#my crush who was all going so well shattered to absolutely nothing
orphyd · 1 year
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gglitch1dd · 2 years
Well, first off thank you for loving my content so much!! I'm so glad that you love it so much. In all honesty, I wasn't going to respond to this because I REALLY don't want any requests right now, but I thought why not do these ones any ways. I've got some time. So I hope you like it.
Warning: Hinted stalking, breaking an entering.
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Now Midoriya is an elite villain. He's a villain... but he has his ways of making it into top level society. One particular evening, he went to a runway show. He stood around with others who weren't either too terrified to go up to him or were sucking up to him.
It was a good night, warm, and he had a suit on to match him perfectly. With a glass of champagne in hand he mingled with others. However what really caught his gaze was you, walking down the runway with such confidence and grace.
You had him absolutely blown away. You instantly shattered his thoughts and consumed his being as if it was as easy as breathing.
And from the moment he saw you, it was the moment he knew he had to have you.
When you had gone back stage, back in your more normal and comfortable clothing away from all the bright lights, judging stares and flashing lights you sighed in relief at being away from it all. You loved your job. You really did. And you were good at it too. But often then not it could get overwhelming for you.
Ready to leave, you packed up your stuff and you left. It was a chilled night, perfect to walk back to your apartment. So with your jacket on, you exited the event, not noticing the pair of green hypnotizing eyes that were latched on to you.
When you entered your apartment, lights off and the smell of home flooding your nose, that's when you were truly glad to be back home. You locked your door and headed towards your room to change into some comfortable pajamas and head to bed.
"You looked amazing tonight."
"OH GOD." You jumped as you turned your head to your kitchen.
Sitting on your kitchen counter, a glass of apple juice in hand was Midoriya. His eyes were the brightest thing in the room. Green eyes, luring you in like that of the richest and most deceiving of poisons. Your blood went cold when you realized you knew him. Anyone with access to the news would know of the top ranking villain in Japan.
Midoriya saw the realization in your eyes and found it intoxicating. He smirked as he tilted his head. He pushed himself off the counter, putting down the glass on the table. Your breathing increased. Before you could even think of running, he was already in front of you, blocking your way down the hall. His hands now sat in his pockets as he looked down at you.
"W-what..." Your voice was stuttery. In truth, you were afraid of him. Of course you were afraid of him. There was a villain in your home and you didn't know how he got there nor what he wanted. "What do you want from me?" You asked hesitantly. "I don't have much money on me and I don't know anyone affiliated with you. I'm sorry if I've upset you in any sort of way... sir."
He found you amusing. He chuckled softly, almost more of a light giggle than a chuckle. "There's nothing tangible you can give me that I can't take for myself, dumpling... However, I do want one thing from you." He told you. You nodded your head eagerly, ready to give him anything he wanted. "Your time."
For a moment you just stared at him confused. You tilted your head lost.
Midoriya turned his body away from you, walking to the windows of your apartment to look down at the street below. The room was still shrouded in darkness but at least now you could see more of his features. You noticed the dark freckles on his face as dim light from outside shone on his face. His sleeves were rolled up to his elbows allowing you to see his muscular yet scarred arms.
He then turned back to look at you. "Your time." He gave you a soft smile, that you dare call cute. It gave him a sort of boyish charm. "Allow me to take you on a date. Just one."
You hesitated, looking around, expecting this to be some sort of prank of some sort. "You... You want a date... with me?" You pointed to yourself. He nodded with a smile on his face, the most sincere expression you could ever think possible plastered on his face. You hesitated. "Will you leave me alone if allow you to?"
He nodded his head. "Yep." He raised one finger. "Just one. One small date and I'll leave you alone. Unless you want another one." He looked around your apartment before looking back at you.
You didn't really have much of a choice now did you?
Now Midoriya isn't a bad partner. He was an amazing partner. Always caring for your needs, providing for you and caring for you in a way that made you feel as though you never knew love existed before him. He supported you in anything and everything you did (as long as it was good for you and wasn't causing you harm that is).
But there was one thing that he was rather two face about and that was your job as a model.
Now he loved your modelling career and wanted to support you so much in it too, but the only issue was that if he saw how beautiful you were, of course others saw it too. Which made him incredibly possessive over you.
Any meeting he had with his group and you would be in attendance, he would have you seated on his lap like it was the most natural place to be in the world. A single glance at you the wrong way would have someone's neck being wrapped around by blackwhip and a death glare from Midoriya. That or a knife in their skull. It really all depended on whether he felt like being merciful or not.
Anywhere you went you were always with him. Him or Shoto if he was busy. It wasn't that he didn't trust you, or that he didn't believe in you in protecting yourself.
He always believed in you.
He just didn't believe in the fuckers that eye-fucked you without your consent. So you have no need to fear. With Midoriya as your boyfriend there was never a dull moment.
Or a moment where he didn't have his arms wrapped around you. Because as a villains prize, how could he ever let you go?
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uglypastels · 2 years
hi hi hi hi!!! i loved the eddie munson story abt the reader cutting his bangs, if i could request the reader getting eddie tickets to a metallica concert as a graduation gift! i love how you write eddie sm!! thank you!! 💟💟
so i changed it a little bit, so the tickets are not a graduation gift, sorry but i had to go with what my brain was giving me haha <3 hope you still like it
warnings: mention of alcohol and drugs. smoking. "peer pressure" from randos but not really. skipping school. teenage crushes and awkwardness
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'What do you mean, you can't go?' You looked blankly at your friend, who had just shattered all your plans with one devastating sentence. How could she have kept this from you for so long? You had been planning this for weeks- months– and now she came to you, mere days before the big night, telling you that it was for nothing. 
'I'm sorry!' she sighed, 'but I completely forgot my cousin is getting married and I can't just–' 
'Yes, you can just. Who cares about some third cousin twice removed who you've literally only seen at your other cousins' weddings? This is Metallica we're talking about. Metallica!' You somehow managed to get your hands on two front-row tickets for the concert in Indianapolis. The second school was out this Friday, and you and your friend planned to catch the train to the city and have the best night of your lives in the moshpit. 
Your friend didn't answer. Just looked at you with deep regret. There was nothing either of you could do anymore. She handed you her ticket, which you gripped tightly in your fist, almost in disgust.
'Well, what the hell am I supposed to do now? There is no way I can go on my own.' You leaned against the wall, also thinking about how expensive the tickets had been. Your friend couldn't look you in the eye, also being very well aware at what price the ticket had come, but once her gaze fell on something in the distance, her mood suddenly refreshed. 
'I might know a solution.' 
'Please, do tell,' you rolled your eyes, following the direction of what she was looking at. What this had been was the back of the parking lot, where smoke was coming out of a large old van. 'No. Absolutely no way.' 
'C'mon. This is your chance.' She poked you in the arm, grinning devilishly. 
'I can't. What if he says no? I can't handle that embarrassment.' 
'I'm sorry,' your friend scoffed, highly amused, 'The day that Eddie Munson refuses Metallica tickets is the day that hell freezes over. Go.' She pushed you this time to get your legs to move. With a flip of the middle finger, you made your way across the parking lot, your heart thub-thub-thumping against your ribcage. 
The possible words you could open the conversation with were whirling through your brain as you tried to push all your feelings aside. Your teeny-tiny crush on Eddie was most likely obvious to everyone, which was highly embarrassing considering the two of you barely ever spoke, besides some mild interactions when your friend groups merged together between classes. And yet, you felt a very big amount of childish giddiness while making your way over to him. 
The backdoors of Eddie's van were wide open, revealing the one and only lying down, his legs hanging out of the car, just barely reaching the ground, as he smoked a cigarette lazily. The smoke swooped around in swirls and filled the entire car up in a grey haze. 
'Hey, uhm, E-Eddie,' you cursed yourself for how weak your voice sounded, but Eddie quickly got up and pushed his nearly burned-up cigarette into the carpeting off his van. It went off with a sizzle, and a new round scorch mark showed up beside him, matching the dozens of other little burned circles around it. 
'Hey, hi.' he smiled as you stood in front of him, words escaping you. No matter how long you had taken to practice, all attempts are coherence failed you when you saw him. His eyes were just so big and brown, sparkling in the warm spring sun; his hair, a bit messy, looked so soft as he brushed his hand through it. You just wanted to follow your fingers along with his. Gods. This was embarrassing. 
'I uhh– I was wondering…' you could do it. You already had the ticket in your back pocket. Worst to come, you could just throw it at him and run away. You took a deep breath. 'Are you going to the Metallica concert on Friday?' 
'Jesus, please don't talk to me about it.' He fainted back into the van. 'It's too painful.' 
'Oh, alright,' you bit your lip, now very excited. 'I just thought… maybe you would like to go, but if you don't want me to talk about it–' you started slowly to turn around, pretending to walk away as Eddie shot straight back up and jumped up to where you were standing. He reached for your arm to stop you from escaping him. 
'Are you serious?' He was looking straight into your eyes, trying to decipher whether or not you were taking the piss. You just nodded, then revealed the ticket you had been holding back. 
'It's yours if you want it.' 
With a gentleness you had never seen before in him, he took the ticket and stared at it, full of awe and disbelief. Those big brown eyes then looked at you again, small smile wrinkles at the corners as he grinned wider than ever before, and before you knew it, he had you up from the ground in a bone-crushing hug, spinning you around in his arms. 
'Thank you.' His voice was higher than usual, and you could almost think he would start crying any second now.
'It's a pleasure.' You shrugged; after all, someone had to take the ticket, and you needed to pretend like you weren't freaking out as much as he was just by the fact you were talking to him, and he had just hugged you so tightly you could still feel it on you. 
'No, seriously, this is–' he was lost for words, 'what do you want for them?' 
'It's all yours… just maybe… well, a ride to the concert would be nice.' 
'Don't even question it. I'll pick you up bright and early.' 
'We have class,' you tried to explain, but his bewildered expression had recomposed in his own little mischievous smirk.
'We gotta be there on time if we want to be so close we can smell their fucking sweat stains.' he saw your disgusted face when and laughed, 'I'm sorry, but I'll take Kirk Hammett's sweaty armpit over O'Donnell's class any day.' He had a point there. 
So, when Friday came, you got ready in your concert outfit, packed your schoolbag with road trip snacks and ran out of the house before your parents could ask any questions. Eddie waited in his van at the end of the road, just as excited as you were. Far from it, this wasn't his first time playing hooky, yet he jumped up and down in his seat. For you, all of this was quite new, so your heart was beating a million miles per minute. 
So much was happening suddenly.  You were 1) skipping school, 2) with Eddie Munson, 3) and you were driving to Indianapolis, 4) to see Metallica. Life could not get crazier than this. 
The entire drive there, you spend listening to the cassettes Eddie had stored in his glove compartment while eating the snacks you had prepared and laughing about whatever in life felt to be funny enough. It didn't feel like you were driving down a familiar road. But, with Eddie behind the wheel, at your side, it felt like a real adventure. You chatted about anything and everything, getting to know each other a bit better, and with every single little new thing you found out about Eddie, you felt yourself falling a little more. 
Once at the arena where the concert would be held, you could see plenty of cars and people who had the same idea as you to get ahead of the even bigger crowd which would accumulate over the day. Lines outside each exit and the last-minute ticket booths spread yards around. It was not even noon yet, and the sun shined brightly, forecasting a heat that would make the waiting that much more unbearable. 
By the time the doors opened, everyone was tired. Half a day sitting in line would do that for the morale, no matter how enjoyable the company around you is. And not just Eddie. Everyone near you was extremely nice, all sharing that same enthusiasm to see their favourite band. 
Fortunately, the fatigue from the waiting subsided, and energy levels reverted back to the max as the seats of the arena filled up and the area in front of the stage became surrounded by fans. It was, surprisingly, not as tight as you had imagined. You had already worked yourself up by the idea of having to squeeze yourself against Eddie's chest when no moving space would be available because of all the people around you. But no, for now, it was spacious, and you felt like you had enough air to breathe. Of course, that would soon change once the band would start playing, and everyone would bulldoze their way toward them. 
'Oh, shit. Sorry,' Eddie smiled an apology when someone pushed into him, making him bump into you. 
'It's fine.' You tried to play it cool like you had been most of the day. But it was hard with the way he was looking at you, with those big brown eyes, and now that he was standing so close to you. He had placed his hands on your arms, keeping you next to him, as men larger than both of you tried to pass. They had been holding drinks, clearly on the lookout for some friends nearby. His rings pressed into your skin. 
'You, uh– you sure?' He cleared his throat, letting go of you. A moment shared that fleeted by just as quickly as it had arrived, but left your head spinning. 
And then the show started, and it was all one big blur. You had been to parties, gotten drunk before many a time, smoked some stuff as well, and yet this was the biggest high you had ever had been on. You jumped and screamed along to all the songs, unable to take your eyes off the band members moving along the stage (you could have sworn James made direct eye contact with you at some point!!). It was all becoming one big blur of emotions. And evidently, Eddie was feeling the same way. He sang along just as loudly, maybe even louder than you. He was one of the first people to pull out his zippo to wave the flame along, creating a sea of light that transcended the songs and their emotions. 
At one moment, you looked up at him. He had been too focused on what was happening on the stage, but the smile on his face was one of the most beautiful things you had ever seen—pure joy. 
You didn't want any of it to end, ever, but unfortunate, all good things must. Much sooner than either of you had wanted to, you were being ushered out along with the masses to the exit and the midnight air hit you in the face. Drunk on emotions, Eddie was leaning on your shoulders, basically making you drag him behind you. 
'That might have just been the best night of my life!' He screamed out into the void of the night. People looked up at him, but no one disagreed with that statement. You even heard some people cheer him on. 
Eddie jogged up ahead of you and made you stop in your tracks. He placed his hands on your shoulders again, making sure you were looking deep into his eyes (as if you really needed to be told to do that) when he said his next words: 'Thank you. So much. For everything.' 
'It's really nothing,' you smiled, and yeah, it wasn't that big of a deal. You had a ticket left, and he was pretty much the only other person in the entirety of Hawkins you knew who listened to Metallica. So, in all fairness, he was doing you a favour by coming with you. But you wouldn't say that. You enjoyed his touch way too much to ruin the moment he was creating. 
'No really. I– I could kiss you right now.' 
'What?' His face ticked in confusion, just the smallest of ways.
'What?' you repeated, confused. Surely, you had not said that out loud.
You were both now just staring at each other, awkwardly, unsure of what to do. It was not how you had wanted any of this to go. Oh, it was just horrible, having to look at him after this. How could you have been so stupid, saying your dumb thoughts right out loud? 
'What are you waiting for? Just kiss already!' A big and deep voice came from behind you. You turned around to see a man, one you had seen before, walking with his group of friends at the foot of the stage. 'I'm tired of this waiting. Kiss! Kiss!' He started a chant among his crowd of friends. 
'No thank you!' Eddie shouted back, pulling you close to him and quickly leading you away from the people, ignoring the boos. Once far enough away, near the parking lot and the spot where Eddie had left his van, he leaned in to speak right into your ear. It was silly, since no one around would listen to it anyway, but he clearly felt the need for you to know that this was just between him and you. 
'Sorry, sweetheart, I didn't feel like our first kiss should be because of peer pressure from a bunch of random drunks. Now, however–' He then placed one of his ringed fingers under your chin, leading it upward, for your mouth to meet his in a soft and quick kiss. Though it only lasted a mere moment, it had been enough to send sparks flying through your entire body, making you feel afloat. You hadn't even realised you had closed your eyes until you had to flutter them back open, and you were greeted with his smirk. 'C'mon, we still got a loong drive ahead of us.' 
the end
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Did i base this off of what happened + what i had wanted to happen between me and my high school crush? I guess you will never know. xoxo, gossip girl
thank you for reading!! please comment and reblog!!!
