#BTS love story
azucarmorena97 ยท 9 months
Roses || (Namjoon Short Story) Pt.1
"I wish you well. I wish you roses while you can still smell..."
The untouchable man let you stroke his ego but could never be what you needed him to be. You both knew what it was from the beginning, but it didn't stop you from falling in the worst way possible...
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The night you met him, rain was pouring down like you'd never seen; In hindsight, probably an omen of what was to come.
You were drenched and, not having expected rain that day, you'd forgone a coat over your dress. The usually packed city streets were emptying rather quickly as people ran into different shops to find some sort of shelter, and you did the same. You'd settled under an awning, crossing your arms over your chest as you watched on in horror. "How the hell am I getting home...?" You muttered, kicking the toe of your shoe into the ground.
Suddenly, the door to the business you were standing in front of swung open, bumping into your side. "Watch it," You said irritatedly, furrowing your brows. "Oh my- I'm so sorry. I didn't see you-" A man emerged from behind the door, a bag hanging from his left wrist while the right held his partially opened umbrella. He wore a nice gray suit, though his tie was loose around his neck and his coat sat ON his shoulders rather than him wearing it. He looked oddly familiar...
"It's fine," You said, stepping back to give him more space. You tucked a lock of hair behind your ear and then turned your attention back to the rain.
"Are you alright?" He asked, letting the door close, though he made no move to fully open the umbrella. Probably for fear he'd stab you in the eye with such close proximity. You sighed, "Yeah, I'm fine." "This rain is ridiculous, isn'r it?" "Tell me about it," You responded, glancing over at him. "I can't help but notice you don't have a coat." You shook your head. "Nope. The weatherman really let me down."
He chuckled, "Well, lucky for you- I'm always prepared." With one swift motion, he took the coat off of his shoulder and held it out to you, "You should take it."
Shocked by his very random stroke of generosity, you shook your head, "Oh no- I couldn't take that. You need it."
"Just take it," He said, shaking the coat gently. "Really, it's fine. My car's just right there so I'll be fine."
You hesitated for only a moment more, though when you looked back at the unceasing rain, you finally conceded, "Alright- thank you."
You grabbed the coat and put it on; the warmth was instant and inviting Comparable to a bowl of hot soup, in terms of comfort. "Of course. Now, I'd offer you a ride to wherever you need to be but I'm positive you'll turn me down, which I don't blame you for because you don't even know me and, for all you know, I could be some psycho- though I assure you I'm definitely not-" He caught himself rambling and decided to stop before he dug a hole for himself, "Anyway- with that, I will bid you adieu," He said, shooting you a warm smile.
As he was about to step out from under the awning, you found yourself reaching out to stop him, your fingers pinching the fabric of his sleeve gently, "Uh- wait," Your cheeks were getting hot as you spoke, "How can I get you coat back to you?"
"Don't worry about it. Consider it as a gift," He shrugged. "No, really. I want to be able to return it." He chuckled, "Well, if you want to return it that bad, there's a business card in the left pocket. It has my work phone number and business email."
"Okay, thank you," You said sheepishly. "No problem. I look forward to you reaching out- Er, to return the coat, of course," His smirk was unmissable, though you definitely pretended not to see it.
Without another word, he stepped out into the rain, droplets temporarily staining his gray blazer as he walked over to a beautiful little '76 Silver Shadow Rolls Royce.
Your eyes widened at the sight, immediately interested in knowing who the hell that man was. Your hand shot into the coat pocket to fish out the business card and you brought it up to read.
"Kim Namjoon..." You whispered, "Why does that sound so familiar..."
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"What did he smell like!?" Your best friend, B/f/n asked, the speaker on your phone practically distorting her voice from how loud she was being.
You laughed, "I don't know, dude. I wasn't even that close to him." You set your phone up against the carton of milk so that she could see you eating your nightly bowl of cereal. "Ugh, you're the worst at details. How am I supposed to live vicariously through you if you can't even tell me what he smelled like!?" She threw herself backwards on her bed. You laughed, "I think you're a bit more invested than I am." "Oh please. You're the only woman on Earth who can have meet-cute in the pouring rain with a handsome stranger, and not fall head over heels? Yeah, Okay," She rolled her eyes, her sarcastic tone unmissable.
"You know it's so weird, I feel like I recognize him from somewhere but I can't put my finger on it." "Well, did you get a name?" "Uhm, yeah actually- well, technically I did. It was on a card he'd left in the coat pocket. Has his business email and everything," You said with a shrug. Suddenly, she seemed to freeze- her eyes staring dead at you. "B- B/f/n?" You ask, furrowing your brow, "Did you freeze?" "GOOGLE HIM, YOU GOOF!" She yelled out exasperatedly. "GOOGLE! YES!" You felt incredibly dumb not having thought of it yourself.
"I swear, Y/n, if your head wasn't screwed on..." She let out a loud sigh. "Shut up."
You got up from the kitchen table and ran over to the living room to retrieve the card from the pocket. "Okay, so it says his name is Kim, Namjoon." "Kim Namjoon..." She repeats as though she's tasting each syllable, "It does sound kinda familiar." "Mhm," You focused on typing his name into the search bar and when you do-
"Oh my God." "What?" She asked, practically shoving her entire forehead into her camera, "What'd you find?"
"Dude... it's Kim Namjoon- as in, OUR STATE SENATOR, KIM NAMJOON."
"Wait- what? There's no way. Dude probably used a fake card," She scoffed. You shook your head violently, having scrolled through various images of him accepting awards and cutting ribbons. "This is the guy, I swear to you."
"You're sure?" "Yes-" You opened another tab and opened up your email, "Look, I'll prove it." You immediately began typing, intent on getting more information on this supposed stranger:
๐‡๐ž๐ฅ๐ฅ๐จ ๐Œ๐ซ.๐Š๐ข๐ฆ, ๐ˆ๐ญ'๐ฌ Y/n (๐ญ๐ก๐ž ๐ฐ๐จ๐ฆ๐š๐ง ๐ฒ๐จ๐ฎ ๐ฅ๐ž๐ง๐ญ ๐ฒ๐จ๐ฎ๐ซ ๐œ๐จ๐š๐ญ ๐ญ๐จ ๐ž๐š๐ซ๐ฅ๐ข๐ž๐ซ). ๐ˆ'๐ ๐ฅ๐จ๐ฏ๐ž ๐ญ๐จ ๐›๐ž ๐š๐›๐ฅ๐ž ๐ญ๐จ ๐ซ๐ž๐ญ๐ฎ๐ซ๐ง ๐ข๐ญ ๐ญ๐จ ๐ฒ๐จ๐ฎ ๐š๐Ÿ๐ญ๐ž๐ซ ๐ˆ ๐๐ซ๐ฒ ๐œ๐ฅ๐ž๐š๐ง ๐ข๐ญ ๐ญ๐จ๐ฆ๐จ๐ซ๐ซ๐จ๐ฐ ๐ฆ๐จ๐ซ๐ง๐ข๐ง๐ . ๐‹๐ž๐ญ ๐ฆ๐ž ๐ค๐ง๐จ๐ฐ ๐ฐ๐ก๐ž๐ซ๐ž ๐ˆ ๐ฌ๐ก๐จ๐ฎ๐ฅ๐ ๐ฆ๐ž๐ž๐ญ ๐ฒ๐จ๐ฎ!
"Now, we wait."
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The next morning, you'd woken up bright and early, having expected to see a response when you'd looked at your phone though you were surprised to see a absolutely nothing. You shrugged it off, telling yourself he was probably just busy and hadn't had the chance to check his email. You went about your day, driving to work and sitting at your desk, answering calls, in and out of meetings; you almost forgot all about that email when the notification finally showed up on your work computer screen.
Immediately, you scrambled to open it.
๐‡๐ž๐ฒ ๐˜/๐ง. ๐‡๐š๐ฉ๐ฉ๐ฒ ๐ญ๐จ ๐ฌ๐ž๐ž ๐ฒ๐จ๐ฎ ๐ซ๐ž๐š๐œ๐ก๐ž๐ ๐จ๐ฎ๐ญ. ๐ˆ ๐ฌ๐ญ๐š๐ง๐ ๐›๐ฒ ๐ฐ๐ก๐š๐ญ ๐ˆ ๐ฌ๐š๐ข๐ ๐š๐›๐จ๐ฎ๐ญ ๐ฒ๐จ๐ฎ ๐ง๐จ๐ญ ๐ก๐š๐ฏ๐ข๐ง๐  ๐ญ๐จ ๐ซ๐ž๐ญ๐ฎ๐ซ๐ง ๐ญ๐ก๐ž ๐œ๐จ๐š๐ญ ๐›๐ฎ๐ญ ๐ข๐Ÿ ๐ฒ๐จ๐ฎ ๐ข๐ง๐ฌ๐ข๐ฌ๐ญ, ๐ฐ๐ž ๐œ๐š๐ง ๐๐ž๐Ÿ๐ข๐ง๐ข๐ญ๐ž๐ฅ๐ฒ ๐ฆ๐ž๐ž๐ญ ๐ฎ๐ฉ ๐š๐Ÿ๐ญ๐ž๐ซ ๐ˆ ๐ ๐ž๐ญ ๐จ๐Ÿ๐Ÿ ๐จ๐Ÿ ๐ฐ๐จ๐ซ๐ค. ๐’๐š๐ฒ, ๐Ÿ”๐ฉ๐ฆ? ๐–๐ž ๐œ๐š๐ง ๐ฆ๐ž๐ž๐ญ ๐š๐ญ ๐š ๐œ๐จ๐Ÿ๐Ÿ๐ž๐ž ๐ฌ๐ก๐จ๐ฉ ๐ง๐ž๐š๐ซ๐›๐ฒ ๐ฌ๐ข๐ง๐œ๐ž ๐ˆ'๐ฅ๐ฅ ๐›๐ž ๐๐จ๐ข๐ง๐  ๐ฌ๐จ๐ฆ๐ž ๐ž๐ฑ๐ญ๐ซ๐š ๐ฐ๐จ๐ซ๐ค ๐ญ๐ก๐ž๐ซ๐ž. -๐Š๐
You bit your lip, unsure of what to respond, though admittedly, you already felt the butterflies at the thought of seeing him again.
๐’๐จ๐ฎ๐ง๐๐ฌ ๐ ๐ซ๐ž๐š๐ญ. ๐’๐ž๐ง๐ ๐ฆ๐ž ๐ญ๐ก๐ž ๐š๐๐๐ซ๐ž๐ฌ๐ฌ ๐š๐ง๐ ๐ˆ'๐ฅ๐ฅ ๐›๐ž ๐ก๐š๐ฉ๐ฉ๐ฒ ๐ญ๐จ ๐ฆ๐š๐ค๐ž ๐ฆ๐ฒ ๐ฐ๐š๐ฒ ๐จ๐ฏ๐ž๐ซ ๐ฅ๐š๐ญ๐ž๐ซ.
