#so given most of the time im around dogs its keeping them away from my terrified mom its just kinda rubbed off on me a little
technicolorxsn · 8 months
it's kinda funny how much I like and relate to dog theming/motifs given my mild fear of dogs lol
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sonny-whorezik · 4 months
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haiii ... like a week short of a month since i left everything.... i just wanted to use as Journal and catch up before i do Fully return to social media, gettin rid of the app after this post yet again:
has . been . rough. grief has been consistent the last month from my best friend and now ex leaving me, losing that new job due to being physically sick from grief and being unemployed an additional month, my best best friend my dog, sage, passed away last friday and although i left to drive to kansas i just didn't make it in time. She has wind chimes over her grave and passed listening to the sound of the wind chime my great grandma left for me. two days after her passing marked the First Full Year since my grandpa passed away, i had a dream the night before where we drove around looking at christmas lights with people no longer in my life and he just looked so so sad. i am consistently physically alone; i facetime a couple friends but i go outside alone, sleep/wake up alone, eat alone, this has been going on since i left arizona in november Most of my time is spent completely alone.
ive tried new habits. i meditate and stretch in the morning and night. i read a page a day of a stoicism book my dad got me last year with a propeller hat. i see a therapist weekly, wake up earlier, even floss now. The complete back to back to back grief has left me no choice but to just Do Something. while i would Love to share something with someone its best i reserve it to myself, yet here i am vacantly sharing my last month to who knows who...
my friend invited me to see stop making sense last night in a farther town, showed the original film not the remastered and general admission was all standing and everyone acted as if it was a real concert dancing and singing. this was my 6th time seeing it in a theater. did not cry once yet celebrated the experience i have had and although i will never have anything quite like i did with someone quite like them, at least i had it for a good portion of my life. had to devote this must be the place to myself, foreign. to be completely transparent, i do miss them every day. i do not cry like i used to, i dont let myself get consumed by thought and feeling, ive grown more desensitized as time has passed, but i still miss them of course. i consistently see things that remind me of them even when theyre not on my mind and when sage died i wanted to reach out so terribly; reminisce of the fort we built where she slept with us and i had no one to talk to but my mom who was with her til the end. i didnt. i havent reached out. it is not my place given they were the one to leave i just will not keep reaching out and chasing someone who sounded so blatantly apathetic on our last phone call. i tell myself it was just a form of self preservation to them but yknow. like. that's it, i have no choice but to experience grief with self compassion and continue on, wherever that goes.
i may be starting TMS treatment , having magnets zap my brain 5 days a week, 6 weeks. i see a cardiologist on the 30th since my chest frequently hurts and both ekgs have concerns in the pause between beats. my pulse at resting is consistently around 120 yet my blood pressure is fine; who knows. well i guess ill know actually in 10 days. im finishing a vape, got a full pack of cigarettes ive yet to touch yet plan to quit smoking here soon in hopes it helps. maybe after my pack to eliminate temptation yet not waste my money... i bought it an hour before sage passed. i barely drink coffee and dont use energy drinks anymore i do what i can for my heart now.
atticus still sleeps with me, most nights. sometimes he wanders the living room when i cant sleep. im almost halfway through galapagos. i washed my sheets for the first time since buying them in august. im very much alone and this is all fine i tell myself. the stoicism has encouraged me to alter my perspective on things more rationally as opposed to the wired self deprecating and depression-based "take everything personally" thought processes ive had for 18 years. im on my phone significantly less and i even wrote a piece on piano i may share after this post. ive been transposing it to cello, my grandma requested.
i have no interest in perusing anyone anytime soon still, whether its still too early or what i think i do just Need to do these things alone for a while. ive never found sole stability in others, i learned this at 6 with my dad, yet while outside aid would help, it is not a requirement to live however. forgive me for how long this is and for leaving once again there are a few of you i used to talk to daily and now ive just got a few contacts in my phone.
despite chronic mental illness, mourning, loneliness, you name it, ive never taken this approach before. i will typically have a suicide attempt yet here i am doing a pancake stretch and ommm-ing every morning. i keep as busy as i can, today i went through every single thing i own to sort donations and the day before i deep cleaned. there is a box wrapped in a blanket of some of the things that remind me of them. i went through it today and brought out some things like the books theyve given me, it doesnt hurt as much anymore to remember. im donating the mugs i never gave them and the one theyd use at my house when theyd come over. all their letters havent been reread yet sit in between the photo of us in the cave. it was nice to see. i am so honored they let me, of all people, share these experiences with them. i am more thankful it happened then miserable itll never happen again; at least i had it for a while. i say this yet if a year passes and i hear from them, i would love to reconnect: hear how their life has been, what they've been doing, how their family is and if they are doing better. if this has helped. while for 6 years i believed they were really it for me, whether we ever dated or not ive always considered them the only one who Really Knew who i was, how i worked, you name it. although im "moving on" by taking care of myself more, it is upsetting to admit if i ever have a chance again, id take it in a heartbeat. i say this yet still believe Even if i do never get a chance, that's okay too. While i would, i dont anticipate it, rely on it, sit in denial "theyll surely come back," its alright if they never do. i live each day as if they never will yet to my core do know that i would try again
a knee ways .. i hope you, whoever reads, is doing okay, that you feel alright and what not. you dont have to feel good every day, but at the least alright i hope ... not sure if/when ill come back maybe just once a month im unsure yet .was just in a solid enough state to do this for a moment . wish you all well ,
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tumbleweedbloodbash · 3 months
Litterally a MASSIVE vent under the cut
Cw: neglect talk, childhood truama, school truama, fakeclaiming self, being used, self hatred, seeking abuse, suicide implications and everything familiar
Silas / Tumbleweed [he/it/they]
I am so pathetic. So fucking pathetic. I am the biggest disappointment in my family 🤷‍♂️ I'll never be anything, I'll never be what they expect of me and it's all my own fault. I really could have been better, I mean I could have changed so much been so much more but I didn't.
I will quite litterally NEVER be what they wanted out of me because how down to earth pathetic I truly am. I'm better off dead and sheltered from any chance to succeed because there is no point, every opportunity im given I throw away because I can't mentally push through it. I feel pathetic for it honestly. I want to be able to go to school I should be able to but I just can't, my mentality and my body stop me- I can't even try to go to school without being in so much pain from stress worsening my chronic illness.
Trying to be the one who stays in front for most of the day but the stress of school causes us to rapid switch so often now. The way I FUCKING TRY! to avoid the people who dislike us but first dya back I quite litterally run into them by accident. I made contact with them ffs I was trying to avoid them, I find it funny how they went from being nice to fucking lol cow farmer reddit junkies it's wild how much a few months and a shitty influence can do to someone. Idk I just feel like I'm reaching my breaking point.
I know I say that alot especially on here aha, but its just getting worse and worse. I feel the need to isolate myself again to try and live some sort of life because I'm not outside of this, im just an vicious animal to my family, a trick dog to our friends and a fucking stepping stone to anyone who I put before myself. I don't actually have a life because I spread mine out so much for the people around me to just walk all over.
I never NEVER put myself first because I'd be seen as selfish, I'd be seen as ignorant, uncaring and rude. So I'll sit there having a shut down in the car. I'll lay there holding back tears, I'll kick others out of front and take it over, I'll sit there in class and try not to violently breakdown, I'll suppress my rage just abit more so I can be there for you. I'll rid myself of hatred to seem more nice! I'll fucking break the walls so you don't have to see me break myself. I'll walk away so you don't see me cry, I'll act like I didn't just get triggered from you raising your voice, I'll suppress that really icky feeling inside me because I need to be there for others. I'll act like I'm not about to have a sensory melt down. I'll downplay every issue of my own to make yours seem so much worse so I need to help. I'll pretend like I'm not triggered by so many small things! I'll be perfect! I'll be seen as fucking perfect in that scenario!
Because truly I'm not even fucking real. I'm not real! I'm just a fucking peice of a shattered identity that only broke this badly because I was too pathetic to just deal with the childhood truama! I was too pathetic and let it all get to me :) I was so pathetic that I had to have coped by dissociating through the neglect, abuse, mental torture and nearly being killed multiple times. Couldn't even face my problems than no wonder I can't now because I'm even more fragmented and I can't stop splitting on people! IM FUCKING TRYING NOT TO IM SORRY I DONT WANT TO BUT I WONT FUCKING STOP!.
But guess what. I'll put on another act, like there isn't a thing going on! Like I'm just a trick dog made to follow people around as it's only job, I'll be your dog. I'll be a dog to anyone who needs one! I have no feelings because I'm not human afterall! So use me. Please just use me, please. I crave it, I crave just being used and fucking abused. I know when it's happening but I just keep repeating it because I deserve it.
Sometimes I wonder why I still care to do specific things when every single time I do them it's followed by atleast 1-3 scenarios. There isn't any changing it, believe me I've tried- I have tried so many diffrent things but it's also a 3 scene scenario! Maybe I keep doing it in hopes one day, ONE FUCKING DAY! there might be a chance it won't play out the same- it's always played out like this. Every. Single. Fucking. Time. I'm starting to get sick of it, im starting to resent so much now and I hate it! Maybe our ex was right and that we will never fucking change.
I feel like him now, waiting for a change in something thats never going to fucking happen because no matter how long we wait, no matter how many things we try, no matter what we do it's always a repeat of the last time. I'm starting to lose ideas on what to do or how to cope through it, im losing it I really am. I think I need to just shrivel up and never come back, I can't even live. I'm sorry, im so fucking sorry to the people who know me in person im a horrible person.
I don't think you understand just how bad I am tbh, I care about people but one second later I don't give a shit, I think whatever happens to them is karma for how I've victimised myself to things they have done. Things I've probably over exhausted to make myself hate them even more. I don't end up hating them though, whoever it happens to I end up just missing them so much IT physically hurts me. But I'm fucking horrible! I have the worst jealousy issues, I can't handle people liking the same stuff as me because I am so convinced that they will steal the ONE things I find that makes me unique! I can't fucking handle when people copy me intentional or not but it gets under my skin and I feel like I'm no longer an individual and I start to absolutely hate what I used to like!
I ruin things for everyone.
I'm better off fucking dead.
I'm sorry boris.
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leejihoonownsmyheart · 5 months
OH MY GOD I GUESSED WRONG. time to wither away i suppose...
see the issue is, most kdramas have an extremely traumatic event happen in the same ep as the happy event, so we wouldn't be able to avoid it anyways......
omg brie that sounds horrible :( she probably doesn't hate you (but even if she did, she should communicate that to you!!). i hate it when people tell me to 'stop overthinking' but i genuinely think it's super good advice!! that being said, you're NOT crazy for being worried about your friend/what she thinks of you, so don't worry 😭😭
in my experience, yes...people just go mia and come back 'normal'.... in that case, you should totally tell her how you feel and everything so you guys can clear it up and hopefully you guys will have a deeper understanding of each other (and a deeper bond)! remember though, if it doesn't work out, don't beat yourself up over it!! some puzzle pieces are so close to fitting with each other, but you can't force them to be together, cuz then they won't find their perfect match. you got this brie!! you are NOT crazy.
OMG HAHAHA YOUR METHOD CAN ACTUALLY WORK??? CUZ YOU WILL EVENTUALLY FIND A GUY THAT LIKES BRATS...the issue is, a lot of dom guys are lowk looking for 1. someone as calm as them 2. someone spontaneous to balance them out BUT YOU MIGHT FIND THE JACKPOT IF YOU KEEP ACTING LIKE THAT?? I HAVE NO CLUE CUZ i haven't been able to find one either .........
WTF HE SAW UR BDSM TEST RESULTS??? AND THEN THERE WERE NO REPERCUSSIONS??? what kind of guys are around you brie....
no totally!! a sleep study is super helpful since i feel like sleep apnea,apthia (whatever) is seriously super harmful to you as a person cuz sleep is so important?? heres to hoping everything goes well cuz you need some rest 😭
no cuz ive worked at subway and i did the exact same thing... i think it's a way of bracing (?) for customer interaction and just getting into that confident customer service headspace 😭😭😭 LITERALLY DW ABOUT IT...YOU BASICALLY ARE THE MAIN CHARACTER SO YOU CAN DO IT. IT'S ALLOWED.
UMMMMMMM MY FINALS ARE DEFINITELY GOING. YEP. WHAT DIRECTION? I DONT KNOW. BUT THEY'RE GOING. THANK YOU FOR BELIEVING IN ME....i fear my math will take my grade out but i think i can squeak my way by.....
-big hugs and a lot of comforting gestures that i can't think of from 🫨 anon <3
But god you’re so right… drama episodes are so long anything and everything happens in them
Well, keep me updated in your dom search because i have full on given up at this point-
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shivada-jade · 3 years
soulmates! (2)
characters: ganyu, kaeya, thoma ➡ mentions: cloud retainer, ningguang, adelinde, diluc, crepus, rosaria, traveler warning(s): like- just one swear
part one: (bennett, zhongli, diluc)
ganyu: can see footprints where soulmate has recently stepped on. if followed, they will be lead to their soulmate. sort of like "hot and cold" cold if you're far and hot if you're close
she knew she is a very busy person. she surprises herself when she asked ningguang for a day off.
"you want a day off?" she remembers ningguang's composed face deteriorate and herself doing the same thing.
ningguang let her rest for two weeks even if ganyu had only requested one. now she has so much free time.
the first thing she did was sleep, but she couldn't- not when she spots purple footprints.
as part adeptus with one heck of a good eyesight, she always assumes that the footprints on the ground are because of her eyesight, but cloud retainer says otherwise.
"child, you have a soulmate system of which," the old bird starts. "where one has the ability see where one's soulmate has been, and if they've been there recently."
blue footprints that fade away means her soulmate had left a long time ago. red-ish-orange footprints mean that her soulmate is very close by, but it's never been that colour in her eyes.
ganyu strolls along the grassy plains of liyue, admiring all the sweet flowers. she lightly touches her horns, a habit she got from being awoken from naps on a field of sweet flowers.
the footprints were purple, which is the closest to red ganyu had ever gotten. blue is the colour she always sees like her vision, her hair, the waters of liyue, and the glazed lilies.
the purple is also as beautiful.
"fate will bring two together at the right moment. thou need not rush." ganyu can hear cloud retainer say, so she didn't run after the footprints.
the half-adepti thrums her fingers on her leg, unsure what to do with all the free time given to her. she supposes she can head back to liyue and have tea with madame ping.
meeting madame ping confuses ganyu. the elderly woman keeps asking of her soulmate system and if she's met them.
"ganyu, have you met them?"
"ganyu, why not chase after them?"
"ganyu, ganyu ganyu-"
ganyu politely sets her teacup down, "i have yet to find them."
madame ping chuckles in her elderly woman way, like those smug elderly women who know more than others but will act clueless to amuse them.
"you know, i have a special gift, some speculate it as a curse, but i think it's wonderful," she said, pouring more tea for ganyu. "i have the ability to see red strings that connect soulmates. i can connect, i can break connections, but i can't see my own."
ganyu frowns slightly, "have you met yours?"
"no, but it makes me happy seeing the strings connect with people," she blows on her tea to make it cooler and turns her head to avoid looking at ganyu.
"madame ping, why-"
"you," a person behind ganyu seethes.
meekly, ganyu turns around and finds someone glaring at her. "may i help you?"
"ganyu, right? why do you always walk so fucking fast. i can never catch up to you when i see your footprints, and you're always going from place to place. one moment you're in liyue, the next your in somewhere like fontaine or something. it's like you're spiderman."
ganyu's jaw goes slack, "you're my soulmate?" she looks at the ground, seeing red footprints of where her soulmate had just walked. she now understand why madame ping kept asking her about her soulmate, because madame ping knew her soulmate was going to meet her.
ganyu clears her thoat, standing up to offer her soulmate a seat, "would you like to join us for tea?"
her soulmate blinks, and looks at the tea set then back to ganyu, "sorry, i didn't mean to intrude your tea party. i'm [name]."
"hello, i'm madame ping," the woman speaks "and your soulmate is ganyu. have tea."
ganyu stifles a laugh and sits on a chair next to her soulmate. "i apologize for walking too fast."
kaeya: he hears what his soulmate sings
at first kaeya thought he was going crazy when he kept hearing music in his head.
"dad!" he cried, forcingly rubbing away the tears that fell down his cheeks. the kids near the winery had come over and played with him and diluc, and that was when the first notes started. it never bothered him. he brushed it off until it became a full sound of a voice and a song.
not understanding scared kaeya to death. he always knew something, but this is the first where he doesn't know. he felt like he was going insane with this voice in his head, singing in his head; a voice that wasn't his.
"dad!" he called out again more desperately. diluc held him by his side, worried for his brother.
"father!" dliuc called this time, "father, kaeya's feeling sick."
diluc brought in kaeya, rubbing his back in attempt to comfort him. he saw adelinde and waved to her.
adelinde gasped when she spotted the blue-haired boy sobbing. she dropped her feather duster on the shelf she was dusting and dropped herself next to kaeya, inspecting of there were any wounds on his skin.
"kaeya, dear. what's the matter?" she quietly tells diluc to get his father in the wine cellar and gently pushed kaeya to take a seat near the fireplace.
diluc silently obeyed and ran, unlocking the door that led to his father.
kaeya hiccupped, unable to form words.
adelinde hushed him. her motherly fingers soothed his head, "what's wrong? breathe with me, dear. just until your father gets back."
she inhaled and exhaled in a steady manner for kaeya to follow. the boy shakily did the same. he did it a few more times, inhaling and exhaling slowly with adelinde. he calmed down. the crying stopped and his breathing was normal again. adelinde took this as another chance to ask him what's wrong.
"are you ready to tell me?"
kaeya blinked the tears off and gripped his clothes to stop himself from crying again. "it's happening again. i- i don't understand miss adelinde."
adelinde placed a hand over kaeya's for him to know she was listening. "what don't you understand?"
"i keep hearing things. i always hear a voice that isn't mine in my head-" kaeya sputtered.
diluc and crepus open the door from the cellar. crepus' face etched with worry when he spotted kaeya crying to adelinde. diluc had told him as much as he could but all the information he gathered was kaeya started covering his ears and crying.
"-all the voice does is sing and sing. i don't even like some of the songs it sings! i don't- i don't know," kaeya stammered, not noticing the two others that joined. "i don't know what happening to me. i'm scared."
crepus smiled at adelinde and nodded to her, signaling that he can handle it from here. adelinde gave a grateful nod and brushed herself off the floor to continue her duties.
"my boy," crepus smiles, kneeling in front kaeya to see him better. he brushed his face with a thumb and hugged him. crepus chuckled when kaeya hugged him tighter.
"my boy," the man continued with a knowing smile on his face. "that's your soulmate system. you can hear them singing if they sing as they can hear you singing when you sing."
kaeya lets go from crepus' hold and sniffled his tears away, "what? but isn't a soulmate system when things fall on you?"
diluc from the back of the room silently listened in, also confused as kaeya. didn't everyone have the same soulmate system?
crepus pats kaeya's shoulders, "we all have different ways to know who our soulmate is. yours and diluc's soul systems are different from everyone."
