#sociology classes in high school and she was like okay i see what you mean...like yeah of course you do because i'm right
comradekatara · 3 months
In your modern au who in the gang goes to college/grad school and what subjects do they study? would they end up at schools close to home or go far away? How do there relationships change after highschool and with people moving away?
okay wow that’s a great question but also. a lot.
aang is a year below katara so his top choice school is just. the school katara goes to. it’s small and affordable and he studies philosophy and religion (but also takes any sort of fun elective offered to him) and joins a lot of clubs and makes a lot of friends and generally just has a nice time. he and katara overlap for three years but after she graduates they still live together, so he basically sees her every day anyway. it’s nice :)
katara genuinely considers not going to college but then she gets a sports scholarship she’d be a fool to reject so she’s like “fine, i’ll go, but i’m gonna phone it in the entire time.” she assumes that college will basically just be like high school, yet another prison where she will be forced to do math against her will. but she actually finds that she kind of enjoys some of her classes, and she can devote way more time to sports, and azula isn’t there (a weight has been lifted off her shoulders truly), and she actually meets a whole group of people who don’t find her intimidating and abrasive, but instead share her interests and actually organize with her. also, the fact that sokka isn’t there means that she doesn’t constantly have to compare herself to an impossible standard, and she finds that she actually enjoys learning when she gets to go at her own pace. and in fact…. she’s actually a great writer???? and really enjoys theory and philosophy and criticism and history and sociology and literature????? and she might actually be really fucking smart????? she graduates with honors. but there’s absolutely no way she’s pursuing grad school lmao. everyone knows that shit is a scam.
sokka goes to princeton for undergrad because, and i quote, “it’s nearby.” full ride, obviously. he double majors in physics and engineering, and also accidentally fulfills an art history minor without even noticing. everyone assumes that he’ll get a phd (at least one), but katara keeps insisting that grad school is a scam and so is the ivy league. and it’s not even that sokka necessarily disagrees with her, he just thinks that those are bold words coming from the girl who fell for a pyramid scheme. twice.
zuko goes to a small liberal arts college for undergrad and spends years attempting to justify his choice of going to a smaller, slightly less prestigious school by majoring in something dignified and respectable, like econ or business or engineering. none of which he is any good at. but eventually, after enough time spent beyond ozai’s purview, zuko just goes “fuck it” and double majors in theater and classics. his focus is on ancient greek drama. he then does a poetry mfa wherein he attempts to write on earth we’re briefly gorgeous without just rewriting on earth we’re briefly gorgeous (many such cases). he complains about his program constantly and how fake and pretentious it all is, but anyone who knows him can tell that it’s clearly the most fun he’s ever had.
suki doesn’t go to college. she figures that there’s no point in blowing money she doesn’t have and wasting precious valuable years of her time getting a fancy little bachelor’s degree she’ll never use for a job that doesn’t actually require one. and she doesn’t have any adult figures in her life to convince her that college is necessary (although sokka does spend a full week going “but are you sure…?” before suki realizes that she can just shut him up forever by claiming she can’t afford it). she continues to teach at the dojo, but because she basically already lives in her truck, she’s always driving over to princeton to crash in sokka’s dorm. she spends a lot of time just hanging out in the library while he does work, and finds that she doesn’t even need to go to classes to learn new things by herself. it’s funny how a formal education can make learning seem so much less interesting than it actually is. if she had actually gone to college, she probably would’ve spent the entire time blowing off classes and doing as little work as possible, but since she has no incentive to learn, she actually does. by the time sokka has graduated, suki is basically qualified to practice medicine, could tell you the entire history of the inca empire, and is basically an expert in mycology. and it didn’t cost a cent.
toph considers suki an inspiration, and by the time she graduates, she is already so estranged from her parents that she also has the agency to just blow off that whole thing. she moves in with sokka and mai and just follows them around. she sits in on their lectures whenever she feels like it (they claim she is mai’s little sister who is visiting her), and otherwise just kind of lounges about. occasionally sokka will be like “you know you could’ve just… gone to this school, right??? you’re literally a child prodigy and your parents are crazy rich.” to which toph just shrugs like “yeah……but nah.”
mai goes to princeton with sokka. it wasn’t even her top choice school, but once she realized that it’s where sokka was going, she couldn’t think of anywhere else that she would rather be. they’re roommates since freshman year and are basically inseparable. everyone assumes they’re dating, but sokka’s like “nah she’s gay, she’s just really clingy :)” which mai hates because he’s totally ruining her street cred. she’s a cs major, but she basically accumulates the credits for a math minor, a physics minor, and an english minor because all the cs classes are so easy for her (she first taught herself how to code when she was like six). sokka somehow convinces her to join his physics program for grad school, but after a year she drops out because she finds it so miserable. they continue living together, of course, while mai gets really into making esoteric indie games. zuko doesn’t really understands how video games work, but she still bounces her ideas off him because he’s the most ruthless critic she knows.
ty lee goes to college because it’s the sort of thing a girl from a decently respectable family does, but she’s pretty envious of suki’s lifestyle and wishes she could just blow off the entire thing. she goes to a decent school, one that appears acceptable on resumes but not so elite that it will raise any employer’s standards too high; she enjoys being underestimated. being in an entirely new environment gives her the opportunity to test out new personas free of consequence, and eventually she realizes that she’s kind of wasting her talents by pretending to be dumber than she is, so she actually applies herself and does really well. but then she gets bored of applying herself because now everyone expects too much of her and she misses when a B was considered a good grade. she’s technically a dance major because it’s the only thing she does consistently across three years (she graduates early), but she goes through different phases where she’s really into various fields, including but not limited to: abnormal psych, quantum physics, philosophical ethics, north african literature, microbiology, and women’s rugby. she keeps in touch with azula, mai, and suki, but she also just goes through phases of avoiding contact with all her former friends entirely. it’s fun to be aloof.
and last but certainly not least, azula goes to harvard for undergrad, and then harvard law. in fact, there is no other school azula could ever go to. even if she had lived on the other side of the globe, and not new jersey (or as she likes to call it, “manhattan”), azula would still go to harvard. she truly believes that it is the only school on earth capable of withstanding her towering intellect. anyone who found her insufferable in high school is in for a rude surprise once they realize that within a semester, harvard has somehow made her ten times worse. she’s technically pre-law, but she also studies pre-med and engineering, just in case. which is far too much for any one human to handle, and she ends up suffering a nervous breakdown during junior year where she eats nothing but cheetos for a week straight and tries to cut her own bangs with a pair of kiddie scissors. zuko and sokka go to cambridge to stage an intervention (mai and ty lee were too busy washing their hair that weekend) and help her out. you can tell it’s bad because she actually agrees to go to therapy. eventually she gets through it and decides to take a gap year before law school. she spends her gap year as a paralegal at a highly prestigious firm, and within the first couple years of graduating law school, she makes junior partner there. and they never speak of the cheetos and uneven bangs incident ever again.
in terms of who keeps in touch with whom, obviously mai, sokka, suki, and toph still hang out all the time after high school. mai and sokka are roommates for their entire twenties basically, and toph and suki pretty much also live with them. mai and sokka move to new york after princeton. and after zuko graduates, he also moves in with them. aang and katara sort of resist the idea of living in a big city, and instead decide to travel the world after aang graduates. but then when they go to visit sokka & co. katara realizes that it’s always secretly been her lifelong dream to work at a really cute little overpriced coffeeshop in brooklyn, and so she and aang get an apartment in like. red hook or something. ty lee actually moves to california, so they all assume they won’t see her often, but she flies back every time one of her sisters has a birthday, so they actually run into her pretty frequently. eventually she moves back to the east coast, and pretty soon after that she and mai uhaul together. none of them really hear from azula except for mai and ty lee, who are in a semi-active groupchat with her. but she and zuko reconnect after ozai’s funeral, and she gradually befriends the rest of the gaang, even if she never quite gets along with katara. so yeah, there are a few years where most of them don’t really talk to one another, but eventually they do manage to reconnect and stay in each other’s lives. they do all make other friends though. god could you imagine.
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pennylanewrites · 3 years
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I got seven different asks about the College AU so here are some headcanons I have about them! (imagine aiura is in the picture I couldn’t find a good one with all of them)
I definitely didn’t mean to make this so long but I can’t help it I love them all so much<3
Saiki Kusuo
→ marine!!!biology!!!major!!!!!!!!
→ doesn’t need to study but he still does bc he finds marine life so fascinating
→ read all of his textbooks on the first day bc he was so excited eeeek
→ always wears his germanium ring in class so he can stay hashtag focused
→ him and aiura have to bail toritsuka(didn’t go to college) out of jail once a month
→ speaking of aiura, she somehow has convinced him to go on a date on five different occasions
→ i think after high-school he realised he didn’t mind a kind of casual not-relationship with her
→ lets her hug him to greet him and sometimes he hugs back bc college boys stare a lot and he is just worried for her okay?
→ maybe I’m just projecting bc I kin aiura
→ does not go to parties unless he absolutely has to
→ if he does go to a party he’ll drink something quietly in a corner, just watching the crowd
→ a perv laced Teruhashi’s drink and almost lured her up the stairs so of fucking course Kusuo sprinted to help her, holding her on the way home bc men are drawn to her like bees to honey
→ she didn’t let him live it down ever
→ he rented a studio apartment and keeps it super clean, minimum clutter but enough to look lived in
→ cooks amazing food that Nendo smells from upstairs and next thing you know, they’re all bringing chairs to Kusuo’s apartment and have dinner
→ nothing excuses the fact he makes at least eight servings every time–
→ such a dad to everyone honestly
→ usually studies at a library or teleports back home if there’s a big test
→ mrs. saiki was banned from visiting every two days but she still ends up there somehow
→ not that he minds bc he’s the biggest mama’s boy ever
→ probably graduates a year early
→ doesn’t move away even though he got a job at the aquarium at the other side of the city help–
Kaidou Shun
→ fine arts major you can NOT change my mind
→ doesn’t do good in theoretical subjects but mans can draw some good bowls of fruit
→ wears those stained from the paints t-shirts all the time bc ‘no they’re not dirty it’s art!’
→ him and aren have small designated spaces in their apartment so they can focus on their hobbies/studying
→ his corner at the living room has newspapers on the floor to protect it from the splattering paint, some canvases propped up on the wall and a lot of unfinished projects
→ hides all of them when Nendou comes over
→ can not cook or clean to save his life
→ so he calls his mum to help clean up when Aren is at work
→ got over his 8th grader syndrome at some point
→ still wears red bandages bc he’s edgy
→ volunteers at the neighborhood exhibit centre
→ got asked to showcase his own works for a night and hasn’t shut up about it since
→ goes to yumehara for relationship advice and braids her hair as a thank you
→ couples sleepovers with Yumehara and Teruhashi (yes they’re dating shut up)
→ always makes something for Aren at special occasions (birthdays, anniversaries etc)
→ at first he went back home every saturday bc he missed his family :(
→ Aren helps him get over it though!!!!
Nendou Riki
→ got in on a sports scholarship
→ we already know he couldn’t be accepted in a college otherwise
→ in the chiropractic major bc he wants to be one of those athlete doctors
→ has failed way too many exams and classes
→ Hairo helps him so much though!!!
→ the last one in the group to graduate but somehow gets a job first (excluding Saiki)
→ him and hairo get up at 5 am for jogging or to hit the gym
→ and then he goes and gets noodles bc ‘if noodles aren’t for breakfast why do shops open at 6 am?’
→ hasn’t stepped foot in class in months
→ he gets decent grades after failing the first semester and it’s totally not Saiki’s doing
→ he ends up signing up for way too many clubs
→ attends all of the meetings and has so many friends through them
→ I would be his friend too in college honestly
→ a fraternity wanted to get him bc he’s so good at sports
→ he declined bc he does not understand how fraternities even work
→ is the life of EVERY SINGLE PARTY change my mind you can’t
→ whatever you do don’t imagine nendo surprising his boyfriend with flowers after every practice
→ *dies cutely*
Kuboyasu Aren
→ idk I just think he would enjoy Marx’s Capital
→ debate club? hell yeah
→ gets in philosophical conversations at the school yard for HOURS
→ kaidou has to drag him away
→ only shops at thrift stores and makes coffee at home bc “capitalism is not accepted in this household”
→ rides his motorcycle to college even though he lives five minutes away
→ grew his hair out in a mullet again and he looks *chef’s kiss*
→ thought he would be moving too fast if he asked Kaidou to rent an apartment together
→ aiura convinced him it was fine
→ cooks kaidou’s favorite foods every day
→ participates in student rallies, human rights protests etc etc
→ comes home with bruises and kaidou thinks he looks so hot but still yells at him
→ Aren’s favorite place to study is his balcony or at a coffee shop
→ always with kaidou! cute boyfriends who do everything together!!
→ gets so drunk when they go out
→ drunk karaoke with kokomi yes yes yes
Hairo Kineshi
→ did someone say Athletic Training?
→ does every single sport and is amazing at it
→ will cheer for his bf if they have a game at the same time though
→ it was his idea to move in together bc ‘hey we’ve been dating for three years now might as well’
→ volunteers at a nearby elementary as a coach for the kids
→ wants to be a P.E. Teacher and he’s going to be great at it
→ does everything he can at campus
→ helping random clubs, making posters, cleaning up the hallways, helping the cheer squad with their new routine
→ dances ballet as a hobby even though he’s so good at it that he could be a professional
→ makes everything a competition with Nendo so they never get bored
→ once made everyone get up to jog with them and they ended up sleeping on random benches while Hairo and Nendo were halfway across town
→ will punch someone if he sees them catcalling a girl
→ doesn’t drink at all and eats super healthy
→ designated driver for the group’s outings downtown
Aiura Mikoto
→ is so good at stage acting it’s unreal
→ lands the lead role almost every time
→ is also an amazing singer so she gets great roles in musicals as well
→ doesn’t have to get a job bc she gets all her money from doing readings on campus
→ gets coffees and pastries from all the coffee shops around campus and sits Kusuo down so he can taste them
→ they have a little taste-testing date in his apartment until they decide none of them are as good as the ones at Cafe Mami
→ she totally doesn’t make him teleport there every morning and he totally doesn’t listen to her
→ moved in with chiyo bc they wanted a nice place that they couldn’t afford on their own
→ teruhashi told them to move in with her but they already loved their little place
→ aiura’s bedroom is the most comfortable and cozy room ever
→ their apartment is also the hang out spot for the group bc it’s just so homey
→ hangs out with her theatre group a lot, especially after class
→ they can’t compare to her friends though:(
→ everyone goes to her when they’re worried and she loves it bc she’s the mummy of the group
→ she makes everyone coffee and their comfort food before big exams:)
Yumehara Chiyo
→ psychology major one thousand percent
→ you know how they say that people choose psychology bc they don’t know what major they want?
→ that’s exactly what happened except she fell in love with it immediately
→ such a good student!!!
→ always does her assignments on time and still manages to have a social life
→ teruhashi asked her out at the end of their first semester and that’s the first time chiyo missed a deadline
→ practically lives with teruhashi, insisting it’s just to leave aiura alone
→ she’s just IN LOVE OKAY?????
→ would want to be a sorority girl at first
→ changed her mind when she realized how much shit they all talked
→ her and kaidou drink wine and talk about their relationships and studies
→ she’s so sleep deprived it’s unreal
→ she doesn’t need sleep anymore though
→ coffee is her best friend
→ makes asks Aiura for readings twice a week
→ brings all her psychology friends home and they analyze their textbooks
→ once she got the hang of it, she decided to examine Kusuo
→ she told him he needs actual medical evaluation
→ he almost threw her out the window when she offered some Xanax for his nerves
→ chiyo is a neat freak one hundred percent
→ hates when Aiura throws everything on the floor, but she loves cleaning
→ opens her own office after school
Teruhashi Kokomi
→ lesbian doctor :)
→ just wanted to get away from her perv brother at first
→ she always wanted to be a doctor though, preferably a neurosurgeon
→ she’s super duper smart and hates when she gets good grades bc of her good looks:(
→ makes it her goal to show her professors that she’s more than a beautiful girl
→ hasn’t failed a single exam
→ helps everyone with their studies even though she’s drowning in work
→ drops the perfect girl image at college and decides she should try and aim for something normal
→ gets invited to every single party
→ in a knitting club bc it would get disbanded without one more member
→ knits!!!matching!!!sweaters!!!for all of her friends!!!
→ asked Chiyopipi out while drunk
→ never regretted it though
→ her and aren get so drunk when they go out with the group
→ it’s honestly unreal how much they can drink before passing out
→ has to get carried home
→ wakes up after getting drunk and runs to her class before remembering it’s Sunday
→ her penthouse has the perfect view of the sunset and sunrise and is all she could ask for in life
→ does get lonely so she’s practically living with Chiyo and Aiura
→ once she realized she didn’t like boys she made it her goal to get Saiki and Aiura together
→ people wonder how she has so much time to play matchmaker and volunteer while she’s in premed
→ does her internship at a hospital
→ ends up working there as a neurosurgeon after her Doctorate degree
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fa-by · 3 years
warning this is big. just to clarify. i’m not a hater nor a shipper. i just happen to be a part of this fandom for a very long time, and i luckily witnessed many stuff back in the 5H days. i came across one of your posts about the laucy storyline and how it’s supposed to be a fake relationship and i can’t help but thinking, why do you skip so many parts of the story? like i get that y’all have certain opinions about this thing being a coverage for camila and lauren’s relationship but why do you skip so many important details which could validate lauren’s feelings towards lucy? just to be a little more specific back in 2015 when lucy reunited with lauren after the incident, before the rumors of their relationship even started, i remember lauren reblogging many shit on tumblr about long distance relationships and how distance means nothing if you truly love someone. of course at that time when laucy as a ship wasn’t even a thing, camren shippers obviously connected these posts to camila but now that we know the story as told by lauren it makes sense that most of these reblogs were about lucy since they were rarely together due to lauren moving around all the time. thus i don’t know if you remember but again in 2015 there was this girl who went to the same school as lucy and admitted that lauren and lucy used to date in middle school, also i think around that time someone posted that photo of lauren and lucy in sociology class if i’m not mistaken . and mind you that all these were before all these laucy rumors gained attention. it was mostly curiosity that led all these lauren girls and camren shippers to find out more about lucy and what part she played in lauren’s life. now with all this added information to your timeline, my question to you is what could possibly stop lauren and lucy from having a fling from 7th grade to lucy’s moving in 2012? i mean lauren might’ve said that she fell in love with her best friend at 15 but she also said that she had an on and off relationship with her for years and many hookups until she finally came to terms with her feelings. so what doesn’t fit here? lauren and lucy could’ve started messing around at 12 until 15 years old and only when lucy left for puerto rico lauren realised she had feelings for her. oh and also i don’t know why you guys keep pushing that narrative but lauren and camila were not best friends in 2012, maybe they did later on but certainly not in 2012. sure they became really close due to x factor but it is impossible for them to become best friends over a few months of knowing each other, like do you guys meet someone and immediately call them your best friend after only a few months of knowing each other? how can you put so much trust in someone over four or five months of knowing them in order to call them your best friend? even lauren herself referred to camila as a very good friend of hers, not best friend. my point is, lauren and lucy had an actual background whilst camila and lauren didn’t, which is why i do believe that lauren had an actual relationship with lucy. and one more thing, maybe i don’t believe that camila was romantically involved with lauren but that doesn’t mean i think she’s straight. hell no. lastly i didn’t come here with the intention to change your opinion about camila and lauren’s relationship, but i did want to remind shippers some things they tend to ignore just to validate a ship which in my opinion is non existent.
I had already answered this ask up here with this post https://fa-by.tumblr.com/post/655883320751702016/for-the-anon-lucy-shipper-who-sent-me-that-long, but whoever sent it to me wasn't satisfied with the answer and sent me another one (which you'll find later in this post). Now I'm speaking directly to you, Anon.
So, let's start with the first one. Let's go in order piece by piece since in the second ask you said that I didn't answer any of your arguments:
- “I'm not a hater nor a shipper” You're not a hater nor a shipper, yet you're here in my blog, a CS blog, to talk and to not so low-key support Laucy. That's why I mentioned you in that way in my last post.
- “why do you skip so many parts of the story?” As I mentioned in the last post, I didn't skip anything important.
- “y'all have certain opinions”. We CS? Why do you first speak in the plural and then only speak to me if you're only talking to me in the first place? I hope that now that I've pointed this out to you, you've realized how that y’all sounds, not a hater nor a shipper Anon.
- “i remember lauren reblogging many shit on tumblr about long distance relationships and how distance means nothing if you truly love someone. of course at that time when laucy as a ship wasn’t even a thing, camren shippers obviously connected these posts to camila but now that we know the story as told by lauren it makes sense that most of these reblogs were about lucy since they were rarely together due to lauren moving around all the time” /// “Now that we know the story as told by Lauren”. Exactly. As told by Lauren, aka the fake story they've been trying to get her to sell for years. Story for a cover. Story full of flaws that don't add up and will never add up in the stories they're gonna declare. Story that precisely for this reason, is and will be modified more and more in order to adapt perfectly to the Camren one to explain and give a sense also of the songs. Story proven over and over again to be PR with real proofs. If you want to believe those reblogs were for Lucy, it's your choice, Anon. I'm certainly not gonna tell you that you can't believe in what you want. Everyone is free to believe in what they want and have their own opinion.
