#journaling for self improvement
biscuitdolly · 2 months
hobbies to try out ♡
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hobbies are such a great way to spend your time rather than being on technology all the time. It's great to have a skill, as skills can help you make friends, and can also open up new job opportunities!! here are some ideas, some are easy and simple and others are a little more advanced, there's (hopefully) something for everyone !!
O1 , painting / sketching
O2 , ballet (or dance in general)
O3 , sewing
O4 , reading
O5 , journalling
O6 , gardening
O7 , baking
O8 , photography
O9 , creative writing / songwriting / poem writing
1O , yoga
11 , learning an instrument (electric/acoustic guitar, drums, piano, violin etc)
12 , bracelet/jewellery making
13 , thrifting
14 , skateboarding
15 , hiking / exploring
16 , calligraphy
17 , pottery
18 , knitting / crochet
19 , pilates
2O , learning a language
21 , origami
22 , archery
23 , bird watching , herping , and animal/bug study in general
24 , mycology , plant observation/documentation
25 , start a podcast or amateur radio
26 , roller skating
27 , gymnastics / acrobatics
28 , cardistry
29 , terrarium making
30 , calisthenics
hope this helps!!!
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beegalactica · 3 months
real 'glow up' advice i wish i had
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Imagine getting to the point in life where YOU are your own vision board; where you are that girl who has the life that you want, and you don't have to seek it out through other people. That should be the ultimate goal.
Here are subtle things that you should be doing to channel your ideal person and improve yourself for the better FROM THE INSIDE
take care of your hygiene: brush your teeth every day, wash your face with soap, wash your hair, take meaningful showers
be kind to yourself: speak nicely to yourself, treat yourself every now and then, love yourself exactly the way you came
make the effort: do your hair and wear something cute, even if you're only going to the supermarket. I bet your ideal self looks stunning wherever she goes, so make that effort if you really want to become her
move your body: dance to some music for just 5 minutes, take a walk, get off the bus a (reasonable) few stops earlier and walk the rest of the way
romanticise the hell out of your life: wear those bows, create that vision board, play that aesthetic background music even if you're just washing the dishes, wear that outfit!!!!!
admire yourself: look at yourself in the mirror and remember what you look like, take a million selfies to look back and smile at, give yourself a compliment every time you pass your reflection
get creative: if you want cute decor, make it! if you want cute clothes, find some easy DIYs!
focus on what you can control: if you cannot change the situation, let it resolve itself. don't waste your precious time obsessing over something you cannot change
get to know yourself (again): rediscover your hobbies, try new activities, learn to appreciate your solitude, get out of your shell
I really wish I was part of a community like this when I was going through a really insecure and lonely phase of my life.
Instead of deciding to wake up a 3am every day from now on, and trying to reach 20k steps every day, start small and walk your way up to greatness!
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theambitiouswoman · 10 months
Questions To Ask Yourself If You Want To Become The Best Version of Yourself
What do I really care about? What things are really important to me?
What am I good at, and where do I need help? What am I strong in, and what could I get better at?
What do I want to achieve soon and later? What things do I want to do soon, and what are my bigger, long-term goals?
Am I trying new things and not just staying comfy? Am I doing things that might be a bit scary but good for me?
How do I deal with problems and when things go wrong? What do I do when stuff doesn't work out?
Am I nice to myself when things don't go well? Do I treat myself kindly, especially when things are tough?
How do I use my time, and what's most important? How do I plan my day, and what things matter the most?
Am I learning new stuff regularly? Do I keep finding out new things?
Do I have a good balance between work and fun? Do I make sure to have enough time for work and for things I enjoy?
Do I have good friendships and avoid bad ones? Am I friends with people who make me feel good?
Do I take care of my body? Am I eating well, exercising, and sleeping enough?
Do I think about my feelings and thoughts? Do I pay attention to how I'm feeling and what I'm thinking?
How do I deal with stress and make myself calm? What do I do when I'm stressed out?
Do I help others and make the world better? Do I do things to make people's lives nicer?
Do I have good habits and get rid of bad ones? Are there things I do every day that are good for me? Are there things I should stop doing?
Do I learn from what people say about me? When people give me advice, do I listen and try to get better?
Do I say no when I need to? Do I tell people when I need space or when something isn't okay for me?
What makes me really happy? What do I like to do that makes me feel great?
