#that's Mic sticking his head in Aizawa's sleeping bag
goldandgreenflakes · 1 year
Aizawa x Fem! Reader (PART 2!!!!!)
Here's part one 👇 maybe read this first
(Not quite enemies but close enough)
I LOVE CLICHÉSSSSSS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
(Your hero name is Shockwave, btw)
I watched as Aizawa's form retreated to the bathroom, turning off the main bedroom light on his way.
Once he closed the door, I rolled over in the bed and faced the large window that overlooked the city. The convention center was just a short way away, and I could see trucks labeled "Hero Week!" Parked outside of it.
I sat up slightly to take a sip of the drink Aizawa had gotten me as sleep started to officially pull at the corners of my eyes.
Laying back down, I glared out the window as cars the size of matchboxes sped by.
The bathroom door opened, and Aizawa quietly walked back towards our bed. I could feel a tense, unpleasant silence settle over the two of us and genuinely couldn't think of anything to kill it with.
Aizawa spoke first. "Did you get your schedule for tomorrow?"
I let out a small sigh before responding. "Yeah," I said. The sudden rush of stress from my upcoming busy day made my already heavy eyelids pull down farther.
Aizawa hummed. "Go to sleep, L/n. We have work to do in the morning."
Nodding, I finally closed my eyes and let myself try to relax despite the other person in the room who I hadn't even considered as a teamate before.
Now, I felt more like he was my friend. I didn't want to admit it, but his sticking up for me at the bar and trying to help my eventual hangover was uncharacteristically kind of him.
I must have drifted off because I awoke to gentle poking on my face.
"L/n, wake up," a deep voice grunted. I lifted my head and opened my eyes to see none other than Aizawa, laying on his back in front of me.
And I had somehow managed to curl up against him and lay my head on his chest.
I pulled away in embarrassment, ignoring the slight pounding in my head and sitting up on the edge of the bed and putting my face in my hands. "Sorry," was all I could manage to mumble out.
The man shrugged, stood, and began picking out his hero costume for the conference. I decided to follow suit.
After a few moments of yet another awkward silence, Aizawa spoke. "How's your head?"
I thought for a moment. "It's... could be worse," I responded. He nodded before moving to change in the bathroom.
While Aizawa was in the bathroom, I decided it would be faster for me to just put my hero costume on and hope I was fast enough for him not to see anything. I quickly pulled my night shirt up and over my head, slipping on my outfit for the day and sitting down on the bed.
Just as I was pulling the bottom half of my costume on, Aizawa walked out of the bathroom. I shuffled to pull it up the rest of the way, but by the time he rounded the corner, I had only made it about halfway.
The man looked me over, muttered out a "nice" with a roll of his eyes, and grabbed his keycard.
Then he left.
I paused for a moment, fingers absent-mindedly pulling at the hem of my costume. What was his issue? One second, he's looking out for me, and the next he's... well, he's doing whatever it is that he just did.
Deciding that I was fighting a war I'd never win, I finished putting my costume on and grabbed my bag. I put my own keycard in my bag as well as grabbed my identification badge for the convention to put around my neck.
Nemuri and Mic met me in the hallway, arms once again linked in humor as the three of us walked.
"How's your head?" Mic asked, leaning forward to see me on the other side of Nemuri.
I shrugged. The headache was still there, but I felt as though it could have been much worse if it weren't for Aizawa trying to help.
Nemuri snapped her fingers and pulled out a small bag that hung around her hips. She quickly produced a tablet, handing it to me.
"Take this with breakfast. You'll feel better," she said. I thanked her.
"Shockwave!" A voice called as soon as the three of us turned a corner towards the hotel lobby where breakfast was being served.
I turned and watched as the blond approached me, his red wings fluttering behind him as he waved.
"The name's Takami, but you can call me Hawks, Sweetheart," the man introduced himself with a flourish, "it's great to finally meet you after hearing about you upcoming the ranks!"
I felt my cheeks flush in a modest embarrassment as I returned his greeting. "Oh, um I'm Shockwave," I introduced myself awkwardly, "but... you knew that already."
This was the first time I've ever been approached as a pro hero.
And by the number 2 ranked pro hero? I was honored to even be recognized and painfully aware of the fact that I was making a complete fool of myself.
Hawks held out a hand, flashing a charming smile my way. "I've been looking for you since I found out you'd be at the conference!"
I could hardly bring myself to look him in his piercing eyes. "O-oh, why's that?"
The man in front of me kept moving his head into my line of vision. Grinning at my flustered state.
"Wow, you're really not good with people, are you?" He asked, though it was more of a statement. "I wanted you to sit with me and Mirko for breakfast."
I looked at Nemuri, who had busied herself in a conversation with Mic, the both of them laughing quietly. She turned to me and smiled, sending me a thumbs up.
"Sure, I'll sit with you," I responded as I let the warm feeling of being accepted spread through my core.
Hawks walked me over to a booth, and I sat opposite him and Mirko. The Bunny Hero smiled at me, and a waiter appeared at the snap of Hawk's fingers.
A hotel with waiters? For breakfast? Holy shit.
We ordered, with me having to pick a dish quickly without getting to think much, then the two heros turned to me.
"So, Shockwave," Mirko started, "You're moving up the hero ranks pretty quickly."
I nodded, glancing around and catching Aizawa's gaze from where he stood at the other side of the room with Mic.
I averted my eyes down to the table as Mirko continued.
"You're shy, though. How do you deal with getting recognized in public?"
That question threw me off a little bit. "I... don't. I've never been recognized."
Hawks shook his head as the waiter returned with our dishes. That was fast. "I don't believe that. You're so memorable!"
My face flushed thoroughly. "Oh! Well, thank you, I appreciate that. I normally work in the background, so I'm not -"
He continued. "Do you mind telling me a little bit about your powers?" He leaned forward and paid me full attention, which only made my cheeks warm more.
Aizawa's POV (3rd Person)
Aizawa watched as Y/n sat with her newfound friends. Hawks was already working his magic on her, and Aizawa could see the modest blush spreading over her, not just through a red hue, but through her facial expressions as well. From the looks of it, Hawks knew exactly what buttons to press to take a girl home for a night.
"Is Zawa getting jealous?" Nemuri asked, siding up to the hero in black.
The man shook his head. "No. I'm just admiring the fact that Hawks has her wrapped around his finger already. She's not nearly as observant as you'd think."
Mic piped up. "You're way too invested to not be at least a little jealous. We know you slept with her last night!"
Aizawa sputtered. "What the hell do you mean? We didn't-"
"I'm just messing with you!" Mic cut him off. "But seriously, wipe that look off your face, yo. You're obvious." Aizawa rolled his eyes and shot a glare at Mic at the same time.
But. His legs moved without him even realizing it. He stopped at the table.
"The limo is pulling up soon for the teachers. Get ready to go, L/n," He said.
Y/n's smile faltered slightly, "Oh.. um, alright." She turned to Hawks. "Thanks for inviting me over."
Hawks waved her off. "No problem, and don't worry about breakfast, I'll pay."
Y/n tried to deflect. "N-no, you don't have to do that," she tried.
"It's really okay, Shockwave, I can cover it!"
"She doesn't need it," Aizawa cut in, pulling his wallet out. He threw down more than enough money to cover Y/n's food, then grabbed her hand and led her in the direction of the exit, where the rest of the teachers were gathering to head to the convention center.
Once Aizawa and Y/n were out of Hawk's line of vision, Aizawa dropped her hand and walked away from her with his back turned in her direction.
The limousine pulled up to the hotel entrance, and the teacher heros all piled in.
Aizawa sat near the back, eyeing Y/n as she climbed into the vehicle.
He wasn't quite sure what came over him, but he did know that he needed it to stop or this would be a long convention.
Aaannnd a part 2! This is turning into a mini series I'm losing my mind. Thanks for reading ig and I'll put out a part 3 whenever I end up getting to it but it depends on how well this one does.
Please consider reading part 3!
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journalxxx · 2 years
The Quiet Room (1)
The couch of the teachers’ lounge was, all in all, very comfortable. Honestly, it beat most beds Toshinori had been forced to slot into, simply by virtue of being almost exactly as long as he was tall. He could lay his head on one armrest and prop his calves on the other and he would fit just right, his shoes sticking out just far enough not to soil the fabric. Perfection.
Unfortunately, that wasn’t enough to afford him the bliss of a short pre-afternoon-lessons snooze that day.
There was a mosquito in the room. Midoriya had once told him (among the many, many diverse things that Midoriya regularly told him) that only people up to 25 years of age could hear mosquitoes fly, due to age-related loss of hearing range. This particular mosquito must have been aware and spiteful of that fact, because it was trying its damnedest to make its presence known regardless, mostly by bodily shoving itself right into Toshinori’s ears and nostrils at close intervals. Not that it even needed to, since Toshinori’s eardrums must have missed the physiology memo and were still perfectly capable of picking up the annoying buzzing even when the dastardly creature was frolicking on the opposite side of the room, instead of actively trying to penetrate his skull.
“Might Ears”, Nighteye had called it, with that utterly straight-faced humor of his that Toshinori had taken at least a whole year to learn to parse correctly. It was incredibly useful to track down trouble nearby and sometimes even far off, a naturally keen sense of hearing bordering on a proper sixth sense that had alerted him of many subtle crimes and undetected victims over the years. On the other hand, it was incredibly detrimental to his ability to rest. Every little sound, every distant voice, every sudden variation of the noise level of the environment caught Toshinori’s attention completely, setting him on edge until he’d grasped the exact nature of the disturbance, and made sure it wasn’t a threat to anyone’s safety. Sometimes it was hard enough to fall asleep at night at the overall quiet altitude of his Tokyo penthouse; it was often impossible to catch some shut-eye in the middle of the day in the country’s top ranking, bustling high school in Musutafu. Steps echoing in the corridors, youthful shouts, a vast assortment of quirk-related blasts and booms and thuds and thwacks, and of course-
From several rooms and corridors over, Present Mic’s voice rang with all the discretion of a fire alarm, loud enough to make Toshinori flinch with his whole body. He rubbed his hands over his face with a low groan as he finally gave in and sat up. It was a lost cause. He scratched his head with a sigh as his eyes fell on the yellow sleeping bag curled up on the floor on the opposite side of the room.
“How do you do it…?” Toshinori mumbled, mostly to himself.
“Habit.” Was the unexpected, gruff reply. Ah, he hadn’t managed to sleep through that either then.
Aizawa had such an odd relationship with sleep. He always seemed to rest way too little and way too much at the same time. He likely had extremely poor sleep quality, for whatever reason. Or, as Midnight had once put it with her peculiar flair, he relentlessly courted Morpheus like a fervent suitor, but he never quite managed to consummate the act.
Toshinori chuckled. “I applaud your experience then. Is there a trick to spending more than ten years in close quarters with Mic without going completely deaf?”
“Earplugs and earmuffs. Try those.”
“Ah, they don’t do the trick for me, I’m afraid.” There was something that disturbed Toshinori on a very visceral level about being unable to hear things happening right under his nose. He simply couldn’t relax enough to doze off with the knowledge that someone might be passing right beside him, tinkering, working, existing, and he’d be none the wiser. He wouldn’t go as far as to call it paranoia, just… a deep-seated appreciation for situational awareness.
“Chokeholds then.”
Toshinori smirked. “His speaker protects him quite well against chokeholds, doesn’t it?”
“You smash it first. He doesn’t mind, he has spares.”
“Anything that doesn’t involve egregious property damage or bodily harm?”
“Too many caveats.” The bean-shaped, padded mass shifted with what Toshinori assumed was a shrug. “Nothing you can do about it then.”
Toshinori still felt a tad guilty taking up the couch all for himself when his coworker was huddled on the cold, hard floor few meters away from him, but Aizawa seemed to harbor a certain disdain for sofas anyway. On his second day at UA, Toshinori had pointed out (politely, as far as he was aware) to a sleepy Aizawa on the ground that the couch nearby was unoccupied, only for the other man to reply with an icy and laconic “I know” and proceed to remain exactly where he was for the next two hours. Toshinori hadn’t brought up the matter again.
“Pity.” Toshinori fixed his loosened tie and donned his jacket again. “I could have really used some extra energy today. Rescue training is going to be taxing for us both, I bet.”
Aizawa finally deigned to roll on his side to face Toshinori, and graced him with his fifth unimpressed glare of the day. “Go to the quiet room if you need your beauty sleep that badly.”
“The quiet room?” Toshinori looked up curiously as he finished buttoning up his suit.
“Has no one shown you yet?”
Toshinori shook his head negatively, clueless as to what the other man might be referring to. With a long-suffering sigh, Aizawa pulled down the zipper of his sleeping bag and started shuffling out of it with blatant reluctance.
“Oh please, don’t inconvenience yourself.” Toshinori objected, raising and showing his palms to reinforce his words. “You can tell me about it another time. I have some marking to catch up with anyway, I may as well take care of it now…”
“Mh.” Aizawa hesitated, weighing his options carefully. No doubt the prospect of Toshinori actually keeping up with his intended duties for once was an enticing one. In the end though, he shrugged and stood up. “Never mind that. The sooner someone shows you, the better.”
“Teach a man to fish…” Aizawa elaborated as he folded his sleeping bag haphazardly and deposited it on the nearest chair. “...And maybe he’ll stop adding his moaning and groaning to all the background noise you’re trying to block.”
“Ah.” Toshinori couldn’t help but grimace. “My apologies, I didn’t mean to-”
“Come.” Aizawa walked out of the lounge without further ado, and Toshinori was left with no choice but to trail after him.
The Eraser Hero still puzzled Toshinori to a considerable degree. Luckily, their relationship wasn’t nearly as belligerent as their first interactions had made Toshinori fear. As it turned out, putting their own lives on the line to protect a whole class from a villain attack not even a week into the new school year was quite the effective icebreaker. They had proved their utmost dedication to the kids’ well-being without a shadow of a doubt, and they had earned each other’s lasting respect in the process.
Still, Toshinori wasn’t sure whether that meant that Aizawa had properly warmed up to him yet. Granted, his baseline level of interpersonal warmth was pretty chilly to begin with, if his habitually brusque behavior with Midnight and Mic, who’d apparently known him since high school, was of any indication. Any attempts at small talk on Toshinori’s part systematically fell flat, and any offers to help or ease his troubled recovery were met with just as much ill-concealed dislike as Toshinori himself would have probably had in similar circumstances.
Of all the possible activities that could have made for some sort of peaceful common ground between Aizawa and him, Toshinori never expected catnapping to be the one they’d end up somewhat bonding over. Normally, Toshinori wouldn’t even conceive of sleeping in the workplace, not even during the free periods between lessons and planning, no matter how exhausting keeping almost two dozen adolescents at bay for hours on end might be. He would consider it disrespectful towards his hard-working colleagues, and a frankly demeaning display of feebleness on his part. However, when an ostensibly healthy thirty-year-old teacher regularly spent the better part of his free time snoozing in the office, and all the rest of the staff treated that fact as if it was just part of the natural order of the universe, you couldn’t help but question your beliefs, in some measure.
The USJ debacle had forced Toshinori to change his stance on the topic drastically. Stuck with barely one hour and a half of muscle form per day, he simply couldn’t handle his pre-established workload. Aizawa and the other teachers had to step in and cover for him almost on a daily basis, and… Toshinori hated that, plain and simple. And as much as he loathed to admit it, putting up his feet and resting even for a little while throughout the day did afford him the ability to keep up appearances for a few more minutes during his lessons. And if power naps allowed him to do what he was supposed to do for a little longer, and a little better… then by God, for the sake of his students, he would swallow his pride and crash on the communal sofa like the decaying wreck he was. He owed those bright youths that much, at least.
Being co-teachers of the same subject for the same class, Toshinori’s and Aizawa’s free periods tended to match, so it wasn’t long before they ended up heading to the lounge for the same purpose. Surprisingly, after an initial threat of violent repercussions in case Toshinori snored (which he did not, thankfully, despite the less than optimal state of his airways), Aizawa hadn’t put up any resistance, hence their current arrangement.
Unfortunately Toshinori would soon discover that deciding to allow himself to enjoy a refreshing nap at the faculty did not translate to actually managing to enjoy a refreshing nap at the faculty.
Toshinori followed Aizawa down the stairs into the underground floor, where he’d been only once or twice before to retrieve some stocked office supplies. They stopped in front of a large, heavy metal door, the kind that, in Toshinori’s imagination, might lead into a vault or a cold storage room. However, when Aizawa swung it open, it was immediately obvious it was something different.
“Oh!” Toshinori gazed around the large area in awe as they stepped in. “I didn’t know we had an anechoic chamber!”
Toshinori had never been into one before, but he was familiar with the basic mechanics and rationale of its structure, courtesy of some passionate ramblings of Dave’s back in college. Hypnotic patterns of tridimensional geometry covered walls and ceiling, while the floor consisted of a metal grate suspended over an unassuming expanse of concrete. There were a small table, two plastic chairs, and a small recliner shoved all together next to one corner of the room.
“The hero course never really needs it, but we’ve had a couple of students over the years with sound-based quirks that found it useful.” Aizawa’s voice sounded very odd in that new environment, muffled and clear at the same time. It became harder to parse when Aizawa wasn’t facing him, so Toshinori stuck close to his side as the man walked to the sparse furniture.
“Was Mic one of these students?”
Aizawa shook his head. “It was built more recently. The support course requested it, they use it to run tests and try out new equipment. Still, it’s empty and available most of the time. It makes for a good napping spot on Mic’s high-energy days.”
“I see.” That definitely sounded like first-hand experience. Toshinori watched as Aizawa fetched the only item on the table, a little black remote, and held it in his palm for him to see.
“You can rearrange the layout of all surfaces as you see fit.” He tapped one of the buttons, and  the wall to their left slowly started to recede deep into the earth, until it was far back enough for an entirely different wall, made of smooth concrete this time, to slide in its place from some unseen crevice. Aizawa proceeded to demonstrate the same process with the other walls and then the ceiling, until the entire room became basically one big box of concrete, and their voices echoed loudly in that wide emptiness if they raised them too much.
“This is pretty impressive.” Toshinori commented, feeling a little uneasy at the idea of taking advantage of such a refined technological asset for the sake of a short doze.
