#kidflash headcanon
e-elizabeth-l · 2 years
robins and their significant other go back in time
part1: dick and wally.
Robin! dick: that’s my future self
Nightwing! dick: omg I was so small
Robin! dick: oh my god you’re so pretty
Robin! dick: well I'm so pretty 
Nightwing! dick: thank you mini-me
Nightwing! dick: you know come over here, come over here okay
Nightwing !dick:*whispering* I know everything seems like it’s falling apart right now, and everything seems like it’s going downhill from here
Nightwing! dick: but trust me things get so much better okay, hang in there
Robin! dick: oh okay thank you so much
Flash! wally: *clenching his teeth *get over here
Kid Flash! wally: w-what?
Flash! wally: *grabs*
Kid Flash! wally: what the fu-
Flash! wally: listen fucking closely, okay you son of a bitch?
Flash! wally: look into robin more
Kid Flash! wally: what? Robin?
Kid Flash! wally: what does robin have to do with anything?
Flash! wally: holy shit I cannot believe I was this fucking dense before
Flash! wally: um just look into him more closely okay?
Kid Flash! wally: uh... OKAY OKAY
Flash! wally: *tapping his forehead* you see this? Do you see this?
Kid Flash! wally: uh your forehead?
Flash! wally: our brain bitch *snaps his fingers* USE IT
next ->
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yakuly · 10 days
Mutano!Hyuck Headcanon
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Mutano!Hyuck que entrou na equipe antes de você;
Hyuck!Mutano x Leitora!Ravena | Sobre: Como seria se em um universo alternativo você fosse a ravena, e Haechan Mutano...| Avisos: Desculpa, é só mais um surto meu com o Haechan. Participações de outros membros (e karina do Aespa e tambem do MinHo do Shinee) como outros heróis; Menções a acontecimentos das histórias originais; Menção a demônios (e semi demônios, eu acho...😇); Menção a machucados, capturas, e lutas, mas literalmente nada descrito. | Enjoy 😘
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Mutano!Hyuck que não desgrudou os olhos de você, desde quando Asa Noturna!Jeno te apresentou pra todos;
Mutano! Hyuck que passou o primeiro mês desconfiado por você ser muito quieta e privativa;
Mutano!Hyuck que invadiu seu quarto é quase desmaiou quando viu a nada colorida decoração e que levou uma almofadada e foi expulso no susto pela sua forma semi demoníaca
Mutano!Hyuck que ficou longe de você por quase uma semana
Mutano!Hyuck que levou um peteleco do KidFlash!Chenle quando não parava de falar de você
Mutano!Hyuck que não sabia que toda vez que seu coração batia forte, suas mãos suavam e suas bochechas coravam quando você interagia com ele eram uma paixonite, e jurava que era receio (ele foi obrigado por todos a parar de falar que tinha medo de você)
Mutano!Hyuck que não pensou duas vezes em te proteger, quando durante uma batalha você estava muito ocupada com um vilão específico e não viu seu campanha vindo atrás de você
Mutano!Hyuck que não esperava que o tal capanga tivesse uma arma tão forte e acabou seriamente machucado
Mutano!Hyuck que em seu estado de pouca consciência até viu você se soltar um pouquinho a mais no capanga e no vilão, terminando a luta matando todos brutalmente...mas pensou que fossem delírios
Mutano!Hyuck que acordou no meio da noite enfaixado, grogue e com você dormindo em uma cadeira ao seu lado
Mutano!Hyuck que percebeu o quão linda você é, e que passaria por coisa pior pra te proteger. O verdinho decidiu naquela noite, que se aproximaria de você, custe o que custar
Mutano!Hyuck que não saia mais do seu pé. Ele começou a soltar piadas sem graça, flertes sem noção, tentava puxar conversa...
Mutano!Hyuck que percebeu o quanto gostava das suas reviradas de olhos, os "cala a boca", e até quando você o ameaçava mostrar sua parte demônia de novo (o que ele pode fazer? Seus quatro olhos vermelhos sangue eram pura paixão, gatinha!)
Mutano!Hyuck que assim que viu suas bochechas coradas depois dele te chamar de "gatinha" não parou mais
Mutano!Hyuck que quase morreu de vergonha quando você o pegou dançado blackpink com KidFlash!Chenle e Flash!MinHo
Mutano!Hyuck que foi o primeiro a apoiar a ideia do Cyborg!Johnny de que os Titãs tinham que ir pra balada nova no final da rua
Mutano!Hyuck que quase infartou quando te viu não só sem sua costumeira capa, pela primeira vez, mas quando viu como o vestido preto que a Estelar!Karina fez você vestir
Mutano!Hyuck que passou a noite babando nas suas pernas, e que mesmo com você ameaçando chutar as bolas dele, ele apenas sorriu e disse "seria uma honra, gatinha!"
