#and i lose sight of how everything comes together. which is another reason why i find having a vision. my vision may have specific parts
melonteee · 3 months
Oda is really good at foreshadowing because, while him having always had a clear complete backstory for each character from the get go isn't so sure, he clearly has character sheets for each of them that highlight the themes to be explored through them and what logically leads them to become who they are today (finding family in strangers for robin : why not bio fam? -> neglect. why realization at enies lobby and not jaya? -> betrayal in the past, needed proof of truthfulness. why this found fam and not another one? -> criminal lifestyle and previous experience of constant exploitation)
Then when he sets up a scene between characters, he takes all of those sheets into account and specifically choses what would make sense to be "revealed"/said between those characters (and in turn to the audience) at this specific point in time in the plot and in the overall story
Ex: Robin and Law's talk about the Will of D. It makes complete sense for both of them to have this talk in the story between each other specifically. Why didn't Robin ask any other D before Law ? The D clan aren't that plentiful when you think about it to the point Robin met 3 of them in her entire life. She didn't know how important it was back then so she never asked Saul. She probably asked Luffy but Luff-man doesn't care about those matters to the point he only found out he even had a dad at 17yo ("sorry Robin"). In short, Law is perfect for the job. And while his information fits at that point in the plot for Robin to uncover, we as an audience aren't ready for it yet.
Alternatively, when those character themes sometimes coincide between different characters, he simply ties them together to avoid redundancy
Bonney is a funny case to me because she was created in a week like most of the non-Strawhat supernovas but Oda made sure that her and these new characters wouldn't interfere or create plotholes with what he's already had in mind while leaving enough leeway to tie them more into the plot if needed. Bonney has the biggest leeway of any supernova because of her devil fruit powers. The fact it changes her age and we were only ever given an estimation means you could technically have her be born at nearly any point in time as well as be the daughter, mother or grandmother to anyone you wish.
Yet she fits so well as Kuma's daughter for a very simple reason: It makes the scene of Kuma sending Perona to Mihawk's island gain a layer of sense that was kinda missing and easily glossed over on a first read. Other than giving a demonstration of what Kuma's abilities could do pre-Sabaody and emphasize how much bigger of a threat he was compared to Moria even if they shared the same title, we never really got WHY Perona was spared like the strawhats were at Sabaody. There wasn't some grand vision to it, no tie to something he was part of like the Revolutionaries, ... So why ? Especially at that point in time where he was slowly but surely losing himself and any tie left to his humanity
But then Bonney comes in and their backstory is revealed. And that's when you begin to notice. You notice that Perona is a pink haired adult woman with a rather childish personality. Notice that her devil fruit can easily be underestimated and holds a lot of potential. Notice that Kuma mechanically asked her a really strange question which lacked an important key setup for it. Notice that the spot on Mihawk's island where he sent her to was safe from danger. And you realize
Perona might have reminded Kuma of someone very very close to him to the point his mind couldn't even fathom harming a look alike.
And chronologically at the time of this encounter, he's only seen Bonney as an adult once back at the Sorbet Kingdom where he ended up fainting at the sight alone
In a strange turn of events, things just fit and we're all happy for it
I have nothing to say you're just spot on about everything here. I am so desperate to see Oda's notes on when he makes arcs and characters for how he puts everything together. I can only hope he's kept all of them so, when One Piece ends, he can release a book with all his concept sketches and character/story plots to see exactly how he does it. I need to see how the gears turn u know
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mrs-monaghan · 11 months
"So off he goes to what he thinks is still Jimin's room (he cheated/helped Jimin to get this room btw, but that's an analysis for another day)"
Can that day also be today? 😳
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Anon is quoting this post.
In the soop season 2 episode 1.
Let us begin. Jhope asks to find out which members will be partiers for the duration of their stay there
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Vminhopekook, the 4 members who love to hang out together end up being team party party, of course
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Off the members go to their respective houses. So when Vminhopekook get to house C, Jimin who wants the best room for himself stealthily runs upstairs
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Unfortunately for him, he gets busted 🤣🤣🤣
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So Jimin has no choice but to come back down with his stuff and he gathers everyone around
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But then instead of waiting for people to gather, he goes back upstairs to that room he wants.
Remember when I mentioned in the other post about Jikook and how they always keep an eye on the cameras?
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I believe they turn them off quite often too 🤭 Anyway, Jimin really likes the room.
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He really, really wants this room
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Even editors get it. Jimin wanted this room before he even saw how nice it was. For this I believe he wanted this room because it's upstairs far from the rest and therefore isolated. Why he would want this kind of privacy, who knows? I can't think of a single reason why 😌😌
Moving on swiftly, he goes back downstairs so they can pick rooms and its decided JK doesn't need to play. He can just pick one of the downstairs rooms coz he has Bam. Which he does.
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So Vhopemin are left to play rock, paper, scissors
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Keep in mind Jimin sucks at this game. He is known as the member with the worse streak from losing many games, yes. But also RPS. Especially RPS. So they play the first time and they all end up doing rock
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This is the part you want anon. Time stamp: 21:53
JK shows Jimin "rock"
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I just now realised Jhope also saw 😂😂😂 so they go one more round and guess who does rock and wins?
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That's right. JK who had stepped away immediately asks;
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Keep in mind he's not in the room. All he heard was shouting. But the first person he asks about is Jimin. Why? 🤭🤭
Because he gave him the answer and wanted to know if it worked 😌 He needed to know which would be their other room So! happy Mimi runs upstairs with a happy "weeeeeeeeee"
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Very happy to have the room he had his sights on from jump.
In conclusion: Jeon Jungkook loves Park Jimin. The end
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I absolutely love, love, looooove when Jikook cheat to be with eo or for eo. It's just... it's everything guys. Just couple things, nbd 😌
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imakemywings · 1 year
Why Ship Eärendil/Elwing?
I think there are a lot of good reasons so let’s have a look (。・∀・)ノ゙
1. They have a lot in common. Both of them went through pretty traumatic events as children that involved being driven from their homes by an attacking force, losing family to that attacking force (Eärendil’s grandfather, Elwing’s parents and her brothers), and ending up refugees. They’re also at this point the only Peredhil in Middle-earth. There are a lot of difficult experiences they share, which allows them to understand each other on a level people without those experiences can’t as well.
2. They grew up together. They grew up in the Havens at Sirion and childhood-friends-to-lovers is a fire trope as far as I’m concerned. It’s very possible they played together as kids and they were there through each other’s awkward adolescent phases and talked each other through other crushes before they finally got together.
3. They obviously care about each other. We don’t see the details of a lot of marriages in The Silmarillion. Many of them are left wholly to the imagination as to how those characters acted around each other, but Eärendil and Elwing are explicitly devoted to each other.
“Eärendil found not Tuor nor Idril, nor came he ever on that journey to the shores of Valinor, defeated by shadows and enchantment. driven by repelling winds, until in longing for Elwing he turned homeward....” (Emphasis added)
Eärendil attempting his first voyage to Valinor is beset by all kinds of dangers, but it’s missing Elwing that finally makes him turn back and call this trip a bust.
“For Ulmo bore up Elwing out of the waves, and he gave her the likeness of a great white bird, and upon her breast there shone as a star the Silmaril, as she flew over the water to seek Eärendil her beloved.” (Emphasis added)
Beloved remains one of the peak terms of endearment, lbr.
“Then Eärendil, first of living Men, landed on the immortal shores...And Eärendil said to [his companions]: ‘Here none but myself shall set foot, lest you fall under the wrath of the Valar. But that peril I will take on myself alone, for the sake of the Two Kindreds.’
But Elwing answered: ‘Then would our paths be sundered for ever; but all thy perils I will take on myself also.’ And she leaped into the white foam and ran towards him...”
Elwing really said “if you’re damned then I will be too.” Here she accepts Eärendil’s fate, just as Eärendil later accepts hers and chooses the Elven path.
“But when all was spoken, Manwë gave judgement, and he said: ‘In this matter the power of doom is given to me. The peril that he ventured for love of the Two Kindreds shall not fall upon Eärendil, nor shall it fall upon Elwing his wife, who entered into peril for love of him...” (Emphasis added)
Even the Valar recognize how much these two care about each other!
“And at times, when Eärendil returning drew near again to Arda, she [Elwing] would fly to meet him, even as she had flown long ago, when she was rescued from the sea. Then the far-sighted among the Elves that dwelt in the Lonely Isle would see her like a white bird, shining, rose-stained in the sunset, as she soared in joy to greet the coming of Vingilot to haven.” (Emphasis added)
After their journey, even in spite of all their grief, they still find joy in one another. Their marriage is still strong even through everything they’ve seen.
4. They saved Middle-earth together. These two did what no one else had managed and sailed back to the Blessed Realm to get help for Middle-earth. Clearly, power couple moves.
”Yet Eärendil saw now no hope left in the lands of Middle-earth, and he turned again in despair and came not home, but sought back once more to Valinor with Elwing at his side.”
Friendly remind this journey is supposed to be impossible, but they are determined to do it because they know Middle-earth cannot survive without the intercession of the Valar.
“Few of the Teleri were willing to go forth to war, for they remembered the slaying at the Swanhaven, and the rape of their ships; but they hearkened to Elwing...and they sent mariners enough to sail the ships that bore the hose of Valinor east over the sea.”
But for Elwing, the Teleri would not have engaged in the war effort at all; she alone convinced them to help.
“But Eärendil came, shining with white flame, and about Vingilot were gathered all the great birds of heaven and Thorondor was their captain, and there was battle in the air all day and through a dark night of doubt. But before the rising of the sun Eärendil slew Ancalagon the Black, the mightiest of the dragon-host, and cast him down from the sky...”
From start to finish Eärendil and Elwing have been committed to saving Middle-earth from Melkor’s menace and boy do they see it through.
5. Eärendil chooses immortality to stay with Elwing. In a mirror of Beren and Lúthien’s story, Eärendil surrenders a mortal fate to stay joined with Elwing.
“Then Eärendil said to Elwing: ‘Choose thou, for now I am weary of the world.’ And Elwing chose to be judged among the Firstborn Children of Ilúvatar, because of Lúthien; and for her sake Eärendil chose alike...”
Eärendil both trusts Elwing to make this choice for both of them and makes the same choice as her even though it isn’t his first preference.
6. Eärendil named his boat, which becomes the immortal vessel in which he sails through the skies, after Elwing. Can we say romance?
7. Elwing gives Eärendil the Silmaril. In general, most people who get their hands on a Silmaril are not keen to give it up. Yet Elwing passes the Silmaril onto Eärendil without a fuss and never again takes possession of it.
8. Their super rad mythological couple energy. Half-Elven couple who braved the sea to voyage to a realm it was supposed to be impossible for them to find to bring back divine help for their home? Last queen of the forest kingdom who in her moment of greatest despair is lifted up by divine forces and transformed? Hero of the last bastion of the Elves in Middle-earth who uses his mariner skills to make an impossible voyage, bearing back a jewel thought lost forever? Former Elven queen who now abides in a white tower on the sea and talks to birds and transforms into a bird herself to fly up to greet the return of her husband? Immortal captain of a flying ship that slew a dragon and now keeps watch over the stars? They are killing it y’all.
Feel free to add on o(* ̄▽ ̄*)ブ
All quotes in this post are from the “Of the Voyage of Eärendil and the War of Wrath” chapter of The Silmarillion!
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Convinced? Not convinced? Try these fanfic recs under the cut:
At the Water’s Edge by crackinthecup - G - 3,349 - Eärrámë is nearly ready to sail. Tuor and Idril’s days at the Havens of Sirion are drawing to an end. It is a time of loss and hope for all, and Elwing is no exception.
Elwing, Survivor by crownlessliestheking - T - Elwing and Earendil after arriving in Valinor.
From the Ones Who Came Before by Krita - T - 5,247 - Elwing was young when Menegroth fell. Melian's line is complicated, but far more so is growing into yourself.
A Glimpse of the Harbor by me - G - 1,925 - Elwing watched for the return of Earendil's ship.
How Big, How Blue, How Beautiful by mochimilku - T - 1,185 - Eärendil, Elwing, and the ocean.
