#there’s just something so special about growing up in such a small circle of people
pitconfirm · 5 months
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some things never change: friendship edition 🫶
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zepskies · 5 months
Hi, how are you?
I was wondering if you could write something like "Dean reads you wrong" but with Sam Please
Hey, lovely!
I'm doing well, thank you. 💜 I hope you are too! Hmm, I'm still working through my current bank of requests, but since "Dean reads you wrong" is so fresh, it got me thinking about how Sam would go about this...
Pairing: Sam Winchester x F. Reader
Summary: It's hard for Sam to admit he wants you...when he thinks you might want his brother.
Song Inspo: "If You're Gone" by Matchbox Twenty
Word Count: 1,600 Tags/Warnings: Fluff, angst, fear of unrequited love, mutual pining
Imagine: Sam reads you wrong.
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When Sam falls for someone, he's...well, what he would call self-aware.
But also cautious.
He knows his own track record with women. He knows the life he leads, and has resigned himself to giving up most kinds of normalcy or domesticity.
And maybe, a part deep in the back of his brain has given up on the idea of love.
That's why it's so damn confounding...how you've managed to take him by surprise.
He's always been able to rely on you. Whether it's sharing the brunt of the research with him when Dean loses focus, or staying up with Sam on late nights, sharing mugs of tea and quiet conversation, bonding over familiar tastes in books, and '90s grunge music, of all things.
You also confessed to him, late one night, that you have a growing collection of mugs, fuzzy socks, and vinyl records, despite the fact that your record player has collected more dust than the bunker's old storage room.
You're wonderfully weird.
And you're unfailingly loyal to who you consider "your people." And Sam thinks (knows) he's fortunate enough to be included in that small circle.
Sam also knows, deep in his gut, no matter how much he tries to "rationalize" it away, that you're special. And special to him.
You've managed to do more than just slip under his skin. When he thinks too hard on it, he can admit it (just to himself). You've infiltrated all four corners of his heart so deeply, he doesn't have a prayer of scooping you out.
Some days, it's all he can do not to reach out while you're chatting away, filling the silence.
He can picture it like a scene in his mind: of interrupting your mouth with a gentle hand on your cheek, tilting your face up to his and showing you, with or without words, that he wants you...
And yet.
He can't help but watch how you are with Dean.
You two tease each other, bicker and gripe over coffee grinds left in the coffee pot and who ate the last of the leftovers. You fight with Dean over the remote on movie night (once, damn near smothering him with a pillow).
But you also dote on him, making sure Dean has one of his favorite desserts every time you go out to buy groceries. You swap his beer out for water when he's not looking. (And though Dean frowns and grumbles, he doesn't argue with your raised brow and imploring look.)
It's not quite flirting, but it's not quite platonic either—at least in Sam's eyes. You and Dean seem to have something.
And sometimes, your playful banter with his brother makes Sam sick to his stomach.
Like today, when Sam’s sitting at the kitchen table reading while you're making a cup of tea. The silence between you two is amiable, like usual.
Sam steals a glance at you and has to smile.
"Going with purple polka dots today?" he asks.
You look over with knitted brows of confusion, until you follow his gaze. You laugh sheepishly and wiggle your toes through your fuzzy socks.
"The floor is cold as hell," you defend yourself.
Sam's smile deepens a fraction as he turns back to his book.
"They're cute," he adds.
You turn your face to hide your blush. The mild thunder of heavy boots announces Dean's presence as he pops into the kitchen.
"Oh good, you're cooking. What's for dinner?" he asks. You turn to give him a familiar narrowed look.
"Who says I'm cooking?" you counter.
"Well, you're doing something on the stove..." Dean peers over and catches a whiff of the concoction you're brewing. He grimaces. "Second thought, I'm good. That smells like ass, whatever it is."
You roll your eyes at him. "It's just green tea, Dean. You know, health?"
He levels a deadpan expression at you as he opens up the pantry.
"I see your 'health' and I raise you...Doritos," he says. He digs his hand into the bag he's just pilfered and crunches a mouthful in your face. You can't help but splutter a laugh and push Dean away.
"You're ridiculous. If you catch a heart attack at 50, don't come crying to me."
"Hey, at least I'll die happy."
"Oh, right. A silver lining there. I'd hate to see what your arteries look like," you tease.
"Has anyone told you that you're unsavory?" Dean asks, continuing to crunch with an open mouth.
You smirk. "Is that your way of calling me sweet?"
He snorts. "Sure, sweetheart. We'll call it that."
"You know, I'm not your sweetheart," you point out.
Dean discreetly glances his brother's way with a sly glint in his eyes. Sam doesn't see it; by now he's trying his damndest to keep his eyes in his book and ignore the way his stomach is clenching, chest tightening.
Dean shifts his attention back at you and reaches down to brush your chin with his thumb.
"Not yet, but you could be," he says, in a flirtatious edge that he's never quite taken with you.
You're wide-eyed for a moment. In the end, though, you choose to take it as teasing. You push his hand away and give him an annoyed look.
"God, you're such a clown. Order a pizza if you're that hungry," you rejoin, and you pour two mugs of freshly brewed tea. "I won't even bother offering you one."
"Nope," Dean says, popping the "p." He walks out of the kitchen, giving Sam a firm slap on the back. Sam coughs and shoots his brother a frown.
Dean has the gall to wink at him before he walks out. Like he's having his own little private joke.
Well, Sam isn't laughing. He stares down hard at his book. He tries to ignore everything he just heard and saw out of the corner of his eye.
It becomes too much. He takes up his book and heads out of the kitchen.
He just doesn't see the way you frown as he walks away. There you stand, left holding two mugs of tea for you and him.
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Sam returns to his room for a while. He's not hiding. He's...reading.
There's a knock at his door, and if it's Dean, he swears he's going to open his mouth and tell his brother to leave him the hell alone, like he's some kind of moody teen.
But it's you.
"Hey," you greet, after the door creaks open. Sam softens.
"Hey," he says, clearing his throat. "What's up?"
"You," you reply. You bring him his hot mug of tea and set it down on the desk where he sits.
"Thanks," he says.
You nod and place your mug beside his (Lord of the Rings themed, of course), and cross your arms as you lean against his desk.
Sam turns toward you in his chair. His hands rest on his thighs. His gaze travels back up to your face as he tries to keep his neutral, but welcoming to whatever you want to ask him. (He buries his heart deep, as he instinctively does whenever you're near him.)
"You okay?" you ask. Your brows furrow the longer you gaze down at him. Just staring, like you know he's hiding something. Like you can see straight into him, into the shadows where he keeps most of his thoughts of you.
This is perhaps the only area of his life where he's a coward.
"Yeah, I'm good," Sam replies, in a tone that suggests, Why wouldn't I be?
You quirk a smile. "Why don't I believe you?"
Sam swallows. For once, he's not sure what to say to you.
"You know you can talk to me, right?" you say softly. You take a subtle step into his orbit, almost between his open legs. Your demeanor says that you'd gladly listen, do whatever he asked of you. Because you're just that kind.
Sam's mouth twitches upward. "I know. I'm fine, really."
"You're fine, or you're Winchester fine?" you raise a brow.
Sam chuckles then, showing a flash of his smile. It lightens you.
"Maybe a bit of the second one," he admits.
You smile and inch closer, resting a hand on his shoulder.
"Yeah? Tell me," you say. Your voice is soft, but not quite a whisper.
It leads Sam to sigh. He grasps your hand where it lies on his shoulder. For a moment, he debates internally. He realizes then that Dean's antics earlier might've been more than just teasing. Maybe it was a subtle nudge—to stop wasting time.
Damn it, just do something, Sam thinks.
When you squeeze his hand back, it's just the small push he needs. He glances up at you.
Then he takes your hand and holds it between both of his, with care. He tugs you forward, surprising you as you step forward between his legs. Your mouth parts in soft surprise when he reaches a hand up to your cheek.
You still look surprised, blushing up to your ears, but you're not pulling away. In fact, your widened gaze moves from his eyes to his lips.
Sam smiles. He tugs you down to him and enacts a living daydream, finally kissing you with everything he has. Everything he’s had locked inside.
You respond to his mouth in kind; the subtle gasp of breath against his lips sharply cuts off as you sink into his kiss. Your trembling hand comes to his cheek, grazing the dull prickle of stubble. When your fingers dive into his hair next, it’s his turn to take a deep breath.
With each new kiss, he explores more of you. His hands find your waist, and he gathers you against his chest. You find purchase on his strong shoulders and give into the opportunity to straddle his hips, sitting in his lap while he continues to make your heartbeat wild in your chest.
Sam slows the kiss, only because his brain is starting to catch up with his heart. He wants to see your face, to make sure this is what you want.
He finds that and more when he looks up at you.
He brushes a strand of hair behind your ear, tenderly brushing his thumb against your cheek.
"Does that answer your question?" he asks, with a soft laugh. You join him and press your forehead against his.
"I don't know,” you tease. Your eyes are dancing, both with amusement and relief. Because your heart has wanted this for even longer than Sam's.
You lean back in to whisper close to his lips. “Maybe I need a little more clarity."
Sam takes you at your word.
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AN: It's been a long time since I've written for Sam! 💜 I got in another request for him a while ago. I may dust that one off soon... Until then, let me know what you think of this!
(And don't worry. I didn't forget about the Soldier Boy imagine I promised. That will come out at the end of this week, most likely!)
Read Dean's version: "Dean reads you wrong."
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Sam Winchester Masterlist
Main Masterlist
SW Tag List:
@kazsrm67 @letheatheodore @agothwithheavysetmakeup @jacklesbrainworms @foxyjwls007 @wincastifer @iamsapphine @simpforbuckyb @vanillawhiskeyflavoredkisses @roseblue373 @brianochka @branj19 @globetrotter28 @charmed-asylum @waywardxwords @tipthejar
@deanwinchestersgirl87 @this-is-me19 @rachiem4-blog @sweettimelady @leigh70 @clinicallydepresso @emily-winchester @xiphoidbones @skoveu @nyotamalfoy @kmc1989 @siampie @violetlilysunshine @nic-kolas @hobby27 @pizzagirlxnsfwx @malindacath @brujaporfavor @katherineann83 @torchbearerkyle
@sleepyqueerenergy @wayward-lost-and-never-found @thewritersaddictions @just-levyy @samanddeaninatrenchcoat @deanwanddamons @antisocialcorrupt @lacilou @deans-daydream @adoringanakin @sanscas @pap3rtigers @kaleldobrev @nix-rose
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cupidscrule · 2 months
Fluff !! Hi hi so reader making satoru cry because he's pretty like that
Anon ily for this !! This was kinda rushed it's not that good but I needed to put somethin' out so I hope you like it ;3!!
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Warning - none , slight angst? Touch starved Satoru <3
400 wrd
Touch starved. Two words that perfectly fit your boyfriend, growing up he had always been 'different' and special, as he was a teen and adult he always kept in a close group of people, he was never really loved like how others were. No one gave him affection like that, so he always was physically distant in your relationship, he would almost stiffin when you came up and hugged him.
It was just another day, you were relaxing with Satoru at home since there weren't any important missions, and he deserved a small break from his students. He was sitting on the couch, his lips slightly parted, wearing those pretty sunglasses legs resting on the table, he seemed to be just day dreaming about god knows what.
"Mm you're so pretty" you mumbled quietly, glancing over at him, he didn't respond seemingly just dissociated.
You feel a small smirk crawl onto your face before planting a kiss on his cheek, y'know to get his attention and all.. he finally perked up looking over at you, smile gone, at first you thought you messed up so instinctively you went in to go hug him, gripping onto the soft fabric of his shirt. Then unexpectedly you feel him pull on *you* his head in the crook of your neck, almost like a sad little puppy.
"Hun you okay?" You say pulling off at him and looking at his sad face, tears swelling up in his eyes. Mumbling something inaudible, almost looked cute like this, cute but you knew it was wrong to not comfort him.
"Baby tell me what's wrong? Why are you crying?" You say bringing a hand up to cup his cheek, drawing small circles with your thumb gently.
He doesn't reply instead just flopping his weight onto you, his head resting on your chest. He looked disheveled, but he kept inching closer. You don't even know why he's acting like this right now, he's never clingy, but right now all he wants- no need is just touch. And well who were you to decide to deny him that?
Stroking his white hair, as the tears stop, head still planted firmly on you almost nuzzling.
" I love you.."
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castiwls · 2 months
tolerate it - a.s
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Paring; anakin x reader
Prompt; 'If it's all in my head, tell me now. Tell me I've got it wrong somehow'
Requested; @simonsbluee
Notes;anakin version:) again all time fav cry song requests are open!
Masterlist | Taylor Swift masterlist
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The sound of the door opening pulled your attention from the data pad on your lap. A small smile grew on your lips as you placed the pad beside you before standing from your seat. “Your back,” You grinned. “I didn’t think you were due back for another few days.”
Anakin pulled off his robe before turning to you, his grin just as bright. “We got back early.” He closed the distance between you both pulling you into a hug. You felt his arms squeeze tightly around your middle as you tucked your head into the crook of his neck. 
Taking a deep inhale you felt your body relax in his arms. He was safe. After weeks he was finally home again. After a moment you pulled back. His arms still wrapped around your waist. “I missed you.” He spoke quietly, his eyes slowly tracing your face. 
“I missed you too.” You smiled slowly rubbing a hand through the back of his head. “How come you’re back so early?” 
“Some sort of diplomatic thing.” He let out a breath, rolling his eyes causing you to laugh quietly. You knew how much he hated anything which involved politics. In all the time you’d known Anakin he’d never been one for anything which involved long boring conversations.
