#I’ve watched it so many times and always end up giggling nonstop
contradictivs · 2 years
look me in the eye & try to tell me that this is not jacob cust/os energy
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jjkamochoso · 2 months
Braids and Mochi Escapades
Obanai x female reader
Mitsuri braids reader’s hair, Obanai can’t handle the cuteness!
Warnings: none
Being a hashira, your life involved seeing lots of blood, guts, and other horrible things. It didn’t consist of much light and happiness but that all changed one day when you seized the opportunity to work with another hashira and your whole perspective on life changed. You had never had so much fun than when you and Mitsuri slayed demons together. She was a formidable opponent and even taught you many skills you now utilized in your own missions. Not to mention, she was kind, funny, and naturally, very loving. These were traits you had embodied before your life darkened because of demons but Mitsuri showed you that you could still embrace and seek out good times even when all else seems hopeless. That’s how you found yourself having a sleepover with the Love Hashira after your semi annual hashira meeting was adjourned. The hashiras were all granted a few days’ rest before accepting any more missions so when Mitsuri invited you over for a girl’s night, you couldn’t say no (Shinobu did, though—she was always busy with some sort of research). You ordered as much sakura mochi the kitchen could begrudgingly make for you guys and made your way to Mitsuri’s room to hang out while the food was being prepared. You didn’t have the chance to announce yourself before her screen opened and the excitable girl wrapped you in a hug.
“Y/N! I’ve been looking forward to this all day! Come in, come in!”
She dragged you inside and you let out a sigh of relief when her strong grip finally released you. Putting down your futon and extra blankets, you felt your stomach flutter with happiness. You hadn’t had a sleepover since you were very young and were relishing the fact you could have a normal few days without the stressors of being a hashira.
“I ordered us sakura mochi from the kitchens, I hope that’s alright,” you said, a bit shy. You knew it was her favorite but you didn’t want to come off as overbearing. Your worries were instantly quelled by the huge smile that graced her face as she pulled you in for another hug, thank you’s flowing out of her mouth nonstop. You giggled, already feeling content at how the night was going and you hadn’t been there for over a minute.
“So, is there anything in particular you want to do while we wait? I’m not well versed on sleepover activities yet, I apologize,” you said sheepishly.
Mitsuri just gave you a kind smile. “Don’t apologize! Tonight’s going to be so much fun! Ooh! I know! I can braid your hair!”
You instantly lit up. You were always envious of how pretty Mitsuri’s hair was and you’d be lying if you said you hadn’t tried her signature hairstyle on yourself many times. However, you could never make it look as cute as she does so you were ecstatic that she would bestow her skills upon your head. She brought over a box of ribbons, all different colors of the rainbow, to tie at the ends of your hair as you released the pulled back style you had kept your strands in. When Mitsuri sat behind you and began to gently detangle your hair, you felt a wave of relaxation run through you. It felt nice to have someone so eager to take care of you for a change. You two basked in the comfortable silence until the talkative girl spoke up.
“So, y/n, do you have a crush on anyone?”
Your eyes that were previously closed opened up in a flash. Of course she would ask that, she’s the Love Hashira! But you were embarrassed that you had allowed yourself to succumb to such a weakness like love. Not even love, just unrequited affection toward a man that barely acknowledged you. It was humiliating to let her know of the truth of your heart but you couldn’t find it within yourself to lie to her.
“Unfortunately, yes, I do. He’s the most handsome man I’ve ever had the chance to lay eyes on but we’ve only spoken once out of all the years we’ve known each other. I watch him from afar but refuse to speak to him first out of fear. It’s shameful, I know.”
You were glad she couldn’t see your face as you spoke because you weren’t used to being this vulnerable. You were pleasantly surprised when she kept braiding, not skipping a beat.
“Oh, y/n, that’s so romantic! Pining and yearning are just two pillars of the many that make up love. It’s not shameful. Love is a complicated thing, especially for us, but if you face fear head on you’ll find that most things aren’t as scary as you think they might be. If you like him, he must have a good heart. Don’t be afraid to strike up conversation. He’ll come around eventually.”
You didn’t know how she did it but you instantly felt better. “You’re right, Mitsuri. Thank you.”
A few seconds passed.
“May I know who it is that’s captured your heart?”
You grimaced, knowing this would happen. “Um, I’m not sure I-”
“It’s probably Tengen, isn’t it? He’s so dreamy! If you’re into guys like that. Wait, you two have spoken many times so that doesn’t fit your description. Ugh, it isn’t Giyuu, is it?”
You tried your best not to laugh. Poor Giyuu, you didn’t know why no one liked him but even though you held a soft spot in your heart for him, it was the wrong man.
“No. Different raven haired man.”
She went quiet for a moment before gasping. “Obanai?”
You shook your head slightly in affirmation and she let out a high pitched squeal, inadvertently yanking on your finished braid in excitement. “Oh my gosh! You like Obanai? That’s so cute! You HAVE to talk to him, he’s such a sweetie!”
You grabbed onto your tender scalp in an attempt to soothe it after she almost ripped out all of your strands. “Now that the whole compound knows of my feelings,” you muttered, “I think my confidence to face him is completely shattered.”
Mitsuri gave you a pouty face. “No, don’t say that! You’re a beautiful girl and any man would be lucky to have you. He’s shy, you’re shy, it’s a tough combination but if you’ll allow me, I can tell him of your affections to see where it goes.”
“Oh, that’s alright, no need. If it’s meant to be, it will be. But thank you. And thank you for this gorgeous hair! Maybe this will give me the confidence boost I need to approach Obanai.” You gave the pink and green haired girl a hug and then inspected her work in a mirror. She had tied your (h/c) hair with ribbons, but they were mismatched colors. You were going to ask if she did that on accident before the realization of what the colors reminded you of set in. She had used one yellow ribbon and one turquoise ribbon, perfectly coordinating with Obanai’s eyes. Your mouth hung open in shock as Mitsuri giggled at your reaction.
“I hope you don’t mind! I was originally going to use just turquoise but when you mentioned your feelings for Obanai I thought this might be a way for you to feel closer to him. And it’s a great conversation starter.”
You gave her another huge hug, amazed at and grateful for her quick thinking. “Now that you’ve got me looking this good, we’re ready to get our food!”
Mitsuri clapped her hands in excitement and grabbed your arm as you two raced out the door of her room and into the warm summer night. The hot, sticky air permeated through your haori and left a slight sheen of sweat on your skin. You took a second to appreciate the quiet stillness of the compound, the smell of wisteria giving you comfort. You knew it was impossible for demons to be around, so why did it still feel like someone was watching you intently in secret? You shook it off, thinking you just weren't allowing yourself to let your guard down.
You laughed a little, turning to Mitsuri. "I'm not used to this relaxation time-"
She was gone. You would've been majorly freaked out if you hadn't spotted her entering a building beyond where you stood. Maybe her appetite turned ravenous and couldn't wait another second for food so she ran to the kitchen? You were confused and ready to catch up with her but your attention was turned to the rustling noise from above you. You stood under a wisteria tree and hanging over your braided head was a snake. Its white body slithered through the branches, staring at you and occasionally sticking its tongue out. You weren't familiar with snake behaviors but this one seemed friendly enough so you cautiously reached your hand toward it in an attempt to pet it. It didn't bite you when your fingers touched its smooth head so you took that as a good sign. You were extremely surprised, though, when it fell out of the branches, instead opting to rest on your shoulders. You tried to calm your breathing and before you could get too freaked out at your predicament, you almost facepalmed in realization that there was nothing to worry about. It was Kaburamaru, Obanai's snake friend, that had found his way to you. You were both looking at each other with curious eyes and you gave him a smile, trying to guess at what he was thinking.
"Mitsuri did my hair, Kaburamaru! That's why I look different. Though you probably recognized me by my scent from the other meetings you've attended, hmm?"
Being a snake, he obviously didn't answer you, but he did seem like he understood what you were saying, so you kept talking. "Are you hungry? We could try and find some frogs at the pond if you'd like."
He lifted his head and you could've sworn he shook it in disagreement.
"Alright then. Should we go find Obanai? It's a little late for you to be out here all by yourself."
"He's not by himself."
You nearly jumped out of your skin when you heard Obanai's voice from above you. You looked up and saw the bandaged face of your crush peering at you from some higher up branches, nearly in the same position you had found Kaburamaru.
"O-Obanai! I apologize for not greeting you. I hadn't noticed your presence." You bowed and hoped he would forgive you. He climbed out of the tree and landed at your feet, black hair moving effortlessly around him. Your mouth went dry and any words that could've been said had died in your throat the moment your eyes met his. He was even more beautiful at ground level when you could observe him up close. His eyes glistened in the full moon's light that blessed the Master's compound. The man of short stature had such a strong, powerful aura about him that almost made you dizzy, yet was so intoxicating that it drew you in. Neither of you shared any words for the next minute or so, unsure of what to say.
"Your hair's... different," muttered Obanai, taking in your appearance and then suddenly looking away.
"Mitsuri did it for me! I was telling Kaburamaru all about it. He seemed to notice as well," you said, the warmth of embarrassment creeping on your face as you registered that what you said suggested that you were conversing with a snake. If Obanai didn't think you were a weirdo before, he definitely did now.
"He's very perceptible," Obanai agreed, making you feel at ease about your previous panic. You two found yourselves in another awkward silence and you prayed to any god that would listen that Mitsuri would come back with your food soon.
"So what brings you out here this time of night?" you asked.
He cocked an eyebrow. "I thought you despised small talk."
Your eyes opened the tiniest bit wider. How had he known that? You barely interacted with him in all the years you had worked together yet he was aware of that little fact about you. Had he been noticing you all this time and you were too ignorant to see it?
"I do." You took in a breath. Time to be brave, y/n. "I just... wanted to talk to you. About anything. Get to know you better." Now it was your turn to look away as you cringed at how that sounded. You wished you had gone to Tengen for flirting lessons before ever coming in contact with Obanai.
Your head turned back to face him again as you answered with a shrug. "Because you're interesting." And because you're ridiculously handsome and I'm hopelessly in love with you!
His eyes narrowed. "Interesting enough to mock me with your hair bows?" He pointed accusingly to your hair, the ends of your mismatched ribbons adorning Kaburamaru as he continuously slid over your body.
"What? No, you have the wrong idea! I swear, I'm not mocking you, I-" You didn't know how to respond and your time was running out before Obanai hated your guts. You resigned to telling him the truth; you'd rather be hated for that than for something that was blatantly false. "I told Mitsuri I found you handsome but was too shy to speak to you so she thought matching the ribbons to your eyes would be a way for me to feel closer to you." He had an unreadable look on his face and you wished you could melt into a puddle on the ground and evaporate away from this conversation. You reached your hands to your hair and began to undo the ribbons. "It was a bad idea, I'm sorry for-"
"N-no! Don't!" Obanai's hands shot out so fast you never saw them coming. He grasped your fingers, stopping them from their job of removing the ribbon. When you felt his cool skin on yours, goosebumps made their way across your entire being. "They look pretty. Y-you look... pretty." Was it a trick of the light or was Obanai... blushing? You couldn't believe your ears. Did he just call you pretty? You thought your night was going to be amazing just being at a sleepover with your friend and now your crush was practically holding your hand and calling you pretty. Obanai was about to remove his hand from yours when Kaburamaru quickly wrapped himself around your conjoined appendages, not allowing either of you to let go. The Serpent Hashira was left in a state of blushing and stuttering apologies for his friend's indecencies and you were certain the snake was laughing at you both.
As if summoned by pounding heartbeats and gauche attempts at confessing feelings, Mitsuri finally appeared, copious amounts of sakura mochi toppling out of the bags she held.
"Oh my gosh, you two are SO cute together! Did y/n finally tell you that she likes you?" She asked Obanai, mochi flying out of her mouth as she took another bite. As he was always someone who had a snarky comeback or venomous reply, you had never seen him unable to produce words like at this moment when he was floundering for the right thing to say.
"I, well... she, umm... What's it to you anyway?" He finally spit out, but Mitsuri just laughed.
"I'm the LOVE Hashira, silly, I'm the expert at this stuff. Although, I must admit, Kaburamaru did most of my heavy lifting, didn't you?" She beamed at him as he finally released you and Obanai from each other to receive a big helping of raw meat from the pink and green haired girl. You stared at her incredulously.
"You're telling me that you worked together with a snake to set us up?"
"Kaburamaru found me earlier today and brought me to Shinazugawa who told me that he was tired of Obanai dancing around his feelings for you, y/n. He also mentioned that Obanai was probably talking about you nonstop to his closest friend, Kaburamaru, and that he was also done with the inaction. So, we devised a plan and now here we are. Isn't that adorable?"
"I told you he was perceptive," said Obanai, clearly embarrassed, but you found the whole thing to be strangely sweet. You decided it was time to get back to your sleepover where you and Mitsuri could fangirl over this moment for the rest of the night so you bid Obanai and his snake farewell. Before you could turn away to leave, Obanai got your attention one last time.
"I hope that one day I'll be strong and worthy enough to speak of my truest, deepest feelings for you myself, but until then," he reached up to pick a small bunch of wisteria off the tree and tucked it behind your ear, "please accept this gift and the meaning I've imposed on it."
You smiled shyly. "Thank you Obanai. I hope our paths continue to cross in the future." As you made your way back into Mitsuri's room, Obanai watched you until you closed the screen door behind you and for a little while after that. He couldn't promise to love you in a conventional way, but he swore from that day on, he would keep you as safe as possible in this unpredictable world you lived in.
On the day of the hashira's departure from the safety of Ubuyashiki's lands, you felt your heart sink at the remembrance of the danger you and Obanai had to go back out and face. However, your aching chest was abated by the raven haired man that entered your view, timidly thrusting a lump of something into your palms. You quickly unraveled the folded fabric and you were greeted with two knee high socks with the same black and white striped pattern as Obanai's haori.
"Obanai, that's so thoughtful of you! I'll treasure these forever."
"You don't need to treasure them, they're just socks," he grumbled, not meeting your eyes.
You giggled. "But they're from you. How could I not want to keep something so precious in good condition?"
"If they rip, I'll buy you more. So don't worry about it."
"Thank you so much for the kind gift." Your gaze softened at him as you frowned the tiniest bit. "I'm sorry I didn't get you anything, I feel bad."
"I don't need anything. Just..." He finally looked at you. Your hair ribbons mirrored his eyes once more (you swore to wear them like that until the day you died and then in every reincarnation you were born into) and he felt his heart beat against the walls of his chest. "Just don't die. That's all I ask of you. Let me be able to see you again."
Your own heart panged with the weight of his words. "I promise. I'll see you soon, Obanai Iguro."
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f1united · 3 years
Zoo - DR3 Imagine
Daniel Ricciardo Imagine
Summary: You and Daniel are having a family day and talk about the future :)
Word Count: 2.9k
Please let me know if you have any f1 requests, I am more than happy to write anything for you!
As much as you loved watching Daniel race, you were grateful that you were able to spend some time with him now the season had ended. Although you were lucky enough to attend many races, your work schedule wouldn’t always allow it and you also wanted to still have time on the weekends to catch up with your friends and family.
You’d decided to spend this Christmas in Australia, it was your first away from home, but you were loving the warm weather and seeing a bit more of Daniel’s family. You had met them plenty of times now and were so thankful for how well you got on with them. It was late last night that Daniel had climbed into bed with you, he had been out seeing some of his old friends, leaving you to have the house to yourself that evening.
You loved spending time with Daniel, but it was nice to have some alone time after the busy race weekend. You had a nice long bath and a mini pamper session before painting your nails in front of the tv. You were so tired that you can barely remember him coming home, only noticing when the bed dipped beside you as he pulled you close to his chest.
Your early night may have been the reason you woke up so early the next morning. You weren’t really a morning person but had got a bit better at it over the years. Daniel’s family were coming over for breakfast and then the plan was to go to the local zoo. His nephew loved animals and when you had suggested the idea everyone couldn’t see why not, plus you hadn’t been to a zoo outside the UK and wanted to see if it was any different.
You rolled out of bed and into the shower. Your shoulders relaxed as the warm water hit your skin. It wasn’t as nice as the heat from Daniel’s body, but then you didn’t think anything could ever beat that. You stepped from the shower onto the fluffy bathmat, quickly wrapping yourself in a towel to dry yourself off. You walked into the dressing room opposite the bedroom and slipped on a nice summer dress. You rummaged through the drawers to find some nude underwear that would be discreet under the light colour of the dress but were unsuccessful, realising they must be in the utility room drying with the clothes you had washed yesterday. You placed your towel in the wash basket and made your way downstairs.
The view from Daniel’s kitchen was beautiful, the white rectangular island stretched for metres and looked across to the dining table and lounge area where you’d often have company. The folding glass doors separated you from a huge garden, some of his nephew’s toys were littered around the patio from when he’d last visited and the paving stones drew your eyes towards the pool.
You were lucky to have met Daniel, it had always been you dream to work in Formula 1 and you were beyond grateful to have had the chance to join McLaren in your early 20’s. Of course you knew who Daniel was, and he grew to know who you were. Working mainly at the office in the UK, you didn’t often see him to begin with. You weren’t too annoyed about it, as you fancied the pants off him and found it hard not to blush anytime he even looked in your direction. Your team was more in the background, didn’t attend races and just focused on the work at hand so when a few of your team members began getting invites you were slightly confused. You’d spoken to Zac Brown about it, he had interviewed you for your role and you had got on very well with him ever since. He had just said that your hard work had been noticed and smiled as you left his office.
Your team was overjoyed with the invites to races, it was something all of you had always spoken about. You were more of a family unit, you saw each other for hours on end every day and had grown so close that summer barbeques and birthday get togethers happened regularly, they made great drinking partners.
Whenever you’d see Daniel at a race, you’d wish him good luck as everyone else around him would too. However, you didn’t know he’d noticed how your eyes lingered on his body slightly longer whenever he was in his race suit or how you intensely stared at his hands when he ruffled his hair after he took his helmet off. It wasn’t really new to him, someone was always watching, but something about it being your eyes had got his attention. It made him slightly nervous if he was honest, but the thought of you watching meant he wanted to go out there and do the best he could in the hope that if he saw you after the race you might congratulate him with a smile on your face, and even the thought of that gave him butterflies.
Even though you were unaware of this, there was never a time he’d finish a race and you wouldn’t congratulate him. You’d grown up watching him race and just thought he was brilliant. A mixture of his personality and nonstop smile along with his determination meant that even in a race where Lewis Hamilton might even be about to win a championship, you would still be watching his car. Whether it was in 2nd or 16th, that’s where your eyes would be. Some of his crew has started to pick up on it, although the people you worked closely with sometimes joked about your little crush on him they never mentioned it outside of the group. As much as it was all fun and games, there was a mutual understanding that this was a professional environment and things like that weren’t to be joked about around management, and especially the drivers. It wasn’t any comments they’d noticed, they would tell Daniel after races how you’d been shouting at the screens just as much as they had, often louder. How you’d cheer when he overtook someone, even if it only meant it was for a single point.
Sometimes he’d question why they told him these things, a slight hint of sarcasm in his voice and they all rolled their eyes at him. They’d noticed how he’d look for you after a race, craving the smallest conversation from you and how he would instantly start paying more attention if he heard your name mentioned. They would poke fun at him and wind him up where they could but at the end of the day he understood he was there to race, and that’s what he did.
You were emptying the dishwasher when his arms snaked around your waist and kissed your shoulder before resting his head on it and whispering a small morning into your ear.
“I’ve been calling down for you, what has you in a little world of your own?” he questioned as you both swayed from side to side lightly.
“Nothing” you smiled as you placed the bowl you’d picked up on the side and turned around to face him.
“You sure about that?” he smirked as your eyes found his. “That smile suggests otherwise” It was true, you were grinning from ear to ear.
“Just thinking about when I first started coming to the paddock, and now here I am in the kitchen of the best-looking driver in Formula 1” he let out a small laugh as you spoke. You wrapped your arms around his neck and gave him a small peck on the lips.
“What can I say? I’m great with the ladies” you playfully smacked him on the arm and frowned before laughing and turning your back to him to continue unloading the dishes. He moved his hands down from your waist to your arse as you bent over to grab something off the lower shelf. Then to your surprise he lifted the bottom part of your dress up.
“Daniel!” you laughed as you shot up and turned around again.
