#aaaand you snap at me like that? ....okay. cool.
ectogeranium · 2 years
LMAO imagine getting infuriated over being asked why I needed to go along somewhere with you. Make it make sense fjsjdjdksk
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After searching for Caleb for like ... Years, the 15 or 16 year old Philip would feel pretty upset, but Caleb would try and brush it off like nothing happened.
Eventually, Philip snaps and loses it, crying and angry. It took a while for him to calm down, but Caleb would feel awful.
Also, Philip is Evelyn's son now.
I tried ✌️
Enjoy <3
A Big Deal
"Do you have any idea how long I've searched for you since you decided to leave town?"
The anger and hurt was quite apparent in Philip's tone and voice as he asked Caleb the question, glaring him down while clenching his journal, but the elder merely waved a hand, brushing his little brother off.
He sent Philip a serene smile.
"No. But, in all honestly, it's really doesn't matter, Pip. Want to know why? Cause you're here now, which means everything is okay!"
Caleb didn't see the situation as a major issue. In fact, he viewed it as a positive. He now has both his brother and his hot witch girlfriend.
Puckering his lips, Caleb proceeds to tease Philip with kissing noises, which quickly earns him a journal to the face. The thrown book's impact nearly knocks Caleb down on his bum.
As he continues, Caleb's lips begin to curl in a playful grin. "Say, since you're here, want me to hook you up with someone? I certainly can. Just the other day I had met this really kind witch girl who seemed to be the same age as you. Maybe the two of you should meet. Who knows, Philip, she might give you a hug, or better yet, a kiss."
"Ow!" The elder exclaims, rubbing his nose.
That hurt!
Caleb watched as a furious Philip began to take off his shoe.
"HOW COULD YOU!" He shouts, tears streaming down as he throws his shoe, hitting Caleb on the arm.
"Ow!" The blonde sucks his teeth, rubbing his arm.
Philip removes his second shoe. "YOU'RE SO SELFISH!"
"Selfish?" Caleb was genuinely confused at Philip's claim. "But how? I'm trying to help you, Pip. You really could use a girlfriend. Think of all the good having one can do for you."
Incoming second shoe!
It whacks Caleb right in the nose once more. "Ow! Philip! What the-?! That hurts! Stop that!"
"That's not what I meant and you know it," Caleb muttered under his breath, mimicking Philip's voice.
Brown eyes then begin to widen as they see Philip charging towards him, his blue ones boiling with rage.
"AAA!!!" Caleb quickly flees down the stairs as Philip growls, giving chase in his socks.
"Aaaand done!" Evelyn sets the meach (mean peach) pie she's made down on the counter for cooling. "Wow, would you look at that. It came out perfect!"
The meach pie was baked to perfection, it's sweet aroma causing Evelyn to display a proud smile on her face.
Flapjack then flaps into view, landing on the shoulder of his red haired friend.
She goes to glance at him. "What do you think, Flappy? Ten out of ten?"
Flapjack squints at the pie, checking to see if it were truly a ten out of ten.
He then chrips his approval.
The witch grins at his rating. "Eleven out of ten? Even better!" Evelyn rubs Flapjack's beak gently with her pointer finger.
"EVELYN!!!" A familiar and frightened voice shrieks, startling both her and Flap.
When the two exit the kitchen, they see Caleb speeding towards them. "Evelyn!" He quickly hides behind his girlfriend. "He's mad at me! He's mad at me and I don't know why!" Caleb explains, terrified.
Sniffling can be heard as the trio glances forward to see Philip, who is now present.
The teen trembles as he drops to his knees, crying heavily into his hands.
Upon seeing this, Evelyn is shocked and goes over to Philip, bending down to comfort him while putting a caring hand on his shoulder.
"Hey, Philip? Philip? What's wrong?" Her voice was soft and sympathetic, like a mother's, as she asked. She hated seeing him in tears. "Are you in pain? Did someone hurt you?"
Philip's cries start to slow down some as he nods, hands still covering his face.
Evelyn places her hand on his back and proceeds to rub it. "Who?" She'll tear that person a new one.
Meanwhile, Caleb was watching the interaction with a sadness in his eyes.
The guilt he felt tugged at his heart and caused a churning sensation in his stomach.
He should have taken Philip's anger towards him seriously.
"Come on." Evelyn assists him in standing as she leads Philip to the kitchen, with Flapjack following behind. "You can tell me who in here. I'll even share with you a slice of the meach pie that I made."
As the two walked away, Caleb remained alone. Rubbing the back of his neck, he glanced down, as if the guilt were a heavy weight.
A sigh escapes him.
He should have done better.
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glaivenoct · 1 year
12,13,14.&19, if you could please?
Thank yoouuu again for indulging me friend!! ;u; <3 (Behind The Scenes Fic Questions)
12.) Is there a trope you haven’t written yet but really want to?
I don't know what this really qualifies under as a Trope per se, but I've always wanted to try writing a whumpy fic where Noct gets taken captive and experimented on. Experimented in the sense of trying to suppress his magic or tap into the power of the crystal or whathaveyou through Noctis. Something along those lines as long as it has to do with messing with Noct's magic/magic responses, forcing him into a constant stasis and then pushing him to the limits so to speak.
Listen. All I really want is an excuse for Noct to be strapped in a chair, barely coherent because everything is taking a toll on him. And I just want him to fucking snap because whatever test or method they try next is not only painful - but he's just so overwhelmed that it sets off some wild, magical self preservation instinct in Noctis.
He can't control it. He screams while his eyes ignite that violet color like when he summons one of the six. The lights above him and windows around him fucking shatter and short circuit. He busts out of his restraints like it's nothing. Anyone or anything in the near vicinity is absolutely fucked and terrified.
Basically, give me Noctis feral with power and the bros/Nyx/Cor having to talk him down and snap him out of it.
*coughs* So, um. Yeah what trope is that? ...is this a trope? What's a trope again, I need a dictionary lmao
13.) Is there a trope you wouldn’t write if it was the last trope on earth?
Hmm.. probably unrequited love because... I mean that's just no fun to me ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
14.) If you were stuck on a desert island with only two characters, which would you pick?
I accepted my fate and dug my grave with Nyx and Noct years ago. There's no turning back now.
Lmao that surprises no one, SO ASIDE FROM THE OBVIOUS, IF I HAD TO CHOOSE ANYONE ELSE. Hmm.. I think I'd choose Merlin from bbc Merlin because I at least have someone fun and magical (and wouldn't that be handy on a deserted island) to pass time with! Aaaand.. Agent Twilight aka Loid Forger from Spy x Family. Not only am I simping HARD for the man lately, but between him and Merlin, I'd be safe as fuck. He's fucking smart and would probably have some spy connection that ends up getting us off the island anyway. And while he wait - he can make me and Merlin foooood. He'll find a way, he always does that smooth culinary fucker. I'd trust Twilight and Merlin with my goddamn life, fuck!
15.) Who is the easiest/hardest character for you to write about? Why?
See... given that I kinda stay in my little NyxNoct corner and don't venture much into writing outside of them - I guess it's easy to say that both of them are the easiest for me to write? At the same time it's still hard because... well, I don't know if I even write them well? Don't get me wrong, I personally enjoy the way I write them, but at the same time I sometimes wonder if, despite that, I write them in a way others would consider "in character". Sometimes I think I do, but sometimes I doubt myself too. It can be a back and forth thing at times, but at the end of the day I still manage to write things I'm proud of.
Again, OUTSIDE of those two. The hardest character for me to write is without a doubt Ignis. Why? I have no clue. Whenever I look at the bros and think about writing them it just goes like this:
Noct: Yeah cool I got this Gladio: Mmm yeah I can pull this off probably Prompto: Erm, winging it but I think it'll be okay Ignis: ????
Not to talk about Cagefighter AU again but. Listen. The aside is a Monster for many reasons. I am nervous about the aside for Many Reasons. One of those many reasons for both of these circumstances is "I hope to fucking god I can write a convincing and in-character Ignis because he's a big part of the whole damn thing. Everyone start your prayer circles for me n o w."
I think for the most part I've been able to do him justice, and in turn it's starting to help build my confidence a little with writing him. But to say it hasn't been challenging would be a lie.
As always, I am doing my best ;u;
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vulgarvixxen · 2 years
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I posted 461 times in 2022
That's 395 more posts than 2021!
42 posts created (9%)
419 posts reblogged (91%)
Blogs I reblogged the most:
I tagged 81 of my posts in 2022
#🧪 anon - 13 posts
#vixxen speaks - 10 posts
#not safe for sanders - 8 posts
#anon ask - 6 posts
#nsfs roman - 5 posts
#nsfs logan - 5 posts
#nsfs virgil - 5 posts
#supersecretsmutside - 5 posts
#nsfs janus - 5 posts
#minors dni - 4 posts
Longest Tag: 90 characters
#also i might not use it at the start of the fic but it will be what i build the fic off of
My Top Posts in 2022:
Loceit, #25. “i love you. so, so much.”
Tumblr media
Anding these together, because there will be more of the Bikini!AU aaaand cause this derailed from the og plan
Warnings: 18+, semi-public sex, nearly getting caught, mild panic attack, lmk if should add more
I love you
“I love you. So, so much” Janus professes as Logan uses his tongue to make love to Jan’s clits again, he lovingly pets the other’s hair from where it had fallen into his face. This was round three excluding the original beach escapade and Logan was proving to have extreme stamina. He’d have to reward his new lover with a day of pampering, neck massages and happy endings, to show how appreciative he was for the attention. Janus was close again when a door slammed downstairs and they could hear another side headed straight to the laundry room …exactly where they were holed up! They both froze, adrenaline and endorphins fogging their brains too much to think clearly. Patton’s cheerful voice was right outside the door when another voice called out for him, “there’s an extra towel in the bathroom, don’t worry about it Peppermintbear!” They heard Pat’s steps go back to the stairs, “Okay, smart thinking Remus!” And the oblivious side left again, likely back to the festivities.
Janus sagged in relief, that was too close for comfort and he was glad that Remus was still running interference. He was going to make a comment on being in the “closet” when he noticed that Logan was breathing hard and still staring at the door, “Dove, are you alright?” He was answered by a sob, instantly he was off of his perch on the dryer and next to Logan on the floor, “Dearest we are safe, it’s alright now. Breath with me” they took deep breaths together on the laundry room floor, hands clasped as pulses began to slow back down. “Is it alright if I sink us into your room? I think you need to rest.”
He gets a nod from the quiet logical side and cautiously sinks them into the indigo room. With a bit of help Logan is able to get into bed but as Janus goes towards the door he tries to sit up and makes a whimpering sound much like a kicked dog, “don’t leave”. Janus practically dives onto the bed so he can hold Logan close, “Not leaving, dove, I can just snap the lock. Don’t want anyone walking in and waking us.” With a snap the door that Janus was headed towards locks and he settles his hand onto Logan’s back again to continue the embrace. After a while of just holding each other and letting the tension bleed out of them Janus starts singing and using a second pair of hands to cradle Lo’s head.
“ you are my sunshine
my only sunshine
you make me happy
when skies are gray
you’ll never know dear
how much I love you
please don’t take my sunshine away”
“Did you mean it? Do you love me?”
“If I had my gloves on I’d say, “I hate and loathe you, you disgust me whenever you’re near” but I don’t so I will say. I love and adore you, you are a delight to be in company with. And I mean every word.” Janus punctuated the statement with a tender kiss. “Rest now, Dove, the kids will be home by the time you wake.”
“So Jan and Lo huh?” Virgil asks in a low tone, trying not to get the attention of the other two in their group, “yeP!” Remus pops the word like a gum wad bubble. “Cool” “mhmm”
7 notes - Posted May 4, 2022
I simply think. Logan teaching Thomas how pussy works.
You are so right anon and honestly I had intended for this to have twice as much Logan but Thomas became the focus. I hope you enjoy this anyway.
Warnings ⚠️: 18+ only, oral sex, vaginal fingering, hint of degradation, hint of feminization kink, slight dom/sub elements, lmk if I missed any
Logan class in session
It happened while talking to Talon and Joan about exes. Talon had lamented about a guy who would never go down because “he didn’t think pussy needed that much fuss.” it made him realize he didn’t know anything about pleasuring a partner with a vagina. Sure he knew from biology where some stuff was but it was only a vague idea and that didn’t help him know what to do or where, and that’s how he ended up here in the mind-palace with Logan and two very enthusiastic volunteers.
On the projector screen was a very simplistic illustration of the human vaginal anatomy, Logan was talking about how the muscular canal is both elastic and flexible. Not as interesting as the fact that it expands? During? Sex? then just goes back to normal later? Why hadn’t that been in his college biology textbook, that was more relevant than the section on how the nose smells! Oh and it turns out those weird videos he came across as a young adult where the actresses “squirted”? Yeah that’s a real thing not just something for porn, the porn was still exaggerating and lame but it was real! Thomas was really enjoying this time with Logan…and two oddly quiet twins.
“Now that we have gone over some of the basic understanding of the vagina and it’s parts I think it’s time for some on hand experience. Remus and Roman have been kind enough to shift their anatomy to a human,” he stops and glares at Remus who just huffs and waves off the teacher’s obvious reprimand, “a human vagina, so you can see how different stimuli are received. Any questions before we begin?” Thomas raises his hand and is called on.
“Why do we need both of them to shift?”
“Ah! Yes, great question! Well just as every penis is unique so is every vagina and as such no two people will respond the same. You will switch between them to try and find what each likes best, and it helps to have a backup if one of our subjects needs a break for water!” Logan says it like he’s reading a script but there is an underlying chipperness one would more likely associate with Patton, it was nice to see.
“You really thought this through. Alrighty I guess I’m as ready as I’m going to be.”
Thomas’s tongue teased Roman’s folds, earning a sighing moan from the red twin, it wasn’t Roman’s “spot” but Thomas liked the breathy moans it pulled out of the other. He teased a little longer before he added circling his thumb around so it swiped both the clit and it’s hood. That got Roman howling out in pleasure, arching his back and grasping for anything for leverage. He switches his tongue and thumb so he’s pressing the tip of his tongue against the clit in a flicking motion.
Bolstered by the pleading of his ego Thomas continues his flicking, every few licks longer than the others until the cries of “fuck” become screams of “yes” and “Thomas” but he doesn’t stop until Roman is squirming and whining.
“Amazing work Thomas, you found the places that give Roman the most stimulation and used that to help him reach a satisfying climax.” Praises Logan as he helps Roman sit up and sip some water. “I believe our other subject is very excited to be of help, don’t keep him waiting.”
At the direction Thomas wipes his face of the cooling mix of ejaculation and drool and heads over to where Remus is whimpering and clutching the end of his casual shirt. It was kind of cute seeing him so needy and willing, maybe he could do this sort of thing with the intrusive side more often.
“Just lean back now, I’m going to find what makes you feel good. Ok?” Remus nods eagerly to the instructions and falls back onto the bed/table thing both twins have been situated on, his hands still hold his shirt but now his legs are spread and Thomas has to swallow to keep the drool in his mouth from running down his chin.
“Are you always this horny or is it just because you’ve been waiting?” Thomas teased as he leaned down to take his experimental lick over the folds.
“I could hear what you were doing to Ro-Ro and how much he was loving it, couldn’t wait for that to be me. Thomas, make me your bitch, make me feel like a Duchess only good for making her king an heir.” Remus pleads and Thomas backs off to look the side in the eyes.
“Do…do you want me to use she/her while we’re doing this? Cause I’m fine with that but I’m not going to call you names while I’m trying to make you feel good.”
“Shit, yes. Yes please use she/her and call me Duchess if you get the chance to talk!” Remus blushes as she admits what she really wanted and Thomas chuckles at how cute he finds her antics right now.
Right off the bat he finds that she likes her urethra teased a lot more than Roman had but that nibbly kisses on her inner folds got the best gasping jolts out of her. He takes a chance and nibble kisses Remus’s hood as he’s running his fingers over her folds and into the vagina and is rewarded with a chant of “𝐭𝐡𝐞𝐫𝐞 𝐭𝐡𝐞𝐫𝐞, 𝐦𝐲 𝐤𝐢𝐧𝐠, 𝐭𝐡𝐞𝐫𝐞 𝐭𝐡𝐞𝐫𝐞“ so he kept up the rhythm before changing the angle of his hand so the urethra gets some attention and he can tell she holding back,
“Duchess, be a good girl and cum for your king.” As soon as he finishes his encouragement he is back to nibble kisses but not for much longer as Remus let’s go and let’s her orgasm wash over her. Thomas is thrilled when she “squirts” a stream of ejaculation on his hand between clenches.
“You ok my beautiful Duchess?” He asks after Remus has stopped gasping for breath.
“Wonderful! You’re a natural Tommy, you put straight white guys to shame!” She giggles, she pauses as Logan comes over to help her up just as he did her brother.
“Remus, though in her own words are a bit lacking, is correct. We’ve only had one lesson but I’m confident that should the need arise you will be prepared to bring pleasure to a partner who has a vagina.” Agrees Logan as Remus enjoys her water and waves at Roman who seems to be trying to stay awake.
“Thanks, I really enjoyed this. I feel like I’ve gotten close to the three of you and not just in the biblical sense.” That gets another giggle from Remus and a smile from Logan.
“No more talk, I want snuggles!” Roman demands in a sleepy grumble. It doesn’t take much to snap the twins into clean, soft clothes and shift the mind-palace into a big pile of padding, blankets and pillows. With three of his sides dozing off Thomas couldn’t help but think that he owes Talon a nice candy bouquet for planting the idea in his head.
* fuck fuck, Thomas don’t dare stop, by the gods don’t stop!
11 notes - Posted April 9, 2022
Bless your followers with more long Patton. 🙏 mayhaps a bit of him going deep. 😳
I gotcha fam 🖤
Full of Feelings
Warnings: 18+ only, sexual encounters, clothed sex, hand-jobs, spit-roasting, cum eating, blow-jobs, Remus eats something unusual
A new normal had settled upon the Mindscape, it was not unusual to see Patton walking around in sheer or transparent clothing throughout the day. There were more family nights now too, everyone taking turns to have Pat sit in their lap. Being able to take in that beautiful cock and Patton being happy to accept touches had boosted everyone’s moods and relations were mending, the world was healing.
Movie night had them all on the couch watching a cheesy RomCom, Patton had pulled Janus close with a “it’s a little chilly” as an excuse to cuddle. They were at the second sexually tension scene and by now Jan sat fulling on Pat’s lap. That’s when a thick pressure grinded up against Janus’s ass, coupled with a needy whine from behind him. Subtlety Janus pushed back to increase the friction, loving the way he could feel Pat from his ass to his base. They humped for the rest of the movie, picking up speed close to the end and finishing when the light came on. Janus came so hard that if he hadn’t been wearing briefs it would have been audible, the cum from Patton soaks through to his skin making the clothing even more soiled. The others stare with hungry eyes but say nothing. “Thanks Jay-bird, I’m a lot warmer now.”
During an idea session Remus and Roman argued over the placement of some jokes, it was loud and Virgil was getting a headache from the noise. He was about to just leave when Patton took his and guided it to his barely concealed erection, Virgil tilted his head until Patton started to rub a palm against Virgil’s crotch. Oh! The pair tuned out the twins and focused on slowly jerking each other off. Eventually the twins shut up and watched the lovely show in front of them. Once Virgil came he put more effort into bringing Patton to completion…the meeting table had to be cleaned but Virgil didn’t have a headache anymore.
Logan wanted to be filled, he had gone to Remus for help but the usual tentacles in his anus were not cutting it. He was about to ask Remus to stop when Patton walked past the, unintentionally left opened, door. The father side popped his head in and the pair stopped, “Lo-Lo are you alright? You feel kinda sad.” Patton asks, Remus looks at the logical side with panic but is waved off. “Just need a little …more.” “Maybe I can help!” And that is how Logan ends up spit-roasted on three tentacles in his anis and Patton’s cock in his mouth, full and content. (He continued to be full and content from all the cum and mucus-slime he had taken too.)
Roman was making Patton a new robe but he wanted this one to hug the heart’s body unlike the ones before that were flowy so he needed Pat’s measurements. He had the arms, chest, and hips now he needed length and inseam. Length was just an inch longer than Roman himself and inseam waaaaas “Ro that tickles, if you wanted to touch you just had to ask!” The heart laughs as he runs a hand through Roman’s hair, and Roman can’t help it when he sighs and leans into the touch. The project is set aside as Roman and Patton exchange heated touches, sweet kisses, and grinding hips until they both spill all over Roman’s outfit. He doesn’t mind continuing his work in the nude, not if it’s for Patton.
Thomas was out on a date and Patton was feeling all those extra feelings and hormones at full blast. He was about to try taking a cool shower to ease the heat boiling in his guts but just as he was about to get up Remus entered the room. The darker creativity stopped abruptly and sniffed the air like a hunting dog, turning to look at Patton with a queasy smile, “does daddy dearest need a hot hole to fill? Cause I got several!” Remus says with a cackle. Patton is so happy that Remus is showing his caring side for a change, “sure kiddo! Take me however you feel most comfortable with!” With a snap Re is on his knees and pouring ranch!? Flavored lube onto Pat’s cock and sucking it down his throat like a slurpy. It doesn’t take awfully long with the strong suction and tight, warm squeeze for Remus to be swallowing Patton’s large load of cum. He licks his lips, kisses Pat, and skips away happily. The fatherly side giggles as he watches the other leave, he likes this new normal.
13 notes - Posted April 18, 2022
Going off the hiking prompt: Logan getting double dicked against a tree
Survivalist Hike
Warnings: 18+, pre-hyperthermia, d.a.p., mild sex-pollen, snake anatomy Janus
There has been a lot of stress in the Mindscape lately, projects in the works and deadlines to be met. Logan had taken the brunt of it all trying to keep the schedule and keep the others motivated while also planning for the coming weeks, he was relieved when they reached the weekend that Janus marked for self-care. He was burnt out and wanted some time away from the “office”, luckily Janus had suggested they go camping which Logan had been asking the other side to do for months now. You see Logan loved hiking and camping in the imagination where he could watch the wildlife and study them, it relaxed his mind while stimulating his body! He figured that Janus would also enjoy the outdoors since it was late spring and the weather would be accommodating to their other’s snake attributes. This is how they found themselves on a mountain in the imagination with an unexpected cold front rolling in bringing freezing rain and howling winds, having only one extra blanket in their tent.
“Uuggh one of the twins must have changed the forecast after we left, the bratssss!” Janus hisses, his breath just barely visible in the cold air. “We will speak with them when we return. Which I suggest we do soon since this temperature could become dangerous for your health.” Logan replies as he packs away his things, his fingers numbing the longer they are exposed to the cold. “But thissss was sssupposed to be your weekend, a time to relaxxx” the other pouted as he snuggled in the one blanket. Logan sighed but kept packing, sure he was disappointed but he wasn’t going to risk their health and safety for a trip that would just cause more stress. Better to go home and just go back to work.
“I know itsss not the same but we could ssspend the night in my greenhouse, it will be warm there and you can ssstudy the plantsss.” Janus suggests when he notices the resigned look in Logan’s eyes, he doesn’t add that his snakes also live there so the logical side will be surprised. A bit of light returns to Logan as he thinks about it, “Yes, that sounds like an acceptable second choice for our trip.” He reaches out to sink them out but the imagination pushes back, like stretched rubber bands they spring back to where they were. A few more tries prove just as fruitless, “they messsssssed with the sssettings! Stupid boysss!”
Getting out the map, one Roman gave him to fill out, Logan looked for the closest exit…it was miles away. He let out a deep sigh, there was no way either he or Janus could hike that long in these conditions after a long day of walking already under their figurative belts. There had to be some other way out or at least somewhere safer to wait until the storm passed, wait what was that symbol on the map across the river from them? “Janus, do you know what this symbol means? It’s not on the key.” The shivering snake looked down at the paper with a critical glare before his eyes widened and a giddy smile graced his face, “that is a love nest, Roman and Virgil come out here for their little sex retreats. It will be nice and warm, probably full of booze and firewood too! Logan it’s so close!” The embrace of the snake hybrid startled the logical side not only because it was unexpected but also because Janus’s skin was as cold as the rain outside, they needed to get to this “love nest” quickly. “Put on all the clothes we brought and use one of the sleeping bags as cover, I’ll carry the bags. We might get there before the sun sets and leaves us in the dark.”