Mutano!Hyuck que odiou ver você rindo com o Asa Noturna!Jeno ele nem é tão engraçado assim! Por que raios você estaria rindo de alguma coisa que ele disse, sendo que nunca riu de uma das piadas que ele, Hyuck te conta?! E que no final da noite quase transformou em um Tigre pra pegar o perdedor que estava claramente flertando com você
Mutano!Hyuck que mandou uma pizza em forma de coração para o seu quarto quando chegaram à Torre. Ele deixou um bilhetinho, com o desenho de um Tigre arrependido, com um balãozinho de fala, pedindo desculpas
Mutano!Hyuck que não percebeu como você acabou gostando da sua insistência, por que ninguém nunca tinha insistido por alguém como ela
Mutano!Hyuck que em uma festa do Batman acabou conversando com Terra!Yeji e não percebeu o quanto isso te desagradou
Mutano!Hyuck que achou que Asa Noturna!Jeno estava zoando com a cara dele, quando o moreno tentou o avisar sobre seu estado de mal humor com a nova relação
Mutano!Hyuck que só acreditou quando depois de sem querer chamar a garota de "gatinha", viu uma sombra negra derramar a bebida escura na roupa da garota (assim que aconteceu, sua primeira reação foi olhar em volta, e assim que viu um par de olhos vermelhos brilhando no canto da sala) e seu coração começou a bater mais forte
Mutano!Hyuck que te encontrou bebendo no terraço sozinho, e achou que seria uma boa ideia ir te cutucar. O rapaz que surgiu na sua frente saltitante, te provocando por gostar dele e não assumir, saiu da festa completamente molhado em água, mas com um sorriso enorme no rosto
Mutano!Hyuck que se odiou e se culpou quando você foi capturada pelo seu próprio pai
Mutano!Hyuck que perdeu a cabeça quando te viu fraca
Mutano!Hyuck que foi o primeiro a te salvar do cativeiro, e sentiu seu mundo cair quando viu seu estado de fraqueza e machucados, e que com toda delicadeza do mundo te pegou nos seus braços e te carregou até a torre
Mutano!Hyuck que cuidou de você até você voltar ao normal
Mutano!Hyuck que quase não percebeu que você colou o bilhetinho do Tigre no espelho da sua peteadeira
Mutano!Hyuck que não descolada mais de você, mas que agora só é chutado quando ultrapassa seus limites de paciência
Mutano!Hyuck que sentiu o mundo parar, quando viu você de branco. A roupa clara que ele sabia que tinha um significado enorme pra você, fez você brilhar ainda mais aos seus olhos
Mutano!Hyuck que se tornou oficialmente seu namorado, e que quando se junta a você em batalha, se tornam uma dupla imbatível, e quando estão fora dela, se tornam um casal de orgulho para seus pais Asa Noturna!Jeno e Estelar!Karina ❤️
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u can tell me about the last 4? 🥹 since i don't want spoilers to TLD, i would love to hear about the others!!!
I answered two of them earlier, so here are the links to those:
What's the Supernatural Retirement Age?
Split = Whole
Now, to the other two.
where have I gone
Is a sad af Thiam two-shot I'm developing with @raekensarcher.
The premise thus far is it's a few years after Liam is out of high school, the pack is around but spread out living adult lives, and Thiam is a content mated couple. Things have been slow in Beacon so they are out on a pre-full moon stroll. A group of hunters attack them, nearly killing Liam, and giving Theo more than a scare as he remembers who they are and why they are coming after him. In a desperate attempt to keep Liam and the pack safe, he has Scott take his memories of Liam, telling the alpha that to keep everyone out of the crossfire he has to go alone, but if he remembers Liam he won't be able to. The first part ends with Liam coming to, asking Scott where Theo is. The second is Theo coming back a few months later to a shockingly different blue eyed beta and an alpha that's bordering on feral.
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Alone, Again
Is a Young Justice piece that I wrote a while ago and am revamping to be BirdFlash with some parts of the media and personal headcanons that I didn't know about or have at that point.
It's Wally/Kidflash's reaction and lack of coping after Dick Grayson/Robin, his boyfriend and personal savior, dies in the line of superhero duty.
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starsartattempts · 1 year
Apparently, my last try was in January, so basically a year ago. I would have sworn that it has only been a few months or so since my last draw-attempt, but I guess not. Though, of course, there was a drawing attempt in ~October, I simply did not post it here because it was a thing related to one of my own characters and that of another person, I only shared it with them basically. Maybe I'm gonna upload it some day, maybe not. I don't know. I'm not all that liking of it anyway - as usual. Anyway, here's a new drawing. Again one I'm not happy with, but at least it's one I can post without using many tags because it's an OC of mine.
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4 versions, because I couldn't decide whether I liked it more without the sketch-lines in there or not, and because I'm not so certain on using a background or not. The background is taken from one of these various "free vector background" websites.
This is Lightning! She's a speedster-oc of mine (with a lot of inspiration from dc's own, but unrelated to their force bc I don't know a thing about that), and as you can see, she's doing a special job during the holidays! I've had the headcanon for a really long time that speedsters would totally do this during the holidays, to give something to children that might need it most or something, and now that I made this OC of mine "public" in some form, I had to make this an actual picture.
I drew her face twice, actually.
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On the left you see the first face I drew. I was so utterly unhappy with it that I decided to try again, which I then did as you can see on the right pic, and while I'm still not happy with that, I did like it more than the first so it ended up being the one I used for the rest of the process.
For comparison, here's a picture of her face I did many many years ago.
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I like this old pic a lot more than both of these new tries at her face. (She's wearing a proper speedster-outfit here, basically the outfit of KidFlash from the TT cartoon, which, doesn't really make all that perfect sense, but as explanation I can give that at the point of me drawing this one, she hadn't really been anything more than a female version of that KF. So yeah.) But well, what can I do? Outside of slowly stopping to believe in the whole "practice makes perfect" thing.
I'm just not gonna even start on the things I don't like, it doesn't quite feel like there's a point in doing that outside of talking myself down. And I'm already disappointed enough in myself in regards to drawing, enough so that I'm considering to just stop my tries at getting better with it, so I don't need the down-talk.
The red string you see just below her head? It's not a mistake, it's there on purpose, because her hat absolutely certainly has a around-the-head string to keep it attached when she's running.
Anyway, I hope you're having happy holidays or just a good time!
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Litteraterally nothing will be funnier to me right now than the idea of Robin wingmaning Nightwing everytime they meet a ginger about his age.
All of the robins outside of him obv did it. Like; they know nothing of Dicks type but the facts;
Gender? Irrelevant!
Name? Irrelevant!
Villan or hero? (Kinda) irrelevant!
