#a friend brought it up earlier tonight and I died laughing just thinking about it
combustible-lemons · 14 days
thinking about the snapcube sonic fandub robotnik speech….
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sanjisluvbot · 1 year
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Nami knew she had gotten under Law’s skin, she didn’t even need to look back to know the look he had was priceless. Nami and Robin both knew the boys were crushing hard, even Luffy. She even considered you a girl crush. The lingering stares they all had when you walked by, no matter who it was they couldn’t keep their eyes off of you.
I guess it was because you were so very different in every way. You were an alien to them. A beautiful and charming being that was gifted to them from the man above. You wanting to leave them broke their hearts, you were like their last missing puzzle piece.
Nami sat back down with the minks enjoying the rest of the night while Law decided it was best to make his way to you, you’d been gone for fifteen minutes now.
Zoro had laughed so hard there were now tears in his eyes. You couldn’t help but bite your lip to keep yourself from smirking. Zoro was a sight for sore eyes even though he didn’t acknowledge it.
“ Y/N you always surprise me. That’s why I like you” he said wiping a stray tear from his eye.
“ Well it is the truth… any answer I give you won’t satisfy you or the crew”
“ And why is that?”
“ I don’t think I need anything else unfortunate to happen in my life”
Although his laughed died down he still held a smile to his face making you want to look away. Why is anything amusing in the first place? He’s acting as if he didn’t put you in a choke hold when you first got back to the ship.
“ Y/N… I know you’re angry and you’re trying to hide it. And I’m sorry for what I did to you”
“ Ok, I don’t forgive you”
“ That’s fine, I’ll give you time to forgive me and I’ll do anything for you to feel comfortable around me like you did before…”
He was much closer now, you could feel your heart racing as he towered over you so easily. You wanted to back away but you were stuck in place like the soles of your feet were nailed to the ground.
“ I had something else to say as well..”
“ Hurry up”
“ Trafalgar… you and him-”
“ There is no me and him. Law and I are friends why do all of you keep asking me stupid questions ! ”
He reached out and tilted your face towards him. As he got closer you had to look away— look anywhere else he was even more intimidating to be alone with. He was holding your chin and starring into you like he was searching your eyes for the truth.
“ I though Luffy told you.. you were a bad liar?”
“ I-”
Right then the door opened and you felt like you could breathe again. It was Law and he frowned as he seen the awkward scene in front of him. You walked towards him and grabbed his arm leading him back to your seats of safety.
“ Y/N we were talking”
“ I’m tired of speaking about the same thing Zoro”
Zoro gripped his swords and a vein popped out of his neck. You just walk away from someone when you’re speaking? You just walk away from someone soon as you see Law now?
“ What was he talking about?”
“ Oh you know, about US and trying to ask if I knew I was drugged. The regular ”
He gave you a sad smile, you were clearly upset and they were just adding fire to the fuel. You were too kind and so patient, he could only imagine what this would’ve been like if he hadn’t been here. Your situation remind him of when him and Corazon were together and it just made him more determined to help you.
The rest of the night you both stayed together and you were finally able to relax. You’d be on Zou for another day and a half then you’d be with the Heart Pirates until you got home. With both of your knowledge of how the next arch would go the Strawhats would have to let you go with him.
Why would they send someone like you to Big Mom’s territory? The party went on the rest of the night and Law brought up what Nami told him earlier.
“ Nami said something earlier tonight that really shook me”
You tilted your head waiting for him to continue.
“ She said I should snatch you up before someone else does.. what do you think of that?”
Your cheeks burned again, and you couldn’t help but laugh.
Is this his way of asking me out?
“ So what should we do…”
“ I think… well… what do you want to do actually?”
“ huh… w-well maybe… maybe we should?”
You two were both blushing at this point. You both admired each other greatly. You from watching him on the show and him from getting to know you throughout the time you’ve spent together. Of course, you two were great friends but you’d be liars if you said becoming this close didn’t spark something.
He cleared his throat awkwardly before resuming your awkward conversation. “ I don’t mind it— plus this could also help you”
“ O-of course”
“ So then…”
“ So then ask me out…”
His face was beet red. How could you be so bold? Spending time in this world really made you into a new person, you would’ve never done this to a boy from your world.
“ Y/N will you be my girlfriend?”
What are words? Words aren’t coming out of your mouth. SPEAK Y/N SPEAK !!!
“ Yes. I’ll be your girlfriend Law”
The sun was beginning to rise and you fell asleep in his lap. Law watched your chest rise and fall and a foreign feeling rose in his chest making a lump form in his throat. He’d never taken the time to really be in a relationship with anyone, just like majority of the male characters he was too focused on his goals. But being in one with you— even if it was temporary, felt nice.
Everyone else was passed out on the floor and the fire went out, this would be the perfect time for the two of you to sneak away. He shook you softly till you started to stir and you cracked open your eyes to see the sunrise illuminating his skin.
Oh right… we’re together now.
With that being your first thought you wanted to shy away from him even though you were in his lap. This was a relationship of convenience of course so you didn’t want to make him uncomfortable by starring at him like a love struck puppy.
“ I think we have some time before they wake up to meet with the crew. What do you think?”
You nodded and stood up stretching before walking towards the direction of the camp. The birds were chirping and it seemed to be such a nice morning, as the two of you walked you were making casual conversation and it really felt like the two of you were together.
Just the thought made your brain feel all fuzzy, Trafalgar Law is my boyfriend… how silly would that sound to anyone where I’m from.
“ Luffy ”
“ LUFFY !” The captain woke up confused and startled. Nami was hovering over him angrily shaking him awake.
“ Nami leave me alone we were up all night”
“ Aw really? Well Law and Y/N are missing so I think you should get up” She snarled.
That was definitely something that made him shoot up and almost bump into the angry woman in front of him.
“ Y/N and Traffy… are missing?”
She nodded and pointed to where the two of you sat the entire night. The two of you were gone who knows where and anger bubbled inside of him. That was it, he had enough of you two being so close together. You were lying to him and the crew and he knew you were scheming— this confirmed it.
“ Get the rest of the crew! We are going to find out what exactly is going on with them today”
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🏷️ @herwritingartcowboy @axulaphie @toshirolovebot @futmblr
A/N: Hello, Thank you for all the luv i have gotten while I was away I can’t believe that when I left I had 89 followers and I have 136.. 🥹
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bluexiao · 2 years
#the memory of you (chapter one) 
—it all starts when you saw someone who looked like someone you know in a game, only to come to know that it was him all along 
—(or) scaramouche gets transported to Earth and you have become a part of his story 
CHARACTERS. self aware! Scaramouche; gn! gamer! Reader
WORD COUNT. 1.7k words
THEMES. reversed isekai; self aware!scaramouche; fluff 
WARNINGS. mentions of his real name; lots of curses from both reader and scara; mentions of buying food for dinner because reader is hungry (just wanna put it out of there) 
NOTES. So here it goes! My irl gave me this ingenious plot and even the ending so credits to you, summer! May kazuha come home to you<333 also, this is going to be a three-part series, so do watch out for them! 
The Memory of You; Beginning / Mean / End 
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“I’ll never forget you, Kunikuzushi.” 
“As you should.” 
“I love you.” 
“As you should.” 
┌───────── ·  ·  ·  · ꒰⚘݄꒱₊
The strike of lightning etches itself in your mind, your hands raising to close themselves next to your ears, preparing for what’s to come. The low gurgle of thunder passes by your sense of hearing ever so gently, thanks to your palms that shielded you from most of it, and by the time it had ended, you could only return back to what you were doing previously. 
Gaming. Of course. 
“That’s a loud one, looks like there’s going to be a storm,” you hear a voice from your phone’s loudspeaker—a friend of yours, someone also playing the same game as you were for hours on end. 
“Yeah, hope the internet won’t die down-Ah, shit,” you cursed, your muscles relaxing from the tension that ran through your back, “I’m dead.” 
“You’re dead?” 
“Yeah, I’m dead,” you leaned back on your chair as you placed a hand over your closed eyes with a heavy sigh. 
“Hey! Why did you leave me here!”
“You can do that, he’s almost dead,” you laughed under your breath, “I was one-shotted, my god.” 
“You should’ve revived Diona earlier.” 
You then hear the familiar ring of the sound effect, indicating the end of the round and prompting you to finally remove the hand over your tired eyes and look at the screen, smiling.
“Nice. I told you you can do it.” 
“Can’t believe you still died with C2 Raiden.”
You laughed, grabbing on the rewards and lowering the brightness of the screen whilst it loaded to exit you of the domain, “Probably just tired.” 
“You should stop playing already,” your friend says. You hum, contemplating your choices before sighing. 
‘Yeah, I probably should. I haven’t even eaten dinner yet.” 
“Genshin over necessities? Yikes, Y/n.” 
“Shut up,” you pouted, “get out of my world already, I’m logging off.” 
┌───────── ·  ·  ·  · ꒰⚘݄꒱₊
Opening the door of the convenience store and rushing inside, you find yourself shaking off the shiver on your skin, breathing hard, and placing your drenched umbrella on the empty umbrella stand on the side. 
Whoever said that it was going to rain so hard today? Trusting the Weather app on your phone… what a mistake. You should have brought dinner earlier before you played Genshin for five hours straight. 
You wipe off the rain on your skin and as you do so, you notice something else. 
You did not care about other people, especially when you order in places, but tonight, the store seemed empty, almost like it was emptied out, actually. 
But you shrugged it off, thinking that it was probably too late in the evening for people to buy in stores—you raised your hand holding your phone, 10 PM. Well, it’s not that late but nonetheless, it was not really noteworthy. 
You just needed something to eat. 
You walk to your usual aisle—a cup of ramen and a pack of bread. Yup, these will be enough. 
“Excuse me?” 
Before you could even step towards the cashier, you caught the eyes of a man standing next to you—not too near, but not too far. 
Or you probably caught his eyes. 
You looked around, and upon remembering and seeing that you two were probably the only ones in the store, you answered, “Yes?” 
You should not have. 
But of course, you did not know that. At the time. 
The first thing that you noticed about him was his smile—it did not match him. Well, he did have a cute face, but something about his smile feels off.
It feels fake. 
“Oh, nothing, I just thought I know you from somewhere. You look very familiar.” 
Your brow raises unconsciously, “You don’t look familiar at—“ you then halt in your tracks, and upon observing and openly staring at the man more, you come upon a realization. 
He does look like someone. His voice too. 
Though it does not fit his stature, you could swear you’ve heard it somewhere before. 
A smirk draws itself on his face as if he was reading your mind. That looks familiar as well. 
Out of curiosity and probably the incessant need for food and for this to end soon, you asked, “Who are you?” Could he be someone from your previous school? Or from work? Or was he a childhood friend, perhaps? No one’s really popping out of your mind. 
Well, except for one person. But this man could not possibly be him, right? 
Of course. He shouldn’t be. 
┌───────── ·  ·  ·  · ꒰⚘݄꒱₊
“You’re never going to believe what I’m about to say.” 
“I saw someone that looked a lot like him.” 
“Like who?” 
There is a brief pause on the other line as you situated yourself on your desk, prepared to open the game after a long night’s sleep last night. Well, you did not particularly sleep early, but you did wake late. 
“You talk about him as if he’s real. For all I know who’s the ‘him’ you’re talking about.” 
“Oh, come on. I’ve been talking about the rascal for the whole week already, I thought you got my point.” You mutter, reaching for your cup of coffee, blowing on a bit of air on the hot drink, and taking a sip as your friend starts talking about Scaramouche and how much of an evil person he is. 
“—You really don’t learn, “I can fix him” way of thinking is not the way in life, my liege.” 
You almost dropped your cup of coffee at your friend’s words. Were you supposed to cringe or laugh? 
“Hey! That’s not even why I like him! And I never said that!” you bite your lip and click on the game ‘Genshin Impact’, eyes welcoming the opening animation that flashes through the screen. 
“And the guy just looks like Scaramouche, it’s not like I imagined it was really him.” 
“You totally did though.” 
You bite your lip, “Shut up.” 
┌───────── ·  ·  ·  · ꒰⚘݄꒱₊
He really does look like Scaramouche. 
That is the thought that continues to run inside your head as you look at the man in front of you. You had been observing him for the past few days as you two started to meet up. No one can ever make you go out lately and here comes this man who ironically looks like the man in your game and you’ve completely forgotten your dislike for going outside these days. Well, you’re just curious—you tell yourself. This is just to quell your interest in the peculiarity of this situation. And also the boredom you’ve been against these days.
Also, his name sounds a lot like his too.
“Mouche, you said your name is Mouche, right? Like legit? That’s a pretty unique name,” you commented, narrowing your eyes at him–anyway, are those contacts? Those are pretty purple eyes, you'd doubt those were natural… Wait, there are people with natural purple eyes, right? But they have a condition and all that. You’re quite tempted to ask if that was his case but you decided not to out of respect. 
And there was his hair. 
Even if he has a hat over his head, you could tell that he has dark purple streaks. If he told you he was Scaramouche even if he was just cosplaying, you’d believe him. 
“Yes, that is my name, why? Is there something wrong?” 
“Nothing,” you avoided his eyes—ah, why does he look so much like Scaramouche anyway? This is so difficult. “It just sounds like someone I know.” 
“I already told you I know you, Y/n.” 
You struggled to keep your composure after hearing your name slip out of his lips. “Yeah, but you still haven’t told me anything where I know you from, we’ve been meeting for several days and I can’t remember anything at all.” 
That bit is true; with your afternoons being ripped away from you from the “meeting” that you have with him, just to have you be familiarized with him and for you to figure out who in the world he is. ‘A little game of thrill’, he says, but it surely ain’t fun at all.
“You’re just not thinking very well. I know you very well but you’ve forgotten about me? How dare–” he halts as soon as you avert your eyes back at him again. Agitated, he clears his throat, “haven’t I already proved myself to you?” 
You bit your lip. 
Ah right, he did that. How could you forget?
┌───────── ·  ·  ·  · ꒰⚘݄꒱₊
“You don’t look familiar at—” 
You ponder, and your demeanor changes, “Who are you?” 
“Someone who knows you very well.” 
You glared at him, “That’s very creepy of you. I don’t remember you at all.”
He pauses but regains his composure, “The first time we met you told me how my voice did not fit me at all.”
Your brow shot up almost instantly. That was what you had in mind. Could he possibly be reading your mind?
“Y/n, I’m not reading your mind. That is impossible in this world,” he pauses then, “But like I said, I do know you, Y/n.” 
You pursed your lips, throat tight and shoulders tensing. His voice. Why does his voice sound so… 
Cursing inside, you opted to step forward, attempting to take your time whilst paying for the food you grabbed. You can eat while thinking, your mind is definitely not working when you’re hung—
Before you could even make it to the cashier, you slipped yourself on the drenched floor from the downpour from outside–”Ah, shit.”
You could only curse when the pain from your bottom traveled through your back, you could even barely think of shame when a hand extends itself to you. A pale but strong hand that you could have sworn you’ve seen somewhere, and by the time you took it, the warmth that radiated form his skin traveled its way to your neck and to you face—why is it so hot all of a sudden?
He clicks, “So clumsy,” he sounded annoyed, even his face indicated the same thing, only to revert back to his haughty facade, “this one I did not know.”
You could’ve sworn your heart skipped a beat. 
But you supposed it was just hunger. 
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wixed · 4 months
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Summary: Chyla's entire world came crashing down around her when she finally saw Gale again after six months of being left high and dry while he pursued the Crown of Karsus. At Withers' reunion party Chyla was forced to confront her heartache and feelings on the matter. CW: Substance abuse if you squint, language Tags: God!Gale, Exes with Gale, Slow burn hurt comfort with other companions.
Chapter 1 - Chyla
“Oft… Hello, I’m Gale of Waterdeep!”
“Sorry, I wasn’t expecting…but it is a pleasant image to be sure!” 
“One moment with you could sate me for a lifetime, and prise the fear from my heart.”
“I’m in love with you.” 
Memories of him cut through her like a knife, slashing away at her remaining strength. The echoes of Gale ringing like a voice bouncing through an empty chamber, his words hollowing out her heart. 
Chyla brought the near empty bottle of wine to her lips and downed the last drops. Her other companions still laughing in the distance, enjoying each other’s company as she drowns her sorrows. She snuck off to a lonely patch, not wanting to bring down the festive spirits. She thought back to earlier in the night and the conversation she shared with Gale that led to such wallowing.
Months. It had been months since Chyla last saw him. Months since she was left alone in favor of a crown. Months since she thought he had died in his pursuit. Months since she last heard the name “Gale Dekarios”. Yet despite the time that lapsed, none of it could have prepared her for the visage of the Gale before her tonight. 
His skin glimmered like freshly polished metal, adorned with the flecks of electricity that seemed to run through his veins, his eyes glowing, almost hollow. 
The sight of him descending down from the literal heavens stopped her cold. Chyla had been in the middle of speaking to Minsc about a jail cell and portals, mid chuckle when the breath caught in her throat. 
“My friend, Are you-” Minsc had tried to question her sudden silence as he looked in the direction of her focus. “AH! The Wizard has finally shown! …Though you are correct Boo, something seems…different with our bookish friend. Perhaps a new haircut?” 
Chyla left Minsc to his own ponderings as she quietly took a few steps in Gale’s direction. Her hands trembled, her vision started to blur at the edges, the noise of the party seemed to be so distant, like she was under water barely able to perceive any of it at all. Suddenly she was being pulled from the ocean of her own thoughts as a hand spiritedly clapped down on her shoulder. 
“Whoa, Soldier! Would you look at that! Gale became an actual God! Why didn’t you tell me?” Karlach laughed and she gawked at the new godly Gale across the camp. The laugh quickly quieted as she looked at Chyla’s still shell-shocked face. “...Shit.”
“I… I didn’t…” was all Chyla could muster in response to Karlach’s question. Karlach rubbed the paralyzed elf’s back gently as she looked up to see if anyone else was watching the major faux pax she was sure she just committed. Astarion looked up from the table he was seated at to quirk an eyebrow at them, to which Karlach shrugged with a grimace that wordlessly spoke ‘Help me.’ 
Astarion turned his head to look in the direction of all the supposed fuss. He couldn’t help but roll his eyes as they found Gale’s visage. Then it all started to click. Chyla and Gale were an item while their merry little band of misfits was still together. He didn’t know what became of the two, but found it odd she had come to the party by herself, he didn’t think to question it immediately, but now it made an unfortunate amount of sense. 
Before he could move Chyla continued on her path to Gale, as Karlach watched with nervous guilt. 
Once Gale saw her approaching an uncanny inhuman smile planted itself on his face. “Goodness, was Faerûn always so dull?” his voice had a reverberation to it that matched his hollow glowing eyes. “Still at least the company was worth the trip, if not the view…” He muses to himself as Chyla closes the gap between them. “I hoped I’d see you here.” 
She stood before him with bones like jelly and a stomach that threatened to revisit the dinner she just ate. “I thought you were dead. I haven’t heard from you in months…” despite her nerves the words leave her lips with an icy layer. 
Gale simply gives a small smile. Chyla could feel the anger coiling in her already. “I’m afraid time works quite differently in Elysium. I didn’t realize how long I’d been gone, until I received Withers’ summons.” 
The red hot ire coiled tighter in the pit of her stomach, the weightlessness turning to lead, her anger becoming a master of alchemy. “Before that then, before you ascended. Why didn’t you return my letters? A sending spell? Anything?” her voice broke with the last word. Anything. For so long she wanted anything from Gale. Any sign he still cared, any sign she still mattered, any indication that he still loved her the way she did him. But nothing ever came. Nothing was all she received to comfort all the fears and heartache, nothing to hold onto. Nothing. 
Gale’s smile faded through her line of questioning. He wore a neutral expression and seemed to consider his next words carefully. “My journey and eventual success reforging the crown was of the utmost importance. I couldn’t allow myself to be distracted, lest I falter and lose the opportunities before me.” The words squeezed around her already hurting heart, suffocating all feeling.
Chyla took a moment to glance around the party. She quickly gathered that all eyes were on her and Gale. Some of the companions were trying to be more subtle than others, but the effect of feeling on display was there all the same. She turned her attention back to Gale, her pained voice low and quiet.
“That’s all I was? A distraction? You couldn’t bother to even assuage the fear that you had perished?” Tears pricked at the corner of her eyes. “That’s not the Gale I fell in love with. The Gale that shared the weave with me, the man I swore to love.” 
The divine being before her that claimed to be Gale reached a hand out, attempting to tenderly hold her own. She pulled her hand away while averting her glossy eyes. He frowned at the recoil. “Whatever you’re feeling, do not let it cloud your judgment. It’s still me, just an…improved version.” 
She finally met his stare, finding no warmth, if there was love to be had it was lost to her, she could not find it. Her eyes narrowed. He continued, “Just because you would have been a distraction to my ambitions does not mean that is all you were. You were so much more to me, you are so much more to me. I had hoped you’d understand.” 
She glared up at him, “Then help me understand, because I am struggling to do so on my own.” 
As Gale ardently jumped at the opportunity to talk about himself, Chyla tried to even her breathing, steady her heart, try to hear him out no matter how much it hurt to stand in front of him as he was. He regaled her with his journey to find the crown, boasting about his ability to find the right incantations, his skill in taking control of the Karsite weave and using the crown to claim divinity and ascend. 
“As expected, Mystra was unwilling to hand over the reins of the Weave, so I’ve claimed dominion over another area with which I’ve passing familiarity: ambition.” He proudly smiled as he spoke, as if the reveal of his domain was enough to impress and be forgiven.
Chyla gave a half scoff, “And what does the God of ambition offer his followers?” Gale frowned but continued. 
“I exist not to bestow favors on my followers, but to inspire them to seize their destinies for themselves, exactly as I did. I am their proof. Proof their hopes are not barren wastes, but the loamy soil in which their future achievements will flourish. Proof that with ambition, anything is possible.” 
The audience they both had gathered wasn’t lost on her and became apparent when Chyla swore she heard Astarion make an aside to Shadowheart “Anything except contact his paramour apparently.” She then heard him guffaw, no doubt because of an elbow meeting his ribs. She refocused her attention on Gale. 
“So you’re no different than any other god.” her words bore fangs as she spat them out. The venom was either lost on Gale or he simply didn’t care.
“I’m simply more honest about my involvement. Not to say I don’t help more actively when the cause arises. A whisper in the ear of a struggling artisan. A breeze to flutter the pages of a tome before a frustrated mage. A magical weapon stumbled upon by a would-be hero.” His words stabbed into her like a dagger finding home. He had already amassed followers, already performing godly duties. In her silence he took the opportunity to continue. 
“I am ambition incarnate. As indistinguishable from that most potent sensation as Mystra herself is from the Weave. And word is spreading. There are already several shrines in my honor scattered across the outer reaches of Thay, and rumors of a very prominent temple under construction in Amn.” A light cheerful tone strung itself through his words. It was the same tone that strung itself around Chyla’s neck, a noose choking the air from her lungs. 
“You… You had enough time to check on your followers?” 
“What kind of god would I be if I didn’t. The timing of such things is of a delicate nature. The creation of my domain required immediate attention, it perhaps is difficult for a mortal to compr-” He was cut off by a slap to his cheek. 
“You had enough time to admire your temples, to inspire your followers, but you couldn’t hear my pleas? You couldn’t spare one moment to tell me what you planned to do, what you had done? Six months mourning you and wondering if I'll ever see you again. Six months asking myself what I did wrong to have you abandon me. Six months deluding myself into thinking the man I loved would come back for me. Fuck you, Gale. Fuck you and fuck all of….this.” She gestured at him and then up to the heavens. 
He stood poised and stoic despite the slap. When she was done he took a deep breath and let out a disappointed sigh. “I achieved everything we hoped I would, and still I’m not good enough for you?”
