#should have it done around the time my little trick or treat requests end so that'll be a good closing piece for the spooky season
wewillryesagain · 2 years
Spent most the day celebrating Halloween so I didn't have time to do a full Halloween piece (yet) so have a very messy little Sam and Nick sketch WIP with them in their Halloween costumes
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heyyyyy idk if you do this sorta thing
if not totally fine but I still wanted to ask
Can I request something like headcannons of how ghost would react if maybe like a German reader met and got along w könig and maybe he would get jealous or possessive or something or just how would that go
take that to mean whatever you want 😈
sorry and thank you again
Jealous Ghost
I'm not one for like toxic possession or toxic jealousy, however there's a good middle ground so I tried.
A little suggestive at the end, jealous!Ghost, probably projecting my own abandonment issues here
It took a while for Ghost to get close with you, but just like Soap you somehow wiggled your way through his walls
You two became friends, sharing a lot of your spare time together
Both of you bonded over your different cultures too but it never really became something that either of you focused on
Soon, Ghost caught feelings and because of that he forced himself to keep them locked up tight no matter how much he wanted you
That was until König showed up
Ghost treated him the same as he always did with others, baseline respect and enough politeness to keep him as a co-worker
Then you met König and things started to change
You talked with him often, bonding over similar cultures and mostly speaking in German to each other
You both brightened up, you started spending time with him too and he couldn't help but think you felt more comfortable around König than Ghost
Ghost started to feel weird whenever he saw you two together, a mixture between sadness and anger, almost betrayal yet he told himself you had no obligation to stay friends with him
He started to pull back from spending time with you, suggesting you should go find König or he was busy
He felt out place when you both hung out and then König showed up
He started to resent König for no other reason than the fact that it felt like he was stealing you from him
Yet, Ghost said nothing to you. If you were happier with König then he had no right to ruin that for you
However, you noticed him pulling back and you were determined to fix whatever happened because you missed him a lot
You finally cornered him after his countless attempt to get you to go away
"What's going on with you?" You demanded as Ghost stared at you.
"I'm busy." He lied and it would've convinced you if you didn't know that he was done with all of his work for the day
"You're avoiding me."
Ghost didn't say anything, knowing that he was caught because you're too smart for him to trick
"Ever since König showed up, you're been acting weird." You said, feeling sad about the fact that your friend was slowly pushing away from you. "Why?"
As much as Ghost wanted to continue to lie to you he had to come to terms with his feelings
"You both have a lot more in common and he makes you happy. Guess I was just letting you both be together." He said and you looked up at him with shock.
Ghost was smart, but you've come to known that he forgets to just use his brain
You liked him too and you had only seen König as a friend
"Idiot." You rolled your eyes and Ghost glared at you. "I like you not him."
"What?" Ghost wasn't sure if he heard right or not until you repeated it. "Oh."
You both stood there for a second, unsure of what to do before you tugged on the sleeve of his jacket
"Are you going to kiss me?" You wondered, hoping he would
He didn't hesitate to and after a long make out session, you broke apart breathless, an idea in your mind
"Make me yours." You whispered in his ear
And he didn't disappoint
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carnal-lnstinct · 7 months
Are you still doing requests for your Halloween event? If so, could I request either (nsfw)Perfect Cell as a vicious and obsessive yandere hunting down a female/nonbinary reader because he’s decided he wants to keep them for himself or (sfw)Frieza bringing/dragging along a reader for trick or treating with his son Kuriza and to explain this weird Earth holiday to him (can be done with or w/o reader having a kid of their own)
Hopefully these requests are within the rules and they’re something you’re interested in writing. Thank you!
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✦✦Content: au. trick-or-treating, master and servant dynamic but only Frieza and Kuriza knows it ✦✦Warning: frieza, that's the warning. ✦✦A/N: I know very little about Kuriza so I hope this is still enjoyable!
“You’re blending in nicely.”
 You commented with a little chuckle. In an instance of mellow and fun exchanges, the formalities were lost and the difference in power seemed so trivial. Yet, the intense red stare alone quickly corrected you, reminding you who you were speaking to. You straightened up, “–Er, M-My Lord. By that I mean, you seem to be enjoying yourself more than Kuriza.”
Frieza answered with a chuckle of his own, black lips spreading into a soft, indulgent grin. “Oh yes, I suppose. These festivities aren’t entirely as demeaning as I presumed. Naturally, I would be lavished and provided tribute for my presence, even if it is something as unelegant as your earthling confectionery. Tribute is tribute…” He quickly enunciated as he ran his fingers through the pile of candy filling the small pail you were ordered to carry. As underwhelmed as he tried to seem, there was a sense of joy at the way he admired the many colorfully wrapped rewards for him simply existing in the presence of those truly beneath him. 
“I should suffer nothing less than what is rightfully owed to me from this...” He pauses for a moment, turning his head to you. “What is it you call this festival again?”
“Halloween.” You nodded, pursing your lips for a moment as you mulled over your thoughts and continued to speak. “Your tribute, though… is because…well, actually, it doesn’t matter.” You dismissed the thought with a sheepish shrug and brief laugh. “Nothing important, Lord Frieza.” You certainly wouldn’t be the one to ruin a perfectly nice outing by telling him he got so much candy because of his height and fancy “costume”. No need to get the Earth destroyed. “But can I ask why you’re so interested in an Earth holiday?”
It was then a smaller being hijacked your shoulders in a surprise attack, almost knocking you off balance and into the Galactic Emperor, stopped by his tail angled out as a painful “safety net” in your sternum. “Hiyah, mule! To the next set of village homes!” Kuriza excitedly commanded with a hand on your head and his smaller tail beating at the back of your shoulder. Candy fell out of his trick-or-treat bucket at the slightest movement from being filled to capacity. And still, more was desired. Perhaps more than a neighborhood’s worth.
“Yes, let us move on. I’d very much like to hasten this time among the earthlings towards its end before they become too friendly..” Frieza slowly began to walk forward, poised with his hands behind his back, leaving you to nurse the ache in your chest and try to keep up at Kuriza’s demanding tug of your hair. “We shall grace the earthlings for their Halloween offerings a tad longer and then be on our way, Kuriza.” Lest the infestation of saiyans catch wind and seek to become an obstacle to their treat gathering.
“Exactly…how much longer?” You muttered through your teeth, fighting to keep composure and patience.
“Until Uncle Cooler arrives!” The excited little one proclaimed.
“What?!” Both you and Frieza react in shock, Frieza whipping around to face the two of you with wide eyes. 
“You told my brother to come here?!” He quickly spat out, a bitter tremble shaking in the wave of his tail. “For what purpose?”
“So he can Trick-or-Treat with us, Papa! I sent him our coordinates before we landed.” Kuriza smiled. He leaps from your shoulder landing in front of his father. “Shouldn’t the Earth honor our entire family with their offerings of treats? We can always turn the whole planet to ashes if they disrespect us again. We could do it together!”
“As enjoyable as it would be to see this planet turned to dust in the void of space, even I know it wouldn’t be a simple task with the saiyans and their spawns here. There’s also the fact Lord Beerus frequents this particular planet. If it suddenly disappeared and he discovered it was because of us, his wrath would know no bounds! Is that what you want?” The scolding in Frieza’s tone cleared the smile away from Kuriza who started to shrink away from him, backing up into your leg. You didn’t react right away, you yourself froze at being caught in the path of his raised tone.
Frieza’s eyes glanced between the two of you and your frightful stares. He recomposed himself, an audible huff before he cleared his throat and turned his back to you both.
“Shall we proceed?” He calmly brushed off the tension and started walking again. You hear a small sound leave Kuriza as a soft visible tremble in his shoulders sends you into action without thought. You lift him under his arms and hold him on your hip, the small bead of tears in his eyes quickly wiped away by his hands as he fixed his face into a fussy pout, but it only made you smile at him reassuringly.
“At least Frieza and Cooler will play nice as long as Beerus is around, right? More candy for you!” You pointed out to him, lightly nudging his cheek with your fist and giving him a knowing wink. Kuriza gives your words thought and his smile returns, giving you a nod.
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Is not the darkness sweet ?
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sawyerconfort · 2 years
Take My Breath Away | Chucky!Nica Pierce x Reader
Ok, I’m assuming that spooky season is already over, but since my obsession with Fiona Dourif and Chucky movies is growing faster this week, I thought it was a good idea to do an imagine with her (please guys write more of herrrrrr I’m in need!)
Idk if I’ll really post this one, to be sure. I have a lot of requests from you guys (promise they’re coming soon, just let me finish school work and then I’ll answer all of them)
And turns out it’s a smut. So... It’s on your choice. I’m not good at writing smuts, especially when it contains a lot of NSFW but I hope this is good. (MINORS PLEASE DNI I DON’T KNOW IF IT’S SAFE!)
Got any requests? Send me an ask!
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Prompt: Inside four walls, Nica and Chucky are completely different from each other... But turns out you ended up liking one more than the other.
WARNINGS: Mentions of blood, murder, violence, swearing, dom!chucky!nica, sub!fem!reader (change pronoums if you feel free to do so), soft!dom!nica, sex.
* * *
You didn't mind being held hostage at Tiffany Valentine's house at all. In fact, you weren't afraid of her, not like everyone else was, let alone intimidated by the weird aura of the star who looked too much like Jennifer Tilly.
But your biggest motivation was definitely the woman beside her.
The two of you have felt an immediate connection since you met, ever since Tiffany slapped you handsomely on the head and brought you passed out to her house just for the fun of it.
As the days went by at Tiffany's, you were getting comfortable (as far as possible), and she and the brunette girl were treating you better than you could have imagined. Tiffany would always remind  - you knew with little effort - to bring you food in your room and leave you free to move around with the other locked hostages. And their visits were frequent (when you couldn't hear them having sex and had to force yourself to see the scenes).
Also, you ended up discovering some more information about the brunette girl, something that helped you from the start. In Tiffany's carelessness, she ended up waking up from a kind of coma and told you that she was Nica Pierce, and that she had a murder doll possessing her body transiting and dominating being hers for two weeks. When the sane man gave her a good smack on the head, Nica ended up switching bodies with the doll, Chucky, and her domineering personality revealed itself again.
But it all happened in a way you didn't plan for it to happen. You ended up liking kind and suffering Nica more than her Chucky personality. In fact, you realized you were falling in love with Nica, and you were terrified of what it would do to you.
It wouldn't be a good thing, you were sure.
Nica managed, after a while, to have almost complete control over her body and soul, and now she moved less between the two personalities, especially when she was around you. She pretty much only took on Chucky's soul around Tiffany, for the sake of appearances, and you helped her, always with the same bloodstained knife in your hand, when she came into the room looking for something too trivial.
It turned out that you were more involved than you should have been, and of course you let desire and feeling speak louder in those new days. Nica kissed you, Nica took care of you, and Nica fucked you so many times when Tiffany couldn't hear her that it was impossible not to fall in love even more. She was always very careful with you, making sure the Chucky personality didn't come out at the wrong times.
Then, when you were done, when you finally cum and snuggled into her arms, Nica would regain the puppet's soul and keep tricking Tiffany as much as she wanted, always telling you you'd keep the knife close.
It was a dangerous game, but you loved playing with that sort of thing.
* * *
“Oh Nica... please!” you whispered, holding back your urge to explode, but she smiled slightly as she carefully removed her fingers from your pussy and looked at you with those clear eyes and a crooked smile. “I'm coming! I'm coming!”
“Shhhh, love, you're going to wake up Tiff,” she whispered, chuckling in your ear as a tease — once in a while that happened — and you couldn't hold back any longer.
Nica sucked her fingers much more calmly and stood up, snuggling into your bare chest as she touched your cheeks lightly. Your breathing was uneven, but after hugging her, it always got better. The problem was that it was always short-lived when that happened.
"Tiff must be calling me," she said, looking up at the sky. It was morning, the two of you had slept cuddled in bed and didn't even realize that time had passed. You tried to pull her, but she resisted and smiled, coming to kiss you one last time. “I promise I'll be right back, babygirl, don't worry. Keep the knife close, please..."
You nodded, covering your naked body and looking at her, when Nica turned and rolled her eyes. “I always forget! (Y\NN), give me a nice slap on the head, let's go”, she asked, this time in a not-so-gentle voice. “It won't hurt, don't worry. Slap me on the head so I can go back to being Chucky!”
She came closer to you, and bringing your lips closer to her in a kiss, a peck, Nica watched as your closed hand hit her temple with a well-aimed punch. Chucky screamed and fell off the bed, apparently unharmed.
“Holy shit… how I hate all this shit… Hiya, hottie,” he whispered as he got up off the floor, brand new. He still had Nica's face, and that turned you on more than usual. “See ya in a minute!”
Saying that, Nica/Chucky closed the door in front of you and let you breathe, although you no longer remember how to do it.
* * *
It was already dark, you were sincerely waiting for her to come back, but Nica hadn't gone upstairs yet, and you were tired of waiting for that door to open. Alone, you stripped off your clothes and lay down on your bed, thanking heaven Tiffany had been too good to let you live.
Of course, you suspected that there was a hidden interest in that good deed, but at the same time, this was not the time to think about it.
The door opened and Nica walked in, being Chucky, practically half-naked in front of you. You were staggering in your bed and could barely see her properly.
"Look, if you're not the hottest hostage in this room...", he smirked. “I give every reason Nica likes you so much, you know? You're a hottie, I'd fuck with you if it were still me..."
You ran your hands over the bed and found the knife easily, even dizzy. Handing it over to her with a wide smile, you saw Nica change her expression and fall onto the bed, her legs still.
She lifted her head and smiled, being her again, and kissed you more tenderly.
“The thing I hate most in the world is having sex with Tiffany,” she grumbled, as she kissed you with all the desire inside her. “I mean, she's beautiful and she has an amazing body, but I'm not Chucky. I don't really like her, I just pretend I do..."
Nica moved closer to her ear, taking advantage. "She doesn't taste like you do... My favorite taste, definitely not."
And then, you took her lips in a kiss again. It was a needy kiss, mostly because of the delay, but it was getting slow and lukewarm because of your tiredness from having to wait for her. Nica noticed this and opened her mouth several times to apologize, but you never let go.
"We don't need to have sex today if you don't want to...", she smiled, worried about you. "I know you're tired, my love, you can sleep with me until I need to go back downstairs, okay?"
She hugged you and you helped her move her legs up to snuggle you closer this time. However, far from her knowledge, Nica's eyes turned distant and stared at the  Good Guy miniature doll on the dressing table. Her smile turned into a cruel, sneering smile. And her eyes sparkled the still eyes of the doll again.
The knife, you needed to find the knife now...
But apparently, with Nica/Chucky holding you, you couldn't find her anywhere. You felt like that was the end of you when you heard his laugh echoing in your ear in the sexiest way possible.
"Ah...sweet good smell of feminine perfume...", she whispered, as he did. Her hair and her body suddenly stood on end. “Guess Nica won't mind if I fuck you now, will she? Neither she, nor Tiff, that daughter of a...”
“That's not your body, Chucky!” you yelled. “Bring Nica back!”
“Where's your knife, babygirl? Hm?” she whispered, still like him, and gave another evil laugh. "Well, then we'll have to go on without her anyway, what a pity..."
Nica's lips, like Chucky, brushed against yours with enormous violence, and suddenly she was no longer the sweet dominatrix she used to lie beside her in bed every day. You didn't know the taste of her lips, you didn't know her kisses, but you were aware that her body would react in a less rational way than this.
Fatigue seized her deeply as Nica/Chucky threw herself on top of you and ruffled your hair, tugging at it with need as she kissed you. Nica/Chucky was ripping all of your clothes off and throwing them on the floor, just like he did with the few he/Nica wore afterwards.
But of course the best - or worst - part was yet to come.
And when he thrust his fingers inside your pussy again, your eyes dilated and glowed to an extreme level. You wanted to scream, you wanted to beg Nica to come back, but at the same time, you were so overwhelmed by that feeling of confusion that you didn't even care anymore.
“Tell me what you want, hottie,” Nica/Chucky whispered in your ear, acting less calmly. “Just fucking tell me.”
“I want…you,” you whispered, still confused and lost.
Nica/Chucky smiled and introduced her fingers again, not before taking the opportunity to kiss you, scratching your exposed back and kissing your neck leaving you with long marks.
“You don't want Nica back, do you?” he whispered, teasing again.
"No...", you confessed, caught off guard. "No, I do not want."
His laugh echoed in your ear and as he lessened the scratching, realizing you were coming, he smiled cruelly and at the same time divine, the eyes that were Nica's practically possessing your body without asking and without even entering it. .
“Fine, now come to me babygirl…be a good girl,” he whispered, and you didn't hesitate. "Let me taste you soon, let's go."
“With pleasure, m-mommy...”
The word simply slipped from your lips, and he laughed once more, letting you come, completely mad. Touching Nica/Chucky's naked body once more, you felt the knife stuck in her panties and pulled up as she hugged you and breathed in your scent.
Nica passed out for a few seconds and looked at you curiously.
“God…” you whispered, hoping she didn't find out.
"What was that? How long have I…”
"Don't worry, love, you've been gone for a few minutes..." You lifted your arm, breathing unevenly, to check your watch. “Almost an hour.”
Nica looked at you again. "Oh no, don't tell me he..."
