#but look the whole plot of the movie with them raising a child together???
sanshoney · 7 months
father & male!child!reader
reader is 10, father is 38
no plot, just general fluff
shout out to boys who never had a healthy father figure in their life
(intentional lowercase, y/n is not used)
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– being a divorced father with a 10 year old is a bit difficult, william can tell this much. working overtime to maintain the middle class life both for himself and his child is more than exhausting. but at the end of the day, it's all worth it. everything for his darling boy, right?
– sometimes, he can't manage to pick you up from school, so he asks his best friend, jake, to do that. luckily, jake is a sweetheart and you warmed up to him pretty quickly. he's kinda your best friend too, at this point.
– everytime he comes home, tired, hungry and grumpy from work, you never fail to make him smile. the way you jump up from the couch, scream "daddy!" and run into his arms gets him everytime. he lifts you up and spins you around giggling. you always giggle along with him, wrapping your legs around his torso for extra safety. "hi, sweetheart. how's my darling boy doing, hm?" he kisses your forehead and cheeks lovingly.
– he's a busy man, but he always makes sure to have time for you. father-son weekends are a must, where you basically do anything together. the keyword is "together". you could watchim movies, go to the playground, draw together or even cook (you being his "little assistant", as he calls you, because he's obviously not gonna let you near to the stove), all that matters is that you're having a good time with your father.
– in your eyes, he's the one who knows everything. when you have a question, you ask it from him. when he's not around, jake would do, sure, but he's the main source of your knowledge. you always say that everything you know, you know it from him. it doesn't matter that you learnt reading, still learning counting and numbers in school, you deny it all. you always tell will that he's much better than school and you could spend your whole life having knowledge only from him. he only laughs and pats your head, "you're too sweet for your own good."
– he makes sure to raise you right, so you'll turn out a mentally healthy and happy person. he teaches you to refrain and not listen to anything that toxic masculinity contains. "having emotions is okay. everyone has them; everyone cries, laughs or gets embarrassed from time to time. feeling sad it's more than okay, my boy. if you need to cry, let it out. im here for you always, sweetie. please rely on me when needed."
– he teaches you about different races and sexualities pretty soon. he wants you to be a respectful and open-minded person. and if happens, that you're not cis or straight, don't hate yourself but instead accept yourself. he really just wants the best for you.
– he also teaches you that being kind and affectionate isn't feminine. hugging or kissing someone you love and fond of it's just a human thing, not a "girl thing". thats why, he always encourages you to kiss or hug him when you'd like to. of course, he doesn't force you - he said that there are people who simply don't like physical touch and you need to respect that. boundaries are meant to be taken seriously, after all.
– he has a habit of calling you by petnames like honey, sweetheart, darling and anything like those. "petnames are a sign of affection. you can use petnames on your romantic partners, or in our case, familiar bonds too. tell me, if you'd like me use a new petname or want me stop the whole thing," he's just so considerate of your feelings.
– "a good man is respectful, loving and kind. these are the main qualities of a healthy person."
– he makes sure to compliment and praise you a lot. he wants you to have a healthy confidence - you're perfect, after all. in his eyes, at least. "that's my boy", "you did such a good job, darling. im so, so proud of you", "look at you being so pretty in your new tee. you're beautiful, my sweet". he always makes you feel so good and warm. that's why, you compliment him back. "daddy, your new shirt looks really nice on you", "daddy, you look so handsome today".
– but of course, both of you compliment each other's personalities as well. "my boy, it was so kind of you to say that about jake. im so proud to have such an endearing little boy like you". "honey, you are so clever. not many kids know this. you're quick to learn. im very proud of you, dear". there are times, when wills especially emotional. he can give a long, loving speech about his unconditional love for you.
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you're laying on your father's chest, your head burried in his neck. he's slowly rubbing your back and hums a familiar melody. you're not sure what it is tho. you're on the verge of falling asleep, when you suddenly hear wills voice.
"darling?" his voice is soft, gentle in case you're already sleeping. "hmm?" "you know i love you very much, right?" "i love you too, daddy." "and you know im always proud of you? im always gonna be proud of you, no matter what you do. even if you make mistakes, you're perfect for me. everytime i look at you i just... feel so much love towards you. my sweet, adorable boy. you're so kind, clever and affectionate. you're my pride and joy." he kisses your forehead. you feel yourself blushing, hearing your daddy's loving words always being a treat. and you're having a lot of treats. "you're worth every single overworked day, every frown that paints my face less friendly. coming home to you is what keeps me going. feeling your little arms and legs wrapped around my body makes me happy beyond words. im so happy to have a son like you..." his voice cracks and you can see his eyes glisten. he's so full of emotions right now.
you lift your head up from his chest quickly, worried. "please don't cry, daddy... you make me happy too. i love you too. please don't be sad." you say softly, rubbing his cheeks clumsily and looking at him with your doe eyes. he can't help but smile at your sweetness. "baby, im not sad. i feel the opposite, actually. these are tears of happiness."
you frown at him confused. if he's happy, why is he crying? isn't crying a bad thing? you decide, it doesn't matter. you just want to comfort him, like he always does with you. you press soft kisses to his whole face, leaving a bit of your molecules on his skin. he smiles gently and if anything, he just wants to cry harder now. he can't believe he has got such an angel in his life. "you're a blessing. an angel descended from heaven. i can't believe i have such a miracle in my arms like you..." he starts cradling you. "d-daddy..." you blush again. sometimes you wonder what did you ever do to deserve him. "im not an angel..." "you are. my little angel." he grins happily and covers your face in soft kisses, giving you back the favor from earlier. you smile sheepishly, basking in your father's love. it feels almost natural, really.
you can't help but wonder what would it be like, if you had a different parent, someone meaner and crueler. but the thing is, you don't have to worry about that. all that matters is that you have the perfect father, the kinda one shown in tv. and you couldn't be happier.
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hope you enjoyed!! ♡
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snowswan-royalehigh · 2 months
To be honest,RE isn't that morality gray complex as it presented to me since in our view it's just your typical original story that has bad writing and et cetera. To those who want to read a good smart FL who doesn't have slavery on it,go read my in laws are obsessed with me(compare to navier,pereshati the FL has flaws and also has someone by her side as she does it by gaining their trust and helping them in her own comfort way. Also,pereshati so a sweetheart I'm serious),I abdicated my title as empress(the setting may be similar to RE but trust me,the FL is smart and doesn't love the emperor and doesn't want to take the throne,the ml is a green flag,the emperor has mommy issues and the antagonist is a very smart noble),don't come to the villainess stationary store( the FL doesn't want revenge and opens a stationary shop so children can enjoy the joys of being a child,a green flag ml who is chil,la bodyguard who considered the FL and FL considered the bodyguard as just a brother figure), raising my fiance with money(the FL is smart and has broke off with her cheater,helps the ml to again confidence and also has a wholesome family also bonus points the father of the FL is such a cute chubby teddy bear)
I agree! RE is my favorite train wreck, it's like those 'the hated child becomes hybrid princess' gacha mini movies, horrible writing, characterization, and plot holes everywhere, but it's fun! RE is NOT a 'Oh.... we're morally grey' It's a lot of bad writing, hypocrisy, and self contradicting. I think that helps me enjoy it. Although, I think Rashta is the only well written character, besides the cartoonishly evil things the author makes her to.
Another thing is, I'd say adding slavery to a story can really mess it up. Unless you're going to have your Mcs solve it (or at least try to) it can just ruin their characters, because it makes them seem immoral if they don't fix it, and it can make the whole story sound trashy. Usually, slavery, is just one super small plot point that gets ignored after that. In RE they try to justify it,
Also, I love Pereshati!!! Her and Therdeo are so cute and well written, I love how it's such a sincere slowburn, Pereshati has so much compassion and sympathy, but she isn't dumb and being nice to whoever, over and over again. I feel like if another author took her up, she would've had a long time romantic rivalry between Schiff and Therdeo for her affection, and Therdeo would've been smitten in two seconds. The princess was actually so freaky as a villain too, oml. The art style too! I feel like the art style makes me feel like I'm looking at actual independent adults.
Do you know where I can read 'I abdicated my title as empress' off Webtoon? I'd rather die than daily pass. I read the first few episodes, and they seemed really good. Art style and story hopefully work well together! I haven't read any of the other ones, so I wanna check them out, TYSM!!! :DDDD
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spacecatsocblog · 1 year
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Concept for one of the main characters of Space Cats, Psyche!
Psyche is actually the first character I ever made for this story back in the 6th grade... around 8 years ago (omg I cant believe this story is almost 9 yrs old...)
info on Psyche (this is long im very sorry):
He is a jaded 35 yr old fighter pilot for the Felis Military, he does his job because he has to, as he signed his life way at 18 to become a soldier.
Psyche is smart and has figured out how shit and secretive the government is, but he has accepted that there is nothing he can do about it. He is pretty much always grumpy, he doesn't like to talk much, and he's short with most people.
However he is actually an amazing pilot and fighter, he's sure to rise in the ranks, as long as he doesn't lose his temper too much and reveal his distaste for the government.
Almost all soldiers in the Felis Military are assigned a partner during training in the academy. If a cat has family in the academy at the time, they are almost always partnered with them. Psyche very much so knew this when he joined, as he and his (adopted) brother Clvic joined the military together so they could be eachother's copilots.
Psyche doesn't like to talk about Clvic anymore... his brother is gone, and he's gotten in enough trouble for questioning his death. He refuses to believe the government is telling the truth, but as he knows, there's nothing he can do about it.
For the longest time Psyche was a rare lone pilot, refusing to be assigned another copilot. The government only allowed it because Psyche was one of their best pilots in the force, they warned him however that eventually he would be assigned a new pilot.
When that day came Psyche was assigned Tygam, a cat who had lost his hind legs in battle and had to let his copilot be reassigned while he recovered. Psyche was absolutely pissed about this whole situation, especially since Tygam is a talkative, cocky, idiot (Psyche's words).
However they actually become a great duo, Tygam gets Psyche out of his shell, and Psyche gets Tygam to stop and think before he flings himself at danger and looses another limb.
Other fact that I didn't fit in above, Psyche is bi and poly, he is mates with a molly named Silo who is slightly insane and a high end weapons designer (i love her).
Psyche also eventually becomes mates with Tygam as well and the three of them raise Tygam's orphaned niece as their child! In prev versions of this story Psyche and Silo also have kittens but in not sure if I will keep that this time around... idk 🤷‍♂️
Extra facts about prev versions of Psyche:
In the 6th grade when he was first created he was originally named Cycodelic Space Cat (yes spelled that way) and he was pink bec I had one pack of gell pens and they were all bright colors.
I am glad i made him tho bec his story has come so far, and if I hadn't made him pink the space cat species would look so boring.
Psyche was also a happy spunky guy when I first made him but now he's all sad and traumatized :p makes him more interesting hehe
Also in the first versions the government was chill and they were fighting space dogs, (I was a big fan of the Cats vs Dogs movie) but now the government sucks and the plot is about rebellion yay!
[Image 1 ID: a digital drawing of Psyche, a alien cat oc. He is standing with his right side showing and his right paw raised. He has a tired, unimpressed expression on his face. He is a a slender long furred mostly white cat with pink patches of fur and green eyes. The patches of pink, are on the top of his head, covering his ears and forehead, and going down between his eyes, pink also lines his under eye. There is another large patch of pink on his flank and covering his tail. He has scars on his flank and the bridge of his nose, and they, along with his nose and ears are bright green. He is also wearing a dull green collar with a red plus symbol in a circle, a grey star and a grey bar on it./End ID]
[Image 2 ID: a drawing the same as the previous one, but this time Psyche is wearing a bulky/puffy dull green jacket with red accents. The jacket has large bulky sleeves and a large collar, the cuffs of the jacket, the zipper, and the edge of the collar are all bright red. The jacket also has darker green thick vertical stripes, one on the sleeve and two on the back. There us also a large red circular patch with a darker red plus on the shoulder of the jacket./End ID]
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adamwatchesmovies · 1 year
Tin & Tina (2023)
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If you only ace one part of your movie, make it the ending. For the most part, I was enjoying Tin & Tina but it didn't seem like anything special. After the final act, my thoughts on it changed completely - for the better. Due to that period of uncertainty, I have to be slightly conservative with my rating, but this is a movie I’ll remember down the line.
Set during the early 1980s, in Spain, Lola (Milena Smit) and Adolfo (Jaime Lorente) have just said their marriage vows when they unexpectedly lose their unborn twins in a miscarriage. Hoping to make their family whole again, the couple adopt twins Tin (Carlos González Morollón) and Tina (Anastasia Russo) from a nearby religious convent. Lola soon becomes suspicious of the children, though Adolfo insists their odd behavior stems from innocence rather than malice.
When we meet the twins, they seem needlessly creepy. They’re either albino or extremely blonde, they’ve got weird haircuts and their smiles are too big. The children are extremely religious. They've never watched TV, they quote the Bible for fun, the idea of not saying grace before a meal mortifies them. It's offputting but you can understand where that behavior comes from since they were raised by nuns. They're introduced playing the organ with a skill far beyond their years (reminded me of “The Orphan”), which is another sure sign that these kids are baaad news. Despite their appearances and strange habbits, you can see why Lola wants to adopt them, however. As a child, she lost a leg. She was also a “weird” kid and she’s specifically looking to replace the twins she lost.
Soon after arriving to their new home, Tin and Tina's actions raises some serious red flags. Not necessarily the kind that exposes them as evil but they would make any sane parent go back to the orphanage and ask the sister in charge (sor Asunción, played by Teresa Rabal) if she ever noticed anything weird from them. Less patient parents would go to the police and tell them to investigate the orphanage. Whatever those nuns are teaching the rugrats, it’s going to make them all into serial killers. Even for loving parents who really want a family, even for the place and the time period, Lola & Adolfo are way, way too cool with what happens. No one watching would tolerate some of the horror movie behavior exhibited. It’s enough to make you want these people to fall victim to whatever terrors await them once the kids turn full-on evil. I mean when you can’t read ANY of the signs, you deserve it.
Although I still feel like sometimes, Lola – and to a certain extent Adolfo too – let things that no one else, not even a saint, would let slide and that is frustrating, the ending changes all of that. This movie is much smarter than it seems. You see the creepy kids, you witness the horror-movie behavior, you think you know exactly where the plot is headed. You dismiss the characters as too stupid to live and essentially give up. What you don't realize is that you’re the one who's made the mistake. There’s something you haven’t considered while evaluating this story and probably wouldn't have in a million years: the possibility that although this is a horror film, the children aren’t actually evil. What if they’re not the problem? What if it’s Lola and Adolfo?
There are indeed subtle details that hint at the couple not being idyllic. At the orphanage, Adolfo insists that they’re only for children free from deformities. His wife wears a prosthetic leg. She has since childhood. What does this statement say about him? We find out that Lola has a bitter relationship with God. Bitter enough to make her subconsciously hate children who love Him more than anything else? Maybe. Trust me. I know not knowing if a movie is better than "just ok" for nearly 2-hours is hard, particularly with several developments that make you think "Oh come on. How many more signs do you need?!" but it all comes together so well during the conclusion you'll feel foolish for having doubted the film.
There may also be a deeper meaning to some elements of the picture, since it's set during a tumultuous period of Spain's history that I'm not familiar with. I can't say for sure. What I do know is that Tin & Tina deserves your patience. I'm still not 100% sure the characters are not a little bit dumb but that conclusion is so solid I'm more than willing to forgive it. It's scary and makes you think in the most unexpected way. (Original Spanish with English subtitles, May 28, 2023)
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GODZILLA MOVIE MARATHON: Son of Godzilla (1967)
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I have a confession to make. The first Godzilla movie I ever saw was Godzilla (2014), when I was already a teenager. I had been a massive fan of the character and franchise since I was a little kid, but I had no means of actually watching any of the old Toho movies. Growing up, they never appeared in any of my local video stores and we didn't have TV so I couldn't catch any reruns. My entire interaction with the franchise was through YouTube, through reviews and clips and video game playthroughs and people telling their own stories with the toys.
This all comes to importance with this little movie, Son of Godzilla. People on the internet during the early 2000s hated this thing, it was routinely placed right at the bottom of every ranking video and review I watched, people shat nonstop on the idea of giving Godzilla a son and whined about how the other Kaiju were lame and were overall extremely nasty, and I believed every word. Jumping on that baby Godzilla bandwagon.