- “thus i don’t know if you remember but again in 2015 there was this girl who went to the same school as lucy and admitted that lauren and lucy used to date in middle school”. So let me get this straight, you just happen to be a part of this fandom for a very long time, and you luckily witnessed many stuff back in the 5H days but you don't know how many people have invented things to get attention and how many others got involved for distribute bullshit for the narrative? You say you were there, and you don't know that this was part of the rumors (not only on L, but also on C and the other girls) that were proven wrong so much so that this information was also removed from the internet? And you say you were there? But more importantly, you prefer to believe something you read (which was even debunked) without a shred of proof just because it validates what you believe? You prefer believing a person who said she knew them just for the attention and who didn't even live in Miami? Ahh. Okay then. It's your choice. But what about what someone who really was in Lauren's circle said? Someone who really knew them and went to school with them (and who, to me, didn't act like a friend in that case)?
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You didn't believe her, did you? Of course not. Because it didn't validate what you believe in.
- “also i think around that time someone posted that photo of lauren and lucy in sociology class if i’m not mistaken . and mind you that all these were before all these laucy rumors gained attention”. Regarding the picture, I already proven to you in the last post that it was exactly to get attention and that it was during the PR.
- “Now with all this added information”. I'm sorry, what information? You mean the things I've proven to you to be false or you mean your opinions which are just opinions that actually prove nothing?
- “my question to you is what could possibly stop lauren and lucy from having a fling from 7th grade to lucy’s moving in 2012?”. Oh, let's see. Maybe the fact that she was still young and only in middle school started to realize that she liked girls, but she understood it 100% only later during high school? [If you read my post like you say you did, then you know how I think it really went between them. And this connects to that] Maybe the fact that having gone to those kinds of Catholic schools and having a believing family, she had: “I had homophobia deeply ingrained into my system”? Maybe the fact that “The girls in my social realm, if they even thought you were gay, you were ridiculed beyond belief”? Maybe the fact of how she was mocked at school because she was too confident, too sincere, and too honest, and people didn't like that and therefore that was one of the reasons why she thought there was something wrong with her and that she had to suppress ​this part of herself because she really wanted to integrate so much? Maybe the fact that one of her irrational fears still today is what other people think of her? Maybe the fact that she's always been a people pleaser and wanted people to like her because she couldn't accept that people despised her? Maybe the fact that wanting to adapt and consequently having to suppress herself, obviously also included her being queer? Maybe the fact that she didn't want to be a disappointment to her family, friends, acquaintances at school, and even God since she'd been inculcated with these ideas of not being a sinner and an abomination since she was a child? Not to mention that “from 7th grade” is impossible because Lauren hadn't even given her first kiss yet.
I hope you know that these are not my opinions or theories but words that came out of her mouth on more than one occasion. Although I don’t know if that’s validated enough for you. I mean, I'm still a little bit confused, you know? I’m still trying to figure out because, apparently, your opinions count as proofs and are validated for you, but the actual proofs aren't, right?
- “i mean lauren might’ve said that she fell in love with her best friend at 15 but she also said that she had an on and off relationship with her for years and many hookups until she finally came to terms with her feelings. so what doesn’t fit here?”. Oh, let's see. Everything she said about her that doesn't match her at all but that does match Camila? Even just the fact that she said how much she loved the part of Lucy that was so confident about who she really was when Lucy herself even lately said the exact opposite by automatically debunking everything Lauren said. Or the simple fact that Laur said she'd been in love with her all those years but broke up with her only a little over a month after they were official to get together with Ty. I mean, what?? Who does something like that if they were truly in love?
I've already explained this, but I will repeat it. How can you have been in love with someone for so many years, broke up with them because they were a toxic person, and immediately get together with an even more toxic person without having the proper time to heal? Without taking the time for yourself to lick your wounds, grow up, be ready again to throw yourself out there, and eventually find a better person to be in a relationship with? How? Simple. Because they were both fake relationships. The timing they wanted to tell is not credible. None of what they've said is believable, and luckily, there's also enough evidence to prove it so these are not opinions and theories.
Not to mention that Lucy had two relationships during and after her PR with Laur (2016 Sarah Scott Narcise, before dating Nicole Marie Rendón in March 2017).
So, yes, Anon. You asked a super right question. “so what doesn't fit here?”. Lucy. Lucy is the one that doesn't fit here. Lucy is the answer. Laur is still obliged to make people believe that Lucy is the ONLY girl she's ever been in love with. Period. Without ifs and buts. It's up to you and anyone else to try to see the truth behind the lies they're forced to sell.
- “lauren and lucy could’ve started messing around at 12 until 15 years old”. Again. Impossible since she was 12, and for me, so just my opinion, not after meeting Camila. And certainly not from 2015 onwards because it was just for PR and there are actual proofs. Whether you want to believe it or not.
- “oh and also i don’t know why you guys keep pushing that narrative but lauren and camila were not best friends in 2012, maybe they did later on but certainly not in 2012. sure they became really close due to x factor but it is impossible for them to become best friends over a few months of knowing each other, like do you guys meet someone and immediately call them your best friend after only a few months of knowing each other? how can you put so much trust in someone over four or five months of knowing them in order to call them your best friend?” Again with the plural, Anon? They were always attached to each other hip, and not only during the X-Factor interviews and the episodes of the program itself, they were also outside of it. They were very but very often at each other's home. Their parents hanged out, with or without them. The two of them, DNA, and anyone who knew them, always said how quickly they became friends from the boot camp also thanks to the fact that they lived in the same city. There are billions of proofs around out there. And then, I'm sorry. I don't know your age and I don't know you, Anon, but I think you remember what it was like at that age. It's so much easier to become friends with someone and become attached to them precisely because you are that young.
And you forget one fundamental thing. You forget how different it was for them. You forget how they were five teenage girls basically alone against the world (despite their parents trying to be as present as possible) and how this made them even closer together. Not to mention that the two of them were the ones who had the most things in common and that this brought them even closer; not just Miami.
Your topic doesn't apply in this case, both because of their age and because of their particular circumstances. I would've been super in agreement with you if we were talking about two people who have just met in a more adult age and not in the middle of adolescence, and under more normal circumstances especially.
- “even lauren herself referred to camila as a very good friend of hers, not best friend”. Please tell me you didn’t actually mention something that came out of Laur’s lips about Mila and Lucy during that podcast? Please tell me you understood that she had to play a part? …at this point, I don't really know whether to laugh or be worried… You believe in Laucy and not in Camren because it makes more sense to you, okay. It's your choice. But please, tell me you can tell the difference between maneuvered Laur and genuine Laur? ……… You have to learn to recognize when she's following a script, Anon. I'm saying it for you. You're gonna need it, especially in the future.
- “maybe i don’t believe that camila was romantically involved with lauren but that doesn’t mean i think she’s straight. hell no”. We agree on something at least.
- “lastly i didn’t come here with the intention to change your opinion about camila and lauren’s relationship, but i did want to remind shippers some things they tend to ignore just to validate a ship which in my opinion is non existent” /// “i didn’t come here with the intention to change your opinion about camila and lauren’s relationship”. That's exactly what it looks like actually. Especially for someone who pointed out “I'm not a hater nor a shipper” as the first thing. How generous and thoughtful of you, not Laucy shipper, to come to a CS blog for wanting to try to remind us things already explained and proven just to validate a ship which in your opinion was more existent than Camren.
- “i did want to remind shippers some things they tend to ignore”. And you seem to want to ignore all the proofs there are there just because, and I quote what my girlfriend told me when I made her read your first ask: “as with the showmila shitshow, it's easier to believe it because everything is prepared to point people in that direction”. *Love u and your brain, mi amor 😍🥰😘*
Let's move on to the second ask now, shall we? Step by step again.
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- “hey i was waiting for your reply. 1st of all as i said when i sent you that ask, i’m not a shipper lol. i couldn’t care less about ships”. You keep saying that you're not a shipper, but you do act like one and you're here again. You couldn’t care less about ships, but you're here! In a Camren Shipper blog! By reading posts about something you couldn't care less about. By sending asks about something you couldn't care less about, and even waiting for a reply. You don't see anything ironic or, I don't know, contradictory here?
- “i only want my fav to be happy with whoever the fuck she wants. idgaf if that person is camila or lucy or whoever”. You only want your fav to be happy with whoever the fuck she wants and you don’t give a fuck if that person is Camila or Lucy or.. Kris? No, wait. Ty? Is Ty okay? And what about Brad? Or maybe you’d prefer more fetuses? Luis? Keaton? Before all the PRs the fame? So, Paul (14/and just turned 15 years old)? Dominic (her first kiss at 13 in 8th grade)? Her first boyfriend for whom she was cyberbullied at the age of 11 in 6th grade by fake friends who created an entire Facebook page about her with pictures and calling her a slut just because she agreed to be his girlfriend? Or the kid she had a crush on in 4th grade in front of which she peed on herself and who, despite being obviously very embarrassing for her, became her little boyfriend the next day? I mean, I don't know the names of the last two, but they're okay, right? The important thing is that they're not Camila *Simon, is that you?* because you don't believe it, right? Oh no, wait. You said you couldn’t care less about ships. Shit, sorry. My bad.
- “but it really triggers me when you guys don’t value lauren’s words and boundaries”. Oh, wait, wait, wait, wait. So you're here because we- No, wait. Because I- No, wait. This plural when you're actually talking to me confuses me because it gives me the feeling that you're not only attacking me, but all the rest of the CS as well when in reality you should know that we're all different. Plus, you're on my blog. But anyway. Let me try again. So you're here because I don't value Laur's words and boundaries? You mean the narrative's words and boundaries? And besides that, loving and respecting her both as an artist and above all as a person, and following her on social media without ever bothering her, never, not even with a single comment, makes me someone who doesn't value Laur's words and boundaries? ME? Me, who has ‘scolded’ all those who do it? Me, who always says to be respectful and to be kind and spread kindness at the end of almost all my posts? Me, who chose Tumblr on purpose because it's not like the other social networks at all? Me, who doesn't even want my posts to come out of here? 🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣 Ahh, okay.
Did you know that before some mutuals helped me with the situation, I was about to leave Tumblr precisely because that first post of mine ended up on Twitter? Did you know that I was pissed off because not only did they post it without permission, but because there was the link that led here (even though it was a mutual's blog) and my initial as a signature? Yeah, you read it right. It was only the initial of my name, yet, I didn't want and still don't want to be involved in any way publicly. You don't even know me, yet you dare to judge without knowing? Oh and, please. Don't come after by saying that you weren't referring to me and that you were just generalizing because even if it were true, I repeat, this is my blog and you're talking to me.
- “secondly i really don’t know why you didn’t post my ask like you did with everyone else and just chose to refer to me as a lucy shipper and proceeded to talk about what i said without context. and lastly i really don’t get what point you’re trying to prove with your post about my ask because you legit didn’t reply to any of my arguments” /// “i really don’t know why you didn’t post my ask like you did with everyone else”. Wanna know why? I did it because my very first post already answers the whole Laucy situation by itself. And above all, believe it or not, I did it for you. I did it to avoid all this. But you insisted, and now here we are.
Oh and, I explained why I called you Laucy shipper at the beginning of this post.
- “you simply corrected me on a random date of a photo i mentioned”. A random date, yeah, right. So random, that you wanted to use it as proof. A proof that, now that you know it's useless, you're diminishing it because you no longer need it to prove your point which, forgive me, what exactly is it? You know, with all the contradictions you said from the beginning, I got a little lost.
Why are you even here, Anon? Why are you so pressed for something you said you don't give a fuck about? Why send me two asks and insist so much on a ship you ‘don't give a fuck about’, but at the same time say that you’re not a shipper when you clearly are? Don't you see all the contradictions?
- “about your tunnel post i read it like a hundred times, it still doesn’t invalidate any of the points i made on my previous ask, it just contains a variety of dates which basically prove nothing about your ship being real”. You read it like a hundred times and despite this, you're telling me that proves nothing about my ship being real when the post wasn't even about Camren? Are you for real? Well, after all, you've read it like a hundred times and despite the proofs, you still believe that Laucy was real, so, what could I expect? But anyway. I already told you in the last post, but you evidently didn't understand, so I'll tell you again in a different way so maybe it's clearer. There is a light at the end of the tunnel is a post about Laucy's PR. It's not about or proves Camren like you said. It's a reminder I wrote after that podcast that's about and proves the bullshit they've said and will continue to say to make people believe their narrative.
You don't think Laur and Mila have ever been together? Okay. Amazing. But that's your opinion. You want to continue believing in Laucy? Great. Perfect even. But it's your choice. It doesn't concern me. Especially when there's real proofs around and not opinions. I thought it already was, but I hope it’s clearer now that I don’t care who you ship and who you don’t. “The world is beautiful because it's varied”, says a proverb of my country. You can come back here a hundred more times, but you won't change my mind, especially if you keep coming back here with just opinions and empty proofs. Oh and, of course, it's mutual. Nobody's pointing a gun to your head. As I've always said, everyone’s free to think what they want.
So, my rhetorical question now is, what purpose are you really here for, Anon? You justified yourself in the first ask by saying that you're not here to change our minds when it was exactly for that, and even though I answered you with that first post, you've come back once again. Why? What's the point? You saw that you failed in your intent and continued because you want some drama? Because you're bored? Because you wanted to start a discussion? Sorry to disappoint you, but I'm not the kind of person who promotes this kind of things. I'm not a fan of attack and hate in all its forms. If I had been, I would've joined Twitter a lot of years ago. I, for real, don't give a fuck about all that shit.
Rhetorical question n°2: Have I or haven't I answered all your arguments now?
Have a good day wherever you are, not a hater nor a shipper Anon. For real, I'm not a petty person.
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gisellelx · 3 years
Consider this ask a general prompt for any nerding you would like to do for us re: linguistic thoughts about various Cullens. Also: any particular headcanons of how they've influenced each other's speech in general? (I was going to say re: Edward emulating Carlisle but that might not be the most interesting example)
Okay commence much belated nerding out. Relevant post.
Under a cut because sorry, I went to town here. tl;dr--the Cullens sound different to each other, and their backgrounds and relationships have affected the way they sound over time. But they all can sound exactly how they need to any time they need to.
Here are two useful things we know about why people do or do not change the way they talk.
Communities of practice: this is a concept which comes from education but which has gotten adopted in several adjacent fields, including sociology and linguistics. Basically, the idea is, the way you talk will reflect the kinds of relationships you want to have with people around you, and how you want to draw lines separating your group from other groups. My easiest-to-understand example of this is that my friends from college athletic bands had some terms and inside practices which arose because of our shared experience of playing in those bands. We were in band twenty years ago, but if you're having drinks with a few other bandos and leave the bar, someone will go "ohhhhh see ya!" like the cheer we yell when someone gets put in the penalty box at a hockey game.
Convergence and accommodation: Speakers often try to sound like people they want to connect with in more than just practices and inside jokes. The more you want to connect with someone (combined with your personality), the more likely you are to adopt their style of speaking. This is in the short term, which is accommodation (you start to speak more slowly because the person you're speaking with speaks more slowly) or dialect convergence (over time your whole way of sounding starts to shift toward other people's.) Some evidence that extroverts do this faster, but it also depends on how desirable the connection is.
Convergence is probably more influential for the Cullens than CoP, although I imagine there are some CoP kinds of things that happen to vampires more broadly and the Cullens specifically. In particular, I suspect (and write) that the Cullens have lots of euphemisms for things: they talk about "mistakes" to avoid talking about murder, about "Royce" and "Charles" to avoid uttering the word rape, Edward's rebellion is called The Time or Edward's Sojourn (that's Carlisle).
The bigger question is, how would they sound and how would they naturally converge (or not!) based on their personalities and relationship.
So. You have the Cullens. Kind of a rough-and-tumble rundown of their varieties:
Carlisle: I headcanon Boston Brahmin . In the 1700s, the London accent was /r/-full, so Carlisle would've arrived to the US sounding more like a current-day American speaker than we associate now with British English (received pronunciation usually being the exported one). He would've hobknobbed with the educated elite on the eastern seaboard and picked up what they sounded like at the time. He loves being American--this is where he found his purpose and his family. So shifting toward that accent makes sense for him.
Esme: Lower middle class US midlands. The central Ohio accent is often perceived to be extremely neutral. It's not--there are some truly funky features--but people think it is, so there's not much reason to move away from it. She might have tried her hand at a transatlantic accent, but she slides back into her middle Ohioan often, because it's easy and it's not usually considered "bad" anywhere. She makes fun of the way Carlisle says rather. He teases her about how bag and egg are the same sound for her.
Edward: Northern Cities Shifted Chicago. If you've ever heard a Chicagoan pronounce the word Chicago, well, there you go. I realize this probably fucks with the gentle, sexy attempt-at-American accent delivered by Robert Pattinson. Edward was born too late to have transatlantic imposed on him, and so his accent was probably left to be.
Rosalie: Another reason they hate each other--they sound alike. Rosalie is on the other side of the Great Lakes, was born not that much later, and Rochester is another major source of Northern Cities Shift. So she and Edward sound...pretty much the same. They're both upper middle class/upper class and are picking up the prestige version of the NCVS.
Emmett: Appalachian. Pretty much enough said. The post I linked at the outset lays out a few things from Appalachian speech.
Jasper: East Texan. Texas is not general southern--there are a handful of features which make it notably different than say, Louisiana.
Alice: Upper class Mississippian. Now, this is somewhat indistinguishable to a northern American or non-American ear--maaaaybe you notice sort of "high class southern" but it's subtle. She's got a bunch of features of southern English, though, but the more prestigious versions of them. Not quite To Kill a Mockingbird--that's Alabama-- but that's not a bad place to start to hear it.
So that's where they're starting. Where do they end up?
Carlisle: sticks with Brahmin. The moment he arrived in the US means a lot to him, and so he defaults back to that first major change, when he adopted an American identity.
Edward: Probably goes without saying, but he sounds exactly like Carlisle. He shifted his default as soon as he was able, and his intense adoration of Carlisle means he converged on Carlisle's variety. He also picks up Carlisle's idiolect--particular phrases and verbal tics--again, because he wants to be like Carlisle in any way he can. "Oh my God will you quit; you're not Carlisle" is a phrase that gets uttered in annoyance often.
Esme: Keeps her central Ohio accent. She loves Carlisle more than anything, but there's nothing particularly stigmatized about her variety. So she keeps it. She's happy to be her own person.
Rosalie: Does not wish to be a part of this family and regrets her change. She certainly does not converge toward Carlisle's style, but the pressure of sounding anything like Edward, even if his dialect has shifted, is also grating. She brings her NCVS a little more toward Esme's Ohio variety over time.
Emmett: This man killed a bear* with his bare hands in the Smoky Mountains. He's real proud of being a mountain man and he sounds like one. He also has a healthy disdain for the upper-crustness of Carlisle and Rosalie and Edward and is determined to bring them back down to earth. Over time the most obvious parts of his dialect do fade--he doesn't use "a huntin'" very often, for instance. But he can shift into full on Appalachian on a dime and often does. It's fun for him.
Jasper: Stays East Texas. He's very proud of his cowboy identity, and is the least connected to the Cullen family as a community of practice. He can sound like whatever his paperwork says he does, but in default, he's still got the same Houston variety he's had for two centuries. I don't love darlin' darlin' Jasper in fic but I chalk that more up to writers learning how to have a light hand with dialect rather than it being something he fundamentally wouldn't say--he absolutely does say it. Also says bless your heart.
Alice: Biloxi is not that far from Houston, and she and Jasper, who are wound around each other, pick up each other's verbal mannerisms and reinforce subtle aspects of each other's gulf of Mexico accents. She both mellows Jasper's Texas English while also moving her own English toward his.
So in "default" mode, the Cullens sound a little different to each other. But there's no way a Twipire would somehow be unable to move perfectly and seamlessly between multiple English accents as they needed to. There's no reason to think that any of them showed up at Forks High School sounding like anything but exactly what their paperwork said their dialectal background ought to be.
*by the way this would've been a black bear, not a grizzly. I'm sure he loves grizzlies, but he wasn't fighting a grizzly in the Smokies. He probably got tangled up with a really mad mama bear. This is a pet peeve of mine, I admit.
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goldentournesol · 4 years
Proper Date
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(Spencer Reid x Reader)
The one where Spencer and Y/N go on a proper date after being kidnapped together.
Part 2 of Unwanted Matchmaker: Read Part 1 here :)
A/N: makes minor references to Part 1, but can be read without reading it. ENJOY SOME SPENCER FLUFF! i got a little carried away...but it’s worth it! thank you to @theamuz , @andiebeaword , @yourwonderbelle​ for requesting a part 2! 
Length: 2.5k
Luckily enough, Friday came sooner than Spencer had thought it would. He was finally able to take a break from the team. Y/N had texted him Friday morning to confirm the date. She hadn’t stopped thinking about him for a single moment ever since they went their separate ways the day of the fateful kidnapping. She never thought she’d ever be thankful for such a situation.
