol laughed while Maria and Wanda blushed profusely. 
“Tell me you’ll be there on Monday, please.”
Maria tucked a stray hair behind your ear. “We wouldn’t miss it for the world.”
It’s midnight when Lou and Debbie reached the bottom of the bottle of red wine she brought with her. Lou called her best friend after fleeing your apartment, and thankfully Daphne had plans with Tammy and Rose to go shopping that freed Debbie schedule.
“I regret asking you to come here,” Lou complained half drunk. “All you did was tease me. Very unhelpful.”
“That’s because you’re an idiot,” Debbie said laughing.
“I was trying to surprise her.”
“Look how that worked out for you,” Debbie deadpanned. Before Lou can answer though, there was a knock on her door. Debbie looked at the blonde but she only shrugged and stood up.
“Whoever it is, just turn them away. I’m not in the mood,” Lou said while pulling her shirt over her head. “I’m gonna shower and head to bed after.”
Debbie was left to open the door. She didn’t know who looked more surprise when she did, her or you. None of Lou’s ex-lovers or ex-girlfriend ever knew where she lives. Not even Therese and that says something. Therese was one of the longest relationships Lou ever kept yet the woman never truly knew where Lou lives.
Where does Lou fuck her women, you ask? Well, a professional fuckboy like Lou keeps a separate apartment across town where she brings her women. Yet there you were, in the flesh, standing outside her best friend’s sanctuary.
“Hey boss,” you greeted, cheeks a little flush from the wind outside and the alcohol in your system.
Debbie pulled the door open wider to let you in. You thank her while walking directly to the living room, and placing your discarded coat on the recliner. Proving to Debbie her assumption that it is not indeed your first time there. When you turned towards her, she was already putting her coat on. You couldn’t stop yourself from cocking an eyebrow at her.
“Lou’s in the shower trying to wash away her bad mood,” Debbie said smiling. “Good luck.” Then she’s out.
“Debs, can we call Daphne and tell her you’re sleeping over?” Lou asked while walking directly to her open kitchen to grab some water. She completely missed the silence in the room and the familiar coat hanging on her recliner. 
“Debbie went home already.”
Lou nearly shattered the glass on her hand in her surprise. “Jesus Christ!” 
“Nope, just me,” you said smiling at her. She didn’t return it. Instead, she turned around and drunk another glass of water.
“What are you doing here?” Lou asked, voice is a little distant and detaches even after noticing that you’re sitting on your side of the bed and wearing one of her pyjamas that are too long for you. She flicked the light switch off, bathing the room in darkness to prevent you from seeing her smile. 
“I’m sleeping over.” 
Bold of you to assume you can after ditching me for Nat and Carol, she thought bitterly. Yet she didn’t say it. She asked a question instead. 
“What happened to your date?”
You laughed, aggravating her a little further. “It’s not a date, Odinson.”
“Right.” She sunk down on the mattress and turned her back on you. You curled yourself on her back immediately and planted a soft kiss on her shoulder. 
“It’s not a date, Lou. If anything I was fifth wheeling. Maria and Wanda were there too, and I’m 100% sure those two are banging,” you explained excitedly. 
Lou visibly relaxes with that information. She turned on her back to look at you but before she can say anything, you surged forward and kissed her. She pulled you on top of her, so she could kiss you properly and she did. Your head was becoming heady from the alcohol you consumed at the club, and the way Lou’s mouth tasted like wine and home. 
“Wow,” you said after the need for air took over.
Lou has one of her hand cupping your jaw, her finger tracing the shape of your mouth. The other’s gliding down your neck, skimming across your chest and breast and moving slowly behind your back. She can feel the heat of your core against her abdomen. She guided your waist to start grinding against her abs, you both groaned at the action.
“Ah! Fuck,” you moaned. She kissed you again, both hands on your waist now. She wants your underwear off so she could feel you skin-to-skin but she’s too far out to take it off you. 
“Baby,” she whispered against your lips. You smiled at her. 
“You kiss better when you’re jealous.”
Lou gasped and halted your moment at once. “What do you mean I kiss better? Also, me? Jealous? Of who?”
You laughed. “Ah, let's see. Tammy, Daphne, Nat, Carol? The list goes on.”
Lou pouted before reversing your position in the bed in one swift motion. She looked down at you before she started pulling your underwear off of you. “Okay, okay. I was jealous,” she admitted. “Can you blame me? Everyone just wants you.”
You sat up and helped her pull her t-shirt off. If you’re gonna be naked, she has to. Especially since nothing beats the view of her abs, illuminated only by the city lights outside. 
“Well, I only want you,” you admitted before pulling her on the bed with you.
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Taglist:  @kaytoopio​​​​​ @marvelfansince08love​​​​​ @marvelb00kwolf​​​​​ @shycucumbersandwich​​​​​ @subject7creed​​​​ @inkstainedhandsofgold​​​
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nochuuuenthusiast · 5 years
hi everyone! sorry for some delays regarding posts... i’ve been super busy but i’m back with another anon request for a scenario for the dad!jk series. right now, i’m trying to post as many request posts as i can since i have so many of them in my inbox, but yes, requests are still open! so feel free to request something if you want :) and yeah, have a lovely day!
also, here’s a link to my masterlist 
anon request: Could you do a scenario for the dad!jk series where his daughter paints his nails? It could be like he fell asleep or she asks him if she can paint them. I just think that would be so cute🥺💘
genre: fluff
pairing: jungkook x reader 
rating: pg ; warning(s): none 
 word count: 1560
*(y/d/n) = your daughter’s name
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Click. You did it. It unlocked. 
The small, blinking green light on top of the digital door lock indicated your success. 
After unsuccessfully putting in the passcode to your door because of the groceries in your arms that were blocking your vision, you were finally here: home. You arrived at your apartment after picking up your daughter from preschool and going grocery shopping for another week’s supply of food... after your constantly ravenous husband and daughter seemed to deplete the food source within a few days. 
Right as you unlocked the door, your daughter, (y/d/n), rushed into the apartment and went straight to the living room, where some of her stuffed animals and dolls were laid messily. Treading behind your daughter’s steps, you went to the kitchen to set your groceries down and looked around the apartment, seeing if Jungkook was anywhere to be found. Because he wasn’t lazily watching some television on the living room sofa or playing games on his computer with his headphones in, you assumed he wasn’t home yet. 
Walking into your shared bedroom to change into some comfortable clothes before preparing dinner, your eyes grew wide, surprised to see Jungkook sleeping on the bed, small snores escaping his mouth. 
I thought he was coming home late today...
Jungkook was exhausted.
After a full week’s worth of back-to-back schedules, all he wanted to do was go home and go straight to sleep... so that he could hibernate and escape from all of the responsibilities that came with being an idol. Jungkook and his members had been promoting for their new album and because their schedule was tight from the upcoming tour, they were completely booked and it was getting harder for you to even see him on the weekdays. So it made sense that you walked in on a sleeping husband... limbs oddly sprawled out across the bed with a little bit of drool coming out of the right side of his half-opened mouth, pooling around the edge of his pillow. 
Although it saddened you to see him so tired from the workload, it was quite amusing to witness this odd sleeping position that you’d never seen him display before: his legs were folded in a criss-cross formation and it seemed like he didn��t even bother to cover himself with the blanket. Smiling to yourself, you wondered how he managed to sleep so peacefully without feeling any discomfort. One of his arms was on his side while the other arm was hanging off the side of the bed... and that was when you got an idea.
You walked into the living room to convince your daughter to join you in the commencement of your little prank; (y/d/n) was sitting in the middle of the living room, hunched over as her small hands gripped a bunny stuffed animal that Jungkook had won for her in a local carnival a few years back. 
“(y/d/n)-ah~, where did you put the nail polish you got from school?” 
Your genius idea stemmed from the conversation that you and your daughter had in the car after you picked her up from preschool; she explained how her friend gave all the girls nail polish as a “party favor” for her extravagant mermaid birthday celebration at school. At the time, you didn’t think much of it... knowing that your daughter loved to ramble on and tell you about her day at school, but after seeing Jungkook sound asleep with his hand hang off of the edge of the bed, you knew exactly how (y/d/n)’s party favor would come in handy.
You could already imagine Jungkook’s pout once he glanced at his nails and found bright, hot pink and orange splotches of nail polish on them. It had been a while since you had pranked your husband... especially since you were both constantly busy trying to balance out work and taking care of your daughter, so you thought that it would be funny to start your own prank war. 
Your daughter ran up to you with her fists clenching her tiny school bag, and revealed its contents as she spilled the small containers of nail polish on the floor, already enjoying the mischievous joke she’d be playing on her dad. You shushed your overexcited daughter, indicating that if she didn’t stay quiet, the plan would be ruined. As (y/d/n) took the hint and covered her mouth, trying her best to keep quiet, you took the bottles of nail polish in one hand and held your daughter’s hand in the other as you led her down the hallway, and into the master bedroom.
(y/d/n) tiptoed across the room and approached the bed slowly, praying that Jungkook wouldn’t wake up; you smiled as you saw how enthusiastic your daughter seemed to be to paint Jungkook’s nails... once she reached the edge of the bed where Jungkook’s hand hung, she grinned and faced you, indicating for you to come to the bed. Once you crouched down next to (y/d/n), you opened the pink bottle of nail polish, with the brush at hand, ready to smear it across his nails. And once you handed your daughter the other opened bottle of nail polish, there was no stopping her. She giggled as she painted his thumb and index finger while you painted his pinkie and ring finger, excited to see her dad’s reaction. But it was when (y/d/n) got too a bit too excited when she slid her nail polish brush against one of Jungkook’s fingers that he started to stir.
Your daughter’s eyes grew wide, scared that Jungkook would wake up and catch you in the act; so she jumped to her feet and abandoned the mission by quickly running out of the room. And not soon after, you scurried out of the room yourself, not wanting to ruin the glorious work that you had half-completed. And with that, you were back in the living room with your daughter in your embrace as you giggled together, relieved that your plan was successful. 
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You were sitting on the dining table with your glasses on as you read your book while waiting for your soup to finish simmering before dinner was served. (y/d/n) was also reading one of her many picture books, trying to comprehend the story’s narrative as she sat next to you with her eyebrows furrowed, indicating her immense concentration. 
It was then when you heard Jungkook’s feet shuffling through the hallway, that you and your daughter exchanged glances, ready to see the confused look on Jungkook’s face when he noticed the paint splotches on his nails. 
You looked back down at your book, trying to act as serious as possible so that you wouldn’t give anything away. 
Jungkook’s hair was messy with his shirt half untucked and half tucked from the way he turned in his sleep; his eyes were also half open as he scratched the top of his head and rubbed his eyes as he approached the two of you in the dining room. You daughter got out of her seat to give him a big hug and being the loving father that he was, he took her in his embrace, lifting her up in his arms as a smile appeared on his lips. 
“How was school, love?” he asked in his raspy voice, still not fully awake from his long nap. 
Your daughter couldn’t help but giggle as she glanced at the bright pink and orange nails that her resting near her side. Confused by her sudden laughter, Jungkook decided not to question it and put her down instead in order to let her continue reading her book. 