“The charity ball?” He nodded his thumb slowly rubbing circles on your waist. “Yeah. How did you know about it?” He frowned slightly, a look of confusion filling his features. “I got invited to,” You watched as a small smile grew on his lips at the idea of not being alone. “Well. That should make this slightly more bearable.” 
You nodded thinking for a moment. “We could…we could go…together.” Your voice came out as a whisper. The thought was something which had been sitting on your mind for a while. 
Every event you were invited to end up with you having to go alone. It was always the same questions asking when you were going to get into a relationship if you had anyone special in your life. By this point, you had mastered the act of politely brushing off anyone who brought up the topic, but that didn’t mean that it never hurt.
It hurt that you were unable to share your relationship with the other people in your life. That you had to act as if Anakin was nothing more than an acquaintance when you met him in public. You knew getting into this relationship that there would have to be sacrifices, you never expected anything less. But sometimes you wished that he would have enough trust in you to share your relationship with those closest to you.
Anakin let out a sigh, his gaze moving down to your feet. He pursed his lips slightly, looking back up. “Angel, you know we can’t…” He moved a hand to gently cup your check. “If the council found out about us…I don’t know what they’d do.” he frowned to himself as he spoke, his gaze seemingly growing distant for a moment before he re-focused back on you.
“I can’t risk them finding out.” He rubbed a thumb across your cheek. You kept your face passive as you stared at him. 
Sometimes your relationship felt almost one-sided. You felt committed to him in a way that he could never commit himself to you. While you knew Anakin was by no means in love with the order and their rules you knew he was still committed. You came second.
The thought had you swallowing, trying to push back the sudden rush of emotions that ran through you. “Fine.” You pulled back from his hold before walking back to the main room. Anakin sighed following closely behind you.
“Are you seriously gonna do this again? You know why we can’t do that. It would put my rank at risk!” He stopped as you turned to face him. You jabbed a finger into his chest. “You. You. You. That’s all it ever is. Do you ever think about what I want?”
“Of course, I think about what you want. You are the most important person in my life!” He reached out to grasp your hand. He lowered his voice as he spoke. “Which is why I can’t lose you.”
You rolled your eyes letting out a quiet breath. “You know, sometimes I feel…I feel like you don’t even love me anymore.” You felt your lips quiver slightly as you swallowed back tears. “Like you're only here out of obligation.” 
You watched his face drop slightly. “Of course I love you. You’re my wife.” He stepped closer, his thumb slowly rubbing circles over your palm. “Then why are you so scared of telling the people closest to us that we’re married,” You pulled your palm from his grasp feeling a tear slowly slip down your face. 
“There’s dinner on the table if you want it.” You whispered before walking towards the bedroom.
You could hear him calling after you but you simply ignored it slamming the door behind you. Slowly you sank to the ground, your body shaking slightly as sobs began to fall from your lips. 
You’d stopped feeling loved a long time ago. At first, you’d believed that the feeling was simply in your head that you were just having doubts about your relationship due to how new it was, yet those doubts never seemed to go away. 
And Anakin did nothing to quell those doubts. Taking a breath you placed your chin on your knees, staring at the bed. You never imagined the man who you were supposed to love unconditionally and who was supposed to love you back could leave you feeling so unseen in your own relationship.
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ryo-apologist · 3 months
Camboy! Shigaraki
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Shigaraki Tomura x Reader
CW: Smut, Minors DNI, I will block your ass. Exhibitionism, being filmed, spanking with a toy, nipple play, degradation.
AN: I tried to keep it pretty GN, if I missed something let me know. Because of this, I don't mention a hole specifically, so use your imaginations <3
~Darling XOXO
☾ Camboy! Shigaraki who remains faceless the entire time he's on camera. He's the leader of an entire army, he can't have his entire being called into question because he likes the attention.
☾ Camboy! Shigaraki who started this whole thing because he saw far uglier men on porn sites raking in hundreds of thousands of yen and for what? He knows he's better looking than at least half of them, and who ever complains about extra money?
☾ Camboy! Shigaraki who holds that ideology but really, he loves the attention. He's such an attention slut that you throw enough money at him on stream and he'll do anything.
☾ Camboy! Shigaraki who loves edging himself on stream because it's just a special kind of torture. Stroking up and down the shaft of his cock and watching it twitch with ever drag of his hand. Thumbing over the head just to collect the bulb of pre-cum already dripping out only to slather it in a slow circle and watch as the light sheens off of it. Reaching his other hand to squeeze his own balls because it feels so good and this is for him and him alone. Everyone watching is lucky that they get to experience such a thing.
☾ Camboy! Shigaraki who is originally adamant on not bringing you on until Dabi makes a comment about how much more viewers money two person streams bring in. While Dabi was talking about two women streams, Shigaraki is already taking this idea and running with it.
☾ Camboy! Shigaraki who teases the idea on stream for weeks just to garner his audience's opinions. He watches as the numbers start rolling in when he starts moaning about fucking you're tight little hole and leaving you a dripping mess for their pleasure.
☾ Camboy! Shigaraki who reads every single comment he gets, about how people are blowing their loads to just the thought of watching anyone get fucked by his cock, whether it's them or not. People volunteering themselves, even if he knows nobody will ever reach your level.
☾ Camboy! Shigaraki who's disgusted by the idea at first, but soon realizes what this mean. This isn't just a way to make money, or get all the attention he was deprived of as a child, no.
☾ Camboy! Shigaraki who realizes this is a way to stake a claim. This is a way to absolute ruin his little whore in all the ways he's ever dreamed of and to send a message to everyone who's debauched enough to lose their shit over him of all people.
☾ Camboy! Shigaraki who knows this will be a message that he's better than them in every single way. He has an army, he's the most wanted villain in Japan, he's dangerous and lethal, and yet he's still getting laid more than they are. That he has this perfect little cum sleeve waiting for him at the drop of a dime.
☾ Camboy! Shigaraki who grows so hard at the thought on stream he's nearly breaking his thirty minute edging streak at the thought of absolutely wrecking you on camera and leaving you to moan his name for everyone to hear. Because he's the only one who gets to talk to you like this. He's the only one who gets to touch you like that. He's the only one who gets to fuck you and leave your whole gaping for his cock and his cock alone, after all, he's worked so hard to carve out a spot in you for his dick alone. For him to fuck and sully and leave flooded with his cum.
☾ Camboy! Shigaraki who doesn't need much more convincing after that.
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Your head hurts.
His fingers are threading so close to the roots of your hair that a small part of your brain is firing off a number of warning signs that he could kill you then and there. The red flags are numbed and buzzed out by the euphoria of simply having him there. You can barely find yourself caring about his hands when the delicious stretch of his cock is filling you all over again. When the sound of his balls clapping against your ass cheeks is ringing in your ears over and over again.
When your eyes are focused on the lens of the camera in front of you. The red light is haunting in the sense that you know exactly what's being broadcasting. An audience of thousands, maybe more, is watching you get your back blown out with heavy drops of cum already dripping down your thighs.
Your back is arched nice and pretty for Tomura, with his one hand pinning you by your head and the other is too busy holding your hips, the only thing saving your life being the arch of his own pinkies to keep them from touching your delicate flesh. Sweat is coating your skin in an uncomfortable layer, but you can't even find it in yourself to care.
There's a chime and the sound effect of coins falling, and you whine out as the vibrators taped to your nipples light up once again. They buzz happily against your sensitive nubs and your entire body scrunches as you keen and shudder. The hand in your hair pulls slightly in a warning.
"Naughty slut." He hisses, low and deep and it sends your entire nervous system into a tizzy. "Gonna cum? I didn't say you could do that."
"'m sorry-" You gasp out, fingers tightening their gasp on the sheets beneath you. "Not gonna cum." You swear thought you can feel that neither of you truly believe that.
Tomura grants you a sliver of relief and stops moving.
The hand on your hip leaves and you're almost tempted to look back, but that's against the rules. So you don't.
You do let out a yelp of shock, or maybe pain, as the stiff surface of his paddle rockets against your awaiting ass cheek. You groan and clench and you can hear Tomura let out his own noise as the paddle lowers to rest it's cool face on the burning flesh of your ass.
"That's my good cum sleeve."
There's another chime and the returning noise of coins falling. The vibrators you hadn't even noticed had turned off come to life again. The paddle swings and your entire body clenches as euphoria runs through your veins, quickly followed by the shame of disobedience which ruins your orgasm before it can even finish.
Right after you feel the rush of warmth as another load of cum fills you more than you thought possible.
Another chime has you crying out in agonized glee.
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romanoffsdarling · 2 years
Marry Me || Prologue 
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Pairing: Wanda Maximoff x Fem!Reader
Summary: The wedding of superstar Wanda Maximoff and Vision was all that the media-- as well as the few people you interact with-- could talk about. Anybody that meant something would be in the front row of the concert where the two stars would be sharing their vows. You just never expected that you’d be among that crowd. Or what would happen because of it. 
Word Count: 1,113
Warnings: None for this part. 
Author’s Note: I hope you all enjoy the first part of Marry Me! I’m super excited to explore this series!
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New York City was practically thrumming with energy-- more so than usual-- as you make your way to work. The amount of people loitering in the streets, pulled to shop windows, was staggering as you narrowly avoid running into the fifth person that had almost backed up into you. 
“People get married all the time,” you mutter, stuffing your hands into your coat pockets. “Why the hell is this so special?”
You just don’t get pop culture, Y/N/N, Natasha’s-- your best friend-- voice teases within your mind; a clear reminder that even if she wasn’t present, she’d always find some way to annoy you. If you actually paid attention when I spoke to you, you’d know that. 
Refraining from responding, after all it was a voice in your head that merely resembled that of your dear friend, you quickly cross the street as you near the school building. Your job-- being a middle school math teacher-- was the highlight of your life, however sad that may be, but you never thought you’d be this excited to see the familiar building. As long as you got away from the growing crowds everything would be fine. Even if your best friend would no doubt hunt you down. 
The familiar trek to your classroom was particularly uneventful. Every person that you pass glued to the small screens of their cellphones-- something that would forever elude you-- as they mill about like mindless drones. 
It was only when you plop down behind your desk-- setting your messenger bag down by your feet-- that you finally let the tension leave your shoulders. You didn’t mind crowds of people, it wasn’t your favorite place to be, but you didn’t mind them, you just couldn’t comprehend why this event had the city in a chokehold like it did. 
A fact that is truly hammered home as you shift your focus to the world outside of the panes of glass that made up one side of your classroom. Green eyes, gorgeous auburn hair, and an almost secretive smile greets you from across the street. Your eyes trail over the cursive font that’s situated next to the young starlet’s photo: Marry Me-- Live Concert That Ends In I Do.
Why someone would want to get married in front of millions of people you’d never understand, but the world of stardom was way out of reach from your place firmly on the ground. 
Something you were more than fine with. Not like it would ever change. 
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“Wanda.” The soft call of her name pulls emerald-green eyes from their observation of the cityscape beyond panes of thick glass; it had always been her favorite feature of her high-rise apartment. Something that allowed her to observe the public without being part of it. Where she could be safe within her own bubble, within her own little circle of familiarity. “I think it’s time that we did the final checks for your dress.” 
Faintly painted pink lips curl into a small smile. “It’s more like a costume, Bucky.” Wanda fully turns to observe her dearest friend and agent. “You can say it, I know that’s what everyone is thinking anyway.”
“It’s your dress, Wanda,” Bucky stresses, his blue eyes imploring her to listen. “It may be for an event that millions will be witnessing, like one of your concerts, but that doesn’t make it any less intimate for you and for the love of your life, right?” 
The beautiful Sokovian singer tries not to wince at the term connected with Vision. It’s not that she didn’t care a great deal for him, she obviously did if she was going to marry him, but she wasn’t sure she’d classify Vision as the love of her life. For some unknown reason such a label... It didn’t seem right. Her heart was currently in a freefall, and she didn’t know where, or when, it was going to land; nor did she know the damage that would be inflicted once she did. 
Knowing that Bucky expected a response, Wanda offers him a thin smile. Hoping that he would simply take her nervousness as pre-wedding jitters. Maybe that’s all that they were? 
“You’re right, Bucky.” She lightly pushes his shoulder. “Like always.”
If Bucky’s answering smile was a little tight around the edges, and concern briefly flickering across his blue gaze, Wanda doesn’t comment on it. Not when she was barely hanging on by a thread as it was. 
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“For the last time I’m not going, Natasha!”
You’re unsure of how many times that very sentence had left your lips in the last half-hour, but you are certain that if it appears once again, you’d be sans a best friend. It’s not that you weren’t flattered that Natasha wanted to take you somewhere, especially when it’s the most exclusive event this year, but she knew better than anyone how huge concerts weren’t really your thing. You didn’t enjoy being within a large mob of people that were screaming along to whatever was happening on stage. 
“Come on, Y/N,” Natasha implores, her bright green eyes rounded due to her excitement. “This is a once in a lifetime event that I want to take my best friend to. Are you really going to let me go alone?”
An unimpressed eyebrow arch is her only reply for a moment. “I thought you were going to be taking Maria, Nat?” 
Natasha winces. “Yeah, I don’t think I’ll be seeing much of Maria.” She rubs the back of her neck. “Apparently her and her ex got back together, and she simply forgot to tell me when I first got these tickets.”
Sighing softly, you were well aware that Natasha had said the one thing that would have made you consider going with her. You’re well aware that she had felt something for Maria Hill, a detective within the NYPD, but Natasha didn’t have the best track record when it came to love. Something that was all too apparent by the slew of exes she already had. 
“Fine,” you sigh, hoping that this wasn’t some big mistake. “I’ll go with you.”