Do I use money wisely? Am I good at saving and spending money in smart ways?
Do I believe I can improve and get better? When things are tough, do I think I can get through them and learn something?Am I being kind to others and making them feel good? Do I treat people nicely and make them happy?
Do I learn from things I do wrong? When I make a mistake, do I figure out how to do better next time?
Do I try new things, even if they scare me a little? Do I give things a shot, even if they seem a bit scary?
Am I spending time with people who care about me? Do I hang out with folks who like me for who I am?
Do I eat healthy foods and move my body? Am I eating good stuff and getting some exercise?
Am I sharing and helping others when I can? Do I give stuff to others and lend a hand when I'm able to?
Am I paying attention when people talk to me? Do I really listen when others are speaking to me?
Do I take breaks and do things I enjoy? Do I give myself time to rest and do things I like?
Do I say sorry and make up if I hurt someone? When I make someone feel bad, do I apologize and try to make things better?
Do I imagine good things for myself in the future? Do I think about cool stuff I want to do?
Do I stop and relax when I'm feeling stressed? When I'm worried, do I take a moment to calm down?
Do I ask for help when I need it? Do I tell someone when I can't do something on my own?
Do I try my best, even when things are tricky? Even if it's hard, do I give it my all?
Do I pick up after myself and keep things tidy? Am I good at cleaning up and keeping things in order?
Do I use my time for things that matter most? Do I do important stuff before other things?
Do I think about good things that happened today? Do I remember all the nice things that occurred?
Am I okay with making mistakes and learning from them? Do I know it's okay to mess up sometimes and learn from it?
Do I show appreciation for the people around me? Do I let others know I'm thankful for them?
Do I take deep breaths and relax when I'm upset? When I'm mad, do I breathe and try to calm down?
Do I believe I can do better and keep growing? Do I think I can get better at things and keep getting smarter?
Am I happy with who I am right now? Do I like myself just as I am?
Do I feel okay when things don't go as planned? When stuff doesn't work out, do I stay calm?
Do I think about good things about myself? Do I focus on the nice parts of me?
Do I let go of things that make me sad? When something makes me upset, can I move on from it?
Do I notice when I'm feeling worried or scared? Am I aware of when I'm feeling nervous or frightened?
Do I believe I can do things even if they're tough? Can I do hard things if I try?
Do I try to make my mind peaceful? Do I relax my thoughts when they're racing?
Do I find things that make me feel relaxed? What can I do to feel calm and at ease?
Am I patient when things take time? Can I wait without getting upset?
Do I talk kindly to myself in my head? Do I say nice things to myself in my mind?
Am I curious about things and want to learn? Do I like to find out new stuff?
Do I think about good times and happy memories? Do I remember fun things that happened before?
Do I try to understand how others feel? Can I tell what others are feeling?
Do I imagine nice things happening in the future? Can I think about good stuff that might come?
Do I take time to rest and be by myself? Do I give myself breaks and quiet time?
Do I let go of things I can't change? Can I forget about things I can't do anything about?
Do I believe I can do things even if I don't know how yet? Do I think I can learn new things?
Do I tell myself I'm doing a good job? Do I give myself a pat on the back?
Do I stay calm even if things are really busy? Can I be relaxed even when things are crazy?
Do I know that I can make mistakes and it's okay? Do I understand that everyone messes up sometimes?
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maxiglow · 1 month
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listen to your heart! journaling ideas
emotional check-in: write about your current feelings. no judgment, no editing, no need to be aesthetically pleasing, just let your heart be free so you can understand what’s truly going on.
core values: list your core values and how they align with your decisions and choices you make. are you staying true to these values?
dreams and ambitions: be specific and detailed about what you desire, no matter how big or small. consider why you have these dreams, how important they are and how they make you feel.
barriers: journal about the barriers you find that are stopping you from following your heart. can they be owned or outlined? are they impossible to move? what can you do to achieve something similar?
heart healing: think about the time when your heart was broken (not only romantically). write about the experience and how you healed or about your ongoing healing. what lessons did you learn from that?
letters from the heart: write a letter to yourself or someone else about what you’ve been holding back. will you write about love, forgiveness, angriness or some truth?
heart vs head: explore a decision where your heart and head were in conflict. how did you solve the problem? were you satisfied?
gratitude: list things that you’re deeply grateful for. focus how each one touches your heart and the emotions you feel towards them.