They trek the dirt path and across the footbridge over the river to a strange looking tree, where the other trees were thin and tall, this one had a stout trunk and thick branches that turned up like a flute glass. With the dwindling light it took far longer for Logan to find the hidden entrance into the secret getaway, a knot on the trunk was a latch-knob that needed to be lifted to open. By then a sheet of ice was coating the ground and the sleeping bags they used as coats and Janus had stopped talking a few minutes ago, a troubling development. He tossed the bags to the side of the entrance and dragged the snake side into the shelter. He noted that Janus moved sluggishly and was beginning to take a blue tint on his human half, “T-takkke offff the w-w-wet c-clothes an-and shhhoes, gotta g-get you warmmm.” Logan chatters the instructions as he also strips off his wet shoes, socks, and pants.
Janus gets his shoes off no problem but Logan has to help him get the outermost pants and shirts off so they don’t soak his already freezing skin. Once he gets Janus on a plush seat with a dry blanket Logan staggers to the fireplace and throws on the logs stacked by the wall, thank goodness for magic since the logs replenish after a moment. His numb fingers fumble with the match but eventually he gets the fire going and starts looking for anything to help them heat back up safely, Janus especially needs to warm up without shocking his system. In the kitchen he finds a two burner stove and a kettle that he fills with water and sets on a burner to heat, there is some strange tea in a red box that smells sweet and fruity that they can drink. In a room upstairs there are plenty of dry clothes to change into while theirs are still wet. When he comes back down with sweatpants on and some more layers for Janus the water is ready for tea. Its fruity scent is even stronger as it steeps in the mugs, he’ll have to ask Roman for some when they return home.
“Janus, I know moving is uncomfortable but you need to drink something, please.” He coaxes the lethargic side to take the mug who immediately curls over the source of warmth. A good sign. Logan finds another blanket and to conserve heat sits next to Janus, it also lets him keep an eye on the other’s health as the night progresses. Silence is filled with sips and the popping crackles of the fire that has warmed the room considerably, it’s peaceful and as their mugs are drained the sides start to fall asleep leaning against each other.
✧・゚: *✧・゚:*
Way too soon for his taste later, Logan woke feeling better but also a little off. He figured it was just the fatigue and skipping dinner that made him feel “funny” but as his mind woke more he noticed that his companion was missing, “Jan? Where?” He looked around and saw that the blanket that was tucked around Janus earlier was now leading down the hall. Groggily he followed down the hall to find his missing companion and check on his health, the snake side needed to keep warm. So it was worrying to see discarded layers thrown haphazardly about as he neared the over the top bedroom. “Janus?” He calls out worriedly, “Here darling, closer.” Janus’s voice is huskier than normal and sends an ember of heat to his guts, it was a wonderful feeling that washed away the weirdness he woke with. He walked more into the bedroom, towards where he was sure he heard the other call to him, when he was shoved up against the bark-like wall.
Lips met his in searing kisses, hungry but experienced as they coaxed open his mouth to drag out sounds that Remus would approve of. A thigh nudged his legs apart to give Janus room to pin him in, three sets of hands tugging away at fabric to get to heated flesh, “So warm darling, you make me so warm. Want you, want to be in you.” Janus moans between kisses, and Logan wants that too, wants to chase this feeling and let Janus ruin him. “Yes, yes, I want you too!” He gasps as a set of arms lifts him up.
He hadn’t noticed when his boxers came off but the sensation of his dick rubbing against Janus’s own dicks made his head spin at how amazing it was. When a slick finger enters his hole he thinks he sees stars, Janus, please! Feels so good!” He cries as the other side adds another finger, “Soon darling. Don’t want to hurt you, my love.” And that hits Logan hard, Janus could use him right now and he’d thank him for it but the selfish side was being gentle, considering his needs too, it was far softer than he was used to when he was with the others. Before he can get too into his own head Janus adds a third finger, pumping and curling the digits to find that sweet spot.
The musical sound that Logan makes when Janus hits his prostate breaks the resolve the snake side had, “I think you’re ready love, relax for me.” Janus bids as he lines up one of his dicks with Logan’s hole. He slides in and let’s the logical side sink down onto him slowly, “That’s it darling, there we go.” A beat later and Janus starts to rock up into Logan with one dick as the other still ruts against the other’s own. The night is filled with porn worthy moans and gasps of each other’s names, the buildup of heat between them steaming up the windows.
Logan can feel his climax nearing but he wants more, wants something else, “Janus, I can’t take both, give me both.” He pleads as Janus thrusts again, “Ok love, but you have to stop me if it hurts.” Janus agrees, he uses two sets of arms to lift Logan again and holds his dicks together to ease them in. It stretches him but it doesn’t hurt like he half expects so he only whines needily to get the other moving again. Janus just huffs fondly and sets back to his pace, rocking up in a rhythm of in and out, in and out, the squeeze of Logan’s hole heavenly hot and accommodating to the girth. “Feel so good in you Darling, so perfect. My perfect Logan.” He whispers as he speeds up a bit, listening to the other’s breath hitch at the compliment, he keeps calling Logan perfect and darling until he feels the logical side spill cum over both of their stomachs. He can feel his own release close behind so he takes the time to kiss as much of Logan as he can reach as he thrusts harder, when he cums his teeth sink into soft flesh and his vision whites out.
When Janus comes back into himself he finds that he and Logan are still connected and entangled together. The logical side is pushing back his sweaty bangs and looking at him with such reverence that it’s frightening at first. “Are you alright darling? I didn’t mean to break skin.” The bite was bleeding and once again Janus was glad he wasn’t venomous. “I’m fine, you don’t have to apologize for something I liked.” A blissful smiles graces Logan’s lips and Janus feels his face blush bright red, a strange twist since they had just fucked and now he was flustered.
They stayed there on the floor until the room temperature started to get noticeably cooler, retreating onto the bed and under the plush comforter. The next day came quickly and with much warmer weather, they spent most of the morning and afternoon lazing in bed where it was cozy. Hiking was forgotten in favor of repeating the events of the night before, several times. When they returned Sunday evening everyone commented on how relaxed Logan looked…if he and Janus decided to take more hiking trips no one made comment on it, except for the dwindling supply of Vitali-tea in the love nest, oops!
23 notes - Posted April 28, 2022
My #1 post of 2022
11.“shh, you can take it. you're doing so well.”
The itsy-bitsy spider climbed up the spout
Shout out to @supersecretsmutside for helping me pick a ship and concept when I was too overwhelmed by the possibilities. This prompt is frankly too delicious and I couldn’t settle on how to use it!
Warnings: 18+, spider!virgil, Inaccurate spider anatomy, sounding, frotting, oviposition/eggpreg, dub-con(consent for the future is given later), lmk if I missed any
It was nice having Patton on display all the time and getting absolutely pounded by his giant cock but for Virgil it was having an annoying drawback. His spider half was “female” and being bred was making him need to lay a clutch, unfortunately Thomas didn’t know much about spider mating habits so instead of just laying the eggs in a nice little bundle of web he needed to insert them somewhere warm first. Virgil had held back for so long but now he absolutely needed to lay in someone or the clutch would be lost, his instincts wouldn’t allow that. He could go to one of the other dark sides but neither one of them had the body heat his eggs needed. Logan would love to experience the process for science but he has been so upset lately that he might not be able to enjoy it…maybe next clutch. Roman probably wouldn’t mind but he was busy helping Thomas with work for the next script, and…and Patton would likely be grossed out by having spiders inside of him, even if they were his babies. Bother Logan or scare Patton away? Ugh why was his life so difficult!?
So deep in his anxious debating Virgil doesn’t notice when another person comes up behind him until there are arms around his waist and a thick package rutting against his back, if he wasn’t so horny from the hormones urging him to lay he would have been startled. Now though? He twists in the other’s grip and claims their mouth in hot open-mouthed kisses. Even clothes the frotting spurs on his need, mating out in the open didn’t feel safe so as the two continue to get hot and heavy they sink out into Virgil’s bedroom. They land on the plush bed and for the first time since they started Virgil notices the bright blue Georgette cloth used as a wrap skirt, of course Patton would be the one to find him in such a state! He makes quick work of getting his ovipositor out of his pants and unknotting Patton’s skirt, the drive of his instincts causing his mouth to water at the sight of the thick long cock that filled him with such delicious hot seed. Later he will wonder if he’s venomous like Janus because Patton becomes putty under him, lax and pliable as he takes the other’s throbbing erection and starts to slide into it.
Oh! It’s so warm and tight around his thin appendage, his natural slime-like secretion letting him glide in without difficulty. “Hung!” Patton chokes on a confused gasp at the new feeling, he’s never been penetrated before and had never imagined his first time being like this. The farther Virgil goes the better it feels to be so incredibly full, the weird purple stuff oozing out with his pre cum tingles the same way Virgil’s mouth is, it’s like heaven. Virgil pulls back just a little to get more coating inside the other’s cock before he starts pushing all the way in, stopping only because he reached residence. Patton is underneath him moaning and sobbing from the pressure keeping him from cumming, a now clawed hand brushes away his tears, “s͟h͟h͟,͟ ͟y͟o͟u͟ ͟c͟a͟n͟ ͟t͟a͟k͟e͟ ͟i͟t͟.͟ ͟y͟o͟u͟'͟r͟e͟ ͟d͟o͟i͟n͟g͟ ͟s͟o͟ ͟w͟e͟l͟l͟.͟”͟ the spider side rumbles affectionately as he nibbles little love bites along his mates chest, coaxing his to relax so the appendage will keep going. Some more tingling kisses and backing out for the slime to build up let’s Virgil press on with just a wet pop and a shiver of bliss running up Patton through his cock.
Now inserted to his base and inside the hottest part he can get in his mate Virgil lets his cluster work their way through the ovipositor, the eggs are the size of the small beads (8/0) and slip easily into their father. Shallow thrusts force a bundle of eggs into their resting place and finally the deed is done, their brood is being warmed and are safe for the short time they need to incubate and Virgil has a whimpering mewling mess of a mate under him begging for more. With his human mind becoming clearer without the need to lay he can help his mate enjoy their time connected even more. He slides most of the way out and begins to slowly slide in just to pull back out just a bit, sounding Patton’s cock with his still inflated ovipositor. Shaking and moaning in pleasure, Patton hardly has time to call out a broken “close” before he’s cumming on Virgil’s appendage and he can feel the now slightly bigger eggs (5/0) pushing up out of him.
The barely still inflated ovipositor is marbled in translucent purple and pearly white that makes Virgil’s dick hard in knowing that he made his mate feel good but the throaty moans still coming from his mate mean the process isn’t done yet. Weaving together a cone of his silk Virgil starts pumping Patton’s cock, milking out the eggs and mixture of their cum into the soft safe silk. “Virgie, it feels so nice. Like I get to keep cumming and cumming, those little beads rub inside so perfectly. Virgie, honey, baby, can we do this more? Love feeling you inside me so close!” The heart babbles as he watches the last of the objects leave him and his body goes limp on the bed. Virgil nuzzles him and closes the web up around their clutch. “You keep fucking me all the time and I’ll keep making babies to fill you up with.” He purrs in response. Patton gasps, “babies?! Oh gosh we’re parents, of course I’ll give you more children! As many as you want honey!” The enthusiasm is appreciated as the idea of more healthy broods make the animalistic side of Virgil preen at having such a providing mate.
“So many, Pop-star, I want so many. But I might not be able to always go to you for incubation, is that alright?” Some of his normal anxiety is bleeding back in as his post sex high and animal need wanes, the idea of his mate rejecting him in some way is settling into his mind. “Of course baby, I want to help you with our…eggs? But even I know I can’t be there all the time! Lo-Lo and Remus will want to help for sure and I know Roman loves feeling useful, do what you need to bring those spidery little kiddos into the world!” If he could move Patton would be snuggling his emo sweetheart and peppering kisses all over his face but Virgil was fidgeting with their loving bundle and sleepiness was dragging Patton under anyway.
“Cuddle me? After you put the kids to bed?”
“Yeah, I can use some cuddles after that too.”
*(8/0) is very small and (5/0) is about twice that and barely smaller that a standard poni bead
26 notes - Posted April 30, 2022
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citrusreadstoa · 1 year
Reading The Dark Prophecy: Chapter 23 (SPOILERS)
"So amaze! Such name! / Sssssarah with five s's is / Still two syllablessssss" THIS IS THE ONE. I saw this poem on a post once and have been waiting to reach this chapter ever since. I yearn to meet Sssssarah.
"the tiny forest of green stalks pointed toward the left-hand corridor." When in doubt, seek the counsel of the plants. How do they know which way to go? They were only just born today.
"television monitors showing--you guessed it--videos of Commodus." clap clap clap "COMMODUS COMMODES." No opportunities missed here.
"sand 'You Don't See Me'" That's a cool way of manipulating the Mist, but it takes way longer than a simple finger snap.
"but he made no attempt to hide his chest-face." Why would he? Apollo keeps bringing this up. It's normal for their species and there are no mortals around to disguise from. Blemmyae shouldn't have to hide who they are, and it is right of them not to.
"Everything is hunky-dorky." I'm sorry, hunky-dorky? Apollo.
"What are you doing?" She's picking up her chia sprouts, can't you see? She can't just leave them around to be captured by the guards.
"But here, instead of animals, the cages held people." Woah, okay, this got dark quick. "In the center of the room was a metal post with iron hooks and chains--the sort of place where one could fasten slaves for inspection before sale." Aaaand it got darker still. This was not something I expected to see in a PJO book. Okay.
"they turned my holy island of Delos into the region's biggest slave market . . . correct that situation, slaughtering twenty thousand Romans in the process. But I mean, come on. They had it coming." One of the few times I'll say Apollo's endorsement of mass murder was justified. If you defend slavery, whatever negative karma falls upon you is righteous.
"The boys tried to stand without success." How long have they been in here? "launched herself through the hole, and gracefully somersaulted" I'm gonna guess she's been here less than a day if she still has that energy. Or could it be the blessing of Artemis?
"I guessed the plight of Lester Papadopoulos was known among the Hunters." Oh right, they would know from Artemis. Again, where's Artemis through all this? Is she not allowed to contact Apollo? Is she being punished, too?
"I suspect your comrades have arrived." Wait, are we actually gonna see the Hunters today? Yippeeeeeee
"They've been on a hunger strike." Oh, that's daring of them. I wonder who they are and what their backstories are. They sound like they might be significant.
"I"m Hunter Kowalski" You... I'm not going to say anything.
"but one was a dracaena." Sssssarah!!!
"he looked like a teak warrior brought to life through the craft of Hephaestus." Teak is a tree, so, like, a wooden figurine brought to life. Like Pinocchio. "Tattooed on his right shoulder was . . . a double-bladed ax." Demigod. This one's a demigod. "stepped out slowly and gracefully" No, no, no. Whenever someone does that walk, you know they're the enemy.
"a young girl" I was starting to think Georgina would never show up! "She was large for her age--about Leo's size" That's not large. What you have right there is a giant seven year old. I'm thinking she might be the kid of a Germani. That aside, we found Festus!
Someone in this room, one of the prisoners released, is going to die. One of them definitely is. It can't be Georgina because the plot isn't setting up to hurt Jo or Emmie. It's not TD&H Jamie 'cause he isn't significant to the heroes' side. If he does die, it's not going to be an emotional death. It could be Hunter the Hunter, but a bunch of Hunters already died in The Blood of Olympus, so doing it again would risk being repetitive. Not out of the question, though. It's probably going to be one of the mysterious hunger strike boys whose names we haven't even got yet. They act like they might be brothers, and if they are, that raises their chances of death by about 200%. It's almost expected that one sibling should die whenever two are introduced, or any pair of two people, really. Castor, Bianca, Silena... I'm honestly shocked Travis Stoll went to college instead of dying. Maybe he gets special beta reader privileges. (Travis Stoll was named after one of the beta readers of the original books. It would probably be rude to kill his character.) Anyway, one or both of these two boys is going to be dead by the end of the book, mark my words.
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arobinwithoutbatman · 1 month
((Okay lets get going! I believe I'm up to... Knightquest Crusade Volume 1. I am... so concerned about everything.))
Jean Paul still being an absolute menace as Batman, I see
...a pair of cowboy twins? Robbing the same bank? Not knowing the other was there? Admittedly that's kinda funny
Oh Jean Paul is 100% walking headfirst into his programming, he's not resisting like he think he is
*Did you fucking brick up Tim's way into the Cave?!*
...he's gonna crash into a train?! That's gonna completely wreck Batman's reputation!
I'm so glad Mrs Mac is an actual good woman
Awwww Tim got his special provisional!
Bruce and Alfred are still in Santa Prisca?! Jesus...
A train robbery and Tim's breaking into the cave
...I see that jawline... and that grin... *fuck off, Clown*
Ugh, Tim really can't win and Jean-Paul has officially lost it and no longer considers himself a human
Robin #1? Huh.... might have to alter my reading list...
...he snapped out of it? At least enough to stop hurting Tim though now Tim is understandably very cautious and doesn't want Jean-Paul anywhere near him
Tim has his own car now tho. I always thought he Redbird was a bike tbh
Oh! He's still with Ariana, cute
Awwwww he's taking her to his school's dance! And talking up her talents and dreams, what a gentleman
...I spoke too soon. Tim inserted his whole foot into his mouth by getting snappy about cars. You're doing a shit job of hiding the fact that you really want to drive your secret vigilante car
...oh hi Arthur Brown. Oh! That means Steph will be turning up soon!
Boyz? ...fuck me, that alone is making me feel old. This issue came out in... 1993?
And now Tim's been mistaken as one of the 'Speed Boyz'
Oh shit right, Jack is still missing
Awwww still calling his girlfriend when he can~
...wtf is Alfred doing in England? I thought he and Bruce were in Sants Prisca?
Oh good! There's a good lead on Jack! And the Redbird can look after itself, thank goodness
Tim is such a little shit in his head, I love it and wish he had the confidence to say some of that out loud
Back to 'Batman'
Tally Man... that's a new one
I'm not sure an isolation tank is the best thing for you, Jean-Paul. That kind of sensory deprivation can be pretty peaceful for some but in your specific situation? I have a feeling it would only make things worse
Again, I'm not sure I like the route of his meditation but it certainly reveals a lot
And Tally Man is seeking more debts
...Jean-Paul hid his isolation chamber... in the warehouse that Tally Man's target happened to be using. And neither of them realised until this Johnny *found the fucking tank and shot it?!
Okay cool, Jean Paul having more System bullshit that's only making his headspace *worse*
Tally Man has a bone to pick with... debtors?
Ah. He killed the previous Tally Man as a 12 year old and was treated to adult jail because everything sucks in comics
Aaaand Jean-Paul's switched to calling himself Azrael. This... isn't good
Lunch break
Jean-Paul... buddy. DOn't do it. Don't go on an actual crusade through Gotham
Insider knowledge... admittedly clever but jfc JP
Okay... so now there's someone who JP could have become and potentially is becoming
Okay cool, mobsters being taken out, Gordon suspects Bruce isn't under the cowl and JP is just getting worse. He doesn't care for the detective work that's necessary to the role, he's just here for a fight and it's such an easy way for the System to worm in and corrupt everything in his head. Which I suspect is exactly what's happening
...holy shit, JP's rambling actually worked?!
And now this Mekros is all confused
Oh the Trigger Twins are back
JP, don't frame this as not wanting Tim in danger. You don't understand the partnership and you think he holds you back
Car chase on the train tracks, okay
Damn. Christmas again. Which means it's been... a year since Bruce got his back broken?
Oh hey Mr Freeze! Was wondering when you would turn up
Oh? Catwoman issue?
Oh! Selena is with an eco group? And they've never noticed that she's not around when Catwoman is? Incredible
So looks like JP and Selina are gonna meet
These environmentalist guys are so... 90s stereotypical
Hm.... JP might have a little crush~
Lol he totally had dirty dreams about her~
And he's got it wrong and once again proving that he's not great at the detective side of things
Huh. She's immediately guessed that there's someone else under the cowl
Oh dang, she really called him sterile
Gotta say... I definitely prefer the sleeker black look over the purple sprayed on look
Though it does add to the disguise funnily enough. From a distance, she looks naked and either you're gonna look away or you're gonna stare too much at her boobs and pay little attention to her face or what she's doing
And now you've gone and framed Catwoman because you don't know how to do the detective side of things or investigate and put an entire section of Rainforest at risk
"Undersexed sanctamonious dolt" that's one hell of a description and absolutely implies that she knows Bruce would've gone for her and treated her like a gentleman. And also confirms that he goes along with the flirting
At least he listened and they fixed things
0 notes
Short Prompt #160
Warning: kidnapping, mentions of past abuse & threats & wounds.
Part 2
The kidnapee groaned, slowly coming to their senses as their unfamiliar surroundings came into view as they awoke. They struggled to remember how they had gotten there, but the position in which they were did nothing to calm them.
They were bound to a chair, unable to move any limb or even their head. They were forced to stare forward as a pair of hands landed on their shoulders, startling them.
"Good to see you're finally awake~."
They gulped as their captor came into view, making their panic increase.
"Correct!" - the villain exclaimed, dramatically gesturing with their arms before their stare and demeanor drastically changed cold and deadly. "And who might you be?"
Villain hummed, starting to circle them slowly. "And I'm guessing you're the newest nuisance that has been helping Hero thwart me?"
Sweat dripped down the captive's forehead. They felt like a cornered dog. "I- I uh-"
The criminal suddenly leaned toward their ear, making the healer shiver as they spoke directly into it. "What are your powers?"
"H-Healing and r-regeneration." - Healer stammered out, fearing what the other might do if they didn't tell them.
"Ah, so that's why that bastard returned to the field so quickly after our last fight." - the villain grumbled, clearly not pleased with their kidnapee.
"...Didn't want to..." - the healer mumbled before they could stop themself.
Their captor was in their face instantly. "What was that?"
The captive cringed, pushing themself back against the chair, which did absolutely nothing. "I- I didn't want t-to heal them..."
Villain paused, moving back a bit. "...What do you mean?"
"...I'm n-not a trained medic, I- I'm just a c-civilian." - Healer started, scared tears brimming in their eyes. "I've k-known Hero for a f-few years now b-but-"
"Did they always know about your powers?" - the villain cut in, interrupting them and leaning forward again.
The healer whimpered. "N-No, they only f-found out recently. T-They-"
This time a sob cut them off as their eyes snapped closed in fear.
"They what?" - Villain pressed for an answer.
"T-They got r-really mad, a-and-" - Healer stuttered, shaking at the memories. Their voice turned into a whisper. "...T-They b-broke my a-arm..., s-said they'd d-do worse i-if- if I d-didn't-"
"Hey, breathe. You're okay, Healer."
The captive reopened their eyes, having not expected the surprisingly worried tone. The concerned look on the villain's face also caught them off guard. "W-Wha...?"
"Relax, okay? You're saying that... Hero threatened you, yes?"
The healer wasn't sure where this was going anymore. "Uhm... Y-Yes..."
Villain stood straight and sighed. "Alright, look. I'm not going to hurt you."
Healer's eyes widened in hope.
"But I also can't let you go."
Aaaand the hope's gone.
Their brows furrowed pleadingly. "W-Why not?"
The villain looked at them with pity and more worry. "Because once Hero finds out that you got kidnapped by me... they're not gonna be happy."
The captive tensed up at the mere thought, but an idea struck them. "I... I could help...?"
"Hm?" - the criminal inquired, tilting their head as their expression turned into confusion.
"I- I could h-help you take Hero down..." - Healer offered, a bit unsure if this was a good idea but also wanting to see the cruel hero pay for what they did.
"So... you want to join me?"
A nervous lump formed in their throat, but they forced it down. "Y-Yes."
Villain grinned. "Well, in that case, welcome to the team!"
The healer also managed a small smile. "T-Thanks?"
"Of course, I have to double-check if what you're saying is true, but once I confirm you're not lying, you'll be officially employed!"
"C-Cool." - Healer croaked out tiredly as henchmen entered the room. The healer was let out of the chair and cuffed for safety measures. Then, the henchmen dragged them to a temporary holding cell, where they waited for the villain to return.
