#and these are 'straight' dudes too that apparently did it often w their friends? like brother can i show you the word bisexual real quick?
sleepyhurts · 2 months
if i were a guy i would easily have also been part of a jerk off circle in high school with all my friends, like idk im easy to peer pressure when its something i wanna do. like oh? all my hot friends are about to jerk off together and they want me to join so we can see who busts first?? don't gotta tell me twice im there :)
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Greta Van Fleet One Shots: How You Meet
T/W: Mentions of a car wreck
It was an unexpected turn of events, but Josh liked to refer to it as universal intervention. Every morning you walked ten minutes down the street to your favorite coffee shop to get something heavily caffeinated before holing yourself up in your art studio for the rest of the day. This morning activity had gone past routine a long time ago and had quickly become ritual. You had found out that walk was a great way for you to start your day for sculpting with clay. 
One rainy fall morning right before Halloween, you were surprised to see four young guys milling around the coffee shop seeming to enjoy the atmosphere while they discussed various pieces of art from local artists lining the walls. A few of the pieces of photography were yours from when you visited the Grand Canyon a couple summers ago, but since then, your attention had been focused on pottery. 
After a steaming latte was firmly secured in your hand and a hefty tip left for the baristas, you began to make your way back to the door as you planned out your day mentally. Before you could grab the door handle, one of the shorter guys from the group with curly hair quickly held the door for you with a breathtaking smile. You hadn’t been into photography in years, but you would’ve died on the spot to have captured that grin on camera. 
You offered your thanks quickly as you your face was suddenly on fire. He had to of known you were staring, but what you didn’t know was the he had been staring since you entered the coffee shop. 
“Hey! Wait! What’s your name,” the young man called after you as you stepped outside onto the sidewalk. The morning light made him squint his deep brown eyes as he stared at you, waiting on an answer. 
“I’m y/n,” you answered shyly as you pushed a stray piece of hair out of your face and nearly slapped yourself when you realized you totally forgot to ask his. Before you could open your mouth, he had already beat you the punch and leaned back against the building with his arms crossed and a confident grin on his face. 
“So, y/n....do you come here often?”  
The music was so loud that you were sure your head would burst. You could feel the beat of the music in your the center of your chest as you sipped on your drink. Your friend, y/f/n, was friends with a drummer for a pretty famous band and they extended an invitation to their house party to kick off their new album release. While you though Greta Van Fleet was a weird name for a rock n’ roll band, you did like their music.
Bob Seger blared through the house as you continued the search for your friend. The body heat from the crowd was coming off in waves and making you feel dizzy. You were just ready to leave, but you couldn’t leave your friend behind. A tap on your shoulder had you turning quickly coming face to face with a tall guy with long black hair who offered you a friendly smile.
“Hey! I’m Danny. I’m friend’s with y/f/n too! She’s been looking all over for you,” he yelled over the music as he pointed in the direction of your friend who was jumping up and down trying to get your attention. You and Danny laughed as some random guy with long hair and a pink shirt started doing the same thing to make fun of her. 
“That’s Sam. He’s my best friend. It’s getting to be a bit much in here, so we’re all going to step out for a few minutes if you would like to join. Unfortunately, I don’t know everyone here tonight and I don’t want to leave you by yourself,” Danny yelled over the music with a kind look on his face. 
“Yeah! That would be great! I was actually getting a bit overwhelmed, so I’m glad you’re here dude,” you shouted back as you placed your hand in the crook of his offered elbow. As you two made your way to the edge of the room where your friends were waiting, people stumbled over each other to get your way and were yelling and patting Danny on the back. A sudden realization ran through body as you felt your eyes widen at the idea that this was the Danny from Greta Van Fleet.
You and Ronnie had been best friends for as long as you two could remember which meant her brothers annoyed you as much as they did her. Throughout your high school years, you honestly didn’t have a crush on any of them but found their friendship to be as irreplaceable as Ronnie’s. 
Once they made their big debut, you didn’t see them often and you and Ronnie both attended different colleges. In fact, you had a once in a lifetime opportunity to study abroad and couldn’t pass it up.The miles between you and Ronnie didn’t matter and you talked every single day and normally face-timed too. Any updates on the boys came from her or Karen. You did miss hanging out in the garage on the weekends and playing pranks, but as the days turned into years, you didn’t think much more of it. 
Finally, you were able to go home for a much needed visit after your year abroad and apparently, Ronnie and the boys would be home at the same time too. Quickly, you all made plans to hang out at the first possible moment and you were jittery with excitement on your flight back to US. 
After taking a couple days to catch up on some much needed rest, you were finally able to go hang out at the Kiszka house. When you got there, you didn’t even knock on the door and waltzed straight into the living room like you had always done. Ronnie and the boys were sprawled all over the furniture with the exception of Danny who always preferred the floor. Hearing your entrance, Ronnie let out a scream as she lept over the back of the couch and literally sent you sprawling to the ground with her on top of you. 
“Okay-Ronnie-Ronnie! Let go of my neck! I can’t breathe,” you croaked out as the only Kiszka girl finally loosened her death grip and helped you up. All the boys got up next to give you a quick hug, but you noticed one missing. 
“Where’s Sammy,” you asked as your heard his feet hitting the steps on his way down. With a huge grin, he made his way over to get a hug, but you felt yourself swallow quickly as you willed yourself not to blush. Little Sammy had apparently grown up on tour and Sam was the one approaching you with his arms outstretched. Giving you a tight squeeze, you could smell his shampoo from his long hair and willed your heart to slow down. 
You had never had a crush on any of Ronnie’s brothers, but that had quickly changed in less than a minute. 
The radio was still playing as you hung upside down in your car. Your seat belt was the only thing holding you in place. You could taste the blood in your mouth and salty tears and blood ran into your hairline. Adrenaline was pumping through your veins as you scanned your surroundings and tried to remember how you ended up in the current situation, but nothing immediately came to mind which made you cry harder. You were sobbing when you could hear voices drifting through the shattered windshield. 
Despite the pain in your ribs and the tightness of the seat belt, you let out a blood curdling screech that ended in hiccups and sobs. A few moments later, you heard hurried footsteps and gravel crunching..
“Josh! Call 911!”
“Damn! How are we going to get her out? Should we move her?”
“I don’t know! Did anyone get that license plate? She was ran off the road!”
The voices blurred together and your eyes felt heavy. They began to flutter shut when a guy with long hair and a worried expression stuck his head in your car from the busted passenger side window. 
“Hey! Stay awake! I know you’re tired, but you have to stay awake. What’s your name,” he asked gently as he wiggled into the car and grabbed on of your hands. The calluses were a drastic difference to your soft palms and he absentmindedly ran his thumb over the back of your hand. 
“Y/n. It’s y/n,” you stuttered out. 
“It’s nice to meet you. Help’s on the way, okay? I’m Jacob, but I go by Jake. I wish we had met in better circumstances, but you have super pretty eyes,” he said with a soft smile. 
“I’m scared, Jake,” you said as a new flood of tears ran into your hairline. 
“I know. I’m going to stay right here. You’re not alone. I promise,” Jake said with sincerity as he continued to comfort you. 
On the verge of bleeding out, you honestly were wondering if he wasn’t your guardian angel. 
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watchmegetobsessed · 3 years
And I always will - Tom Holland
❄️ FANFICmas 2020 ❄️
Read more about FANFICmas here!
week 3 babies! it’s been so long since i last wrote for Tom and this story just screamed for him when I made up the plot. so here is some cute friends to lovers christmas edition! updated the fanficmas post with next week’s fic and added another one for the 24th, check it out if you are interested!
word count: 4.2k
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It’s not a date, it’s not a date, it’s not a date!
That’s your mantra for the evening and the closer the time is coming when Tom is picking you up, the louder you’re shouting it in your mind. Well, while it was sure he was nowhere near your apartment you physically kept telling yourself, heart pounding in your chest with each passing moment, but when he texted you that he’d be there in five you shut yourself up.
Stepping to the mirror you take one last look at yourself in your simple black dress and red blazer, a simple but fitting look for the annual Christmas party of the company you’re working for. You tug your hair behind your ears to make your earrings more apparent, they are like little red Christmas ornaments, the perfect touch up for the occasion and you also happen to know Tom loves how you wear them around the holidays every year.
This whole thing started a week ago when he was over for a movie night, something you often did when he was in town and you whined about having to go to the company party alone again and listen to your boss comment on how she was already married at your age. She is a very old school woman with strong beliefs that a woman should be able to catch herself a man at an early age if she doesn’t want to end up alone for the rest of her life.
You were only twenty three, not at all in rush to settle down, but you hated the teasing and commenting every year. It happened all through the year, but it was the worst at the Christmas party, because then she had the time to talk to you without the distraction of work, so she was able to touch on more personal topics as well.
Tom listened to you patiently, letting you rage about the irritation even the thought brings to you every year before proposing his idea.
“I could go with you and pretend to be your boyfriend.”
The words rolled off his tongue so easily, like it was nothing at all, when in reality it put your stomach into a knot immediately. It might have not mean anything to him other than just a friendly request but it meant so much more to you, being in love with the man for years.
Cliché, right? Falling for your best friend and keeping your emotions bottled up because you’re too afraid to come clear and possibly ruin your friendship. It sounds like a horrible teen movie, but this is the truth. It’s not something you can just blurt out without having to overthink about all the possible outcomes that would send you into a rabbit hole of the worst case scenarios until you are scared to talk about your feelings for life.
You were hesitant about his idea, but like every time, he managed to talk your ears off and convince that it would be a great idea.
“Lots are already thinking we are a couple, it would be easy!” he assured you, and he gave you a sly, cocky smirk, one you can never resist. So naturally, you said yes at the end and that brings you to this evening, when you’re nervously waiting for him to arrive to pick you up so the two of you could go to that stupid party together, pretending to be a couple.
You keep pacing back and forth in the small hallway as you wait for him to arrive and when you hear the knock on the door you jump.
It’s not a date, Y/N! Just pretentious!
You keep telling yourself your little mantra as you stride over to the door and open it for him. And there he is, handsome as ever, wearing black dress pants and a nice, crispy looking white shirt under his wool coat, the top buttons of the shirt left undone to let your greedy eyes a little hint of his toned chest underneath the fabric. You need to stop yourself from sucking on your breath, he looks so great, not just now, but all the damn time, making you feel lightheaded with just a simple smile.
“You look beautiful, girlfriend,” he tells you, putting a teasing tone into the last word and though it was just a joke, it made your heart flutter for sure.
“Thank you, boyfriend,” you shyly smile, the word tastes so sweet on your tongue, but there’s some hidden pain behind it.
“Ready to go?” You nod and grab your coat and purse before shutting the door behind you and locking the door.
The ride is short, but feels like forever. You’re anxiously chewing on your bottom lip, heart pounding in your chest and you fear that Tom might hear it and question you about it. This is so nerve-wrecking, and so not how you imagined to be his girlfriend for the first time.
Though it’s the closest you’ll get to the title, probably, you tell yourself, stomach churning at the thought.
“Hey,” Tom’s soft voice grabs your attention when he stops at a red light. “Nervous?”
“Just a little,” you nod shortly. “I just… want to my boss to take me seriously for once,” you lie, because there’s absolutely no way you are telling him it’s him that makes you shit your panties.
“I’ll be right there with you and we’ll charm the shit out of that woman,” he smirks making you laugh at his words.
“Hope so,” you mumble with a sigh, turning back to stare out the window.
Tom parks down in an empty spot near the venue that holds the part and he helps you out of the car giving you a hand, but he doesn’t let go of it once you are standing on your feet, holding your hand and even lacing your fingers together. When he gives it a gentle squeeze you peek up at him and notice that he is looking down at your with a warm smile as if he is trying to tell you that it’s gonna be alright without words. You try to swallow your anxious thoughts and hope he doesn’t find your hand too sweaty as the two of you head inside.
You work for a huge marketing company, one of the biggest ones in London. You landed an assistant job two years ago, fresh out of college and worked yourself up to be a fulltime graphic designer, mostly working on visuals for smaller campaigns running in the company, but you were proud of your work and enjoyed it to the fullest. One of the lead designers is rumored to retire sometime next year and you were hoping to be considered for his spot, thought there are quite a lot who has been working there for a longer time, but you felt like you have proven yourself to be suitable for the job. Tonight you are praying to charm your boss so she would move your name forward in the process and earn you a few good points at the admission, but this meant that you have to make her believe you are the definition of couple goals so she would get off your back and finally see that you are trying your best to move forward in life.
The venue is one big ball room, several tables set on the sides with the department’s name on the table to let people know where to sit, the luxurious decoration making the whole place appear like Winter Wonderland straight out of a fairytale. There’s a stage at the very back with a DJ already playing and a dancefloor in the middle, some guests are busting their best dance moves there, while others are enjoying the open buffet that runs along the two sides, tables filled with the most delicious looking meals.
A waiter greets you both, offering you champagne and you gladly take a glass while Tom shakes his head with a soft “I’m driving, thank you”.
Looking around you see some familiar faces but there are a lot new ones. The company has a whole office building with five floors and one usually stays on their own floor throughout the working days, you don’t interact much, so it’s hard to tell who you are working with on a wider level.
“Do you know where we are sitting?” Tom asks leaning closer to your ear so you hear what he is saying over the music and as his hot breath hits your neck it sends a shiver down your spine.
He is so close and his hand feels so warm on mine, you think to yourself while your eyes scan the place, trying to find your colleagues. When you spot them you pull Tom in their direction, plastering a nervous smile on your lips.
“Hi everyone!” you greet them arriving to the big, circular table. You work with a team of ten designers, some of them are older, but there are two around your age. Sally is twenty-five, her desk is right across yours and you’ve become closer, eating lunch together almost every day, and then there’s Owen, who is basically the office’s gossip source, always knows what happened to who and he makes sure to give the word away to the right people. Your older colleagues find him nosy, but you think it’s funny how he can still get any information from anyone even though he is known to have a big mouth. There’s just something about a tall, gay dude who approaches you with a sly smile, it’s like he puts a spell on people and they magically start talking. He often joins you and Sally for lunch, the three of you forming a club of young, ambitious people, holding each other up so you don’t get crushed by the judgy thirties.
When Owen looks up from his cocktail he almost spits it out seeing Tom standing next to you, holding your hand firmly.
“Little miss Y/N?! What is this supposed to be?” he gasps dramatically and you just chuckle shaking your head at him.
“This, is my uhh—This is my boyfriend, Tom,” you nervously introduce him and he waves around politely.
“Hi, nice to meet you all,” he calls out and most just acknowledge him with a nod and a hello, but Owen is over the roof that you just appeared with Tom Holland by your side.
“Why haven’t you tell me you were fucking Spider-Man himself?” he continues to rage and you almost choke on your own saliva hearing his words. Your cheeks start to heat up, but seemingly Tom doesn’t feel as uncomfortable as you, he just chuckles lightly, before pulling out your seat to help you sit before he takes the seat next to you.
Sally, who is sitting between you and Owen just slaps his chest in a warning manner.
“Control yourself!” she scolds him, but it only earns her an eye-roll.
“I’m sorry, but I feel offended I didn’t know about this,” he explains pointing at you and Tom.
“I hope you understand that I like to keep my private life, well, private. So it’s my fault Y/N hasn’t been bragging about us.” Tom rescues you from making up some stupid lie and you’re happy you didn’t have to say a word, so you just chug down half of your champagne in hopes it would ease your nerves a little.
Surprisingly, Owen backs off immediately, giving you a knowing look, as if he understood so well the life of a well-known actor even though he was far from being one.
“Oh, totally. I get it, don’t worry about it, Tom. Though I’m sure she’s been dying to talk about you all along.”
“Has she?” Tom teasingly looks down at you and you just let out an awkward chuckle nodding.
“Yeah. Exactly,” you mumble finishing off your champagne and putting it to the table. Tom can easily tell how nervous you are, so he puts a hand to your knee under the table and gives it a gentle squeeze, leaving it there afterwards, but it just rises your anxiety level. You are highly aware of every touch and look, as if your senses became hypersensitive all of a sudden, but only to Tom.
“So how long you two have been together?” Sally asks with a warm smile, trying her best to steal the opportunity from Owen to talk so he doesn’t say anything inappropriate and you are endlessly thankful to her for that.
“Um, couple of months,” you say the first thing that comes to your mind and from the corner of your eye you see Tom just nod along your words.
“And how do you know each other if I might ask?”
“We’ve been friends for a long time, actually,” Tom speaks up this time. “Y/N’s dad used to work with my dad when we were younger and we sort of became friends. I was always in love with her, though it took me a long time to grow the balls to ask her out.” You are stunned at how easily he is talking about something that’s not real, as if he has been building up this story in his mind for a while, but that can’t be the case of it.