Chyla couldn’t stop the angry sobs from leaving her as she clutched her chest, her heart breaking a million times over. “How dare you! How dare you stand there in your godly attire and claim I was the one who thought you weren’t enough. You were everything to me Gale. You were always enough and more. You were the one who only ever thought you weren’t enough.” Her tears rolled down her cheeks, there was no stopping them now. He tried to say something but she cut him off before he got the chance.
“How can you truly believe any of that, when it was me who was never enough for you. Why else would you have left me for the crown? Why else would you have chased godhood instead of a future with me? It’s so clear to me now that my role in this relationship was just to appease all your self doubts. A balm for your bruised ego, a convenient salve for all your lingering insecurities. Once you found a way to cure those on your own, what use have you of me?” She sobbed out the last words hardly able to stay standing, her knees threatening to give under her. 
Gale’s eyes narrowed and he looked away from her, as if disgusted by the sight before him. “I came here to offer you the heavens, but I see now such an offer would be wasted. I suppose it was foolish to expect a mortal to understand."
Chyla succumbed to the weight of heartbreak and fell to her knees, supporting herself with one hand on the ground, the other clutching at her heart. Almost in a whisper through sobs she cried “What happened to the man I once loved…”
“He’s the god he deserves to be… I believed in you for so much of our journey. It’s a pity you won’t do me the same courtesy.” 
Chyla couldn’t bring herself to answer him. She’s done with pleading for compassion from a god that cares only for ambition. Perhaps if she was stronger she’d have a clever retort. Perhaps if she had done actual healing during those six months instead of wishful denial and dreaming she’d be able to laugh this off for the absurdity it was. But she found no humor in this heartache, she hadn’t let herself move on during those six months and now she was paying a bigger price for it.
Gale dejectedly sighed and moved away from her. She heard a female voice through the haze of her hurt. 
“Mr. Dekarios, you are being absolutely vile!” Chyla looked up and saw Gale’s dear Tressyum, Tara. Chyla had only met her a handful of times, but the sight of Tara and the sound of her voice somehow grounded Chyla enough to where she was able to pick herself up off the ground.
Without a word she turned her back on Gale, went to the table still decorated with various food and drink, grabbed a bottle of wine and walked away to a quiet secluded spot by the river. 
Chyla rubbed her temples, her eyes were sore from the crying and her head was starting to pound from the wine she had quickly made use of. She heard gentle footsteps approaching her hideaway. 
Shadowheart sat next to her, silent for a few moments before offering up another bottle. Chyla raised an eyebrow in question. 
“Shouldn’t you be telling me to pick myself up, or take it easy on the wine? I don’t know something wise and profound?” she rubbed her sleeve to her eyes wiping away the lingering tears. 
“I’m a cleric, not your mother. And if I’m being honest that looked like an ordeal worthy of at least two bottles.” She gave a sympathetic smile to Chyla as she popped the cork out of the bottle. Chyla chuckled and took the bottle, taking a long drink from it before she rested her head on Shadowheart’s shoulder. 
“I don’t even know what to do now, Shadowheart. I feel like such a fool.” the halfelf wrapped an arm around Chyla, rubbing her shoulder in comfort. 
“Well, if it helps, Gale made his rounds at the party, continued to be scolded by Tara like she was his disapproving mother, then decided to take his leave.” Chyla stiffened at his name, but relaxed into her friend once more. “Everyone is worried. I know for a fact Karlach feels absolutely awful. Mostly though, we just want you to return and attempt to enjoy the rest of the night, however impossible that may seem right now.” 
Chyla sighed and took another long drink from the bottle of wine. “I know I should. I haven’t even said proper hellos to everyone yet…” She got up and stretched her legs, and offered a hand down to Shadowheart, which the cleric took with a gentle smile. She then pulled Chyla into a warm hug, squeezing her tight.
“If there’s one thing I’ve learned since our adventure, it’s that happiness is an active thing. You have to fight for it everyday. Like you would a battle.”  She pulled back from the hug but kept her hands on Chyla’s shoulders, looking into her face with a soft expression. “I’m proud of you, Chy. You stood up for yourself. You made yourself heard and you didn’t back down. Don’t ever think you’re not enough. Gale’s the fool, not you.” Her soft expression became stern in a loving way. Chyla smiled, she could feel more tears starting to well in her eyes, but she brushed them away quickly and nodded. 
Shadowheart escorted her back to the party where she was greeted with several hugs and smiles. Karlach profusely apologized and had a few choice profanities about the whole debacle. Jaheira and Halsin offered sage wisdom, Jaheira being a bit more cold hearted about it than Halsin, but the two took to the role of wizened elders nonetheless. 
Wyll came over to offer a comforting hug which she accepted. He had no words, but instead wore a smile that was somewhere between pity and compassion. Wyll was always so genuine and caring, Chyla appreciated his presence here tonight, and even more his understanding that words about the situation were becoming exhausting. 
After a few minutes of being the center of attention everyone could tell Chyla was getting uncomfortable. “Come now, leave her be. I believe we were in the middle of watching an arm wrestling match between Karlach and Minsc?” Shadowheart said as she directed the rest of the companions away. Karlach pat Chyla on the back as she sauntered over to Minsc.
“Alright big guy, let’s settle this once and for all!” the fiery tiefling bellowed. 
Chyla laughed at the antics and mouthed a ‘thank you’ to Shadowheart. She nodded and smiled in response. Chyla spent a few minutes in quiet contemplation, gazing around the camp that held so many memories. Before she could fall into another sorrowful wallowing session she heard Astarion’s voice behind her. 
“He’s an idiot, you know.” She turned to face him, seeing an expression she couldn’t quite place falling over his face. “I… I’m sorry things happened as they did. No one deserves that.” He stumbled over his words slightly, tripping over what exactly Chyla wasn’t sure. She gave him an appreciative smile. 
“Thank you, Astarion. Though if you don’t mind I’d love to talk about anything else.” she laughed at her own desperation. “Tell me about what you’ve been up to. I heard you took to the Underdark?” 
Astarion pulled up a chair for her, and then one for himself. “Darling, I would love nothing more than to talk about myself.” He quipped with a smirk. They sat at the table for the rest of the night, Astarion telling her of his time since they parted ways back in Baldur’s Gate. He told her stories of the life he’s been attempting to build for himself, his siblings, and all the spawn they freed. It’s come with its own trials, rough patches, and hurdles but he claimed it made the time pass by quickly. 
Before she knew it the night was drawing to a close. Everyone was turning in despite Minsc demanding a third rematch against Karlach. Lae’zel chiding him for not accepting defeat at the hands of a superior opponent.
Chyla yawned and decided it was time to turn in as well. “I suppose I should at least attempt a trance.” she said as she got up from the table. 
“You go ahead, I’ll keep watch.” Astarion responded back to her, a call back to some of their first nights together. Chyla smiled at him, truly thankful for the conversation that kept her distracted for the remainder of the night. 
She wandered to a tent that was set up for her. She crawled in removing her party attire, undressing to her small clothes. She stared up at the ceiling of the tent in stillness. Quiet tears began to flow as she closed her eyes. The first of many nights crying herself to sleep. 
“You show me just how much I have to live for.”
“With you, I forget my goddess...” 
“I love you.”
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dxngosstuff · 1 year
Does the Moonlight Shine on Paris? (ii)
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Idol!Yoon Jeonghan x Idol!f!Reader
900+ words ; cw :none | m.list tags: friends to lovers; fluff; minor angst; idol au; elements of slowburn; second male lead scoups;
Yoon Jeonghan realizes a few things about you after sharing a drink with you in Paris.
“Break a leg out there.”
You went to check who the message was from and it was none other than Jeonghan. After having a heartfelt talk with Jeonghan last night, he took the pleasure of taking you back to your hotel room. It wasn’t your intention to get that deep into the conversation that night but he managed to open a can of worms that you never really expected.
A smile grew on your face after reminiscing the talk that you had. To your surprise, he was quite the listener. You only ever saw him playing around during drinking games and being the sly man that he is but last night, he was mellow and amiable.
‘I should drink with him more often.’ You thought to yourself while the make-up artist applied your lipstick on your lips.
You look different today as you had a more sultry look. It matched the vibe of the brand you were representing and it’s a new look compared to the image you had back home. It made you wonder how he would be styled today. You always knew that Jeonghan was a good looking man. Even during your trainee days but you just didn’t give it much thought because somebody else was the apple of your eye. But, that wasn’t the case anymore.
What you felt for Seungcheol before was a thing of the past. You had the closure you needed with him after affirming that things between the two of you will never progress the way you would like it to. The both of you knew that you were better off as friends anyway.
“All done.” The makeup artist brought you back to your senses and you were stunned at the way they did your makeup. You thanked the artist sincerely.
“Just do the Hoshi Pose if you run out of ideas.” You texted him with a cute tiger sticker after realizing that you didn’t send one back and proceeded to put on your outfit for the night.
You could hear his name being chanted by his fans from a block away even inside your car. He had arrived an hour earlier than you at the show and it had just dawned on you that Seventeen had become really big. The chants were deafening and the flashes from the cameras were blinding but you couldn’t help but smile to yourself thinking that the boys you used to train with have now become international superstars.
The car came to a halt a couple of steps from the venue and that’s when the people turned their attention to you. You were now the subject of the screams and the target of the flashes and you gave everybody a smile and a slight bow as you were being assisted outside the vehicle while the screams only grew louder.
You made your way to the venue, signing albums and merchandise on the way there, while having small conversations with your fans. As you got closer to the brand’s huge logo at the center of the venue, you made eye contact with Jeonghan and gave him a warm smile along with a “fighting” gesture. He nodded and slowly made his way to you.
You were now surrounded by the paparazzi and people’s screams were louder than ever. The camera men were telling you to pose together and you both gladly did so. Jeonghan could already tell what the headlines would be tomorrow but he hoped your interactions would be perceived as solely platonic.
When the excitement died down around you, Jeonghan whispered in your ear. “You look amazing tonight.”
This caught you off-guard so you quickly looked up to him as you were processing what he had said to you. Giving him a look from head to toe, you retorted, “You don’t look too bad yourself” and gave him a smirk to which you both gave each other a small laugh. Jeonghan continued walking while hiding his lingering smile behind the back of his hand.
The event ended successfully and you both had an amazing time. The show was filled with amazing pieces and the people around you were fun to talk to and despite the socially draining evening, you found yourself in Jeonghan’s hotel room again after washing up in yours.
You hear the door to his bathroom unlock and he came out in his pajamas but his hair was still visibly wet. “Come here, I’ll dry your hair for you so don’t catch a cold.” You sat at the edge of the bed and motioned for him to come over.
Compared to last time, the room was completely lit and the TV was on. Albeit, you really couldn’t understand anything because everything was in French so it was all background noise for you.
He hesitated slightly before deciding to plop down on the floor in between your legs. You turned on the hair dryer and started ruffling his hair.
“It’s so soft.” You whispered.
You continued ruffling his hair and he started to feel a sense of comfort. Your touch was light and delicate yet it was making his stomach heavy. He felt like he wanted to stop time for a while and rest his head on your thigh to take a nap and the lavender scent that you had on you was intoxicating to him, but he didn’t know if it was because of the atmosphere or it was because of you.
The loud sound of the hair dryer came to a halt and a cheerful voice accompanied it. “There we go! All dry and fresh.” You patted both of his shoulders to signal that he was good to go.
Jeonghan stayed that way and didn’t move. He just stared at you which made you worried.
“Is there something on my face?” You asked as you slightly tilted your head.
“It’s nothing.” He said as he stood up and fixed his hair in the mirror. And once again, he felt that same heavy feeling in his stomach as he caught a glimpse of you in the mirror.
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doodleoogles · 3 months
The Southern Comfort
Summer 2013
I was awakened by the warm rays of sunlight hitting my face. There's a sharp throbbing in my head and I couldn't feel half of my body. "Where was I?" I thought trying to grasp where my reality is at that moment. Minutes earlier, I was reliving the time before my gramma died. I was in a hospital with her, making sure she gets all the help she needed, I was given another chance to try and save her, I will save her this time. Tears welled in my eyes and I unintentionally opened them.
"You're awake.." a voice said.
I looked around. I was lying in bed, within a slightly messy room (a guys' room definitely), the windows are open with the curtains tied to the side. All the afternoon sunlight is coming in, like a spotlight to my half awake form. A humid air blew when I tried to sit and the hair on my arms stood up. I blinked until I can make out the figure sitting on the chair a few inches from the bed. He's looking back at me with a pair of soft wide eyes, his soft curls flowing on the side of his face. Ahh yes, memories from the previous night started pouring in. We were out in a bar, drinking, smoking a couple of joints and oh yeah, that's about as far as I can remember.
I groaned loudly, pressing my forehead "What the fuck happened last night?"
He laughed and grabbed a bowl from the table where his laptop lay open. A movie was playing in the screen, some old Natalie Portman film. He handed the bowl to me.
My stomach immediately grumbled at the smell of some good ol' chicken noodle soup. "Thanks" I managed to say before devouring it. "Care to tell me now what happened?" I asked again when I was able to catch a break from eating.
He paused the movie and faced me, "Well let's see..." Uh-oh, I tensed. "So we were drinking right? And we smoked, ahhh it is a good kind, I think I may have brought some with me." He grinned, "Anyway, this guy Stephen was challenging us on a drinking spree. I drank a bit but I said I can't drink some more since I have to watch over you cause you...." he playfully wriggled a pointing finger towards me, "You went all out, like chugging drink after another drink of what was that? Uhm Jaggermeister? You beat them all up alright, then you passed out on my lap. Good thing you didn't hit your head on anything."
I cringed at the unpleasant mental picture in my head "Oh God..."
"Stephen was actually teasing me." he continued, leaning backwards on his chair and focusing his gaze on the laptop screen. "He said boy you so getting laid tonight." He said it so casually, without any hint of malice in his voice. "You wouldn't wake up, I even had to carry you up here. I slept after tucking you in." He played the movie and let me finish the noodles in peace.
I started to think what kind of relationship we have. We never talk about it and I will never be the one to ask. Sometimes I think he may be bisexual or even gay as he has never shown any interest in trying to have sex. I mean yes there was some making out and I sleep in his room but that's just about it. I really do like him though. I guess I'm okay with hanging around for a bit until he realize we can be something else. I enjoy his company. I like waking up in his room after getting wasted the night before. I like knowing I will never be taken advantaged of in my drunken state. I like the soup he gets me for my hang over. I like the hot afternoon in the South where he lives, the humidity and the breeze coming from a nearby lake.
During my free time on weekends, he would usually ask me to tag along with his friends. We'll go outside when the weather isn't too hot anymore. We'll meet up his friends to skate at a nearby park then grab some beers after. In the evening, we will pick some random movies to watch in his laptop and fall asleep beside each other. Time almost stood then.
February 2024
Why am I reminiscing an 11 year old memory? Well, a few weeks ago, he messaged me out of nowhere. I mean we remained friends of course, like when we occasionally bump into each other on a gig, we still talk and hang out with other common friends. We didn't end badly, hell come to think of it nothing was ever official anyway so damned if I know when exactly it ended. It just did.
He moved on first. I spent months trying to get over missing his place and his friends from the South. Damn believe it or not, I even missed the humidity there. We didn't communicate for a long time, I knew he had a girlfriend eventually and they were together for years. I've also moved on since then.
Now he just popped up on my messenger on a random morning while I'm at work. I responded casually. He really sounded like wanting to keep the conversation going but 1. I am busy, 2. I want to keep everything entirely casual. We don't need to be talking and messaging each other everyday like we did years before. Out of curiosity, I checked his Facebook and I no longer see the girl anywhere on his profile. Huh, guys and the things they do out of boredom.
When I put my phone aside, my mind reeled back to 2013. I may have never gotten the clarity I needed on who I was to him before but I don't think it ever mattered. We were young, it had been fun, and neither of us has any regrets. We had something good back then and it's a memory worth keeping. However, among all things, that's where it should remain.
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stay-mon-army · 2 years
Do You Hate Me?
Warnings: None (lmk if anyone sees one that I miss)
Word Count: 2,168 words
Pairing: Han Hyeongjun (Jun Han) x GN!Reader
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You don’t know what you did to make Jun Han hate you. At least, you assume he hates you. You know he is a quiet kid and prefers his solitude, but this was getting out of hand.
You had been friends with Gaon for a few years, after you’d met him at a guitar shop. You had gone with a friend but wandered off, stumbling upon Gaon playing by himself. His eyes were closed as his fingers expertly plucked at the strings. When he’d finished playing, you had applauded him, going to strike up a conversation with him. You’d hit it off, becoming instant friends. You’d shared numbers and gotten closer as time went on: you acting as his personal cheerleader as he got into JYP and worked toward being an idol. When he knew for sure who he was debuting with, he’d introduced you, inviting you to hang outs, wanting his best friend to get along with his band mates.
You had instantly clicked with Gunil and Jooyeon, and it only took one or two more meetings before Jungsu and O.de were vying for your attention. But through it all, your interactions with Jun Han seemed to stay cold and distant. He sat as far from you as possible in movie nights, rarely interacted with you during adventures or game nights.
Despite all your best efforts of starting conversations about everything under the sun or specifically getting his favorite snacks when preparing for game nights, the guitarist seemed more interested in being anywhere other than near you.
You had brought this up to Gaon and he had simply shrugged.
“I know how you feel; it took me a while to break through his walls, but I’m sure he likes you. He just isn’t ready to show it!” Gaon smiles, popping a potato chip in his mouth as he reclined on his bed.
“It’s been like four months, Jiseok. I mean, I don’t expect him to treat me like Jooyeon,” Gaon laughs loudly at this, no doubt thinking about Jooyeon’s infatuation with you, “but I would like some kind of acknowledgement.”
You huff, throwing your head back against the headrest of your chair and close your eyes. You had done all that you could think of to show that you wanted to get closer to Hyeong-jun and he seemed intent on being distant to you. You decided to finally just accept defeat and let him win. You were having another movie night at the dorm tonight as a final resting before they started going on shows and events. You wouldn’t be seeing them much in the upcoming months, but you didn’t mind because it meant that they had finally made it.
The other boys had gone out for lunch earlier while you and Gaon had ordered in and set up the living room into maximum comfort level and sorted through movies. When you’d finished, you’d gone and settled into Gaon and Jungsu’s room while you waited for the others to return after their meal.
As you listen to Gaon’s soft crunching across the room, you notice the sound of the apartment door opening.
“Honey, I’m home!” Screams Jooyeon, and Gaon and you burst out laughing at the boys antics, both jumping to your feet to meet the boys at the entrance.
As you enter the living room, Jooyeon races to meet you, wrapping his arms around your midsection and lifting you, twirling you around before placing you back on your feet beside Gaon.
“Jooyeon, I saw you like two hours ago.” You laugh, gently patting the hand he placed on your shoulder.
“I know, I almost died of (Y/N)-withdrawals.” He whines, crushing you into a hug. You look at the others over his shoulder and they were all laughing, shaking their heads at him as they took off their coats and shoes, and found seats for themselves.
Well, all except Jun Han, who seems to be watching Jooyeon intently, until his eyes lock with yours and he quickly looks away, moving toward to hallway instead of the seats.
“Hyeongjun, aren’t you going to watch movies with us?” You pull away from Jooyeon gently, turning to the receding boys figure.
“Umm, no, I’m not really feeling well, so I think I’m going to go to bed early. Have fun guys!” He quickly slips into his bedroom without a second look and you turn to look at Gaon.
He shrugs, glancing at the door before shuffling over the couch and sitting beside O.de.
“He does hate me.” You sigh, plopping onto a beanbag chair next to Gaon’s feet.
“He doesn’t hate you, (Y/N).” Jooyeon laughs, ruffling your hair as he passes to sit beside Jungsu on the loveseat across the room. “He actually really likes you.”
“He barely talks to me, refuses to look at me for more than two seconds, and he stays as far from me as physically possible. Oh yeah, he’s practically in love with me.” You huff out a laugh, and Jooyeon stares at you for a second, finally silent. “What?” You ask, when you notice all of the boys except Gaon are staring at you like you suddenly turned purple.
“You really don’t know?” Jungsu says quietly, and Gunil kicks his shin hard. “Ow, what?”
Gunil makes a face at Jungsu and Jungsu simply shrugs, looking over at Jooyeon for clarification, but Jooyeon is still staring at you.
“(Y/N), I love you, but if you don’t go talk to Hyeongjun about your feelings right now, I might just revoke your privileges in this house.” Jooyeon says, pointing toward the hallway. His eyebrows are pulled down in obvious concern. You glance at the other boys, but they all either won’t make eye contact with you or share looks like Jooyeon is shooting your way.
“I- alright, I’ll be right back, I guess.” You say, slowly rising from your spot, confused at why this seems suddenly so important to them. Was there something about your interactions that you were missing? Was there something you didn’t know that they were all in on?
As you stop before his and Gunil’s door, you glance back down the hall where you can hear the boys whispering. You can’t hear anything within the room, so you gently rap a knuckle against the door.
“Yeah?” Jun Han calls softly.
“Can I come in?” You worry for a moment that he won’t answer—that instead of inviting you in, he’ll simply pretend you aren’t outside.
“Sure.” The doorknob is cool to the touch as you slip inside the bedroom. He’s sitting up in his bed, head down, phone beside him paused on some video. His dyed rusty hair is messy and wild on one side, which he now reaches to pat meekly at. You rest your back against the door until it clicks back into place, before standing straight, twisting your fingers together.
You don’t really know how to start, or why you’re here, in his room, alone, now that you think about it. This is the first time you’ve been alone with him since you’d met months ago, and somehow his room doesn’t feel like the right place for this first experience. There isn’t anything you can do about it now, however, so you decide moving on is the best option.
You lightly clear your throat, bringing a finger up to scratch the base of your skull before parting your lips to speak. “Uhh, so, I— the guys thought— I— I was kinda told to come talk to you.”
With so many ways to address the situation, your brain stumbles between openings before settling on one sentence. It seems to work to set the scene; Jun Han raises his eyes to meet your own. His brows are tilted downward at the bridge of his nose, wrinkling the soft skin only slightly, but enough to draw to mind a yawning cat or snarling dog.
In many ways, Jun Han always reminds you of a dog— mostly a puppy. The shy but loving demeanor with the members before he notices your presence, his habit on inhaling at fresh food placed before him, but mostly his eyes. No matter how cold his exterior became around you, his brown eyes stayed warm, vaguely inviting in their sparkling curiosity.
“Talk about what?” He’s leaning forward, his elbows coming to rest on his legs, fingers laced in front of his mouth.
His eyes locked with yours in a way that made your heart skip a beat. Somehow he wasn’t shy or cold now, with the other boys absent. He was responsive, meeting your eyes, although he still gave off withdrawn, almost skittish vibes. You could tell if you made a move toward him now he would back down, pull away, close off again like he’s done so many times before. It felt like something was different this time, but you couldn’t put your finger on what it was.
“Well, I— recently I’ve been feeling like— well, the way you act has made me feel like maybe— Do you hate me?” You didn’t know what got into you. He wasn’t judging you and you trusted him not to get mad at you, but you couldn’t meet his eyes anymore, and you felt every nerve on end, like someone could pluck them like a harp.
You feel him shift more than see it, as you train your eyes on a stray sock beside the hamper at your feet. In the hopes busying yourself will calm your nerves, you dip to lift it into the basket, but the movement is over too quick and you’re left feeling ready to combust if he doesn’t hurry up and say something.
As though he can hear your thoughts, the moment is broken from the sound of quiet laughter, little more than a rumbling in his chest. You look up and see his lips pinched tight, a smile tugging the corners up until he can’t hold it and he releases the most childish laugh you’ve ever heard emanate from his chest. He throws his head back, hands grasping the edge of his mattress like he’ll tip right over into madness if he doesn’t hold onto something.
Your eyes dart around the room, taking in his form, his phone, Gunil’s well-made bed, a stray water bottle on the floor under the window, but you can’t see what exactly made Jun Han laugh so hard.