She was nervous, she knew very little about the Dr., but had gathered bits and pieces of him on the days she saw him at that coffee shop. She thought he was gorgeous. She also thought she may have imagined it when she caught his eyes lingering on her once or twice, but the imagination became set in stone when his face broke into what seemed like the most adorable shy smile that could possibly appear on someone’s face. She should have talked to him then, but she would have been late to her class. She couldn’t have been more glad to go on a date with him.
Spencer had gotten off work two hours early to ensure he had enough time to be nervous while getting ready.
“Woah, where you goin’, pretty boy?” Morgan asked as he watched Spencer begin to pack his things.
Spencer rolled his eyes, he should have timed his exit better, “Uh...I have an appointment?” He made an attempt to lie. 
“You always this nervous going to appointments?” Emily chimed in.
“Wait, wait, what day is it?” Morgan asked.
“Friday.” Emily replied.
A knowing smile made a home on Morgan’s face, “Aha! Pretty boy’s got a date!” Spencer quickly shot him a look that screamed, ‘how did you know?!’, “I may have overheard you talking to the girl the day the unsub took you.”
Once again, Spencer rolled his eyes, “My God, can’t I have just one thing to myself? Just once?” He tried to hide his smile though.
“Nu-uh, not when it’s making you this nervous!” Emily pointed out, noticing how Spencer’s hand was turning white at the intensity it held onto his bag.
“Well, Emily, it’s not every day that I have a date with someone who is practically the embodiment of beauty.” Spencer uttered with a slew of exasperated hand motions.
Morgan let out a chuckle, “Calm down, kid. She seemed really into you. I’m sure she’s just as dorky as you are.” Emily smiled endearingly at the youngest member of their team and nodded.
“Yeah, haven’t you guys been in contact like..all week? She wouldn’t have done that if she wasn’t interested.” She added and noticed the slight drop of Spencer’s shoulders. Maybe they were right, he probably had nothing to worry about. He nodded and began to smile.
“Go get her, kid. Just try to keep the statistics at a minimum.” He joked around before Emily interjected quickly, “No! Be yourself!” Spencer laughed and gave them a double thumbs up before quickly saying goodbye and heading home.
He called the restaurant to double check his reservation and tried to pick out an outfit that wouldn’t scream, ‘I got off work two hours early’. He showered, shaved, and attempted to style his hair, but it was too much of a task to tackle, so he left it to do whatever it pleased. He decided he’d stick to his normal attire with a white and blue checkered button down, a navy v-neck sweater and a matching blazer to elevate the look. He contemplated whether or not a tie would make the outfit over the top, but then remembered that the restaurant would be quite fancy and added it anyway. He left his house a half hour early to make sure he had enough time to pick up a bouquet. That was romantic, right? People do this all the time, right? He took a deep breath and reminded himself to stop stressing. He decided to get her red flowers to match the dress she wore when he first saw her. She was wearing a white dress with a motif of small red flowers with black centers, it was safe to say she blew him away that day. 
He checked the time and saw that it was still early, so he texted her. They had agreed on meeting at the restaurant, but he just couldn’t wait to see her.
“Hey, would it be okay if I picked you up instead of meeting there?” She lived closer to the restaurant anyway and he wanted to ensure her safety any time he possibly could.
“Yeah, sure! I’ll send you the location.” She did just that and Spencer made it there on time, of course.
He took a deep breath as he stood at her doorstep with the bouquet of flowers. He gave himself a miniature pep talk and knocked on the door three times. Spencer hoped the knocks were louder than his heartbeats beating relentlessly in his ears.
Y/N’s heart leapt as she heard the knocks, “Coming! Just one second!” She made her way over to the door, struggling to put in one of her earrings. 
She opened the door for him, “I’m sorry, I’m almost rea-” She breath caught in her throat as she took in the sight of him. She admired his every angle, he looked immaculate to say the least. She’d only noticed that she dropped her earring on the floor because she followed his eyes to where it lay.
“You..um, dropped your..” He stuttered, turning red. Was it him who made her nervous? She laughed nervously and retrieved it quickly, putting it on. He cleared his throat to try to regain his composure from seeing her, “You look...stunning.” He let out a breath and shook his head as if to clear the fog in his brain that she unintentionally created, “Oh! Um, and these are for you!” He extended the arm holding the bouquet. 
She smiled and accepted them graciously, “Oh, these are beautiful, you didn’t have to trouble yourself, Dr. Reid.” He loved the way his name sounded coming from her.
“It was nothing, really, it’s the least I could do, and please, call me Spencer.” He smiled and she mirrored it instantly.
“Come in, Spencer. I’ll put these in a vase, put on my shoes, and we’ll head right out!” He watched her as she disappeared into her apartment. 
A sparkly, form-fitting black dress adorned her figure contrasting to the flowy nature of the dresses Spencer had usually seen her in. He tried not to profile her apartment as much as he could, but he was too curious not to. He saw unfinished canvases and the apartment smelled vaguely of paint thinner. He admired her paintings but also tried not to snoop. She came out of her room, completely ready, and saw him staring at her paintings.
“Uhm, those aren’t quite done yet.” She stated shyly, “I have a habit of getting sidetracked.” She giggled and gestured to her unfinished paintings. 
He smiled as he turned to her, “I’m sorry, I didn't mean to poke around.” He stated quickly but she just smiled at him, “These are incredible, I don’t believe I have a single artistic bone in my body.” He laughed.
“Yeah, right! That can’t be true.” She teased. 
Spencer grinned and checked the time, “Are you all done? We should get going. I hope you don’t mind walking there.” She nodded and they made their way out. The restaurant was a short walk away and the whole time Spencer fiddled with his hands in his pockets nervously except for when he was describing something, a habit he had. They arrived at the restaurant.
“Good evening, reservation for Dr. Reid.” Spencer said and Y/N hated the way her stomach went into a fit of somersaults at that. That was a lie, she kind of loved it.
They were seated and they could finally make uninterrupted eye-contact. She smiled at him and Spencer hoped his swooning wasn’t too obvious. They ordered their food and made conversation as they waited.
“So, Spencer, how did you get into the FBI?” She asked as she propped her chin on her hand. Her gaze was enough to send Spencer into the next dimension.
“Believe it or not, I’m unbelievably athletic.” He joked and she bubbled with laughter. Spencer couldn’t take his eyes off her as she laughed, determined to never stop her from doing it, “seriously,” he continued, “they took one look at me at the academy and were like, yeah we need this dude chasing down bad guys immediately!” She laughed again and shook her head.
“Aw, come on, don’t bring yourself down!” She smiled wide and took one of his hands that were resting on the table. Spencer’s heart soared at the action and was glad it was different from the way it felt as she clutched his hand when they were kidnapped together.
“I guess the FBI needed me because well...serial killers and criminals often have a tendency to create puzzles that are seemingly impossible to crack, and I just so happen to be very good at cracking those puzzles. I usually do that by analyzing their behavior. I work for the Behavioral Analysis Unit.” She could tell he was being humble, but she couldn’t help but be impressed.
“Aren’t you a Doctor? I’m assuming PhD?” She saw him blush.
“Uh, three actually.” He looked off to the side bashfully. Her jaw dropped at his humility, but he just smiled, “In Mathematics, Chemistry, and Engineering…” he paused, “as well as degrees in Psychology and Sociology.” She laughed in somewhat of a shock. Spencer knew his credentials were impressive but for some reason her validation seemed so important to him.
“What….how? How old are you?” She gawked. 
He laughed, “I’m 30. I graduated high school at the age of 12. I have an IQ of 187 and can read 20,000 words per minute. I have an eidetic memory which basically means I can remember lots of information accompanied by the ability to recall things with accuracy which of course came in handy while I was getting those PhD’s…”
“Wow...” was all she could say, she suddenly felt insignificant, but her smile never faltered. He had no intention of making her feel that way and she knew that, but she had no idea how she possibly landed a date with a...genius.
“Yeah...it kind of overwhelms people, I hope you’re not too intimidated.” He laughed shyly. She giggled, how could she be when his awkwardness made him oh so endearing.
“I’m not gonna lie, it’s a little intimidating, but they are amazing accomplishments and you have every right to be proud of them.” She assured him by squeezing his hand, just like he did hers when she was nervous. He appreciated the gesture and they grinned at each other.
“So when did you start painting?” He asked her as he took a sip of wine.
“All my life, it seems. I couldn’t think of anything else that I wanted to do. There’s something about the way the paintbrush feels in my hand. I don’t know, I guess I wanted to add more color into people’s worlds…and I love kids! I just knew I had to teach them.” She gushed and he admired the way her eyes sparkled.
“You know there are countless studies that support the idea of painting as a stress reliever. Actually, there was this one study where…” he continued to ramble and Y/N seemed to hang onto every word. He was so adorable in the way that he described things and bounced from one topic to another. She didn’t interrupt him once, not even when the food was set down on their table. He only stopped when he felt the warmth of her hand disappear from his so she could start eating. She peered at him curiously, wondering why he stopped.
“Sorry,” he grinned, “didn’t realize I’d been rambling.” 
She shook her head, smiling wide, “If I knew half the things you know, I would want to share them with everyone too. I love it.”
He hadn’t expected her response but he was grateful because she hadn’t belittled him like most people do. They ate as they shared stories from their lives. Spencer noticed how the wine added a flush to her cheeks and he wondered how much more beautiful she could possibly get. She insisted on feeding him a piece of her meal but she couldn’t reach that far across the table and Spencer thought that was adorable. He’d had to lean forward just to have some, the interaction made his cheeks ache from smiling. Soon, they finished their food and Spencer took care of the bill, Y/N insisted she’d take care of dessert. 
They got up and headed out of the restaurant. They were greeted by the soft chill of the nighttime. Spencer had noticed immediately how Y/N’s arms instinctively shot up to hug herself and shield her body away from the cold. He took his blazer off and placed it on her shoulders. She blushed at the warm gesture and gladly slid her arms through. 
She smiled up at him gratefully, “Thanks, Spencer. Are you sure you won’t get cold?” The way she slipped her arm through his and hugged his arm almost made him forget to reply. 
“I’m good, this um, sweater vest is warmer than it looks.”
He usually shied away from touch, but if there was one thing Spencer was sure of, it was that he never wanted her to let go of him. They walked in the moonlight. Conversation with her came easily. They found themselves in front of the coffee shop where they first learned of each other. It seemed it only fit to celebrate their first date there. They walked in and the woman behind the counter beamed as she saw the two of them walking in together. It was like she knew. She greeted Y/N and the Dr. gleefully and happily took their order. Spencer physically had to bite his lip to keep from smiling too much. They sat down where Spencer usually sat with his books.
“The first time I saw you sitting here, you were literally zooming through a book. I thought you’d had to have been looking for a specific quote or something, not actually reading it!” She giggled as she took a piece of the carrot cake they’d ordered. She didn’t want to let go of his warmth, so they decided to sit next to each other. Spencer didn’t mind that one bit, he’d taken his hand out of his pocket and laced his fingers through hers, their arms still looped in one another’s.
He nodded at her words, taking another piece, “The first time I saw you, you were just walking in, with your earbuds in. I was quite literally blown away.” He sheepishly admitted. She was taken aback by his sweetness and she shook her head. This man had to be too good to be true. She looked up at him and placed a gentle kiss to his cheek.
“I never thought I’d say this but...I’m so glad I was kidnapped.” She said and that sent the both of them into a roar of laughter that made the entire coffee shop jealous of what they had.
Part 1
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filterjeons · 4 years
he loves me not | jhs
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“did you ever fall in love with me?”
✦ pairing: jung hoseok x reader
✦ summary: he was the man who caught your eye ever since he smacked your face with a soccer ball in elementary. you loved him for over a decade....but you can’t find yourself to confess.
✦ rating: M, not suitable for minors
✦ genre: smut, i’ll let you guys find out what the other genre is 😏
✦ word count: 4.9k
✦ warnings: college au, soft dom!hoseok, fingering, oral, dirty talk, multiple orgasms, get ready for an emotional ride <3
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He loves me, he loves me not…
Those were the same words that you kept repeating for a few days now, a flower representing if the man you have a crush on likes you back. To any other person, it seems stupid that a flower will judge your love life but you heartily disagree. Flowers and love have always been associated with one another and from a viewpoint, it makes sense on why picking petals off of flowers can determine your fate with the person you love. 
Jung Hoseok. You two knew each other but at the same time you didn’t. The first time you two caught each other’s eyes was during elementary school. He was one of the popular kids: with his cheery smile, bubbly personality, and warm aura, nearly everyone became friends with him. You, on the other hand, were more of a wallflower. You only had a few close friends and you spent your time reading books instead of playing games. Some people call you boring but who cares about them. 
During recess in 1st grade, you decided to read in the middle of the field. It seemed ideal, the grass was green and the sky was a beautiful shade of blue. There wasn’t even a cloud in sight. All of a sudden, a soccer ball came speeding towards you and hit you straight-up in the head. You couldn’t remember what happened but when you opened your eyes, you saw a worried Hoseok hovering face-to-face on top of you in the nurse’s room.
“Y/N-ah! You’re okay! I’m so so sorry that I hurt you! I should’ve known you were there.” 
“It’s okay. Uh, my head kind of hurts…”
“I’ll go get some ice for you!” When he passed the “ice bag” (which was basically a frozen paper towel), you felt a peculiar feeling. You didn’t know why but there were sparks when you grabbed the ice bag from him. What was it? Eventually, he had to leave for his classroom but when you were free to leave the nurse’s room, he offered to walk you to class. By then, you figured out what that feeling was. And it became a 12-year crush on the boy who hit you with a soccer ball. 
Like some coincidence, both of you attended the same college together. You didn’t expect to see anyone from your school during your freshman orientation but when you saw the familiar sunshine smile, a wave of relief and fear washed over you.
Hoseok being the extrovert that he is made friends with nearly the whole campus, is in a sorority, and hosts the biggest parties the university has ever seen. You continued to be the loner that you were but luckily you found a close friend in Nayeon. 
As you and Nayeon were strolling across campus, you saw Hoseok and his girlfriend talking and chattering with Starbucks in their hands. You felt a pit of jealousy in your stomach, internally yelling at yourself for not having the guts to tell him how you truly feel. 
However, you expected him to go out with someone. He can’t stay single forever just for you because he barely knows you and your feelings. If he did, then you would move to another state out of embarrassment. 
“Y/N, stop looking otherwise he’s going to think that you’re creepy!” Nayeon giggled, pushing you away from the couple. “Why won’t you ever talk to him?” “I can’t. We didn’t really interact during high school.” “Look, college is about starting a new life. Come on, you’re 18 now! You’re an adult! Don’t let your fears get in the way of having fun!” “Besides, they’re dating!”
“So? You can be friends with him!”
“Not now, I have class. I’ll see you around!” You made way inside the building and into your sociology class, the professor setting up his computer for a lecture. You didn’t know a lot of people here and the person who sat next to you dropped out. 
All of a sudden, a guy with rainbow-styled clothes and a vibrant aura entered, giving a high-five to the professor and waving to your classmates. Your eyes widened, the man who has been invading your thoughts is actually in the same class with you. 
Hoseok scanned the room for a place to sit, his face brightening when he saw an empty seat next to you. Your heart started to race, he’s actually going to sit next to you! “Oh, Y/N! I didn’t know you were in this class! I just got moved here and I’m so glad I found someone I know!” 
“Yeah, uh, hi. I thought you were gonna sit with someone else.”
“Nah, actually I wanted to talk to you ever since orientation but I never saw you around. However, I saw you walking by and staring at me and Julia.” Oh, that’s his girlfriend’s name. Interesting. 
“Heh...no..you didn’t see anything!” “You’re cute. I hope we have more classes together!” After everyone has settled in their seats, the professor started going on about the lesson but you couldn’t care less about what he had to say. The way Hoseok was so invested in the powerpoint but occasionally stopped to play games was more intriguing than whatever was going on. No, he must think you’re crazy. You snapped out of it and attempted to focus on the screen. 
“From this week’s lesson, I am going to assign you all a project. Your will be grouped by pairs and they will be determined by the place you’re sitting in right now.” You internally counted down the pair of seats from the row you’re in and sure enough, you’re paired with Hoseok. He smiled at you, holding your hands excitedly. You obviously reciprocate the feeling but your head didn’t let you show it. 
“Yay! We’re going to be doing our project together! This is going to be so fun!” You smiled and nodded, trying to come up with things to say but your mind was blank.
“W-wait, would your girlfriend be okay?” Wow Y/N, that’s the first thing that you say? Way to get your man. 
“No, I think she’ll be chill. Besides, you’re like one of my childhood friends so it’s cool.” At least you’re a friend in his eyes. 
The session ended 15 minutes later and you couldn’t wait to get out. As you quickly stuffed your books and laptop in your bag, Hoseok tossed a little airplane at your head. 
“That’s my number if you want to talk about the project and...other stuff. If you’re free tomorrow, do you wanna get started? There’s a party I want to go to at the end of the week and I want to get this out of the way.” “Uh, sure. I’ll text you later,” you said shyly, zipping your bag up and exiting the room. You felt your body sweat and your heart pound rapidly. Your brain still can’t wrap around the fact that Hoseok sits next to you and you will be working on a project together.
“Hey, what’s up? You look like you just got out of a haunted house,” Nayeon said as you approached the familiar bench where the two of you always sat. 
“Hoseok just transferred to my class, he sits next to me, and we’re doing a project together!” “Ooh, go get your man!” 
“No no, this is bad! I always act so weird around him! Plus he wants us to work on it tomorrow! What should I do?” “First, relax. Take a deep breath,” Nayeon instructed, placing her hands on your shoulders as you slowed down your breathing. “Next, don’t worry about a thing. Try to push aside your feelings for him and talk to him as you would with another person.” “Only he’s my crush for about 12 years!” 
“So? I know it must be awkward due to your feelings for him but if you act awkward, then you wouldn’t be close to him. And you want that, do you?” “Yeah…” “You got this, don’t worry!” Nayeon’s words gave you some hope and encouragement, which made you feel better. She was right, you can’t keep acting this way for long. Even though he was dating someone else, at least you’ll have him close as a friend, right? 
You never told anybody this but you secretly kept a daisy and you picked off the petals every day. It was down to four petals and you decided to take two off.
He loves me, he loves me not. 
However you didn’t want it to end with a negative note so you picked one last petal off. 
He loves me.  
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The next day came and you were sitting at a local cafe, waiting for Hoseok to arrive. Since you arrived a few minutes early, you had enough time to go over what you want to say and if you look good enough. 
Surprisingly, he came on time and even gave you a mini hug. You watched as he placed his bags on the ground and pulled out his laptop. 
“Hi Y/N! I hope I didn’t keep you waiting.” “N-no, not at all! You came on time actually!” “Good, well do you want to order anything at first?” “Sure, I really want coffee right now!” As you two waited in line, you shyly gazed over at Hoseok who shined brighter than any sun in the world. You accidentally brushed his hand with yours, causing him to laugh. 
“How come we didn’t talk much throughout high school? I can’t remember the last time I really talked to you except yesterday.” Hoseok asked, scanning the menu for a drink he’d like. “I don’t know, I guess we had different classes and you were more popular than me…” “But I would’ve been friends with you no matter what.” 
“Would you? I’m not exactly the most popular girl in school.” “Yeah. You seem chill and it’s nice having a reserved friend against all my loud and hyper ones. I hope you take it as a compliment.” “Uh, I do. What are you gonna get?” “I’ll have a vanilla latte. It’s a classic but it’s iconic at the same time.” “I’ll get what you’re getting.” You watched him order and talk casually to the cashier, a common thing you’re scared of doing. It must be nice dating him, he sounds like the guy who can be the life of the party but still has an eye for you. 
“Do you want me to pay for my-” “No, I shouldn’t have to make you pay. I mean they say the gentleman pays for the first study date,” he replied, swiping his credit card. Oh my god did he just say-
A few minutes later, the cashier gives you your drinks with your name scrabbled on the cupsleeve. You and Hoseok grabbed them at the same time, accidentally bumping together. You blushed at the proximity, jumping back with fear. Geez, why are you acting like this? You really are a fool. 
An hour later and both of you made decent progress on your projects. Hoseok decided to take a break and scroll through his Instagram while you worked on some slides. 
“Hey, Y/N, do I follow you on Insta?” “Uh, I’m not sure. I think so?” He checked his phone again, a frown on his normally joyful face. “No I don't. What’s your username?” “I’ll type it in for you.” 
He nodded and passed you his phone. You quickly typed your user, hit the follow button, and went back to his profile. He had a lot of followers due to his popularity and personality, which shocks you considering that you’ve never met someone with over 5,000 followers. 
“Y/N, ever since I saw you yesterday I wanted to get to know you. I feel bad that we barely interacted throughout high school and I want to make up for that. So just hit me with what you got.” He leaned forward, interested in hearing what you have to say. 
Your mind immediately stopped working as you quickly tried to come up with an interesting conversation. And the only event you could think of was the time where he hit you with a soccer ball in elementary school. 
“Actually Hoseok, we have known each other since we were 1st graders.”