He then approached you from behind, as he collapsed his body weight onto your shoulders in a lazy bag hug. You peered up at him as you removed your glasses, amazed at how after all these years you were still fond of his looks even when he just woke up from his slumber.
“Hey,” he said shortly, under his breath. 
His kissed your cheek and then the tip of your nose, showing you the affection that he hadn’t been showing you for the past few weeks as a result of the busy schedule. 
“You notice anything?” you inquired.
Your daughter was red from holding her laughter, and you smirked as you stared at the hands that were encasing your frame. 
His eyebrows furrowed, still confused about what you were saying; and it was when he decided to follow your eyes and looked down at his hands that a smile appeared on his face. He unwrapped himself from the embrace and faceplanted into his palms, realizing how ridiculous he looked with such flamboyant nails. 
(y/d/n) was exploded with laughter, finding the whole situation hilarious. Jungkook leaned back down towards your ear and smirked. 
“Oh, you’re sooooo on...” You glanced back at him with a nonchalant look on your face, knowing that you had just initiated a prank war with your husband. 
“And you...” he said, turning to your daughter, “are also gonna pay for what you did...” And with that, he ran off, chasing your daughter around the apartment as her shrieks filled the air... making this another typical yet memorable day for the Jeons. 
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stonyiscanon · 5 years
Love At Fifth Sight (Tony Stark x Avenger! Reader)
Requested: haha no I’m so sorry for ignoring all the asks in my inbox I’ll reply to them right after this!
Words: 2.3k
Warnings:  Swearing
Summary: Tony Stark is an asshole. Well, he’s an asshole until he isn’t.
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           When Steve had introduced you to the whole team, they all seemed nice enough. Wanda waved with a small smile, most people gave you a nod, and a ‘Welcome to the team!’ You were also invited to dinner with them that night, which was nice, considering you had just met them.
Even Clint had poked his head down from the ceiling to say Hi, which scared the shit out of you, but you appreciated it nonetheless, and smiled back up to him. Sam had stopped chasing and screaming at Bucky enough to give a greeting and a smile, then continued running after Bucky, shouting something about how ‘You need to watch where you put down your fucking dumbbells!’
The first time you had met Tony Stark was, pretty memorable, to say the least.
You saw the suit-clad man with his signature glasses and smirk on his face, and immediately identified the man as the infamous Tony Stark.
“Hey, Cap.” He quipped, slapping a hand onto Steve’s shoulder. He also shot you a nod and a charming smile with one of the mundane greetings you already heard thousands of today.
“Tony. You didn’t show up at the briefing yesterday. What’s that about?” Said Steve, clearly annoyed, brushing off Tony’s hand with a roll of his shoulder.
“Oh yeah!” Tony, said calling out, already walking away, not even looking back to address him.
“It was an emergency!” You barely even heard what he said as he skipped up ahead, already escaping from your view as he turned into a corner, waving a goodbye. Steve shook his head, and slightly rolled his eyes, turning back to you, shooting a smile.
“Don’t mind him. That’s just Tony, you’ll learn to live with him. Should we continue?” He carried on with the tour, showing you the gyms, where Thor was training, advising you that when Thor and Wanda were both in the training rooms, it was probably best to stay away. There had been a few ‘incidents’ that he didn’t talk any more about.
Your first impression of Tony Stark was ‘What a lazy, narcissistic dick!’
Okay, so maybe the second time you met Tony Stark, your judgement was just a little clouded. But, in your own defense, the circumstances that you saw him under weren’t the best.  
Needless to say, you were not a morning person. But apparently, pretty much all the other avengers were, and this pissed you off more than words could describe. After a few weeks, everyone pretty much learned not to talk, do, or- dare god- smile at you from 5AM-7AM.
The only thing that saved you from insanity was the insanely expensive coffee machine stationed in the kitchen that you rushed to every morning. Tony was never in the kitchen when you were there, and when you asked Bucky about it, he replied with a laugh.
“Tony might hate mornings even more than you. He keeps himself locked up in his room until he’s needed, or when Pepper drags him out of his bed.” He paused, thinking, and continued.
“I don’t think he really ever, um, sleeps.” He left after that, leaving you more confused you were in the first place.  One particular morning when you were stabbing the espresso button on the coffee machine with a fork, Tony entered, yawning and rubbing his eyes, grumpily fixing his hair and glaring at everyone.
“Oh, would you stop gaping and looking surprised?” He snapped at everyone. “I can kind of function before 8AM.” Tony looked up, still seeing everyone’s skeptical faces, he muttered, “Okay, fine, my coffee machine broke down.”
He rubbed his hands together, murmuring, “Daddy needs his caffeine.”
Hearing this, the entire team simultaneously rolled their eyes. Wanda stepped inside, smiling at everyone, and almost immediately left when she saw Tony and you.
“Nope. I can’t deal with both of them at 6:30, I’m having breakfast in my room.” Almost five people followed her, grabbing some sort of food and heading back to their rooms.
“Good.” Tony, said, running his hands on his face. “The less the fucking merrier.”  He noticed you, still stabbing your fork at the machine, angrily muttering, “Espresso, goddamnit.”
“Sweetheart,” Tony gave you a lazy smirk and nudged your hand. “That’s the latte button.” He took your finger and moved it to the right. “That’s the espresso. Someone’s a little sleep deprived, huh?” He then snatched your mug, and took a sip out of it.
“Well, this works out anyway. I drink lattes in the morning.” You were too stunned to say anything back, so instead opted to glare at him, silent screams coming from your mouth.
“Jerk!” You called after him, as he walked away with your own mug in his hand, calling back,
“I’ve heard that one before, princess!”
You stomped back to your room, espresso be damned, all while muttering, “Coffee thief.” You went back to sleep, forgetting all about your responsibilities, only getting up an hour later when Nat spilled water on your pyjama shirt, screaming at you to get ready for training.  
The third time, you have to admit, Tony Stark is kind of tolerable. It was a Friday, and the entire team camped out on the couches in the rec room, all refusing to get up, considering how much the mission before had tired them.
What a sight it was, too. Pepper had already came in three times to try and get them all off their asses, and for the first time, none of the avengers listened, and instead stayed, despite how much everyone was deathly afraid of Pepper, some on the couches, some just sprawled out on the floor, all except Steve, who was trying to give a mission debrief and congratulate everyone, while the others all just threw pillows at him, telling him to ‘Shut the fuck up, Steve’.
Well, everyone except Sam, who was holding an ice pack to his chin, and only managed to shout, ‘Shut the fuck up, Stoob!’
Everyone just spoke quietly to each other, most of them holding ice packs to some part of their body, bandaging up, and for the first time in God knows how long, resting. Eventually Steve gave up too, bandaging up his hands, speaking softly to Bucky.
Tony and you sat in the corner of the rec room, ignoring each other for a while, before Tony spoke up.
“Hey. I bet you can’t throw a piece of carpet lint in Clint’s glass of water.” You narrowed your eyes, before replying. You weren’t going to let Tony Stark, Coffee Thief win a bet against you.
“Watch me.” You glared at him, mirroring his smirk. You scratched off a piece of lint from the carpet next to you, and after only two tries, a little splash, and it popped right into Clint’s mug.
“Fuck you.” Clint said, very well aware of what you had done, but way too tired and lazy to actually do something about it, and just deciding to stay dehydrated. Nat let out a snort and closed her eyes, trying to nap.
“I bet,” You mused, “You can’t throw a piece of cracker in Natasha’s mouth while she’s sleeping.”
“Are you kidding me?” Tony hissed. “She’d end me!” But meeting your competitive smirk, he grumbled and snatched the saltine out of your hand. He spent almost a minute trying to aim for Nat’s mouth, finding the best moment to shoot. You were almost going to tell him to admit defeat, but after just three tries, he hit a piece of cracker straight into her mouth.
Tony scrambled behind you right after, hiding from Nat. But she apparently, was also too tired to do anything just yet, but she chewed and swallowed the saltine that landed in her mouth, giving Tony the best death glare she had produced in years, as he sheepishly smiled back.
“I thought you might be hungry.” Tony said in a small voice.
Then she took a pillow and threw it at Tony’s head.
“Ow!” He said, grumbling and rubbing his head. “How the fuck did you throw a pillow so hard?” She shrugged and went back to sleep as you laughed your ass off, watching Tony eventually smile too.
You also watched him hiding from Nat when she woke up from her nap and regained her strength. He managed to evade her for just about 3 minutes before she pelted him with hard candies to the best of her ability, playfully slapping you every time you brought up the fact that he just had his ass kicked by milk duds.
Okay, so maybe Tony Stark is a little more than kind of tolerable.
The fourth time you interacted with Tony, he was drunk. So, maybe this didn’t count as an actual interaction, but you had talked, so this counted in your book.
He was hosting one of those charity galas again, sometime in the weekend, where everyone got all dolled up and made small talk with other rich people. How stupid, you had thought. So, naturally, because you refused to go to this one, Wanda had dragged you to your wardrobe, thrusted you a dress, and told you to meet her outside.
Sometimes, you hate your teammates.
You moped your way downstairs, where Wanda and Nat both looped an arm on either side of your body, pulling you inside the massive ballroom. After you greeted some people, danced with Thor, and absolutely slaughtered Steve in three games of poker, you were absolutely done for that night.
You grumbled, snatching those incredibly tight, scratchy heels off and dumping them God knows where, and threw yourself face down on the covers, until you heard rustling and giggling from outside.
You only knew one person who giggled like that.
“Go away, Tony!”
“Ooh,” You heard from outside. “First name basis.” He said in a sing-song voice, his words slightly slurred. You furrowed your brows as you peeked up from your pillow and dragged yourself to the door.
Sure enough, a very giggly Tony stood, the smell of vodka fresh on his breath, and he was holding some sort of alcohol in his cup.
“You’re drunk.”
“And you aren’t? Pshhhht.”
“Tony,” You said, rather annoyed. “I just want to go to bed, Tony. Want me to call Rhodey?”
“Nuuuuu.” He said, hiccupping.
And as you started to close your bedroom door, he stopped it with his arm, smiling sheepishly at you.
“Wait! Wait, wait, wait. I’m sorry.”
“For what? Other than knocking at your door at midnight for no apparent reason?”
“Oh, yes, that too, I suppose.” He said, thinking hard. “And I just wanted to see you, princess. But, I’m sorry. You know, for stealing your coffee mug that morning. I’m not really that much of a dick, I promise.”
You softened a little bit. How sweet. You knew almost no men who would actually apologize for something that was their fault. Although, maybe it was just the vodka speaking, but you swooned nevertheless.
“A gentleman never leaves a door without properly saying goodbye to his lady.” He announced with a dazed look on his face, finger in the air. You were just about to ask what he meant by that, but you were too scared to say anything without stuttering when he pressed a small, chaste kiss on your cheek.
Clearly he couldn’t see how your cheeks flushed in the darkness, thank Christ. Oh god, no. It’s just a friendly kiss. Brotherly. Besides, he’s drunk. Then you began wondering when the hell you started caring about how Tony Stark saw you.
Almost tripping over himself, he waved his hand and left without saying a word. Checking to see if anybody saw that, you looked back and forth in the hallway to find nothing, shut the door, and squealed.