Let Us Taunt Old Care with a Merry Air / And Sing in the Face of Ill by me - G - 643 - When Elwing lands in the Havens, she befriends a young princeling from Gondolin.
The One With All the Birds by clothono - G - 46,543 - Elwing and Nerdanel in Valinor in the Fourth Age; a story about children coming home.
So Summer Comes by potatoesanddreams - G - 2,654 - Ada said he would be home by autumn equinox. It is winter solstice now.
Untitled by simaethae - G - E-squared family fluff.
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itsgxsly · 1 year
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Summary: just a nice lazy day with Nikolai
Pairing: nikolai lantsov x reader
Warnings: none
Word Count: 782
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There were rare days when Nikolai didn't have to get up early in a hurry and disappear from the comfort of your bed to take care of whatever royal business occupied his day. But although they were rare, there was one day or another in which the King decided to take a break from everything and just enjoy the tranquility of a full day by your side. So after planning everything well in advance so as not to leave any loose ends that could interrupt your time together, Nikolai was able to go to sleep next to you knowing that tomorrow he would not be in any rush.
The light that entered through the half-open curtains of the room woke up Nikolai. The first thing he saw as soon as he opened his eyes was your naked figure sleeping face down, with your face looking up at him, a sight he couldn't properly enjoy as many times as he wanted. But that day was yours, exclusively for you two without any interruption, so Nikolai was going to take advantage of it from the first to the last second. He approached you and gently placed his lips on your back, and he began to leave a trail of soft kisses as feathers until he reached your cheek, where he kissed you for a long time. For a few minutes you were already half awake, having noticed your husband's kisses. You opened your eyes and your gaze met Nikolai's, both eyes filled with love and tenderness as you looked at each other.
"Good morning, my queen" Nikolai's hoarse voice along with the nickname brought butterflies to your stomach.
"Good morning" you stretched to lose sleep and Nikolai took advantage of the distraction to kiss you.
You spent a few lazy hours in bed where you and Nikolai caught up on the cuddles you haven't been able to have lately, and finally decided to get up from the comfort of the silk sheets to go for a walk in the gardens and stretch your legs, besides, the weather seemed to be in your favor because the sun was shining brightly that day in Ravka, not a single cloud covering the sky.
You walked hand in hand down the cobbled path of the palace garden. There was a comfortable silence, one of those in which you both know that you didn't need to talk to be able to hang out with each other, but you could simply enjoy each other's presence. Walking and walking you arrived at your favorite area of ​​the garden, surrounded by your favorite flowers that Nikolai had asked to plant just for you. You set the picnic blanket you were carrying on the ground and Nikolai sat down first, giving you space to sit between his legs, your back resting against his chest. You enjoyed the views in peace, until you noticed Nikolai's gaze on your face, so you still turned in his arms to look at him too.
"Do I have something on my face or is there some other reason why you are staring at me?" You asked laughing slightly though a bit embarrassed by his cheeky gaze on you.
"Apart from a dazzling beauty, no, you have nothing on your face" his answer was accompanied by a mischievous smile, knowing how it affected you when he praised you. And obviously he knew you well, because it didn't take long for you to blush and hide your face in his chest. Nikolai laughed at your reaction and put his hands on your cheeks pulling your face away from hiding him making you look at him.
"Don't hide from me," Nikolai ordered softly.
"Don't make me blush and I won't have to hide" you replied challenging him.
Nikolai just shook his head denying and smiled in love just before approaching him to leave a tender kiss on your lips. You returned it enthusiastically and then you parted ways and took the opportunity to talk.
"Thanks for today. I missed spending time with you like this” now there was no joke in you, just a deep love and sincerity coming out of your mouths.
“You don't have to thank me, my love. Actually, I think we should repeat this more times, maybe I can leave Zoya and Genya in the care of the country more often” Nikolai raised the idea.
“Ohh, you know they'd kill you if you left them alone carrying the stupid duties of royalty. Especially Zoya” you laughed thinking about how angry your friend would be if that happened.
“Hmm, maybe. But death would be worth it if it means I can spend more days like this with you"
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sunlightwoo · 2 years
you’re it for me: motive - chapter five
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summary: something about him never sat right with you from the moment that you’ve locked eyes with him on campus. you’ve even gone as far as throwing your drink at him at his own release party, yet somehow the universe always brings the two of you together whether you like it or not. but what’s so special about him that makes you associate everything in sight to your hatred towards him?
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“You can’t just pour coffee on customers, Y/N.”
You were currently in the back corners of the cafe cooling off from the heat of your emotions by your friend, Wooyoung, who had just witnessed everything in front of him. If anybody could see you at this moment, there could’ve been fumes once again steaming out of your ears because you didn’t think that he would show up once again in front of you. 
“I mean, I told Taehyun that I would do it again-”
“He’s literally famous, Blossom. What if he decides to take legal action against you, and you lose all the hard work you’ve been using for your gallery?” He reasons while giving you a stern glare, making you let out a huff in response as you cross your arms in front of your chest. 
It all would’ve been fine as a horrible day today, had he not shown up. There were way too many instances in which people had decided to be malicious against you, and nothing except for apologies had come from your lips. The moment that he had walked in, however, was when you were seeing red, and if it weren’t for your best friend being in the cafe today, you would’ve also put your two weeks in as well to your manager. 
But he was right; you needed the money so that you could at least create your gallery of works. 
“I don’t even know how he found me, I never even talked to this dude.” You mumbled quietly before glancing over to where the latter was sitting down near the front of the cafe, however you knew better and realized that you should apologize at some point. 
Maybe there was something that was written in the universes for you two to meet, you think to yourself, as you glance between your best friend that was glaring in front of you and the man who was the victim of all your drinks. You sigh to yourself, wondering if there were any other rational solutions to what has been happening, but you knew that you had to face it head on. 
That was until you see another shadow blocking your view. 
“Why do you hate me so much?” 
Yeonjun stares down at you with a confused look on his face with arms crossed in front of his chest, mirroring yours actually, and you weren’t sure how else you would have explained it. You were pretty sure that Taehyun would’ve explained it all to him already, but there were no words that were coming out of your mouth except for the frown that was stained on your lips. 
“How did you even get that cover art idea in the first place?” You retort as you were curious as to what he would say, but the next few words make your stomach churn for a moment. 
He had seen it in a dream, which could only mean one thing. You knew what this had meant, and you didn’t want to think of it as you stared at the man in front of you, realizing that your best friend had left you two alone a while ago when you were talking to him. 
Now that he was in front of you, it had somewhat made sense. 
“I need to leave, I’m sorry.”
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sunny-mercya · 1 year
Hey, Brother do you still believe in one another?
03. Of Jealousy and Blessings
Heiji Hattori x Male Reader | Plantonic! Shinichi Kudo x Brother Reader
Fandom -> Detective Conan/Case Closed
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My jealousy, jealousy started following me
I'm losing it, all I get's jealousy, jealousy 
Jealousy is such an ugly and petty emotion. It can make humans do the most regrettable things and brings the worst out of them. Jealousy is a unpleasant feeling no one wants to feel, and yet it is almost one of the most humane, because it makes you self-reflect in a way—unknown for others, but for you to understand.
Sachiko had no clue how exactly you had found out, about Shinichis secret calling and she didn't want to know either—but maybe she should have told you right away, instead of promising Ran not to. 
Seeing you walking back and forth in your room, boiling with minimal anger and ranting in jealousy was a sight Sachiko rarely liked to witness. After all you're a gentle person, but even you had limits and they were getting tested till they reached their point of bursting.
«Hey, [Name], maybe Shinichi has a explanatory reason for it, so how about you take some deep breaths and relax?» Sachiko hoped at least so, because if he don't......if he don't......Sachiko wasn't even so sure what then though.
You only heard half of what Sachiko has said to you. Too busy with thinking? Honestly you don't even know how thinking works at all, one of the many unsolved mysteries in the universe. How could someone tell that they are having thoughts? The same applies to emotions. How can you tell?
You stopped mid tracks, glancing at the photo of Shinichi, which stood on your nightstand, for mere seconds. How could he? How dare he? How dare he!
Sachiko flinched at your outburst, she never heard you raise your voice with such anger in it. Not expecting [Name] to take the photo and throw it, with such a force, onto the ground. The Glass shattering into pieces and scattering around the room. When you turned to Sachiko and pointing a finger at her, she knew what was about to come.
«And you! You knew and didn't told me? Why huh?» 
Guilt crawled through Sachikos heart, bringing it to a painfully clench. You were right, Sachiko was your friend after all, she should've have told you, but she also was a friend of Ran—doesn't matter how she thought about it, someone would always be upset either way.
She saw your tear filled eyes and how you tried to hold them back as best as you could. Your knees had buckled, sinking onto the ground—you gripped the photo together with the shards, so tightly till you saw blood dripping down. Sachiko moved down from your bed, kneeling besides you and took you into her arms.  
You couldn't hold tears back anymore, crying and sobbing in a ugly mess, which raked through your body. Leaning more into Sachikos hold, your grip on the photo tightens even more, crumbling it. 
Why? Why was Shinichi doing this? Why does he ignore you but not Ran? Just because Ran was the girl he got a crush on, doesn't mean she was special enough and have the privileges of getting a call from Shinichi in the first place. 
So Ran was important to him, but not you—his own brother? What kind of logic was that even? 
There was a silence between you two, as Sachiko bandaged up your hand. None of the two had utter a word, after you had calmed down enough to be in a more rational headspace.
«You know what I will do Sachi? I will block his number. So that if he decides to call me at all, he can't. Because I'm gonna ignore him, just like he does with me.» You told her, having made a finally decision. 
Not only would you block his number, but you would throw everything which reminded you of Shinichi—all the memories you two had gathered and had a place in your room, into the basement. Out of sight, out of mind. 
It was for the best, you were sure. For your own well-being and mental health. 
You knew that Ran wasn't at fault here, had no right to give her all the blame,  but you couldn't help yourself with that jealousy towards her. There wasn't anger, just jealousy. And you didn't know how it would go from now on or how you could talk with Ran, without that lingering petty emotion inside of you.
Heiji leaned against a Bookshelf, hands buried deep into his pockets, glancing at his Rival. So Heiji had lost against Kudo, even when he was so sure, he was the far better Detective. But being a great Detective means also to admit defeat, something you had told him once.
«I was sure I would win, but I admit my defeat.» Heiji gave a nod towards Kudo, shrugging his shoulders. Perhaps indeed, Kudo was worthy of being called his rival of the East. And maybe Kudo was a Great Detective as well, but only maybe.
«Hattori, there's no win or lose, neither good or bad in what we do....because there's always only one truth.» Shinichis voice was hoarse as he spoke, he could feel the heat—which was burning his whole body, no boiling it, from the inside out. Shinichi knew he hadn't much time left, before he either shrunk back or die for real now. 
A pained gaps escaped from his mouth. Gripping at his chest, where his heart was—beating way too fast. Shinichi ignored Heijis worries, shaking off the helping hand, who steady him, as he begun to stumble forward. Not enough time and Shinichi still had to tell Hattori something.
Shinichi coughed, steadying himself again and looking at Hattori. Taking a few breaths. God, he felt as he couldn't form any words nor speak anymore. He bite his tongue for a moment, the pain to distract his fuzzy like mind to fall into a state of unconscious.
«You know Hattori, I was skeptical at first, when my brother told me about you. But now I think you're more than enough for [Name], so, be his Knight in shininess amour and protect him at all costs. I'll give you my blessing,» 
Shinichi was wrong about his judgmental view about  Hattori (and you). Hattori was the right person for you, even though he still believes that there could be someone better out there. Shinichi just didn't wanted to admit it to himself; how you had grown and could choose the love of your life on your own.
Hattori was enough, more than enough, for you and Shinichi had to accept that one way or another. 
Heiji was confused. Didn't understand what Kudo had told him and what [Name] had to do with it. He was confused but before he could ask for any elaboration, Shinichi had bolted out of the room—looking as he was about to vomit. 