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mk-wizard · 2 years
Baymax the series: We owe it an apology
As someone who is a fan of Baymax, Big Hero 6, a comic author and most relevantly, a mother, I just have to get a few things off of my chest about the new Baymax series which I find other parents not only reacted way too harshly, but I find it was deeply misjudged and misunderstood.
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The harshest claim the Baymax series, and even Big Hero 6, gets is that it is not appropriate for children, but that claim alone is flawed because the Big Hero 6 series (movie, books, shorts, cartoons, etc.) was never aimed at small children and always dealt with topics that were serious or went over a small child’s head. While the character Baymax is child friendly with his teddy bear like appearance and sweet demeanor, the series he comes from is obviously aimed for pre-teens and teenagers since the main characters are in that age group and deal with situations people of that age group can identify with. Some of these issues are not even medical, biological or even sexual. They are just social such as having to deal with loss, regret and changes you weren’t ready for. From the beginning of the story, the main character Hiro is an orphan who is initially on the wrong path until his older brother Tadashi sets him straight and even soon after that, his brother dies in a tragic accident. And all of this as well as the other serious topics are presented with class and sensitivity. There is no gore or harsh imagery aside from the funeral itself which was sad, but clean.
I must also point out that in Big Hero 6 progressivism has always been present whether it is in the form of science or social awareness. Just look at how progressively it portrays men and women or the rich and poor. It takes a huge stab (no pun intended) by making Wasabi a swordfighter who is also meek, nervous, insecure, kind of a fraidy cat and yet is still not any less of a fighter for it. Then there is Fred who is very wealthy yet has a job which he is proud of, he gets joy out of simple things, he is unconditionally kind to everyone, does things by himself, he isn’t narcissistic and isn’t concerned with the social class of his peers. Also, it is also very clear that it is a very feminist series because the women and girls of Big Hero 6 and Baymax are diverse and strong. It should come as no surprise to us that it would introduce us to some LGBT+ characters too, present the period as being a normal and natural thing, and have gender neutral bathrooms which might I add only contained stalls which gave anyone and everyone privacy when they had to go. Everything was presented with class and nothing innocence shattering was shown or done.
Not even when during the period episode, it showed men being aware of what a period is and what a girl needs for it. A man is not a pervert for being aware of how basic female biology works not even if he is transgender. And in the defense of that background character who just happened to be a transgender male, all he did was be a nice guy. It is like being aware of how breathing works. Even my husband who has no sisters and is biologically male knows what the period is and how it works. Also, suppose a kid was watching that episode of Baymax, it is alright because most of it would go over their head and nothing private is shown. Even the sight of the hygiene products isn’t so bad because we never even see them directly. We just see labels and boxes. As mentioned before, this series’ main audience consists of teenagers and pre-teens so it is natural for it to address topics like this.
And I also have to come to the defense of Mbita who is gay and openly asked his crush out on a date; there is absolutely nothing inappropriate about a consenting adult asking another consenting adult out. In the eyes of a child who doesn’t get how dating and crushes work, the kid will think Mbita and his crush are just really good friends and they would think the exact same thing if his crush was a woman. That is unless the kid has gay relatives or a gay parent, and even then, it is ok. I did not see an agenda being pushed around or rubbed harshly in the face of the viewer. I just saw a character in a situation that is relatable to anyone who has had a crush they were too nervous to talk to which tons of straight people go through too. If anything, I thought it was sweet. The only part of Mbita’s episode that a small child understands is that he suddenly became allergic to fish at this made him upset because he loves cooking fish and he was apprehensive about cooking something else. That and he clearly fears needles.
If you think the Big Hero 6 franchise is not for small children, that is fine because it admits that it isn’t, but you can’t fault it for that and you definitely should not persecute it for that. Do not make claims that it is trying to harm children or push agendas. It is not doing anything that it has not done before and none of it is evil.
Fellow parents, please stop being so angry at a series that didn’t do anything wrong. I don’t know about all of you, but I actually think that everything the Baymax series brought to the table so far was nice, well written, heartwarming and relatable to everyone.
I think you owe Baymax and its writers an apology because you said some things that weren’t very nice or true.
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I'm Not Sure Of Anything Anymore - Remus Lupin x Reader
A/N So this is reposted from my quotev, so don't report me if you recognize this lol. This is a little angsty, and I hope you enjoy :)
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"You do realize you can't keep this from her forever, right?"
"She's gonna find out at some point."
"It's best that she hears it from you."
"She's starting to wonder, it's only a matter of time."
"This has to be the stupidest thing you've ever done, and that's saying a lot."
These things echoed around in Remus' head, bouncing around against the inside of his skull and ringing in his ears like a gong. He knew these things, knew that he had to come clean sooner rather than later, but he'd successfully kept everything a secret up until this point and it was going so well that it was hard to ever imagine this beautiful reality shattering. 
But that's the thing, it wasn't reality. It was a beautiful, fragile lie that he'd been striving to keep up, putting so much effort into this façade that the idea of it being broken seemed almost cruel.
But nothing lasts forever. What a painful lesson to learn.
"What are you staring at, honey?" Marlene asked, concern dripping from her voice as she watched her friend just stare into the abyss, not even blinking.
"Huh?" Y/N shook her head and turned to her friends, both of them watching her worry plastered on their faces. "Oh- uh. Yeah no, I'm- I'm fine." 
"You don't look very convinced." Lily pointed out, gently rubbing her hand up and down her friend's arm. "What's going on in that head of yours?" 
"It's really nothing, I'm just being stupid." Y/N muttered, wrapping her arms around herself for comfort. "It's just.... Have you guys noticed how often Remus is with that Ravenclaw now?" 
"Who? Charlotte Kingsfield?" Marlene questioned.
Y/N slowly nodded. "It just seems like they're suddenly best friends, but whenever I ask about it he gets really nervous and changes the subject." She paused and took a deep breath, holding back tears. "Do you think..... do you think he's cheating on me?" 
Lily and Marlene shared a panicked, wide eyed glance, before both bursting into what they hoped would be comforting reassurance. 
"Absolutely not!"
"Remus would never! That boy's crazy about you!"
"He talks about you all the time, he's to in love to ever even dream of cheating!"
Y/N sniffed and nodded along with their words. "Yeah, I guess you're right. I'm just being dumb."
"No love, you aren't being dumb at all!" Marlene argued. "It's natural to be concerned, but I promise you from the bottom of my heart, Remus would never cheat on you."
Y/N considered their words for a minute, before she nodded again and a small smile appeared on her face. "Okay, thanks guys." She glanced down at her watch and swore, grabbing her bag. "I've got a class starting in ten minutes, so I got to get going. I'll see you guys in Herbology later, right?" 
"Right." Lily smiled at her reassuringly. "We love you."
"Love you guys too." Y/N smiled, feeling better now that she'd been able to get her fears off her chest. Today was going to be a good day, she could feel it.
Y/N waved to her best friends as she started walking backwards towards to doors to the Great Hall, not wanting to be late to Potions again. Slughorn was already pissed enough at her as it was for skipping Slug Club without any notice. She spun around and started jogging towards the doors, watching her feet to make sure she didn't trip over anyone's stuff that was sprawled on the floor. 
Finally making it to the end of the tables and past all the students, Y/N glanced up, and her bag and wand fell from her hands, a faint 'THUD' barely registering in her mind as she felt her heart being crushed, tears welling up in her eyes.
There, about fifty feet away, was that damned Ravenclaw Charlotte Kingsfield giggling, pulling behind her a laughing Remus Lupin, their hands intertwined tightly. Charlotte's face was covered in a bright pink blush, and Remus' face was slowly turning redder by the second in a way that only Y/N could make happen.
Or at least, she used to be the only person that could make that happen, but now her 'perfect' boyfriend was running off with another girl. And all she could do was stand there and watch as her heart shattered. 
 "YOU BLOODY MORON!" Lily roared, storming into the Marauder's dorm with a fuming Marlene hot on her heels.
"REMUS LUPIN!" Marlene growled, pushing a confused James Potter out of her way and stalking over to Remus' bed. "I'M GOING TO KICK MY FOOT SO FAR UP YOUR ARSE YOU'RE GOING TO BE TASTING NAIL POLISH!"
"Woah! Woah woah. Let's just calm down now!" Sirius gently grabbed his girlfriend before she was able to strangle Remus, restraining her and carefully pulling Marlene away from the terrified boy. 
"No! We're aren't going to calm down!" Lily shouted, also being restrained by her boyfriend whose glasses were askew on his face from her fighting. "This idiot needs to be held accountable!" 
"Accountable for what?" James questioned incredulously. 
"That's what I would like to know!" Remus muttered, eyeing the two struggling females with slight fear. 
"Charlotte Kingsfield, that's what!" Marlene snapped. "Stop acting all innocent you two-faced, lying, pond scum of a human being!" 
The three Marauders exchanged confused looks, having no clue what the girls were going on about. This had been an incredibly baffling interaction thus far, but at least Lily and Marlene were physically fighting less now. Verbally, not so much. 
"What, the Ravenclaw girl?" Sirius asked.
"Yes that Ravenclaw girl!" Lily growled. "Your super loyal best friend here, has been cheating on Y/N with her!" 
All of their heads snapped around to stare at Remus, the girls with utter contempt, and the boys with confused horror. 
"What- cheating on Y/N??" Remus' eyes were wide with confusion, having no clue what his girlfriend's bestfriends were going on about. 
"I thought you were just getting your Wolfsbane from Kingsfield?" James accused.
"I am!" Remus exclaimed. "I have no clue what their talking about!"
"You LIAR!" And just like that Marlene was back to struggling, desperate to get her manicured hands around the boy's throat. 
"ALRIGHT!" Sirius hollered, shutting up everyone in the room. "We," he gestured between himself and James. "Have absolutely no clue what's going on, and he," he gestured to Remus who was still sitting wide-eyed. "doesn't seem to know either. So we are all going to sit down, and have a nice, calm conversation so we can figure all of this out." 
"Wow, look at you Pads. Being all mature and responsible." James nodded, impressed. 
"It's sad I'm the most rational right now." Sirius sighed.
Finally having managed to get the girls to sit down and not lunge at their best friend, James and Sirius were sitting on one bed with Remus in between them, and Marlene and Lily sitting across from them on another bed. 
"Now, let's hear what exactly has you guys so worked up." James said, gesturing towards Lily to start. 
"You're buddy here has been cheating on Y/N with that stupid Ravenclaw." Lily huffed.
"I have not!" Remus exclaimed, baffled by this whole situation.
"He has too!" Marlene snapped.
James sighed, fixing his glasses. "Why do you think he's been cheating on her?" 
"Oh, I don't know. Maybe because suddenly he's spending more time with Kingsfield than his actual girlfriend? Maybe because Kingsfield was very giggly when holding his hand and pulling him out of the Great Hall! Maybe because his actual girlfriend has been crying herself to sleep over the fact that her boyfriend won't give her a straight answer about why he's been spending so much time with that Ravenclaw!" Marlene spewed, glaring at Remus with hatred. 
"He keeps disappearing out of nowhere with her, and I don't believe that she's just giving him Wolfsbane." Lily snipped. 
"Alright." Sirius rubbed his forehead in a tired manner. "Now Remus, care to explain what the hell they're talking about?" 
"All I've been doing with Kingsfield is getting my Wolfsbane from her, I swear. She was giggly this morning because Joshua Pringley had just asked her out, and she was pulling me by my hand because Madam Pomfrey needed me to run some tests this morning, that's all!" Remus explained. "I would never cheat on Y/N, I love her too much to do that!"
"Wait, what does Kingsley have to do with Madam Pomfrey?" Marlene asked. 
"She's her apprentice. Kingsley wants to be the next head nurse at Hogwarts, and after we graduate this year she's going to be her apprentice full time since she won't have classes to worry about. Madam Pomfrey sends Charlotte to get me for my treatments every month, that's why I'll just 'disappear with her' like you said." Remus told them, hoping this would clear some of this up.
"So, it sounds like this was all just a big misunderstanding!" James chirped, clapping his hands together. "So just explain to Y/N you get your Wolfsbane from Kingsley, and that should clear all of this up!" 
Sirius nodded, agreeing with James, and then turned to the girls. "Does that sound okay?"
Marlene and Lily glared at him, before looking at each other then nodding. They still weren't happy with Remus, but at least he wasn't actually cheating on their best friend. 
Remus coughed and rubbed the back of his neck, "So uh- here's the thing about that. I kind of- uh, can't just tell her that." 
Lily eyeballed him suspiciously as James and Sirius got quiet again. "Why not Lupin?"
"'Cause I uh- might not have told her I was a werewolf yet..." Remus muttered. "OW! Why'd you hit me?"
Remus rubbed his head where Sirius had smacked him, staring at his friend.
"You said you were gonna tell her last year!" 
"You're saying she still doesn't know?" James asked, baffled. "You've been dating for four years Remus! You're planning on propos-" He slapped a hand over his mouth, Remus and Sirius looking horrified at his revelation while Lily and Marlene's eyes got huge. 
"He's planning on what!?" 
"I wasn't supposed to say that." James muttered sheepishly. 
"No, no, I'm glad you did. That only adds to the gravity of this situation." Marlene spun towards Remus again. "What are you going to do if you did get married? Just casually forget to mention it to her, until your wife starts wondering why her husband disappears at the same time every single month? Or what about when you have kids? Are you just gonna let her find out when one of your children suddenly turns furry and bloodthirsty?" 
"Marlene-" Sirius tried to stop her.
"No, she has a point! Is he really gonna blindside her completely? I thought you loved her, Remus. Your actions say otherwise." Lily snapped, standing up. "I'm done talking to you, Lupin. Either figure this shit out and come clean, or she's gonna leave you, and we," She gestured between herself and Marlene. "Will never speak to you again for hurting her like that." 
With that, Lily and Marlene left the dorm, leaving to very confused boys, and one very scared werewolf mulling over what they'd said.  
Having made up his mind, that night Remus went looking for his girlfriend, ready to be completely honest about who and what he was. His friends were right, this was something Y/N absolutely needed to know, especially if they were going to have a future together. He couldn't keep this from her for any longer, and despite withholding the information to try and protect her, it was only succeeding in damaging the relationship that was so precious to him. 
He finally found her, sitting alone by the lake under the same tree where he'd first asked her to go on a date with him. 
"Hey love." Remus murmured, coming to sit on the grass next to her.
"Hi." She mumbled, not even turning to look at him. She hadn't automatically gone to lean against him like normal, and Remus could almost see the overwhelming thoughts that were churning around in her head.  
"How's you're day been?" He tried, hoping to get her to relax a little before breaking the news to her.
"Could've been better." She responded flatly. 
"Anything interesting happen?" He tried again.
Y/N rolled her eyes and finally turned to look at him. Her mascara was smudged around her eyes, and there were black tear tracks down the sides of her cheeks. Her nose was slightly runny from crying so much, and her eyes were puffy and red. Despite all of this, she was still the most gorgeous person Remus had ever been blessed to see. 
"Why are you even here?" She asked.
"What do you mean?" Remus questioned. Didn't she want him here? She'd told him once that he was the biggest comfort when she was feeling upset. He was just praying that was still true.
"I mean, shouldn't you be off with your new girlfriend." 
"What new girlf-" He started, before she very abruptly stood up and cut him off.
"Oh stop playing dumb Remus. I'm really not in the mood." Y/N turned and started to walk off, Remus quickly scrambling to his feet and following her.