Oh god, he’s laughing at me. You don’t really know what to do with that fact. You keep looking around, for a way out now instead of for the cause. You can’t sit here and listen to this boy laugh at you. He must think I’m so pathetic, talking about my feelings with the boys like some baby instead of just talking to him directly. God, how am I ever gonna face him now? What do I tell—
Without any warning, or maybe there would have been warning if you weren’t so in your thoughts, you feel a hand, smooth and chilly, slip into yours. You look up to see Jun Han, standing before you, his fingers wrapped around yours, and his head tilted to match eye contact with your darting gaze.
“I don’t hate you. I actually—” there was the boy you knew, his eyes dipping down, his fingers twitching against yours before he straightens, meeting your eyes one last time with the most confidence you’d seen in him since you’d met. “I really like you (Y/N). I have a crush on you, and I didn’t know how to approach you because Jooyeon was all over you and you didn’t seem to mind, so I wasn’t sure how you felt. But I don’t hate you.”
As the words leave his mouth, you stare, but the moment he stops talking you reach up to wrap your arms around his shoulders, hugging him close. He laughs, his hand resting tentatively against your back, hardly a whisper of pressure. You tighten your hold on him and he finally wraps both his arms around your waist, squeezing back. You feel him bury his head into your shoulder, the tickle of his breath against the skin of your neck almost making you shiver.
“I’m sorry I didn’t say anything sooner. And I’m sorry you thought I hated you.” His words are muffled into the fabric of your top but you can hear the way his voice dips, like he has tears in his eyes, so the sudden cold wet sensation seeping into your shirt is unsurprising.
“That doesn’t matter. We can start over! Here,” you pull away from him, brushing away one of his tears from his dusted pink cheek, before holding out your hand. “Nice to meet you, I’m (Y/N).”
He laughs again and you grin, warmth spreading through your body at the gentle sound. He takes your hand softly, but instead of shaking it, he lifts it to his lips, his cheeks burning red along with his ears now. “I’m Hyeongjun, nice to meet you.”
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kittyt-hexxed · 2 years
Hexed (Vi/POC!Reader) - Ch.19
Next Upload Date: March 16th
Act 2: Chapter Nineteen - Under the Stars
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Warnings: Thigh riding (Scene starts getting steamy when Vi says “Y/N.” and the scene ends when Vi says “Fuck.”)
Summary: You finally get to relax and have fun with your friends after months! You hit the dancefloor and have great time until you find yourself chest to chest with Vi. After the party, things... happen.
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When nightfall hit, the majority of the community headed to their homes to turn in for the night. Healer Jane had privately notified you that Vi was showing signs of mental fatigue and needed a good night's rest. You assured her that you’d make sure Vi sleeps tonight and eats a filling breakfast in the morning. She had nodded and handed you a vial of sleep aid before sending you off with a knowing smile. After the trip to Healer Jane, Vi was shown where she’d be staying and you left her there to go prepare for the evening to come.
You pull on a pair of loose-fitting joggers and your favorite t-shirt. You had cut the sleeves off of it and opened the sides on an insanely boring day. You had every intention of dancing and enjoying the night with your friends. You removed the sutures and the wound was happily healed after a few hours. You were relieved that it hadn’t gotten worse after the fight earlier. Vi returning was a relief on your consciousness but it also brought you some stress. ‘How do I behave around her? We’re not dating anymore. Both of us thinking our girlfriend died, basically ended the relationship. Ah, I’m still attracted to her though and Vi seems to feel attracted to me too… I think.’ You sigh to yourself. ‘Why me? Why am I in this situation?’
A knock sounds at the door as you pull your hair up into a high ponytail. Opening the door, you see Heather standing there before giving Heather a bright smile. Her hair is out of the bun she keeps it in and it’s a cute little afro. Her eyes widen as her jaw drops open. You blink and glance down at yourself, “What? Do I look bad?” You bite your lip feeling a little self-conscious.
“Girl, are you kidding me?!” Heather squeals, “You look hot! Where’d the tattoos come from? I was only aware of the one you had with Ekko!” You blush when you realize that you had forgotten about your new tattoo. You were so used to seeing the glint of your crystal scars that you just associated the colors with them.
“I got it today!” You spin to show it off to her, “I wanted to get new ink and the artist I went to insisted on doing the whole piece today.”
“Damn, you have to give me their name.” Heather backs up as you close the door. You hold your hand out and she takes it. She doesn’t hesitate to pull you towards the jump line.
“Sure, but you’re paying for it yourself.” You bump your hip against hers and laugh when she groans. You liked to treat your friends to things you usually couldn’t get here in Zaun. Sometimes you’d sneak ice cream or chocolate bars through your rifts to treat them. Everyone in the Grotto worked hard to care for each other and you didn’t mind using your powers if it brought a smile to their faces.
“Soooo, that best friend of yours. The pink-haired one.” Heather nudges you and it is your turn to let out a groan, “You seemed a bit more comfortable than just best friends.” 
“We may have dated when we were younger…” You trail off as Heather’s face practically glows in success. 
“I knew it!” She bellowed and you shush her immediately. She starts giggling and pulls you to a stop at the entrance of the Amphitheater's tunnel, “Tell me you’re going to get back with her.” She begs. You sigh and glance around you to see if anyone was nearby. If anyone unwanted had their ears to the wall.
“I want to but she seems interested in the  Caitlyn girl that came with her. I don’t want to get in the way if there’s something there- OW!” You snatch your hand out of her grip as a bead of blood appears. You look at Heather with a shocked expression.
“You did not just jab me with your neuro-needle!” You gasp. Heather gives you a flat look and flashes the silver needle-ring in your face before popping the needle back into place. Your hand continues to sting after your attempt of sucking the pain away. So you rub at it instead hoping that’ll relieve the pain. Heather’s backup weapon of choice was something she made called a neuro-needle. With a prick of the needle, she could electrocute anyone she pleased. It was quite painful and tended to knock people out at the highest voltage.
“You dumbass.” Heather hisses quietly, “She’s still very much into you if her gazing at you all during lunch is anything to go by.” She grabs you by your shoulders and starts pushing you down the tunnel. “Don't let that hunk of a woman chase another, a lesser woman at that! Now cut the shit and get your girl!” She slaps your ass and shoves you forward as you let out a breezy laugh. You yelp as your feet leave the ground and you find yourself over someone’s shoulder. You look up to see Heather with a wide grin on her face. You glance behind you and giggle when you see Zyn’s face grinning at you.
“Zyn!” You laugh happily, “Put me down!” You feel him descend towards the bottom of the amphitheater. Every step he takes jostles you slightly, making you huff. It’s not often your guard is down, so they loved to take advantage when it happened.
“Not until we get to the bottom! You’re not escaping tonight!” Zyn says and carries on making his way down. You make eye contact with Heather who gives you a nonchalant shrug making you roll your eyes. You feel the walk smooth out and Zyn lowers you to the ground. The moment your feet touch the ground you jab Zyn in the side. He jerks away from you with a pained shriek and gives you a betrayed look. He rubs at his ribs with a wince. You huff and pretend to dust off your clothes.
A loud wolf-whistle cuts through the air and you look up to see the group staring at you with slack jaws. Your eyes linger on Vi who looks like her eyes might fall out of her head. ‘Well, that reaction is extremely welcomed.’
“DAMN, Hawk! I see you with the new ink!” Liz howls at you. You snort when everyone starts whistling and catcalling you as you walk closer. Heather and Zyn toss their arms over your shoulder, “Didn’t you miss our crazy asses?” Heather coos. 
“Now I remember why I hid in my lab.” You say teasingly to her. She laughs and pulls away from you. You give her a fond smile as she jumps in place. 
“Alright! Alright!” You address the group, “You animals get one look!” You slowly spin, showing off the tattoo in the light. You listen to their sounds of approval with a grin.
“You show up to our hang out after months with a body like that?! Shit, I need Ekko to send me out on more missions.” Someone complains. A chuckle leaves your lips at the comment. They start up the music as others rush around to turn on the rest of the lights and close the amphitheater’s dome. You shyly glance in Vi’s direction and panic when you realize that Heather is having a very animated conversation with her. ‘When did she get over there?!’ You rush over to the duo who pause their conversation at your approach. Heather’s too wide smile gives you an uneasy feeling as you stand next to them.
“Hey, Vi!” You say cheerfully.
“Hey, Hawk. You look amazing with that tattoo.” Vi smirks at you. You feel a blush rise to your face and Heather’s smile gets wider in the corner of your eye.
“Thanks! I’m glad you decided to show up.” You smile at her.
“Are you kidding me?” Vi grins, “This is the first party I get to be at since I got out of prison this morning. I wouldn’t miss it for the world!” The music starts getting louder and you look up to see the dome closing. The main lights go out and bathe the room in darkness for a second before the blacklights are switched on. Cheers erupt out as the graffiti around the area lights up and starts to glow. You grin widely as your hair lights up along with random areas of your tattoo. “Bye, Vi!” Heather shouts. The thumping of the bass vibrates from your feet to your chest before burying itself in your bones, as Heather grabs your arm and drags you to the dance floor. 
“I thought you wanted me to get closer to Vi!” You shout at her over the music as the crowd of young adults takes to the makeshift dance floor.
“After we dance for a bit! Besides, she’ll end up on you the longer we keep you away from her!” Heather grins as she spins you around.
“So what you’re saying is we’re playing cat and mouse with Vi?!” You give your best friend an incredulous look.
“Yeah! She’s the cat!” Heather smirks and pulls you to the middle of the crowd. You can’t help but like the thought of that. If Vi is interested in getting back together with you, she’d come to you. 
“Wait- Why am I the mouse?!” 
“Because I said so!”
You let yourself get lost in the music. It had been a while since you let loose and had fun. While you enjoyed inventing, it could be tough work sometimes. You bounce around and dance with other people while singing at the top of your lungs. At one wild point, you were sandwiched between two grinding girls. You were having so much fun that you almost forgot that Vi was there. Almost. 
You found yourself occasionally searching around for her in the crowd. Before you could find her, your attention was always redirected to someone else. About ten songs in, you manage to pull yourself away from the area around Heather. They lower the volume so people can grab a drink and take a second to rest. Just as you’re clear from Heather’s vision, a hand snakes its way around your waist and you’re pulled against a body. You let out a small grunt as you end up chest to chest with another girl. Your eyes widen as you look down and make eye contact with Vi. ‘Heather was right. Was Vi trying to get close to me all night? They kept me distracted so I couldn’t tell.’ Your heart pounds loudly in your chest. 
“I didn’t know you could dance like that!” Vi says over the music.
“You haven’t seen me dance in years!” You laugh, “Are you enjoying yourself?” 
“What kind of question is that? Of course, I am!” Vi grins. 
“What about Caitlyn? Is she?”
“Over there.” Vi motions behind you and you turn to see her dancing with Zyn. You laugh knowing that he was most likely trying to grill her about Piltover while they danced. The song fades away before a new beat immediately takes its place causing you and others to cheer. 
“I love this song! Dance with me!” You demand, yanking the girl to the dance floor. Everyone around you dances to the beat with renewed energy. Now that Vi was this close to you, there is no way you aren’t taking advantage of it. 
With sudden confidence, you throw her a wink before whirling around and grinding against her. There is a brief pause in Vi’s movements as if she is shocked at what’s happening. Her hands shift to your hips and she joins you. ‘Holy shit is this happening?’ You think to yourself. For the second time that night, you let yourself fall into the music. You don’t know how long you dance with Vi, but you go from grinding against her to casual dancing. The whole time you are together you can’t stop your thoughts from heading south. Having Vi pressed up against you is so distracting that your thoughts turn sexual. 
The music comes to a stop and you are sweaty and panting. The dome opens and cool air flows in to relieve your sweaty bodies from the heat you all generated. You make eye contact with Vi who gives you a smirk. Your heart nearly stutters when you see the lust shining in her eyes. ‘Fuck, I did not- I haven’t- Fuck.’ You stutter incoherently to yourself.
“Alright, alright, alright!” Zyn claps his hands, “Everyone clear the floor! We’re entering into our group dances now!” People cheer and you grab Vi’s hand and walk off the floor with her. You sit down and someone tosses you two bottles of water. You hand one to Vi and she gives you a grateful smile. 
Small groups of people hit the floor and dance together. You grin at the choreographed movements and cheer them on. Some people bust out rapping and singing original songs. There are even a few more groups before everyone is sitting around to cool down. The music is lowered so people can talk comfortably. 
“Okay, everyone.” Heather’s voice cuts through the air after a while. You turn to see people lounging around and some people heading out of the Amphitheater, “Time to head to bed. We don’t want to be exhausted in the morning.” You and Heather make eye contact and she winks. You sigh knowing that she’s well aware of how you’re feeling and glance at Vi to see that she is looking at you. 
“I’m going to head up to my room and get settled. I’ll take you up.”
“I’m wide awake.” Vi chuckles and flicks her hair out of her face as the cool air hits her face upon exiting the building.
“You can come up to my room if you’d like. I’m not tired yet, so I’ll probably star-gaze for a bit.” You say while gazing up at the sky. 
“What are we waiting for? Let’s go!” Vi says enthusiastically.
“Shouldn’t you tell Caitlyn you’re leaving?” You raise an eyebrow questioningly. Vi rolls her eyes, “No, I’m a big girl. Besides, I don’t have to worry about Caitlyn getting back to her room.” Vi points to the blue-haired girl who is still chatting with Zyn, “She should be fine.” She shrugs.
“Great!” You grab Vi’s hand and don't miss the way her fingers intertwined with yours. You lead her to the tunnel with only a glance behind you. Zyn meets your eyes and flashes a thumbs up at you behind Caitlyn’s back. You blush and pull Vi into the tunnel. The walk up to your room is quiet and it makes you wonder what’s on Vi’s mind. You are still a bit shocked by the turn of events tonight. You unlock the door and hold it open for her. Your room felt cool since you had left the window to the balcony open. It is a nice relief after all of that dancing. 
“I don’t think I can get used to this.” Vi chuckles as she shrugs off her jacket. Your eyes follow the tattoo from her neck down to her wrists. 
“Where can I lay this?” Vi’s question snaps you out of your gaze. You indicate to the couch before rushing onto the balcony to hide your rising blush. You grab the collection of pillows and blankets and spread them out. There are so many you know that the two of you would be fine.
“Anything I can help with?” Vi asks as she ducks through the window.
“No, it’s nothing complicated. I’m just making sure it’s comfortable.” You give her a soft smile before patting the blanket next to you. Vi walks over and plops down before she stretches and lays down on the spread with a content sigh. 
“This is amazing.” She glances at you, “This is much more comfortable than my bed at Stillwater.” Vi chuckles. You lay down next to her and look up through the tree’s branches. You can see the stars through gaps in the leaves and it brings a sense of calm to you. You feel Vi’s hand brush up against yours and there is a second before she grabs it. 
“Vi, I’m so sorry you went through all of that.” You sigh. 
“It wasn’t that-”
“-Stop lying.” You snap as you turn to look at her. Vi turns to you with a raised eyebrow. It’s like Vi is choosing to forget that you know her better than anyone here. It’s so frustrating to you because you know that it’s weighing down on her.
“You’re always brushing off the pain that you go through because you think you have to be strong for everyone else.” You rant, “You don’t. Not with me. Especially not now. It’s just the two of us here, so please just talk to me!” You plead to her. Vi gives you a conflicted look before sighing and propping herself up. 
“I could never get past you, huh?” Vi chuckles softly, “Life in Stillwater was shit. I was shoved into prison at fourteen. When they first brought me to the prison, I tried to escape as they were escorting me to the back. I suffocated one of the Enforcers before two others managed to pry me off. More of them rushed to keep me detained, but I didn’t stop fighting until I was behind bars.” You lay on your side to gaze at Vi while she speaks, “You know that as a kid, I couldn’t control my temper. I got into a lot of fights during my stay there, except nothing was more infuriating than seeing those goons from the undercity. They triggered a deep rage in me and all I wanted to do was knock them out… so I did, after trying to get information about Powder out of them.” Vi’s grip on your hand tightens, “I even killed a few. I didn’t give a fuck. I felt deliriously satisfied with it. Those bastards got what they deserved. The Enforcers would say that they had succumbed to their injuries, but I knew the truth. I beat them to death.” Vi laughs and lets out a long breath. She searches your face, presumably for a sign to stop, but you nod for her to continue.
“The guards would beat me. It was correctional apparently.” Vi scoffs, “I took them. I stashed things away in my cell and constantly thought about ways to get out. My hate for Silco grew more and more every passing day. I grew up in a prison filled with dangerous criminals. That does something to you… and then yesterday a new inmate came in. This huge guy was covered in tattoos and I instantly recognized him as one of Silco’s higher-ups. He was one of the goons I fought the night I was sent to prison. I didn’t even think. All I wanted was to make him pay.” Vi’s gaze hardens and her voice shakes in anger, “So I did. I beat his ugly face in. Broke his jaw, knocked out his eye…” Vi gives you a proud smirk that makes you raise an eyebrow. You can’t help but return the smirk. Hearing about what happened to her while in prison is heartbreaking, but you are proud of her for managing on her own. You are also very satisfied hearing about what happened to the guy you ran into with the Firelights.
“They tossed me into solitary again and I was there until Caitlyn found me. She wanted information on the guy I had beat up for some reason. We exchanged words and she stomped away. The next time I saw her, I was being released.” The two of you fall into silence. ‘Vi went through hell for six years. She grew up in a ruthless prison with nothing but her mind for comfort. I was right with my initial observation. Vi is dangerous. Whatever she went through at Stillwater mixed with everything that she learned in the undercity and it made her dangerous.’ You turn to her, finding her already staring at you. You blink, a blush dusting your cheeks before you shyly glance away.
“Y/n.” Vi whispers quietly and brushes her hand against your scalding cheek. You keep eye contact as she moves over to you, slowly pushing you flat onto your back. 
Vi hovers above you, grabbing your wrists and loosely pinning them above your head. Glancing down shyly, you notice her legs on either side of your waist. She’s straddling you and that realization makes your breath hitch as your eyes return to their previous resting place. Her gorgeous icy blue eyes, that are intensely gazing back into yours.
“Vi…” You breathe out in surprise.
“I’ve got to admit…watching you fight today…” Vi whispers slowly as she leans closer to you, “...was so bloody hot, princess.” You swallow hard, feeling the heat rise through your body as your heart starts pounding harder. You can’t tear your gaze from hers, “And then, you showed up tonight looking like that… dancing on me like that…” Vi lets out a low chuckle that makes your heart leap out of your chest. She shifts slightly, sliding her leg in between your legs leaving it to rest unbearably close to your heat. You still as she goes silent, staring at you intensely. In your mind, you are pleading with her to continue, but you can’t seem to bring yourself to voice it. Breathing heavily, you feel her press her knee against your core forcing a gasp from your lips. 
“That made me want you more than anything.” Vi whispers huskily, her lips brushing against yours as she speaks, “I know you want me just as badly, princess.” That sentence snaps you out of the haze your mind fell into. You give Vi a cocky grin before flipping the two of you over. Vi’s eyes widen as you pin her to the ground, resting your core on her thigh while you press your lips to her tattooed cheek. 
“Vi… I was grinding on you for a reason.” You whisper in her ear before trailing kisses down her neck, “You come back looking like that. . . With those muscles and a voice that could bring any girl to her knees?”You grind lightly on her thigh to make your point before continuing mouthing at her neck, “I’d be crazy to not want you.” Vi releases a growl and the next thing you know, you’re back under her. You release a quiet moan as you feel her grip on your wrists tighten, pinning them above your head. Determined to be on top, you try to break out of her grasp until you realize it's futile. Shocked at the turn of events, you realize Vi was playfully restraining you earlier and that you raising the stakes caused her to get serious. Just that thought alone causes you to get wetter.
“Then you won’t mind if I do this?” Vi’s hot breath fans across your lips right before she slams her lips against yours. Your body nearly goes into shock as her lips move desperately, hungrily. You close your eyes and kiss her back just as urgently. Vi lets go of your wrists, leaning an arm next to your head while gripping your hip with the other. Said grip on your hip tightens when she feels you move one of your hands, bringing it up to lace itself in her hair.
She pulls away abruptly, attaching her now plump lips to your neck.
“Vi!” You gasp out as she hums, nipping at your neck. Your body is tingling and the lips on your neck are only making it worse. A whimper escapes your mouth as her knee presses against you. You know she's teasing you, but you're so desperate for more friction you roll your hips. 
“I missed you.” Vi whispers heatedly. She kisses you again but with greater intensity this time. It makes your head spin. You have only imagined kisses like this with her at night when you got lonely. 
“I… missed you too.” You breathe out between kisses. 
She pulls back and stares down at you lovingly before you yank her back down into a bruising kiss. Her hands grip your hips, fingertips burying into your skin, as she grinds her knee against your core.  You let a moan slip from your lips at the stimulation to your nether regions. Upon hearing you moan against her mouth, she guides your hips forward and along her thigh, keeping a steady rhythm. You nearly lose your mind feeling her tight muscles press against your thighs. Returning the favor you lift your leg slightly, placing your knee firm against her while moaning. Vi proceeds to pull away from the kiss, and lets out a low moan. She grinds on your knee while keeping the steady pace she started with you. You can feel the heat radiating from her core as she ruts, “You’re so beautiful.” Vi moans out while you attack her neck. You could feel her pulse against your lips while kissing and sucking at her neck. You arch your back from pleasure, pushing your breasts flush with hers. You both moan, feeling the friction against both your core and breasts as you continue to grind against one another
“I’m going to cum…” You gasp out, “if we keep this up.” You can feel the tension building in your abdomen. It only gets worse the more you drag yourself along Vi’s thigh. Your words only encourage Vi to pick up the pace and push her thigh further into you. The needy whimpers leaving her throat are unbearable, pushing you closer to the edge. ‘Holy shit, I didn’t know Vi could make these sounds. Fuck. I love it. I want to hear that come out of her mouth more.’
“Cum with me, princess.” Vi pants. Her hand tangled in your hair as she bites at the exposed skin of your neck. The tension builds until you feel like you’re about to snap. You let out a deep moan, “Vi, I- …I’m about to cum!” 
“Me too, love.” Vi whines. It is too much. You moan loudly, distantly hearing Vi’s groan, as the tension in your abdomen snaps and you cum hard. You throw your head back against the pillows leaving your neck exposed as Vi continues to grind against your knee and core. You moan out from overstimulation and the stinging pain registering from your neck. After a while both bodies still against each other, exchanging pants of satisfaction. Vi straightens up, staring at you lovingly as you stare straight through her. Mind drifting through clouds of bliss. A few minutes later you close your eyes and breathe out a sigh of satisfaction, slowly coming back to reality. 
“Fuck.” Vi laughs breathlessly, bringing her hand up to caress your face. You lean into her hand, before slowly opening your eyes. Vi smiles at your action prior to placing an affectionate kiss on your lips. Tears well up in your eyes as you come back from your high. They slip down your cheeks leaving a trail for more to follow and you start to cry. A panicked look flashes onto Vi’s face when she sees them. 
“Shit! Did I hurt you?” Vi says worriedly. You shake your head, as more tears fall down your face, and you pull her into a tight embrace. You didn't expect to be this emotional after that.
“I- I missed you so much, Vi.” You sob, “I thought I lost you. I-I thought I-!”
“-Shhh. I know, princess.” Vi’s voice sounds thick with emotion, “I missed you too. There wasn’t a night I didn’t think about you.” She pulls back and gazes at you, “My sweet princess. My sweet, crazy princess.” You softly laugh together and Vi stands up. She holds out her hand and you take it, allowing her to pull you up.
“Let’s get to bed.” Vi gives you a sweet smile. You nod and the two of you head inside. You close and latch the window behind you before glancing at Vi hesitantly, “Uh, Vi? Would you like to sleep with me tonight?” You fidget, “I also have a vial of sleep aid that Healer Jane gave me for you.” 