"I think you should really be more careful when you take your feelings to your soul, Nica...", you smiled teasingly. "It was kind of weird, despite your voice and sexy face you have, having sex with him... like... fuck, he's a beast."
She widened her eyes. "Oh no. Don't tell me you liked it?"
You didn't know what to tell her, so you shrugged.
“Please, anything but this, fuck…” she whispered. “I can't bear to lose my girl to this doll trapped inside me. I fucking can’t bear."
“Am I your girl?”, you whispered too, in her ear.
And Nica kissed you, a remnant of Chucky's laugh escaping her lips right in your ear. “You will always be my girl, babygirl… Always. Even though I'm possessed by a perverted doll..."
You guys laughed together, ready for a second round. Only this time without the adrenaline rush of angry fingers and Chucky's laughter inside you. Unless of course, when it ended up turning into a kink between you.
Within four walls, maybe that would be worth it, if that would take your breath away.
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Come and Trick or Treat! Open all year :] tags updated Nov. 28
Howdy!!! Pronouns —> she/he/they (no preference)
Wolfy (wolf character I doodle sometimes) is my blog mascot. Unreliable sleep schedule/forgetful/message notifs don’t show up- so if you need me uhhhh keep yelling until I notice? Hdfjhfg..
I love drawing, listening to game playthroughs, and looking at cute animals! Feel free to send an ask about anything.
Art tag: wolfys art
Cool art by pals: grand showcase of arts
Doc says something: wolf chats
Art months stuff (all of them!! general tag): Just Here To Have Fun
Kiley and co stuff (commonwealth): little wastrels
second fallout au (island, custom location for an rp): badlands crew
Misc fandom tags (unreliably tagged but I will start now): qsmp, good omens, fallout, bg3, whump stuff, starfield, doctor who
important/tagged consistently: psa, boost (urgent news), reblogging for future reference (general tips), promo (friends news), flashing images, bright colors
"You have to reblog!" And similar phrases: rebait
Minor misc tags: drawing tips, writing tips, cooking tips, fave,
Note- these are not tagged reliably: ghouls/zombies, blood, skeletons, suggestive (no explicit things here), bugs and spiders, guns, drug use, smoking, all caps
Unimportant ramblings v
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Time stamp: Jul 15? Heeeeey. Hello. So I did take a break from art till like last week, but uh, the health has been a roller coaster-
I kinda cleaned the whole house compulsively multiple times. I dunno what to say about that. Went from the compulsion to be Always Drawing to Always Doing Chores, so it wasn’t really a break? It felt amazing for a little while, but I am so stressed inside ahagfhkhdf. Anywayssssss.
I realized that promising to do the art requests Later is just me returning to old behavior, like just... keeping it on the line so I /nobody gets a direct answer *when* it will be done. That makes my brain think it’s in the clear while the other artists are worried and unsure what’d happen. Andddd even though I did have the motivation to do animated group projects for a little while, a small thing completely knocked me into dropping everything else.
I know I *could* try to join more projects or do more requests, I’m not in a safe headspace where I wouldn’t be set off, and nobody should risk their project’s deadline for that-
TLDR I’m going to Try and fix things up on my end and stop myself from joining anything (that depends on Every artists effort). Even if I feel alright *now* I know there’s a lot of risk for *later*- just don’t let me in anything big and important even if I ask, please- for at least a year-
—— Timestamp: Slightly Before August
Gonna Try Ink Demonth this year- I’ll limit myself and not do something too detailed again hsdkfjzhk.
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Timestamp: August 17
[cackles evilly] Ink Demonth Ink Demothhhhh- this is the furthest I’ve ever gotten in an art prompt month ever! ...even though I’m technically not on theme (Fallout instead of Batim). Trying to pace myself by alternating between a simple and detailed style. Hrrrh the yeehawgust prompts (cowboy theme!) look so cool but I won’t double up- but I will try to participate in the September AI-less-Whump month. (gore and dark subjects! I’ll tag everything properly of course.)
Also I’ve come to a realization- A dream of mine has been becoming famous for my art/animations, but uh- One, it isn’t realistic, and Two, posts getting like 200 notes freaks me out cfjhxfgh- Well, doing stuff for friends and others is just as cool. Y’all are awesome ^w^
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Timestamp: Aughust ninteen
Wait actually I don’t need a reason to block people. I don’t need to tell you either. It’s been getting a bit too chummy around here (reference)
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Timestamp: September 4
I didn’t finish the art month, but I got to day twenty! That’s pretty good. I’ll finish it up this month. I also gotta work on some ref sheet, finish a birthday gift, andddd clear the askbox.
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Timestamp: September 29
Oeghhhh.... too many ideas, not enough time. So many comic ideas. And I gotta tamp down my love of angst dvhkdfbnsf, make sure it makes sense first!! Decided to keep the aus separate. Normal Game Stuff is happening in the Badlands mainland, uh, I don’t know what ending we’d go with but anyways. ....hm. Maybe there’s no sosu and the factions are not making any progress. But probably’d lean towards Institute ending if I had to choose now.
Hm. Well. Maybe I did not think. Uh well in the other au Kiley’s with the Minutemen, and Nate’s with the BoS, so... well I’m not sure how this is gonna go- I’ll keep drawing memes till I think of something cool.
Timestamp: October 24
Well uhhhh. I dropped the October art challenge pretty quick, unfortunately. I’ll continue in December maybe? I said I’d do a few days of Halltober, and I don’t want to go back on what I said.
I keep continuing and dropping the au stuff, but that just proves I can continue a project! Maybe!! Maybe. It’ssss a comedy, so uh I’m not worried about making a Deep Story or anything. It’ll be fiiiiine. Just little slice of life stuff.
I wwwwwill get caught up on requests and gifts-
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dreamkidddream · 3 years
Those Doll!anon fics were really amazing! I really wanna do something like it if you don’t mind. Could I maybe get a Yorkie!MC? Like, a really short, really friendly MC until they feel like they or one of the brothers/undateables are being threatened or insulted, then they try to pick a fight they’d obviously lose? I’m just laughing at the mental imagine of this short, unthreatening human yelling at and trying to square up against a demon lol.
Awww tysm!! 💙I missed writing for Obey Me (and we also hit 666 followers at this point 😈💜) and since this was so interesting I decided that I’m gonna do the Undateables first and then do the brothers cause I feel like I don’t show them enough love 😔 reader is gender neutral!
The Undateables with Yorkie!MC
He is LOVING your energy
Your happiness is so contagious, it just adds onto his already cheery demeanor. He honestly feels his cheeks hurting from smiling even more when you’re around (and he doesn’t even care!)
He’s gonna buy Lucifer so much Demonus as a thank you for picking you for the exchange program. Seriously, you’re PERFECT (for him)
As the President of Student Council and future King, he loves seeing you interact with the other students, and he’s glad that they’re reacting positive to you. At least some of them do
Now, no one is to foolish (or powerful) enough to threaten Diavolo or do anything to you that can bring you harm. They can try, but they won’t be getting the results that they hope for
But he can’t help it but find it amusing when you try to “defend his honor” when someone bad mouths him. He makes sure to not let it show (gotta be professional after all) but he does tease you about it later. You’re so small and seeing you just yelling square up to this demon is hilarious. He has no idea what geometry has to do with this, but he’s learned some new slang thanks to you!
He’s finally found someone who’ll go along with his antics and more. Whereas other people may complain about him wanting to do fun activities that seem basic, you just flash a big smile, grab his hand and tell him to lead the way
(You even made matching friendship bracelets and he refuses to take it off, ever)
You really make him happy MC. He doesn’t remember the last time he’s ever felt this lighthearted, and he doesn’t feel the sense of loneliness that he felt himself getting used too
Also Lucifer gets twice the headache now, but the Demonus helps it go away (temporarily)
Ah, so another Luke, except older and that you take your threats of violence very serious, if what he sees (both in the present and the future) holds true (which it does)
You’re still harmless in his eyes though
Your friendly personality makes it easy for you to be forgiven for a lot of things…even if your actions make him give you the side eye at times
Despite how energetic you are (which is something that he’ll never grow tired of) your presence has a relaxing effect on him. Even if he has to warn you sometimes to be careful with the way that you bounce around so much, especially when he’s in the kitchen
He unfortunately can’t be by your side as he is Lord Diavolo’s butler, but that doesn’t mean that he can’t keep watch on you, even without the use of his powers
With how outgoing you are, you’re bound to attract trouble, in which you do at a constant rate. What was comical however, is that it seemed like the trouble you attracted was on his behalf
“MC, what seems to be the issue here?”
“BARB! You won’t believe this! This jerk has the nerve to call you stuck up- well I can show you stuck up! After I stick my foot up your- Huh? Hey, why am I the one being dragged away?! W- count yourself lucky that Barb is saving you right now demon! But this isn’t over- MPH!”
“I hate to spoil you before our tea party, but you were already late and I have been meaning to have you try my new recipe that I’ve been working on…”
You were too busy trying to savor the delicious flavor to focus on what just happen, which was his plan all along. You get to try more of his delicious treats and he gets to enjoy your touch and company. Crisis averted!
He’s crafty enough to have plans to evade you “fighting” and you haven’t caught on yet (or maybe you did and just feign ignorance? Either way works for him)
It doesn’t bother him what people say about him, he doesn’t care in the slightest (and they’re not bold enough to say it to his face). What he cares about is making sure that you keep your carefree energy, and that he keeps to see you with your radiating smile on your face
You remind him so much of Luke. Are you sure you’re not from the Celestial Realm too?
Don’t worry he’s only teasing you (kinda) but you do have just as much energy if not MORE than Luke
And you don’t mind helping him either, no matter how “silly” his requests may be
“You’re doing great Si! See, you didn’t even need my help!”
“MC, I couldn’t have gotten to this point without you. My pictures are still coming out a little blurry, but that could be because you wouldn’t stand still- but it does add special kind of charm to them…”
He’s keeping them btw
He was shook when he saw you go off the first time, like he really wasn’t expecting it (Solomon did try to warn him, he was laughing but he did try to warn him)
“Don’t think just because he’s an angel means I’m bout to act like one! I will end you!”
MC please don’t make this demon “catch these hands” violence isn’t necessary
He doesn’t know what that means but he’s scared that he’s gonna find out if he doesn’t hold you back
He has reprimanded you each time when you try to fight others. He knows that demons see him as weak and talk behind his back, but he chooses to ignore them, to turn the other cheek. But just because he does, doesn’t mean that you do, and he sees that now
Simeon really doesn’t want you to fight, and it’s not even because it’s against his nature (it’s part of the reason, just not the whole reason). Fighting leads to injury, and injury leads to distress, and that’s the last thing that he wants to happen to you. And he’s not going to let anything happen to you!
He truly believes it’s a waste of time and energy, and you could find better things to do. For example, by spending time with him!
Simeon may not be your guardian angel officially, but he’s your guardian angel. Always
Has definitely written a character based on you
Is immediately upset that you don’t stay in Purgatory Hall with him, and even more upset that you don’t live in the Celestial Realm
You’re like the best older sibling he’s never had! And you don’t treat him like a baby either!
Or he’s just admiring you too much to notice
You never hesitate to help him with anything; baking, homework, pretty much anything and everything. He may try to make it seem like you need his assistance, but we all know it’s the other way around (with the exception of Luke himself)
We all know that Luke gets teased by the brothers and even his roommates sometimes (looking at you Solomon), but it’s just harmless teasing (for the most part). It’s when he hears what the other students say about him that gets to him- he tries to show that it doesn’t bother him and he tries to stand up for himself but- their words really hurt him
And no one hurts Luke and gets away with it
You already get onto the brothers for their teasing when it starts to bother him, and now the brothers have to jump in to stop you from trying to rip this demon horns’ off
You can’t really reach them and they’re pretty sure you won’t do any damage, but they rather not take the chance of you getting hurt
It’s not the first or last time that you do this either, and it just makes him feel horrible. He’s the angel here, the one that’s suppose to protect you, not the other way around!
You help him out so much, either without defending him you do so much for him already. How can he ever repay you? He feels like whatever he does won’t be enough…WAIT- he figured out what he can do!
He can get stronger and protect you! He can go to Beel so that you don’t have to fight for him anymore, or maybe have Solomon make some potions that’s like demon repellent but only for those jerks. If those mean demons see how serious and strong he is, then they’re bound to leave you guys alone! Maybe he can show you some tricks too once he’s done. He has to hurry up and tell you the plan then, you guys can’t wait any longer!
Their words do hurt, but so does seeing you putting yourself in harms way to protect him. You can’t do all the protecting MC, he needs to watch out for you too, no if ands or buts about it!
You and Luke are the duo we never knew we needed
Ah, it’s about time he found a human as interesting and adorable as you. Where having you been hiding all his lifetime?!
He has wayyyy more fun teasing you than Luke. Your pout just makes things x100 better and cuter
Congrats on becoming his new victim MC
Another one to find you very amusing when you try to fight and won’t stop you either
He will dead serious be recording you trying to fight on his DDD. He’ll make sure that it doesn’t escalate but who is he to stop such entertainment?
He has become tempted to cast a superhuman strength spell on you, and he ends up doing it “on accident” (which has happened more than once)
Lucifer has done the “I’m watching you” thing to him every time he has lmao
But no seriously, he won’t let you get hurt; he won’t even let the chance arise. He’s already pulling you away before you can get yourself worked up fully, dragging you to the library or his room to test some new spells (one that he tempts you can use on these demons). It’s enough to get your attention back on him
You’re a daily source of his amusement and someone that he wants MC, but that doesn’t mean he can afford his favorite human getting hurt on his watch!
He’s no stranger to the gossip about him, nor is he clueless. It’s just all talk anyway, he doesn’t care and neither should you. But it is touching to know that you care this much about him and how he feels…
But he doesn’t want you to do this for him. He’s a powerful sorcerer, he can easily solve this without breaking a sweat if he wanted to, but he doesn’t deem it worthy to even waste a drop of potions on. But since you’re so concerned, maybe a quick kiss would make him feel better?
He thought you were a little gullible, but that’s not the case. You just have a very open and bright personality, one that he finds himself getting attached to more and more as each day passes
If he’s not careful, he might get more enamored with you than he already is-
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mysticalrambling · 3 years
Coming Home (C.E)
Chris Evans Fanfiction (Fanfiction Masterlist)
Summary: dad!Chris Evans. Chris comes home to his twins fighting and he scolds them. But he also takes care of their wounds with you and then you all go out to eat ice cream and have a family day.
Warnings: None. Minimum angst but fluff all the way.
"Where are the kids?" Your husband came and sat right next to you on the couch. It was a shock to him when he didn't see his two little munchkins clinging to his legs the moment he entered the house. It has been kind of their routine from the moment they could walk on their little two legs.
“They are busy playing in their play room. Why are you not happy about it?” You knew that after a full day of shooting, coming home to two energetic kids was tiring and stressful. So you were shocked when he wasn’t glad to have a moment of peace by himself.
“Well, they are a part of my routine now. It feels weird not having them jumping around me.” The three year olds have always been more attached to Chris than you. Initially, you were a little jealous that the twins focused all their attention on your husband but now you were glad. Having a piece of quiet while he handled the children was pretty awesome.
You both had pretty successful careers and when the twins came into your lives, you both decided that you would handle it all together. In the start, each one of your married girlfriend told you that you had to quit your job as the marketing head because being a mom was a full time job. You were scared and when you shared your concerns with Chris, he consoled you and told you that you would both do it all. Having successful careers while being good parents.
“Just spend sometime with me while Emma and Jason are distracted.” Pouring him a glass of wine, you leaned in to him with your head on his shoulder.
“That is a good way to spend my evening. How was your day, sweetheart?”
“It was hell. My boss gave me a project to complete with a bizarre timeline and when I couldn’t complete it on time. He just took it all out on me in front of my colleague.” Today was humiliating for you and you couldn’t wait to get home, drink a nice glass of wine and relax. “Hated it, babe. How about you?
“Well, my co star couldn’t get her part right so we had to do the same scene five times. We are behind on shooting now and I have to get up early tomorrow morning so that we can catch up to the schedule.” Sighing, he took a long sip of the red liquid and felt his muscles relaxing.
There was a moment of silence that enveloped the room and you just basked in it. “A crappy day for us both.”
“Indeed. Let’s do something exciting then.” He kissed you and just when things were about to get heated, a piercing scream interrupted the moment.
“What-What is happening?” He was still in a haze and couldn’t properly interpret anything.
“It looks like your kids are fighting again.”
“Are you going to handle them?”
“Oh no!” Laughing at his incredulous request, you picked up your glass again. “You wanted to spend time with them so go on.”
Chris got up from the couch and went upstairs. Emma and Jason love each other to death but they have been fighting from the womb. Emma is the stubborn one and while, Jason backs out most of the time. Sometimes, he retaliates and it turns real bad, real fast. They were pretty hot headed, just like you.
“What is happening here?” The dad mode was fully in place when he saw his little girl sitting on the floor with hands pressed to a bloody forehead and his little boy trying to console her.
“She pushed me and then I pushed her. Not my fault. But she hurt, daddy.” The panic in Jason’s eyes was evident.
“(Y/N)! Come here, right now!” You scrambled to your feet as soon as Chris’s voice boomed across the living room. “You never hurt your sister, Jason. This is not alright.” The stern voice was new for Chris but the situation required it.
