swagrum76 · 4 months
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HASO, “Milkshake.”
You guys seem to be enjoying it, so here is some more fluff with Eris .
Hope you enjoy!
Eris sat on the couch in the living room; the TV was on, but she wasn’t really paying attention as her eyes kept drifting towards the front window which looked out on the front lawn and the street beyond that. Jim was sitting across the room for her and Martha was working on another clothing pattern for Eris. She had really latched onto the idea of making clothing that was comfortable for her, which Eris appreciated immensely though she wasn’t sure if she'd be confident in wearing them.
People would think she was weird.
She glanced out the window again, hoping to see a car pull up.
He said he would be here today sometime in the afternoon. She knew it was only 11, but she desperately wanted to see him again despite her nerves and her continual feeling of isolation. Why did she care about this man so much? Yes he had saved her life, yes he had provided half of her DNA, but no, he hadn’t chosen to have her, no she hadn’t grow up the normal way with him as a father figure, and no he still wasn’t really in her life.
He was a busy man.
He was important.
And what was she to get in the way of that? 
Nothing, that was the answer. He was big, important and successful, and she was a violation of his privacy.
These thoughts rolled around in her head as she sat on that couch. She knew the vast majority of them were irrational, made by her own mind to make herself feel inadequate, but she just couldn’t push the thoughts away. She wondered when she had turned into this person, someone who wondered about their adequacy and worried about their appearance. Once upon a time she remembered being powerful and terrifying to the people who had wronged her and her little family.
She remembered being confident in what she was doing.
Perhaps it was the loss of her goals and purpose that had driven her to this.
Once the others started getting adopted and brought into new families her work had grown less and less, and she became obsolete and lost in a universe that was vast and unknowable. The others were being taken care of, but no one had returned for her.
No one had seemed to consider that she was just like the others.
She had been created against her will and had never been given time to grow up.
With all the responsibility of other people’s thoughts in her head.
What was she doing?
It was only then that a sudden thought from Jim jogged her from her spiraling self doubt. With his human hearing, he could make out a car pulling into the driveway. She quickly got to her feet and turned to look at the window as the car stopped and the door opened.
Her heart jumped in her chest as Adam stepped out into the early morning sun. He was a little different than she remembered. He stood straighter and held his head higher. He still wore the eye patch she remembered and still had the same messy hair, but there was something about him that changed in the months since she had last seen him.
Behind him, a large blue shape exited the vehicle as well and stepped onto the pavement.
It was him, Sunny, the little doctor named krill, and Adam’s dog.
The dog’s mind was very very strange, driven by impulses and instincts as she snuffled around in the grass, but when she turned back to look at Adam, there was such an intense feeling of love and admiration, Eris had to pull away.
Adam rubbed the dog’s ears and walked up towards the house as the other two followed behind.
Martha got up to grab the door and Jim turned in his seat.
The door opened, and the group of them stepped inside, waffles, the dog, running in to greet Jim, who she had an unusual affinity for.
Martha hugged Adam tight, “So good to see you.” She pulled back hands to his arms, patting them with a frown on her face, “You’ve been working out.”
He smiled slightly, “Thank the Neo-Spartans for that.”
He reached over and shook his father’s hand, as his arms were busy with the pile of dog that had scooted her way halfway onto his lap, “Looking good.”
He nodded to Sunny who stood behind Adam, “I heard about your Sainthood. Congratulations. That’s a big accomplishment.”
Eris felt the pride radiating from Sunny as she lifted her head into the air, “Thank you Jim.”
Martha nodded, “You’ve come along way since we first met.” She gave sunny a hug too 
Martha’s thoughts, once cold towards Sunny had warmed up over the past year. A small part of her even began to see Sunny as another daughter, thought that was the fact about Martha Eris had come to notice. She tended to adopt any little lonely thing she happened to meet; even the little doctor who walked in last.
She smiled, “Dr. Krill I see you haven’t died of complications relating to stress yet.”
The Vrul’s antenna twitched a little and he hummed his amusement, “Not for all of your son’s trying.” Despite how calm the little creature seemed, Eris could see in his head as a myriad of emotions flew through him. He thought that this place was a complete death trap, and had to constantly remind himself that humans were more durable than they looked.
In a way she thought it was kind of cute that he would worry about his companions so much.
Then Adam’s eyes turned to her.
She tried not to listen in on his thoughts, really tried. She didn’t like to pry into people’s minds. A lot of people didn’t like that when they knew what she could do, but she couldn’t help as the flood of strange emotions came pouring from the man’s head. He was a little different than other humans, he had a lot going on in there, and his thoughts and Emotions hit him hard and fast.
What did she expect.
She was invading his privacy, injecting herself into a family she had never been invited into. WOuld he resent her for that? 
But instead she felt.
What did he have to be nervous about.
The man walked over, and to her surprise picked her up into a crushing hug lifting her feet completely off the floor. She marveled for a moment at how strong he was, forgetting that humans tended to be on the strong side, second only to drev. He set her down smiling, and she felt a jenuine well of happiness wash over her tinted slightly with guilt, though he did a good job at keeping that to the back of his mind.
“You know what, I think you’ve gotten taller.”
She smiled, “Or you’ve gotten shorter.”
He laughed, “That is a complete possibility.” She continued to smile as he patted his chest, “I am getting old after all.” He looked over towards Jim, “Aging like my old man.”
“Shut up.” Jim harumphed, “I can still kick your ass.”
Martha frowned, “Are you implying that I am old Adam.”
He turned to smile at her, “Not a day past 21 mother.”
Martha crossed her arms and raised an eyebrow, “Someone is looking for brownie points.”
“That depends, did you make brownies?”
She rolled her eyes, “No, I did not make brownies.”
He frowned.
“But I did muffins.”
“Score.” He said flopping down on the couch next to Eris as Krill floated to sit in the chair next to Jim.
The two of them watched the game, Jim seeming to enjoy Krill grimacing at every play and screaming at the TV for letting the humans knock each other out. He especially seemed to enjoy the medical descriptions of all the horrible issues they were probably having from all of that running into each other.
“So, how are you liking earth.” Adam asked, draping one of his large arms over her shoulders. Eris was struck with how nice the gesture felt and looked up at him, his head tilted to the side.
She smiled slightly, “I like it, it’s so warm and bright, and you have good food.”
“You can eat human food huh?”
She smiled and nodded, “We haven’t tried everything yet, but I really like strawberry ice cream.”
He snorted, “Lord she developed David’s poor taste in cold flavored delectables.” 
For a moment she worried she had really upset him but was soon proven wrong when she could tell he was just teasing her, “So how are you a herbivore or a carnivore.”
Eris felt herself blanch a little bit. If her blood had been more visible through her marble Starborn skin, she might have gone pale.
“I uh…. I haven’t tried eating….. An animal yet.” She shivered at the thought. How could she? How could she eat something that used to be alive?
He smiled seeing the look on her face3, “Don’t worry, no one is going to force you too, though I dare say meat is good, your probably won’t regret trying it at least once.”
From across the room she could hear dr. Krill’s thoughts. He was more similar to a plant than he was to an animal, and the thought of consuming something that was living also baffled him, Though a part of him admired how “metal” It sounded. Eris frowned as she looked at the little doctor.
She had red the mind of Vrul before.
They had been strange to her, very alien in their processes, but Krill.
Well she might have thought he was just a very strange human had she not been able to see him.
The humanizing phenomenon perhaps>?
She couldn't be sure.
“So Eris, how about my offer from earlier, how would you like to go see where I grew up.”
She turned to look at Adam, who was staring at her expectantly. 
She shuffled her feet awkwardly, “I would like that.”
“I will show you all the great and wonderful places I got beaten up. It will be a grand time.” She looked inside to see that he was just joking again. He did have some bad memories associated with the town, though the vast majority of them were good. She could see and feel the vibrant joy of fireworks and colorful parades as they passed through his memory. She could see cold calm lakes and feel wind blowing through the forest.
She nodded.
Martha turned to look at Sunny, “I’d like to keep you and Krill behind tomorrow if you don’t mind.”
Sunny looked up from here she was staring intently at the TV yelling over Jim’s shoulder at the reff who, to her, had made a very poor call.
“Of course, what do you need us for?”
“Alternative clothing designs for aliens. I think there is a large untapped market, and I want to see what I can do with it.”’
Adam grinned across the room at sunny, “Ah, she has finally roped you into being one of her guinea pigs. Enjoy.”
“Adam was such a good little guinea pig, and looked so good in a dress.”
Adam snorted and waved a hand, “I rocked the regency period as I have said before and so I shall say again.”
Eris leaned her head against Adam’s side as she listened to the ongoing banter between the group of people.
She tried not to pry but couldn’t help soak up the memories that popped to the surface of his head. Warm sunlight through an open window, the sound of a sprinkler, and the yell of children’s voices in the distance.
For a moment she became jealous of it before hiding that away in the back of her head.
THere was no use resenting others for something that wouldn’t change.
She would make the best of what she had.
That night, Eris slept in the same room as Sunny, whose memories were remarkably less pleasant than Adam’s, while Adam got his old room back. He would have shared with Krill, though Krill didn’t sleep, and spent most of the night watching late night television, which he found both strange and haunting in ways he wasn’t so sure was good.
She drifted in and out.
She wasn’[t entirely sure if her sleeping patterns were normal. She needed to recharge like the humans did, but seemed to go into a trance rather than into real sleeping. She dreamed, but hose dreams were more hallucinations which appeared about the room around her. Occasionally, she learned that she was able to share the dreams of others, and so took a ride along with Adam as he was joyfully able to fly without the need for a jet or a jetpack.
The feeling was so vivid she jolted awake when it was all over, sure she was going to find herself hurtling through the air.
That morning they had muffins, which melted in her mouth and made her insides growl. They weren’t as vocal as human innards, but apparently the smell of the muffins woke something deep within her.
Sunny was presented with a bowl of dandelions Jim had picked from the backyard that morning.
He was a little nervous that it might seem rude or degrading, but Sunny definitely seemed to appreciate the gesture. Krill didn’t need anything other than a glass of water, though Martha opened the curtain on the back sliding door to let in the early morning sun.
It fell across both her and krill, and her body hummed with its energy.
Adam stood and turned to look at his father when breakfast was over, “Can I borrow the car keys.”
Jim looked over at him skeptically, “You… drive… I don’t know about that.”
Adam frowned, “Oh come on, I fly spaceships for a living.”
Jim snorted, “yet, somehow every time you get in a vehicle that has wheels on it, you turn into my granny with a led foot.”
“Promise I will be safe.”
Eris smiled,  his memories reminding him of all the jokes about being a bad driver .
Jim just rested his hand on his forehead and looked at Eris, “Lord knows I have never known a man with such poor command of motor vehicles. Ans you see if have seen this boy fly a jet in formation with seven other jets four feet apart and his hands are rock steady, but put him in a car, and he overcorrects into the ditch.”
Adam frowned, “That was my FIRST time driving.”
Jim finally relinquished the keys to him, “take the car, it’s an automatic. Everyone knows you shake her brains out if you tried to take the truck.”
Adam grumbled and took the keys, “Its the 41st century dad why do you even still need a stick shift.”
He crossed his arms, “If we are ever attacked by an EMP burst, that car is the only thing that is still going to be running, now get out of here.”
Eris followed Adam out the door, her little black cloak swishing behind her.. She hadn’t wanted to wear anything to obvious yet, so martha had grudgingly decided to at least make her something that looked better than her old ratty sweatshirt. It was a short cloak thing with a hood, and she thought it looked kind of nice,   though she kept the hood low over her face. Adam slid into the driver’s seat of the car and Eris got into the other seat clipping on her seatbelt as he turned and began backing out of the driveway.
They jolted a bit as he moved into first and he glanced over at her, “Don’t tell my dad.”
She smiled somewhat as he inched forward and then began to pick up speed. The look of concentration on his face, and the white knuckles of his hands almost made her laugh. She could see him flying in his memories.
But for a man who loved to fly, he sure hated to drive.
“I’ll show you around the two first, than we can get lunch and after that we will find places to get out of the car and take a look around. Does that sound good?”
She nodded, though she wouldn’t have argued with him if he wanted to ride in circles all day. It was nice being here with him. Since they had last met his thoughts had calmed down significantly.
In the back of the car, his dog waffles sneezed and then rested her chin on the console.
Eris looked sideways at her sensing that the animal was looking for attention. She reached out a nervous hand and stroked the dog’s ears. In the back seat her tail thumped against the upholstery, and she grumbled happily.
“And out your right side of the window is the local high school  or what I like to call the department of corrections against happiness. Eris winced, there was a lot of thought coming out of that building, and none of it very pleasant.
“Thank goodness I only went there for like a year.” he grinned, “I was flying planes after that.” He tapped his chin, “I can never decide if it counts as me dropping out of high school or graduating early, or transferring schools.” he shrugged and kept going, “That’s the middle school on the left, arguably just as bad as the high school but with younger people, and right next to that is the elementary school.”
“So many?”
He shrugged, “Yeah I have no idea why they do it this way, but that’s the way it has been done for a very long time.”
Eris had obviously never gone to school. She didn’t really need to.
She could know anything she wanted to know as long as someone else around her knew it. She could read and write and do math well enough. It was a little harder with muscle memory as that wasn’t something she could read. So, while she knew how to make most of the clothes that Martha could make, she might not be so good with a sewing machine.
“That’s the park. I used to like climbing up to the top of that tree in the middle, and down over there is the drive in movie theater. It’s one of the only ones left in this country, kind of more for nostalgia than anything..” he was able to lift his hand rom the steering wheel and point over at something else, “You have the grocery store over there and then that parking lot is where all the redneck kids used to go to get drunk.”
Eris leaned forward feeding off the memories those strange places gave him. He showed her little hidden spots down by the rivers where his brothers and him used to go swim. He showed her places of significance for the town, and even those locations where he had been sure he had seen an alien. The thought made her smile considering he had one in his car now.
Eventually he turned away and pulled into a small diner on the edge of the town.
He looked over at her, “Best place to eat in town, I know it doesn’t look like much, but trust me get yourself a milkshake at the very least.”
She nodded and nervously got out of the car with him, walking by his side as he made his way across the parking lot and to the little building. A bell dinged as they walked in,  and she found only a few people sitting inside this time of day. The two of them seated themselves at a booth and Eris looked around,
It wasn’t like the many other buildings Eris had seen. It was old with a checkered floor pattern, and red upholstered bar stools. All of it looked new enough and clean enough, though something about it just felt old.
There was a jukebox playing music in the corner, something that had been obsolete for almost two thousand years. No wonder Adam and Martha liked this place. Martha with her doctorate degree in the information age, and Adam with his obsession over turn of the century rock music.
They were greeted just then by a pleasant faced portly little woman with grey hair.
Hermemory was a vibrant one.
She had worked here for a very long time, a sweet southern bell moved up from the south and married to a man in town. She had worked at this diner for over three decades and seen everything that passed through. Adam remembered her as someone who had been a fixture of the town, and his memories were pleasant.
When he had been alone and hurting, he had come here just to be in a safe environment, and this woman had had pity on him and made him a milkshake for free before sitting and talking with him when her shift would allow.
He smiled up at her and she lit up in surprise.
“Why if it isn’t sweet little Adam!” She looked him up and down, “Not so little anymore, lord it was only yesterday you and your brothers were in here causing trouble.”
He smiled, “And you angela, looking as beautiful as the day I met you.:
She snorted and waved a hand, “Oh stop, I’m old and wrinkly.”
“Old, you don’t look a day over twenty five.”
She laughed again, “Your flattery won’t work here dear. I know you have a penthouse on the moon.”
He snapped his fingers, “Pity.”
She turned her head to look at Eris, “And who is your friend.”
He looked across the table, “I uh, this is Eris.” Eris hunkered down in her hood a bit, “She’s my…. Daughter?”
Angela looked skeptical, “Boy i’ve never seen you look at a woman sideways, so forgive me if I don’t believe you.”
Adam smiled a bit ruefully, “Well it’s complicated.
Eris slowly raised her eyes towards the woman’s curiosity and as soon as Angela saw her face she put a hand over her heart and held up a hand, “Lord have mercy!” Eris braced herself for the disparaging thoughts, but instead the woman sat down next to her, “Why dear, why don’t you take off that hood and show us your pretty face.” There we go, and look at that long gorgeous black hair. You know them fancy modeling places in the city might just eat you up.”
She turned to look at Adam, “Aliens? Really?”
“She was grown from my DNA, but…..” He paused mulling something over before deciding to speak.
“But I WAS dating a different alien for a while.”
Angela did not seem surprised.
“For a while? Something went wrong?”
“I screwed it up.” he sighed, “Still trying to see if I can get back in her good graces, but who knows.”
Angela just smiled and shook her head, “You were never going to be normal, Adam, but not that that’s a bad thin.: She stood and looked down at Eris, “What can I get for you.”
Eris cleared her throat and in a small voice, “A milkshake””
Adam nodded up at her, “Strawberry, that’s her favorite.”
She nodded, “And your usual?” 
“Yes please.”
She smiled at them and walked off with a pleasant wave. When she came back Eris learned he was right about their milkshakes. It was so good and filled her mouth with just enough flavor. He polished off a milkshake and a Hamburger, and Eris really had no idea where iit all went. He was a black hole when it came to food.
Angela gave him a hug on his way out, and even spared one for Eris before commenting on her hair again, which Eris would have blushed at if she could blush.
Afterwards he took her just a little out of town to the top of a tall hill. On this hill there was a tree and a tire swing with a picnic table. Clouds rolled lazily over the sun as he sat down in the grass and she sat next to him. She could hear dogs barking in the distance, and somewhere the elementary school was out for recess.
Adam closed his eyes and leaned back in the grass.
“Sometimes I get so wrapped up in my love for space that I forget just how much I love Earth.” He sighed and the two of them could smell freshly mowed grass and pine trees.
She lay back with him.
“I was thinking about maybe staying here with your parents for a while.”
“Your grandparents.” he corrected eyes still closed.
She felt her heart beat faster, “Yeah, if they’re ok with that.”
“I don’t see why not. Mom always liked having someone around to help her with her projects. She uses dad when she can and he suffers silently for her, but I think she'd enjoy your company.”
“You do?” Eris wondered 
“Well I don’t see how she couldn't. I enjoy your company.”
She felt a thrill through her insides.
He turned to look at her, “I AM sorry I can’t be…. more. “ his words didn’t say as much as his thoughts could, and it were those  that helped her understand what he really meant. He would offer to take her in any day of the week, but that would mean her being alone more often than not while he was away, and he didn’ want to do that to her. 
He thought she deserved better.
She wouldn’t argue with him about that, for she understood his reasoning and sentiment and tended to agree.
Both of them knew that his parents were a pretty great idea.
She could be happy here
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Taken Care Of (Derek x Reader)
A/N: I love a sick fic. It’s good, low-stakes hurt/comfort style fluff. The title was originally “Is it really love if he’s never seen you shoot snot rockets?” but since there was no actual said rockets, it seemed misleading. 
Apparently, also my writing is prophetic because I’m finishing this under feverish duress of some sort of cold (its 81 degrees, I’m wearing a hoodie, and I'm freezing. This is bullshit.)
Word Count: 2437
Rating: G - descriptions of illness (mostly pain, dizziness), crying and self-deprecation
For what will soon become obvious reasons, this is set pre-movie.
“Derek? What are you doing here?” you asked, crossing the school lobby quickly to greet him, your friends trailing behind a little slowly.
“Hey Baby Girl,” he said with a grin. “You've been so busy, I feel like I don't ever see you. I missed you,” he gave you that pout he was frustratingly good at, the one that made you melt like butter no matter what else was going on, as he laced his fingers between yours.
“So you decided to visit me at school?” As glad as you were to see him, part of you wished he hadn’t just shown up. This hadn’t been how you planned for him to be added to this part of your life, and it wasn’t exactly good timing. 
“I thought we could get lunch? I didn't know you'd be hangin out with your friends. Don't let me interrupt.”
His words nudged you, and you hastily made introductions. 
“Oh, so you're the mysterious Derek. I always knew Y/N had good taste,” Alli hummed, looking over him with a flirtatious hunger.
You felt your stomach clench at the look she gave him. It wasn’t quite jealousy, trusting him far too much for concern to ever cross your mind, but something like fear settled over you. Or maybe it was just the nausea you’d felt all week, you tried to tell yourself. Derek seemed to sense the tension you held in every part of your body, and gave your hand an affirming squeeze.
“I don't know about mysterious,” he chuckled, “Y/N reads me like an open book.”
Jen laughed. “Perfect answer,” she slung an arm over your shoulder with a grin. “I like him. Definitely approve.”
“Ladies,” Alexi said, interrupting on their way past. “As curious as we all are to meet and drool over the boy Y/N’s been keeping to herself, let her have him to herself.” 
They hooked their arms through the other two’s elbows who planted their feet and refused to be dragged away. You couldn’t help but laugh at your friends' antics, as tired and slightly embarrassed as you were. Derek was grinning at them, still holding your hand and keeping you tucked against him. 
“Wait wait,” Jen protested. “Y/N. You’re taking him to Aida’s right? You have to.” 
“I don’t know…” the smirk on Alli’s face continued to roil your stomach. “I’d just take him home.” 
“What’s Aida’s?” Derek asked, hiding his face in your hair, surprising you that he was actually embarrassed by your friends’ comments.
“Only the best food ever,” Alexi answered with a smile. “Y/N can tell you all about it on the way. Just do that cute thing and share a milkshake with two straws, or I’ll hunt you. Byyyye.” 
Giving up on pulling the others, they decided to push you two out the doors instead. Rather than dealing with more of their nonsense, you let yourselves leave, and stopped just out of range. 
“Aida’s is a place around the corner. Cheap. Definitely knows how to cater to the student crowd. Good food, pretty amazing milkshakes. And coffee has unlimited free refills in a two hour window.”
“Sounds great. I wanted to take you to lunch. Do you want to?”
“It’s no big deal,” you shrugged. “I go there all the time. We should do something special, since you came all this way.” 
“Y/N. You know I don’t care about that. I’m happy anywhere you decide. Besides,” he leaned closer to purr in your ear, words like honey sending a shiver down your spine, “I want to know all your places.”
“You’re terrible. Maybe another time. It’s a longer walk but...I’m feeling ramen?”
“Lead the way.”
You felt your steps dragging as you and Derek walked, trying your best to hide it from your boyfriend. Your lungs burned despite the walk normally being well within manageable, and several times you stumbled, doing your best to stay upright in the wake of a wave of exhaustion.
“I know you wanted to get lunch,” you said suddenly, pausing, “but can't we just get to-go and go back to my place? I’m pretty tired, and I really don't…I was just hoping for a nap before work tonight.”
He caught your hesitation and frowned. “Baby, what's wrong?”
“Nothing. I just...haven't been feeling myself for a couple of days. It's been a hard semester, that's all. The walk’s making it hit me a little.”
Derek stopped, turning to face you, eyes tracing over your face. No doubt he was taking in the deep, almost bruise-colored bags under your eyes that were only sort of hidden by your makeup. Or maybe it was the glossy sheen behind them. Once he had spotted one, the other signs started to jump at him: your fever-flushed cheeks and discolored skin, your dry, cracked lips, the slump of your shoulders, even your unusually loose and ill-fitted clothing. 
You watched his jaw working as he struggled to contain whatever thought was on the tip of his tongue.
“Go ahead and say it,” you said with a sigh, throat burning with the exaggerated airflow.
“Say what?”
“Whatever you’re holding back.”
“Baby girl, you look awful,” his tone was flat and his face apologetic. 
You tried to laugh, but it came out in more of a wet cough that made you wince, partially from the feeling, but mostly from the look he now wore.
“Why didn’t you tell me you were sick?”
“I’m not. It’s just a little cold,” you protested, the argument weakened by another coughing fit, this one hitting harder and leaving you wheezing. The fit, or the way you swayed, dizzy and unsteady as the blood rushed back out of your head when it was over, seemed to be the last straw.
“That’s it,” he said, tone serious and sharp. “We’re going to my mom’s and she and I are gonna take care of you.”
“Nope. You lost your protest privileges.” He was already steering you back in the opposite direction of where you were headed. “You can call Nino and tell him you won’t be in while I drive.”
“I don’t want to rob you of lunch,” you tried to fight anyway, voice weak and throat raw.
“I’ll eat somethin at home. I can’t believe you’re still tryin to...” he shook his head, muttering fondly about stubborn Irish pains in the ass. 
After begrudgingly making the call to Nino, who sounded shocked but completely forgiving, you decided on one last ditch effort to escape admitting to and dealing with being sick. 
‘Help I’m being held hostage!’ you texted Sean. 
His response came only a moment later. ‘What??????!’ 
‘Your stupid bestfriend is making me admit I’m sick and keeping me from going to work.’
‘He’ A second text came through a moment later. ‘Good.’
‘WHAT? You’re my cousin, you’re supposed to be on my side. Rescue me. Before he sics his mother on me.’
There was a long pause, more than you thought Sean should need to respond. When the message finally came through, you couldn’t help glaring at the screen.
‘I’d rather fight an actual bear than Ma Sandoval.’
‘Ah. So you’re in on it. I see how it is. Your betrayal will not be forgotten.’
‘Feel better soon.’ He added a smile to the end, and you could practically see it as his signature smirk.
‘I hate you.’ 
You sighed, shoving your phone back in your pocket and slumped down in the seat. You closed your eyes, hoping that it would combat the movement of the car and the effect it was having on your headache. You were frustrated at Derek for making you admit something was wrong (even though you knew really that he was right to) and at the fact that it seemed like the minute you admitted it, the symptoms seemed to get immediately worse. 
The next thing you knew, you were stirred from a light doze by a change in movement. Instead of the steady, rocking vibration of the car and the smooth, cool feeling of the glass under your cheek, you were pressed close against something warm and solid, bobbing in a more natural, if uneven, rhythm. Your mind was sluggish but after a moment, and a soft, familiar chuckle as you buried your face into him to escape the sun in your eyes, you realized that it was because Derek was carrying you, bridal-style across the lawn and into his house. 
You suppressed an involuntary whine and the urge to cling to him as he settled you down in his bed. Heavy blankets that smelled like him were pulled up around your shoulders, the sudden warmth making you realize how cold you’d been.
“Not sick my ass,” he murmured, pressing a kiss to your hairline. “Get some sleep baby girl.” 
The door clicked quietly behind him and you let the comfortable darkness pull you back under.
Some unknown time later, there was a knock that pulled you out of strange, feverish dreams and you croaked something that you hoped sounded like come in, squinting against the light that poured through behind the person.
“Y/N, you should wake up for a little while,” Derek’s mother said, flicking on a bedside lamp. “I made you soup.” 
You pushed yourself up into a seated position and smiled gratefully at her. “Thank you Mrs. Sandoval.”
“How many times do I have to tell you, you are dating my son, you at least call me Ma. Just like everyone else.”
“Sorry,” you looked down bashfully, the word tasting foreign in your mouth. “Ma.” 
“Why are you not taking care of yourself?” she tutted as she set the bowl down and sat on the edge of the bed. “You are so busy trying to be able to be a fancy lawyer and change the world but you can’t do that if you drop dead. And of a little cold?” 
“And you made Derek worry.” She placed a wrist against your forehead to check your temperature. “He’s going to fret over you forever, now. It’s how he shows his love. I hurt my back a few years ago, and still he is ‘Mami you shouldn’t reach so high, Mami let me get that for you, Mami don’t carry so many heavy groceries.’ Imagine when you have children. They won’t be able to scrape a knee. If your doctor doesn’t put you on bed rest, he will.”
Her words made you choke on the food you had just sipped into your mouth, sending you into a coughing fit that left you short of breath.
“See, you wouldn’t be doing that if you said you were sick to begin with.”
“I just...thought if I took some cold medicine, it would go away on its own. I’ve been so busy. And I didn’t...want anyone to worry, or think anyone would care?” you admitted sheepishly, looking down at the soup in your lap and the blanket over your legs and trying not to think too hard about what you were telling her.
“Mija, look at me,” she said firmly but kindly. When you didn’t follow her instruction, she used a hand to tilt your head up. “You have family now. You don’t have to do everything alone. Now eat  your soup.”
The sentiment, and the matter-of-fact way she delivered it, broke down a dam inside you, and suddenly you were crying, and she was hugging you, rubbing small circles on your back with one hand while the other cradled your head against her. You wanted to attribute your overwhelmed feelings to being sick, but in your heart you knew: it was a kind of acceptance and love that you had never expected, especially from someone who didn’t even have to like you. 
After sitting like that for several long minutes, letting you sob and offering you comfort, she shifted back to nurse-mode. 
“You need more fluids, not letting them all out through your eyes. Eat your soup, and I’ll go make you tea,” she said, nudging you back to rest against the headboard and standing. 
You laughed wetly and tried again to thank her, only to have it waved away.
“How is she?” Derek asked, almost as soon as he walked through the door a few hours later.
His mother laughed, shaking her head wryly. “She will survive. Just needs to rest for a few days. It’s a cold.”
“That’s like asking the tide to take a few days off,” he chuckled, until his mother fixed him with a glare. 
“Maybe if you told her the truth about how you felt, and she didn’t feel like she was on her own trying to be everything, she would.”
“Ma that’s not--”
“Derek Michael Sandoval, do not argue with me,” she crossed her arms over her chest. “You have been telling me for weeks now how much you love this girl, and it is obvious to a blind saint. Yet she is sick and doesn’t tell anyone because she thinks it would be a burden no one would want. Now what would give her that idea?”