"master crepus is right." adelinde piped in while dusting off the dust on the shelves. "my soulmate system is a countdown to when i'll meet them."
kaeya looked at the woman shocked, "so not everyone has things falling on them?"
"correct." crepus raved, "but unlike diluc's soul system, instead of things falling on me, it appears on my hand for my soulmate system."
diluc eyes his brother, picking up a stray book on a chair and handed it to adelinde to help her.
kaeya pulled a cheeky grin and pointed to diluc, "diluc's eavesdropping."
the said boy gasped and turned his body around to make it look like he was doing something busy.
crepus bellows a laugh, "so what song is your soulmate singing?"
to be frank, kaeya had no idea what his soulmate sang that day. it was random words jumbled together. in fact, most things his soulmate sings are songs he has never heard before. it progressed from simple tunes, but now kaeya feels like his soulmate might be a song composer.
when he was younger he'd brag to diluc saying "my soulmate sings so well! what does your soulmate sound like, hah!"
to which diluc would respond with
he grins, swirling his wine around the glass as he watches a stack of papers hit diluc's face while bar tending on the first floor. kaeya clinks his glass on the table, watching people enter and leave the tavern from above.
today, his soulmate sings a song he's heard of.
'the wellerman,' and judging from the pauses and missing lyrics, kaeya safely assumes his soulmate was singing a duet with someone.
"soon may the wellerman come, to bring us sugar and tea and rum!"
kaeya hums the next few notes, never singing. after hearing his soulmate sing for the first time, his thought was to never sing- not when his soulmate could be a billionaire for singing with their voice.
only on occasions he would sing to let his soulmate know he was there.
he finishes the last sip of his wine and descends down the tavern stairs, raising a hand to acknowledge rosaria drinking in the corner. he airily chuckles, seeing diluc scrunch his eyes at the papers in front of him instead of looking at kaeya.
kaeya pushes the door open, humming along to the song his soulmate sings. he strolls by the alleyways, waving a hello to flora and a couple dogs that bark at his feet, scratching behind its ears.
he hears a bard singing at the plaza and saunters towards the music, climbing up the stairs and his frame almost freezes when seeing someone acting out to the song playing in his head.
good hunter's table tips over with a person on it. they land smoothly to the ground with a grin while singing with a resident bard.
"one day when the tonguing is done, we'll take our leave and go," they sing with so much melody and soul. the bard in green rumbles with cheer, raising his hands and dancing with the other with an arm latched around another.
kaeya watches, mesmerized by the singing and clapping around the plaza. he claps along and laughs when the bard drags his friend up to the walls of the fountain, singing louder.
the makes eye contact with the singer and waves. the singer waves back, unaware of what kaeya now knows.
he clued the pieces together and admired his soulmate from a distance, not wanting to disturb the performance.
"she'd not been two weeks from shore, when down on her a right whale bore!" the bard sings in glee.
kaeya quietly sings the next part, blending with the crowd. the whoops and cheers grow louder, chanting for his soulmate to sing the part kaeya sand under his breath, but to his surprise his soulmate tenses.
"WAIT! stop!" they hush the crowd with a hand and confuse everyone, "my soulmate's singing! but they're a bit too quiet. they never sing so shh, this is rare!"
the people murmur, watching kaeya's soulmate covering their ears to hear him clearer. kaeya grins, taking this opportunity to sing out loud.
"soon may the wellerman come to bring us sugar and tea and rum!" kaeya waltzes in front of the people who create a pathway for him.
his soulmate's eyes snap to him and he steps up next to them, standing on the fountain. the bard grins, and cheers. the crowd follows his cheer, watching their cavalry captain sing to his soulmate.
kaeya takes his soulmate's hand and presses a kiss on the back, "hello darling, i'm kaeya."
his soulmate doesn't hear him talking, no. they hear music when he speaks. though, kaeya's introduction threw them off, who's to say they couldn't return the gesture.
"a pleasure to meet you at last," they place a hand over their forehead for drama. they grin taking kaeya's waist closer to them and whisper in his ear, "you have a marvelous voice."
mondstadt had never seen kaeya at loss for words and a blush rising his face.
thoma: you taste the same things your soulmate tastes, no matter how strange- even when you're already eating something else
for most times, you were envious of your soulmate for eating the most lavishing food- food only one with money can get. you so desperately wanted to try the food they ate.
you didn't know what they ate, but only knew of the taste. sometimes it clashes with what you eat, like one time you ate an orange while your soulmate started toothbrushing. it wasn't very pleasant to say the least.
you were minding yourself, gathering food for your dinner until you taste something horrible.
wtf is my soulmate eating
it is a vile taste on your tongue, and no amount of water can wash the taste off. you try rinsing it, you tried eating something with a stronger taste, but no matter what, the thing your soulmate ate just stays there. it's disgusting.
you buy anything sour to un-taste what you tasted, and it still doesn't work. walking nearby a tea house, you see a man of blonde, clutching his stomach and laughing at a traveler from afar. call it fate, because it probably is, you know by the second he says his stomach hurts, he is your soulmate.
you point at him with a pointed glare, "what on earth did you EAT?!"
you take a bite of a sliced purple melon in your hand and the man in front of you widens his jade eyes, noting the food you're eating and the blooming taste on his tongue. the traveler next to him knits their brows, looking between you and their friend.
"thoma," the traveler calls. "who's this?"
thoma looks at you apologetically and sheepishly rubs the nape of his neck. "hey? i did it to win a contest... i couldn't let my pride down." he pauses, looking at you, "forgive me?"
you wanted to throw a punch on him, but you knew he had it worse with a bad aftertaste and a stomach ache.
you sigh, pinching the bridge of your nose. and place a mischievous grin, "take me on a date with food that's actually good, and then i'll think about forgiving you."
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yeojaa · 4 years
HI IM IN LOVE WITH DEVIL IN A NEW SUIT!!!!! do u think u would add another part or drabbles?? like maybe jk’s ex crawling back back to him and asking for forgiveness or like just another drabble abojt them??? u don’t have to i just wanted to know because i’m OBSESSED W THEM!!!!!
[ read devil in a new suit ]
pairing.  jjk x f!reader.  rating.  explicit.  tags.  malibu barbie returns, kook is still too nice, reader gets pissed off, and smut in the forms of:  light bondage, titty sucking, use of a vibrator, heartfelt declarations of love without the L word.  wc.  1.3k.  author note.  ask and you shall receive, nonnie...  also tysm for the kind words!!!  i’m so glad you liked it!!
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She shows up randomly, weeks later, sitting in the lobby of the apartment building like she belongs there.  (She doesn’t.)  You wonder, with a sour expression, what Jungkook pays his exorbitant condo fees for - how she’s managed to sneak in when there’s a dedicated concierge meant to keep the riff-raff out.
“Baby!”  The blonde is surging to her feet, smoothing down the hem of her dress.  It’s an objectively pretty thing, this reflective material that throws her curves into stark relief and looks like it was made for her.  Which it probably was, given her spending habits.  
She advances quickly - all but throws herself against your partner - and curls her French manicured nails into his fluffy hair.  He doesn’t immediately push her away.
What the—
The greeting comes before you can voice your displeasure, far too kind and familiar for your liking.  “Hi, Keek.”  Luckily - for him, for your twitching palm - he doesn’t return the hug.  Simply extracts himself from her arms and throws her that stupid cute smile of his.  
You’re five seconds from a nuclear explosion, something straight out of a Hollywood action film.
“It’s been so long,”  Malibu Barbie purrs, pouts as if the inventor of puppy dog eyes isn’t standing right before her.  “I’ve missed you.”
You’re not sure what’s going to come out of Jungkook’s mouth next.  You don’t want to hear it - already livid over the exchange that’s happened thus far.  “Sorry—”  You’re not - lying through your neat white teeth as you shoot an arm out between your wide-eyed boyfriend and his idiot ex.  “Can I help you?”   
The girl - Kiko, was it? - stares at you for the longest moment, as if she’s trying to figure out where she recognises you from.  You can practically hear the Windows shutting down noise as the seconds stretch on.
Then, without another word, she’s got her focus back on Jungkook.  Sweet darling Jungkook who simply remains silent, bottom lip caught and worried between enamel.  
“Who is that, Kookie?”
God, you want to throw up.  Fight her, maybe too.  
“This is—”  You’re glaring daggers at him, daring him to give the wrong answer.  “This is my girlfriend.”
“Your girlfriend?”  She laughs as if it’s a joke, flutters her obnoxiously long eyelashes. 
You’ve had enough, seizing Jungkook’s much larger hand in your own, practically yanking his arm from its socket as you stalk toward the elevator.  Irritation skips up your spine, settles like a weighted chain necklace around your throat.  You mash your knuckle against the call button.  (If you’d used your nail, you’d have surely snapped it.)
You don’t miss the expression in the mirrored wall, Barbie still standing where you’d left her.  Your smile is simpering, wholly artificial.  And then she’s gone from view and it fades, slips into something even worse.
“What was that?”  It comes in a whisper, gritted past your teeth that turn to ash.
“What was what?”  Your boyfriend has the audacity to look surprised, peering down at you as if you’ve just asked the weather or the time.  There’s not even an ounce of guilt - nothing to be found in those big round eyes of his.
It’s times like these that you resent the person Jungkook is, too soft and kind to tell people to fuck off.  
You can’t blame him, though.  This is how he’s always been, even if it’s gotten better over the months.  At his core, he’s just marshmallows and Lucky Charms, milk and cookies on Christmas morning.  (You love these things about him, even when they drive you absolutely insane.)
“Are you mad?”  He asks when you barrel out of the lift, push into his apartment with the key that sits alongside your own.  You don’t answer - know you’ll say something (deservedly) petty - and instead focus on hanging your coat, setting your stilettos into your side of his hallway closet.  “Baby?”
You make it halfway down the hall before he’s scampering after you, threading his arms around your waist and burying his face into your hair.  It’s such a sweet gesture that you almost soften, almost let him get away with murder.  
“You’re jealous, aren’t you?”  The idiot - your beloved idiot - seems terribly proud of this fact, smile pressed against your neck.  
“I’m not,”  you seeth, shoving his hand off you. 
He knows you’re lying.
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“Tell me, baby,”  he purrs, eyes so wide and innocent you curse him internally.  
Would do so verbally, if there weren’t a gag blocking the way, rubber slick with saliva and tears that’ve mingled into an absolute mess.  It’s snug around your head, buckled into place and kept from hurting by the goose down pillow keeping you semi-upright. 
(Even when he punishes you, takes you over his knee or cuffs you to the bed, he’s considerate.  Thoughtful beyond all comprehension.)
Jungkook rocks back on his heels, half-seated on the bed between your spread knees.  He’s picturesque, beaming brightly, devastatingly handsome in his comfy pants (a material that feels like heaven any time it brushes your heated skin).  His chest is delightfully bare, the only blemish across the supple expanse being the glint of his silver chain, hanging over you and tickling your sternum when he graces you with the occasional chaste peck.
The hand holding the unassuming black and gold device between your legs shifts, presses it just that much deeper within your walls, and he grins.  “You were jealous, weren’t you?”
It’s shameful, how wet you are, how slick pools down the crack of your ass, how your entire body trembles, heart rattling around in your ribcage.  It’s unbelievable how weak you are for him, completely at his mercy as he rains pleasure upon you.
You nod, grimacing when the bob of your head has spit transferring from your chin to the valley between your breasts.  
A hand tracks through the drool and lube (chocolate delight, because Jungkook has a sweet tooth), rubbing the mixture lewdly over your aching nipple.  It strains beneath his touch, perks and pebbles with each pass of his tattooed fingers.  
When he tweaks it - yanks so hard your back arches off the bed - he soothes the other, laving over the peak with the flat of his tongue.  Between your legs, the vibrator goes and goes, pressed lightly against your most sensitive spots.  Stimulated inside and out, it feels like every nerve ending is shot, burnt to hell by the match he strikes and pours gasoline over. 
Fireworks spark before your eyes with each passing moment, growing in intensity the longer the device runs, the more time he spends sucking your tits into his mouth. 
It’s too much - feels like heaven and hell all at once.  
But it’s not what sends you over the edge - isn’t what has you coming apart all over his hand, soaking through the delicate material of his pants.  It’s his voice, crystal clear past the haze of lust, whispering sweet nothings.
It’s your unbelievable, incredible boy telling you all the things you ache to hear. 
“Nothing to be jealous about, ____.  You’re the only one for me.”  He offers his heart just as readily as he does bliss, granting you an earth-shattering orgasm that starts at the base of your spine and threads heat to every limb.  He sucks his affection into the swell of your breasts,  fucks the silicon toy into your dripping heat, makes you come apart even as he holds you together. 
It’s nirvana with him, a place you only find in his arms, his bed, wrapped up in his warmth.  
You sink into it, sob his name as he repeats yours back to you - makes it the only sound you ever want to hear.  Finishes with a kiss to your trembling body, planted right beneath your belly button.  “All mine.” 
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curious-menace · 3 years
Riddler hug/cuddling Headcanons
so like. no excuse for this, its pure self indulgence but tbh id kinda like a hug so im imagining how these nerds might give me one.
warning, i got very carried away with writing. 
Arkham !Riddler
oh boy arkham riddler REALLY needs a hug. he is probably the most touch starved of all the riddlers, definitely the most clingy. he is too afraid of being hurt, physically or emotionally, to be the one to initiate the hug and if you come to him he will absolutely fight it. at the start anyway.
he’s going to cry if you give him a decent hug. he’s been so high strung for so long that a simple touch like that is going to send him overboard.
it starts off with him a stiff as a board, tense incase he needs to run away. but once he realises you wont hurt him he’ll start to relax a little, he usually crosses his arms across your back, under your arms rather than over. he also likes to rest his head in the crook of your neck.
like i said, he’ll probably cry at some point, so he becomes tense again as his shoulders shake, he starts to dig his hands into your back for fear you’ll let go. he keeps burying his head into your neck/shoulder so you cant see how red his face and eyes have gotten. he’s embarrassed to be like this over a hug, especially around you.
after that he will always be in your space. he’ll want to lie across you on the sofa, sit in his lap/ him sit in your lap while he works on his computer and he literally cannot sleep at night unless you have at least one arm draped across his back ( but preferably let him curl up in your arms completely )
he’s quite boney tbh. when you hug him you can feel his ribs and spine, he really likes to press his entire body to yours. He also hugs quite hard so don't be surprised if you lose your balance when he runs to you.
Blacklight! Riddler
blacklight riddler used to be like arkham riddler, he was touch starved and desperate for affection. But unlike arkham riddler, he actually receives hugs on a regular basis. 
He’s around 5ft8 so he is a great height for giving and receiving hugs. if you are smaller than him he likes to rest his head on top of your head , maybe give optional head smooches while hes at it. if you're taller than him he likes to press his face into your chest/neck, especially if this is a comforting hug. Your scent is calming to him 
he hugs kinda weird. its always one arm over your shoulder and one under your arm. He also likes to sneak up on you, rest his chin on your shoulder while he’s hugging you. strange but at least they're warm and soft.
i've mentioned before he likes to sleep in people's laps, but he enjoys being big spoon just as much as little spoon. he likes having people sit between his legs but he is very fidgety, don't expect it to last for long. 
he’s not clingy persay, but he does love sharing space with people. hes a “give them an inch and they’ll take a mile” kind of person when it comes to personal space.
the only time he doesn't like hugs (rare as that is) is when he’s having a meltdown/implosion. SOMETIMES he likes deep pressure to calm himself but it should really come from something like a T-jacket or a weighted blanket. if you touch him when he’s like that it’ll just stress him out more. just use your words and give him some space. Later, when hes calm or if he’s feeling embarrassed about having a meltdown/implosion somewhere people can see him, that's the time he’ll want comfort. 
BTAS! Riddler
this riddler is a bit touch adversed. he usually tolerates hugs in a social setting but just about. other people touching him, particularly people he doesn't know well , sets his teeth on edge. 
its different with people he knows, however. he’s very casual with his hugs, and very happy to have You in his personal bubble. even if its just tossing an arm around your waist or shoulder as you walk, its nice to be near a comforting presence like you are to him. he’s fond of hugs that don't close you both in, even though he can usually see over the top of you, it makes him feel claustrophobic 
hes pretty tall, you’d be hard pressed to be level with him so he usually hugs by putting his arms around your shoulders, maybe crossing his wrists at the back of your neck. as he is so tall, most peoples hugs on him will probably be around the waist. don't be surprised if he bends down to give you a quick peck or head bump while you're hugging him.
Its sometimes hard for him to spoon given he is quite tall, but he doesn't really mind what position you maneuver into to give him cuddles. he likes to rest against people while sitting on a sofa or lie with his head on your shoulder in bed
He gives good comforting hugs, he’s naturally very warm both in personality and temperature . lots of “oh darling dry those eyes” or “there there my love” with head pats and soft cooing . he wont even complain if you mess up his suit by balling your hands in the fabric or crying all over his sleeves. and he REALLY likes his suits. 
can be a little patronising with the head pats but honestly, he is a gentle giant type guy, he doesn't mean to be rude, everyone is just so small compared to him he cant help but treat them like kids sometimes. 
another tall lad, but he’s like one of those big dogs who doesn't know he’s big. He is friend shaped, gives excellent hugs that are very warm and all encompassing. you would feel very safe getting a hug from this riddler
the only danger is being squished a little. sometimes he doesn't quite know his own strength when it comes to hugs.he’s particularly bad at this while cuddling in bed. if he’s half asleep and you try to move away, he might reflexively latch on and inadvertently hurt you in the process. the utter horror of thinking he’s hurt you is enough to make him not want to be near you for a few days while he apologises profusely .
he is very lanky, his hugs can wrap all the way around you until his arms are nearly touching him on the other side. only a small risk of being suffocated. 
he likes it when his partner jumps for him, into a hug so he can catch them and spin them in his arms. no idea why, guess he’s just a dramatic dance kid at heart. he also prefers to be little spoon with a special fondness for partners who completely wrap themselves around him like a warm, scenintient backpack 
likes lying under a blanket on the sofa, his face pressed into your tummy with his arms around your back. you can use him as a table if you like, he wont mind. His back is always sore ( probably because he lies like this a lot) so he appreciates back rubs while hugging .
mooves around in his sleep too much to be constrained by cuddling. if you try and hold onto him it’ll either be like riding a bucking bull or trying to get out of quicksand, no inbetween. he sleeps like a dead man too so good luck waking him if you’re uncomfortable.
telltale! Riddler
hugs are few and far between. doesnt hug much, even at home. He likes to use hugs to show off or rather, show you off. he likes having some one pretty on his arm for casual, public cuddling as a power move. 
has occasional nightmares about what SANTUS did to him and as a side effect of the LOTUS. this is one of the rare times he’ll tolerate and even expect to be held and cuddled by you. he needs something like the pressure from a good ,long hug to ground him back in reality, in the here and now. 
in public he’s most likely to throw his arm around your waist or shoulder, quite possessive if i'm honest. he can be a little rough at times, gripping your shoulder or waist a little too hard when someone is pissing him off or making a move on you. he has left bruises but its never intentional. he’s a lot stronger than the average man and sometimes he forgets that. 
in private he’s a little more relaxed. sometime he just likes to share space, like having your legs over him on the sofa. sometimes hes more demanding and wants you to sit in his lap with your arms draped over him.