The answering smile from your best friend and the enthusiastic kiss pressed to your cheek gives you just a modicum amount of comfort with your decision. Being there for Natasha, like she has always been there for you, was always something you’d strive to do. You don’t know what you’d do without your best friend, and you never wished to find out. Going to a concert, one that you still didn’t understand fully, was the least you could do for her. 
After all, how much could your life really change in five hours?
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Lore headcanons for a few of the nonhuman creeps
BEN, Sally, and Pup when in physical form, and Liu (who is half-zombie in my canon) all have to regularly do full-body stretches. This is because they're all technically dead, and so their bodies will go into rigor mortis if they're still for too long. For the ghosts, they have to do it every single time they switch to physical form, and they and Liu have to do it whenever they've just been lying down or sitting and not moving for more than about an hour. Waking up in the mornings hits them hardest, and sometimes they might even need someone to help get them out of bed because their bodies are so firmly locked into place. Liu and the ghostly creeps in physical form have a hard time healing from injuries, and heal at an extremely slow rate compared to humans, and if any of them suffer an extreme injury they might be unable to recover from it. None of them technically need to eat or sleep, but they often do so anyway because it can pass the time and remind them of their time as humans. While Liu does need to breathe, though, the ghostly creeps do not need to, even in physical form. 
Jason and LJ in my canon were both originally made as giant toys in the Overworld. LJ (standing 7'5" at full height) and Jason (standing 6'5" at full height) were both from different toy lines of giant toy helpers, being phrased as giant because they are full-sized like people, and not as small as normal toys. They both have a power-indicative symbol on the backs of their necks, the symbol being a circle with a dot in the center. When they are sleeping, the symbol will slowly flash for a few seconds before shutting off. If they decide to power down fully, or if someone else powers them down, the symbol will quickly flash for a few seconds before shutting off. When they "bleed", rather than blood it's essentially something akin to oil that pumps through their bodies to make them look more lifelike. Their eyes can scan and visually identify individuals and check for injury of any kind, something originally to be used for children they were to look after. If either of them takes too much damage, a repair symbol will flash on their bodies indicative of the areas that need to be fixed. Both of them can open up their bodies to reach their mechanical insides.
LJ's line of toys was, of course, laughing toys in a box. Each toy variant had a different name, with Jack being a Laughing Jack, the only of his kind as he was a test run that was discontinued after he fell from the Overworld and became a demon in my canon following his incident. As seen in my most recent artwork for him (which you can find for reference by clicking here) as of writing this, he looks the most like a toy out of him and Jason. Where all of his main joints are (like shoulders, hips, elbows, abdomen, knees, fingers, neck, ankles) he has rotational balls or slots that allow him to move as a human would be able to. He is also able to extend his arms, being able to extend up to 10 feet in length outwards. He can also make himself compact, being able to shrink his body down to the size of a normal toy. His insides are purely mechanical, and his outside "skin" is made up of a special material that feels and acts like felt, but can heal back like flesh if he stitches it. He has synthetic hair that mimics the feeling of human hair and can grow. He has a mechanical "heart" that beats and functions like a normal person's would. LJ can reproduce a sound like a purr when he's happy, and he can also use it to calm people down, as was originally intended.
Jason is a different model of toy, one that was originally made in the most popular and efficient toy-making industry in the Overworld. He was meant to entertain children and be able to craft his own toys. His insides are also mechanical like Jack's, but they're made with a much higher quality material, giving him the ability to seem more like a person than a toy, much softer and nicer to squeeze and touch. His skin is more similar to porcelain than felt, and when it cracks Jason can repair himself. While Jason also has a mechanical "heart", it takes the background to his actual heart, which is a music box, hidden away in a compartment in his chest. He can choose to show or hide the box as he pleases. It can play music that can be heard inside of his body or out, originally used to entertain children or calm them down whenever they would cry in his original workshop. Jason was manufactured to not have a set personality and to instead adapt to every single child he met. This is why Jason excels at being manipulative as a demon but suffers insecurity and trauma over not knowing who he is truly meant to be, and what he's truly meant to act like. Jason's hair is unable to grow (although it still feels like natural hair) and has retained the same length for all of his existence. He may cut it if he chooses, but if he wishes to have it long again he must manually remove and replace his hair, which he would rather not do, so he's left it long and cares for it. 
EJ is, as I've said many times before, a feline demon in my canon. He is modeled after a jaguar mainly and has spots all along his skin. (You can click here for the main art that I use in reference to his appearance.) He has cat ears on his head and a tail on his back about where a human tailbone is. His tail is about three feet long, and incredibly soft, with a spotted pattern with fur that is brown like his hair. His feet are pawed and a bit angular, a combination of what would be human and cat-like feet. His hands are mostly human, but they like his feet have paw pads on them, and both his feet and hands have claws for nails. He has the same amount of teeth that humans do, but his canines are very long and sharp like that of a jaguar. I think his teeth can fit into his mouth, but the longer he goes without eating human meat, the longer they grow, and eventually, his top canines will extend out of his mouth and rest against his skin. He can growl and purr, with his growl terrifying even Slender if he's caught off guard, and while his purr isn't nearly as scary, it does sound very demonic and could be confused for a growl if you aren't familiar with it. He cannot taste human food with his taste buds unless it's extremely spicy. He lives off of human meat and blood and can eat human meat raw if he so chooses, which he often does. His eyes are not pure black, but instead filled with constellations (relating to the demon that he was fused with in a ritual in my canon). He is not completely blind, but he is only able to see based on heat signature, something that aids him in hunting down humans to kill and eat.
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queenofthequillandink · 4 months
I can't remember if you've described how the Everlasting Trio looks like aged up. Or if Dannys ghostform looks different, so official petition for a short list of descriptors? Like Height, Hair, general clothing etc. Maybe Ellie and Jazz as well ❤️
Sorry to bother you!
I have to go through what I wrote to make sure I don't contradict myself lol, but here we go:
Danny: 24, 5'6. He keeps his hair a little shorter than in the show, close on the sides and longer on top. He filled out a little and is a little broader in the shoulder, but he's still skinny and years of not getting enough food for his increased caloric needs left his growth more stunted than it would have been otherwise. He tends towards looser clothing, a habit from hiding how muscular he was in high school. Plus, he just likes to be comfy. When his death injury is acting up, he wears a wrist compression brace on his left arm. His canines (top and bottom) could properly be called fangs. He gets more sleep than he used to, but has pretty permanent dark circles.
Danny's ghost form is a little more ghostly than it used to be. His teeth are sharper, his ears are longer and pointed, and his skin has a green under tint to it. I am a big fan of the "constellation freckles" fanon, so I'm keeping it.
Sam: 24, 5'3. Sam keeps her hair a little longer than in the show, down past her shoulders, though she still likes the half up, half down style. She dresses punk/goth with a little more street fashion flair than you can get in a kids tv show.
Think this:
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She still likes dramatic makeup choices, like black or purple lipstick and heavy eyeliner.
Her canines are a little sharper, but not noticably inhuman. She's taken to wearing brown contacts day to day and only going out with her purple eyes (which I've decided are natural because fight me) as Aconite.
Tucker: 24, 5'10. Tuck's hair is longer and dreaded. Up until this moment, they were relatively short but then I tried to find a reference photo and found this
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-and fell in love instantly so he has long dreads that he wears like this. He is the master of comfy cozy. He wears a dress shirt and slacks to work, but as soon as he's home, he is in the biggest, comfiest sweater. This man owns so many cardigans. It's about the soft 🤌. He no longer wears the beret(?) thing from canon, but does love him a good beanie. He is never seen without tech of some kind. He teeth are sharp like Sam's.
I know in canon, Tucker's eyes are blue, but I always imagine them brown anyway. Whichever direction you go, the irises have gold threaded in them now (bleedover from being Pharaoh). I am very bad at picking new glasses for people, but I think he's switched to bigger frames. Maybe something like this:
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Jay: 15, 5'4. You've already nailed Jay's look in your art, but his skin is a touch darker than Danny's. They both have freckles and similar hair, though Jay's has a curl. He prefers simple, comfortable outfits: pretty much all of his wardrobe is jeans, tshirts, and sweatshirts. His eyes are teal. He doesn't (yet?) have fangs in human form.
Jazz: 26, 6'3. Jazz keeps her hair long like in canon, down to her waist. She typically dresses in business casual or equally sharp outfits. Even in her personal life, she's very well dressed. I absolutely imagine her as the kind of person who doesn't even dress down for travel, hence her wearing business casual on a plane. She usually keeps the makeup pretty light unless she's looking to be intimidating, in which case she has a special tube of maroon lipstick that Sam gave her. She has small but visible fangs in human form.
Elle: 21, 5'5. Ellie is visibly muscular, lean in the way those Super Outdoors people are. She also dresses in sturdy outdoors clothes and solid hiking boots, good for travelling, though she has some fun outfits that are a mishmash of fashion from all over the world. She has several ear piercings. Preferentially, she has long hair as an undercut, though it sometimes grows out as she travels.
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She's rarely without her backpack, in which she keeps all of her essentials. She has tons of interesting scar stories and I imagine more than one spur-of-the-moment tattoo. In fact, I've just decided that she has the silhouette of a bird flying into the sunrise on her right shoulder.
These are just guidelines, so feel free to make some decisions yourself!
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twst-drabbles · 10 months
Scarabia 5
Summary: Jamil was the last to notice Kalim’s crush on you.
(I really like thinking about what other characters would think about their friends having a crush on the Reader. It’s fun. I should write Kalim more. He’s fun to write. Do you like the way I write Kalim and Jamil? I hope you do.)
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Subtly was never Kalim’s strong suit, but Jamil knows him to be such a specific form of loud that when something small changes in the housewarden, it ironically makes it harder for anyone to notice. One would think Kalim’s body to be its own megaphone where any light troubles of the heart would be magnified for all to see and hear, but that’s not quite true. Jamil has learned that his open way of expression was merely the result of his need to see smiles, to see everyone he cherishes happy.
Kalim’s big and bright nature was a choice rather than something he can’t help. It’s why Jamil has given up on trying to tempter him into something that won’t grate on his nerves when stress overwhelms him. And because it was something intentional, Jamil doesn’t think to look any deeper into Kalim’s quiet moments.
“Hopefully he doesn’t let his pity guide his grossly generous hands,” Jamil sighed out, already calculating the expected loss in the treasury as Kalim wrapped your recovering self in a custom made blanket. Behind the housewarden was plates among plates of easy to digest soups and stews, and in Jamil’s own hand was more dishes.
This was par for the course. No one would fault Jamil for not looking any deeper into it. All he thought was, “what a waste,” as he went back into the kitchen to make more. Though that’s after persuading Kalim to not get the elephants for you to ride. Certainly, there was an inkling in the back of his mind, was Jamil simply chalked that up to Kalim being excited with having a new friend.
Do you want to know the irony of all this? Jamil, born and raised into the position that he is, forced to hone himself into someone that can spot just about any and all tells, could not spot the little white flowers blooming in Kalim’s heart. You were the one to notice first.
It was such a simple action. It was another one of those days where Kalim was more subdued than usual. His smile was still radiant in how it filled up the room, but it was tolerable. A sign that he won’t babble himself in circles until he grows tired. Jamil had noticed the time and was walking into the main room to dismiss you and potentially force Kalim to bed.
You and Kalim were sitting side by side, looking up at the sky as the cool winds blew through. Kalim tucked his chin in a bit towards his chest, smile still present, and soothed his hand over yours.
Kalim had no qualms with holding hands. Jamil had many memories of his own being held when Kalim wanted to show him something, or celebrate a victory over him. A palm in another palm was second nature to that man. There was no weight to it, no special meaning. Jamil has seen you and Kalim hold hands before, so clearly you understood that as well.
And yet, there was a subtle change that only you had noticed and it was significant enough to have you gently pull away. It was a motion that was impossible to dismiss, for Kalim’s smile grew dimmer that day. He said nothing and let the quiet stay.
Kalim too had noticed something change inside him. Jamil, of all people, was the last to notice.
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comfort-person · 1 year
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Eyes on me
Synopsis: reader has a panic attack and Henry helps calm her down
A/N: I had a panic attack earlier and realised that Jamie/ Henry are both very comforting and so as sad as it sounds I came up with this idea whilst listening to a Henry creel playlist. If you suffer with anxiety/ or just love Henry like I do… then I hope this brings some sort of comfort to you. x
Trigger warnings: description of panic attack
Honestly crying. This man is so comforting😩🥹🫶🏻
Tick… tock… tick… tock… tick… tock…
The clock ticked menacingly invading your ears loudly making you that more anxious, usually you were fine but everything that happened today had just ticked your anxiety up to the next level. You were overwhelmed with anxiety to say the least but you tried to hide it as best as you could…. You could hide it from lots of people but no matter how hard you tried you couldn’t hide it from Henry. He always seemed to know when you were anxious or upset… you got special treatment from him because he cared for you. You tried to avoid him at all costs but knew that was just preventing the inevitable from happening. You stared at the building blocks in your hands, usually you would’ve built them up into some sort of tower for the kids to have fun with but you just sat there, numb, “Hey…” a sudden voice grasped your attention making you flinch but you quickly composed yourself, his voice was soft but distant as you returned to staring into nothingness your mind whirring with anxiousness “y/n” henry spoke again and for a moment you looked at him before looking away. He could tell something was wrong with you… it didn’t take a genius to figure that out.