“You seem to have forgotten to put on underwear” he winked at you
“That isn’t my attempt to seduce you” you giggled as he started kissing your face. “It’s in the utility room”
“Lame excuse” he continued kissing you, starting to trail down your neck. Just before he could do anything else, the doorbell rang. He looked at you and groaned as you let out a laugh.
“I’ll go and put some underwear on while you let them in” you unwrapped his arms from around you and left a kiss on the corner of his lips as you made your way across the kitchen and he headed towards the door.
“Or don’t” he responded.
“I’m not really planning on flashing anyone accidently today” you replied. You heard him laugh as he opened the door and greeted his family. His parents and sister’s family made their way into the kitchen as you came out the utility welcoming them all with a hug. It had been a few months since you’d last seen them as you hadn’t been able to make it to all races.
“It’s so lovely to see you” his mum spoke as everyone began sitting down on the sofas. You were nervous when you first met his family. The age difference between Daniel and you wasn’t huge, but it had certainly gained some media attention. You didn’t want his family to think you were with him for his money and fame or even think that you were too immature to be with him. You had never brought it up with him before you’d met his parents, but he could sense you were nervous and knew why. He knew there wasn’t anything for you to worry about but didn’t say anything as he didn’t want it to play on your mind. He was right though, they loved seeing the two of you happy together and could immediately see how genuine your feelings for one another were.
“I’ve missed you guys; I’ve been looking forward to today for ages” you smiled. It was true, you loved spending time with his family. You had a relatively small family but that doesn’t mean it drama free, there was always something going on and here you felt slightly more relaxed. Daniel loved that, for years he couldn’t imagine bringing someone into his family in case they didn’t get along but when he saw how well you fitted in he couldn’t help but watch and smile.
“Y/N” his nephew shouted as he ran through the kitchen towards you. He held him arms out for you to pick him up and you placed him on your hip.
“How are you little man?” you asked
“I’m okay, look!” he said pointing down to a scrape on his knee.
“Oh no, how’d you do that?” you asked
“I fell over out there on the drive” he explained.
“Shall we put some cream on it?” you asked, “we don’t want it to get dirty do we?” he nodded his head as you spoke and carried him over to the medicine cabin and sat him on the worktop before grabbing some antiseptic cream out and rubbing it into his knee.
“Look Uncle Daniel!” he shouted across the kitchen to get his attention as he showed him his knee that now had a plaster on.
“Wow, Auntie Y/N has fixed you!” he gasped making the little boy giggle as you picked him up and put him down on the floor so he could explore wherever he wanted.
“Auntie Y/N?” you questioned Daniel as you began to get food out of the fridge for breakfast. You spoke quietly, you had never been called that before and didn’t want his family thinking that you were the one who wanted to be called that.
“What’s wrong with that?” he replied as he grabbed the eggs and bread from the cupboard next to you.
“Just haven’t been called that before, I don’t want him to think he has to call me that”
“He always calls you Auntie Y/N” Daniel said casually which caused you to freeze a bit. You had been dating for about 3 years now but hadn’t really considered that his nephew had grown up with you around and didn’t know any different. You continued to place the bacon next to the stove and grabbed a frying pan out from the drawer below.
After breakfast was over, you all headed to the zoo and spent the day wondering around visiting all of the animals. Seeing Daniel with his nephew made you smile, they had so much fun together. You also secretly loved when he went into dad mode like when he was making sure that he’d had enough to eat or drink and making sure he had enough sun cream on and wasn’t too hot. It made you excited for the future, not that you had spoke about it in much depth. You both wanted kids but hadn’t discussed when, you just figured it would happen when it felt right.
You all headed back to the house after the zoo, it was getting quite late, so you’d all ordered a takeaway. Daniel’s parents left not long after while the rest of you had some drinks, agreeing that they would all spend the night in the spare room so his nephew could stick to his routine. You didn’t drink much, only a gin with dinner. You wanted Daniel’s sister and her husband to have the chance to get a little bit drunk so agreed to stay sober in case something happened to the toddler and someone needed to be able to drive.
He was currently asleep leaning against your chest while you were all sat on the sofa’s chatting.
“I’ll put him to bed” Daniel’s sister went to get up from the sofa, but the sudden movement sent her head spinning slightly and caused her to sit back down. Everyone let out a little laugh as you volunteered yourself to carry him to the room and make sure he was settled for the night. As you carried him upstairs he stirred a little. Placing him in the bed he started muttering about the animals from today, you spoke back quietly, careful not to wake him even further as you stroked his head lightly and he drifted back to sleep. As you got up to leave, you jumped at Daniel standing in the doorway.
After shutting the door slightly so the noise from downstairs wouldn’t disturb him, Daniel spoke up. “I thought I’d see what was taking so long” he was slightly drunk, his eyes a bit drowsy compared to their normal alertness.
“I’ve been gone for about 2 minutes lover” you replied as he embraced you in a hug.
“I know I just like seeing you with him” now he was just being soppy. You laughed and took his hands into yours as you stepped back.
“I like seeing you with him too” you winked.
“Maybe,” he whispered as he hugged you again, “we should give him a cousin” he lifted you up as he spoke, and you wrapped you legs around his waist. He started walking towards the stairs but then walked past you towards the bedroom.
“Daniel Ricciardo we have visitors’ downstairs” You laughed as he carried you into the room and placed you on the side of the bed.
“They won’t hear if we’re quiet” he suggested as he ran his hand up your thigh.
“No but they’ll definitely know what we’re up to” you ran you fingers through his hair as he leaned over you before pulling him into a kiss. You continued for a minute or two until you could feel him starting to get hard against you. “We can continue this when everyone’s gone to bed” you voice was almost a whisper, you wanting this as much as him but not wanting to be rude to the couple sat downstairs, although if you’d have been drinking too you were sure it would be a completely different scenario.
It wasn’t until late the next morning after waving goodbye to his sister, brother in law and nephew that Daniel had mentioned your conversation from the night before. You both headed back upstairs to the bedroom, you were meeting some friends for lunch and both needed to get ready.
“I wasn’t kidding yesterday” You were doing your makeup in the ensuite mirror as he dried himself off from the shower. You were concentrating more on his body in the reflection than where you were spraying your setting spray. “I want to have kids with you”
With Daniel being older, it played on his mind that by the time you wanted kids, he’d be too old. He hadn’t wanted kids when he was your age and expected you to feel the same but he also didn’t want to be an old dad, he wanted to be involved with as much as he could for as long as he could. Even you thought you’d be a bit lost for words when having kids were mentioned. When you were younger you had wanted to have a secure career path and always imagined having kids in your late twenties, maybe even early thirties. However, things were different now. You loved your job and you had the man of your dreams alongside you.
“Let’s have a baby then”
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ellitx · 3 years
Twig | Albedo x Reader
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the final act of TWMA part 1 part 2 
can be stand-alone
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disclaimer: this is written before v1.2 so my interpretation of albedo’s story and lore is not accurate. these are just my assumptions and understanding that i based on each characters’ voicelines about him
word count: 3.4k
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            Something felt odd. What in the world happened…?
            The male awoke from an unfamiliar scent that drifted through his nose. Likewise, he has woken up from a restless sleep due to the rough waves, to glimpse at the glowing and radiant sun peaking above the horizon out of the window. It extended its vivid light across the deep blue sky. 
            Its dazzling and inviting rays flowed through the window providing warmth to his body. Slowly the fatigue of the endless dreams was seeped out of him as the warm light trickled into replacing his unrest— it eased his body.
            His mind meandered aimlessly into nothingness, continuously staring at the beige wall painted around the room.
            He is aware when he is forgetting when there is something close yet hidden, yet he cannot at that moment fathom what it could be. It’s as if he was following a bread crumb trail and it ends, so he stopped. 
            It gives him ideas as to what is missing from his brain because if one always got stopped when traveling, you would know that there are blocks in your way preventing you from continuing any further— even if he has no clue to as what they are. 
            A peal of melodic laughter that is mirthful and playful then reached his ears, stopping him from his dreaming. Albedo turned his head to the source of the voice and saw a girl— that was around his age— chuckling as she held a tray in her hands.
            “You’re finally awake.” She brought down the platter on the table next to him and poured a cup of tea. His visage frowned and tightly gripped the blanket that was tucked to him. 
            Why did he felt that she was mocking him? He doesn’t know why but for some reason it did irk him. He forgot about his memories. He doesn’t have the slightest clue as to where he was and why he was here.
            “Here.” She gave him the cup and patiently waited for him to take it. So this is where the foreign scent was coming from. He thought to himself.
             The smell was fragrant but had a tinge of spiciness in it. It made his nose crinkled but accepted it nonetheless— quite hesitant, as the girl observed. Taking a small sip of the tea, it surprised him that it tasted sweet. It was quite unexpected because of the tangy fragrance it gave off.
            “You look so lost.”
            The laugh came from her like a newly sprung leak— sheepish at first, stopping and starting. She wasn’t done yet though, he could tell from the way she turned her head and half-bit her lip. From deep inside her chest came a great shaking motion and her muscle face grew tight.
            His eyebrows arched as he put down the cup on the tray, waiting. In moments this female’s laugh was more like a burst water main arching into the brilliant summer sky, soaking everyone around her with unrestrained gales that deliberated her to nonstop giggles and picked face picture of glee.
            Albedo wanted to stay straight-faced and walk out the room— she was, after all, laughing “at him”, not “with him”. But before he could stop himself, his poker mouth twitched upwards, and was smiling despite himself.
             Nevertheless, he didn’t hate it.
             On the next day, she was already bombarding him with questions. 
            “Hey, hey, what was that thing you just did? That was my sister’s research she’s been working hard for and you’ve already solved it?!” [Eye color] optics sparkled in awe and admiration as [Name] gazed at him from her side.
            He peered into her eyes and nonchalantly shrugged his shoulders, continuing to read the texts of the book she gave him. “It was a minor mistake she had done. I’ve read some pieces of information about that topic and was not expecting I would stumble upon it.”
            She puckered her lips and pouted as she snatched the codex from his hands. His answer was so vague! It didn’t really satisfy her curiosity about this outlander. “Hey!” 
            The female raised her arms, preventing him from reaching it. “I won’t give this back to you until you tell me the whole story!” Albedo’s brows folded in confusion and struggled to grab it. “That is the whole story.”
            Her cheeks puffed and watched him yanked the book from her. It was disappointing, to say the least how he easily took it. 
            Sighing countless times already made him question himself why this girl still insists on staying by his side. It’s not like he didn’t like it nor does he like it, it just raised him so many questions about what happened yesterday.
            Why would the Knights took him in considering how [Name] just effortlessly helped him out of nowhere. Not to mention how he barely knows a single thing about Mondstadt. It made him indignant how he can’t remember even the slightest thing.
            He doesn’t blame anyone for it. It’s no one’s fault that he lost his memories.
            Just thinking about this bizarre occurrence that just magically appeared out of nowhere made his head ached. Though the tug on his arm caught his attention and looked at the young teen in puzzlement as they started to march off to archon knows where.
            “Maybe I should tell Grandmaster Varka about this…” She softly muttered to herself. He caught her words perfectly and so further press a question to pique his interest. “Tell about what?”
            Both of them slowed down and paused in their tracks, stopping midway near the fountain area. [Name] chuckled and winked at him playfully. 
            “You’ll see.”
            Albedo hummed and looked fixedly on the back of her head as they continued to walk silently. 
              There was a delicious moment where his face washed blank with confusion, like his brain cogs couldn’t turn fast enough to take in the information from his wide eyes. It made [Name] stifle a laugh at the expression he was currently showing to all the members of Ordo Favonius.
            Every muscle of the male’s body just froze before he looked away from them to the girl who stood beside him. A grin crept up onto her face, it soon stretched out from one side to the other showing every single tooth.
            Surprise isn’t an emotion he’d ever taken well. He could tell himself he was at loss for words. He guessed he found himself dumb, in a sense that made his lexeme stopped flowing. Stopped because she has shown him a new direction he never anticipated for a moment.
            Every member knows she had saved him— saved him from what though? That he did not know, he never asked her about it nor did she even tell him what happened to him. He just let it be.
            Receiving the news that he’ll be a member of the Knights, to have the position as the Chief Alchemist, really made him bewildered and surprised.
            “Isn’t this happening too fast?” He questioned whilst quirking a brow.
            “Hm? What do you mean?” [Name] tipped her head as her eyes stared at his own turquoise ones.
            “Why is everyone easily agreeing to it? I’ve only been here for a day and just assisted your sister in translating. I appreciate the thought that the Grandmaster here is giving me the position of Chief Alchemist but I can't help but question why.”
            She glanced at him, her mouth pursed but slightly open and loose. Her eyes are fixed as if she’s looking at something a yard behind his head. He called her name to garner her attention.
            She blinks, refocused. “Albedo, it’s actually been five days. Lisa talked to everyone about how genius you are.”
            Now it was his turn to owlishly blink. Five days? Does time really move that fast?
            Well, he did hear the saying that time flies fast when you’re having fun. He never noticed about it and now that the idea battered him, it continued to linger inside his head.
             What happened yesterday, what happened today, everything still feels the same. Even if the fragment of memories within him seemed to etiolate. His hands clawed his chest, feeling the unusual warmth from it and throughout his body.
            Everything has been important to him and will be important to him.
            He knows that these distant memories seem so far and vague but are significant to him.
            He doesn’t understand the reason why, but he shouldn’t forget.
             At least that’s how he thinks things should be.
             The sound of the ticking grandfather clock echoed throughout the silent room. It sounded so monotonous and lifeless inside. The tall and antiquated object stood there as the gateway for old-man time, the golden pendulum making its steady way back and forth.
            The silence was so eerie, though none minded at all as two teenagers were fast asleep, still remaining inside their dreams. 
            An aroma Albedo has gotten used to woke him up. It’s the smell of the herbs and various flowers that have mixed together giving off a sweet and minty scent. He opened his eyes and stayed like that for a few minutes.
            The alchemist tiredly glanced down to see the papers are now messed and scattered all over the table. Heaving a sigh as he raked his fingers through his hair, his aqua optics went on to the female’s sleeping body that rested on his lab’s bed.
            She still hasn't woken up.
            He stood up from his seat and quietly approached her unconscious form to check on her condition. [Name]’s features were much softer in sleep, the lines that usually creased her brow replaced by youthful appearance giving off a child-like look. 
            She looked peaceful, he thought to himself.
            He pulled up the blanket over her shoulders and turned around to continue making remedies for her once she’s awake. 
            The Knights of Favonius were worried sick about her, especially her sister, Lisa. They were hoping and praying to the Seven she’ll wake up from her coma. They all miss her presence, days of not seeing her wandering around also worried the townsfolk of Mond.
            She has been cooped up inside his room while Sucrose and Noelle assisted him in taking care of her. 
            The morning dusk is about to arrive and Albedo has to continue doing his research nonstop. He does so wished to see her [eye color] orbs finally open after the incident. It hurt him to know [Name] has been like this that he did not even realize until the Acting Grandmaster and her sister told him about it.
            He stared at the small plant that was placed on the windowsill. Its leaves started to fall off from its branches as it slowly started to wilt in the darkness. He grabbed the small twig and observed the faintest of light it gives off.
            Would it hurt to say that it reminded him of her? 
            [Name] is someone that has to be taken care of carefully. After all, when she saw what he had written about her condition, she didn’t want to believe it. He wanted to say that her “friend” was just a fragment of her imagination without affecting her mental state.
            He hovered his hand over the small branch, watching it bloom before his eyes with ease. He placed it back in the vase and returned to the table. If only he could easily return her back just like how he did with the plant.
            Return her from his arms again instead of that bard.
            He let out a bitter laugh at that thought. This was his fault. Why would she come back running to him if he did not even once give her his time? When they’ve finally met again for so long, she was avoiding his eyes.
            It hurt him, he won’t lie about that. Her welcome to him was just a simple nod and that’s it. No hugs, no welcomes, not even a small smile was given to him.
            If he did stop his research and at least spend time with her, will everything change?
            Albedo shook his head as the answer to himself. Even if it is, why would he still continue hoping and thinking about these things? Sometimes his formulation of the rationale of real-life situations irked him. 
            This isn’t alchemy, genius.
            His self-feud stopped when he saw her fingers moved the slightest from his peripheral vision. His heart fluttered and gave him a bit of hope if the archons had finally heard their wishes. 
            When her eyelids flickered open, the sight was not what he was expecting. 
                      A lone tear trickled down her cheek. Her lips quivered and continued to look at the distance. Out of complete silence, her soft cries arose. He’d never seen [Name] sat like that, so deflated. Her loose shoulders shook, her hands hanging low, making no attempt to conceal or even wipe her own tears.
            All of these emotions coming to him at once hurt him.
             His head throbbed and let the feeling of guilt crush him.
             The giggle rolled around the room like a child’s spinning top, vibrant and heartwarming as it moved around the people in its chaotic ways. It came in its fits and bursts— loud to soft to nothing at all and back to loud again. 
            It was as if there was an invisible feather at [Name]’s nape brushing softly; she squirmed and raised her shoulders to block Barbara from tickling her neck. The laughter built up inside her like so much water behind a dam, making her shoulders and her belly hurt.
            She cried when Klee jumped onto her body and joined in with the deaconess. Their carefree and playful tittering reached Albedo’s ears when he entered the room. Their eyes darted towards him as their laughs died down.
            The Spark Knight ran towards him and hugged his legs, overjoyed in seeing the alchemist here. He knelt down to her height and patted her head as a smile slowly crept up to his face.
            [Name]’s laugh caught his attention again, though he did not dare to look at the two females. As much as he tried to focus on listening to Klee’s words, he cannot help but listen to the former’s gentle hilarity. 
             For some reason, it made his chest wrenched every time he listens to it. He wondered why that is when it’s something he remembers all the time. 
             He recalled the day he got his Vision. It appeared out of thin air on his desk and she was the first one to point it out. It surprised [Name] why he had gotten Geo instead of Dendro. She watched him fiddle the trinket in his hands as he continued to analyze it. 
            He didn’t really mind whichever Vision he got. As long as he can continue doing his research then it’s fine with him.
            He didn’t know why he found himself laughing so hard, but all of a sudden, he couldn’t stop. His breath came in quick gasps between his unstoppable tittering. Tears gathered in the corner of his eyes, threatening to spill over.
            She was confused about why he was laughing all of a sudden worrying her. He waved his hand dismissively and pointed out the expression that was currently painted on her face. Her face reddened and slapped his back jokingly.
            After their short playful bickering, the Chief Alchemist plucked a small branch from a plant and hand it over to her. 
            “Visions are gifts given to us by the Gods. Think of it like this sprig, there are many possibilities which among the elements they’ll receive yet no one knows what they’ll end up with until they’ve received it.”
            She furrowed her brows as her brain cogs continue to process what he meant. It finally dawned on her what he meant and hummed. “But not everyone can receive Visions, though.” She remarked.
            “Exactly. They may not bear fruits or maybe yet, one day it’ll come to them.”
            “That’s not what I meant.”
            “Then what is it?”
            [Name] sighed and rested her chin on her palm. “Not everyone is blessed by the Seven.” The male was still and quiet. 
            “Well, I’m no god. I may not know how they give out Visions but it sure is something remarkable, isn’t it?” Her eyes lightened up and nodded vigorously.
            “Right?! Wouldn’t it be better if they just give it to everyone?” Albedo laughed and admired her own exclamation. 
            It surprised the female teen that he just suddenly grabbed her hand unnoticed. He observed how small her hands are compared to his. He placed the twig on her palm and with a simple motion of his wrist, the branches started to grow as small leaves then sprouted from it.
            It occurred to her just how amazing Albedo is. She raised the small branch in the air and examine the faintest glow of the leaves it emitted. She gasped and stared with wide eyes as isotoma flowers started to bloom from the ends.
            “W-was that suppose to happen?” She turned her head to him and pushed her arms forward to show the herb to him.
            He bobbed his head and took out a pot filled with soil. He used his elemental skill on it and a cecilia shaped flower appeared. Instead of the usual vibrant white, it almost looked too rigid and rocky.
            [Name] poked it and it really was sturdy. He asked her if she can use her own elemental skill, to which she responded with a yes. She twirled her hand and he can feel the air starting to get cold.
            Small snowflakes started to form and dropped down on the pot. Once the snow made contact with the rocky flower, it formed into a crystal and bloomed into a refreshing and spirited cecilia.
