#this is me watching dramas where the leads keep going in circles
lovetune · 1 year
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HARU WA MIJIKASHI KOISEYO DANSHI (2023) Episode 2 dir. Goto Yusuke
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lurkingshan · 5 months
Hello hello! Since you watch all kinds of asian dramas, what are your top ones that feature casual intimacy?
Hey anon! I do in fact watch all kinds. :))
I am going to partially cheat on this one and point you to a previous post I wrote in July: The Ride or Die Drama Couples List. This is a list of dramas with couples in established relationships, as well as a bunch of friends to lovers dramas where the couple is basically together the whole time but doesn't realize it yet. Since the Venn diagram of my list for best casual intimacy and this post is basically a circle, I figured it was a good place to start.
That said, I have watched many more dramas since then and there are a few that don't fit that list's bill, so here are some additions in no particular order:
Sing My Crush
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Just look at this gif. Im Hantae can't keep his hands off Han Baram regardless of their relationship status, and it's some of the sweetest casual affection I've ever seen depicted on my screen.
Choco Milk Shake
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This Korean bl is about a very sad boy's dead pets taking human form to return to him. I know it sounds weird but trust me it is cute as all hell and weirdly touching and chock-a-block with casual intimacy in the form of pets seeking their owner's attention.
A Boss and A Babe
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Gun and Cher are one of the best couples in Thai bl this year for casual affection. This show has some wonkiness in the plot but the couple has a really lovely, easy chemistry and a lot of cute moments.
Reply 1988
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Are you interested in casual intimacy of the platonic nature alongside your romance moments? Because this show is just full of it, with a tight knit group of neighborhood besties that are all up in each other's space. And once the romance kicks in, you get lots of cute stuff there, too.
The Eighth Sense
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These two are all over each other both before and after they get together, with tons of small moments of skinship in every scene. Jae Won in particular really struggles to keep his hands to himself.
King the Land
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One of my favorite romances of the year, with so many cute couple moments, both casual and Big Swoony, that I lost count.
Kiseki: Dear to Me
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Do you consider touch on the rougher end of the spectrum—say, grabbing your bf by the scruff of his neck or throwing him over your shoulder—casual intimacy? If so, have I got a couple for you.
Taikan Yoho
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The relationship dynamics in this Japanese bl are not for everyone, but if you're into something a little confusing and twisted with under-negotiated kink dynamics, you will be handsomely rewarded with more casual intimacy than you know what to do with.
Last Twilight
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This one is still airing but I think it already won the casual intimacy Olympics for 2024. There is so much loving touch in this show, and it's also hugely important to the story, as one of our leads is losing his vision and needs the touch to feel grounded.
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mazeinthemiroh · 1 year
stray kids in high school
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genre: headcanons; general, highschool! au
word count: 1.7k
warnings: cursing
a/n: heyy everyone. i wanted to try out some high school headcanons to see what you guys thought. i find i enjoy writing high school aus and there have been a few requests for these so i thought i'd give it a go! please like and reblog if you enjoy, and feel free to send a request in for more highschool aus when the askbox is open <3
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the class president
chan is extremely popular. he's friends with literally everyone due to his approachable personality. he doesn't want people to feel left out and is very attentive
the oldest in the class, so people naturally respect him
you would think being class president would make him unpopular due to the responsibility coming with that role. but in reality, he was voted as class president by the rest of his peers because he's so well-liked. everyone trusts him and his personality exudes natural leadership qualities
has a rapport with everyone, including the teachers. so if he doesn't hand in his homework on time or forgot to do an essay, his powerful persuasive skills come in handy
which makes him very good at debating. he tends to lead the debates but finds it interesting to sit back and watch the chaos unfold. he's a good devil's advocate
best subjects are physical education, music and mathematics. but he doesn't really do particularly badly in any subject. his grades are both decent and consistent
he or changbin are the team captain of the majority of the sports teams
he's also very good at keeping himself organised. always on schedule and does the homework as soon as it's given to him so that he has more time to do what he wants, much like seungmin
lee know
the class clown
bet you thought i was going to put hannie as this
but nope.
please don't fight me in the comments i beg just hear me out
i see minho as the class clown because he is naturally gifted in wit and intelligence
he's not the typical class clown. they usually are stereotyped to be the most extroverted and outgoing person in the class, which is not the case with our dear minho
rather, he's just the funniest person there. mostly everybody appreciates his humour
what's better is he's able to piss around during class and still have the charisma to get away with it
also fairly level-headed so he exceeds in academically inclined subjects
also strong in the arts. he's damn good at drama, that's for sure. he has the confidence to play any character
and it will come as no surprise that his core subject, the one he actually cares about, is dance
he comes across as cynical, satirical and a humourous genius, so it comes as a surprise to most teachers that he favours dance above all subjects. seeing him express himself in that way is truly amazing
because of this, he definitely has a lot of secret admirers
the jock
i mean, what did you expect
probably the most popular person in the school, let alone the class
everybody knows him and respects him
he, in turn, knows everybody. which means he knows all the gossip. and knows who to spill the tea to
has many circles of friends, it's hard to keep up really
involved in a lot the sports teams and is usually their main player
despite being smaller in height, he's the best at basketball. knows how to bounce around people and uses his speed and energy to get to where he wants
all the ladies love him, obviously
he's super flirty and highkey likes the attention. and it's hard not to give him it
but he never really comes across as obnoxious
he's just there for a good time, really
probably one of the loudest in all his classes. put him in a class with wooyoung and yeonjun and no one is getting any work done
main focus is sports, so his grades in other subjects are average or lacking a bit
he knows if he puts his mind to it he'll probably be much better in academic subjects. but that just doesn't appeal to him. he'd prefer to focus on the teams he's part of and the bonds he shares with people, which does unfortunately take a toll on his grades
the artist
he's a very stereotypical art kid who sits in the back of the class sketching detailed drawings he rarely shows off
but he's not necessarily all shy and quiet
his group of friends definitely brought him out of his independent shell
best friends with felix, who is essentially a louder version of himself. if these two sit anywhere near each other in a class and there's no way to get any work done from the amount of talking they do
obviously exceeding in the arts, particularly art and english. he has to have a creature outlet, and his talent in art comes so naturally to him. his art teacher absolutely adores him and uses his work as an example to all the other classes
as for english, hyunjin seems to find it very easy to understand the writer's thoughts and intentions. but his favourite lessons have to be when the teacher is discussing poetry, a hobby he has been working on recently
hyunjin laughs at everything, which can often get him into trouble. whether it's changbin making an inappropriate joke or seungmin being his witty, awesome self, hyunjin giggles at them all
overall, hyunjin keeps to himself, only coming out with his opinions if needed
the all-rounder
he's the annoying guy who doesn't revise or study on any test but will get some of the top grades in the class
liked by many people, but also disliked by the same amount
they're just jealous, what can i say?
gets a LOT of attention from all genders who can blame them
people are sometimes baffled by han because he, being his hilariously amazing self, may appear to set low expectations. he's loud and talks a lot and cracks jokes in every other sentence
but then he's the only one to work out this weird ass equation on the board. or he's the first to understand complex concepts in philosophy class
he's very bright, to say the least
however, he'd say music and drama are his forte. or, at least the subjects he likes the most
he and minho are a match made in hell heaven and the cause of many teachers' joys (and anxieties). on the one hand, they work well together and you should see them in debate class, oh lord-
however, they can be very unpredictable
you can't help but indulge in their ludicrous behaviour, purely to see them try and outwit each other
they're outrageously flirty about it too
they're just the main characters at this point, idk
the sunshine
there's no other way to describe felix other than being wholesome
he has no beef with anyone. he minds his own business and just does his own thing
focuses on improving himself
wants to create a productive and positive learning atmosphere
takes regular mental health breaks his attendance is low and encourages other people to do the same
he's like the class therapist. he inspires comfort in all his fellow classmates. he may not be the stereotypical popular guy but he is the most well-liked because of his kindness
having a gracious heart and a soft, welcoming smile on his face make him absolutely irresistible to all. his natural, gentle charms are no match for mean-ass bullies
besides if anyone laid a finger on him they would be severely beaten by chan and changbin but we move
always fun to work with in group projects because he has a lot of creative ideas. thinking outside of the box is his speciality and he has quite a lot to offer to the group
makes brownies for everyone in the class during wintertime <3 he never leaves anyone out, even people he hasn't gotten a chance to get to know yet
he just balances the group out and acts like a glue that holds the class together
the teacher's pet
seungmin is extremely organised. he's got his folders colour-coded and containing all of his notes. he has one for all subjects so he can compartmentalise his thoughts for each one
you can always rely on him for any sort of stationery. forgot your pen? he's your guy. you need a highlighter? he's got both a neon and pastel collection to choose from
teachers love him. he hands in work on time, contributes regularly to lessons, and is overall the perfect, model student
will probably remind the teacher that they set homework much to everyone's annoyance
will scold the others if they don't have theirs
he, like bangchan, usually does the homework as soon as it's set, just so he can get ahead
he made an unlikely friend in jeongin, who is quite different to him in terms of personality
they can't quite figure each other out but their differences push them closer together. it's cute. and both of them are good influences on each other so being paired up in class is usually a safe option
they joke that they're the most normal people in the class
overall, seungmin is a hard-working student and his grades are a good reflection of that
he's more worried about burning out, which has happened in the past
the new kid
at first, jeongin was very quiet and didn't talk to anyone
being the new guy in class was already daunting enough. but seeing all these big and impactful personalities - like the class president who seems to have a charming and commanding presence, or the extremely handsome humour expert who twists everything into his own little joke - it's hard not to be intimidated
would he fit in? would he make friends?
of course it's natural to worry about this sort of thing, especially coming into a new class
but in reality he has nothing to worry about
the class president, bangchan, immediately takes him under his wing, allowing him to hang out with his group and get to know the others
which is very daunting, considering they all have unique personalities and different ways they interact with one another. jeongin finds that initially intimidating
but he's able to play it cool. and soon he finds no problem settling into the class and making new friends
seungmin is the person he sticks with the most and ends up having a close bond with
jeongin gets average grades. he had good days and bad; one day he's contributing the most in class and the next and the next day he doesn't say a word
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morallyinept · 7 months
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Shoot: Augustman Singapore, Oct 2019 Issue. Published online on Oct 10th 2019.
Photographer: Doug Inglish
Interviewer: Cezar Greif
Grooming: Mira Chai Hyde
Full interview, behind the scenes, outtakes & shoot photographs below. 👇🏻
Jett's Pedro's Shoots Masterlist
• Cover shot and original images used in the magazine.
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• Outtakes and behind the scenes images.
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• Full interview.
Pedro Pascal: Life before and after Game of Thrones.
Until recently, people were still erroneously addressing Pedro Pascal as Pascal Pedro. But he didn’t mind. Years of struggle in New York’s theatre scene had taught him to take things in stride. Pascal had studied drama in NYU, with his appearances on television after that limited to bit parts in Buffy the Vampire Slayer and a few cop dramas. It took Game of Thrones, playing the part of Oberyn Martell, to make Pascal a household name – at the age of 37, no less.
Since that breakout role, Pascal has been busy. Among other works, he starred opposite Denzel Washington in The Equalizer 2, played a leading role in the Netflix biographical crime series Narcos, and acted as Agent Whiskey in Kingsman: The Golden Circle. There’s more to come, beginning with the titular character in The Mandalorian, which airs on Disney’s new streaming service Disney+ this November. In June next year, Pascal is slated to appear in the next Wonder Woman movie as the villain Maxwell Lord. Clearly, the man’s career has just properly started.
When did you first fall in love with acting?
At a very young age. My father used to take us to the movies three times a week. He’d come home from work and ask if we wanted to go see something, and we would, of course, want to go. I saw First Blood, The Big Chill, and so many other films. There was one summer when my mother would drop me off at the movie theatre as though it was daycare – times were different back then.
I’d watch a few screenings of movies like Poltergeist in one afternoon before she picked me up at six. This exposure to films led to a hobby in acting that my parents were happy I had – at least I wasn’t sitting around watching cable TV all day. It occupied so much of my time and eventually turned into serious training.
Why did you make the shift?
I had to take things more seriously if I wanted to stick with it. It wasn’t just being in love with the idea of appearing in movies and on stage any more – I needed to learn to analyse a story, delve deeper into the various aspects of acting, and learn the technical side of things. What came next was getting jobs to pay the bills. Surviving as an actor, basically.
You took some time to find mainstream success. Did you ever consider quitting?
The confidence definitely fluctuates. I didn’t develop other skills, so my familiar routine was to attend auditions for jobs. One would be enough to pay for rent and food for a while, or I had to wait tables to pay for my expenses. It felt completely desperate because I was really in love with the art of acting and the idea of being a working actor.
But I always got enough work to keep going. I don’t think I would have if I couldn’t get a job in three years or something like that, but such a thing never happened. I would get a role in a tiny little play outside of Boston, or a beer commercial, or an episode of a cop show in the city.