He demands a lot of you, but never physical contact. if he wanted a hug he would simply stand and wait for you to initiate it. likewise, he’ll always ask for your permission before he comes into your space. 
He likes to hug from behind and often picks you up off the ground, whatever way he’s hugging you. He likes to show off how strong he is despite being one of the shorter riddlers. 
Zero year!Riddler
his idea of cuddling is resting a body part on you. he might stretch his legs over yours, intertwine them while sleeping or use you as a pillow while he reads. Hes not great at being big spoon tbh; if you want him to do much more than just chilling there and letting you do the work, youll need to tell him.
like btas riddler, he’s a human furnace. he just radiates heat all times of the year. good for warming up in the winter, bad for not sticking to one another in the summer. He’s basically a big cat. cuddles on his terms, paws at you when he wants something and pushes you away when he doesn't.
thinks he’s a smooth mfer when it comes to cuddling and spooning. has 100% done that old yawn, stretch and slide an arm around you thing that all teenagers think is the height of sophisticated moves.  it only works sometimes though, more often than not he’ll simply huff and drag you towards him from the other side of the bed or sofa and demand hugs.
hes another tall riddler. he likes to use his height to his advantage by hugging you around your head so you cant escape. he also likes to have a hand on your head and one on your shoulder, sort of like he’s shielding you from something. it can be nice but sometimes, you do need to see where you're going. 
he likes to press his face into your chest/breasts just for badness. he has large hands so he can almost wrap them around your sides and back at the same time for maximum squish. he doesn't often press his entire body into you while you hug but when he does, oh boy i hope you don't have plans. you wont be leaving for a while.
he likes to cuddle in weird places. like you might be riding the subway and he’ll sneakily link his arm with yours and rest his head on your shoulder. maybe you're eating dinner and he’s trying to twist your legs together with his. maybe you're minding your own business on the sofa, he’ll try to slip between you and the cushions so you're practically sitting on him instead. 
lmao i had fun so i guess it was time well spent.
got anymore headcanons you want to talk about? wana ask me something specific about riddler? hmu with an ask, im always happy to talk about our favorite curious menace💜💚
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arhvste · 4 years
can you maybe do some hcs w kuroo tsukishima and oikawa when their s/o is being bullied by people from school?
love me some savage haikyuu boys 😈
kuroo is a perspective little shit 
he analysis’ anything and everything 
he isn’t called the scheming captain for nothing 
so when he notice’s his s/o feeling down or acting different from normal he will find out what’s bothering them
he’ll ask you first
and if you’re not willing to give clear answers he’ll just find out himself
he doesn't want to overstep privacy boundaries
but if you’re being upset by something he feels like it’s his duty as your boyfriend to sort it out
so one day you’re waiting for him after practice
and you both usually meet outside the gym doors to talk home together
this time you’ve unfortunately encountered the people who have been making school life unbearable for you
“look its stupid little y/n!”
“why are you still here? waiting for your boyfriend like some sort of lost dog?”
“i don’t know how he puts up with you”
“so clingy and desperate for support i feel so bad for him”
they have you cornered and you’re outnumbered by far 
kuroo has been waiting outside the gym doors for 5 minutes now and is confused 
you’re never ever late 
so he wanders around looking for you since you aren't answering your phone 
now kuroo is annoying but he isn’t stupid
he’s had a hunch about what’s been bothering you lately
he’s noticed a few kids often hang behind class until you leave and they seem to surround you when you’re trying to leave your classroom
he never intervened because he didn’t want to wrongly accuse them of harassing you in case you were friends with them
but you still didn’t look particularly thrilled when you got away from them
so kuroo hears some familiar voices and he heads straight over to them
“don’t cry y/n you don't want to look even more ugly than you already do”
“oh look y/n’s crying they can't even handle a few jokes”
“your boyfriend might even dump you when he sees you”
“the only ones who need dumping are all of you into a pit of fire 🥰”
there stands the 6′2, muscular built, powerhouse school national level volleyball captain with the coldest look he’s ever had
the kids surrounding you are dead silent
“what? nobodies got anything to say now? i thought we were all just laughing and joking with each other so why’d we stop now?”
kuroos eyes soften as soon as they meet yours 
he’s grabbed your hand and pulled you tightly into his chest
“i don't think much of a warning needs to be made but let me make this clear just this once because i don't like having to remind people things, come near her, approach, talk about or to her again and you’re going to have a personal problem with me and my team. got it?”
lmfao the little bitches nod trembling and run 🏃🏽‍♀️
kuroo is such a science nerd who makes awful jokes and has the worlds most obnoxious laugh 
but he’s also a man and a captain and sometimes it’s easy to forget that
he can pick and choose when and what he wants to be perceived as
and right then he has chosen to show you who he really can be 
“why didn’t you tell me angel?”
“i didn’t want to have to bother you”
“oh baby you’re never ever a bother to me. im sorry i couldn't help sooner please never hesitate to tell me if anything like this happens again”
kuroo’s warning sticks with your bullies and they don't bother you anymore
the volleyball team and coach nekomata are throwing dirty ass looks at them too nfjdsbfjs
all in all, kuroo just wants you to know he is there to support you
and he’ll do anything to make sure you’re happy and comfortable 
lmao all i’ve got to say to your bullies is good luck
because if tuski finds out you’ve been bullying his s/o
you’re done for 
this boy has no mercy
he doesn't even need to physically fight
his words can cut deeper than any knife and he knows it 
so when he notices you've been feeling more anxious around school and clinging to him a little more
he grows sus
he’s immediately closing in on who is bothering you and what insults he wants to throw at them
tuski has an exam and it runs a little into lunch 
he told you that if it runs over than you can just wait by your classroom and he’d come and get you 
however while you’re waiting you have a run in with the students who have been giving you a hard time 
just like tuski you’re a student who thrives in academics 
so a few of your classmates aren't particularly fond of your constant reign of lead in your class
“ew y/n you gross weirdo why are you here?”
“they’re probably waiting for their boyfriend to come and pick them up”
“such an entitled little shit, waiting to be collected who do you think you are”
so far you’d done pretty well ignoring them 
but that was in an environment with many other students who’d call your bullies out if they were to step out of line in class
right now you’re an easy target though
nobody to protect you
well that’s what you thought anyway
you feel your bag get snatched from your hands and thrown to the ground 
the bullies are kicking your stuff around laughing while you have no choice but to watch is despair 
that's until one of them is tripped up and lands face flat onto the ground
“you think i should kick them around and see if they can take it?”
tuski is standing there with a dark smile on his face
“so brave of you to pick on my y/n when you all have the audacity to look the way you do and don't even get me started on your academics”
“if i were you'd just apologise to your parents now because realistically what are you all going to do in your lives? success doesn't really look like it fits any of you to be honest”
the other students don't even know what to say
they can't exactly say anything
tsukishima is known to have a sharp tongue with an endless flow of direct insults 
“it’d be a shame if a teacher were to find out about this wouldn't it. im thinking suspension maybe? perhaps you should all call your parents up right now and apologise for your inevitable suspension”
the bullies look at each other nervously
he couldn’t be serious right
“im waiting”
these kids whip out their phones and are calling their confused parents trying to explain about how they could be suspended
“now off you all go, get out of my sight and don't you dare come near her again”
they be sprinting out the hallways 
“you weren’t actually gonna get them suspended were you?”
“it was depending on how fast they called their parents really”
tsukishima is on the floor helping you gather you trashed things
“im annoyed you didn't tell me. don't keep things like this from me yeah? cause not only am i here for you but, i get a kick out of it to. besides, im the only one who gets to be playfully mean to you.”
and he’ll make sure to keep a closer eye on you and keep you around him for a little longer just till he’s certain you’ve been left alone
the absolute bane of his existence 
oikawa appreciated the support but it was overbearing sometimes 
especially when he just wants to spend time with his precious y/n-chan
in front of him, his fangirls would be so polite and supportive 
“you and y/n look so good together”
“i hope you’re treating them well”
“oikawa is is lucky”
but behind his back these girls were nothing but vicious and spiteful towards you 
you knew you’d have to deal with his fangirls at some point 
you’d decided to keep your relationship hidden for the first few months until oikawa suggested going public and you felt like you couldn’t say no
you’d hear comments as you walked through the halls
classes would’ve been a nightmare if iwaizumi wasn’t in your class
he knew you were struggling with oikawa’s fangirls but you pleaded him not to say anything to his best friend 
iwaizumi didn't exactly want to keep this from oikawa but he also didn't want to go against your wishes 
you compromised instead and told iwaizumi about everything the fangirls put you through and sometimes he’d even take it lightly into his own hand 
despite the fact you had oikawa’s best friend looking out for you, this was also a reason the bullying got worse
“you think you can get iwaizumi to back you up now? you want the whole team or what?”
“stop being so overdramatic oikawa shouldn’t have to put up with someone as fragile as you”
“he can do so much better did you manifest or do witchcraft to get him to date you?”
the comments had become so common to you they started to have no effect
you slowly became more and more emotionally unavailable and this was something oikawa had started to pick up on
“y/n-chan you’ve stopped smiling at me so much. have i upset you?”
at first he’d think he did something wrong and he’d desperatly rack his brain for anything he could’ve done to offend you
“no you haven’t tooru i’ve just been tired lately”
you’d lie and give him a small fake smile 
but oikawa has given enough fake smiles in his life and is more than capable of being able to tell a real smile to a fake one
like kuroo though, he wouldn’t want to push any privacy boundaries and can only hope you’d open up to him soon
it doesn’t mean he’s not going to be watching you even closer now
he’ll ask iwaizumi whether he’s seen a change in your behaviour 
iwaizumi has finally decided this has gone too far
“idiot do you not see it’s your shitty fangirls that are making them miserable?”
“my fangirls?”
“yes your fangirls. y/n can’t catch a break with them around they’re really nasty to her and i don’t know how it’s taken you so long to see”
now that oikawa thinks about it you do cling to him a little tighter when they’re around
you don’t thank them for their ‘compliments’ about your relationship with the setter
you go extremely quiet and anxious when they’re around
oikawa had just thought it was nerves from sudden attention
he didn’t realise they had been secretly harassing you 
so oikawa goes to wait outside your locker when the day ends
“tooru shouldn't you be at practice?”
“come with me” he says sternly but he’s giving you a reassuring look as he grips your hand securely in his larger one
he walks you quickly through the halls and round to the entrance of the gym where his fangirls are usually waiting for practice to start
“oikawa-san! why aren’t you in uniform? is practice cancelled?”
“oh y/n is here... that's cute”
oikawa is beyond livid just from their presence alone
they even had the nerve to say your name?
“you know what isn’t fucking cute though? your disgusting behaviour”
the fangirls are look between each other innocently
“what do you mean oikawa-san?”
“don’t play oblivious with me you bitches! what was going through your heads when you all thought it was okay to harass MY y/n-chan?!”
the girls are silent now
oikawa is usually so charming and relaxed 
nobody sees him worked up outside the court
“there’s a reason none of you have even been allowed to be considered to have the chance to get to know me, you’re all fake. every single one of you. i hate fake people more than anything. this behaviour is gross i want none of you associated with me get out of here and if i hear one more thing about anyone upsetting y/n hell will be broken loose and that won’t just be from me.”
oikawa did not stutter 😌
the girls leave immediately 
“i think you’ve just lost yourself your whole fan club”
“oh y/n they were never fans if they have the nerve to upset someone they know i love. why didn’t you tell me i would’ve said something sooner”
“i just didn't want to upset you about your fans”
“you’re always going to be the first priority to me always if they or anyone else ever bothers you again, promise you’ll tell me straight away?”
after that he’ll take you to sit on the bench on the side of the court so you can watch him play and he can keep an eye on you
yeah oikawa may seem like a carefree people pleaser
but if you’re upsetting his s/o, you’ll be experiencing the side he tries to keep under control and he won’t be afraid to let loose.
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paterson-blue · 3 years
Honey, You're Familiar (Like My Mirror Years Ago); Part 3
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Part 3: The Date
Part 1 I Part 2 I Part 3 I Part 4 I Part 5
Summary: Things don't go exactly to plan. Clyde stresses.
Word Count: 4,010
Warnings: fluff, spice, grumpy Clyde Logan, pouty boy (but he's still in love), sentimentalism, sickly sweet pet names, smoochin', grindin', oral sex (male receiving), cum on body (not in!), original female character–let me know if I need to add anything else!
A/N: Thanks again to @paper-n-ashes for being my beta reader & quelling all my writing jitters. You're the absolute best!
Prefer AO3? I gotcha!
It’s a fuckin’ disaster.
Starts out nice. Juniper shows up on his doorstep wearin’ a slinky little black dress, one that shows off her curves and makes Clyde’s mouth go dry. She tells him he looks handsome and he feels giddy. He sweeps his newly styled hair out of his face, sayin’ she looks absolutely stunnin’. Juniper beams, grabs his hand, tells him they better get a move on ‘fore they’re late.
They’re late. They’re later than late.
They aren’ five minutes outta town when lightenin’ starts to streak across the sky. Clyde shifts uneasily, eyes cast upward towards the swirling heavens. It’s rainin’ cats and dogs in no time and Juniper has to slow to half the speed limit to drive safely. Clyde’s thoughts go to the river up ahead, the one the road crew was still tryna’ re-stabilize since the last storm flooded it.
Fifteen minutes from their destination and they have t’pull to a stop on the highway, suddenly blocked in a jam. Flashin’ red and blue lights indicate an accident up front, and while Clyde spares a thought to whoever was involved, he can’t help but check the time. They aren’ gonna make their reservation, he just knows it.
The car behind ‘em lays on its horn, the sound makin’ both Clyde & Juniper jump. The driver either doesn’ seem to understand the concept of bein’ stuck or plain just don’ care. Clyde clenches his jaw, glowerin’ into the rear view mirror—he can only see the driver’s silhouette behind the bright glow of the headlights. He’s keepin’ his cool until the driver reaches his arm out, in the pourin’ rain an’ all, just t’give Juniper the finger.
Clyde’s unbucklin’ his belt quick as can be, chest heavin’ as he reaches for the door handle. He’s ‘bout ready to stomp to the car and yank the man out.Teach ‘im a lesson on manners, teach ‘im t’treat a lady like—
“Clyde.” Juniper stops him in his tracks with just his name on her lips. He looks over at her from under his hair, expression tense. She reaches up to caress his cheek, holdin’ his face in her little palm so sweetly, thumb brushin’ over the sharp line of his jaw. “Leave him be. It’s not worth gettin’ into trouble.”
Clyde deflates, honey brown eyes downcast. He sounds miserable when he speaks. “… We’re gonna miss dinner.”
“I know, sugar. It’s okay.”
His heart flutters in his broad chest despite his distress. She’d called him ‘sugar.’ He likes that; wants to hear it again real soon.
By the time they get through all the traffic and make it to the restaurant, their reservation is indeed gone, table havin’ been given away. They stand together just outside the building, under the little awning in an attempt to stay out of the rain.
Clyde huffs, so morose that he’s unable to enjoy the way she was pressed up against his side. “M’sorry.”
Juniper frowns, reachin’ up to pat his stomach gently. “You stop that. You haven’t done anything to be sorry for.”
Clyde shakes his head sadly, heavin’ out a sigh. “It’s the Logan Family Curse.”
She looks up at him, brows arched, her hand still settled on his belly. “Oh is it now?”
He nods, brows pinched together. Juniper reaches for his hand, pulling it to her lips and pressin’ a kiss to his knuckles. “You aren’t cursed, Clyde Logan. And if you are, I’m perfectly happy to be cursed right along with you.”
Clyde doesn’ quite know how to respond to that, but luckily, he doesn’t have to right away. Juniper moves her lips to the pads of his large fingers, kissin’ ‘em gently before lettin’ him pull his hand away. Clyde cradles her pretty face in his palm, takin’ the time to admire her. Finally, he speaks. “Thank you, darlin’. That’s mighty nice of you t’say.”
Juniper nuzzles into his touch, sighin’ happily; it makes Clyde feel all warm and fuzzy inside.
“I’m only saying what’s true. Now c’mon. I know it’s a Friday night but there’s bound to be somewhere we can eat.”
They end up findin’ an old fashioned drive-in burger place, somewhere they can park and eat in the car out of the rain. It’s not where Clyde wants to take her; she deserves to be wined and dined all proper, not greasy burgers and milkshakes. But Juniper doesn’ seem to mind; as soon as they’re parked she’s squintin’ up at the menu, a big smile on her face.
“This all sounds so fucking good.” She giggles, lookin’ over at him. It makes the disappointment in Clyde’s chest fade away, and he leans over the center console to peer out the window to see what choices they were offered. It puts him in her space, and Juniper leans in to press a gentle kiss to his temple. He blushes, his cheeks only getttin’ hotter when she brushes some of his hair out of his face. He desperately wants to kiss her but he doesn’ know if it’s the right time.
He’s finally acceptin’ the night’s change of plans—finally acceptin’ that this might be good, burgers and fries while dressed up nice, watchin’ the rain pour from the safety of Juniper’s little Corolla—when the carhop comes out to tend to them. Clyde’s already diggin’ into his wallet as Juniper rattles off their order; he holds his debit card out, arm reachin’ over Juniper’s lap.
The carhop doesn’ move for the card. Instead, they say “Card machine’s down. Cash only.” in what Clyde thinks is possibly the most bored tone they could muster. He tries not to bristle as he fumbles with his wallet for a second time, patience already worn thin from the night’s events. He’s only got a fifty in his billfold. The fifty.
Their fifty.
He hesitates, even though he knows it’s irrational; Jimmy always did tell him he was too damn sentimental for his own good. Juniper must realize—she always does, Clyde never seems to have to explain himself to her—because she grabs her purse from the floorboard. Clyde stops her, shakin’ his head as he tugs the fifty dollar bill out. “S’alright, darlin’. Y’told me t’save it for a rainy day.”
Juniper’s face softens at his words, and Clyde hands the money over to the carhop, who looks like they want to be literally anywhere else. Soon Clyde’s been given his change, and he quickly puts it back up. As soon as he’s done Juniper’s reachin’ for him, pullin’ him in by his collar. Clyde goes willingly, twistin’ in his seat to move his prosthetic to the middle of her back, arm wrapped around her.
“I’ll give you another one.” She tells him firmly, and Clyde huffs out a laugh.
“Well that’d be awful silly of ya, Junebug. You’ll run outta money real quick if y’keep givin’ it all t’me.” He tries to soothe her with a joke, wantin’ to let her know that it was alright. Sure, it had been special to him—reminded him of their meetin’—but it was just a piece a’ paper. What was a piece a’ paper when he had the most important thing right here in front a’ him?
He wants to curl up further into her, but their positions don’t allow for it—the vehicle doesn’ exactly allow for him to move his long limbs much a’ anywhere. If this was as close as he could get, he was satisfied. Juniper shifts suddenly, eyes trained on him as she leans closer. They share a breath, then two, and then she’s pressin’ her mouth against his.