Hair colour?? Most important TM
And they all do the thing from HIMYM but insted of barney it’s “haaaaave you meet nightwing”
And dick is just there like??? I have a boyfriend already. And Jason/Steph/Tim/Damian are all there like???? Yeah and??
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birdy-bat-writes · 4 years
Headcanon- Best Friends with Wally West
@offendedfishnoises Here ya Go! Love ya Fishmom!
Comments are always appreciated, Loves!
A/N: I really want to bake cookies and eat them with someone. Screw math. :)
-       Wallace Rudolph West is a cutie pie, a goofball, and your best friend. You pop out the full name when you want something from him.
-       Your Number one favorite red head.
-       You met him in the library, and its a story that will go down in history. He was trying to sneak eat in the library while you were studying for your math test. He tripped and dropped the 6 boxes from his backpack, containing the 3-course meal he called a snack. The clatter attracted the attention of some people who were heading over and you rushed to help him stuff him food boxes back into his bag before anyone saw.
-       “Thank you so much.” He whisper-yelled.
-       You both waddled away from the area trying to look as less suspicious as possible. He happened to pass you at the bus stop where you were waiting.
-       “Hey, thanks again. You really saved my butt there… Do I know you from somewhere?”
-       Then it struck you, he sat 4 seats down from you in Calculus.
-       “We have calculus together!” You said.
-       “No way! Y/N right?”
-       “Yeah. Wally?”
-       “Yup. Hey, if there’s ever anything I can do for you, let me know. I owe you one.”
-       So you took a chance, “You wouldn’t by chance know how to pass this week’s quiz would you?”
-       “Yeah, do you need help?” You nodded. Just then the bus arrived. You had to get on and Wally was planning on walking home, but on a whim, he decided to get on with you. He took the bus all the way to your house, explaining your math work better than any teacher the whole way.
-       He may have ended up on the opposite end of the city to his house but that’s no problem for him. He made it home in 3.6 seconds.
-       On the day of the test, he waited for you outside the class to ask how you did and you looked nervous. He still had faith in you and you guys hung out all day and talked. You found out that you both liked. A lot of the same movies and had similar hobbies.
-       “No way, Wally you like jogging? We should race sometime. I think you’ll find I’m pretty hard to beat at running.”
-       “Wanna bet?” *smirks*
-       By the end of the day, you got your results and you both passed with flying colors. You celebrated together and ever since that day, you helped him with English, and he helped you with math.
-       Nowadays, your days consist of calling him Rudolph, approving pickup lines for him and bringing him snacks.
-       You two try out wacky recipes together and he eats them anyway when they fail.
-       He’s such a sweetheart. Before you knew his secret, he would hold your coat before school ended while you were getting your things, and slowly and lightly heat the inside with kinetic energy.
-       You were convinced he was just warm by magic.
-       Whenever you were having bad day, he just showed up at your door so quick with your favorite food and your favorite movies on DVD.
-       You were perpetually impressed by his appetite.
-       When you found out about his identity, you were hyped. You kept his secret of course. Things made so much sense.
-       You would cover for him when he disappeared from homecoming.
-       He made sure you were never late for class.
-       Yes, he has burned one or two of your shirts during a high-speed piggyback ride through the city.
-       Has definitely jump-started a car with his powers.
-       He introduced you to the team at his birthday party when you were all a bit older.
-       As his best friend, you became best friends with Robin. When Robin got closer to you that was so much fun. You had countless video game sessions at the manor.
-       You and Dick ganging up on Wally.
-       You: Ooh Wally you love her.
-       Wally: I don’t!
-       Dick: No, you totally do.
-       You: You wrote her name in your notebook!
-       Dick: OOOOOOH
-       Wally: DID NOT *blushes* *starts sparking up in nervous agitation* I’m leaving.
-       *You and Dick high-five*
-       Yes, you two were there when he and Artemis went on their first date.
-       Dick and Wally are very protective of you because you’re the only non-super in the friend group.
-       You scared the living daylights out of them when a dude in the park tried to mug you and ended up in leaving in an ambulance rather than a police car, and you walked away unscathed.
-       “Um, Y/N, how….?”
-       The whole team shows up to yours’s and Wally’s graduation and they cheered for you both. You, Wally, Conner, M’Gann and Kaldur went to Dick and Artemis’s Graduation and you all threw a party after.
-       You and Artemis becoming friends and you stealing her away for shopping dates.
-       Taking Wally, Artemis and Dick ice skating.
-       Why the hell is Dick graceful and dramatic and graceful all at once?! The boy hasn’t fallen once. Artemis skates like a hockey player but twirls like a ballerina. Wally has fallen more times than you can count and takes you down with him.
-       You two still take days for yourself because you both like having time for just the two of you. Movie nights with popcorn, baking cookies, laughing like lunatics and making weird recipes again.
-       Food wars.
-       Dramatically quoting Star Wars.
-       You’re always going to be his best friend. You remind him that he’s more than just a superhero.
-       You knew him as Wally West before you knew him as Kidflash.
-       You started the team trend of calling him Rudolph.
-       Yes, you are the only one who has his name in your phone as ‘Red Nosed Reindeer’ and little red, orange and yellow hearts with a little lightning bold and a sandwich in the contact description.
Taglist: @anothertimdrakestan @offendedfishnoises noises @comicsandhoney @river-bottom-nightmare @catxsnow @cries-in-fangirl-23 @batarella @idkmanicantenglish @hauntingsonofrobin @l-inkage @subtleappreciation​ @ereaaa
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pinkassasin · 3 years
what video games do you think tim drake plays?
Haaa okay this is my first ask so thanks anon!! The pressure is on thou. 
I don’t really play video games so excuse the really basic knowledge. Also this is a bit more Core Four based head canons than just Tim but i hope you enjoy anyways!!