“Really? Were you in my class back then? God, I can’t even remember what I had for lunch yesterday but you manage to remember that.” “Yeah, there was a time when I was reading out in the middle of the soccer field. I was the perfect target to be hit which is what you did. I don’t remember what happened after the ball smacked me in the face but when I woke up, I saw you waiting for me. You offered to give me ice and walk me back to class when my headache stopped. We barely saw each other after that but that was still one of the most significant moments in my life.” “Oh yeah, I still feel bad that I did that-” You took a deep breath, trying to work up the nerve to say what you’ve always wanted to say to him. It’s now or never, just do it! 
“Hoseok, ever since that day, I’ve loved you since.” Your words shocked him, his mouth dropping open and his eyes the size of saucers. He tried to comprehend what you said when all of a sudden, you burst into tears. 
You shouldn’t have said it, it was too soon. Your vision blurry of tears, you stuffed all your stuff in your bag and ran out of the cafe. 
“Wait, Y/N! Wait! Hold on, we need to talk about this!” “I’m sorry Hoseok, I shouldn’t have-” “No, this is important! Y/N, look at me!” He spun you around and forced you to look at his face. You tried to blink away your tears and he quickly flicked them away. 
“Y/N, are your feelings true? Did you love me for that long?” 
You nodded slowly, tears threatening to spill from your eyes again. It was so scary waiting for him to either reciprocate those feelings or walk away. 
All of a sudden, he gave you a kiss. And it wasn’t like any other peck, it was one full of want and passion. He quickly pulled away and gave you a tight hug. 
“Thank you for telling me how you feel. And I like you back.” 
He broke the hug and wrapped an arm around your shoulder as you two walked towards campus. You felt your heart slowly relax, he likes you as well! Maybe all that pining and worry was for nothing! “Y/N, it’s getting dark so do you want to stay at my dorm? I don’t have a roommate so it’s okay,” he said, heading the opposite direction from the path that leads to your dorms. 
“Sure thing. It’s okay as well.” You were totally freaking out inside, you’re going INSIDE his dorm. After a few minutes, he opened the door and you carefully walked in, your nose wrinkling a bit. Iwas messy due to the overflowing trash bags full of takeout and beer bottles but overall it wasn’t too bad. You hung your bag on a random coat stand full of jackets and baseball caps. There was a blanket and a pillow on his couch where you could possibly stay. 
“Sorry if it doesn’t look too appealing, I’m kind of lazy to clean my room,” he sighed, stuffing the full bags in a random corner. You shook your head, carefully sitting down on his couch. Hoseok sat down next to you, loosely laying his hand around your shoulders. 
“So, what do you want to do Y/N?” “I’m not sure. Is it bad that I want to stay like this?” “No, I do too.” He moved closer to you, your bodies touching and you felt heat rise up to your cheeks. You lied down on your back and you felt his presence above you as he slowly leaned closer to you. “Do you want to do this?” You couldn’t think of the right words to say, were you really about to do it with your crush? It’s now or never, Y/N. This is the moment you’ve been waiting for. 
“It’s okay, I want to do it. But I’m not experienced in this type of stuff,” you confessed.
“Then I’ll teach you. I’ll go slow with you, I promise.” He kissed you again, the same feeling like the one outside. It was slow and romantic, just the way you imagined. He probed his tongue in front of your mouth, asking for entrance to which you let him in. Hoseok started to remove your T-shirt but stopped immediately to ask for your permission.
“Are you sure this is okay with you?” “Yes, I promise. I’ve always wanted this to be with you.” “Good. I’ll make you feel so good.” He pulled off the shirt and carefully took off your white bra, a mundane action that made you feel butterflies. After everything was taken off, you immediately covered your chest. You weren’t used to being exposed to someone like this, much less the guy you love. 
“Don’t worry baby, you look beautiful. I promise,” Hoseok assured, gently removing your arms. He latched his mouth on one of your nipples, sucking on them feverishly. You let out a loud moan before biting your lip to stifle them. What if someone was there? “Don’t hide those moans for me, baby girl. I want to hear them,” he murmured, his mouth still on your breast. After hearing his words, you started to let out a series of moans and whimpers. While his mouth was on one, he was using his fingers to play with your nipple and tug on it a bit, a loud whine escaping your mouth.
“Please…” “Aww, does it hurt, little girl?” You shook your head as he slowly made his way over to your jeans, cupping your covered heat. You could feel yourself become more wet since no one has ever been near that area before and you wanted him to touch you more. Hoseok hastily pulled off your jeans and underwear, throwing them off to the side. 
You felt embarrassed that you were completely bare in front of your crush and you wondered if it was too soon to back out of this. But what’s done is done and you’ve wanted him to see you like this for a long time so you decided to have some confidence. That’s what Nayeon told you, right?
“Did you ever have something in you?” 
“No, this is my first time ever doing this. I’m kind of worried.” “It’s okay, I’ll help you. Now, I’m going to do a bit of foreplay to get you ready for my dick. It’s basically like warm-ups before the actual thing. Don’t worry, it doesn’t hurt.” You felt his fingers linger near your entrance and you nodded at him to enter. He suddenly purged a slender finger inside you as you let out a moan, him slowly thrusting to make you comfortable. 
“You look so cute, taking my finger like it’s my cock. I don’t even know if you’re ready to even take it.” “I am! I’m ready! Please, keep moving!” You felt a wave of confidence overcome you, surprising yourself and Hoseok. He turned his shocked expression into a smirk, curling his finger and adding another one inside you. 
He was stretching your walls out well to later accommodate his dick, making scissoring motions inside and finding your g-spot. All of this pleasure was too much for you as you held onto Hoseok’s arms and fed his ego with mewls and whines. You couldn’t form a single word due to the pleasure he was giving you, even though it was only two fingers. 
“Ah, ah, Hoseok, I-” He suddenly adds a third finger and keeps thrusting quickly, his palm rubbing your clit. His palm was quickly replaced by his mouth as he sucked on it harshly. 
“You gonna be a good girl and cum for the first time? Are you close?” he teases. 
“Oh my god, oh, Hoseok…” You felt tiny beads of sweat drip down your forehead from the heat and pressure, your walls tightening around his long fingers. 
You felt a knot in your stomach which you assumed that your orgasm was coming soon. Hoseok could also tell and kept going faster, making fast come-here motions and playing around with your clit. 
“You’re close now, are you? Such a good girl as I stretch your tiny pussy out for my big dick. That’s right baby girl, cum for me now. Cum all over my fingers and face.” His words were your breaking point as you felt that knot snap, your orgasm arriving. You moan out Hoseok’s name as he stares at your cum flow out of your system. He sucked on his fingers before taking some of your juices and bringing it to your mouth. You suck on them wantonly, causing Hoseok’s dick to twitch. Maybe someday you can suck him off with your cute mouth.
“Good girl, you did so well baby,” he praises, making your stomach have butterflies from his words. You watch as he strips himself to his boxers, your eyes widening on what could be under them. He palms his cock for a bit, staring into your eyes seductively. 
“Are you ready for this?” You nodded rapidly, wanting to have his dick inside you. He slowly pulled down his boxers and his cock immediately sprang up, looking erect and large. You gulped at what’s going to enter you, Hoseok smirking at your reaction. 
“Don’t worry, it’s going to be okay. I’ll go slow at first, I promise,” he assured, the tip of his cock slightly brushing against your pussy. 
You braced yourself for him to enter you, whining as you clenched around his length. 
“Oh my fucking god, you’re so tight. You’re doing well baby,” he groaned, slowly pulling out and pushing in. You found yourself at a nice pace but after a while, you signalled him to go faster. This is really it, you’re going to be losing your virginity to him! He started to ram into you quickly, his dick filling you up and hitting many different nerves inside. You clawed on his back, trying to keep yourself steady from the insane pace he was going at. 
“Look at you trying to take my cock, such a cutie,” he coos, toying around with your breasts again. You let out a mewl at his words, lewd sounds filling the room. Your walls started to clench around him tightly causing Hoseok to let out low grunts and moans. 
The now familiar feeling of your orgasm started to make its way again, the knot returning as you approach it for the second time. Hoseok could tell that you were close as well with the way your cunt was tightening around his dick.
“You going to cum again, baby? That’s right, make a mess on my big dick,” he grunts, slowly reaching his own high as well. 
You let out a moan as your juices came pouring down again, your whole body shaking and your cunt sensitive from cumming twice. Little white stars started to appear in your vision from how much pleasure you had. Hoseok started to thrust faster and suddenly pulled out, stroking his length to release all of his seed onto your stomach. After it stopped spurting out, he took a minute to catch his breath and leaned down to kiss you on the lips. 
“How was it, sweetie? Was it okay?” he asked, caressing your cheek.
“I-it was great. Thank you so much, I didn’t expect it to be like this.” “I’m going to get a towel to clean you up and some clothes. I’ll be right back,” he smiled, leaving the living room for a bit. 
You stared at the ceiling, thinking about what you’ve done with him. Even though many people your age think of sex as just a way to get pleasure, it meant a lot to you because you were giving your body and trust to a person. Obviously, Hoseok was very special to you and you were grateful that it was him who took away your virginity. You loved him enough to let yourself be exposed to you and you knew that he must’ve had sex with other girls but did he feel something special with you? Was it only you who were feeling this way. 
Hoseok came back dressed in a T-shirt and shorts and in his hand was another T-shirt and a towel. He carefully wiped off the cum that landed onto your stomach and thighs, making you get goosebumps from the touch. You put on the T-shirt he gave you, the bottom of it reaching your thighs. 
“So am I going to stay here for the night?” “Of course! Why would I let you go back home at this hour?” “Uh, am I going to sleep on the couch?” “Hell no, it’s too stained for you to sleep there. You can sleep in my bedroom with me.” 
You felt your heart beat faster from the thought of sleeping next to him. He picked you up bridal style since you were too sore to walk and laid you down on his bed. Since it was late and there wasn’t anything you needed to do, you decided to get ready to go to bed. 
Hoseok watches you go to sleep and decides to join you. He stares at the ceiling, thinking about what he did with you. It was nice seeing his childhood friend again and he definitely enjoyed having sex with you but he felt different after. When you confessed your feelings for him at the cafe, his heart felt relieved for some reason. It was different than when his exes and current girlfriend confessed. 
Do I love Y/N? 
He leans over to you and lightly strokes your hair, finding you adorable. He wishes he found you sooner since that day in elementary school, he wishes he asked you out earlier. Maybe tomorrow he could ask you to be his girlfriend. But that would mean he’s cheating and he was never a big fan of breaking someone’s heart just to be with another person. It made him less of a person and all of a sudden, he felt guilty about what he did today.
You were such a sweet person and he didn’t want to harm you by rejecting your feelings...but he doesn’t want to break the trust of a person just because you were a childhood friend. 
Hoseok’s heart ached as he decided to let you go due to the guilt of cheating on his girlfriend, even though he would much rather have you here beside him. 
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The next morning, you found yourself awake with Hoseok sitting next to you. You smiled as you remembered what happened yesterday, feeling better than ever. 
“Good morning, Hoseok!”
“Ah, good morning, Y/N!” “Do you want anything for breakfast?” “Listen Y/N, I need to talk to you about something. It’s important so please listen. Uh, yesterday shouldn’t have happened and I feel like you shouldn’t have slept with me.” 
“Wait, why?” “Do you remember that I have a girlfriend?” “Did you break up with her?” “No...so that means I cheated on her.” 
You felt your heart break as Hoseok avoided eye contact with you. Your first time was with someone who had a girlfriend and he cheated on her with you. 
“You’re right. This shouldn’t have happened. Why was I stupid enough to let you take my virginity?” “I’m so sorry, Y/N. I don’t think we can see each other anymore.” You felt hot tears drip down your cheeks, feeling embarrassed and foolish. The man you loved took your virginity but it meant nothing. It was just a one-night stand. 
“I’m going to go now, I don’t feel comfortable here. But I have a question, you know how much I loved you for over a decade. How much that night meant to me and how much you mean to me. Did you ever feel the same way? Did you ever feel something between us during that time?” 
You looked at Hoseok’s face, scanning to see if there’s any emotion. He looked into your eyes but he shook his head. Hoseok desperately wanted to say yes but he just couldn’t. He couldn’t hurt someone else for you.
“N-no, it meant nothing to me. I guess it was just a one-time thing. This shouldn’t have happened, I’m sorry that I never told you before.” 
You let out a sob as you made your way out of his bedroom, grabbing your bag and putting on your shoes so you can leave. You looked back to see if Hoseok followed you but he still remained in his room. With your heart torn into pieces, you trudged out of his dorm without a final goodbye from him. 
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It’s been a few hours since you and Hoseok saw each other. Luckily, you didn’t have class together but you stared at him talking with his girlfriend like nothing never happened. He locked eyes with you and there was an intense connection for a moment but you broke it since that’ll never happen again. 
You pulled out the flower which only had a petal remaining. Even though flowers don’t accurately predict your love life, this one knows what will happen between you and Hoseok. You thought he loved you back but it turned out to be nothing. A tear fell out of your eye as you pulled out the last petal, the answer evident from the now-lifeless stem. 
He loves me not. 
a/n: hope you guys don’t hate me too much over the ending! love y’all <3
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offtopicoverload · 3 years
Hnngnngnnfnfn uuuuuuh... . Asks um......... if all the LIs had different jobs than their canon ones, what would they be in your galaxy brain opinion?
my pebble brain opinion is that it is not equipped for this but is very appreciative and loves you
Okay, hear me out. Hope as a teacher
She doesn’t like kids, and I have zero reason to believe this, but I feel like she’s good with teens and could be a good secondary teacher
She’d treat them as adults but be compassionate and kind enough to help them when they’re struggling with work or even home stuff
Tho she has a reputation as being super strict in younger years, and a lot of kids start to dread her class when they see it on their schedule, it takes like a week for her to be the favourite
I think she’d have that rep just cuz she doesn’t tolerate assholes or is the teacher pushing everyone, but she does it cuz she cares yknow. And she’d never push a kid she didn’t think could take it
Even with the other teachers, she’d be one of the favourites, partially cuz she brings donuts on rough days and is always happy to sub in when someones out
I want to see Ibrahim doing something in comics
Maybe he’s not a good writer or artist, but does something in production?
Like a creative head type thing, he vetoes bad ideas and pushes for diversity
Really receptive to readers and the community as a whole, and spends hours scrolling forums and stuff
If a character isn’t as popular but a lot of people are talking about representation and why that specific character matters, he pushes really hard to give them more screen time and good storylines
And honestly he’s super timid, but I feel like he can actually throw down when it comes to stuff like that
If he knows Gary in this AU and Gary’s story, that’s when he first tries for something different
Has a hero without a different body type and it gets a really good reception and praise, and thats what gives him a bit of confidence to stand up for other ideas
Idk, she just comes across as one of the popular, kinda mean girls that turned into a nurse
But I want to say that she grows before graduating and ditches the friends she had that encouraged that, really falls into her studies and starts volunteering during all her free time
She is genuinely compassionate and caring and I just feel like she’d be really good with like little kids
The type that plays a fun game with them to distract them from shots when they’re scared, and if she’s at a hospital, goes out of her way to organize toy drives and therapy animal visits
She’s so competitive that I feel like she’d be good in business like Hope
But creative and independent enough that she’d eventually start her own business
Like she’d go to school and everything and start pretty high up at a company, but corporate kinda fucks her over and doesn’t really promote her or anything, so she says fuck them and quits
Starts something maybe artistic? idk man,  but I really want to say soap but I don’t think thats good lmao
But she poaches a few old coworkers and pissing off her ex-bosses is her favourite past time
It ends up growing quite a bit online and international and long distance orders and stuff keep them afloat during the pandemic cuz their social media has a reputation for being outspoken
And as self-absorbed as Elisa can be, I feel like she’s smart enough to know that keeping her employees paid and employed is the most important thing, and would like cut her salary, and just generally fight tooth and nail for them
He just seems like the type that, if given the chance, would pursue education at every opportunity
And being a librarian already, he clearly values knowledge and the importance of it
So maybe like a sociology professor and really enjoys providing young people with new perspectives and ideologies?
And he’s really popular among his students for being straightforward and honest, respected by peers and staff for that, as well as being easy to get along with
i would have said philosophy if that wouldn’t turn him into chidi
So I know canonically Blake’s career depends on MC’s, but I kinda want to see her do something in law
Like she’s so argumentative, but one of the options is grad student, and I forget where I saw it, but someone headcanoned that she’s a major activist
So like an attorney for underrepresented groups, that sort of thing
Maybe gets a following online for giving legal advice or representation to people that can’t afford it? idk man i dunno how the legal system works i just like arson
But basically, I think she’d be a hardass for a career, but its to help people get a second chance and stuff
Middle manager. I just want to imagine him being really kind to his employees okay?? 
Sometimes he gets into fights with upper management, but he doesn’t care as long as his employees don’t hate coming into work
Kinda like Michael Scott, in that he tries really hard to be supportive and involved, but is better about boundaries lmao also not offensive just enthusiastic
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lovelivingmydreams · 3 years
A story by heroes and villains Roman Castile: Prince
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To bring out your inner truth, to stand by your friends. To be the hero of your own story.
The very next day he came out as gay to the school.
He walked through the hallways with his head held high, a confident cadence in his step. He knew that he was getting stares all over and that was rather the point.
When he walked into his first homeroom of the year he was pleasantly surprised to see Virgil there, and no Janus.
Upon seeing him Virgil’s eyes widened. Roman strode in proudly and sat himself on the empty desk next to Virgil’s, his back to the front, feet on the chair and planting his new sparkling, rainbow, backpack next to him, and dragging a hand to his matching hair.
“You are extremely extra any chance you get aren’t you?” Virgil chuckled.
“I am,” Roman agreed as he took off his jacket revealing the full extent of his once white, now rainbow colored shirt, which proudly read ‘I’m a Gay Disney Prince!’. The writing was part of the original shirt. Except for the ‘gay’ bit. That, Roman added himself while he dyed the shirt by using duct tape to write out the letters, paint the shirt and then take of the tape to leave one white word to contrast against the colorful shirt.
So he was pretty much a walking rainbow with a neon-sign on his chest.
It couldn’t be more clear if he shouted it at the top of his lungs. Or maybe if he kissed a guy in front of the whole school. But he wasn’t that extra and the guy he’d want to kiss would not appreciate the gesture.
“Well it looks good on you,” Virgil complemented and Roman made a bow.
“Why thank you, mi caballero guapo,” he teased. Just then their homeroom teacher came in and made introductions, prompting Roman to take his seat, while she handed out their schedules.
Roman looked over at Virgil’s and grinned widely.
“We have almost every class together!” he exclaimed excitedly. Sure the odds were in their favor considering they had the same homeroom, but it wasn’t a guarantee. Last year he’d shared homeroom with André and only had two classes in common.
“Aside from our electives that is. Why am I not surprised you’re taking drawing classes? Though you don’t really need the extra help. You are amazing as you are. Which reminds me. Did you think about sending in your designs?” When Roman looked up he saw that 1 his face and Virgil’s were much to close and 2 he was overwhelming Virgil with his fast paced rambling.
He sat up straight as fast as he could. “Sorry. Got a bit ahead of myself there,” he apologized.
Virgil blushed and looked away to stare at his hands that were tugging at his hoodie in his lap.
Roman tried his best not to hope that the color shining through the foundation was because his neighbor was at least a little into him. ‘He is uncomfortable for god’s sake! For once in your life try to not make it about yourself!’ he thought to himself.
“No problem… Well… I don’t know. You really think he’d want it?” Virgil asked awkwardly.
“Are you kidding? If I were forced in that atrocious ‘crime against fashion’ as you adequately called it, I’d be wishing on every star for a new outfit. And what you have drawn up. It’s not just an answer to his every prayer, it’s the most awesome costume he could ever hope for.”
Virgil offered him that adorable half smile of his and looked down. “Alright… I’ll send it in… But with some adjustments and under an alias,” he insisted.
“How about Dante?” Roman offered. He’d still know it was Virgil no matter what alias he’d choose. But BS and the others didn’t need to know who exactly designed his new look.
Virgil nodded. “Sounds good,” he agreed with the smallest smile.
Before Roman could ask what he was thinking about that made him smile, the door opened and none other than Janus strolled in.
“Mr. Bullard. So kind of you to join us,” the teacher noted displeased as she handed him his schedule.
Roman noticed Virgil’s good mood disappearing as soon as he walked in. Now Roman thought about it, while he got a rather detailed report on his neighbor’s summer, Janus hadn’t been mentioned once. Had Virgil and Janus gotten into a fight? Did this have something to do with the canceled plans Virgil mentioned right before the lamp came down?
Janus more or less ignored the teacher and looked around, eyes landing on Roman with contempt and narrowing when they spotted Virgil next to him.
He walked over. “Move, that’s my seat,” he growled.
“De ninguna manera. You want to sit with the coolest kid in school, get here on time,” Roman taunted confidently. He wasn’t scared of him and he wouldn’t leave Virgil with someone he seemed to want to distance himself from.
“Excuse me?” Janus’ eyes narrowed and he raised a fist as if preparing to punch him. Roman didn’t even blink.
“Mr. Bullard! Seat! Now!” the teacher insisted. Bullard glared at Roman one last time before looking at Virgil expectantly. “You heard the teacher Jan. Just go,” the purple wonder huffed.