“Oh, this is so cute! And did you feel the same way?” Sally asks you. Licking your lips you glance over at Tom.
“Yeah. Loved him all along,” you softly say and it’s the truth, however he will probably never know about it.
“It’s like in the movies!” Sally gasps, holding her hand to her chest.
Tom’s eyes still hold yours and he gives your knee another squeeze that makes you take a deep breath before you tear your gaze away from him, feeling giddy and lightheaded.
You stay at the table a little longer before the two of you head to fill your plates before everything is fully gone. It’s kind of a relief to get away from Owen and Sally, you hated lying to them, but you had no choice.
“Everything alright?” Tom asks, brushing a hand against the small of your back as the two of you stand at the buffet, looking at the food.
“Yeah, I’m fine,” you nod with a weak smile. “Just a little nervous,” you admit.
“Don’t be, we are doing just fine,” he smirks and leaning down he kisses your forehead gently. It’s nothing new, he often does this and the gesture always manages to pull you out of your boiling thoughts and it has the same effect this time as well. You feel like you can breathe again after holding it in for a long time.
You carelessly glance over your shoulder as you wait for Tom to finish packing his plate up with veggies when you spot your boss talking to a guy who you recall works as an accountant on a higher level. Her eyes move just enough to meet yours and you suck on your breath when she spots Tom next to you, right when he reaches out mindlessly sliding a hand to your waist.
“Oh God, she saw us,” you mumble under your breath as you watch her excuse herself from the guy and head in your way.
“Hm? What?” Tom lifts his head and his eyes quickly find the tall, lean woman walking towards you with ambitious and confident steps. Mrs. Winston is the kind of woman that could easily intimidate any high power man in the industry, and she worked hard to be where she is now. However, you don’t necessarily always share her beliefs of the world and life, for instance her vision of a woman marrying a man as young as possible.
“Y/N? Who is this handsome man you brought tonight?” she asks right away, eyes landing on Tom who has put his plate to the table behind him and circled an arm around your waist. Before you could even get a word out, Tom extends his other hand out for her, with a charming smile.
“Tom Holland. It’s nice to meet you, Mrs. Winston. I’m Y/N’s boyfriend.”
Oh God, you’ll never get used to hearing him say that and you’re amazed he remembered her name even though you just mentioned it earlier.
“Nice to meet you too. Call me Carol,” she smiles, seemingly already loving Tom and honestly, you can’t blame her. “I saw that you were bringing a plus one, but I was expecting a relative,” she comments finally paying you a glance and you can feel the sharpness in it, how she partially meant it as an insult, but you just smile at her widely.
“Oh, no. Hope you don’t mind it.”
“Not at all. So tell me, why do you look so familiar, Tom?”
“I’m an actor, you might have seen me in movies.” It takes Mrs. Winston to put the picture together, but when she eventually does, she gives you a highly approving look.
“Well yes! Now I remember! I think my son in law is a big fan.”
“Give him my best wishes,” Tom nods with a warm smile.
“You know, I’m happy to see Y/N finally with a worthy man by her side. I always told her to grab herself a good one before she runs out of time,” Mrs. Winston starts her usual sermon.
“Oh, I think Y/N is perfect on her own, I think she is an amazing individual,” Tom replies and your and Mrs. Winston’s eyebrows rise at the same time. “I don’t think a woman needs a man by her side to make her complete and I admire her strength as a person on her own, not just in a relationship.”
“Don’t you think a woman needs the support of a man to succeed in this man dominated world we live in?”
“Not at all,” he shakes his head confidently and you feel him pull you closer to his side while you listen to his words curiously. “I think women deserve the recognition of them and their work and not to have it overshadowed by any men. I’m proud to be Y/N’s boyfriend and I’ll support her through everything, but I would never let anyone think of her as just a part of our relationship, or the person connected to me, because she is so much more than that and I want everyone to recognize that.”
You are at a loss of words, you knew Tom was a feminist, supporting women’s rights passionately, but you never heard him talk about it in a close relation with you. His words twisted your heart in the best possible way and though tonight is all about faking, something is telling you that these are his genuine thoughts, except the part about your relationship, but he could easily mean just your friendship under that.
Mrs. Winston seems stunned at the honest and forward answer, though you can tell it surprised her that someone went against her beliefs. However, it doesn’t seem like she is upset about it, more like she appreciates the balls that someone spoke up.
Her eyes fall back on you and there’s a small smile tugging at her red lips.
“He is a keeper, Y/N,” she simply tells you before walking away.
“Holy shit,” you breathe out when she is far away. Tom gives your waist another squeeze as he glances down at you with a smirk. “It’s like you put a spell on her!”
“I’m a charming bastard,” he shrugs smugly before grabbing his plate from the table and the two of you make your way back to the table.
Following the little talk with your boss you feel a lot more relaxed, knowing that Tom charmed the shit out of the woman. Now you are starting to enjoy the party, laughing with Sally and Owen and you’re happy to see that Tom is getting along with them pretty well too.
When the DJ starts playing All I Want For Christmas, the whole room cheers as one and most guests rush to the dance floor, that includes you and Tom as well.
He keeps you close, twirling you and moving around with you to the song, even singing it just like most people around you. Looking around you spot Mrs. Winston dancing as well, a lot more reserved than you, but she looks like she’s genuinely having a good time. She winks at you when your eyes meet and she sees Tom wrap an arm around your waist. You feel yourself blushing and you turn back to him, earning a sweet smile from him as he is enjoying the party.
When the song ends, the DJ slows it down a few knots playing Christmas Lights by Coldplay, people start to leave the dancefloor, only couple staying to slow dance to the song. Your eyes meet Tom and you thought he might want to go back to the table, but instead, his arms wrap around your waist and he pulls you to his chest, starting to sway to the rhythm.
You try to ignore the butterflies in your stomach as you feel his body pressed against yours, his hands holding your waist firmly, and you cheek is next to his, occasionally brushing in the motions. You run your hands up his broad shoulders and rest them behind his neck, a shiver running down your spine when you hear him sing the lines into your ear:
“Like some drunken Elvis singing, I go singing out of tune, saying how I always loved you darling and I always will.”
You lean back just enough to look into his eyes, feeling like the words he sang were a message addressed straight to you and you needed to see it in his look. When your gazes meet your heart skips a beat when they validate your thoughts. He sang those lines on purpose and he wanted you to hear them, but still, you can’t bring yourself to say or do something. You just stand there, wrapped in his arms, eyes lost in his, swaying gently to the song.
He brings a hand up to your face and tugs your hair behind your ears, his yes fall to your earring and he can’t help the smile that tugs on his lips.
“I don’t know if this is the right time, but I feel like it is,” he softly starts, seemingly having a hard time to find his words. “Y/N?”
“Yeah?” you breathe out faintly.
“I love you.”
The words almost push you out of your balance, and you feel like you are falling down in a deep, endless hole. He said the words you’ve been aching to hear from him for so long, he really said them and he is looking at you with eyes you’ve only seen in the mirror when you were thinking about telling him about your feelings. But this time the look belongs to him and he is breathlessly waiting for you to say something in return.
“I love you too,” you softly tell him, brushing your fingers gently along his jawline. He breaks a relieved smile, but then furrows his eyebrows in a serious expression.
“Just to make it sure, you are not talking about a friendly love, right?”
You can’t help but let out a chuckle, shaking your head at him.
“No. Not friendly,” you assure him and he sighs in relief again.
“Great, because it would have been really awkward.”
You bite into your bottom lip, shyly staring up at him, a little lost about what should be said or done next, when you hear Owen call out from behind you.
“You guys are standing under the mistletoe! Kiss!”
First you turn to look at him and then you follow the direction where he is pointing and you see that you are in fact standing under a little mistletoe, hanging from the ceiling. Turning to face Tom you shyly smile at him, while he looks way more confident in himself.
“We can’t break the rule,” he chuckles teasingly, making you laugh as well before leaning down he captures your lips in a sweet, breathtaking kiss.
You feel like a teenager again, the butterflies are going wild in your stomach and you’re pretty sure your hands are shaking, but you couldn’t care less. All you could think about is Tom and that you were finally kissing him. Teenage you would lose her mind knowing you finally got to kiss him, after all those years of secretly dreaming about it.
Tom kisses you again and again until you both are breathing heavily, so he pulls back a little, resting his forehead against yours, his hands keeping you close to him.
“Wanna get out of here?” he breathes out and you nod your head eagerly.
“Fuck yes,” you chuckle making him laugh as well before he grabs your hand and pulls you back to the table to grab your stuff and then head out.
You don’t bother to say goodbye, or tell anyone you’ve left, you were busy feeling Tom’s hands touching you wherever he could, his lips finding yours every other minute. You both are a hot mess in the car on the way home and when you finally reach your apartment, you turn on the Christmas lights in your room, before Tom pulls you down to the bed and makes love to you all through the night.
general/forever taglist for Tom Holland
i do separate taglists for different people, but not for different works of mine! if you ask to be on my Tom taglist, you’ll be tagged in all of my Tom fics!
@zaahidahhh @shawn-youth  @wildflower-cth @imaginashawnns @haute-shawn  @learning-howto-be-myselfx3 @cutepenguin1 @madatmendes @harrysleftchelseaboot  @sarcasticallywitty15 @dontworrysunflower​
if you’d like to be taken off or added to the list, please let me know!
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lost-eternity · 4 years
Matchup Requests: CLOSED
Match up request for:
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Match up request for: @bumbleslut
Okie dokie. I match you with...
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Deadpool / Wade Wilson!
Okay this was a difficult one
But let me explain why 
Wade disguises his insecurities and flaws behind wise cracking jokes.
He has a thick skin and is easily able to act tough and unaffected, despite how deep the words cut
It is because of this tendency to neglect and hide his emotions that I feel he would work well with you 
Your deeply compassionate and empathetic nature, combined with the persistence of a hopeless romantic is just the type of personality I feel Wade needs to not only open up but reconcile with himself
He refers to himself as sexy or handsome, but we know for a fact that he is ashamed of his scarred face. Like his new face somehow diminishes his worth as a person
Which just isn't true
But he needs someone open minded enough to tell him that
Someone who would truly find him to be beautiful, even if his beauty is not conventional 
Wade Wilson is presented as being morally ambiguous and is often brought up in reference to anti-heroes, however, I think the opposite is true. Wade has a very strong moral compass and can distinguish right from wrong. He always tries to do the right thing... he just has rather unorthodox methods of achieving those things. 
While I wouldn't say he is sensitive, I think part of that is because he has buried his own emotions so deep that he chooses to ignore them. 
Which again, I feel like is something he would need help with unlocking 
As a couple, you two would be legit
You both have rather talkative characters so I can say that without a doubt, there would never be a dry moment between the two of you
It could get chaotic 
But that's fine. Wade revels in chaos
I also feel like you have the capacity to defend yourself 
Show some snark and sarcasm. And, if not, Wade would definitely influence you into become a bit more of a bitch. 
In a good way, hahaha
Unconventional adventures and weird little trips is definitely something you would find yourself involved in a lot
It's not like Wade ever explains why
But it doesn't matter cause the two of you have a blast wreaking havoc 
You would act as Wade's conscience on these little outings
A foil to his reckless behaviour, keeping him safe, and morally in the right
Eventually he will learn to do this on his own- for your sake
He claims it is because he doesn't want to hear you talk "my already melty ears off" but it's because he cares about you 😉 
3AM Netflix movies are a common thing
He'd probably come in through the window missing a hand or a leg and you are just staring at him like: "bitch, what???"
Although he just wants to cuddle and watch Netflix and pop popcorn 
It's like... 'dude, it's 3AM, and you crawled through MY window missing a limb... and ask to watch ‘This is Us’???’
He'd never admit it but he has a thing for soap operas
You were also pleasantly surprised to see that he owned every episode of Star Trek. Or as he put it "The classics. Not the one with the bald guy that looks like Professor X."
Be prepared to be flirted with a lot
And his words can get pretty dirty pretty fast
You may have to talk him down
Seriously, he loves trying to make you blush
And oh boy, try he will
You will have to learn to either out flirt him, or shut him up with a snarky comment or remark 
But I don't think that will be too much of an issue as you have no qualms stating your opinions 
Wade does like a girl who can stick to her guns and defend her viewpoint. 
He finds it admirable 
Let's be honest.  You met at a strip club. 
Well kinda
You were walking past a strip club when it exploded
Yes, it exploded
The blast wave knocked you behind a car, lucky for you because the flying shrapnel did not hit you
Ears ringing and vision blurry, you sat there for a moment trying to figure out what the hell just happened
That was when a figure came flying out of the burning building, skidding along the asphalt and nearly colliding with your feet
"Wheeew!" The masked figure groaned  rolling onto his back as he hitched up his leg. "That was not a superhero landing." He coughed.
You stared at him, still kind of in a daze from you know... the explosion 
Apparently he noticed you for the first time. "Oh, hello! How's your Wednesday been?"
You just kinda stare at him
That was when you heard a very loud, very angry sounding voice screaming "DEADPOOL" from within the blaze
"Shit, gotta go. Mamma's ringing." The masked figure cooed and rolled to his feet before walking back into the fire screaming something about... 'deepthroating a bell'?
Now properly confused and somewhat recovered from the initial blast, you figured that the smart thing to do would be to run away
But you knew that there were still people in that burning club 
You could hear their screams
You had to help them
Steeling your nerve, you walked into the fire
The smoke was suffocating and the feeling of asphyxiation was beginning to set in as your covered your mouth with a rag 
Through the stinging smoke which scorched your eyes, you were able to make out three figures cowering under a fallen beam. 
The roof crackled as the fire threatened the integrity of the building. 
Reaching out your hand seized calloused burnt palms and you began to escort them out of the building 
Moving further in, you heard the sounds of a battle ensuing
Two hulking shapes danced through the smoke
One was the man who you had met earlier and the other?
You weren't entirely sure what he was
It looked like he was wearing some kind of... bell on his head. And cape...
You guessed this was there the first man's bell comments came from
But seriously, what was going on 
That was when you noticed the bell-guy lifting an arm, his entire right hand has been replaced with a heavy-looking metal sphere
And he cobbled it straight into the first guy's gut
With a loud grunt, Deadpool crashed into a beam behind them, causing the entire building to shake
If this continued, these two idiots would bring the entire roof down on top of you and kill everyone 
You had to stop them
Hyped on adrenaline and possessed by some kind of heroic spirit, you interjected yourself between the two of them screaming "STOP!!!"
Both figures seemed to grind to a halt, even bell guy who stared at you
Then you proceeded to give them a lecture in structural damage 
You, this small little human between a towering Goliath of a bell person, and an actual superhero
You were sure you were going to get them to move this conflict outside with the roof gave one final screech before entirely fracturing, sending flaming beams piling right on top of you 
You awoke somewhere entirely new
Your head was pounding, your hair charred and your skin blistering from the fire
You had no idea where you were... or how you got there
And as you slowly regained consciousness, your brain swimming in what felt like treacle, you became acutely aware of someone's finger jabbed into your cheek
Wincing, you tried to pull away but realised that something was restraining you
Your vision blurred as you opened your eyes 
The red-masked man was literally right in front of your face, pressing what you could only assume was his nose against your own
Jerking back, your head hit a wall, sending a spike of pain rushing through your skull
"Whoa! Calm down there, Sparky." Deadpool pulled back, removing his finger from your cheek.
"W-where?" You rasped and looked around
You were tied to a metal chair, your arms bound behind your back 
Deadpool sat in a similar chair next to you. Except he was shackled by his feet, not tied with rope
You appeared to be in some kind of warehouse... a rusty fan above your screeching with every rotation of its fins
"The big baddie caught us." Deadpool hummed. "Stupid of you to try to intervene."
You fixed him with an expression somewhere between acquiescence and a glare
He chuckled 
"Do you have a plan to escape?" You groaned
"Of course!" Deadpool replied happily 
"No, you don't." You sighed, noticing the hesitation in his tone
Deadpool just gasped, a sound akin to a little kid. "How'd you know? Are you a telepath?"
You sighed, wincing slightly as the aching in your head doubled back. You asked him what he had done to piss off this bell guy, who you could only assume was your captor
"Oh, that. Uh, well. Dr. Bong and aren't on the best of terms because may or may not have accidentally, purposefully cut off his hand...."
"You WHAT?"
He changed the topics on you and for the next 30 or so minutes blabbered on and on about one thing or another, as if being kidnapped and tied up did not concern him in the slightest 
That was when Dr. Bong showed up (a name you found entirely ridiculous, albeit a bit fitting)
Turns out he has a major crush on this lady named Beverly
And that he was going to use Deadpool as bait to lure her out and force her on a date 
Seemed like a completely nonsensical plan but this guy also seemed like a regular old psychopath
Still, you had to empathize with his tale of unrequited love
The poor thing just wanted to belong somewhere, but has been told old his life that he was too ugly or fat
So you two began talking
Much to Deadpool's chagrin who kept yelling at you to "stop sympathizing with the bad guy!"