“This one turns the lights on and off.” Aizawa continued to illustrate each function by pointing at the respective buttons in a quick sequence. Toshinori had already decided he was going to fiddle with the controls as little as possible, to reduce the risk of accidentally damaging anything, but he paid close attention anyway. “These two control the room’s temperature. Air circulation. Emergency call-”
“Emergency call?”
“There have been malfunctions during equipment tests, and some people tend to find the full anechoic layout stressful. At any rate, it isn’t safe to leave potentially injured people trapped in a room where they have no hope of alerting outsiders unless they have a mobile on them.” Aizawa pointed at the entrance, unperturbed. “Same reason why there’s no lock on the door.”
“...Very good point.” Those were indeed wise precautions, Toshinori thought. A capable director could make one hell of a psychological thriller on such a striking premise.
“Hm, what else…?” Aizawa paused, scratching his chin thoughtfully. “Don’t touch the wedges. There’s fiberglass under the surface layer. It hurts.”
“I wouldn’t dream of it.” Toshinori tried not to bristle at the man’s condescending tone. Sure, it was good to know, but he wasn’t going to start poking and prodding at obviously delicate and probably costly gear like a nosy toddler sticking his fingers in a socket.
“Right. Have fun then.” Aizawa turned his back to him and moved to leave, having consumed more than his fair share of thoughtfulness for the day.
“Thank you for showing me around, I appreciate it.” Toshinori took care of adding, polite, ever polite, especially polite in the face of Aizawa’s perplexing brand of half-assed mockery. The day Toshinori would stoop down to respond in kind to win one battle would be the day he’d lose the war.
“Don’t hoard the place for yourself though.” Aizawa said as he closed the door behind him. “Lots of people use it.”
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black-and-yellow · 3 years
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That one video of the guy slapping his hand in his dog's mouth.
This just isn't funny at all.
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beigehearts · 3 years
The teacher trio when their s/o kisses them in public
drabbles i just need some fluffy stuff rn so here yall go
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Toshinori Yagi (All Might)
It doesn't take much to convince Toshi to go shopping with you. He would never want you to carry all of those heavy bags. He has a bit of a complex when it comes to helping you and 'being your hero'.
He carries two bags in one hand and holds your hand with his other. No matter how much you argued to let him give you one of the bags, he kept telling you no. You stick your bottom lip out, pouting.
"You're always like this Toshi, I can carry a bag." You complain.
He smiles at you with his big goofy grin, "I know you can honey, but you don't have to."
You stop in your tracks, pulling him towards you.
Suddenly he looks very worried, "Is something wrong?" He furrows his brows and leans down to inspect your face. He's always so protective of you.
As he leans down, you grab his face with both hands and plant a fat kiss on his soft lips.
You take a step back and smile at him.
He remains in place, unmoving. He's a sucker for you, but he's also a bit of a prude.
He coughs and blood sprays from his mouth. It never stops worrying you no matter how often it happens. You grab a rag from your pocket that you keep for times like these and sigh. He is such a sucker for you.
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Shota Aizawa (Eraserhead)
It takes a lot of convincing to get Shota to go anywhere with you. During his free time he likes to be sleeping, not expending more energy. Despite this, you convince him to get dinner with you after work.
You go to a Korean barbeque and enjoy more than your fare share of drinks. You leave the building arm in arm while giggling at dumb jokes.
"Okay okay, but have you heard of this one?" You smile mischievously at Shota and he raises a brow.
"Well I don't know until you tell me." He chuckles with a small smile.
You nod and face him, "Okay so a hero and a villain walk into a bar..."
"Okay, then what?" He asks.
You stand on your tip toes and whisper, "And does this."
You kiss him gently but with need. His lips are rough but so addicting, he reciprocates, pressing his own against yours.
You fall back onto your feet and give him a wide grin.
He grabs your waist and pulls you against him, "That's a good joke." He can't help but steal another kiss from you.
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Hizashi Yamada (Present Mic)
The both of you sit in the comfortable lounge chairs in the back of the theatre. You decided it had been a while since you had seen a movie so you dragged your boyfriend with you to one. It's some comedy that's supposed to be the best of the century. So far it hasn't disappointed.
Hizashi can barely contain his laughter and you have to keep reminding him to control his quirk. Sometimes it just comes out, projecting his voice and possibly blowing out someone's ear drums.
You admire him for a moment, he's watching the movie so intently. He never does anything half assed, so if he's watching a movie he's watching that movie. Sometimes you just can't take your eyes off of him.
"Hizashi." You whisper. He doesn't seem to hear. So you speak up, "Hizashi, babe."
He turns his head, cocking it to the side. "What's up?"
Before he can respond, you lean into him, kissing him. His mustache scratches against your skin but you've come to love it.
You pull back and examine his face. His eyes are wide and eyebrows are raised.
"Is something wro-" You begin to ask.
But he grabs the back of your head and smashes his lips into yours. It's safe to say that neither of you saw the ending of the movie.
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Chocolate Kisses
Homemade chocolates!! They're traditionally used in Japan as a means of confession or conveyance of your feelings.
The recipient then gets the chance to return the favor of the gift on White Day!
Usually, the reader is giving the chocolate but this time around, some characters are more keen on letting their feelings known… These are some unexpected and completely self indulgent pieces.
These are literally just a series of drabbles... Probably a little rushed and varying in length.
Credit to my friend for helping me with the chocolate idea.
Gender Neutral! Reader
These’ll be under the cut for space.
Happy Belated Valentine’s Day!
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~ Dari
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Aizawa Shouta / Eraserhead + Younger Nurse Reader
“Aizawa - senpai!”
The man’s heart nearly jumped out of his chest, instead setting at a rapid pace that raced against his ribs. Rattling him in his entirety from the inside.
He really wasn’t good at this.
Seeing you wrapped up in a cozy sweater and white coat isn’t good for his health even if you were there to improve said health. Especially on a day like this, where pink and red hearts decorate it along the lapels and sleeve cuffs. Making you all the more adorable.
Not to mention your call to the honorific that reflected the dynamic between you both.
Shouta nodded at you, gaze impassive, despite the turmoil lying just under the surface. He spoke your surname in a mumble, muffled from hiding behind his capture weapon.
His last line of defense to hide his face, of which he cursed for its sensitivity to blushing.
Your smile is brilliant, blinding as you bounce, “Yamada - senpai told me you had something for me?”
The chocolates he made were burning a hole in his pocket as he then proceeded to promise himself that he’d gut Yamada if it was the last thing he did. He is unable to muster a word for another minute or two, slightly shaking hand holding his creation to you.
Wrapping scattered with clusters of stars, tied messily in gray string.
“I made them for you.” The words are awkward, even he cringed at how they sounded.
But nonetheless, you smile.
You blush.
You’re touching his hand.
... It looked as if gutting Mic could be put on hold... For now.
Bakugo Katsuki + Elder Reader
Lifting your head, yawning softly and peer at the perpetrator interrupting your nap.
"Oh." You blink and give a lax smile, "Hey."
"Don't 'hey' me." Katsuki snipped fiercely though the sight of your lidded gaze caused his cheeks to burn. "Were you just sleeping here? I told you to meet me during break! I had to come looking for you."
"Mmm," The soft grunt was coupled with you rubbing one of your eyes with a fist "you coulda asked Toshi where I was."
You deadpanned.
"Shinsou Hitoshi? My baby brother? C'mon, you're in the same year."
He seemed to huff at that, narrowing rubies upon you to try and hide his embarrassment from forgetting who you were speaking about. "Useless senpai."
You balk before just letting your expression fall back to one of neutrality. It was too much of a hassle to get angry, he was just trying to get you to react.
"Were you ever taught to respect your elders?" The light scolding barely had any heart in it, even as you lift yourself from the warm desk. "... You needed me for something right?"
The sun silhouetted you, tousled appearance just endearing the sleepy expression you don. Peering at him in wait for what he'd come to find you for.
Katsuki twitched, fingers twitching from their place - stuffed deep in his pockets. His chin tilted down, avoiding the curious gaze now pinning his suddenly heavy body in place. The tips of his ears burned under the scrutiny, shoulders tensed while he ripped one of his hands from his pocket.
A silence filled the room.
The boy didn't need to look at your face to find shock in it.
In his sweating palm, was something wrapped in black paper - patterned with comic explosions and tied with a green ribbon.
“Sorry.” Katsuki grit out the apology. 
He meant it though, as painful was it was to bluster the words from his lips. His heart raced, his other hand trembling in anticipation.
The wait was the hardest part.
Shinsou Hitoshi + School Idol Reader
“Shin - kun, help!”
There is a light spike of panic in his gut, having watched a serious spectacle upon his entrance to school. With pretty doe eyes, you stared at him with plea for aid, a collected pile of items nearly trapping you beneath them. Arms gathered with the gifts spilling from the inside of your locker, body pinning them so they didn’t touch the ground.
The adrenaline rush was soothed as he realized there was no danger, instead replaced with a hollow, sinking feeling wavering any confidence he had. 
Now here he stood, outside your classroom with a heaviness in his legs.
Staring at the chocolate he’d slaved over, a little burnt…
But enough to convey the feelings he’d had since the pair of you attended Nabu Middle. As it’d been wrapped in the very handkerchief you gave him, mopping up his bloodied nose and smiling so warm and sweet.
He cleaned it, of course.
It’s color once again a light lavender.
You told him to keep it, that it matched his hair.
Hitoshi sighed and frowned as he thought to himself, “Well, maybe next year.”
“If someone doesn’t beat you to it.”
He flinched at the nasty voice bouncing around in the back of his skull.
But he helped anyway, taking the precariously balanced boxes and letters. Obnoxiously stamped in hearts and buckets of glitter, they speckled your pristine uniform. Even after being tucked away in a bag.
“It gets worse every year.” He heard from within the room, making him lift his head. With cheekiness, the voice of a classmate teased, “You gonna break all their hearts again?”
Shinsou shifted closer to the door, peering between the gap. Watching you to shake the nightmarish arts and crafts medium from your clothes, you only stick your tongue out in response.
Huffing lowly, you turn your head and state, “I’m waiting for Hitoshi to confess, okay?”
His heart skipped.
Takami Keigo / Hawks + Serious Reader
“Are you dumping a fan’s hard work off on me, Hawks?”
The slightly piercing tone of your melodic voice is enough to send a shudder down the length of his spine. A frostiness felt even through the phone - intimidating - but it wasn’t enough to keep him from smiling a little bit.
“Nah, nah,” He hummed, wings flapping in the chilly air “I’m not horrible.”
You grunt, the sound of paper crinkling made the line crackle.
He barely flinched; despite his sensitive ears ringing at the noise.
“These were handmade.”
“Yep.” Keigo agreed
Feathers ruffling, he landed, airing out the large appendages in his back. Perching on the streetlamp as he’d done many times before, staring into the glass window with an easygoing smile.
“Made ‘em myself.” He admitted, feeling the light sting along his knuckle in phantom of the burn he received.
He witnessed you fumble with the chocolate this time, scrambling to make sure it wasn’t wasted by it touching the floor. Pressing his hand to his mouth to hide a laugh, he can only feel his heart strings tangle between his ribs. Wildly spinning and wrapping his insides in an indescribable web of glee.
Your expression was so shy now, handling the wrapping with such care, “This… This was on purpose, right?”
The hero grinned, unable to stop himself.
“Why don’t you look out the window and tell me, pretty puffin.”
Todoroki Enji / Endeavor + Sidekick Reader
“Chocolate roses?”
You stared, incredulous, at the sight of them. Set in a crystal vase, woven together with a big, gold ribbon - the entire ensemble was terribly extravagant. The deliverer only giggled into the back of his hand and pressed them into your’s, leaving you staring down at them.
The scent of cocoa and macha percolating from them was lovely.
“Here’s the card!” He chirped, “Happy Valentine’s Day.”
Gingerly setting them on your desk, a fellow sidekick watched in amusement from her cubicle beside you as you hesitate to look at the card.
Who would have sent you these?
They were incredibly expensive, you recognize, from a high-end chocolatier shop near the Endeavor agency - where you worked.
Even the card gives you nary a clue as to who your admirer was.
“Get well soon, stay off your ankle.”
It was signed off with a single drawing of a flame.
Giving your neighbor a look, she just shrugged, signaling that she hadn’t known either. Leaving you to puzzle and puzzle over the possibilities.
Completely unaware as your companion knowingly drifted her eyes over to the lingering presence of your boss. Amused as to see his rather hasty retreat upon being caught.
She shook her head and rolled her eyes as she thought, “Todoroki, you need to learn how to be more subtle.”
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strikethematch18 · 3 years
Dadzawa x F! Reader - Over Worked & Tired Part 2
After your shower which made you feel a little better than before as the act of cleaning the accruing sweat and radiating germs from your body. Your next step was hoisting yourself out of the shower base and to a position you can dry your body and get dressed. This would be an awfully awkward thing for your teacher to help you with, so this task left you on your own. 
It took a little bit of time and effort but eventually, you did manage to dry your body. The next step was to put the fresh clothes Aizawa left for you on your body, they were definitely comfortable and comforting. This took a little less bit of energy but still took a lot. After sitting for a moment on the seat on the toilet you stood up to face your weakness and the overpowering world spinning. 
You open the door to the bathroom quietly and slowly make your way down a hallway holding on to the wall for added support. It wasn’t long until you heard the quick steps of your professor coming from what you could assume was the kitchen in order to give you added support and led you over to a couch already made with pillows and a new blanket which made you frown slightly.
In your moment of help, you couldn’t help feeling a little guilty, “Y/N, you should have gotten my attention, and I would have been helped you sooner so you didn’t exert nearly as much energy and strength.”
Picking up on your frown Azaiwa said, “it’s just in the wash, I figured it would help and it would make it a little softer. Same thing with your clothes”
“Oh okay, thanks,” you responded weakly.
He stood in front of you and crouched down to your sitting level, “Do you think you could eat a little soup for me kid? It’s chicken noodle so it’s going to be easy on you. I know you’re not the biggest rice fan.”
Aware that you hadn’t eaten in a few days you responded, “Yeah I can try.”
As he walks away you begin to acknowledge how cold you feel but you know it’s a drawback of your fever. Truthfully you didn’t want to eat anything, what you wanted was to curl up in that blanket and sleep, but you weren’t about to let Azaiwas cooking efforts go to waste, and you putting it off any longer probably wouldn’t help your case either, so complying seemed like your best option here. In your slowed thinking you hadn’t realized Azaiwa was just arriving in front of you holding two bowls preparing to hand one to you.
You took the bowl with the spoon in it and were surprised to see your teacher taking a seat in front of you on the floor looking up at you with his own soup which confused you slightly. Had you not been sick and unable to concentrate or focus you may be able to comprehend what he was doing.
“I figured you wouldn’t want to eat by yourself, makes it a little less awkward, plus I’m a little hungry myself,” he said in his gruff normal monotone voice.
“Thanks for that, it actually means a lot,” you replied before taking a spoonful of the soup and eating it.
The meal took place in silence, you slowly eating your chicken noodle soup not wanting to rush yourself as you weren’t really all that hungry plus it felt like a lot of food. As Azaiwa eats his own he examines you in your sick form, He couldn’t help but feel responsible for this, he did push his students as far as they could but he didn’t see just how much he was taking and pushing Y/N. He tried not to show favoritism among his students, but he couldn’t help but care for you as though you were his own child. Really he just wanted you to be happy.
Spooning soup into his mouth, he began to think about the information he had read in your file over the years. He knew that your home life wasn’t all that great. Evidence that you were often left alone for days alone with no real-life knowledge of how to take care of yourself and a house. Your mom was an alcoholic and would have repeating men over that would verbally abuse you, and you did live with anxiety and major depression, but you didn’t know that he knew, all because it was in your student file. He remembered that he is going to have to do some updating to it now that he knows symptoms of the overuse of your quirk.
He noticed you had put your bowl in your lap looking down as though you were deep in thought, perhaps even getting down on yourself. Until he saw that you managed to eat only half the soup he had given you. As he quickly finished his bowl he then proceeded to stand up and gently take the bowl from you.
“Hey kid, it’s alright, you managed to eat something, we can do this again later when you feel up to it okay? I’m proud you made it this far.”
You looked up at him and nodded slightly to demonstrate your agreement on the matter.
After taking them back to his kitchen and in the sink the teacher sighed, he knew you felt terrible, but he was hoping for a little improvement on this, but this just showed you were working on it. He walked back into the living room and saw you still in the same position as before just sitting in a dazed state, but now he noticed your visible shivering from the fever you no doubt had. He put a hand on your forehead and once again you leaned into is getting a little bit of pleasure from the coldness to you. What he noticed was that you felt warmer than you had before and sighed. 
He walked away and headed to the bathroom and into a medicine cabinet. He grabbed a thermometer and ibuprofen and Tylenol, unsure of what would help the circumstances more. Once he got back to you he crouched down in front of you again as you hugged yourself giving the illusion of creating a little warmth.
“Y\N, I need you to open your mouth and stick this under your tongue so I can check your temperature, okay? See what we’re working with.”
As it beeped he discovered the results were very undesirable, 102.4 degrees Fahrenheit, starting to get into dangerous levels. The time was approximately 6:00 in the morning and right about now would usually be preparing to train you in combat before classes for the day, but today is different for the obvious reasons. The teacher sighed as he debated on the blanket or not, but it would make you more comfortable so he left it for you,
“Alright, kid, why don’t you lay down and get some sleep. You’re staying here for the time being at least until I deem you well enough to go back to your dorm. Now, what works better for a fever reducer for you, ibuprofen or Tylenol?” he said and asked as he held the bottles up.
After releasing a small cough you responded with, “Tylenol works better for me.”
And with a quick motion, he took two out of the bottle and handed them to you take along with a bottle of water. You gave him a small smile of gratitude. And after you swallowed he set the bottles down and helped guide you to laying down knowing that to you, you must feel incredibly heavy and weak. Started with your upper body making sure your head hit the pillow, then helped lift your legs onto the cushions. He proceeded to take the blanket and placing it on top of your frame to provide that extra bit of comfort.
“Why don’t you close your eyes and get some sleep kid. I’ll be here when you wake up, if I’m not in here directly find a way to let me know.”