Not a minute after hitting send, he had already responded with the name and address of the coffeeshop. You didn't respond afterward, but you had a hard time focusing on anything else for the remaining 4 hours of work- and when 5:30 came around, you were packing up quickly and rushing out to your car.
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When you got to the coffee shop, there was almost no parking at all; seeing as how the business was smack dab in the center of down town, you had to drive around a couple of times before a space finally opened up.
You were already feeling flustered, bagged coat hanging over your shoulder as you looked for the door to the coffeeshop.
Once you found it, you had to brace yourself so that you could look as calm and collected as possible. When you opened the door, your heart skipped a beat as you saw him there looking completely engulfed in whatever was projected on the laptop screen in front of him. You didn't even really want to disturb such a beautiful sight.
After a moment, he glanced up, immediately noticing you and waving you over to him.
You gave a small smile and proceeded to walk toward him, getting more and more nervous with every step. "Hey," He said with a smile, "You made it." "Yup, I made it." "Please, sit." He motioned to the seat across from him, flashing you a polite smile that revealed two prominent dimples. "Are you sure? I don't want to intrude on your work." "Oh, it's fine. I'm just being an overachiever anyway." "Well then," You draped the coat over the top of the chair and sat down, "as long as I'm not imposing." "Not at all. Would you like a coffee?" "Coffee would be great." "Coming right up," He said, standing up and taking his wallet out of his back pocket, "I'll be right back."
He walked over to the register, and you took the opportunity to just look at him. The day before under the awning, he was a handsome stranger- unexpected and mysterious, but even now that you knew who he was, the allure was ever present. "Here you go," He snapped you back down to Earth as he handed you your cup of coffee. The delicious warmth traveled through your hands and to the rest of your body. "Oh God, Thanks- I didn't realize how cold it was today until I touched this cup." He nodded, "I know- but hey, at least it didn't rain this time." "True- I'd have been in the same position as yesterday since I still haven't learned my lesson of bringing a jacket in the car with me." He laughed, "And I'm fresh out." "Do you make a regular habit of doing that?" "Doing what?" "Giving your coat to strange girls in the pouring rain?" "Goodness- when you say it like that, you make me sound like a creep," He laughed, taking a sip from his cup. "Are you?" You asked, only half kidding as you narrowed your eyes at him. "Definitely not. You just looked, I don't know..." He trailed off, seemingly lost in thought for a moment. "Cold?" "Exactly," He said, a visible smirk on his face. "Well, I appreciated the gesture." "Any time."
There was a moment of silence, but it didn't feel uncomfortable at all. You could feel him looking at you, but you didn't squirm under his gaze the way you usually would have with anyone else.
"I just realized I never asked for your name," He said, a soft expression on his face that gave you that butterfly feeling from before. "Y/n." "Y/n," He repeated, "Nice to meet you, Y/n. I'm-" "Kim, Namjoon," You finished for him. He laughed to himself, "Of course, you knew that." "Of course... You know, I googled you last night." "Oh?" He raised an eye brow, seemingly intrigued, "And what were your findings?" His expression was smug. Of course he knew what came up. "Well, you're in politics, for one, you live in one of the most populous cities in the state, two dogs, a wife..." Your eyes met his, gaging his reaction to the last statement, though he didn't look like he'd gotten caught at all, "And yeah, that's basically it." "That's all? No social security number? Criminal record?" You chuckled, "Guess I gotta do a bit more homework." "Well, what about you?" He asked. "What about me?" "Well, you know all this stuff about me now, but I can't just Google you. So tell me about who you are, Y/N," The way he said your name made your heart skip a beat, though you tried to ignore it. "There's not really much to know," You shrugged, "I mean, I live in an apartment not far from here. I hold a crappy position at a crappy call center. No pets (because my apartment won't let me), I like to cook, I dabble in photography, and I sing a mean karaoke." "Nice- I love a good karaoke session, myself. Don't let me around a mic after I've had a few bottles because I will sing SZA's greatest hits on a loop." "Hey, SZA's awesome." "Tell me more about this job," He said, leaning forward and propping himself up with an elbow on the table. You sighed, "I mean, it's just kind of a regular mundane job, you know? I get to the call center, sit at my desk for a few hours wearing the most uncomfortable headset known to man, hit my quota for the day and then pack it all up to do it again the next day." "Sounds like hell." "Oh trust me, it's worse." "Well you know," He seemed to hesitate but only for a split second, "I have an opening right now for a personal assistant. I know it doesn't seem like a luxurious position but the pay is great and you're not stuck behind a desk all day. I don't know if that's something you'd be interested in." You thought for a moment, letting the idea marinade, "I don't know...I've never really done that before." "It's not really something you need a lot of experience in, really. You run basic errands but also help me fill out some paperwork and take notes during meetings. You follow me around and just kinda hang out until I need something," He chuckled, "Maybe that makes it less appealing." "No, that actually sounds kind of interesting." "Well, hey, if you're interested, I can email you the link to the application and you can give it some thought. Sound good?" "I think that'd be great, thank you." "Of course," He smiled, those dimples making yet another appearance. Get a grip. He's married. He held his watch up to look at the time and furrowed his brows, "Well, I've actually gotta get going." "Yeah me too," You lied, slightly disappointed that he was leaving already, but not at all wanting to show it. He shoved his laptop into its case and stood up, fixing his tie and smoothing out his shirt. You also stood up, grabbing the coat from the back of your chair, "Your coat, sir," You extended your arm and urged for him to take it, which he promptly did. "Why, thank you," He smiled, "It was nice talking to you, Y/n." You smiled back, "Likewise, Mr.Kim." "Oh please, call me Namjoon." "Alright them, Namjoon it is." "Here, I'll walk you to your car." "You don't have to," You tried to deter him, but just as he did the day before when you tried to reject his offer of the coat, he waved you away, "What kind of man would I be if I just let you walk to your car alone. Don't be silly." You walked down the block in that same comfortable silence and when you'd gotten to your car, you turned to him to say your goodbyes, "Thank you for escorting me to my vehicle," You said, jokingly trying
to sound sophisticated. "'Twas no trouble at all. Hey, listen- I'll send you the email with the application later tonight but in case you need it, let me pass on my number." "Okay, sure," You took out your phone and passed it to him, "Type it in." He took the phone and proceeded to tap away. He handed it back and then stuck his hand out, "Talk soon?" He asked. You took his hand, and immediately it was like electricity circulating throughout your body. "Definitely," You said, feeling yourself getting shy. He gave a slight bow and then turned around back down the street on his way back to that same car he'd driven the day before. When you got into your own car, you had to sit for a few minutes to try to process this very unexpectedly pleasant evening. "I've gotta call B/f/n," You said excitedly, turning the key in the ignition and racing back home.
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That's it for part 1! I'd love some suggestions in my private messages. Feedback is always appreciated. I'll try to post part 2 asap <3
10 notes ยท View notes
girl8890 ยท 2 years
R Town | Ch.11
Jungkook x Fem!Oc
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POV: Jungkook
Warnings: Pining, Jealousy, Online stalking (past tense), Depression, Alcohol
Index | Ch.12
ใ€‚ใƒปยฐยฐใƒปยฐยฐใƒปใ€‚ ใ€‚ใƒปยฐยฐใƒปยฐยฐใƒปใ€‚ ใ€‚ใƒปยฐยฐใƒปยฐยฐใƒปใ€‚
Before she even said her name, I knew it was her. Before Felix even announced his wife, I saw her and knew it was the girl I've constantly seen in my dreams for the past decade.
It's her hair. Her deep red hair doesn't look real, but if you have known her as long as I have you would know that hair is real as can be. Shiny and deep in color. Always making people turn their heads to look at it.
The way she walks. Gliding across the stage with her heels clicking against the old wood. Clenching onto the side of her dress to make sure the wind doesn't blow it up, or maybe even to control her anxiety. She never liked big crowds.
The way she speaks. She didn't say much. Just a short welcome, and then she was done. But that shy little hello, brought me back to all the days we used to spend together. The days we would play tag in the streets, play video games for as long as the store owner allowed us, and then go running to the playground after hours.
Our families never cared. My family was barely even a part of my existence, and her family just cared if she looked good. They cared if an eight-year-old looked good.
She always looked good to me. Even at seven or eight years old, I knew what it felt like to love someone. I know, I was young and stupid back then, but it was real. A real crush that made me want to be with her every second of every day. To just be in her presence and see her smile light up because of me. Then she left... and I felt my heart break for the first time.
People call me cold-hearted now. I don't blame her. I only blame myself. For letting myself get this way. For letting my jealousy spike when she said, "Thank you all for welcoming me and my... husband, into your town."
Husband. She has a fucking husband. It wasn't just innocent jealousy, either. I fucking hate her husband. I hate him for being with the person I've been longing for the past decade. I hate him because it's clear that's she stuck in the marriage with him. I know M'a smile. It doesn't look like that.
Before you ask yourself: Does this kid have issues? I probably do, but it's not like I haven't seen her at all since she left this once peaceful town. I've seen her on social media. Her name was never lost in my head, so finding her was easy. But by the time I gained the balls to message her, all her accounts became inactive. Some digging later, I found out she got married.
A year ago, it was. When I found out. A year ago is when I felt my heart break for the second time. And with this heartbreak, I became even more of a bastard than before.
I feel bad for Juliet, she was the victim for me to let my anger out on. I never hit her, but I made her think I had feelings for her when in reality, I just wanted to fuck my feelings out into her.
It's whatever now. I had a feeling she was only having sex with me for money, especially since the only times we ever really talked was when she asked about my financials, so I guess she got her own come-up-ins.
It took until the girl of my dreams was off the stage for me to realize I was staring at her the entire time. And because I'm a crazy mother fucker without brain cells, instead of using this chance to go and talk to her, I walk away. I completely ditch Jimin and walk the fuck away.
I can't talk to her, I tell myself. She's married. Maybe not happy but married still. What would I even say?
Oh, hey, M! Remember me? Your friend from when we were kids? Yeah, well, I've been in love with you since I was eight, and I haven't gotten over you since. Wanna divorce your husband, and be with me?
I slam the front door of my game store shut and yell, "Fuck!" ย 
A bunch of kids turn their heads away from the games they were playing to look at me funny, but I ignored them all. I walk straight past them all and into my office. I shut and lock the door behind me, then slide against the door until my ass hits the ground. I fold into myself and do what I haven't allowed myself to do in a long time... I cry.