It’s nothin’ if not chaste. Clyde gets the feelin’ she doesn’ exactly want to neck in the front seat of her car like teenagers—at least not in plain view of the drive-in’s staff and other patrons. Just a gentle kiss, a little more than a peck; firm and lingerin’ just enough that he knows it happened. Juniper follows it up with another one at the corner of mouth, their noses pressin’ against one another’s cheeks.
It’s more than enough for Clyde; more than enough to get his pulse to sky rocket. He can’t remember the last time he’s been treated so gently, so much love in such a small movement. She gives him a smile when she pulls away, and they both sit back in their seats, starin’ all heart-eyed at one another. She takes the metal of his hand in hers, holdin’ it, and Clyde thinks maybe he should reconsider the whole curse thing.
They head back home after finishin’ their meal, the storm slowly peterin’ off as they get closer to Clyde’s trailer. Juniper walks him to his door, gigglin’ when she offers him her arm to escort him. He takes it, grinnin’ like a fool as they stomp up the front steps. They stand there under the yellow porch light, humid heat surroundin’ ‘em. Clyde usually hated the humidity, but not when it was like this, creatin’ such a hazy, intimate bubble around ‘em. Juniper drops her arm, but only to reach for Clyde’s flesh hand, holdin’ it in both of hers.
“I had a really nice time tonight, Clyde. Best date I’ve ever been on—and I mean that.”
Clyde can feel himself blushin’, a pleased smile turnin’ his lips up. “I had a good time, too. Wouldja—wouldja wanna do it again? Sometime soon?”
“Yes.” She answers almost before he can finish askin’, and they both laugh. There’s a beat, a pause, a breath, and then Juniper is leanin’ up the same moment Clyde’s leanin’ down. It’s a relief when their lips touch, like the first drink a’ water in the mornin’. Clyde thinks he’s been parched his whole life and never even knew it.
Juniper’s the one who deepens it, the one who drops his hand to lean into him, to thread her fingers through his thick hair, holdin’ him close. And fuck, Clyde isn’ gonna fight it. He wraps his arm around her, prosthetic against her back as his hand moves to hold her face. His palm envelops her cheek, thumb under her chin to keep her head lifted. They kiss and kiss, and when she makes a little whine in the back of her throat Clyde swears he’s floatin’.
When she pulls away to breathe he makes a sound of his own, a disappointed little groan that she huffs out a laugh at. He’d be embarrassed if she wasn’ nuzzlin’ her nose against his cheek like she can’t get enough.
“Those lips a’ yours aren’t fair.” She murmurs, and Clyde hums, strokin’ his thumb along her jawline. He doesn’ want this to end, he thinks for possibly the thousandth time that night. He doesn’ wanna let her get back in her car an’ drive across town, over the train tracks, past the antique shop, until she gets to the bed & breakfast.
He wants her right here, and he’s never been the one in this position, but he doesn’ hesitate when he asks her, “D’y’wanna come in?”
She nods, and it sets his chest aflame. They straighten up, untanglin’ themselves from one another even as she leans into his side, not wantin’ t’be too far. Clyde’s hands shake as he unlocks the front door but he doesn’ care if she sees. He wants her to see, wants her to know what she’s doin’ t’him. Maybe then...maybe she won’t leave.
Clyde flicks on the lights, closin’ the door behind both of ‘em. He watches as Juniper assesses his things: his clumsily cleaned living area, the small kitchenette that was (thankfully) decluttered. The hallway leads back to the bathroom, and then his bedroom, but Clyde doesn’ dare look towards it, much less lead her that way. Instead, he steps towards the fridge, hand reachin’ out to brush against the door.
“Want anythin’ t’drink?” He asks, voice quiet, as if nervous to disturb the silence. Juniper shoots him a smile, shakin’ her head as she perches on the couch.
“No, I’m okay, thank you.”
Clyde nods, lingerin’ there even though he doesn’ want a drink neither. Her eyes look him over, amusement showin’ in them.
“Why don’t you c’mere? If you want, of course.”
He wants. Oh, how he wants. So he goes, movin’ across the distance between them in three long strides until he can sit himself next to her. He’s stock straight, heart thrummin’ in his chest; his nice button-down feels all tight against his skin, too itchy. He thinks only her touch’ll soothe it, but doesn’ wanna ask her. Juniper, however, reads his mind; she always can. She smoothes a hand over his jean-clad thigh, leanin’ in ever so slowly, like she’s gonna startle him if she moves too fast. Clyde’s breath catches in his throat as she kisses him again, and it's heaven, it's heaven.
It’s different from in the car, from on the porch. This time there’s more purpose to it. Juniper’s kissin’ him—tastin’ him— like he belongs to her, and Clyde thinks maybe it's because she knows he does. He’s tryna’ angle his body just right, tryin’ t’lean down without puttin’ a crick in his neck. Not that he’d care much, if he did--a crick was worth this, worth the feelin’ of her tongue brushin’ against his bottom lip, against his teeth.
Juniper makes a frustrated little noise, pullin’ back, and Clyde’s brows furrow in confusion.
“Wha--Wha’s--?” He stammers out, flesh hand flexin’ on her waist, the silky fabric of her dress feelin’ so soft and cool against his skin. Juniper’s lips are plush and kiss bitten; Clyde tries to take a picture of ‘em in his memory, eyes trained on their pretty color. He almost misses her question. Scratch that, he does miss her question; has to very ineloquently say “huh?” to get her to repeat it. She ducks her head, voice shy.
“Can I, uh--get in your lap?”
Shit. Shit. Clyde nearly feels dizzy for all the blood rushin’ down south. It makes him a little self-conscious; she’s not gonna want t’sit on his lap and have his cock pressin’ into her all demandin’ like. But damn, his little Junebug looks so eager, her eyes darker than he’s ever seen ‘em, and like he’d said: he wants. So he just nods, barely breathin’.
Juniper shifts, pushin’ him into the back of the couch and he goes easily, willingly. She hikes her dress up her legs and Clyde gets a barely there peek of dark green lace before she’s straddlin’ his lap. He moans, can’t fuckin’ help it, and Juniper dives in to capture the sound with her mouth. Her hands are on his face, in his hair, fingers rubbin’ the shells of his ears—he’s surrounded, he’s drownin’, suffocatin’. He’s never felt so alive.
His own hands are placed chastely on either one of her hips, though he knows his flesh hand must be grippin’ her somethin’ fierce. The thought flashes in his mind, of him leavin’ little fingerprint shaped bruises on her skin for her to feel the next day. It makes him shiver underneath her.
Juniper takes and takes, and Clyde lets her. Clyde wants to be taken, in whatever way she’ll have him. Suddenly she’s pullin’ away just enough to suck in a little air, lips still brushin’ against his. He presses his long nose into the soft skin of her cheek, breath hot between them. When Juniper speaks, her voice is strained.
“Touch me, Clyde. Please.”
He doesn’ hesitate. His good hand moves from her hip to her ass, grabbin’, kneadin’ as he pulls her tighter against him. She lets out the prettiest noise Clyde thinks he’s ever heard, and his lips find her neck as his other arm comes around to hold her close. God, she tastes so good; her perfume fills his head until he feels dizzy with it.
She's pressed flush to him like this, grindin’ her hips against his. Clyde’s hard and leakin’ in his brand new jeans and the only thing he can think of is hearin’ her little noises again. Her hands are back in his hair, pullin’ at it, sweepin’ it away from his face so he doesn’ get tangled in it as his mouth makes a hot path down the neckline of her dress.
It feels so damn good that Clyde doesn’ realize she’s tryin’ to get his attention until she yanks on his tresses, his scalp burnin’ from it. Honestly he thinks he groans, rough and wild in his throat, the pain shootin’ straight to his cock. But it makes him look at her, and she holds him from divin’ back into her skin.
“Clyde I wanna—I wanna taste you. Is that okay? Can I?”
Lord Almighty above. That should be his line, it really should. But how can he argue with her? He’d give her anythin’ she wanted, anythin’. And she wanted—wanted to put her mouth on him. Clyde spares a thought for all the trimmed and proper men he’s seen in porn, how much nicer they looked, how Juniper deserved the best. West coast mean surely didn’ look the way he did. But then,“Yes,” he’s sayin’, voice ragged, “yes.”
And she’s slippin’ out of his lap onto the floor between his legs. Clyde’s heart pinches, and he leans forward to pick her right back up. To say “oh, darlin’, y’don’ need to be on the hard floor like that. Lemme stand an’ you c’n sit right back on these here pillows.” But before he can get his legs under him she's pressin’ her face between ‘em, nuzzlin’ into the scratchy fabric of his jeans, right up against his cock. Clyde’s brain short circuits.
“Been wantin’ this.” Juniper murmurs, small hands workin’ at his belt, and Clyde arches his hips up, tryin’ t’help her get his jeans off. He can’t believe this—can’t believe this is happenin’. She tugs his jeans and pants down his legs, just enough that his cock is revealed. Clyde clumsily unbuttons the first couple buttons at the bottom of his shirt, not wantin’ to get the new fabric messy. Juniper seems to like his idea; she sighs and leans forward to press her lips to the bare skin of his stomach.
“Sweetheart.” Clyde whispers, voice all trembly. He stretches out a little, givin’ her more access to his pale abdomen. Her lips are so soft against his skin, against the dark trail of hair leadin’ down, down, down. She follows it, nosin’ to the crook of his thigh, teeth scrapin’ deliciously ‘fore she turns her attention to his cock—already plump and stiff, and very interested in her ministrations. She wraps a hand around it and Clyde’s breath catches in his throat. She studies his cock, gives it a gentle stroke, thumb rubbin’ at the velvety head.
“You’re so big.” Her voice is quiet, but it startles Clyde all the same—he’s been transfixed by the vision in front of him.
“O-Oh, I-m, uh—“
He’s attemptin’ to apologize—his first instinct, really. But his brain isn’t really functionin’ all that well, and then she’s leanin’ in to lave her tongue over his slit. Clyde groans, a sound comin’ deep from his chest as he zeros in on the pretty pink of her soft, wet tongue. Juniper hums as if she’s pleased, a little smile on her face, and then she’s slippin’ her mouth over his cock in earnest.
Clyde’s head drops back against the couch pillow, lungs strugglin’ to suck in air. Oh fuck, oh fuck, fuck—it felt so good. She was gorgeous, she was perfect, she was a fucking angel doin’ this for him. She couldn’ take all of him into her mouth but goddamn she was tryin’. It didn’ matter—even if she wasn’ usin’ her hand to make up the difference, Clyde thinks he could cum just from seein’ her there between his legs, her silky soft lips on his skin.
He moves with her—not in a way where he’s pushin’ her or askin’ for more, but in a way where she’s pullin’ him; she’s the ebb and flow of the tide and he follows her willingly. His back arches, toes curlin’ up in his boots; his prosthetic settles on top of her free hand where it was grippin’ one of his large thighs. His other hand is too busy grippin’ the couch cushions to do much else. He’s lost to it—to her—an’ he doesn’ wanna be found.
It’s over far too quickly, embarrassingly so—it even surprises him. He’s ridin’ the high of his pleasure and his orgasm hits him so hard and fast that Clyde barely has any time t’warn her. All he can do is make a frantic noise, her name garbled in his throat as he quickly tries to push her off a’ him. But it’s too late—he’s cummin’ the same time that she’s pullin’ away, and Clyde can only watch in an odd mix of both arousal and horror as his cum paints her chin, neck, and cleavage.
Juniper’s mouth is held open in a surprised little ‘o’ shape, brows arched, and Clyde feels fuckin’ humiliated.
“J-Juniper, darlin’, m’so sorry, I—“ He scrabbles behind him for the throw blanket layin’ across the back of the couch, tuggin’ it into his lap so he can clean his mess off a’ her skin. He’s quick to tend to the spend on her cleavage first, hyperaware of how close it was to the fabric of her pretty black dress. “I’m sorry, I tried t’warn ya but it was too—“
“Clyde, it’s okay.” Her voice is all raspy and Clyde bites back a moan at the sound of it. She was so fuckin’ sexy, fuckin’ flawless. He’d cum all over her, messy and wild, and she was still lookin’ at him like he’d hung the damn moon. She pulls herself to standin’, and Clyde’s gaze dips down to where her knees were all red from kneelin’. Just another thing he didn’ know he found hot until now.
“But I guess it’s a little dangerous to keep this on, huh?”
His gaze snaps up to her face when she speaks, and she’s wearin’ a grin, eyes alight. Then she’s twistin’ her arms around, wrigglin’ out of that cute little dress until it graces the linoleum floor. She bends down to pick it up, drapin’ it carefully over one of the kitchen chairs. She moves like it’s nothin; like the sight of her in her heels and underwear ain’ makin’ his cock try to thicken up again.
“Yer so beautiful.” He tells her, gaze trained on her as she walks back over to him. Clyde feels so small with her standin’ in front of him; feels vulnerable even if he was still mostly dressed. Juniper steps out of her heels slowly, placin’ them to the side before leanin’ in, restin’ her hands on the back of the couch on either side of his head so she can kiss him.
Clyde runs his flesh hand over her bare waist, down the swell of her hip, toyin’ with the band of her underwear. He doesn’t push it down; he won’t without her permission. It’s enough to kiss her like this, soft and lazy, feelin’ her skin underneath his. He feels all gooey and happy from his orgasm, even if it had come sooner than he’d have liked.
He sighs into her mouth, content; chases her lips when she pulls away. Juniper starts to work on the buttons of his shirt, and he sits up to help her ease it off a’ his shoulders. She folds it neatly, settin’ it to the side; Clyde forces himself to speak, tryin’ to get his brain back in workin’ order. “D’y’wanna—wanna go back to the bedroom? You c’n lay down and I’ll—I’ll take care a’ ya.”
He thinks he sounds all awkward and silly, but Juniper gives him a warm smile, and his insecurities fade. She was always comfortin’ him, whether she knew it or not. She places one last lingerin’ kiss to his lips before noddin’ at him. “I’d like that.”
taglist friends!
@paper-n-ashes @glassbxttless @mariesackler @leatherboundbirate @millenialcatlady @jynzandtonic @peachyproserpina
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heyitsyn · 4 years
a/n: a halloween special with our boys and the mess it is
summary: lets just say,, things get weird during halloween
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okay so first of
halloween isnt a favorite holiday of most of the boys
like they all ltr are towers and skyscrapers but these kids are absolutely terrified of it all
but you just really like the holiday bc of yanno, candy, scary stuff, and omg costumes!
so you were basically very hyped and excited about it and you were excitedly humming to yourself as the date grew closer
the boys were confused as to why you were actually happy and in a good mood but they didnt complain bc they love seeing you happy
the flowery aura makes them heart eyes
oikawa ran over and he stood behind you as you were distractedly humming to your clipboard
‘watcha doing, y/n-chan?’
he whispered to your ear
normally, you would shriek or flinch but you didnt and instead, turned and flashed him a grin
‘checking our schedule! i have a surprise for you all and i want to make sure theres nothing happening to stop it from happening!’
the boys grimaced and held a hand to their heart at your joy and they didnt even question what was going on or why you were so excited
all they know is you were happy
lmao oikawa got the hardest shot to it
he was front seat and his eyes widened and he froze
then he pulled you to his chest and nuzzled his face into your neck
‘aawwww~~!!!! youre so cute y/n-chan!!’
these idiots are so whipped and simp for you so hard that they completely forgot everything
your happiness continued for another week and my god that was probably the best week of their life bc you were just fluttering and giggling and skfjdslkjfdlflfkjs
to be fair though, you mentioned halloween being close and you were looking forward to a family night of watching scary movies in tv and duh these boys were already arguing with each other on who would protect you
ltr its just a big warcry between the third years while the second and first years already were getting head pats from you for being brave boys and were comfy right next to you
‘my boys are so cute~’
by then, the surprise was getting closer and you were already jumping in your toes
the night before, you texted the group chat to meet you at the school by 8 pm tomorrow
they all sent replies saying okay with no questions
‘okay love you y/n-chan! <3′
‘got it! good night!’
‘sweet dreams darling!’
at around 7:30, you were standing by the school bus since coach mizoguchi omg bless his heart was going to drive you all
the boys were all dressed in warm clothing and my gosh they all looked like models what the heck
we’re just going to ignore and forget that hideous infamous oikawa outfit
but you didnt focus on that and instead waved at them happily
‘you guys!’
oikawa jumped joyfully at your voice before naruto running over to you and scooping you in his arms
he shouted and you didnt mind being twirled around since you were giggling and laughing
after iwa punched his head, oikawa had to let you down and they continued bickering so you took this chance to go over to the others by the side
‘are you all excited?’
you asked and they smiled softly
kunimi ruffled your hair and you grabbed his hand
‘it’s really sweet you planned something for us, y/n’
watari reached over to pat your head and you wholeheartedly accepted the affection
‘oi, just tell us’
kyotani grumbled but you cutely smiled and held a peace sign
you checked your watch and you jumped
‘oh my! we need to hurry on the bus now!’
you herded everyone to sit in their seats and oikawa raised an eyebrow at the driver
‘oh? why is-’
‘your dear manager wanted to have a bonding exercise for the team. how could we refuse? oh, coach irihata said to make sure you know how to breathe and calm down’
the last sentence made question marks appear on everyone’s heads but you waved it off
‘oh come on, mizoguchi-san! dont ruin the surprise!’
you whined from your seat and the elder caught your eye at the rearview
‘just making sure to warn them, especially oikawa’
but he went unanswered 
the team gave up trying to ask you bc you would just mischieviously smile and shake your head cutely
‘nope~! not tellingggg~!’
but oh my they were answered
mizoguchi dropped everyone off in front of a building where there was also other people at
owo the people just simply stared bc omg like 12 boys? thats freaking great and i have finally lived and can die peacefully now
the team blinked as they got off the shuttle bus and they were so confused that you waved mizoguchi off to make sure the boys wouldn’t run back to the bus if they figure it out
ofc our ever smart baby kunimi was the first to figure it out and his mouth opened
‘why,,, do you hate us, y/n-chan?’
slowly the light bulbs turned on in everyone’s heads and they all had the same shocked look
‘nope! im going home!’
kindaichi started to walk but you hurriedly grabbed his arm
‘nooo yuu-kun!!! noo!! please stay!! i worked so hard!!!’
you looked up with your puppy dog eyes and kindaichi scrunched his face up
no no no fight it kindaichi
but ofc hes weak to you so he sighed and went back with the group
‘oi, are you insane or what?’
kyotani, despite his tough facade, wasnt exactly the greatest with any jumpscares in movies so having a jumpscare in real life wouldn’t exaclty be,,,, not violent
but you trust he can handle it and leave the place without a charge for assault
it was clear the others were already regretting it and you got sad bc you did work hard on getting a reservation since this haunted house was the most haunted in this part of japan
your figure in front of them made them tear their eyes away from the scary windows which they swore had someone staring at them
‘come on, you guys! we’ll have fun! i promise! its not that scary!’
you assured but they still didnt look convinced
‘you know, i just,,, i wanted everyone to,, bond and,,, have fun,,,,,, and because halloween is my favorite holiday,, i thought i could share it with you all. but im sorry that i was selfish and,,,, did it even though you guys dont like it’
not at y/n being totally manipulative and using their affections and attraction to her to help her case
your downcast expression and sad eyes snapped them out of it and they just sucked it up and they all shared a look that practically meant
‘suck it up, and make sure y/n is having fun. forget about us, its her time right now’
this led to you guys standing in front of the door guy and he cracked up at the sight of this cute little girl bouncing in her shoes with a group of guys who looked pale and nauseous
‘reservation name?’