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kexkiji · 3 years
My love
Chapter two
<< Chapter one | Chapter three>>
Tumblr media
Contents: fem!reader x vampire!Shoto, suggestion of nudity
"Aaaand tilt your head back for me," Fuyumi said gently as she ran her fingers through your hair and poured warm water over it. There was a shuffling behind you as she stood up.
"Alright, I'll grab you a towel. I'll be back with you in a moment." She patted your head as she left the baths to retrieve a towel. You sighed comfortably as you glanced around the baths. You could feel the smooth, elegant tiles underneath yourself as well as the perfectly warm water that filled the large bath that you occupied. The soaps that Fuyumi had used left you dazed, the scent being perfectly floral without being overpowering.
"Alright, you can stand up now. I've got your towel." Fuyumi smiled as she walked back into the baths, her shoes clicking on the floors. You stood up and wrapped the towel around yourself. It was probably the softest thing you’d felt. Once you were dry Fuyumi strolled back to you, a simple yet beautiful gown in hand.
"I figured you'd be the type to prefer a more loose-fitting dress, better to move around in." The white-haired woman gave you a wink. You slid the fabric over yourself. Indeed it was easy to move in and quite comfortable too.
"Though I apologize, you cannot wear things like this all the time. You are an employee at the manner and we have special employee uniforms for donors." Her eyes lowered a bit before clapping her hands together.
"Let me show you around!" She linked an arm with you once more and guided you out of the baths.
"Now, you’ll have a maid do most tasks for you unless of course, you want to do them yourself then feel free to. But, they are always there if you need their assistance." The two of you had made your way back to the center of the mansion where the large entrance doors were. A chandelier hung high above you and the floor was made of gorgeous marble.
"Okay, from here to the left are the kitchens and the dining hall. To the right are the baths." She laughed.
"Which is where we just came from." She whispered.
"There is a library on the third floor, I'll take you there sometime...or...well- someone will take you at least. And up the stairs, we go." Fuyumi gently tugged your arm. Once on the second floor, the two of you headed down a corridor, elegant carpet muffling the sound of Fuyumi's shoes.
"There are a total of ten bed chambers in the mansion, not counting servants’ quarters. Oh, there is a ballroom. I'm sure you'll find yourself there eventually," Fuyumi explained. You passed by a few windows and kept your eyes glued to each one as they passed.
"I'll show you yours." Fuyumi's voice snapped you back into reality.
"My..?" Fuyumi has confused you.
"Your room, silly!" The snow haired woman giggled at you.
"Oh, right..." You trailed off. You didn't know quite how to feel.
"That's the first I've heard you speak! Well, all this is a lot. ..you've been through quite a bit in one day." Fuyumi's voice held sympathy. A nervous smile played onto your face.
"Here's your room," You stood in front of two large doors.
"I'll leave you be. You can rest for the remaining hours of the day. We’ll go over your requirements in the morning." The white-haired woman flashed you a toothy smile and waltzed off. You turned to look back at the doors, pressing your palms to the smooth wood before pushing the doors open. A cool waft of air blew onto you as you gazed into the room. You closed the doors and gaped at the luxurious room. Fine, airy, curtains waved in the wind of the open window which had a small balcony just outside it. The bed was large with a silk canopy hanging above it. Thin curtains tied to the bed posts, waiting to be closed as you slept. A wardrobe sat against a wall accompanied by a beautiful vanity. You made your way to the bed and sat down at the edge of it. The soft bed cushioned you and beckoned you to lay down. You obliged and fell back into the bed. A sigh of relief left your mouth as you sunk into it.
"So cozy..." you whispered. A small knock sounded from the doors. You sat up and quickly made your way to the door to open in.
"My lady, I hope you're settling well." A small girl gave you a small bow in respect.
"I am, thank you.” You smiled at her.
"I-I've brought you a clean gown to wear to bed." She held out the smooth fabrics. You took them from her with a 'thank you' and were left to yourself again. You’d slipped out of the dress gifted by Fuyumi and slid into the nightwear. Walking across the cool marble floor and to the glass door, you settled yourself outside on the balcony to watch the sun go down.
‘I'll have to write to my mother to tell her I arrived...with minor complications.’ You thought to yourself, a joking smile playing on your lips. A cool gentle breeze brushed your skin. You took a deep breath; the nice, cool, clean, air filled your lungs.
Night grew close and little stars peeked out of the sky. You walked back into the room and closed the window. With the silks curtains drawn, you slid under the covers. In a short time the room had grown on you. There was a certain air about it. A calming melancholy aura seemed to float around the room and lulled you to sleep.
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subwaysurf45 · 3 years
Tech problems (bucky x reader)
Summary: bucky doesn’t know how to work the TV, his new phone, anything. After getting made fun if he wants to quit but the reader helps him out.
Pairing: bucky barns x reader
Warning: mentions of death near the end, but it’s mostly fluff
Bucky stood at the counter in the kitchen, full weight leaning on the concrete slab that most people ate off of. His eyebrows were basically touching as he fiddled with his phone that Tony just gave him, he just couldn’t figure it out for the life of him.
“Hey, old guy!” Tony walked in, “whatcha doing?” He walked over and peered over Bucky’s shoulder.
“Trying to…” his brain wasn’t focused on completing the sentence, more on creating an e-mail.
“I see,” Tony snatched the phone from Bucky’s hands and turned his back to him, Bucky tried to see what he was doing but Tony kept walking around. A little bit of anger grew inside him because Tony seemed just fine at working with tech- everyone did.
Steve had walked in, “Tony, what are you doing?” His voice was tired and annoyed, he already knew what was happening simply from the way Bucky looked longingly at Steve. “Tony-“
“Ah-ta-ta, let me help him.” Tony smirked, his voice dripping in sarcasm. “I’m doing it all for him, aaaand- done!” He turned and slapped the phone in the table, it looked like everyone else’s.
“What did you do to it?” Bucky asked, his anger coming through in his tone.
“Nothing, tin man- old man- silver hair, just nothing.” He seemed like he was telling the truth, “i just did it so you wouldn’t keep annoying me and asking so many god damn questions, jeez.” Tony scoffed and walked away, Bucky didn’t pick up the phone, rather stare at it.
“How stupid am I?” Bucky asked, “really, like you got this figured out in less than a week, Tony told me when I asked for the Bluetooth password.”
“Wifi.” Steve corrected.
“What?” Bucky looked over, “same thing, who cares…” Bucky waved him off, his head snapped up at Steve suppressing a laugh, his stomach sank, “what?” His voice light and almost a whisper.
“It’s not the same thing, very much not the same thing.” He laughed, Bucky sighed, he’d had enough of this. Bucky picked up the phone and walked down the hall, “oh, come on! I’m having fun with you!” Steve laughed.
You wiped the sweat from your forehead, training with Nat had just ended and you were heading back to your shared room with Bucky. As you walked past the kitchen you saw Steve looking at nothing, he hand kept his head up.
“Why the long face?” You panted, still needing to catch your breath.
“I made fun of Bucky, he’s mad now.” His mouth barley moved, the sentence was muffled.
“About what?” You asked softly but you were still mad, he made fun of your boyfriend.
“Him not knowing how to use tech,” Steve looked up and saw your jaw drop, “what?”
“Literally last night he was so upset because he called me when I was training and he used the emergency signal, so I came running to our room and he had no idea.” You looked towards the bedrooms, “he was so upset with himself that he made me scared, he was all in his head. I need to go check up on him,” you sighed and turned to go to your room; that hot shower had to wait.
Once you made it to your room you softly knocked on the door, “Bucky?” You called, when you heard a hum you opened the door a jar, seeing him slumped over with his phone in his hands. “Hey, babe.” He seemed to break out of his thoughts when you placed a hand on his back.
“Hi, doll face.” He tried to smile, “how’s training?” He looked over to you as you sat beside him.
“Very long and very tiring,” you chuckled, you knew if you asked how he was doing he might get mad or breakdown, “Steve told me what happened, he seemed sad when I was in the kitchen.” Your hand started to rub his upper back, making sure you didn’t hit any scars through the shirt. “You wanna talk about it?” His phone was still on the home page, all the apps were downloaded but you knew he didn’t do that himself.
“I don’t know anything,” he sighed, “i don’t know how to work my phone, the microwave, the TV…I don’t know how to use the system thing in here properly, I can barley understand cars these days, that’s why I use the motorcycle because they didn’t change much but-… y/n, everyone thinks it so funny, the old guy who doesn’t know jack shit about tech.” He slumped forward.
“I don’t think it’s funny,” you moved up to the back of his neck, knowing he likes when you get under into his scalp.
“You’re different.” He stated.
“How so?”
“Because you’ve never been mean to anyone, you’re this shining star, you’re a light and you’re never mean.” His eyes left his phone and he looked at your leg, not wanting to make eye contact after saying that.
Your heart melted, his lips turned up at the quickly kiss to his cheek. He looked over and kissed you back, your hands wrapped around his neck and his pulled your waist in. After pulling away your foreheads rested on one another’s.
“Let me teach you, yeah?” You whispered, “no jokes. No funny business. As long as you need, I’ll go through it all.” You leaned back and waiting for his response.
“I don’t wanna make you go through-“
“Nope. Final rule, no self-doubt.” You smiled, his lip pouted out and he tried to cover his face and blush.
“Okay,” he nodded, “teach me.”
“Not right now,” you laughed, Bucky quirked a brow, “I’m tired and sweaty and I feel gross, also, I would like some cuddles.” You stood and grabbed your towel and a change of comfy clothes, “tomorrow.”
It was the next day, Bucky sat on the bed as you walked around the TV in your shared room, deep down he wanted to take some notes but he knew if anyone found them, he’d never hear the end of it.
“So let’s start basic,” you stood in front of the blank TV, “let’s say you’ve lost he remote, this is how you control it. Right here,” you pointed to the circle with a line through the top symbol, “that is the universal signal for on and off, look for that. Then, once you’ve pressed it here is the little notches for the volume and then the channel notches.” You pointed as you went along the bottom of the screen.
“Sounds easy,” Bucky muttered more to himself.
“But we have a remote, here, same little symbol, on and off. There, that’s the volume, and the big circle can help navigate up and down, side to side.” You showed him up close, “lots of these buttons will never be used, so I won’t really go through them.” You waved it off. “Okay, test number one, turn of the tv.” You passed the remote.
“Okay…” bucky clicked the button with the symbol he now knew and the screen lit up, some random cartoon played, “yes!” He shit up and jumped, quickly catching himself he sat back down.
“Can you change the channel for me?” You asked, a smirk on your face from his reaction before, he clicked the channel button and it went to the news. “And turn it up, please.”
“Easy,” he smiled and clicked, no sound came out. “What?” He clicked again and the sound came back, but not louder.
“You hit the mute button, use the long button here,” you pointed, he clicked up and it went up one level, after catching on and holding it the volume kept going up, “Bucky-“ you tried to warn but the volume cut out completely.
“Shit.” He stood up, Bucky fiddled with the notches on the actual TV but nothing happened. “What did I do?” His face i genuine terror, “did I break it, oh god, Tony’s gonna get some mad.”
“You blew out the speakers,” after observing the smoke coming out from the side of the TV that was the only possible answer.
“I knew i’d mess it up, I get so cocky, I really thought I had it.” He paced around, tugging his hair.
“Don’t worry, it’ll all be fine,” you calmed him and sat him in the bed, “it’s hard at first but it will only get easier.” You smiled before pulling him into a hug, you could feel his sigh of defeat as he hugged back.
You both headed out to the kitchen, Bucky still in a mood from breaking the TV a couple minutes ago. You both had some coffee, yours with a little milk.
“Hello, lovebirds.” Tony walked in, Bucky looked right at his feet and tried not to look awkward. “What’s up with cyborg over here?” Tony giggled.
“Nothing,” you dipped your coffee, Bucky just nodded along.
“I got a notification that the speakers in your room were blown out,” Tony teased, Bucky stiffened and inches closer to you, “what happened?”
Bucky looked up, his mouth open and about to talk. You gently placed a hand on his chest and looked him in the eye, a way of saying ‘I got this’.
“I sat in the remote, turns out my ass poked it right at the volume and I couldn’t figure it out in time.” You laughed, Bucky looked at you crazy before forcing one out.
Tony hunched over, “I can picture that, oh wow- I wish I was there!” He cackled before turning away and walking down the hall, “it’ll be fixed by tomorrow!” He called over his shoulder.
It was lonely without you, it was very rare you’d go in missions without Bucky but also rare you’d go alone. It was a simple infiltrate, you were more on the espionage rather than Captain America side of powers. 
Bucky had tired to talk to Steve about letting someone go with you, this mission would involve zero contact with the base. But no one listened, it was always going to be you.
It had been a month, three quarters done with the they needed. The tech lesions had to be halted, you weren’t there to teach and Bucky refused to let anyone tell him anything about the tech in his room.
“If only you could see me, babe…” he whispered as he worked the TV, that was the only thing he knew, and he was great at it. Last week he recorded a show, he was never going to watch it, but it as recorded. He almost had a heart attack when the remote stopped working, but it just ran out of batteries.
After doing all the cool tricks he knew he looked over to your side of the bed, it was neatly made and seemed untouched. Whenever you’d be fine for even a night he’d sleep on the ground, but he promised he’d sleep on the bed, but he never rolled over or even sat on your side.
The one thing he missed was the way your shampoo stunk up the whole bed in a good way, when he’d wake up the morning after you’d showered he’d could smell your lavender shampoo right away, it almost puts him back to sleep. But as the days went on, it faded.
Bucky looked around before gently placing his face your pillow, almost like an afterthought of your sent came through; just barley there. His face hovered before he gave in and relaxed on it, he knew if he’d roll around the sent would fade quicker, he didn’t really care.
There was a hard spot on your pillow, he reached under and found a green spiral notebook. It didn’t have anything in the cover, once he opened it a gasp fell from his lips.
It was a notebook, for every piece of tech in the house. From his phone to how F.R.I.D.A.Y. works, it was all there. Intricate diagrams that where labeled, one page had everything he needed to know.
Bucky’s phone sat face down in his bedside table, he flipped the that page and looked it over. He picked up his phone and read through it all, slightly muttering then words that were written to himself like he was being taught.
“Okay, you got this,” he said as he pressed the on button, as he navigated around he learned how to add a contact, send and text, google, the a picture, send an email. Everything.
You walked into the compound completely exhausted, one black eye layer, the base had been infiltrated. You went to your mission report computer and Tony was there, he gave you your phone.
“Connect back to the wifi,” he nodded before leaving you to connect.
Once you were fully back online your phone began to buzz, over and over. Tons of notifications rolled in. You went to emails first.
From: bucky
To: y/n
Subject: test?
Hellooooooo this is a test, don’t worry about it!
You laughed and scrolled through the other emails, finding out they were all kind of the same, then you went to text messages.
There was a selfie of him holding the green book, his smile couldn’t have been wider. He sent three, probably by accident. But they were still cute.
So I figured hit text!
Kinda cool
I found the book, it was like Christmas
Anyway, I know you won’t read this but I think I’ll try the oven next, I’ll ask wanda about it.
As the texts went on, your heart started to drop and your stomach swirled. They had been getting progressively sadder.
Hey doll face, I hope you’re well, miss you
I miss you
I love you
I wanna marry you one day, maybe live on farm and have a few kids
If you want
Sent: two months ago
I finished your book, I think I know it all now, I’ve been going over those tests you put in the back sleeve, they’re really good
You’re very thoughtful
I know you can’t see this
I don’t know what to do with myself, this is very hard.
Sent: one month ago
Are you dead?
I had a dream you died in my arms, and I can’t tell if it was a flashback or a dream
I hope you’re not
I love you too much
Please come home
I really need you
I wish I never learn how to use this shit, honestly, I can’t seem to put my phone down because this is all I have if you right now. I keep checking it to see if you’ve responded but I know you haven’t, but part of me wants you to respond so I know you’re alive.
I’m not ready to say goodbye to you yet.
Sent: 24 hours ago
You slammed the phone down and raced down the hall, you passed the kitchen and everyone who smiled at you because they hadn’t seen you in three months, they probably also thought you were dead.
You stopped right before the door, you could hear soft whimpers coming from inside.
“I miss you,” the voice was muffled.
You opened the door silently, you saw Bucky lying right next to your side of the bed, it was still perfectly made. You also saw what looked like glass shattered by the wall, a closer look and it was his phone.
“Bucky?” You asked.
His head shot up and he sat up straight, after wiping his face he ran right over to you. His hug pushed you back on the floor, he just stayed there.
“Don’t ever do that again, please.” His voice was still shaken, “I can’t go through that again.”
“Never again, i was so worried when I saw your text a minuet ago.” You whispered and ran your fingers through his hair.
“Your name in my phone, your the only one.” He sniffled, “it was like it was taunting me, I got really mad and I threw it.” He hugged you tighter, “you were supposed to come home two days ago.” He cried.
“I know,” you housed him and sat up, as he pulled away he saw your bruised face, his thumb gently traced the purple mark.
“I don’t want a phone, I like knowing about it, but I’ll only ever borrow yours.” He seemed like he was pledging something, like an oath.
“Done deal,” you pulled him in for a long kiss, hoping it would never end.
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I Don't Wanna Be a Memory
“Well, I’m not just your boss!”, Steve hears himself say, “I’m not just your boss. I’m also an omega. And I want you to tell me what to do. Your voice is like it’s permanently in alpha command, and I want you to fucking command me! Because I’m not just your boss. I’m not just an omega. I’m your fucking omega! And I can’t stand you saying my name like you’re seconds away from telling me to get down on my knees because you never do!
And it isn’t your fault! It’s not! You don’t want me anymore, and that’s fine, but my omega hasn’t forgotten, and my heart won’t forgive you for not loving me anymore. So stop. Stop saying my name like you still want me. Because every time you do, I feel like you’ve come back to me, but you haven’t- you won’t! And it’s killing me, Buck.”
Link: https://archiveofourown.org/works/33385405
Rating: Explicit
Ship: James 'Bucky' Barnes/Steve Rogers
Additional tags: A/B/O Dynamics, Alpha bucky!, Omega Steve!
Bucky’s voice is the single most dangerous weapon he possesses.
Not the guns, or the knives, or even the years of government-issued muscle memory in hand-to-hand combat could compare the carnage that rubbles and quakes the earth when he says Steve's name.
“Stevie,” Low and silky. Full of authority-full of alpha. But still understanding the difference in rank despite the apparent superiority in designation. Never challenging or speaking down, but fuck did it make Steve want to sink to his knees and watch Bucky fall apart due to his mouth for a change.
Okay, maybe not the entire earth, but Steve’s world sure feels like it’s been turned on its axis.
The worst part of it all is Bucky has no idea. No clue. No motivation! He simply exists and speaks like that with no intention of letting his voice get all severe and appetizing for the purpose of getting Steve’s omega excited for Bucky's alpha.
It’s especially distracting during missions.
Steve’s heart races, his conscious thought nowhere to be found as he conjures up impossible scenarios involving his reformed assassin best friend and naked cuddling.
The second they boarded the Quinjet, Steve had torn the earpiece away as if it had burned him.
Can you imagine leading a team or keeping them safe when every so often your second in command asks for your position, voice rough as he asks Steve for orders?!
Can anyone really blame him for getting lost in the phantom sensations of Bucky saying his name like a secret no one else deserves to know?
He didn’t think so.
That being said, all the control he can muster in order to actually complete a mission evaporates into the wind the moment the dance between life and death comes to a close; every suppressed, shameless fantasy unleashed and unforgiving as they consume his every thought.
Steve is abruptly pulled from his most recent daydream when a cool metal hand taps the back of his wrist twice, “You with us, Steve? I’ve been calling your name for a minute now.”
Quickly, Steve straightens his back and squares his shoulders, meeting stormy grey eyes.
“Sorry, Buck. Had a lot on my mind.”, He says with more confidence than he actually has.
It’s not really a lie. He does have a lot on his mind, all the ways he can find himself face down, ass up on the other man’s bed. Drooling and crying and breathing in Buckys scent with every breath he takes.
Of course, he can’t very well say that, can he?
He was lucky the S.H.I.E.L.D issued, super soldier approved suppressants made him nearly null. He can’t fathom the level of embarrassment that would claim him if Buck- or the whole damn plane for that matter- could scent the desperation, horny inside of him.
Bucky shifts closer, grey eyes softening the tiniest bit with concern, “Is everything alright?”
“Yes, of course, “ He lies, “Just thinking about battle techniques is all. Scouts honor!” Steve makes an odd, incorrect gesture as a mock salute.
Bucky allows a small huff of air Steve recognizes as his poor imitation of a chuckle. There’s a moment of fuzzy pride that nearly causes Steve to purr; happy he brought a smile to the alpha’s face before his stomach drops clear down to his toes as murmured laughter rumbles too close to a growl in Buckys chest.
“My memory may be shit, Stevie, but I know for damn sure you weren’t no boy scout.”
Aaaand there it is.
Steves omega stirs and preens before the captain shoves them back down. Resenting the butterflies crying out in his belly and the urge to beg Bucky to just say his name over and over and over…
“Steve?”, This time, the concern isn’t quite as subtle, “Are you sure you’re alright, pal?” Bucky takes a step closer towards the blonde, drawing out skittish blue eyes, lowering his voice in case anyone was listening.
Again, the omega clears his throat and squares his shoulders.
“Did you want to tell me something, Sargent?”
Bucky opens his mouth, defiance dancing on his tastebuds before something makes him snap it shut, offering a curt nod, “Yes, Captain.” His voice strained, everything he wants to say lodged in his throat.
“I just wanted to let you know that we should be landing in less than 15 minutes.”
Like before, Bucky opens his mouth to say something but thinks better of it. Choosing instead to take a seat beside his captain, slipping his arms through the provided harness. He gives Steve a pointed look, “We should probably buckle up.”
For a moment, Steve is taken back to the war. When his body was just beginning to react to the serum and the increased suppressants. (The government had taken every percussion necessary to ensure the public wouldn’t know Captain America was an omega.)
After Steve became ‘big’ and outranked Bucky in the military, the brunette never did anything but follow him into the fire. Loyal and boundless. Never questioning his strategies or actions unless it put him in direct danger. That didn’t mean he could keep himself from telling Steve what to do. He just found different ways to do it.
Suggesting tasks, like putting on seatbelts, for instance. Strapping extra weapons to his ankles before handing one to Steve and forcing it into his hands even when the blonde would roll his eyes, whispering his disapproval so only he would hear.
Never raising his voice or permitting his tone to deepen or his scent to take on that spicy, electric feel that never failed to make Steve bare his neck. Never stepping out of line. Never disrespecting or demeaning Steves title. Always in charge anyway.
Bucky doesn’t utter a single command or request, but Steve buckles up anyhow. Drinking in the small, hardly there smile that Bucky offers to the air in front of him, not even meeting Steve’s gaze. And the omega hates the happiness, the relief he feels at satisfying Bucky.
Hates that Bucky doesn’t even have to tell him what to do for him to obey. Hates that he has to obey, even though Bucky doesn’t need him to anymore.
He doesn’t need him anymore...
Bucky still hasn’t said a word when they land, but it’s not like Steve gave him much of an opportunity.
Things have been strained between them since Steve began pulling away. Avoiding Bucky’s calls and limiting their time together.
It was just easier that way. Miserable and lonely, but easier.
The moment the Quinjet is stationary, the supersoldier is up on his feet and stomping down the runway, leaving the Avengers and Bucky behind him.
He needs to breathe.
He can’t breathe!
If he didn’t know any better, he would say he was having an asthma attack. It feels like an asthma attack.
Steve’s eyes sting with unshed tears, taking large gulps of air into his lungs, and it burns!
He arrives at his door by the grace of God, not remembering entering the tower or if he passed anyone on his way.
“Jarvis. Door.” He gasps. Actual fear starting to seep into his bones.
“Yes, Captain Rogers,” The AI responds, the oversized steel doors swinging open.
Distantly, Steve hears the door shut behind him and feels himself settle against a wall. He pushes his back against the surface and tries to even out his breathing. Revisiting everything he can remember about how to resolve an asthma attack.