“But, daddy-”
“No excuses, Mister. Now, apologise to your sister and no toys for you for the whole week.” He got in to action with the first aid kit that he took out of their walk in closet. Emma was still crying her lungs out even when Chris tried to console her. She was not letting him touch the wound and was squirming uncontrollably in his lap.
“Daddy, why you always bla- blame me? Hate you.” Hiccuping, he stuttered on the big words and then stomped out of the room. You tried to stop your son but he just ran past you.
“What is- Oh my god!” The blood was now soaking up your little girl’s shirt and she still wouldn’t let Chris touch the wound.
The one thing that your kids inherited from your husband was the fear of blood and stitches. The small three year old knew that a boo boo that hurts really bad will lead to stitches. You knew how to handle all three of your babies in situation like these. Taking Emma from your husband, you hugged her lightly.
“Bubba, I need to look at your boo boo and then you can have the Elsa bandage.”
“Promise.” When she removed her chubby, little hand, you were relieved that the cut was not big or deep. A bandage would just do the trick. You softly hummed a tune in her ears while you applied an antiseptic to the wound and then the band aid. She had tears streaming down her face and she was sniffling quietly. Chris took her from you when you were done and gently rocked her in his arms. He always loved it when both your children seeked comfort in you. It reminded him of how lucky he was to have you. “Where did Jason go?”
“I scolded his regarding this and he threw a tantrum.” When Emma heard Jason’s name, she further curled herself into his chest.
“Give her to me.” Raising her face by holding her chin, you sternly asked her. “Tell me what happened, young lady?”
With a guilty tone, she told you both that she was the one who pushed Jason first. They were both playing with the doll house that Chris bought Emma as her third birthday present. Jason wanted to add his toy cars to the doll house but she won’t allow it. She pushed him first and he hit his wrist on the small coffee table but then he pushed her back. When she fell back, she hit her head on the side of the wooden house.
“You are going to apologise to him, Emma. I told you that this much anger is not alright, bubba.” Chris took her to the twin’s room that had two different themes running through it. Emma was never a fan of the color pink so she went with purple and Jason really loved yellow, so he got that. The room looked like a clown’s den but Chris was never the one to deny his children’s requests. They had his whole heart well, except you.
“Jace, Emma would like to say something to you.” Setting her on her feet, she went towards his elder brother by barely three minutes.
“I am sorry, Jacey. Never should have pushed you. Kiss your boo boo to make up?” He nodded gently when his sister climbed in to the body. Extending the bruised wrist, Emma held it in her hands and lightly pecked on it. Meanwhile, you got a numbing cream for Jason and you stopped in the doorway with Chris and watched their interaction. They were your and Chris’s two little bundle of joys and you both couldn’t get enough.
“I am sorry that I yelled at you, baby. You two will not have your toys for a week. But who wants ice cream right now?” They both jumped at the mention of their favorite treat.
Chris had a way with the children. He completed all their wishes from eating ice cream as dinner or buying the most expensive toys for them. Making them happy was his primary job and he fulfilled it with great joy. However, he knew when to step up. He knew when to tell them no because he didn’t want his children to be some spoiled brats. He knew how to mediate and that was one of the many thing that you loved about him.
“I will get your jackets while daddy will help you with your shoes.” Going downstairs, you placed Dodger’s food in his bowl because you were going to be out for sometime. Chris always turns a simple outing to a full blown family day. A walk in the park, dinner at a high end restaurant and then shopping at the mall.
“Let’s go.” He buckled both the kids in their respective booster seats and made sure that they both had their preferred stuff toys. God knows, if they didn’t have them on their car ride.
The ice cream place on the fifth avenue was your favorite because it was where Chris took you on your first date. Both the children went for chocolate ice creams and Chris cleaned them up after they were done anything. It was so wholesome to watch him perform his dad duties.
“Then Oliver tried to eat dirt and the teacher gave him a time out.” You never understood why your son was friends with that boy because all he ever cared about was dirt.
“That’s why I hate boys. They are dirty.”
“That’s right, bubba. They are all dirty and disgusting. You stay away from all of them.” Gently nudging him with your shoulders, you playfully scoffed at him. He was sometimes very protective of his children.
“Ollie said girls also have icky germs.”
“Yes. You also stay away from them.” Chris was full on laughing at the situation right now because both the kids were in some serious thoughts.
“Okay dadda.” They both started skipping on the side walk and already started bickering about who was their dad’s favorite. He took you in his arms and kissed you on the forehead.
“Thank you for all this, babe. I love you.” He was truly thankful for you and for everything that you brought in his life.
“I love you too. Now let’s buckle them in before they start pushing each other again.”
Hope you guys enjoyed it!!
A/N: Dad Chris Evans is a dream so I wanted to write a little blurb related to this idea. Hope you guys enjoyed it. You guys can send in requests but I will get to them a little bit later because I am focusing on my drafts right now. Tell me if you guys want to be added to the tag list.
Taglist: @justile
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fanfics4all · 3 years
Request: Yes / No  roan x reader (smut preferably) where you get banished from skaikru about a month in after landing on earth and you meet roan. since he’s wounded and you’re a healer you patch him up and end up travelling together and become rlly close?? idk i read your trick or treat fic and it was my favourite roan fic i’ve read (and i’ve read them all...no shame)😭 @szhead31​
Requests are closed <3 Have a nice day/night
Roan x Fem!Reader 
Word count: 1735
Warnings: SMUT!
Y/N: Your Name 
If you want to be on the tag list for anything (My series fics, specific character fics, or just all of them) All you have to do is send me an ask and I will add you! 
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(Not my photo, credit to whoever made it!)
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“What do you mean I’m kicked out?” I asked Clarke and Bellamy. 
“Y/N, you’ve been a danger to the camp.” Bellamy said with his arms crossed. 
“A danger? I’m a damn healer!” I shouted. 
“And half of the people in our infirmary are because of you!” He shouted back at me. 
“Enough!” Clarke shouted, stopping anything before it started. 
“Y/N, Bellamy’s right. You’ve been fighting everyone in camp and with the Grounders wanting to kill us, we need to think of the bigger picture.” She said and I scoffed. 
“Ya know what? I don’t even care anymore. Screw all of you and I hope the Grounders kick your ass!” I shouted and stormed out of the dropship. I went to my tent and grabbed my shit then left without another word. Those assholes can kiss my damn ass. 
*One Month Later*
I was out hunting in the snow. I don’t entirely remember how I got here, but I was alive so that’s all that matters. I had the perfect angle on the deer I was hunting when all of a sudden a scream scared it away. 
“Are you fucking kidding me?” I groaned. I decided that I should run and see who was screaming. Maybe someone from camp got lost and I could fix them up, it was the damn doctor in me… If I heal them maybe they’ll see I’m not as bad as everyone says I am! I pushed myself to run faster and found a man leaning against a tree with a serious wound in his stomach. I’m honestly surprised his guts weren’t falling out. I kneeled down by his side and quickly pulled out my supplies. 
“Who are you?” He asked with a groan. 
“I’m here to help, who are you? What happened?” I asked as I started to work on his stomach. 
“I am Roan, Prince of Azgeda.” He answered then hissed in pain. 
“Don’t move, I need to disinfect it before I stitch you up. Here, bite on this.” I said and pushed a cloth into his mouth. He bit down on it and continued my work. It took about a half hour to patch him up enough to get him somewhere safe. 
“Where did you learn to do that?” He asked as we were walking through the forest. 
“My Father was a doctor, he taught me everything I know.” I answered with a small smile. 
“Your Father taught you well.” He said, returning my smile. 
“Up ahead, there’s a small cabin I found, I’ve been staying there.” I said and pointed at the building ahead. He nodded and the two of us quickly but carefully made our way into the cabin. I laid him on the bed and checked his wound again. 
“If you’re a Prince, what are you doing out here alone? Shouldn’t you have guards with you?” I asked. 
“I was banished so my people could join with the Commander.” He said sadly. 
“Your parents banished you?” I asked shocked and he nodded sadly. 
“Why are you out here on your own?” He asked and I bit my lip. 
“Same reason you are. I was banished because my people thought I was more dangerous than the Grounders.” I answered and his eyes widened slightly. 
“Why?” He asked. 
“I was a healer to my people, there weren’t many, but the two people that basically put themselves in charge kicked me out because I kept fighting people. Those people talked a lot of shit about me and I was just making sure they knew not to mess with me, turns out that putting your own people in the infirmary while at ‘war’ isn’t a great idea.” I half laughed. 
“How long have you been out here?” He asked. 
“About a month, maybe a little more.” I shrugged. 
“You’re strong.” He smiled and his eyes slowly started to close. 
“Get some rest, I’ll check on you in the morning.” I said and walked off to make myself food. 
*Another Month Later* 
Roan had healed well. He was strong and wanted to get better. He was actually a very good patient and did everything I asked of him. The two of us got to know each other while he was healing and he was amazing. At first he was pretty reserved and hesitant to let me into his life, but eventually he opened up to me. He was sweet with a very strong sense of loyalty. When he was finally better I thought he would just leave, which broke my heart at the thought, but he stayed. He explained to me how he was a bounty hunter and asked me to join him on his adventures. I had agreed, but we always ended up coming back to the cabin we now claimed as ours. The two of us knew we had developed feelings for one another, but we never fully confessed. Sure we acted like a couple, but it was never solidified. That was until we got snowed in our cabin with no way of leaving. 
“I suppose it’s good that we got extra food yesterday when we were out.” I said and Roan smiled. 
“I suppose you’re right.” He said and joined me in the bed. Roan pulled me towards him and I rested my head on his chest. We sat in silence, revelling in the warmth that our bodies gave to each other. After a few minutes Roan pulled my face up to look at him and he did something unexpected. He held my chin with two of his fingers and gently kissed me. I was breathless when he broke away, his eyes shining as he admired me. 
“What was that for?” I whispered. 
“I just finally got the courage to confess how I feel.” He said and I smiled with a slight blush dusting my cheeks. 
“I feel the same way.” I said and kissed him again. The kiss started off as sweet and loving, but it quickly turned hotter. The two of us were feeling each other’s bodies and enjoying the feelings. When Roan dipped into my pants I pulled away. 
“Wait, I’ve… I’ve never done this before.” I said, blushing deeply and looked away. Roan grabbed my face and made me look at him. 
“Let me teach you. We’ll be nice and warm after.” He said with a small smirk. There was something about Roan that made me trust him with all of my heart. 
“Okay…” I whispered. Roan pulled my shirt off and then my pants were quick to follow. My arms immediately went to cover my chest. 
“What about you?” I asked. He smirked and rid himself of his clothing, naked. Roan gently pried my arms from my chest and smiled. 
“Beautiful.” He hummed and kissed me, making my cheeks turn pink. 
“No need to be shy, Y/N.” He promised. He gently pushed me to lay on the bed and his lips went to my chest. 
“Roan…” I breathed, lacing my fingers into his brown hair. He pulled my underwear from me and looked up at me for consent. I gave him a small nod and he moved to my entrance. The sensation was overwhelming as his cock entered my pussy for the very first time. Delightful flashes of tingles coursed through my body. It felt amazing, until he broke through the one thing that indicated I was indeed a virgin. I grunted at the sharp burst of pain in my pussy. He held still, deep within me. 
“Are you alright? Did I hurt you?” He whispered in my ear. My breathing was fast and shallow as I felt my walls absorbing his shaft. The sharp pain dulled to an ache, but was slowly overcome by a heavenly feeling of fullness. The tingles from him pressing against my clit increasing as his body moved subtly with each of his deep breaths. 
“It’s okay… I’m fine.” I finally whispered. Roan’s hips pulled back slowly, his gaze still concentrated on my face, probably looking for any signs of pain. He stopped with the head of his cock placed just in the entrance on my pussy. He teased me for only a moment, making me moan and grip the sheets. 
“Please don’t tease.” I begged. 
“Sorry love.” He said and pushed back inside me. One of his hands found my clit and I arched my back as he played with it. My muscles eased, allowing the pain to dissipate. Roan’s thrusts began to build pressure in my stomach and stars in my eyes. The soft pleasure washed over me with ease. My breaths were coming out in shallow stutters as I tried to hold back my orgasm. I was throbbing around Roan and he could feel every second of my building pleasure. 
“Roan, fuck!” I choked out as I withered on the bed. 
“Harder, harder please!” I begged, squeezing my eyes shut. Roan leaned down, capturing my lips in a messy but loving kiss as he did what I wanted. The ache in my every muscle released all at once. A shudder ran through my body as my orgasm took over me. 
“You look so beautiful when you cum like that.” Roan praised, and it only made it better. Roan pulled my legs over his shoulders and hit a deeper spot inside me. 
“Oh my God!” I shrieked. My back arched off the bed as Roan slid into me with the deep, angled thrusts. My moans were loud, escaping my lips with every other thrust he made. His hips rolled against mine with his hand still trying to pull another orgasm from me. I gripped the sheets tighter as I jolted upward from his powerful force. 
“Oh fuck! Roan!” I screamed, pleasure bursting through my veins. I was cumming for a second time tonight.
“Oh Y/N!” He moaned as he came inside me. I whined when he pulled out of me. He gave a small chuckle and pulled me into him under the blanket. 
“Warmer?” He asked and I nodded. 
“That was amazing.” I sighed happily. 
“We can do that as often as you want.” He smiled and I captured his lips in a kiss. 
“I think I want to do that all the time.” I said and he laughed. 
“Whatever you want, my Princess.” He said and I smiled. This was what earth was all about. This was my new start.
Tag list: @les-bio-lie​ @tashy-bear​ @ashwarren32​ @hollie-blogs-blog1​ @schisbro87​ @lover-of-books-and-teas​ @nerdygaloresposts​ @teenwolfbitches28​ @genius2050​ @drw0301bieber​ @lady-of-lies​ @ravenmoore14​ @ravenempress101​ @cillianchamp​ @rowanthomasknapp​ @rachelxwayne​ @emo-godess-loves-you​ @now-imagine​ @bruisedfists-and-splitlips @vanessa-kom-skaikru​
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sovtwords · 3 years
a king and his pawns
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pairing: kita shinsuke x reader x miya atsumu warnings: 18+, royalty!au, threesome (M/M/F), bisexuality, anal, double penetration, hand jobs, blow jobs, doggystyle, kissing with cum, dom/sub undertones, fluff, established relationship w/c: 7.7k a/n: -AO3 LINK HERE- This is a little side-story thing I wrote for a royal!au I haven't actually gotten around to writing yet so WELP. It's fine tho, this was written for Kita's bday and he deserves it. LOVE YOU!! This fic features men engaging in sexual acts together so if that ain't your cup of tea then feel free to back out if you're uncomfortable! I'm bad at writing smut anyway, you'd probably be doing yourself a favour lmao. Regardless, enjoy!! Please lemme know what you think.
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Kita Shinsuke was stressed. It’s not often the King loses his cool, but it seems as though life wishes to taunt him this week. Trade with Corvus has momentarily stopped due to an internal dispute meaning the Kingdom will be low on textiles for the unforeseeable future, a sudden drought has put the crops at risk, and Ginjima continues to test his patience with every new raid on the homesteads just outside of the kingdoms border - not within where Kita can arrest him, but close enough to be a thorn in his side.
He’s so very tired and so very alone, and everyone sees it as they convene for weekly meetings. They eye him with worry, yet he shrugs off every word of concern with the grace as befitting his title, though his Masters of War and Prosperity respectively eye him the most, the worry so potent on Lady Miya’s face he feels a warmth blooming in his chest. She even dares to lay a comforting hand on her king, and he allows only her to disregard her courtesies (not that she would ever forget them) and touch him. It’s nice to be treated well.
The meeting ends, and Kita is so close to retiring to his balcony to rest for a while until he notices that the happily married couple stay. “Ya alright there, Kita?” Atsumu asks, opting to drop all formalities and talk as friends like when they were younger. Kita’s glad for it.
“I’m fine,” he lies, and knows it wasn’t very convincing with the way they stare in disbelief. “Things are just tense right now. I’m sure we’re all feeling it,” he elaborates. Lady Miya takes his hand in hers once more, small fingers gripping tightly onto his. He keeps his eyes trained on them.
“That’s right, but you don’t have to burden this alone. It’s why you have your council. And you don’t have to hide anything from us. We’re here to listen to you, my King, so please – share your worries with us, so that you might feel better.”
Ah. His heart clenches with affection, and a soft smile grows on his face when he looks at the earnestness in your gaze, thumb idly stroking your fingers and momentarily forgetting that your husband is still in the room, sitting just to his left. But it’s so easy to forget that when his attention is focused on the right of the table, when Atsumu himself hasn’t said a word when normally he would screech if anyone dared get chummy with his wife, King or not.
“Thank you, my Lady. It warms my heart to know that you care so deeply,” he says carefully, pulling back with a quiet sigh. “But I’m fine, truly. I find that reading the books that you gifted to me helps me to relax.”
“I know another way ya might relax,” Atsumu interrupts before his wife gets sucked into a long conversation about stories.
“What is it?”
“Well, it’s something more suited for behind the doors of your chambers, if ya catch my drift,” Atsumu smirks, while his Lady looks appalled. Kita feels the tips of his ears burn but keeps his expression as stony as ever.
“That’s crude, Atsumu. And you know that I’m averse to…” he trails off awkwardly, glancing at you out of the corner of his eye. Atsumu laughs.
