#positive energy flow
harmonyhealinghub · 9 months
The Law of Attraction: Unleashing the Power Within
Shaina Tranquilino
August 15, 2023
Have you ever wondered why some people seem to effortlessly attract success, happiness, and abundance into their lives? It's not just a mere coincidence or luck; it is the power of the Law of Attraction at work. This universal law has been gaining popularity in recent years, captivating millions with its promise to manifest their desires. In this blog post, we will explore what the Law of Attraction is, how it works, and how you can harness its potential to create the life you've always dreamed of.
Understanding the Law of Attraction:
Put simply, the Law of Attraction states that like attracts like. It suggests that our thoughts and emotions have a magnetic energy field that attracts similar experiences and circumstances into our lives. Whether consciously or unconsciously, we are constantly emitting vibrations into the universe that align with our dominant thoughts and feelings.
How does it work?
The Law of Attraction operates through three essential steps: ask, believe, and receive.
1. Ask: Clarify Your Desires
To begin utilizing this law effectively, one must be clear about their desires. By setting specific goals and visualizing them as already achieved, you send out powerful signals to the universe about what you want to manifest in your life.
2. Believe: Cultivate Positive Energy
Belief is crucial when it comes to being an active participant in attracting positive outcomes. When you genuinely believe that your desires are attainable and align your thoughts with positivity and gratitude, you create an energetic frequency that resonates with your aspirations.
3. Receive: Be Open to Opportunities
Once you have asked for what you desire and believed in its possibility, it's important to remain open and receptive to receiving those opportunities when they arise. Often, these opportunities might present themselves in unexpected ways or disguised as challenges. Trusting in the process allows us to recognize and seize these moments.
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Harnessing the Power of the Law of Attraction:
1. Practice Visualization
Visualization is a powerful tool for manifesting your desires. Take time each day to imagine yourself already living your dreams, embracing every detail and emotion associated with it. This technique helps align your thoughts and emotions with your aspirations, making them more likely to materialize in reality.
2. Cultivate Positive Affirmations
Affirmations are positive statements that reinforce beliefs and intentions. By repeating affirmations related to your goals on a daily basis, you can reprogram your subconscious mind and shift limiting beliefs into empowering ones. For example, instead of saying "I am not good enough," replace it with "I am capable and deserving of success."
3. Embrace Gratitude
Gratitude is the secret ingredient in attracting abundance. Expressing gratitude for what you already have creates a vibrational frequency that attracts more things to be grateful for into your life. Start a gratitude journal or incorporate a daily practice of listing three things you are grateful for; this simple act will significantly impact your ability to attract positive experiences.
The Law of Attraction is a powerful force that has the potential to transform our lives from within. By understanding its principles and incorporating practices such as visualization, positive affirmations, and gratitude, we unlock our true potential and become deliberate creators of our realities. Remember, like attracts like – so let's choose positivity, believe in ourselves, and embrace the abundant possibilities that lie ahead!
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bryonyashaw · 9 months
“Don’t believe everything you read on the internet,” is the modern-day, “Don’t take candy from strangers.”
Alot of people on internet wants to appear as a perfect person. A perfect parent, Bodybuilder, progessional, Writer, Entertainer, etc, because internet is a place where everyone wants to show a happy and positive side of life. We see people travelling around the world, eating decadent food, clicking perfect pictures with their partners & showcasing a perfect image.
But is it really true? Are they really living a perfect life as they show it on their social media?
Not at all.
And I don’t mean that they are in fact unhappy, or doing it wrong or to make someone feel bad about themselves. People are allowed to post good parts of their lives. Yes, it can affect on the viewers and can make them doubt themselves - but behind each perfect image is a hidden struggle or 'mess' & not everyone shares those struggles. By this I don't mean it's the posters responsibility for others feelings but to be aware we don't see it all
It happens with all of us. If we see someone we know uploading happy pictures from holiday or celebrations while we are sitting at our home, we naturally feel bad about ourselves. We need to understand the reality that what we see on our screen is not the real truth.
No one is living a perfect life and no one can. There will always be negative behind every positive picture. So stop being too harsh on yourself by believing on such virtual perfectionism.
Which brings me to the second image which is 'do the best you can for what you can give today' - it doesn't mean it's your best every day ahead, it will look different. All you need to do is try and give what you can today, and everyday. It's a road of ups and downs and we just have to learn how to make the most of what comes.
I know at times I can be hard on myself... Comparing myself to yesterday or last year... Most days I feel like I’m not doing 'enough'. When in reality, I am doing my best & every day my ‘best’ looks different.