So, I'm coming out. I'm breaking my silence. When I finally sat down and actually watched all the movies as an adult... I thought it was great! Son of Godzilla is not only enjoyable, it's probably one of the tightest written and paced films in the franchise. It's genuinely a good watch outside of just being a Kaiju fan.
The first smart choice was setting up the Kaiju as characters. Giving Godzilla a meek, ugly little son understandably raises alarm bells for people who like the idea of Godzilla being this unshakable badass thing, but this decision allows us to relate to him as a character and let's the filmmakers come up with and justify more scenes involving him. This movie might just have the most Godzilla runtime of the Showa Era, and not only is that just nice after the last movie held him off for 50 minutes, but it helps keep the film as an easier watch by intersecting the stories. Unlike Invasion of Astro Monster for example, in which the film gets so bogged down into the human plot that you forget it's a Godzilla film.
The movie also just knows how to handle monsters, showing us creepy glimpses at the start, showing smaller monsters at first than building up to the big one with dialog, having the Kaiju directly interact with the humans and having the people be physically trapped with them. This is creature feature 101, it's not something you see often in Kaiju films where the monsters are sort of removed from the individual human scale just due to their size, but that's what makes this refreshing and what makes Kamacuras and Kumonga well loved Toho Kaiju among fans despite not having the most creative designs. That's not to completely dismiss them, Kumonga especially is an amazing puppet that moves so hypnotically across the ground with those long spider legs.
Now, the effects ain't all that good though, especially Godzilla himself. Cookie monster lookin' ass, the suit was made bigger to help with scaling him next to his son, but it's just so floppy and stretched out and he has a pretty embarrassing seam line that just looks like moobs. The baby Godzilla, who remains unnamed in this film, also looks nasty. Especially the newborn, it reminds me of that talking fetus baby from PT.
Still, they can be pretty cute, and even if it kind of sours his image as a badass (which let's be honest, was already ruined by getting hit in the nuts four movies ago), the little antics of Godzilla being a kind of shitty dad to his temper tantrum having goofball of a child is entertaining and a little adorable. Especially that ending where they huddle together for warmth, gets me every time.
The humans characters are also pretty good. Like I said earlier, the story keeping the humans and Kaiju intersected helps a lot with keeping me invested in the humans since I'm not just waiting around for a big monster to appear. It helps make the whole film feel more consistent, plus it's nice having a movie be about scientists again, we haven't had one with the main cast mostly be made of scientists since the very first Godzilla.
I can't believe I've talked this much praise about this movie, a movie that child me would be absolutely sure they would have hated. I genuinely think this is on par with the earlier Showa films that people often praise, like Mothra vs Godzilla, and so I give it a similar 7/10. Let's see how many more surprise scoring I can throw out by the end of this marathon.
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sutzrainbow · 2 years
Why I look forward to Avatar: The Way of Water
First, disclaimer: I like the original Avatar; I always did, buuuut I’ll be the first to admit the story of the original Avatar sucks. It is a white saviour movie and I have learned to loathe those. It is Pocohontas/Dances With Wolves in space. The story is bad. But to be fair, the story wasn’t really the point. It was the visuals. It was the immersive world. To be honest I could have skipped the whole plot with Jake and Neytiri (I’m one of those people who can actually name most of the characters from Avatar), and I’d have been happy if it was just about a group of scientists studying the planet. Maybe only bringing in the war at the end. Or, alternatively, I think it would have played out much better if Jake had been a full-blooded Na’vi not controlled by a human, but perhaps taken at birth by humans and raised to defend them. Then he wouldn’t be a white saviour; he’d be a Na’vi reconnecting with his roots and using his knowledge of humans as a weapon.
(Or maybe I’ve just been consuming too much Oddworld, which does this whole concept of nature vs. industrialisation on an alien planet a million times better and predates Avatar by over a decade)
But, with all that said... I’m really looking forward to Way of Water. And what’s more, I’m actually looking forward to the plot of Way of Water. And the characters of Way of Water. I mean I don’t expect the plot to be complicated, but the characters already look a hell of a lot more interesting than the ones in Avatar 1. Even Jake and Neytiri.
I am absolutely fascinated by all the Sully kids, I love that they’ve gone with the family angle, and because of the timeskip it looks like it is really dealing with the fallout of the original story of Avatar.
So, let’s start with Jake and Neytiri. They’ve been together for over a decade. They know each other incredibly well now, but there’s still conflict and bitterness due to the history with humans. By the looks of things, they have to leave their home and go and live with these Sea Na’vi, who look seriously cool, what with all their adaptations for the water. I love this because it’s not just White Saviour Jake learning the Na’vi ways and then becoming better than anybody else at them. It’s both Jake and Neytiri out of their element, having to bow to someone else, and having to adapt. Also juggling that with being parents to their kids, some biological, some adopted. I love that. I love that Neytiri is struggling to bond with her human child Spider because he reminds her of the people who killed her father. These guys could be really, really interesting, which is great because despite the fact that Sam Worthington and Zoe Saldana were doing their damndest, the characters were so boring in the original Avatar.
I love their kids and I haven’t even met them yet. I love Lo’ak (maybe a play on the human name ‘Luke’ and if that’s the case that’s hilarious), who will have to deal with learning the ways of the sea Na’vi and being part-human - so he’s doubly different from other Na’vi. I love Kiri being like a reincarnation of Grace and having a human parent and trying to connect with that. I love Spider, a human raised as a Na’vi. I love that Kiri and Spider are clearly going to bond over their human history.
I’m slightly less engaged by big bad Quaritch coming back as a Na’vi, but it is interesting. And I’m sure most of the plot beats will be the typical humans being bad, Na’vi good, blah blah. But you know, the fact that they’re doing stuff with Kiri and Spider makes me feel that maybe things will be a little more grey this time. Maybe it will be established that there is a balance to strike between the tech and the nature, as long as it’s not being fuelled by greed.
I’ve said before, I have kind of grown out of Avatar, but I do think it’s a wonderfully creative, beautiful world and I’m glad we’re going to spend more time there. I also do love that it focuses so much on the nature of its alien planet as well as its people. That was something that kind of bored me with Star Trek - there was very little focus on alien wildlife.
We’ll see how I feel in a couple of weeks when I’ve seen it.
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jadespadegames · 1 year
2022 Greatest Hits
Uhhh technically tagged by @cassthecringe and I guess I'm supposed to think of 10 good things that happened this year.
Even though this year ended pretty badly, looking back there was plenty of stuff that went pretty well. At least, compared to previous years.
1) After like 6 years of online friendship I finally met my dear friend @eldridgeparking IRL! It was so much fun and honestly I still can't believe that really happened. (Wtf my online friends are real tangible people?)
2) I guess I was technically approved for a big raise a few months back but some stuff's kinda made that raise not yet take effect :/ Hopefully it'll go through in January but I'm still gonna count that as a good thing for this year.
3) Uhhh I guess I wrote a good chunk of Part 01 for THV, although a bunch of it needs to be rewritten later lol. Figured out a lot of important plot/character stuff tho that I think are major improvements.
4) Watched a bunch of good movies and TV shows this year, rn I can think of Everything Everywhere All At Once, Glass Onion (managed to watch it in theaters last month :'D), Mob Psycho 100 (finally finished the whole series augh), Spy x Family
5) Went to the San Diego Zoo, that was cool. Finally saw a California Condor irl which was something I've wanted to see for a long time. Plus, San Diego Zoo is responsible for saving the species from certain extinction so it was nice to see them there of all places.
6) Got a new phone, a Samsung Galaxy Flip 4. I was skeptical about the foldable function but it's actually working pretty well and I like being able to put my phone easily in my pockets again.
7) Wait I can't believe I forgot this happened only this year until now but I got my own room for once! Not that I didn't have one when I was a kid but it was so full of my childhood stuff and also stuff my parents didn't have room for that it didn't really feel like My Room. In college I always lived in a small room with roommates. But now I have my own space for once that I sorta put together which is nice.
8) Saw Wicked live, thought it was enjoyable (at least the first act, second act was a bit. Hmm). Glinda's actress stole the show though she was an absolute riot. After seeing two musicals live tho I really wish I could read captions because I can't tell wtf they're singing most of the time and I feel like that makes me miss a bunch of stuff-
9) Uhhh my DrakeNier Meme Twitter sorta took off after I posted a few bangers
10) (If you can't tell I was really struggling to come up with things towards the end) I bought and finished the Bone comics after never finishing them as a child and they were wonderful. Netflix how dare you cancel the adaptation YOU HAD GREATNESS AT YOUR FINGERTIPS
Uhhh I tag anyone who wants to do this, happy new year everyone (:
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howieshan · 4 years
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☆ 911 WEEK 2020 ☆ day seven: free choice → buddie as a rom-com movie (life as we know it inspired)
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waitimcomingtoo · 4 years
Swedish Fish
Pairing: Tom Holland x Reader
Synopsis: at an awards show where you and Tom are nominated for a lot of awards together, you poke fun at the rumors about your relationship
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“Hello!” A journalist greeted you and Tom as you approached her on the red carpet of a low stakes award show. “You two are looking amazing.”
“Thank you.” You beamed, feeling the excitement of the night settle in with your first interview.
“Thanks so much.” Tom nodded in appreciation as he rested his hand on your back.
“So you two are nominated for quite a few awards tonight. How are you feeling? Nervous? Excited?” The journalist asked before holding her microphone out to the two of you.
“I’m really excited to be here. I’m more excited to be Y/n’s date, though. Look at her in this dress.” Tom stepped back so the camera could get a better look at your long red dress. “She’s better than any award.”
“Stop it. I don’t want to be flushed in the interviews.” You leaned against him as you briefly buried your face in his neck to hide your blush.
“Aw.” The journalist pouted at the camera. “So you two came here together?”
“We did. Almost all our nominations are together so it seemed like the right thing to do.” You explained as you kept one hand resting on Tom’s shoulder.
“That was my excuse for why I asked her.” Tom joked. “I really did it because I wanted to make everyone jealous that I had the prettiest date.”
“Oh, please.” You rolled your eyes. “He just wanted me as his date because he knows I bring snacks.”
“You brought snacks?” The journalist laughed into the microphone.
“I did.” You nodded excitedly. “I have like 6 types of candy in my bra. I have cookies and chocolate in my purse. You don’t even want to know where I’m hiding a granola bar.”
“I really want to know now.” The journalist raised her eyebrows at you.
“I’ll find out later and let you know.” Tom winked and you smacked him playfully.
“It’s the Nature Valley kind though so I’m scared to eat it.” You laughed. “They’re so crumbly.”
“Maybe you can step outside and eat it. Like a little snack break.” The journalist suggested.
“I could. I’ll do it during one of the boring speeches.” You joked.
“Who’s speech would you leave during?” The journalist asked you.
“Probably Tom’s.” You stated and he nodded along it humor you.
“Yeah. I tend to ramble.” He shrugged, making you laugh.
“Alright well I’ll let you guys get to the rest of the carpet.” The journalist said. “Thank you for chatting.”
“Thank you! Enjoy the night.” You waved goodbye to her as Tom picked up the train of your dress to make walking easier.
“She didn’t ask if we were a couple.” He whispered in your ear as you posed in front of the photographers.
“Are you upset that she didn’t?” You laughed as you looked at him.
“Frankly, I’m a little offended.” He said through a smile while keeping his eyes straight ahead.
“Don’t be. I’m sure we’ll get asked soon enough.” You told him. As far as the public was concerned, you and Tom were just friends. After being nominated for multiples joint awards for your performance as a couple in Far From Home, you had made a plan to tease the media if you won in an attempt to get them to stop asking if you were together.
“They better.” He grumbled in your ear before the both of you laughed.
He kept his hand on your back as you walked to the next journalist, the train of your dress in his other hand.
“Hi!” The journalist smiled happily at you as you stopped in front of him.
“Hello!” You matched his energy with a bright smile.
“Hey. How are you?” Tom asked politely.
“I’m doing well, thank you.” He nodded. “You two have quite a buzz around you tonight. Apparently you’re the couple to watch.”
“Any couple that’s half Tom Holland is a couple to watch. Haven’t you heard of Gyllenholland?” You raised an eyebrow and laughed.
“But that’s a bromance.” The journalist protested. “This seems more like a romance, if I’m not mistaken.”
“Unfortunately, we’re not together. There’s just something about me that he doesn’t like.” You sighed dramatically and looked away, making Tom and the journalist laugh.
“It’s the face. I can’t get past it.” Tom played along as he squished your cheeks between his fingers.
“So you’re really not a couple?” He asked as if he didn’t believe you. “I find that hard to believe.”
“Nope. Just friends.” You shook your head.
“Best friends.” Tom grinned at you before pressing a kiss to your cheek.
“You two are adorable.” The journalist commented. “And you’re nominated for a lot of awards together tonight, aren’t you?”
“We are. And that’s the way it should be. I think people enjoyed our movie as much as they did because of what we created together. It was a two person job and I’m glad it’s being acknowledged as such.” You answered honestly, making Tom’s heart soar.
“Not all of the nominations are for the both of us, though.” Tom brought up. “Y/n is nominated for best actress. And guess who’s presenting that award?” He smiled proudly.
“That’s right! Congratulations.” The journalist praised you.
“Thank you. I’m really grateful for all the nominations.”
“I’m so proud of her. I can’t wait to give you that award later.” Tom looked at you fondly.
“If I win.” You reminded him.
“Of course you’ll win.” He scoffed. “I voted for you everyday.”
“Thank you.” You rested your head on his shoulder momentarily to thank him for his support.
“So if you do win one of the joint awards, who gets to take it home?” The journalist asked you.
“We’ll just have to win them both I guess.” Tom shrugged playfully.
“I hope you do.” The journalist smiled. “I’ll see you guys out there. Good luck.”
“Thank you.” Tom shook his hand before leading you towards the entrance of the building.
“Should we find our seats?” You asked him as you checked your lipstick in a compact mirror.
“Yeah. Let’s go.” He nodded before taking your hand and walking with you inside.
An hour later after a few performances and wards had been given out, it was time for you and Tom to present an award. You nervously chewed your bottom lip as you waited for your cue, going over your prepared speech in your head.
“You ready?” You whispered to Tom, sensing he was as nervous as you were.
“I’m never ready to read, especially not in front of thousands of people on live television.” He laughed nervously. You gave him an assuring smile as rubbed his back to calm him down.
“Hey, if you can’t make out a word, just squeeze my hand. I’ll help you out.” You told him. Tom smiled back and slipped his hand into yours, giving it a gentle squeeze.
“We haven’t started yet.” You laughed at his action.
“I know.” He shrugged. “I just wanted to hold your hand.”
Before you could respond, a man with a headset came up to you and gave you a thumbs up.
“You’re on in three, two…”
“Hello everyone. We are here to present the nominees for best actor in a horror film.” Tom announced into his microphone. “Unfortunately, I wasn’t able to see any of these films because the ticket guy always thought I was a child.” He feigned a sad face, making the audience laugh. Their positive response calmed your nerves as you held your own microphone up.
“But don’t worry. I made sure I explained the plot to him once I got home.” You added.
“Only two of them made me wet the bed.” Tom read off the prompter, one of the lines he and you hadn’t written yourself. He made a face that you couldn’t help but laugh at, calming you even further.
“I can’t believe you read that line.” You laughed into your mic.
“I know. Who wrote that?” He wondered and the audience laughed along.
“Tonight, Tom and I are nominated for Best Onscreen Couple.” You continued. “Our chemistry on screen has left a lot of people wondering if we’re a dating in real life. We’re not, by the way.”
Tom was quiet for a moment as he blinked in confusion, hesitantly raising his microphone to his lips.
“We’re not?” He asked you as if this was the first he was hearing of it. It wasn’t, of course, as you had rehearsed this many times. Your face fell just like your practiced as the crowd laughed.
“No, we’re not.” You answered him flatly.
“I just - I thought we were.” His eyes darted around as he played dumb.
“Tom. We talked about this.” You said out of the corner of your mouth.
“But…but we make out all the time.” He said and the audience erupted with laughter. “Like what about that time in your trailer?”
“That was strictly platonic.” You shrugged.
“And in the elevator?” He asked.