You didn't listen 
Everyone deserves a chance, that was your own personal philosophy 
You advised Dr. Bong on dating and romance, speaking to him as you so often speak to your friends
You helped him to gain the confidence he needed to just ask this Beverly out, saying that her love wouldn't be real if it was first
He actually seemed to agree and after a few hours of talking he... let the two of you go
Deadpool was absolutely floored
This girl who he had just met defeated the bad guy by listening to him. 
He was very much intrigued after this encounter, convinced you were hiding some kind of superpower. So he walked you home and gave you his number
Whatever you choose to do with this wisecracking anti-hero's number is entirely up to you ;)
I hope you enjoyed. I am sorry for the wait, dear. Do tell me what you thought, though :)
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sharkfish · 4 years
ps i loved this one
(rereading bookmarks edition)
i’ve been rereading stories from my bookmarks as a comfort thing. i’m getting real deep in there to stuff i haven’t (re)read for years, and damn do i have good taste. the ones i’ve read recently that you should, too: 
(under the cut so i’m not that asshole that makes you scroll past an endless post) 
A Change of Scene by SurlyCat
When Dean goes over to see his Dom on Christmas Eve, he isn't expecting Cas to play naughty Santa, and neither of them is expecting how it turns out for them.
ooooomg fuck me up with that sex to lovers thing featuring bdsm. yessssss 
A Room of His Own (or not) by Valinde (Valyria)
Dean took a deep breath and reassessed the situation. He was in bed with a guy, sure, and technically they were snuggling, but it was Cas. The guy had absolutely no reference on what was appropriate physical contact between two dudes sharing a bed in the... normal, completely unsexy, no-funny-business, way.
cas is fallen, dean is confused (what else is new), A+ cuddling. that’s the fic. 
Boys On Film by LoversAntiquities @tragidean​ 
But maybe that’s what it is—maybe Castiel’s finally realized something Dean is too chicken to admit, despite the fact he’s been jerking off to the idea of Castiel fucking him for the past few weeks. The idea warms him as much as it pains him to think about, his friend not being able to talk to him about something like that. That has to be it—it’s the only explanation. Castiel likes him.
“Or maybe he knows you do cam shows.”
Dean chokes on his burger.
idk what to say, i love a good sex worker fic and here you go. @tragidean​ is always here with that first-class content. 
Castiel's Angel by Valinde (Valyria) @valinde​
The angel took a deep breath and looked down at his hands. He was fidgeting Cas noticed. Usually he was so bizarrely at ease in his human form, lounging around and tossing winks and smirks at anyone with a pulse. That more than anything had Cas straightening on his stool and wishing he was a little less tipsy.
“Ineedyoutogroommywings,” Dean muttered in one long, almost unintelligible, string. He was blushing.
all my fellow wing hos should flock* to this fic. i also love me a good switcharoo with angel dean (and hunter cas, as this is an alternate canon universe). and dean gets all claim-y, which is also my jam. 
*this was unintentional but a pretty funny joke 
For Science! by pm_lo 
Selected transcripts and supporting materials from Dr. Castiel Williams and Dean Winchester’s seminal study on physiological and psychological sexual response by gender designation.
i believe this was the first abo fic i added to my bookmarks. story time: many, many moons ago, i kept track of my reading list. i was doing that “50 books a year” thing so it was mostly for tracking that, but i had another tab for fics, because i read few enough that i could track them. i rated things and sometimes left notes, and by all the abo ones i was like “don’t tell anyone i read this.” yes, i shamed myself for liking abo. it was a dark time in my life.
anyway, then i read this, and was like, all right i can see what’s going on here.
this is a great fic for multiple reasons, and the format is one. it’s written as dialogue-only transcripts from their experiment. it’s hard to make that kind of format work, but pm_lo ain’t fucking around. 
Just a Stranger On the Bus by Amelia_Clark 
December 31 9:32 PM When Castiel boards the bus in KC, they think it’s empty at first—but when they toss their backpack onto an aisle seat and climb in after it, there’s a muffled yelp from the dimness at the back of the bus. They turn in time to see a man in a faded Carharrt jacket, sitting up and yawning as he rubs sleep out of his eyes. The man’s hair is greasy and matted down on one side, and there’s drool on the side of his face; nonetheless, he’s ridiculously good-looking.
“Hey man,” he says. Castiel does not correct him. “This can’t be Chicago.”
the non-binary tag, just like the trans tags in general, are a house half-built and left to rot in the rain. even if that wasn’t true, this series is goddamn amazing. also there’s rimming. also there’s a line in there that said something like “they don’t dislike their body, it just never felt like theirs” and i had a lightbulb moment irt my own experience. did dean ever wear carharrt in the actual series? if not, mistakes have been made. 
Just Turn Around and Go by PorcupineGirl @porcupine-girl​
Dean should be happy. His best friend and housemate of five years, Castiel, is moving out to live with his boyfriend, Balthazar. Dean's career is going great, so he can easily afford the house on his own now. This is just growing up, moving forward to the next phase of their lives.
It would be awesome, if he weren't in love with Cas.
Well, here we go, he thinks as he opens the refrigerator and digs around for sandwich supplies. First day of the rest of your life. Time to move the fuck on. As he slams his meat and mayo and pickles down on the counter, he considers adding the bottle of whiskey he knows is hiding in the cabinet, but decides that he has enough self-respect to wait 'til five. Then he'll get fucking blackout drunk. Yep. Awesome.
y’all, do i even have to say anything about this? roommates to friends to a pathetic amount of pining without saying shit to disgustingly in love. also i think i cried, but i’ve been in tears so many times in the last week, who’s to say. 
Plus One by ceeainthereforthat @ceeainthereforthat​ 
Castiel Novak might have to attend three weddings in two months, but he’s not about to let his brother play matchmaker. His family’s Internet streaming company is too important to let a relationship steal his time, but he knows exactly what to do–hire someone to pretend to be his boyfriend.
Dean Winchester has worked five-star hospitality long enough to know how to fit in with Castiel’s crowd, and this job could score him the connections to make his acting career take off. It’s a business deal, no matter how they’re drawn to each other. When the lines of their contract start to blur into real feelings, can they withstand Castiel’s family and jealous fans working to split them up?
there are a lot of great fake dating stories out there, but this one takes the cake (or, at least, a slice of it). also, i cried a lot rereading this, both “ohhh god i love their love” tears and also “ohhhh god this hurts so bad” tears. 
Should've Just Asked by Annie D (scaramouche) 
Despite their age gap and differing social circles, Castiel has struck up a warm friendship with Mary Winchester, a wealthy widowed socialite. When Castiel needs a place to stay, Mary invites him into her house, where there’s loads of spare room. Castiel’s aware that they make an odd pair, but he doesn’t fully realize how things look to outsiders, especially to Mary’s eldest son. All Dean Winchester sees is that his mom has apparently hooked up with a hot young guy (who is totally Dean’s type) and that makes things… weird.
they’re both oblivious idiots in love, cas is grey-ace, dean’s a total dork, it’s all just very lovely (and frustrating in the way oblivious idiots can be!!!). 
PS - annie d is writing marvel fic lately and i’m sure it’s fantastic if you’re into that kind of thing. 
Support Your Local Gay Beekeeper by Powerfulweak
It’s not like Dean goes on Grindr very often, just when he’s bored and alone. The blue-eyed guy's profile reads "Beekeeper, 29, 5'10, Single, I watch the bees." Dean is intrigued. He has to send a message.
this is a series that starts with some great phone sex and then goes on to very, very awkward sex injuries. a goddamn cringefest that had me in complete horror imagining it. but it’s fun! they persevere! people so rarely write about Sex Going Wrong and i love @powerfulweak​ for taking the bullet for us on that one. 
Take Me Home Tonight by Persephoneshadow @persephoneshadow​
“Come on, we’re finding you someone to…engage with sexually or whatever,” Dean explains, chancing another swig of beer before going on. “Anyone in this bar, no limits, who would you would be your top choice to bang?” “Well, you, ideally.” Dean spits out some beer before collapsing in on himself, legitimately choking this time. “Excuse me?!” ---- Or the one where Cas wants to have sex and Dean is there to help.
your classic denialist “i’ll be your wingman” turning to “actually imagining someone else touching you makes me want to punch someone.” which is dumb, because cas actually wanted dean all along. 
Words with Friends by betts
"Dean Winchester is as straight as an arrow. He’s a lady’s man of epic proportions: the king of the one night stand, the messiah of the friends with benefits paradigm, the emperor of perpetual bachelorhood.
Except, apparently, when it comes to his best friend, Castiel Novak."
Wherein a longstanding acquaintanceship leads to friendship, then best friendship, then sexting, then dirty talk, then mutual masturbation, then, inevitably, fucking.
look i think you’re always in good hands with @bettsfic​. but this one has some good sexting and phone sex right at the start, which i’m totally into, and then it gets even better. cas is a lil bossy, by which i meant to say he’s the kind of bdsm geek who has equipment installed in his bedroom for sex purposes. 
You're The Only Stranger I Need by lyndsie_l
When Castiel receives a text from a stranger, he finds himself engaging in conversations daily. He's drawn to the outgoing college student and longs to interact with the other man as often as he can. Slowly, he finds himself falling in love with the other and can't imagine ever meeting a more beautiful person.
The only problem?
He's never actually met this other man.
be still my heart! a long distance/texting/phone sex thing! i want to read it again right this second. cas is such a cool nerd, dean is a brat, it’s a good time all around. 
if you enjoy these fics (and you should), please give the writer some love via kudos and/or comments. <3 
ps - as always, if i didn’t tag the writer and you know their tumblr, please tag in the comments. i don’t think there’s a writer alive who wouldn’t be happy to be on a rec list. :) 
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lemonadelyric · 4 years
1. What do you identify as and what are your pronouns? I use he/him pronouns, please! And I have a lot of identities so uh, be warned. I'm nonbinary! Not really sure on gender, or any specifics. I'm pretty fluid between andro/masc/fem so??? It's a big Question Mark. I'm polyamorous! I'm in a handful of relationships but they're all important to me. I'm also pretty open about loving and appreciating my friends too! I'm pansexual! I'm also panromantic and nebularomantic! I know people debate on pansexual/polysexual/bisexual all the time, and honestly I just go with pan cause I like the flag colors xD But also, it's basically me saying I feel attraction not based on gender/presentation! 2. How did you discover your sexuality, tell your story? Oh oof okay so. I noticed it since I was YOUNG. I always thought girls were cute?? I'm AFAB, for the record. But I always figured that was something everyone was into. Then some people were talking about lesbians and such, and I was like "Well yeah, I'd kiss a girl" SO YOU CAN IMAGINE HOW WELL THAT WENT OVER. People asked me if I was gay, and I didn't think I was? I liked boys too! Wasn't until probably high school that I finally settled on "Yeah, I'm bi." and then discovered the whole gender spectrum and being nonbinary and so much just fell into place 3. Have you experienced being misgendered? What happened and how did you overcome it? So I present pretty andro, I think! I don't try to fit a masc/fem scale but like, in person I don't really make a big deal out of it. There was a stretch of time where I went by she/her still, even as a nonbinary. But I switched to he/him about a year ago and it's just GOOD for me. Well.... Someone I really don't like joined the chat where I first decided to go by he/him. They joined, and they bitched to the mods about not liking me, but they called me "she/her" EVEN WITH he/him being in my intro. The mods were friends of mine and corrected them and were DEFINITELY on edge and asked me if I ever went by she/her or if they were purposefully misgendering me. 4. Who was the first person you told, how did they react? I'm pretty sure it was my boyfriend, Eric! They didn't give a shit HAHA, and have been all respectful and everything. 5. Describe what it was like coming out, what did you feel? So I don't actually remember when I told them? But it wasn't a big deal actually. 6. If you’re out, how did your parents/guardians/friends react? Oof so, I don't think I ever straight up told my mom. But I don't really care what she thinks anyways LOL I did have to tell Eric's parents, though! When we were poly and dating our qpp Reina. (Didn't want to explain those details and shit to them). But telling them that meant telling them I'm gay haha. They totally didn't care and have been so welcoming and accepting, i love them so much ;;w;; 7. What is one question you hate people asking about your sexuality? "Why do you need to be polyamorous do you not love your partners does that just mean you want to sleep around you're just using it as an excuse to cheat on your partners" All said from people who don't know shit about being poly. 8. Describe the style of clothing that you most often wear. Oh god this is so boring. I just wear jeans and tshirts xD Nothing special or SUPER GAY. 9. Who are your favourite lgbt+ ships? ROSE/PEARL FROM STEVEN UNIVERSE I don't consume a lot of lgbt media apparently, huh. 10. What does makeup mean to you? Do you wear any? Sometimes! Usually no, though. I like eyeliner most of the time. 11. Do you experience dysphoria? If so, how does that affect you? YES. So with my chest it's more frequent, I also just don't like being as fat as I am. SO that's half my body problems. Bottom stuff is less frequent but usually during That Time Of The Month (Which, I actually haven't had for YEARS, but I started getting again recently, I hate it.) 12. What is the stupidest thing you’ve heard said about the lgbt+ community? "Oh yeah I'm inclusive of ace/aro people in the LGBT community!! You have a chemical imbalance in your brain which makes you just like us!!!" Like.. what the fuck. 13. What’s your favourite thing about the lgbt+ community? I love how we're all THERE for each other! You join a chat, go "Hey I'm gay" and we're like "GAY??? GAY???? GAY???? GAY????" we're like dogs LMAO 14. What’s your least favourite thing about the lgbt+ community? Sick of transmeds and terfs and ace/aro exclusionists and shit, fuck off my blog. Also??? Can we stop making jokes about MOGAI identities and shit??? "Lmao this gender is based on being a special snowflake" cool shut up, let people live damn, it's not that hard to just respect people. 15. Have you ever been to your cities pride event? Why or why not? Nope :c Everywhere I've lived either 1. there wasn't any close to me/I wasn't out, or 2. ITS TOO DANGEROUS TO GO, or 3. I don't have a car lmao. 16. Who is your favourite lgbt+ Icon/Advocate/Celebrity? Lil Nas X, hands down. He's a great dude. 17. Have you been in a relationship and how did you meet? I'm in three right now!! So the first is Eric, we met on an online rp chat website thingy! Second is Chander, we met through a mutual friend and we knew each other like a year then within the span of like two months we started dating and now we live together, 2.5 years later xD Third is Jay! I met him through a kin Discord, we've been friends over a year but it took a few months before we started dating! 18. What is your favourite lgbt+ book? Y'know I don't think I've ever read one. Uhhh... I mean the Black Dagger Brotherhood has a gay couple??? Does that count??? xD 19. Have you ever faced discrimination? What happened? Slightly! Most of mine is about being polyamorous. I have people tell me "That's not enough to be lgbt" paying 0 attention to me also being nonbinary and pansexual. Also had people tell me I'm not trans enough to be nonbinary because I don't want to transition. 20. Your Favorite lgbt+ movie or show? One Day At A Time? That's about the only one I can think of LOL 21. Who are some of your favourite lgbt+ bloggers? Uuhhh I don't really follow bloggers. 22. Which lgbt+ slur do you want to reclaim? QUEER and gay itself. People act like "gay" was never used against the lgbt community like, bitch, if Hillary fuckin' Duff has to tell some stupid teens in a PSA to not use "gay" like that, then I'm reclaiming it, shut up. 23. Have you ever gone to a gay bar, or a drag show, how was it? Nope and nope. 24. How do you self-identify your gender, and what does that mean to you? I'm nonbinary! I use he/him pronouns and it pretty much just means I don't wanna be a boy or a girl. I don't mind being called like "You're a good guy" or whatever. 25. Are you interested in having children? Why or why not? Not really? I'm very selfish and self-centered, I don't think I could handle having a child xD 26. What identity advice would you give your younger self? "You don't have to figure this all out right now! You have time! Also, make friends with gay people. They're not some closed community where if you join and you're wrong they abandon you." 27. What do you think of gender roles in relationships? Eh, nah. Like I'm a big "Yeah sure I'll do laundry and dishes" or whatever. But I'd rather share responsibilities! 28. Anything else you want to share about your experience with gender? I've been questioning and trying to identify my gender a lot more and get more specific, but I'm in no rush. 29. What is something you wish people know about being lgbt+? We're just people, man. That's it. That's all there it to it. You don't have to have the same feelings as us, but just give us the right to love and marry who we want, or not do that, or have our relationships look however we want. 30. Why are proud to be lgbt+? I'm proud to be LGBT because it means I'm in a community of people who are accepting and caring. It's like a family wherever you go.