Derek felt his stomach twist guiltily. It was true that he hadn’t told you he loved you, even though he was completely certain he did. But he thought it was for your benefit, to not scare you off by pushing too hard. He had never considered that it might be making things worse. He opened his mouth, looking for an answer to give his mother and found that he couldn’t get any words out. Instead, he just looked at her helplessly. 
She rolled her eyes. “You are both so stupid.”
You were fast asleep when he slipped through the door, and as he got ready for bed as quietly as possible, he kept finding himself stopping to look down at you. You were burrowed deep in the blankets, wrapped in one of his hoodies in addition as the fever made you shiver. You looked so small and fragile and vulnerable there in his bed, and his chest ached with a need to protect you, a desire for taking care of you and loving to be his entire purpose in life for the rest of his life and it nearly knocked him on his ass. 
As he slid under the covers beside you, you seemed to cuddle closer instinctively, and he wrapped his arms around you.
“I love you, Y/N,” he whispered, pressing a kiss to your hair. “And I know you can’t hear me right now, but baby girl, I promise, I’m gonna make sure you know, soon.”
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wornoutmouse · 4 years
Baby daddy shigaraki p2
Uncle Dabi tings💖
Shigaraki stood over a man with a look of death in his eyes. "So you mean to tell me, You couldn't find the extra large Paw Patrol baby walker?" The man laughed nervously and his hands began to sweat. "S-Sir I can assure you that, we are a-all searching around but have yet to find what y-your looking for and order it.."
Shigaraki held his chin as he walked around the man like a predator. Daiki, who was currently being held by the shaking man, gurgled loudly as his unfocused newborn eyes followed his father's light hair. "I agree Dai, I don't think they are trying hard enough."
Shigaraki stopped pacing in front of the man. "How about this, you have a week to find me what I want. If you don't you will be dusted."  The man sighs with relief and relaxes his grip on Daiki, "T-Thank you sir, you won't regret it."
Shigaraki grabs a walkie talkie from his pocket, "Twice come escort the Toys are Us employee back to his job. His shift is almost over." Twice replies okay back along with some obscene profanity. The man swallowed slowly, "M-May I request to be dropped off at Subway I haven't eaten yet." 
Shigaraki sneered down at the man as he watched him absentmindedly bouncing Daiki in his arms. "Are you kidding me, supplier's of my son only get the best around here!.......you get Sub Sandwiches."
Shigaraki walks into the main bar area where the others resided. "Bye Carl!" Toga waves at the shaken man who practically falls into Twice's arms. "Spinner, Daiki hasn't eaten since yesterday so I order you to breastfeed my son." 
Spinner's eyes go wide, "And how the hell am i supposed to do that?" Shigaraki shrugs and he hands him Daiki, "How should I know, your the only animal here." Kurogiri materialises next to Spinner and gingerly takes Daiki from him, "No need for that, I have taken some of Y/N's breast milk to feed him."
Everyone jumps as the dry hand of Shigaraki appears through Kurogiri's head. "Nobody touches his mother's tits except me!" Dabi downs a shot of Patron Tequila, "Man you're hopeless." Dabi flips out a bottle of breast milk and takes Daiki from Kurogiri. "Until Y/N comes to beat your ass, I will watch the brat."
Shigaraki crossed his arms, "And what do you know about children ashtray?" Dabi side-glances at Tomura, and rolls his eyes, "I have siblings dipshit." Tomura scratches his neck and warily watches Dabi's large hands practically cover the entirety of the baby's small form.
Y/n POV:
Stress was an understatement to the emotion you were feeling. It had only been day two of Daiki's fatherly kidnapping and you had already seen two news reports of League of Villian sightings.
The newscaster spoke with professionalism as she spoke foolishness, "The leader, Tomura Shigaraki was seen in a large white van, that he then man handled an Toys R Us employee. After that while ordeal they chose to then stop for McDonalds." The camera then cuts to a young woman wearing McDonald's attire, "He ordered two McFries and a Milkshake but then came back around and ordered 5 McDoubles, I could hear many voices in the back of the Van."
You stirred your tea in an attempt at maintaining the last few shreeds of your sanity. The only thing you knew for certain was that Daiki was being fed regularly as you noticed your saved breast milk had been disappearing.
You don't have an answer as to why you weren't rushing over to the bar. Maybe deep down you wanted to trust Shigaraki  to not get into any terrible trouble with your son nearby. 
Just in the League of Villans member, Dabi has been spotted walking through Kyoto park with a bright pink baby sling on his chest. Is it a baby, or could it be something much worse."
The mug you were holding broke in your voice grip and you blankly stared at the hot drink trickling around your fingers. 
"There are more trees here than I remember." Dabi mumbled as he lights a cigarette over Daiki's sleeping head. Daiki blinks his tiny eyes open and wrinkles his large head around as he takes in his new surroundings.
 "Is that Dabi?"
"He's hot."
"Am i the only one that sees the baby?"
Dabi gently held the back of Daiki's head to keep it upright. "Whoa there little dude, you're like not even a month old yet, can't be moving that head too much." Daiki once again settles back to sleep and Dabi rolls the sling up to keep his head against his chest.
Finding a bench, Dabi relaxes and takes in the fleeting nature and fearful looks of the public. As he sat there,, he failed to notice the large forms coming his way. 
Two large men walk behind Dabi and toss him into the air. Seeing no other option, Dabi  does his best to land on his feet, legs buckling at the force of it. "Oh hey guys, what took you so long to find me?" A larger man with a face of a hog snorted at Dabi, "You know why we're here now let's make this quick."
Dabi pretends to care as he teeters on the back of his heels. "Ah yes, the money. Well gentlemen as you can see, I am busy bonding with my nephew right now so if you don't mind…." A shorter man with a sickly appearance takes a threatening step closer to Dabi, "Maybe we should take the kid as collateral, there's no telling what kind of quirk he has if he's related to this freak."
Dabi's playful demeanor falters a bit as the sickly man licks his lips at the sight of the small mound attached to Dabi's chest. "Yeah as fun as that sounds I think my "brother" here will have to pass." Dabi looks to the left of the two men and sees Shigaraki standing off to the side in a black hoodie. The taller man laughs as Shigaraki slowly walls up to the trio, "And what are you going to do pipsqueak?" 
Shigaraki doesn't respond as he makes a beeline for Dabi. Before he could fully pass the two men, the smaller one places his paper thin fingers into Shigaraki's shoulder, "Look kid, now's not the best time to be playing hero so get lost."
Shigaraki laughs, "Kid? I'm a father, put some respect on my name." With that Shigaraki places his bare hands over the manga face and cackled as the man slowly disintegrated in front of him. Dabi smirks as he watches the larger man back away from Shigaraki.
Shigaraki turns back to Dabi with a triumphant smile. "You really thought I'd let you take my kid anywhere? Fat chance ashtray?"
"Tomura muthafucking Shigaraki." Both Dabi and Tomura freeze at the sound of your voice. You stood still behind Shigaraki who could only pray for a quick death as your footsteps came closer. 
To his relief, you walk past him and to Dabi to check on your son. Kurogiri chooses that time to materialise and you promptly drag Dabi through him while Shigaraki sadly follows from behind. 
You fold your hands together and look at each man slowly. "Kurogiri, you let Dabi leave your side with my child." Kurogiri does nothing but hand his head low in shame so you turn to Dabi. "You went out in public with a newborn, as a notorious villan, and got attacked." Dabi raised a finger to speak but you glared it down.
"Don't think I didn't see you lighting a cigarette with Daiki literally on your chest, I should whoop to ass on gp for that."  Dabi looked at Kurogiri for help, help was of course not given. You smile wickedly as you look at Shigaraki who avoided your eye contact. 
"I talk to you about not trusting you around our child. And you go and pull something that makes me not trust you around our child." Shigaraki looked at you  in shame. He knew better, well he didn't know better but he knew he could do better.
You look over at Twice who was holding Daiki with shaking arms from trying not let his other side toss the child like Kobe. "Please come get him Y/N-he's mine hoe!"
Daiki remained asleep during the entire ordeal of course.
"So Tomura has a son?" Dark laughter resounded  around the confines of a prison far away. All for One shook in his tight constraints, "And he didn't even bring him for a visit?" He joked. His featureless face went serious, "And the girl, what about her?" The sound of a faint voice resounded in the room coming from everywhere yet nowhere. "She won't be a problem at all."
Just wanna let y'all know that I am bullshiting this story as I go 😚💅🏿
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sing to me
look, it’s late and I'm tired as fuck so here’s some fluffy buddie song fic. I make no apologies or claims of editing, we die with our grammatical errors like men, and me caring about this fandom is entirely the fault of @buckleydiazs.
There is… a lot that Eddie knows about Buck. 
He knows when Buck is asleep in the firehouse, or when he’s just faking it, trying to avoid conversation or just trying to let the others get some rest. 
He knows that Buck loves Chris like he were his own son, a trait that Eddie couldn’t ignore if he tried.
He knows that Buck only takes his coffee with enough milk and sugar to change it from ‘coffee’ to ‘warm milkshake’.
Hell, he knows what Bucks lips taste like, how he feels in Eddies arms, how his voice sounds first thing in the morning.
The romantic addition to their relation may have only been a few months old, but damn, they had more than a year of being each others best friend under their belts before Eddie had finally given up and kissed Buck after a particularly stressful call. They were good together, and anyone who ever met Buck could tell you that subtly was not his strong point.
So yeah, Eddie knows Buck pretty well.
Which is why it always short circuits his brain when he learns something new. 
Opening Buck’s front door to hear his cell phone blasting, his back to the door, body shaking in time to the music?
For Eddie, that’s definitely new. 
Because who fucking knew Buck could sing?
“Oh, I love you, my oh my....
....River deep, mountain high!”
Buck was shaking his body in time to the slightly tinny music coming out of his cell phone, the fast tempo spurring on his vocals and his movements. 
Eddie shut the door as quietly as he could, easily slipping back into his military training, stepping almost silently into the house on the balls of his feet. He wouldn’t have risked interrupting this for anything—hell, he was pretty sure that the building could be on fire and he would have let Buck finish his song. 
Because goddamn, his boyfriend was cute. 
Buck was doing something at the sink—washing the dishes, maybe, but honestly Eddie couldn’t be bothered to look too deeply into whatever he was doing, but it wasn’t like he had a choice in the matter as to where his attention lied.
Buck was fucking moving, clad only in a pair of black briefs and an LAFD tee shirt. 
With “DIAZ” printed across the back.
That alone would have been distracting enough—Buck’s singing was just icing on the cake. 
“It goes on and on like a river flows,
and it gets sweeter, baby, and heaven knows...”
Speaking of cakes, it was getting incredibly hard for Eddie to remember to breathe as he watched Buck’s ass—which was already bitable on a regular basis—shimmy and shake as he moved back and forth against his countertop. 
He was honestly glad for the staircase that went up to Bucks loft, because it was the perfect place to anchor himself against, and honestly, if he didn’t stop watching his knees were probably going to give out. 
Eddie knew the song, of course; Tina Turner had been a staple of his Abuela’s musical repertoire growing up, and he loved her as much as his Abuela did, but... damn, if Eddie wasn’t giving Tina a run for her money.
It wasn’t until he watched Buck almost brain himself on a cabinet door and keep going did he realize what he was seeing here—
Buck was happy. 
Happier than he had been in a long time, Eddie thought. It wasn’t like Buck had been depressed or anything—they had gone through some hard times, sure, but Buck seemed to regularly be in a good mood, happy to spend time with Eddie and Christopher whenever he could. More importantly, Eddie was perfecting the art of reading Buck like a book, learning when he just needed to be pulled out of his own head, knowing when his smiles were real.
This, though, this was different. 
This was the kind of happiness that Eddie hadn’t seen since before the lawsuit, before the embolism that almost ruined everything Buck had worked for. 
Before his initial Welcome Back party, even—while Buck was elated to be back on the force, he was still guarded, too worried about saying the right thing and thanking the right people (before he started throwing up blood, anyway). 
God, when was the last time that Eddie had seen Buck this happy, this uninhibited? It was before the bomb, for sure. Christmas, maybe? Halloween?
The thought bothered him, pulling him out of the moment enough that when he finally registered what Buck sang next, it hit him like a case of whiplash.
“I love you baby, like a flower loves the spring, 
and I love you Eddie, like a robin loves to sing...”
.... okay, those definitely were not the words to the original song. Eddie just about swallowed his tongue when he heard Buck make that very slight alteration to one of the lines in the song, and he couldn’t stop the smile from breaking out over his face. 
He had long since come to terms with the fact that he loved Buck, probably before they even started dating, but he had yet to say anything yet—for the same reason that Buck didn’t ask him out, even though ‘oh my god Eddie I’ve basically had a crush on you for months’; fear of ruining what they had. 
Eddie knew his feelings were likely mutual, but he knew that he couldn’t take that step for them. This had to come from Buck, it had to be Buck making the next step in the relationship, and while Eddie definitely wasn’t afraid that Buck didn’t feel the same way about him, he may have been slightly concerned that Buck wouldn’t be able to find the faith in his emotions before they were 40.
(When he confided these concerns with Hen, she had rolled her eyes so hard that Eddie thought she sprained something. “He’ll get there. You just gotta give him some time to woman up.”)
Buck obviously felt some kind of way if it meant he was singing it to himself. 
“If I lost you, I would cry,
River Deep, Mountain HiiahH oh my god, Eddie! What the fuck, man, you scared the shit out of me! You can’t just sneak up on someone like that, what is wrong with you, oh my god I know that Abuela taught you better than that!”
The sponge that was in Bucks’ hand went flying across the room as he finally turned to see Eddie on the stairs, wearing what he was sure was the most dopey love struck look—but he couldn’t help it, especially when he saw Buck start to blush. Eddie loved it when Buck blushed, even more than he did when Buck rambled—which he was doing right now, hand pressed to his chest as he wiped some stray bubbles from his shirt, and it was only when he froze did Eddie know he was finally putting some things together.
“Eddie... how long have you been standing there?” Buck asked cautiously, the beautiful ruddy shade on his cheeks starting to travel further down his face, until his neck was pink, and Eddie had the urge to pull the shirt off of him and see just how far south the blush went. 
Rather than answer, he just pushed himself off the wall, taking quick, purposeful strides to crowd Buck against the countertop. 
“Wait, Eds, you can’t just, you gotta tell memmph!—mm...”
Any protests Buck might have had died in his throat as Eddie kissed him thoroughly, feeling Buck melt into his arms like he belonged there. Pulling back only when he was out of breath, Eddie waited a beat before he snagged Buck’s phone back, hitting play on whatever the next song was. 
He couldn’t guarantee he would know whatever song was playing next—and even if he didn't, he probably wouldn’t know all the words—but he knew he would do anything to see Buck that happy again. 
Later, when they were out of breath from laughing and dancing around the loft, Eddie pulled him closer on the couch and kissed behind his ear, a devilish grin spreading over his face. 
“For the record, I love you too, Buckaroo.”
“Oh my god Eddie please shut up.”
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carveredlunds · 4 years
“I won’t be hands-on”: A meta on Jack becoming the new God
“But if he is out there, what's wrong with him? Where the hell is he while all these decent people are getting torn to shreds? How does he live with himself? You know, why doesn't he help?” -- Dean Winchester, season 4, episode 2 “People pray to you. People build churches for you. They fight wars in your name, and you did nothing.” -- Dean Winchester, season 11, episode 21 “I won’t be hands-on. Chuck put himself in the story. That was his mistake. But I learned from you, and my mother, and Castiel, that when people have to be their best, they can be. And that’s what to believe in.” -- Jack Kline, season 15, episode 19
I’ve still barely processed my anger at the end of the Brothers VS. God storyline. The idea of Jack being a “new God” is ridiculous. Not only does it ignore established lore of the universe by reducing Chuck to a human who was (apparently) just filled with divinity which can be sucked out of him like Daniel Plainview drinking his milkshake (yes, that’s a There Will Be Blood reference!), rob Amara of any agency by making her exist inside her nephew (ew), and make Jack (who has always been an OP character) a super duper Gary Stu, but its final message is an insult to long-held beliefs of both of the brothers, especially Dean.
Let’s break it down, shall we?
Ever since the earliest seasons, Dean has had an issue with the state of the world. In season 2, episode 13, Houses of the Holy, he makes the following pessimistic speech to Sam:
There's no higher power, there's no God. I mean, there's just chaos, and violence, and random unpredictable evil that comes out of nowhere, and rips you to shreds.
There are too many mentions of Dean’s lack of faith in God to go through each one, but it essentially boils down to this -- Dean can’t believe there is a God, because the world is so full of suffering and injustice, and no God would allow that to happen. It’s a classic atheist stance, held by a lot of people. But it goes a little further than that. In season 5, episode 2, Good God, Y’all, Dean says the following to Castiel:
Even if there is a God, he is either dead -- and that's the generous theory -- or he's up and kicking and doesn't give a rat's ass about any of us. I mean, look around you, man.
So, what a lot of atheists point out is that not only do they not believe in God, but they often believe that, if there is a God, he is not worthy of worship or praise, because he made such an unfair, pain-filled, evil, world (for a very eloquent speech on this, check out Stephen Fry talking about it.) I’m not going to get into the Problem of Evil, because I’m not a theologian, and that’s not the point of this meta. But basically, that’s Dean’s stance on the subject of God. At first, Dean doesn’t believe there is a God, and then, when he’s forced to accept that there is, his belief changes to “God must be dead, or evil”.
Enter Chuck Shurley in season 11. At last, Dean is able to actually vent his feelings to God, and they have this exchange:
CHUCK: You're frustrated. I get it. Believe me, I was hands-on. Real hands-on for, wow, ages. I was so sure if I kept stepping in, teaching, punishing, that these beautiful creatures that I created would grow up. But it only stayed the same. And I saw that I needed to step away and let my baby find its way. Being over-involved is no longer parenting. It's enabling. DEAN: But it didn't get better.
Given what we later find out about Chuck, it’s easy to say he’s lying. He was hyper-involved all along, pulling the strings, being the puppet master. This is what Dabb wants us to believe. Even though it literally ignores 14 seasons of established canon which say that God was an absentee father. Even though it ruins the narrative parallel between John Winchester and Chuck. Even though it retcons season 11, episode 20, Don’t Call Me Shurley -- one of the most beloved episodes, adored by fans and cherished by Rob Benedict as his favourite episode.
But sure. Let’s say Chuck is lying. That’s not even the point. The point is that Dean isn’t satisfied with a God who took a backseat, and let humanity stumble along by themselves. He wanted a God who steps in, who is involved, who stops suffering, and helps his creation.
Even Sam Winchester, the one with all the faith, eventually loses his cool with God, and, in season 14, episode 20, Moriah, says the following to Chuck:
Then why don’t you do something? If I had your power, I --
If he had God’s power, he’d... what? Rid the world of suffering and evil? Remove all the monsters? Get involved? Maybe even all of the above, given the context of the whole conversation. But again, the point is that Sam is angry at Chuck’s lack of involvement.
Fast forward to season 15, episode 19, Inherit the Earth, and the conversation between Jack and the brothers.
JACK: I’m already there. DEAN: Where? JACK: Everywhere. SAM: So you are... Him?
This isn’t the first part of the interaction that I take issue with, but I’ll focus on it anyway, otherwise this meta will be 1000 words long. The small gasp Dean gives when Jack says he’s “everywhere”? The almost reverent way Sam says “him”? The wannabe poetic explanation Jack gives to being “in every drop of falling rain, every speck of dust which the wind blows, and in the sand, and the rocks, and the sea”? It’s all supposed to bring the long-since lost mystique back to the character of God. Before he was introduced in the form of Chuck, God was only talked about reverently. Angels talked about his wrath, his power, his Divine Plan. God acted as an offscreen force, putting Sam and Dean on the plane at the beginning of season 5, bringing Castiel back from the dead in Swan Song. He was an unseen force. Yes, he intervened, but the idea of God sitting and playing a guitar? It would��ve been ludicrous in the early seasons of the show. They wanted the mystery of God as an unseen force, working in the world when the plot needed him.
All that to say, obviously that’s what they’re going with now, with Jack. He’s in everything, within everyone. But my question is... was Chuck that way too? If Jack is just God 2.0, if he’s omniscient and omnipresent, then surely, Chuck was too? Heck, we know Chuck was omniscient, because he told Amara he was, just two episodes ago.
Which brings me (in a very roundabout and rambling way) to the double standard here. It is okay for Jack to just “be in everything”, to not answer prayers, to be a “hands-off God”. But it’s not okay for Chuck to do that? It’s okay for Jack to make some speech about how people can find him by looking within, but that they don’t have to pray to him. News flash, kiddo: People are still going to pray to you. So... are you just ignoring those prayers? Jack is doing exactly what Chuck did, but, where Chuck was shown by the narrative to be a villain for stepping back, this is seen as a good thing. Because they played some sad music, and Sam and Dean looked solemn, and Jack talked about the power of human goodness. The show was screaming at us to see this as a good thing, to see Jack as a benevolent force, to be glad that the new Man With A Plan was the three year old son of Lucifer, instead of the ancient deity that’s been doing the job since the dawn of time.
And Sam and Dean do think this is a good thing. They get all teary-eyed, and let their surrogate son walk away in his fancy white suit (which has got to be a call back to both Chuck’s Swan Song appearance, and his final scene in Inherent the Earth, right?)
Everyone is talking about the Death of the Author, and how Chuck had to step aside to allow the boys to be free. But there was no Death of the Author. There was just a change in management. Jack is still fulfilling the role that Chuck once did -- an uninvolved, neutral, God, with all the power in the universe at his disposal, but apparently no intention of using it.
We have no reason to believe that Jack didn’t bring the world back exactly as it was before Chuck vanished everyone. All the murderers, rapists, monsters, abusers, are back. All the evil and suffering which Dean hated so much in the earlier seasons is still happening. The difference now? God is a three year old who looks like he’s in his mid-twenties.
And the most annoying thing? The show itself lampshaded, in season 15, episode 13, Destiny’s Child, how ridiculous it would be if Jack took over the role of God:
DEAN: But if Jack kills her... Kind of a family plan. Then there's no God, there's no Darkness. Nothing out of balance. World saved. SAM: Okay, yeah, but then who takes over? Uh, Jack? [Jack enters, chewing gum. He blows a bubble and pops it, grinning proudly] JACK: I just learned how to do that. DEAN: Probably not.
But now he’s made some saccharine speech about the inherent goodness of humanity, and Sam and Dean have conveniently forgotten how they hated it when God did nothing, and we’re all supposed to be okay with this, because Chuck turned out (over the course of one season) to be nothing like the neutral, distant, God we’d come to know over 14 seasons, but instead, he was a megalomaniacal control freak who apparently sent Kevin to Hell, tortured Sam, and is personally responsible for every bad thing that ever happens in the world, and has happened to the brothers. (Side note: Does this mean that they’ll blame Jack now, when bad things happen to them?)
I could go on about how sapping Chuck of his “powers” doesn’t stop him being God, because being God is more than just being a human filled with God-ness, and Chuck was never canonically said to be possessing a human vessel the way angels and demons do, but this is already long enough. So, sure. Let the Devil’s kid go be the rain, or whatever.
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ellana-ravenwood · 5 years
Batfam and friends after dentist
I just remembered this video : clickclickclick, and this happened. Please, don’t take it too seriously it’s just a fun little joke post haha. I hope you’ll still enjoy it a little nonetheless ^^. Here we are, the Batfam and friends, after dentist :
Dick : “Turns out my dentist is not giving me a plaque for great teeth after all. He really hurt my fillings.” Makes all the WORST pun you can think about, to calm his nerve, as he’s about to go to surgery to take his wisdom teeth out. Bruce is there, for support. Of course, he’d be there for his son. Dick wakes up, the surgery went GREAT. He looks around, a little groggy, looks at his dad, and...Starts to rap absolute nonsense, as if his life depended on it : 
“I'm feeling the rainbow like skittles
dropping reptars like my name was tommy pickles
for rizzle, thats drizzle?
nah my nizzle, thats the shizzle”
Asks Bruce to buy him a “big ass gold chain” and if the dentist could transplant silver teeth on him now, “while we’re at it”. Bruce is able to reason with him and convinces him that sure, he’ll buy him the gold chain he wants, but he should wait for the teeth because his mouth is still too numb and such. Dick agrees that it sounds sensible, but does not drop the subject of him becoming a successful rapper. On the way back to the Manor, they stop to buy a gold chain, because Bruce cannot resists when his kids give him the “puppy eyes”. Dick choses the ugliest biggest thing in the entire shop. It says “bling bling” on it, has a few shiny diamonds, and is about twice the size of his head. He looks at it as if it was the best thing on earth while on the ride home. The drugs start to wear off but as a result he’s super tired again, he goes to sleep...Wakes up with that ugly chain, wondering what the hell happened. 
Woke up after wisdom teeth removal. Got pissed because he really wanted Coca Cola but there was only Pepsi. Proceeded to tell Bruce that him bringing Pepsi back instead of Coke was worst than when he didn’t kill the Joker to avenge his death (queue Bruce nervously looking at the nurses, and really insisting on how funny people who just got their wisdom teeth removed could be). After the Pepsi/Coke debacle claimed he has 9 children (Bruce’s influence for sure hahaha). Apollo and Jean-Claude being his favorite two. Proceeded to cry because he admitted he had favorite children, and thought it was horrible to choose a favorite. Apologized to “his” kids that were definitely not there and talked about how his dad (pointing at Bruce), never had favorites. Bruce is touched. Until Jason remembers the Pepsi incident and tries to escape the room by jumping out of the window to go pouting alone somewhere. Queue a ridiculous struggle between Bruce and his son, as Jason, still quite limped and out of it because of the sleeping drugs, resists as best as he can while his dad drags him to the car to go home, trying to be as gentle as possible because he doesn’t want to hurt Jason’s mouth. Just to be sure, Bruce stops on the way to buy a bunch of coke bottles... 
After waking up from getting his wisdom teeth removed, sitting in a wheelchair because he can’t stand yet (Tim is very resistant to anesthetic, and they had to give him more than usual for it to work), telling to Bruce who’s wheeling him back to the car, in a very dramatic way : “Lady, I thank you for your help. You have to release me back to the ocean now. My time on land, is over.”
Bruce, not sure he quite understood : “...What was that, chum ?” 
Tim : “I said please m’am, get me back to my people. They need me.” 
Then the boy proceeds to stick both his legs up, and move them as if he was a mermaid, making “woosh” sounds with his mouth as if he was splashing water around. Bruce doesn’t even try to reason with him (he remembers how it was impossible to do so with Jason and his Coke, or with Dick who really thought he was a rapper), so he goes along with it, talking about Tim’s “people” and why he can’t stay on land. Queue a dramatic full of adventure stories where he was taken away from his land and...and Bruce realizes the boy is kinda telling Aquaman’s story (that he probably learned by hacking into Batman’s secret files he has on everyone). He seems to really believe it...When they get back home, Tim is suspicious because there is no ocean, but his dad convinces him that the pool is said ocean, and Tim solemnly say “good bye” to Bruce, before dipping into the water. Of course, Bruce keeps an eye on him, because in the state he is there might be accidents, but Tim just lays there, on his back, floating around and mumbling about fish species he knows. Eventually, the cold water gets to him and he finally comes back to his senses. Bruce helps him out of the pool, and Tim goes to sleep, wrapped in blankets, holding his dad’s hand. 
She had to have a rather heavy mouth surgery after an accident, and woke up ,slowly, in a hospital bed. Bruce was there of course, waiting patiently, worried, and hoping she’d wake up soon. It was nerve wracking to wait for your child to be better ! When she does wake up, she doesn’t even look lost or anything, although the surgeon told Bruce that she was probably gonna be feeling a little hazy and such. So the fact she seems totally fine reassures her dad. And then suddenly she throws her blanket off of her, stands up so fast that Bruce’s brain doesn’t have time to react, and walks to the nearest fire alarm. She looks at Bruce straight in the eyes, pull the alarm, and just says : 
“Shit’s fire.” 
He had to have a minor surgery on his jaw, but was still put under anesthetic. Bruce, having witnessed his other kids under it, is ready to have a good laugh...But his boy is just sitting there, waiting for his father to fill in some paperwork and pay for the surgery. Yeah sure, it’s a little weird that he keeps petting his tongue but, ya know, maybe he’s feeling weird because his entire mouth is numb. Then Bruce is done with paperworks and such, and goes to Damian, who proceeds to tell him he got “a ‘ew ‘at” (a new cat)...
“Um. Really, champ ? Uuuh...Where is it ?” ----> Bruce playing along. And then Damian looks at him and breaks into a huge goofy smile and says : “’Ight ‘ere.” (Right here) Showing the tongue he has been petting for the past twenty minutes. Damian then tells to whoever goes by that he has a new cat and asks them if they want to pet him. Bruce takes him home, laughing to himself all the way, and promises a Damian who came back to his senses that this little story will indeed stay between them. 
Not actually him after dentist, but something I thought about a lot :
Dentist : “Mister Wayne, do you grind your teeth ?” 
Bruce : “Yes. Have you seen how many children I have ?” 