I cry because I'm not only an idiot, but because it took until I saw M with her husband for me to realize; I will never be with her. Not only will she probably not remember me in the first place, but any connection we used to have back then is probably gone to her.
M has a whole life now. She owns a fucking sex and strip club, for fucks sake! She doesn't want me. Not when she can have any pick of the litter and is married!
I sit here, in this fetal position, for the rest of the day. I hear the store doors open and close multiple times. It isn't until the last person leaves that I stand up. I look through the office window and see that no one is in the store. Peeking at the clock on the wall, I see it's three in the morning.
Well, since I'm just full of stupid thoughts and ideas today, and because no one's in the store, I go into my desk drawer and grab the handle of whiskey I have stashed there. I ignore the glass next to it and decide I'll just drink straight from the bottle.
I set it down on my desk, slump in my chair as I sit in it, and wipe my face of dry tears. Might as well make this my life forever. Forever longing for a girl I can't have, nonetheless see, and drink myself to death.
It's then, right before my lips touch the bottle, that I hear the dance dance revolution game startup. I've heard it start up a million times, and when I first opened this store, I used to run from wherever I was to look and see who was playing it. Hoping one day, I would see M there on her old favorite game.
I know she wouldn't come here. She's probably at the opening of her new business right now... with her husband. This thought alone makes the bottle of alcohol in my hand look even better than before, but it's when I hear the song Dancing Queen start-up that I stop myself again.
I honestly thought it was just malfunctioning. It is an old game, after all, but one game I would never get rid of. It's the heart of this place. The only game in this whole place that reminds me of M the most, and I'll never get rid of it for that knowledge alone. Whether she'll play it again or not.
Because I don't remember hearing anyone come in, I stand from my seat and walk out of the office. I know my store is open 24/7, but it's very rare to find any kids coming in this late. My curiosity is peaked enough for me to exit my office and see who came in. I know it's not-
I step out of the office and freeze. For the second time today, my eyes widen, and my body is stuck at the moment. No more than a few feet away from me, using the dance dance revolution game, is the girl that owns my heart.
M is dancing on the machine like she's free as a bird. Smiling endlessly, and arms waving with the music. Her feet are hitting the arrows on the floor, and each time the singer sings, "Digging the dancing queen," she spins around in all her goddess-like glory. She's dancing her heart out and swaying her hips so perfectly that I have to swallow because if I don't, my mouth may just overflow with drool.
She's... she's just so beautiful. Like not a day has gone by since I've seen her last.
I feel for a second like my heart has given out. Like the shock of being this close to M made me have a heart attack, but it was actually my heart starting up again. Finally, being in the presence of her has let my heart beat again.
The finale lyrics of the song plays, and M finishes the song with one last spin. She's sweating and has to hold onto the handlebar to steady herself. The game took up a lot of her energy. It's then that I realize I've been standing here at the side, watching her the entire time. Like seeing her again so close, and watching her play her favorite game, has put me in a trance.
M watches the game screen. It's adding up her score, and it must have been good because she looks satisfied. Then, the high scores show, and she reads the screen. The look of shock that appears on her face could only mean one thing; that she knows a name on that leaderboard.
"Jungkook," M whispers, but because the store is so quiet, I hear her. The sound of my name rolling off her lips is making my skin crawl. It sounds so beautiful that I want her to repeat my name over and over again just for me to hear.
Before I know it, I'm responding with, "M." And she turns to the sound of her shortened name. Our eyes meet, and I swear to god, fireworks go off in my head. Almost like soul mates have been reunited, so the room's aura is just light and full of love. At least, that's how it is for me.
"Oh my god! Jungkook!" M screams and then runs into my arms. Her head slams into my chest, wrapping her arms around my waist, and it knocks the air right out of my lungs. Like she just restarted my lungs to work again, and I was finally able to exhale all my built-up pain. "Oh my - Jungkook, I've missed you so much."
Hesitantly, I allow myself to hold her. To hold her in my arms again, and I feel like not a day has passed. This reminds me of my younger self when I used to blush and stutter out useless words when she hugged me. Not realizing what the extra beats of my heart that only happened around her meant until she was already gone.
I hear her sniffle against my chest, and I realize then that I'm tearing up too. Me holding her small but beautiful body in my arms is literally my dream come true.
I repeat her name because I feel if I say anything else, I'll stutter like an idiot or say something stupid and ruin the moment. She pulls herself away from me, and I'll be honest, I feel completely empty now. M only backed up to give me some space, but I felt like she belonged in my arms, and now my heart feels a little less full without her in them.
"I-I can't believe your here. Jeon games... is this your store?!" M questions. The smile on her face is so bright and lively, it's the smile I know for a fact is real.
Only proving to me further that her smile from earlier is, in fact, fake. I feel annoyance and anger build in me, but as I stare at M's smile, it just shows that she's not, in fact, fake to me. That her real smiles are reserved for me. She's just so... "Beautiful."
I didn't realize until I saw her happy face turn confused that I said my thoughts out loud. I cough into my fist, then try to recover by stuttering out my answer to her question. "Y-yeah- Yes! M. This is my game store. Bought it a few years ago once this building opened up."
"I always had a feelings you would open a store like this. It was always your dream, anyway." Holy shit, she remembered! "You bought the store from old man Jackson, right? He's the one that used to tell us how terrible-"
"Life is when you get older," We both end up saying together at the end. We both exchange smiles with each other, and I feel so blessed to know that nothing has changed between us. M is still wild and wishing for an amazing life, and I'm still pining for her and wanting a life where I can take care of her while playing video games. "Yeah, he sold it for cheap too. This is now one of the top business in the town."
"Really? Your bragging now Mr. Hot shot? Well, look out. My place may just beat those statistics." She meant everything she said as a joke, but her saying ours was not a joke. Our, meaning her and her husband's business. Not to mention it's a fucking sex and strip club, but she also owns it with her stupid husband!
"Yeah, I bet. You and your husbands, right?" I feel bad now for saying these words because of the lack of a happy smile that's now on M'a face. It cuts into me like a knife into a piece of meat. Even though it would make me even more jealous, I wished I was wrong. I wished that she was happy and living a life full of love with her husband, but instead, I was right.
"Y-yeah - um - we do. It's kinda his business platform though. The sex and... strip club. I'm just on the papers as the half owner."
Well, that doesn't sound sketchy at all. What the fuck? His business platform. Is she telling me this isn't his first club? That this is his actual business as a whole! I don't know how I feel about that.
"How many places does he own?" M glances down at her sneakers, feeling awkward about answering the question. "Sorry. I know we haven't seen each other in years, and I'm asking you all types of-"
"It's fine," M interrupts. "It's just hard to act happy about your husband owning ten plus sex and strip clubs across the state." Two things stood out from those two sentences. One is the word act, and the second is ten plus clubs.
What has happened to you, M? What are you going through?
M then glances around the store, trying to figure out something else to talk about because this isn't a conversation she expected or wanted to have. She must have thought of something because once she looks at the dance dance revolution game, her eyes lit up.
"Hey! Wanna play?" M asks like a challenge, and her stance shows she's determined to be its victor.
I chuckle and scrap my shoes on the carpet. Getting myself ready for what I'm about to commit to. "I'm not sure if you can handle a dance dance revolution battle against me. I was watching you play, and it seems your a little rusty."
M gasps, faking she's insulted. "Excuse me! In case you forgot, this game right here." She points to the machine. "Is my game, and don't you forget it!"
Trust me, M, I haven't.
We both jump on the opposite sides of the arrowed floors. M leans closer to the screen to start it up, but then she realizes she hasn't put any money into the machine. She starts to dig into her pockets, but I stop her when I swipe my card. The card that lets me play free games because, well, I'm the owner.
"Alright, alright. I see you got some special card, Mr. Owner. Looks like I'll have to play with you every time I come in here then."
Please fucking do! And come in often while you're at it.
M scrolls through the list of songs, and I watch her in admiration as she's concentrating on picking the perfect song. Her eyes light up when she lands on a song, and the smirk that spreads on her face could only mean that the song is absolutely perfect for us to play with. She looks at me, and because I don't want to get caught staring at her, my eyes leave her form to see what she picked.
"Oh shit, this song? Damn, that takes me back."
Shake it Off by Mariah Carey used to be M'a number one song to play on here. When she played this song, I would fake exhaustion and stand to the side. When in reality, I just loved watching her dance to this song. Me to embarrassed to admit at the time that having her shake her hips the way she used to make some feelings stir in me that average eight-year-olds probably shouldn't have.
"Mhmm. It's a classic, and it's the one song you would always chicken out with. Well, no chickening out this time."
Yeah, chickening out. Let's go with that.
"Whatever you say, baby." I say it as a tease, but I don't miss M's cheeks heating up by the romantic nickname. We're both grown now, and I've been with enough girls to know that the pet name 'baby' hits a certain way if said by someone that they think is attractive... and M must find me be finding me very attractive.
She's not even looking at me directly anymore. Focusing on starting up the game and coughing into her arm when she notices I'm staring at her.
When the game finally starts up, we're both going hard. Neither of us missed a beat and concentrated on beating the other person after the game started. Since I'm a competitive fuck, I go for some mind games. "So, where have you been all these years? Cruising around in your family's yacht?"
I know what I said sounds like a bitch move, but M knows what I'm trying to do. She laughs high and sarcastic, then says, "Oh please, Jungkook." Fuck, please keep saying my name. "The only yacht I'm going to be on is the one I'm going to buy to celebrate beating you in this game."
"Ha! In your dreams... baby," I direct the pet name into her ear and deepen my voice for extra measure. I laugh, not at all sarcastic when M's face turns a deeper shade of pink, and she grunts out an 'Err!' Her now definitely knowing what I'm doing and why.
The game continues, us getting close to the end, and I'm winning by almost 200 points. M realizes this, and I watch her face twist into thinking mode. Trying to think of what to do or say to distract me. Jokes on her, I've played this game - and many others - a thousand times! There's no way a girl like her, someone who probably hasn't played a video game in years, is going to beat me.
I then focus back on the game, trying to go all out in the finale thirty seconds of the song. But because I'm such a fucking dumb-ass whipped mother fucker, M simply touching my hand to get my attention has me tripping over the moves. With a flutter of her flirty lashes, M says to me, "Come on, Kookie. Won't you let a girl win?"
My brain legit short circuits. I don't even remember pressing any of the arrows after she said those words.
Kookie. She called me fucking Kookie. A nickname she used to use on me anytime she really wanted something. Just like now, it works... but it's also not just that. She used a tone of voice I'd never heard before on her. A tone of voice that's not only allowing her to win but making my dick become half erect in my jeans.
