#you pick !!
yasenek-0 · 3 months
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Jazz gets death threats working at Arkham Asylum. She thinks they’re hilarious. I mean, it’s hard not to laugh when you’re technically considered Queen Mother of The Infinite Realms. In her mind, the notes are basically telling her to go home and hug her brother/child.
The Batfam are growing increasingly concerned and confused as to why she doesn’t take these threats seriously.
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writing-to-survive · 5 months
"You misunderstand. These weapons—"
"Children! They are kids," the protagonist rasps. "I swear to God I won't let them go any further with your plan if you see them as weapons and not breathing, living kids!"
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destiny-slayer · 2 years
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aimseytv · 1 year
drag king names. go.
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samandcolbyownme · 3 months
So I have an idea. But I don’t know who to write it around so I’m going to let YOU guys chose, majority rules ok!!
This is my idea - I am going to write for once my current one shot is complete.
Reader is hired as a PI (private investigator) by a rich family who is curious about [whoever] and while investigating, reader falls for him and gets caught but I want to put a twist in it sooo bad so I’m not gunna say what I’m thinking 👀
But please. WHO SHOULD BE THE GUY???
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andorshitdaily · 17 days
Bored on a Friday so I'm outsourcing my entertainment to y'all.
It's been 541 days since the season one finale of Andor. What do you guys miss the most about the show?
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teecupangel · 9 months
I sometimes think about Desmond in a transformers au, where he'd either be a human trying to avoid the whole alien robots coming to earth or is a bot trying to stay out of the war
(I like to think he'd transform into a motorcycle lol)
I mean… why not make Desmond’s life miserable (affectionately) by making it both?
So let’s do the usual Desmond is the ultimate isekai protagonist and kick him in the Transformer universe of your choice after he dies after operating the device.
Desmond finds himself in a world very similar to his own that the only difference is that there are no Assassins or Templars or even Isus in this world. If you want to give him a headache, this world has Assassin’s Creed as a fictional franchise that started out as a video game.
And it’s only small blessings that the name Desmond Miles is not that weird and he doesn’t look like the game Desmond Miles because the game Desmond Miles always have a different face in each game.
So, anyway, the Autobots and Decepticons start their war again here on Earth and Desmond is trying not to be part of it.
Unfortunately for him, it seemed that the war keeps following him for some reason.
Desmond thinks it’s a coincidence and he’s just focus on helping people escape the destruction that comes with the Decepticons not having any problems with collateral damage and the Autobots only being able to prevent so much before having to focus on actually trying to take down the Decepticons.
Desmond almost gets crushed by the rubbles…
Only to be able to get into safety by turning into a motorcycle.
What. The. Fuck.
He doesn’t know it yet but…
The reason why the Decepticons and Autobots are always in the vicinity where he is or seemed to be going the same direction?
They’re looking for the same thing:
The Allspark, a powerful artifact from their world that is said to be able to create new Transformer life.
And they can only get the ‘area’ where it’s supposed to be, not its exact location.
Something that they find to be strange.
They believe that one of the humans might have it but that’s not possible because the AllSpark cannot be held by a human.
None of them can even think of the possibility…
That the AllSpark has taken human form.
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keijidraws · 3 months
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Who are they?!?
Sometimes I immediately know who I’m drawing, and other times I have a pose but no clue who they are, lol!
Mind helping me out? Who should they be?
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sugume · 4 months
WAITT how does Sukuna find us in the human realm!? Was he just wandering up and down streets ☠️
LMFAO yea he walked up and down street yelling ‘my mate! Come out come out wherever you are!’
HMM ok but I was thinking about this a few days ago,,and Sukuna didn’t find her himself? I feel like when reader turned of age he felt something. He went around searching his realm and other realms and kinda gave up and sent some of his trusted men who he knew wouldn’t terrorize humans up to the human realm and eventually they scented reader and kidnapped her!! 😄😭
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thebottomfromhell · 9 months
Ace! Y/N: I really don't feel like I'm missing anything. I just don't want to marry or any other type of romantic relationship and have intercourse.
Kokushibou: .... You are supposed to want to?
Y/N: .... Didn't you say you had a wife and children?
Kokushibou: .... Isn't that a duty?
Y/N: ..... I don't know who I pity more. If you or your wife.
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darkcrowprincess · 1 month
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Richie seeing Eddie's ghost post it chapter two.
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emberfrostlovesloki · 5 months
Writer's Block and Creativity [a ramble]
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Photo credits: Left (@life-and-love-in-a-myst) Center (@shakespearesdaughters) (Right (@hotch-girl)
Let me put a poll in here before I start the rambling part of this post. I've got two pretty fluffy story ideas. One is for Aaron and one is for Emily. Which would you like to read first? They will be reader inserts as always. Hotch's is with BAU reader and Emily's is a Non-BAU reader. I'm equally excited for each, thus letting you all decide. (The poll will be up for 24 hours)
Now to the rambling. I was close to feeling very burnt out and having lots of writer's block at the start of this week. I just couldn't think about anything new like I normally do. And I think this process is natural for any writer or artist. It's bound to happen eventually. That feeling may hit me again tomorrow. But now that I'm back in my own apartment (I was at my mom's place for a little over a month for the break), I feel the spark again. it's not a raging fire, but I hope to stoke the flames gently. Writing is something I've been working on for some time. It's been my friend for years. So I guess I just want to encourage those who are feeling like they have nothing left to give that that's normal and fine. You can take a break. You can rest. The ideas will come when it's right. And I'm proud of you for ever having put a single word on a page (published or not). [I'm telling this to myself too.]
I'll probably delete this later, but just felt like saying that I don't always love what I put out. And that's okay. I still did the hard thing, and I'm proud of myself for it.
Love you all! Levi - ❤️
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writing-to-survive · 5 months
"They hurt me," she whispers.
A voice bellows in the back of her head. "Then hurt them back."
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static-errorcode-13 · 4 months
so I need a bit of help
since I liked making the last video so much I wanted to make a another so u was wondering what song i should do
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burymeinariver · 1 year
Y'all: Avengers Halloween
Natasha wouldn't usually dress up for Halloween but Clint dragged her into doing a couples costume. The costume pair was Kim and Ron from Kimpossible.
Steve was blackmailed into being a Teletubby, more specifically Po, by Bucky.
Tony paired up with Rhodey and Bucky and they were The Powerpuff Girls with Tony being Blossom, Rhodey being Bubbles, and Bucky being Buttercup.
Sam was Zazu from The Lion King
Bruce was a dinosaur as per the Hulk's request. He was a Stegosaurus
Thor dressed in drag, which was influenced by Peter and Shuri
Peter, Shuri, Ned, Harley, and MJ were The Croods. Peter was Guy, MJ was Eep, Harley as Grug, Ned as Thunk, and Shuri was Ugga
Pepper agreed to be the grandma
They have a contest and Steve won, mostly because they found out he had never seen Teletubbies. They mark it down on the 'Ways To Torture Steve' list
Tony and Bucky disappeared halfway through the night with an eyeroll from Rhodey, who was the only one that knew they were together after he walked in on them making out in Tony's lab
There were multiple videos taken and posted to the official Avengers social media by the kids
Look, I know it isn't Halloween but this has been in my mind for a really long time and I needed it to leave
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