“Okay Mr. Azaiwa, but what about classes today, shouldn’t you be there instead of here taking care of silly old me?” you said with a small laugh that leads to a coughing fit.
“Don’t worry about it Y/N, I’ll figure it out, right now you are my priority. Now go to sleep little one”:
And with that, you closed your eyes and your breathing slowed as you snuggled into the couch and pillow while wrapping yourself in the provided blanket. He sighed and took another look at the time, Roughly a quarter after 6. He knew Present Mic would be around in a little over an hour and a half as the human alarm clock with his projecting voice for teachers and students. He knew he was going to have to stop him this time since he knew you really needed the uninterrupted sleep and he knew it was essential to getting you healthy. In the meantime, he decided it was in his best interest to take a small nap and unwrapped one of his many sleeping bags and laid down in it on the floor next to you.
In about an hour and 15 minutes he woke up and got up to wait in the hallway to see Present Mic and ask him to not do his normal routine and explain the situation. Later in the day, he had plans to retrieve your laptop to email your professors at the American college and also speak to principle Nezu to alert him of the situation at hand, also he was supposed to alert him anytime a modification was to be made to a students file.
After a few more minutes Present Mic exited his room and was surprised to see his friend already out of his room and headed over to him.
“Hey Hizashi, anyway I can talk you out of doing your normal wake up routine?” Azaiwa asked.
“I mean sure, but why?” the other teacher proceeded to ask.
“I’ve got a very sick student crashing on my couch right now. She has been overworking herself and been trying to function on next to no sleep and forgot to eat in the mix of it. I brought her back here to keep an eye on her.”
“It wouldn’t happen to be Y/N would it? She’s the American girl also working on her college degree right?” Hizashi asked.
“Yeah, that’s the student. I guess she at the end of the semester and is struggling a bit. I think she’s also been depending on her quirk more and has been overusing it. Speaking of which, you know how the symptoms of that were missing from her student file? Well, I finally found out tonight.”
“Well shit man, what are they?”
“From the information, she gave me they are usually a lack of focus, occasional headache, and often night terrors and the extra fatigue. I’ll be going to Nezu here in a bit since it will be a modification to her file.”
“Alright man, I’ll spread the news to ask I wake the other teachers up.”
“Thanks for that Hizashi, and would you mind helping out covering my classes today. I want to keep a close eye on the kid. Has a fever of 102 degrees and is really struggling,” Awaiza asked to hope for the best.
“Yeah no problem Shota, just take care of the kid and let me know if you need anything else from me,” and with that, he walked off to start his morning wake-up calls.
With this taken care of, he proceeded to walk back into the apartment and see Y/N still sleeping soundly and decided to crawl back into his sleeping back, hoping to achieve some sleep himself, as he too needed some sleep in order to help her.
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cinnamonruts · 3 years
04 | the start of something
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SUMMARY → ( l/n ) ( y/n ) is a bright student, now standing in-front of her dream school. ready to start her journey to become a pro-hero; being put in life threatening in situation and making companions along the way. the last person she thought she would have running in her head on loop, is the explosive blond with a raging inferiority complex that somehow can’t keep his voice down… odd.
PAIRING → bakugou katsuki x fem!reader
WORD COUNT → 1.1 k
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HALTING IN FRONT OF the massive school, you take a deep breath. Unable to suppress the smile from forming on your face.
“Hey, point stealer.”
Turning your gaze from the building to the voice. A smile on a yellow-haired boy with a lighting bolt dyed in his hair, “You were just too slow.” you smile at him. Passing you, he walks up the steps, turning back as you don’t follow, “Are you coming?”
Blinking you nod, taking a few quick steps. Standing straight again, “Yeah, I’m ( l/n ).” you tell him.
“Kaminari Denki, here.” he winks, smiling cheekily at you. Making you feel a lot less nervous, “The school is huge!” he calls out, as we move through the building.
“Why are the doors so big?” he asks back, “Maybe there are very tall students.” you offer, very much so aware that there are people with mutation quirks that makes some very tall.
Sliding the door open, you make your way into the class room. There aren’t a lot of students yet. What is enough of is an authorial voice, “Take your feet off this desk now. You are already disrespecting this academy.” a vaguely recognisable boy say punctuating his statement by chopping the air as at spiky blond has his feet on the table, whom does not seem to care about his comment at all.
“You are kidding me, right? You old school put a stick up your ass, or were you born with it?” two things were confirmed by his response. One, he indeed does not give a shit. And, two, he has a really nice voice.
Tilting your head you glance back at the blue-haired boy, it finally clicking where you remember him from. That’s four eyes who roasted the shit out of the fanboy. Moving to the two boys, you smiled at him, “Hey, I saw you at the entrance exam.”
Effectively stopping his chopping, looking up to you he pushes his glasses up his nose, “I’m ( l/n ).” you introduce yourself, setting your bag onto a desk.
“Iida Tenya, from Soumei Private Academy.” he bows, bowing back at him. Before standing straight again, “Soumei, huh? So, you must think you’re better than me? I’m going to have fun tearing you a new one.” the blond declares, making mental gymnastics that even your can’t follow.
Making Iida gasp as he takes a step back, “You would threaten me? Your own classmate? Are you sure you’re in the right place?” he questiones.
Blinking at the interaction, you look at the boy, “Well, it is nice to meet you. I went to Oda Mikio.” you wave off, not wanting to dread on what your school was known for, “It was so funny with the lights and the roasting. It was hilarious.”
“The roasting?”
“Yeah, about the boy who kept muttering. Chubby cheeks, green hair, fanboying over Present Mic.” you say, trying to jog his memory. Making the boy nodded, “It was fair criticism to have for the number one heroic academy. But he saw something I did not, he is far more superior student than me.”
“If you say so.” you shrug taking your seat. Not quite sure what he is going on about. More people trickle in as time goes on, “You went to Oda Mikio?”
Glancing back at the stunning purple-haired girl. Catching the cool ear phone jacks ears loops, as you nod, “Aren’t you suppose to go to Hashimoto Daiki Private High then?” she asks, which says enough about how much your school reputation follows.
Before you could even answer, Iida moved to the door chopping his arm as he declares to the green-haired muttering fanboy, Midoriya that he is superior. While a girl gets the same boy all flustered by simply speaking to him.
“If you are just here to make friend you can pack up your stuff now.” an extra voice says from the hallway. Making your brows furrow at the lack of body, until they drop down to a bright yellow sleeping bag.
Gaining everyone's attention at the sudden interruption of the flow, “Welcome to U.A.’s hero course.” he announces, taking a sip from what seems to be a juice box.
“It took eight seconds for you all to shut up, that is not going to work. Time is precious, rational students would understand that.” he continues, stepping out of the bag as he looks over the class.
Furrowing your brows you look over the older man trying to figure out who he is. If he works here he must be a pro hero, “Hello, I am Aizawa Shota, your teacher.”
“Right, let’s get to it.” he continues, not skipping a beat as he pulls out a gym uniform for his mobile bed. How many things does he have in there?
“Put these on, and head outside.”
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A/N: AIZAWA-SENSEI STOLE THE SHOW, I KNOW HE DID. HE IS THE FUCKING SHIT… ;P SKBSKBS, i’m sorry. what did you think? let me know ur thoughts!
- also as clarification oda mikio is a all girls junior high known to produce top gymnasts. most don’t know the intergecies of it, but when there is a top gymnast they must have gone to oda mikio and the proceeded to to go to hashimoto daiki for high school; that’s just the way it is.
- i made this school for some extra’s and also because i didn’t want her to be in school with any of the members ( which will explain things in the next chapter; )
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@ganimor @jazzylove @ukaisgratefulwhore @akaashisus @annimalq @b3anis @xxbynohexx @cozy-pumpkin @cryptiicc @nctjaemin @minifruity @redsakura101 @katsyhera @surrealist-insomniac @softiebadbitch @imsuperawkward @tsukkisbae @bakapiratehunter @loser-keiji @lovinnoya , @falling4fandoms , @tanakasimpcorner , @lonelyweeb77 ( i wasnt able to tag the crossed users, i’m so sorry )
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Imagine Present Mic complaining to Midnight about how hard it is to carry Aizawa around when he is sleeping in his giant yellow sleeping bag. Cause it's just awkward to carry. So Midnight jokingly suggests that he make a modified baby carrier to hold Aizawa's sleeping bag.
Then because he was really bored and thought it would be funny, Mic sews some straps to Eraserheads sleeping bag.
It works surprisingly well. Everyone at UA is wondering what the heck Present Mic needs a giant yellow backpack for. They get even more confused when he turns around and they see Aizawa's head sticking out of it.
The first time Midnight sees it, it takes a full three hours for her to stop laughing.
Now it's just commonplace to see Present Mic with a sleeping bag strapped to his back containing a sleeping Aizawa.
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captainsolare · 4 years
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Summary: Hitoshi Shinso, manager of Open Mic coffee shop, is part of a Lonely Hearts Club, a club where you place ads in the newspaper to meet potential partners. You and Shinso have been corresponding via letters for months, falling for each other even though you have never met, nor have any idea as to what you look like. When you walk into the very coffee shop he works at, looking for a job, will you find a rival, or a soulmate? 
Word Count: 8,921
Tags: SheLovesMe AU , Coffeeshop AU, Quirkless AU , f!reader, enemies to lovers 
Characters: Y/N, Shinso, Midoriya, Denki, Mina, Hizashi Yamada (Present Mic), Shouta Aizawa (Eraserhead)
A/N: This was a huge labor of love for me, I adapted my favorite musical into a BNHA Coffee shop AU and I enjoyed every second of it. I decided to post this today (Oct. 6th) to celebrate my 5 month anniversary of becoming a writing blog. I hope you enjoy it! This is not a direct copy of the musical, I took a lot of the plot points out of my adapted story line and added things of my own of course. There are a few direct quotes from the musical embedded in here! 
TW:  If you watch the original musical, there are mentions of attempted suicide. In my written adaptation, that is not included because it is a subplot and irrelevant.
Anyways, I hope you enjoy reading this as much as I did creating it. Special thanks to @library-of-grimoires​ for helping me brainstorm ideas for which BNHA character I chose. 
The air was warm with the last dregs of summer, a slight breeze stirring the air. Mina and Kaminari were outside the Open Mic coffee shop, getting ready to open up for the day. A delivery boy sped past on his bike, ringing the bell with a wave. Mina waved at him, taking a break from cleaning the outer windows. Denki was sweeping the sidewalk, but stopped to wipe his brow. “You know, we should totally skip work today and go on a picnic or something.” Mina smiled and stretched, “I know right! The weather feels amazing today.” 
Shinso and Midoriya came strolling up, overhearing their friends’ conversation. Shinso chuckled, “Too bad Aizawa would kill us if we did.” Midoriya nodded in agreement and Denki hung his head, “Yeah, you’re right.” Shinso went inside, surveying the progress Mina and Denki had already made. The chairs were placed at the tables, the counter was clean, the fridge was stocked, Midoriya flipped the sign on the door to, “Open,” and they braced themselves for the morning rush. 
When things finally slowed down, Shinso leaned on the counter, being the manager of this shop wasn’t easy, but luckily he had something to get him through the tough days. He absentmindedly brought his hand to his apron pocket, the letter from his “Dear friend” was there, its presence almost comforting. “Thinking about your, “friend” again?” Denki asked, the air quotes conveying exactly what he thought of the situation. Shinso smiled lazily at him, “And if I am?” Denki frowned, “Did she at least include a photo this time? Have you set a date to meet yet?” Shinso stood up, “No. And no.” 
Aizawa came down from the upstairs loft with a frown, “Less chatting, more coffee making!” He yelled, before strolling out the front door. “Yes sir!” Everyone called after him. Hizashi padded down the stairs after him, “Oh ignore him, he’s in a grumpy mood today. The man never gets enough sleep at night.” Hizashi soon directed his attention on Shinso and he cringed, knowing what was coming. “So, Hitoshi, when are you going to settle down? You’ve been a bachelor for way too long.” Shinso stammered out some excuse, but luckily a delivery boy arrived, interrupting the awkward conversation. “Ooh! They’re here!” Hizashi exclaimed, clapping his hands excitedly. 
“What’s here?” Midoriya asked, observing the piles of boxes arriving that they’d need to unpack. “Why, only the best thing ever!” Hizashi exclaimed, opening one of the boxes and pulling out a black leather box. He opened it and a happy little tune played, Hizashi’s smile widening as it played. After the tune stopped, there was silence, “Okay, that’s great sir. But what is it for?” Denki asked. “To hold things!” He exclaimed, as if it were obvious. “But, will anyone buy them?” Shinso asked. 
Hizashi laughed outright at that, “You’ll see! These will be selling like hotcakes.” He caught sight of Shinso’s quirked eyebrow and smirked. “I’ll make you a bet kid, I bet we’ll sell our first one within 1 hour.” Hizashi emphasized one by sticking a finger in his face, Shinso backed up, hands raised in defense, “I really don’t want to take your money, sir.” 
“Oh I see, the coward doesn’t want to lose his money.” Mina teased, piping up from where she was restocking the cabinets. Shinso bristled at her comment, “Alright, you’re on!” One by one customers trailed in, and each time, Hizashi tried to get them to buy his musical “holding boxes.” Each time, he was unsuccessful, leaving Shinso with a big smile on his face. 
Hizashi had to go to the upstairs loft for a moment, and Shinso checked his watch. Only 10 minutes left. The front door chimed and Shinso stood up straight, “Hello ma’am, can I get you anything today?”
You glanced at him, a nervous expression on your face. “No.” You said. Shinso was slightly taken aback, “Uh… Okay.” You stood there, a blank expression on your face for a moment, Shinso started to turn away, needing to attend to something when you seemingly snapped out of it. “Oh actually yes.” Shinso smoothed his apron and turned back to face you, plastering a smile on his face, “Okay, would you like a tea?” “No.” You replied. 
One by one he went through all the items on the menu, and you said no to all of them. “Pardon me, but that’s,” Shinso paused awkwardly, “everything on the menu.” He shot a glance at Midoriya, hoping his coworker could offer some semblance of help, but he only shrugged his shoulders and began helping the next customer that came in. “Is Mr. Aizawa here by chance? Or Mr. Yamada?” You asked, gripping the handle of your bag with what looked like white knuckle strength. 
Shinso cocked his head, “Maybe, I think they’re upstairs.” You looked hopeful at his words, standing up a little taller, but your hopes were dashed when he finished, “But, they’re both very busy today.” “Oh,” You said, crestfallen, “I don’t mind waiting!” You said, striding over to one of the nearby tables and sitting down, Shinso came out from behind the counter to follow you. “May I ask why you need to speak with them? As the manager, I can take a message.” You shook your head adamantly, “I’d rather speak with them directly if possible.” You clenched your hands together awkwardly, playing with your fingers. Shinso let out a small, almost inaudible sigh, “Okay, can I ask your name at least?” “L/N! Y/N L/N.” You replied. “Okay Ms. L/N, I’ll go tell them you’re here.” 
Shinso started to leave, motioning to Midoriya that he’d be back soon, but you stopped him by tapping his shoulder. He stiffened at the sudden contact but turned to face you with a smile on his face, Oh the joys of customer service. “Yes ma’am?” He asked. You cocked your head to the side, demeanor as awkward as when you first walked in, “One more thing, you’re still, hiring right?” You asked. Shinso narrowed his eyes, “Are you… looking for a job?” 
You put your hands up, “Guilty as charged!” You admitted, chuckling a little. Shinso pinched the bridge of his nose and closed his eyes, Seriously? I’m not even in charge of hiring. A job? In this economy? Shinso began to walk away once more, as more customers were entering the shop and he needed to actually do his job. “I’m a great barista!” You called after him, there was no way you were missing this chance. “I know coffee like nobody’s business! I even have a letter of recommendation.” Denki made eye contact with Shinso, gesturing that he had the new customers covered and so he turned back to you. “A letter of recommendation? For a coffee shop gig?” He asked. You nodded, muttering to yourself as you rummaged around in your bag for your letter. You kept putting item after item into his arms, only serving to get him even more annoyed than he already was. What the heck is this girl’s problem? Suddenly it was like a lightbulb went off as you remembered where you had actually put the letter, you reached into your back pocket and pulled it out, “Aha! Here it is!” You looked at Shinso and seeing his look of irritation, sheepishly held your bag open so he could put your things back inside. He unceremoniously did so and gritted his teeth, “Look, I’m sure you’re wonderful. And I’m sure that letter is really something, but the truth is, we aren’t hiring right now.” 
Your face fell, “What? But I saw on the website that---” At that moment, Aizawa appeared, “What’s going on here Shinso?” He asked, eyes flicking between the two of you, “Perhaps I can be of assistance.” Shinso put his hand on his hip smugly, “She wants a job.” He said, gesturing towards you with his thumb. “What?!” Aizawa exclaimed, taken aback, “Out of the question.” He began to walk away from you, people seemed to be doing that a lot to you lately, but you followed him, trying to stand up for yourself and give him the letter. 
You looked around desperately, looking for any chance to prove yourself. Your eyes zeroed in on the back wall display, a woman was looking at a leather box. You strode over, confidence renewed, “Aren’t these just wonderful?” You piped up, smiling at the woman. She glanced at you, “I suppose so, but what are they for?” You sent Shinso a panicked glance but he simply shook his head, not willing to help you in this situation. You shake off his rejection and turned back to the customer, stretching your hands out to her. She placed the box in your hands, watching to see what you’d do with it. 
You opened the box and the tune began to play, “Why, it’s a musical jewelry box of course!” You said with a smile. Shinso blinked, A musical jewelry box? Seriously? The woman tipped her head, “A musical jewelry box? Why would I need one of those?” You studied her for a moment, eyes drawn to her engagement ring. “Pardon me for asking ma’am, but do you by chance have a partner at the moment?” The woman nodded with a smile, glancing down at her ring. “And you like jewelry?” The woman nodded once more. Your face brightened with a smile, “Well, this is perfect for you! If you buy this box, your partner will have no choice but to buy you jewelry to put in it.” 