I don't think the wires in my brain reconnect again until the game comes to an end and M is jumping up and down in victory. Her flirty voice and words worked on me easily and allowed her to win.
Then, she does something I didn't at all suspect. She hugs me, once again knocking the air out of my lungs, and continues to cheer in glory, "I won! I won! I won!"
It actually brings a smile to my face to see her this happy. I'm not even pissed that I lost, and I always get pissed when I lose. But looking at M now, a wide smile on her face, and bouncing around like a bunny rabbit, has me not giving a shit about the game.
I have her back, literally in my arms, so that I can give a shit a less about the rest of the world. Fuck this town, fuck her husband, and fuck everyone and anything else outside this embrace.
I have M back, and I couldn't have wished for anything better.
Index | Ch.12
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kjdkive ยท 10 months
couple questions with vogue โ€” jjk.
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summary: yn, world-famous model and jungkook world-famous artist are invited as a couple to answer some questions for vogue on a video. both known to be a chaotic couple are expected to show their competitive side.
pairing: idol! jungkook and model! yn (afab)
warnings: cursing, some dirty jokes? jungkook being the best boyfriend ever i want him so bad, third person narration
a/n: thinking about doing this for some other bts members but not really sure lol let's see how this one goes and go from there. also i used to be a wattpad writer and there we use โ€” not " and i actually hate writing dialogues with " oh and also i mention a few things that are not true about jungkook but this is my universe and in this universe that happened yn happened
โ€” hello, vogue! iโ€™m yn and itโ€™s so nice to be back here โ€” yn says to the camera.ย 
โ€” hello, iโ€™m ynโ€™s boyfriend, jungkook โ€” jungkook says, smiling to the camera โ€” i am also in a band but not that that matters.ย 
โ€” iโ€™m your fianceรฉ, babe, remember? โ€” yn lifts her left hand to show her engagement ring.
โ€” sheโ€™s my soon-to-be wife, guys โ€” jungkook giggles and stands up from his seat a little to give her a short kiss on her cheek.
โ€” okay, my boyfriendโ€™s humble as you can see but weโ€™ll see if heโ€™s a good boyfriend/fiancรฉ because weโ€™re gonna do the couple questions challenge! โ€” an assistant hands her some cards with the questions on them โ€” are you nervous, babe?ย 
โ€” not at all, i actually think iโ€™m gonna crush you โ€” jungkook responds.ย 
โ€” confident much? โ€” yn asks.ย 
โ€” dude, come on, letโ€™s go, iโ€™m ready.ย 
video cuts abruptly to the intro, showing a few pictures of the couple and jungkookโ€™s seven playing in the back.ย 
question no.1 for jungkook: how did you first meet?ย 
โ€” it was at a party in L.A. โ€” jungkook replies โ€” june 28th, 2017. she was wearing a black dress and her favorite manolo heels because she told me that the same night, also her purse from a special chanel collection because she told me it gave her luck.ย 
โ€” it definitely did, baby โ€” yn couldnโ€™t stop smiling โ€” it made me met you, so bless the chanel bag. so, answerโ€™s correct!ย 
โ€” ever since that night i fell in love and my band members were sick of me talking about her.ย 
โ€” just want to say that it took him two months to ask me on a date โ€” yn laughs โ€” like i literally said no to a few guys in those two months because i was waiting for him to ask me out and when he did i just told him โ€œfinally, bro.โ€ย 
โ€” you guys donโ€™t understand, she was and still is too pretty for me โ€” jungkook whined, making yn laugh โ€” i thought she was gonna say no and also tell me that she doesnโ€™t date ugly guys?ย 
โ€” werenโ€™t you literally like on the top 5 of the hottest guys of the world? โ€” yn asks him and he stops.ย 
โ€” i think i was? i donโ€™t remember.ย 
โ€” of course you donโ€™t, darling. next question.ย 
jungkook: 1ย 
yn: 0
question no.2 for yn: who initiated the first kiss?ย 
โ€” oh! oh! this oneโ€™s good โ€” yn says โ€” i did! and it was a mess.
โ€” no, you didnโ€™t โ€” jungkook tells her.ย 
โ€” oh, yes, i did because you were shaking when you grabbed my face and you literally froze so i was like โ€œwell, let ME do thisโ€ and then i was the one to grab your face and kiss you โ€” yn points at him.ย 
โ€” okay, fine, i did froze but you tasted like fish โ€” jungkook starts โ€” and although i love fish, tasting it from someone elseโ€™s mouth isnโ€™t that delicious.ย 
โ€” you had just taken me out to eat sushi! what were you expecting? โ€” yn asks him โ€” besides, you tasted like banana because you had to eat your banana dessert of course.ย 
โ€” guys, if you ever go out on a date and you think youโ€™re gonna kiss โ€” jungkook looks at the camera โ€” do not take them to eat fish or pasta because else theyโ€™ll get pesto on their teeth or their breath will smell like fish.ย 
โ€” oh, right โ€” yn laughsย  โ€” in one of our dates you got pesto on your teeth.ย 
โ€” stop, i donโ€™t wanna remember how you had to get me a tooth pick cause i couldnโ€™t get it out โ€” jungkook rolls his eyes and yn keeps on laughing at him โ€” if your girl gets you a tooth pick, marry her, thatโ€™s what iโ€™m gonna do in a few months โ€” he winks at the camera and laughs at yn blushing.ย 
jungkook: 1
yn: 1
question no.3: which songs did jungkook write about yn?ย 
โ€” now this is a good one because you always get confused โ€” jungkook laughs โ€” which songs did i write about you?ย 
โ€” still with you, dimple, love maze, home, seven the explicit and clean version โ€” yn winks at the camera.ย 
โ€” babe! โ€” jungkook blushes and giggles.
โ€” oh, so you can be no.1 on billboard, mind you the explicit version but your girlfriend canโ€™t talk about it?ย 
โ€” donโ€™t get off topic, finish the list โ€” jungkook laughs again โ€” and youโ€™re my fiancรฉe, not girlfriend.ย 
โ€” okay, fine โ€” yn moves on her seat โ€” your part in my universe, dna, paradise, best of me, my you and thatโ€™s it.ย 
โ€” WRONG! โ€” jungkook yells at her and stands up from his seat to jump and laugh at her โ€” youโ€™re a loser!ย 
โ€” jungkook, what? i got them all correct! shut up!ย 
โ€” you forgot the one i have performed the most! โ€” jungkook stands in front of the camera โ€” vogue subscribers, my wife doesnโ€™t love me.ย 
โ€” oh my god! โ€” yn yells โ€” i forgot euphoria and jesus christ, jungkook, sit down now, stop being dramatic.ย 
โ€” how dare you forget the amazing and unforgettable euphoria?ย 
โ€” iโ€™m sorry, my love, please forgive me for i have made an awful mistake โ€” yn holds his hand.ย 
โ€” i shall forgive you.ย 
โ€” thank you, my king.ย 
โ€” i love you โ€” jungkook kisses her hand and doesnโ€™t let go of it โ€” but iโ€™ll never forget this.ย 
jungkook: 1
yn: 1ย 
question no.4: what are the top 3 celeb crushes of yn?ย 
โ€” this oneโ€™s so easy โ€” jungkook says โ€” itโ€™s matthew mcconaughey, chris evans and bradley cooper but as his character in the hangover.ย 
โ€” wrong โ€” yn laughs.ย 
โ€” yn, you know iโ€™m not wrong, those are your top 3.ย 
โ€” babe, youโ€™re a celebrity too, youโ€™re my no.1.ย 
โ€” donโ€™t lie, yn, iโ€™m not your celeb crush.ย 
โ€” yup, youโ€™re right โ€” yn gives up โ€” he got the answer right, whatever, next question.ย 
jungkook: 2
yn: 1
question no.5: when jungkook first started as an artist, what did he do to calm his nerves when he performed?ย 
โ€” I PRAYED โ€” jungkook yells before yn can say her answer โ€” I PRAYED AND I PRAYED.ย 
โ€” he didnโ€™t โ€” yn looks at the camera with a serious expression.ย 
โ€” YES, I DID โ€” jungkook sits back on his seat โ€” I DID. i did.ย 
โ€” can you shut up now? โ€” yn asks him โ€” he used to- โ€” yn gets cut off.ย 
โ€” PRAY. HE USED TO PRAY. โ€” jungkook yells again and all yn does is stand up from her seat and put her hand on jungkookโ€™s mouth.ย 
โ€” heโ€™s licking my hand right now but i couldnโ€™t care less โ€” yn still had a serious expression โ€” he used to touch his bandmatesโ€™ butts and when they would question him heโ€™d say โ€œnothing better than your butts, you guys!โ€ย 
โ€” sheโ€™s wrong โ€” jungkook says.ย 
โ€” jungkook, ew, you left my hand freaking wet โ€” yn wipes her hand on jungkookโ€™s shirt โ€” and yes, iโ€™m right, you can call up jimin and heโ€™ll tell you iโ€™m right.ย 
jungkook: 2ย 
yn: 2ย 
question no.6: yn has a scar and has had a broken arm, how did both happen?ย 
โ€” on her chin โ€” jungkook replies fastly. yn nods and lifts her head to show up her chin. โ€” thatโ€™s like the only one from an ugly accident the other ones are just her being silly cause she has some scars, blame of our cats when she tries to shower them and another one from when she was trying to make some chicken nuggets on the air fryer last month and she burned herself.
โ€” heโ€™s correct.ย 
โ€” the broken armโ€ฆ she told me she was playing outside when she was in kindergarten and she fell and broke her arm, she also told me the school didnโ€™t call her parents right away and waited until her grandma picked her up from school but she took her to the hospital right away. sadly, they didnโ€™t sue the school because theyโ€™re good people, the teachers werenโ€™t.ย 
โ€” that story is also correct.ย 
โ€” ugh, so tiring being the best boyfriend/future husband out there โ€” jungkook sighs.ย 
jungkook: 3
yn: 2ย 
question no.7: how many tattoos does jungkook have? which one was for yn?ย 
โ€” jesus christ โ€” yn says โ€” i kid you not, jungkook doesnโ€™t even know how many he has himself.ย 
โ€” i donโ€™t know the total number but i do have a close number, if she reaches it sheโ€™ll get the answer right.ย 
โ€” fine, uhm, the eye he had before was my eye but i told him to cover it because it was done really bad like the eyelashes and the color were a mess but there are other ones about me, the thunderbolts and the flower on your elbow, right?ย 
โ€” yes โ€” he nods with a smile.ย 
โ€” and i think, you have a total of 21? 22? with the new seven tattoo behind your ear i think so, yeah.ย 
โ€” sheโ€™s not close in the number but sheโ€™s right about the tattoos about her โ€” he smiles at her.ย 
jungkook: 3
yn: 3ย 
question no.8: what are ynโ€™s favorite hobbies?ย 
โ€” reading, learning languages and trying out new restaurants everywhere she goes.ย 
โ€” that is correct.ย 
โ€” sheโ€™s currently reading beach read but her favorite book is the portrait of dorian gray because my girl is into classics but they have to be a little gay; she speaks 4 languages those being english, italian, korean of course and french. the latest new restaurant she went was momofuko ko here in new york and she loved it.ย ย 
โ€” i love you โ€” yn couldnโ€™t stop smiling as she got close to jungkook to give him a little kiss.