“I know ya don’t take concubines. But that doesn’t stop ya from reading the spicier books in the library, does it?”
“What’s yer point, Atsumu?” He asks bluntly. Better to get whatever trick he has planned over and done with. The blonde smirks, eyes shifting between himself and his wife.
“Was just wonderin’ if ya wanted a private show, that’s all. My Lady here makes for quite the spectacle. Just a way for ya to destress.”
Lady Miya gasps loudly, a blush burning on her face as she stares at her husband in complete shock while Kita’s heart stalls in his chest.
Watch his friends while they… No. That’s a boundary he should not cross. No matter how many times his eyes have slipped downwards to where your chest is pushed upwards by the corsets of your newer dresses, or how smooth your neck looked when you lean over to discuss reports with him, he…no. Such intimacy should belong in their bedroom, not his. Right?
“Atsumu, that's not a funny joke. You should watch your mouth and apologise to your wife for embarrassing her“
“Hold on now, your highness, she didn’t say no.”
Kita blinks. Looking to where she sits, he sees the obvious humiliation on her face, clear as day as the heat on her cheeks. But with it, a look of conflict, a spark of curiosity in your eyes when they lock with his.
“I…If it pleases my King, then I don’t mind. I would do anything for my King,” she says resolutely, and the way your voice grows airy every time she speaks of his title sends sparks straight to his groin. He swallows harshly, opens and closes his mouth a few times as he feels the heat of Atsumu’s smirk boring down on him. It had definitely been a while since he’d done anything of that nature, but… was this really ok?
It’s silent for what seems like forever. Eventually Kita calls out to the servant standing outside the council room.
“Find the largest chaise you can find and have it delivered to my room. I want it there by tonight.”
God’s above, save him. He was really going through with this.
- - - - - - - -
Night has fallen, the castle is quiet.
He doesn’t know how he should act. It seems as though nobody except Atsumu knows how to act, if the way Lady Miya sits with her back straight as a pillar and arms folded politely in her lap was any indication. Atsumu lounges against the chaise in front of Kita’s bed with a drink in one hand and fingers twirling through the sash of your robe in the other , waiting for either Kita or his wife to make any sort of move, though it seems as though their nerves have gotten the best of them.
“Shy, Kita?” the blonde Lord asks. Kita gives an embarrassed furrow of his brows, but stays quiet. Atsumu chuckles. “Well then. Does my King agree to let me be the one in charge tonight?”
How treacherous of Atsumu to ask, but with no real idea on how to go about this, Kita relinquishes control with a mute nod of his head. Better to let Atsumu take the reins than for him to accidentally cross a boundary he was unsure of. Atsumu downs his wine in record time, and moves to place it on a nearby dresser before returning to his Lady. He takes hold of your face with such reverence and love that Kita has to look away and swallow down the bitter jealousy swirling like bile in his gut. He hears Atsumu whisper some reassurances to you, and nimble fingers undo the sash around your waist.
You stand up at Atsumu’s request, and he takes your spot on the chaise, posted in front of the King for his viewing pleasure. “Didn’t want ya to miss this,” Lord Miya says, and swiftly loosens your robes, letting them pool around your feet and laying bare your silky and soft flesh for Kita to see. Dark eyes rove over plump breasts, wide hips and thick thighs, and he’s convinced that no concubine in the world could ever compete with the beauty standing in front of him, made all the more sweeter that you’re a coveted treasure by your husband, making Kita the only other man to ever see you like this. It makes his cock twitch in his breeches, and makes Atsumu smile devilishly because he knows the effect this is having on his superior.
Your gasp alerts him to the fingers that have slipped between your legs from behind to cup your sex, brushing against the light hair that Kita wants nothing more than to bury his face in right now. “She’s as sweet as a peach, this one,” Atsumu coos, pressing all the right buttons and gifting Kita with moans and sighs that Angels would blush to hear. “As wet as one, too. Let’s show King Kita, shall we?”
Without prodding you sit in Atsumu’s lap and allow him to spread your legs wide, and the candlelight makes the slick gathering on your cunt and thighs glisten, Kita’s brain faltering at the sight. His body grows hot with want, with need , and he nearly rips his shirt off of his body, composure slipping with each second that passes. Atsumu offered to let him watch, but now he’s not sure if he’s content to be just a bystander.
You hum and squeal when Atsumu pushes two of his fingers past your folds, pushing in and out at a gentle pace that you’re no doubt familiar with as he prepares you for greater things to come. “Yer so quiet, Kita. Are ya not enjoying yourself?”
The Lady  looks at him then, a gentle pinch to her brows. “Are you…not satisfied with me, my King?”
Atsumu flashes an exaggerated pout over your shoulder. “Yeah, my King. After exposin’ my wife like this for ya, is she not enough?”
“She’s beautiful,” he chokes, clears his throat but it has little effect with how thick with lust his voice has grown. “She’s perfect.”
The smile on your pretty little face does funny things with his head.
“Ya hear that, my love?” Atsumu holds you close and rocks you side to side. “The King thinks yer beautiful. I dunno if many ladies can say that. Say thank you.”
“T-Thank you, my King. I’m honoured,” you grin. Kita gives you a small smile in return, though it falters at the edges when Atsumu catches you off guard and thrusts his fingers into you with great speed. It sounds wet and hot and Kita’s hand wraps around the bulge in his pants, stiff and begging to be touched, especially when the usually composed Lady Miya in front of him whimpers and pants like you’re in heat, moving your hips in sensual ways and locking eyes with Kita to steal the air from his lungs.
“A-Atsumu!” you gasp, wrapping a hand behind you to grasp the hair of your husband, but the smirk stays on his face, enjoying your plight. “Be gentle!”
“You love it,” he shushes you, planting kisses on your neck and biting down on your shoulder when you grow too rowdy. “Besides, we promised King Kita a good show, didn’t we? I have to prepare ya, don’t want ya cryin’ because yer tight hole wasn’t ready to be filled.”
You moan loudly when Atsumu brushes over your clitoris roughly, small hands moving to cover your mouth, and it’s the final push Kita needed to remove his trousers and take his cock in hand.
You watch in silence as he undresses, eyes immediately zoning in on the length and girth of his member, biting your lip for a different reason than when your husband removes his fingers from your core. Atsumu brings them up to the light to look at them curiously. They’re soaked from knuckle to fingertip, and when he pulls them apart tendrils of your slick keep them connected. Kita’s overcome with the desire to touch it, to touch you, see how you taste.
The smile Atsumu gives him sends chills through his body, as if his Master of War had read his mind.
“I think he wants a taste, my sweet,” Atsumu rubs soothing circles into your hip with his free hand, keeping his calculating eyes on his King. “What do you think?”
“The King can have whatever he wants,” is your answer, hiding a smile in your husband’s jawline while he laughs. Fuck, they were going to drive Kita insane. What surprises him even more, is instead of offering your pussy for Kita to lose himself in, Atsumu holds out his hand, like offering his fealty to the King once more as he had sworn so long ago.
“Then by all means, have a taste.”
There is a moment where it’s entirely too silent save for the heavy breathing Lady Miya is trying to get under control. A million thoughts run through Kita’s mind as his eyes flicker between Atsumu’s fingers, his childhood friends’ face, and the naked woman before him. It feels like entirely new territory, uncharted waters that Kita has only thought about dipping his toes into before running back out for fear of falling too deep into the water.
But in Atsumu’s eyes there's nothing but trust and desire, and in your eyes there's encouragement and adoration. His heart hammers in his chest, and burns with the overwhelming love and support from his closest. It makes his limbs move before his brain can catch up, leaning forward with his mouth opening while Atsumu’s grin grows wider, taking the digits in his mouth before hesitation can settle.
It’s strange, to suck on your best friend’s fingers, long and thick in his mouth, calloused from years of sword fighting as his tongue brushes against the pads of his fingertips. He can barely taste the saltiness of his skin though, as your sweet juices invade his senses like a summer wine, pure and sweet like the woman they came from. He grabs hold of Atsumu’s wrist when he makes to remove them, licking and scraping his teeth on them in a way that makes Atsumu’s breath hitch with widened eyes, and Kita mentally records it as a win before slowly releasing with a pop, lines of spit breaking the further away Kita gets as he takes his place on his bed once more, precum leaking from his slit.
It is Lady Miya who breaks Atsumu out of his trance with a gentle hand cupping his cheek and turning his attention back to the situation at hand. The smile on your face is light-hearted, if not mischievous, a gleam to your eye letting Kita know that you enjoyed what you just witnessed. “I think, dear husband, I’m ready to get fucked hard for the King.”
An impish grin blooms on Atsumu’s flushed face immediately at his wife’s forwardness. Honestly, Kita had never expected the Lady to be this way. You had always been on the reserved side, befitting your rank and lessons in etiquette. Quiet, polite, spoke when spoken to. If someone had told him a few years ago when Atsumu had introduced you to Kita when you were still giving the twins lessons in etiquette that he would be witnessing you in such a lewd position and answering all of the fantasies he had locked away, he would have almost laughed out loud at the absurd notion.
Funny how life works.
“Should we let his Royal Highness choose how I do it?” The blonde pushes his hair out of his eyes, and both Lord and Lady Miya look at him, eyes alight with interest.
“I…,” Kita clears his throat, brain bringing forth images of every position imaginable. He squeezes the base of his cock. Save it for the grand finale. “I want the Lady on her hands and knees facing me.”
That causes Atsumu to laugh in delight.
“Ah, takin’ her from behind, like mounting a bitch in heat,” he snorts. You pout at the language, but Atsumu kisses it away, lips pressing lightly against the bridge of your nose until you’re smiling again. “Never would’ve assumed ya liked it that way. Not very proper, is it?” Atsumu comments.
“Are you here to question your King on what he likes in bed, or are you going to deliver on your promise and show me somethin’ good?” Kita remarks.
Atsumu delivers another laugh as he lifts his wife off of his lap and places her onto the soft, cushioned chaise lounge as promised, knees spread apart and encouraging you to lean onto your elbows.
For a moment, as Atsumu undresses, he regrets not choosing a position that allows him to watch more closely as he enters in and out of you, but any complaints he has dies when Atsumu spits into his hand and rubs at his stiff member, lining it up with your entrance. Kita nearly cums all over his hand when he locks eyes with the woman across from him as Atsumu pushes in with a sigh of relief, no doubt seeking any sort of pleasure for his aching cock just like Kita. At least he has a pussy to bury himself in. King Kita just has his fist.
Your eyes flutter as Atsumu goes deeper into your tight cavern, groaning and furrowing your brows while you clutch onto the chair beneath you. You whimper when he bottoms out, and are only given a moment to adjust while Atsumu looks at Kita in question.
‘Shall I start?’, he seems to say.
Kita nods, and watches in perverse fascination as Atsumu rears his hips back and thrusts forward once more, making you choke on a scream as he sets a relentless pace, not holding anything back.
Your moans mix with yelps and screams of pleasure as your husband pounds into you from behind, round hands on soft hips and curls loosening from where they were pinned back on your head. Kita’s eyes stay glued to where your tits bounce with the force, hand finally giving him some relief and stroking his weeping cock, unwinding some of the tension in his shoulders and stoking the fire in his gut. He wants to reach out and fondle your chest, your nipples, but stays his hand, fear of crossing that damned boundary getting to him.
Atsumu is loud, he realises, almost as loud as his wife is right now. He groans and he growls like a wild animal, so overcome by the feeling of his Lady, of everything that she is, and praises fall from his lips like the water rushes down the mountain’s peaks.
“F-Fuck, yer so tight, I love it,” he grits, reaching over to grab hold of your chest like Kita wanted to do so badly. “So wet for me, for your King. Ya love getting fucked in front of him, practically beggin’ me for weeks.”
Kit almost feels as if he shouldn’t be hearing this conversation, but such crude words make him fist his cock faster, wet with precum and helping him ease the friction of hand to dick.
“A-Atsumu, I-”
“Don’t lie,” he laughs. He pinches your nippple roughly, and earns himself a gasp. “Every time ya called me yer sweet King, you were thinkin’ ‘bout him, too. Weren’t ya?”
You can say nothing, only look at your ruler with unbridled lust in your eyes. It’s getting harder to breathe now as he pumps his dick in time with his friend’s thrusts, entranced by the look on your face and Atsumu’s voice.
“Thought s-so,” Atsumu stutters when he rubs at your clit and you squeez hard. “Well, I’d do anythin’ for ya. Guess that includes fuckin’ ya silly in front of your King.”
Atsumu tsk’s and lifts your torso up so Kita can have the best seat in the house. Eyes stay glued to where they are connected, pistoning in and out of your walls and glistening with your slick. It brings forth images of wanting to get closer, let his tongue feel the both of them at once but it's so outlandish that it brings heat to his cheeks and pushes him closer to his release, chest heaving with exertion as everyone in the room reaches a crescendo like a symphony of sex.
That is until Atsumu stops abruptly, and it's so sudden and odd when the sounds of skin slapping cease that it causes everyone to lose their high, cooling down with irritation and impatience.
Atsumu's chest heaves air with great effort, yet his eyes are sharp as he regards his King.
"I think," he starts, easing out of his wife slowly, making you whine at the loss. "King Kita is lookin' a lil lonely. And it's our duty as his advisors and subjects to serve the King, right my love?"
You blink in surprise, when a smile curls at the corner of your lips, one that you definitely learned from your husband. Affection blooms on Atsumu's face at your reaction.
"We should give him a hand," the blonde declares, and suddenly he's carrying his wife over to the royal bed, laying you down gently against the rich, maroon satins and silks, hair splayed around you in rivulets like water. With equal parts curiosity and hesitation lacing his limbs, he moves further up the bed at Atsumu's insistence, coming face to face with you as you smiled kindly at him, lidded eyes and bottom lip plump from where you bite it.
He gives you one in return, one of the rare, genuine smiles he reserves for when he's with his closest and when he's happy. The sound of a throat clearing snaps his attention back to where Atsumu kneels at the end of the bed, cock bouncing against his lower stomach with every shift on the featherbed.
"Does my King allow us to do as we please with him?"
It's almost embarrassing how quickly he says yes, aching to feel the touch of something other than his own hand for once. Atsumu smirks.
Moving closer, all three find themselves huddled in a circle of sorts, with two sets of eyes hungrily staring at him. Atsumu looks at his wife, and she stares right back. It becomes apparent to Kita then and there, that there is no imbalance between them. Though you may fold your hands when appropriate and open your mouth when addressed in broad daylight, though Atsumu’s words and hands guide you behind closed doors and you part your legs for him like a blossoming flower, they are, without a doubt, equals in every sense of the word. Atsumu gazes at you with such adoration it would give the poets something to sing about for centuries to come, and he is certain that if you were to give an order, Atsumu would bend and do it for you, no questions asked.
It’s funny - the Master of War and the Master of Prosperity; two things that could never work hand in hand, but ultimately make for a wonderful pair.
And it makes Kita’s heart yearn for even a drop, an ounce of what they share, for someone to look at him the way they do each other.
“Maybe I should give you some tips on how to go about it, my sweet,” Atsumu says, and it’s all the warning Kita gets before a large, rough hand wraps itself around his member. He jerks at the feeling, eyes wide at the blonde smirking before him, and he looks frantically at the Lady beside him who offers nothing more than a demure upturn of her lips.
“What are you doing?” demands Kita, but the words end in a choke when Atsumu’s thumb swipes over the head of his cock.
“I’m showin’ my wife how to please ya.”
“I-I think she w-would..” Kita has to stop talking to emit a whimper when Atsumu’s hand squeezes his dick. He swallows hard. “I think she would know how to please a man by now.”
“Hmm, yer right. She sure does know how to get me going, but…”
He removes his hand from Kita’s shaft for a brief moment to lift his wife’s leg, dragging a hand through your thighs and bringing it back to Kita’s erection, now slick with his wife’s juices and providing smoother friction.
“No harm in remindin’ her of the lessons. Watch carefully, love.”
It moves expertly up and down his length, knowing when to twist and squeeze, when to go fast and slow. Kita’s hips jerk up into Atsumu’s hand, unable to help the sighs and moans flying out from his chest. It feels good, so so so good, and a softer, more feminine pair of hands scrape gently over his chest, toying with his pert nipples and sending sparks straight down to his groin.
“He seems to like that,” you whisper, pressing your lips to the pulse in his neck. Kita is positive it must be ready to burst from his skin right now, yet still you suck and nip and paint his skin in the most delicate hues while your husband’s hand increases in speed. His other hand reaches down to fondle Kita’s balls, heavy and begging for release. Whines and whimpers grow louder as he approaches that sweet edge.
Atsumu hums. “He’s got a pretty cock, doesn’t he, my love? I bet you’re just drippin’ thinkin’ ‘bout it inside ya. Hungry for another man's dick.”
You shiver from your spot beside Kita, a hand scratching at his scalp and sending tingles down his spine, and a pink tongue poking out to lick at his nipples.
“P-Please…” Kita begs.
“Well, ’m hungry myself,” Atsumu continues, and swiftly dips down to take the head of Kita’s cock into his mouth, sucking hard while his hand never ceases its upwards and downwards motion. It's wet and hot, and the swirling of Atsumu's tongue around his tip, lapping up the precum that had gathered is enough to make Kita moan aloud in surprise and pleasure. His face glowing red as he desperately thrusts into Atsumu's mouth but his brain is too clouded with lust to feel embarrassed at this moment.