Shinso watched this exchange with a roll of his eyes, shoving down the fear that maybe he’d lose his bet. “And the tune?” You continued, “Whenever your partner hears it, they’ll know how much you appreciate the gifts they gave you. Just imagine the smile on their face, all because of this box.” Hizashi came downstairs near the end of this exchange, watching with a smirk on his face. “I’ll take it!” The woman says. Shinso chokes as Hizashi practically cheers at the sale. He rushes down the stairs grabbing your hands and saying, “You’re hired!” Shinso’s jaw drops, “What?!” 
Shinso stood there, dumbstruck at the whole situation. Hizashi snapped him out of it with a tap to his shoulder, “Now Shinso, if you please.” He said, extending his hand. Shinso grumbled while he fumbled in his pockets for the money they had bet. He watched you conversing with your new coworkers and he grumbled once more, the irritation bubbling within him. “I’m taking my break.” He muttered, strolling out the front door and heading to a nearby bench. He wasn’t one to smoke, but if he was, there would definitely be a cigarette in his hand. 
His sun was dulled by your shadow as you stood in front of him awkwardly; he lazily opened an eye and looked in your direction. “Can I help you?” He asked, coming off a little harsher than he intended. You rocked back and forth from your heels, to the balls of your feet, “I’m sorry for making you lose your bet.” He cocked an eyebrow, “That’s all? I don’t care.” He stood up and smoothed his apron, then returned to the coffee shop, leaving you standing there alone. You clenched your fist, Ugh! The nerve of this guy! 
Fall came, and with it a sense of new opportunity, and more letters. You had yours tucked in your pocket, ready to be taken to the post office after work; you walked in the door with a smile, “Happy October!” Midoriya groaned, “October? That means our seasonal drinks will be here soon.” Mina seemed to be getting a flashback to some terrible event as she shuddered, “Pumpkin Spice season.” 
You soon learned just how terrible ‘Pumpkin Spice season’ truly was, those days you could never quite catch your breath. Your relationship with Shinso was still rocky, but during the hectic days when he could see you were struggling he seemed to be a bit kinder to you. You went to a nearby restaurant on your lunch break and pulled out the letter you had received from Dear Friend, you felt your heart skip a beat as you held it, you had only picked it up this morning so you hadn’t gotten the chance to read it yet. 
Dear Friend, 
I hope this letter finds you well, you are my only source of peace these days. Everywhere I look I find something else that annoys me, and work is as hectic as ever, it’s always worse during this season, but things just feel harder. I find solace in your letters though, I can always count on you to bring a smile to my face. I’m glad to hear that your new job is going well, I hope that one coworker you’re having issues with sees how wonderful you truly are. 
Talk soon, 
Your friend. 
You felt your heart swell as you read it, and you sighed dreamily as you held the letter to your chest. There was something familiar about the scent coming off of the pages, but you couldn’t quite place it. Denki joined you at your table, jolting you from your daydreaming and you jumped. “What’s that?” He asked, curious as to the papers you were holding. You quickly tucked them away in your bag, “Oh it’s nothing! A friend of mine sent me a letter. I love getting letters, don’t you?” Denki shrugged as he took a bite of his sandwich, “I guess so, but isn’t it easier to send a text message?” 
November was soon upon you, and there was tension in the air. Shinso had been even more on edge than usual, and your fighting was worse than ever. You were on your lunch break with Mina when you decided to bring it up with her. “Hey Mina?” You asked, looking across to the pink girl. “Yeah, what’s up? Something on your mind?” You leaned on your elbow and sighed, playing absentmindedly with your straw wrapper. “I just, I just feel like Shinso just doesn’t like me very much. Ever since I came here, he hasn’t been nice to me at all.” You lamented. Mina chewed on her lip thoughtfully, “Well, if you want my opinion on things, from an outsider’s perspective, it seems like you haven’t been very nice to him either. Have you considered his feelings about it? Whenever you see each other it’s like two magnets repelling.” 
Her words stung in a way you had no idea they would, she was right, you really hadn’t considered his feelings about your treatment of him. You tapped your finger on the table, considering her words and what you could do to be the bigger person in all this. “Thanks Mina, that’s very helpful.” 
The next morning, you arrived to work early and helped Shinso without being asked. Shinso was surprised at your behavior, he supposed he should have just accepted it as kindness but there was something in him, the suspicious part of him that made him feel annoyed instead. First, you were helping him sweep, then you were sorting things that he normally sorted, then you were offering to stay late so he didn’t have to. Finally he’d had enough, “Do you think I can’t do my job or something? What’s your problem today?” He asked, words injected with venom, hands on his hips. Tears burned in the back of your eyes, “I-I didn’t think that at all. I just thought--” 
“Thought what? That I needed your help? Even though I’ve been at this job way longer than you have?” He interrupted. You didn’t bother to reply, just grabbed your bag and stormed off into the night, not willing to let him see your tears. Midoriya and Mina stared. “That was, highly uncalled for man.” Midoriya said, before returning to sweeping. Mina walked out after you, but not before sending a scathing glare Shinso’s way. Midoriya finished sweeping and left; Shinso was still frozen in place, left alone in the empty coffee shop.
The next day, Shinso received your letter and it felt like he had failed you, well, Dear Friend. As he read it, he replayed the scene of you walking out into the night, and was filled with regret. I should, apologize. 
Dear Friend, 
I think this week I will try to be kinder. Too often I have not considered the consequences of my words and actions and as a result, people I care about have gotten hurt. So this week I am going to try on kindness. I challenge you to do the same.
Talk soon,
Your Friend  
December came, and like the cold weather you met his apology with stony silence. As time passed, you retained a professional work relationship, though barbed words were still tossed between you, they were less sharp than before. Shinso was outside, reading a paper of some kind when you walked up to him. “Good Morning Shinso!” You said, warmly. Shinso glanced at you and made a big show of checking his watch, “Ah, Ms. L/N, I see you’re on time today. Congratulations!” He replied, a fake smile plastered on his face. You returned his fake smile, “So sorry to disappoint you Shinso.” 
You headed for the door but he put an arm out to stop you, “Oh but I’m not disappointed, far from it. Let’s call it… surprised.” He chuckles and you chuckle too, but yours served to mock him. Instead of gracing him with a reply, you entered the shop and slammed the door before you could follow him through it. 
Denki and Midoriya were sweeping the walk and cleaning the windows, watching the exchange with a mixture of confusion and amusement. “They always argue, why is that?” Denki asked, looking up at his coworker. Midoriya glanced down at him, “Oh it’s simple really. Sometimes when two people like each other very much---” “Wait wait wait! They like each other?” Midoriya nodded, “I think so.” Denki cocked his head to the side, “Well don’t you think we should tell them?” Midoriya stepped off the stepladder with a laugh, “Trust me, they’d never believe us.” 
A week passed, and you were at home, reading and rereading your letter from Dear Friend.  
Dear Friend, 
Have you set your calendar for Tuesday? I can’t wait to meet you, I feel as though I already know your soul, and I can’t wait to match a face to what I already know.
See you soon, 
Your friend 
You squealed and held the letter to your chest, collapsing back on your bed. I can’t believe I get to meet him tonight! You rolled over and glanced at the clock, Perfect, still plenty of time to get to work. You got ready for the day, nervous as you had ever been, you changed outfits dozens of times, wanting to look perfect for this life-changing date, finally you settled on an outfit, dressy but not too dressy, but it still looked good as hell on you if you did say so yourself. You glanced at your clock, “Crap! I’m late.” 
Shinso sat in the upstairs of the coffee shop, reading your letter over and over. 
Dear Friend, 
I’m waiting warmly for our date, even though it’s quite cold out these days. Until then, I count the hours until I’m with you.
See you soon, 
Your friend 
His heart was nearly beating out of his chest, and he had a goofy smile on his face. “Hot date tonight?” Aizawa asked, causing his cheeks to turn a deep shade of red. “Th-that’s none of your business sir!” Aizawa chuckled, “So that’s a yes then, it’s about time. I hope it goes well.” 
You rushed into the shop, smoothing your clothes once you were inside. “Good morning Y/N!” Mina said warmly, smiling at you. You waved breathlessly, “Am I terribly late? Has Shinso noticed yet.” “No and no. He’s upstairs right now.” You felt yourself instantly relax, having him lecture you on a day as important as this one was something you didn’t think you could handle. “By the way, you look stunning today babe!” Mina said, wrapping her arms around you for a quick hug. You smiled and took a step back, doing a spin for good measure. “You really think so?” “We do! Right boys?” She said, gesturing for Denki and Midoriya to compliment you as well. 
They chorused their agreement and your smile grew wider. “Thank you all, I was so nervous it took me forever to get dressed this morning. Which is why I’m so late.” You grimaced. Denki surfaced from behind the counter. “Oh? I know what that means. Our little Y/N is in love. And you’re meeting with them tonight!” Denki said, elbowing your side and waggling his eyebrows. Midoriya rolled his eyes, “And how would you know that?” Mina looked at him with wide eyes, “Oh didn’t you hear? Denki is our resident expert in love. Which is quite remarkable considering that he’s never been in it.” Mina teased, sticking her tongue out at the blonde. 
Shinso came down the stairs and you stiffened, bracing yourself to be yelled at, but he simply said good morning and walked right past you to go behind the counter. Your eyes widened and you leaned in close to Mina. “He didn’t yell at me. What’s wrong with him today?” You whispered. Mina shrugged, “Dunno. He has seemed pretty preoccupied by something today though.” 
“Dammit!” Shinso yells as he spills whipped cream all over his shirt. Denki quickly heads back to where he is and helps him clean up. “Dude, what’s up with you today? You’re so nervous I can feel you vibrating.” Shinso’s hands shake as he wipes off the whipped topping, “Well, you know, big day haha.” Denki quirks an eyebrow, “Big day? What’s up?” Shinso wrings his hands nervously, “Well, I’m meeting her tonight.” Denki gasps, “The letter girl!” Shinso claps his hand over Denki’s mouth and nods, looking around and praying that no one heard his outburst. 
The two headed upstairs where they could speak more privately. “So… Face to face at last.” Denki says, a lazy smile on his face. Shinso nods as he paces back and forth. Denki sighs, “Well, I tell you what, I hope she’s everything you’ve dreamed her to be.” Shinso leans back against the railing, looking up at the ceiling, “Can I be honest with you Denki? I hope she isn’t.” Denki looked up sharply, a judging look on his face. “Because,” he continued, “If she’s as beautiful, or as smart, or as funny as I think she is, then what will she think of me?” 
“Can I be honest with you? I think it’ll go just fine; because you’re smart, and you’re funny and handsome, not as handsome as me of course, but still handsome. And if she can’t see that, it’s her loss.” Shinso shot him a look at the handsome part but still let a small smile cross his face. “Sorry man, I’m just nervous and upset. We’ve never met and I get to meet her, tonight, at eight.” He kneaded his forehead, “Geez, I can already feel how much of a nightmare today is going to be,” He looked at his watch, “Oh lucky me, 3 more minutes, 2 more seconds, 10 more hours to go!” 
Downstairs, you and Mina were stocking the shelves with holiday items. “So... “ Mina nudged you. You hummed in response,” Your hot date tonight, what’re they like? I want to know everything!” Your hand came to a stop near the shelf, “Well, the truth is, I’ve never met him.” Mina gasps, “Never? So this is a blind date?” You shook your head, “No. I know him, we’ve just never met.” You and Mina continued to stock the shelves as you talked. “How can that be?” She asked. 
You turned to her with a smile, “Letters, so many letters.” Mina widened her eyes, “You belong to a Lonely Heart’s Club?!” You closed your eyes and nodded, embarrassed. “To be perfectly honest with you, I was just as surprised as you are. But, I saw his ad in the paper and we started talking.” Mina looked at you skeptically, “What if he’s like old?” You shook your head, “Don’t be silly, the advertisement says ‘young man.’” 
“You haven’t even asked for a photo?” Mina asked, flabbergasted as you shook your head once more. You sat back on your knees and looked at her, “I don’t know his name or what he looks like, but really I don’t need those things. I know what he looks like on the inside and that’s what's important. I know that he’s kind, and soft-spoken, and nice, and terribly well-educated. And he was often the only thing that made me smile on the hard days. That’s what matters to me,” You stretched, “I wasn’t sure about this whole thing at first, but somehow, somehow he made me fall for him through words alone.” 
Mina smiled as she stood, “Well I hope things work out tonight.” She helped you stand, and you stepped back to admire your work. You were in the middle of high-fiving when Shinso came down the stairs. “Hey everyone! Aizawa wants us to stay late to put up Holiday decorations.” Your heart dropped, “Um, Shinso? I can’t.” He gawked at you, “And why not?” You put your hands up, “I have a date, you know that!” Shinso made a face, “I know no such thing.” You placed your hands on your hips, “How can you say that? Why do you think I dressed up today? For my own personal health or something?” 
Shinso shook his head, not in the mood to argue. “Honestly, I have no idea why you dressed up. But either way, I’m just following Mr. Aizawa’s directions.” You leaned against the counter, “Why did he have to pick this one night?” You gasped and looked at Shinso, “Unless it was you who picked it! Because you knew that I had plans.” Shinso stared at you in disbelief. “You know, it’s depressing to know that you hate me that much.” 
He narrowed his eyes, “I do not hate you!” He objected, then he sighed. “Look, can we have a truce?” He extended his hand to you. You took it with a smile, “Of course Shinso, anytime. After all, it’s always you who starts these things.” You start to walk away but he pulls you back at your words. “Oh I’m the one?!” He raised his voice, offended that you would say such a thing. You nodded adamantly, “Yes! Admit it, you’ve resented me since the moment I got here.” He scoffed and let go of your hand like it burned him. “For the record, I don’t resent you.” 
The two of you began to walk in opposite directions but suddenly Shinso whirled around, causing you to do the same. “But if I did!” He yelled, “I would have good reason to!” You looked at him indignantly, “Is this about that bet? The one I made you lose? Because that’s a petty reason to resent someone.” “I already told you I don’t!” You rolled your eyes and stormed away from him, straight outside to the bench, you needed a moment to cool down. “That must be the rudest, most difficult, worst-tempered girl in the world!” Shinso yelled.  
The rest of the day passed without much incident; in the end, you did get to leave as you planned. It began to snow as you walked to the restaurant, each step growing more hesitant. You gripped your copy of Little Women tighter in your hand, praying that the night would go well. Will he like me? You wondered, Will I be what he’s imagined me to be? Can I live up to the expectations I set in the letters? The restaurant was on the corner coming up, you reached it, and paused at the door. There would be no hiding behind your paper and pen tonight, he was going to see the real you. You were jostled by a couple walking past you to enter the building and snapped out of it. He must be in the same boat I am. I’m sure he’s just as nervous as me. 
You shook off your nervousness and gathered the courage to walk inside. You greeted the host, and were seated at a table, your date was nowhere to be seen yet. Tapping your foot anxiously, you set the book on the table sitting up where it would be visible, and you pulled the rose, the other calling card of your correspondence, from your bag. 
Back at the coffee shop, Shinso was barreling in through the door. Denki looked at him in surprise, “Why are you back? Didn’t you have a date like now?” Shinso nodded breathlessly, “I do. I was almost there but I got nervous and ended up running all the way back here. Will you go with me?” Denki nodded, untying his apron quickly and hanging it back on its hook. Once they were outside they could talk more freely. “So… why did you want me to go?” He asked. Shinso sent him a nervous glance, “I’m too nervous to look first.” He admitted, “I need you to look. She’ll be sitting alone, with a red rose and a copy of ‘Little Women’. And I have my rose, I’m going to tuck it in my breast pocket.” Denki smiled, “Oh I see. You want me to do a little surveillance, ease your nerves a little bit.” Shinso nodded, they would be approaching the restaurant soon.  
You sipped your water nervously as the hour grew later. Has something happened to him? Is he not coming? Did he already come and leave? The waiter came by once more, “Can I get you anything ma’am?” You shook your head politely, “Not yet. It should only be a little longer.” I hope.   
The boys entered the restaurant, Shinso trailing behind. Once they were inside, Denki elbowed him. “Where’s the rose?” He asked. When Shinso didn’t answer, he was smacked on the arm. “Oh, um, here.” Shinso pulled a wilted rose from his pocket. Denki made a face that was a mixture of pity and confusion, but he didn’t vocalize his thoughts. “Give it to me.” He said, pulling it from his grasp. He neatly tucked it into his breast pocket, then ran his fingers on Shinso’s hair, smoothing it. “Okay deep breaths buddy, I’ll go take a look at your future wife.” He said, tapping the front of his friend’s shoulder lightly. 
Denki awkwardly weaved through the tables, scrutinizing every guest for the items he needed to look for. Each person he made eye contact with looked extremely uncomfortable by the situation but he brushed it off. I have a job to do. One table near the wall, the person had the menu in front of their face so he stood precariously on his tiptoes to peer over it. Instead of a pretty young girl, he was met with the face of an elderly man, “Oh, I’m sorry sir. Have a nice meal.” 
He was nearing the last table, in the corner of the restaurant. He gasped when he saw the occupant, it was you, dressed up with a book on the table, a rose tucked in as the bookmark. He froze and did the only thing he could think to do, he ripped the scarf from his neck and held it in front of his face as he made a hasty retreat back to Shinso’s side.
Shinso saw his friend’s pale face and his heart dropped, eyes wide with concern. “She’s old. She’s old and ugly and has no teeth? That must be it.” Denki shook his head, “I… wouldn’t say that.” Shinso hit his fists together, “Well there must be something wrong! You’re terrible at hiding things Denki.” Denki grimaced, “Well, she’s actually very attractive.” 
Shinso felt his cheeks warm, “Really?” He hesitated, “Will I think so?” Denki shrugged, “Beauty’s a subjective thing, but I think so. She looks like…” Shinso interjected, “Some famous person! Right?” He started listing off names but his friend shook his head at every one. “Someone from our shop.” Denki finished. Shinso gave him an incredulous look, “Our shop? The coffee shop?” 
Denki put his finger up, as if to reply, but he hesitated. “Just spit it out already!” Shinso snapped. “Well, she looks a little like… Miss Y/N.” 
