#anyway I have missed a heap I know but I hope you’ve all been well xxx
reciprocityfic · 1 year
champagne problems, chapter eight
title: champagne problems fandom: little women pairing: theodore laurence x amy march rating: m summary: amy accepts fred's proposal, and laurie comes home and marries jo. but instead of it being the end of something, it's just the start of something bigger.
(or, how laurie and amy find their way back to each other.)
chapter one: champagne problems   chapter two: right where you left me chapter three: it’s nice to have a friend chapter four: the end is here chapter five: moments that we stole (on begged and borrowed time) chapter six: this godforsaken mess chapter seven: love slipped beyond your reaches
author's note: i so, so apologize for this long break. thank you to everyone still reading after all this time. it means more to me than you will ever know, and inspired me not to give up on this story.
cracks of light
My Dearest Amy,
I’ve been dreaming of you.  In my mind, you are beautiful and joyous.  In my mind, you are eagerly waiting for my return.  And in my mind, you love me still, despite my absence and all my mistakes.
I miss you desperately.  Although my dreams of you are pleasant, they are no substitute for being by your side.  I understand why you haven’t written back, but it still pains me to not hear from you.  I hope you are well.  I hope you are happy, as you are in my dreams.
Know that I am working every day to secure our future together.  I hope to return soon, but there are a few more things that must fall into place before I can come home to you.  Know that I think of you every moment.  And know, above everything, that I love you.
Wait for me, my love, please.
Forever yours, Laurie
She jumps slightly as someone knocks on the door to her room.  Carefully, she folds the letter in her hands and goes over to her desk, opening the top right drawer and placing it on top of all the saved letters that came before it.  She stares at the heap for a moment, runs her hand over the top of it.  She can feel the indent of the pen strokes on the delicate paper.  She imagines him alone in a hotel room, writing by candlelight, pen gripped tightly in his fist as he put words down on the page.
Her heart aches.
I miss you desperately.
She misses him desperately, as well.  And she wants to write to him more than anything.  But she’d solemnly resolved to live with as little of him as possible in his absence; after all, it was something she would have to get used to, almost certainly.  She still can’t see a future for the two of them - not one together, at least.  Although Laurie has been insistent in his letters that he’s working toward a way for them, he hasn’t erased the doubt in her mind or the sinking feeling in her stomach.
She’ll have to live without him, and there was no time like the present to practice.  Which meant no writing back.  No sketching him.  No visits to his home - not even any visits to Mr. Laurence.  She even avoided talking about him as much as she could.
“Amy?  Are you there?”
She jumps again; this time, it’s at the sound of Marmee’s voice.  She walks to the door, opens it to find her mother standing there, a sweet smile on her face that almost distracts from the slight concern in her eyes.
“There you are.  You’ve been up here a while.  Is everything alright?”
“Yes,” she says simply.  She’s never told her mother that she comes up and locks herself in her room for sometimes hours reading Laurie’s letters, but she suspects Marmee knows anyway.  Her mother always seemed to know everything about her.  It would be bothersome if her mother was anyone other than Marmee .
“Good,” Marmee says, her gaze relaxing.  “You have a visitor, dear.”
She freezes, and feels all the blood rush from her face.  It can’t be…
Her mother reaches out quickly and takes her hand.
“It’s not him,” she assures her.  “I would tell you if it was.”
She lets out a shaky breath, and looks down at the floor, cursing the disappointment that floods through her.  She even feels tears begin to gather behind her eyes.  She doesn’t know how her dread regarding seeing Laurie again can exist alongside how much she misses him, but the two of them do exist, creating a war inside her and constantly tugging her heart in two different directions.
“Come,” Marmee beckons, turning towards the doorway.  “It’s not good to keep company waiting.”
She follows her mother down the stairs, idly trying to figure out who would be here to visit her specifically.  It’s always a family event when Meg comes, and Marmee has already confirmed it’s not Laurie.
Could it be Fred?  For a moment, her stomach fills with dread.  But then, she remembers that his response to her letter ending their engagement and calling off their wedding had only arrived two days ago, and it had been postmarked from Berlin.  It’s impossible that he could’ve made it here by now.  And she doubts Fred ever wants to see her again; his letter, though polite, was quite curt, to say the least.
Her brow furrows; she doesn’t know that many other people.  Not anymore.  In fact, she’s utterly confused when she walks into the front room with her mother, until she lays eyes on the person in a chair next to her father, chatting pleasantly.
“Mr. Laurence,” she says, and the old man looks up from his conversation.
“Amy, my dear,” he replies, smiling fondly at her.
Her face brightens, despite everything, as Mr. Laurence stands and walks over to her.  In the time during Beth’s illness and after her passing, the man had truly become like a grandfather to her and her sisters.  She’d missed him dearly, she realizes, as a few tears begin to gather in her eyes.
Before Mr. Laurence reaches her, though, his face becomes serious, and he asks Marmee and her father to give the two of them a moment together.  Anxiety creeps up her spine as her parents leave the room.  Surely this has something to do with - 
“I have news from Laurie,” Mr. Laurence tells her, interrupting but confirming her thoughts.  Dread must show on her face, because the man quickly reaches out and takes her hand.
“It’s nothing bad, I assure you,” he says, leading her to the sofa.  As they sit, Mr. Laurence sighs.  “But Laurie said to be careful, because he didn’t know how you would react.”
The old man squeezes her hand as her stomach churns.  She turns her face away and stares at the floor, not wanting him to see her reaction to the news, whatever it may be.
“He’s coming home,” Mr. Laurence murmurs.
Her hand - still grasped in his - tightens reflexively, and she squeezes her eyes shut.  She’s silent for a few moments, waiting to speak until she’s sure her voice won’t tremble.
“When?” she finally breathes.
“His train arrives tomorrow morning.”
She doesn’t cry, surprising herself.  Instead, something quite like shock runs through her veins and stimies her emotions.  The idea that Laurie will be in Concord less than twenty-four hours from now seems almost unfeasible to her.  She’d spent so much time trying to avoid and forget him - even the concept of him.  She’d honestly wondered if she would ever see him again, despite what he wrote in his letters.  And now that he’s coming back, she isn’t sure what to feel.
“Are you alright, my dear?” Mr. Laurence asks, after long moments of quiet.
She feels numb.  Like so many different emotions are pulling on her at the same time that they’ve overloaded her brain and heart and broken her.
“Yes,” she decides, “I’m alright.  Did he - do you know what he’s been up to all this time?”
“I needed him for a week in Boston about a month ago,” he tells her.  “But other than that, I haven’t a clue.”
She nods, and then pulls her hand away from the old man’s, wrapping both of her arms around herself.  She feels strange.  Maybe stranger than she’s ever felt.
“I’m so sorry, Mr. Laurence,” she says, “but I’m afraid I need to excuse myself.”
“Of course,” he says, without hesitation, and stands up as she does.  “It was nice seeing you again, dear.”
She smiles at him politely, and then starts towards the stairs.  Before she exits the room, though, she hears Mr. Laurence’s voice echo from behind her.
“I do sincerely hope everything works out for you, Amy.”
She stops, and looks over her shoulder.  The old man gazes after her, his eyes shining with sincerity.  Before she realizes what she’s doing, she walks quickly towards him and envelopes him in a hug.
“Thank you,” she murmurs, then squeezes her eyelids shut again.  She can feel inklings of the pressure behind her eyes from tears, but they do not fall.
After a moment, she steps back from him.  She almost feels embarrassed, but when she looks up, Mr. Laurence is smiling down at her.  She nods at him again, and then starts back towards the stairs.
When she’s finally in her room and has closed the door behind her, she exhales loudly.  She still feels muddled and unsteady, and anxious energy starts to bubble up inside her stomach.  She paces back and forth in the small room for about a minute before pulling the chair out and sitting down at the desk.  She sighs, and then reaches into the bottom right drawer and pulls out a sketchpad and pencil.
When she was a child and needed to calm down after a quarrel with one of her sisters, she’d come up to her room to draw.  Art has always soothed her, and she hopes it will soothe her now.
She turns her head to the right to look out the window, but sees nothing that captures her interest.  She sighs in frustration, and then turns back to the blank paper in front of her.  Slowly, she picks up her pencil, tapping it against the edge of the desk twice before putting it to the page.
She writes down his name. Laurie . She drops her pencil, and traces over her small, neat penmanship, lets her fingertip linger over the letters.  Suddenly, she picks her pencil back up, writes his name three times more.
She decides to write him, that it will be easier to slip a letter under the front door of the Laurence mansion this evening instead of facing him in person tomorrow.  But she gives up only a moment later; she’s never been good with words, not like Jo.  And, in any case, she can’t get her thoughts straight.  The only word that comes to mind is his name.
Laurie, who’d written to her unfailingly time and time again even though she hadn’t written him a single thing in response.  Laurie, who'd said goodbye to her all those months ago, promising he’d find a way for them.  Laurie, who’d had the courage to confess for the both of them.  Laurie, who’d kissed her and held her and loved her like she was the most precious thing in the world.  Laurie in the rain.  Laurie in his study that first day, drunk and sorrowful.
Laurie, who’d stayed too long at his own wedding just to dance with her.
Laurie in Europe.  Laurie, who’d proposed marriage to her.  Laurie, who’d had the habit of gazing and smiling at her for moments too long.  Laurie, who’d visited her day after day after day in France during Fred’s long absences, seemingly trying to make up for his bad behavior by spending time with her.  Laurie in her studio at Aunt March’s.  Laurie, who’d unbuttoned her apron and called her beautiful and asked that she make her last portrait one of him.  Laurie, who’d forgotten about her and embarrassed her in front of everyone she thought mattered at the time.
Laurie, who’d been there to catch her when she flung herself into his arms on that street in Paris.
Laurie during her childhood.  Laurie, who’d bitterly left Concord and Jo behind.  Laurie, who’d helped her make flower bouquets the day before Meg’s wedding.  Laurie, who’d written her weekly at Aunt March’s house while Beth was sick, updating her on her sister’s condition and the family as a whole.  Laurie, who’d run alongside her on the beach during her first trip to the ocean.  Laurie, who’d given her a key to their mailbox in the forest that had a green ribbon because he said it matched her eyes.  Laurie, who’d saved her that day at the lake, carrying her home and whispering that she would be alright into the cold air.  Laurie, who’d bandaged her hand with the utmost care.  Laurie, who’d noticed her outside his window.  Laurie, who’d looked at her curiously after she introduced herself to him that first night, her eyes shining, and smiled.
Laurie, who, even though his attention had been absorbed by Jo, had taken the time to whisper to her, “Hello.”
“Laurie,” she whispers into the air, and the corners of her lips turn up.
She’s restless the next morning.  She wakes up before the sun rises and can’t fall back to sleep; every time she closes her eyes, Laurie’s face appears behind her lids.  So she lies on her back and stares at the ceiling until she hears the rest of the house stir.
Even Marmee, Father, and Hannah can’t calm her, though.  As they sit at the table, she can’t help but glance at the front door every minute, almost as if she can hear the beginnings of the knock she’s expecting.  She’s barely picking at a piece of bread during breakfast when she registers her mother’s voice.
“Meg should be coming today, with the twins and John.”
“It is Wednesday already?” her father answers.  “The week seems to be flying by.”
“Oh!” Hannah exclaims gently.  “I promised Daisy last week that we’d bake something together the next time she visited.  I’ll have to look at what we have around.”
“I’m going to go for a walk,” she says suddenly, tossing down her piece of bread and standing up abruptly.  “I’m not feeling well, and I think some fresh air might help.”
It’s not far from the truth.  She does feel unwell.  She feels like the walls are closing in on her, and her family’s conventional conversation grates at her brain and patience.
Her family knows better than to protest, and as they say their goodbyes, Marmee gives her a sympathetic, knowing, sad smile that makes her heart clench.  Before she leaves, she runs upstairs and grabs her sketchpad and pencil.
He’s been gone so long that it’s already spring again, and it’s warm enough outside today. The sun is shining, but there's still a certain chill in the air when the wind blows that harkens back to winter.  She’s forgotten her coat, but decides against going back for it.  Instead, she wraps her arms around herself tightly.
She doesn’t know where to go at first, but her feet lead her, and she follows them without question today.  She ends up on that beautiful hill where he’d proposed to Jo.  Where he’d confessed his love for her and kissed her for the first time.
She sits down on the sloping ground, her art supplies still clenched in her fist.  She brings them into her lap, puts graphite to paper.   She intends to draw the landscape in front of her, and she starts without thinking.  She’s a few minutes into her work when she realizes that, instead of trees and earth, she’s drawn the outlines of his face.
She stares down at the paper, pausing for a moment, and then goes back to work, purposefully drawing him this time.  The way he looked that day, right before he pressed his lips to hers.
And if you don’t leave now, I might kiss you .
She hadn’t left.  She’d stayed.  And he’d kissed her.
She doesn’t know how long she sits there drawing him - his windswept curls, red and pouted lips, eyes dark and purposeful - but she drops her pencil into the grass when she’s done, and flexes her cramping hand; she’d never been able to teach herself to be ambidextrous, as Jo had.  
She leans back slightly and examines her work, and can’t help but press her lips together in a sad, incredulous grin.  She’d tried so hard to forget him - she’d spent months trying to forget him - and had failed miserably, it seems.  Although she hasn’t seen him for months, she’s captured his details with near perfect precision.  She lifts her hand and runs her fingers over the pencil markings.
“I thought you’d given up on art, Raphaela.”
The sound of his voice startles her, and she nearly jumps off the ground before she registers that it’s him.  It’s Laurie.
She’d been wondering what she would do when she was in his presence again for his entire absence.  Would she scream, or cry?  Would she push him away?  Would she run to him?  Would she still love him?
As it stands, she picks up her pencil from the ground, and speaks without turning to him.
“How long have you been standing there?”
“Only a minute or so,” he tells her.  “You didn’t answer my question.”
“It wasn’t a question, so I have no obligation to comment on it,” she retorts calmly.
“Alright, Amy,” he relents.
Amy .  She closes her eyes, and lets the sound of him saying her name permeate her eardrums again.  She can hear the smile in his voice, as well.
She hears the rustling of footsteps, and then he’s sitting down next to her.  He’s close, but doesn’t touch her.  Instead, he pulls his knees up to his chest, and drapes his arms across them.
“You didn’t answer my letters, either,” he points out, after a beat of silence.  “I’ve learned to expect silence from you.  Quite a change from how it was when we were growing up.”
She’s about to defend herself, but then she sees the grin on his face, out of the corner of her eye - she still hasn’t looked at him fully, yet - and realizes he’s teasing her.
“Stop it, Theodore,” she huffs.
“Only for you, Amy Curtis March.”
She can feel his gaze on her.  He’s trying to make her smile, and she bites her bottom lip to hold it back.
Silence falls over them, and she’s overcome with subtle amazement - amazement that he’s here again, next to her, but primarily amazement that this is so easy .  There is a future full of questions ahead of her, she’s sure, but this - being with him - is still one of the easiest things she’s ever done.
His voice removes her from her thoughts, though, with an sudden rush.
“I’m no longer married.”
Her mouth falls open, and she finally turns to look at him. (He looks beautiful - tired, but absolutely lovely.  She would focus more on this if she wasn’t so confused at his statement, she’s sure.) He’s staring straight ahead, one of his knees bouncing nervously.  She gapes at him.
“What are you talking about?”
“Jo and I aren’t married anymore.”
“You’re -”
She doesn’t finish her sentence, because she can’t even imagine it.
“We’re divorced, yes,” he says.
“That’s impossible,” she counters immediately.
“No,” he tells her.  “It’s…difficult, but not impossible.  You have to have a certain amount of money, and know the right set of people, and be willing to give up a few things…”
“Like what?” she asks, and he sighs deeply.
“Your reputation, mostly.  Mine will take a hit, but Jo’s will fall off…quite a bit.  At least around here.  She said she’s staying in New York permanently.  Still, I was afraid she wouldn’t agree.  But then again, Jo March has never been one to care much about what other people think of her, has she?”
She can’t agree or disagree with his statement.  She’s still too busy trying to wrap her mind around what he’s told her.
“It’s impossible,” she murmurs quietly.
“It’s not,” he assures her again.  “Amy…”
He reaches out, puts his hand on her arm.  A warm current that stems from his palm flows through her immediately.  She stares down at his hand for a long moment.
“Divorced,” she whispers.
She covers his hand with hers tentatively.
“I’m…sorry,” she says suddenly.  “I’m sorry I didn’t reply to your letters.  I read them, though.  I read them over and over again, and kept each one.  They’re in a drawer in my desk, and I read them and read them and read them -”
She doesn’t realize she’s crying until he gathers her into his arms.  She grabs on to the lapels of his jacket and sobs once, nestling his face into his neck.
“I missed you so much,” she tells him.
Because she had missed him, even if she hadn’t admitted it to herself.  She’d missed him so terribly that the thought of it almost makes her ill, even though he’s here with her now.
“I missed you,” he murmurs into her hair.  “My God, Amy, how I missed you.”
He hugs her closer to him for a moment more, and then pulls back.  He reaches over to her, takes her face in his hand and tilts her chin up so he can look into her eyes.
“I love you,” he tells her.  “I love you, and I don’t deserve you.  Especially not now.  But I want you, and 
I want my future to be with you.  I understand if you don’t - if we’re together, your reputation will suffer as well.  So I understand if you -”
She kisses him quickly - to quiet him and his doubts that seem so silly now, mostly, but also because she’s missed kissing him so much .  When they separate, he’s smiling, and even though a few tears stream down his cheeks, he laughs.
She breaks into laughter as well, and they laugh together until they can’t breathe.  Anyone passing would think they were crazy.
But no one is passing.  No one is here, except her and him.  Amy and Laurie.
This is the way it was meant , he’d said, after he’d kissed her that first time.
Once they’ve calmed down, he reaches for her face again, and rests his forehead against hers.
“Amy. Will you marry me?”
He can barely get the question out before she gives her answer, teary and breathless.
“Yes .”
He smiles, and whispers, “Thank you,” before kissing her again, deep and slow.
She kisses him back, and feels, for the first time since she arrived back from Europe, that she’s finally come home.
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exactlypinkavenue · 15 days
she has a sister P2
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Angst and fluff to come. Please do not copy this 😭😭
(James potter has always been obsessed with Lily Evans. But what if lily’s sister, Rose Evans, was obsessed with James)
Rose POV:
I walked out of the infirmary smelling faintly of chocolate and bird poop, I wonder where those birds went after Dumbledore vanished them. Lily was very sorry, she came and apologized to me personally saying something about how “it’s her fault that potter injured me with his dumb fiascos, that if she had just put him in line earlier all this would have never happened” I love my sister so much. She’s my best friend, my guardian, the one who protects me from bullies. But I just can’t help but feel jealous. I wish I wouldn’t but I just can’t shake the feeling that without her, nobody would even know I existed. While I was lost in my thoughts I completely missed a foot sticking out in front of me. Before I could even think of dodging, I was on the ground with a big CRASH. And of course being me, I landed right in front of James potter. A giant heap on the floor and him just standing there in utter shock. In the end he just stepped over me with a “scuse me”. It might look bad but a few years ago he would’ve just dodged and kept on going, so this is a major improvement. Remus, James’s friend, on the other hand always helps through situations like this , it’s only because he’s more mature. “Are you okay” he said while he picked me up by the armpits “I’m okay, don’t worry” I replied while dusting off my skirt and sweater “you shouldn’t take that, stick up for yourself” “confrontation is not always the answer Remus” I then walked away with a content smile, happy with my results with James. James POV
“Can you believe Lily has a sister” “yes I’ve always known” answers Remus. “Excuse me, you’ve always known Lily’s had a sister and you’ve never told me” “well I remember you telling me on multiple occasions that you want Lily and only Lily” “well that was before Lily dumped me” “you were never dating” quipped Remus. “Remus please introduce me to her, I want to meet her please” “you already have” what, I have never met Orchid Evans or was it daffodil? Anyway Remus was lying if I met lily’s sister I’m sure I would remember her. “Remember the girl who tripped in front of us during the lunch rush” “yeah” “that’s her” “No way really? But she’s always been like some sort of background character. There’s no way that she can be the amazing lily’s sister.” “Yup, she is. If you were a little less blinded you would have seen her walking next to Lily all these years”
Rose POV:
dinner, my favorite time of the day. I decided to sit alone today since Lily was sitting with her boyfriend, Thomas, in the Hufflepuff table. I thought it wouldn’t be fair to force myself onto lily’s friends. I was half way through my shepherds pie when the strangest thing happened to me, James potter came to sit with me. “Um, I’m not Lily, I’m rose in case you got confused” I said knowing that this must be a mistake. There is no way that “the James Potter” would come sit with me. “Oh I’m not here for Lily, I’m here for you” WHAT JAMES POTTER HERE..HERE FOR ME. “Oh, um what can I do for you” “well I wanted to apologize. I heard how you were hurt by the chocolates I set up, so I’m sorry I hope you can forgive me” OH NOOOO he heard about the chocolate pelleting. Ugh I want to kill the person who invented those damn sweets. “Oh yeah don’t worry about, all in the past. I can’t even remember it. Chocolates, what chocolates” after what felt like an endless ramble I topped it of with a nervous laugh. “Um.. okay now that I know everything is cleared up, I guess I’ll be on my way. I hope to see you around though” he ended his comment with a playful wink that almost made me explode with joy. I think my luck has finally turned around.
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harley-sunday · 2 years
August Rush [02]
Summary: You’ve known Carlos for almost as long as you have been working in Formula One but you never expected it would take you seven years and a concussion to realise that maybe you like him as more than just a friend.
Pairing: Carlos Sainz jr x reader (OFC nicknamed Pip) | Max Verstappen x reader (best friends)
Warnings: None except tooth-rotting fluff 
Word count: 4.9k
AN: First of all, THANK YOU so much for all the love the first part got, you have no idea how much that means ♥ I hope you’ll like the next part - it’s pretty slow going (for now) but I like to think I make up for that with heaps of soft and caring Carlos :) 
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Why don’t you come stay with me? 