Heiji rushed after him, seconds later. Too late, stopping at the staircase and Shinichi was just kind of gone? 
Than it dawned on Heiji what Shinichi just had told him.
It was around 8PM when you had open the door for Heiji, who looked a bit soaked from the starting rain. You had offered him a towel, after he slipped off his shoes and into the slippers. 
While Heiji dried himself off, you gave him a sideways hug. Taking his hand and pulling him towards the kitchen, where the smell of Curry was floating around the air. While Heiji took a seat at the table, you walked to the stove and stirred the curry one more time, before filling two plates with it and adding some rice. Setting the plates down on the table, you took a seat yourself.
During the meal you both had conversed about various topics. When you had asked Heiji if he had solved a case today, he told you with delight about it.
«Huh, so Shin-chan was there too?» you asked him at one point. So the fucker couldn't give you a call or anything like that of a sign but showing up at a crime scene and solving the case—that could he do? Asshole.
Heiji snapped his fingers at you, getting your attention and focus, that damned questions he has, burned on his tongue.
«Oi, why didn't you told me sooner that your Kudos brother?»
«Eh? Didn't I told you at the beginning of our relationship? No?, oh, now you know» 
«Damn it [Nickname], that's a bit embarrassing for me, ya know? Now Kudo thinks I'm sort of a fool,» Heiji sighed, finding it unbelievable sometimes how you could be so forgetful about such trivial and mundane information. 
The only response he got, was a heartily chuckle of yours, which makes him grin in return.
I get the feeling that I'm giving up,
on something I love
We shouldn't have to try so hard
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*Sigh* another issue with Merlin
I swear only two things keep me truly obsessed with this show: Merthur, and the potential the show had.
So today I was watching The Poisoned Chalice, which I actually don't rewatch that much because its SO good. Like good to the point where I understand everything, the characters make sense, and Arthur and Merlin are progressing naturally. To the point where if it was the entire show, I would be over it, instead just hissing in my head about Merthur rather than being literally obsessed.
Anyway, I realized how GOOD season 1 is. Arthur and Merlin start off awful, and become really close. Their progression is natural, and if it had just been that the entire time, I honestly don't think I would ship them as much. It would just be, b r o m a n c e. Like how they show runners intended (tbh I think around season 3, they realized how gay it was and how gay it had to be and said STEP ON THE GAS).
BUT, it just shows how much potential the show failed to live up to in seasons 2-5. Merlin and Arthur backtrack for some reason, and now Arthur is a real shithead all the time and Merlin is extremely secretive. All of this is understandable if put in a context of "realistic character growth", which I would actually really enjoy IF it felt purposeful. But it didn't.
Rather, it feels as though the show runners and writers weren't able to handle the complexity of a bond like the one between Arthur and Merlin, which is a shame because there was so much untapped potential.
And, its REALLY disappointing because Merlin and Arthur are perfectly portrayed and progressed in season 1. Then, season 2 fails to live up to that.
Then! season 3 gets really homo and sets up the potential for a great place for representation and a way to have the show finally get a grip on the power of their own story. Then, season 4 just keeps dragging us on, and season 5 drags us on further, while still being really homo. And then the cliff drop of a finale---my favorite episode and least favorite at the same time lol.
It goes to show that while creators and show-runners and show-writers can come up with fantastic concepts, they should really start looking to the fandoms and the people watching their shows for direction and places the show is going naturally. As a writer, it's easy to lose sight of things you want to write vs where the story needs to go.
So all in all, Merlin is still my favorite show and probably always will be---unless Bradley and Colin come back together for another show or smth (seriously though, its confusing to me why people in film/tv aren't taking advantage of the crazy amount of on-screen chemistry Colin and Bradley have, not to mention the hordes of viewers they could easily rake in if they cast them together. smh).
However, there are about 1,000,000,000 things I would change about it so that it could actually get a grip on its own story and live up to its own potential.
In conclusion, love Merlin, love Merthur, just wish that fan-advice and fan-commentary was taken more seriously. So so many shows would be loads better if they just took a moment and listened to the general fan consensus around the plot/characters.
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ikeromantic · 2 years
Mitsuhide, Mind, Alder, and Melpomene
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A request from @primaryblogmyass-blog Approx. 600 words for Mitsuhide, Mind, Alder - intuition, and Melpomene - tragedy. TW for violence
Mitsuhide heard something. A sudden, sharp inhalation, almost a gasp. He held still a moment, listening. There was a rustle of fabric, then everything went still. An uneasy tension ran through him as he strained to hear anything else.
He thought about calling out to his little mouse. She was in the room next to his study and the noise likely came from her. But the unnatural silence stilled his tongue. Something was wrong.
Instead of shouting out to her, Mitsuhide stood and moved as quietly as he could. Slipping from his study to her door. It was closed, and there was still no sound from within.
His heart began to pound and anxiety clutched his throat. He slid the door open. "No-" Mitsuhide held out a hand, bidding the figure in the room to stop.
His little one's eyes met his from where she lay on the floor. They were full of tears and determination. She was pinned by a masked figure in dark clothes. A knife gleamed at her throat.
"Come in and close the door," the figure rasped. A man's voice.
Mitsuhide did as he was told. "Tell me what you are here for," he said coldly.
"Your life." The man's grip on the chatelaine tightened. "Disarm and lay down."
"If I do that, you'll have me at a disadvantage. Why would I let you do that?"
The knife at his little one's throat drew blood as it pressed harder into her skin. "I'll kill your woman."
"Then do it," Mitsuhide bluffed. "She is the only reason you're not already dead. You aren't stupid enough to lose the one thing of value you have."
The figure chuckled, a hoarse, dry laugh. "You don't understand. I don't care if I kill you tonight or not. I will take your life, one way or another. If you won't lie down -" The knife flashed. Crimson bloomed.
Mitsuhide was already moving, reaching for the assailant. His mind racing as he tried to put together a scenario in which she lived. He grabbed the man's knife hand and wrenched the blade away. Mitsuhide stabbed into the man's chest and jerked the blade up, into his heart.
Not fast enough though. Not before the man stabbed him in the side with a blade hidden in his other hand. He laughed again, wetly, blood staining the cloth of his mask. He toppled to the floor.
Mitsuhide ignored him, ignored the pain in his side, the sheet of hot blood that ran from his wound. He reached for his little one.
She held a hand to her throat, trying to stem the scarlet flood. Her other hand clutched at him as he pulled her close. Her bloodflecked lips moved, but no words came out.
"I am sorry," Mitsuhide whispered, tears stinging his eyes, blurring what he knew would be his last sight of her. Then night swallowed him whole, taking his love away into the endless gloom.
He knew it was a darkness he would never wake from. He floated in the sightless gloom, surrounded by a rushing sound. Like a river, or perhaps an incoming tide, as the sound ebbed and swelled. This place was not a hell nor a heaven.
Mitsuhide wasn't sure how long he waited in that strange murk, but a voice brought him out of it. Intruding by one or two words at first, then whole sentences and finally, "If you don't wake up, I'll punch you."
"He's up!"
Hideyoshi's smiling face hovered above his, but Mitsuhide didn't want to see him. He had only one desire. "Where is she?"
The other warlord stepped aside and pointed. On a nearby futon, the chatelaine lay under a blanket. Her face was pale, a bandage wrapped her throat.
"Ieyasu and Masamune found you," Hideyoshi explained. "Almost dead, but hanging on to each other and to your lives. We weren't sure you'd ever wake up. Either of you."
"She's . . . alright?"
Hideyoshi nodded. "Yes. Weak, and she'll have a scar. But she's alive. Resting for now."
Mitsuhide smiled. Darkness took him again, but this time it was a warm, comfortable dusk. One that held the promise of tomorrow.
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jvstheworld · 9 months
The Buffy Re-Watch: Season 1 character analysis
The girl smashing the cliché of blondes dying in horror. She's our hero. A 16 year old girl who wants to be normal but has a duty to save the world. At the beginning she is reluctant to be the slayer, and why wouldn't she be? She lost her first watcher, burned down her school's gym, got kicked out of said school, lost friends, parents divorced and had to move towns because so few schools would take her. In one year since she got called to be a slayer her life has drastically changed and not really for the better. So it's understandable that she wouldn't want to return to that. But as soon as she saw Willow, a new potential friend in trouble, she goes into slayer mode. As soon as she accepts her duty, she does it to the best of her abilities. But she also wants normality in her life. If her life was just school and slaying it would probably make her miserable. Cheerleading, dating, school dances are a part of her ideal normal life as a teenager, it's something she needs to stop herself from feeling more like an outcast than she already is. The best episode to illustrate that is 'Out of Sight, Out of Mind' because back in LA she was in Cordelia's position, but in Sunnydale she is seeing it from the other side. She is also disconnected from her friends and new life, because none of this is what she wanted. She still holds on tot he hope that she can be normal.
However, that is sort of destroyed in 'Prophecy Girl'. Overhearing that she is going to die breaks her. She laughs at the absurdity of it and then we see how she truly feels. She is pissed off. At 16 she is told she will die because someone hundreds of years ago foresaw it, so now it must happen. She doesn't want to, of course she doesn't. She wants to live and be normal, but apparently that's over for her now. Despite all of her anger and pain she still goes to face The Master. After talking to Willow, seeing her fear and devastation of losing people she knew, Buffy had to go. she didn't see another choice. Thought things are never that simple. What really stings for Buffy is that is she had stayed away, if she never confronted the Master, she wouldn't have died. the shock and realisation only comes to her moments before she dies, and The Master being the one to tell her makes it all the worse. It is fortunate that Angel ad Xander came to find her when they did, to bring her back and help her kick ass.
Buffy is a loyal, caring, compassionate person. She is a good slayer, especially after only finding out a year before and past tragedies in her life. She will do anything to protect her friends and anyone who needs help. She doesn't get everything right and makes mistakes, but her willingness to try, the support of her friends, and Giles' guidance helps her and makes up for areas where she is lacking. Her relationship with her mum is a positive one, which is something I personally like to see. She has her fears like everyone else, which males her more 3 dimensional, because she isn't some infallible superhero. Her real life problems and fears keeps her grounded and believable, because a character without those is fake and unrelatable to the audience.
As with my post about Angel, I still need to see a real reason as to why she likes him. If you're going to make a romance happen ten give me reasons to want them together besides them both being attractive. That's all I'm saying.
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macaroonff · 2 years
Swim- Jay Park
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Pairing: Jay x Gender neutral reader Word count: 0.9k Genre: Angst, post- breakup Song rec: Swim by Chase Atlantic
‘Just how every drop of water combined overpowered his flaccid body, every needless thought of you had him sinking. Except that he didn't know how to swim.’
Jay was awake at the most uneventful time of day.
It was early in the morning but too early for the robins to sing their merry tunes. Instead he heard the blackbirds chirping a slower, sweeter, sinuous sound; but the untimeliness of it led him to believe in its darker, sinister synchronicities.
Alike the blackbird, he found himself awoken in haste, maybe an hour of sleep was what he obtained in the three that he spent tossing around. Unlike his usual self who prided in his sustained sleep schedule, he couldn’t help but be irritable at this disturbance.
Sleep was his friend, sleep was what he loved most. Sleep for him was a way of escape from previous endurance and it helped his loaded mind conclude the day. But today remained a twisted time. His heart had found no solace in sleep’s soft support. He found no help from his weighted blanket which he now fiddled with. He was scared. He was afraid of yesterday’s confrontation and especially scared for tomorrow's, which he very desperately avoids by staying up.
It was a confrontation half moulded from misunderstandings, and half ensued by exhaustion. Very honestly, he hoped he could get over with it, but the urge to look for an excuse to drag it on caught him in his net of useless hoping. Hoping he could see you just another day.
You decided to figure things out slowly, suggest solutions for the lost ‘spark’ that you two had before things fell astray. Jay agreed, but the more he thought, the more his tireless mind thawed the frozen ice in his brain. He was muddled. He saw no reason for why things took a turn for the worse. 
Worse was an understatement when the both of you couldn’t sit in the room longer than ten minutes in peace, which was an improvement if exaggerated. Everything remained the same but felt foreign.
