#making Kai sad over being angry: best thing I ever did
weekend-whip · 1 year
me thinking about,,,,,, Kai's tp,,,,,,, and like,,,, Garmadon and Lloyd, the latter being a literal TWEEN, giving Kai therapy are probably The Highlights of this chapter
okay but seriously, love how you expanded on Kai's original TP by going from discovering/fulfilling your purpose to wrestling with the expectations set by others and yourself, because they quite literally go hand in hand. and that distinction between being aggression-through-anger and aggression-through-despair is so real and true and [cartoon cartwheels into the abyss] it very much fits Kai's progression as a character and I love that so freaking much okay?? i am. holding this chapter. very gently. gonna swallow all of lloyd's advice. love myself for a bit. and then suffer when the next chap drops <3
this is just bringing on an onslaught of emotions because MAN show!kai really deserves like. a good proper treatment for his character. man really just got brushed aside almost INSTANTLY after getting his TP when the Green Ninja theme started playing, lil me was close to bawling like "WHERE IS THE RECOGNITION FOR MY GUY?!?!??? LLOYD CAN WAIT PLEASE I'VE BEEN SUFFERING WITH KAI FOR 10 EPISODES"
but I am glad to say you have done him justice. you did it. I can now kiss you on the lips and hold the fic up in the air and scream because it has been Done and i can now die in peace
so yeah <333
It’s a bit funny that the people who have been around Kai the least ended up helping him the most x3
I have finally given Kai the justice I always wanted him to have….the recognition he deserves…I can finally rest now…my work is complete—wait what do you mean there’s still seven chapters left—
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squib-2006 · 2 years
I am going to rewatch one episode of ninjago a day until I ether give up or finish I will put my thoughts down as I watch it and rate each episode out of ten. I missed a day because I was busy all day.
Day 5
Season 1 episode 5 can of worms
All the other ninja have legitimate reasons to be mad at Lloyd. But Kai is just angry over a video game score which I find hilarious.
This is gremlin Lloyd at his finest
Why is Zane so upset at his gi being pink. He literally wore a pink apron back in episode two
Baby Lloyd’s laugh :)
Kai had no problem with nya living with them two episodes ago
Also kai stop being sexist to your sister
He looks so guilty when nya says she can hear him. I guess season 1 & 2 kai dies have a Conscience.
Nya did not hesitate to throw the darts at her brothers head. Sibling bond at its finest. Also revenge.
Jay everyone can see your simping from a mile away.
Why would the elemental alliance put the tombs in the snake shape. It just makes it easier for trouble makers to open the tombs
SIMP. JAY IS SUCH A SIMP. Also post season 8 jays simping has nothing on season ones jays simping
Yes, jive the one thing that can stop the Sneks to your immature students who more times than not mess up and loos what ever they had been guarding.
This is funny because Cole is literally carrying a cars worth of metal on his back.
Mail man :D also what the heck is he saying
Oh yes the plot convenient prophecy on a wall. Could they not just had pythor monologe about the devour instead
Small detail, Cole notices the constrictai burrowing underground first because he is the master of earth
The constrictai are probably my least favorite Snek just because of how boring they are. Like all the other tribes have cool powers but the constrictai just have super strength.
Why is Zane’s vision getting blurry he is literally a nindroid.
Once again coles slash should have literally chopped his head off
Music 10/10
Coles chili must be really bad if everyone hates it
I love the tree climbing
Why does I am only echo not evrey thing else Jay said
That frog is just eww
Best part of this episode kai gets high on venomari venom
Kai is aparently afraid of gingerbread men and elves. I don’t know wether to find that funny or sad.
Butt jokes always make me laugh for some reason
This is why wu should never give the ninja any important thing. They always lose it
High Kai is peek Comedy
Kai’s hand is clipping into jays hand
Samurai x kicking butt since 2012
Zane talks with coles voice
Jays simp-o-meter can simp over nya even in disguise
Kai’s Santa? Makes me loose my crap every time
How do they not notice nyas bracelet. Like come on they have probably scene it like a million times. Kai especially, but I can give him a pass because he is high
Also how does the sleeping gas work on Zane?
Says samurai were the highest class of Warrior and were noble. Literally insults them in the pilots calling them slow and clunky
They look like they are so done with Kai’s crap. I love high kai
Smack. After I first watched this episode any time I would get potstickers with my family I would smack them on my face and laugh and my family would look at me like I had grown two heads
Can of worms roll credits
They don’t blame Lloyd for this or say it wasn’t his fault they just say you can’t change what you did in the past but you can change your actions in the future. I love this because it’s avoiding the we forgive you it’s not you fault trope.
And rip high kai you will be missed. Also the venom just wares off for plot convenience. I wish they would have kept the gag going untill the end of the episode. It would have been hilarious
Small detail, Zane’s spinjitzu changes from white to pink when he changes his clothes
Kai’s scream is hilarious
That is very specific Cole
Our first time seeing ninjago city. And it looks so bad compared to newer Ninjago city.
Kai being smart :)
How not they not see the ninja
This makes me angry that they didn’t notice him
Zane be Indiana Joansing
Bros support bros
Oh zane I’m so proud of you, you are using phrases :D
Jays gonna have a lot of bad frostbite after this
Gremlin Lloyd my son
Final thoughts
This episode was just as enjoyable as I remembered. The jokes were funny and Kai being high was amazing. There was a reason this was my second favorite episode from season one. Over all I give this episode a 9.5/10
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artekai · 2 years
👀👀👀👀👀 PLEASE tell me abt the yusuke x kai x joker ot3. what are your thoughts. share with the class
(can you SEE me vibrating right now??? cause I'm vibrating SO hard >:3)
This will probably be mostly about Kai and Yusuke tho bc they're the ones rotating in the mind right now!!! I'm very sorry Joker :')
Under the cut bc this got way too long T-T
Okay so, you ever think about how Yusuke and Kai were basically roped into infiltrating their father figure's palace, forcing them to confront ugly truths about their pasts, but teaching them to see the world in shades of gray as a result...?
And what I mean by that is... Yusuke idolized Madarame because he didn't want to believe that the man who cared for him was really such an asshole, because it was easier to pretend he wasn't, while Kai vilified Takuto because he'd rather be angry than sad, because it was easier to put all of the blame on someone else instead of having to face his own issues... They're coming from diametrically opposed places, but it's about the journey. The journey is the same T-T
Remember Yusuke's confidant and all of his talk about how humans contain multitudes, good and bad? And how he had to reconcile Madarame being an abusive asshole and the worst person in Yusuke’s life with his lingering fondness for his father figure and the little moments of care that Madarame did have...?
Yusuke understands how complicated relationships are, and he specifically has experience with a father figure that has simultaneously hurt him and cared for him. Even if Takuto and Madarame are not comparable, that is EXACTLY Kai is going through during the third semester. Reconciling what he thought he knew about his dad with everything he’s seeing… reconciling the discomfort of having to see all of the good, the bad, and the ugly inside his dad’s mind with his desire for truth and justice no matter how much it hurts…. reconciling his justified anger with his justified love and craving for parental affection….
AND HEAR ME OUT. Yusuke’s insistence that he can’t earn money from his art because that’s what Madarame did? Yusuke needs to be as far away from him as possible, no matter the consequences, to avoid falling into temptation or going down the same road as Madarame. He can't be anything like Madarame, even if that means having to starve himself for art. He understands. He understands Kai’s need to separate himself from the father who hurt him, even if he’s taking it to the other extreme and hurting himself in the process. Yusuke has been through this before.
And then Kai finding out that Takuto was fully responsible for the loss of his mother figure, which results in his second awakening? It just echoes Yusuke's own storyline so, so much... :')
So I think of them in the third semester, of Kai running off, upset, and being found by Yusuke... And Kai snaps at him, going “what, are you here to tell me I should go easy on my dad because he means well or cause he’s my dad or whatever?” because he's used to people taking his dad's side, and telling him he needs to calm down and go easy on him because he's trying his best. But Yusuke frowns instead, indignant at the idea that he would say such a thing, and goes “Absolutely not. You don’t have to be lenient on your father simply because he is your guardian. If there’s anyone in our team with the right to criticize Dr. Maruki, it should be you.”
And Yusuke understands how horrible it is to have to be faced with the physical manifestation of your dad's distorted desires, leading them to bond over how grossed out they are at Madarame's and Takuto's palaces. Yusuke tells Kai about how ostentatious and vain Madarame's palace was, while Kai tells him that he's disgusted by how sterile and controlling the lab is. He tells him that life is not supposed to be bland and predictable, like Takuto wants it to be, that it's supposed to be messy and fun... Yusuke can probably make a comparison to art there. About how art isn't calculated, but it's a reflection of human feelings instead. And human feelings are messy and unpredictable. And you can't take that away from art.
On a more lighthearted note, Kai would absolutely be overjoyed to model for Yusuke. In fact. Actually. Someone should probably get in there with them and stopping Kai from taking his clothes off. That someone should be Joker, I think
Anyways! Yusuke would be happy to have a model and Kai would be happy that someone is putting in the time and effort to immortalize his image in a painting! Do you realize how flattered he would be? And sure, maybe he's restless, and Yusuke definitely gets frustrated that he moves so much sometimes, but he can probably ramble as much as he wants while Yusuke paints him. So that's great for him! Kai loves talking a lot!
And he could tell Yusuke about other forms of art too. Like, you know, music! ^^ I think he would LOVE to learn about drawing or painting too, he just has never started because he's convinced he's terrible at it :')
In terms of pre-thirdsem, I think Kai would be more at ease around Yusuke than around other Phantom Thieves because he's not from Shujin, and he doesn't know Takuto as well. And if they meet before the school festival, it gives Kai a chance to make an impression that's not just "Takuto's son," you know? Just thought that was worth mentioning ^^
Also! A little detail I like is that Yusuke tends to interpret things literally, while Kai tends to make self-aggrandizing jokes... So that opens up a lot of chances for Kai to be doing his usual self-aggrandizing bit, not expecting anyone to take it seriously, and Yusuke just… looks at him… scrutinizing his body… and goes “hmm. You do have quite an impressive form…” and Kai INSTANTLY switches from cocky to a flustered, babbling mess :)
Joker can get roped into that too. Maybe Kai and Joker are playing around with each other and Yusuke then cuts in for honest flattery time, hehe.
I always say that Kai values honesty a lot, so Yusuke's bluntness and transparency would help him feel more relaxed and keep him from overthinking their relationship too much, as he does :') Meanwhile, Yusuke, who isn't the best at reading people or social interactions, might appreciate how expressive and open Kai is.
And! They're both kind of social outcasts at their schools, categorized only as "Madarame's weird pupil" and "Dr. Maruki's weird son" respectively... They've really been through a lot of similar experiences ;-;
(Call me weak, but I think it's sweet that Kai is small while Yusuke and Joker are tall lmao. Kai and his two tall boyfriends... <3)
All in all, I think Kai, Yusuke, and Joker do a lot of things for The Aesthetic(tm) but all approach it in different ways and I think that is very very cool of them :)
I basically think the OT3 would be like:
Kai: Looks unhinged, is unhinged
Yusuke: Looks like the rational one, is unhinged
Joker: Looks unhinged, is the enabler
And I was right, this was A LOT more about Yusuke and Kai than about the OT3 LMAO, I'm so sorry T-T
But... let's be real, you already know about Shukita, haha. I'm just adding Kai for a little more flavor :3
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hello-nichya-here · 2 years
Azula - Abuse, Imperialism And Redemption
"Azula was abusive to her brother and friends" is one of the main things people have yelled at pretty much every Azula fan, or even to anyone who so much as dares to say "Wow, it's really sad that this 14-year-old child soldier had so many issues no one ever helped her with or even noticed." This is one of the few anti-Azula arguments that do make some sense... but there more you look at the show, and especially at the people who raised and the culture she was born into, the less black and white the situation becomes.
The majority of the things Azula did to Zuko when they were on the same side were pretty standard sibling behavior (teasing, pranks, calling him names, being jealous of a gift he got), with only a few moments that crossed a line (cheering for their fatheir during the Agni Kai, mocking his scar, calling him pathetic for quite clearly being in the middle of a crisis). She also helped him out a lot, and was literally the only reason he was ever allowed back home, basically set him up with Mai, offered him emotional support a few times (both in the form of kind words AND of arson), and on The Beach she asks if his mad at her and/or their father, meaning there is some awareness on her part that Zuko has plenty of reason to be angry at his family and of not wanting anything to do with them.
There are also two very important moments in the novelizations of the show that show us more of why Azula acted the way she did. First, when she tricks Zuko and Iroh into coming over to the palace and she sees Zuko acting as a simple servant and thinks that such a life is beneath her brother, and then later when she offers him the opportunity to join her, and we see, from her point of view, that she genuinely was thinking of what was best for their family, for their nation, and for Zuko himself - she straight up thinks "He is my brother, and I welcome him by my side." This shows us that Azula has both an elistist side that makes her look down on those she considers to be "inferior", but that she also has a caring side.
This also ties into one of her worse actions: forcing Ty Lee to join her on the mission to capture Zuko and Iroh (+ Aang + conquering Ba Sing Se just because they fucking could). In the show, we see that she is quite clearly uncomfortable with the life Ty Lee chose for herself, and the novelizations back that up, with Azula thinking Ty Lee deserves better than to being in such a place, hinting that maybe some part of her genuinely believes she's helping her friend - which shows that while she has a heart, she's still a princess of an elitist nation and never really learned to respect, or even notice, boundaries.
We see two other character doing that as well - Iroh and Sozin. In Ba Sing Se, Iroh basically was trying to turn Zuko into his ideal son, and then in the finale told him he HAD to fight (and most likely kill) his younger sister, and Sozin literally started a war because he thought he knew what was best for everyone everywhere. They were so focused on what they believes was/should be right and good, that they never questioned their mentality and ended up hurting the people they wanted to help. The fact these two are not just from the same nation as Azula, but also the same family (one that also had Ozai, aka the abusive father Azula was raised and groomed by) shows us that she is not the exception, or the bad apple of the bunch, she's merely a reflection of what that deeply screwed up society considers normal.
And pretty much everyone in the Fire Nation is screwed up in the head - including Zuko, Ty Lee and Mai. Zuko did some pretty terrible things and was an active participant in the war (on the wrong side) and had the truly awful habit of blowing up at people for the smallest things (from his uncle just saying "Maybe don't trust the guy who disfigured and banished you" to his girlfriend just saying she felt absolutely no emotion, positive or negative, towards a guy he felt threatened by). Ty Lee and Mai usually got along, but had some moments in which you could see there was some conflict, and neither of them saw anything wrong with supporting the Fire Nation, capturing/killing the last survivor of a genocide, taking over a city, and even capturing a guy they were friends with, and that one of them had a crush on and would later date. For fucks sake, these girls changed sides for personal reasons that had nothing to do with politics yet Azula is still talked about like she basically brainwashed/coerced them into every bad thing they did.
That also shows one thing: the fandom is INCREDIBLY uncomfortable with the fact that these three are not "perfect" or "innocent" - Ty Lee very clearly only tried to reject helping Azula because she had already found happiness in the circus, Mai joined her because she bored, and Zuko threw away his first chance at redemption of his own free will. Fans tend to completely ignore these characters' agency, as well as the facts that:
1) They all had positive feelings for Azula at some point
2) There were other people in their lives (especially Zuko's) that damaged them much more than she ever did
3) All three of them did shitty things to many people, including the ones they cared about, just like Azula did
And the worse part is that fans don't do that because if they didn't it'd make her a saint (obviously it wouldn't), but because it wouldn't make her look like the devil incarnate, and leads to the obvious conclusion that, if there is nothing immoral about Zuko, Mai and Ty Lee being redeemed, then there's nothing immoral about her character getting the same treatment. Anything that shows Azula as "Not the worse/most cruel character in the story/in any story" is unacceptable to them simply because it opens to the door to different interpretations of her character and arc.