Thank you for the asks <3
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noelacciari · 5 years
alright this is kinda bad but I'm gonna ask anyway. so I'm a new/casual hockey fan and this girl I'm friends w is super into hockey and I'm kinda having to bluff my way through convos rn so could you give me a basic summary of the roster and stuff pls :)))
okay babe, so this is how we’re gonna set this up for you… personality quiz style. (also wait I’m assuming you mean Bruins so. im very sorry if this was about another team lol)
Step 1: pick your star
- Do you strive for perfection? Do you look for stability in a relationship? Can you appreciate a good beard? Do you need a perfect man to project all your feelings regarding men onto and then you never have to even look at another man in real life? Then Patrice Bergeron is the guy for you. He’s perfect. Like legit. Has been nominated for the Selke Award (best defensive forward) approximately a gazillion times, eventually they’re going to change it to The Bergy. Gorgeous play maker, dominate on the face-off circle. Quiet leader in the room. A pillar of the Boston community. The only person who can tame Marchand (we’ll get to him later). Every person in New England is AT LEAST 30% in love with him, regardless of sexual orientation. (I’m not even kidding). Future Hall of Famer. Without a doubt. (Forward (Center), #37, first line)
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- Do you enjoy carbs? How about charming smiles? Do you enjoy men who toe the lines of fashion? Do you like a show, flashy lights and stunning tricks? Do you like people who make you smile, no matter how bad your day is? Then David Pastrnak is your man. Better know as Pasta (said with a deep Boston accent), he’s been tearing up the ice from the moment he arrived in TD Garden. A member of the Best Top Line in the League (alongside Bergeron - and that other guy who we will get to later). His goals are always absolutely nasty, just. Sexy, sexy hockey. Off the ice he’s sunshine personified, known for his chipped tooth smile, wearing checked suits and floral shirt, and just being generally the best. (Forward (winger), #88, first line)
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- Are human sized chipmunks something you think would be pretty cool? How do you feel about Long Island? Would you think it’s funny if a guy who was a star player on a Boston team dated the daughter of a Pittsburgh coach? Do you think it’s even funnier if a guy who tweeted “I hate the Bruins” then proceeds to get drafted by them? Then Charlie McAvoy is your star d-man. At the ripe old age of 21, Long Island native Charlie McAvoy already carries a huge chunk of responsibility on the Bruins defense core. A future leader for the team (captain. imo), Charlie puts up incredible minutes, and is the perfect complement to his d-partner Zdeno Chara (we’ll get to him too). Also known as Cheeks (on tumblr) or Mac (by his teammates), Charlie isn’t afraid to throw his weight around on the ice, and he looks good doing it. Dude is a Bonafide Stallion. (Defense, #73, 1st Pair)
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Step 2: Pick your Dad
- Are you vegetarian? How do you feel about EXTREMELY tall men wearing easter bunny onesies? Do you prefer to bike to work instead of taking the train? what about pigeons? If you consider pigeons friends, then Zdeno Chara is your new dad! (Boogie Woogie Woogie). You know how Bruins fans like to say - Don’t Poke The Bear? Well Big Zee is that hypothetical bear. Our beloved captain and father earned himself quite the reputation on the ice, known for his hard AF slap shots and even harder punches. Clocking in at 6′9″ and 250lbs, Zad is still a beast at 42 years old - and he apparently has no plans to retire. While his age doesn’t appear to be slowing him down on the ice, Zee has shown his softer side off the ice with his inspirational and extremely cute Instagram. He came into Boston in 2006 and was named Captain upon signing, and has forever changed the culture of the Boston Bruins. Chara facilitates an inclusive but hard working locker room, and his legacy will live on in Boston long after his retirement. (Defense, #33, first pair)
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- Are you a dog person? Also are you American? Those are really the only 2 qualifications you need to chose David Backes as your dad. Although some of us older folks like me (at the stunningly old, reaching retirement age of 26) might consider Backes to be more of a daddy, the majority of Bruins tumblr view him as their Dad. Common nicknames include Dadkes and Papa, and his effect on the team after being brought back into the line-up during the playoffs has endeared him to fans. While his deal is… not great (he’s expensive!!) and he hasn’t performed up to how much money he’s paid, it’s clear that he’s a leader on the team. The young guys look up to him, and the older guys respect him, and that’s what we’s appreciates ‘bout him. Also. He LOVES animals. Backes and his wife Kelly (who have known each other since kindergarten how cute is that shit) have their own charity that helps animals!! (Forward (Winger/Center), #42, currently 2nd line)
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- Were you really into magic as a kid (or currently)? Have you always gravitated to your one friend’s dad who was super quiet but super smart and taught you how to play chess at that cookout one time? Then your new dad is David Krejci! Sometimes called The Wizard, Krejci is known to make magic happen on the ice. Between no-look passes and somehow being able to know exactly where his wingers are going to be before they even know, tbh. Krej is probably the MOST underrated player on the Bruins, but he’s always dependable, and always seems to be there when you need him.  (Forward (Center), #46, 2nd Line)
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Step 3: pick your weirdo
- Have you never eaten a vegetable willingly in your life? Do you consider yourself a chef - specifically for children? Do you think getting your teeth knocked out is fun and exciting? Then Jake “JD” DeBrusk is the dude for you! Goofy AF off the ice and a sniper on it, Jake is extremely worthy of being your chosen weirdo. He has a lucky winter hat named “tuukka” that he’s been wearing all playoffs, and he might only have one brain cell but we love him for it. At one point called a draft bust, Jake has been proving himself to be an elite player, and has been a steady winger for Krejci all season. Plus. He’s cute af. (Forward (winger), #74, 2nd Line)
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- Is getting under other people’s skin one of your favorite activities? Do you like to piss people off by being better than them at everything? Does licking someone’s face in the middle of a hockey game seem like a Good Idea to you? Back in step number one did you chose Patrice Bergeron as your Lord and Savior? Then Boston’s favorite Pest - Brad Marchand - is the guy for you! Brad started off as an undersized fourth liner, and has worked his way up to one of the top scorers in the league. Outside of Boston he’s probably the most hated player in the NHL - earning himself a reputation for being a pest (at best), and sometimes being dirty (at worst). This year we are proud to announce that he did not get suspended once! Though he did come in just short of 100 Penalty Minutes. Marchy was our top scorer this year, and has become an integral part of this team. (Forward (winger), #63, 1st Line)
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- Are you secretly an arsonist? Are frogs your favorite animal? Do you have a crush on that Pretty Jock that’s in all your classes and sometimes smiles at you in the lunch line? Then Danton Heinen is the weirdo for you. Danton has been a quietly steady performer for the Bruins this season, spending time on the top line with Bergeron and Marchand when Pasta was out. He’s growing into quite the play maker, and he’s known for making good decisions on the ice that lead to goals. Danton also happens to look like a frog, which is an important character trait imo. He’s a tumblr favorite, but he’s a good person to like even in real life, because he makes an impact on the ice. (Forward (winger), #43, 3rd Line)
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Step 4: chose your conventionally attractive white boy
- OKay we’re not doing the questions thing because judging by your ask you may not even be interested in men so i’m just going to dive straight into the description. He’s tall with a strong jaw and perfect curls and pecs of a God. Charlie Coyle is a Weymouth, MA native who Boston brought back home at the trade deadline. He’s been a bit of a hero this playoff run, and he looks damn good doing it. The B’s have been searching for a good 3rd line center, and Charlie has filled the role perfectly. Personally, I am deeply in love with him, in case you could not tell. (Forward (center/winger), #13, 3rd Line)
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- an integral member of the Bruin’s all important Line 1A (aka the 4th line), Sean Kuraly has got it all. Piercing blue eyes? Check. Perfectly highlighted hair? Check. Cute little chin? Double check. Though he’s been photographed wearing jorts and an open flannel shirt with nothing underneath it, Sean is still a certified Babe. He’s been Klutch in every playoff run he’s had with the B’s, and is the scoring force behind the 4th Line’s brawn. Not to mention, his signature celly is a leap from the ice! (Forward, (center/winger), #52, 4th Line)
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- Brandon Carlo… how do I begin to explain Brandon Carlo? Brandon Carlo is flawless. He has two bible tattoos and a designer bulldog. I hear his hair is insured for $10,000. I hear he does Tri-City Americans commercials… in Washington. His favorite movie is Miracle. One time he met David Backes on a plane… and he told him he was pretty. One time he punched me in the face… it was awesome (’cause he missed). In all seriousness though, Monte is a hardworking, defensive defenseman, who has really shone this season. He doesn’t show up on the scoreboard often, but he makes it really hard for other teams to get goals. Even though he struggles to score empty netters... he’s still a babe. (Defense, #25, 2nd Pair)
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Step 5: Chose your shorty
- If you’re thinking - wait, shouldn’t Marchand be in this category? Isn’t he the smallest guy in the World? Then Torey Krug is the Short King for you. An ELITE offensive defenseman, Torey is absolute dynamite on the ice. In game 3 of the Stanley Cup Finals Torey made history by becoming the first Bruins player ever to record 4 points in a stanley cup finals game. Krug is quick on his feet and can snipe from the blue line, but isn’t afraid to lay down the law when he needs to. Notorious for loosing his helmet so he can show off that flow, Torey also has a bulldog named fenway and a BABY on the way. (Defense, #47, 2nd Pair).
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- Is talk shit, get hit a favorite saying of yours? Can you appreciate biceps the size of your head? Then Noel Acciari is your man. He might be short but he’s built like a tank, and he uses that bod to plow through guys on the ice. Noeldozer is known for laying down the cleanest hits, and we love when he takes out the trash! The Rhode Island Native got married last summer, and has a golden retriever named Thor. His mouth is currently fucked right up but I promise he’s actually kinda pretty. (Forward (winger/center), #55, 4th Line)
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- Are you one of the apparent hoards of people that think a Boston accent is sexy? Could you get into a guy who says the fuck word on live television? Are collarbone tattoos a thing you admire? Do you like sexy, tough little son’s of bitches? Great! Matt Grzelcyk is the little guy for you. A BU grad who’s become a cornerstone of the Bruins d-core, Grz is a tough little cutie who works hard and gets shit done. More of an offensive defenseman, Matty G has been there for the team even when all of our other defenseman were injured. His Dad has worked at the Gahden for like a million years, and playing for the B’s is a dream come true for Matt and his family. He got taken out in Game 2 of the Finals, and the Bruins are currently seeking revenge. Dude’s got a good beard going too. (Defense, #48, 3rd Pair)
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Step 6: Pick your goalie
- As much as we love Jaro, there’s only one goalie you need to know about when you’re learning about the Bruins... 2 U’s 2 K’s 2 Points... Tuukka Rask! The clear MVP of the Playoffs this year, Tuukka has been a brick wall in the net for the B’s. He’s known for being quick tempered and a little... wild, at times, having been caught on camera beating the shit out of a bunch of milk crates and on time brandishing a skate blade at the refs like a knife. Though some fans seem to never forgive Tuukka for the B’s loosing the 2013 playoffs, around these parts we love and respect and rely on his prowess in the net. Off ice, he kinda looks like the grinch (and knows it), though apparently Bergy thinks he looks like Harry Styles (i wish i was kidding). He’s also got 2 adorable little girls! (GOALIE, starter)
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So now you’ve got 6 guys that you know about, right? I would pick 1 or 2 of those to be the ones you pay attention to. Listen for headlines about their goals/play, if you’re watching games, look for their numbers on the ice. All you gotta do is be able to say “Wow did you see that Coyle goal on Saturday night?” and all of a sudden you sound like an expert! (This works even better of you choose a guy not from the first category). 
If you have more questions about specific players or lines, feel free to reach out! I know not a lot but I know many people who actually do know things lol
(Also to any of Bruins tumblr who made it this far, I KNOW i’m missing your faves okay. Wagner, Clifton, Nordy, MoJo, Moore, and half the providence roster deserve a spot on here. But I’ve already written too much)
(Also Also, special thanks to Lil for helping me with Monte’s description) 
136 notes · View notes
raiswriting · 6 years
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request: art major!reader w law major!doyoung pls :cc bullet note format if u can!!!
a/n: he’s a year older than you but it doesn’t matter that much
warning: a few swear words oopsie
genre: fluffy college!au
pairing: doyoung x reader
summary: ummm basically just how you and doyoung meet and get to know each other
word count: 5.1k (oops)
okay so basically college has been a JOURNEY
people ALWAYS had some shit to say as soon as they found out you were an art major
it was usually “what are you going to do with that” “do you know how unsteady that career path is”
do they really think they’re telling you something new????
oh I’m sorry your majoring in business Susan™ and you decide to throw away your passions just because some high school counselor told you that you wouldn’t be able to support yourself but IM going to make my passion a career
lol sorry I have a lot of feelings
now onto how you met your mans doyoung
your freshman and sophomore years, you had only seen him in passing
tbh you barely recognized him when you saw him more than once
you knew him as “that one dude that i always see in the dining hall wearing suits”
then junior year you got a job at the convenience store on campus (lets get this BREAD)
pls tell me it isn’t some weird niche thing that only my school has
aNyWHO he started coming in around 2 am right before closing
and ALWAYS picked up 3 coffees all of which had double shots of espresso
this happened about 2 or 3 times a week
(which is very unhealthy guys gals and nonbinary pals pls try to drink cold water instead, it helps wake me up or green tea)
so despite seeing him so often at work, he began to appear less and less everywhere else
were you lowkey kinda sad about it???
that was until winter quarter started
you needed an elective class, SO you figured ‘eh why not take philosophy’ you had heard around that the professor is really chill and overall the class wasn’t supposed to be that bad
 because that really nice professor that everyone loved isn’t the one teaching the class this quarter
but hey you figured let’s go into this with an open mind and hope for the best
well on day one of this class (which is a 9 am by the way) guess who struts through the door
mister “that one guy i’d always see wearing a suit” who became mister “that one dude who always buys too much coffee at 3 am”
the man… the myth…… the legend………….MISTER KIM DOYOUNG
yep and ya boi decided to sit 2 seats down from you, it was too far to say hi or anything (esp bc you had never really spoken to him before) but like he was also just close enough for it to be awkward
so class went by normally you found out that the new professor wasn’t THAT bad but there was definitely gonna be a lot of work involved
so yeah life carries on as normal
you still see him all the time at the convenience store
one night it had been a particularly rough shift
your alarm didn’t go off, so you were running late, it had started to rain on your walk to work, and when you finally got there your manager apparently had someone piss in his cheerios because he had S U C H an attitude because you were
you were sat behind the counter after what felt like hours of sweeping and mopping the floors
that’s when he walked in
you didn’t even lift your head to greet him as “hi, welcome” crawled itself out of your mouth
you did however notice when he sat his 3 cans of coffee in front of you
“hey your y/n right?”
 “that’s what it says on my nametag”
“haha yeah it does. i think i have you in my philosophy class”
when you finally met his eyes, you felt a little bad
you had kinda been giving him the cold shoulder for something that wasn’t his fault
 you gave him a little smile
“yeah i am. doyoung right?”
he nodded slightly
the air was a little awkward and silent as you scanned his coffees
as you handed him the receipt he asked “hey do you maybe want to study together sometime. i mean our test is in like two weeks and it’s a quarter of our grade so like if you were free we could hang out and get some work done?”
dUDE you froze
here he was standing right in front of you; messy hair, sweatpants, a sweatshirt repping your school logo and looking very nervous (but very attractive lmao)
i guess your reply took a little too long because he quickly started to back peddle
“i mean if you prefer to study alone that’s cool. i just always see you during lecture and you look like you understand the material and sometimes i get a little lost in terminology but if you don’t want to that’s fine too.”
you quickly snapped out of your haze
 “no, no. i would love to study with you. here let me give you my number so we can meet up. most of my classes are in the morning so any time after like noon should be fine.”
 you grabbed his receipt back and quickly scribbled your number on it before handing it back
“just text me when you want to get together”
 okay honestly you had never been one to give out your phone number just like that and you didn’t really like studying with people
but something about him made it so hard to say no
you just had this urge to get to know him
so when he texted you a few days later asking if you were free to study that night
of course you said yes
and it went pretty smoothly
he has a much better understanding of the material than he let on at first
he even ended up helping you understand a few things
you got together w few times over the next couple of weeks
each time you met you got to know each other more and more
yall quickly became friends
well yall became friends after the first night studying because lets be real it was awKWARD
like neither of you felt particularly comfortable yet because this was the first time you had actually hung out with each other despite knowing of each other’s existence for two years
oh yeah that’s something you found out after getting to know one another
 he had always seen you around campus and wanted to get to know you but never did because he thought it’d freak you out having a random stranger coming up to you like
‘hey I know you don’t know me but I see you all the time. let’s be friends.’
which isn’t THAT crazy but to each their own
okay but let’s jump to the time 2 days before your exam
you guys agreed to meet up at the library and the plan was to study for A WHILE just to make sure you were prepared ya know?
so like you get there and he was already sitting in a room waiting
 when you open the door he gets up to hug you
which he hasn’t ever done before
and like tbh he was really warm and smelled really nice like it his cologne wasn’t too strong, and it smelt sweet but also very inviting which isn’t really a scent but like do you get me? and he gave a really tight hug like the type that you didn’t want to let go of it felt as though you could stay there forever (this is also where you lowkey start having feelings for him but shhh because you don’t realize it yet)
so back the point
obvi you start studying and besides the hug nothing was really that different
you got through the material, quizzed each other, talked a bit
ya know the usual
time flew by and the next thing you know it’s 12:30 am and the library would be closing at 1 so you decide to wrap it up
“alright doyoung i’ll see you in class. get some rest before the test okay?”