After several attempts, he stumbles into a somewhat consistent breathing pattern, his chest heaving at a slower rate.
In through the nose. Out through the mouth. In through the nose. Out through the mouth. In through the nose…
It’s not working!
Steve’s heartbeat only hammers against his chest and neck quicker, his breathing sharply turning back into hyperventilation.
It’s then that he realizes he isn’t having an asthma attack at all. He’s having a panic attack.
Fuck, Fuck, Fuck.
In through the nose. Out through the mouth. InthroughthenoseOutthroughthemouth.
Why isn’t this working!?
The blonde clenches his eyes shut, a sob fighting its way past trembling lips. He feels so alone. So unwanted, Unwarranted.
He thinks back to the 40s- back to him and Bucky. After the serum, during the war. Hidden behind the cover of night and an abandoned building at the far end of Base. The first time since the change, his heart felt like it would crawl its way up Steves throat and swan dive right off his tongue.
Struggling to ease the fogginess in his mind, Steve remembers strong arms wrapped around his waist. Cool metal poking his nose as he bumped Bucky’s dog tags with each of his movements, scenting warm flesh.
Bucky’s voice is rumbling demands, his voice leaving no room for argument while every word was also laced with patience and love. Scent projecting love, understanding, I’m here, you’re safe.
“In through your nose. Out through your mouth. In through your nose. Out through your mouth.”
He repeats the mantra until Steve’s Omega obeyed his alpha, sucking in lung fulls of oxygen and releasing it in time with Buckys orders.
The memory of bombs and gunshots lost behind the sound of Bucky’s voice.
In through your nose. Out through your mouth. In through your nose. Out through your mouth.
He conjures up the memory of Buckys voice, coated in alpha command, urging him to breathe evenly. Fingers digging into Steve’s flushed skin, grounding him.
His alpha always knows what he needs...
Steve misses him.
Misses more than just the raw irrefutable attraction that got them into more trouble than it should have growing up. But he misses the rest of him too.
Misses the smirks and the long nights dreaming of what the future would bring. He misses Bucky’s laugh. God, he can hardly remember what it sounds like now.
Steve misses the way he would kiss. Gently. Chaste. Rough. Long. Kiss him in private and kiss him places that weren’t safe. On the stoop in front of their apartment, before the sun would come up and wandering eyes could catch them. Or alone in their bedroom, lips starting on his eyelids, across purple bruises, then down to his chest. Swallowing the omega’s moans and grinning into his mouth before settling beside him and chuckling deep into his ear, the last thing Steve would hear before sleep would overcome him. He misses the way Bucky would say his name like a prayer, wrap his lips around every letter like a caress, eyes sparkling with their love.
He misses knowing he’ll never be alone.
His heart thunders in his ears, chest feeling seconds away from crumbling in on itself as he thinks maybe it was easier when he believed the alpha was dead. Before he found out Bucky was alive, he mourned the man who loved him. Now, he grieves the love he’s lost. The alpha- his alpha-standing beside him without an ounce of affection or desire in his eyes.
Bucky wasn’t mourning the loss of Steve because he didn’t want Steve. Not anymore.
He clearly remembered enough. He may remember it all. However, knowing didn’t mean he had any intention of returning to what they had.
But even if every memory was gone, if the omega mattered at all, Bucky would remember him- his soul! If Steve himself were robbed of his past and they were just meeting again for the first time, he knew his soul would remember Buckys. Would want to know him all over, not needing to understand why!
The tears are falling before Steve has the chance to notice. A jagged whine barreling past his lips. All the weight of devastation and loneliness finally falling onto his shoulders.
Bucky had met him again. But he didn’t need him the same. Didn’t know his Omega; he didn’t want his heart.
Steve slumps further against the wall, blonde hair drenched in sweat, hands clawing at his chest, trying fruitlessly to manage his racing heart.
Closing his eyes, the omega summons an image of Bucky smiling reassuringly, soothing him as he tells him what to do.
In through your nose. Out through your mouth. In through your nose. Out through your mouth.
Okay… okay. That’s better.
“It hurts to think of you,” The omega confesses to no one, the tears running past his chin onto his suit. But I need you, “And I can’t breathe without you.”
“In through your nose. Out through your mouth. In through your nose. Out through your mouth. I’ve got you, Stevie. In and out. That’s it. In through your nose. Out through your mouth.”
Steve allows himself to sink deeper into his fantasy, swearing he could actually feel Bucky's hands running down his back and through his hair.
“I’ve got you, Stevie.”
It’s the last thing Steve hears before he passes out.
Steve is warm.
Steve’s bed has always been too soft, even after Sam suggested a firmer mattress. While helpful, he still couldn’t manage anything better than a fitful half-sleep most nights. He knew why, but in an effort to avoid further misery, he chooses not to dwell too much on that matter.
Aside from the too-soft mattress and the alpha missing from his bed, the omega was never warm enough. He shivered and reached out for body heat too far from his reach. But…
Steve is warm...
For a moment, he swears arms are around him.
And for a moment, he doesn’t care who they belong to. Because he isn’t shivering, for once. Isn’t suffering through another cold sweat, and the omega constantly pacing within him is actually settled. He hasn’t been this comfortable since the previous century, so whoever the hell is beside him can very well stay where they are, as long as he can keep this feeling.
It’s with another breath, he feels consciousness slowly creep up on him.
He almost laughs at the thought of being comfortable in anyone else’s arms. Of course, Bucky should have been his first thought, but honestly, at this point, Bucky willingly in his bed was a cruel dream.
Bucky must be using the same blockers Steve does. His Omega can’t scent him even this close, but who else’s arms fit so perfectly around him?
It’s the closest they’ve been at all since rescuing Bucky from Hydra, and Steve hated it as much as he loved it.
He wants to go back to sleep. Wants to bask in the warmth Bucky offers and pretend they’re back in their tiny apartment in Brooklyn. Struggling to make ends meet and unplagued by the horrors of war. Hidden from the world behind wilting wallpaper, sharing sweet kisses and bruising grips.
But this isn’t 1939. Bucky doesn’t share his bed...or his affections.
He would give anything to go back. He’d give anything to have his alpha again.
“I didn’t know you still had panic attacks.”, of course, Bucky noticed he wasn’t asleep anymore.
Steve feels him shift away, the arm around his waist, already feather-light, hardly there.
The omega within him whines, not wanting him to pull away. No, he wants him to climb on top of him. To drop all of his weight onto Steve’s hopeless body, make him stay in place. Unable to move until Bucky tells him he can...
Steve clenches his eyes tightly, suppressing his every unrelenting instinct from manifesting into something that will only push Bucky further away. And he needs him. Steve needs him, even if it is killing him.
“Yeah, well, there’s a lot you don’t know about, Buck.”, the omega remarks, his back still firmly pressed to Bucky’s chest.
Bucky may be ready to move, but Steve certainly isn’t. It’s not like the Alpha will say anything. Steve is far from perfect, despite whatever bullshit the news wants to feed the public. Steve is flawed and can be as selfish as anyone else. There are times where he permits his gaze to linger longer than it should, hands lazily pulling back when they should’ve never left his side, to begin with, or say Buckys name in the dead of night, surrounded by nothing but darkness and the sticky evidence of his spent weaknesses.
In private or in front of the alpha, Steve has toed the line of what is appropriate between friends and behavior shared between lovers.
Bucky has never reacted to any of it. Robotic and perfect all at once. His responses are exactly what they’re supposed to be, feeling false all the same.
Never contesting. Never reacting. As if Steve doesn’t ache for him.
It’s then that the confusion begins to twist at the recess of the omega’s mind.
“Why are you in my bed, Buck?” And how can I keep you here?
There’s a beat of silence, Bucky’s breath even beside Steve’s ear. It almost feels rehearsed, as if Bucky is concentrating on his breathing. Steve shakes the thought away before he can fool himself for the millionth time something is there that has proven again and again to be long ago dead.
“I was worried about you,” Bucky eventually admits, the arm just barely resting on Steve’s hip returning to its previous pressure, fingers hot and electrifying as they accidentally meet bare flesh peeking beneath Steve’s sleep shirt.
Sleep shirt?
“Did you change my clothes?” Steve says without thinking, saying anything to stop himself from moaning. He can’t remember the last time Buckys hands were this close to his body without explosions and frantic shouts playing in the background.
He turns his neck enough to meet Bucky’s clouded grey gaze.
A gasp falls from his lips instinctively, his own eyes widening on their own accord, taking in the receding blood red only just beginning to fade from the alpha’s eyes.
Just like that, Bucky is removing his arm entirely, releasing the Omega and taking all of that delicious warmth with him.
Bucky stays on the bed, though. His back resting against the headboard.
Steve just narrowly stops himself from shouting, ‘No! Stay, please!’, his heart pounding in his ears and his hands burning with the desire to reach out and drag the other man in.
Instead, he swallows his cries and urges his weary muscles into a sitting position, facing away from the former assassin.
While Steve was changed into something more comfortable than his uniform, the omega notices Bucky remains in his clunky tactical gear, down to his boots.
He had no intention of staying, Rogers. Take deep breaths, and give him an out.
He just needs to go.
The blonde is good at pretending. Well, most days anyway, he can fake a smile when the world is falling apart; he can pretend to be happy. But what he can’t seem to do anymore is pretend that he isn’t painfully in love with the man currently sitting on his bed, not a single reminisce of what they once were hanging between them.
He can’t manage a smile or a whisper of optimism when everything good has been taken from him. He knows what’s expected of him, but there are days when the sorrow is crippling, and he feels weaker than he ever did as that little guy from Brooklyn.
Clearly, no more talking is going to happen. And Steve isn’t emotionally stable enough right now to act as if he doesn’t want the alpha to bathe him in his scent, forcing the lingering panic, unwell, lonely away.
He moves to stand when,
The order is sharp and certainly unintentional.
The shiver that races down Steve’s spine is violent, and his body locks up, ready to obey.
Turning his neck again, Steve catches the profile of the alphas annoyingly handsome face. His eyes are closed, brow pinched in concentration.
Steve stands slowly, hands shaking. It’s sickening how dreadfully good that single word made him feel. Floaty and sated. His blood, always raging, rushing, and crying out, settles within him, preparing to be taken care of.
The logical part of him reminds the omega they’ve been here before. Bucky will do something so woefully familiar, he dilutes himself into thinking he’s still wanted.
It’s never the case.
Steve keeps the hope from his tone when he challenges, “Excuse me?” Waiting for another command with bated breath.
“You should probably rest, Cap,” Bucky folds his arms across his broad chest, still ignoring Steve’s previous question as well as his gaze.
Forcing a smirk that makes him want to throw up, Steve teases, “Are you avoiding my question, Sargent?”
“Steve,” Bucky objects, voice chastizing.
Something uneasy burrows into Steve’s stomach, his body rejecting the discontent emanating off Bucky's skin.
He shrugs away the urge to whine, instead offering an ingenuine chuckle, “Jeez, I’m fine. Why so serious, Buck?”
Bucky stands, eyes hard, glaring right into Steve’s soul. The blonde sucks in a harsh breath, his fingers tingling and breath shallow.
Bucky’s eyes are red.
“Why so serious? “ The alpha growls, not moving from his spot beside Steve’s bed. The distance separating them not making sense in contrast to the intimate edge heavy in the air. It would be comical if not for the current sparking the negative space.
“We’re just gonna pretend like I didn’t find you seconds from passing out less than an hour ago? Is that something casual, am I supposed to just ignore it?”
Steve’s plastic smile fades, a tired expression painting his sharp features, “Yes. That’s exactly what you’re supposed to do.” He sighs, scrubbing his face in frustration, “Ignore it. Like you ignore everything else, Bucky...Just go.”
“What’s tha ‘posed to mean?”
“It means I’m sorry you had to see that, but you don’t have to worry about it.”
“See what? You being irresponsible?”
The thin scrap of patience the omega has evaporates; actually, it burns the fuck up, raging as loud as Steve’s fury, “Irresponsible!?”
The anger shoots through Steve like a wildfire, his temperature rising and his hands balling into fists. If the Alpha didn’t know any better, he’d think Steve was going to punch him.
Even so, he doesn’t back down. Instead, he takes a single step towards the blonde, body tight and rigid. Voice booming when he sneers, “Yes, goddamn it! Irresponsible.”
“Fuck you, Bucky!” Steve shouts, “Who the hell are you to lecture me on being irresponsible?”
“I’m your… I’m your second in command, and if you were struggling with PTSD, you should have told me something! Instead of me following you to your rooms and basically threatening Jarvis into letting me in. You were pale, Steve. Snow White ain’t got shit on how you looked- you were nearly blue! And I’m sorry for stepping in. We can blame it on your biology, but you finally managed to relax when my alpha came forward. It’s irresponsible to let yourself get to that point when you could have come to me- or, or anyone in the avengers for help.”
“You’re sorry,” Steve scoffs, “ You’re sorry you had to help me.”
“That’s not what I meant, and you know it.”
“Oh, but it’s what you said, isn’t it?” The Omega is nearly in hysterics. Half sad laughs, the only thing keeping him from crying.
Buckys voice is now soaked in concern, the anger lost behind wisps of worried seeping from his concealed scent. Which serves only to break Steve further.
“Stevie.” Bucky repeats, wondering if Steve was spiraling into another panic attack.
He is only two steps away from him in a second, twitching, never touching but always close.
Steve feels another shock rack his entire body. His name falling from Bucky’s lips so effortlessly. The authority he holds swallowing every syllable. The sheer force of it nearly brings the omega to his knees.
Steve's heart pounds against his chest, like his heart is trying to escape. Running both hands across his face, then over tufts of blonde hair, his hands meeting behind his neck craned up towards the sky. Praying to anyone up there with mercy that Bucky will just leave. He keeps his arms where they arm before he can do something stupid like reach out.
“Bucky, why are you so concerned about it?” Steve’s eyes are still trained to the ceiling.
Steve knows he’s playing with fire. Playing with his own emotions, but sometimes he can swear he lives for it.
Bucky hesitates, watching Steve with careful eyes. “Because…You are our Captain and my best friend. If you need help, I am going to help you.”
The finality in his tone almost sounds like an alpha command, but his words contradict any sense of attraction or desire.
Another huff, gaze and arms dropping, “I’ll be fine once you leave.” Steve counters, harsher than he intended.
But fuck if he cares. Bucky doesn’t want him. He deserves to be a little angry. If he can’t grieve him, he can at least have this!
“What’s that supposed to mean?”
“Nothing!” He snaps, “Just leave, James.”
“James? Oh, I’m James now?”
Steve could care less if he’s hurt his feelings. He’s had enough. His heart hurts, and his head aches. He is done playing this ‘I’m okay with everything’ game.
He is not okay with this, Dammit!
His heart is broken. Shattered. Irreplaceable. And he’s just supposed to be okay with that? He’s supposed to be Bucky’s friend and make jokes and smile when he is dying inside? Crying for his alpha- for stability when he feels like his whole world has been rocked?
Well, he’s had enough. He’s behaved for 2 years. He’s done!
Clenching blue eyes shut, Steve feels every carefully constructed wall of deception crumple at their feet.
“I don’t have time for this. Just leave so that I can breathe! I can’t breathe with you here!”
“Please,” the omega whimpers, all the fight leaving his body, long pale fingers running through sleep tousled hair, pulling at the roots, “Just stop.”
“Stop what? I can’t stop doing something if I don’t know what it is I’m doing!”
It’s Bucky’s turn to be panicked. In two strides, he’s in front of Steve, feeling the alarm creep up his chest, a flash of something sharpening eerie grey.
“Steve! Answer m-” Bucky lifts his hands as if to reach out for the other man but catches himself before metal could find flesh, “Will you tell me what I am doing wrong?”
Steve wants to cry and scream and rip that stupid mental arm out of its socket just so he can slap Bucky with it.
“Stop!” He repeats desperately, “Just stop! Stop saying my name! Stop talking to me like-like…”
“Like what!?”
Taking a calming breath, Steve forces himself to meet the alpha’s eyes, “Do you have any idea how hard it is for me to give you orders and never receive a protest in return?”
There’s a beat of silence accompanied by a blank expression. Steves heart shouting in his chest.
Steve continues, “Telling you what to do and how to do it. At least before you would fight me, yell at me. Make it easier to breathe.”
“Steve, what the fuck are you talkin’ about? You’re my boss. I’m s’posed ta take orders from ya.” Steve just about weeps when the Brooklyn accent begins to peek through, just as it usually does when Bucky is confused.
“Well, I’m not just your boss!”, Steve hears himself say, “I’m not just your boss. I’m also an omega. And I want you to tell me what to do. Your voice is like it’s permanently in alpha command, and I want you to fucking command me! Because I’m not just your boss. I’m not just an omega. I’m your fucking omega! And I can’t stand you saying my name like your seconds away from telling me to get down on my knees because you never do! And it isn’t your fault! It’s not! You don’t want me anymore, and that’s fine, but my omega hasn’t forgotten, and my heart won’t forgive you for not loving me anymore. So stop. Stop saying my name like you still want me. Because every time you do, for precisely one second, I feel like you’ve come back to me, but you haven’t- you won’t! And it’s killing me, Buck.”
Steve’s eyes are misted with tears, his chest heaving and skin flushed with embarrassment and shame, “Please… Just don’t say my name, or I’m just gonna break.”
The words pour from his lips, and he wants to disappear. He wishes the ground would just swallow him whole and save him from Bucky’s response.
Steve trembles beneath stormy grey, choosing instead to watch the ground. His omega whining and clawing at the back of his mind.
“I can’t do this anymore, Bucky.” He murmurs, waiting for the outrage or worse; the indifference-the clunk of footsteps walking away from the mess he’s made. The life they had. The man he no longer loves.
Steve hasn’t found his eyes again. Won’t move his head. He doesn’t care how submissive it makes him look because he’s spent most of his life searching for steel grey eyes in crowds and across rooms. Seeking them out in the dark, the only beacon of light he would see most days. And now… Now those eyes that kept him so safe when the world was crumbling around them made him feel like winter on a summer day, cold and alone, only seconds from melting into nothing.
He’s not sure how much time passes without a word between them. He waits another moment before surrendering a breath he hadn’t realized he was holding, shaking his head and turning to leave.
He didn’t know where he was going, but he couldn’t stay here.
Like lightning, Bucky’s right hand snaps forward, catching the omega’s wrist before he can make it far, and just like electricity, a jolt of fire scorches where their skin meets.
As one would an old friend, Steve invites the sensation to consume him, feeling every nerve respond to Bucky, it’s like he was brought back to life, and he wants nothing more than to cry because he knows it won’t last. He knows as soon as the alpha lets go, he’ll return to reality as only half a man. Something-someone always missing from him.
“Steve.”, his breath hitches, and his hands shake. A whisper of a scent he’s all but forgotten seeps into the room, but it’s gone before Steve can determine if it’s only a memory.
Steve’s name rolls off of Bucky’s tongue too easily. Too pretty. Too dark. Too much!
Hadn’t he been clear enough the first fucking time? How else exactly was he supposed to phrase it; ‘Don’t say my name, or I’ll break from how horny it makes me?’
“Steve,” The alpha repeats.
Steve feels another pang of electricity shoot to his fingertips, itching with the need to just touch, “Bucky, I think you should leave.”
He doesn’t want him to. But when was the last time Steve got what he wanted.
“Now,” He adds after another second passes. Bucky's feet were firmly placed on the ground, not a single muscle prepared to even twitch.
The room is blanketed in heavy silence before, “No.”
Steve feels as if the wind has been knocked out of him. His lips part in surprise, brow furrowed as his heart begins to pick up the pace.
“Excuse me?”
“I hate that I can’t scent you,” The alpha announces, talking slow, calculated steps forward, eradicating any space brave enough to separate them,
“I hate that I can’t tell where you are during missions.” Suddenly Bucky’s grip loosens, yet it doesn’t move far. He runs his hand up Steve’s forearm, fingertips dragging across perfect porcelain skin, not stopping until the palm of his flesh hand rests on Steve’s neck.
“I picture what it would feel like to sink my teeth into your neck and keep you there, with my fangs in your flesh, drawing blood from your skin and moans from your lips. I dream of you whimpering, “ He whispers harshly, eyes trained to Steve’s neck.
The omega’s eyes flutter closed, lips trembling around the alpha’s name, “Bucky,”
Ignoring the blonde, the other man continues, not quite done yet, “I defend those thoughts by saying to myself, it’s all so that I can feel you. So I can feel where you are when we’re in the field. So I won’t worry as much, won’t get distracted. But I know it’s just half of it. I know I want to tell you to take those damn blockers off. To wash it away, or let me lick it away with my tongue-whichever came first.”
“I hate that I want to fall asleep with you curled above my chest because you’ll be warmer that way. And for whatever reason, I remember you always being cold before bed. I want to demand you buckle up and wear extra layers. I want you to fight me a little. I want you to tell me to shut up but get all soft when I give you a hard look. Like, you are now, with my chest touching yours, hands at your neck and waist. Your heart stuttering against me. I want you to tease me because you want me to get annoyed so that I tell you to shut your mouth and put it to good use. I hate that I want to do all these things, but I can’t. Because you don’t want me to...”
Blue pop open, held hostage by grey. Bucky is everywhere. His face is so close Steve can feel every breath the alpha takes fan over his eyelashes. His eyes tracking over the curve of pink lips and soft skin. Left arm curled around Steve’s waist, metal grip unmoving. His other hand still firmly placed over his scent gland, Bucky’s long fingers spread over the column of flesh, thumb running back and forth along the length of it, causing goosebumps to follow his trail of fire.
Steve moans at the sensation, baring his neck so Bucky has the access he would need. His legs nearly giving out beneath him, but the arm at his waist won’t let him fall.
“Are you telling me that you want me to?” Bucky presses. His voice is sharp and promising. The hand around Steve’s neck, a light pressure the omega finds himself pushing into.
“Steve! Look at me. Look at me, omega.”
The blonde hadn’t noticed his eyes fluttering shut again, the sensation of being held, of having so much alpha- his alpha right there in front of him. Soaking him in his scent. Not a true claim or even a scent mark, but this is more than he ever thought he would ever get again.
Bucky’s words have barely registered for the omega; he lost the ability to comprehend English the instant Buckys hands found his body. But he reacts to the order, all the same, seeing the steely, beautiful grey (beginning to tint red again) he has known since he was a boy.
Slowly, so slowly, Steve begins to piece together the things Bucky has confessed, his eyes once more welling with tears.
Patiently, Bucky waits for the understanding to reflect in sapphire eyes, speaking only when he knows the omega can now retain information.
“Are you telling me you want me to touch you, Stevie?” Bucky murmurs, staring at Steve’s bottom lip.
“Yes,” He breathes, just barely audible without an ounce of hesitation.
The next thing Steve knew, Bucky had him against a wall. His nose buried in his neck and his hands rounding his ass, using his shoulders to pin Steve to the wall and lift his legs until the omega joined the program and wrapped his legs around Bucky’s waist. Bucky’s hardening cock pushing into his hip.
“Oh shit, Buck!”
“ I have to say your name,” Bucky growls, grinding into his omega.
“As much as I can, even if it doesn’t work in the conversation, because it’s the closest I can get you in my mouth. It tastes like heaven, and memories I can’t decipher are real or just fantasy they- Oh, fuck baby. Yeah, Stevie- They don’t compare to this- Keep moving, just like that, babydoll.”
Steve ruts against Buckys friction, his eyes closed tightly, whatever was left of their blockers bleeding out, replacing the neutral aroma in the room with their combined scents, desperation, and slick.
“God, Bucky. I missed you so much. I’ve been so alone.”
Buckys mouth finds Steve’s trembling lips, nothing subtle or slow about his movements. The alpha’s tongue swallows the moans tumbling past Steve’s lips. Hands gripping his waist tighter.
The sun bursts behind their eyes. Blood rushing and hearts bumping to twice their regular speed. For different people, people who aren’t Steve and Bucky, a first kiss after so long should probably be slow and tentative, something soft and building. But they aren’t different people. They are too broken and too powerful and undeniably deserving people who have had nothing to count on besides one another their entire conscious lives. To entertain even a second of not indulging in hard, fast, desperate supersedes unthinkable and settles somewhere over cruel.