His hand soon rested upon your back, his fingertips beginning to stroke soothing circles into your back. The tacky hospital gown you wore was uncomfortable on you but the way his fingers immediately melted into your tense skin soothed you your eyes fluttering shut. He knew exactly how to make you crack. “People are ahead of me… I can’t do the simplest of things… it’s frustrating.” You soon whisper out and he listened concern visible in his eyes as he frowned “you can’t think of other people y/n, even I couldn’t do some things. Don’t beat yourself up about it.” He spoke softly but honestly “but I… I… I feel so stupid. I’m disappointing everyone.” You continue your breathing growing that slight bit faster, your hands beginning to tremble and Henry was quick to rest his hands on the sides of your chair as he swiftly pulled it so you were facing him “hey… eyes on me… hey…” his fingers lightly clicked just in front of his face making you look up and into his eyes, the calm ocean waves consuming his beautiful eyes immediately soothed you. “Good job… keep looking in my eyes.” He ordered gently before he lightly reached his hand out his slender fingers grasping onto your hand gently as he held onto your hand which was alarmingly smaller than his “you’re not disappointing anyone. I promise you that.” His words eased you, luring you in, calming you down as you gazed into his eyes “promise?” You asked and he smiled giving your hand a squeeze as he nodded “I promise.”
His eyes soon lifted up to meet with the cameras on the wall, making sure the red dot wasn’t on- the red dot meant someone was watching… but it wasn’t on… and so he looked back to you his eyes unable to stay still as he searched your expression “c’mere,” he whispered out and without even hesitating his arms wrapped around your small fragile frame, his hand beginning to rub up and down your back his other hand resting on the back of your hand pressing your ear to his chest so you could listen to the calming beat of his heart “tell me what’s the matter,” he urged more coaxing you as his fingertips lightly stroked little circles against your back a shaky breath leaving your lips, Henry’s eyes remaining on the cameras making sure they remained unattended and blank but he also paid attention to you, giving you his utmost attention. “We’ve lost people… I’ve lost people… it’s a constant fear that I’ll be next…” you whispered gently,
“I wouldn’t ever let that happen to you. As long as I’m here no one and nothing can hurt you. I promise.” He spoke directly into your ear his words soft and soothing “but Im scared of losing you too. I don’t want to lose you next.” You spoke making the man pull back slightly just so he could rest his fingertip under your chin his fingertips soon smoothing against your cheek as he cupped your cheek in the palm of his hand “you’ll never lose me.” He assured picking up on the way your breathing quickened once again, your body trembling, tears sparking in your eyes “y/n.” He spoke calmly trying to get your attention but you were starting to fall down that horrible hole of complete hysterics and Henry could see that, the way you were caving from fear but also the feeling of his touch- the lab had created a mass casualty in touch-starvation, everyone was touch starved and so when his touch brought goosebumps to your skin he knew that was the reason why… you hadn’t been held in so long. He wanted to protect you. Care for you. Comfort you.
“Eyes on me…”
“look me in the eyes, darling” he urged trying to snap you out of it but with every negative thought consuming you it became that bit more impossible to control the panic, your breathing growing heavy your eyes flicking around in total panic as muffled whines that wanted to come out as words began to vibrate against your lips. You didn’t know what to do yourself, your legs quickly working before your mind as you shot up out of your seat Henry slowly standing up after you his tall frame towering over you “I… I hate it in here… I’m going insane!” You found yourself shouting and he knew if you shouted any louder you’d alert the guards and so he used one of his hands to cover your mouth, his other arm wrapping around your shaking frame as he pulled you close into his embrace, your muffled cries and words being slightly quieter as he simply held you. “I want to go home” you begged out to him as your body began to weaken against his own and with that he removed his hand from your mouth his other arm wrapping around you as he held you up in his embrace “I know… I know.” He whispered to you his chin resting atop of your head as you cried meekly his hands fisting against his shirt as both you and him grasped onto each other for what seemed like dear life.
“Breathe for me… breathe in for four…” he breathed in with you, exaggerating the breaths to get you to follow “hold….” He spoke softly “out for four.” He continued going over those few steps until your legs began to weaken. He seemed to put you in a trance like state, your breathing becoming calmer and he not wanting you to fall tightened his grip on you, using his free hand to cup underneath your knees as he lifted you up into his embrace, using one of his large hands to help get you comfortable as your legs wrapped around his waist, your arms tight around his neck- your body instantly snuggled into his arms as he held you “I’ve got you.” He eased your eyesight blurring as you rested your head against his shoulder “I’m gonna keep you safe. I promise you that.” He soothed softly holding you close to him before he started walking to the door, keeping you close to his body one hand rubbing up and down your back slowly and gently the familiar hue of his blue eyes remaining as a constant memory in your head, your breathing calming to the point you were completely relaxed in his embrace “good girl.. good job… that’s it. Relax. I’ve got you…” he soothed into your ear holding you close making sure you could feel the warmth of his body against your slightly cooler one… he wanted to make sure you felt safe and sound with him. Safety was very scarce nowadays… he wanted to make sure you knew that you could trust him and he wouldn’t ever break your trust…. He would be there to support you through thick and thin. Through everything. He would do anything and everything to protect you. Even die.
“I’ve got you… you’re safe…” he soothed calmly into your ear as he walked to the door removing one hand from you just so he could open the door before he walked out into the hallway silently pulling the door shut before he carried you down the hallway, his eyes locking onto a camera that glowed red… shit… his heart sank but in those few moments he didn’t care. Even if he did get in trouble for looking after you he wouldn’t give a single fuck… as long as you were okay he was okay. You mattered to him more than anything, no way was he going to let you suffer in silence… and if not letting you suffer in silence was such a bad thing then he would happily suffer the consequences.
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blueraineshadows · 9 months
Brothers Part 8
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Garreth Weasley 🔺️ F!MC 🔺️Oscar Weasley
A love rivalry between two Weasley brothers. Oscar is an OC created by @eternalremorse and used with her permission.
Tags: NSFW 🔞 panic attacks, angst
Chapter Master List Also available on Ao3.
Chapter Eight - Distractions
After four days in the hospital wing, MC had an urge to get outside for some fresh air. While she'd had plenty of company with visits from her friends and Oscar, she felt like she had been missing out on things regardless. She had classes to catch up on and a stash of copied notes to read, but the late October sunshine called to her.
Nurse Blainey discharged her with strict instructions to take it easy for a few days. Her wounds healed, but faint silvery marks still visible on her skin. Walking through the castle, she felt a bit stiff, her muscles grown lethargic after laying in a bed for so long. So, bundled up in her robe and scarf, she took to the school grounds, the chilly air on her cheeks a pleasant relief as she stretched her legs.
In search of Poppy, it was no surprise to see her at the beast enclosures, basket in hand, as she dolled out treats. It did surprise MC to see Oscar leaning his elbows on the fence, chatting and laughing with Poppy, his red hair shining in the sunlight. MC paused at the edge of the beasts classroom, watching them a moment, a small smile on her face as they laughed. They both meant so much to her, and she took this moment to just appreciate having people in her life who cared about her. Once she would have had nobody, but her Hogwarts family was growing, her little circle of special people so precious to her.
She stepped a little closer and Oscar saw her, straightening immediately to hurry around the enclosure towards her.
"They let you out," he said, smiling. His arms were ready and waiting for her, swallowing her up into his warmth in a tight embrace. "How are you feeling?"
"I am glad to be out of there," she said. She looked up into his blue eyes. "I'm looking forward to getting back to normal."
He kissed her forehead. "I am claiming your evening before you even think about making any other plans. I want you all to myself."
"Nothing too energetic I hope, I am under strict orders to rest," she said.
He stroked her cheek with his thumb, his eyes darkening as he moved his face a little closer. "I'm sure we can find something relaxing to do."
A thrill of a shiver trickled along her spine as she stared into his eyes. However did he manage it? Just one look could switch on the little fire inside her and she was already feeling the tingle of warmth in her cheeks.
The gentle clearing of a throat beside them made them turn and pull apart a little. MC's cheeks flushed hotter at Poppy's little grin, and she reluctantly stepped out from Oscar's embrace.
"Forgive me for interrupting," Poppy said, eyes twinkling. "But we need to get ready for class."
Oscar chuckled. "Of course. I need to get moving myself," he said. He smiled at Poppy. "Thanks for letting me help you. It was lovely chatting with you, Poppy. And do let me know if you need any more help with the unicorns, I meant what I said."
MC's eyes widened. "Unicorns? You told him?"
Poppy blushed. "Well, yes. After everything that happened I thought I would fill him in. I'm surprised you didn't."
"You should have told me," Oscar said, a slight frown on his face. His fingers caught hold of her scarf, toying with the end of it. A shadow shifted across his eyes as he looked at her. "You can trust me with stuff like this. I could have helped you."
"I didn't know you were so into beast care," MC said. She tucked some hair behind her ear, shifting slightly.
Oscar nodded. "It's my second favourite class after Quidditch. I have always loved animals, and I help dad on the farm with our own whenever I am home."
Poppy's smile was soft as she looked at him, and MC felt an uncomfortable shift in her stomach. She had kept the truth from Oscar after what had happened with Garreth, not wanting him to think badly of her, and now Poppy had divulged their secret. MC wasn't sure she liked the way Poppy was looking at Oscar either, and his enthusiasm regarding the unicorns was a surprise. What else had these two been chatting about in her absence? As irrational as the feeling was, MC couldn't help the tiny flare of envy that sprung to life at the way these two were looking at each other.
"I look forward to hearing more about your animals in our next chat," Poppy said.
MC looked between the two of them, an urge to grab Oscar sneaking over her. This was silly. Poppy was her friend. She brushed her hand over her hair and took a deep breath, realising that she was shaking a little as she tried to get a hold of herself. She felt Oscar's hand slide into hers and she looked up, his eyes filled with concern.
"Are you alright?"
She nodded, forcing a smile onto her lips. "Of course. I'm sorry I didn't tell you about the unicorns. It was supposed to be a secret."
Oscar glanced at Poppy, excusing them for a moment before he led MC off to one side. He cupped her face in his hands, his touch was gentle, the calluses on his palms a pleasing scrape on her cold skin.
"You can tell me anything," he said quietly. "Please, don't hold back from me. You gave me quite the scare the other night. I thought I had lost you..."
She put her hand over his, her eyes stinging. "I'm sorry."
He shook his head, leaning forward to press his forehead against hers. "I really like you," he whispered. "I know you have secrets, and you don't have to tell me all of them, but please, don't shut me out."
The ache in her chest was so tight she could hardly breathe. She squeezed his hand and nodded, fighting back the cold strokes of panic that threatened to spill out. "I will try to be more open," she said carefully. "It's not easy for me."
His lips brushed softly against hers, warm and gentle. She closed her eyes, savouring that touch and wishing it was easier to reveal the darkest parts of her heart. He was right, she had many secrets, truths that he could never know, not even Poppy knew them. But, she could try and be more open in other ways.
"I shall see you tonight," she whispered against his lips.
After another kiss goodbye, Oscar set off for his next class as MC watched him go, swallowing down the flutter of panic and steadying her breaths before she helped Poppy put the treats away.
"Oscar is so lovely, MC," Poppy said. "How do you manage to even part with him for one moment? I am almost jealous."
"Almost?" MC quirked an eyebrow. That little nudge of jealousy returned and she gazed at Poppy curiously.
Poppy blushed and dipped her gaze. "Well, I shouldn't be jealous, not when I have a boy of my own to kiss."
MC gasped and grabbed her arm. "What?"
Poppy giggled, her hands coming up to her face. "Sebastian and I kissed."
MC laughed in delight, the news lifting her spirits as she gave Poppy a hug, squeezing her friend. Relief was sweet, and she scolded herself for doubting her friend for even a moment, her jealousy evaporating at this news. MC didn't know what had gotten into her thinking that Poppy had eyes for Oscar.
"Oh, you have to tell me everything!" She said, grabbing Poppy by the arm as they walked back to the castle. "I'm so happy for you."
Garreth made his way to the Potions classroom, yawning and rubbing his eyes, wishing he could slink off to the dorm for a nap instead. It wasn't like him to want to skip potions class, but he had been struggling to sleep the last few nights, and it was beginning to catch up with him.
For some reason, Oscar was being weird with him, avoiding him and barely speaking, his face an irritated scowl whenever they faced each other. Garreth wasn't entirely sure what the problem was, but it had started the night MC was hurt. He wondered if MC had told Oscar about the incident in the forest.
The memory of that afternoon still sent shivers down his spine. He may have told her there was nothing to forgive, but it wasn't so easy to banish the image of her dealing out death with ancient lightning bolts. It haunted him a bit, and he supposed it was unlikely she had revealed the truth to Oscar. It still didn't explain why Oscar was cross with him.
He had asked Oscar what his problem was but received a grunt in reply, his brother just walking away rather than say any more. Garreth tried not to let it bother him, but all of that and worrying about MC and her panic attacks had been keeping him awake. He wanted to help her and wished he could do so much more than the one silly idea he had.
Entering the dim interior of the potions classroom, Sebastian grabbed his shoulder and gave him a nod in greeting before making his way over to his work bench with Ominis. Their little duelling practise sessions were also another activity that was tiring him out, but he was determined to keep going. Not only was it helping him improve his skills, but it also deepened the unlikely friendship that he had formed with the Slytherin. It's a little unexpected but not unwelcome.
Garreth paused in his step as he made his way to his own workstation, tiredness forgotten and a grin spreading across his lips, as he spotted MC in her usual seat. Her hair was pulled back from her face, the remains of silvery marks on her skin from her wounds still visible, but she was smiling as she chatted with Natsai. She may be a scarred mass murderer, but she was beautiful, and his heart skipped a beat at the sight of her out of that hospital bed and back in her usual spot.
Garreth hurried over, dumping his books on the table top and leaning towards her. "Well, aren't you a sight for sore eyes," he said fondly.
MC turned her smile his way, eyes lighting up. "Yep, I've been set free at last," she said. "It feels good to be back.'
"It's good to have you back, it's felt rather empty at this table with you gone."
"Its nice to be missed," she said softly.