you exclaimed and he looked in the list before nodding
‘okay. so first, the rope is what guides you all. make sure, whatever you do, never lose grip on it bc you might get lost. keep in mind, this is an actual abandoned hospital and is known to actually be haunted so unless you want to go ghost-hunting and meet unknown people or spirits, dont stray off’
that warning should’ve scared you like the boys but you just agreed with a bright grin
the doorguy chuckled before reaching into the box beside him
ngl oikawa was already so scared that he flinched, not knowing what was inside of it
‘a flashlight to help you guide yourselves’
you held it tight and yahaba was already holding on to your jacket sleeve
‘also, phones in the bin, please’
iwaizumi started but you placed a hand on his chest
‘its to make sure no one films anything and ruins the surprise’
you assured and he stopped but continued glaring
everyone hesitantly placed their phones into the bin where they saw it being locked into a locker and the key was given to you
‘you can get it back when you exit so dont worry’
you nodded and the team rolled their eyes but nodded anyways
‘all set? okay! go on in! happy hunting!’
omg you were slightly regretting it already
kyotani refused to not be away from you so he was holding your hand while yahaba remained clutching you
the third years wanted to appear all tough so they took the lead but oikawa was screeching and screaming at the littlest things which caused makki to scream and mattsun to also scream and then iwa and everyone else
it was like a screaming train
you even heard kyo gasp multiple times and you tightened your grip on his hand to assure him he was okay and you were right there
everything was going smoothly excused the screaming and everyone was actually having a little bit of fun since it was funny watching everyone scream at the littlest things
the many rooms had the actors and dear god they should be emmy winning by how they just stared at you all and still sent shivers down your spines
then the unthinkable happened
the flashlight that iwaizumi was holding started to flicker and eventually died, leaving you all stranded in the pitch-dark
there wasnt even any light above you so everything was just black
everyone stopped, your breathing being paused and no one made a sound
someone from beside you shouted in your ear and you screamed so loudly and in instinct, everyone bolted forward with no direction on where to go
kunimi and kindaichi were holding each others hands and ran also dragging along watari since he was holding kunimi’s sleeve and also yahaba and you and kyo
oikawa instinctively shouted and they all held on to each other
mattsun expected to catch ahold of watari’s hoodie since he was behind him but there was nothing but air
‘uh, you guys?’
he wished and prayed and hoped your voice would answer back but there was silence
‘oi! l/n y/n!’
he shouted and makki trembled in fear
‘iwaizumi? oikawa?’
iwaizumi grunted and my goodness was this really happening
everything was going too smoothly that something bad happening shouldve been seen from the get-go!
the 4 third years were thankfully with each other since they were already huddled up at the front but their kouhais were nowhere near them
‘iwa-chan! what do we do!’
oikawa cried and iwaizumi hit him to keep him quiet
‘shut up shittykawa!’
‘oi! stop fighting and think about this!’
mattsun quieted them down into shaking forms
‘the team is gone. theyre somewhere in this hospital and there’s a chance theyve strayed off the path’
makki shakily breathed
‘so what should we do?’
iwaizumi bit his lip to think of a plan
‘should we just go around and shout and scream for them?’
oikawa suggested but makki turned it down
‘no. that would ruin it for everyone else. we’re not the only ones in here’
oikawa blanched
‘i dont care about the other people! who knows what happened to y/n! i give no fck about strangers when she could be lost somewhere in this big ass hospital!’
they were stumped with no solutions so they just agreed to iwa’s suggestion
‘lets just hurry and get this over with and meet the people outside and get their help’
‘or! we can ask the staff in here, the actors, to help us! this is an accident’
‘you stupid or dumb? you think they would help us? its an us problem, not theirs, so theyre not going to abandon their post and look for them’
ltr maybe its the panic thats making them all crazy but they just settledon hurrying up and finishing the maze so they could get help
but the moment they turned to what seems to be a corner, they already managed to get themselves lost
iwaizumi felt around for the familiar texture of the rope which is supposed to be at his right but in the end, his hand reached nothing
he shouted and scared the other 3
makki yelled
‘the rope. the rope’s not here anymore’
then oikawa sobbed
‘oh my god im going to die’
he whimpered and makki sniffled
‘i wanna go home’
mattsun and iwa were the only at least stable ones and they finally resigned to defeat and grabbed their friends and walked to nowhere
on to your side!!
you and the others finally stopped running but the beating of your hearts still pumped at a fast speed
‘are we safe now?!’
kindaichi shouted and there was a chorus of confusion amongst the others
you checked and usually he would grunt but there was just silence
it was quiet and the familiar voice of oikawa was nowhere in sight
‘i dont know about you guys but my oikawa sensors just shut off’
yahaba pointed out and you gasped
‘where are they?’
kyotani refused to let go so you felt around with your left hand for the rope
to your relief, it was still there but the feeling of the missing boys outweighed it and made your anxiety levels spike up
‘should we call them? lets call them’
yahaba started but kyotani bonked his head
‘baka. they took our phones earlier’
the reminder of the confiscated form of communication meant that there was no other way you could contact the others
panic bubbled over kindaichi watari and yahaba while you kunimi and kyotani were busy thinking of something
‘i think theyve strayed off. if they didn’t, they wouldve heard us from up there’
kunimi mumbled
‘but where else could they have gone to?’
you asked and kyotani huffed beside you
‘we cant see anything. hell, i cant even see you. obviously theres probably a hallway they ran down to without even knowing they went there’
‘so youre saying theyre lost? without any way to contact us? what do we do?’
you whimpered, finally realizing and the idea of the others being gone settling in
‘this is all my fault. i shouldnt have dragged you here. i made a mistake-’
‘hey, dont freak out. im right here’
even though you couldnt see him, kenta maneuvered his way to cup your face and you felt his forehead press against yours and his nose nuzzling your cheek
the smell of cherry blossoms and vanilla with the slightest hint of sandalwood
kyotani’s scent comforted you and you were able to calm down 
‘we’ll figure this out. its okay, you got me’
he whispered and you nodded 
‘youre right here. we’ll be okay, okay?’
you giggled a little bit at the repitition of the word but smiled when he pulled you close to his chest
ugh i mightve already written a kyo route but that doesnt stop me from putting in kyo moments :”)
the other 4 were figuring out a plan that was eerily similar to the 3rd years
‘lets just finish this and ask the staff for help later’
they all agreed to kunimi’s idea and hurriedly gripped the rope to start going back to the path
you were in between kindaichi and kyotani with the former in front and the latter behind you
‘im right here. you got this’
kyotani would occasionally whisper and you were so grateful to have someone to be there
then the lights flickered and your eyes caught sight of something down the hallway to your left and you noticed a shadow 
a shadow of a tall figure that was kinda familiar
you flinched and the voice of your blocker filled your ears
you were too focused on the voice to hear the others questions of what was happening
‘over here, y/n-chan~’
there it was again
you shouted and bolted to the hallway where you were sure the voice was at and you were ignoring the shouts of the others and kyotani hurriedly ran after you
you shouted again and you ended up at the hallway, with the lights still flickering but there was no one
kyotani panted as he caught up to you before snatching your hand
‘oi! dont run off like that!’
it seems the others were too scared to let go of the rope that they were fine if kyotani went after you bc he was strong so he could protect you both if needed
kyotani is a bark bark woof woof boy not a priest
you felt his warm hand grip your again as if to signal that you werent running off alone again
‘i heard him i swea-’
‘to your left, y/n-chan~’
ok ngl im getting chills writing this
the flickering lights allowed you to see the shadow again and yep there it was
it was at the end of the hallway to your left and once you turned and saw it, it ran to the right
‘mattsun-san! wait!’
as you were going to run, kyotani refused to let you go
he placed strong hands to your shoulders and you looked up at him, your eyes manic
‘listen to me, y/n. youre hearing things’
he firmly said
‘i dont hear matsukawa or anyone’
you started breathing heavily, the air seemingly getting colder and thinner
‘you dont understand! he was right there! his shadow-!’
‘let her play a game, boy!’
matsukawa’s voice this time took a harsh tone and even kyotani jumped, holding you to his chest protectively
‘oi! matsukawa! its not funny anymore!’
your eyes looked over kyo’s shoulder and you saw the shadow again from behind him
‘please trust me, kyo! hm?’
you begged and he sighed
‘im holding on to you. im not letting you go again’
this wouldve been romantic if you werent in an actual paranormal story
you chased after the ghost and it would occasionally whisper in your ear to keep your attention until you ran into a pitch-black hallway
‘what do we do now, y/n?’
kyo whispered and you trembled
you weakly cried, knowing there was a strong possibility he wouldnt answer back
but a loud screech from the far right brought hope into you
is that-
you shrieked and there was a trample of footsteps running over to you and naturally, kyotani pulled you behind him
then a hand made you shriek 
‘relax. its just me, y/n-chan’
mattsun’s voice sounded clearer this time since he was right beside you and you hugged him
‘come on. everyone hold hands so that no one will get lost. we’ll take about this later’
iwa commanded and as the true leader of the gang, everyone followed his lead
there was a red sign with the most amazing word on top of it
it looked like a door that was only meant for staff but at this point, you all were desperate to just leave
as you reached the handle, the voice came back
‘aw~ leaving so soon?’
you turned around, halting mattsun and kyotani as they held your hands and felt you stop
‘show yourself. i know you’re not mattsun-san so stop using his voice’
you demanded and you turned, feeling a chilly air rush behind you
it whispered to your ear and you eyes widened at the sight from further down the hallway
you could make out a mass of a body and at the top, there was bright red eyes and white teeth smiling menacingly
‘oh my god’
you whispered and the boys saw exactly what you were seeing
‘what is that’
oikawa whimpered
its mouth obviously moved as it spoke
‘are you leaving me, y/n-chan? so cruel~’
its voice was sickly sweet and sounded like a teenage boy’s but was so mean and hate-filled
you started sobbing and oikawa turned the door to run but it stayed put and didnt budge
‘you were so fun to play with~ are your friends fun too~?’
it looked like it was coming closer with a hand outstretched and you started shivering and your voice ripped into a scream
‘stop! go away!’
iwa mustered all his strength and ran against the metal door but it opened on its own, leaving the boy to land on the grass from outside
you were pulled by the others before it could touch you and you were already hysterically crying before the first and second years ran over and engulfed you to a hug
you were being hushed by the them and you tightly held on to someone’s arms
‘sshhh its okay, we’re right here’
you reduced to hiccups before looking around
‘w-where’s the other people?’
you asked, taking notice of the empty field
‘are we at the back?’
the boys shared a confused look
‘huh? what are you talking about, y/n?’
you looked at yahaba like he was crazy
‘the other people! the other people wanting to go in! and the doorguy! the haunted event! the haunted house!’
their eyes flickered everywhere to try and make sense of what you were saying but in the end resulted to just pure confusion and fear
‘y/n, we’re not at some event’
iwa started and your eyes widened
makki shakingly placed a hand on your shoulder
‘y/n, you dragged us here to go ghost-hunting. and there’s no doorguy’
your eyes flickered down as your mind tried to wrap itself with what was going on
‘what do you mean? i took you here for a haunted attraction! the doorguy took our phones and locked them in a locker, remember?’
you wildly waved your arms around but they still didnt understand
‘and the flashlight! and the rope! w-we had to hold on to the rope! the rope made sure we didnt stray off the path! bu-but the flashlight! the flashlight died!’
kunimi noticed the beginning of a panic attack so he pulled you close to him and made sure you could feel his heartbeat
‘listen to me, y/n. you took us here because we all lost a bet with you and this was what you wanted since its halloween and we trespassed to go here and there was no doorguy who took our phones because all our phones died the moment we got here and we saw a rope hanging from the ceiling and we had no flashlight in the first place’
he whispered to your ear and you pushed away from him, curling your arms around yourself
‘no! what bet?! i took you here for bonding time for our volleyball team! you were getting busy for inter high so i figured this could help you have fun!’
now that took the cake
‘what volleyball team?’
your eyes finally settled on your ‘captain’
‘what do you mean, ‘what volleyball team’, oikawa-san?’
totally disregarding the fact that you just called him by his last name instead of his first, he focused on what you were talking about
‘if you wanted to bond with the volleyball team, then you brought the wrong sport team over then’
oikawa scoffed, feeling rage bubbling inside him at the familiar players of the volleyball team
‘you shouldve brought over nagisa and rin and them, then, y/n’
makki bitterly mumbled and you were just so exhausted and tired and confused
you bursted and started crying which ofc prompted the others to calm down and focus on you
‘y/n, love, we’re the swimming team, not the little ball playing game’
mattsun reminded and you shook your head, disbelief and utter fear present in your face
‘then-then! oikawa-san! give me your right knee!’
you ran over and he questioningly raised his leg
‘uhh,, what are you doing, y/n?’
kunimi asked but you waved him off, determination in your eyes
‘this should prove hes a volleyball player’
then you punched it really hard which resulted with a sickening pop
oikawa screamed
a/n: idk if the concept is clear enough but uwu send in a guess and ill answer if you got it right
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hongism · 4 years
risky - p.jimin 18+
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➻ pairing: jimin x reader
➻ wc: 2.3k im so sorry
➻ genre: fluffy crackhead flirting n smut
➻ rating: nsfw
➻ warnings: public fingering, fingering with rings on, risque~, alcohol involved
➻ summary: you meet jimin in a bar and try to hit on him. it doesn’t end how you thought it would.
➻ @yolokoo​ asked:
➻ @jintobean​ asked:
“hewwo mIGHT I HAVE SOME WINE AND VODKA FOR mishter jimin where y/n is hitting on him but he’s clueless and thinks y/n is a waiter or something absurd and somehow he ends up liking her and complains that she never made a move. ILY THANK YOU”
➻ a/n: y’all im so sorry idek what happened i have nothing to say for myself tbh
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“Hey, come here often?” You greet with a surprising amount of confidence exuding from your figure. You place one hand on the table, leaning over to look at the man with peach-colored hair. His features are even more stunning up close like this, and you cannot believe that your friend convinced you to do this. You blame the alcohol current running through your system; liquid confidence as some would call it. You have to agree with that statement now, because if you were one hundred percent sober you never would have walked over to this table in the first place.
“O-Oh, not really,” the man stutters in response. A pretty blush paints his round cheeks, a rosy hue that glimmers under the bar’s yellow lights. A wave of arousal rushes to your core just from the sight of the man blushing, and you again blame the damn alcohol in your system.
“That’s such a shame. I was hoping you could show me around some.” You pout and pull your arm off the table to glance at his tablemates. There are two other men with him, although they are far too preoccupied with the drinks in front of them to notice you. The pretty boy laughs, a nervous sound that dies in the din of the bar within moments.
“Co-Could I get some water?” He inquires. “Maybe?”
You don’t know what you’re doing when you say yes. You don’t work here. Hell, you’ve never even been here before. You aren’t wearing any sort of uniform either, but the man must be too tipsy himself to realize that fact. So, in your tipsy state, you agree and spin on your heel to head back to the bar for his requested water.
“Two waters please, bartender,” you request once you reach the wood. Part of you hopes that the man is watching your backside as you move. A one-night stand with the likes of a man that attractive is far too tantalizing for you to pass up, and you can only hope that he feels the same way about you. The bartender passes the drinks your way, and you snatch them up with a bright smile. As you walk back over to the peach haired man, you shoot a wink over to where your friends sit, watching from a distance as you shoot your shot.
“T-Thank you,” the man says as you place one of the waters in front of him.
“Can I join you?” You ask all of a sudden, motioning towards the empty space beside him. The man blinks up at you, and confusion shines clearly on his features. You don’t give him much opportunity to stay confused because you slide across the booth to be beside him. “I’m Y/N, and you are?”
“Oh, uh, Jimin. Park Jimin. Do you – I-I’m sorry, but do you work here?”
“Do I…” You trail off. It’s your turn to be confused and you aren’t sure how this miscommunication started when all you did was try to flirt with the man. “What? No. Uh, it’s my first time ever coming here.”
“Oh! Damn, I-I’m so sorry.”
“No, no, no! It’s totally okay. I’ve been mistaken for worse things than waitress.” You wink as you say the words, and Jimin’s eyes widen as your implications shine through.
“Ah, well, I understand that feeling. Sometimes they aren’t far from the truth though.” Jimin’s words slur a little as he guzzles some water. You watch his Adam’s Apple bop as he swallows, almost wanting to reach out and drag your fingers over the small bulge. You resist thankfully; it would be a terribly strange thing to do especially when he has two friends sitting directly across the table.
“What do you mean?” You ask instead, trying to divert the conversation so that you don’t have to think about touching his milky white skin.
“I’m a male stripper,” Jimin says as though it’s the most casual thing in the world. You choke on air at first then try to recover by gulping down some water, only to choke on that as well. Jimin glances over at you, concern shining clearly in his eyes. “A-Are you okay?” He reaches out to touch your shoulder, fingers meeting bare skin, and it’s like a thousand little jolts of electricity shoot through your whole body. You recover from the coughing fit to stare at him in wonder.
“You – you’re a stripper? I…wow, I never would’ve guessed.”
Jimin all but cackles upon hearing your words. “What on earth makes you say that?”
You flush as his gaze falls over you, a sudden heat to his eyes that has you melting already.
“Y-You just seem… you seem a bit shy.” All the confidence you had earlier dissipates, blown away in the wind by Jimin’s newly revealed nature. His full lips curl into a smirk. It’s almost like he’s treating your interaction like a game, a predator hunting its prey and toying with it before the final meal. Jimin drops a hand to the table and lets it linger near his glass of water. His fingers drum against the wood in no particular rhythm but it feels like your heart is racing along to the same beat.
“Shy, huh? I get that a lot. Many people think that of me prior to seeing me in action.”
“Se-Seeing you in action? Yea, yea, stripping. Yea. In action.” You struggle to get the words out, clothes feeling ten times tighter now, and you press your thighs together at the thought of seeing Jimin in action.
“You’re so cute. Girls like you are so easy to read.” Jimin chuckles and brings a finger under your chin. He lifts it ever so slightly yet you follow the motion like a dog being given a treat. Hot breath ghosts over your lips as he leans closer to you. Just when you think his lips are going to brush over yours, he ducks past your mouth and touches the shell of your ear with his lips instead. “So easy to get hot and bothered with only the slightest glance. It’s adorable.”
You swallow roughly, unable to formulate any proper words. Jimin continues to mouth at your ear. His breath cascades over your skin and causes chills to run down your spine.
“You were so confident when you came to the table, baby girl.” A wave of heat rushes to your core. You clench your thighs together so hard that it hurts but Jimin doesn’t relent. “Where did all that confidence go?” His tongue darts out and drags across your ear. You feel the ball of a piercing running over your skin and have to suppress a moan at the idea of Jimin having a tongue piercing.
One of Jimin’s hands snakes down from the table and hesitates over your thigh.