Your best is not going to look the same as anyone else, or how you were yesterday or ten years ago. Progress isn't linear and you won't always be working upward.
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wandoffire · 4 months
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Where focus goes, energy flows. Where energy flows, whatever you're focusing on grows. In other words, your life is controlled by what you focus on. That's why you need to focus on where you want to go, not on what you fear 🧘🙏
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✨𝗣𝗮𝘆 𝗔𝘁𝘁𝗲𝗻𝘁𝗶𝗼𝗻🙏😇 𝗥𝗲𝗮𝗱 𝗖𝗮𝗿𝗲𝗳𝘂𝗹𝗹𝘆❗👇 A Scientifically proven home ritual proven by four Neuroscience Labs that attract money effortlessly 😍💭 Don't believe us? Try it out for yourself and see the results in just hours! ⏰💫 Click here to learn more
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kalidesoul · 8 months
🌈✨ Chakra Talk: Blocked vs. Clear Energy Centers! ✨🌈
🚫 Blocked Chakras: 🚫
🔴 Root Chakra (Muladhara): When blocked, it's like feeling lost in the cosmic wilderness. Insecurity, financial stress, and lack of stability might dominate.
🟠 Sacral Chakra (Svadhisthana)Blockages lead to creative droughts and emotional rollercoasters. The river of inspiration runs dry.
🟡 Solar Plexus Chakra (Manipura): Blocked? Confidence takes a hit. Procrastination and self-doubt may rule your cosmic domain.
💚 0Heart Chakra (Anahata): Blockages can make you feel guarded. Love and compassion become distant stars in your universe.
🔵 Throat Chakra (Vishuddha):*lWhen blocked, expressing yourself feels like whispering in a cosmic vacuum. Communication issues may arise.
🟣 **Third-Eye Chakra (Ajna):** Lack of clarity, foggy intuition, and indecision cloud your path. It's like navigating through cosmic mist.
👑 **Crown Chakra (Sahasrara):** Blockages disconnect you from higher consciousness. It's like a cosmic Wi-Fi glitch, leaving you feeling spiritually adrift.
🌟 *Clear Chakras:* 🌟
🔴 **Root Chakra:** Grounded and secure, you're the cosmic oak rooted deep in Earth's wisdom. Stability and confidence flow like a river.
🟠 **Sacral Chakra:** Your creative spark ignites galaxies of inspiration. Emotions are a river of cosmic energy, flowing freely.
🟡 **Solar Plexus Chakra:** Self-assured and motivated, you shine like a cosmic sun. Confidence fuels your cosmic journey.
💚 **Heart Chakra:** Love radiates like a cosmic beacon. You're a compassionate universe, nurturing connections with every heartbeat.
🔵 **Throat Chakra:** Your voice echoes through the cosmos, clear and truthful. Expressing yourself is a cosmic symphony.
🟣 **Third-Eye Chakra:** Intuition guides you through the cosmic maze. Clarity and insight shine like celestial stars.
👑 **Crown Chakra:** Connected to higher realms, you're in cosmic harmony. The universe's wisdom flows through you like a cosmic river.
Which chakra vibes with you today? 🌈✨ #ChakraClearing #CosmicBalance #EnergyFlow
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At some point in time, you recognized that the status quo never really served anyone well. In fact, it's very likely that you observed situations where it actually hurt the people who only set out to live up to it. Not you though. You knew that you would have to forge your own path and would come out better because of it. Don't stop now. This is just the beginning.
Source: Facebook
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vansanthoughtz · 5 months
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harmonyhealinghub · 9 months
Harness the Power of Distant Reiki Healing: A Path to Physical and Emotional Well-being
Shaina Tranquilino
July 28, 2023
In today's fast-paced world, where stress, anxiety, and physical ailments have become increasingly prevalent, finding effective ways to achieve holistic healing has gained significant importance. While traditional methods like medication and therapy undoubtedly have their merits, an alternative approach called distant Reiki healing is emerging as a powerful tool for promoting balance and wellness in our lives. In this blog post, we will explore what distant Reiki healing is and how it can positively impact our physical and emotional well-being.
Understanding Distant Reiki Healing:
Reiki, derived from two Japanese words (rei meaning "universal" and ki meaning "life energy"), is a spiritual practice that channels positive energy to promote relaxation, reduce stress, alleviate pain, and facilitate healing. Traditionally conducted through gentle touch or placing hands on specific body areas, Reiki practitioners believe that life force energy flows through them to the recipient during a session.
Distant Reiki healing takes this concept one step further by transcending physical limitations. It allows practitioners to send positive energy across any distance without being physically present with the recipient. This method relies on the understanding that energy knows no boundaries or restrictions; it can traverse time and space effortlessly.