            It felt like a real flower instead of the stony one they just saw. The alchemist plucked it and carefully tucked it to her ear, adoring how well it donned her appearance and perfectly captured her delicacy.
             Cecilias really does suit her.
             That day, the day he only showed it to her. It’s the memoir he cherished the most. It’s the only special memory he couldn’t forget.
            He understood why. He keeps thinking of her.
            All these mnemonics with [Name] are important to him and are everything to him.
            And on that day, he believed she wouldn’t leave.
             A smell of a nostalgic sweet breeze wafted in him. The winds kissed his skin making him wish to go back to sleep, yet the sound of familiar laughter was what made him want to open his eyes.
            He recognized those sweet mirths. It’s so close to him that he can feel the figure’s shakiness. The tree’s shadow helped him not to be blinded by the rays of the sun and the gales that caressed his skin were so calming, but his focus was purely glued to a smile.
            Her smile.
            He still waited for the day when he can show the small beauties of life to someone, but there are no fools like him in this vast world. Perhaps they exist, yet they must be distant, enjoying the same sky with other eyes yet the same thought. 
            The whistling of the birds that awaken their sleep in the trees, letting his perception be painted with white, yellow, and blue. It battered him that he was currently laying on her lap.
            So shall it stay put, a smile eternally stained upon her lips. Her joy, her love, her laughter, her cheer. All will reach the ears of those who have forgotten the warmth of such harmonies.
            Emotions came to his mind like the waves meeting the land. They come to him, soaking his entire being and helped him to understand his entire self better. He felt wet hot tears filled up his eyes.
            But this was no tears of grief. 
            It was tears of joy that he has finally heard her laugh once again. Much closer than before. The distance with them has now shortened. Is this the archons saying they’ll give him another chance?
            If it is, he’s very thankful to the Celestia and to the Seven. He was so happy that all he can do is cry and let the tears continuously fall down his cheeks. The tears stained his face but he didn’t care if it did.
            Albedo was just so ecstatic he finally got to reunite with her. He can finally hold her in his arms and apologize for the mistake he has done to her. He missed her so much that he can’t bear the pain anymore of how distant they are.
             And so he promised himself he won’t ever forget her.
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 this oneshot is based on this song   
346 notes · View notes
spcncershybrid · 3 years
Amortentia -Fred Weasley Imagine
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(Summary: A certain Weasley let’s his feelings about you slip in the most inconvenient way.)
Fred Weasley X Reader
This is based on a few tik toks and probably some imagines I’ve read. Might post another imagine tomorrow but if not I hope you all have a great day this week for whichever holiday you celebrate!! Love you all!
“Are you ready for potions today?” Angelina said, nudging me as we walk to class.
“Not really I’m pretty sure Snape hates me.” I laughed as we walked into class.
Angelina and I stopped in confusion as our girl classmates were huddled around a cauldron. The boys stood to the side brewing something.
“Where’s Professor Snape?” I ask walking up to them.
“Not sure.” A girl said, turning to us.
“What are you lot brewing?” Angelina said as we walked up to them.
“Amortentia.” Another girl said giggling.
“And you boys?” I asked looking over to them.
“Same thing.” One said scoffing as he sniffed the cauldron.
“Y/N, try it first. You’ll probably smell you know who.” Angelina said as she moved to the side.
“Not that you know who Angelina.” I say laughing.
“Right sorry.” She said giggling lightly as she realized what she said.
I leaned my head over the cauldron and sniffed. Fireworks, smoke, and wood.
“So what do you smell?” Angelina said looking at me.
“A variety of smoke items and wood- like our brooms.” I say looking at her as I tilted my head. 
I smelled Fred Weasley.
I look at the other girls who are occupied with smelling the cauldron. I step away from the cauldron and pull Angelina to the side with me.
“I think I smelled Fred.” I said looking at her in shock.
“At least your feelings are confirmed.” She said excitedly.
You see here’s the problem, the twins are my best friends. Like all love cliches I fell for my best friend.
“But Angelina what if he doesn’t smell me. The smell varies for everyone.” I say as I run my hands over my face.
“He probably doesn’t even like me. This is setting me up.” I groan as I look over at her.
Angelina knew otherwise. Being on the quidditch team made her form a bond with the Weasley’s twins. Over a night of team celebration and firewhisky that was snuck in, secrets from both of the boys were revealed.
“So boys, any girl caught your eye?” Angelina asked as she took a swing of firewhisky before handing it over to Oliver.
“You already know who.” George said winking at her as he tilted his head towards Fred.
“Fred?” She said as she looked at him.
“Who do you fancy?” She continued as she watched him take a sip of his drink.
“Nobody.” He said.
“Really weren’t you boasting about-” Oliver started before Fred cut him off with a glare.
“You guys are still down here.” Y/N said walking down the stairs of the common room.
“The celebration died down a bit. There’s still some left if you’d like.” George said, handing her the bottle.
She happily took the bottle and took a swing feeling the liquid burn her throat.
“That’s always so awful.” She said, wiping her mouth.
“I think we should call it a night, we have practice tomorrow.” Oliver said standing from the floor.
Everyone nodded their head before leaving besides Angelina, Fred and George.
Fred stared longingly as Y/N walked back up the stairs. He sighed as he watched her leave. He shouldn’t feel this way, she’s his best friend.
“She’s the one he fancies.” Angelina said as she leaned over to George.
“Now you notice. He’s been this way since third year.” George said chuckling.
“Oh dear that long. He should make a move.” She said crossing her arms as they watched Fred leave the common room.
“Contrary to popular belief Johnson he won’t do it. He complains often about how she wouldn’t like him.” George said.
“Well he’s wrong!” Angelina exclaimed.
“She fancies him too?” George said in slight confusion.
“You don’t share a dorm with her. If you did you would hear nonstop on her feelings. Half the time it’s like a broken record.” Angelina laughed.
“Let’s make a bet.” George said placing his hand out.
“One sickle that they get together by the end of term.” George continued as he kept his hand out.
“You’re on Weasley.” Angelina said as she shook his hand.
With that they both separated and went to their dorms and the night was filled with an earful of complaints from their dorm mates.
“This is bad Angelina.” I say as I look around the classroom. I went to my usual seat and sat down.
“No it isn't, wait for them to come and let’s hear what he smells.” Angelia reassured me as she sat down beside me.
As if on cue the twins ran into the room smiling.
“Y/L/N lay off the perfume for a while. I can smell you from here.” Fred exclaimed as he sniffed the air in confusion before laughing loudly.
I felt the color drain out of me and my mouth grew dry. Everyone else stifled a laugh as they looked at us.
“What?” Fred said as he looked around the class.
“That isn’t her perfume Fred. We’re brewing Amortentia.” A girl said laughing. 
Now it was Fred’s turn to grow pale. His cheeks turned red like his hair.
“Unauthorized use of brewing materials is strongly prohibited without a Professor present.” Snape's dull voice said as he walked into the classroom.
“10 points from Gryffindor and Hufflepuff.” He continued as the students scurried to their seats.
“At least it's mutual.” Angelina said laughing slightly.
“That doesn’t make this situation better.” I say biting my lip anxiously.
“Talk to him after class.” Angelina said as she began writing on her parchment.
“You’re right what’s the worst that can happen.” I say laughing nervously.
Fred stared blankly at his parchment as he felt himself slowly die of embarrassment.
“That’s not too bad mate.” George said as he looked over to his brother.
“Not too bad. George this is awful.” He said as he scribbled aimless things on his parchment.
“You didn’t hear it from me Freddie but she fancies you too.” George said leaning over as he glanced over towards Angelina and Y/N.
“You reckon?” Fred asked as he looked over.
“Talk to her after class and you’ll see.” George said as he began writing.
Soon enough the bell rang out.
“Class dismissed.” Snape said as he closed his book.
Students ushered out the room and into the corridors.
‘Now or never.’ Fred thought as he watched Y/N and Angelina leave the classroom.
I walked beside Angelina and felt my hands grow cold.
“You talk to him all the time.” Angelina scoffed as she laughed lightly.
“This is way different Ang.” I say as I play with my robes.
I grew silent as Fred and George walked beside us. 
“Angelina we should check if Oliver needs us.” George said as he grabbed her arm and dragged her away.
“So what’d you smell?” Fred asked as we walked beside each other and into the courtyard.
“I didn’t smell anything Fred.” I blurt out quickly. I cringed lightly as we walked.
“Oh. You don’t fancy anyone?” Fred said, scratching his head.
“No Fred I don’t.” I say stopping and stare at him. I felt bad for lying to him but I need to preserve our friendship.
“I should probably check if Oliver needs me too. Bye Y/N.” Fred said jogging back into the school.
I huff in anger and felt tears prick my eyes. Stupid Amortentia!
I walk into the quidditch locker room shielding my eyes.
“The boys are on the field already, it's just me.” I heard Angelina say. I put my arms to my side and sat on the bench next to her.
“I messed up everything.” I say putting my head in my hands.
“What happened in the courtyard?” Angelina asked as she sat next to me.
“He asked me if I fancied anyone and I completely lied to him.” I say looking at her pouting.
“That’s all?” Angelina asked as she strapped her gloves.
“He asked me what I smelled in the Amortentia and I lied to him saying nothing.” I say leaning my head on her shoulder.
“Why’d you do that?” Angelina asked as she comforted me.
“I didn’t want to ruin our friendship.” I huffed.
“You wouldn’t have Y/N.” I heard Fred say as he walked into the locker room.
“What are you doing here!” I exclaim as I stare DF at him in shock.
“I forgot my bat.” Fred awkwardly said as he pointed to his locker.
Angelina stared at the both of us before leaving the locker room.
“You wouldn’t have ruined anything if anything you would’ve made it easier.” Fred said as he went and sat beside me.
“Fred you’re my best friend I can’t lose you like that. I guess I was just scared.” I say looking down at my lap.
“You scared blimey Y/N fancying me isn’t that bad.” Fred laughed as he placed his hand on my leg.
“To answer your question earlier, I fancy someone and I smelled fireworks, wood and smoke. Do you reckon I smelled George? He is quite cute.” I say jokingly as I look at him.
“I'm pretty sure you smelled his twin brother the one that actually likes you.” He said rolling his eyes.
“Tough luck on my end.” I laughed as I heard Oliver yell outside.
“You should probably go. Oliver might hit you with the bat.” I say standing up.
Fred stood up and stared at me. I gave him a quick peck on the cheek and shy away as I felt my face heat up. Fred smiled and walked away towards the door.
“W-wait Fred I have a question.” I say stopping him.
“What?” He said turning to me.
“Why me? There are so many other girls at Hogwarts.” I ask as I watch him open the door.
“Not all girls can handle a prank. I can dive more into it on our Hogsmeade date.” He said winking before leaving the locker room.
“Those damn Weasley’s.” I smiled before walking out of the locker room and going to the common room.
“You seem giddy.” George said as he and his twin flew to their post.
“I just scored a date with Y/N.” Fred said as a slight blush flourished on his cheeks.
“I knew you could do it Freddie.” George smiled. His smile grew wider as he remembered a certain thing.
“Oi Angelina! You owe me a sickle!” He yelled, making the girl flip him off laughing as she waved the coin in the air.
“For what?” Fred said as he stared at his brother in confusion.
“Sometimes love has a price brother.” George laughed as he flew over to Angelina making Fred just scratch his head.
taglist: @hpbitch​
326 notes · View notes
nct-lian · 3 years
people who have a crush on lian (outside of the group)
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duration: april 2020 — present
he actually developed a crush on her after he had watched the music video to her pre-release single, “stay tonight.” he thought she looked SO good and went on to talk about how much he loved that kind of concept on her for weeks on end.
eric obviously knew about her prior to his discovery of the song, having a member that’s been great friends with her for about a year.
he thinks that if kevin would stop hogging lian and actually let her interact with more of the members, he’d be able to “win her over” but according to kevin, she’s his best friend and his best friend only.
do fans know?: yes
fans of both the boyz and nct figured out that eric had a little bit of a crush on her after watching the english line’s episode of the k-pop daebak show with eric nam.
it was the section of which eric nam was reading out all the questions jacob, kevin and eric had sent in for each other, and one of kevin’s questions for eric was, “do you have a crush on my best friend?”
eric nam widened his eyes, “you have a best friend that he has a crush on?” he asked kevin, who was trying not to laugh hysterically at the question that had resurfaced. “he might,” kevin nodded.
“jacob, do you know who he’s talking about?” jacob nodded and suppressed his giggle by lifting the pillow he was hugging tightly to his chest and covering his face with it.
eric held a look on his face that screamed, “i’ve been personally victimized” as he shot his head back and forth between kevin and the other two older men in the room.
“i don’t have a crush on your best friend.. well- you know- like- maybe a celebrity crush.”
kevin cackled, “she’s not a celebrity-” eric nam laughed at that and shrugged his shoulders when eric turned to him for some help. “i don’t even know who’s he’s talking about, don’t look at me!”
“to you!” eric shot back at kevin, implying that he obviously wasn’t going to see her as a celebrity, given their best friend status.
jacob let him himself laugh, “eric, it’s okay, you make it so obvious sometimes.” he reassured his younger member.
eric stuttered over his words and kept shaking his head. “it’s a celebrity crush. no real feelings.” he stated.
the man across from him, again, shrugged his shoulders in confusion. “i still don’t know who we’re talking about?”
kevin apologized and clapped his hands together, “she’s actually schedules to come on this show.” he smiled and threw him a thumbs up. “is she really? oh, i think i know who it is, then.” eric nam made a face and looked at kevin and jacob, who both matched his expression.
then they all looked at eric, “why are you guys looking at me like that? okay, next question.” he smiled in attempt to change the topic. eric obeyed, feeling bad that they were sort of teasing him, while the two others just laughed.
current status: acquaintances (they met through kevin moon)
( FIRST MEETING ) lian had been waiting at the door of kevin’s dormitory for a minute too long, and no matter how many times she knocked, nobody would answer. they were supposed to be going on a walk in order to catch up before their weekly schedules. 
lian pulled out her phone and called kevin through facetime, him answering almost immediately. “kevin, why aren’t you answering? i’ve been knocking nonstop.” 
he rolled his eyes and told her to just come in and that he’ll be a minute because he can’t find any shoes that look good with his outfit. 
she hung up on him and walked inside, greeted with the sight of the boyz’s maknae on the couch. she stopped in her tracks and watched as he scrambled to his feet in panic. “s-sunbaenim, what are you doing here?” eric scratched the back of his neck.
“huh? oh! i’m just waiting for kevin to finish getting ready.” she smiled politely and looked at everything but him, finding the interior of their dorm rather interesting at that moment.
getting uncomfortable with the awkward atmosphere her and eric had created, she yelled out for kevin to hurry up. “moon hyungseo!” she called him by his korean name, knowing that he didn’t like it.
“don’t you dare call me that, bae haneul!” he shot back at her, stumbling out of his room while trying to put on his left shoe.
she chuckled, “hah, jokes on you, i actually like my korean name.” he stuck his tongue out at her, “okay idiot, let’s just go.”
he opened the door for her so she could walk out first, “uhh, bye eric.” lian waved at him with a tight smile before exiting the dorm, kevin following after her.
eric waited for the door to close before he returned her goodbye, giggling like a little schoolboy who’d just received a lolipop.
“she knows my name.” a bright smile replaced the awkward frown on his face.
crush percentage out of 100: 60%
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duration: unknown — present
chan can remember keeping up with smrookies while he was still a trainee, and he developed some sort of jealousy towards lian. he saw her grow as a person, not just an artist. 
he watched her debut first, he watched her transition from red velvet into nct, he watched her achieve his dreams before he could.
this jealousy overtime somehow turned into feelings, and he had no idea what kind of feelings they exactly were.
he hadn’t ever really experienced feelings like this before, and he was terrified to admit what he thought they were. eventually, chan opened up to someone and it was clear that he had a bit of a crush on her — and a big one.
chan began to update himself on smrookies daily, constantly wanting to know what she was up to and what her debut plans were, especially because of the sudden group change.
even now that they’re great friends, he’s always calling her to see what’s going on and if she needs help with anything.
do fans know?: definitely
no doubt do stays know about his feelings — he was bound to slip up once or twice while live streaming to them.
and that slip up just so happened to be while he was reacting to lian’s “play” music video. everything was going fine — bopping his head to the beat and humming calmly, but he couldn’t stop the blush from spreading onto his cheeks while watching her dance with another guy.
yeah, he was jealous, but that doesn’t mean stays had to know. he hysterically fanned his face, somewhat over exaggerating to play it off. “oh- woah- is the ac not working in here suddenly?” he playfully laughed at the camera facing him.
the song soon ended, and chan was back to reading all of the comments. he read some aloud, some in his head, but he accidentally let one slip through his lips.
“do you have a crush on neullie?” he nearly cursed when he realized the question he had just read to the entire live stream said what it said, allowing himself to sit back in his chair as he watched all the comments flood in.
“well, do you?” “CHAN OMFG-” “christopher bang..”
“guys, come on, of course i don’t.” the viewers definitely wanted to believe him; like, a lot, but they couldn’t.
the way he smiles whenever she was brought up in a conversation, how he looks so incredibly proud when talking about her — it would be a complete lie to believe otherwise.
current status: good friends
( FIRST MEETING ) changed out of the sparkly, sequinned dress she’d been wearing for the last couple of hours and now sitting in a pair of sweats and a zip up, lian couldn’t be happier.
finally out of the uncomfortably tall heels and being able to sit down on a cushy sofa while waiting to leave the venue, lian pulled out her phone to check notifications.
five minutes probably passed before her manager gave her the “okay” to start walking to the exit, the car already waiting for her outside.
leaving the dressing room, she saw taeyong, who decided to tag along with the driver (and taeil) so he could see her. “hey, oppa.” she greeted, grabbing onto his arm and leaning on his shoulder for support.
“did you have fun? were you able to see sunmi-sunbaenim today?” he patted her hand slowly. she nodded and made a noise in confirmation, way too tired to give an audible response.
taeyong chuckled as he made sure to keep her upright while getting closer to the exit.
meanwhile, bang chan was talking with felix a couple feet away. he felt bad watching as taeyong struggled to help lian balance herself on her, for sure, wobbly legs.
he saw how terrific she danced that night, completely dominating the stage with her powerful choreography and her clear vocals.
subtly walking in their direction, he put his hand out the minute taeyong’s arm wasn’t able to hold her up anymore. lian looked like she was sleeping at that point.
chan gracefully caught her in his arms, taeyong apologizing and taking her back into his own. “i’m so sorry-” he bowed.
“no, no, it’s okay. she must be tired- uh- would you like some help?” chan offered a helping hand, but taeyong was sure he had other duties to attend to, being the leader of his group and all.
“no! please, i got it from here. thank you for catching her, though, you have no idea what yuta would have done to me if something happened- uh, i’m getting ahead of myself. have a good night.” he noticed how he began rambling on, but chan paid no mind to it.
laughing and keeping the air light, chan nodded his head and bowed, about to walk away after wishing him a safe trip back to the dorms; but that was when lian decided to wake up from her slumber.
“huh?” she looked at taeyong cluelessly, but chan caught her eye. it was then that she noticed johnny’s grey zip up was halfway down her arms, spaghetti strapped tank top (pretty revealing) on full display.
she hastily pulled the sleeves up and looked at chan awkwardly, bowing to him and proceeding to ask taeyong if they were going home.
taeyong nodded his head and put a hand on her shoulder, “yeah, the car is waiting outside. taeil’s in the backseat with your pillow.” he smiled.
lian’s smiled back with a toothy grin, clapping her hands excitedly as she now knew she would be able to sleep on the way home. again realizing chan was watching, she looked back to him.
“it was nice meeting you!” lian waved her hand at him, grabbing onto taeyong’s arm and gently dragging him towards the door leading outside. he complied, but not without shouting yet another “thank you!” to chan, who was still standing in the same spot.
crush percentage out of 100: 90%
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duration: october 2018 — present
soobin was really able to learn more about the different variety of idols in the industry when he first joined bighit, and that surely included lian. he admired her so much; she became one of the people he looked up to most.
she was the only female member in a group that included eighteen other men, how could he not immediately think the highest of her after finding that out?
he would keep up with her scheduling and make sure to listen in on her radio show appearances so he could stay updated. he even bought all of her solo albums so he could put her photocard in the back of his phone case!
do fans know?: yes
moas aren’t even able to count on their fingers the amount of times soobin has said lian was his ideal type or his #1 crush. like, the first couple appearances he had on camera post debut, her photocard was literally still in his phone case.