Do you appreciate your popularity more since it came later? How do you think this has influenced the way you approach your status as a celebrity now?
I was definitely more self-assured because my habits and routines were firmly in place and felt more important to me than my newfound success. I know it’s hard for me to describe this, but I just don’t feel famous. That wasn’t part of my development when I was younger, so I came into it “fully cooked”, or maybe even overdone. (laughs) As exciting and as strange as fame can be, it just doesn’t feel as real to me as my relationships, or the fact that my backaches, or how I panic in the morning if I don’t know exactly where I can get my coffee. Those things have much higher stakes to me than the public’s perception of who I am.
Can you identify a reason for your success? Did it make sense for to you when it “arrived”, perhaps because you thought you were becoming a better actor, or was it pure luck?
I oscillate between the two. It can seem totally random, which is terrifying because anything can happen, but the randomness of it all makes a little more sense to me. But I see some clearly predestined circumstances for other people, and you sometimes have these very clear realisations that an opportunity was kept from you a long time ago because it wasn’t the right place or the right time. I guess I probably lean more towards the randomness of it all, or the simple idea that if you keep at the same damn thing, you’re increasing your chances of it succeeding.
And how do you view your breakout role in Game of Thrones now?
It changed my life, but what’s interesting is how all the silly jobs that I’ve had before this one also felt like big breaks. I was a jobbing actor by my late 20s, and I was just as excited with some seventh-tier role on some network television show because it meant that I could pay some bills.
That felt like as big as a win as anything else. It’s the same with theatre. Because it’s so hard to go from the small plays to the medium-sized ones, getting a role in the latter feels like a miracle too. I was close to becoming homeless many times in the past, and was actually staying at an AirBnB before getting the role in Game Of Thrones, so I must really thank the showrunners David Benioff and D.B. Weiss for taking that chance on me.
Has your experience in theatre helped your work in film? How do they compare?
Theatre work is like the building blocks of what I do now. From Shakespeare to something contemporary, and everything in between, I’ve done them all. When you perform the same thing eight times a week, you’re constantly reworking your role to keep it interesting, whether it’s discovering something new or discarding something that exists. It feels like training. The last time I took classes was in college – and that’s something I don’t recommend – but doing theatre work felt like staying in school, which helped. Plus, it provided medical insurance and a weekly paycheck.
Tell us more about the new Mandalorian series.
It’s taking things in a new direction. I think it’s amazing that Lucasfilm is letting Jon Favereau and Dave Felloni take Star Wars into new territories as far as style and tone are concerned, from using practical effects and digital special effects in tandem, to exploring characters out of the familiar Star Wars settings.
They’re also blurring the boundaries between the good guys and the bad guys, and I love the idea of having things in a grey area. We’re dealing with the outer reaches of the galaxy here, which means a lot of ambivalence around what is right and wrong, and the conflict between self-serving and self-sacrificial decisions and actions. It’s all very much a part of the Star Wars story. As for the character, the Mandalorian is a bounty hunter, and people pay him to do jobs. Let’s just leave it at that for now.
Christopher Nolan said he casted Tom Hardy as Bane because of how he acts through his eyes in the mask. What was it like to express everything you needed to in this role with a full-face helmet on?
Much of the work is already taken care of by the writing, which is great, as well as the visual experience that the show provides. But it was still important to me to live in the story as a person who does not show his face, so I worked a lot on the character’s body language. It feels almost like going back to theatre. I think that there’s a lot that can be told with stillness and very economical movements.
I hear that you’re a real movie nerd. Do you have recommendations for fairly unknown directors or movies that we should pay attention to?
I just saw this incredible movie called Monos by Alejandro Landes. It was amazing. And I’ve been floored by [director] Ari Aster. He’s an aesthetician that also brings out great performances, and the films Hereditary and Midsommar blew me away totally. There’s also someone who’s up and coming – Taika Waititi – who made Jojo Rabbit, that’s, in my opinion, the best movie of the year.
Jett's Pedro's Shoots Masterlist
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focusontheheart · 9 months
Meet the Team Lead - DinoKieran
Give a warm welcome to the passionate Lead for the Seyka route, it's DinoKieran! You can find them on AO3 as DinoKieran!
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Hi! The name’s Kieran (you can call me Dino) , long time nerd and longer time Fanfiction writer. I played Zero Dawn for the first time a few weeks before Frozen Wilds came out, and I’ve been enamored ever since. Before playing Burning Shores, I was a solitary fan just keeping to myself, but I finally decided to take a step out into the wider community and now look where I am! I’m knee-deep in Horizon Fanfiction WIPs, 3D printed Machine miniatures and the beginnings of cosplay, not to mention this huge project. I’ve never been a part of something so collaborative in a fandom before, and I can’t wait to share what I’ve made!
Q&A with Dino under the cut!
What is a favorite piece of work you've done (completed/ working on/ in-concept)? 
Because I’m still such a newcomer to the Horizon fanfic world, almost all of the works that I’m most excited about are all works in progress (keep an eye out though, I’ve got a lot on the way! I love a good rare pair ship and it shows!), so instead I would like to draw your attention to a fic that connected me to an unexpected ship: "Snowburn" by OutOfRetirement. Ask anyone in my social circle and they’ll tell you just how obsessed I am with that fic!
What are some of your favorite tropes (to write/ draw/ read)?
Give me a slow burn, honestly. Getting the opportunity to detail the long and complex construction of a relationship from first meeting to falling in love speaks to my soul! It’s a perfect opportunity to carry out in-depth character studies. A good Modern AU wouldn’t go amiss either. I enjoy being able to take characters out of their world and creating a less chaotic, simpler world. Gives me a break from writing drama, I guess you could say lol.
What is an unexpected thing or fun fact about you?
Outside of writing, I have what I like to call my ‘roledex of hobbies’. These hobbies are a mix, from whittling and embroidery to wildlife photography and houseplant collecting, I know I never have to worry about being bored! 
What has been your favorite thing about working on this project so far?
Honestly? Just getting to be a part of it! I’ve been a fanfiction writer for over a decade, but have never had the chance to work on anything collaborative outside of a singular joint fic I wrote a few years ago. Over the years I found myself watching other writers getting to be part of projects like Zines and believed that was something out of my reach, but now I’m here, surrounded by a wonderful community, and part of a project I never saw coming. Words cannot describe how thankful I am for this opportunity!
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Friends don't look at friends that way
Malia x female reader
Teen wolf imagine
My parents are homophobic and I was raised to be a homophobic, but they are abusive and all and I realized that I didn't want to live by anyone's rules anymore, so I low-key cheer on LGBTQ+. And Malia is literally the only girl that's made me rethink my sexuality and here I am. So this is the imagine <3
Summary: yn has always been there for Malia, specially when she came back from being a coyote and getting her used to normal life again. She thinks they're just best friends till Malia says something that changes everything.
Warnings: these is my first time writing with these bi thing so please tell me if there are some incorrect things.
Yn had always been there. Since the start. Since the day that malia turned back into a human girl, yn had felt like something had strung them both together and she called it friendship.
Malia also felt like something was pulling them together, she had felt attracted by her, by the wayyn was so kind, the sound of her laugh, the way her eyes lit up when she was happy. The way she smelt like home, she felt safe whenever she was with her. She knew there had to be something more than just friendship, but she didn't really dare to say anything. Not really.
The pack saw how you two were close and talked between themselves that yn and malia should just start dating and spare them all the drama.
And their wish had come true when in senior year.
The dread doctors business was a nasty one, you didn't know who was a human who was a chimera and yn lived in constant fear that something bad would eventionally hurt her friends.
Yn was human and Malia tried along the rest of the pack to protect her at all cost but they failed when she was taken by the dread doctors along with Liam and Hayden.
Malia freaked out. And that's when she realized hoe much Yn actually meant to her. More than a friend. Definitely a lover, bit a sinking realization hit her that yn wouldn't feel the same way about her. But she couldn't spare those thoughts, not here in the tunnels going around in circles whith no other lead.
"We'll find them malia" said Scott trying to keep the werecoyote calm, even when he himself was scared that he may lose two lives with he was supposed to protect.
"But what if we find them and they're not alive"malia complained giving him a look between desesperation and fear" what if YN's not alive"
Scott turned around to face her" well find yn, well find your best friend"
"Best friend" Malian muttered with loathing
Scott heard and the corner of his lips twitched upwards"you finally realized you had feeling for each other?" He laughed despite the circumstances.
"You guys knew?!" Malia exclaimed her voice bouncing of the walls creating echoes.
"We knew all along! It was the most obvious thing in the world" Scott shrugged his shoulders and kept walking.
"Yn probably doesn't like me she just thinks of me as a friend"malia protested, her voice emotionless. Keeping her feelings to herself.
Scott turned around once again facing her eyebrows drawn together "Friend don't look at friends that way, you two have looked each other in the eye a little too long to be just friends."
Malia raised her eye row at him "you guys have been watching us?"
Scott started walking beside her " we even have a bet going on to who will say their undying feelings for each other first"
"Yeah" answered Scott laughing
"We should put a bet on stiles and Lydia too"
While this happend yn had been slipping in and out of consciousness. And when she woke up, she was laying on the floor her head propped up into someone's lap.
She looked around her and tried to sit up.
"Thank God you woke up" yn turned around to see Liam to whom she was laying on and Hayden by his side.
"Where the hell are we" she asked looking around. They appeared to be in a old theater and a fence covered the only way out. She saw I was electrified and groaned.
"I thi k were in the dread doctors lair"answered Liam
Are you guys ok?" She asked the sophomores as she saw Hayden clothing her stomach were it looked like black blood staining her shirt
"Not really" replied Hayden clutching her eyes closed in pain.
"Don't worry Scott will find us" I hope she added in her mind as she went to the younger girls side holding her hand.
*A little skip to the good part cause is 1 am
Malia walked into the McCall house hold with tears threatening to fall from her eyes.
They haven't found them. Heaven only knew what they could be doing to them.
She heard Scott gasp beside her, and she looked up to see Liam and Hayden laying on the couch, Lydia putting a blanket over them as they slept. They looking over them protectly.
Her eyes searched the room but she couldn't see yn.
"She's in the kitchen" Malian turned around to see Theo giving her a knowing smile."she was asking for you"
Malia nodded to him and for a second stood there. Then she went and hugged him. "Thank you" she muttered and pulled away walking toward the kitchen.
She found Yn sitting in the counter a cup of coffee before her, she looked up when malia came in and gave her a small smile "hey there bestie"
Malia rushed over to her and hugged her"i swear ill kill them all" she muttered into her hair.
Yn gave a light laugh and hugged her back. Malia pulled away and sat in a chair next to her facing her.
They sat there for a moment just looking at each other yns hand in malias.
"Yn""malia" they both started and stopped and looked at each other laughing
"You go first""no you"
"No, but really Malia, you first"
Malia sighted and looked into yns eyes, she didn't know what to say. So she just looked at their intertwined hands and sighted.
"I dont ever want to lose you again"she muttered
"You didn't lose me, I'm right here"yn commented.
"No you don't understand" said Malian looking up into her eyes against can't lose you, j can't because if I do, I don't know what I'll do"she looked straight Into yns eyes and yes heart picked up "I don't ever want to lose you because I love you yn"malia muttered
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Yn gave a short gasp. She didn't... she wasn't.... but what if... what if maybe she was... what if she loved her back.
Flashbacks flooded back.. yn and Malia driving together throught the town blasting music and singing at the top of their lungs. Them laying together watching the night sky. Them staring into each other's eyes. I little bit too much to be Just Friends.
"I.." she stammered. Malian waited for her response her heart beat picking up, as she stared at the girl who had her heart." I think I love you too" she whispered.
Then Malia did what she had wanted to do ages ago without realizing it. She kisses her. Malian put her hands to the sides of her face and yn put hers in her arms as she kissed her back. Lips fitting together perfectly.
Malia pulled back for a moment of air "yn would you be my girlfriend?" She gasped out
Yn gave her a wide grin "i'd love too"
Whoopings were heard from the living room and laughs and clapping of hands.
"Finally!" They heard stiles literally yell
"Finally I don't have to be gay alone" mason laughed.
"You guys have been listening in?!""again?!"yn and Malian both yelled.
They looked at each other and giggled
"Do you want to take this upstairs?" Yn whispered to malia
Malia just grinned and took her hand and as they made their way upstairs they heard stiles yell after them"remember to wear protection!" Then Lydia saying to him"they don't need one dumbass"
So what do you guys think? I tried my best buy its 2 am and I'm tired. So tell me what you guys think and requests are always open
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ninjadeathblade · 7 months
Moulin Rouge Discotrain AU (part twenty seven)
Summary: (Post-game canon) The Conductor and DJ Grooves agree to finally work on a movie together. They come up with 'Moulin Rouge', a musical drama filled with romance. Over time the two directors grow closer and discover that maybe they don't hate each other as much.