Azula is already paying for every single bad thing she did, and suffering the consequences of mistakes that were not her own, but of the adults in her life that failed to protect and guide her - why does she also need to be reduced to just the label of "Abusive sister/friend" when she has shown that she has potential to save herself from that fate since she actually feels bad for her actions and wants to do better?
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miyagihawk · 3 years
“Hi! I was wondering if you could do a Cobra Kai oneshot or head cannon where the reader is dating one of the boys and instead of Miguel falling during the fight it was the reader?❤️”
hiiii thank you for the request! this one’s gonna be a miguel one :)
should’ve been me | miguel diaz x reader
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warnings: not much, just a bit of swearing i think. reader is in a coma???
summary: miguel is your boyfriend and you’re the one who fell during the school fight
Maybe you should’ve just stayed out of it. You don’t know one thing about fighting. But how could you just stand and watch your boyfriend getting punched over and over again?
It turned out to be the worst decision you’ve ever made: trying to pull Robby off of Miguel.
Because they were both too angry to see it was all going too far.
Because Robby didn’t think that much about pushing you away; he was too focused on delivering punches.
Because the railing was just too close.
It was all slow motion. Miguel running to the edge, yelling your name. Screams and gasps coming from the students who were watching.
All you could see was Miguel, the boy you love, looking down at you as you fell through the air. It felt like you were falling for a lifetime with your eyes locked on his, until you met the ground and everything turned black.
There was only the sound of Miguel’s steps ringing through the hall as he ran down the stairs towards your body. He kneeled down beside you, his heart breaking when he saw the peaceful expression on your face.
“Y/N? No, no, no. No, wake up, Y/N. Please, I’m sorry,” he touched your face, and his tears were falling down on you.
He cried out in heartbreak at the sight of you so lifeless, with no care of everyone watching. The paramedics had to carry him away from you as they laid you on the stretcher.
Your muscles ached and you felt as if your legs would give out any moment. The sky was an apocalyptic red in the lonely desert you were in, and even though you couldn’t see the sun, you could still feel its treacherous heat.
You don’t know how long you’ve been walking through this desert, but you were losing hope with every step you took. You must’ve been trudging on for hundred of miles, but everything around you looked the same; you can’t help but wonder if you were even moving at all.
The only thing that kept you going was his voice and the light.
He sounded sad. And when you kept going, it’s as if you heard him clearer. Once you heard him start to talk, you ran. Even if everything hurt, you ran, because you seemed to hear him better when you went towards the light in front of you. You pushed until you couldn’t breathe, collapsing on the dry sand, but feeling close to him was worth it.
“I’m sorry,” he would cry. “It should’ve been me, Y/N. This is my fault. What do I do without you? If you can hear me, please wake up. Don’t give up okay? I love you so much.”
“I love you!” you would try to yell back, but your voice was gone.
It was an endless torture, following the light, and the only thing that kept you going was the hope of seeing Miguel again.
You didn’t know when you fell asleep; perhaps you passed out from exhaustion. But you woke up in a different world.
The vicious red clouds above you were starting to float away, revealing a clear blue sky. The dead air was gone, and you could feel a fresh breeze blow through your hair.
The light. It was right in front of you. So close you could reach out and touch it.
“I love you, Y/N,” you heard Miguel’s voice ring through your ears as you stepped through to the unknown.
You gasped, your eyes shooting open as you took in your new surroundings. A white bright light made you flinch and there were tubes attached to your arms. There was a beeping noise piercing your ears and dozens of bouquets in vases were placed on the blue floor, leaving a strong floral scent in the air.
You felt yourself starting to breathe frantically, realizing that you were in the hospital and that you just came from your worst nightmare. 
You felt your hand being grabbed and you pulled away in fright. “You’re awake,” the person said from beside you, making you turn your head towards them.
It was him. Miguel. The one thing you held onto.
He looked so different. He had bags under his eyes, and his hair was longer than it’s ever been. He just looked so tired, and it made you panic, because you wondered how long you’ve even been out.
Your eyes watered as you threw your arms around him. After feeling so lonely in the coma, you dreamed of holding him. The both of you cried in each other’s arms with endless worry about the other, but you were so happy to just see him after the hell you just went through.
“I love you. I heard everything you said and it was what kept me going. It’s not your fault, okay? It’s not,” you spoke, grasping him tighter. He was crying too, and you’ve never seen him this emotional; it broke your heart.
He shook his head, “It was, Y/N. I’m so sorry. I-I really thought I lost you, and it would’ve been on me. This whole Cobra Kai thing was-”
“Just stop, okay? It was an accident, don’t do that to yourself. I’m fine,” you cut him off, pulling away from the hug to wipe your tears. Your back was starting to hurt and it sent you painful flashbacks of the fall, making you wince at the memory.
Nurses started flooding into the room along with your parents, and Miguel had to leave.
“So how long was I out?” you asked the nurse who was checking your vitals. You were scared to face the question, if you were being honest. Because you had no idea what the answer was.
“Three months, honey,” she answered softly. You blinked away the tears that wanted to surface at her response.
Three whole months. You were gone. You didn’t want to be dramatic, but missing a piece of your life, even if it’s small, felt terrible. Because your family worried about you for three months. Because Miguel worried and your friends worried and now you probably can’t walk normally and-
The more you thought about everything, the more you felt like throwing up from anxiety.
As if the nurse could sense your stress, she talked to you, “You see those flowers?”
She gestured over to the crazy amount of bouquets that were on the floor because they couldn’t fit on the table anymore. You nodded in response while she took your blood pressure. Her presence was very calming, and she had a wise energy around her that put you at ease.
“He brought you some every single time he visited. Poor Albert at the flower shop downstairs is probably sick of him,” she joked. “You are very loved.”
She didn’t even need to say his name for you to know who she was talking about. You felt yourself smiling at the sweet gesture, looking at the range of flowers. Most of them were your favorite color and some were his. But there were every kind; you told him that you don’t have a favorite flower because they’re all pretty.
“Did you feel anything?” the nurse asked, snapping you out of your thoughts. You furrowed your eyebrows in confusion. “While you were... out,” she clarified.
“Uh... no. I didn’t,” you answered, still puzzled.
She gently touched your forehead with the tip of her finger. “He left you so many kisses. Right here. And you said you didn’t feel it but I know you did, because you’re awake. I’ve treated patients like you for many years, and as cheesy as it sounds, love is the best medicine. You got a good one sweetheart,” she smiled softly at you.
“I did,” you agreed, looking through the small window of the door to see where Miguel stood waiting with your parents. You caught his eye, feeling warm when he gave you a happy grin.
Everything going wrong only showed you that he was the one, and even a coma couldn’t separate you.
A/N: this was a mess i am so sorry my writing is ass lately i just don’t know why :/
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dershloop · 2 years
- his favourite thing to do when hes in a bad mood is to just. ball himself up in blankets nd watch megamind
-then if the bad mood is like angry he really struggles to get it out in a healthy way
-like he either goes so ham on the training dummies his knuckles bleed
-or he lifts way too much nd ends up injuring himself
-something like that
-did i talk abt how i hc kai as having adhd before?? i cant remember if i did but he has it
-he found out about audiobooks so now consumes books in the same way zane does
-bc i cant remember if i specified but i hc kai as having dyslexia
-someone put in the tags abt it nd it was like OH YEAH THATS WHY HE CANT READ lmao so audio books are great for him
-he used youtube at first but then also audible bc at this point amazon is so big that him not using it does not matter whether or not he uses it
-his fave genre is fantasy but like high fantasy
-so like game of thrones type beat
-he refuses to read game of thrones tho bc its so popular
- zane is like "its actually pretty good just give it a try-" nd kais like NO
-yes that is projection but he also isnt a huge fan of like... YA fantasy bc while he enjoys the romances the pick-me nature of the protags pisses him off a lot
-HE DID HOWEVER rly enjoy the mortal instruments series nd defo made a shadowhunters oc
-he made zane read all the books too nd then zane was like "oh my god" nd they dont shut up about it
- shadowhunters spoilers but zane cannot get over clary and jace nearly being siblings but then not being siblings so while kai is a hardcore clace shipper, zane prefers Climon
-Kai also cried when alec and magnus broke up in the 5th book
-like hardcore sobbed
-ok ill stop talking abt books for now lmfao but he's stilla hothead
-i think that part of his character was droppef for some reason nd it makes me sad but hes rly easy to wind up so jay likes doing that a lot
-like if he needs kai he'll walk through the monastery shouting his name nd even after kai responds he'll keep shouting his name until he's like standing right by him
-my little brother does that. thats right MAX im calling u out u little shit. jk i love him. i say little he's 13 nd taller than me its terrifying but i just wanted to
-SPEAKING OF LITTLE SIBLINGS he still calls nya his baby sister
-or little sister
- but then shes there like 10x more buff than him
-like she could bench that fire twink nd hes like "ah yes my little sister. just a wee lass. look at my baby sister guys"
-he thinks fruit is the best thing ever too
-esp like. fruit flavoured shit
-sorbet's, yoghurt, smoothies
-he adores it
-if they ever go to a like bubble tea place his go to order is mango fruit tea with passion fruit bubbles
-i think i said that last time idk tho
-either way he also rly likes monster but his fave is either the monarch one w the butterflies on the can (tastes like peach ice tea) or the fruit punch one (the pink can, tastes like fruit punch)
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kimnjss · 4 years
looks different | myg
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⤑ series: be my baby
⤑ pairing: rapper!yoongi x mom!reader
⤑ genre: angst, not even kidding...
⤑ rating: PG13.
⤑ word count: 4.2K
⤑ warnings: there aren’t any. except a very sad min yoongi :( yeah, if you got tissues - bring ‘em. 
⤑ A/N: okay so first of all?? guys!! thank you sooo much, for the quick support i’ve been getting for this fic! i mean we’re only five chapters in nd ., ugh!! just thank you sooo much i love you guyss!! also~ don’t get mad at yoongi, he’s just out here trying his best :(
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APRIL 13TH, 2020 | 15:31
It's automatic the way his heart stutters at the sight of you walking through the glass doors of the studio lobby. Every last moment he's rushed down to this very lobby to wait for you, the biggest of smiles taking over his features when you'd finally arrive. More often than not with something healthy for him to eat, paired with the nagging of how he should stop ordering out even if he was working late.
His heart would stutter than too.
Different this time, though. Feeling more relieved than anything. There's no telling the dark places his mind has gone in the years that you've been gone – wondering what could've happened to you. And now you're here – safe. Yoongi loved you, of course, he'd feel relieved knowing that you were fine.
Fine, but different. He can't help but notice all the things about you that just... looks different. Your hair, the long dark waves that he loved to bury his hands in now cut short falling just below your chin. Made you look much older than your new twenty-four. Birthday had just passed, he remembered.
Your hips much, much wider. He can't help but pick up on that huge detail as they sway with each step you take closer to him. Very slow steps, for the record. Nervous steps. The same way you'd approach him if you were wielding bad news. That didn't change. Neither did the tentative way you nibbled at your lower lip, fingers pushing your hair behind your ear as you locked eyes with him.
The nerve to smile. Actually push the corners of your lips up and smile at him, but he's reacting the way he always has. Mouth dropping in slight awe because you were so pretty when you smiled. Even if it was riddled with anxiety.
Yoongi stands just as you're stopping in front of him, eyes traveling over his frame in wonder. He had changed in the past three years too. The hair that he kept bleached now it's natural dark color, his once lanky skinny frame holding more muscle. He's been eating well lately and you can tell in the fullness of his face.
Never the type of guy to wear his wealth, but you can't help but notice the diamond-studded single chain that hangs from his neck. A dazzling 'A' pendant hanging from it. Just a plain black tee and sweats, probably spent the day mixing and didn't bother to change from his night clothes.
That was so like him. And you had no idea how much you missed him until now. Seeing him, so close that you could reach out and touch him. But you don't, given the circumstance. No matter how much you want to – it'd be inappropriate. Could basically feel how angry he was, keeping your distance was best.
Realizing, the two of you had been standing there for quite some time – speaking no words, you decide to be the one to break the ice. It was your fault you were even in this situation, to begin with, right?
“Yoongi-,” You start, ready to explain yourself. Right then and there, lay it out flat for him. Everything. Why you left. The baby. What has happened in the past three years. But you're not given the chance.
His dark eyes widen at the sound of your voice as if he hadn't expected to actually hear you speak, as if you weren't real. And he's reacting all at once, arms reaching out to circle around your waist and pulling you into his chest. The force of his pull surprises you, but not enough to keep you from closing him in.
He smells the same. Has definitely swapped his cologne in the time passed, but that doesn't change a thing. He still smells like him. And you missed him. The sob that breaks through his chest, vibrates your body. With his face nuzzled in the crook of your neck, arms clutching you close to his chest – he cries.
Not able to properly handle the emotions overwhelming his body, so he can't do anything but cry. Happy tears that you're safe, that none of the terrible things he thought had happened. Sad tears that you felt the need to leave him without a trace, leaving him to wonder what he could've done to make you feel so alone. Angry tears for all the shit you put him through by leaving, because he hadn't done anything wrong – it took him a while to realize that one.
All of those tears soaked the collar of your shirt, shaking his back. Fists clenching the fabric of his shirt, you forced yourself to keep your composure. To not break down the way you wanted because right now he needed you to be strong for him. You had no right to cry when this was your fault.
“I'm so sorry,” The words come out hushed at first before you're repeating louder. And then again. Until they're falling from your lips over and over again, you're worried they might lose their meaning. 
But you don't stop, because ever since you made the decision to leave him – apologizing was the only thing you wanted to do. Woke up every morning with a new way to tell him, to express to him, how sorry you were. How shitty you felt by doing this to him. And now that you had the chance, all your practice speeches were gone out the window.
All you could muster was a simple 'I'm sorry' and hope that it held as much weight as it did in your heart.
The two of you stay standing there for moments to pass, your hand soothingly rubbing his back as he let out the frustrations he had been feeling for the past years onto your shoulder.
He's pulling back only after he's calmed down, eyes glossed and cheeks flushed as he searches your features. A soft, cool hand finding the side of your face, his thumb brushing over your cheekbone. “Are you sure you're okay?” The slight crack in his voice from his crying nearly shatters your heart.
“I'm okay. I'm so sorry, Yoongi...” Again, you try to find the words, but you're at a loss. Don't know what to say, no matter how many times you’ve imagined this exact moment. Where do you start? How do you get him to see that this, him like this, was not what you wanted when you left?
“I can't believe it's really you.” Both hands sliding down the sides of your arms until he's able to reach for your hands, loosely holding them in his as he has done a thousand times before. “We have a son?”
The words that leave his lips are hushed as if he's afraid to say them out loud. Afraid to let you hear him. But you do. Loud and clear. And your eyes are widening at his words. He knew? How could he...
“Your Instagram. The pictures, that little boy. He's my son?” His ability to read your mind hasn't faltered. You can see the sadness in his eyes, clearly. And you know exactly why it's there and it's your fault. All because you were too much of a coward.