“moas are asking if you still have a crush on lian-sunbaenim.” yeonjun nodded his head towards soobin, the members of txt all sitting comfortably on the floor of a practice room.
soobin lightly brushed his hair out of his face as he nodded his head, “yeah, she’s gotten even prettier lately. have you see her new music video?” beomgyu nodded excitedly.
“it’s super good! the album is amazing, as well.” he beamed at the phone that was filming them and clapped his hands.
“yah, don’t get too excited; soobinnie will get jealous~” yeonjun teased. soobin playfully hit his hyung on the shoulder and told him to be less embarrassing, a small blush now resting on his dimpled cheeks.
hueningkai and taehyun both laughed at their leader, agreeing that lian has certainly gotten prettier, if that was even possible. the topic was soon over as they began talking about something else, but moas definitely added that into their list of “soobin fanboying over lian” moments.
look forward to the fifteen million new youtube videos about it!
current status: acquaintances, idol x fan
( FIRST MEETING ) soobin almost jumped straight out of his seat when he noticed the goddess herself, lian, walk into the section him and his group were currently in. he watched her bow to the members of itzy before sitting next to them and placing a fluffy blanket onto her lap.
she had just finished performing, and he was still shaking at how perfect it was played out; the sparkly outfits, the amazing choreography, her powerful vocals yet again never disappointed.
the curfew for underage idols now being hit, soobin and yeonjun both bid goodbye to their younger members as lian, yeji and lia did the same for ryujin, chaeryeong and yuna.
the three girls sitting in front of their section soon ran out of things to talk about while waiting for bts to perform their stage, a comforting silence falling upon them. lian allowed her eyes to wonder around her surroundings and ended up unconsciously turning around and staring right at the two members of txt that were left.
yeonjun seemed to have paid no mind to her lingering gaze, but soobin on the other hand could have sworn his heart dropped out of his ass at that very moment. lian, now shaken out of her thoughts, noticed how creepy she probably looked.
bowing in apology, she quickly turned around to talk with lia once again in order to distract herself from the embarrassment that was currently enveloping her whole.
once he knew lian was too invested in her conversation to notice his quiet squeal, he excitedly began bouncing his legs up and down on the cold floor and repeatedly hit yeonjun’s arm.
“huh, what? what’s wrong?” confusion took over his face, wondering why soobin was practically having a heart attack next to him.
“hyung- she looked at me! right at my face! lianna bae looked at me!” yeonjun couldn’t help but scoff at how incredibly excited soobin seemed to be at such a little thing, but it was cute.
crush percentage out of 100: 78%
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duration: somewhere in 2019 — present
taehyung has seen lian here and there whenever he browsed twitter on his secret account, and he’s definitely noticed the constant shipping and dating rumours that went on between their fandoms.
the fanwars, the manips — they’ve all been seen by him at some point in time; but he has to admit that from the manips he’s been able to get a good look at, him and lian would actually make a pretty nice looking couple.
but you didn’t hear that from him tf :)
do fans know?: kind of
the calming beat of lian’s “my friend” played in the background of taehyung’s vlive, the viewers all watching him eat peacefully and answer some of their questions.
“are you a fan of lian?” taehyung slowly read out the question as he tried to slurp some of his soup up at the same time. “yes, i like her music a lot..” he trailed off, once again focusing on finishing his soup.
he ate his last spoonful shortly after, continuing his sentence, “i noticed she likes to experiment a lot.. it’s admirable.” he smiled fondly and switched to another song on his playlist after “my friend” ended.
“uh, she’s also really pretty; she fits my ideal type well.” he allowed himself to giggle, somewhat playing it off so the atmosphere on the stream stayed comfortable.
the topic of lian never reappeared that night, fortunately for him, but when he was chaotically woken up the next morning by jungkook, he saw at least five headlines about how he admitted to having a crush on lian.
current status: friends (?)
( FIRST MEETING ) venturing off and losing his members during isac was never taehyung’s intention, but he was able to see some of his friends, so it wasn’t exactly a bad thing. he met a few idols and befriended them, trading phone numbers with a couple new people before heading off to regroup with his six roommates.
on his way there, however, a girl with green sweatpants and a white long sleeved t-shirt caught his eye. he recognized her as nct’s only female member, who was currently running around with seulgi of red velvet.
if he was being completely honest with himself, he’d love to join in on the fun they looked like they were having, but he instead continued on with his journey towards bts. even after a couple minutes of searching around the large stadium he was still unable to find his members.
eventually giving up on his mission, he just decided to back to wherever he last saw some entertainment. he found himself now engaged in a conversation with johnny suh, looking back at lian every now and then to see if she’s gone anywhere.
after a little while, johnny seemed to have caught on, “why are you staring at lian?” taehyung jumped at the question, shrugging his shoulders awkwardly and turning to fully look at the older male beside him.
“uh, i can ask her to come over here if you want. i’ll be a wingman,” johnny winked playfully at the fellow idol, and went over to grab lian before taehyung was able to give a solid answer.
“hey, lian, taeyong wants to talk to you.” he grabbed her hand, and began to drag her towards the bts member, who was literally shitting his pants. seulgi on the other hand, was following the two to wherever lian needed to be, not quite ready to leave.
“noona, go away.” johnny lightly pushed seulgi away from lian, being a shot an “i’m incredibly offended, you’re dead to me” look as as she stomped away from them and over to joy and wendy.
lian silently followed johnny to where “taeyong” was but instead she was met with the face of kim taehyung. she looked back up at johnny with confusion written all over her features, but he shrugged his shoulders and walked away as well.
now, they were just standing there awkwardly looking at each other with nothing to say. “uh, hi, you’re not taeyong.” lian laughed to break the ice, taehyung following shortly after. “yeah, i don’t know what he was trying to do here.” lian nodded in agreement.
lian suddenly became aware of all the fans in the audience and the numerous amounts of fansites that probably had their cameras facing directly at her.
she was able to wrap up her conversation with taehyung pretty quickly, making a mental note in her head of the phone number he’d given her so they could talk later.
once taehyung walked away as he’d finally caught sight of yoongi, lian stomped over to the member of nct 127 and roughly pushed johnny into jungwoo, but he was far too strong to be toppled over like she wanted.
“you idiot, why would you do that? that was so awkward, i hate you and i’m not cooking for you ever again.” johnny simply laughed and ruffled her hair, turning back to hyuck, who was also laughing at her.
she huffed as she was engulfed into a hug by yuta, who almost immediately asked what the hell they were talking about over there.
crush percentage out of 100: 40%
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lennonknowsmysins · 3 years
insomnia (modern!roommate!au)
beatle: john lennon
summary: ever since quarantine started, you’ve had trouble sleeping. every night is the same pattern of nonstop thoughts that keep you up. just when you’ve given up, john, one of your roommates, stumbles in to help you. (can be read as platonic or romantic)
warnings: insomnia, quarantine
a/n: i don’t think that anxiety induced insomnia is an official term but it’s definitely a thing, yee haw. this is a total comfort fic. 
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Your eyes were glued to the television screen, mindlessly listening to the buzz of Animanics. Your eyelids felt so heavy, yet they refused to stay shut. 
It had been like this since quarantine started. All your nights had been sleepless, tossing and turning until you maybe got an hour or two. Usually you went through four phrases; you laid and waited for sleep you knew wasn’t coming, then you started to convince yourself you were hearing noises and seeing shapes which lead you to get on your phone to distract you which lead you to digging up old memories until you were crying and listening to your playlist from freshman year of high school, and then you were back to phase one. 
Tonight you’d decided to skip out on the crying stage once you’d worked up enough courage to grab your phone. You figured it might help if you didn’t stay in your bed, it was started to feel more like a cage. So you’d drug yourself to the living room, curled up on the couch and turned on the first show that didn’t look terrifying, which had been Animanics. You’d had to smile, this was George’s Hulu account and the cartoon had been under his ‘continue watching’ file. 
A muffled thud made you freeze. You stared down the hall, in the direction that it came from and let out a breath when John stumbled out of his bedroom, eyes half closed. You started thinking of an excuse for why you were still awake and watching cartoons but John was either really tired, really focused or more blind than he cared to let on because he walked right by you, making a beeline for the bathroom. You assumed this was what it was like to catch a bat in action. Well, if bat’s wore pinstriped boxers. 
You shrugged, turning your attention back to the screen just in time to catch the pigeons getting into another scruff. 
The bathroom door opened, briefing flooding the living room with yellow light. John came back out with his glasses, seemingly much more aware of his surroundings. He was rarely caught dead in them but you thought the thick frames looked really nice on him, they were very classy. Like Buddy Holly’s, he explained to you. 
He finally noticed that the television was on, though he didn’t catch you. He must’ve thought that someone had left it on by accident, as he sighed and reached for the remote on the coffee table. 
“I’m watching that.” You mumbled. John’s head whipped up and he squinted at you at the end of the couch. 
“(y/n)? Whatcha still doin’ up, kid?”
“Can’t sleep. What about you?” You asked dumbly. You just weren’t in the mood to talk about your sleeping problem. 
“Had to take a piss.” He responded nonchalantly, settling on the other side of the couch. You giggled at him, making him look over at you, your gaze back on the cartoon. “You know, you’re probably not able to sleep ‘cause you stayed up till midnight.”
“I stayed up that late because I knew I wouldn’t be able to sleep.” You admitted flatly. John studied you for a moment. Even though you were curled into a ball position, he could tell that your body was tired. He could tell that you were tired. 
“C’mere then. Let’s have a snuggle.”
You looked up at him, your lips quirked. He had his arm stretched you, his eyebrows raised. You grinned, crawling over to him and curling into his side, resting your head on his chest. He patted your bare knee and tutted. 
“No blanket and teeny little shorts, you’ll freeze.” He scolded playfully, reaching behind you to grab the blanket that hung over the couch, “I swear child, you’ll be the death of me. Or worse, you’ll turn me into me aunt.”
He draped the blanket across the two of you - though he made sure that you were completely covered before indulging himself. It was handmade, the yellow fabric once stiff but now incredibly soft from years of loving wear. You’d loved it since you’d moved in, something about it made you feel oddly domestic, especially now with John’s arm wrapped around you. 
“And that’s the facts,” You sang along quiet with the end of Animanics theme.
“Didn’t know you were an Animanics fan.” John commented, absentmindedly combing his hands through your hair. 
You leaned into him, humming, “Haven’t watched a whole lot of it but it was the first thing that popped up on George’s Hulu and I thought it looked cute.”
“I forgot Georgie likes this show.” John muttered, nodding his head. 
The two of you watched in comfortable silence, chuckling every so often. It was nice to have company after so many lonely, sleepless nights. John made you feel warm. Not at all like how the blankets on your bed made you feel like you were in an oven. No, John made you feel warm and comfortable. 
“How long have you had trouble sleeping?” John asked, careful not to sound too pushy. You sighed. You supposed you couldn’t keep up the front forever. 
“Since March. I mean, I’ve had trouble with it before but now it’s like I can barely shut my eyes without a melatonin.”
John’s heart sunk at how miserable your voice sounded. You’d been struggling with this for a month by yourself. He felt a pang of guilt that he hadn’t noticed how exhausted you were. He would have bought you all the Camille tea and Tylenol PM you needed if he’d known. “Have you talked to anyone else about it?”
You shook your head, “I didn’t want you guys to worry or anything. Figured I’d find a cure or something on the internet.”
“Oh baby, you can worry us all you like.” John assured you, squeezing your shoulder, “Look, we’ll help you find something to help, George has always got some sort of plant or hippie shit to help.”
“But I’ve tried everything!” You lamented, sitting up, “Nothing’s working, everything just makes me more nervous.”
John rested a hand on your back, “Love, we’ll find something. You’ve probably got anxiety induced insomnia. It can be caused by sudden changes in lifestyle so it could be caused by quarantine.”
“Anxiety induced insomnia? That’s a big term.” You teased, wrapping your arms around your knees. He flashed you a cheesy grin. 
“I saw a Twitter thread about it.” He shrugged cheekily. You sighed and leaned back against him. You put your head on his shoulder, prompting him to rest his head on your’s. 
“It’s just so frustrating. I just wanna sleep.”
He pressed a kiss to the top of your head, flattening back your hair. You’d never seen this side of John. Since you started living with the boys, he had never struck you as the snuggle type but you weren’t complaining. 
“You will sleep. Even if you don’t, I’ll be right here the whole time. It’ll be okay.”
You curled further into his touch. He started to adjust his position, swinging his legs up on the couch with a groan so that he was reclining against the couch pillow and you were laying on top of him. 
He patted your back, “We’ll call the doctor in the morning, see if we can get you an appointment.”
John was warm, you thought once more. Warm and inviting. Being this close to him felt right, he felt right. He was safe, he could keep away those terrible shadowy figures that you were convinced were stalking around the corners of your room. He could distract you from wasting away the early hours on your phone. He could help you sleep. 
Your eyes started to feel heavy again but this time, it wasn’t a hopeless heavy. Slowly, finally, you began to drift off to sleep. 
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theoreticslut · 4 years
The Truth that you Deny // Part 3
Part 1 / Part 2
Pairing: Fred weasley x reader x George weasley
Word count: 2,293
A/N: I hope you guys are still liking this - there haven’t been too many notes on the second part compared to part 1. There’s still a couple more parts to this so hopefully you guys are liking it 🙏🏻 ik it’s probably not the best fanfic out there, but for not writing anything like this is literal years I’m pretty proud of it. Let me know what you think & if you’d like to be added to a taglist for it!! Also, the way in which I’ve timed this has it taking place just before christmas so heads up. pls don’t get mad at me for the fact I’m talking about christmas & halloween literally just passed. i didn’t do it on purpose i swear.
Taglist: @justmesadgirl @xuckduck @yikesyikesyikes95 @filipi-yes @aestheticwh0r3 @siredkai @matsuno-nadeshiko
Quick recap: you’re friend Stephanie makes the point that you like the twins which you had been denying. After the twins try to get you to tell them who you like, you went quiet for a couple weeks as you have an internal battle between your heart and brain. You all go to a party and you get drunk, spilling a little bit of who you like to the boys. And go!
The next morning you can be found still in bed at 9, meaning you’ve completely missed breakfast, but you honestly couldn’t care less at the moment given you’re still asleep.
For the twins, however, they’d been awake for a couple hours now and knew you’d be grumpy if you had to wait until lunch to eat once you did, finally, get up.
Being the good friends they are, they figured they’d take some food back up to your dorm for you. They figured you’d more than likely still be asleep or at the very least tied to your bed with probably the worst hangover to date.
Upon entering your dorm, George notices you’re still asleep and smiles, motioning to his brother to be quiet. Fred peaks his head in and smiles at you sleeping so peacefully...too bad they were going to ruin it.
“Morning, y/n!” They both yelled as they jumped onto your bed either side of you causing you to fly up from your spot.
“Oh for Merlin’s sake.” You groan when you hit the bed again, you’re head throbbing with a headache.
“You’re both so fucking rude.” You pout, pulling a pillow over your head to try to block out the light and sound of your room.
“Good morning to you too, gorgeous.” Fred teases, laying down beside you.
“Did you sleep well?” George asks, ever so gently lifting the pillow from your head to talk to you.
“I guess. Bloody hell, how drunk was I last night?” You ask, finally sitting up against the wall as they sat either side of you, facing you.
“From what we could tell, you were wasted. Do you even remember anything at all?” George asks, looking over to Fred. Both of them were curious to know if you did, and if so, what. They were sure that you were talking about them being your crushes, but they didn’t want to assume anything in case you had been talking about someone else.
“Uhm....I remember getting there. There was a hufflepuff girl that complimented my outfit. I asked where the alcohol was....and then I believe I was on my...fifth drink when Oliver fell down after downing three butter beers? He’d had a lot beforehand, though.” You chuckle trying to recall the previous night.
“Oliver fell down around 9:30. We didn’t bring you home until after midnight. Do you remember anything else after that?”
You stop and think, frowning as you realize you really can’t. You remember that you were having a lot of fun, but you can’t remember any specific details.
“N-No...I guess I can’t.” You frown looking between the two of them.
They share a moment of understanding as a conversation plays out with just their glances. What they agree upon, however, is beyond your guess.
“I didn’t do anything dumb, did I?” You ask as you stand up, having climbed your way over George’s legs.
You wanted to change and clean off your face, but the thought that you did something humiliating stops you.
“Nothing stupid, no. You were going on about who you like though.” Fred mentions, sharing a look with George as you freeze again.
The twins wanted you to admit who you liked sober so they knew for sure that you liked them, because even though alcohol is supposed to make you speak the truth, it can’t always be trusted. Sometimes you say things just to say them.
“Did I now? Well, what did I say?”
You were worried that you had spilled everything to them as you really have no idea what you did say. If you did spill everything, where does that put the three of you?
“You said they were funny,” he replies.
“Brilliant.” George adds.
“And absolutely adorable.” They say in sync, smiling at you as you nod, wiping off your makeup.
“Did I mention any names?” You ask, eyeing them through the mirror.
“No, but it’s only a matter of time before we find out who it is, right George?” Fred answers causing you to let out a breath you didn’t realize you were holding.
“Right, Fred. We’ll be hyper vigilant from here on out. Any guy you talk to we’ll be analyzing from afar.”
“Good luck with that, guys. There’s no way I’m telling you who they are.”
You turn the facet on to begin washing your face more thoroughly.
“We’ll figure it out, don’t you worry.” Fred smiles as they both watch you washing your face.
“What? Why are you both staring at me?” You giggle, a bit uncomfortable.
“You just look really nice in that dress.” George smiles, causing a faint blush to rise to your cheeks.
“You do. You looked stunning last night all dolled up.” Fred agrees.
Again you smile, your blush only deepening as you nod back at them in thanks.
A few days have passed since the party and luckily, neither of the twins have mentioned much about trying to figure out who your crushes are. As far as you’re aware, they’re looking for two completely different people.
“Good morning, gorgeous. How are you this morning? Steph asks, sitting beside you at breakfast.
“Tired. I didn’t sleep well last night.” You state, taking a sip from your coffee.
“Aw, how come?”
You watch as she starts piling stuff onto her plate.
“Too busy worrying about classes again. Had a nightmare that I messed up a potion and singed my eyebrows off, not to mention setting the classroom aflame.” You sigh, taking a bite of toast.
“Why didn’t you just put it out?”
“Well, I did....” you start, smiling at the twins as they joined you.
“But instead of just putting out the fire, I ended up flooding the classroom. Instead of just a smooth stream of water when I cast Augmenti, I somehow cast a whole bloody river.”
“Bad dream?” George asks, after a sip of coffee.
“Yeah, fortunately. I’d be so embarrassed if that happened in life.” You say, shaking your head at just the thought of it.
“There’s no way you could. You’re one of the best witches at the school, y/n.” Fred states, causing a small blush to rise to your cheeks as you thank him.
“Well I’d love to stay and catch up with all of you, but I have some reading I need to do before classes this morning. I’ll see you all in charms!” You say, as you get up and leave.
The twins watch after you as you leave, smiling to themselves as you wave to one of your ravenclaw friends that called out to you.
“So how are you two this morning?” Steph asks, smirking to herself.
“When are you going to tell her?” She asks, looking between the two of them.
“Tell her what?” Fred asks.
“That you guys like her? Don’t even try to deny it. I’ve noticed every time you both look at her when she’s not paying attention and I’ve seen the way you guys smile over her. You seriously look like lovesick puppies.”
“No, your right. We just...we don’t know.”
“We’re kinda waiting for the right time and it just isn’t yet.” George adds.
“You better tell her soon, all the sexual tension at this table is suffocating.”
The twins laugh, but know you’re right. They need to tell you soon.
They kept to their promise and analyzed the body language, and conversations if they could hear them, of you and any guy you have talked to. they’re certain you don’t like anyone else and that you were talking about them. The thought that it still might be someone else, however, worried them.
At dinner that night, you’re all chatting away when McGonagall stands up to make an announcement.
“Boys and Girls, it’s again that time in the year where I will be getting a list of those staying here over the winter break. I will be taking the end of this week and beginning of next to come around and check bases with each of you. Thank you.”