How cute.
Wait, no.
Rolling your eyes, you went to bed.
The fifth time was quite special indeed. Tony approached you after lunch, holding up some Star Wars movie as a peace offering. Something about his protégé begging him to watch it.
“Sorry about last night, by the way.” He said, in between mouthfuls of popcorn. You froze. Did he regret anything? He probably saw me blush. He probably thinks I’m a fool, oh my gosh. He’s probably going to tell me how he didn’t mean what he did. Oh my gosh, do I like Tony Stark?
Everything was moving way too fast. You had pretty much only met the man, and he hated him, and now suddenly you were ready to start a family? That made no sense at all. You’re just not thinking straight. You told yourself. You’re confused. You reassured yourself.
“Showing up at your door, drunk, unannounced, in the middle of the night, that was really rude.”
“Oh,” You said, a bit relieved, and just a bit disappointed. “It’s alright, Tony. You were drunk anyway.”
“Yeah,” He said, also sounding relieved. “Hey, um, I didn’t do anything weird in front of you that night? Like, anything I’d be embarrassed about?” He asked, rubbing the back of his neck.
“No,” You said, chuckling, “Since when have you cared about what people think of you, Tony?”
“Since I met you.” He replied popping popcorn into his mouth.
You frowned. “Why?”
“Because- you’re smart, beautiful, clever, and funny, and you get my humor.” He said that like it was nothing, shrugging it off nonchalantly, eyes glued to the TV screen, occasionally throwing kernels at this one green dude on the screen, acting as if nothing had happened just now.
And you stared at him for just a little bit before looking back at the screen, pretending to pay attention.
Did he just say that? That I’m beautiful? Oh my Jesus Christ. How is he acting like nothing’s happened? Am I dreaming?
Oh, God, you realized. You like Tony Stark.
A few inches away, Tony panicked the same way you had.
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sugargaysides · 4 years
from the bottom (of the ocean) - prologue
Word count: 1550 words
Warnings: starvation
Ships: Prinxiety
Roman was out on another adventure, thinking he was strong enough that he didn't need to bring Logan with him.
He swam deeper and deeper, sword strapped to his side safely, as the water got darkened. By the time he found a cave, his teeth were chattering and goosebumps covered his skin. He should've brought something thicker to wear but he was in a hurry and couldn't risk getting caught by guards.
He stayed afloat in front of the immensely huge cave and huffed out a breath, certain he was going to find something worth his time. The further he swam into the cave faster his heart started beating. Emerald green eyes glanced from side to side, ready to pick up any danger that might cross his path. He didn't know how much time had passed before he came across a clearing in the cave. He was more than surprised when he saw nothing there, except for the gigantic beast sleeping before him.
Roman was speechless for a whole minute. He didn't move at all, too busy being astonished by the creature's size. He had, of course, heard about these monsters of intimidating size but he knew for sure he was more than intimidated by the sight.
And knowing what those monsters were known for, Roman knew he had to escape quick before the beast woke up. He wasn't ready to be devoured today, thank you very much. Swallowing the loud gasp he almost let out, he retreated backwards still warily staring at the creature. But then, it stirred. Roman foolishly came to a stop-
and the creature opened its eyes.
For a second, Roman was taken aback by the glowing violet orbs focusing on him. Their pupils formed into slits immediately and Roman remembered who - what - was in front of him. Choking back a scream, he didn't hesitate to try and flee the cave but it was in vain. The bigger creature caught up to him in no time and before he knew it, he was surrounded by darkness.
Until he was held up to the beast's face. Roman thrashed in its hands, desperately - and totally princely - wanting to squirm out of here but the giant held on tight. Roman couldn't even move his arms so bringing his sword was pointless. Remembering what Logan once said, 'stay still when you come across predators', the prince decided to stop moving, save for the slight shiver that ran over his freezing body as the hands gripped him tighter.
While the little merman was trying his best to look brave, Virgil gripped his throat to slightly cut off his waterflow. The tiny fish choked in pain, eyes shut close with tears slowly gathering in them. He was beautiful.
He heard his stomach rumble so loudly that rocks fell from the ceiling and licked his lips. The snack in his hands flinched at the sound and the pure hunger Virgil was sure could be seen in his eyes. Not wanting to hesitate much Virgil lifted the tiny fish to his open mouth, ignoring his screams of terror as he was about to be eaten alive.
He almost chomped down on his lunch before he yelped in pain, spitting the fish out. Virgil touched the roof of his mouth with a webbed finger and when he took it out, he saw drops of blood on it. Focusing his gaze back at his food, he noticed the tiny sharp thing strapped to the merman.
A sword.
The little fish had the audacity to stab him with that thing. Said fish got himself together before swimming back to the entrance while he was still distracted. Unfortunately for the fish, Virgil was not someone who just let his food run away, not when he was starving.
Just as Roman reached the entrance of the cave he felt something tug on his fin. Knowing exactly what it was, he grabbed his sword and slashed behind him, not even looking at the damage he undoubtly caused. However, while the beast let him go, he didn't hear a single sound from the monster and that didn't sit right with him. He swam out of the cave before daring to look back.
And there it was, nothing but its head and stretched arms peeking out the entrance as if it was stuck.
Roman felt weird all of a sudden. Yes, he was well aware that the beast wanted to devour him *alive* but the sight of it, dropping its head onto its arms now that he knew it couldn't hurt him in its state. The monster peeked out through his dark fringe, trying to growl at him but his throat gave up halfway through. Exhausted, it closed its eyes and dropped its guard, not caring about what Roman could do to him.
Virgil honestly couldn't care less anympre. He just wanted something down his throat but the little fish didn't want to cooperate. He closed his eyes, preparing himself to die any moment now. Surely the fish would use his sword to end his life. Virgil was okay with that, as long as he didn't need to feel the pain of starvation anymore.
But then something touched his nose. And when he opened his eyes, his should-have-been snack stared right back at him. He didn't carry the expected hatred and disgust in his eyes but instead, a look of concern and pity. As much as Virgil hated being pitied he didn't call him out for it. Not like he could if he wanted to anyway, his voice hardly worked anymore.
Spots of black entered his vision, Virgil was on his deathbed and, he supposed, seeing the pretty little fish was a great way to die. Before he passed out, however, he witnessed as the fish swam away. Away from the cave.
Away from him.
Roman couldn't just stay there and watch the poor creature die. He had to get it food without sacrificing himself.
So he decided to swim back to the kingdom, bring different kinds of food with him to help the giant out. But he had to be discreet or else his father would have his head.
Sneaking back into the kingdom and into the castle, he ignored the many servants he passed on his way in order to hurry into the kitchen. He filled an empty sack with various foods, everything he found without alerting any of the cooks. When the sack was filled to the brim he took a secret escape avoiding the royal guards and made his way to the cave as quickly as possible.
When he finally arrived he saw the beast unconscious, only its hair moving in the water. Worriedly, Roman lifted the sack of food under its nose, hoping the smell would wake it up. It took a few moments before its eyelids stirred and its eyes blinked open tiredly. Roman bit down the smile that wanted to creep onto his face and gestured silently to the food.
Virgil for sure thought he was dead. But then a mixture of smells hit his nose and it seemed like toture. Food was near him and he couldn't lift a finger. His heart almost stopped at the blurred sight of the food. Not the fish. Virgil stopped seeing him as food the moment he motioned to the giant to eat.
But he was still so, so tired and couldn't do much except open his mouth a little, seeing the little fish gulp at the sight of his sharp teeth. Virgil looked at the food before glancing back up again and opened his mouth a little wider. The fish then seemed to understand what he wanted and hesitatingly reached into the sack before putting it in Virgil's mouth. He immediately took his hand away as Virgil swallowed the little coral. It wasn't enough.
Roman repeated the process over and over again as the sack of food grew lighter. Feeding a giant beast was the last thing on his list to do that day but it seemed harmless enough. The monster - was it even a monster anymore? - didn't look at him once as he gulped down his food before the sack was completely empty.
The beast's stomach stopped growling and Roman had to sit down for a moment, the exhaustion finally catching up with his body. As he closed his eyes, he didn't notice the giant creature stare at him, unblinkling. With a faint swoosh of water, it picked him up - totally not making him yelp in surprise - and cradled him to his its chest. Roman squirmed a little before finally settling down, the beast's hand unexpectedly cozy.
With a small yawn Roman closed his eyes again and slowly let sleep take over him, effectively putting him at the mercy of the giant merman.
Virgil looked down at the tiny fish, shocked that he was trusting him all of a sudden. He didn't want to let the fish go anytime soon, he knew it was a selfish thought but it was in his nature.
So with Roman held carefully in his hands, Virgil retreated safely into his cave and laid down to continue his nap.
He hoped the fish would still be with him when he woke up.
gosh! I hope you enjoyed this! but this is only the start of the beginning...
(if you wanna be tagged, pls comment or tell me through my inbox!)
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kisskissbanggang · 5 years
Standby pt. 3
[<15Min. Read/3.6K Words – Bang Chan x Female Reader – Idol!AU – NSFW/Some Smut, A Suspicious Amount of Plot – Unfortunate Pining, Long Flights, Passing Notes, Blowjobs, Exhibitionism, Edging, Risky Situations, Acting Professional]
Part 1 | Part 2 | Part 3 | Part 4 | Part 5 | Masterlist | Feedback
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So, if I’m not going to finish, we at least definitely have more than enough time to talk now, right?
You stared at the words Chan scrawled in the margins of your meeting notes from two days ago. He casually set the pen back into your hand. As if getting on the damn plane wasn't hard enough, now you had to deal with this.
Chan simpered and pulled his jacket out of his carry-on and zipped it on, snuggling into the hood now that he was safely on the plane. He saw your shaking eyes and merely shrugged. Your move, he seemed to say.
You grabbed your pen.
I'm not playing this game, you wrote, there's nothing to talk about.
Chan rolled his eyes, scoffing under his face mask as he plucked your pen back from you. What game? It's a long flight, he scribbled, I'm sure we'll find something to talk about.
Impatient and fuming, you snapped your notebook shut and chunked it into the seat-back pocket in front of you before bundling yourself into your jacket. You rifled through your bag and dug out your eye mask and, shooting Chan an indignant glare, snapped it on, pulled up your hood, and promptly tried to catch some rest on your dumbly long flight.
However, what you really wanted to do was face the more pressing matter at hand and take any time to process your feelings here as you shuffled in your seat to face away from him. Who were you kidding? Chan, or Chris, or whatever you wanted to call him -- was just a guy. Despite the wings you'd been plucking off the butterflies in your stomach, more hatched each day. You were being unreasonable. There would always be another boy with a nice laugh and a cute dimple. There would always be another boy with an adorable nose and a long neck. Just like there would always be another boy that always brought you coffee from the corner store when he went shopping for the band, or another boy that would kiss you as if he was meant to and insist on eating you out while on standby for your flight and --
You shook yourself out of it, sighing as you resettled in your seat. Who were you kidding? Maybe there wouldn't be other guys like Chris, or Chan, or whatever you wanted to call him, but this was so much trouble that you felt like the deck was on fire while you were bailing out the boat. All you knew was how much more difficult ignoring this was becoming. The first day at the cafe was simple -- he was just a customer. The first day with the group was easy -- he was just an idol. The day back at Inkigayo was a little more difficult -- he was alluring in a way you weren't sure he even meant, but he was in need of your help and even that got you going in a way you hadn't predicted before. This was a fine hole you'd dug for yourself, the perfect size for a premature casket. In fact, from all the stress and introspection, you managed to get distracted by actually falling asleep.