On the occasion’s that they all have time but are in their respective cities and not in the Titans Tower they will all call on discord and play shit like CSGO and PUBG for the shits and giggles.
Literally just make jokes, troll people in game and not actually play.
(PUBG) They just drive around in cars for the whole game till its just them and a bunch of other players left and they obviously annihilate the other teams, winning after doing absolutely nothing for the whole game.
Imagine this, they’re playing CSGO or something, Kon’s the only one left, last round to determine the winners. Tim typing into a private chat with him Cassie and Bart “$20 that he rage quits” “Nah, he obviously will” “I’m not losing money on this Lmao” and soon enough there’s a *CRASH* “MOTHERFU-” *DOOR SLAM*. 10 mins later Kon’s back calmly sipping on some tea.
You know those things that you joke about so much that you end up doing/liking it unironically? Yeah. One word. Fortnite.
It really was just supposed to be a “Hey lets go troll some 12 year old’s this ONE TIME” but somehow became part of their usual “So what are we playing today guys?”
They still take is just as serious as CS and PUBG meaning they just fuck around making high ass ramps and try to jump on rockets, and yet they still somehow win in the end.
Tim would have headphones with cat ears on them, you cannot convince me otherwise. 
If the Arkham games were real in the DC universe you damn fucking bet that Tim would sweat them so hard till he completed each and everyone of them at 100%. Obviously doing all the side missions and finding all of Riddlers trophy's and such.
Obviously things would be really inaccurate and Batman's identity wouldn't be known so Tim would be losing his mind over having to play Batman as a guy called Stephan who’s an accountant.
The inaccurate and hilarious representations of the Rouges and and his Bat siblings is what makes the hours of game play and rage quits worth it in the end.
Tim seems like a Legend of Zelda type of guy, and no i will not elaborate. (cause I've never played it eheh)
Bart holds the Titans (and world) record for a Sonic game and even after all these years everyone still tries to over take him. Which they ultimately fail at, even Tim with his Batskills and Kon with his super speed too, but we don’t speak of that.
When they’re in the Tower they obviously have many media rooms for down time and hanging out. These rooms and everything in them is mostly sponsored by Batman inc. which means many many consoles and games.
They have regular Mario Cart tournaments, which yes they do keep a score board of (Tim is the winner so far, although there was a time where Cassie overtook him for a week or two by constantly using the ‘elbow in the ribs right before the finish line’ move)
Tim is Princess Peach, Bart is Toad, Cassie is Baby Luigi and Kon is Yoshi. They NEVER change and characters and godspeed to anyone who joins the game and uses one of their respective characters, cause there will be hell to pay until you give it back. Nobody messes with Tim’s Princess Peach. 
So yeah that’s all i have but i hope you liked it!!
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luciferswaterbottle · 6 years
After school:
Barry to Bruce: Yea Wally got in a fight with his locker. And the LOCKER WON! 😂
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bin-of-gayness · 6 years
Young Justice Headcanon
The team saved Wally from the Speedforce only because “Look, you’re disappearance made Nightwing turn emo and no one can take the 24/7 blaring of Teenagers anymore.”
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Told You So
A Dick Grayson imagine.
*SPOILERS FOR YOUNG JUSTICE* I always wondered how Dick would’ve reacted to Wally’s death if they’d shown more in Endgame. Here’s my interpretation.
For purposes of this imagine, the reader is Bluebird, Black Canary's daughter, a member of the Young Justice team since the early days and an associate of the Batfam.
Wally West was dead.
There was no way of escaping that fact.
The tremor of shock that had torn through the team when we realised what we'd lost was undeniable, unforgettable and distinctly unbearable.
Our Kidflash.
He was such a- how do you begin to describe Wally?- such a central part of the team that his loss instantly shook our foundations to the core, and nothing could prepare any of us for Artemis' sobs of sheer, unfiltered grief. My pained vision tunnelled to Dick, hot tears streaming down my cold cheeks, and I could swear that I saw the moment when his heart shattered. Shaking, he swallowed thickly, and instructed the team to return to base, joining the back of the pack as we trudged forwards on shock-stiffened limbs.
I glanced behind me, glimpsing Nightwing hastily brushing tears from his eyes, invisible to everyone but me.
His shoulders shook with silent sobs.
I couldn't leave him.
When the team inevitably parted, under Nightwing's (forced) composed suggestion to get some rest and take a break, I chose not to go home. Tonight I felt that there was no reason for me to sit in my bedroom alone, miserable and worrying so I called my mother and joined Nightwing, unwilling to leave him for a moment. He was in an understandably volatile state.
As we left, I pinpointed his transition from Nightwing, leader of the team, to Dick Grayson, who'd just lost his best friend, and I could've sworn I heard the ghost of a memory of little Robin and Kidflash arguing over who was more 'whelmed'.
I could've smiled at the thought, but I felt like I'd fall to pieces if I did.
Tearing up, I hoped Artemis had found some comfort with the Wests.
The pair of us reached Wayne manor separately from Tim and Barbara, who were sat, shell-shocked, in the kitchen with Bruce.
An oddly domestic scene, but something so wrong about it. Like a photo with the saturation set too low.
They raised their heads when we arrived, Tim nodding at us with a tight expression, Barbara trying for a smile, her eyes puffy. Bruce inclined his head to us both, his constantly stern face faltering when he looked at Dick, his softening eyes giving the impression that he wanted to comfort his son, but he didn't know how.
How many times had that been the case?
I looked over at Dick, his fragile composure broken by his father's obvious empathy, the corner of his lip quivering as he greeted them all quickly and left the kitchen, his walk breaking into a run as he pelted upstairs. I was torn and hesitated for a few minutes, wondering if I should give him some space, but I followed, instinct guiding me to Dick's room. I found him facing the balcony door in a t-shirt and shorts, completely still, his fists clenched at his side as though he was struggling to keep in control.