It seemed like a perfect plan - you’d spend the remainder of your summer break with Carlos in Mallorca where his family has a vacation home, Max would be reassured because you wouldn’t be alone, and you’d happy to spend some more time with an old friend, hopefully enjoying the peace and quiet of the largest of the Balearic islands all while recovering from that tumble you took a few days ago. It would be nice and who knows, it might even be fun.
Well, right now fun isn’t necessarily a word you would use to describe the predicament you find yourself in because after eight hours of relatively calm seas the tides have turned for the worse in the past two hours and the ferry you're on is rocking up and down and left to right on the rough seas surrounding Mallorca. You’re still in your cabin, sitting on the floor with your back against the wall and your eyes tightly closed while listening to a true crime podcast that doesn’t really do anything to distract you but at least provides some background noise. 
“Almost there,” you mutter quietly to no one but yourself, hugging your knees closer to your chest. For a moment you debate texting Max but you don’t want him to worry and so you decide against it almost instantly, knowing it’ll be better to wait until you’re back on solid ground again. 
A call comes over the intercom then, informing those on board that the captain expects to dock in thirty minutes and asking passengers to return to their vehicles on the garage decks and those on foot to gather in the boarding hall. With a groan you get up, cursing quietly when a sharp pain shoots through your head because you really thought that things would have gotten better after almost four days and so you’re a little frustrated that they haven’t. 
You carefully make your way back to the lobby, using the walls for support until you find yourself at the front desk and hand the girl behind it your key back.
She looks at you curiously, “Are you ok, miss?”
You try to smile but you’re a little unsteady on your feet and so you shake your head at her, “It’s a little rough, that’s all.”
“Yes,” she gives you a reassuring smile, “it tends to be a little choppy around here but we’re about to enter the Baia d’Alcúdia, it’s usually a lot calmer there.” She points to a row of chairs behind you then, “If you’d like you can sit down there until we dock.”
“Perfect,” you reply, not missing how relieved you sound, “thank you.”
When you get off the ferry about twenty minutes later you’re a little surprised to see it’s still dark outside, the streetlights casting a faint glow over the near-empty parking lot. You’re still nauseous and not really paying attention to your surroundings and so you don’t realise it’s Carlos who’s coming towards you until you almost bump into him at the end of the pier.
“Hey,” he says, holding out his arms for a hug, eyebrows knitting together then when you shake your head at him.
“Rough seas,” you tell him as if that explains it all but then again, it kind of does. You let out a ragged breath and warn him, “I feel like I’m about to throw up.”
Carlos pouts in sympathy but puts his hand on your arm and presses a light kiss to your cheek anyway, “Still, it is good to see you again.” Without asking he takes your suitcase from you and motions towards his car, a red SUV that even in your state you know is going to be fast. He throws you a wink and then, as if he’s read your mind, “I’ll drive slow,” 
“Thank you.” It comes out barely above a whisper and you doubt he’s heard you so you clear your throat and try again, “Thank you-” you wait until he’s put your suitcase in the trunk before you continue, “Not just for driving slow but for offering me to stay with you, that’s-”
“Pff,” he waves his hand around dismissively, “don’t worry about it.” He rounds the car then and opens the passenger’s door for you, “I’m actually looking forward to spending some time with you.”
Huh. Your nausea is temporarily forgotten as you try to figure out what exactly he means but before you have the chance to ask him he’s closed the door and is making his way over to the other side of the car. You watch him as he gets in, trying to see if there’s anything in his body language that might give something away even though you’re not sure exactly what it is you’re looking for. 
He seems oblivious as he starts the car but there’s a hand on your knee then, giving it a gentle squeeze, and he looks at you with a warm smile, “Just let me know if you need me to stop the car, ok?”
“Yep,” you nod, not missing the sharp pain that shoots through your head at the sudden movement and so you close your eyes and take a deep breath, willing the pain to go away. 
Carlos must have seen it though because his hand remains on your knee, “You ok?”
“Hmhm,” you agree half-heartedly. Another deep breath before you open your eyes again, “It’s already heaps better than it was but-” you hesitate when he looks at you like he doesn’t quite believe you. Maybe it’s better to be honest, you think, after all he needs to know what to look out for and so you tell him, “My head still hurts a little throughout the day, and I get these sharp pains whenever I make sudden movements, and when I stand up too quickly I get a little dizzy. Most of all I’m just really tired-” 
Carlos doesn’t say anything but the way he tilts his head tells you he’s about to.
“It’s nothing serious,” you offer quickly. “The doctor said it could take anywhere from a few days to a couple of months before I’m back to normal. I just- I have to take each day as it comes basically.”
“Will you promise me something?” He waits until you agree before he continues, “I know you like to downplay your injuries, I mean, remember that time in Austin when-”
“I do,” you tell him with what you hope is a reassuring smile but must seem like more of a grimace, not necessarily wanting to be reminded of the time you ran into one of the Toro Rosso engineers in the garage during qualifying. You took a tumble which resulted in a broken wrist even though you claimed it was nothing more than a bad sprain and held off a hospital visit until the next day when you could barely move your hand because it was so swollen. 
“Promise you’ll be honest with me this time?” He looks at you, “Don’t tell me you’re fine when you’re not, ok? I can handle it. Just tell me the truth.”
You nod, “I promise.” 
“Good,” another gentle squeeze before Carlos pulls his hand back and puts the car in drive. “ Like I said, I’ll drive slow, ok?” 
Fifteen minutes into the drive you suddenly remember you promised Max you'd send him a text once made it to Alcúdia and so you curse quietly and reach for your phone to make good on your promise.
Carlos says something then but you're a little too lost in thoughts to really listen, "Sorry, what?"
"I said I already texted Max," he says with a smile. "Told him you were a little seasick but otherwise ok."
"You texted Max?" You're not sure why it comes out all loud and squeaky but you don't think Carlos notices it. If he did, he's graceful about it.
"Yes," he says as if it's the most obvious thing in the world. "When I called Max yesterday he asked me to keep him updated in case you'd forget."
"You called- Yesterday?"
"Pip-" Carlos looks at you for a second, "You do remember Max and I are friends, right?" 
"Yeah-" you draw out slowly, not sure where he’s going with this.
“So I called and asked him if there is anything I should watch out for or-” he shrugs as if it’s no big deal, “-if there’s anything you can’t do just yet.” 
“What did he say?” You’re curious now and wouldn’t be surprised if Max told Carlos to keep you on bedrest for the next two weeks.
Carlos grins, “Wouldn’t you like to know?” When you throw him a look he quickly recovers, “Just what you told me earlier, that you still get dizzy sometimes and still have headaches. And that you still sleep a lot.” 
“Hmm,” you agree quietly.
“Don’t worry, cariño.” He shoots you a wink, “I will take good care of you.” 
Even though he keeps his promise from earlier, and almost drives as slow as you'd imagine an old lady would, your nausea is getting worse with each passing minute, the constant twists and turns in the road definitely not helping. When you’ve passed Artà you realise you’re not going to make it and quietly whimper, “I’m gonna be sick.” 
Carlos, bless him, understands it’s urgent and pulls over to the side of the road immediately but before he’s even unbuckled his seatbelt you are already out of the car, keeping one hand on the door for support as you bend over and wait for the inevitable. He sounds dangerously close when he asks, “You ok?” and so you wave your free hand in the air to get him to back off as you tell him, “I really don’t need you to see this.”
You hear him scoff, “Pip.” There’s a hand on your back then, rubbing soothing circles, “Did you forget what happened after that end of the season party in Abu Dhabi when we went-”
You let out a groan to get him to stop talking, remembering all too well what happened that night. It earned you a reprimand from Franz and a promise to never let Carlos drink that much ever again. 
“I’m just saying we’ve both seen each other looking worse than this,” he tries, speaking more quietly now, “so there’s no need for you to be embarrassed, ok?”
You only hear half of what he’s saying, too focused on your breathing - in through your nose and out through your mouth - even though you know whatever you try now is just delaying the inevitable and-
“There you go,” Carlos says as you deposit a sticky mess into the shrubs next to the road. He’s still rubbing your back and you have to admit it does help a little. “You ok?” 
You nod, not trusting your voice right now.
“I’m going to grab you some water, ok?” 
You almost whimper at the loss of contact but then quickly run the back of your hand over your mouth, praying you don’t look like the hot mess you feel like. An opened bottle of water appears in your field of vision then, his other hand on your back again but this time supporting you as you stand up and take the bottle from him. You take a hesitant sip, hoping it will stay down, and then one more when it seems it does.
“Feeling better?”
“Not really,” you tell him with an apologetic smile. 
“Come on,” Carlos gently puts some pressure on the small of your back with his hand and guides you to the back of the car. The trunk is open and he motions for you to sit down, “We’ll just sit here for a while, no?” He sits down next to you and nudges your shoulder with his as he nods towards his right where the sun has just begun to rise over the mountains, “Look. Mallorca says hello to you.”
It takes you about twenty minutes and Carlos distracting you with stories about the summers he spent here with his family before you start to feel better and then another five before you finally think you’re good to get back into the car again. You’re still a little nauseous but you think you’ll be fine for the remaining fifteen minutes Carlos promised there’s left of the drive, even though he tells you he’ll stop ten more times if he has to.
Still, you are grateful when he finally turns off the main road and onto a long driveway lined with pine trees and so you manage a smile when he tells you, “Almost there.” 
You can’t help but admire the house and the view that meets you, the blue ocean sparkling in the distance behind it. “It's beautiful here,” you tell him once he's pulled up, earning you a wide smile from Carlos. When you get out of the car you feel yourself getting a little dizzy and so you grab onto the door to steady yourself.
Carlos rushes to your side immediately, “You ok?”
“Yeah,” you take a deep breath and close your eyes for a second, trying to regain your balance. “A little dizzy, that’s all.”
“Take your time,” he says with a kind voice. “I will grab your suitcase.”
You let go of the door slowly, a little relieved when the dizziness seems to have disappeared, and so you wait for him to join you again before you let him lead the way towards the house. 
“I will give you the grand tour later,” Carlos says from over his shoulder as he opens the front door, “but for now I’ll just show you your room, ok?” 
Before you have a chance to reply a very excited Piñon comes bouncing towards you, barking enthusiastically when he sees his owner has brought a guest. With a calm, “Siéntate,” Carlos tells the dog to sit down and Piñon does so immediately. 
“Hey buddy,” you coo, greeting the dog with a smile and a pat on his head, letting out a laugh when he drops onto his back for some belly rubs. You’re not sure squatting down is a good idea and so you tell him, “We’ll cuddle later, bud. Promise.” You last saw Piñon when he was a puppy and so you’re a little surprised the dog seems to remember you but if anything you’re glad he does. 
“Come on,” Carlos nods towards his right, “let’s get you settled.” You follow him down a long corridor to what is going to be your bedroom for the next two weeks and watch him as he puts your suitcase in front of the wardrobe, a little enamoured when he asks if you need help unpacking.
“That’s ok,” you tell him with a smile. “I can always do that later.” 
“Ok,” he opens a second door then, “here’s your bathroom. There’s not bath, just a shower but-”
“That’s fine,” you quickly reassure him. 
“I guess I will let you get settled-” Carlos runs a hand through his hair as he looks back at you, “Do you want some breakfast or-”
Just the thought of food makes your stomach turn and after the night you’ve had you know it’s probably better if you try to catch up on some sleep first. You give him an apologetic smile, “Is it ok if I lay down for a bit?”
“Of course.” He smiles, “I’ll probably be in the garden with Piñon but you can always call me if you need me, ok?”
The sound of someone calling your name slowly pulls you out of your sleep but you don’t really want to abandon the nice dream you were having and so you keep your eyes closed, hoping whoever it is will give up eventually. There’s a hand stroking your hair then and now you’re really confused because who the fuck is in the room and why are they touching you? The first thing you see when you open your eyes is Carlos’ face about three inches away from yours and so you whisper, “What are you doing?”
He furrows his brows, “I have to wake you every hour, no?” 
“No,” you draw out slowly, your voice soft because this might be the sweetest thing he’s ever done for you and you don’t want him to think you’re making light of the situation, “that was only the first night.” 
He looks embarrassed, “Oh.”
“It’s fine,” you quickly tell him with a smile and without thinking you cup Carlos’ cheek with your hand to add some weight to your words. You’re about to pull back, not sure what made you reach out in the first place, but then he leans into your touch and puts his hand over yours and you’re not exactly sure what’s happening but you don’t really want it to stop either. 
Carlos lets go then and so you pull your hand back as well, a little relieved when he carries on as if nothing happened, “How are you feeling?” 
“A bit better,” you answer truthfully because even though you’re still a little tired, the nausea seems to have disappeared and your head doesn’t hurt as bad either. 
“Good enough for some breakfast?” 
You nod and watch him as he stands up straight again, “Sounds great.” You can’t help but yawn then, “Maybe give me ten minutes? I’ll go take a quick shower and try to wake up some more.” 
“So that was inside-” Carlos says as he puts his hand on the small of your lower back and guides you towards the terrace doors. Once you’ve finished breakfast he’s taken you on a tour of the house as promised, showing you what you can find where, while Piñon follows you around with his tail wagging. “Outside you have the garden with the patio-.”
You admire the big garden from where you’re standing on a wooden deck, shielded from the sun by a porch that wraps almost entirely around the house. There are comfortable looking lounge sets placed on either side of the double doors, and you’re not surprised outside has been just as tastefully decorated as inside the house. There’s a small patio a bit further back in the garden, a Wisteria-covered pergola above it, where you can see a large dining table with at least six chairs on either side of it. 
“And over there’s the pool,” Carlos says with a nod. 
When you look to your right you see a pool large enough to do laps in and you let out a quiet, “Oh wow.” 
Carlos pulls back his hand and runs it through his hair, “I know it’s a bit different from Monaco or Faenza, not exactly a busy city but-”
“It’s gorgeous,” you tell him with a smile, thinking about the teeny tiny balcony you have at home. “I wish I had a garden like this.” 
“I know this is going to sound stupid, but-” another hand through his hair then as he looks away, “Mi casa really es su casa, Pip. I want you to feel at home here, ok?"
"Thank you."
He throws an arm around your shoulders and pulls you close, "Stop thanking me, cariño. I already told you not to worry about it, no?"
You spend the rest of the morning unpacking and getting settled into your room, Piñon occasionally coming to check up on you but never staying for more than a few seconds.
Once you're finished you decide to go find Carlos to see what he's up to but when you get outside and see him doing laps in the pool you figure it might be best to leave him to it. The Formula One summer break isn't really the holiday everyone makes it out to be, the training schedules sometimes even more gruelling than they are during the season, and you know most drivers prefer to stay close to home, and rather take a vacation during the longer winter break, so they can keep up with their workouts.
You snuggle up on one of the lounge chairs close to the house where it's still surprisingly cool thanks to the cover the porch offers, Piñon laying down at your feet almost instantly. You can feel yourself getting sleepy, the last twenty-four hours undoubtedly catching up with you once more, and slowly but surely you drift into a restless sleep filled with dreams you're not sure you'll remember once you wake up. 
"Pass me the spoon?" Carlos holds out his hand without looking up from the pot he's stirring in, a quiet, "Gracias," escaping him when you hand him what he's asked for. 
You watch him from where you're sitting on the counter, more here for moral support than anything else, the dish he's making way too complicated for your skill level. When he holds the spoon in front of your mouth so you can try the sauce you simply lean forward and have a taste, not bothering to take the spoon back from him. "Oh," you shake your head at him, letting out a content sigh. "That is so good!"
"Yeah," you shoot back with a smile before you push yourself off the counter, "I'll go set-" but when you land on the tiled kitchen floor a sharp pain shoots through the back of your head and so you let out a groan, grabbing on to the kitchen counter for some support as you close your eyes in an futile attempt to lessen the pain.
"Are you ok?" Carlos sounds worried, and close, and so you're not surprised when you feel him cup your face carefully, his thumbs stroking your cheeks. When you don't immediately reply he tries again, "Pip? Talk to me."
He sounds so worried and so you quietly whisper, "Just-" a deep breath then. "Give me a second, ok?" You continue taking deep breaths - in through your nose and out through your mouth - and eventually the pain lessens and you can open your eyes again.
"Hi," Carlos whispers, relief washing over his face. "Welcome back."
"That was a bad one," you admit easily enough.
"Anything I can do?" 
You start to shake your head but then think better of him and instead you just tell him, "Not really." 
"Come on," he nods towards the living room. "Let's get you on the couch while I finish dinner." 
He drops his hands so he can take one of yours into his and then he leads the way, giving your hand a gentle squeeze to get you going. You're still a little unsteady on your feet and put your free hand on his arm for more stability. He doesn't rush, lets you take your time, and when you finally reach the couch he fusses over you and helps you get comfortable, "Try to relax a little, cariño. Dinner isn't ready for another hour anyway."
“Ok.” You give him a weak smile, suddenly feeling absolutely exhausted. When you watch him walk back to the kitchen you have to fight the urge to call after him and ask if maybe he wants to sit with you for a little while because you don’t necessarily want to be alone right now.
It’s weird, you think as you feel your eyes growing heavy, because you’d never even think to ask Max the same thing, the relationship you have with him so different than the one you have with Carlos.
You met both of them at the end of 2014, you the Toro Rosso junior press officer and Max and Carlos the rookie drivers signed on for next season, making them the youngest driver line-up on the starting grid that year. 
With Max it was easy, almost instantaneous, both of you wearing your heart on your sleeve and always honest, not just with each other but with everyone else as well. The attitude problem so many people accused him of having never bothered you and pretty quickly you found out that it was just a front anyway. The real Max Verstappen is kind and caring and easily one of your best friends. When he left for Red Bull you stayed in touch, almost spending more time together off track than on, and so it almost feels as if you’ve grown up together over the past seven years, both of you trying to find your way in the Formula One circus. 
With Carlos it was different. He came in desperately wanting to prove that he was more than just his famous last name and you often found yourself having to reign him in, a loose cannon that was unpredictable at best. At the same time he thought you were cold and calculated, which only made him rile you up even more. It took until the 2015 Silverstone Grand Prix, when a double retirement meant no points for the team, for you two to become less hostile, the drinks you shared in the hotel bar after the race finally making you open up to each other. 
That night, after a few shots, he suddenly turned to you and confessed he was afraid people would always see him as just his father’s son and that he would never live up to the expectations other people had of him. In return you admitted being a woman in such a male-dominated sport, even if it’s just as support staff, could be quite daunting at times which is why you so often refused to back down or give in. 
You spent the rest of the evening getting to know each other better and from there on out the friendship just blossomed. For the remaining two years you worked together you really became a team and while you weren’t exactly feared by the press, by then they also knew better than to mess with you because you’d often didn’t need anything more than one look to understand what the other wanted or meant. 
When he left for Renault you made him promise to keep in touch and he really took that promise to heart, not shying away from calling or texting you whenever he felt like it. You were one of the first people to find out he got signed by McLaren and then again when he got a seat at Ferrari. Over the years you developed a race week ritual of sorts, where he’d find you in the paddock on Thursdays or Fridays and you’d catch up over a cup of coffee in either your or his team’s hospitality. 
The biggest difference, you realise somewhere in your subconsciousness as you drift off to sleep, is that with Max you always try to match his strength while with you allow yourself to be vulnerable with Carlos.
You let out a groan and stretch out, slowly opening your eyes to reveal Carlos squatting next to the couch you fell asleep on.
"Hey," he smiles and brushes some of your hair out of your face. "How are you feeling?"
"Better,"  you croak, your voice a little rough from sleeping. "What time is it?"
Carlos chuckles then, "Almost eight. Dinner has been done for a while but you were so far gone that I figured I'd let you sleep a little longer." 
"Hmm," you reply, stretching your arms above your head, relieved when there's no sign of your headache returning. "You must be hungry."
From the way he hangs his head you can tell he's feeling a little guilty and so you don't say anything but instead wait for him to confess to whatever it is he has done even though you have a pretty good idea what it is, "I already had some."
"Oh Carlos," you breathe, trying not to laugh, your hand gently patting his cheek. "I'd be concerned if you hadn't." 
"Come on," he stands up and holds out his hand to you so he can help you get up. "Let's go eat."
The sun has long set by the time you finish dinner, the fairy lights hanging on the ceiling of the porch casting a warm glow over the small table you and Carlos are sitting at, with Piñon quietly snoring under Carlos’ chair. It’s not even that late but you’re starting to feel tired again and so you throw Carlos an apologetic smile, “I think it’s time for me to head to bed.”
He nods, “Of course.” 
“I really hope I won’t be as tired tomorrow,” you offer as you get up and start collecting the empty plates. 
Carlos gently swats your hand away, “Leave it. Piñon and I will clean up here, right boy?” 
Piñon sits up instantly, tail wagging and ears perched and so you let go of the plates and scratch the dog’s ears instead. 
“And don’t worry,” Carlos says with a mischievous smile, “I promise I won’t wake you every hour this time.”
You can’t help but let out a laugh.
He rounds the table then and presses a kiss to your cheek, “Good night, cariño. I’ll see you tomorrow.” 
“Yep,” you tell him, trying your hardest to ignore the heat rising to your cheeks even though you have a hard time convincing yourself that he has always been this physical and so it doesn’t necessarily mean anything that he kisses you goodnight. “See you tomorrow.” 
Notes:  Cariño = dear/sweetheart
Tags: @shes-homeward-bound​ | @chiogarza​
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hi, this is about the part 2 to stakeout company. maybe when they get home, they kinda don't talk about it but are very affectionate with each other, like maybe they cuddle on the couch in the common room or hold hands and stuff and the team notices and maybe sam gets enough of it and asks what's going on between them but they look at each other and are like, 'we dont know, we haven't really talked about it' and maybe bucky says 'but im pretty sure we're together' and then sam freaks out and leaves and then reader teases bucky about it and they kiss?
i dont know, maybe its a shitty idea but its an idea nonetheless and dont do it if you dont want to
much love x
Time to Talk
Part 2 to "Stakeout Company"
A/N: This could never be a shitty idea! It’s amazing and I’m so happy you sent it in!! Thank you so much, love! :)
I hope you all enjoy and as always, any feedback is appreciated!