Some time had passed by the time you woke up, but you couldn't be sure if it were hours or minutes. You checked your phone: only one hour had elapsed. You sighed, daring to roll back over and see how Chan was doing. By now he was turned away, curled up with his headphones on as he presumably rested. You slipped off your sleeping mask and sat up, looking down to see what you were wrapped up in: one of those blankets you'd marveled to Chan once about how much comfier they were than the ones in business class. Sighing, you attempted to un-blanket yourself, nearly knocking over a coffee and a ginger ale set on your tray table: your usual order from the beverage cart on long flights. You tasted the coffee. Dammit. It was perfect with your right amount of cream and sugar. You sighed, letting your head thunk back against the headrest. Out of the corner of your eye, you spied Chan's notebook sitting on his tray table, open to a page with choreo notes and bites of lyrics he'd been mulling over when he couldn't sleep. You surreptitiously grabbed the notebook, sliding the pen out of the spiral binding and, making sure he hadn't been roused by your secret mission, set to task on a fresh page.
It's hard to say exactly what has been going through my head, other than, clearly, I really like you and this is dangerous for both of us, you wrote.
You're being nice like you're nice to everyone but I keep thinking it's about me and it drives me crazy. I like my job, and I need it. I graduate soon, and I'll be that much closer to making this a real career. I'll be able to go back to my apartment once we get back home, and maybe that'll be good for both of us, to get some space. I always said I'd do right by you, and right now that means getting back to the way things were. You're terrific, and that makes it that much harder to not want you like I do. I'm sorry I can't really find the words to say this in person, but you're so good to me. I'd rather be frustrated and have to get over you than lose you altogether.
Before you could chicken out, you set the notebook back on Chris' tray table and resumed looking like you were sleeping, momentarily terrified as you noticed him shift beside you before a short rest caught you again.
It felt like no time had passed, when in fact it had been another hour and a half according to your phone. You took a sip of your cold coffee before glancing over at Chris' notebook. A response. Checking to see if he was still resting, you gently grabbed the notebook and pulled it close.
You don't think I know how dangerous this whole thing is? For me, too? Believe me, I wasn't expecting this either, so this is amazing and awful all at the same time. I'll say what we're both thinking and I'm surprised you haven't said yet: I wish it wasn't you but here you are and this is what we're working with. I think you're right about getting some space. It's the smart thing to do. I'd rather be frustrated than not have you around.
You went to grab the pen off of Chris' tray table, not noticing he had woken up and was currently reaching for his drink. Startled, you gasped out a quick laugh before settling, fully taking off your eye mask and slipping it back in your bag. You set the notebook back on his tray table, this time just penning the quick response right there, leaned a little into his personal space over the arm rest.
Thanks for the drinks.
He grabbed the pen back from you with a smile. No problem.
You pulled your own pen back out from your notebook. So, you scribbled, we're keeping it professional.
Yeah, he replied, professional is really the only way to go if we want to survive this.
It was nice while it lasted, though.
I wouldn't trade it for anything, he responded.
Could you imagine? Secret gifts and dates and the whole shebang.
You were almost writing in tandem now, each of you filling up a column on the page.
Right? Bad secret names for KKT. "Princess" or "Boo" or
Shut up.
You both let out a quiet laugh, settling in next to each other and just writing back and forth like this. You'd never really had a chance to talk to Chris like this before, really getting to know him and just hang out, and it was surprisingly easy to fall into line with, as if you were returning and not just trying it out for the first time. However, each period punctuated how hard reality was going to hit you once this plane landed, and according to your watch that was creeping closer and closer. Filling time on your stupidly long flight turned out to be so much easier when it was with someone you enjoyed this much. Naps filling the spaces between movies and eating and work and more talking all the while left you dumbfounded as the captain announced your upcoming descent.
Here it was. Reality. Being professional. Being able to keep each other around while keeping the careers you both worked so hard for. Was it the change in altitude or your stomach crowding your lungs from the growing pit inside you? You grabbed Chan's notebook one more time -- your exchanges filling nearly ten pages of notes in various sizes and lengths, the blank spaces filled with doodles and games of tic-tac-toe.
I'll miss this, you wrote.
Me, too, he replied.
You shared a meaningful look as the plane touched down. This feeling was familiar. You stood up straight once the plane pulled into the gate, shaking it off and getting the hell over it. You were smart. You were professional. You were capable. You were right back in management mode, getting the two of you through customs with ease and arranging for an Uber with your international phone booted up and ready to go. Quickly, you sent a quick text to Hyun-Jae-unnie to let her know you'd arrived. No replies came except for a memo in your inbox letting you know rehearsal was thankfully postponed by a couple hours. You really had to pat yourself on the back: you were going to get to the hotel with plenty of time to change and settle and head to the venue for rehearsal. You could already hear the modest praise as your Uber pulled up. Your driver offered you the front seat unless, of course, you wanted to sit in the back with your "boyfriend". Just as you were about to politely correct him, Chan slid up, thanking him and pulling you into the backseat by the hand.
You stared at him wildly before digging out your phone and tapping out a quick message.
>What the hell are you doing?
>>Oh calm down would you? I'm enjoying myself for a couple more minutes. This guy has probably never heard of k-pop and definitely doesn't know who I am. Loosen up... Babygirl.
>Shut UP.
You watched, flabbergasted and quietly impressed as Chan gladly made flawless small talk with the driver involving an entirely untrue story that he had to have been telling off the cuff: you'd met at university in Sydney, you'd been dating ever since, and you'd always wanted to travel to the States together. You nodded along dumbly, never once letting go of Chan's hand. Was this something he'd thought of already? Some alternate universe where this would not only be fine, but encouraged? Feeling so smitten felt like staring into Oblivion now. You thanked your lucky stars as the car pulled up to the hotel. You tersely thanked the driver before nearly sprinting out of the car and into the lobby to grab your room keys, not daring to look back at Chan gleefully trotting behind you.
Running into the elevator on the outskirts of the lobby, the doors barely closed before you wheeled Chan around, shoving him up against the wall. You punched the button for the top floor, well past where you were heading, but you had more important business to take care of first.
"What the hell was that about?!"
"What?" Chan laughed, "I can't have one more nice little memory between the two of us?"
You agitatedly smacked his arm. "No, Chan, you can't! It's reckless and selfish and wrong and I hate how much I want more of it! We can't just do this because we have an opportunity."
"Oh, so I'm 'Chan' again now?" You'd expected a few responses, but that hadn't been one them.
"Yes, Chan, because that's exactly what I'm talking about," you huffed, "I'm not about to treat you differently anymore just to get your rocks off." You poked a finger into his chest, shocked as he grabbed it and pulled you close. Struggling for only a moment, you found yourself soothed as Chan only wrapped his arms around you; a simple embrace that would normally be entirely innocuous. You sank into his hold, selfishly taking one more moment as he stroked your hair.
"Sorry," he said quietly, "I just realized that while we've made out, and you've jerked me off for God's sake, we've never just done... This? I just wanted to do it before we really have to stop."
"I... Okay." For once, you had no words, content to just let this be for a second.
"You have to slow down one of these days," Chan laughed softly, "I can take care of you, too, you know. Or, at least, I could've."
At this, you looked up at him, gloriously, stupidly infatuated with him as ever, and found him gazing with that same expression right back at you.
And your lips met. You weren't sure who leaned in first this time, but you seemed to silently agree that anything this stupid worth doing was worth doing until the very last second. Both your carry-on bags hit the floor of the elevator, your arms wrapped tight around each other as you kissed. You were both rudely awakened as the elevator chimed for the top floor, and you impulsively leaned over, punching the button for the bottom floor of the parking garage. The elevator doors slid shut once again and lurched into its descent as you grabbed Chris' face closer once again. This trip seemed to go by twice as fast, Chris out of breath and nuzzling your neck as the elevator chimed. He reached for the button and you stopped him, your hand on his and leading it back around your waist.
"Did you have to pick the most inconvenient place on the planet?" He laughed right below your ear.
"If we play our cards right," you breathed, "we won't be interrupted much if we just let the elevator sit. At worst we'll occasionally have to deal with an interruption if someone gets on."
"When we're trying to get off?" Chris quipped.
"Oh, is that what we're doing?" You smirked in reply.
His hands eagerly squeezed your hips. "I don't know if you're keeping score, but I didn't get to finish--" he quickly checked his phone "-- yesterday. I've been thinking about this since yesterday."
"Awh," you cooed, "is that the case? Maybe I can help you out." You hazarded a cursory grope of his stiffening member in his jeans. This had quickly crossed back into "too far" territory as Chris' head immediately leaned back against the wall of the elevator, a low groan escaping him.
"More," he begged under his breath, his hands clutching onto the hand rail as you snuck your fingers under his briefs to more firmly massage his length. You couldn't help but marvel at how much had changed since this moment weeks ago at Inkigayo, entirely awkward and tense -- to right now, halfway across the world and foolish enough to feel invincible. Chris' hand gently traveling up your arm to feel your warm breast brought you back to the present time, making you hungrier for even more.
"Hey," you offered with a sly smile, "didn't I show you something nifty the last time we did this?"
"You mean that perfect finale?" He replied, trying to keep up despite the blood draining from his head straight to his cock.
"How about an encore?" You laughed.
Chris groaned. "Oh my god," he smirked, "I thought I was the cheesy one."
"I figured you'd know as well as anyone I'm a sucker for competition." You playfully shrugged as you lifted the hem of his shirt for better access to his waistband. You carefully dropped to your knees in the elevator, now resting in the parking garage until it was called again. Chris was stuck looking for a comeback as you pulled out his erection, pressing a sweet kiss just below his navel before tentatively licking a short stripe up the underside of his cock. He cursed gruffly, his knuckles white where he clung to the handrail. "This is what you wanted?" You asked sweetly.
"Please fucking do it," he pleaded and you gladly obliged, your eyes flitting to the digital display on the wall as the elevator lurched back into motion. You had ten floors to make him suffer, and you savored every second of it as you wrapped your lips around his length. The soft head of his cock dipped further into your mouth, happily taking your time and enjoying his whines. The second the elevator hit the ninth floor, you wiped your mouth and shoved him back into his jeans. You strategically stood in front of him as he impatiently tapped his foot behind you. You made friendly small-talk to the new occupants of the elevator as you typed a quick message to Chris on your phone. You half-turned to show him.
>You alright???
Chris grumbled behind you and you felt him tap his phone against your hip a moment later. You looked down and grabbed it to read.
>>You know those things that people joke about musicians getting to enjoy? Well this is very much that and I'd really really really really like to get back to it
You barely held in a giggle. The poor guy was doomed and you'd hardly started. You both gave a friendly wave to the passengers of the elevator and he actually beat you to punch the button for the bottom floor again. He let out a heavy sigh as you eagerly dropped back to your knees and resumed the slowest blowjob you'd ever stood to give.