“Wait wait wait, Miss L/N Y/N? Our L/N Y/N?” Shinso asked, his heart beating a million miles an hour. What could this mean? Denki nodded and his heart dropped again. “No no no, that’s not right. You’re joking.” Denki shook his head adamantly, “No I’m not. This girl is the spitting image of our coworker, and your nemesis.” Shinso shook his head, there was no way this was true. It just wasn’t possible, you were abrasive and sarcastic, there was no way you were the girl from the letters. “Take a look for yourself, last table in the back corner.” Denki said. 
Shinso did an almost identical repeat of Denki’s path a few moments ago. He weaved through the tables, and there in the corner, just as Denki said, you were. Shinso froze, then bolted, almost running out into the night, but Denki grabbed him. “You are not going to just leave her there. Go over there like an adult, and figure things out. I expect a status report in the morning. Good luck comrade.” Denki gave Shinso a mock salute and left, leaving him alone at the front of the restaurant. 
Shinso reluctantly made his way to the back of the restaurant, mind running at a million miles an hour. He was in love with you? No way, it was all a mistake. It had to be. Shinso shoved the rose and book back into his bag, unwilling to give himself away. He cleared his throat and you looked up, nearly falling out of your chair. “What the hell are you doing here?” You hissed, anger starting to bubble up inside you. Shinso clenched his fist, bouncing it in the air, “Just out for a drink. How about yourself?” You stared at him, “I’m waiting for someone.” You replied, as if it were obvious. “Anyone in particular?” He asked. 
“Obviously,” You replied flatly, “Like I said before, I didn’t get dressed up for nothing.” “Well, I could keep you company while you wait.” He offered, moving to sit down. You put an arm out to stop him, “Absolutely not. I told you that seat is reserved for someone very important.” A look of disappointment crossed his face, “So you won’t let me stay?” You weren’t sure what made you cave, but you relented. “Fine. 30 seconds.” 
There was silence for a moment, when a thought hit you. “Shinso, are you spying on me?” You asked suspiciously, frustration welling up. “Didn’t believe me when I said I had a date so you have to come see for yourself?” Your voice rose, you were practically yelling. Shinso snorted, “Miss L/N. Who would I be spying for? Mr. Aizawa? Don’t be ridiculous.” You met his excuse with a glare, “Shinso, your time is up. If you don’t leave immediately I will have you thrown out!” 
The waiter appeared, “Excuse me miss, I hate to be a bother but could you and your husband either quiet down or fight elsewhere?” Your jaw dropped, “H-h-husband?!” You exclaimed, flabbergasted by the notion, “This man is not my husband. This is a business associate.” “Oh well pardon me. Either way, you will need to quiet down for the comfort of our other guests.” Shinso stifled a chuckle as the waiter left, leaving you with a seething look on your face. 
Shinso leaned forward on his elbow, “So. Have you known this person long? The one you’re waiting for?” You turned your seething glare on him, “Frankly, that’s none of your business.” A thought struck you that sent pangs of panic through your body, What if he’s already come here? What if he saw us together and left? “Can you just leave, please?” A wave of panic washed over you. “Now why would I do that? It’s not proper for a man to keep a lady waiting. Even if they are an old friend, a dear friend.” 
You sighed, “I really don’t want to discuss this with you Shinso.” The song coming through the speakers changed, a classical song came drifting to your ears. “Ahh I love this tune.” Shinso reminisced, “My mother used to sing it to me when I was a kid.” “Mine to you replied.” Shinso gasped, “Miss L/N! Do you realize what this means? We have something in common!” “Hmm.” You hummed, “Well, it’s too bad I was the only one who grew up.” You replied, a fake smile plastered on your face. 
Shinso met your smile with a fake one of his own; he knew this was wrong, playing with your feelings like this, but he couldn’t resist. He had no intention of telling you tonight, he wanted to test the waters first instead of shocking you with the news. “Ahh I see what’s going on here. You’re nervous because you’ve never met this person before!” You tensed at his words, confirming his suspicions.
The minutes passed, Shinso kept telling you horror stories he’d seen in the news about Lonely Hearts Clubs. You’d had enough of his nonsense for the night. You clenched your fists, and hit them on the table. “If you don’t leave right now, I will scream.” Shinso tried to interject, but your rant had begun, and it was an unstoppable flood. “You know? Dante once described all the depths of Hell. Maybe after this you should go there, you’d fit right in!” “Miss L/N---” 
You stood, “Shinso! You are easily the most insufferable, insensitive man I have ever met.” Shinso scoffed, “I’m surprised at you.” but he made no move to leave. You gritted your teeth, “Fine, be that way. I’m sorry to have to do this.” You screamed, and before you knew what was going on, you and Shinso were out on the street in front of the restaurant. “Oh no.” You whispered, tears pouring down your cheeks. Shinso stood in front of you, he hadn’t meant for things to happen this way. You hit your fists on his chest as you cried, but it didn’t hurt him. “I’ll never forgive you for this.” 
Shinso led you to a nearby bench, and you sat in silence for a long while. You looked up at him with tearfilled eyes, your eyes met his purple ones, ones filled with an emotion you couldn’t quite name. “Haven’t you had enough? Are you happy now? You got your revenge on me?” You sniffled sadly, “I genuinely don’t understand you, Shinso.” Shinso snorted, “How could you Miss L/N? You’ve never taken the time to get to know me.” You chuckled darkly and wiped the tears from your eyes, anger washing over you once more. “I know you plenty well. I know you’re just a not very smart, not very handsome man with the personality of a python.” The words stung Shinso, even though he probably deserved them, and he stood. 
“Have a good night Miss L/N.” He said, voice tinged with a sadness that made your heart sting. “Wait!” You yelled as he walked away, “Oh Shinso, I didn’t mean all those things.” You reached after his retreating form with a futile hand. Soon he disappeared from view, leaving you alone in the chilly night. You waited on the bench, tears hot against your cold skin as you waited. You weren’t exactly sure what you were waiting for, for Shinso to come back?, for your mystery friend to arrive? You weren’t hopeful for either of those things, and yet you waited. Of course, it’s snowing. You thought to yourself, chuckling at your circumstances. “Oh well, I’ve been waiting for this person my whole life, what’s a few more hours?” 
Somehow you made it home, but you didn’t care how late it was; no way in hell you were going to work tomorrow. You wouldn’t give Shinso the satisfaction of seeing you this way, you felt defeated, and you blamed him. You got into your pajamas, and slipped into bed, cursing the whole day. 
The next day Shinso arrived at work, and you were nowhere to be found. “Miss L/N is not coming in today. She texted me.” Mina told Mr. Aizawa. Shinso overheard this and his heart clenched, he had royally messed up last night. “Hey Mina, what is L/N’s favorite food?” He asked awkwardly. Mina gave him a strange look, but gave him the answer. He made some excuse for leaving and headed to the corner store, and then to your place. He hesitated before knocking, would you be upset I came here? He wondered. 
There was a knock at your door, “Who is it?” You asked hoarsely. You dragged yourself out of bed and to the front door, “Miss L/N? It’s me.” The voice sounded familiar, but with your pounding head you couldn’t place it. You opened it to find Shinso, “Oh, it’s you.” You slammed the door in his face, wincing at the bang. You grabbed a blanket from the couch and wrapped it around your form, then opened the door. 
“I was--- in the neighborhood.” He said, awkwardly. You gestured for him to come inside and sat on the couch. “What do you want? If it’s about last night, just spit it out. I’m not feeling well today.” “So I heard.” He replied, setting the corner store bag on the floor. “You knew I was sick?” You asked, surprised. “I overheard Mina telling Aizawa about it.” “Oh.” 
Suspicion welled up within you and you narrowed your eyes at him. “So, you decided to come here, and make sure I was really sick. You thought I was faking it!” Shinso shook his head in protest, “No! Believe it or not, I was actually worried about you.” You stood up suddenly and retreated to your room, rummaging around in your closet. Shinso followed you and stood in the doorway, “Um, what are you doing?” 
“What does it look like? I’m getting ready for work, obviously.” You said, tossing a shoe haphazardly over your shoulder. “That’s not a good idea.” Shinso said. You scoffed, turning over your shoulder to look at him. “And why not? Because you don’t want me to go to work?” Shinso grimaced at you, “No, it’s not that. It’s the fact that you’re obviously ill and we work in a coffee shop.” You stopped abruptly, “Oh. That’s a good point.” 
You sat on the edge of your bed, feeling utterly defeated. You couldn’t even bring yourself to be mad at this man, the one you felt like you hated as he stood in the doorway of your bedroom. “Wanna tell me what’s on your mind?” Shinso asked quietly, he knew he couldn’t fix everything, he did leave last night without telling you the truth after all, but maybe listening was a start. You sighed and somehow slumped even further. 
"It's just--" you hesitated to finish, but there was something in Shinso's face spurring you on, "I love him, y'know? And last night was so awful I just, I don't even know if I can face him." You heard a sharp intake of breath that was quickly disguised as a cough. You began to cry, and Shinso felt his heart sink, he had really done it this time. He made a move to sit next to you on the bed, to try and comfort you, but hesitated. When you didn’t object, he tentatively sat next to you and brought his arm around to pat you on the shoulder. “Miss L/N, I don’t know if I could ever forgive myself for last night at the restaurant. I’m so sorry I ruined the night for you.” 
You shook your head, “No! Because honestly you were right, I hadn’t met him before. He was just someone who was writing letters to me--- such wonderful letters.” Your voice broke a little as you said the last words. “He never showed up?” He asked, though he already knew the answer. You shook your head, “No. I waited and waited but he never came.” Shinso grimaced and looked away, “I feel very responsible for that, I’m sorry.” 
You laughed and it was the first smile he’d seen you crack all morning, “Well, it was kind of your fault that we got kicked out of the restaurant, but even so… If he had cared at all, he would have explained.” 
Shinso stood up suddenly and you thought you had offended him somehow, but he came back with a paper sack in his arms. "Well," he said, handing you the convenience store bag, "I'm sure he'll reach out, maybe he feels the same way. I hope you feel better, I’d better head to the shop now since we’re understaffed. I’ll send the others your best!” “Hey Shinso?” You asked, not wanting to leave your thanks left unsaid, “I really appreciate you coming here today. Spending time with you has made me, like you.” 
Shinso smiled and ran his fingers through his hair in that way he always did, “Thank you Miss L/N, goodbye now.” And with a click of your front door, you were alone, you took a moment, for some reason you were already missing his company, but you didn’t let yourself dwell on that notion for too long; You reached into the bag to examine its contents. 
A smile was instantly brought to your face, the bag contained all of your favorite snacks. I wonder how he knew… Mina maybe? That would make sense. You opened one of the snacks and looked around your room, eyes landing on your paper and pen that lay on your desk. You decided that it would be a good option to reach out to your Friend first, and apologize for last night. 
Dear Friend, 
I am so sorry about last night, it was a nightmare in every way. But together you and I can laugh at last night someday 
You tried to finish the letter, but kept getting distracted by thoughts of Shinso. The way he smelled, the way he was so nice to you this morning, the snacks he had brought, that he had cared to come here at all after the way you treated him last night. You grimaced at that last thought, I was so nasty to him. Well… he certainly deserved some of it but even so. 
Things went on like this for a while, you would write, then a thought would intrude. You know what? We were together this morning, and for the first time, we didn’t fight! Well, miracles do happen I guess. Oh wait, where was I? 
Dear friend, blah blah blah blablah, 
The more you let the incident with Shinso this morning stew in your mind, the stranger you felt about it; It was like he had become a totally new person overnight. Not that you were complaining, he had brought you food, and he smelled nice. Oh no, you stiffened, am I starting to have feelings? For him?! You waved the notion away with your hand, Nah! This isn’t some enemies to lovers romcom! 
Shinso was trying his best not to be giddy. You loved him?! Surprisingly, that was the best news he had heard all day. He shook his head in amazement as he walked back to the coffee shop, How could I not have seen it before? It’s so obvious she’s the person from the letters. And she loves me! And I, I think I love her too. He walked into the coffee shop and Denki immediately picked up on his emotional state. “Something good happen today?” He asked, giving him a sly smile. Shinso shrugged, “Maybe. I’ll tell you over lunch.” Denki nodded, and they got to work. 
Lunchtime came quickly, and Shinso breathlessly told Denki the story. Denki hung on to every word, and had a smug smile on his face at the end of it. “See? What’d I tell ya? Everything turned out fine.” Shinso laughed, “I suppose you’re right. Forgive me for not always trusting your judgement.” Denki put his hands up, “No harm done man. So, when are you going to tell her?” he asked, leaning forward. Shinso took a sip of his drink thoughtfully, “Honestly, I don’t think I’m ready yet. She doesn’t love me persay, she loves the man from the letters. I’m not just going to tell her outright that it was me the whole time, then she might feel betrayed. I want to earn her love, as the real me.” Denki smiled, “Hitoshi, you are really cool sometimes.” He snorted in response, “I’m going to pretend that I didn’t hear that ‘sometimes.’” 
The days passed rather quickly after that, the holiday rush was upon the coffee shop and things were as busy as ever. “Care to grab lunch with me today Miss L/N?” Shinso asked, of course you agreed. This became a new ritual for the two of you, and soon he was walking you home from work as well. One winter afternoon it was snowing as you walked to grab lunch together, and you kept catching the snowflakes on your tongue. “You know that’s childish right?” He teased. You turned and stuck your tongue out at him, “Don’t. Care.” 
Things had changed between you, you weren’t sure of the exact moment, but it had perhaps gone by without you even noticing. One day Midoriya brought up to you just how much it had changed, but you waved him off. “It hasn’t changed that much.” You said. You received a skeptical look in return, “Have you not noticed you’re on a first name basis with him now?” You blinked, then thought back to this morning, when the name Hitoshi passed through your lips as  easy as water. “Oh.” 
Mina was the one who brought this up to Shinso, and he was also taken slightly aback. Oh. I guess things really have changed. “I don’t mind the change though,” Mina continued, “I think it’s great you two are finally getting along! Someone had to get through that stubborn personality of yours.” “Oh quit teasing him Mina! You know he can’t handle it.” You interjected as you walked by, presents in your arms. “Oh! Are those for the party tonight?” Mina asked. 
“Yes! You’re going right?” You asked, smiling at your friend. “Obvs! I’m so excited, presents and food with friends is the best part of the holidays.” You chuckled at her reply, “What about you Hitoshi? Are you coming?” You were painfully aware of the way his name felt in your mouth, it was almost too comfortable. He nodded, “Yes, I have some things I need to take care of here first though.” “Oh really? I’ll stay and help!” he tried to object, but if there was anything he had learned about you, it was that you were far too persistent to argue with. 
And so you were left alone in the shop with Hitoshi Shinso, everyone else had gone on ahead to Aizawa’s house. “Are you excited for tonight? Your mystery man is coming right?” He asked, leaning the broom against the wall. “Of course! Excited, nervous, all of the above. And oh goodness, I am very nervous about that. You have so much in common with him, I’ll surely need you to help keep the conversation flowing.” You were facing away from him, straightening the shelves. “Yeah, about that…” His tone seemed off so you turned to face him, a questioning look on your face. 
Shinso cleared his throat, “I am so sorry about last night, it was a nightmare in every way, but together you and I can laugh at last night someday.” He said quietly. You gasped, tears coming to your eyes. I’d only written those words to Dear Friend, so that must mean… “It was you? You were Dear Friend all along?” You asked breathlessly. He barely managed a nod when you were throwing your arms around him. “Hitoshi Shinso, you are a devil of a man you know that?” You laughed, and kissed him on the cheek. 
“You’re not mad?” He asked, cheek warm at the place your lips had touched. “Of course not. Actually, I couldn’t be happier.” You replied, smiling as you watched your not-so-secret secret lover’s face light up with a beaming smile. “Well, that’s great. I’m glad I have you as my Dear Friend.” He said, slinking his arm around your waist. You walked to the party hand in hand, laughing about how you didn’t know sooner and how you had hated each other at first. 
You rang the doorbell and Aizawa opened the door, an uncharacteristic smile on his face. You and Shinso looked at each other in confusion but you saw Hizashi standing behind him, pointing up. Mistletoe. You internally groaned, of course Aizawa would pull something like this. To your surprise, Shinso whirled you around and pulled you close, giving you a breathless kiss in front of all your coworkers. “I KNEW IT!” Midoriya yelled. Through fits of laughter, Aizawa invited you in. “Took you long enough, crazy kids.”
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shou-aizawa · 4 years
attention [dadmight]
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pairings: toshinori yagi & daughter!reader
warnings: angst (:
summary: growing up with your dad being the symbol of peace was hard, and you were finally done trying to be enough for him.
word count: 1.7k
a/n: i’ve had this idea for a while,,, and just got hit with the inspiration to finally write it. even though i love angst, i hurt myself with it, this was pAinful to write but still fun (: i’m considering writing a part 2 but who knows
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Being the daughter of a pro hero was hard. 
Being the daughter of the number one hero, the symbol of peace himself, was even harder.
Y/N’s mother died not long after giving birth, leaving Toshinori with a daughter to raise on his own, whilst keeping up with the hero work that needed to be done. For a while it was good, it worked out well; Y/N’s earliest memories are of her birthday parties where her dad would show up and brighten the entire event, the day she got her quirk and how proud her dad was of her, the occasional movie night whenever her dad got some free time.
However, things changed. The fond memories were overshadowed by sour moments; her dad missing the occasional birthday, parent-teacher meetings, holidays and the like. Sometimes days would go by where Y/N didn’t see her dad save for the live footage she’d spot on TV screens. It had been fun to see at first, to watch her dad save people and beat villains down without an issue, but the novelty of it wore off eventually and left her feeling something she couldn’t describe properly.
She didn’t realise for years that the feeling was jealousy. Plain, bitter, jealousy.
She basically had to grow up without a dad, all because he was busy with his job. Of course, it was a noble job, it was an important one, it had to be done! But can anyone really blame Y/N for feeling as if the villains her dad fought got a lot more attention from him in their brief fights than she’d ever gotten in her life?
Y/N didn’t give up though. She worked hard in school, got near perfect grades, and eventually got accepted into her dad’s alma mater, more specifically into the hero course. If she was honest, her heart wasn’t really in it for the right reasons, she just thought that if she could excel.. If she could prove herself to be worth the attention, maybe her dad would finally spend some time with her again.