He couldn't let go, not just yet, because if he did he thought that he'd never stop.
Quickly, I peeled my suit off, chucking it near to the blue and black of the Nightwing kit, before removing my mask and throwing on the nearest thing to me, which happened to be Dick's pyjamas from the previous night. I turned back to face him, his form now hunched over, his head in his hands as I rushed over to wrap my arms around his shoulders. It didn't matter that he was so much taller, that I couldn't make it all better, all that mattered was that when Dick broke down, I was holding him. He was in my arms and by God he was safe now, safe to grieve for his best friend. His first cry ripped through me like a bullet (I'd know what that felt like) and I could barely keep it together.
But I did.
For him.
He sobbed again, raw, broken sobs echoing unchecked now, he wasn't even trying to hold them back as he nearly wailed, a howl of grief breaking through his ragged breathing. I struggled against myself, biting my lip and shaking as silent tears made rivers of my cheeks, and I held him as tight to me as I could, pulling him close and keeping him warm. I'd only ever seen him like this twice: the first anniversary of his parents' death, and after the death of Jason Todd. He been so broken twice before and he'd managed to put himself back together, a little rough and ready, a little beaten down. But still good.
I know he's nearly twenty now, strong and handsome as his adoptive father, a brave leader, but all I could see through the blur of my vision was Robin. Dick Grayson the baby bat of Gotham. The Boy Wonder.
And he was crying.
I wanted to cup his cheeks, look into his eyes and tell him that everything will be ok, that Wally will be back on Monday morning and that our little team will continue the same way it always have. And the thought of such a spectacular lie was tempting, but so empty, and nothing will ever bring back our Kidflash, or the Dick Grayson that I fell in love with, but watching him sag in my arms, eyes rimmed red, nose sodden, hair a dark, rumpled mess made me love him all the more. It's gonna be ok, Dick, just you see.
This isn't the end.
You gotta stay whelmed, get traught, be as chalant as you like, because we're gonna feel the aster and it's all gonna be ok in the end.
I hadn't even noticed that I'd whispered all of that until an exhausted Grayson looked up at me, eyes the colour of broken glass, and gifted me the saddest smile I'd ever seen.
I kissed his forehead gently, before he straightened up, shivering and hiccuping, and faced the balcony once more.
"Could I- could I have a minute?" He asked, his usually smooth voice thick with pain. "I- I need- some time."
"Of course." I replied softly, turning to leave. He pressed a wet kiss to my cheek and nodded, eyebrows furrowing with his expression wavering, fluttering like moth wings. Vulnerable.
I gave him an odd, sad half-smile and let the door swing closed behind me.
With a directness bordering on the robotic I returned to the kitchen, my tired body on autopilot. Tim and Barbara had left, Bruce presumably following, leaving me alone as I filled the kettle. The routine left me passive, my body occupied, I barely registered the tears glazing my eyes, dripping from my nose. I didn't notice the sobs wracking my body until I was shaking so hard that I couldn't help but sink into my own arms, head bowed as I cried into my hands.
In the early days it'd been Dick, Wally and I, three kids getting into trouble and getting under the feet of the Justice League. Robin, Kidflash and Bluebird against the world. They were best bros, and the three of us? Well, we thought we were invincible.
Turns out that we were very vincible indeed, as Dick would say.
I wasn't sure who I was crying for, Dick, Wally, Artemis, myself. Who knew? And by the time I felt someone wrap their arms around me I was broken enough not to ask, not to care who was holding me because I needed it. I felt like if I ever let myself think about the loss of Wally in full that I'd tear to pieces, my heart would burst out of my chest and my limbs would dissolve and so to stop myself from falling apart I clutched tight to the chest my face was buried in and sobbed. I came to my senses somewhat, mellowed and relieved by the release of emotion, sniffing pitifully as I looked up at the face of Bruce Wayne, the Batman of Gotham.
"I- Mr Wayne I-" I stammered, used to conversing with him but unused to crying into his shirt.
"Your first major loss always stings the sharpest." He said in a low, hushed tone, sounding almost sympathetic. He must've noticed my wide eyes, since his voice grew softer. "You don't have to put on a brave face here."
I shook my head, blinking back the fresh tears prompted by his unexpected compassion.
"I do for Dick." I replied, grateful but resolute. "He needs me now more than ever."
Bruce couldn't deny this, pain written in his eyes for his first robin, his first son, mouth drawn into a thin line.
"Wally was... very dear to Dick, he will need some time to recover from this." He inclined his head in recognition of my words. "I appreciate all that you've done for him, Miss Drake-Lance, and I implore you to take care of yourself, and my- my boy in this troubled time."
Bruce's voice wavered, emotion attempting to break through his stoic facade, thwarted as ever by his sheer stubbornness. I nodded, not trusting myself with a verbal response and watched Bruce's eyes twinkle just slightly.
"I believe that Alfred has fixed the pair of you some hot chocolate." Was all he said, glancing at the quiet butler over my shoulder. "It is late, you are welcome to use one of the spare rooms here for the night."
I thanked Alfred and Bruce profusely, knowing that without them I would've been feeling far worse than before.
"If it's quite alright with you, Mr Wayne," I began, swallowing as I grasped the two mugs carefully. "I'd like to stay with Dick tonight. I don't want him to be alone."
The Batman raised an eyebrow, his lips twitching into a subtle subconscious smirk, betraying his look of earnest empathy.
"That's quite alright."
I gave them both an exhausted smile and wished them goodnight before departing to take the hot chocolate upstairs.