The elevator routine repeated two more times and by now, Chris was sweating. It had reached the point where you were now gently ordering him to keep his hands to himself, you know, so you neither of you would get distracted.
"Please, baby, come on," he urged, his eyes squeezed tightly shut. He cursed thoroughly as you bobbed him into your throat, lightly gagging for just a moment.
"I wouldn't beg too much if I were you," you warned, "I might not have that much more patience for it."
"You're right," he struggled, restraining himself from thrusting into your mouth, "you're right, baby, I'm sorry."
You grinned at the compliance as the elevator chimed. It was ringing for your floor. You quickly checked the clock on the other side of the doorway; you'd had plenty of time to play. One more trip and you'd reward Chris for such a good time. You wondered what else you could get up to as the elevator rose, making sure to back up each time it sounded like he was getting close. You teasingly kissed the tip of his cock before slipping it back into his briefs as the elevator neared your floor. Chris finally caught his breath as you dusted yourself off and got up. You pressed a nice kiss to his lips and shared a small smile just before the doors slid open.
Hyun-Jae-unnie was down the hallway, making her way with the boys toward the staff member who had rung up the elevator. She was inspecting her itineraries for the day in a folder she cradled in her arm.
"Unnie!" You called excitedly, giving a wave. Chris cursed quietly behind you. His orgasm just got postponed indefinitely. Unnie's head snapped up at the sound of your voice and charged towards you.
"Unnie, I--"
"You wretched, horny, stupid girl." She growled, lunging into the elevator and getting a solid hold on your hair at the root and began tugging you out into the hallway despite your shocked scream. Chris tried to intervene, shocked as Hyun-Jae pushed him off. She was a good bit shorter than you; you'd never expected her to be so strong.
"Noona--" Chris tried weakly, still attempting to let the blood flow back to the right places.
"I'll deal with you later," she replied sharply with a glare.
"Hyuna-Jae-noona, it's not what--" he tried again.
"Oh," she laughed, crazed, "It's not what I think? Not much left to think. I leave you two idiots alone for a day and look at this forest fire I have to put out." She let go of your hair and shoved her folder into your hands. You opened it, nearly dropping it in shock.
Photos upon photos of the both of you from the past 24 hours. Naver and Twitter screenshots printed out, fans wondering who you were and picking you out from photos and footage since the beginning of your internship. Wild conspiracies that you took a separate flight on purpose. Wilder conspiracies that you got the job just to get closer to Chris. Had you really been standing that close together the whole time in the airport? Had you really looked that comfortable together? There were ten or so photos of you both in the airport lounge -- you should've known it was too crowded to be normal. Hell, there was even a photo of Chris pulling you into your Uber by the hand from just a couple hours ago.
"Noona -- " Chris started meekly.
"Not now, Chan. Go to rehearsal."
"But, Noona, I --"
"Rehearsal. NOW." She shot him a severe look. Changbin reached forward to gently pull Chris into the elevator. Everyone watched you, stares ranging from sympathy to contempt as the doors began to slide shut. You turned back to face Hyun-Jae's rage.
"You. Get in our room right now. We have to talk."
[To Be Continued.]
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25  “Come cuddle.” with stanscom 👀👀
Thank you! I really hope I made this ship justice. Stanscom is such a cute and pure ship, I’m definitely a fan now 💗
Stan was close to falling asleep on his couch when he heard the doorknob rattle and heard shuffling coming from the other side. Before he could panic about someone trying to break into his apartment, the door flung open and Ben stumbled inside, carrying his backpack, a black cloth bag and his keys. 
Stan’s expression softened immediately and he smiled at Ben as he closed the door as quietly as he could and turned around, locking eyes with Stan. For a second, he seemed surprised to see him even though he was the one who had just walked into Stan’s apartment.
“Oh. Hey Stan.” Ben said, heat rushing to his face the way it did every time he so much as looked at Stan, who found the blushing completely endearing.
“Hi Ben.” 
Ben carefully set his bag on the floor and gestured to the door. “Sorry I didn’t knock first. I thought you might be sleeping. I know you’re usually most tired on Tuesdays.”
“It’s okay, I gave you the key so that you would use it.” Stan chuckled. “And you were right, I was trying to sleep.”
“Oh.” Ben’s face fell and he scratched the back of his neck. “I’m sorry that I woke you up. I can go if you want―”
Stan immediately shook his head. “No, you arrived at the perfect time. You can come cuddle me, you know I sleep better like that.”
Ben’s face broke into a goofy grin, face flushing. “I can do that.” He said, then seemed to remember something. “But first I want to show you something.”
He grabbed the cloth bag he had been carrying and walked over to the couch. Before sitting next to Stan though―and with his face a deep shade of red by then― he leaned down and kissed Stan’s cheek. “Hi.” 
“Hi.” Stan replied with a smile even if they had just greeted each other a couple of minutes ago. “So, what do you want to show me?” He asked amused when Ben simply stared at him. 
“Right! Do you remember my carpentry project?”
“The one you’ve been super secretive about?” Stan asked curiously.
Ben nodded. “That’s the one. So, I got an A on it.”
“Of course you did.” Stan said, reaching over to squeeze Ben’s knee, prompting him to blush again at the gentle touch. “Does that mean I finally get to see it?”
Ben had been talking about that project for months, staying up late at night sketching and spending long hours at the workshop working on it but every time Stan asked to see it, Ben would tell him that he had to wait until it was finished. Stan was genuinely curious to know what it was and see how it turned out. 
“Yes, you do. Drumroll please.” Ben said, tucking his hands inside the bag but keeping them there. 
Stan rolled his eyes fondly but went with it, drumming his hands against the blanket that covered his lap. 
Ben snorted at the lame attempt but retrieved an item from the bag, holding it out for Stan to take. 
“It’s a―”
“A bird house.” Stan finished, staring down at it in awe. 
It was the size of a shoe box, shaped like an hexagon with a small opening in the shape of a heart. The wood was painted light blue with golden details, spirals and such and it was absolutely―
“Beautiful.” Stan gasped, carefully moving it around in his hands. “You really made this? No wonder your professor gave you an A, it’s amazing.“ 
Ben was nervously biting down on his bottom lip, watching Stan closely . "So you like it?”
“Of course Ben, it’s beautiful.” He said, trailing the golden details with his finger. 
“Good ‘cause it’s yours.”
Stan’s head snapped up, eyebrows knitting together. “What?" 
"Uh yeah.” Ben gulped, wringing his hands together as he nervously started rambling. “I made it for you. I mean I made it for my carpentry class but the professor told us to make something useful you know, something we could use after or give to someone and I thought I could give it to you because you’re great and deserve nice things and then I thought long and hard over what I could make. At first I thought of a wooden clock because you like getting places on time but then I remember how excited you got the other day at the park when we saw that bird, what was it called? Song tush?”
Stan let out a snort. “Song thrush.” He corrected him, staring adoringly at Ben, who was too busy not meeting Stan’s eyes to notice. 
“Right and I figured that I could make a birdhouse for you and I thought we could hang it from the tree outside your bedroom. I don’t know if birds will even show up but if they do then you will be able to watch them from your window and take pictures and―”
"Ben.” Stan cut him off, cradling Ben’s face in his hands, worried that he might actually pass out from lack of oxygen with how fast he was talking. 
"I love it.” Stan said and leaned forward, placing a sweet kiss on Ben’s lips. “Thank you.”
Ben blushed again and this time Stan could feel his cheeks heating up under the palms of his hands. “You’re welcome, Stan.” He said with a dopey grin. 
Stan returned the smile, letting his hands fall from Ben’s face. “I don’t know how we’re going to hang it though.” He laughed.
Ben pursed his lips in thought. “We could ask Richie for help, he spent half of his childhood climbing the tree outside Eddie’s house.”
“And if he falls, we can always laugh at him.” Stan teased.
“I’ll give him a call.” Ben said, pushing himself off the couch but Stan stopped him by grabbing his hand.
“You can do that later.” He said, setting the birdhouse carefully on the coffee table, then he grabbed his blanket in one hand, Ben’s hand still in the other and started dragging him towards his room. “First, we nap." 
Ben smiled. "Can’t say no to that.”
I’m working on the other prompts in my inbox but you can still send me a number and a ship from this list and I’ll write something, eventually. 
Tag list: @daddyphantomtbh @yes-dillman-yes   @richietoaster@beepbeeprichiellc @its-stranger-than-you-think   @lemonaayyee @pennys-pet-kitty @tinyarmedtrex   @richiefuckfacetozier @sam-i-am2468 @richardtoz@aizeninlefox @reddie-for-anything @eddiefuckinkaspbrak@constantreaderfool @reddieclownclub @captainbartholomew
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parkapetrs · 6 years
in the middle 06 | college!peter parker x reader
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summary: in which you and a shy awkward boy named peter parker waltz in the gray area between friends and lovers
word count: 2.2k
warnings: none?
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06: waves
There was a tornado.
Harsh and biting, the gales sounded their mighty roar. Your face became a stable target to the violent winds approaching. The chilly air blew through your hair, its loud howling ripping through your ears. Suddenly, you felt a dip, your body reaching a steep decline, and for a moment you felt like this was it: you were about to fall to your death. It jolted you awake, and this was the moment you realized there was no tornado.
Only somebody’s toned back, fitted in red and blue, and being swung through and between skyscrapers at lightning speed. Your arms were draped over Spider-Man’s neck as one of his hands was held securely under your thigh, the other spewing strings of web to pull him across the city.
You looked down and immediately regretted it. Below you, the bustling city of Queens was the size of ants. Yellow and orange flickering lights painted the landscape, while the rows of red indicated on-going traffic. You were aware of the cold air nipping at the skin of your swinging legs. Your sandals threatened to fall.
This was real and happening.
Not a dream.
You wished for a tornado instead.
Suddenly conscious of the terrifying distance between you and the ground, you couldn’t help the panicked scream that gurgled behind your throat. You tightened your arms around Spider-Man as you held on for dear life. His muscles tensed, obviously surprised by your outburst, and he touched his chin to his shoulder to look over at you.
“Oh, you’re awake,” he said casually. He slowed down his pace and lowered the both of you onto the rooftop of a relatively short building.
You hopped off him but your legs still felt like jelly so you stumbled backwards before catching yourself.
“Thank you so much,” you said when the air returned to your lungs. “I literally owe you my life.”
He raised an arm up in a small wave. You noticed that he winced when he did and your eyes traveled to his abdomen, to the darkened area of his suit.
Spider-Man, you’re bleeding…
“Hey, it’s no problem! Just doing my job!” He touched his fingers to his brow in a salute.
He sounded chirp for someone who literally just got stabbed. Growing up in a family of nurses, you insisted on taking a look at the wound, to which he gracefully refused. “I heal fast!” was all he said.
“Where were you going to take me?” you asked once he managed to convince you that he would be fine. Admittedly, you were still concerned for him but you decided not to meddle, seeing as it was none of your business. He’s a superhero, after all.