"Do you mean Charlotte Kingsfield? She's not-"
"OH! So you do know what I'm talking about!" Y/N threw her hands in the air and chuckled sarcastically. She spun and shoved him in the chest. "Well where is your little Ravenclaw then? Shouldn't you be snogging her in some closet right about now? You know, before you come crawling back to me pretending like you aren't a lying arsehole!" 
"No, Y/N I promise you I have never once snogged her, or any other girl while we've been dating!" Remus promised, trying to get her to believe that he was telling the truth. 
"So I guess it's just a coincidence that suddenly my boyfriend is barely spending any time with me and keeps sneaking off with the popular girl from another house. How'd you meet her Remus? Is she a prefect too? Another perfect gorgeous girl that throws herself at you when I'm not there, because 'oh stupid Y/N wasn't perfect or smart enough to be a prefect!'" 
"That's not what's going on at all!"
"Then explain to me what is, exactly! Because right now there really isn't any logical explanation for why you're suddenly all over her unless you're snogging her behind my back!" 
"You really want to know?"
"No! I just want to stand here hollering at you in the middle of the night. Yes of course I want to know!"
Remus took a deep breath, hoping that this wasn't going to explode in his face more than it already had.
"I'm a werewolf." He squeezed his eyes shut, praying she wasn't going to scream in terror or take off running. Instead, he was met with a humorless laugh. 
"Wow. A werewolf huh?" Y/N smiled sarcastically. "You must really think I'm pathetic huh."
"You can't even come out and say that you want to break up? You have to come up with some shitty excuse to explain your behavior? You really think I'm that stupid?!" Y/N started to yell.
"No! I'm not lying I promise you! I am a werewolf, and the reason I've been around Kingsley so much recently is because she brings me Wolfsbane! That's it, that's all that has been happening between the two of us!" Remus grabbed her hands, trying to stop her from walking away. "I promise you, I have never once cheated on you. I love you too much to ever dream of doing that."
She stared at him quietly for a moment, before pulling her hands away and slowly shaking her head.
"Okay Remus, let's say that you're telling the truth and you are a werewolf. Did you really think my love was that fragile? And that Kingsley has been bringing you Wolfsbane. Why exactly did you feel safer telling some random Ravenclaw than your own girlfriend?!" 
"I was trying to protect you!"
"You were trying to protect me? Really? But Charlotte Kingsfield can know! Kingsfield can know all about your deep dark secrets but me, your girlfriend of four years isn't allowed to know!" Y/N took a deep breath, wrapping her arms around herself to try and protect her fragile heart. 
"How long, Remus?"
"How long, what?"
"How long, have you been a werewolf? Is this like a recent thing, or.." Y/N was trying desperately to find some solution as to why her boyfriend hadn't trusted her enough to tell her, but Charlotte got to know. Maybe he just got turned into one this year. Maybe she just happened to stumble upon him while he was changed and that's why she was helping Y/N's boyfriend and not her. Y/N was just praying that this was all a recent development, that he hadn't been keeping this from her for very long, that their relationship wasn't built on lies.
"Since I was four."
And the world stopped spinning.
He'd been a werewolf since he was four. They'd met when they were both eleven, and they're seventeen now. Six years of friendship, four years of dating, and she was just finding all of this out now.
They stood in silence for a few minutes, Y/N trying desperately not to start crying, and Remus frantically searching for a way to salvage this. When finally, very quietly, she spoke.
"Did you not trust me? Did I not love you well enough?"
"No! Never! My love," Remus gently, but desperately grabbed her face and brought their foreheads together, "You are the best thing that has ever happened to me, and the only reason I didn't tell you was because I was scared. This is all my fault, not yours. And the only reason Kingsley even knows is because she's helping Madam Pomfrey, I promise."
"I don't know Remus..."
"Please my darling, believe me when I tell you that I love you more than life itself. And please, please give me another chance, I won't screw this one up! I'll be the best boyfriend that you've ever seen, and there won't be anymore lies ever." He was gently cradling her body to his chest, their foreheads pressed together and his breath fanning across her face, before she gently stepped back, away from him.
"Remus, I'm gonna need some time, and some space to think. And when it's all done, I can't promise that I'm going to want to come back to you."
"W-what are you saying? Are you, breaking up with me?" Remus could feel is heart shattering, his life crumbling in front of him as the center of his universe started to cry again.
"I-I don't know." She sniffed. "I'm not sure of anything anymore."
Y/N turned and walked away, arms clutched to her chest as silent sobs came out of her, tears freely streaming down her face.
And Remus just stood there, watching her walk away, tears starting to flow down his cheeks, as the ring in his pocket suddenly got really heavy.
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I’m leaving this little request in your mailbox with absolutely zero pressure.
Eddie Munson (because I’m nothing if not predictable…)
[REUNITE] and/or [MASK]
You know I’ll soak up everything you write like a sponge, even if it’s for a fandom I’m not part of, so I can’t wait to see what you write whether you write my ask or not! Have fun!! 💕
Oh Jax as if I wasn't going to write whatever you asked me to lol somehow it ended up being 4k words of emotional pain and smut.
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Lonely is the Word
Pairing: Eddie Munson x femreader
Words: 4k
Rating: E
Warnings: some angst, smut
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I saw some graffiti once that said "love is like broken glass." And if that's true, Eddie Munson was the boot that had shattered me, ground me into nothing more than particles.
I couldn't even blame him, not really, not after what he had been through.
So I waited. Time passed and his physical wounds had healed, but Eddie stayed behind, the walls he built growing higher and higher, covering over with brambles and thorns and vines to keep me out, to keep everyone out. As much as I wanted to, I was never able to fit in the spaces he had hallowed out of himself, cutting myself on the jagged edges whenever I tried. So, bloody and bruised, I left.
Not just him, but Hawkins altogether.
As summer faded away, I loaded my things in the trunk of my shitty, hand me down station wagon, and picked up Robin the next morning, driving the two of us to New York where Robin was starting a theater program at NYU. I hadn't even said goodbye to Eddie. I doubt he would have even seen me if I tried.
And now it was January, cold and bleak midwinter. The elevator doors closed and regret clogged up my throat as I saw my reflection in the gleaming metal. The dress Robin had managed to snag for me from the costume department could only be described as decadent - black velvet that clung to my waist and breasts, the neckline a deep v that settled just above my belly button. It fell to the floor in a tumble of fabric, a long slit up the side, the sleeves ending at my wrists. Atop my cheek bones sat a Venetian mask, black and gold and secured by a black ribbon.
I felt beautiful. I felt ridiculous.
A warm hand settled on the small of my back and I turned, giving Robin a wan smile. She had worn a black velvet suit to match my outfit, her hair falling in messy waves around her white and gold mask.
"You look killer, you know," she chirped, trying to bring excitement back to the moment.
And I should be excited, I knew that. This party was going to be insane - invites were incredibly hard to come by and I knew how stoked Robin was for this. So I ticked my smile higher and clutched my friend's hand, squeezing gently.
"You look killer," I answered, swinging our joined hands between us. "Thank you for bringing me."
"There's no one else I'd rather crush some fancy masquerade with."
It hadn't been easy for Robin, watching her oldest friend crumble into ruins at the loss of the love of her young life. But she took it like a champ, doing everything she could to bring some light back to the situation. And when her NYU acceptance letter came in, it was a no-brainer that we go together, that we try and escape the ghosts of that spring.
Nancy had gone to California with Jonathan and Steve...well, someone had to stay with Eddie. So Robin called him most nights and they giggled like idiots until sleep claimed them.
The elevator doors slid open as they reached the penthouse. Robin extended an arm. "M'lady," she teased.
A second set of doors opened and I would have sworn we had walked into another world. Original art in gilded frames covered the walls and waiters in all black, masks included, skirted around the room, trays of champagne and hors d'oeuvres braced on their splayed fingertips. The lights were low and we had to squint to make out the darker corners, the people who had already found their way to them, masks abandoned, bodies and hands occupied.
"Remind me how you got us in here?" I asked, her eyes wide.
"Uh…remember my thing for hot older women?" Robin whisper-yelled.
I nodded, my eyes refusing to settle on any one thing.
"I fooled around with the Dean of Performing Arts."
I turned to her, my mouth falling open. "You did not?!"
"What? She's only like forty." Robin shrugged. "She's insanely hot. And we only live once, kitten. Better make the best of it."
"You're out of your mind!"
All Robin said was "yes" before leading us toward the nearest waiter and snagging two glasses of champagne. It was bubbly, tart on my tongue, and warm as it hit the pit of my gut. My eyes wandered off in search of the hors d'oeuvres, darting over the other guests who were draped in couture designs. I snagged a bacon wrapped fig and then another, flashing the waiter a stupid grin as I chewed. A hand rose from across the room and Robin perked up at the sight of the brunette woman in red, her dress a frothy confection that wrapped around her like a cloud.
"Duty calls," she whispered, leaning in to press a quick kiss to my cheek before abandoning me for who I assumed was the "insanely hot" dean.
There is a feeling that comes with being watched. That feeling only intensifies when being watched by someone who has seen the most vulnerable parts of you. It's a sort of heavy awareness that pushes at all of your defenses.
That feeling descended on me, leaving me feeling hot and cold, bare and vulnerable, like prey. My eyes scanned the room from behind my mask, lingering here and there, but I found no one watching, everyone too engrossed in their drinks or their company or their hidden, wandering hands. I backed through the crowd and found a spot near the doors that led to the balcony, watching transfixed as the music took on a darker tone, the party slowly melting from upscale gathering to bacchanalian revelry. For a moment, it was easy to forget the unease that ate at me as these upper east side yuppies forget their sense of propriety.
And then I felt it, the watching, like hands peeling away the layers of my borrowed dress. This time my eyes landed on familiar chocolate curls and my stomach dropped, landing somewhere near my feet.
No, that was impossible.
They were gone as quickly as they appeared, disappeared into the crowd. I whirled around, trying to find Robin. My eyes darted over the crowd, looking for the white and gold mask, finally landing on her familiar golden hair. But she was too engrossed in her conversation to notice me, to see the panic on my face.
The hair on the back of my neck stood on end, my brain screaming that there was something I was missing, something important, just as a warmth bloomed at my back, a heat so heartbreakingly familiar.
"Hey you."
I knew that voice. I'd heard it a thousand times before in a thousand different ways: soft and intimate near the shell of my ear, shouting at me from across the room, caught in a whine as I touched him, touched him, touched him.
I turned and there he was, his hair pulled back, a black and red mask over the top half of his face. He was here. He was whole. He was…wearing a suit?
"Hey, baby," he murmured, and his voice drew me in, dragged me down, like it did every time. For a moment I forgot how angry I still was, how hurt.
But then he grinned and it all came back, crashing over me like a wave against the beach. "What the fuck?" I hissed, looking over my shoulder, looking for escape. I had wanted this so badly, wanted him, but now all I wanted was to run away.
Eddie's face fell, his soft mouth pulling down at the edges. He was quick to straighten it though, holding his hands up in surrender as I pulled away from him. The soft candlelight glinted off the metal of his rings. "I'm sorry," he blurted. "I know that doesn't mean shit and you hate my guts but I just…I couldn't keep it in anymore. I'm so sorry."
"I've been gone for six months, Eddie! And there were five months before that when an 'I'm sorry' would have been way more appropriate." My eyes narrowed and I crossed my arms over my chest. He opened his mouth and I held up a hand to silence him. "I get it, okay. You went through something horrible, something I'll never truly understand. Rob still has nightmares; I know whatever it was was horrible. I wasn't there, so I don't really understand. But you wouldn't let me help you, you wouldn't even let me try to be there for you! I go on a stupid spring break vacation and I come back to my boyfriend on trial for murder and an earthquake that bulldozed my house and you won't even talk to me!" A few heads turned toward the sound of my raised voice.
He shoved his hands in his pockets, scuffing the toe of his shiny dress shoe against the marble tile.
"And where the fuck did you get a suit?"
Eddie snorted a laugh. "Robin."
"She knows you're here?"
"She scored me a ticket."
My eyes flew over the room, landing on my roommate who leaned against a column on the other side of the open space. Robin dropped her gaze when she realized she'd been caught, her smile slipping.
I sighed, shaking my head, buzzing with irritation and resentment and a sadness I thought I had left behind. "You two are unbelievable. I can't believe you, Eddie." I dropped my hands and turned away from him, pushing through the double doors that led to the balcony, goosebumps erupting over my skin as soon as the January night air swept over me. I stomped toward one of the ridiculously fancy fire pits, flames dancing in the dark, the warmth seeping into my bones. So frustrated that I could scream, I stared into the fire, willing my nerves to settle. Footsteps broke my newfound calm and my hands clenched into fists again.
"Jesus Christ, it's freezing out here." Eddie rounded the corner, already pulling the jacket from his shoulders to wrap around me. I fought the urge to snap at him, to shrug off his offering. But it was warm and it smelled like him and oh, god, it was too much. He reached back, untying the ribbon that held his mask to his face and I felt the telltale burn of impending tears when I looked at him for the first time in six months.
Eddie was almost exactly like I remembered. His eyes were still soft, so dark and warm I wanted to drown in them. His plush mouth curved up into an awkward smile that I had memorized almost as soon as I met him. I knew every freckle that lay over his body. I knew just where to touch to make him laugh or to make him moan. I knew what he sounded like just before he came, when my name was a whimper in his mouth. But that Eddie had been a boy. Whoever stood in front of me now was definitely a man. There was a hardness to him that I had never seen before, a hollowness, a haunting.
"What are you doing here, Eddie?" An old softness crept into my voice, the one I saved just for him.
He tossed his mask to the bench tucked into the corner beside us and shoved his hands into his pockets. "I was dead."
My face pinched in confusion. "What?"
"I died down there, in the Upside-down. I was dead." He said it as if it were old news, as if it wasn't earth shattering. "I remember the pain, I remember the blood, I remember Dustin holding me as it all went dark. I don't remember how they got me home. Hell, I barely remember the trial. The lights were on, but no one was home."
I nodded, angling my body toward his. He stared down at his shoes, refusing to meet my eyes. Slowly, gently, as if afraid to scare him off, I reached for him. His dark eyes met mine and it was as if whatever wall lay between us split right down the middle.
"I couldn't stand the sight of myself, so how could I expect you to?"
And just like that, my heart broke all over again. "Eddie, there was never a single moment where I wanted anything but you." Our on again, off again had been in an off period when that Spring Break had come around, but I had genuinely believed it was just another one of our stupid games, a parting meant to make the reunion sweeter, hotter. "I was coming home to you."
He nodded, a sad smile pulling at his lips. "I know. But something broke in me and I had no idea how to fix it. I wasn't gonna let you wait around while I figured it out. It just wasn't fair."
My voice lowered, my festering irritation blooming painfully. "What wasn't fair was you making that choice for me. I get that you had some things to work through that a girlfriend wasn't super conducive to, but we could have had a conversation about that. You could have just dumped me."
Eddie nodded, pursing his lips as he really thought about what I said. But then his eyes met mine and I didn't miss the heat in them, they way they shined in the firelight. He pulled his hands from pockets and stepped forward, grabbing my wrist and tugging me toward a door I hadn't noticed before.
"Eddie, let go of me." I tried to yank my hand back but he didn't give an inch, breathing a soft 'hell yeah' when he found the door wasn't locked, pushing it open and jerking me inside what looked like a small library. Two leather chairs flanked an ornate marble fireplace and a low, plush leather couch sat on the opposite side, its back to the massive built-ins stuffed full of books and sculptures. It was dark, the only light coming from the moon and the lights that had been strung up on the balcony, filtering in softly through the gauzy sheer curtains. The door clicked shut behind us and when Eddie's hand fell to the knob, he slid the lock home.