The weight starts in your chest, quickly rushing up your throat until a sob is breaking through. Eyes watering as fresh tears slide down your cheeks. “I'm so sorry, Yoongi. I-I should've... I didn't think-” You try to speak through your cries, but he stops your struggle; reaching to pull you into his chest again.
Gentle fingers stroke the back of your head, twisting in your short strands of hair. “Shh, it's okay. Relax, it's alright.” Except it wasn't. He knew that and you did too. Because of your stupidity, he lost the first three years of his son's life, time that he would never get back and it was all your fault.
He should be angry at you. Screaming at you. Cursing you ten times over. Not holding you and stroking your hair and telling you that it'll be okay. This was wrong. You didn't deserve his kindness, you didn't deserve him.
Lifting your hands to find his chest, you're gently pushing yourself back to create some distance between the two of you. “I'm sorry, Yoongi. I should've trusted you.” No idea that your trust in him and wavered, but Yoongi doesn't dwell on the small detail. He had a son now. He was a father. There were bigger things to focus on.
“Hey, listen. Whatever happened, happened. We can't change it, alright? Why don't we go somewhere? Get something to eat so we can talk properly?” You're nodding at the request despite the fact that you're not all that hungry. Can't eat with the guilt filling your stomach.
Yet, the last thing you want to do is stay in this studio. Haunted by the memories that the two of you made in this very lobby, every square inch of this place was covered with the two of you – and you ruined that.
Never realized how shitty being back here would make you feel and now you needed to get out.
An easy smile is spreading across his face at your agreement, a gentle hand rubbing at your shoulder. “Why don't you go wait outside? I'll call my driver.” You don't even bother to mull over the fact that he has his own driver now. One of the perks that came with his new lifestyle, you assume.
With another small nod, you're turning to exit the building to wait for him. Mind racing with how you'd be able to tell him about this without ruining everything he has now. He's accomplished so much and here you come ready to ruin everything. 
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Two large men lead you into a restaurant a bit too fancy for a late lunch that neither of you is in the mood for. Ushering you to a table hidden in the back corner before stealing seats a few feet away. Yoongi orders food for the both of you when the waitress is coming with waters. 
“Water? Think we might need something a little stronger for the conversation we're about to have.” Trying to lighten the mood, but the stone-cold expression on his face as the nervous laugh dying on your lips.
Lips pulled into a tight line, you watch as he reaches for the wrapped straw at the side of the table. He takes his time with peeling the paper from it before crumpling it between his fingers, dipping the straw into the iced drink with the other hand.
“I don't drink anymore.”
Eyebrows shooting up in surprise at his quiet admission. You had always known Yoongi to be a man that valued a good glass of whiskey. Liked to have a few sips while he worked, always brought his own bottle to parties claiming 'you young-ins don't know how to drink'.
He always knew his limit, a couple of glasses here and there but he'd never push it where it became an awful habit. Made sure of it. But the sound of his voice when telling you he quit? Told you that he might've slipped in that department. And you can't help but wonder if that was your fault too.
“Tell me about my kid. What's he like?” Clearing his throat, his back straightens slightly – in an attempt to change the subject. Put a halt to all the questions he knows are bouncing around in that head of yours.
And you know him well enough to know when he doesn't want to be pushed. So you allow the shift, unwrapping your straw and dropping it into the glass.
“He's like most three-year-olds, you know? I named him Hyunki.” Another thing that you had wanted to tell him since you left. 
It had only been a few months into your relationship when Yoongi told you. The largest of smiles on his face as he went through the list he kept locked away in his head, gauging your expressions as he listed each off. As if he was checking to see if you liked any of them.
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SEPTEMBER 18TH, 2015 | 21:42
“You're telling me you've never given it any thought?” The surprise is clear in your boyfriend's voice as he cranes his neck to get a better look at you. Arms wrapped securely around your waist, holding you to his chest.
The movie that he had picked out has faded to background noise since he started this random conversation. If you had been paying attention to the screen rather than noting every cute thing he did, you'd know that his words weren’t as random as you thought. That they were related to the passing scene.
It was so hard to concentrate around him, you were discovering. Could never focus too long on the things that didn't involve him when he was near you. Always found yourself lost in those pretty dark eyes or mesmerized by that gummy smile of his. 
How were you supposed to focus on the plot of a movie when the world's most attractive man was behind you? Holding you to him and chuckling so close to your ear it was like surround sound made just for you. You didn't even remember the name of the damn film.
“I can honestly say I don't have the identity of my future children chosen.” You speak through a laugh as he’s rolling his eyes, hands falling low on your waist until he's able to grasp your hips.
Easily, he's lifting your body from between his legs, turning you to straddle his lap. The movie has been forgotten in his mind too. Your hands find the sides of his neck, tips of your fingers tickling his blond hair. “That's not what I mean, you can't pick who your kids are gonna be.” He speaks in a matter-of-fact tone that has a smile tugging on your lips.
Soft hands find the backs of your thighs, holding your body to his. Yoongi tilts his head back just slightly so he can get a better view of your face. Searching your features carefully before he says what he's thinking.
Can basically see the wheels turning in his head as his nibbles on his lower lip, deep in thought while he watching you. And you watch him right back, lips pursed in an attempt to mask the smile threatening to take over your features. You had always loved the way he looked at you.
“What do you think of Hyunki, then?” Different from all the outrageous names he had listed before. Hyunki. You could definitely see yourself raising a little boy with his face and that name. But it's too early to say it, relationship still too new no matter how you felt. You didn't want to scare him away.
“Hyunki's nice.”
One of the hands he had rested on your back of your leg is shifting, moving forward so he can reach your stomach. Through the fabric of your t-shirt, he traces random patterns – eyes focused on the movement of his fingers.
“My first son. I want to call him Hyunki.” Eyes slowly traveling up the length of your body until he's pinning you with such an intense stare it has a gasp falling from your lips. A smile tugs at the corner of his lips, hopeful.
“Okay. I like Hyunki.” Yoongi's smile grows on his face, head tilting up to capture your lips with his. His grip tightening around your thigh to pull your body further onto his. Large hand flattening on the small of your back, guiding you until you were lying underneath him.
That was the first night you slept together.
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APRIL 13TH, 2020 | 15:58
Warmth spread through his limbs with the knowledge that you had remembered your conversation all those years ago. Not only remembered it but honored him by using the name he had wanted. Just knowing that was enough to take a bit of the sting of leaving him away. Just a bit.
“So? What does he do? What does he like?” Had expected him to have more questions about you leaving, but it seemed his interest was elsewhere. And the least you could do was tell him whatever he wanted to know.
He was in charge here.
“He doesn't do much, you know?” A soft laugh falls from your lips, hand reaching up to push the hair from your face. “He's been really interested in sports lately. Plays soft basketball with Taehyung sometimes and-”
“Taehyung?” Yoongi's brow lifts at the mention of the unfamiliar name. Head tilting to the side slightly. “Who's Taehyung? One of his friends?”
“Kookie's boyfriend. He hasn't started preschool yet, so he doesn't really have any friends.” The waitress is heading toward the table, food in hand as two other women follow her.
Yoongi considers your words as the food is set down in front of you. Willing himself to keep calm as he takes in all the information that you're giving him. All of the things he missed. The fact that he has to ask questions about his own son, things that he should already know.
But he doesn't go off the way that he wants to, doesn't chastise you and place the blame exactly where it belongs. Instead, he's blowing a thick breath through his lips – leaning back against the cushion chairs.
“You moved to Busan, then?” From your countless stories about your best friend from Busan, he remembered enough to know that the 'Kookie' you were talking about was that same friend. So, the nod of your head is expected.
You watch as he blinks slowly, hand reaching for the clean utensils on the table. He clears his throat slightly, head tilting to the side in the way it does when he's thinking things over. Distracting himself by filling his personal plate with the various foods spread out in front of you two.
Silently, he gestures for you to eat and despite your hesitance, you move to fill your plate as well. Nervous. Pondering on whether or not you should just blurt it out. Ignore how he obviously doesn't want to know the ins and outs of your disappearance, if he did then he would be hitting you with questions, right?
Wished you were able to read him. Know what he was thinking right now. It had been something that you could do easily, simple gestures and facial expressions giving way to exactly what was going on in the head of his. However, it seemed that through time you've lost that ability.
“If he's three... shouldn't he be in preschool by now?” Yoongi's asking casually, shoveling a spoonful of food into his mouth as he watches you. How could he eat? Why wasn't he yelling at you? Pissed out of his mind. He's being so cool and it was throwing you.
You begin to eat after the expectant stare he gives you. Taking small bites, sitting on pins and needles in front of him. “Tae stays at home with him, but we were planning to enroll him once he's settled here a bit.”
There it was again, that 'we'. The 'we' that didn't include him in decisions that he should very well be included in. Only in this case, you weren't referring to the 'we' who decided on your disappearance, just the 'we' that have been helping you raise the son he had no idea about.
Yoongi can't help but feel bitter at the small fact. But he wills himself to bury it. Can't argue with you. Not when there's now so much at stake. When you have a kid that he doesn't even know, a kid that he wants to know. Needs to.
You held all the cards and without the knowledge of why you left in the first place, he had no idea what might set you off to where you were packing up and leaving again. That was the last thing he wanted, then and now.
He had to play his cards right.
Casual conversation remains steady between the two of you as you're finishing your meal. Filling Yoongi in on all the things he's missed in the past three years has your heart growing heavy. He's missed so much and it was because of you. Because you couldn't stand your ground and be with him.
He'd only ask you for one thing. Expected just one thing from you. And you couldn't even handle that.
“Does he know about me?” The words are coming out hushed after a stretch of silence. You had just finished sharing with Yoongi the slight obsession Hyunki has with Lego sets. How he could spend hours at his play table, building. He smiled real big at that, but from the slow way it vanished you could tell something was weighing on his mind. And this was it.
It pains you to shake your head. Hurts even worse when you see the sadness that flashes through his eyes. “Why not?” He's almost afraid of the answer, but can't keep himself from asking. 
“It's always been us, you know. Me, him, Tae and Kookie. And he likes having them around. I didn't want him to feel like he was missing out on something.” So young that he hadn't started asking questions yet. Wondering why kids around him had two parents instead of one plus two respective uncles.
You thought you had been making the right decision, but as this week was set out to prove – you had no idea what the right decision was. And judging from the look on Yoongi's face, you were more than positive that you had made the wrong decision by keeping the fact that Hyunki had a father secret.
“So who does he think is his dad?” He's doing the thing where he's trying to keep himself from losing it. That hasn't changed.
The slight twitch of his brow, the flare of his nostrils as he took deep calming breaths. Desperately trying to keep his composure and not freak out on you the way he wanted to, you wished he just let go and give you what you knew you deserved.
“No one,” You're rushing out, hoping it could do something to relax him. “I don't even think he knows what that means.” Flinching at your own words, you force a breath from your lips. You try to change course. “I honestly thought it would be better for him this way.”
Hesitantly, you reach for his hand that had balled into a fist on the table. Soothing fingers running over his knuckles. “You can tell him if you want. Do you want to meet him?”
“Obviously, I'd like to meet my son. He's my son.” There's harshness in his tone that he doesn't bother to mask. That you don't miss as he's pulling his hand from your grasp, going back to the meal in front of him.
Lunch ends in silence. Yoongi quietly pays the bill, mumbles a goodbye to you as he puts you in a cab. Doesn't even bother to look back as he turns with his bodyguards to walk toward the car that had brought you here.
Yoongi is slouching in the back seat of his car, arms crossed over his knees and face pressed against his sleeve. Of all the scenarios he's imagined with seeing you again, he never thought it'd be like this. Had been so sure it would be clear where he'd stand with you if you were to ever appear in his life again.
But, it wasn't that simple. Because nothing in his life was ever that simple. Of course, he still loved you – an annoying fact that was hard to ignore. Yet, he'd be able to do it, would be able to move on despite his heart being filled with you, if it wasn't for the fact that you had a kid together now.
A human binding the two of you, of which he hadn't even met. And he wanted to. Wanted nothing more than to be apart of that kid's life, but that meant being apart of your life too. He had been too afraid to get the answer's from you today, not wanting his deepest worry to become true within your words.
Not knowing was better than knowing in his mind. Whatever it was, why you left him – took your unborn child and bolted, he didn't want to know. Afraid that it would be something so horrible that it'd crumble his already cracked heart.
“Everything alright back there, Mister Agust?” His driver speaks noticing the shake of Yoongi's back that accompanies the fresh tears that roll down his cheeks. Face hidden, he takes a moment to compose himself before lifting his head.
The back of his hand wiping at his damp eyes before he's pushing his hair back on his forehead. Eyes shifting to look out the window as he nods his head. A heavy sigh falls from his lips, dark sunglasses perched on the tip of his nose to cover his reddening eyes.
Tires skid to a complete stop in front of the building and Yoongi is stepping out of the car, hands shoved in his pockets as he takes slow steps to the front doors of the studio.
Words leave his lips as a hushed plea, a delayed answer to the question he had been asked in the car. What he had been thinking since he first scrolled through your pictures, seeing the life you had created without him.
“I just want to see my kid.”
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— when the love of his life suddenly vanishes, he drives himself mad looking for her. seemingly erased from the world, he’s forced to pick up the pieces of his life and move on… fast forward three years and someone who looks a lot like the woman he lost is being spotted, holding a kid with an oddly familiar gummy smile…
⟲ masterlist ⟳
⇝ taglist: @randomkoalablog @smoljams @dee-ehn @jaiuneamesolitaiire @hehehehahahohohuhu @sw33tnight @butterflylion @withlovestudyblr @soulstaes @bangtansonyeondayyyum @samros95 @korkanswers @houseofarmanto @marifujioka @tae165 @uxwi @jinhitwhore @preciouschimine @yeontanie21 @aa-ronpa @taefect94 @lee-karliah @codeinebelle @mochibabycakes @diminieshoe @fuddyize  @soloikeadates @0xmysticx0 @bbyjoonies @amoreguk @tricethecharm @diminieshoe @jayyayyy17 @softlyjins @bangtan-noona @fan-atic-blog @fuck-expectations-people @paradisetaemin @nyamjinnie @lilacdreams-00 @vsugakookie0104 @koostime @la-evforia @betysotelo18 @chocobetterknot @simplysanha @delicategukkie @kookieswithtaeq @jeon-ggukkie @angjeon​
⇝ taglist: @bangtansbun @flamboyant-louie @elliemeetsevil @angiexyoung @stonyiscanon @strawberryforever25 @mipetronella @rageyoudamnednerd @hellotherehoneybee @joonies-babyy @mypurplelamp @jikooksgirl19 @sushi-date-ghost @bigimpression @kookiesjoonies @amour-quinn @diamonddia-mond @alterlovess @gemad08 @daydreambrliever @acc3ssdenied @silentlyimpractical @bella-victoria002 @ashleyjoyx @yoooonie @btsbed @sungieshines @thia-aep @taeshuworld @hopiebabie @trynavibewhileicry @illwritetomorrow @kookoo-kachoo @prettxyliies @triviasjms @ratking101 @elephantdoors @feel-like-gold @kelitt @itsponybeaches @alpaca1612 @jeonkookiebangtan @rather-not-sayy @kimsouthjoon @seokjiniebabie @wisenerdcreator @cosmicflwr @kookie-monsteur @donghae-bae @sugalarity93 @eugeneliem @morgstreet  @niieceyy @thefouranemoi @ayasanuwu @itsrapmonstanotdancemonsta @izzyexe @justzeera @xjoonchildx @pjmcth @fizziefizzco @monetsberet @killaqueeeennnn @mayumioutloud @mygsbae @fakeluvrm @lovingele @tetekiim @masterpiecejoonie @tiddieshakeshownu @kuppyjiminie @xlovelyyoongix  @beeeb05 @comically-sleep-deprived @spillthetaesissy @kerikaaria @ephyra1230 @hajiraa06 @bburninggoldd @luvsoobin @agustneeds @fromthedt @hecticwonderer @cuteipat @hispoutylips @moonlitmyg @fanfics-for-fun @ruinsofangels @untainted-memories @ughtear @hopetookmysoul @unicornnomore @jungkookspromise @namjoonbaby @vantaexx @apurpledheart @rjsmochii @ladyartemesia @bangpink123 @jrobmorebangtan @baabelleer @midkpjm @kthvhs @trinityxsope @thecityrain @princecalpal @honeyspillings @kim-ji-hyeons-world @hyungaway @agustdakasuga @namjoonsleftankle @notasunshine @iamzion-therealhabesha @taegix94 @alison-renee @somewhereinthestarss @salty-for-suga @simplymemyself @hear-me-growl @ggukkieland @hisunshiine @ephyra16 @yoong-i @diorhobii @lexy9716​ @psiphidragon​ @ireneterea​ @crazyboutjooni​ 
A/N: timestamps make sense throughout the fic. to be added to the taglist, send me an ask !! feedback is highly !! appreciated, it’s the motivation i need to keep the fic going nd fun for you guys!!<33
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diaphragmjellyfish · 3 years
Hawk Fluff Alphabet
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Requested by @manicgrungegf​
A = Attractive (What do they find attractive about the other?)