Also, he waits the last minute before having to urgently remove his wisdom teeth, because the big bad bat is...afraid of the dentist. Alfred has to go with him. Bruce makes sure all the kids are busy this day, to their great disappointment...Alfred takes a lot of video for them (because it’s unfair he got to see them all floozy and they didn’t). The kids make a montage of it and post it on YouTube, as well as on instagram stories, calling it : “Is Bruce Wayne ok ?”, and it’s like a bunch of short images of what Bruce did after his surgery, still under the anesthetic’s influence. Him crying, him laughing like a mad man the second after, him hugging a pillow shaped like a tooth and refusing to let go because he thinks it’s the one they took out of his mouth, blabbering nonsense, asking for a “taco milkshake” etc etc...Of course, video went viral. 
Has apparently nothing wrong with him, which is infuriating to the family who was really expecting him to have something that they could eventually use against him. Since he “raised” most of the them, he has way too much leverage against them, and they have way too little. But he’s just normal, and it’s so annoying. 
Up until they come home, and he goes in the kitchen, ignores Bruce telling him that he needs to get some rest, and proceeds to whip a five course meal, making the weirdest combination ever...Porridge and Turkey ? Saurkraut in an Enchilada ? Salt and Vinegar chips in a smoothie ?
Bruce picks her up after her wisdom teeth removal (it’sjusttheeasythinghaha), along with Tim, and she has that dreamy look in her eyes. Tim asks her if she’s alright, and she’s like : 
“The dentist said I need a crown.” 
Tim and Bruce are a little perplex, like, this doesn’t sound nice ? But then Steph looks at them and just says : 
“I said, I KNOW RIGHT ?! Guys. I’m going to be a queen.” 
Queue Bruce and Tim smiling, and Steph mumbling something about how one day, she’ll be the boss of them haha. 
Of course, Bruce went with Duke because...Well, he unfortunately has no one else :/. And when you have any sort of surgery, it’s nice to have someone you trust with you. So. Anyway. Surgery goes on, and Duke wakes up after a few hours, a little out of it. He looks at Bruce, smiles and is like : “Hiii Brush !” while laughing a little to himself. Which makes B smile too, but then he gets worried because all of a sudden, Duke freezes, and stares at the nurse. Then after a few seconds he’s whispering to Bruce : 
“Hey, hey, why didn’t you tell me that Céline Dion was my nurse ?” 
Evidently, Bruce is confused. Duke then proceeds to admit his biggest guilty pleasure is to blast Céline Dion’s songs when he’s alone. Gushes over that nurse that looks NOTHING like Céline Dion, but he’s SURE it’s her. He blushes and is embarassed because he’s such a fan ! But then finally asks for an autograph, sings her songs badly (even worst with all the gauze in his mouth), and leaves the room, holding onto Bruce, with tears in his eyes because man...he just met Céline Dion ! 
Wakes up from having her wisdom teeth removed, crying, admitting that she killed the president...Which one ? Martin Van Buren of course. Spends the next few minutes crying about how she’s a disgrace to her family because she killed someone and HER DAD IS A COP !! Starts to sing : “Mammmaaaaaaaa, I killed a maaaaaaan” while still crying. But then suddenly is sure that she actually got framed, and becomes super suspicious of everyone, everything culminating when Dick comes to pick her up to bring her home and she thinks he’s the one that is “blackmailing” her, so she takes a run for it...Dick gets Barbara back to her place with a black eye, saying “I don’t want to talk about it” to Commissioner Gordon. Haha. 
As the dentists says : “I need to put some bitewings in your mouth for the X-rays ok ?”
Luke Fox : “Bat...wing ? Oh. OH ! BATWING !” Hahahaha (could also work with David of course). 
Ok done. Again, nothing to take too seriously, it’s obviously just a few little jokes :). Wanted to share nonetheless, I like writing “domestic” lighthearted Batfam stuffs...haha ^^' .
Ah and yeah I know some members of the Batfam extended family (it’s pretty big now) are missing, but I guess it just means I’ll make another post about it hehe. So please, don’t give me too much grief about those I “forgot”, it was getting too long ^^. 
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skulledstars · 4 years
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oh heavens, is that ALONZO FIGUEROA from SYCAMORE WAY i see roaming around mapleview? minnie may’s always calling them -RESTLESS & -TACITURN. i happen to think they’re not that bad! they’re a pretty cool ARCHITECT and every time i’ve seen them, they’ve always been +ALLOCENTRIC & +GREGARIOUS. i hope i see them around again!
          hello,  y’all  !  i’m  frankie,  am  24  years  old  and  my  pronouns  are  she/her,  coming  to  you  live  from  the  cst  ——  &  it’s  been  nearly  seven  months  since  i  last  rped  tbh,  so  please  bear  with  me.  i  honestly  don’t  know  what  else  to  say  but  if  you  could  give  this  post  a  like  &  i’ll  come  with  desserts  into  your  dm’s  so  that  we  can  plot  or  something  ?  if  anyone  prefers  D!$C0RD,  feel  free  to  add  me:  FRANKIE ♡#7928  ——  but  it’s  up  to  y’all  of  course...  ANYWAYS,  MEET  ALONZO.
trigger  warnings:  brief  mention  of  a  parental  death  due  to  cancer.
          »     𝐒𝐓𝐀𝐓𝐈𝐒𝐓𝐈𝐂𝐒     ;
full  name,          alonzo  ismael  figueroa  castillo.
meaning  of  name,          ❛  noble,  ready  for  battle.  ❜
pronunciation,          uh - lon - zoh.
aliases,          lonz,  lonny,  lonzo,  zo.
age,          forty-four      [  44  ].
date  of  birth,          december  10th,  1975.
place  of  birth,          santiago,  chile.
hometown,          mapleview,  north  carolina.
zodiac  sign,          sagittarius.
race,          hispanic  ╱  latinx.
nationality,          chilean  &  american.
gender  &  pronouns,          cis  man     +     he  ╱  him.
profession,          architect.
current  location,          mapleview,  north  carolina.
face  claim,          josé  pedro  balmaceda  pascal.
          »     𝐑𝐄𝐋𝐀𝐓𝐈𝐎𝐍𝐒𝐇𝐈𝐏𝐒     ;
parents,          enrique  ismael  figueroa  &  esmeralda  lucía  castillo.
siblings,          n ╱ a  —  only  child.
martial status,          divorced,  single.
children,          elena  [  11  ]     &     mateo  [  4  ].
pets,          one  dog  &  two  cats,  (  names,  breeds,  et  cetera,  tbd.  )
          »     𝐁𝐀𝐂𝐊𝐒𝐓𝐎𝐑𝐘     ;
alonzo  was  born  in  a  south  american  country:  chile.  his  parents  &  a  9-month  old  baby  boy  moved  to  the  united  states  —  and  had  grown  fond  of  the  small  town  by  the  name  of  𝒎𝒂𝒑𝒍𝒆𝒗𝒊𝒆𝒘  &  stayed  ever  since.  mom  and  dad  never  had  another  child;  it  was  the  three  of  them  against  the  world,  or  that’s  what  it  felt  like  for  the  first  couple  of  years.  they  did  everything  they  could  to  raise  him  in  a  land with  better  opportunities.
growing  up,  he  was  a  decent  student  with  passing  grades:  mostly  b’s,  c’s  and  the  occasional  a’s  (  which  called  for  small  victories  with  chilean  desserts  and  a  milkshake  ).  alonzo  improved  the  more  he  attended  tutoring  sessions.  they  expected  more  from  him...  obviously.  as  one  parent  does.  his  strongest  subject  was  mathematics.  long  story  short,  he  tried  his  best  with  everything  he  did.
during  his  senior  year,  his  parents  noticed  that  since  math  was  his  strong  suit  so  they  suggested  he  should  get  into  an  architecture  degree—this  was  one  of  the  few  times  where  he  actually  agreed  with  his parents.  he  applied  to  several  universities  and  one  of  them  was:  usc  school  of  architecture.  let’s  just  say  he  couldn’t  let  this  opportunity  pass.  so  long,  mapleview;  hello  california  !  off  he  went.
several  years  had  passed,  alonzo  graduated  from  USC  with  a  bachelor’s  degree  in  architectural  design.  after  that,  he  spent  some  of  his  years   away  from  his  hometown,  living  in  california,  earning  himself  an  internship  with  a  top  tier  design  studio.  he  never  saw  it  coming.  he’d  worked  too  hard  to  be  where  he  was  and  he  wanted  more;  accomplish  more  than  he  sought  out  for.
of  course,  he’d  visit  his  parents  for  some  time  in  the  holidays  or  surprising  them  with  a  visit—  helping  them  with  anything  and  everything  they  needed.  he  felt  like  he  owed  it  to  them.
alonzo  met  his  future  ex-wife  while  she  was  an  intern.  they  got  on  very  well—  started  off  as  friends  until  they  eventually  fell  in  love  with  each  other.  it  was  bliss  and  married  only  a  year  and  a  half  after  dating.  they  decided  to  move  to  mapleview  after  he  found  out  his  mom  fell  ill.
alonzo  was  a  small  town  boy,  then  a  big  city  guy...  and  back  to  a  small  town  dude  a  little  over  a  decade  ago.  however,  the  circumstances  were  that  of  his  mother  and  his  responsibility  was  to  care  for  her,  look  after  her.  alonzo  was  eternally  grateful  that  she  supported  him.  no  matter  the  amount  of  struggles  they  had,  looking  after  his  mom,  it  was  always  rough  for  him...  all  of  them.
alonzo  and  pia  eventually  had  a  daughter,  elena.  not  only  was  he  a  busy  man  but  as  soon  as  he  became  a  father,  he  made  every  fiber  of  his  being  to  be  as  hands-on  &  100%  present  as  possible.  sure,  there  were  obstacles  along  the  way,  but  alonzo  sure  made  the  effort.  thankfully,  his  parents  and  his  mother  was  still  alive  to  welcome  their  first  grandchild  into  the  world—  still  pushing  through.  unfortunately,  some  years  later,  she  had  lost  her  battle  with  cancer.
alonzo  and  pia’s  marriage  started  to  deteriorate  and  decided  to  divorce.  they  had  found  out  she  had  fallen  pregnant  with  their  second  child,  a  son  by  name  of  mateo.  before  he  was  born,  they  decided  to  stay  together.  shortly  after  his  birth,  they  couldn’t  stay  together  just  for  the  kids.  they  amicably  decided  to  split  and  co-parent  their  kids.  he  and  his  ex-wife  remain  friends  to  this  day,  four  years  after  their  divorce.
you  may  have  spotted  the  name  𝐀𝐋𝐎𝐍𝐙𝐎  𝐅𝐈𝐆𝐔𝐄𝐑𝐎𝐀  in  several  architectural  digest  magazines  (  including  others  ),  as  he  is  known  to  be  a  successful  and  renowned  architect  across  the  globe.   has  he  received  awards?  damn  well  he  has.  over  the  years,  he  expanded  his  design  firms  with  locations  across  the  nation.  despite  living  in  a  small  town,  he  still  works  and  occasionally  travels  for  work.  however,  he  also  works  from  home  and  has  a  work-life  balance.  it  wasn’t  easy  at  first  but  he’s  there  and  pleased.
          »     𝐖𝐀𝐍𝐓𝐄𝐃  𝐂𝐎𝐍𝐍𝐄𝐂𝐓𝐈𝐎𝐍𝐒     ;
design  firm  partner  [  0 / 2  ]  ——  description  to  be  added.  might  be  a  wc  sent  to  the  main.  idk.
best  friends  [  0  /  4  ]   ——  pretty  self-explanatory.  they  can  be  their  own  grown  up  squad.  age  shouldn’t  define  them;  they  are  often  times  up  to  no-good.
short-lived  fling  [  0  /  1  ]  ——  description  tba.  can  be  plotted  out.
will  they,  won't  they  [  0  /  1  ]  ——  description  tba.  can  be  plotted  out.
ride  or  die  ??
polar  opposite  friends  ??
cousin(s)  ???  y’all,  idk.
ANYTHING  &  EVERYTHING.  COME  TALK  TO  ME.  i  don’t  bite  :)   pinky  promise.
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hateswifi · 4 years
Rising from the Ashes: Of Dates and Disguises
So this is Part Seven here is to my Master List and Part Six.
He texts back his Angel asking to go out this Friday night. She responded positively. He told her that he would pick her up from work. She told him not to overdo it or she wouldn’t talk to him again for a month. He promised he would try and keep it lowkey. Damian fell asleep with a smile on his face and a place in mind.
She wore a red a three-quarter sleeve dress the flows out between her elbow and wrist, the skirt is flowy and ends above the knee. She wore cute ankle boots and black tights. She grabbed her black mini purse. It was still cold, so she grabbed her navy blue winter coat has fluffy faux fur on the hood. The next day of Marinette’s work went well. 
She excitedly waits outside of Lucky Spot for Damian. She hears her phone ring, she picks it up. "Hi, Angel. I'm running a bit late. I got caught up in a bunch of traffic. I thought I would be out in time, but I'll be around ten minutes late. Can I pick you up at your apartment?" Damian asks speaking louder than need be.
"Damian, that sounds super loud are you ok? Are you safe?" Marinette asked, walking towards her apartment.
"Yes it's just traffic," Damian says. "Umm, I gotta go.."
"Oh ok," She said while hanging up. She finished walking home, texted Damian her address, and turned on the news. Robin and Red Hood were fighting Mr. Freeze. Well, they finished fighting they had Mr. Freeze in cuffs and was in the GPD's custody. Robin ran off out of view, the reporter talked about the fight when she heard a knock on her door. She got up quickly while turning off the t.v. and answered the door.
"Hey Damian," She smiles as she sees the boy, normally perfect black hair was quite messy, but handsomely messy, his green eyes sparkling in her dim lights. "Welcome to my humble abode. Would you like to take a look around?" 
"That would be lovely," Damian said, closing the door behind him.
"Just let me remind you that I've only been living here for a couple of days and not everything is decorated or how I would like it to be," Marinette explained, quickly. "This is my kitchen and living room it's an open floor plan." If you follow me this way I have what will be my sewing room once I sell this twin bed. This is my bedroom, it's a mess right now so I'm just going to close this real quick. Then the bathroom is right here."
"This is quite a nice apartment for only being here for a couple of days," Damian compliments. "It doesn't look like you have much stuff though. Did you not take any of your stuff with you? Did your family not give you any housewarming gifts?"
"I recently lost my parents, that's part of the reason I left," Marinette said her face falling a bit. "They died when our house burned down, so I started from scratch. The things I own now were either left by the last tenant left, hand-me-downs from Chloe, or things I recently bought."
"Well I'm sorry for your loss, but I know you're strong. I'll be here if you need my support, Angel, as your friend or something more," Damian said, Marinette ran over and hugged him.
"Thank you, Damian. That means so much to me," Marinette said into his chest.
"You ready for dinner, Angel?" Damian asked, rubbing her back.
"Yes, just as long as it's nothing over the top as I said last night," Marinette said, looking up at the handsome boy breaking away from the hug.
"Yes, come on," Damian said as she locked the door. They walked downstairs, Damian then opens the door to his car for her. 
"So where are we going?" She says, buckling her seat belt.
"It's going to be a surprise," Damian smirked, looking forward at the road, safety first.
"Can't wait," Marinette said, looking at the window, watching the city go by. "The city is so beautiful. Oh! I forgot to ask, did you get caught up in the Mr. Freeze traffic. I saw it on the news, man it must have crazy growing up in this city."
"You saw that?" Damian asked, looking over at the beautiful girl.
"Yes, it was the traffic light boy," Marinette smirked. "and Red Hood. They took him down quite fast, but Robin left quickly after Mr. Freeze was in cuffs."
"Traffic Light Boy?" He asks, remembering what Ladybug had said the night before. He smiles, knowing that the girl he wants as his girlfriend, is even more amazing than he thought. 
Marinette blushes as she explains. "I didn't know Robin's name when I moved here, but my first impression was a traffic light. The designer in me died just a bit but since it's a right of passage, and it's quite honorable."
"We're here," Damian said, getting out of the car then he opens the door for Marinette. "Welcome to the first restaurant my father took me to when he first got custody of me from my mother."
"This looks so homey, what food do they serve," Marinette asked, taking a seat on a stool at the counter.
"Burgers, french fries, hotdogs, milkshakes, and pizza. I hated American food growing up because my mother had me on a strict diet," Damian said. "It's still not my favorite, but I want you to have the full American experience. Do you want to get a little of everything and just split it?"
"Sounds good," Marinette giggles. "So you've heard about me. What can you tell me about you?"
"I grew up with my mother Talia and my grandfather. They were big on self-defense, I spent a lot of time on learning martial arts; I have achieved many black belts. I don't want to talk about myself, I want to hear more about you," Damian said. The waitress came over and took their order.
"I started designing at a young age because I didn't want to be in my parents' bakery shadow. They were the best in Paris, but I didn't want to disappoint them if I wasn't as good as them. As a thirteen-year-old in collège, I started designing for Jagged Stone. I also was found by Gabriel Agreste after winning a competition. He then let me release my line," Marinette told him. The food had arrived and as Damian said they split everything. "So what do you want to do after you're done with school?"
"As the only true blood heir to Wayne Enterprises my brother decided that I would inherit the company, but they would always help me," Damian said, taking a bite of burger. "How do you like American food?"
"It's pretty good, but it seems super unhealthy. I think I'll stick to homemade Parisian food for a while. Next time I'll make the food," Marinette said, pulling out her wallet from her purse to pay.
"Ok you know that I am a son of one of the richest men in the world, but you insist on pay, why?" Damian asks, taking her wallet before she could pull out money.
"Because, my prince, you were first Damian, Titus' owner. The boy I first met was adorably nervous, complimented me, and insisted on paying for breakfast as a sorry for being tackled by his dog," Marinette said. "I'll pay the tip. It's a tip or all meal."
"Fine," Damian said, giving her back her wallet. He paid the part he said he would. They left and he held the restaurant door open then also opened his car door for her. Damian walked Marinette up to her apartment.
"Thank you, Damian, for walking me up to my apartment," Marinette said unlocking her door then turns toward him.
"Thank you for coming with me. You make me happy, Angel,"  Damian said looking down at her. Marinette leaned up and kissed his cheek. He leaned forward and whispered. "Angel, may I kiss you?"
"Prince, I thought you would never ask," Marinette leaned up and met his lips. They are incredibly soft. They broke their chaste kiss. "Goodnight my Prince."
"Wait, Angel, will you be my girlfriend?" Damian said stopping the door before she could finish closing it.
"I would love that," Marinette said hugging him. 
"Thank you, Angel, for making my life brighter," he said, kissing her head. "Good night, Marinette."
"Good night, Damian," She closes the door with a smile, she slides to the ground.
The next morning Marinette got up and put on a straight long brown with blonde highlights wig she had bought earlier that week. She put on green contacts and wore the horse miraculous. She wore an emerald green shirt and her black skater skirt, all paired with green converse. 
“Hey, Chloe,” Marinette said into her phone. “I’m about the teleport is it ok if I use your room.”
“Ya I’m here now, I’ll be waiting,” Chloe said then hung up. 
“You heard Chloe, girls,” Marinette said looking at the kwamis. “Kaaliki full gallop. Full forth!"
The portal opened and she stepped through, now standing In Chloe’s room. She detransforms and hugs her friend. 
“I haven’t seen you in forever!” Marinette said. 
“It hasn’t been a week,” Chloe said. 
“It feels like longer though. Guess what?” Marinette said breaking the hug now looking at her friend. 
“What, you got  Titus owner to be your boyfriend,” Chloe guesses, rolling her eyes. Marinette blushes. “Wait seriously? You’ve been in America for five days and you already have a boyfriend? I guess I need to come to America too. Help me pack my bags?”
“Chloe his name is Damian and he’s super sweet,” Marinette smiles. 
“Lila’s fake boyfriend’s name is also Damian,” Chloe snickers and then mimics. "Her Damiboo is so shy." They laugh together and Chloe takes a closer look at Marinette. "So who are you today?" Chloe asks
"Today I am Ann Prince, and I am here to visit my dear childhood friend, Chloe," Marinette said in a British accent, twirling.
"Hello Ann I'm happy to see you again, it has been ages," Chloe says, hugging her long lost friend. "What do you have planned for today?"
"Well, I would love to see the friends your friends you speak so highly of. If I remember correctly Adrien and Kagami have a fencing tournament, then Kitty Section has a performance," Marinette said with a smile.
"I'll text my friends to let them know that my dear friend Ann is coming," Chloe said texting them. "Want some lunch before the tournament?"
"I woke up, got dressed and came here, so breakfast would be better," Marinette said as they leave Chloe's room.
"How about brunch?" she says closing the door. "There's a small cafe near here we can go to."
"That would be lovely," Marinette said as they walk together in sync they talk about everything they had missed. They eat eggs and benedict. They talk about their futures, how Chloe is doing in school, and most importantly Christmas. 
When they arrive they sit in the front row. They're on the quieter side careful not to draw attention to themselves. After Kagami won the girl's division she came and sat with Ann and Chloe. She smiled seeing the bluenette turned brunette. 
"Good job you guys! Hi, my name is Ann, I'm one of Chloe's childhood friends," Marinette greeted, still speaking in her British accent. 
"Hi, I am Adrien Agreste, and this is my beautiful girlfriend Kagami," Adrien said, hugging Ann.
"Hello, Ann," Kagami said also hugging her. Lila and Alya walk up to the group.
"So who is your new friend, you're all so quick to replace Marinette. What? Is she a bully too?" Aha sneers. 
"Well I am Ann Prince, it is a pleasure to meet you," she said, holding out a hand with a sickeningly sweet smile.
"Ann you don't want to hang out with these people, they are bullies," Lila warned smiling.
"Lila, why are you here?" Adrien said, stepping in front of Ann.
"I came to see you of course Adrihoney! You are my boyfriend!" Lila screamed, wrapping her arms around his neck.
"Lila, I've told you many times that we are not dating. I'm dating Kagami and have been for two years," Adrien said.
"We both know your father is making you date her. I'll be here for when you can finally be free from her cold claws," Lila said, walking off with Alya tailing behind her.
"Well, you guys ready to head to Kitty Section's performance?" Marinette asks.
"Sounds like a plan, Ann," Chloe said, locking elbows as they walk out of the school.
Kitty Section is playing at the TVi studio as part of a competition judged by Uncle Jagged. Apparently, he had been a bit quieter since his niece's funeral. She was excited to see her friends and her uncle even from afar. Luka won the best guitar solo, but Kitty Section did not win as a group. 
"Hi, Luka! My name is Ann and I'm an old friend of Chloe. It's nice to meet you," Marinette said still in her British accent, hugging the bluenette. "Congratulations, I loved your guitar solo! The rest of your group was pretty good." 
"Thank you, Ann, you guys ready for dinner? I’m starving," Luka said turning to the rest of the group.
"That sounds great! I haven't eaten since before the competition," Adrien said, rubbing his stomach.
They ate dinner together. They chatted and she told them the news of her and Damian. She told them about the Gotham heroes and everything in between. They told her about their Christmas plans. They smile as the pay and say goodbye. She left to go talk to Master Fu.
"Master Fu, it's good to see you, she says bowing. "I ended up in America, how are you able to get me the correct papers?"
"It's good to see you again Ms. Marinette. I like the wig and contacts a simple but good disguise," Master Fu compliments. "I just have my connections, don't worry it's nothing illegal."
The process didn't take long and soon she was heading back to Chloe's room. She opened the door to see her friends sitting down watching an anime. She sat down on the couch her friends and watch half an anime before they're interrupted by a bing.
Prince: Hey Angel how are you doing
"Aww Damian is texting," Marinette said, smiling at her phone.
Angel: Pretty good. what've you been up to today?
'Prince: I had a couple of meetings today. They were boring, but I'm alive. How bout you'
Angel: Chloe video called me so I could watch Adrien and Kagami's tournament. Then Kagami video called me so I could watch Luka's performance. It was fun. Want to come to my apartment tomorrow for a homemade meal
Prince: I would love that
Angel: Great see you, tomorrow prince
Prince: It sounds like you're getting ready for bed, but do you realize it's only two o'clock
Angel: Seriously I didn't even realize it
Prince: Lost in a design?
Angel: No, Adrien recommended us all a different and new anime, Sword Art Online. It's pretty good
Prince: Well I hope you enjoy it. Dick is telling me to pay attention. Bye Angel.
Angel: Good luck, Prince.
Marinette smiles, standing up while saying. "Guys. I should be going. It's already eight here, two in Gotham. I'll miss you guys, I'll be back for Chinese New Year and regular New Year." 
"Well we can't wait to see you again Ann," Adrien said, hugging the girl the rest join in the group hug.
"Kaalki, full gallop," She transforms back into Mare. "Thank you for announcing my moving, by the way. Full forth. See you guys soon." Then she was gone. She had taken some French food she had missed a bit. She put the food in the kitchen, and grabbed her sketchbook, wanting to sketch her new found inspiration from being home. After a couple of hours of designing, and a shower she went to bed early because of jet lag sorta.
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bellakitse · 4 years
i found a home in you
For @manesalex
Molly, happy birthday my love, I hope you had the greatest day. You are simply fantastic, I hope you like this.
Weeks after the shed incident, Alex is living with Rosa and Arturo and working in the Crashdown waiting tables. He tries to keep his distance from Michael, which proves difficult with Michael working in the kitchen of the diner, not to mention the fact that he's hopelessly in love with the boy.
* Alex finds the family he needs in Michael, Rosa, and Arturo.
Warings: mentions of child abuse and panic attacks
Alex Manes walks away from the tourist family at his section of the café with the practiced smile he has for the alien nuts that like to invade their town in the summer. Alex likes working at the Crashdown; it isn’t exactly what he planned to do right after high school, but he gets to work with one of his best friends, his pay and tips are decent, and Arturo is a good boss that treats him with the fatherly kindness he’s never gotten from his own father.
Thinking of Jesse leaves him frowning, his fist closing around his notepad as his shoulders tighten. It’s been weeks since he’s seen his father, rationally, he knows he’s not going to see the man anytime soon. Not after what he did to Michael in the shed and not after Alex finally worked up the nerve to file an official police report with Sheriff Valenti, the fresh bruises and belt marks on his body as proof of the abuse. And while the law hasn't done much to punish Jesse Manes, word of him beating his son for being gay had spread around the town like wildfire, the scandal enough for the man to take a post at a new Air Force base hundreds of miles away from Roswell.
“What’s with the upside-down smile, punk?”
Alex looks over at Rosa, losing his scowl as a smile takes over. She looks better with every day that passes, more like the old Rosa; before the drinking and the drugs took control of her life. Her smile is carefree and happy, instead of the veneer she would slap on her face to hide the turmoil inside her.
He’s grateful for that.
For having his friend back, especially now when his own life is a mess. He feels guilty in his private moments for laying his troubles on her, on the Ortecho family as a whole. After reporting his father to the authorities, he didn’t have anywhere to go. High school was over, his plans up in the air, and he wasn’t welcomed in his home, not that he had ever been welcomed to begin with.
Maria was dealing with Mimi’s declining health, Liz had her bags packed and one smitten Max Evans waiting to see the country with her. She offered to stay for him, but he couldn’t do that to her, so he hugged her tight and asked for postcards. He was sure he would be alone, but instead, Rosa had come to the rescue like his pseudo big sister. She was the one who decided Alex should move in with her and her father. He’d been sure that Arturo would say no to Alex sharing a room with Rosa. Gay or not, it was still a boy in his daughter’s bedroom. But the man had just smiled that gentle smile of his and said he would appreciate it if Alex moved in to help Rosa with her recovery. Like Alex was doing him a favor, instead of the older man saving him from being homeless.
“Earth to Alex, come in, Alex.”
Alex rears his head back, the antennas on his head swaying back and forth with the movement. Rosa looks up at them, smirking the same way she does every time she sees them on his head. When Arturo offered him a job to go along with a place in his home, Rosa had insisted that he wear the headgear since there wasn’t a men’s version of the uniform she and Liz wore. Alex wasn’t bothered by it, the uniform and visor he wore for the UFO emporium was more ridiculous than a white headband with two blue balls at the end.
“Sorry,” he shakes his head as he puts his order in the queue, ringing the bell for the cook's attention. “Got a little lost in thought there,” he continues as he starts to make the first milkshake that goes with the order.
Rosa gives him a nod as she looks at the order, pulling out another glass. Alex gives her a grateful smile as she starts to make the other shake. He rings the bell again when no one appears at the cook's window.
“Where the hell is Roberto?” he asks as he adds the chocolate chip mint to the shake.
“He called out; his wife finally went into labor this morning,” Rosa tells him.
“Then who’s-” he starts to ask, but she shoots him an almost apologetic look. He knows better than to buy it though.
Rosa doesn’t actually feel bad about this. She thinks she’s helping by forcing them to interact. “Rosa,” he sighs tiredly, shaking his head.
“It’s not like you can keep dodging the guy, Alex,” she answers, rolling her eyes at him, letting him know once again what she thinks about his avoidance. “He works here.”
“I don’t dodge him,” Alex argues, silently calling himself a liar, that's precisely what he’s been doing since Michael showed up two weeks ago asking Arturo for a job because his hours at the junkyard had been cut. “He works here,” he throws her words back at her childishly. “I give him my orders, he cooks them. No dodging, I’ll prove it to you.” He continues and rings the bell two more times.
“Guerin! Order up, two lunar lunch specials; one beam me up burger with a side of chili orbit rings and an order of take-off tacos,” Alex rattles off the order, proud that his voice doesn’t waver when the boy appears at the small kitchen window where the food gets pass to them. His curls are even wilder from the heat of the kitchen, just begging for Alex to run his hands through them, but Alex doesn’t get to do that anymore. No, Alex doesn’t get to touch Michael Guerin, not after what his father did to the boy.