Their gazes met for a moment and Garreth felt the familiar warmth spreading up his neck. He fiddled with his book, taking a seat with an uncertain smile as Sharp exited his office.
It did feel great to have his partner back, and there was lots of giggling and quiet chatter as they worked on their brew. This was the girl he knew. This whispered talk and shared smiles filled him with an ache for her, the darkness easily swept aside as he looked into her eyes.
"Will you be well enough to go on the Hogsmeade trip?" He asked.
She nodded. "Absolutely, nothing will keep me away. I've been looking forward to it."
"Is Oscar escorting you?"
Her warm smile at the mention of Oscar's name made his heart sink but he pushed his envy aside. "Yes he is. Did you hear that Sebastian is escorting Poppy?"
Garreth grinned. "I did indeed," he said. He glanced over at Sebastian. "He finally had the balls to ask her."
MC leant in close to whisper into his ear. "They kissed."
Garreth's eyes widened, his head turning so that he could look at her. She was so close he could see each individual eye lash, the detail in the healing wound across her brow, and her soft breath fanned against his cheek. She pulled back a bit, her own cheeks turning pink, and he fumbled with his pot of Dittany, spilling the leaves across his textbook.
He cleared his throat. "Well, Seb kept that one quiet," he said. "All I need now is for Leander to get a snogging partner, and then I really will be the odd one out. Unless I escort Trixie, she has asked a few times if I would."
"Oh, has she?" MC stiffened, a frown creasing her brow. "Is that what you would like to take Trixie?"
Garreth grimaced in thought. Trixie was beautiful, and she was very good at kissing, but if he was really being honest, she scared him a little bit. He was not very experienced when it came to ladies and how to please them, and Trixie would expect it from him, he was sure. However, there didn't seem to be a queue of lovely ladies waiting for him, not like his Slytherin friend who was going to break hearts by having Poppy on his arm.
He sighed. "Maybe, I'm not sure," he said. "She probably found someone else to take by now anyway."
MC's lips twisted. "Yes, well, girls like Trixie always get their claws into someone."
The disapproval rolled off MC in waves and Garreth gave her a long look. "You don't like her much, do you?"
MC sighed. "She doesn't particularly like me either. I stole Oscar from her after all, not that she hasn't stopped trying to lure him back," she said frowning. She lifted her eyes to his. "You can do better, Garreth. She doesn't deserve you."
He smiled as he gazed at her, that familiar warmth creeping up his neck.
They finished up their potions and filled the vials ready to hand in. As they tidied their workstations, MC bit back a yawn. It wasn't hard to miss the shadows under her eyes and the paleness of her face. It was her first day back in classes, and she was no doubt finding it hard.
"Are you alright?" He asked quietly.
She gave him a tired smile and nodded. "I'm tougher than I look."
She had said that before. Maybe she was tough, but she was also human, and he thought again about his silly idea to help her. Her insistence that she was tough didn't stop him from wanting to be there for her.
"Will you walk with me on the way to lunch?" He asked.
"Sure," she said.
Pleased, he gathered his things, a smile tugging at his lips as they made their way to the door. His smile widened even more when she took his arm. Once, not so long ago, he had watched her do that with Sebastian through this very door. He had wondered at their closeness and had envied Sebastian the privilege. Now that privilege was his, and Sebastian appeared beside them, his habitual smirk on his lips now something that Garreth was used to rather than intimidated by. They walked down the hallway together, chatting, Sebastian parting ways with them in Central Hall, pressing a chaste kiss to MC's cheek as he did so.
"I used to be jealous of Sebastian," Garreth blurted.
MC looked up at him, surprise on her face. "You were? Whatever for?"
He shrugged, a blush warming his cheeks. "He is handsome, smart, and can have his pick of the witches in this school with one smile."
"And you can't?" She chuckled, nudging his shoulder playfully. He shook his head in reply and she frowned. "So, what made you stop being jealous of him? You used the past tense."
He met her gaze, honesty making his lips move. "You," he said bluntly. He looked down at their linked arms and pulled her in a little closer. "And being able to do this."
She paused in her step, stopping them both on the stairs as students hurried past around them. "What do you mean?"
Realising he had said too much, he gave her his best grin and playfully tugged on her robe front. "I'm just grateful to have you in my life, that's all," he said. "Ignore me. I think I've gone soft in the head after seeing you so hurt and distressed the other night."
She visibly swallowed and looked down, her eyes fixing somewhere near his school tie. "I didn't get to really thank you properly for... you know, being there when I was... upset."
He caught her chin with his fingers and she lifted her eyes to his, something flickering in the depths that was gone before he could look deeper. "You don't need to thank me, and I would do it again. Any time."
"Thank you," she whispered.
They walked on, still with linked arms, until they approached the Great Hall for lunch.
"Are you still having the bad dreams?" He asked quietly.
She nodded. "And the panicked feeling. It happened earlier today in fact, but I managed to stop it."
"Does Oscar know about this?"
She stiffened. "No, why has he said something?"
"No, but then he isn't really talking to me right now, so I don't know what he is thinking."
"Why aren't you two talking? Is it because he knows about the unicorns now?"
Garreth shrugged. "You know as much as I do," he said. They pushed through the huge double doors and were greeted by the noise of the Hall.
"Listen, I might have something that can help you with the sleeping and dreams," he said. He fumbled in his pocket for the little cloth pouch he had made up and held it out to her. "Here, take this."
She smiled curiously, taking the pouch and then lifting it to her nose. "Ooh, that smells lovely. Is it lavender?"
"Along with some other herbs and oils. I blended them and made this. I thought you could put it under your pillow. It's supposed to encourage restful sleep."
Her teeth caught on her lower lip as she looked at the little pouch, turning it over in her fingers before pressing it to her nose again. She closed her eyes, and her head tilted to lean against his shoulder. His heart rate picked up, and he was too aware of all the other students that were around them in the bustling hall that could see.
"This is so sweet and kind of you, Garreth," she said softly. "I shall put it under my pillow tonight. Thank you."
"You're welcome."
She smiled, unlinking their arms but not before she gave his a little squeeze. "For the record, I am grateful to have you in my life too, Garreth. You don't need to be jealous of anyone. You're perfect, just as you are."
As she headed for the Hufflepuff table, he slid his hands into his pockets, a smile lingering on his lips as he turned towards the Gryffindor table. He didn't know a whole lot about love, but he wondered if it was possible to keep falling for the same person over and over, each time taking you deeper than the last.
As he reached his usual spot at the table, he met with a pair of familiar blue eyes glaring at him. Garreth's smile slipped from his lips as he climbed onto the bench to sit.
"What was all that about?" Oscar asked in a tight voice.
"Um... I made her a calming pouch to help her sleep," he mumbled. He had to look away from the fury in Oscar's eyes. "She... she said she wasn't sleeping very well."
"How very thoughtful of you," Oscar quipped. "Does this pouch also induce cuddling? You two seemed very cosy."
He attempted a playful smile. "What can I say? It must be that Weasley charm we have."
Oscar slapped his cutlery down on the table top and stood. He leant forward, his face hard with tight control. Other students were starting to look on curiously and Garreth felt his cheeks warm.
"Be careful little brother," Oscar said quietly. "And keep those hands to yourself. I don't appreciate you putting them all over my girl."
"I wasn't..." Garreth spluttered.
"Just stay away from her, Garreth," Oscar warned. He stepped over the bench, his blue eyes flashing as he walked away from the table.
Garreth watched him go, swallowing hard, a trickle of guilt slipping through him. He hadn't put his hands all over MC, as much as he would like to, but he couldn't deny enjoying the way she had touched his arm and leant her head against him. Being close to her was his new favourite thing, but he had to remind himself that it was his brother who had a claim on her.
Him and Oscar had obviously had their sibling spats over the years, and they had fought over things. It was how he had learned how to throw a punch after all. This was the first time they had fought over a girl, though, and he suspected that this was why Oscar was being cold with him. Perhaps he was being a little too over familiar with MC for his liking. Garreth couldn't help it, though. He was just drawn to her like a moth to a light.
He turned to his plate, his appetite fading a little at his brother's cold warning. Oscar wasn't usually the confrontational type, he rarely started fights, but he was capable of holding his own. Garreth knew he had pissed him off. He fiddled with his fork, glancing up to see Leander staring at him.
"What?" He asked defensively.
Leander shook his head. "Nothing mate," he said. "Just... be careful. I don't want to see you and Oscar falling out over some girl."
Garreth's mouth tightened. "She isn't just some girl though, is she?"
Leander gave him a stern look. "Is she worth the risk of falling out with your brother? No girl is worth that, mate."
Garreth groaned and put his head in his hands, fingers digging into his fluffy hair. "What am I going to do?"
"Do as Oscar said, stay away from her for a bit. Maybe find a distraction? What about Trixie? She seemed keen."
Garreth rubbed his face and sighed. "Everyone's had a ride on that broom though."
Leander chuckled. "And now its your turn. I'm not saying you have to get serious, just have some fun, a distraction like I said."
Garreth looked across at the Slytherin table where Trixie was sitting with her friends. She smiled and waved at him, and he gave an uncertain wave back. Trixie was confident and popular, unlike Garreth, who was prone to mishaps and had a relative as a professor. He wasn't sure cheeky charm and knack for potions would be enough to impress her.
Leander nudged his shoulder. "See? She likes you. Come on, you're seventeen in a few weeks, its about time you got your dick wet."
Garreth gave him a look. "What about you?"
Leander smirked. "Being on the Quidditch team has its benefits, Garreth."
Garreth stared at his tall friend in disbelief. He'd kept that quiet. "Who?"
Leander tapped his nose. "That would be telling."
Garreth frowned, a strange feeling of being left behind twisting up his insides. He chanced a look towards MC, who was picking over her plate of food while chatting to Poppy. He envied his brother, so much it left a bitter taste in his mouth. He hated that Oscar could touch her in ways that he could not. Maybe he did need to stop pining after a girl he couldn't have. Oscar had begun to notice, and how long before it caused a rift between himself and MC and he lost her completely.
He shifted his gaze back towards Trixie. Her dark tempting eyes were already looking his way, and her seductive mouth lifted into a teasing smirk. Sebastian had warned him to stay well clear of her, that she was more trouble than she was worth, but like Leander said, he wasn't looking for anything serious. Trixie didn't seem to do serious judging by her kiss list. And her kiss at the party had been hot, he wouldn't lie. Nerves pulled at him at the thought of what they could do together, but he took a deep breath and got to his feet.
Leander looked up. "Where are you going?"
"To see about a distraction," he muttered.
Leander followed the direction of his gaze and slapped him on the back. "That's my boy, go get some."
Garreth ignored the trembling in his legs and walked towards the Slytherin table, Trixie's dark eyes sparkling in anticipation.
In the quiet of his dormitory, Oscar looked down at MC, her head resting on his chest, his arms wrapped around her and holding her tight. Her hand felt warm in his, her skin soft as he brushed the pad of his thumb across it, comforted that she was here where he wanted her and not somewhere with Garreth.
His muscles tensed as he thought about that moment in the Great Hall, their soft smiles for each other, and the way she had leant her head against Garreth's shoulder. He bent to press a kiss to her forehead, an overwhelming urge to keep her wrapped her here forever sweeping over him. This feeling was strong and surprising, he had not felt like this towards a girl before and he wasn't sure what to do with it, all he knew was that he didn't want her anywhere near his brother.
MC shifted a little, tilting her head to look up at him, the soft glow of his bedside lamp reflecting in her eyes. To have her here on his bed with him was something special, even if they were fully dressed. It had been fun to sneak her in, and he had asked his dorm mates to give them some privacy for a while so that he could have her all to himself. He brushed some hair back from her face, his eyes taking in the healing marks and the paleness of her skin.
"I can't tell you what it means to have you here, safe," he said. Shadows flickered behind her eyes, memories, secrets, but she lifted her lips into a soft smile dismissing them. He cupped her face. "You can talk to me, MC. You know that, right?"
Her gaze shifted and she nodded. "Of course," she said. Her fingers toyed with his tie, their robes long since discarded at the bottom of his bed. "Can we not tonight, though? I'd rather just enjoy being here with you."
Oscar's smile might have been soft, but he knew she had deflected the question, still not ready to open up to him. Her fingers curled his tie, twirling the silky fabric as she lifted her eyes to his once again. He kept still, fighting the urge to pull her closer, the warmth in her look making him ache for her. She brought her lips to his, the most delicate of touches against his lower lip. He stared, her own eyes dipping as she kissed him, lashes curving over the tops of her cheeks.
He felt his desire curl outwards, the blood in his veins rushing south as she shifted to press her lips to his cheek, trailing kisses upwards to his eyes. His eyelids fluttered close as she kissed over them and down his nose, her mouth exploring slowly and gently. There was something very arousing about giving her control, but as she shifted over him, he couldn't help but grasp her hips and guiding her down against him, desperate for friction.
Her soft gasp against his lips was timed with the feel of her heat pressed against his arousal. As her hips rolled, he lifted his, groaning at the delicious friction it caused. He closed his eyes, imagining the tight wetness that lay hidden under her trousers, his cock twitching with the need to bury himself inside her. He knew he would be the first, the only one to have claimed her and it made his need strengthen.
His whispered her name, her kisses now moving along his throat, and he realised she was tugging his tie loose, slipping it from his neck, and then she opened his collar. His hands roamed along her thighs, squeezing a little as he felt her mouth indulge in a delicate suck at the curve of his neck.
"Harder," he murmured. The heat of her quickened breath fanned over the damp skin she had sucked, his pulse tripped madly in his throat, and then her mouth clamped even harder, drawing his flesh up into her mouth with a harsher taste. He sighed at the sting of it, hips flexing against hers. With his shirt now open, he felt the slide of her hand over his chest, slow and hesitant, and as he looked down, her fingers dragged over his stomach before pausing just above his waistband.