Slowly the sound of chatter from all tables starts up again. You smile as you turn back to your friends. Christmas has always been your favourite time of year.
“Y/n, you’ll be coming to the burrow again right?” George asks.
“Of course, dummy. It’s my favourite place besides here. Your mum is absolutely amazing.” You smile, giggling as Steph bumps shoulders with you when you said it’s your favourite place.
You know she’s still trying to get you to admit your feelings to Fred and George, but thankfully she’s backed off on verbally saying it.
“Good. Mum loves having you over, doesn’t she Fred?” George smiles.
“Oh yeah. I think she’d be very happy if you were her daughter.” He laughs, a big smile lighting up his face.
“And I mean, we like when you’re over too.” George says, blushing a bit himself as his words bring a blush to your cheeks.
“Of course you do,” You laugh. “You guys just like that I keep your mum from yelling at you two all the time. That and how I sing Christmas carols nonstop.”
Both of them groan and roll their eyes when you say that even though, secretly, they really do love the amount of extra joy you bring to the house around the holidays.
“Ah! There are my favourite children.” You can hear Molly call as you step off the train after Ginny, Ron, and Harry - Fred and George following after you.
“Oh, you’ve all grown so much since the start of term. Y/n, darling, you’re just as beautiful as ever.” Molly gushes.
“Thank you, Mrs. Weasley. It’s wonderful to see you again.” You smile as you give her a hug.
“You too, dear.” She smiles as you both pull away.
“Come on now, let’s get back to the burrow. Y/n, I could really use your help doing some baking when we get there?”
“Of course.” You smile, picking up your bag that George had carried off the train for you.
“Mum, don’t you think she should get to rest a minute before jumping in to help with preparations?” Fred asks, a bit upset that she asked you so quickly when Ginny is able to help just as much and is her actual daughter.
He’s never liked when people take advantage of you. It didn’t happen terribly often, but usually when it did you never even noticed because you thought you were just helping a friend. You’re extremely kind and helpful, but he’s seen some of your “friends” use you until they get what they were after and then dump you. He’s also seen how much that bothers you when you realize they really weren’t that much of a friend.
“Well, yes. Of course. You all should. Take a moment to unpack and get settled in.” Mrs. Weasley states as you all pile into the car.
Harry, Ron, and Ginny sit in the front with Mrs. Weasley, leaving you, Fred, and George to squeeze into the back seat. While the car is roomy, the backseat is not particularly made to fit three teens, especially when two of them are about 6 feet tall, along with the luggage that didn’t fit in the trunk. Both Fred and George had agreed it would be easier if you sat in the middle since you were smaller, however you were still nearly sitting on top of them due to the lack of room. Neither of them complained though as they quite liked how close you were to them.
Once you had all arrived to the burrow you each went to your respective rooms - Fred and George to theirs, Ron and Harry to Ron’s room, and you and Ginny to her room.
You sighed contently as you set your bag on the floor.
“Did you have a nice ride over here, y/n?” Ginny asks, smirking.
“What do you mean, Gin?”
“You were practically sitting on the twins’ laps. That must have been nice, right?”
You hadn’t ever directly told her you liked her two older brothers, but she could tell from the way you looked at them and teased them.
“It would’ve been nicer to not be piled on top of each other.” You chuckled.
“I agree with you there.” She smiled, beginning to unpack her bag.
“So what about you? How are you doing with Harry?” You smirk. She wouldn’t admit it, but it was obvious that she had a crush on him. You’ve noticed how she talks about him, attempting to causally bring it up in conversation between the two of you, but you knew.
“What? I don’t -“
“C’mon, Ginny. You know I won’t tell, but I do know that you like him.”
“Fine, yeah. I do. I don’t expect it to go anywhere though. I mean, he’s Harry Potter and I’m younger than him anyway.”
“You’d be surprised, Gin. Just keep trying.” You smile.
“So what about you, Fred, and George? You do like them, don’t you?” She asks as you unpack a few of your things.
“I do, but it’s just really complicated. I don’t want to ruin anything, you know? I’ve gained so much since meeting them, from having them as friends to gaining all of you as a family....I don’t want to lose any of that.”
“Awe, y/n! I love you. You’d never lose me, I promise.” Ginny smiles as she hugs you.
“I love you too, Gin. I’m glad I’ll always have you.” You laugh, hugging her back as a smile takes over your features.
Christmas time at the burrow has begun and you were happy that you were able to be a part of it. There isn’t anywhere else you’d rather spend it.
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oikadori · 4 years
Comforting Stressed S/O Part II
⇢  Pairings: oikawa x f!reader ; atsumu x f!reader
⇢  Genre:  fluff...idk
⇢  WC~ 1,5K 
A/N: So I made one for Akaashi but i kinda liked this situation asjfohhddlkdjk so I couldn’t  help to make it for Oikawa and Atsumu. How can someone be that obsessed with 2D characters? Thank you ♡, enjoy!
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Oikawa is not fond of how immersed you are on your assignments 
If you’ve spent too much time on your computer he will start pouting and whining at you. He is just a  big size bb
He loves cuddles, so he needs his cuddle sessions with you. Oikawa will try to snuggle up with you while you’re working
If you don’t let him, after many pouts, he will get tired eventually and stops distracting you.
 If you let him, he’ll talk nonstopping about his day, trying to amuse you 
Oikawa loves to spoil you, he’ll get you all sorts of treats and gifts to cheer your mood 
He is pretty smart so he is always happy to help you 
He’ll be so smug about it  that he won’t stop teasing - he’ll brag about it the whole week 
“(Y/N)-channnn!” Oikawa wines from the living room while the TV  shows the intro of Star Wars “Come on, the movie is about to start” your gaze lift from your laptop to spot your boyfriend with the cutest smile he could possibly show to you, alongside his pleading brown eyes staring at you. 
“Tooru like I told you an hour ago, I have to finish a math assessment” you sigh, trying to show yourself annoyed by him- even when all you want to do is cuddle with him- “Maybe later”
“Yeah, I know, I know but you need a break too” Oikawa looks at you with concern, he moves on the couch, making space for you  “At least come here, sit with me” he pats the new spot next to him, inviting you. “Pleaseee” you roll your eyes, giving him a little smile. 
“You are very annoying, you know?”
When he sees you walking to the couch, his eyes glimpse in amusement, “Couldn’t resist me, could you? I can’t blame you” a cocky smile adorns his lips as ypu sit nect to him.
“Shut up” Oikawa can’t help to chuckle as he lays an arm over your shoulders and kisses your cheek. Your eyes focused on the screen, you keep working as the movie start.
“No, no, no!... You are fucking kidding me!” your voice raises over the sound of the Tv, your eyes staring blankly at your laptop. Oikawa quickly turns to you before noticing the tears that are forming on the corner of your eyes.
“(Y/N)...What happened?” he pauses the movie and observes you expectantly, your eyes watering as your lips begin to move slowly “(Y/N)?”
“My laptop froze and the document closed itself and ... I can’t find it.”
“All of the work I made during the week...it’s gone” the stress accumulated breaks through and tears run down your cheeks, you start sobbing uncontrollably.
“Princess..., please look at me” Oikawa turns off the Tv and places one of his hands over yours while the other cups your cheek “Please don’t cry. There’s got to be a backup copy... or something” Oikawa frowns as he moves his hand to his chin, thinking.
“Can I have a look?” you nod, handling him your laptop, he places it con his lap as his arm pulls you to his chest. “Don’t worry, babe, we’ll find a solution” his reassuring voice makes your sobs to slow, he kisses the top of your head, brushes your hair soothingly. 
“There it is!!!” you cry out in relief. After almost an hour, Oikawa finally found it.
“Here you go. I’m the best boyfriend, aren’t I?” he takes off his glasses,  smirking  proudly
“You mean, you are slightly tolerable...” 
“Yet you’re still with me, aren’t you?” you can’t help but giggle. 
 “God, I love the way you laugh.” his features softens as he reach your hand to kiss it tenderly. “So, is there any payment for the technical assistance given to this beautiful lady?” he raises his eyebrow looking at you teasingly. 
You kiss him slowly, wrapping your arms around his neck, making a soft grumble escape from Oikawa’s lips “My hero...thank you, Tooru” you whisper and press your lips on his cheek making Oikawa blush.  
“Now, what about we get a dessert from that  store you like so much, princess?” And just like that you knew that no amount of stress would change the future but a look at those chocolate eyes was all the reassurance you need.    
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Atsumu genuinely doesn’t understand why you stress about school assignments
Like, he will tease you about it...until you tell him to STFU. Only then he notices how stressed you are
I think Atsumu has 0 experience in comforting people. But when it comes to you he tries his best 
Atsumu won’t be helpful as Akaashi or Oikawa - Sorry Tsumu but, I get the feeling he’s just like Hinata and Kageyama when it comes to school 
Probably will take you out, regardless of your complaints, making an improvised date. 
Any compliment coming for this guy will boost you like 1000% up, knowing how blunt he can be with others 
Like Oikawa, he’ll spoil you but not as often, but when he does, this boy gets a little carried away
He’ll show how much he cares for you, staying with you all the time like even if you aren’t in the same place he’ll start a call and won’t end it until he knows you’re going to sleep.
“Atsumu, could you please turn that off?” you ask your boyfriend, who is sitting next to you watching volleyball videos while you make some Physics exercises - yes, he has homework too but he doesn’t care. 
“I can’t, I’m sorry. It’s a very important match” you huff and move away from him trying to concentrate, but with that much noise, you find it difficult. 
He glances at you, watching your reactions, as the time passes he notices you haven’t advanced much “Homework, huh?” Atsumu asks a little insecure and you lift your head a bit surprised.
“Yeah, Physics...but I can’t solve them” you murmur. You rest your head in your hands, letting out a sigh and some curses. The whole week was full of assignments and you were exhausted. 
Atsumu slowly walks to you, shaking his head and smiling smugly. 
“Why such an intelligent and beautiful girl like you worry so much about a little thing like that?” he moves gently your hands away from your face and caresses your cheek with his thumb. “Come on let’s get out of here” he takes your hands and pulls you up from the chair, you blush looking at the wide smile con his face. 
“But I haven’t fin-” 
“It doesn’t matter. I promise we’ll get back soon, but let’s have some fun, shall we?” he leans down, kissing your lips softly. 
After strolling for a while in the mall, hands connected. You walk in front of a Music store that has the new album of your favorite singer.  Atsumu trails your figure curious to see what caught your attention. 
Your eyes are so focused in that special edition  Album that you don’t t notice Atsumu entering the store.
“Tsumu, what did you bought?” 
“Oh! I just got the new Album of my favourite singer” he shows you smugly the album. You giggle and place your hands in your hips. 
“Really?... I didn’t know you liked Taylor Swift, Tsumu” He laughs loudly with his eyes closed, motioning the little box to you. 
“This is expensive...why did you-?” 
“I only wanted to see my girlfriend loosen up a bit” you can’t hide how overjoyed you are by his gesture. You jump to kiss his cheek, throwing your arms around his neck. Atsumu places his hands on your waist, lifting you up and then placing you down again.
“Glad you like it babygirl” his fingers run up and down your back gently. You place your head in his chest as he wraps you with his tall figure. 
 “You are one of the smartest in the class, it isn’t right that you are stressing that much... I really don’t understand why do you do but...” his voice sounds a bit irritated, your eyes look at him with uncertainty , and you notice Atsumu frowning.
 “...you can count on me. Always. I’m sorry if I didn’t give you that impression” Stirred by his words you stare at him, eyes open widely, making Atsumu blush deeply a little embarrassed by his own word.
Your heartbeat rises at the thought of Atsumu Miya saving his sweet side only for you. 
At the sight of your house, you bring Atsumu’s  hand to your lips and kiss it lovingly, stealing a gasp from Atsumu lips. 
“Thank you, Tsumu” you hug him tightly and he kisses the top of your head.
“There, there, babygirl. I’m yours” he pats tenderly your head before walking through your front door.  
While you were speaking, smiling foolishly, Osamu looked at you dubiously. You proudly spoke about how the Miya Atsumu managed to comfort you last night, making you joyful by his presence,his gift and ultimately his sweet words.
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The Oikawa scenario was based on a true story but without the happy ending...F in the chat for my math internal  assessment 
Honestly, I’ve never cried that much for a school work.
Hope you enjoyed it! Thanks everyone for reading!
If you want to drop suggestions or only chat I’ll be more than happy!! Byeee (・ε・)  ∴ Master List ∴
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silver-renjun · 3 years
Cafe 7 Dream: Jaemin
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Word Count: 2, 443
Warnings: violence, mentions of death, stabbing 
Read the prologue before reading this!  
You headed into you 8 am class late as usual. After pulling out your notebook from your bag, you threw yourself down on the desk.
“Busy night, y/n?” Jaemin asked. You and Jaemin didn’t really talk that much at all. At the cafe, Jaemin was always in his own world, and in class he just stared at the board, though you doubted he actually remembered anything from the lectures. It was strange that Jaemin started a conversation with you, but it was also strange that you were resting on the desk. No matter how exhausted you were, you took notes, albeit sloppy. 
“I had 3 essays to write. Two of which I didn’t even know existed until Haechan texted me for my work,” you replied.
“You should be more responsible, y/n. I need someone reliable to cheat off of,” Haechan said. You rolled your eyes at his reply and groaned. You didn’t have the energy to argue with him. 
“You should just rest, y/n. I’ll take notes for you and we can review them after class today,” Jaemin said. He smiled at you, but you were fast asleep.
After class, Jaemin shaked your shoulder to wake you up.
“y/n! y/n! Everyone already left the class. It’s time to go,” Jaemin whispered in your ear.
“Where are the other guys?” you asked with a breathy voice.
“They’re at the cafe already. I’m sure they’ll be fine without us. Let’s go to the library.”
Jaemin helped you up your seat and packed your books in you bag. He even offered to carry it for you, but you declined. Jaemin held your hand as the two of you walked over to the library. He was still worried about how tired you were and didn’t want you to fall.
The library was filled with students trying to study. Jaemin led you to a secluded corner in the back. 
You dropped your bag down and asked, “are you sure they’ll manage without us in the cafe?”
“You’re the one who should be drinking an americano, not the one making it.”  Jaemin smiled at you and reached out for your hand. “Don’t worry about the cafe right now.” 
Jaemin lectured the content of the class to you. He was a natural at explaining everything. Even when you had a question about the topic, Jaemin was able to answer them with ease. As you copied down your notes, you were surprised to find yourself understanding the content better when Jaemin was teaching you.
At the end of the session you said, “You take such good notes! And remember everything from class too! I’m impressed. We should totally do this more often.”
“Well I still have to work at the cafe to pay my tuition, but I’ll definitely help you out, y/n.” 
“Yeah, working at the cafe is my destresser. I wouldn’t want to give that up,” you chuckled. “Maybe you could come over to my place after work and we can study then.”
The next day, you were late to class once again. You rushed over to your seat, but this time you didn’t pull out your books. You knew Jaemin had you covered, so you plopped your head down on the desk for some rest. 
“y/n, I need you to start taking this class seriously,” Haechan said. “I need to pass, you know.” 
You knew that replying to Haechan was just provoke him into arguing with you, so let his comment slide. 
“You’re super late this time, y/n. I was almost certain that Renjun’s vision about your death had finally happened,” Jisung said.
Jisung’s remark was just too strange to ignore. Your head shot up and you gave Jisung a raised eyebrow.
“What the hell does that mean?” 
A look of realization took over Jisung’s face before he looked down at the floor. “Sorry about that guys,” he whispered. 
The other boys all exchanged uncomfortable glances as if they were trying to figure out who would explain what had been said about you. Finally, Jaemin broke the silence.
“We can talk at the cafe.” The boys had slightly less uncomfortable looks on their faces, but they still appeared to be worried about something. You decided to not stress over it. Your priority was catching up on your sleep. 
After class, you and the dreamies headed out to the cafe and started preparing before customers arrived.
You were wiping down tables when you asked, “so is anyone going to explain to me what happened this morning?” You knew you were going to be working with Jaemin, and that boy was like a rock when got to work.  This was your only opportunity to get answers.
“Look, you’re not going to believe us at all,” Mark started.
“We’ve got magic powers,” Haechan said. 
“You see y/n, Jisung’s a wizard. He makes love potions so people will fall in love with our cafe,” Jaemin explained. While he was talking, Jisung pulled out a pink liquid from under the counter and waved it at you. You had no energy to question them so you just let Jaemin continue.
“And Jeno, he’s a water spirit. Do a little trick for us Jeno,” Jaemin said. Jeno formed a ball of water in his hand and shifted it into different shapes.
“What the-” was all you could muster up. “That water just came out of thin air! And you’re controlling it!”
“Like I was saying, y/n, it’s all magic.” Jaemin smiled at the look of wonder on your face. “Next up we have Renjun. Care to explain yourself Renjun?”
Renjun groaned before saying, “I’m an oracle. I see the future. And your future has an attack in it. I didn’t see you die like Jisung said, but since you’re a human, you’re probably going to-”
“Alright that’s enough,” Jaemin said, cutting Renjun off before he could tell you more about your fate. You were so amazed by Jeno’s abilites that you weren’t even fazed by what Renjun had said.
“What about you Jaemin?” you said with a smile.
“I’m human and so is Mark. We know our way around magic pretty well though,” Jaemin said with a self-satisfied grin.
“And Chenle and Haechan?” you asked, eager to learn more.
“None of your business,” Chenle replied harshly. Chenle’s tone snapped you out of your amazement and made you serious about your work again. Jaemin, like usual, didn’t talk much during his shift, so you would have to wait until the cafe was closed to get more answers.
“Hey Jaemin,” you said as you were heading out the cafe. “Does tonight work for you?”
The boys all looked at each other with wide eyes. They had no idea about your study plans with Jaemin.
“Any night works for me,” Jaemin replied as he followed you out the cafe. You could hear the giggles of the boys even when you were standing outside. Jaemin looked at you with an embarrassed smile before holding your hand and following you home.  
At your apartment, Jaemin got to lecturing you once again. He made sure you understood every topic covered in class in full detail. You were still amazed by how good of a teacher Jaemin turned out to be. 
After he finished talked Jaemin said, “well that’s everything we learned today. Got any questions, y/n?”
“About the coursework, no. About magic, yes.”
“Magic happens to be my strong suit, so ask away,” he replied with a smile. 
“Well Chenle and Haechan didn’t really explain their powers. Do you know what they are?”
“Nope,” Jaemin said, shaking his head. “Chenle’s family is pretty influential in the magic world, so revealing their powers is kind of a security risk for them. Whatever Chenle does, I bet he’s pretty strong at it though.” Jaemin paused for a second. “As for Haechan, he hasn’t really gotten his powers yet. He’s kind of touchy about it since most people get their powers by this age.”
You nodded your head in agreement, though you had no idea how it all worked.
“So what about you Jaemin?” you said in playful tone as you poked his shoulder.
“What about me?” Jaemin replied, mimicking your voice and poking you back.
“What’s your relation with magic?” you said with a smile.
Jaemin’s face became serious. He took a minute to think before replying to you.
“It’s a family thing,” was all he said. You decided to not press him any further about magic. 
“You know, Jaemin, it’s really not that late. If you’re down, you could stay and watch some Netflix. I’ve got some leftover pizza in the fridge too.”
“That’s a great idea! I know so many good dramas that are on Netflix!”
You microwaved a few slices of pizza while Jaemin picked out a show to watch on Netflix. It turned out, alongside having a coffee obsession, Jaemin was also obsessed with period dramas. He talked nonstop about the characters and kept on playing episode after episode. It wasn’t until you two had finished the first season at 1 am did Jaemin say, “it might be getting a little late now.”
He looked over to you for a response, but you had already passed out on the sofa. Jaemin stared at your sleeping figure and admired your beauty.
“Since you’re sleeping I might as well tell you this now. I don’t know if I’ll ever have the confidence to tell you this when you’re awake. I really like you, y/n. I think you’re the most amazing person in the world. I’d give anything to be with you.”
Jaemin sighed and went to sleep on your floor. Unknown to him, you had actually been listening the entire time. 
It became a habit for you and Jaemin to study at your place after work. Jaemin would lecture you for a while, and then you would order delivery food to thank him for helping you. After watching Netflix, Jaemin would sometimes even sleep over at your place. 
One night, you and Jaemin were cuddling on the sofa while watching a drama. Jaemin looked over a you and said, “There’s some things I should tell you, y/n.”