“Did you get that, or do you need me to repeat it?”
Michael raises an eyebrow at his tone, looking at him with the same tender amusement he's been showing him since he stepped into the cafe, instead of the anger Alex deserves.
Alex can’t begin to understand it. His eyes stray to Michael’s left hand as it rests on the windowsill; the way it always does when he's around the boy, a constant reminder of the pain he has caused Michael. After weeks, it’s healed. If you can call the crooked fingers and still pink puckered skin healed. After his father had finished beating the crap out of him, Alex had gone to find Michael, begged him to go to the hospital to treat his hand. The boy’s refusal, the way his eyes had widened, full of fear, more than the ache of his own body, had been the final push that took him to Sheriff Valenti’s office. He would protect Michael from Jesse Manes, the way he hadn’t been able to in the shed. That was the last time they spoke about anything real. Now it was just lunch specials.
“Good afternoon, Michael,” Michael starts with a playful smile, his honey-colored eyes crinkling at the corners. “Nice of you to fill in for Roberto as he waits to greet his new spawn into the world, Michael. You look great today, Michael,” he continues, a pleased smirk on his face when Alex rolls his eyes. “Why thank you, Alex. You look good too, as usual.”
Alex scowls both at the boy and himself for the pleasure Michael’s flirting gives him. He doesn’t deserve Michael’s attention, his smile, or his warm looks. That was something from before. These days all Alex deserves is his derision. Michael doesn’t seem to want to get with the program though, and continues to act like nothing has changed between them. Like his father didn’t just take a hammer at his hand, but also the potential of their love story. Shattering it into pieces before it had a chance to grow.
Alex stares at him silently with a raised eyebrow, waiting the boy out. After a moment longer, Michael gives in and with a sigh, grabs the order slip, and heads back into the kitchen. Once he's out of sight, Alex drops the hard look, his chest losing the tightness it feels whenever Michael is around him.
"I love you, Alex," Rosa starts as she places the finished milkshake on his tray. "But you’re an idiot."
"You are accomplishing nothing by keeping that boy at arm's length," she continues, steamrolling pass anything he can begin to say. "You care about him, he cares about you, and this cold shoulder act you are putting on does nothing but hurt you both."
"It keeps him safe," Alex protests, already tired and once again kicking himself for having confessed to her everything that happened between him and Michael. "Besides I don't de-"
"You say the word deserve one more time," Rosa hisses, her eyes flashed at him, pissed off. "I dare you."
“I don’t deserve him,” Alex hisses back, annoyed. “Not after what happened, what I did to him-“
“What your father did,” she cuts in, the frustration evident in her voice. “What Jesse did, when are you going to get it through your head that you aren’t responsible for what Jesse Manes does, Alex? The guy is a monster and an asshole, and that has nothing to do with you!” she shouts, causing more than one head to turn their way.
Alex takes a deep breath and lets it out slowly past his lips; he does it again just the way he remembers reading on a site about handling anxiety. “We’re not talking about this anymore,” he says quietly. “And we’re definitely not talking about it here,” he continues when it looks like Rosa wants to argue. He takes the shakes they finished making and walks away, feeling her eyes, along with another pair from the kitchen on his back.
The rest of his shift passes in a quiet blur, Rosa doesn’t talk to him more than necessary, not angry but also not in the mood and it’s fine with Alex, he doesn’t have anything to say himself. Intellectually he knows she has a point. His father is hateful, homophobic and abusive, Alex isn’t the reason he’s those things, he’s the target. That doesn’t change the guilt he carries every day on his shoulders. A series of what-if run through his head, What if he had just been straight? What if he hadn’t been so brazen with his taste and had used some discretion until he was far away from Roswell? What if he had never invited Michael to the shed? What if he had never fallen for the boy in the first place? He thinks about all these what-ifs often, but it’s the last one that he can’t regret even knowing the outcome.
He loves Michael, it’s his one truth, and while it causes him a dull ache underneath his ribcage, it also sparks a warmth that starts in his belly and spreads outward, warming him down to his toes.
“I was thinking of going to group tonight,” Rosa says quietly, coming to stand next to him behind the counter after hours of keeping her distance, the Café all but empty as the sun starts to set, it’s never hectic on Tuesday nights.
Alex gives her a nod. “Okay.”
“Dad is out, and I’m supposed to help you close,” she continues, fidgeting with her hands. A sign of her nervous energy, Rosa gets like that sometimes, and the best thing for her is to go and talk it out.
“Go to group,” Alex cuts in, knowing what she’s getting at. “Guerin,” he starts, clearing his throat, his palm suddenly sweaty at the thought of spending time alone with Michael. “Guerin and I can close, this place is dead on Tuesdays anyway.”
Rosa bites down on her bottom lip and shifts from foot to foot. “Are you sure?” she asks, her question a whisper. “I don’t want to force the issue, and I’m sorry about earlier-“
He stops her by placing a hand on her shoulder, and she looks up at him, he’s not sure when he got taller than her. Knowing Rosa since they were kids, the older girl had always seemed like a giant with her larger than life personality. But in reality, she is so tiny, barely reaching his shoulders. He tugs her softly and chuckles as she slams her small frame into his, her arms circling his waist as he wraps his arms around her.
“I’m sorry,” she repeats, mumbling against his shirt. “I hate arguing with you.”
He lets out a small amused huff. “I hate it too. I’m sorry.”
She pulls back to look up at him, her hands come up to frame his face, a thumb brushing under his eye, cleaning his slightly smudged eyeliner. “I want you to be happy, punk.”
He swallows through the lump of emotion that catches at his throat. “I know,” he whispers, hugging her once more.
Leaning back, he brushes away one of the locks of hair framing her face. "Go to the group," He repeats with a smile. "And I'll have a movie and popcorn ready for when you come back," he tells her, knowing Rosa always needs something mindless and straightforward to do after she ends an NA meeting.
"Nothing romantic," Rosa warns, a teasing smile playing on her lips. "I know what a sap you actually are, Manes, the emo punk aesthetic doesn't fool me."
Alex rolls his eyes. "Something scary and gory just how you like it, weirdo."
"I'll let you hide your face in my shoulder at the really scary parts," She promises, grinning up at him.
"My hero," He says dryly.
Rosa laughs, her eyes bright, and like always, it soothes something deep inside Alex.
"Okay, let me go upstairs to change."
"Go," He says, giving her a small nudge. "I'll tell Guerin he's stuck with me for the evening."
"Yeah, he'll hate that," Rosa mutters sarcastically as she passes him, dodging his hand when he reaches out to poke her.
"Meddler,” he murmurs, shaking his head. He lets out a breath giving himself a moment before he calls out to Michael to let him know the change of plans.
“Gue-“ he starts as he turns towards the kitchen window, jumping back when he finds that Michael is already standing there. “Jesus, fuck!” he startles. “Do you need a bell? Make some noise, Guerin!”
Michael looks at him innocently, even as a small twitch at the corner of his lips betrays him. Alex narrows his eyes. “Were you just standing there listening to us?”
“No,” Michael drags out, blinking at him slowly.
“That’s really convincing, Guerin, seriously,” Alex rolls his eyes. “We’re closing alone tonight.”
Michael nods with a happy smile that makes something in Alex hurt.
“You start shutting down the kitchen, and I’ll work out here, okay?” he says quickly, taking a step away from him before he does something stupid like reach out and touch him.
Michael’s smile dims a bit at his dismissal, that familiar ache inside of Alex flares up.
“Sure, Alex,” Michael says quietly, turning around to head back into the kitchen, and Alex has to bite his tongue to keep from calling out to him. Instead, he sighs deeply and calls himself an idiot, the voice in his head sounds suspiciously like Rosa’s.
Pushing it aside, he gets back to work, it’s a little past nine, there’s only one customer left, and they close in an hour. He starts wiping down tables on the left side of the café, flipping chairs as he goes.
All the while, he’s lost in thought, Rosa’s words playing back at him along with Michael's reaction every time he pushes him away. He knows he's not being fair to the boy. By keeping him at arm's length to keep him safe from the shit that is Alex’s life, he’s also hurting Michael. He can see it in the way his smiles drop, the way his eyes shutter when Alex dismisses him.
I want you to be happy, punk.
He shakes his head, his happiness is standing in the back of the café probably feeling like shit because of Alex. He lets out another heavy sigh, not knowing what to do, everything inside him screams to keep Michael safe, while also telling him that if he doesn’t hold on to Michael, he’ll never be happy.
“That’s too deep a sigh for sweeping the floor.”
Alex looks up at the comment to find Michael behind the counter emptying out the coffee pots. “You can’t be done with the kitchen already.”
Michael raises an eyebrow at him and then looks meaningfully at the clock above his head, Alex follows his gaze to see that it’s almost ten. Somehow nearly an hour has passed while he’s been thinking, and he hasn’t gotten very far in his part of the cleanup. He looks over to the table where his last customer had been eating, finding an empty table with dirty plates and cash next to it.
He didn’t even notice when the customer left.
“Sorry,” he starts, looking back at Michael, who is watching him concerned. “Guess I got lost in thought. I’ll speed it up.”
Michael shrugs, moving on to the sugar dispensers, lining them up to fill them. “I don’t mind helping you out. I still need to get those last plates into the dishwasher.”
“I’ll take them,” he says quickly, placing the broom in his hand against a booth. “You stay here, and I’ll be back.”
Michael watches him again, saying nothing as he nods.
Alex takes the last of the dirty plates before heading to the back. Everything is put away and wiped down. The dishwasher is ready to go like Michael said, he works fast, especially for a guy with a busted hand, he thinks grimly. Placing the dishes in the dishwasher, Alex starts the machine, the sound of it oddly soothing as he takes a deep breath, psyching himself up to go back outside and be alone with Michael.
He’s in the middle of it when he hears the first strums of a familiar song, smiling to himself as Counting Crows’ Mrs. Potters Lullaby starts to play. He heads back into the front of the café to find Michael wiping down the counter with a smile on his face as he looks down.
Alex stares at him, watching as his smile seemed to grow the longer Alex stands there, finally he looks up at Alex with a sweet grin.
“Why?” he questions, feeling a reluctant smile take over his face.
“Because it always makes you happy to hear it,” Michael answers quietly, the softness of his expression makes Alex’s breath catch.
“It’s really Rosa’s song, she’s just made sure we all love it,” he tells him, thinking of how many times the older girl has made him, Liz and Maria dance to the song. “She’s convinced that it can cure anything.”
Michael raises an eyebrow at him, and Alex finds himself shaking his head even before Michael starts moving. The curly-haired boy doesn’t pay him any mind and instead starts two-footing as he comes around the counter towards the open space next to the jukebox. Michael is a mess of uncoordinated limbs as he white-boy dances to the song, he extends his hand out to Alex silently asking him to join him. Alex shakes his head again, but he can’t help the small noise that escapes his lips as Michael shakes his hips, bopping his head from side to side, singing along with the song.
“You’re so bad at this, Guerin,” Alex laughs helplessly at the ridiculous picture Michael makes, he’s a horrible dancer and Alex isn’t sure how much it’s lack of rhythm and how much it’s Michael playing it up to make him laugh.
“Like you can do any better,” Michael challenges, giving his shoulders a little shimmy that makes Alex wheeze.
“Better than you,” he gets out through his laugh.
“Put up or shut up, Manes.”
Alex stops laughing and looks at Michael, while his words are a playful dare, there is a hopeful pleading look in Michael’s eyes that makes Alex press his hand against his chest to relieve the pressure he feels.
It’s that hopeful look, and the need not to crush it that has Alex moving towards him, his breath catching when Michael gives him a smile so bright, it’s blinding.
He comes to stand in front of him, about two feet away as he starts to dance with the boy. It’s awkward at first, and he’s stiffer than he would like, earning him a mocking look from Michael that has him rolling his eyes as he starts to loosen up.
‘Hey, Mrs. Potter don't go,’ Michael sings softly, his eyes crinkling at the corners when Alex sings the next line.
Caught up in the song, it takes Alex by surprise when he feels Michael’s body brush against his. Michael looks at him from under his eyelashes, biting down on his lip as he watches him for a moment before resting his hands on Alex’s waist.
“Okay?” he asks hesitantly, his touch feather-light, giving Alex no resistance if he wants to step out of his hold.
After weeks of denying himself and Michael, he can’t bring himself to step away, he hurts with the need to have Michael close.
Michael lets out a shaky breath and pulls him closer, while Alex rests his hands on Michael's shoulder. The song’s beat is a touch too fast for a slow dance, but neither mind as they turn in a slow circle, swaying to the music.
“If we had danced at prom, it would have been like this,” Michael says quietly, his hands holding Alex’s waist.
Alex looks at him and can’t help but be surprised by the comment. “You wanted to dance with me at prom?”
Michael lets out a huff. “I wanted more than a dance. I wanted to take you. Take cheesy pictures with you and drink watered-down punch.”
Alex laughs softly, his pulse ticking up when Michael pulls him even closer still, his body pressed against Alex’s.
“And then at some point, I would have convinced you to sneak out of the gym with me and go by the football field’s bleachers and-,” Michael trails off, the smirk on his face sly, probably a result of the blush spreading across Alex’s face.
“And what? Gotten your dick sucked?” Alex asks, the question backfiring as he pictures it. He’s had Michael’s dick in his mouth, and he remembers just how much he liked it.
“Hey,” Michael complains, though his eyes are dancing with amusement. “I would have been a gentleman. It would have been just second base at the most. You can’t blame me for that, you looked really hot that night.”
Alex shakes his head as he looks down to hide his smile, letting out a breathless sound when Michael reaches up, cupping his jaw to tip his face back up.
“Guerin,” he sighs, not sure if he’s asking him to stop or to close the gap between them.
“I miss you,” Michael murmurs back. “I see you all the time, and I miss you, Alex.”
“I miss you too,” he confesses, defenseless to do anything but tell the truth.
Michael lets out a shaky breath before leaning in to press his forehead against his. “Don’t push me away,” he whispers, the pleading tone in his voice has Alex nodding absently as he gets lost in Michael’s honey-colored eyes.
He feels the brush of Michael’s lips against his just as the door to the Crashdown swings open, the bell above it ringing loudly, causing them to spring apart as Rosa walks into the diner.
“I’m back losers!” she’s already calling out, stopping short when she spots them. They’re not holding each other anymore, but they’re closer than she’s seen them before, which is probably why she raises an eyebrow at them.
“Hey,” he breathes, turning to face her, he feels Michael a step behind him, and he finds himself trying to take a calming breath when he feels Michael’s hand on the small of his back.
“Was your meeting okay?” Michael asks Rosa with a friendly smile on his face, though Alex spots his jaw clenched in frustration, and he has to bite down on his lip to keep from making a sound when Michael's hand caresses him. Knowing that Michael still wants him even after everything that’s happened between them, stirs something hot in Alex’s belly.
Rosa nods, her eyes locked on the lack of space between them. “The meeting went fine, the usual hits: don’t do drugs, one day at a time, and we finished with the traditional kumbaya,” she answers with a roll of her eyes, her usual attitude toward narcotics anonymous even though she admits it helps. “Is closing going okay?
Alex turns to Michael and finds his eyes already on him. “Yeah,” he says after a moment, getting a smile for it. “Pretty good.”
“Better than good,” Michael says softly, and it takes everything in Alex not to press himself into his side.
Rosa makes a noise at the back of her throat, making Alex turn from Michael to look back at her, blushing when he spots the smirk tugging on her lips. “Well, great, finish up. You promised me a scary movie, Manes,” she says, turning away as she heads for the stairs that lead to the second floor, leaving them alone.
Alex takes a breath before turning back to Michael, gasping when Michael is right there, pressing his lips against his. Alex moans into it, his fingers finding Michael’s curls as Michael kisses him soft and slow, holding him like he’s something precious.
The kiss doesn’t last long, but after weeks of not tasting Michael, it’s everything.
“You have no idea how hard it’s been not to do that,” Michael whispers against his cheek.
“Trust me, I know,” Alex tells him.
Michael smiles at him as he pulls back. “I should go, you have a movie to get to.”
Alex nods, he knows Rosa is probably upstairs waiting to grill him on the sudden shift in their behavior. “You could stay and watch the movie with us?”
Michael's smile grows. “This is the first time in weeks you’ve let me get close to you,” he starts, holding up his hand when Alex opens his mouth. “I get why, Alex,” he continues quietly, looking down at his battered hand. “My point is, now that you’ve let me kiss you again, if I go upstairs, we’re not watching a movie.”
Alex's body clenches at Michael’s words and the images they invoke.
“And something tells me Rosa would not be happy sitting next to us as I spent the night kissing you.”
Michael steps into his space again, brushing his mouth against the corner of Alex’s. “Go spent time with your friend, I’ll see you tomorrow,” he raises his hand, his thumb caressing Alex’s cheek. “We’ll talk then, okay?”
Alex nods silently, getting another smile from Michael before he heads towards the door. “Good night Alex.”
“Come on,” Rosa groans, poking at him as they sit at the counter of the diner waiting for Arturo to come out of the kitchen with their churro pancakes.
It’s his favorite thing about living with them. Every Saturday before they open the café, Arturo makes them breakfast to catch up on the week past. It’s a tradition that warms his heart, Rosa likes to roll her eyes at him, but Liz told him before she left how much Rosa secretly loves them.
“Tell me,” Rosa pouts at him, asking him for the third time this morning. He lost count of how many times she asked the night before as they watched The Ring. Finally stopping when she fell asleep mid-movie, while Alex stayed awake, half freaked out by the horror film, half thinking about Michael and their kiss.
“Nothing to tell,” he answers as he pours himself some orange juice, shaking the carton in Rosa’s face before pouring her a glass too.
Rosa gives him a disbelieving look. “I walked into tension you could cut with a knife, so don’t tell me that was nothing.”
“Rosa,” Alex sighs loudly, rolling his eyes when she just continues, ignoring him.
“Not to mention that you're in love with him, so it’s never nothing between you and Guerin.”
Alex freezes at the voice, turning in his stool to find Arturo on the other side of the counter, balancing three plates of pancakes. Alex watches as the older man places the plates in front of them with a small frown on his face. He glances at Rosa out of the corner of his eye, as she bites down on her bottom lip, looking apologetic at him.
“Yes,” he says quietly, watching the man for a reaction.
“Are you two dating?” Arturo questions, his voice doesn’t give anything away, and it puts Alex on edge that he can’t read the man’s thoughts on the subject. Instinctively he knows Arturo is nothing like his father, but he still can’t help the sliver of fear that runs down his spine.
He looks back at Rosa, letting out a breath when she places a supportive hand over his, taking another breath he turns back to Arturo.
“It’s complicated,” he starts, gripping Rosa’s fingers when Rosa squeezes his hand. “Michael is the reason my dad beat me up the last time. He found me with Michael, shattered his hand, and then punished me for being with him.”
Arturo curses in Spanish, shaking his head, his kind face twisted in anger, which Alex quickly realizes with relief is targeted at his father. “You’re father is an asshole, mijo.”
Alex lets out a startled laugh that grows as Rosa nods emphatically.
“And Michael?” Arturo questions again, in that gentle way of his. “You have feelings for him?”
Alex licks his lips nervously, meeting the other man’s brown eyes, finding nothing but support. “I love him.”
Rosa lets out a short excited scream at his side while Arturo smiles at both of them, reaching out to place his hand on Alex’s like Rosa had done before.
“He’s a nice boy, I like him,” he tells him, his eyes twinkling as the corner of his mouth quirks up. “Handsome too.”
“Papi!” Rosa screeches, laughing loudly, slapping her hand on the counter as she holds her stomach. “You’re going to break Alex’s brain!” she exclaims, making Arturo laugh, obviously amused.
Alex stares at the man in awe, not knowing how to answer, he doesn’t even notice the tears that escape his eyes until Rosa makes a worried noise.
“Alex, sweetie?” she questions, alarmed.
Alex sniffles, running the back of his hand under his nose. “Sorry,” he croaks out, the tears coming out faster the more he wants them to stop. “I'm ridiculous. I just-,” he takes a breath to try and get himself under control. “I just never thought I could talk about this with-“ he trails off, waving his hand in Arturo’s direction, who is looking at him so concerned, it springs fresh tears to his eyes.
“To a dad?” Rosa questions with a small smile, looking at her dad before looking back at Alex. “Liz and I don’t mind sharing him with you, right, Papi?”
Alex lets out a wet laugh as Arturo nods.
“I’d like that,” he whispers, his words causing Arturo to move. He comes around the counter to their side until he’s standing in front of Alex, opening his arms for him.
He looks back at Rosa, who gives him a simple shrug. “When one of us cries, Papi hugs it out. Like churro pancakes, these are the rules of the house.”
Alex laughs again, barely getting out of his seat before Arturo wraps his arms around him. He can’t remember the last time Jesse hugged him, if he ever did, he never held him this tightly.
“There’s nothing wrong with your love, Alex,” he says softly in his ear, his hand cupping the back of his neck. “You know that, right?”
Alex pulls back to look at the man who has offered him more kindness than his own blood and finds that he means what he says, nodding when the man looks at him for assurance. “I’m starting to get that.”
Arturo smiles, pulling him back into a hug that Alex happily returns, his eyes stinging when he feels Rosa hug him from behind, he throws an arm back squeezing her as best he can, Arturo too, silently thanking them for being them.
It’s past noon, the café is half-full, and Alex is behind the counter settling someone's bill. He’s not lingering there because Michael keeps finding reasons to stick his head through the kitchen window to say something or just flash him a smile. It has nothing to do with that, no matter how many knowing looks Rosa shoots his way as she moves around the café.
He hears Michael moving around in the kitchen, and has to stop himself from peeking in. Arturo is back there with him fixing some loose shelves, and the last thing he needs is for the man to catch him mooning over his cook no matter how nice he was this morning about everything.
He blushes as he thinks of the grin Arturo, and Rosa sent his way earlier when Michael walked in for his shift. The pleasure he felt at Michael’s soft ‘hey’ and even sweeter smile, obvious to both of them.
He feels his skin grow hotter as he remembers, but he can’t help the smile on his face or the giddiness he feels. He’s been a fool to think he could live without this feeling Michael sparks inside him.
A tub of dirty dishes slams on the counter, startling him out of his thoughts, and he jumps, frowning when he finds Rosa at his side with an evil grin on her face.
“Was that necessary?” he asks, making a face at her when she nods happily.
“To drag you away from your obvious Guerin-induced stupor?” she questions sarcastically. “Absolutely.”
“You’re a brat,” he tells her sincerely, keeping his face stern when she proves him right by sticking her tongue at him.
“And here I was going to do you a favor and give you these dirty dishes,” Rosa says with mock-sadness, making him chuckle.
“And that’s a favor, how?”
Rosa rolls her eyes at him in a way that lets him know she’s questioning his intelligence. “Where do dirty dishes go, Alex?”
Alex instantly looks back at the kitchen window, and Rosa nods at him in a patronizing way.
“Exactly,” she flashes him a shit-eating grin. “It’s a good thing you’re pretty, Manes. Now take these dishes and go moon at your boy without a wall between you, and take your break while you’re at it. It’s slowing down.
Alex leans in to give her a smacking kiss on her cheek, smiling as Rosa lets out a happy laugh while giving his shoulder a small shove. He takes the half-full tub of dishes and heads to the back, taking a steadying breath as he goes.
“Guerin-“ he starts to call out, stopping short in the middle of the open kitchen when he finds Michael and Arturo talking. Arturo’s back is facing Alex as he speaks, too low for Alex to hear. Michael has a serious look on his face, listening intently, but Alex can’t focus on that. He can’t concentrate on anything but one thing, and that’s what’s in Arturo’s hand.
A hammer.
He doesn’t move it, it rests innocently at his side as he talks with Michael, but Alex can’t breathe, can’t move, all he sees is the hammer and just how close it is to Michael. He doesn’t even realize that his grip has gone slack until the dishes fall on the ground making a loud racket that doesn’t dim out the roaring of his heartbeat in his ears.
Arturo and Michael jump at the noise, the older man turning to face him, there is concern on both their faces, and Alex opens his mouth to reassure them, but nothing comes out, it feels like his throat is closing.
“Alex, mijo?” Arturo starts. “Are you all right?”
He takes a step towards him, the hammer still in his hand, and Alex doesn’t even realize he’s screaming ‘no’ until it stops the man short.
He hears Michael swear, but that’s all he hears; everything else is the hammer slamming over skin and bone, Michael’s screams and his father’s rage. Alex closes his eyes tight, his hands covering his face and ears, everything is so loud, and he can’t make it stop. His chest is starting to hurt, and dimly he knows it’s because he’s not taking a breath but he can’t make himself inhale. Hands pull at him, removing his hands from where they’re digging into his face.
“Alex, Alex, baby, you need to breathe for me.”
Alex blinks rapidly, his eyes can’t seem to focus on anything, all he sees is the hammer and Michael’s hand.
“Alex, please,” Michael pleads. “You need to take a breath for me.”
He tries, he inhales, but he feels the air stuck before it reaches his lungs.
“Again, baby, come on, one breath at a time, in and out,” Michael continues, his hands tilt Alex's face, and for the first time, Alex can see something else other than the hammer or his father’s hateful face.
“He-“ Alex tries, choking on the words and his shame. “He h-hurt you.”
Michael gives him a pained look.
Of course it’s pained, his hand was broken because of Alex.
“I-I let-“
“Stop,” Michael commands.
Alex flinches at the tone of his voice, this is what he’s been waiting for since the day in the shed. Finally, Michael is angry with him the way he should have been from the start.
Michael sighs, his hands that are still holding his face go down to his shoulders, the touch much more gentle than he deserves.  He turns his head, saying something, but Alex doesn’t hear it or to who it’s directed.
“Come on,” Michael wraps an arm around his shoulder as he turns him around. “We’re going upstairs, you need to lie down for a minute.”
Alex tries to shake his head, but Michael isn’t listening as he guides him up to the 2nd-floor apartment.
“Where’s your bedroom, sweetheart?” Michael speaks softly, his words against Alex’s temple as he holds him close.
Alex motions with his hand towards his and Rosa’s room; his body feels heavier with every step, and by the time they make it to his small twin bed, it feels like stone. Michael makes him sit with a gentle but steady press of his hands on his shoulders. He drops to his knees before him. Alex watches him through heavy eyes as he undoes his shoes, taking them off, followed by his socks.
“I can’t stay up here,” he whispers, his throat feels rough as he speaks. “I have work, and I have to apologize to Arturo,” he pauses, his eyes stinging as he remembers the stricken look on the man’s face. “I screamed at him.”
“No, you didn’t,” Michael shakes his head, his fingers feel warm against Alex’s skin as they press into his ankle. “You were yelling at your dad.”
Alex snaps his gaze to Michael, letting out a shuddering breath when he sees the understanding in his eyes.
“It was the hammer,” Michael continues, his grip tightening on Alex's foot. “You saw your dad.”
Alex nods miserably, he doesn’t say out loud that he sees his father all the time, he thinks Michael already knows. “I can’t escape him.”
Michael closes his eyes at that, and when he opens them, they are glassy with unshed tears that pierce Alex’s chest.
“I should have protected you better,” Michael starts, his eyes somewhere around Alex’s chest, so he misses the look of shock and horror that crosses Alex’s face. “I shouldn’t have left you alone with him after. I’m so sorry, Alex.”
Alex lets out a wounded noise so deep he can only imagine what it sounds like to Michael, he lifts his gaze to him, looking worried, his hands holding on to Alex’s knees as he continues to kneel in front of Alex.
“You think you have to say sorry to me?” Alex questions, incredulously. He takes Michael’s damaged hand, studying it, comparing it to the uninjured one. One smooth and straight, the other crooked with puckered skin. “He did this to you, and you think you have to apologize to me,” he continues, letting out a humorless laugh, and he can’t see much through his tears.
They spill as he raises his gaze to look at Michael. “He hurt you because of me,” Alex whispers. “He saw that he could hurt me more through you than any of his beatings, so he did, because I love you.”
Michael's fingers tighten on his, his face an open book for Alex to see everything he’s feeling. Michael’s love, his hopes and fears, and even though Alex is sure that he doesn’t deserve him, that he never will, he can’t help but want.
“I love you Michael, and I’m sorry. I’m sorry for what my father did to you. For pushing you away all these weeks. I thought I was protecting you,” he rushes to say as Michael shakes his head furiously, rising to his feet, his hands gripping the back of Alex’s neck as he hovers over him.
“Shut up, Alex,” he says harshly before giving him a rough kiss that tastes of salt.
“I love you,” he says between kisses, speaking it over and over again as he pushes Alex back into the bed, covering him with his body.
Alex moans into the kiss, his hands touching any piece of Michael he can. They shove at each other’s clothes, frantically pushing up shirts until they land on the floor. Alex pops the button of Michael’s jeans, sticking his hand inside, he finds Michael hard and ready.
“Fuck, Alex,” Michael gasps, pushing into Alex’s hand as he starts to stroke him.
The hold is awkward but he makes it work, Michael shifts to the side as he opens Alex’s pants, pushing them past his hips. Alex makes a noise of protest when Michael pulls his hand off him, only for it to turn into a whimpering moan when Michael presses his cock against his, rubbing them together as he holds them in his hand.
He gasps as he meets Michael’s thrust for frantic thrust, his body tightening with every press of their hot skin against each other. He threads his fingers through Michael’s hair, and pulls him into a bruising kiss when Michael circles the head of his cock with his thumb, it feels like fire spreading throughout his body as he gets closer and closer with every twist and pull of Michael’s clever hand.