Beginning | Previous | Next
Word count: 1,073
Warnings: Mentions of blood
Author's notes: Please don't sue me. Everything will turn out well eventually. I promise.
Conductor rocked back and forth on the heels of his feet in the reception, waiting for Grooves to arrive.
It didn't take long for the penguin to show up.
"What's got you so excited, diamond?" Grooves chuckled.
Conductor's heart fluttered at the nickname that Grooves had started using for him.
"I've got a surprise," Conductor said, trying to keep his excitement from showing too much.
"For me?" Grooves asked.
"Well, kind of, yeah. It was gonna be a treat for myself but I thought you would want ta see it too," Conductor explained, grabbing ahold of the penguin's flipper.
"Where are we even going, diamond?" Grooves questioned as Conductor led him through the studio.
A few birds shot them curious looks as the two directors went past.
"If I told yer, it wouldn't be a surprise," Conductor told him, pulling the penguin into the elevator.
"Why are we going down here? Did you want to practise somewhere quiet again?"
"Wait and see."
"Oh so my surprise is down here," Grooves responded.
Conductor let out a huff of laughter, impatiently waiting for the elevator to arrive at its destination.
He let go of Grooves, flicking the lights on and walking out into the room.
The floor was clear, not a box in sight. The stage floor hadn't been repaired but the signs bearing his name had been removed.
"Is this why we had to wait for the cleaners to leave before we went to visit Roxie?" Grooves asked, walking out behind the owl.
Conductor couldn't keep a giddy grin off his face as he spun around in a couple of circles. "Yeah."
"It looks…amazing," Grooves breathed, looking around in awe.
"Come on!" Conductor took hold of Grooves once more, leading him over to the flight of stairs that led to the multiple areas of seating.
"Connie!" Grooves laughed.
"Here!" Conductor announced, letting go of the penguin and flopping onto the velvet sofa that occupied a balcony.
"You can see the whole room from up here," Grooves mused, sitting down at the other end of the sofa.
Conductor let out a hum of agreement, tentatively moving to curl up against Grooves' side.
The two of them sat there in silence for a while, just enjoying each others' company.
"So, um, there's something I think I need to get off my chest," Grooves said quietly.
Conductor pulled away from his friend, watching the penguin as he tried to gather his words.
"Take your time," Conductor told him, holding onto his flipper.
Grooves let out a deep breath, staring down at the floor of the ballroom.
"I like you a lot. And I know that it's unlikely you feel the same way but I needed to get it off my chest," Grooves explained. "And I understand if this makes it awkward for us to be friends. So, uh, sorry in advance I guess."
Conductor shook his head.
"You peckin' idiot. I like you too," Conductor muttered.
"I said 'you pecking idiot, I don't like you'" Conductor lied, panic searing through him.
"Oh. Okay. I'm going to go now for- uh- totally unrelated reasons," Grooves blurted, standing and rushing off.
Conductor mentally kicked himself, brain taking a few seconds to process what had happened.
"No! Peck! No! Wait!" Conductor rushed to his feet, racing down the stairs and towards the elevator.
Grooves was dabbing at his eyes with a flipper as the doors were sliding close.
Pain bolted through Conductor's left ankle as he put on a final burst of speed, throwing himself at the doors as they closed.
The metal let out a resounding clunk but didn't budge as the elevator went into motion, ascending back towards the studio.
"No! Peck!" Conductor cursed again, hitting a panel on the wall next to him.
A section of the wall opened up, revealing the hidden staircase.
He pushed through the pain, ascending the stairs as quickly as he could, tripping in the darkness.
An iron tang flavoured the air. A trail of red coated the floor. Left over from his battle with Hat Kid.
Eventually he stumbled out into the brightly lit hallways of the studio, slamming the hidden door closed behind him.
"Where's Grooves?" Conductor shouted at the first bird he saw.
"Mr. Grooves said that he was taking the rest of the day off and going home," the bird stated, eyeing him worriedly. "Sir, your foot is bleeding!"
"Don't care!" Conductor barked, moving as quickly as possible to the reception.
He let out a squeak of outrage as someone picked him up.
"Going somewhere?" Empress questioned, half-lidded gaze judging him.
"I need to talk to Grooves! Let me go!" Conductor shouted, trying to swing a few punches at her.
Empress easily dodged his futile efforts.
"No. I'm going to sort out your ankle first. Then you can go. Go and sing him a song or something. That worked with Scarlett," Empress replied.
"How do you-"
"Gee, you're dense," Empress sighed. "I haven't changed that much. Emily may not have had my power and status, but she still had my attitude and excellent fashion skills."
Conductor stared dumbly at the cat.
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"Miss Empress, please, stay out of the way!" Pinguini exclaimed as the large cat prodded at Conductor's ankle again.
"You really blew it, didn't you?" Empress sighed, crouching down to Conductor's height.
"Yeah. I messed up," Conductor agreed, trying to keep from crying.
"So what?"
"So, go get him, peck neck!" Empress shouted. "If you want to be with him, then you need to show him that! Do a big romantic gesture! Sing him a song like you did with Scarlett."
"Do not bring Scarlett into thi- ow ow ow ow, Pinguini!" Conductor shouted.
"I'm sorry sir but I have to! It won't get better if I don't make this brace," Pinguini argued, glaring up at the owl. "Besides, you need to be a little less of a mess when you show up at Grooves'."
"Woah, Pinguini's got an attitude," Empress laughed.
"I'm sorry, I'm just stressed with sorting out the last props and sets. Some of the penguins seem like they've forgotten how to paint," Pinguini apologised. "And I like Mr. Grooves a lot. I don't like seeing him upset."
"I know! I messed up! Now let me go!" Conductor replied, pushing away from the two of them.
"Now there's the Conductor I remember," Empress said.
"Shut up, peck neck."
"Good luck."
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erzsebetrosztoczy · 1 year
Thank you so much for writing that, I really enjoyed reading it. I love ivarr so much 💙would it be okay if I could request an imagine with Sigurd where him and the reader (a shieldmaiden for the clan) are dating but they have to break up because he is forced to marry Randvi. Sigurd asks eivor (male) to watch over her and always be there for her which results in eivor falling for her. (This is before they all go to England)
At your request 😌
Pairing: m!Eivor x f!reader
Word count: ~ 3000
Genre: angst, tiny fluff
Notes: Okay but I dig the "I cannot be with you, so I make sure someone else will keep you safe/company for that other person to fall in love with another so it's kinda a forbidden-love, love triangle I-live-for-drama story. Yesyes good soup :3 tempted to write about this more picturing Sigurd's reaction maybe??? Oh and I'm writing on sutdy break moments so the writing gonna be super slow but I try yall I swear I try 💀
„ No, this can’t go on anymore and you know this.” You sighed sitting up in the bed, the sheet's whisked a gentle breeze that stirred the bright flames of the candles around you. A groan left Sigurd's chest as he joined you, straightening up, his large palms came to rest on your middle, rubbing gentle circles into your skin. He did not respond right away, just sat there beside you, looking ahead as he came to rest his chin on your shoulder- tangled beard and ginger hair tickling your skin. 
"You're to marry her." You continued, tone balked and weak. "How can you expect me to keep my heart this way, as it is right now? How can you expect me to–"
"I do not, my love." He cuts you off with a timid hum, his words resonating throughout your back. "I don't expect you to love me the way we loved each other when this happens… I don't want to– I would never disrespect your honor and trust." 
You felt warmth on your cheeks, as tears broke off from the corner of your eyes, slowly making their way to drop down to your lap. It was no easy task, for neither of you. Sigurd was the clan's prince, the next in line, the only one who's right to lead the Raven clan. And therefore, King Styrbjörn made the decision to strengthen his position, the clan's safety and Sigurd's place by joining clans with a rival of his. Sigurd will marry the Jarl's eldest daughter, thereby forging an alliance with them. 
The duty of a son. The demise of your love with the Raven Prince. 
For weeks you have been consumed by the news, at first you did not believe that your love must soon end. Sigurd offered to go with him that very evening, desperate and hopeless. He will take you to a faraway land, where no one will know you, rank and duty will not matter, only you to each other.
But you both knew it would be an impossible undertaking; would the heir to the throne, who dreamed of following in his father's footsteps since he was a boy, run away from his birthright for the love of a simple blacksmith's daughter?
A girl, whose aging parents are waiting for her at home who loves her, who needs her help and protection. Who would remain among the voices, eyes and mouths in the storm left behind by their child's shame?
No, you were both more mature than that. You will take the responsibility that your ancestors have given to you, so that the white canvas of the lineage does not fail.
“I know, love. I know that.” You calmed Sigurd falling back, leaning your neck on his chest gazing up at him. Sigurd's arms crawled around your torso, reassuringly pulling your body closer to his as he gently rested his chin on the top of your head.
Your lips trembled as a new idea passed through your sweeping mind - a mindless, desperate, shameless idea, but you felt you might be able to survive the hardships that came with it. Your voice was thinning, almost whispering when you uttered the words.
"What if we don’t need to stop our love after all?" You proposed, waiting a few moments to gather the courage to continue. "We do it so that no one knows. They don't know it even now, anyway. It's just that...there would be another person there. During the day, her husband; at night, mine...?"
"Are you saying let's continue all this in the midst of even greater secrecy?" Sigurd's voice rang doubtfully. In addition to deep pain and sadness, bitterness seeped into his words. Are you saying you want me to pretend you're just a side issue? Like I just want to be with you in secret when my wife can't see it?” He moved quickly, you hardly had time to react to him as he crawled back and pulled your body into his lap, hugging you tightly, looking down at you with a worried look. It was then that you saw your dear prince's eyes were glistening with tears.
You couldn't give an answer, just to swallow against the huge lump that was squeezing your throat. You saw no other option but to…
“I will never put you in a situation where you think you're just an affair to me. I love you, my dear, with all my heart, and if it were up to me, I would have made you my wedded wife long winters ago.” He said, leaning down to place a soft kiss on your temple."I want you to be my wife, my partner who stands by my side. You deserve that, nothing less. I wouldn't dishonor you not even for all the treasures of Midgard. But I can't do that."
“So then? Will it all end? What we have? What we share, what we feel? How could I forget this…leave this behind..?” Your vision blurred as tears pooled in your eyes, the man's tall figure looking down at you from behind a wall of water. You waited and hoped for so long, after so many doubts and struggles, when you finally realized that there was more to you than simple friendship. After you were finally brave enough to cross that invisible line. Finally you could be together, and those moments were worth more than any treasure; you finally felt like you found that lost piece of your soul that you've always longed for. Finally, your heart was filled with him, you were happy with him, you were happy with each other. And now it's over? You will be banished once again to a harsh and dark barrenness without Sigurd's care and touch.
"Duty comes first. It doesn't just bind me, it binds you too, and you know that well."Sigurd slowly leaned forward, the warmth emanating from his skin comfortably covering your body, and fearing that he would soon pull away from you, you crossed your arms over his back.
"Whatever fate brings, my heart will be yours forever." 
"I belong to you and you to me as long as we live." His lips whispered, softly caressing your face, one last time.
The wind bit hard against his skin as Eivor walked across the creaking wooden planks of the dock, around him- the lights of twilight flickered back from the icy sea. The flames of the torches bent with each gust of wind, dutifully standing at the edge of the pier.
His brother waited for him — arms folded behind his back, standing at the edge of the dock, watching the icy, slow-rolling sea as the blues and greens of the night lights cast upon Mindgard. 
Sigurd took him aside for a word during the day, when Eivor had just returned from his dawn hunt- the stag not yet cooled out on his horse's back when he arrived. A single glance was enough for the young man to realize that something was wrong with his brother, Sigurd's usual serene expression, his eyes shining with peace, now dull and weak.
“Is there a problem, brother?" He raised his hand worriedly on Sigurd's shoulder, growing somber himself. Eivor usually cared for his own business, he didn't like to interfere in others' debates and troubles, but when it came to his brother's burdens, Eivor did everything to see Sigurd happy again.
As his piercing gray-blue eyes focused on Eivor, the young man thought he could feel the pressure of heavy burdens on his brother. Waiting for an answer, he scanned Sigurd's face, trying to figure out what was pressing on his heart.
Sigurd's eyes closed for a moment, a deep frown appeared between his eyebrows, and then they smoothed out just as quickly when he looked back at his little brother. 
"Meet me on the beach after dinner. I have something to discuss with you, Eivor." He announced and after a strong handshake he left, leaving Eivor with the prey he had killed.
The elder brother's gaze was lost in the distance, the unison ripple of the water moved the pieces of the ice armor broken by the ships. Fornburg was quiet at this late hour, only the lapping of the water and the whistling of the wind could be heard. Eivor walked over to his brother silently; standing next to the tall man, he folded his arms across his chest and looked around the bay.