Janus blinked a few times in disbelieve. Then his face hardened and he went to sit on an empty desk to their left.
“Good. As I was saying, I hope the rest of the year will go without any more incidents like yesterday. Mr. Anker, Mr. Castile, I speak for the whole school when I say that we are happy to see you two are back and unfazed by yesterday’s incident,” the teacher offered kindly.
“Thank you Mrs. Foster,” Virgil muttered a little embarrassed.
“I wouldn’t dream of depriving you of my radiant presence for another day,” Roman jested with a smirk. Causing his classmates to laugh. Well, most, Janus looked like he wanted to glare a hole in his head.
Roman ignored him. Virgil was chuckling next to him and that was a million times more interesting.
The teacher continued with taking attendance and going over all the basic first day announcements. When the bell rang Roman walked with Virgil to his locker, which happened to be only ten away from his. Virgil stayed with him as he retrieved his things and they talked about their homeroom teacher who seemed to be nice but firm. Something they could appreciate.
“Where are we headed next?” Roman asked as he dug into the back of his locker where his pencil case was currently hiding from him.
“Um…” he could hear Virgil digging through his backpack. He’d seen Virgil memorize their schedule earlier. He assumed that Virgil’s anxiety caused him to double check if he remembered right. Which wasn’t a bad thing to be honest. Better safe than sorry right?
“Hey!” Virgil exclaimed behind him. Roman dropped the case and turned around to find Janus looking over Virgil’s schedule with a frown.
“How can we have no classes together? I thought we were going to take sociology?”
“No!” Virgil stated firmly as he snatched the paper back. “You were. I tried to tell you that I wanted to do art, and you didn’t listen. Like usual,” Virgil bit at him before looking at Roman.
“We’re in building C. Let’s go,” he huffed. Roman nodded, picked up the case and shut his locker.
“Virge come on!” Janus objected frantically as he ran out in front of them, keeping them from making their way to class. “You are mad, I get it, I’m sorry okay? Can’t we talk about this? We always work things out,” he pleaded. Roman almost felt sorry for him. He looked genuinely terrified of losing Virgil’s friendship.
Virgil squared his shoulders and lifted his head.
“My decision is final J. I’m done enabling your behavior. I thought I was helping you out, but I was making it worse. I can’t protect you anymore… You are right. Sometimes we have to do what’s best for us. And for me, that is not being around you anymore.” Roman could tell that this was hard on Virgil. So when Janus reached out for him he went to stand in between them.
“He’s asking you to back off. Give him some space.”
Janus’ face went from pleading to murderous in a second. Next thing Roman knew he was pushed against a locker. “Stay out of it Chapero!” He said the slur in a mocking tone, with a purposefully horrible accent. Roman found himself letting out a growl as he turned their position around.
“You better not know what you just called me,” he warned.
“I don’t say anything I don’t mean. Payaso,” Janus taunted.
“Roman! What’s going on? Let him go. Let’s just go to class. Please.” Roman looked to Virgil, recalling that stress wasn’t good for him. “Sorry. You’re right. We’ll be late,” he sighed, letting go of the other teens collar and following Virgil, trying to calm himself down.
“Get to class Jan!” Virgil instructed his former friend.
“This isn’t over!” Janus replied. He didn’t come after them though. Good, Roman wouldn’t be able to refrain from using his powers a second time.
When they got outside and headed to building C Virgil laid his hand on Roman’s shoulder.
“You okay?” he asked worriedly.
Was he okay? “I’ll be fine, just pissed off. How about you? He was your friend for a long time right?” he asked instead.
Virgil sighed sadly. “He lives in the house next to mine. We basically grew up together I guess. And I tried to protect him from bullies as best I could, you know because of,” Virgil gestured to the left side of his face and Roman nodded in understanding.
“I didn’t realize he isn’t that same kid anymore. I guilted myself into sticking with him.
He was my friend, if I didn’t help him who would? He needed me. He stuck with me too. You get the picture. When he told me to take the same elective as him. I had enough. I told you about the summer camp I went to. What I didn’t mention was that it was a camp where they teach you to stand up for yourself. ‘your needs are important too’ and all that stuff. So when I got home I asked my dad to help me convince the principal to make sure I shared as little classes with him as possible. I felt shitty doing it. But at camp I also learned that me tolerating Jan so long isn’t helping him. Mrs. Danvers was on the right path when she separated us last year. We both need to learn be us without the other. And maybe when we’ve figured that out, we can try again.”
Roman nodded along, his anger finally calming down completely.
“What did he say?” Virgil asked. “Janus likes to brag that he is fluent in Spanish and French. I didn’t know he’d also learned slang.”
“He learned slang alright,” Roman huffed, back in a bad mood.
“I’m pretty sure he was just trying to get a rise out of me, which succeeded.” Why did he let that stupid word get to him? He should’ve just let it go.
“You sure you want to know?” he asked, not wanting to be the cause of more discord for his classmate.
“Yes. If it upset you that much, I do,” Virgil said firmly.
“Alright. Payaso, means clown,” Roman told him. Virgil nodded waiting for the other one. The one that had made Roman nearly see red.
“And… Chapero,” he felt his face reflect the distaste he felt just saying it. “It means- It refers to my…”
Roman gestured to his shirt, unwilling to say it aloud.
It was 2016! Being gay shouldn’t be looked down upon anymore. It’s just not right. That was what had bothered him really. Janus using his coming out to the school as a weapon against him. Especially because he lacked the spine to let Virgil know what he was saying.
“Seriously!?” Virgil growled already turning around, presumably to berate Janus on his behalf. Roman quickly grabbed the back of his hoodie to stop him. “We can’t be late. Not for him,” he reminded Virgil.
“You’re right,” Virgil agreed though he sounded extremely reluctant.
Soon they arrived in their classroom with a few minutes to spare.
Roman followed Virgil to a desk halfway the room. Not his own usual front row seat, but neither was it Virgil’s standard far back hiding spot.
“Well what do you know? My two favorite boys at one desk. Must be my lucky day!” Roman looked up from his backpack and saw that Stacey sat herself on top of his desk.
“Good morning to you too Stacey.” Roman offered politely. He knew it was his own fault, and she was his friend. But he was still a little jealous.
“Hi,” Virgil greeted casually, unknowingly making Roman feel significantly better. He didn’t look like he was very affected by the presence of a girl he was going out with.
“Ro. Guess where we’re going for our date?” Stacey asked, her eyes gleaming teasingly. She had called him last night to thank him and make sure that he was alright after being rejected. When he admitted he wasn’t technically rejected, he just panicked, she had burst out laughing. And now she was torturing him it seemed.
“No clue,” Roman admitted, noting that there was once again color shining through Virgil’s foundation. So maybe Stacey didn’t leave his neighbor as unmoved as he’d initially thought.
“The art studio! We’re going to go nuts on a blank canvas together. Isn’t that the coolest thing you’ve ever heard?”
It was a great activity to do together for two artistic people. Virgil clearly knew how to plan a first date. Stacey was going to love it.
“Well… It’s basically just hanging out,” Virgil corrected Stacey quietly. And Roman almost felt bad for feeling so relieved. He was getting emotional whiplash from this conversation.
“Yeah. What did you call it? Vibe check?” Stacey wondered.
“Something like that,” he nodded.
“Basically we’re going to roll with it as friends and see if we click romantically while we are pouring our souls out on canvas. No click? No hard feelings,” Stacey explained with a casual shrug. Then the teacher came in and she hurried to her seat.
During class Roman did his best to focus on the teacher. But every now and then his thoughts drifted to Virgil and what it would be like if he was the one going to the art studio with him. He imagined Virgil teasing him, because he wasn’t that great at drawing. Pretty soon they’d start painting each other and then… The bell rang. Right class, crush next to him.
The rest of the day went rather pleasant. At least until he was walking to his locker after Drama with Miguel and Kelly. He could hear a loud bang before they rounded the corner. There was shouting in the hallway and he and his friends hurried to break up what they were sure was a fight.
His eyes widened in horror as he saw Virgil was being held against the locker by his former best friend. Several witnesses were yelling at Janus to let Virgil go, but no one seemed willing to actually do something.
Virgil stared back at Janus with steady eyes. “No!” he stated firmly.
Roman had seen enough. He dropped his backpack and shouted at full volume.
“Let him go Bullard!” Everyone else fell silent. Janus looked over at Roman as did Virgil.
“I’ve got this Roman,” the shorter boy stated.
“I know. But you don’t have to do this alone,” Roman assured him, feeling Kelly and Miguel coming to his side. Time for Virgil to learn what it was like when your friends had your back.
“I texted the others. They are on their way,” Kelly informed him quietly. Roman nodded to show he’d understood her. Then he turned his attention back to Bullard.
“I’ll ask one more time. Leave him alone.”
Janus released his grip and Virgil barely kept himself from crashing to the floor.
“Think you can take me Castile?” he scoffed stalking towards him, putting himself between Roman and Virgil. He came to a stop a few feet away.
“I’m not going to give you the satisfaction of getting me in trouble,” Roman replied firmly. His mother would murder him if he got detention.
“So you’re just talk then huh? Afraid to get your butt kicked in front of everyone? Trying to score easy points with Virgil? Hoping I’ll let you steal him from me that easily?” he taunted.
“Trying to repay him in some small way for saving my life yesterday. But none of that is any of your business. Virgil’s decision to finally break free from you has nothing to do with me, and everything with how you’re treating him. I don’t understand what he saw in you that made him stick around this long. But you took it for granted and now it’s done. Leave him alone,” Roman told him, hearing footfalls of his other friends arriving, once they were complete they started sending the crowd away.
“If you’re not going to help go to your classes.”
“No need for all of you to be late.”
“Go on. Nothing to see here.”
His gaze was trained on his opponent, but he could see and hear the crowd dispersing around them.
Janus’ eyes narrowed at him before his face and posture relaxed. He got a glint in his eyes, a smirk on his lips.
“What’s wrong Castile? Don’t want an audience? I thought you lived for the cheers of a crowd?” Roman let the words wash over him. If he didn’t get a reaction, he’d leave. He always did.
“Or maybe this is an exclusive event? Just for your little fanclub and Virgil? Is he your newest devoted follower?”
Roman quirked a brow. “You guys should head to class,” he told his friends.
“Ro!” Nora exclaimed in disbelief.
“You’ll all get in trouble if you don’t get to class in time. Now go,” he turned to Clara.
“Tell our teacher that Virgil and I will be there soon. I’m not feeling well and Virgil is looking out for me.”
“Making your friends lie for you Castile? Some friend you are.” That idiot really didn’t know when to shut his mouth.
“Or tell them the truth. Apparently Bullard want’s detention on the first day,” Roman corrected himself.
Clara nodded and his friends slowly walked away. Now Roman didn’t have to worry as much about holding back. He could convince one witness that nothing strange had happened if he used his powers. But all his friends standing so close? Not a chance.
“Now we’re talking! A private show, just for you Virge,” Janus looked behind him where Virgil was still standing, rubbing at his chest where Janus’ fist had pressed into him and looking at Roman with worry.
“Virge? You okay?” Roman asked, once more ignoring the taunts.
“Yeah, fine,” he muttered as he moved towards him, but Janus gestured for him to stop and Virgil obeyed, so suddenly that it almost seemed odd… Was that a reflex from years of doing whatever it took to appease his friend? Or should Roman take a look to see if his adversary was using some kind of power?
Being gifted wasn’t very common, or at least, knowing you were gifted wasn’t.
Animotropolis was one of only a handful of places in the world that had an a system in place to help gifted people for a reason. Roman knew he wasn’t the only one in the program right now, even if he was the only one in hero training, but he’d never met other members before.
Was Janus one of them? Or maybe self-taught? He could find out with just a well-timed peak…
No, not with Virgil so close and clearly upset. Looking meant seeing everything. Including how this situation was truly affecting Virgil. It felt… intimate and like a betrayal of trust.
He wouldn’t unless it was necessary.
“Just get to class. I can handle myself,” Roman assured Virgil. He could get to their classroom trough the hallway farther back. And once he was gone, Roman would be able to see Janus’ energy, read his intentions and defeat him without either of them getting hurt.
“Stop mocking me!” Apparently Janus didn’t like being ignored.
Roman readied himself to block the punch and failing that, absorb the impact so he could defend himself. But he never got the chance to do either.
Virgil had made his way between them somehow and was now sinking to the ground in pain as he clutched his stomach. Roman was next to him in a second.
“V… I” Roman glared up at Janus, who was staring at them stunned, fist still raised.
“Messing with him emotionally and mentally isn’t enough for you? You have to resort to physical violence as well? What kind of friend are you?” he demanded. He knew that this instance hadn’t been aimed at Virgil, but he hadn’t forgotten that Janus had clearly been too forceful when pushing Virgil against the wall.
For the first time since he’d met him, Janus didn’t have a snappy retort. He just looked away in shame and left.
Roman turned his attention back to his apparent guardian angel.
“You okay? Should we go to the nurse?”
Virgil shook his head. “No. Dad will lose it if he knows someone actually hit me. Let’s just go to class. I’ll be fine by the time we get there,” he assured Roman.
“Okay… If you are sure…” Roman allowed reluctantly. “Thanks for catching that one, but you didn’t have to. I did some self-defense courses.”  More accurately he’s been trained in several forms of hand to hand combat for the past four years as part of his hero training.
“I would’ve been able to get out of harm’s way without hurting him,” he informs Virgil as he tries not to think about the fact that he, the superhero, had been saved twice by his romantic interest. And by the stars, it makes him like Virgil even more. Who wants a damsel, when they can have a knight in shining armor? Sometimes a savior needs saving. Then again, Virgil seemed like he could use some saving as well.
“I’ll remember that,” Virgil grinned trough his pain.
“Seriously though that’s the second time you’ve jumped to my rescue. Thank you,” Roman offered gently as he helped Virgil up and they both started walking to class.
Virgil grinned back at him through the pain. “Guess DreamPrince inspired me to be heroic,” he joked.
“He does seem to inspire a lot in you. I’m almost envious of him,” Roman admitted, not really looking at Virgil to hide his sincerity. “I’d love to be the one to inspire someone so much, artistically and the like I mean. Oh, that would be the dream. To be someone’s muse and have them be mine in return.”
Sadly Roman Castile didn’t inspire Virgil much. Not even remotely in the way Virgil inspired him. He was the one who’d made him want to be a hero. Thoughts of him had made him write monologues and characters, play and sing his heart out like never before.
He’s had other crushes. But Virgil seemed to be always there somewhere on the peripheral of his mind.
“That would be pretty cool I guess,” Virgil allowed, now seemingly back to normal.
“Are you sure we don’t need to have you checked out?” Roman worried. Virgil nodded firmly.
“I barely feel it anymore. He didn’t hit that hard,” he shrugged.
Roman decided to let it go.
The rest of the day went by without much trouble. Virgil even sat with Roman’s group over lunch. They didn’t sit next to each other for every class. Most classes they shared with a few of Roman’s other friends and they seemed to have decided that Roman had to be saved from embarrassing himself by method of constant supervision. So while they always sat close, they only shared a desk for English and History.
At the end of the day Virgil and Stacey left for the art studio and Roman couldn’t think of anything else than that all evening. That is until he got a text from Stacey.
“Awesome evening, no spark though. ;p Don’t blow it this time!”
Roman’s heart hammered in his chest. What was he supposed to do? Call him up right away?
No. He probably should wait for Friday. Hang out with him and see if sparks fly without the pressure of it being a real date. And if the evening sucked, well he had patrol after dinner, so that’d be too bad for any villains he came across.
@moonlightshow00 @naturallyunstablegamer @alias290​ @meowthefluffy​ @frida0043​ @angelic-cali​ @selenechris​ @theblackveilinreverse​ @cirishere​ @hestianerd1​
Passion and duty
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justcallmenikki7 · 4 years
Min Yoongi & Park Jimin: BTS!Twilight!Au HeadCanon
Summary: here is a glimpse at the beta and the epsilon of the pack!
Warnings: mentions of insecurities/eating disorders, depression, anxiety, FLUFF, POLY if that is still being considered as a warning along with mxm, fluffffff, my bad writing
W.C.: 1.4k
Notes: so i basically worked on this when i had breaks at work, so it might be a little confusing and jumped around, but i know. i will be going back and fixing this whenever i have time and after writing the one shot. SHOUT OUT TO @minniepetals​ for being a BIGG motivator for me during this long dry spell or writing. she is amazing and i cannot thank her enough for reassuring me and working with me. i know that i have been slacking with writing (hate work) but trust me, i am writing. my life has been too hectic lately and i am wanting this series to be amazing. ANYWAYS I HOPE YOU ENJOY!!!
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·   Both Yoongi and Jimin are lonely
·   But different type of lonely
·   First off – Yoongi
·   To sum it up – Yoongi comes from a broken family where his mom died from brain cancer and his father turned into an alcoholic after her death
·   Yoongi was four at the time
·   Growing up motherless and with an alcoholic father – he became very angry at the world and hated almost everyone
·   In school he’s known as the quiet, but angry kid because of outbursts he has when people push him to far (which doesn’t take a lot from him)
·   But the one person who didn’t push him to far was jimin
·   Jimin bonds with Yoongi on a personal level, and he is very fond of the fairy like boy
·   They met in sociology
·   Btw yoongi is 26
·   I will get to the age thing when I talk about jimin – so one second
·   So yes, he graduated from high school and was trying to live a life of his own, which backfired on him due to turning.
·   Speaking of turning
·   When he turned, he cut all ties with Jimin after this – which hurts both of them
·   But let’s take a look at Jimin’s life
·   So Jimin comes from what others would call a ‘perfect family’
·   Jimin can admit that his family can be considered perfect
·   But jimin does not feel as if that he belongs in his family
·   Coming from a family that is very successful and considered to be ‘perfect’ jimin feels very pressured
·   Everyone has high expectations for Jimin so Jimin always puts a fake smile on and does everything in his power to please
·   From this, he becomes severely insecure and develops depression and an eating disorder
·   When Jimin was a Junior in high school and Yoongi was a senior, they both have sociology and they sat next to each other
·   Que love at first sight
·   Truthfully the both of them did not know what it was, but they know that there is this c e r t a i n bond between them
·   So when Yoongi became distant towards jimin, Jimin becomes very depressed and closed himself off
By the way, Jimin is now out of high school and so is Yoongi
They’re both in college with the pack*
But when they accidentally ran into each other when they both were in the woods, Yoongi felt something weird, the weird that Namjoon explained when he first met his imprint
It clicked to him and then 
Yoongi imprinted on Jimin and they have reunited 
I am going to give a more insider on this in a seperate one shot 
But just know that this was a very cautious beginning for the two of them because of Jimin’s insecurities and Yoongi’s change.
Eventually, mainly a month later Jimin changed and that cleared things up for the two
Wolf Descriptions
Yoongi is the beta of the pack and is badass
When Yoongi changed, Namjoon really helped Yoongi by calming him down and reassuring him that everything’s fine
Form the first meeting, Yoongi felt a connection (alpha and pack one) to Namjoon and found a fondness and closeness to the alpha
Like in Jungkooks one shot, Yoongi indeed does have an all black coat that allows him to blend into the night to the point even those who have the greatest eyesight cannot even see him
Yoongi jokes about how his fur coat represents how he has no feelings or soul 
Yoongi’s Wolf is also his best friend (like how it’ll be for every member) 
But his wolf helps him cope better because his wolf Dagny, helps Yoongi stop and take a breath kind of deal
But if the situation is where either both Jimin and you (imprint) are threatened or harmed, or anything in that aspect, better pray for that person because Yoongi is similar to Paul in this area - there’s literally no way to get Yoongi calmed unless it’s either his imprint or Jimin coaxing him. 
As for Jimin - Sereperindity vibezzzzz - fur color = blonde.
Jimin’s Wolf is actually kind of smaller than everyone else’s
To a human he seems gigantic but when he’s in wolf form standing next to everyone else he has a smaller frame
But one thing that comes out of this is that he is able to maneuver through trees and is a lot quicker 
Just like everyone else, Jimin’s Wolf is his safety and his wolfs name is Neon
Whenever he is feeling emotional or insecure he turns into his wolf so he is able to cope and talk to someone 
Even tho he has you and yoongi, his bond with his wolf is something that both you and Yoongi can’t have with jimin
Okie that sounded harsh, but ya know what I mean?
Thankfully both you and Yoongi understand this and aren’t jealous of it and are actually happy for Jimin to have someone to turn too and have a good coping mechanism. 
Okay, FYI - everything is still based in college (I think I forgot to mention that)
So, Yoongi and Jimin are both in the same classes (Yoongi actually went behind Jimin’s back when he enrolled because he wanted to be in every class with Jimin).