“I love you,” Michael whispers yet again, breaking the kiss. He trails soft presses of his lips against Alex’s jaw and cheek, up to his ear, as he keeps telling him he loves him. “I love you so much Alex.”
Alex cries out as he comes, spilling between them. Michael pushes against him a few more times before he’s coming too, adding to the mess. Michael lets out a deep breath as he moves to his side, throwing an arm and a leg over him, while Alex moves his arm around Michael’s shoulder, letting Michael rest his head on his chest.
Neither of them speak as they get their breath back, Michael runs his hand over Alex’s sweaty chest, while Alex twirls a curl around his index finger. It’s only when Alex is being lulled to sleep by Michael’s gentle touch, the emotional toll of the day taking hold that Michael speaks.
“Tell me again,” he whispers into Alex’s skin.
Alex pulls him closer into his arms. “I love you.”
When Alex wakes up, his shared room is darker than before, a quick look at his watch lets him know it's after six. He's also alone in his bed, he feels a wave of disappointment that only lasts a moment as he spots a note where Michael was last sleeping.
It simply says, ‘downstairs,’ but it's enough to settle his nerves. He gets up, and looks down at his body. His chest and stomach are clean, and he finds himself smiling at the thought that Michael cleaned him up while he slept. He heads for the bathroom to wash up quickly, slipping on another T-shirt before making his way downstairs back to the diner.
Stepping through the door, he finds that there are a few customers at different tables, while Rosa is behind the counter pouring a cup of coffee. She stops mid-pour as she spots him.
"Hey," he starts to say, barely getting the word out before he's pulled down into a bone-crushing hug. He circles his arms around Rosa's slim waist, hugging her back. "I'm okay," he whispers when he feels her shake.
Rosa lets out a noise that's both a laugh and a sob, as she leans back to look at him. "Yeah, you are," she says like she’s making a promise to him; it quiets something inside him.
“Where’s your dad?” he asks when she lets go of him. “I need to explain what happened.”
Rosa nods towards the back with a soft tilt of her head. “In the back office,” she answers, giving Alex’s arm a squeeze.
Alex makes it through the doors of the kitchen, pausing when he spots Michael flipping a burger, the boy stops to look at him, the expression on his face loving.
He gestures towards the office, and Michael nods in understanding.
“I’ll make you something to eat when you’re done,” Michael answers with a smile that Alex returns.
“Fries?” he asks as Michael’s smile grows.
“I’ll even personally make you the milkshake to dip them in.”
Alex smiles at the boy he loves once more before continuing down the narrow hallway that leads to Arturo’s small office space. He finds the man at his desk, bent over a few papers. Arturo looks up when he knocks, an automatic smile on his face when he sees him.
“Alex,” he starts warmly as he stands up. “Did you get some rest?”
Alex nods, stepping into the small room. “Yes, thank you. Sorry I bailed on my shift.”
Arturo waves his apology away with a gesture of his hand. “Don’t worry about it, Rosa and I had it handled. You look better, are you okay?”
Alex motions yes. “Michael and I had a long-overdue talk, it helped.”
Arturo smiles. “I’m glad, mijo.”
He pauses and neither speak for a moment. Alex doesn’t know where to start but knows he needs to say something.
“About earlier,” he begins, swallowing around the lump forming in his throat. “I’m sorry about freaking out.”
Arturo shakes his head, coming around his desk towards him. “You don’t have to apologize, Alex. Michael explained what happened.”
“It wasn’t you,” Alex rushes to explain. “I’m not scared of you, I know you would never hurt me or Michael or anyone, it was-“
“The hammer,” Arturo finishes for him quietly. “Yes, Michael explained.”
Alex lets out a breath, grateful that he doesn’t have to say more.
“What your father did, Alex, is evil,” Arturo tells him quietly, but with conviction. “And it has everything to do with him, you did nothing wrong.”
Alex bobs his head, afraid if he opens his mouth now, it will just be him crying. Arturo seems to understand, and just like earlier, he opens his arms to Alex, his arms secure around him when Alex hugs him.
“Thank you, Arturo,” he says quietly as the man pats his back. “For everything.”
“No need to thank me, kid,” he answers as he lets Alex go. “We’re your family now, we’re here for you,” he pats Alex’s back one more time. “Now come on, you must be hungry.”
“Michael is making me fries and a milkshake,” he answers with a smile, blushing at the amused look Arturo gives him.
They walk back into the café to find Rosa sitting at the counter drinking a shake herself, Michael behind it, making another.
“Alex, settle this for us,” Rosa points a fry at him as Alex comes to stand next to Michael, facing her. Arturo goes around to a customer who is signaling for the check. “Isn’t ‘the milky way’ shake your favorite?”
Alex looks at Rosa and then at Michael, who gives him a silent look asking if he’s okay. Alex nods, making Michael smile.
“That one’s really good,” he starts as Rosa starts to give Michael a smug look. “But of the themed ones, ‘the alien encounter’ is my favorite.”
“Ha!” Michael shouts victoriously, snaking an arm around Alex’s waist, giving him a loud kiss on his cheek. “Told you, Ortecho. I know my man.”
Rosa rolls her eyes at him. “Whatever, you only knew cause you can’t keep your eyes off him. Stalker.”
Michael shrugs, not denying the accusation, and Alex tries not to blush when Michael looks at him with loving eyes. “Can you blame me? Look at him,” Michael answers, and now Alex can’t stop the blush that spreads through him.
Rosa pretends to gag, though her wide smile gives her away as she and Michael start bickering at each other. Alex takes the shake from Michael’s hand, taking a sip as he watches them, laughing to himself as they argue.
He finds Arturo looking over at the three of them with a fatherly look on his face, the older man shakes his head, laughing, when Alex rolls his eyes at him.
He feels Michael’s hand brush against his, and he turns his palm, linking their fingers together, feeling happier and safer than he has in a long time.
In this little alien-themed diner, he’s found the boy he loves, an older sister, and a loving father.
For the first time, he truly has a family.
A year from now, when he moves out of the Ortecho’s apartment into a tiny place with Michael, and he and Michael, along with Rosa, start ENMU, they will still have the Crashdown to come home to.
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andiandyandee · 4 years
Runs In the Family
Look, the title is an Amanda Palmer song because my wife was listening to it and it worked, so whatever. 
Also I wrote this instead of writing the Next chapter of We Are Going to Be Friends, deal with it.
You’ll probably need to have read some of the AU to know what’s going on here tbh.
Words: 2206
Virgil is sick of looking like Logan. (That’s it that’s the summary.)
Here’s  the first part of We Are Going to Be Friends  and Here’s the whole series on Ao3
Tag List: @datfearlessfangirl @princemesscharming @illogicalthinking @holliberries
Okay here’s the Fic:
    After another conversation with another store clerk who asked if he was related to the Starrs, Virgil was officially sick of this town, and so he was currently working through his annoyance in the best way he knew, by punching things.
    “I. Am. So. Goddamn. Sick. Of. Looking. Like. Papa.” Virgil grunted as he swung at Patton. Or more specifically, at the boxing pads Patton had on his hands. The younger of the two laughed a little and his brother’s pout.
    “Why? Papa isn’t like, ugly or anything. And guys and girls alike would kill for the chance to ‘gaze into those icy blue eyes’” Patton mimicked one of the girls who had recently asked Virgil out. “What’s the problem with looking like him?”
    “Every teacher expects me to be Just.” Punch. “Like.” Punch. “Him.” The last swing missed the target pad, only narrowly missing Patton’s face. “Jesus, sorry Pat.”
    “It’s alright! Maybe let’s take a break from this though, you can use the punching bag, I’m gonna do some yoga I think.” Virgil perked up at that.
    “Oh, actually would you mind if I did your routine with you? I really need to work on my flexibility, and I could definitely use some relaxation” Patton nodded, pulling out a second mat and block from the cupboard. Having a home gym was certainly something they both appreciated. The only one who didn’t use it was Dad, who preferred running outside to working out in the basement, so they had a pretty decent array of workout equipment. “I just get frustrated when everyone sees me and their first thought is ‘Oh god Logan reproduced’. I love Papa, I just wish I didn’t have his face. I can’t believe they decided to stay in this stupid town anyway.” They both started in a sitting position, going through some basic stretches.
    “I mean, you two look similar, but I don’t really think you look as much alike as people think. You just look close enough that they’ve convinced themselves that’s what Papa looked like too.” They were kneeling in child’s pose now, and Virgil was already struggling.
    “God how do you do this every day, my back already hurts.” They moved back into a sitting position, in the pigeon pose. “This is so much worse. ” Patton giggled. “Listen, even if we didn’t have the same face, which we do, by the way, It’s still frustrating to have people say ‘you look just like your father’ every day. I wish people would say I looked like literally anyone else at this point.” Patton rolled his eyes and moved down into a head-to-knee bend, which had Virgil whining, only halfway down.
    “How are you so inflexible? I swear me and Papa do this with no issues. I’ve even had Dad in that position without much complaint.” Virgil Flipped Patton off, sitting back up and crossing his legs into a Lotus Pose. “I mean you’re going to college out of state, aren’t you? You’re going somewhere - No Virgil, you don’t cross your legs in Marichi’s Pose, just tuck it in, yeah there you go- you’re going somewhere they won’t even know Papa. You’ll have tons of people who won’t think you look like anyone!” Patton had twisted around into a revolved head-to-knee pose that made Virgil nauseous just to see. That’s not how spines worked .
    “I don’t think that’s any better, honestly. I hate being alone, I just don’t always want to be ‘Logan Starr’s Kid’, You know?” They were kneeling again, both in a hero pose, Patton half leaned back easily, Virgil shaking as he leaned back only half as far as his brother.
    “Yeah, I mean I get it, I guess. I mean I don’t really look like Papa or my Surrogate save for her eyes and this mop of hair, so I’ve never actually been recognized as their kids, so I don’t really understand, but people make assumptions on the last name, you know? Mostly because of Grandpa, but Dad too.” Patton giggled as Virgil switched to a camel pose, unable to hold himself up or lower himself completely down to the reclining hero. “You have so little core strength for someone who enjoys punching as much as you do.” Virgil again flipped him off, now sweating way more than was really necessary. “Just use your block, I don’t know why you’re so against sticking with the easier poses until you get it figured out, Virge.”
    “Easy poses are for cowards. Can we stand up and do some poses that don’t involve my feet bending like this?” Patton laughed, obliging his brother. They tabled the conversation, mostly because Virgil was too busy groaning to actually talk.
    The next morning, which was really more like early afternoon, Patton woke Virgil up with his regular cheerful knocking. “Virge! It’s Saturday! We run on Saturdays!” Virgil groaned, trying to ignore the way his muscles protested moving after the nightmare yoga session.
    “I know exercise is healthy, but I think I’d rather die than move, Pat.” Virgil groaned into his pillow. He heard his Dad laugh loudly at that.
    “Come on, Virge! It’s the one day a week we actually spend together! And I’ll buy you lunch at that diner across town that just opened up!” Virgil was not a fan of running, or being outside, but the teen was nothing if not food motivated.
    “Do you think a cheeseburger and milkshake counts as a balanced breakfast?” Virgil asked, already pulling on a tank top and a pair of running tights, trying his best to brush his hair with his fingers. He pulled the door open, faced with looks of amusement from both his Dad and brother.
    “No. Grab a protein bar, water, and maybe a hairbrush, and meet us outside in like, fifteen minutes for stretching, Panic! At the Everywhere.” Roman chuckled, leaving the hallway with Patton. Virgil did grab a hairbrush, and made his way to the kitchen, only to find his Papa sitting at the island with a cup of coffee and what appeared to be a lukewarm bowl of oatmeal next to him, immersed in a book.
    “Hi, Papa.” Virgil grabbed a kind bar from the basket on the counter, and a water bottle from the cabinet, filling it with tap water.
    “Hello, Virge. Are you all heading out for the afternoon?” Virgil nodded, stealing a drink of Logan’s coffee as he passed.
    “Yeah. You wanna come? We’re going to get lunch after.” Logan wrinkled his nose.
    “You will see the heat death of the universe before you see me jogging outside with your father. I wouldn’t be caught dead in public with that man when he’s on a runner’s high.” Virgil laughed, shrugging and leaving his Papa sitting in the kitchen alone.
    The run, as expected, was miserable, and Virgil was sweating and starving by the time they made it to the diner.
    “Jesus, how am I so out of shape compared to you two?” Both Roman and Patton were a bit sweaty, but not even out of breath.
    “Well we run that distance three times a week, and you run it twice a month, so..” Patton joked, walking towards the diner door. “You’re also way stronger than me and Dad though, so I guess you have that going for you.” Roman nodded, holding the door open for his sons. A voice greeted them as they walked through the door, peppy and quite loud.
    “Hi! Welcome to Dot’s Diner! I’m Dot! Y’all can sit anywhe-” The voice cut off, the woman staring at Virgil with a bit of horror and a bit of sadness in her eyes. “Oh, uh, you-you can sit anywhere, boys.” Virgil glanced at Patton and Roman, confused. They both shrugged, sitting down at a booth and shooting glances over at the woman who greeted them.
    “She looks kind of familiar, actually... Maybe she went to school with Me and Logan?” Roman whispered. “I don’t know.” Roman pulled out his phone, texting Logan to ask if he remembered a ‘Dot’ because she definitely recognized Virgil. Logan texted back thirty seconds later, instructing them to stay right where they were. Roman showed the boys the message and shrugged again. “He must know her.” A waitress, not Dot, took their drink orders, dropping off menus. They were all discussing what they wanted when the bell rang again, and Logan came in, looking around. His hair was still a mess, but he was in a pair of blue jeans and a Greenday shirt that had no business being tucked in instead of his pajamas. He spotted Roman, Patton, and Virgil, and waved, but was obviously looking for someone else. When Dot came through the kitchen door, and saw him, they both looked a little tearful.
    “Logan! Oh, it’s so good to see you, I haven’t heard from you in so long,” Dot came around the counter, pulling him into a hug.
    “I’m sorry I didn’t stay in touch, Dot. I lost your number, and the only social media you had hasn’t been updated since-” He cut off, and Dot glanced to Virgil, who was staring at the pair with a look of confusion that was mirrored in Roman and Patton’s gazes.
    “He’s yours, then? It’s too uncanny to have been a coincidence.” Virgil rolled his eyes. Of course, she thought he looked just like Logan, they always did.
    “I know, it’s like looking in a photograph, sometimes. He even has the same color pallet. Black and purple everything.” Logan said conspiratorially. They weren’t that loud, but there were only two other patrons in the diner, so it was easy to hear them talking. Virgil raised an eyebrow at that. He had seen pictures of his papa when he was young and never had he had much of a black and purple pallet. The two walked over to the table, Dot still looking at Virgil with that same sad look.
    “Hi, I’m Dot. I’m a friend of Logan’s. I’m sorry how I reacted earlier, you just look so much like” Virgil went to sigh, but before he could, Dot said something that stopped him in his tracks. “Your Uncle Larry, I thought I was seeing a ghost.” Virgil was dumbfounded.
    “What?” Logan laughed at his son’s face.
    “I guess we’ve never really talked about it, but my older brother, L, shares an astonishing amount of features with you,” Logan explained, pulling out his phone. “Hold on, I bet I can find a photo…” Dot was smiling sadly at him.
    “I was newly engaged to your uncle before he passed.” She swallowed, “I’m sure you get it a lot, but I haven’t seen you boys since you were so young, I wasn’t expecting it.”
    Roman mumbled “Oh!” to himself before smiling at Dot. “It’s been so long, Polka Dot, I hardly recognized you!” She smiled at him.
    “If it makes you feel better, I couldn’t tell if you were you or Remus. The only way I used to be able to tell you apart was the scar, but you both have it now so..” Roman laughed.
    “Remus is quite a bit thinner than I am now, so we don’t actually get mistaken for each other much anymore. I had almost forgotten what it was like!”  
    “Ah Hah!” Logan held out his phone for Virgil to see. Staring back at him was... Well, him. This teenager, probably around 17, the same age as Virgil, was leaning on who was clearly Dot’s shoulder, a purple and black hoodie and shaggy hair looked eerily similar to Virgil. Logan swiped to another photo, of Logan and Larry standing next to each other in what he assumed were their prom outfits, Logan an easy 6 inches taller than Larry, much like how Logan towered over Virgil. Seeing them next to each other, Virgil realized that while the two looked similar, Virgil looked much more like Larry. They had the same nose, slightly shorter faces, less defined cheekbones.
    “Holy shit, I have his whole face.” Virgil croaked, glancing up at his Papa. “I thought I looked just like you, but like, that’s like, time travel. If he dyed his hair purple that could literally be me.” Patton and Roman were glancing between the photo and Virgil, looking more and more confused as they did.
    “How have you never mentioned our oldest son is literally your brother?” Roman asked, a little dumbfounded. Logan laughed softly.
    “You know how I feel about talking about him. And I didn’t realize until he was about fifteen, anyway. Remember when he got the tattoo? When we were fighting he did that thing, Dot, you remember, where he just kind of-” They both did the hand gesture, which from an outside perspective looked a lot like a combination of jazz hands and flicking water at someone, and started laughing, and Virgil blushed. He DID do that hand gesture a lot. “and I was like, Oh my god, He’s literally Larry.” They all dissolved into talking about old memories, and Virgil sat there content, leaning on his brother's shoulder. Sometimes, he hated how much he looked like his Papa, but he supposed looking like his uncle wasn’t the worst thing in the world.
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bittysvalentines · 5 years
Hug Me. Maybe. Marry Me. Be True
From: @doggernaut
To: @missweber
Hi, @missweber! I had so much fun coming up with this idea and trying to incorporate some of the prompts you suggested. I hope you enjoy it. Happy Valentine’s Day! 
Note: This was inspired by picking conversation hearts out of a bag at random.
Also posted to ao3.
“Jack and Maya sitting in a tree, K-I-S-S-I-N-G ...”
Jack Zimmermann’s face burned with shame. Even hidden in the tunnel, he could hear his classmates’ song. So what if his best friend was a girl? Maya was kind, and funny, and she had a nice dog that her mom brought to school every day when she came to walk Maya home. Jack wanted a dog, but Maman and Papa said they traveled too much to have a pet. Maya was also really good at hockey — she was one of the best players on his team. But today, during the Valentine’s Day party at school, Maya had given Jack a box of candy hearts. She hadn’t given anybody else candy hearts, and now everybody was calling them boyfriend and girlfriend.
“You want to marry Maya,” Toby had taunted. (Toby played goalie on a different hockey team. Toby was not very good at hockey.)
“Do you kiss after hockey practice?” Adam asked.
Elise began the chant, and soon a few other kids joined in: “Jack and Maya ...”
Jack was still upset when Maman asked him how his day was.
“Fine,” he muttered. He did not look at Maman, afraid she would take one look at his face and see that everything was not fine.
“You don’t sound fine,” Maman said, sitting down next to Jack on the floor where he was sorting the cards and candy he’d received in his Valentine mailbox at school. He had 23 cards, 3 pencils, 2 chocolate coins, 6 lollipops, and one box of candy hearts. He tossed the box to the side.
“What’s this?” Maman asked, picking it up. Jack hadn’t opened it, but it was a little smashed.
“Nothing,” Jack said quickly. “You can have it.”
“I remember these from when I was your age. Did Maya give these to you?” Maman asked, pointing out Maya’s carefully printed name on the back of the box. “It was very kind of her to give you such a nice gift. I hope you thanked her.”
Jack had not, in fact, thanked Maya. He had actually tried to shove the box back into her mailbox, but it had gotten stuck, which was why it was in such bad shape now.
“Jack,” Maman pressed, “did you thank Maya?”
“Is it okay for boys to be friends with girls?” Jack asked instead. “I thought Maya was my friend, but she gave me those —” he cast a withering look at the candy — “and now everybody says she’s my girlfriend. I don’t want to have a girlfriend. I don’t want to get married. I just want to play hockey with my friends.”
“Oh, Jack.” Maman began to rub small circles on his back. “You can be friends with whoever you want, boys or girls. It doesn’t mean you have to marry them. Maybe someday you will be friends with somebody and you’ll like them so much you want to get married, like me and Papa, but that won’t happen for a long time.”
“I want to play hockey,” Jack insisted.
“Well,” Maman said through a laugh, “you can do that too.” She shook a few of the candy hearts out into her palm. “I used to hand these out to all of my friends when I was your age,” she said. “Let’s see what we have here ... ‘Call Me,’ ‘Sugar,’ ‘Be True.’”
“What are those?” Jack asked.
“Just silly little sayings. Here’s another one: ‘Kiss Me.’ I’ll save that one for Papa.
Jack wrinkled his nose and took a heart out of the box. “‘Spicy,” he read, brows knit together in confusion.
“That’s another silly one,” Maman said. She noticed the look on her son’s face, still so serious and a little sad. “I was going to order pizza for dinner, but would you like to go to the diner that has the chicken tenders you like instead?”
Jack nodded. “Can we get milkshakes for dessert?” he asked.
“I think that can be arranged. What’s this one say?” she asked, turning over the heart in Jack’s palm.
“‘Hug me,’” Jack read out loud.
Maman pulled Jack close and wrapped her arms around him. Somehow, it was exactly what he needed.
Jack startled when he heard a knock on his door. It was Valentine’s Day, and though the team had just pulled off a great win, he knew most of the guys had gone out immediately afterward.
“Just a sec,” he called, sliding out of bed and padding to the door. Through the crack in the opening, he saw Bittle standing outside. “Hey, Bittle,” he said, opening it further.
“Oh, hey, Jack,” Bittle said, as if he was surprised to see Jack standing there. “I just, uh, wanted to apologize again, about everything that happened earlier with Shitty and the sign. And, uh —” he handed a small package to Jack — “you got some mail. It was on the kitchen counter.”
Jack took the package and smiled when he spotted the return address and Canadian postage. “It’s from my parents,” he said, sliding his thumb under the tape and prying it open. As he expected, the package contained a small box of candy conversation hearts. “Want one?” he asked, shaking a few into his own hand. He popped one — it said “Luv U” — into his mouth.
“Jack Zimmermann,” Bittle said, clearly delighted by something, “did your parents send you Valentine’s candy?”
“It’s tradition.” Maman had given him a box every year since second grade, when he’d come home crying about getting a similar box from a girl.
“I haven’t had those in years.”
“I kind of like them.” Jack chose a white one and handed it to Bittle. The white ones were the best.
“‘Tweet me.’ Very funny.”
“It’s perfect.” Jack couldn’t help the smile he felt splitting his face. More and more, lately, he found himself smiling in Bittle’s company. Though for the life of him, he couldn’t figure out why Bittle was here with him tonight, instead of out with everyone else. “Why aren’t you out with the guys?”
Bittle made a face. “It’s Valentine’s Day. Rans and Holster took March and April out for half-price beers and karaoke. Shitty and Lardo went to an anti-Valentine’s Day Valentine’s Day party with some of her friends. And Chowder and Cait, well, it’s their first Valentine’s Day together. I didn’t want to be the third wheel. Plus, I have some reading to finish up.”
“Do you want to be out tonight?” Jack wasn’t sure why he was asking, or why he cared. Because Bittle was his friend, he supposed. “If we hadn’t had a game tonight, is there anybody — ?”
“There’s nobody,” Bittle said quickly.
Something about that didn’t sit well with Jack. Bittle was cute, and funny, and would probably be a good boyfriend. It didn’t seem right that he didn’t have anybody to celebrate with. Then again, maybe Bittle didn’t want to date. Jack could relate. Since officially breaking things off with Camilla, he hadn’t been that interested in dating either. He had too many other important things to think about.
“Well,” Jack said, choosing another heart and dropping it into Bittle’s open palm. “Maybe next year.”
Bittle looked at the message in his hand and smiled a little wistfully. “Yeah,” he said. “Maybe.”
Bitty was in the kitchen — no big surprise there — when Jack got home from his game. “What are these?” he asked, picking up a cupcake. A little candy heart sat atop a perfect swirl of pink frosting.
“They’re for my kids after practice tomorrow,” Bitty said. He placed a green heart on top of another cupcake. “If I have any leftovers I’ll save ‘em for you, but no sneaking any tonight.”
Jack chuckled “Is your strategy to get them all sugared up before practice? I guess it worked for you with those pumpkin lattes.”
Bitty bumped Jack with his hip and went back to his candy placement. “I’ll have you know, Mr. Zimmermann, that these are for after the game.”
“Lucky kids.” They were lucky to have Bitty as a coach, and not just because his cupcakes were, in Jack’s opinion, the best he’d ever tasted. Bitty hadn’t been sure, at first, when the manager of the peewee hockey league affiliated with the Falcs had approached him about coaching a team, but it turned out he was a natural. Not that Jack had ever doubted him. Jack had seen him lead SMH to a Frozen Four championship as captain, and he was Thirdy’s daughter’s favorite babysitter. As Jack had expected, Bitty had taken to coaching like a duck to water. His kids won some and they lost some, but he’d seen how much they’d grown in the short time Bitty had been working with them.
“And lucky me,” Jack added, leaning down to give Bitty a kiss on the cheek. “I get their leftovers.”
“If there are leftovers,” Bitty said, laughing. “I wouldn’t count on it.”
The next evening, when Jack let himself in after practice, he could hear the shower running. Which meant Bitty was home.  And  — he glanced at the kitchen counter — there was one cupcake sitting on a red and pink paper plate. He picked it up and did a double take when he glimpsed the message on the pink heart sitting atop the cake.
“Marry me.”
It couldn’t be what it implied, right? It was just a coincidence, the last cupcake left after all of Bittle’s kids had been served. It didn’t have to mean anything more than that. It certainly wasn’t — probably wasn’t, anyway — intended to be taken at face value.
They’d talked about marriage, of course, but Jack had always, in the back of his mind, thought he’d be the one to do it. It was all planned; he had the ring and he was going to it when they went to Madison in July.
“Honey?” Jack wasn’t sure how long he’d been standing in the middle of their kitchen, staring at the cupcake, but it must have been longer than he thought because Bitty was standing in front of him, towel wrapped around his waist. “You’re home early,” he said, eyes darting to Jack’s hands. “You’re not supposed to ... I was gonna ...” Bitty, for once, was at a loss for words.
“Bits, is this —” Jack held the cupcake out for Bitty to inspect. “I mean …” He shrugged. He was at a loss for words, too.
“I had it all planned!” Bitty blurted out. “You were supposed to get home later, and I was gonna be dressed and have some music playing ...”
“I think you look pretty good right now,” Jack said, sidestepping the fact that Bitty had almost-but-not-quite just proposed.
“Oh, you.” Bitty took the cupcake from Jack —” I was going to get down on one knee,  like this —“ he dropped to one knee and looked up at Jack, cupcake held toward him.
Jack laughed. “You’re so far away,” he chirped.
“Jack Zimmermann, are you calling me short right as I’m about to propose?” Bitty asked as he stood, one hand at his waist to prevent the towel from slipping off. He still hadn’t actually proposed, but Jack’s chirp had accomplished what he wanted, which was to bring Bitty close enough to gather in his arms.
“Yes,” he murmured.
Bitty swatted at his chest. “I haven’t asked you anything yet!”
”If you ask me, I’ll say yes.”
“Marry me.”
“Oh, honey,” Bitty gasped as Emily twirled in the living room. Her skirt flared out around her and sparkled as the spun. Jack was surprised their daughter had chosen such a feminine dress to wear to the Valentine’s Day dance — he was surprised she wanted to go at all, actually — but the striped knee socks and red Chuck Taylors gave it her own personal touch. Bitty had sighed when she’d insisted on wearing the shoes, but he’d later confessed to Jack that it was just fine if she wanted to wait a few years before buying her first pair of high heels.
“You just aren’t ready for her to be taller than you,” Jack had chirped.
“I’m not ready for her to not be our little girl,” Bitty had countered. Jack understood. He wasn’t ready, either.
“You look beautiful,” Jack said as Emily came to a stop and her skirt settled around her. “Let me take a picture before you leave.”
“Papa,” Emily whined, “Henry is going to be here any minute.”
“He can wait,” Bitty said. “Or, better yet, he can come in and take a picture with you. This is your first big dance, you’re not leaving this house without pictures.”
Jack captured Emily’s eye roll on camera. He also managed to get one of her smiling, and one of her with Bitty, who, Jack could tell, was trying not to cry. Then he set the timer and joined them for one last picture.
“Now can I go?”
“Hold on just a minute,” Jack said, reaching into his pocket. Maman still sent him a box of candy hearts every year, and though Bitty (and now Emily) still claimed they were inedible, Jack found them oddly comforting. He pulled out the heart he’d saved for Emily.
Predictably, she rolled her eyes as Jack pressed it into her hand. As a little girl, she’d loved reading each one with Jack and laughing at some of the more old fashioned or puzzling words and phrases, but now she pretended to be above such things. “Be true?” she read.
“Just, ah, you’re going to your first real dance with a boy, and I wanted to remind you that you don’t have to do anything you don’t want to do,” Jack said. This whole speech had sounded better in his head. “If you don’t want to dance, you don’t have to. And obviously, if you don’t want to kiss or —”
“Oh my god, Papa!” Emily yelled, pressing her hands to her ears. “I’m not going to have sex with him. I’m only fifteen.”
“I think what Papa is trying to remind you of,” Bitty interrupted, “is that you shouldn’t let anybody pressure you into doing things that make you uncomfortable. Tonight or ever.”
“Be true to yourself,” Jack finished.