Did the small differences hold too much weight in your conversations? Did the final façade of doing just fine fall apart? Did he finally lose the both of you?
It was when all failed, including therapy, that you prepared to take a break.
“I need to get myself together and rethink everything we’ve been through.” you told him after the appointment, tears inching down your face. The blurry tears had you see the situation clearly. You weren’t happy in this relationship, and that was the truth of it.  Or so you had concluded.
The  epiphany was heart-breaking. It was a conclusion that seemed evident apart from him, but so much more convoluted as your thoughts passed by.
Were you too crass or impulsive with the decision? Was it selfish to have come to this decision, despite the happiness that melted you in its golden times? Were you looking through a mirror that blocked your view, were you blind-sighted by your relationship’s shortcomings rather than being more open minded? 
Maybe the blurred tears prevented you from looking at his pain in perspective that day. It could’ve hindered you as it did right now.
Nothing seemed to be working out and everything kept breaking you in. In a haste attempt to smoothen out your mistake, your sleepless mind texted him an apology. One that acknowledged both of your failures.
“I’m sorry, I know I was impulsive. I’m just as much at fault for our faulty relationship.”
The tears you failed to notice fell on to the screen and after you wiped them you saw a small tick mark. He had seen it.
Jay had gotten into the bath he prepared, which served an easy way to clear his head. The needy device dinged once and the notification lit up the dark room, making him flinch. His hope seemed to have been responded to by a source above and Jay laughed at the irony. Even in sorrow you seemed to be in sync.
With a heavy heart he read the message, and noticed your acceptance by the genuine apology. He knew it was genuine, everything you did was. Which was why he didn’t question your words yesterday. He let you go in silence, hoping one day he’d be able to come to terms with it. Which is why he acknowledged the soaring confidence in each other’s infinite expectations.
“Perhaps the reflection of me that magnifies your expectations of our journey together, has only been through your vain lens with its inaccurate views, and maybe I am to blame for this. I do wish you gave me another chance, I wish we got through it; but I respect your intentions. I’m sorry, even if forgiveness is a miracle I hope for.”
With that he fell back to the tub, throwing the phone out of reach. He couldn’t come to terms with the fact that what you two had ended in the doldrums, but he’d go nowhere with this understanding. Not when this understanding fed pity. He was stuck here for the time being and he couldn’t get up.
It wasn’t his lack of awareness or his stubbornness that stopped him from getting up. It was fear that saw through stagnancy. It was fear that stemmed from the roots of revelation, the pretty petals floating away in its withered insignificance. A lasting caricature of the love that blossomed.
But he was drowning in hate, he was drowning in self pity, he was drowning in speculation. Just how every drop of water combined overpowered his flaccid body, every needless thought of you had him sinking.
Except that he didn't know how to swim.
@trashlord-007​ I hope you don’t mind me tagging you :)
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an-aura-about-you · 2 years
July 28th, 2018
Leaping Into Assumption
Frehorn and Magnus
This is the last of today's entries and it is the bad ending of that continuity. Hope y'all are ready for death and pain and torture forever! Or a fix-it fic for my favorite evil grandpa Simon Fairchild and him alone:
Jack Frehorn can see it.
As the time draws closer, as sand falls in the hourglass grain by grain, what is to come snaps into clear, divine sight. The events have been set in motion, past and future falling together and meeting in the present. Jonah is ready to see the completion of his bridge, and Jack intends to enjoy it.
“The bridge is upon us,” he tells his company over their meal.
Simon Fairchild puts down his fork, his eyes alight in anticipation. With Peter now dead, Simon is the last of the company Jonah would keep, those who pigeonhole themselves into being avatars for certain aspects of the King. Jack hadn’t seen him much before, which is really a shame because the Vast is the closest of Smirke’s 14 that might actually understand something like the King. Between that and being one of the few people still kicking who’s older than Jack himself, he’s starting to wonder why he didn’t spend time with Simon sooner.
Not that time ever mattered much. And soon, for as little as soon will still matter to others, everyone else will agree.
“So, the bridge started here?” Simon asks as he and Jack get up from their seats.
“To some degree,” Jack answers, guiding him to the gentle sloping pit where the tree stump sits. “It was here Jonah began to learn the completeness of pain and, as far as I’m aware, began to know agonies beyond the ones provided by mere observation.”
Simon shakes his head a little bit, but he’s smiling as he does.
Jack starts down the slope, but he glances over his shoulder at Simon. “This isn’t enough to be part of the Buried. Besides, even if you tried to put the Prince into one of those neat little categories, he would surely be something else.”
Simon still takes it at a leap, eventually landing by the stump itself. “Still, there are some that are bound to be antithesis to each other,” he says.
Jack catches up to him. “It is discovering the harmony of that that leads to building bridges.”
“All the better to jump off of them.” Simon nudges him with his elbow. “Ever been?”
Jack can’t help but smile back at him. “No, I don’t believe I have.” His grin grows wider. “Should I jump off this one? Let the King take me up and then plummet never-ending?”
Simon grasps at Jack’s shoulder with a claw of his hand. “I can’t think of anything better.”
Jack places his hand on top. “Simon, Jonah is not going to survive beyond his bridge.”
“Oh?” Simon goes as though Jack said it’s going to rain.
He shakes his head no. “He will lose his place as the King’s Eye. I offered to bring him to the King another way, but he refused. I knew he would, but I still asked.”
Simon nods knowingly and says, “That sounds like Jonah.”
“And you?”
“Hmm? What about me?”
Jack pats his hand. “What if I told you that I saw your death? After the end of Jonah’s bridge.”
Simon’s claw of a hand trembles just a little, comes out of his mouth in a shake he masks in a laugh. “Am I at least falling?”
“Yes. But it will end. Everything does. But I don’t know if it means the same thing for beings from the Ethereal Realm.” Jack shrugs and drops his hand, Simon doing the same.
“Have you seen your death?” Simon asks.
“If death and fate are the same? Yes. I intend to use Jonah’s bridge to be with the King. And there’s no reason why you can’t cross the bridge, too, Simon. Why not see that eternal fall yourself?”
Simon grasps his shoulder again. “Don’t threaten me with a good time, Jack.”
“It’s not a threat if it’s a promise, Simon.”
But before any other words could be exchanged, Jack could see it. A man in a sparse cabin in the highlands of far off Scotland, bidding his lover goodbye as he picks up Jonah’s words. He starts reading, and then he can’t stop no matter how he tries to resist. The air crackles and shifts, the sky above Clanbronwyn turning a neon orange. The thin film of reality the World of Man keeps to separate itself from the World of Magick stretches and warps, bowing out under the strain of technicolor nightmare.
And then there, at the remains of the tree that holds his soul, is Cabadath.
Simon sucks in a gasp. Jack spares him a quick glance, and he sees the older man practically vibrating from the thrill of meeting the Prince.
“My Prince,” Jack speaks, soft with reverence. “We have come here to see your arrival across the bridge, and I wish to do the same to be with CHZO.”
“And me,” Simon adds.
Jack grins in wild excitement at him. Finally, somebody sensible.
Cabadath regards them with his blank face, slowly curling his wickedly long, knife sharp fingers around the staff of his blades. As he does, the great, red eyes of the King fill the sky, looking on the World of Man in the adoration its creatures so desperately need. Then, Cabadath takes his weapon in both hands, turns behind him, and rips the threads trying to weave reality and hold it together.
Jack shivers with an ecstatic gasp and says, “We thank you for your blessing, o Prince.”
Cabadath nods and leaves them in what shred of mercy he has for those of the King who do not challenge his place, going to his work of hunting those who would hurt the wood of his soul.
Jack gestures to the rift, allowing Simon to go first. “Age before beauty.”
Simon throws his head back in a laugh. “When was the last time you got to say that and mean it?”
“Please, I used to say it to Jonah all the time. The saying goes both ways, Simon.”
Simon proceeds and looks inside the opening, gasping in delight at the infinite before him. He gives Jack a look, says, “Thank you,” and flings himself into forever. It sparks through him like the romance of his first fall, dizzy with terrifying beauty. It hurts, a lightheaded blissful pain, and Simon plummets through it, knowing its completeness in the neverending fall.
Jack steps through the rift, following the pull of CHZO. Blood blossoms on the back of his head, and he instinctively reaches to touch the wet wound with his fingers.
“Ahh,” he sighs, threading his fingers through his hair before it’s matted by the blood, gently probing the injury. “That was Wilbur.” He takes a moment to recall the event, his lover slumped dead on the harpsichord, his blood mingling with the wood of Cabadath's soul as it pours from the fatal shot.
Red stains his shirt, and he draws away to unbutton it, stabs opening themselves over his body. He can count the twelve, remembers each sinner that died at his hands in the name of his scriptures. It is clearer now, not numbed by drink as he was at the time. He traces each wound, sighing as though singing.
“Ohhh,” he moans in primal pleasure, feeling his body, his mind, and his soul being enveloped by the King. “It hurts…”
He is like that for a moment. A second, a century, what does it matter?
He can see glimpses of the World of Men.
He sees the end of the Guide, the man who preferred to be known as Trilby, gray in middle age with his car desperately careening towards Scotland in the hopes to stop what is happening. Once he realizes it’s too late, that he’s too late, he sits the barrel of a gun at his temple, just below the brim of his hat, and pulls the trigger.
He sees the Thief-Son, Jim Fowler, frantically trying to contact someone, anyone who could help. The spectre of John DeFoe is at the edge of his vision, his machete at the ready, and Jim doesn’t know how long he can run but understands that he will reach his limits before the Bridgekeeper does.
He sees the woman who prefers to be called Daisy. Or the Hunter who used to be a woman who preferred to be called Daisy. The Hunter is being pursued by her partner, and though Basira would like to believe otherwise, there is only one way the chase can end.
He sees Jonah’s Prophet, though Melanie would resent being called Jonah’s Prophet, and her Lover Georgie, the two who survive below blind and untouched by the pain of fear. But there is still pain, and the King still feeds.
He sees Jonah’s remains, the remains of a man once called Elias Bouchard. Just as Jack warned him, he will not see what will come after his bridge.
Jack can feel the presence of the man who spoke Jonah’s words, the man who killed Jonah and took his rightful place. The man that was called Jonathan Sims. The Archivist. And now, the King’s Eye.
The two have lost sense of boundaries. What boundaries can there be if both of them are now part of the King? Jack is Jon, and Jon is Jack, and both of them are pain. It is acceptance as easy as breathing.
There are some who still have their form in CHZO, and Jack comes upon such a man. He recognizes him from his vision of Scotland, the Archivist’s Lover.
Martin, the name echoes through his being, and all of CHZO’s eyes focus on the trapped man quaking in fear. The King’s flesh webs over him like lace, the spider catching the fly. How beautiful.
Jack reaches and cups the man’s cheek, scratching deep enough for blood to bead there.
“It hurts…” Martin whimpers, his voice shaking and tears spilling from his eyes.
“Yes,” Jack and Jon and CHZO echo in response. “It does.”
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plus-size-reader · 3 years
Should Be
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Damon Salvatore x Plus size!reader
Word Count: 2897 words
Warnings: none
Summary: Damon’s human partner gets jealous of Katherine when she gets out of the tomb.
Katherine coming back from the tombs wasn’t ideal for anyone.
There was a reason she’d been locked away for as long as she had and really, you didn’t get why they were letting her out in the first place.
The world was going to keep turning whether or not they let her be a part of it. At least, that was what Damon had assured you when the news broke that she had resurfaced.
You didn’t want to care.
In reality, her coming back to Mystic Falls wasn’t any of your business. You hadn’t ever had anything to do with her, and you wouldn’t, even if she came back.
Still, it would be a lie to say that you weren’t really comfortable with it.
The two of them, Katherine and Damon, they had quite a bit of history and you just couldn’t fit the feeling in the pit of your stomach that it was going to be bad news for you. It just didn’t seem right.
Maybe you were jealous, or insecure, or something like that but it didn’t really matter. All you knew was that you weren’t itching for her to come back into any of your lives.