“Is this okay?” He asks, voice almost husky. You give a subtle nod. You’re far too wary of the two men sitting across the table. While they don’t seem interested in what you and Jimin are doing, you know that could change in the blink of an eye, and you don’t want to risk them seeing you in this state. Still, you have to admit that there is a certain rush to being caught with Jimin’s hand rushing up your thigh. “Words, baby girl. I can’t read your mind.”
“Yes,” you whisper as quietly as you can. Jimin’s fingers clench around your thigh once you mutter the word, cold metal from his rings a sharp contrast to the warmth of his fingers. You whimper ever so slightly. Jimin picks up on it, a low chuckle passing through his lips as he watches you squirm under his touch.
“God, you’re so adorable when flustered like this,” he hisses against your ear. As he speaks, his hand travels further up your thigh, slipping under the material of your dress to find the source of your arousal. His fingers brush over the damp spot on your underwear, and you release another small noise. “I want to see you unravel under my touch.”
Your teeth sink into your quivering lip, trying to keep any further sounds at bay. Embarrassment burns at your skin, and Jimin’s touch persists, dragging over the damp spot with the lightest pressure. It’s enough to be teasing and cause small shocks of pleasure to radiate from your core every once in a while.
All of a sudden Jimin sits back and reaches for his water with his free hand. The other one pushes your panties to the side, revealing your sopping core. He doesn’t hesitate in dipping his fingers into your heat and pushes past the thick strands of arousal to reach your hole. All the while, he sips at his water as though nothing else is going on. Once he takes a large gulp, he faces you again, this time with a teasing smirk to his lips.
“So, Y/N, what do you do for a living?” He asks. Your eyes widen in shock at the question, baffled that he even wants to attempt conversation while his fingers are in your pussy like this. You neglect to respond for a few moments. Jimin’s lips curve down ever so slightly, and his fingers pull away from your heat. You desperately try to keep them in place with your own but he swats your hand away before you can. A high-pitched whine escapes you. Jimin’s eyes grow darker as lust washes over him.
“I-I, uh, I’m–” You can barely speak because as soon as you begin to, Jimin’s fingers push back against your core, one finger dipping into you while his ringed thumb toys at your clit. “I work at a clothing store. Retail. I’m in graduate school full-time.”
“Ah, a smart woman.” Jimin smiles. He turns to the men sitting across the table as he drags his ring over your clit in small circular motions. “Guys, this is Y/N. I think you both were too preoccupied with your drinks to meet her.”
You can’t believe that he’s introducing you while he is knuckle deep in your pussy, but it’s painfully obvious that he intends to carry out an entire conversation while like this just based upon the persistence of his touch.
“H-Hi,” you manage to stutter out. You cannot bear to look the two men in the eye, the burning shame of what’s going on under the table too much to handle.
“What did you say you were studying at graduate school, Y/N?” Jimin asks. He tilts his head in your direction. A playful gleam flashes across his eyes as he pushes a second finger into your core. The curve of his rings drags against your walls, and you instinctively clench around him.
“U-Uh, biology. I’m doing – studying biology.”
“Oh wow! That sounds super neat!” One of Jimin’s companions says, a broad smile stretching across his lips. You mean to respond with a smile of your own but the moment your lips part, Jimin curls his fingers in you and draws out a faint whine. You bite down on your tongue so hard that you think you might bleed. Neither man across the table comments, leading you to believe that they either didn’t notice or are choosing not to embarrass you in the open like this.
You can see Jimin’s lips curling into another devilish smirk as he hears your small noise. He curls his fingers even more, brushing against your sweet spot. He knows that he’s hit it by the way your breath hitches.
“So what do you wanna do with biology? Do you have any plans yet?” The same man persists in talking to you yet you want to do anything except talking at the moment because Jimin is bringing you closer and closer to the edge with his ministrations.
“I, uh, just you know…” You trail off to swallow roughly. Jimin’s fingers continue to fuck into you. “I w-wanna do something in the marine biology field! But if that doesn’t work out I’m u-using biology as a safety – ah, a safety net.” You nearly squeal as you conclude your sentence. Jimin brings you closer and closer to an orgasm, and you can almost taste it. It’s dangling in front of you. You zone out as the man across from you continues speaking, focused solely on chasing your orgasm. Then –
Nothing. Jimin’s touch disappears. He pulls his fingers out of you, flicks your underwear back in place, and acts as though he didn’t just finger you to near completion in the booth at some dingy bar. You whip your head in his direction, and he’s staring back at you with equal tenacity. A moment of silence passes. You can feel the heated stares of the men across the table but pay them no mind in favor of looking at Jimin.
“If you’ll excuse us both, I promised to take Y/N home tonight. She needs to go to bed early tonight, what with school and work.” Jimin nudges you out of the booth with his fingers that are still coated in the juices of your arousal. The look in his eyes tells you that you won’t be sleeping early at all tonight.
☽     ☾
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spideymarvelws · 3 years
Hard Decisions
Prince!Tom Holland x Fem!Reader
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A/n : I just really wanted to write a prince!tom fic also i struggled so much trying to figure out a title and summary but im pretty happy with the actual fic Still dont like the tittle tho...
Summary : You take tom out for an escape from his life in royalty, at least that was the plan.
Warnings : Floof, kinda smutty but not really, mentions of violence, war, some cursing here and there
Word Count : 2.8k
"That wasn't fair in the slightest and you know it!" Tom shouted as he halted his horse, licking his lips with annoyance.
He was in the middle of his book that his master had assigned him when you burst into his chambers, breathing heavily like his dog after he took her out into the fields. You were dressed in your riding gear, throwing his own smack in his face, the only words falling from your mouth were.
“You, me, stables, now,”
It wasn't totally out of character for you to be so spontaneous, he was used to it by now, so were his guards and everyone in the castle. So much so that they weren’t fazed anymore when you zipped past them in the halls never knowing if you were running to or from something.
None of them were curious enough to ask.
Nevertheless, he was always free for a nice ride through the forests with you. He always enjoyed tagging along and partaking in your little shenanigans around the kingdom. It was a nice break from his responsibilities as prince.
"What isn't fair is that your horse had to deal with your terrible riding," you picked at your nails, smirking at the young prince, "Better than last time thought, only five minutes behind,"
Even if you always beat him.
"Yeah, yeah, yeah," He muttered, jumping off his horse, his boots landing with a thud on the floor, "What are we even doing here in the first place?"
"You'll see," you smiled leaning off the tree trunk, "I put Galaxy over there," you pointed towards the brown horse shaking its head, most of its body hidden behind the thick shrubbery, "I'm sure she wouldn't mind some company,"
"Don't know, I feel like he would feel inferior to yours," Tom said, pointing to his horse.
"Don't worry, that logic only applies to you when you’re with me," you chuckled. It was known that you loved teasing him, it shocked him to this day that he still put up with your shit for the past years, putting in so much effort to see you at least once a week.
But you were the only person who kept him up float for the past years. The only person who treated him as an equal despite his blood and title. And he would be a fool if he let that go anytime soon.
Of course you couldn't know that, he could imagine how much embarrassment that would fill his body if you knew about his attraction towards you. He could already picture you brushing his words off as a silly joke and continuing with your day.
He didn't think he could deal with the rejection, to deal with losing you over some feelings.
"So, where are we going?" he said, dusting off his vest, "Or did you just bring me out here to murder me?"
"Trust me if i wanted to murder you, I would've done it a long time ago," you grinned, holding out your hand, “Now come on! The sun won’t be up for too long,”
You dragged him  up though the bushes and trees, maneuvering your way through the forest. He’d never seen you this bubbly before, running and jumping over roots and ducking swiftly under branches all while occasionally  looking back at him with a wide smile that made his heart melt.
“Are we there yet?” he whined, yelping when a branch hit him smack in the face.
“Oh shit,” your hand shot up to your mouth, trying to hide the laughter threatening to erupt from your throat, “Are you alright?”
“Oh yeah, totally,” he said sarcastically, rubbing his nose, trying his best not to sneeze, “like one always is when they get smacked with leaves and wood,”
You bit your lip, moving the branch back up so you could see him clearly, “If it makes you feel better, we’re almost there,”
He sighed, his head falling before picking it back up to look into your eyes, “Alright,” he chuckled when you continued to tug him along.
After a few more seconds of walking, he noticed the sound of water falling in the near distance making him a quirk up a brow. Soon enough you both emerged from the dense forest into a small opening.
His eyes trailed up the small pond, the ripples of the water reflecting the random rays of light passing through the trees hovering ever it like its own roof  As he moved up, he eyed the flow of water running down a layering of rocks like a small fountain. Around it was a mass of shrubbery, green with hints of colour throughout. It felt like he was stepping into a painting his mother painted for him when he was younger.
“It’s beautiful,” he whispered, his eyes taking in every part of the scenery.
“I know, found it when I was sear- playing with Harrison’s sword,”
“You lost his sword?” Tom teased, catching your mess up.
“I found it back, calm your tits,” you uttered, mumbling under your breath, “after having some fun with it,”
“What was that?”
“It was a nice sword alright?”, you laughed, pulling your hand out of his. 
He watched with curious eyes as you approached the lake, stopping as you reached the edge. He felt the instant head rise to his face when your fingers grazed the bottom of your loose skirt, pulling it off your body in one go and throwing it to the side.
He coughed as he looked away when your boots came off next along with the rest of your undergarments leaving you in your underwear and bra. He tried his best to keep his eyes turned down out of respect, but he would be a liar if he wasn't fighting not to raise his head.
“Are you coming?” you said, dipping your toes into the water before fully submerging your both your feet, “Or are you just going to stand there,” 
“I-” Tom blushed, rubbing the back of his neck.
You turned around to face him, hands crossing in front of your chest, staring at him expectedly, “Come on now, before your father figures out your gone,”
“I’m pretty sure he already knows-”
“Then you have no excuse!” you tilted your head to the side, jutting your bottom lip out, “I didn’t bring you out here to just stare at me as I bath,” you raised your eyebrow suggestively, “Unless that’s what you want to do?”
“I-,” he paused, looking back down at the ground in defeat (and to hide his blush at your words). He could never say no to you, “Fine,”
You jumped into the water in glee, shaking your hair purposely for the droplets to fall on his clothes.
He rolled his eyes playfully at your smug smile, unbuttoning his vest and throwing it on a patch of grass. He did the same with his shirt, turning around when he began to shuffle out of his pants. Tom wouldn't deny the fact that he knew his looks, years of fighting and working gave his body a defined shape.
He could feel your eyes burning into his back which gave him the boost of confidence he needed to turn around.
He carefully made his way into the water, hissing at its cold touch. You rolled your eyes at his slow movements, grabbing his legs and pulling him inside. You laughed as his body hit the water, splashing you and the land around the pool.
You giggled as Tom raised his head, shaking it back and forth, his brown locks creating a halo around his head. You pushed more water at his figure, laughing even harder at the look of betrayal on his face.
“You-,” he chuckled, moving his arms in the same manner, sending a wave of water in your direction.
“Oh, Is this war Holland?” 
“You bet your ass Y/l/n,”
You lunged at the brunette, pushing him under the water, your arms wrapping around his neck to keep him down. But it didn't last for long when he quickly broke the surface of the water once more. You wrapped your legs around his waist in a desperate attempt to keep him down, but it was useless given his strength.
When you looked back into his eyes, you finally took in how close you were, faces merely centimetres away from each other. You could feel his hot breath against yours, your wet skin melding with his. Your chest tightened, emotions you tried so hard to keep hidden resurfacing without thought. A glimmer of hope popping in your mind when he didn't pull away instead resting his hands on your waist, keeping you close.
You just didn’t think a prince would reciprocate the feelings for a commoner girl like you.
“Hey,” you whispered, readjusting your arms around his neck.
“Hey,” he whispered back, his eyes darting from your lips back to your eyes.
“i-,” your forehead fell against his, eyes closed as your heavy breaths fell upon his face, “Tommy,”
“Just say the word,” he gulped, “Just say the word, and none of this happened,”
He held his breath when you didn’t respond, his hands loosening from around your waist. He relished in the feeling of your body pressed against his not knowing when it might be the next time you would ever be like this with him after today.
He was a fool to think that you actually liked him in that way, that this wasn't just the spur of the moment but feelings aching to be unraveled at the seams.
“I want this to happen,” you finally muttered, opening your eyes to look directly at him, “I’m just scared what will happen after,” 
Tom let out a shaky breath, looking back and forth between your left and right eye, trying to process your words, “Only one way to find out right?” he managed to say, licking his lips.
You bit the middle of your bottom lip, letting it go with a heavy breath, “Yeah I guess so,”
“Are you sure?” He couldn't help but ask again.
“Just shut up and kiss me for God's sake,”
Tom finally smashed his lips on yours, tasting the fresh water on the surface before moving them along with yours. You tilted your head slightly, deepening the kiss. Even after imagining this moment for so long, losing himself in the thought almost everyday, it could’ve never prepared him for the feeling of your mouth on his.
His hands tightened around your waist, his feet moving slowly along the floor to press you against the nearest rock, wanting to be as close to you as possible, for this to last as long as possible. You fingers moved from his neck to his hair, tugging at the soaked strands making him groan into the kiss.
“Tommy,” you muttered, barely pulling away to utter the words before latching your lips back on his. 
“Yeah,” he smiled, biting your bottom lip as he pulled away fully.
“I-,” you started but was quickly interrupted by a loud bell that began to ring in your ears.
“Fuck, what’s that?” You breathed, whipping your head in the direction of the bell.
Tom replied hesitantly, “Someones attacking the castle,”
“What?” you said in disbelief, detangling your legs from around the prince’s waist, “Who would want to attack the castle?”
“I don’t know,” Tom said with a clenched jaw, despite his attempts to sound calm, the alarmed edge to his words failed to slow your rapid beating heart.
“You don’t know? You’re the prince!”
“Yes! As far as I’m aware we’ve been at peace with everyone for hundreds of years!” 
You took a moment to process his words. Your parents always used to tell you stories of the great war, always bragging that your great grandfather fought the battle that helped peace run through the lands.
The war that ended all wars.
Songs were sung everywhere, children learned about it all the time, hearing the tale of tragedy and loss every day of their loved ones. Hell, even you had the words memorised in your head so that you knew, the people knew that they were safe, that they were free.
The bell high in the castle was only meant to be rung when the crown was under attack. Thousands of questions began to run through your head.
Who would attack?
Why would they right before dawn?
How was anyone not aware of it earlier on?
None of it made sense.
“Come one, we got to go,” Tom gripped both your forearms, letting out a heavy breath. His voice was nothing but a distant sound in the back of your head, bouncing off the walls of your skull.
“I-,” you managed to squeak, your throat starting to close up as your breath became shorter, coming out in little, shaky huffs with deep inhales.
“Y/n, Y/n? Y/n!” tom said hastily, his hands making its way to your face, directing your eyes to his, “Look at me alright? You’re going to be fine. We are going to be fine alright?” his fingers wiped the wet hair sticking to the front of your face, “When we get back to our horses, yeah? I want you to ride far away okay. Do you remember our tree house, right? At the edge of the forest leading into the meadow? I want you to go there alright? Take galaxy with you and hide out there until i come for you,”
You shook your head, squeezing your eyes shut before looking back into his panicked ones, “Wait, What? Tommy, I’m not letting you go in there by yourself!”
“AND I’M NOT LETTING YOU DIE!” he shouted, trying his best to control his breathing, his distress, his confusion, “I’m not about to lead you into a battle that i know nothing off unarmed!”
“What about you?” you whispered, but loud enough for him to hear, “Do you think I’m okay with you running into battle?”
“I’m the prince, it’s-,” he sighed, “It’s my duty,”
You looked up into his brown eyes, staring into them to find some sort of comfort. You tried to find the joke, something, anything that might tell you that this wasn’t real, all just some sick prank to get you back at disrupting his activities.
But as his pupils dashed back and forth between yours, unable to focus. You knew that you couldn't talk your way out of this one. 
You also knew that you would be of no help in the kingdom in battle but ideas began to pop in your head of how you could help outside the walls
“Alright,” you gulped, “Alright,”
He gave you a quick kiss to the forehead before jumping out of the water. He tossed you his vest as you got out behind him so you could dry your body first. Shuffling around to gather the clothes that were thrown haphazardly in the ground.
Once both of you were fully dressed, Tom grabbed your hand as he led you back to your horse. You ran quickly, trying your best to not let the thoughts consume you but focus on what you needed to do, what you had to do.
Letting go of your hand as you both reached the clearing, he ran to his horse, untying his restraints. You did the same, petting her main in a calming matter, not only for the horse but for you too.
You both froze at the faint sound of a sword slashing some shrubbery followed by some muffled voices.
“Get on your horse,”
“Get on your horse now Y/n,”
You quickly mounted Galaxy, grabbing the reins tightly as Tom pulled out a sword from around his waist, keeping it close to his side. 
“When I tell you to go, you go okay?” he said wearily, his head darting in every direction.
“Tommy,” you said quietly, grabbing his face in the palms of your hand when her turned around to face you. You pressed your lips on his one last time, pulling away to rest your forehead against his, this time without the water surrounding you both.
“Stay safe, okay?” you whispered, rubbing your thumb against his cheek.
“I’ll try my best,” he smiled, taking your hand in his, “For you,”
“Over here!” a gruff voice sounded, “I see a horse!”
“Go, Y/n, Now,” Tom said quickly, moving back to his original stance.
With a split second of hesitation, you pulled at your reigns, kicking the horsed side, riding Galaxy away from the kingdom. You cringed at the distant sound of swords clashing and men screaming. What scared you the most was that you didn’t know who they came from.
But you couldn't focus on that right now, you had to find the tree house and from there, figure out what the fuck you were going to do, to help the kingdom.
To help him.
Permanent TagList : @jadegill @joyleenl @sarcastic-sunset-7
Tom Holland Taglist : @dummiesshort @seutarose @thenoddingbunny-blog​
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bitchfitch · 3 years
Conall woke to the smell of cinnamon and burning hair. His nose scrunched and his lips curled in a silent snarl he wasn't awake enough to suppress as he sat up in the bed he kept trying to escape. 
His every bone protested as he stood, and his muscles shook, with the aftermath of another full moon spent hunting through the woods like a common beast after being twisted into the shape of one by this stupid fucking curse. He managed to get his feet steady under him as he sought out the absolute bastard that kept dragging him back here. 
Arlo was where he always was, sat in front of the vanity in one of the bedrooms with his fingers combing through his stupidly long hair. He huffed as a greeting, not even bothering to look at Conall as he picked at a few strands and started the work of braiding it all into a manageable length. 
One of these days Conall was going to take a pair of shears to it all. Just to be cruel, just to stoop to Arlo's level.
"Why am I here," Conall demanded, "I left, I told you I had no interest in staying," 
"Yes well you see, I didn't bring you back here," Arlo retorted, "You crawled back all on your own, and collapsed on my doorstep like you do every damm month," 
"You know full well its your stupid curse that keeps brainwashing me back here," Conall stormed up to his side and was step away from grabbing him before that stupid curse twinged and forced any ideas of hurting the stupid unicorn out of his skull with a painful snap, 
"It's not a curse, Its not My curse, and there's nothing to do about it that I Haven't already done," 
"I'm sorry, do you just expect me to believe you have nothing to do with the curse that makes me want to protect you? That turns me into a dog everytime you are at your most powerful? You Truly believe I'm that stupid?"