How Does Distant Reiki Healing Work?
The principles behind distant Reiki healing are based on quantum physics theories suggesting that everything in the universe is interconnected. Just as electromagnetic waves can travel vast distances unimpeded, so too can energy be transmitted to recipients who may be miles away.
During a distant Reiki session, both practitioner and recipient agree upon a set time for the session. The recipient finds a quiet space where they can relax uninterrupted while the practitioner begins channelling positive energy towards them. The practitioner visualizes sending healing light to the recipient or uses symbols associated with Reiki practice to amplify the intention behind distant healing.
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Benefits of Distant Reiki Healing:
1. Stress Reduction: Distant Reiki healing promotes deep relaxation, helping to release tension and stress from the body and mind. The positive energy channelled during the session can help restore balance, leaving recipients feeling calmer and more centred.
2. Physical Healing: Distant Reiki is believed to stimulate the body's natural ability to heal itself by clearing energy blockages that may be causing physical ailments. It can be effective in reducing pain, boosting immune function, and supporting overall well-being.
3. Emotional Well-being: By addressing energetic imbalances within the body, distant Reiki healing may help alleviate emotional distress, anxiety, and depression. Recipients often report feeling a sense of tranquility, clarity, and increased self-awareness after sessions.
4. Convenient Accessibility: One significant advantage of distant Reiki healing is its accessibility regardless of geographical location. With just an agreed-upon time slot and a quiet space, individuals can receive healing energy from practitioners worldwide without leaving their homes.
Distant Reiki healing offers a fascinating approach to holistic wellness that transcends physical boundaries. As we embrace new ways of understanding our interconnectedness with the universe, this ancient practice finds renewed relevance in promoting physical and emotional well-being. Whether you're seeking relief from chronic pain or simply striving for personal growth and deeper inner peace, distant Reiki healing could be an invaluable tool on your journey towards total wellness.
If you are wanting to try out distant reiki healing, you can book a session with me at www.etsy.com/shop/flowertherapyhealer
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wandoffire · 23 days
Calm Mind Intention/Manifestation Jar
-> To alleviate stress, anxiety and promote feelings of calmness and peace.
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Setting an intention is such a powerful way to see a goal or desire to come to life. It creates a clear focus, and can spark inspiration, motivation and opportunities. Our mind is our magic.
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What Love Says… Love Energy Expressed
Every thought is a form of energy flowing into every cell of your body. A loving thought expressed from your heart radiates inward, dancing, playing and nourishing you.
Love is positive energy. All emotions are forms of energy. Energy you hold within such as hate, fear, or joy will flow into and through your body. When you chose a specific thought or feeling that creates energy and with conscious awareness of the chosen energy you can either harm or heal. Knowing this, what would you choose?
What would happen if you observed, changed and created thoughts which radiate the energy of love? Would you feel lighter, brighter perhaps even joyful choosing thoughts, words, actions which intentionally, lovingly create more love energy?
In choosing loving conscious awareness you energetically invite to every cell of your being and to all of creation to play with the energy of love. It's a matter of perspective, choosing gratitude and deep love felt with excitement and passion in everything you do.
Every day is a magnificent day to be love, light and energy that you desire in this your precious life. Imagine and feel your life as love and you become that life.
What Love Says… 2024 by Jennifer R. Cook @catsinthebagdesignposts illustrations, content are the imagination, thoughts and feelings expressed here every day are from one heart to all.
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judasvibe · 6 months
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Really? ‘Nobody wants to come to the usa’ is something people feel confident asserting? Uhhh….source??
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✨𝗣𝗮𝘆 𝗔𝘁𝘁𝗲𝗻𝘁𝗶𝗼𝗻🙏😇 𝗥𝗲𝗮𝗱 𝗖𝗮𝗿𝗲𝗳𝘂𝗹𝗹𝘆❗👇 A Scientifically proven home ritual proven by four Neuroscience Labs that attract money effortlessly 😍💭 Don't believe us? Try it out for yourself and see the results in just hours! ⏰💫 Click here to learn more
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✨𝗣𝗮𝘆 𝗔𝘁𝘁𝗲𝗻𝘁𝗶𝗼𝗻🙏😇 𝗥𝗲𝗮𝗱 𝗖𝗮𝗿𝗲𝗳𝘂𝗹𝗹𝘆❗👇 A Scientifically proven home ritual proven by four Neuroscience Labs that attract money effortlessly 😍💭 Don't believe us? Try it out for yourself and see the results in just hours! ⏰💫 Click here to learn more
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universalcarnival · 1 year
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