Pairing: Bucky Barnes x Avenger! Reader
Warnings: angst/fluff, violence, weapons 
Part 1
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The past week has been… interesting, to say the least. After Bucky’s affectionate cuddling session with you during your stakeout, the two of you have been acting like a couple. Funny thing is though, you’re not. You haven’t even discussed what went down during the mission. There’s unspoken words between you and you both know it. You’re just living in blissful avoidance. 
Bucky’s never been great at expressing his feelings and you, well you are supposed to hate him. That’s what everyone else thinks anyway. You feel like it’s easier to keep up the façade then explain it to everyone, but unknown to you, some have already noticed. 
It’s a Thursday afternoon and after a long, morning training, you and Bucky are sitting on the couch, your head resting on his shoulder. 
“I’m gonna be so fucking sore,” you groan. 
Bucky rests his hand on your thigh. “Maybe I can-” 
“Maybe you can what?” 
The two of you jump apart at the sound of Sam’s voice as he sits down on the chair across from you, staring at you expectantly. 
Your hand is resting over your heart as it beats erratically in your chest. “Sam! You scared me. I didn’t know you were standing there.” 
“I bet you didn’t. Otherwise, I’m sure you two wouldn’t have been acting the way you just were.” 
Bucky sighs. “Look, Sam, we can explain.” 
“Can you? I thought you two hated each other and now, you’re all cuddly and shit. I’m confused. The whole team’s confused. Hell, even you two look confused.”
You look over at Bucky. “Well, we haven’t really talked about it.”
Bucky looks back at you and nods. “Yeah, we haven’t.” A grin appears on his face. “But, I wouldn’t mind if we were official.” 
All the feelings you’ve been recently suppressing come sliding up your body, ready to slip out at any moment. You fight to keep them down, not wanting to scare Bucky away with how much you actually care for him. 
“I’ve gotta go.” Standing up, you give Bucky one last glance before rushing towards the elevator, your heart breaking with each step. 
You realized the next day that you crushed Bucky’s heart. He avoided you at all costs, refusing to even look at you. 
Now, a week later, you’re on a mission and of course, you’ve been paired up with him. 
As the two of you walk through the building, it’s dead silent, neither of you daring to speak. You want to apologize, tell him you were just scared, but the looks he’s giving you makes you think you should just keep quiet. 
“Y/N, Buck. You guys almost in the lab?” Sam asks over the comms. 
You steal a glance at Bucky and sigh. “Yeah, right down the hallway. I’ll let you know when we’re in.” 
When you enter the lab, you split up, the both of you heading in opposite directions to download data from the computer systems. 
It’s now that you decide it’s a good time to talk. “Why have you been avoiding me?” 
Bucky groans. “Seriously, Y/N? You wanna have this talk now?” 
Sticking your flash drive into the computer, you click to start the transfer process. “Why not now? We’re alone.” 
“Are you really though?” 
Quickly turning around, you face off with three guards. “Shit. I was really hoping to have a breakthrough with the man I have feelings for, guys. Is that too much to ask for?” 
Bucky’s head whips to the side. “You have feelings for me?” 
One of the guards chuckles. “This is cute and all, but you’re not leaving with that flash drive.” 
You look down at the drive in your hand. “Oh, right.” You smirk. “Guess you’ll have to come and get it.” 
One of the guards rushes you and you jump to the side, pocketing the flash drive into your boot before fishing around in your belt for your knives. When you come up empty handed, you want to kick yourself. You forgot them. You actually forgot to bring your knives to a mission. 
“Fuck me,” you groan out loud. 
“What’s wrong, doll?” Bucky asks from across the room, in the middle of dodging a punch from one of the guards.
You kick your leg into a guard’s chest. “Forgot my knives!”
In an instant, a knife slides your way. “Take one of mine!” 
Picking up the knife, you send a quick grin in Bucky’s direction. “God, I like you so much.” 
Bucky grunts and continues dodging punches. “Why’d you run off like that then?” 
You slash the knife at the guard in front of you, narrowly missing his chest by a few inches. “I was scared! It’s been a long time since I’ve been with someone romantically and you make me feel things I’ve never felt before!” 
The guard kicks out at you and you flip onto the floor, slicing your knife into his ankle. He groans as his step falters. 
“You don’t ever have to be scared with me, doll! I’ll always protect you!” 
As the guard is focused on his ankle, you climb up to his neck, wrapping your thighs tightly around his throat. “I know you would! I’m just an idiot!” 
You use all your strength to knock the guard over, falling onto your back hard. You groan, but continue to choke him until he passes out. Once he does, you’re back on your feet, heading towards Bucky and the two other guards. 
Bucky gives you a quick smile. “You’re my idiot.” 
You smile to yourself as you lunge at one of the guards, throwing your hand out to punch him in the throat. “Did you hear that?” You question the guard. “I’m his idiot. How sweet.” 
Bucky lets out a deep chuckle as he knocks the guard he’s fighting in the head with the blunt of his knife. The guard falls down in a heap, landing right at Bucky’s feet. 
When he turns to look at you and the guard you’re fighting, he swipes the sweat off his forehead. “Let’s hurry this up so I can kiss you already.” 
“Sounds good to me!” 
The two of you swarm the last guard together. Bucky grabs his waist, while you swing your leg in the air, kicking him square in the head. Bucky ducks before your foot connects with the guard’s head, sending him into the wall next to you. 
When you look at Bucky, he’s already staring at you. “Is this what we’ll be doing now as a couple? Fighting together? Because it’s kinda hot.” 
You smack his arm. “You’re insatiable.” 
Grabbing your arms, he pulls you towards him. “Only for you, doll.” He grabs your chin, tilting your head up to his. “Now about that kiss-”
His lips press against yours, claiming your mouth. “Worth the wait,” he groans into the kiss. 
You chuckle before kissing him harder, biting down on his lower lip. 
Bucky grips your waist. “The things I’m gonna do to-” 
“We can hear you, ya know!” Sam yells in the ear comms, disgust laced in his voice. 
Laughing, the two of you separate while grabbing your comms in sync and throwing them onto the ground. 
“That solves that problem,” Bucky laughs before pressing his lips back onto yours. 
It sure does, you think to yourself, getting lost in the feel of him against you. It sure does.
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dadsbongos · 3 years
gentle lover
(1)gentle lover (2)burn me to the ground Movie/Game/Show: Loki Dynamic: Loki Laufeyson/Reader Warnings: spoilers for infinity war/1st episode of loki ig, fem pronouns Summary: Loki almost wishes he could've experienced the life he's watching of you and him together. ~~~
There’s something about looking upon the gentle face of a lover and coming to the realization that you’d do anything for them. It isn’t as though you never knew - the knowledge was already there, it just took a few seconds for the thought to become cemented as truth. Loki sees this in himself as he stands before the TVA projection of his life.
He’s paused at a moment on an unnameable planet. He sees himself standing on a balcony in what he assumes to be a late-night, but instead of staring up at the stars, he’s looking upon a woman beside him. She’s looking at him as well. They share the glance with smiles - and that’s what alarms Loki most. The smile he sees is one he hasn’t felt in years. It’s small but it’s more genuine than the leather he was wearing moments ago. It’s a smile he hasn’t felt since before he knew about Laufey. Since before his mother…
He knows that woman. One of Thor’s Midgardian friends. The one assigned to watch and guard him in New York.
He doesn’t know why she’s there with him. He doesn’t know why she looks so content to be on another planet with him. He doesn’t know why he looks so at peace at her mere presence. He doesn’t know why it makes him miss a reality he’s never even known to exist.
He almost wants to be there, just to know what it is about that woman that brings him so much tranquility at that moment.
She’s just another bug, their difference in lifespans is proof enough of that. But Loki knows that look, as much as he hates to admit to his own conscience, he knows that feeling smeared across his own face. It’s caring. Tender. A softness he’s never felt for others is now on full display to a Midgardian.
Loki clenches his jaw and resumes the projection.
He watches the two slide their hands together on a railing, interlocking their fingers.
The Loki onscreen’s eyes flicker between hers and their joined hands. It isn’t even him that speaks first, it’s her.
“When this whole thing is over and Sakaar is ruined and Thor has the throne, where will you go?”
Silence is passed between them, Loki brushes his thumb over her knuckles, tilting his head to the side briefly in thought, “Where will you want me?”
She chuckles and shakes her head, “You wouldn’t want to go to Earth. Unless you’d like the Avengers up your ass.”
They giggle together, ignoring the very real reason why the Avengers would be so onto him in the first place. Loki blinks at the woman, scooting closer to her, “I wouldn’t be fond of that… but for you, my dear, I’d tear the universe apart.”
He kisses her knuckles and she merely jokes back, “That sounds like exactly why they wouldn’t want you. Sorry to say they’re not fond of universe-tearing.”
“I’m charming and romantic and this is how I’m repaid?”
“However,” she stresses with a broad grin, “I can’t say that’s not excellent bargaining to keep you on a leash.”
Loki’s brows furrow and he nearly pulls back, “Like a dog?”
“Well, now,” she bites her lip in thought and looks away at the dystopian city below, but Loki still looks at her.
He looks at her as though she’d sewn the very realms together. As though she’d hung all the moons and suns and stars and planted every sweet flower and harvested every fruit. He looks at her like she’s the beginning of his world - and he knows that it also means that, if she asked right then and there, he’d help her destroy the world too. He looks at her as though she’s the only true love he’s ever known. And for all this Loki, watching himself and this woman be entwined, knows - she probably is. He can feel it through the very projection he’s watching, and so he plays another scene with her in it.
“For a woman who could undoubtedly tear people apart, you master the role of a noblewoman, love.”
“Well, that’s a relief.”
Her response is dripping in lighthearted sarcasm and it manages a laugh from the Loki onscreen as he lays back in a shared bed.
“I am somewhat on the espionage scene, it’d be a little embarrassing if I couldn’t even pull off a little role like this.”
“Even so, I admire you for it.”
“At this point, it’d be rarer to find something you don’t admire me for,” she lightly huffs, a smile tipping at her lips as she finishes tying up her dress, “Not that I’m complaining. It's a huge ego boost.”
“There certainly is much to admire about you,” Loki shows his palms as if to display a sort of surrender.
Before more can be said, the projection is paused once again. Loki closes his eyes and lets his head down in the silence - almost expecting that voice to creep through his mind again. He can hear her now, in his head. He knows that out there, in those other variations of him on the sacred timeline that haven’t yet become Variants, they can probably hear her too. In a more realistic sense, of course. Because if they’re determined to fall in love, there must be one of her fated for every one of them. And he almost pities the fact.
He plays the projection in bits and pieces.
“My mother…”
“Loki, stop, you don’t have to.”
“I wish to, dear.”
“My mother, I truly feel that she would’ve adored you.”
He takes in their love story as it comes and he struggles down what feels too intimate for even him to watch.
“Do you ever worry about the day when you wake up and I don’t?”
“Yes, of course, I do.”
“What will you do?”
“I prefer to not think on that.”
“You think about everything.”
“Some things… are better left unplanned for. At least for now, when that isn’t a valid worry in my mind.”
He almost wishes he hadn’t touched that tesseract. Just to live a life where he gets to see first-hand how this human woman manages to creep under the walls he so carefully spent years crafting.
“I love you.”
“Poor choice, really.”
“Loki. Seriously. I love you.”
“I love you, too, dear.”
It’s bizarre to see himself love. It’s bizarre to watch as he cares for a being he once would’ve had no qualms ruling over. It’s bizarre to know that this is what could’ve been the happiest times of his life if he hadn’t picked up the tesseract.
“Did you ever imagine yourself here?”
“On a spaceship with a bunch of Asgardians and the gladiators from Sakaar? No, never.”
“I meant with me.”
“I know, I was just messing with you. And… no. To be honest. I thought maybe I’d have to watch you as a guard or something. With the whole trying-to-take-over thing, but never that I’d be your girlfriend.”
“‘Eh’? The hell does ‘eh’ mean? I am!”
“It sounds so… juvenile. Girlfriend - boyfriend.”
“What? Wife sounds better?”
“In honesty? Yes, it does. I’d much rather call you my wife than my girlfriend.”
“You can’t joke about that! I’ll get my hopes up.”
“Who said anything about joking, dear?”
And as he comes to the end, as he watches himself be lifted by the titan he’s come to fear more than anything, he hears her. Her mourning. Her screaming. Her pleading. Her gut-wrenching cries.
He watches her and Thor crawl to his body and sprawl themselves over it in heaps of hiccupped tears and choked sorrows.
“You were supposed to out-live me… Loki, please. You’ve come back before, Loki, please, come back again. Come back again… I can’t - I can’t live this life without you, Loki… please… please come back again…” she sounds as though her heart itself has been ripped from her chest and torn in two before her very eyes, “You were supposed to out-live me… Loki...”
He looks away from the screen. Decides that now is too much. He can’t watch her lose what she saw as the world. Loki barely knows her and yet he knows himself enough to know if he watches her grief then he’ll want to mend it.
Looking upon her and seeing how deeply and irrevocably she’d cared for him, knowing of his past and forgiving his ways and loving him anyway, he knows he’d want to end her cries. It’s that feeling of realization that makes him feel ridiculous for wanting to do so much for a Midgardian he hasn’t fallen in love with yet.
It’s a feeling of realization that he’d do anything for that lover of his, when he gets to love her. If he gets to love her.
And it’s that ‘if’ that makes him understand why Mobius was so interested in making him watch his own life. His own future. It makes him realize what he wants but can’t have. His brother, his love, his happiness - it gives him something to want. Lying just out of reach.
So long as he’s compliant with the TVA, he assumes. Otherwise, he’d have to tear the universe in half to even see that Midgardian woman once again.
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sweetchup · 3 years
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an aquatic mollusk that has a compressed body enclosed within a hinged shell, such as oysters, clams, mussels, and scallops.
The Most Common Seashell in the Ocean
Vol. 1: Just Keep Swimming // Ch.1
Type: Poseidon x reader
Word Count: 1,800+
“Ok… ok… is there anyway you could—… no? Wait please don’t—…” You let out a sigh as the other side of the phone line goes dead. “Another miss…”
You crumple to the floor of your bedroom in a heap. The storm was still in full swing outside even though hours had gone by and it was now dark. It seemed the storm had caused quite the ruckus in Athens—the capital where you were staying at—and most emergency services were busy.
They even ignored you at the police station you went to earlier, though it likely didn’t help your situation that you couldn’t even speak their native language of Greek…
“No, no. Lost. Child. Not mine.” You explained once more to the officer in front of you, the only one in this place that knew of the slightest hint of english.
The officer only shakes his head once more at you before walking away, turning his attention to the other patrons here that needed help. You wished it was just that they didn’t understand you—that they didn’t understand that you had found a lost boy struggling at sea—but it was slowly becoming clear that they just didn’t believe you.
Tan skin. Brown hair. Brown or green eyes. That was what the average greek boy here looked like. A big contrast from Triton, the pale skinned blonde haired blue eyed boy who you were currently holding in your arms. They just simply didn’t believe that he was a Greek child that had gotten washed away at sea during the storm.
It also didn’t help that no one had called in a lost child that had a similar description to Triton. And, with no other option and too much to do, the police just chose to ignore the glaring problem right in front of them.
“Miss (Y-y/n)?”
At Triton’s call, you looked down at the boy and realize that the more that you look at him, the stranger he gets. Soaked from the rain and sea, you would have expected him to be shivering like a leaf but he was as still as stone. As if he couldn’t even feel how cold his skin was right now. As if he was used to being soaked with the coldest depths of the ocean.
“Miss (Y/n)?” Triton calls again, snapping you out of your thoughts.
“Ah, sorry, I spaced out. Yes?”
“I-I…” You watch patiently as the boy begins twiddling with his thumbs. As if he wanted to tell you something but was quite embarrassed to be so.
“Is something wrong, Triton?”
“N-no!” The boy shouts out, the loudest you’ve heard him speak so far, before instantly realizing his tone and caving in on himself. His shoulder and back slumping forward as if to hide himself from your sight.
“It’s alright. You can tell me, I don’t mind.” You reassure the boy. You can’t help but sincerely wonder what happened to him. What happened to the little boy, who looked no older than 10, that made him so scared and skittish? And you doubted that getting lost at sea is what caused it.
A loud growl cuts off Triton and not the animal kind either.
“Oh… are you perhaps hungry, Triton?” You ask the boy as he bashfully ducks his head into your shoulder out of embarrassment.
You can’t help but let out a small chuckle at Triton’s antics. Even though he was quite strange, he was still a cute child at heart.
“Well let’s go grab something to eat. It seems there’s no one to help us here anyway.”
As you reminisce about Triton—who you soon find out after that is a lover of raw fish, extremely strange if you had to say so for yourself—you can’t help but wonder where he went.
After you took him back to your place, a small, only two rooms, one bath apartment you rent near campus, you allowed him to take a shower and borrow some of your clothes. He should still be sitting in the living room watching some cartoons and eating after you left him to take a shower and make a couple of phone calls, all unsuccessful by the way, but it had been well over an hour. You wonder if he could have perhaps gotten bored by now.
Deciding it wouldn’t hurt to check up on the boy, you sit up from your spot on the floor and make your way out of your bedroom.
“Triton, is every—“
You stop mid sentence as you take in the scene in front of you. Water…. Water was floating. Triton was floating as well.
It was hard for your brain to rack around what you were seeing. Triton, the strange boy that you had saved from the sea, was floating in your living room on top of a bubble of water. He didn’t seem surprised in any way either as he was in the middle of playing with some tiny bubbles of water himself. Separating and un-separating them at will.
“T-Triton?” You call out again, this time catching the boy’s attention. His face turned to one of surprise and shock as he released the bubbles of water allowing it and him to crash to the floor. Even though your living room floor was now soaking wet, that was the least of your worries.
“M-Miss (Y-y/n), how long were you…?” Triton’s voice trails off as he realizes the question was not needed, you had already seen enough. He begins to pale at all the possibilities. Even though he was in fact a god and could not be hurt by human weapons, there were still many things that could happen to him. He was still a child after all, no were near his mother’s and father’s level of strength.
“Triton…” Your voice calls out again causing Triton to flinch as you draw closer to him, “Are…are you okay?”
Triton, whose gaze was locked at the floor, turned his head upwards in surprise to look at you. Your gaze was not one of disgust or anger. No. Nor was it cold, a gaze he had come to know that his father often wore, or of disappointment, a look his mother often glared at him with. No. Your gaze was kind. Sure, it looked confused but it was also filled with warmth out of concern for him.
Triton felt the hot bubbling feeling of tears in his eyes. He would normally try to hold it in, forcibly stop himself from crying as he knew if his mother found out she would surely beat him. But, he didn’t.
He let the tears spill out. Tears that felt hot against his cold marble skin. Marble skin that was an aching reminder that he was a god, a perfect being. That he shouldn’t be feebly crying in front of a human like this.
Yet, as you wrap your warm arms around his shaking form, he finds himself not minding his warm tears. Warmth reminds him of you, the only one who dared to comfort him. Not his father, nor his uncles and cousins, or the servants, and never, never, his mother.
Triton finds himself crying again. Instead of out of fear, it is out of misery this time. He wished he wasn’t a god, he wished he didn’t eventually have to go back to his terrible mother, he wished that his father would pay more attention to him and show him something… anything. He wished he could just stay like this in your arms. A stranger that was more of a mother to him in less than a few hours, than his own mother was in his hundreds of years of existence.
“It’s okay, Triton. Everything will be okay. I’m not angry.”
Triton couldn’t help but think how he never doubted you in the first place.
As you run your hands through the Triton's hair, who was curled up on your lap, you think about what he had told you.
“So you’re a god…The son of Poseidon and Amphitrite…”
“Yeah…” Triton whispers out, his voice slightly strained from all the crying he had done.
A god. Triton was a mighty Greek god. Even though you couldn’t wrap your head around the situation, you knew you had to. Especially after all that has happened up til now and if you were—
“Are…are you angry?”
You pause for a second, shocked slightly at what Triton had muttered out, before finally answering, “I’m not. Not at all. I just…”
You wondered how you should phrase it.
“… I don’t know how to get you home, Triton.”
The silence is overwhelming after. You didn’t know if you should have told the young boy that but it also wasn’t right to lie to him. You feel Triton shift under your arms and you loosen your grip as he slowly sits up.
“I…” Triton starts before pausing. His gaze shifts from his hands to your eyes, the first time the boy had ever locked eyes with you since you saved him. It reminded you how icy blue his eyes were, a blue that you now realize is not possible for a human to obtain. At least not naturally. A firm reminder that Triton wasn’t one, he was a god. “I… I don’t want to return home.”
“What…” You say startled, “Ok, then how about one of your uncles or—“
“No. I…I want to stay here. With you Miss (y/n).”
Stay here… with you. You didn’t know what to think. You were a struggling college student who spent hours upon hours studying every day. Could you even take care of a child, nevertheless a god? What about his mother, who Triton explained was a horrible being? Or his father, the king of the sea? Could you protect Triton from them? From a god, a being so much stronger and powerful than you?
“I…” You started before abruptly stopping. You wanted to protect Triton, help him. You had to find a way. You couldn’t abandon the child before you like this. Not after hearing his anguished cries for the last hour. As you held him, you felt as if he was made of glass. Like if you even squeezed him too tightly he would shatter into a million pieces in your arms.
“I…I can’t assure anything, I am just a human after all. But you can stay here for as long as you want Triton.”
As you watch the young boy before you smile and collapse in your arms, it was then that your mind had decided. You would protect Triton for as long as you could,
…no matter the cost.