I found Dick on the balcony still, and I joined him, placing his mug down on the balustrade in front of him silently. For once it wasn't raining, the grounds of Wayne Manor were still and tranquil, the lake lay flat, glimmering darkly like the jewelled eyes of some wild nighttime creatures. I looked up at the sky, following Dick's eye line, where the endless black was hung with thousands of silver stars, flickering coldly in the inky darkness. It seemed comforting, this beauty in the world, but it couldn't heal the gaping hole in my heart. I wondered if Artemis was gazing at the night sky, if M'gann or Conner had glanced at the moon tonight. There was a strange sense of unity in it all.
"Maybe somewhere Wally's looking at the stars." Dick stated simply, his voice clearer than before. He must've read my mind. I sipped my hot chocolate and took a deep breath in, trying to work out how to react to this, it being the most spiritual thing I think I'd ever heard Dick say. I settled for a hushed 'maybe'.
"I'm glad you're here." He affirmed, glancing at me, thumb dragging down the side of his mug as he picked it up with both hands.
"Me too." I replied, shuffling closer to him, feeling the warmth radiating off of his body. I smiled involuntarily, He always was a human furnace. We stood watching the world, two small figures against the vastness of the night.
"I'm taking a break from the team." Dick suddenly blurted, shoulders relaxing as soon as he said it, his expression fixed into a flinch. Startled by his sudden outburst I halted, which he took for a bad sign as he began to try and explain his choice. I silenced him with my hand on his arm.
"I know." I murmured.
"You do? How?" He asked, completely incredulous. "I didn't even know myself-"
"It's not the team without Wally." I cut him off with a pointed look, his confusion instantly quelled.
"No." Dick exhaled, leaning his shoulder against mine heavily. "No, it's not."
I felt it rising from my chest, up my throat, unstoppable, irrepressible, and I shut my eyes tight, lips pressed shut to try and stop myself.
"I love you." I exclaimed, my heartbeat tripling. Why did I do shit like this at the worst possibly time? Impulse control who? Rational actions when? Reasonable behaviour? I don't know her. "I love you, Richard Grayson, and you're not alone in this."
Seconds passed before he spoke.
A whole minute.
Maybe an hour? Gods, I'm not sure.
"I- I love you too." He murmured softly, his expression looking like I'd just slapped him round the face. Hard.
I groaned, somewhere between elated and distressed as I turned to face him.
"We're doing this now? What's wrong with me?" I protested my own irrationality, still processing his response.
"Would it really be us if we didn't do this now?" Dick asked, face caught between a grin and a sob. He reached his arms out, like he used to when we were ten and he wanted some reassuring human contact (Bruce is not the fatherly type, if you've not noticed), and I hugged him. It felt so good to be in his arms, to have him in mine and somewhere, deep down dark, I felt the charred, fractured pieces of me begin to heal slowly.
"I wonder what Wally would say about this?" I asked, voice muffled by Dick's shoulder. He chuckled gently.
"Probably 'I told you so!'"
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Oooh headcanons on the OG team all having their own solo moment with Batman and anything with Robin/Nightwing and KidFlash!
Solo moments with Batman? Oh boy! Let's go! We about to get soft in this bitch!
Kaldur: Really looks up to Batman, so he really doesn't want to push any boundaries. But there's one point, probably after season one-ish where Kaldur's having a really bad time. He's missing home, feeling the pressure of leading, etc. Of course he knows he can handle it, but he's just...really not feeling it that day. Snaps at someone mid-mission, probably Wally or Conner, but immediately feels bad about it and apologizes. Then, after the mission, Batman pulls him aside, sits him down, and goes "talk to me" "what?" "You're obviously having a hard time, so, talk to me. Whats wrong and how can I help?"
This does not become a regular thing. But it meant the world to Kaldur, and he won't ever forget that act of kindness.
Dick: Bats is his mentor, his father-figure, the man he looks up to for most of his life. So when his life turns upside down, and he looses his bestest bud...Bruce knows that he needs to step up and do something. He's not good with emotions or comforting, but he needs to try. So after a while, once Dick has quit the team and is on his own, Bruce asks Alfred to invite Dick over for the night. Then, when the young Acrobat arrives, he's met with the living room fully decked out in blankets, snacks, and video games that the two guys used to play when Dick was growing up. They don't talk much that night, Bruce knows he can't do anything to erase his ward's pain. But they sit there, playing old games together, and for the first time since Wally's passing: Dick actually feels some semblance of at-ease.
Wally: KF never knew how to interact around Bats. Like, not only is he The caped crusader, but he's also his best friend's dad. Like, how does one talk to someone like that? But one day, one casual day, Wally and Dick decide they want to camp outside in the manor's huge backyard (because why not), and they're trying to put up the tent. Alfred and Bruce are watching off to the sidelines, just to make sure they don't hurt themselves and trying not to laugh while the two boys are clearly struggling. Wally, frustrated, cries out "how the hell are we supposed to get it up?" And then, much to the shock of everyone around, they just hear Bruce go "that's what she said". Everyone was shooketh, but especially Wally who's eyes lit up and nearly bulged out of his head. After that, Wally would make it his life's mission to make Bruce make sexual jokes again.
It rarely happens.
Conner: The clone is in another one of his Moods™, and feels like beating *something* up. Batman is at the cave at this point, running some software upgrades on the cave's systems, and Conner has one of his best worst ideas to date. He approaches The caped crusader head-on, stares him down (Bats doesn't look up) and just says "you and me old man, sparring". At this point, Batman looks up, completely stoic and just goes "No". Of course this just pisses Conner off more, and after a few minutes, Batman finally rolls his eyes and gives in. Needless to say, Conner gets his ass handed to him. But as he's laying on his back, wincing in pain, Batman extends a hand to the clone. "You're getting better, but you still need to learn how to pick your battles, young man".