“Never again, Stevie. I ain’t leaving you alone” another thrust, “Ever, “ another bruising kiss, “Again.”
Bucky’s cock strains against his uniform, desperate for Steve’s hole. Steve is a withering whimpering mess, drunk on Buckys scent and high on all the delicious friction causing his weeping cunt to flutter, uncomfortably empty.
After several more minutes of making out, Bucky moves them back to the bed, lying Steve out on the mattress. He only has a fraction of a second to admire the work of art that is Steve Rogers sprawled out and waiting to be fucked when Steve’s hands are at his neck, pulling him back in.
His lips move against the alpha’s sloppily, sucking on his bottom lip until the ex-assassin growls impatiently, searching for his mate’s tongue. His mate…
His mate. Steve thinks he may cry as the sheer relief almost painfully washes over him. All of the uncertainty and shame of being unwanted melts away, and all that surrounds him is the vibrating want, mine, love, love, love from the man above him, trailing scorching hot kisses down his neck.
“I wanna be ‘side you, baby. Please, Steve. Let me, ugh, please, babydoll. Can I-”
“Yes!” steve interrupts, “Yes, Alpha, you never have to ask! I’ll do whatever you ask, oh just touch me, Bucky, alpha, my alpha, touch me-”
“Shh, “ Bucky chuckles, stopping the omega’s rambling. He runs his flesh hand through disheveled blonde hair, dragging his nails through Steve’s scalp and marveling at the hiss the omega releases, “I’ve got you, Stevie. All I needed was a lil consent, then all bets are off, aren’t they? ‘Cause you’re mine now, aren’t you, baby?”
“Always have been, jerk. I never stopped.”
“Good. Now, stop touching me.”
With a whimper, Steve can’t stop his hands from frantically clawing every inch of Bucky he can access.
“Now, babydoll, don’t you wanna be good for me?”
Still clutching one hand around Bucky's thick, muscular biceps, the other pulling at the strands of dark brown hair helplessly, “I can be good,” the omega babbles, “I’ll be good, Alpha. So good, I can be good, so so good. Please-”
“ Then listen to what I am telling you. I won’t repeat myself again, Steve. It’s my turn now. I wanna get my mouth on you, and I can’t do that if you keep pullin’ me back up to kiss. So stop touching.”
The moan that stutters past Steve’s lips would be embarrassing if not for how fucking fantastic it feels for Bucky’s alpha command to slam into him. Paralyzing him in place. Hands falling unceremoniously at his sides.
Crystal blues brimming with tears, he feels safe for the first time since coming out of the ice- he feels familiar. Not somewhere foreign with no understanding of anything besides, fight this, kill that. This is different. This is them. This is intimacy- their intimacy.
There’s trust swimming within the negative spaces Bucky extends, and he knows, to his core, he can let go. Steve surrenders all his false smiles and exhausting positivity. This is home. Bucky is home. He doesn’t have to put up a front because his alpha has it handled.
Steve isn’t Captain America or some beacon of hope. He’s just Steve, Stevie. Bucky's Omega.
He’s unsure how much time passes or where it went, to begin with, but his body sinks deeper into his mattress, feeling entirely boneless.
“You okay, baby?” Bucky’s husky voice breaks through the fog, “I lost you for a second there.”
Steve feels himself come back, callused hands running through damp blonde hair.
“Mmm,” he hums.
“You spaced a little, Stevie. You’re so beautiful when you get all soft for me. But you’re back now, aren’t you? Look at you. So perfect. Pretty, perfect omega-mine. Kept your hands at your side the whole time too. Such a good boy. You’re gonna keep your hands right where they are, Stevie. Don’t you move a fucking inch. I’m going to lick you open now, babydoll. And you’re gonna come on my tongue as many times as I want you to. Because I’ve gone 70 years without you, and I’m goddamned starved” Bucky’s voice goes from soft praise to near feral growls. His voice sending nothing but jolts of electricity down Steve’s spine, another wave of slick slipping down his thighs.
Before the ‘please’ has the opportunity to touch Steve's mouth, Bucky's hot, slick tongue finds his pulse point, just mere inches from his mating gland.
“I want this off!”, The ex-assassin grunts, in one swift move yanking the crisp white shirt from Steve's chest.
Bucky backs up to lean on his knees, eyes tracking over pinkening skin. Steve’s own gaze glides over now exposed skin. Steve tries to finger out when he removed his clothes but falls short.
After so long without Buckys tenderly harsh commands, falling into space came a little easier than he would have thought. Overwhelmed by the unanticipated satisfaction.
“Open your eyes.”
When had Steve closed his eyes again?
“There you are, dolly. Keep those pretty eyes on me, okay? Always on me, baby.”
Rough, mouthwateringly calloused hands find the waistband of Steve’s pants and yank down in one fluid motion.
The blonde hisses for a moment at the sudden cold air biting his skin, but it only lasts a moment before he’s screaming.
“Fuck!” Steve throws his head back in favor of making sounds even a prostitute would blush at.
One moment Bucky’s on his knees, eyes predatory and sinful, calculating all the things he could do to the man shivering beneath his gaze, the next finds him throat deep, swallowing down Steve’s sweet omega cock, slurping up his precum and getting high off the scent of slick so close to his nose.
Steve can’t breathe.
God! It’s too much. It’s so good. It’s too good!
Steve can feel the familiar pull of an orgasm tugging inside of him. The corners of his closed vision whitening out around the black, lacking the energy to even feel embarrassed by how quickly he’s reached his pinnacle.
Pulling off agonizingly slow, Bucky lets his tongue harshly lick along Steve’s little shaft and twirl over his tip, remembering- fucking remembering! All the sounds and glazed looks elicited from the man below him in the past.
Grey eyes flick up hungrily, ravenous for a look into perfect crystal eyes; he can remember the glazed debauched expression that could devour Steve’s pupils, but it’s not enough!
He wants the real thing.
He wants something tangible and alive in his hands he can never again confuse with desire. Something he’s sure happened, a gift Steve is willingly offering instead of a snarled half-memory he can’t allow himself to believe.
“I-ugh! I’m gonna-“Steve stutters, toes curling and knees bending, framing Bucky's face between his thighs. His hands twitch beside him, but he doesn’t dare move them.
It should have been a cry of ecstasy.
Should have been the Yellow River Flood; relentless and relieving. No survivors.
Instead, Steve is left with his chest heaving violently. Gasping for air just as he did when he was small.
The omega hears Bucky tutting before he manages to pry his eyes open. Immediately recognizing his mistake before the words fall from cum slick lips.
“Oh, baby. You were doing so good.”
“Nno! Buck, please!”
“Shhh, What did I say, dolly?” Bucky replaces his mouth with one strong hand, lazily jerking at Steve’s straining cock.
He’s smirking when Steve hisses beneath him and hums in approval when his hands stay at his sides.
“F-Faster! Please, Buck! Goddamn it, stop teasing’ me.”
“What did I say, Stevie?” Bucky repeats sharply. His movements slowing further.
Steve’s omega cries.
“You wanna cum, baby doll? “
“Then what do you have to do?“
Steve’s mind has gone to mush. He thrusts his hips up, chasing after Bucky's friction. Hands struggling against the bedsheets.
“Still, omega!”
Bucky's voice is rough as sandpaper, sounding as on edge as Steve feels. A firm metal hand presses into the omega’s hip holding him in place.
“Be good, Stevie.” The alpha asserts firmly, scent growing muskier with every heavenly noise gasped and groaned from Steve’s sinful lips.
“If you wanna cum, what is it you have to do?”
Bucky rubs a metal thumb soothingly over a sinfully sharp hip bone before trailing his fingers over Steve’s quivering thigh.
Grey eyes nearly roll into the back of his head, “Fuck, baby, you’re so soft. C’mon, don’t you want me to touch you?”
“Yes! Please, fuckin touch me, you jerk!”
Chuckling darkly to himself, Bucky watches Steve with bated breath, and all at once, he feels like his mind had never left. Like an addict, he was never over his addiction; he just forgot how good it was. And like the degenerate addict he apparently was, he sucks in deep breaths, sucking in as much of Steve’s aroused scent that his lungs can handle.
All it took was one hit of Steve- his omega- and he had fallen into himself, more of who he was than any memory had offered.
Steve is his clarity and his habit. The one thing that will always bring him back because Steve is home.
And he’s gonna make him feel good. He’s gonna make up for all he put his omega through, and he’s gonna enjoy every second of it.
Every moan, every shiver, every cry. He’s gonna hold him and bruise him because Steve is his, and that’s how the omega likes it. Bucky’s omega. Bucky's Sweetheart. Bucky’s mate.
The ex-assassin lets his fingers trail lower, his other hand still just barely moving over Steve’s pulsing cock.
The first touch of cool metal meeting Steve’s hole causes the blonde to nearly jump off the bed.
Steve thinks he’s gonna die.
He feels every cell in his body vibrating with a hot, hopeless sensation. Slick pours out of him the second Bucky’s teasing, perfect, godforsaken pinky circles Steve’s core. His lungs and eyes are burning, nearly out of breath, and only capable of volunteering a broken sob when that fucking pinky just barely pushes in.
“Please,” he whispers jaggedly.
He’ll be good for bucky. He’ll keep his hands at his side. He’ll do what he says even without the command, the fogginess of his brain settling deep enough that any request will register as a command anyway.
That’s just how Steve is wired.
Designed to submit to Buck’s direction.
He knows what Bucky wants, but to physically pry his eyes open at that moment was easier said than done. He struggled to determine whether or not he’s trying to starve off a quickly approaching orgasm or trying to chase one.
Whatever the answer, Bucky doesn’t let him reach it.
The alpha’s dark, whiskey voice sounds as wrecked as Steve feels.
“What. Do. I. Want?” Bucky growls impatiently. Another wave of slick dribbles from the omega wetting the sheets beneath them.
Think, steve! Give alpha what he wants! You can be good. I can be good…. What does he want again?
“My…ugh! M-My eyes.”
Finally, fucking finally, Bucky pushes a finger into Steve’s hole. Fast and absolutely delicious.
Just when he thought Bucky would stop playing games, he realizes the ringing in his ears is replaced by the alpha tutting above him.
“Very close, baby, but not quite.”, Buckys finger starts to draw out slowly; what little fullness Steve has is threatened, and the distressed mewl Steve makes in protest causes the alpha to chuckle darkly.
“P-pretty! Keep my pretty eyes on you! Only on you!” his eyes snap open frenzied, finding a swirl of grey and red zeroed in on him.
In a millisecond, Steve has two metal fingers thrusting into his hole. His back arches on the mattress, fingers nearly numb as they grip the sheets tighter, but his eyes don’t close again.
“That’s right, baby. Only on me.”
“Oh! Yes!”
“Fuck! You’re so tight, Stevie.”, Bucky groans, lowering himself as to mouth along Steve’s jaw, nipping his skin between tentative licks.
“Pl-Ease! Oh, yes... Please, Buck.”
“Please what, Stevie? Use your words.”
Steve’s mind is a simple stream of 3 thoughts, Touch me. Fuck me. Love me!; all of which he can only vocalize as, “Oh please, please. Bucky!”
Working a third finger along with the other two, Bucky hisses with Steve at the stretch his hole gives.
So fucking tight, the alpha thinks to himself, I don’t know how I’ll survive it, but I’m gonna fuck this omega so gooood.
“Words, Steve. Or I’ll start thinking you don’t want me t’touch ya at’all. Huh, maybe I should stop...”
“No! God, Buck, don’t stop, don’t ever stop!”
“Then tell me what you want. What a’you begging for, Doll?” Bucky trails the tips of his fingers over Steve’s ribs, rounding at his back, “is it my fingers? Sliding through all your slick? Or is it my mouth?”
Bucky chuckles,” That’s not really an answer, Stevie.” His voice gets darker each time he says the omegas name like he knows. Actually, the bastard does know! He knows exactly what he’s doing.
The prospect of teasing seems to pull him just the tiniest bit to the side of coherent, a snarky remark falling from his lips as easily as the desperate pleas had moments before.
“You havin’ fun, Buck?” Steve pants, “Seems like you’re having a little too much fun.”
“Aw no, baby. I’m having the exact right amount of fun. Aren’t we?”
“ ‘We’ are a lotta peop-le!! Oh shit!” pushing his fingers in deeper, Bucky just brushes against Steve’s prostate. A sinister and smug smile curling his lips upward.
“Words, Stevie. Tell me what you want. And I’ll give it to you, omegamine. Just tell me.”
Steve’s chest flushes more as the words tingle on his tongue. Bucky's nearly feral tone betrays his suave and calm demeanor.
He’s just as desperate to be buried deep in Steve’s hole as Steve is to have him there.
Bucky’s fingers push more firmly against Steve’s prostate, and the omega nearly sees stars.
“Sing for me” Almost like an echo, Steve hears Buckys words like gospel.
It’s a command he’s most familiar with. He knows just what ‘ song’ Bucky wants ….
“Daddy!” Steve hisses around a fourth finger. The words punching out of him before he could stop them.
“ I wondered if that was just fantasy,” the alpha mumbles. Eyes darkening a rich crimson. An ever-present growl rumbling in his chest.
Bucky leans over, letting his fingers get even deeper, dragging against Steve’s special spot with every new thrust. With red eyes and diminishing control, the alpha drinks in every pant and whine that drips past kiss-bruised lips and bouncing off the walls of Steve’s room.
Bucky drops his nose into Steve’s scent gland, swiping his tongue over the swelling tissue for a better taste.
“You smell so fucking good, baby. Like mate.”
“Buck…” Steve gasps, feeling overwhelmed. Any moans he could possibly wish to suppress are yanked from his chest with every move the alpha makes. Sounds too rowdy even for porn echoing in his small dark room.
Bucky can’t get enough of it, stuttering an accidental thrust into Steve’s hip when the omega whines in a delightfully sweet way, the scent of slick and alluring sounds steve makes nearly choking him.
Fuck, I hope Tony has these rooms soundproofed. Steve uses his last brain cell to think.
Bucky's metal fingers continue to work him open, preparing him for his big alpha cock fast and rough and exactly how he likes it, but his other hand still moves sluggishly over Steve’s, slowly purpling prick. Tightening and stopping entirely every so often as to starve off Steve’s orgasm.
“Bucky, please!”
Fuck, Bucky thinks, I hope everybody can hear him, fuckin; hear us,
The blonde knows all he has to do is tell Bucky ‘Fuck me’ maybe add on ‘Daddy’ to further wreck him like it did back in the days if he even still likes that. But as much as Steve likes Bucky telling him what to do, he loves to defy him into aggression, twice as much.
“Say it again,” Bucky mumbles against the omegas scent gland, unable to move a millimeter.
The laugh that tumbles past Steve’s lips is quickly swallowed by Buckys tongue shoved down his throat. Pearly white teeth pulling back only to stress a bite on his bottom lip, not stopping until a faint taste of metal joins the deliriously delicious taste of Buckys omega.
“Again, omega. Say it again.”
With another brush against his prostate, Stev’s vision begins to blur, but he won’t close his eyes, no matter how much he wants them to,
Steve is a debauched disaster. A puddle of liquid fire and Bucky wanted to fucking burn.
“You know that’s not what I want to hear, babydoll. But I’m feeling generous, so let’s make a deal, yeah? You say what I want, and I’ll tell my precious boy how good he is. How good you feel around my fingers swallowin’ my fingers so fuckin’ good. And I’ll say your name as much as you want. That’s what you were beggin’ for, wasn’t it?” Bucky rambles, fingers pumping quicker into Steve, hand starving off the omegas dick, tugging over the length with dangerous precision.
“You want me to say your name, dontcha dolly? Tell you you’re being good. Everything Daddy needs. My good, beautiful Stevie.”
Buckys cock presses into the mattress, the slightest friction sending magic to tingle over his skin. His knot calls out for Steve’s sopping wet pussy, fluttering around his fingers. The sensation alone is a mutual torture all on its own.
It would be so fucking easy to slide home into Steve’s awaiting heat. So fucking easy!
Not yet, he reminds himself.
No, he wants something first, and he’s gonna get it.
Outside of the bedroom, the thought of ever using his alpha tone with Steve is unthinkable. There isn’t a scenario out there that could justify taking away his omegas free will.
But here-like this. Sweaty and drooling and filthy, reeking of mate and sex, the tone combines with his voice as if that’s the only way there is to speak.
“Say it again, Steve. Now!”
“Daddy! Daddy, fuck me! Please,pleasepleaseplease”
Gently, the alpha removed his fingers. Steve’s mouth opens to cry, but before he can focus too much on the dreadful emptiness, Bucly is buried to the hilt in Steve’s ass.
“Ah!” Steve shouts, throwing his head back and moving his hands to grip at Bucky’s shoulders for the first time since being told not to move them an inch.
He quickly realizes his mistake, and in a fearful attempt to keep Bucky inside of him, confident he wouldn’t survive another moment of his teasing, his alpha’s voice rumbles past the panic.
“Touch me. Wherever you want, Stevie.”
The sigh of relief is an afterthought, long nimble finger trail over both metal and flesh shoulders, a satisfying wave pushing into the realm of too damn good. Being allowed to touch after being denied was always such an experience. Reverse touch starved. Bucky has the go-ahead to do with him as he wishes. Meanwhile, every instinct within the omega seeks Bucky out. His skin, his mouth, his scent. He wants to feel his alpha under his fingers as much as he wants to bounce on Buckys, but he can’t. He has to lay there and fight against the urge to suck hickeys onto every surface of skin he can find.
Pulling on stands of dark chestnut-colored hair, Steve tries to adjust to the girth inside of him.
“Move.”, the omega whispers harshly after a few moments.
Bucky doesn’t need much prompting; he knows Steve can take it, and more than that, any remaining sting that prepping might have missed, Steve fucking aches for.
“As you wish.”
It’s like a dam break. A flood, unforgiving, and exactly what they each fuckin need!
Bucky's shallow, calculated thrusts soon quicken, taking on a brutal pace.
He slams his cock home and grinds deep before pulling nearly entirely out and slamming back in. Again and again and again. Returning quicker every time he finds himself back inside Steve’s velvet-soft heat.
Words are lost on the omega, choosing to indulge rather on feral groans and guttural whines, meeting every thrust and dragging sharp nails across Bucky's shoulders.
It’s all so much. Like a storm, heavy and pounding in their ears. And it all makes so much sense.
They’re a natural disaster. Bucky kisses like a hurricane, all lips, tongue, and teeth. Steve moves and squeezes his walls around Bucky's cock, no rhyme or reason to his actions, just passion, just I have to have this.
Kisses pouring down upon kisses like rain, soaking them in love, and Steve nearly cries.
He never thought he’d have this again.
The ex-assassin is a bit more vocal.
He can feel his release creeping up, desire warm and urgent low in his belly. But cumming before Steve is absolutely not an option. Half the fun was watching the poster child for purity throw his head back in ecstasy, beggin for ruin with Buckys name on his lips. And he’d be damned if he's gonna miss it in the cloud of his own pleasure.
“D-Deeper!” Steve whimpers, pulling Bucky closer by the nape of his neck.
The hand that had been knotted in Steve’s own hair follows suit of the palm firmly placed over one sharp hip bone.
Gripping him with enough pressure to bruise, Bucky bends over Steve’s lithe build and takes hold of one muscular thigh, nearly folding the blonde in half as he settles Steve’s leg over his flesh shoulder.
“Fuck!” Steve cries, Bucky's cock sliding that much deeper, hitting his prostate with nearly every thrust.
Bucky groans at the new position, one large hand kneading and pulling at Steve's ass, tugging him back with the snap of his hips. His other hand runs over the omegas sweaty, slick body, sliding a finger over a single hard nipple before securing his fingers around Steve’s neck. Palm pushing into his scent gland.
It is a little more than light pressure, but it gives its desired effect; Steve’s eyes go from unfocused and glassy to piercing. More black than blue, pupils blown, but Bucky still catches the glint of gold mingling about, exactly what he’d been waiting for.
There you are, omegamine, he thinks.
“Ugh, yes, fuck! You like that, don’t you. Like me pushing you down. Like me pounding into your sweet pussy. But it’s not really yours is it, baby?”
“Answer me. Who’s pussy is this, Steve?”
“Y-yours, Daddy. I’m yours.”
“Mine.” The alpha growls, yet another wave of slick passing Steve’s thighs. “My omega. My good boy. Listened so good, doll.”
“Fuck, Buck. Alpha, my alpha. I missed you, I missed you so fuking much. I missed your big alpha cock. So good to me. I wanna be good, Daddy. Tell me how to be good.”
“You wanna be good?”
“You’re already so good for me. Perfect omega. Pretty, perfect thing.”
“I can be-ugh yes!! I can...nnnn….be better.” The omega stutters between kisses, “Wanna be the best boy.”
“Please, Alpha. Knot me!”
“Okay, baby. Listen closely, hmm?”
“Keep still.” In two mostly smooth movements, Bucky is lying on his back, Steve’s lean frame now straddling the alpha, lifting him by the waist; Bucky sinks Steve further on his cock.
“Ride me.”
As if without his permission, Steve’s moving above the bigger man.
Thick thighs feel even wider between Steve’s slightly smaller ones. Bucky’s hands come to Steve’s waist, helping him grind down harder, deeper.
Steve can’t keep his gaze from trailing down to where they’re connected. His hole swallowing 6 to 7 inches of monster alpha cock, and he could just cry for how hot it is to see them connected like this.
I wanna be locked to you. I want your knot!
“Eyes, Stevie!” Bucky snarls with another hash snap of his hips, impaling Steve further and hitting his prostate. The omega falls over, making sure to lock blue with grey.
Abandoning their vice grip on the alphas thighs, Steve steadies himself with one hand over his lover's heart, fingertips brushing the mating gland by his neck as the other grips the headboard above the bed, wood splintering under every shock of pleasure jolting through Steve in response to each of Bucky's strident thrusts.
“Oh, oh! D-Daddy. I’m gonna, I’m gonna cum!”
“Now that I’ve got you back, we won’t be leaving this room for much, Stevie. I want you on your knees sucking my big alpha cock. Licking up the evidence of what you do to me. I’ll hold you by your neck and force-feed it to you just like you like it.”
“Yeah, baby, say my name. You’re beautiful. Angelic. A work of. Fucking. Art.” He punctuates his words with a sharp jerking of Steve’s body above him. Pulling his center as close as he can get him, knot swelling mercilessly and snagging on Steve’s rim.
Steve feels pleasure like he’s never felt before. Words slurred and hardly coherent,
“‘Wan’ yur k’nnot!”
He sounds drunk.
Bucky loves it!
“Not until you cum, baby doll. You first, then Daddy. Good boys get their rewards, and this is-” using Steve as a ragdoll, Bucky manhandles him into circular motions, twisting and penetrating the omegas sweet spot with wild precision.
One hand (Steve couldn’t even tell you which, mind too fuzzy and too loaded with his quickly approaching orgasm) presses into the omegas gorgeous tits before sweeping down to tug on Steve’s crying cock, pre-cum dribbling from its bright red head.
Steve cums with a shout, back arching and eyes struggling to stay open, finally shut. His vision whites out with pleasure, but he can’t bring himself to remember anything outside of this bliss. No world lived outside of these walls. Just him, his alpha, and all the pleasure Bucky brings him.
“Ohhh, Allphaa,”
“Yours. Yes! Oh, you feel- God so fucking tight, Stevie. Look ‘atchyou. Milking my cock, pussy squeezing my knot, beggin for it. Daddy’s gonna give it to you.”
“Gimme,” he whispers weakly.
He doesn’t feel Bucky flip him over or the hands pushing both his legs over Bucky’s shoulders, but the moment Bucky starts pumping in and out again, his body jolts awake, and all Steve wants is to make his alpha cum.
“Daddy’s gonna cum right inside your tight, perfect pussy. Yeah, Stevie. ugh!”
“Wan’ be...hmm.”, he tries to form words, but they die on his tongue, not coming down fast enough to entertain even a murmur of conversation.
Another 30 seconds passing before he has enough brain cells to return his gaze to stormy grey.
As always, Bucky’s eyes are already on him.
“That's all you got, Daddy?” The blonde snarks between pants, another orgasm building in his belly, toes curling, and his half-soft prick smushed and pulsating against Bucky's abs.