What hawk finds most attractive about you is your kindness. You’re literally the sweetest person to everyone you meet and he likes to think that if he knew you when he was Eli, you still would have dated him. You didn’t care about the muscles or the tattoo or the hair. You genuinely loved him and were always kind to him even when he was being an ass. 
B = Baby (Do they want a family? Why/Why not?)
He’s not sure about whether he wants kids or not. He’s kind of just enjoying being young and having fun right now, and he never actually thought he’d get married before, but he’d be open to it later on down the line if it was something you really wanted. 
C = Cuddle (How do they cuddle?)
For as much game as he talks, this boy is a LITTLE SPOON. He loves being held by you, and sometimes can’t fall asleep unless your arms are wrapped around him. In public, he’s always the one with his arm around you, hugging you from behind, putting on that alpha male persona, but when it’s just you guys he’s a total puppy. 
D = Dates (What are dates with them like?)
Hawk likes to take you to parties. You guys can drink, dance, hang out with your friends, it’s the perfect place in his opinion. But for more private occasions like your anniversary, he likes a nice picnic on the beach. He’d make PB&J’s for you guys (and cut off your crusts), pack some juice boxes, and bring a big giant blanket (and condoms shhh) for you guys. 
E = Everything (You are my ____ (e.g. my life, my world…)
You’re my happy place. Hawk thinks of you as the best thing that’s ever happened to him. Whenever he feels frustrated from training or insecure about his scar or angry at Demitri, he knows he can always go to you for support and you’ll make him forget all about that stuff. He’s never not smiling when you’re around. 
F = Feelings (When did they know they were in love?)
He first knew he loved you when you said his scar was cute. It’s always been his biggest insecurity, and even when you guys first went out, he always just assumed you just tried not to look at it and look at his hair or muscles instead. But when you told him you liked it, thought it gave him character and looked kind of tough, his heart shot through the roof. This beautiful, ethereal, magnetically charming girl thought his scar, his deformity, was cute?! Love on sight. 
G = Gentle (Are they gentle? If so, how?)
He’s more gentle than you would think, but still not as gentle as, say, Miguel. He would never hurt you or make you do anything you don’t want to do, but he likes to rough house, play wrestle, and tease you a little bit. He likes to sneak up behind you, pick you up and spin you around, and ruffle your hair as a “good morning” every day. 
H = Hands (How do they like to hold hands?)
Hawk is holding your hand all. The. damn. Time. He likes everyone to know who you belong to. Inside, he’s still a little insecure and nervous that you’ll decide you can do better and leave him, so he finds holding your hand reassuring, especially when you run your thumb over the back of his hand. 
I = Impression (What was their first impression?)
His first impression of you was honestly not good. You were friends with Samantha Larusso so he just assumed you were stuck up and snobby. The first time you guys actually talked was at a party. You were pacing nervously outside because your friends had left, your phone died, and you had no way to get home. Hawk took pity on you and offered to give you a ride on his motorcycle, and you guys ended up driving all over town, talking, laughing, drinking milkshakes, and you quickly made plans to hang out the next day. 
J = Jealousy (Do they get jealous?)
He is the most jealous boy, mostly because he’s insecure that you’ll leave him for someone else. Sometimes you think it’s hot, but if it ever bothers you, he’ll make a conscious effort to work on himself and trust that you’ll always come back to him. 
K = Kiss (How do they kiss? Who initiated the first kiss?)
Your first kiss was the sweetest moment ever. You guys were sitting on the beach one night talking about all your deep thoughts. He started telling you how he was super insecure about his lip scar and thought no girl would ever want to kiss him before he got the mohawk and muscles. “Well I can think of one girl who would love to kiss you.” At this, he looked at you with pure shyness, and you leaned in and gave him a sweet kiss. Now, his kisses can range anywhere from sweet and loving, to possessive and dominant. You love them all. 
L = Love (Who says ‘I love you’ first?)
He knew he was in love with you when you first talked about nerdy shit with him and Demitri. He always thought he couldn’t like nerdy stuff like Dr. Who or girls wouldn’t like him, so when Demitri brought it up while you three were hanging out, he panicked. But then you started talking about the new trailer and how excited you were for a female Dr. and he fell in love on the spot. 
M = Memory (What’s their favourite memory together?)
His favorite memory with you is that time he needed to touch up his hair color and you asked if you could do it for him. You got him a little poncho (garbage bag but shhh), parted his hair in neat little sections, and touched up the dye. You guys had such a fun time, you gushed about how good his hair looked down, and it ended up looking way better than when he did it himself. Now every time he needs a touch up he comes to you. 
N = Nickel (Do they spoil? Do they buy the person they love everything?)
Hawk doesn’t generally spoil you with material things. You both would much rather spend your time and money on memories, or food. Of course on your birthday and anniversaries he gets you little gifts, but generally speaking, his love language leans more towards quality time. 
O = Orange (What colour reminds them of their other half?)
Lavender reminds him of you. Soft, sweet, feminine. He thinks it looks amazing on you, too. He’s actually thought about dying his mohawk lavender next just to feel closer to you. 
P = Pet names (What pet names do they use?)
Princess. That’s the biggest one. Sometimes angel, or babygirl. 
Q = Quaint (What is their favourite non-modern thing?)
His favorite non-modern thing is old muscle cars. He’s saving up to buy an old Corvette one day. It’s one of his big goals in life. He wants to have a mohawk made for the car, too, so everyone knows how cool he is. 
R = Rainy Day (What do they like to do on a rainy day?)
Little secret about Hawk, he loves to cook. When it’s raining outside, he likes to have you come over and make a big meal with him. Maybe chicken pot pie, steaks, or pad thai, and sit on the couch eating and watching old movies. 
S = Sad (How do they cheer themselves/others up?)
Unfortunately, Hawk used to be an expert at being sad back before he joined Cobra Kai. The way he likes to deal with it is generally just crying. He likes to let it all out, be alone, collect himself, and then maybe watch a movie or hang out with you. If you’re sad, his first question is “who do I have to beat up?” If it’s not from a person, he’ll take you on an adventure. Hikes, long drives, exploring new places, just to get your mind off it. 
T = Talking (What do they like to talk about?)
Umm karate. It literally changed his life. He loves to tell you about the new moves he learned in training, talk about the tournaments coming up, or the rivalry between Cobra Kai and Myagi-Do. And you’re a sucker for gossip so you love to hear about it. 
U = Unencumbered (What helps them relax?)
Music, soft blankets, the tiredness after a workout, a good hot meal, and he loves to watch cringe compilations on Youtube. 
V = Vaunt (What do they like to show off? What are they proud of?)
Ever since his transformation from Eli to Hawk, this boy likes to show off everything, all the time. His hair, his tattoos, his muscles, his fighting skills, his sarcasm, his girl… 
W = Wedding (When, how, where do they propose?)
He proposes to you about 6 months into your relationship with a ring pop outside of a gas station. You both knew it was a joke, but honestly started referring to each other as fiance and never stopped. Then, about 3 years later, he got you a real ring and took your hand and said “about time we actually do this, huh?” Of course, he took you to the same gas station where he had “proposed” the first time. Not the most romantic thing looking in on it, but to you guys, it was perfect. 
X = Xylophone (What’s their song?)
Highway To Hell- ACDC
Y = Yes (Do they ever think of getting married/proposing?)
He proposes to you multiple times! Of course he thinks about it. He wants you guys to be together forever! 
Z = Zebra (If they wanted a pet, what would they get?)
A hawk! It’s his signature symbol, of course he thinks it would be super badass to actually have a pet hawk. He would name it Desmond, and get it a tiny little mohawk.
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americxn · 3 years
How the Evans act when you’re in a bad mood
warnings: swearing, mentions of sex
- Once he’s certain that he had nothing to do with your bad mood, he kind of just leaves you be, thinking that it would be best to let you simmer for a while before interfering. - When he decides that he’s bored and misses your company, he seeks you out, a bowl of ice cream clutched in his hands as a peace offering, even though he’s not the reason why you’re in a bad mood. - You would take the bowl from his hands with a straight face, immediately shovelling a spoonful into your mouth. - With a sigh, he would say: “You’re a pain in the ass when it comes to trying to cheer you up.” Without even looking at him you would reply with: “I learn from the best.” Your words come out mumbled around a mouthful of ice cream. - Only when half of your bowl is gone do you turn to Tate, thanking him and offering him a spoonful, which he doesn’t dare accept. - And then he takes you to your bedroom, forcing you to change into your comfy clothes, which you begrudgingly do whilst glaring at the wall. - But it’s worth it when Tate opens his arms for you and you almost trip over your own feet in your eagerness to be folded into his warmth. - “Do you wanna actually tell me what’s got you all moody?” He would ask softly. “Nope.” You would say simply, stifling a smile at his overly exaggerated sigh as he fell back onto the bed, taking you with him. - Breathing in the scent of him, your head on his chest, you would finally feel the edges of your frustration wearing off, Tate’s soft breaths ruffling some strands of hair atop you head. - After several minutes of cuddling into your boyfriend in silence, Tate would utter the dreaded question of: “Are you on your (man)period?” Even if you didn’t have periods, this would earn him a playful smack on the arm and a newly-irritated sigh into his chest. 
KIT WALKER - Kit didn’t even have to be told that you were in a bad mood, his demeanour changing the second you entered the room he was residing in. - “Are we gonna talk about it or no?” He would say cooly, looking up at you from his spot on the couch as you entered. You would turn your nose up at his offer. “Absolutely not.” You would state, flopping onto his body, Kit grunting, and positioning yourself so that your head was in his lap. “Just hold me.” You would mumble. - Kit would chuckle softly, his hand finding its way into your hair as you sighed and muttered incoherent whispers of anger to yourself, much to Kit’s silent amusement. - Kit would stroke your head in silence, honestly just happy to have you so close to him for so long but eventually you would sit up, the brunt of your mood having dissipated with Kit’s loving touch. - “Better?” He would murmur, making you nod happily. “Good.” Kit would state, shifting his weight so that he could flip you over, settling on top of you as you lay beneath him. - He would then lower his face to yours, his lips attacking your skin incessantly, refusing to let up until he heard you laugh beneath him. (franken)KYLE SPENCER
- Kyle, as a person who often suffered from low moods due to his difficulty in communication, could sense the moment when your mood would shift, immediately coming to your side and blinking at you in concern. - This could be annoying at times. - Sometimes, all you wanted to do was have some time to yourself, and although you loved Kyle to pieces, his constant presence could potentially worsen your mood, or sometimes even catalyse it. - The last time you were in a bad mood, you had directed your anger at Kyle when he began to trail you around the house uncertainly, causing you to raise your voice at him. Of course, you had felt terrible after this, your outburst not only worsening your mood, but sending Kyle into one as well; he hadn’t spoken a word to you until the day after. - So, you had explained to him that sometimes, as much as you loved him, you just wanted your own space. The next time your mood had suddenly dropped, he had approached you slowly, trying to gauge your reaction before either swooping in to make you feel better or leave you alone. - On the occasion that you didn’t want to be in Kyle’s presence, you would simply mutter a “sorry”, grateful when he scampered off and found something to do until you came to him.  - But, when Kyle’s comfort was wanted, you would smile softly at him, huffing a defeated laugh when he hurried to you, his embrace strong as he engulfed you in his warmth. - “Sad?” He would question glumly, at your silence giving you the option of “angry?” To which you would nod into his chest. - Kyle’s remedy for anger was baking: he would pile all the ingredients on the counter of your kitchen, silently passing you and bowl and a spoon and watching as you carelessly added the ingredients, stirring them all together angrily, most of the mixture splattering onto yourself and the surface of the counter.
- Jimmy is the type of person to make fun of you when you’re in a bad mood. It was his attempt of lessening your disposition. - Sometimes this worked, but sometimes it didn’t: Sitting alone under the shelter on the canteen tent, you huffed, frowning at the wood of the table in front of you. “Oof,” an amused shout came from behind you, causing you to turn you head in the direction it had come from. Jimmy swaggered towards you, his hand raised to his brow to block the sun from his eyes as he walked towards the shade of the canopy that you sat under. Scowling, you turned your head away from him, your shoulders curving inwards the hopes that he would get the message and turn around to let you brood. But of course he would do no such thing. “Someone’s in a bad mood.” He would comment, the old wooden bench you sat on wobbling from the force with which he plonked himself down next to you. “No shit.” You muttered, looking straight ahead.  “Geez, baby. What’s got you so worked up?” You turned to him with an unpleasant smile, the bite in your voice stark as you replied with “you and your insufferable attitude.” “Ouch.” He said, sounding completely unhurt by your comment. Your jaw worked as you became increasingly irritated by his presence. “Can you just fuck off? I love you and all but you being here is just making me get pissed at you.” He raised an eyebrow, his elbow coming to rest on the surface of the table, his chin falling into his palm in an action that gave you very much “like fuck I’m leaving” vibes. With a groan, you spun around, bringing your legs with you so that could stand from the bench. “Don’t follow me.” You ordered flatly. The bench creaked as he, too, stood, causing you to bristle. “Jimmy, I mean it.” You spun on him, your teeth gritted. He looked utterly unfazed at your tone, a small smirk on his lips.  “Make me leave you alone. Go on.” You knew what he was doing. He was trying to provoke you, trying to get you to fight with him so that you could let off some steam.  You sighed angrily. “No.” You said, turning and walking away. “Alright. Well I’ll be here when you decide you’re done being an ass.” He shouted after you, the shrug in his voice clear as you walked away, not taking his words to heart, his provoking intentions obvious. 