You smiled, expecting Jaemin to confess to you. What you heard was not a confession of love.
“You wanted to know about my connection with magic, so here it is. My mom used to sell plants, mushrooms, stuff you would use in potions. I would go foraging with her in the forest so we could find things to sell. Our customers were kind to us, they would even give us part of the potions they made. One day, this fire demon came into the store and gave my mother a potion to drink. She collapsed on the floor. The fire demon killed her and used her blood for a sacrifice.”
Jaemin began to cry as he thought about what had happened to his mother. You pulled him into a tight hug and rubbed his head.  You felt sorry for Jaemin, who had to live his life in so much pain. 
After a few more study sessions, Jaemin finally pulled himself together and asked you out.
“I really like you, y/n. I think you’re the most amazing person in the world. I’d give anything to be with you.”
“That’s the same thing you said when I was sleeping. You’re so cute,” you said, kissing him on the forehead. 
Jaemin stared at you with wide eyes and said, “wait you heard that? You knew I liked you and you didn’t even say anything?” 
You laughed at Jaemin before turning on his favorite show and cuddling with him. 
The next day at the cafe, you were supposed to be working with Jisung, but he had gotten sick. You and Haechan were taking over for him. 
“Hey y/n, you’ve never seen the potions room before, right?” Haechan said. You nodded in reply. “It’s crazy in there. You totally have to check it out.”
You followed Haechan into the back of the cafe where all the potions were. You were amazed at the amount of potions there was in the back room. Haechan grabbed a vial off a rack and handed it to you. 
“You should try this one y/n! It’ll make you feel so energized!” Haechan said.
You opened the vial and drunk all of the strange liquid inside. Unlike what Haechan had said, you began to feel sleepy and collapsed on the floor. When you looked at Haechan for help, you noticed that he had a knife in his hand. 
“Be good for me and don’t make any noise, okay?” Haechan said before slashing your skin with the knife. You couldn’t help but cry with all the pain you were feeling. You slowly became more tired until you passed out. 
When you woke up, you found yourself in a hospital bed. Jaemin was standing beside you and held onto your hand.
“Oh my gosh! y/n, baby, you’re alive!” Jaemin said before tearing up.
“What happened?” you asked.
“Haechan poisoned you. He cut you for your blood. He used it for a ritual to summon his powers. He had already transformed before we could even help you. Haechan’s a fire demon.”
You wanted to say something, but you had no idea what to do. The whole situation was just like what had happened to his mother. You and Jaemin were both thinking the same thing, but neither of you wanted to say it. 
A few days later, you were discharged from the hospital. Although you felt fine after your rest, Jaemin was the one who was truly hurting. Jaemin stopped going to class and the cafe because of Haechan. He just stayed at your apartment. 
“Jaemin, you need to forgive him. I’m not hurt. I’m completely fine!” you argued. 
“I can’t forgive him! That bastard nearly killed you!” Jaemin yelled at you. 
“Whether you like it or not, you’ve got to start living like a normal person again! You can’t just run away from your problems!”
Jaemin began to laugh.
“You’re right, y/n. I’m going to make that scumbag pay for what he did.”
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ga-yuu · 3 years
~Kurama~Main Story Chapter 15~Part 1
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Chapter 14
----------Part 1---------
He gently combed my messy bangs and then, his neat face slowly approaches.....
He drops a kiss on my forehead and my heart skips a beat.
Kurama: "Humans are annoying. But, you make me do the strangest things. Like listening to idle talking, watching out for weak people and offering them a hand."
Yoshino: "Kurama....?"
(Why did you do that...?)
It's not the usual playful touch, but a genuinely caring gesture that makes my chest tighten sweetly.
Kurama: "----I'm already acting weird. What the hell is happening to me?"
Kurama frowned irritatingly and moved away.
Kurama: ".....Benkei and Yoichi said they would treat you as a guest from now on, right?"
Yoshino: "Yeahh....so what about it?"
I asked feeling confused by the sudden change of subject.
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Kurama(glaring cutely): "I don't like the idea of being the only one who keeps you as a prisoner."
1. What's with the rivalry?(+4/+4)
2. Why?
3. That's not a problem, right?
Yoshino: "What's with the sudden rivalry....?"
Kurama: "It's not rivalry. It's just a natural conclusion of those who own you. I'll think about how I'm going to treat you from now on."
Kurama dismissed the subject unilaterally and left the room.
Yoshino: "Wait....."
(...Wait! I can't sleep like this.)
The next day-----
Kurama: "Yoshino. We're going out."
Yoshino: "Excuse me?"
(You just barged into my room without knocking and I'm here just trying to get rid of this hangover.....What time is it, again!?)
Kurama: "We're going to the Otherworld."
Yoshino: "What? Where?"
(I think I didn't hear you right!)
Kurama: "Are you deaf?.....Or maybe the after-effects from overworking?"
Yoshino: "Wrong!"
Kurama: "Good. Now stop being lazy and get up."
Yoshino: "No wait. First, you have to explain things----"
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Kurama: "Don't worry. I already told Yoshitsune. It won't be like last night."
(No! First, you had to explain everything to me...!!)
Yoshino: "----And STOP PULLING MY CLOTHES!!"
Kurama: "......and that's what the Otherworld is. Don't make me repeat it."
Kurama reluctantly explains everything while walking around the town of Hiraizumi.
Yoshino: "I've heard a little bit about the Otherworld from Tamamo before, I heard that only demons live there,....and it's not a place that humans should go often..."
(But what's the reason that you're taking me....?)
Kurama: “There are places in the Otherworld that are harmful to humans, and there are places that are not. Either way, if a human goes there, he or she is bound to fall prey to the demons.”
Yoshino: “Will I get eaten!?”
Kurama: “Idiot! Do you think there will be a foolish demon alive out there that will dare to touch my toy when I’m around? If anyone should come near you, I’ll tear them to pieces.”
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(In simple words, you’ll protect me no matter what, right?)
Yoshino: “But why are you taking me there?”
Kurama: “To thank you.”
Yoshino: “Thank me?”
Kurama: “I thought about it last night. The party was, as they told you, was a gesture of them showing their gratitude towards you. So I wanted to thank you in my own way.”
(You mean....)
I suddenly remembered the conversation we had after we left Heikichiro-san’s house.
Kurama: “Yoshino. I’m reassessing your value. Apparently, you have a strength that I don’t know about. ....I’m proud of you.”
Yoshino: "Are you...perhaps....do you want me to take that statement as a 'Thank you."
Kurama: "...............Think of it however you want."
---------FLASHBACK ENDS--------
(So maybe...he’s starting to care for me?)
He’s not trying to actually say ‘Thank you’ in words but instead, he’s trying to show it through his actions.
I felt ticklish when I thought about it and started to giggle.
Kurama: “Why are you laughing?”
--------Part 2--------
Kurama: “Why are you laughing?”
Yoshino(blushing): “You’re imagining things.”
Kurama: “Do you think you can hide your red cheeks from me?”
I smiled more and more when I saw Kurama making a face that screams ‘Why am I doing this?’.
(I can’t help but be happy for Kurama’s feelings, regardless of why the destination is the Otherworld.)
(You said you were taking me to the entrance to the Otherworld........But what a way to go, we’ve come pretty far!)
Kurama brought me to the mountains around Hiraizumi.
We tied our horse we had ridden on the way to the tree and went further into the woods. (I don’t know how they got a horse when they were walking around town.)
Kurama: “Haa! Flying would have been much faster, you know. But Yoshitsune and others forced me to take a horse.”
Yoshino: “Looks like it was a good thing that you told them before going on a long journey.”
Kurama: “It’s better to listen to them than hearing their nonstop complaints later. But I don’t like the idea of them having even a little bit of you.”
(....Just like yesterday.)
I’m a bit confused by the suggestion of exclusivity.
(What does Kurama thinks of me?)
(His toy? A prey to be kept alive? Or prisoner?)
(I’ve always thought of myself as being like that.)
Kurama: “It’s here.”
My thoughts were cut off when I heard Kurama’s thoughts.
Yoshino: “Here? I can’t see anything here.”
Kurama: “I can smell the Otherworld through the slightest hole. A mere mortal wouldn’t be able to tell the difference.”
Yoshino: “Are there many places like this?”
Kurama: “To a certain extent. Some holes close quickly, others appear irregularly. I could drill a hole with a spell, but that would require a high amount of my magic.”
Yoshino: “Okay, I get it.”
Kurama: “We’re going. Ready?”
Yoshino: “Wait! I need time to prepare! Is there anything I need to prepare first----”
Kurama laughed lightly when he saw me panicking.
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Kurama: “Just take my hand and close your eyes. That’s all you need to do.”
Yoshino: “Mm...”
While my heart was not quite ready yet when I saw Kurama holding out his hands towards me, I don’t feel anxious.
When I placed my hand on his big palm, he draws me towards him and I was completely wrapped in Kurama’s warmth.
Holding my hand with one hand and the other touching my back, Kurama quickly closed his eyes.
Kurama: “-----It’s time to fall into the hole in the gap.”
His voice echoed and the surroundings around is begins to distort.
Yoshino: “.....!”
I instantly closed my eyes and only felt Kurama’s existence.
The sound of trees and the chirpings of birds that filled the area has suddenly become distant.
Kurama: “Good. Now, open your eyes.”
Yoshino: “This is....”
Kurama: “The Otherworld.”
(At first glance it looks like normal but....the air is different.)
When I looked around, the plants and trees in the area is also different.
Yoshino: “I feel heavy.”
Kurama: “Feeling nausea is normal. Let’s get to our destination as quickly as possible.”
Then, he spreads his black wings.
Kurama: “Hold on tight.”
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(Perfect for the atmosphere of the Otherworld....)
Kurama picks me up easily regardless of me who is admiring him.
Yoshino(blushing): “Th-Thank you.”
(I’m afraid I’m getting more and more used to his behavior all of a sudden.)
In the midst of the powerful sound of wings, I looked down gently.
Yoshino: “Woww!! The landscape looks totally different.”
Kurama: “And so it shall be.”
----------Part 3-----------
Yoshino: “Woww!! The landscape looks totally different.”
Kurama: “And so it shall be.”
Kurama smiles in satisfaction as I gawk at him.
Kurama: “I’ve seen this sight all the time and it’s not bad to see your delightful face seeing the skies of this world.”
Yoshino: “Oh! What’s that? That, glowing dog-like creatures....”
Kurama: “Don’t go near them. They eat human bones.”
(It looks cute, but it’s scarier than I thought! After all, this is the Otherworld.)
Kurama flies in the sky with all the scenery in his sight.
He looks like the King of Demons.
As the night falls.
More and more the air of the Otherworld smells heavy and mysterious.
Kurama: “This is it.”
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My eyes widened when I saw a magnificent cherry blossom tree in full bloom.
Yoshino: “Beautiful.....they have cherry blossoms in the Otherworld too. And I can’t believe they’re blooming at this time of year.”
Kurama: “The seeds must have spilled out of the Human world. The air around here is suitable for humans, so it has germinated, grown over time, and adapted to the atmosphere of the Otherworld.”
(You’re right, the air here is very clear.)
It doesn’t have the clinging weight that I felt when I first arrived in the Otherworld.
Kurama: “Do you like it?”
Yoshino: “Yes! Very much!!”
(Did you wanted to show me this view?)
(Did you think that it would make me happy?)
When I think about those questions, my heart was full.
Yoshino: “Thank you very much for bringing me here, Kurama.”
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Kurama: “-----Yeah.”
I turned and smiled, and then, the Otherworldly wind blew my hair.
As if on a whim, Kurama reached out and combed the hair on my cheek with his fingertips.
Yoshino: “Mm......”
(Hehe, that tickles....)
A strange heat smoldered in my heart like a burning fever.
Pale pink petals fluttered and falls above our heads.
Yoshino: “If you look closely, the color of the blossom seems to be a little darker than the cherry blossoms of the human world.”
Kurama: “You’re a bit of a trifler, aren’t you?”
Yoshino: “I noticed it when was struck in awe, and I tend to do it most of the time. But the wind makes it look even more magical, like something out of a dream.”
(I’ll never forget this view.)
The wind blew again and it started raining petals.
Yoshino: “!!”
I noticed Kurama was staring at me.
The petals on his black hair, disheveled by the wind, fell dreamily as if it were afraid to touch Kurama.
Yoshino(blushing): “.......How beautiful.”
Kurama: “You said the same thing earlier.”
(I can’t tell him that this time I was mentioning Kurama and not the cherry blossoms.....)
Kurama touches my collar as the wind dances gently with the flurries.
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Kurama: “You’re covered in petals. It looks stupid but....not bad.”
Kurama’s face, a little down on his eyelashes, approaches------
His lips caught the petal that had fallen on my collar.
(What the....I can’t look...)
Kurama: “Got it!”
Yoshino(blushing): “.....You could’ve just picked it up normally.”
Kurama: “Don’t tell me what to do. Anyway, you said, you like the way the wind blows and the flowers fall, don’t you? Now look.”
Kurama takes out his fan and spreads it loosely.
Then the wind started to gather in one place-----
The increasing force of the wind made me close my eyes.
(Is he using his magic!?)
Kurama: “You won’t see if you close your eyes.”
Yoshino: “What are you doing....?”
Kurama: “I’m going to drop all the flowers on this tree. Watch them fall as much as you like.”
Yoshino: “No, wait!”
I stop his hand that was about to swing the fan.
Kurama: “What?”
I made sure that the wind slowly dies down and Kurama stopped using his magic power.
Yoshino: “I’m glad you feel that way, but I think cherry blossoms are only beautiful when they fall naturally. I think it’s the dreaminess that makes you want to see it again after it’s gone.”
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Kurama: “.........?”
(His face says “I don’t understand you.”)
Kurama: “I don’t understand you.”
Part 2
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episode three (word count: 1,981)
jacobs!oc x fezco
warnings: references to drugs, language, sexual references, typos and mediocre writing
wowowow thank you so much for all of the support. it may not seem like a lot but i really didn’t expect anyone to find my work so this is pretty fucking cool. i’m sorry for going on a bit of a hiatus, but i hope you enjoy this chapter. literally thank you so so much for reading. this is super cool
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Nancy had created a habit of meeting with Fez at his gas station. He would always be sitting in the same chair right outside. The first time she had come to see him, she plopped down on the ground beside him and gave him a small smile.
“I can go get you a chair if ya want,” he had told her, laughing.
She looked down, embarrassed but still shook her head. “You don’t have to do that.”
He scoffed at that. “Hold on, I’ll be right back.” He stood and got up before turning to her again. “What kinda candy you like?”
“M&Ms?” she replied.
He came back with a camping chair and sat it next to his own before tossing M&Ms her way. They sat quietly for a moment, Nancy eating her candy, before Fez finally spoke.
“How is Rue?”
“She’s good, yeah,” Nancy assured, nodding her head. “She’s spending a lot of time with Jules. They’re good for each other.”
“Word,” he commented, watching Nancy closely.
Nancy smiled, giggling to herself. “Yeah, but Rue has been complaining about how addicted to Jules has been to her phone,” she snorted. “I swear to God, she sounds like my dad.” She looked up at Fez, who was staring right back at her. He chuckled softly. 
“It’s just fucking weird though,” Nancy continued. “My brother’s been texting someone nonstop all week. Maddy even asked me about it.”
“They datin’ right?”
“Yeah,” Nancy sighed. “I mean, I had no idea what to tell her. But Kat has been on her phone nonstop too.”
“She came in ta talk ta Ash today,” Fez told her. Nancy’s head perked up in surprise.
“Really? Why?”
Fezco shrugged. “Came in askin’ about Bitcoin.”
“Bitcoin?” Nancy’s eyebrows furrowed. “Why was she asking Ashtray about Bitcoin?”
“I don’t know,” he replied coolly. “But we told her we’d help her with everythin’ ‘cept human trafficking.”
Nancy snorted, “Well of course she’s not messing with human trafficking.”
“Aye we didn’t know,” he defended himself. “We was jus’ makin’ sure.”
They both smiled at each other and laughed. They talked for the rest of the evening before Nancy had to go home for dinner. They texted all that night, talking about everything from TV shows to Nancy’s weird family drama. But even when she had seen his name pop up so many times before, she still felt butterflies in her stomach when he texted her goodnight.
A couple days later, Nancy was at Cassie’s house. She was there to help her pack for her weekend in college with Mckay, but had ended up at the foot of Lexi’s bed, helping her with homework. Maddy and Cassie were on one side of the room, debating on what Cassie should wear, while Kat sat on the loveseat across from Lexi and Nancy, her face buried in her phone.
A soft scoff from Kat caused Lexi to speak up. “What are you looking at?” she asked. Curiosity filled both of the girls’ eyes.
“Nothing. Just this, um, article,” Kat stuttered.
Nancy eyed her suspiciously while Lexi responded, “About what?”
“Um… you know, like, uh…” she paused for a moment. “The Holocaust.”
“Oh. Cool,” Lexi replied, not convinced. She and Nancy looked at each other before Nancy turned back to Kat.
“Had to think about that one, didn’t you?” she teased, a soft smile on her face.
Kat rolled her eyes, smiling. “Shut up.”
Nancy turned back to Lexi and whispered, “Do you think she’s got a secret boyfriend?”
“It’s got to be that cute boy in her chemistry class, right?” Lexi replied.
“I can hear you, you know?” Kat called, before the three broke into laughter, Nancy mockingly holding up her hands in defense.
“Lex? Nance?” Cassie called, grabbing the two’s attention. She held up a blue blouse in front of her, a questioning look on her face.
“It’s cute,” Lexi nodded, before turning back to her work.
“And Mckay’s gonna love it,” Nancy confirmed, wiggling her eyebrows.
Maddy sighed, “I wish I had your collarbones.”
The door opened then, revealing Cassie’s mom. “I’m putting a lot of trust in you,” she deadpanned, looking at her daughter with pursed lips.
“Yeah, Cassie. Don’t get pregnant,” Kat joked, looking up at the girl.
“That’s not funny, Kat,” her mom replied, waltzing in the room with a glass of wine in hand. “But don’t you dare get pregnant.”
“Relax, mom. He has a roommate,” Cassie smirked, looking at her mom with knowing eyes. 
As Nancy listened to Cassie’s mom lay out all of her rules for the night, she couldn’t help but wish she had a relationship like that with her mother. She knew that their relationship wasn’t the best, not by a long run, but it still seemed better than the stark silence between Nancy and her mom. She couldn’t even remember the last time she had spoken to her mom.
When Mckay had finally arrived, the four girls and Cassie’s mom followed her out the front door.
“No funny business, Christopher!” her mother called. Meanwhile, Nancy and Lexi laughed silently at Maddy and Kat as they reenacted what would probably be Cassie and Mckay that night.
The next day Nancy went with Kat to Fez’s gas station so that Kat could talk to Ashtray. Fezco sat outside, as usual, and smiled at her as they walked up.
“What’s up?” Kat said coolly, before walking into the store.
“What’s up, Kat?” he replied, watching her as she walked by.
Nancy smiled and waved after Kat had gone inside.
“Hey,” Fez said softly, standing up beside her.
She looked up at him. “Hi.”
“You know what she’s up to?” he asked, a small smile on his face.
“No idea,” Nancy laughed. “But it was an excuse to come see you. How’s business?” she teased.
He chuckled, “Slow.”
A comfortable silence came over them before he spoke again, prompting a smile to take over Nancy’s face and butterflies to flood into her stomach. “You wanna come to my place tomorrow? Since you know where it is?”
And that’s exactly where she found herself the next day after school. They had spent most of the afternoon on his couch, watching a movie and snacking on some popcorn he had made. They were laying together on the couch, and when the movie ended they both looked at each other. It was then when Nancy realized how close they really were.
“You liked it?” he asked, looking straight into her eyes.
“Of course,” she smirked. “Thank you.”
“Of course.” 
She saw his eyes flicker down to her lips, and she smiled. As they leaned closer to each other, Nancy's heart was beating in her chest so hard she could hear it too. She silently hoped that he couldn’t, heat flooding her cheeks. He had placed his hand gently on her waist, and just as their noses touched, there was banging on the door. They jumped away from each other, startled by the sudden noise.
Fezco cursed under his breath, letting out a quick apology. “Stay there,” he told her, before walking to the door. “Who is it?” he asked.