“Taking you home,” he said with a shrug as if to say ‘duh’. “Come, hop back on.”
How does he know where I lived? you wanted to say.
But flashes of MJ flooded your mind – you couldn’t let her know what happened to you. It’d send her to overdrive, and she already had a lot on her plate with her path to sobriety. You just couldn’t do that to her. You couldn’t tell her, at least not yet.
On the other hand, you were still shaken from recent events – you knew that if she asked about your night like she always did, you’d tell her in a heartbeat. It was traumatizing and scarring, and all you wanted was for someone to hold you through the motions, but it’d be too overbearing for your best friend.
Instead, you suggested to be dropped at Ned Leeds’. Ned definitely owed you a favor after the film showing at the university, and you could really use a place to stay for the night – just until you recovered.
“You know him, anyway,” you told Spider-Man, as if doing so would make him reconsider taking you home.
“N-Ned Leeds? I don’t know him, sorry!” He said a little too quickly.
You cocked your head to the side, confused. “But… you said hi to him the other week. Ned said he knew you.”
For a moment, he stood still. You could almost see the cogs in his brain whirring as the memory struggled to catch up to him.
He scratched the back of his neck. “Oh, right! Um, let’s get you there, then.”
To your surprise and guilt, Ned didn’t live in an apartment on his own like you had assumed.
Spider-Man took you to a small bungalow with the most god-awful white picket fences surrounding it. In contrast to the house’s general state of things exterior-wise, the inside was cozy and snug. Ned lived with his family: a loud and friendly bunch of 3 younger sisters, one older brother, and one older sister. Although his parents didn’t speak much, they were smiling and hospitable upon your arrival.
When Spider-Man had tapped on Ned’s bedroom window a few minutes ago, Ned had opened it for him without skipping a beat like it was routine.
“Pe–Spider-Man!” He‘d tripped on his words the moment he saw you standing awkwardly behind the masked hero. Surprised. You couldn’t blame him. “Y/N? What brings you here?”
“I need a place to stay for the night. I remembered you owed me so,” you’d said matter-of-factly with your arms folded over your chest, “thanks.”
“We’ll go around the front and knock,” Spider-Man had said.
And that is how you ended up in their guest room, spilling to Ned the events that transpired, and him listening to and holding you patiently.
When you finished, you made sure to shoot him a glare. “Don’t you dare tell MJ.” And then as an afterthought, you added, “And Peter. He’ll blame himself.”
“Have you contacted him tonight?”
“No.” You shook your head. “Can you do it? Can you text him for me?”
“You should do that yourself, Y/N,” Ned sighed. “Peter would be devastated. Not that it matters what I say, but I think it’s better if you told him – he cares about you.”
There was a warm feeling that erupted in the pit of your stomach when he said that. Though it was hard to believe, a few hours after Ned had left, you still found yourself sending Peter that text.
Just in case.
I’m really sorry I didn’t show up tonight. Something terrible happened and I have to stay at Ned’s. But don’t worry – I’m fine.
When you woke up in the morning, you were disheartened to find your inbox empty. Peter hadn’t replied. You should’ve known Ned was either bluffing or exaggerating.
At around ten in the morning, Ned’s mom knocked on your door and appeared with a tray of breakfast.
“Thank you, Mrs Leeds!” You were surprised with the unexpected act of kindness. “You shouldn’t have.”
“My son didn’t want to wake you. He has left for school,” she smiled softly before making her leave.
You’d already missed most of your morning classes so you decided to take a short nap and attend only your afternoon classes thereafter. Getting up at 1 in the afternoon, you put on the clothes Ned had left at the foot of your bed last night. They originally belonged to his older sister who was kind enough to lend them to you. After a quick glance at yourself in the mirror, you grabbed your bag and headed towards the door. What—or who—you saw on the other side made your heart rise to your throat.
“Peter?” You squeaked.
His hair was perfectly tousled in the usual Peter Parker way and he was wearing another one of his signature flannels. Sitting cross-legged on the couch, he was playing some kind of game on his mobile with his speakers on loud. 8-bit music filled the air as his tongue stuck out in concentration.
Hearing your voice, he looked up with bright eyes and a huge grin. The bruises on his face were yellowing, yet you noticed some were still fresh and blue – new ones. He crossed the distance between you, took your bag from your grip, and hung it on his shoulder effortlessly, like he did last week.
“Hi. Ready to go to school?” He said as he held the door open. “Oof – why do you still carry this bag of rocks around?”
The two of you made your way to Addington in the heat of the sun. You didn’t expect Peter to pick you up at Ned’s and walk you to school, but here he was beside you, holding a big black umbrella over your heads.
“Listen, I’m really sorry about last night,” you started, fumbling with the loose threads on the hem of your shirt – a nervous habit you’d picked up from Peter.
“Hey,” he said, “don’t worry about it, okay? I’m just glad you’re okay.”
He knew. Ned must have told him. You were grateful that that was all that was said about last night. Honestly, you didn’t know if you were up for retelling the whole thing. It meant you had to relive the moment. You were relieved when Peter changed the topic, and you returned to your usual bantering until you reached campus.
When your last class for the day ended, Peter was already outside, waiting for you.
“You’re still in school?” You asked. You were sure his last class ended hours ago.
“Obviously,” he chuckled and playfully knocked on your forehead. “I’m walking you home.”
Taking your bag from your arm as usual, he matched your footsteps and walked you all the way to your apartment.
“You don’t have to do this, you know,” you told him once you’ve reached your unit. “I can manage.”
You lied – having someone by your side made everything better. Overnight, the once-familiar streets of Queens have become fuel for your fears and nightmares. You no longer knew if you’d be able to step foot outside on your own anymore during the evenings. Every time you closed your eyes, you remembered the four men and the dark alley.
“But I want to.” Peter scratched the back of his neck. ”I’m not letting what happened to you happen again.”
Suddenly, he pulled you into a hug. It was awkward and quick but in that moment, you felt the urgency, like he’d been waiting to do it. But just as fast as it happened, he pulled away almost immediately, wincing and slapping a hand to his stomach.
“Shit…” You’d heard him curse under his breath, just as he was pulling away.
Before you could even ask, the door flew open to reveal MJ looking back and forth between the both of you with a knowing smile, and who uncharacteristically didn’t say anything until Peter left. He was practically limping on his way to the elevator. You furrowed your brows in confusion and worry but closed the door behind you anyway.
“Look who finally came home. Enjoyed yourself?” MJ teased. She still had absolutely no idea and you planned on keeping it that way. “I told you this would happen, that I wouldn’t need to explain! You spent all night with him so I’m assuming he told you already.”
“Told me what?” You said as you plopped down on the couch beside her.
“Ha! Good one. Have you had dinner already? Let’s eat!”
For the next couple days, this was your routine. Peter would be there waiting for you to finish your last class to walk you home, and sometimes he would even show up at your apartment in the morning to walk you to school.
Until the night of the phone call.
You were standing outside your apartment after a long day, rummaging around your bag for your keys when Peter’s phone rang. You heard him say a few ‘right’s and ‘okay’s and ‘uh-huh’s before a final ‘I’ll be there soon’.
He looked to you apologetically and said, “I’m really sorry. I have to go,” before jogging – limping – away.
The next morning, he didn’t stop by your apartment. He also wasn’t outside your class like you had expected. You were starting to suspect something was wrong, but the sun was setting, and you didn’t want to be outside when it got dark.
You sent him a text anyway: you okay?
You were just leaving campus when you heard footsteps approaching, getting louder and louder. Instinctively, you quickened your pace.
“Hey, Miss! Wait up!” someone called. It was the same muffled voice, like the one you heard that night in the alley.
You turned around, relieved yet surprised to see that it was none other than Spider-Man running towards you. Your breath hitched in your throat – you still admired him. Had your first (well, second) encounter gone differently, you were sure you’d be fangirling like crazy.
“H-Hey, Spidey,” you said when he finally caught up to you. You cringed internally at the nickname. It just slipped out, really.
“It’s you again.” He gently placed a hand on your shoulder. “Where ya off to?”
“Home,” you shrugged. “You?”
“Oh, just doing my patrols! Mind if I walk you?”
You nodded.
“Are you sure I’m not getting in the way of your crime-fighting?” You asked as the two of you began the walk to your apartment.
“No, of course you’re not,” he said. Then, absentmindedly grabbing your bag from your arm and shouldering it, he continued, “I’m still patrolling, just taking a different route!— why are you looking at me like that?”
A/N: i wasnt supposed to end the chapter here but it was getting really long so i decided to continue in the next (which won’t take so long to upload now that i have almost half of it written down lol). there will most likely be 2-3 parts left so, taglist is closed.
check out my new story: nothing personal, a tom holland fanfiction
@youllbemineandillbeyours @deadlyaffairs @melancholyandemotional @shockwavee @alexalltimelow @hbmoore1986 @missymariee @kharwreck @smexylemony @spideytaeh @tom-hollands-eyelash @curlypeter @ioikai @marco-hvittyvik @bigzaddyangie @woman-of-letters-legacy @punishblue @socially-awkward-xox @yourbiggestspiderfan @hollandshart @starkerpark @panic-at-top @notunlimited @spidcr-man @tomhollandismysexuality @whostholland @angstyween @yungh0000d @everythingeverywherelistening @falalaholland @evansstackie @imjustcaitlin @spider-man-and-i @alysaxshaw @oyoke  
if you’re still reading, send in a banana emoji lol
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toomanysurveys9 · 6 years
Let’s start out blunt, have you had sex in the last 12 hours? i have not.
Are you wearing something that belongs to someone else? i am not. all my own clothes today.
Does anything hurt on you? my lower back. it sucks.
Do you think someone is thinking about you right now? noooo.
Do you look at the keyboard when you type? only if i start screwing up, which isn’t TOO often.
Does it bother you when people respond to you with one word?   depends on who and what the conversation is about.
Will you be up before 7:00 a.m. tomorrow? i hope not. especially after getting no sleep last night and i don’t get to take a nap.
Do you like MySpace? not anymore. i used to be super into it.
Do you like glitter? not really. it’s so messy and you can’t ever seem to get rid of it fully.
Is there anyone you’d like to apologize to? no one comes to mind.
Who have you texted in the last 24 hours? my brother, my mom, my grandpa’s girlfriend, jade, erin, jacob, jacob’s mom, kayla, and ashley. wow. that’s more than i usually text in several days. hahaha.
What’s the closest thing to you that’s liquid? probably water.
Are your toe nails painted pink? i don’t paint my toe nails.
Will you be in a relationship in 4 months? i have no intentions on leaving jacob.
Are you excited for Saturday? eh. don’t really have any super exciting plans.
What are you listening to right now? lilli has spongebob on.
What is the most exciting place you have been to this year? our home. :)
The shirt you’re wearing, does anyone else have it? i mean, probably. lol. it’s a pretty basic maternity shirt.
Are you gonna be home tonight? not sure what we are doing yet.
Do you feel awkward when strangers say hi to you? yeah. i’m socially awkward.
Are you easily scared at horror films? lately, yes.
If there was a large spider in the room, what would you say? i would probably run out initially and yell for someone to go get it.