- James would let you brood. He would notice your demeanour instantly, but he wouldn’t comment on it, instead leaving you to it or silently accompanying you in whatever you were doing. - In the off chance that you really didn’t want his company, all you had to do was shoot him a frustrated glance and he would be on his feet and out the door in an instant, only appearing again when you sought him out. - But when you wanted his presence, he would run you a hot bath complete with bubbles and sometimes even rose petals if he was feeling generous.  - “Here you are, my darling girl/boy/they” He would say fondly as he lead you by the hand to the bathroom, his heart fluttering at the little smile that his efforts would coax from you.  - Once you had submerged yourself into the perfectly warm water with a sigh, he would come to your side, kneeling beside the tub and reaching for the softest sponge you had, quickly rolling up his sleeves before lathering it with a pretty smelling soap. - With your head rested on the side of the bath, he would reach into the water with the sponge, softly running it along your skin and murmuring to you as you became more and more relaxed under his skilled touch. - “So, what is it exactly that has put you in such a mood?” He would venture as your eyes drifted shut. James was such a good listener, and an even better talker, listening intently as you rambled into the stillness of the bathroom, James nodding along and inputting his own agreements or thoughts as you did so. - It was in these moments that your love for James rammed into you with such a force that often you were reduced from a tight ball of irritation to a mess of emotion, your eyes filling with tears as James tended to you. - You would end up gazing at him intently as he spoke to you, his hands moving beneath the water of the bath, the ends of his sleeves getting soaked as he cleaned you. It was so intimate that very often, you couldn’t help but reach with wet hands for the front of his shirt, pulling him to you and landing a kiss to his lips before pulling him harder, your heart pounding as he chuckled breathily against your mouth, his clothes becoming absolutely soaked as he clambered into the hot water with you. - When the two of you eventually emerged from the water, the floor of the bathroom had become so drenched with suds and soap that ever Miss Evers shuddered at the thought of having to clean it.
KAI ANDERSON - Kai would just see you being in a mood as a reason to provoke you even more than he already did. - He loved when you snapped at him, standing up for yourself or throwing an insult at him; for whatever reason, there was something about you having an attitude that just really turned him on. - Strangely, Kai was usually very accommodating when it came to your emotions. If you were happy, he was always there to be happy with you or listen to you when you rambled through your tears or when you were angry, he would find a way to help you channel that feeling and let off your pent up anger.  - But when you were in a mood, Kai trailed after you, provoking you just to make you feel that much more frustrated, a feeling of smug accomplishment washing over him when you finally bit back. - Sometimes, very occasionally, Kai’s endless goading sometimes ended with the two of you engaging in very angry, hot as fuck sex, but very often you would simple shove your middle finger in his face and storm out of the house. Taking his car, you would drive around until his petrol light came on before returning home, driving around the neighbourhood a few times for good measure in petty revenge.  - The text message that Kai would send you the next day claiming that he almost didn’t make it to the gas station and that when he got home you were as good as dead always made his incessant stirring of your emotions seem worth it.
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leianaberrie · 3 years
In response to your recent anon. Other toxic villain ships will continue to get praised while Bonkai has this vitriol around it especially with new aged TVD watchers. Bonkai unfortunately got screwed over in ways that other ships didn’t.
It wasn’t a full blown crackship like Kennett, Klonnie, Tonnie etc because there was canon feelings involved. But Bonnie and Kai also didn’t get ballroom dances and sexy hookups like Stebekah, Mabekah, Klaroline etc Even Bamon (despite being a horribly written abusive friendship) got a few dance scenes etc.
And that’s the thing, all these ships that I mentioned above are not any less toxic or abusive than Bonkai. But because the show packaged it in a way where characters like Damon are not held accountable for anything, it appears to most viewers who are just watching and not analyzing that Bonkai is the “worstest thing ever!” Since Kai stabbing Bonnie didn’t result in a dying Bonnie telling Kai “you’re in love with me. And anyone capable of love is capable of being saved” Bonnie and Kai are looked at the most abusive ship. Which is hilariously ironic, considering the fact that in reality his stabbing her not resulting in a scene like that actually makes them the ship least romanticizing abuse. As oppose to KC where Klaus stabs Caroline and bites her. Tyler begs Klaus to heal her. And she eventually spews that nonsense to Klaus as she’s dying.
Or what about Bamon. Where Damon does absolutely nothing to earn trust, forgiveness and redemption. He continues to berate Bonnie, violently shove her against walls, forces her to interact with Kai, and not care at all about Bonnie. But all that gets overlooked because Bonnie spoon feeds the audience lines like “I know you Damon” even though her “best friend”’literally just shoved her into a wall for putting herself first for once. And my personal favorite “You made pancakes. That means you feel guilty about murdering that pregnant woman. that makes you better than Kai”. Like girl what?
I don’t think i need to even talk about how disgusting DE is. Damon legit sexually assaults her in 2x01 then kills her brother afterwards. And it’s framed so that we’re supposed to feel sorry for Damon cause his heart is sad. And then even his horrible relationship with Andie where he’s literally on the verge of tears in the bathtub talking about his Elena problems and feeding on Andie. That relationship was also framed in a way where we’re supposed to pity Damon as a sad broken heart boy. And not as the creepy violent male he is. The things Damon did to Caroline Andie Elena and Bonnie are not even a result of his vampirism. Those are just straight up abusive male violent traits. Like Tyler being an angry asshole was a direct result of his werewolf gene. Stefan going through his ripper shit is because of his vampirism. Kai snapping at his abusive coven/family is because of his sociopathy. But Damon compelling women and taking away their free will as he continues to do sexual things with them is not a supernatural thing. It’s just typical male violence.
But all that fucked up shit doesn’t matter. Because the narrative of the show is packaged to protect Damon and romanticize Klaus. The dialogue and illogical response from other characters is to make the audience sympathize with Damon or romanticize KC. This did not happen with Kai/Bonkai.
Even though Bonnie was the anchor and felt the deaths of everyone. Even though she saw her father killed. Even though her “bestfriend” Damon killed her mom, and continues to berate her and never once apologizes. The show completely ignores that. And claims Kai was the first and only awful thing to happen to her. Because it protects the other characters. And in addition to that, Kai and Bonnie never kissed, danced, hooked up, or had any unearned dialogue between them like other villain ships did. And most people watching won’t pick up on the B.S. and will continue to ship manufactured and romanticized abuse like KC, DE, BD. But act horrified at Bonkai. It’s frustrating. But I know why it’s the case. And that’s exactly what JP wanted.
I wish I could put this entire meta on a T-shirt and sell it:
Since Kai stabbing Bonnie didn’t result in a dying Bonnie telling Kai “you’re in love with me. And anyone capable of love is capable of being saved” Bonnie and Kai are looked at the most abusive ship. Which is hilariously ironic, considering the fact that in reality his stabbing her not resulting in a scene like that actually makes them the ship least romanticizing abuse. As oppose to KC where Klaus stabs Caroline and bites her. Tyler begs Klaus to heal her. And she eventually spews that nonsense to Klaus as she’s dying.
I think it's a combination of everything you said : "the narrative of the show is packaged to protect Damon and romanticize Klaus. The dialogue and illogical response from other characters is to make the audience sympathize with Damon or romanticize KC." And it's also because most people conflate an abusive relationship with an antagonistic relationship.
And yes, it is frustrating that the ship that has the least abusive elements is the one that gets labelled as beyond toxic, when the actual toxic relationships never get the same push back.
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scintillasofbeomgyu · 3 years
˚ · . 𝘁𝘅𝘁 𝗿𝗲𝗮𝗰𝘁𝗶𝗼𝗻! — 𝙢𝙚𝙢𝙗𝙚𝙧𝙨 𝙖𝙘𝙘𝙞𝙙𝙚𝙣𝙩𝙖𝙡𝙡𝙮 𝙗𝙧𝙚𝙖𝙠𝙞𝙣𝙜 𝙖 𝙜𝙞𝙛𝙩 𝙛𝙧𝙤𝙢 𝙩𝙝𝙚𝙞𝙧 𝙨/𝙤
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pairing: txt x fem!reader
genre: fluff!
word count: tbd
a/n: I took the longest time with this, I’m so sorry anon! I tried the best I can to make it good but it still doesn’t feel quite right. anyways, I hope you enjoy!
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᠃ ⚘ choi yeonjun:
this was a little tough for me to do, bc Yeonjun is the oldest member and I feel that even if they did do something that’d upset him he wouldn’t really go off? If you know what I mean
but at the same time, he is also your boyfriend and he loves you to bits and pieces
so when they were messing around this time and didn’t break just anything, but the gift that you had gotten him for his birthday
he’d try to keep his cool, but would be visibly distressed
“Ah, come on guys do you see what you’ve done?” he’d whine
Thinking about how you had saved up to get him this cologne (you loved nice smells, and nice smells + your boyfriend = yes pls), and the face you had made when you cutely insisted he only where it when he’s with you
it’d just hurt his heart so much
but at the same time Hyuka and Soobin were standing at the crime scene looking like they’d burst into tears at any given moment
he’d eventually just settle on telling them off in a serious-but-not-serious tone, and he’d make sure to remind them of this mistake every freaking day skks
he’d make them apologise to you as well, which resulted in you sucking in a sharp breath through your teeth before you hit the back of his head playfully
you’d asure them (and Yeonjun) that it was no big deal
“I’ll be buying you cologne for the rest of our lives anyway,” you’d whisper into his ear, pressing a kiss to his cheek – for effect, ofcourse.
And although he’s still pretty bummed about the broken gift, man’s would just get extremely smiley and giggly cause he WEAK for you
᠃ ⚘ choi soobin:
we all know this boy about to put himself through the most sksks
he’d wear the bracelet you got him for your 2 year anniversary EVERYWHERE and blush a little each time he looked at it
(the members would drag him so bad omg)
so when Beomgyu’s piercing got caught in it while he and Yeonjun were messing around in the van on the way to the next schedule, his heart started doing laps
he tried to gently move it away, but the van hit a pothole, and the next thing he knew, the beads were scattering everywhere
even though he’s clearly not to blame, he’d so blame himself for it
“I’m so sorry, Hyung” “No, it’s okay, I should have taken proper care of it”
he’d tell everyone it’s fine and it’s not that big of a deal, but there’d be a visible dark cloud hanging over his head 24/7 and he’d be completely despondent
he wouldn’t know how to tell you, so when Yeonjun and Beomgyu eventually apologized to you, you sighed, realizing that this was the reason he’d been avoiding your calls and texting back so dryly
“It’s okay, baby,” you’d coo, running your hands through his hair and giving his scalp gentle massages as he nuzzled his head into your chest.
᠃ ⚘ choi beomgyu: 
As I’m sure you can imagine, a large can of the Daegu satoori will be whipped out for this one
mans would be going through the five stages of grief as he watched Taehyun’s coffee seep into the handmade songbook that you had made for him last Christmas
they had been deciding on a title for a song that Beomgyu had initially written, but had now become a collaborative piece, when Huening had suggested that they just play rock-paper-scissors
them being them, they got way too into it, and Taehyun had accidentally knocked over his coffee onto the song in question
“H-hyung, I’m sorry...”
His heart would ache so bad omg, and he’d try and hurry and wipe the coffee off or something ugh this poor baby
I don’t feel like he’d be angry about it, but I do think that he’d be thinking about you and the amount of time and thought went into this gift and how much it meant to him to have received it from you
heck, the only reason he even used the book was because you had to convince him for weeks that it was meant to be used and not to gather dust
like Soobin, he’d also struggle to tell you about it, worried that it might hurt you which would hurt him – so he’d just resort to being playful about it and tell you in a roundabout way
“See, Y/n! This is why I didn’t wanna use it. I knew something like this would happen; I live with animals you know”
you’d just laugh it off and wrap your arms around him, knowing all too well that he more than likely cried about it before coming to tell you what had happened
he’ll NEVER let the members live it down lmaoo
“Remember that time you destroyed that gift from my girlfriend”
playfully obviously, ya know mans is a professional chain-tugger
expect that the next time you come over you’ll find that songbook framed and on a shelf in his room with a polaroid of you on the outside corner
᠃ ⚘ kang taehyun:
He really strikes me as the kind of person who wouldn’t normally get upset about something like this happening, but because it’s a gift from his s/o he’d be ticked off – at the very least
however, despite being ticked off, he wouldn’t let his emotions get the better of him.
You know our king of rationalism
He’d see the glass shatter as it hit the laminated floor of the dorm room, and he’d simply just stand there looking at it, absorbing the situation, trying the best he can to keep himself as calm as he possibly can
Yeonjun had came into the room to smother Huening with affection again, when he had accidentally knocked the watch off the dresser (it probably sent shivers down their spines as they imagines the many ways Taehyun could kill them in their sleep for this one)
“It’s okay, it’s not the end of the world,” he’d say, but really it felt like it was.  
Taehyun may come off as someone who is cold, but in reality he’s just such a soft boi who’d take care of and show affection to his s/o in his own ways
he hates to see you sad
it’d break his heart to know that the first gift he had ever gotten from you was in smithereens just bc yeonjun and hyuka couldn’t sit still for five minutes sksk
he’d want to tell you right away and he’d apologize in the sincerest way possible
“I’m really sorry about this, Y/n. I’m sure you spent a lot on this gift; I should have taken proper care of it,” he’d say, eyes literally begging you to forgive him
and you’d just slip your hand into his, giving it a squeeze, before snuggling into his figure and telling him that it was an accident, and how warm it wakes you feel knowing it meant that much to him
he’d gently push you aside and frown, before planting a kiss on your forehead, “Of course it means that much to me. It’s a gift from you.”
᠃ ⚘ huening kai:
you and I both know that we can hear that
Soobin and Taehyun had been teasing him about his plushies again – his collection was growing way too big for the space which he and Taehyun were supposed to share; and even he knew that
and as per usual, every time they picked a few to give away, Huening would get really sad and be unable to part with any of them – so they decided to tease him a little
they picked the plushie they knew you had given to him (the big, fluffy pink one with the floppy ears :((( )
he’d beg them to not tease him as they tossed it amongst themselves (THIS POOR BABY PLS)
“Please be careful! It’s going to break!” he’d whine
and it did :((((
one of the ears tore, and poor Huening just stood there with upset tears rimming his eyes, looking like his world just ended oml
Soobin and Taehyun would be extremely apologetic, and like Soobin, Huening would say that it’s okay even though it isn’t; he’d probably need like an hour to himself before being himself again
oh but he’d so rat them out though lmao
“Y/n! Look what they did! They hurt our Ae-Cha!” he’d say, playfully pouting as he showed you the tear on the plushie; to which they’d simply roll their eyes while Beomgyu and Yeonjun laughed
“Oh no! Our Ae-Cha!” you’d gasp in response, pouting just as much, before giggling and taking out the needle and thread from your bag
he’d wrap his arms around you and rest his head on your shoulder as you fixed the toy, telling you every other minute how lucky he is to have such a beautiful and talented girlfriend uwu ^.^
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imerdwarf · 3 years
Love At First Crash
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Summary: your car gets taken to the repair shop where you meet the man who will repair it for you.
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Pairing: Mechanic!Bucky x Reader
Warnings: flirting, mild angst, idiots in love, happy ending 🥰
Word Count: 2,128 (I AM SO SORRY)
Author's Notes: This is for @the-ss-horniest-book-club's Drunk Drabbles 💜 my first time writing for mechanic!Bucky, thank you so much @jobean12-blog for checking it and giving me your thoughts 💜
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It's been just a few days since you've visited the repair shop and met the owner Bucky Barnes. His charming smile made your tummy feel like you had a swarm of butterflies fluttering around inside.