Damon was different, for the better, than when the two of you met but Katherine had quite the hold on him for a really long time and you were worried how her poking around in your lives would affect him.
It couldn’t be good, even if she was magically on her best behavior, somehow.
You just didn’t see that happening.
You weren’t jealous, of course, you had to keep reminding yourself of that. You and Damon had been together for several years, and you knew that he loved you. It was the sort of connection that you’d never had with another person, having been enthralled with him ever since he saved your life.
As it would turn out, that was quite the bonding exercise.
However, no experience you and Damon had ever shared could compare to all the time he and Katherine had been together.
They had been in love, and whether it was real for her or not, Damon had never really even gotten over her betrayal. He cared about her deeply, and you couldn’t imagine how seeing her again would make him feel.
Until recently, you thought that you trusted Damon more than anything.
You trusted him with your life for God's sake and you were sure that nothing would ever change that, but evidently, Katherine had decided to challenge that notion.
Ever since she’d come back into all your lives, she had made a choice to just inject herself into every situation you were in. Even now, from where you were in the bathroom brushing your teeth, you could hear her talking to him in the adjacent bedroom.
It was nothing more than pathetic small talk about their past together but it was more than enough to make your blood boil.
You knew more than enough about the bond they had shared and the time they spent together, you didn’t need to hear it from her on top of everything else that was on your plate.
She might not have been too much of a real threat to you, because you knew that no matter what she did, there was no undoing what she’d done to him but that didn’t make you like her any better.
Frankly, even knowing that, you’d had enough of Lady Katherine.
Her presence here, where you lived, was like a slap in the face.
Decades had passed since they were even in the same room and even then, she had done nothing more than treat him like dirt.
It seemed like common sense that she was just going to do it again, but he was letting her. Damon was barely even putting up a fight and really, you were finding it hard to believe.
After everything that she had put him through, why would he even entertain her presence in this place.
He didn’t owe her anything, not anymore.
You thought that what you and Damon had was more important to him than anything else, but if her coming back into his life was enough to make him question that, it said a lot.
So, even though you wanted to go tell her to get out, you kept it to yourself.
Not well, but you kept it to yourself.
You may have been brushing your teeth more aggressively than you ever had in your entire life, but you hadn’t said anything yet.
For you, that was a win.
Deep down, you weren’t really worried about losing him to her. If Katherine had actually bothered to get to know him all those years ago, she would know that Damon was one of the most devoted and loving men in the world.
He was now, and you were sure that he had been before all this.
You just had to break down those walls of his first.
It took some time but it was well worth it once you earned his trust. You knew that he would do anything for you, and anyone else he loved, she just didn’t actually care.
Not that it mattered to her what kind of bond you two had.
As far as she was concerned, you were just some temporary fling that Damon would get bored of and feed off of at some point, like he did most of the others. He had never actually kept a girlfriend around for very long.
He wasn’t the kind, and in any case, she was sure that you couldn’t hold a candle to her.
She had a hold on him that had lasted, at least somewhat, for all the time that she’d been locked away and in a matter of days, she was sure she could have the raven-haired male eating out of the palm of her hand.
It was that easy.
All she had to do was prove it, and at this rate, it wasn’t going to take long at all.
Here she was, sitting new to him on your fancy little bedspread with him, practically hanging on her every word while you were tucked away. Before long, she wouldn’t have to put up with you anymore at all.
He was bound to come to his senses at some point, and she had nothing but time.
She could wait it out.
Tonight though, she couldn’t have gotten away from you that easily.
You could only hide away in the bathroom for so long and once that time had run out, you entered the bathroom with a casual sigh leaving Katherine’s lips at the sight of you.
Just when she was starting to bring up all those good memories they shared, here you came to ruin it all.
“Could you please move over?” you asked, only looking at her as much as you absolutely had to, catching the tail end of an eye roll that you would have been okay with missing entirely.
All she did was scoff, clearly inconvenienced.
“Why? Am I hurting you here?” she asked, not bothering to cover up the hatefulness in her tone, not that you or Damon was surprised. Speaking of, the dark haired male was still just sitting there, waiting for someone to lunge at the other.
He wasn’t a huge fan of her being here either, but he was trying to be civil.
There was a chance they would need her and burning that bridge too early could cause problems along the way, or at least that was what Stefan told him.
He’d lived without her for a long time and he’d be fine if she fell off the face of the earth tomorrow. Though, if she kept testing you, she may not make it until tomorrow.
She may have had the upper hand over you as far as vampire strength was concerned but you all knew that if she tried to do anything to you, he would turn her head so far around that she’d be the one really out of place.
He wasn’t going to let her hurt you, not if it really came down to it.
“That’s where I sleep,” you explained, gesturing to where she was, sprawled out on your side of the bed, without a care in the world. It wasn’t the kind of thing that you even thought you had to explain but she was pushing you.
She wanted to start a fight.
To Katherine, this was all a game and she had nothing to lose.
There were no rules and she was betting on the fact that she could break you with very little effort.
However, there was one thing she was forgetting. You and Damon shared something she could never hope to have with him, something she had given up a long time ago.
You respected Damon and you cared about him.
The two of you were together through the good times and the bad, not just when you needed something from him or you were bored. In that way, she couldn’t hope to touch what you shared.
Still, there was one thing that worried you.
Katherine was gorgeous.
Her body was incredible, and she had no problem showing it off which she had made very clear tonight. Where you would have wanted to hide away and never go outside again, she just strolled around in nearly nothing, without a care in the world.
Emotionally, you and Damon couldn’t have been closer but physically, you couldn’t help but feel like she would beat you had there been some kind of competition.
Even you would have chosen her over you in that regard.
When she stood from the bed, dramatically throwing her hair over her shoulder to give Damon one final wink before leaving, you got a good look at her long legs, even further making you rethink yourself.
Why was Damon with you when he could have had her all this time? Sure, he didn’t know she was down there until today but now that he knew, there was nothing keeping him from picking her.
After she’d left, you plopped down on your side of the bed, immediately turning away from Damon and cuddling into your pillow.
You knew it wasn’t his fault you were having these thoughts about yourself, but you didn’t want to be around him right now.
You didn’t want him to be reminded of what he could have had.
“What’s going on with you?” he asked, after a few seconds of sitting in the dark, staring at the back of your head without a kiss on his lips. You always kissed him before bed, but tonight, you didn’t even seem to care if he was breathing.
It was unlike you and it worried him, not that he would ever admit it.
You didn’t answer right away, letting his words simmer in the air for a few moments as you thought about what you wanted to say. There weren’t really words that would make any sense to him.
From where he was sitting, you would seem jealous and out of your mind but this wasn’t about Katherine anymore.
For you, this was about how he’d settled with the wrong woman and you couldn’t help but feel like he was lying to you about his feelings.
How could he be attracted to you when you looked like you did?
You had asked him before, on a bad day when you woke up feeling huge and ugly, but this was different. Katherine prancing around here had shown you everything that you could have looked like.
What you should have looked like.
“It’s nothing, let’s just go to bed” you tried, far too physically and mentally exhausted to have this conversation.
For now, you just wanted to get some sleep, you could deal with Katherine and all her business tomorrow.
As for your body, that was just going to have to be tomorrow's problem as well. Physical exhaustion always won out over mental anguish, no matter how much you tried to force your own hand in that regard.
All you could hope was that you felt better in the morning, and maybe then, you could explain all this weird stuff to Damon.
You woke up to a cold bed, which was pretty much par for the course when it came to sleeping next to a vampire but when you rolled around and found he was gone, that was when you got a little worried.
That was new.
Damon never got out of bed before you, if he even got out of bed when you did, and you couldn’t help but be concerned about what he could have been doing.
Knowing Damon, it could have literally been anything.
Though, the last thing you expected to find when you turned the corner was the man you loved, trying and failing to make what smelled like chocolate chip pancakes and scrambled eggs.
“Good morning my love, would you care to explain why I went to bed without a goodnight kiss?” he wondered, focusing more on the glass of bourbon in his hands than the breakfast that was surely burning on the stove.
He always tried his best where the more domestic stuff was concerned but it just wasn’t his strong suit. He just wasn’t as much of a wiz in the kitchen as he liked to pretend that he was in moments like this.
“After I put out the grease fire you’re about to start” you sighed, moving the pan from the fire and setting it in the sink.
Damon wasn’t going to let you get off easy after last night, but the most you could do was buy yourself some time before you made an absolute fool out of yourself.
He wasn’t about to just let this go.
He never did.
“I’m serious, you got all squirrely after Katherine left” Damon prodded, his hands falling on your hips, which he used as leverage to turn you toward him, trapped between his body and the sink.
You sighed, desperately hoping that you wouldn’t have to have this conversation but knowing that you would.
It was embarrassing.
Part of you, the mature part, knew that this wasn’t that big of a deal but the other part couldn’t help but hate her. She wasn’t just some beautiful girl, Mystic Falls was full of those, but Katherine was a threat.
This was much more about how she was clearly trying to take Damon from you than actually just trying to be a friend to any of you.
She wasn’t that kind.
“Excuse me if I’m not thrilled to have your psychotic ex girlfriend prancing around in her underwear” you scoffed, not understanding what it really was that he was missing.
You were projecting, of course, but there was no real way around it. As insecure as Katherine made you, her being here was just as much of the problem. You didn’t want her injecting herself into your life.
It wasn’t her place, and the idea that he wanted you to somehow be okay with it was really messing with you.
From Damon, that was little more than a casual huff but he knew you better than to just believe that. It wasn’t like you to act like you did last night, not with him, even where she was concerned.
You were better than that.
You were better than her, that was why he didn’t think anything of her immature little games.
“Now the truth” he prompted, a soft smile on his face as he waited for you to tell him what was really eating at you. This had been dragging out for way too long, and he really just wanted to get it over with.
He wanted to help  you feel better, and he would do anything he could to make that happen, you both knew that.
Damon would have gladly turned her inside out if it would make a difference, but first, you had to tell him what was bothering you. He was good, but he wasn’t that good. You had to give him something to go off of.
“She is what I should be, what you deserve” you muttered, the words barely leaving your lips as you thought about them. You didn’t want to admit it to him, almost as much as you didn’t want to admit it to yourself.
You didn't like that she got under your skin, because she knew that she could. The more you let her, the more she got what she wanted.
...and you hated that.
“I think I’d rather have you” Damon shrugged, not even hesitating in his response. Given the two of you, and the person that Katherine was, there was nothing in the world he would have rather had than you.
He definitely didn’t want her.
Katherine had turned her back on Damon a million and one times, and at the end of the day, she couldn’t have given a damn what happened to him but you weren’t like that. You had the biggest heart of anyone he’d ever known, in several lifetimes.
There was nothing he wouldn’t trade, if it meant that he got to keep you.
At the end of the day, you were his person and he knew a good thing when he had it.
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ecoamerica · 2 months
Watch the American Climate Leadership Awards 2024 now: https://youtu.be/bWiW4Rp8vF0?feature=shared
The American Climate Leadership Awards 2024 broadcast recording is now available on ecoAmerica's YouTube channel for viewers to be inspired by active climate leaders. Watch to find out which finalist received the $50,000 grand prize! Hosted by Vanessa Hauc and featuring Bill McKibben and Katharine Hayhoe!
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I Pick the TV Show, Rogers Shuts His Cake-Hole | Bucky x Steve x Reader (Angst, Fluff)
Category: Angst, Fluff (Suggested) Age: 14+ Trigger Warnings: none, other than the standard explicit language Ship: Bucky x Steve x Reader Summary: Steve Snaps At Reader When He’s Stressed, Resulting In Her Being Very Upset Request: "can u write where steve/bucky is overwhelmed with something and when reader asks to help or is telling them to relax they snap at reader and reader is hurt which makes them feel really bad afterwards. thank you sm. i love ur writings. and this is anon right? is it alright if u dont post my response if its not anon? im sorry. thank you so much. ur blog always pictures great stucky imagines. 💗💗💗" Contains Spoilers for: N/A Word Count: 2,488
A given, the super-soldier had been on nonstop missions for the last month or so, but she thought she was helping him feel better, not making him feel worse.