โ€” i love you more โ€” he said, after kissing her back.ย 
jungkook: 4ย 
yn: 3ย 
question no. 9: what is jungkookโ€™s pet peeve?ย 
โ€” damn, he has a lot โ€” yn laughs โ€” but i can name a few.ย 
โ€” i donโ€™t have a lot!ย 
โ€” oh yeah? โ€” yn asks and then turns at the camera โ€” jungkook canโ€™t eat if he notices people being loud while chewing but he is the loudest chew-er ever, he gets mad if whoever is driving doesnโ€™t know how to park and oh! he despises when people walk slow but he had to be patient with me because i am a slow walker.ย 
โ€” sheโ€™s really slow but since i love her i can be patient with her.ย 
โ€” thank you, means a lot.ย 
jungkook: 4
yn: 4ย 
question no.10 (final question, decides the winner): if yn hadnโ€™t been a model, what wouldโ€™ve she been?ย 
โ€” oh, my girlโ€™s born to shine โ€” jungkook holds her hand โ€” because she wanted to be a UN ambassador when she was young because she loved learning languages.ย 
โ€” oh my god, i did! โ€” yn intertwines her fingers with jungkookโ€™s โ€” but i donโ€™t even remember telling him about this.ย 
โ€” you said that on an interview but you also said that to me when we were on one of our first dates โ€” he smiles at her.ย 
โ€” i did?ย 
โ€” you said you saw it on tv โ€” jungkook nods โ€” and that you wanted to travel the world like them. but now you travel around the world as a model, either way you were gonna be successful.ย 
โ€” reached full success now that iโ€™m marrying you. โ€” yn kisses him โ€” i guess you won.ย 
the interviewer behind the camera asked them if they wanted to say anything else before finishing the video.
โ€” my soon-to-be husband has released a song called seven, not that it needs promotion because the song's killing it but if you haven't listened to it you should, the song saves lives.
โ€” yeah, i released a song, i wrote it and it was just for her โ€” jungkook smiles โ€” my girl is also releasing her own clothing line so make sure to check that out too โ€” jungkook points at the camera โ€” and before we finish i want to say i won, yn lost โ€” jungkook looks at the camera with a serious expression โ€” vogue subscribers, i am here to tell you again that yn is a loser and i will write on my wedding vows to always call her a loser until death do us apart.ย 
yn hits him on his arm and jungkook giggles.
โ€” i hate you, jungkook.ย 
โ€” i love you too, my sweetie cutie pie, come here.
jungkook brings her in for another kiss.
โ€” thank you, vogue! see you next time โ€” jungkook says while squishing yn's cheek with his own cheek.
โ€” save me โ€” yn mouths.
and the video finishes.
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bts-trans ยท 2 months
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240331 RMโ€™s Instagram Story
Picture Translation: We hope that 2024 is also a year full of happiness~ We purple you~๐Ÿ’œ
-All ARMY-
Trans cr; Aditi @ bts-trans ยฉ TAKE OUT WITH FULL CREDITS
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BEHIND THE SCENES OF โ€œWe Canโ€™t Be Friendsโ€.
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Happy Jin Day โ™ฅ๏ธ
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Ariana Grande - we can't be friends (wait for your love) music video
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when i tell you nothing makes me more emotional than seeing older actors interacting with younger actors who are playing the same character and their interactions just being so earnest and the older actors being so visibly proud of the younger ones
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thequeenviana ยท 2 months
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Yandere Taehyung ร— OC ร— Yandere Jungkook
Warning: This story is a work of fanfiction and is purely a product of the author's imagination. It does not depict any real-life events or individuals. While some characters may be inspired by real-life idols, their portrayal in this story is fictional and not representative of their true selves. Please note that this story may contain triggering content, including themes of abuse, gore, murder, humiliation, bullying, rape, and other mature and dark themes. Reader discretion is advised, especially for those under the age of 18. If you are uncomfortable with such content, it is recommended to refrain from reading and kindly disregard this story.
A painful cry escapes from Yana's swollen lips as her husband mercilessly beats her with his belt, the force of each strike leaving marks on her pale skin. Helpless and lying on the cold, dirty ground of the mansion's basement, Yana endures the brutal assault as this is not new to her. Her husband gazes at her with a mixture of disgust, hatred, and rage, his desire to kill her was evident in his eyes and actions towards her.
However, he knows it won't be that easy; he intends to make her suffer for all the harm she has caused his family, especially his beloved Nara.
Finally, he ceases his attack, observing Yana's battered state on the ground blankly.
Blood surrounds her body, as if she is bathing in her own pain. Yet, there is no trace of regret or guilt in his eyes as he coldly looks on her trembling figure. Yana, still crying in agony, curls herself into a ball, her body heaving with sobs.
A whistle suddenly reaches his ears,the sound echoing on the basement,but he pays no attention, refusing to turn around and identify the source. As the person approaches with a deadly smirk and an aura of danger, he stops and places a comforting hand on the younger man's shoulder.
Overwhelmed with emotions, the younger man breaks down in tears, hastily wiping them away. The older man embraces him tightly, his gaze fixed on the bloody woman, who is still painfully breathing. Yana, lying on the ground, gazes blankly at the ceiling, numb to the presence of the newcomer, as she already knows who it is,and she's scared of this man more than the one who beats her up to a pulp just right now.
She can't number the tortures that he have done to her that made her traumatized but still her love for him won't ever change even though he even cutted off her two pinky fingers after he have accused her of stealing.
"I missed Nara, hyung! So much!" the younger man cries out, his tough facade crumbling. The older man gently pats his back, closing his eyes and suppressing his own urge to break down in front of this cruel woman.
"I know, Jungkook. I missed her too," he whispers softly, reaching for the gun concealed in his black pants.
"Let's put an end to this woman's life. I can't bear it any longer."
Jungkook nods, his anger evident as he swiftly turns around, crouching in front of Yana. With a voice filled with coldness and hatred, he grips her blood-soaked hair tightly.
"I wish it was you who was dead, not our love," Jungkook harshly says through gritted teeth.
"And I also wish I never met you, you clingy bitch," he adds, his eyes burning with resentment. Yana, in her final moments, looks at the two men, making eye contact with them. All she sees is pure hatred and rage, as ever since Nara entered their lives, they both despised her from the depths of their hearts, deceived by Nara's lies.
A faint smile appears on Yana's face as her entire life flashes before her eyes like a movie recap. In her mind, she wishes she could express her feelings to both of them, to tell them that she had been there for them from the very beginning. But in the end, they abandoned her, even after all the time she spent by their side. She loved them both, forever.
She wished she could bring back time, change everything and never met them, stay away from them and live her life to the fullest.
She broke her family,her parents heart for this mans.
She turned her back to her parents who's begging for her to stop her ridiculous actions,but she never listened for this mans.
She have wasted and pushed away her best friends who she believes that time was not supporting her but now she regrets it for not listening to them,
She missed them,very much and she wishes to just for the last time she can say sorry to them,one last time and hug them tightly.
"I wished you two had trusted me more, because I was the one who was there for you both from the start. But you chose to believe her over your own best friend," she silently declares in her mind. With her eyes closed, she smiles one last time.
In the basement, the sound of the gunshot reverberates, marking the end of the woman's life.
"The end."
"Wait, what?!"
The young girl suddenly stood up from her seat, shouting in disbelief. The book she was reading was still in her hand as she stared at the last word, flipping the pages back and forth, hoping the author was playing a cruel joke with the ending.
"You've got to be kidding me! That's it?"
She continued to stare at the book, a pout forming on her red lips. Dissatisfied with the conclusion, she put the book down and crossed her arms in defeat.
She yelled in surprise as someone shouted near her ear, startling her. Her flailing hands accidentally hit the intruder in the nose.
The unexpected hit made the person groan in pain and touch their nose to check for blood. She quickly turned around to see her younger brother, Jae, still touching his nose and moaning in discomfort.
She gasped and quickly moved his hand away to inspect his nose, sighing in relief when she saw it was fine.
"Why would you do that? You know how clumsy I am sometimes."
Jae scoffed at his older sister before grinning and sitting beside her. His attention was drawn to the book.
"Why were you cursing, sis?"
Jae asked, noticing his sister's disappointment. She huffed, crossed her arms, and looked down at the book.
"I just don't like the ending of the book. And stop calling me old sis! It's annoying!"
She said, lightly hitting his head. He groaned and playfully glared at his older sister.
"What, you're my older sister, so I'm gonna call you that!"
He retorted.
"But still, don't add 'old' to 'sis'!"
She huffed and looked away, as Jae chuckled at his older sister's childish behavior.
"Oh, come on, just tell me why you're upset about the book's ending."
He asked, resting his head on his arms on the table and focusing on his sister.
"Can you believe it? The girl in this story died just like that, without getting justice for that evil woman, Nara's lies. Oh, I hate her! But I don't like what Yana did in this story either."
She shrugged before continuing, as Jae silently and eagerly listened to her rant.
"Yana was too desperate in this story. She didn't even do anything to get revenge for what that woman did to her life! And also, she was so clingy to those men! Like, woman, there are so many men in the world, not just them!"
She paused, panting and reaching for a glass of water which she quickly gulped down before slamming it back onto the table, startling Jae.
"And! You know those men! If I were in her shoes, I wouldn't be that dumb to chase them desperately and lower myself to them! Ugh! If I were Yana, I would change the whole story and make her life have a happy ending, not her chasing those men desperately and throwing herself at them like a whore!"
She spoke quickly, as Jae frowned at his sister's frustrating words about the story.
"Maybe the author planned itโ€“"
Jae tried to interject, only to be cut off by his frustrated sister.
"No! It's absurd! How can someone just end it like that without a proper ending and justice for the character!"
She rolled her eyes and looked away as Jae looked at her blankly, shaking his head and chuckling.