 “yeah yeah i will” he rolled his eyes a little bit
 “seriously dude. i know you. go straight to sleep when you get back to your place”
he worried you sometimes. He really wanted to do well and the applications for law school were opening up soon, so he’s been kinda stressed no matter how much he tried to hide it and this test coming up isn’t helping
“i will. i promise.”
he walked you out of the library and you two would usually part ways and walk alone to your apartments
before you could turn and say goodbye doyoung was already speaking
“hey it’s a lot darker out here than usual”
you looked up at the pitch-black sky
“yeah I guess it is, oh well at least I have my pep-“
 “what? you have your pepper spray right?”
“no i forgot that i let my roommate borrow it. she’s going to a sorority thing and won’t be back until like 3 or 4. it’s fine though my apartment is only like a 10-minute walk. goodnight do”
“wait y/n. i’ll walk you back. it’s way too late and too dark for you to go home”
“no i couldn’t ask you to do that. you’re law and society class is at 8 am tomorrow so you need to get some sleep.”
 “well i won’t be able to sleep anyway if I’m staying up worried about you. so lead the way.”
despite the cold fall air, your face felt hot
like you know that it’s normal for friends to be worried about each other but that didn’t make doyoung saying it any less charming
the walk back was nerve wracking
you guys normally don’t hang out outside of the context of studying
so like this was weird, nice but weird
and once you go to your door there was a cast of silence
doyoung was just looking at you
normally it would make you kinda uncomfy/insecure but right now you were calm
there was something about looking into his eyes
the brown was so warm and inviting
after a few seconds of the comfortable silence, he finally looked away
and I awkwardly cleared my throat “thank you for walking me home doyoung”
 “of course, i’m just gald to know you got here safely”
“so um, i was gonna wish you luck just in case we don’t see each other before the test but i mean judging from our study session you won’t need it though.”
he giggled and i swear someone could have mopped up your heart because it was in a puddle on the floor
“shut up y/n. thank you though. i always appreciate your kind words. do you want to meet for lunch after the exam? i usually have a lab afterwards but it got cancelled so if you’re free we should meet up.” asjdjjklcbclkNCKDLSNCOS
“yeah i am free. i guess i’ll see you then.”
 he took a few steps back “yeah i guess you will. goodnight y/n”
“goodnight doyoung. actually get some sleep tonight, yeah?”
you could see his shoulders shake with laughter as he walked down the steps
to say you were smitten would be an UNDERSTATEMENT
the smile that showed up didn’t leave even after you fell asleep
when you get to class on that friday morning, doyoung is already sitting in his usual seat
the bags that usually take their place beneath his eyes are barely visible today
hopefully he took your advice and actually went to sleep
after the test you both got some burgers for lunch and just talked it had nothing to do with the test which was nice
i guess y’all make a great pair because once the scores came out, both of you got A’s
after that studying together became a routine
every tuesday, thursday and saturday leading up to the next test,  you guys would review or sometimes just hang out
it was a mutual decision to help each other study
even if you didn’t share the class, one would be there to quiz and make sure the other focused (most of the time it worked, other times you’d be the reason they got distracted and vice versa)
the two of you would go out for lunch on those days instead
as the quarter drew to a close and the break got nearer and nearer as did finals week
you and doyoung tried to keep up with your study schedule but it was getting harder
you had artwork due
you were particularly stressed over a sculpture that was assigned
your teacher gave you those choice of clay or marbleas a medium and clearly you chose clay
you were going to do marble but then you remembered the other 3 tests you need to prepare for and a portfolio that had to fit the theme of mythology
so basically you had a lot of art to produce and NO INSPIRATION like none, zero, zip, zilch, nada
you sat in the room you had reserved in the arts building
a pile of clay sat atop a slab of rock, a blank page of a sketchbook sat next to that
scrolling through pinterest had stopped working long ago and at this point you were losing hope
ring, ring, ring
doyoung’s name popped up on your screen
it was odd because you two usually texted for everything
“hey, do what’s up?”
“hi y/n i was just wondering if you wanted to grab some fro-yo. i just got out of another test and could use some company”
“ahh, doyoung i’m sorry but i’m stuck doing work. do you remember that mythology sculpture i told you about? well, it’s due next Wednesday and i haven’t even started on it yet”
his voice sounded so concerned “is everything okay? how are you doing?”
“i’m doing okay, just tired. i’ve been trying so hard but can’t find any inspiration” you sighed into the phone, looking out the window of your room
“what room are you in?”
“room 247 in building B. why?”
“just sit tight.”
the call ended before you could ask any more questions
okay when i tell yall it was less than five minutes and he was walking through the door just know that what i really mean is he rAN FROM THE OTHER SIDE OF CAMPUS TO COME COMFORT YOU
so yeah, he got there huffin and puffin, ready to blow your house down (with love)
“doyoung, what are you doing here?”
“well you were upset.” his tone was so matter-of-fact, and his eyes were so wide and innocent
honestly he looked so cute but like you were still very confused
what was he doing there?????
yeah you were upset but you also didn’t want to worry him
he casually walked over to a seat beside a window and pulled something out of his backpack
as he got closer and reached his hand out for you to take it, you noticed it was a sandwich
“it’s ham and cheese. light mayo, no lettuce or tomato”
when your eyes looked up at him he wouldn’t make eye contact
“you said this is the only way you take your sandwiches”
you only told him this once in passing because he was eating a sandwich with mayo
but pls tell you are putting the pieces together
he stopped to get you food and made it across campus in 5 minutes
alrighty anywho
obviously you took the sandwich and spent 5 minutes thanking him for getting it for you
he sat back down in his seat near the window as you guys chatted for a bit
the conversation slowed slightly and you were able to just look at him
the light was bouncing off his face perfectly
his eyes looked like freshly brewed coffee. they were warm and inviting
his smile somehow managed to outshine the light pouring in
there he was
in all of his glory
your muse
your inspiration
his expression shifted to one of confusion
“y/n, why are you looking at me like that”
he could be your subject for not only the sculpture but also the portfolio as well
“okay this may be an odd favor and you can feel free to say no”
your leg couldn’t stop bouncing up and down and you thought your hands might catch a cramp from all the wringing they were doing
“don’t be silly. what is it?”
“well, i was thinking maybe you could be the model for my sculpture.”
 “of course i will but i thought it was supposed to be about mythology and i’m no greek god”
he chuckled a little bit
“shut up do. are you kidding me? your shoulders are like a mile wide. you have a great jawline and that smile? you’d have all the mortal girls falling for you i mean i did. that sounds like god-material to me”
he threw his head back laughing
mostly to hide the huge blush creeping up his cheeks
“okay, okay. i’ll pose for you. what do i have to do?”
“just sit still so that i can take some measurements of your face and then i’ll take some photos for reference afterwards.”
doyoung did as he was told for the most part
he sat there patiently
he kept peeking at your sketchbook as you laid out the rough ideas for a few of your other pieces
tbh you hadn’t even noticed
you were in the ZONE, you hadn’t been this inspired in a while and you wanted to take full advantage of it
you also hadn’t noticed the ,,,, um,,,, lack of space,,,,,, between the two of you
well doyoung had, to say the least
he sat there desperately hoping and praying that you wouldn’t notice how sharply he would breathe in everytime your hands touched his face to move its position
or that you couldn’t notice how much his hands were shaking and how he was constantly wiping them on his pants because they were very sweaty
finally, you had all the information you needed
as you stepped back and over to your chair in front of the clay, doyoung could finally breath
“doyoung, do you have any other classes today? i don’t want to keep you here if you have plans. you can go i can work off of the reference pictures”
he very vigorously shook his head
“no no, i’m free for the day.”
“okay. you should probably go get something to eat while get this started. this will probably be a long process.”
“yeah sure. do you want me to grab you anything while I’m gone?”
“nope i’m good. i already had the sandwich you brought me.”
“okay then i’ll be right back”
after he left it easy to feel the emptiness of the room
even though you were enveloped in your work it was still noticeable
the absence of his presence was palpable
the lack of it was almost suffocating
while you were worked on getting the basic shape and structure you found yourself unsettled
unable to get back into the ‘zone’ you found yourself in before
still, you pushed through the weird shift in the air, but it wasn’t long before doyoung came back with a bag of food
“hey doyoung.”
he glanced over at your pile of clay
“whoa. you made a lot of progress. okay i know you said that you didn’t want anything to eat but i brought burgers and some chips and stuff just in case.
“doyoung, you really didn’t have to. i would have been fine.”
he rolled his eyes but didn’t reply. he simply sat back in his chair and ate some of the fries that came with his burger
the hours seemed to fly by once doyoung returned
it also helped that you played music on the speaker that you brought
before you knew it, it was 5 pm and the sun was setting
you leaned back from your chair to stretch before standing and taking a good look at the sculpture
after about 4 hours of work, you were almost done
of course there were still things that needed to be touched up, like the hair and the eyes
you had decided on a pose of doyoung looking up and off into the distance
you turned and washed your hands in the sink at the back of the room
“here’s your burger if you want it. it might be a little cold, but it doesn’t have any mustard, lettuce, tomato, or pickle. that’s how you like it right?”
“yeah, how’d you know?”
“remember we met up for dinner before a study session a few weeks ago? that’s how you ordered your burger and you told me about how dill pickles were the bane of your existence”
 “which they are” you chuckled “but i can’t believe you remembered that”
“of course, i did. i remember everything you tell me”
your heart melted for like the fiFTH TIME TODAY
you smiled and blushed before grabbing the wrapped burger from his hands
you guys sat and ate in comfortable silence
once you had finished you turned to him
“if you’re ready to leave you can. i just have a few things to add but it’ll be okay if you aren’t here. i’m just about out of daylight anyway.”
he playfully cocked his head to the side and crossed his arms
“y/n. i have a feeling you’re trying to get rid of me”
“maybe i am doyoung. whatcha gonna do about it?”
you both busted up laughing
once you had calmed down you looked at him
“seriously do. if you wanna go study or sleep or something go ahead”
he stood up and began to walk closer to you
“oh stop that. y/n it isn’t a burden for me to stay here with you. i’m honored that you would choose me to be the subject of your work and i love spending my time with you”
at this point he was standing right in front of you. looking down into your eyes.
there was no hiding the redness flushing your skin
after a few moments of silence, you looked back down at your hands
he speaks again as if you two hadn’t spent the past minute just staring into each other’s eyes
“so what next? are you gonna keep sculpting me or are you gonna draw and paint a bit?”
“ummm ,,, i kinda want to just finish the sculpture so that i don’t have to worry about it ya know?”
“yeah. where is the light switch?”
“right by the corner near the door”
as he flipped on the switch and light once again flooded the room
you were able to get a good look at the sculpture
despite it not being finished, you were still incredibly happy and proud of it
you sat back down in front of it ready to finish the work
it only took another hour or two to finish once you really got back into it
you spent the bulk of the time adding in all the little details
and you also decided last minute to add a wreath atop his head and the top of a toga
you took a final step back before sighing in relief
you were finished
you almost wanted to cry
while you were staring at the piece doyoung got up to stand behind you and look at it as well
“wow y/n. it’s beautiful.”
“well it’s you so i hope it is.”
before he could say anything else, you walked back to the sink and while washing your hands, asked his help to put it in another room to dry for a few days before it goes into the kiln
“it’ll take a while to dry so i’m going to leave it here and head to bed”
“okay well i can walk you back to your apartment”
okay so you grabbed all your stuff (with his help because doyoung is too nice to just walk beside you as you try carry 4 different bags filled with art supplies)
the walk back was kind of uneventful
you invited him in to drop all your things off before he headed out, not until you thanked him for spending the day with you and being your subject
okay so 2 weeks pass
you and doyoung meet up a few times because you need him to model a few poses for your portfolio
but FINALLY you finished your portfolio and sculpture and turned it all in
since then you have been relaxing, getting ready for winter break
well “relaxing” is a loose term
tbh you had been kinda stressed over the scores you were going to get on the artwork
and today, the day before the quarter ends, your professor would be handing back your portfolio & sculpture with a score
you decided to text doyoung after getting dismissed from class
y/n: “hey i get the score for my art project back today. do you want to meet up and we can find out together?”
doyoung: “oh my gosh yes. but are you sure you want me to be there?”
y/n: “of course do. you were such a big part of this, i couldn’t leave you out of it. besides you haven’t seen the finished portfolio”
doyoung: “okay. same art room as last time?”
y/n: “yep. i’ll see you in 20”
you were nervous. as you waited in the room, your legs couldn’t stay still so you decided to pace in hopes of calming yourself down
or at least having something to do
when he walked into the room, your eyes met
there was no hiding the frantic look in them either
“hey y/n. do you have it?”
you pulled a card from inside the front of your portfolio and set it down on the table
doyoung’s voice was soft and calming as he walked up to you
“can i look at it?”
he picked up the large folder
in a large gold print:
PROMETHEUS, he dies everyday but wouldn’t wish for any other way to spend eternity
“you chose me to represent Prometheus? what’s his story”
you began to recount the tale as doyoung slowly flipped through pages of your artwork
·         “well he was the youngest of the titans, which were the creators of greek gods. it was said that he was also the kindest. when he looked upon the earth and saw how the humans were struggling, Prometheus felt pity and decided to give them a gift. he gave them a divine secret of the gods. he gave them fire. he did this despite knowing that Zeus would punish him if he found out. which he did. the other titans and gods were furious, so they tied him to a rock near the sea. every day an eagle would come and rip out prometheus’ liver and he would die. every night it would grow back bringing him back to life. this torturous routine goes on every day and night and according to the myth it continues until this day, as it will forever.”
as you finished the story doyoung closed the folder
all he said was “wow”
it made you nervous. “so ,,,,, do you like it?”
“y/n. this is beyond words. this is amazing. and you chose me?”
“well yeah i mean. you two just seemed to fit each other. you are the kindest person i know. you’re very generous too. so really it wouldn’t have worked if i had chosen anyone else or any other myth.”
he said nothing. just set down your work and hugged you.
you embraced each other. sharing this moment.
“y/n no matter the score on the other side of that car, just know that your work is beyond incredible. not just because it’s of me”
you both laughed before he continued
“seriously. you are an amazing artist. your art moves people. it makes me feel emotions that i haven’t felt in a while. it takes me on a journey.”
he pulled back and gave you one last smile before grabbing the card off of the table
“on 3”
a 97 was written in bright red marker
“oh my gosh y/n”
you two jumped back into each other’s arms
the smile on your face was ear to ear. there was no way it was going to fade any time soon
“I knew you could do it.”
“not without you i couldn’t have,” you say leaning back slightly, your arms still around his neck
he rolls his eyes at you
“seriously doyoung. if you hadn’t come by that day i don’t know what i would have done. you were my muse”
his arms were wrapped tightly around your waist
your eyes would have met if his weren’t staring at your lips right now
“y/n.” he whispered
“can i kiss you?”
ahem sorry I got a little excited for you
it was great. what can i say
it was everything you expected to be
before you thought that the whole “fireworks” thing was just movies overexaggerating
 but NOW you can attest to that
the kiss with doyoung had so much built up tension and caring and passion and just wowza
when you finally pulled apart
both of you were slightly out of breath
doyoung still had this cute, dumb smile plastered on his face
he gave you a few more pecks
which of course made you have a big dumb smile plastered on your face
you actually pulled apart and out of his arms this time and took a look at the score card
beneath your score the professor left a little note
“i hope you don’t mind but i emailed the art gallery about your work. they have a small exhibition open if you’d like to showcase your art. here’s the email: ­­­­­­_______. please consider it. you have serious talent.”