Bucky laughs around a moan, pulling Steve into another kiss before giving one, two, three more thrusts, shouting out a string of praise as his knot pops inside of his omega.
Steve’s heavy punched out sigh joins the shuddered fluttering of his hole, another wave of release escaping him.
The room fills with pants and sloppy kisses. Each man nosing along their scent glands, finding where a bond mark would go and lapping over it lovingly.
In the 40s, hiding their love was a matter of survival, and a surrender of their need to properly mate. They didn’t have to hide here. They could love each other and bite each other someday. Unified in the one way they spent most of their lives thinking they’d never have.
They Lie there, tied together even after Bucky’s knot goes down. Thoughts of taking that step-marking each other, on the tip of both of their tongues.
They lie there, bathing in the calm after the storm.
Sometime afterward:
After another round and many minutes of lazily making out, the pair rest beside each other, touching the other man wherever he could reach, tracing nonsense patterns into heated flesh and feeling happier than either had in 70 years.
“What were you sayin’, y’know before we… Y’know”, Steve blushes as if he wasn’t just face down ass up drooling over Tony’s Egyptian cotton sheets.
“Before you started crying for my knot, and I fucked you 6 ways from Sunday?”
“You’re a fucking jerk!”
“Nah, I’m just fucking a jerk.”, The alpha smiles, joy like nothing he’s been able to remember trips over his heart.
“I’m serious, Buck. Before we...did it”
A sharp smack falls onto Buckys bare chest, “Fine! Before you came like a geyser up my ass-”
“Steve!” Bucky barks a laugh, loving the pink blush dusting over Steve’s cheeks despite the faux aggravation he was attempting to express.
“Will ya quit interrupting me? You fucking alphas are so rude!”
“Okay, okay. I’m sorry, Stevie. What were you saying?” Bucky concedes, the shit-eating grin doing nothing for the butterflies swarming the omega’s insides.
“You were saying that you couldn’t decipher real from what’s fake?”
Sighing, Bucky cards his fingers through Steve’s hair, not stopping, when the omega turns onto his stomach, exposing his back and facing the brunette. Bucky smiles down at the omega letting his hand slide down to his spine, tracing the smooth pale skin with the tip of his finger.
It’s freeing, liberating even, to let his hands and eyes roam wherever they want. After so many years of separation, then being reunited only to build unnecessary obstacles designed for the sole purpose of self-sabotaging, somehow they’ve found themselves again in the other man’s arms.
Bucky bends down to press a gentle kiss on Steve’s shoulder, loving the way the omega shivers beneath his lips.
I could just eat him alive…
“Buuuuck,” Steve shakes his head, smiling at the alpha underneath long lashes.
“Sorry, baby, you just look so sexy.”
“Oh, do I? Maybe it has a little to do with all the naked skin?”
Smiling goofily, Bucky allows his voice to get al sweet, “C’mere, smartass.”
Bucky pulls a yelping Steve into his lap, effectively laying the slender omega over his broad alpha chest.
The feeling is exhilarating. Bucky feels his stomach swoop and heart skip a beat, feeling more accomplished in this solitary moment entangled with Steve than in months of SHIELD work.
Steve grins despite himself. Settling against Bucky's chest, folding his hands in front of him and resting his chin onto his knuckles. Suddenly thrilled by the position.
He can stare into Bucky's eyes forever, and he has a sneaking suspicion the alpha won’t protest.
Cold metal fingers trail down Steve’s spine, eliciting a gentle quiver from the blonde man, shamelessly beaming beneath the attention.
“I remember how scared I would get in the winter.”
Steve’s brow furrowed in confusion, lying his head down onto his forearms and urging the larger man with his eyes to continue.
“I love that I can make you shiver now. But I think it would’ve just about wrecked me with worry back then.”
Bucky's flesh hand curls across Steve’s exposed waist, letting his heat seal into his fingers. His eyes close in relief. Like he’s remembered something… or rather; reminded himself of something.
“ I remember the worry best. The sleepless nights and evenings spent bent over pews, praying no one could hear your name falling from my lips because then they’d know… Know how much I wanted you. Wanted you to live. Wanted you to love me. Wanted you to be my omega. I remember going to work at the docks and feeling the bike rise in my throat as we talked about chasing tail when all that I fucking wanted was to make it through my shift and run my way home to you.”
Steve smiles fondly at Bucky. His head remains rested in the crook of his right elbow but reaches forward with his left to trail patterns on Bucky’s scent gland. Trailing back from his neck to his cheek, he will never understand how helpful he is just by existing.
“ I remember wanting you. I know there has never been a moment in which I existed, and I didn’t love you, even under hydra. Even when they told me- made me go after you. They had to wipe me twice before I stopped fighting… I should’ve kept fighting.”
“Buck-“ Steve’s tone is soft and reprimanding in the way only Steve Rogers could manage, but it’s not enough. The tears build behind grey and crimson. Shame burning him from the inside.
Bucky shakes his head, trying to shake away Steve’s tender touch.
Leaning forward, Steve ignores the alphas dismissal, warm petal-soft lips find Buckys, and he presses his weight deeper into his alpha.
“I’m here. With you. You stopped, Buck. You never, not for a second, stopped fighting! That wasn’t you.” Steve’s tone was loving and firm in the way only Steve Rogers could ever manage- or could ever feel for Bucky Barnes.
Bucky's eyes find crystal blue, and for a moment, he’s thrust back into his mind, his heart thrashing and growling, crying Not him! Not Steve. Stop! God damn it! You’re hurting him! We can’t hurt him!
For a moment, Steve’s sweet pink cheeks are bruised and bleeding, split by Russian metal and the free will Bucky was robbed of.
“Bucky!” Steve whispers harshly, just on the edge of frantic, “ C’mon, alpha. Don’t leave me alone again.”
“I’m here.”, Bucky chokes out, “ I’m here, baby. I’m sorry. I’m sorry.”
They hold each other for, neither of them speaking. Foreheads pressed together between grabby hands pushing firmly against heated flesh.
A reminder…
I’m alive. You’re okay. We’re together.
“ I remember those things; that panic of possibly losing you, very easily,” Bucky continues, “ And then… it started as flashes. Split seconds. But god, did I chase after them. It would be something minimal at first. You lying down on the bed or smiling at me over a sketchbook. But then they changed, and your head was thrown back, and the things you were drawing were us-naked. And I started hating myself because my fucking crush on you was filtering in on my memories of you, and it wasn’t fair. It felt real, but I knew it wasn’t or-“
“But they are real, Buck. We’ve always been us. This way! Laws be damned! We loved each other, and no one was gonna tell us we couldn’t have that!”
“It didn’t matter, though,” Bucky adds.
Steve shoots up off his chest, kneeling on the mattress, and as naked as the day he was born. More hurt than he thought he could ever be in his alphas arms, “ Of course it did. How could you say that? Wha-”
Bucky sits up quickly, reaching out, but Steve swiftly evades him, feeling colder than Brooklyn in February.
“No! How could you say that? It matters! We matter. You matter. I fucking matter, Bucky! I lost you. You died! You fell off that train, and my alpha died!” he cries,
“I flew that plane into the ocean not because Captain America’s nobility prevails, I did it because l was grieving and life wasn’t worth living without you.”
“No! Shut. Up.” Steve growls, but it sounds more like a whine.
“I died too, Buck. And woke up to a life I didn’t want either. Not just like you. I know what you went through was unthinkably cruel. But living without you was a prison sentence. And I had no choice but to wear red, white, and blue in place of orange and serve out my life miserably and without you. And that mattered.”
“I know, Stevie, I know. I’m sorry, that’s not what I meant, baby.”
“Then how else did you mean it?”
“There were things that I saw or remembered-whatever! But neither matter because fantasy is something that can never happen, and if it’s a memory, it will never happen again.”
Steve can feel his heart breaking in his chest. Angry and more than a little offended, he can practically feel the anguish emanating from his alpha’s skin.
“Because you wouldn’t want the blood-soaked into my hands to touch you. To touch your pretty perfect body, so I say your name, and I can’t stop because my alpha is always just before feral, and you are the only thing keeping Me on the side of sane. I know you matter. You’re the only thing on this entire fucked up bullshit infested planet that matters!”
“But the thought of losing you based on things I simply wanted and not what you needed from me? It didn’t matter- nothing mattered beyond you. I thought you wanted Bucky Barnes, the closeted best friend. I couldn’t trust myself to believe you wanted me in the 40s, and I couldn’t hope that if you had, you’d want me still.”
“You’re an idiot,” Steve sighs, eyes misting, but he lets himself be drawn in by strong, vulnerable arms.
“...I think I understand what you mean, though.”
“I wanted to say I miss you ao many times. But then I just...couldn’t. I thought it wouldn’t change anything, so I just kept pretending I didn’t. But then there are days when I wake up, and the fact that it’s without you won’t let me pretend anymore.”
“Now, who’s the idiot?” Bucky chuckles, brushing strands of hair from those hypnotizing blue eyes.
Bucky lets the Sympathy, understanding pool from his scent and settle over Steve like a warm blanket.
Smiling, Steve takes the comfort from his alpha in stride, “Of course, I talk like an idiot, Buck. How else are you ‘posed to understand me?”
Huffing a quick laugh, the ex-assassin feels all the love for this omega shine in a smile, “You’re such a fuckin’ punk, y’know that little omega?”
“ I’m your fuckin’ Punk, and besides, I’m not so little anymore.”
Whatever faithless semblance of decency they had left swiftly deteriorates as Bucky fully settles Steve into his lap, lying back into the cushions and pulling the duvet over them both.
He presses a soft kiss on Steve’s forehead and whispers with as much meaning he can muster, “You’re perfect, omegamine. Fuckin’ perfect! Perfect for me, you hear?”
Steve releases a joyful giggle,” I hear. Are we going to sleep, Alpha?”
Snuggling deeper into the alpha’s chest, Steve feels content for the first time in what feels like forever, loving how perfectly he still fits in Bucky's arms, even all beefed up by the serum. Not a single gap between them.
“You comfortable, sweetheart?” Bucky asks happily. Certainly hearing and feeling Steve’s pleased purring.
“ I’m warm,” The omega mumbles, exhaustion barreling into him.
“Good. Sleep, Stevie. We'll talk more in the morning.”
Steve doesn’t respond, just nuzzles into his alpha more until his nose is close enough to the source of the brunette’s scent, humming satisfaction as he sniffs pleasantly.
“I never thought I’d get to have this. That you’d be in my arms like this. I thought I’d spend the rest of my life just pining after you-loving you. I love you, omegamine. I love you so much.”
Steve replies in soft snores, but Bucky doesn’t care. He presses a kiss to the top of ruffled blonde hair and falls asleep with a smile on his face.
He doesn't mind that Steve fell asleep because nothing else matters besides his blue-eyed beauty. Not when he has this. Not when Steve is soft and asleep and warm. He has the rest of his life to tell his omega he loves him.
One thing is for sure.
Bucky will never stop saying Steve’s name.
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falloutjay · 3 years
Wait, you are my hero? - Kenny x Reader
This is my first ever published x Reader fanfiction ever and I tried my best.
Just as a disclaimer, its not fully proofread, so I am already sorry for that and English also isn’t my first language so sorry again. I hope you guys do enjoy it tho.
Kenny McCormick/Mysterion x Reader
You walked around South Parks nightlife district, the so called "SoDoSoPa" with your good friend Bebe, when you heard a loud sound from a few streets away. People were running and screaming, some were on their phone calling the police. Curiously, you ran towards the noise, like some others.
"YN, stay here! That's too dangerous!" Bebe called, while she sprinted after you. Coming closer to where fires were already rising, you saw him.
"It's me! Professor Chaos! Scream like the little ants you are!" Professor Chaos was a super villain that had been terrorizing the town for quite a while now. He and General Disarray were feared individuals that only cared about creating chaos and nothing more. But he was not the reason you and others remained here, while most people would leave. People like you stayed for the Professors sworn enemies. The superheroes that protected this town. There weren't many, especially good ones, but one in particular made your head spin, when you heard his name.
"YN please. Let us leave. It's dangerous!" Bebe pleaded looking around the street. Professor Chaos had blown up a construction side and the fires where ravaging among the building. He stood on top of it laughing like a maniac with Disarray be his side.
"We can't leave. I want to see him."
"You're insane!" Bebe said again and looked around, obviously distressed.
"Come on, where are you." You whispered and your hand clutched onto your phone.
You hope to finally snap a picture of him personally instead of always cutting out the imagines in the newspaper or magazines.
People were still screaming when a roaring sound broke through.
Your eyes grew wide and you pressed record on your phone, holding it in the direction of the sound. A purple motorbike came around the corner and the person on it looked just as amazing as you imagined. His purple cape moved beautifully behind him, when he pulled off a sick drift and stopped the bike.
Mysterion, the most badass and beloved hero arrived. You worshipped this man.
In your opinion he was simply amazing. He was strong, courageous, and not afraid to die. You were so busy drooling over this hero, that you didn't noticed Bebe shaking your arm and screaming about the fire. Then a second hero arrived.
The somewhat hated "Coon".
He stood there, somewhat out of breath while screaming at Mysterion.  "Ah, Mysterion, my arch enemy." Professor Chaos laughed evilly and pointed at him from the top of the building.
"I'm here too Chaos!" The Coon screamed. Professor Chaos didn't even give him a glace and just waved his hand, while he laughed.
"Today, I will put an end to your hero career Mysterion." "Oh yeah? I'd love to see that." The purple clothed hero retorted cockily and laughed. “Stop ignoring me for fucks sake!” The Coon screamed angrily, stomping his foot on the ground.
"We will see who will be laughing at the end. Disarray!" Professor Chaos screamed and suddenly you felt yourself being pulled.
You screamed before a hand was put over your mouth. You managed to turn your head a little bit and catch a glimpse of the right-hand man of Professor Chaos, General Disarray. "I have someone, Professor!" He called out to the gigantic seeming blonde and he laughed evilly once more.
"I have a hostage, Mysterion. Now your chances are significantly smaller than ever!" He laughed again and thunder struck behind him.
"Mysterion?" He called out, after he noticed that the hero was nowhere to be seen. You felt yourself getting pushed around a lot and heard some fighting noises before strong hands grabbed you. You let out a quick scream, before you saw into deep blue eyes. You noticed immediately that Mysterion had saved you. You sadly had not seen much of the fight, like you wished you had. He must have looked amazing.
"Run. Now. Get out of here." He said in his extremely deep voice and you needed a second before you could process everything that had just happened, but you managed to nod hesitantly before you took off running. Running for your dear life. You kept a tight grip on your phone in your pocket and when you finally reached the street in which you lived, you took a short second to catch your breath. "What the..." You mumbled somewhat scared and giddy.
Hastily you took out your phone and looked through your gallery. Your heart started beating faster when you took a good look at the beautiful snapshot you took of Mysterion while he arrived on his motorcycle.
"That's so gonna be in my locker at work." You mumbled, smiling like an idiot and you probably were one. You barely managed to escape the sticky situation, but you felt like it was somewhat worth it.
For you it was worth it.
Your little obsession with Mysterion started back when you were in High School and he saved a little girl that was almost run over by a car. Back then he was not all that professional like he was today. He apparently received some funding by the government which allowed him to have that cool motorcycle and a little headquarters. No one knew who he was or where he stashed all of his belongings. But he was a hero. To the town and for you personally.
A little squeal escaped your lips, before you went to shower and then straight to bed. Mysterion was the only thing on your mind during all of this.
When your phone rang early in the morning, you were already up and going about your day. You had the picture you endangered yourself for yesterday already printed out and in your work bag.
You worked for a little company belonging to Eric Cartman. He founded it a few years back and it changed its focus ever so often.
Eric paid you well and that's what kept you in the job. When it was time to leave you simply got into your car and started driving to the outskirts of the town where Eric had his little company. You parked on your employee parking space and saw one of your close friends and also colleagues walk up.
Stan Marsh.
He was honestly better than this job, but he simply wanted to escape his father for some time, because he hated the weed farm he owned, and Eric promised him some good money.
"Morning Stan!" You called out and waved towards the raven haired. He waved back and quickly jogged up to you.
"Hey, YN. Did you hear about the whole thing yesterday with Professor Chaos?" He asked and you showed your phone.
"Already read all the articles aaaand..." You quickly pulled up the snapshot you managed to sneak yesterday. Stans eyes grew wide.
"Woah! You were there?" "Yeah! And the girl that almost got kidnapped by Disarray? That was me." You smiled and Stan shook his head. "weren't you with Bebe yesterday?"
"Yeah." You began, as the two of you sat down at your desks. "She's somewhat pissed about me standing around in danger but she's happy I wasn't hurt." Stan smiled warmly at you and you guys talked for some more until Cartman strolled into your shared office.
"Okay. Okay. So... I want a new article about Coon for my blog and I need you, Stan, to please sort out the client data and phone anyone who hasn't bought our new merch." Eric said and pointed at the "Who is the Coon?"-T-Shits and Hoodies that hang on the wall.
"But no one likes the Coon?" Stan questioned and Erics face grew a little red. "Everyone loves the Coon. Mysterion is just some asshat who plays dress up and tries to mingle with the professionalism of the Coon." Eric said through gritted teeth and Stan and you rolled your eyes.
"Sure thing." Stan mumbled and started typing. "YN, for today, please research me some new money-making ideas." You nodded and went searching.
Hours went by in which Stan and you would love to just bang your head against the tables. "Why is he so obsessed with the Coon? You could almost think he is the Coon." Stan mumbled. "Almost but... You never know. I mean, we probably will never know who Mysterion is." You answered and filled out the papers needed for a new money-making idea. Last time you guys tried NSFW-Patreon drawings; the problem was though that none of you could produce enough hentai to keep up with the demand. You guys did not notice that you had been working for a while until two beautiful blonde-haired boys poked their head in.
"You guys coming for lunch?" Butters asked. "Yeah, haven't noticed it's lunchtime yet." You said and peeked at your watch. "Hardworking as always." Butters smiled and just now you noticed he had a black eye.
"Butters, what happened there?" Stan asked and he looked scared for a second. "Just some guy who beat me up at the bar, nothing to worry about fellas." He smiled and honest to God, he was just a little sunshine all around. Unlike the blonde next to him.
Kenny was more of a player and very down to earth. He was super charismatic and confident despite his troubled upbringing.
You packed your bag and followed the guys.
Kenny didn't work for Cartman. He worked in a small car shop just a few buildings away. You didn't know why he refused to work with Cartman, but you could guess it was maybe due to Cartman being a little shit sometimes and him telling the blond always "You're pooooor Kiiinny."
Maybe Cartman’s terrible attitude really was the reason the blonde refused to work for him and only came here to have lunch with you all. "Where are we eating?"
You asked and watched Stan and Butters discuss on where to go. "How about Cafe Monet?" Stan proposed and you all agreed. Well, not really, Kenny didn't agree, he just tagged along. Once you all arrived and you were seated you guys searched through the Menu.
Kenny didn't and you knew he wasn't going to order since he was adamant about saving everything he had.
You know that since he once told you that he was saving everything he had for his sister.
You had met Karen a few times and she was a pure little angle, so you felt hard for the blond.
It melted your heart that he was trying so hard to better himself and help his siblings. Feeling generous you slid your Menu over to the blonde and smiled. "Pick something. It's on me." You whispered and he eyed you confused.
"I don't need some charity shit or something. I'm fine with eating my lunch later." He said, his blond bangs framing his face elegantly. "I know. Just see it as a friend treating a friend." You whispered back and he gifted you a half smile and went to look what he would like. Finally, you decided on a nice Fav/Dish and Kenny picked a bit of fish with potatoes and greens.
"Eating all healthy?" You questioned when the waiter out down the plate in front of him. "Yes. Staying fit is important." He said and winked confidently. You were so busy talking to the blond next to you, you did not notice the topic of your other two friends. "No no, YN was the girl." You turned your head to look at Stan pointing at you. "Huh, sorry, what was that?" You asked and Stan laughed.
"You were the girl who got almost caught up in professor Chaos evil plan weren't you?" Butters looked at you with wide eyes. He seemed trembling.
"Oh yeah, that was me. General Disarray was about to take me somewhere, but I was saved."
"Why were you there anyway?" Kenny asked with a full mouth. "Snapping pics of her crush." You eyed Stan angrily.
"He's not my crush."
"Tell that to your locker." You rolled your eyes.
"I managed to snap some good pics of Mysterion. I mean.... look!"
You digged out your phone from your pockets and showed the pictures around. "You should be a photographer or something I mean, damn. His ass Looks amazing in this one." Kenny said and inspected the pictures intensely.
"Don't encourage her to endanger herself anymore. And besides that, I don't think Mysterion would want to bang your boney ass." Stan commented snarky.
"Still more ass than you, flat cake." The blonde retorted and you and Butters simply watched the small verbal fight between them, before the two of you talked about some fashion things you knew about.
After lunch it was all back to work. It was getting tiresome around the last hour and it felt like a horrible drag. But eventually, you were finally done. You walked outside, together with Stan and you stood there.
"You need a ride home?" You asked him and he shook his head.
"Nah, I'm eating out with my family today. Just a small way to walk." You nodded and the two of you bid your goodbyes.
You got into your car and let out a deep breath. Work was tiring today, and you felt like just relaxing at home. It would be nice to maybe fill your bathtub with some loving hot water, some candles would also be nice. And cake. Yes. A cake would be needed.
So, you decided to make a small stop at the bakery before you would go home. You left your parking space and began driving through the night as you noticed a special someone sitting at a bench at the bus stop. You pulled the car up to the bench and rolled down you window.
"Kenny, what are you doing here?"
The blonde looked up from his phone and seemed surprised that you stood or rather parked there.
"Oh, I'm just waiting for the bus, the usual." He said and looked around. "But I feel like it's not coming."
He shrugged and you leaned over to open your car door.
"Hop in, I'll bring you home." You said and he reluctantly got it.
"Stop being nice, I feel like I am taking advantage." He mumbled and closed the door.
"What happened to your truck?" You asked, wondering what must have happened that Kenny had to take the bus.
"Some stupid racoons infested it and bit through some cables. I can swap them, but I had to order them online and it takes a while until they arrive." He crossed his arms, thinking about how much he wanted to strangle those stupid racoons.
"Honestly, I'm starting to see a pattern on why Coon is a raccoon."
Kenny laughed wholeheartedly with you. "That's the best thing I heard about him." Kenny bit his lip and wondered if it was okay for him to ask what he had on his mind for a while.
"Now that you already picked me up and all that..." You stole a quick glance at him before your eyes went straight back to the road. You nodded to signal him to continue.
"Would you mind hanging out for the evening?" He asked, charming as ever.
You thought about it for a moment.
"Sure, why not. I'll still get me some cake though." You said and pointed at the approaching bakery.
"Why?" He questioned curiously as you parked swiftly in front of the store.
"I feel like taking a nice long bath later and maybe I'll relax with some cake."
"You don't need cake to relax when you can have me."
Kenny's smile was incredibly devious and playfully. Normally girls would probably freak out or something about this comment, but between you and Kenny it had become somewhat normal.
"No thanks. The cake won't disappoint me after thirty seconds." You said and got out.
Kenny wanted to protest but you simply smiled devilishly and went straight into the store. Kenny used this time he was given to think of some witty comebacks.
He was not gonna let you have the last word about this. When you came back to the car, and got in, you were told: "You don't need to hide that you just wanna masturbate and think about Mysterion while touching yourself.
Kenny sat there with a smug expression and you rolled your eyes. You placed the package in the back and then gave him a light punch onto the arm.
"That one was good, I'll admit that. But you know, I'd rather think about Mysterion than be touched by you." You said and laughed.
Kenny needed to laugh too, mainly because the whole topic was simply in his favor, even when you were not aware of that.
"Ah, I love our banter." Kenny said and got comfortable in the passenger seat while he watched you drive.
"So do I. Oh, by the way, I got you and Karen some cake too. You'll treat me another time."
"Treat you with my dick? Or would you like my tongue?"
"If your name isn't Mysterion, no chance."
It was more banter to you than actually real. You were not that horny for Mysterion.
Everyone just loved to make this shitty joke at your expense ever so often, but you honestly didn't mind.
