#advanced bridal carry lol
lirarere · 30 days
Hi hi!! I have a request if you’re interested :] (if not, no worries at all!)
I saw that you write for bsd, so maybe how different armed detective agency members would carry their s/o? Like: princess carry, piggy back, potato sack style, etc, etc :3
Tysm if you do this!! Either way you are amazing and take care of yourself dear! <33
carry headcanon with ADA
notes: I didn't write with everyone because I'm not sure, I apologize in advance lol!! but it was fun to think about it
warning: bad english, none!!! it's mostly more platonic
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★ I think he’ll just throw you over his shoulder
★ I also had the idea that he might just pull him by the leg (at the same time you’ll wash the floor—)
★ on days of playfully romance, he may take you bridal style, but this will not be often
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★ he's lazy lol
★ you will carry it in your arms
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★ he doesn't seem like a very strong guy to be honest (sorry if this is not canon)
★ will be worn in a wedding style
★ or on the back
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★ sorry, but for me this is a person who does not like physical contact at all
★ I think he’ll just take you by the shoulders and carry you like that—
★ possible in wedding style
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★ strong woman strong woman strong woman—
★ she will carry you in every way you can't convince me otherwise
it was short but I decided not to make it long, I hope you liked it and I didn't disappoint!!
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torasplanet · 4 months
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𝙨𝙪𝙢𝙢𝙖𝙧𝙮 ; satoru tries to convince himself that you love him too, he really wants to but its hard when you're slipping from his fingers like suguru did.
𝙬𝙖𝙧𝙣𝙞𝙣𝙜 ; smut, angst, jjk 0 and s2 spoilerss, depression, grieving sex??, comfort sex, p in v, protected sex for like a sec lol, unprotected sex, effects of worst curse user, trauma-bonding lol, skin color not mentioned
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Satoru just knows.
He knows you feel the same way he does. You just have to, there is no way you don’t. Your feelings for him just have to match his for you.
Satoru loves you, there is no doubt about that. He always has, since he met you and despite that little sister thing you had with Suguru, he still loved you but in secret of course. He didn’t always think you felt the same way though…when his feelings first developed for you, he believed they were one-sided, and you could barely remember who he was! Satoru used to stare at you longingly wishing you felt the same, even for a second like a hopeless romantic teen. The tint of his blue sunglasses suited you well, he wished he’d see you wear a nice blue color like the color that decorated you and the rest of the room from his perspective.
Oh, don’t get him started on when you would talk to him! Let alone look at him! He’d feel like he was floating on clouds when he heard your sweet voice. “Gojo! Can you tell Suguru to let me come on this mission? Pleaseee?” How you’d drag out the e of please to persuade him more made him chuckle. The moment you came to him with a question, you were already getting whatever you wanted from him. “Of course and you can call me Satoru!” He said with the goofiest grin on his face before he marched off to persuade Suguru with you tailing behind him.
Satoru knows that sometimes missions that he, Shoko, and Suguru go on are too advanced for a beginner sorcerer like you but he still likes you to come. He likes to see you and when you get in danger, he likes to leap into action and save you like the amazing super handsome hero he wants you to think he is. It might be sick of him to think this but he likes it when you quake in his arms as he carries you bridal style out of the situation, your arms wrapped so tight around his neck while you thanked him for saving you. His least favorite part about missions would be when you jumped away from him to apologize to your brother before he could even begin to lecture you.
Sometimes Suguru lectures Satoru also because he was the one who told them that you should be invited but he doesn’t care. Satoru has been getting lectured by that man since he met him, what is a little more? He usually just brushes it off by saying he was just helping you get used to things with being a new sorcerer and all and that he didn’t know how bad it was going to go despite this happening nearly every mission. The first time, Suguru demanded that he apologize to you and that’s how he got your number which he would use to his advantage.
The albino-haired man would text you nonsense all day since then about how mean your brother was being, asking you things about girls that he already knew, just stupid things to find a reason to talk to you. This was how his thoughts of you reciprocating romantic feelings started. 
One afternoon, he texted you asking you if you wanted to go to a party with him because he had no one else. That wasn’t a lie, Shoko nor Suguru didn’t want to go with him and he couldn’t find a last-minute date so…you were the only person he had left to ask. You agreed to go with him but you never told Suguru that he asked or where you were going in the first place, just saying you were going out to your friend’s house. Satoru never found out why you didn’t say anything to Suguru, you never said anything and just shrugged it off saying you didn’t want him to wait too long outside.
Satoru was by your side the majority of the time at the party, drinking with you and smoking with you but eventually, he lost you through the alcohol and swarm of people. He didn’t notice immediately but when he did, he panicked. Suguru would never let him live it down if he took his sister to a party that he didn’t even know about and didn’t come back with her, that’s if Satoru didn’t kill himself before Suguru got the chance to even see him. He knew you could take care of yourself but he still didn’t want to risk anything, he needed you to be safe.
When he scouted through the people and found you, you were drunkenly outside in the backyard by yourself cooing at the squirrel in the tree. “Hey–hic–Satoru!” You slurred turning to the tall man noticing his presence behind you “Hey. Sorry about losing you.” Satoru apologized as you stumbled closer to him, his arms instinctively launched forward when he saw you trip over a rock. You fell into his arms with a huff “Shit, how much did you drink…?” Satoru muttered under his breath as he pulled you to your feet but your hands remained on his forearms staring at him. You didn’t respond to him and just got closer to him, putting your face close to his.
You both could smell the alcohol on each other’s breaths as you stared into his blue irises “Satoru…” You muttered before connecting the two of you, your lips dancing with his as just a wholesome kiss. No tongue, just a kiss and it was a kiss that Satoru enjoyed. He couldn’t believe where he was right now…you were kissing him and he didn’t even have to ask but just as fast as it happened, it ended.
Satoru stared at you as you backed away from him and you stared back. No exact emotion on your face except for a small pout and it was one that he couldn’t tell, he didn’t know what you were thinking or feeling until you smiled. A small laugh left your mouth as you smiled and he almost began to laugh with you but then you took your hand off his arms and he got upset. He didn’t show it though, he never did.
“C’mon ’toru…let’s go home.” You said beginning to walk away from him and when he turned to face you, you were looking back at him with that smile on your face and he felt his heart pulse. That was the night Satoru began to believe that you loved him too. The way you looked at him, the smile on your face, the kiss, everything pointed to you feeling that way. The next day, you didn’t say anything about the kiss, it was almost as if you had completely forgotten about it but Satoru didn’t care. You didn’t completely avoid him so that was enough for him to keep believing.
The next weeks were absolutely amazing for Satoru, you guys talked so often and hung out more one one-on-one than before. You two never shared a kiss again but he still liked it, it was nice to be in your presence and hear your voice. Satoru just liked to see you in complete honesty.
Though there was more to that, Satoru liked to see you because he believed you were the prettiest woman ever but he just liked to see that you were okay too. He never liked when Suguru would tell him that you were upset about something, he just wanted you to be happy and smile. The albino-haired man instantly got upset at any negative thought regarding you and he especially hated the thought of you leaving him. You slipping from his fingers and going somewhere else was such an awful idea to him…he wanted to protect you from everything even if you could do most of it yourself.
But you couldn’t protect yourself from everything, that was obvious from the start and Suguru was the main person that would save you. Until he wasn’t.
Satoru didn’t know what to do as he watched Suguru walk away from him in the crowd of people. He especially didn’t know what to tell you, who was so upset about how sad Suguru has been lately. How would he tell you that your brother has decided to leave and kill every non-sorcerer in the world, including your parents? How would he explain to you that you had nowhere to live now because Suguru had left? How would he stop Suguru? There were so many things he’d have to do that he’d never imagined that he had to.
He never thought about it but he still had to and he would never, in his life, forget the expression on your face when he told you that your brother was gone. Tears immediately glossed over the pretty eyes he had stared in so often, how you wanted to ask him what happened but you were stammering over your words barely able to get a breath out. Satoru wanted to die at that moment. He was barely able to continue to sit up when you crashed into him and started to cry and cry and cry. This was the end of Satoru’s relationship with you.
Satoru crumbled under the realization that you didn’t feel the same way about him. Even when you moved in with him for a short time because you didn’t have anywhere to stay, he felt you drift from his fingertips. Just like Suguru had.
You stayed in his guest room day and night until you had to go back to doing missions, you barely came out and when you did, the two of you didn’t interact much. When he tried to talk, you’d just give him sad responses with your voice breaking. It was obvious you didn’t want to talk and Satoru hated it. The delusions that fueled him, which motivated him, had fallen and were just in reach but there was nothing he could do about it except sit and watch as it falls farther and farther out of his reach.
His delusions used to have him bound like it was rope, he could barely breathe without them (without you) nor could he move but now the rope has loosened around his body but his hold on them stayed. Grew tighter even. It was in an attempt to keep you with him, he didn’t want you to leave, he cared too much about you to just watch you leave but just like his attempts to talk to you grew short in fear he’d upset you, his grasp on the rope slipped and he let go. Although the image of that rope was still fresh in his mind, he didn’t try and grab it again. Satoru had realized what he hadn’t before.
He didn’t know anything.
Not even when you finally got your apartment and moved out but as much as he hated the awkwardness between the two of you whenever you both were in the same room, even when accompanied by Shoko, he missed it dearly when you left. He missed you and the brightness you brought to the room when you were in it. He missed the way everything used to be.
You still talked to him and you began to talk more as the months passed but it still wasn’t the same. Satoru’s mind wasn’t the same and the hopeless romantic thought he used to have was back and more depressing than it ever had been despite the smiling front he put on for you. That night you kissed him was pointless now, it didn’t even matter. Nothing mattered because the thoughts of you loving him were gone. He couldn’t protect you and everything fell apart because of it.
When he had taken in Megumi and Tsumiki, a bit of that despair was filled by the joy of having them around but it’d never be gone without you. Especially with the things the kids would say whenever you came around “Oh she looks so pretty! She should be your girlfriend!” “No way! Miss [L/n] is too good for him.” “Megumi, that’s mean…” That conversation he watched the two siblings had made him smile but later when they had gone to bed, he found himself sitting on the edge of his bed thinking about it. Tsumiki had the thoughts he did, she had the hope that he used to have and he pondered if it was worth it to have that hope again.
Those thoughts stayed in his head day and night as he exorcised curses and took care of the children. They were the things he was thinking about when the two kids were at a sleepover one night and when he heard a knock at his door but surprisingly, they faded when he saw your crying face at the door. Every time he saw you at his door, it was with a smile, never with tears as fresh as these and he could only think about what had happened to make you come here.
Long nimble fingers ran up your spine below your shirt to soothe you as you sobbed into Satoru’s chest dampening his white tee. “I’m sorry.” It’s all Satoru could muster up to say to you. You had seen Geto in public, with two girls laughing and talking and you just couldn’t begin to understand why he couldn’t do that with you. Why couldn’t he still be like that with his little sister whom he had sworn to protect? You didn’t dare go over there to them and you just walked away and you kept walking as the sun set and nightfall came until you found your place at Satoru’s door. “He left and he took everything with him but me.” You whispered into his chest through your hiccups and sobs.
“I know how you feel.” The albino-haired man said as his other hand held your head close to his chest as he felt his eyes burning with the saltiness of tears. He felt you move under his touch and looked down to see you staring at him with red eyes, a wet face, and your eyebrows arched high as if you were not just crying a second ago, you looked like a puppy that had been kicked far too many times “...Have you ever wanted to hurt Suguru back? For what he did?” Your question took him off guard and he stared at you shocked in silence for a couple of seconds before he regained himself. His mind was still blank but his mouth had moved on its own “Yes.” He told you and you sat up, hands firmly placed against his chest as you continued to stare at him like a kicked puppy.
Then your arms wrapped around his neck and you pressed your wet face into the crevice of his neck, his hands found their way to your back. “I thought I was alone with those feelings.” You muttered and Satoru felt the warmness of his tears falling onto his cheeks as he tried not to sniffle. His lanky arms went around your torso and hugged them extremely tightly afraid that you’d leap away from him again. If you were to ask anyone besides you and Satoru what happened between the two of you, they’d say that you two stayed close throughout the whole thing and maybe drifted apart during the beginning but stayed close in the end but that’s not what happened in Satoru’s eyes.
In his eyes, you left and you never came back until now. It didn’t matter that you talked to him after because it wasn’t the same as it was before nor was the energy but in this moment, he felt it all coming back. He felt you and he never wanted it to leave again. “You’re never alone as long as I’m alive.” When Satoru said that, he meant it in various ways. He’d never be too far from you as long as he was still breathing and whatever you were feeling, he probably shared them except for one. He still wished that it wasn’t an exception even after all of these years.
He felt your body tense at his words worry filled his eyes as more tears dropped from his white eyelashes. Did you not like what he said? What was it? Was it the tone? The words themselves? What had he done to make you upset? Your face raised from his neck and you looked at him once again with that puppy dog look as he cried in front of you.
There was a long silence and it scared him, were you going to leave? Don’t leave, he thought as he stared at you watching as your expression changed before him. Your eyes glossed over with tears again as your hands snuck their way to his shoulders gripping them tightly, you leaned closer to him quickly, your lips nearly touching his but his hands grabbed the sides of your face stopping you before they could. He saw panic rise in your eyes and yet he didn’t say anything, he didn’t do anything either and just sat there.
“Do you not–” “no…I do.” Your breath hitched at how fast Satoru was to cut you off to correct you “I want to but I want to know if you do.” Satoru said to you, his voice wavering as tears continued to drop from his eyes which he ignored but you didn’t. Satoru had never cried in front of you before nor had you ever heard of such and you understood why…just a bit. You couldn’t word it, you couldn’t think it but you knew. You just knew.
You nodded “Yes, I want you Satoru.” You muttered to him and this is when Satoru knew. He knew that his ‘delusions’ were never delusions and it was the truth. Your words were more than consent, they were a confession that you felt the same. Satoru felt stupid for doubting himself and if he ever told you, there was no doubt that you’d call him stupid too…he knew from the start and thought it was wrong. Satoru has never been wrong, only taken by surprise. 
He didn’t say anything but he finally sniffled allowing you to hear him as tears continuously streamed down his face like a river but a small smile formed on his lips contradicting the tears. Satoru brought your face closer and pushed his lips to yours quickly, nearly giving you whiplash.
Satoru pressed his forehead against yours as the kiss escalated quickly, turning messy and greedy yet it stayed soft and comforting along with his touch on your face. He didn’t grab at it as if he intended to leave marks on your face, he grabbed it like he wanted you to stay and never leave his side. You didn’t intend to.
Breaking the kiss, you saw that Satoru was now completely sobbing. His blue eyes filled with tears and his eyelashes were damp from tears and your eyes filled with worry as you stared at him “‘Toru, please don’t cry…” You said as you guided your hands to his neck and then to his cheeks, holding his face in your hands while trying to wipe away the large globs of tears away from his face but they kept coming and they weren’t stopping. 
Satoru didn’t say anything about his fear of you leaving but you could tell. He held you like he never wanted to see you fade from him, the look in his eyes showed it too. “I’m not going to leave you ‘toru.” You told him whilst keeping eye contact with him. Satoru smiled again and over again, he didn’t say anything and just kissed you softly telling you all of his feelings in that one moment. Your hands found their way to the waistline of his pants and your fingers sunk under it to grab at it. Satoru’s hips bucked up to urge you to keep going and you did.
You were quick to pull his sweats down and he kicked them off leaving him in his boxers and shirt. Satoru broke the kiss this time breathing heavily “Can I take yours off? Please?” The albino-haired man asked eagerly, his hands went to your hips ready to take off the clothes that covered the bottom part of your body “Mhm.” With that, your pants and panties were taken off in a swift movement and discarded throughout the room and you went back to straddling his hips.