“an art gallery doyoung. an exhibition in an art gallery.”
tears fell down your face
this was an amazing opportunity
a dream came true
“i can come over tonight and we can email them.”
you just nodded your head
tbh you were still in shock
this was a huge opportunity
“so y/n. i know there is a lot going on right now but I can’t wait. will you be my girl/boy-friend?
“doyoung of course. can you help me take this stuff back to my apartment then if you want we can go grab something to eat?”
he nodded happily and grabbed the sculpture
goodness gracious that took a while
I hope you enjoyed reading this 5 thousand-word trainwreck
I know some of the stuff about creating sculptures isn’t accurate, but I need to make it work with the timeline I had in my head
I hope it didn’t bother anyone too much
but yeah
thanks for reading
also I didn’t proofread this so hopefully there aren’t many mistakes
if there are just message me and I’ll fix them
also also here’s a sequel type thing that doesn’t have to be seen as a sequel umm it isn’t as good as this one but here ya go
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Survey #249
“every wall that i knock down is just a wall that i’ll replace.”
Has anyone done anything nice for you today? Nothing in particular. The last time you hung out with your sibling(s), what did you do? We visited our mom in the hospital. Fun. Have you ever been so lonely, you cried? Oh, plenty of times. Have you ever given homeless people money? No, not that I've ever really had money to give. Do you usually bring or buy a lunch for school? I absolutely never buy from the cafe, I'll tell you that much. The price is fucking ridiculous; it's a standard number regardless of how little or how much you eat. Fucking $8 or so for a goddamn hot dog or something. I always either pack something or Mom and I drive over to McDonald's. Does it bug you when you want something done, and it doesn’t get done? Ugh, yes. Have you ever tried so hard to save up for something, but it was too hard? I don’t think so, no. I've rarely been in a position where I'm saving up for something because I rarely have any money on me. The last time you had sex, was it in their bed or yours? Hell if I remember. What was the last pill you took? One of my morning meds for my mood. If you were to have sex right now, would you use a condom? Yes. What’s your sexuality? Have you ever questioned it? How old were you when you figured out you were definitely straight, or bi, or whatever? I'm bi, though I grew up believing I was straight. I became definitely sure in '17. Do you fit in at work or in school? I don't care enough to think about this. Were you ever a fan of macaroni & cheese? Do you like Kraft dinner? BITCH yes that's my shit. Is there a laundry basket in your room? If yes, what color is it? Not currently, but all of ours are white. Have you ever read a book all the way through in one day? Not like, a big book. What would you do if you found out your last ex is engaged? Be very confused. Do you get along with your significant other’s family? N/A, but for anyone I've ever been with where I knew the family, we got along fine. Have you ever gone horseback riding? Where? Not really, just at like, fairs. Have you ever cried at a real wedding? Yes, but it was due to PTSD more than anything else. Who was the last person to be on a bed with you? Well I sat with Mom on her hospital bed. What were you afraid of the most when you were a kid? Thunderstorms or being separated from Mom. Depends on the age. Do you know how it feels to be cheated on? No. Do you have feelings for someone right now? How strong are those feelings? And does that person have feelings for you, too? Yes; "controlled" is the best way to put it ig; and idk. Who’s the last person that told you they loved you? My mom. Where was your Facebook default picture taken? The living room. What’s your brother(s)/sister(s) names? Misty, Katie, Bobby, Ashley, and Nicole. Do you like to cuddle? Yeah, if I like and am comfortable with that person. Are you currently reading a book? Yeah, amazingly. What’s on your mind? Way too goddamn much. Does any part on your body hurt? Not right now. Do you have nightmares a lot? I have nightmares/terrors on an almost nightly basis (I wish I was exaggerating) by now and it's fucking old. Who was the last person you texted? Sara. Think a lot before you fall asleep? It consistently takes me at least 20+ minutes to go to sleep because my brain doesn't shut up. What’s your favorite thing to have on your bed? MY CAT Where did you get the shirt you are wearing? Probaby like Wal-Mart. It's just a tank top. Last people you went to the mall with? Uhhhhh my mom and my sister I think. Are there any stressful situations in your life? Mom's cancer diagnosis is going to be my end in the stress department. Do you go to the bathroom with the door open or closed? Depends on where I am/who else is present. Where did you get your last bruise/cut from? Roman was playing a bit too rough with my hand. Did you cry at all today? No. Who was the last person you hugged? Mom. What is the last gift someone got you? A gift card to either Dairy Queen or Sonic, can't remember which. Is anyone on your bad side right now? No. Did you have a dream last night? A nightmare where I woke up crying/screaming that I physically couldn't kill myself for some reason I don't remember. And I remember Jesus was in there somewhere. Bro idk but it made my throat hurt like a bitch. Ready for kids? NOOOOOOOOOO and I assure you I never will be. What’s one thing you do when you’re mad? Cry, easily. Do you like where you live? No, fuck this house. Like, we *need* to move. How often do you lose your voice? Extremely rarely. I have to be sick as hell. Are you a good babysitter? I don't think so. How’s your mood? Sad, pretty lifeless. Do you have a job? No. Ever thrown up in a car? No. Is anyone over protective over you? *Over*protective, no. Have you ever violated school dress code? In high school, apparently, because I got in trouble for a shirt once that I'd worn many many times before that never caused trouble until then. If you are listening to music, is the singer male/female? Male. What (if anything) do you give up for Lent? I don't take part in Lent. I did sometimes as a Catholic kid though, but it never lasted. When you feel like giving up, how do you convince yourself not to? Like, on life? It's always the belief that I have one shot at this and can't let a few bad passing moments decide to cut it short. What was the subject of the last list you made? Grocery list that Mom wanted my input on. Do you ever get nervous before interviews / important meetings? Oh hell yes I do. Who pays for the majority of your belongings? Hi, I'm Brittany, I'm 24, and my parents pay for absolutely everything because I'm one hell of an excuse for an adult. Would you ever willingly shop in a thrift store? Dude, I love thrift shops. You can find the coolest shit. What is the most that you would ever spend on an outfit? I don't have a clue. I don't shop and never have shopped for clothes nearly frequently enough to gauge here. Is there anything you do that just outrages your parents? Mom hates when I curse excessively when I'm seriously upset. When was the last time you were embarrassed in public? How the actual fuck am I blanking here. I'm always embarrassed. I can blink "wrong" and be humiliated. Have you ever won an award you were actually proud of? Yeah, a few. What is the coolest science experiment you’ve ever done? Well, it wasn't an "experiment" per se, but dissecting a frog in the 7th grade was dope. Are you experiencing difficulties with any friends right now? No. When you apologize to someone after a fight, how do you go about saying that you are sorry? By saying sorry??? Not trying to be a smart ass, just... say sorry. I do absolutely ensure I'm sincere and do all I can for me to come across as such, but yeah. Have you ever played around with “dry ice”? No. Do you think parents are responsible for the actions of their children? To a degree. When was the last time that you corrected someone? I don’t know. When was the last time you were corrected? ^ Is there any celebrity you like to “keep up with”? There's a couple. Celebrity gossip: YAY or BOO? Ugh. Now the gossip part with celebs, I just don't care. What is the most life-changing book you have read? Johnny Got His Gun by Dalton Trumbo. Have you had a negative impact on anyone’s life? Probably. Has anyone had a negative impact on yours? Who/why? Yes, let's not linger on it. What does marriage mean to you, specifically? My feelings towards marriage have evolved semi-recently. It was once the "happily ever after" portion of a relationship, the goal to me, but now, it's really just a wise (to some, of course) financial option for a strong, stable, tested relationship that you intend to be permanent. Like, it's a piece of paper, congrats. I'll admit my mind still somewhat sees it as a desirable milestone, but I know that's simply the works of societal conditioning. How will you know when you are ready to get married? I don't know. This actually brings to my attention that I've pondered if I'll ever *confidently* know after Jason. I really don't know. How much time have you spent contemplating your own death? I mean, not a hell of a lot, but I'm sure more than the normal person. Is there a joke that you just can’t stand? I really hate any joke that's rooted in discrimination, or is just purely hateful. Have you ever read any self-help books? No, though I've contemplated them a bit. What is something you used to love, but now greatly dislike? Country music, oh boy. What is something you used to dislike, but now like? Hmmm. Lol first thing that comes to mind is mashed potatoes, I guess. Thanks, Sara's Mom. When (if) you become a parent, what will you do differently, compared to how your parents raised you? I'm never going to be a parent. Do you equate spanking with physical abuse? Would you spank a child? I can't say I exactly equate them, no, but I absolutely disagree with it. You do not teach children through fear and pain. If your bf/gf wanted to wait until marriage for sex, would you be willing? Yeah. Is there someone you wish you could trust/you wish was trustworthy? Yes. Is there anyone that you no longer want in you life? Who/why? No one that plays a big role in my life, no. At least not off the top of my head. How has your outlook on life changed in the past few years? I've strayed further from my fairy-tale outlook of it every year for the past few. Some can call it a much more negative view, but it's realism, baby. It doesn't depress me, even though I'm sure some may see it as such. I'm more accepting to fact and less preoccupied with "it'd be nice if..."s, things like that. Have you ever walked out of a boring movie (in theaters)? No. How open are you with people you know online? Depends on the person and location something is being shared. If a celebrity is involved in scandal after scandal, is that likely to affect how you view him/her & his/her work? Of course. What is one celebrity that you have zero respect for? Man, I don't pay enough attention to this or know all "the facts" or whatever. What is one fashion trend that you hope makes a comeback? It's the Rawring 20s motherfuckers LOOK the scene style is fucking adorable let's bring that shit BACK. What is one that you wish would just die out already? Idc. Have you ever driven under the influence of alcohol/drugs? Hell no. Are you overly attached to your material possessions? Some. Have you ever ridiculed anyone for their clothing choices? I'm sure I have when I was younger, but never aloud, I'd hope. Now, I seriously don't care what you wear. Living in poverty: what do you think it’d be like? I literally am riding on the poverty line and shit's bad enough, so I don't care to find out what it's like any lower. What is one “diet” that you think is just utterly worthless? The keto diet used to seriously appeal to me, but now I totally don't get it. You're GOING to gain weight back as you switch to a regular diet again. Not just that though, keto is extremely unhealthy to the body. It's tempting because yes, it has drastic results, but it's an awful choice. What advice would you give someone that is uncomfortable with his or her body/appearance? Oh hunny me too so don't ask me. What advice would you give someone about to start high school? Don't put too much weight on the people you're involved with. Don't let your world revolve around them. "They're" right when they say half those people won't mean shit later. What foreign food are you NOT interested in trying? Honestly? I'm not educated enough on cuisines to know. I have no clue what most entail. What foreign country do you believe is misunderstood? "I’m sure they all are." <<<< Do you understand/read Shakespeare? We read some stuff in school, and for the most part, I understood it. It's not something I'd go out of my way to read now. Would you feel more comfortable living with someone that owned a gun? I don't know for sure, but actually, probably no, BUT that's only because I don't trust my impulsive ass with her suicidal history. Otherwise, I'd feel safer with a gun. Have you ever had a make-over? Not a serious one. What’s the longest time you’ve stayed out of the country? Where? I've never left the country. Name one thing you’re grateful for today. My mom being here. What is your favorite high school memory? Long bus rides home with Jason. What is the most insane thing you’ve done to/for your crush that (s)he might not/might know about? Take a plane multiple times by myself and endure airports when my muscle atrophy was at its worse probably, lmao. Name three teachers you liked in high school. Coach Collie, Mrs. Cruz, Mrs. Williams... man, I could go on for a long time. I had great teachers. Who is your best friend? Sara. What’s your favorite song right now? Probably "Hunting Grounds" by In This Moment ft. Joe Cotela. Write a line from any song. My favorite lyric from the song that's playing right now is "I fell asleep at the wheel again, crashed my car just to feel again" bc some part of me feels that shit. Do you know at least one Disney song by heart? Which one? Oh, I'm sure there's a lot, "The Circle of Life" to name just one. All TLK ones really, lol. Would you rather be a hobbit, an elf, or a dwarf? E L F What are the first five things you would splurge on if you were a billionaire? Help Mom monetarily, and then like... I'd have to fight from blowing ALL of it on tattoos lmao. Do you blow dry your hair or do you let it air out? I just let it dry naturally after using a towel. Do you blush when you receive compliments? I think so. Depends, though. Candles or incense? Incenseeeeee. Can you juggle? No. Reason behind the last time you laughed until you cried? I don't remember. Are you one who brags a lot? No. Something you love to eat or drink at the fair? I don't know any typical "fair foods" I actually like. Your favorite vegetable? Broccoli. Are you confrontational? I'm the polar opposite. I will do anything to avoid confrontation. Have you ever caught yourself talking in your sleep? That's another nightly thing now. Do you catch lizards? No, leave wild animals be. Do you like pretzels? Yeah, preferably soft ones.
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Reasons To Love Jason Grace, in no particular order
was literally raised by wolves and yet still managed to be The Most Polite Boy In The World
hadn’t formally met Apollo but knew they were technically brothers so he still stuck his neck out for him
lost his glasses on the top of his head all the time
when he was trying to relay information to the group but kept getting distracted by how hot his girlfriend was to the point he had trouble forming sentences 
when he grew his hair out and started tugging at it whenever he got stressed so it was always sticking up in a million directions
when he was reading that informational pamphlet on Hercules’ island and was so interested in it that he walked straight into a tree
got stabbed through the gut and the literal first words out of his mouth after were ‘I finally stayed conscious for a whole battle’
when he was fighting with the werewolves and he knew his sword wasn’t gonna work so he deadass got on all fours and started growling like he was literally about to go head-to-head teeth-to-teeth with those wolves omfg
when he got caught in that net trap the dwarves set up and he’s hanging upside down and Leo goes forward to cut him out and he was literally like ‘no, Leo, go on with out me, I’m done, do not cut me out of this net, I genuinely want you to leave me here to die, please leave, I really just need a moment alone right now’ asdfghjkl
when he was too busy having A Moment(tm) with a batch of brownies and a jar of homemade peach jam to focus on the merpeople’s warning 
when he was getting attacked by his former Camp Jupiter friends and every time he shocked or hit one of them he personally apologized 
“I’m breathing Dylan?!?!”
when he didn’t remember that he could fly but instinctively threw himself over the railing at the grand canyon to save Piper anyway and as he was falling he was like ‘well at least this is probably noble and cool or whatever’
his definition of teenage rebellion was stargazing on the roof of his own cabin 
when he got so close to telling Zeus to go fuck himself that even Percy was like ‘w h a t a r e y o u d o i n g’
he knew Leo so well that by simply looking at what Leo was drinking he was able to figure out the boy was upset about something 
he knew Piper was upset that her memory of their first kiss wasn’t real so he tried to recreate it for her
when everyone told him not to join his legion bc it was the worst and he was like ‘then I’ll make it the best’ 
he and Reyna used to geek out over history together and had a whole future itinerary written up
when he somehow had enough patience to deal with that wind god for like 2 weeks without once trying to strangle him...icon
“Thank you, General Eisenhower!” the snark....
canonically had to hug people whenever he got excited 
the stapler incident(tm)
the fact that he never really wanted to be a leader but always took the job without complaint because he knew that’s what people wanted from him
when he made the MOST dramatic entrance of all time in that tower- lightning, flying, winds, yelling, the whole shebang- only to discover Leo had already defeated the dwarves and he was like. oh. 
swore to never drink alcohol after Thalia told him about their mother
briefly thought turning into a tree was somehow a puberty thing for children of Zeus and was terrified 
the whole scene with Nico and Cupid
when he made that huge lightning bolt to kill all the guards attacking them and Apollo was like ‘well there goes the element of surprise’ and he was just like ‘sorry I got a little over excited’ asdfgb
when Percy got out of Tartarus and Jason just yelled out a relieved and emotional ‘DUDE!’ and gave him a bear hug 
he didn’t know when his own birthday was for sixteen years someone please hold me
the fact that people at Camp Jupiter apparently made ‘Our Saving Grace(tm)’ jokes often enough that he was annoyed by it even when he had amnesia 
when Piper fell asleep on him during their first quest and he just looked at Leo like ‘Are you seeing this??? This is happening???? What do I Do???’ 
all the head injuries.....we love a clumsy bitch
his first appearance in the series he had amnesia and his last words was ‘Remember!’....the absolute drama.....
didn’t he wear like fucking dress shoes or something into the big battle with all the giants at the Parthenon 
the action figures
searched for Leo for months before Chiron literally made him stop and enroll in school
his favorite color was purple
that little speech he always did when he wanted to intimidate someone like remember he’d use the winds to make him taller than whoever he was fighting and got all ‘I TOPPLED THE BLACK THRONE OF KRONOS AND FUCKED KRIOS UP REAL BAD AND THAT SEA MONSTER WAS A PUNK BITCH-’ like remember
trusted Nico enough to drink poison 
made Frank praetor 
was so incredibly dedicated to getting recognition for all the gods so history wouldn’t repeat itself 
he made a fucking diorama guys it was so cute 
was completely respectful of Piper’s decision to break up even though he didn’t have any second thoughts in the relationship and a love god literally told him they were soul mates
when he had an identity crisis over the Roman camp or the Greek camp but decided he could be both(tm)
listen Jason Grace was the sweetest, most dramatic nerd of a hero out there and I.....miss......him......