After getting her acceptance letter for UA, she did get that bit of validation. Her dad hugged her, holding her tight and telling her just how proud he was of his little girl and how much she’d grown. They’d had a movie night to celebrate, watching some of Y/N’s favourite movies from when she was younger.
That one night had given her hope. And the fact that her dad now had to patrol less, and was teaching at the same school Y/N now attended only fuelled that hope. Seeing each other would be unavoidable, maybe there would be more movie nights, more hugs.. Maybe she would get her dad back.
Her hopes were dashed, however, when she met Izuku Midoriya.
Y/N had a vague understanding of how her dad’s quirk worked, and despite everything, she’d occasionally entertained the possibility that he would pass the power on to her, but of course, that didn’t happen.
He gave it to Midoriya instead. And Y/N was stuck watching from the sidelines as the two of them got closer, her chest aching with bitterness and jealousy.
When she’d first been introduced to Midoriya, she had tried to be sweet, push her own emotions away in favour of not making a fool of herself, but the smile she would give the boy soon faded into a barely-concealed frown. She didn’t bother correcting it. Midoriya, being one of the only people who actually knew that Y/N was All Might’s daughter - apart from the teachers - had obviously wanted to befriend her, and would always look a little confused at her sudden closed-off expression, but at that point, Y/N was past caring.
He had what she didn’t, and it hurt.
One afternoon, a burst of optimism hit her. For a little while it all felt so simple, as if the right puzzle piece finally found its place and Y/N could look at the whole picture. She just had to talk with her dad, explain how much it hurt to not have him around, how much she wished he would notice how hard she was working, how much she just wanted to spend more time with him.
She used that newfound optimism to form a plan, a good plan, one that would fix things for sure. She baked her dad’s favourite cookies whilst he was out, packing a good few into a small box, then hiding both that and the cookies in her room in preparation for the next day. Dinner that night seemed a little less tense, and Y/N had even told her dad about training, how much progress she’d made with her quirk, and he’d smiled softly, praising her greatly which made a warm feeling sprout in her chest. 
When lunch came the next day, she set her plan into motion, fishing the box of cookies out of her bag and making her way to the teacher’s lounge with a bounce in her step, the cookies were to act as the excuse as she didn’t normally drop by the lounge just to talk with her dad and felt awkward doing so without some sort of excuse.
She knocked on the door then poked her head in for a moment before stepping in, a small smile on her face. Aizawa was in the corner, napping in his sleeping bag, Present Mic, Midnight and Cementoss were the other teachers present, and Y/N frowned very briefly at the absence of her dad.
“Y/N! What can we do for ya?” Present Mic asked brightly, and she gripped the box a little tighter, smiling politely.
“I was just looking for my dad-” she held the box up a little and nodded at it, “-I baked some cookies last night but he didn’t get a chance to eat any so I thought I would bring some along today... do you know where he is?”
Present Mic glanced at Midnight, and the two of them shrugged. “Not sure, lil’ listener, maybe if you check-”
“I think he may have mentioned something about eating lunch with Midoriya,” Cementoss interrupted, tilting his head slightly. “But I’m not sure where exactly, unfortunately.”
“Oh!” Y/N said, doing her best not to lose the smile on her face. “Well.. I still have to go eat my own lunch so I’ll just leave the cookies here for when he comes back, if that’s okay?” She asked, swallowing thickly and trying to ignore the familiar pang of jealousy in her chest, one that successfully eradicated the warm feeling she’d had for a little while. 
“More than okay!” Present Mic said with his usual grin, “Can’t promise he’ll get all of them, though..”
Y/N forced a chuckle, setting the box down on the closest desk and fidgeting with her hands. “There’s quite a few in there so I’m sure there’s enough for everyone to have some!” She said, then waved a little.
“I’ll be going now.. uhm thank you!” She added, then turned, quickly making her way out of the teacher’s lounge and down the hall, not even sure where she was heading, just letting her feet carry her away.
Her dad was eating lunch with Midoriya. Y/N couldn’t even recall the last time her dad had asked her to join him for lunch.
Did he really care for Midoriya more than he cared for her?
That’s what it felt like. And Y/N decided she wasn’t going to stick around if all she got was the bare minimum, and even less than that most of the time.
She spent the rest of lunch in the girl’s restroom, face in her hands as she cried quietly. She attended hero training, choosing to talk to basically no one. Her lack of effort was obvious, and she earned herself a short scolding from Aizawa.
Not like she cared anymore.
All she cared about now was getting away.
As soon as the day was over, she rushed home, already having decided what she was going to do now. She went to her room and locked the door, despite the fact that her dad probably wouldn’t be home for another few hours. Even if he was home, Y/N doubted he would’ve bothered to talk to her anyway. 
She pulled a duffel bag from the back of her closet and set it down on her bed, opening it then going through her clothes and choosing what she was going to bring with her.
A strange sense of calm settled over her as she did this, she pushed her emotions away and focused on the task at hand, gathering essential belongings and setting them down on her bed next to the bag.
She picked up her piggy bank, opening them bottom and pulling out any money that she’d saved over time, setting that down on the bed too.
When everything was set out, Y/N took a step back, eyes scanning over the things she’d collected. A sliver of doubt made its way into her mind. Was she really going to do this? Was she really going to run away?
She indulged the doubts for just a moment before pushing them away again with the shake of her head. This was best for her, she couldn’t stay where she wasn’t wanted any more, it hurt too much, and she deserved better!
Working carefully, she started packing her things into the duffel bag. A change of clothes, a hairbrush, toothbrush, small packet of toothpaste, couple of hair ties, a notebook and pen, and lastly her wallet. She zipped the bag up once she was done, breathing a sigh,
She got changed next, tossing her uniform over her chair without much thought, pulling on some leggings, a loose-fitting t-shirt and a hoodie on instead. She stuffed her feet into her trainers, then picked the duffel bag up and swung it over her shoulder.
She hesitated by the door for a moment, glancing back at her desk and considering leaving a note or something, but deciding not to, realising she wouldn’t even know what to write, and figuring it would just be easier to simply leave.
So that’s what she did.
Y/N left the house, not dwelling too much on where she was going, just following her instincts. Once a safe distance away from the house and anyone who might recognise her, she broke into a run, feet thumping against the pavement rhythmically.
A grin broke out on her face as she ran, realising that she could go anywhere and not give a single damn about what people thought of her, about standards she had to uphold.
She was free.
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script-nef · 4 years
Of animal cafés and favourite authors | Yagi Toshinori
Inspiration: ["This was fun—let's do it again sometime!"]
Category: fluff
1.8k words; how a scheming duo created a nice date
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Yagi Toshinori was experiencing one of the worst moments in his life.
He sipped at his tea, groaning internally at his current predicament. It was supposed to be a relaxing day. He was invited to a visit to an animal café that had opened near his house by his friends/co-workers. (Aizawa scathingly remarked with an "I’m not your friend." before. Yagi could tell that they were becoming closer though. They even shared a drink!) The place was secluded, making it an ideal place for famous people (read: him, whose true, and now only, form had been outed to the world after beating All For One on live TV) to enjoy while not having to worry about people recognising them. Establishments like these weren’t common, so he was looking forward to it even more.
That was his plan. It was going to be nice. It really was. He was going to relax with kittens and puppies and other small adorable animals. He was looking forward to calming down with his colleagues and sharing little anecdotes of teaching that they amassed over the years.
But, instead of that amazingly comfortable and pleasant plan, he was sitting next to a friend of his co-workers who he is a long-time fan of, who was currently making baby sounds at a particularly affectionate kitten. He could hardly even look at your general direction without screaming internally and freaking out, and he knew he was going to blow this for all parties involved.
God, how did I get into this mess?
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"Hey, are you free this Saturday?" Yagi looked up from his laptop to be met with Midnight, her eyes glittering in a happy/mischievous manner. Huh, must be creating another test for the students.
"Yes, I don’t have any prior engagements. Is something the matter?"
"Oh, no, no, no. It’s just that I found an animal café opened up nearby here and was inviting Aizawa when Yamada butted in. That’s why he’s quiet right now." She pointed behind her and Yagi leaned back to see that Aizawa had his quirk activated with a glare that could flay someone alive. Yamada was kneeling while mumbling something along the lines of "I promise I won’t start yelling just as you’re about to fall asleep ever again." Yikes. "And then I thought you should come along too, y’know, enjoy the fluffballs. And," she lowered her voice to a whisper. "if you catch Aizawa on a good day, he smiles." Yagi grinned at that.
"I’ll be happy to join all of you! Is this why you were laughing with Present Mic before?" She stiffened.
"Uh… yep. That was it. We were really excited about this. Animal therapy for the tired mind and all that, y’know? God knows we need it with all the villain attacks. I wanted to blow steam off at a bar or a nightclub, but Mr. Stick-in-the-mud," She pointed at Aizawa. "kept grumbling about how ‘that’s a terrible idea’ when I wasn’t even finished!"
The sleeping-bag bound hero shifted at her words, somehow scowling even more.
"You just want to set this up because you think [Na-"
"AH!" Yamada screamed with his quirk. "SPEAKING OF STICK-IN-THE-MUD, WE NEED TO TALK TO PRINCIPAL NEZU ABOUT THE FIGHTING GROUND AND THE MUD PIT. LET’S GO, LET’S GO!" If glares could kill, the loud hero would already be rotting six feet under. This didn’t faze him this time, and the he dragged Aizawa off along with Kayama, lifting the tired teacher over their shoulders like a log.
Yagi tilted his head in confusion at the sudden exclamation but shrugged it off. They were always quite the odd, but pleasant, bunch. He later received the details of the meeting, along with a p.s which read, "We’re also bringing a friend. I think you guys will hit it off!"
"Huh. Well, the more the merrier. Ah, a text from young Midoriya!"
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In hindsight, that was pretty suspicious. I should have realised something was wrong.
"Yagi-san, I heard from my friends you read some of my works. Is that right?" You asked, detaching your face from the kitten’s tummy and smiling up at him. (It was kind of impossible not to look up at him, what with his impossibly tall stature even when sitting down.) Oh God, you’re so damn adorable.
"Ah, yes, I uh, I particularly liked Courage to Love and be Loved. The way you portrayed the, the aspects of self-love and identity was beautiful. A-and in Fallen, the romance between the characters was so sweet, so beautifully written. I cried so much at the end. Ah, but the mystery and suspense in Written by Camellia was captivating!" He stuttered and rambled on about all his favourites from your short story collection and series with such passion that you felt like you should be writing this down for reference. You were glad someone loved your books so much. He apologised about his enthusiasm and lack of eloquence, emphasising his behaviour is due to the fact that you're his long-time favourite author. (And also because he's infatuated with you but he's never going to say that.) You replied with, I'm your fan too!" (Which made his heart rate spike exponentially and he was sure that you could hear it.)
A café staff interrupted the fanboying with a slice of cake and topped off your drinks. You immediately brightened up at the sweet since you were absolutely craving sugar. You grumbled to your companion about how your editor never lets you eat anything sweet while working because you have a tendency to slink away to enjoy the treat with some Netflix for hours on end. It elicited a small chuckle  from him which you joined in on.
Yagi watched you as your face morphed into bliss, letting out a moan and melting into the sofa. He wondered what it would taste like. He couldn’t remember the taste of something sweet, or zesty. Or anything at all.
You noticed him staring at your cake and slightly pushed it towards him with the fork. He noticed and pointed to himself, as if to say, "You want me to try?" and you nodded.
"Ah, thank you for the offer. But, um, I can’t eat anything particularly sweet. Or just about any food." Your eyes widened at that, and Yagi braced himself for the further explanation required. Instead, you nodded and peered back to where the trio were fooling around. They were trying to see how many cats could be put on Aizawa at once. You could count around 10.
"I see. I know I’m not supposed to use my quirks in public areas since I’m not a pro hero, but can you make one exception Yagi-san?" You asked while extending your hand to him, the other one holding a forkful of cake. Confused, he tentatively took your hand and watched as the cake disappeared into your mouth.
He could taste smooth chocolate, the soft vanilla cream in between the soft and fluffy layers along with fresh strawberries. But his mouth was empty. He whipped his head to you in surprise, a hand covering his mouth.
"How is it?" Expectation was written all over your face. He let out a soft laugh.
"It’s… the most delicious thing I’ve tasted. It’s so sweet but light as well. I… can’t describe it. You give me some of the best writings I’ve ever read and then add this. I can’t thank you enough right now or forever."
You simply smiled, taking another mouthful. Yagi flopped his head onto the sofa, ignoring everything, even the adorable Golden Retriever licking at his hand, and enjoying this sensation.
The rest of the visit was in that position, you stuffing yourself with different desserts so he could understand your predicament of picking a favourite one. (He found out he likes tiramisu.) Conversations flowed, from quirky fans to nice gifts to personal preferences in fashion and artwork. You were so immersed in your talk that the squealing created by Kayama and Yamada, which was quite loud in the staff’s opinion, went unnoticed. They high-fived Slam Dunk style at their success in pairing you two together. Aizawa just sighed, but also smiled underneath his scarf.
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You stayed in the café until closing time, incredibly reluctant to part ways with your new-found, adorably-cute and sweet idol-newly-turned-friend. As the trio walked on ahead—Yamada yelling loudly into the night and immediately being scolded by the other two—Yagi matched his steps to yours. He offered to take you home, and you graciously accepted.
The chatter kept on, ranging from "Did you know that bananas are actually berries?" to "I seriously want to kidnap one of those kitties back in the shop." He laughed boisterously at that, reminding you that while he isn’t a hero anymore, he could still report you. That was met with, "You would help me. I saw how you looked at those puppies." And yeah, you were right. They were just too cute.
"This was fun—let's do it again sometime!" You exclaimed, passing him a piece of paper. "There’s a wonderful ramen place nearby. They have rooms for privacy if you don’t feel comfortable exposing yourself to the public. It's too late today, and I’m really full from the desserts." Yagi stared at the paper, then back at you. It contained your number. "If you… have more free time, I would love to show you what different types of ramen taste like. What do you say?"
He nodded jerkily, brain still trying to understand what was happening. Is she asking me out on a date? No, that’s preposterous. She’s so amazing and talented and I’m just… me now. It must be a friend thing. Midnight, Present Mic and Aizawa will all come. Yep, only explanation. That made an ache bloom in his chest for some reason, but he pushed it way back to somewhere he didn’t even know.
"Great! Oh, this is my house." You went up the steps and unlocked your door, but stopped. You turned back. "I really liked today. It was… just really nice. I hope our next one is like today as well." Standing on your tiptoes, even after three steps, you barely managed to get your arms above his shoulder for a hug. Pulling back, you planted a kiss on his forehead. "M’kay bye!!" And immediately bolted to the safety of your house so he couldn’t see your cheeks burning off.
Yagi brought a hand to his forehead, caressing the spot where you made contact. His brain short-circuited but his legs were moving towards his own house, aware that standing here would raise some attention and suspicion. When he arrived home, he went through his night routine—brushing teeth, washing face, taking medication—and plopped into bed. Then it hit him.
Holy shiiiiiiiiit.
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nightfallrevel · 4 years
Valentine’s Day - Aizawa
A/N: Here it is! The final Valentine’s Day post! At long last!
As with all my Valentine’s Day posts, this will receive a part two “White Day” post. Keep an eye out!
Warnings: none
Word Count: 1,615
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You sat in an empty classroom, colorful construction paper scattered across several of the desks. With a pair of scissors in hand, glue and glitter across from you, you assisted a very special little girl with crafting her very first Valentines. You smiled as you watched her, tongue sticking out as she concentrated with her crayons.
“Eri, is this the last one we need to make? I think we’ve made one for everyone.” Bright ruby eyes lifted to meet yours thoughtfully. Looking back down, Eri named every Valentine that she’d created.
“Oh, no! I still need one for Mr. Aizawa, but his has to be really big because he watches over me all the time, so I’m super extra thankful for that.” That was, of course, without saying how thankful she was to those who had come to save her. There were other large construction paper hearts for every hero that had been present for her rescue.
Giving the small girl a warm smile, you pulled a few more pieces of construction paper towards you and began cutting out hearts. “Then, I’ll make one for him, too. How does that sound, Eri?” She gave you a huge grin and nodded enthusiastically before returning her concentration on her crayon writing.
After cutting out several hearts, you carefully glued them together to create a colorful collage, each heart facing a different way and overlapping so that they fit together like a puzzle. You left the glitter off of this one, figuring the sleepy teacher wouldn’t quite appreciate the mess. The glue dried quickly and you were soon able to hand over the completed oversized Valentine to Eri for her to write and draw on.
You could tell by her wide eyes as you placed it in front of her that she was pleased by how large and colorful it was. While she did her part, you began on one last Valentine. It wasn’t anything special, but you wanted to at least convey a little bit of your feelings towards the ward of the young girl you were currently assisting.
Ever since you had started working at U.A., your gaze and your heart had been captured. You’d always been a bit of a fan of the underground hero, Eraserhead, but meeting him in person put him under a whole new light. Eraserhead, now Mr. Aizawa to you, was more incredible than you’d ever imagined.
You had found him to be grumpy, and somewhat harsh, at your first impression of him, but it didn’t take long for you to see the softer side of him. Your views first began to change as you listened to how the other teachers spoke about him, and, later, when you saw the respect his students gave him. You even sat in on one of his classes and you were able to see how he interacted with his students. It was no wonder they looked up to him.
Even without taking into account his personality, Aizawa was a very attractive man. Despite his casual and lazy appearance, he had a strong jawline and sharp eyes. You found that your breath stopped any time that his gaze met yours and you struggled to speak properly whenever he asked you a direct question. 
He’d once saved you from falling on your face when you tripped over a crack in the cement and your body had been held against his for barely a second. It had surprised you for more than one reason. The clothes he wore would be enough to deceive anyone into thinking that he was just some scrawny hero. You knew better. In the moment he had balanced you against himself, you had felt every hardened edge of his chest, the bulge of his biceps, and the flex of his abs.
It was a miracle you hadn’t been reduced to a puddle of mush at his feet in that moment. You knew that your face had certainly resembled a tomato and you had barely muttered a thank you before fleeing into the school. You were still somewhat mortified over it, but you also held that memory very close to you.