A familiar spark lit in my belly, a heat that had always promised pleasure, that only took root when he looked at me the way he was now, the way he hadn't in over a year. His eyes were black in the dim room, his face serious as he pinned me with that heavy gaze. And then he was on me, his hands cradling my face, his mouth crushing to mine. My surprised gasp lowered into a moan when he licked into my mouth, nipping at my bottom lip.
"It was never about living without you," he mumbled against my lips. "I just didn't know how to live with myself anymore. But I think I've finally started to figure it out."
"Eddie," I whispered, and it hurt. It broke my heart that he felt that way, that he had lived in a world where he didn't feel like he belonged, even more so than he had when we met, both outcasts and not too eager to change that fact. It hurt even more that it had all played out this way, neither of us able to reach out to the other.
Eddie backed up toward the couch, dropping to splay over the cushions. He pulled me over his lap, my hands finding his hair and tangling in the curls I had managed to free from the hair tie. He sucked at my neck, his mouth hotter than I remembered as his hand slid beneath the slit of my dress. He tugged off my mask before his hands fell, rough fingertips sliding over the skin of my thigh, higher toward the juncture of my legs. I knew if he touched me there, I would forget every reason why this was a bad idea. Yanking at his tie, I wriggled my hands beneath the collar of his shirt, my fingers meeting texture they'd never felt before. Eddie sucked in a breath and I pulled back, my eyes darting over his face.
"You don't have to…," he started, but I cut him off, pressing my lips to his, gentle fingers slowly unbuttoning the top few buttons of his shirt. When I peeled back the stiff white fabric, my eyes fell to the familiar demon head tattoo and then the thick knot of scar tissue below it.
It looked like…a bite. Like something's teeth had torn through him, ripping chunks of his flesh away.
There was really nothing to say. So I leaned forward and planted my lips to the ruined skin, leaving my tongue over the rough texture before kissing a trail up his neck. "I want to though."
His hand slid beneath the band of my underwear and he groaned when he found me wet for him, his middle finger gliding easily between my folds. "Oh Christ," he groaned, pressing lightly. I felt that tremble in his wrist as he held himself back from pressing inside me. "You're always so wet for me," he said, as if it hadn't been a year since he'd touched me like this.
I didn't bother reminding him, just ground down against his hand, searching out that delicious friction. "We're gonna get caught," I panted against his lips, tilting his face back to look up at me. The sight was divine, his mouth parted, his eyes glassy with need.
"Nah, I locked the door," he said, leaning forward in search of my neck.
"Not the other door, dingus," I reminded him.
He chuckled before licking a stripe over my throat, his teeth worrying at my skin. My head fell back on my shoulders. "We'll be quick. And then we'll go back to your place and I'll take my time with you, apologize however you want me to, baby."
When he put it like that, it sounded too good to argue over. All that pain and anger, all the questions, would still be there. Maybe it was better to just take what I needed, what I knew he could give me.
"When do you leave?" I asked, heart already breaking all over again at the idea.
Eddie's hand stilled between my thighs, his free one rising to cradle my jaw as if I were something precious. "I'm here until you send me away." He kissed me once, gently. "My ticket was one way. Harrington's back at your place, in case I needed a getaway driver."
"Okay, good." I tore my hands from his hair and dropped them to his waist, trembling fingers fumbling with his belt, urging him to lift his hips so I could tug his pants over the slight curve of his ass.
"Are you saying I need a getaway driver?" His breath was hot against my neck, his tone teasing.
"Shut up." I felt the familiar chill of his rings against my skin, his thumb brushing a circle over my clit. He was kissing me again, little groans falling from his lips to mine. It was so easy to fall back into him, to pick up where we left off before life turned ugly and tore us apart. One thick finger slipped inside and I cried out at the shock. Eddie's eyes widened, sliding to the unlocked door, before covering my mouth with his palm.
"Don't get us caught, sweetheart," he mumbled, a second finger joining the first. I moaned against his palm, my eyes rolling back as I rode his hand. "That's it, that's good, right?"
I nodded, unable to speak past the fingers that pressed into my mouth. It was good, but it wasn't enough, not after everything, not after the waiting and the wanting. His belt came apart in my hands, the button of his slacks slipping easily from the hole that held it closed, and then he was in my hands, hard and hot. His eyes rolled back when I stroked him, my fingers not quite able to close around the thick of him. He whined and then suddenly I was falling, the hand that had been pressed to my mouth coming to cradle my head as he dropped me to lay back on the couch.
Eddie tugged my underwear down my thighs, shoving the soaked lace in his pocket and hitching my leg over his hip. I felt the blunt head of his cock nudge at me as his hips jerked forward, impatient.
"Shit, I wanna be gentle with you, but I...I don't think..." His voice was hoarse, his forehead coming to rest against mine. His hands held my wrists over my head and it was all I could do to arch my back, to try and get closer.
"There's time for gentle later." It was true and it was all I could say before he pushed forward, burying himself in me.
I had almost forgotten the near impossible stretch, the way my body had to adjust to the size of him. But then he was moving, a long, slow stroke that pulled him nearly all the way out before thrusting forward and stealing my breath. I thought my heart would beat out of my chest in those heavy seconds before he started to thrust in earnest. Slow and controlled melted into deep and hard and I couldn't swallow down the moans that poured from my throat as he fucked me.
"God damn it, sweetheart," he muttered. "Hush." I couldn't, I wouldn't, and I whined again as he hit that spot up high and I saw stars. "Fucking hell." He crashed his mouth to mine, his tongue curling behind my teeth, swallowing down the sounds I made. He tasted like smoke and spearmint gum, he tasted like home.
Eddie rose up, his hands finding my knees, spreading them wide. His eyes darted between my face and the place where he disappeared inside of me, the sounds of labored breathing and wet flesh growing louder. His hair was wild around his face, his bottom lip pulled between his teeth. One hand slid down my inner thigh to where we were joined and began to rub quick circles against my clit. I knew he wouldn't last much longer. I knew I wouldn't either. I palmed at my breasts through the material of my dress, desperate to be naked, to have Eddie's skin pressed to mine, to be able to touch and taste and take our time.
"Baby," he groaned. "I'm not gonna last. You feel too good, missed you too much. Are you still in the pull?"
I just nodded, a low groan crawling up my throat. It wasn't more than another minute until I felt him bloom within me, that familiar heat uncoiling sticky and deep. Eddie bit out my name from between clenched teeth, his hips stilling. Without a word, he pulled out of me, dropping to his knees on the floor. I moved to sit up, but his large hands found my hips and tugged my ass to the edge of the couch. He winked before ducking beneath the skirt of my dress.
"Oh my god," I choked out at the first pass of his tongue. He slid two fingers forward, their passage eased by the slick of his cum as he pumped them back and forth. My back arched when he pulled my clit between his lips, tiny shocks like lightning pulsing over my skin. Even though he was hidden by the black velvet, the sound of his mouth on my cunt was obscene. Eddie moaned, curling his fingers forward. I felt that clench in my lower belly, the muscles of my legs flexing where he'd draped them over his shoulders. His teeth grazed my clit and I saw stars. When he groaned against me I felt it, all fluttery vibration, and fell apart on his tongue, my back bowing off the couch, a filthy moan of his name falling from my lips.
"I missed that," he murmured, pressing a kiss to my thigh before lifting his head, setting my feet gently against the floor. He tucked himself back in his pants before wiping the back of his hand across his mouth, wet and shining. "I missed you."
He tugged my dress back into place and laid his head in my lap. My fingers threaded through his curls, muscle memory at this point. "I missed you too. I honestly can't believe you're here."
"I don't know where we go from here," Eddie said as he propped his chin against my leg. He reached forward and grabbed my hand, tangling our fingers together. Just then he looked so much like the boy I had loved. "But I couldn't wait anymore to figure it out. And I love you too much to just let you go."
I opened my mouth to respond and the doors that led to the library burst open, giggles and rustling fabric floating into the room. Eddie sat up straight, his eyes going wide. I scooted up the couch, peeking over the back. Robin had herself wrapped around the dean, her hands disappearing beneath her bright red dress. She turned and our eyes met from across the open space, Robin's face flushing hot and red. Just as quickly as they had entered, she wheeled the older woman around awkwardly, backing her out of the room.
"This one's taken," was all she said before flashing two thumbs up and mouthing "hell yes!"
Eddie grinned, his dimples flashing. "At least someone's rooting for us."
I leaned forward, propping my elbow on my knee and resting my chin against my palm. This close I could see the tiny flecks of gold in his dark eyes. I smiled and it was real.
"I'm rooting for us."
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touloserlautrec · 10 months
Writer Q&A Tag Game
Thanks for the tag, @ntzsche9! You can find their answers here — and there are some absolute bangers in there.
Gently, no pressure tagging: @camillenrose @pandoras-comment-box @scribe-of-stories @thatndginger @sunset-a-story
1. What motivates you to write?
I can’t not think about stories. If I didn’t write (or pressure @sunset-a-story into co-writing a given scene XD oopsies), I’d just go out of my mind with stories bursting from the seams. It’s how I mainline dopamine.
2. A line/short snippet of your writing that you are most proud/happy of. If not maybe share a line of someone else's work you love (just please credit them)
Probably this excerpt from Arc 1:
Mackenzie held her eyes for a moment amidst the table’s laughter. It seemed like nothing could ever make her flinch. “The reality is, there is no fairness,” she said. Her voice was rich and deep like velvet wrapped around a sharp knife. “No justice, no karma, no great equalizer. Not even death.” The table fell silent as she spoke. The woman knew how to command attention and respect. “If there’s one thing I’ve learned in all my days, it’s that we’re not built to hold it in our fragile minds-- this reality that no amount of integrity, righteousness, or fortitude will overcome the affliction of human nature.” She looked at each of them, straight in the eyes. “But if there’s another thing I’ve learned, it’s that those same fragile minds are a weapon. We’re not built to hold that knowledge because that knowledge is useless to us.” Her voice hardened. “This is a war of attrition. Our fragile minds may shatter like glass at that knowledge but shattered glass can slice a man’s throat. Even the tiniest shards can cut up your insides and kill you if you’re made to swallow them. Death may not equalize the world, but it can damn well make a man piss himself. So we let our minds block out the parts that hold us back and we’ll force-feed them the undoing they’ve sown. There have been days when I’ve known everything there is to know, and I can’t hold it all forever, but the one thing that I can’t un-know is that things change. They mutate because of some small itch or tiny displacement. Just look at us. Knacks. Mutations. Impossible changes. Motherfucking pearls.” She picked up the bottle of scotch and started pouring again. “So, Fredericka. You were robbed. They will try to make you thank them for it. Don’t give that to them. Instead, keep your head held high and make them choke on it.”
3. Which OC makes you smile every time you think/talk about them and what are they like?
Oooh how do I choose from my babies???? I think Alex is probably the head of the pack— he’s just got so much growth and bravery, and it’s comforting that he lives inside me. On the other hand, Emmett is a very strong contender because he’s such an unhinged, confident person, who does absolutely nonsense things. I can’t help but cackle along with him, and I try to channel him when I need to be confident.
5. What part of writing do you think you are the best at? (Yes stroke your own ego it's okay)
I think it’s probably gotta be characters. I think I am pretty good at coming up with interesting, well-rounded characters with unique voices, and writing their inner dialogue and inner workings to further flesh them out.
6. What is something in the writeblr community is most enjoyable?
The engagement and encouragement. It was starting to really get crushing to constantly post things to Facebook and Instagram and get pretty much no response, so having a place where people are actively encouraging and lifting each other up feels really good and motivating.
7. A writing tool/device you use that helps you with writing? (It could be speech to text, a writing program etc)
Hmm. Google docs has been a life saver in co-writing and organizing this behemoth of a story. The other thing, weird as it may seem, is drawing— drawing and seeing my characters helps me feel inspired to write/brainstorm more story, and vice versa.
8. A piece of worldbuilding that you like in your own story? (It could be the magic system, a particular place in the story, a law etc)
My favorite piece of world building is The Church. Their weird way station homes, the constant sense of grossness and pared down utilitarianism that comes with being nomadic and single-minded. Their unflagging faith and spirituality of all different sorts. The most welcoming, safest, unwavering hospitality. I love the weird combination of those things. It also lets me indulge my lil’ pagan heart (even with non-pagan characters tbh, because the way they interact with any God(ess)/Spirit/Being, no matter which religion, has so much conviction and deep knowing that it is True and Real and Manifest). Their lifestyle and mission is so compelling to me.
9. What piece of advice would you say to encourage others to write if they are having a rough patch?
We’re always taught to write with the audience in mind, and to an extent that’s true, but first and foremost, write what you want to read, write because it’s fun, and then read your own stuff over and over because you love it and it inspires you to keep going. Read other work too, don’t get me wrong, but just… let yourself enjoy it. Be your own fandom.
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rin-sv14 · 3 months
A very random first post, I know. But I'll be listing what I like about my favourite characters (yes, this is an excuse to talk about my pookies) from series, games, etc.
(4 characters only though, I'm lazy)
Miya Atsumu (Haikyuu!!)
Literally my first love.
The moment he appeared on screen, I was trying my best not to smile cuz my entire family was sitting in the living room. If I did, they'd of course ask why I'm smiling..
Who can blame me, tho? He's pretty, cute, majestic, gorgeous, breathtaking, handsome- 𝙘𝙤𝙣𝙩𝙞𝙣𝙪𝙚𝙨 𝙩𝙤 𝙮𝙖𝙥
I've always looked towards personality more, and he just so happened to be my type. Like LITERALLY
Of course everyone has flaws, including personality flaws, but I've never minded people like him (yes I'm aware he's fictional 💔)
Dramatic, stubborn, impatient, childish? It's fine. Cuz me too.
But really- I don't really know how to explain it, but even though he has many personality flaws, it's nothing most people can't handle. He was and will always be my #1 favourite hq character.
Itoshi Rin (Blue Lock)
Cutie patootie
"Hey, what do you mean?"
Alright alright, I'm pretty sure at least half of us can agree that he's pretty (so is his brother 😻)
Tbh I don't even know how I fell in love with this emo boy. No, I don't even know if I fell in love with him or Sae first.
I can treat him better than Sae
His eyes are so pretty :((
Listen I love Sae too but I'll never forgive him for making the spark in Rin's eyes disappear. (That is, until they show us his backstory in spain and then I'll decide if I wanna forgive him or not)
His behaviour is questionable sometimes but it's fine cuz it's Rin
I'm literally meant to be with him. His name is Rin, and one of my nicknames is Rin.
Fushiguro Megumi (Jujutsu Kaisen)
Ok I'll stop. "Megumi" doesn't even look like a name anymore
He's so cutie patootie
I'm actually so obsessed with him. I need a Megumi in my life
He. Is. So. Pretty.
Do I even need to say more?
I love him
I love him.
Yes, maybe I'm going insane
I just love him
Rafayel (Love and Deepspace)
Do I even need to explain?
One thing. He suffered a lot more than just waiting for MC 800 years. And no he's not a red flag.
He has more patience than me actually
Do I need to mention everything he's done for MC?? He's the best frfr
Don't get me wrong tho, I Iove the other two as well. Rafayel just always stays on top.. of me
I'm married to him btw, none of y'all can take him 😻😻
Am I aware that they're all fictional? Yes. Am I still going insane for them? Also yes.