He lowered his boxers just a bit so his cock could spring out and stand up straight “Satoru, do you remember that night…at the party?” You asked lining him up with your hole, just hovering over his pink mushroom tip that was leaking pre not ready to sink yet. You looked at his bedside desk and tilted your head there as if to ask if he had condoms and he nodded. “When you were so drunk you could barely stand?” The man asked with a smile on his face watching as you went through the top drawer and quickly found a condom, you let out a small giggle as you opened the package with ease as Satoru helped you continue to hover over him.
“Yeah, I kissed you that night.” You said looking him in the eye as you began to slide the large condom onto his length. His breathing pattern became unsteady at the eye contact you made while doing that and when he glanced down, he felt like he was going to pass out at the sight of your hands at the base of his cock. Satoru hissed as you began to lower yourself down, his covered tip just brushing past your lower lips making the other adult hiss as he gripped the flesh of your hips.
His eyes had squeezed shut but they snapped open realizing what you said “W-What? You remembered that?” When Satoru’s ‘delusions’ (that didn’t seem so delusional now) had faded and he faced reality, he seemed to believe that you were black-out drunk and didn’t know what you were doing. “Yeah, I remember I wanted you to kiss back so badly…I wanted to…go to the bathroom with you during that.” You said feeling a bit embarrassed at your confession as you fully sunk into Satoru’s cock, your ass lying on his thighs. Satoru’s cheeks burned a bright pink at your words, he could barely contain himself right now from your walls hugging him tightly and you had to say that? Even though he had a condom on, it still felt amazing. He could only imagine how good it’d feel if he was fucking you raw.
“I just thought…ugh…you were too drunk,” Satoru muttered as he held onto your hips while looking up at you. He loved how your head did that little tilt and a smile formed on your lips “It’s okay, you can make up for it now.” Your sweet voice said a little above a whisper as your hands that were on his ripped stomach moved up to press on his collarbones before your fingers dug into his shoulders.
Your hips began to roll against Satoru’s pelvis “Ah, feels so good.” You muttered arching your back while you closed your eyes tightly “Open your eyes, I wanna see you.” Satoru said bringing a hand up to hold your cheek making your eyes flutter open to gaze down at him. It was so hard to keep your eyes open when he looked so pretty sitting there trying to hold in his moans and grumbles while you were trying to do the same thing “So-Sorry…ah.” You said as your movements began to grow faster and needier.
The blue-eyed man moaned at the feeling of him rubbing against the ridges of your walls, he felt like he was getting sucked in even further into your cunt. His long fingers traveled to the back of your neck and he pulled you closer so his soft lips could meet yours that were parted widely to release whines. “Mhm…” You moaned into the sloppy open-mouthed kiss. You were already breathing heavily and Satoru thought it was so cute, I mean you hadn’t even started bouncing yet and you were acting like you were already cumming.
His tongue slipped past your lips with ease as the both of you continued to moan like animals in heat “Fuck…” Satoru muttered as he began to assist you in your riding. He began to move you up and down and he swears that he almost died from the sounds that emitted from that act. There was nothing but wet noises like squelches leaving your pussy from the penetration of Satoru’s cock, it was similar to the noises that were coming from the messy makeout the two of you were having.
The man’s hands went to your ass to get a better grip to help you, he was so needy for you. He was practically shoving his tongue down your throat showing his hunger for this kiss and how long he’s waited for it and even the way he bounced you on his cock showed it. Satoru wasn’t trying to hurt you but he wasn’t going easy either, not when he’s wanted to be balls deep inside of your fleshy warmth for so long. He needed more, he needed to be inside. He needed to feel you without this damned condom.
“You feel so good, babydoll,” Satoru said breaking the kiss and only leaving a string of saliva that connected the two of you. He wanted to ask you if he could take it off, he wanted to ask so badly but he didn’t. “Uhn huh…” You moan as you begin to bounce on your own but his hands remain on the fat of your behind as if he needed to grab at it to live.
Your eyes closed once more as you continued to bounce up and down restlessly but this time Satoru couldn’t scold you for it because his eyes were shut too. He could understand why you couldn’t keep your eyes open, he was hitting your sweet spot incredibly hard and it was almost just as pleasurable for him as it was for you “Take it off…” Your babbles almost went unheard by the man, almost. “H-Huh…?” The white-haired man asked with his eyes peeking open just a bit to look at you. You were beginning to sweat but you still looked beautiful.
“Take the condom off ‘toru…” You told him as you opened your eyes and the man stared up at you pondering what you just asked. Satoru always knew that you two had something and it’s like you could read his mind or at least like you knew what he wanted and wanted it as well. “Thank fuck. I needed to feel you so bad…” With that, the man grabbed your torso and flipped you on your back onto the bed.
Instinctively, you pushed your legs up in the air to rest them on his shoulders making him grin lazily but he didn’t say anything and only looked down as he pulled out. He wasted no time slipping off the condom and tossing it into the bin near his bed “Don’t worry, I’ll pull out.” Satoru said grasping your under thigh while making eye contact with you. Small squeals left your throat as you put your hands over your eyes “Stop looking at me…it’s so n-nasty!” You shouted out of embarrassment unable to keep your moans hidden because of the feeling of Satoru pushing into your wet pussy, it felt better this time because it was actually him and not a condom.
“But you were looking at me like this before? You can’t take it now?” He asked looking at you with a teasing grin as you looked at him through the gaps between your fingers “Ugh, i-it’s so…m-much.” You said getting even more flustered as he began to move inside of you. It felt so much more filthy because you could feel him, every inch as he rubbed against your walls without that stupid barrier keeping his skin from touching yours. “Ha…you feel fucking amazing.” Satoru moaned as his pelvis slapped harshly against your hind thighs, he was not planning on being nice tonight.
But from the way you were moaning, you didn’t mind it one bit but it seemed like you didn’t want him to continue his strokes by the way you were squeezing around him. Like you never wanted to let go of him. “Ng–Ahh! I-I love it s’much!” Satoru leaned down and moved your shirt up as he delivered kisses to your stomach, it only made you squirm more underneath him. Your hands flew to his wrists as you moved up and down the bed, only the pillows above you kept your head from hitting the headboard.
“I love you Satoru! M-Makin’ me feel so good, uhn!” You shouted digging your nails into the sensitive flesh of his wrists. Your moans were enough for Satoru to cum on the spot but he didn’t although he was really close, to stop himself from moaning, he bit into your tummy but held himself back from biting too hard “You really love…me?” Satoru asked into your skin tilting his head up to look at you through his long eyelashes. He grunted as you tightened around him again, your walls fluttering warning your release “Uh huh! I really do!” Satoru got even more of an adrenaline rush at your words. You loved him, you did.
You said it during the heat of the moment and you said it before (in a way) so you really meant it. “Fuck, fuck.” Satoru said as his hips sped up rapidly. His tip bullied your sweet spot relentlessly making your legs quake on his shoulders while your loud whines bounced off the walls of his bedroom “Are you close?” The fair-skinned man asked as he raised his face from your tummy to look at you again. Satoru was so close and your blissed face was not helping, not that he hated it, but he wanted to make sure that you came.
Not even being able to form words, you only babbled something along the lines of ‘yes’ while nodding your head “B-Baby…” You moaned arching up from the mattress and making your head dig into the comfiness of the pillows, you felt yourself cumming all over Satoru with a yelp leaving your lips. It just kept coming and it felt like it wasn’t going to stop, probably the best orgasm you ever had and even Satoru moaned at the feeling. 
“Shit, gotta…hah…gotta p-pull out.” The albino-haired man said breathlessly while continuing to thrust into your wet cunt until he felt himself letting go. Satoru was quick to pull out and spurt his cum all over your revealed tummy which had little kisses from his wet lips littered along it. 
His blue eyes rolled damn near to the back of his skull as you let out softer and quieter moans at the feeling of his warm seed spreading across your skin. Satoru breathed heavily while he came down from his high but then he heard soft sobs coming from below drawing his attention. There you were rubbing your hands against your eyes while you wept and it confused him, had he done something wrong? Did he hurt you? That was the last thing he wanted to do to you. 
Satoru grabbed you by your shoulders allowing your legs to drop to his sides “[N/n], are you okay? Did I hurt you?” He asked helping you up and you immediately threw your arms over him to hug him tightly. You continued to cry into his embrace while shaking your head at his question “T-Then what’s wrong?” He asked concerned but you didn’t reply to that either and your cry only got louder.
“Don’t leave me Satoru, p-please.” You said hiccuping mid-sentence because of how hard you were crying into him. The man froze at your words while you rubbed your face into his body “Please, you’re the only one I have left.” You cried bringing your face into the side of his neck and Satoru understood. Suguru was gone and he was never coming back, as much as he didn’t want you to leave, you didn’t want him to leave either.
Satoru got even closer to you and put his arms around you too “I won’t. I never will.” He told you quietly as you continued to cry and cry into him. Satoru knew your feelings were hurt terribly and that’s why he needed you to know that he would never go anywhere, he would always be here for you. Satoru was never going to leave you. You had to know that.
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©torasplanet .ᐟ reblogs and likes are very appreciated! pls do not repost!!
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weirdkpopgirl · 2 years
Periods | Dream Reaction #4
Reaction: When their GF is on their period
Genre: Fluff
Warnings: Mentions of period cramps and blood? Idk lol
Word Count: 1956k
Author’s Note: So I’ve actually been working on this one for quite a while. But writer’s block kept getting in the way. I apologize in advance because these are kinda short. Also, I know some people may not be comfortable with this topic, and I’m certainly not entirely either (kinda silly Ik). I just thought it could bring comfort to us girls out there? Anyway, thank you for reading 😊
~ ~ ~
In the early stages of your relationship, when situations like this arose, Mark used to feel a bit uncertain about what he should do. But he was so patient and attentive with you. If you texted him not to come over because you were on your period, he would likely disregard it and come over anyway.
He’d ask if you needed anything and get it for you right away. Furthermore, he’d readily give you cuddles upon your request. Mark sort of viewed this as an opportunity to have a lazy day with you and unwind. You’d be resting your head on his lap while he talked about work or his members. 
“Then Johnny Hyung said we should try this and I was like ‘huh?’” Your boyfriend chatted animatedly. 
While some might have found this incessant talking bothersome, you found it quite endearing. Mark's enthusiastic storytelling served as a pleasant diversion, and you appreciated his openness about his life updates.
Consequently, every time the week of your menstrual cycle rolled around, you and Mark would embrace it as an opportunity to rejuvenate and relish some valuable moments together.
Renjun would probably do some research on periods. Like what might help with cramps and how to handle various PMS symptoms. Although you were perfectly capable of managing these aspects on your own, as your boyfriend, he wanted to contribute in any way possible.
To your surprise, Renjun presented you with a comprehensive list of his findings. He'd brew a soothing cup of tea for you and offer herbal medicine. He even went the extra mile to find the best pads for your comfort. He even downloaded the same period tracking app onto his phone to so he could prepare in advance! His dedication left you feeling like he was acting as your caretaker, surpassing all expectations.
You blinked a few times, overwhelmed when he started to do all this. “Renjun—I really don’t think all this is necessary.”
“It’s important to take care of your body, (Y/n)-ah,” He gently chided.
His affectionate words would elicit a smile from you, filling you with gratitude for having such a considerate and caring boyfriend.
Your period always came with bad timing. As you were diligently working on a presentation, another cramp shot through your abdomen. Inhaling deeply, you balled your fingers into fists and pressed them against your palms.
Not even a minute passed before you looked up to catch your boyfriend shaking his head disapprovingly. Whenever he noticed you neglecting self-care, he took swift action. Without uttering a word, Jeno scooped you up into his arms and carried you with bridal elegance to his bedroom.
“Jeno, I’m seriously fine!” You insisted. “It’s not like I’m sick or anything.”
Yet, escaping his grasp proved futile. Your objections gradually faded as he gently laid you upon his bed.
“We’re going to rest here,” He declared, settling beside you. “And you’re not going to think about school.”
A resigned sigh slipped past your lips, fully aware that there was no point in fighting him on this. Jeno knew how you hated to leave things like work off to the side. But he just couldn’t stand to watch you in pain. 
“I think you’re just using my period as an excuse to cuddle,” You mumbled with a slight pout. 
“Maybe a little?” 
Your boyfriend's nose nestled into the crook of your neck. His sturdy arms enveloped your waist securely, while one hand tenderly massaged your lower abdomen, where the cramps were bothering you.
Gradually, discomfort and concerns retreated to the background. Ironically, Jeno grew even more affectionate during your period. But you really couldn’t complain. 
Initially, the experience was a little weird for Haechan. He felt sort of bad that you had to go through this monthly ordeal, and he couldn’t really do anything about it. Luckily, you managed to maintain a relatively steady demeanor during your period, which alleviated some of his concerns. While the occasional cramps were bothersome, your overall mood didn't undergo drastic changes, at least not visibly.
During these times, you found yourself grappling with intense emotional surges that deviated from your usual disposition. They were something you couldn’t exactly control and you hated it. Because of that, you tried to stay away from Haechan and deal with things on your own.
Eventually, Haechan would catch on to this and convince you to open up to him. You told him about your tendency to internalize your emotions, which made him feel terrible. While he was an expressive person, you struggled to share how you felt. But once he was more aware, the signs became a lot clearer and he knew what to look out for. 
“You know I’m always here for you, Jagiya,” He’d often remind you. You would be sitting at the end of the sofa together, as he spoke softly. “You can cry if you want to, or yell if you’re upset about something. You don’t have to hold it all in when you’re with me.”
Hearing him say this would make you feel so grateful. He was quick to gently wipe the first tear that fell. “I don’t want to be a burden to you,” You admitted. 
He would let out a sad chuckle in response. “Believe me babe when I say that you’re never a burden to me.”
Haechan's embrace tightened around you, enveloping you in a reassuring warmth. “You love me at my worst, and I'll do the same for you.”
You seriously could not ask for a sweeter boyfriend than Lee Donghyuck.
You were coming back to the Dream dorm after a lunch date with Jaemin. As you both entered and removed your shoes, a soft gasp escaped your lips. He was about to ask if you were okay before you quickly excused yourself to the bathroom.
Even though you didn’t say anything, he picked up on the situation pretty fast. Being the thoughtful boyfriend he was, Jaemin had become a total pro when your time of the month came. While you rarely complained much about such times, he still took it upon himself to pamper and care for you during this phase.
You shyly walked out of the bathroom, embarrassed by your current predicament. However, any trace of self-consciousness dissipated as you re-entered the living room. Before you, Jaemin had gathered an array of items - his hoodie, a cozy blanket, and a selection of chocolate he discovered in the pantry. Most notably, he sat on the couch, donning the most endearing smile.
You almost wanted to cry with how considerate your boyfriend was. Coming over to sit by him on the couch, you couldn’t help but pout a little. 
“You didn’t have to go through all this trouble for me."
“I wanted to though,” He responded simply. “Just let me spoil you, Princess.”
Exhaustion outweighed any inclination to argue, prompting you to let Jaemin draw you into his embrace. Truthfully, his cuddles proved exceptionally soothing during times like these. In moments such as this, you couldn't help but think that if more guys were as caring as Jaemin, the world would indeed be a much kinder place.
Perhaps it was the stigma of when a girl was on her time of the month or the culture you grew up in. But you always felt strangely self-conscious about your period. You were also not used to having a boyfriend, making you especially shy and awkward about this. So you unintentionally avoided the topic with Chenle. 