Her cheeks flooded with colour, and she sat up, looking so perfect perched on him like she was, her lips swollen with kisses and hair slightly mussed from his touch. He was breathing harder, body burning for more, but he reigned it in. This had to be on her terms.
Her smile was endearingly shy, and her fingers trembled as she slid her own tie free and worked on her shirt buttons. Oscar licked his lips, eyes starved as the fabric of her blouse widened to reveal a pretty lace chemise, the delicate curve of her breasts underneath making his mouth water. His hands slid up from her hips, hovering at her waist, fingers twitching with the need to touch.
"May I?" He asked softly, holding his breath until she gave him a nod.
He could feel her trembling as he slowly slid his hands up her waist, rucking up the fabric of her chemise as he did so, he watched her carefully, eyes on hers, ready to stop if she so much as hesitated. Her skin was achingly soft, marred only by the faint ridges of scars that sliced across just under her ribs. His finger tips grazed along them, hating that she had suffered. He sat up, gaze dropping down to where the hem of her chemise now glided up over the curve her breasts, exposing delicately soft peaks that made him groan with hunger. He paused, just staring at her curves, his mouth parting eagerly before he could hold back no longer. His palms slid to cup her, thumbs sliding over the peaks, his mouth seeking out the skin of her throat as she arched her back into his touch with a soft sigh.
Her hips grinding, her hands on his shoulders, Oscar was drowning in her softness and her scent, his cock painfully hard and twitching, leaking with desperate need as his hands explored. All other thoughts were obliterated and it was just her and how she felt, how she tasted as he sucked at the skin under her collar bone. Impatiently, he slid her blouse from her shoulders, kissing every piece of skin revealed to him before he slid her chemise up and over her head. His arms pulled her close, holding her against him, her skin pressed to his bare chest.
"Gods, you're so perfect," he moaned, his hands sliding up her back and into her hair before he claimed her mouth. Her kiss was fervent, hungry, and he savoured it. His longing for her began to overflow, his mouth pulling free so he could claim her breast, his tongue swirling before nipped at that perfect softness with his teeth, feeling it harden under his touch. The sound of her moan spurred him on, urging her hips to move faster as the blaze of his lust increased.
The pair of them froze at the quick tap of a knock on the dormitory door. As the door swung open, Oscar could not believe it when he saw Garreth step through. "Oscar, are you...?"
Oscar felt MC stiffen in his arms, a cry of shock leaving her lips. Garreth paused, his eyes wide and mouth dropping open when his gaze landed on them on the bed.
"Oh, fuck... Boobs," he spluttered, his cheeks flushing crimson as he turned his face away. He held up his hands and squeezed his eyes shut. "Shit, I'm sorry."
"What the fuck, Garreth?" Oscar fumed.
MC was already scrambling off his lap and snatching up her clothing with one hand, the other arm crossed over herself, her cheeks burning in embarrassment.
"I'm sorry," Garreth said again. His head was turning every which way, his hand covering his eyes. "I'm not looking, I'll leave."
"What are you even doing here?" Oscar said getting to his feet.
"It's alright," MC said trying to button up her blouse. "I should get going anyway."
Oscar gritted his teeth, his stomach sinking in disappointment. Just when things were getting really interesting. He adjusted his trousers, his arousal still seeking it's fun but those hopes were well and truly dashed now.
"I just wanted to apologise about earlier..." Garreth trailed off, peeking through his fingers and sighing when he realised MC was decent.
"Couldn't it have waited until tomorrow?" Oscar sighed. He rubbed his face with his hands and began to button his own shirt.
"How was I to know you two would be... You know... Doing this in here," he said waving his hand at them. "And I did knock."
MC gathered up her robe and brushed hair back from her hot face. Oscar noted how she couldn't even look Garreth in the eye, couldn't even look him in the eye as she headed for the door. He couldn't let her leave like this.
"MC, wait, I'll walk you back," he said.
"No need," she said. "I can manage."
"I said I can manage," she snapped. She winced, breathing hard, her hand pressing to her chest.
The room fell silent, and Oscar stared at her. She had never snapped like that at him before, and he could see she was agitated about something, her eyes dark with what looked like panic. He made to take a step, but she was moving, away from him and towards the door, hand held up. How could she just take off like this?
"I'm sorry," she mumbled. "I'm just tired. It's been a long day."
As she approached the door, her eyes met Garreth's and for an agonising few seconds their gazes were locked, the colour darkening on both of their cheeks. Something seemed to pass between them, some kind of understanding or unspoken message. Oscar felt that slither of envy, the strange sensation that there was something more to them than met the eye creeping over him.
MC turned her eyes to Oscar. "I'll see you tomorrow," she said. She ducked her head. "Goodnight."
And then she was gone.
Garreth watched her leave, his gaze sheepish as he turned back to Oscar. "Oops," he said, cringing.
Oscar sighed and shook his head. "Just get out," he said.
"I really am sorry," Garreth said.
Oscar didn't even look at his brother as he sank down onto the edge of his bed. He thought about running after MC but he wasn't sure he wanted to hear or see another chance for her to push him back and shut him off. They had been so close just now, closer than they had ever been, but of course something had to come along and block it.
Garreth turned to leave, the door closing softly behind him. Oscar stared at the wood and wished he had thought to lock it before, maybe then MC would still be in his arms right now, and maybe there would have been a few less barriers between them too.
MC's heart was racing far too fast, her skin still flushed from Oscar's kisses on her flesh, but a cold shiver trickled down her spine. Of all the people to walk through that door, it had to be Garreth. His eyes had devoured her nakedness, wide with shock and flickering with something else. Unbidden, the memory of her dream about him had flooded through her mind, and she had been mortified. Her only instinct had been to get out of that room.
She hurried through the Gryffindor common room, ignoring the glances of curious students as she dived for the little entrance, scrambling through it and shoving the portrait wide before tumbling out into the corridor.
The panic had seized her chest, uncertainty clawing at her insides. Oscar's hands and mouth had felt so good on her skin, and she had been lost in it, allowing him to touch her in ways she had only read about in Poppy's books. Along with the fiery crackle of her desire, her nerves had added to the heightened feeling surrounding those moments on his bed. She was shocked at herself and how far she had allowed it to go, her breasts still tingling at the feel of his mouth on them.
She paused, hand pressed to her chest in an attempt to calm her racing heart as her breaths came quick and shallow. She closed her eyes and thought of softly flowing water, gentle breezes, Sebastian's smile, Poppy's kind words... And the comforting arms of Garreth as he whispered in her ear. Her eyes flew open.
No, no, don't think of him!
The Fat Lady shifted in her frame. "Are you quite alright, my dear? She asked. She then exclaimed loudly as the door swung wide again and Garreth climbed out.
MC stared at him, her chest tightening even further. She was almost wheezing in her efforts to breathe now.
"Shit," Garreth muttered. He hurried forward, wrapping his arms around her and holding her tight. "You're alright. I've got you."
She stood there and let Garreth hold her, the pounding in her ears and the tightness in her chest making her vision swim slightly as the portrait door began to swing slowly back into place, the Fat Lady gaping at them both.
She could feel Garreth's hands stroking her back and hair, his voice soft in her ear, just like Sebastian used to last year when the terror would make her seize up. It felt like something was rushing towards her making her ears roar like an angry sea, she seemed frozen to the spot and yet her legs trembled with the urge to run until she couldn't stay upright anymore.
"I'm sorry," Garreth murmured, his head leaning against hers. Somehow her arms had found their way around him. "Do you want me to go and fetch Oscar?"
Her fingers gripped at the back of his jumper and she shook her head. "No, don't worry him," she gasped.
She didn't want Oscar to see her like this, like some broken doll who couldn't handle herself. Oscar was strong and capable, and she clearly was not. There was a darkness in her heart that threw shadows over everything, and the thought of laying that all out to Oscar filled her with dread. He had tried to make her talk earlier, she could see the questions in his eyes, and she just couldn't seem to bring herself to tell him. She had quieted those questions with her kisses, distracted him with touches and desire rather than open the cavern in her heart.
Tears stung her eyes, and the tightness squeezed in her chest. She tried to focus on her breathing and the constant, steady strokes of Garreth's hands. She buried her face into his neck, the smell of herbs and charred wood filling her nose, the delicate scent of his soap on his skin that blended with a male scent, oddly comforting as she nuzzled in further. Gradually, the ice in her spine faded, and a slow warmth surrounded her. Breathing became easier, and she closed her eyes.
"Better?" He asked. She felt his head dip towards her and she nodded.
"Thank you," whispered.
His hands continued to smooth along her back, and she remembered how much of her skin he had seen back in Oscar's room. How long was it before a cuddle became inappropriate? Heat flooded her face, and she pulled back from him, brushing the dampness from her cheeks.
"Please don't tell anyone what you saw," she said quickly.
Garreth glanced up at the Fat Lady's suspicious face and took her arm, leading her away along the corridor towards the stairs. "You have my word, MC," he said. He hesitated, his own cheeks colouring up as his gaze dropped to her chest. "You er... Well, you're very lovely, nothing to be ashamed of. Just so you know."
Her breath hitched and she stared at him, startled. "I'm sorry?"
He winced. "Nothing, never mind," he said quickly. He turned his attention back to the stairs. "Shall I escort you to your common room? I don't really want to leave you alone after... After you were upset."
Her thoughts were beginning to slide into one another, merging into a mess that she was struggling to make sense of. First, she had almost lost herself in Oscar's arms, then Garreth was there, then the panic, and now...
She looked at Garreth, the warmth and concern in his lovely green eyes reaching out and curling softly around her whilst she tried to process what had just slipped from his lips. He must have caught a good look at her back there, and she inwardly cringed, whilst her heart began to thump a little faster and not in the panicking way. It was just all too confusing. This was the second time today he had made a comment like this.
"I'll be fine," she said. She almost reached out to touch his arm but thought better of it. Perhaps there had been enough intimacy for one day. "Goodnight, Garreth."
She left him at the top of the stairs and hurried for the Hufflepuff common room. As she readied for bed, she kept as quiet as possible, trying not to wake the others. A glance at Poppy's bed brought a smirk to her lips. She was curled up under her blanket, fast asleep, the tell tale glimpse of a Slytherin scarf peeking out from under the blanket, the fabric firmly wrapped up in her arms. There was no need to try and guess who she had been with this evening. There would be gossip to share between them in the morning before breakfast.
As MC settled under her own blanket, a delicate waft of lavender reached her nose. She slid her hand under her pillow and pulled out the little pouch of herbs that Garreth had made for her, pressing it to her nose with a little sigh.
Garreth was so achingly adorable, and it was all too easy to lean towards him. Guilt swamped her, her skin still freshly kissed by Oscar, and she pushed the little pouch under her pillow. Troubled by her own thoughts, MC flicked her wand to put out her lamp and closed her eyes, hoping that her confusing emotions didn't spill over into her already troubled dreams.
To be continued...
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automeris-io-moth · 2 years
Crying over spilled milk
A message was sent
can you come? 
i don’t think i should be alone right now
Sometimes it was just too much to handle.
Sometimes, when the press was specially needy of news, of attention, of interviews and exclusives, and questions about numbers.
Number of civilian deaths, of money spended in equipment, of buildings exploded and left in crumbles, and of hours spent in missions.
Sometimes when the noise was too loud, when everyone cheered, when someone's mother cried in thankfulness — or in grief —, when they went to events in clubs and bars and parties, to fashion shows and schools and festivals.
Sometimes, when they were to use that trick an older, more experienced Hero gave them, to get bloodstains out of his shirts, and the dark red hue off of his hands.
Those times it was too much.
They always showered the moment they reached the apartment, a ritual they tried and failed multiple times to adapt to their life, something to separate their work life with homelife. A therapist suggested it, they didn't remember which one, but it never worked.
Hero cried for a moment, squatting down on the bathroom floor, half-dressed, clothes drenched and head hung low, trembling under the running water for the cold and the rising anxiety within their chest, making their heart beat fast, faster, blood so quick they could hear it as it passed their ears. 
Then, they washed their hair.
The bathroom door opened, quiet enough not to be heard, not with the running water and the sound of music they didn't like anymore, but they felt the cold enter when the steam of the shower left the room. Someone had entered of course, quick enough to have to need to close it behind them, moving and twisting something around the sink, leaving cloth and towel over the white cabinets beside the showr. 
"I brought a change of clothes, dress, I'll wait outside." A voice said softly, calmly enough Hero could almost miss the tone of worry hidden beneath the masquerade. 
But Hero changed without further question, minutes after the person left, having spent a couple minutes staring into the void. Cursing between teeth out of shame, they tossed the dirty, drenched clothes on the floor and wore what the Villain gave them realising quickly enough those were not their own clothes.
A sigh.
Wet steps alerted their entrance in the kitchen, looking for the other they knew wandered somewhere inside the house. Villain looked up to them, leaning back against the counters, signalling, with the palm of their hand, to a steaming mug up the small breakfast table. 
Hero nodded silently, nestling it between both hands, waiting for the other to speak, to ask what was wrong with them, as he’d heard time over time as the day went by. 
"I saw you fight in the news earlier."
Though maybe, they couldn’t do it again. 
"Don't, please," Hero asked, pleaded "I've heard enough about it already, I...fucked up, I know, please, not now.". 
The Villain gave a bored chuckle, shaking their head and extending their hand towards the still trembling Hero. With a nod of invitation, of assuredness that the other was not angry, reproachful as many others that day, they accepted it, leaving the mug in the counter behind the other. 
Villain pulled them in. 