"You should sleep now," Jae suggested, patting her head before standing up and leading her to her bedroom.
After wishing his still-grumpy sister a good night, he left for his room.
On the other hand,Fae slowly trudged towards her bed, slumping onto it, her mind still preoccupied with the frustrating ending of the book. She grabbed a pillow, hugging it tightly as she lay down.
"If I were her, I wouldn't be that stupid!"
Fae muttered, rolling her eyes as she gazed out of her window. The tranquil night gradually soothed her racing heart, and sleep began to envelope her, leading her into a deep slumber that she would never forget her whole life.
The mansion was suddenly engulfed in a wave of panic.
The once peaceful silence was shattered by the noises that stirred Fae from her sleep. She frowned and groaned in annoyance at the disturbance, her mind still foggy with sleep. The murmurs of hushed voices filled the air, their whispers carrying an undertone of urgency and worry.
Gossip swirled around her, whispers of strange happenings that stirred the mansion's usually calm environment. Yet, Fae was too lazy to wake herself fully and investigate the cause of the commotion. Despite the intriguing rumors and the frantic atmosphere, she preferred the comfort of her bed, choosing to ignore the chaos and attempt to drift back into her peaceful slumber.
As Fae was on the verge of slipping back into a deep sleep again, her bedroom door suddenly burst open, causing her eyes to snap open in startlement. She gasped, quickly sitting up to see who the intruder was, her expression filled with anger as she prepared to unleash a barrage of words, determined to set this person straight and impart some wisdom about the importance of not disturbing a sleeping human, for God's sake!
But before she could utter a single word, her eyes widened in disbelief as she laid eyes on the furious man storming towards her.
"Young Masterโ€“"
One of the girls attempted to intervene, trying to stop the raging man from getting closer to Fae.'wait who were these people!' Fae couldn't help but wonder who these people were. Were they intruders? Are they being invaded?What was happening? Her mind raced with panic, but her thoughts were abruptly cut off as the man forcefully pushed the woman aside, causing her to stumble and fall to the ground. Fae's eyes widened at the sight, her heart pounding in her chest.
In an instant, the man's hands closed around her neck, squeezing tightly, cutting off her airflow. Panic surged through Fae's veins. She desperately tried to speak, to gasp for breath, but the man's grip prevented her from doing so. She clawed at his veiny, tattooed, muscular arms, her attempts at resistance in futile. She knew she stood no chance against this imposing figure.
Fae managed to choke out a word, only to be abruptly silenced by the man who was choking her.
"You! I told you to stay away from her! Yet, you hurt her again!"
He yelled, his eyes filled with a mixture of rage and....hurt? as he glared at Fae.
Confusion swirled in Fae's mind. 'Hurt who? What was this man talking about?' She couldn't comprehend the situation unfolding before her.
"Yah! Stop that!"
A manly voice suddenly shouted, and the man was forcefully pulled away from Fae. She gasped for air desperately, silently thanking the unknown savior who had intervened and saved her from the clutches of the man who had been choking her.
Fae's gaze darted between the man who had attacked her and the newcomer who had come to her rescue. As she looked around, she realized there were other unfamiliar faces in the room. Fear gripped her heart. Who were these people? And where in the world was she?
Questions flooded her mind, but before she could voice them, the man who had attacked her spoke up again.
"Let me go, hyung! This witch hurt Nara because of her jealousy!"
Fae furrowed her brow, her confusion growing as she looked at him with a mixture of frustration and bewilderment.
"Calm down, Jungkook!"
The name struck a chord in Fae's memory, though she couldn't quite place it. She shrugged off the familiarity, still struggling to understand what was happening. Was this some kind of prank?
"How can I calm down? This bitch is crossing the line! She's hurting Nara because she's jealous of her!"
The man continued, pointing an accusing finger at Fae, who glared back at him, her anger boiling over as she stood up in bed.
"What did you just call me, you bastard?!"
Fae burst out angrily, her voice filled with indignation.
Everyone in the room gasped, their eyes widening at Fae's outburst. It was a rare sight to witness their young madam raise her voice, especially directed at someone like Jeon Jungkook,her love.
Jungkook himself froze in place, stunned by Fae's sudden outburst. Had she really just shouted at him? It was a new and strange experience for him, and he couldn't help but feel a sense of unease. He continued to stare at Fae, trying to make sense of the conflicting emotions swirling within him.
Fae rolled her eyes, her frustration still evident as she exclaimed, "GET OUT, ALL OF YOU!"
Her voice rang out even louder this time, causing everyone to flinch, except for Jungkook, who looked at her with wide eyes. He couldn't help but wonder what was happening. Why was his heart racing like this? And why did he feel a strange sense of hurt at Fae's words? It was the first time she had ever shouted at him and what's strange for him was he didn't like it.
Jungkook's mind raced, trying to make sense of the situation, but he was abruptly pulled away from the room, not fully comprehending what was unfolding.
Fae's gaze settled on the last woman who was about to exit the room.
Fae called out, causing the woman to freeze in her tracks.
'God, I need to find out what's happening!'
Fae thought to herself, feeling utterly confused by the events that had transpired. She yearned for answers, realizing that this was not a prank anymore.The unfamiliar faces in the room made it clear that her family wouldn't orchestrate something like this, knowing how sensitive she was.
As she took a deep breath, preparing herself for the confrontation, a mix of fear and confusion coursed through her veins 'like the hell is happening,am I being kidnapped?oh hell no! that's not it and what the heck does that handsome man a while ago talking about?'
She only remembered sleeping in her room,then this!
She stepped forward, her voice steady and resolute as she addressed the last woman who had paused at her command.
"You! Stay right there. I need to know what's happening. I demand the truth.Did you all kidnapped me!?"
The woman's eyes widened, her expression a mix of surprise and fear at her young madam's exclaim of being kidnapped?
'Oh no,we need doctor Lee again' The woman thought with fear for the young woman's well being.
As the room fell into a tense silence, Fae's mind raced with questions. Who were these people? What had transpired to lead to this moment? And most importantly, why was she at the center of it all?But one thing she was sure of,she was kidnapped.
With each passing second, Fae grows annoyed as the woman still did not talk anything .
The woman looks here and there not meeting Fae's annoyed eyes.
"Young Madam,I think you need to take a rest right now. Your father will come here and he will answer your questions."
She quietly excused herself and left in a hurry as Fae grips her hair in frustration.
Fae stands up straight again and ignore what the woman had said.
'No!I need to go home,my family is probably waiting for me!'
With a determined mind, Fae cautiously stepped forward towards the door, her main goal being to escape from wherever she was and return home. She couldn't shake the feeling that her parents must be worried about her by now.
Casting quick glances around, Fae stealthily crept out, her eyes scanning the surroundings for any sign of the people who had caused her distress. Fear gripped her as she worried they might catch her and lock her up.
As she ventured further, she noticed that the hallways were devoid of any people. Seizing the opportunity, she swiftly ran down the left hallway. However, her hurried pace came to an abrupt halt when her eyes fell upon a picture hanging on the wall.
"Wait... What in the world is this?"
Fae exclaimed in surprise, her eyes widening as she stared at the picture framed with a golden border.
"Is that me?!"
Horror washed over her as she realized she was in the photograph, surrounded by faces she couldn't recognize. A sense of unease crept over her, causing her to slowly back away.
But her retreat was interrupted as she bumped into a solid chest. Startled, she quickly turned around, only to find herself face to face with a strikingly handsome young man. She couldn't help but be awestruck by his appearance.
'Oh my god, he's so handsome!'
Internally fangirling, Fae found herself momentarily lost in admiration of the handsome man before her. 'wait where does he came from?I didn't seen him coming.' However, her focus quickly shifted back to her priority: escaping this imposing house and reuniting with her family, who she missed dearly.
Fae cautiously backed away from the man, catching his attention. He raised an eyebrow, surprised by her actions. It was the first time for him, as she had always been the one to throw herself at him, acting like a clingy leech. Her sudden change in behavior intrigued him.
"Jungkook told me what you did again, Yana," he said, his gaze turning cold as he took a step forward, cornering her against the wall next to the photograph.
Fae furrowed her brow, trying to make sense of his words.
'Jungkook again? No... no, Fae, that's ridiculous and did he just called me Yana?! Nope! It's probably just a coincidence,' she chuckled, momentarily forgetting the dire situation she was in.
Growing increasingly impatient and angry, the man punched the wall, not too forcefully, to bring Fae back to her senses. She flinched and became scared as she saw the murderous look in his eyes.
"W-what are you saying?!" Fae stammered, her fear palpable. There was a dark aura surrounding the man that made her tremble. Something in his eyes told her to run as far away as she could.
The man let out a dark chuckle, his deep voice resonating through the empty hallway. He briefly looked down, poking his tongue inside his cheek. Under different circumstances, it might have been attractive, but given the situation, Fae couldn't focus on that.
He looked up, glaring at her once again before speaking, "If you do that againโ€“"
Fae had had enough. Before he could finish his sentence, she forcefully pushed him away, causing him to stumble back. Seizing the opportunity, she dashed away, leaving the angry, handsome man yelling for her to come back.
Gritting his teeth in anger, the man dusted off his expensive shirt and straightened it, glaring at the spot where Fae had disappeared. A loud commotion reached his ears, and he turned around to find a group of maids running towards him, panting heavily.
"Young Master Kim, pardon us, but have you seen Young Madam?" one of the maids asked, fear evident in her eyes from their frantic chase.
Raising an eyebrow, the man answered coldly, "I saw her running in that direction," pointing towards the path Fae had taken. With a smirk on his handsome face, he walked away, knowing full well that the woman's father, whom he had encountered earlier, would be furious after what he had said earlier. Punishment awaited her once again.
As he continued on his way, he heard the maids rush off in the direction he had pointed, their footsteps fading into the distance.
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girl8890 ยท 2 years
R Town | Ch.13
Namjoon x Daisy (FemOc)
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POV: Namjoon
Warnings: Pining, Heartbreak, Breakups.
Index | Ch.14
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I never thought it would happen. I never thought I would meet a girl in a town like this that actually made my heart beat a little bit faster for her.
My dreams never involved love. I never thought about the possibility of love. My radar was always on becoming an actor and quitting this dead-end job at the town's only movie theater. I still want to be some big star like Leonardo DiCaprio or Angelina Jolie. A name that when someone hears it, they can automatically think of multiple movies they loved that they were in.
It's still my dream! Just now, for the first time in my entire life, I have a new dream on top of it. A dream of being with the blonde-haired and blue-eyed girl that's been coming in and out of the movie theater recently.
At first, I was just stunned by her beauty. The day I met her, I didn't see her walking up to the snack counter, but she came asking for the average customer order of popcorn and a soda.