He knew that his brother was not usually this solemn, something really important could be weighing on his soul. Like everything since childhood, the two brothers shared their troubles with each other, looking for advice and sympathy in the other. Eivor decided to wait for Sigurd, let him share his problems with him at his own pace, he would not force this out of his brother.
For a while they stood motionless , silently appreciating the company and the discretion, as the two brothers had done many times before. After a long sigh, Sigurd looked up at the sky, blowing white mist into the air. Waves of colors seemed to follow the sea, the threads and shapes did their eternal dance in silence. 
I presume you heard the news from our father.” The taller brother spoke, hoarse. Eivor glanced at his brother who kept his eyes on the sky- as he nodded. Oh, now he understood what it's all about. Oh, he now understood what it was all about.
"I follow our father in the leadership of the Clan, my duty is to keep my people safe; to give them a good life." He continued, raising his gray iris to Eivor.
The blond lad straightened his posture, his brother's look suggested that his help would be needed now more than ever.
"You will be a good leader." Eivor tried to reassure Sigurd,with  conviction in his voice. Sigurd weakly acknowledged the words with a half-smile, but his eyes only exuded sadness. "No matter what happens brother, you’ll always have me by your side. I'll help you no matter what."
Sigurd wrinkled his nose wryly, as if a white-hot knife had been thrust into his side, as if it caused him immense pain to even talk about it.
"I entrust you with a serious task, brother, because you are the only one in the world in whose hands I would place my life."
An anxious, tight lump grew in Eivor's stomach, waiting for the question he had suspected since their father had told him of Sigurd's betrothal.
"You have to take care of her." Sigurd finally breathed, his voice breaking in the evening frost. "Be there for her and make sure she lives the life she deserves. The one we both know she deserves." Sigurd made him promise. .
Stretching your legs, you jumped off the rock, splashing the sparkling water onto the sand in the shallows.
"The fish must have heard that the dreaded Wolfsmal was stomping this way and ran up to the trees in fright." Chuckling, you strode over to Eivor's side, hands clasped behind your back, chin lifted to examine him as he stood in the stream with his breeches pulled up to his knees, fishing line in hand.
The man huffed one with pretended rage, lifting one leg in the stream, he kicked towards you, soaking your thin linen apron. You squealed and jumped back- a grimace of surprise and astonishment plastered on your face.
"Evor!" You shouted insulted, immediately bending down to return the “kind” gesture to the man by dipping your arm into the ice-cold spring. Laughing, you rushed at him, splashing the water back at him, that made Eivor dart backwards, his deep laughter echoing in the roaring water. 
“If you keep doing this, there won't be fish for dinner and then you can try to explain to Tekla what we were up to instead of doing the chores.”
"Oh, I'm not the one who stands in the stream for half a day without a catch!" You cut back, spraying a veil of water over Eivor's head again. Having enough of your duel wrapped the line around his hand, starting to move towards you, his strong legs carrying him with easy through the heavy upstream. Turning back to the shore, you stumbled out onto the dry just in time, when you felt the touch of his wet, cold hand on your upper arm, closing around your torso from both sides, erasing even the thought of escape from your mind. 
Your legs rose from the ground as you tried to kick free as one of Eivor's arms crawled under your knees, scooping you up in his arms like you weighed nothing.
"Put me  down, Eivor!" You rolled your eyes at him, but his huge smile just betrayed the mischief, hiding across his face. "Do you hear that? Don't you dare throw me in the—" You ordered, trying to sound menacing and angry, but just like Eivor's face, your own was beaming with childish glee.
The man firmly grabbed your legs and arms and spun around on the shore, slapping you in the face with his untangled, wet curls. Apart from the roar of the river and the birds' whistles in the green forest, only the laughter and shouts of the two of you could be heard far along the river. 
Sometimes, in moments like this, you forgot that what you call home now, was a foreign land a long time ago. A foreign country, with foreign people - but also a new beginning, a clean start. Leaving the past behind, you and your family came to this island in search of a new life.  At first, it was searing, almost unbearable pain that you constantly felt when you saw Sigurd beside another;  when you were no longer able to touch his scarred skin or press soft kisses onto his lips– all slowly drifted away in your mind and heart, leaving a throbbing wound, now only a memory for you.
Eivor was always there to distract you from them. As in battle, so in everyday life you sought his presence; your friendship - initially bonded by Sigurd- grew stronger, growing into faithful companions who were always there for each other at arm's length.
You knew that, and you felt it on Eivor as well; this bond was important to both of you. The two lonely souls, often separated from the clan, could have a kindred soul by their side. And you also knew very well that this arm's length was slowly shrinking. Pulling the thread of the bond on you ever tighter...
After finishing the game, you both started collecting your fishing gear and your own belongings, moving quickly and smoothly around each other. You glanced to the side from the horses, catching Eivor tossing his water-dripping mane back in frustration, leaving dark blue stains on his blue tunic. Sighing in amusement, you turned back to him, hands on your hips.
"Shall I help you?" You called out to him, but before Eivor could answer, you quickly stepped behind him.
You ran your fingers through his blonde curls, the thick strands gently tickling your fingertips. Eivor's shoulders relaxed with a sigh, instantly bending his knees so you could reach his head.
Not a single word was spoken between you, as your nimble fingers braided his long hair into a loose line, careful not to pull on his lush curls.
Finishing your work, you wiped your wet hands on your skirt, Eivor turned, towering over you as he  faced you. The man must have been two heads taller than you, so close to him you had to bend your neck back a little to be able to look into his shining sky blue eyes.
His eyes always seemed to you they were in a different color each time you locked eyes with him. Ice blue, light blue, greenish blue- it seemed that Eivor's penetrating gaze was the night light itself. It was as if Eivor carried a part of your past within himself. The water was still dripping from his beard and forehead, small drops falling onto your face. An arm's length away, you were always just an arm's length away from each other.
"Eivor…" You breathed softly, raising your palm to your cheek. You didn't even notice that your thumb brushed away a drop of water from under his eyes. He knew everything about you, and you knew everything about him, the days when you were alone in his absence passed so bitterly slowly.
His searching gaze betrayed his thoughts when it fell from your eyes to your slightly open lips for a few moments. And you caught the moment. Whether it was you or the man who broke the still moment, you didn't know. You only realized it, when his lips were on yours, soft flesh melting over yours as a hand crept across your middle, pulling your body towards his form. Eyelids closed, you eagerly answered the movement, capturing his tender bottom lips between your teeth. At this action, Eivor groaned into the kiss, eyebrows furrowing in concentration as he slightly skimmed across your lips with his tongue. The touch burnt your skin all across your body, tingling and pinching you, as your mind buzzed in excitement. 
The warmth left your lips too soon, cold air sweeping across your flushed face as Eivor leant back. His gaze felt so tender across your form, adoring warmth glimmered in his eyes, a hand rubbing your side up and down. 
The distance has now dissipated, a thread has grown stronger and tighter, as it connected your hearts, opening a new path for you.
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waitmyturtles · 2 years
I’ve been SO EXCITED to write this: KINN! PORSCHE! META!
Yes, I am terribly, terribly late to writing this and I admittedly only started watching the series with two or three episodes left as I was just joining Tumblr. But my dash pushed me to watch the series and I’m so glad I did. KinnPorsche is also my first Thai BL drama (actually my first Thai drama, too) ever, so if I’m missing any obvious Thai BL trope references, I apologize in advance.
The whole origin story of KinnPorsche is super fascinating, not the least that Mile Phakphum himself, as one of the lead actors and key producers, had full awareness of his own role both in plot and show development. Considering the central point I want to make in this meta, I think this straddling between reality and drama that Mile was able to achieve with screenwriter Pond Krisda helped the cast and crew to achieve the environmental effect that I think helped the show become the absolute success that it is. 
By environmental effect, what I’m referring to is the universe that KinnPorsche created. I’ve seen posts and tweets here on Tumblr refer to complaints by other viewers that it wouldn’t be at all realistic that such a universe as KinnPorsche -- one in which multiple family members, friends, and acquaintances are queer and/or exploring -- could ever exist.
That is such lazy and bullshit thinking, and I think the high majority of viewers who followed this show know that that discriminatory thinking is also bullshit. I know, and have worked with, families and communities with all manner of layers of queerness and spectrum-traversing identities and expressions contained in their circles. 
I’ve written before that what keeps me coming back to Asian dramas across the continent is that so much content is written to be family-centric in emotional and behavioral structures that I understand intrinsically as an Asian-American. Sure, there is PLENTY about KinnPorsche that kept me very hooked:
- gorgeous men
- gorgeous men in VERY VISUALLY COMPELLING situations, heh
- fabulous acting and cinematography
- fantastic balance of comedy, drama, and camp
- Tankhun, the absolute god(dess)
- Jeff Satur (he’s otherworldly!)
But as the kind of viewer I am, what I’m looking for in a drama is what’s unsaid, what’s left unspoken about the show’s internal reality. (For instance, I’ve written a lot about Extraordinary Attorney Woo, and how that show normalized the agency that an autistic individual SHOULD rightly have in determining her professional and romantic fates, despite society’s demands that she depend on others to make those decisions for her.)
What was left unsaid, unspoken, in KinnPorsche for me was a family aspect that I very much enjoyed, focused namely on our head patriarch, Korn. Korn, a man who’ll stop at nothing to ensure the success and security of his family as the major entity of an extensive crime syndicate. 
As I mentioned before, what I loved about KinnPorsche was the environmental effect of queerness as a given throughout the show. The only moment I can think of where we saw overt homophobia was Big forcing Porsche into Kinn’s room early in the series, and Porsche calling Big out. 
What I DIDN’T see in KinnPorsche was something that I think taints a lot of Western content about queerness -- namely (ugh), how do the other characters feel about queerness? And usually, those “other” characters I’m referring to are, say, cishet family members or friends who have to go through their journeys of acceptance for the main queer characters to be accepted in the worlds of those cishet individuals.
To me, this kind of construct is so unnecessary Western, centering on each supporting individual’s process of acceptance as a necessary plot line before the Western show can even create a world in which queerness is an unspoken given. (I want to quickly just say, as a tangent, that I think Western writers, directors, and studios think that Western audiences demand this, because our Western culture is so self-demanding, selfish, and self-referential. Namely, how could a Western audience ever relate to a universe of queerness? Western writers need to make their content about the cishet audience first, and queerness second. The last thing I ever need to see again on Western screens is a cishet parent coming to terms with a child’s queerness. We are in the 21st century. I don’t need those stories anymore!)
So, in comparison to these constructs that I continue to see in the West -- what did KinnPorsche give us?
KinnPorsche gave us a relatively sociopathic, relatively bloodthirsty, and murderous crime head in Korn, a guy who cares about his family in kind of twisted ways, and someone who clearly offs family members (like Gun and Thee) before allowing the business to be affected. In other words, he’s a good crime character, a wack-ass rationalizer who’s scary and calculating.
As far as I can recall, the only reference he ever made to the queerness of any of his three sons was when he spoke with Kinn about hooking up with Porsche their first night in the hotel room. And it wasn’t a conversation about, like, omg Kinn ur gayyyy?? It was -- what were you thinking, sleeping with your bodyguard? As a mom, if my kids needed bodyguards (wow), I might ask the same question!
In other words, Korn, at the moment of time that we saw in KinnPorsche, was just a dad. A crime-driven dad who cared for his family business and his sons. At no time did the queerness of his sons need to be separately contextualized for anyone else or anything related to work.
Tankhun and Kinn were integral parts of the business meetings and decisions. Tankhun gave his input -- fabulously, of course, but we never saw Korn wince. We never, EVER saw Korn embarrassed. To Korn, these were his sons, the men who would inherit the family business after his passing. Who they were vis à vis their queerness was never an issue for Korn, and never written as an issue for the show. Korn’s focus was solely about keeping the family and the business together.
I loved that the queerness of Korn’s sons was never separately contextualized or discussed. It was a total non-issue for Korn. He’s a dad who needed to run his business and loves his sons. That’s it. That’s the lesson that parents need to see and emulate as we raise our own kids (okay, maybe not the crime part, heh). 
While I complain about Western content, there are, of course, volumes of Asian BL shows that deal with the unspoken aspects of queer discrimination in Asian societies. 
However, we didn’t see discrimination in KinnPorsche, and the universe that KinnPorsche created didn’t NEED it. And frankly, while the show attracted its whiners, I think the show absolutely pulled off the universe convincingly. This may need its own meta, but Porsche himself as a fluidly bisexual lead was also brilliant and important and incredible to watch. 
The fact that there was no JOURNEY to watch, a journey of “acceptance” -- I didn’t miss it, and the show didn’t need it. The guys were there, they were themselves, and their world was theirs, without any other extraneous conversation about belonging or acceptance. 