"That’s not what I wanted to say,” they assured “If you had run for the door, breaking it open for the executives, two hundred and fifty seven people would've died from the collapsing of the building instead of six."
Hero's head was tucked against the other chest, hands loose by their sides as the other embraced them, tight with a hand on their hair and the other around his waist, going up his back. Listening. 
"You made the right decision today, you couldn't have saved them all, your hands are not dirty," Villain continued, running circles in the other's back "the press couldn't understand, they wouldn't if they could, it's at their very foundation to look for someone to blame." 
Numbness kept growing, their arms were immovable, and their knees grew heavier with each passing second. 
It was their fault, they reminded themselves, the Villain spoke empty words of comfort, they were not of straight morals, and loved them far too much to grant objectivity, yet listening to them, no matter how little truth laid in there, made them feel lighter. 
"I'm so proud of you, Hero, you were so brave today, I could've never handle the crowd like you did, so quick thinking, so polite and proper even with so many hateful people lighting their flashes at you," their voice was soothing as ever, their lies sweet against Hero's ear "you choose this everyday instead of the peace I can give you." 
By their shoulders, they were separated from the other's arms, slowly, gently. 
Kind eyes stared down at them, sympathetic, understanding. 
"That's demonstrates how big is you vocation, how little they deserve you,"
Generous lies, but lies nonetheless. 
They were at fault that morning, Hero kept repeating as a mantra, and they wanted out, they wanted to take what Villain had offered months, years ago. 
Hero was selfish, everyone said that day, they were, they were demonstrating it even then, accepting comfort from a villain, a menace, someone who should be behind bars. 
They fell back against the other's chest. 
And the mug broke, pushed down the counter by a careless hand.
Their mug. 
The mug they had bought at a gift shop for themselves long ago, the only mug they used out of many others, it was bigger than the others, taller and slimmer than other mugs, a deep blue that matched the Villain’s. 
They loved that mug. 
And Hero cried. 
It was not dignifying, it was neither cute nor discreet. Hero screeched against the other's chest as they walked them slowly to the other side of the room, away from the sharp pieces of ceramic scattered on the floor. 
Hero screamed, nose runny and eyes red, wetting the Villain's shirt. 
"I fucked up, I fucked up I'm so sorry," Hero screamed, muffled only by the other's clothing "I should've done what Leader said, they're dead because I'm a useless piece of..." 
"Absolutely not, no," Villain said, "hear me, listen to me, none of that bullshit they sell it's the truth, you've told me you were aware of this, they got you as their victim today but tomorrow another one will fall in the same hole you did today.” 
“I don’t want to do this anymore Villain,” Hero’s voice broke, and both slide down to the dining room floor “the blood is not washing off my interview white dress shirt, the bathroom floor is stained, and I broke my favourite mug, I bought this for us and I broke mine, and all the coffee you made is on the floor, I never even tasted it.” 
“It was hot cocoa in milk, Civilian Name, coffee would’ve been a terrible idea,” Villain said, holding closer Hero in their arms, letting them fall completely against them, chest to chest, as they leaned back in one of the room’s wall, right beside the door to the kitchen. 
Open, ugly sobbing dissolved into hiccups quickly enough as the Hero calmed with the other’s comfort, hand soft in their skin, words sweet in their ears and a scent of safety surrounding both, salty water and wood from Villain’s old beach house they used as an everyday. 
“This was a no-turning point for me, Civilian Name,” Villain said softly, “I’m taking you away.” 
In their defence, Hero did think of many things to say, then, more calmed, their actions seemed over exaggerated, even if they were still at the brink of tears. 
They couldn’t just leave, they thought, they would be proving them right, they were selfish, inattentive, needy, stupid. 
“I’ll take care of you, I’ll be good to you I promise.” 
Hero nodded against the other’s chest.
Using all my free time before starting finals to make new pieces, I'm really very happy for the responses that some stories I've uploaded have received, it has really helped me to actually sit down and write 1000+ words, when a month ago did maybe 300 on a good day.
Btw, just here to remind you this is not my native language, so I'm sorry for any mistaked, feel free to point them out.
Thank you so much :)
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qumeth · 9 months
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There were perks and disadvantages for being a Marine science major. Some days you got to get on a small boat and travel off the coast, taking samples of corals, waters, plants. But the disadvantages were not always feeling usually, yours friends studied law or poli-si, people always wanted their thoughts on things, for advice, for job opportunities.

but for you, you sat around, during small internships at Aquariums or research labs, but a low feeling in you gut felt like you weren’t worthy. Your mind got the better of you, a lot of the time.
Simon is a special OP soldier who protects and saves. You admired him, your eyes always trained on him as he did basic things. People loved his stories, some from war, others from his time with his task force at their base. You felt as if your stories didn’t add up, the stories you thoughts were funny or interesting either made people confused or just “boring”
Boring. You hated that word, it was a jab at your feelings and goals. The word had stuck with you since you were in high school, when you showed your passions for Marine science. People thought it was cool but it was nothing they could really care about.
Simon though, his lips with turn up the second you would come home from a boat ride.
There he sat on the couch, drinking a cup of tea as he watched the TV. You half-expected him to watch an action movie or something in his interests. But his eyes were glued to a marine documentary, a note pad on his lap, little bullet notes of different things.
Your heart seized up, a warm, fuzzy feeling.
You quietly placed you bag down by the front door and slipped off your shoes and put on a pair of slippers. I walked over him, behind him as you wrapped your arms him as you nuzzled into his warm skin.
He turned around, eyes brightening as he saw you. With a move of his limbs he pulled you over the back of the couch and into his arms. His large arms held tightly onto you, His thumb rubbing circles into your back as he relished in your body.
“How was the ride?” He asked warmly, his light eyes looking at you.
“It was pretty nice, was able to see some eels and a baby octopus” You tell him as you adjust yourself to sit on his lap. He hummed in response, his face nuzzling into your neck.
“Tell me more” He says, brushing some curls out of your face so he get a better look. You smelled of salt water and rain, it made Simon happy, it smelt of you, his home.
“you wouldn’t find the rest interesting” You dryly laugh. You laugh as his eyelashes tickle your neck, he groans
“Of course I will, been watching all these documentaries you had mentioned. I can understand more of the stuff you like”
If your heart hadn’t melted yet it did just then. His deep care for you, for you field, for you passion. Your face flushed, becoming warm as you bite your cheek a little bit.
“You watched those? I mentioned like 6…they’re all like, 2 hours” You mention, a happy look across you features. He nodded “You were gone since yesterday morin’ needed to do something, plus I wanted to be able to understand all yer’ science stuff” He explains “So explain” He orders.
With a sigh you begin to explain “we were able to dive and pick up lots of waste that was flooding some of the reefs, took some samples and tested them, water is doing better, it’s becoming less acidic; which means plants are growing better so the organisms are able to struggle less and reproduce” You explain, hoy words flowing with confidence as you speak, your words not stuttering like you some times did when you explain things.
“That’s amazin’ really. I’m so proud of you hon” He praises, his words speaking truth.
you blush, his words making you feel like floating in the clouds. You look over at him and kiss his cheek. A quiet “thank you for listening to my nerd stuff”
Simon leans back and Kisses your lips, his stubble against your cheek as your lips meet each other. His minty chapstick making you squeeze you face tight, a bright difference to the the mango-coconut one you’ve used for the past three years of your life.
He chuckles at your reaction, making him gross your face and kiss you more, peppering kisses all across you face. Every mark, freckle, indent on your face he kissed, not missing a single spot. He kissed the fishing hook scar on your cheek, the healed scar being one of his favorite things of your face.
“I ever tell you I caught a big ass merlin on one of my first fishing trips?” He says.
“oh shut up no you didn’t! You fished three times in your life Simon” You laugh, not fully convinced of his words. He just hummed “Three times a charm” and slyly says.
You shut your eyes and lean against him, he rocks himself slowly, holding you softly as he rubbed your back. You felt so tired.
“You slept at all?” He asked quietly, making sure his voice is low. His words sound like warm honey. You shake your head.
“You know me, slept three hours” You say quietly. His hands keep rubbing your back, making you feel more and more tired as you yawn.
“Go to bed, I’ll carry you up” He says. You number a complaint but it was on deaf ears as he cradled you. Dispute your efforts you feel a slumber.
Your dream was a simple. Floating in the vast ocean, creatures swam over you, some came by, a seal, then a bloom of jellyfish. Your head turned and Simon was there, watching your in awe, his hand in yours.
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thesafecafe · 2 years
You’ll Always Be Mine, Baby
Request: here
CW: Stalking, possessive behavior, lies, manipulation, invasion of privacy, alcohol, toxic ex-boyfriend Jungwoo, slight yandere themes, obsessive & possessive themes, black fem reader, she/her pronouns, 18+, minors dni, enjoy,
Disclaimer: I do not condone any of this behavior in real life, nor do I think any of the members of NCT would act this way in real life. It is a fictional depiction for entertainment purposes and should not be taken as a guide to the idol’s personality or actions in real life. If anyone in your life is acting like this towards you or someone you know, please contact the proper authorities as soon as possible. Stay safe!!
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Jungwoo was always good at acting. It was a special talent of his, and he was so good at it, that he was in several of his university’s productions. You’d been studying in Korea for a while now, and double majored in theatre and film production. You received a recommendation from your counselor to take an acting class as an elective, and you happened to take the last spot in the same class as Jungwoo. In a course that only took twenty five students per semester, you’d gotten very lucky. It was only natural for you to be a source of interest for inquiring minds, namely Jungwoo. He’d met you during the third week of class, although you already knew who he was. You wound up being paired with him for a class project, and your relationship blossomed from there.
Jungwoo was amazing. He got to know you during the semester, and would show you around the campus. He was curious about you, and often asked questions about your life in the country you came from before. He found you to be the most interesting person he’d encountered in a long time. He felt at ease with you, and fell for you quickly. He felt relaxed in your presence; he didn’t have to act with you. It helped that you were so sweet, and it didn’t take long for you two to start dating. Everyone knew you two were close, so it came as no surprise when people found out that you were dating.
At first, it was a happy, healthy relationship. Your boyfriend was very caring loving, and attentive, always by your side. But, as your relationship progressed to new levels, you found yourself becoming insecure about something: your age. Granted, while you were only two years apart, sometimes you could feel the age gap around some of his younger friends. You’d also been in college a bit longer than he had, and for some reason, it just bothered you. It may seem like a small issue, or silly to some, but it gnawed at you frequently, especially hanging out around his friends. 
They were really nice, welcoming you into their circle with ease. They were usually polite to you, but some often made jokes about your age gap, which at first you nor Jungwoo would bat an eye at. But slowly, as your age insecurities started to grow, the jokes seemed more and more like an attack. The final straw though, was seeing your boyfriend chat with a waitress around his age, both doing some new hand gesture that had gotten popular recently. You didn't have time to keep up with the trends, which made you feel left out, and even further separated from your man. Too far into your feelings, and fed up with feeling ostracized, you did the one thing Jungwoo never saw coming: you broke up with him. You explained to him how you felt, and that your relationship should take a break, until he “had more experience with people his age.” 
“Y/N, that’s unfair! I’ve had more than one girlfriend my age, and I’m sure the only one I want to be with is you. You’re not even that much older than me, be serious!” Jungwoo ran his hands through his hair, frustrated. This wasn’t how this was supposed to go. It wasn’t playing out how he thought it would. He found your reasoning completely stupid. Were you going to let some silly insecurity throw away what you both had? “Jungwoo please, I’m serious! Just, let’s take a break for a while. Okay?” Before he could respond, you were already walking out the door, right out of his life. Jungwoo screamed, punching the wall in anger. How could you let anything, or anyone, come between you? After he’d gotten comfortable with you? He bared his heart and soul to you!  He loved you! You were his everything. You were perfect for him, his perfect little angel. You’d only dated for a year, but Jungwoo was ready to spend the rest of his life with you. You couldn’t leave him that easily. And you wouldn’t either.
For the next few weeks, you couldn’t seem to shake the feeling that you were being watched. Every time you left your apartment, you felt like someone was trying to see into the innermost parts of your being. At first you thought you were being paranoid, until you noticed something. You were seeing a lot more of your ex than usual. You’d see him in more of your classes, when you only had two together. You’d see him in the cafeteria, the corner store by your apartment, etc. What made it worse though, was the staring. He never made it a secret that he was staring you down, watching you like a hawk. Had his gaze always been so intense? And how did he always seem to know where you were? You couldn’t just blame it on coincidence, when he looked at you like you were the last meal in the world. 
You wanted to confront him, and ask what was his issue, but you couldn’t really do that with Jungwoo’s reputation on campus. Not only was he the star actor in theatre productions, but he was well known around campus for being a huge sweetheart. He was charming, polite, and respectful, and people thought he was harmless. Who would suspect, or worse, accuse everyone’s favorite golden boy of stalking his ex-girlfriend? You knew this, and so did Jungwoo. You couldn’t shake him, for weeks. A trip out meant you’d see him, and you couldn’t just not leave your apartment if you wanted to pass your classes. You thought the situation was hopeless... until you found the camera.
You still slept with the same teddy bear that Jungwoo had won for you at the fair. You squeezed the bear’s head to your chest, cuddling it until your fingers grazed a particularly hard lump. You sat up, turning on your lamp to get a better look at it. It seemed as if the bear had been cut open and poorly sewn back together in the back, not easily noticeable on the medium sized bear. Grabbing scissors from your drawer, you make quick work of the poorly sewn patchwork. Digging your fingers past the stuffing, you quickly find out exactly how your ex has been able to figure out where you’ve been. A small camera blinks red light at you, and you sit there, horrified for a moment, before anger takes you over.