His fingers grip onto rich bed sheets as he loses himself in the heat of Atsumu’s mouth, that mischievous tongue of his being put to good use and stroking the vein on the underside of his prick before bobbing up and down in time with his hand. It’s almost overwhelming, feeling tongues on different parts of his body but it feels glorious, to have these mouths worship and love him like he craves but never says aloud.
It feels like Atsumu’s mouth is barely on him for a moment before Kita is grasping onto the nearest things he could latch onto, Atsumu’s head of hair and your hand conveniently already in his, and he holds onto both for dear life as he cums with a loud and long groan, releasing into his friends mouth with surprise and twitching with the aftershocks when Atsumu keeps him in his mouth for a tad too long.
“T-Too much, please,” he stutters, and Atsumu takes pity on him for the time being, laughing at how wild and unkempt his King looks right now.
“I guess you’ll have to test out yer skills next time. Come here,” hands reach for his Lady’s face, and he lets drops of Kita’s cum still in his mouth fall into your own open and awaiting jaws, sealing it with a kiss that’s all tongue and wildness. The perverse sight of them sharing his fluids makes his cock twitch to life again with alarming speed, but it’s also the words echoing in his ears that stick with him.
Next time. Implying that this won’t be a once off thing, a strange night to remember for years to come.
It makes him hard in seconds, even after spilling his seed in his friend's mouth.
If the couple beside him are surprised at his recovery time, only Lady Miya shows it with a raise of your eyebrows in pleasant surprise.
“Do you wish for more, my King?” you ask, traces of his load shining on the corners of your lips. He stops himself from reaching over to lick it off.
“Yes,” Kita sighs, and his chest seems to deflate with the motion, his words needy and wanting. “Please - keep going.”
“What do you want? Anything for you,” your hand cups his face with such gentleness he could cry. How sad it must be, for the simple touch of a person could be enough to shake him.
“I n-need you, I want you on top of me-” he has to stop himself with a sharp intake of breath. Eyes wide with fear look over to where Atsumu sits, a uncharacteristically stoic look on his face that makes Kita’s anxiety flare up. After a moment of silent contemplation, he opens his mouth.
“Does my King command it?”
It offers Kita a moment to rethink his words, to retrace his steps before they were taken. And as he looks at the faces of his friends for any signs of discomfort, looks at you for clear rejection, he sees no hesitation or resistance in either of their expressions. Only eagerness, anticipation for what could come. It strengthens his resolve.
“He does,” Kita says, with the air and grace of the King in power he is. And Atsumu grins like that cat who got the cream.
“Perfect,” he sings. “Lay back, yer Grace. Let us do everythin’ for ya.”
Doing as told, Kita finds himself a comfortable spot against the pillows and cushions, cock resting hard on his belly and watching as Atsumu coaxes his wife to straddle his hips. Hands fly instinctively to the squishy flesh of your hips and thighs, smooth like satin, and his grip on you only grows tighter once he feels just how wet you are, practically dripping onto his lower abdomen. It drives him mad with excitement, knowing he’s seconds away from shoving himself into your tight hole.
“Go on,” Atsumu encourages when you look back at him in question. “I’ll help ya when ya need me.”
Biting your lip, you peer down at Kita.
“I’m ready,” he assures you with a squeeze of your hips. You reach down to grab his member and he hisses when you pump him a few times, dragging it up and down your soaked folds. He worries his bottom lip at the sensation, and just when he gets used to it you line him up with your entrance and begin to sink down on him, ever so slowly.
He loses the ability to breathe when your warm heat engulfs him. His eyelids flutter, his toes curl, and they haven’t even gotten to the best part yet. Atsumu hums in approval when you finally sink down, hips flush with Kita’s, sighing in unison. You can’t help the grinding of your hips, trying to accommodate his size and girth, but it makes him growl and still your hips. “Give me a second,” he pleads. And you do, leaning down to give him his first kiss of the night. He can taste himself on your tongue, taste Atsumu along with him, and your tongues tentatively brush and move against each other as you grow accustomed to the feeling of your lips on the others.
He catches his breath when you pull away, blinking out of a stupor, and it seems as though Atsumu has had enough with waiting, for he clears his throat loudly. “Ready to get started?” They both nod. “Good.”
With that said, Atsumu holds on tightly to your hips, hands over Kita’s that stay locked on your flesh, and begins to slowly lift you off of his cock, only to push right back down. Kita groans at the fluttering of your gummy walls around him, head thrown against the pillows while Atsumu increases the speed and pace with which he picks his wife's body up, getting you into a mindblowing rhythm and bouncing you on Kita’s member.
Atsumu certainly dictates the speed and rhythm right now, and the coil in Kita’s gut begins to make a reappearance with every clench of your pussy around him. You’re both at the mercy of Atsumu, who alternates between stealing the air from Kita’s lungs with bringing your hips down hard and fast, or slowly and maddeningly gyrating your hips so that Kita presses against every spot inside of you, massaging that sweet, spongy flesh hidden deep inside that has you gasping out a strange mix of their names and clawing onto Kita’s chest for stability.
“That feel good?” Atsumu asks. He’s met with a chorus of moans and whines from his Lady and his King, but he isn’t satisfied with that. “I said, does that feel good?”
“Y-Yes, my Lord!” You gasp, and are rewarded with kisses and nips to your neck by your husband. Dark eyes peer at Kita over your shoulder, demanding an answer from him as well.
“Yes,” the white haired man grunts. “F-Feels so fuck- fucking good.”
“My, my! Our King has a naughty mouth. My sweet, how does his cock feel?”
Your moans are light and breathless when Atsumu rocks your hips back and forth. Your juices stain Kita’s abdomen, and he’s tempted to reach out and swipe some up on his finger to lick. “He feels so big! So so so big, it’s too much, it’s- oh!”
Kita is almost as surprised as you are when Atsumu guides his King’s hand to your swollen folds, showing him how to rub at your clit with practiced motions. You careen in response, hips moving erratically and crying about how good it feels.
“Tell him, not me,” Atsumu laughs.
“Oh, my King, my sweet King, you feel amazing. I love your cock so much, stuffin’ me full, I can’t take it, I love it I love it I love it!”
Your praise, your words, the heat of your cunt; it all goes straight to his head and his heart, and the coil in his gut tightens dangerously, ready to burst his seed into you and fill you up, but Atsumu has your plans before he can reach his peak.
Atsumu lifts your hips up one final time, but doesn't bring them back down. The disappointment in the room is immeasurable, denied a high once more when they were just so close to falling off the edge. Lady Miya whines loudly and impatiently, having been denied her orgasm twice now.
"I know, baby, I know," Atsumu coos, pets your hair and soothes the furrow of your brows. "But I was gettin' a lil lonely over here. I wanna join in."
Your eyes light up in question, staring at him questioningly and obeying when he orders you to bend over. Chest to chest with Kita, the King cradles you closely, brushes loose strands of hair out of your eyes, and allows himself a simple peck to your lips, one that you return with two of your own.
But you jump in shock when Atsumu spreads your cheeks apart and spits loudly onto your rear.
"Atsumu! You...you mean to-"
"Shh. You trust me, don't ya?"
"Always," she answers without hesitation, and the smile he gives you is warm and full of love.
"Then just wait," he rubs a finger over your puckered hole, spreading the spit and watching in fascination how it responds to his touches. He loves your cunt like a drunk loves his wine, but your ass is just as addictive. Really, any part of you is more than enough for him.
You bite your lip when a finger dips in, struggling to accommodate the invasive digit. Kita distracts you with more kisses, hands on your breasts, pulling at your hardened nipples and drinking in your moans like he's breathing in the fresh air of the morning.
"You are so beautiful," he whispers in your ear, watching over your shoulder as Atsumu adds a second finger, pumps them in and out so carefully. The blonde reaches around to lightly toy with your clit - not enough to make you cum, but enough to make you relax and less restrictive. "He's lucky to have married ya."
"Shinsuke," she sighs into his own ears, and it sends shivers down his spine. It's very rare people can address him as Kita without his title, let alone his first name, but it sounds so beautiful coming from the lips of his friends.
"Yer doin' so well," Atsumu praises, free hand massaging the globe of your ass cheek once Kita’s clumsy fingers take over the role of rubbing your nub. "Stretchin' ya out real good. You want both of our cocks, don't ya?"
"I do, I want them so bad-"
"Think you can handle us?"
"Yes, please! God, Tsumu, I wanna be stuffed with both of your cocks-"
"Damn, you get loud when yer needy." Atsumu drags his erection through the folds of your pussy, gathering as much of your juices to coat his dick once again before he lines it up with your back entrance. "We'll take things nice and slow."
It seems as if Atsumu is reassuring more than just his wife with that statement, and Kita is grateful for it.
You bite down on the skin of his shoulder when Atsumu removes his fingers and presses the tip of his dick at your hole. You’re clenching hard and gasping at the stretch, and Kita works with Atsumu to soothe your cries and kiss away your tears.
He kisses your lips when you give a harsh wail as Atsumu presses in further, not even halfway in yet but groaning at how tight it feels. He spits once again where you're both connected while you twitch and sigh as Kita's fingers return to your swollen bud.
"Yer doing amazing, such a good girl," Kita peppers your cheeks with light kisses, and with one last thrust Atsumu is fully seated with his cock in your ass, glassy eyed and chest heaving with tension as he gives the pair of you a moment to adjust.
He bends over to lick and kiss a line up your spine. "Your turn Shinsuke." Kita stalls, wondering for a moment if you really are ready to take them both at once, but Atsumu mistakes his silence for hesitation. "Need help with that?"
Lord Miya reaches down to gently guide Kita towards your sopping hole, and he sucks in a breath as your hips lower agonisingly slow to sink down on him until both of their members are filling you to the brim.
You're a panting and whining mess atop of him, fighting to catch your breath whilst Kita fights to make sense of what he's feeling right now. He can nearly feel Atsumu press against him through a thin layer inside of your pussy, every budge of his hips making his chest tighten at the friction.
"Tell us when to move," your husband says. After a moment of getting used to the stretch with little twitches of your hips, you nod frantically.
"I'm OK, you can move."
"I'll let Kita do the honours," Atsumu smirks.
Lifting his legs higher up the bed for leverage, Kita gives an experimental thrust into your core. It feels so good when you clamp down with a whimper, and so he does it again, and again, until he's set a slow but steady rhythm and enjoys the look of pleasure on your face, the way you bite your bottom lip to keep from moaning too loud but failing miserably.
Gradually becoming more comfortable and succumbing to pleasure, Atsumu begins to move gently, pulling out slowly and pressing back in, so as not to disrupt Kita’s flow but your reaction is immediate, a sharp gasp and a whine for more, arching your back and trying to reach behind to your husband. He leans over to allow you to thread fingers through his hair, and begins to grind faster into you, trying to match Kita’s pace and intensity.
“S-Shit, yer so tight, yer... fuck-” he curses and stutters his hips. “God I love ya- I love ya so much.”
“Please, g-give me m-more!”
“My pretty little slut,” he coos, and you sob into Kita’s chest. “So- fuck, so fuckin’ greedy. You wanna get fucked hard?”
“Gods, yes! I want to be full of your cum, please please please-”
“S-Shit,” he swears, and Kita watches as the careful, calculated look Atsumu kept in his eyes all night suddenly turns wild, frenzied, just about ready to tear you apart like you desired. “You asked for it, pretty girl.” He gives Kita a look. “Ready?”
The King nods. “Ready.”
The blondes' lips curl up at the edges, and you’re only given a moment before both sets of cocks begin ramming into you with such great force that it has you falling on top of Kita, where he wraps his arms around your frame to keep you steady. Words turn into coherent babbles and cries as they piston in and out of you in near perfect unison, and it’s the friction Kita so desperately craved as your wet walls and Atsumu’s shaft rub him so deliciously that his orgasm rears it head once more, building so perfectly and steadily that he feels like he’s reaching Cloud Nine.
Kita unwinds one of his arms from around your waist to reach Atsumu’s ass to give the flesh an affectionate squeeze, causing him to meet Kita’s eyes over your head. Atsumu leans down to capture Kita’s lips in a sloppy kiss, one that’s more tongue and spit and passion than anything else, and the King barely has any second to catch air when he pulls away before your tongue prods at his lips, lips that he opens willingly like heavenly gates. And when Atsumu joins in again, and he feels two messy sets of tongues invade his mouth, one rough and demanding, the other soft and sweet, he can do nothing more than let out a whine and try to keep up with the wonderful sensations taking hold of his body.
He’s given some reprieve when Atsumu pulls back to sit up, grasping at your hips and fucking into you so fast you’re stupefied, mouth hanging open and drooling on Kita’s chest. He doesn’t mind - rather, he doesn’t really notice, too busy focusing on your bouncing tits in front of his eyes, on the occasional brush of Atsumu’s sack on his skin, and the rising coil in his gut, ready to snap at any moment.
Hips jump erratically off the bed when Atsumu rubs at your clit hard and fast, nearly crushing Kita’s cock from how tightly you squeeze the both of them as your husband brings you to your mind shattering end.
“I’m cumming! I’m- I-”
It’s all you’re able to say as your peak washes over you in waves of heat, and he feels your juices gush out on top of his skin as you do so. Fuck, he’s nearly there, so close, just a bit more-
“I’m c-close, I’m so close-” Kita stutters.
“Cum for me,” Atsumu growls, pounding into your ass with abandon while you fall onto Kita’s torso, arms wrapped around his neck and sobbing so pitifully in his ear. “Cum for us, Shinsuke.”
It’s the push he needed. He’s shooting his seed into your core with a strangled shout, pumping load after load right into you while Atsumu follows, unloading into your ass with a curse and a moan of your name, going balls deep and spilling all that he has while your walls milk them for all that they have.
Atsumu collapses on top of both of you with a tired sigh, and while Kita’s body protests at the added weight, his mouth can’t quite catch up with his brain at the moment, so he simply lays there as the heat of the room falls over all of you like a blanket.
Both cocks begin to soften inside of you. Ever so gently, they pull out, seed escaping your holes and dripping slowly onto the sheets as you whine at the loss and clench around nothing, feeling so terribly empty and almost wishing they had stayed inside of you. But it gives you an opportunity to rest, and Atsumu flips you on your side until he’s laying you down on the bed, littering kisses all over your body and singing praises about how well you did for them, how much of a good girl you are.
You smile sleepily, exhaustion overtaking your limbs, and Kita can only cup your face and rub his thumbs on your cheekbones, uncertain if kissing you would be crossing a line now that the deed has been done. You arch into his touch while Atsumu leaves to get a cloth.
“Was that ok for you, my King?”
Ah. Of course you would put him above yourself. He smiles warmly at that.
“That was wonderful. You were perfect,” he answers honestly, and you practically glow with pride at his words. When Atsumu returns, Kita takes the cloth, opting to be the one to clean the mess between your legs. It’s the least he could do after all that they’ve done for him.
It grows silent once he finishes, looking over to see Atsumu holding you close from behind. Your eyelids are drooping and your eyes grow hazy with every kiss and rub Atsumu gives to you, yet when Kita is about to excuse himself, to find solitude in a bath and let the married couple have his bedchambers for the night, you reach out to him, wanting to hold him, his face, to bring it close to you and trap him for the night.
“Are you sure it’s alright for me to…” he trails off with uncertainty. Atsumu snorts, offering him a kind and warm smile.
“The Lady always gets what she wants,” he jokes, and Kita lets out a fond laugh. “Besides - yer the King.”
���I don’t want to overstay my welcome,” he replies. And he means it. But his heart begs for the opposite, for you to not let him go and let him rest his head on your heart.
It seems as though you hear his thoughts.
“I want you to stay,” you murmur, sleepy but resolute in your words. “Do you want to stay?”
His eyes flicker back and forth between husband and wife. He could leave. He could end things right here, pretend like tonight never happened and go on existing as King like he always has. Things would become too complicated if he stayed. He knows this. And yet…
“I do,” he whispers, and curls into the warmth of your chest while Atsumu rubs at his hair with a fondness not common in him. Kita feels, for once in his life, at home. No castle too big and warm can ever compare to this. “I do want to stay.”
“Well then,” Atsumu says warmly, while you finish his sentence.
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cyla · 3 years
Can I request a 100 follower special thing alphabet with Inumaki?? Love your work btw ❤❤
Yandere Alphabet with Inumaki
Warnings: yandere, suicide, delusional, death, manipulation, kidnapping, stalking
Thank you so much for requesting!! Please people request more alphabets they're so fun pls!! Anyway I love Inumaki hes so cute!!
Affection - How do they show their love and affection? How intense will it get?
Inumaki shows his love by being as close as humanly possible to his darling. I think physical contact is his love language and he is definitely gonna show it. And it would get pretty intense. Inumaki really really loves his darling and he wants them to know.
Blood - How messy are they willing to get when it comes to their darling?
He is willing to kill anyone that isn't his darling or himself. He would try his best to hide this from his darling though, as he wants them to love him back. But if they found out, he'd just insist that it was for love and that there was nothing wrong with it.
Cruelty - How would they treat their darling once abducted? Would they mock them?