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Author Note: Oooo things are heating up. It seems Triton and Zeus have opposite plans for the reader and that could spell trouble. Hehehe. Anyway, I hope everyone enjoyed this chapter, I am immensely thankful for all the support that got shown on my prologue chapter of this series. Please contunie to give your support and tell me your opinions about my work. It really does help as it shows what I can improve on in future chapters and works. Till next time 💕💕
Taglist: @angeli-fucking-cat @marixxhq
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inkmemes · 3 years
futurama  (  1999  -  2013  )  sentence  starters  ↪  taken  from  the  animated  science  fiction  show.  alter  as  you  see  fit  ♡
“let's get the hell out of here already! screw history!”
“when you do things right, people won't be sure you've done anything at all.”
“you have to use a light touch, like a safecracker or a pickpocket.”
 "stop! the spirit is willing, but the flesh is spongy and bruised."
"she's stuck in an infinite loop and he's an idiot. that's love for you."
"all i know is my gut says maybe."
“i've never seen a super nova blow up. but if it's anything like my old chevy nova, it'll light up the night sky!”
"every christmas my mom would get a fresh goose, for goose-burgers, and my dad would whip up special eggnog out of bourbon and ice cubes."
"what do i look like, a guy who's not lazy?"
“is heaven missing an angel, cuz you've got nice cans!”
“help! a guinea pig tricked me!"
"[name], if i said you said you had a beautiful body, would you take your pants off and dance around a little."
"drugs are for weirdos and hypnosis is for weirdos with big eyebrows." 
"[name], it would never work between us. you're a man, and i'm a woman. we're just too different."
“screw you, ill have my own contest. with black jack ... and hookers. forget the contest.”
“ah, she's built like a steakhouse but she handles like a bistro.”
"spare me your space age techno babble, [name].”
"it's sort of a two person pyramid scheme."
"i don't want to live on this planet anymore."
"you were doing well, until everyone died."
“if we hit that bullseye, the rest of the dominoes will fall like a house of cards. checkmate.”
“i am the man with no name. [muse name], at your service.”
“in the game of chess, you can never let your adversary see your pieces.”
"this is the worst kind of discrimination, the kind against me."
"you watched it... you can't unwatch it."
“valentine’s day is coming? aw crap! i forgot to get a girlfriend again!”
 "hold on to your dookie, it’s about to get spooky!"
"i'm tired of this room and everyone in it."
"i'm so embarrassed. i wish everyone else was dead."
"you can't just have your characters announce how they feel! that makes me feel angry!"
"i don't have emotions, and sometimes that makes me very sad."
"if, for any reason you're not satisfied, i hate you."
"that young man fills me with hope. plus some other emotions which are weird and deeply confusing." 
"i've dreamed about you a lot since you disappeared. what did you want to tell me?" 
"what do you think the meaning of life was anyway?"
“you're a pimple on society's ass and you'll never amount to anything!”
“life and death are a seamless continuum.”
“if anyone wants me, i'll be in the angry dome.”
“and the worst part is, i had to have the breakup sex by myself!”
“they said i was dumb, but i proved them.”
“what's the point of living if i can't say ass?”
“i'll be stuffing coal so far down your stocking you'll be coughing up diamonds!”
“we're all pawns in his diabolical game of checkers.”
"wait, i'm having one of those things, a headache, with pictures!"
“sorry, i didn't realize i was already here.”
"guess what you're an accessory to!"
"why does ross, the largest friend, not simply eat the other friends?"
“there's no scientific consensus that life is important.”
"we cooked our shoes in the dryer and ate them! now we're bored!"
“i'm just as important as him. it's just that, the kind of importance i have ... it doesn't matter if i don't do it.”
“oh what a foolish squid i’ve been.”
“my instinct is to hide in this barrel, like the wily fish.”
"that was bad, and you should feel bad!"
"technically correct - the best kind of correct!"
"and here is where i keep my assorted lengths of wire!"
"oh wait, you are serious! let me laugh even harder!"
"i gotta practice my stabbing!"
"that's the saltiest thing i've ever tasted! and i once ate a big, heaping bowl of salt!"
“i apologize for nothing!”
 "die young and leave a beautiful corpse! that's what i always say."
"here's to another lousy millennium."
“but i am already in my pajamas.”
“windmills do not work that way. goodnight.”
"you win again gravity."
"when push comes to shove, you got to do what you love, even if it's not a good idea.”
“but existing's basically all i do!”
“when will the killing end?"
"i'll be whatever i want to do."
"the use of words expressing something other than their literal intention. now that. is. irony."
"could you ask a little more sexfully?"
"hooray! i'm useful!"
"awesome. awesome to the max."
"some breaking occurred, the dolly was involved, that's about all we know."
“you want me to do two things?”
i love stealin', i love takin' things!
“i believe that qualifies as ill. at least from a technical standpoint.”
"that was the old me. he's dead now."
"jail ain't so bad; you can make sangria in the toilet. ‘course, it's shank or be shanked."
"one word. thundercougarfalconbird."
"of all my friends, you're the first."
“girls like swarms of lizards, right?”
“i lost it. in a volcano.”
"i'm gonna get you so many lizards!"
"who needs courage when you have a gun?"
“let's go! i've got jelly in my underpants!”
"interesting if true."
“i did do the nasty in the pasty!”
"something tells me i could easily beat those trained professionals."
"the two of you are good friends? but i thought we would be good friends!"
"it's like a party in my mouth, except everyone's throwing up."
“i'm shocked. shocked! well, not that shocked.”
“it's me! no one else look in this mirror!"
“you ever think you only like girls cause you're supposed to?”
"we don't gotta put up with this! we got poli sci degrees."
“sorry, i suffer from a very sexy learning disorder.”
“did somebody say something about a free hot meal?”
“you gotta do what you gotta do.”
"too many bones? not enough cash?"
“hey sexy mama, wanna kill all humans?”
"i don't know how you did that."
"the butter in my pocket is melting!"
"well ... first i got up and had a piece of toast ..."
“i can't wait til i'm old enough to feel ways about stuff.”
“interesting! no ... wait ... the other thing. tedious.”
"i knew you come crawling back, like a bird on its belly!"
“we both know you won't make it halfway before the craving sets in! then you'll come crawling back for another taste of sweet sweet candy. bam!"
“indeed so, most indeededly.”
"and by metaphorically, i mean get your coat."
“[vehicle]'s ready except for this cup holder, and i should have that done in 12 hours."
"stop. stop! i will destroy you." [ bonus if the receiver is doing something mundane to sender ]
“just make a simple cake. and this time, if someone's going to jump out of it, make sure to put them in after you cook it.”
“lies, lies and slander!”
“you raised my hopes and dashed them quite expertly, sir!”
“but going through a divorce together, you can't pretend that didn't bring us closer together.”
“when you say the human body is the most efficient thing to use as a battery, wouldn't anything make a better battery? like a potato? or a battery?”
“i'll have you know that i bejazzle my own underpants!”
“i'm sorry you had to see that, [name], usually i let my sadness fester quietly inside as a mental illness.”
“i'm not drunk, i'm mentally ill! but i agree with what, what you said.”
“this is a cool way to die!”
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ijustwant2write · 4 years
The Nice One-Fred Weasley x Muggle!Dursley!Reader
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(GIF credit to @avocadosalad2​)
Prompt List
Tag List: @obsessedwithrandomthings​
Requested by anonymous: 'I have this idea about Fred Weasley falling in love with Harry’s muggle cousin. a dursley. Maybe y/n and Harry were always really close and she obviously knows all about magic. She’s the only person, Harry actually loved and trusted as a child and that didn’t change when he found out he was wizard so there really close, he sees her as a sister. Maybe he wants to introduce her to ginny because Harry wants her approval. And reader ends up liking Fred, and Fred likes her back.'
Characters: Fred Weasley x Muggle!Dursley!Reader, Harry Potter x Muggle!Dursley!Reader (cousin), Weasley Family x Muggle!Dursley!Reader (platonic), Hermione Granger x Muggle!Dursley!Reader (Platonic)
Meanings: (Y/N)=Your name
Warnings: Mention of neglect/child abuse, lots of fluff
Sitting back in a plastic chair, I looked out of the huge window of the coffee shop, sighing as I realised it had started to rain. I never minded the rain really, but it had been like this since May, with no sign of a proper English summer in sight. Harry returning to the table with two mugs of tea distracted me, and I smiled as he set them on the table, sitting opposite to me.
“It feels like ages since we did this.” I said, blowing over the top of the tea.
“Yeah, I’m sorry I’ve not called or contacted you in any way recently.” he apologised, casting his eyes down.
“Harry, you don’t have to be sorry for anything.” I reassured him.“You’ve been making your life in...well, your world. We’ve all grown up, had to get used to becoming adults and such. Though it is a shame we haven’t seen each other for over a year.”
“Year and a half actually.”
“I wasn’t surprised when you invited me here though. Of course, this is under better circumstances. I’m not having to drag you out of the house to avoid my parents.”
“No, this is much nicer.”  he chuckled.“How are they by the way? I was able to see Dudley last month.”
“They’re fine, same as always. I don’t see them as much as I should, though I do call them often. Sometimes it’s hard you know, especially after all that’s happened in the last few years.” I took a sip of tea, finally able to start drinking it.
Harry seemed hesitant to speak again.“Actually, I was wanting to ask you something.”
“Do you remember me talking to you about a girl called Ginny?”
“Ooh, has my little cousin fallen in love?” I was teasing until I saw the genuine smile on his face.“Wait, Harry, do you really like this girl?”
“W-well...I h-have for a while, we actually told each other our feelings when, when other things turned serious. And it’s been going good between us, really good, which leads me to my question.”
I was confused as to where this was going, but waited for him to carry on.
“I was wondering if you would come meet her?”
“You want me to meet her?” I excitedly repeated. 
“Yeah,” he smiled back,“there’s going to be a birthday party for me at her family home. She’s a Weasley.”
“Wait, isn’t that the last name of your friend Ron?”
“It is.”
“You’re dating your best friend’s sister?”
“I’ve already talked about it with him! Do you remember I stayed with him over that summer, and I wrote to you from there?”
“The Burrow!”
He nodded.“They’re more than happy to have you there.”
“Of course I’ll come Harry! For now, you have to tell me everything about this Ginny girl.”
The party was two weeks away, and I could not contain my excitement as it got closer and closer. Although Harry had told me much about the wizarding world, he was the only wizard I had ever met (unless I counted that giant man that had tracked us down when Harry first found out he possessed magic, though there weren’t any introductions), and I was extremely excited to meet more of them. Would they constantly be using magic? Would they just conjure up food and drink? And would they be comfortable with me there? I knew that Harry wouldn’t leave me alone unless I was one hundred percent comfortable with everyone.
It was surprising that Harry hadn’t become irritated with me on the day of his party. He was coming to pick me up, and I had greeted him with an over excited tone, setting off a party popper which made strings of confetti land on his head. I had never been able to celebrate Harry’s birthdays publicly, always sneaking into his room or under the cupboard to give him a small present and a hug to wish him happy birthday (once I was earning my own pocket money, or sweetly asking dad for a few pounds, I would buy him cupcakes as a birthday cake, stashing away sweets for him after he saw how much we were given). Dragging him into my flat, I demanded he close his eyes, dashing in and out of the kitchen with a stupid grin on my face. Counting down from three, I giggled as Harry opened his eyes, smiling when he saw me holding a cupcake with a candle in my hands.
"You didn't forget."
"Of course I didn't. Is it...is it alright?" I became worried, wondering if I had brought up bad memories.
"No, no, I actually missed this. It was one of the things I looked forward to each year."
He blew out the candle, sighing when I urged him to close his eyes and make a wish. Harry then pushed me to get a move on, his eyes widening when he saw me pick up two presents with wrapping paper, as well as a smaller one on top. I walked past him before he could say anything about them, handing him the keys to lock up.
As we turned up at the infamous Burrow, I couldn't help but stand back in awe. It was like nothing I had ever seen, and although shabby looking, very put together, it had some sort of charm to it, it was so different to other houses. Harry had already taken a few steps forward, stopping when he noticed me not move.
My eyes snapped back down to him."Oh, sorry."
"It's going to be fine." he said, coming to stand beside me.
I just nodded, walking next to him and standing back when he knocked on the door. A short woman opened it, squealing with excitement when she saw Harry, and as she dragged him in for a hug, she playfully scolded him for knocking, claiming that he could waltz in whenever. Staying outside, I poked my head in, still holding the presents in my arms. I watched as Harry was engulfed in numerous hugs, everyone wishing him happy birthday as well as joking and laughing with him. It shocked me. The only time I saw him this happy was when I was able to cheer him up as kids (and that was extremely hard to do when he lived in the hell hole I called home), but a sudden wave of emotion attacked me, I was so happy to see him being treated right.
"Everyone, this is my cousin, (Y/N)." Harry interrupted my thoughts once again, gesturing for me to step inside.
Sheepishly walking in, I held onto the presents a little tighter, smiling through the awkwardness. There were so many of them standing there.
"Here, let me take those from you love." a man who seemed to be the dad offered, placing the presents on a nearby table. Now I was out in the open.
"So this is the decent one?" one of the younger lads said to break the silence.
"Ronald Weasley, you mind your manners!" the woman scolded him."Don't mind him dear, it's lovely to meet you. Harry has never stopped talking about you."
"He's right though," Harry said,"this is the nice one."
"It's nice to see that Harry stayed in such a lovely place, and with lovely people."
Really (Y/N)? That's the first thing you come out with?
"Oh what a sweetheart." the woman gushed."Believe me, they look like angels, but they don't act like one."
Harry soon broke us into a general conversation, attempting to introduce me to everyone. This family was so different to mine. It felt more loving, as if they didn't hate to be around each other all the time. They included each other in every conversation, they laughed together, joked around with each other. And they also included me.
We were sat around a long table, squeezed amongst one another with food and drink laid out. I had Harry one side of me, and his old friend Hermione on my other. I believed that she and Ron had romantic connections, but I was hoping she would shed some light on Harry's love life, as Ginny was sat beside him.
"They've only recently become public. Everyone knew that they were together, it was bound to happen. But we all acted surprised anyway." Hermione and I giggled, drowned out by the sound of everyone talking.
"Oh bless him, he seemed very happy when he mentioned her. That's why he invited me actually, he was wondering what I would think about her. They don't seem to be able to keep their eyes off each other."
"Someone else seems to have their eyes on someone." she smirked.
I followed her eye line, seeing one of the twins looking in our direction before averting their gaze. I had remembered that they were each wearing the same jumper but with different colours, thankfully making it easier to tell them apart. It had been Fred looking my way, and I hated that I was blushing already; no one had looked at me like that for a long time.
"I'm sure that was nothing." I mumbled.
"If you say so." I heard Ginny say, making me whip my head round to her. She was leaning forward to look at me, and I saw Harry holding back a laugh.
"Come on, I haven't even spoken to him."
"Maybe you should. Perhaps this was meant to happen."
Molly stopped all chatter across the table, standing up to announce that it was present time. Heaps of presents were pushed down to our end of the table, Harry was shocked by how many there were, but stuck right in. After thanking all of the Weasley’s for their sweet presents, especially Ginny. With my presents left, I felt all eyes on me, nervous as to what they would think of my gifts.
One was a collection of books he read when he was younger (until my brother got angry at him and ripped out the pages), the other was two shirts I knew would look nice on him. The last present was a photo book, which I had had personalised; on the front it said ‘Harry’s Memories’, in a beautiful swirling style of writing. The toothy grin on his face fell slightly, and I began to panic again. Everyone waited for him to open the book, a slight tension in the air. Harry slowly opened the book, reading the message I had left for him in his head. It entailed fond memories we had, and how proud I was of him for setting out to school by himself, and how many times he was brave enough to put himself on the line for his friends and family. Turning the next page, a breathless laugh left his lips when he saw the photos I chose. Unfortunately there weren’t many of us together, or of him in general, but I had raided our old cameras back home to find any photos I had taken of him without my parent’s knowledge. After flipping over another page that turned out to be blank, he looked up at me, as did everyone else.
“It’s blank so that you can fill it. I knew you wouldn’t want memories of home, just...just me I suppose. But I’m sure you’ve got better memories to put in there now.” I shyly explained.
“This is amazing, thank you (Y/N).” Harry said, hugging me tightly.
“The pictures aren’t moving?” Ginny questioned.
My eyebrows furrowed in confusion.“Your pictures move?”
Once dinner was done with, along with a round of singing as the birthday cake came out, we all broke off into smaller groups. This would have given me an opportunity to speak to Ginny, I had a strong feeling that she was absolutely perfect for him, they seemed well matched, but I still wanted a chat at least. However, Harry had stolen her away, and it wasn’t the right time to intervene. As I thought about who to talk to, Fred walked up to me, leaning against the kitchen counter top as I was.
“Thought you looked a little lonely over here.” he said, but it wasn’t in a cocky way, he was being genuinely kind. 
“Thanks.” I laughed.
He smiled.“I-I didn’t mean it like that.”
I looked up at him.“No I know what you meant. I was actually thanking you.”
There was a moment of silence as neither of us were sure what to say next. Suddenly, something popped into my mind,“You know, I’ve seen you before.”
“When you came to rescue Harry, in your flying car. I was in my room, but my room was next to Harry’s, so I could just about see you and your brothers.”
“That was so many years ago.”
I nodded.“I just remember how shocked I was when I saw the car, but also how relieved I felt when I saw Harry get in there. I was in trouble for not going to my parents straight away though.”
“You don’t sound like a typical Dursley at all.”
“I suppose I’m not. I was never the favourite, for some reason Dudley was. But I was so focused on keeping Harry somewhat happy that it didn’t matter. I just got good results at school, made friends and kept the biggest secret in the world.”
“It is slightly strange having a Muggle about.”
“How do you think I feel? The dishes are doing themselves over there!” I gestured to the sink where there was a floating plate and sponge. He laughed at that."That would be so useful to have at home, especially after a long day."
"So," he crossed his arms over his chest, leaning towards me,"what do you think about our families combining?"
I took a sip of my drink, following his eye line to Harry and Ginny."I can't express how happy I am for him."
"Yeah. And I'm not just saying nice things because Ginny is your sister. Harry had a long talk about what happened in the past, he's mentioned her, well, all of you, a lot. You've all been able to give him much more than I have."
"That's not true. Harry has expressed multiple times how he didn't know what he would have done if you weren't there for him."
"Seems like everything has worked out perfectly in the end. It even feels right me being here."
"I can agree on that."
"Even if I'm a Muggle?"
"Can't say that's the first thing I noticed about you."
My eyes widened slightly, slowly looking down into the content of my cup."Fred, if I didn't know any better, I would say you were flirting with me."
"Thank god you noticed, thought I might have to start using pick up lines."
"You still can if you want to."
"Nah, think I'll save that for a first date."
"If you're asking, then the answer would be a yes."
"Well, glad that's been sorted."
I giggled quietly, trying not to show how much I was enjoying this."Do I get to find out where you're taking me?"
"If I'm honest, I wasn't sure if I would get this far."
We laughed together, catching the attention of his parents who were with Hermione and Ron. We quietened down, finding it hard to hold back on giggling. Before we could even continue speaking, Harry was approaching me, and I knew he wanted to find out what had happened since he left me alone.
"So, uh, what are you two talking about?" Harry failed to play dumb.
I rolled my eyes, placing a hand on his shoulder."OK, whilst you interrogate my date, I'll go talk to your girlfriend. Sound like a deal?"
"Don't act like you weren't listening. Relax Harry, this is your party after all."
I heard him sigh to Fred as I walked away."You two are going to be trouble, I just know it."
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quirklessthot · 4 years
request: This is kinda kinky... but the reader has been desperately horny for a while but Shigaraki has been too busy, so the reader takes matters into her own hands and has a nomu screw her. Shigaraki walks in about half way through and ends up taking a seat to enjoy the show. (Feel free to ignore this, I won't be offended! But like, thank you so much if you do ♡!)
i changed up some things, instead dabi asks reader to look after the nomu he’s supposed to be watching since he has better things to do
warnings: 18+, monster-fucking, dub-con/non-con, voyeurism, degradation, cheating (?)
He… it… the nomu stares at you, unblinking. Well, you’re not sure if it’s staring at you. The tiny black pinpricks of its irises seem to almost go in separate directions. It definitely took notice when you had entered the room, if its low growl and sniffing at the air were any indication – but had no other reaction once you were standing a few feet in front of it. You tilt your head to the side to test your theory and to your childish delight it copies the action, huffing out a breath at your laugh.
With broad shoulders and biceps bigger than your head, the hulking behemoth makes an imposing figure. Even hunched over the way it is, the difference in height between you two isn’t easy to ignore. Dabi’s words of warning ring in the back of your mind: ‘Whatever you do, don’t get too close to it. Not grabbing distance, anyway.’
But the docile giant in front of you is nowhere near as scary as it was made out to seem.
You take a step forward and tentatively reach out a hand to pet the side of its face, just shy of its chin. It responds with a pleased rumble that vibrates up your arm, and cranes its neck to get closer.
What was Dabi even worried about, you wonder, smiling to yourself. The nomu is almost like a puppy. A massive, deformed puppy with the strength to crush a truck with its bare hands but… it’s cute, in its own way - exposed brain matter and all.
The sense of security you tricked yourself into is immediately shattered when you feel a hand grip your waist – so massive in size it easily dwarfs you. Trying not to panic, you attempt to take a step back. “Alright big guy, I think that’s enough for now,” you say, voice light.
You pray it can’t smell fear.
Of course, it doesn’t listen and instead pulls you closer with way too much ease, pressing you right up against its bare chest. Its body is almost uncomfortably warm and you’re not sure if it’s the radiating heat or the threat of harm that has you sweating.
You’re openly trembling now, biting your lip to keep your whimpers in. You don’t want to scare or upset it with any sudden noises; the nomu is strong enough to squish your head like a grape and you’d prefer to stay alive.
This is fine, you desperately try to convince yourself. It’s just curious. It’s not going to hurt you.