“It’s me. Open the door.” Rue’s voice was muffled, but Nancy recognized it, her eyes widening. Fezco looked at her for a moment before swinging the door open.
“Not today, Rue. Sorry,” Nancy heard him say.
“Come on, man. Don’t be a dick,” Rue scoffed, causing Nancy’s eyebrows to furrow, confused.
“Nah, I’m serious. You can’t come in.”
“Look, man. All I-- all I need is just, like, a few OCs,” she stuttered.
“Sorry. I can’t help y--”
“Fez!” she interrupted. “Fez, I’ve had a really fucked up day, alright? It’s been a really really fucked up day, okay? So I need you to open up the door for me, okay? Can you open the door? Please?”
“I’m not gonna help you kill yourself, Rue,” Fez said softly.
Nancy stood up from the couch and began to quietly make her way around it.
“I’m sorry,” he continued. “But you can’t be comin’ over here no more. Jus’ go home.” He backed away and put his hand on the door.
“Don’t!” Rue began to yell. “Fez! Don’t close the d--Fuck!”
He shut the door, and there was another loud bang.
“Fez! Open the fucking door please!” Rue yelled from the other side. “I’m begging you! Just open the door!”
Nancy watched as Fez leaned his forehead against the door. She slowly walked towards him.
“Fez! You’re full of shit, man,” Rue accused. “You know you make your living off of selling drugs to teenagers? And now all the sudden you wanna have a fucking moral high ground?”
He turned to Nancy with tired eyes. She came closer to him, a look of concern washed over her face. He leaned up against the door, continuing to listen to Rue’s words.
“You’re a fucking drop-out drug dealer!” she screamed, causing Nancy to shake her head. “You know that? You’re a fucking drop-out drug dealer with seven functioning fucking brain cells!”
Nancy was in front of him now, and she grabbed his arm gently, looking deep into his eyes. He looked at her too, and she shook her head, trying to tell him Rue’s words weren’t true. He turned away.
“Open the door!” Rue screamed, banging on the door. Nancy jumped back, startled, but Fezco stayed still. “Fuck you!” Rue continued. “Fuck you, Fez! Okay? Are you doing this because you care about me? If you gave a shit about me, you wouldn’t have sold me the fucking drugs in the first place! But you did! You fucking did! So open the goddamn door!” She hit it again. “Open the door!”
Fezco leaned off of the door and walked forward for a moment before turning around. “I can’t do it, Rue. I’m sorry,” he called, but she continued to scream at him from the other side. He glanced at Nancy, who was trying to hold back the tears that were threatening to escape. “Sorry,” he whispered quietly to the door, before walking over to Nancy.
“You shouldn’t be here right now. You should go,” he said quietly. Rue’s cries still flooded the room. 
Nancy shook her head violently. “You know it’s not true, right? What she’s saying?”
He frowned and looked down at the ground, “It is.”
 “No,” Nancy said firmly. “It’s not she’s just trying to make you feel bad so you’ll--”
“Nancy, go. Now,” he interrupted her, looking straight into her eyes again. “Leave.”
Nancy looked at him, hurt shining in her eyes before she walked away and grabbed her backpack. She quickly made her way to the door, vigorously wiping the tears off her face. Without looking at Fezco, she swung the front door open and saw Rue, who stood at the door, completely broken.
“What are you doing here?” the frizzy-haired girl sobbed. 
Nancy said nothing as she squeezed through the door, making sure Rue wouldn’t be able to get inside. She looked at Rue with wide eyes before stuttering, “I-- I don’t--”
“Were you fucking him?” Rue’s cruel words smacked Nancy in the face.
“No,” Nancy snapped. “That’s a really fucked up thing to say.”
“You know this is your fault too?” Rue continued. “You never did anything to help me before I went to rehab.”
Nancy shook her head, ashamed. “Rue I--”
“And what are you doing now, huh?”
Nancy’s eyes burned viciously, and tears started to fall down her cheeks. “I’m sorry,” she whispered, her voice shaking. She brushed past the girl and climbed onto her bike. 
“You’re sorry?” she heard Rue yell.. “Well that’s just great! You hear that Fez? Nancy said she’s fucking sorry!”
And as Nancy sped away on her bike, away from the man who she had started to truly care about a lot, she hoped he knew that she really was sorry.
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zodiyack · 4 years
Requested by anon: Hey love, if you’re up for writing some Kol Mikaelson then could you do one where it’s set before they’re vampires and Kol’s still a witch and fancies a village girl at the time. Just lots of innocent fluff between reader and Kol, and it being a really adorable relationship. Maybe they’re even promised to marry.
Pairing: Witch/Pre-Vampire!Kol Mikaelson x Female!Reader
Warnings: Fluff, me not proof-reading
Words: 1,733
Summary: (See Request)
Note: I may’ve strayed from the request, I’m not sure, it feels like I did but I also just convince myself random things quite a lot- Anyways, I hope you guys like it and I hope, whomever requested this, that you got what you wanted (meaning I hope you like it 😅)! and, historical error, i have no idea when rings n stuff were a thing
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Taglist: @matth1w​, @redspaceace-writes​, @fandom-puff​, @darling-i-read-it​, @simonsbluee​
Masterlist | The Originals Masterlist
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Y/n walked through the woodsy forest stealthily, reminding herself to not give into her urge to run as the branches already snapped under her feet. Sneaking out was the easy task; managing to stay out was a little more advanced. However, by now, Y/n was a pro. She snuck out almost every night.
As did Kol. Their parents approved a great deal of their relationship, but that didn’t prevent them from wanting to spend more time with one another. During the day, Y/n was usually busy helping Esther gather herbs and food or helping her mother in whatever chores she had. Kol was either helping around, practicing witchcraft, or doing whatever he wanted.
Most of the time, one would be doing work and the other would be watching from a distance, always with a smile on their face. If one got hurt, the other would be there within a second, by their side and asking if they needed anything. Hugs and kisses, other forms of PDA included, were exchanged whenever possible; a day where there wasn’t work, a small break, passing each other while heading to wherever they were going.
Villagers, both children and parents, spoke of the two in adoration. Couples and people who weren’t spoken for often expressed a slight envy mixed in with their thoughts of admiration for the two.
They were whispered about even as children. A girl, born unto a human family, and a boy, born unto a family mixed of witches and humans, always near each other. The people of the town would be lying if they claimed they weren’t rooting for the Kol and Y/n. Now becoming a man and a woman, and having expressed their feelings, the gossip of the two only grew.
But as soon as the sun said goodbye and the moon, with it’s twinkling children, said hello, they were together as much as they wanted. Even so, it wasn’t the kind of sneaking out one would expect from two love-struck village kids. The couple, innocent to the public, had nothing to hide.
“Y/n?” Kol whispered. She followed his voice until her form met a chest. It was warm, and the arms connected to the torso wrapped around her softly. “There you are.”
She pushed him slightly, giving herself enough room to pull his head into hers for a long-needed kiss. As their lips molded together, stress from the day left their bodies. Much to their displeasure, they had to separate in order to breathe. “What are we going to do tonight?”
Kol pulled away from her completely and turned to retrieve a torch he’d prepared. He returned with a wide smile upon his lips, now visible in the orange-yellow-mixture colored flames.
“You’ll see.” From there, he grabbed Y/n’s hand with his free one and started to lead her to a surprise location. The further they got, the more Y/n recognized the path. It was no surprise location at all. It was the little fort they’d set up many years before.
It’s wooden base and walls still held, tied together by enchanted twine and other building materials they could find in the nature around them. Back then, Y/n and all the Mikaelson children would play in it, but now, it was just her and Kol. It seemed like they were the only ones who even remembered it. But Kol didn’t have a problem with that; he rather liked having it to Y/n and himself.
“Sit,” He opened the door and gestured to one of the chairs, “you’re going to love this.”
“Am I?” Although Y/n’s question held the meaning of doubt, her laughter showed her genuine reaction.
“Eh... Okay...I hope you’ll love this..” Kol closed the door behind him and sat in the chair opposite to Y/n. He grabbed a small pouch and poured it’s contents into his hand. Y/n moved her head in an attempt to see what the bag had held, but Kol flashed her knowing grin. He shook his head and held his hand close to his chest until she moved back.
Slowly, he breathed in and out, focusing into what he was doing. His hand opened carefully. With a small smirk at Y/n, he wordlessly told her he was ready; the golden dust began to glow as it formed a butterfly and flew around Y/n, causing her to giggle.
It landed on her nose and flapped it’s wings softly. She stayed still, not wanting to scare the beautiful creature off despite it being magic rather than a real butterfly. She’d never seen one up close; so she relished in the moment with the faux version.
Whilst Y/n was distracted with his magic-trick, Kol dug through his bag as quietly, yet quickly, as he could. The frantic look on his face was replaced by a loving smile when he found the item he’d been searching for.
The butterfly made up of golden dust flew away from Y/n, still holding her in a trance; her eyes following it as it fluttered about. It crumbled back into dust and landed on the ring Kol held between his thumb and pointer finger.
“What is that?” She was stunned by both the magical creature and the ring it just helped create.
“It’s...a gift. From me to you...well...it’s not that simple.” Kol’s ring held a miniature version of the butterfly. “I want to ask you something.”
Y/n was truly entranced by the ring, but she still functioned nevertheless. Her head snapped up and her eyes doubled in size. “You’re kidding.”
A small chuckle escaped Kol, “No, my love, I am not.” His lips parted to speak once more, but a tackle knocked him off his chair and the words out of his throat. They both laughed loudly, thanking their past selves for asking the town witch for a silencing spell. The look she gave them all made them choke on their own laughter.
His arms wrapped around her torso and held her closer to him. The sound of her giggles and the feeling of her smile against the crook of his neck sent shivers down his back and multiple little golden butterflies to his stomach.
Though their laughter had ceased, their contact remained. Neither of them had separated from the other. They stayed there for a bit. It just felt right. Their intimacy felt right. The feeling of their hearts beating rapidly in their chest felt right. Their smiles felt right. Their refusal to part felt right. The entire night just felt right.
Eventually, they did end up parting, only it felt like hours had passed. Y/n stood up and pulled Kol up with her. He opened his hand and reached for her left one with his unoccupied hand.
“We’ve fancied each other for a while...” Kol studied her face, watching for any negative facial expressions. “Tonight, I brought you here to ask you the question that’s been on my mind nonstop, preventing me from doing any work aside from spells like that,” he referenced the butterfly, “and others I’ve made up for you.”
“You made that up?”
The youngest Mikaelson looked down shyly. “Yes.”
“It was beautiful!” Her exclamation was quiet and soft, but still all there.
“I’ve never been more distracted in my life. And as my mother had to be the one to point it out to me; I suppose if you say yes, I owe her a great deal of gratitude.” He scoffed through a failed attempt of preventing the corners of his mouth from lifting. “So. With this ring, gifted to me by my mother, and it’s magical components, which I’ll explain, I ask you, Y/n L/n, to...become a Mikaelson?”
Y/n nodded eagerly, allowing him time to slip the ring on her finger before surging forward and crashing their lips together. Her arms wrapped behind his head, one hand holding the nape of his neck, and his own holding her waist against his body firmly.
The butterflies in their stomachs that danced around happily had no effect on them now. They became good-feelings, feelings that let them know their love was still alive and thriving.
Y/n and Kol ended up cuddling to sleep, the night still innocent and pure as they discussed their future whilst laying on the sloppily-crafted-bed in the fort. The two agreed that one day, whenever it came, they’d marry and have children. Kol didn’t hesitate when it was his turn.
His tone expressed his excitement as he explained how he wanted to teach little witches how to use their magic and to clean after themselves to spare their mother the trouble.
Kol’s smile held as he finished his story of wishes, watching Y/n fidget with the band on her finger. “You want to know what the magic is for now?” She nodded. “So, the butterfly appears when I’m near. It’s spelled to sense me, as well as you.”
“Why me?”
He grew nervous, but continued, “Well...like we were discussing. If we were to have children, it would sense them too, and the butterfly would show.”
“Smart.” Y/n glanced at Kol. Though her responses were short, she made sure to reassure him in whatever ways she could. Spending years with him, Y/n learned to notice when he was hiding something; be it emotion or other things.
“Thank you, darling. I have to say, it was inspired by my fear of losing you.” He felt her head, which was lying on his shoulder, turn towards his and continued speaking out of embarrassment. “That’s a story for another day. The butterfly turns into a normal looking knot in the ring when I’m not near.”
She glanced at her ring and bit her lip. “I love it. But...I do have one question.”
“How would you be able to know when I’m around?”
Kol chuckled and played with the necklace hidden under his tunic. It’s charm was a matching butterfly, no detail differing from her ring. “Already ahead of you, love.”
“And why the butterflies?”
He paused. “Well...uh...” Red flooded the witch’s face, his smile growing, “I thought it should be something important. And um... You, my dear, give me butterflies. Their happy little wings fluttering about in my stomach. How do you do it?” His smile showed his sarcasm, already having knowledge of the answer. He couldn’t even hide it. He could not hide it and he didn’t care, for it was the butterflies that would not let him.
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writeofmind · 4 years
what could’ve been
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Genre: fluff, angst :(
Pairing: Jisoo x Reader
anon: Also, please write up some Jisoo angst 🥺 thank you
A/N: this is a somewhat short and sweet angst, but it hurts my feelings so i ~respectfully~ hope that it hurts yours too. lol, enjoy <3
When you thought of Kim Jisoo, you thought of innocence, excited little dogs that looked a lot like cotton balls, sunshine, and heart shaped smiles. You thought of hang outs after school, when the two of you would excitedly make your way to her house, only to spend hours hanging upside down on her bed talking and giggling about nothing. You thought about your weekend outings, full of delicious food and even more delicious desserts after because she was always so curious about the shops that lined the streets.
You thought about your best friend. 
Your best friend that you told everything to, the person that you spent every waking moment with, the person that you grew to love more than life itself.
Having grown up as neighbors since you were children, it wasn’t a surprise that you two had grown to become practically inseparable even in your teenage years. 
In elementary school, you two would always play together during recess, pretending to be an audience and a star, always cheering her on her mini performances and being her #1 fan. 
“I want to be an idol someday, y/n!” she would say. You were always there as her support, always encouraging her that would be the biggest idol there would ever be. You had no doubts about it.
In your middle school days, the two of you only grew more invested in the entertainment industry, and Jisoo only grew ambitious as years passed by. You would go to each other’s houses with news of a new group, always watching and studying the way they danced, learning all sorts of choreography to see if you had what it took.
Jisoo always did. Whenever you watched her dance, you couldn’t stop the sparkles in your eyes as you gazed at her every movement, wondering how anyone could dance in a way that she did.
You two shared your first kiss when you were 14 years old.
It was unexpected, really. You two were just sitting in your room with your laptop open in front of you, watching yet another music video from a big entertainment. Nothing prompted it. You were simply shoulder to shoulder, and you looked at her to see if she had been paying attention to the way the group danced— then there she was, lips pressed against yours, hands cradling each other’s faces.
You shared many more after that. Virtually nothing was different between you two, so you never felt the need to address if you two were anything. You were still best friends— all that changed was that now you held hands as you walked along the shops on the street. You kissed between commercials of the videos you were watching, you stroked each other’s cheeks as you laid together.
The two of you had rings together. Nothing serious, just a matching set, and you would always kiss the ring that was on her finger as you stroked her hand with your thumb.
You were 16 years old when your heart sank to your stomach.
I’m going to audition, y/n! Jisoo came to you with papers in her hands, and she jumped as she spoke. I’m going to audition for YG entertainment!
You jumped along with her. It was the start of her career, and you were so excited for her. During this time, though, she needed to dedicate her time to practicing and rehearsing. Your hangouts became less and less, and late night facetime calls became more frequent. You didn’t mind, though, as long as you could see the smiles of excitement on her face before you went to sleep. 
It always warmed your heart when you saw her playing with the ring on her finger through the screen. Jisoo always made sure to thank you for being patient with her, always expressing how much she appreciated that you would stay up until the sky was a light blue just to talk to her. 
Weeks passed until it was finally her time to audition, and you were sure to stay awake until she was able to tell you the news. You waited anxiously, pacing back and forth beside your phone until her familiar ringtone went off, and you practically dove to answer it.
Y/n, I passed!!
Your mouth fell open before the two of you began jumping and screaming together over the phone.
No way!! What happens now!
Jisoo explained what the upcoming events would entail. You smiled as she spoke with such emotion, practically near tears the entire time she gushed about the audition.
But, you couldn’t help but notice that her ring wasn’t on her finger anymore.
Hey, did you lose your ring?
Jisoo looked surprised that you even noticed. She simply smiled though, and shook her head. 
No, I didn’t, y/n. I just took it off just in case I did.
You nodded, though didn’t quite understand what she meant. Jisoo continued talking, but as you were lost in your thoughts, you heard —can’t have outside communication.
Wait, what? So we won’t be able to talk? What does that mean for us? You were so happy, so so proud of her, but you couldn’t help the little voice at the back of your head, selfish and sad. Jisoo gave you a reassuring smile and dug the ring out of her pocket to show you, giving it a little kiss.
Let’s just see where this takes us, okay? We’ll figure it out.
And, for the most part, you two did. The calls may not have been every night, but she found ways to talk to you through a very old ipod touch. She would recount her days of training to you, telling you what she ate in full detail, what she had to practice, what they asked of her.
She would call you crying, telling you how hard it was, how much she missed you, missed home, and how sometimes, she wanted to quit altogether. 
You didn’t want that to happen. She had worked too hard to get to where she was. As much as you did want her to come home and back to you, you always pushed aside your selfish thoughts, and you encouraged her.
As time went on, Jisoo began popping up in commercials on T.V, music videos, advertisements, even a drama. Your heart beat with excitement every single time you saw her and always made sure to keep a mental note to tell her where and when you did.
You were 21 when your heart was broken.
You remember, it was early August when you received her call. You haven’t been able to take to her in weeks, and you quickly answered the incoming call.
Jisoo? Hey! Your voice was as cheerful as it always was, I’ve been seeing you everywhere lately. I’m so proud of you!
Jisoo was giggling as she thanked you, but she soon went silent. You ticked your head to the side and asked what was wrong.
Then, a smile crossed her face, but it didn’t quite reach her eyes the way it always did. That was when she told you that she would finally be debuting, and in only a few days, no less.
Your eyebrows shot up to your hairline and you wondered why she didn’t seem more ecstatic. You congratulated her nonstop, babbling on about how much you knew she could do it, how she was just that much closer to being the world’s top idol and just how much you were proud of her. 
You paused when you saw the solemn look on her face. 
What’s wrong?
Y/n... after today, we can’t contact each other anymore.
Your heart was caught in your throat, your stomach felt as if it flipped upside down. You stared at her through the phone and hoped she would say that you two would find a way, just like you had all these years. You hoped that she’d say she’d stay, she’d fight for it. 
The call ended hours later.
When you thought of Kim Jisoo, you thought of your best friend. You thought of your late night calls, the hushed whispers of love declarations you shared, the comforting sounds of her breathing as you fell asleep on the phone. 
When you saw Kim Jisoo in all her glory on the big screen, you could only see the world’s biggest idol, with an all too familiar ring still sitting on her finger.
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jobean12-blog · 4 years
Just like Heaven
Pairings: Bucky x reader
Word Count: 1,641
Summary: Bucky beard is a beautiful distratction when he catches you rockin’ out to 80s music. 
Author’s Note: This is for the HBC’s @the-ss-horniest-book-club continuation of drunk drabbles and the amazing prompt sent in below (that was literally written for me because BEARD!) and Music Era Monday! I was listening to my 80s playlist the whole time I wrote this and I still can’t stop smiling. I hope you enjoy this and it makes you smile! Thank you all for reading and much love always! ❤❤❤
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Warnings: Fluffy fun, lots of singing, awesome 80s music, A TRUE LOVE FOR BUCKY’S BEARD! 😁
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Bucky stands at your door, knocking for a second time. He can hear your very loud music and knows you most likely can’t hear him knocking.  Your singing rings out over the music and he chuckles, giving the door one more hard knock before opening it up.  
“She drives me crazy; I can’t help myself…” Your body moves in rhythm to the music, your hand grasping an incredibly old wooden spoon as you belt out the lyrics. Your ponytail is swinging back and forth while your head bops and your socked feet slide across the floor. “I can’t get any rest; people say I’m obsessed.” You haven’t looked up in who knows how long, shaking your hips as you move across the kitchen.