Inumaki will worship them. He is one dedicated yandere and he will worship them with all his mind, body, and soul. He will absolutely not mock them. He understands that his darling may be a bit uncomfortable as first, so he goes easy on them at first. But he is also one of the most delusional yanderes, so he might not understand if his darling doesn't get over their fears of him soon.
Darling - Aside from abduction, would they do anything against their darlings will?
Mostly likely physical contact. He is a very clingy and touchy yandere and he doesn't really care that you don't like touching him. Or he just thinks your a bit shy.
Exposed - How much of their heart do they bare to their darling? How vulnerable are they when it comes to their darling?
All of it. He isn't afraid to cry in front of his darling. He is so so delusional he already thinks you love him and nothing you can do or say can change his mind. He wants you to know how much he loves you, so you will get to see every emotion from him.
Fight - How would they feel if their darling fought back?
He would trick himself into thinking that his darling might just be a little scared or shy. He knows they love him!! He has done so much for his darling how could they not love him!! He would totally ignore their protests. It's okay!! Inumaki understands his darling is just shy, and that's okay!!
Game - Is this a game to them? How much would they enjoy watching their darling try to escape?
No absolutely not. True love is not a game. He would hate watching his darling try to escape. He didn't know his darling was that shy!! That's okay, he just need to take his darling back and love them more!! So they know just how much he loves them!!
Hell - What would be their darlings worst experience with them?
I don't think there would be one specific event, it would kinda build up over time. But probably the first punishment was the hardest. He was unpredictable and he could snap at the tiniest of things but also overlook the biggest of things.
Ideals - What kind of future do they have in mind for/with their darling?
He wants to stay with his darling forever. He intends to start a family with his darling and live happily ever after. It's true love after all!!
Jealously - Do they get jealous? Do they lash out or find a way to cope?
Inumaki does get jealous but he tries his best not to lash out on his darling. Even if his darling tried to make him jealous. His darling is the light of his life, and they would never do that!! He does definitely lash out at the person though. Very violently too.
Kisses - How do they act around or with their darling?
Clingy. Baby. He needs to be touching his darling all the time!! 24/7!! How else would he know 100% if his darling was okay?? His darling should expect a lot of random kiss attacks, and tickle attacks.
Love Letters - How would they go about courting or approaching their darling?
Inumaki already knows his darling loves him back, so why would he try to win them if he already has them? The first time he meets his darling, he will waste no time in kidnapping them to make sure they stay by his side and are okay.
Mask - Are their true colours drastically different from the way they act around everyone else?
Yes. Inumaki to his darling, is delusional and absolutely terrifying. He will definitely use his cursed speech against his darling. But to everyone else, he's smart, cool, calm and collected. None of his friends would take him to be the delusional type, he's too self-aware for that.
Naughty - How would they punish their darling?
He would mostly isolate his darling. Locking them up for weeks on end and only visiting them two or three times a day, and only to give them food and water. He would try to do other physical punishments, but he absolutely hates it. The first time he tried it started crying and sobbing. But if his darling makes him really mad, he just might not feel any guilt at all as he litters his darling with cuts and broken bones.
Oppression - How many rights would they take away from their darling?
Mostly their freedom. With him, his darling has basically no independence at all. Yandere Inumaki gets jealous and to combat that, he traps his darling away all safe and sound. He will try to be patient will his darling and not take away too many rights, but if they take his generosity for granted and take too long warming up to him, he might just have to force his darling.
Patience - How patient are they with their darling?
At first, quite patient. He understands that his darling could be a little upset, but that doesn't mean that they ignore him completely!! He needs affection!!! If his darling doesn't start to warm up to him early on, he will force them.
Quit - If their darling dies, leaves, or successfully escapes, would they ever be able to move on?
No. He is such a lovesick, delusional yandere. If his darling dies, he will visit their grave everyday and will bring fresh flowers to replace yesterdays. He will trick himself into believing that their ghost is watching over him and he'll look for 'signs' sent from his darling to him from heaven. If his darling escapes, he will not stop once he has found them. Not until the day he dies.
Regret - Would they ever feel guilty about abducting their darling? Would they ever let their darling go?
Definitely feel guilty. Especially about forcing himself into his darling in sex. But he will always quickly push that guilt aside. Tricking himself into believing it is for the good of both him and his darling. But he would never let his darling go.
Stigma - What brought this side of them?
Because of his limited speech, if his darling is both kind and patient, that is something that gets him going. I don't have an idea as to exactly how his obsession started, but if his darling is patient with him regarding his communication, that is a big green flag for him.
Tears - How do they feel about seeing their darling scream, cry, and/or isolate themselves?
Absolutely terrible. He hates seeing his darling hurting!! Mentally or physically!!! If his darling is crying hard enough, he'll probably start crying to. If his darling isolates themselves, he will be as patient and as cautious as possible. Sometimes, seeing his darling in pain puts him more in pain than his darling.
Unique - Would they do anything different from the classic yandere?
Maybe the fact that he is just so delusional. But on top of that, he absolutely lives to worship his darling. Would probably have a shrine dedicated to his darling.
Vice - What weakness can their darling exploit in order to escape?
Probably his kindness. He would be easy to exploit if his darling starts fake loving him. He would not be able to tell if his darling is playing with him or they actually love him. It probably never even crossed his mind. So if his darling starts to 'love' him and then screams and cries and puts on a show, he would probably do whatever his darling wanted.
Wit's End - Would they ever hurt their darling?
Inumaki would never hurt his darling, but he would scream and cry and yell at them. If they just refuse to let him in, and he would break, yelling and screaming as to why his darling doesn't love him. He has does everything for them!!! He gave his darling everything!!
Xoanon - How much would they revere or worship their darling? To what length would they go to win their darling over?
Oh my goodness Inumaki thinks his darling is the reincarnation of some God, I swear lol. Absolutely any means necessary. He needs his darling to live, to survive, to function properly. Without his darling, he is nothing!!! They are his reason to live.
Yearn - How long do they pine after their darling before they snap?
He likes to be prepared before he kidnaps his darling. But he gets more desperate as days go on. He would try his best to plan some more and postpone the kidnapping, so everything will be perfect, but he can't hold it for that long. Probably 1 to 2 months.
Zenith - Would they ever break their darling?
No. He is much to cautious to do that. His darling would be more confused if anything. If he ever did (which is extremely unlikely), he would most likely kill his darling and then himself.
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timbertumbr · 3 years
Perspective (Ninjago Kai X Reader) Requested
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Here you are anon! Sorry if it isn't a Ninja you prefer-
Might have some spoilers if you don't know who Misako is. 
DEFINITE spoilers to the end of season 2.
"Your ability is powerful. But to gain people's trust you need to break their perspective about you. Some may see your gift as an ability capable of destruction and chaos which makes them fear you. Others, myself included, may see your gift as a way to help make the world a better place. So, sugar or cream?" This. The very words that convinced you to join the Ninjas side and the very words you desperately hold onto during your lowest moments. 
It's all about perspective. No matter how many times you've helped the Ninja save the city, some people still don't trust you. Kai especially. The hot head and the "looks" of the team according to him. 
He's always been one to jump into action and ask questions later. Always been the type of person to jump to conclusions and hold onto them for dear life. 
While he may be the most skeptical of the group, doesn't mean most of the ninja didn't treat you with the same skepticism as Kai.
The only people that seem to trust you these days are Sensei Wu, Misako, Zane, and Lloyd. 
Speaking of Misako, you were currently helping her with her latest archeological find while the Ninja were on a mission per her instruction.
"Tiny pickaxe," 
"Got it," 
"Fossil brush," 
"Here ya go," 
"Ace of spades, you win," Misako chuckled at the lame joke. You peer over her shoulder while she works.
"What do you think it is?" 
"Well, if it's been stuck in the walls of a heavily guarded chamber for thousands of years, it has to either be something valuable, powerful, or both," You hum in acknowledgment before a loud thud echoed the room, making Misako jump and drop the tiny pickaxe. It fell to the floor as the two of you turned to the door to see the Ninja covered in soot and torn clothes.
"YOU! YOU TRICKED US!" Kai yells, storming into the room and pointing an accusing finger towards you.
"Don't 'huh' us! You know exactly what you did!" Jay chipped in. Zane looked back and forth at his teammates.
"Perhaps it would be wise to freshen up and rest. A near-death experience can-" 
"NOT NOW ZANE!" Kai yells. Cole grimaces, inhaling sharply through his teeth before backing out of the room. 
"Kai please-" 
"No! They PLANNED this! They wanted us to go in blind to get rid of us! They should've never been invited to the team in the first place and stay in their little evil lair! Once a demon, always a demon," The room went completely silent as Lloyd looked at Kai like he was the dumbest person alive.
"I… I'm… going to get some air," You mumbled before swiftly walking past them and onto the deck of the bounty.
"Kai. I get it, you're angry. But that was literally the DUMBEST thing that ever came out of your mouth," Lloyd grumbles.
"Lloyd is right. Saying someone never changes is inaccurate. Lloyd is a perfect example of this," Zane chips in.
"And Garmadon. Well, he was originally good, then bad, then good again, but the point is he did change. Multiple times!" Jay points out, feeling a tad guilty for snapping at you.
"And Y/N wasn't the one who told us to go there, my mother did," Misako nods.
"He's right. And if I had known how dangerous it was, I wouldn't have sent you. Y/N as well, no matter how much you perceive them as the villain," Kai looked around and realized he was in the wrong and knew what he had to do.
"Fine, I messed up. I'll apologize," Kai grumbles, leaving the room. They then turned their attention to Jay who looked nervous.
"Okay! Fine! I messed up too! I'll go make an apology gift!" He scrambles out of the room while the trio looked at each other proudly.
You leaned on the bounty looking down at Ninjago city. You were contemplating if you should just pack your bags and leave if that's what they want. You didn't even consider joining till Sensei Wu said his piece.
Kai's words were the straw that broke the camel's back. While contemplating, you realized you did very little to help the team. Why did Wu want you again? For your potential?
Nodding to yourself, you turn around to start packing when you see Kai approaching you. You frown upon seeing his conflicted expression.
"Uh… hey?" -_- Really Kai? That's what made you so conflicted. Shaking your head, you begin walking.
"Hey, where are you going?" Kai asks, confused.
"Leaving," You respond curtly, Kai follows you with a raised brow.
"Well, can you at least hear me out?" 
"I don't want to hear it," Kai was taken aback by how cold you were being. You're usually friendly and patient with everyone, even if they are skeptical. Kai's guilt started to swallow him whole, he caused this.
"Please?" It was a feeble attempt, one that was said just above a whisper and so upset that you'd think a child said it. You pause and sigh, turning around to face the hothead, a sign for him to get on with it.
"Look, I'm sorry for what I said and I have no excuse for it. It was… out of line..." Kai muttered, looking at his feet.
"Okay," You turn on your heel and continue walking while Kai stares at you in shock. 
"Wait, where are you going?!" Kai asks, confused and a little scared.
"I already told you that I'm leaving, for good," Kai's eyes widened in realization, you were leaving the team.
"WHAT?! No, you can't!" 
"First you want me to leave then you want me to stay, can't you make up your mind FOR ONCE?!" You snapped, turning to face him with tears brimming around your eyes.
"Hey, I said I was sorry, didn't I?!" Kai snaps back.
"An apology doesn't just fix everything! I'm done! I'm done being treated like I just murdered someone every day, no matter what I do to show that I'm not what people think I am! I'm done being defined by my abilities that I didn't even ask for! I'm done…" You couldn't stop the emotions and the tears from flooding, once you started you couldn't stop. You wipe at your eyes in a feeble attempt to stop the tears while Kai stared, his guilt consumed him and then some.
"Y/N," He called out, gaining your attention. He extended a hand, a small flame erupting from his palm and waving wildly, a symbol of both their current emotions.
"'Perspective is everything.' That's what Wu said. Some may see this fire as a cause for pain, destruction, and chaos. But to others it warms a house on a winter's night, it's a signal to let those know you need help. 
It's more than just a little flame. And I should've been seeing you the same way. There are good and bad qualities in every person. I've been obsessing over the bad because of my perspective on you. When I should've been looking at both your good traits and flaws equally. 
You said ‘an apology doesn't fix everything,’ right. Well, then what about a thank you? Thank you for being so patient. Thank you for putting up with this for so long even though you didn't deserve it. Thank you for being strong, brave, and kind. Thank you…" Kai trailed off, looking down at the ground in embarrassment while putting out the fire. You stared at him in amazement.
"Ah, that got… long," He muttered. You snicker and then start laughing.
"Th-That's the most thoughtful thing since I got here… and the smartest," You half-joked, earning a playful glare while he smirked.
"Thank you, Kai," He merely shrugged.
"Yeah, yeah. What are friends for?" You perked up at his words.
"I'm your friend?" 
"Well, now you are. Only if you want to though," You smiled.
"I'd love to be your friend Kai," 
"Aww, maaaaan! How am I gonna top that?!" You and Kai turn to see Jay holding a box while muttering to himself. The two of you burst out laughing. It'll take time to repair/make the bonds of friendship, but with a new friend by your side, you're sure to gain the rest of the team's trust.
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7soulstars · 3 years
A Good Father
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Request: can you do a johnny depp imagine where he goes to visit his teenaged daughter in kentucky (where she lives with her mom) and goes to one of her sporting events and her classmates are shook because they didn't even know she was his daughter (she was always vague about her dad and uses her mom's last name for privacy) and her classmates freak out about it on twitter?
Were gonna do this? We’re gonna do this.Instead of Kentucky I haven’t mentioned a name so that it can be relatable to all our readers! I’m sorry for procrastinating and thank you so much for being so patient I love you !
Pairing: Johnny Depp x Daughter! Reader
Warnings: Twitter (That app itself is a fucking warning), Johnny being an insecure soul, Fake people ??
“Y/N get ready, it’s your event next”, the coach announced as the girl nodded. There was an odd feeling of nervousness and worry she was feeling not about the event she was participating in, but the text from her mom.
Mom: I can’t come today darling I got called in for an emergency at work :( but guess what ? Your father said he’d come ! Love You ! Best of luck !
Well, it wasn’t like she could do anything about it.
She stood at the starting point stretching herself. "Okay Y/N, imagine you have a whole bunch of people chasing after you to kill you. Run as if your like depends on it", she whispered to herself. A little trick her dad had taught her. He always knew how to calm her down.
She heard a massive amount of commotion and she knew he was here. 
“Y/N best of luck !”, she heard as she turned around to see Johnny waving and cheering her on. He was always supportive. Her biggest fan as her mom would say. 
Here goes nothing, she thought before smiling at the man and waving back “Thanks Dad !”, she yelled before focusing on her game.
Johnny’s face lit up. He ignored the wide eyed teens and their even wider eyed parents and kept his focus on Y/N his daughter. He adored her. He always did. He cheered her on as she increased her speed, catching up and leaving behind the rest. Her leg muscles strained, her eyes focused on the finishing line and her ears focused on Johnny’s voice cheering her on. She closed her eyes and let her legs to the work. Only opening them as she heard a flurry of cheers.
She won.
“That’s my daughter !”, Johnny had triumphed and run towards Y/N to hug her tight and kiss her forehead. The joy on his face made her involuntarily smile. The two had completely forgotten about the others watching . “Go get your medal darling I’m taking you out for a treat ”, Johnny patted her back as her teacher beckoned her to the rank podium.
Back in the changing rooms and the halls there was utter chaos. People screaming or whispering, phone notifications blowing off and people surrounding Y/N’s locker.
“All these years that I have have been in her class and I had no idea”
“ Well she was always vague about her dad”
These were the few coversations echoing within the hall and some already being converted into tweets. 
A message to Johnny from his manager and he is sending in his bodyguard to bring his daughter out without her being swarmed by people who randomly claimed that they are her friends. 
They ushered into Johnny’s car and ignored the clamour before driving off to the ice crem store Y/N suggested.
Johnny kept checking his phone every 5 minutes before Y/N took it from him and tucked it in her bag. " I thought we had a rule of not touching our phones on our dad-daughter dates! ", she said feigning annoyance with him. Johnny felt guilty. Almost as if he just deprived his daughter of her privacy by visiting her. He couldn't help it. He wanted to be there for her not visiting her at important days in her life was getting much more difficult as she grew. He felt as if he was missing the best parts of his baby's life.
"I'm sorry.... ", he managed to say. Y/N looked at him with a frown. "I'm sorry you have to suffer so much because of being your father. When your mother and I had you we were never together as a couple but when I found out about you I wanted to support and be there for you. Your mom refused at first and I get where she comes from. She didn't want you to live a very non-private life like Lily and John are living. She wanted you to live a normal and peaceful life and that is what I wanted too. That is why we decided that you should keep your mom's last name and.......that's why you live with her rather than me. I'm sorry I felt envious of her. I felt jealous that she could go around telling everyone you're her daughter and I couldn't do that......"
"I'm not mad."
Johnny whipped his head up to look at her. “What ?”
“I’m not mad at you. It was going to be revealed sooner or later anyway. Dad....you are literally the sweetest person I have ever met and probably the best dad. If anything, I am lucky to have you as my dad. Plus it’s kinda cool that my dad’s the best actor out there,” she explained with a teasing voice as she looked at Johnny who seemed speechless. She wasn’t lying. She loved Johnny although she felt bad admitting she loved him a little bit more than she loved her mom too. Her mom was always busy with work and it never felt like she was ever home. If Y/N would have called Johnny her would have immediately dropped everything and run to her aid. Once Y/N was really sick and Johnny cancelled his entire schedule for a week, flown down to her and stayed with her while her mother went to work. 