His tight white tank top was pulled so tightly across his chest that his pecs could be seen. His black jeans that sculptured around his thick thighs to show off those thigh muscles, his mechanical outfit was matched perfectly with his black boots.
Your footsteps echoed off the bare concrete walls and floors as you entered the repair shop back from the back entrance. The metal shutters with a dangling chain link was rolled halfway up and a dozen of motorcycles parked next to the doors.
The distant quiet music from the digital radio did very little to quieten your footsteps. Bucky had heard you and rolled himself out from underneath your car. He smirked up when he saw you approach him.
"Hey there doll." Bucky showed off his perfect pearly whites and that was the same smile that gave you the butterfly feeling.
"Hey Bucky," you smiled back and sheepishly shoved your hands in the front of your pockets. You had originally opted to call him James, but he beefy man insisted on Bucky since his close friends and family called him by that name and James had sounded so foreign to his ears.
Bucky stood up, his biceps flexing under his movements and you couldn't stop the creeping flush. You cleared your throat and looked at your car.
"She's looking good!" Bucky's smile grew wider by how excited and happy you were.
"Yes you are," he muttered under his breath but you heard him say something. Your head snaps towards him and grin.
"What did you just say?" Bucky blushed and now it was his turn to clear his throat and rub the back of his neck, unknowingly with his greasy padded fingertips which left a black streak.
"I said she is, she won't be too long in here actually, a few more days." He wanted to exhale his sigh of relief when you nodded your head and looked back at your car.
"Great, you're the best Bucky!"
Bucky was absolutely beaming from the praise but it wasn't a lie, Bucky really was the best. He was so the best in fact that you found yourself daydreaming about the beefy mechanic days after you visited him at the shop.
You were laying on your couch listening to the birds singing outside and staring up at the white ceiling with your hands resting on your stomach thinking about that gorgeous smile of his. You loved the way his hair was always slicked back into a bun and how his shirt was always grease stained, a sign of a hard working man. You knew he was working hard to get your car back on the road as soon as possible, he kept in touch to let you know how everything was going.
You were falling for him, fast and hard. He was all you could ever think about, he was all you dreamed about and he lived rent free in your head.
Your gut clenches from the thought that realistically, he is probably in a serious long-term relationship with a much more beautiful woman, one that must make him happy because he was always in a good mood and always smiling.
Your chances of ever being with him were really slim, and it was such a bitter pill to swallow. He was just a crush and that is all he would ever be. But it didn't stop you from creating scenarios in your head with him. What your evenings would look like cuddled on the couch watching movies, listening to music or just talking to each other. What kind of food you'd cook him, would he kiss you as a compliment? In your head he does.
You wonder what it would be like to have him underne—
"Y/N!" Wanda's voice suddenly breaks through your thoughts and you blink back to reality. You mumble a response and Wanda finds you laying on the couch staring up to nothing, again, "still daydreaming about your hot boyfriend?" She teases and you scoff, sitting up to glare at her.
"He is not my boyfriend. Never was, never will be." Your face drops when you said it out loud, as though it suddenly dawned on you.
"But you have a crush on him right?" Wanda pushes and you regret ever spilling the beans to her in the first place, of course she is never going to let this go.
"No." You lied.
"Then why does he make you look so sad?" Damn it Wanda, "look, I'm not here to pressure you but my brother is back in town and we are meeting at the bar tonight! He misses you and wants to see you!"
"Bucky misses me?!" You may have zoned out again thinking about Bucky. Wanda rolls her eyes and laughs lightly.
"No! Pietro! But I'm sure Bucky does kiss you... I mean miss you!"
You smiled, great now another thing to add to your scenarios.
"What time?"
"8pm sharp! Don't be late!" She kisses your cheek in a friendly manner before skipping out of your door and leaving you alone with your thoughts. You had a few more hours to lay here and do nothing but think about him.
The bar was crowded when you arrived and you headed towards the bar to order a drink when Pietro came up behind you and wrapped his arms around your waist. You screeched out when you turned around and saw it was him, pulling him into a tight hug and keeping your hands on his forearms as he kissed your cheeks.
It might have been innocent, but from where Bucky was stood, it seemed like the two of you were an item and his heart dropped into his stomach and his mood turned sour.
He had no idea you were with Pietro, he knew him because he's a well known lawyer with a lot of successful cases under his belt so he couldn't blame you for being with someone with a clean job while he went to work everyday in a greasy repair shop.
He's only met you a dozen times but he doesn't remember you ever smiling that brightly at him when you were in his repair shop.
"You're brooding." Natasha, one of Bucky's oldest friends told him as she sipped her dry red wine. Bucky rolled his eyes and swished his beer around in his hand.
"I'm fine." Bucky scoffed and turned his angle away from Natasha.
"You're in love." Bucky again rolls his eyes and tries to ignore her. He tries to ignore you both, he tries to contain the jealousy that desperately wants to come out and say something about the way you're not even pulling away from Pietro.
"I'm leaving," Bucky tells Natasha, chugging the rest of his beer before slamming the bottle down on a nearby table, he turns to Nat and points a finger in her face, "and don't follow me."
The catch-up with Pietro was nice, it's been a few years since you've seen each other and he was telling you about his new wife when you saw Bucky storm out of the bar over his shoulder. Your eyes widened, never even noticing he was here and oh god, how this must have looked. Your heart sunk when you saw a redhead follow in his direction, that must have been his girlfriend.
Your mood to stay in the bar any longer was diminished and now all you wanted to do was go home and be by yourself.
You excused yourself from Pietro's grip and bid Wanda a quick goodnight before making a quick exit out of the bar and heading straight home.
Your thoughts kept you up the whole night. You couldn't sleep and tossed and turned throughout the cold night. You kept thinking back to the way he stormed out of the bar, if only you had seen him sooner.
Wanda entered your home early the next morning to find you already sitting up at the kitchen table nursing a hot cup of coffee. You looked exhausted and she could tell you haven't slept.
"Hey." She whispers, putting her hand on your shoulder, "are you okay?" You nod your head and sigh, not being in the mood to talk about things right now.
"I'm fine, just tired from last night." It's a lie that Wanda seems to accept for now.
"Barnes called." Wanda sighs and your head snaps up, "your car is ready to be picked up. I'll go and get it for you so you can rest." You feel upset that he couldn't or didn't want to call you but called your emergency contact instead.
"I'll be back in a bit!" Wanda leaves quickly, jumping into Pietro's car and rehearsing the conversation in her head before she confronted Bucky.
Bucky was wiping his dirty greased up fingertips on the rag he had stuffed in his back pocket when Wanda arrived with Pietro. He saw him drive off shortly after she got out and Bucky refrained from rolling his eyes.
He was probably going home to you. He thought selfishly to himself. He mustered the biggest smile he could but it didn't fool Wanda.
"Barnes, you called?"
"Yeah, Y/N's car is ready."
"And you couldn't inform her why?" Wanda queried, noting the disappointing look that swam in his eyes.
"I didn't think Pietro would like that."
Wanda bent over and held her stomach as she laughed. Bucky's eyebrows pinched together in confusion, "What's so funny?" He snapped, angry at how this whole thing was completely unfair.
"I'm sorry- it's just- it's just- oh god- Pietro is my brother and he's married." Wanda said between breaths.
This only infuriated Bucky even further, "good for him but I don't need to know how happy they are together!" He needed to chill and calm down. Jealousy was not a good look.
"He isn't married to Y/N. She's single, has a crush on you, maybe even hopelessly in love with you but that's fine if you want to-"
"She's what?" Bucky asks shocked, there's no way a pretty dame like yourself could love him. He's too basic, too plain.
"Why don't you drop me home in Y/N's car and take her car back to her yourself and you'll see what I mean." It was an offer he couldn't refuse. If Wanda wasn't pulling his leg, and you really were single, he needed to get to you before someone else did.
It's been well over an hour since Wanda left to pick up your car. In that time, you managed to take a shower to release your tense muscles, take something for the pounding headache and change into an outfit.
You were really excited to get your car back, making a promise with yourself that you'll be a lot more careful this time and try not to get into more car crashes.
You heard the engine in your driveway and you leapt towards the front door with a smile on your face, your smile growing even wider when you saw it wasn't Wanda behind the wheel, but Bucky. You couldn't put your finger on why you were so happy to see him, maybe it was a little hope he didn't hate you after all.
He got out of the car and strolled up towards you with a matching smile on his own face. His hands were in his front pockets and he looked amazing dressed in all black with a black leather jacket.
"Hi!" Your dam almost breaks, you were awake the whole night worrying about what would happen and then he didn't call you himself this morning about your car, it was easy to jump to conclusions, "I'm so happy to see you."
"Doll, I'm sorry I didn't call- my thoughts- well, I mean my feelings got in the way and I let my jealousy shine brighter than the sun." He chuckled shyly.
"Please you don't need to explain, it's me who owes you an explanation. You see, Pietro and I are—"
"No need doll. Wanda told me everything. It's a pretty warm day, Steve is covering for me back at the shop and I wondered if you'd like to head down to the beach with me?"
You grinned and looked down to your feet before looking into his eyes again, "I can make a picnic?"
"Sounds like a date!"
"A date it is."
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Taglist: @smokeybluebrooke-lyn @pinkdiamond1016 @whatrambles @bestofbucky
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serene-victory-77 · 3 years
Why The Crows Being Teenagers Is Actually Perfectly Realistic
There’s a TL;DR are the end because wow I like to rant.
I lightly discuss the general situations they’re all in to explore how they are frighteningly mature and competent, but it’s not particularly depressing or descriptive, it’s definitely lighter than the books
I thought about this post with a joke first: “People who think that Six of Crows is unrealistic because they’re so young clearly have not spent much time with traumatized honors students.”
It’s a bit of an exaggeration, but the point stands.
But I decided that, hm, actually, I could make a point about this. I totally agree with the aging up of the characters in the Shadow and Bone show, but when people straight up say that the books are wrong or unrealistic for having a young crew, I get annoyed, and here’s why (other than me reading the books for the first time when I was 13 and thinking ‘Huh okay, I see it’ and now being lowkey offended when people say they ignore it for being unrealistic):
On Inej
- At first I thought Inej’s wisdom and general demeanor was one of the most unrealistic things in the book
- When I thought about it longer, I was like “Actually, she’s 16, right? I’ve sent some of the most lyrical philosophy trying to help my friends while in high school. My friends have done the same. It’s valid.”
- Frankly, teenagers love hard-hitting philosophical truths. They love repeating what they’ve read or heard in movies and in books and from family stories. They love sharing little bits of wisdom they have come up with
- Inej’s ability to hear and understand philosophy and wisdom that she was surrounded by for 14 straight years and then sit on it and elaborate it for her friends to understand, or even just to piss them off in Kaz’s case? 
- Teenagers have that. They do it. So, Inej’s Wisdom passes, to me. It’s valid. 
As for her being calm
- You know how everyone jokes that Kaz seems calm on the outside but when you get to his POV he’s like “What the fuck” at the Van Eck house or just straight up “Huh, is this revenge for making tree jokes” at the Djel River thingy in the Ice Court?
- Inej is like that, too. And she gets angry, and she gets confused, or exhausted.
- AKA every quiet kid ever. Like, are you kidding? Have you ever been in a situation in which it’s literally chaos all around you, people are screaming and things are being destroyed (think middle school classroom with bitchy long term substitute and even worse students), and you’re just, calm? You pick up your things, you do what you need to do?
- That’s Inej. Like, what else is she gonna do? She’s smart enough to know that panicking won’t help anyone, and so she just rides it out. Internally she might be like “Why is this happening” but frankly, her being quiet and controlled in most situations is probably a coping mechanism and I respect that
- Pretty sure this is also based on the fact that the Suli have no land for their own and constantly have to keep moving. It might align with generational trauma, I’m sure someone could explain it better than me, but being able to keep your cool while constantly having to change and adapt to new situations, in, say, a country with hellfire politics and no land to call your own? Seems like a hereditary trait that could be useful in Ketterdam, although it’s sad.
On Inej’s abilities
- Simone Biles started training when she was 6 and went to the World Artistic Gymnastics Championships when she was 16, where she qualified in all the events. 
- There are videos of people walking over tightropes as young as three years old. We know Inej didn’t start that young, but not only was she naturally talented at it, but she spent a lot of time practicing. I think it’s valid. Plus, some of her family members do some pretty crazy things in her flashbacks, because that’s the whole point of what they do. 
- Youngest person to beat American Ninja Warrior was 16 year old Vance Walker
- Inej has a variety of of tools that help her wall climb, and while it’s true that she started young and got good really fast, she already had a history of physical work that would help her, and from what we can gleam from the book, a surprising amount of free time in which she was actively encouraged to learn everything she could. 
So that’s Inej! I think her skills are perfectly possible for someone with her history and situation. It’s true that she’s naturally skilled, but that’s not actually all that unusual. And her demeanor and wisdom do fit in with what a lot of teenagers are like and the circumstances she was brought up in
Onto Kaz!
- One thing I hear about is that Kaz is too smart for not having gone to school and also too young to know all that he does
- Do you all KNOW how many self-taught people there have been in this world? The word for people who are self-taught is autodidacts, and honestly a huge amount of famous people apply. Like many, many other people in history (there’s a whole list of them in Wikipedia), he had an vested interest in a field and he learned all he could. Sure, those fields were magic tricks and math, but still.
- Suddenly I have a lot of thoughts
- Okay, think, hyperfixations. That’s essentially what Kaz’s thing with magic tricks was, right? Have any of you ever spent time with an eight year old that clearly really, really loves dinosaurs? Those kids can spout names and facts and identify them by their skeletons and frankly know more than I ever will. Kaz’s was magic tricks. All kids are special.
- Kaz continued working on magic tricks and practicing them for years, so, I think that gets a pass. 
- As for the math! Look, a Fact Of Life is that some kids are just Like That, whether it be possibly from neurodivergence or other factors:
- Flo and Kay Lyman are twins with Autism who basically have the calendar of EVER memorized. Kaz memorizing card decks is sensible, and these ladies don’t need to look up anything to figure it out, so Kaz doing sums inside his head seems plausible. His “photographic memory’ isn’t impossible, although the term itself might be incorrect.
- Katherine Johnson who worked at NASA (yes, the lady from Hidden Figures), was so good at math that she was in high school by age 10 and went to college at age 15. It’s true that she had some teaching, but 1. There’s no evidence Kaz had absolutely no schooling, even if it was just at home with books and 2. Kaz was 9 when he came to Ketterdam, and after Jordie died, when he wasn’t surviving, he was learning. 
- Human calculator is a term that is applied to children a lot and there’s definitely plenty of videos showing how smart these kids are and them doing mental math easily, which he does in the books
- He had a LOT of pressure on him to figure out all he could, and if he wanted to move forward, he was going to have to learn a lot. He spent hours practicing magic tricks, for all we know he spent hours practicing math too. We know Jordie was a bit of a bookworm too, so Kaz from a young age probably already had a reason to learn. Personally, a lot of my love for books was inspired by my older sibling when I was younger
- Young people are adaptable. Kaz is incredibly adaptable. The term prodigy exists because of people like him through history. 
- As for him being rational, there’s no other way to survive. Some of the greatest soldiers in history have been very, very young, and very, very smart. It’s true tacticians are generally considered to be older, but that doesn’t mean there haven’t been very young ones. 