“I wasn't leaving you alone tonight even if you wanted me to, princess.” Vi gives you a soft look.
“Okay, well… I sleep naked, so you’re going to have to be comfortable with that.” You tell her as you walk into the bathroom.
“I have no issue with that.” Vi smirks as she leans up against the doorway, “Can I join you?” You give Vi an interested glance, “In a non-sexual way… Unless you want it to be?”
“We’re both tired. I doubt either of us has the energy to do that.” You laugh as you pull your shirt off. You can feel Vi’s eyes on you so you slowly take off your clothes. Even though you are tired, you can’t help the throbbing you feel in your cunt. The moment you slide your soaking panties off, Vi lets out a whistle. You fold your clothes and drop them into your washbasket. You let out a soft yelp when you felt a naked body press against your back.
Vi’s hands grips your hips, spins you around, and you grunt as you’re backed against the counter. Your eyes widen as you looked down at Vi’s ample chest. She tilts your head up and you make eye contact, “Is this…?” Her finger brushes over the crystal in your chest, eyes squinting slightly. You hold your breath as it glows, a gentle warmth spreads from your chest and makes your heart speed up. Her gaze is searching, desperate and you find yourself nodding. Vi exhales sharply and pulls you into a tight hug. Once again, tears well up in your eyes.
“Let’s talk, okay?” Vi catches your eyes, “We’ve talked about me, and now we talk about you until we go to sleep.” You sigh and grab her hand. Silently, you lead her over to your bed and sit down. You cross your legs and Vi does the same as she sits across from you. You hand her the little yellow potion and encourage her to take it before you start talking. 
“Okay.” You exhale, “I've told you about everything that has happened… except for this.” You motion to the crystal and Vi nods, “I’m assuming you know what these crystals are. Powder never hid anything from you… She had put these into her jolly monkey that night. They’re what caused the explosions.” You shift your position and show her the crystals in your arms, “I was struck with the crystals during the explosion before I - before I was. . . There are some things I can’t tell you yet, but they’re what kept me alive. For two years, they healed my body while I was in a coma.” You hesitantly grab Vi’s hand and she grips yours tightly. “When the Healers tried to remove them, I would seize so they gave up and left them in. They ended up fusing with my skin, so they’re impossible to remove.” Vi’s face is nothing but misery. She doesn’t say anything as she pushes you down onto the bed, climbs on top of you, and pulls the blankets over the two of you.
“Vi, what are you-?”
“-Ssshhh.” Vi shushes you as she pulls you against her. You snuggle up with her and she holds you tightly, “I’m so sorry, princess. I’m so sorry I wasn’t here. Let’s talk about this another ti- me.” Vi’s voice cracks and you can hear her crying. You shift your position and place a gentle kiss on her collarbone, “I don’t blame you for any of this, Violet. Please don’t blame yourself for what happened to me.” You whisper. Vi simply squeezes you tighter and you close your eyes. Your heart aches as you listen to her sniffles and feel her tears drop onto your neck. For once, Vi clearly needs your support and you’re going to give that to her.
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kellykidd · 3 years
I’m Ready - Kelly Severide x fem!Reader
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Summary: When reader gets attacked by her ex-husband, she decides to the next step with Kelly.
Read on Ao3
Words: 1.3k
Warnings: Physical Abuse, victim!reader, comfort, angsty with a happy ending, mentions of blood, injuries, hospitals
Tagging: @sylviebrettisaswiftie (Click here to join my taglist)
Blood. Dripping down your arms and face. He had just left after attacking you, again. Your ex-husband, Brice, was upset after you left him for the firefighter who saved you five years ago. He wanted to get back at you, but no woman would take him. Coming out of your haze after the attack, you saw Sylvie and Gabby rushing into your office, jump bag in hand.
“Hey, hey, are you with me?” Gabby asked you, shining the pen light in your eyes.
You couldn’t answer, you were so filled with shame.
“Let’s hook her up to the monitor, control the bleeding and let’s get her transported,” Sylvie replied.
“Kelly,” You managed to mutter.
“He’s on his way. Chief Boden is bringing him,” Sylvie told you.
Her words seemed to calm you down as Sylvie and her partner worked on your wounds. Your boyfriend rushed into your office. He grabbed your hand and sat beside you.
“Hey, how is she?” Kelly asked Gabby.
“Bleeding pretty heavily when we got here, it seems to be under control,” she replied, taking your BP one more time.
“Dawson, let’s move her.”
“I’m coming with you,” Kelly argued.
“Help us get her up,” Gabby told him.
They put you in the stairchair and brought you down to the awaiting ambulance out front. Kelly held your hand the entire time, something Brice would’ve never even thought about doing back when you were married.
Your paramedics transferred you from your stairchair to the gurney. Gabby hopped in the drivers seat and Sylvie hopped in the back with you and Kelly.
“He hit-. Brice-,” you sputtered.
“I know, I know,” Kelly assured you, “he won’t be bothering you anymore.”
“We’re here,” Gabby called from the front.
Gabby and Sylvie unloaded you and took you into the ED at Med.
“Kelly, you can let her go. We got her,” Sylvie told your boyfriend.
Kelly continued holding your hand as you were brought in.
“It’s going to be okay,” he whispered in your ear.
You looked across the ED and saw Brice in the bay across from you.
“Kelly,” you winced, pointing in Brice’s direction.
Kelly let go of your hand on the gurney and they wheeled you into the trauma bay.
You could see Kelly going towards Brice’s gurney.
“Hey, don’t you go messing with her again. And if I see you even thinking about her, I will hunt you down and kick your ass, injuries be dammed,” Kelly yelled.
The only reason you could hear the threat was because your man yelled it. You were sure even the coma patients could hear him. Kelly started walking back to your trauma room and sat down beside you.
A nurse came up beside you and patted your hand.
“Hi, I’m April. We are going to get your stitched up and we’ll get you on your way,” the nurse beside you assured.
“Ok. Could you check on my friend? Kelly Severide? Firefighter, he was the one yelling earlier?” You asked.
“Yes, Kelly and I go way back.”
A doctor came by and stitched up your wounds. Just when she was finishing up, you heard a loud beeping sound. It was coming from Brice’s bay. Doctors and nurses started rushing over to help him.
Tears started to fill your eyes.
“Hey, hey, what’s wrong?” Kelly asked, stroking your hair.
“Nothing, nothing,” you wiped the tears away from your eyes.
Kelly left your side for a moment and you could see him talking to that nurse, April, from before. You heard the Doctors and Nurses leaving Brice’s bay. You could see his head covered by a sheet.
Kelly walked back in the room later, followed by a man in a grey coat.
“I’m Doctor Charles,” the man told you.
Kelly walked over and planted a kiss on your forehead. The one that reminded you of breakfasts in bed and lazy Sunday afternoons.
“I’m going to head out, pick some stuff up for you from our apartment and I’ll be back,” Kelly told you.
You nodded and watched as he left your room.
“I’m the Head of Psychiatry here,” Doctor Charles continued, “your boyfriend, the lieutenant, told me that you’ve had a pretty difficult day. He was wondering if we could talk.”
You sat there, still, playing with your hair. Twisting it around your finger, the one thing that calms you in a time of stress.
“Could you maybe tell me about Brice?” he asked.
You wiped the tears streaming down your face.
“Brice is-, well, was, my ex-husband. We were together 3 years and had even gotten married when I met Kelly. There was a connection with Kelly that I just didn’t feel with Brice,” you told him.
“What happened when you left Brice?”
“Kelly and I started dating as soon as my divorce was final. The night after Kelly and I had our first date was the first time he attacked me. He punched and kicked and slapped me. He said he would stop if I came back to him.”
“Why didn’t you go back to him?”
“I didn’t love him. I love Kelly and I would do anything to be with him.”
Doctor Charles left your room. You were just sitting there, basking in the events of earlier. The fact that you had let him do it again haunted you. In your mind, it was all our fault. You should know not to tell him where you are.
Doctor Charles came back into your room and sat down beside you.
“I have some news for you,” he told you.
You just sat there silently, looking at the remains of your pantsuit in a bag on the floor.
“Your ex-husband, Brice, has passed away in our ED tonight,” he continued.
You started to cry.
Kelly came into your room. He sat beside you on your bed and wrapped you in a hug.
“Brice died,” you whimpered.
Kelly rubbed your back. As the tears dropped down your face, he whispered “It’s going to be okay. You’re going to be okay.”
Your team of doctors and nurses admitted you to the ward. Your boyfriend, of course, followed you up.
“Do you want me to sleep here tonight?” Kelly asked, tucking in your blankets.
“It’s up to you,” you replied, half asleep yourself.
Kelly pulled up the chair to beside your bed. He sat down and tilted his head back to sleep.
“Hey Kelly?” you asked.
“Yeah?” He replied.
“I’m ready.”
“Ready for what?”
“For us to get married.”
Kelly’s head popped up to look at you.
“Are you sure?” he asked.
Kelly pulled a box out of his pocket. He popped it open and it was an engagement ring.
“You’ve been carrying it around all this time?” you asked.
“Of course, I knew it’d work out,” he replied.
You and Kelly kissed, Kelly putting the ring on your finger afterwards.
“I love you.”
“I love you too.”
After being out of the hospital for a few weeks and stuck at home, you desperately wanted to go out. You were off the painkillers now so you talked Kelly into taking you out to Molly’s.
“Are you sure?” Kelly asked, as you were getting ready to head to Molly’s.
“Yes. I got my jersey on and I’m gonna go watch the Blackhawks game at Molly’s and have a drink,” you replied.
Arriving at Molly’s was like coming home. It was were you and Kelly went for your first date, where Kelly originally proposed and where you watched your favourite hockey team win the cup.
You opened the door and were greeted by the loud cheering and applause by the family of Firehouse 51.
“What’s all this for?” You asked, surprised.
“We’ll, it’s part your engagement party and part getting this loose cannon tied down,” Herrmann laughed, patting Kelly on the shoulder.
“Beers on me,” Kelly called, “because I’m the luckiest man in the world.”
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semischarmed · 3 years
I love him so much. God I love him. And he’ll never know. Maybe it was a curse from a past life or something. To live like this, tantalizingly close to him but unable to act. I knew he didn’t see me that way, but that didn’t help any in my situation. 
Take today for instance, he just came back from the gym today soaked in the lingering smell of sweat. It was probably residual perspiration on the clothes he was carrying back or some other thing in his bag. Still. The smell. Goddamn. I could have died and gone to heaven on the spot. I tried to sneak a whiff of Connor, but all I could pick up was whatever soap and cologne he used. It was earthy, woodsy. Like cut cedar and fresh rain. It’s the Connor I always smelled, since he did always keep himself quite clean, and it’s a wonderful scent in its own right, forming the basis of my idea of Connor and the scent I associated with him. But damn. This paled in comparison to the hints of musk and workout sweat I could glean from his clothing. He reeked of pure man and it’s such a shame he covered that up. God I hope he doesn’t do laundry anytime soon.
He must have picked up on something, cause not a moment later I got a “Oh dude! I’m so sorry, this stuff probably reeks haha. I’ll get it washed up so it doesn’t stink up the place” he laughed politely. Fuck.
“Sure, you do you” I stated back, mentally cursing at his propensity for cleanliness.
You’d think the ROTC guys wouldn’t give two fucks about their smell but I guess Connor was an exception. Then again I don’t really know what they did, so maybe it was normal for them. In any case, he definitely did laundry tonight, and I definitely lost out on a good jack off.
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So, weird thing happened last night. Connor looked tired as fuck, but he went out. The man must have been running on sheer willpower alone cause he had some kind of training day earlier today too. He collapsed in his room at like 8. Yet there he was an hour later- eyes bloodshot, hair tousled. Maybe he wanted to let loose or something? Still pretty weird. I mean, the guy was practically a saint. It’s odd enough that he went out for drinks, but even odder that he went out dressed like he did. Still I could definitely get used to a more experimental Connor. 
He was also a little looser when he came back. Gave me a pat on the shoulder and a wink. Something about “keeping the room safe” or something. I couldn’t concentrate enough to tell what he was actually rambling about. His breath was drenched in alcohol. I feel like I almost got drunk off the fumes alone when he spoke. No surprise when he had no recollection of any of it after he woke up from his nap. 
Total guilty pleasure, but the messy look was kind of hot on him. Never seen my friend so disheveled like this, he was always so prim and proper. It’s kind of nice to see him knocked down a few pegs. 
Connor let out a cute yawn before scratching his pits. He gave his scratching hand a quick sniff before settling into a satisfied smile. My dick jumped a little. I feigned ignorance when he regarded me, asking me if I saw that. “I… uh…no. Definitely not.” 
“Sure dude.” Now fully aware of my stare, Connor continued scratching at himself. “You’re seeing this now though, right?” He ran a hand over his stomach, gently feeling through his defined abs. I kept replaying the event in my head, drooling the delight I just witnessed and at a little daydream of me coming up to to feel this new side of Connor with him. In my daze, I barely noticed my roommate inching closer.
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Plus, did he seem… bigger? Though I can’t say I’ve ever seen the guy without a shirt on so I guess I just never noticed. Regardless, this version of Connor was fucking hot. Looks like he’s got a tat too. Hot. 
“Baby if you’re gonna keep looking, you might as well have a taste.” He laughed warmly. I couldn’t believe what I just heard. In my stunned state, I couldn’t do anything beyond stare at him in disbelief as a vascular hand that seemed larger than it should be guided mine around his perky ass. God what a nice ass. I still recoiled out of the sheer absurdity in the situation. Try as I might, I couldn’t wrap my brain around the idea of this Connor. It’s like he was two different people. Well, I definitely liked this version of my friend more. I’m still drooling over what just happened.
“Another time, then,” he chuckled before walking to his room. 
Weird. Connor never really shut his door other than to sleep. Guess he was tired or something. 
Well shit, I totally misread all of that. Today, I thought I saw that same glint of intrigue in his eyes and decided to risk it. Conner was just sitting in his boxers eating cereal and I was just standing there, a few feet behind. I couldn’t help it. My hand instinctively reached out and the cupped the outline of his ass. Perky. It was cute and compact and plump but definitely had a bit of muscle behind it. I regretted the action immediately. 
“…The fuck dude?” He gently whispered. It was more bewilderment than anything. Fuck. He was incredulous and I couldn’t blame him. Anger raged inside him, I could tell. But neither of us knew what to do in the situation. We stood there, staring at each other for what felt like hours before I relented.
In shame I could barely stammer out a shameful “s-sorry” before I slunk back to my room, bright red. 
I fucked up.
Okay. Scratch everything I just said. Connor is fucking with me. He’s got to be. He strode around the apartment half naked, humming a quiet tune to himself. Sure. Fine, I guess. Whatever. But as soon as he noticed me on the couch working on an essay, he walked over and gave me a hug from behind. Oh my god that hug. Connor was a lean dude, but I swear his muscles were fucking bulging, like they were barely contained in his skin. He wrapped those thick pythons over my shoulders and chest and I just about melted on the spot. I’m pretty sure I moaned a little too. Who wouldn’t? Wrapped in his warm embrace, surrounded by this man- I was his for that moment. I tensed up on the spot. I knew he didn’t swing that way, so I don’t know what he was trying but there was no way I would fall for what I could only assume was some kind of trap. 
He spoke in a tone laced in sex. It set me off in a way I didn’t expect. This was a side of Connor I’ve never seen, a tone of Connor I’ve never heard- an experience of Connor I’ve never had. It was a Connor I never knew I needed.
“I’ve seen the way you look at this body. You’re not very subtle.” In the faintest of whispers, he leaned in until his lips were barely touching my ear. My dick was already rock hard in anticipation- I was practically bursting at the seams and I’m sure he had a great view of it. “Just say the word and ‘Connor’ is yours”. 
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With a control and a willpower I never had before, I refrained from kissing this boy- from putting myself all over him on the spot. I mentally cursed at my friend. ‘What the fuck are you playing at Connor?’ 
His hot, damp breath caressed my ear in its own embrace as I stood my ground, unmoving like stone. “Got to hand it to you, bro, you put up a really good fight. It’s okay. I love a good fight. Makes victory taste all the more sweeter.” The feel of Connor’s thick, defined fingers running through my hair and wet, slimy tongue across my cheek. He rolled his body forward, so the pulse through his abs would be felt across the back of my neck. From this spot, he was downright imposing. His guns went in for another caress- this time wrapping across my cheeks and around my chin.
“You know I love you bro… This body’s straight as an arrow. But it’s my body- I’ll go gay for you if you want”. What the fuck. Oh god I got a bit of his sweat on my cheek too. My eyes fluttered, body entrapped in a spell of my own hormones reacting to my friend’s advances.
Connor broke me. I shivered on the spot, leaned up to the man, moaned an “Oh fuck…Connor I-I need you. I-” before he cut me off. “Well bro, kind of looks like you still got some work today- you have fun with that.” He laughed coldly. He was fucking with me.
That whole exchange was really fucking weird, cause just a few hours later, it was back to pure awkward silence between us. Like a flip of a switch, the every energy he exuded around me could only be described as “uncomfortable”. I wanted to talk to him, to speak with him about earlier, to tell him I wanted him the same way. Something about those eyes read differently though. They read the same Connor I had been used to until recently. I decided to hold my tongue. Something about this situation wasn’t adding up.
Also I’m pretty sure this kid needs to see a doctor or something. I swear the guy doesn’t sleep- he’s out every night and then I see his tired ass drag himself to class every morning. Rushing a frat? Weird drugs? Could have been a host of things. 
Now 4 days since the incident last week. Thankfully he hasn’t brought it up- nor has he brought up whatever the fuck yesterday was. If it was even real. I sweat and stumble over my sentences in every conversation I make with him. I flash back to what he said to me. God, this was all too much. Every time I try to focus myself, focus on whatever he was talking to me about, I couldn’t help but think of the Connor that visited me yesterday night. 
Maybe, maybe it was just a hallucination. Maybe I dreamed it all up. I was working on an essay for hours. The whole encounter could have easily been a dream. He’s been going out every night too, so it’s not like he could have been speaking to me that coherently. Still. That didn’t make it any better. Whether or not he knew it, Connor was a demon in my life. 
I shamefully admit I totally jacked off to that little exchange from yesterday after he left. Grabbed some used Connor-scented garments off his hamper and exploded all over myself in a Connor-themed session. Nothing like the exquisite gym-soaked clothes from a week ago, but it was enough. It was still Connor. My eyes rolled up to the back of my head in pleasure as I took a breath, basking in the afterglow and the scent of forest and earth and faintest lingering musk of Connor in my nose. Connor was everything to me and, hallucination or not, I committed yesterday’s events to memory. 
-Still Tuesday-
Shitshitshit. Definitely not a dream. I caught the son of a bitch. In the dead of night, I caught him sneaking in from a dark corner of the room. Like a figure manifest from the shadows itself. He was holding some silver figurine in his hand, reciting some odd words, before he lunged at the sleeping Connor. He gave my roommate a quick sniff before scoffing. “Bro you have to stop cleaning all your nice smells away… With that the stranger pulled at the corners of Connor’s mouth. I watched as my roommate’s skin was forced to accommodate the man’s muscular calves. 
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I watched as the stranger pulled Connor every further up himself. Damn, even in the dark I could tell the man was ripped. When his head finally slotted into where Connor’s skull would be, and Connor’s face was stretched being pulled, I saw the immediate change in my friend’s demeanor. This was the guy who’s been fucking with me recently. This was why Connor looked so buff lately. I couldn’t see the man who jumped inside my best friend, but I could never wipe that smug smile he wore through Connor’s face. 
The smell that originated from inside Connor, the same smell I experienced a week ago. God I loved that scent. It permeated throughout the room. Best friend concentrate. Like a humid, musky, grime that clung to the very air and decorated my nostrils. I never wanted his scent out of me again. I felt like I was inhaling Connor himself, regarding a newly discovered private part of my friend.
My stomach churned in a mix of anticipation and horror. Sweat beaded at my temples. Gotta admit, this was kind of hot. I had to figure out what I was gonna do about this. Self-preservation kicked in and I fled to my room, taking special attention to ensure I did not alert the man inside Connor. Not like he’d notice anyways- dude was feeling himself up almost immediately after he slipped inside. 
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It’s like clockwork at this point. The “other” Connor came back early in the morning from a wild night out, before passing out on our couch as I was finally able to speak with my friend. Impossibly tired eyes looked back at me. He gave a weak grimace. “Must have passed out again….Uh.. can I help you man?” My heart sank. Could I really tell him this? My poor roommate. “No, uh.. do you want any breakfast?”.
I could tell he had meant to say yes. He motioned as much, before staring at my face and turning away. Fuck. He was definitely still put off by last week’s advance. I honestly don’t blame him. “N-no. I got it. Thanks.” 
I grimaced awkwardly before shrugging and walking to fix myself some breakfast. This would complicate things. And I couldn’t do that to Connor. I needed to find a way to fix this without him knowing. Evidently, his body being used and worn out like an evening jacket was taking its toll on him. Despite whatever we were going through, he was still my friend. And I couldn’t in good faith add more to that burden. 
“Hey, one of the guys from the gym’s coming over for dinner, that cool?” 
“Yeah man, I’ll just order some extra pizza,” I said back, sighing internally in relief at some semblance of normalcy.
-Still Wednesday -
I met Connor’s gym friend. To be honest, already forgot his name. He gave me a wink when he shook my hand and I couldn’t stop staring all dinner. I think even Connor picked up on it. He looked almost jealous with all the attention I usually gave him being directed at the stranger. The stranger asked to use the bathroom, and I wanted to let him know how to get to it, but he seemed to already know the path.
“Hey bro, is it cool if I stay the night?“ I nodded automatically, lost in deep thought.
There’s something peculiar about the Connor’s gym friend. And I didn’t notice it until I was already in bed. Then hit me like a brick. 
That fucking smirk. 
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If anyone knows who this guy is, please let me know… for.. uh.. research purposes.
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likeahorribledream · 3 years
On The Run
Request: ''I had a bad dream'' with Steve Rogers. - @fangirllife98
Summary: After the incidents from Civil War, you and Steve are on the run together.
Pairing: Steve Rogers x Reader / Nomad!Steve x Reader
Word Count: 2.1k
Warning: Nothing triggering, I think? I suck at warnings. There isn't any physical description for the reader.
Notes at the end.
+ This is not proofread, I apologize in advance for all the mistakes you're about to see.
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Steve Rogers had been your friend since he had come out of the ice. You used to work for SHIELD but you were neither an agent or an Avenger, you worked in the medical field and you had been hired to monitor Steve’s health until he woke up and after. You spent a lot of time with him and quickly became close friends. You both have very similar personalities and it made it very easy to get along. He could spend hours talking to you about his life from before and he could listen to you for hours as you tried to explain to him everything that was new and different.
He loved that you weren’t an agent or an Avenger, it allowed him to have his own little escape from that part of his life whenever it got to be too much. You were, and still are, one of his best friends and he trusts you with his life.
When he decided to go look for Bucky, he wanted you to come with him. In case Bucky needed medical help, you were the only person he’d trust around his childhood best friend. Of course, you went with him. You had listened to Steve tell you hundreds of stories about the trouble he’d get into with his friend, Bucky was too important for him to refuse to go look for him with Steve.
You hadn’t expected to become fugitives of the law, yet here you are a year later; running and hiding with Captain America.
Steve brought Bucky to Wakanda so that he could heal and understand what exactly happened to him, when he came back the feud between him and Tony was far from being over and since he went against the Sokovia Accords, he found himself on the other side of the law and since you had helped him, you were considered an accomplice and were on the ‘’wanted’’ list next to Steve’s name. Tony could have gotten them out of it but when Steve chose Bucky over him, he decided to let him fend for himself. Steve had given you a choice; he could get you a place to live in another country where you’d be safe from the authorities or you could stay with him but that meant you would have to constantly be on the move.