Then came that particular night when you and Chenle were having a sleepover at the Dream dorm. The hour was late, yet everyone remained awake and engaged. As you yawned, your gaze fixed on Chenle triumphing over Jisung in a video game.
Somewhere in the middle of the game, your eyes widened when you felt a familiar sensation that caused a surge of panic to shoot through you. Immediately recognizing that your period had begun, you had to stifle a gasp with your hand. Despite your efforts, Chenle detected your startled expression.
“What’s the matter?” He asked, concern evident in his voice.
Jisung leaned forward as well. “Yeah, are you okay?”
Your cheeks heated up at their questions, unsure of what to do in this situation. The worst part was that you didn’t have any pads on you. 
“Um—it’s nothing. I just need to use the bathroom,” You managed to reply, rising from your seat.
Tentatively, you glanced at the spot where you had been sitting, relieved to find no evidence of a red stain.
Despite your attempt to downplay the situation, Chenle wasn't oblivious. When you failed to reemerge from the bathroom promptly, he abandoned the game and went to check on you. That's when he encountered you by the front door, in the process of putting on your shoes. You hoped to slip out unnoticed and buy the feminine products you required from a nearby store.
“(Y/n), why are you leaving?” His brows knit in confusion. “Did something happen?”
Cursing inwardly, you turned to face him. "No, I just left something at home. I'll grab it and come back."
“What’s at home that we don’t have here?” Sighing, you realized that you didn’t have much of a choice but to tell Chenle the truth before he misunderstood something.
Reluctantly, you explained to Chenle that you had gotten your period and needed to buy pads. To your surprise, he was pretty chill about the situation.
“That’s it?” He remarked. “Why didn’t you just tell me?”
You shrugged, “I was embarrassed.”
Chenle shook his head and hugged you before offering to go to the store to get pads for you. You argued against it but he insisted. Most likely, you would have to text him the right ones to buy. When he got back, he let you borrow his clothes to change into.
From that point on, Chenle made sure to make it clear to you that you didn’t need to be afraid of coming to him about those things. Yeah, he was young and could be childish at times, but he didn’t want you to feel embarrassed or uncomfortable. Of course, you were grateful for how understanding he was.
Similar to Mark, Jisung tended to be somewhat clueless when it came to dealing with your menstrual cycle. On one such occasion, you found yourself reclining on the couch, taking slow breaths in an attempt to ease the cramps that had taken hold. The poor boy would just be watching you helplessly, obvious as to how to respond. Consequently, he'd repeatedly check on you every ten seconds.
“Does it hurt a lot?”
“Are you hungry?”
“Do you want a blanket?”
“Jisung just shut up,” You retorted with your right arm covering your eyes.
You cherished Jisung's intentions and recognized his well-meaning efforts. Nonetheless, your current state left you considerably annoyed, and his stream of questions wasn't helping matters.
“Oh, okay,” He murmured softly.
However, just as he made a move to leave, you grasped his hand and tugged him down until he was lying beside you in a face-to-face position.
“I’ll be fine,” You told him. “Just stay here with me, for a little while.”
Eager to do something, he allowed your arms to envelop his torso, guiding your head to rest on his chest. A faint smile played on Jisung's lips as he brushed a strand of hair away from your forehead.
Although he'd never admit it openly, Jisung relished having you close in such a manner. Instances, when you sought his affection, were relatively infrequent, and he felt an unexpected sense of protectiveness towards you. In this position, you and he would contentedly remain for the rest of the day, potentially drifting off to sleep at some point.
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bluiex · 1 year
Thinking about...
Mumbo gets sick, one time, really quite sick, and he recovers okay! But then his health starts going downhill. It takes him a while to notice at first, really, months, actually. First comes headaches, that he brushes off as not drinking enough water, and then aches and pains just from existing. He can't stand up or walk for more than half an hour without pain, and he can barely handwrite anymore. But he's fine! He's fine. That's what he tells himself, anyway. He's not disabled, it's not bad enough for that, it's just a little bit of pain, nothing he can't deal with. He's just overusing his arms, needs to give them a rest. He's just not exercising enough, he needs to build up more muscle. But his boyfriends notice, of course they would. Scar especially, having been through his own struggles with internalised ableism, and Cub, who was there with Scar since the start. Grian is fairly new to all this, but he can see how Mumbo is struggling. It gets steadily worse, yet Mumbo brushes off any offers to help, any offers to get it checked out. It gets to the point where Mumbo barely goes out much anymore, his legs are hurting too much. It all comes to a head one day, when him and Grian are about to out together, and Mumbo's legs give out on him. He collapses against a wall, leaning on it to try and keep himself upright.
"You can't keep doing this to yourself, Mumbo," Grian is worried, so worried. He carries Mumbo bridal style over to Cub's base, calling Cub and Scar, and Doc for good measure too.
(I would continue with this but i had work until midnight and have work again today in a few hours and am so tired so don't have a working brain right now lol)
Also what the fuck is going on with my tumblr mobile right now the text is formatting weirdly and i cant do anything to stop it. I press return to go to the next paragraph and theres just, a massive gap, between the paragraphs. Backspacing just goes back to the last paragraph nothing is fixing it so like, sorry in advance if that carries over.
This totally isnt projection of my own experience with disability after having long covid for over a year now /s i didnt touch on every single symptom the leg pain is just the most pain in the ass one for me LMAO
- 🎀
Dude I feel- I've had a persistent cough since having covid and I've just been achy and tired a lot 😩
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aesopsbaby · 1 year
Heyyyy. I saw your post and...
Can you do some headcannons or drabbles for Farris and Wynne? They are just a recent couple me and @boiling-potato came up with lol so, there naturally isn't much about them. But! If you can, please do! Thank you
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Note: This took incredibly long and I'm so sorry <,33 So I hope you'll like this and I really love the ship!! Also, I apologise in advance if the characters are not on point :,)) I feel as if they are OOC--
Characters: Wynne Toprak (@hanawrites404 Oc), Farris Victor Hammond (@boiling-potato Oc)
Event Type: Headcanons
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->Cuddling - Rare and almost never happens!...only when Wynne is asleep of course. Farris handles affection differently from others, choosing instead to be softer and more affectionate when Wynne is unknown to his oddly gentle touches. His feather like touches that grazes her waist before he pulls her closer to him, her back to his chest, holding her close to him.
->In his more softer and tired moods, Farris will have Wynne in his embrace, staring down at her with adoration in his eyes, one hand gently running through her hair and brushing back stray hair that falls infront of her face. And the other arm is draped losely around her waist, while she holds his face in her palms, smiling up at him.
->Farris has a habit of holding Wynne's hand in his, slowly lifting it to his lips and placing a soft kiss. Both always ends up flustered no matter how many times this daily routine occurs.
->Wynne almost never have to open a door herself with Farris around, he'd hold it open but never makes eye-contact with her for some reason. Flustered? Maybe, but he'll never admit it, but Wynne will almost certainly spot the red tint at the tip of his ears.
->Wynne holding his hand whenever he gets irritated/annoyed with something. Almost as if it's a spell, all of the tension in Farris's body is melted away and replaced with warmth spreading throughout him. Wynne always finds a way to calm him down <3
Cheek/forehead kisses whenever he leaves the room.
"I'll go get ready and then we can leave soon." Farris spoke, his tone velvety and smooth as always, standing up straight and smoothing out his coat. Wynne hummed in response, looking at him knowingly as he strides towards her, leaning down to place a kiss on her forehead before leaving the room. Wynne could only feel a tug on the corners of her lips as she feels her face heating up.
->Farris writes letters to Wynne whenever he has to leave for long periods of time.
->Wynne pulling him in for a kiss and him being tense and flustered initially before he scrambles to place his hands on her waist, wrapping himself around her. When she parts, Farris will instantly pull her closer to him, lifting her chin up gently before capturing her in another endearing kiss.
->SLEEPY KISSES!! Wynne pressing kisses to his cheeks while Farris grumbles at how soft and fuzzy everything feels. He'll mumble a string of incoherent words as he places soft kisses down her neck before falling asleep to the sound of her humming.
->Both falling asleep to the sound of each other's heart beats <,33
->Farris teases Wynne for her messy hair in the mornings but then proceeds to run his fingers through her hair gently to comb it out the best he can.
"You're staring." "And you're perfect."
->Slow dancing!! With soothing and classical music in the background, Farris guides Wynne to follow his steps, one arm secured around her waist to ensure she doesn't fall while Wynne has her hands on his shoulder. With the two locking eyes and smiling, swaying their hips to the music and basking in the presence of each other.
->Farris rarely calling her anything but her name but sometimes some small nicknames will eventually slip out;
"I'll be leaving to attend to something, I'll be back around noon."
"Alright, stay safe!"
"I will, darling."
->A smile tugging at his lips whenever he sees her doing anything mundane. Then he looks away immediately when she catches him.
->Wynne being carried bridal style by Farris :,))♡
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realcube · 3 years
haikyuu!! boys with a s/o that becomes clingy/affectionate while drunk
characters: kyōtani, kenma, iwaizumi, matsukawa and bokuto
thank you anon for this marvellous request mwah
tw// drinking, suggestive themes, sexual references, swearing
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Kentarō Kyōtani
kyōtani was used to having a cool, laid-back s/o who was just as awkward about physical touch as he was 
i mean, that’s kinda a part of the reason he liked you so much - so y’all could get over your awkwardness together
so imagine his surprise when his usually level-headed, calm s/o came stumbling out of the club, a blubbering mess and threw themselves into his arms, wailing something about a maths test
he was like ‘omg why are they touching me? i kinda like it- wait are they crying? tf? i ain’t ever seen them cry before- should i help them? lord everyone is looking at us now. so what the fuck do i do- AYE DON’T TOUCH ME THERE’
so he had no choice but to dip with you flung over his shoulder lol
he took you back to your shared apartment and forced you to drink some water and instead of ordering a take-out, he just gave you his leftover burrito which he took to the club smh
it was probably cold 
but that was the best he could think of at the time bc he simply needed to shut you up with food bc the alcohol in your system was causing you to become especially touchy, hence resulting in kyōtani getting especially aroused
but the last thing he’d do is fuck you while you’re drunk and i firmly believe that despite the fact kyōtani is a bit of a lout - he still has like a basic moral compass
but i mean if you kept being so damn suggestive then it was gonna be a lot harder for him to resist his urges
you were rubbing him up and shit, calling him every pet name in the book so ofc he just stuck a burrito in your mouth and went ‘stfu 😡’
the painful part was that he was silently enjoying it too (┬┬﹏┬┬)
(though, he was red from blushing lol, not anger) 
and he wasn’t used to it either so obviously he was gonna get flustered, i mean, everything was happening all at once
oh and you told him ‘i love you’ and he literally combusted like lord have mercy on this man 
just that morning you were calling him your ‘annoying rat boyfriend’ (jokingly, ofc) and now you love him?-
that wasn’t the first time you told him that you loved him but he was still blushing none the less 
and he stammered out a ‘love you too’ PRAYING that you wouldn’t remember any of this the following day
anyway, he cuddled you to sleep and railed you as soon as you sobered up - the end ❤
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Kenma Kozume
pov: you’re kenma happily being a wallflower in the club then your s/o approaches you, demanding for you to fuck them 
- ok, end of POV - 
anyway, your speech was slurred so kenma wasn’t really sure if that was what you were asking him to do but if it was, he would’ve happily obliged if it wasn’t for the fact you were clearly drunk
mans was blushing though
bc y’all hardly ever do it but now - all of a sudden - you were tightly wrapped around him, garbling erotic threats into his ear
kenma was worried at first but you were like..really weak
so it wasn’t hard to get you off his torso, usher you out of the club and grip your hand as he ordered a taxi 
also kenma had read enough wattpad fanfictions to know how to deal with someone while they’re drunk 
but none of those fanfictions ever mentioned a single thing about how to deal with yourself while your partner is drunk
like seriously..he was in pain
both from the throbbing erection he had and the aching embarrassment he felt - both stemming from the fact you tried to give him a lap dance in taxi ✋ please oml
anyway, he took you back to his apartment and insisted that you have a few slices of the left-over pizza in the fridge along with a glass of water
after you changed into your pyjamas, you had clearly sobered up slightly as you could now compose coherent sentences
but that wasn’t any better for him bc now you were draped over him, whimpering into his ear about how much you love him
‘i’m so lucky to have you, kenma. i love you so much. you remind me of my first cat - you’re such a cat- i mean, blessing..you’re such a blessing.’ 
ngl, at that point he would be at a loss for words, just deciding to hug you until you fall asleep
like he finds it so cute that you’re finally opening up to him about how you feel as you’re usually quite composed and restrained 
but also- what does he do now? 
you eventually fell asleep in his arms and the next day, you woke up to kenma having made breakfast and telling you how much he adores you which was..confusing, to say the least
he told you about how you acted when you were drunk and to say you were embarrassed would be an understatement 
also, he’ll tease you about it for the rest of your life ;)
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Hajime Iwaizumi
literally all you had to do was send him a text like ‘iwa...,,.,...ily so mycj ❤’’ and he’s already waiting in the line to get into the club lol
he marches in there, finds you, grabs your hand and drags you home 
let’s hope that your friends know what iwaizumi looks like so they don’t have to just watch a random guy haul you out the club-
and tries to act all like angry iwaizumi >:( but when you are trailing behind him, muttering about how amazing he is, he becomes more like angy iwa grrr (*  ̄︿ ̄)
by that, i mean that angry iwaizumi would bring you home and lecture on how irresponsible it is to get so intoxicated 
but angy iwa just takes care of you but with a disapproving scowl 
and angry iwaizumi would make nasty, bitchy remarks about how inappropriate your outfit is 
while angy iwa would be like ‘babe, your outfit is lovely but maybe wear something different next time, idk....’
either way, he takes good care of you 
he makes sure you eat (and he cooks good food btw - he doesn’t make you eat leftovers lmao) 
he lets you change into more comfortable clothes
he ensures that you don’t die in the shower 
and he forces you to go to bed
but all of that is rather difficult when you’re clinging to him like your life depends on it, raving on about how sweet of a boyfriend he is and covering his face sloppy kisses
his original plan was to go train some more in his gym (yes, there is a gym in y’alls house-) but when you were peppering his cheek in kisses, begging him to stay with you for whatever reason, of course he didn’t have the balls to leave
 so he ended up laying like a log in bed as you cuddled up to him like koala, resting your head in his chest and allowing him to run his hand through your hair as you slept
in that moment - as he stared down at your tranquil figure - he realised how grateful he was for moments like these, as he finally got see a side of you that he knew you’d almost never exhibit when you’re sober
like yeah, you often tell him how much you love him but he can always tell that it’s as if you’re setting aside your pride to say such a thing but now, you’re gushing on about it with the most genuine look in your eyes, he can tell that you’re being completely sincere 
and to say that he adores it would be an understatement 
so yeah, you were kind of a pain while drunk but you were also the most adorable thing that iwaizumi had ever laid his eyes on (. ❛ ᴗ ❛.)