You can’t hold back the whimper when the nomu presses its beaklike mouth against your neck, tongue slithering out to lave against your neck. The muscle is big, slimy with saliva that quickly coats your neck and jaw, dripping thickly to drench the collar of your shirt. You shudder.
Too preoccupied with trying to not dry heave at the feeling of monster spit all over you, you fail to realize the reason it grabbed you. Pulling you a bit closer, it brazenly begins humping you, the movements of its hips becoming progressively more frantic and aggressive. You’re shocked into stillness by the heavy weight of its hard cock rubbing up against your stomach. Even through the layers of clothing, you can tell that it’s much bigger than anything you’ve ever taken.  This is so fucked… a distant voice in your head echoes.
You nearly jump out of your skin when it suddenly lets out a guttural growl, clearly becoming frustrated with the lack of proper stimulation.
“Shh… It’s ok,” you say, voice lowered into what you hope is a soothing tone.
You try to pry yourself away but the nomu responds with a snarl, grip tightening to the point of pain. You wince and immediately give up on moving. It’s obvious that you’re not going anywhere anytime soon.
Despite your reservations, your eyes find themselves shifting towards the tent in the monster’s pants. You gulp, looking around the empty room guiltily. You’d be lying if you said you weren’t just a little curious…
Shaky hands reach down to unbutton the monster’s pants, a feat considering what little space there is between you two. The movement of its hips drag the khakis down until they fall into a heap at its feet. What is revealed has your eyes going wide and your jaw slackening in shock. The veiny column of flesh is massive – almost as thick as your wrist and topped with a large, bulbous head steadily leaking sticky precum that is smeared against your hip with every thrust.
Almost without even thinking, you grab ahold of its dick and begin stroking. The generous amount of precum makes the slide easy, almost slippery. This placates the beast for a short time – enough to at least let you out of its vice-like hold – but soon it’s made clear that your hand is not enough.
Without much preamble, you’re lifted off your feet and turned around, now facing the gray walls of the nomu’s containment room. You let out a surprised squeak and cast a nervous glance downwards to see the head of its dick peeking out between the plushness of your thighs. 
It ruts into the warmth of your clasped thighs for a while before angling upwards, immediately becoming annoyed with yet another barrier- this time it’s your clothing in its way. Large hands begin groping at your pants before tearing into them as if they were made of paper. The flimsy material of your underwear doesn’t stand a chance against the hulking behemoth and they soon join your shorts on the floor in tattered shreds.
You cry out. “Wai- wait, no! Stop! Stop, let me just--”
Your words are cut off when the nomu rears its hips back before pushing forward. The first few thrusts miss their mark, bumping up against your sensitive clit instead, but on the fourth attempt the head of it’s cock catches on the rim of your entrance and that alone has your breath catching and your mind going blank. The feeling of it pushing in soon snaps you out of your daze and you begin struggling anew. You reach a desperate hand behind you but pushing against the monster’s chest felt like pushing against a solid brick wall – utterly pointless.
Even with you struggling and flailing limbs, it manages to work its cockhead past the ring of twitching muscle, and you feel like you’re being split in half with just the tip in.
It’s too much. It’s too much and you need to get away.
But the nomu keeps going, forcing inch after agonizing inch into your tight, (barely) wet heat.
You let out a broken gasp when it bottoms out, cunt clenching down hard on the too-large intrusion and body going slack in its hold. Even with the unnaturally copious amounts of precum it’s producing, the stretch is uncomfortable.
The head of its cock is shoved up against the mouth of your cervix with every push and you’re not sure whether you love or hate it, but it’s definitely a feeling you won’t be forgetting anytime soon. It’s hard to ignore how good the mindless fucking is starting to feel and after two consecutive orgasms, you’re wet enough that the slide of its dick is much easier. Wet slaps echo off the walls of the large, barren room. And for a while it’s the only sound, overlaid by the monster’s grunts and pants and your own high-pitched whining and moans, until the door is opened.
The grating of heavy metal against concrete brings you out of your haze, raspy, like the voice of the person opening the door.
“Do you have any idea how long I’ve been looking for you? I had to ask Dabi if he knew where you were sulking. Are you done being a bi—”
Shigaraki stops mid-sentence, eyes wide. The lewd scene playing out before him robs the words right out of his mouth. It’s not every day you see your half-naked girlfriend getting fucked silly by a nomu, after all.
He stares.
You stare right back, mortification quickly overpowering your arousal.
This interruption goes completely ignored by the nomu, who continues to rut into you from behind.
“Tomura! I can— ah!” You try to come up with an excuse but at that exact moment the nomu gives a particularly rough thrust that has you seeing stars, powerless to keep your eyes from rolling in your head.
Shigaraki curses under his breath, unable to tear his eyes away. He should be angry. Furious, that not only would you fuck someone else but a mindless nomu of all things. The thought alone should have his blood boiling. But the blissed-out look on your face as you’re handled as nothing more than a fucktoy by a creature twice your size has his blood instead rushing to his cock.
Without a word, Shigaraki closes and locks the door behind him, before advancing towards you, face dark and unreadable. He grasps your face in one hand, pinky lifted, squishing your cheeks, and jerking your head up so that you’re forced to look him directly in the eyes.
“You filthy fucking whore,” he laughs, chapped lips spread in a mean grin. “That desperate to be fucked you couldn’t even wait?”
The harsh words have your eyes watering, tears just on the edge of falling, but they do nothing to dampen your arousal.
You moan in reply, eyes half-lidded and unfocused. “T-tomura…”
Shigaraki sneers, letting go of you to reach down and pull out his own half-hard dick, giving his palm a long lick, and begins to stroke himself. “Be careful what you wish for, huh?” he grunts, giving the head a squeeze. “Now look at you. Stuffed with so much cock you don’t even know what to do with all of it.”
He continues to berate you as he jerks himself off, taking delight in your embarrassment.
It’s a relief when the nomu finally cums with a roar, holding your ass right up against its stilled hips. The huge cock twitches and pulses inside of you, unloading what feels like gallons of hot cum right into your womb. You groan out a few unintelligible noises, brain turned to mush, as one last orgasm is pulled from you, thankfully much weaker than the previous ones. You’re so out of it you don’t even notice when Shigaraki steps closer, hand on his dick speeding up until he’s groaning and painting your face with his cum.
Panting heavily, you wearily glance up at Shigaraki, a plea to not share a word of what just happened to anyone already on your tongue. He doesn’t say anything as he tucks himself back into his pants but just by the look in his eyes and the barely concealed smirk, you can tell you’re never going to hear the end of this.
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pinkmirth · 3 years
—𝐌𝗼𝐯𝐢𝐧𝐠 𝐢𝐧 𝐰𝐢𝐭𝐡 𝐁𝐚𝐤𝐮𝐠𝗼𝐮 𝐊𝐚𝐭𝐬𝐮𝐤𝐢 [𝐬𝐥𝐢𝐠𝐡𝐭 𝐧𝐬𝐟𝐰 𝐝𝐫𝐚𝐛𝐛𝐥𝐞]
《𝐞𝐬𝐭𝐚𝐛𝐥𝐢𝐬𝐡𝐞𝐝 𝐝𝗼𝗺𝐞𝐬𝐭𝐢𝐜 𝐫𝐞𝐥𝐚𝐭𝐢𝗼𝐧𝐬𝐡𝐢𝐩 + 𝐬𝐥𝐢𝐠𝐡𝐭 𝐍𝐒𝐅𝐖 𝐧𝐞𝐚𝐫 𝐭𝐡𝐞 𝐞𝐧𝐝》
Boxes splayed across the bare, sheen hardwood of your newly owned apartment, some contents of them being haphazardly tossed out onto the floor, courtesy of Katsuki. Speaking of, the eager ash blonde had been taking this whole unpacking thing with a ravaging approach, a little more aggression than enthusiasm being displayed. This disregarding husband of yours had already broken two vases since the moving van hauled in your belongings..
You caught wind of his incoherent murmurs throughout the day, which were practically countless by now. You’d been racking your brain since, attempting to discover what had gotten your poor Katsuki so upset. Despite the marriage that bonded you and him, Katsuki’s profession usually got in the way of many personal things. For a while, it’d been a danger just for the pair of you to live together, so you haven’t been. Until now. It had been three days since you and him moved from the comfort of your hometown, Musutafu, to the renowned capital, Tokyo, and you wished you could say it had been smooth sailing. Unfortunately, a certain Bakugou wasn’t having the best time, always sputtering a profanity or a groan left and right. His case of the grumps was probably a trip of his complex emotions, either caused by a sense of neediness, deprivation of some sort, or bottled rage. You were betting, practically hoping on the first two instead. Knowing your husband, it meant well that he’d get his hands on miscellaneous household items to crush, smash and break, as some way of channeling his anger episodes. Three days down the line, and you already needed to replace a handful.. Though, it was currently dinner time, and you were sure that was a good thing. Katsuki’s little funk would wash away come 6pm. Cooking had a way of melting away the male’s heaps of stress, especially when you offered to join in. Throughout that hour of making food and serving you his prideful dishes, he always carried a subtle smile. Dinner wasn’t something to worry about. “Fuckin’ hell!” Scratch that. Telling by the pestering clatter of the cabinets he was yanking open, to the dastardly echo of his stomps, it seemed that you couldn’t rely on the succor of food for any longer. “I oughta’ set this lousy kitchen on fucking fire!” You let out a hefty sigh, picking yourself up from the spacious beanbag, since you were yet to assemble any couches, before strolling over to the kitchen, awaiting to see the reason behind your husband’s exaggerated shrieking. “Katsu-Chan, what's the issue..?” Your husband immediately bombarded you with a growled rant, “I can’t find my shitty apron!” You eyed Katsuki through furrowed brows. Is all this attitude really about one measly apron? Nah, I doubt it, your inner voice chimed. “And there ain’t any more pepper seasoning, so I haven’t got a clue what I’ll cook now..” he spewed through gritted teeth, recklessly tossing away the poor frying pan that he’d been holding onto all the while, impressive dents imprinted onto the handle, curved into the shape of his fingers. In that case, you had one more household item to replace. Noted.. “I can’t find that damned thing,” he spoke with an exasperated huff, his hands flying up to the cupboards, motioning them open and closed with the slightest violent tendency. “Hate to break it to you, sweet cheeks, but we ain’t eating dinner tonight,” you scoffed over Katsuki’s recurring dramatics, “These past few days have been shitty anyway..” He’d said it throughout a lowly mutter, but it was enough to cause a nervous stream to rush through you. Did he not like it here? Perhaps the city was too busy for Dynamight, maybe he wasn’t immune to getting homesickness as he liked to brag about, or it couldve been that he just wasn’t ready to get used to such a foreign occurrence in your relationship— living together. But, of course, considering your nature to bat things off with a joke of some sort, you contorted your worries into a comical stick to jab at your husband with.
“Darling, if you’re on your man-period, you should’ve just said so..” you’d said it with fabricated pity, all the while holding back your chuckles as his brows began to furrow, upper lip curving vexingly.
“You think you’re so damn funny, dontcha’, woman..?”
“Yeah, just a little bit.”
Another rasped groan left the lips of the ever-impatient Bakugou Katsuki, “Oi. Are ya’ just gonna keep giggling on about my little anger episode forever?”
Hm. For once, he actually acknowledged it for what it is, you thought briefly, before making your way around the glossy, marble-design kitchen island, your hands finding solace on his defined, muscular triceps. 
The thick straps of his black, square neck tank top gradually began to slide past his shoulders, shadowing over his collarbone before you inched it back up.
“Do you.. like it here, Katsuki?” By the moment he answered your answer with an aggressive snort, you realized you had nothing to worry about.
 “Why the hell wouldn't I? We didn’t pay for this house just to hate the place,” he scoffed, his large palms skimming over the small of your back before thick fingers of his wrapped around your waist.
“That’s a relief, but you’ve been acting a little grumpy— Like something’s bothering you. Could you just tell me how you’re feeling?” You finally admitted your questioning thoughts with an expectant look, watching Katsuki return your curiosity with a subtle smirk. “You wanna know what’s bothering me..?” 
“Y’know what, never mind. Don’t wanna hear it, Katsu-Chan.”
Your abrupt response had him knitting his brows and emitting confused huffs. “So you’re just gonna change your mind on me like that?!” You jabbed at his chest with your pointer finger to punctuate your reply, “because you made it sound creepy, that’s why!”
Katsuki then tightened his grip around your waist, earning a breathy gasp out of you. Before you could question the blonde, he already had you hauled up into the kitchen island, standing between your dangling legs with the tip of his nose grazing yours. You couldn’t help but let out a sigh at the comforting warmth of his sizey hands, your arms instinctively flinging around the back of his neck.
“Alright, I’ll tell you the truth, hon,” confessed Katsuki, “The move has been great, but horrible. It all went good, I guess. No missing items, moving trucks arriving in record time, everything we wanted. But there’s one more thing that we wanted that you seemed to forget about, you lil’ idiot..”
Despite the use of an insult, his cheeks and ears began the bloom a subtle but pretty pink, his sharp red eyes averting from your own blinking ones.
“Care to inform me on whatever I forgot..?” You skimmed through my your memory frantically in those few seconds that he’d paused, trying to dig up a pleasing answer before he told you himself.
“Privacy, [Y/N].. We’d have so much, too much once we moved to our own place. And we loved the sound of that. Y‘know why, right..?”
Your heart suddenly leapt within your chest at his indication, his left brow rising suggestively as he briefly cocked his head. You definitely knew why.
“So we could have times like this. Without any damned interruptions. I can suck your face off without one of my shitty friends popping up unexpectedly, ain’t that swell?” His voice held the slightest bit of laughter in it, his tone comical and yearning.
“So.. if I said that I wanna feel you close to me..” you murmured, your breath fanning over his proximate lips, “Like, really really close, it wouldn’t be a problem, yes?” A teasing, lingering peck was what you placed across his cheek, earning a genuine grin from Katsuki as a response.
“Who the hell’s gonna stop you? In fact, I’ve got my own idea,” his lowly voice came out booming nonetheless, but of course, the benefit of privacy made sure that his volume wasn’t a problem.
“I wanna watch you. While you watch me.” He didn’t have to be lewdly exact with his words, the lust-blown gaze in your husband’s vermillion eyes was enough to tell what he wanted. It was simple enough as he’d said; Mutual masturbation, just a few minutes before dinner time would commence.
Albeit the serene atmosphere, you couldn’t hold back your snicker over your realization. Bakugou Katsuki, your impatient lover. The poor guy had been in such a distasteful mood, only because of his unnerving libido..
“You wanna watch me take off my panties, huh?” Your teasing statement came out as a suggestive giggle, your hand placed sturdily at the nape of his neck while the unoccupied one got to work on making his fantasies a reality, tugging at the hem of your leggings hastily.
“You’ve gotta watch me too, y’know,” Katsuki reminded you with a gravelly chuckle, shimmying and pulling his bottoms off as though there were no time to spare.
His half naked form had attracted you in an instant, eyes drawing to his thick cock, semi-hard and already being encased into his moving palm.
“Don't just stare. It works both ways, sweet cheeks. I wanna see some fingers moving’ already,” Puffs of breath were taken between his words, ruby red eyes already lidded with an agape mouth that poured out the most arousing groans.
“Nah, I think I’ll just enjoy the show for now,” you decided matter-of-factly, pressing a sloppy kiss along his defined jawline, causing him to emit another grunt, lowly slapping sounds being heard from his vulgar ministrations.
“You think you’re cute, huh..” hissed Bakugou, trudging his clothes back on with a grunt, to your dismay. “Forget it. Instead of putting on a show for a brat like you, I’m gonna go straight to dinner.”
You accepted the fate that your actions resulted in, ready to slide off the island, just before his stern hands stopped you. He gave you this glance, one that made you eye him in suspicion as he kept his hands on each of your thighs, spreading them apart with a lax grin.
“Katsu— Ah!” By now, the blonde had already dropped to his knees, now face level with your clothed heat. “W-what about dinner..?!”
“Whaddya’ mean?” His tone came out rasped and attractive, a growing smirk reaching his lips as his fingers prodded at the band of your bottoms, “This is my dinner, babe..”
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stargaze-sunflower · 3 years
Prompt: Huey Dewey Louie hanging out?
This is a lot less chill than I was originally going to write akjsdkjs but this came to me and I couldn't stop it.
Louie glared angrily up at the slowly brightening sky, thinking that if he projected enough of his extreme irritation out at the universe, maybe the time of day would change to something more manageable. It was an odd thing to hope for, but stranger things had happened. Stranger things were happening right now.
“Pick up the pace, Lou!” Dewey called back to him in an unsettlingly loud whisper, still holding onto his wrist and tugging him along down the path outside the mansion. He hadn’t let go of him since he’d dragged him out of bed somewhere around five minutes ago with the promise that he wouldn’t regret it. “We’re in a bit of a time crunch, here.”
“The sun isn’t even up, Dewey,” Louie said, annoyed, using his free hand to gesture at their surroundings. “If there’s something that needs to happen this early, in no universe should it have anything to do with me.”
Dewey just snickered at him and tossed him a short grin over his shoulder. “Even the universe makes exceptions.”
“Wow,” Louie said flatly. “Where’d you get that one?”
“Something Webby said,” Dewey answered, pausing to chuckle as Louie tripped over a loose pebble and huffed. “I think she was quoting something, but I dunno for sure.”
“No one ever does,” Louie said, and then he sighed heavily, glancing towards where the tip of the sun was just beginning to show. “Really, though, why does whatever this is have to be now?”
“Less chance of getting caught.”
Louie’s eyes widened in mild surprise. “Are we sneaking out right now?”
Dewey just grinned, and despite himself, Louie huffed a little laugh.
“Huey’s gonna flip, you know,” Louie said amusedly. “He says the two of us alone together are practically a disaster magnet.”
“More like fun magnet,” Dewey said stubbornly, and Louie rolled his eyes with a smile. “And besides, Huey’s already at the plane.”
Louie almost choked on air. “He’s at the what now?”
“The plane,” Dewey said, excitement in his voice, along with something teasing. “You haven’t figured out where we’re going by now? You’ve lost your touch.”
“It’s early,” Louie shot back. “Give me a break.”
“That’s the plan,” Dewey said mysteriously, and Louie narrowed his eyes at his brothers back.
Before he could ask any further questions – such as ‘where are we going?’ or ‘does anyone know about this?’ or the current favorite, ‘have you lost your mind?’ – they arrived at the open entrance to the Sunchaser, and Dewey finally let go of his wrist for the sole purpose of spinning around and giving him a bow and a grin, sweeping his arm out to the side as if presenting the plane to him.
“Your chariot awaits,” Dewey said grandly, and Louie just blinked at him.
“You do realize that nothing good ever came from stealing an aircraft, right?” Louie asked.
“Yeah, well,” Dewey said, tilting his head back to glance at the plane. “This one’s not going to space.”
Louie huffed a laugh, slowly making his way past Dewey and onto the ramp. “You know better than to say that with confidence.”
Huey was waiting for them at the top of the ramp, three backpacks packed and waiting in a heap behind him. He was smiling.
“I’m surprised you got him here this quickly,” Huey told Dewey, sending a teasing glance Louie’s way. “I’d guessed it’d be three more minutes before you made it.”
“Have a little faith, Hue,” Dewey said, clapping their older brother on the shoulder as he walked past. “My skills are beyond your understanding.”
Huey rolled his eyes as Dewey continued further into the plane, presumably getting ready for takeoff. He’d been taking his lessons more seriously, lately, and even Louie could admit that he’d gotten good. If they really were leaving, he trusted him to get them there safely. He’d be back in bed already if he didn’t.
“He dragged me here against my will,” Louie said, just to set the record straight. Dewey wasn’t a miracle worker, but he had a strong grip, and Louie hadn’t really fought it.
“He didn’t even tell you where we were going, did he?” Huey asked, amusement clear in his voice.
“He said it was a surprise.”
Huey chuckled and shook his head hopelessly, beckoning Louie inside. “I guess it is.”
They climbed up to the second level via the ladder, and Dewey glanced back at them from where he was hitting buttons and flipping switches.
“Almost ready,” he said, hitting a button and turning back to watch as the plane hatch closed. Then he looked at Huey with a secret smile. “Did you tell him yet?”
Huey opened his mouth to respond, but Louie beat him to it.
“No,” Louie grumbled, crossing his arms. “He hasn’t.”
“Why don’t you try to figure it out?” Huey suggested, grinning softly at him and sharing a look with Dewey. “If you really can’t, then we’ll tell you.”
Louie sighed greatly, perhaps more dramatic than was strictly necessary, but he still turned away from them to look for any clues they might’ve left. Immediately, his eyes landed on something bright and colorful, attached to long sticks.
Hobo bindles?
Next to them were several cans, stacked together on the ground. He narrowed his eyes.
Cans of beans?
With mild shock and fragile hope growing in his chest, he turned back to look at his brothers, who were smiling back at him with a knowing look in their eyes.
A carefree attitude?
No way.
“Are we— You— We’re going—?” Louie couldn’t seem to pick something to say, but thankfully they understood him anyway.
“Yep,” Dewey laughed, grinning at him, wide and happy. “Get ready to have your wildest dreams come true!”
Louie bounced his gaze between his older brothers with wide eyes, searching for any sign of deception of exaggeration. Finding none, his jaw dropped.
“Big Rock Candy Mountain?” Louie asked, somewhere between disbelieving and choked up.
Huey nodded. “Where there’s Cherry Pep springs and the conman sings!”
“Where the gold geyser spews cash just for you’s!” Dewey piped up.
“Where all your laziest, schemiest dreams come true!” They said together, dissolving into laughter right after.
Louie watched them laugh, feeling emotion well up in his throat and excitement build in his stomach.
“But you— you’ve already been,” Louie said. “Why—”
“Not with you,” Huey interrupted, stepping forward to set his hand on Louie’s shoulder. “And something tells me that this time will be even better.”
Slowly, Louie smiled, letting out a shocked, happy laugh. Huey’s own smile got wider.