You’d much rather be constantly on the move with your friend, than staying in one place in a country you didn’t know without being able to see him for who knows how long, the choice had been very simple and easy for you.
After a year, the heat had died down and it allowed you to stay in one place for longer periods of time. Steve had grown a beard and let his hair get longer, it made it harder for people to recognize him. Not a lot of people knew what you look like, but you decided to dye your hair from time to time just in case someone might recognize you.
A few days ago, you and Steve went back to New York. It’s Steve’s safe place and it’s so crowded, it makes it hard for anyone to recognize either of you. Steve had found a shady motel in a shady part of town that accepted to be paid in cash, no IDs required and no questions asked. You each had a room, a door connected them and you always left it opened just to keep an eye on each other.
It’s hard to sleep. You haven’t had a single good night of sleep since you left with Steve, you were scared that if you fell into too deep of a sleep, you wouldn’t hear if someone came for you.
Tonight is your third night in a row at this motel, you were tired of eating food from the vending machines so you decided to go get some takeouts for dinner. Steve doesn’t like when you go out on your own but it was too risky for him to go with you, that’s why you mainly ate food from vending machines. After dinner, you took showers in your respective rooms. After your shower, you put on a pair of sweats and a tank top and sat on your bed, waiting for Steve to join you to watch a movie.
‘’Come on, old man.’’ You called out towards his room.
He was taking his time and you were anxious to get the movie started.
His head poked out from his bathroom door, his hair completely drenched.
‘’That nickname wasn’t funny years ago when you used it for the first time, and it’s not funny now.’’
You laughed and pointed at your smile. ‘’Speak for yourself, I personally think it’s funny.’’
He rolled his eyes.
‘’Come on, Stevie. I’m tired.’’
Steve squinted as he looked at the alarm clock on your nightstand. ‘’It’s barely 8:30. How am I the old man here?’’
‘’You were born at the beginning of the 1900s, I was born at the end of the 1900s thus making you old.’’
‘’Well, give me 5 minutes and I’ll be right there. You can start the movie, I’ll still be able to hear it from here.’’ He told you, going back into the bathroom but leaving the door slightly opened.
You did as he said, you pressed play on the movie you had chosen earlier and sat with your back against the headboard, pillows behind you to make it more comfortable.
Five minutes later, Steve emerged from the bathroom and sat down next to you. He lifted his arm to let you snuggle up against his body and then laid it on your back, his hand resting on your hip.
Movie night always meant cuddle time.
Though you loved Steve with all of your heart and he loved you with all of his, the last few months had started to get rough for the both of you. You had never realized how much you were fond of hugs and human touch until you couldn’t do either. You came to a mutual understanding that, to keep your sanity, you would have cuddle time and it had sincerely helped better both of your moods.
Once the movie was over Steve turned off the TV, gave you a kiss on your forehead and went back to his room for the night. As soon as the lights were off, you fell asleep.
You were woken up a few hours later by something touching your foot above your covers. You quickly opened your eyes and relaxed when you saw Steve standing at the foot of your bed.
‘’What’s wrong?’’ Your voice was barely audible as you were still half asleep.
‘’I- I had a bad dream. Really bad. Can I stay with you?’’ He whispered.
You could hear how anxious he was and that woke you up. You grabbed the covers that were around your shoulders and lifted them up. Steve quickly walked around the bed and joined you, settling under the sheets. You waited until he was completely laid down and lowered the covers on top of both of your bodies.
‘’Are you ok?’’ You whispered.
You were laying on your side, facing him while he was laying on his back, looking at the ceiling. He turned his head and looked at you. His eyes were looking at every detail of your face, trying to burn this image of you into his brain so he’d never forget how beautiful you looked in this exact moment.
Steve’s had a crush on you since the first day he met you. At first he didn’t think too much of it, thinking it was just because you were the first woman he’d seen in over 70 years. Then, you two became really close friends and his feelings only got stronger throughout the years but he was going through a lot and he didn’t think it was fair of him to drag you into his problems so he decided to wait before telling you how he felt. He was finally gathering up the courage around the time Bucky resurfaced and before he knew it the two of you were on the run and he was terrified to confess his feelings to you and that you’d reject him. You two literally only had each other, he couldn’t risk ruining your friendship. Not when it was the only thing keeping the both of you completely sane.
You were both so oblivious, it was almost painful. Steve thought he’d ruin your friendship by telling you how he felt and you were keeping your very similar feelings to yourself because you didn’t think you were good enough for Steve Rogers, America’s Golden Boy. Though you tried not to let it show, you were a very insecure person and you barely felt like you were good enough to be friends with him, there’s no way he’d ever see you as girlfriend material.
‘’I don’t think I am.’’ He finally answered, whispering too.
He laid on his side to face you. It was pitch black in your room, but street lamps outside still managed to peak out from between the blinds, allowing you to see Steve’s face a little better. Whereas with his enhanced everything, Steve could see you very clearly.
‘’What do you need?’’ You asked softly.
‘’You.’’ He answered without hesitation.
You had one hand tucked under your head and you reached out to the other one, brushing your fingers against his jawline soothingly.
‘’I’m right here.’’
He closed his eyes for a moment, enjoying the gentle touch on his jaw. When he opened his eyes again, he reached out over to you to wrap his arm around your waist and pulled you closer to his chest. You were so close to him that you had to tilt your head back to be able to look at him while he had to look down. You moved your hand to the back of his head and played with his hair that was still a little damp from his shower earlier.
‘’Do you want to talk about your dream?’’ You offered knowing that sometimes talking about it helped him.
He shook his head no, his eyes on you and never looking away.
‘’I don’t want to talk.’’
His hand that rested at the small of your back was now moving up to cup the side of your face, using his thumb to gently stroke your cheek.
Somehow, Steve’s face felt closer than it had a few seconds ago. Your heart started racing and you were sure he could hear it. His thumb moved down, the pad of his finger brushed over your lower lip a few times. It sent shivers down your spine. Steve leaned down a little more, his thumb going back to rest on your cheek. His eyes kept flickering between your lips and your eyes. He was ready to stop at any sign of you being uncomfortable. He gently brushed his nose against yours and when you didn’t pull away, he finally kissed you.
Your eyes fluttered shut and you felt your cheeks heat up. Steve didn’t leave you enough time to kiss him back, as he pulled away quickly. Your eyes opened, scared to see the regret on his face but instead all you could see was how nervous he was.
‘’Is this ok?’’
You nodded as an answer, not trusting your voice to function properly. He quickly closed the gap between the two of you, this time giving you a chance to kiss him back. Both your eyes were closed, his thumb started moving on your cheek again and your hand that was in his hair slowly slid down his neck, then his chest to finally move under his arm and rest on his back. The kiss was slow, as if Steve was afraid to hurt you, but you both could feel all the emotions and feelings that you hadn’t had the courage to confess being put into this kiss. He pulled back, just enough to give you a chance to breathe. Both the kiss and how loved you felt leaving you a little breathless.
He looked at you and waited until you opened your eyes. The look in his eyes made your breath hitched in your throat. He had so much love in his eyes that you thought your heart was going to melt in your chest. He rested his forehead against yours, kissing the tip of your nose.
‘’You.’’ He echoed his thoughts from earlier. His voice was barely audible but he was so close that you could hear him perfectly. ‘’I just need you.’’
I am a big sucker for Nomad!Steve, look at that glorious beard!
I hope this wasn't too cringey. This was my FIRST TIME writing a kissing scene, so please be kind. I know it was probably really bad, I'm sorry!
Thank you to my dear @fangirllife98 for requesting this. I hope you liked it and that it fed your little Steve hunger for the day.
[Taglist: @n3ssm0nique | @lover-of-bucky | @beingagodsucks ]
If you want to be added to a taglist; Bucky taglist, Steve taglist, Missing Piece taglist, Blood Moon taglist or just the general taglist just let me know in the comments or DM me.
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bakusquad-assemble · 3 years
Can I request a Sero x reader/Bakusquad x reader who is dealing with a panic attack after Class 1A deals with yet another villain. Also no rush and I absolutely love your writing!
Aw, thank you so so much! I love being able to write for you! I also love all the love Sero gets on this blog, I’m not sure I do his character justice but damn we love to see it. No warnings on this one, just some sweet comfort and fluff. Hope you enjoy!
The sound of blaring sirens pierced through the night sky, dark and cold save for the flashing red lights that illuminated the students of class 1A. They sat huddled close together, blankets pulled tightly around their shoulders in attempts to bring them some semblance of comfort. It seemed as if your class was a target for misfortune, like the group of students were always in the wrong place at the wrong time. If you were being honest with yourself, the fear of the evil lurking around the corner at any given moment was really starting to get to you. You all somehow managed to escape each attack relatively unscathed, except for a few cuts and bruises that would heal in time, but you were still shaken to your core every time and couldn’t find the strength to keep it down any longer. You’re not quite sure when you started crying, letting the salty tears soak down your blood stained cheeks, but you didn’t even attempt to quell them. You let them consume you, wracking your body with sobs in hopes that it would bring you some solace. Instead you felt your body tremble, your stomach churning with all of the fear that you had kept down for far too long. You slapped your hand over your mouth as you whimpered out involuntarily, in hopes that no one would shift their attention to you.
That hope was shattered almost immediately though as the tall black haired boy who sat next to you straightened his back at attention. He had heard you take in a sharp breath, and upon locking eyes with your form he found his heart dropping in his chest like it was attached to a ton of weights; sinking to the bottom of a treacherous sea with ease. Hanta Sero has had a crush on you for some time now. There was just something about you he found so enticing, like a magnetic force was constantly surrounding you and pulling him in every time he wandered too close. You were best friends, constantly sharing laughs and inside jokes in the hallways at school, or having deep conversations late at night in the dorm common rooms. He cared about you so deeply, and seeing you like this; covered in your own tears and blood and shaking in fear, made him sick to his stomach. He was quick to act, his large hand reaching out for the small of your back to lend you consolation, but when you jumped back from him he quickly pulled away and put his hands up in the most non threatening way he could muster. You hadn’t meant to react like that to Sero’s touch, in fact, you craved his warmth more than ever right now. You wanted nothing more than to be engulfed by his comforting embrace as he whispered his latest horrible joke into your ear- managing to pull a laugh from your salty and cracked lips, but your body was on high alert after tonight. Luckily, Sero understood completely.
“Hey, it’s okay! It’s just me.” He reassured, his hands still up in the air in attempts to show you he meant no harm. He offered a sweet smile, despite feeling that same fear that overtook you, and you felt your body relax ever so slightly. You sniffled, wiping at your eyes with the sleeves of your sweatshirt as the tears continued to spill like rushing waterfalls.
“I’m sorry, I don’t know what’s wrong with me.” you choked out, voice barely audible among the commotion that surrounded the two of you, but Sero heard you clear as day. He could see everything he needed to know written in your pinched expression. You were petrified, and he was going to do everything in his power to make you feel better.
“Woah, hey! don’t apologize!” Sero started, cautiously moving his hands down in front of him and reaching out for one of your hands,trying his best to read your expressions as he did so. You didn’t pull away and he delicately wrapped his large hand in your smaller one, his thumb rubbing comforting circles atop your soft skin. He felt his cheeks heat up as he realized he’s never really touched you this intimately before. He tried his best to shake the sensation, and was thankful for the dark night sky for hiding the flush that consumed his features.
“Nothings wrong with you, y/n! I think we’re all a bit shaken up after that and it’s totally normal to be upset.”
The remnants of the dam that you had been holding up broke at Sero’s words, and suddenly you were sobbing uncontrollably and throwing yourself into his arms. The choked noises of anguish gained the attention of some classmates nearby, but you didn’t notice, nor care. You were lost in your own thoughts, in the fear of what could have happened, and the only thing keeping you grounded was Seros arms wrapping tightly around your torso and pulling you in against his chest. He brought the comforting circular motions to your back in efforts to soothe you while he rested his chin comfortably on the top of your head. If you were a bit more aware of your surroundings, perhaps you’d have noticed the way Sero’s heartbeat ran rampant in his chest, or the way his hands got clammy with nerves on your low back, but instead your mind lulled it out.
It was Kaminari’s voice that permeated the air first, though you kept your head situated in Sero’s chest, finding refuge in his closeness.
“Oh man, are they okay?” Kaminari stood awkwardly in front of the two of you, pulling his blanket snuggly over his shoulders to keep it from falling to the ground. Sero’s only response was to pull you in tighter and shake his head. Kaminari sighed out, his voice wavering as if he had just gotten over crying himself. You couldn’t help but look up from the confines of Sero’s chest just a bit, eyebrows pinched up in curiosity.
“Mind if I join you guys? Mineta isn’t exactly the best company in a time like this.” He tried to keep his voice light and playful, shooting your newly emerged face a warm smile. Kaminari didn’t wait for a response,however; instead picking the unoccupied spot next to you and squeezing in tight, enjoying the comfort the closeness brought him.
“Mineta is never good company, Bro. He’s a little scumbag” Sero quipped, sending a smile the electric boy's way. Kaminari chuckled, shrugging defeatedly.
“Hey! he can be funny sometimes!”
“I think that makes you a little scumbag too, dude. ”
You felt your throat stutter as you let out a breathy laugh. It came out choked and water logged, but it was a sweet little laugh nonetheless. Both of their expressions lit up, looking at each other before moving their eyes down to you, shocked by the sweet sound escaping your lips. Sero smiled widely, pulling you in just a bit tighter as he felt your shoulders get lighter. These boys always knew how to pull it out of you, and despite the fear still bubbling deep inside, their playful banter had you feeling kind of normal again.
“Woah, hey! Why didn’t we get an invite to the “we almost died but we didn’t and we still kickin it somehow” snuggle fest? Move over! I need some!” Minas voice was perky per usual, but even you could detect the hints of worry laced between each syllable. She was just able to use her personality to hide it well, something you had never been more envious of than right now. You straightened your back, pulling away from Sero to get a better view of the rest of your friends approaching. You tried your best to wipe your face free of any remnants of your breakdown, though seemingly impossible with the current state you were in. Mina was pulling Kirishima along behind her by the hand, keeping him close for comfort reasons you figured, and a certain scowling blonde wasn’t too far behind. It was as if he was tethered to the redhead, following against his will and dissatisfied with his new change of scenery, yet he continued to follow with a pout and his arms crossed heavily over his chest. After knowing bakugou for so long, though. His demeanor didn’t shake you, nor did his booming tone as he spoke up above the noise.
“The hell you all whining for? Some hero’s you are for being afraid of some lowlife discount villains that couldn’t even kill a bunch of high schoolers!” Kirishima nudged Bakugou hard, causing him to shoot the red haired boy an evil glare. It didn’t shake Kirishima though, he just shook his head at his blonde best friend.
“Read the room, Bakubro. We’re all kinda messed up about it. Even the manliest people get scared sometimes, you should know. ” Bakugou clicked his tongue in frustration, dropping onto the ground with a thud and pulling his knee up to rest his arm on it.
“I’d never be scared by some shitty ass villains and neither should you! They didn’t stand a chance against us! You’re all alive so stop complaining” Bakugou had locked eyes with you, and deep down you knew this was his makeshift way of trying to cheer you up. His way to remind you how strong you were, despite the tears and snot that ran down your face. You nodded softly to him, a faint smile ghosting your lips, and he quickly averted his gaze to anywhere but you. Mumbling something under his breath that you couldn’t quite make out but appreciated nonetheless. You watched Kirishima take a spot of the ground near Kaminari, and Mina dropped to her knees in front of you, her eyes welling with the same tears that plagued yours. Her smile was gentle, caring, and it made you feel safe. Safe despite everything that had happened to all of you just a few hours earlier. In fact, just being surrounded by your friends filled you with a sense of comfort that you didn’t expect yourself to find. You weren’t sure if it was simply their presence, or if it was the puffy eyes and wordless smiles of understanding that laid hidden on their expressions.
“You alright, baby?” Mina asked, her soft and well manicured hands coming to rest on your soaked cheeks. And despite it all, you nodded. The tiny smile still ever present on your face. Because for the first time tonight, you were reminded that no matter how hard things get, no matter how many villains tried to tear you down, you would always have your friends to pick you back up- to put a smile on your face with ease when you felt just minutes prior that you may never smile again. You could never thank them enough.
“Yeah, I will be.”
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persephones-wren · 3 years
Hi, so I had this idea for a Kaz Brekker x reader one shot were kaz is have trouble sleep and is becoming tired and grumpy during the day. So, the reader starts secretly putting lavender in his room and clothes (lavender is a good herb to aid sleeping). He starts sleeping better and doesn’t know why until he finds the reader in his room and then they can have a bit of fluff at the end of something. Idk hope you find this useful <3. Have a nice day/night!
Lavender (Kaz Brekker x Reader)
First request! Thank you for the idea anon <3 sorry this took a bit long, but I really enjoyed writing it and I think it turned out alright! I hope you like it as well :)
Warnings: spoilers for Kaz’s backstory
Genre: Angst to Fluff (?) 
Word Count: 2082
He thought he had outrun the nightmare of his past.
The gloves had protected him, becoming his weapon, and the reputation that followed him had been another impenetrable fortress. How ironic that the one who led him back to his past was himself.
It was on a mission gone wrong, where the only way of escape was down, back in the cold harbors of Ketterdam. The frigid waters had brought his brother’s bloated and ice-cold corpse underneath his hands, fighting to keep his vision from blurring, fighting to keep himself alive.
You were treading the water lightly, trying to stay afloat while supporting him. He tried to say something, anything, but he felt as if he were drowning as you half-hazardly pulled him onto the dock, your breath ragged and your shoulders sagging. He seemed to see right through you, and he was pale and shaking slightly, not just from the cold- something there had haunted him, though. It was obviously more than just the cool waters.
“Kaz, are you alright?” Your inquiry went unanswered, and you waited patiently, before he somewhat snapped to attention, roughly pushing himself off of you, probably bruising your shoulder as he stood and backed away furiously.
“Don’t touch me, get off of me-” he forced a shuddery breath in- “I’m fine.”
Your eyes were wide as you stared at him, and he cleared his throat and refused to look at you. He didn’t apologize, nothing of the sort, because Kaz Brekker never apologized, even rare and brief moments of weakness.
Kaz Rietveld might’ve apologized to you.
“Right, okay,” your voice was soft, but firm. “We should find the others, they’ll probably be at the meeting spot.”
You both got up slowly, muscles sore and stiff from hitting icy waters, but you swiftly and quietly towards the carriages Jesper had prepared. Neither of you said a word on the way back. Upon your arrival, both Inej and Jesper grew increasingly concerned at your condition.
“What the hell happened to you two?” Jesper had asked.
“Are you two alright?” Inej echoed.
“We survived,” you muttered, sparing a small glance at Kaz, who still wasn’t saying much. “It’s a long story.”
Long story indeed.
Kaz had presumed that you had told them what had happened, but he was almost praying to the Saints that you had left out the details of his condition. It wasn’t that he would necessarily be too ashamed to ever tell Jesper or Inej- but they needed him for his reliability, and any moment of weakness could be used against him, both by friends and enemies. He’d prefer that Jordie be kept with him only. After all, it only took a couple shots for Jesper to reveal almost anything.
He didn’t sleep well that night, hell, he didn’t think he’d sleep right for at least a month. His normal sleep schedule was one that could barely keep a normal person running, but with his brother lurking in every corner of his unconsciousness, it was better to stay awake, where he could be in control.
It was affecting his mood, he knew that. He had to heavily restrain himself not to snap at people, but even without snapping, his words were still scathing. He’d find more to criticize, more to hate, and he’d probably scolded every member of the Dregs in the last week. Everyone, except you. Whether it was because you were there with him or it was something more, that wasn’t something he wanted to think about.
Then suddenly, the insomnia stopped.
It had only been a week, before his sleeping schedule reverted back. Jordie was there, but it was more of what he could remember in life than death, smiles and sunshine rather than plague and death. It was a bittersweet sadness, but it had been one he’d grown used to, one he could get past quicker. He fixed himself back into his office, working on another plan rather than hovering over everyone just to find something to criticize. 
What had changed?
It might’ve been the light smell of herbs, was that lavender? that permeated his office now, but he’d never caught the culprit of who had done it. And despite his ability to find cracks in any facade, he had caught no lies in any members of the Dregs. 
His first thought had been you, admittedly. He knew you knew something the others didn’t, you saw him panic on the docks, and he knew you could act your way through nearly anything. It didn’t seem hard to put two and two together.
But you seemed honest enough, when he had asked you. Perhaps it was his like of you that clouded his judgement, but you genuinely didn’t seem to know anything.
“Stop that.”
“Huh?” you whirled around, and Kaz was there, cane in hand, glare piercing through you.
“Stop putting whatever herbs in my room.”
You stared at him, confused, before you burst out laughing. “Is someone putting herbs in your room? That’s why your office always smells like lavender now...I’m sorry, Kaz, but that isn’t me, although it would be funny if it was. Ha...I don’t think I could get away with sneaking in your office if I tried.”
“Any ideas who it could be, then?” He asked impatiently.
“I’m sorry, I have no idea. It could be anyone, really. Even though I-” was the one who saw you at the docks, the words hung unspoken, “um, yeah, everyone’s noticed you’ve been different. Truthfully though, I think they just think it’s because a mission went wrong.”
“Fine.” He nodded at you, and then he’d went to go find Jesper at the Crow Club.
It was a truth, in a way. You couldn’t go around sneaking herbs in his room. You weren’t silent enough for that, you were an actress, not a shadow. Inej, however, was the Wraith, and if anyone could get away with it, it’d be her. 
So you’d ask for her help, whether it was distracting him or asking her to put the herbs in herself.
And you’d both play dumb until he was back to the person you knew.
It had only been one unfortunate night, where you were finally caught putting the lavender on his desk.
You had gotten better at just sneaking in and doing it yourself without Inej’s help, as you’d successfully done it for at least three nights in the past month. Tonight, though, Inej had been running some other task, probably nightly reports for Kaz, and luck had finally run out without her assistance.
You froze, and a chill ran down your spine. Though Kaz Brekker was never exactly friendly by any means, the slight warmth of his tone towards you had withered into frost. You were completely fucked. If he was lucky, maybe he’d let you out of the Crows alive. He doesn’t think you’re the one putting lavender in this room- he probably thinks you’re a traitor. Have fun talking yourself out of this one without admitting to it, you berated yourself. Saints know you’ll need the luck.
“If you’re here to steal plans and distribute them, then it’s certainly a pity that I liked you,” he muttered. “And I suppose even more impressive that you had me fooled.” He advanced forward, and his slammed his cane into the ground next to you, making you flinch. “How did you do it, then?”
“I- um, well, it’s,” you tripped, frantically trying to find the words, “it’s nothing like that. I’m not taking your plans. They have no use to me. I dislike Pekka just as much as you do. Do you think missions I’ve done with you would’ve gone successfully if I was working with him?”
“If you aren’t, then why are you in my office?”
“I’m just trying to-” you cut yourself off and sighed. Help was not going to be a good word to use. Kaz didn’t need help, and he’d probably just be more furious it you stated it for how it was. “Lavender is good for sleeping.”
He had long forgotten that someone actually had to be putting the lavender there. It just showed up now, for a month. He’d just accepted it.
“So it’s you, then?”
“Yeah,” you say sheepishly. “I’m sorry I lied to you, earlier. I don’t like seeing you in pain, though. People rely on you, they need you, Kaz, and well, I thought- never mind what I thought. I just hoped you would rest better, after...”
“You didn’t tell them what happened?”
There’s an odd vulnerability in his words, but you don’t remark on them. “No.” A faint smile is etched on your lips at the thought of your lie. “I told them that you were upset that the mission had gone wrong, and that it was mostly my fault. You scolded me on the docks and gave me the silent treatment in the carriage, that’s all it was to them. If you want to talk- I mean- what happened there?”