“Would you like anything to eat, Stevie? You’ve barely moved all day.” (Y/N)’s voice is small. Quiet.
She’s leaning through the door of his study where he’s sat putting together his mission reports from the last three or four missions he’s been out on.
He shakes his head but doesn’t even turn to look at her.
Sighing, the woman walks further into the room where her boyfriend is slouched over the desk.
“You gotta take a break, Stevie.” She whispers, resting her hands on his shoulders.
She notices the way they tense up, but he still remains silent.
His fingers continue to write up his report on the laptop.
“I’m worried about you, Stevie; talk to me.”
“I’m busy, (Y/N).”
“I know you are, baby, but you’ve gotta look after yourself too.” She attempts, leaning down to press a kiss to his cheek. He pulls away.
The woman furrows her brows.
“Steve, please, you’ve got to-”
“(Y/N), just stop!”
The shout is sudden and it makes her flinch back away from the man as he turns to face her.
“I’m fine, alright?! I don’t need you babying me all the time!”
She doesn’t respond for a second, surprised at her lover’s outburst.
He says nothing more, simply turns back to the laptop and continues typing away.
“Steve, look how stressed you are. Can you please just-”
“STOP! Okay?! Just stop! Leave me the fuck alone while I finish these neverending mission reports. For once in your life can you just understand that not everything is about you?!”
(Y/N) swears that being shot in the heart wouldn’t hurt half as much as the words that just came out of the man’s mouth.
Her mouth opens and closes as if searching for the right words to say, but that hurt.
Is she really that bad? Is that the truth behind all of this? That she’s clingy? Thinks everything is about her? That was never her intention. (Y/N) is well aware of how important being an Avenger is. Hell, she is an Avenger, for Christ’s sakes.
She says nothing more and leaves the room.
She can’t even decide if she feels sad. No. She’s not sad, she’s not angry, she’s not… anything.
Naturally, her feet lead her to their room. Steve’s room. They all basically share the super soldier’s abode since they all got together, but right now she doesn’t dare open the door.
Doing a full one-eighty spin, (Y/N) takes herself back to a place she barely touches anymore. Her room.
It’s pretty empty. Most of her clothes are in Steve’s room, in her own walk-in wardrobe. Her bed is perfectly made from the last time she slept in here - maybe a year ago?
The woman walks around her bed and straight onto her bedroom balcony, overlooking the lake at the back of the compound, and stays there. For three-hours. Until Bucky comes looking for her.
He came home from his mission about thirty-minutes ago only to find their shared room of Steve’s empty. He searched just about everywhere, completely clueless.
“FRIDAY, where’s (Y/N) and Steve?” He finally gives in.
“Captain Rogers is in study five, and Agent (L/N) is in her private quarters.”
Now that makes the brunet furrow his brows.
Why would (Y/N) be in her room and not his or Steve’s?
He prioritises finding (Y/N) first, knowing Steve will be writing up mission reports, no doubt.
Despite them being together for over six-years now, he hesitates when reaching for the handle of her bedroom door. Instead, the man opts to knock.
No answer.
“(Y/N)?” Nothing. “Doll, it’s me; can I come in?” Nothing.
Bucky tries the door handle and finds it unlocked, yet still hesitates.
“Baby?” He calls out. Again, nothing.
He’s cautious now. Scared.
Her room looks as untouched as the last time he saw it, which was a few months back when she was after one of her plushies.
It’s when he feels the chill of the midnight winds ruffle his hair that he realises her balcony doors aren’t fully closed.
Striding straight over, his eyes widen at the sight of his girlfriend curled up in the corner of the outdoor area, crying.
“(Y/N), baby, hey, what’s wrong?!”
Bucky immediately drops to his knees in front of the woman, reaching for her hands and gently tugging them away from her tear-stained face.
“(Y/N), doll, look at me.” His voice is gentle. Soothing.
She does almost instantly but her sadness stays.
“What happened, baby? Are you hurt?”
The fear and sincerity in his voice is enough to prompt the woman to shake her head. Yes, she’s hurting emotionally, but he needs confirmation that she’s not dying.
The woman immediately sees the relief take over his features, but he’s still concerned.
“What’s wrong, doll?”
Her eyes stray away from his, not wanting to tell him what’s got her so upset.
“Hey, no, look at me, baby,” He whispers, hand lightly grasping at her chin to raise her face back up to his. “What’s got you so worked up, (Y/N)?”
Another shake of her head as she tries to escape her lover’s hold.
“Baby, please, you’re scaring me.”
Her face contorts into something close to heartbreak as she wants nothing more than to reassure the man in front of her.
“It’s okay, Buck.”
“It’s not okay! Doll, I haven’t seen you cry since Stevie nearly died on that mission in Ohio like two-years-ago! Talk to me.”
She takes a deep breath and wipes her face of the shedding tears.
“Do you want me to get Stevie?”
The question is innocent and makes sense, but her eyes widen and she shakes her head desperately.
“No! No, please, no.”
That truly makes the super soldier concerned.
“Doll, please can you tell me what’s happened?”
Never in the last eight-years that Bucky and (Y/N) have known each other has she been so reluctant to see Steve.
Another sob escapes her and it’s breaking his heart.
“Baby, please.”
“Steve got mad at me, alright?!” She manages an attempted shout. “I just wanted him to look after himself.”
“What happened? What did Steve do?”
He’s concerned. Massively.
“I was trying to get him to eat; he hasn’t eaten properly in so long. He’s so overworked and he’s hung up on all these mission reports. He told me that not everything was about me - shouted at me; told me to stop.” She’s whimpering and sniffling again now. “Please get him to eat something, James.”
That last sentence is the one that crushes him. She’s upset, yeah, but above all that, she’s still worried about the blond super soldier.
“Come on, baby, let’s go to our room and get into bed, yeah? I’ll go and speak to Stevie.”
Her eyes meet his and she looks scared, but the ocean blue gaze that he returns makes her bound to his every command.
The woman nods.
“That’s my girl.”
With the help of the Winter Soldier, (Y/N) manages to stand up, letting him lead her out of her private room and into their shared one of Steve’s.
“Here, let’s get you into your PJs, yeah?”
He doesn’t leave room for negotiation as he helps his girlfriend strip out of her casual dress and into one of his oversized t-shirts.
“You get snuggled up in bed, doll. I’m going to go and get Stevie, okay?”
He hates how she looks nervous at the mention of their other lover’s name.
“He loves you more than words can describe, baby girl, I promise you. He shouldn’t have lashed out at you, I’m gonna talk to him, okay?”
A hesitant nod and forced smile is enough for now.
“I’ll be back shortly, I promise.” He leans over and gives the woman a kiss on the lips, leaving her with one of her favourite shows playing on the TV.
“Bucky,” Her choked up voice calls out just before he leaves.
The man turns from his place in the doorway.
“I love you.”
The smile that takes over his expression is contagious.
“I love you too, baby girl. More than anything.”
Despite his reassurance to the woman, he’s pretty damn pissed for a number of reasons about Steve losing his cool with their girl. Reason number one being, how dare he? Reason number two being, he knows better than to overwork, yet here we are.
Bucky doesn’t even knock once he approaches the glass doors of the study where Steve is sat typing away on the laptop.
The blond doesn’t even glance up to see who entered. He barely heard the door open which enrages Bucky further.
The brunet slams the lid of the laptop shut without saying a word, prompting Steve’s head to shoot up, glaring daggers at whoever has interrupted him.
“What the fuck, James?!”
That makes Bucky really get annoyed.
“Are you serious right now, Rogers?”
“I’m in the middle of about seven different mission reports, Buck, I’ve gotta finish them.” The man sighs, going to open the lid of the PC once more, only for Bucky to hold it down. “James, seriously,”
“No. What you need to do is explain to me why our girlfriend has been crying for the last God-knows how many hours?”
That makes Steve snap back to reality.
“What? (Y/N) has been crying? Is she okay?”
Bucky literally rolls his eyes at that.
“Are you fucking serious, Steve?” He repeats, Steve looking confused, expression contorting as he realises that his boyfriend is seriously angry at him.
“Bucky, what’s wrong? What’s happened?”
The Winter Soldier’s head lolls back as he groans in frustration.
“You seriously have no idea?” He asks, rhetorically, watching Steve look almost scared. “Do you often shout at your girlfriend and forget it happened?”
Cap’s eyes widen at that, and he visibly gulps.
“She came in here to make sure you were looking after yourself, which you weren’t, by the way, and you tell her that not everything is about her?! Are you fucking stupid, Steve?!”
He remembers it all too well in that moment, turning his head down to avoid the frustrated glare of his male lover.
“No. No, you don’t get to look away from me. Look at me.” Bucky demands, watching the blond super soldier reluctantly do so. “I come home from my own exhausting mission, search for (Y/N) for thirty-minutes, and find her crying her God-damn heart out on the balcony of HER room; not our room, Steve, no. Her room.”
Steve’s heart shatters and his eyes widen once more.
(Y/N) hates staying in her room. She’d always be in his or Bucky’s without a doubt.
“I- Buck-”
Bucky shakes his head and stands back upright as Steve is lost for words.
“I’m not mad at you, Steve. I get it, you know? You’ve been overworking for the last month, I know you’re stressed, but fuck, baby, you can’t hurt her like that. Do you know how much my heart fucking shattered when I saw her curled up in the corner of her own God-damn balcony?! It tore me apart. She hasn’t cried since you nearly fuckin-” Bucky chokes on his own word as he walks away from his lover.
“I’m sorry! Buck, I’m sorry, okay? I shouldn’t have let Fury send me on that many missions, I- I should’ve said no. I’m sorry.” Steve attempts, standing up and following the brunet, turning him around to face him once more.
“It’s not me you need to be apologising to, Stevie.”
Captain America nods and leans up to press a kiss to the man’s lips.
“I’m sorry, James.”
Bucky takes a deep breath and forces a smile.
“I forgive you. Of course I forgive you, I know you didn’t mean it, but I swear to God, if you hurt her again…”
Steve is already shaking his head.
“I wouldn’t dream of either of you getting hurt. Where is she?”
“Our room.”
He nods and begins heading toward the woman to which he owes more than he can give.
The door is half ajar when Steve gets there, he slowly opens it to reveal his girlfriend in all her glory, curled up under their Captain America themed duvet - which Sam bought the trio as a joke last Christmas. Her face is clear-as-day red from her earlier upset, and it breaks his heart.
The man knocks gently on the day as if not to startle the poor girl.
“Hey, sweetheart.” He offers a solemn smile when she turns to see who’s there.
He hates the way he can see her hesitation to speak to him as opposed to her usual squeal of his name, arms opening wide to welcome him into her cuddle-fest.
“Hi.” She manages, forcing her own smile.
There’s silence floating between them, the only sound being Jensen Ackles, in his role of Dean Winchester, talking a load of nonsense about pie on the TV that’s streaming Supernatural.
“Baby, I’m so sorry.” Steve manages, taking a step toward the bed. “Nothing can excuse the way I yelled at you, and I’m so sorry for that, but, sweetheart, trust me when I say I didn’t mean it. I was so stupidly stressed, and I should never have let it get to that point.”
She nods, truly believing his words, but it still hurt.
The blond sits down on the edge of the bed, not daring to cuddle his girlfriend until she’s comfortable.
“I love you so much, (Y/N) (L/N).”
A bigger smile taints her lips at that.
“I love you too, Steven.” Her voice is barely a whisper but he hears it clear as day.
“Can I hold you?”
(Y/N) smiles and shakes her head as if he was being silly.
“You never need to ask permission for that, Stevie. No matter what.”
With another sad smile, he pulls the woman into his arms and holds her tighter than ever before.
“I’m so sorry, my love.”
“I forgive you, but no more missions for a while.” She whispers.
“Yes, boss.”
Bucky’s leaning against the doorframe, watching the interaction. He took a detour to Tony’s office and made sure to give the billionaire a piece of his mind about making sure Fury didn’t have Steve on any missions for a long time.
“Is this the last episode?” The brunet speaks up, stripping himself of his clothes as he enters their room properly.