After all that I’ve read and re-blogged about KinnPorsche, I’m thankful this is another one of the dramas I’ve watched that left me feeling totally blissed out after watching it. I needed a lot of time to decompress while and after watching it, because SO MUCH HAPPENED in that fictional world, and is still happening in the world of Be On Cloud and Mile and Apo and all the guys. I understand why the KinnPorsche tag and fandom are still cranking out content strong -- there’s so much to process. 
Mile and Apo and Pond and the Be On Cloud guys deserve all the success and joys that the show has given them, and I can’t wait to see the movie that they’re developing next. If the writing is half as good as KinnPorsche, it’ll be a joy to watch.
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tommykinard6 · 2 months
hi, it's me again, the anon with the "911 characters have no real ambitions" ask :) i agree with your take and the takes of the people who reblogged and commented on this. it's interesting to see other people's opinions on this, and i'm glad i'm not alone with it.
911 is solely about this one team and allowing this team to change in any kind of way would go against what the show is about in its core – i never expect it to change in that regard, hence my deep disappointment. especially during season 3, i was so hopeful that they might be brave and allow the characters to slowly test the limits of their own comfort zones and the rigid team dynamics. buck asked the others if they would all still be in touch even if they left the 118 (hen and chim admitting that they didn't stay in touch with former team members), and eddie said something like "this won't happen to us". and like, yes, that is the point! if they truly are a family, shouldn't they be encouraged to spread their wings and be allowed to be their own persons? it would not have hurt the 118 but rather enriched the characters and family dynamics. again, i get that 911 would and will never do that. you need much better writing to pull this off, after all.
in the end, the complete lack of real character arcs is a fatal flaw (or how the one user called it, a "build-in bug") and the inevitable demise of the show. in the long run, having set up the narrative like this, it means that nothing that ever happens to them will be allowed to have real consequences, that none of the drama is allowed to matter long-term, that none of the characters are ever truly challenged and changed and developed. comas and (near) deaths and suicide attempts and trauma and disputes and disagreements and attempts to leave the team and attempts to try different careers. all of it falls completely flat because we, the audience, already know how the story will end. there is no suspense. we know better than the characters that they'll end up back where they started anyway, so why waste our time feeling excited over things that won't matter. you can have the 118 go to space with their ladder truck in season 10 to save the world and there will still be zero suspense. you cannot rinse and repeat the exact same storyline every new season without the audience losing interest at some point, because flat writing can only keep you afloat for so long. new season starts out with some inconsequential drama (again) that triggers usually complete exaggerated reactions in the characters (again) which ultimately leads to nowhere (again) because in the last episode, the 118 family must be together (again). and again, and again, and again, and again. all it does is slowly but surely chip away at the integrity of the characters until you cannot even stand them anymore.
i agree that one can enjoy a good romcom movie or a romance novel where the focus is romance/love only, of course! however, there is a significant difference we must acknowledge here: you have one (1) overarching story arc with one (1) final resolution for those narratives (resolution usually means canonization of the main couple). with 911, though? you have years and years, seasons and seasons, of one (1) circular story arc. every season, for all the seasons, no matter what happened, the characters end up where they started, oftentimes completely nullifying things that happened to them which would have been pivotal points in any well-written narrative. but not in 911, because character development is the enemy. how much longer can 911 go in circles before it meets its expiration date and starts stinking like old fish? tbh, that has started for me in season 5 already, which is why i only pick and choose specific scenes to watch while skipping out on like 80%. it doesn't even matter. i'm not missing out on anything because there simply is nothing substantial to miss in the first place.
sorry that this got so long... i hope this doesn't come off as negative towards you or anyone because i'm just rambling sdkjds. i'm just sad and frustrated that the characters i really loved in earlier seasons, who had interesting and unique backstory and so much potential, will not be given real arcs and goals. they all have cool "begins" episodes, they all have cool pasts, they all struggled immensely! only to land and forever be stuck in the 118 hamster wheel where nobody is allowed to develop and leave. orz
Anon, I spent a couple days trying to figure out how to answer this. As I read your ask, I said to myself “it sounds like they’ve given up” and indeed, at the end, you said you pretty much have. So I’m not sure anything I say will help or shift your perspective on anything. While I fully respect your take and see where your concern is coming from, I don’t think I necessarily agree on all points.
I’m interested that you don’t seem to think the characters have had full story arcs. I think, fundamentally, that isn’t correct. Yes, they haven’t advanced in careers. But Buck used to be a self diagnosed s*x addict with commitment issues, family issues, self esteem issues, you name it he probably had it. Look where he is now. He’s grown up. His relationship with his family and his sister has never been better. He’s still not the best in relationships with women, but he’s come worlds from where he was before. Plus, he’s discovered he’s queer, which is absolutely huge for him. He’s gone through so many up and down arcs that I can’t even list. Every season, we have him moving forward. His arc is really beautiful. I didn’t even used to like Buck, but now I adore him.
Eddie Diaz. His arc is still very much ongoing, but it involves him digging through his PTSD and his own self esteem issues. He goes through the trials of being a single dad. We see him have a full on breakdown in season 5 because he couldn’t keep going on like he was. He even left the job briefly to work PR, but came back.
Bobby Nash. Came in as an alcoholic with a death wish. A little black book to fill before he offed himself. Now look at him. He’s married to Athena, he turned the 118 around from its regressive state into a family, and has in recent times still shown that he has in fact still got it. I think we get a little less drama with Bobby personally speaking but he’s still undergone a huge arc and I’m hoping we continue to get more.
Chimney. Oh boy, the arc on him is tremendous. From the man that lied to the girl he was dating and held very little care for himself to a dad, a soon to be husband, a very competent senior paramedic, and a loyal friend. The Chimney we have now is not the one we had originally.
Hen. She cheated on her wife originally. Their relationship in and of itself took a huge arc, through healing and learning to trust again to trying to grow their family to fostering and now looking at adopting. Through Karen almost dying and us learning where they began and how far they’ve come. Hen herself came from having to fight tooth and nail for respect and decency at the old 118 to the paramedic who takes over as Captain when the need arises, even though Chimney is technically more senior. She was the one closest to advancing career wise, as she was going to be a doctor, and while I’ll always be sad that didn’t happen, that itself was a rich and in depth arc that if she had continued on that path, would’ve taken her from us.
I could go on, but my point is that there are plenty of character arcs. We’re still going through all of them. Just because they may not involve career advancement or changes that may permanently take a character from us doesn’t discount their validity.
9-1-1 isn’t a show that will ever be a revolving door of actors and main cast and I’m happy about that. If anyone wants that, find literally any other emergency drama. 9-1-1 is a rarity in keeping most/all of its main cast. In order to keep that, unfortunately, we have to sacrifice some things. But that doesn’t leave us with a rom com. This show isn’t centered around romance, it’s centered around family and finding love (platonic and romantic) and growing personally. Romance just happens to be a part of that. I personally still find it suspenseful and love the big emergencies that they do.
You may not. Others may not. And that’s ok, we all have our preferences. I just don’t necessarily like seeing 9-1-1 written off so blatantly when it’s still a rich and developed show.
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leekimdramas · 1 year
Love Between Fairy And Devil Review (Spoiler Free)
Literally started watching it because of a gif of how a female lead can call a male lead a wife or something like that.
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Orchid is just an ordinary fairy who has a crush on a War God Chang Heng, and because of that, she wants to become better and more powerful.
By accident, she lets out one of the prisoners from Moon Tribe and hides him, so as to not get any of them in trouble. Little does she know it’s Moon Tribe’s leader Dongfang Qing Cang.
It took me half a year to finish this drama but I’m so happy that I did. My memory might be quite hazy because of that but I’ll do my best.
First of all, it didn’t take me that long because it was boring or something (maybe the second half of the drama) but I was just very busy with other dramas and life.
The start of the drama was a bit confusing, there were a lot of names to remember and a lot of characters but it was still a bit of fun.
There wasn’t a need to overthink things I just went with the flow and I enjoyed it. 
The middle was interesting to watch and the couple was cute but at that point, I wanted something more to happen.
And I think around the time when they came back from the human world I lost my focus a bit. I still enjoyed some parts and got excited about how Orchid has grown and how she wants to show herself as a strong queen.
Dongfang was also a cutie obsessed with his girlfriend and I enjoyed watching those parts, however, a lot of things seemed to keep repeating.
Chang Heng keeps coming to save Orchid, Dongfang, and Orchid have a talk about how they’re going, to be honest with each other but go back on their words. 
And even the side characters go around in circles and nothing much seems to happen until the very last few... Maybe even just 2 episodes where they have to solve the conflict finally.
I know a lot of people have talked about how Orchid’s voice is too high/childish and it’s annoying to watch and I thought so too.
I think, maybe it was a way to show her growth because later on in the episodes her voice sounds okay or I just got used to it.
Seeing Orchid’s character development really made me happy and root for her and at the same for Dongfang who’s always a little bit grumpy but cute.
The side characters are okay, they make a lot of dumb decisions but their stories sometimes come up to be very nice (Shang Que and Jie Li cough cough). 
As I said they also fell into the loophole of repetitiveness and I just couldn’t care about them. Some parts of the story even felt so unneeded too... 
Overall, I think it’s an okay drama. For me, it’s a bit overhyped, or maybe my expectations were bigger by seeing all the people excited about it.
I think it would have been better if it had fewer episodes, or at least come up with a way how to not be so repetitive. 
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bukojuiice · 3 years
— genshin boys as your college roommates who are head over heels in love with you
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ೃ ft. childe, diluc, kaeya, zhongli, and xiao x gn! reader
ೃ 400-600 words per character!  ♡
ೃ warnings: mention of alcohol drinking ( but aside from that, just lots and lots of fluff!)
ೃ this is my very first writing contribution to the genshin fandom, so i hope everyone likes it!  after 5 months of playing genshin, i think it’s safe to say my brainrot for it has finally consumed me and i’m confident enough to brew something up! <3
ೃ genshin impact masterlist 
ೃ if you want to be a part of my taglist, answer this form! ♡
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– You and Childe are the perfect embodiment of the best friends to roommates trope. Whenever you wanna sleep in for 5 minutes more and you’re about to run late for your first class, Childe never fails to slowly drag you out of your bed, laughing as he does so. “Wake up sunshine!” is the first thing you always hear in the morning and you don’t complain if you get to hear his smexy voice anyway. He is a confident flirt and is not afraid to show you how much he cares or how much he pines over you. 
–  He’s always always there to save the day. There was a time when your classmates stood you up on the group project you were making, and guess who comes up to you with glitter, glue, and colored paper? Childe, of course! He stayed up until the wee hours of the night with you just so he can help you finish it. He even promises to set things in a “very civil way” with your absolute jerk groupmates the very next day. You practically hang out with him 24/7 as most of the time he just barges in your shared apartment with some amusement park tickets on hand or to some expensive yoga or judo class. There’s never a dull moment with him and with each passing day, the more you fall harder for him.
–  After a morning jog with him and seeing cute little dogs frolicking around with their married owners, Childe suddenly had the urge to adopt a dog with you.  But, due to a no pets rules established by the landlord, the two of you opt to owning hamsters instead! Childe named his hamster, narwhal (after his favorite animal of course!) whereas you named yours bunny, to match his irrelevant pet name picking. your hamsters both share the same house/cage and even they are pining over each other.
  –  His siblings visit a lot, especially Teucer. At this point, there was never a day the little boy didn’t ask when are you and Childe going to finally become “playground playmates” (a term for lovers that they use in second grade apparently) since the two of you are living with each other and seem so close. Childe is always able to successfully change the topic and shift away from talking about the shared feelings that the both of you have for each other. But, alas, the day had finally came to be and during your monthly trip to the amusement park, Childe confidently confesses to you on top of the ferris wheel.
“So... everyone in my life knows that you’re my best friend. Yea, that’s pretty cool and all but... Can we be more than just that (Y/N)? Is there hope if I think there could be something between us?”
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– Diluc is your posh and rich roommate who sounds and looks too good to be true. The fact that you’re roomies with the literal heir to the country’s biggest wine and beverage company sounds like something straight out of a fanfic. But, it was of his volition to decide to live in a penthouse near Teyvat University. It was the doings of his step-brother Kaeya who tricked him into getting a roommate so that he won’t be alone for the rest of his college years... aaand that’s where you come in. practically barged into his life, but, you were a blessing. an angel sent from the skies.
–  He’s quite cold and unapproachable at first, only greeting you whenever he sees you but never bothered to engage in small talk with you. Even if the both of you go to the same university. It wasn’t until your second month as roommates, when you accidentally had too much to drink after a friends’ night out. You come home to see him in the living room, drinking grape juice from a wine glass, and watching a rerun of Hannah Montana. You practically collapse at the front door, he rushes to you and helps you up as you drunkenly confess to him in tears how you wanted to become much closer to him especially since the  two of you are going to spend the rest of your college years together. That was when Diluc realized how distant and aloof he’s been and vows to make it up to you.