“You had something stuck in your teeth. I was just being a good friend and getting it out.” You smiled smugly as you looked out at the crowd.
“All those times in my car?” He emphasized, making even you laugh.
“I was method acting.” You said simply.
“But - but it was months after production wrapped.” He reminded you, earning some applause as the audience caught on to what you were doing.
“I like to get really deep.” You insisted.
“Oh.” Tom looked at the floor for a moment before snapping into a smile. “And here are tonight’s nominees.”
You paused and let the audience laugh at your bit before reading the nominees off the prompter. Tom put his hand on your back, making you look at him. You smiled widely at your successful joke and he smiled back before taking your hand and giving it a squeeze.
You were sitting in your seats once again, impatiently waiting for the first category you were nominated for to be announced.
“I’m kinda nervous.” Tom leaned over to whisper in your ear among the buzz of the crowd.
“Would bra candy make it better?” You chuckled as you pulled a small Swedish Fish out of your décolletage.
“Has this been on your bare body?” He laughed in disbelief as he took the candy.
“Maybe?” You said sheepishly, looking around for anyone who might overhear.
“I can’t stand you.” His whole body shook with laughter as he popped it in his mouth. “It tastes like how your perfume smells.”
“Really?” You grimaced. “I don’t know how I feel about it.”
“Me either.” He sucked it out of his teeth. “Can I have another piece?”
You shoved his playfully for the bad joke before fishing another out for him.
“Here.” You placed it in the palm of his hands. “Wait, shhh! They’re announcing the winners.”
“This is really chewy.” Tom commented ad he struggled the swallow the candy. You ignored his problem as you excitedly gripped his arm. He continued chewing but managed to slip his hand into yours and clutch it anxiously as the nominees were read.
“And the winners for best onscreen kiss are…Tom Holland and Y/n L/n in Spiderman: Far From Home.”
The audience erupted into applause for the two of you, but all you could hear was Toms incessant chewing.
“Stop chewing. We gotta go.” You giggled as you pulled him out of his seat.
“Mhhhfh hmhph.” He said through a mouthful as he pulled you into a celebratory hug. You held hands on the way up to the podium as the infamous kiss played on the enormous screen. You hugged the presenter before standing in front of the microphone and beaming at the crowd.
“Hi! Thank you so you much for this award. Its always such a huge - - woah.” You trailed off and looked at Tom up and down, gulping loudly into the microphone.
“What’s wrong?” He asked you.
“There’s a lot of sexual tension up here.” You blew out a breath and fanned yourself. “Whew.”
The audience laughed at your bit but you were determined not to break.
“I was about to say.” Tom tweaked his head and rubbed the back of his neck, looking anywhere but at you. You both fidgeting with your clothing in an attempt to look busy as you avoiding eye contact.
“Um.” You laughed awkwardly into the microphone and gripped the podium. “What was I talking about?”
“I believe your last word was ‘huge’.” He said weakly, finally making eye contact with you. A chuckle went through the crowd as more caught on to the joke. You held each other’s gaze for a moment before quickly looking away.
“Right.” You nodded. “This is such a huge…a huge… sorry, what’s this award for?” You pretended to wipe sweat of your forehead as you turned around to read the screen.
“I believe it was Best Kiss.” Tom said before taking a deep, dramatic breath. You stared at each other for a long time, the only sound in the room now being your swallow breaths.
“Are we - - are we about to kiss?” You asked through a forced laugh before making your face completely serious. Tom raised his eyebrows before nodding and beginning to lean it. You leaned in to and right before your lips could touch, your heads snapped towards the crowd.
“Thank you so much!” You held up the award with a huge smile. “We love you guys! Thank you!”
This got a much bigger reaction than the last time as people cheered and laughed at your performance.
“That went well.” You gripped Toms sleeve in excitement as you walked back to your seats. “We got a lot of laughs.”
“I got a lot of laughs. You were a little flat.” He teased, pretending to flip hair behind his shoulder as you sat down.
“Mmm. Love you too.” You cupped his chin and narrowed your eyes at him. The actors and singers around you congratulated you on your first win on the night, all saying you got them with the fake out kiss.
The evening continued with an elated cloud over your seating area as you and Tom soaked up the win.
“Is it just me, or are the cameras hovering around us?” He said suddenly, calling your attention to the many cameras pointed in your direction. You waved at one and the camera man waved back.
“Trying to catch a stolen kiss I presume.” You shrugged as you gripped the award.
“Like we’d ruin the surprise.” He scoffed and put his arm around your shoulders. The second award you were nominated for together was next and your leg was already bouncing.
“I’m gonna be more disappointed in not doing our acceptance speech than I’d be in losing if we don’t get this award.” Tom said, practically reading your mind.
“I know.” You squeezed his knee anxiously. “Fingers crossed.”
“Good luck, darling.” He pulled you in closer and pressed a kiss to your temple.
“I don’t need luck when I have the best screen partner in the world.” You raised your eyebrows at him as you leaned into his body. You stayed in that position as Vanessa Hudgens read the nominees.
“And tonight’s winners for Best Onscreen Couple…Tom Holland and Y/n L/n!” She announced with a smile.
“See?” You smirked at Tom as you stood up.
“Guess I should tell you you’re welcome.” He teased as he scooped you into a tight embrace. He gathered the train of your dress in hand and helped you out of the aisle.
“I’m shaking.” You whispered to him as you made your way to the steps of the stage. “I’m gonna fall.”
“I got you, darling. I won’t let you fall.” He said as he took your hand with his free one and helped you up the stairs. You hugged Vanessa tightly once you got to the podium, whispering in her ear about being a fan.
“Thank you so much for this award.” Tom began your rehearsed acceptance speech. “I’ve always wanted to win best couple.”
“Onscreen couple.” You leaned towards the microphone to correct him. He looked at you in confusion but kept a smile on his face.
“We won for best onscreen couple.” You pointed behind you. “Not best couple.”
“Oh.” He nodded like he understood. “So what did we win Best Couple for?”
“We didn’t, since we’re not a couple.” You said slowly, bringing back your joke from earlier in the evening. The audience chuckled as Tom made a show of reading the award and the screen behind him.
“Are you sure?” He asked suddenly, as if he didn’t believe you.
“Oh My God.” You groaned as you rubbed your eyes.
“Cause I feel like we are.” He gestured between the two of you. You shrugged a little and scooted closer to him while batting your lashes.
“I mean…do you wanna be?” You feigned shyness as you tucked some hair behind your ear.
“I don’t know.” He fumbled with the buttons on his suit jacket. “What do you want to do?”
“I don’t know.” You shrugged and looked away. “What do you want to do?”
“I could get my mom to text your mom and they could set something up.” He suggested as he rubbed the back of his neck.
“Okay.” You smiled and picked up the award. “Maybe later we could like, you know.”
You shrugged and he laughed shyly.
“Uh Huh.” He nodded eagerly. “Or we could do like whatever.”
“Yeah.” You let out a shaky breath. “Whatever.”
The two of you smiled in appreciation at the crowd before walking off, award tucked in the crook of your elbow and hands intertwined.
“This is the one I’m most excited for.” Tom told you as you waiting for Best Actress to be announced. Tom was the one presenting it, which only made your anxiety spike.
“But it’s just me.” You laughed as you looked at him.
“I know.” He shrugged bashfully. “You don’t need me to win. You’re the real reason people voted for us.”
“You’re just saying that.” You shook your head and put your hand on his bicep.
“Cause it’s true.” He insisted. “You got this.”
“Thanks for voting for me.” You answered sincerely, dragging your fingertips along his cheek.
“How could I not?” He tilted his head before getting tapped by one of the stage assistants. “I gotta go. Good luck.”
He brought your hand to his lips and kissed your knuckles before following the assistant backstage.
You ran your hands over the arm rest, wishing Tom was still beside you to calm your nerves. You only had to wait about twenty minutes before Tom walked on stage with the envelope in hand.
“Nice to see you all again.” Tom greeted. “I know it’s strange to see me without my partner in crime, but she’s busy running through her acceptance speech in her head. Have I pissed off all the other Best Actress nominees? I bet I have.” He joked, earning a few laughs.
“Here are tonight’s nominees for Best Actress.”
You clapped for very nominated actress, noticing the wink Tom sent you when your name was displayed on the screen. Finally, it was time to announce the winner.
“And the winner of Best Actress is…” Tom’s eyes flicked up from the card before looking down again. You shut your eyes tightly and it felt like there was no air in the entire room.
“Y/n L/n.”
Your eyes flew open when you heard Tom call your name. You looked at the stage first, seeing him clapping and whistling for you with a proud smile. The people around you congratulating you, patting your back and rubbing your shoulders as you walked towards the stage. Tom had tears in his eyes as he met you at the top of the stairs, helping you stay balanced in your way to the podium. Tom got there first and took the ward off the podium and held it out to you.
“Here you go, baby.” Tom handed you the award.
Before you could take another step, he took your face between his hands and kissed you firmly. He smiled softly at you once he pulled way as you touched your fingertips to your lips in surprise.
He stepped back and let you move towards the microphone, still feeling flustered from the kiss and the win. You looked at the crowd and felt your mind go blank and they roared with applause. You looked over your shoulder at Tom, who gave you an assuring smile and mouthed “go on.” You blew out a breath and turned back to the audience, having a better grasp on what you wanted to say now.
“I can assure you, I was expecting that as much as you were.” You let out a breathy laugh and the audience laughed too.
“Thank you so much for this. This award means a lot to me.” You held up the award to punctuate your sentence. “I went into this movie thinking it would be a great opportunity to do something different than what I’m used to. I certainly didn’t go into this movie thinking I’d meet the love of my life.” You paused and smiled as a hush fell over the crowd. “Tom and I fell in love over scripts and cups of coffee at midnight, so much in love that I’m not sure I deserve this award because I wasn’t acting. Every soft touch and stolen glance, that was just me being in love with my scene partner.”
You stopped and let the audience clap for your statement, looking over your shoulder at Tom before continuing.
“I guess the secrets out now.” You laughed as you shook your head. “We had a running bet on who would accidentally reveal it first. So in addition to the three awards I won tonight, I will be getting twenty dollars.”
You heard Tom chuckling from behind you and felt compelled to finish up so you could hug him.
“All jokes aside, the number one person I want to thank tonight is Tom. I couldn’t have done this without you. And I’d never want to. I hope I spend the rest of my career sneaking Swedish Fish into award shows with you. Thank you.” You held up the award one last time before turning to Tom. He wrapped his arms around your waist and lifted you off the ground, spinning you around as he pressed a lingering kiss to your cheek.
“Sorry about that. I couldn’t help myself. I was too proud of you.” He smiled as he set you down. You began to walk backstage together, hand in hand.
“It’s all right.” You assured him. “I always appreciate a romantic gesture.”
Tom stayed quiet as you made your way back to your seats, a strange look troubling his handsome features.
“What is it?” You asked as you sat down again. Tom pursed his lips as a shy smile lit up his face.
“That was the first time you said you loved me.” He said timidly as he scratched behind his ear. Your mouth opened and shut as you found yourself at a loss for words. In the excitement of the moment, you hadn’t even realized you admitted your real feelings for him. You’d only been dating two months and while you loved him whole heartedly, you had never had the guts to tell him. Tom looked at you expectingly as he awaited your answer. Knowing there was no going back, you shrugged it off.
“Well I do.” You said finally, making his smile grow. “Is that all right?”
“Is that all right?” He laughed and took your hand in his, pressing a kiss to the back of it. “Yeah. That’s all right.”
“Good. Because I do love you.” You leaned into him and rubbed your nose against his. He scrunched his nose as you made contact, still holding tightly to your hand.
“I love you too.” He said for the first time, feeling a weight lift off his shoulders. “Congratulations, darling.”
Tag List 🏷
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incorrectbatfam · 3 years
What would dick jason tim duke cass and Damian do on a "siblings day out"
They start the day with an early morning jog at Dick's insistence. Which, okay, that was part of the deal—each sibling picks what they do for each aspect of the day. However, they didn't think giving Dick the morning would entail both exercising at the crack of dawn and breakfast. The only one who didn't complain about the healthy oatmeal bowl was Jason, who had the brains to sneak in some chocolate chips.
Once the sun's fully out, it's Damian's turn. There's an outdoor art fair that weekend, which the others find odd because it's geared toward seven-year-olds—evidenced by the crafting tables full of temporary tattoos and finger paint. There's even a ball pit and inflatable obstacle course. But they brush it off, assuming Damian's only there to upstage the other child artists. While Damian and Tim experiment with watercolors, the rest four are chucking plastic balls at each other in the ball pit. Damian hands Tim a camera and motions for him to get ready. Then, Damian swipes everyone else's left shoe and throws them into the obstacle course. The only way to them is to go through, and Tim captures a priceless shot of Dick, Jason, Duke, and Cass wedged in the child-sized tunnel.
Lunch is on Tim, and they fully expect to eat garbage. So imagine their surprise when they arrive at a quaint café with delectable soups and healthy sandwiches. It also has its own chocolate shop, so after they eat, they each pick some pieces of chocolate for three large boxes, get it gift-wrapped with a bow on top, and mail them to Selina, Harley, and Ivy under their aliases because at this point they're basically extended family. The clerk even let them have a few free samples because they're the Waynes, but when no one's looking, they each slip $100 in the tip jar.
Jason takes them to the library in the afternoon. Once again, expectations are subverted—they thought they'd just be doing some silent reading, but instead, they're roped into a charity puppet show orchestrated by Jason. Each one gets a Justice League sock puppet (Dick as Superman, Jason as Wonder Woman, Duke as Aquaman, Tim as the Flash, Damian as Green Lantern, and Cass as Batman). The improv plot takes a pleasant turn when "Superman" finds a paper flower on the ground and serenades "Batman", only for Cass's sock puppet to bonk his and knock a pom-pom off. Also, Damian's too short for the stage so you only see Green Lantern's eyes the whole time, and Duke gives Aquaman a finger-sized squirt gun to aim at the cardboard Joker cutout. They wind up raising enough money to completely renovate the Gotham public schools' science department.
Cass picks where they go for dinner. She chooses a late-night dim sum place where Jason tries homemade rice wine for the first time. The waitress gives Damian a kids menu with crayons, at which he feigns resentment, but colors anyway (Tim sneaks a photo of Damian with his tongue poking out). Dick manages to fit six dumplings in his mouth before Duke tells him to save some for the rest of them, momentarily forgetting that they're billionaires who can just order more. They're a big fan of the sticky rice cake desserts and Hong Kong egg tarts, so they order extra to bring home to Bruce and Alfred. Also, they grab extra chopsticks because Duke doesn't know how to use them and they plan on coaching him for next time.
They finish their patrols quickly—it's a slow night with no missions—and gather together on the roof of the building next to WE tower. Duke brings a laptop and treats everyone to a movie projected on the side of the skyscraper using his powers. They watch all your feel-good sibling moves—Lilo and Stitch, The Parent Trap, Onward—while playing cards and sipping on root beer. After they go home, Bruce asks them what they got up to and they say "nothing". But Bruce knows, and he secretly saves all the social media posts that radiate the warmth and joy that he always wanted for them.
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yesimwriting · 3 years
hiii, this might seem weird but do u have any head cannons for when the reader is pregnant and how the Darkling would react?
a/n love this concept,, it's not weird at all!! i feel like there's so much here!! also i leave for college this month and im lowkey starting to freak out so ive been watching star wars movies for comfort 😭and now i have half a mind to write for them, especially the prequels (cough, cough,, anakin) 😭 😭 that should tell you where i am mentally
anyways lets get into the headcanons:))
- okay so like most of my headcanons, this is probably going to be all over the place bc i feel like so many different things could change how he would react. Like if the darkling x reader have been trying to get pregnant, or an unplanned pregnancy with someone he really likes, i also think whether or not the reader is a grisha affects his reaction too
- in general though, i think he'd lowkey have a breeding kink he'd def find something about the thought of you having his child really attractive bc for one thing, he wouldn't have to worry about being left alone and now he has an excuse to be a real 'protector'.