Do you have good memories with old friends? well, yes.
How are you feeling right now? i’m mostly good. just pretty tired.
Have you ever skipped school just because you were tired? not because i was tired, no.
How many friends do you have that have never smoked? i’m honestly not sure that i have any.
Is there someone you used to talk to every single day that you don’t talk to anymore? yeah. it’s kind of sad.
Are you missing someone? i am actually.
Did you have a dream last night? i did and i don’t want to think about it. wyatt was seriously hurt in it and i woke up in tears until i looked beside me and saw him sleeping, perfectly okay.
Is it okay if you kiss people when you’re single? long as they are also single.
Who did you last talk to on the phone? jade.
Have you held hands with anyone today? wyatt.
Do you drop your phone a lot? not a lot, no.
Your last ex says they never even liked you. You say? that’s fine?
When was the last time you saw your father? last night. he went with us to some sports store to get wheel bearings for jacob’s skateboard, and then we got dinner at hacienda. i didn’t see him really once we got home after that.
Are there certain things that can’t be joked about with you? yeah. there definitely is.
Would you say you’re an understanding person? for the most part, yes.
How is your life currently? pretty good. a little tiring some days, but i wouldn’t trade it for the world.
What are you doing tomorrow morning? no plans in the morning.
Do you want to see somebody right now? i don’t really care right this second.
How many people have you liked in the past 8 months? just jacob.
Have you ever done anything illegal? speeding. and i did participate in some underage drinking.
Would you rather spend a whole day with your mom or your dad? probably my mom. i feel like i never know what to talk about with my dad so i talk too much about nothing.
Who were the last two people you texted? jon and my mom.
What’s currently bothering you? i am just so tired.
Have you thought about an ex today? just when a question was asked about them. it was very, very brief.
Are any of your friends taller than you? most of them are.
Did you do anything productive today? paid a couple bills.
Would you go back in time if you were given the chance? eh, probably not to be honest.
Today, did you hug a person you have feelings for? nope.
Do you wish at 11:11? i do not.
Are you currently in a relationship? i sure am. been together over ten years.
Do you think relationships are ever really worth it? of course they can be.
Think of the last person who said “I love you” to you. Do you think they meant it? that would be wyatt. i’m going to say he loves me, whether he fully understands or not. i’m his mommy, and one of his most favorite people.
Have you ever made someone laugh when they were crying? yeah. i’m pretty sure i have.
Is there a person of the opposite sex who means a lot to you? yeah. my son. my husband. my dad. brother. grandpas.
If you could move somewhere else, would you? i would love to get out of indiana some day.
Has a boy/girl called you babe or baby today? nope.
How long were you with your last boyfriend? before jacob? like a week.
Would you ever let a girl/boy put you through hell and back? i mean. jake kind of has. so i guess so.
Have you ever gone out with anyone older than you? richard was two years older.
Do you think you will ever be married? i am married.
Have you ever tried your hardest and then gotten disappointed in the end? ohhhh yes.
Is it possible to be single and happy? well, yeah. i know plenty of people who are.
Last time you wore something that didn’t belong to you? i don’t remember for sure.
Has anything happened in the past month that made you really happy? i got a surprise ultrasound of ellie.
What’s something you’ve always wanted to say to your ex? nothing.
How much money did you spend today? i paid two bills so $446.59... my student loan is almost $300 a month.
Are you a rude person? not usually. but i can be occasionally.
Would you ever think about painting your ceiling your favorite color? not just the ceiling, no.
What’s something you’re excited for? bedtime tonight. ellie being born eventually.
Does cuddling freak you out? no. but i don’t always like to cuddle.
What do you think of maxi dresses? i don’t really wear dresses.
What did the last text in your inbox say? From who? i don’t feel like looking.
What would you do if you saw a guy hit a girl? call the cops probably.
Have you ever gambled? i’ve been to a casino, so yeah.
Do you use tobacco products? no. i do not.
Would you ever go a week without showering? i’ve gotten pretty close. ew.
Would you ever date someone with a different skin color than you? i mean, if i were single and into them, sure.
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toaster-strudel1234 · 6 years
Birthday! Reader + Tom Holland
Hey, almost done with finals so be ready for some crazy cool content! This is a birthday present is for my friend Suzie  (@i-write-i-guess ) Happy birthday hun!   - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 
-          You would wake up in the morning to cuddles and kisses. Tom would wrap his arms around your waist and shower you affectionately with kisses. Everywhere! Just small pecks on your forehead, arms, neck and shoulders.
-          Then he would get up and go make you breakfast, not before he started the bath for you. You would walk in to candles burning and rose petals in the bath. Calling Tom “extra” was an understatement.
-          After your bath and wrapping yourself up in a fuzzy bathrobe. You would walk into the kitchen where Tom would be making your favourite breakfast. Flour in his hair and chocolate sauce on his face, Tom would whisk away as he prepared copious amounts of all your favourite things.
-          Tom had made you stay home from work/school and would give you a list of clues for a scavenger hunt. With the clues you found all of your birthday gifts.  He had given you all your favourite junk food, he ordered goo-goo clusters all the way from Tennessee, because he knew you missed them. He also surprised you with the fandom merch you had your eye on for the last six months.
-          Putting on the merch, you would sit on the couch and watch movies (occasionally kissing and maybe even napping) before Tom woke you up frantically.
-          He told you to get ready and as you walked into your closet he obviously bought you a new outfit that was just your style. Putting it on and fixing yourself up, you would walk out where he was standing with a bunch of flowers.
-          He would take you to his favourite restaurant, where he had planned a surprise party for you with all your friends and family invited.
-          His last surprise for you was sent on your email, as you sneaked a peek at your inbox (hey! You were a busy person and were paranoid that everything about the la la land production would go wrong because you weren’t there) Tom knew this and sent the surprise there. Confused, you opened it up and there was a video with all your friends in it, they all had a 1 minute talking part and they told you their favourite things about you! Tom ended the video with all his favourite pictures of you, you on the beach, in hot topic, in your stage managing mood, everything! You maybe even shed a tear.
-          After all the festivities for the day, you both put on your fluffy PJs and cuddled under the blanket! He spooned you and ran his fingers in your hair as he hummed under his breath. You played with his fingers and eventually you two fell asleep.
-          When you woke up the next morning, you saw that he had left a small note beside the pillow which you opened and smiled. He was the best person in your life, no doubt!
Happy Birthday, Suzie! Have a good one! And eat some cake for me! 
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The Playlist
Reaper x S/O (neutral "you" used). You just came home from a two week long intell mission to find Grumpy ol' Gabriel being super cute and sleepy (I just like writing for Reyes so much it actually kills me)
My stupid inbox won't allow asks. I don't know why! However I do want to say that my messages are always open. If there is anything you'd like to see please let me know! And if you wish to be kept anonymous just let me know!
You yawned as you walked through the door, dropping your duffel bag full of equipment and clothes to the ground. It was past 2am and all was still in the house. Knowing Gabriel, he was probably on a new mission as you were coming home from yours, ever the poor planner. But you didn't mind, you knew it his was passion to work so hard everyday. You snorted at the thought as you stretched and walked through your home. Ready for some quality time with your bed.
However when you walked past Gabriel's office, you could hear light music coming through the door. It was soft, and the song sounded familiar. You very quietly opened the door, seeing Gabriel in his office chair, feet up on his desk, still dressed in his work outfit he wore, but mask was in his lap. You walked in and gently said his name. He was usually a light sleeper, but he didn't budge. You walked in, ready to take him into bed with you, wanting to take a nap curled up and cozy in his arms. You walked to stand beside him in his chair and looked over his shoulder to see his computer was on a playlist playing gently from his speakers. You leaned closer and saw that the playlist had a name, not surprising. He named all his playlists weird and something obscure. However this one was straight foreward and you couldn't help the smile that crept on to your lips.
You very quietly moved and scrolled through the list. Most of the music was something you showed him. Those times you didn't think he was paying attention to those silly songs you showed him. The stuff you thought he would like and he just seems to be distant. He had actually been paying attention to you. And you felt the warmest, fuzziest feeling enter your heart. You moved back to stand over his shoulder, lifting your hand and ran it through his hair gently, him stirring under your touch but not fully waking up. You leaned down and kissed right behind his ear sweetly. You moved your hands and ran your fingers up and down his arms before wrapping them around him, fingers circling designs into his chest. He stirred again, his nestling into your hair, however he still breathed in deep and slow breathes. Seemingly still sleeping as he breathed in the scent of your lavender shampoo he loved so much.
You adored this man. Every inch of you craved his touch and everything he said seemed like the gospel. Sometimes you felt that he was hard to get through, the walls were tall and thick, the hurt ran deep into his heart and some days you felt like maybe you would never be able to get through. But these songs of love with your name written all over it made you realize that he felt the same way about you as you did for him. His heart was yours, and yours was his.
"Te Amo," you spoke sweetly, a sound no more than a whisper as you did so. You planted one last kiss on his cheek before you unwrapped your arms from him to let him sleep. You had interrupted his time long enough. You move your hand to his shoulder down his arm as you walked away. As you ran your fingers across the palm of his hand, his fingers gently moved and clasped your hand in his. You look down at his hand before you look at him warmly. His eyes weren't all the way opened but those brown eyes seemed to melt you immediately even when half lidded.
"I'm sorry I woke you," you state softly, trying not to disturb him even more, however he pulled your hand gently and his pull led you to his lap, where you climbed on gingerly, sitting there as an almost content sigh left your lips. He was always at such a comfortably cool temperature, which raised little goosebumps on your arms but in the best way. He wraps his arms around you and holds you, not too tightly but just enough for you to snug and secure. You rested your head on his shoulder as your fingers ran over his arm again. Both of you inhaled each other's scent deeply, and it washed over your collective senses as you both closed your eyes.
"Te Amo," he hummed as his chest began to rise and fall deeply, "I missed you, mi amor."
You smiled as these words, making you cuddle into his chest. His fingers traced your arm as well, a soothing motion as he began to feel your body become heavier as sleep began to take you away. It wasn't until he began to rub fingers through your hair and whispering things in your ear, sweet things that made you laugh but it always seemed to sooth you. And when Gabriel had said something and you didn't respond. He rose an eyebrow as he moved his head to look down at you and saw those bright eyes of yours closed and long lashes fanning over your cheeks, you breathing in and out slow and deeply. He chuckled, kissing your forehead before he rested his head back into the chair.
He knew this would be the best he had gotten in two weeks since you left for your mission.
"I don't understand how you sleep in that fucking thing, Gabri---- ow ow ow OW." You yelled harshly as Gabriel laughed, pushing a kink out of your back. He rubbed your back gently where he had just pressed down, trying to ease the pain.
"I guess this is what you get for bothering people, hmm?" He answered your back a reassuring pat, giving a small kiss to the back of your head.
You never tell him about seeing the name of his playlist.