– Diluc is very talented. Albeit in very discreet way, he makes sure to make use of his talents especially if it’s an opportunity to make memories with you. He is an amazing cook as much as he tries to deny it, He’s a secret virtuoso caught in 4k when you impulsively bought a guitar one time and you asked if he knows how to play, and he does so well. He practically serenades you in the most non-obvious way possible. Lastly, He’s very athletic. You invited him to play tennis one time, betting that if he won, you would do his bidding for the rest of the week. Before you could even blink, he wins. His “punishment” for you was that you accompany him in binge-watching TV Dramas. Grey’s Anatomy and Downtown Abby are just some of the shows the two of you would watch. It is absolutely adorable seeing him so invested in these dramas. and since the next on Diluc’s list were sit-coms, you were preparing yourself to answer his questions on the context of jokes that he didn’t get. In a poor attempt to flirt with you, he calls out your name and recites in the most Joey Tribbiani voice he could muster, “How you doin?” You were laughing so so hard that night because his pick up line actually worked on you and suddenly your realizations came full circle: you were very much in love with him too.
–  His naturally cool yet shy nature had always gotten the best of him.  He’s always wanted to ask if you wanted to carpool with him to school. Riding with him in his Tesla sportscar that goes 150 Mph? Heck yeah. However, it took quite a while before he could muster up the courage to ask you (4 months of being roommates until he finally popped the question) Since then, the two of you go home to and from University whenever you had similar schedules. Ever since then, Diluc had began to soften. His cold and hard facade slowly melted. Asking if you could help tie his floofy red hair then he’d let you play with it and let you style it in different ways. He takes you out on café dates during lunch breaks and take you out to watch a movie after both of your late night lectures. Everyone in campus thinks the two of you are practically together at this point. All that was left was to bare your feelings with one another through a fumbling and awkward confession.
“Words cannot not suffice these feelings I’ve been harboring for you since the very beginning. I L-like you a lot. Do you feel the same way too?”
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- Everyone loves Kaeya. Your friends and family, The School Faculty, The owner of the Convenience Store from down the street, The old lady who lives next door, The little kids from down the hall, and even the angry brown poodles from the farthest apartment to your right absolutely loved him. it was hard to keep up with having a roommate that not only were you crushing so hard on, but also had such a vibrant social life. Kaeya interacts and socializes with a lot of people and he admits that it does tend to get tiring at times. But, if these sacrifices lead to coming home to his cute roommate who has captivated his heart since Day 1, then it’s all worth it.
— Despite how warm and friendly he may seem, Kaeya is a very private person. He’s brought two or three friends like Jean, Lisa, Albedo, or Rosaria. But, only to discuss school affairs. He wasn’t the kind of person who trusts others easily, even if he was giving off the impression that he was a trustworthy and reliable person himself. He’d much rather spend time with you on days off from school. He may be a party guy on the outside (he insists he does it for future connections when he graduates) but he’s quite a homebody. Kaeya is the type to watch korean dramas and anime with you, go on late night convenience store cravings, and these always resulted in a perfect evening spent with him. When the both of you are fully immersed into the anime and things get a bit cozy, you rest your head on his shoulder, huddling for warmth.
— Kaeya would always come home with a little something for you. May it be take-out food, A trinket, a board game, an accessory, and even skincare products. The indigo-haired man is very particular about self-care and you bet that he’s bought different kinds of face masks, ointments, and even matching cute headbands just for the two of you! He’s very flamboyant and flirts with you a lot. Trying to impress you with pick up lines and suggestive jokes, but you always thought that he was just joking around because that was always a part of his personality. It was always a part of him. For Kaeya on the other hand, it seems to him that you don’t take him seriously and it's possible that you don’t return his feelings at all. He had to set things straight and it didn’t take long until Kaeya found the perfect opportunity to do so.
— With the help of practically everyone in the apartment, Kaeya is about to surprise you with a candle-lit dinner up on the apartment rooftop. His sly smooth-talking quickly convinced you that the both of you were just going to go out on your nightly convenience store trips. Your curiosity grows when he takes you by the hand, covering you with a blindfold, and whispering to your ear, “Do you trust me?” Gripping onto his hand tightly, the both of you go up some stairs and you reply, “Yes Kaeya, I do.” He slowly uncovers the shield from your eyes and your eyes sparkle at the sight of the candle-lit dinner, complete with jazz music, and a romantic view of the city.
“(Y/N)... You are the most precious person to me. I hope you can take me seriously, especially my feelings. I am saying this with my heart in my hand and with nothing but genuine love in my soul.”
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— Zhongli is truly husband material. You’re saying this as his friend, as his roommate, and as someone who’s absolutely smitten over him. He’s a third year environmental archaeology student at Teyvat University. Gentle, kind, and has nothing but wise and intelligent things to say. your lovestruck self can’t help but just admire him from afar, not knowing that he too has been entranced by you ever since you moved in.
—He's always the first to wake up in the morning. The first thing he does is make you a cup of coffee. He's got your favorite memorized, (Coffee with cream. Not to sweet and not too bitter.) The both of you own matching mugs, (written in colored scribbled letters, “The Wise Roommate” for Zhongli and “The Cute Roommate” for you.) He always wants to spend his free mornings with you. Both of you have different schedules so you never see each other at Campus and this was the only blissful time of the day you can spend with one another. Once you get home for dinner, (Zhongli is always the first to get home if he doesn’t stay too long at the library or strolling around the city) If it’s your turn to cook or if it’s his, he never forgets to brew you oolong tea after dinner. A perfect chance for the two of you to just talk the night away and engage in deep and meaningful conversations.
—Zhongli fell in love with you because you just quietly listen to him. Sometimes, you would share your thoughts and insights, even sharing your own personal knowledge that Zhongli had not known prior. You were one of the very few people in his life whom he could talk about absolutely anything with. Well, who wouldn’t listen to a handsome man who has a voice as smooth as butter? He is very passionate about his studies. Taking a lot of extra courses and spending a lot of money on his research. and so, most of the time, he spends all of his Mora on his extra studies (excluding the money he needs to pay for rent) and other interesting antiques. You understood why though. So, instead, you ask him to accompany you to do mundane chores. Going grocery shopping, doing the laundry and cleaning the apartment. He always helps in any way he can. The prying eyes of people around you and the old lady fr next door boldly coming up to you to ask if you and Zhongli were a married couple. You blush profusely whereas Zhongli coolly denies the woman's claims. It hurt quite a little but who were you to complain?
— It was during one of your night strolls with Zhongli. He had invited you out after dinner under the guise of wanting to have some fresh air and find a clear spot for the fireworks from a nearby festival. Your heart was thumping loudly to a non-existent rhythm, blissfully unaware that Zhongli was feeling a burst in his chest too. He clears his throat and his shoulders straighten. Zhongli puts his hand on your shoulder and breathes deeply. His cool and gentlemanly aura still radiating off of him as always. A wonderful array of colors fill the sky as his lips began to form the words he's always wanted to say:
"Tonight is beautiful isn't it? I thought that this would be the perfect time to open my heart up to you... You are a diamond in the rough that few see the beauty of. My beloved– Will you accept my feelings?
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—  Having a popular twitch streamer as your roommate was a one in a million chance. Especially if you’re not even an influencer or internet figure yourself. But, how did this come to be? Why have you developed a crush on Xiao aka VigilantYaksha without knowing who he was? A gamer with over 6 million followers on different social media platforms? Simple, a high-end apartment near Teyvat University had a special discount if you were willing to be roommates with someone. It’s an amazing deal, near your school, cost-efficient, and you believed the 10% chance of scoring a hot roommate as seen on reality TV and romantic comedies. It was like rolling through a Gacha Game and getting a 5 star character. As that “character” is soon to be revealed as Xiao.
— Things started off rocky at first. On your first day, he flatly welcomed you by the door, introduced himself, then quickly retreated back to his room. As soon as you locked eyes with him, he gave off a certain cold and unfriendly aura. You wanted to get to know him better. Maybe with a little love and care, he could open up to you and you could become friends! That same day, you had mistakenly thought of your room as his and you walked in on him streaming a horror game. He wasn’t spooked by the jumpscares. But instead, he was looking at you in horror because you’ve just exposed yourself to thousands of people. You wave at the camera, apologize, and left. Since then, his fans, (called the Anemo Tofus) have been shipping the two of you together. Creating fanfiction and fanart of Xiao and the mysterious roommate that accidentally walked in on him. They practically begged Xiao to at least talk a little bit about you, to which, he declined. When you surprised him with dinner (as a little treat since this was your first week with him) He sits across the table from you, his eyes gazing deep into yours, as he pops the question, in a very tsundere tone: “Would you like to appear in my streams? T-the Anemo Tofus wanna learn more about you. B-but, if you don’t want to, it’s alright! You don’t have to-” You cut him off before he could continue his doubts, “Xiao! What are you saying? I’d love to!”
  —  There was something blossoming between the two of you after that particular dinner with him. Starting with your first “roommate video” that you had thought of when you were brainstorming for video ideas. It was an Almond and Mapo Tofu mukbang whilst the two of you answered questions from fans! The viewers noticed how visibly comfortable he was around you despite his usual reserved attitude. He was cracking up a lot more sarcastic and self-deprecating jokes whilst Tofu filled both of your mouths. Outside of the confines of social media and inside the comfortable space that was your apartment, you and Xiao grew closer. Wearing matching hoodies, going on midnight snack runs, playing in arcades, and stargazing with him up on the rooftop as you contemplate about life and talk about the mysteries of the universe. There were times when you would stay up late doing school works and would accidentally fall asleep on the sofa. Xiao would come out of room because he periodically had cases of insomnia. When he sees you on the sofa, he can’t help but smile at your sleeping figure and admire your beauty. First. he brings all your clutter back to your room then slowly picks you up from the couch, into his arms, and brings you back to your room. He places a blanket on top of you and your stuffed plushies next to you so you can hug them any time. 
— On a particular night, you fell asleep on the sofa once again and begun to  have recurring nightmares. Xiao was there to witness you whimpering, muttering to yourself, and shivering to a mental image that he could not see. (He wishes he could erase all the pain that these nightmares were giving you) You subconsciously grab onto his hand, murmuring to yourself: “Xiao, please don’t go.” He whispers back, “I won’t.” Your nerves slowly relax when you feel the Yaksha squeezing himself to lie next to you on the couch. Holding onto your arm, he continues to reassure you that it was going to be okay. You grab onto him, hugging him from behind. He feels your heartbeat revert back to it’s normal pace and you return back to your peaceful slumber. “I’ll always be here for you, (Y/N). I’ll be here to protect you. Forever and always.”  Turning to you to plant a kiss on your forehead, you nestle your head on Xiao’s chest. He watches as you cling to him for love and warmth until he is slowly whisked away by his weariness, rewarded with a peaceful sleep he hasn’t felt in a while.
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“And they were roommates.”