- also if youve read my other headcanons i am 100000% convinced that he has this thing where if he really likes someone he needs them to need him (let's all remember the whole 'i will strip you of everything you know and love speech until I'm your only shelter' speech he gave to Alina)
- also i kinda want to write a fic or blurb series or something that's just the darkling being super toxic in super thoughtful ways LMAO if that makes sense, like he's being super sweet but it's to make sure the reader is dependent on him
- and he def wants to be the protector to give himself some sense of assurance bc he's so desperate to not be alone anymore and bc the reader is the only person he has/loves, he wants to feel in control and like he's the less attached one
- okay,, let's get back to the pregnancy thing, anyways, your pregnancy is most definitely activating all of those senses and this was meant to be a sub plot but it kind of became it's own thing lol
- so lets get to the actual pregnancy reaction
if you two have been trying to get pregnant:
- when you tell him, he kind of like, pauses bc it's not every day that he gets surprised so it takes him a moment to register that he's experiencing shock lol, so he tenses and goes islent
- and then after he realizes that he's surprised and that it's bc of a good thing, he manages to relax
- meanwhile you're kind of freaking out bc he got so quiet?? you start to wonder if he's regretting ever wanting a child with you? and you're like two seconds away from a downspiral and then he...
- he touches your cheek and looks at you in a way you've never seen him look at anyone,, not even you
- the look is so warm and strong and full of fierce admiration that you feel foolish for ever thinking he didn't want this. And then he says something about how you're carrying his child and how he didn't realize he could adore you more and then he kisses you and it's all :)) warm:)
- he doesn't want anyone to know that he's expecting a child as long as possible bc of how many enemies he has and how he has to worry about you enough when people just know that you're his 'lover' (a title you never really liked, but one he tells you is necessary to make sure no one realizes the extent of his attachment)
- if you really want to tell your mother or someone of that relation, he won't be mad about it, but he just needs to know
- Genya is the only exception bc the darkling basically instructs her to look out for you,, but when you tell her she's like oh?? you guys just found out?
- miss girl most definitely noticed like a day and a half ago after you cried bc she couldn't find you ice cream the other night 😭and she just assumed you knew but weren't ready to tell anyone
- okay so this what i think is his most problematic expecting father trait would be. So i just ranted about how important secrecy would be to him but he's also the most overprotective person in the entire world,, like he was bad before but once he knows your with child?? yeah, if a man asks you about the weather, he's done for
- he's next to you in a second, ordering either you or the man to do some asinine task
- if you get mad about this (rightfully so) or even just point out how nothing is wrong and you having a casual conversation with a man who isn't even looking at you sexually won't hurt you or the baby, he'll lose rationality
- it depends on how much you push, but it'd be super easy to make him super possessive bc like i said, being bonded by a child has made him so much more intense (and he was pretty intense before)
- and if you push too much he'll lowkey forget about how cautious he's trying to be with you and pin you against the nearest wall and say something along the lines of 'are you already forgetting you're mine? that i own you, body and soul--is my child growing in you not enough of a reminder? because i'll give you another one if you need it.' (AH--i want to write a whole fic based on this line)
- also if the reader is grisha, especially if she's a sun summoner/special grisha like him, he def talks about the power that they've created and how proud he already is and how he can't wait to train together and be the most powerful family in the world
- not everything is perfectly happy though, bc now he feels more pressure to complete his plan and establish the world he wants his child to be born into
- so sometimes when he's working extra hard or is extra aggressive for no reason, you have to work at calming him down and reminding him that the best thing he can do for his child is be there for them (and the child's mother,, lol)
- sometimes he'll respond by actually listening to you and trying to make up for his absence or his aggression by being extra soft until you finally forgive him
- you never last that long, it's hard to be mad at him when he's coddling you and whispering such sweet things about he's so happy to have you and your future child
- overall, his first reaction is to swell with emotion, which he isn't used to, and so he becomes super protective but also extra lovey and you know that his overreactions are just him trying to show that he cares about you and your future child more than anything
If the pregnancy was unplanned:
- the initial reaction is pretty similar, only his state of shock lasts longer
- like i said at the beginning, he's not used to being surprised and an accidental pregnancy is so much more surprising than a planned pregnancy
- this really sucks for you bc he's not exactly known for his patience so you just kinda sit there and genuinely wonder if you're going to be a single mom or if you're going to want to deletus the fetus or something
- but then he takes a step towards you and you see how he's looking at you and you just know that that fierceness has to mean something good
- and at this point you're scared and nervous and feel so alone so tears are pricking at your eyes,, so he wipes his thumb across your cheek to wipe away tears you won't let spill
- he then whispers something really sweet about how you two are now together forever, as you should be
- it's really relieving bc you felt so alone and uncertain and he's such a smooth speaker that by the end of the night, you feel like this is a good thing
- if youre still hesitant/weighing your options, he's not above trying to (gently) manipulate you into thinking that what he wants may be the only way
- by that,, i don't mean outright tricking you bc he means everything he says, but he def is pushing the keeping the baby agenda,, especially if you're a grisha,, and even more so if you're a grisha with similar power levels to him
- he won't get angry at first bc he's not so out of touch that he's unaware of how shocking a pregnancy is to a woman who wasn't planning one,, but his patience is limited and if you fight it too much he will get mad and yell
- but unless you really don't want to have a child, it won't get to that bc he makes the idea of having a baby with him sound so perfect?? like you genuinely don't understand how he did that
- he chases away all of your worries and assures you that youre not alone and that even though it isn't planned he wouldn't rather anyone else carry his child
- the initial conversation would probably end in you two sleeping together again bc he finds the fact that you're carrying his child so attractive and bc being aware of the pregnancy makes him more possessive
- it's also a good way to fight any of your doubts
- speaking of being possessive though,, i feel like he could be a little more possessive/protective of a reader who didn't plan on getting pregnant bc your relationship has been less established
- no one sees you as anything to him and he doesn't want to start rumors now bc it's important to him that his enemies don't find out about you or his future child so he doesn't want that to change
- but he almost forgets about all of those reasons each time he sees a man get a little too close,, especially if that guy is flirty
- it takes all of his will power to not just go 'she's mine and if i wasn't worried about the stress that witnessing something violent would cause our unborn child, you'd be dead already, but if you're not gone by the time i turn around, i'll forget about caution'
- lots of close calls ngl!! at one point youre like 'if it bothers you so much, maybe you should tell someone??' and he's like 'no,, maybe,, shut up' and then you raise one eyebrow and he just closes his mouth and is like 'i mean,, i'll kiss you to shut you up, haha--dont be mad'
- youre the one that's pregnant but sometimes you think he might be the one experiencing the mood swings i swear 😭
- so your little theory gets tested,, he's not the type to gossip with his besties and be like 'guess who's officially my girlfriend, i knocked her up but it's not like it sounds--'
- so he's like ig you can tell genya
- once again genya is like ?? yall thought you were keeping that secret? couldn't be me
- but having it a little out in the open helps ease him just enough that youre actually capable of consoling him when he becomes jealous
- still though,, he's quick to go into possessive/pregnancy kink sex
- youre most def not mad about it,, unless pregnancy has you particularly sore
- he's normally pretty understanding about that and def doesn't mind pulling his weight in the bedroom when he needs
- honestly he'd be really good at being a source of calmness at the beginning, but as time goes on he becomes more and more worried about finishing his plans bc he didn't expect to have a child right now
- so he'd be more adamant about working/becoming more tense and would be more difficult to console if it was an accidental pregnancy
- when you call him out on it--or on anything while your pregnant--it's frustrating for you both bc the number one thing everyone knows is stress is bad for baby, so he's trying to keep you calm without backing down
- these argument always end with one of you clinging to the other,, and then the more angrier of the two just like shuts up, rolls their eyes, and lets go of the argument...at least for now
- the main difference between an accidental and intentional pregnancy would probably be how you perceive him,, bc an intentional pregnancy means youve talked about things but since you havent talked about anything your shocked about how soft he becomes ??
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oh-my-moomin · 3 years
NGE: You Deserve Love
This is an analysis based solely on the og NGE anime series and not the movie or rebirth series so I won’t be mentioning those.
NGE is a psychological horror/apocalypse story dressed up as a mecha. This farce is only totally dropped in the last 2, even 3 episodes. This can make the ending jarring and seem in cohesive, but ultimately my understanding is that none of the ‘plot’ really matters. Seele doesn’t matter, where the angels come from doesn’t really matter, and the final battle doesn’t matter. This is a story exploring loss, the need for connection, loneliness, and humanity. We see this through not only the interactions of the human characters but also through the angels.
The Children
A defining trait of all the characters is that they are lonely. The isolation from human connection is brought on both by the high stress apocalypse they all live in, as well as the personal demons they face. The characters all attempt to create bonds with other people, but are held back by their insecurities, fear of vulnerability, and past traumas.
Let’s start with Shinji, as the main character. Having lost his mother at a young age, and being abandoned by this father, he was never able to feel secure. Therefore he takes on a people pleaser attitude, constantly apologizing. His want for validation (particularly from adults in his life) causes him to continue to take action that he doesn't want to, including piloting the EVA. His self hate and insecurity makes it hard for him to make and trust his own choices. So he relies on others to guide him. When this fails, when he doesn't get the love and validation he craves he tries to quite entirely. But this often leads to the people he cares about being hurt. He's trapped between a rock and hard place.
Asuka was also abandoned, however rather than craving support like Shinji, she chooses to live for herself. She craves independence. She needs to know that she is no longer a child that can be hurt and vulnerable. This is largely shown through both her overt sexuality, and her piloting the EVA. She must be in control of the EVA, she must have power, she must be able to prove herself as the best, the strongest. Because inside she still feels like that hurt desperate child, and that is what she hates most about herself. Unlike Shinji, Asuka is brash and rude, and she expects others to give her the same. She barks and expects you to bark back, but can’t always handle it. 
Both of these characters are constantly looking for connection, with both their peers and adults. While Asuka often pushes herself on to people, out of a need to be seen. Shinji cannot take active moves to make meaningful connections, and will shy away from people trying to connect. Asuka hates herself and needs to prove that others love her. Shinji hates himself and cannot imagine that people love him. 
The Adults
One of the running themes in the show is motherhood. Typically it is the mother that is expected to love and care for the child, to raise them, show unconditional love, give unwavering support. None of the characters have had this, Shinji and Asuka search for validation that they lost in adults in different ways. Unfortunately for them, none of the adults present are suitable to be parents. 
The show makes a point to show that the adult characters are all more complex than the children. They have lived longer and therefore had more time to make mistakes, to get stuck in toxic ideals, to ‘be problematic’. They are not concretely good or bad people (mostly), but rather the result of people who grew up in a post apocalyptic world, trying desperately to stop the salvage it, while also trying to make their own connections. Like the child characters, their past traumas make it harder for them to be more open, vulnerable, and weak, to form that human connection. 
I am going to focus on Misato and Ritsuko, since they act as foils when it comes to human connection.
Misato being left as a lone survivor to a terrible accident has left her scared both physically and mentally. Before this she had issues with her parents, as her father seemed to abandon his family in favour of work, leaving her mother devastated. Misato doesn't want to become like her mother, abandoned by a loved one, and she also doesn't want to be her father, a slave to work. To counter this she looks for easy connections, but she never wants to get too close.
When her relationship with Kaji was beginning to feel too real, she began to find flaws. His resemblance to her father was terrifying, so she broke it off. Similarly, when in scenes with Shinji, talking about his insecurities or his want to give up, she is hidden by shadow. She cannot be seen as weak, she cannot offer comfort, she cannot be a mother figure to Shinji. Other ways her searching for easy connection is her drinking beer, or eating take out. She searches for the most basic ways to fulfill her needs, so that she can focus on her main goal of defeating the angels. 
Ritsuko is also desperate to find human connection without vulnerability. By fully closing off the whole world she can have no weakness, something which she resents in Misato. She views herself as above the need for connection in that way, and would rather follow in her mothers foot footsteps as a scientist and a woman. 
She loved and admired her mother, and hated her. She wants to follow in her footsteps but also would hate to fail in the same ways. She saw how her mother failed to actually mother her, and chose to completely reject that part of herself. Instead she cares for cats, and uses those as a surrogate to having a child. She continues her mothers work as a scientist, constantly striving to improve. And when it comes to the ‘woman’ that her mother was, she knew a stubborn woman who focused solely on one man. So Ritsuko also focused on him, to the point of giving up her cat to her grandmother. Both women tried to create an easy connection with him, both felt that they were his equal, and that they found the one connection that mattered. When it was proven to them that they were a second (third) woman this caused them both to break down. For Ritsuko this meant that even though she closed off the whole world, except for one man, she was still too vulnerable. And her only response was to completely shut down. Because she had no one else.
All of the characters are constantly searching for this connection, trying to show affection without getting hurt. Trying to make sense of the end of the world while also making sense of interpersonal relationships. Their own inner demons getting in the way of honest connection. 
As a clone Rei is a particular case. She is aware that she is not a ‘person’, she isnt meant for human connection. Her isolation is so ingrained into her, planned before she is even ‘born’ so she feels no need to care for anyone except Ikari. She latches onto him, would do anything for him, and has no value in her life because she is aware that she is not real. 
However, she still has a human source, Shinjis mother. A human person, who also needed human connection. Rei, when given the chance, does care for people. Shinji is the first person to see her as a peer, and to treat her with kindness. With this start of forming connections, she begins to feel more human, to develop a further need to connect. Even if it's hard to fully separate from the man who created her.
The angels act as a foil to the human need for connection. While all of the human characters are lonely and searching for connection with each other, the angels are also lonely and trying to learn what that even means. 
There is no scene where the angels are working together, they are solitary, all having the same goal of reaching Adam, but incapable of planning together to achieve it. They instead try to create connection to humans, trying to bond and understand them, without knowing that their methods are harmful. 
I believe this can be first seen with the 12th angel. When Shinji is absorbed into the EVA, it is safe to say that the angel was able to understand the merging of human and EVA. This connection allowed Shinji to control the EVA to break free of the angel's shadow. The following month where Shinji is trapped within his EVA, is our first insight into what the human instrumentality project will be like, as well as the goals of the angels. 
Since angels cannot connect to each other, the 15th angel attempts to create connection by forcing itself into Asukas mind. It wants to understand her, her emotions, her thoughts, her connections, her love. For her this is a painful experience, akin to rape. She feels dirtied after it. But the attack is a beam of light, with holy music playing, what should be a calming experience. I believe it is fair to say that the angel cannot understand that it is putting her through pain, as it cannot understand any human experiences. Angels are incapable of understanding their own feelings/experiences/wants, and try to use humans as a study from which they can learn. 
The following angel confronts Rei about her loneliness. Instead of breaking into her mind through light, it directly entered her body. While talking with her, it questioned what loneliness was, trying to understand its own pain and isolation through understanding hers. Its solution is to merge with Rei, as it believes this would solve both problems. 
However, when she refuses, the angel then tries to find another source of connection. Rei cares about Shinji, as both a clone of his mother, and a friend as her own person. The angel can see that this connection is something that she finds precious and tries to take it for itself, as it cannot understand why Shinji wouldn’t feel the same. It cannot understand how complex human connections are, that it cannot simply take Reis form. However, it has learned what pain is, and how to communicate its own pain. As seen when Shinji attacks it. Whether this pain is physical or emotional doesn't matter, because it is the first pain that the angel could express.
The angels discovering what loneliness is acts as a way for the human pilots to begin to explore their own isolation in more depth. For better or worse.
Our introduction to the final angel is him singing. He takes a human form, can fully communicate to other humans, and doesn’t immediately attack them. This is such a contrast to all other angels that it isn't immediately clear that he even is an angel. Kaworu's first words are (as per the netflix english subtitles)
“Arent songs great? Songs enrich the heart. They're the crowning achievement of Lilin culture” 
He loves humans, human culture, human lives, and the human world. He is the first angel who is able to show this. His ability to understand humans allows him to form human connections, and he does so with Shinji. 
Kaworu loved Shinji. He would seek out Shinji, take time to bond and communicate with him, and help Shinji open up. He wanted to be close with Shinji, and knew how to be gentle in ways that no other human or angel could. He was patient, because he had time. And Shinji was able to open up to him more than with any other character. Shinji  was able to take the initiative to ask to stay with him, to try and form that connection.