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a-sirens-melody · 5 years
Red Tulips Mean I Love You
Day 1: Flowers
Fem!Ishimondo oneshot. This does contain internalized homophobia, so just a heads up! Stay safe!
Maiko had been acting very strange today.
Kiyoko wasn't sure what the issue was. All day, her best friend had seemed nervous. Maiko wouldn't look her in the eye when they talked, yet whenever Kiyoko snuck a glance in class she could see her staring at her. When she caught Maiko (which was only twice, to be honest, as she was much more concerned with focusing on her studies), she would promptly turn away with pale pink flooding her cheeks.
The hall monitor had tried to ask her what was going on in the hallway during what time they had between their second and third classes that morning, but her attempt proved to be fruitless. That conversation had gone something like this:
“Maiko, are you alright? You seem very distressed today. Did I do something to alarm you, perhaps?” She asked, concerned.
Her friend's violet eyes widened and darted to the side. “W-what!? N-no ya idiot, ‘m fine! You didn't do nothin’ wrong okay!!?”
“So then what is wrong? You're being incredibly confusing and I just want to help-”
“Goddamnit, I'm FINE! DON'T WORRY ABOUT IT!!” And with a crimson face, the biker had turned on her heels and fled the scene, like a puppy with its tail tucked between its legs.
Kiyoko had yelled after her to not run in the hallway, but Maiko had gotten away before her mouth could cooperate with her brain.
She could not, for the life of herself, put her finger on it. Her friend had said she didn't do anything wrong, but Maiko’s accent had come out stronger and she'd raised her volume, which often happened when she was upset or flustered. But how would Kiyoko herself cause that to happen? All she did was ask how she felt!
For the rest of the day, pondering the answer to what seemed like a simple question made her mind spin. She didn't get to talk to Maiko in between any of her other classes either, which upset her deeply. Was Maiko lying? Did she not want to spend anymore time together? But they'd been soul sisters for months now! If anything, Kiyoko had hoped she would have trusted her enough to explain her reaction that morning!
Maybe I should've just kept my mouth shut, she thought glumly, standing at her locker and gathering her homework that afternoon. Classes had ended, and the biker girl still hadn't spoken another word to the disciplinarian. She must have gotten on one of Maiko's rather sensitive nerves.
She shut the locker door and turned to walk back to her dorm room, head bowed down and tears forming in her ruby red eyes. Usually, she and Maiko would head off to one of their rooms to study together or talk about their day, but that certainly wasn't going happen today.
“Kiyo, wait!”
Kiyoko tilted her head back up only to be meet with several little red objects shoved into her face and Maiko talking a mile a minute.
“I’m sorry I didn't talk to you all day I've been a nervous fuckin’ wreck and please don't tell me I made you cry, I hate it when you cry and yeah I just wanted ta give these ta you so sorry if they're really shitty I had ‘em in my locker all day and uh well I really really like you so I'm gonna GO NOW YOU CAN JUST READ TH’ NOTE N TALK TO ME LATER OR WHATEVER OKAY BYE!!!”
Rushed footsteps faded away. Kiyoko didn't move for a few minutes, ignoring the few stragglers left in the hallway.
What was that all about? Why wouldn’t she like me? I thought we’d been best friends this whole time already!
Now she was even more confused. She certainly hadn't been expecting to get what she now identified to be a bouquet of flowers shoved in her face with Maiko speeding through an explanation so fast she could hardly understand her. Were these supposed to be friendship flowers? Was their friendship official now? Kiyoko had never had a friend before Maiko; she didn’t understand how this worked.
When she pulled the flowers away from her slightly teary face, she could properly see that they were blood-red tulips. She counted 10 of them, all bundled up with a white ribbon tied tightly around the light green stems. The aforementioned note was a small folded up piece of white notebook paper hanging from the ribbon, and Kiyoko carefully tore it off. As she walked to her room, she unfolded the note. Surely this would explain the strange events of today.
The handwriting was very neat and tiny, as if whoever had wrote the letter tried their very best to make it look presentable. If Maiko had written it, she definitely had taken her time because her handwriting was always sloppy and rushed, huge letters scrawled onto a report or a math worksheet. Kiyoko began to read.
You’re probably wondering why these tulips were in front of your door or who they’re from. Unless I handed them to you in person. Then you know damn well who it is and I’m screwed.
Look, you know how much I suck at asking guys out. Every time I tried, I got so nervous that I started yelling and scared the shit out of the poor dude. It’s happened ten times now.
You would think the the leader of the most badass biker gang in Japan had enough charm and confidence to win over any guy she wanted. But I haven’t succeeded once in getting a date, and that kinda losing streak does a shit ton of damage to a girl’s self esteem.
(Sorry for all the cussing by the way. I’m really really nervous about this, but if you were here as I write you’d probably scold me to “watch your profanity!!”)
Anyway, the point is I really suck at confessions. It's gotten hard to fall in love because I know I'll scare someone off of I try to admit it. But I don't want to lie to you anymore. Even before we were friends, you were never scared of me so hopefully this letter won't scare you either.
I'm in love with you.
God, Kiyo, I love you so much, it hurts.
You're so pretty, did you know that? You're too cute for your own good with your long shining black hair and your scarlet eyes that sparkle every time you talk about the future or something that excites you and you’re so smart and kind and beautiful and
The next paragraph was scribbled out and difficult to decipher. It seemed Maiko hadn’t meant to put her nervous rambling onto paper.
I said too much didn't I? This is way too much for a confession isn't it? Hell I don't even know if you swing that way. Oh god wait what if you hate me now? PLEASE DON'T HATE ME KIYO I CAN'T CONTROL THIS
Okay that's fine it's fine it doesn't matter if you don't love me back anyway I can deal with that! I've dealt with rejection 10 times before, so what's another one?
You can get back to me whenever I guess. Enjoy the flowers.
Kiyoko had stopped in front of her door, silently reading the final paragraphs of the letter. She definitely hadn't been expecting a love confession.
She...loves me.
Maiko loved her. As more than a friend. Somehow that was not an unwelcome thought. It surprised her. Why did she feel absolutely ecstatic when that thought ran through her head? Her skin felt tingly and warm and she felt as though butterflies were fluttering in her stomach. And when she realized the reason for this, the weight hit her like a sack of bricks.
She loved Maiko back.
But if that was true...then why did she also feel so scared? Like feeling this way wasn't right? Was something wrong with her? Wasn't she straight? Every time she dreamed of becoming prime minister, she always had a husband, not a wife. Now she might not have imagined any specific quality she particularly wanted other than someone respectable, or found that relationship...desirable when she woke up and remembered her dream. She thought about being with Maiko more than any boy in their class, but that didn't mean some of them weren't good people!
But the more she thought about it, still standing straight as a rod outside her dorm, the more she began to realize she didn't want to be with a man. The only person she truly wanted a romantic relationship with was Maiko. She wanted to be by her side through thick and thin, to live with her when they graduated, to smile with her, cry with her, hold her hand, and…kiss her.
Oh God she was so deeply in love with Maiko!!
Her physical reaction was a bit delayed. First, she opened the door after what felt like hours, then closed and locked it. Then she slid down, put her head on her knees, and cried, the tulips loose in her grip.
She should've been happy. Her best friend-no, she was more than that now, her crush oh God- admitted to returning her affections. But all Kiyoko could think about was the fact that she was and would always be unable to love a man, to be normal. Never in the history of Japan had there been a female prime minister, which made her dream hard enough to achieve without a tainted and broken background, but now she'd have to run against straight candidates. Normal people whose hearts didn't flutter or brains short circuited when they thought about a person of the same sex.
She hated this. Sobbing on the floor for no one to hear, accusing herself of being broken and unworthy of anyone’s affection, male or female. She wanted to break this poisonous cycle of negativity but couldn't. Maiko didn't deserve her. She was a crybaby and much too strict and socially awkward and how could anyone love her when she was such a mess and couldn't even love herself?!!
She sat there and cried for so long that when she finally wiped her overflowing eyes and took a deep breath to recollect herself, it was an hour until curfew. She stood up and tilted her head back down to the bouquet on the ground. She bent over and picked it up, wondering all the while why Maiko had given her tulips instead of something typical for romantic gestures like roses.
I may as well ask her that when I go to her dorm, Kiyoko thought. As much as a part of her apparently wanted a romantic relationship, she needed to talk this out with Maiko. Maybe she had gone through this herself and knew what Kiyoko was dealing with. It would be nice to have someone reassure her that what she was feeling wasn't wrong or unnatural right now. Also, it would probably be best to give the other girl closure as soon as possible.
Brushing imaginary lint off of her perfectly clean skirt with tulips in hand, she opened her door and marched down the hall. Maiko’s dorm was only ten paces away, which wasn’t nearly enough time for Kiyoko to figure out what she was going to say. Perhaps it would be wise to start off with returning her feelings (something that still left her reeling) and ask about the flowers. By the time she approached her friend’s dorm, her heart was beating out of her chest and her grip on the tulips had tightened so much her knuckles had turned white.
However, she didn't have much time to be afraid. So she swallowed her fear, took a deep breath, and rang the doorbell with shaky hands.
Kiyoko started to wonder if Maiko had gone to sleep and began to consider returning the next day when the door creaked open.
All Kiyoko could see of the biker girl was one dark purple eye peeking out from the crack of the slightly open door. “Kiyo?” She called out timidly.
“Hello, Maiko,” she replied back, her voice shaking. The moral compass had never been so nervous in her life. She cleared her throat and continued, “I read your note.”
“S-so? Do you hate me now?”
Kiyoko met her gaze, determined. “Not at all! Even if I wasn't...homosexual myself, I would never judge you for the way you feel about anyone be they male or female!”
Maiko appeared to be thinking over this statement. “Oh...thanks, I guess.” But then her eyes widened at fully processing the sentence. “Wait...you said ‘even if I wasn't homosexual’...” She trailed off, glancing to the side and looked back up with hope glimmering within royal purple oceans. “So you are?”
The hall monitor flushed and began fiddling with the tulips to distract herself. “Y-yes. And I feel the same way about you, Maiko. I… I love you too. Although I have- ACK!”
The other girl had yanked open the door and pulled Kiyoko into a crushing hug before she could say anything else. She whispered in her ear, “God oh thank God, I was so scared you’d hate me or that I'd scare you off like all the others. Please don't leave me, I love you so much.” Her body was shaking badly, and Kiyoko could feel the other girl’s tears staining her blazer.
She hesitated, then wrapped her arms around her love. “I’ll never leave you, I promise,” she whispered back, tears pricking at the corners of her scarlet eyes. “Though I am afraid of what the future will bring.”
Maiko pulled back and looked at her, still a bit teary-eyed with concern now shining in her eyes. “What do you mean? You wanna go inside ‘n talk about it?”
Kiyoko sniffed and wiped her eyes with her sleeve. “Yes, please.”
Maiko grabbed her hand that wasn’t holding the tulips and squeezed it reassuringly while reaching for the door and slowly turning the knob. They walked in hand in hand, and Kiyoko was relieved at a change in scenery. The girls had spent many afternoons in each other’s dorm, studying or just talking about whatever came to mind. She glanced at the Crazy Diamonds flags stacked up in the right corner of the room and the bike magazines spread out on the bed. This room was messy and laid back, a stark contrast to the hall monitor’s own calligraphy covered walls and tidy room.
It was one of her favorite things about Maiko, now that she thought about it. Her lifestyle and personality was so extravagantly different from her own, and yet they shared a friendship so deep they considered themselves soul sisters.
“Earth to Kiyo?”
The disciplinarian snapped back to the present to see that Maiko had brushed some of the magazines off of the bed to sit down on. Kiyoko set the bouquet down on the dresser behind the bed and joined her. Maiko’s arm came up to wrap around her and she leaned into the warmth, nuzzling the other girl’s shoulder.
“So what’s bothering you?” The biker asked. “You said something about the future?”
“Y-yes, actually,” she stuttered. “I didn't actually figure out that I liked you until I read your letter. A-and I was happy, don't get me wrong! But also…”
“This'll make it harder to become prime minister, won't it?” Maiko finished for her.
“Indeed.” Kiyoko nodded. “But that's not all! I didn't know I was a lesbian until a few hours ago! And it…” She choked up and tears flooded her vision. “It scared me. I thought something was wrong with me because I couldn't ever see myself wanting to be with a man.” Tears flowed freely down her face now. “And I think that feeling might return and I hate that and I just want to know that there's nothing wrong with me!”
She sobbed and shivered for a few minutes while Maiko rubbed her back in calm and comforting circles. “Shhh shh, it's okay. It's gonna be okay, Kiyo,” she murmured soothingly. “There's nothing wrong with you at all, you're not broken. You're a sweet, beautiful, confident girl that’ll be the best damn prime minister this country has ever seen.”
Kiyoko sniffed and looked back up at her. “R-really?”
“Hell yeah.” Maiko smiled. She brought her hand up to wipe away the tears. “I'll always be here to help you no matter what. We’re in this together, ok?”
“Besides,” Maiko continued, “I went through somethin’ similar. Thought I had to choose one gender to be attracted to.” She looked far off and smiled. “Actually, Fukawa helped me overcome that.”
“Did he really?”
“Yeah. It's kind of a miracle that he didn't get sick of my dumbass pining for you.”
“Language!” Kiyoko scolded and swatted the back of her head. “And you aren't dumb!”
Maiko hummed non committedly in response. Her other hand was in her lap, and Kiyoko picked it up and squeezed it. She beamed at her.
They stayed like that for a while, just smiling and knowing the other girl would always offer unending support and love. Then, Kiyoko realized she had one more question.
“Why tulips?”
“The bouquet. You gave me tulips instead of typical roses. Not that I’m complaining by any means, but it did intrigue me.”
The gang leader blushed and avoided the other girl’s eyes to stare at the ground. “Well…’s like what you said. Roses are, like, the official flower of love, but they get used a ton ‘n I wanted something different. So I got ya tulips instead because…” She tilted her head back up, face entirely painted in rosy red and honesty and embarrassment glinting in eyes framed in eyeliner. “I thought they kinda symbolised you cause they’re simple but still really pretty ‘n not as appreciated as often…” Her voice trailed off, quieter than Kiyoko thought was possible.
She was stunned at how much thought and passion Maiko had put into the arrangement. Her girlfriend really was the sweetest thing. “I appreciate the effort you put into it,” she said. She leaned over and kissed her cheek and grinned when Maiko immediately began blushing even though she was as well. “They're beautiful flowers.”
Maiko squeaked and hid her face. “It's f-fine.”
The moral compass giggled. You're very cute when you blush, you know that?” At this, the other girl buried her face in her hands. Kiyoko grinned in success.
“Shut up,” came a muffled reply.
“Nope.” As much as it was to tease Maiko, she was going to have to get serious for a second. “But in all seriousness, thank you. For listening to my problems.”
Maiko finally stopped hiding her face and gave a shy smile back. “No problem. What kinda girlfriend would I be if I didn't listen to you?”
Kiyoko’s heart fluttered. She couldn't remember ever being this happy. The future looked brighter already, and the thought of the days to come excited her. “I have to get back to my dorm before curfew,” she said to Maiko, “but one more thing.” She let go of the biker’s hand and brought her own to her face, cradling it and looking straight into the amethyst eyes she loved so dearly.
“I love you. Have a good night, dear.”
Maiko's face turned cherry red again. “I l-love you too! GOODNIGHT!”
With that, Kiyoko picked up the tulips and left the room.
That night, she dreamed of her new girlfriend and was amazed as to how she earned such unyielding love.
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firebirdsdaughter · 5 years
... And now, on to the gift that was Zi-O 23!
Spoilers below.
In no order:
The only valid Wozes are Woz.5 and Keisuke himself. Those are the only valid Wozes.
... So they’re seriously trying to tell me baby Sougo could write clearly in grammatically correct English of all things. I doubt he could even do that now. Someone show this to Sougo to check if he wrote it.
Also, the first time I watched this and that shot revealed Geiz was still living at the shop, I WAS ON CLOUD NINE. I KNEW WHAT IT MEANT.