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imsosocold · 1 year
Tumblr ate your post before I could I’m sorry anon
Anon I’m really glad you liked my different DL-6 victim aus! I am the worst since I tend to come up with all sorts of creative ideas, spit them up and then do nothing with them. But I tried to come up with more stuff, just for you. I had to split this into two separate posts though, since there’s a character limit. And for context I’m traveling and don’t have access to a computer so I’m typing this on my phone so it’s probably going to be sloppy looking. For Miles dying, Yanni Yogi probably will be blamed. I doubt anyone would think Miles throwing the gun was what caused his death, through backfiring or something. The public perception on this case would be much more harsh due to the victim being a child, so I’m unsure the insanity plead could work here. We don’t know anything about Gregory’s relatives or wife so it’s fair to assume that Miles is all he has. He’d be absolutely heartbroken and blame himself. If only he had managed to stay awake a little while longer, if only he’d been able to fight back against Yogi… There’s no way Gregory could continue his work, it’d be too painful. Phoenix and Larry would be crushed. Phoenix would probably still pursue law, to protect people how he couldn’t protect Miles, in a form of paying Miles back. Larry would throw himself deeper into relationships and romance in the hope to try to fill the void in his heart. His art probably becomes darker as well. While Manfred is petty and selfish and even cruel at points he’s not generally malicious, so he’s definitely absolutely shattered over what happened too . Miles didn’t do nothing wrong, he didn’t deserve to die. Out of guilt Manfred would probably try to help Gregory out, paying him visits and such. Franziska sees this strange man with her father crying all the time and is determined to make him smile. He’s her child now, after all! Gregory would probably seek out the Feys himself and any other supernatural group he could, trying desperately to bring back his son in some way, leaving Manfred very conflicted because he doesn’t know if Miles knows he was the one who shot him or not. While Manfred wants to fix his mistake and alleviate his guilt, he doesn’t want to get taken to jail and killed. He’s put in a very desperate position, one he can’t easily escape from. Even I’m not sure what he’d do.
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devilsskettle · 1 year
i can pretend i’m doing pretty good for a few weeks and feel really optimistic and positive - like i’m working, i don’t hate my jobs, i’m living independently, i’m planning the next steps in my education/career, etc - and then someone or something will completely shatter this perspective. like someone derisively said to me recently, i’m working “three part-time low level jobs” - dead ends that have nothing to do with my degree, and i can’t even get hired full-time at one of them in the fucking entry level customer service position that i have already been doing for months that they’re currently hiring for. because the directors of my department who i hardly ever interact with have decided i’m too quiet. to do literally the exact same job, just with more hours so i can maybe not be broke all the time. and people keep dragging up my past academic failures acting like my entire degree doesn’t matter because i have two Fs on my transcript. like big fucking deal. but i guess if i want to go back to school even just for a certificate program it matters. absolutely no faith in my other grades, my degree, my work experience, or the strength of my writing and interviewing skills for the application for a program to prepare for a job i KNOW i would be good at. but now have little faith in because i’m seeing myself the way other people see me now and it’s like. not great. how am i ever going to justify to anyone that they should admit me into their program or hire me knowing that this is what i am to people. anyway i literally took my diploma out of the frame and tore it in half the other day because it is such a useless piece of shit that will never get anyone to give me any credit or respect and it’s not something i’m even allowed to feel proud of anymore (despite people trying to convince me for months that i should even though i didn’t feel anything about it. but they wanted me to care about it) because my transcript isn’t fucking pristine. and then going to this fucking funeral where a bunch of people i don’t know want to hear about everything in my life and none of it is impressive enough for them and you can just see them failing at hiding how judgmental they are. and then you think you’re doing something nice for somebody else and it’s suddenly all turned around on you as if them ALLOWING you to help them was such a nice thing for them to do for YOU and actually you don’t appreciate all the things that they do and you’re ungrateful and mean, as if you didn’t drop everything the day after working the overnight shift to be there for them and also the entire weekend which you had to call off two days of work for. which of course was basically mandatory but still. god forbid i show an ounce of negativity right before going to a fucking funeral. and then there was that kidney stone i got that was definitely my fault because i drank nothing but alcohol for like a week straight leading up to it. not to mention all of the other parts of my diet that are unhealthy. anyway. 
all of that optimism and positivity feeling like i’m getting my shit together is crushed and it’s like suddenly, instead of living in a great neighborhood! with such an easy commute! that’s so beautiful this time of year! i’m in this awful house with these perfectly nice people who i fucking hate in this tiny dirty room that is clearly inhabited by a very mentally unstable individual who can’t handle basic household chores, i have to spend money to get on the dirty crowded bus every day to go to a job where people are dismissive and rude to me even though i am so polite and pleasant and helpful and friendly and everything that i’m told to be and i do all my work and i’m good at it and it’s still not enough because i’m not out here begging for attention for just doing my fucking job. and suddenly, instead of feeling like i have this Future where i’ll pursue a career that i might actually have a chance at succeeding in, it’s just like. well “you’ve been interested in other things in the past, how do you know this time will be different?” great question, thanks. i don’t fucking know. i probably will lose interest as soon as things get hard and give up and have wasted everybody’s time once again not to mention all kinds of money and energy, and i’ll be even more lost than before and i’ll probably just kill myself. is that what you want to hear? fuck. i don’t know, man, i just want enough money to live by myself and dress well and eat well and do some things that i like. actually i’m realizing how much of what i do is just to try to earn some kind of leverage to get people to show me just a little bit of basic human respect which of course they are never going to give me. anyway. not to mention that all of my friends are in different parts of the country and nobody here wants to hang out. to be fair i haven’t reached out recently but i tried really hard for a couple of months to be more social and i was the only one trying and it was too fucking hard and most of the time i just wished i’d stayed home. and i think there’s just something about me that people can tell is just kind of off and they don’t like me. and then a lot of times i drink too much. but it was a lot easier to feel like i didn’t need anyone and i was happy just being by myself because i liked my jobs and i was working all the time so i was busy but now. i don’t want to say that the illusion is shattered because it’s not really an illusion, but it’s like i was seeing the surface of a smooth pond reflecting all the light and now all i can see is the mud and algae and dead fish. literally i had to radio facilities to get a dead fish out of a fountain the other day, it was fucking gross 
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f-l-writes · 3 hours
The Lord and King of the Jungle
Fandom: twisted wonderland
CW: ideation of cannibalism, blood mentions,
Tropes/themes: hurt/minor comfort, angst, enemies to friends(?), in a series would be enemies to friends to lovers
Relationships: oc x canon, silas kumar x leona kingscholar
Synopsis: silas kumar was humiliated when fellow savanaclaw student, ruggie bucchi, used his signature spell to make silas bow before leona during a longstanding rivalry between the two. no one expected the joke to spiral out of control.
Word count: 3,613
Notes: minorly proofread, may contain writing or grammar mistakes. silas is inspired by shere khan
fangs bared at the lion-man before him, annoyance bubbling in his chest. he hated leona. he hated his hold over the dormitory, his arrogance, and that absolutely smug look on his face. all he wanted to do was knock the damn cub down a peg. he’d never been humiliated in such a way before and, for once, the carefully calculating tiger wanted to cast aside all abandon just to see leona dead at his feet. to finally have victory over him. 
as the rage and anger continued to build in his chest, silas could feel the magic surging in his fingertips. the long-gone whispered voice of the lord of the jungle urging him to crush the man that stood before him. that mocked every move he made. that had caused nothing but problems day in and day out. the lion that claimed himself a king, but was nothing more than a pathetic whelp.
green energy pooled in silas’ hands as vines and roots tore through the floors of the school hallways, shattering the carefully laid marble and reaching to hold leona in place. to swallow him forever in vines so that he, silas, may take the reins on the dormitory - no, the whole school!
a wicked laughter began to bubble up from within the tiger as thorny vines gripped at the kingscholar man, tearing into his clothes and skin, the spilling red serving to make silas all the more hungry to see him dead.
“you think you can get away with humiliating me?” the question ripped itself from the tiger’s throat as he spoke, deeper than anything silas could have ever managed. “sending your damn dog after me with his signature spell, trying to make ME the laughingstock? no -” his words became suddenly low, the crazed look in his eyes becoming ever more intense. “NO! you’re going to be crushed beneath my heel and everyone else who stands in my way. i’ll show you who the real king is around here. and i’ll savor every last one of your dying. breaths.” with each pause in his final words, the vines around leona tightened, circling their way up and to his mouth, preventing him from speaking the words to his magic spell.
he couldn’t humiliate him again. to win out in the end. not when the voice of shere khan whispered so loudly in his head, driving his movements. driving his rage. silas hardly felt in control of himself and, for a moment, he was scared. terrified, even. in some deep part of him, he knew what was happening to him, and that it was more shameful than just brushing off the movements ruggie had made him do earlier. brushing off the annoyance at leona’s words and that horribly smug look he’d worn. but, at the forefront, all he wanted was power. the ability to finally come out on top over leona and take what he believed was rightfully his. power over not just the students in savanaclaw but the entirety of night raven college as well. he’d hold on to these feelings until even crowley crumbled to nothing but a messy mound of ground bones and flesh before him.
many were fleeing in fear as more and more vines overtook the hallways, curling themselves around the columns and climbing up the walls of the school, some even managing to capture more students in their grasp. by now, the entirety of the hallway was nothing more but an uneven terrain of ruined flooring and vines, becoming a dangerous jungle of thorns and roots. and in it all, silas found himself stalking up to leona, a deep hunger in his eyes as he wiped away some of the lion’s blood and pressed it to his tongue, eyes rolling back in near ecstasy. he wanted to dine right then and there. to tear the flesh off of the tanned man and really get down into the meat of things. still, he held back, instead placing a hand over the thorny covering of his mouth, as though holding his face in the gentle caress of a lover.
yet, the hate in his eyes said anything but that, the twisted, bloodied grin settling on his lips betraying his unusually gentle hold despite the lack of care for the vines that had wrapped themselves around his legs and arms, making him bleed the same red that was staining what was visible of leona’s uniform.
“i’m going to enjoy killing you slowly, lion… i’m going to savor every part of your carcass knowing you were too weak to stop me and when i take over everything, i’ll make sure you get made into the example of what happens to those who cross me.” his words were slow and sounded horribly sweet despite the raging storm in his head. to those too far away, it seemed almost as if silas was muttering loving goodbyes to the lion, a stark opposition to the chaos around them.
he watched as leona squirmed in the vines, trying anything to at least get his mouth free - to ruin the whole moment for them. a frown tugged at the corners of silas’ mouth, the vines only digging ever deeper into the dark haired boy. “there’s no use fighting it, leona. you’re just going to make things worse for yourself, you know…” it was clear that even with the small feats of magic leona was able to pull off, nothing was getting these vines off of him. and, to silas, it was for the better.
letting the vines that had dug into his own tanned skin pull him up and away from leona, he truly did feel like a king as he stared on at those below him, those waiting to see what he would do next with bated breaths, those who had their eyes clamped shut in fear. it felt divine. he felt like the radiating fear alone was enough to feed his urges. to leave leona for a desert instead of the main meal. yet - as he called on more vines and sturdy plant life to pull itself through the floor of the school, ready to finish what he started - he found himself pausing as that ever meddlesome crew - alongside that damn hyena - came up, calling out to him to stop.
stop? why would he stop when he was just getting started? why was it that everything was so adamant on making sure he came out the bad guy in all this? like he was wrong for finally giving in to the feelings that had been steadily building the last four years? like he didn’t deserve his spot as king?!
a deep, guttural roar tore itself from silas’ throat as these thoughts swirled in his head, lips pulling up into a fanged sneer. he was tired of them. of everyone! yet, he knew that a king wasn’t a king without subjects so if he could just get them to see reason…
the sickly green magic that had been calling more and more vines forth suddenly ceased, an obvious ripple of confusion washing over the little group that had come to try and stop him. “can’t you see that this is what this school needs?” he questioned, his tone deceivingly sweet and, almost, pouty. “we’ve let arrogant fools like leona run amok too long now… and crowley is just as much to blame. we have… subservient,” golden eyes flickered over to ruggie with a flash of rage as the memory of being forced to kneel before leona came back to his mind. “individuals running around doing whatever it is their prince asks of them, just for a little food or favor. i can change that. i can make this a better place not just for me, but for you too. if you just let me do what i need to do.”
“you’re taking this too far, silas,” ace - the damned punk - countered. “like… way too far! look at the damage you’ve already done!”
damage? he was just returning things to their natural state, that was all. wasn’t it? the voice growing in his head certainly seemed to agree. before long, everyone would be able to indulge in base instincts. to become animals themselves regardless of their stance as humans, beastfolk, or otherwise. it would be natural. not destroyed.
“besides,” that damn rat spoke up. “it wasn’t anythin’ to get this worked up about! you’re bent outta shape over a joke!”
no… that was no joke. it was a bitter declaration of telling him to lay down. to give up this fight. something he couldn’t do. something he didn’t want to do! he’d be damned before he was made a laughingstock again. made to submit like that again.
the voice in his head roared loudly as the others continued to talk, trying to get him to calm down but there was no longer anything to calm down. not when he was already so enthralled in the clutches of his rage that nothing else seemed to matter anymore. not when it felt like shere khan - lord of the jungle - was on his side and commanding his movements. his thoughts. fueling his anger to keep going. to let him out.
the thought hit him like a splash of cold water to the face. let him out? he wondered if it would be like it had been when leona or riddle overblotted. would they all get to see some twisted inky form of shere khan? he didn’t want to tarnish the tiger’s name like that but, even so, the inner voice didn’t seem to share that concern. all he wanted was to win. was to bask in the vengeance served for the humiliation. to teach them all that he was not someone to be messed with.
“stop your damned yapping,” he finally snapped as green - brighter and more potent than before - began to overtake the hall and, finally, everything went completely dark, silas’ barely conscious mind slipping away into inky darkness.
weakness cannot be shown. that is the rule of the jungle.
if you show weakness, you leave yourself open to attacks. to hurt.
it was a rule that was drilled into silas from a young age. always taught to be regal and guarded. to protect himself before others. to not allow any chances of humiliation to happen. to prevent any fear from being seen.
fire. it blazed up before him, forcing him back and away from the advancing hunters. his heart pounded in his chest and he found himself failing the second of two rules: don’t show fear. but how could he not? he had just witnessed the death of his mother and father both and he knew he was next. he wanted to fight back - to avenge them - but he couldn’t seem to muster the courage or strength to do so again. he’d already suffered wounds on his face and the only thing he could think to do now was turn tail and run.
and so he did. he could only narrowly avoid the bullets that grazed his exposed torso as he ran, wanting nothing more than the heat of the flames to be away from his skin. as he ran, he silently found himself swearing vengeance against them. to save the trophied versions of his parents from them and give them the proper burial they deserved, even if he knew that they could never forgive him. never forgive him for befriending a human. never forgive him for getting them killed and nearly himself.
it seemed like he ran for days. the burn of the skin was well gone, and yet he felt like he could still hear the bullets whizzing past him. the wounds on his skin a stark reminder of the failures and shame he’d brought to the jungle. he was supposed to be its protector, taking his ill father’s place. he was supposed to keep them out and all he’d done was give them a way in.
betrayal, shame, regret. it all tore at him. kept him running until he was sure none of the other inhabitants of the jungle could find him. he wanted to get out. to get away. but where to? the jungle was all he’d ever known before that human came along. and even then he rarely left. he knew he couldn’t survive out in the savanna. there wasn’t enough prey to feast on and he didn’t think he could survive an encounter with a pride if he happened to cross into their territory.
and so, on the edge of the jungle did he find himself, biding his time in waiting, hoping for the day he’d be strong enough to take on those humans once again. practicing his magic, his hunting, his roar. he didn’t want to kill anyone but he knew if it came to it, he wanted to be sure he could. that he wouldn’t let what happened to his parents happen to him. he needed to reclaim the jungle not just for himself but for those in it, too. he needed to become a proper protector like his father. to embody the spirit of shere khan the best he could…
pain surged through him as he finally came to. a wave of dizziness passing over him and - into a solid chest he fell. a weak grip held on to the solid muscle holding him up, eyes barely focused enough to recognize the yellow-colored vest before him. he felt sick. stinging pain working its way up and down his arms and legs like he’d been stabbed a hundred times over by little stinging nettles but somehow worse. and, more than that, he could feel blood on his hands. on his body. and on the body in front of him.
somehow, he knew this was his fault. he knew something had happened to lead to this but he couldn’t remember what it was. all he could remember was anger and then… nothing. it was like he’d completely blacked out, some monster taking him over and leaving him to haunted memories and pain.
the voices around him were ones he could hardly make out, a muddle of sounds in his cotton-stuffed head. all he wanted to do was die. or, at least, lay down in the shade and away from everyone. he mumbled something - though he wasn’t quite sure what - before, rather suddenly, being adjusted to stand up right, realizing only now that the one holding him up right was a bloodied leona.
he was too tired to be angry anymore. and, beyond that, he felt… guilty. like he’d been the one with fire and guns when facing the lion. trying to do to him what they’d done to his family so many years ago. though the pain showed clear on his face as he looked to the one helping him, it seemed the lion paid no mind, instead helping him out of the destroyed hallway and towards the hall of mirrors.
there was nothing but silence between the two as they finally entered the mirror-filled hall, limping towards the one that would lead them to their dorm. he knew he had to expect consequences for the destruction his overblot had caused and yet - just for now - he hoped to be able to hide away from everyone like he had back then. to get away and stay away. he hated that he’d let his anger take over - that he’d let old grievances fuel new ones. that he hurt leona. in all his distaste of the man, he never wanted him dead. and seeing the wounds he bore - the wounds silas caused - the tri-color haired male finally found himself speaking up to the lion.