All the human characters are struggling with their own demons, with an apocalyptic world. The whole earth is at war and Shinji is in the front lines, surrounded by adults who may want to help him but ultimately can't. Saving everyone is a higher priority to saving one kid, especially when that kid is your strongest soldier. Throughout the series Shinji is given conditional love. It is only when he pilots the EVA, defeats the angels and saves the day that people give him validation. Then comes this boy, who is gentle and kind, who listens. And it's easy, its comfort, its understanding and unconditional love, and its exactly what Shinji has needed for the whole series. 
But as a messenger he could never stay, he's temporary and by the end of the episode he understands this. He still is driven to ‘Adam’, he has a mission, but instead he is confronted with Lilith. Kaworu understands that humans and angels cannot live together in harmony, only one can survive. Both Adam and Litlith were made in god's image, but only Adam could stay in the garden of Eden. Death and Life hold equal value to Kaworu, so he doesn't mind the sacrifice, he would rather die to protect humans, to protect Shinji. He can  also understand that this is difficult, this is murder, this is killing a friend. So he says “thank you” and he waits.
In other episodes when in a battle, Shinji is constantly being yelled at, told what to do, under constant pressure. But here there is just the same patient understanding that Kaworu has always shown him. No rush for him to take action, just time to process and grieve. Because Kaworu knows Shinji will make the hard choice and he waits, and he smiles, and he continues to love Shinji. 
The final angel came down as a messenger and said
“You are important. 
I want to talk to you, to know you. 
You are in pain, you are fragile and should be protected. 
You are worthy of my affection. 
I like you. I love you. I was born just so that I could meet you. 
Our kind cannot survive together, one of us must die. And you deserve to live. 
I will take this burden of death because you deserve a future. 
I am glad I could meet you, thank you. 
I know this is hard, and I know you need time. I will wait.
Thank you.”
That was the last message to humanity.
And because Shinji is human he says back
“We are the same. I love you too. If only one of us could have lived it should have been you. You are better than me. You should have survived.”
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therealvinelle · 3 years
What do you think the Cullens would do if some person they were talking to, out of nowhere just quite literally exploded in front of, and on them? Kinda like in that movie Spontaneous. Would they lose control and slurp up the mess on the ground, (and themselves) or would their bloodlust be curtailed by shock of wtf just happened?
I'd say something witty about how this is a strange anon to receive, but holy jesus you've sent me down a rabbithole.
Here's a trailer to the movie Spontaneous. It looks amazing. Kevin Feige wishes this had been his plot for Infinity War.
Here's a trailer for the movie Spontaneous Combustion, which I found by accident while searching for your fic. This looks amazing too. Can't believe Marvel didn't buy the rights to this guy.
I'm serious, people, you definitely want to watch these trailers. I just about died laughing.
So, on to your ask.
In the spirit of your ask, which implies a level of randomness, I thought the people blowing up should be random too. So, being in the mood to procrastinate through spending way too much time on tumblr things, I wrote a program that'll generate for me random Twilight characters.
Unsure whether the explosion should kill vampires or not, I generated an answer. The answer is yes, any generated vampire dies.
Without further ado:
Alice watches Vladimir blow up.
Alright, alright.
The first question to be answered here is why Alice is in Vladimir's presence in the first time. In canon they only meet once, at the end of Breaking Dawn.
For the sake of simplicity, we'll have Vladimir blow up then.
The Cullens and the witnesses are all celebrating being alive, when Vladimir suddenly explodes.
For the sake of the ask, Alice is sitting closest to him when this happens and making conversation.
Her first thought is utter shock. Not just that he blew up, but that she didn't see it coming (she wouldn't, because I randomly generated him. No decision was made). Her second thought is horror.
The Cullens just confronted the Volturi, now mere hours afterwards their allies are blowing up.
Holy fuck, Aro has a gifted ace up his sleeve, and he's using it to kill them remotely.
Panic ensues, not just for Alice, but among all the witnesses. Some of them refuse to leave, Bella has to shield those 24/7, though given the belief that her gift is psychic that doesn't make them feel very safe.
The others decide to go after the Volturi and beg for mercy, assuring them they never meant to challenge them.
Aro, of course, is very confused, but agrees. Why, yes, he does have a vampire who blows people up. Yes, yes he does.
Bella watches Aro blow up.
Oh I'm dying laughing at this one. And wishing I'd put this down for Carlisle, that would be even funnier, but alright.
Bella is walking about post-Breaking Dawn, minding her own business, when suddenly Aro appears in front of her. He looks around himself, utterly surprised by his sudden deplacement, and then blows up.
Bella has been living in terror of this man for years.
In Volterra he had his servant torture her and Edward and then made ominious threats, then a few months later the Eclipse disaster unfolded, finally we have Breaking Dawn where he showed up to murder her and everyone she loved.
Her shield may be powerful, but for as long as Aro was alive her family was never truly safe.
His untimely implosion changes all of that.
I imagine after a long moment of incredulity, Bella burns the rubble, just to be sure, then tells her family the joyous news.
Carlisle gives the guy a funeral. It's weird.
Carlisle watches Vassilii blow up.
Close call, due to my not switching out the names we almost had Angela. In which case Carlisle have stood there, covered in blood and in shock for several long seconds, before bringing out the bleach and gasoline for a crime scene clean.
As it is, Carlisle is minding his own business when suddenly an immortal child dressed like a medieval Eastern European appears before him. It says something in a foreign language that might mean "hi", he doesn't know but he says "hi" to it back, then the child blows up.
Carlisle stares at the rubble for a very long time, wondering if he is perhaps losing his mind. If, perhaps, Aro was right about animal blood being a slow suicide, and Carlisle has finally hit the limit for how long a vampire can go on without human blood.
He burns the rubble and prays for the child's soul, as an immortal child is doomed anyway, and keeps his silence about what happened. In part because there's a solid chance this was all in his imagination.
If Aro ever touches his hand again, and sees the immortal child that he burned a thousand years earlier resurrect, travel through time, all in order to blow up in front of Carlisle, he... well there comes a point where you say "nothing to see here" and refuse eye contact with the universe glitching.
Edward watches Randall blow up.
Randall, for the ignorants, is one of Carlisle's friends that came to witness for the Cullens in Breaking Dawn.
Suddenly he appears in front of Edward, says hi and how do you do, and then he blows up.
Edward tells Carlisle, who is saddened by this, and they try to piece the guy together. They fail.
Edward sends a somber thought to this noble man who agreed with Edward that the Cullens are awesome enough to be worth dying for.
Emmett watches Mary blow up.
Emmett will never admit it, but it's the coolest, raddest thing he's ever seen.
Esme watches Eleazar blow up.
Oh boy.
The Cullens are visiting the Denali. Irina has not been dead for long, but given the crystal clear memory of vampires, and the loss they already suffered (Sasha's death traumatized them) it doesn't really matter how long it's been, the Denali are devastated anyway.
The whole coven is as fragile as it can possibly get.
Then, Eleazar goes to join Esme in the kitchen, and explodes all over her and the kitchen.
The remaining Denali and the Cullens are called to the kitchen by the sound of Esme's screaming, and find her in hysterics, surrounded by gray rubble.
The Denali are near catatonic with grief at this point, while cooking has been ruined for Esme. One moment you're making food, the next people are exploding all over your kitchen.
Esme is not okay.
Jasper watches Nahuel blow up.
It's a shameful moment in his life.
But, hybrids are edible.
And that blood was splattered all over him.
Jasper has the worst control fail of his life, worse even than when he failed with Bella because this fail means he can't be around Renesmée anymore.
It's miserable all around.
The one highlight here is that it didn't happen when they were headed to the Volturi trial together.
Rosalie watches Emmett blow up.
Jesus christ, random Twilight character generator, just when I thought you were just going to give me boring results.
Not only does Rosalie lose the love of her life, the guy who kept her together, the one good thing she had going for her who made her life worth living, but he did so right in front of her, blowing up out of nowhere.
There's no explanation to be had, no culprit to be found, no reason for it. She had no goodbye, just as she can have no revenge.
She will never have closure.
Renesmée watches Renée blow up.
We go out on a high note, my god. Well done, generator, I'm laughing.
Renesmée is curious enough about her grandmother to go to Florida. She was going to watch from afar, but finds herself talking to the woman who raised her mother.
It's all going well until Renée suddenly explodes all over Renesmée.
Renesmée's first thought is nothing, she's in shock.
Well, she was controlled as an infant, so I don't think an adult Renesmée would lose it unless under extreme circumstances, like if she encountered a singer.
More, though, Renesmée might have any reasons of her own not to drink human blood, but she has been raised with this being a big no-no.
So she shouldn't.
Is she ever going to get a better chance?
Ethically, she could easily argue this is the right choice. No one will be negatively affected by this, at least not directly.
The human is right there, already dead, and there's no body so while Renesmée does have to clean up the gore. Hell, if she laps up the blood on her clothes and the ground she will be cleaning up. Why waste perfectly good blood?
If Renesmée Cullen is ever going to have human blood, this is it.
It will come down to how much she respects her grandfather, and how important she believes Renée was to Bella.
Bonus, because I'm having way too much fun with this:
Bree watches Atheonodora blow up.
Bree is minding her own business when suddenly a vampire unlike any she has ever seen before, one with hazy eyes and odd skin, appears before her. They stare at each other. Then the woman blows up.
Bree takes this to mean that exploding is apparently something vampires just do sometimes, runs off in a panic and, sobbing, tells Riley.
Riley, having no idea what to make of any of this, tells her it was those evil yellow-eyes with their witchcraft and sorcery.
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dalekofchaos · 3 years
What would you say are the biggest mistakes Mass Effect 3 made?
Okay this is going to be a long one, but these would be the biggest mistakes ME3 ever made in my opinion
Choosing Cerberus over The Reapers. The thing that annoyed me most about ME3 is the fact that Harbinger is not the main threat. The Illusive Man is. Harbinger has been built up as the big bad since ME2. "YOU HAVE FAILED. WE WILL FIND ANOTHER WAY." He says as he discards the Collectors. Then his speech to Shepard as the base blows up. "Human, you've changed nothing. Your species has the attention of those infinitely your greater. That which you know as Reapers are your salvation through destruction. You will surrender your potential against the growing void. We return, and you will rise. We are the harbinger of your perfection. We will bring your species into harmony with our own. Your species will be raised to a new existence. We are the beginning, you will be the end. Prepare for our domination. Prepare for our coming." Then in Arrival, he came pretty damn close to unleashing quick subjugation and harvest upon an unprepared galaxy. Upon Shepard foiling his plans. "Shepard. You have become an annoyance. You fight against inevitability. Dust struggling against cosmic winds. This seems a victory to you. A star system sacrificed. But even now, your greatest civilizations are doomed to fall. Your leaders will beg to serve us. Know this as you die in vain: Your time will come. Your species will fall. Prepare yourselves for the Arrival." The perfect final villain right? Unfortunately, Cerberus was more focused on than The Reapers. My problem with Cerberus and no Harbinger is Too many Cerberus, too few Reaper forces in plot. We fight Cerberus more often than the reapers. Hardly any boss fight and the one with Reaper Destroyer on Rannoch was more an interactive movie than fight. During the Horizon mission in Mass Effect 2, Harbinger was solidified as the Big Bad. It was menacing and ominous, with just the right amount of annoying. It taunted us throughout the game, telling us how insignificant we were, and how our actions were pointless. It was willing to posses drones through the Collector General to fight us personally, and when we killed the host, it tossed them aside. Harbinger even gave the typical “You haven’t seen the last of me!” villain rant. It made any fire fight frustrating, and that made me want to kill it even more; I hated Harbinger. Many games fail to do that. Harbinger was an enemy which I looked forward to defeating. I had the desire to annihilate. In Mass Effect 3, I got a codex entry and a cameo. Harbinger just swoops in at the last second and blows my friends and I to hell(and lets the Normandy save them), then flies off. Personally, I would have loved to hear Harbinger’s menacing monologue, it drove me on. I would have felt a deeper motivation to take the fight back to Earth if it told me how much destruction the Reapers were causing, how many lives were lost. I felt cheated when I got to the final mission, only to suddenly realize it was largely absent from the game. Harbinger has been replaced. Replaced by the Illusive Man and Kai Leng. The former is an old acquaintance, albeit one now controlled by the Reapers. The latter is a space ninja from a terrible book. What would've been amazing is if Harbinger IS the Catalyst. Harbinger taunts and haunts Shepard throughout the game He uses the memory of that child to haunt Shepard as a symbol of humanity lost. After Shepard activates the Crucible. Harbinger appears. He explains to why and how The Reapers were made. the AI Leviathan created to solve the equation is Harbinger all along, Harbinger manipulated The Leviathan into giving it Reaper form and birth at first it did what it commanded and what they asked of it was to look at the dark energy building up which back then was only an anomaly that Leviathan was concerned with but then the first harvest began and Harbinger and The Reapers were born. Funny enough, Leviathan reminds me so much of FMA:Brotherhood. The Intelligence tricked Leviathan to create the Reaper is very similar to how the Dwarf in the flask became Father. So what I think should have happened is it would've been revealed that Harbinger is the AI that convinced the Leviathan that harvest was the only way to survive and justifies the harvests not because organics and synthetics can't coexist, but because of the dark matter crisis. Throughout the game we would have more confrontations with Harbinger. Have him "ASSUME CONTROL" during fights. Give us a voiced confrontation between Shepard and Harbinger. Make it clear that Harbinger chose The Illusive Man and convinced him of together they could uplift and empower humanity over the lesser races. The Illusive Man is to Harbinger, as what Saren was for Soverign. Then the Crucible will grant us the choice to Destroy or Control The Reapers or Harvest this cycle to survive the Dark Matter crisis. You could either. Destroy Harbinger and The Reapers, while the united races would discover a way to stop the dark matter problem. Give in to Harbinger to harvest humanity to save the galaxy. Control The Reapers to stop the harvesting and to work together to stop the dark matter crisis.
Choosing to have a smaller crew than ME2 and focusing solely on the ME1 characters and screwing over or ignoring the ME2 crew, especially romancing Jack, Miranda and Thane. If it were up to me, this is what my ideal ME3 line up would be Ashley/Kaidan EDI Garrus Liara Tali Javik Jack Miranda Thane(EA forgot about him and simply chose to kill him off, I think Thane could’ve rejoined the crew and even had a mission where we find a cure for Thane and Kolyat) Grunt Mordin(you'll see how later) Legion(You'll see later) Balak or any Batarian Squadmember. Ideally it would be someone who survived the Bahak system or even a Batarian freedom fighter who puts his people’s survival over the pride and prejudices of the Hegemony. His sole goal is to liberate Khar'shan and save his people. But for a more memorable person, Balak would be the squad member. I would make killing Balak not an option. The last high ranking officer in the Hegemony. Instead of causing deaths on the Citadel, he seeks Shepard out. It’s an enemy of my enemy is my friend. Over time, Balak would show remorse for his past actions as a terrorist and for the Hegemony’s past. Shepard and Balak learns to overcome their differences and see each other as friend and works together to destroy the Reapers. We would get a Priority Khar’shan where we could liberate the planet and the Batarians would be in a fighting force.
Keeping James alive. I like James, but he added absolutely nothing to the game. We already had an Alliance character. Ashley Williams/Kaidan Alenko. James should have been the Jenkins/Wilson of the game. He should have died in the crash to take out Eva and Ashley/Kaidan should have been with us from beginning to end. James is a character we barely know. We’ve waited a long ass time to see Ashley/Kaidan and it was downright disappointing that neither Ashley nor Kaidan did not get to interact with Garrus on Priority Palaven and Wrex during Priority S’Urkesh.
Mirandafying Ashley Williams. Mirandafying Ashley Williams for Mass Effect 3 was shallow and unnecessary. Wearing loose and long hair and skimpy clothing? Ashley Williams is a by the books soldier. She would not look like this. She would not grow her hair or let it down like this. I mean, it’s not that they changed her face so much, but they just tried too hard with the makeup, hair and outfit. Ashley didn’t need to be model-sexy and run around in heels and showing cleavage. She was already sexy as hell in her own way. All they needed to do was give her the Alliance Crewmen outfit as her casual look and the Phoenix Armor and the current Alliance type armor she was given in ME3, as well as a unique Spectre armor. It's not just the shallow Mirandafying. It's the fact that Ashley has little to no interactions. Ashley barely has any interactions in the game. Compared to Kaidan, Ashley is not interactable. I don't like that Ashley barely has any interactions and just feels...hollow. Ashley should have crew moments with Joker, Adams, Ashley at the monument mourning those who died with the original Normandy, Liara, Tali and Garrus. Was it so much to ask for simple interactions? And really, Ashley in the first game had a personality, Ashley in ME3 feels hollow.