"I believe you're that stupid, because you can't see that that's the truth, I didn't give you this blessing, I didn't make it. I didn't even know it was still kicking around until I Saved your sister from it," he spat,
"Fucking Explain it then, Explain why you are such a fucking liar," Conall had to swallow down bile as Arlo's hurt bumped up against the stupid curse.
"Im Not A Liar. And it's a long fucking story," Arlo snapped at him, 
"Then get fucking talking," Conall didn't care that he was scraping gouges in the wooden floor as he dragged a chair closer and dropped into it with a heavy huff. 
Arlo rolled his eyes and sneered as he started, his tone that of someone telling a bed time story to a brat they didn't particularly like, "Once upon a time, there was a queen who ruled an expansive and beautiful kingdom. She was perfect, and regal, and swelteringly kind, and most of all she was devoted to making sure her people Thrived no matter the cost.
So, one day, she gathered her kingdoms most powerful sorcerers, calling them each by name as she beheaded them and drained them of every drop of blood they had to give before rending the meat from their bones so that those may be used too.
When she was done she poured it all into her cauldron, and preyed and chanted and sang as she cut her own heart from her chest and dropped it into her brew.
The blood boiled around this offering so willingly and lovingly given, and the magic found her soul and bound it back together as the first of her children rose from the pot with her mounted on his back. 
He was a bull, white like the clouds above and as thick around the middle an entire chariot was wide, with golden hooves and single horn jutting from his forhead as he galloped and pranced with the reborn queen laughing on his back. 
The second was a similarly single horned war horse, white and gold but smaller than the bull that came before him. Still, he was stunning as he joined the joyful parade with blood clinging to his coat. 
The donkey was next, again with one horn growing from the center of his skull like a stake. Short and lean but powerful as he charged along with his brothers and their perfect mother. 
Then the deer burst forth, his single horn forked as he bounded so proudly around the room, leaping and prancing over the ruined remains of their imperfect fathers and other mothers. 
Finally a goat clambered out after them all, bleating and struggling to keep pace with his long legged family. He was the runt, the weakest, made from the dregs of the sorcerers' magic. 
The queen saw her runt and opened her arms to him and carried him on his brother's back. None of her children would ever be forgotten, or allowed to be trampled as long as she was there to protect them.
The family, complete and beautiful and perfect burst from the chamber and into their palace, the joyful cries of the people echoing through the halls at the sight of their reborn queen. They screamed and screamed as they welcomed her children into their court by offering up a feast of a first meal for their hungry mouths. 
The Queen's already prosperous land Flourished as though spring had finally hit after a year of winter. Her beloved and perfect and powerful children served their people with joy in their hearts. No one in the entire land ever went hungry, no field was ever blighted with rot, no wound left un-mended nor was even a single disease allowed to spread. The coffers were full and gold paved the streets, the water of their rivers and lakes ran crystal clear and sweet like honey.
The Perfect Queen and her Perfect children were worshiped by their people, but such beautiful perfection bred vile envy. 
A vile and selfish little human crept into the children's rooms one night. A lasso in one hand and a dagger in the other as it hunted through the corridors, looking for which one it would steal away from its family. 
But oh that silly little thing, weak and stupid as it was. It found the children curled up together with their mother watching over them. 
The Queen cought it before it could even take a single step, her wings beat as she dragged it out the window with her, her claws digging into its soft body threatening to destroy it completely. But in her divine mercy, she lifted it higher and higher and higher, twisting and bending its imperfect shape into something even more grotesque. 
She landed with it held in her arms and she called to her children, who of course always headed their mother's call.  
She laid the creature at their feet and told them that it would protect them now, that it was their pet and that they should look after it, that they should love it so that it would love them. 
That was the first werewolf, it stood guard over their rooms and when others like what it had been came close it would tear into them and spread its gift. They would turn too then, and join it in its guarding. 
Though, the children only ever loved the first of their precious dogs. The rest were too much fun to not play with. So, long as at least one lived, they could do whatever they pleased with the others. So they did. They tore them apart and painted their rooms in their blood and takes their hides with their brains and the children made their mother necklaces and crowns and bracelets and rings and every other little bobble they could from those precious wolves' bones.
The children loved their mother, so of course they wanted to lavish her with every gift they could. She had already given them so much, it was only fair.
The perfect family and their perfect pets weren't allowed to be happy forever though. A man, A king, their mother told the children to call him that, came into their home and soon their mother was heavy with his imperfect children. 
She assured her eldests that this was only a means to an end, that she needed an heir. Someone who would look after her perfect children when she was gone. She told them that while the children the king gave her would never be perfect, she would make them so. Just like she made herself perfect, just like she made all of them perfect, she would make these new lives perfect too.
To prove her devotion to the children born from the blood of her heart instead of the water of her womb, she gave the first of the king's imperfect offspring to them.
Oh how the king sobbed as they ripped it to shreds. Its awful little body not even worth being made into a gift for their mother.
The second was allowed to grow. Their mother would bring him to her perfect children every day and have each of them lay a blessing on him until he too was perfect. 
Only then did they welcome him as a brother. Only then did they begin to follow his orders like they did their mother's.
Oh how foolish those perfect children were.
Death came for their mother one night, her blood stained the long dead king's son's hands. 
Were he anyone else, they would have destroyed him just like they did that first child the king gave their mother. But their own blessings made him immune to their curses and their powerful bodies. Their mothers own blood protected him even when it hadn't protected her.
The Queen's perfect children cried and shrieked their mourning, and refused to lay their gifts on any of the cruel and selfish humans. It was their blood that ran in their littlest and most vile brother's veins, why should they serve any that would dare to share a history with him?
The new King did not have the patience for his perfect siblings. So he stole away their hounds and sent them to war, all but the one they loved, he killed that one in front of them and made them watch as it begged and suffered. 
Then, when they continued to refuse to obey him, he took everything they had. He took their hair and their eyes and their horns, and the skin off of their flesh, then the flesh off of their bones and then he took those too. And he took until there was nothing left and those perfect siblings of his were gone,"
Arlo looked back to his mirror his shoulders tense and his hands shaking with ancient grief, "Then, one day many years later, when the Perfect Queen and her perfect children were only whispered myths, a pair of witches gathered all of their magic and the corpse of their beloved sister. 
They went to the place that the Perfect Queen's castel had once stood and called on the fragments of her children, They pulled the goat, the weakest of his siblings from the aether and begged for him to revive their sister. 
He looked at the humans, and saw only their selfish ways. But he could not return to his rest. No, they held him there and demanded he do what they asked. Said they would never let him go if he didn't. Said they would damn all of his brothers to that horrid… inbetweenness of not being fully alive and not fully dead while being all to aware of it.
So, he looked them in the eye and made them a deal, Their sister's heart would beat and her body would walk again, but they must never attempt to summon his brothers. 
They were stupid, and agreed.
The goat took the dead sister's body as his. Her heart beat, and she walked and talked, but it was him who was in control.
He damned himself to this existence, knowing the witches had no way of killing him, nor did they have a way to summon his brothers while the body was being used. 
Years passed again, now with the goat alone in the palace he had shared with his perfect family. Unable to leave because if he did some other ungrateful and selfish human might try to take from him again. They might not care about destroying the body he wore like the witches did, and if the body was destroyed, the witches might try to summon and damn his brothers. 
So the goat lived in the buried castle and watched the world above through his mirror, and eventually he began talking to the witches, he was so dreadfully lonely that even their vile company held value. 
Other horrid little humans would stumble close sometimes. He'd kill them on sight, Or curse them until their blood boiled in their veins, or he'd give them something that looked like a blessing just so they would lead more to him. It was the only fun he could have without risking his physical body being known. 
But then the witches finally promised the goat a kindness. They told him that the wolves his mother had made for her perfect children still spread their blessings, but that with the unicorns dead and gone they had turned to vile beasts as they desperately searched for their charges. 
The goats heart ached but then it soared when the witches told him that there was one being brought to him.
A little girl, they told him it was, a child so young that if he loved and cared for it it would grow up to love and care for him in return. He remembered the precious wolf he shared with his brothers and Gladly accepted the offer for them to let him care for it.
Offering them a loc of his hair and blood from his veins. He knew how to not be selfish, unlike the humans, he knew that you always offer something in return.
They took what he gave, but when they brought him his pup, she was in the arms of a strange man. 
He collapsed onto his knees and begged for his sister to be cured tears staining his..."
Arlo hesitates, looking at Conall and picking his next words carefully, 
"His face, that the goat had initially found repulsive but no longer minds. The goat was about to kill the awful and pathetic creature, about to take his precious pup to show her to the room the goat had put together just for her. But then the man's words registered.
He wasn't begging, he wasn't asking to take. He was offering everything he had for the goat to save his sister from a perceived suffering. 
And the goat didn't see the witches making cruel demands and threats. He didn’t see that monster of a half brother demanding he and his perfect brothers work for the creature that killed their mother. 
He saw himself, and he saw his perfect brothers, and their mother. He saw his family always looking out and protecting eachother. 
The man asked for the goat to cure his sister of her blessing, and in return he would give everything he could. 
The goat's heart broke. He wanted, truly wanted, to help a human for the first time since his mother's passing. But he couldn't do what the man asked. His mother was far more powerful, and even now centuries after her death and many many generations removed, her blessing still held stronger than the goat could ever hope to be able t overpower. 
So he made the man, the pure and clever human who knew not to take without giving something in return, an offer. 
The goat couldn't destroy the blessing, but if the man could offer up another to take his sister's place, the goat could transfer it to them." 
Arlo looked back to his mirror, where he saw only Conall's reflection, as he finished the last braid, "I think you know the rest," 
A long moment passed as Conall tried to reconcile the story he was just told with the monster- no, the man, he sat across from.
"Were you really going to take care of Asena?" Conall asked, his voice low and quiet, as though speaking too loudly would break the careful peace between them, 
"I was going to raise her as though she were my own. I was so excited to teach her magic, and to give her all the blessings I could... I guess the witches are doing that now though," He leaned forward against the worn wood of his vanity and rested his chin on his folded arms, "I was going to have a family again," he wiped at his eyes before the tears could spill,
"I'm sorry, Conall," he sighed
"Why?" Conall tried not to sound surprised at such a genuine sounding apology,
"I know those weren't the answers you wanted. I know you wanted me to tell you that it had all been a trick and I could just snap my fingers and cure you of my mother's blessing," 
"No, those weren't the answers I wanted but..." Conall didn't know what to say next, so he said nothing and just settled a hand on one of Arlo's thin shoulders. He squeezed it softly as he felt Arlo go rigid under his touch for just a moment before practically melting beneath his palm. 
Conall had the sinking realization that this might very well be the first time anyone has touched Arlo since his entire family was killed. 
Conall had the sinking realization that the same might be true for himself.
"Please," Arlo whimpered burrying his face in the crook of his arm, "Please, I don't want you to feel trapped here, but please stay, I'll offer whatever I can, but Conall please stop leaving me alone here," 
"I..." he tried to swallow down the words before they could damn them both, but he was so much weaker than The Perfect Queen's blessing,
"Of course,"
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clownistyping · 3 years
A Witch & A Hick, Chp. 3
Little Secret
This chapter is just the two learning about each other and car problems lol.
Also warning for Elizabeth offering sex as payment lol, it doesn't happen. Also I do hc Lester living in a trailer bc its extremely common and realistic tbh.
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Lester puts the truck in drive and looks at Elizabeth as he presses the brake, 
"I remember you said there's a town nearby, any chance we can go there to fix up my van?" Elizabeth asks as she pets the two dogs, 
"No need, they'll charge ya criminal prices. I can fix it." Criminal prices, he repeats in his head. 
"Oh come on, you've already done so much." Elizabeth says her face soft, 
"I insist! I can't just let them uh take ya money when I can fix it for free." He smiles and Elizabeth mirrors it. Lester gives from the brakes and drives towards his home, 
"I have a feeling there's something...more behind this." Lester gulps, 
"What made ya think that?" Lester nervously laughs and his hands tighten around the wheel, 
"That's how most men are, expect a favor for a favor. Though they often expect ya know." Lester blinks and cringes, 
"Aw that! I wasn't thinking anything like that, hell I wasn't even thinking about you doing anything." 
"I mean I'll do it." His eyes widen and he stops the truck again, 
"What?" He blushes and looks at the girl, 
"I'll get you off, I've done it before." 
"No no! I have to decline, I just ain't that kinda man." Lester nods to the woman who shrugs, he lied. He is that kinda man, he's had victims beg for safety with offers of sex. He always took it, but let's the girls fall back in the hands of his brothers. 
"Not that I don't find ya pretty!" He defends quickly and Elizabeth laughs, 
"You're real purdy, I just. I just can't." He sighs and Elizabeth notices how tense he is. 
"Thanks, for calling me pretty." She smiles, 
"I think you're real pretty too." She compliments Lester who blushes again, Lester has never talked to a stranger this long. Never had a girl call him pretty, never met her.
"Ya just sayin that cuz I'm given ya a ride." Lester chuckles and Elizabeth shakes her head, 
"Nope," she pops her P, 
"Everybody's beautiful in they're own way, just as nature intended." Lester blinks and remembers her van, the witchy collection in it. 
"Oh right, you're a witch!" Lester exclaims and Elizabeth nods, 
"How'd you know?" She teased and Lester laughs,
"How'd you even get in all that junk anyways?" Lester asks and flicks his hat, 
"It ain't junk. Don't be rude," Elizabeth smirks and Lester nods his head, Jonesey puts her head on Lester's lap. He pets the dogs head. 
"Sorry but, how did you ya know..start?" 
"My sister got me my tarot cards, she really showed me the basics of witchcraft. Our parents didn't really care all that much but never let us do it in the house. Guess that's why I moved out so early too." Elizabeth laughs, 
Lester pulls up towards a driveway of a trailer.
The trailer is a once white single wide, covered in vines and ivy. Bones hung from the porch ceiling, 
Elizabeth notices his front door was wide open, and in the yard were scatters of trash, car parts, bones and more. The windows were open but blinds were keeping the inside blocked. 
It looks like nobody lives there, as stray cats scurried under the trailer and hissed at each other.
"I'll be quick, I'll just unload your van and fix her right up in a jiffy." Lester smiles at the girl and gets out of the truck, Jonesey follows and Mac follows after her. 
Elizabeth smiles as she watches the two dogs sniff around and play, getting out of the truck her barefeet sink into the grass and dirt. She stretches, the truck wasn't entirely comfortable with Mac siting right on her. 
"Sorry for the mess, I don't really have guests." Lester says as he unhooks the van, 
"Its fine, I've seen much worse." 
"Nah, doubt it." Lester shakes his head and wipes his hands on his jeans, Elizabeth takes note of the depreciation joke he says. 
As Lester pops her hood and smoke rises from it, Elizabeth frowns. 
"That happened before?" Lester asks as he waves the smoke off, Elizabeth nods. 
"Yeah, I've had a couple engine problems. Mainly because of oil, but my light wasn't even on." 
"Yup, cars will do that. Just spring a problem on ya right as ya were doing fine." Lester grazes his hand over the engine and instantly finds the problem, 
"When's the last time ya changed the cooling fan?" 
"Cleaned it?" 
"Never." Lester sighs and Elizabeth frowns, 
"That bad?" He nods, 
"Your engine is busted, you're gonna need a new one." 
"Nooooo." Elizabeth groans
"Hey its okay, this happens all the time. It's just an accident." Lester tries to comfort the girl, she squats and hides in her knees. 
"Hey now," Lester gets on his knee and pats the girls back. 
"We can maybe order one from the next town over, but it'll take a while for it to come in since we're basically in the middle of no where." Lester then sits with the girl and he blinks when he hears a sob come from her. 
"Jeez darlin, it ain't anything to cry about." He says and Elizabeth looks up, her makeup more runny than before, 
"This is my karma! I know it is and- and I shouldn't be cryin-ing but-" she hides her face again and Lester stutters, 
"Aw no no, this ain't karma just an accident. Honest." 
He isn't entirely sure what else to do, seen plenty of girls cry in Ambrose. Ain't none of them cried like this. 
Crying about karma, hell if karma was real he'd be dead, he thinks and shakes his head. He gently pats the girls back as she sobs. The two dogs show up and sit around the two Mac places his head on the girls back. Pushing Lester's hand away, Elizabeth quickly hugs her dog.
After a couple minutes, her sobs stop and she looks up. 
"Im sorry Lester, I just. It's just been a lot today," she says and wipes her eyes, smudging her makeup. 
"Wanna talk about it?" Lester ask and Elizabeth looks around, noticing the sun is starting to set. 
"No, not right now. I'm just tired now, sorry for bothering you with my emotions and junk." 
"Ain't no bother at all, I'm happy to help." She shows a smile from his words as he stands, he puts his hand out and she takes it to stand. 
"I know, and thanks again. Do you think it's alright if my van stays the night? I'll try to go to another town in the morning and order an engine. I'll find a motel too." She says, trying to clean her face up from tears and makeup. 
Lester raises a brow, and Elizabeth shakes her head already knowing he'll offer his home. 
"Lester please you've already done so much for me! I promise that by tomorrow I'll be out of your hair." She says and Lester shakes his head, 
"Darlin, How about we both go into town order you an engine and when it gets here I can put it in. If you think I'm letting you sleep in that hot van for the night you're dead wrong." Lester stands up straight and crosses his arms, Elizabeth actually has to look up to see his face. 
"I've got a spare room, it's messy and mainly holds all my junk but it's got a bed, a desk and a closet." Lester says and Elizabeth takes a deep breathe, 
"Thank you," she says and Lester uncrosses his arms, 
"I mean it, without you I'd probably be kidnapped by some crazy guy. Unless you are the crazy guy." She jokes and Lester nervously laughs.
"I like to call myself unqiue." Lester jokes and Elizabeth laughs, 
"That you are friend, that you are." Elizabeth says and watches as the sun falls behind the trees.
After grabbing her needed things from the van, the two walk towards the trailer. 
The two walk onto the wooden porch, Elizabeth's hands grazing the bones hanging above, 
"Those are my people repellents, makes hikers skedaddle." Lester jokes and Elizabeth smiles, 
"They're beautiful," she compliments and Lester walks through the open door, 
"Yup, they sure are. I uh, I keep my door open so the strays can come in and relax and get away from the heat." He says and flicks on a light, it blinks a few times but turns on. 
The two are standing in the living room, the couches covered in fur and scratches. Clothes are all around and clean and unclean bones sit on the coffee table. 
But the recliner is free of fur, just a flannel on the back. 
Lester notices his playboy magazine on the coffee table and quickly snatches up the magazine, Rolling it up he laughs embarrassingly. 
"Sorry about that, again not often I get guests." Elizabeth smiles and shakes her head. From behind the two, Mac and Jonesey come running in. They jump on the couch and sit next to each other. 
"My house is there house." Lester pets Jonesy's head and smiles, putting the magazine behind the couch during this. He turns to face Elizabeth whose staring at the bones, 
"I'll show you to ya room," Lester walks to the right and opens a bedroom door, 
The bedroom filled with bones in boxes, books, clothes and random knick knacks. He quickly lifts boxes from the bed and pats the dust off. 