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coonhoundcat · 2 years
Teleporting Villain x Hero Snippet
Villain materialized in the center of headquarters, just in front of the couch. "Oh, this is nice." "WHAT THE FUCK-" Hero scrambled off the sofa, slamming onto the rug in a shower of popcorn and cushions. "GRAB THEM!" Leader barked from the opposite end of the room, unceremoniously chucking their half-finished literature to the side with a violent crash. "GOD DAMN-" "MY PLASMA CHARGER!" Inventor screeched, sprinting toward the sizzling glass shards now threatening to set the carpet aflame. From their position on the floor, Hero frantically launched themselves at the Villain, catching them in a bear hug that sent them both stumbling a few feet over. "Hey, hey!" "Get the limiter cuffs! Quick! Before they teleport!" Hero squeezed aggressively tighter, their face pressed fully into the Villain's chest. "They're not going to WORK because they're not CHARGED." Inventor spat from the floor, where the shag material was starting to smolder, along with the edges of this week's best-selling novella. "Well how 'bout we don't keep that right there in the future, alright?" Leader cringed, red tinging their ears. Purposely avoiding the murderous glare sent their way, Leader delicately removed the singed paper-back from the growing patch of black carpet, setting the wretched thing on a coffee table. "Look, we'll just find ourselves another one-" "The ONLY other one in existence right now is in my old lab, chief." Inventor hissed through their bared teeth, casually reaching across the table. "We'll just pop over there, then-" "Three hours driving. One way." "That's fine- Hold on- why haven't you teleported out of here yet?" The Villain startled in surprise, tearing their eyes from the concerning image of Inventor just taking a direct fucking bite out of a signed copy of Cicilia Schwartz's newest teen drama. That was... technically edible. "Oh. Uh," They twisted a little in Hero's prolonged death-grip, "Can't teleport, fully restrained like this." "That would have been nice to know... Hero, stay just like that. Inventor, go get your other Plasma Charger" "I'm not driving for that, Leader." Despite being three-quarters of the way through the page count, Inventor was no less intimidating. ".... Right. Hero, hold that, we'll be back in six hours." Leader glanced mournfully at the remains of their afternoon entertainment, then turned to the door. "...... Let's go." "Wait!" Hero panicked, straining to catch Leader's eye without loosening their hold on the captive. "You'll be fine." Leader waved dismissively, following Inventor through the doorway. Hero and Villain stood alone in the center of headquarters. "Do you think you could be just a little gentler..?" "I'm not letting you escape, Villain." "It's just, my lungs...." "Oh, Geeze! Sorry, sorry!" "... Goddamn python." Villain glanced around the room, taking in the spacious quarters. It was a nice base, really. ".....Sooo....." Villain popped their lips, bouncing a little on their heels. "Pretty warm, 'innit?" "Yep." Hero did not move. "We're doing this?" "Yep." "Six hours." "..." "So you wanna watch something...?" "Absolutely." Hero glanced up briefly, breaking eye contact almost immediately. "Stay still." Hero shuffled awkwardly to the right, keeping their arms around Villain as they circled to stand behind them. "There, now just walk with me-" They stepped back together, once, twice, and abruptly collided with the front of the couch, sending them into a brief sideways stagger. "Okay, okay." Hero caught their breath, taking in the layout. "We're gonna have to sit back like this." "This isn't strange at all." "I know, just stick with me, okay?" "Not going anywhere. Lead the way, Hero." Six hours later showed Hero to be leaned against the sofa cushions, arms meeting loosely in front of the Villain sitting in their lap, pressed comfortably to the Hero's chest. "Can we watch something //other than 'Death by Mother Nature'?" "I'm the one with free hands, so I control the remote." Hero groaned, resting their chin on Villain's shoulder. The door slammed open, sending a jolt through both Hero
and Villain. "FINALLY. Hero, hold their hands out so we can cuff this criminal properly." Leader and Inventor shuffled into the room, the former stretching and groaning. Inventor still looked pissed. In the blink of an eye, Hero's arms were empty. A hand ruffled Hero's hair, and they flinched forward, sending a frantic glance upward to see Villain grinning down at them from just behind the couch. "No, not today." "THE FUCK." "Yeah, sorry, Hero. I lied. Nice place, though. It was fun." Villain's laughter cut off suddenly as they disappeared from sight. "What the Hell was that."
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softjakehoon · 3 years
Can We Pretend?
Pairing: Idol Jay/Reader
Warnings: Smut. For 18+ only, minors dni.
Includes: Corruption kink, friends with benefits, protected sex, squirting, mild choking, slight biting, rough sex.
Authors note: I might edit this later. I apologize for any errors, I wrote this at 5 am instead of sleeping. Lmao.
"Do you want me to stop?" He asked, in case you wanted to back down. 
You were watching a drama just a couple of minutes ago when he kissed you by surprise. You remember teasing him and questioning his innocence because of a scene in the drama where the main leads were hugging before having sex for the first time. 
Your brain stopped functioning for a while to remember how it all came to this. 
"Pft. Who the fuck hugs before having sex?" You almost choked on your drink out of laughter. 
"Why? Isn't that a normal thing for couples?" Jay asked you with innocence plastered on his face. 
"Are you being serious? You.. don't tell me you're still a virgin?" You were so shocked that you had to pause the drama you're both watching. 
"What's wrong with being a virgin? Also, you already know I haven't dated anyone in my life, why are you so shocked?" His lips pouting cutely as he argued.
"But that was 3 years ago, Jay. You're literally 21 now, you need to get laid." You teased him out of habit. A sting of pain suddenly grazing your heart at the thought of your best friend on someone else's bed.
"As if I have the time for that. Besides, I can't just hook up with anyone. I have a reputation to protect as an idol." He's right, you nodded in response. A sudden thought crossing your mind. 
"Wait a minute, how do you release tension then? Do you just get off by yourself or?" Your face inspecting his eyes closely for some hint. "Don't tell me you don't jack off either?" You were beyond shocked by his blank expression, showing no sign of guilt at all. 
"Holy shit, how do you even do that? You poor thing." You taunted him. 
"Enough, y/n. I'm fine, I have a lot of ways to release stress. Unless, you want to offer yourself to help." Jay knew he wasn't thinking straight when he said this but he maintained his cool and unbothered expression to see how you would react. 
"You want us to be fuck buddies, is that it? Fine, I'll help you." You weren't sure why you agreed without giving it a second thought. But you know deep inside you've been in love with Jay for 6 years already. For all those years, you tried so hard not to be overly affectionate and clingy to the boy you liked the most--in fear of him drifting away from you. You wanted to be someone constant in his life, someone he can go to whenever he needs someone to lean on. You wanted to be his soulmate. 
You've done a great job so far, but you're not sure anymore. How the hell are you going to manage pretending from now on? When you're overly sentimental and you tend to give meaning to every single thing he does. 
"What? How can you agree so fast?" He jokingly covered his mouth, pretending to be shocked. 
"What? Do you want me to take it back? It's not like this is my first time having sex anyway." You tried to act cool as much as possible, pretending that this setup isn't that much of a big deal at all. 
"Right. I'm not. But you're gonna be my first." You're almost sure he sounded hurt when he said that while looking deeply in your eyes. 
You couldn't resist it anymore. You wanted to be the one to erase his innocence but you were surprised when he kissed you first. 
You couldn't honestly tell if this is his first kiss or not because he's definitely good at it. 
You pulled away out of shock. You didn't expect him to be this good since you thought he's just gonna go for a quick peck. He looked confused at your reaction.
"Do you want me to stop?" He asked, in case you wanted to back down. 
"No. No, I was just shocked. I thought you were just gonna go with a quick peck, that's all." For some reason you can't look directly in his eyes. You're sure of it. If you do, you're gonna fall for him again, like you always do. 
"Well, we're not gonna go further with just a peck, right? Stop acting so shy, I thought you're gonna help me." He lifted your chin using his thumb, your eyes meeting in parallel. 
"You sure about this, Jay? I mean, I may get clingy after all of this. You know how sensitive I get. I tend to feel a lot of emotions." You warned him, followed by a fake laugh to ease the tension. You wanted to give him an idea of what could happen at least. 
"Then, don't. We're just using each other for sex, keep that in mind." You're aware he didn't mean to hurt you by this. He was just stating the obvious--drawing the line between the two of you for safety precaution. But this hurts, and you wanted him to take the pain all away, even just for a while. 
You kissed him roughly in frustration. He picked up your pace quickly, he really is a fast learner, you thought. And his lips, they're small and cute but they felt so damn good on yours. You grabbed his face, feeling every inch of his jawline, circling your fingertips on the mark on his neck. You looked deep into his eyes before gently sucking on it. He moaned at the contact, grabbing a fistful of your hair gently and pulling you back to a kiss. 
"Don't leave marks, y/n. I have a photoshoot tomorrow." He said, firmly. 
"Too bad. Wanted to fucking mark you as proof of getting your virginity taken." You chuckled. 
"Let me mark you instead, then. Proof that I let you take it." He whispered into your ear, biting into it gently, and kissing your neck while sucking on your skin up to your cleavage. 
You moaned from the sensation. You're already melting from his touch, you couldn't help but to rub your thighs together, wanting some kind of pleasure on your core as soon as possible. 
"Jay, I want your cock in me so bad." You whined, desperate to feel him inside of you. You palmed his cock inside his shorts, pulling it out. This is your first time seeing your best friend's dick and it was prettier than you imagined it would be. And you always thought he would be huge, but this doesn't even compare to the one in your dreams. The length, the girth, the tip of his cock, all red from arousal, leaking with precum already. Your mouth is watering from the sight. 
You couldn't help it. You dropped on your knees, eyes levelled to his crotch. You pumped his dick with your small hands, earning a gasp from him. You circled your tongue in his tip, gathering all the precum in it before fully deep throating him. He let out a growl this time, surprised by your sudden action. "Fuck, y/n. That's it, your mouth feels so good." You hummed in his dick, sending vibrations to his senses. You kept bobbing your head up and down, making sure to go as deep as you can, his tip hitting your throat making you slightly gag. You pulled it out for a moment to spit on it, and put it back inside your mouth, sucking him sloppily.
"Fuck, y/n. I'm close, keep going." Your jaw is starting to hurt a little, but you wanted to taste him so bad. You continued sucking him off while cupping his balls, massaging them gently. 
"Fuck, I'm cumming." He tried to get you off of him but you wrapped your arms around his thighs, pulling him closer. His cock, burying in your throat even deeper as he cummed. You looked up to him, eyes closed and mouth open from the pleasure. His head tilted back, and his hair slightly wet from sweat. The view of him from below caused a pool of wetness in your core. You milked him dry and swallowed his load without hesitation. 
"Shit, y/n. That's just.. insane. Come here, I wanna taste you too." He helped you get up, both of you smiling from ecstasy. 
You sat up on the couch, your thighs closed involuntarily trying to hide your arousal. "Can I?" He looked into your eyes, asking for permission if he could eat you out like a gentleman that he is. 
"Y-yes." You shyly answered. This is the first time someone is getting down on you after all. Your ex never liked foreplay and always went on ahead with penetration every single time that it hurts most of the time. Nervous of what's to come, you covered your face with your hands, not wanting him to see your state. 
"Let me see your pretty face, y/n. I wanna see how good I'm making you feel." He grabbed your wrist and placed your hand on his head, giving you something to hold on to while he flicks his tongue in your clit. He looked at you, your head tilted on the side, your mouth open releasing soft moans. He took the chance to put two fingers in your mouth, making you suck on them only to put them inside your cunt. He continued thrusting his fingers in and out while licking and sucking your bud, driving you insane from the pleasure, your arousal dripping down his chin generously. 
You grabbed his hair firmly as you focused on reaching your climax, clenching on his fingers. "Jay, I.. I'm gonna cum." You're almost out of breath at this point. 
He curled his fingers, hitting your g-spot several times that had you squirting around his digits. He eased you from your high, fucking your hole with his tongue and sucking on your juices. He looked up to you with lust all written in his face. His cheeks and chin, all wet and covered with your scent. 
"I always knew you'd taste good. Though I didn't know you're a squirter." He chuckled and sat on the couch. 
"Shut up. It's because it felt too good." You got up and climbed on his lap. He grabbed your ass to spread them and began kissing you again. The taste of his cum and yours both mixing in your mouth as you kiss him back. You began grinding at his erection, coating his length with your juices as he guided you by your waist. 
You're getting impatient at this point, wanting nothing more than to feel him inside you. You felt Jay searching for something in the corner of the couch, eventually bringing out a condom. 
"Why do you have that there?" You asked him, curious if he knew this would happen. 
"The boys left it here just in case. Didn't know I'd be the one to use it though." He tore the packaging and started rolling it down to the base of his cock. 
"You're such a good boy, aren't you?" You smiled at him.
"I don't think so." He whispered in your ear and bit your jaw, leaving a slight mark. You moaned a little bit louder this time. Surprised that it didn't hurt at all. "Aren't you such a pain slut? You're getting turned on by that? Huh?" His voice is so deep and velvety, making you clench your walls on nothing.
You started positioning yourself in his cock, slowly sinking down while biting your lip. He gasped from the unfamiliar sensation when he felt his tip enter you. You made sure to bottom all the way down, training your cunt to adjust to his size. 
"Shit. Move for me, baby. Be a good girl and ride my cock." He's holding you by your waist, pinning you down roughly. 
"Fuck, Jay. Your cock is so deep in me." You continued bouncing up and down, grinding back and forth on his cock from time to time whenever your legs would start to get tired.
Jay sensed that you’re starting to slow down so he started thrusting deep and sloppily into your core. You tried to meet his every thrust, biting your lips to keep yourself from screaming.
“Jay, I’m close.” He wrapped his right hand on your neck gently, while his left hand stayed at your waist. You're left at his mercy at this point. He’s in charge of the moment, giving you a smack on your ass as he growls from the intense pleasure.
“Cum for me, y/n.” With a couple of thrusts, you reached your orgasm, your walls convulsing around Jay’s cock that sent him to the edge as well.
He stayed inside you for a moment as both of you tried to catch your breath and then he pulled out after, discarding the condom in the trash bin.
He helped you get up and prepared a warm bath for you to enjoy. He knows that both of you just entered a complicated situation but he doesn’t regret it. As long as he’s with you, nothing else matters. 
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skinnyducky · 3 years
class act // v.h.
requested by @lovesicksofi​ 
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a/n this was quite difficult to write. i felt like half the time i was info-dumping and i didn’t want anything to feel redundant or like it was slowing the pace down. however, i tried my best and i think it’s good. i hope this what you were expecting and wanting !
vinnie hacker x plus sized!actress!reader
Word Count: 1544, edited
WARNING: fluff, mentions of death (not real) blood (fake) and stabbing (fake), language, and sadness... i think that’s all.