Choosing Diana Allers over Emily Wong and Khalisah al-Jilani. Emily and Khalisah are two reporters we actually know and respect. They earned their place on the Normandy. Emily reported on crime and traffic controllers. Khalisah gave us hard hitting questions and actually cared about reporting on what the fuck was going on in the galaxy. They earned their place on the Normandy as far as I'm concerned. Compare that to Diana Allers. What has Diana Allers done to deserve a spot on the Normandy? Nothing. They created the Battlespace to make her seem like a hip and cool Alliance News Correspondent. Allers looked, weird and she just comes off as annoying and she's a waste of space on the Normandy when we could've had a whole new or returning squad member. God, I WISH Javik could throw her out the fucking airlock. You had TWO perfectly great reporter characters and you did jackshit for any of them. Just so you could have an excuse to hire Jessica Chobot.
Not letting us see Tali's face on Rannoch. Legendary Edition fixed the mistake by finally showing us Tali's face, but it's still exclusive to Shali romancers. What should have happened was we see Tali's face when she unmasks on Rannoch. If we don't romance her, she unmasks and gives us a smile. If we romance her we see her face and kiss her. Something simple like that. It would've been great to see
Not having the ME2 squad members join in on the Citadel DLC. I mean for fuck's sake, it's like they want us to know "fuck you, ME1 squadmembers only" Again, why? Why wasn’t Jack, Miranda, Grunt, Samara, Jacob, Zaeed and Kasumi not added? If we romanced Jack or Miranda, why didn't they come to save us when we were being hunted? Why not REALLY making it feel like Team Hammerhead by actually adding the ME2 Squad members to the Citadel DLC before the party? There was no reason why you couldn't include the ME2 squad members in the Citadel DLC
Making Cerberus the villains instead of uneasy allies, when The Batarians were the perfect allies for The Reapers. This might just be me but I think Cerberus should have been on our side in ME3 and The Batarians should have been fighting for The Reapers. Makes sense Cerberus has just been a rouge organization doing what the job no matter what the cost(even if the cost is atrocities) and instead of indoctrinating themselves they could of studied it to make themselves immune to indoctrination and The Illusive Man's goal was to use any means necessary in order to destroy The Reapers. I also like the idea that you know you can't trust him, but he does get results. The Council and The Alliance are desperate, so they accept a partnership with Cerberus. The Batarians have always held a grudge against The Alliance, The Council and would have wanted revenge for Bahak/ Viper Nebula. The fact that there are no consequences for what we had to do in Arrival from The Batarians just doesn't make any sense and you'd think this would give The Batarians the motive to turn to The Reapers. Hell in the Terra Nova DLC in Mass Effect 1 it seemed to me that Balak was already indoctrinated and Balak’s revelation of the “Batarian rebellion” makes it seem like they would be the perfect tools for The Reapers. Balak will be the new Saren figure. If you killed Balak, then The Reapers would just bring him back. The first act of war for the Batarians was the destruction of the Viper Nebula, so their retaliation was killing Udina. Prior to the Reaper invasion of Earth, Udina would go to Omega to make peace talks with Aria. The Batarians attack and gain control of Omega, Aria is ousted(but saved by General Petrovsky) and Udina is executed live for the galaxy to see. Because of Udina's execution and Anderson leading the resistance on Earth. The Illusive Man is now the Human Councilor. Miranda and Kai Leng would be squad members. Depending on if you gave TIM the Collector Base or destroyed it, he will either keep you in the dark or help you at every turn. Just think of the Cerberus War Assets Cerberus Scientists General Oleg Petrovsky Collector Base Cerberus Fighters Cerberus Phantoms Cerberus Engineers Project Phoenix We would get a big mission to deal with the Batarians, Priority:Khar'shan. If you do not deal with the Batarians, there will be major casualties. However half of the Batarian forces are not indoctrinated and just want to end the mistakes of their government and live. Balak wants to kill the rebellion of his people. Ironic. Somehow Balak has placed enough bombs on the planet to destroy everyone who is resisting Reaper indoctrination. We can either. Talk Balak out of it. Telling him to resist and fight for your people(which WOULD gain Balak as an ally) or talk Balak into killing himself. Or the true Renegade option is to kill Balak and order a strike that wipes out the Batarian forces, but sacrificing the Batarian Rebellion. By the time we get to Priority Earth everyone is on the same page and united against the true threat, The Reapers. And it is Harbinger who is the final boss
Not having Maelon be there with Mordin in ME3. This isn't really a problem, but I had a thought. If we spared Maelon and kept Maelon's data for the cure. Maelon should have been on board to help Mordin with the cure. If we warn Mordin and Maelon about the sabotage, then Maelon would choose to sacrifice himself to save Mordin. And after that, Mordin would choose to join Shepard's crew.
Legion's "death" is pointless. He....is software. He could easily copy and paste The Reaper code without sacrificing himself in the same manner when he was broadcasting the Reaper signal to all Geth. Or he could've disseminated himself after he made a copy and transfer that copy over to his platform. I just get the feeling that they didn't want to keep Mordin, Thane or Legion alive....for reasons.
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ladydorian05 · 3 years
A Christmas with you~
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Oh god...where do I begin, okay as of today Dec/24/2020, the movie We can be heroes isn’t out yet, so everything is just from my imagination, interactions, personalities and everything else that may sound slightly canon, it’s most certainly NOT canon. I hate using ‘Y/n’ on reader inserts but this time I had to. Thank you @din-damn-djarin​ for being my beta for this fic, I really, really appreciate it. Go check out her fics, I adore her Neigbor Marcus Pike series, it’s SO good. 
This is a monster of a fic, where did so many words come from?
Hope you guys like it.
Thoughts are in italics 
A Christmas with you~
Pairing: Marcus Moreno x f!reader
Summary: You’ve been in love with your best friend for years, what you don’t know is that he’s also in love with you. Could a little push from one cunning young girl help you both get together during the most wonderful time of the year? (sorry, still suck at summaries)
Warnings: Reader’s superhero name is “Striker”, why? Because my brain thought it sounded cool, I jump from POV to POV, one plotting child, best friends to lovers, a pair of pinning idiots and implicit spiciness.
Words: 7K something
It was no secret to any of the members of the Heroics that you had no family to spend the holidays with.
In a way they were all your family, you were all a close-knitted team, but sometimes, it just wasn’t the same.
Then, there was Marcus and his daughter. He had been there from the moment you joined the team he became a very close friend, your best friend. Most of the time you got partnered with him, especially when it came to reconnaissance missions, you worked well together, you trusted each other and always had each other’s back.
Eventually, you began to feel differently towards him. You were no fool, you knew what you felt for him was definitely more than simple fondness, attachment or admiration. Your heart rate increased when he was close, his smile makes you smile, you would do anything for him, anything to keep him and his loved ones from harm’s way.
He’s always been so charming and handsome and a total gentleman. There had been times where you had wanted to take the first step, confess your feelings to him and see where that would take you, but you couldn’t; at first because he had been a married man about to become a father when you met him and then when his wife stopped being a part of the picture, well you just wanted to be there for him as a friend, he had enough on his plate raising Missy on his own, he didn’t need you to dump all of your feelings on him.
He was doing amazing on his own, but you wanted him. No, you wanted both of them, Marcus and Missy, to know that you would be there for them whenever they needed you. Besides, you were just friends, he’ll never see you as anything more.
“That will be all for today, everyone’s dismissed. I wish you all a happy Christmas eve and remember to keep your locators close, we all know how crime rates increase during this season. I'll see you again here until the 26th” Ms. Granada said, taking you out of your thoughts and officially ending the debrief meeting.
Every year, during the holidays, most of the team got a leave from duty, beginning early on Christmas eve, until the 26th; that was if no major crisis happened that required the whole team, otherwise only a handful of volunteers were left on patrol duty during those days.
Seeing as you’ve never celebrated the festivity, you always volunteered to be a part of the patrolling team. Not that your teammates had never invited you to spend Christmas with them and their families, they had done it on multiple occasions, not wanting you to be alone, time and time again you had reassured them that it was alright you didn't mind spending the night patrolling.
In truth, you always declined because you didn’t want to intrude, the celebration was all about family and spending time with loved ones, you knew your friends had good intentions but you just didn’t want to feel like you didn’t belong there, like you were invited to tag along out of pity.
Eventually, the invitations stopped coming your way, and while it hurt a bit that they gave up on you, you were also relieved for not being put on the spot again and again having to decline their generous offers.
But this year, unbeknownst to you, a scheme was beginning to brew inside the head of one young girl, to make you change your plans for the night.
Missy wasn’t blind, she knew there was something between her father and Striker, even before she learned that her father was a superhero.
When she was younger, she had shipped his dad’s alter ego and Striker. They always looked so in-sync on the tv, like the perfect duo, but now that she gets to watch them both in real life? She had no doubts, they liked each other.
And it wasn’t just when they were in costume, Striker had always been around ever since she could remember, all of her birthday parties, her school festivals, even helping her dad every time some mom came up with the idea to have bake sales at school over and over again; what’s wrong with that woman?
She had noticed all the constant glances, the here and there ‘accidental’ brush of hands, even the full-on staring; just like right now, during the debrief, her father’s eyes kept straying from Ms. Granada to Striker and every single time he turned his attention back to the meeting before he could notice how Striker had been doing the same thing. Oh yeah, they were both pining for each other.
The problem was that they were SO stubborn, she’s been trying to bring it up to her dad, but he would immediately change the topic of the conversation with some question about school or any upcoming mission, it was frustrating!
She wanted him to be happy, she wanted both of them to be happy, and being superheroes was dangerous business, she wasn’t about to wait until something happened to either of them, as dramatic as that would be, for things to move forward. Like always, it was up to her to give them a push.
“You know, if you keep staring at her like that she’ll burst into flames.” One good thing that came with the pair of pinning adults was that the whole thing made them so easy to tease, and she loved to tease her father.
“I think you're mistaken, that would be something Lavagirl could probably do, not me sweetheart.” With a chuckle, Marcus puts a hand on her head to ruffle her hair. “Ready to go?” Changing the topic, again. This time she wasn’t about to let it go.
“Not yet. Actually, there’s something you haven’t done.” Missy crossed her arms in front of her chest.
“Oh, really?” Marcus smiled as he mimicked his daughter’s stance. “And what is that thing I haven’t done?” he said with amusement.
Missy smirked. “You haven’t asked Y/n if she wants to come home and celebrate with us. “The smile on Marcus' face disappeared, a stunned expression replacing it.
“Yeah, you should invite her, we can all have dinner together and maybe she can stay and open presents with us.”
“Uh…Missy, sweetheart I don’t think that’s a good-“
“Oh, come on, dad! It’ll be great! It’s not as if we’re doing something REALLY special tonight. Please?”
“Sweetheart, she’ll probably say no, you know she never comes to Christmas parties.” His hands moved from his chest to rest on his waist as he spoke.
“Which is why you should invite her over. We’re not throwing a party; it’ll be just the three of us. And even if she says no, you won't lose anything just by asking.”
He wouldn’t know what to do if she rejected him. How cliché of him to fall in love with his best friend.
He had slowly fallen for you, so much so that by the time he realized what was going on, he was already a goner.
He had always known how beautiful you were, your smile, the way it illuminated your whole face; your eyes, your nose, your lips. He noticed how you were always helping people, inside and outside your Heroic persona, he also noticed how you tried to dismiss your own worries, not wanting to ‘burden’ others with them.
If only you would let him do for you the same things you do for him. He would love nothing more than to share whatever problems weighted down on you. He also knew you never accepted invitations to any Christmas celebration, at first, he had thought maybe you were being shy, being the new member of the team and all that, but year after year you always declined every single invitation from your teammates, he had always hated the thought of you spending the holidays on your own, patrolling the city.
He had never tried to invite you himself, back when his wife was around, they had always traveled to her parent’s house so it was useless to ask you to tag along, and then, after she left, it had been difficult to even try to celebrate.
If he asked you to come to Christmas and you said no, if you rejected him…well what hope could he have that maybe, just maybe he could find the courage to confess his feelings. But the probability of them being unrequired scared him so much. Should he risk it all?
Missy didn’t need to be a telepath to know what her dad was thinking, he was thinking too much and that normally resulted in him chickening out, well this time she wouldn’t let him.
“Or do you actually like the idea of her spending Christmas patrolling the city in a cold night most likely on her own?” This time she copied her father’s stance, silently challenging him to a staring contest, she had this in the bag, her dad had never won a staring contest in his life.
“You can be so stubborn when you want to, little lady.” Marcus said after a few seconds, breaking eye contact.
“Who do you think I got it from?” She said with a self-satisfied smile on her face.
“Come here.” Marcus pulled her in a hug. “I love you; you know that?” he said, leaving a kiss on top of her hair.
“I know, I love you too. Now stop stalling and go ask her.”
“Okay, okay. Sheesh, you’re also bossy.” He squeezed her a little before letting go and walking towards y/n.
“It’s called leadership!” He shook his head laughing, well, at least he was doing something right, god knows raising Missy almost on his own hadn’t been easy.
You had been waiting to see which teammates would be staying with you this year to agree upon a schedule, when you noticed Marcus approaching you, he stood in front of you with a wide smile making his adorable dimple appear.
“Hi there.” He greeted while rubbing his hands together, one of his nervous ticks.
“Hi there yourself, everything okay?” It was weird, you could see how tense he was and he kept shifting from foot to foot.
His eyes widened and his head kept moving as he nodded. “Yeah, yes, everything’s alright.”
“Okay.” Now this was a Marcus you didn’t get to see often. Normally he was so self-assured, he always carried himself with confidence, even in the face of danger. “Are you excited to go home and spend a whole day with Missy?”
“Of course, it’s been some time since we’ve had the chance to spend a whole day together.”
“I’m glad you got the chance, she’s been working so hard, you both have, you deserve some time off.”
And so do you. He thought.
“You know, you’re right, you should also take a break.” He frowned. Marcus could see the bags under your eyes. You had also been working harder, pulling more time than the others. You did this every year during this season and it always pained him, while everyone else went home to their families you didn’t even hang your suit and equipment for a night and a day off, no, you made sure to keep everyone safe.
“I don’t know, not many of us volunteer for patrol as it is, and I don’t have any plans for the night or tomorrow so, why not?” You looked down at your feet. It was the truth, why bother taking a break, only to go to a cold empty apartment? You could find a better use of your time like this.
Marcus, swallowed, steeling what little resolve he had, it was now or never.
“You know, we- Missy and I that is. We were wondering if…maybe, if you don’t have any other plans; and of course you can say no, but it’ll be great if you said yes, and it’s nothing formal-” You watched him with amusement as he kept rambling, “It would be just the three of us and well, pizza and movies and junk food, staying up until midnight and opening some presents. Don’t worry, you don’t have to actually bring anything, it’ll be fine with jus-“
Shit, why was he talking so much, and why wouldn’t his hands stop moving!? Something like this hadn’t happened to him in a freaking long while, since he first invited a girl he liked on a date, like twenty or so years ago!
Leave it to you to have this kind of effect on him, only you could reduce him to a babbling idiot, if this kept going on, he wouldn’t be able to actually ask you the question.
Oh my god! What is he doing!? Missy stared at her dad as he kept talking and moving his hands around while you just looked at him with mirth and confusion.
She had to do everything in this family, didn’t she?
“Would you like to join us tonight and maybe even tomorrow?” Missy interrupted her dad before he could keep on talking.
 Marcus hadn't been so grateful to his little girl than in that moment. “Umm, yeah, would you like to join us?” Marcus looked at you with a smile and hopeful eyes.
“Oh…OH!” You were speechless, you weren’t expecting an invitation this year, least of all an invitation from him. While it wasn’t weird for him to invite you to special occasions, he’s never once tried to invite you to spend Christmas with him. You always thought this time of year was special for him and that he preferred to spend it alone with Missy. “I-I…”
“Please say yes! It’d be fun, we just sit in front of the tv and watch movies while eating junk food!” Missy jumped in hugging you. She wasn’t scared to use her resources, every single one of them, if that meant that y/n agreed to the invite; she’d even use the puppy eyes if she had to, she had to exploit that one before it stopped working.