M'gann: ooh boy. So poor, sweet, M'gann just wants everyone to like her. She really does. And of course, one evening she's doing her normal semi-regular batch of cookies and she's really proud of this one. They're perfect and she's just beaming. And she knows that that night, Batman is covering for Red Tornado as their "den mother" while the robot is out doing his own thing. So, wanting to seize the opportunity while it's there, M'gann flies over to Bats with a small plate of the perfect cookies, and hands them to him. The rest of her teammates who are in the room look equal parts amazed and terrified for the poor girl as she's just beaming away at this ninja of a man. She explains in a large speal that she's just super grateful for all the work he does for them, and that she wants to show her gratitude. And then, in a move that surprises everyone, Batman takes the plate of cookies, and SMILES A LITTLE as he thanks M'gann. It's a polite smile BUT STILL. M'gann doesn't tell the others that she received a note the next day from Bats with a simple "the cookies were delicious, thank you", but rest assured that note is one of her prized possessions.
Artemis: Similar to Conner, she's having a really bad day that day. She saw Cheshire in the mission and even though the team knows at this point, it still makes her really sad when it happens. So when she gets home, she's ready to just flop on her bed, watch some Netflix, and fall asleep. But then, to her surprise, her mother shows her a package that just came for her. Confused, the blonde girl opens it up to find a brand new high-tech bow and quiver cutesy of the highest available technology that Wayne Tech. has to offer. Confused but utterly thrilled, she finds a small note inside with small, elegant handwriting and the iconic bat insignia in the corner. "Family is complicated, but you have grown to show everyone around you that you are far more than your birth family. Keep it up, I personally look forward to seeing the products of your hard work and talent."
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omegaverse-seeker · 5 years
Headcanon game (not sure if you take couple??!): Dick Grayson (Robin/Nightwing) and Wally West (Kidflash) ?
I have no idea who these people are. lol
I’m not doing the game! I was supporting my friend @abo-guy. They are doing the headcanons, I was just reblogging. Please redirect the ask to them.
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birdsgoflying · 7 years
Ok but...
Dick singing "Death of a Bachelor" at his wedding and Wally just fucking losing it
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urbancuntemporary · 7 years
Okay but while in that mood to elaborate on shit you didn’t ask about I just wanna say that Bad!future episodes are usually some of the best of any series because:
You usually get to see really cool/hot af au future versions of your faves
Iris with a gun strapped to her leg and a baby strapped to her back with her hair slicked back in a tight ponytail. Or alternatively, see: “Don’t Hurt Yourself” video. Single mom (because we find out the Barry that accidentally travels ten years into this future somehow never returned oooooooh---and okay it doesn’t fit with the whole baby narrative but it’s a headcanon suuuueee me). Also she’s a badass did I say that? And now her Wally and Cisco run some sort of underground resistance group (resistant to what I’m not sure). It’s kind of a guerilla JSA. Also they have a bunch of recruits they’re all in charge of, and they run their shit out of a bunker under the ruins of a destroyed Star Labs. 
Cisco’s got a fucking full ass beard motherfucker and also a scar (SOMEBODY HAS TO HAVE A FACE SCAR) and he wears his hair in a half ponytail. (Also he and Cindy are the Richonne of this Au and they have a child don’t @ me.) 
I see Wally as looking pretty much the same except you can definitely tell he’s older by the way he dresses and acts. He’s taken on a more leadership-ish role. Also Linda’s a part of the team and they’ve been dancing around each other for years having ‘I’m-not-into-you sex. 
Caitlin is Killer Frost. No doubt, like, no doubt. Except she’s got a way more badass outfit and hairstyle than the one they give her now. And she’s a recurring nemesis. 
Joe’s resigned from the force in light of the upswing of dirty/anti-meta cops that control the streets(I know...I know.) Now he’s a full-fledged vigilante with his kids. 
You get to see glimpses of your faves with expert skillsets without having to worry about how they got them which means
Iris having special agent level fighting skills and heading the tac team 
Wally having a lot more of his comic powers/heading recon
Cisco having a lot more of his comic powers/heading the tech team
Caitlin being a looooot scarier than previous glimpses of Killer Frost have been.
You get all of the angst and emotion without really any of the consequences ie:
Everybody fucking dies. Like one by one. But also kind of back to back. And all of these gut ripping resolves happen.
Like Wally and Linda acknowledging their feelings before Wally goes the way of YJ KidFlash (sorry😬)
1 half of Cynco being mortally wounded and the other staying behind with them while the building explodes (sorry 😬)
Joe sacrificing himself to save Iris (sorrys 😬)
Killer Frost watching all of this death and not being as upset as she once would have been, signifying that she has truly succumb to the darkside oooooooooh
Iris survives, though. Iris and Barry are the last ones and she tearfully tells him to run and find her because maybe he can fix it this time and after all these years she still loves him just as much as she always did. 
When he gets back it’s a total “It’s a Wonderful Life” moment and it’s emo af. He probably does something extra romantic for Iris like buys her a whole ass house or something or an orchard gotdamn. Anyway it’s good. 
And the episode could take place during the usual 13-14 two parters and be called like “Flash to the Future”/”Escape from the Future” or some shit. 
Like Imma bring up Heroes again cause that episode (the one in s1 not the other one from later) was probably one of the best of the entire series. Even Days of Future Past was the best of the prequel trilogy in X Men even though they all pretty much sucked. And as bad as Supernatural has gotten “The End” in season 5 was a pretty dope episode. The Flash absolutely has the means to do it aaaaaand they should. It’d be dope. 
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Robin: we're not married! KF: dude we're a little married... Robin: oh I know, I love it #youngjustice #robin #kidflash #dickgrayson #wallywest
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birdy-bat-writes · 4 years
Headcanon- Birdflash Besties
Requested by @offendedfishnoises I love you to the moon and back, Fish! Theres a second HC coming right after this, because I’m in a wally west mood.