Jimin wasn’t thrilled but he couldn’t deny his fluttering heart at this
But y’all meet in Developmental Psychology on the first day
I wanna be cliche hehe
But you ran into both Jimin and Yoongi as you were turning a corner which led to the class
You heard a growl *damnit yoongi* which scares you into a stuttering mess
And as you looked into Jimins eyes, 
Yoongi also felt this too because of the bond 
Que guilty Yoongi and Dagny
But you did feel something but you were severely intimidated by the two BTS members so you ran off
Both Jimin and Yoongi wanted to chase after you but they both also didn’t want to force the bond onto you
So being causal, they both sat by you 
They totally did not sniff the air for you backpack (lmaoooooo)
So when you found out that they were sitting by you, you definitely tried to move seats but with your luck, they both glared at anyone to the point where those would put their bags in the seat next to them
You sighed, which made them feel bad because they could feel the anxiety you radiated, but eventually you gave in and sat down
They totally feel really bad
During the lecture they stared at you to the point you snapped 
“Can you please stop staring at me, I’m trying to concentrate.”
You were shocked from how they listened to you automatically 
You apologized for sounding rude - you just want to focus on your studies
After class they asked to talk to you
Talking meaning Jimin rambling to you while Yoongi is quietly staring at you adoringly 
Basically all you could comprehend is jimin asking to be friends 
To which you agreed 
Okay I’m trying to save everything for the one shot
You balance both Jimin and Yoongi due to their insecurities and their demons
You’re the reason why they now wake up everyday 
1 because they want to make you happy
And 2 - you make them want to wake up
Of course they both felt like this before they found you
But they now have another reason , and also because the thought of you finding someone else haunts them
You CONSTANTLY have to remind that YOU LOVE THEM!!
Also that you’re their damn imprint and that you could never, couldn’t want to love anyone else like you love them
They also don’t realize how much they help you 
Especially by when your anxiety gets bad
They’re the only outlets you have when it comes to your anxiety 
Sometimes you do feel like you came crashing into their life and interrupted the relationship and you do sometimes feel like you’re left out
Once those two found about those feelings
Love ….. you sure were attacked by reassurances and love by them
You truly don’t realize how much you help them
It’s so disgustingly fluff that the pack sometimes feel like they’re watching a Hallmark movie lmao
It’s so cute
So in all - you complete them and they complete you. 
It’s a balanced relationship with open communication and help/love
No one is left out and no one feels alone
I want to be in a poly relationship with Jimin and Yoongi :(
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yikesharringrove · 4 years
maybe? 👉👈 steve taking a really long time with college (like on one year and off one yours year, on, off, on, off) and he still doesn't really know what he wants to do and he gets really frustrated bc billy just did college all in one go and steve is taking forever and he feels down on himself? idk im feeling the whump rn???
Steve had left high school having no idea what he wanted from the rest of his life.
That’s not true, he had some idea.
He knew he wanted to leave Hawkins, follow Billy wherever he was going. He knew he wanted to be with Billy for the rest of his life, he knew he wanted to leave the past behind and make new friends, people who were kind, and fun, and didn’t bat an eye when Billy pulled him into his lap.
But that’s about it.
So when Billy graduates high school, and gets a full ride to UC Berkeley, and they move into a cheap apartment in downtown Oakland, Steve is so happy that he got out.
He gets a job waiting tables at a restaurant down the street, pays half the rent and buys the groceries while Billy’s in class.
But then two years pass, and Billy’s soaring through college, working to his degrees, plural, because he just couldn’t decide between studying English Literature or Biology with a focus in research.
So he’s majoring in both and getting a minor in Italian because then I’ll know what you’re sayin’ when you start horny babblin’.
And Steve was at the same restaurant.
True, he was assistant manager now, and it came with a pretty okay raise, and he even gets dental insurance, but he feels so stuck.
So he enrolls in community college.
He starts with some general classes, still completely unsure of what he wants to study.
Billy said it was okay to just rule out things you don’t want to study, to nearly fail a math course and know that accounting is not for you.
So when Steve finishes his first year, he at least knows what he doesn’t want to pursue.
Meanwhile Billy has an internship at a lab through Kaiser Permanente. And he can read and write Italian than Steve can.
Steve is walking home from his job at the restaurant when it happens. He’s crossing the street, and gets hit by a car.
He’s taken to the hospital, where he’s informed of a fractured spine and another concussion.
He’s told his injury could’ve been much more severe, that he will not experience paralysis, but he needs physical therapy and walking will be difficult for a while.
Their finances take a big hit.
Billy’s internship doesn’t pay super well, and with Steve being unable to work for the foreseeable future, he’s fired.
Billy has insurance through the school, but because on paper, he and Steve have no real relation, Steve’s medical bills come out of pocket.
So Steve is bedridden for months. He can’t work or get groceries, or do fucking anything but lay there.
They can’t afford physical therapy.
But Billy has a friend studying to be a PT, and she comes over every Saturday, and practices her technique on him in exchange for ten bucks and a few beers.
And so the money Steve tucked away for school is rapidly diminishing.
By the time Billy graduates, Steve is a year into recovery. He still gets dizzy at odd intervals, and his back gets stiff when it rains, but Billy gets a job right away, doing research on flu vaccines.
And Steve goes back to work.
He gets a desk job, something he won’t have to be on his feet all day for. He works reception for a message therapist, which comes with free massages, which work wonders on his back.
So in the fall, he decides to give his education another shot.
He learns that history is not for him, and that his nutrition course was fine until they began looking into how the body processes nutrients, and he was fucking lost. He takes a few business classes, thinking, hoping genetics would take over and this is something he could do.
But his dad was right to take away the job opportunity at his own firm. Steve was not cut out for this.
After a year of research, Billy is promoted three times. He ends up working on some extremely important study that Steve does not understand for the fucking life of him.
But he sits and listens every time Billy explains what he did that day, even though Steve gets so sad when Billy mentions having to kill the lab mice to study their bodies.
So Steve is two years into community college, five years into living in Oakland with Billy, and he still is lost.
He takes a semester off, working more hours, trying to save up some money.
Because Billy is beginning to think about grad school, and that shit’s not cheap.
But Billy decides to postpone that, work for a few more years, and besides, he’s caught between studying something to put him in a research field, or just straight up going to medical school to study infectious disease.
Because Billy could. He’s smart enough for medical school, smart enough to research and be a doctor.
And Steve has a smushy spine and half a degree in nothing.
A semester off turns into a year.
A year and a semester.
Two years.
They’ve been in California for seven years, and Billy gets into grad school in San Diego. They move south and Billy spends late nights pursuing a Masters in Immunology.
And Steve works the front desk at a pediatrician’s office.
He’s flipping through a course catalog from the San Diego Community College when Billy comes home from his new job, the position he got after applying to only three labs.
He kissed the top of Steve’s head, moving to grab himself a beer from the fridge.
“You thinkin’ of going back?”
“I don’t know.” Steve slid the catalog closed. “Is it even worth it?”
“That’s something you have to decide.” Billy sat down, sliding the catalog towards him. Steve had crossed off the classes he had already taken, the ones he new he wouldn’t like.  “And you know, going to school isn’t the only option. You could get an apprenticeship, master a trade.”
“I can’t do anything where I need to bend over for really any length of time. So that rules out plumber, and car mechanic, and anything physical like construction, or landscaping or even general contracting is right out.”
Steve could feel the old shame, the doubt and the self hatred crawling up his spine.
“I have nothing to offer. I have no discerning skills, and in seven years I’ve only made it through two years of goddamn community college, and here you are, ripping through grad school like a fourth degree is easy.”
“Stevie, you’ve got a lot to offer. We just gotta find something that suits you.” He took Steve’s pen, turning to the back page of the catalog. “Okay, we’re gonna write down all of you strengths, and think of career paths that could fit those. I’ll go first, you’re extremely caring. You’d be good at any career where you care for people.”
“But I can’t study nursing or something, I barely understood my biology 101 course. Plus, nurses are strong. I can’t lift more than like, thirty pounds.”
“There’re way more caring fields than nursing, Pretty Boy. Although I would love if you were my nurse.” Billy smirked at him, leaning in to plant a sloppy kiss to Steve’s cheek as he rolled his eyes. “Another strength: your emotional intelligence is through the fucking roof.” He wrote it down. “Okay, I’ve said tow, so you say one.”
“Um, I think that I’m good at making people laugh?”
“Yes! You are. Perfect.” Billy scribbled it down. “You’re a good leader.”
“I’m pretty good at reading people.” Billy wrote Intuitive, can smell a douchebag from a mile away.
“You’re good under pressure.”
“Every time I’ve seen. You’re good at keeping calm and keeping others calm.”
“I guess.”
“Nah, Stevie. Positives only. Say a strength.”
“I’m, uh, I’m good at, bilingual?” Billy stared at him. “Like, I’m bilingual.”
“Are you sure? I don’t think that was English, even.” Steve slapped his chest, Billy laughed. “I’m joking. You are bilingual. You’re also really good at making others feel safe.”
“I was always pretty alright at public speaking.”
“You’ve got a great eye for detail.”
“I’m good at teamwork, and delegating.”
“You’re really compassionate, too.” Billy drew a line under the strengths side. “Okay, so now we’ve got some of your strengths, think about what you’d want in a job, and we can match everything up and think about some careers that could fit.” Steve nodded, racking his brain.
“Um, I would want to work with kind people, I would kind of like to do something, you know, worthwhile. I’d like to be in charge of something. Like it’s fine if I have a boss to answer to, but I’d like to be fairly independent.”
“I already have so many ideas.”
“Lay ‘em on me.” Steve sat back, closing his eyes to try and picture everything Billy threw out.
“I’ve actually always thought you’d be a really good teacher. Especially if you did like, kindergarten. Just got to be around little kids all day.” Steve could actually see it. “I also think you’d be a could social worker, like to work with Child Protective Services, or something. Um, you’d be good at even planning. Or I think you’d be really good working at a nonprofit of some kind. Maybe you could be the event planner for a nonprofit.”
And Steve was sitting there, and suddenly, he had four career paths, just sitting right in front of him. Four super attainable career paths.
“Wait, wait those make sense.” Billy beamed at him.
“Yeah, that’s because I know you, Pretty Boy.” Billy opened the catalog. “So, I think if you choose to enroll, you should pick a few classes, like, Intro to Social Work, Early Childhood Education 100, and maybe like, Sociology, and see from there.”
Steve stared at the course descriptions for what Billy circled.
“Thank you for helping me. I’m sorry this has taken me so long.”
“It’s okay. Everyone is on a different timeline. And it’s not like you got to explore options in high school. You were told business until your dad decided that nevermind. So it’s understandable that this took you a minute. Plus, you went through hell with your back.”
Steve sat up straight, stretching out his back.
“But, I mean, the back thing kinda happened to you too, and you still made it through all your schooling.”
“Sure, I watched you go through it, but I was not in the pain you were. And like, emotionally, it fucking sucked to watch the love of my goddamn life go through something, and I couldn’t even afford therapy. Like, I felt so helpless, but that’s nothing to what you went through literally experiencing it.” Steve took Billy’s hand, linking their fingers together, pressing a kiss to his knuckles.
“You did the best you could. Everything was shit for like, that whole year.”
“I cannot telly you how many times I would go into an individual study room in the library and just like, sob for a while.And then I’d get so mad at myself, thinking of you at home, hurting and not even able to get yourself out of bed, and I’d race home feeling like shit.”
Steve scrubbed his fingers through Billy’s hair. He had cut it a while ago, kept it short these days.
“You were doing everything you could for me. I would just sit in bed all day, and think about how amazing you are. Like I would just think about all the good times we’ve had together, and how much I love you.”
“That explains why we didn’t fight for like, that whole year.” Steve laughed. Billy leaned to kiss him softly.
“And you know, even now we’ve done this, there’s still no rush on you. You don’t have to go back to school this year, of this decade, or anytime until you’re ready. Until you want to.”
“Well now, I feel like there’s a fucking light at the end of the tunnel. I’m almost, excited. Is this how you feel? Excited to go to school?”
“Welcome to the nerd life, Sweet Thing.” Billy drained the last of his beer. “You wanna go out tonight? Celebrate?”
“Like, go out to dinner, or go out?”
“Oh, just like dinner. Be home by eight thirty, in bed by nine, missionary with the lights off, and asleep by nine fifteen.”
“Sign me the fuck up.”
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fake-wizard · 3 years
How did you become a trans terf? This is really interesting!
Thank you for this question because I can now delay watching my lectures for like 30 min. 
I got tumblr my freshman year, started my deep dive into the realm of tumblr’s lgbtqianpd+++ stuff. I did a bunch of ace discourse as an “inclusionist” then as an “exclusionist”, started iding as nonbinary demiboy, ace/aro, he/they, got a binder i think during the winter of my sophomore year and came out to a couple friends as nb. Went more towards ftm. Started dating my current boyfriend winter of my junior year, told him I was id’ing as ftm (he’s bisexual, didn’t matter) and the rest of my friends, changed my name and pronouns socially. Start of my senior year I told my family and had them change pronouns and name as well. My bday is in October, so turned 18 and was going to start testosterone. 
By the winter of that year however, I had been hate-reading a lot of “terf” blogs. And what I found was that I could not argue against what they were saying. I was experiencing a lot of cognitive dissonance about it all, repeating the same mantras but knowing they didn’t quite add up. 
Specifically about: If sexuality is based on an internal sense of gender, how can you be attracted to anyone until they tell you what gender they are? If a lesbian sees a woman and she says “i’m ftm” does that mean the lesbian is now a bisexual because they were “attracted to a man” or is a switch supposed to flip and they stop being attracted? If sexism is based on “being perceived as a woman/passing as a woman” then why do butches who pass as men still experience sexism? If being gay is about “being perceived as gay in society” then wouldn’t that make all the homosexual couples historically who passed as hetero for safety suddenly become actual literal heteros? If transmen have male privilege, why are they not represented in politics, are targetted for sexual abuse by straight men, and need access to abortion just like women do? If transwomen don’t have male privilege, why are they the main voices of the movement? They can reap all the benefits of a male life for 50 years, and then suddenly none of that mattered? If me and my boyfriend’s relationship is “gay” now that i id’d as ftm, how come we could legally get married and adopt in any country in the world? I was raised being told I Should like and date men, I never once believed my attraction to men was a sin, and gay men experience the Exact Opposite, so how could we both possibly be gay men? Why do transwomen have male patterns of violence? Why have I only ever heard of stories of transwomen abusing transmen, and not the other way around? Is it possible to only be attracted to the same sex? To say no is to say that it’s possible for all women to like dick, which is obviously fucked up. What is so different about a man and a transwoman that means a lesbian is supposed ot like the latter? Why can’t anybody define women? first woman, then female, then afab, the goalpost kept moving. What is there to being a woman besides being female, isn’t all that extra stuff just stereotypes? When my sister is distressed with her body and denied herself food, or I cut myself, that’s a bad thing because it hurts your body, but hrt and a mastectomy hurt your body, they even risk killing you, but that’s okay? I took a sociology class and it’s clear socialization effects behavior - but somehow magically trans people grow up uneffected by it? If socialization can influence women to wear makeup, dress, and act in specific ways that arent’ innate, and cause higher rates of eating disorders, couldn’t it effect dysphoria as well?
And so much more!!!
And that’s only on the trans side - I also had my eyes opened to the horrors of pornography and prostitution, the rates of domestic violence, and all the other terrible sex-based oppression that women are subjected to globally. There is so much more to being a radfem than the trans issues too. 
So for two years (winter of my senior year to winter of my college’s high school year) I decided not to transition. I engaged with radfem tumblr and talked about all these things with my female friends in person as well, it was like getting a huge weight off my shoulders too. And it really did help lessen my dysphoria to an extent. I came up with a long list of coping mechanisms to employ for dysphoria as well. 
But by this february, I was just so tired of that. I still supported everything I say about radical feminism, about sex based oppression, protecting homosexuals, and the dangers of medical transition. But dysphoria is just this constant painful presence day in and day out, and I pursued medical transition in february. I applaud every woman who chooses not to transition, and ultimately view transitioning as giving in, because I can no longer be a role model to young dysphoric women, who shows them that you don’t need to transition. 
At this point, I love my body more than ever and I can’t imagine regretting these changes really. I will miss connecting with women the way I used to, especially as a woman in science, but the women in my life from before transition will always see me as one of them still, and I appreciate that. 
The way I see it, words don’t hurt me at all, they are immaterial, and as a scientist I value coherent definitions, and I understand the realities of sex. So my goal with transition is to pass as male in society and to alter the parts of my body that bring me distress - I know i’m not literally male. And I think all trans people need to get to the point where they understand that, it really helps mentally. 
And I’ll always think, maybe if i had different friends (half of my friends understand, half think i am or would think i am an evil terf) or was dating a woman instead of a man (i’m bisexual, thought i was hetero in highschool (but called myself a gay man lmao), and dating someone with the same body seems like a big deal in handling dysphoria), if i tried harder with my coping mechanisms, if I saw a therapist who understood all this and didn’t just encourage me to do whatever I wanted, maybe i wouldn’t be transitioning. But I’m happy now, so that’s what I focus on as mattering to me, and that’s what I want to pursue. 
I do caution others from doing the same though. 
Also tangent at the end here, I call myself “trans” because I’m medically transitioned. To me, “cis v trans” makes no sense and is sexist. But “dysphoric vs not dysphoric” or “medically transitioned vs not medically transitioned” make more sense to me. 
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ddeonghwaa · 4 years
Let Me Explain (Seonghwa)
Tumblr media
Characters: Seonghwa x reader
Genre: angst, fluff
Word Count: 2.7k
I love me a Seonghwa angst and I've been having this pictured in my head for a while. Indeed, writing it down makes it so much better! I hope you guys enjoy this as much as I enjoyed writing it. Thank you! ♡
“Thanks, Yunho,” you smiled as Yunho passed you your drink. “It’s such a bummer that Seonghwa couldn’t join today, right?” You nodded in response and took a sip of your brown sugar milk tea. “He says he has basketball practice today.” Seonghwa is a member of the basketball club in the university you were attending and he has an upcoming competition in less than a month. Your dates became shorter but you didn’t mind that as you try to be as supportive as possible.
“So how are you coping with the sociology class that you were complaining about? I’m surprised to know that you’re still in the class and haven’t dropped it yet,” Yunho chuckled and mixed his drink before taking a sip. You shrugged, “To be honest, I don’t even know. I can’t afford to drop the class because all other choices of mine are already full. I guess I just have to bear with it and hopefully ask for a miracle to happen.”
You furrowed your brows and looked back at Yunho who suddenly stopped in his tracks, “Yunho. What are you still doing there?”
You saw panic in his eyes as his pupils tried avoiding eye contact with yours. You took a few steps back to where he was standing and fixed your eyes at what he was looking at. “You’re not seeing what I’m seeing, right? Please tell me I’m hallucinating,” Yunho blinked and rubbed his eyes.
Through a cafe’s glass door, you saw someone familiar. Too familiar for you to doubt your eyes, but weirdly, you just couldn’t bring yourself to believe what you’re witnessing. “Is that... Seonghwa?”
Yunho tried being tactful but he just couldn’t help asking that.
A guy who looked like Seonghwa was sitting in the cafe, sipping on what looked like strawberry frappe, Seonghwa’s favourite drink from the cafe. He was not alone though, in front of him was a girl, covering her mouth while laughing to probably a joke the Seonghwa-looking guy made. You recognised the girl immediately. She was Naeun, your ex-best friend. Out of all people, it was Naeun. In short, she betrayed you in high school and basically ruined your social life. She was officially cancelled out of your life.
“Nah, that’s not him,” you gulped, “That can’t be him. He says he has basketball practice, why would he lie?” you took out your phone from your bag, “And why would he be here with Naeun…?” you whispered under your breath. Your heart felt uneasy at the sight. You believed that the guy is not Seonghwa. But your eyes would not lie.
“I’ll call him,” you immediately dialed Seonghwa’s number with your eyes still fixed to the man in the cafe. To your surprise you saw the man pick up his phone to accept a call. 
“Hey, babe. What’s up?” Seonghwa said from the other line. You held your breath and tried keeping yourself calm, “Yeah, hey. I just finished my class and was wondering if you want to go grab dinner together?” Yunho was still standing next to you, worried about how things are going to turn out. 
“Please don't lie. Please don’t lie to me,” you silently wished.
You saw the guy in the cafe suddenly start looking around and heard Seonghwa reply, “Um… I don’t think I can make it. I’m having basketball practice right now, Yunho is also here with me practicing.”
Your heart fell as you heard him speak, “Yunho? He is practicing with you?” You repeated what he said and turned to Yunho who was standing right beside you. Yunho doubted his ears and pointed to himself, “Me?”
“Yeah, Yunho came by to say hi but he ended up joining us for practice,” Seonghwa said. You turned silent. “Y/n? You okay, babe?” Seonghwa asked.
After composing yourself, you replied, “No. I just thought it was weird because Yunho is right beside me. Am I hallucinating or imagining things, Hwa?”
This time, it was Seonghwa who turned silent. 
“Shit. Babe, wait let me expl-,” 
“You know what, Hwa? Enjoy your strawberry frappe. And… enjoy ‘Yunho’s’ company.”
You hung up and started walking away from the cafe, almost stomping your feet for every step you took.
Yunho caught up with you and pulled your sleeves, “Y/n, are you alright? Maybe you should let him explain.”
''Explain what, exactly? I really hoped it wasn’t him at first, and even if it was him, I really wished that he wouldn’t have lied. That ruined it for me, Yunho. If he told the truth, I wouldn’t be this mad.”