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Issei Matsukawa
ok so the only reason matsukawa wasn’t getting drunk with you was bc the first time y’all got drunk together he got fined for public indecency and you got done for public intoxication
so you decided that it was best (for your wallets) if you took turns getting tipsy
emphasis on ‘tipsy’ bc you both went to the bar together (along with a few friends) and you promised matsukawa that you’d only have a few drinks 
so please explain to him why he is now having to carry you bridal style out of the bar because you are too hammered to walk properly 
and he was kinda grumpy bc he had to leave his friends mid-conversation bc not only were you pestering him but also, the erotic things you were whispering in his ear caused him to get a boner
and he was getting weird looks from people as he carried you home but that was the least of his problems tbh- he didn’t even notice lol
the biggest issue on his mind rn was the fact that you made him hard yet you can’t help him bc you’re drunk smh 
like he was tempted at first bc you seemed down to do it but he quickly came back to reality and realised how morally incorrect that’d be 
so he was mumbling curses the whole way home just to tune you out bc if he paid any more attention to the racy promises you were muttering in his ear- he’d explode
he’s alright at taking care of you like he isn’t iwaizumi’s level of caring but he’s a close second, i mean he’s gotten drunk plenty of times so he knows the basics
he was like ‘drink water idk lol ’
anyway, once he handled himself he wasn’t too fazed by your lustful advances
and he was so smug about it too deadass like ‘keep talkin’ me up, (y/n), you ain’t getting shit until you’re sober.’
smh ANYWAY he thinks you’re so charming when you’re like lovey-dovey drunk but SO annoying when you’re horny drunk bc like- he can’t get some (T_T)
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Kōtarō Bokuto 
best for last 👌
ok anyway he’s an athlete and he doesn’t need alcohol to have a good time- he’s forever drunk tbh- drunk on life :)
so while you’re getting hammered with your pals, he’s doing stupid shit while sober lol
once you both rendezvous outside the club to head home and you’re absolutely steamin- he’s just like ‘hi, babe! how’s your night been?’
anyway, he drives back to y’alls house and since you’re fatigued at first, you spent 90% of the car ride sleeping
but when you get home, more awake, you’re all up on him
but you’re not like sensual drunk- more like..emotional drunk but with love 🥺
so basically you are sobbing into his chest about whatever and bc he is an such empath he will start crying too, or at least get a bit emotional 
you could say something like, ‘omg, bo. i hardly get to see you because you’re at work so often- i wish i could spend more time with you. i miss you so much’  ╯︿╰
and he would deadass reply whole-heartedly while weeping into your shoulder, ‘I’M QUITTING VOLLEYBALL, (Y/N)!!’
(ok, so maybe he was a bit tipsy too- but like..definitely not has drunk as you)
he has no idea where to start when it comes to taking care of you but he tries (´◡` ‘) 
at the very least, he ensures that you don’t having any more alcohol and that you don’t die somehow 
he’s v overprotective though 
you could be getting a fork to eat your instant-noodles with and he’ll be like 
‘apologies ✋ but i cannot allow you to handle such a dangerous weapon while intoxicated. maybe eat with a spoon instead, idk.’ /h
other than that, he just cuddles you to sleep and deals with you in your badly hungover state the next day
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Little Scratches
Sorry I’ve been off the map for a min lol, I’ve had school. But without further adieu, I present this request and the fic to go along with it:
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Pairings: Fem!reader x Natasha x Wanda x Carol
Warnings: Mentions of rape, mentions of assault, mentions of physical injury
Word count: 2134
You shuddered in an alleyway, trying to process what had just happened. You couldn’t wrap your head around the evil of the world, the corruption of alphas. You were an Omega, which had become a rarity, which leads alphas, deltas, and even betas alike to take advantage of you.
You had been raped, assaulted, and kidnapped throughout the years; this night was no different.
You cried in a corner next to trash bags and rats. To alphas, you were no more than street trash; you were to be used and then thrown out.
You were tired, and you thought you were hearing things when you heard soft footsteps approach you. You looked up carefully, and three alpha women were staring at you kindly. Great. More alphas, just what you needed.
A long-haired read-head with ivory skin scented the air and then spoke, “Little omega, what're you doing out here all alone? I can smell your distress. Are you ok?”
Her voice was soft, calming, and not aggressive. You whispered, “I-I’m ok.”
“No, you're not. Come with us; it's ok. We're not going to hurt you. What's your name, hon?” The blonde in the middle asked you? It wasn't aggressive; you could tell she just wanted to protect you; her alpha senses had kicked in after your distressed scent soured the air.
“I-I-I’m (Y/N).” You spluttered.
“Hi (Y/N). I’m carol, and this is Natasha and Wanda.” Carol motioned to the two women standing next to her. “We aren’t going to hurt you; just come with us. We’re going to get you cleaned up, little love.” She whispered kindly, putting her hand out for you to take.
You warily put your hand in hers, tears of abuse from alphas taught you to be careful and untrusting, but it seemed the three women in front of you had no ill intentions.
“Welcome to our pack, dear.” Natasha quipped with a smile.
You smiled softly; these women felt warm, felt like home.
They lead you to a car. You were wary, as this is how many kidnappings had started. Wanda must’ve sensed your unease as she reached out and touched your other hand, the one that wasn’t in Carols, softly.
“I know what you’ve been through, but it’s ok. We’re just going to take you back to the compound. We’re going to take care of you, bubs.”
Her words were soothing, and, although you were still wary, you allowed yourself into the car, and you were sandwiched in between the three alpha women.
“Happy, could you take us to the compound? We found an Omega.” Natasha asked the driver.
The compound? That’s what they called their home? Weird, you thought. Although the women seemed harmless primarily, something was fishy.
Wanda, who was on your right, must’ve felt how you were feeling again; it seemed she could almost read your mind and instinctively put her hand on your thigh. It wasn’t a sexual advance, rather a wordless “you’re ok.”
“We’re going to take you back to the compound and clean you up. You can stay with us if you’d like.”
You turned to Natasha and nodded.
“We’ll have Bruce do a work-up, too. See if you have any hormone imbalances. We want to make sure you’re healthy and clean.” Natasha brushed your hair softly behind your ear.
When she did, she noticed you had a black eye, as well as bruises and scratches on your face and neck. You quickly squirmed to cover them back up, but she just pulled your hair back again, trailing the pads of her fingers down your cuts.
“Oh, honey. It’s ok. We’ll never do anything like this to you. You’re safe now, and it’s going to be ok. We‘ll protect you. We need an omega in our pack, anyways. The rest of the Avengers have been trying to find one, but Omegas, especially ones with scents as unique as yours, are a rarity today.” She cupped the side of your face; her scent was sweet and cinnamon-y. You let your head fall into her hand, showing her that you trusted her.
Avengers? You hadn’t been keeping up with ty news, as you were often in hiding. But, you recognized the name?
“Avengers?” You asked, voice hoarse from all of the screaming you had done earlier. When a pack of six alpha prime, males, abducted you from the street, you tried your shriek that was supposed to paralyze alphas for a short period.
“We’re the Avengers… Do you not know who we are?” Natasha Inquired.
“I’m afraid that I don’t; I don’t watch the news often. The name sounds… vaguely familiar.” You said, eyes glossy as you tried to reach the depths of your brain that might contain information about “The Avengers.”
The three women saw the gears turn in your head, and then your eyes suddenly lit up.
“I know who you are!” You exclaimed, wide-eyed. “I’ve heard of you!” You were in the presence of heroes, the hero’s that defeated that ugly purple ballsack two years ago.
You were having issues keeping your amazement inside. These women were some of the most badass women ever, and they had chosen you to join their pack.
“We’re going to be about an hour's drive.” Happy, the driver, called from the front.
An hour? You weren’t going to stay awake that long, you thought. Wanda must’ve “read your thoughts” because she said, “It’s ok, we know you’re tired. You can sleep now.”
You allowed your head to fall onto Carol's shoulder, and she seemed honored that you had chosen her and happy that you trusted them.
You slowly allowed yourself to drift off, smelling the sweet cinnamon air before finally falling asleep.
It must’ve been an hour after you’d fallen asleep, as you were awoken by delicate jostling.
“Hey ‘mega.” Sang a sweet voice.
You opened your eyes and were greeted by a smiling face, Carol's smiling face. You groggily smiled back, standing up slowly.
“Are we here?” You asked, taking in the giant grey building in front of you with endless windows.
“We’re here, bubs! Welcome to the Avengers compound.” Wanda said, smiling kindly.
You looked around at the landscape and saw a vast wood with rolling hills that seemed to go on forever.
“Where are we?” You asked no one in particular.
“We’re upstate. You’re still in New York State.” Natasha motioned to the compound, saying, “Should we go in? Bruce is waiting for us.”
“Yeah, ok. Lemme sit down for a sec; I’m still pretty tired.” You murmured, collapsing into the car seat once more.
“You ok? Lemme carry you in little love.” Carol gleamed, happy she could help and protect her little Omega.
She picked you up quickly and bridal style. You rest your head against her chest as she carried to what you assumed was the med-bay.
“Bruce said he’s going to be here soon. He’s just going to make sure you’re ok, and we’re going to find out who did this to you.” Carol mumbled, setting you down on a soft bed.
You gripped onto her, not letting her go even after you had been set secure on the bed. You were trying to send a message, and she received it. She pulled up a chair and sat next to your bed. Natasha and Wanda chuckled and moved to exit.
“No! Please, stay here.” You begged them.
You knew they couldn’t say no to their little omega, and they seemed to feel just as privileged as before, privileged that they got to call you their omega.
A few minutes later, a beta male walked into the room where you were sitting. He scented the air and grinned at Natasha, Carol, and Wanda and said, “You’ve finally brought home an Omega! What’s the damage the city Alphas did to her?”
He walked over to your bedside, examining your cuts and bruises.
“We’re not sure of the full extent, but she looks pretty banged up.” Natasha grimaced.
She was correct; you looked grim. Your entire body was covered in bruises, welts, cuts, and scrapes painted your skin.
You winced when Bruce lightly touched a deeper cut.
“Some of these are infected, sweetie. How long have you had them?” He asked you.
You looked to Natasha, and she nodded. “I-I’m not really sure. I’ve been kidnapped and assaulted so many times; I just don’t keep track anymore.” You whispered, looking down at your fidgeting hands.
You began to sob silently. You stayed still, but tears dripped from your eyes down into your lap.
Everyone in the room smelled your distress radiate from your body and went into action. Carol wrapped her hands around your own; Wanda began to purr deeply, which relaxed your body. You fell limp into Nat's arms, and she laid you softly on the bed.
“I’m going to do a full-body exam, make sure there aren’t any other infected wounds, ok?” Bruce looked up to you, still lying limp on the soft pillows.
You nodded, and he lifted your turtle neck blouse. With the help of Wanda, the blouse was off of your body, as well as your pants, but your undergarments still remained. They wanted to make you feel as safe and comfortable as possible, and stripping you down was not the way to go.
Your entire torso was covered with bruises, and a few cuts, all of which were infected. Scrapes and welts plagued your legs, a few scratches on your legs were also infected.
“Sweetie, it’s going to be ok,” Bruce whispered before turning and grabbing a tub of cream from a cabinet. “This will ease the pain and slow the infection. I’ll clean them out later, and we’ll finish the last of your check-up after you rest. You’re exhausted, and that hinders your body’s healing process. Sleep will also aid in regulating your Omega hormones.
He was right; you were exhausted. You allowed yourself to melt into the mattress, and Wanda pulled up the blanket, so it was snug to your chin.
“Do you want us to stay in here or give you privacy, bubs?” Wanda inquired.
“Please, stay.” You whispered; you couldn’t go any louder.
“Ok, we’ll stay. Get some sleep, little omega.” Carol stroked your forehead with the pads of her fingers, scared she’d aggravate one of your cuts.
You felt safe and warm; these alphas were taking care of you so well. You finally submitted to sleep, a, for the first time in a very long time, it was restful.
“Thank you.” You breathed out, doubtful anyone had heard you, but your alphas had, and their hearts melted.
They made you feel this way. They already loved you and were so excited for you to meet the team, in your own time, of course.
Y’all want a part 2?
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rebeccccccaaa · 3 years
ᖇᑌᑎᑎIᑎG ᒪᗩTE
ᴘᴇᴛᴇʀ ᴘᴀʀᴋᴇʀ x ʀᴇᴀᴅᴇʀ
ʀᴇǫᴜᴇsᴛᴇᴅ|| (ANON) SMUT- Peter Parker x reader, he comes home late from a mission in his uniform and they either have sex because the reader wants him to use all of his power, or they have “ I’m sorry I’m late” sex, but overall the reader is seduced by his spider suit ❤️🖤
ᴡᴀʀɴɪɴɢs|| smutttt 18+ minors dni, it’s a little crazy, rough shower sex of which i don’t condone because your ass could fall and die lol but this is fanfiction so… also tiny bit of fluff that’s kinda it
ᴀᴜᴛʜᴏʀ’s ɴᴏᴛᴇs|| i had a vision with the late concept lmaoooo so here ya go lolz
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“Where are you?”
“Sorry I know I'm supposed to be there right now, but these assholes starting robbing Mr. Delmar and I couldn’t let that slide, you know how it is, babe,” Peter said through the phone, or his suit really.
“I know but you promised you were gonna be on time this time,” you whined.
“I know and I promise I’ll- Shit!”
“Are you ok?” you asked quickly.
“Yeah, I’m good, Haha! These guys kinda suck,” he chuckled.
“Anyways, I promise I’ll be there in a bit; and I promise I’ll make it up to you,” he told you.
“Ok fine, my window’s unlocked,” you told him unenthusiastically.
“I love you!”
“What the fuck?” you heard a muffled voice in the background.
“Not you asshole!” you giggled before hanging up the phone.
You turned on your TV and just waited for Peter. Your roommate was out of town for spring break and you asked Peter if he wanted to spend the week with you. He said yes but he still had to pratol at night and report to Happy. He’s been coming back home too late and you made him promise to come home before; you felt like a strict mother and it was weird.
You looked at the time again at almost ten, you rolled your eyes and continued watching the screen mindlessly. It wasn’t until around ten thirty that Peter busted through the window startling you.
“Holy shit!” you shrieked.
“I’m here! I’m so sorry, baby,” he cringed at the cold look you gave him.
“You suck,” you simply said before heading to the bathroom.
“Come on, princess. I had to fight bad guys!” he wrapped his arm around you. You pushed his hand away trying your hardest to not laugh or smirk.
“Babe, please? Talk to me,” he pouted.
You turned on the water to take a shower. You stripped extra slowly just to tease him hearing him groan under his breath. You stepped in the foggy glass shower giggling quietly when you heard shuffling and grunts, things falling all over the place.
Peter easily slipped his body against yours, wrapping his arms around your naked body and his head buried in your neck. He kissed your neck hoping to pull the usual giggle from you but no, nothing. He peered his head around to look at your face and pouted when held your stoic expression.
“Baby,” he whined.
“Hm?” you pretended to hardly hear him.
“I promised to make it up to you and you’re not letting me,” he pouted.
“No, you promised to come home on time,” you argued.
“But I was fighting bad guys!” he whined
“And I’m taking a shower,” you smirked.
Peter let out a long whine and you grinned devilishly not budging. His hands roamed your body and it was getting harder and harder to resist his advances. You grabbed the body wash but Peter snatched from your hand squirting some soap on the washcloth and slowly rubbing it over your skin. He was teasing you now. He ran soap along his finger before brushing over your core making you shudder.
“I wanna make you feel good, princess,” he whispered huskily in your ear.
“Peter,” you whimpered.
“You gonna let me make it up to you?” he bit your ear softly.
“Fuck,” you felt Peter finger stroking your folds again; his thumb grazing your clit making your body jolt.
Peter’s lips continued softly pressing against your neck and you could feel his dick harden and poke your bottom. He grabbed your hips and spun you around; you instantly wrapped your arms around his neck.
“You’re so pretty.”
“You're compliments aren’t going to save your ass, I’m still mad that you came so late.”
“Are you gonna let me make it up?”
“How exactly are you going to make it up?” you teased.
“I have a few things in mind.”