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Dopamine (pleasure + reward)
Go outside
Be creative
Complete a task
Doing something new
Celebrate the small wins
Serotonin (the mood stabilizer)
Practice yoga
Walk in nature
Relax in the sun
Oxytocin (the love hormone)
Hug someone
Play with a cat/dog
Random acts of kindness
Give someone a compliment
Quality time with friends and family
Endorphins (the pain relief/distresser)
Essential oils
Take a hot bath
Watch a comedy
Eating dark chocolate
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honeytonedhottie · 2 months
how to stop being toxic⋆.ೃ࿔*:・⭐️
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the point of this post in general is a reminder to be self aware so that then u can become an individual that u are proud of ✨
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everyone has traits in themselves that they aren't necessarily proud of and thats okay. its only natural bcuz we are humans. whats important is that u are able to acknowledge it and work on it.
toxic traits and behaviors stem from things like our own insecurities, conditioning, our egos and a multitude of other things. when we aren't toxic we free ourselves up for better people and experiences.
do some shadow work, dig deeper and do some journalling to rly assess some of ur personality traits whether u classify them as a negative or a positive trait. some examples of traits include
having trouble taking accountability (shifting blame)
once you've classified that trait, write a sentence that explains why that particular trait is/isnt toxic. so for this particular trait ur sentence could look something like
trouble with taking accountability for myself and my actions is a toxic trait because it displays my inability to be responsible for myself/admit fault. this can jeopardize relationships and opportunities for me, it can also hinder my growth as an individual.
just because you notice toxic behaviors within yourself, it doesn't mean that u are a bad person. in fact, since u can acknowledge it and wanna improve it, that shows that u are a good person.
look for the source of toxic behaviors that u display. some ways that can help u to identify what makes u act in that way is by seeing a therapist who can help u to dissect and understand urself, intentional journalling etc.
when u find urself in situations in which u think that ur being toxic, u can practice mindfulness and nip it in the bud. the more that u practice doing this the easier and more natural it'll feel.
be a good listener
show urself compassion
start journalling/going to therapy
listen to feedback
listen to feedback from others from an impartial view. dont take criticism or negative feedback personally. take the feedback that u get and apply it cuz thats one of the many ways u can grow.
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personaldiary · 4 months
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January is for exploring new hobbies and discovering aspects of yourself in all areas of life 🫶🏻
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kodolidraw · 2 months
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universalitgirlsblog2 · 6 months
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1) Persephonesmind ( Mindset )
Alessia has really great content on developing a postive and strong mindset. She is so underrated . She speaks softly , if you prefer someone who is more compassionate while speaking then her videos are really good for you !
2) Simonesquared ( Mindset , manifestation, self improvement )
Simone has two channels - one is simonessquared & other one is simmonesimmo . She has everything , she posted some videos related to manifestation, rewiring subconscious mind , study tips , mindset etc . She is so funny which makes her entertaining too !!
3) Lana Blakely( Mindset )
Lana has really amazing tips on developing self love , healthy habits , relationships etc . Her voice is really comforting , her videos will help you alot !
4) Daiz /Daisy Choii ( Productivity )
Discovering her was a blessing ! She posts vlogs related to studying, organizing her desks , travelling , room makeover etc. She will motivate you to become more productive .
5) Saranghoe ( Productivity )
She posts vlogs regarding morning & night routines ,studying , organizing her room etc .She is another youtube who will help you to romanticize your life & motivate you to be more productive .
6) Yoora Jung ( Productivity )
I love Yoora so much ! She posts vlogs regarding studying, working out , travelling etc. She will motivate you to study harder , be more productive & romanticize your life.
7) Princess Jess ( Wonyoungism , Productivity )
Princess Jess is so wonyoung coded and I love it ! She is so underrated, If you don't know her , please check her videos out ! She has great content on wonyoungism . She posts videos regarding weight loss tips ,morning & night routines inspired by Wonyoung , Wonyoung essentials , style inspired by Wonyoung.
8) Best dressed ( Fashion , Vlogs )
She posts videos regarding fashion & her favorite movies , vlogs related to traveling , apartment makeover etc . My favorite video of hers is 50 outfits when you have nothing to wear . Do check her channel out !
9) DN. Beauty Natural ( Health , beauty )
This channel is pretty underrated , it deserves more . They have great exercises for both your face & body . They will help you get your dream body & enhance your natural beauty !