You know you’re seconds away from breaking the ice you’d been treading on lightly, but curiosity takes the better of you for a second before you’re rapidly apologizing, getting ready to leave the office before he kills you.
He found you in his office, he thought you stole plans, and then you admit you’ve been there more than once because you’re the girl who put lavender in his room. You really need to think things through more. 
“Good that you didn’t tell them. Stop apologizing. Take a seat, for a second.”
You do so, keeping your questions to yourself. He stares at you for a long moment, conflicted, before he gathers himself again. “What happened at the harbors. I had a brother, Jordie Rietveld. He died during the plague. We both got thrown in the harbor. He was dead. I was alive, surrounded by death.” He’s quiet for a bit, but when he glances at your expression, there’s no pity, no horror on your face, you don’t believe he’s weak. You’re quietly waiting for him to continue. So he does. 
“I needed to get back onto land. I got there using my brother to hold onto.”
“You wear gloves because of that now,” you point out quietly. 
He takes a shuddering breath in. “Yes.”
“When we had to dive, it came back to you. Kaz,” you whisper, “thank you for telling me.”
 “Thank you,” he echoes your words. He’s shaking and vulnerable, even though he hasn’t said much. Even then, there’s no look of fear or judgement of anything he’s done in your expression. The respect he has worked to earn is still there, and he could sigh in relief.
He’s twisting at his hands, before you realize he’s slowly slipping off his gloves. Your voice cuts through the air, talking frantically again. “No, no- Kaz, we don’t have to do this. I don’t want you to do this if you’re not ready- you don’t have to-”
“I want to.”
His voice is quiet, but full of resolve.
His hands are normal. They’re not ugly, or disfigured, or strange. They fit him.
“Your hands are pretty.” The words slip out of you before you realize.
He laughs, a little breathless, and the tension eases a little. “My hands are pretty?” 
You outstretch your hand, and he waits a couple of moments before slowly interlocking it with yours. It’s sickening and he has to will himself to hold on, but he does. He feels content, content that you’re here, content that you’re willing to help him.
“You can let go if you need to.” Your voice sounds far away.
“I’m alright.” He’s not, but you’re warm. You’re alive, you’re not Jordie. He’s in his office, with the girl who put lavender in his room, not in the cold harbor with death.
You both stay for a long while, before he lets go.
“Thank you,” he repeats, before he slips on his gloves again.
“It’s nothing,” you answer, but you both know it’s everything, everything to you, everything to him. 
You start to walk towards the door, before his voice calls out again. “Tomorrow. I can’t promise I’ll-” be a good person, be the person you want, be there for you-
“Tomorrow,” you agree. “Goodnight, Kaz.”
“Goodnight, Y/N.”
The smell of lavender lingers in his room. He picks up the flower you had left on his desk, and an uncharacteristic smile blooms on his face.
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taestefully-in-luv · 3 years
The Hero's Countdown | PJM (One)
Summary: Soulmates: The one you are bound to. In this world, you feel everything they feel. Their joy, their pain, everything. Once day you feel the most excruciating amount of pain only to find out your soulmate has died. What happens when the God’s of Time offer to turn back time so you can make things right and save your soulmates life?
Pairing: Jimin x Female reader
Genre: soulmates au, Gods au, fluff, smut, angst, crack
Word Count: 9.4k
Warnings: swearing, suicide, mentions of sex, oc is kinda a bitch
Notes: And the first chapter is finally here! Sorry it took so long!! I don’t know why I have been so nervous to post this…but It’s going to be a fun journey! Send an ask if you want to be added to a taglist or if you just want to chat:) (Remember this is all fictitious)
Taglist: @mawwnsterr @fancycollectormoon
© taestefully-in-luv
June 21
Pain. Excruciating pain. You feel it in your chest first, then the intense feeling travels from your beating heart to the tips of your fingers. You choke on air trying to compose yourself, but the pain is so unbelievably powerful that you struggle to catch your breath. Something’s wrong. Something is terribly wrong. Your hand goes to your chest, you pull at your shirt as you try to breathe and then suddenly it stops. Just like that. Something happened. Something happened to him.
Soulmates: Two people with the soul connection who feel they are linked on a soul level in a significant or extraordinary way. In this world that means the person you are bound to. When you meet you feel an incredibly intense pull of instant recognition and intense attraction followed by intense emotions. And you feel everything they feel. Their joy, their pain, just everything if it’s considered intense. Physically and emotionally. And that doesn’t stop until you officially “connect” with your partner. What does that even mean? Connect? Does that mean fucking? That sounds like it means fucking. It probably means fucking. You don’t believe in all this bullshit though. The universes predestined bullshit can kiss. Your. Ass.
You’ve learned the hard way that even destined soulmates can’t always make it work…and leaving it up to fate leaves a bitter taste in your mouth. So you ignore fate. You do the very opposite of what fate wants. Fate is strong though and very hard to ignore. It pulls you in the direction of your soulmate constantly—quite literally. Whenever you get the urge, like urge to do something—like out of nowhere get the idea to visit the new bookstore down the block…even though you don’t care for reading. Yeah, that’s a sign that fate is trying to work its magic but you resist that god damn urge and do your own thing. And that’s just one example.
Feeling all your soulmates feelings wouldn’t be so horrible if the man you are destined to be with wasn’t so god damn emotional. Fucking Park Jimin. Yes, you’re well aware who your soulmate is…how else do you know how to avoid him so perfectly? As much as you can at least…considering… But he doesn’t seek you out either—thankfully. But you know he wants to. You can quite literally feel it…his yearning is so powerful it makes you nauseas. But he agreed to stay away. So now you live your life however you please! You have an amazing job that you love, a fantastic group of friends and a hot man you sex up on the regular. Things are good!
The only thing that isn’t good is that you still haven’t bought Isabelle a gift for her birthday party tonight. You’re walking on the sidewalk back to work from getting a coffee on this breezy Monday afternoon when you are hit with realization that you are the worst best friend ever. She always goes above and beyond for your birthday but you can’t even think of a decent gift for her! You listen to the click clack of your heels hitting the pavement as your mind wanders…what could you possibly get her that she doesn’t already have?
You feel your phone buzzing and speak of the devil.
“Hello?” You bring the phone to your ear and your coffee to your lips.
“Please tell me you didn’t invite Julio to my birthday event? Because I just got a text from him asking if he needs to bring anything.” You hear your frazzled best friend on the other line.
“He’s my date tonight.” You say nonchalantly. “Come on, when you guys drink together you…kind of…get along.” You shrug even though she can’t see you.
“Good lord, y/n. You know I can’t stand him. I know he’s got “that good dick” but couldn’t we have went one night without him.” she whines into the phone and you chuckle.
“I’ll make sure he behaves.” You promise. “Now tell me,” you stop at a cross walk and wait for the little person to light up. “What the hell do you want for your birthday?”
“…classic y/n.” Isabelle sighs out, “Just do what you did last year and buy me yet another scarf for my collection.”
“Okay I’ve only bought you like three scarves.” You defend with a pout.
“Four actually, but okay.”
“I’ll just figure it out. See you tonight boo.”
“Fine, see you tonight.” And then you’re bringing the phone down and clicking the end button. Isabelle and Julio (your fuck buddy) don’t necessarily get along. They’re both too similar, you think. But neither will admit that. You’ve been seeing Julio for a few months now, it’s nothing serious of course. He has yet to meet his soulmate and you’re just totally against soulmates. So it makes for good sex.
You walk up to your building and take a deep breath, time to get back to work. You love your job, you really do. But you constantly put your job before your sanity. Because—
“Oh hey.”
Him. You felt him before you even saw him…that’s how strong the pull is. Fate is a funny thing. It brought you to this job, and it brought you to him. But instead of purposely choosing another path and avoiding him like the plague you chose to endure. Because you fucking love this job.
You write scripts for video games and it’s the most fulfilling thing in your life right now…yes even more fulfilling than Julio’s dick. But seeing him 5 days of the week and feeling how he yearns for you is really fucking your head up.
“I said don’t talk to me, remember?” you say with a tight smile. “Seeing you is hard enough.”
Jimin’s eyes soften as he looks at you and he offers an apologetic smile.
“Goodbye, y/n.” and he’s walking past you as he decides to take the stairs while your lazy ass waits for the elevator.
Pain. You feel his pain. And you wince at the overwhelming feeling. But you have to endure and move forward!
“Afternoon y/n.” Your boss comes up to you as you both wait for the elevator. “You got that new script ready for me?”
“Yes sir, I’ll bring it up to your desk before I leave work today.” You offer him one of your sweeter smiles and he brightens.
“Great!” he chuckles wholeheartedly and pats your back, then he’s walking forward once the elevator arrives.
You sigh out in relief that he didn’t question you further…because in truth, that script is not ready and you’re about to have to work your ass off for the rest of the day.
It’s pretty chilly for being an evening in the summer but hey, you won’t complain. It’s better than the blistering heat from a few days ago. You have the address on your phone for the restaurant you’re meeting Isabelle at for her birthday bash. The streets are busy as usual since the city never rests. You walk towards a group of people when you suddenly are hit with an intense feeling of…despair? God, it hurts. But it’s over just as quickly as it started. You compose yourself and continue walking…a few worried looks from strangers but you brush it off.
“She’s finally here!” Isabelle slurs out, “My best fucking friend bitches!”
“Oh my god who let her get drunk before dinner?” you ask, scratching the top of your head as Isabelle rushes to hug you.
“It’s my birthday, I can do what I want.” She drunkenly giggles. “Hurry, hurry.” She ushers you to take a seat and you do. You plop down in the spot next to her, setting your birthday bag down on the ground.
“Another scarf?” she teases, pointing at the bag.
“And if it is?”
“Then I’ll love it you predictable bitch.”
“Hey gorgeous.” You feel a pair of lips kissing your cheek and you know just who they belong to.
“Hi.” You breathe out, “just getting here?” you ask and Julio nods his head yes.
“I didn’t want to get here way earlier than you…I wouldn’t have a friend to hang out with.” He playfully pouts, “But you’re here now.”
“Yes, now you have a friend.” You wink.
You’re about to speak again when another wave of pain hits you. You throw a hand over your racing heart and breathe out heavily.
“Hey, you okay?” Julio rubs your back, “y/n?”
And then it disappears as quickly as it came…
“Yeah, yeah.” You gasp out, “Jeez, wow.” You whisper. “I’m fine.”
Julio gives you a look of concern before he’s nodding his head slowly and turning his body to grab a drink.
“If you say so.” He mumbles.
You try to shake off these strange feelings, and try to have a good time. Isabelle is throwing back drink after drink and after dinner you join her. You begin to loosen up, the alcohol working its drunken magic on you. Isabelle is dancing on a table as the restaurants staff tries their best to get her down, you just watch and laugh like a maniac.
Everything is going good, really good…until pain.
Pain. Excruciating pain. You feel it in your chest first, then the intense feeling travels from your beating heart to the tips of your fingers. You choke on air trying to compose yourself, but the pain is so unbelievably powerful that you struggle to catch your breath. Something’s wrong. Something is terribly wrong. Your hand goes to your chest, you pull at your shirt as you try to breathe and then suddenly it stops. Just like that. This wave felt like death itself. Something happened. Something happened to him.
“y/n? y/n?” You hear Julio call out for you desperately as you try to even out your breathing.
“Hey, you okay?” his voice sounds so distant, like he’s getting further and further away from you. “Get out of my way!” You now hear Isabelle’s voice, she’s pushing through the crowd that surrounds you. “I said, get out of my way!”
Then finally she’s at your side, you are heaving, you are struggling to breath. You feel your cheeks wet from the tears that managed to escape your eyes unknowingly.
What the fuck happened? What’s happening?
Finally, after several minutes of gasping for air, you manage to relax.
“What the hell happened? Are you okay?” Isabelle looks at you with worried eyes, her hand on your back as you straighten yourself.
“Isabelle…I think something happened.”
“It’s Jimin, I can feel it.”
Isabelle’s eyes widen and she nods her head in understanding. “Let’s get you home.”
“You have reached the voicemail box of…” you slam your phone down on your coffee table and sigh out in frustration. You have called Jimin maybe 10 times now but it just keeps going to voicemail. What the hell happened? Is he okay? This feels wrong, you feel wrong. You feel empty for some reason like someone stole your life away, like they sucked it right out of your body. You feel weak. You are barely able to move from the coffee table from how fucking weak you are.
You decide to call it a night, you will just confront Jimin at work tomorrow and ask what the hell happened. You drag your weak, weak body to your bed and try your hardest to fall asleep. But all you can think about is Jimin, he’s taking over your mind. Like, you can’t control it. You see images of him and images of his life, maybe you are just imagining it? But you’re sure these are images of his life…is that something soulmates can do? You toss and turn for hours, until finally you see the sky turn a dark blue and eventually the sun is rising.
You decide to just say fuck it, and get up. You’ll get to work early today. You have so much trouble getting ready, you feel ill. Like, a demon sucked you dry of your energy. But you endure because you really need to see Jimin today.
You grab a coffee on the way to work when you feel yourself being pulled into the direction of your office—Jimin must be there. You walk a little faster and when you finally reach the building you notice something is off. There’s groups of people gathered around the building and police officers inside, you walk in and see your boss talking to one of the officers.
“Oh y/n!” your boss calls out to you, his hand raised up to get your attention, and then he’s waving you over.
“Yes?” you look between him and the officer, “What’s up? What’s going on?”
“Did you know Park Jimin?” The officer gets straight to the point.
“I…do…” your eyes scan the inside of the building and you notice a couple of women that work in your office crying into each other’s arms.
“Do you know if something was going on his life? Something that could lead him to commit suicide?”
“C-Commit?” you look around the room again, you notice your boss looking antsy and the couple of women crying did happen to work in Jimin’s department.
“Yes mam, we understand this is difficult. But any information you have could be crucial. We need to make sure we can rule this out as suicide and not something more serious.”
“He loved his job.” Your boss cuts in nervously, “So it’s not because we didn’t treat him well or something…”
“I’m sorry,” you mumble, “Commit suicide?”
“We found Park Jimin’s body this morning in his apartment. Overdose it seems. His elderly neighbor usually brings him breakfast in the mornings and when he didn’t answer she got concerned. She was shocked to say the least.”
“He-He’s dead?” you blink at the officer repeatedly, “He died?” you are in a state of shock yourself. There’s no way…you just saw him yesterday…but…but those waves of pain you felt then that huge wave that felt like…death itself.
“I think you’re wrong.” You say, in a state of denial now. “Jimin was just here…I just saw him yesterday.”
“Time of death is some time last night.” The officer confirms. “That’s her!” you hear the voice of a woman scream out. “That’s that bitch!” you turn around in a daze, trying to find the source of the screams.
“You fucking bitch!” you see a woman charging at you, screaming at the top of her lungs with her finger pointed in your direction.
“M-Me?” you point at yourself in confusion.
“He just…why couldn’t you give him a chance?” The woman breaks down, falling to her knees in front of you. “You’re his soulmate for fucks sake. This is all your fault!” She cries out, defeated.
You stand here, confused as hell. He told people? And how is this your fault?
“H-He’s not gone.” You say weakly, your shock still very fresh. “I’ll call him.” you quickly grab your phone from your pocket and dial Jimin’s number.
“You have reached the voicemail box of….”
You gulp, trying again…
“You have reached the voicemail box of….”
And again.
“You have reached the voicemail box of….”
Fuck, why isn’t he answering? You start to panic now. You blink back growing tears, your body seems to be growing weaker and weaker.
“He’s just…”
“He’s dead!” she screams out, looking up into your eyes, her own eyes bubbled over with tears. “And it’s your fucking fault!”
The officer is helping the women off the floor and escorting her outside the building. You stand here in complete shock still, your body about to give out on you. There’s absolutely no way Jimin is dead. And there’s absolutely no way it’s your fault. Right?
Your limbs are so overwhelmingly heavy as you are draped over your sofa. You are unable to move. You can’t sleep, you can’t eat. You are unable to form sentences at this point, you feel drained. Completely drained. You still can’t believe the news. Jimin is gone. You don’t want to believe it but you do feel heartbroken…you feel so lost and empty and incomplete.
You close your eyes, hoping to drift off into a deep, deep sleep.
“We should let her sleep…”
“No! Girl needs to wake up and we need to get this show on the road!”
“What? The more time she sleeps the more time she wastes.”
“We literally control time we can let her sleep for 5 more minutes.”
“Exactly, we control it so you know how precious it is, Namjoon.”
You swear you hear voices but you’re too fucking tired to open your eyes, they sound so far away…
“Listen I’m only letting her have these 5 minutes because girl needs her beauty sleep. Do you see those horrible dark circles?”
“That’s what you’re concerned about?”
“Okay, she has like 30 seconds left and we are waking her ass up.”
“Hey! Hey!” your shoulders are getting fucking rocked as somebody tries to wake you. “Wakey Wakey, hands off snakey!”
“She doesn’t have a snakey dude.” You hear another voice.
You slowly begin to open your eyes when you see a man with his hands on your shoulders. You scream. You scream bloody murder.
“Hey, woah, woah!” The guy puts his hands up in surrender. “Not going to hurt you!”
“We’re just here to talk.” The other voice cuts in, you snap your head to the side and notice another man. You scramble on the sofa, getting into a defensive position as you scream again.
“Have ourself a screamer, don’t we?” the first man winks, “Huh? Huh?” he opens his arms wide and shakes his head around. “No? Tough crowd.”
“Who the hell are you two? Take what you want! Please just leave me alone!”
“We don’t want anything and leaving you alone isn’t something we can do.” The second man says, he sighs out and crosses his arms. “Look, we need to talk.”
“Oh!” the first man quirks a brow, “We don’t want to take anything…no offense, maybe a little offense, but your apartment isn’t that ni—”
“Jin, now is not the time.”
“What the fuck is happening?” you yell out, “Who are you two?”
“Right.” The first man says, “Introductions. Should we just say who we are or should we do our little number that you refuse to rehearse?”
“We aren’t singing as our intros, Jin.”
“Why not? So unfair, Tae and Hobi do it.
“They’re a special breed.” The second man releases a long breath, “I’m Namjoon.”
“And I’m Jin.”
“And we’re—”
“The Gods of Time!”
You blink at the two psychopaths in your living room with your mouth wide open. What the fuck?
“How did you two get in here?!” you ask, deciding to ignore their little introduction.
“Walked through the front door.”
“But it’s locked—“”
“No, like literally.” Jin states, “We walked through it. Because we’re you know, Gods.”
“Shut the fuck up.”
“Did you just tell a God to shut the fuck up?” Jin grins, “Brave girl.”
“We have an order of business.” Namjoon rolls his eyes at Jin, “We need to talk.”
“We aren’t talking until you tell me how you got in my apartment! And what you fucking want!”
“He told you already,” Namjoon sighs, “We walked through the front door and we want to talk.”
“You walked through? Because you’re Gods? Right, like I’m supposed to believe that.” You huff out and Jin lights up with an idea.
“Here.” He’s suddenly handing you a knife. “Stab me.”
“What the fuck?” You hold the knife in your hand, where did he even get a knife so quickly? “I’m not going to stab you!”
“Just do it!”
“Yeah, just do it.” Namjoon encourages you with a tired face.
“Come on just a little stabby wabby.” Jin sings, “Come on!”
“Fine!” you stick the knife in Jin’s leg and he starts screaming in agony.
“What the hell!!!! Why would you really stab me?!?!? Oh MY GOD?!!!”
“YOU TOLD ME TO?!?!” you stand up in panic, rushing to his leg and seeing if it’s something serious.
“YOU MANIAC!!!! YOU REALLY STABBED—” then he’s laughing hysterically as Namjoon just claps his hands with an unimpressed face.
“Great performance Jin, but can we get to the point?”
“Performance?” you stutter, “You’re not hurt?”
“No, I’m a God. You think a little human knife can hurt me?”
“Wait, wait, wait! You really are okay? I stabbed you! Oh my god,” you start spiraling, “I stabbed someone.” You whisper. “Oh my god. Are you okay? I am so sorry!”
“Once again, we are God’s.” Namjoon states matter of fact. “Human weapons do not hurt us.”
Your eyes widen in complete shock, you look between the two men and start shaking your head—spiraling even further.
“God’s? God’s of what?” you breathe out. “This is…this is impossible.”
“God’s of time.” Jin snaps his fingers, “and do we have an offer for you.”
“W-What offer?” you plop down on your couch, your face has gone pale. What the hell is happening?
“Your soulmate, Park Jimin…” Namjoon begins. “Committed suicide last night.”
“And full offense girly, but it’s sort of your fault.” Jin chimes in. You feel your entire body go weak again.
“But we want to offer you something. We will roll back time by one month. Giving you the opportunity to make things right and save his life.”
“Turn back time?” you mumble, “That’s impossible.”
You watch as Jin rolls his eyes and with his pointer finger he’s making small circles.
“Turn back time?” You mumble, “That’s impossible.”
Suddenly you’re hit with Déjà vu. “Wait, didn’t I just say that?”
Jin grins and making small circles with his pointer finger again.
“Wait, didn’t I just say that?”
Your eyes go comically wide. “Woah. How did you do that?”
“God’s of Time, it’s literally our specialty.” Namjoon says.
“This girl really don’t listen.” Jin sits down on the couch next to you and you try scooting away.
“Okay…say you really can turn back time…why one month? And why are you giving me this chance?”
“One month because that’s how long it will take to change Jimin’s mind. And because…” Namjoon’s eyes slide to the side…”We were sort of pressured into this.”
“By who?”
Ding Dong
“Great, they’re here.” Jin whines, “I was hoping we would have more time with the human by ourselves.”
“Who’s here?” you start to panic, “Who pressured you?”
“Pressure? That’s not very nice to say.” You hear a new voice and it startles you. “Hi there.” You look up to see two new bodies in your living room. “We are—”
“Great, they’re going to sing.” Namjoon sighs. “On with it then.”
“Taehyung and Hoseok!” They say as melodically as possible, “God’s of Fate!” You swear you can see flowers and hearts and stars surround them.
“And we are not happy with you!” Taehyung dramatically pouts while pointing at you, “We have set up such a nice life for you but you always do the opposite. You really hurt our feelings.” Hoseok smiles a huge ass smile, ultimately confusing you further.
“God’s of fate?” you stand up and shake your head frantically. “What’s happening? What’s happening?”
“If you would have followed our path—the natural path—then you and Jimin would be happily together right now.” Taehyung lightly scolds you.
“But instead…” Hoseok begins, “You did the opposite of what we wanted and now look what happened.” He says with a smile still. “You messed with the natural order of things.”
“You’re saying it’s my fault? That Jimin is…”
“Didn’t I literally say it was your fault?” Jin questions and Namjoon swats his arm. “It’s okay though girly, we are offering you a chance to fix this. You can save his life.”
“He’s right y/n.” Namjoon walks closer to you, “You can save his life.”
You can save Jimin? How is this even possible? Suddenly, you hear faint knocking on your front door.
“Oh man. They’re here.” Taehyung looks towards the door.
“Well, we knew they would show up.”
“Who? Who?” you ask, clearly not ready for more guests.
“May I?” Hoseok gestures towards the door, asking if he can open it. You just shrug at this point.
Hoseok walks to the door and swings it open, revealing two more men.
“Oh if it isn’t mister sunshine and sunshine Junior.” The shorter man says under his breath as he walks past Hoseok and Taehyung. Another man following closely behind.
“We actually like those nicknames.” Taehyung says with a smile. “But yes, what are you doing here?”
“You know why we’re here.” The taller man smirks. “We have a soul we don’t intend on returning.”
“Who the fuck are you two?” you grit out, clearly tired of everyone at this point.
“Yoongi.” The shorter man states like he’s bored.
“And I’m Jungkook.”
“Okay? And?”
“Introduce yourselves properly you fools!” Jin yells out.
“Right right.” Yoongi nods his head subtlety, “God’s of Death.”