You were sitting at the makeup chair in your trailer, watching from the mirror as your makeup artist added blood to the corner of your lips. Today was the last day on set for you as your character in your highly anticipated drama film was meeting their demise. It was bittersweet, but after working for a good three months, you were finally happy to get it over with.
Being an actress was something you dreamed of doing. You went from being the sun in your elementary school’s “food chain” play to starring on Broadway in hits like Mean Girls or Wicked. Now, you were hitting the big screen. Though, when people found out about you, as happy as they were to have another talented actress in the business, they had a lot to say about your weight. You were more curvier, more fuller than most of the women in your field, and you faced a lot of criticism for it. No matter how good your acting was, you were always just the “overweight” girl.
At first, those words hurt, and it made you feel as though you wouldn’t make it in the industry. But then, you realized you had been working your ass off to get to where you are today. You damn sure weren’t about to let some snide remarks get in the way of you achieving your dreams. So, you kept pushing and pushing. Now, you had a leading role in a movie, starring alongside Margot Robbie and Brad Pitt.
“I think I need a little bit more pink in the eye.” You said to Andrew, your makeup artist. He rolled his eyes at you and continued to add blush to your cheeks.
“You’re dying, Y/n, not going to the club.”
You shrugged. “Nothing wrong with wanting to look good before I get stabbed.”
“Har, har…now tilt your head.” Andrew sneered, putting on my mascara. “So, where’s Jen? I miss her rants about contracts and stuff.”
“She’s with another client of hers. Something to do with dropping an album or whatever, I don’t know.”
Andrew snickered, screwing the top onto back onto the mascara. “She’s managing music artists too? Isn’t she quite the manager.”
“Tell me about it. I get lucky if she ever she shows me any attention.” You laughed as you pulled out your phone and started scrolling through Instagram. You went through and liked a bunch of pictures until you stopped on a certain person’s photo. A smile plastered itself onto your face as you admired the shirtless shot of your boyfriend, Vinnie.
“Is that the boyfriend I hear so much about?” Andrew grinned.
“That’s him indeed.” You answered with a smile. “His name’s Vinnie.”
You and Vinnie had been together for a good year. You both met at some sleazy influencer party. With you both clinging to wall, clearly not wanting to be there, you two made small talk. You chatted it up about everything: from favorite colors to Elmo, your conversations were wild. At the end of the night when you were getting ready to leave, he asked you for your number—much to your surprise. With glee, you gave it to him and thus led to a beautiful relationship. Of course, there was hate, people questioning what he was doing with you and mocking you because of your weight. But you weren’t focused on that. You had a gorgeous boyfriend and a blossoming career right in front of you. Jealous fans were the least of your worries.
“He’s a cutie, Y/n. You bagged a baddie.” Andrew joked, spritzing some setting spray on his masterpiece. “So, when can I meet him?”
Just before you could respond, the door to your trailer opened. You turned around and shrieked with excitement as your boyfriend wandered in. “I got lost and met Margot Robbie.” He said, causing you and Andrew to laugh. “Hey, babe.”
Vinnie stepped beside you and planted a kiss to your forehead. “Hey, baby!” You squealed. “This is Andrew, my makeup artist.”
You pointed towards the MUA who merely waved at Vinnie before pulling out his phone. “He’s not really social,” you said. “So, what are you doing here? I thought you were doing a sub-a-thon?”
“Well, I was going to, but I decided to come visit you instead.” He replied, moving to stand behind you. He wrapped his arms around your shoulders and rested his chin on your head. “Aren’t you happy to see me?”
“Of course, I am. I’m always happy to see you.”
He grinned and went to kiss your lips but before he could Andrew stopped him. “Not on my watch, sir. That took an hour and a half, and I really would like to not spend another one redoing it.”
You snickered, turning to Vinnie. “He takes his work seriously.”
“Duly noted.”
You and Vinnie shared a laugh and talked for a minute before you were called to set. After getting dressed in your tattered dress and fishnets, you left your trailer with Vinnie following behind you. Now, you were standing in the middle of a trashed hotel room with Brad Pitt across from you and Margot Robbie standing a few feet away. Vinnie stood with the crew as your director explained the scene thoroughly to you.
“Ginger”—he pointed at you—“is being attacked by Paul”—he pointed to Brad Pitt—“and Susan is banging on the door to help you, but it’s locked. When she opens it, you’re already dead, got it?”
You and the other two nodded before the director rushed to his seat behind the camera and yelled, “Action!”
Once the camera’s started rolling, it was like a shift for you. No longer were you Y/n, you were your character, inside and out. As Brad’s character, Paul—safely—flung you across the room, Vinnie couldn’t help but feel a little pained. He knew you were acting but seeing it, it hurt him a little. Margot’s screams rang throughout the set as she banged against the door. “Don’t hurt her, Paul!” she cried.
Tossing you onto the floor, Brad stood over you menacingly. “You wanna screw me over, bitch!” He shouted, gripping the straps of your dress as he pulled out the fake pocketknife in his back pocket.
“Please don’t do this, I’ll do anything. Please,” You cried, gripping onto Brad’s wrist. “Don’t, Paul…don’t do this!”
Vinnie gulped back a sob as he watched the scene unfold with tears pricking the corners of his eyes. Why am I acting like this? He thought. This isn’t real. But it felt real, all too real. It no longer felt like he was on movie set, no cameras or crew. To him, you weren’t playing a character, you were still Y/n…and you were being hurt. He couldn’t take it; he wanted to intervene and save you…but he couldn’t…and that broke his heart.
Soon enough, the epic moment came, and Brad plunged the “knife” deep into your abdomen. You let out an ear-piercing scream, sending chills down everyone’s body. Your breathing hitched as blood poured from your partly opened lips. And then…your body went limp.
And with that, you we’re back to Y/n. The director ran over to you and pulled you up off the floor. “That was fucking amazing, oh my god! I’ve never worked with anyone who could convey that much emotion before!”
“Thank you!” You blushed. The rest of your cast and crew members flocked around you, complimenting you on your incredible performance. However, as you looked around, you noticed a specific someone missing from the small crowd. As you humbly accepted everyone’s praise, you said your goodbyes and went to search for you boyfriend around the set. When you didn’t find him, you headed back to your trailer. Before you opened the door, you heard the sound of soft cries. With furrowed brows, you walked into the trailer and there was your boyfriend, crying into a pillow on your couch.
“Vinnie? What’s wrong?” You cooed as you sat next to him and rubbed circles on his back.
He shook his head, keeping quiet. “Vinnie, just tell me. I’m not gonna judge you or anything.” You said.
“All of that…I know it was fake and it was just acting, but it felt so real. Seeing you just…die, it hurt me, y’know? I don’t know if it’s because you’re fucking good at what you do or if it’s just boyfriend instincts but, seeing that and knowing I couldn’t do anything to stop it…it was painful.”
“Oh, Vinnie.” You sighed, wrapping your arms around him. “I’m still here, babe. I’m alive, okay? Nothing actually happened to me.”
He nodded into your chest. “I know, but it was too real. I just had to leave.”
“And I understand. Had I known you were planning on coming, I would’ve warned you ahead of time. I didn’t know seeing me acting out a death scene was going to leave you like this. I’m sorry.”
“Y/n, you have nothing to be sorry for. It’s just me being worried over you.”
You smiled, “Well, you have nothing to be worried about.” You placed a kiss on top of head and started to stroke his hair.
“I’m safe.”
“And a damn good actress.” Vinnie added.
“That too.”
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tokrev-roses · 3 years
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Mikey’s s/o gets/got hurt by a rival gang – Headcanons + tiny drabble
Genre: Drama, tiny bit of Fluff and Angst
Warnings: Mentions of abuse, bruises, and fighting. Nothing too heavy or graphic, since this is rather short
There is so much room for all kinds of scenarios
Mikey goes to war with gangs, that hurt the friends of his friends so you can imagine what hell would break loose, if someone comes for his partner
First of all, is Mikey able to intervene while it still happens, or does he find it out afterwards?
If he arrives at the scene and the are still bullying you, standing around you in a circle, he will not hesitate and destroy each and every last one of them
I mean it
Mikey protects the things that are important to him with his life, not able to bear losing them
But that sounds more romantic than it really is
You will have stand there and watch as he punches one after the other
He is in total tunnel-vision, the damage he causes far more severe than what they did to you
Since you’re usually not involved in the rougher gang stuff, It would be the first time you see the Invincible Mikey, Leader of Toman, with your eyes
And let’s be serious: the brutality would shock you
besides your better judgement, you go and try to stop him
Your voice fails to reach him, he hears it, but it is dull muffled, as if under water
You do not dare to touch him
Only if you finally scream, begging him to let the bloody face of the middle schooler go, he would be freed from the shackle of his dark mind
Mikey knows his demons, he himself fears that numbness inside of him, although it comes in handy for things like this
And now he doesn’t know what to do, bloody kid beneath him, your tear-stained face in front of him
He is genuinely terrified and frozen
Now it is on to you to take the pieces and put them, put him back together
Mikey needs people to do that for him, he cannot do it himself
Take his hand, lead him away, lend him your strength
As I have mentioned in another post, he is someone who needs emotional guidance, so please guide him
Talk about this, tell him, that he overreacted, tell him what he should have done, do it right after the incident. It will be one of the only times when lets his guard down completely, when he will take your words in. he might not fully understand, might even question you, but deep down he absorbed every word, and he will think about it for the next days and weeks
Different scenario if he were to find out later
 You tried. You tried to keep Mikey away from you. You faked to be sick, convinced your parents to let you stay at home, told Draken, that you had the flu and that he should, under no circumstances, let Mikey come close to you.
Why? You asked yourself. Why not just tell him and let him have his way with the guys that harassed you on your way home. Show them, what he was capable of.
The answer was simple: You wanted to protect Mikey. From those vile people, from starting a gang war just because you couldn’t protect yourself, but most of all to protect him from himself.
You had seen his wrath, deadly determination in his eyes, stone-cold darkness freezing his soft features. You didn’t want that to happen.
Your mirror reflected a gloomy existence, unsure, whether the short lie would do the job. Those bruises would take longer than a day to heal, that was for sure. The bruises on your wrists were a morbid tattoo of the big hands your abusers kept you in place with. Similar marks could be found on your jaw, where they had used equal force to keep your face up.
It was impossible to convince your parents a second time, they hardly believed the badly acted coughs and headache this morning. And Mikey was like a satellite, revolving around you, showing up when he deemed fit, not when it was convenient. And Draken was only able to do so much. Mikey had the last word.
The piercing sound of the bell made your heart skip a beat. You had a queasy feeling, and the soft voice of your mother confirmed your suspicion
“Hello Mikey, have you come to see y/n?”
Draken had failed and now you were doomed.
Silence. 5 Minutes had passed since his arrival and no one had said anything. Draken had left the room 3 minutes ago, unable to bear the awkward tension in your room.
You couldn’t do anything but stare at your feet, a wet layer lingered on your eyes. You were ashamed. Ashamed for lying to him, ashamed, that he had come her, bringing all kinds of medicine in plastic bag, ashamed that you were so weak to begin with.
You took all the courage you had left and looked up into his face. You were met with a Mikey you knew to well, a Mikey you hated to see. His tense jaw and straight lips weren’t the scariest thing. The black orbs, absorbing every light, cold and hard, just like the person they belonged to.
The bag fell on the ground as your body collided with his. You were used to make the first step when it came to Mikey, but this was the hardest on yet. Your arms stayed limp beside you, and so did his. But your face was hidden in his neck, while he laid his head on yours, the weight being nothing but comforting.
“It is okay, you know. I’m fine.”
Your soft words were met with silence. With anyone else, you would be worried, scared, that the person would be too angry to speak or too disappointed to answer. Not with Mikey. It meant he gave you a chance. He listened.
So, you told him what happened. That those guys messed with you, but that you managed to run away. You told him, why you lied. That he shouldn’t make your problems to his problems. You told him the name of the small street gang, because you knew he’d ask for it anyways.
“Mikey. I don’t want you to fight them. Please.”
Silence. Again.
He thought about your words. Considered them, questioned them, and came to his own conclusion.
Your wrists interlocked behind his back, to make your silent plea more prominent.
He mirrored your actions, like always, like your Mikey does.
There was no blame, no accusations, just Mikey, you, and your beating hearts.
“Y/n. Tell me.”
“Tell me…what you think. Always. Don’t keep your thoughts from me.”
He could feel your hesitant nod.
“And I won’t be able to keep your promise. We will have a talk with them.”
Disappointment was about to flood your mind when he continued:
“Me, Ken and you.”
And the negative feeling turned into relieve. Because there was no way you would let him lose himself in his dark place while you were around. You collected his pieces and glued the back together. That was your purpose, that was, what he needed.
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 So, I didn’t really understand whether you’d prefer headcanons or a fully written scenario, so I went for a mix. If you are unsatisfied, please let me know and I will write something else!
Wishing you a happy day,
Rosalie 🌹
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