“i’m sorry,” the words were quiet, strained, and felt all too foreign on silas’ tongue. he couldn’t remember the last time he’d ever apologized to someone. usually, they were the ones apologizing to him. “i didn’t mean - didn’t want to hurt you.” he wasn’t sure which one it was or if it was perhaps both, his mind still too clouded to properly discern the feelings. not to mention, he wasn’t sure why leona was helping him. he was always so haughty and self-serving that it just felt out of character and yet, maybe, it was because he understood what silas was going through. 
his own overblot had been… hard to watch. for a bit, silas had felt glad he’d let go of himself enough to embarrass himself in front of the whole spelldrive team. yet, even after the fact, people seemed to respect him all the same, if not being a tad more careful around him. now, though, he could only imagine what leona had been going through after the fact. what memories he’d been faced with when submerged in that unconscious state of mind.
“i’m not fit to be a king like you are,” silas continued on in leona’s begrudged silence, a pitiful laughter spilling from the tiger. “i can’t even keep a level head over something as stupid as ruggie’s signature spell.” inside, he could feel his heart clench. it was more than just that. it was the past he’d been running from catching up to him, tears beginning to well in his eyes as leona pushed a door open, revealing his room to silas.
they had barely made it a few more steps in before silas - overwhelmed by memories and feelings - nearly collapsed in tears, the lion catching him once more with a huff.
“what, crying over some spell that got used on you?” leona snarked, looking down at the utterly pathetic looking tiger-boy. yet, they both knew it was more than that. leona knew what he was experiencing. the past he’d been forced to relive. the one that got fed on to strengthen the overblot.
even with his twinge of annoyance at the words, the taller of the two shook his head, forcing back the sobs that threatened to escape him, face pressed firmly into the crook of leona’s shoulder and neck. he wanted to speak, to say anything, but he couldn’t all he could do is cry. until his voice had run coarse and he was clinging to his self-proclaimed enemy like a child. he was nothing more than a cub who longed to be held by someone he loved and… he had no one. all he had was leona.
“c’mon, you big house cat,” leona grunted with a strained effort to get the other boy moving to the lion’s bed, of which they both promptly collapsed on. “god, you’re heavy. what the hell did they feed you in the jungle?”
“boar,” he sniffled. “and deer.” he hesitated for a moment, wondering if he wanted to admit to him about his poor diet before he arrived. when all his meals had been reduced to birds and rodents like a small cat. “i don’t know if you remember what i looked like when i first showed up, though,” he paused for a moment, recalling the memory. “an underfed, scrawny cat with nothing to my name. for a few years all i could get my paws on were birds and the occasional rodent. if i got lucky, i could get an onager.”
he could see leona’s brows furrow ever so slightly at this, as if trying to recall something deep in his memory. moments passed before the lion spoke up again, giving up on chasing the thought. after all, he’d seen many students that day. a little fourteen year old cub didn’t exactly stand out much to him.
“well, whatever, you’re a pain to hold up now though, so don’t get used to collapsing on me whenever you’ve gotta cry or get angry.” though the words were bitter, there was the slightest of smirks tugging at leona’s lips - though at the cost of splitting the scabs that had formed there, causing silas to wince, looking away from the lion.
there was a beat of silence between them as silas did this, guilt overwhelming him once more. he didn’t mean to hurt leona. to leave these wounds on him. he hated that he’d let himself succumb to whatever it was that urged him on, to hurt him as bad as he did. and above all that, as he finally began to focus more on himself, he could taste the metallic tang of blood on his tongue, cringing ever so slightly, unsure of if it was even his own.
looking back over to leona with the intent to apologize again, he was equally unsurprised and surprised to see the big cat snoozing away, chest rising and falling in a steady rhythm and lips parted ever so slightly. he looked… peaceful. it was odd seeing it so up close and yet, oddly, silas couldn’t complain. he had wanted to open up more to leona - to express regret about becoming the very hunters he wanted to take revenge on - but, he supposed it could wait for another day.
as silas moved to stand, wanting to leave leona alone to sleep, it seemed like the lion had other plans, rolling over just far enough that he was practically on top of silas, leaving him pinned to the bed. trying to suppress a chuckle, the tiger found himself relaxing under the weight of the older male, eyes growing heavy as exhaustion from the fight and his earlier anger finally grabbed him by the neck and forced him to succumb to sleep.
for as much as silas wanted to confront his past, he figured that, maybe, starting with giving up the reins some - or even sharing them - would help. maybe he could talk to leona about that open vice housewarden position tomorrow…
0 notes
sleepy-leona-writes · 13 days
The Lord and King of the Jungle
word count: 3,612
trigger warnings: Some violence, mentions of cannibalism, blood, mentions of parental death
read under the cut for more!
fangs bared at the lion-man before him, annoyance bubbling in his chest. he hated leona. he hated his hold over the dormitory, his arrogance, and that absolutely smug look on his face. all he wanted to do was knock the damn cub down a peg. he’d never been humiliated in such a way before and, for once, the carefully calculating tiger wanted to cast aside all abandon just to see leona dead at his feet. to finally have victory over him. 
as the rage and anger continued to build in his chest, silas could feel the magic surging in his fingertips. the long-gone whispered voice of the lord of the jungle urging him to crush the man that stood before him. that mocked every move he made. that had caused nothing but problems day in and day out. the lion that claimed himself a king, but was nothing more than a pathetic whelp.
green energy pooled in silas’ hands as vines and roots tore through the floors of the school hallways, shattering the carefully laid marble and reaching to hold leona in place. to swallow him forever in vines so that he, silas, may take the reins on the dormitory - no, the whole school!
a wicked laughter began to bubble up from within the tiger as thorny vines gripped at the kingscholar man, tearing into his clothes and skin, the spilling red serving to make silas all the more hungry to see him dead.
“you think you can get away with humiliating me?” the question ripped itself from the tiger’s throat as he spoke, deeper than anything silas could have ever managed. “sending your damn dog after me with his signature spell, trying to make ME the laughingstock? no -” his words became suddenly low, the crazed look in his eyes becoming ever more intense. “NO! you’re going to be crushed beneath my heel and everyone else who stands in my way. i’ll show you who the real king is around here. and i’ll savor every last one of your dying. breaths.” with each pause in his final words, the vines around leona tightened, circling their way up and to his mouth, preventing him from speaking the words to his magic spell.
he couldn’t humiliate him again. to win out in the end. not when the voice of shere khan whispered so loudly in his head, driving his movements. driving his rage. silas hardly felt in control of himself and, for a moment, he was scared. terrified, even. in some deep part of him, he knew what was happening to him, and that it was more shameful than just brushing off the movements ruggie had made him do earlier. brushing off the annoyance at leona’s words and that horribly smug look he’d worn. but, at the forefront, all he wanted was power. the ability to finally come out on top over leona and take what he believed was rightfully his. power over not just the students in savanaclaw but the entirety of night raven college as well. he’d hold on to these feelings until even crowley crumbled to nothing but a messy mound of ground bones and flesh before him.
many were fleeing in fear as more and more vines overtook the hallways, curling themselves around the columns and climbing up the walls of the school, some even managing to capture more students in their grasp. by now, the entirety of the hallway was nothing more but an uneven terrain of ruined flooring and vines, becoming a dangerous jungle of thorns and roots. and in it all, silas found himself stalking up to leona, a deep hunger in his eyes as he wiped away some of the lion’s blood and pressed it to his tongue, eyes rolling back in near ecstasy. he wanted to dine right then and there. to tear the flesh off of the tanned man and really get down into the meat of things. still, he held back, instead placing a hand over the thorny covering of his mouth, as though holding his face in the gentle caress of a lover.
yet, the hate in his eyes said anything but that, the twisted, bloodied grin settling on his lips betraying his unusually gentle hold despite the lack of care for the vines that had wrapped themselves around his legs and arms, making him bleed the same red that was staining what was visible of leona’s uniform.
“i’m going to enjoy killing you slowly, lion… i’m going to savor every part of your carcass knowing you were too weak to stop me and when i take over everything, i’ll make sure you get made into the example of what happens to those who cross me.” his words were slow and sounded horribly sweet despite the raging storm in his head. to those too far away, it seemed almost as if silas was muttering loving goodbyes to the lion, a stark opposition to the chaos around them.
he watched as leona squirmed in the vines, trying anything to at least get his mouth free - to ruin the whole moment for them. a frown tugged at the corners of silas’ mouth, the vines only digging ever deeper into the dark haired boy. “there’s no use fighting it, leona. you’re just going to make things worse for yourself, you know…” it was clear that even with the small feats of magic leona was able to pull off, nothing was getting these vines off of him. and, to silas, it was for the better.
letting the vines that had dug into his own tanned skin pull him up and away from leona, he truly did feel like a king as he stared on at those below him, those waiting to see what he would do next with bated breaths, those who had their eyes clamped shut in fear. it felt divine. he felt like the radiating fear alone was enough to feed his urges. to leave leona for a desert instead of the main meal. yet - as he called on more vines and sturdy plant life to pull itself through the floor of the school, ready to finish what he started - he found himself pausing as that ever meddlesome crew - alongside that damn hyena - came up, calling out to him to stop.
stop? why would he stop when he was just getting started? why was it that everything was so adamant on making sure he came out the bad guy in all this? like he was wrong for finally giving in to the feelings that had been steadily building the last four years? like he didn’t deserve his spot as king?!
a deep, guttural roar tore itself from silas’ throat as these thoughts swirled in his head, lips pulling up into a fanged sneer. he was tired of them. of everyone! yet, he knew that a king wasn’t a king without subjects so if he could just get them to see reason…
the sickly green magic that had been calling more and more vines forth suddenly ceased, an obvious ripple of confusion washing over the little group that had come to try and stop him. “can’t you see that this is what this school needs?” he questioned, his tone deceivingly sweet and, almost, pouty. “we’ve let arrogant fools like leona run amok too long now… and crowley is just as much to blame. we have… subservient,” golden eyes flickered over to ruggie with a flash of rage as the memory of being forced to kneel before leona came back to his mind. “individuals running around doing whatever it is their prince asks of them, just for a little food or favor. i can change that. i can make this a better place not just for me, but for you too. if you just let me do what i need to do.”
“you’re taking this too far, silas,” ace - the damned punk - countered. “like… way too far! look at the damage you’ve already done!”
damage? he was just returning things to their natural state, that was all. wasn’t it? the voice growing in his head certainly seemed to agree. before long, everyone would be able to indulge in base instincts. to become animals themselves regardless of their stance as humans, beastfolk, or otherwise. it would be natural. not destroyed.
“besides,” that damn rat spoke up. “it wasn’t anythin’ to get this worked up about! you’re bent outta shape over a joke!”
no… that was no joke. it was a bitter declaration of telling him to lay down. to give up this fight. something he couldn’t do. something he didn’t want to do! he’d be damned before he was made a laughingstock again. made to submit like that again.
the voice in his head roared loudly as the others continued to talk, trying to get him to calm down but there was no longer anything to calm down. not when he was already so enthralled in the clutches of his rage that nothing else seemed to matter anymore. not when it felt like shere khan - lord of the jungle - was on his side and commanding his movements. his thoughts. fueling his anger to keep going. to let him out.
the thought hit him like a splash of cold water to the face. let him out? he wondered if it would be like it had been when leona or riddle overblotted. would they all get to see some twisted inky form of shere khan? he didn’t want to tarnish the tiger’s name like that but, even so, the inner voice didn’t seem to share that concern. all he wanted was to win. was to bask in the vengeance served for the humiliation. to teach them all that he was not someone to be messed with.
“stop your damned yapping,” he finally snapped as green - brighter and more potent before - began to overtake the hall and, finally, everything went completely dark, silas’ barely conscious mind slipping away into inky darkness.
weakness cannot be shown. that is the rule of the jungle.
if you show weakness, you leave yourself open to attacks. to hurt.
it was a rule that was drilled into silas from a young age. always taught to be regal and guarded. to protect himself before others. to not allow any chances of humiliation to happen. to prevent any fear from being seen.
fire. it blazed up before him, forcing him back and away from the advancing hunters. his heart pounded in his chest and he found himself failing the second of two rules: don’t show fear. but how could he not? he had just witnessed the death of his mother and father both and he knew he was next. he wanted to fight back - to avenge them - but he couldn’t seem to muster the courage or strength to do so again. he’d already suffered wounds on his face and the only thing he could think to do now was turn tail and run.
and so he did. he could only narrowly avoid the bullets that grazed his exposed torso as he ran, wanting nothing more than the heat of the flames to be away from his skin. as he ran, he silently found himself swearing vengeance against them. to save the trophied versions of his parents from them and give them the proper burial they deserved, even if he knew that they could never forgive him. never forgive him for befriending a human. never forgive him for getting them killed and nearly himself.
it seemed like he ran for days. the burn of the skin was well gone, and yet he felt like he could still hear the bullets whizzing past him. the wounds on his skin a stark reminder of the failures and shame he’d brought to the jungle. he was supposed to be its protector, taking his ill father’s place. he was supposed to keep them out and all he’d done was give them a way in.
betrayal, shame, regret. it all tore at him. kept him running until he was sure none of the other inhabitants of the jungle could find him. he wanted to get out. to get away. but where to? the jungle was all he’d ever known before that human came along. and even then he rarely left. he knew he couldn’t survive out in the savanna. there wasn’t enough prey to feast on and he didn’t think he could survive an encounter with a pride if he happened to cross into their territory.
and so, on the edge of the jungle did he find himself, biding his time in waiting, hoping for the day he’d be strong enough to take on those humans once again. practicing his magic, his hunting, his roar. he didn’t want to kill anyone but he knew if it came to it, he wanted to be sure he could. that he wouldn’t let what happened to his parents happen to him. he needed to reclaim the jungle not just for himself but for those in it, too. he needed to become a proper protector like his father. to embody the spirit of shere khan the best he could…
pain surged through him as he finally came to. a wave of dizziness passing over him and - into a solid chest he fell. a weak grip held on to the solid muscle holding him up, eyes barely focused enough to recognize the yellow-colored vest before him. he felt sick. stinging pain working its way up and down his arms and legs like he’d been stabbed a hundred times over by little stinging nettles but somehow worse. and, more than that, he could feel blood on his hands. on his body. and on the body in front of him.
somehow, he knew this was his fault. he knew something had happened to lead to this but he couldn’t remember what it was. all he could remember was anger and then… nothing. it was like he’d completely blacked out, some monster taking him over and leaving him to haunted memories and pain.
the voices around him were ones he could hardly make out, a muddle of sounds in his cotton-stuffed head. all he wanted to do was die. or, at least, lay down in the shade and away from everyone. he mumbled something - though he wasn’t quite sure what - before, rather suddenly, being adjusted to stand up right, realizing only now that the one holding him up right was a bloodied leona.
he was too tired to be angry anymore. and, beyond that, he felt… guilty. like he’d been the one with fire and guns when facing the lion. trying to do to him what they’d done to his family so many years ago. though the pain showed clear on his face as he looked to the one helping him, it seemed the lion paid no mind, instead helping him out of the destroyed hallway and towards the hall of mirrors.
there was nothing but silence between the two as they finally entered the mirror-filled hall, limping towards the one that would lead them to their dorm. he knew he had to expect consequences for the destruction his overblot had caused and yet - just for now - he hoped to be able to hide away from everyone like he had back then. to get away and stay away. he hated that he’d let his anger take over - that he’d let old grievances fuel new ones. that he hurt leona. in all his distaste of the man, he never wanted him dead. and seeing the wounds he bore - the wounds silas caused - the tri-color haired male finally found himself speaking up to the lion.