Yunho opened his mouth to say something, but no words came out. Seonghwa really messed up this time. “I’ll see you tomorrow,” you pulled away and hopped onto the bus which just came. 
Yunho was left standing there, dumbfounded. Was being there with you a mistake? If he wasn’t with you, you wouldn’t be heartbroken like this because you wouldn’t know Seonghwa was lying. “Arghhh,” Yunho messed his hair up. Why was he tangled in you and Seonghwa’s couple fight?
His phone vibrated, he checked it only to realise it was from Seonghwa. 
SH: “Were you with Y/n?”
YH: “Yes. I was, before she stomped off back to her apartment.”
SH: “Ah shit, I messed up. I told her I was with you practising.”
YH: “I witnessed the whole thing, bro. Why would you even lie to her in the first place?”
SH: “It’s… a long story. Now she won’t pick up my calls and won’t text me back.”
YH: “I wouldn’t either. You lied and she deserves to be mad. Please solve your problems and leave me out of it. Why am I being dragged in it when I’m the most innocent one here?”
SH: “I know, I’m sorry. I’ll talk to her.”
Yunho sighed and shook his head.
The next day, you let your feet drag you to class, still feeling down about what happened yesterday. You slept over at one of your friend's place last night because you knew Seonghwa would come to yours to 'explain' what had happened. But clearly you weren't in the mood to talk, and it dragged out till the next day. 
You wished that you wouldn't have to face Seonghwa today, but luck was not on your side. You remembered that the first class today was a university required course, meaning people from different majors would have to take the module, Seonghwa being one of them. 
You took a deep breath before entering the lecture room. The moment you entered, you saw Seonghwa waving at the back, pointing to the empty seat next to him to indicate that he had saved you a seat. But you were not falling for that. 
You were still mad and you had every right to be mad at him. 
Ignoring his waves, you shot him an icy gaze as you took a seat a few rows to the front. Seonghwa stopped waving, "I saved you a seat though," he whispered to himself sadly. He packed his things to move to the seat next to you, but unfortunately someone else beat him to it. Another classmate of yours has taken the seat and to make things worse, the lecturer came in right at that moment. 
Feeling hopeless, Seonghwa decided to sit back down in his place with an empty seat next to him. 
Throughout the lecture, your mind keeps on thinking about Seonghwa and how heartbroken he looked when you ignored him before the lecture started. 
"Focus, y/n! Focus! Now is not the time to think about liars." 
You tapped your cheeks a few times to distract yourself from unnecessary thoughts. On the other hand, Seonghwa was staring at you from the back throughout the lecture, trying to form apologies to say to you after the lecture ends. He felt so bad that he made you sad last night, he knew he was at fault for lying to you although things didn't happen the way they seemed. 
When the lecturer concluded the lesson, you immediately packed your things to quickly exit the lecture hall in attempt to avoid Seonghwa. But deep down, you knew it was impossible to avoid him fully. 
After packing, you took your bag and exited the hall. You noticed a familiar figure waiting for you at the door and sighed. 
Seonghwa was already looking at you with a tint of sadness in his eyes. "Y/n," he called. 
You walked past him, ignoring his call. Seonghwa bit his lips and caught up with you. He took your wrist and pulled you softly to face him. "Y/n, please. Let me explain. It's not like what you think-" 
You closed your eyes in frustration and let out an annoyed sigh, "Hwa, stop." 
Seonghwa looked up to look at your face, surprised by your angry tone. 
"Are you hearing yourself right now? You've been saying you'll explain what had happened since yesterday," you tried calming yourself down but built up anger is slowly taking over your body.
"You already know how much I hate it when people lie. That is the one and only thing I can't tolerate, but you decided to do that. What? Practicing with Yunho when he was standing right beside me? You sure did experience the surprise of your life, didn't you?" you shook your head.
"An apology would have been nice to hear first, before trying to 'explain' anything. I don't even want to hear anything from you, Hwa." 
You pulled your wrist away from Seonghwa and adjusted your sleeves. Seonghwa felt as if his heart was stabbed multiple times when he heard your words. He has seen you angry before, but never to this extent. With furrowed brows and a red face from the anger you felt, you walked away from him. Leaving Seonghwa frozen in his spot, heartbroken. 
During break, you bought some light snacks because clearly someone had ruined your mood for the day. 
While looking for an empty seat, you spotted Seonghwa sitting with Yunho and the six other boys. 
"Ugh, I hate my life." 
You walked past them to sit at an empty seat nearby, praying to yourself that they won't make the situation any more awkward. Unfortunately, luck wasn't on your side. 
"Y/n! Why are you heading there? Your seat is right here," Wooyoung patted an empty seat in between him and Seonghwa. 
Seonghwa shot a glare at the innocent Wooyoung and cursed him from inside. On the other hand, Yunho was also uncomfortable because he was probably the only one who knew what happened between the two of you. 
You smiled softly at Wooyoung, "It's okay, I don't really feel like eating anything today. You guys enjoy," without even looking at Seonghwa, you turned and walked away from their table. 
"You and Y/n have to resolve things immediately. Like, ASAP," San took a bite of his food and looked at Seonghwa. 
"And how did you know?" Seonghwa was confused. 
San shrugged, "It was kinda obvious that Y/n and you had an argument. She couldn't even look you in the eyes just now." The rest of the boys agreed and nudged Seonghwa to go catch up to you and end your fight. 
It took Seonghwa a while to find you, but after predicting where you'd be, he finally saw you sitting on a bench near the flower garden in the university. 
You were eating your snacks and internally cursing yourself for not buying more food as you were starving. He slowly approached you and took a seat next to you. He slid a sandwich on the bench and pushed it softly towards you. 
"I know that you get really hungry, and those snacks you're eating won't be enough for you," he started the conversation. You sighed and stood up to walk away. 
But this time, Seonghwa didn't stop you physically. 
"Will you give me a chance to apologise and explain?" He softly said and looked down on the floor. "I'm really sorry."
You let out a sigh and sat back down without saying anything. 
Seonghwa sensed that you sat back down and turned to face you. "Y/n, I'm really, really, really sorry for lying to you yesterday. I know it's my fault and you have every right to be angry at me. Even I would be angry if I were you."
Seonghwa paused to compose himself before continuing, "I know that you hate it when people lie and I have probably broken your trust in me because of it, but please. Give me another chance. I can't live with you ignoring me and giving me the cold shoulder."
You bit your lower lips, processing every single thing he said. He sounded so sincere in his apology and it made you melt a little. 
"But out of all people, why were you with Naeun? You know what she did to me," you whispered.
Seonghwa moved to kneel in front of you, "I'm sorry, babe. Will you let me explain?" You softly nodded. 
"I was supposed to have basketball practice when she contacted me, saying a huge basketball team was recruiting new members to train and she said she could help me get an offer because her dad is rich and knows them personally. I didn't know about it until I met her at that cafe. She told me my basketball coach would be there, but she turned up alone."
"Typical Naeun. Trying to win everyone with her money," you snickered. 
"When I met her, she told me that the only way for me to get an offer was to date her so she can make me look good in front of her dad, so he would recommend me," Seonghwa stated and your brows furrowed intensely.
"But of course I rejected it immediately. I told her I have you and I wanted to be recognised because of my skills," Seonghwa let out a sigh too. Still dumbfounded at how silly of an offer he had actually gotten. 
"Then why did you lie? About Yunho?"
Seonghwa bit his bottom lip, "I didn't want you to worry and get sad. I know how bad your relationship is with Naeun, and if you knew that I was meeting her, at a cafe, just the two of us, you would be so mad. I know lying is wrong, but I did it anyway and it ended up hurting you more. I stayed for hours outside your apartment yesterday, but you weren't there," he sighed, his eyes started getting teary, "I'm truly sorry, Y/n."
You felt your heart melt fully at his sincere apology and explanation. You misunderstood his intentions and got mad at him without listening to him first, you were also partly to blame. 
Slowly, you took your hands up to his cheeks and caressed them slowly. "I'm sorry too, Hwa. I should've listened to you. I should've given you a chance to explain before assuming things on my own."
Seonghwa looked into your eyes and placed his palm over your hands that were on his cheeks. His eyes were glassy that a small touch might make his tears fall on his cheeks. 
"I forgive you and I'm sorry too," you softly said, "But please. Never lie to me again."
Seonghwa nodded and immediately pulled you into his embrace, "I missed you so much, babe." 
You actually felt tears streaming down your face, because being angry at your boyfriend also hurt your own feelings. Ignoring him was not easy, staying mad at him didn't help to solve anything. You returned his hug by wrapping your arms around his waist and rubbing his back. 
"I love you, Y/n." 
"I love you too, Hwa." 
You blinked and released yourself from the hug. Seonghwa chuckled and pinched your cheeks. "Was that your tummy, babe?"
You turned crimson and nodded. 
Seonghwa laughed and messed your hair up, "Told you you'd need this," he took the extra food that he brought for you because he knows that snacks won't make you full.
"Eat well, my love," he smiled as he watched you eat. 
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A touch as beautiful as this
Summary: “What’s the great Spaghetti Man doing in the corner all by his lonesome?” Richie asked before plopping down in the seat next to Eddie.
“No one wants to dance with me.” Eddie sighed softly. “I mean, Carla Rogers hinted at it a few days ago, but now, I don’t think she’s even here.” He frowns softly.
“I’m sorry, Eds.” Richie placed his chin onto his hand as he scanned the sea of young teens. Ah, the scent of too much perfume or cologne to the reek of desperation that flooded Richie’s nose made him glad he didn’t have a date.
Pairing: Edward Kaspbrak x Richard Tozier 
There was a dance, almost all high school had a dance or even more than once every year. So, why would the Loser’s club high school be any different? Still, Eddie didn’t really care to dance, yet somehow he had been convinced to go by Bev and Ben. They both harked how it was a once in a lifetime opportunity.
So, here was Eddie, sitting in the back of the school’s gymnasium with a scowl painted across his features. Ben and Bev were dancing together, having the time of their lives. Stan was chatting with a girl named Patty from their Sociology class. Hell, even Bill was dancing with a girl named Audra. Everyone was having fun, except Eddie.
Mike couldn’t come since he still didn’t go to their school, and Eddie has yet to see Richie even come through the doors of the gym. He hasn’t been asked by anyone to dance, and although he didn’t want to dance, the fact that no one came up to him kind of sucked. Here he was dressed in formal clothing that his mother never let him wear out anywhere but Church.
Just when he thought the night couldn’t get any better, there came Richie who showed up. His long hair had been pulled into a short ponytail. Surprisingly, he was all dressed up in clothing that didn’t make him look like a total dumpster fire. The young man grins excitedly the moment his eyes locked onto Eddie’s.
“What’s the great Spaghetti Man doing in the corner all by his lonesome?” Richie asked before plopping down in the seat next to Eddie.
“No one wants to dance with me.” Eddie sighed softly. “I mean, Carla Rogers hinted at it a few days ago, but now, I don’t think she’s even here.” He frowns softly.
“I’m sorry, Eds.” Richie placed his chin onto his hand as he scanned the sea of young teens. Ah, the scent of too much perfume or cologne to the reek of desperation that flooded Richie’s nose made him glad he didn’t have a date.
“Honestly, this sucks. I was hoping maybe we’d all spend time together. I guess I should have known better with the others actually having dates.” Eddie commented.
“Ah, well, dates aren’t that great anyway. I don’t have anyone.” Richie grinned to Eddie.
“That’s because no one wants you, Rich.” Eddie snorted softly.
“Rude! I am a delight! Just ask your mother-dearest.” He wiggled his eyebrows which caused Eddie to fake gag.
“Disgusting, Richie. Truly disgusting.” He rolled his eyes at Richie who tossed his head back and cackled.
“This really does suck.” Richie groaned. “You wanna bounce?” He asked as Eddie looked to him with a frown.
“And leave our friends?” Eddie questioned.
“They seem preoccupied with some things,” He gestures to the other Losers, “Besides, I know how to make up for all those girls who are missing out on the great Edward Spaghedward.” He grins excitedly.
“How?” Eddie quirked an eyebrow before blinking in shock when Richie offers him out a hand.
“Follow me, Dear Eds, and I shall show you your wildest dreams,” He explains, “Come on.”
Eddie bit his lip gently before a grin bloomed across his features. His smaller hand slowly slid into Richie’s before the taller boy was yanking him out of the chair. They headed out of the gym room towards Richie’s car as Eddie couldn’t stop the burst of laughter that escaped him.
“Where are we going? I have to be here when Stanley comes to take me home!” He exclaims around his laughter.
“Fear not, Eddie! I shall take you home when the time comes! For now, come with me!” He explains, opening the car door. Eddie felt his face grow warmer at Richie’s smile.
“Okay,” He whispers, climbing into the car.
Richie closed the door as Eddie buckled his seat belt before Richie rounded the car. He climbed in before turning the car on, blasting the heater since the cold air of November made both of them shiver. The two shared a grin before Richie pulled out of the school’s parking lot, driving off towards the clubhouse.
“So, how are you going make me feel better about all those girls rejecting me?” He asked, glancing at Richie.
“You’ll see! Jeez, Eds, calm your pants down. I’m going to make good on my word.” Richie assured with a firm nod.
Eddie rolled his eyes playfully before glancing out the window. He started at the night sky with a dazed expression when Richie was shutting off the car. He blinked rapidly, looking up to see there were just outside the woods.
“What are we doing here?” He questioned, looking over to Richie.
“Come on, follow me,” He smiles, getting out of the car as Eddie pouts.
“Richie--” He’s cut off by Richie snagging his hand and yanking him out of the car. “Agh! You asshat!” He huffs.
Richie drags him into the woods before leading him down into the clubhouse. Eddie huffed before shielding his eyes when Richie turned on an oil lamp in order to light up the clubhouse.
“Are we--Are we down here to drink? Because if so, I’m leaving.” Eddie argues, causing Richie to roll his eyes.
“I’m not that much of a drinker, Eds.” He comments before pulling out a small cassette tape from one of the bags they all leave here. “Besides, I said I was going to make it up to you about the dancing.” He points out, walking over to the small stereo they had for music on occasions.
“Oh?” Eddie frowns when Richie pops the tape in before turning it on. “How is this going to--” He’s cut off once more by Richie holding out his hand.
Soft music poured through the speakers as Eddie blinked in shock. He looked over at Richie, noticing the goofy grin on his flushed face.
“Will you dance with me, Eddie?” He asked when Eddie smiles softly.
“You--You want to dance?” Eddie questioned, causing Richie to snort.
“Nope, I just wanted to get your hopes up.” He rolled his eyes before taking Eddie’s hands and placing them onto his shoulders.
Eddie’s breath caught in his throat at the feeling of Richie’s hands slowly sliding onto his hips. His mouth felt dry as he stared into Richie’s eyes. Richie slowly swayed them to the music, grinning at Eddie. He slowly rested his head on Richie’s chest while listening to the rhythmic beat of Richie’s heart.
Suddenly it thumped faster, almost galloping at the feeling of Eddie so close to him. Richie immediately dug his teeth into his lower lip in order not to mess up this moment with his loud mouth. Having Eddie here, and now, was like the most precious thing to Richie.
Eddie slowly tilted his head up to meet Richie’s gaze, fire burning within those irises.  All of the air in Richie’s lungs escaped him. He didn’t know what to do, especially with Eddie staring this intensely at him.
Suddenly, he didn’t get a choice in the matter. Eddie pulled him down with a hand on the back of his neck, smashing their mouths together. Richie’s eyes widened before he moved his glasses since it was squishing their faces. He tilted his head to the side in order to deepen the kiss.
Eddie’s fingers slid their way through Richie’s locks, tugging gently. A moan was tore from Richie’s throat as he pulled Eddie flushed against his body. The kiss turned heated as the two boys stopped swaying to the music. The same music that had been lost in the background of their kiss. Neither of them noticed the changing of the song until an upbeat tempo started to play. Eddie pulls away with a gasp before he looked up to Richie. He was watching Eddie with bated breath.
“You kissed me back.” He comments dumbly, causing Richie to snort.
“Yeah, you do that when you like someone.” He whispered as Eddie’s eyes widened.
“You--You like me?” He questioned.
“Am I reading this wrong? Because I thought you liked me considering you kissed me first.” Richie points out.
“I--I do! I do--I just had no idea that you liked me back…” He trailed off while biting his lip.
“Well, I think I just kinda proved that by kissing you back. Wouldn’t you say?” Richie snorts, causing Eddie to blush.
“This went a lot smoother in my head.” He mumbles.
“You planned this in your head? Huh. I guess we both plan things. I thought about tonight too. I was scared you wouldn’t come with me,” Richie explains, “But we both should know that we aren’t that smooth.” He grins.  
“I guess not. We are kinda dumb,” Eddie snorts, “So, since I like you… and you like me. Does that mean we should date?” He questioned when a grin bloomed across Richie’s mouth.
“Well, I’d have to break up with your mom. I don’t know if her old heart can handle that.” He comments solemnly.
“Are you fucking kidding me!” Eddie exclaims, shoving Richie back. “I take it back! I don’t like you!” He groans loudly, making Richie laugh.
“Nope! Too late! You are mine, Eddie Spaghetti!” He grins before smashing their mouths together again.
After Richie pulled away, he noticed the beat of the song. He grinned before taking Eddie’s hands in his own as he started to dance like a dumbass, only to make Eddie laugh. He dramatically spun Eddie around, dipping him down and making him laugh harder.
Oh, if Richie could bottle up that sound forever, he would. Eddie’s laugh was the best music. He was smiling as he thumped Eddie back against his chest before he hooked his chin on Eddie’s shoulder.
“So, this better than any girl who would dance with you?” He questioned.
“It’s alright,” He grins at Richie huffs. “No, this is… Perfect.” He assured when Richie smiles before burying his face into Eddie’s neck.
Richie chuckled softly when the song ended, turning once again into a slower beat. Richie held his arms around Eddie’s waist as Eddie’s arms rested over top of Richie’s own. They swayed to the music as Eddie’s eyes fluttered shut.
Richie couldn’t believe it, Eddie was his. He didn’t think any of this would work, but here he was with Eddie in his arms! Eddie liked him back! His heart was thundering against his chest as he held Eddie tightly, so afraid he’d open up his eyes. Especially if this would it would all be a dream.
Eddie was smiling softly, head leaning against Richie’s forehead. This, right here, was so much better than any dance he would have at the gym with those girls. Because with Richie, it was genuine. And he would spend the rest of his life, right here in this moment forever if he could.
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gideongrace · 4 years
Like Catnip
(for day 2 of harringrove week of love - mutual pining + for @demi-don for Harringrove for Australia)
Cheap beer, cigarette smoke and sweat - if Steve had to pick apart and identify what main scents make up the way Billy smells, that would be it, those three things above all else. They don't sound like pleasant smells and they shouldn't be; it shouldn't be appealing. With scents like that he should be comparing the way Billy smells to the smell of a dive bar and not a nice one, either. No, this would be, should be, the sort of dive bar with sticky floors and dark walls and no hint of a theme anywhere in sight. 
It should be. 
But it isn't.
The way Billy smells is like catnip, driving Steve to distraction any time he so much as gets a whiff of it. 
It's awful. 
He can't think.
He can't study. 
He hasn't been able to write his paper even though he's been trying for the past four hours. 
Not that he's ever been good at writing papers anyway, but the room seems to be drenched in the scent of Billy more than it normally is and Steve can't take it.
He looks across the room at Billy's unmade bed and wonders when the last time Billy washed his sheets was. Probably never, considering Steve can't remember ever seeing Billy struggling with putting clean sheets on his bed and they've been roommates for almost five months now. And again, that should be disgusting but instead, something about it makes Steve's mouth water, makes him want to crawl into Billy's bed and roll around in it, to drown in the scent of Billy and his cheap cologne. 
Billy's not even going to be back for over an hour, so Steve could do it. He could do it and he could get away with it. 
He could.
But if he did there's the chance Billy might come home early and there's the chance Billy might catch him and there's the chance Billy might try and do something about it. 
They live together in a very small room and Steve's spent enough nights out on the couches in the common area to know about the sorts of things that Billy gets up to.
And Steve knows himself well enough to know he doesn't like those sorts of things. Not really. 
Like sex is fine. He's tried it a handful of times both in high school and in college, both with boys and with girls and every time it was just like, well… this is fine but could we go back to the kissing? And the touching? Because that was actually fun.
Sex is just sort of… boring for him and it would probably be easier for other people to understand if he had a reason for that, if he had some trauma or something he could point to and say, "Yep! That's why I am the way I am!" but he doesn't. Sex isn't traumatic. It isn't scary. It doesn't hurt. 
It just isn't any fun. And at first he thought that maybe the problem was girls, that maybe he was gay, but that's not it, either. He likes girls. He likes boys. 
It's just that he likes making out, likes touching and that's it. 
And, apparently, he has a thing for the way Billy smells. 
He's pretty sure Robin would call it a kink. 
Not that he cares. 
Not that he can do anything about it, anyway.
He picks up his laptop and stares at Billy's bed for long enough that the heat from the bottom of it makes his hands start to sweat. It's practically taunting him, Billy's bed; the dark navy sheets and the thick, cozy, ocean blue comforter are all but screaming, "Sit on me!" 
So he does. 