"One popcorn and a large coke, please," She said with such a sweet voice.
I rolled my eyes, internally annoyed by someone coming in for an early bird movie. It's usually always grouchy old people that come in this early, and even though her voice was young and sweet, I didn't register what she looked like until I turned around, and then my brain short-circuited.
Her eyes stared at me, and I saw a thousand stories unsaid behind them. Her hair was long behind her, casting waves that I found out later to be her natural hair, but beautiful nonetheless. Her lips looked like they were constantly pouting, but that's because her lips are naturally plump and full. Only a bit of lipgloss on them to cast a shine.
It wasn't until she raised a confused eyebrow that I realized I was staring at her and not saying anything.
"One coke and p-popcorn... sure." I cursed at myself under my breath as I started her order because of the stutter and how my voice sounded. Like I was a prepubescent teenager that just hit puberty. I try to clear the awkwardness I just created by putting on my Hollywood-worthy smile and starting a natural conversation. "So, you visiting from out of town?"
I've never seen her here before, so it was one of the basic questions I ask when I see an outsider come in. The girl wasn't expecting a question, but when she heard me speaking to her, she raised herself on her toes when speaking. "Oh! No. I just moved here, actually."
"Nice," I say as I put her food on the counter. "What movie are you going to see?"
I was honestly expecting her to say, The Hating Game or Love Hard. Two chick flick movies that girls that look like her, all pretty and clearly taken by some athlete type, go to see. But instead, her answer surprises me, "The Man from Toronto." She saw my surprised reaction and smiled. "What? You didn't expect a 'girl like me' to want to see a movie like that?"
"W-well, I... you see..." I stuttered like a fucking idiot, honestly thinking she just read my mind, but luckily she showed another beautiful thing about her next; her laugh. A perfectly pitched, girly laugh that I found the corners of my lips twitching upward for.
"I'm fucking with you. It's okay. Not many people expect me to watch those types of movies, especially when they find out the reasons behind it."
"What's the reason?"
Her smile brightens. "The actors." And she steals my fucking heart. "I love Woody Harrelson. He was good in Zombie Land, but nothing beats his role in-"
"2012," We both say at the same time. That was the first time we exchanged the look. The look of two movie buffs that we're having a moment. A moment that I thought would be a perfect time for me to ask for her number, and I thought she felt the same way... until she looked away. She looked down at her food, cleared her throat, then asked, "How much for the popcorn and soda?"
"Um... d-don't worry about it. It's on me." She nods her head, gives a quick thanks, then starts to walk away.
I guess I was feeling nostalgic today, though, because right before she enters the theater, I call out with a loud "Hey" to get her attention. She spins around, waiting for me to say something. "What's your name?"
Her beautiful smile spreads again, and I swear it's so bright that her teeth were shining from a few feet away. "Daisy."
Then she entered the theater.
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This wasn't the last time I saw the girl my heart decided to have a crush on. I honestly didn't even realize what it meant until the next time I saw her. That time, she asked for my name. Then the time after that, we exchanged numbers. Then the time after that, she came in for the first time without planning to watch a movie. Coming for me, and me only.
I'm not sure if I should call this a date since I'm technically still working, but right now, it's a slow Tuesday, and Daisy and I are sitting on the floor behind the counter, asking questions to each other and playing a game with skittles.
"Alright, my turn," Daisy says right before she threw a skittle into my mouth. "What's your favorite... color?" I smirk and raise my eyebrow. It only took a few glances at my hair, and Daisy understood instantly. "Ah! Blue, duh."
I chuckle at her, then dig into the pack of skittles to fish out another one. I throw it into her mouth with ease, and I love her successful smile because of it. "If you could have any job you wanted, and I mean anything at all, what would you do?"
Daisy leans back on her hands and stares up at the ceiling, thinking. It's then I have to look away from her, feeling my face heat up when I see the way she's leaning on her hands. It's making her big.... cleavage.... area pop out even more than before in her blue and white shirt.
"Hmm..." Daisy says in thought, but then I see her bright smile return. Indicating she knows exactly what to say as her answer. "I would have to say a hairdresser."
My eyebrows shoot up into my hairline. I wasn't sure what I expected her to say, but a hairdresser wasn't something that came to mind, truthfully. "A hairdresser. Interesting. Why don't you go for it then?"
Daisy looks down at her shoes, and I try really hard to keep my eyes on her eyes while she rocks back and forth. "I just... haven't."
Her answer is simple, but something about her strange demeanor change has me pushing the subject. "Oh come on, Dais." She looks back at me through her hair at the sound of the nickname I gave her. "Why don't you try? I just so happen to be friends with the boyfriend of the hairstylist in town. I could set you guys-"
"No," Daisy interrupts urgently. I watch her cheeks heat up, and she sucks her bottom lip into her mouth from embarrassment. "I'm sorry. That was rude. I meant, no, my life is too complicated to do that. A dream like that just isn't possible for me... You, on the other hand. I would love to one day say, 'You know that guy, Namjoon, who just won a Grammy? Yeah, I used to throw skillets in his mouth from behind a movie theater snack booth."
Daisy giggles, and I can tell she's trying to change the subject. What I don't understand is why. I leave it alone because I would hate to make her feel uncomfortable, but even as she gives me her trust of thinking my dreams will come true, I feel it secretly in my heart that I would rather have hers come true.
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A few weeks have passed since that day, and I have three words to explain how I'm feeling about Daisy: I'm in love!
Beautiful, deep, teenage pining type of love! Daisy is just so perfect. We finally ended up going on a date, although we did not use the word "date." But I would consider a marathon of watching classic movies together at my apartment as a date, especially when every time our hands touch, we both look at each other and feel the sparks fly.
The first time we did this, I thought for sure we would be watching movies all night, and maybe I would find the balls to kiss her for the first time, but when 10 o'clock rolled around, she had to leave. It felt off, her having to go to work at ten at night, but I didn't question it. I never questioned anything Daisy did because the last thing I wanted to do was run Daisy away from me. That was quite literally the last thing I wanted.
But just like today, I felt off. We continued these little movie marathons in my apartment, as well as her meeting up with me at my job when it was slow, and just like all those late nights, she decided to leave thirty minutes before ten at night.
"Oh my god! I-I have to go," Daisy always says like she has lost track of time.
I don't know why this time made me ask. I don't why tonight, of all nights, but I decided to pry more into her life. Maybe because the frown on her face was extra deep, and watching her eyes widen when she realized the time was enough for me this time. "Where do you have to go?"
Daisy stops putting on her jacket and looks at me, stunned that I actually asked that question. "I've told you. I-I work overnights. I got a shift tonight."
"Yes, but where exactly do you work?"
Daisy smiles at my question, but it doesn't quite reach her ears. "I... it's hard to explain, Namjoon. Will talk about it next time."
Daisy goes to reach for my apartment door, but I stop her by jumping off the couch, running over to her, and then gently grabbed her by the wrist. She doesn't turn to face me, but she doesn't continue to leave the apartment either. The silence stretches between us, and I continue to hold onto her dainty wrist. I whisper her name, and I know she heard me because her back straightens for a second. Indicating she also heard the pled in my voice.
After a moment, she asks me to let go of her wrist, and I do. She turns the knob of the door, and I let her. I let her walk out the door without any answers about her life once again.
I watch her through the window of my apartment, get into her car and drive away. I should have just stayed put. I should have just let it go and continued being the guy that doesn't get into her business, but I don't. For the first time since meeting her a month again, I do something that could potentially have her run away from me. I grab my jacket and walk out of my apartment after her.
I don't take my car because she knows what it looks like. I've picked her up from her house and drove her to mine enough times that she even knows the license plate by heart.
I ran in the direction she drove, and I somehow kept up with her slow driving. Her car isn't able to go over a certain MPH since it's a hunk of junk and old, and this is the first time I'm glad she has a piece of shit of a car.
When she stops at a red light, I hide in the bushes and wait for her to start driving again. Feeling my adrenaline spike as I wait to see where Daisy is actually going.
Truthfully, I thought, maybe she has a boyfriend. Maybe she has another guy in her life outside of me, and she just hasn't found the right time to tell me. I know she can tell I have feelings for her, and I think she has feelings for me too. We haven't voiced it, and neither of us has made a move on each other yet, but I've caught her eyes lingering on me enough and see the blush on her cheeks that happens whenever I compliment her to think she has feelings for me.
Daisy's light then turns green, and I continue to follow her. I continue to follow her until she parks behind Jeon's game store, and I plant myself in another set of bushes nearby. I sigh in relief when I realize she's probably just working part-time with Jungkook, and she only works the overnight shifts there since it's open 24/7.
But when she gets out of her car, instead of walking in the direction of the game store back entrance, she towards the Lee club.
I watch her walk to the back door, knock on it three times, then the owner, Felix, I think his name is, answers the door. The guy looks wasted and stares down at Daisy with a smirk and eyes her like a piece of meat ready to be eaten. I feel a spike of anger coarse through me because I like how he's looking at her right now. I watch them exchange a few words, Daisy shaking her head multiple times while they do. I'm too far away to know what either of them is saying, but I can tell by Daisy's stance she's not liking the conversation at all.
At one point, though, Felix's lusty smirk falls. Daisy's back straightens, looking like she is nervous by the way her bodies shaking, and I ready myself to intervene if something bad happens. Her anxiety is radiating to me from twenty feet away.
But instead of Felix doing anything, or either of them exchanging any more words, nothing happens. He moves to the side and lets her walk in. After she crosses the thresholds, Felix and Daisy quickly disappear behind the door when it closes. The metal door makes a loud smack when Felix shuts it.
I regret a few things that night. I regret not asking her more questions, and instead of being the nice, non-pushy guy that I am. I regret not taking my car because I feel a sniffle coming on, and I regret waiting there and not leaving after the door has shut.
It's obvious what she does for a living now. It's obvious why she's here and hasn't told me about it either. It's clear as fucking day, but I still sit there in the cold and wait for her. I sit there for hours behind the bushes.
And within those hours, I'm thinking about a bunch of different scenarios of what will happen when I see her again. Some bad, some optimistic, and others where I just chicken out. I think about chickening out and just leaving a thousand times throughout the night. Thinking about also never speaking to Daisy about this and what it could mean for us, but I also know that I've chickened out of way too many things when it comes to Daisy.
There have been so many opportunities for me to tell her my feelings, to kiss her, to hold her hand, to ask her on a real date, but I've done none of it. Now, I'm here outside the Lee club, and I'm not leaving until I see her. I can't just let this go without talking to her, as much as past me is telling me to do exactly that.