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onemanzerosquad · 5 years
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New York Blackbeard Diary Pt. 3
Day 11.......Woke up.....Started my day getting breakfast then headed to my neurologist office to get my form from my job in regards to my restrictions. After, went to the library to print out documents in regards to a situation that led to someone purchasing something from a PayPal. Pretty much someone hacked into my PayPal and purchase a monthly subscription to watch a show smh. As I was heading to work, I thought about all of my problems and have decided to take care of all the problems. Feels like time is not on my side in my opinion and I can no longer deal with the bullshit no longer. As take care of the problems head on, I have no problem dealing with consequence even if my body limitations is at risk cause. I'm alone in this and that's no one fault cause everyone has their own problem to fix.
On on to the side story......2012.......
The new year started and I was in a long distance relationship. Unfortunately, It didnt last long. Obviously, communication was the cause of the problems. From there I was talking to girls got into a relationship but that didnt even last too. Then I saw her. Now I'm not gonna write her government name. So I'm gonna name her HopelessRomantic. Unlike every women I've been with physically, I actually found her online. I didn't expect her to give me a chance but she did. At first, we were back and forth breaking up and making up. Then mid year, she broke up with thru a inbox smh. She was right tho, I wasn't doing anything with my life and she felt I had no ambition. It's crazy because before she broke up with me, I wanted to let her know that I finally got a job lol. During that time til September, I was dating and talking to other women but at the same time trying to get back with HopelessRomantic. Then at one point, HopelessRomantic was going through a tough time. So I took an opportunity to help her out. I was making sure she was okay. Then one day there was a BWA (beach) reunion show and since I told HopelessRomatic about my backyard wrestling career, I invited her to the show. That day was interested as I got to see some of the guys even my first love and by the night, I brought her home and "Netflix and chill" happened lol. It was our first time doing something after 9 months of us knowing eachother. From that moment on we were back together but this time she trusted me and gave me another chance of love again. On to other things,in that year I started wrestling officially in BWA (Bronx). I had a chance to wrestle in RCW but I decided not to go. I knew I wasn't going to be comfortable there and plus the only people I would mostly trust would be the DIW wrestlers that I meant in 2011. Everyone else ehhhhh (the white boys weren't really there lol). BWA (Bronx) hands down was the best time of my backyard wrestling career. Holy Convictions Tag Team with Genocide, 4 aces, matches with Loco, Dixon, Dom The Don, my epic match against Gencocide that open everyone's eyes, and the match of the event of SuperShowDown (their Wrestlenania), against Joker. I had a epic time in the BWA (Bronx). Now back to HopelessRomantic. Our relationship was great. Our families liked us together, I got to see her often, I was working, the sex was great lol, and she even motivated me to actually go to college. The original plan was to go study Criminal Justice. Then December hit and after the hurricane, I came from chilling with a friend and HopelessRomantic send me a message on Facebook breaking up with me. There wasn't a particular reason. She wrote like an essay but it had nothing to do with me. I can only assume she wasn't interested anymore. So the year was heading to its end. So I decided to live it up with Black, Red, Green, and Blue Label with some 40s. Regardless of the break up, I still had good year.
Day 12.......Woke up and started my day with a cup of coffee. Went to my job to pick my check check my app to see how much since I started last week and today was pay week and apparently I got no pay listed on this week. So I can only assume my next check will make up for last week or something. Money is always with no value hard to get by but hey whatever. So went on my morning and TD Bank to fax the people apart of my dispute case and unfortunately the bank printing machine doesn't work doesn't work. So another Negative Nancy in the poison air of New York City. After work, I saw my Autismo crew (J God, Weirdo, and Porn Plug). Chopped it up a little bit and by the way F**K WWE 2K!!!!!
On on to the side story......2013......
2013 new year.....still working on and off. Surprisely, me and HopelessRomantic kept in contact regardless of the breakup. One day I brought her over just to chill. She got cozy which didn't bother cause she was single as was I. From what I remember, we were talking and it led to her being emotional and she was crying. So held her tight then boom......we had sex......The next day we were talking and I kinda express to her I wanted to get back together but she didn't want that. I actually cried but accepted and got over it. Probably like a month later, she got into a relationship with someone else which sucked even more. Other than that I signed up for a program that dealt with Digital Media and did well in the program. I was still working but not as much. My birthday but on that day I was sick (for about a week). After I healed, I started this new job that my guy Dirty Sandchez aka Eyevrows from Getaway hook me up with. It was an maintenance job. Did the job and all. July 4th hit and partying up drinking doing my thing. I woke up and got a call from HopelessRomantic letting me know that her Aunt passed. All I had was tears cause her aunt meant a lot The last time I talk to her was Mother's Day so the pain was more. I was mad and I played Dante's Inferno with anger. From morning til night, I beat the game. The one thing I notice alot that day was I had double vision that whole day. I would think that would be gone by the morning but it wasn't. After hanging out with my boy. I started to fall easily and constantly told I looked crossed eyed. By August my left leg felt like I or sprained it. August I finally hit the switch and started college. I was studying Mental Health/Domestic Violence Counseling. First semester went well. All As and 1 B. I even had my own little crew.
SIDE NOTE: One person in that crew ending up being my girlfriend (2016)
During the first semester I was still dealing with my health problems. Things got worse. My hands were so numb that I couldn't write. My double vision was there everyday and I had a hard time walking on my left leg. After going to the emergency room doing MRIs and Catscans and testing my strength with a group of neurologists and constantly hearing that I'm so young (I was 22), I saw a neurologist and he told me that I have Multiple Sclerosis.......
Day 13........Woke up, got ready, and speed walked to the bus stop to get to work. Unfortunately, I got a little late due to the bipolarness of the bus coming on schedule. When. I got to work, I couldn't punch in due to the app I punch in on couldn't connect to the server. After work, I went to see a friend that I haven't seen in quite some time and that was pretty much my day.
On on to the side story......2014.......
2014 came. I finally got my finally treatment after waiting for months for insurance reasons smh. I had to take it every week. I continued college by taking free classes inthe winter semester which was apart of Fall semester. As a result passed both classes with an A. From there my GPA was 3.6. With my education background with a learning disability, D equalivent grades, being in special ed classes, and receiving services due to my learning disability, for a guy with a incurable health condition that pretty much messes with your body depending on the central nervous system state, it was remarkable for something like that to happen. Spring semester hit and once again did my thing in classes, went on dates, and followed the routine of being on grind. Then the summer semester hit and I was offered to take a short summer class and I took it of course since it was free. That morning of first day of the class, I wanted to do the impossible and walked from my home to school (Albemarle and East 19 to Manhattan Beach). It took about 3 hours. Got to class on time and kind sat around or whatever. Some other people got inthe class and informed the professor that they were in the other classroom. For some odd reason I was more aware of a woman saying that then the others. Crazy cause that same woman ended up being my girlfriend by the end of September. We ain't saying government names. So her name for this post is Hermione (she likes Harry Potter). She had tattoos, smart, and she was honest for what I feel most of the time. Eventually the relationship didn't last and ended the same way.......a message. Her reasons made sense I guess (went too fast). Honestly I don't believe time should be a determining factor for a relationship to happen. If you feeling this person then give it a shot but that's just my opinion. Also, in 2014, I officially ended my backyard wrestling career against my friend, my brother, and my on screenplay rival Rodney Banks. It was the perfect ending to the legend that was called Heavy D.
Day 14.......Woke up. Gather some clothes and did some laundry. Sat outside for a little bit and headed back to the shelter and took a power nap. Woke up about 3 and watch One Piece Episode 901. I'm already current with the manga. So I'm basically watching what I already read. That was pretty much my Sunday. Plus I need all the rest for the upcoming days of this week. I gotta say, I'm slowly getting myself together to the point that people inthe shelter are noticing me more as hardworking individual. I'm always on the move and that's being notice and respected by people in the shelter.
On on to the tragic side story......2015
2015 started off okay. Winter semester was a success. I saw Hermione. But I didnt really give her attention after the break up but after we talked, we became friends and that was it nothing more. Spring semester came and I did my thing again and lived the college life but got a job. So now I'm get on my grind and officially had no time for much. Summer was here and my mother was working getting her passport to go back to Jamaica and see her family after years. One time I came from work and as usual expected my mother to be home since she doesn't like to be out late. She nevered came home which was extremely alarming. Call the police and I was informed that she was in the hospital in the city. Got to the hospital and use the phone to locate and she was in the 3rd floor ICU. I didn't know what ICU meant at that time but I knew it was something bad. Got to the ICU and saw my mother........Hospital covered with a bandage on her head as if someone bash a metal bat on her head. Come to find out, she had a seizure and fell on head in the street very hard. I was in tears. All I can remember was that the last time I saw her she told me that she was heading out. My mind was wtf like this ain't real. Called everyone I can call and every got the news that my mother was inthe hospital. She eventually got transfer to a rehab center in Far Rockaway Queens. Things seem to be okay. Then I come home from a hard day at home and I get phone call from a friend informing me that something happened and my younger brother didn't sound okay on the phone. Went to the hospital my mother was sent to. Her eyes was closed. Next couple of days saw her as the machine was helping her breath not responding or reacting inthe room. The doctor spoke to me and younger brother and pretty much said there a very little chance they can help. By October 12th. My younger brother called me and informed me that our mother died........
Day 15......Woke up.....Had to skip gym again. I had to get my mail and sent some emails. After, I went straight to work. After work, I happen to see a face I haven't seen in quite some time and we actually introduce our names after knowing each other for years. It's kind of cool knowing someone and finally just engaging in a conversation (just regularly). Then mailed my my money order to this One Shot Deal that I owe money to unfortunately. While on my way back to the shelter, I started thinking.....now knowing that just about everyone knows that I have Multiple Sclerosis......Hawk's Eye will be on me and my refusals from any assistance will make things a little more tough and edgier. So at this point, I have to be smart on everything I do. But I'm sure I'll get through this someway.
On on to 2016.......
2016 was here. After a hard 2015, I was able to keep the home, still work, made sure my health was good and survived a hard semester. I made the impossible possible. On the other hand, things were different. I started living somewhat a independent free life. I went to school, work, and party on the weekends. I was even going to the strip clubs and bars just living it up with my people. Eventually, I had this feeling like I needed to be what I was and I felt it was time to look for love again and I found it. No government names revealed. So her name was SoReal lol. I knew her since I started college (2013). We kept in contact and eventually we got together in July. It was love again. I haven't felt this type of love since my first relationship. She was smart, hardworking, and very determined to finish college. I was in love. When she felt she needed me, I was ready to help. We went on multiple dates. We talked all the time and we expressed that we loved each other. Other than love, I GRADUATED FROM KINGSBORO WITH AN ASSOCIATES!!!!! By September, I was city bound at City College. By the fall semester thing weren't good between me and SoReal. She distanced herself from me and with that I got less focus on school. Our relationship was so back and forth. When December hit, I got a letter from the landlord informing me that I must pay 3500 dollars in two weeks or I get evicted. So rent is not really being paid by my roommate, I'm barely getting thru college, and my relationship is a mess. As a result, I was still in relationship surprisingly, I pass my classes (barely), and I had to ask for assistance from this service called the One Shot Deal (where your whole rent is paid off but you got to pay back the money that was covered. 2017......would finally bring me to the limit.....
Not everything was meant to be......
Jikai........One Last Time. The Past From The Last View 2017 The Fall Of A Headliner
Mad King Recharging Arc
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