Emily rolled her eyes again. Now that she was a teenager, she did that a lot. “I know, you guys. You’ve literally been telling me this since I was a baby. Can I go now?”
“We’ll walk you out,” Bitty said, putting an arm around her shoulder and guiding her out the door. Jack followed. They watched together as she ran to meet Henry, who got out of his mother’s van to meet her. The couple obligingly posed for one more photo, and Henry even shook their hands and thanked them for allowing him to take Emily to the dance.
“I like him,” Jack said as they walked back to the house together.
“She’s growing up.”
“Too fast,” Jack agreed. It seemed like just yesterday she’d been cautiously toddling between them on this same front porch. Now she was going on dates. Too soon, she would be going away to college, and then she might be coming home to tell them she was engaged. Which reminded Jack …
“You know what today is,” he said, hip checking Bittle.
“Of course I do. Speaking of, I did save a cupcake for you.” Bitty hadn’t coached since Emily had been in peewees, but he made cupcakes for his staff every Valentine’s Day. He always saved a few for their family to enjoy after dinner, which would be short one person tonight.
“We can have them when Em gets home.”
“Or,” Bitty said, raising an eyebrow, “we can have ours now. Why should she have all the fun? We’re old, not dead.”
Jack followed Bitty into the kitchen, confused, until he saw the two cupcakes Bitty had arranged on the kitchen table. He had clearly used a different candy heart supplier than Maman, Jack realized, as he read the messages atop each cupcake: “Cute Butt” and “Let’s Get Busy.”
“Bits,” Jack said, forgetting all about high school dances and cupcakes and everything that was not his husband. When he pressed him up against the counter and kissed him, it felt exactly like it had in their Providence kitchen so many years ago.
“Maybe let’s not get busy right here,” Bitty said. “I love you, but the last time we did this in the kitchen my back hurt for a week.”
Jack didn’t want to stop, but Bitty had a point. He scooped him up and threw him over his shoulder instead, because he could still do that, if he didn’t have to walk far. And their bedroom wasn’t that far away from the kitchen.
“Don’t you dare drop me on the bed,” Bitty warned through laughter, “or I’ll divorce you.”
“Good thing they don’t make a candy heart that says that.” Jack dropped Bitty on the bed and fell down next to him. “Be mine?”
Bitty curled closer, his nimble fingers already working to remove Jack’s belt. “Always.”
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hargroves-dingus · 5 years
fire meets gasoline | b.h x v.h
pairings: Billy Hargrove x Veronica Hopper (O.C), Hopper!AdoptiveDad x Veronica Hopper, Eleven!AdoptiveSister x Veronica Hopper
summary: Billy comes to pick up Max and Hopper isn’t happy about his daughter knowing the neighbourhood bicycle, but what happens when Veronica disregards her father and still goes to Tina’s party to see none other than Billy Hargrove?
warnings: moderate swearing??
a/n: lemme know if you want to be tagged in future parts dudes :)
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Morning were often my favourite time of the day, quickly followed by nightfall: the hours I could truly bask in my own solace. The sunlight fought to seen through the curtains, shining a bright light on my face causing me to turn to the other side of the bed, humming in content at the smell that lingered. Dad was making eggos. Hauling myself out of bed, I threw my hair up in a messy bun and wiped the sleep away from my eyes.
“Morning sweetheart” Hopper robotically muttered, he said it every morning, and when faced with making breakfast, he lost the ability to multitask. “The girls not up yet?” Scanning the room for the brunette and her ginger accomplice, only to find they were missing so knocked on her bedroom door and alerted them of eggos – which motivated them to get out of bed. “Four eggo extravaganzas and strawberry milkshakes.” Hopper announced, placing them around the table. The mismatch family (plus a Max) sat around the table, starting to devour their breakfast, before a door knock pulled us all from our morning conversation.
Already getting up, I dusted any crumbs off of my lap, “I’ll get it.”, and lazily opened the door, and snapped into sense when Billy Hargrove was leaning against the doorframe, his gold necklace dangling idly in front of his chest, wearing none other than a shirt that was buttoned a bit too low. “I’m here for Max, princess.” God I could only imagine Hoppers reaction to his pet name, and I was not looking forward to the questioning. “We’re still eating breakfast, none of us are ready.” I shrugged, leaving the flirty tone from last night at bay. Not around Hopper or the girls. “Explains the outfit.” At this moment, I realised how exposed I was, simply an oversized t-shirt that hung over my right shoulder from the excessive size. “Stop gawking, Hargrove.” Slightly snarling with a small smirk, crossing my arms at his not so stealthy mission of checking me out. From this and when we met, it seems he likes being caught. “Come in then.” Turning on my heels, I walked back to the table, picking up my plate, “You can have some of mine.”
“So you can be nice sometimes.” Laughing, he grabbed a plate from the cupboard and I piled some food onto his place and gave him a fork, and we sat at the counter beside eachother. Feeling Hoppers eyes burning into us, I slightly shouted “Dad? This is Billy, Max’s brother.” Feeling like an introduction to the teenage boy in his house was what he was expecting. “Step-brother.” Both Max and Billy mumbled, which I threw my hands up in surrender up, muttering a string of amused ‘sorry’s.
“We’ve met.” Hopper grunted, eyes squinting onto Billy. This was a splendid start. “Still speeding around town like a maniac, Hargrove?” He was challenging him. Baiting him almost. “Not anymore, sir, not since you busted me.” Billy’s signature cocky tone was back, and it irritated Hopper, as he added, “Six times.”
“Five, actually, sir.” He corrected, and you could see Hopper tense up, as if ready to pounce. “Alright, Mr and Mrs Testosterone, break it up.”  
Both backed off, turning back around to continue their meal. For a bit, I just watched him eat, sitting in a comfortable silence. It was then that I really noticed his eyes, this bright shade of blue that burned into you. They were like water, or even the sea, but the intensity reminded me of a burning fire. “Having fun there, princess?” Laughing, I cleared his now empty plate into the sink. “You wish.” Raising an eyebrow, I leant back onto the counter to which he walked over, reaching behind me, our bodies millimetres from touching and all I wanted to do was close the space between us, “Oh I do. Trust me.” And picked up an apple, and copied my stance on the counter opposite. “Are you coming to Tina’s party tonight?” Taking a bite of the apple, the juice slightly dripped onto his chin and he wiped it off with the back of his hand. How could Billy fucking Hargrove eating an apple make me so goddamn weak? “I might make an appearance.”
“Billy, let’s go!” Max shouted from the door, all dressed and ready to leave. Billy rolled his eyes in what I guess to be frustration and pushed himself off the counter. I went to walk him to the door and he placed his hand on the small of my back, sending shivers down my spine, “Well I hope you do, princess.”
Billy then straightened out his jacket, and extended his right hand forward in front of Hopper, and he begrudgingly took it and grunted “Thank you for breakfast, sir, nice to see you again.” And when he left, a part of me was hoping it wouldn’t be for long. There wasn’t a breath of silence before Hopper broke it again. “So. Veronica.” He scratched his head, almost comically and in the most patronising and dad-like way asked “How long have you known Billy ‘I like to speed around and break rules’ Hargrove?” Of course he was getting annoyed. Billy isn’t the type of guy who bring home to your family. He’s the type of guy to only ever meet your bedroom. Playfully rolling my eyes, I stood put, not moving from the door.  “Since yesterday, dad. Purely because he’s Max’s step-brother.”
“Then how did he know where the plates were kept. Hmm?” His voice became louder, angrier, and he sharply shrugged in anticipation. Slamming his hand on the side and he sighed before returning to his more heated tone, “Why does he know where we keep our goddamn cutlery, Veronica?”
“Stop yelling! Fucksake. It’s seriously not that deep. I invited him in for a drink when he dropped Max off last night. No need to make a drama.” I’d known Hopper to get mad at me. It wasn’t rare. I guess over time, he accepted whatever shit I got into and he shrugged it off. But I had seen him angry. This somehow felt different. “No need? Sorry I don’t want my daughter hanging out with some trouble maker Casanova like him.” Scoffing, he placed himself on the sofa, elbows resting on his knees running his hands over his face. “I can handle myself.  This is bullshit. And you know it.”
“Excuse me?”
Then it clicked. He didn’t like Billy because he’s a ‘bad boy’ (or not entirely), he didn’t want to lose his little girl. “You just don’t like the fact that I’m growing up. I’m no longer a kid and that scares the shit out of you. I’m going to be around boys, going to parties, sleeping with people,” At the last part, he scrunched up his face in disgust, and almost in raw truth, as he realised I was right. “And that terrifies you. But don’t project that onto me. Deal with your shit, dad.”
*  *  *
The house was practically shaking from the blaring music, the entire teenage population of Hawkins crammed into Tina’s house, filling their veins with burning alcohol, finding somebody to pretend to love for just one night, pretend they didn’t live in this tiny shitty town. Clinging to my denim jacket, I mentally cursed at myself for wearing black cycling shorts and a black tucked in t-shirt, causing my legs to turn into icicles from the Indiana October weather. There were murmurs and subtle gasps of shock when I walked in, parties never usually being my scene, opting to stay in and read. Or maybe have dinner with the devil as I’ve heard some people say I do in my spare time. That one was my favourite.
Hearing I chorus of cheers, I was drawn to the garden, hearing a voice roaring, “That’s how you do it, Indiana!” and a smile graced my face as I identified it as Billy. My pathway was blocked as the bathroom door swung open, and a guy leaving nearly knocked me off my feet. “Fucking hell, watch it ass-” My series of curses halted as I looked up to see none other than Steve Harrington. Steve Harrington crying.Nobody had seen King Stevecry. Well, anybody but me. And I’m not talking about this moment. Before he was crowned King, we were best friends, since being toddlers. He was the one who held me crying when I felt alone and unloved (each time) and when Hopper adopted me, then we distanced. I’d seen Steve cry, when his parents were on brink of divorce, when he felt like they didn’t care, we saw each other at our lowest. It must be something big to cause Steve to break at a party full of everybody he knew.
“Steve? Let’s go outside.” I tried my best to hide his face, to keep up his image but everyone was too drunk to remember this tomorrow. We sat on the porch steps, and the cold air whipped my skin and I sat waiting for him to talk. “Don’t shut me out again.” I whispered, not even looking at him, the pain from all those years ago laced in my voice. “Talk to me.” Placing my hand on his wrist, I tried my best to comfort him. At first he tensed up, not used to my touch but it didn’t take long for him to relax into it, putting his other hand atop mine, interlocking our hands. “It was all bullshit.” His voice was broken. Utterly broken. I hadn’t heard his voice like that since his dad told him he wished he’d never had a son in the first place. “What was?”
“Her.” Nancy Wheeler. When they first started dating, it made me laugh. Stuck-up prudish good girl dating King Steve – what else did I expect? But I never thought she’d end it. Honestly thought new Steve would fuck up and sleep with someone else. “What happened?”
“She broke up with me.” He laughed. In a way that was filled with disbelief, even he couldn’t understand it. “You can do so much better than Nancy fucking Wheeler.” Scoffing, I wrapped my arms around his shoulder and pulled him into a hug which he only weaselled his way out of, standing up in front of me, running his hands through his hair. “I don’t want better. I want her. I love her.” Sighing, I looked up at him. “Love is fucked up, and overrated.”
“I know.” With that, he wiped his face, shook his body as if shaking away his pain and smiled at me. A genuine smile. “I’m going to head home. Thank you, Ron.” Ron. It felt weird hearing him say it but comforting at the same time.
“You made it.” Steve’s place was replaced with Billy, and a waft of beer stench and cigarette smoke invaded the air around me. He flashed a smile, biting his lower lip and I stretched my legs out in front of me. “Seems I did Hargrove.” Crossing my arms, I took in the view around me. Nightfall. The sky was dark, a poetry of stars strung throughout the blackness and the blanket it made comforted me. He sighed in boredom before asking, “Wanna get out of here?”
“I know a place.”
*  *  *
He parked his car on the side of the road, and as I grabbed his hand, I guided him through the trees. “So where are we going?” He chuckled, “You’re not going to kill me right?” Weaving throughout the towering branches, I sighed in content as we arrived at a clearing, the grass full of a variation of flowers and walked to the group of rocks in which I perched myself on top of, motioning for him to join me. “My thinking place.”
“Thinking place?” He repeated, looking around, taking in the view. The flowers were my favourite, the haze of purple and yellow, although the vibrancy was masked the dark sky. “Obviously you know Hopper isn’t my real dad.” I stated, voice void from emotion. And as I said that I didn’t know why I did. Why I was opening up. But there was this feeling. This instinct that I could trust him. “My dad left when I was four. Mum died from an overdose when I was six. Hopper was close to my mum so he took me as his own.” Looking at him, his eyes were glassy slightly, eyebrows furrowed and I felt this steel ball sink in my stomach. “Please don’t give me that look. I don’t want your pity.”  Resting his hand on my thigh, his warmth made me jump slightly, probably the California in him. But his touch calmed me. “I wasn’t going to. I know a few things about shitty dads.” It was odd. Two strangers opening up to each other. “Yours an asshole too?”
“You see this?” Twisting slightly, it revealed a scar along the side of his head, running along his temple, “Gave that to me.” I traced it with my thumb, the rest of my hand placed on the side of his head. “Fucking hell, Billy.” Scoffing, he looked down, then coughed, discarding of the tears that started to form. “See? Now you’re giving me that look.”
“That’s different. Mine decided I wasn’t going enough for him so left. Yours…”
“Hey,” He hushed, this newfound softness in his voice was soothing, and he took both of my hands in his and brought them up to his lips. “Don’t think you’re not good enough. You were four. Whatever the reason he left, wasn’t because of you.” I sent him a weak smile. I only ever spoke to Hopper or El about it, on the very rare occasion, but it was nice to open up to him. “You know what, Hargrove? We’re kindred souls, you and I.”
He smirked, laughing under his breath, “Oh yeah?” Nodding, I crossed my legs, fiddling with the hem of my shorts, “I think we were meant to find each other”
“You really believe in that stuff?”
“Not until I met you.”
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braveskyered · 5 years
Knights (Part 12)
Part 1 Part 2 Part 3 Part 4 Part 5 Part 6 Part 7 Part 8 Part 9 Part 10 Part 11
I’ll just keep biting my tongue,
‘Til all you want is done, alright!
Part 12: But I’m Afraid, Afraid of Losing You
- - - - - - -
“Vivi, please. You have to remember. You need to remember him!”
“Augh... Arthur, for the last time, I don't. Just, please stop.”
Arthur lowered the strip of photos from Vivi's sight with confusion and despair. Why is this happening? Lewis is missing, Vivi can't remember him or whatever happened that night, while Arthur himself lost his left arm and couldn't remember what happened, either.
It's rough. Vivi seemed content to go about on her own, but whenever an image of Lewis is seen, his name is heard, or even anything that could associated with her love, Arthur always saw that bit of purple haze forming over her eyes, preventing her from actually seeing or hearing.
Arthur would be lying if he said that he wasn't jealous of Vivi and Lewis. Before Lewis and Vivi started dating, it was the three of them. A trio of friends. A trio of adventurers like the Three Musketeers or something among those lines. Vivi, Lewis, and Arthur. A friendship of three was enough. Then the two got together, and before he knew it, he was left out from the pack without him realizing it at first, and when he did, he felt a tightening feeling in his chest. It felt wrong, it hurt, it caused him so much pain.
Why? Why does it hurt so much? Weren't they all friends?
Arthur wanted to ask to them about it, but he knew all it would do is bring discord. His pain didn't matter, he is just an extra. What is he supposed to feel? What is he supposed to do? He felt some happiness over the development, but at the same time, he felt so empty. They were going on like they forgot about him, as if his friendship with them never existed, and that hurt even more. The pain felt so bad that he considered leaving the Mystery Skulls after they handle one more case.
One last case for him, and he will leave. Maybe talk to his uncle and see if he might have some answers.
And then everything went wrong.
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He couldn't leave Vivi alone. Not after what happened. Lewis wouldn't want that. Until Lewis either comes home or is found, Arthur swore to take care of Vivi in his place. It was the least he could do for them. That's what friends do, no matter how one feels.
So Arthur tried, again and again, to get Vivi to remember. He would show her pictures in multiple albums, the many pictures they took while on their adventures, tell her stories. Tell her happy memories, sad ones, funny ones, strange ones, frightening ones, memories of Lewis in general. But no matter how often Arthur tells them, Vivi would always forget by the end of the day if not within the hour while suffering from migraine-like headaches.
Lewis would be devastated at being forgotten. Arthur couldn't allow that to happen, he wouldn't allow that to happen. It's not fair that he could remember him while Vivi could not, and Arthur saw how much it pained Vivi when she couldn't remember. She would look at the photos on her own at times, and even though she sees the many images of Lewis, she still cannot remember what Lewis even looked like.
It's just not fair.
There were moments where it seemed like even he was forgetting Lewis, and he hated it. He needed to find Lewis, he has to find him. He can't forget him. If he does, then Lewis will never be remembered, never be found, never get the closure he and everyone else so desperately need.
Even if it's only to make the pain in his chest finally go away at the very least.
The Yukino family is grateful that Arthur helped with Vivi's care in the many times they couldn't. Her mother, known for her sunny and bright demeanor, cried and cried upon seeing Vivi's lack of memory and the blank look she displayed. Her father, known for his no-nonsense approach, could only watch with muted despair when any attempts at getting his daughter to recall what happened result in failure. Her grandmother being unusually quiet instead of showing her usual crankiness and skepticism. They could only feel relieved yet guilty when Vivi could easily recall them once Lewis is out of the discussion.
The Pepper family. Oh, the wonderful family known for their sweet and spicy personalities. The father and mother that took in a lost child as one of their own, and in just over a decade to find their loved one gone and missing. They didn't know what to think upon realizing that Vivi couldn't remember, that their sweet son had been forgotten. They could only be grateful knowing that Arthur remembered, but it wasn't enough to ease their hearts. Their three little girls are too young to understand what happened, other than that their big brother is missing.
Uncle Lance broke down upon seeing Arthur in the hospital bed, the only time Arthur ever saw his uncle shed tears. Arthur was told that he would've died had he not received immediate treatment after the animal attack. Arthur remembered being in shock upon realizing that his arm is just gone, and went hysterical upon seeing Mystery and he didn't know why before being sedated.
The hospital was hell. Arthur hated it. Despised it. Loathed it. Felt undeserving of the services. Vivi needed it more than he did due to her unusual selective amnesia. Lewis needed it more than he did.
But Lewis isn't here.
Arthur screamed with wailing grief. Not wanting to accept it.
As soon as he got out of the hospital, he worked himself to the bone to make that prosthetic arm that soon became his trademark. A trademark he hated. He hated associating it with Mystery, who gave him a special strain of fear that would not go away.
During the time it took to go through the physical therapy, Arthur would help Mr. and Mrs. Pepper by watching over their three girls. Belle, Cayenne, and Paprika were all too young to fully understand what happened to Lewis, other than that he is not home for the time being. Belle seemed to have an idea what is truly going on, and the expression Arthur saw on the eldest girl’s face made his heart ache. A child like her shouldn't have to go through the loss of a loving big brother. He tried to distract her by showing her some simple toys that ran with gears, and taught her how to take them apart or put them together.
Cayenne didn't prank him at all when the first one she did after Arthur got out of the hospital nearly ended in disaster. Seeing Mystery's head covered with red sauce was enough to make Arthur pass out with terror, and Cayenne, realizing the severity before her parents could scold her for it, refrained from doing any pranks on him since. Under normal circumstances, Arthur would've welcomed it, but it didn't feel right without Lewis being there to scold and give the middle child attention like he usually does. He couldn't help but actually feel slightly disappointed when he found that Cayenne hadn't spiked his milkshake with hot sauce for once.
Paprika. Oh, sweet little Paprika. The youngest one who adored Lewis and Arthur, often asking the former for rides on his shoulders, the latter for help on fixing her toys. Arthur knew that out of all of them, Paprika took Lewis's disappearance the hardest. Who would be there for her the next time she has a scary dream when her parents, already in grief from the news regarding their son, would be exhausted from managing and cooking from seven in the morning to four in the late afternoon?
Arthur knew that he isn't anywhere as ideal as Lewis for the three little Peppers, but he tried to help fill the void for them until their brother is found.
Because that's what friends do.
As soon as he was able, he started his search. He had to look for Lewis. Vivi only went with him so he wouldn't crash and burn, and she is all for paranormal investigations. She made a cheerful comment saying she's eager to go on a mission that Arthur accepted for once.
They searched through so many places. Places they remember looking through, places they previously investigated, places they were going to investigate, areas that seemed out of place.
But they couldn't find the cave.
Arthur did his best to protect Vivi, who often went into things head on without considering the dangers, in Lewis's place. When the van mysteriously broke down in front of that haunted mansion, Arthur went along with Vivi and Mystery to see if any clues to Lewis's whereabouts might be in there or even if someone might be willing to help, but things started to spiral downwards from here on out.
When that ghost declared to it was Arthur it hated the most, Arthur knew he had to get Vivi out of here. If she were to get hurt by the ghost armed with fire and powers that defied all sense, he knew Lewis wouldn't forgive him if Vivi got hurt. That heart had to be a trap. There are ghosts and spirits and monsters out there that would tempt unwitting and desirable people with a “treasured” item to lure them to their doom, and Vivi just about had that heart in her grasp.
Arthur didn't think twice when he moved to grab Vivi's hand and take her away from the danger. It's what Lewis would've done, and Arthur knew Lewis wouldn't forgive him if he left Vivi to be taken by that ghost's trap.
Sure enough, that ghost wasn't happy when Arthur took away its prey. The resulting explosion only served to prove that the ghost is more dangerous than they can handle.
They barely managed to escape with their lives. Arthur shoved Vivi into the van and drove off with a high speed. How the van is working again in the spur of the moment, Arthur has no idea. He's pretty sure the transmission got chewed up because of it, but once they're in a safe area, he can pull over to fix it with the meager tools he has until they drive back to Kingsmen Mechanics.
He hoped Lewis is okay. He hoped Lewis will be okay with him for trying to hold the fort in his place. He hoped Lewis will be thankful that Vivi is safe.
He hoped that Lewis will be happy with his efforts to bring them all together again.
Still... maybe once they find Lewis, they might be able to come back for the ghost and hopefully help it. No matter what, a ghost should always be able to find rest.
Lewis always had a way with words, and he has been able to help convince more than a fair few ghosts into letting go and moving on. Maybe Lewis can help convince the ghost that Arthur isn't to blame for its hatred.
But then...
It burned.
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“I-I can't trust this. I don't trust this at all,” Arthur shook his head while holding a small business card with four logos with a shaking hand.
Arthur and Elaine were in the living room sitting on the sofa. He tried to keep his breath steady, but he can only do so much.
“But the letter's from your uncle, right?” Elaine rose a brow as she read the letter again, “The one you've been sending letters to all these years?”
“Well, yeah, but... It's just... why now? I haven't sent him a letter in almost four months. It's just...” Arthur let out a breath of resigned frustration and set the card on the counter, “I don't like this. I don't like this at all. It's just... the fact that they found me is--”
“Are you thinking of going?” Elaine thankfully cut him off.
He struggled to keep the tears from forming, “Are you? We never involved anyone from my side at all. I didn't want anyone from Tempo to know.”
Arthur could only stare, a feeling of dread bubbling up in his throat.
For over seventeen years, Arthur had been away from Tempo. For fifteen years, he has been married to Elaine. For fourteen years, he has been a father to boy and girl twins and a little girl. For over seventeen years has he been safe. For all that time with Elaine, he has been happy. Some problems here and there, sure, but it was happy.
So why? Why is someone from Tempo here? He looked down slightly with a glowered expression while trying to keep his nerves from betraying him.
“Arthur,” Mr. Yukino slowly shook his head and smiled while looking relieved, “It really is you. Is this where you've been all this time?”
“You need me to explain the program to you, 'Mr. Snowfield'?” Arthur narrowed his eyes, “For your 'grandson,' if memory serves me right?”
“N-nani?” He blinked, confusion spreading over his face, “Ah... What?”
Arthur took his cell phone out from his pocket, pulling up the university's app. While on the pretense of searching through the app, he made a move to try sending a text to Elaine, hoping that she can get Gwen and Percy out from the school before Mr. Yukino notices. He has to get the kids out of here. If anyone from Tempo finds out about them, who know what could happen?! He will not let those monsters take them!
“For starters, your grandson will need a transcript from--”
Mr. Yukino grabbed his shoulder and held up a yellow envelope, “Arthur, I'm not here for that! I finally found you, just hear me out! We need your help! Please!”
Who gave you the right to touch anyone?
Automatically, Arthur swatted Mr. Yukino's hand away. He wasn't allowed to be near Vivi, even when she was the one to reach out. No doubt it extended to Vivi's family, as well. It didn't matter if Mr. Yukino looked conflicted or hurt, Arthur didn't want to risk the wraith's wrath.
“What,” Arthur spoke through gritted teeth, “Are you doing. I am not going--”
“Then at least read this! Please!” the older man pleaded and held the envelope out to him again, “It's from your uncle!”
Mr. Yukino tried to make another grab at Arthur. Arthur's sight became distorted as that damned voice echoed with his heartbeat.
Who gave you the right to be near her?
“What's going on here?!”
Arthur is really glad that his boss had returned upon hearing the commotion at that time and allowed him to take a two week leave. He doesn't have to come back until finals week to recover. He had no idea what happened to Mr. Yukino after security escorted him out, but Arthur couldn't bring himself to care now that he has been found.
Why? After all this time, he has been happy living this life. Away from his toxic past. Why did someone from back then have to find him now? He had thrown it all away and left like they wanted! Even now, they still try to forcefully bring him back?
“Still, you trust your uncle, and he's asking that you come visit him for Thanksgiving,” Elaine said, “I don't think that's out of the ordinary. We don't have our reunions at Thanksgiving, anyway, so we can go to this. We can just visit him and no one else.”
“Elaine, even if I did consider going, I wouldn't dream of bringing you guys with me,” Arthur gripped at his sleeves and shivered, “I mean, what are they going to do if they see you all? I don't want to imagine what might happen if those monsters got a hold of the kids.”
He tried to blink back the tears, but soon they started falling. It's over. His life with the Knights family is all over now that someone from Tempo has found him. He didn't even know how Mr. Yukino did it. He thought he was so careful. Where, when, and how did he mess up? Whatever it is, it's the reason it's all over for him. Soon, he will never be able to hold Elaine again and see her smile, or encourage Gwen and Percy all the way, or be there for Vivian whenever she cries. Soon, he won't live to see another day, live to see the kids grow up, live to--
His thoughts were interrupted when Elaine took his hands to hers.
“Your uncle also requested in his letter that we bring the kids along,” Elaine shrugged, “Gwen and Percy are fourteen, and they've had about seven years to refine and control their power, so I'm not worried about them. We'll have to make some extra protection charms for Vivian so she doesn't hurt herself or others, but I can ask either Mom or Aunt Morgan to come with us as a safety precaution. I'd bring Eleanor, but she's still in Montana with her husband.”
“S-Shouldn't we just not go? And if we did, we can't take Vivian. She's only three, she's too young to control herself even with the charms if one of us isn't around.”
Because out of all three, Vivian is the most vulnerable.
Elaine gave him a look as if he stated something ridiculous, “Arthur, you know very well that Vivian gets antsy when you're away. Besides me, you're the only one who can truly calm her down when she's upset or loses control of herself. And who can say that she won't try to escape and follow us all the way to Tempo? She's done that once before while you were at the university, remember?”
“Well, yeah, but I don't have powers like you guys do. I can't protect you from the monsters that are there!”
She rose a brow, “Arthur, who do you think you're talking to?”
Arthur blinked, then slapped a hand against his forehead. He felt like an idiot. Did he seriously forget in his panic that Elaine comes from a family of monster hunters?! Now there's nothing that could convince her to stay away from Tempo! If he goes back, then it's only a matter of time before that wraith finds him to finish him off, or that kitsune that took his arm will come back for more.
“Elaine, you don't understand, I--”
“Arthur. Elaine.”
Both Arthur and Elaine looked to the side to see who called to them.
“Nana Niniane,” Elaine moved her hand away from Arthur's face as the old woman approached, “When did you get here?”
“I heard from your mother that Arthur is having some trouble, so I came here to see what the commotion is about.”
Arthur occasionally forgets that Niniane can basically come in and go as she pleases. No one seems to complain about it, though.
Elaine held out the letter to her relative, and Niniane took her time to read it. The old woman's brow slowly rose, but otherwise her typical frown didn't change.
* * *
I know that it has been many years since I have last seen you, and months since your last letter. I have long accepted that you will not come home, but I've heard you have a family over there now. Will you and your family come over for a Thanksgiving visit at the very least? Your kids should have a break from school by then, don't they? I just want to see that you're okay and meet the people that have made you happy with my own eyes.
There are so many things I want to ask, but over the years I have accepted that I will not get any answers. I do have an idea on why you left, and in the chance that it is true, I will not involve the Peppers into that matter. However, I do ask that you do not blame Nobuhiro Yukino for this, for he and his family will not involve themselves in this either if that is what you wish.
I'm not sure if Nobuhiro said anything, but we all need your help. You're the only one who can help us make things right. Although it may not solve everything, I do want everyone to obtain closure, including yourself. We all just want the sadness and misunderstandings to end.
Even if you don't consider Tempo your home anymore, know that you will always have a place to return to here at Kingsmen Mechanics.
I miss you, Arthur. I really do.