- A lot of the generals I found were like, 19 years old, but Kaz is 1. not a general and 2. in a place where young people take up the mantle really, really quickly, and frankly it’s been like that for a long time. I still think this passes. This isn’t relevant but William the Conqueror was apparently called “The Bastard”?
- Frankly, underground communities of thieves probably don’t go around publishing their escapades so to me it makes sense that I can’t just look up “famous young thieves” and get anything that makes sense, but I did try
- Y’all I tried to do research on youngest escape artists since I think Kaz qualifies and I found myself in what I think is a magicians forum? It’s from 2002-ish and I feel like I’ve just found a relic. I can’t definitely prove they’re all saying the truth, but some of the people there talk about 10-11 year olds at magic camps, so, it’s not impossible for this to be a skill Kaz learned really young, particularly when he made a habit of following around magicians
- I think he passes the realism check overall
For the other Crows:
- Nina being so proficiently multilingual makes sense to me, because she’s been in the Little Palace almost her entire life with all the best teachers they could afford at her disposal. Some people just click with languages. One such would be Timothy Doner, who spoke 23 languages at 16. 
- Nina is a child soldier. She of course can handle the battlefield, although I imagine there’s a degree of trauma that she has to deal with (although it’s true that most of her work was always meant to angle her towards being a spy).
- Jesper was taught to shoot from a young age by Aditi, who was likely incredibly proficient. Plus, there’s mentions of him and his father being on some sort of frontier at one point in the books, so, it’s likely that Jesper got his fair share of ‘being a child soldier” since he would’ve been 15 or younger. Plus, with being a Fabrikator, he gets a leg up
- Jesper’s smart y’all, he just also likes to have fun
- I am a little terrified by the fact that I looked up ‘youngest sharpshooter’ and found out about a 9 year old girl (Addysson “Addy” Soltau) who can indeed shoot guns, but uh, it does prove my point
- Matthias... I haven’t heard anyone really argue about Matthias. He’s the oldest at 18 and again, he’s essentially a religious child soldier. Of course he would be built af and know how to handle himself in a fight, and in a flashback about meeting Trassel, we’re told that he was actually distanced from the other boys and was the biggest and strongest/smartest of the group. Perhaps not compared to Kaz, but still
- We know how Wylan ended up how he is, so I don’t think i have to defend how he’s both a musical prodigy, good at math, and good at chemistry. Plenty of kids who can’t do one thing will immediately gravitate to a different field (think AP math students who can’t write essays, or those kids who could analyse a book and it’s metaphors in class but didn’t understand geometry).
- Granted he took it far but it’s kinda implied that  his father ignored him eventually and what else was Wylan going to do
- I don’t really know how he did chemistry while not being able to read the symbols and stuff, but that’s likely because I’ve never had to learn the way he did and also I really suck at Chemistry, but I refuse to believe that it invalidates his capabilities
Final Thoughts:
- They’re Traumatized Honors Students
- People might say that “it’s unrealistic that all the smart ones somehow ended up together” but again they’re traumatized honors students and those gravitate to each other
- Of course the smart ones ended up together, they’re the ones in those crazy situations precisely because they are prodigies. Nina wouldn’t have met Matthias if she wasn’t skilled and a spy, Kaz wouldn’t have known Inej if she hadn’t been skilled at silence (I can’t explain that one but uh ninjas did/do exist and it IS still a fantasy world). Kaz would have never been a leader of the Dregs in a position to find Jesper if he hadn’t been so determined to rise to the top, and Jesper wouldn’t have been in Ketterdam if his father hadn’t thought that Jesper was smart enough to get that chance.
- You know how those fringe revolutionary artists for new eras end up knowing all knowing each other and even hanging out? That’s them.
- I have decided there is a strong basis for Autistic Kaz, someone who is more studied than me should feel free to explore this.
- I read this book a few years ago, A Long Way Gone by Ishmael Beah. It’s about this guy’s experiences as a boy soldier and it’s a painful read so I’m not sure I recommend it as a casual read, but he talked about these young kids being able to actually make competent military strategies and handle warfare. It’s an extreme example of what I’m trying to explain when it comes to them being able to handle the brutality of their situation, but it’s true, essentially
- They are definitely serious, but if you think they’re not teenagers I just, disagree so much. They have moments of lighthearted banter, they make light of their situation, they try to support each other Nina covers it so well in her farewell at the end of Crooked Kingdom: The little rescues of laughing at each others jokes or eating together and just supporting each other, is not only a very human thing, but a very teenager thing. 
- Scary experiences that shape us happen all the time, and although for most it’s not the things that the Crows experience, picking each other up is a big part of why they do read as teenagers to me. I’ve seen kids be able to seriously converse about things like being questioned by the police, or being left to their own devices for days at a time, or the general impending doom they all feel, and it’s dark, but they’re also going to joke about silly puns 20 minutes later. 
- Teenagers aren’t exempt from terrifying maturity and competence
- Finally: Despite all I said, it’s a fantasy story and doesn’t have to be realistic
In the end, everyone can believe what they want to believe, but this is my case for my opinion.
TL;DR The Crows are all prodigies and a lot of their achievements and capabilities are based in reality and there are real people who actually achieved things like what they’ve done. Messed up prodigies gravitate to messed up prodigies, hence how they all end up together. When it comes to their mental state, most of them have been brought up their entire lives in situations that required for them to problem solve and keep their cool even when things are going to hell.
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authenticmiya · 3 years
Alone - Johnny Lawrence x Reader
Summary - Based on the song Alone by Heart, reader doesn’t know how to cope with Johnny putting all of his time into the dojo, and not into his marriage.
Words - 1.7k
Warnings - angst
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The sparkles on your wedding ring could just about be seen as the moon lit up the apartment. Letting out a shaky yet frustrated sigh, the clock was still ticking, except this time, two hours had gone by. Johnny wasn't back, when was he ever back?
As it neared 1am, the debate of going to bed was playing on your mind, but there was no way you were going to sleep without talking to your husband, if he was that anymore.
"Come on Johnny, pick up." You sighed, trying not only his telephone at work but the stupid cell phone that you should've known he couldn't answer.
But not being able to use technology wasn't an excuse. It wasn't hard to keep a promise, in fact it wasn't hard to just not make the promise in the beginning. A knock on the door pulled you straight from your wandering thoughts. Looking through the peep-hole, you realised it was Miguel.
"Seriously kid." You groaned before opening the door. You loved him like a son, you really did, but you were not in the mood to socialise with anyone.
"Hi Mrs Lawrence, Sensei told me to tell you-" He began but you cut him off.
"Don't worry Miguel, this is the fourth time you've had to tell me that he's gotta do all of the paperwork, I get it. Thank-you." The sadness in your tone made Miguel feel bad.
"He's in the Dojo Mrs Lawrence, it's not my place to say but instead of waiting around for him to come home, why don't you just go down there?" Miguel suggested.
"I appreciate that kid, but I don't wanna start a fight." You admitted to the teenage boy, and you couldn't quite believe it because he hardly knew love himself.
"Fight for this love, you're badass." He chuckled before heading back over to his place. 1am and Miguel had only just left the dojo, so who knows when Johnny will be home. After the brief conversation, the time just went by extremely slow, but that didn't stop you from staying awake.
"I’m not having another night end with me being alone." You muttered, and it was as if god answered your prayers, because the keys jangled in the front door, and in stepped Johnny.
"Jesus Christ why are you sat in the dark babe?" Johnny laughed as he flipped the switch to the lights on.
"Till the moment I saw you them years ago, I had always got by on my own." You told him, twiddling your fingers as you sat on the couch. Johnny looked at you strangely, as he grabbed a beer from the refrigerator.
"I never really cared until I met you Johnny. Nobody cared for me, and I never cared for anybody. I spent years upon years, dreaming I'd marry a guy like you, and I got him in the end." There was no way you could cry in front of him.
"Listen if this is about me and the dojo, I really wanna spare that fight." Johnny sighed as he stood a distance away from you.
"Sometimes I reminisce on the good times we had. Before Larusso, before the alcohol, before this goddamn dojo Johnny." Now the words were just falling from your mouth.
"Don't mention that name under this roof again." He suddenly snapped, and now you had hit the nerve.
"How do I get you alone Johnny? Because I lost you the moment that asshole came back into your life. Don't try and sugarcoat it, please save me the bullshit. You're all I ever wanted and all I've ever had. Ever since Cobra Kai reopened, I don't see you. I wake up, you're not there, I go to sleep and you're still not there." It took a lot of courage to talk to him without getting mad, for nearly every argument that was made, was because of your attitude.
"You will always have me Y/N, but I have a business to run, I'm protecting these kids." Johnny swigged on his drink, also trying not to give you a nasty reaction.
"They're relying on me, they have nothing but karate to help them with their confidence, you would know if you were there." He suddenly came out with when you didn't reply.
"I'm relying on you too Johnny, you know your wife?" You began.
"And here she goes with the whole emotional card. Whatever." He rolled his eyes and turned towards the bedroom.
"'No I refuse to let you do this to me again. We need to talk about this." You grabbed his bicep.
"Every-time we try and talk, a certain somebody turns it into something that could've been avoided." Johnny said sarcastically.
"Yeah and you shrug it off like it's nothing." You pinched the bridge of your nose.
"That's bullshit and you know it Y/N, I don't need to be constantly reminded of shit that you get insecure about." Oh he had finally cracked into his frustrated and angry mode.
"So me missing you is being insecure? Sorry for committing a crime jackass." You crossed your arms over your chest.
"Here she is, little miss childish, once again." Johnny slammed the door to your shared bedroom, now leaving you to decide whether to follow after him.
"Oh for fuck sake." You grumbled, opening the door. He was getting some clothes ready for what you presumed was for after he had showered.
"We have neighbours, you don't need to slam the door so loud." You finally spoke up again.
"I didn't know you could slam a door quietly." Johnny didn't look at you.
"What's going on with you? Please just talk to me Johnny." You felt like begging for a life time. You just wanted your husband back, even if it was just the extra kiss in the morning. But he wasn't talking to you.
"This is getting ridiculous Y/N." He groaned.
"No what's getting ridiculous is that you gradually built a dojo, but gradually pushed me to the side and I'm sorry if you think I'm childish, and that I start a fight with you for no reason. I don't mean to fight with you, we're meant to fight together for crying out loud." Johnny was listening to you but he wasn't responding.
"I never asked for this, I don't deserve this." Johnny stood up, grabbing a towel from the drawers.
"And you think I do? When was the last time you actually checked if I was okay?" Johnny didn't know what to say, he knew he hadn't been the best of husbands.
"Miguel stopped by today, actually ever since the dojo opened he's come by quiet frequently, telling me the usual that you're doing paperwork." You began.
"Also told me I was a badass who needed to fight for this love, but it takes two to fight, and right now, it's pretty clear that I'm the only one even fending for this marriage." A single tear dropped down your cheek but you refused to let him see it.
"I'll leave you to shower." You left the bedroom and decided that maybe tonight you should just keep your space from him. Deciding that sitting around doing nothing wasn't an option, you just decided to take the trash out. It wasn't really a normal thing to do in the earliest of hours in the morning, but it was something.
Johnny felt his heart stop when he heard the front door shut, something telling him that you were going to leave for the night and just not come back to him.
"Shit." He scrambled off the bed, completely throwing the thought of a shower out of his head.
"Y/N? Babe?" He called out, but he didn't know you were only just outside.
"Shit!" He shouted, grabbing his keys, ready to drive all lengths of the country just to bring you back. As he opened the front door, you were just heading back in.
"Please, just don't leave. We can talk this through, you can't leave me Y/N, I need you. God dammit I'm an asshole, I deserved everything you said to me just please come inside and we can talk it out, no arguing, no nothing." Johnny had his hands firmly on your shoulders.
"Why the hell would I leave you? I took the trash out." You told him, he glanced around back to the trash-can noticing how it was now empty, and had a huge sigh of relief.
"And besides don't you think I'd have been gone a long time ago if an argument was the reason we ever broke up?" You questioned him.
"Yeah I suppose you're right, you put up with a lot of shit huh?" Johnny took in your appearance for the first time, in such a long time.
The way your hair was just in a messy bun, the fact you were in one of his shirts and a pair of sweats. The Y/N he had fallen in love with, had been waiting for the affection she deserved and he simply hadn't realised how long she had gone without it.
"I'm sorry." He began.
"This isn't gonna happen again. You're not just gonna apologise and I'll melt into you. Johnny you've gotta mean it, you've seriously gotta mean it." You pleaded.
"Shall we order-" You cut him off.
"It's literally 2am and all I want right now, is to relax. We're both hotheaded and we need to be able to talk about things without getting riled up with each-other." You could tell he was listening to you very intently and without hesitation he lifted you up in a bridal fashioned way.
"This isn't what I expected but I'm not complaining." You chuckled as he shut the door with his foot. The two of you settled down on the bed together. 
"I love you." You told him, the argument slowly floating out of the window.
"I don't think you have any idea how much I love you." He sighed, pressing a firm, passionate kiss to your lips.
"We'll be okay won't we Y/N?" Johnny sighed, draping an arm across your waist.
"We'll be okay Johnny."
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sunflowershouto · 4 years
when mineta hits on their crush - bakugou, kaminari, kirishima
𝑵𝒐𝒕𝒆: Thank you for the request, darling! I love jealous headcanons so these are definitely fun for me to write! If anyone wants to see this headcanon with other characters, lmk! <3
My requests are open!
𝑺𝒖𝒎𝒎𝒂𝒓𝒚: Headcanon of Bakugou, Kaminari, and Kirishima reacting to Mineta creeping on their crush.
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𝐛 𝐚 𝐤 𝐮 𝐠 𝐨 𝐮
✧ Bakugou usually ignores Mineta when he’s like this. Paying attention to some sad little creep is a waste of time, and frankly he doesn’t usually care to stop his classmate’s behavior.
✧ Despite that, when Mineta starts talking about L/N, Katsuki finds himself listening quite closely, an irritated grimace on his face as the stupid grape-head rambles on about how he’d like to see her in the girl’s locker room.
✧ He sits near you in class, and just as you’re about to spin-kick Mineta into orbit, you hear Bakugou scoff, his glare directed right at Mineta. His expression is much harsher than usual, but it looks like he’s trying to play it ‘cool.’
✧ “Oi. Do you know how pathetic it is for you to be drooling after someone so far out of your league?”
✧ You’re kind of shocked. Sure, he’s more going after Mineta than complimenting you, but you didn’t expect Bakugou to get involved at all. You’re confused as to why he suddenly intervened, and you feel like you’re watching tennis as your head turns back and forth between the two.
✧ Mineta sputters out some excuse about how beauty needs to be admired, his usual creepy speech about how he’s merely a misunderstood appreciator of the female figure. Gag.
✧ Before you can get a word in, Bakugou cuts in again.
✧ “I’m sure her boyfriend would beat your wimpy little ass for saying that!”
✧ “My who?!”
✧ “L/N has a boyfriend?” Now it’s Kaminari chiming in, both disappointed and surprised. “Damn!”
✧ “Yeah, as a matter of fact, she does! And it’s not gonna be some damn extra like one of you!”
✧ Most of your classmates are now huddled around Katsuki’s desk, prying to hear the name of the mysterious boyfriend that you didn’t know you had. You’re just dumbfounded, staring speechless at Bakugou and wondering where the hell he was going with all of this.
✧ They’re all nagging him now, eyes wide as they asked how he knew, and who he was.
✧ You know exactly what he’s gonna do as soon as you see that stupid smug grin cross his face. “Bakugou, don’t you da-”
✧ “It’s ME! Now will all of you losers go back to minding your own business?!”