“Bet you’re glad I dragged you out of bed, huh?” Dewey asked, teasing.
“Don’t make a habit of it,” Louie said, feeling light and carefree.
“Don’t tempt me,” Dewey shot back lightheartedly, and then he turned back to the plane controls. “Ready for takeoff?”
Huey and Louie sat side by side in the copilots seat, and outside the sun was painting the sky in oranges and pinks. Louie was glad he hadn’t missed it.
“Yeah,” he said. “Ready.”
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cheeriecherry · 4 years
Hi there! I wanted to request Bakugou, Deku. And Todoroki, how they react to their fem!S/O Being sick. Like they're delirious with a fever near hospitalization( but not quite that level), body aches, wet cough. boys get worried when they don't come into work/school/text back. So they come see, and find her as well previously stated. Thank you so much for taking the time to read and answer this!
Ofc! Stay safe everyone and make sure to wear your masks :O
-He’s not a clingy guy, so he doesn’t expect you to answer his texts right away or always tell him where you are or what you’re doing.
-That being said, he knows your routine. If something is off a little bit, he’ll be mildly concerned, but will ultimately chalk it up to you being forgetful or spontaneous.
-But after you don’t show up in class, he starts to get worried. 
-He tries to think of whether or not you had any injuries during training that might have excused you from lessons, but he can’t think of any beyond a couple minor scrapes and bruises.
-He sends you a text in between classes, and when you still don’t reply he makes a trip back to the dorms at lunch to check on you.
-He doesn’t expect to find you like...this. 
-Curled up on your bed under nearly a hundred blankets, shivering. Your lips are dry and chapped, and he can hear your laboured breathing from the doorway.
-Now, he doesn’t wanna get sick, but that’s the last thing on his mind as he walks over to you and sits on the side of your bed.
-You don’t even seem to be aware of him as he presses a hand to your forehead, wincing at how hot you are.
-He doesn’t want to leave you, but he knows you’re probably sick enough to warrant a visit from Recovery Girl. Pus you’re his girlfriend, so it’s better to be safe than sorry.
-But like I said, he doesn’t want to leave you alone, in case you start choking or something, so he sends Kirishima a cryptic text telling him to bring recovery girl to the dorms.
-Ngl the bakusquad probably tags along with her when she comes to visit, but she ultimately commends Bakugou for calling her because are, in fact, very ill.
-She considers calling the hospital to have them bring you in, but she wants to try helping you in the comfort of your own room before resorting to extreme measures.
-You’re stuck with an IV in your arm for a couple days, and receive a kiss from the old woman on the forehead every morning, and soon enough you start perking up a little. Your breathing improves, and you start to sweat off the fever.
-Bakugou barely leaves your side during the whole ordeal. He goes to classes, but every morning, lunch, and evening he’s in your room. Sometimes he just sits and works on homework, sometimes he falls asleep.
-He’s been warned not to be near you while your still contagious, but he says fuck authority and does what he wants. You’re more important anyways.
-Still, it’s a relief once you start to feel better, and eventually open your eyes. You don’t remember most of what happened the past few days, but you do recall hearing your boyfriend’s voice a couple times.
-He might not know how to take care of you but he’s good at finding people who do, and he’ll always try and do what’s best for you.
-one hella worried boy.
-Usually you guys hang out before class starts, but he figures that you maybe slept in today or something. So he sends you a text telling you good morning and heads off to class.
-When he gets there and find you’re not there, he starts to feel bad for not going in to check on you, or at least wake you up. Like, what if something bad happened to you and he just ignored it?
-He doesn’t want to be pushy or overly anxious, but he’s also a worrier by nature so...
-He can’t concentrate during class, thinking to hard about all the things that could have happened to you. He really really hopes you just missed your alarm, but a little niggle in the back of his head tells him that’s not the case.
-He excuses himself to ‘the bathroom’ during second period, and runs as fast and as stealthily as he can back to the dorms, where he then finds you.
-You’re practically gasping for air, laying on your bed. You’ve thrown your covers off because you’re too hot, but you’re also shivering so hard you’re shaking the mattress. He knows as soon as he lays a hand on your forehead that you’re not okay.
-So he does what anyone would do and calls one of his friends...who are in class. He’s somehow surprised when Mr. Aizawa picks up and starts scolding him about his students being in class, but he quickly babbles out that he’s ‘not actually in the bathroom and that he went to check on you because you weren’t in class and you’re really sick and please sir could you get recovery girl’
-There’s a sigh right before the line goes dead, and ten minutes later the tired man himself shows up with the school nurse.
-Once they actually see the state you’re in, and hear your horrible congested coughs, they both start to get worried.
-Again, recovery girl will want to try and avoid any media hubbub involving the school, so she’ll try to treat your symptoms in your room. It works pretty well considering her quirk, but you’re still on thin ice. Your fever is dangerously high, and even with an oxygen mask on you’re still having trouble breathing.
-Not to mention your mumbling...you’re not really aware of what’s going on, but it sounds like you’re trying to have conversations. Everyone worries that you’re hallucinating from the fever.
-Midoriya tries to convince your teacher to let him stay with you, but both Aizawa and recovery girl tell him there’s not anything he can do. It’s best he go back to class...which he reluctantly does. And only because recovery girl is going to stay with you until the end of the day.
-Once classes are over he makes a beeline for your room. His hands are full of little things the rest of the class had given him to give to you, as get-well presents. He sets them on your desk and sits beside you on the bed.
-Recovery girl’s quirk seems to be working, you’re a little more restful and still, though your lungs still sound horrible. He talks to you a little bit, wondering how you got this sick with no one noticing, but how he knows you’ll scold him if he blames himself for it.
-He falls asleep beside you on your bed that night, and the next morning he wakes up to a gentle trembling hand in his hair. 
-He opens his eyes to find you’ve turn onto your side, and are looking at his with a tired gaze. Your eyes are still a little glazed over, and he can tell you’re not really all there yet, but he still smiles at the improvement, as well as that the first thing you thought to do when you woke up was to touch him.
-He makes sure to keep up with his studies over the next few days, and makes lots of notes for you to go over later when you feel better. All his free time is spent in your room, despite the fact that he might catch what you have. He at least wears a mask at recovery girl’s request.
-It’s a major relief when he sees you sitting up and walking slowly around a few days later, though no matter how much you ask he’s not gonna let you try and do schoolwork until you’re at 100%.
-It’s a miracle this guy doesn’t get sick, though everyone kind of keeps a few feet away from him for a while.
-Doesn’t think anything of it at first. He notices you’re not texting him back, but your phone might be off or dead, or you might be busy.
-He starts to wonder when you don’t show up in class. If you’d been planning to take a day off, you would have told him. Right? He sends you another text, asking if you’re okay, and promptly gets his phone confiscated.
-He gets it back at the end of the day no problem, but when he sees you still haven’t replied, he knows something is up.
-He ignores everyone on the way to the dorms, ducking in between people to try and get there faster.
-When he finds you in a pathetic wheezing ball under a heap of blankets, he instantly feels a pang of guilt. Maybe if he’d been more diligent, he would have learned that you were sick sooner...
-But it’s hard to beat himself up while he’s still got you to worry about.
-He finds a couple towels and old shirts around your room, and wraps them around some ice blocks he made, then sets them all over your body to help bring your temperature down.
-There’s no one in his phone contacts that he could really call in this situation, so he reluctantly settles for the class president. He’s always wanting to look out for fellow students, after all.
-So Iida shows up, takes on look at you, and sprints away to get recovery girl. Todo didn’t think it was that bad, but he mostly trusts Iida’s judgement, so...
-And then recovery girl comes in and confirms that yes, you are very sick. Very sick indeed.
-And the worry flares up in him again. He watches as she fixes you with IV fluids and antibiotics, and sets an oxygen mask across your face. He can’t help but notice how small and vulnerable you look in this state, and how he wants nothing more than for you to get better.
-He wonders if you should go to the hospital, if it would be better for you there, but recovery girl wants to keep you comfortable. She has most of what she needs at the school, but should your condition not improve in the next day then she’ll definitely arrange for an ambulance.
-Todoroki wonders how he’ll be able to visit you and make sure you’re doing okay if you’re off campus, but ultimately he wants what’s best for you.
-He wears a mask while he’s in your room to try and deter himself from getting sick as well, but he spends most of his time in there. He sometimes does homework, but mostly he’s just laying beside you on your bed thinking (or napping).
-He goes back to his own room to sleep during the night, but the first thing he does when he wakes up is come check on you.
-Your condition steadily improves, but you don’t regain consciousness until the third day, and when you do, the first thing you see if your boyfriend.
-He’s sitting in one of your chairs a little ways away reading, and he doesn’t notice you’re awake at first. When he does see that your eyes are open, he comes to sit on the edge of your bed.
-The first thing he does is give you a lil kiss on the forehead, and then he goes on to explain how you’ve been bedridden for days because of an illness, but how your condition has been getting better over time.
-V grateful that you’re awake now, so much so that he barely even feels the guilt from before. He’s just glad you’re doing okay.
-Gonna wait on you hand and foot for the next week or so, and nothing is too expensive. You want a square watermelon? He’ll get you a square watermelon, whatever you want. He might even try a hand at cooking meals for you, though they’re slightly burnt and overseasoned.
-He tries though, and it’s the thought that counts. He bars most of your classmates from visiting you while you’re recovering, because he doesn’t want to overwhelm you, but after some finagling he agrees to let two in at a time...but only for a couple minutes.
-He wishes he’d paid more attention in the beginning, but he makes up for it by doting on you afterwards.
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wesimpforxiao · 3 years
Say My Name and I’ll Be There: 6.1
Twenty-four hours, thirty minutes, ten seconds and counting.  Xiao continued to pace outside of Dawn Winery in complete silence.  He still hadn't heard a single word from you, and he had stayed awake all night.  Not really a sacrifice since he pulled all-nighters frequently, but his hopes were crushed when his long night was filled with nothing but silence.
Inside, Aether approached Diluc rather quickly with Paimon in tow.  "How would you like to kill Fatui?"
"I beg your pardon?"  Diluc set his glass of grape juice on his desk.  He had been busy with mapping the next wine delivery route when they suddenly barged through his doors.  He kind of wished they had the kindness to knock, but the desperate glints in their eyes caught him off guard.
"We said, how would you like to kill the Fatui?" Paimon crossed her arms.
"We need to infiltrate Snezhnaya.  They took her."
"'Her?'"  Diluc raised a brow, already annoyed by the vagueness of their requests.
"Ugh, the same girl from yesterday! Who earned her cryo vision!  She was taken last night at your tavern! Didn't you see us all run out?"  Paimon's brows furrowed impatiently.
"We need to infiltrate Snezhnaya," Aether repeated and took a step forward.  "We can't do it without you on our team."
"Hold on," Diluc waved a hand to silence them.  "We can't just infiltrate a foreign country.  There are laws and regulations you have to--"
"That's why we came to you!" Paimon yelled.  "If anyone can get us in there, it's you and your underground connections!"
"You hate the Fatui more than anything," Aether continued.  "Will you help us?"
Diluc thought for a moment while he traced the rim of his glass with his index finger.  "We can't recklessly barge into enemy territory.  I'll see what intel I can gather.  Wait here."
Xiao burst through the doors almost as if he had seen a ghost--actually, that would be an inaccurate metaphor since he's quite experienced with the spirits of the dead.  No matter.  He burst through the doors as pale as a sheet.  "I hear her."
You glared at the third plate of food that sat upon the stool Childe left in your cell.  You had refused to eat the prior two meals while he was in the cell with you.  He had your cuffs unlocked so you could eat, but you refused to move from your place against the wall.  Cooked fish, some sort of vegetable, and white rice.  They were treating you well.  You were needed alive and healthy, after all, but you weren't hungry.  And since Childe had finally left you alone, well, that gave you the chance to talk to the only person you could.
Xiao.  Xiao! The thought of startling him brought a thin smile to your lips.  I wonder if I scared you...I'm safe--well, as safe as I can be at the moment.  I miss you... Your smile faded.  But I  cannot call for you.  It's too dangerous; I'm sure they already have a way to capture you.  Now that I know you're always listening, it's nice to talk like this.  Less lonely.  
Something clinked against the outer cell door, and it opened.  Childe and one of the harbingers you saw yesterday entered.  The latter held a strange white-and-gray mask that obscured everything besides part of his right cheek and lips.  His bluish-white hair almost seemed to brighten the small room from how light it was.
"It's a sign of disrespect if you refuse to eat the food provided for you," Childe commented once he saw that your plate was yet again untouched.  "We're treating you with more hospitality than our prisoners, after all."
"This is still imprisonment.  Screw off," you brought your knees to your chest as if your legs served to protect you from their stares.
"Ah, yes," the other harbinger picked the plate up and placed it at your feet.  "My test subject needs to eat.  I suggest you do it by your own will before I see to it myself."  
"You might want to listen to him."  Childe was warning you, but not out of consideration for you.
"Go to hell!" You threw the plate at the new harbinger since he was closest, and covered his tidy suit in food.  The white rice mostly clung to the fabric.  Thank the archons that your shoulder was healed and your arm could be put to good use now.
"Listen here, you little--"  The man grabbed you by the collar and lifted you like you weighed nothing until your feet dangled above the ground.  "I don't have the patience of the Tsaritsa's war dog.  I do things quite differently, and you are under my jurisdiction now.  See to it that you follow my orders to the tee, or I can make things very unpleasant here on out."  He dropped you to the floor and exited the cell.
Childe gave you a look of 'I told you so' as he followed suite.
What day is it? Your hazy mind stared at the opposite wall.  You lazily traced figure-eights over your tattered jeans.  Approximately twenty-one meals were served--and wasted-- so maybe it was day seven?  A full week of sitting in this barren room?
A few days of no nutrition were of no consequence to you; you were a light eater anyway.  But by day five you were beginning to get dizzy from your voluntary starvation.  You slept most of the day.  The slightest of movements made the world spin around you.  Thoughts of giving in and digging into the meals crossed your mind several times.
I will not falter.  They will not get what they need from me.  I'll starve before they can have me, you gave yourself the pep talk over and over again.  The hours that were filled with zero social interaction drove you mad; you'd either talk to yourself, or to Xiao, who you only hoped could still hear you and maybe even reply in his own mind.  It was a shame the conversation couldn't go both ways.
"I miss you," you murmured a breath.  "If I get out of this, would you like to go eat almond tofu with me?"
Childe entered quietly, and knelt in front of you after giving your full plate the side-eye.  "This little hunger strike of yours needs to stop.  You need to eat."  You didn't answer, and he let out a small sigh.  "Il Dottore finished his set-up this morning.  I'm sure he'll be ready to take you from under my watch by tomorrow at the latest."  He sat down now, and examined you carefully.  
I didn't think we'd break her this quickly,  he thought.  Such a stubborn personality reduced to this pathetic heap of a woman.  A slim smile spread across his lips when he realized how much he loved watching you break under the pressure.
"Leave," you breathed.
"You're smarter than I thought, you know."  Childe placed his chin on the hand that was propped up on his leg.  "If you really thought he had a chance at defeating us, you would have called for Xiao by now.  You've isolated yourself from the only person that caught your eye."
That's what you think, you scoffed.  I've been talking to him this whole damn time.
"Or have you been praying to him?"  Childe's eyes narrowed and the grin on his lips only widened.  The small glance you sent him validated his question.  "You're telling me that this great and mighty adeptus has heard your suffering, and has yet to do a single thing about it?  Are you really sure he's reliable? Oh, ojou-chan," he clicked his tongue and shook his head at you.  "He won't neglect his duties to protect Liyue to come save you."
"You don't know him like I do," a bit of fighting spirit entered your hoarse voice, and your eyes began to glow.
"Oh, but I do.  An ancient yaksha that's at least half the age of Morax himself, falling in love with a human girl?  Is that what you're expecting from him?"  The words cut deeper than his blade had cut through your shoulder.  "You really believe such a hardened soul could learn to love in as quickly as a single human lifetime?  Ojou-chan, open your eyes.  He does not care for you, and he couldn't even if he tried.  Look around you, ojou-chan.  You're still here, in this dark cell, and he's where?  In Mondstat? Liyue?  He doesn't seem to care all too much about you."
"That's because I told him to stay away," you growled, eyes shining brighter.  You curled your fists and prepared to strike him if he had the audacity to continue spewing nonsense.  "You know, you have your entire life to be a jerk.  Why don't you take today off?"
"Even if he did save you, there's no future with him.  You will continue to chase after the illusion of love with him for the rest of your life, only to die alone with your youth wasted.  Even if you escaped, you would be on the run for your entire life, hiding away from the preying eyes of the Fatui.  Is that worth an escape, if you can no longer truly live?
"You're better off working with us, following Dottore's orders, and gaining the trust of the Tsaritsa.  You can make a life for yourself here if you decide to survive.  But out there," he pointed toward the cell door.  "Out there, you will not live."
"You know, your ass must be pretty jealous of all the shit that comes out of your mouth!"  You yelled as he exited the cell.  Your plate collided with the door right as it closed.  Hot tears stained your cheeks once you were left alone.
He's only trying to break you into submission, you soothed yourself as you hugged your legs.  They felt thinner than usual.  He's just trying to break me.  But why do his words...make me feel so upset?  You buried your face into your knees.  Maybe he's right.
"So the guard schedules all overlap? There's no way in?"  Paimon looked over the scattered notes on Diluc's table.  Most of them held ineligible scribbles on them, and she furrowed her brows because of it.
"This was all you were able to gather in a week?"  Aether pulled at his hair and sighed heavily.
"Not many are willing to oppose the Fatui," said Diluc.  "It took all my resources to get this much.  We don't know the interior layout of the castle other than the main exits and entrances.  But I did manage to find us a caravan that leaves at dawn tomorrow."
"Finally!"  Paimon huffed.  "Something useful!"
"I am sorry I haven't been of use to you all," Zhongli bowed his head in a sincere apology.  "It has been years since I've last seen Snezhnaya and the cryo archon."  You meant a great deal to the group, and Zhongli probably took your abduction the hardest since he could not intervene with the Tsaritsa and her plans.
"At least we finally have enough of a foundation to squeeze out a plan!"
"Have you heard from her at all today, Xia--?"  Aether interrupted himself.  "Are...you okay?"
All eyes turned to antisocial yaksha that stood at the back of the room.  It was a small thing the traveler had noticed, but it was significant enough that it totally contradicted everything Xiao was.
He was crying.
First,  you asked to eat with him when this was all over.  Then an overwhelming sense of dread and helplessness flooded his mind like a tsunami.  A single tear rolled down his cheek and he hastily wiped it away.  A tear?
"Stay out of my way," he disappeared from the room and manifested outside.  What was this unfamiliar clenching in his chest?  This clenching in his throat?  The way his hands tingled and his eyes stung?  The afternoon sun seemed to worsen it.
"Xiao," a deep voice spoke behind him, and he turned to face it.  Zhongli placed a large hand on the yaksha's head and closed his eyes for a moment.  When he released his grip, he too, felt the same pain in his chest.  
"She's in pain," the yaksha murmured.  "Every day she grows weaker.  Her strength, it...diminishes."  While it was a blessing to know you were alive, it was also a curse.  He could hear the uncertainty in your voice when you prayed, and the way you hesitate to speak to him each passing day.  The centuries of hardened walls blocking the yaksha from emotion grew weaker the more you did.
"Your bond has grown," the archon explained the physical and mental phenomena Xiao was being put through.  "You feel her emotions, just as she feels yours."
"Rid me of them," Xiao ordered.  "I have no need for the emotions of a human."
"She is no longer the only one that holds human emotions.  You care for her deeply, do you not?"  No answer. Blank stare. "I'm certain you've contemplated and understood my words in Qingce Village by now."  Zhongli's eyes followed the ascending path of two cranes flying overhead.  "You wish to rescue her, even though Liyue requires your protection?  You're worried I won't grant your request?"
"Worry no longer; it is granted.  But be warned, Guardian Yaksha, emotions cannot be permanently ignored.  They will rise to the forefront sooner or later,"  his gaze returned to Xiao's.  "You best be sure to share them before they fall on the ears of an early grave."
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nicknellie · 3 years
Anonymous requested: It would be really cool if you could do a library AU! Maybe one of them works at a library and they keep running into each other or something.
I have been unbelievably excited to write this one, I’m so happy I’ve finally got around to it! This is where my mind went as soon as I read the prompt, I really hope you enjoy it! (If anyone wants to suggest a prompt for a part 2 I’d be more than happy to do that once I reopen requests.)
Featuring he/they Willie because I really need to include that headcanon in my writing more often. Willie’s pronouns alternate throughout.
Books on Boards
Usually it was Reggie whose excuses began with “In my defence…”
“In my defence, I couldn’t see where I was going… In my defence, I forgot water and electricity don’t mix… In my defence, if Luke didn’t want to be shot with a Nerf gun then he shouldn’t have been standing in my way…”
Sometimes it was Luke.
“In my defence, no one told me not to… In my defence, I didn’t realise it could go this horribly wrong… In my defence, I did try to do it properly and I don’t know how it blew up…”
On rare occasion, it was Julie.
“In my defence, I was a little lost in my own head… In my defence, I’m terrible at comebacks… In my defence, I have an extremely annoying boyfriend and he was trying to talk to me about our new setlist the whole time which was very distracting…”
But it was never Alex.
Until now.
“In my defence,” Alex began, raising a hand and talking over Julie, Luke, and Reggie’s shouts, “I have to go to the library a lot. I’m an English major and it’s where all the books are!”
“But you don’t need to be at the library for five hours a day,” Luke countered.
Alex sighed. He had a point, and Alex had no excuse this time. Well, that wasn’t strictly true – his excuse was an adorable library assistant who just so happened to be very friendly to Alex and, by some miracle, worked whenever Alex needed to study. But he couldn’t just admit that to his friends, each of whom was staring at him with flat disbelief.