You often caught glimpses of Aizawa taking naps in a bright yellow sleeping bag and quickly understood that he was a very sleepy man. You weren’t exactly sure what caused him to need so much sleep, but you learned from Present Mic that napping was a habit that stemmed from his high school days. However, despite everything else, it was the secret smile when he thought no one else was looking that had sealed the deal on your heart.
“Ms. Y/L/N, I’m all done. Did you finish your Valentine, too?” Then there was this precious little girl that he had all but adopted. He would deny it no matter how you put it, but Eri had become important to him. You smiled at her and held up your carefully folded Valentine to show her.
“Yep! It just needs one final touch.” Reaching into your purse, you pulled out a small individually wrapped chocolate and taped it to the outside of the Valentine. Eri watched you with wide and curious eyes. “You see, Eri, when you get older, and you fall in love, you show them that love with chocolate on Valentine’s Day.”
Eri’s eyes became so big that they resembled saucers as she met your gaze. “You love Mr. Aizawa?” Your features softened as you nodded down at her, a blush warming your cheeks.
You giggled as she squealed happily. “It’s a secret, though, Eri. I want to tell him myself, when the time is right. So, don’t tell him that this Valentine is from me, okay?” She nodded and smiled, excitement evident in her every action as she helped you clean up. Your heart, however, was beating nervously. When would be the right time to tell him?
Tiny footsteps pattered in the apartment hallway, rousing Aizawa from his lunchtime nap. He knew that Eri had been in the school as she had expressed a desire to show her thanks on Valentine’s Day. Ever since he had explained the holiday to her, she’d been obsessed.
A soft knock preceded her entrance to his room and he sat up with a yawn. “Eri. What is it?” The small girl clambered up onto his bed without hesitation, something rather large held in her hand that made her ascent slightly awkward.
Once she was situated, she grinned brightly at him and held out what was in her hand. “Happy Valentine’s Day, Mr. Aizawa! Thank you so much for taking care of me!” Aizawa carefully accepted the crafted Valentine, surprised that she had made it already.
Examining the craft in his hands, he knew there was no way the young girl had completed it by herself. She’d had help. As he unfolded the monstrosity, a second paper, weighed down by something taped to it, fell out. He ignored it for a moment as he let his eyes trail over the homemade Valentine that Eri had presented to him.
A small smile lifted the corner of his lips as he read what she’d written in her messy child-like handwriting. She was only just learning how to write and she was making such great progress. “Thank you, Eri. This is very well done. Who helped you make this?” He turned a curious eye on her as she suddenly got nervous, his brow raising as he waited for her answer.
Her hands wrung the hem of her dress as she looked down into her lap. “Um, well, I can’t tell you.” Aizawa continued to stare her down, but she wouldn’t budge.
“Why can’t you tell me, Eri?”
Eri reached forward, picking up the folded paper that had fallen from the Valentine as he’d opened it. “Because of this.” She held it out for him to take, which he did. More curiosity welled up within him as he removed the small chocolate that had been weighing it down.
Setting the chocolate to the side, Aizawa unfolded the much smaller Valentine and read its contents. It wasn’t signed, but the words inside had him completely confounded.
���You deserve to have at least three naps a day. xoxo”
It was such a simple thing, but he could still tell that it had been put together with a lot of feeling behind it. It was touching, really. Picking up the chocolate, he unwrapped it and popped it into his mouth. It was coffee flavored, his favorite. After chewing and swallowing, his gaze returned to Eri, who had been watching him very carefully. “Eri, who is this from?”
She jumped off of his bed and ran to the door. “I can’t tell you! I promised her that I wouldn’t tell! She said that she wanted to tell you herself.” Aizawa sighed. At least whoever it was had good motives for remaining secretive, for now.
“Fine. I won’t ask you, anymore. Did you already hand out your other Valentines?” The little white-haired head shook quickly. “All right. Let’s go hand them out, then. I’ll come with you.” Aizawa got out of bed, barely stifling a yawn, and picked up both Valentines. The one from Eri, he left on display on top of his dresser, but the other one, he carefully folded into his pocket.
Eri smiled happily as they left the apartment, her small hand fitting into Aizawa’s much larger one for safety as they headed down the sidewalk. Aizawa would have to watch her more carefully to see who she’d made friends with, but, for now, he was just glad to see her happily giving out Valentines to everyone she was thankful for.
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isiddthesloth · 4 years
I Got a Feline, Chapter 2: A My Hero Academia Fanfic.
Like I said on the last chapter, I’d really appreciate it if you could head over to AO3 and let me know what you think in the comments there! If not, I’ll post this entire chapter here. Chapter 3 is already up on AO3 though!
    Let’s see what the others have to say about this.
    The slam of the sliding door of the teachers’ lounge sounded particularly loud to your sensitive, feline ears.
    “Oh hey, Principal Ne-,” Present Mic started to say. “What is that?”
    What is that?? Rude! I will get you back for that later. Nezu patted you on the shoulder.
    “Now, now, Hizashi-san. You should say, ‘Who is that.’ It is none other than our beloved assistant teacher, [Y/N]! Also, please refrain from yelling in the teachers’ lounge. We don’t want the students thinking something is amiss,” Principal Nezu said.
    “What’s going on?” Yagi’s desk faced away from the door, so he hadn’t seen them walk in. As he turned around in his chair, a burst of blood shot out of his mouth. He coughed as Hizashi patted him on the back while scrambling for some tissues.
    Everyone’s attention was now squarely on Principal Nezu and yourself. Your fur bristled from the scrutiny.
Continue reading on AO3 or
    “Unfortunately, [Y/N] had a quirk-related accident earlier today. To keep them safe, they will be remaining on campus until they revert to their normal form. Of course, the students’ safety is of the utmost importance, but I am sure [Y/N]’s mental status is intact. They should not cause any problems. Where is Aizawa-sensei?”
    At that, the chair at Aizawa’s desk rolled back. He had been under his desk, wrapped up in his sleeping bag. He looked like a cozy banana slug, all wrapped up like that. He, very slowly, rolled out from under his desk.
    Cute. With that thought, you were aware of your heartbeat all of a sudden. Thankfully, fur doesn’t turn red, because you were sure your cheeks were blushing bright red. Your face felt overwhelming hot, the blush coupled with the fur. Not in that way! You tried to reason with yourself. All slugs are cute, right? Not just this one in particular...Were you losing grip on reality? Maybe your mental status wasn’t intact.
    Aizawa’s bleary eyes took a look at you, then at Principal Nezu, then back at you.
    “I knew this week was going to be a long one.” Aizawa sighed.
    “KITTY!” Midnight yelled. “They’re so cute!” You reared back in surprise as Midnight burst into the staff room and quickly threw her arms around you.
    “I already like [Y/N], but now you’re even cuter! I’m going to love you so much!” Nemuri cooed, grabbing your fluffy cheeks and attempting to pinch them.
    “Um, you should probably stop doing that,” Yagi said, having recovered and awkwardly reaching out towards you and Midnight. “I’m not sure [Y/N] wants to be coddled that much!”
    Principal Nezu pinched the bridge of his nose. “I must agree with Yagi, Nemuri-san. You should still respect [Y/N]’s autonomy.”
    Midnight seemed to not even register the presence of Toshinori or Nezu. Her sole focus was on you.
    “You need a collar!” she said. “I’m sure I’ve got to have something,” she muttered to herself, chin resting on her hand.
    You definitely did not need a collar. Heck, you didn’t even want a collar.
    “There has to be something in my bag!” Nemuri began to dig around in the oversized, black leather bag that had been slung over her shoulder. She pulled miscellaneous items out of the bag. She dropped anything that was not what she wanted. A bandana, a rope, the whip that she was always carrying around.
    She pouted. “I can’t find my collar!! It was bright pink! You would have loved it! The closest thing I have are these handcuffs!” She held them above your head. Your eyes widened in panic, and you took a couple steps backward, away from her. “I wonder if this will fit around your neck? Ooh, then naybe I can lock myself with you and we can spend all day together! So exotic!” You did not like the sound of that.
    “Now, now, Nemuri-san.” Toshinori stood up and was trying to calm you down, his hands open, non-threatening, and clearly in your line of sight. “I’m sure those handcuffs would be too small for [Y/N]. Also, you aren’t teaching 1A today. What about your own classes?”
    “Oh yes! Classes will be starting soon,” Ectoplasm interjected. “On that note, who’s going to take her? Don’t you like cats, Aizawa?”
    Your fur bristled. Who’s going to take me? You weren’t some sort of item that needed to be toted about! You were a catch!
    “Well, [Y/N] is the assistant teacher for class 1A, so it would make more sense for you to shadow Aizawa-san. I think it will be best if you try to stick to your normal schedule as much as possible.” Principal Nezu said.
    Aizawa blinked owlishly a few times, and then sighed deeply. “Do I have to?” he asked.
    “I don’t mind taking her! She can come with me to my class!” Nemuri-san said.
    You quickly shrunk behind Aizawa. No way were you going with Nemuri. Just the thought of a collar seemed to constrict your neck.
    “No, no, no. Now wait a minute,” Hizashi interjected, finally finding a pause in Nemuri’s speech in which to speak. “[Y/N] and I are tight, plus I’d look super cool hanging out with a tiger!” You and Aizawa rolled your eyes at the same time.
    As Principal Nezu attempted to persuade Midnight and Present Mic on why having you spend the day with them would not be a good idea, Toshinori stood in front of you. Aizawa sleepily unzipped himself out of his yellow cocoon.
    Yagi kneeled in front of you. You could hear Principal Nezu say something along the lines of, “Remember, cats have ears very sensitive to sound,” to Present Mic. (“I can control my volume!” he yelled. “You clearly cannot,” Ectoplasm said as he exited out the door.)
    “Hey [Y/N],” Toshinori said to you gently. “This must be absolutely crazy, right?” he chuckled. Seeing him laugh instantly brought a smile to your own face. “You’re handling it like a champ. By the way, I noticed your belongings outside the staffroom door earlier. I was concerned, but I see why you weren’t able to answer my calls. So I took the liberty of putting your items on your desk. I hope that was okay.” You nodded, overcome by the sudden urge to lick his face. You kept yourself in check.
    “Come on, [Y/N]. Let’s go. We can’t leave Class 1A alone for too long. They have too much talent at attracting attention.”
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willow404 · 4 years
Flora and Fauna Chapter 2
Chapter 2 - First Day of Class
Your first day at UA started today and you were practically vibrating with excitement. Although, it was a sort of rigid excitement, your nerves started to get the better of you as you rode the train.
You took a few deep breaths and tried to settle down. Your mind kept drifting back to when you received your acceptance letter. You had passed the practical exam with forty combat points and twenty rescue points (something you didn’t think existed). You had been so ecstatic that you’re sure your mom probably heard you squealing.
You had been half-tempted to text Aizawa about it but he probably already knew, and you didn’t really have many friends at your middle school so only your mom was left to fall victim to your rantings. She didn’t seem to mind though, so you talked her ear off with little to no regret.
You took out your phone and plugged in your ear buds. Might as well listen to music in the meantime, right? Wrong. You almost missed your stop because you were zoning out, but luckily someone had nudged you because they noticed your school uniform. Thank god for the kindness in that person’s heart.
As you walked up to the gates of the massive building, you felt your nerves and your excitement fighting for dominance in your chest. Would the classes be difficult? Who’s your homeroom teacher? Was All Might really teaching at U.A. this year? And most importantly… Would you make any friends…?
Only when you walked up to the front doors did you realize how empty the school grounds looked. Did you get here early? Or where you super late…? You looked at your phone and checked the time. Ah… It was 6:30… way too early.
You sighed with annoyance at yourself. You had been so worked up that you had left the house early. Oh well, at least you hadn’t ended up coming to school late.
You pocketed your phone and walked through the school, looking for your class. ‘Class 1-A, was it..?’ Yeah, that was it. You had spent almost the entire night studying and memorizing your schedule.
You slid open the classroom door to find it pretty empty. Aside from yourself, there’s only two other people in the classroom. ‘Guess I’m not the only one who got here early…’
“Good morning!” A guy with blue hair and glasses walked over to you, his arms moving in an almost robotic fashion. “I am Tenya Iida from Somei Private Academy!” He stopped in front of you and held his hand out. “And you are?”
You took his hand and shook it. “I’m Y/n L/n from… a junior high you’ve probably never heard of.”
“Pleasure to meet you, L/n!”
“You too, Iida. Oh, and you can call me Y/n, by the way. I don’t mind. In fact, I actually prefer it.” You retracted your hand from his and rubbed the back of your neck awkwardly. ‘I hope he doesn’t think it’s weird even though we just met…’
“I see… Very well then, Y/n!” And with that, he promptly returned to his seat.
You let out a shaky breath you didn’t know you were holding. That went better than you could’ve hoped, really. 
You walked to the back of the class and took a seat in the back of the class between the window and this guy with two hair colors. He didn’t seem the talkative type so you didn’t bother with introductions and just stared out the window.
More and more students started to trickle in eventually until it was almost time for school to officially start. Everyone was pretty quiet until…
“Excuse me!”
Iida was up and walking towards the broody looking blonde who had just come in. “I demand that you remove your feet from that desk this instant!”
Oh. So that was the problem. You really couldn’t tell from your spot three seats behind him, not to mention the large ponytail of the girl in front of you was obstructing your view.
The blonde scoffed but Iida pressed forward. “It’s only the first day of class and you’re already scuffing school property! Such an action is insulting to those who came to UA before us-”
“Like I care! Your old school put a stick up your ass? Or were you born with it?” The blonde yelled. You were pretty sure the whole class was watching this conversation. They were the only two talking by now.
Iida stopped and sighed. “Let’s start over.. I’m Tenya Iida from Somei Private Academy-”
“Somei?! So you probably think you’re better than me! I’ll have fun blowing you to bits.” ‘Blow him to bits? Does that have something to do with his quirk?’ You wondered.
Iida gasped. “You would threaten me?! Your own classmate?! Are you sure you’re trying to become a hero?”
“Tch.” The blond pulled his feet down from the desk and set them on the floor. He leaned forward as if to renew the argument with Iida but they both turned towards the door.
“It’s him.” You thought you heard Iida say.
You looked towards the door, as did all the rest of the class, and saw an anxious looking boy with green hair standing there. ‘How long had he been there unnoticed?’
Everyone’s sudden attention probably made him ten times more nervous. “O-Oh..! Uhm-”
Iida started walking up to him, in much the same fashion that he had walked up to you. “I am from Somei Private Academy. My name is-”
The boy held up his hands in front of him. “I-I heard when I came in! Ah...” He lowered his hands and put on a nervous smile. “I’m Izuku Midoriya. It’s nice to meet you Iida.”
“Midoriya… You must be very perceptive. I misjudged you.” Iida stated with a sort of somber confidence.
“What?” Midoriya tilted his head in confusion. ‘Well, this is an awkward conversation to have in front of the whole class on the first day.’
Iida apparently didn’t have the same thought because he continued. “You realized that there was something more to the entrance exam, didn’t you? While I didn’t…” Iida bowed. “I admit, as a student you are superior to me.”
Midoriya looked as confused as you felt. Before Midoriya could speak again, another voice came from behind him. “Oh, that messy hair! Falling boy!” ‘Did she say falling boy?’
Midoriya turned around and the voice continued. “You got in! Present Mic was right! Not that I’m surprised though, that punch was super awesome!”
You guessed that something probably happened between these three during the entrance exam. It didn’t really concern you so you started to just tune them out. Though, you turned your attention towards the door again when you heard a familiar voice.
“If you’re just here to socialize, then you can leave.”
Midoriya and the girl flinched and looked out into the hallway as he continued in a monotone voice. “Welcome to UA’s hero course… Now, it took you eight seconds for you all to stop talking. Time is precious, you’ll need to be more rational.”
‘How lucky am I?’ You thought to yourself, although it was probably the opposite of what everyone else was thinking as there was an awkward silence in the air.
Aizawa sighed. “Hello, I’m Shota Aizawa. Your homeroom teacher.” You heard a few sounds of confusion from your classmates. “Right… let’s get to it.” Aizawa fished out a gym shirt from his sleeping bag. “Change into your track uniforms and meet me in the field.”
“A Quirk Assessment test?!” Everyone yelled.
The girl who you had seen greet Midoriya at the door leaned forward. “What about the entrance ceremony?! Or orientation! We’re gonna miss it-”
“You can’t waste time on such leisurely events if you want to become heroes.” Aizawa stated as the girl faltered a bit. “UA is known for its ‘freestyle’ education system. That means that I get to run my class however I see fit.”
You noticed a few of your peers look around at each other nervously. You didn’t blame them.
Aizawa continued, “You kids have been doing these standardized tests most of your lives, right? But you never got to use your quirks in physical exams before.” You perked up at that. ‘Does that mean we get to use our Quirks on these?’
“Bakugou. You got the highest score in the entrance exam. What was your farthest distance throw in junior high?”
“67 meters.” You looked towards the voice. ‘Oh! It’s the guy that was arguing with Iida earlier…’
Aizawa tossed a softball to him. “Then let’s try doing it with your quirk.
Bakugou scoffed but walked up the pitcher’s circle in the field. “Do whatever you need to, just stay in the circle.” Aizawa called to him.
You saw Bakugou mutter something and roll his shoulders. He finally threw the softball with a loud, resounding explosion. “DIE!”
Your mouth was hanging so far open you were you’d catch flies.
Aizawa turned back towards you all, still looking down at the phone he held in his hand. “It’s important for all of you to know your limits. It’s the most rational of figuring out your potential as a hero.” Aizawa turned the phone so you could all see the results of Bakugou’s throw. There was a lot of yelling.
“705 meters?! Seriously?!”
“I wanna try! That looks fun!”
“So we can use our quirks as much as we want! Man, the hero course is great!”
“...so this looks like fun?” Somehow, Aizawa’s monotone voice drowned out all the cheers of excitement. “You have three years here to become heroes… and you think it’s just gonna be fun and games the whole time?” You could feel the tension weighing down on your shoulders. “All right… You’ll be participating in 8 tests today to gauge your potential. Whoever is in last place by the end of the day will be judged to have none, and expelled immediately.”