10 ) Emi Wong ( Health )
Emi has good exercises related to weight loss , getting a good posture etc. She also has kpop workouts( most of them are on blackpink songs )
11) Mish Choi (Health )
She has amazing workouts inspired by kpop idols. My favorite workout of her is the Blackpink Jennie pilates & IU yoga .
12) Hina fit ( Health )
She also has amazing workouts inspired by kpop idols & on kpop songs too.
13) Chloe Ting ( Health )
Chloe is a life saver. She posts videos related to workouts, healthy recipes , results from her workouts , house tour etc.
14) Study to Success ( Academics )
I love her aesthetic,she has great tips on how to become that student , how to study when you are tired , romantizing school etc. She also posts study vlogs and morning & night routines.
15) Study quill ( Academics )
She not only gives tips on studying but she has videos on self care , Journaling , dorm tour etc.
💗🩰I wasn't able to mention all youtubers in the last post so I had to post another part . I hope this post helped you. Please remember to consume content that makes you feel good & helps you become your best version. TAKE CARE OF YOURSELF , LOVE YOURSELF & PROTECT YOUR ENERGY.💗🩰
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flowerflowerflo · 2 months
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journal index ⊹˚. ♡
🧸𓂃 ࣪˖ for all ur girl journal inspiration <3 ideas either from pinterest, tumblr or yours truly ‎♡
about me!
your favourite memories
people or characters with your mbti
why you love ur friends/family/anyone in your life
every ____ album ranked
skin breakout log
best parts of ur childhood
comfort board
debating over something (are ghosts real, does fate exist, etc)
favourite sweet foods
letter to little you
letter to future you
things you love about each season
things that give you hope in the world
ultimate guide to pampering ur pets
a song for each day
an album for each month
funniest things people have ever said to you
every crush you've ever had
reminders for every emotion
ranting about things you love
rambling about a topic or issue u think a lot about
your most embarrassing moments ever (in vivid detail)
explaining your playlists
love letter in a different language
book reviews on the most random things ever
an essay on literally anything
ur fav poets and poetry
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biscuitdolly · 6 months
ten small habits to start doing ♡
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never go to the bathroom with your phone. It's gross , wastes time , and spreads germs.
are you a forgetful person? set alarms and reminders for things you need to do (drinking water , homework , showering, etc)
be kind! always say hi to people you know and smile at strangers. don't be afraid to compliment people too!!
cant be bothered exercising? try dancing instead. this could be learning a new dance , a Kpop choreography , literally anything!
put screen-time on your phone/devices. maybe start off with 10pm - 7am being the time that you shouldn't be on any devices, and then gradually increase it. it will help you be more productive and sleep better.
if you have a sweet tooth like me but are still trying to be healthy , try starting off the day with something sweet! fruits and oats , honey and porridge , french toast , pancakes , etc.
try cooking/baking/making something new each week. i allocate a Sunday each week to looking through a recipe book , walking down to a grocery store , coming back and baking something! cooking is a very helpful skill.
double cleanse your face every morning and night. even if you don't wear makeup , it helps get rid of any excess dirt and leaves your face fresh and clean!
when using skincare (more specifically moisturiser), never rub the product into your skin in a downward motion! it can drag your face down over time. try an upward or circular motion instead.
keep your house tidy , especially your room / workspace. tidy space = tidy mind.
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eamour · 8 months
practice gratitude.
here's the thing · you, very often, don’t give yourself credit for all of the amazing things that have happened and still take place in your life. i can assure you, there have to be so many great things that you‘ve experienced this week — no! even today, there has to be at least one thing that made you smile. it really doesn’t matter how big or small it is. it could be someone winking at you when you were out, getting a message from someone who you haven’t talked to in a long time or something casual that you already got used to but still makes your every day special. appreciate it. don’t take it for granted. if you feel like life is boring or if you are complaining about things not going your way and feeling frustrated, think of the things that DO go your way. celebrate your small achievements that often go unnoticed. turn small victories into big ones and make them meaningful to YOU. remind yourself of the things you are happy to have, happy to experience, happy to see,… we really tend to overlook the beautiful things in our lives and take them for granted because we don’t know what it’s like without them.