He pressed you back against the cold tiled wall and fell to his knees peppering kisses as he did. He lifted your leg and hiked it over his shoulder before pressing his warm and wet tongue flat against your pussy.
You reached down and brushed the wet hairs that stuck to his forehead before combing them back. He peered up at you with his big innocent brown eyes and you moaned with your bottom lip between your teeth. Your chest moved rapidly up and down as Peter’s tongue moved faster against you.
Every flick over your clit brought you closer to your high and your legs were beginning to tremble. Peter gripped the back of your thighs hard surely to leave marks, holding you steady so you wouldn’t collapse on him. He dipped his tongue past your entrance and you gasped at the feeling of his tongue swirling inside you.
“Aw, shit,” you moaned, hitting your head on the wall as you threw your head back.
“Taste so fucking good, baby girl. Fucking delicious,” Peter said dipping his fingers inside you before thrusting them in and out of you quickly.
“Oh, fucking shit, Peter!” you moaned, tightening your stomach as you breached your release.
“You gonna come? Come all over my fingers like a fucking whore?” his words made you gasp as you never actually heard such filth come from Peter, especially during sex; but you’d be a liar if it hadn’t made your knees buckle.
“Shit!” you trembled gripping tightly onto Peter’s hair pulling a moan that drove you over the edge.
Peter leaned forward, lapping up all that you released on his hand. He pulled his fingers out before standing up and sucking on them as he stared directly into your eyes. You bit your lip watching him suck his fingers clean. When he released them with a lewd pop, you grabbed the back of his neck, crashing your lips bruisingly with his tasting yourself on his tongue.
He moaned deeply and it was music to your ears. He had his hand next to your head and you gripped onto it when you felt his aching erection poking between your thighs. You reached down with your other hand and stroked him softly emitting a pleasurable grunt from him.
He grabbed the backs of your thighs whispering, Jump, in your ear. He pressed his body flushed against yours to hold you up your perked nipples pressing against his chest making Peter shudder. He lined his thick cock pushing slowly past your fold stretching you out perfectly just the way you like it.
“So fucking tight, princess,” he mumbled in your neck.
“Fuck, I’m gonna cum, Pete,” you whimpered.
“Nu-uh, you’re gonna hold it until I’m ready, got it?”
“I can’t.”
“Yes, you can. Be a good girl and listen to daddy.” This new side was very appealing to you.
“Fuck I can feel you so deep,” you cupped his face. You and Peter only ever really had sex in missionary; ocasionally you rode him but it wasn’t often. Having him rut into you like this, he was hitting deep inside you that no one has ever reached before. It felt so good, you weren’t going to last until he was ready.
“Ugh, daddy! Daddy please let me cum!” you whined.
“Just wait,” he grunted, rutting his hips faster and harder into you making your squeak.
“Fucking desperate little whore. Practically begging daddy to let you come,” Peter wrapped his hand around your throat and squeezed the sides lightly.
“Holy shit,” you breathed out; eyes rolling back and your mouth dropping open. Your walls began clenching tightly around Peter’s cock and his hips suddenly bucked into you when you did.
“Fuck, do that again, princess,” he growled.
You clenched again hearing Peter’s satisfying moan. He was chasing his orgasm; his hips moving wildly, animalistically. You whimpered and tears brimmed your eyes from the overwhelming pleasure that coated your body.
“You ready baby?” he whispered against your lips.
“Fuck yes!” you cried.
“Come, baby. Come all my cock,” he reached his fingers to rub your clit harshly and it drove you over the edge. Your body tightened and shook as you came with a scream. Peter released his hold on your neck and buried his face in your neck.
You two steady yourselves for a minute before Peter slowly and carefully set you back to the ground. When you did, your knees wobbled and you gripped onto Peter to stabilize yourself. He chuckled, holding you closely before pressing faint kisses to your still wet skin. He grabbed the wash cloth once again and quickly cleaned you up before cleaning himself.
The water was extremely cold now and you trembled terribly. He turned the water off and grabbed a warm and fluffy towel wrapping it around you tightly. He lifted you bridal style and carried you to the bedroom placing you gently on the bed.
He grabbed some clothes for you to wear to sleep; pressing kisses along your legs as he pulled your clean panties and pajama bottoms up your legs. Light feathery kisses littered your belly and chest as he pulled a shirt over your head.
You smiled softly at him pecking his lips quickly before crawling under the sheets. Peter threw on some sweats and crawled into the bed with you pulling close to his side. You rested your head on his shoulder looking lovingly up at him and your hands on his bare chest.
“I like that side of you. Daddy,” you teased.
“I don't know what came over me. Sorry if I was too rough,” he said shyly.
“No it was perfect. I didn’t know you had that in you. We should do that more often,” you brushed your leg up his suggestively.
“Mh-hm,” you nodded with a grin on your face.
“Maybe we should,” he kissed your nose. There was a quick moment of silence that settled over you peacefully, your heavy eyes closing ready to fall asleep before you spoke up again.
“I’m still upset that you were late,” you whispered.
“Dammit,” Peter grunted.
ᴛᴀɢʟɪsᴛ: (For all my work)
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linked-heroes · 3 years
I feel like when First joins the group him and Time don’t get along to well at first. They’re both leaders and have set morals on how things should be done. So when First starts flirting and coming onto you Time isn’t to happy. The rest of the group has no problem, they trust First and he’s good to you. Time however becomes a bit jealous when you give in to the advances. He’ll put an arm around you when First gets near you. Buy you gifts, making romantic gestures, like bridal carrying you across rivers and such. Kiss your cheek, neck, anywhere really when he notices First watching from across the campfire. In turn First makes it known that he’s not going anywhere and does practically the same but with flowery words, like he were seducing the highest of royalty. And when you and First start to get more intimate? Whoo boy! They refuse to take care you together, they don’t want to be THAT near each other, but they’ll make sure the other can hear it. One up each other. If you know what’s going on or not is up for debate but all your other partners? Are FULLY aware. They’re not gonna get involved unless it gets in the way of their time with you, but it’s fun watching them compete when in the end neither of them is gonna win. You love them all equally and you’re not giving any of them up. They’re just gonna have to deal with each other.
I can easily see the tension and struggle for them to get along and everything. It definitely takes time but they’ll get there. Eventually lol
Please send more First content!
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spookybias · 4 years
ᝰ frozen ideals | park sunghoon ˎˊ˗
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paring: park sunghoon x gender neutral! reader
genre: slice of life ─ fluff, slight angst
content: idol! sunghoon x figure skater! reader, more than friends but less than lovers au, i ramble a bit about what a home is.
synopsis: sunghoon revisits the ice rink, and after seeing you, begins to have doubts on what he really wants in life.
word count: 2.7k
note: this only took a couple of days, so it’s not my best work. i kind of overdid it i guess? this was supposed to be short, but i just couldn’t stop. i also cried while writing a couple of paragraphs of this lol. one more thing, i’m not the best with endings, so i’m not sure if you guys will understand it. it is happy, though.
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SUNGHOON DIDN'T VISIT THE ICE RINK AS OFTEN AS HE BEFORE. During his figure skating career, he was often at the ice rink at least 3-4 times a week. Sometimes before school hours, other times after school hours, and many times during school hours. If he thought his life as a professional figure skater was busy, his belief had changed once advancing from trainee to applicant to contestant, and finally, to idol.
Sunghoon’s time was divided between training, schoolwork, competitions, and every now and then, interviews.
His schedule was now made up of all the tasks of a predebut idol. There were photoshoots, interviews, and vocal and dance practices to attend. His free time was given away, -but only out of love for his fans- to sudden vlive sessions and random social media updates. he rarely ever had time to himself nowadays, as even what was left after all of his daily routines and weekly events was often used to eat, freshen up, and rest. And none of this would compare to the schedule that was to come once him and the boys made their debut.
There were times where he thought back to his days on the ice; what would life be like if he hadn’t quit figure skating?
It had been a long time since he had visited the ice rink, and while all the other boys used their one free day off in a while to visit their family back home, or to hang out with their old friends at their favorite place, Sunghoon found himself back at the ice rink. But who’s to say that this favorite place of his that he spent many times at alone, wasn’t his home?
Home isn’t where you live. No, that was your apartment, your house, your condo or your space at the shelter, maybe even the streets. Home is the place that provides you with a sense of security, an overwhelming amount of happiness, a much more avaliable version of cloud 9. Even when you’ve been there twenty times in one week, forty times in one month, the place still feels like a new visit each time. That’s a home.
Often, it isn’t what you do at said place that makes it a home. It’s the safe space founded by the very things about that place that make you happy. The angle at which the lights hit, the background noise that boasts behind you when you’re having fun, the people inhabiting the environment. All these things still feel new, but recognizable every time you visit.
This was the case for Park Sunghoon. You were his safe space.
The ice rink was nearly empty except for you, your coach, and the advisor who kept watch to make sure there weren’t any mishaps in the rink. This wasn’t meant to be a private meeting. You almost always arrived as soon as the rink opened, and so there were never really people there.
Sunghoon had shown up out of the blue after waking up with a sudden urge to visit the rink. It wasn’t until he stood in the seating area, looking over the frost, did he realize how much he missed. He remembered the goosebumps that grazed his skin when the chilly air hit his bare arms and the numb feeling you get on your butt when you land on it after falling back.
He longed for it all, but maybe not enough to quit his new career.
You noticed the lanky boy outside the rink after landing a toe loop. You were a skater, sure, but you weren’t the most coordinated one. You had often made it to competitions with Sunghoon, but you wouldn’t ever make it as far as he did. Still, you loved ice skating, and you would only get better.
That being said, you hadn’t gotten better just yet and were easily distracted. Skidding to a halt, you cheerfully waved to Sunghoon. “Hi, Hoonie!” That meant your eyes were off the cracking ice in front of you, and you tripped, flying forward.
Sunghoon rushed out onto the ice, panic gracing his features. He was accustomed to the ice, and carefully but quickly made it to you in his converse.
“____, are you okay?” Sunghoon didn’t wait for an answer, wrapping one of your arms around his neck and hoisting you up bridal style. “I haven’t seen you in months, and when I finally do I cause an accident.” He shook his head.
You chuckled at his self-disappointment. You waited for him to put you down on the bleachers before telling him, “It wasn’t that big of a deal Sunghoon. I’ve fallen hundreds of times. Ninety out of a hundred of those times, you weren’t there to help me.”
“If it was no big deal, then why did you need me to carry you off the ice?”
You smiled mockingly, eyes shut tight and lips pressed together, a compressed smile at its finest. “I didn’t. I just wanted a free ride.”
Sunghoon shook his head, laughing. His laugh was light like a feather, quiet like a baby’s snore. “You always were lazy,” He replied jokingly.
“Hey! I’ve been practicing really hard! Someone has to take your place, remember? And you’re not here to coach me anymore.”
It was true. After word got around that the Park Sunghoon had quit his career as a professional figure skater, everyone in you guys’ age range seemed to be fighting to be known as the best. For awhile, Sunghoon offered you tips and techniques for mastering his most known tricks. You were someone dear to him, and even when you guys were competing against each other, he secretly hoped you’d do better than him.
The young boy only got busier, though, and could no longer help you train.
“____!” You were snapped out of your conversation by your coach, Eunkyung. She walked up to the two of you. The way she eyed Sunghoon -a look of disbelief mixed with digust- made you gulp. “Stop fooling around. He isn’t here to train you anymore, therefore, he’s wasting valuable time.”
You knew how Eunkyung felt towards Sunghoon. She had dreams of making it as big as him when she was the same age, but couldn’t due to financial situations. Seeing someone who had everything she wanted in a figure skating career give it all up irked her soul. She had openly voiced her opinions on Park Sunghoon to you and the other trainees.
“Please, Eunkyung.” You begged in a low voice, but Sunghoon could still hear. Something about you begging Eunkyung to let him stay made his heart flutter. “We hardly see each other anymore. I really missed him.”
That was it. Sunghoon’s ears were suddenly on fire. When had you gotten so bold?
“Fine. Thirty minutes. Don’t expect another break today because this is the only one you’ll be getting.” Eunkyung walked off muttering something about ungrateful teens and the next competition being in three weeks.
You began to move from the bench Sunghoon had dropped you off at, but immediately sat back down, a hiss escaping your lips.
“You said you were fine.” Sunghoon placed a protective hand on your shoulder, as if the pain was a person making their way towards you.
“I am fine.” You stared out onto the ice trying to wiggle out the static shooting through your leg.
“That isn’t the kind of sound people make when they’re fine, ____. I’ll get Eunkyung.”
“No.” Your voice was firm. “It’s just a cramp, Sunghoon. You know figure skaters get cramps.”
Sunghoon stood quietly, looking down at you, but you avoided eye contact. “Okay.”
“I get them a lot. Eunkyung says it’s because I don’t stretch enough beforehand. We used to stretch together, remember? But you’re not here anymore so I forget.” The statement sounded more spiteful than you intended.
Sunghoon wondered if you were mad at him, and hiding your anger with fake excitement towards seeing him again. Did you secretly wish that he had never come back?
You kept bringing up the past and reminding him that he wasn’t around anymore. It was times like these where he questioned what he really wanted.
The two of you sat in silence. Just basking in each other’s existence was enough. That’s what was so mesmerizing about your friendship. Sometimes all the two of you did was sit next to each other, and it felt like so much fun.
“It’s been awhile, huh, ice prince?” You broke the silence and smiled playfully. “Did you miss me?” Your tone was teasing when you asked, but deep down you knew that if the answer was no your heart would shatter.
Sunghoon didn’t bother to even fight back. “Yeah, I did.” He liked it when you called him ice prince. It could get him to admit anything. It could even make him admit he was in love with you, but you didn’t need to know that.
“You never text me anymore.” He couldn’t figure out if it was a normal statement or a sad one. “I know you’re busy, though.” He exhaled being grateful for that add-on. “What’s it like?”
“I love it.” Sunghoon simply stated. You hardly even finished asking the question when he had answered. “It’s a lot of work, and sometimes I can’t believe I made it, but I love it.”
“You love Jake especially too, right?” You teased.
Sunghoon rolled his eyes. “Shut up.”
“You know I’m kidding,” You shook your head, laughing. Sunghoon missed hearing your laugh. The audio recordings from old videos of you two together just weren’t enough for him anymore.
“You know you’re the only…” Sunghoon trailed off and looked away. Talking about his feelings for you was difficult for him. It was difficult for you too. You didn’t need him to finish his sentence. Of course, you often needed reassurance that you hadn’t been replaced, but just the first few words of his statement were enough. You knew what he meant.
He was the only one for you too.
“Do you think what I’m doing is right?” Sunghoon suddenly questioned. For some reason he was holding back a sob, and he wasn’t sure why.
You stared at a scrape in the ice for a moment, before finally turning to the boy of your dreams. “Yes.” You nodded your head, smiling. “I watch your vlives and read your interviews and I retweet all your photos and cheer on all your moments.”
A single tear slipped down your cheek. You were happy for Sunghoon, but it hurt that he was doubting his desires after a long time of trying to prove himself.
You continued, “Sometimes my friends tell me I’m whipped, but I’m just really happy for you, Hoonie. So please don’t doubt yourself.”
Sunghoon was glad that only one tear had escaped. He didn’t want you to cry over him. “There are days where I try to imagine what life would be like if I was still here. Skating with you and everyone else.”
You replied almost instantly. “Well stop imagining those things. You’re not here anymore. You can’t let what you thought you wanted interfere with what you really want. You didn’t leave anyone or anything behind. It’s not like you forgot about this place. We still love you, and we’re rooting for you and always have been. You spent so long trying to prove yourself to everybody. Don’t let those years be in vein. If you quit, I swear I’ll-”
“I’m not going to quit.” Sunghoon stopped you. “If you’re proud of me, then I must be doing the right thing.”