“Dad your ice cream is melting”, she giggled snapping the other out of his thoughts.
Johnny rantically wiped his hands and tried to finish his cone as his daugher laughed and he joined her.
“Hmm ?”
“I love you...”
“I-I love you too...’‘, he completed almost in tears as she hugged him.
(a few years later)
“So Y/N you must admire your dad a lot I mean he is a great man”,Jimmy Fallon asked as the other chuckled and spoke earnestly, “No, he is a more than a great man. He is a good father”
---The End---
Welp! Not my best but I tried really hard so please don’t hate me ! This is my first time writing a relationship like this and I don’t know if I have done a good job. This was requested by @imaginesforjohnnydepp​  I really hope you like this love! Thank you so much for requesting ! Please do like, share and reblog my work if you like them to support me! Feedback is really appreciated ! Please do not plagiarize my hard work!
~Love, Hri 🥰🥰
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Omega’s Observations
Request:  Congrats on starting the blog!! Pumped to have a new writer's work to read 🥰 If you need some requests, how about an echo/gn!medic reader who he develops a crush on, for a little of that sweet sweet mutual pining action✨ Dunno if you write pre-citadel or just BB echo, but I'm happy with either. Have a good weekend!! :) (@krussyfed)
Author’s Note: Whew! This took a while for me to get to a place where I felt good about posting it. Honestly, as most of my writing does, it got a bit away from me, but that’s because I love fleshing out a story, showing-not-telling, and building on events from the canon. But if I saw this through until the end, I probably wouldn’t end up posting this for months! So I hope what I have here is worth the wait, and if you want more, let me know! 
Story Notes: Unbeta’ed, no obvious warnings. 
🖑 🖑 🖑 🖑 🖑 🖑 🖑
Ask her brothers to describe her, and ‘still and quiet’ would not be two of the words any of them would use. 
Hunter would call her curious to a fault, then ruffle her hair to let her know that he meant it in the nicest way possible. 
Wrecker would boom with laughter, proclaiming her one of them (“Always ready for action and adventurin’! Let’s go get those gundarks!”). 
Tech would probably consider for a moment, then use a four-syllable word. Like effervescent.
Echo would call her young and energetic, but his brow would furrow as though this might be a bad thing. Then he would inevitably follow up with a reminder to stay within sight and keep out of trouble. She didn’t mind. She knew he just worried about her. Omega would always reassure him that she would keep close to her brothers. Of course, whether it actually happened was usually another thing. 
Crosshair, if he was with them, would probably call her troublesome. 
But really, this was a tactical advantage. Her brothers never expected her to be still and quiet, so she could settle in and be observant when it was least expected of her. 
Omega was actually quite accustomed to being taciturn, at least when she needed to be. Her time with Nala Se, after all, was mostly like this. 
Watching over like a stone guardian as Nala Se pored over the capsules containing her modified brothers…
...being as unobtrusive as possible during another endless meeting with Lama Su…
...laying noiselessly and without complaint as Nala Se inserted a needle into her arm for yet another blood sample…
 These days, Omega could be as boisterous and vivacious (two more words Tech had taught her) as she wanted to be, so long as there was no chance of enemies being around. The only time she was obediently still by choice during these times was when she was being treated by Y/N, Clone Force 99’s on-board medic. 
Again, this was mostly out of habit from her time with Nala Se, but it wasn’t as bad. For one thing, Y/N fielded all of Omega’s questions with unending patience. And their hands were less clinical, more gentle than Omega was used to. Nala Se was efficient, not a movement wasted in her examinations. Y/N, however, always offered a comforting touch on the back after a scary encounter, and would gently but firmly place their hands on Omega’s face to look her in the eye to assess emotional well-being. 
The first time Y/N had done this was on the Ordo Moon, as Y/N was finishing wrapping up Omega’s small scratches on her hands and knees from her misadventures in the underground tunnels. 
At this point, not used to such close eye contact, Omega averted her eyes and looked over Y/N’s shoulder for something to distract her from the unusual awkwardness she felt. 
Her eyes met Echo’s. 
Her awkwardness vanished as he seemed to startle, a faint flush appearing on his neck, as he coughed, crossed his arms, and turned away, suddenly much more interested in examining the ship’s ceiling than anything else. 
What an interesting reaction. Her brain filed it away, curiosity piqued.  
Then, over the course of a few weeks, Omega confirmed her suspicions. 
Echo was always watching Y/N. Echo liked Y/N. 
Omega caught him absentmindedly gazing at Y/N’s hands as they tapped thoughtfully on a datapad while Wrecker carried new medical inventory aboard the Marauder during a supply run. 
After Wrecker’s successful inhibitor chip removal on Bracca, and Tech volunteered to go next, Omega watched Y/N’s hands fly across the medical controls, fierce determination sharpening their features. Glancing up, she saw that Echo’s attention was similarly arrested, a look on his face that was bordering very close to adoration. 
He seemed most captivated by Y/N’s hands, however, whenever they were treating him personally for any ailments or injuries. Echo always sat pin straight, almost comedically robotic (it would be funnier, but his history brought a sort of cruel irony to the thought) and allowing Y/N to turn his body and maneuver his prosthetic arm however was needed without any fidgeting or complaint. 
But his eyes were another story. Darting back and forth everywhere their fingers touched, such a stoniness to his face that Omega was certain he was committing every graze, every feather-light touch, to memory. Y/N, as always, was so focused on the medical work that they never seemed to notice. 
Omega saw things, though. Echo was like Y/N’s shadow, often slipping into the same room or area Y/N was in, like a ghost. She observed with fascination how he always angled himself to face her whenever there was a conversation in the cockpit. It didn’t matter if it was just the two of them, or if the entire squad was there and discussing a mission, it was as though he had attuned himself to wherever Y/N happened to be and was drawn to them.
Like a sunflower always facing the sun. 
She saw in the field how Echo, not Hunter, was usually the one to call the Marauder to check in or alert Y/N to any injuries that would need to be treated when they returned. How the space between his brows would crease whenever they would radio in but only receive the static of communications interference. 
Or worse, no answer at all. 
Echo wouldn’t say anything, but Omega felt that her brother’s steps would quicken, just a little. And she wasn’t sure she was just imagining a sudden sense of urgency in the air as they completed the mission, with just a bit more efficiency, a bit more ruthlessness than was usual. 
Omega saw how Echo always let out a tiny breath in relief, as though he had been holding it the whole time, whenever they returned to the Marauder with its medic unharmed. 
And she would never forget that one time they had returned to the Marauder, doors blasted open, interior trashed, with no medic in sight and droplets of blood leading away from the ship. 
Omega had never been in war, had only heard about it passively from the conversations between Nala Se and Lama Su, then a bit more directly from her brothers once she was allowed out of the private lab. 
She had once asked Tech about the war, but his response clearly paled in comparison to the dark look on Echo’s face, as they battled their way through enemy after enemy to rescue Y/N.
Omega felt as though she understood war a little bit more after this. At least its motivations. 
It took longer for Omega to figure out whether her brother’s feelings were reciprocated. Y/N’s affection wasn’t as obvious, but the trick was to watch more for their actions than in body language. 
Since Y/N and Tech slept the least, they would swap bunks and so were usually on opposite sleep schedules. This meant that Y/N would stay up late into the night well after the rest of the boys had retired to their bunks, face alight in the glow of a datapad. They would concentrate fiercely, chewing on their thumbnail and pausing often to tap notes into the margins. 
Omega eventually managed to snatch and break into Y/N’s data pad, and saw that they were working their way through a series of medical journals, detailing the latest treatment for prosthetics. There were also several articles on treating post-traumatic stress disorder for former prisoners of war. 
Omega had even checked Y/N’s search history, and discovered that they had been using an encrypted channel to search for chatter on the whereabouts of the former 501st legion and its various members. Unfortunately, it didn’t seem like Y/N had much luck so far, but if the number of searches were any indication, they weren’t giving up. 
Omega wondered incredulously how none of her other brothers had yet caught on to the two’s clearly mutual affection for each other. Until she realized that no, they already knew.
Once, when Omega had offered Echo some of her Mantell Mix, Echo had sniffed it, much to her amusement. Her giggles subsided immediately when Echo murmured apologetically that he sometimes had trouble digesting pretty much any food that wasn’t nutritional paste, due to half his digestive system being completely artificial. 
Of course, this meant that he must have been experiencing constant abdominal discomfort, as they hadn’t had any nutritional paste on the ship since their escape from Kamino. Hunter once mentioned to her that even the plainest of rations seemed to bother him, but he gamely never complained.
One day, Hunter was giving out rations in the cockpit, and had already given Tech and Wrecker their usual. Then he pulled out a green, unlabeled squeeze packet instead of the usual rations bar, and handed it to Echo, who took it with some confusion.
“What’s this?”
“New brand. It should be easier on your digestive systems than the usual stuff. Tastier, too.” 
Echo glanced at the packet skeptically, unscrewing the cap and sniffing at its contents. 
“It smells...fresh?” 
“Try it,” Hunter urged him, to which Echo obediently tried a small amount. 
His mouth rounded in a surprised ‘oh’. Omega wished she could have captured the look on his face with a holovid. He stared at the packet in his hands, with a look that was a bit like wonder and amazement. 
This didn’t escape Wrecker’s notice, who immediately stood up in protest. “What? Why does Echo get something new to eat?” He glanced forlornly at the slightly crumpled, stale rations bar in his hand. “I want some!” 
“They’re too expensive for your appetite, Wrecker,” Hunter replied, just a bit too quickly, though none of the others seemed to notice. “Besides, you probably wouldn’t like it.” 
“I’ll be the judge of that!” Wrecker proclaimed, swiping the packet from Echo’s hands despite Hunter’s attempt to chastise him. Wrecker took a giant slurp. 
...and immediately spat it out, some of it splattering on poor Gronk. 
“Blech! That tastes weird.” 
“Probably because it’s made of fruits and vegetables,” Tech said dryly, “Your palette likely isn’t sophisticated enough to appreciate the subtle bitterness and natural sweetness that are characteristic of those food categories.” 
Echo eyed Hunter skeptically. “And we have the money to keep buying these?” 
Hunter hummed, closing the rations box and turning away from the cockpit. “Omega’s paying for it from her holochess winnings.” She startled at the sudden mention of her name. “We have extra to spare, for now.” Hunter subtly winked at her when the others weren’t looking. 
“Oh. Thank you, Omega,” said Echo, looking at her with true gratitude. Omega flushed a bit, but mostly because it actually didn’t have anything to do with her. She played along, however, and insisted it was no problem. It did seem to make him happy, so there was no harm in a small lie like that, right? 
She cornered Hunter later, though, and insisted on him telling her the truth. After wearing him down a bit, he finally relented.
“Okay, but you can’t tell the others, all right? Believe me, I’ve already tried to talk them out of it. But Y/N has been doing some medical work on the side, working at one of the clinics near Cid’s bar. They’ve been using the money to buy these.” 
Omega’s face screwed up in confusion. “Why can’t you just tell Echo that?”
Hunter sighed. “Because they don’t want Echo to know. Figures that Echo wouldn’t like them going out on their own to work in the slums for his sake. They’re probably right, of course.” He rubbed at his forehead, a sure sign of an impending headache. 
Omega frowned, then decided to go for it.
“You know they like each other, right?” 
Hunter blinked at her, looking surprised. At her determined stare, he gave a sigh and muttered something like, ‘I’m getting too old for this’. He proceeded to explain patiently to her that perhaps Echo and Y/N liked each other, but pointed out how awkward or difficult it could be to have a romantic relationship in such close quarters, especially when they as a team also had bigger things to worry about. 
It sounded like Hunter had given this exact speech at least twice before. 
So Tech and Wrecker knew, then, but were being polite about it (or, in Wrecker’s case, had probably gotten an earful from Hunter earlier about tact and ‘minding one’s own business’). 
Well. That wouldn’t do. 
By the time Echo got up the nerve to say anything, he’d probably be old! (Omega wouldn’t, but she tried not to think too hard about that particular fact.)
So, she began to scheme. Quietly. 
She had the tactical advantage, after all. 
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youryanderedaddy · 3 years
Yandere! Butler x Princess!reader
tw: female reader, obsessive/possessive behaviour, provocative behaviour (reader), implied non - con, silght self - hate (situational)
 Maybe you weren't the most mature among your siblings - you weren't the smartest one, the strongest one or even the most elegant one and on top of that you were the youngest child. The princess in the shadows, the cliche old as time of the heir last to the throne, forgotten and neglected by everyone. Except for him.
 Perhaps you had done something wrong this time - everyone called you spoilt, ungrateful, out of line before, but now they wouldn't even come to visit you, leaving you all alone with your thoughts. You soon came to the conclusion that no matter how annoying you had been in the past weeks, you didn't deserve this sort of punishment. You hadn't seen your family for a long time now and you were starting to miss them. Your butler had almost taken the role of a caregiver, bringing you food, lecturing you and informing you of everything happening outside of your small pink room. It was frustrating, infuriating - you weren't a child anymore yet you were treated like one. You were sure it was one of your father's doings, no one else would be cruel enough to put you under home arrest - you were royalty after all.
 "Is it because of what I said to the Nordan prince on the Royal supper last month?" You asked Leo while he was folding your white shirts for the third time today. You briefly recalled telling the foreigner to fuck off when he tried to kiss your hand, absolutely creeped out by his flirty behavior. But the butler simply shook his head without lifting his gaze off the clothes and kept working.
 "Is it because I tried to bring my baby tiger to the spring ball?" You tried to guess again, looking through your memories for all the little tricks you had pulled these months. You never thought of yourself as a troublemaker but your parents usually pointed otherwise. The butler parted his lips in a slight smile and looked straight at you with his deep piercing eyes, unnaturally warm despite their cold gray colour.
 "I can't share this sort of information with you, My lady." He replied softly and discreetly fixed his glove - but you noticed anyways. The man never hesitated to notify you of the latest trends and gossip from the High Court, but became so secretive when it came to your family and their decisions. You didn't want to take it personally as you knew well that a part of his job was to be cautious and careful with sensitive information - but this involved you directly and you desperately needed to know why you were forbidden from leaving your room.
 After a few long minutes the boredom took over and you signed dramatically, laying down on the soft puffy white sheets, embroidered with golden and red string.
 "I want to do it." You admitted loudly, stretching your arms to the side. No one of importance could hear so you didn't care about manners or decency. "Find me a lover." You ordered firmly, staring at the silent man across the bed. Some twisted part of you wished to see him flustered, red-faced at your provocative request, but surprisingly, this wasn't the case.
 Leo's expression remained strict and professional, his demeanor - perfectly elegant. The only hint that he had heard your command was him slowly approaching you, eyes set on your frame.
 "You have never asked for such a thing before, My lady." He pronounced clearly, now standing right in front of you. The man was so close you could make out the golden buttons on his black classic coat and the bitter disappointment in his pupils. "Please, remember your position." He continued, his voice breaking out of its learned monotone robotic tone for a single moment, but the words were still painfully similar to the ones you used to hear by your father back in the day when he scolded for doing what all the normal peasant kids were doing.
 "I don't care." You spat out with poison you weren't aware of - maybe the royal life wasn't for you after all. Not that you had a choice in the matter. "I want to be held and pleasured until down by someone skilled. Make sure to find a pretty one." You added lastly, giving the butler a sly smile and running your tongue along your lips for a better image of what was to come despite all the warnings he could give you. You were tired of being denied the simple joys life could offer just because of your status. And at the end of the day the man was nothing more than a mouthy subordinate with too much arrogance and free time on his hands. He couldn't stop you, not really.
 "I am afraid I cannot do that, princess." Leo stated in a stern voice, his gloved hand touching your face gently, in a barely noticeable way. "I can't let ordinary people taint your beautiful soft skin with their filthiness. I wouldn't be able to forgive myself if someone else ruined your purity, My lady." The butler whispered, his finger moving along your cheekbones down to your hot neck. His words were so bold and daring, but there was something about the way he was looking at you that made you determined to put him in his place - even if his warm touch made you sick to your core. You couldn't raise the white flag just yet.
 "Then would you corrupt me?" You snapped back at him, ready to perform your best role. You fluttered your eyelashes, rocked your hips towards the man and wrapped your arms around his neck, clinging to his strong, muscular body, hidden underneath the expensive fabric. "You seem worried about other men using me so maybe you are the one deserving..." You paused to lower your voice seductively while you watched his handsome face wrinkle in sadness and heartache. "Of this body." You finished the sentence by smirking victoriously. You knew that it was wrong to take it so far and mess with Leo's feelings but this little stunt made you feel better about how little in control you actually were most of the time.
 "It would be an honour, My lady." The butler responded unexpectedly, a slight blush adorning his cheeks, while he reached to brush off a lock of hair, covering your eye. He caressed your face lovingly. This wasn't right. He should have been disgusted by you, threatening to tell your father or even worse - but instead the man was placing small kisses along your jawline.
 Maybe you should have told him it was a joke. Maybe you should have tried to fight or scream or call for help. But what difference would it make - no one cared enough about the youngest child. Even if you died, there were many other options to choose from.