Aizawa smiled. “Like I said, I decide how to run my class. Welcome to UA’s hero course!”
Chapter 1
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Sweet Nothing (MHA Staff AU Fanfiction)
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Chapter 1
Warnings: None, completely swf
"A devastating loss to the American people to lose one of the most beloved heroes. People are still rioting outside of the court as you see Zion and other Pro-Heroes walk out."
Did I expect to have my license suspended after backing up victims of my colleague? Not exactly. Am I upset about it? Not entirely. My time in the U.S wasn't the best, I only stayed for my students, but now without my hero license, I can forget having my job at Cal Academy.
As I walked out of the courthouse, I gave my best smile for those looking and the press. Nerves continued to crawl up my spine as I tried my best to keep my cool. I can't make another scene as I did inside. Reporters flooded in, pestering me to get my opinion on one of my most significant failures.
"I can't describe how disappointing the outcome of the case was, but sometimes things happen. The cards just weren't in our favor. I just hope that people here and at home take this as a reminder of how heroes can fail sometimes, but it doesn't mean that hope is lost forever. I am sure that today is just a setback. Have a good day, and eventually, I will be back once my suspension ends." I smiled and nodded, making my way past the reporters.
"What will you be doing during your time in suspension?" A reporter reached out their microphone over my shoulder.
I thought for a moment. I was thinking back to a conversation I had with my old principal before this trial.
"If all goes wrong. Or something else occurs, and you want to come back. Along with most of the UA staff, I wanted to start a mental health program for the students. Specifically, a counselor or therapist per class. I think it will suit you well to be a counselor here." The calm and reassuring tone Nezu's voice always seemed to have calmed my nerves and made sure I always knew I had someone at my corner at all times.
I turned to the reporter and smirked, "I'll be in Japan."
Present Day
Okay, maybe I shouldn't have taken up Nezu's offer after all.
Class 1-A
Counselor: Mai Montoya
Homeroom Teacher: Shota Aizawa
The stupid mouse-dog-bear thing paired me up with Aizawa? AIZAWA! This is just like when he recommended me for the hero course the first time I ended up at UA.
"You okay? You look like you're about to vomit." Lily, a fellow friend from Cal Academy that Nezu hired, asked.
"I just might. Why must Nezu make things difficult for me?" I handed her my form and rubbed my temples.
She looked at the form and then put her hand on her hip, "I don't see anything wrong with this. There are only twenty students."
I stared up at her. I completely forgot that she's not only new to the school but new to Japan, so she doesn't know anyone but me. "It's not the number of students. I could care less about that. Nezu could give me two hundred kids, and I won't complain. It's the homeroom teacher I have a problem with."
She looks again, "Shota Aizawa. Now, why does that sound familiar?" She scratches her head. A few baby hairs start sticking out of her bun as I just continue to contemplate how my life led me here.
"Do you remember the group of friends I had before graduating UA and coming back to the US?" She nodded, "Do you remember the one specific friend that I stopped talking to?" She shook her head, "Sorry, the friend that stopped talking to me?"
"OH! Oh, wait... Oh no... he's the homeroom teacher?" Lily bit her lip and went to reach for the bottle of water while looking at her class information. "I thought you guys resolved things the last time you came to Japan to help Captain Celebrity five years ago." She took a huge swig of her bottle.
"Kind of, but not really. We talked because it had something to do with a case he was working on, but after that, it was mainly me talking to Kayama and Kayama bothering him. Or me talking to Mic, and he talks to him." I gave an embarrassed smile as Lily glared at me. "It's not my responsibility to patch things up with him; he cut me off."
She took another swig, "Maybe since you tell Principal Nezu everything, he thought you guys needed a push to get back together. Weren't you guys inseparable?"
"We were not inseparable. And Nezu should stop meddling; he's been like this since I was fifteen." I check the time on my laptop to see it was almost time for homeroom and start packing up to meet my new students. "It's almost time for the classes to start. Nezu wanted us to introduce ourselves to the students. Do you need me to show you where Class 1-B is located again? Do you need me to translate for you with the students?"
She shook her head and told me that she was fine and made her way out with me. She kept reassuring me that everything was going to be okay. But honestly, I wasn't listening. Being back at UA made me uneasy; it felt like my first day as a student here. Nervous and scared. Only this time, I had no reason to be. Maybe it was nostalgia. Or perhaps it was just a lot of, hmph. What the hell? I look down to see a familiar yellow sleeping bag at my feet. I turned to my left to see Lily was gone and that I already made it to classroom 1-A. Not only that, I met with the eyes of terrified students. I looked back down to see grey eyes popping out of the sleeping bag staring at me.
"I honestly thought the form was a joke." There it was. That stupid gruffly monotoned voice. It took all I had not to roll my eyes.
"Nice to see that in almost fifteen years, you kept that sleeping bag." I walked over the giant caterpillar of depression and into the classroom.
"It took you guys more than eight seconds to quiet down. That's not going to work." I heard the man say as he zipped out of his sleeping bag. "My name is Shota Aizawa. I'll be your homeroom teacher. And the woman over there, she is Mai Montoya, your counselor." I smiled and waved to students. It was met with mostly enthusiastic responses, aside from one kid grunting and another one practically drooling. Make a note not to wear a pencil skirt and a button-up as long as I'm that kid's counselor. Aizawa then proceeded to take a gym uniform out and told the students to get dressed and ready for training. He turned to look at me as the kids made their way out of the class, "You still do that face."
I blinked, "What face?"
"The face you do when you're concentrating on something too hard. What is it?"
"Oh." After fourteen years, he remembers that? "It's nothing; I just think that it's the first day, and maybe training should wait a little while." He turns and ignores me. "Hey, wait up!"
"I need to know how their quirks work, and the earlier they train, the earlier we can make then better heroes."
"It's only the first day, though. They could do introductions and talk about their quirks. Plus, I thought I saw you when the staff was watching the entrance exams; you should already have an idea." I pointed.
"It's not the same as in person." Was all he responded, "I'm their teacher so let me do what I normally do. You're only here to observe."
"I am here to introduce myself and get to know the students. And we are meant to collaborate, Sh... Aizawa." Eeeeeggggggg almost did a no-no right there. He didn't spare me a second glance, but I could tell that I annoyed him. He was already irritating me too. I just sighed and decided to sit on the bench and take my laptop out to start jotting down notes as I waited for the students to arrive.
Once the students arrived, Aizawa explained that he was making them do a Quirk Apprehension Test. They all seemed okay until he mentioned that whoever scored the lowest would be expelled. Kayama told me once about how Aizawa likes to expel students, but I didn't think it would be so early. I neglected the decision to interject; I didn't want to piss him off more so soon.
"Yes?" Aizawa spoke.
"My name is Tenya Iida. I have a question about the counselor?" I looked up to see a whole ocean of eyes looking at me.
I stood up and smooth out my skirt, "What is your question, Iida?"
"Why didn't we get a proper introduction yet?"
"Oh, uh, I was waiting until your teacher was done explaining the lesson so I can explain not only myself but the purpose of the new mental health program at UA." I smiled. "But since you asked, um, I guess it wouldn't hurt to give you the introduction now." I nodded over to Aizawa to get permission to speak more, knowing this was taking time away from his lesson. "Okay, well, as said before, I am Mai Montoya, your counselor. I am part of the new mental health program as a way for the school to become more engaged in students' mental health. I, along with many other Pro Heroes, felt that hero programs don't focus on the importance of mental health for both general students and hero students. Principal Nezu saw the importance and asked me to help be in charge of it. I am originally from the U.S, but I used to be a UA student, so that's how Nezu and I know each other."
Another student raised their hand to ask a question; she had pink skin and cute little horns popping out of her head, "Wait, 'I, along with other Pro Heroes.' You're a pro?"
I rubbed my neck, "Yes, I am a Pro Hero. I am currently not on active duty, though." Here we go. "Let me quickly explain myself, so you feel more inclined to trust me. I am the Pro Hero Zion..."
A green hair boy spoke up, "The U.S's Number 2 Hero that recently got their license suspended? Oh my god, why are you here in Japan? Our counselor is a top hero!"
I was speechless, this kid knew about... oh, who am I kidding the whole case was broadcasted all over the world. "As I was saying, yes, I have my Pro Hero license suspended in the U.S. currently. However, I still have my Japanese Hero License, so I am still a pro. I legally am not allowed to talk about any details about my suspension, though. Just know that the suspension isn't getting lifted anytime soon, so that's why I decided to move back to Japan." I waited for more interruptions.
"Are you allowed to train us too?" The boy asked.
"I wasn't hired for that. As a disclaimer, I only want to do my work at UA; I have to avoid any other scandals from hero work because of my suspension. So you won't be seeing me on the news anytime soon while I am here." They all awed and disappointedly huffed. Afterward, I gave out my email and other ways to contact me to make any appointments with me, and with that, their apprehension test started.
I stood to the side and analyzed the students in their testing environments for the most part. I found out the green-haired boy was named Izuku Midoriya, and the pink girl was Mina Ashido. Everyone seemed pretty determined to pass, mainly because of the threat of expulsion, which I guess is good, but I still don't think scaring the kids to do good was the best way to teach. "It's a logical deception; I have no plans to expel anyone." Aizawa came up to me with a stern face.
"That makes it worse. You scared them, and now they're not going to trust you." I made sure I wrote that piece of information in my notes about the class. The man just shrugged. "They have a lot of potentials. These quirks are fantastic." He just grunted. "I'm trying to have a conversation with you. Especially since you initiated it."
"I'm sorry to hear about your license suspension. You didn't deserve that." Aizawa just stared at the students and avoided looking at me.
"Things happen. I can't feel sorry for myself. I didn't even like working for that agency anyways." I brushed it off. "I just hate feeling that I failed to bring justice to those girls, especially since they reminded me of my students. Young, hopeful, ready to save the world. Now, they're scared and feel like there's no purpose in saving anyone if even heroes can be villains." I rested my chin on my fist as I watched the young heroes in front of me. Then I noticed one of the students going berserk with his explosion quirk on Midoriya. "You might want to keep an eye on Bakugou. His personality is almost as explosive as his quirk."
"I already have a feeling these kids are going to make me want to quit teaching," Aizawa grumbled. The next thing I saw was his capture weapon wrapped around the blond boy to stop him from blowing up Midoriya. I tried my best to contain my laughter at the kids' reaction to him, bringing it out again. From the corner of my eye, I noticed a blond crouching behind the corner of the building, analyzing the students as well-- All Might.
I rolled my eyes and got up. "I have to go back to my office. I'll see you, kids, later after you go through your general classes to see how you guys are adjusting." I went around the corner to meet with the seven-foot-two giant of a man. "What's up, Toshinori?"
The poor guy didn't see me and nearly almost transformed into his skinny form. "Young Montoya! It's wonderful to see you! Please don't tell Aizawa I'm here." He went to hug me (more like lifted me off the ground) and then hunch down.
I giggled, "Oh, I am pretty sure he noticed; he's just not saying anything about it."
"I'm just observing his teaching style since it's my first year as a teacher." He rubbed the back of his neck.
I hugged my laptop and levitated a little to get on his level, "I suggest telling him that you want to learn from him. I have to go, so have fun." I gave him a quick hug and left.
"I've missed you. Maybe you can finally take my offer of taking over my agency."
"Not this again," I grunted. "See you around, Toshinori. Let me know when you want teaching advice."
I love Toshinori, but after his injury ten years ago, he's been trying to convince nonstop to take care of his agency in case the worst would happen. I always just brushed it off. I didn't want that type of responsibility. My whole career in the U.S, people have compared me to him. And I never minded it, it was an honor to be compared to the symbol of peace. But the idea of actually taking the mantle never sat right with me. And I highly doubt it ever will after now being the only top hero to have a license suspension. After finding out Toshinori was going to be a teacher to find a new person to take his quirk, I got more nervous for him and the future of the new person to have One for All. With that in mind, it does give me a reason to try and take the mantle instead of putting it all on a student. It's irresponsible to give all that pressure onto a child. I guess that's mainly the reason why they added the mental health program. To make sure the kids aren't under a lot of pressure.
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lucifrogg-moved · 5 years
Some BNHA Headcanons
Warning, some of these are a bit sad, but I'm just rambling
-Ever since getting attacked by the sludge villain, both Bakugou and Midoriya hate touching anything slimy or goopy, as it brings up bad feelings from that experience.
-Kirishima, despite not being able to understand it very well, loves American rock songs. He especially loves rock from the 80's and 90's.
-Whenever Uraraka sleeps, she wears gloves so she doesn't make herself or anything on her bed float in the middle of the night.
-Kouda is very well-versed in both JSL and ASL since he is selectively mute. Midoriya, Iida, and a few other of their classmates start learning JSL for him.
-Shouji and Kirishima are competing for class 1-A's best hugger. Kirishima never wins, but keeps on trying nonetheless.
-When the class moves into the dorms after the Kamino incident, some of them go to Aizawa when they have nightmares. One night, not long after moving in, most of them are restless and a few wake up from nightmares, so they all wake up Aizawa and All Might and they all have a movie night together. Satou, Bakugou, Momo, and All Might make snacks for everyone. Aizawa, Uraraka, Hagakure, and Mina all gather blankets and pillows and stuffed animals too. Kouda brings out his bunny for people to cuddle with. Eventually they all fall asleep, happy and content.
-Sometimes Shinsou joins 1-A for class-only activities and they all unofficially accept him into the class after one legendary karaoke party that may or may not have ended with getting Aizawa to sing.
-After a while, most likely 2nd or 3rd year, Bakugou has significant hearing loss due to his quirk. For a while, he was really angry at himself for it not even crossing his mind that something like that would happen. But the Bakusquad and Kouda help him out a whole lot with adjusting to it. Kouda teaches him and the whole Bakusquad JSL and they have a lot of fun times actually, mainly because Bakugou immediately looked up all his favorite curse words and aggressively signs them during their sessions.
-Tsuyu secretly starts a "Down with Mineta" club. It's not really much of club, it's just her and the other girls ranting about their terrible experiences with his wack behavior.
-Kaminari keeps a tally for the amount of times Bakugou curses each day. One day, Bakugou was having a particularly bad time and Kaminari recorded 256 swears that day.
-Kirishima isn't entirely convinced that he was the only person who could be the one to take Bakugou's hand during the Kamino incident.
-Iida and Momo are secretly competing at "Who can refrain from cursing the most?" Momo is winning because sometimes Iida can't help but let certain things get to him.
-Jirou has written at least one song for each of the kids in 1-A. She's also written one for Aizawa, All Might, and Present Mic. She won't admit it, but she has a lot for Momo and Tooru. Also, for Midoriya's birthday she wrote him a song centered around All Might and he definitely cried listening to it.
-Todoroki makes the absolutely funniest timed comments from the back of the class. One time, without skipping a beat he muttered, "If it were not for the laws of this land, I would have slaughtered you," when Mineta said something perverted. He quietly quotes various memes/vines seeing if anyone hears him, and often times someone does and has to try with all their might to not burst out laughing.
-Unknown to her, a lot of the students actually fear Tooru's abilities, because "Her quirk only makes her invisible... how truly powerful is she really?"
-Once in a while when Aizawa wakes from his slumber during class, he finds sticky notes on his face, sleeping bag, and/or desk with random questions or comments from the kids. Sometimes they have drawings on them or reminders to do something.
-Bakugou and Todoroki suffer from nightmares the most out of all the students. One time they both ended up finding each other in the common area of the dorms and stared at each other like deer in headlights. Strangely enough they talked to each other about the different things they've gone through and what their nightmares were about. Bakugou constantly feels as if it's stupid for him to talk about what he's been through because Todoroki's been through "worse," but he does always feel a bit better after talking. So him and Todoroki have more than just Midoriya and Kirishima to talk to now.
-After All Might is forced to retire, there's a lot of uneasiness about the way he looks. He's always been a strong, radiant pillar that everyone could depend upon, but now he looks... older, a shell of what he used to be, making a lot of people a bit sad or upset. But, his most loyal fans don't hesitate to love him even more than they did before. He's a hero, their hero, no matter what he looks like on the outside. Some people feel even more inspired to become a hero because, "All Might was the number one hero, despite being kinda sick all this time! So, if he can, maybe I can too!"
-Midoriya was raised on the idea that crying is a healthy thing. If you're sad, really happy, angry even, it's okay to cry! He's not ashamed to be emotional and teary-eyed, and neither should anyone else be.
-When Ojiro is super excited or angry, his tail fluff poofs up a whole lot, kinda like a cat.
-Tokoyami, unbeknownst to the most of the class, actually sleeps with a lot of lights on because he's afraid of Dark Shadow being rowdy in the middle of the night. The only one who knows this is Hagakure, because he asked her for a night light once.
-Kaminari loves to dance and sing, but he's not the greatest at it?? So when he found out he was pretty good at playing the bass/guitar when the Cultural Festival came around, he was super happy. Even after the festival, Jirou gave him one of her guitars and she teaches him, Tooru, Uraraka, and Mina how to play. Eventually he learns how to play Allstar and Jirou is LIVID.
-Sero loves sticking random objects all over the dorms to see who finds them. Most of the time it's small little figurines, notes, pencils and erasers, but once he stuck an entire package full of kazoos on the ceiling and it stayed there for 2 months before Bakugou pointed at it when he was laying on the ground. Sero absolutely lost it when Tsuyu grabbed it with her tongue and all the kazoos spilled out of the packaging.
-Kirishima will headbutt random objects once in while to see if he's gotten any stronger. Once he got the sudden urge to headbutt something while hanging with the Bakusquad and just rammed his head into the nearest pole. Kaminari and Sero were both concerned, while Mina giggled, and Bakugou just shook his head saying "he does this all the goddamn time, no wonder his grades suck ass. I swear one day he'll be just as brain dead as Pikachu over here."
-Todoroki sneezes and icicles or small flames shoot out his nose or mouth. Midoriya was amazed when he first found that out, while Iida couldn't help but giggle a bit when he witnessed it.
I'll come up with more soon!! Anyone is welcome to request a character to find out my headcanons for them, and even suggest headcanons and things for me to write about!!
//EDIT// LMAO I posted this on the wrong blog, go follow @groundzero-katsu
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