"Ah come on. And if I get a costume like his and change my voice a little?"
"Still no chance. Sorry Ken."
That still was a stupid lie. You sure were attracted to Kenny, I mean, who wouldn't. He was a tall, dirty blonde, blue-eyed hard-working man, with a soft spot for his family and great humor. You weren't surprised when you learned how many girls had little crushes on him. He was good looking and even when he wasn't the wealthiest, he was a kindhearted soul.
When you finally reach your apartment complex the two of you got out and Kenny followed you patiently to the fourth floor. Inside your apartment he went straight for the couch and relaxed. You let him be but reminded him of the no shoes rule. He begrudgingly took of his heavy and run-down boots and put them aside. He also, to your surprise, took of his orange trademark parka and tossed it into a corner.
"You'll pick it up later." You remarked from the kitchen when you saw him do that.
"Yeah, Yeah, I will."
You knew full when that he just said that so you wouldn't start a discussion with him. You knew that but still let it slide. For now, at least. You prepared a little sandwich for yourself before you plopped down onto the couch next to the blond.
"So, what are we doing?" You asked with your mouth full and he shrugged.
"How about you take that bath you were talking about and I watch you do so."
Did this shit eating grin ever leave his face?
"Nah, I'm good." You said and smiled back.
"Ah come on." He whined but laughed immediately after.
"Let's just watch some TV." You proposed and snagged the remote to put something on.
You guys were just lazily watching some random show while also being on your phones. All that was on your mind was that bath though. You loved Kenny to death but right now you were just craving some hot warm water all around you.
"Would you mind if I take that bath I was talking about? I really feel like I need that."
You said and the blonde smiled without taking his eyes off the phone. "I'd need you naked too."
You threw one of the couch pillows at him and pretended to laugh.
"Ha ha ha. You're sooo funny, it almost hurts me." You said, got up and walked into your bathroom to start the water.
In the next minutes you were setting up the candles and got your cake ready. When the water was almost ready, Kenny leaned in the doorway and watched you ignite the last candles.
"Jeez, you're going all out. Looks nice though." He said and gave you a low whistle.
"You wanna have me join you sweetheart?" He said and walked over to your kneeling figure. Kenny also got down to one knee and basically massaged your shoulders. You let out a deep sigh and rolled your eyes.
"Hey, Ken, listen, I really appreciate you and love our jokes and shit, but I don't think we should bang. It would be like... I don't know, super awkward if we had something and then just keep being friends and all that. And You're a great friend and I don't want to lose you, you know."
Kenny's smile faded and he frowned a little. "YN, I fucked so many girls and guys and I'm friendly with most of them and even their old or new partners. I'm sure it won't change a thing." He said charmingly and turned your head towards his.
You stared deeply into his eyes and you inspected the beautiful bright blue spots that highlighted it and the dark blue edges, while your heads came closer. You had never seen Kenny’s eyes up close.
And suddenly it struck you.
It felt like an ice cube slide down your spine and you trembled. You pulled your head back and basically fell onto your ass. Kenny eyed you confused and offered you a hand to get back up.
"No, I'm fine... I-I'll just take the bath if you don't mind." You laughed nervously and still confused Kenny nodded and held up his hands in defense.
"I get it, I get it. You won't resist me forever." He smiled and walked out. You were left there, breathing away the strange feeling of panic.
You quickly undressed yourself and went into the hot water. It calmed your racing thoughts down for a little bit and you managed to order them.
The blue, the highlights, the dark edges that formed a beautiful circle. The few freckles underneath the eyes. Why did Mysterion and Kenny have identical eyes? What, How, why, just... Argh!
You began stuffing yourself with cake and tried your best to make any sense of the situation. Was Kenny Mysterion, or did they just have similar eyes?
Or... You thought about it long and hard and eventually.... It kind of just... Clicked?
It made sense.
Kenny was living alone, he was young, in shape, the piecing blue eyes, the need to protect others, some jokes he made... It... It just fitted together like a puzzle.
You quickly finished up your bath and went outside after blowing out the candles.
"What a view." Kenny joked from the couch and you just went straight into your bedroom.
This perverted guy you were close friends with was really the pure and kindhearted Mysterion? In your head it barely made any sense but you kind of just felt like your theory was correct.
You got dressed quickly and just sat on your bed, trying to picture the blond in the purple costume without the hood.
It just fit.
The height, the figure.
After a few minutes you heard a knock on your door and carefully Kenny came in.
"Good, you're dressed. Even if I don't mind you in less clothes."
You didn't respond or gave him any attention.
"YN, is everything, all right? You're suddenly so wei- You're Mysterion, aren't you?" You interrupted him and looked straight at him.
He seemed surprised, taken back, unsure.
Everything, Kenny was normally not.
"Me? Mysterion? Sweetheart, was the water too hot?" He laughed when he collected himself again.
"No. Not at all. When Mysterion saved me, he starred straight into my eyes. You guys have the same eyes, freckles, skin tone." You said and waved your hands around.
"I guess no point in denying then. I should have been more careful." He said and sat down next to you.
"Please keep it to yourself. I'm sure if someone knows who I am, they will target the people I'm trying to protect." He said and his hand went through his hair.
"Does anyone else know?" You questioned and he shook his head.
"Nope. Not even Karen. It is dangerous if someone knows who I am. So, I always kept it a secret. I guess my only mistake was trying to fuck you after you were that close to Mysterion but..." He grinned evilly, "You said no one could fuck you except Mysterion. So... Here I am." His hand moved from his head to his knees, presenting himself.
"I wish I was as confident as you." You mumbled.
"I can't believe the hero I always looked up to is... You?" You said, raising and eyebrow and inspecting the blonde once more.
"Disappointed?" He questioned and tilted his head.
"I don't know."
"You wanna know what's funny to me?"
You looked at him, waiting for his reply, but as soon as you saw that shit eating grin on his face, you knew it'd be bad.
"That ass you admired and took pictures of was mine. The guy in your locker is me. It is so funny. You obsessed over me, without knowing it was me. That's so fucking funny, I wish I could tell someone."
He laughed his ass off and fell onto your bed. He just kept saying how funny it is and you felt more and more like a fool.
"Can you shut up, this is embarrassing and confusing you asshat." He finally got back up and held his hands up in a defensive manner.
"Woah, woah, no need to be so hostile." He spoke. You simply rolled your eyes.
"I love that I now have more material to make fun of you. But also, I feel flattered that you love me, without having seen this beautiful face."
"Someday you'll choke on that humongous ego of yours."
"I'd rather choke you."
You had a small starring contest and you lost when you just busted out laughing.
"So, now that you know my secret, I'm sure you will not say anything about it..." He asked and took your hand.
"I promise I won't tell anyone."
"Good, otherwise I'd have to kill you." He said in his Mysterion voice and the grip on your hand got stronger. You felt scared for a second, before he smiled again.
"Just a joke." You just nodded.
"Ahh, come on Sweetheart..." You looked at him again and he had this smug expression once more.
"Don't you love this." And he switched the voice again.
Still somewhat embarrassed and also confused because the guy you had a small crush on turned out to be a friend of yours, your cheeks heat up and immediately Kenny picked up on it.
"I can tell you like it." He whispered into your ear.
"Dude, this feels like some weird roleplay or something." You giggled.
"We can make it that. I still have some of my older costumes."
You laughed once more and bit your lip, while Kenny pushed you slowly onto your bed and got on top of you.
"Oh, shut up Mysteribitch."
"Oh, I'll make you my bitch."
He laughed, before he slowly pressed his lips onto yours. His lips felt somewhat rough and at the same time smooth, kind of just like you imagined what it'd be like.
And also, just like you imagined, his tongue found its way into your mouth rather quickly.
You continued making out for quite a while and honestly, to you it felt like heaven. But eventually you carefully pressed your hands against his chest after they had wandered down from his soft hair and you pressed him away.
"What... Don't tell me you're thinking about this staying friends shit again." He said somewhat aggravated. You shook your head.
"No, I just wanted to ask if you could bring one of those old costumes next weekend. Maybe we can pick up on that roleplay idea." You whispered against his lips and he smiled into the now following kiss.
"Good. I was just gonna say that I don't wanna be friends. I kinda wanna be more. I like you a lot YN." He whispered in-between the kisses.
"I'm fine with that." You whispered back and the two of you just smiled into the many kisses you now shared. And pretty much, just like you expected, it didn't take long for Kenny’s hands to roam around your body and finally wandered underneath your shirt.
You did not just make out that night.
It led to much more and you loved every second of it. When your alarm woke you up in the morning, it felt strange to feel these strong arms around you. You carefully woke Kenny up and told him it was time to get up.
"I don't wanna. It's so nice here. The view it to die for." He said as you got up.
"Go shower. I'll drop you off at work."
"Fine." He mumbled and walked past you, naked.
"The pure confidence of this man."
You got dressed and ready for work, as did Kenny begrudgingly. While you also made him a bit of lunch, he stole some kisses ever so often. You honestly were surprised at this, you imagined this part differently, but of course you did not complain. When you were finally in your car and on your way to work, he proposed an idea.
"Okay, so of you wanna do that roleplay shit, I'll Go the extra mile. Just for you, I'll surprise you with the whole thing. Just leave your window open next weekend and you might be visited by the hero with the great ass." He winked.
You bit your lip, feeling aroused just thinking about it.
"I will do so. Hope Mysterions dick is as good as my boyfriends." You teased and Kenny laughed rather hard.
"Feels strange hearing you say that, but I can get used to it."
"Good." You answered and you two smiled like idiots, thinking all about your crazy plans, while you pulled into your parking space.
"You walk over to your work?" You questioned as you saw Stan approaching from the corner of your eye.
"Yeah. See you at lunch, Babe." He pressed a final kiss onto your lips and took off to his own work.
Stan whistled as you caught up to him.
"I thought you were crushing on Mysterion?" Stan questioned with a smile on his thin lips.
"I kinda got over it. Kenny's a pretty good catch anyway, I think he's the closest to Mysterion that there is." You smiled and Stan laughed at your comment.
"If You say so."
"Oh, you don't know the half of it." You smiled, knowing this secret between you and Kenny will spice thing up in your relationship.
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mageofseven · 3 years
Dude... I just discovered your blog and binge read most of it! (Great work btw!) Then I saw request were open! Yay! Anyway I'd like to request Mc walking to the rooms the brothers (and undateables) in a tight fitting cat outfit with a collar and a lesh, saying, "I lost a best, Master~" How would the brothers and undateables react? (NSFW if you're okay with that) I hope you do this! Bye!
I know, I saw the notifications! I'm glad you like my work so much 🥰
MC dressing as kitty, coming right up! Though I'll keep this post for just the brothers and might do the Undateables in their own post.
Also...apparently y'all are getting Sexy Kitty MC as a Christmas present from me, considering the date. Merry Christmas I guess? Lol
Was actually in his study when MC came to him dressed like...that.
This can go one of two ways; if he has an excessive amount of work--as in, more than usual-- the man will release a heavy sigh and tell his Love that he doesn't have time for this, but give them a quick kiss on their forehead or cheek to soften the rejection.
However, if his work is at a more manageable level, he'll be much more accepting of the situation that has fallen on him.
"Oh? And who do I have to thank for such a bet?" He smirks as they approach his desk, wrapping his arms around their waist and pulling them close.
Takes the end of the leash and wraps it around his hand a couple times.
Well, it's about time for a break, now isn't it?
The dude was laying in bed, scrolling on his phone when they came in and the man was so shocked, he dropped his phone right on his nose.
Finds the look a bit weird but also insanely hot.
Brain just...doesn't work at first? The second brother just watches the human approach his bed, mouth agape and not able to say a thing.
Blushing. Oh boy, is he blushing.
Still, he regains some composure with a fake sense of bravado.
"And you came right to me dressed like that, huh? Ya sure know who you belong to, Babe."
Grins as they approach him on the bed and pulls them down to him for a kiss.
Not so subtly grips their ass.
You better bet MC is not just dressed as a cat for this man; they're dressed as a Ruri-chan cat.
Yes, they loss a bet, but if they have to dress like a cat for Levi, the human at least wants to maximize the otaku's own enjoyment.
At first, the demon barely noticed his Henry enter his room.
MC literally had to repeat themself after they entered his room.
"Master, I lost a bet!~"
"Oh cool."
Levi 😑
"Master! Ruri-chan is here to serve~"
Finally snaps to look over at them and drops his controller.
"W-What?!" Boy's face is so red and confused.
"Master, you need to listen! I lost a bet so I'm here to serve~"
If this was an anime, his nose would be gushing blood right now.
Yeah, MC has to wait like ten minutes for his brain to function properly enough, but doesn't mind too much.
"Heh. You're cute, Master."
Aaaand the demon passed out on the floor. Look what you did, Henry.
Okay, either the bet was with him and this was his idea, or it was with one of his brothers, hoping to tease the Avatar of Wrath.
Either way, boy is blushy and super happy right now, even if he's trying to contain himself somewhat.
Takes a hold of their leash and guides them towards him with it.
"Mmm. So my Kitten's here to play then?"
Pulls them in for a kiss and uses magick to lock his door.
Was there when the bet was made and was a avid spectator up until they lost. Genuinely rooted for MC because they have always done so for him, but it would be a lie to say he wasn't still happy with this outcome
And smiled brightly as they enter his room with the outfit on.
"Oh Doll! You look sooo adorable!"
Pulls MC close and gushes over how cute they look, from the ears down to the color of the skirt, even their cute tail.
Starts kissing their neck as he wraps his arms around them.
"Now, if the kitty wants to play, how can I say no?~"
Didn't know about the bet previously and was genuinely confused.
What...what bet did they lose? Was this suppose to be punishment for them?
Beely felt bad that they lost their bet 😔
At the same time though, he thought MC looked really cute as kitty and blushed a bit.
Despite their 'master' talk, Beely doesn't really order them to do anything nor does his mind go to the gutter.
Let's MC suggest things they can do and let's them do it, mostly small chores, hoping the big guy would make a move. When he didn't, the human started giving various hints that they wanted to do something more fun while they were dressed like this
Which the redhead picked up on.
Pulling them close, he gave his Muffin a sweet kiss. First on the lips then on top of their head, right near their fake ears.
The demon just needed their 'okay' first. He wasn't sure whether MC wanted some romantic time like this or if they were just trying to fulfill their end of the lost bet and if it was the latter, the sixth brother didn't wanna make it harder for them.
This can begin one of two ways: either the bet was with him and the boy is now smirking his head off or he knew absolutely nothing about it and is wondering why the hell they are dressed like that.
Teases them regardless of how things started and actually makes his Human do chores. A lot of them.
The minute MC starts getting too discouraged or annoyed though, he pulls them towards him and they lay down on the bed together.
Tells them that despite his teasing, he does think that they look good in the outfit and kisses their cheek
Before saying it'd look better on the floor...ya know, just for a while...
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dameronology · 3 years
the story of us {poe dameron}
for @unstoppableforcce​ for the v.day fix exchange (organised by the lovely @sergeantkane​!) i hope you enjoy❤️
warnings: probably a few swear words, but other than that, it’s all g 
- jamie 
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The galaxy didn’t stop for anything. Not even Valentine’s Day
And it sucked. It really sucked. Not because you and Poe ever went all out (who had the time?) but because it was one day that you should have spent together and you were both busy. It wasn’t his fault, nor was it yours. The Resistance was more demanding than ever and you both had to prioritise fighting the good fight. If you didn’t, neither of you would have had much of a galaxy to live in, let alone be together in. Despite that, Poe always made a point of reminding you how much he loved you on every regular day - it was more so in the things he did for you, like bringing you your favourite coffee every morning and leaving you little notes on the mirror in the refresher. 
Unbeknownst to you, however, he had a few things up his sleeve (in typical Dameron fashion). It had started in the morning when you’d woken up to find a picture of the two of you stuck to the mirror. It was one that Finn had taken not long before you’d begun dating; you’d both been tired from a mission, and he’d come to the mess hall to find you and Poe passed out on another. You were slumped against him, his arm strewn across your shoulder and both your mouths hanging open. Even though you hadn’t quite woken up properly, you couldn’t help but grin at the picture - even more so when you saw what was written on the back. 
Four years ago: the day I realised I liked you a lot more than I should have. 
You tucked the photo into the pocket of your jeans, barely able to hide your smile as you headed to work. 
The base itself had been decorated for the day - Leia’s doing, probably - with love heart banners strewn across the walls and colourful glitter poured in random places. You’d learnt about the latter apart when Rey had activated her lightsaber, only to get blasted in the face with a mouthful of pink and red hearts. Your joy, however, had been short lived when you’d realised that it was all over your shared office. How much did you want to bet that you’d still be finding it in the crevices of your desk next year? 
‘A wonderful start to the day.’ Rey muttered, dumping the laser sword onto the table. 
‘I am not cleaning that up.’ You teased. 
When you took a seat at your desk, you noticed another photo stuck to the monitor of your holopad. It was from a trip you and Poe had taken to Yavin-4 as friends. Everyone at the time had called bullshit on that part, and you both knew it too. It was at the end of said trip that he’d confessed his feelings for you, and you’d had your first kiss under the moonlight in the backyard of his childhood home. It sounded very romantic, but not moments later, there had been a clap of thunder and the heavens had opened on you. The picture was of you and him wrapped in a blanket by the fire, both drenched to the bone as you shivered together. Kes had taken the picture when neither of you were looking, and he’d managed to catch Poe peering down at you, brown eyes filled with adoration. It was definitely one of your favourite photos together. 
Peeling it off the monitor, you flipped it around to look at the message on the back. 
Three years and eight months ago: the day I realised I loved you (even though I didn’t say it for like...another six months. Thanks for being patient). 
‘Everything okay?’ Rey asked.
‘Yeah.’ You glanced up at her, forcing a smile. ‘Just kinda bummed that Poe’s been called out all day.’ 
‘I’m sorry.’ She placed a hand on your shoulder. ‘If it’s any comfort, I saw him sneaking around the base with armfuls of photos of you earlier.’ 
‘Sneaking?’ You snorted.
‘Okay, trying to sneak.’ 
‘Poe Dameron is a lot of things, but subtle is not one of them.’ You grinned.
The statement rung completely true: his inability to not get excited about everything and tell everyone about whatever his plans were meant that the entire base knew about his surprises before you did. When he’d proposed to you, he’d sworn to himself that he was only going to tell Finn in advance. Then, Poe had told Rey too in a moment of joy, and then Kare, and then Snap, and then Leia and before he knew it, he’d had to spend the entire day running around the place, making them promise to keep schtum. By some miracle, the message didn’t get back to you, and the whole thing did end up being a surprise. 
In fact, the third photo - one you’d found in your desk drawer - was from that day. Poe had tried to take a selfie with you, only for you to kiss him just as the camera went off. Your hand was resting on the side of his cheek, Shara’s ring glinting under the flash of the camera. The picture had been his holopad background ever since, and the message on the back was almost enough to made you cry. 
Two years ago: the day you promised to be with me forever, even though I’m a pain in the ass 
You found the fourth photo in one of your files, not long after your lunch break. It was paperwork from a mission that you’d been filing the night before, so he must have snuck it in whilst you were still asleep. It lead you to wonder how long he’d been planning the whole thing for - knowing him, it was probably months. He managed to pull something so sweet and so personal off each year, and this was probably your favourite one so far. The fact he’d managed to do something so thoughtful and so kind without even being there was a testament to Poe Dameron himself. 
The photo that fell out of your paperwork was from just over a year ago. It was one of you, Rey, Finn and Poe in one of your favourite cantinas. It had been after a successful mission, and the drinks were flowing all night, smiles hardly faltering until you all fell asleep. You were sat on Poe’s lap, his arms looped around your front and his head resting on your shoulder. The night was a little blurry - too much beer, perhaps - and you couldn’t even remember who had taken it. Either way, it was still one of your favourites, because it was your entire world contained to one single photo. The message on the back was just as Poe as the last three. 
Thirteen months ago: the day I realised I was with the greatest people in the galaxy (you take top spot, but Finn and Rey are pretty cool too) 
The rest of the ones that you found through out the day were all throwbacks to other important moments in your relationship. There was one of you in his hoodie, titled the day I realised you looked better in my clothes than I do and another of the two of you fixing his X-Wing, labelled the day I realised you know nothing about X-Wings. Both of your faces were smeared with grease, and you were in fits of giggles together about something. You hadn’t realised how lucky you were to have friends that enjoyed taking pictures. 
By the time dinner rolled around, you’d collected about twenty photos. The fact that you hadn’t seen Poe yet completely sucked, but his little stunt had kept you smiling all day. Even if he wasn’t with you physically, you knew he was thinking about you. Hell, he was always thinking about you, not just exclusively today. His ability to bring you up in every conversation and namedrop you to anyone who would listen was testament to that. 
As the day passed and the sky dimmed, you retired to your desk with some caff from the mess-hall and a pile of papers. Rey had long disappeared to do...Jedi stuff? Whatever the hell that deemed, you weren’t sure. It meant that you were left alone in the office, glancing between your files and the pile of photos you’d accumulated throughout the day with a soft smile. Your holopad occasionally beeped with messages, but it wasn’t until you heard Poe’s specified notification sound that you finally pushes aside your work to check them. 
Meet me in the hangar - bring the photos.
You grinned at the message - finally. 
Grabbing your jacket - actually, it was Poe’s - and tossing it over your shoulders, you flicked the lights in your office off and headed for the hangar. The hallways were pretty much empty by then; everybody else was either having dinner or spending the evening with their respective significant other.  It meant that you could easily sprint to where you needed to be, without having to worry about crashing into anyone or being reprimanded by a stingy commander. 
You met Poe halfway across the room, bodies colliding together as he wrapped his arms around you and lifted you in the air. He spun you around for a moment, before placing you firmly on the ground and crashing his lips onto yours. They were warm and soft and so familiar, a welcome contrast from the pain you’d been feeling all day from missing him. The little collection of photos had only reminded you of how much he meant to you (everything) and made the yearning even stronger. His grip on you barely faltered as he pulled away, pausing to admire you for a moment.
‘Happy Valentine’s day, baby.’ Poe grinned. 
‘Right back at you.’ You pressed a kiss to his jaw. ‘Is there a particular reason that we’re in the hangar?’
‘We’re going somewhere.’ His smile only grew wider. 
‘Aaaand where might that be?’ You quirked an eyebrow. 
‘It’s a surprise.’ He flung an arm around your shoulders, leading you towards the ships. ‘I know it’s a little late, but I spent most the afternoon begging the General to let me use the Falcon.’ 
‘How’d that go?’
‘Dreadfully.’ Poe snorted, pulling you closer into his side. ‘But she said yes.’
‘You’re kidding?’ 
You’d only been on the Millenium Falcon a few times, but it was hands down your favourite ship. There was so much history behind it - not just between you and Poe, but for the Resistance the Rebellion in general. You dreaded to think how much grovelling your husband had done on your behalf to make Leia agree to let the two of you borrow it, but it wasn’t something you were going to complain about. It was far better than being cramped into the one-person cockpit of his X-Wing; that was something you’d done many, many times and you always ended up with a back-ache. 
‘Am I allowed even a clue?’ You asked, following him up the ramp and into the ship.
‘You do know what a surprise is, right?’ Poe teased, leading you through the galley. 
You rolled your eyes, shaking your head with a smile. ‘You’re normally terrible at them.’
‘I think I pulled off today’s pretty well.’ He grinned at you. 
You both took a seat in the cockpit. Your eyes lingered on the dice hanging up by the window for a moment -- even though Leia had originally kept them on her person, she ended up returning them to the ship for safe-keeping and good luck. Your heart always stung a little when you looked at them, just because you knew the history behind them. They held the same sort of sentiment of the ring on your finger and all the photos you’d collected today: memories. Years and years of memories, some filled with love, and some bittersweet ones. You knew, however, that your story was going to have a happier ending. 
Poe didn’t fly for too long -- maybe forty five, fifty minutes. 
You’d spent most of the journey chatting about everything and nothing, as you often did. You gelled so well together that you could easily spend hours talking, and completely forget about the world around you. It was one of the things you loved about Poe, especially when there were times that you needed to forget your surroundings. He was always an escape, and in the best way possible. A reminder that, even though the galaxy could be dark, there was always good. He went out of his way to remind you to be hopeful, and to fight for the best. And, more often that not, he would reference the two of you finding each other in the Resistance as an example of it. 