✧ Before anyone can react you’re dragging him by the ear out of the classroom, marching him down the hallway and ignoring his profane protests. You start interrogating him as soon as you’re alone, asking him what the hell was wrong with him, why he’d tell your entire class a lie that was obviously not true.
✧ Bakugou, as Bakugou does, gets angry and tells you that he was doing you a favor, and that you were lucky to even be associated with him like that. He expects a thank you, because now Mineta will leave you alone.
✧ He’s going on a whole angry rant about how he only did it to shut the kid up. HE IS SO SMUG.
✧ You cut him off with a kiss, and when you pull away, now it’s him asking you what your deal is.
✧ “I thought you were my boyfriend?” you remind him, blinking innocently. “Saturday. Pick me up at six, and don’t be late.” You walk away before he can really respond, and he starts yelling at you to ‘get back here right now!’
✧ Sure enough, 6PM on Saturday, he shows up outside your house.
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𝐤 𝐚 𝐦 𝐢 𝐧 𝐚 𝐫 𝐢
ϟ Kaminari and Mineta will occasionally scheme together, but not this time.
ϟ Denki has never really been interested in creeping on L/N the way Mineta has, and honestly sometimes he wants to electrocute his classmate just for looking at her.
ϟ It’s between lectures, and Aizawa isn’t in the room, so things are a chaotic mess, as per usual. Mineta is being Mineta and Kaminari is getting increasingly more irritated.
ϟ Mineta makes some weird crack about how he wants L/N all to himself, and Denki snaps.
ϟ You’re on the other side of the room, and Kaminari walks over to you, making sure that Mineta is watching before turning to you.
ϟ “Hey, L/N.” He’s clearly nervous out of his mind, and Jirou and Momo, who you had been talking to, are staring. His internal thoughts sound something like ‘WhatAmIDoingWhatAmIDoingWhatAmIDoing.’
ϟ “Come with me to the arcade later. I’ll pick you up.”
ϟ “Uh. . . Okay?” you laugh, face heating up slightly as you looked up at him. No big deal, your crush just asked you to go out somewhere with him. This is fine.
ϟ She said yes?!?!?
ϟ “Sweet! Then it’s a date!” he cheers, a grin spreading across his face. Part of him is exploding because he just scored a date with the hottest girl in Class 1-A. The other part of him is gloating over the fact that he just schooled Mineta.
ϟ  “Right! A date,” you echoed, smiling as your blush deepened.
ϟ  What you weren’t expecting was for him to lean over and kiss you before returning to his desk, his hands resting on his head.
ϟ  “WHAT WAS THAT?!” Mineta is completely dumbfounded and on the verge of tears. “Not! Fair! How long. . . How long have you been hiding this!”
ϟ “What can I say?” Denki laughed, acting as though he’d been confident and aloof the whole time. “Guess I’m just a catch.”
ϟ Mineta ever speaking about you again is sure to get him zapped, if you don’t manage to do something about it first.
ϟ No one except you and Denki (and Jirou, who totally figured it out by herself) know that you hadn’t really been dating.
ϟ To this day, the memory of that day still haunts Mineta.
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𝐤 𝐢 𝐫 𝐢 𝐬 𝐡 𝐢 𝐦 𝐚
♢ Eijirou already thinks Mineta’s whole shtick is pretty deplorable, so when it comes to Y/N, he’s always been a little extra touchy.
♢ Kirishima is a softie, but he’s not super great about expressing his feelings, so when anyone asks why he’s so specifically bothered by Mineta harassing you specifically, he defends himself by saying that the manly thing to do is to stand up to him.
♢ You’ve always sort of had a thing for Kirishima. After all, he always goes out of his way for you, whether Mineta is involved or not.
♢  Eijirou is practically your best friend, so you’re around each other more often than not, meaning that when Mineta is harassing you, Kirishima is most likely around to hear it.
♢ Most of the time he trusts that you can handle it yourself, it’s one of the things he likes about you. But sometimes, when Mineta goes too far, he steps in and makes sure to put the little scoundrel in his place.
♢ Today, it went too far.
♢ Usually, Mineta just stuck to words, and by now you’d learn how to deflect it. Today, though, was one of the few instances where Mineta just couldn’t keep his hands to himself.
♢ Your costume had been torn during training; it was nothing too scandalous, just your midriff had been revealed.
♢ Of course it was enough to make the grape-head lose his mind. He was all over you, and you were struggling to shove him off.
♢ “HEY.”
♢ You’re relieved to hear Kirishima’s voice, and soon Mineta is torn off of you and thrown harshly to the side, where Eijirou starts to yell at him.
♢ “What are you all bent out of shape about? Not like L/N is your girl or anything!” Mineta’s grating little voice argues.
♢ “As a matter of fact, she is. And even if she wasn’t, a real man would have helped her out anyway, you little creep!”
♢ You’re watching, somewhat shocked. Had Eijirou just called you his girl? Had he meant it?
♢ Mineta storms off in a jealous rage, and Kirishima smiles when he turns to you. “You good?”
♢ You nod, unsure of how to approach it. He barely even seemed like he’d remembered what he said. When you try to bring it up, he initially waves it off, but both of you know there’s definitely something more there.
♢ You ask him to meet you after school, and you’re impatiently watching the clock all day.
♢ You meet up in front of campus, and you start to ramble, not really sure what you’re saying but just trying to clear up whatever had happened.
♢ Kirishima cuts you off by pulling you close to him, his hand is on the side of your face. “I’m just gonna cut to the chase, ‘kay?”
♢ You’re dating from then on out, and literally none of your classmates are surprised.
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reinerispretty · 4 years
rotations. bonus! azula returns
(Y/N) was happy in her life. Being married to Zuko was better than she could have ever imagined. His stoic expression as Fire Lord faded away as soon as they were in private. She saw her friends as often as their schedules would allow, and enjoyed sitting at Zuko’s side in the throne room. But sometimes, she felt trapped within the palace walls. When she was young, she traveled the world. Now, the only time she traveled was for diplomatic affairs. She loved her life, but sometimes she longed for a new adventure. These were leftover feelings from her teenage life, it was obvious. She was an adult now, with adult responsibilities.
“Mommy?” A tiny voice called out. 
Responsibilities like the baby girl at the edge of her bed. It was early in the morning, around the time that she would normally wake up. (Y/N) slid out from underneath Zuko’s arms to look at her daughter. The three year old clutched a stuffed platybus bear that Iroh had given her for her last birthday. (Y/N) smiled at her little girl. “Hi, little blossom,” She whispered as she picked up Izumi and placed her in the bed between her and Zuko. She made herself comfortable in the plush sheets as she stared up at her mother. “How did you sleep?” 
“Good,” Izumi played with the bill of her platybus bear. “Daddy?” 
Zuko turned over and wrapped his arm around his child. She giggled as he peppered her face with kisses. “Good morning, Princess,” He said with a smile. His voice was husky from sleep, his eyes barely able to open in the morning light. (Y/N) leaned over to press a kiss to his cheek. 
“What’s your plan today?” Zuko asked as Izumi cuddled himself into his arms. (Y/N) shrugged. 
“I was thinking about maybe going on a picnic?” She looked at Zuko hopefully, but his sad expression made her pout. 
“I’ve got back to back meetings today. And tomorrow.” 
“And the day after that and for the rest of time,” (Y/N) said with a playful roll of her eyes. “I’d really like to get out of the palace for the day. Izumi, would you like to go on a picnic with Mommy?” 
“Icknick!” The little girl cheered, a bright smile on her features. 
“Where will you go?” Zuko asked. 
“I think I’ll take her to the hot springs behind the palace. It’s really beautiful this time of year.” 
Zuko exhaled. He grabbed (Y/N’s) hands and began playing with her fingers. “I wish I could go with you. Can I send some guards with you?” (Y/N) scoffed. 
“I’m pretty sure I can protect myself.” 
“Mommy firebend,” Izumi said to her father matter-of-factly. Zuko chuckled. 
“Mommy does it best,” Zuko agreed. (Y/N) smiled and took her daughter into her arms, sliding out of bed. 
“We’ll be back before dinner time,” She assured her husband as she kissed him. She left the room to get Izumi dressed. “Don’t go starting any wars,” She called to her husband from the hallway. 
“Very funny!” 
The hot springs were in a wooded area behind the palace, accessed only by a cobblestone path leading from the turtle duck pond. (Y/N) and Izumi walked together, both with a hand on the handle of the picnic basket. Izumi’s platybus bear toy dragged behind her on the ground. 
The hot spring steamed and bubbled in a stone pond. (Y/N) had grown up visiting it occasionally. She, Zuko, and Azula would take turns seeing who could last longest in the boiling water. Firebenders could withstand some of the highest heats, but Azula always won out in the end. 
(Y/N) shook her head to make the thought go away. It was hard, sometimes, to be in the palace. Memories popped back up without warning. And despite everything that had happened, sometimes she found herself missing her. She shoved it down as far as she could, but it still crawled up inside of her at the moments she least expected it. Like today. 
So she focused her attention on Izumi. She unfurled the picnic blanket and set the food the servants had prepared for them. Izumi ate sandwiches in the shapes of stars and moons. It was something the servants liked to do for her. She was the sweetest child the palace had seen in years. 
(Y/N) ate her sandwich and moved onto dessert: fruit tarts. She gave Izumi a tiny piece. “Did you know that these are how Daddy and I met?” 
Izumi took the piece between two fingers curiously. “Fuit dart,” She whispered to herself. (Y/N) smiled. 
“Yeah, fuit dart.” She gave her daughter a kiss on the forehead. 
Once they had finished eating, (Y/N) let Izumi run around while she basked in the sunlight. Like most firebenders, it revitalized her. It made her feel new again. She closed her eyes and tilted her face up to feel its warmth. 
“Swim!” Her eyes opened again to see Izumi standing at the edge of the hot spring. (Y/N) shook her head. 
“No, Izumi, we aren’t swimming today.” 
“Swim!” Izumi said again, stamping her foot on the ground. 
“I said no, Izumi.” The little girl began to cry. (Y/N) stood immediately and took her daughter into her arms, shushing her to calm her. She bounced around on her feet to soothe her. 
“Poor girl. She’s a princess, she should do what she wants.” 
(Y/N) felt her blood run cold. She clutched Izumi tightly and it was as if the little girl sensed her mother’s fear, because her cries fell into small shakes of her body as she recovered. (Y/N) turned around and found the last person she wanted to see at that moment. 
“Azula.” She set her jaw. She felt anger swell inside of her. Azula stared at her smugly. They hadn’t seen each other since she and Zuko had left ot find their mother. Azula had escaped from him and spent years on the run. (Y/N) had heard rumors of Azula gathering subjects for her cause, but what that cause was, she had no idea. 
“I see you’re not without any guards. Very irresponsible of Zuzu, don’t you think?” 
“I can handle myself. Or did you forget about our Agni Kai?” 
She watched Azula’s eye twitch, ever so slightly. “A stroke of luck on your part. I’d be happy to go again. Or perhaps little Izumi would like to try her hand at firebending?” 
(Y/N) held her daughter closer to her. “I’m only teasing. I know she can’t firebend.” 
“What are you doing here, Azula?” 
“It’s been too long since we’ve seen each other, wouldn’t you agree?” 
(Y/N) had to admit that she was scared. She was here, alone, with her daughter and Azula. Even if she fought Azula, Izumi was too small to know that she should stay out of the way of the flames. (Y/N) thought she had been angry when Azula hurt Zuko, but if she hurt Izumi...
Azula sighed and rolled her eyes. “I’m here because I wanted to see her. It hurts, not being invited to the wedding, but it hurt more not being told I had a niece.” 
(Y/N) furrowed her brows. “You wanted to see her?” 
“Yes, (Y/N), is that so hard to believe?”
“It is, Azula, considering our history.” Azula scoffed, flicking her hair over her shoulder. 
“I’ve never lied to you.” 
“You’re lying right now!” 
Azula sighed, reaching into her pocket. She pulled out the crown worn by the crown princess of the Fire Nation. She extended her arm out to (Y/N) in offering. “I brought this for her.” 
Cautiously, (Y/N) crept forward to take the crown from Azula’s hand. She put it in the pocket of her robes. She wasn’t sure if Azula was above lacing things with poison. 
“Motherhood has made you overly cautious.” 
“No, I think it was my childhood friends trying to kill me.” 
“You forgave Zuko. Why can’t you forgive me?” 
(Y/N) opened her mouth to speak, but she couldn’t. She found herself at a loss for words. How could she explain to Azula that the things she had done were unforgivable.
“You tried to kill me, Azula. You tried to kill the people I love.” 
“And why wasn’t I one of those people, hm?” Azula snapped. “Every single day you chose someone else over me. First it was Zuko. Then it was the Avatar and his friends.” 
“I never chose anyone over you, Azula. You chose the Fire Nation.” 
“And you betrayed me!” Azula’s eyes danced with anger. (Y/N) swallowed the lump in her throat. Izumi held on tightly to her mother’s robes. 
“I didn’t betray you, Azula. I never wanted to leave you. Your father forced my family to leave. And then I saw the horrible things our nation was doing to people. Everything we had ever believed was a lie.” 
Azula’s eyes brimmed with tears. She wasn’t sure how to feel. She had seen (Y/N) and Izumi alone and her first instinct was to talk to them. She hadn’t planned this far ahead. 
“I never wanted to leave you,” (Y/N) said again. “But you did some horrible things.” 
“You think I’m a monster, just like everyone else.” (Y/N) shook her head. 
“I don’t think you’re a monster. I think you were confused and had no one to be there for you. You are one of the people I love, Azula. You’re just lost.” 
“Don’t throw that word around like that?” (Y/N) stared at her in confusion. “Love. You don’t love me, (Y/N), I love you.” 
“I love you! I’ve loved you since we were children and you never saw it, you never realized. You were too focused on Zuko to even give me the time of day.” 
(Y/N) looked at the ground. “I never knew.” She said quietly. 
“I know. So believe me when I say that the only reason I am here is for Izumi. I just wanted to see her.” 
(Y/N) looked back up to see Azula’s face. She was an excellent liar, but (Y/N’s) heart told her that she was telling the truth. About everything. So she took a step forward until they were arm’s length away. 
“Izumi,” She said to her daughter. “This is Aunt Azula. Can you say Azula?” 
Izumi stared shyly at her aunt. “Zula,” She said quietly. (Y/N) watched as Azula broke into a genuine smile, her eyes watering. 
“Hello, little princess.” Hesitantly, she reached out to touch Izumi. Her small palm wrapped against Azula’s finger. 
“Zula,” Izumi said again, quite seriously. 
(Y/N) looked at the sky to see the sun was beginning to set. She turned back to Azula. “Zuko will be expecting us soon.” 
“Don’t tell him,” Azula stared into (Y/N’s) eyes. 
“I won’t. I promise.” 
(Y/N) and Izumi returned to the palace a little before dinner. They found Zuko in the throne room, his presence full of advisors. He dismissed them as soon as he saw his wife and daughter. 
Izumi giggled as she ran up to her father. She jumped into his arms and he lifted her high above her head. “How was your picnic?” 
“Very good,” (Y/N) said, the smile on her lips tight. Zuko stared at her for a moment, but decided to let it go. Perhaps Izumi had been difficult today. 
“Zula!” Izumi said happily. (Y/N’s) stomach dropped. “Zula! Zula!”
“What’s she saying?” 
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