“How fucking dare he?!” You were beyond pissed, immediately grabbing your phone. You messaged him, telling him to meet you the next day at the café that you both frequented. You turned off the camera, not knowing that Jungwoo was panicking on the other side. He’d been watching the whole thing on his end, and not knowing what you were planning was driving him up a wall. He doesn’t know what to do when he arrives  to the café first, fidgeting with his hands. He was nervous. You arrived shortly after him, your stony expression enough to send Jungwoo towards the edge of a panic attack. But Jungwoo has always been good at acting. He schools his face into a neutral expression, as he invites you to sit down. 
“I got your text, you said it was urgent. Is something wrong Y/n?” You scoffed, cutting right to the chase. “I know about the camera Jungwoo. In the stuffed bear, seriously?” Before he could say anything, you reached in your purse, setting the evidence before him. “Look Y/N, I can explain, alright?” Jungwoo paused waiting to see if you’d interrupt him, but you just raised your eyebrows, a cue for him to continue. “Okay, it was right before we broke up. One of my friends had installed a camera in his girlfriend’s apartment, because some thieves broke in. You remember Hae-rin?” You blinked at him, unmoved. “What does that situation have to do with this one? You installed a camera without telling me, you’ve been stalking me-”
Jungwoo shushed you, looking around the establishment. “Will you stop saying that? I didn’t stalk you! I’ve been looking out for you! There’ been a series of break ins around here for months, especially in your neighborhood, and I wanted to tell you after I did it, but we broke up!” Jungwoo frowned at you, hid voice having dropped down to a an aggressive whisper. “I did it to protect you, and I’m not stalking you! You still share your location with my phone, so I just wanted to make sure you were alright. We used to go everywhere together, so it wasn’t that different.” You looked at him in shock. You forgot that your phone was linked to his, and you felt half bad for accusing him, but there was still no good excuse to follow you around like a creep. “Look, I appreciate you wanting to look out for me, but I can’t ignore the fact that you following me around is creepy.”
Jungwoo ran a hand through his hair, nodding. “I understand Y/N, and I’m truly sorry about freaking you out, and being kind of creepy these past few weeks, it was a total invasion of privacy. I know you said we were on a break, but I’ll understand if you don’t wanna get back together after this. I truly am sorry Y/N.” Jungwoo apologized, never once breaking eye contact with you. You could sense that his words were genuine, and you sighed, hating that he could make you cave so quickly. “Look Jungwoo, I think I’ll need some more time, in light of recent events. But, I won’t say I’m totally against getting back together? But I need space, seriously Jungwoo, you have to stop following me, okay?” 
Jungwoo nodded, trying to hide his excitement So you till loved him after all. “I promise Y/N. I’ll stay out of your hair, pinky swear!” He held out his pinky, and you laughed at his accidental, yet adorable rhyming. You paid for your drinks, and said your goodbyes. As you left the café, you turned, waving to Jungwoo. He waved back, until you were almost out of sight, before turning to his phone. “Ahh, Y/N. Such a forgetful little thing.” He smiled as your location popped up, not far from him. He’d have to be more careful from now on. He had to make sure you believed him, that his promises were true, otherwise you’d slip right through his fingers. And Jungwoo couldn’t have that. No one else could have you. You’d always be his. Forever. And you believed him for now, which was enough for him. He’d always been a good actor.
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labyrinthdancer · 4 months
Magic systems let's goooo!!!
this is for my AU Monarchs Will
@somer-writes finished!!!
alright getting the light magic out of the way first cause we're here for the dark magic!
Light or holy magic consists of these magic types(so far):
and time.
Light magic is innate and not something you can just learn, if you can use fire magic you can't just turn around and use air magic, you have to have that magic in you too.
there are no special types of magic like in dark magic, fire magic is offensive, you can be creative about it and use it as a defense but it will never actually be defensive. it does what it does and that's it.
light magic is also hereditary but is prone to lay dormant for several generations.
Dark magic on the other hand!
dark magic isn't innate, anyone can learn it.
dark magic also has tells when you are using it(light magic does not), everyone who uses it has their own tell, Midna had those portal lookin things she uses in Hyrule Warriors(in her true form), Link's fingers and toes turn black, Merida(OC don't mind her) has magic circles around her wrist and ankles like bracelets.
tells intensifies based on how much magic a person is using, i.e. the blackness on Link’s fingers and toes will go up his limbs.
once a person reaches a certain threshold of magic strength their body will start changing(not permanently) and they will start entering a ‘berserk faze’, this doesn’t mean they go berserk they just start looking more monstrous, people typically have two stages to their berserk forms,
Midna first grows horns(gazelle-like) and her hair turns into hands(not just one think gloom hands) then full-on turns into a centaur with a lynal bottom half,
the blackness on Link’s hands and feet first grows up to his elbows and knees and then he starts ‘fusing’ with Wolffie and the shadow crystal, he grows wolf ears and tail, his eyes turn into wolf eyes and he has Wolfie's marking on his body, his arms and legs turn into crystals like the shadow crystal and his hands get claws and his feet are kind of wolf-like. Wolffie also has a berserk form :D but I haven’t figured out what it looks like just yet :/
these are the types of dark magic(so far):
offensive shadow,
defensive shadow,
offensive blood,
defensive blood,
offensive ice,
defensive ice.
because there are so many different types of dark magic they are separated into categories,
travel magic: Time, teleportation, portal,
warping magic: bone, blood, transformation, ice,
control magic: mind, telekinesis, beast,
dark magic presents itself differently depending on whether it is offensive or defensive:
offensive shadow magic is like obsidian, defensive is like rubber or silicon, it's solid but has a give to it.
offensive blood magic is like glass or crystal, defensive is just blood texture but more solid.
offensive and defensive ice magic is boring and just looks like normal ice.
What each magic type does
most of these are self-explanatory but I’ll say em anyway.
shadow: you can control shadows, the farther the shadow the harder it is to control.
blood: you can control blood, it is easier to control spilled blood and your own blood than blood in other people's bodies.
teleportation: you can teleport, teleporting within eyesight is far easier than teleporting where you can’t see, it’s considered to be the more advanced form of portal magic as it is faster to use but more dangerous and difficult.
time: you can reverse and fast forward time to an existent(dark time magic is not as strong as its light variant), even tho it is possible to warp time things other than small objects it is EXTREMELY difficult and no one has been able or strong enough to do it in twelve generations(300 years).
portal: you can create portals from one place to another, it is simpler and easier than teleportation magic but it takes longer to cast and you have to know the runes to create the portal.
transformation: you can transform into things, creatures are the most common transformation but you can change into inanimate objects. transformation magic is very difficult and typically an enchanted item is used for the spell but even then it still uses your magic unless the item has magic stored in it.
telekinesis: it’s telekinesis that’s it. it’s mentally strenuous to use this magic type.
beast: you can communicate with animals, it is a common misconception that this is an easy magic to learn but in reality, it is very difficult to learn. With Mind Magic and a lot of effort, you could control animals. Devine Beast innately know this magic.
mind: you can make people susceptible to suggestion, change memories(to an existent), and alter their perception of reality(like if they were on drugs). this is also a very very hard magic to learn.
blood and bones are the only parts of the body that can be manipulated.
blood: you can control blood, it is easier to control your blood and spilled blood than it is to control blood in other people’s bodies, this is beginner-friendly magic except for controlling other people's blood,
bone: this is like blood magic but with bones. not as beginner-friendly but still easy to learn.
ice: this is the only elemental dark magic. You can turn any water into ice, turning the water in people body’s into ice is extremely difficult and more difficult if it’s not your own body.
Spells!!!! :D
don’t have a ton of these but there are a few(some of these aren’t actually spells just common things you can do)
Dark Castle: a giant castle rises from the ground made out of shadows, it pushes everything livening that the caster deems an enemy out of its borders, it is nearly impenetrable and is the most powerful defensive shadow spell and one of the most powerful defensive spells. Currently, Midna is the only one who is powerful enough to use it and it would kill anyone else if they tried.
Blood Sword: this is a common offensive blood technique, you draw blood out of your pores and form it into a blade.
Ice Tears: this is a hard spell to learn. You freeze the water in the air around you and create tiny razor sharp daggers that slice anyone who walks through them.
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anonymousewrites · 1 year
Of Two Worlds Valentine's Day Special 2023
Fushiguro Megumi x Half-Curse! Reader
            “And there was a nice young lady at the jewelers, she loved my blindfold, and I’ve been flirting with her for a month so I’ll probably get chocolate from her, and then there’s the guy at the tailor, and then there’s the—” On and on Gojo went, raving about all the gifts and sweets people were going to give him on Valentine’s Day because he’s handsome, kind, gentlemanly, blablabla (only one of those was objectively true).
            Nobara tsked. “You’d think he’d shut up after a while.”
            “He’s too full of himself to do that,” said Maki, crossing her arms in annoyance.
            “—Oh, and I love those little hearts that say ‘you’re sweet’ and ‘be my valentine,’ so I’m hoping I get some of those—” Gojo’s tirade continued unimpeded.
            “Tunamayo,” said Inumaki with a deadpan look.
            Panda nodded. “Like a puffed-up bird,” he agreed.
            “What is Valentine’s Day?” asked (Y/N). The others turned to her. “I never saw people celebrate it growing up here.”
            “It’s an American holiday that’s growing in popularity,” said Maki.
            “You give chocolate and cards and sweets to someone you care about,” explained Itadori.
            “Oh,” said (Y/N). “Are we celebrating?”
            Nobara turned a little red. “I’m not sure. It depends on if people give each other gifts or not.”
            (Y/N) nodded. Gifts to someone I care about…Like Megumi?
            As if he heard her, Megumi walked into the room and saw (Y/N)’s face. It seemed neutral to others, but Megumi saw that it was (Y/N)’s expression of “enlightenment.” She often looked like that after he explained how she was supposed to react or interact with people. However… “You guys didn’t confuse her, did you?”
            “No, we were just explaining Valentine’s Day,” said Itadori. He pouted. “Do you think so little of us?”
            “Yes,” said Megumi. He looked at (Y/N), who looked deep in thought. He had a suspicion that something in their explanation would be misconstrued by (Y/N).
            “I’m sure (L/N) understood,” said Nobara confidently. “We explained why you give gifts and everything!”
            “I understand,” said (Y/N), nodding.
            Well, it’s not like anything can go wrong with Valentine’s Day, thought Megumi. Still, he leveled a glare at Nobara and Itadori just in case they did confuse (Y/N).
            “I shouldn’t be nervous! I’m pretty and strong!” said Nobara, pacing back and forth and holding a card and chocolate to her chest.
            “You’ll be fine,” said Itadori, smiling.
            “You need to stop overthinking this,” said Megumi.
            “I know! I just—” Nobara fell quiet as she saw (Y/N) walk in, her hands behind her back.
            She cleared her throat and extended a small box of chocolates out to Megumi. “Happy Valentine’s Day,” said (Y/N), smiling slightly.
            Megumi froze, and a blush bloomed on his cheeks. Nobara and Itadori’s eyes widened.
            “Go, go, go,” whispered Nobara to Itadori, pushing him out of the room to give Megumi and (Y/N) a moment. (Obviously, they would circle back in a few moments and see what was happening, but that was for later)
            (Y/N) furrowed her brow at Megumi’s reaction. “Did I do it wrong?”
            “Yes—No—I, mean—” Megumi stuttered as he blushed. “This is…unexpected, that’s all.”
            “Why? They said that I’m supposed to give gifts to someone I care about, and you’re my friend,” said (Y/N), cocking her head in confusion.
            Megumi took a deep breath and composed himself, the blush still bright on his cheeks. “Itadori and Kugisaki, they meant-they meant someone you love r-romantically,” he explained.
            “Oh.” (Y/N) blinked and turned a light pink. “I’m sorry. I didn’t realize.”
            “It’s okay. It’s Kugisaki and Itadori’s fault,” said Megumi, sighing.
            “Do you not want the chocolates?” asked (Y/N), staring at the package in her hand.
            “I won’t reject a gift from you,” said Megumi, smiling. “But, uh—” he looked away nervously “—would you like to share with me?”
            (Y/N) brightened. “You want to?”
            Megumi nodded. “Yeah.”
            “That’s good because they look good. I like sweets,” said (Y/N), sitting down on a small sofa. Megumi joined her as she opened the package. “Do you want dark, white, or milk?”
            “What do you like?” asked Megumi.
            “I like milk chocolate,” said (Y/N).
            Megumi took out the milk chocolate and handed it to them. “There. I like dark anyway.”
            They sat side-by-side as they quietly ate their sweets. Finally, (Y/N) broke the silence and said, “Thank you for not making this…awkward. I didn’t know Valentine’s Day was supposed to be romantic.”
            “It’s okay. I should have known Itadori and Kugisaki would mess something up,” said Megumi. He smiled at (Y/N). “And we can still give each other gifts in the future. If you’d like that, that is.”
            (Y/N) smiled shyly. “I would.”
            “Ok, then,” said Megumi. “And thank you, for the gift. I was just surprised.”
            “You’re my best friend. I care about you more than anyone else,” said (Y/N), looking down at their hands. “I couldn’t think of anyone else I would want to give a gift to.”
            Megumi wasn’t sure what to say. His heart fluttered at (Y/N)’s words. She was always honest, so he didn’t doubt her words, and because of that, he was honored that (Y/N) thought so highly of him. He liked her. To hear her care about him made him incredibly happy, and he wanted to show that he cared for her, too.
            “There’s no one else I’d rather spend the day with,” responded Megumi. Allowing himself to be daring, he reached out and squeezed her hand through her glove. (Y/N) tensed for a moment, unused to the touch, before she relaxed and squeezed back hesitantly.
            Neither had to speak. Sitting side-by-side, together, hands entwined, was enough.
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