‘Are you gonna tell me where we are now?’ You asked. 
‘Nope.’ Poe replied. ‘C’mon. It’s not too far of a walk.’
His arm returned to your shoulders as you exited the jet, boots met with wet ground - sand. 
Not just the sand, but the beach. 
The smell of sea salt hung in the air, clearing your senses of the stuffy, recycled air that surrounded the base. It was clear and crisp, hitting your skin with a welcomed iciness. You could hear the sound of the ocean in the distance, slowly to-and-froing, crashing against the land with a gentle whoosh, almost as if it were greeting you. 
Poe suddenly grabbed you from behind, lifting you up in the air and catching your legs before they could hit the ground. He had one arm tucked under yours and the other under your knees, carrying with ease through the jungle and towards the sound of the sea. He held you close to his chest, brown eyes concentrating on the ground ahead of you so that he didn’t trip. He was always beautiful, but even more so under the moon-light of the evening, casting a silver glow over the two of you as he broke through the trees and out onto the plains of the sand, 
‘D’you know where we are now?’ He gently asked, placing you on the ground. His arm returned to your side, snaking around your waist and pulling you back towards him. 
‘Yeah.’ You smiled. ‘Four years ago, you crashed your X-Wing just over there.'
‘And you pulled me out the wreckage before the whole thing went up in flames.’ He continued the story. 
‘It was my first day and I had no idea what to do.’ You remembered it with a soft laugh. 
‘You saved my ass.’ He pressed a kiss to your temple. ‘And frankly, you’ve done it every day since.’
He turned so that he was facing you, one hand resting on your hip and the other on the back of your neck. For all his funny moments and grandeur, Poe Dameron could be soft as fuck. It was something that very few people every got to see, and mostly something that he saved for you, and only you. It was something you often witnessed under the covers of the dark, when it was just the two of you laying in bed together, softly murmuring about your day. 
‘I love you, Poe.’ You murmured. Don’t cry. Don’t cry. Don’t - ah fuck. 
‘I love you more.’ He gave you a watery grin. ‘I did give you those photos for a reason, though.’
He fumbled around the backpack he’d brought, producing a book. It had a picture of you, him and BB-8 on the front, with The Story of Us scribbled across the front in his mildly terrible hand writing. He flipped it open, to show several empty pages. 
‘It’s dumb and cheesy as fuck, but I wanted somewhere to keep all those photos.’ He explained. ‘I know that we know our story, but it’s nice to look back at them, right?’
‘It is.’ You smiled. ‘Those photos made my whole day.’
‘I’m glad.’ He beamed back at you. ‘And we can keep adding to it. I’d like to think that this is only just the beginning.’ 
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vulgarvixxen · 2 years
Loceit, #25. “i love you. so, so much.”
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Anding these together, because there will be more of the Bikini!AU aaaand cause this derailed from the og plan
Warnings: 18+, semi-public sex, nearly getting caught, mild panic attack, lmk if should add more
I love you
“I love you. So, so much” Janus professes as Logan uses his tongue to make love to Jan’s clits again, he lovingly pets the other’s hair from where it had fallen into his face. This was round three excluding the original beach escapade and Logan was proving to have extreme stamina. He’d have to reward his new lover with a day of pampering, neck massages and happy endings, to show how appreciative he was for the attention. Janus was close again when a door slammed downstairs and they could hear another side headed straight to the laundry room …exactly where they were holed up! They both froze, adrenaline and endorphins fogging their brains too much to think clearly. Patton’s cheerful voice was right outside the door when another voice called out for him, “there’s an extra towel in the bathroom, don’t worry about it Peppermintbear!” They heard Pat’s steps go back to the stairs, “Okay, smart thinking Remus!” And the oblivious side left again, likely back to the festivities.
Janus sagged in relief, that was too close for comfort and he was glad that Remus was still running interference. He was going to make a comment on being in the “closet” when he noticed that Logan was breathing hard and still staring at the door, “Dove, are you alright?” He was answered by a sob, instantly he was off of his perch on the dryer and next to Logan on the floor, “Dearest we are safe, it’s alright now. Breath with me” they took deep breaths together on the laundry room floor, hands clasped as pulses began to slow back down. “Is it alright if I sink us into your room? I think you need to rest.”
He gets a nod from the quiet logical side and cautiously sinks them into the indigo room. With a bit of help Logan is able to get into bed but as Janus goes towards the door he tries to sit up and makes a whimpering sound much like a kicked dog, “don’t leave”. Janus practically dives onto the bed so he can hold Logan close, “Not leaving, dove, I can just snap the lock. Don’t want anyone walking in and waking us.” With a snap the door that Janus was headed towards locks and he settles his hand onto Logan’s back again to continue the embrace. After a while of just holding each other and letting the tension bleed out of them Janus starts singing and using a second pair of hands to cradle Lo’s head.
“ you are my sunshine
my only sunshine
you make me happy
when skies are gray
you’ll never know dear
how much I love you
please don’t take my sunshine away”
“Did you mean it? Do you love me?”
“If I had my gloves on I’d say, “I hate and loathe you, you disgust me whenever you’re near” but I don’t so I will say. I love and adore you, you are a delight to be in company with. And I mean every word.” Janus punctuated the statement with a tender kiss. “Rest now, Dove, the kids will be home by the time you wake.”
“So Jan and Lo huh?” Virgil asks in a low tone, trying not to get the attention of the other two in their group, “yeP!” Remus pops the word like a gum wad bubble. “Cool” “mhmm”
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lo-55 · 3 years
Playing With Fire
While playing a perfectly innocent video game you get thrown into a dangerous world on the brink of incineration! At least you’re surrounded by a bunch of hot people. If nothing else you can shower them with copious, well earned affection. 
You come awake with a start. 
Everything is just a little off kilter. Like your eyes aren’t focused or you're wearing someone else's glasses. It takes you a few long minutes to realize that you’re staring down at a piece of paper. 
It’s listed one through eight, with a check box next to each number. 
At the top you see ‘Company Preference List’, and beneath that is your name scrawled in your own handwriting. But, when did you write it? And what was the list? You look up to find yourself in a library, surrounded by a bunch of other people all dressed in orange uniforms. You look down and find yourself in the same one. You recognize it as the Fire Force boiler suits. 
You touch your cheek slowly. Then poke the corner of your eyes. You’re not wearing your VR visor. And you’re not holding handles either. Are you hallucinating? You were playing the game, in the middle of some side quest. Did the game reset? This looked like a scene from the start of the game. It followed the beginning of the series, but through the eyes of a random side character researching Haijima on their own. There was some kind of revenge plot and a lot of stuff about their big sister, but you hadn’t gotten to the full reveal of the tragic back story yet. They interacted with the main characters plenty, but mostly they spent their time in their own squad, the fourth. 
You were halfway through the game, and now you were back at the start?
You look around for something to tell you what’s going on. You try to poke the menu button, but you’re not holding controllers. So all you really end up doing is poking the air between your hands with your thumbs. You’re starting to panic, when something shiny catches your attention. 
When did you get that ring? 
Plain silver on your forefinger. You poke it and gasp when the world shifts minutely. 
A flicker of fire, a figure dark against the light. It warps in and out of your vision in a split second. 
Right. Tragic back story. 
The ring was from their (your?) older sister. Now disappeared a-la-infernal fire. You were like the reverse Shinra. 
Your head snapped around quickly from one person to the other. Most of them were boring background characters. No, no, no. Boring. Lame. Basically grey blobs. 
Were you going crazy and you couldn’t even enjoy it?! 
“Uh, hey? Are you okay?” 
Your head snaps sideways to find bright red eyes peering at you in concern. 
Red eyes. Black hair. 
You stare hard at him until the corners of his mouth start to twitch and curl upwards. 
“H-hey. Why are you staring at me?” 
Abruptly you reach over and cup his cheeks. His face is hot beneath your hands. You can touch him. You can feel the heat of his skin. He’s blushing something fierce. 
“You are… adorable,” you declare. 
He turns bright red and squeaks at you until you finally let him go. 
“Did I stutter?” you prop your chin in your hand and look him over. Yep. Definitely cute. You just wanna squeeze him. But, you should probably do other things first. Like figure out what exactly is going on. 
Not that you can come outta the gate with ‘hey I was playing a video game and now I’m stuck in it, also I thought you weren’t real? What gives yo?’ 
Even you aren’t that impulsive. 
Actually, in real live you’re not very impulsive at all. That was what made games so fun, especially open world ones where you could do basically whatever you wanted. IRL you were more withdrawn than anything, even when you wanted to be social. 
Now… You could be whoever you wanted, right? 
Did you even have to follow the plot? Could you put a preference for another company and go there? Or would you still end up in the forth? And what about your abilities? In the game you’d had a choice at the beginning between a second gen ability and two third gen powers. You’d ended up picking at random, since they all seemed cool and you hadn’t been very far into the anime yet at the time. 
How would you even use those powers here, assuming that you could? 
“Sorry, I was spacing out,” you finally said, “What were you saying?” 
“Oh uh,” Shinra looked away, his grin still pulling at his face. “I was just asking if you were okay. You were looking at the form for so long, but whenever you talked about joining a company before you always said you would go to the fourth. Not that we talk a lot, so I wouldn’t know if you wanted to go to the fifth or the sixth or the seventh or-” 
“Babe, you’re rambling,” you cut in, starting to smile yourself. Even though you’re beyond confused something about Shinra puts you at ease. Everything about him seems so… warm. And yeah, the smile could be off putting. If it wasn’t so damn adorable. 
“O-oh!” aaaand he was blushing again. 
You look down at the paper, your brows furrowing. What are you even supposed to say to this? 
“I dunno,” you said at last, “I guess I was reconsidering. There’s a lot of companies, and a lot of options out there. I might end up going a totally different path if it’s not too late… What about you?” 
“Me? Well I didn’t really have a particular preference, but I heard that they’re trying to send more people to the eighth this year. Since its such a new company, and so small.” 
“Mmmm. That’s true. Maybe I’ll go there,” you muse. It would put you smack in the middle of all the action, and you could see the sweet Iris, and the too-hot-to-be-fair Maki. You could stay with adorable Shinra and the well meaning dumbass that was Arthur. Not to mention the two guys in charge. If you could get Obi to bench press you- 
Nope! Bad! Focus on the task at hand. No thirsting over captains right now! 
“I was thinking the same thing,” Shinra admitted, looking down at his own paper. 
“Yeah? I guess such a small company would make it easy for you to stand out and come a hero, right?” 
Shinra looked startled. You offered him a sweet smile and turned back to your paper and picked up your pen. 
You marked your preferences. 
Eighth, seventh, fourth, second, fifth, sixth, third, first. 
“The eighth and the seventh?” Shinra asked, peaking over at your sheet. 
You shot him a grin. “They both sound like fun to me. Hey, Shinra?” 
Your grin grows wider. “Let’s both do our best, and save lots of people okay?” 
Shinra’s smile is small, but true. 
You bump your fist to his to seal the deal. 
It had taken you a couple of tries to find your dorm room. 
Your body seemed like it knew what it was doing, even if your mind didn’t. You had to explain away your frazzled state to the woman in charge of your wing, a nun who’s name you couldn’t recall to save your life, as nerves. She had looked dubious, but hadn’t questioned you when she pointed you to your room. 
Probably thinks I’m hung over, you thought as you stepped inside. If I didn’t know better I’d think I was drunk enough to hallucinate. But it’s all way too real. Just what happened? One second I was playing the game, and then my phone went off, and then it was all dark. After that I was in the library. 
 It was making your head hurt thinking about it. 
You poked around the room. If you remembered right you’d had a roommate, but she’d already been assigned her company a week early. Her dad was some top brass in the military, so off to the second company she went, 
You made sure the door was locked before you started riffling through your things. 
Books, papers, clothes. Personal items. 
You had a collection of antique keys for some reason, and a blanket shaped like a tortilla that was warmer than most space heaters. There was an old lighter with a hawk engraved on it in one drawer. When you touched it you got the sudden smell of pipe tobacco and a man laughing far in the back of your mind before it was gone. Just like when you touched the ring earlier. 
Memories that weren’t yours. You had stepped into someone else's life. 
When you looked in the mirror you found the face that your had designed for your character staring back at you. There was a thin ring of white in your eyes, cutting through their color and marking you as a pyrokinetic. 
Shit. Each of those abilities had a different eye. Which one was the circle? There was a circle, a pointy cross, and teardrop because the designer was some edgelord. Which power does this mean I have? Wings? Magnet sand? Or the spear torch thingy? 
You wished this could have been more like Fate/Grand Order. Then you would just have to keep track of your teams abilities, strengths, and weaknesses. Not your own. 
You spend a long time in your room, packing up all of your belongings. None of them really belong to you. They belong to your character, and they’re only familiar in the sense that you’ve thrown them over your shoulder when you were looking for something specific before. Only now if you throw them they won’t puff back to where they were before eventually. You’ll actually have to put this stuff away. 
Damn it, you’ve never liked packing. 
Still, you carefully rolled your new found clothes into baggage burritos. They were pretty plain, all in all. Oh well. You could make adjustments later if you really wanted to. Was it a game mechanic you haven't unlocked? Full customization? You could pick gender and hair, and the eyes depended on your pyrokinesis. Maybe at some point you got to change clothes too. 
You’d figure it out. 
You hoped. 
Your head was still reeling the with the idea of what was going on, but for now, with nothing else you really could do, you decided to go with it. 
Once you had everything all packed up you left your room to do some exploring. You tried to keep track of where you were going in the big fire station/training academy, but before long you were hopelessly lost. 
You stumbled upon a training room, where a familiar boy with a dorky pony tail was slashing a glowing blue sword through a training dummy. The poor dummy fell to the floor in pieces. 
You watched him for a few minutes before he noticed you. 
“Oh,” he said, “It’s you.” 
Which was… pretty lame, if you’re being honest. 
What, did you one pop his delusional bubble? 
“Yep,” you popped your ‘p’, “It’s a-me.” Mario. “What did that guy ever do to you? Try to challenge the great Knight King Arthur on a troll bridge?” you meant it to be a joke, but Arthur actually lit up. 
“Hardly! This was merely training. A Knight King must always be ready to defend his people!” 
“Of course,” you nodded along, playing with him. “And soon you’ll be embarking on a great quest to your new company, right? Do you know which one?” 
“I didn’t bother with those silly preference sheets. Let whichever company requires a knight most vie for my presence.” 
You were honestly impressed Arthur even knew the word ‘vie’. Wasn’t he kind of a loon? 
“Mhmm, mhmm, I see,” you nodded seriously. “Then in case, I might see you in my own company.” 
You wanted to ask him to spar, if only to see Excalibur in action more, but you still weren’t sure what your power was or how to use it. So you ended up bowing out. 
It took you another hour to find your way  back to your room. 
You don’t really sleep. You lay down and try to wake up, and hope that come morning you’ll be back in your living room with a vr stapped to your head and this whole thing will have been a (not so terrible) dream. 
Keep Dreaming. 
~    ~
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ships4you · 4 years
the necklace fiasco {sokka}
Requests: hi, can you do a sokka imagine, like a angst to fluff vibe with angry kissing 🥺👉🏻👈🏻
Pairing: Sokka x reader
Warnings: Cursing & slight smut
Prompt: Sokka is constantly annoying the reader and one day, they snap. Sokka uses a unique strategy to calm the reader down. Which ends up causing an awkward situation for everybody.
THIS WAS SUPPOSED TO BE A HEADCANON. I’m not sure what happened, but I just kept going. So happy reading!
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Sokka just really had a way of pushing your buttons.
You had spent all day cleaning up the house in Ba Sing Se you were all staying in while looking for Appa. Meanwhile, Toph and Katara were out training Aang. Sokka had disappeared earlier in the day, per usual.
“Come with me (y/n).” Sokka had begged that morning. “I will another day, our house is filthy though. I need to clean.” you said scrubbing down those mornings dishes. Aang and Katara were always good with their messes, but between Toph and Sokka the house would turn into a rats nest if you let it go for too long. “I’m going to do some training later though, so when you come back we can spar.” Sokka murmured a “yea-yea-yea.” before walking out the door.
“Aaaand, done.” You mumbled to yourself, whipping down the dust from the last countertop. You sighed, laying down on the mat on the floor, deciding to relax for a bit before your friends showed up.
Not even two minutes later Sokka strolled into the house, immediately tossing his satchel on the freshly cleaned floor.
“I’m ba-ack”
“Oh perfect, this will ease my headache.” you said sitting up, eyeing the remains that had fallen out of his bag.
“So, are you planning on making dinner anytime soon?” he leaned against the railing. He proceeded to kick off his shoes, which landed with a soft ‘clunk’. You scoffed now focusing on his discarded muddy shoes, “…Excuse me?”
“Dinner? I thought you would start by now that why I came back.”
You inhaled deeply, pushing the air out harshly from your mouth. “And where exactly did you come back from?”
He jumped up excitedly, “Oooh! I’m glad you asked!” He began rummaging through the bag, throwing its remains to the side as he searched. “Ta-dahhh!!” In his hand he held out a short thin gold necklace with gemstones along the edges.
“A necklace.”
“A necklace!”
“Soooo, what Sokka? Are you planning on wearing it to the Earth Kings ball? How much that thing anyways?!”
He shrugged, “Eh, like three silver pieces. But look!! Isn’t it pretty!!” He held the necklace against his neck, posing for you.
“You spent three silver pieces on a necklace. Sokka. I just made that money from working, two days ago! You can’t be spending everything we’ve been earning willy-nilly! That money was for food… and supplies!! And you just went off and spent it all for a silly necklace!” you fumed, pacing back and forth.
“Yea but-“
“No. No ‘buts’. You disappeared at the crack of dawn to go off and spend all our money, while I was here cleaning ALL DAY. Finally you show back up tossing your shit everywhere, tracking mud in with your shoes, and ask when dinner is going to be ready?! Are you serious?! I am sick and tired of you and your bullshit!”
Sokka set the necklace down, “My bullshit?! No one asked you to clean (y/n)! You could have come into town with me to explore, just like all the other times I asked you, but noooo. Because nothing is allowed to be fun! I was just trying to do something nice for yo-“
“Ohhh I’m sorry my version of FUN doesn’t involve living in filth and spend all of our money.” By now you were standing in front of him. “You do know that we need food to survive, right?!” you seethed, poking his chest with your finger.
“Why does this bother you so much?! You’ve never cared about this sort of stuff before.” He grabbed your wrist pulling it off of him, holding it to your side.
“Well maybe I’m just fed up with you being such a piece of shit all the time.” You lifted you’re free hand to push him away, but he reacted too quickly and grabbed a hold of your other hand.
“(y/n), you need to calm down!”
You struggled against his grip, “No!! You have been pissing me off and I have kept my mouth shut this whole time! I-“
Before you could finish he slammed his lips against yours. You thrashed for a second, fighting against his grip.
The kiss was messy at first, his nose bumping against yours. You attempted to pull away causing him to accidentally suck too hard on your bottom lip. But with his second attempt, you couldn’t help but melt into him. He let go of your wrists and grasped the sides of your face, guiding your face towards his. You clenched his tunic, tugging at the pieces of cloth.
He disconnected his lips from yours, raising his arms up, allowing you to slip his shirt over his head. He pulled you into him, kissing your lips feverishly– hands traveled down your back, cupping your ass and giving it a light squeeze. He pulled apart just long enough to groan, “Bedroom?”
The two of you ran to the closest room, which happened to be yours, knowing your friends would be home anytime soon. Once the door was latched and shut behind you, he sat back on your bed pulling you towards him to steal another kiss.
“Mmm,” you pulled away, “I’m still furious at you.”
He smirked, “Yea I know.”
“And don’t think for one second-“
“Spirits, stop talking.” he growled and pulled you on top of him to straddle his waist. You spread your hands over his chest as he slid his tongue into your mouth ever so slightly. You tugged at his ponytail, brushing your fingers through his locks as they fell from their restraints. At this point he couldn’t hold back any longer. He completely lost it and began moaning into your mouth.
He slid his face down yours to tilt your chin back with his nose. Immediately latching onto your neck. You could feel the kink from the band in his hair, which you had carelessly tossed to the floor. Testing the waters, you ground your hips down into his. His hands grasped to your sides, encouraging you to continue. A whine escaped his mouth, you could feel his hot breath against your skin as he whimpered just in front of your ear. His hands began sliding underneath your shirt as you rode against him. Feeling his his boner pressing against your-
“We’re homeee!”
The sound of Aang’s voice causing you to jump off his lap, pushing Sokka off to the side.
“Shit, shit, shit.” you said.
Sokka stared you at you, his big cobalt blue eyes wide with shock. His hands held up next to his head as if he had just knocked a child unconscious. His wavy brunette fringe framing his face. How were you supposed to focus with this specimen laid out before you.
“Okay uh, you need to fix…” you glanced downwards, gesturing toward the tent in his pants, “That… And I’ll go talk to them.” you said before running out the door.
Sokka groaned falling back against your bed, hands swiping down his face.
“Hey! How was training?” you strutted from your room, carefully closing the door behind you. Aang enthusiastically told you all the new tricks he had learned that day, not questioning a thing. Katara stood there eyeing her brothers top laying on the floor and your unruly hair.
Dinner was a nightmare.
You and Sokka didn’t speak, just quietly finished your food. If none of them noticed earlier, they definitely could tell something was up now. Even Aang was suspicious. After dinner, Sokka left without a word.
“Sooo.” Katara said, “Are we just not going to talk about what happened earlier?”
“What?!” your eyebrows furrowed, “Nothing happened what are you talking about?”
“(y/n) don’t play dumb. I saw where you two were, I could sense it with earthbending.” Toph shuttered.
You stood up quickly, “I need some air.” you said before storming out the front door, pressing your back against its cool surface, burying your face into your hands.
You looked up to see Sokka standing at the base of the steps. Peachy. Just peachy.
“Hi…” you pushed yourself off the door frame, hugging your sides. “Where did you run off to?”
He walked up the steps, offering a small smile. His clothes had wet marks splattered up and down his front. His ‘warriors wolf-tail’ had loosened, causing a few strands to fall from their restraints. You couldn’t help yourself from wondering if would push you away if you were to tuck the stray hairs out of his face.w
“I went to go return the necklace.” he said tossing a bag filled with coins at you. You caught it, opening it up to find a few more copper pieces along with the three silver.
“Oh and I spent an hour tossing fish at the market.” He held his hands up, “Beware. I may smell a little fishy.” He smirked, leaning against the rail behind him.
He shrugged, “You were right. I can be an ass sometimes. So, basically this is my way of saying I’m sorry. And my way of saying thank you for putting up with my bullshit, I guess.”
You sighed, “I’m sorry too. I shouldn’t have overreacted.”
“Not at all. I definitely needed some sense knocked into me.”
There was a slight pause as he reached up to scratch the back of his head.
You crossed your arms over your chest, “So, I’m sorry you won’t be able to wear your pretty necklace to the ball. I can make one for you if you’d like.” You smile up at him, doing your best at offering a truce.
“Oh right.” he chuckled. “That-” His eyes fixated on yours. He slid his bottom lip beneath his teeth, letting it slowly fall back out. “I uh- I actually got that for you.”
Your mouth fell open ever so slightly, unsure of what to say. “Oh… Why?”
“Honestly, cause I think you’re great. And I don’t know… I saw that necklace in the store and I just knew I wanted you to have it. I thought maybe I would give it to you and tell you how I feel.”
“And how do you feel?” you felt a surge of confidence and stepped towards him.
“I feel…” he looked you up and down, struggling to find the right words.
“Yes?” you urged him on taking another step towards him.
“I feel like I’m crazy about you.”
That was all you needed to hear. You grabbed his shirt and pulled him in. You kissed him, but different from last time. It wasn’t as rushed; you took your time, trying to engrave the memory of his swollen lips against yours. He ended it short by him pulling away.
“Woah-woah-woah wait. So are you still mad at me? Cause I want to make sure we’re good now-“
“Spirits, stop talking.” you teased before pulling him again.
Tag list: @aimee1602 @myexgirlfriendisthemoon​
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