- Lance Kingsmen
* * *
“I see here that this letter isn't stamped,” Niniane viewed the letter with distaste before glancing at Arthur, “I take it it was hand delivered?”
Reluctantly, he nodded.
“And who is this 'Nobuhiro Yukino' that is mentioned in the letter?”
“The father of someone I used to know, and the one who found me,” he trembled, “I don't know how he did it.”
“I see,” Niniane set the letter aside and picked up the card, “And these four logos?”
As much as Arthur didn't want to answer, he knew that Niniane wouldn't accept his reasoning, “The wrench with the crown is the logo for Kingsmen Mechanics. It's the auto repair shop my uncle owns that doubles as his house, it's also where I used to live. The snowflake is,” he sighs, “The crest of the Yukino family. Nobuhiro is from that family.”
“And the half-black, half-white skull and the odd question mark?”
Arthur turned away while grasping his left forearm. He tried not to tremble, but the areas where he suffered those awful burns around his shoulders, chest, and neck began to ache. He tried to answer, but all that came out was a shaky breath.
“I see.”
He looked up and saw Niniane look at the card with disdain.
“So these two indicate the monsters that hurt you. Abused you, even. All for something you had no control over if memory recalls.”
Elaine gently tilted Arthur's head to her direction, and gave him a questioning look to him and his prosthetic. He knew what she was going to ask. He narrowed his eyes in hopes of avoiding her gaze, but soon nodded slowly. Elaine, to her credit, held a steady expression.
“Arthur, do you really not want to see your uncle again? This may be your only chance, and you've been hiding away from your past for all these years. You escaped from your abuse,” Elaine bit her lips, “But you had to deal with so many nightmares as a result. I feel that if we don't go and help confront your fear, you'll never be able to fully move on.”
He gritted his teeth. He couldn't deny it. He wanted to see Lance at least one more time.
“My star,” he felt Elaine's hand lift his chin to her line of sight, “I'm well aware that it was those monsters that hurt you, and I promise you that if they're still there, and if they try anything, I will do everything in my power to protect you. I just want you to heal. You've been here for me, so now I will be there for you.”
The tears started to fall again. He couldn't let Elaine or the kids go to Tempo. If that wraith is still around, and he's sure it is, he feared that it will only be a matter of time before he is taken prisoner by it for its own amusement like it was before. Percy heavily resembles him, and Arthur knew that the wraith will make his son suffer the same fate should it encounter him. Who knows what it could do to Gwen, who might also be tortured just for being his daughter. He definitely didn't want to imagine what would happen if the wraith ever gets it hands on Vivian, who is too young to properly defend herself.
And if that kitsune had any motives against the children, it might hurt them and then not regret it for a second like it did against him...
“Arthur, my knight, do you remember what we promised each other on the day we got married?”
He looked up at her.
“That no matter what obstacle comes in our way, we are to take them head on together,” she gave him a resolute nod, “So I will go with you to Tempo.”
Arthur was about to protest again before cutting himself off. He knew he ran out of arguments to present to Elaine and Niniane. Soon, he gave out a long breath he didn't realize he was holding.
“I'm,” he held a hand over his face before moving it away with a heavy breath to grasp at the wedding ring he wears as a necklace beneath his shirt, “I'm not fully on board with this, but you're right. We might as well just get this over with. We'll go. If anyone is to get hurt, it'll most likely be m--”
“I will not let anyone or anything harm my family,” Niniane spoke with a sharp tone, “If anyone tries to harm you, I will to see it that they will regret their actions.”
Elaine rose a brow, “All right, but I was planning on asking Mom or Aunt Morgan to come with us.”
“You may always ask if either of them wishes to come. However, the both of them are busy maintaining the family shop and taking care of your grandmother, who is not in a state to be traveling. Tom and Miles are also busy with their jobs, and they have already been signed up for plans that allow them to visit their side of the families for Thanksgiving. Besides,” Niniane leaned down to Elaine, “You will need help caring for little Vivian.”
Arthur and Elaine looked at each other.
Elaine shrugged, then conceded, “Very well. You have my thanks, Nana Niniane,” she turned to Arthur, “We do need to let the kids know about this sometime soon.”
“It may be better to tell them now,” Niniane looked up at the ceiling with a brow raised, which lead in the general direction to the bedrooms, “Provided they are still awake, that is.”
Arthur, with his heart already feeling heavy enough as it is, started to make his way up the stairs with Elaine following behind him while Niniane stayed behind. He heard some fast movements, but didn't think anything of it when he knocked on Gwen's bedroom door and opened it.
“Oh, you're all here,” Arthur smiled at the sight of Gwen and Percy playing with Vivian and her tinker toys, or at least looked like they were about to start, “We need to talk for a bit.”
The twins looked at each other and blinked, while Vivian stood up and slowly walked to Arthur, grabbing at his clothes. Smiling slightly, he picked her up, then sat down on Gwen's bed.
“What's going on, Dad?” Percy asked.
“It's been decided that we're leaving to meet with family on the Friday before Thanksgiving,” Arthur said, “But it won't be with your aunt Eleanor or uncle Nick or with everyone else you know. Instead, we'll be visiting...” He really didn't want to say it, but he gave out a deep sigh, then started talking again, “We'll be visiting your grand uncle Lance in Tempo, Texas.”
The reaction is immediate, both Gwen and Percy did a double take, while Vivian looked up at him.
“Wait, we have another grand uncle besides Miles?” Gwen asked, “How come he wasn't at the family reunions?”
“Those at the reunions are all from my side of the family,” Elaine explained with a patient grin, “The grand uncle we'll be visiting is from your father's side. In other words, we'll be visiting Arthur's uncle in a little over a week.”
“Grampa?” Vivian mumbled.
“No, Vivian, 'grand uncle,'” Arthur corrected, “I'd rather we do not involve my parents in this.”
“What happened to them?” Gwen asked.
“Let's just say... the less we talk about them, the better,” he looked away, “I haven't spoken to them ever since I was eighteen. I'd rather keep it that way.”
Arthur noticed that Elaine gave the twins a look that told them not to press further. Vivian, who is no doubt too young to properly understand what is going on, gripped at his shirt and looked up.
Arthur's chest ached at the sight. For a brief moment, he wished that Vivian wasn't born at all, since it would mean that she wouldn't be around to see all the horrors that he will face as soon as he reaches Tempo. He does agree with Elaine that the twins can handle themselves, but with Vivian at the tender age of three and having trouble controlling her power, he knew that's she's as helpless as a normal three-year-old could get.
“Tempo is about a fourteen hour drive away from here, so it will take us two days to drive over there. We'll have to stop by a motel on the halfway point,” Elaine explained to the kids, “Like I said, we'll be leaving the Friday before Thanksgiving, and be there by Saturday evening. We'll be spending a week there and leave on Saturday morning after Thanksgiving. Do you get what I'm saying so far?”
The twins nodded, as did Vivian, although Arthur figured she's just copying her siblings.
“So what I need the both of you to do is to get your laundry done by Thursday, and gradually pack some changes of clothes. I will be sure to find a hotel that has a laundromat nearby so we can wash them when needed. You're welcome to bring at least two of your projects in this trip to show your grand uncle, but I do ask that they're not to be too big to fit in the van. Do you understand?”
The twins nodded again.
Arthur then spoke up, “The desert surrounding Tempo is known to have paranormal elements. There may be more there ever since I left, so I don't know how strong they are,” he held his left hand out to the twins, “So when we get there, I want you to stay close to me and your mother. And if by some chance you can't, always stay close to each other, and help protect Vivian. Understand?”
Gwen and Percy looked at each other with a concerned look, then Gwen took his hand and nodded.
“We'll be careful, Daddy.”
“That's a promise we'll keep,” Percy added as he also took Arthur's hand, “We'll make sure Vivian stays safe.”
“Pom-ise. Pom-ise,” Vivian leaned closer against him.
Arthur gave a small breath of amusement at Vivian's attempts to speak a new word and smiled ruefully.
Gwen. Percy. Vivian.
How he wished they wouldn't become involved with anyone from Tempo.
It was at this moment that he knew, that he could only protect this happiness for so long.
It hurts. It hurts. It hurts. It hurts. It hurts.
All because he said didn't want it.
It may have been something he wanted at one point, but didn't know for sure. He didn't understand why he felt so alone despite being with those he thought were his best friends.
No, he knew why, but that's not how it should work. It's all wrong.
The punishment from the vengeful wraith hurt so badly, for both his body and his soul. He knew he deserved it, since he is the one who killed his best friend while under the demon's influence, but he didn't want the pain anymore after so many times. He already knew what he did, the sin he will forever bear for the rest of his life and beyond. Falling victim to possession, unable to fight it off, unable to throw himself off to save his friend despite his efforts.
His heart ached painfully enough.
Why did everything go so wrong? Why did they have to ask that question?
He couldn't take it anymore.
There's no one who could help him.
For almost half a year, he could let them do whatever they wanted with him.
But he couldn't let them have the only thing he has left, not after all this.
With a heavy heart, before he could fully process what he was doing, he had gone to the bank and withdrew a decent amount of his savings, went to Kingsmen Mechanics to pack the tools, clothes, and other minor essentials that he could, put Galahad in a travel cage, bought a bus ticket, started to leave, and...
“Arthur, where are you going?”
Arthur saw his uncle give him a concerned look, which isn't something the older man is known for doing.
“Hey, I...”
“Where are you going?” Lance repeated, “You don't need to take a bus to get back home, I could just drive you back.”
“N-no, it's not that,” Arthur shook his head, “It's just... They're not expecting me back until Thursday, so I thought I could take the next two days to give myself some... time alone. To think.”
“Like a vacation?” Lance blinked, thrown off by his nephew's words, “I guess that could do you some good. Where at?”
Arthur didn't answer. He hoped he didn't have to say anything to his uncle, but he knew he had to leave soon, “Just anywhere but here, really.”
“Wait, Arthur,” Lance grabbed Arthur's arm, “What happened back at Lewis's place?”
Arthur is glad that Lance grabbed his left arm, or else Arthur would have cried out in pain and drop Galahad's cage. The bruises on his arm, chest, neck, and back hurt so much, and he knew that if Lance caught on, then Vivi's remaining happiness will shatter for good. It would be cruel to tear the Peppers apart again.
“We had a disagreement about some... future possibilities,” Arthur tried to answer as truthfully as he could without disclosing the actual reason. The best lies always have some truth mixed in, “I just need some time for myself to clear my head.”
“Lance, please,” he set Galahad's cage aside on a nearby table and looked at his uncle dead in the eye, “I need this. I just, I just want to be able to think about things without anyone saying anything. I just need some time away from here. I just...” His breath hitched, “I need a break, Lance. Please. I'll even call you once I reach my destination.”
Destination. Hah! Not even Arthur himself knew where he is going, and he already removed the SIM card from his phone. He just wanted to get away from Tempo before the Mystery Skulls catch on and not find him to drag him back like a prisoner. He won't let them take the only thing about him that's left.
His uncle looked like he wanted to ask more questions, but instead the older man took Arthur into his arms. Arthur stiffened and bit his tongue to stop himself from grunting in pain.
Lance isn't known for being directly affectionate, so why is he...?
“Call me if you ever need anything, Arthur. Okay?”
Arthur nodded, and with only last look at Lance, he left Kingsmen Mechanics with his backpack and Galahad in tow.
I have to hurry. Hurry. Before they notice.
Arthur turned to his uncle again, who held a set of keys.
“I'll drive you to the bus stop.”
Thankfully, Lance didn't ask any questions after that. With his uncle's help, Arthur made it to the bus stop with a few minutes to spare. Seeing Lance wave at him is the last thing Arthur saw before he turned away as the bus left with him inside.
I'm sorry, Lance. Arthur looked down at Galahad gnawing on a seed. But I can't ever come back here.
This is it. He made the final step of boarding the bus and riding on through. There is no turning back now. With this decision, he has abandoned everything he knew. His home, his only family, the van he spent so much time maintaining... and the ones he thought were his friends.
...No, he knew he is hated now. Hated for not handing it over when they asked for it. Hated by everyone when everything went wrong because he is so weak.
When the bus left the town border, Arthur started humming to himself. At first it was just random notes, but before he knew it, he started humming the tune that the Deadbeats would sing. His voice trembled as he hummed, trying to conceal the nervous yet relieved and gleeful laughter bubbling up in his throat, his breath hitching as tears of relief began to fall.
He is finally, finally out of the hell that was his so-called 'home.'
His humming stuttered.
T-this time I m-might just d-disap-p-pe-e-ear~
The next two days passed without incident, but Arthur knew that the day he would be returning to Tempo, and thus lose everything, is getting closer by the hour.
His nightmares returned with a vengeance once again. The wraith would torture him and attempt to take the children, all three being depicted as defenseless babies at different times, or he would have his throat bitten in half by the kitsune that took his arm, or he would be tormented by the sight of blackened green while hearing the screams of the Mystery Skulls.
He didn't want to wake Elaine every hour of the night for her to be there for him, so he tried to tough it out by staying awake all night to watch over Vivian as she slept. It didn't go as intended, of course, since Elaine soon caught him still awake and would coax him to bed. Arthur could only tremble as Elaine held on to him throughout the night before sleep finally claimed him.
Arthur went with Elaine to Four of a Kind Queens to give himself the opportunity to teach Vivian about the family trade. Elaine went into the front with her aunt and mother to do the main work, while Arthur remained in the always closed off fifth garage, showing Vivian various wrenches, screwdrivers, and other tools that were relatively safe to show to a three-year-old. The little girl took a liking to a small combination wrench, and Arthur made a mental note to look for a toy resembling it later before he leaves for Tempo.
It would be the last thing he could gift her. He wondered if Vivian will remember him once he dies, then made the sad conclusion based on her age: Probably not.
“What are you doing here?!”
Arthur and Vivian jumped and turned to the door.
“M-Mama?” Vivian sounded scared. It made sense, because Elaine isn't known to raise her voice around others. Even when angry, Elaine is usually the whole “tranquil fury” type of woman.
“Please, I just need to talk to Arthur! I--”
“We are not interested! You have already left the letter to us! Leave at once!”
Arthur's blood went cold upon hearing the foreign voice. Mr. Yukino found out about this place, too?! Why?! He left Tempo because they wanted him to! Why are they trying to contact him after so long?!
Not taking a chance to think twice, Arthur took Vivian inside Vivienne's home. The last thing Arthur wants is for Vivian to get scared, or expose his daughter to the man searching for him that is just inside the shop's lobby. He hoped that Vivi isn't with her father, otherwise that meant the wraith is with her, and that will mean that the wraith will take away his only reasons of living, and--
“Arthur? Is everything all right?”
He set Vivian down and saw Vivienne approach him with her wheelchair. The old woman that is his grandmother-in-law, nearly reaching ninety years of her life, gave Arthur a look of concern.
“Yeah, it's just,” He tried to answer her truthfully, but struggled to find the right words, “It looks like there's an unwelcome customer in the shop.”
Vivienne rose a brow and looked at the doorway.
“I see. I will go and look,” she started to wheel her way to the garage before stopping to give Vivian, her great-granddaughter, a gentle poke on her cheek as a sign of affection, then left to see the shop lobby. When the door opened, Arthur could hear the yelling persist.
“-- don't understand! My mother Fuyuko had--!”
Arthur picked up Vivian again and went into the living room, further away from the shop, and sat down on the sofa with Vivian in his lap. He's is glad that Gwen and Percy are at the university for a Saturday club activity, and that they won't be back for another few hours. The last thing any of the kids need is hearing the crazy drama going on.
...all because of him.
His chest ached, just like how it used to do so many years ago. Placing a hand over his face, Arthur tried to keep his emotion under control. He took slow breaths, knowing it wouldn't do if Vivian saw him break down.
Soon, in less than a week, Arthur's life will be  lost.
“I love you, Vivian. You know that, right?”
Vivian looked up at him with an unreadable expression. Smiling sadly, Arthur's brow furrowed as he held her close, rubbing the back of her head.
“Daddy?” Vivian reached up to touch his face, “Love Daddy?”
He put his hand over hers. Sometimes, it's easy forget that she's only three. He often wonders at just what goes through her mind at times.
“Yeah, Vivian. Love you, too.”
The timer keeps going down.
He looked up, seeing Elaine smile at him sadly.
“Mama,” Vivian reached out.
“My knight,” she said as she held her daughter's hand and look at him, “How are you holding up?”
“I'm... all right,” he nodded a little and released Vivian from his arms so Elaine could hold her, “I... What happened at the shop?”
“You remember that Nobuhiro Yukino guy that approached you at the school two days ago?”
He tensed, then nodded again.
“He really wanted to talk to you, but I know you have no intention of doing that. Once he got the hint, he did one thing that might throw a wrench in our plans of going to Tempo next week.”
“...What did he do?”
“He hired us for a job to... help someone, so to speak. There's a ghost in Tempo that's been sealed in an old mansion inside a forest within the Tempo outskirts. He wants us to help it find eternal rest.”
Wait, what?
“Arthur, I have to ask you something, and I need you to answer me honestly.”
Reluctantly, he answered, “What do you need to know?”
Elaine looked like she is struggling to speak, then took a deep breath and asked.
“Before you left Tempo, did you know anyone named Lewis Pepper?”
Why?! Why did this have to happen to us?
Why did everything have to go so wrong?!
Did we think that little of him?!
Why didn't we listen?
The danger was so obvious.
And yet...
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* ~ * ~ * ~ * ~ * ~ *
Maybe there’s no guarantee...
Part 13: How Unlucky...
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castielgurl · 5 years
Avengers Endgame Alternate Ending: How it should end. Romanogers
This how I want for my Romanogers conclusion. Well, screws the canon!
1.       Natasha and Steve in the mission to get the soul stone. Steve volunteers to do a sacrifice and Nat agree at first. Nat go along with the plan eventually she tricks him. He did not let her go he said he cannot lose her because he had lost everyone in his life. Natasha tells him to let her go she did promise him to save his life. She said he deserves to live his life and the team needs him. She said is going to be okay and say she love him so much. Steve pulls her to him to hold her. She hugs him and eventually let her body fall. Steve is terrified when he sees Nat fall. Steve jump to save her but both of them the fall. He wakes up and saw Nat died bloody he cry and held her in his arms. Suddenly he was floating on the river and gets the stone. During the battle with Thanos, he wearing the gauntlet and do the snap and cause his life. As he dies he said to Bucky he going to see his mother, Peggy and be with Natasha in the end.
 2.       Clint dies to get the soul stone and he did to get his family back. Steve and Nat live until the last battle. When everyone comes back and Steve and Nat going time travel together to return all the infinity stone the original place. They return the Space stone in the 70s. Nat saw how Steve see Peggy she knows how much he wants to have her back. Nat steal Steve GPS and left him there so he can have the life he always wanted. Steve dating Peggy but he realized this is not what he looking for. She had met her future husband during that time. He understands is cruel to steal Peggy life and happiness she has in the original timeline. Steve take years before Howard Stark and Hank Pym invented the time machine and go back to the original timeline and ask Natasha to move on with him. He realized it was Natasha is the love of his life all this time. They ended up retire together live a peaceful life far from Avengers.
 3.       During a team gathering after Thanos battle is over. He sees everyone face, all of them coming back except Natasha. Steve suddenly break his silence when he talks about Natasha how much he misses her and she is the one he shared life experience with. He recalls during his first Christmas he was alone and she came to his apartment to bring whiskey and cook turkey dinner for him because she does not want him to be alone like she did. He never forgets how important she is to him because he could not be what he is now if it wasn`t because of her. She made him into Captain America today, not Erskine, Bucky or Peggy but she did. It hit him hard how much regret he felt because he did not say thank you for everything she did for him and for everyone life. He wishes he could say he loves her and now everything is too late. He really doesn`t know how he going to continue his life without her, his partner. He realized he did not have anything to be here anymore because she was not there. And he leaves to travel through time and no one knows where he is going. He never comes back and no one has seen him since then.
 4.       Steve during his time travel to 2012 New York. He going to return the scepter and he saw Natasha again. His heart jumped when he sees her. He cannot help keep staring at her. He misses her so much and cannot accept the facts that she died. Part of him has to calm himself not to break down crying in front of her and other parts of him want to grab and hugs her tightly. During return the scepter Nat caught him and later confronts him. She thought him the Captain America and calls him Cap rather than Steve like she used to. She did not know Cap that well at that time. Steve tries to keep their conversation longer and eventually, she did not suspect anything. She suggested finding him a date which reminds him why she keeps doing it. Why he never asked her out by himself? If he asking, will she say yes? Is it will affect their relationship to current Steve Rogers who lived now? And he did asking her out, she skeptical at first and smoothly rejected him by using lame excuses. But after the awkward silence, she finally said maybe next time they can go and drink a milkshake. And he smiling and saw she went blushing. And he said why not one day. Before separated Steve saying goodbye and thanks to her for everything, she did with tears in his eyes. Natasha looks at him weirdly and wonders what is going on. He eventually hugs her like the last time he will saw her. She eventually smiles and tells him to find her if he needed support. After he returns all the stone he going back to the original timeline and found Natasha was there waiting for him. He is very happy to see her alive again. Natasha looks at him weirdly and does not understand why he said she alive, she is alive all this time and he only gone for 5 seconds. Natasha kisses him and drags him to come back home to their son James.
 5.       During his, trip to Vormir to return the soul stone he was shocked to meet Red Skull again. But he not being psychopath like he used to and he seems harmless. He asked if he returns the soul stone will he get back Natasha soul back? He said the death is irreversible. The red skull said to drop the stone in to the cliff. He said if the soul has taken by the stone allow them to see themselves he will see Natasha again. And he did drop the stone and suddenly he in the place he not recognize. The entire sky looks in red and he sitting on the river the water is everywhere but he did not wet his suit. He looks forward and saw red hair women wearing the same outfits during the first time of their meeting. She knows it is her. He calls her and she turns her heads. She looks beautiful like impossibly beautiful and peaceful. He swears she looks like an angel from heaven. She smiles and asks him if they win. He said yes. Natasha nodded like she knows they will win. And she asked again what does it cost? That question caught him panic like he did not know how to answer it. He finally breaks down in tears and said it cost his entire life. His life without her and say he cannot live without her. She said is going to be all right. He still has time to live his life. He had to let her go. Steve said no he cannot and run to her to holds her into his arms. And suddenly she disappears and he back to dark winter land of Vormir like it was a dream. He thought he was dreaming but Red Skull said he did not because the soul that taken away only allow to see themselves if that person truly loves them. Steve now realized after all this time he did truly love her. And he goes back to 70s and met Peggy and stay there because that is what Natasha would have wanted. Steve bring a compass with a Natasha photo inside it and name of one his daughter Natasha.
 6.       Steve lives with Peggy in the 70s and gets married. Until Peggy die from old age. He was aging slowly. He works for SHIELD and takes down Hydra early than the expected before it spread inside SHIELD. He found Bucky and pulls him out from being the assassins as he in the future and before he kills Tony parents. During his mission, he encounters the red room assassins name Black Widow. Steve knows he will meet her again. They fight and he knows her every move. She is evil and heartless. SHIELD finally catches her they wanted to be rid of her. But Steve protects her and asking them to gives his time to convince her to turn her into a hero and avenger like she supposed to be. Everyone thinks he is crazy but believes she can change. And Natasha was touch by Steve intention and they fall in love with each other.
 7.       After Steve did not return from his time travel. Falcon and everyone continue to lead the new Avengers. Captain Marvel, Black Panther, Scarlet Witch, Dr. Strange, Spiderman, Winter Soldier, Ant-man, the wasp is part of the new Avengers. One day in the avenger’s facility, the group of unknown people coming to face them. They all wearing a suit, and tech armor which similar to what Iron Man made. They look like a group of superheroes. At first, they fight each other because they did not know who they are and what intention of coming there. Before one of the women tell them to stop fighting and said they did not come to make chaos. They introduce themselves as the Avengers which are cause more confusing. How can they be another Avengers that they did not know about? They explained it they are the Avengers from the 20 years after the future. Which is cause shocking revealing, one of the women claim as Scott Lang daughter, Cassie she tells a secret about her father which confirm she is indeed his daughter. They tell their story and why and how they come back to the past. They said they come to find out why their parents suddenly disappear and included many people lost their families. Like their existence are erased. Cassie and Morgan Stark who apparently Tony Stark daughter the only member team has survived. Morgan invented a time portal and travel back to past to tell their teammates about the upcoming events and to prevent it from happening. They found the cause someone has changed the event in the past and created an alternate timeline. Where in that timeline some of their families did not exist including themselves. In simple explanations, if the parents did not exist their children are automatically erased.  The Avengers finally understand why they come, but they did not know how they going to help them. After the discussion one of them is a young man who had fair skin, muscular about six foot asking where are the Avengers Iron Man, Hawkeye, Hulk, Captain America, Black Widow, and Thor. The Avengers explained to them where they are and they were shocked to hear Iron Man died, and Captain America going to travel time and never come back to stay in the 70s. The young man asking where is Black Widow? All of them look sad to reveal what happened to her. Wanda finally tells him she died because she sacrifices herself to get a soul stone. The young man could not believe what he heard, he looks sad and angry his emotions change suddenly. He asks why Captain America let her die, and what did he do during that? They explained to him and he looks very angry suddenly he hit the table and it breaks into pieces. Falcon asking why he very angry and what does Natasha has to do with him. He said Natasha is his mother.
Which one is your favorite? I probably will be writing for one this ending in the upcoming Romanogers week. So let me know which one I should do?
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txnysheart · 5 years
let’s get on with living (while we can) [7]
chapter 7: i intend to hold you for the longest time
word count: 6815
warnings: chemo, chemo side effects, homophobia
summary: the press start speculating about steve and tony’s absence from the public, peter goes through his second round of chemo, and there’s a press conference
read on ao3: x
playlist: x
chapter 1 - chapter 2 - chapter 3 - chapter 4 - chapter 5 - chapter 6 - chapter 7 - chapter 8 - chapter 9
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ARE THE SUPERHERO HUSBANDS RETIRING? - Originally Posted on 29 Oct 2017, at 19:57
Sierra Nelson BuzzFeed Staff - Tony and Steve Stark-Rogers not making any public appearances for the past three and a half weeks has, understandably, started a flow of rumors. Avid fans have theorized everything from holidays to assassinations. However, the most popular theory is that this is the end of their careers as superheroes and the beginning of a comfortable retirement.
Tony is over halfway through his forties - I know, we can’t believe it either - and Steve will be an entire century old next year. The superhero business is a very dangerous and taxing one, so it would be understandable that they’d want to quit now, after all these years of risking their lives to keep civilians safe.
As much as they’ve earned a it, saving the world and whatnot, there are a few things that just don’t add up with the retirement theory.
First of all, they haven’t made any public statements about it. They were not part of the fight that took place right outside New York City two days ago. Only Natasha Romanoff, Bucky Barnes, James Rhodes and Sam Wilson were present. People were, and still are, expecting an explanation as to why neither Tony or Steve Stark-Rogers were on the scene, but so far; nothing.
Another point that has been made is that their teenage son, Peter Stark-Rogers, has also been absent from the public for just as long as his parents. While not much is known about the boy, we all know seeing him out with his dads, or other Avengers, is a common occurrence, as well as seeing him outside the tower as he heads to and returns from school. This has led some to believe that they could have moved to a more remote city no one has figured out where is yet, since Peter would obviously have to attend school somewhere.
Something many have suggested is that this is nothing more than a successful attempt at a secret vacation. After the incident two years ago where the paparazzi figured out the address of their holiday home in Malibu, it would make perfect sense for them to do their best to keep their travel plans private. No one will ever forget the iconic video of the couple telling the paparazzi off rather aggressively. Rightfully so, as they had snuck into the backyard, spooking their then 14-year old son who had been out there by himself.
So, the questions are many. Have we seen the last of Iron Man and Captain America in action? Are they on vacation? Are they just keeping a low profile? Or is something else going on?
Peter had just been scrolling on his phone, but handed it over to Tony when he saw the article. Tony held the phone in his left hand - he’d finally gotten the cast off the previous day.
“What’s wrong?” Natasha asked suspiciously as she eyed Tony’s skeptical expression.
“Press is speculating about why Steve and I haven’t been seen in public for a while,” he sighed, handing the phone over to Steve.
“What’s it say?” Sam asked, leaning forward. Everyone else was listening now too.
Bucky, Natasha, Sam, Pepper, Rhodey and Happy were all spending the day with Peter, Tony and Steve, seeing as the second round of chemo would begin the next day. They often popped in for short visits, but Steve had invited everyone over for dinner to take Peter’s mind off of things. By things, he really meant chemo.
“Just theories about why no one’s seen us. Looks like it’s tied between retirement and secret vacation,” Tony told them.
“Secret vacation would make sense, though. I mean, after what happened in Malibu,” Rhodey commented.
“A repeat of that, and I might actually kill the paparazzi this time,” Tony muttered, not forgetting how much they’d scared Peter anytime soon.
“That makes two of us,” Steve agreed with raised eyebrows and slightly tense body language.
“Yeah, that was… not fun,” the boy agreed, a tad bit uncomfortable thinking back to the event, and adjusted his beanie. He was rarely seen without it now.
“Quite the understatement, kid,” Steve commented when he gave him his phone back.
“Can I see that, Peter?” Pepper asked, already planning out an approach to this in her head. “Thanks,” she smiled when he gave her the phone. Reading over the article swiftly, she soon handed it back, and straightened up, suddenly looking very professional.