The assistant’s name was Willie and he was simply wonderful. The first time Alex had met him had been right at the start of his first semester – he had never been to the university’s library before and it was bigger than the one at Alexandria, so he was unbelievably lost. Alex had half-convinced himself that he would be stuck there forever, doomed to wander between the shelves looking for the section he needed, eventually becoming a ghost and haunting the place, still trying to locate his books.
Enter Willie. They had scared Alex half to death – in Alex’s defence, he hadn’t expected to be knocked off his feet by someone on a skateboard in the middle of a library the size of Buckingham Palace. And yet, he had landed on the floor, flat on his face and winded, understandably startled. As he scrambled to his feet, he heard his assailant exclaim, “Aw… you dinged my board!”
Alex had started to berate him but stopped in his tracks when he looked at the guy and realised that he had been knocked to the floor by a literal angel. His long dark hair was majestically swept to one side and tucked behind his ear, his soft eyes were sparkling, and he had a lopsided smile on his face despite the fact that Alex had been shouting at him just a second earlier (well, whisper-shouting at him – they were in a library, after all).
“Sorry,” they had said, picking up their board. “I didn’t see you there. Books were in the way.” He had pointed to a heap of books now strewn across the floor, some splayed open, some with ripped pages. Alex realised that he had been carrying the books stacked up in front of him, skating along with them.
“Oh!” Alex exclaimed, bending down to help pick the books up. “No, sorry, it’s fine. I was just stood there. I’m a little lost, no problem, my fault.”
Together they had stacked the books back up, and Willie heaved the stack onto a nearby table before introducing himself. Alex did the same, shaking Willie’s hand and trying to ignore the butterflies in his stomach – he couldn’t let himself get distracted by a cute guy with a skateboard, not while he still had all his books to find in the labyrinthine library.
“So,” Willie had said conversationally, leaning back against the table. “You said you were lost? Anything specific you need to find?”
Alex dug around in his fanny pack before pulling out the list he’d scribbled down. “Yeah, all of these. Do you know where they are?”
“I’d be a pretty terrible librarian if I didn’t,” Willie chuckled. At Alex’s bewildered look, he had raised an eyebrow and said, “I’m not a terrible librarian. I’m actually really good at it. I mean, I don’t usually knock over customers, but these things happen.”
“Oh,” Alex said, clocking on too late. It made sense – of course that was why Willie had been carrying so many books, he was a librarian. Alex didn’t know how he hadn’t guessed before. “Right, I get it, because of the books and the… Right, okay. What about the, uh… the skateboard?”
Willie had picked up their board, smiled at it fondly. “It helps me get around faster. This place is huge, man, you don’t seriously expect me to walk around it all day? Anyway, come with me, I’ll take you to those books.”
That had been five weeks ago.
It wasn’t Alex’s fault that Willie was incredibly cute. It wasn’t Alex’s fault that Willie’s shifts happened to perfectly align with his studying time. But he couldn’t deny that it was his fault that he had stayed there for hours on end every day since, talking to Willie about everything and nothing. And it was also his fault that he had done that very same thing today, checked his watch and seen that he was an hour late for band practise, and kept talking to Willie anyway.
Usually, Alex thought about consequences, but he had been having so much fun talking to Willie that day that he hadn’t considered them. Now those consequences had caught up with him in the form of one very angry rock band.
“Alex,” Luke said imploringly, “you’ve got to get your head in the game! We have a load of gigs coming up, really important ones–”
“We do?” Reggie interrupted, looking baffled. “I thought we’ve got that one at the old folks’ home and then that’s it for, like, a month?”
Luke waved him away. “That’s not the point. These gigs are just as important as any big ones. Dude, we’ve got to build up our repertoire so that we can start playing bigger venues, but that’s not going to happen if our drummer is too caught up in his studies!”
Alex inwardly sighed with relief. At least Luke thought the reason he was staying at the library so often was because he was working hard, not because he was talking to Willie. He would have preferred his tiny little crush on Willie stayed secret for a little longer; whenever Luke found out that Alex or Reggie liked someone, he became unbearable.
Unfortunately, it seemed as if Julie had other ideas.
She huffed an incredulous laugh, saying, “You seriously think he’s staying late because he’s studying?”
Luke nodded, confused, as Reggie gestured to Alex and said, “Of course he is, what other reason could there be?”
“Yeah,” Alex agreed, nodding. He knew that the hitch in his voice was unconvincing – in his defence, he’d never been a good liar. “What other reason could there be?”
Julie raised a challenging eyebrow, but the smirk on her face told Alex that she knew she had already won. “Alex, can I just ask, who was working at the library today?”
Alex cleared his throat and tried for nonchalance when he said, “Willie.”
“You mean the good-looking skater-boy history major, right?” Julie said slyly.
Alex shrugged. “Yeah. I guess he is those things.”
Julie nodded slowly. Luke and Reggie were watching the interaction carefully, though it didn’t seem like the realisation had dawned on either of them yet.
“And who was working last Friday when you didn’t arrive back here until almost ten p.m.?” Julie asked.
“Willie,” Alex said under his breath, avoiding eye contact.
“Right,” Julie replied. “And what about Tuesday when you missed three lectures and were smiling too much to even care about how much that’ll drop your grade?”
Alex scowled and didn’t say anything. It wasn’t as if she didn’t know the answer, and judging by the ‘O’ shape Reggie’s mouth was making and the wide grin that had made itself at home on Luke’s face, they had figured it out too.
“Bro,” Luke said excitedly, “you’ve got a crush on Willie!”
“No,” Alex spluttered, “no, I do not. We just happen to get on really well and he’s always working when I need to study.”
“But he is the reason you’re always there, isn’t he?” Reggie prompted.
Alex shrugged. “I guess,” he mumbled.
Luke leapt up, clamped his hands onto Alex’s shoulders and jumped up and down like an over-excited puppy. The ecstatic smile on Luke’s face didn’t quite make up for how annoying it was.
“Dude,” he said emphatically, “you’ve gotta ask him out!”
“Don’t be silly,” Alex said, shaking his head, “it’s not like that.”
“It’s like that,” Julie, Luke and Reggie chorused. Alex just rolled his eyes.
“Look, Alex,” Julie said. He looked past Luke to her, but only because in situations like this she tended to be the voice of reason. “I actually agree with Luke.”
Apparently, that day she was taking a break from being the voice of reason.
Alex opened his mouth to protest, but Julie interrupted him. “Hear me out. No matter what you say, you’re clearly head over heels for this guy. And it is distracting you – we’re two hours into rehearsal and you haven’t even set up your kit. If you ask him out and he says yes then you can hang out with him at other times as boyfriends, not when you’re meant to be spending time with us. If he says no, you can get him out of your mind and move on, getting your mind back on the band. What’s the worst that can happen?”
Again, Alex tried to respond, but this time Reggie and Luke both yelled over him.
“No!” Reggie shouted. “We agreed never to ask him that question again!”
“Have you forgotten last time?” Luke questioned furiously. “That was the longest three hours of my life!”
Julie held her hands up. “Sorry, sorry, it slipped my mind.”
“Okay,” Alex said, ignoring them and deciding to get the conversation back on track. “Even if I did do that, there’s so many things that could go wrong. I don’t know if he’s into guys, and if he says no for any reason at all then I can never go back to the library.”
Luke shook his head. “Dude, Willie’s the head of the university’s LGBTQ+ Society and he introduces himself as ‘Willie, he/they, gay’ at the start of each session.”
“How do you know?”
“I’ve been a couple of times. Hey, wait, we should all go, it’s actually super chill and–”
“It sounds great, Luke, but we’ll talk about it later,” Julie said, easily calming him as he started getting over-excited again. “Right now we have other things to focus on. Alex, if Luke’s right then Willie is definitely into guys. And from the way you’ve gushed about him and your conversations without realising it, I’d say he definitely has a thing for you. And he seems cool – I’m sure even if he said no then he’d act completely normally around you.”
“Yeah,” Reggie agreed, “the guy doesn’t find anything awkward. Last week I was looking through a book for my psychology class and just as I flicked to a… questionable page, he came up behind me. He just laughed it off and then offered to sign it out for me once I was done looking through it.”
Alex thought about it for a moment. It sounded too good to be true. Luke said that Willie was into guys, Julie said they might like Alex, Reggie said that they’d be cool with it no matter what… Good things like this didn’t happen to Alex too often.
“I’ll think about it,” he said. The others sighed, Reggie throwing up his hands with exasperation. “I will! I’ll think. But we should get to rehearsing.”
Almost two and a half hours later than they should have, the band finally set up their instruments and Alex counted them in.
He was at the library. Again. He was always at the library these days, just this time he really did need to be working. He had a big assessment coming up and needed to cram some last-minute studying in.
It would have been a lot easier if he hadn’t been trying to avoid Willie the entire time.
In Alex’s defence, it felt like the most reasonable option. Sure, he could see Willie and ask him out, but if Willie rejected him then he wasn’t sure he’d ever live it down despite his friends’ reassurances. He could have seen Willie and not asked him out, but then he’d be living in constant wonder of what could happen. So he had elected to do the sensible thing and just not see them at all.
It had been going well for the most part. His legs were beginning to ache from springing himself behind bookcases whenever he caught a glimpse of Willie, but it was worth it. Besides – he needed to focus, and an angelic librarian wasn’t about to help him do that.
He made his fatal error when trying to exit the library.
He had been so caught up in scanning the surrounding area for Willie that he hadn’t been looking ahead, or down at the floor. He heard the shout of, “Watch out!” too late.
Alex stepped forward, his foot landed on a skateboard, and he was sent flying down to the ground, landing hard on his coccyx. Pain shot up his back and he let out an agonised groan which earned him a “Shhhh!” from a tired-looking student sat at the nearest table.
“Alex,” came the same voice who had shouted the warning, the voice Alex now recognised as Willie’s. So much for avoiding him. Willie came and crouched down beside Alex where he was still laying on the floor, leaning over him, looking concerned. “Hey, Alex, you alright? I’m sorry, I shouldn’t have left my board lying there, I was only restocking that shelf.”
Groaning, Alex eased himself into a sitting position. Willie sat back, still looking worried.
“Yeah, I’m okay,” Alex lied. His coccyx was killing him. “It’s fine. I won’t sue or demand you get fired or anything.”
Willie chuckled lightly and then held out his hand. Alex took it automatically and was a little startled when Willie began pulling him to his feet – maybe it was the shock, but he had thought the hand holding was them simply having a moment. But no, of course it was too good to be true. Willie let go of his hand the moment they were both stood and then bent to pick up his board.
“I hadn’t seen you,” Willie said. “Where’ve you been hiding?”
Alex shrugged. “Oh, nowhere. Just… doing my English work. In the quiet area.”
Nodding, Willie replied with something that made Alex’s blood run cold.
“That’s cool. It’s just that I was just talking to Luke a minute ago and he said there was something you wanted to ask me?”
Eyes wide, jaw open in shock, Alex looked behind Willie to where they had pointed. Sure enough, standing by the end of a nearby bookcase with his nose in a book (which he was clearly not reading because it was upside down) was Luke. He gave Alex a nervous wave when he saw him looking.
Trying not to sound murderous, Alex said, “Yeah. There was something.”
He realised too late that hadn’t been what he was planning to say.
“Yeah? What is it?” Willie asked with a smile.
Alex’s eyes darted from Willie to Luke and back again, then up to the ceiling and around the library for inspiration, and then they landed on his own wrist and the rainbow bracelet wrapped around it.
“I – well, we, me and my friends – we were wondering if there would be any space for us to join the LGBTQ+ Society. Luke mentioned you’re the head so I figured there’s no one better to ask than you. Right?”
Willie blinked, face faltering for just a moment. Alex tried not to panic – had he said the wrong thing, had he somehow offended Willie? But the look was gone quick enough for Alex to convince himself he’d imagined it, replaced by his radiant smile.
“Yeah, the more the merrier,” he said. But then he cleared his throat and added, “You’re sure that’s it?”
Swallowing nervously, Alex cast another glance to Luke who had given up the pretence of reading and was now urgently gesturing at Willie, making kissy faces, and mouthing words Alex couldn’t understand – but he got the message.
“Okay, no, there was one more thing,” he said quietly.
Willie tucked his hair behind his ear and Alex’s eyes caught momentarily on his earring.
“I was wondering,” he began, slow but steady, “if you would… by any chance… And you can say no, I won’t be offended! It’s just, I would really like to go on a date with you. And if you would like to go on a date with me then I think we should. Do that. Go on a date. Together. If you want?”
As awkward as it felt, Alex maintained eye contact – he was glad he did, because a moment later Willie’s face split in a beautiful grin that didn’t look mocking or apologetic, it looked genuinely happy.
“Yes,” Willie said, laughing quietly. “Yes, I do want that.”
Alex sighed with relief. “Thank god. I’m going to kill Luke.”
“Don’t,” Willie said, shaking his head. “I can’t have you getting arrested before I get to go on a date with you.”
“What about after the date?” Alex joked.
“Yeah, man, that’s fine.” Willie laughed but after a moment their expression softened. “I’m really glad you asked. I was going to, but I wasn’t sure if you’d say yes.”
Alex scratched at the back of his head. “Yeah. That’s the same reason it took me so long to do the actual asking.”
“Well,” said Willie, “that doesn’t matter now. Does Friday work for you?”
Alex’s only form of a social life was hanging out with the band, and his plans for Friday consisted largely of sitting in his and Reggie’s shared dorm room, eating cold pizza and watching reruns of Friends.
“Yeah,” he said coolly, “I can probably make it work. Might have to reschedule some stuff, but it’ll be worth it.”
Clearly not believing him but polite enough not to call him out, Willie laughed and clapped him on the shoulder. “Great. My shift finishes at five that day, I’ll let you be a gentleman and pick me up. I’ve got to get back to work, but I’ll catch you then, Alex.”
“See you,” Alex said.
Willie walked away and was seamlessly replaced by Luke, who gripped Alex’s arms and shook him up and down. “Bro! You got a date with Willie! You can thank me later.”
Alex left the library, Luke trailing behind him. “I’m not thanking you,” he said, fighting a smile.
“Why not? I got him to come talk to you!”
“You didn’t ask him out, I did that. There’s nothing to thank you for.”
“That is where you’re very much wrong because…”
As Luke went on for a solid ten minutes about why Alex and Willie finally agreeing to go on a date was actually all down to him, Alex zoned out and let himself be happy. He had a date with Willie, the angelic librarian, the good-looking skater-boy history major. He couldn’t believe his luck.
When they arrived back at the studio, Julie smirked and said, “You’re grinning like an idiot, Alex.”
“In my defence,” he returned, “I'm going on a date with Willie.”
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jujutsubabe · 3 years
Similar Undertones
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Itadori x reader
Word count: 3.2k
Song recommendation: Take me where your heart is-Q
Synopsis: Itadori and you go on your first car date together and he is freaking out.
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Megumi and Nobara were going to absolutely lose it within the next three seconds. There was nothing new being talked about as Itadori repeated the same question in ten different ways.
“If this is our first car ride together do we hold hands while I drive? Or Is that too forward?”
“Wait, do you think it’s sexist if I want to drive? I kinda don’t want her to drive, it’s pretty late... wait— not saying she can’t do it! Women are strong! It’s just— is it rude to drive her?”
“Should I make a playlist of her favorite songs...? I’ve been saving them.”
Nobara and Megumi stared at the dork sitting in front of them. His questions didn’t have any more depth than this, you had a chaotic effect on this guy. The boy who never thinks before acting, is actually thinking. All it took was a quick “I’m hungry, can we go to McDonald’s?” from you to put him into absolute shock.
It should have been a casual answer, like “yeah I’ll get you now.” But no, the poor boy only officially asked you out a week ago after months and months of crushing on you. So he needed a full hour to mentally prepare himself enough to not ruin this moment with you.
“Itadori you’re giving me chills.” Nobara rubbed her arms. “Why can’t you two be normal?”
“Don’t put me in the same category as him.” Megumi rubbed his face. “Itadori why can’t you ask her what she wants?”
Itadori sunk into his bed, throwing his arms around wildly. “Are you kidding? If I asked her all that she would think I’m crazy.”
“She doesn’t know that already?” Megumi asked and Nobara cackled beside him.
Itadori whined into his pillow kicking his legs. “I don’t wanna mess this up, this is my first real girlfriend and if we broke up...”
If you looked at him with disgust before making up some random excuse to leave? If you started avoiding him in the city as he passed you by? if you went on with your lives not knowing each other anymore and then years later going to your wedding as a guest? Somehow getting the task of being a godfather and babysitting your kids for the rest of his life? Then becoming a school janitor and accidentally drowning in one of the toilets?
He could imagine it all now, you standing at his casket, sighing, “If only he let me drive instead...”
He screamed into the pillow. He couldn’t stop the inflow of the thoughts, each scenario more stressful than the last. He hated how much he worried over such trivial things.
Nobara pat his back, “Okay, yeah we get it. Calm down.”
The two looked between each other and their friend. It was difficult dealing with him in this state, they had to be extra careful with what they said. He usually comforted them, but when the roles were reversed it caught them a little bit off guard.
Megumi sighed, “I don’t think she would care about those things. She seems like a good person.”
Itadori only grunted.
“Seriously though. You two have known each other forever.” Nobara poked his sides. “At this point, anything you did now couldn’t make her run away.”
He thought about it. You did stay through a lot, you stayed during that whole finger swallowing incident. And that time he died for a little bit. Also the time he laughed so hard milk came out of his nose. (He found that one to be the most traumatizing.)
If you can stay with someone through all of that, then maybe, possibly, you wouldn’t mind staying if he was a little nervous on your ride together. If his hands were a little more sweaty than usual maybe you would giggle a bit and hold them anyways.
Maybe, there was nothing to worry about, and in the end the both of you would have a fun time. He thought too much of what would happen, he needed to relax.
With a long inhale, he rose from the pillow. Nobara clapped as he got up, “There we go, you’ve got it Itadori.”
“This will be a good date.” He reassured himself.
“It will be! That’s the spirit.” Nobara said.
“We’re going to hold hands and I’m not going to mess this up!” He stood from his bed. “I’ll make sure she’s comfortable and goes home telling her friends what a good boyfriend I am.”
“Fushiguro play the motivation playlist! We need to get him an outfit.” Nobara threw her phone to him as she headed to Itadori’s closet.
Megumi sighed, he really hoped this date went well enough for him to never ask for help again because...
He watched Nobara throw shirts to one side while Itadori rummaged through his half empty sock drawer asking Megumi if he had matching socks he could borrow instead.
...He genuinely couldn’t go through this again.
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Itadori popped in his fifth stick of mint gum as he checked his reflection. He looked out the window every few seconds before fixing up his appearance. As he looked at himself, he realized maybe he did too much...
He remembered Nobara pulling out a full suit, “This will be good. Girls love it when a guy dresses up.”
“That looks like too much. We’re getting fast food.”
She shook her head, pushing him into the closet, “Trust me, she will be so disappointed if you dress up casual.”
“I’ve never heard of that! Never! Megumi this is ridiculous isn’t it?”
Little did they know, Megumi left as soon as they turned their backs, right now he was back in his dorm reading a nice book under his comfortable covers. There was no way the two could bring him back into the room now. While he was going through his nightly routine, these two were preparing for war.
“Just try it on, if it’s bad you can change...” Nobara checked the time, “Hey what time are you supposed to get her?”
“Uh,” he squirmed into his pants, “like eight.”
“Huh... Like thirty minutes ago eight?”
The closet door snapped open as he stumbled out, “What? Where’s my phone?”
He groaned when Nobara shrugged, he looked through the large heap of clothes on the floor, then opened all the dresser’s drawers before grabbing it from the sock one.
It was already half past eight like she said, he scrolled through a few missed calls from you and frowned. He never missed more than one call from you, you probably thought he was dead (again) at this point.
He would definitely be losing points for that. He would be lucky if you didn’t text your friends about what a horrible date he was being. First he was late and then he showed up in a suit? He would never live that down.
He did a quick little debate as he stared at himself in the mirror, he was way too dressed up for this little encounter. He had no time to change though, so instead of comfy shorts, he accepted his fate to be the awkward guy who dresses up way too much for something that’s supposed to be way more casual.
It’s like those kids who dress in suits at public schools, it’s out of place and everyone scratches their head wondering if they went to the wrong event.
He shook his head, with no more time to dwell on it, he grabbed his keys. Before he left though he pointed a finger through the door, “Later, we will argue about this later.”
Nobara laughed as he hurried out the door. “Tell me how it goes after!”
Itadori shook his head, still not really over the past events. Fixing his cuff he glanced out the window once more before catching sight of you. He took a deep breath before getting out his car.
“Hey!” He waved out to you as you squinted from your door. The closer you got the more confused you looked.
“Shoot, we’re we going somewhere fancy?” You looked over your oversized shirt and sweat pants. “I thought we were getting fast food.”
He was jealous of your comfort wear. Any other day he would be jumping in joy over how cute you looked in house clothes, but right now he craved some of his own.
Itadori thought about those moments in typical romance movies where the girl steals the guy’s sleepwear. The guy gets all flustered because she’s wearing his clothes and looks so comfortable, the girl is happy because she gets out of her uncomfortable dress clothes and finally gets to relax. It’s a bonding moment between the two.
He wished he could be the girl in that situation right now.
He scratched his neck. “No, we are. My friend just bullied me into wearing a suit...”
You laughed, “Really? Was that why you ran late?”
“Yeah, sorry about that,” he winced, “I lost track of time. I really was going to wear something normal.”
Your eyes darted over him before you pursed your lips. “I don’t think I’ve ever seen you in a suit before.” You picked at dust on his shoulder, “It’s a little out of place but it’s cute.”
He hung his mouth as if you kicked the breath out of him. You said that with so much ease, you two have known each other for so long but he’s never seen you be this much of a flirt. He felt like a firefly was lighting him up from inside out, blinking on and off as he stared at you unable to move.
We’re these the benefits of being in a relationship? Random touches and compliments that could make any worrying heart swoon instead? It was his first time dating his crush so every little thing you said or did made him bounce off the walls.