“i’m sorry,” the words were quiet, strained, and felt all too foreign on silas’ tongue. he couldn’t remember the last time he’d ever apologized to someone. usually, they were the ones apologizing to him. “i didn’t mean - didn’t want to hurt you.” he wasn’t sure which one it was or if it was perhaps both, his mind still too clouded to properly discern the feelings. not to mention, he wasn’t sure why leona was helping him. he was always so haughty and self-serving that it just felt out of character and yet, maybe, it was because he understood what silas was going through. 
his own overblot had been… hard to watch. for a bit, silas had felt glad he’d let go of himself enough to embarrass himself in front of the whole spelldrive team. yet, even after the fact, people seemed to respect him all the same, if not being a tad more careful around him. now, though, he could only imagine what leona had been going through after the fact. what memories he’d been faced with when submerged in that unconscious state of mind.
“i’m not fit to be a king like you are,” silas continued on in leona’s begrudged silence, a pitiful laughter spilling from the tiger. “i can’t even keep a level head over something as stupid as ruggie’s signature spell.” inside, he could feel his heart clench. it was more than just that. it was the past he’d been running from catching up to him, tears beginning to well in his eyes as leona pushed a door open, revealing his room to silas.
they had barely made it a few more steps in before silas - overwhelmed by memories and feelings - nearly collapsed in tears, the lion catching him once more with a huff.
“what, crying over some spell that got used on you?” leona snarked, looking down at the utterly pathetic looking tiger-boy. yet, they both knew it was more than that. leona knew what he was experiencing. the past he’d been forced to relive. the one that got fed on to strengthen the overblot.
even with his twinge of annoyance at the words, the taller of the two shook his head, forcing back the sobs that threatened to escape him, face pressed firmly into the crook of leona’s shoulder and neck. he wanted to speak, to say anything, but he couldn’t all he could do is cry. until his voice had run coarse and he was clinging to his self-proclaimed enemy like a child. he was nothing more than a cub who longed to be held by someone he loved and… he had no one. all he had was leona.
“c’mon, you big house cat,” leona grunted with a strained effort to get the other boy moving to the lion’s bed, of which they both promptly collapsed on. “god, you’re heavy. what the hell did they feed you in the jungle?”
“boar,” he sniffled. “and deer.” he hesitated for a moment, wondering if he wanted to admit to him about his poor diet before he arrived. when all his meals had been reduced to birds and rodents like a small cat. “i don’t know if you remember what i looked like when i first showed up, though,” he paused for a moment, recalling the memory. “an underfed, scrawny cat with nothing to my name. for a few years all i could get my paws on were birds and the occasional rodent. if i got lucky, i could get an onager.”
he could see leona’s brows furrow ever so slightly at this, as if trying to recall something deep in his memory. moments passed before the lion spoke up again, giving up on chasing the thought. after all, he’d seen many students that day. a little fourteen year old cub didn’t exactly stand out much to him.
“well, whatever, you’re a pain to hold up now though, so don’t get used to collapsing on me whenever you’ve gotta cry or get angry.” though the words were bitter, there was the slightest of smirks tugging at leona’s lips - though at the cost of splitting the scabs that had formed there, causing silas to wince, looking away from the lion.
there was a beat of silence between them as silas did this, guilt overwhelming him once more. he didn’t mean to hurt leona. to leave these wounds on him. he hated that he’d let himself succumb to whatever it was that urged him on, to hurt him as bad as he did. and above all that, as he finally began to focus more on himself, he could taste the metallic tang of blood on his tongue, cringing ever so slightly, unsure of if it was even his own.
looking back over to leona with the intent to apologize again, he was equally unsurprised and surprised to see the big cat snoozing away, chest rising and falling in a steady rhythm and lips parted ever so slightly. he looked… peaceful. it was odd seeing it so up close and yet, oddly, silas couldn’t complain. he had wanted to open up more to leona - to express regret about becoming the very hunters he wanted to take revenge on - but, he supposed it could wait for another day.
as silas moved to stand, wanting to leave leona alone to sleep, it seemed like the lion had other plans, rolling over just far enough that he was practically on top of silas, leaving him pinned to the bed. trying to suppress a chuckle, the tiger found himself relaxing under the weight of the older male, eyes growing heavy as exhaustion from the fight and his earlier anger finally grabbed him by the neck and forced him to succumb to sleep.
for as much as silas wanted to confront his past, he figured that, maybe, starting with giving up the reins some - or even sharing them - would help. maybe he could talk to leona about that open vice housewarden position tomorrow…
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faithst · 23 days
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unspoken confessions
⊹˚.♡ syn gyuvin, secretly in love with his affectionate childhood friend, is tormented by his feelings. when an unexpected conversation forces him to confess, he fears it will shatter their bond.
⊹˚.♡ genre gyuvin x gn!reader, fluff, childhood friends to lovers, highschool setting, gyuvin has a big fat crush on reader (ft. ricky)
⊹˚.♡ wc 0.8k
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Gyuvin was dizzy, his head spinning with thoughts of you. Anyone could see the massive imaginary arrow Cupid had struck through his heart. Anyone and everyone, except you, of course! He was definitely guilty of wanting a childhood friends-to-lovers trope to happen, but he was also afraid of ruining the friendship.
Despite trying to shove these feelings to the back of his heart, he couldn't help but giggle at the sight of your charming smile—he swore he could see sparkles emit from you every time you smiled at him. He couldn't help the pink hue that coloured his cheeks and ears whenever he thought about you, or the way your words went in one ear and out the other because he was too focused on you.
Gyuvin tried really hard to push these growing feelings away every year, but you were a problem. He thought you were joking—"They’re just a really affectionate person!" he would say to everyone who questioned your relationship. From the random finger-holding that turned into fully interlocked hands because your hands were "cold," to the soft, warm hugs followed by "You’re the best!" after he agreed to one of your little dumb ideas. And lastly, the so-called platonic cheek kisses every time Gyuvin walks you to your classroom or home—he’d have those moments recorded and looping in his brain for hours on end.
"Gyuvin..? Gyuvin!" His imagination was cut short by Ricky, who was currently trying to explain a topic. "What are you thinking about—no, don’t tell me." Gyuvin smiled sheepishly, scratching the back of his head.
"Why don’t you say something to them?" Ricky asked, noticing the blood rushing to Gyuvin's cheeks. "That just won’t do," Gyuvin sighed. "How come?" Ricky paused his writing to glance up. "Risky," Gyuvin simply answered, leaning back in his chair and puffing up his cheeks. He knew that dissatisfied look on Ricky’s face too well.
Gyuvin stood up and began pacing back and forth, making all sorts of facial expressions that showed he was deep in thought. "There’s absolutely no way they like me in that way," he finally spouted out, making Ricky snicker.
"Riiight..." Ricky dragged the word out. "The hand-holding and ‘platonic’ kisses don’t mean anything?"
"Their hand gets cold easily and it’s a form of gratitude!" Gyuvin remarked, still pacing around the empty classroom. "Everything about them might be too much for me," he confessed. Ricky was confused, question marks practically appearing over his head as Gyuvin noticed.
"I think I’ll get severe heart palpitations from them... Their hands are so soft, there’s not a callus in sight. I want to melt into their arms and become a puddle forever. And their lips..." He now pressed his back against the wall and slowly slid to the ground, hands covering his face. "I’m so done for."
Luckily for him, you walked in at that exact moment, confused to see him on the floor all stressed out. "Gyuvin? What happened?" you asked, eyebrow raised.
Gyuvin immediately stood up and smiled, as if nothing had happened. "Oh, it’s nothing! Let’s go," he assured, awkwardly smiling to hide the side-glare he shot at Ricky. You weren’t convinced, but you ignored it, linking your arm with his, making his heartbeat quicken.
As you both walked home, random topics flew out of your mouths: school, friends, food. Quite literally anything. "Some of my friends asked if we were dating," you spoke up, smiling at the thought, which made Gyuvin stop in his tracks. "I said no, and they said that we should." There was a small pink hue on your cheeks that anyone else would’ve noticed, but Gyuvin was stuck in his own mind, trying to find the right words.
"Your friends are right," he spouted out, clearly not having thought it through. Now, you were the one stuck; did you hear it right?
Gyuvin realized what he said. "I—I mean, maybe we should..." His face turned bright red as his hands moved frantically, fiddling with his fingers. "Or maybe we shouldn’t, who knows!" he awkwardly laughed, continuing to walk ahead of you, with you still frozen in place. He was mentally preparing himself for how he’d 'ruined' the friendship and couldn’t wait to go home and drown in his own pool of embarrassment.
"We should," you spoke out, walking to match his pace.
Gyuvin didn’t hear you properly. "Yeah, it’s a bad idea rig—huh?" He realised what you said. You giggled, intertwining your fingers with his. This time, it felt different—foreign and tingly. Gyuvin’s heart raced as he looked at you, a slow smile spreading across his face.
"Really?" he asked, his voice barely above a whisper.
"Really," you confirmed, squeezing his hand gently.
Gyuvin’s smile grew wider, and he pulled you into a hug, holding you close. The world seemed to fade away, leaving just the two of you in that perfect moment. He had you, and that was all he needed.
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@ faithst 24’
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🐈 Being Nekoma's Manager 🐈
Being Kuroo's Little Sister and Dating Kenma
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Kenma Kozume featuring Nekoma x Kuroo YN
Warnings: I don't think there are any actually??
AN: This is an Anon request!
🌠 Please Like, Reblog and/or Share to help support my writing 🌠
Fun fact, Nekoma, Seijoh and Inarizaki are my favorite teams 🙌🏻
That had absolutely zero relevance in these headcannons but here we are 😅
Ok back to the program
First off, being the manager for Nekoma is like randomly picking out Jelly beans to eat
Sometimes, you get pink or red one and everything is great 👍🏻
The days are great and everything is fine
And sometimes you get the licorice jelly beans 🙃
And everything is absolute chaos
Add to the fact that your big brother just so happens to be Kuroo and well, I think you can see where THIS is headed 🙄
Seriously I think Nekoma would be one of the best teams to manage in Haikyuu
Like they have Yamamoto but like even he's containable to some extent 😆
They also have Lev but like in comparison to the other teams, I feel like they got off light 🤣
So when your brother asks you to manage the team, you of course agree
I mean, you need a club and you get to spend quality time with your brother
It's a win win 🏆
You also get to spend time with Kenma 👀
Whom you just happen to have a huge freaking crush on
And spoiler alert: he has one on you too 😍
But you don't know that yet
Because Kenma gives nothing away
Mans will take notes and observe you while he's play his video games and you will have no idea
He's stealthy 😶‍🌫️
You've known Kenma for years through your brother
You totally tagged along with them for everything
Kuroo was annoyed, Kenma was entertained 🤗
Anyways, that's how your friendship with Kenma developed
But it wasn't until high school that Kenma saw you as more than "just a friend"
The fact that you were friend zoned 😭😭😭
Anyways, when you walk into your first day of volleyball practice and Kenma sees you
Everything changes 🌈
His eyes widen 😳 and he just stares
Like mans isn't even LOOKING at the game in his hands 😲
When you see him and smile, whooo ✋️
That's the end YN, you've got that man 4 life!
From that day forward, we begin the awkward journey to dating Kenma 🤣
Ok but seriously, I think it would actually be you who has to push a relationship
It's not that Kenma doesn't want a relationship but he's not going to ask you out
He wants to know you like him first
Mans doesn't want his heart shattered 🥺
So when you start hanging out with him, sitting closer to him and dropping all the hints, he'll notice
But you have to make the first move
But like, all you have to say is "I like you Kenma"
Then he will say "then go out with me"
Boom 💥 👏🏻 that's it
Now I bet you're wondering how your big brother feels about all of this
Well, honestly he's so jealous 🤣
Not that Kenma had taken you away oh no no
Quite the opposite actually, that you've taken Kenma from him 😅
Please you and Kenma are a dream team when it comes to ganging up on Kuroo
"Kenma will you get up"- Kuroo
"Lay off Kuroo, I'm literally standing here ready to go"- Kenma
"Yeah he's at least exerting his energy to do more than just yell at people"- you
Boom 💥 high five 🤚🏻
Yaku thinks you and Kenma dating is the best 🤣
You and Kenma have a great system
He tears Lev down and you build Lev back up 😆
"Lev your footing sucks"- Kenma
"But that was a great block Lev"- You 🤗
A classic case of good cop bad cop
Honestly it actually works for Lev
Yaku and Kai are amazed
Dream team material 🙌🏻
Normally, when it comes to you Kenma is pretty laid back
He will definitely show a level of affection towards you
Cheek kisses, holding hands, hugging
Please he does it right in front of Kuroo to get him all riled up 🤣
"Will you please stop touching my baby sister?"- Kuroo
"Will you stop watching us?"- you
"This is my team YN! I can kick you off"- Kuroo
"If YN goes, I go"- Yamamoto
Yaku, Kenma, Lev, Fukunaga and Kai all raise their hands to agree 🤣
However there is one person who can and will rile Kenma up 👀
He knows both of Kenma's weaknesses well
1) exercise 2) YN
And that is none other than Alaashi 😳
Seriously he's probably the most matched with Kenma in terms of strategy
I meam, he works with Bokuto come on people he has to have a strategy 👏🏻
So when Alaashi sees how close you and Kenma are, he gets a wicked idea 😏
Akaashi is a Sagittarius and we are legit so petty it's unbelievable
So when Nekoma is playing against Karasuno during training camp, Akaashi seizes his opportunity
"Hey there YN"- Akaashi
"Oh hi Akaashi what can I help you with?"- You, completely unsuspecting
"Well I was wondering if maybe you'd be available to help us tonight wirh extra practice? You are so capable and you know Bokuto adores you"- Akaashi
"HI YN" Bokuto, completely on cue waving at you 👋🏻👋🏻
Now Kenma looks over to see this exchange happening and his eyes are boring holes into Akaashi's head
If looks could kill, RIP Akaashi 🙏🏻
"Umm well, I'm not sure if I can or not"- you
Now Kuroo is fully engaged and smirking like crazy as he watches Kenma fuming
You look to Kenma to see him glaring 😑
"Come on Yn. It's just for a while"- Akaashi
"Umm ok I guess it wouldn't hurt"- you, shrugging
Ope 😅
Akaashi walks away so pleased
Bokuto is literally bouncing off the walls
Kuroo is smirking and poking the wound
"You gonna let Akaashi get away with that?"- Kuroo
"I'm coming with you to practice tonight"- Kenma
Pls kuroo is so shocked but so happy 🤣
You can bet that Kenma will not let uou anywhere near Akaashi during third Gym Squad practice 🤣
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kageyuji · 3 years
shortening his name except he thinks you called him another guy’s name
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⤷ oikawa, bokuto, atsumu, suna, mattsun ; [gn!reader]
GENRE/WARNINGS: comfort(?), angst if you squint hard enough, mild swearing
NOTES: i will literally offer my hand in marriage if you reblog. and thank you to @/sugawaaras for giving me the idea for mattsun’s <33
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even though he tried to be confident, in reality, his self confidence sat on a throne built from things he told himself in the mirror and compliments he never believed
so its not a surprise that his first reaction just... isn’t one. he’ll stop and replay it over and over again in his head to make sure he’d heard you correctly
and then his heart breaks — it actually hurts him, makes him feel like he can’t breath, and before he even knows it theres tears in his eyes
of course, he knows you’re never supposed to let the reason you’re crying see you crying
so he attempts to act like he’s more annoyed than that he just had his heart just obliterated
it’s not a secret though. through the pain in his eyes, anyone can see the shattered remnants of what was once his heart
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“ru, can you grab my phone for me?” you called to your boyfriend from the couch, remembering that you’d left your phone in the other room.
it was quiet for a moment; not long enough for you to ask if he was okay, but long enough that the silence was odd. you heard heavy footfalls again, then saw oikawa standing just inside the room with a clear look of betrayal on his face.