 You can't help but wish that Leo too would realise it was pointless to adore someone like you. If only for him to stop touching you so tenderly it makes you cry. It's the first time that someone shows you genuine affection. It hurts and it makes you sick, but it's better than being forgotten. Or so you tell yourself again and again in the darkness of the night. You can't fall asleep.
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sirthisisa-wendys · 3 years
Punica granatum: Toji Fushiguro x Fem!Reader
synopsis: a short snippet of a story you all know and love.
wc: 1.6k
tw: none
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"Are you hungry?"
"No." You cast an angry glance at the monster who is holding you captive. "Leave me alone."
"Perhaps you're thirsty?"
"No." A protective covering of shrubs shields you away from the stench of oakmoss and belladonna emitting from the entity across from you. "Go away." His green eyes shift from your hunched-over figure to the stone-cold floor in front of him.
"I..." His words falter, but you look away from him, focusing on some point in the distance. The hulking god across from you stands suddenly, storming off in the face of your resistance as you call out,
"I'd rather die than live here with you."
But that wasn't all true. Death is so final, so permanent. And you could never bring yourself to do the unthinkable and commit yourself to such an act. However, you did not want your captor to feel any reassurance from your presence.
You want him to avoid looking at you, avoid talking to you, avoid you completely. Maybe then he would let you go back home to your goddess mother and your life as a humble farmer to the eternal beings of this world.
Maybe then he'd see you were of no value to him among the various others he could have stolen that day.
But Toji Fushiguro is a patient god, you learn, and your hunger strike withers in the face of his persistence.
"You must be hungry," he murmurs, leaning over the couch you're perched on and looking at you curiously. "I have fruit if you want it. And it's fresh."
Fresh fruit. Your stomach grumbles furiously at the offering, but you mask your hunger with a look of disinterest.
"No, thank you." You place your book in front of your face again, the words blurring together as Toji moves around to sit next to you, his black sweatshirt pulled taut over his chest.
"Not even some juice, huh?" You don't reply, still pretending to read the book, when he finally sighs. "Well, I'm going to go to a meeting. I'll be back shortly but in the meantime, my... friend... will be watching over you. In case you try to escape." Again, you offer him no response, and Toji leaves you alone on the couch; the invisible "friend" no doubt just the cameras placed around the property.
You've scoped them out and know where you can hide should you need a place to do something secretive. Three blind spots. That's all you had to do what you had wanted to do for some time now.
You walk into the kitchen and pour yourself a glass of water before looking over the offerings in the fruit bowl. Bananas, oranges, apples... a pomegranate.
You pluck the ripe fruit from the bowl with ease and retrieve a metal spoon from a drawer. All the knifes had been replaced with notes like "thought you could use one of those, huh" and "not in my house". Little shithead.
You open the fruit and scrape the seeds from inside while you stand between the pantry and the laundry room, right in the blind spot of two cameras. You devour the fruit in record timing, then dispose of it as quickly as you can before downing the cup of water you poured earlier, placing it in the sink, and in full view of a camera.
"I knew you were hungry."
The voice behind you makes your skin crawl, and you turn to face Toji again, eyes wide.
"How did you--"
"Does it matter?" he wonders, taking his hands out of his sweatpants pockets and rubbing them together briefly. "Between the fruit and the books, you're easy to predict. You haven't considered I've planted everything here for you so you'll be more inclined to--"
"You tricked me."
"And?" Your stomach lurches, and you grip the sink edge behind you, vision blurring.
"What the hell have you done to me?" Toji gives you a toothy grin, approaching you slowly and placing both hands on either side of your body. His head dips, the scar on his lips separating as he speaks gently, deliberately.
"You consumed my property. You ate one of the many fruits I grow in the fields of my domain, little goddess. You're mine... at least until I say you're not." Your knees buckle slightly, but you still manage to keep yourself upright, clutching the sink for all it's worth. "Six sections of the pomegranate. Six months out of the year. That's what you owe me."
"Fucking asshole--"
"Careful, y/n," Toji touches your chin, but you snap your teeth at him with the little strength you have left. "It's a shame you didn't eat the orange. But I bet you wish you would've eaten the banana instead..."
His voice fades to black as you slump forward, your body giving out and no longer supporting you.
You awake in your bed, like most mornings, staring out at the barren landscape of your new home.
"There's no life here," you whisper to no one, eyes blinking slowly. "There's nothing here."
Toji takes his respite in his own room, choosing to remain away from you, especially because you cry. You cry every single day. And when you're not crying, you're laying somewhere, sniffling into your sleeves as you dig deeper into the despair and sorrow of your predicament.
The first time you cried, he didn't know what to do. Toji started with trying to get you to eat something - which was rebuffed with a nasty retort - and ended up watching you sob into your hands, unsure of what he could do to make it better.
"You could let me go," you huffed, but he recoiled, frowning at you as if you had just requested the world stop spinning.
"You ate the fruit," he said, crossing his arms over his chest and squinting his emerald eyes. "I'm sorry, but them's the rules."
"You're not sorry."
"No, I'm actually not."
And from that day on, you vowed to see less and less of him until finally, you remained in your room, huddled under the comforter and staring out of the window from dawn until dusk. You don't know how many days had passed like this, but it doesn't matter.
There would be a time when you would be allowed to go home.
You don't want to be here.
Or so you think.
The first day you're coaxed out of bed is entirely by accident.
A barking noise draws you out of your trance, and you almost fall out of bed at the sound of something other than another person in the house.
You throw open the door and rush toward the yipping, finding Toji sitting in the living room on all fours and staring down at the little white dog. The tiny thing is staring back at him with wide blue eyes, wholly focused.
The dog barks twice, then a treat is produced from Toji's hand and deposited in front of the canine. When Toji sees you staring from around the corner, brows furrowed, he offers you a look of recognition. The white dog walks up to Toji and licks his face, then sits and waits patiently.
"Throw hands," Toji commands the dog, and it backs up on its back legs, raising its front paws before jumping toward Toji. "I taught it a few tricks." You approach the two carefully, the dog facing you with a wide smile and a wagging tail.
"Hey, little buddy..." you whisper, picking it up carefully.
"His name is Six Eyes."
You and Six Eyes become fast friends, running around the house and terrorizing Toji on occasion. But the best days are spent with Six Eyes in your room, both of you laying out on the bed with a book or something to take your mind off of the punishment you must endure.
Toji rarely bothers you, and you the same. Unless, of course, Six Eyes needs to pee and he can't take him out due to "work", or you need Toji to get his dog food.
But in taking care of the little dog - who is much smarter than he would have anyone believe - you find a softness in Toji you hadn't seen before. Countless times, you find him and Six Eyes napping on the couch or playing "soccer" (which is just fetch with a tennis ball), or sitting together and watching some science fiction show. Your hatred of him doesn't quite wane, but you allow yourself to see him in a different light. One that isn't so bad.
"Tomorrow," Toji announces while you're sitting with Six Eyes and watching a telenovela. "You're going home tomorrow."
"Wait, really?" He notices the lift in your tone, the way you straighten up and your eyes regain the hint of the familiar glow they had before he stripped it away from you. In his heart, there is deep envy, a deep desire to know what it's like to be thought of as desirable. But he ignores that part of himself, stuffing it down as you hold Six Eyes in your arms and watch him carefully.
"Yeah," he answers, tossing the pieces of junk mail into the trash in the kitchen. "For six months."
"Can I take him with me?" You hold up the dog and the animal stares at him with that stupid "head empty, stomach full" look. Toji clicks his tongue against his teeth and turns away, shrugging.
"Whatever." You respond by placing a few kisses on the dog's head, returning back to the telenovela with a cheerfulness you can't quite contain. And Toji notices it, growing ever so distant with each hour that passes, until he's fully retreated into his room and sulking while reading the volume you had first picked up when you arrived, trying to find a deeper meaning within the words he had never read before.
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frostedfaves · 3 years
Repercussions (15 - Alt Ending)
Pairing: dark!Natasha Romanoff x dark!Wanda Maximoff x fem!reader
Summary: Natasha and Wanda refuse to leave without you.
Warnings: dark themes, gun mentions, threatened suicide, manipulation
A/N: never expected to write this despite it being highly requested, but with me being stuck with Particular Taste and in the mood to write some angst, I ended up doing it. I’m still down to write angst, so I may do another Sad Song Sunday, but I’ll let you know.
Original part 15
“You worried us, printsessa, disappearing like that,” Natasha addresses you in a chilling tone as the two of them stop a few feet away from you. “And we’ll deal with that later, after you tell Wesley to come out so we can punish him first.”
“He’s not here,” you tell her calmly. “His only job was to bring me here--”
“And take the tracker out of your leg, which we will be putting back,” Wanda interjects with a stern expression. “Now you can either come with us to the car willingly or we’ll drag you.”
“I won’t be doing either of those things.” You stand slowly, lifting the gun to your temple as you go. “Your only choices are to leave me here and go back to the way your lives were before I came in, or you can let me die. If you take me again, I’ll just fight you every day until you wish you’d killed me yourself. No matter how you manipulate my mind, my true self will never love someone who wants to control me. I’ll tell you how much I hate you for ruining my life every second I’m able, and I’ll kill myself the moment I get the chance to do so.”
You notice the glassy look in their eyes as they face each other, and you knew they were having a silent conversation in their minds. Seconds feel like minutes as they seem to discuss their options, eventually turning back to face you. Wanda is fully crying now, and Natasha seems to be physically holding back her own emotional break.
“Please don’t do this, printsessa,” Wanda chokes out with a cautious step forward. “We just want you to come home.”
“What’s home to you is a prison to me.”
“But it didn’t always feel like prison, right? Remember those days we’d bake together, and watch your favorite movies all day?”
“Or that time we took you to Coney Island for a week straight because you couldn’t get enough of it?” Natasha added and you sighed.
“You don’t get it, do you? I was obsessed with those Coney Island trips because it was the only time you didn’t make me feel like a kid that would get lost if I wandered too far! The only time I felt like an actual human instead of a fucking meat puppet!”
“The moment we decided to trust you a little, you abandoned us!” Natasha yells so loudly that Wanda even flinches. “We’re in Nebraska right now because you couldn’t stand being a good girl and waiting for us to get home!”
“You left me with a fucking babysitter, Natasha! It doesn’t matter that it was someone I actually wanted around. You installed cameras and tried to bug Wesley and me. You put a tracker in my leg! If you trusted me, why did you go through so much to make sure I couldn’t leave? You can’t say that you love me and treat me like you don’t.”
“I’m so sorry.” Wanda’s voice comes out in a whisper as she steps forward again, and you watch her eyes for any hints of red. “I never meant to make you feel so cornered, but you have to understand that I’m an Avenger. I’ve seen what enemies are out there and at one point I was one, so I just wanted to do what I could to make sure you never ended up in the wrong hands.”
“She’s right,” Natasha chimes in, clearing her throat as a single tear slips down her cheek. “I know what lengths some people will go to hurt the loved ones of the other side because I used to do that exact thing. I’d let the world end before I let any harm come to either of you, and I guess I went a little overboard with protecting you because Wanda has a bit of an advantage.”
“I know I’ll never understand what it’s like to do what you do, and to live with your pasts…” You take a deep breath as you feel a lump forming in your throat, and the hand holding the gun to your head begins to shake. “But I do know what love is supposed to feel like, and it’s not this. I shouldn’t have to worry about setting you off because I didn’t agree with something, or waking up from a week-long mind trance because you didn’t want me to fight back.”
“How about we start over?” Natasha offers, glancing at Wanda and turning back to you once she nods. “No trackers, restraints, babysitters or manipulation. Just us getting to know you and vice versa, and hopefully rebuilding the love you once felt for us.”
“Please.” Wanda gives a pointed look toward the gun still pressed against your temple. “I know how upsetting this already must be for you, so please. Let us help you make it better. Let us fix this and hopefully have an even better relationship in the future.”
“We love you, and we agree that we should’ve gone about this in a healthier way. Please give us the chance to make this right.”
“And you promise there will be no more tricks?” you ask, and Wanda nods as two more tears make an appearance.
“Cross my heart--”
“--and hope to die.”
You stand there for what feels like minutes, your gaze bouncing between the two women in front of you, hoping to gauge their level of sincerity on expressions alone. As much as you didn’t trust them because of everything they’d done before, you’d be lying if you said there wasn’t a part of you that missed those happier moments, and wouldn’t mind starting over to create more. Perhaps it was worth a shot, if they were truly serious about not messing with your mind anymore.
“Okay,” you finally answer, and you notice the relief appear on their faces. “If you’re serious about starting over and doing this the right way, I’ll give this a chance. But you’re going to have to wait a long time before I start to trust you.”
Wanda grins at the two of you as Natasha approaches you cautiously, and you place the gun on the chair behind you before allowing her to pull you into a hug that you melt into surprisingly fast. Your other girlfriend joins the embrace, and her ecstatic giggle is the last thing you hear before everything goes dark.
“Y/N/N...hey wake up!”
You jump up suddenly, nearly bumping into the person standing above you. After a few moments of blinking to adjust to the bright sunlight, you turn your head to see your cousin sitting on the edge of the bed.
“Wesley?!” you gasp as he grins in acknowledgement. “What are you doing here and why do you look like shit?”
“You know, I’m gonna let that go because it’s your wedding day, but I’ll get you back later.”
“Wait, my what?”
“Jesus, did you hit your head or something?”
“Feels like it,” you grumble as your eyes close for a moment.
“Bachelorette party must’ve been crazy.”
“Yeah, I guess so.” You sigh and face him again as your eyes open. “Did you have a crazy night too or did you come here all bruised up?”
“I got into a pretty bad accident a little while ago,” he answers after a few moments of silence. “I guess I didn’t tell you about it because I didn’t want you to worry, but I probably should’ve said something when I got the invitation in the mail. Which reminds me, it’s time for you to get ready.”
He stands up slowly with the help of a cane beside him and limps out of the room, and a chill washes over you as the door closes behind him. You move to run your hands over your face and pause as you feel a cool metal bump against your nose, and you lower your hands to see a ring on the appropriate finger.
Of course it made sense considering--according to Wesley--you were getting married today, and the ring is exactly what you would want, but it just doesn’t make sense how you got here. As you move onto the bathroom and begin showering, you get hit with flashes of moments with Natasha and Wanda that include the moment they proposed, but it feels a bit more like watching a movie than a memory should. Still, there’s a warm feeling in your chest as you come to terms with the fact that you’re marrying two people that have been so good to you since your relationship was formed.
“Come in!” you respond to a knock on your door as you slip on a robe, smiling as Pepper enters the room holding what seemed to be a dry cleaner’s bag and a small jewelry box.
“Hey there, just bringing your dress.” She drapes it carefully over the end of the bed and faces you while holding the box out to you. “And your almost wives wanted you to wear this.”
You take the object from her and lift the top off, gasping as a necklace is revealed. It consists of a simple silver chain, but the pendant has a spider with a prominent red gem that almost seems to glow as the sunlight makes contact with it.
“Need some help?”
You nod with an appreciative smile as you hand her the necklace and turn around, feeling your smile widen as the cool pendant touches your warm skin. Your fingers run over the spider while you wait for Pepper to secure the chain around your neck, and you face her when she pulls away.
“Thank you. Wait!” you call out as she turns to leave. “I just have to ask...Do you think going through with this wedding is a smart idea?”
“Well, I haven’t been around the three of you much, but I’ve seen the way Natasha and Wanda react whenever you’re mentioned. It’s equivalent to someone finding out they won the lottery, honestly. I also know how much time and effort they put into making this house as safe as possible to put their minds at ease about you while they’re away on missions. In my opinion, I think you’re in good hands here, but I’m also not there for the little things. I’d recommend just listening to what your heart tells you.”
You thank her before she leaves the room, letting her words echo in your mind for a bit before moving to get ready for the ceremony. The dress, you quickly discover, is an exact replica of one you’d seen in a magazine that you loved so much you saved it in a scrapbook for years. How you’d managed to track it down, you had no idea, but the questioning thoughts seemed to fade away a bit once you realized how amazing it felt to be finally wearing it.
“How do you feel?” Wesley asks once you reach the bottom of the stairs, and you loop your arm through his free one as he leads you to the back yard.
“If I’m being honest, I’m super nervous about all this. Everything’s felt like a weird coma dream since the moment I opened my eyes.”
“Hey, you’re about to spend the rest of your life with Natasha and Wanda,” he reminds you quietly, and your gaze shifts away from his joyous expression to the small crowd that begins to stand upon your arrival and Natasha and Wanda smiling at you from the end of the flowery path. 
“It’s what you’ve always wanted.”
**for future dark!fics you must be 18+ and have your age in your bio in order to be tagged**
Tags: @littlegasps @nat-km-mh @natasha-danvers @xxxtwilightaxelxxx @imnotasuperhero @creepingwolfberry @mazikeensdecker @cherrieloco @bebe404 @venteen @buckmesidewaysandcallmesteve @fayhar @becka107 @wannabe-fic-reader @beforeoursecrets @cosmicbrownies7 @messuhp @mjaudrey @sxphiaswitch @trikruismybitch @muted-stoneheart @multi-images @just-a-normalpersons @want-to-watch-it-burn @stop-drop-and-drumroll @stickystudentlightmug @pianogirl2121 @slut-for-nat
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