He wanted to cherish the moment with you touching his shoulder and calling him cute for a moment longer. You somehow made him forget every single worry that welled up in his chest.
He wondered if he made you feel this way as well.
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Itadori is a cute driver. The two of you keep a good conversation, but when he makes a turn he goes quiet. He also goes quiet when someone crosses the street, sometimes he talks to the drivers in front of him even though they can’t hear him.
Little sayings like, “You can go.” “You don’t have to run across, I can wait.”
He fumbles with the radio station until you wave his hand off and change it yourself. You can tell it takes a weight off his shoulders, he looks content whenever you switch it.
He drives with both hands too. At every stop light he taps his fingers on the wheel, glancing at yours every once in a while. You never know what to do, debating on whether or not he's trying to hold your hand. You didn’t want to come off as being too forward by grabbing his hand, but also didn’t want him to initiate everything for your little date.
You hadn’t been in a car alone with him before, you didn’t know the rules about romance in the car. If you made a wrong move you two would have to sit in silence until he dropped you off, or worse until he kicked you out the car.
You could imagine it all now, you go to grab his hand and he pulls it away. “Isn’t that a little too early? I don’t think we’re that close yet...” and then he turns up the music to ignore the tension.
Then you pass each other in the streets, then he dates someone completely different and you see them together all the time, then you become a realtor sell a house to him and his new wife, constantly wishing you could have been the one moving in with him, then you are living in his basement without his knowledge, eating sardines before dying under his house.
Itadori would shake his head at your funeral, “If only she never held my hand...”
You internally screamed. You couldn’t mess this up. He was so different from any other person you’ve met, you didn’t want to be too fast with this. You liked him since the first day you met, it would pain you to see all those months of friendship and growth go down the drain by being a tad too forward.
You couldn’t bear going back to the friend stage again, though fun at that period of time, you were in too deep to go back. The idea alone gave you chills, that would mean no more cute little touches or flirty gestures, just awkward waves when you passed by.
You fiddled with your fingers, glancing at his. The thought alone gave you butterflies, the two of you holding hands in a car at night screamed aesthetic Pinterest board. Your hand craved to feel whatever those Internet couples felt.
Your chest tightened a bit when the drive thru came into view and he asked for your order. It was like a reality check, the little drive filled with mindless chatter and laughs would be ending soon, with neither of you making a move.
You bit your cheek as he pulled up to the cashier window, time started to dwindle. You wondered why he couldn’t make a move first. His chances of rejection were in the negatives.
If he held his hand out you would hold it, you didn’t care if any of the employees witnessed such a display of PDA. You didn’t care where he held it, you didn’t care if it suddenly turned green… well you would be concerned about that… but there is nothing more romantic than holding hands in the middle of the night with someone you are infatuated with.
...In the McDonald’s drive thru.
He pulled to the next window and talked about something for a while before he interrupted your racing mind, “You okay?”
You popped out of your thoughts, about to pull an excuse from the top of your head but when you turned to him you didn’t expect to see his hand. Your eyes went wide as you saw his palm open and his expression soft and heartfelt.
It was like a small explosion of color went off in your brain. Like confetti rained in your mind and every single wish you’ve ever had suddenly became true in this very instant.
Itadori is actually offering his hand to you. Maybe you were imagining this and he wasn’t real, but even if he wasn’t, why not take the hand of this apparition?
So with the widest smile and biggest set of heart eyes, you fit your hand into his like a slot piece. His hands were warm like food out the oven, or fresh laundry, or a ray of sun washing over you. They were a little sweaty, but it was cute, everything about this moment was exactly how you dreamed about it. You could feel your heart settle itself down.
Until, Itadori cleared his throat, “I was asking if you could hand me the money from there...” he pointed to the glove compartment.
Your face dropped when you saw the cashier standing at the window scratching his head and Itadori still pointing at that cursed glove compartment. This was something right out of a horrible coming of age movie, you couldn’t believe this was real.
“Oh!” You slipped your hand out, snatching whatever amount from the compartment box and handing it to him. “I’m so sorry, that’s so embarrassing.”
No, no embarrassing was an understatement. You more so felt like a ball got kicked in your face on live television. You didn’t know if you could ever recover from this, you wondered if you should change your name and move across the country now or later.
While you were deciding on a new name, you were thrown off, when he cocked his head instead of agreeing, “Why? I was going to hold it anyway.”
“You were?”
He nodded, “I was nervous I might freak you out but—“
“I felt the same way!” You interjected, “I thought I would make you uncomfortable.”
You didn’t expect him to be as nervous as you were, the both of you seemed to get onto a mutual plane of understanding. You both said what the other person thought, peeling off that initial layer of worry like an orange.
To think someone as confident ltadori would be nervous. You were used to him doing things without thinking and going in with full confidence this threw you off guard. You were seeing a different side of him you weren’t used to.
“Don’t worry, you can’t make it uncomfortable. I'm fine with whatever!”
“Me too, if you want to hold hands we can.” You bit down on your cheek, a loud buzzing coursing through your arms.
Itadori grinned back at you so hard, the both of you in this little bubble. Maybe this night wouldn’t be as bad as you imagined. You might be able to keep this date in your mental memory, looking back at it whenever you wanted to smile.
The cashier cleared his throat, still standing there, the both of you jumped before looking, “You’re holding up the line.” He pointed to the money in Itadori’s hand.
“Right sorry!”
You laughed as he scrambled with the money. The both of you turning to each other and giggling when he finally left the drive thru. You sorted through the food while he found a place to park. (to which you mentally squealed, you two could now spend a little more time together)
Your conversation now had an interesting topic as you both discussed how nervous you were beforehand, then talked about the pace you wanted the relationship to go in, then your days, then the weather, and then it went quiet.
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You were cleaning up, wiping away the salt from your fingers and crumpling up trash. Doing minor things like adjusting the air and checking your face for crumbs in the mirror.
Maybe he shouldn’t be looking at you with so much intensity, but he couldn’t help it. His glances were quick and out of the corner of his eye at first, but after some time he completely forgot to keep the looking secret and started staring at you.
You weren’t even noticing. You were in your own little world, thinking about a catchy little tune you heard over the radio while you cleaned your nails.
It was all so simple, but he couldn’t help his eyes from noticing every little thing you did. He didn’t understand why his heart thrummed so fast when you pursed your lips or drummed your fingers onto your lap. Tiny itty bitty things he didn’t pay attention to earlier were so eye catching for some reason.
You had such a content look on your face, it physically pained him. He could feel the weight of his heart, the buzz in his fingers, he wanted to know if you felt the same. If you felt there was no one else who could fill up this place in your chest. Like no matter where you were, each moment was perfect as long as this feeling stayed.
He couldn’t help but intertwine your hand with his. You smiled up at him and he wondered if he was allowed to have this. Your hand or this moment, he didn’t know if he deserved it, yet he couldn’t help but take it. It would be wrong not to.
He squeezed your palm to his, maybe you could see the sparks behind his eyes as he did so. He hoped if he looked close enough, you would share the same sparks behind your eyes as well.
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swan-of-sunrise · 3 years
Specs and the Flyboy (Chapter Eighteen)
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Summary: Jack uses his position as a captive of the Secret Empire to gather intel, and he winds up learning more about the elusive Michael Carter.
Pairing: Jack Thompson X Reader
Word Count: 2.8k
Warnings/Disclaimers: References to torture
A/N: Thank you all so much for reading! I hope that you enjoy!
Chapter Eighteen Location: Unknown (Previous Chapter)
Commander Jefferson Williams was the toughest man Jack had ever known, tougher than Chief Dooley and even tougher than his own father. The battle-hardened naval officer had imparted heaps of wisdom onto the countless men under his command during the war, but there was one piece of advice that Jack would never forget as long as he lived:
“OSA, boys, OSA. Observe, situate and adapt. Knowin’ those three things could mean the difference ‘tween life and death out here in the jungle so don’t you ever forget ‘em!”
When he joined the SSR after the war, Jack closely followed Williams’ advice and quickly rose through the ranks, becoming the second in command and eventually Chief of the New York branch. The advice had served him well over the years, but he never imagined in a million years that he’d be using it in a situation like the one he currently found himself in. The last thing he remembered before being knocked unconscious was dealing with the armed guards in the hangar and turning around to see the familiar smirking face of Thomas Attwell. Everything went dark after that, until he found himself blinking his eyes open and biting back a groan of pain.
Observe, Jack thought to himself as he slowly regained consciousness. He was in a darkened mid-sized room and what little light there was reflected off the metal walls; when he glanced down, he realized that he was sitting in a chair and his arms and legs were bound to it with ropes. The raincoat and fedora he’d been wearing were gone, so he could feel the biting air seeping into his limbs.
Situating himself was a little more challenging; the room had no windows, its only door was locked and with all the metal surrounding him, it was impossible to determine the outside weather. Attempting to focus his mind, Jack closed his eyes and breathed in through his nose and out through his mouth. It was after doing that for a handful of moments that he realized the floor was slightly shaking; like the floor of a subway car, he silently realized, or a moving train.
Before Jack could move to the third step, an overhead light flickered on and the metal door banged open to reveal two men and a woman. Dottie Underwood was smirking, presumably amused at seeing the man who’d once taken her down strapped to a chair and defenseless, and Thomas Attwell was rolling up the sleeves of his shirt, making it clear to the self-described interrogation master of the SSR that he’d be getting a taste of his own medicine. But it was the man standing in front of them that Jack’s attention was instantly drawn to.
It was the first good look Jack had gotten of Michael Carter and while he was once again struck by just how much he looked like his little sister, he was even more surprised at how easy it was to get a read on him. Having hung around Peggy for as long as he had, he could tell when she was scheming and as he stared up into her older brother’s eyes, he knew in his gut that Michael was up to something.
The moment passed in the blink of an eye and Michael stepped further into the room, a hardened expression on his face. “So, you’re the Jack Thompson I’ve heard so much about.”
“And you’re Michael Carter.” Jack smirked a little despite his dire situation. “You’re lookin’ good for a dead guy.” He looked past Michael and raised a brow at his two companions. “Can’t say the same about your Commie pals, though.”
“Aw, I’ve missed you too, Blue Eyes.” With a wide smile, Underwood strode into the room and leaned against the wall beside him. “Surprised to see me?”
Jack shrugged his shoulders as best he could. “Not really. Vultures like you always tend to hang around rot like them.”
“Charming. Well, Chief Thompson, I’m sure you’re wondering why you’re here with us vultures,” Attwell’s narrowed eyes searched Jack’s, but he didn’t flinch under the man’s scrutinizing gaze. “And if you’re not, then you’re as arrogant of a man as Agent Cabrera claimed you were.”
Agent Cabrera’s the spy within the SSR, Jack thought with a sinking heart, his face remaining blank while his mind processed the shocking news; Cabrera had joined the SSR shortly after they’d apprehended Johann Fennhoff and he’d proven himself to be a skilled agent, so skilled that Jack had appointed him Acting Chief while he was away in Los Angeles. When it was revealed that the Secret Empire had a spy within the SSR, Jack hadn’t even considered that one of his best men back in New York was an enemy operative.
Attwell’s brow rose in surprise and he let out a low whistle. “Nothing? You’ve really got a lid on those emotions of yours, don’t you?” He glanced over at Michael with a smirk. “Perhaps he’ll talk if we pay a visit to Agent (Y/L/N) instead…”
Jack’s blood ran cold at the man’s taunt about (Y/N) but before he could react, Michael snapped, “If you and Underwood had done your jobs properly, then there wouldn’t be any need to worry about that. But no matter, Chief Thompson may prove to be useful on his own.” Turning back to Jack, Michael crossed his arms over his chest and continued. “We have it on good authority that you recently came into possession of a rather unique Arena Club pin. Where is it?”
“I don’t know what you’re talking about.” Jack lied with ease; naturally, he wasn’t going to tell them that the pin had been in Peggy’s possession since before his shooting. With a tilt of his head, Jack asked, “What’s your little Secret Empire want with an Arena Club member pin anyway? You guys fixin’ on joining up with what’s left of the Council of Nine?”
“The Council of Nine was a collection of frightened old men playing at being in power and thanks to Miss Underwood here, their feeble-minded organization’s been destroyed beyond repair.” Michael replied, his expression unreadable as he continued. “Nevertheless, that group of geriatric capitalists held the key to the unification of the Secret Empire and Leviathan and now that they’re gone, there’s nothing to stand in our way…except you. So I’ll ask you again, Chief Thompson: Where is the Arena Club pin?”
Jack’s eyes never left Michael’s as he frostily replied, “I. Don’t. Know.”
Nodding, Michael glanced over at Underwood and gestured towards the door. “Miss Underwood, would you be kind enough to inform your associates that we’re en route?”
“And miss all the swell fun here?” Underwood smirked. “Oh, not a chance.”
“Would you prefer that I contact them instead and inform them that their disobedient operative’s refused to comply?” Attwell challenged, and the grin on Underwood’s face slowly faded; shooting the man a dirty look, Underwood strode out of the small room and Attwell closed the door behind her. “She’s becoming a challenge to control.”
“Once we finally join with Leviathan, she won’t be our problem anymore.” Looking back down at Jack, Michael quirked a brow and smiled. “Now, Agent Cabrera made mention of the fact that you’re considered to be a highly-skilled interrogator at the SSR; he also said that you’d prove to be ‘a tough nut to crack.’ Let’s put that to a test, shall we?”
As Thomas Attwell’s fist made contact with Jack’s jaw, the last thing that flashed through his mind before the pain was (Y/N)’s beautiful smile.
Jack wasn’t sure how long his interrogation lasted, or even how he’d ended up out of his chair and sprawled on the floor of the room; all he could think about was the pain that was threatening to overwhelm him. His left eye was beginning to swell shut, his jaw felt like raw meat, the blood dripping from his nostrils had finally ebbed…and that’s just what they did to his face. Attwell had held some sort of device to his neck that sent painful waves of electrical currents throughout his body, more painful than anything Jack had ever experienced in his life. The only thing giving him the strength to endure it all was (Y/N) and as his head sagged forward, all he could do was be grateful that they’d gotten ahold of him and not her.
“Shall we continue, or should we give Chief Thompson a chance to catch his breath?”
“We’ll let his wounds begin to heal and then continue where we left off. That should give us enough time to begin tracking down Agent (Y/L/N); it’s become apparent that he requires more…incentive to talk.”
With all the strength he had left, Jack raised his head and spat out, “You touch her and I’ll kill you both.”
Both men looked unfazed by his threat, and Michael leaned against the wall with his arms crossed over his chest. “I’ll watch him while you and Underwood contact her fellow operatives back in England.” Attwell looked as though he was about to argue, but Michael quickly cut him off with a sharp glare. “This is a result of your blunder Thomas, so it’s your responsibility to fix it. We need that key to solidify our relationship with Leviathan and to give them the weapon they desire; otherwise, this all will have been for nothing.”
They stared at one another for several moments before Attwell clenched his jaw and stormed out of the room. Michael watched him go with a look of indifference on his face but when the door slammed shut, his expression twisted for a split-second before relaxing.
In that moment, all the pieces finally fell into place for Jack; the gunshot in the office of The Palladium, the door banging open and then slamming shut…all loud noises that occurred right before the cracks in Michael’s tough façade. It’s gotta be some sort of trigger, Jack thought through the haze of pain, which means that he really was brainwashed. Before joining the SSR, a notion like that would’ve made him scoff but now, something as crazy as mind-control wasn’t just theoretical, it was highly probable. With a plan forming in his mind, Jack let his body go slack on the floor and his eyelids begin fluttering.
“It would seem that Agent Cabrera was mistaken about you, Chief Thompson,” Through his lashes, Jack watched Michael snort in derision and push himself off of the wall. “You’re weak. Simple-minded, too, if you believe that we won’t succeed in making you talk.” He knelt down beside Jack and smirked. “Perhaps when Agent (Y/L/N) arrives, we’ll-”
Jack lunged forward, tackling a surprised Michael to the ground and grabbing a fistful of his dark brown hair before slamming his head down onto the ground; the man’s eyes were unfocused as his face tightened in discomfort and as Jack watched, his expression slowly shifted from anger to confusion. Still cautious, he didn’t stop pinning Michael to the ground as he commanded, “Tell me who you are!”
“Michael…Michael Carter, SOE.” Michael’s brow furrowed and he squeezed his eyes closed as he grimaced. “Thank God you cracked my codes in time. Please, I don’t know how long this’ll last so-”
“Not until I know which Michael I’m talking to…What’s the reason why your sister was almost expelled from boarding school?”
Michael’s brown eyes opened and the ghost of a smile slowly stretched across his face. “Peggy…Peggy was caught stealing the headmaster’s brandy and his wife’s knickers. Mother and Father were livid, but I secretly gifted her a congratulatory bottle of brandy that Christmas.”
Satisfied with his answer, Jack staggered to his feet and stifled a wince of pain. “You can’t read that in a file.”
“Is Peggy all right? She’s still in America?” Jack nodded and Michael breathed a sigh of relief. “Good. I’ve been trying to keep regular tabs on her for months now, but it’s been a challenge to hide my work from the others and…well, myself.”
He didn’t take his eyes off of the man sprawled on the ground before him, wary of any kind of treachery. “What happened to you during the war?”
“In 1940, the SOE ordered me to infiltrate Hydra; they faked my death, gave me a new identity but I was found out in ’44. My…” Michael groaned, clutching the side of his head as he stood. “My university flatmate’s brother, Thomas, he was a Hydra operative; he let their scientists experiment on me, scrambling my brain so that I’d become their mindless killing machine with no memories of my old life.”
Jack, whose eyes had begun darting around the room for an escape route, looked back at the dark-haired man with a frown. “Why not just kill you instead?”
“Hydra needed every human test subject they could get their hands on. Whatever they did to my mind worked at first, but then cracks began to form and I started remembering who I really was; I hid my condition from my fellow operatives for a year, right up until Hydra fell to Captain America and the SSR.”
“And what about the Secret E-?”
“We don’t have time to waste on explanations, Chief Thompson!” Michael cut him off, his jaw clenching as his hands rubbed at his temples. “If you found our airfield in Kent then you must’ve already located my file at the SFC, so listen carefully: inside the file is a code written in invisible ink. Have Agent (Y/L/N) decode it as quickly as she can, everything you need to know is within it. I-” Crying out in pain, the man doubled over and Jack hurried to his side; Michael’s eyes were squeezed shut as he spoke through clenched teeth, “My control…slipping away, we have…we have moments at best…a dream…visions, light, cheered, night, dream.”
Jack’s brow furrowed in confusion at the randomness of his words. “What-?”
“Destroy the key…destroy Zodiac…” His eyes flew open, and Jack was struck by how frightened they were as their gaze met. “Tell Peg that I…I’m…” He cried out again and fell to the ground, his hands clutching the sides of his head. “Go, now!”
Giving Michael one final look, Jack turned and flung open the door, darting out and shutting it as quietly as he could behind him. Shockwaves of pain coursed throughout his body as he limped across the train car, but just as he reached for the control panel to open the sliding divider door, he stopped himself; continuing on through the rest of the train would surely alert everyone on board and in no time, he’d either be strapped back into that wooden chair or he’d be dead. Looking up, he breathed a sigh of relief when his eyes landed on an overhead hatch; he gritted his teeth to keep from crying out in pain as he began climbing up onto a wooden crate and once he reached the top, he opened the hatch and hoisted himself up.
The shooting pain in Jack’s body nearly made him black out but he pushed through it, moving to sit on the roof of the train and kicking the hatch closed. Taking in the snow-covered trees and vivid white banks flanking both sides of the train, he deduced that they were traveling through Eastern Europe; Michael did mention that they were meeting up with Leviathan, he silently reasoned, which means that we’re somewhere in Russia. Wasting no time, Jack peeked over the side of the train and felt a surge of adrenaline when he caught sight of the large snow bank up ahead.
“Three…two…one…now!” He rolled off the speeding train and fell into the powdery snow below, groaning in pain as he slowly sat up and watched the train vanish into the distance. “Observe, situate and adapt, Thompson, c’mon.” He clambered to his feet and moved to stand behind a nearby tree as he followed the first step; the sun was sitting high in the sky, shining through the tree branches and reflecting off of the snowy landscape surrounding him. It was cold, much colder than inside the train, and he knew that once the sun set he’d be even colder; his suspicion about being somewhere in Russia was confirmed when he breathed in through his nose and smelled fish in the air, instantly recalling Peggy Carter’s words from so long ago…
“Do you know what the smell of herring in the air means in the middle of a Belarusian summer?”
“Mmm, someone’s having a fish fry?”
“It means that there’s wind blowing in from the Baltic, it means a snowstorm in July, and if you can smell the wind it means that you have thirty minutes to find shelter and build a fire before you die of hypothermia in the morning…”
“What the hell’s it mean in the winter, though?” Jack wondered aloud, his brow furrowing in worry. Knowing that time was running out, he quickly removed his standard-issue SSR wristwatch and twisted its face off to reveal the compass hidden underneath. He held it flat on his palm and watched as the compass needle moved to find north, an insane plan involving the nearest friendly village with a telephone and the infamous Howling Commandos already beginning to form in his mind.
A/N: This was a challenging chapter to write, not gonna lie, I couldn’t bring myself to actually write the torture scene because I got nauseated every time I tried so I’m sorry about that, but I hope you still enjoyed it! Thank you guys so much for reading! If you haven’t checked it out yet, I created a Spotify playlist for this series and I’ll be updating it every time I upload a new chapter.
Chapter Nineteen-Part One
“Specs and the Flyboy” Masterlist
Tagging: @nnon-it-up @fluffymadamina @remmyswritings @ourstarsailor @darkusangelus @josis-teacup @marvel-jackt-loki-buck @yeetyeetchickenmeat @sameoldbaby @theserenityspace @seeing-but-not-observing @supervoldejaygent​ @momc95​ @brooke0297​ @kinda-c0nfused​ @outoftheregular  @mads-weasley​
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