“Alright, what we need to do is to make some sort of public announcement, or they’ll just keep on speculating. I’m thinking a small press conference where I choose who get to be there so we know that whoever’s there are serious reporters. No tabloids, no people who’ve written or spoken negatively about you before, etcetera,” she suggested, but knew everyone would agree.
“You’re the expert when it comes to this. Sounds very good, Pep,” Tony approved.
“But what do we tell them? How specific are we?” Steve asked to clarify.
“We don’t lie, but they don’t need all the details,” she continued, and then made eye contact with Peter. “And you’re old enough to be part of deciding how much you want the press knowing. If you want them to know what’s going on with you, that’s okay, but we could also just tell them that there’s a personal emergency. They don’t need to know everything right now.”
“Yeah… Yeah, that last option sounds good,” Peter decided hesitantly. Pepper knew that they’d eventually have to come clean about what was happening, but didn’t say it out loud.
“Who’s gonna be holding the press conference?” Bucky asked. He was leaning back in the couch, arms crossed. Natasha was sitting next to him, cross legged, one knee resting on his thigh.
“Would you two do it?” Pepper asked Tony and Steve, who both nodded.
“Definitely,” Steve confirmed, then looking down at a tense Peter next to him. “You don’t have to be there,” he assured him.
“Good,” he breathed out, not at all fond of crowds. Especially not ones where he would be the center of attention.
“I’ll arrange it for Tuesday,” Pepper said, looking around the room to see if anyone disagreed. Tony shook his head.
“That would be great, but… chemo’s Monday through Wednesday. We can’t leave Peter.” The boy squirmed at his Dad’s words, feeling like a bother.
“Oh, god. Sorry. I- Sorry, it completely slipped my mind for a second,” Pepper apologized, realizing she’d gone full work mode and forgotten about the actual nature of the situation.
“Thursday could work,” Steve suggested. “If someone could look after Pete while we’re gone.”
“I’m not a baby,” Peter protested lazily.
“No, but you’re not gonna be feeling well,” Tony told him, even though he knew Peter knew.
“Right.” He looked uncomfortable at the thought. He’d rather forget about it for as long as he could.
“We’re watching the press conference together, obviously, so we’ll all be here with him,” Natasha said, as if stating the obvious.
Peter was relieved, but also a bit reluctant to let them see him at his worst. Even if it would only be for an hour or so, it could turn out to be just when he’s puking his insides out. He wasn’t keen on anyone having to be there for that.
“Good. Good, thank you,” Tony smiled. How he’d ended up with such great friends, he’d never understand. Natasha sent him a half smile, a little put off by the way he was acting. The snarky, sarcastic Tony had faded away rapidly the past few weeks, and the change was kind of unnerving. She’d kill for a ‘thank you’ packed into a joke at her expense. There’d never been any doubt that Tony cared about his family and friends more than anything. But he’d always shown it in his own distinct way. Not like this.
“Sure. Anytime.”
“You’ve lost some weight, Peter,” Doctor Anne Reynolds said, her face expressing gentle concern when he stepped off the scale. Before each round of chemotherapy, he had to go through a few standard tests; a scan of his lungs, a physical examination, and a weighing.
“I know, I’m sorry,” Peter said sheepishly.
“It’s alright, I know it’s difficult to eat. What kind of foods have you had?”
“Uhm, it- it hasn’t been very varied,” he chuckled. “I’ve had a lot of smoothies and milkshakes. And pancakes and, uh… soggy corn flakes.”
“You’d be surprised how many people’s go-to food is soggy cereal,” Anne smiled reassuringly, writing down what he told her. “Well, everything is set. I’ll give you more antinausea drugs this time, that sound good?”
“Yeah, that’d be nice.”
After a last minute trip to the toilet, he settled in the same comfortable chair he sat in last time. “I’m sorry, I know you don’t like this part,” Anne apologized when she saw Peter squeezing his eyes shut at the sight of the IV. “You’re lucky you’ve got good veins, so I don’t have to stab you five times to get it right.” That got a slight laugh out of the boy. “There. All done!”
He relaxed his tense body, leaning back in the chair. “Bring on the drugs,” he smirked playfully, trying to hide how nervous he was. The first time he’d been scared because it was all new. He didn’t know what to expect, other than it being not nice. This time he was scared because he knew what it’d be like: very not nice. Maybe even less nice than last time.
With even more antinausea medication than the first time, he became really drowsy, curling up into a ball. Steve and Tony spoke softly to him, and by the time he was switched over to the chemo drugs, he was half asleep. He fell asleep shortly after, and was only really awake to drink water. When awake, he recognized the warm sensation murmuring in his body that Anne had explained was completely normal, and nothing to worry about. It was constant, almost buzzing, and even though he’d describe it as warm, he still felt cold. He was wrapped up in a thick duvet, and was, as always nowadays, wearing his beanie.
It was Steve who woke him up when it was time to move to the bedroom. He blinked tiredly up at him. God, he looked so young. “We’re just gonna move to bed, and then you can go back to sleep,” he explained, putting an arm behind his back to gently push him to sit up properly. “And Dad has pills for you that’s gonna help even more with the nausea later.”
“Mhm,” Peter acknowledged, stretching his legs out; they were pretty stiff after being curled up for hours.
“You good to walk?” Steve asked just to be sure.
“Mhm. Yeah, I’m good,” he yawned as he planted his sock-clad feet on the ground. “Where’s Dad?”
“In the bedroom,” Steve told him with a smile. Peter was adorable when he was tired. Shuffling his feet, he eventually made it there, Tony ready by the bed to tuck him in.
“You just go back to sleep,” Tony whispered, making sure the boy was comfortable, and kissed his forehead. With closed eyes, Peter reached one hand up to pull his beanie off, dropping it next to his pillow before dozing off.
Biting his cheek, Tony held back tears with a slight grimace on his face. It was so obvious - too obvious - now how sick Peter was, and he hated thinking about it so much. He absolutely despised it. Still, he couldn’t stop looking at him. His son. His only son. Probably the only child he’d ever have. And that was more than enough - he didn’t need anyone else. Peter was all he wanted. All he could ever wish for, and so much more.
I won’t ask why, he reminded himself.
“You okay?” Steve asked quietly, observing his husband. Tony shook his head.
“Me neither.” Steve tugged at his hand, making him turn around so he could see his face properly. He didn’t like the hazy look in his eyes. “Don’t go,” he pleaded, voice so full of emotion, yet so quiet. His fingers danced over Tony’s cheekbone.
“I won’t. I’m right here.” Even though he was whispering, it was clear that he was sincere. And determined not to dissociate again. Steve was too, and brought him to their bed in the same room. None of them planned on sleeping - Peter could wake up at any given time - but Steve just wanted to hold him. To keep him firmly grounded. Tony let him; letting his husband dominate his senses. They breathed.
Steve hummed a melody Tony only recognized because he’d hummed it to him before. A part of him wanted to ask him what song it was, but he didn’t. If he did, it wouldn’t be special anymore.
The lights were dimmed - dark enough for Peter to sleep undisturbed, but bright enough for his dads to be able to see him. They were both faced towards him, Steve spooning Tony, holding him tightly.
“When he was little, I used to just watch him sleep. I… I didn’t sleep much, so I’d just sit and watch him,” Tony mumbled, eyes never leaving Peter. The way he let his sentence hang in the air told Steve that he wasn’t done talking. He just needed to organize his thoughts. “Always made him look even younger than he is,” he settled on.
“Mhm. Looks like a baby when he sleeps. Even now.” His voice was slightly muffled by Tony’s hair, and he used the opportunity to place a couple of kisses to the back of his husband’s head. Tony reciprocated by bringing Steve’s hand that was resting on his stomach to his lips, leaving feathery kisses on his knuckles, then cradling said hand to his chest.
How much time had passed when a noise from Peter caught their attention, they weren’t sure of, but they were up right away to see if something was wrong. By the time they reached his bedside, he was sitting up.
“Are you gonna be sick?” Steve asked, a hand on his shoulder. The boy’s face scrunched up.
“Not sure. Probably,” he mumbled. His face paled. “Yeah. Definitely.”
Tony grabbed the plastic bucket from right next to the bed, bringing it up to hold under Peter’s chin just in time. As he threw up, tears rolled down his face, and he sobbed whenever he got a break, which in turn had him panicking because he couldn’t catch his breath.
“You gotta breathe, sweetheart,” Steve coaxed when Peter’s throwing up paused for a little while. His breath hitched, making him cough, but he got a good, albeit shaky, deep breath, and it calmed him down a little; stopped his crying. Another deep breath, and then he was heaving into the bucket again, his stomach nearly empty, and then there was only bile coming up. It burned in Peter’s throat.
When nothing was left, Peter was still dry heaving, unable to stop his stomach from spasming, and he was crying again. He absolutely despised that part. It went on for at least a minute, and then he was breathing heavily, feeling exhausted. “I’m done,” he sighed, letting himself be pulled into Steve’s side while Tony went to clean the bucket.
“Honey, will you get him his toothbrush?” Steve called out.
“Sure thing,” Tony confirmed, flushing the contents of the bucket down the toilet.
“How’re you feeling?” Steve asked Peter, voice low and comforting.
“‘m okay. Really tired,” Peter mumbled into his chest, and it was just something about the way that he was slumped against him that made him tighten his grip around the boy and take hold of his legs to carefully hoist him into his lap. “Not a baby,” Peter attempted to protest, but the way he relaxed in his Pops’ arms betrayed his words. His face was pressed into Steve’s shoulder, and Steve was drawing slow circles on his back.
The endearing scene made Tony swoon when he came back into the room with the - now clean - bucket and Peter’s toothbrush.
Not even two minutes later, Peter was tucked back in, having brushed the acidic taste in his mouth away, and he’d swallowed an antinausea pill which he was begging would work.
When he’d dozed off again, the dads were still at his bedside, and Tony lifted his hand up hesitantly. He drew it back, letting it linger in the air. He almost put it back down in his lap, but decided against it, bringing it to Peter’s head.
Ever since they’d shaved his head, Peter hadn’t let anyone touch it, and always wore a beanie in the day. But the way he leaned into the touch even in his sleep, had Tony and Steve smiling. Tony lightly drew figures with his fingers, consumed by the way his son reacted to it; the same way he always had.
The usual feel of his soft curls was gone, and it felt a little strange to caress his son’s bald head, but he still adored it. Anything that’d make Peter feel better, Tony would do, and that was no secret. Steve would too, and was just as captivated at the scene in front of him as his husband.
Quietly scooching his chair closer to Tony’s, he latched onto the arm that wasn’t occupied with Peter, resting his head on Tony’s shoulder.
“Tired, honey?” Tony whispered, turning his head to look down at his husband.
“Doesn’t matter,” he mumbled with a smile, meeting Tony’s eyes for a couple of seconds before looking back down at Peter, content to just sit there watching him. “Love you, Tony,” he whispered.
“Sap,” Tony smirked, but still placed a kiss to the side of his head.
“Sure,” Steve laughed softly, tightening his grip on Tony’s arm a little.
There was a knock on their bedroom door fairly early in the morning. Being the least groggy of the three, Steve got up and opened the door.
“Morning, Doctor. Everything alright?” he smiled politely at Anne who was holding a plastic bag.
“Oh, yeah, all good. I brought something for Peter. Is it okay if I come in for a bit?” she asked cheerily.
“Sure, of course. Pete just woke up.” Steve stepped aside, opening the door wider to let Anne into their room. She always had a smile on her face, and it was contagious.
“Good morning,” Tony greeted her from the chair next to Peter’s bed.
“Hey, Anne,” sounded the boy, giving her a wave. He was sitting up in bed, messing around with his phone.
“Sleep well?” she asked, sitting down in a chair on the other side of the bed. Steve sat down next to Tony.
“Yeah, pretty well. Only woke up a couple times, and fell right back to sleep,” Peter confirmed, pleased with at least feeling rested.
“Threw up?”
“Yeah,” Peter grimaced, “but it’s fine. Less than last time.”
“Well, good. ‘Cause I brought you something.
“Mhm. You said you hadn’t been eating very varied, right?”
“Yeah,” he chuckled, curious as to what she’d brought.
“So, I brought some other foods I think you might like.” The plastic bag she had put down by her feet rustled as she picked it up to put on her lap. “Get that overbed table, would you?” she asked Tony. It was right next to him, against the wall, so he was able to grab it without getting up, wheeling it so it was over Peter’s lap. “Thank you, Tony.” Both men had insisted on being called by their first name, just as Anne had.
First thing she put on the table was a small lidded plastic bowl of fruit salad. “I just brought small samples of everything, ‘cause I’m pretty sure you won’t like even half of it,” she chuckled. “But I think this is a great way to figure out more things you can eat so you don’t grow tired of the same things over and over again.
“Soggy corn flakes is getting a little boring,” Peter admitted.
“Good! Means you’re open to trying some new foods. This fruit salad doesn’t have anything with really strong flavors. Just bananas, pears, watermelon, honeydew and, uh, dragon fruit actually! Looks really exciting, but doesn’t taste much.”
“That sounds good, actually,” the boy smiled, taking the lid off the bowl to taste.
“You don’t have to taste it all now, I’ve got a few more options I’m gonna leave here for you, so no rush,” she explained, receiving a nod from Peter who took an experimental bite of watermelon. All three adults were very pleased when he gave a thumbs up.
“Next up is chicken,” Anne announced, pulling up a rectangle plastic box. “Skinless and boneless, and,” she pulled up another box, “you can have mashed potatoes with it.”
Peter nodded fairly enthusiastically, not even noticing the fact that he’d eaten five entire pieces of fruit. Steve and Tony looked excited at their son eating, and were so very grateful to have a doctor who truly cared about Peter.
“And then the less exciting counterpart to what you’re eating right now.” Another box was placed on the overbed table. “Normal salad. But, you might be surprised, this treatment can change up your tastebuds, so maybe you’ll love it!”
She proceeded to pull up a plain sandwich, applesauce, boiled eggs, scrambled eggs, and even some mints and hard candy. “It can help with nausea,” she explained, sending a sneaky wink in Peter’s direction.
“You’ve got an entire buffet here, kid,” Tony chuckled, looking at all the different foods on the table. “Thank you so much, Anne,” he said sincerely, gratefulness gleaming in his eyes.
“Oh, it’s nothing,” she waved away, getting up from the chair. “I’ll get going, but I’ll see you guys in a few hours. Don’t eat it all at once, Peter,” she joked, and walked to the door. Peter laughed, waving at her before she closed the door behind her.
“You really liked that fruit salad, huh?” Steve asked, surprised, but happy to see that there was only one piece of fruit left. It wasn’t a big portion by any means, but Peter evidently enjoyed it.
“Yeah, guess I did,” Peter agreed, just as surprised as Steve when he realized the piece of dragon fruit he just picked up was the last one. He popped it in his mouth, chewed, and swallowed before speaking again. “Don’t think I wanna try anything more right now, though. Can we put it away for later?”
“Sure, I’ll go put it in the fridge,” Tony said, stacking up the boxes so they’d be easy to carry.
While Tony was out of the room, Steve noticed the way Peter kept wringing his hands together quite harshly. “You okay, Petey?” he asked, and Peter looked confused when he met his eyes.
“What?” Steve gestured to his hands. “Oh, my hands just hurt a little.”
“Want me to massage them?”
“Could you?” Peter almost sounded desperate, and Steve furrowed his brows.
“Of course,” he said, as if it were the most obvious thing in the world. And, to him, it was. Peter held out his hands, and Steve took hold of his right one first, kneading it gently. The boy sighed with relief at the feeling, visibly relaxing back into the bed that kept him sitting up. His eyes were closed, and the corner of his lips were curled upwards in a barely-there smile.
Getting back from his trip to the nearby kitchen, Tony looked on from the door for a few seconds, a little lost in how content Peter looked before Steve beckoned him over. “Sit on the other side of him,” he told his husband, and Tony did so. “His hands hurt,” he explained, lifting Peter’s hand up to show Tony he was massaging it.
“Mhm,” Peter confirmed sleepily, and Tony laughed fondly as he reached for his son’s other hand. Both men were happy to keep massaging his hands until they had to get ready for the chemo session of the day.
They’d do anything for him.
Come Wednesday evening, and Peter was back to being absolutely worn out. Him feeling so well at the beginning of the second round on chemo had only been false hope. He’d barely been able to sleep, his bones and muscles had ached, and he’d thrown up a lot. But, he’d become quite fond of fruit, and ate quite a bit of that, to everyone’s relief.
When Tony had gotten the wheelchair from the corner of the bedroom, Peter hadn’t even protested. He just slumped down in it, feeling faint. Tony pushed him about ten feet before Peter shifted uncomfortably. “Wait. Wait, I’m gonna be sick,” he warned, sitting up straighter, and Steve was thankfully able to get the plastic bucket in time. Bags forgotten on the floor, Steve kneeled in front of Peter, while Tony tried soothing him with soft words and comforting touches to the back of his neck.
Leaning back, Peter was out of breath. “Done,” he sighed. “Sorry.”
“I’m about to ban that word, Pete,” Tony smirked, a hand on Peter’s cheek, and was delighted to be rewarded with a laugh. He dried away the tears on Peter’s face, and kissed his forehead.
“That was quick,” Tony commented when Steve was back by his side. He’d gone to rinse the bucket and put it back.
“Met one of the really nice nurses, uh… what’s his name? Tall, with that tattoo.”
“Oh! Uhm, Leonard?”
“That’s it! Yeah, he insisted on taking care of it so I could get back to you guys.”
“Well, that’s very nice of him,” Tony smiled as Steve picked their bags up from the floor. “You know, I could take one of them,” he offered, pushing Peter along, who was half asleep.
“Nonsense. What’s the point of having super strength if I can’t carry all the bags?”
“You’re right. That’s the sole purpose of the serum, obviously.”
“Yeah, you dum-dum.”
“My favorite insult,” Tony snickered. “So clever, babe.”
“You’re the brains. I’m just here for brawn.” Steve was barely containing his laughter, and Tony shook his head as he chuckled.
“So you’re saying you’re the dum-dum?”
“I’ll take it; that’s my own fault for making it too easy.”
“You’re both dum-dums,” Peter mumbled, eliciting surprised laughter from his dads, and earning himself a playful flick to the ear from Tony.
“I suppose we are,” Steve sighed, big smile on his face.
With Tony and Steve having just left for the press conference, Peter was sitting on the couch next to Rhodey, leaning his head on his shoulder. One look at the tired the boy had Rhodey lifting his arm to let Peter rest against his side instead. It was a familiar feeling. Peter had always been a cuddle-bug with the people closest to him, and Rhodey had always been one of those people.
Natasha sat down on the other side of Peter, a bowl full of pieces of fruit in her hand for Peter. He hadn’t had much to eat that day, so Steve and Tony had encouraged them to feed him while they were gone. They even left a list of foods Peter liked, which now consisted of soggy cornflakes, smoothies, milkshakes, pancakes, fruit without too much taste, scrambled eggs, and chicken.
“If you need anything, or if you don’t feel good, you let us know, okay?” Rhodey said, lightly squeezing Peter’s upper arm.
“I’m good for now. But, uh… I should probably have a bucket here in case I need to throw up,” Peter told him, a little embarrassed at the last part, but no one else minded. “There’s one in my room.”
“I’ll go get it,” Bucky offered, getting up from next to Natasha, discreetly caressing her hair as he walked past her. The corners of her mouth lifted at the gesture, and she let her eyes follow him until he was out of the room.
Sam emerged from the kitchen with two smoothies; one for Peter and one for himself. “Here you go, kiddo,” he said, holding one out for Peter, but Rhodey reached out and got it instead. “You better not steal it from him,” Sam teased, and Rhodey put his hands up in a show of innocence when he’d passed it to Peter. He sat down in a lounge chair close to the couch.
When Bucky got back, he put the bucket next to couch, within reach from his place next to Natasha. She mumbled something in Russian that made him smile, and his response had her rolling her eyes fondly.
“And you’re sure you’ve got this?” Pepper asked Tony for the third time.
“Yes, Pep, I’m sure. Don’t worry. Really.”
“Can’t help it. You’ve got quite the history with press conferences,” Pepper smirked, and got a small chuckle from Steve who was adjusting his tie.
“True, but this is about Peter.”
“I know. You two are gonna do great,” she smiled. “I’ll go and introduce you.”
Just as Pepper had said, it was a pretty exclusive press conference, with no more than twenty reporters in the room. Some were with newspapers, while others were with TV channels, so there were a few cameras there ready to capture the event. It was being held in a room in the compound that’d been used for press conferences on several occasions; perfect for it with a stage for everyone to be able to see them.
“Do I look okay?” Steve asked, wanting his husband’s approval before they went on national television.
“Perfect,” he smiled, running one hand down Steve’s chest to straighten his tie. And also just because he could. “Do I?”
“‘Course you do.”
A short kiss was shared before they turned their attention to Pepper, who soon waved them out on stage. “Good luck,” she whispered when she passed them.
They’d planned for Tony to open, so he stood in front of the microphone, leaning his forearms on the podium.
“Thank you, Pepper. Well, as you all know, we’ve been out of the public for a few weeks now. And, no, we haven’t been on holiday. Nor have we been abducted by aliens, or assassinated by the Illuminati,” he joked to set the mood to a light one. “And we’re not retiring either.” When he said that, his breath caught in his throat just a little. He hadn’t given it any thought. The world just might’ve seen the last of Iron Man and Captain America. For them to come back after all this, there’d have to be a miracle.
“But, as of right now, because of a personal emergency, it’s not possible for us to take part in usual Avengers business, or leave the Compound.” Tony took a step to the side to let Steve take over.
“While we’re dealing with this, we can assure you that the safety of the public is in good hands. As you all saw last week, they can manage better than fine without us.” He looked to Tony, wondering if he should say anything more, but he just shrugged. Steve nodded towards the reporters, a silent question of whether they should just open for questions now. Tony approved with his own nod, so Steve addressed them again.
“Any questions?”
A bunch of hands shot up, and Tony picked one out randomly. “You, with the blue and white tie. On the left.”
The man stood up. “Can you tell us who this emergency is about?” he asked.
“Not at the moment, no, just that it’s someone close to us” Steve answered. Short and to the point.
The next reporter was chosen. “How much longer will you be confined to the Compound?”
“We’re not sure. It’ll probably be a good while.”
Another reporter. "Is there a reason you've specifically chosen the Compound?"
"This place has its perks. We also thought it was best to get out of the city."
They kept asking questions, politely attempting to get more information out of them, but with Steve in charge of answering their questions, they got nothing else than the exact amount of information they’d agreed on sharing for now.
In a very out-of-character way - at least to the press - Tony stood to the side in courteous silence. However, one particular question had him taking over the microphone without hesitation.
“There have been rumors that you’ve put your son into the foster care system, is this true?”
“Absolutely not,” he denied firmly, but didn’t want to let him keep the attention, so he looked through the room to pick out the next one, but the same reporter kept talking.
“Wouldn’t that be for the best, though? I mean, with your lifestyles…” he trailed off, gesturing to them, and the room started murmuring.
From the tone of the question, Tony and Steve both had a feeling that he wasn’t talking about them risking their lives on the job, and the smaller man swallowed thickly before speaking into the microphone again. “Because we‘re Avengers?” he still asked, with a disapproving frown and tight jaw, hands clenching down on the podium until his knuckles turned white.
“No, no, it’s just,” he chuckled, but no one else at all were amused, “don’t you think he should get to grow up in a proper family?”
With ice cold eyes, Tony stared at him, doing his best to stay calm. “We are a proper family. I’m not gonna waste my time trying to get through your thick homophobic skull, so just get out.”
“What? Oh, come on-”
“I’m not joking. Leave of your own volition or I’ll have someone remove you.”
He muttered something to himself, a certain slur starting with an ‘f’, as he turned to pack his stuff up, but didn’t take Steve’s enhanced senses into account which were laser-focused on him. The soldier’s eyebrows shot up in disbelief of what he’d just heard that man refer to his husband as.
“Hey!” he called out, away from the microphone, but voice loud enough to carry across the room, catching his attention again. “Don’t you dare call my husband that. Don’t call anyone that,” he warned. "I don't think you understand how offensive that word is." He had a protective hand on Tony’s back who looked slightly confused. Steve cleared his throat, pulling himself together before calmly speaking to the crowd through the microphone. “I think we’ve answered enough questions for today. Thank you all for coming and being so polite. I apologize. Please respect our privacy and don’t speculate any further about our public absence.” He led Tony off the stage to where Pepper was anxiously waiting for them.
“Did he call him… you know-” she began, but refused to say the actual word.
“Yeah,” Steve confirmed, disgust clear in his voice.
“I’m really sorry. This is my fault, I let them send him instead of the person I requested, I’m so sorry-” she rambled, distraught at what had just happened.
“You couldn’t have known,” Tony cut her off, placing a reassuring hand on her shoulder. “The only one here who’s done anything wrong is that nimrod. Not you.”
She sighed, sending them a smile that didn’t really reach her eyes before excusing herself when someone called her over.
Tony held Steve’s hand and looked up at him. “You didn’t have to do that, babe. I didn't even hear it. And I’ve been called worse,” he mumbled, just loud enough for Steve to hear. The look he had in his eyes was one reserved for his husband and no one else.
The words Tony thought would make the situation better only made Steve’s face crumple in disapproval. Not of Tony, but of anyone who’d ever made him feel like that. “That doesn’t make it better. It just makes me feel sure that calling him out was the right thing to do.” He made circles on the back of Tony’s hand with his thumb, lost in his eyes for what seemed like the millionth time. “I’ll always stand up for you.”
“I love you,” Tony whispered, squeezing his hand.
“I love you too.” Steve kissed his forehead.
With them in the room were a few people working, hurrying around, directed by Pepper; none of them really having time to notice the pair’s intimate moment at the edge of the room.
“Let’s get back to Peter,” Steve smiled, pulling Tony by his hand with him to the elevator.
Once the doors closed and they were by themselves, Tony placed his hands on Steve’s chest, and lifted himself up on his toes to whisper into his ear. “That was really hot.” A kiss to his neck and he got back down to his regular height, smirking up at Steve who was sporting an open-mouthed, lopsided smile along with wide, delighted eyes.
He collected himself, walking forward until Tony was trapped between him and the elevator wall. “Yeah?” he asked, voice low and gravelly, pressed up against him; now he was the smug one. Tony might pretend to be offended whenever Steve pointed out how much smaller he was than him, but Steve was very well aware of the fact that Tony actually enjoyed the size difference. A lot.
“Mhm. Now kiss me, we’re only going a few floors up,” a flustered Tony spluttered out, pulling him down before he could say anything more. They fit together as perfectly as ever, and the kissing grew heated within seconds. Hands exploring known territory, soft sounds of approval being swallowed by each other, and then they were startled apart by the ding announcing that they’d reached their floor.
Composing themselves, they felt like teenagers as they walked out of the elevator, heading for their apartment where they knew Peter was waiting along with everyone else. Except Pepper who was still working on getting everything back to normal at the compound after the press conference, and Happy who was doing his job as head of security. Just outside the front door, Steve pulled him in for another kiss, cradling his neck, one arm around his waist. Tony melted into him, and stayed glued to his side even after they pulled away.
Upon opening the door, they could hear everyone talking, and when Peter laughed, it was like nothing else mattered. They just wanted to see him happy.
And he was. His back leaning against Rhodey’s side, the man’s arm resting across his chest, and feet on Natasha’s lap, he was tiredly grinning. Everyone was happy.
Peter noticed that they’d gotten back and his smile got impossibly more radiant.
“Hey, Petey-pie,” Tony laughed softly as he walked over to Peter to place a kiss on the top of his head - well, the beanie.
“Hi, Dad. You guys were great.” He paused as if he suddenly remembered something. “But that guy was such a dick-”
“-like what does he think this is? The nineteenth century? I’m so tired of people like him spewing bullshit like that. Like what- what does he even get out of it? It's not like-”
“Hey, hey, hey, it’s okay, Pete,” Steve cut him off, kneeling in front of him, before he could work himself up about it. He always did when someone insulted his dads purely based on the fact that they happened to be not straight. “There’s always gonna be people like him. And that’s okay, because we know that he’s wrong. The only reason I got so mad was because of what he called Dad. You're smart, so I assume you’ve figured out what it was?”
“Yeah,” the boy whispered.
“You gotta pick your battles. And, for me, this was one of the ones worth picking. That word just… It stings a lot more than other words. Okay?”
Peter nodded, feeling a little bummed out thanks to that reporter, but Rhodey was there and he was ready to make it better.
“One thing’s for certain, Pete; you sure do have two badass dads,” Rhodey smiled. He looked up at Tony from where he was still confined to the couch by Peter resting against him. They shared a look, one with decades of friendship contained in it. Just a slight lift of one eyebrow, and Tony knew Rhodey was asking him if he was okay. He answered with a crooked smirk.
Peter ended up being carried to bed by Tony after he’d fallen asleep on Rhodey. Making sure he was comfortable, Tony then pulled his beanie off, having gathered that he liked sleeping without it. Steve looked on from where he was sitting on the end of the bed, hand protectively resting over Peter’s legs.
“We need sleep too, you know,” Steve whispered when it looked like Tony was about to grab Peter’s desk chair to settle down in it for the night. Tony paused.
“Yeah,” he admitted, slouching a little, not caring about keeping up appearances for his husband.
He followed Steve voluntarily to their bedroom, intertwining their hands on the way.
Once tucked into bed, Steve stayed awake, humming songs and stroking Tony’s back to help him fall asleep. It took a while, but Steve didn’t mind. He was just happy when his husband started snoring.
Small victories.
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