You let out a breath and smiled, turning away from the boy once again. “Ideals change, ice prince. You’re allowed to change.”
Sunghoon looked over at you, noting how you avoided eye contact. He found it really cute. “Thank you, ____.” The two of you shared a smile, and then Sunghoon looked down to your left leg. “How is it? Is the cramp gone?”
You stood up, wiggled your left foot, and hopped on your left leg for good measure. “Yep! Think we can go around the rink for a bit before my break is up?”
Sunghoon’s cheeks turned pink. “Are you asking me out?”
You tightened your laces and laughed. “I would never."
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SUNGHOON SKATED BESIDE YOU. This wasn’t a date. Despite your hands clasped together tightly but comfortably and the statements shared between the two of you earlier, you and Sunghoon were not a thing. The two of you were just a couple of friends who almost had something due to your shared interest and quiet bonding. You loved each other and it wasn’t complicated, but it was uncharted territory neither of you were ready to enter.
You skidded to a stop. “I’ve been practicing really hard,” You told Sunghoon again. You skated circles around him. “Eunkyung says that with a couple more months of training, I can make it farther than you ever did.”
“Is that a threat?” Sunghoon began following after you, the two of you facing each other, skating sideways to form a small circle around the spot you guys had just been standing in.
“Yes, it is.” You stuck your tongue out at him. “But seriously. It’s so much work ‘cause you’re known for doing the most.” You rolled your eyes, remembering the countless laps Eunkyung made you skate around the ice rink. You brightened up when you remembered something else. “I’ve been getting a lot better at salchows, though, which we all know I am terrible at. Look.”
Sunghoon watched in amazement as you skated around the rink, performing salchows over and over again. Your landings were a little slopping, but you could easily fix that.
“I wanna show you something else before you go.” Suddenly Sunghoon remembered that he had to leave soon, as your break would be up, and he had to see his mother in a bit. He followed you out the ice rink.
You opened your backpack, which Sunghoon had just now noticed was left out on the bleachers. He would have to remind you not to do that. If the rink got crowded, someone could steal your stuff. You pulled out a black notebook and handed it to Sunghoon.
He opened the notebook, puzzled at the lines and numbers all over the pages along with little doodles. However, his confusion went away once he realized that the little doodles were diagrams of figure skating tricks, and the lines and numbers all matched up to physics calculations.
“After you left, I honestly forgot a lot of your tips. It was hard using your methods without you being around to coach me.” You looked down at your hands. “I take physics in school, so I’ve been using it to help me with figure skating.”
Sunghoon was in awe. In his mind, he had been selfish to keep wishing he could be back at the rink just to help you. If he had stayed, he would just be stopping you from finding your own techniques, from realizing your full potential. He now realized that he didn’t have to keep worrying about if you were okay. You were doing just fine without him, and although that thought would be negative to most, Sunghoon was proud of you.
“____, this is amazing.”
“You don’t think it’s nerdy?”
“Of course not. You’re a genius,” Sunghoon stated. The embarrassment that had just filled your senses was quickly replaced by fluster. “Um, thanks, Hoonie.”
The two of you continued to flip through the book together, you pointing out tiny notes that you wanted Sunghoon to see, and him asking questions and nodding his head in intrigue. Sunghoon flipped to the most recent diagram, and examined the page.
“What’s this?” Sunghoon pointed to a diagram of a trick he had never seen before.
“Oh! Eunkyung says that if I want to stand out I should combine a couple of moves and form my own tricks, and name them something cool. I need to show the judges how I stand out from the other contestants.” You looked over the page, and caught a small note in your handwriting. Suddenly feeling nervous, you tried to change the subject. “Uh, why don’t we skate some more.”
Sunghoon glanced at you before scanning the page once more. And then he saw it. The diagram was a mix of a salchow and a toe loop, two moves Sunghoon was very much known for perfecting. Under the diagram were two words that made Sunghoon’s heart flutter.
Ice Prince.
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me4gumi-moved · 4 years
would you be able to do an hc with gn!reader dancing on katuski at a party to make midoriya jealous and it works and he gets mad/possessive. thank you 🥺 - shouta
Jealous Midoriya Headcanons + Scenario
that was supposed to just be headcanons :) 
Rating: Teen & Up  Pairing: Midoriya Izuku x GN Reader, Platonic!Bakugou Katsuki x GN Reader Warning(s): Jealousy, Possessive Behavior, Implied Underage Drinking, NSFW-ish (just some grinding that isn’t grinding. also implied naughty times) A/N: this request is elite 😩 i knew i wasn’t the only one who simped for my boy deku Post-Writing Note: Yikes when I was writing this I ended up writing more of a scenario than headcanons. I'm so sorry, shouta anon. So I’ve put some jealous/possessive Midoriya headcanons in the beginning to make up for that
Midoriya doesn’t look like the type to get jealous or be possessive
but that’s fucking wrong lol
He absolutely does get jealous and possessive!
I mean, from elementary school up until his first year at UA, he had nothing.
No quirk, no friends, no social life, no dad, nothing.
So when he finally does get something (i.e you) he’s kind of possessive (not unhealthily so but as to be expected coming from a boyfriend/friend who’s crushing that was bullied for a decade) and can get pretty jealous (also not unhealthily so)
He rarely outwardly/publicly shows this behavior as he doesn’t want to ruin your mood or scare you.
Though, sometimes, he just can’t help it.
Cue the scenario in headcanon form because I’m dumb and got carried away
Maybe it’s the end of Class A’s 3rd year so they’re having a party to celebrate graduating? Or maybe it’s Shouto’s birthday (either way they’re all 18 😗)
Class B is there too just so there’s more than just 20 people
Everyone’s on a first name basis at this point too. It’s been 3 years, everyone’s close friends (except for mineta he def got expelled and replaced with Shinsou)
Doesn’t matter — there’s a party, There’s music, there’s dancing, probably some spiked punch or whatever (i’ve never been to a party so idk what one is actually like)
You get a wondrous idea; you were going to make Midoriya Izuku jealous
You’re seriously in love with Midoriya Izuku and have been since your class was dubbed 1-A 
Since your first year, Izuku has become just so damn fine. He’s got muscles for days, broad shoulders, and he practically dwarfs you in size
That’s not why you love him, of course, that’s just an added bonus.
You’ve been trying to make advances this past school year but either you chickened out, something got in the way (cough cough your classmates cough cough), or he didn’t realize you were flirting or insinuating what you wanted with him.
Luckily, you and Bakugou Katsuki have become close friends in your past 3 years of living in the dorms. Even better, he’s childhood friends with Izuku and as rocky their relationship had once been, they were basically like brothers now.
They act like actual siblings. Arguing, annoying each other, etc. Katsuki stills lights that
He knew what made Izuku tick which means he knew what made him jealous.
(If y’all’ve caught up with manga, you know their relationship here isn’t very far fetched)
So at the party, you walk up to Katsuki and bluntly ask “How do I make Izuku jealous?”
Katsuki knew you were madly in love with the nerd — honestly, everyone knew. Except for the most analytical person, Deku himself.
He grabs your hand and leads you to where everyone is dancing and says a simple “follow my lead”
Before I go any further, Katsuki just thinks of you as one of his best friends — nothing more. No romantic or sexual feelings between the two of you.
Well he thinks you're hot but who wouldn’t?
“Dance real close to me so it looks like we’re grinding or whatever.”
“Are you being fr rn?”
“Does it fucking look like I’m not?”
You follow his lead and dance close enough so that it looks like you’re partaking in a somewhat sexual act
just realized how big my vocabulary is AHSIDNSL
After a while of this, he whispers in your ear, telling you “Look over there.”
You subtly look in the direction he told you to and your eyes land on Izuku
You get a warm feeling in the pit of your stomach seeing how his jaw is clenched, his hands in fists at his sides, and the blazing look in his viridian eyes.
“he looks pissed...it’s kinda hot,”
“how’d you know he’d react like this?”
“because he’s clearly in love with you too, dumbass.”
Leaning that Izuku is enamored with you made your skin get hot and an embarrassed look appeared on your face
You pretend not to notice Izuku and pretend the embarrassed look is from Katsuki saying something potentially naughty in your ear
This gets him to finally snap.
He maneuvers between people dancing and up to you and Katsuki
You don’t even notice how close he was until he grabbed you by your wrist and pulled you into his muscled chest
Without a word, he moves you out and away from the designated dance floor (the middle of the main room at the dorms) and picks you up bridal style
“Are you okay with this?” Izuku asks you, his voice rough.
You nod fervently — you were more than okay with this. “This is the part where I should probably tell you I’ve been in love with you since our first year.”
He gives a simple “Me too” before taking you up the stairs to the dorm rooms.
You were in for a long night
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of-a-chaotic-mind · 4 years
Boundary Communication
A/N: This was a little steamier I think than I have written but I do intend to extend my horizons as I begin writing again. I can read the crap out of some smut but never managed to write it lol but I’m gonna ease into it. I hope you like it! Also, anyone who wants to, feel free to send more requests in!
Requested?: Yes, “Heyy can you write with harry? Where harry and reader are dating and when Harry and reader are alone harry is being all needy clingy touchy touchy kisses hugs cuddles all cute but reader is a bit uncomfortable because she is shy. After a few attempts of trying to warm her up(this part may be a bit smutty but it is totally fine if you dont write smut) harry  gives her space and he is heartbroken bc she is not comfortable with him yet? And then they make up this time she pushes herself out of her comfort zone. Im sorry this is so specific but i thought it would be cute. And harry is so underrated he deserves more imagines. I would be so happy if you can write this!! Love you😻”
Summary: I think I stuck to the request above, I just didn’t get super steamy with it.
CW/TW: Sixth Year, No Voldemort AU, Harry Potter x Reader, it might be a little heavy bc the reader is uncomfy w/ her boyfriend Harry’s advances. Kisses, neck kisses, that sort of thing.
Word Count: 1,114
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Your POV
    I dropped my school bag at the end of one of the common room couches and plopped down on to said couch. It’s been a long day with a double Potions lesson in which Snape was being extra cruel. Poor Neville managed to get detention simply for chopping his ingredients wrong and Seamus got detention and 20 points deducted from Gryffindor for blowing his potion up yet again. I had trouble as well. Snape seemed rather unfond of me today and kept a close eye on me. I already suck at Potions, let alone when my every move is being watched and criticized.
    Then there is the matter of my issues with my boyfriend Harry. He’s been rather clingy and touchy lately but I still haven’t gotten used to it yet so I’ve mostly shrugged him off or made an excuse to escape. I can tell it’s weighing on him but I’ve tried my hardest and still can’t manage to be comfortable yet. My moody thoughts are interrupted when the portrait guarding the entrance to our common room opens and Harry steps through.
    The air in the empty common room suddenly feels suffocating. I watch Harry out of the corner of my eye as he looks back and forth between me and the staircase to his dormitory. He finally seems to make a decision in his struggle and makes his way over to me and takes a seat on my right. I keep my gaze on the lit fireplace to my left as he gently places his hand on my knee. When I don’t look up at him, he gently squeezes my knee to pull my attention toward him.
    I look toward him but don’t meet his eye and he is the first to speak, “You seem stressed.”
    I shrug my shoulders and look back towards the fire, “Potions was a royal pain in the ass today and I didn’t sleep well last night.”
    Harry seems to think for a moment before ducking his head to whisper in my ear, “I know something that could help you relax.” His hand slowly ventures up my thigh as he says this. Suddenly, he gets up off the couch and picks me up bridal style before carrying me up to his empty dorm room. He drops me on the bed softly before placing a tentative kiss on my lips. I kiss back but he quickly moves on to pepper kisses along my neck as he hovers above me. I stiffen at how ticklish it is but force myself to relax. I trust him with my life, why is this such a struggle for me.
    Harry stops to look up at me as he tugs gently at the hem of my shirt, “Are you okay with this? You usually stop me here.”
    I look into his eyes as a battle rages within me before looking away and muttering softly, “I’m sorry Harry I can’t do this.” He moves from above me and sits down on the edge of the bed with his back turned toward me. I get up and silently leave the room to pick up my bag downstairs before heading to my own dormitory.
    It’s a few days later before I really manage to talk to Harry again. I sit down at breakfast beside Hermione. Across from me, Harry keeps his head low and focuses on his breakfast. Beside him, Ron gives Hermione a specific kind of look and she returns with one. They go on swapping facial expressions, seemingly having a silent conversation, for a minute or so before Hermione finally turns to me and whispers in my ear, “At least say good morning to him. This silence between the two of you is killing us.”
    I clear my throat before timidly catching Harry’s eye and saying, “Good morning, Harry.” He mumbles a good morning back before grabbing Ron’s arm and dragging him away and out of the Great Hall.
Hermione nudges my shoulder, “Please do try to make up with him soon. I’ve never seen him so glum, not even when the Whomping Willow destroyed his Nimbus.” I laugh softly to myself and am soon lost in thought. Harry is a great guy and I love him dearly. “Perhaps what you two lack is communication. Tell him how you feel and express what makes you shy away from intimacy with him,” Hermione says before grabbing her book bag and walking off toward Professor McGonagall.
I sigh and grab my bag as well before wandering off toward our first lesson, half hoping to run into Harry on my way there. My wish is quickly granted too. I literally run into him as I turn a corner. When I notice it’s him, I wrap my arms around his waist and hold on as I mumble, “Can we talk after class? I miss you.”
He wraps his arms around me as well and mumbles a, “Sure, love.” We stand there a moment before the bell rings and pulls us apart and towards our class. We take our usual seats in the Defense Against the Dark Arts classroom. As the professor begins their lecture for the day, I reach over and take Harry’s hand in mine before resting our hands on my thigh.
After a long and dull lecture, Harry and I wander off out of class and depart from everyone else who is heading towards the grounds. We are still holding hands when we step through the portrait hole. He tries to sit on the couch but I drag him toward my dorm instead because I know for certain it will be empty.
Harry stands awkwardly in the door way as I plop down onto my bed. I giggle at him before beckoning him towards me, “Come sit, will you and close the door behind you?” Once he’s done as I requested, I take his hands in mine, “Harry I’m sorry for the way I’ve been acting. I want you to know that I love you so very much and I would trust you with my life. I’ve just never really had a serious boyfriend before so this is all new to me.”
Tension seems to melt away from his shoulders as they relax. I continue my explanation, “I’ll do better about letting you know when I feel comfortable pushing the boundary back a little bit okay?”  
He kisses my knuckles before nodding, “Thank you, love. I’m sorry I’ve pushed you so much.”
I smile, “You’re forgiven. Now, how about we push that boundary back I little bit?” He grins as I move to straddle his lap and place his hands on my sides under my shirt.
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im-whatchamccallit · 4 years
You Confess While Drunk//ATEEZ
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(A/N: I’ve been binge watching anything and everything NCT related for the past few days. Someone save me 😭 Also, this is super unedited because it’s so L O N G and I’m exhausted lol)
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Hongjoong didn’t stop you from taking another swig from the bottle of vodka you had saved from your birthday party over a month ago, he also didn’t stop you from lying your head in his lap as you sobbed loudly on your sofa. Why? Because once he stopped you, what could he possibly do?
Your boyfriend of a year cheated on you and you made the hard decision of breaking up with him, leaving you in a position you’ve been desperately avoiding for so long. You hated being lonely, you dreaded it, being left with the harsh thoughts that you were unwanted, unlovable and, based on the relationships you’ve had in the past 3 years, those thoughts were growing true.