“AHHHHHHHHHHH!” You let out a shrill scream when your back hits something hard, spinning so fast you whip Bucky with your hair and throw the spoon in his face. His very hairy face. “Oh Bucky! HOLY CRAP! I’m sorry, I didn’t hear or see you and then you were just there.” You’re yelling over the music, eyes wide.
Your focus moves back to very fluffy looking beard he has going on and you find your thoughts wandering. “Can we lower the music, doll?” Your eyes shoot back to his, your forehead creasing in confusion. “What?” Bucky just smiles and walks around you, hitting the power button on your speakers.
“I said. Can we lower the music?” he laughs. “Oh, yea, of course, thanks for shutting it, I couldn’t hear a damn thing.” Giving you a very “duh” look he holds up your wooden spoon. “Great mic! I think it might be older than me.” You stalk over and take it from his hand, “oh shut up. You mean you never sang into a spoon when you were little?”
Bucky watches your eyes flick back down to his beard. “Something on my face, doll?” Your cheeks warm and you pretend to fix your socks. “No, no. Um, anyway. Did you need me?” Bucky looks like he wants to say more but instead asks, “what were you listening to? It’s really fun!” Your whole face brightens as you grab your phone and show him your 80s playlist. “It’s all music from the 1980s and it is really fun! I’m glad you like it!”
He scrolls through your phone, stopping at ‘Take on Me.’ “There is a band with the name ‘A-ha’?” he questions, making a funny face at your phone. You take the moment to study his face again, his dark beard covering most of his cheeks, your fingers itching to touch it. “I wanna hear this one,” he says, pressing play and handing you back your phone.
Your eyes flick to his beard one last time before the synthesized piano kicks in.  Bucky smiles, tapping his foot to the music. You start singing, once again dancing around your room. Bucky takes your hand and twirls you. “Woooooo! Today's another day to find you shying away, I'll be coming for your love, okay?” You sing into your spoon much to Bucky’s amusement and delight.
He pulls you into his chest, circling one arm around your waist while his metal hand holds yours. “Oh my gosh, Buck, this is like the waltz. Not at all for the 80’s!” You laugh and throw your arms around his neck. “What am I supposed to do then, huh? You show me,” he asks before picking you up and spinning around. Your laughter rises over the music as you cling to him. “Not this either but it’s so fun!”
When he finally puts you down the next song has started, and you start to jump in happiness but quickly stumble from dizziness. “Woah, doll.” Bucky catches you in his arms, “sorry. Too many spins, huh?” You giggle and right yourself, your face now awfully close to his. Your hand inches up his chest and just as you’re about to stroke his beard you hear Steve’s voice over the AI.
“Bucky, what the hell. We were supposed to go for a run 20 minutes ago!” Bucky lets out an exasperated sigh. “All we do is run!” You laugh and go to lower the music again. “Did you need something?” Bucky’s phone buzzes and he picks it up, shouting into it, “I’m coming Steve, one sec!” He abruptly hangs up and smiles, “yeah actually. Do you have headphones I can borrow? I hate running without music and I can’t find mine anywhere.”
“Sure! I can send you my 80s playlist too, if you want, so you can give it a listen on your run?” He steals the spoon from your hand, saying, “only if I can bring this to sing.” Rolling your eyes you take his phone, setting up the playlist and handing him the headphones.
“All set! Enjoy your run. And gimme back my mic!” Holding out your hand you wait until he gives it back, running over and turning the volume back up. “Won’t you come see about me, I’ll be alone dancing, you know it baby” You give him a wave as he walks to the door, smiling the whole time. “See you later, doll.” Flipping your hair around you sing to him, “don’t you forget about me.”
With one final laugh he shuts the door and you put down your spoon. Leaning against the counter you take a long drink of water, your thoughts drifting back to how good he looks with the beard. “Shit,” you mutter, just as “Girls Just Wanna Have Fun,” starts to play.
Later that night you head to the common room, excited to find it empty. You plug in your phone, scrolling through your 80s playlist. You’ve been listening to it all day, loving it even more now that you shared it with Bucky. You decide on ‘Invisible Touch’ by Genesis and head to the kitchen. Since you don’t have your wooden spoon handy you grab one of Tony’s fancy spatulas, one you’re sure he’s never actually used before.
“And now it seems I’m falling, falling for her. She seems to have an invisible touch.” You whip around like Allison in The Breakfast Club, throwing your hands up. Wiggling over to the fridge you start pulling out the necessities for a sandwich. “Hey, wanna make me one while you’re at it?” You feel his presence more than hear his question, whipping around to find Bucky standing at the island.
Dancing over you lean into him, “did you say something?” He takes your phone and lowers the volume, smirking when he sees your playlist. “Invisible Touch, huh? I really like that one. The lyrics to these songs are great. I’ve been listening to your playlist nonstop today!” You squeal in happiness! “That’s awesome Bucky. I’m glad you’re enjoying it. And what did you say before?”
“Oh yea, do you mind making me a sandwich since you’re making one?” Picking up your spatula mic you dance back to the counter. “Not at all. Ham, cheese and mayo, right?” He gives you a thumbs up, turning the volume louder. ‘Hungry like the Wolf’ comes on and you give a loud whoop. “I LOVE THIS ONE!”
“Dark in the city, night is a wire,” you sing into your spatula. Bucky grabs a whisk and starts singing along, “woman, you want me, give me a sign. And catch my breathing even closer behind.” You can’t stop smiling as you sing together, the music moving through your body like the very blood in your veins.
When the song ends you finish up the sandwiches, placing Bucky’s down in front of him. “Let’s eat!” He grabs the sandwich and holds it up to his mouth but not before saying, “good, because I’m hungry like the wolf.” You almost spit out your bite at his corny line, grabbing your water to take a drink. “Wow, I’ve converted you in one day! Awesome!”
You eat while listening to Heart’s ‘These Dreams.’ You notice Bucky has some mayo on his beard. Reaching over the island you brush your thumb over the soft hair, your mouth parting at the contact. “There’s still more.” His tongue darts out to lick it off but he doesn’t get it all. “Gone?” he asks, his voice suddenly much deeper.
Shaking your head, you swipe your thumb over the spot once more, this time getting it all. You close your mouth to stop the moan that almost escapes and your thighs clench together as your mind once again races with thoughts of how good his beard would feel on your body. “Doll?” His voice pulls you from your thoughts and you sit down with a plop. ‘Crazy for You,’ comes on and Bucky’s eyes sparkle.
He rounds the island and gently picks you up off the stool, taking you in his arms and holding you close. “It’s all brand new, I’m crazy for you.” You laugh, loving that he already knows some of the lyrics. “So, am I crazy or are you a big fan of the beard?” You suck in a breath, surprised and a little embarrassed that he picked up on your (all too obvious) weakness over his facial hair.
“Soon we two are standing still in time. If you read my mind, you'll see, I’m crazy for you.” You sing the words quietly, hoping your meaning gets across. Bucky gets the message. His lips meet yours, softly at first and the light brush of his beard over your soft skin makes you moan into his mouth. ‘I'm crazy for you. Touch me once and you'll know it's true, I never wanted anyone like this. It's all brand new. You'll feel it in my…’ The lyrics fade away just as Bucky’s hand cradles the back of your neck, pulling you impossibly closer to deepen the kiss and it feels just like heaven.
@aesthetical-bucky @auro-ora @azurika-writes @book-dragon-13 @buckys-broody-muffin @bugsbucky @bucky-on-my-mind @eurynome827 @hiddles-rose @hailmary-yramliah @hawksmagnolia @ikaris-whore @itsunclebucky @imgaril-lindru @jhangelface0523 @jewels2876​ @loricameback​ @littledarlinhavefaithinme​ @littleredstarfish​ @mushyjellybeans​ @marvelandotherfandomimagines​ @marvelgirl7​ @nano--raptor​ @nerdypinupcrystal​ @randomfandompenguin​ @sallycanwait68​ @the-wayward-robot​ 
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request: Can I have prompt #68 w/ Matthew Tkachuk please? Thank you ahead of time!
prompt: “I want you to look at me the way you look at him.” / number 68 off of this list with Matthew Tkachuk.
summary: Matt keeps trying to set you up with random guys, until one day when he realizes he doesn’t want you going out with anyone else but him.
warnings: drinking, swearing
word count: 2.8k
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You weren’t sure why you were such good friends with Calgary’s resident nuisance Matthew Tkachuk. He was nothing but trouble, that much was obvious by the way he was search the bar, trying to find an eligible guy for you. 
It all started by a slip of your tongue. You hadn’t meant to spur him on, and if you had known just the lengths he would go to in order to prove you wrong you would have never agreed to see a movie with him. You would have avoided having him ask you about your love life and you definitely would not have told him you thought he couldn’t set you up with a guy you actually liked. 
Because he took it as a challenge, and now every time you went out with him and other friends to bars or clubs he would constantly point out guys he thought you would like. Unsurprisingly, none of the matches stuck.
“What about him?” Matt elbowed your side from his spot beside you in a booth. You had been busy talking to his teammate and your mutual friend Johnny, but the conversation was quickly dropped, much to your chagrin. 
See, the reason none of Matt’s matches seemed to work was because you were more or less in love with him. He may be a pest, but you found his teasing endearing most of the time. Not to mention, with his gorgeous eyes and wild curls, he wasn’t half bad to look at. But he couldn’t know this, not when it was so obvious that he wasn’t interested. 
So you let him play matchmaker, enjoying just a little bit how frustrated he got when you were completely uninterested in any of the guys. 
Your gaze followed the direction that Matt’s finger was pointed to find someone so completely not your type. You roll your eyes, ignoring the curly haired boy beside you in a bid to get him to stop. 
Of course, that never deterred him. 
“Come on, why not?” He urged, and Johnny excused himself. Johnny was the only person that knew of your feelings, and you hadn't even meant to tell him. It was a night similar to this one and you had one too many drinks, and Johnny had just happened to be there when you spotted Matt talking to some gorgeous girl that had you feeling green with envy. You spilled your guts then, and now you desperately wanted to follow Johnny, but by the attractive, albeit shit-eating, grin on Matt’s face  had you rooted in your spot. Once more, you roll your eyes at him. It was a typical action when you were around him, so he wasn’t fazed in the slightest.
“Not my type.” You offered lamely, taking a sip of your drink to make sure you wouldn’t spill the truth. You were a few drinks in and sometimes that meant you let secrets spill easy—case in point, Johnny. But this was one you had been harboring for a while and had gotten pretty decent at hiding—though you could never be too careful.
“You say that about every guy. I’m starting to think you don’t actually have a type.” Matt sighed, clearly exasperated with your answer. 
“Maybe I don’t want to hook up with some random guy in a bar.” You shrugged. Matt screwed his face up at that and you giggled.
“You don’t have to hook up with him. Just talk to him.” You shook your head, knowing there was no point of arguing him with. He was stubborn and though you usually didn't mind it, you were getting tired of having to tell him you weren’t interested in other guys while avoiding the fact that you were interested in him.
“Trust me, Matty. It’s one in the morning at a bar, that guy just wants to hook up.” 
The next time you saw Matt, it had been at your apartment. It was tradition that before he left for road trips, he would come to yours and you would cook him dinner. It started one night when he came over, complaining that he didn’t have any food at his place. You had already been in the process of cooking for yourself, so you invited him to stay. Calgary had won nearly every game on the trip, and he came home insisting their string of good games had been due to your cooking.
“Back off, Tkachuk.” You teased, watching as he eyed the chicken in the pan. He laughed, pinching your side as he moved past you to return to his seat at the island. You focused on cutting the vegetables to try and cover up the fact this touch—no matter how obnoxious it was—had you blushing. 
“I can’t help it, I’m starving.” You rolled your eyes, but nonetheless smiled. He was a pest, you were well aware of it, but you loved him for it. 
“It’ll be better when it’s actually done.” You chided. After that, he let you cook in peace, and as he typically did, he set plates out. You ate in the living room, the show you had been watching as of late on, and Matt only slightly complained when he didn't know what was happening. 
“You’re the best cook I know.” Matt complimented, setting his plate on the coffee table and you mimicked his actions, him leaning into the back of the couch and you resting against the armrest. You stretched your legs out across his lap, trying to ignore the way your heart skipped a beat when his hands fell atop your shins. It wasn't an unfamiliar position for the two of you to be in, but it never failed to fluster you.
“Even better than your mother?” You teased, glancing between him and the television. He wasn't paying attention, though he usually didn’t when he wasn’t the one to pick the show, but what was odd was that he was looking at you. He laughed, though you could tell that he was a bit distraction. The weight of his gaze fell heavy on you, and you couldn't help but turn to face him. When you met his stare, it felt as if something shifted between the two of you.
“My mom’s is the best, but you’re like my home away from home.” He said, and there was a charge in the air that had your cheeks burning red and you forced your attention back the the show. You weren’t sure where his confession had come from, as Matt wasn’t one to get serious often. But the way he was dragging his thumb over the exposed skin of your legs, and the fact that his gaze hadn’t left the side of your head had you letting yourself believe that his words hinted at something more. “When’s the last time you went on a date?”
And just like that, the moment was over. He was back to his matchmaker ways, and you sighed. You stood up, collecting the dirty plates and heading back into your kitchen to start cleaning up. 
“Why do you care, Matty?” You argued, having heard him called your name as he followed you. 
“Because I don’t want you to be lonely when I’m gone.”
“So you want me to go on a date?” You were starting to get annoyed, you had let yourself get your hopes up in the moment and suddenly you were faced with reality once more. The reality where you and Matt were nothing more than friends and he wanted to set you up with up someone else.
“I mean, kinda?” He sounded conflicted, which was new. You turned to face him, his brows were tugged together as he studied you. His hands were on his hips as he looked down at you, and you suddenly became self-conscious under his gaze. “I don't know.”
This wasn't your Matthew. He was always so self-assured, cocky on the ice and borderline off of it. The young man standing in your kitchen seemed so unsure of himself, as if he was looking for the answer to an unasked question in you.
“I uh, I’ve got to get up early tomorrow.” This time, it was your turn to look at the other with confusion. You nodded, the look of total puzzlement on your face as you watched Matt head for the door. You barely were able to tell him goodbye before he was out of your apartment, the door shutting behind him and leaving you alone and confused. 
You hadn’t gotten any answers as to his unusual behavior and he had been back from his road trip for a few days. Though, by the second game while he was away, he had called you late one night to catch up on your day. He seemed a little more reserved, which had you wondering if you had done something wrong. Thinking that you hadn't gotten so frustrated at him for trying to set you up. Since then, you had been searching for your matchmaking best friend, because even if you hated his set ups, at least he was by your side. 
You were supposed to go out with the boys, because even if Matt was being weird, you were still friends with all of them. So after their game had ended, you waited a while before heading down the hallway by the locker rooms to wait for them to finish up post-game interviews and take their much needed showers. 
Johnny was the first to exit, and upon spotting you, made a bee-line to get to you. He had an exasperated look on his face, and considering you hadn’t seen him since before this last road trip, you weren't sure what was up. You were about to question him, but all you were able to do was raise your brow in confusion before he spoke.
“You have to tell Matt you like him back.” You eyes bulged out of your head and you swatted his arm and shushed him, the totality of his words not hitting you yet. 
“People could hear you!” You hissed, pulling him by his bicep out of the crowd, most of which were giving you looks not from what Johnny had said, but from how you reacted. “And what do you mean back?”
“He’s been nonstop talking about you since the road trip.” Johnny sounded exhausted, and if your mind hadn't been racing a million miles a minute about the implications of his statement, you would've sympathized with him about Matt’s ability to be a pest. “Something about how he went for dinner at yours and it just kind of hit him that he’s always been in love with you.” 
“Johnny, what the fuck!” You shrieked. It was nearly too much information to receive at once, that your best friend, that you were in love with, returned your feelings. Johnny laughed at you, the sound of your exclamation drew the attention of Elias and Matt, who emerged from the locker room at the same time. 
When you met Matt’s gaze, you felt your stomach do flips. You smiled awkwardly at him, cheeks a little flustered when suddenly an idea came to you. Matt had been acting different around you because he realized he had feelings for you, and as a punishment for making you second guess yourself, you were going to mess with him. 
“You promise you’re telling the truth?” You whispered to Johnny, not only because you needed just that little bit extra affirmation that your feelings were returned and also because you didn't want Matt to hear you. 
“I wouldn't lie to you, especially not about something like this.” Johnny replied, talking in the same low volume you did. You grinned widely at this, turning back to Matt, cataloging how he was smiling softly at you. Usually, after he played as good as he had tonight, his smile would be smug. You wanted your old Matt back, and you had a plan to get him back.
“You know what, Matty?” You said with a grin as he and Elias were within earshot. He beamed at the nickname, and you had used it enough that his teammates had given up chirping him about it. “I’m going to let you play matchmaker tonight. Find me a good one.” You pat his bicep as you walked past him, pretending to ignore the way his smile faltered at your comment or at the fact that Johnny and Elias both started to laugh at the flabbergasted look on his face. 
Tonight was going to be fun.
As soon as you had gotten to the bar, you had broken off from the group to use the bathroom, and then you made your way to the bar. You weren’t alone long, because a tall, unfamiliar, figure stood next to your stool.
He was handsome, in the typical way that was almost boring to you. He didn't have the curly hair that Matt did, or the smug grin that somehow was endearing despite the fact that he made you roll your eyes more times than any person you had ever met. 
But this stranger was someone that seemed interested in you, if the way he was smiling at you was any indication. 
“Hi.” You greeted shyly, because even if you had a plan to mess with Matt, you were still talking to an attractive guy at the bar. You glanced over your shoulder, feeling the weight of someone’s eyes on you and were completely unsurprised to see Matt boring holes into the back of your head. You shot Matt a wink before turning back to the stranger, propping your chin up on the palm of your hand for extra effect.
The stranger barely was able to return the greeting before a solid body slid behind you. The newcomer placed a hand on your hip, no doubt glaring at the stranger in front of you over your shoulder. You knew who it was, though you were a little shocked at the speed that he had crossed the bar at.
“What’s up, man?” Matt asked the guy, his hand on your hip shifting so his arm was around your waist. You leaned back into him, smiling at the way his grip tightened on you at your action. The stranger eyed Matt carefully, the way he wrapped himself around you, and you would’ve called Matt out for his casual possessiveness, except you were reveling in the feeling of his touch on you.
The stranger left without any protest, and you spun on your stool to face Matt. His arm fell from around you, and you spotted the frown on his face. Even from your spot on the stool, you were still slightly looking up at him as he leaned sideways against the bar. 
“Why are you so pouty, Matty?” You teased, poking his stomach and mimicking his frown. 
“I want you to look at me the way you look at him.” He confessed, and though you had been trying to make him confront his feelings you hadn’t expected him to give in so soon. 
Matthew Tkachuk was nothing if not stubborn, but his current demeanor showed that he truly cared about.
And because you were trying to process a thousand and one different thoughts, you laughed, effectively ruining the moment. Matt looked at you, and you could tell that he was confused—even a little nervous, and your Matt didn't get nervous—by your reaction. 
“Sorry.” You chuckled, waving a hand between the two of you. “It’s just, I do look at you the way you think I was looking that guy.”
“You do?” You chuckled at the way his eyes practically bulged out of his head and he had never looked more confused, more hopeful, than he did in the moment he processed your words. 
“I have for, like, months now.” You nodded. “I was just doing that to mess with you.”
And just like that, your Matthew was back. His shocked smile turned to a shit-eating grin, his cocky aura retuning. You smiled widely, glad that not only did he return to normal, but your feelings were out in the open and, most importantly, they were returned.
“So, I guess that means I can do this.” Matt stated smugly, using one of his hands to cup your face. He was leaning in, giving you enough time to back out if you wanted to. Before you knew it, his lips were crashing against yours and any remarks you could have made left your mind in an instant. It was a long time coming, and the fact that Matt had been so oblivious to your feelings was so on brand that the kiss was a little awkward with how much you both were smiling.
When you pulled away to breathe, Matt looked like the cat that ate the canary. You rolled your eyes at him, but the smile never left your face as he dropped his hand from your face, parting your knees to stand between them. You sighed, propping your head on your hand, looking up at Matt the same way you had been looking at the stranger earlier. Except, this time, the adoration on your face was genuine.
“Guess you can.”
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