Your eyes widen in terror. God’s of Death? “So you kill people? Oh my god…you killed Jimin…”
“Okay, one… we don’t kill people.” Yoongi states and Jungkook jumps in.
“But we do like it when they die.” He says with big doe eyes and Yoongi’s expression changes like the realization has hit him.
“Yes,” he admits. “We do like that.”
“Actually we love it.” Jungkook pipes in again.
“Yes, we do love it.” Yoongi comments nonchalantly.
“And two… Jimin offed himself, we just wait to retrieve his soul.”
“His soul is all we’re interested in.” Jungkook chuckles darkly. “That’s all.”
“Oh? Is that all?” Taehyung mutters underneath his breath.
“Can someone please explain to me what the hell is going on and why you all are in my apartment?”
“Damn girl, you really don’t listen.” Jin puts a hand on his hip.
Namjoon steps closer to you again and pats you on the back, urging you to take a seat.
“Taehyung and Hoseok are the God’s of fate, they want to bring you and Jimin together for your epic love or whatever…Jin and I may owe them a favor. So here we are, the God’s of Time…offering you a chance to turn back time and save Jimin’s life. But the God’s of Death over here…” he gestures towards Yoongi and Jungkook, Jungkook looks at you with a wink, “…don’t want that. They’re here to stop you so they can keep their soul like the soul hungry bastards they are.”
The other 5 men nod their heads in agreement as you look at each of them incredulously.
“And you expect me to believe this?” you wipe your sweaty palms on your pants and sigh out heavily, not believing a word.
“Should you stab me again?” Jin offers with a grin, showing you his little human knife you just stabbed him with earlier.
“What??” Jungkook slumps his shoulders, “Jin got stabbed and I missed it?” Jungkook frowns, “I always miss the good stuff…anyway, I vote you stab him again.”
“No!” you’re quick to yell out. “No more stabbing.”
Jungkook physically deflates once again, clearly disappointed.
“y/n…” Namjoon puts his hand on your shoulder, “Make your decision. Do you want to save Jimin or not?”
Of course you want to save Jimin…you don’t want someone you know dead, like come on. But what does it mean to save him?
“Follow our path.” Taehyung whispers to you, “The natural path.”
“You mean your predestined bullshit?” you spit out and Taehyung and Hoseok frown.
“It’s not bull…” then he whispers, “shit.”
“You can say cuss words sunshine junior.” Yoongi smirks, “come on, say ‘fuck’ just once.”
“No!” Taehyung whines
“Stop trying to make our Taehyungie do bad things!” Hoseok stands in front of Taehyung, defending him.
“I’ll say ‘fuck’.” Jungkook looks around the room raising his hand, offering his foul language.
“You already say it all the time, doesn’t count.” Yoongi rolls his eyes, “Get sunshine junior to say it though and I’ll give you 5 bucks.”
“Come on bro, say ‘fuck’ let me get 5 dollars.” Jungkook begs.
“Human money literally means nothing to us?” Jin questions.
“I still like to collect it.”
“Collecting souls isn’t enough?” Namjoon deadpans.
“I’m a collector, leave me alone.”
“More like a hoarder…” Yoongi cuts in, sighing out.
“Okay!” You stand, “Enough!”
“Finally, someone with some sense.” Namjoon says, “So are you taking us up on our offer? Going to save Jimin’s life?”
“Listen girly, take the offer. Be a hero. Because right now you’re technically the villain.” Jin says matter of fact, his hip poking out as his hand rests on it.
“Or live the life you want. It’s not your fault lover boy offed himself.” Yoongi walks closer to you. “He basically gave his soul for free.”
“You know Jimin was a good person…” Hoseok tells you, “You could feel it.”
You feel yourself grow guilty…this should be a no brainer right? You may not like the idea of soulmates but Jimin doesn’t deserve…this. He deserves to live.
“I’ll do it. I’ll make things right with Jimin, I’ll save his life.” Your firm voices echoes throughout the apartment and Jungkook scoffs.
“You think you can change his mind in a month? He’s set in stone, sweetheart.”
“One…gross, don’t call me sweetheart, and two, I can try.”
“Have fun trying with us by your side.” Yoongi states, a scowl taking over his face.
“She will have us buy her side as well.” Taehyung offers, “We will guide her every step of the way. You can rely on us, rely on fate.”
You roll your eyes, you don’t want any of these guys by your side.
“Is this your final decision?” Namjoon asks, he looks at you with a serious expression and you shudder.
“Did you hear that besties? Girl has made her final decision. Shall I do the honors?”
“Yeah, yeah. Go ahead. When you wake up y/n…it will be one month ago yesterday. Are you prepared for that?”
“Will I be aware?”
“Okay, I’m ready.”
“Remember you have 30 days to make things right.” Namjoon reminds you and you nod your head.
“Okay, here we go!” Jin spins in circles and you all watch him …it’s lasting for several seconds too long, you grow confused. Jin keeps twirling around, doing little curtseys and now he’s doing the fucking robot…until Namjoon stands up.
“For heaven’s sake.” He uses his finger to spin in circles and things start fading to black, time slowly turning backwards.
May 21
It’s morning. You check your phone and it’s around 7am on Friday, May 21st. What the actual hell. It worked? You went back in time, right? This isn’t just some really incredible, elaborate prank right?
“If you’re thinking if this really happened…it did.” You hear Namjoon speak up from across your room.
“And if you’re thinking ‘wow these two super handsome guys really did that?’ we did.” Jin says hovering over you in bed. You can’t help but yelp, still surprised of their presence.
“Why are you guys here still?”
“Oh honey, it’s not just us.” Jin says matter of fact.
“It’s us too!” Hoseok says cheerily.
“Hoseok and Taehyung too?” you question slowly, your eyes scanning the room.
“Please,” Taehyung throws a hand over his heart, “Call us Hobi and Tae.”
“It’s just you four—”
“You really need to go grocery shopping.” Jungkook walks in the room with an apple in his hand, he brings it to his mouth and takes a crunchy bite.
“And as expected of the human world, the TV is trash.” Yoongi walks in after him, throwing your remote on your bed.
“Why the hell is everyone still here?” you yell out, grabbing at your hair. “I thought I was on a solo mission now!”
“Oh baby girl, it’s not just you anymore” Jungkook smirks, taking another obnoxious bite of his apple—your apple.
“Okay, if I didn’t want to be called sweetheart what makes you think baby girl is gonna pass?”
“I don’t know, thought I’d give it a shot.” He shrugs.
“Anyway,” you roll your eyes. “What do you mean it’s not just me?”
“You insist on saving Jimin’s life…we insist on keeping his soul. We have opposing goals here.” Yoongi explains, a bored expression drawn on his face. “We are going to make sure you are not successful. We can only interfere so much though.”
“And we,” Hobi cuts in, “Are here to make sure you are successful. You see, we are here to guide you on your little journey.”
“Think of us as your friends.” Tae grins at you.
“Yeah, I’d rather not.” You deadpan.
“And you two?” You point at Namjoon and Jin. “What is your purpose?”
“To make sure you don’t fuck up, to put it simply.” Jin states. “You do that a lo—Ow!” Namjoon hits Jin in the gut.
“What Jin is trying to say is, we are giving you a total of 3 mess ups. Once you strike through all 3, you’re on your own. We won’t manipulate time any more for a human like you.”
“A human like me?”
“I just mean, a human in general.” He clarifies and you relax.
“Can others see you?” You ask, quite curious. This whole thing is curious actually. You have 6 God’s chilling in your room right now and you are surprisingly chiller than you thought you’d be.
“They will…” Hobi’s eyes slide to the side. “Listen,” he sways on his feet. “We are going to be spending a lot of time together this next month so let’s all get along.” He smiles that big ass smile and you roll your eyes.
“Yes, let’s all get along!” Tae chirps, “Except maybe not with these two.” He points at Yoongi and Jungkook. Jungkook narrows his eyes at Tae and slumps his shoulders.
“I’m gonna get you to say ‘fuck’ sunshine junior, mark my words.”
“Not likely.” Tae narrows his own eyes before he’s spinning on his heels to face you again happily. “y/n.” he sings out, “Our new companion!” Hobi joins in on his song, they both start humming and whistling and suddenly Hobi is rapping. It’s all too much, really.
“Yo yo yo, Jin is in the house too—OW!”
“Anyway,” Namjoon brings a small book from his pocket. “There’s rules. Just a couple.”
“Rules?” you mumble, “What rules?”
“Rule number 1,” Jin starts, “You can’t tell Jimin you’re aware of his suicidal thoughts—this can just have more negative effects. Keep his little secret.”
“And rule number 2,” Namjoon closes the little notebook. “You can’t tell anyone about us.” He gestures towards all 6 of them. “You have to swear on this book.”
“What happens if either of those things happen?” You ask.
“Oh they won’t girl.” Jin shakes his finger at you. “Once you swear on a God’s book…you are bound to secrecy. You will literally not be able to talk about it. Your mouth will physically shut.”
“Jin’s right.” Hobi says, “That’s the law of the God’s promises.”
“And you are promising to us.” Tae adds in.
“That’s just the way it is.” Yoongi comments nonchalantly as he picks at his nails.
“Fine, fine. I get it. I’ll swear on the book.” You get up from bed and walk towards Namjoon, you eye his little notebook and then you look at him incredulously.
“Book of the God’s my ass! You can buy this exact notebook from the dollar store!”
“I like human objects too.” He mumbles shyly, “But it is property of the God’s so…are you going to sign it or not?”
“Do I…do I have to like sign with my blood or some—”
“—Yes.” Jungkook says.
“No, no. Stop that Jungkook,” Namjoon pulls out a pen from his pocket. “Just a regular pen. Also probably from the dollar store you speak of.”
“Okay, I got it…” you grab the pen from him and sign your name to the paper. The notebook starts shining a bright gold, almost blinding you. Then the glow fades and you see your signature in gold letters.
“It is done.” Namjoon says, nodding at the others.
“We are going to be with you as much as possible.” Taehyung smiles at you, “So please take care of us.” He bows his head towards you and you wave him off.
“You guys do realize I still have to work right?”
“Oh,” Namjoon’s eyes slide to the side, “We are prepared for that.”
“How are you prepared for—”
You sit in your little cubicle in complete and utter shock, your jaw literally on the floor.
“And this is our new team of writers, editors, and soundtrack producers. They’ll be working on a new game that is still under wraps.” Your boss gestures towards 6 men. The same fucking 6 men that were just in your apartment. Can you even call them just men? They are God’s!
“Please introduce yourself to the rest of the staff.”
“Right, I am Namjoon in charge of writing along with my partner Jin—”
“Jin is me, yes hi. Call me Worldwide—Hey!” Namjoon swats Jin’s stomach. But Jin recovers quickly, blowing a kiss around the office.
“I’m Tae.” Tae brightly waves at everyone, “In charge of editing scripts. Please take care of me.”
“And I’m Hobi, also in charge of editing! Let’s get along everyone!”
“Yo. Names Yoongi.” He quietly says, waving like a shy child.
“I am Jungkook, I am single and I—”
“They’re in charge of soundtrack production.” Namjoon cuts in. “Nice to meet you all.”
The office starts to quietly applaud, nodding their heads in approval as you sit here with your jaw on the floor. There is no way…absolutely no way this is happening.
“Ah, y/n!” Your boss calls out for you, he’s already walking to your desk. “Namjoon here says you all know each other, so I would like for you to help get them get settled in.” The group of 6 men follow behind him. You look at Namjoon like he is absolutely insane.
“Help them how?” you ask quietly. “Like, show them where the coffee maker is? Oh, look. Its right over there.” You point to the left of you. “You’re welcome.”
“Oh y/n! You’re so funny!” Jin slaps his knee, “I need help with some formatting on the first script I have…apparently you know a thing or two about that.” He grins at you and you roll your eyes.
“Don’t worry…” Hobi begins, his eyes looking around the office. “We won’t just rely on you for help around here…ah! There he is!” Hobi nudges Tae shoulder. “Jimin!” he begins waving the man over.
Jimin looks around the office as if he isn’t the only one with that name. He points at himself and mouths ‘me?’ Hobi and Tae smile widely and nod their heads in unison as they wave him over.
“Yes?” Jimin walks up to you all, his eyes on you…he feels himself grow nervous. “Can I help you?”
“Actually yes.” Tae starts, “Boss man here says you’re an editor just like us, maybe you can show us the ropes.”
“Ah.” Jimin slowly nods his head with his mouth slightly open. “I see.” Then he is nervously looking at you again. “Is that okay? For us all to be working together?” he looks at you while asking this and you scoff.
“I don’t control your life Jimin, do what you want.” You spit out and Jin hits your arm.
“What she means to say is, yes of course we can all work together!” he sings.
You release a long breath, remembering you are on a mission. You muster the fakest smile you can and make eye contact with Jimin.
“Yes, that’s what I meant.” You continue to grin and Jimin scrunches his brows as he slowly nods his head again.
Hobi jumps in excitement and repeatedly hits Tae’s arm, like he just got an amazing idea.
“Why don’t we all go out tonight to celebrate?”
“What are we celebrating?” you deadpan but Jin hits your arm again and leans down to whisper in your ear.
“Remember…fate is guiding you. Do as they say.” He says through a tight lip smile.
“Yeah…” you find the energy to say, “Sounds fun…let’s do that.”
You hate this. You are only barely talking to Jimin but you can feel the pull intensify with every word you say to him and every word he speaks to you goes straight to your heart and your fucking vagina.
To call Jimin attractive is an understatement. He is beyond that…he is beyond handsome, beyond cute, beyond gorgeous and beyond sexy. He has a charming way about him, his sharp jawline, his smile with those full, full lips, his eyes. He is effortlessly beautiful…and it drives you absolutely insane.
You remember the first time you saw Jimin…love at first sight? Also an understatement.
He was blonde then. His hair swept across his forehead, you would almost think that was his natural color because it looked that god damn good on him. Now his hair is black and holy hell, it is also his color. But you might think any color is.
“Celebrate how?” Jimin speaks up, his eyes going to Hobi.
“Drinks!” Tae chimes in, “But only one because we all have to work in the morning.” He chuckles and the rest of the boys join in.
“I don’t believe in hangovers.” Jungkook says with his arms crossed over his chest, a smirk gracing his features.
“You literally had one like 3 days ago.” Yoongi comments, “You also said ‘I’m never drinking again’”
“That was a different Jungkook.” Jungkook snaps his fingers, “I’ve matured since then.”
“Yeah, right.” You laugh. “Also you guys realize tomorrow is Saturday…”
You actually laugh and the 7 boys snap their heads towards you and smile. All but Jimin…and kind of Yoongi.
“You can laugh!!!” Jin takes your hand and high fives himself with it. “Amazing.”
“And you laughed because of me!” Jungkook cheers. “God, I knew I was fucking hilarious.”
“Chill out, kid.” Yoongi shakes his head.
“Anyway,” you clear your throat. “There’s a bar in the building next to us. We can meet at 7.”
“Actually let’s meet right after work, we can all walk together.” Hobi looks at you knowingly and you roll your eyes.
“Right. Okay, after work then.”
“Sure…” Jimin says slowly, “I will meet you guys here then.” Then he’s taking one last look at you before walking away back to his side of the office.
“Are you guys fucking insane?!” You whisper shout towards the 6 gods. “You work here now?!”
“We have to keep an eye on you and make sure everything goes smoothly…” Tae pouts, he messes with his neck tie nervously. “I even bought these cool human clothes…I thought maybe you would notice.”
“Yeah, yeah. You look nice.” You gesture towards his body and you swear you can see puppy dog ears and tail wagging behind him from how happy he is.
“What about me? What about me?” Jin motions towards his own body as he winks at you.
“You? Fine you look nice too.”
Jungkook slowly walks in the middle of your circle and shows off his outfit to all of you, spinning in a few circles.
“And me baby girl?”
“Call me baby girl one more time and I swear I will kick—”
“Jeez, no need to be aggressive!” Jungkook puts his hands up in surrender. “I’ll take the L for now.”
“Namjoon, please say something as the only person here who is sane.” You turn to face Namjoon and he is looking down at his own outfit.
“Human clothes are so boring.” Is all he says.
You can’t help but groan…then you feel it. Eyes on you. Not just any eyes. His eyes. You follow the feeling until your eyes meet his, he immediately looks away and you feel a sense of guilt. Jimin is going to kill himself? And it’s supposedly your fault? Can you fix this? Can you change his mind? Can you save his life? Can you?
The bar is quiet, well it is only like 5pm. But you assume in the coming hours it will be booming thanks to it being a Friday night. You are seated between Tae and Hobi as they fill your mind with thoughts of Jimin while he is in the bathroom.
“Can’t you just feel how badly he wants to sit next to you? His jealousy that you’re between us?” Tae giggles. “I can’t technically feel his yearning like you can but dudes, it’s so obvious.”
“I get it, I get it.” You groan, “So what’s the plan?”
“Oh that? You are going to ask Jimin out on a date.”
“A d-date?!” you feel the heat rush to your cheeks, “Isn’t that a bit much?”
“Not at all…” Hobi takes a sip of his beer with a fucking straw. “Trust us.”
You’re really about to trust mister sunshine and sunshine junior? They are drinking their beers with straws. Fucking straws.
“ You don’t owe Jimin anything.” You hear Yoongi’s voice from behind you. “You don’t want to be here y/n. Why are you forcing yourself?”
“She just wanted to hang with me.” Jungkook nudges Tae out of his barstool seat and takes it.
“Heeeey…” Tae pouts as he is left standing, watching Jungkook take his chair. “I was sitting there.”
“Say ‘fuck’ and I’ll give it back.”
“You’re mean.”
“Anyway,” you cut them off before they can continue, “Why do you want his soul so bad? Aren’t there more souls out there?”
Yoongi for the first time curls his lips upwards and smirks at you.
“Jimin is a pure soul. It’s worth more. And he gave it for free, his own will. That much more worth it.”
“Pure soul?” You raise a brow, is Jimin really that perfect? You can’t help but scoff.
“He’s a really good person, y/n.” Hobi says softly, “You know you can feel that.”
He’s right. When you first met him and you had that instant recognition, you could feel just how good he is. It hurt even more, considering how things went…
“I have shots!!!!” Jin comes up to you 5 with a tray of shots, “As the kids say, I am trying to get lit!”
“Barely anyone says that anymore dude.” Jungkook frowns, “Which is unfortunate because it… was…lit...”
“Where’s Jimin?” Namjoon asks, grabbing a shot from the tray, he takes a sniff and fake gags.
“Jesus Christ, I told you anything but Tequila, Jin.”
“He’s in the bathroom…” you say, your head falling in your hand on the bar top. You stare at all the bottles on the shelves and wish you could drown yourself in each one.
“I’m back.” Jimin says from beside you and Jungkook.
It looks like he washed his face with cool water, his bangs slightly wet. He’s nervous, you can quite literally feel it…that’s how intense it is.
“Jimin…” you say his name and it sounds and feels so weird on your tongue, his head whips in your direction with wide eyes and he tilts his head to the side.
You two lock eyes, his gaze is intense. You can’t help but feel like you’re falling for some sort of spell as you stare at him. The pull between you two only grows…you find yourself leaning in closer to his direction before you’re shaking your head, clearing your throat and looking towards the other boys.
“Uh, there’s shots.” You point at the tray Jin is holding. “Let’s hurry up and take them.”
A few hours pass and your group is collectively drunk. Jimin seems to be the only somewhat sober one. Even Yoongi is shimmying to whatever song is playing! You look at Namjoon who is smiling at Jin as they talk to one another and you wave them over.
“I thought human things didn’t effect God’s? Why are you all so drunk?” you laugh, slurring your words.
“Alcohol is alcohol baybey!” Jin throws an arm around your neck as he continues to dance.
“Jin is right.” Namjoon points at him, “Alcohol is the same for us.”
You only nod in response as you eye the bar, Hobi and Tae are dancing with Jimin and he actually looks like he is enjoying himself. You stand from your stool and walk to the dance floor and join them, surprising Jimin.
“Came to hang out with the fun go—guys?!” Hobi moves his body expertly as he speaks.
“Just came to talk to Jimin…” you admit shyly and Hobi and Tae nod in understanding with their eyes wide.
“Good idea.” Tae yells out, “We will keep Yoongi and Jungkook distracted.”
“You want to talk to me?” Jimin says over the music, “Me?” he points at himself and you chuckle.
“Yes, you.” You reach down to grab his hand and fuck. You feel like you are being shot with electricity. “Uh,” you quickly drop his hand and gesture for him to follow you. “Come on.”
You and Jimin walk outside the bar, the night is a little chilly, even for May.
“What’s up?” Jimin asks nervously, he sways back and forth on his heels and you can feel his anxiety and it’s making you nauseas.
“Go on a date with me.” You blurt out.
Jimin is silent. His eyes harden as he stares at you and he breathes out roughly.
“You’re drunk.” He states.
“Don’t be difficult.” You begin, “Go on a date with—”
“You think I can’t feel it?” he asks quietly. “How much you…hate me…?”
You automatically get hit with a wave of guilt. He releases a few shaky breaths and continues. “You are forcing yourself…I don’t want to make you more uncomfortable around me.” He gives you a sad, soft smile and turns around to head back inside, leaving you out in the chilly May air.
“I thought you guys were fucking gods? I did what you told me and he fucking rejected me?!” you slur out angrily. Tae and Hobi exchange awkward glances before smiling for you.
“You have to put a lot of effort. Remember…you are working hard to change his whole mind. It isn’t going to be easy y/n. Even with us helping. We lead you on the right path but ultimately you humans do have free will.” Hobi says quietly, he looks around the bar to make sure no one can hear.
“And like Jungkook said…at this moment, Jimin is set in stone. It’s going to take some convincing.” Tae finishes. He messes with his neck tie some more before he is loosening it all the way. “And you better hurry to talk to him because he is with Yoongi and Jungkook. Who knows what nonsense they are feeding him!”
You look over your shoulder and Tae is right, Yoongi and Jungkook both have an arm draped over Jimin’s shoulders and chatting away. They both have sly smiles as Jimin nods his head in drunken concentration.
“Help me get rid of them…” you roll your eyes as you begin walking towards the God’s of death and their meal.
“You got it!” Hobi yells out brightly. “Let’s go TaeTae.” He grabs on to Tae’s arm and drags him towards the death gods. You follow closely behind eyeing Jimin carefully.
It’s a lovely spring day, the flowers are in bloom and the sky is blue with splashes of pink now that the sun is beginning to set. You finally found your dream job that you start in 2 weeks and an affordable apartment. It’s not thaaat much nicer than your previous place but still, an upgrade nonetheless.
Today you woke up feeling…different. Fuller, more whole. Something completely unexplainable. Once you stepped outside even the world looked more beautiful, colorful, vibrant. Your chest is warm and buzzing and you can’t help but fall in love with the feeling. What is going on?
You walk the streets in your restless city and you feel it. The pull. The pull is practically dragging you around without you totally realizing. You just walk the streets in a daze, the pull becomes more and more intense the closer you get to the main park downtown. You realize you don’t visit this park often which is such a shame because it is beautiful.
You stroll around, feeling yourself being pulled closer and closer to this gigantic tree in the center and then you feel your insides burst. Your eyes land on a figure, you can only see his back but you just know. He must feel it too because he is quickly turning his body around and facing you. His eyes find yours immediately and holy fuck.
You know him. As soon as your eyes meet you feel like you fucking know him. You feel yourself being drawn to him like there is spell you are both under. You don’t stop your feet from moving as you walk closer and closer. He only stares at you with wide eyes until his thick lips curve up into the most beautiful smile you have ever seen. Little did you know, this would be the only time you will see him smile like this.
Love at first sight? He is the most gorgeous human being you have ever had the pleasure of your eyes landing on. His blond hair swept over his forehead, his piercing eyes, his full lips, his entire figure. His beautiful, beautiful smile. He has charmed you. And it doesn’t help that you feel that instant attraction. That recognition and the intense, intense burst of love you feel.