But Hongjoong knew you and your thoughts were wrong. You were in the wrong for crying over someone that didn’t deserve you, and your thoughts were just years of anxiety that built up and finally found a way to consume you. His heart broke every time he found himself in this position: stroking your hair as you drunkenly questioned him on why you couldn’t find the perfect guy. He hated it. But you were slowly starting to hate him more.
But not really. You were only growing more desperate for him.
You used your free hand to hold yourself up and glared at him through your tears, your eyes puffy and red as you sniffled, setting the half empty bottle onto the ground.
“This is all your fault!” Hongjoong stared at you with wide eyes, prepared to retaliate but you continued on your tirade.
“I’ve been waiting for you for so long! And you just ignore me, and treat me like I’m just your best friend, when we both know we’re more than that!” A choked sob escaped your lips as you rested your forehead against his shoulder, knowing you were too emotional and drunk to be doing this, but you couldn’t stop it.
“You say you hate seeing me like this, but you never take the hints that I give you and I…. I just want you to love me the way I love you.”
This situation was unusual for Hongjoong, usually having at least something to say to ease your dejection. But he was silent. The real reason behind your disdain started and continued because of him, more tears spilling from you than usual as you both took in the fact that you were finally honest with your emotions, with Hongjoong, and yourself.
He didn’t say anything as he wrapped his arms around you, taking in the moment and your words, his heart aching with each beat as he tried to figure out how you haven’t noticed him being by your side all these years, aiding you through each break up and rebound as if it were nothing. Giving you overall care and companionship was his own silent confession. You both so oblivious to each other’s advances, yet so obvious about your love for one another.
Seonghwa Seonghwa was not holding back his anger as he held you by the arm, practically dragging your drunken form from the restaurant as you squirmed in his grasp, your free arm swinging at him in an attempt to release yourself.
“Get OFF, you fucking nerd.” You groaned, eyes glancing to the sweater vest he wore and chuckling to yourself. He really did dress like a dad sometimes.
He ignored you as he made his way to his car, placing you in front of the hood to balance yourself so that he no longer had to hold you. His gaze was fierce, piercing into your soul as he tried to determine where he should start in explaining how you ruined this night.
You were the one who invited all of your mutual friend’s out to dinner, saying you missed the get-togethers you had, only to order five cocktails and swear at your former roommate and high school friend, Miyeon. Seonghwa didn’t know what had gotten into you, barking out insults and telling her to keep her hands away from him, his only option to drag you out before it escalated into something violent. And what seemed like a happy reunion turned into an utter disaster, and he was pissed.
“Can you explain to me what the hell you were doing back there?” He asked, trying to sound calm but his heavy breathing and burning stare were a dead giveaway to his rage.
You ignored it though, matching his fury with your own as you leaned against his vehicle, glaring at him as if you were intimidating, but really looked even more drunk than you truly were.
“Don’t get mad at me! She knows what she did wrong! She should be the one getting yelled at!”
“She’s not the one that got drunk and tried to attack you!”
“But she’s the one that kept touching you knowing I called dibs!”
He stared at you as if you were an absolute idiot, or psychopath at that, his hands raking through his hair as he tried to make sense of your behavior.
“’Dibs’? What are you, five?”
“I told her in high school that I wanted you, and she even asked me when I texted her the other day if I still had a thing for you and I said yes! Then she sits there and touches you, and you’re laughing with her like she’s the best thing in the world! Well, why don’t you do that with me?”
Your rambling swirled in his head, his brain picking it apart before a simple conclusion was made: you were jealous. And as much as Seonghwa wanted to remain upset with you, he found the situation suddenly amusing, holding back a smirk as he approached you.
“So you got jealous of her and decided it’d be smart to act out in public?” You only rolled your eyes to look away from him, gasping at the feeling of his thumb and forefinger grasping your chin, turning your head to face him, his eyes swimming with amusement.
“I could laugh with you like that, especially knowing we feel the same about each other, but you’re gonna have to learn to behave.” The words alone made you gulp, a breath you didn’t realize you were holding escaping your lips as he finally released you, stepping back with a wide smile.
“Let’s go apologize and tell her I’m taken.”
The boys looked up from ‘Harry Potter’ playing on their television as the front door opened, eyes falling out Yunho carrying you bridal style through the living room. You didn’t look alive, but the way your face scrunched in annoyance of being moved around was enough proof you weren’t dead, but that still didn’t explain why the giant brought you back to the dorm of all places.
“They drank too much at their office party and asked me to pick them up. And they wouldn’t stop whining when I said I was taking them home so I just brought them here for the night.” His explanation was wordy, Seonghwa sighing in exasperation as he rubbed his temples before looking to the younger male.
“You were drinking too, weren’t you?”
“N-no! I swear!” Yunho said in a panic, not enjoying the way their eyes bore into him.
They had planned to have a movie night, finally having some time to relax now that their tour was over, and as much as they adored you, you were ruining this night for them.
“I’m just going to put them in my bed and I’ll come back. I promise.” Yunho rushed out, San calling out a loud ‘hurry up’ as the older boy eased further into the dorm.
He easily found his bedroom, trying to make as little noise and movements as possible to keep you asleep, but you weren’t asleep. You felt your body press onto cold sheets before a thick blanket covered your body, your hand reaching for the one that was attempting to tuck you in.
“Please stay with me.” You murmured, Yunho conflicted as to what to do.
He didn’t want to leave you, but he already kept his promise to the boys, his body growing hot as the gears turned in his head for who he had to be there for. But as soon as your hooded eyes opened, staring into his with a cute and desperate gaze, the boys were an afterthought. Yunho hastily got beneath the blankets, your body moving further into his warmth as your arms wrapped around his torso, slowly but surely preparing yourself for sleep.
“Why did you want me to stay with you so badly?” The vibrations from his chest made you stir but your eyes remained closed, honestly and absentmindedly responding to him.
“I always want you with me, being in love makes you that way. But, even if it’s not romantic, that’s fine. I just need you by my side.”
A strange flutter emerged from his chest, his teeth sinking into his bottom lip to hide his smile. Your words were so simple yet made his body shiver with excitement, knowing that you wanted him in the same way he wanted you, or at least from what he interpreted from this moment.
His lips gently pressed to your forehead, your head tilting back as you tried to find his lips with yours, both of you so close until the bedroom door slammed open, San rushing in and standing above you both with a stern look.
“I told you to hurry.” He said while grabbing the tall boy’s arm, yanking him from beneath his blanket to drag him to the living room.
Yunho was about to protest that you needed him to stay with you, but you were sound asleep, Yunho no longer having an excuse for the night.
“I’m so sorry for the trouble that was caused tonight.” Yeosang apologized to each of your parents once more, bowing profusely whilst still holding you in his arms, an arm slung around your waist as your own draped over his neck, your eyes shut as you wanted to do nothing more than sleep.
Your parents invited you both to dinner, mainly because they missed Yeosang, but also enjoyed the fact you both were still close friends, prompting them to also invite Yeosang’s parents in order to reminisce. And despite you and Yeosang being so close, friends is all they assumed you’d ever be, causing them to question when you’ll find someone of your own, not realizing that that someone was your childhood best friend. One day, at least. You tried to ignore their comments by drowning yourself in various glasses of white wine, especially when they began to bring up the possibility of Yeosang dating other people, losing track of how many cups you had until you were nearly blackout drunk.
And here you were, slurring your speech as you made a slightly incoherent rant while dangling loosely from the poor boy’s arms, a quick goodbye leaving him as he “carried” you to his car. Once settled into his seat, he immediately started heading towards your apartment, listening to you groan at his side with your eyes still clamped shut.
“They want me to find someone so badly but they haven’t even considered that Yeosang might be good for me.” You grumbled, the first intelligible thing you’ve said in the past hour.
A smirk came onto his face hearing you speak about him as if he wasn’t the one driving you home, playing along and pretending he was some inner thought of yours.
“Really? What do you like about Yeosang?”
“He’s so pretty! And smart! And he does this really cute laugh whenever I try to talk to him about music but mess up the terms. He’s always been so nice to me too, even though I was a weirdo in middle school, but he didn’t mind. He always loved me for who I was.” You spoke with a soft smile, eyes still shut as your head pressed to the window, and a gentle smile on Yeosang’s own face before you started speaking again.
“But my parents are right. Yeosang is so great that he’ll find someone, and they’ll be a million times better than me and a million percent made for him and I can’t do anything about it.”
The mood grew melancholy, Yeosang ignoring your words to mentally argue with you, knowing you probably were drifting in and out of consciousness at this point and wouldn’t process a word he said, his face growing hot with frustration. You knew how much he loved you, but were too blind to see that he was in love with you. It was ironic, and a very (Y/n) thing to do, one of the things he loved about you. Another smile gracing his features as he peered over to you, watching you lazily shift in your seat to get comfortable. He couldn’t think of anyone in his life that would be a million percent perfect for him than you.
Although San was an idol, he never passed up your invitations to parties on your college campus, wearing clothes that were comfortable and helped him keep a low profile. But, being with you, there was no such thing as a low profile. Your clothes were flashy and personality loud and bubbly, everyone perking up at your presence once you arrived to the large fraternity house.
San spent the night dancing and drinking, mingling with a few people who were probably too out of it to remember who he was, which was good enough for him. You, on the other hand, went from showing off your bartending skills in the kitchen to pounding back shots with your “customers”, growing louder and giggly as you sloppily poured more. One of San’s biggest concerns was that you were a people pleaser, incapable of saying no and shyly agreeing to go along with whatever scheme they had in order to not have anyone hate you. It was a dangerous flaw you had in your normal life, and he was almost scared to think about what would happen now that you were extremely drunk.
He stepped away from the girl rambling about her boyfriend ditching her that night, heading towards the kitchen to see you lying on a counter, a collection of guys and a few girls finding the other ingredients they needed for body shots. If San knew you properly, he knew you weren’t comfortable at all. It was as if in an instant, you were being lifted and set on your unstable feet, listening to the outraged protest of the group that were prepping you as San guided you towards the more populated area of the house, making sure they didn’t follow you before pulling you close, his mouth by your ear as he swayed you both to the loud and upbeat music.
“Don’t go off with random people like that.” He muttered, finally moving away to see your face.
You could barely keep your eyes open but still managed to look at him in utter adoration, a lazy smile settling on your face.
“Thank you.”
“Don’t thank me, just stay by my side for the rest of the night, okay?” You nodded and continued to move your body with his, absentmindedly tangling your fingers together while keeping your eyes trained on him, his body shifting uncomfortably at your gaze before looking back at you.
Maybe you were misinterpreting the situation, but he was like some knight in your eyes. Rescuing you from a situation where you don’t remembering saying yes and couldn’t bring yourself to say no. He was always like this, protecting you and holding you close when he felt as if you were in danger. You probably were just projecting your own feelings but maybe, just maybe…
“I love you, San” You both froze at your words, his eyes wide as he began to process what you said.
“I- nevermind. Forget I said anything.” You muttered, averting your gaze as you mentally slapped yourself.
Your confession was so childish yet effective, San mentally battling with himself over if his next move would be wise or not. You were clearly drunk, but his body thought it was the right thing to do, his brain not having time to decipher what was going on before he pressed his lips to yours, hungrily but gently moving them in unison as he held your body close to his, the relief of waiting years to do this washing over both of you as you drowned in the kiss. Much to your dismay, he pulled away, a small but audible ‘I love you too’ leaving his lips in case his actions weren’t loud enough.
Mingi sat timidly on his bed hiding away from you, knowing you were still in the living room consuming your sixth beer. Or was it seven now? He couldn’t keep up at this point, but Mingi knew how you were when you were drunk. You were playful yet so rough, hitting him with the strength of a body builder despite your lighthearted behavior. But for some reason, you were rougher with him than others. He had a bruise forming on his shoulder where you punched him earlier after telling a joke.
So, he hid away, not wanting to face another punch or slap on the arm from someone who couldn’t control their own strength but, as he heard the bedroom door open with a whiny ‘Mingi’, he couldn’t help but cower away.
“Why did you leave me?” Your face appeared from the door, a bright blush on your cheeks as you pouted at him.
He sat upright to appear as if he wasn’t intimidated by you, despite the fact you waddled towards him cutely, plopping at his side and resting your head on his shoulder.
“I just needed some space.” He admitted, watching as you looked up at him with doe-like eyes.
“Did I do something wrong? Ooh! Did you wanna play hide and seek? You always loved hide and seek!” He flinched as your pitifulness returned to its original aggression, your fist making contact with his already aching arm before finally putting a stop to it.
You were a bit out of it as you watched him grab both your fist in his hands, turning to face you with a serious, but almost pleading, look.
“I know you’re not doing it on purpose, but your hits hurt. A-and I notice you’re rougher with me when you’re drunk, and I just want you to stop.” He confessed, your eyes dull from your intoxication but he could still make out the glimmer of sadness in them as you looked away.
“I just don’t know how to express my emotions properly.” Although Mingi’s wish for you to be gentle came true, it was almost scary not seeing your usual drunken grin.
“Just use your words.” He explained, waiting patiently as you slowly looked up to him, uncurling your fist until your palms rested in his.
“I like you. And, whenever I’m near you, I feel like an elementary student with their crush. Because when girls play with boys like that, it means they like them, right?” You could feel your face burning at the comparison, realizing you were ridiculous for your actions.
It was a strange sensation flowing through Mingi. It wasn’t embarrassment but he couldn’t bring himself to look at you, nor was it fear as his mind raced with endless possibilities to reciprocate your feelings. He was at a loss for words though, unsure of what he should say or do to get rid of the sudden panic in your eyes as you realized what you’d done.
As you went to pull away, Mingi gently pulled your arms until you fell into him, your head colliding with his chest as he held you, letting out a content sigh. It wasn’t the first way he planned on accepting your feelings, but it was the most appropriate for the moment.
“Fucking fuck fuckity fuck,” You groaned as you slowly pushed yourself up from the mattress, your eyes squinting at the sun pouring in and all you wanted to do was die.
You shouldn’t have drank so much last night. Speaking of last night, you barely remembered what happened at all, or how you got home.
“Oh, great! You’re up!” You winced at Wooyoung’s booming voice, reaching out to slap him as you buried your head beneath your duvet.
“Why are you here?”
“I brought you home, silly.” He teased, grabbing the blanket from your grasp so you could see his grinning face.
“And based on that question, I’m guessing you don’t remember last night at all. Which is why I started recording you after your eight shot.”
Wooyoung grabbed his phone, sliding through various videos before finding the one he’s been replaying since 1AM. He hurriedly positioned himself under the blanket with you, pulling you into his side while pressing play, but the still alone, you leaning forward while standing on stage at the familiar karaoke bar, seemingly screaming into the mic, made your eyes go wide with the realization of what happened that night.
“I wanna do a song!” You slurred into the microphone, the KQ staff cheering you on as you tried to find a song to play, choosing the first one you recognized before straightening your body, the upbeat trot instrumental causing everyone to dance around.
“I just want you to know, this is dedicated to Jung Wooyoung!”
“Jung Wooyoung!” Everyone cheered back, no one seeming to care that they lyrics on the screen went by without you singing along.
“Why Wooyoung?” The man himself instigated from behind the camera, an amused smirk on his face while watching you stumble slightly, moving closer just in case he had to catch you.
He knew how you felt about him, just waiting for the day you finally said it out loud but, if this was as close as he’d get to a confession, he had to make sure you remembered it somehow, and what better way would that be than video documentation?
“Jung Wooyoung is sweet! And nice! And the only man I’ve ever loved! He takes care of me like no other! So, Jung Wooyoung,” You raised your free hand before bringing it down to point at nothing in particular.