It's nearly three in the morning before Daisy leaves the Lee club and is seen at the back door again. I stand up, and I have to practically run over to her because she's speed walking to her car, only a few feet away from the club.
Looking back, it was kind of stupid coming up behind her, but I didn't think when I touched her shoulder to turn her around, she would pull a knife on me! I raise my hands, scared she'll stab me if I don't, and yell out, "Woah! Woah! Daisy, it's me! Namjoon."
Daisy breathes out a sigh of relief, but the look of confusion is then clear on her face when she realizes it is me. That expression soon turns to horror no more than a second later, and she quickly wraps herself up in her jacket. Too little too late, though, because I saw her fancy light blue lingerie underneath it already. I'll be honest, she looks extremely sexy in it... but she didn't wear it for me.
I feel a spike of jealousy hit me, but that soon turns into confusion when I notice her regular clothing hanging out of her purse. That only makes me think she didn't want to stick around at the club to get changed.
Before I could think into that information any further, Daisy asks, "Namjoon, what the hell are you doing here?"
"What the hell am I doing here? What the hell are you doing here? Are you a s-stripper or something?" I didn't mean to raise my voice or stutter, but I was actually hoping - no, praying - that she would say yes. Confirming she was only a part of the stripping at this club and nothing further. That or something for this club did not involve her at all.
I would be okay with that. I would be okay with her working here as only a stripper. Although it makes me very jealous to know so many other guys have seen her that way, I would still be okay with it. I wouldn't be that person to tell her what to do, but at the same time, if she's the or something...
But her face answers my unasked question before her words do. "Um... Yeah. That's part of my job."
"P-part of your job? What other parts are there?" I hear my voice get horse, and it's because I'm afraid of her answer.
Daisy nods her head, and I see the tears start to form in her eyes. Her lip juts out, and it's wobbling uncontrollably. She's trying and failing not to cry while she says her next words...
"I'm also a prostitute, Namjoon." My heart cracks. "And... I'm sorry, but I can't see you anymore." It cracks some more. "I think it would be better I-if we just s-stoped seeing each other. My life's too complicated to have you in it. I'mโ€” I'm sorry." Then Daisy gets into her car and drives away.
I watch Daisy drive away, and I just stand there stunned. Stunned by her admitting to being a prostitute and stunned by her breaking off our relationship. Did we even have a relationship? That's not important right now...
Daisy just broke us off, and honestly, even when I thought it was a clear possibility after she walked into the club, I was never thinking about breaking up our friendship. I never thought of kicking Daisy out of my life. I couldn't. Not now that I know, I love her. I love her, and I want to help her. I was going to tell her that I could help her leave this life, help her get a job with J-hope, and support her until she was back on her feet. That's what I was going to say if the possibility was confirmed, but thinking it over and actually knowing it's the truth... I'm such a fucking coward.
I stood there, shocked from the instant heartbreak of her words, and let her drive away. Even now, looking at the back of her car stopped at the stop sign at the exit of the plaza, I continue to stare at her car and do nothing.
Another regret for me today... doing nothing.
I let the beautiful, movie-obsessed, skittle-throwing champ, comic book collecting, lover of Adele and Sia, and classic movie enthusiast Daisy leave me. I let the person I love leave.
When her car finally turns, and Daisy is out of my sight, my heart completely breaks.
Index | Ch.14
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soicykoo ยท 11 months
Best story youve read on here๐Ÿ‘€
Paradise by @minisugakoobies
-This whole series is just hot asf. The chapters get better everytime too! Def recommend it! This jungkook is hot and sweet all at once. (Jungkook is always hot but just go read this because youโ€™ll understand what im saying) Heโ€™s just down right fine as hell. OC is a hot girl and no one can tell me differently, I love her! definitely one of my favs. OC and JKโ€™s chemistry is not to be taken lightly๐Ÿฅต
Practice by @chryblossomjjk
-I still remember when i read the โ€œwhats your favorite color?โ€ Part of chapter 1, this story is so good! OC is relatable, and I love their dynamic๐Ÿฅฐ. Jungkook is magnetic asf no matter what you may feel for him at times while reading. I would tell you more but you just have to go experience this series in all its greatness. You wont be disappointed!
In the seom by @thvhoe
-Jungkook is hot as fuck yet again? but whatโ€™s new? OC is precious and learns to assert some boundaries!
The progression of the relationship is just *chefs kiss*
Jungkook and OC just make me happy๐Ÿ˜‡. I dont wanna spoil anything but just know I was team Jk from the beginning bc weโ€™ve all been there. Great story and again character development >>>>
Long way home by @sparklingchim
Okay, so your heart is gonna break every now and then but thats okay bc its JK. I seriously love dad jk! This story alone made me fall in love with dilf koo lol. The angst, the emotion, itโ€™s all just so good. Again, Iโ€™m not gonna spoil anything but it really is interesting to see how both OC and JK develop here. Love this story so muchhhh๐Ÿ˜˜
-final note: honest to goodnessโ€ฆI love everything by each of these writers! So.. dont just exclusively check those out. EXPLORE EVERYTHINGGG. I just thought these were some nice recommendations for the time being. Ill try and post more later on, but these are always in my brain lol ๐Ÿฅฐ๐Ÿฅฐ๐Ÿฅฐ happy reading
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bts-trans ยท 6 months
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231201 RM's Instagram Stories
๊ฐ์‚ฌํ–ˆ์Šต๋‹ˆ๋‹ค ๐Ÿซถ
I am grateful ๐Ÿซถ
Trans cr; Aditi @ bts-trans ยฉ TAKE OUT WITH FULL CREDITS
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livelovecaliforniadreams ยท 3 months
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And James is so debonair and so just, he, fit that time period so well. I remember walking, first of all, I was so excited when I got the script. I was like, ah, get to be in costume. I'm so excited. And I remember running into the trailer the first day and I opened it up and I look at James and he's hovering over the sink, shaving his face and he's got half a face, of shaving cream. And he looks up 'cause I really flung the door open. I'm glad he didn't cut himself. And he looks over his shoulder at me and I was like, aren't you so excited? It's the first day of this episode, we're gonna have so much fun. And he just looked at me like I had three heads. And he's like, yeah, it's gonna be fun, joy. I just slammed the door and ran back out. -Bethany
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resonancewitness ยท 4 months
Falling down the rabbit hole (or was it the lionโ€™s den?), becoming a turtleย 
I have to admit that I owe getting to know about yizhan to a completely unrelated fictional character. Blame it all on Yoshikazu Miyano and his obsession with BL manga :)
The story of Sasaki and Miyano (manga/ anime by Shou Harusono) reminded me of some of my own personal untold stories and led me to writing fanfiction โ€” creative retelling of the canon story in the form of first-person narrative. It was easier to do Sasakiโ€™s POV first, but to write a companion piece from Miyanoโ€™s POV, I had to do writerโ€™s research on BL, which was mainly out of my orbit before (except for some great Harry/Draco stories I read, gosh, more than 15 years ago).
Reading and watching BL led to Netflix recommending me tgcf donhua. The sense of โ€œwow, this is something specialโ€ led to purchasing the books and watching โ€œThe Untamedโ€, digging up fandom(dot) com while waiting for the books to be delivered. I have been learning Chinese recently, so I also started to try to read the manhuas.ย 
Watching โ€œThe Untamedโ€ was a very special experience. Something was there, in the playing of it, that rang truer than mere acting. I could not name it, what it was, but I could tell that I can recognise something genuine, authentic and exceptionally beautiful. I could not leave it be, it was like this feeling of โ€œreally real and specialโ€ was calling out to me, leaving me with questions I felt the need to find answers to.ย 
The Facebook algorithm, which is too clever for its own good, but to which I owe some really good recommendations, started showing me reels made of cql bts footage. What a beautiful mess these reels are. Exceptionally befuddling. Sometimes obviously altered โ€”ย cut, edited and mistranslated. I understood that there are more where those came from, and spent some time on Youtube. It is to a significant extent a clickbait-ey and money-hungry garbage dump, but I was lucky to see some long unedited fancam footage from the first big fanmeet and from the t-cent award night at the end of 2019.ย 
The thing that turned me into a bona fide turtle, I think, was
watching the way oneโ€™s face transformed when the other arrived at the t-cent award night, and the way their movements synchronized, and the body language at the fanmeet. I have not been a counsellor for longer than the younger of them is alive (scary to say that, I feel old :)) for nothing. I do read body language very well and I can tell genuine expressions from schooled ones. And I can tell a good relationship from a bad or non-existent one.
I saw that what I was witnessing was something precious, exceptional; each of them looked at the other as if the other was a miracle โ€”ย undeserved, stunning, adored, beautiful, worthy of all love possible.
And then it was time for the โ€œTomorrow Will Be Betterโ€ recording, which I witnessed as the footage appeared. I saw that the resonance between them was still there, even if they weren't physically side by side. I could see that what they have has been transforming them, making them into better people, expanding inwardly, as beautiful in their inner worlds as their outward appearance is beautiful. And at the same time, I knew by then they could be silly and playful and dirty-minded, which I also appreciate a lot in people. Very human, very genuine, very pure in unexplainable ways.ย Capable of overcoming difficulties without becoming jaded or conceited.
And yes, I can tell where and when what I am reading into what I am seeing is my own collection of projections and inferences, โ€” and where and when it isn't.
I felt that my world has become brighter when I got to know about these brilliant young men. Their steadfastness and earnest commitment to choose what is worth doing, and to do it to the best of their ability, gives me hope.ย 
I wanted to know more about them, to sort the edited versions from the real story as it had happened.
And so I found that there is a whole international community of people who treasure an untold story and carefully put it together to confirm what they felt in their hearts as true. And some part of the most thoughtful and careful core of the international part of this community is here on Tumblr.ย 
This is an exceptional phenomenon โ€” a community of readers of an untold story, for whom this story is so important that they hold on to it for years, reconstructing it from tiny crumbs, without much hope of ever entering into true, deep, expanded dialogue with the heroes/authors of the real thing. The readers that are themselves, obviously, transformed in some important ways, quite possibly โ€” very precious ways. Sharing the resonant values with the heroes/ authors. Creating beautiful friendships with each other across distance and differences. Paying it forward.ย 
I am happy I have found the turtles. I am happy I got to know about yizhan.ย 
The resonance I felt seeing their eyes and smiles, was something so unusual that I felt an urge to make sense of what I was feeling. I created this space to write my reflections. Maybe something that I write will make sense not only to me.ย 
If there are errors in what I write, please kindly forgive me. English is not my first language.ย 
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deeppoints ยท 7 months
Why do I exist in the shadows of your world, unnoticed and unimportant to your heart?
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