“Yeah.” (Y/N) nods.
“I still think we should watch Vampire Diaries instead.” Steve chuckles, mirroring Bucky’s actions.
“I pick the TV show, Rogers shuts his cake-hole.” (Y/N) teases, mocking a line from Supernatural and snuggling herself in the middle of the bed, sandwiched between the two super soldiers - where she belongs. “I love you both.”
“Love you too, sweetheart.”
“Love you always, doll.”
Everything Tag List: @nosoulnoproblems | @rileyloves5  | @girl-who-loves-mythology | @avngrsinitiative | @lookinsidemyhead |@xbabykookiix | @myspectacularfantasies | @fanfic-anyone | @rororo06 | @queenofbuskers | @vapingisntmything | @tony-stank3 | @hermione-grangers-wife | @lili-ann-love | @the-omni-princess | @tayahs-blog | @regulus-black | @saturnsteverogers| @fyfiexo | @amazingiam00 | @deviltownn | @buckybarneses | @fafulous | roryshitposts | trynnabemultifandom | @moodboreddd | @hopingforbarnes | @an-adventureland | justassaneasiam-ll | @profoundllamanickeleggs | @xbongox | @minetticatinwonderland | @thinkaboutmara | @xxaestheticboyxx | @sparklycollectionofoldmemes | @wandaneedstherapy | @georgiadixon | @nerdy-thespian-10 | @nsb-supertrio | @thinkaboutmara | @captainamerica-is-bae | @spookyparadisesheep | @supernaturallover2002 | @notsochillnerd | @peggycarter-steverogers | @reann-shitposting | @buckybarnesplumwhore | @mrsstevenbuchananstark | @ynscrazylife | @jessromanoff | @holsj2411 |
Stucky x Reader Only Tag List: polarbearnamedpanda | @marvelous-glims
SFW Only Tag List: @piper-koko-barnes-rogers
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demonsandmischief · 3 years
Something Special
Marvel - Bucky Barnes Imagine
Bucky Barnes x Female Reader,
Soulmate AU
1.6k Words
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You can meet your soulmate in your dreams but you can't speak to them and you lose most memory when you wake up, but for some reason your soul mate has never met you there. You're certain they don't exist, until one day.
A/N: I imagine this taking place during TFATWS :).
"What do you mean you've never met your soulmate in your dreams?" Sam Wilson asked his friend Bucky.
"I have nightmares, Sam. That is no place for them to be," Buck argued, taking a rag to wipe the blood off of his vibranium arm.
"But they probably think you're dead."
"It's just better off that way," the stoic man finished, his steely eyes meeting Sam's.
"I don't think you're willing to admit that you are scared to try," Sam said, his voice dropping to a softer tone as he leaned forward.
Bucky sighed. "Of course I'm scared. I am not what anybody wants for a lifelong partner," he whispered, dragging his flesh hand down his face.
"Bucky, that's not your choice to make." He stood up, walking away to let him think it over.
Bucky had heard stories of how people meet their soulmate in dreamland. It was a common occurance, but when he had first tried during World War II, he never got a response. There was no way he could even have one now. He was 106 years old after all.
Yet, when he went to bed that night, he decided to push his thoughts aside and focus on calling for you.
You had been waiting for your soulmate to meet you, but it had been years and never once did you hear anything back. You just figured you didn't have one.
Until that night as you were drifting to sleep, it was like a tingling sensation that drew you in. Your eyes were closed, yet it was like following a rope deeper into the darkness of your head.
At the end, was a man. He was tall and stern, and even though you were dreaming, you could feel his presence.
His facial expression remained masked when he saw you, but even you could see his dark eyes widen slightly. You couldn't believe it, after all this time. You searched his body for any distinguishable features, but only found a blurring image. It was going too fast and you were already waking up.
Bucky couldn't believe he saw you on his first try. Plus, seeing you meant no nightmares. Instead, he had a new longing to look for you, and when he woke the following morning he scrambled to write something down before he lost it.
"Shit," he groaned miserably, only managing to write down brown eyes. Most of the population has brown eyes.
"Someone's in a mood," Sam grinned when he caught sight of Bucky's deep frown, deeper than usual that is. He took another bite of toast. "We've got to move on this next lead. Be ready in five."
"Seriously, what's up with you?" Sam asked genuinely when they both were on the plane ready for their next destination.
"I took your advice-"
"Wait, wait. You took my advice?" Sam smiled widely.
"Yeah I took your advice," Bucky said sharply. "And I saw my soulmate, but I can't remember anything about her."
"You know that's just part of the gimmick. You'll figure out a way, Buck," he said sincerely, standing up.
Bucky couldn't be sure. If he dragged this out for too long, there was a possibility that you would find out who he was and never want to meet him. He wouldn't blame you for that.
You felt like you were floating in clouds the whole day. For your entire life, you had seen people meet their person, and as you got older, you realized that the chances of you not having that were becoming greater than actually meeting them.
You didn't know what had changed, but you spent the entire day trying to come up with a plan to finally meet the handsome man you saw in your dreams.
You couldn't remember much. You tried to write or sketch him when you woke up, but all you got was blue eyes.
You wondered if you appeared to him in the same clothes you slept in, and if so, maybe you could fold a note in your pocket. You weren't sure you would even be able to remember it was there. Either way, it was worth a try.
The following night you were so excited you were certain you weren't going to be able to sleep, but you managed, and sure enough there was your broody man.
He gave a wave. His lips twitched up slightly, brightening all of his sharp features.
You reached into the pocket of your sweatshirt. You didn't know why, but you had the longing to do so, and you pulled out a small sheet of paper.
You stepped closer to the man, and placed the paper in his palm.
Y/N, Y/L/N, Your Address
Bucky didn't know how he managed to remember all of that once he woke up. He stared down at the scribbled piece of paper in wonder. Could it really be?
You were probably better off without him. He had not been a good man for most of his life, and you deserved more than him.
That's how Sam found him, sitting on the floor lost in thought, the paper scrunched in his fist.
Bucky relaxed his hand so his friend could see the writing. Sam blew out air, and sat down in front of him.
"What are you waiting for?" he asked as gently as possible.
"She deserves so much better than me."
"You can't decide that for her, Buck. You've kept her waiting long enough." Sam stood up, but spoke once more. "I'll get the plane ready if you change your mind. I think we both deserve a detour."
You were on pins and needles the whole day. You truly wondered if your man got the message or not. You could just vaguely remember holding his hand, which means you must have given the paper, but you couldn't be sure. You were just willing someone to knock on your door.
Yet, as the day passed you grew less and less confident. If he remembered the note, surely he would have tracked you down by now. Unless he didn't actually want to track you down. Your thoughts were a swirling mess.
You didn't have any dreams that night. You woke up in cold sweat, a sinking feeling forming in your stomach. You felt nauseous. Was it you who ruined everything? Maybe he knew who you were already and decided to pass.
You weren't sure you had the energy to get up and go to work, but you forced yourself to start moving. Your thoughts were only going to get worse.
The two men were quite far from the states and Bucky couldn't stop thinking as they made the long trek. For once, these thoughts were not dark flashbacks, they were a bit hopeful. What if she accepted him?
He felt bad that he couldn't sleep. He desperately wanted to see the girl of his dreams, but it just wasn't going to happen. Even Sam kept unusually quiet.
When they finally landed, it was evening, and the pair parted ways. Bucky would finish the journey alone and he was a nervous wreck, even though all of his emotions remained masked.
When he arrived at the address, he took a deep breath and knocked on the door... except there was no answer. He considered his options. He could have messed up the address, or maybe you gave him a fake one. What was he supposed to do now?
He was so lost in thought, he didn't even notice you pulling in.
Your heart fluttered in your chest as you saw the handsome man standing on your doorstep. All of the dreams you had forgotten came rushing forward.
"Hi," you greeted timidly. He was huge up close, definitely taller than you. He wore mostly black, leather gloves on his hands. His features were sharp and familiar from the dream.
He flashed a nervous smile that only lasted a second before his face went blank once more, "I was worried I had the wrong place."
"Yeah, sorry, I was at work," you said, shuffling a bit as the silence consumed you. You had dreamt of this moment, literally, yet you didn't know what to say.
"I'm Bucky," he said, his tone much softer as he looked at you, soaking you in.
"It's great to finally meet you. I'm Y/N, but you know that," you blushed. "Do you want to come in? I can make dinner or we can order something?"
"Okay," he nodded, following you inside. You realized he was very stern and very observant. Combined with your quiet and shy personality, you were quite a match.
"Do you want something to drink?" you asked from the kitchen, pulling ingredients to throw something together for you both to eat.
"No, but thanks." Bucky sat on the stool by the island unsure of what to say or do, but he enjoyed watching you. There was something very positive about you and your home. It felt good.
"Can I ask about the gloves?" you ask curiously, throwing some chicken in a hot pan.
It seemed like you didn't know who he was. He slowly pulled off his gloves, revealing his metal hand.
"Woah, cool," you said, moving closer. "Can I touch it?"
Bucky furrowed his brows, "I guess."
You couldn't help yourself. It was so smooth and shiny, and you giggled happily.
"I guess you can't feel it," you said, reaching for his flesh hand and tracing just like you were on the metal.
He couldn't have been happier to have the stupid arm at that moment. He loved hearing your laugh, and feeling your fingertips gave him goosebumps. His shadowed mind seemed almost calm in your presence, and he knew just from being around for a short time that you were going to be his addiction.
You dropped his hand, meeting his beautiful blue eyes. Your lips quirked automatically, and you were relieved to know the tension was finally broken.
A/N: aw yay I love this. Here's part 2 :))
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Okay, want to get this out before Encanto hits theaters tomorrow. It feels like cheating posting this before I post my other meta, but that one keeps making me too emotional and I can’t make it coherent enough to post, so I’ll do this one first.
So we know all the Madrigals have a gift except for Alma and Mirabel; Mirabel for unknown reasons and Alma because she keeps the candle. We know Bruno has disappeared by the start of the movie, I think 20 years, kicked out when the family had finally had too much of his self fulfilling prophecies. Grandkids ages are Isabela 22, Delores 19, Luisa 19, Camilo 15, Mirabel 15 and Antonio 5. So, Isabela was the only grandchild that really was around for Bruno, all others came after.
Everything else after this is kind of spoiler-y, so if you don’t want that, stop reading, go see the movie and come back and finish.
My thoughts: Julieta is the eldest, has healing abilities, Bruno is the middle child and could see the future, Pepa’s the youngest and can change the weather based on her mood. Now, I’m borrowing this from a different poster, I cannot remember the name so if they read this or if anyone knows, please let me no so I can give credit. “Julieta can heal the past, Bruno can tell the future and Pepa can influence the present.” Which is very clever writing. It all comes in a balance.
Now, we now Bruno’s been banished from Casita for 20 years before the movie starts, his room is all boarded up, the glow is gone. And we also know that the Madrigals got their gifts when they turn 5, so it was 3 years after that that Isabela got her gift. Another, Alma is terrified of losing the miracle magic so she tries to always make sure her family does good, as a way of earning the right to keep the miracle, she demands nothing but the best out of all her family’s gift. Bruno was apparently banned from the family when he ruined Pepa’s wedding, which most likely was attended by most of the towns people at least. So Alma was humiliated and punished Bruno for it in the most extreme way possible.
So now the grandchildren come in and they start getting their gifts: Isabela flowers, Luisa super strength, Delores super hearing, Camilo shape shifting. All lined up, this is a very bizarre array of powers, no real relation to the other. Why did the Casita give them these gifts? Answer:to influence Alma to welcome Bruno back.
“How?” You may ask; okay follow me because I think I have a good theory.
Isabela got her gift at 5, Bruno was gone 3 years already and his room already boarded up. Why was she given the gift to grow flowers? What if the Casita was trying to calm Alma down by given her first grandchild a relatively simple power? “Alma calm down, these gifts I give are just that, gifts. They are not all your children are and not all your family is. Something as simple as a flower can give help and I gift Isabela this.” In a sense, maybe Casita was trying to show Alma that the magic is not all she has. But Alma didn’t see it. (From the song “What Else Can I Do” it seems like she didn’t try making legit plants before then; everyone focused on the pretty but didn’t entertain the practical.)