“I love you!”
“I love you too!” He called back just before you began singing, laughing hysterically as it was a different song from the one chosen.
Your head was buried in the blanket, face hot with embarrassment as Wooyoung continued to rewind it to you professing your love for him, taunting you in your hungover state.
“This was a great way to start our relationship.”
You could hear the smile in his voice and, although you finally got the relationship you wanted, and finally knew he felt the same as you, you knew no amount of begging would make him delete that video.
Idols lived their lives under a microscope, society watching their every move to see their flaws and praise their perfections, even some of their perfections being criticized. It was a fear for most to slip up and do something reckless while in public. But you? You lived recklessly.
You had finally got your first music show win and invited all of the backup dancers and staff from KQ to join you for a celebration at a nearby bar, a few of the Ateez boys joining, more specifically Jongho. You were only recently of drinking age but he was with you the night of your birthday a month ago, watching you down ten shots easily before they hit you at once, his hands holding your hair back as you puked into a nearby trashcan. He wasn’t much of a drinker himself, so tonight he was playing the role of your guardian angel.
But you proved to be more of a challenge than he thought. You were dancing on tables while playfully beginning a strip tease, Jongho grabbing you and taking you from the intoxicated crowd. You were running off to talk to strangers, Jongho apologizing prolifically to the bar patrons. You were a walking tornado in his eyes. Yet for some reason, he loved you as is, even now as you laid in the booth with your face pressed to the table, signaling it was time for you both to go.
Everything from then was a blur, your eyes opening to see you were lying in bed, out of your original clothing and in your usual pajamas, a faint light from beside you causing to squint as it made the dizziness you felt worse. A silhouette appeared before turning the light off, slowly approaching you as you laid back in the bed, exhausted and disoriented.
“Hey. You alright?” Jongho’s familiar voice made you look up to him with a grin, something cotton-like and  wet touching your cheek.
“I’m just trying to get your makeup off so you can sleep.” He commented, paying close attention to make sure he didn’t miss a spot.
Once he finally wiped over your lips, you smirked playfully at him.
“Did you undress me too?” A faint pink dusted his face, glad he didn’t turn on the lights in your bedroom or else you’d see how flustered he was.
“Y-yeah. I thought you’d be more comfortable in that.”
“Did you like what you saw?” The way he froze made you laugh out loud, tossing your head back before placing a hand on the crown of his head.
“I’m kidding, but thank you. You’re always so sweet to me.” You commented, shutting your eyes and he began to scrub away your eyes shadow.
“What else are friends for?” He muttered, your lips pursing into a thin line.
“Friends keep you from doing dumb things when you drink. But boyfriends help you take off your makeup after a long day.” When he finally removed the makeup covered towelette from your eyes, you stared him down with no hesitation. You were just as bold drunk as you were sober.
Jongho swallowed hard as he struggled to find a response.
“W-what do you mean?”
“I mean, I want you to be my boyfriend.” You said plainly, your eyes trying hard to focus and meet his wide ones, your stomach turning with butterflies.
He was always so cute to you. Sure, he was mature and manly, but the way he squirmed under your bold statements, even simple compliments, made your heart beat faster, a brief moment of joy filling you as you daydreamed of the days you could be that open with him, shying away because of how cheesy you are rather than being the friend that unexpectedly hits on him. You dreamt of that day for years. But now was the only time you could think to act.
Jongho didn’t know what to say, clearing his throat as he stood, eyes hard while gaining the courage to respond.
“You should probably confess when you’re completely sober.”
“You’re right. I’m not sober at all, Jongho. Just a really competent drunk.” Your tone was sarcastic.
For a split second, he almost believed you were just tipsy, aware of everything you were doing and saying. But as he went to the bathroom to dispose of the wetwipe, he returned to you completely out cold, snoring like a bear in hibernation, his feelings swirling into confusion as he no longer knew what to believe.
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lunarmessenger · 3 years
What about a MC x Zen where MC is a veterinarian/groomer/anything with animals and is therefore usually covered in cat hair lol?
THIS IS CUTE PLEEEEASE YOU GOT IT BBY!! (also thank you for requesting zen x mc i feel like him, jaehee, and yoosung don’t get enough attention sometimes GJEKLAJGEKJG)
disclaimer: I’m not too familiar with grooming, so if I get anything wrong I apologize in advance!! xx
warnings: none
word count: 1.2k
“There you go, sweetheart! Nice and clean for your parents, hmm?” You gently picked the cat up from the small grooming table, giving the adorable animal one final brush through his soft hair as he purred in satisfaction. You giggled, rubbing your face against the clean fur and then placing the small animal back into his carrier.
“Ah, you’re still here, MC? You were supposed to be off thirty minutes ago.” Your coworker slightly brushes their hip against yours, your eyes widening as you checked your watch and cursed.
“Oh shoot, you’re right! I have to go; please make sure to call his owners to let them know that he’s ready to be picked up!” You shouted, hurriedly taking off your smock and grabbing the nearby lint roller. Your coworker laughed, watching your frantic self run it over your clothing as you huffed.
“Still haven’t told your boyfriend where you work, huh?” You ran a hand through your mussed air, groaning at the cat hair that came out with your fingers as you nodded.
“Yeah. I just...things are going great with him but his allergies are so bad that...I’m scared he’ll break up with me. And I really want to make things work.” Your shoulders slumped as you leaned against one of the empty tables. It had only been a few months, but you felt that you’d known Zen for a lifetime.
He was so sweet; you were always his priority, and he always pushed that you follow your dreams. That was something you intended to do; but the problem was that your dream would surely clash with him. Pampering and taking care of animals was something that you’d always enjoyed throughout your childhood, and you were almost to your goal of having enough money to open up your own business.
You had a loyal client based that swore to follow you when you finally pursued that passion, but you were nervous that your oh so loyal boyfriend wouldn’t do the same. You knew this; you knew that it was a possibility when you met him that he wouldn’t stick around due to his allergies. Over and over you had tried to explain to him what you really do for a living, what you do when he was gone at rehearsals and every time you were about to tell him, you stopped yourself.
Wouldn’t it be easier if he just knew? Wouldn’t it be easier that you get it out of the way now, before you fell even harder for him? These were questions that you already knew the answer to, but you still couldn’t bring yourself to tell him.
“You need to tell him, MC. He’s going to catch on at some point, and on top of that you can’t build a relationship off of a lie.” You glared at your coworker; how dare they be right in their words. You sighed as you nodded.
“I know, I know but I just—oh! Oh no!” You looked at your watch again and noticed that it was already twenty minutes past Zen’s rehearsal; surely he was home by now.
“I have to go! I’m sorry! Don’t forget to call his owners!” Your coworker shook their head as you dashed out the door, sprinting to the nearest bus station as they sighed.
You slowly opened the door to his small apartment, stepping quietly inside and softly shutting the door behind you. He wasn’t in the living room, and you couldn’t hear him rummaging in the fridge for a beer like he usually did. You let out a soft breath; maybe his rehearsal ran late.
If that was the case, you’d have plenty of time to take a quick shower and throw your clothes in the wash to be rid of the animal hair. You gently placed your keys inside the small dish and hung up your bag, taking off your shoes as you took a sigh of relief.
“Babe!” You jumped as Zen came running from the bedroom, towel wrapped around his waist as he enveloped you in a hug. You gasped as he picked you up, his hair damp as your arms wrapped around his neck to stabilize yourself.
“Oh! Hi, honey.” You stuttered out, nervous as he placed you back down and immediately pressed his lips to yours.
“I’ve missed you, you know. You were all I could think about today, and I—” He paused, your eyes immediately squeezing shut as he backed away and looked at you. His finger picked up one of the many cat hairs on your body, the white fur slowly falling to the ground as he let it go.
“Zen I can explain, I—”
“Achoo!” It begins. He’s sneezing, badly, his arm covered in snot as he runs back into the bedroom and shuts himself in the bathroom. Quickly you took off your clothes and rushed to the washer, tossing them in and turning towards the hall closet. You fished out the vacuum and hurriedly ran it over the entrance and the couch, making sure not a single hair was left behind as you cursed at yourself.
“Shit, shit!” Before you knew it you were crying, the fear of what was coming next becoming all too real as you put the vacuum back into the closet. This was it. He was going to break it off with you and the both of you would never see each other again.
“Honey?” You turned towards him, feeling embarrassed as you tried to wipe away your tears and cover your body. Even though, quite frankly, he’s seen it all already.
“I understand if you want to break things off. I should have told you sooner I’m so sorry, but please, I can take precautions and I just love my job, it’s my dream, and...and...” You drifted off, feeling overwhelmed with sadness as you gave up and let the tears fall.
“I shouldn’t have lied to you. I’m so so sorry Hyun.” You were really crying now as you refused to look at him, hugging yourself as you heard him slowly approach you.
“Princess, please don’t cry...I already knew...” Shocked you looked up at him, a small smile on his face as he brought his fingers up to wipe your tears away.
“Baby, I’ve known since I first met you. Our second date? When I said that I’d had a cold? I noticed a piece of cat hair on your coat and my allergies were acting up. But I didn’t want to end it because I was having so much fun with you, my love.” You sniffed, softly gripping his wrists as you leaned against his broad chest.
“Yes. I’ve known for months. I usually take an allergy pill but I forgot today. I was waiting for you to tell me, but I couldn’t stand to see you cry over a silly mistake.” You gave a big breath of relief as you fell into his arms, completely exhausted.
He had known, all this time; and while part of you was upset that he hadn’t just told you that he knew, the more sensible part of you knew why he’d kept it hidden. You squealed as he suddenly picked you up in both of his arms, carrying you bridal style as he walked towards your shared bedroom.
“Why don’t we take a hot shower together, babe? I think you deserve to relax after working so hard for months.” He blew a raspberry into your cheek as you giggled, kissing his cheek in return as the two of you spent the rest of the night in each others arms.
Filled with cuddles and free of anymore cat hair.
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ikevamp-annalyne · 4 years
Hello! If you were still receiving asks: may I request the IkemenVampire boys (if they are too much then I’ll have enough with Isaac, Mozart, Arthur and Comte) reaction to their s/o doing the naked challenge (this trend may be old but I just found it out lol) please? I love your work and thank you in advance! (If you’re not receiving anymore asks feel free to ignore :3)
Hello there! Thank you for requesting! (´ ▽`).。o♡ And thanks for liking my work TwT it means a lot to me!
He is actually napping when you do the naked challenge so it fails at first. But then, he opens an eye, sees you naked, throws his arms around you and snuggles you to death while falling asleep again -and after kissing you-.
He is in the music room when you approach naked. When he sees you, his cheeks become meteor-coloured and he throws his jacket on you before locking the door and then kissing you like there is no tomorrow -and then more-
He is sketching in his room when you go to him naked. He will laugh because surprised, close his sketching book and stand up to push you on the wall before kissing you and caressing your whole body -and then intense love session-
Duh he is writing at his desk and when he hears your footsteps behind him, he immediately turns away. Seeing you naked... Heh. He almost throws himself at you, tripping on his desk chair and bumping on his table so you laugh.
The good thing is you enterred his room naked while he was just preparing a new canvas. Because when he saw you, while blushing hard, he gave an unwanted brushstrock. If it was a painting almost done, imagine the disaster...
You chose the worst moment because he was eating some pancakes as a snack. So he eyed you and then munched on his pancakes before telling you to wait for him in his room. And that you are not allowed to dress until he arrives.
Baby Isaac is studying in his room when you do it and he blushes hard, drops his pen, covers his eyes before actually coming at you and holding you close while nibbling on your neck and leading you to his bed.
Well he is in his room practicing fencing when you appear naked. He stops, stares at you, blushes, and asks you why you don't have clothes. He puts his jacket on you but you toss it away and you push him on the bed to, heheh.
He is feeding Bunta when you come naked. So he covers his bird's eyes before giggling, whistling and gesturing you to come closer to kiss you and caress your skin, his other hand still covering Bunta's eyes so he is clumsy.
He is writing and having a headache when you do the naked challenge so he stares at you with dead eyes. But he quickly becomes alive and almost runs at your side to carry you in bridal style and go to his bed while smiling.
While he is writing a letter in his room, you come naked. He smiles, seemingly unaffacted, gently puts the pen on the desk and stands up, locking his room and playing with your hair before hugging you and sitting you on his desk.
He is cooking and hears the kitchen lock. He turns around and sees you naked. So he asks you what is going on. You just look at him, smiling. He sighs, giggles, calls you idiot and kisses you while covering you with his jacket.
I hope you liked it! ꉂ (ᵔ̴̶̤᷄ꇴ ॣᵔ̴̶̤᷅⌯))л̵ʱªʱª⁎*.*
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thefloorisbalaclava · 4 years
Pairing: Agent Whiskey x female reader
Warnings: none just cheesy fluff lol
A/N: It’s raining out and it gave me an idea so I went with it. It’s very cheesy so I apologize in advance. It’s just how I’m feeling right now lol.
You closed your eyes and listened to the rain, enjoying the calming feeling that washed over you. It had been a while since you were truly able to relax and to be able to do it with someone you love, well, that was a bonus.
"It's rainin' like a cow's pissin' on a flat rock!" Jack said as he made his way out the door to join you on the porch. Why he felt the need to be fully dressed you didn't know.
"Thank you for that colorful weather report, Jack," you teased. "Charming as always." You really did love his expressions.
"Thank you, ma'am." He chuckled and tipped his hat then sat beside you immediately taking your hand in his. "This is nice."
"Yeah, it is."
"We should stay here," he suggested. "Like...forever." You looked at him and he shrugged. "If you wanna…"
"Of course I wanna, Jack. Nothing would make me happier but you gotta do one thing for me..." You stood and walked down the porch steps into the pouring rain. "Come on!"
"What the hell are you doin'?!" he yelled before removing his hat and running over to you. He watched as you spun around and giggled, letting the rain wash over you. You were one of the most beautiful things he would ever lay eyes on. "Playin' in the rain? Is that the one thing I gotta do for you?"
"Maybe." You walked up to him and he took his jacket off to put it around your shoulders. He held you by the arms before moving his hands up to your face and kissing you. You felt like you were in one of those romance movies. "I've never been kissed in the rain before."
"Never? I just did, honey...and I'm about to again." True to his word, he pressed his lips to yours and held you tightly. "So what was that one thing you wanted me to do?"
"I...I can't remember." You laughed and he shook his head. "We better get inside before we end up sick." 
"Yes ma'am." He grabbed your hand and ran with you back to the house. Once inside, he began stripping down. "You too, lil miss."
"Yes sir." As you undressed he ran upstairs and started the bath then came back down. "I could've met you up there."
"Yeah, but then I wouldn't've been able to do this." He picked you up bridal style.
"You better not drop me," you warned.
"Never." He carried you up the stairs and into the bathroom before putting you on your feet. "Get." He tapped your bottom and you climbed into the tub.
"I really hope I don't get sick," you said.
"You shoulda thought about that before runnin' out in the rain," he scolded. "But if you happen to get sick I guess I'm just gonna have to take care of you, huh?"
"You already do, Jack."
"Then it'll be easy." He climbed into the bath with you. He was quiet as he washed your body and as you washed his. As you rinsed off, he spoke. "Before today, I ain't never been kissed in the rain either," he confessed.
"A first for the both of us then."
"The first of many." He pulled you against him and sighed. "I am sugar in your hands, darlin'." You smiled at his words.
"Oh, I got one!" You closed your eyes trying to remember the words you read. "Sure as the vine twines 'round the stump…" you started.
"...you are my darlin' sugar lump," you both said in unison.
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