But he just sits. And types out more nonsense, padding out the word count on his terrible essay for his terrible sociology class with the terrible professor with the terrible droning voice and the blonde TA who seems like she's more invested in what color nail polish she's going to pick out next rather than in helping anyone.
He doesn't rub his head on Billy's pillow. 
He doesn't moan.
He's an adult. Or he's close enough to being an adult, anyway. He's not a child, at least. He's not a weirdo.
So he sits on Billy's bed and he writes his crappy essay. 
And Steve ignores the way Billy's eyebrows climb up his forehead when he gets home and sees Steve sitting on his bed. 
Steve's done it before. They sit on each other's beds, they share each other's clothes and take up space in each other's lives like it's as natural as anything, like they've always done it, like it's always been this way. And it's odd, maybe, the way that happened. The way, after less than a week of being roommates, it was like a light switch flipped. They didn't talk about it and it wasn't any one thing in particular but it was like… it felt like in a matter of days, maybe even a matter of minutes, after getting to college that all their high school bullshit didn't matter anymore. 
After leaving the close (and closed-minded) confines of Hawkins, none of what they'd been trying to be had mattered anymore. They could just be themselves and it turned out that being themselves happened to mean they were really good at being roommates and even better at being friends. 
Which is why Steve also ignores it when Billy sits down next to him. Which is why he also ignores the way Billy's leg brushes up against his own, ignores the way Billy smells and the way his curls fall from his ponytail, the way Billy's forehead is damp with sweat and the way those loose curls stick to it.
Billy leans in and looks at Steve's laptop screen and Steve actively struggles to keep ignoring him but ignoring Billy is almost impossible and the game he's trapped himself into playing is one he's almost certainly doomed to lose. 
Billy's warm, solid weight pressing up against him is even more distracting than the way he smells and then to make it all worse, Billy lays his head on Steve's shoulder and heaves out a breath that tickles at Steve's neck but still, somehow, Steve keeps typing. He thinks, no, he knows, he deserves some kind of freaking award at this point for his near superhuman levels of control.
Maybe he's not doomed to lose. 
Maybe there's a way to win this game (and to keep their friendship intact) after all.
Billy huffs out another big breath and he runs a hand up to the back of Steve's neck, his fingers tangling in Steve's hair. 
Or, Steve thinks as he stops typing. Maybe not.
He takes a deep breath and closes his laptop screen then disentangles himself from Billy and crosses the room to sit on his own bed. It's barely two seconds before Billy is following him, pressing in close again, driving Steve to the edge and then shoving him over as he says, "Come on, you have to know," his voice all low and deep like it gets when he really wants something. 
And Steve doesn't know. He doesn't know anything right now. In fact, he's pretty sure that if asked, right now, right in this moment, he wouldn't be able to repeat his own name. 
Billy's hand creeps up the back of Steve's neck again and every muscle in Steve's body goes tense and it's something Billy can clearly feel because the next words out of Billy's mouth are: "If you don't-" and Steve doesn't know what it is he's supposed to not, what it is he's supposed to do, but something inside of him cracks and leaves splinters with the sharp way Billy's words break off at the ends.
"If you don't…" Billy's hand slides down from Steve's neck, suddenly leaving him feeling unmoored, not unlike like a boat drifting in the ocean without anyone to steer. "If you don't…" Billy says again, this time inching away from Steve. 
Moments pass as Steve's brain spins hopelessly in circles. If he doesn't what?
Billy huffs. "Damnit Steve, say something! I'm drowning here!" 
Steve reacts on pure instinct, snorting harshly and saying, "Yeah, you and me both," because yeah, he's pretty sure this is what drowning must feel like. That and a thousand other terrible things because this moment is a thousand terrible things all neatly wrapped up into one.
"So you don't, then?" Billy says and he sounds… wrecked. Just completely wrecked. Like, to continue the train of thought from earlier, if Steve is a boat lost at sea with no captain, Billy is a boat that's capsized and sinking. 
"Don't what?" 
"Like me." 
That's it. Two words is all it takes to completely flip Steve over.
"What?" Steve's voice cracks and crumbles over the single word like it's more than that. It isn't pretty. 
"You don't like me," Billy says it like it's definitive, like it's a fact. 
"You…" Steve's brain stops spinning, instead deciding to freeze up entirely. All he can come up with is, "You have a lot of sex." 
This time it's Billy saying, "What?" but he says it like he's pulling his hand back after accidentally touching a hot stove, like he's been burned. 
"Well, you know," Steve says, his cheeks heating up to roughly one million degrees. "If you're wanting to have sex with me, that's not something I do." 
"Okay, first," Billy says, everything in him from his facial expression to his tone to his posture suddenly bristling with coarse irritation, "I haven't had sex with anyone in two months. Second, I've been throwing myself at you for weeks after pining over you for years and third, some asexuals have sex, Steve. I do. I get lots of judgement for that in lots of places but I never thought I'd be getting it from you."
"You're - are you telling me - that you -" Steve's voice gives up as his throat dries out. 
Billy huffs again and his nostrils flare. "Are you telling me I need to explain how being ace works to you? Some asexuals have sex, it doesn't make them less ace. It just means that sex isn't a need for them, isn't a driving force. It isn't for me. It isn't something I need or something I look for but sometimes, if the opportunity presents itself, I'll take it because sometimes sex can be kinda fun. Only I haven't taken up any offers lately. Not for two months."
Where Steve's brain has frozen solid his heart kicks into overdrive. Two months. Billy's been…
Throwing himself? At him? For two months? 
"I repeat, what?" Steve's voice comes out sounding ridiculously pitchy and not at all like his usual self. He's lost absolutely all of his cool.
"Look," Billy snarls, charging past irritated and straight into infuriated. "I'm into you. I don't know what else you need from me to get it. Do you want me to do this sixth grade style? Do you want me to leave you a note on your bed saying 'Do you like me? Check Yes or No?" And he sounds fully pissed off but… 
But when Steve looks at him he's got this look on his face that says, "because I will." And that's when Steve finally gets it. 
Billy really would do anything to make him get it. He'd be as persistent as necessary for as long as necessary for Steve to get it and that… it… It does something to Steve. It gets him feeling all hot and tingly all over in a way that has his long frozen brain just giving up entirely and his body taking over all control. 
He needs to kiss Billy.
He's never needed anything more.
"Well?" Billy snaps. He's halfway through some big, expressive hand gesture when Steve tackles him to the bed, kissing him with enough passion and enough force to make sure Billy gets it. 
Because while it might have taken him an embarrassingly long time to catch on, now that he has? Now that they're on the same page? Steve fully intends to scribble big, fat, messy, stupid pink, red and purple hearts all over it.
He wants Billy to know. He wants Billy to get it, even if he can't properly put it into words yet, that he's been pining just as long. He's been pining since day one, too.
When they finally break apart, Billy is smiling. "Took you long enough," he says. 
"Oh, shut up." Steve doesn't give him long enough to reply before he's kissing him again.
Kissing is going to be a thing that they do a lot from here on out. Steve's going to make sure of it and from the way Billy is moaning enthusiastically under him, he doesn't think Billy's going to mind. 
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6, 10, 17, and 20 for the OC questions!! whoever you want to talk about!! <3 --nataliehsewell
So you asked four questions, I decided to semi-cheat and pick one for each of my detectives. I hope that’s okay!
(Kira Langford) -> 6. What were they like at school? Did they enjoy it? Did they finish? What level of higher education did they reach? What subjects did they enjoy? Which did they hate?
Kira’s always been a really good student! She was friendly, but a little on the shy side growing up (so she had some rough patches early on dealing with bullying. She’s a sensitive little bean so every mean comment stuck with her even if she tried not to show it). But as for her grades, she’s always excelled. She might have gone through periods of not liking school itself, but she’s always loved learning. She graded in the top percentile of her high school and went on to double major in psychology and sociology before pursuing a bachelor’s degree in psychology.
Her favorite subjects in college were definitely her psychology ones – anything having to do with the human mind and thought process and the like was fascinating to her. She went for a Bachelor of Science, so while she knew she was going to have to go through science classes, she didn’t enjoy them, especially her labs.
(Abby Brùn) -> 10. Do they like children? Do children like them? Do they have or want any children? What would they be like as a parent? Or as a godparent/babysitter/ect?
So, in the main AU I usually have Abby in, she’s the older sister to Maeve Brùn – after they lost Rook, she became the mom figure in Maeve’s life that Rebecca wasn’t around to be. This kind of gives her an edge, so by default she’s really good with kids! And kids like her; she was able to raise Maeve still being a kid herself at the time. Now as an adult? She knows she doesn’t have to hover over the kid. They get freedom as long as they’re safe, she knows where they are, etc.
Despite all this though, Abby thinks she’d make an awful mother, so she kinda swears off the idea of having kids her own. She didn’t have a mom, so she feels like she doesn’t have a clue how to actually be one. She’s worried she wouldn’t be a good mom. Very much the thought process of “Sure I know how to keep a kid alive, but I can’t be the emotional figure they need?? How do you be a mom???” So, no kids….yet.
Across the board she’d be good at taking care of kids though. Her own, somebody else’s, she naturally falls into her caretaker mode.
(Sam Nesset) -> 17. Do they like to take photos? What do they like to take photos of? Selfies? What do they do with their photos?
Until meeting UB/dating Farah, Sam wasn't really one to take pictures! They don’t have an issue with them, or have a problem being in photos, it just wasn’t something they did much. 
Now? They’re right alongside Farah taking photos of UB. They say it’s because it annoys Ava and Morgan (and that’s absolutely part of the reason), but it did kind of triggered a more sentimental side of them they won’t ever admit to. They found a family in UB, they want to remember them. 
With Farah, the pair of the MASTERS of couple’s photos. Romantic? Cheesy? Silly? They’ve taken them all. The sillier ones get stuck all over the living room of the Warehouse. And the kitchen. The hallways. Morgan and Ava’s doors. Because Sam lives to be a menace. 
But the more serious ones? Actual cute ones of them posing with Farah, or just candid ones of Farah by herself? Those get tucked away in their wallet.
(Emma Dayal) -> 20. Do they like musicals? Music in general? What do they do when they’re favourite song comes?
Emma loves musicals! She’ll listen to whatever musical soundtrack she can get her hands on, but has yet to get the chance to actually go see a musical (something she hopes to get to do one day!)
She really just loves music in general, and has a playlist for just about anything imaginable. Work? She has a playlist. Gym? Workout playlist. Shower? Playlist of songs she doesn’t have to worry about wanting to skip. She’s even got playlists sorted out into different moods depending on whatever she’s got to deal with throughout the day. 
She’s used to spending a lot of time cooped up in her office doing paperwork, so she kind of got used to having at least one earphone in since being in complete silence makes her uncomfortable. Being alone listening to music means she’s also gotten into the habit of singing to herself whenever her favorite songs come on - a habit that she actively had to try and break/remember not to do when UB became part of her life.
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jeong-uwu · 4 years
Friends to Lovers ~ Huang Renjun
a/n: What even is a platonic friendship????? and also severely unedited
genre: bulletpoint-scenarios, teeth-rotting fluff, maybe a teeny bit suggestive, gender-neutral reader<3
warnings: none
Word count: 2,3k
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an anchor
that’s what you would call renjun
an anchor that kept you grounded when life got to rough
he was your childhood friend
I know that renjun always is a childhood friend in fics, but he just fits that concept so well, okayy??
you’d known each other since you were wearing diapers
renjun was two years your senior
and when it came to you, he had often taken an older brother-role 
he’d always make sure that you ate enough, got enough sleep, and as you got older he’d be more and more protective over you
he made sure that you had good friends that treated you right
and if anyone wanted to date you, they had to go through him first
although renjun was a quiet boy, he was rather popular among the girls
his prince-like looks and calm demeanor combined with his protectiveness when it came to the people he cared for made both boys and girls swoon
his friends were also really popular
they were seven boys including renjun
as a freshman, the university-life was a new experience to you
luckily, you were attending the same university as renjun, you even had similar majors (you were a pychology-major whilst he majored in sociology), meaning that you mostly had classes in the same part of the campus.
he was your saviour, litteraly
he showed up at your dorms every day to walk with you and make sure you didn’t miss your classes
he’d also always invite you to eat lunch with him and his friends, an invitation you usually accepted
it was lovely to have someone like renjun to watch out for you
but let’s be real
he could be a bit too overbearing
if someone he had a bad feeling about, which were practically everyone, tried to approach you, he’d be super clingy and keep them away from you
like the lengths he’d go to would suprise you
whenever someone were remotely interested he would practically glue himself to your side
which was why you were so suprised when you got a text from your friend telling that she had, with renjun’s blessing, set you up on a blind date
you looked over at said boy who was seated beside you
nudging his shoulder, you gave him a pointed look
“are you sure about this?”
his shoulders slumped and he let out a huff
you knew he understood what you were talking about
“I know that I’ve been somewhat overprotective. And, I know that you’re old enough to date, even if I don’t like it”
He sighed dramatically
“I have realized that it is time to let my child go”
you snorted at his antics, making him pout before turning back to his food
leaning onto his shoulder, you wrapped an arm around his waist
he tensed under your touch, but you just brushed it off
“thak you injunnie, it really means a lot to me”
he just huffed in response, paying more attention to Chenle and Jisung who was in the process of seeing just how many plastic-straws they could fit up Donghyuck’s nose, than your conversation
the day of your blind-date was quickly approaching, and unfortunately, so was your anxiety
your friend would constantly assure you that it was going to go amazing, and that you shouldn’t worry too much
but heheh
you did worry
big time
even though you were too embarassed to say it out loud, this was your first date ever
and that made this whole thing even more nerve-wracking
the day of the date you had your friend come over and you spent several hours just picking out clothes and making sure that you were looking your best 
when you were finally pleased with your appearance she walked you to the door
the whole way from the bathroom she tried to calm your raging nerves, assuring you that the person you were meeting was lovely, and that you’d love them
and then, off you went
walking to a nearby italian restaurant, where you were supposed to meet
boi were you ready to puke from nervousness
arriving at the restaurant you decided to wait outside
it was in the middle of August, so the weather was still pretty warm, and you’d rather not enter the restaurant alone
you looked at your watch
[ 6.57 P.M ]
it was still three minutes until you were to meet your mysterious date
and you could hardly stand still, thousands of images of how they might look floating through your mind.
[ 7.12 P.M ]
you were starting to become a bit anxious
brushing it off you told yourself that they were just running a it late, and that they’d be there soon
you pulled your jacket closer
carefully scanning the people passing by you
hoping to find someone moving in your direction
[ 7.34 P.M ]
By now it was obvious that your date wasn’t coming
and you were on the verge of tears
you quickly started making your way back to the dorms
praying to god that no one had seen you standing alone outside the restaurant for thirty minutes
ths was just your luck
imagine being stood up on your first date
what a catastrophy
you couldn’t help all the thoughts flooding your mind
maybe you weren’t pretty enough, maybe your height was wrong or maybe it was your personality?
but then again
how would they know that?
they didn’t even bother to show up
as soon as you got to your room your eyes finally started to water, breaking through the invisible barrier you had set up
with tears flowing freely, you flopped onto your bed
you immediatedly knew who to call
he picked up almost instantly, his smiling face filled the small screen
“hey! are you back already? wait... y/n, wha- why are you crying, what happened?!”
that only made more tears enter your vision as violent sobs wrecked through your body
“he... I- I got stood u-up”
renjun’s expression turned hard at your words
“that little-”
his words got cut off by another one of your sobs, and he turned his attention back to you
“hey, y/n, I know you, and i know for a fact that you’re blaming yourself right now”
All he wanted to do was to come over and hold you and tell you how amazing you are and make sure that you know that it wasn’t your fault that you’r date didn’t show up
“don’t you dare think that this is your fault in any way. It is Not.”
you looked up from your pillow at his voice
although his words were soft, you could sense an undertone of anger
“p-please don’t... don’t be ma-ad at me, please”
renjun’s expression softened
“hey, look at me. I’m not mad at you, okay?”
he took a shaky breath
“Never you”
you smiled sadly at him
“thank you, I- I don’t know what... what I would do without y-you”
“hey, y/n..”
“don’t cry, please”
he hesitated
“also, I, uh, I think I might be in love with you”
your eyes widened at his words
so did his, when he realized what he had said
“renjun, I’m-”
“oh god, I’m so sorry y/n, I really didn’t mean to say that, I- I think I have to go now”
the phone-call ended with you feeling more troubled than you were in the beginning
you fell asleep almost instantly, exhausted by the days’ events
meanwhile rejun was absolutely FREAKING OUT
immediately he was like
Oh No
he had known you since you were born, and he definetly felt that he stepped out of line by telling you how he felt
he knew he’d proabably say it sometime, but he was not prepared to let you know now
his timing was also especially bad, considering your situation
he was beating himself up about the situation
big time
a little part of him couldn’t help but feel relieved though
he had finally said it
even though he hadn’t given you any time to actually respond
and that he knew that the chances of you reciprocating his feelings were slim
he was happy
he wasn’t sure when he first had realized that you meant so much to him
but, he had known it for a while
just passively sitting on the sideline and watching others flirt with you throughout all of high-school had almost droven him insane
but he knew that you saw him as an older-brother figure, and therefore he didn’t make any moves
at least not until now
the next morning, opening the door to your room, you felt a pang in your heart
of course renjun wasn’t there
poor baby was too embarassed to talk to you
it didn’t come as a shock after yesterday’s events, but it still kinda stung
walking to your first class you were determined to hunt him down at some point
you needed him to help clear up your mind
but boi, did you underestimate him
he’d even skipped a class because you were waiting outside the lecture-hall
like he tried his absolute best to avoid you
every time you’d gotten eye-contact with him, he’d turn bright red and scurry off in the opposite direction
throughout the day it became evident that he had told jeno about your situation
he’d send you knowing looks whenever renjun changed directions just to not run into you in the hallway
during the lunch you went over to the usual tabe where you’d sit with the rest of the boys
it didn’t come as a suprise that renjun mumbled some lame excuse about going to the toilet when sat down in your usual spot beside him
much to the others suprise
jeno finally pulled you aside
“hey, y/n, renjun has only told me a little bit of what happened between you, but I really thin that you should talk to him”
you let out a defeated sigh
“I know, I’ve been trying to get a hold of him all day, but he just keeps avoiding me”
your shoulders slumped and you  fumbled with the sleeve of your jacket
“I’ve seen that, I’ll try talk to him though, maybe I can get him to realize that he’s being stupid”
you smiled, although it didn’t quite reach your eyes
“thanks man, you’re an angel”
he threw you a wink before turning back to the table
just in time to see jaemin choke on his coffee that hyuck had destroyed with salt
it wasn’t until your last period that you managed to hunt renjun down
due to a headache, your criminology-professor had decided to let your class go early
running toward his’s social movements-class
you made it just in time to see him walk out of the lecture-hall
you knew he hadn’t seen you yet, as he was standing still, peacefully talking to jeno
so you took your chace
renjun’s eyes widened as he felt your familiar grip on his wrist
“Hey, jeno, I hope you don’t mind me borrowing renjun for a moment”
as you dragged him away, jeno’s laugh ecchoed behind you
you could feel that renjun had given up
he just silently followed you to the school’s roof
looking like a puppy that was about to get scolded
when you got to your destination your whipped around to face said puppy
his gaze was uncertain as he looked up to meet your eyes
“what do you think you’re doing???”
your question obviously caught him off guard as he started fumbling with the hem of his shirt
instead of looking at you he’s just spewing out apologies
and you’re just there like.. boi??
stepping closer, your hands find their way to his cheeks, softly cupping them
the movement startled him, and he looked at you with big eyes, moving between your mouth and your own eyes
he couldn’t even remember the last time you were this close to him
you slowly brought your face closer to his
pressing a feather-light kiss on his lips
and renjun’s mind just completely shuts down
the feeling of your body pressed to him, your lips on his
renjun thinks he might burst with happiness
when you pull back he’s amost unable to talk like
“what?? just?? happened????”
and you can’t hide the blush dusting your cheeks
“I... uh.. Ikindalikeyoutoo”
the words are rushed, as you just want to get it out as fast as possible
and judging by the shit-eating grin that was forming on renjun’s face, you know that he heard exactly what you said
but this lil’ rascal just goes
“I’m sorry, I didn’t catch that, could you repeat it?”
by now your face was the attractive colour of a fire-engine and you tried to hide it in your hands
renjun smiled fondly at your embarassed form, feeling as if he was flying
pulling your hands away from your face, he dipped his head down to make eye-contact with you
you looked up to see him pouting at you
“you don’t get to hide your beautiful face now that I can finally admire it without having worry about being caught”
you almost choked on your salvia at the statement, and he smirked
omg, he smirked - is that allowed???
he let his hands travel from your hands to your waist, trapping you in his embrace
your hands instinctively moved to his neck, tugging softly at his hair
the feeling of your hands against his neck making him shiver, mind going into a frenzy over the closeness of your bodies
he hummed softly
obviously enjoying th feeling of your hands playing with his hair
after a while of just enjoying the moment, adoring your face and reveling in the feeling of finally being able to embrace you
he eyed your lips as he whispered
“I don’t think you know how long I’ve waited to do this”
and he kissed you again
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