So Casita tries something different: Delores and Luisa are the same age so they most likely got there gift very close together, 1 has super hearing and 1 has super strength. 1 can in theory hear a pin drop, can hear someone hiding in plan sight in a forbidden room? (“Yo, I knew he never left, I heard him everyday.”) The other has super strength, can move churches, can rip boards hammered into stone wall? What if Casita meant for Delores to figure out where Bruno was hiding and she and Luisa would venture in and find him, realize the story about him was overly darkened. And the 2 would help the family come back together. But again, it didn’t work.
So Camilo comes of age, he comes a shapeshifter. He can turn into people, relatively but himself in their shoes, and empathize with them. Casita may have meant for him to become an empath, he could hear the stories of Bruno and find a way to relate to him, sympathize/empathize with him, seek him out and learn about him. Bring the family back together. And from the previews, he didn’t really go that way.
So now Mirabel comes in, Alma and her whispering about the gift she will get. Casita at this point has decided “No, I will give no gift, you have lost sight of what your miracle is. Until you learn, I will gift no more.” And from we see, we know that once again Alma is missing the message, and that decision has backfired massively.
So years pass, the cracks form, under the surface where no one can see, but they grow, the magic starts to fade. And Antonio comes in; Bruno hangs out with rats. Casita gives the child the gift to speak to animals. “Okay, okay, youngest child talks to rats, rats tell small child about the strange man they are friends with, small child meets Bruno, the family comes back together! It’s fool proof!”
And now we’re at the movie.
So there you go, my theory. Casita has been trying for years to reconnect the family, by given the gifts the next generation but it kept getting muddled.
Any additional thoughts? Leave a comment! Thanks for sticking to the end.
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starryhyuck · 3 years
thin walls. (m)
Tumblr media
pairing: softdom!jaemin x sub!reader
words: 1.8k+
summary: you try your best to keep quiet since you know jaemin’s room is right next to yours. turns out you’re not as quiet as you think.
genre: fluff, smut
warnings: dom!jaemin, bestfriend!jaemin, roommate!jaemin, oral sex, daddy kink, multiple orgasms, overstimulation, creampie
“Isn’t it weird?”
“Is what weird?”
You’re having your weekly video call with Donghyuck and Renjun, the latter actually paying attention to your conversation while the former furiously clicks away on his keyboard.
“We’ve been quarantining for almost a year now. You haven’t gotten any dick in months and your roommate is like the hottest guy we know,” Renjun clarifies, raising an eyebrow. You both ignore the sound of Donghyuck grumbling loudly as he loses another game.
You roll your eyes. “And you’re so concerned about my sex life because?”
“Because clearly, neither me or Donghyuck have one. I’m living vicariously through you.”
That gets Donghyuck’s attention. “For your information, I am supporting many lovely women through OnlyFans. It’s only Renjun that has difficulties with sexual partners.”
Renjun scoffs. “I could have anyone on their knees for me, and we all know it.”
There’s a knock on your door and you take an earbud out when Jaemin pops his head in. He looks like a mess — his hair springing up in different places and eyes puffy. You frown at his disheveled state.
“Hey, are you still busy?”
Your fingers move at the speed of lightning, barely registering Renjun’s protest when you quickly leave the meeting. You toss your laptop and earbuds aside to give your best friend your full attention.
He chuckles and scratches the back of his neck. “If you’re busy, I can come back later.”
“Nope, not busy anymore. Are you okay, Jaem?”
He fully enters the room and shuts the door behind him. He smiles softly at you as he takes a seat on your bed.
“Not feeling too great. Just wanted to see you.”
You ignore the swell in your chest at his confession, worriedly stroking his cheek when you realize how red his eyes are. His hand comes up to play with your fingers, eyes moving in and out of focus.
“What’s wrong?” You finally ask.
He shrugs. “Didn’t do so well on my test today. Feeling a little hopeless.”
Your frown grows deeper. You move closer to him, wanting to soothe his pain.
“Don’t say that. It’s just one test, you’ll do better on the next one. I’ll help you! We can make flash cards and create some trivia games to help you remember.”
He chuckles, eyes still staring down at your connected hands.
“You always know what to say. How is that?”
You giggle. “I earned the title of your best friend for a reason.”
“I suppose you did.” His eyes move upwards to lock on you. “Can I stay here? Just for tonight.”
You freeze. You haven’t slept next to Jaemin in months, the two of you only doing so when you were really drunk or really sad. You don’t even remember what it’s like to fall asleep in your best friend’s arms.
And you two fall into a quiet rhythm, Jaemin’s arms circling around you as he brings your back to his chest. Your eyes flutter shut, focusing on his steady breaths as you try to fall asleep.
You’re startled when you suddenly feel a pair of lips ghost over your neck, pressing a small kiss to your collarbone.
He hums in response, not showing any signs of stopping while he continues to pepper kisses on your shoulder.
“Jaem, w-what are you d-doing?”
“I heard you last night.”
You pause. You try to register what he’s saying, which you find is incredibly hard to do when his tongue darts out, licking a stripe up your neck. You backtrack to last night, when you were feeling so drowsy but struggled to get to sleep. You don’t remember much, except for the fact that you reached to your nightstand to grab your vibrator-
Oh. Oh fuck.
“Y-You heard that?”
He hums again, moving to suck your neck with vigor. When he finally parts from his masterpiece, he chuckles.
“How could I not? The walls aren’t exactly thin, you know. I hear everything — all your silly commentary when you rewatch your favorite dramas, your weekly conversations with Renjun and Donghyuck, the pretty little noises you make when you turn your vibrator on, and the unmistakable sound of porn you watch when you’re really aroused.”
You feel more than embarrassed, stuttering as you try to offer an explanation. Jaemin chuckles against your ear, biting softly down on the lobe. A whimper tumbles out of your mouth before you realize it.
“I couldn’t sleep last night after listening to you. You made me fail my test, baby.”
“I’m s-sorry.”
“If you’re really sorry, you’ll let me eat you out.”
You swear your heart stops. “W-What?”
“I’m hungry. You wouldn’t want me to go to bed on an empty stomach, would you?”
“U-Um, no.”
Before you know it, you’re on your back with Jaemin between your legs. His fingers thumb over the fabric of your pajama shorts and he looks up at you, his eyes glimmering with a question.
You nod. “It’s okay, Jaem.”
With your permission, he slides your shorts down your legs and throws them haphazardly across the room. His gaze darkens at the sight of your lacy panties, which you honestly wore unintentionally today. You’re glad you picked them this morning though, because Jaemin looked like he was about to go insane at the sight.
“You’re so fucking perfect.”
And then his tongue licks a stripe up your clothed core and you yelp. He’s almost predatory, shoving your underwear aside and diving into your sopping pussy. You moan when his tongue furiously licks your folds, curling in on yourself while he holds you down.
He parts from you briefly and raises an eyebrow. “I think you have another name to call me.”
You’re confused yet again. “W-What?”
He snickers. “Forgot already? I listened to all those dirty videos you were watching, baby. I know all your cute little kinks. Now, I know you have a different name to address me as.”
“J-Jaemin, I-“
He clicks his tongue. “That’s not right.”
You gather all the courage you have inside of you, ignoring the clear embarrassment on your face by the fact that Jaemin has discovered all of your secret fantasies.
“Daddy, please eat me out.”
He smiles mischievously. “Good girl.”
You have no time to dwell on your self-consciousness before he’s sinking a finger inside of you, tongue lapping at your clit. You feel like a dog in heat, warmth spreading throughout your body as you struggle to comprehend the fact that your best friend is currently eating you out like his life depends on it.
“D-Daddy, daddy!” You scream when he slips another finger inside, curling them upwards while he sucks on your clit furiously. “I’m gonna- I’m gonna-“
You cry out when your orgasm sweeps over you in waves, thrashing and whimpering under Jaemin’s hold. He uses his other hand to hold your hips down when the oversensitivity crashes into you, desperately trying to push away from him.
“D-Daddy, no, I-I’m sensitive-“
Jaemin growls and holds you tighter, fingers still drilling into your pussy and mouth wrapped around your sensitive bud. You don’t have time to warn him when your second orgasm comes just as quickly as the first, convulsing around him. You try to gain a sense of strength to push him away before he can launch you into a third, and Jaemin gets the message as he parts from you.
His chin glimmers with evidence of your arousal, fingers slipping into his mouth while he tastes the remnants of your two orgasms.
He pounces on you, lips crashing into yours and you moan. You can taste yourself on his tongue, and the fact shoots another spike of arousal to your core.
“What else did they do in that video, baby?” He whispers breathily. “Tell me.”
Your brain is a little fuzzy as you try to remember.
“H-He fucked the girl until she was crying and she took it. Anything to please her d-daddy.”
He smirks. “Is that what I should do to you? Fuck you until you’re crying? Will you do anything to please me?”
You know you trusted Jaemin with your life, so you nod.
“Anything for you, daddy.”
He grins. He quickly pulls down his sweatpants and his cock springs up, already half hard. You gulp at his size, and you’re suddenly reminded of why Renjun calls Jaemin the hottest guy you know. Jaemin’s girth wasn’t exactly a secret in your friend group, many rumors spreading around after Donghyuck discovered how well endowed your roommate actually was.
His fingers grip his base, slowly pumping himself while keeping his eyes locked on you.
“Like what you see, baby? Do you think your pussy is ready to take daddy’s fat cock?”
“Y-Yes, d-daddy. I c-can take your c-cock.”
He chuckles at your response, brushing strands of hair away from your face to fully look at you. His look is almost endearing, and you would swoon any other day if he wasn’t about to fuck you.
He lines himself up to your entrance, pausing for a second.
“Do I need to get a condom?”
You shake your head. “I’m on birth control. We’re fine.”
He doesn’t hesitate any longer, pushing into you slowly. You whine at the stretch. You haven’t been taken like this in months, and your vibrator is no match for his huge cock. He coaxes you through the pain, whispering softly in your ear and kissing your neck again to help ease you up.
Once he bottoms out, he waits patiently for your go ahead before moving. You can tell it’s killing him on the inside, brows pushed together as he tries his best not to pound you deep into the mattress.
“P-Please, daddy.”
Jaemin builds a steady pace inside of you, groaning and grunting into your ear as he sinks deeper and deeper. Your mind draws a blank when you struggle to form any coherent words, babbling while he impales you with his cock.
“You’re such a good girl for me. Always so good. Been waiting for this forever, baby. Dreamed so long of having you underneath me like this.”
“Daddy,” you gasp at his unexpected confession, hissing lowly when his fingers circle around your clit. Tears spring up in your eyes from the pleasure.
“Especially all those mornings when you were wearing practically nothing in front of me, you don’t even know how many times I wanted to take you on the kitchen counter.”
You cry when his cock hits you harder and faster.
“But you’re so good for me now, aren’t you, baby? So pretty and perfect for her daddy.”
“Y-Yes, daddy,” you whimper. “I’m all yours. All good for daddy.”
Jaemin groans loudly. “Cum for me, baby. Cum for daddy.”
Your orgasm is blinding, your nails digging into his shoulders as you ride out your high. He follows shortly after you, grunting when he shoots his cum deep inside your waiting womb.
You both lay in silence before you suddenly burst out in laughter. Jaemin eyes you.
“We just fucked. I just fucked my best friend and called him daddy. This is so surreal.”
He chuckles, leaning down to press a kiss against your lips.
“Better get used to it. Who knows how long we’ll be stuck in quarantine together.”
You smile. “Doesn’t sound so bad to me.”
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ecoamerica · 1 month
Watch the 2024 American Climate Leadership Awards for High School Students now: https://youtu.be/5C-bb9PoRLc
The recording is now available on ecoAmerica's YouTube channel for viewers to be inspired by student climate leaders! Join Aishah-Nyeta Brown & Jerome Foster II and be inspired by student climate leaders as we recognize the High School Student finalists. Watch now to find out which student received the $25,000 grand prize and top recognition!
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