But it is not your love that you are feeling. It is his. Because you feeling love for a someone you don’t actually know is impossible…that this is just some forced, predestined façade. And you are hit with the reality and the truth. You feel your insides turn from a gooey mess to hard. You feel yourself grow angry, you feel hatred grow within you and it must be intense because Jimin must feel it too. The way his smile drops and how his face goes pale. He takes a hesitant step away from you and looks at you with so much question. He feels how you loathe him.
You continue to look at Jimin as you walk closer and closer to him in the bar, Tae and Hobi pulling Yoongi and Jungkook off his body as you make your way over. Even walking closer and closer to him you feel all of your confusing feelings. You hate him yet you are drawn to him.
“Jimin.” You say his name, it comes out rough and breathless and he pinches his brows together.
“Yes?” he asks softly, he walks closer to you as well. “Is everything okay y/n?”
You swallow down your pride as you stare into his eyes. They look sad…empty even.
“Date…” you murmur. Jimin’s sad, empty eyes flash with a sliver a hope before they turn dark again.
“Why?” he finally asks…he walks just a bit closer to you and you step back, feeling suffocated. If he gets any closer you…
“I want to make things right.” You admit between a few breaths, “I want to get to know you.”
You aren’t lying, you do want to make things right. He doesn’t necessarily know what you mean but that’s okay. “I haven’t been the nicest to you but I want to change that.” You mumble.
“You want to know me?” he gulps, “You want to…spend time with me?” you can feel how nervous he is and you can’t help but chuckle just a bit.
“Coffee? We can start there.” You say, feeling your own nerves spiking. Who knew talking to your fucking soulmate could be this hard.
Jimin bites down on his thick bottom lip, his cheeks warming up as they turn a lovely shade of pink.
“Okay….” He says, trying to hide his growing smile “Coffee.”
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xtodorcki · 3 years
Hi!! Would you be in to writing a piece on Levi finding out his secret girlfriend is Erwins niece?? I love your writing and if you want more prompts for Levi just let us know on your blog!!
“Little White Lie,” Levi x Reader
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Summary: where Levi finds out his secret girlfriend is actually Erwin’s niece.
Warnings!: noneeeeee, no spoilers.
Levi x FemReader!
When you had joined the scouts, your Uncle grew worried once you were put in Levi’s team, only because he didn’t want you to get yourself killed. After your parents had died when you were younger, your Uncle, who is Erwin, had taken you in and raised you as best as he thought he could.
He had tried to raise you to become independent and strong but he definitely tried to steer you in the opposite direction when it came to joining the scouts but you were set on becoming one and now here you are.
You’ve been on Levi’s team for well over a year and overtime you two had grew closer and took quite a liking for one another to the point where there were secret meetings in a empty room, his lips meeting yours depesteraly before you had to separate and act different towards each other.
Levi had fallen deep for one of his own cadets and that had scared him to no end. The thrill you felt every time you went inside his office while he was working just to see him, talk to him, even if it was for five minutes.
He confidently asked you out one day when in private. He didn’t know what to do with the feelings he had felt for you but he wanted to make sure you were his and he was yours, no questions asked. Even if people didn’t know about the chemistry you had and the relationship you shared, it was still special to you.
It came up one day when Erwin was talking with Levi in his office, asking him questions about you and Levi was growing uneasy at the amount of questions he was asking about her and how she was doing.
“Why so many questions about Y/N?” He grew curious and his thoughts went on to think if Erwin had feelings for you at first.
“She’s my niece, of course I’m going to ask about her.” He mentioned, furrowing his eyebrows at Levi once his eyes had widen at his words.
“She’s your niece?” He repeated, trying to process the new information given to him and he had cursed to himself in his head about how you never even brought this up to him.
I’m dating his niece?
Levi thought to himself, staring at Erwin for the longest time after he repeated that you were in fact his niece and he even went as far as to tell Levi how your parents died and he raised you since you were ten years old.
For the rest of the day Levi sat in his office, staring at the stack of papers thinking about what had happened earlier repeatedly. The words echoing through his head about the fact he was dating Erwin’s niece, someone who he had trust in and was rather close to.
He had snapped out of his thoughts though when he heard a faint knock on the door and saw your head peak in, giving him a big smile once you made eye contact with him. He kept a cold stare, watching you close the door behind you and walk over to his desk, leaning forward to plant a kiss on his cheek but he turned away from you, making you frown.
“Hey, what’s wrong?” You asked him, sitting down in the chair in front of him and he had refused to meet your gaze for a few seconds.
“Why didn’t you tell me your uncle is Erwin?” He questioned you, annoyance in his tone and his intense stare on you like it was staring right through your body.
“I didn’t think it was important?” You were confused on how he was reacting about this, it wasn’t really a secret but it definitely wasn’t well known.
“You’re telling me that letting your boyfriend know that your uncle is my boss is not important to you? Is that it?” You were on thin ice and his patience was growing rather thin a little too quick.
“I’m sorry but how was I supposed to know it was that important to you?”
“It’s common sense, Y/N. He’s my boss and one of the very few people I trust.” He was talking to you like you were dumb and that made you a little bit annoyed with his attitude.
“No need to be so hostile, Levi.”
“It’s Captain,” He scowled under his breath and you stared at him, not knowing what to really say next.
It grew quiet and awkward in his office, the only sound was your sigh and the screeching of the chair sliding against the wooden floor. He had tried to not look at you but he couldn’t help his gaze watching your every move.
You had moved around his desk, sliding the chair he sat on out further for you to sit down on his lap comfortably and cup his cheeks for him to look at you, the irritation written over his face was evident and obvious but you didn’t care.
“I take responsibility, I should’ve told you before we started dating.” You muttered under your breath, your fingers moving up to tangle in his hair and massage his scalp, making him instantly melt in your hands.
His body had failed him, making him release a low hum in pleasure and when he met your eyes, everything that he was mad about was thrown out the window completely. His main focus was on you and soon his eyes were filled with love while he admired you.
Levi can be easily frustrated and he couldn’t help his emotions because he had felt like he was being lied to and betrayed, of course it was never your intention to make him feel like that or keep anything from him but the thought of telling Levi about your uncle never crossed your mind and you were happy being with you Captain.
Your love for him blossomed into something so beautiful and special to you, so the thought of him being angry with you made you upset with yourself. You kept your fingers in his hair, keeping eye contact with him before you gently place your lips on his, the fireworks bursting in your stomach and the way your knees would become weak just by his gentle touches and kisses.
“I’m sorry, Captain.” You repeated when you pulled back, pressing a quick peck to his cheek and he rolled his eyes, mostly at himself for how easily he softened up to you.
“Now, how are we going to tell my boss that I’m dating his niece?” He questioned, the look of amusement on his face just by thinking of Erwins reaction to the news.
“I’m leaving that to you. You’re his close friend.” You laugh, getting up from his lap and making your way to his office door with Levi following close behind you.
“You’re leaving this to me? Seriously?” His eyebrows raised, the serious stare on his face with a hint of fear of even thinking about how to tell Erwin.
“I mean, he would be less harsh to you. We can talk about it later, he doesn’t need to know right away.” You had shot him a smile, making his nerves ease up before he leaned down to press a quick kiss to your lips.
“Fine, be back here tonight, not a second later.” He mumbled, placing one more kiss to your lips, the urge to always place kisses on you remained on his mind and he couldn’t help but give into it.
The way he loved how your lips fit perfectly with his and how soft and gentle they were had him weak and completely addicted to you in ways he didn’t think would be possible. The way your small hands would touch him even if it was just his hand or when you held his cheek, he would feel himself melting below your fingers and he had cursed to you for being so addicting.
The thought of losing you has crossed his mind a lot, mostly in his nightmares and he would have to carefully wake you up in your room, trying not to wake the other cadets just so you can go to his bed and comfort him until he fell back to sleep. So, he definitely wouldn’t let someone like his boss get in the way and separate the both of you. It would have to be over his dead body.
“Alright, I gotta go before people notice.” Your words muffled against his lips but he didn’t want to let you go, not yet.
The dramatic huff that left his lips made you laugh at how needy he was and clingy. You held his hand, opening up the door and stepped out, letting your fingers slip from his. He had watched you walk down the hallway until you disappeared around the corner and he shut his door, his heart instantly racing and feeling like a chunk was missing every time you would leave and he knew Erwin would be a pain once he found out how deeply in love Levi is with you.
thank youuu for sending in this request🥺 I think it turned out very cute.
Feel free to send me more ideas, it helps my brain flow and write more often!
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amortentiaparker · 3 years
be enough ⇒ p. parker
“Would it be enough if I could never give you peace?”
summary: peter tries to break it off when spiderman gets in between your relationship.
pairing: peter parker x fem!reader
word count: 3.4k
warnings: just one f bomb and a few swear swords sprinkled in
A/N: my first peter oneshot <3 likes and reblogs are appreciated! also, please do not repost anywhere— even if you’ll give credit.
inspired by peace - taylor swift
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High school is finally over and New York was surprisingly good to you. The weather reflects the warmth in your heart whenever you think about the days of freedom ahead. You weren’t worrying too much about college, in fact you were excited for the new journey that you were going to take. With Peter attending MIT, thanks to Tony Stark’s so called pull, and you attending Boston University in the fall, you two agreed to make the most out of New York during the summer; despite already having grown up in the city.
Today, you two were set to go to Coney Island. You and Peter prided in the fact that you were New York locals, knowing every nook and cranny of the often romanticized city.
But after watching a certain Olsen twins movie during the time when he forgot his Star Wars DVDs, you two decided that it would be fun to go exploring New York through the eyes of tourists. Just last week, he purchased matching I love NYC shirts for you and him from a vendor across Delmar’s, which earned him odd looks since the residents knew that he was definitely a kid of the city. 
The sky was clear and you couldn’t help but close your eyes, smile to yourself, and bask in the sunshine. You were waiting for Peter by your fire escape, knowing that he will still climb up even without his Spiderman suit. But you knew that he had it on him, no matter where he is or who he was with. 
You found out about his secret identity during junior year, even when you two weren’t together yet. You felt bad that you found out accidentally, through Ned who accidentally showed you a selfie of him and Peter wearing the suit sans the mask. You remembered how red Peter’s face turned and how Ned gave him a sheepish, apologetic smile. Turns out, Peter let it slip to his best friend that he was starting to develop feelings for you which lead to Ned playing wingman.
You felt bad that the discovery happened without it going according to Peter’s terms. His shocked face and stuttering left you wanting to pinch his adorable cheeks and assure him that nothing will change. But of course things did change- but for the better.
The two of you got even closer than before during junior year. By the end of the school year, you were sure that something was definitely there, so it was disheartening when you learned that you were off to some Mediterranean country for the first month of summer break. 
But even after everything, you treasured the summer time because it was when you came back from vacation with your family that Peter asked you to go on a date with him. 
And now here you were, nearly a year later, wearing a blue sundress similar to the one you wore on your first date with your favorite brown-eyed boy. The window to your bedroom was open, ABBA playing softly in the background, and the summer breeze gently blowing your hair to the side. It was serene. 
A ping! rang through the air.
Peter <3: you ready, pretty girl???
And within a second later, your boyfriend was already standing at your fire escape. You smiled at him and Peter returned the loving gaze. His eyes scanned you up and down which made heat rush to your cheeks. 
After grabbing your belongings from a nearby desk chair, you double checked if everything in your room was in place before taking Peter’s outstretched hand to help you out the window. When you two got off the stairs, you took it as the time to check Peter out, just as he did to you.
He looked very handsome in his white button up shirt, levi’s, and blue satin jacket. You smirked when it was his turn to blush and you tugged at his jacket to give him a small kiss on the lips. You intentionally opted to leave your jacket behind so he can give you his for when the summer night breeze settles in later. Peter nudged his nose with yours once your lips have separated. 
“You wore that on purpose.” You whispered teasingly as you tugged at the sleeve of his jacket; the shade similar to your dress.
“You wore that on purpose.” Peter repeated as his hand slightly pushed up the hem of your dress with the palm of his hand. 
You felt that familiar heat on your face return, so you decided to place your head against the crook of his neck and left a kiss by his sweet spot. Giggling, you pulled away when he groaned. 
“We’re gonna be late, pretty boy.” You grabbed his hand and proceeded to tug him along as you skipped down the pavement. 
Luckily, it was a weekday, meaning that even though it was a nice summer day, there weren’t many children around to wreak havoc on the amusement area. There were old couples, but there were also teenagers hanging out with their friends. You and Peter giggled to each other like children when you two recognized some younger students in Midtown that were obviously on their awkward first date.
“Ice cream or cotton candy?” He asks as he snakes an arm around your waist and places a chaste kiss on your shoulder. 
The two of you eventually got some ice cream on waffle cones, but that was after you spent your energy playing games and riding the attractions. You argued that Peter might throw up if you two got the ice cream right before getting on the cyclone. 
The sun has set by now, and the night sky is illuminated by the stars up above. Bright lights overpower the darkness, creating a glow on everybody’s faces. And as you expected, Peter’s jacket was now around your shoulders. It didn’t take a lot of convincing anyways, his heightened senses immediately noticing the goosebumps that littered your skin. 
You two walked hand in hand by the boardwalk, with his thumb occasionally rubbing circles on your knuckles- which the butterflies in your stomach went frantic for.
You two shared a giddy smile, as if an unspoken inside joke had just occurred, but you knew it was just Peter sensing the flips your heart is currently doing. In the back of your mind, there was a voice saying that he’d still know either way if he didn’t have his spidey senses. You found yourself giggling out loud at how adorably ridiculous “spidey senses” sounded. 
“Whatcha laughing at?” Peter playfully squinted his eyes at you. 
“Nothing.” You laughed even harder which caused your boyfriend to tug you closer to him. 
Peter raised his ice cream closer to your face and you squealed and tried to get free from his grasp. He was eating triple chocolate for god's sake! 
“Tell me,” He chuckled and brought the cone closer. “Or else.”
“Is that a threat, Spiderman?” You whispered the last bit. 
The grin on your boyfriend’s face widened and next thing you knew, you felt the cold touch your cheek. You gasped, but didn’t pull away. All you wanted was to listen to Peter’s contagious laugh forever.
The laughter died down, but a look of content washed over both your faces, a faint smile still painted on your mouth. 
Peter brought a thumb to wipe away the ice cream smudge on your cheek. It was as if time slowed down and he was the only thing on your mind.
He has consumed your thoughts and there’s not a day that goes by in which you don’t think about him. You can see that his hand still hovered over the side of your face and his eyes held a sparkle that not even the fireworks that were bound to go off later could match. I’m so in love with Peter, you thought to yourself. 
Pink blossomed across Peter’s freckled face and you knew that you had accidentally broadcasted your thoughts aloud. 
“I’m so in love with you too.” He said, voice soft- but you could hear it clearly above all the noise.
“We should go to the park.” You suggested. Peter knew exactly what you were referring to as he admired the dreamy gaze on your face. 
He nodded and laced your hands together once more. He placed a kiss on your forehead and you sighed in contentment. Life was good, peaceful even. 
The walk was filled with laughter and stories exchanged between you two. Whether it was a memory already told or one that was dug up from the back of your minds.
You quickly spotted the familiar wooden bench and the two of you made your way towards it. It was perched next to a tree which gave the perfect amount of shade, not that you needed it tonight though. 
You ran your fingers over the wood and smiled wistfully, “This is where you first kissed me.”
“Yeah,” Peter nodded before chuckling. “I was so nervous.”
“I know,” You teased. “But you’re big, ol’ strong Spiderman.”
“Spiderman doesn’t kiss,” Peter rolled his eyes playfully. “But so did I, so I didn’t know what to do.”
You couldn’t help but smile at your boyfriend’s sudden shyness. Looking around, you noticed that the park was mostly empty save for the vendors and a few women in business attire. But nevertheless, nobody was paying attention to each other.
You swung your legs over Peter’s, you sitting on his lap as you faced him. His arms found place on your hips on instinct and for a moment, the two of you sat there, eyes flickering from the other’s eyes and lips. 
You only got one kiss in when Peter gently pushed you away from him and he stood up from the bench, alertness and caution evident on his face. 
“I’m so sorry, baby.” He pleaded, guilt dripping from his voice.
He quickly pulled you to the side and unzipped his backpack. A frown settled on your face as you saw the teddy bear he had won you earlier next to the familiar spandex suit. Settling behind the large tree, Peter started to undress and got into his suit, frantically looking around to see if anyone was watching. You did the same and made sure there was no onlooker. 
As you were about to express your concern, a sudden explosion filled your ears, causing you to scream. 
“Shit!” Peter exclaimed. His gloved hands pulled you to him. “Are you okay?”
All you could do was nod as the two of you looked over to where black smoke was rising into the already polluted air. An orange glow started to show, but it was not calming like the one back in the amusement park. Unable to speak, you listened to Peter and heard him talking to Karen about the commotion. 
“Y/N,” He pulled you from your thoughts. “Stay here, okay? Don’t go anywhere, not until I’m back.” 
“But, Pete--”
“Baby, please,” You could hear the desperation in your boyfriend’s voice. “Karen already predicts it won’t spread here so just stay, please.”
“Okay,” You frantically nodded. “I love you, be safe. Please, please be safe.”
Tears were starting to blur your vision and the last thing you could properly comprehend was Peter slightly lifting his mask to press a kiss to your forehead before he swung away with his webs. 
An hour has passed, and you were still shaking in fear by the bench. You had clutched Peter’s backpack to your chest and tried to calm yourself down by taking in his scent that lingered on the jacket. A faint scent of smoke filled your nostrils, but you clung to the smell of cinnamon mixed with fresh linen.
You received multiple texts from friends and family, but only gave them a short reply reassuring them that you’re fine. Physically, you were, but your mind was going into dark places. Your thoughts couldn’t stop from conjuring up negative ones. As much as you wanted to check on Peter, you knew that it would not benefit anybody because it would distract him from doing his job. 
“We gotta go!” Peter suddenly appeared in front of you. He didn’t wait for an answer before he pulled you into him, right arm secured around your torso.
You squealed as you two ascended into the New York skyline. You just hoped that your nails weren’t digging holes into Peter’s suit because of how hard you were clinging onto him.
“Peter!” You cried out. You heard him mutter an apology under his breath as he continued to shoot webs from building to building.
You kept your head tucked under his neck throughout the entire journey. You didn’t even know where you two were going but the fear mixing in with the adrenaline held you back from asking questions.
You felt Peter’s momentum slow down and you noticed that it was brighter and louder now. Honks from taxi cabs clashed with sirens from fire trucks. He helped you settle on your feet, and kept you steady when your legs went all wobbly.
You were at your fire escape.
Taking a few deep breaths, your heartbeat eventually calmed down and you took in Peter’s shaking form. You heard him let out a sob and panic rose in your chest again.
“Baby, hey, what’s wrong?” You asked with a soft tone, and started to gently lift up the bottom part of his mask.
His breathing was frantic and you continued to completely take off the mask that clung to his skin. Peter wasn’t meeting your eye and you knew that his senses were still going haywire. You cupped his face in your hands.
“Hey, Pete..” You cooed. “Breathe with me, yeah?”
You two started to synchronize your breathing pattern and you felt his jaw starting to relax underneath your touch. He finally looked you in the eyes and the tears forming in his waterline broke your heart.
“Are you hurt?” You asked, starting to open your bedroom window with one hand while the other remained on his cheek.
“I—” Peter started but eventually let out a sigh. He started helping you lift up the window and helped you crawl inside your room.
You were confused when Peter was still by the stairs and wasn’t budging.
“Come on in, it’s okay.” You reassured him. You knew by the look on his face that he was blaming himself for how your night turned from peaceful to one involving you inhaling in smoke.
“Come here, it’s okay,” You stretched out your arms and started to pull him into your room. You knew that he was complying since you wouldn’t be able to move him by an inch if he wasn’t.
Your arms didn’t let go, but rather tightened around Peter’s figure when he set foot into your bedroom. You rested your head against his chest and let the faint sound of his heartbeat calm you down. A small smile crept on your face his hand rested on your waist and the other started caressing your hair softly.
“I’m sorry.” He let out. You only hummed in return, letting him know that you were genuinely fine with the events of tonight. “We should—”
You kept quiet, waiting for him to finish his sentence. You pulled away when he didn’t.
“We should what, Pete?” You whispered as your hand came up to cup his cheek again. To be honest, you didn’t know why the two of you were whispering. The apartment was empty and you wouldn’t be bothering anyone.
“We should..” Peter trailed off once again. You could hear him swallow because of how quiet it was in your room. “We should break up.”
You immediately retracted your hand, “What?”
“I’m so sorry, Y/N,” Tears were fully streaming down his face now. “But it’s for the best.”
You could not comprehend what he was saying. Something definitely happened earlier by the fire that was causing him to say such things. You never pushed Peter to tell you about things going on with his life as a superhero.
Of course, you ask him to share fun stories and what it’s like, but never have you pushed him to share the horrors that he has seen. You know Peter well enough that he will tell you about it whenever he was ready. And you respect that. But this time was different.
“Peter, what happened?” You asked firmly.
“It’s– it’s me, okay? You being with me is dangerous and I don’t know what I would do if something happened to you.”
“Peter, what happened?” You repeated, crossing your arms. “At the fire. You know that I am perfectly capable of handling myself.”
He lets out a frustrated groan and buries his face in his hands, “I know that! Don’t you think I know that? But.. but out there, there are seriously messed up people that won’t go down from a pepper spray to the face.”
You softly gasped as he started to raise his voice, but you stood your ground, “Peter, what—”
“He said your name!”
The room was quiet now. Silence between you and Peter had always been comfortable, the kind that only two people that truly understood each other rejoiced in. But you didn’t like the silence that followed after Peter’s words. His eyes bloodshot, and the lips you absolutely adored wobbling.
“He said your name, Y/N..” Peter continued with his shaky voice. “Said he knew you.. that you were my weakness.. and then I was filled with so much rage I lost control and he still got away.”
“Oh, Peter.” You cried. Tears were now falling down your face too as you cradled Peter in your arms. He was bigger than you, but right now, a scared boy shivered in your embrace.
You could never be mad at him. Not truly. And you understood where he was coming from. You would find yourself doing the same thing if you two switched places.
The two of you continued to hug each other in the dark, with silent tears running down your faces. But by the time you felt each other’s breathing to calm down, you two got up from the carpeted floor and you helped Peter get dressed.
It was quiet when you helped him out of his suit that smelled like smoke and into some fresh pairs of sweatpants and corny graphic t-shirt that he left by your place.
Eventually, you two settled on your bed, with Peter resting his head on your chest and you running your fingers through his chocolate curls. The silence was better this time around. But still, words need to be said and this was not some argument you two could just set aside for another day.
“Please don’t leave me.” You whispered and you felt Peter tense up.
“Never.” He found himself saying. But it was true. Peter could never leave you, no matter the circumstance.
“I love you so much, Pete..” You started. “And the guy from earlier was probably just some lowlife loser who starts fires with cheap hardware store gas.”
Peter’s contagious laugh rang softly in your ears and you continued your little speech. “So who the fuck cares about what he says? You’re a goddamn Avenger.”
Peter lifted his head and rested his chin by your stomach, “Yeah, but..”
“No buts, Parker,” You tutted. “I can kick some ass myself, ya know?”
Your boyfriend laughed once again and Peter found himself hovering over you. He placed a kiss on your nose as he laced one of your hands together.
“And I can teach you some sweet Spiderman moves.” Peter smiled against your lips and you found yourself mirroring his expression.
“I’m sorry. I’m an idiot for trying to break up with you.”
“There’s nothing to be sorry for, Pete.” You reassured him, squeezing his hand that was holding yours for extra measure.
You two fell asleep in each other’s arms after mindless talking and soft lingering kisses on each other’s lips. It was a cold summer night but Peter was right there, keeping your brittle heart warm.
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