"My casa your casa." He smiles and Elizabeth places her stuff down, Lester stands in the doorway now. 
"Thanks again, Lester. I really appreciate it." Elizabeth puts her hand out and Lester looks down at it. It's so small, he gently grabs it and Elizabeth grabs one of the bracelets on her wrist. She brings it over her hand and onto his, 
"I can't not give you a gift." She says and lets him go, Lester looks down at the bracelet. A whole set of animal teeth with beads in between. 
"I- thank you. It's so purdy." He says and continues, 
"You're a real uh...what's it called?" 
"Freak?" He quickly shakes his head, and takes her hand again. Putting their wrists together with the bracelets, 
"Unique," he smiles, "You're a real unique girl." 
"Is it because I mess with bones and junk?" 
"Well that, and because you're real nice." Elizabeth smiles, 
"You're just as unique as me Lester." She says and the two look at each other for a second, wanting this conversation not to end but not sure how to continue. 
Suddenly from behind Lester, Mac barks. 
Elizabeth laughs, 
"It's past his bedtime, sorry he gets cranky when he's not in bed by this time." Lester let's the dog run past him and onto the bed, 
"Well, goodnight, um. Sleep tight?" 
"You too Lester." Elizabeth quietly shuts her door and Lester stares at the closed door. Jonesy whines from behind him, 
Lester turns to the dog and squats, he pets the dogs cheeks and smiles. 
"She'll be our little secret, right Jonesey?" The dog licks his face. 
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words-for-holland · 4 years
Quarantine Series: Burnt Out
Pairing: Tom Holland x Reader
Summary: Y/N has to work from home during Quarantine, but when she gets extremely busy it’s up to Tom to find a way to help her relax .
A/N: This is my second attempt at this piece. Last time I created this it was super long but it got deleted 😩
Check the Rest: Burnt Out | A New Look | Secret Cuts & Kisses | Breaking Friendships |The Birthday Week | Movie Night | Silence is Golden?|
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All Y/N ever wanted was an opportunity to work from home. Then again, who wouldn't want that opportunity? All she could think about was how nice it’d be to work in the comfort of her own home, not have to dress up in business professional clothing, and most importantly be surrounded by the people she cared for the most. But as the saying goes, “Be careful for what you wish for.”
When a global pandemic decided to take over 2020, Y/N certainly got her wish. Her company was forced to work from home until further notice, but what she didn’t expect was the amount of work she would be given. Y/N was pulled from project to project with deadlines thin as paper, and was expected to pick up the extra work of those that were no longer with the company. There was no time to catch a breath, and there certainly was no time to spend with her beloved boyfriend, Tom. This only made Y/N more depressed and made the Holland boys only more concerned.
“Mate, you got to get her to take a break. She’s gonna overdo it.” Harrison commented to his best friend, as they watched Y/N type away like a zombie from the kitchen.
“You think I don’t know that?!” Tom responded with a defeated sigh. “Every time I ask her, she always brushes it off and claims shes fine. Don't get me wrong, Im proud of her and admire her work ethic, but damn its sucking the life out of her.”
Both Harrison and Tom continued to observe Y/N with a cup of tea on hand, wondering how long it would take before she snapped. Tom hated seeing her like this. To him this wasn’t fair. It’s not fair that her 8 hour shift now became a 15 hr shift. Its not fair that she had to work 3 weekends straight, and it certainly wasn’t fair that her company took precious time away to be together. It was hard enough already that he couldn’t spend time with Y/N like a normal boyfriend would because of filming. Now, that he has the opportunity to make up for the lost time, it’s taken away.
“What if you surprised her?” Harrison quipped.
Tom looked up at his best friend with curious eyes. It took a few minutes to sink in, until the brightest idea figuratively smacked him in the face. “Yeah...yeah!” he responded, a smile forming “And I think I know exactly how to do it.”
As Tom was working through the thought process of his brilliant plan, his younger brother entered the kitchen, looking for his usual afternoon snack. “Hey, does anyone know where —. Oh no...” Harry groaned as he looked up at Tom and Harry. “Whatever it is that you two are planning...Leave me out of it.”
“Come on, mate. You dont even know what were planning.” Harrison defended
“Believe me, I know enough and any plan that involves you in it, is likely to fail 99.9% of the time.” Harry opened up his bag of crisps as he continued to list out the other 99 possible reason why they should have left Y/N alone like she wanted. “Cmon guys, you know how she gets. When she doesnt want to be bothered, she doesnt want to be bothered.”
“You’re right Harry, but she’s so stressed, she’s homesick, and one day she’s going to overdo it. Id be a shit boyfriend, if I let it happen.” Tom reasoned. “Look, Im not trying to do anything crazy here. I just want to give her that sense of comfort and see her relax.”
Harry looked at his brother and then at Harrison, both displaying their best puppy dog eyes, in hopes that he’ll join in. “The face doesnt work on me...but I’ll help for Y/N’s sake.”
Meanwhile, Y/N continued her work in the living room, her eyes firmly glued to the computer screen. After being dragged into the kitchen and the Holland plan, Tuwaine slowly made his way to Y/N. “Hey Y/N.” he happily greeted. “I think it’s time for you get some fresh air, don’t you think?”
Y/N looked up, her glasses slightly shifting forward down her nose. “You know theres this thing called being stuck in Quaratine right?” she responded, continuing to code her project.
“I think the real question is do you really want to work here when there’s just nothing but CONSTANT NOISE !” Tuwaine yelled out, hoping the others would catch on.
“What?!” Tom yelled back. It took him some time to realize what Tuwaine meant by his statement. “Oh...Right!” Quickly, Tom grabbed whatever pot or pan he could grab his hands on and dropped them on the counter. Harrison and Harry gave Tom the strangest look. “What? I gave him some noise?”, he shrugged.
“See?” Tuwaine smiled back at Y/N. “You wouldnt want to distract that working brain of yours with all this going on, right?” Y/N furrowed her eyebrows as Tuwaine as she looked at him and the closed off kitchen. Did they think she was born yesterday? Of course she knew they were up to something. None of the boys were subtle enough to keep everything hush hush.
Y/N shook her head and decided to just go with it. The faster she complied, the faster they’d leave her alone, which only meant more time to finish her work. Tuwaine helped carry her laptop, mouse, and charger to the porch as he led her outside. “See, arent you glad your outside, breathing in fresh air with no distractions?”, Tuwaine spoke out.
Y/N took her time to admire the view. “Wow”, she whispered under her breath. Y/N couldnt remember the last time she set foot outdoors. Seeing the sunlight hit the flower beds, the gentle breeze rustle through the grass; it was beautiful. Of course, the moment was short lived with a simple ding, which only multiplied by the second.
Y/N dripped her head back, trying to rub out the frustration from her face. “Yes, well it was fun while it lasted. Duty calls.”
“Im sure they wouldnt mind if you just took five minutes for yourself at least.” Tuwaine commented, feeling bad about the amount of work he saw popping up on your screen.
“Yeah well that’s Corporate for you. Doesnt matter if you’re 500 km away or if a virus is hurting the population. If you’re not working, you’re useless.” Y/N shrugs. It wasn’t like her company was completely evil, this was just how business worked.
“I know Y/N, and we all see that you care deeply about your work but we’re all so worried about you too. We want you to be mentally okay as well. I know Tom is worried about you the most...He misses you, you know.”
Y/N’s heart dropped the second she heard him say it. She knew that all of this was gonna take some time away from Tom, but she hadn’t realized how much he would be missing her, even though they’re living under the same roof. “Yeah I miss him too, more than anyone will know. Believe me.” Y/N pondered for a moment as she stared at the work in front of her. Perhaps five minutes couldn’t hurt. “Maybe I will take that break after all.”
“Really?”, Tuwaine was surprised she had agreed so quickly, and at the same time he panicked. Tom and the others were not ready for Y/N’s surprise yet. “On second thought, Im wrong. You should keep going and try to finish up that project of yours or else you’ll never be done.”
“Excuse me?” Y/N asked as she tried to close her laptop. “You just spent a whole half hour trying to convince me to stop working, and now you want me to go back and work?”
“Yeah..I mean what do I know, right?” He laughed nervously. Tuwaine looked back at the door, for some sort of signal. Come on man it’s not like your preparing a break for the Queen of England.
“Listen Tuwaine, if I go back there and you boys break anything in that house...I swear— I’ll”
“Y/N!” Tom interjected as he stepped out to the porch. He wrapped his arms behind her waist, giving her a gently kiss on the top of her head. “How’s work, my pretty girl?” He looked back at Tuwaine and mouthed a thank you to him as he left the love birds alone.
Y/N turned around to face Tom, taking in his features and running her hands at the nape of his neck. “Busy, but what else is new? I’ve been missing you a whole lot”
“Me too, darling. Anyway, Im really hoping you can take a break from all this because I’ve got something special for you.”
“Oh no, babe. You know you didnt have to anything for me. Really Im fine..I-“
“I wanted to. In fact the boys wanted in on it too. So this is really from all of us, if you think about it.” Tom grabbed Y/N’s hand as he led her back in to house. “Come.”
As they both enetered the house hand in hand, Tom led Y/N into the kitchen, where the rest of the boys waited with diner burgers in hand and warm homemade chocolate chip cookies on the side of table. What seemed like a simple meal was a cure for any bad day..at least for Y/N it was. It represented a sense of home for her, while being far from Jersey. Even though she hadnt realized it, Tom and the boys knew she needed it. “Wow” Y/N breathed “I...I dont know what to say.”
“Dont say, just eat” Harrison laughed. “In all honesty this was Tom’s idea. We just wanted to make sure you had the support you need.”
“Yeah you deserve this, so please enjoy it.” Harry added. With that, everyone dug in and bonded over a family dinner, sharing laughs and stories. Tom leaned toward Y/N whispering in her ear, “I have a few more surprises after this.”
The next few surprises did not disappointment. He set up a nice warm bath for the two of them to relax and enjoy each others compny. A few subtle kisses, laughter, and silence was shared between the two. Y/N leaned back into Tom’s chest, feeling the water gently flow back and forth. Breathing in and out, she had forgotten how good this felt. Being close to Tom, was a different experience, one that no one could ever do justice. This was what she really needed.
After the bath, Tom led her into their shared bedroom. For a moment, Y/N stopped him as she pulled his head down to hers, giving him the kiss he rightfully deserved. Her lips crashed with his, his hands gently holding the sides of her tiny face. He picked her up as she wrapped her legs around his waist and situated themselves on the bed. Reluctantly, they both pulled away, catching their breath. Their foreheads touching and noses gently rubbing the others. “I love you. I love you more than you could possibly know.” Y/N whispered to him
“And I love you. I just want to give you the world because you deserve it all. My hardworking pretty girl.” Of course all good things must come to an end.
After a great well spent break was shared between Y/N and Tom, she was back on the work grind. Only this time she was working in their room as Tom was reading a script for his next upcoming project. The more Y/N coded, the sleepier she was getting. It onyl took a few minutes before she started leaning into Tom and her eyes started to flutter. Her breaths became slower and she was out like a light.
Tom turned to look at Y/N, smiling to see the sight of her finally at peace. He removed her glasses and set them by her table side. Tom made sure to clock her out of work abd checked to see if her work was saved. Just as he was about to turn off her laptop, another message popped up. “Great”, he muttered, rolling his eyes at the fact her team is still working at this hour. He couldnt help but read it though. Just how badly did they need her anyway?
We all know how hard you’re working and going above and beyond to get these projects out the door. For that, we thank you! On behalf of the company we’d like you all to take a day off on us!
Tom smiled, relieved that shell finally get some time for herself. Feeling triumphant, he shut off her laptop and set it aside. Crawling back into the bed and covering themselves under the blanket. His arms wrapped her waist once again. “Goodnight, my love. Im so proud of you.” he whispered.
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Ocean Eyes - Part 4
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I sat across from Chris at the small kitchen table in an awkward silence, picking at the label on the ketchup bottle.
"How could you keep this from me? Did you hate me that much?" Chris suddenly asked making me look up at him.
"It wasn't like that Chris, you broke my heart but i.... i never stopped loving you"
"If you loved me you would have told me!"
"I tried to tell you! My god i tried for months to contact you but you would never take my calls! I left you voicemails begging you to call me back....." i told him feeling my eyes start to tear up "i even tried to see you...." i shrugged remembering back to the day i decided to go back to the apartment i shared with him briefly "do you remember that day? I begged you to hear me out.... do you remember what you said to me?"
Chris's head dropped as he shook it, he actually looked ashamed of himself.
"You remember??"
"You told me i needed to stop being so desperate, that i needed to accept the fact we were over.... you told me our relationship was a mistake"
"I was an asshole i know that! But i was gonna be a dad and you kept that from me for nearly... what, 7 years??"
"Okay answer me this, would the you back then have given a shit?? Because i honestly don't think it would have changed a god damn thing because you were a selfish prick!" I whisper yelled at him so Mason wouldn't hear "you say you've changed now and that your not that guy anymore and i pray to god thats true, but....."
"I swear to god i've changed Y/N, i grew up. I realised that the fame didn't mean as much to me as my family"
"Good for you"
"You dont believe a word im saying do you?" He shook his head "i know that look you can't lie to me" he mumbled rubbing his hands over his face.
"Its not that i dont believe youve changed Chris, its that even then you never once reached out to me. Even before i was your wife, as brief as it was.... i was your best friend. It was so easy for you to cut me out of your life"
"I missed you everyday Y/N.... i just, i couldn't face you after what i did"
"Until you needed those divorce papers signed huh? Then you faced me".
Chris just looked down avoiding eye contact, he didn't know what to say.
"Look, if you wanna get to know Mason i won't try and stop you" i said quickly before i lost my nerve.
"Of course i do!"
"if you do this you need to be in 100%, i wont have you breaking his heart when you get bored of playing daddy. Because i swear to god Chris, if you hurt my son i will fucking kill you"
"I promise, i'm in 110%"
"Okay....." i nodded taking a deep breath "we've got pizza coming, did you wanna stay for dinner.... meet your son?"
"Id love that" he smiled wiping a tear quickly from his face "did you ever tell him about me? I mean does he know who i am at all?"
"His seen old photo's of you before your Captain America days, knows your name... thats it"
"Where does he think i've been? He must have asked where i was?"
"Its only been the last year his really asked about it, when he started preschool and the other kids had dads picking them up..... guess he wanted to know why he didn't have one. I told him he did have one but you were away working"
"He must hate me"
"Chris his 5 and a half he doesn't know how to hate".
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We were all sat around the coffee table in the living room, the two pizza boxes spread out between us. I had just finished explaining to Mason that Chris was the same man in the photo he had in his bedroom, that Chris was his dad. Mason stared at Chris for a while before taking a bite of his pizza.
"You look funny...." Mason casually said and i nearly choked on my mouthful of pizza.
"I guess i do look a little different" Chris smiled at him "what photo do you have?"
"I'll go get it!" He jumped up and run upstairs excitedly.
"Its just a photo of us when we were younger" i said casually looking at my slice of pizza like it was the most fascinating thing in the world "it was the only one i had...."
"What do you mean? You had loads of photos...."
"I did until i burnt them all"
"You burnt them?!" He asked wide eyed.
"I was mad at you" i shrugged "i didn't want to look at them anymore".
I was so full of shit, i had kept them all, stored away in the back of my closet where i tried to forget them. The only reason i gave Mason the older photo was because it was from a time when Chris and I were happy, before he left me.
Mason came running back in and gave Chris the photo, a smile spread across his face when he saw it was a photo of us taken at Disney on one of our trips to Florida.
"God i remember this day, it was a good day" he looked up and smiled.
"It was " i nodded wiping off my hands before getting up and going to the kitchen, i needed some space. As much as i tried to convince myself that i hated Chris, part of me couldn't help but love him and being in the same room with him after all this time was tough. I was getting a glass of water when i heard Mason ask Chris a question that broke me.
"Dad? Can you read me a story before bed? Mama always reads to me but you never have"
"Sure bud, if thats okay with your mom?" I heard him reply happily.
I couldn't help but cry silently.... my hand over my mouth to muffle any sound, i just couldn't hold it in anymore.
"Mom?" Mason was suddenly standing behind me "can dad stay to read me a story?"
I quickly wiped my eyes and turned to face him with a forced smile.
"Sure baby"
"Yes!" He shouted happily running back out "she said yes!".
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I stood outside Mason's room listening to Chris read 'If You Give A Dog A Donut', Mason giggling along and making little comments here and there which would then make Chris laugh before carrying on. After a couple of minutes i left them to it and went downstairs to tidy up.
10 minutes or so passed before Chris reappeared, it felt awkward between us again now Mason wasn't here.
"Thank you for letting me do that Y/N"
"Mason wanted you to read to him, i find it hard to say no to that kid" i shrugged.
"I bet. His a great kid, you've done a good job with him"
"Thank you"
"I can't believe i've missed so much of his life..... you have no idea how much i hate myself"
Probably not as much as i've hated you! I said to myself but at the same time deciding there was something i could give him.
"Wait here a minute, i need to go get something" i mumbled passing him and going up to my room. I went to my closet and dug around in the back until i found the black leather storage box i was looking for.
When i got back downstairs i handed the box to Chris who looked confused.
"Its a thing i used to do when i found out i was pregnant, letters, photos and stuff" i said feeling my cheeks burn from embarrassment of how stupid i had been....I just couldn't really let him go.
"Its only stuff from during the pregnancy and maybe the first 1/2 years but you might wanna see" i shrugged folding my arms to stop them shaking.
"Thank you Y/N....."
"Sure, well its getting late you should probably be going...."
"Of course" he nodded quickly "can i give you a hug?...."
"No. We're not at the hugging stage Chris"
"Okay" he said sadly as we made our way to the front door "when can i see Mason again?"
"Whenever you want i just need a heads up"
"Why don't you see if Scott wants to come too?? I need to talk to that brother of yours"
"Don't be mad at him, he didn't tell me Mason was my son... just that you had a kid"
"Your telling me he wasn't the one to tell you to come see me again??"
He was silent and looking around nervously.... Scott told him to come see me!
"You forget i know you two too well"
"I wanted to see you again i did, i just.... i was being a fucking chicken shit. I knew you hated me"
"Can you blame me?"
"Not for a second"
"Okay.... im gonna go inside, we'll see you tomorrow?"
"I'll be here. Goodnight Y/N"
"Goodnight Chris" i said quietly before shutting the door and taking a deep breath to try and control my emotions, i was so sick of crying over fucking Chris Evans! I thought those days were over.
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Everything taglist: @jesseswartzwelder @dumblani @barnesandrogersworld @patzammit @rynabarnesrogers-reading @rainbowkisses31
Ocean eyes: @supraveng @michelehansel @katiew1973 @denisemarieangelina @mrsjeffwittek @mery-be @marvelfansworld @cmalass @capstopavenger @fallenoutofrose @kelbabyblue @biebsmylife95 @loser-alert @traceyaudette @w3lissax
Taglist is open, drop me an ask or DM if you’d like to be added 💕
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