A/N: I’m so horribly sick and I cant even tell if this was actually good, but it got me in my birdflash heart. @river-bottom-nightmare sob with me.
Comments are always appreciated!
-       Wally and Dick are absolute madlads. When they’re together, good luck to anyone around them.
-       Dick and Wally spend endless hours on the manor. Not in it; ON it. These two geniuses like to climb the exterior and walk on the roof. Dick gets a kick out of giving Wally a little heart attack by doing flips on the roof tiles.
-       Once, Dick almost slipped and Wally freaked out and rushed to catch him, but the little surge of lightning blew the power out of the manor. Needless to say, they ran to central city for a bit.
-       Wally calls Dick for fashion advice. Dick will always tell Wally he looks fine as is. He’s not used to Wally being in anything other baseball tees, and sweaters.
-       Dick canonically hates dressing up for events and wearing ties and junk but over time he’s learned to accept that he has to. Not at all because they make him look hot.
-       When Wally was coming to his first gala, back when they were kids, Dick had to begrudgingly fix Wally’s bow tie. He did it only once and Wally memorized it. From now on, when Dick get lazy and unwilling to get dressed, Wally forces him to put on his suit, and hand ties the bow tie for him. Sometimes he tries different colors.
-       Dick has a favorite sandwich shop in central city and when Wally misses Dick, he’ll go to that sandwich shop and order Dick’s go to order.
-       Sometimes, Wally will order two sandwiches and speed to Gotham city. The first time it happened was cute.
-       “Hi, Alfred….is Dick here?”
-       *smiles* “He’s on the basketball court.”
-       ***
-       “Hey…...!”
-       “Wally? What are you doing here?” Dick was surprised but happy as heck. He wanted to spend more time with Wally but was afraid to ask or bring it up. One of the perks of having an emotionally stunted dad is that you’re afraid to ask for companionship.
-       “I was at the sandwich shop you liked, and I thought I’d bring this over!” He looked so happy. The emotion was evidently contagious because Dick cracked the biggest smile Wally had ever seen and all nerves melted away.
-       They walked along the manor grounds eating their sandwiches and played a game of horse after. Special rules: No flipping, no superspeed.
-       It became a normal occurrence after that. Wally speeds over and Dick just greets him with “Aww you missed me.” And big sarcastic grin.
-       Dick keeps Wally’s favorite snacks scattered in his room, the yj headquarters and the titans tower. Even in his car.
-       Dick has actually randomly taken a train to central city at 2:00 am to go see Wally after he came back from a long mission because he really missed him.
-       Little did he know, that Wally called Alfred to ask if Dick was back yet and when Alfred said he went to the train station, Wally made his way there and waited for the 3:00 am train arriving from Gotham.
-       Neither of them were even surprised to see each other when the doors opened.
-       “How rough was that mission? You look like crap.”
-       “Gee, what a warm welcome.” And then they hug and head to his place where they catch up over the bottle of beer.
-       Dick feels emotionally exhausted if he spends too much time around other people. He needs time alone in a day to recharge.
-       The only person who doesn’t drain his social battery is Wally because Wally is the only person, he doesn’t have to put up the “smooth easy-going cool guy” persona around.
-       Dick is the only person Wally truly opens up to.
-       They keep a change of clothes at each other’s houses and spare supersuits.
-       Wally and Dick once saved a baby bird in a park outside the hall of justice and every time they visit, they check on the nest.
-       After 3 years of constantly checking, they’ve found that the baby bird grew up and built its own nest in the same tree and even had babies.
-       They named that bird and call it their child.
-       They know each other’s coffee orders and will bring each other coffee and muffins by default if they’re meeting early.
-       Wally has a pair of nightwing swimming shorts and Dick has a pair of Flash swimming shorts. They will wear them to the pool together and never say anything about it. They were matching gag gifts.
-       Dick takes lattes with espresso shots and cinnamon, and Wally takes coffee with a dash of creamer. Wally always takes blueberry muffins and Dick will take a croissant. They never actually told each other the orders. They just kinda picked it up.
-       Wally always knows when Dick isn’t feeling well, and Wally is the only person who can convince Dick to take a break.
-       Dick has felt he’s had to prove himself his entire life to everyone. Wally is the only person who’s been his constant and their friendship isn’t conditional. They both know that.
-       When Dick “died”, Wally ordered Dick’s favorite drink at a bar every night even though he couldn’t feel any effects of alcohol. He also suddenly found himself taking lattes with espresso shots.
-       When Dick came back, Wally gave him the “Ohhh, who said ‘Do me a favor and don’t die again’??? YOU DID. And look what you went and did! Died. That’s hypocrisy. You’re a hypocrite! Omg, how could you?! I love you so much dude, don’t you ever do that again! Get yourself a helmet. Jason’s got the right idea. Never leave me again.” All while he’s hugging Dick so tight, he may have stopped breathing.
-       Meanwhile Barbara and Conner and everyone else is waiting so meet dick after his return and they just can’t because Wally is hogging him and twirling him like a rag doll. Dick just accepted it. So did everyone else.
-       These two have adorable little mementos. The first bullet that dick ever had to pull out of Wally on a mission was turned into a penny and gifted to Wally on the anniversary of him joining the team.
-       Dick goes through a lot of domino masks, but Wally kept the last one he used as Robin in a little case with Flash symbol that was on his Kidflash suit. They both look at the case as Nightwing and the Flash.
-       They are besties to end of time and long after.
Taglist: @anothertimdrakestan @offendedfishnoises @comicsandhoney @river-bottom-nightmare @catxsnow @cries-in-fangirl-23 @batarella @idkmanicantenglish @hauntingsonofrobin @l-inkage @subtleappreciation @ereaaa Message me or comment if you’d like to be added to my taglist!
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