“I don’t know, we can’t leave the city defenseless…” Puppy eyes it was.
“Pretty please! I’m sure it’ll be fine, you always stay on duty, they can manage one year without you!”
Oh no, not the puppy eyes! You stared at Missy’s brown eyes, they looked so much like her father’s. You shifted your gaze from Missy to look at Marcus only to find him doing almost the same expression. God damn it! Not him too, he’s too old for that face to work, why is it working!?
What the hell, it’s not like you didn’t want to.
“Okay, I’ll join you guys”
“Yes! You’re the best, see ya later!!!” Missy gave your middle a squeeze before running out of the room, leaving you and Marcus staring after her.
“You mister are way too old to be pulling the puppy-eyed look, you should be ashamed.” You turned to see his smug face.
“I’ll keep using it for as long as it keeps working.”
“What a disgrace.”
“So umm, does six work for you?”
“Yeah, I’m just going to let the others know I won’t be a volunteer this year. See you then.” With a smile you gave Marcus a quick hug before approaching one of the members of the Heroics that, much like you, always volunteered and was the one in charge of making the schedule for patrol rounds.
“Yeah, see you.” Marcus said shaking his head, long after you had left his side. He needed to get a grip of himself, if not, he would have a long night waiting for him.
Even if Marcus said not to bring anything, you hated arriving at a friend’s house empty handed, even if it was Marcus, especially if it was Marcus; so you made sure to grab a couple of things on the way to your apartment. Some bags of everyone’s favorite chip flavor and enough ingredients to make some cinnamon rolls.
You took a quick shower once the glaze was done and the cinnamon rolls were in the oven. With one towel around your body and another one around your hair; you stood in front of your dresser debating on what to wear.
It’s not like this was a date; as if. So why worry so much?  Still, you kept on throwing clothes on your bed, you told yourself enough by the time you were seriously contemplating putting on a dress.
You put away the mess you made, leaving out a nice button up shirt and a pair of comfortable dress pants, the ones that had actual pockets, you finished your look with some comfortable boots, you were probably going to end up taking them off at some point so you also put on some cute Christmas themed fuzzy socks.
Satisfied with your choice, you decided to put on a baggy T-shirt to take the cinnamon rolls out of the oven and to prevent the glaze from dirtying your clothes when you poured it on the buns once they were cool enough.
You were fifteen minutes late by the time you got dressed, packed everything up, and grabbed the presents for Marcus and Missy that you had wrapped up a week ago. You send Marcus a message saying that you were on your way.
Marcus went into full panic mode when they got home an hour and a half away from the time he told you to arrive, they lost too much time lining up to pay at the supermarket, he insisted on going once he remembered he was out of your favorite candy, he also got a bag of chocolates and some sodas.
For a moment he contemplated getting some beers, but soon dismissed the idea, he wasn’t that much of a drinker and he didn’t like to drink in front of his daughter. Besides this wasn’t a date, of any kind, just his daughter and best friend; who he had been in love with for a long time now, spending some quality time together.
Shit, he forgot about the pizza!
“Missy, go take a shower and change into something more comfortable but nice and then come give me a hand, we need to set everything up in the living room” He said as he dialed the number from the pizza place the three of you loved.
Missy took the grocery bags to the kitchen before doing what her father asked her to do, but in reverse, that way there was a chance that you would arrive while she was still getting ready leaving the two of you alone for a few minutes.
She opened the chocolate and candy bags dumping the contents into two different small bowls, she listened as her father finished ordering the pizza on her way to the living room where they had a slightly bigger tv than the one in front of the breakfast table, she left the bowls on the coffee table in the middle.
“Missy, I thought I asked you to do something else before setting everything up.”
“I know, but we’ll finish faster this way, you need to take a shower too. Can you get the glasses from the cupboard?”
He sighed but went to the kitchen to get the aforementioned glasses.
“Hey, did you order the potato wedges?” Missy asked, taking one of the soda bottles and putting it inside the fridge.
“Yup.” Marcus answered, passing her the second bottle. “Give me a hand with the plates please.” He bumped her with his hip as he passed her.
They inspected their work for a moment before going to their respective rooms to get ready, Missy decided to take her time choosing her clothes, she even contemplated whether it’d be too much to take a bath instead of a shower.
Never before, in his whole life, had he gotten ready for ANYTHING as fast as today. He almost pulled out a suit from his closet before doing a double-take and grabbing a nice shirt, some black denim pants, and his favorite sneakers.
He decided to forgo any kind of hair product and only dabbled a little bit of cologne on his wrist and neck. On his way to the living room, he stopped by Missy’s room to knock on her door.
“Are you ready darling?”
“Not yet!” Was her muffled response.
“Okay, I’ll be in the living room, take your time but remember we’ll have a special guest over.” A special guest? Come on Marcus, she’s been here multiple times before, she’s like part of the family, maybe not in the way he wished her to be but still.
“Okay, dad!” A special guest!? Really!? He was hopeless, did he even notice how obvious he was? Why hadn’t he done something about it yet? Y/n could easily slip through his fingers by the time he decided to actually make a move. She needed to up her game.
 Marcus kept staring at the clock as it read five minutes past six, leg bouncing. Maybe his clock was wrong, maybe he didn’t put the right hour, maybe it was forward by a few minutes.
God, he was a mess, he needed to calm down, it was just Y/n, his best friend; she’s hung out with them before, on multiple occasions, except…well she wasn’t JUST Y/n, she never was and never would be.
She was everything, she became everything to him in such a short time that sometimes it scared him. If he had to be truly honest with himself, he needed to admit that he began to fall for her the moment they met, he fought against it for years, he was married with a baby on the way for god’s sake.
He had loved his wife and he would’ve never cheated on her, but he also couldn’t deny the connection he felt with you from day one, he had never felt something even remotely close to it with anyone else.
If things had been different, he would have told you about his feeling’s way sooner, he had been selfish, he knew he couldn’t afford to lose you, he lost his wife, Missy lost her mother, he couldn’t lose you too if you didn’t feel the same, that would’ve destroyed him when Missy needed him more than ever.
So, instead he kept it silent, holding on to the hope that maybe, someday, he’d be able to act upon his feelings for you.
He was startled by his phone chiming in his pocket, the first thing he noticed was the hour, quarter past six; and the second, your message. ‘I’m on my way.’
He sighed, you would be there soon, could he maybe try to hint at something tonight? Well, if he didn’t, maybe he could bring ‘that’ out.
Fifteen more minutes later you were finally ringing Marcus’ house doorbell, not for the first time, you were happy with the proximity of your apartment complex to his house.
“Hey! Why didn’t you use your key?” Marcus' smiling face greeted you. “Oh, I see why.” You were holding a container in one hand, balancing two gift boxes on top and the cloth bag with the chips in the other.
“I kind of couldn’t even if I wanted to.” You laughed.
“I told you, you didn’t have to bring anything but yourself; here, let me help you.” He took the container with the cinnamon rolls from your hands. “Come on in.”
“As if you didn’t know me Marcus, I never come here with empty hands.” You followed Marcus to the kitchen after closing the door behind you.
“This thing is warm, what’s inside?” he had left the bag and the container on the counter, he also put the boxes aside.
“Well, you have two options, you can try to guess or you can open it.” You said with a smile, taking the bags of chips out to fold the bag they were in.
“I know it’s warm, is it something sweet?” so guessing it was, you loved to play this kind of game with him every time you brought baked goods.
“Can I smell it? Am I allowed to do that?” he asked, eyebrows raised and a big smile on his face.
You faked a thoughtful look before nodding. Marcus lifted the container close to his face and took a deep breath.
“Cinnamon?” His eyes opened wide in delight. “No way, don’t tell me! Are these, you brought cinnamon rolls!? Holy sheesh!”
You laughed at him, you knew he loved cinnamon rolls so you made them as often as you could, you even gave him the recipe but he claimed that they just didn’t taste the same when he made them himself. You thought he was just too impatient to make them and preferred to just eat them.
He opened the container to keep the bread from getting soggy because of the condensation inside it.
“My god! They look delicious, I swear could kiss you right now!” What!?
 FUUUUCK!!! YOU IDIOT! WHAT DID YOU JUST SAY!!!! he froze up, there was a moment of silence between the two of you before it was thankfully interrupted by the doorbell.
“The pizza is here! Just in time.” He said with maybe too much enthusiasm. The delivery guy deserved a big tip, he just unknowingly saved his ass.
 Did you hear correctly? Did he say kiss? That’s what he said, right?
No, well yes, he did say it, but he probably didn’t mean it like, well...THAT. It was just an expression, he was overjoyed you brought him food and you were just thinking too much into things. Yeah, that was it, you were thinking too much.
“I heard the pizza arrived! Don’t start without me!” You shook your head, clearing your thoughts as Missy appeared around the corner. “Hi y/n!”
“Hi Missy.” You opened your arms towards her for a hug that she walked right into.
“You got chips, nice. Wait do I smell cinnamon rolls!?” Like father, like daughter.
“Ah-ah-ah! Don’t touch those, little lady. Those are for later.” Marcus said stepping into the kitchen. “Now, come on, I left the pizza on the coffee table.”
“But dad, they’re WARM.” Missy argued, stressing out the last word.
“Don’t you think it also hurts me to leave them there? We can reheat them later in the oven.” Marcus said with his hands on his hips. Missy looked like she wanted to say something more, so you decided to cut in.
“Mis, why don’t you take the gifts I brought and put them under the tree? We’ll be there in a minute.” You said handing her the boxes.
“Okay, but I get to pick the first movie!” Both of you watched as she walked out.
“I swear this girl.” Marcus huffed running a hand through his hair.
“Don’t you dare finish that thought Moreno, you’re just as bad as her when it comes to your precious buns.” You said shaking your head.
You hear him gasp as you walk to the fridge, knowing he probably stashed the drinks there. “You wound me!”
“Uh huh, let’s go before she decides to start eating without us.” You grabbed one of the cold bottles of soda inside the fridge and made your way towards the living room. “Don’t forget to bring the chips.”
“Yes ma’am.”
Together you made your way to the living room.
Missy decided to sit on the carpeted floor right in front of the coffee table, that way her dear pining love birds would be forced to share the loveseat.
“What took you so long? I hope the big box is for me, also I already picked a movie.”
“Don’t be impatient, you’ll find out soon.” You said as you ruffled her hair a little, leaving the bottle of soda on the table close to the glasses.
“Oh no. Sweetheart, we forgot to move the couch.”
“It’s okay dad, you two can have the loveseat, besides this way I’ll be closer to the snacks.” Don’t be suspicious Missy, you don’t want to ruin this perfect chance. Phase one, getting them to sit together: complete, phase two is on hold.
“You sure you don’t mind darling?”
“Nope, can I start the movie?”
Oh god, they were going to be really close to one another.
Calm down, Moreno. You’re fine, this is fine. It’s your best friend. He reminded himself for the millionth time that day.
He didn’t know what was wrong with him, maybe it was because this was your first Christmas with them and all the domestic stuff was getting to him.
He turned to look at you “After you.” He said gesturing towards the loveseat with his hands.
“Thank you. What are we watching Missy?”
“First Home alone, The Santa Clause, Arthur Christmas; you know, the classics with a touch of new stuff.”
“Let’s begin then.” Everyone sat in their respective places with a plate and a slice of pizza.
As the evening progressed, he found himself using the ‘stretching move’ to put his arm around you, when he noticed you weren’t bothered by it, he willed his body to relax and enjoy the company of his favorite people in the world.
 As the movies kept playing on the screen and the snacks disappeared little by little. You felt yourself get more comfortable.
For a moment you let your imagination run wild; for a moment you let yourself believe this was a normal occurrence, family movie nights, cuddling with Marcus on the loveseat, going to sleep beside him afterward, waking up beside him, help him raise Missy…
You needed to stop this, as wonderful as everything sounded inside your head you knew none of that would become a reality.
“Okay, it’s getting late,” You got startled by Marcus nudging you softly with his shoulder before pausing the movie, you hadn’t even realized you leaned into him “don’t think that I’ll forget about your bedtime just because Y/n is here.”
“But dad!”
“No, come on, let’s open some presents and then I want you to go get ready for bed. I can see your head nodding from here, you’re tired, go on choose one.”
Phase two: Leave the love birds alone, has officially begun. Missy thought, wishing for her dad to finally take the opportunity to climb that last step. Phase three of her plan, officially having you as a mom, depended on it.
“Okay,” Missy said pretending to be disappointed “Y/n, which one is mine? The big one?”
“Sorry Mis, It’s actually the small one.”
“’Oh’? What’s that supposed to mean? Don’t you have faith in me?”
“I do, but what cool stuff could possibly be wrapped in such a small box?”
“You’ll see once you open it, sweetheart.” Marcus left the remote control on the table and returned to his previous position on the loveseat, arm around you and all.
Both of you watched as Missy broke the wrapping paper and opened the wooden box taking out what looked like a smart watch from inside it.
“Oh! It’s one of those cool watches!” Missy exclaimed with surprise.
“Yes and no.” you said, leaning in towards her.
“what do you mean?”
“This one’s special, see I got Tech-no to make it especially for you. It does work like any other smart watch, but you’ll be able to use this one even if you don’t have a Wifi connection or aren’t close to any phone tower.”
“What!? How!?”
“It’s linked into one of the Heroics main recon satellites, it has a GPS function that’ll show you the map and your location no matter where you are, it also has the emergency button. It’ll alert your dad, me, or the Heroics mission control station. It has many more functions, I think, but that’s all I remember. Tech-no included a manual, you’ll get it once you turn it on. Oh yeah! Almost forgot, aside from being able to use conventional charging cables, I don’t know how but he also included solar panels.”
“OMG! I can’t believe it!! It’s the best gift ever!! Thank you!!!” Missy jumped from her place on the floor to tackle you in a hug.
“You’re welcome, I thought it could come in handy now that you’re in the saving the world business with us.” You said with a laugh.
“Hey, Missy, you still want the big box? We can exchange.” Marcus said with raised eyebrows.
“No way! This is mine, I’m gonna go charge it. Thankyousomuch, goodnight, bye.” With that Missy took off running towards her room.
“Hey, don’t forget to brush your teeth!” He reminded her.
“I won’t!”
You both heard the door to her room slam close.
“Wow Y/n, you didn’t have to.”
“It’s no big deal Marcus, you know how much I love her, and I worry. She’s too much like you.” You said staring at him.
“Wha-what’s that supposed to mean?” He said feigning offense.
“I mean it in a good way! She’s kind and selfless, headstrong, brave, and so intelligent. What we do is dangerous, and now that she's exposed to it, well, knowing her she won’t stay behind anymore. All we can do is give her the tools to keep herself and her team as safe as possible.”
Could you be any more perfect? He knew you loved his daughter, it’s always been clear to him, but could she love him just as much?
“You know now I have to try and top that gift next year, right? There’s no way anything I got her this one is going to top yours.” He said with the most serious face he could muster.
“That was the point.” You answered with a smirk and a raised eyebrow.
“Mala.” he said, squinting his eyes at you.
“You think I’m bad!?” you gasped, “I’ll show you bad mister.” You stand up from your seat, you walk in your Christmas themed socks; boots long forgotten in favor of comfort; towards the tree to take the gift you brought for him. “No present for you, I’m going to keep it.” You said smugly .
“Now that’s not fair.”
“Oh, I think it is.”
“Alright, alright, I’m sorry.” He apologized.
“What? What did you say? I couldn’t hear you.”
“I said I’m sorry, oh benevolent woman! Goddess of the amazing Christmas presents! I kneel before you.”
“You’re ridiculous.” You laughed at him.
“The things I have to do for a present.”
“You didn’t really kneel.”
“You serious?” he asked flabbergasted.
“No. Now open your gift before I change my mind.”
Marcus eagerly tore the paper apart, revealing a thinner wooden box than the one Missy received. Inside, Marcus found an old throwing knife.
You stared at him, holding your breath as he opened the gift, it wasn’t some cutting edge piece of tech, but you knew how much that knife meant to him.
He was speechless, he instantly recognized it the moment his eyes laid on the engravings of the blade, this had been one of his father’s throwing knives. While not exactly a superhero, his father had served in the army as part of a special secret division. He had preferred knives instead of guns. And he taught Marcus everything he knew about them, that was the reason he had chosen to fight with swords, in memory of his father.