“what?” you asked him, wondering if he was kidding around. you hadn’t done anything, there was no reason why he’d actually be upset with you.
as he stepped closer to you, you could see the tears whelling up in his eyes, and you were left to wonder what was wrong.
“what’s wrong? tooru, hey, are you ok?” your voice was much softer when you spoke this time. your heart dropped when you saw him step back at your step forward.
“so now you can call me by my name?” you think his voice was meant to be low and hostile, but in his struggle not to cry it came out strangled and cracked.
“what did... do you mean ‘ru?”
“yes! who the hell is that? if you wanted to-“
“no no, babe, your name is tooru. the last syllable of your name is ru. it’s just a shortening of your name, not someone else’s.”
you watched his lips form a smile and he let out something like a laugh, seemingly at his own confusion, and then the tears finally fell.
he’d walked into your arms soon after, with his arms wrapped tightly around you and his face buried in the crook of your neck
“sorry... sorry for not trust- trusting you, i just-” his sentence was cut through with sharp breaths and hiccups, and then finally stopped with your own voice.
“it’s alright, i didn’t mean to scare you. we can cuddle if you want, hm?”
he was already struggling to keep himself from fully breaking down. but when one of your hands came up to pet his hair, a whine left him — you think it was supposed to be an ‘mhm’ to your offer — and his hands gripped tightly at your shirt, his arms around you getting tighter.
he doesn’t miss a beat, immediately looking up at you to wonder if he’d heard you correctly
it’s just a small spike of anxiety at first, but the more he lets the foreign name resonate with him, the more it makes him worry
he has to build up the courage to ask you who the other guy is, because he can’t do it right away, he’s way too nervous
he looks so sad as well, puppy dog eyes looking at you, seemingly just slightly worried
unbeknownst to you, his heart is pounding in is chest and with each passing second, it runs the risk of shattering
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“‘taro!” your voice was a giggle as he left little kisses all over you. they weren’t nearly enough to leave hickeys, just little pecks across your face, your neck, your chest.
as soon as the name left your lips though, he stopped, golden eyes snapping up to look at you with a pain you’d never seen in them before.
you could tell he was definitely upset about something, but you had no idea what it could be. hell, the way he looked at you, it was almost as though you were the reason.
of course, you were unaware that bokuto’s first thoughts went to rintaro, middle blocker from the famed inarizaki. suddenly he was thinking of every time you’d ever spoken about the team, said how many fan girls they had, how many games they’d won.
he wanted to say something. he really wanted to ask what you’d meant. but the words seemed caught in his throat.
it wasn’t long before he couldn’t take it though, and he pushed the words out, despite the alarms going off in his head and his heart immediately jumping to his throat.
“who is ‘taro?” you didnt think you’d ever heard him sound so small. so timid, so close to his voice cracking with the tears he was holding back, so... scared.
“you? who else? i can call you kou if you’d prefer that though. you don’t have to look so upset.”
bokuto smiled then, relaxing the weight on his arms enough so he was on top of you. he supported himself enough not to crush you, but there was nothing more he wanted in the world right now than to be held by you.
he liked to consider himself a tough guy. he liked to.
but there were times whenever his support fell, leaving his world to crumble in his hands, slipping through his fingers no matter how hard he tried to hold it all together
and when thought he heard a guy’s name that isn’t his own come from you, it felt just like one of those times
he was asking what you’d meant before his mind could even properly register your words
and by that point he didn’t care enough to replay the name in his head, his mind already caught up looking for the things he’d done wrong, the things he hadn’t done.
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“oh, ‘umi, if you want to we can go to th-”
“what the hell?”
it surprised you how much venom laced his words, despite the fact that you’d done nothing wrong. the thought that he was being sarcastic or joking with you crossed your mind, but atsumu wasn’t exactly the best actor.
he couldn’t fake the look on his face, couldn’t fake how his heart had seemingly stopped just from the look in his eyes.
“what do you mean?” your voice was soft when you spoke now, no longer so nonchalant.
he lips pressed into a thin line and he set his jaw in frustration. it took him taking a deep breath to finally say, “you called me ‘omi.’ if you like-”
“no, i heard you, you called me omi. if- if theres...” he never finished his sentence. there was already a lump in his throat and he knew that if he were to say anything more, he’d cry.
“no, no. i called you umi. like your name just a little bit different.”
his face was drawn in a look on confusion. his eyes studied you, trying to look for any sign of you lying. but he trusted you, of course he trusted you.
he came over to hug you, his arms wrapped tightly around you. you heard him sniff, but you knew he’d deny crying if you asked him.
“i love you,” his voice made him sound so small, it was a level of weak and vulnerable you’d not seen from him.
“i love you too.”
the words “stay calm” had never been repeated in his head to himself so much
well, it was more like a string of curse words with “stay calm” thrown in occasionally, but he’d never felt so scared
the look on his face is annoyed at first, but it quickly starts to shift into one with a little more worry
he’s terrified, in all honesty. but he’s already told himself he’s not going to let you see that
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“taro, can we stop by a corner store on the way home? i need something.”
your voice had been so calm. so why did it feel like his heart had just been ripped out of his chest?
he knew you hadn’t meant to. but why you’d even slipped and call him by another name in the first place worried him. it took him only a few seconds for his mind to land on bokuto koutarou.
bokuto koutarou, one of the top aces.
“well fuck you too i guess.” his tone may have been confused with one of anger at first, but you could tell that wasnt it. anger is a secondary emotion, you knew in reality he was hurt.
the only problem is, you didn’t know what. from his words you knew it was something you’d done. but there was nothing that came to mind.
“sorry? what did i do?”
suna hesitated for only a second before asking why you’d called him by another name. he took a deep breath immediately after speaking, your silence only breaking his heart more. as though it wasn’t already destroyed.
but your silence was born from shock and confusion, not being caught like suna had assumed.
“taro. like rintarou. like your name. who else would i be talking about?”
“uhm. koutarou? i don’t know, forget about it.” he’d never felt like a bigger jackass before; he never swore at you.
you smiled a little at his words and walked over to hug him. he hummed at that and pressed a small kiss to your temple, then buried his face into the crook of your neck.
“i didn’t mean to-”
“it’s ok, rin.”
he had to stop for a moment to let it sink in before he could react
after that there were too many emotions rushing through him to do anything for another few moments
in fact, his silence coupled with the distant, betrayed look on his face was somewhat unsettling
it takes him longer than he would like to question you, but it’s because he’s already preparing to collect his shattered heart after one of his worst fears becomes true
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“why are you here?” mattsun heard iwaizumi’s voice and he smiled a little to himself, knowing that he must have been talking to you.
he’d been waiting for you all day, it seemed like forever since he’d last seen you. the only thing he wanted right now was to hold you.
“oh, i’m here to see ‘kawa!” you said happily. mattsun could hear the smile in your voice without even seeing you.
you were here for oikawa. of course you were here for starboy oikawa tooru, of course your boyfriend was just a stepping stone.
he was still frozen when you rounded the corner. the look on his face was concerning, you couldn’t remember the last time — if there ever was one — he’d looked absolutely terrified, the last time he looked so hurt.
“mattsun... are you ok?”
he didn’t answer you. it took him a few moments before he could finally speak, and even then his voice was different than it usually was. it was... pained? betrayed? whatever it was, you knew it wasn’t mattsun.
“did you really come here just to see oikawa? what happened to me being your boyfriend?”
it took you a few moments to try and understand what he was talking about. you’d never said that. hell, you always came for mattsun, not once had you ever spared oikawa a thought.
“no, babe. i said ‘kawa’, as in matsukawa.”
he seemed to melt at your words. that expression disappeared from his face, his body untensing. he moved to pull you into his arms, holding you close to himself with a desperation he’d not had before.
him thumb rubbed soothing circles on your back. you could tell he wanted to say something. but then he stopped right before the words left him, instead opting to make a joke to lift the mood.
“good, i was about to kick oikawa’s ass.”
“...we were having a moment.”
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She’s the Only One
This is my first post! It’s the fake scenario I currently fall asleep to every night. I finally had to write it down. I’m not totally satisfied with it, I just usually fall asleep before it ends. Haha.
Pairings: mob!bucky x you
Warnings: violence, mild angst, fluff
The night had been going unbelievably well. It was the first time you were meeting Bucky’s friends. They’d taken to you instantly and you’d spent hours at a booth in his club listening to their stories, you’d hardly stopped laughing. Bucky was the happiest he could remember being. He couldn’t stop watching you, amazed at how natural it felt to be with you, easy as breathing. And he realized, as necessary. 
Everything happened so fast and so slow at the same time, it was disorienting. Like a scene from a movie, suddenly bottles behind the bar started to explode as if in slow motion. The sound of shattering glass filled the room as screams erupted from every corner of the club. Bodies were dropping to the floor, some dead, some simply trying to crawl to safety. A group of men had opened fire, and their target was anyone. 
You had barely begun to process what was happening when you felt a strong hand push your head down. You felt yourself being tucked under Bucky’s arm, his hand gripped your waist and he was half-carrying you out of the booth. He kept you behind him and you watched as his metal hand shot out in front of him. It moved with alarming precision, you heard the sharp “pings” as the bullets aimed at him were deflected off of his palm. He never flinched. You couldn’t close your eyes. You watched his face, hard with concentration. You couldn’t understand it, but you were not afraid. His men had convened into a line in front of you, returning heavy fire. Bucky led you both out through the kitchen and out the back door, into a waiting car. He had no sooner closed the car door and it was peeling away down the alley. 
The car ride was silent at first. He was too afraid to speak, too afraid that if he broke the silence it would fill with you screaming at him for putting you in that situation. You opened your mouth to speak and he squeezed his eyes shut, preparing himself for the onslaught. 
“Where are we going?” You asked, merely curious. His eyes snapped open wide in surprise. He could barely comprehend your casual tone. Of all the questions you could have asked, that was all you wanted to know?
“Safe house.” He said. You nodded, and took his hand as you leaned your head against the window. 
The drive was long, and you’d eventually dozed off on the way. Bucky knew you had to be in shock. Nothing else could explain your lack of fear. No anger, no panic. Once you were asleep, he called Steve. 
“Who the fuck was it?” He spoke low as not to wake you, but his voice was urgent. 
“Rumlow’s boys. Ambushed us in retaliation for the deal with Zemo. We’re behind you. We weren’t followed. See you in a minute.”
Bucky snapped the phone shut, and crushed it into pieces.
He was beyond pissed, but he carried you like a baby, gentle as could be. The mix of feelings he had was making it hard for him to breathe. Furious, scared, worried, enraged. You looked peaceful, which was helping him stay focused.
He laid you on the bed and your body automatically responded to the soft sheets, stretching then curling up, and you let out a soft sigh. He felt his heart squeeze and tears pricked at the corner of his eyes. He pulled the blanket over you and tucked it under your chin. He moved an armchair closer to the bed, so he could sit beside you and reached out to run his thumb across your forehead. He didn’t know if you even needed soothing, but it made him feel helpful and he didn’t know what else to do.
“Is she ok?” Bucky tore his eyes away from you to see Steve leaning against the doorframe, arms crossed, his face serious.
“Yes. She didn’t get hit.” He looked back to you. “She’s just sleeping.”
“How much did she see?”
“Everything.” Bucky said, a mix of rage and guilt in his voice.
“What are we going to do about it?” He put both hands up defensively, shaking his head in response to Bucky’s head snapping up, knowing what normally happened to witnesses. “I don’t mean it like that. I mean, what are we going to do for her. Is she going to be alright?”
Bucky relaxed slightly and returned his gaze to your face. “Full protection, around the clock. And she does not leave my sight until every last one of them is dead.” Bucky’s jaw tightened, the only sign of his fury, as he continued to softly stroke your hair. “But yes, I think she’ll be alright,” he said. 
Steve nodded. He watched as Bucky noticed you moving. Still asleep, a frown slowly formed on your face, your fingers started to twitch and your hands turned into fists. You whimpered softly. You were having a bad dream. Bucky’s metal hand moved to gently massage the hard furrow between your eyes until your face relaxed again. He moved his hand to your cheek and leaned down to put his face next to yours. He whispered into your ear, “Shhh, baby, you’re ok. I’ve got you.” He nuzzled his face into your hair and kissed the top of your head. You didn’t wake, but responded to his touch by pushing your head into his palm, like a kitten. He resumed thumbing soothing brushes across your face.
“I’ve never seen you like this before, Buck.” Steve said. “This one is different.”
“She’s the only one.” Bucky said simply. Bucky felt weak, his mind forcing the image of what could have happened tonight into his head. He shuddered and instinctively moved to hover protectively over you.
“You’re in love, pal.”
Bucky didn’t look away from you. “I know.” 
You stirred and stretched, slowly opening your eyes and taking in your unfamiliar surroundings. You turned to your side and saw Bucky’s figure immediately slide off the chair he was in to be face-to-face with you. He looked so sad. 
“What’s wrong?” You asked. 
“What’s wrong?” He almost yelled. “What’s wrong?! You were almost killed last night. I’m waiting for you to run screaming from this room! I spent the whole night trying and failing to prepare myself for you to leave me!” 
“You didn’t sleep at all?” Your tone was only concerned. It was absolutely maddening that you were so calm.
“Baby,” he paused. He was truly confused. “I don’t understand. How are you so...ok? Last night, you could have died. Weren’t you even scared?” 
You thought for a moment and answered honestly. “No.”
“Why not?”
You took Bucky’s face in your hands and looked him in the eyes. “Because.” You pulled him closer and gave him a long, firm kiss. “I was with you.” 
He rested his forehead against yours and chuckled softly in relief. “Goddamn, baby. You are one tough bitch.” His tone was pure awe.
You smiled. “Yes. And you are stuck with me.”  
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