GOOD things, BETTER than good things, MORE than just a few good things happen to you every day. yes, there is also probably going to be a handful of things that weren’t as pleasant or weren’t nearly as worthy of appreciation compared to other things, but you decide what you want to focus on. every day, you have the option to choose on which thing you want to spend your energy on by thinking and reminiscing about it. it’s up to you if you want to celebrate your accomplishments and feel content about them, or look forward for the next bigger, worthier and more valuable thing to cherish.
today, i want you to recall at least a handful of things that you are thankful for. there is no limit. you can continue as much as you want. but just think about it — what am i grateful for? what do i appreciate to have? how does it make me feel to be the person that gets to experience these wonderful things? i promise, you will definitely think of some lovely things. ♡
with love, ella.
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theambitiouswoman · 9 months
A self love night time routine 🌙🧸🪞🤍✨
Your night time routine is all about dedicating time to yourself. Your routine should be tailored to what makes YOU feel relaxed, loved, and cared for. You can add or modify any of these steps to make it perfect for you.
Cleanse & skin care routine. This isn’t just about hygiene. Cleansing your skin can also cleanse the day's stresses away. Remove makeup (if you wear it). Use a gentle cleanser. Apply toner, serums, or treatments if you use them. Moisturize to keep your skin hydrated.
Spend a few minutes decluttering and organizing so you can go to sleep with a clear mind.
Prepare for tomorrow. Pick out your clothes, prepare your lunch and create your to do list so you wake up with a plan of action.
Set aside electronics, especially those that might interrupt your relaxation (phones, laptops). Put them on the other side of the room, or another room to avoid distractions.
Spend a few minutes journaling or meditating on your day. Write down three things you're grateful for as well as your achievements or progress.
Make a herbal tea or warm milk. Stay away from caffeine, they will interfere with your sleep.
If you enjoy baths, now might be the time to have one with calming salts or essential oils. If you prefer showers, use this time to enjoy the sensation of the water, rather than rushing through it.
Spend a few minutes practicing deep breathing, grounding exercises, or meditation to calm your mind.
Choose a book, avoid anything too stimulating or stress inducing.
Stand in front of a mirror and speak kind words to yourself. Use positive affirmations that resonate with you, like “I am worthy of love and happiness” or “I did my best today, and that's enough.”
Dress in comfortable nightwear, ensuring your sleeping environment is cozy. This could be clean sheets and a comfortable pillow.
Dim the lights, play calming music or nature sounds, or use an essential oil diffuser with lavender or chamomile.
Before closing your eyes to sleep, visualize a peaceful scene or a memory that makes you happy.
As you lie in bed, silently express gratitude for the day. Set a positive intention for the next day.
Get full night's sleep. Make sure you’re getting 7-9 hours depending on your personal needs.
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maxiglow · 2 months
“i need to organize my bedroom so my mom won’t complain to me” -> “i deserve a clean and tidy bedroom”
“i hate my body so i need to work on it” -> “i deserve a healthy body that i like”
“i need to study so i won’t be a failure in life” -> “knowledge is power and i deserve to be successful”
“i did something wrong and i hate myself because of this” -> “this is my first time living, i’m allowed to make mistakes and grow from them”
love and compassion >>> hate and fear
and remember: mindset is the key.
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Weekly Reset Schedule
Declutter your room
Plan your week
Make a healthy meal plan
Review your finances,create a budget
Everything shower
Move your body
Do meditation/yoga/pilates
At home spa day
Digital detox day
Comfy pajamas
Read a favorite book
Watch a tv show/movie
Enjoy a calming drink (tea/hot chocolate)
Self reflection/journal/diary writing
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honeytonedhottie · 2 months
shadow work prompts⋆.ೃ࿔*:・🎀
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resources for ur healing journal and healing journey in general bcuz u deserve to heal ✨ (constantly being updated and improved)
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what did childhood me need the most
what am i avoiding -> what am i addicted to
what secrets am i hiding and why
am i being honest with myself/others
what are my biggest misconceptions about myself
what are the first signs that u notice and know that ur mental health is dipping
what beliefs and behaviors did u adapt from ur family that u now question
what easily triggers (feeling) and what might be a reason for this sensitivity
have u ever had a reoccurring dream
do u have desires or ambitions that u feel embarrassed to admit
what critical thoughts do u have about urself
what part of myself do i feel disconnected to and why
how do i let others invade my boundaries
how much do i rely on external validation
do i tend to resist or embrace change
what are some toxic habits that i've adopted
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