But how, how could you have gotten hold of one of his knives, they had been lost during his last mission.
“I-I, how-” He swallowed hard “How did you find it?”
“Well, I remembered what you told me, about your dad, what he did and a-about your dad’s last mission and well, remember last time I took some days off a few months ago? I did some research and found the town he had gone to. I asked around and I found this old lady, she treated your father’s wounds at some point during his mission and he tried to pay her by giving her one of his knives, she never sold it. I told her about you and well, she insisted on returning the blade to you.” You finished your tale a little bit breathless, he became really quiet when he opened the box.
He couldn’t believe you remembered that, it’s been so long since he told you about his father.
Had it been a mistake to search for the blade? Did you overstep? Maybe you should have told him before going on that trip.
“Marcus, I’m sorr-” One moment you were trying to apologize to him and the next you were being enveloped in a pair of strong arms.
“Thank you.” He said breathless, leaving a kiss on top of your head. “This means so much to me.” You just smiled and hugged him back.
You stayed like that, relishing in the feeling of his arms around you, holding you tight to his chest.
This woman, this wonderful, amazing, beautiful woman… fuck it, he knew what he had to do.
You felt a pang of sadness and longing as Marcus’ arms began to retreat from around you.
“Wait here. I-I need to go get something.” You watched as he left the box with his gift on the table, stood from his seat and disappeared around a corner.
 Calm down, calm down, it was just a hug. You told yourself.
Marcus came back to sit beside you a minute or so later holding a small baby blue box with a white ribbon on top in his hands.
“I-I’ve been waiting for the right moment to give you this. It’s nothing like what you gave us but…I hope you like it.” He reached for your hands and left the box in your palms.
Upon a closer look, you noticed the box came from a jewelry store, an expensive one at that. You opened it carefully, not wanting to damage the little box. Inside the box, lying on a silky looking piece of fabric, you saw a beautiful heart shaped golden locket, there was a flowery design with some vines on the surface giving it some texture.
“Marcus!” You gasped. “You didn’t have to; this must’ve been really expensive.”
“Go ahead, open it.” You did as he said not lifting the heart from its silky bed. Inside, you found a small picture of Marcus, Missy and you.
You remembered that one was taken during Missy’s birthday last year, in the picture the three of you were laughing, your faces dirty with cake frosting from the small war that took place moments before his mother had taken the picture without them noticing.
“Marcus! This is beautiful, thank you so much!” You were about to hug him when he raised a hand to stop you.
“There’s more.” You were confused, he was acting a bit strange, you noticed he was tense as you looked from him and back to the necklace. “Turn it around.”
Once more you did what he said, closing the locket you took it in your palm noticing something engraved into it. On the back you found that it was indeed engraved. It read:
‘For the holder of my heart~’
It’s now or never. He held his breath as he watched you read the words. He began to worry when you didn’t show any kind of reaction.
“What?” you whispered, it can’t be, could this mean, did he, what?
“I-I was going to wait to give it to you, I had this elaborate plan, I wanted to ask you out, take you to a nice restaurant, then maybe we’d go to a park or something. I also thought of giving it to you on your birthday, but then we got kidnapped by aliens and I lost the courage, because what if I ruined everything? What if I ruined our friendship just because I fell in love and you didn’t feel the same? Then things would’ve become awkward and we’d stop hanging out and eventually we would’ve become strangers and I never want that to happen, I want you, I want you in my life, in our lives and I can’t imagi-”
“Marcus.” You interrupted him. “You love me?”
“More than anything.”
“How long?”
“Long time now.” You nodded slowly. Your brain still trying to process everything he just said, but mainly repeating ‘he loves me!’ over and over again.
“Can you... help me put it on?” you gesture to the necklace still in your hands.
He nodded, taking it in his hands as you turned around for him. He didn’t understand what was happening, you were still here, you asked him for his help to put his gift on, so that was something good, right?
“Done.” He said stunned as you turned around to face him with the biggest most beautiful smile he’s ever seen.
“You love me?” You asked again. Your voice, now full of emotion, a stark contrast from the flat one you used a moment ago.
“You really, really love me?” now he was getting confused.
“Yes Y/n, I love you, you and only you.”
“Good. Because I love you too.” He barely had time to react before your lips were on his and just like that, time stopped, right there, in that moment, there was only you, the feeling of your lips on his, the pounding of his heart, the feeling of your hands, your fingers as they carded through his hair.  
He couldn’t get enough of you. He pulled you closer to him until you ended up straddling his lap, his hands on your hips, your lips moving in perfect sync with his as if it wasn’t the first time you kissed. His senses overwhelmed by you and how you made him feel.
Suddenly, you leaned back, ending the kiss with a smack; much too soon for his liking; leaving you both a panting mess.
“You have no idea how many times I’ve dreamt of you saying that, of you feeling the same way.” You said breathless, giving him a small peck when you finished talking. 
“Oh, honey-is, is it okay if I call you that?”
“It’s more than ‘okay’ Marcus.” You said laughing.
“I’m glad, because I’ve been dying to call you all kinds of beautiful names. And me too, honey; I’ve imagined countless times telling you how I feel about you. I’m so sorry it took me this long to tell you.” He pulled you in, claiming your mouth again, in a kiss more intense than the first one making you moan. You felt his tongue lick your lips, silently asking for entrance, letting go of your inhibitions you let him explore the insides of your mouth, your own tongue tangling with his.
This time he ended the kiss, making you whine from the loss of contact.
“I want you, but tell me to stop, and I will.” He whispered in your ear, “Tell me if it’s too soon and I’ll stop.” he sucked on your earlobe before leaving a trail of kisses down your neck, alternating between kissing and sucking on the sensitive skin there.
“Don’t you dare stop Marcus.” you gasped, “Don’t you think we’ve waited long enough?” you asked as you ground your hips against his earning a groan in response.
He returned to your lips for one more hungry kiss before outright growling “Hold on tight, honey. Let’s take this somewhere more comfortable.” His hands slid from your hips to your ass, supporting you as he stood from the cushions making you squeal in surprise. Your arms went around his neck as you tried not to fall backward.
“Marcus! Warn me next time.” You admonished him “What about Missy? What if she hears us?” You ask as he begins to walk towards the part of the house you knew led to the bedrooms.
“That’s why we’re going to my room, so we don’t have to worry, it’s soundproofed. Now like you said, we’ve waited long enough.” He squeezed your ass before latching his lips on your neck again.
He stirred awake, with the feeling of your hand drawing mindless patterns on his naked chest. With a smile, he remembered what happened last night when he finally confessed to you, and what happened after as well.
He let his eyes open, slowly, letting them adjust to the little morning light that managed to seep through the curtains. He turned his head to look at you, your head resting on the hand that wasn’t drawing shapes on his chest.
He smiled at you, lifting one of his hands to hold yours, lifting it from his chest to place a kiss on your knuckles.
“Hey. Merry Christmas.” You greeted him with a smile.
“Merry Christmas indeed. Did you sleep well, honey?” he asked, lowering your hand in his and resting it on his chest right over his heart.
“Better than ever.” You gazed into each other’s eyes for a moment before leaning in at the same time to share a sweet, slow kiss.
“I wish we could stay like this forever.” He mumbled against your lips.
“Who would save the world if we did?” You managed to ask between little pecks to his lips.
“I bet the others can do it just fine.”
“Okay, well, who would keep Missy out of trouble?”
“Yeah, I don’t think either of us can keep her from that.” he stared at you, before saying your name. “I love you.”
“I love you too, Marcus.”
You stayed in bed, in each other’s arms, until one of you remembered that neither of you turned off the tv last night, and he remembered the cinnamon rolls had been left on the counter in the kitchen.
Once dressed, Marcus in his pajamas and you in one of his shirts (that almost made the both of you stay in bed longer) and a pair of pants that he let you borrow to keep you comfortable, you set out to clean the living room.
When that was done, you set to work together inside the kitchen preparing breakfast for everyone, reheating the cinnamon rolls and making fresh coffee.
The two of you were soon joined by Missy, whose only reaction to the two of you being now together-together was a very happy, very exasperated ‘Finally!’.
He looked at his little family with a smile on his face as he sat down on the table. He could finally say that this Christmas he finally received what he’s always wished for, what he’s been yearning to have for years.
Your heart.
Tag list: @mindless--ramblings​ @oloreaa​ @16boyfriends-and-me​ If anyone wants to be added or removed from the taglist, or wants to only be tagged for certain characters, please let me know.
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project-paranoia · 3 years
Let’s Watch: Yin Yang Master: Dream of Eternity
I have watched this movie 85 Whole Entire Times and I do not regret.  The only thing wrong with this movie is that it wasn't a fifty episode series.  I cried, I laughed, I fell in love.  The cinematography is on point, the acting is amazing, the crew member who put snow on people's eyebrows did an amazing job, and the acting!  The subtlety, the gentleness, the love and affection, the discussion of race is one of the best I've ever seen.
As people have pointed out before in series like X-Men that fear of mutant's is practically if not thematically justified due to the laser eyes in a way that fear of ethnic minorities just isn't in real life.  In Dream of Eternity however humans are equally if not sometimes more super powered than the yao they hunt.  Demons - very much not in the Christian sense - are a mixture of spirits, resentful souls, and animals and plants who cultivated to human form.  They often appear human at first glance and in some cases the extent of their power seems to be the limited to turning into a smaller more vulnerable animal.  Qingming's deliberate care and gentleness not only reflects his upbringing as a Yin Yang Master, but parallels the experience of racial minorities labelled as aggressive.
The movie takes particular care as well in the way it looks at trauma, grief, and love.  The three of which haunt the main characters and send out ripple effects into the world around them.  In the world of Dream of Eternity no loss is purely private, it spools out into the world around the person effected until they make an effect to acknowledge and deal with their experiences.  Qingming's warmth and gentleness isn't just marked by his behaviour but by the orange light he's lit by and his variety of shishen - but he is also separate, standing alone in frame and facing away from the people around him.  Boya's loss has made him unforgiving and as cold as the blue light he's lit in, and yet he is open and instinctive, talking and acting as soon as the thought enters his head.  The Empress is lost and drifting, trapped and grief stricken, vulnerable to those who profess to love her.  The film is simple, it says and shows what it means when it means it - but it is also as complex as the very human characters it depicts.  
The movie is made even more complex by its pull from theaters.  Claims of plagiarism drench the edges of the movie, which as true as the assertion that Fan BingBing went on a spa vacation in 2018.  Although this blog is about Chinese censorship dealing specifically with BL content, Chinese censorship also effects those who criticize governmental policy.  I hope that supporters of this blog will also support Chinese media threatened by censorship for many reasons so that artists and others involved in film making can continue to make meaningful content.
Doing a watchthrough of a movie is not feasible, but please enjoy a few thousand words - with spoilers on Yin Yang Master included:
* That gentle chiming and rain soundscaping is so soothing, what a great way to calm and lull the audience before the movie even starts * Qingming is so small and isolated in the frame - cinema! * The lighting and cinematography is just so good * Shifu, soft gentle teacher * So much love stored in the Shifu * Instant grow * This boy is Sassy * This theme of deflection in Qingming's character is established early * Deflection with a teleportation portal and then immediately deflection verbally * Shifu is certainly an attractive man aged up, but his face is also soft and gentle, something to note when his double pops up later * Also the awkward question of don't you have someone you want to protect, maybe part of the problem is that shifu is just really bad at wording things * The answer that yes he does has several meanings, one of which is immediately apparent when Shifu acts out one of those Father Saves Child By Yeeting them youtube videos * ACtion MuSIC * I love them your honour * The spirit guardian's design is so specific and elegant, absolutely superb you funky little shishen * I wonder if Qingming ever thinks about that if he didn't come back with all his fellow disciples that Shifu would have been fine * Maybe it's not that he doesn't have someone he wants to protect and more that he believes that he's not capable of protecting those he wants to * subtle indication Shifu's qi is corrupted * Precious Magic Childe ;-; * The framing, I'm living for it * The Serpent graphic is lovely * Also the way they set things up * Qingming cares so much about his shifu * Mark Chao just has the ability to crumple his face like paper * Sad Time exposition involving the corrupting influence of desires * "When you're gone I'll be all alone" in just about all you need to know about Qingming at this point in the story * Also like, sympathy for Shifu in raising this lonely child.  By all accounts he was an absolutely superb father figure, and Qingming I'm sure was not an easy child to raise.  He's the sort of kid that would take a lot of calm and patience. * Slumber party! * It's kind of interesting that this is an activity Fangyue and He Shouyue are doing together.  He's definitely obsessed and in love with her and she's just doing friends and family activities with him * Also yellow/gold lighting is kind of their thing * It's interesting how they do the make up for He Shouyue.  The actor is very attractive, but they make him up to look doll like, a little too pretty, a little too shiny.  Like a porcelain doll. * Cool lit Boya and warm lit Qingming appear! * Camels! * The framing is so good, they're careful to be sure he's shown as obviously isolated as much as possible * And it should go without saying that I adore the City * The matte painting is outstanding * But there's also the lighting, the vignettes, the clusters, the foliage * It is a supremely beautiful set * The irony that Killing Stone is playing along with Boya's music and then it's Boya who kicks him around * A small note, but one I appreciate - even when Boya has warm highlight's they're red instead of orange * "It's Jason Bourne!" * I hope Qingming paid for that water taxi * It's interesting how Killing Stone goes from the safety of Qingming's orange light to the danger of Qingming's blue * Colour related foreshadowing! * Look at this poor sweet man, how could anyone suspect him of anything.  He's just a sad man who loves his dead wife * Qingming's use of a fan is interesting - battle fans show up all over wuxia and xianxia, but it feels like it also ties into the way he's so very careful in how he presents himself.  There's that quote that a sword can only be a sword but other weapons are also able to serve other purposes - not a perfect quote but the point is got across. * The way Qingming just knocks Boya back, like get An Clue, my dude * The way that Killing Stone curls around the pipa ;-; * So the movie is based on the book series 'Onmyoji' by Yumemakura Baku.  The books start with Seimei (Qingming) and Hiromasa (Boya) already in a relationship talking about various cases Seimei has recently experienced.  Plotwise, obviously the stories are different, however thematically Seimei and Hiromasa discuss why some yao stick around and solutions to the difficulties and dangers they might cause - which is generally from Seimei's very successful perspective to listen and treat them like humans.  So in that way the plots of the books and the movie are quite different, but the themes are just about identical. * Boya says Don't Talk Me I Angy and also that demons don't have feelings and Qingming's face takes out a billboard that's just like Ah, Another Fantasy Racist, Excellent * Qingming also does what should be done in this situation, taking care of the victim not the racist * Fight scene!  Fight scene! * Qingming's first few moves aren't to attack, they're to distract and just hold his fan up to block Boya's way and his view - it's only when Boya persists in attacking that Qingming fights back * Qingming's sassy smile, he is very much deliberately irritating Boya as much as he's refocusing his attention and distracting him * "nICE sWORD" * I've sighed that sigh before * This boy is taking great pleasure from teasing Boya, but also he makes a really good point * I understand and relate to what Qingming did, but also I can understand why Boya was ready to throw rocks at Qingming when he saw him again * Killing Stone lit in Qingming's orange light again * Killing Stone, my beloved * A good gauge to the state of the world for yao is no one has told this sweet boy before that demons have feelings too * There are several lines like this in the movie that just drop kick you with Implications * The same way Qingming clung to Zhongxing, Killing Stone wants to join up with Qingming to have some compassion in his life * The way he asks to be a spirit guardian is so formal too, and Qingming is so gentle with him, I cry ;-; * The warm orange light of Qingming's love ;-; * He heals the wounds * It took me an embarrassing amount of time to realise it's the actual imperial degree speaking and not one the of Jingyun Temple Masters * The mutual this guy again is delicious * "Is it because of your pretty face" * Boya draws his sword so fast and Qingming is so amused by it * Longye!  Queen!  I love her! * The two of them seem to understand each other instantly * Those sassy little smiles * He Shouyue looks even more like a doll than before * Longye has her head on a swivel from second one, she plays the Maiden so well like she's not a skilled master * And her customer service smile * Qingming is shooketh
* What happens next?  You'll have to watch and find out!
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