Okay, so I’d need a proper translation to decide if the dialogue here is supposed to be implying Sougo’s using his new future sight powers to cheat on a test. Given that when he mucks it up (boy gets a fourteen), he studies instead of trying to do that, I would believe not, but I can’t get a clear enough online translation to tell.
And we all know he’s bad at math.
The fact that he’s not only bad at it, it apparently just straight up knocks him out is also bloody hilarious.
Kikaider’s suit is goofy, but I do like his Henshin.
Geiz calls him. Geiz freaking calls him to come fight the Another Rider. Like everything is normal. I’m so grateful to most of this episode for my life, honestly.
Then they’re confused about there not being a person. But Sougo is just like ‘I gotta go study!’
Time Jacket kids are getting uneasy. This is totally justified given that later in the episode we clearly establish that dad has lost the plot--actually, he probably lost it a long time ago.
Sougo, why does math put you to sleep so fast, you might want to check that out.
The funny whirring sound every time Kikaider moves...
He’s cute, though, I like his smile.
The fact that if I did not know already I don’t think I’d believe this is the same actor who played Zamigo is a testament to this guys skills, I think. He’s like... Sweet baby-face boy here. It’s kind of fascinating.
... Ice powers? Why does he have ice powers? Eh, whatever.
Geiz looks a little uncomfortable w/ this being another future Rider...
This is so adorable. Came here to assassinate him, now here you are caring about his test scores. Yeah. You’re not getting fond of him all.
That tiny wave Shiro Woz does does not fit the Drama Chord that happens in the soundtrack when he and Tsukuyomi show up. I mean it when I say the only good things about Shiro and Kuro Woz are Keisuke. The actor is adorable and I love him. Strongly dislike both characters, though.
Not you, Woz.5, you’re an angel and I’m thrilled you were here.
Oh, hey. I just noticed that Tsukuyomi put her ‘future dress’ back on.
Let us mark to day at the first day the online translator actually properly translated Woz’s name.
Meanwhile, Geiz is genuinely shocked that she’s w/ Shiro Woz. I guess he didn’t think she was actually serious about turning on Sougo.
She’s like ‘how can you stay w/ Sougo?’ Unfortunately, Shiro Woz doesn’t give him a chance to even try and answer. He probably would have panicked about feelings anyway. Though maybe he would have admitted to having them, who knows.
... What was w/ the dramatic sound effect and zoom in? I mean, I like Keisuke’s face well enough, but... Why?
I just realise Tsukuyomi is paired off w/ a Woz again. Like, when Another Shinobi was there, she ended up hanging out w/ Kuro Woz, and now she’s hanging out w/ Shiro Woz. I guess this explains why the actors were kind of like that too.
I know Tsukuyomi’s doing a dramatic speech bout having to kill Sougo, but I am distracted by the hilarious facial expressions Keisuke is making in this scene.
Sorry, Tsukuyomi, but Geiz doesn’t actually want to do that anymore. And honestly, whose fault is that?
I love his reaction. Like, he’s clearly having ‘feelings panic’ but he does not look happy at the concept and is genuinely confused by her sudden shift in opinion. Like he doesn’t say it, and honestly, it’d sound kinda whiny if he did, but that look just totally read ‘But I don’t want to!?’ to me.
And then he still goes back to the shop. And he and Sougo proceed to have one of their usual, totally whacky interactions.
Aka, Geiz has no chill and is unnecessarily aggressive about everything.
Also, Sougo is chugging something that looks like five hour energies and that cannot be healthy.
Though the extra aggression might also be compensating for uncertainty w/ everything else.
Like, he seems pretty shaken by Tsukuyomi’s switch. I’m not sure what that flashback was supposed to indicate, but it made him stand down from bullying Sougo... Like, being hyper aggressive (as usual, admittedly) reminded him of her saying they had to defeat Sougo, and he backed off bc he didn’t want to think about that/deal w/ the association? Probably over analysing and making no sense, aren’t I?
Aaaaand... He’s down.
Poor Geiz. He was trying to have a genuine, open conversation, and Sougo just conks out.
No! Baby-face boy!
Tsukuyomi runs up the stairs, but Shiro Woz can’t be bothered. His legs are too long.
Geiz is working out his frustrations and concerns by punching the Another Rider. A valid outlet.
Tsukuyomi, maybe don’t do this while he’s working.
Geiz is just like ‘whatever, as long as you’re attacking the Another Rider.’
Why are you saying Geiz’s name like that? He’s the one who’s been still at the shop all day, dude. 
Then Geiz just asks if Sougo learned anything from his dream. Literally there is nothing in this ending that makes me at all think Geiz was going w/ Tsukuyomi and Shiro Woz at the end. Kuro Woz can go off.
Okay, but what is that thing and WHERE DID IT COME FROM? I just assumed it was Sworz, but I guess it wasn’t? So... Who made this beetle thing? Why does it create Another Kikaider?
Sworz, the one person who never makes any effort to differentiate between he Wozes.
Sougo freaking tries to warn Heure. Yeah, Tsukuyomi, he’s obviously decided to become Puma Zi-O. Bc Puma Zi-O would totally try to save a Time Jacket.
God freaking damn it to hell! Sworz, I liked you!
Geiz is genuinely shocked at this. Like, there is literally nothing here indicating to me that he would actually follow Shiro Woz here, I’m not sure why they tried to imply that.
*continues grumbling bc I liked Sworz*
Of course, when I say ‘like’ I mean, like, in regards to liking evil characters. Not that I think he’s a good person and I want to be his friend.
After this I really don’t want to be his friend. The desire has gone into the negative.
Pretty sure Ora is going to be very slowly backing towards the door after seeing this. (also established by the next ep preview)
Something that also has occurred to me on this rewatch... What just happened here was Sworz forcing Heure to use/be used by/take what could be construed as a ‘power up’--which promptly causes him to lose control. ... Are they trying to foreshadow something here...? (I would actually love it if this were foreshadowing for what I want it to be foreshadowing for)
Oh, go off as well, Shiro Woz. Jerkface.
... I think that’s the first time he’s said that this ep.
Oh... I also just noticed Geiz looks at Tsukuyomi to see what she’s going to do...
I... Really don’t understand why they’re trying to claim Sougo’s on his own now? There was... Literally nothing to indicate that Geiz wanted to follow Shiro Woz or believed him at all? There was also nothing n this ending that seemed like it would prompt him to? So I’m just gonna say that until proven otherwise, he just decided to head back to the shop on his own to think. Maybe we can have a scene where Sougo gets back and is like ‘wait, you’re here?’ and Geiz is like ‘I’m sorry, you thought I was gonna follow that arsehole?’
Plus, like, the preview shows all three current Riders transforming together? Plus it’s talking about everyone working together. Even Ora’s getting in on the teaming together.
Which is quite sensible of her. I feel like there’s often times when a character in her position would be like ‘nah, I’m fine on my own’ or something, but Ora’s just like ‘yeah, nope. Not taking any chances.’
I know the ‘best friend’ title isn’t referring to my boys, but I can close my eyes pretend it is.
And the angst monster in my closet and I are both hoping that really was foreshadowing of what’s gonna happen w/ Geiz Revive in some way...
Also, I’m gonna make everyone look at this image again bc the visual cues in it are so important to me okay?
Like, yes, clearly Tsukuyomi’s still being ridiculous, but it’s set up like an ‘all sides meeting’ sort of scene and Geiz is standing next to Sougo:
Tumblr media
That’s all, folks! Digital sesame red bean paste buns for anyone who read all that.
I am so glad they had Geiz stay w/ Sougo. I know a lot of people were assuming he was of Tsukuyomi’s mind, bc... I don’t know. I guess he never outright disagreed w/ her. But he’s still treating Sougo the same? Ish? Actually, he even seemed friendlier at points? Like he’s worried about him studying and actually tried to have a serious conversation w/ him? And he seemed genuinely bothered by Tsukuyomi’s decision? And I love this? And bc I love angst, I’ll love it even more if that was foreshadowing and that’s what happens later w/ however the Revive power up works? So long as we all come out of it okay. I’m still hoping this ‘fated battle’ never actually happens, or, at least, happens differently than is actually being presented.
Okay, okay. I think everyone gets the point.
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emeraldwaves · 6 years
Title:  #pinkwall Chapter 9 Pairing:  Promptis Rating: T Word Count:  2,197 Read on Ao3 Summary: As a last hurrah before graduating college, Prompto suggests he and Noctis take a road trip to L.A during their 2 week spring break. Prompto is desperate to snap pics in front of the infamous Pink Wall of Instagram and Noctis is hoping to finally confess his feelings for his best friend. Will either of them find what they’re looking for on their impromptu cross-country road trip?
Thank you to @youaremynewdream  for betaing!
Even though he gets to sleep in, Noctis feels like absolute shit the next morning for a whole slew of reasons he really does not want to admit. He almost wishes he was one of those people who could just blackout and forget everything that happened the night before.
Instead, he trudges to the car, wallowing in his embarrassment over getting way too drunk.
"You, uh, sure you're okay to drive Noct?" Prompto says, keeping his voice down. Noctis has already yelled at him twice about keeping his voice quieter.
"Ugh... I'll be fine," he mutters. "Never let me drink alcohol again."
"Never?" Prompto asks. "Not even one or two drinks here or there?"
"Never," Noctis repeats, and flops down into the car. "In a few hours, we're going to be in California, and then we can check in to the hotel and I can die."
"Please don't die Noct, I can't drive the car back to New York without you!" Prompto gasps, climbing into the seat next to him.
"Ha-ha," Noctis mumbles.
As much as his head hurts, he realizes his heart hurts more. It feels heavy in his chest, pounding in his ears as he thinks on how stupid he was the night before. Prompto doesn't even know about it, but Noctis can't get over the fact he almost kissed him.
"Noct? You sure you're okay?" Prompto asks, looking at him with such concern.
"Yeah, Prom, I'm fine I swear. Just trying to get over this hangover."
He doesn't want to talk about it. He doesn't know what to say without straight out confessing. But maybe he should... they've only got a few more days on this road trip, and maybe it's time to consider getting things off his chest. Prompto's his best friend, there's no way he'll be weird about it... not to Noctis.
The car ride is quiet. Noctis can't imagine listening to music or really even talking right now, his head is throbbing, even after taking medicine. Guilt floods over him, knowing Prompto is probably so thrilled to almost be to California. Their destination is practically in sight, and Noctis swallows. They've come so far and the last thing he wants to do is ruin this for Prompto in any way.
"Oh man, Noct!" Prompto gasps, looking down at his phone.
"What’s wrong?" Noctis says, trying his best to keep his eyes on the road.
"Did…" he pauses, taking a deep breath. "Did you know the giant sequoia trees are in California?!"
"What?" he blinks. "That's what's wrong?"
"No... I mean... nothing is wrong, but we gotta go!" Prompto says.
"But... we're supposed to make it to L.A today!? How far away are these trees?" he asks, keeping his eyes fixated on the road. According to the GPS they've got almost three and a half hours left in the car.
"Okay... it would add an extra... I dunno... 2 hours to our drive, but it Noctis, I'm telling you... it will be so worth it! They're huge! You won't even be able to hug one."
"Prom, I know what kind of trees you're talking about," he sighs. He knows he's going to say yes. They planned on going to the walls tomorrow, so it's not as if getting to the hotel a little later will matter.
"I know you're totally hungover, and this is probably the worst time to ask you for a spontaneous change, but... I really think we gotta Noct! This whole trip is about discovering new things, taking risks, exploring the world!"
Noctis raises an eyebrow.
"Okay, the U.S isn't the world, but you know what I mean."
"Yeah..." Noctis sighs. L.A is going to be crowded and Noctis thinks his head could use some fresh air. "Alright," he says.
"I'm sorry, Noct... you're probably exhausted."
"Eh," Noctis shrugs. "I'm going to be tired either way, might as well go see some big ass trees," he smirks.
It takes a little extra time to get there, but the look on Prompto's face is so worth it when they pull into the parking lot of the large park. The trees are far up the path, but Prompto is looking at the forest with such awe, like he's never seen such grandeur in nature before.
"You're really excited about these trees," Noctis teases, stepping out of the car.
"Dude, they're gonna be so huge! We can get pictures of us in front of them, looking like tiny little ant people!" he laughs. "Gonna be fun to play with perspective."
"I guess I didn't think of that," Noctis says. "I don't have that artist brain like you do."
"Aw c'mon, Noct! Don't sell yourself so short!" Prompto laughs. "You've taken plenty of nice pictures when I've been around."
"I think I'll leave photography up to you."
The two of them head up the path, following the winding dirt and other happy families and friends visiting the site together. It's lively, and decently hot for a spring day, but Noctis supposes southern California stays warm this time of year... nothing like New York, which can stay cold until May sometimes. Noctis snorts at the thought; the cold is something he certainly does not miss.
"NOCT, LOOK!" Prompto says so loud, gesturing to the giant tree in front of them. It's toppled over, the roots sticking up high in the air. "These roots are ginormous!" He snaps a few pictures from afar, but immediately runs over.
There's a small sign next to it, explaining how it fell, due to natural causes thankfully. As cool as the roots are, Noctis thinks it's a little tragic, seeing this large, majestic tree, toppled to the ground. It's beautiful actually; the way the roots dance up towards the sky, dirt coating the bottom. It's been this way for years apparently...
"Get a picture!" Prompto says, handing his camera to Noctis. "I wanna make it look like I'm ensnared in the roots."
He poses, putting his hand in front of one gnarly looking root. He twists his leg around and makes a terrified face. Noctis can't help but laugh. He's never met someone so full of energy. In a way, this forest is perfect for Prompto, surrounded by trees that feel larger than life.
Prompto's presence can often feel that way.
Prompto really does look tiny compared to the trees though, but Noctis thinks he looks cute, posing all scared.
"Maybe we should take one together?" Prompto says.
This time, they take a selfie together, posing in front of the roots, pointing up towards them as if they're about to attack their heads.
"Scary," Noctis says. "If only it was night, it would be perfect for Halloween next year."
"Man, I know," Prompto sighs. "I guess we'll have to settle for this."
"Guess so," Noctis replies, nudging his side.
"Are you feeling any better?" Prompto asks.
"Yeah," Noctis sighs, stretching up as they continue along the path. "I think I needed some fresh air."
"Hey, Noct," Prompto mutters, his fingers tracing over the edge of his camera. "Thanks for doing this. I mean... for coming to the sequoia trees, but also for the whole trip. I know this probably isn't how you wanted to be spending your spring break, but I really appreciate you coming with me and driving us..."
Noctis flushes as he watches Prompto awkwardly fumble with his words. He's so cute when he gets so shy and genuine like this. Noctis loves seeing more vulnerable sides to Prompto.
He wonders if the blond feels guilty for making his hungover ass drive out of the way an extra two hours. Honestly, seeing Prompto like this makes it all worth it.
"Don't sweat it," Noctis says. "I wanted to come. If we hadn't done this, I probably would've spent spring break asleep on your couch while you played video games."
Prompto cackles, tossing his head back with a loud laugh. "You're not wrong."
"Yeah, this way we're getting to see the world," Noctis teases.
Snorting, Prompto is about to retort, but he jumps back the moment he sees it. A giant tree that covers the pathway. They're able to walk right under it, the roots hovering over the path. Prompto looks like he's just about to explode with excitement.
There have been a lot of big trees on the way up to this one, but this path covering tree is enormous...
Apparently they haven't even made it to the largest one.
Prompto runs immediately under the tree and starts snapping pictures of the underbelly. "Man... this tree must be ancient to be this huge. Imagine if you got to see all these years!" Prompto says.
"I dunno..." Noctis shrugs. "It might be kind of tiring to live that long."
"If you were with me, I think I'd be fine," Prompto giggles, continuing onward up the path.
Noctis stands under the tree, wondering if the roots will snap and crush his entire being. He simultaneously hates and loves when Prompto says stuff like that. He hates wondering if Prompto feels the same, but he loves hearing the words.
As they climb up the path, Prompto taking more pictures of larger trees here and there, Noctis can't stop thinking about what Cindy said, about what Ravus assumed. Did he and Prompto look like a couple? Maybe when they did silly touristy stuff like this they did?
He hates thinking he has a chance... he wants to get over this more than anything. And maybe the best way to do that is to tell him.
"Noct! Hurry! I can see the base of the large tree!" Prompto says, gesturing excitedly.
Noctis can't help but think a giant burden would be lifted if he could just come out and say it.
"W-Wow!" Prompto breathes, lowering his camera as he looks up at the large tree. "I can't believe this is it. It looks... like a monster... like I could fit 20 regular trees in there!"
They eagerly wait their turn for a chance to stand in front of the tree.
"Okay Noct!" Prompto calls out. "Back up as far as you can so it looks like I'm super tiny against this huge tree.
"No matter where I stand you're gonna look tiny," Noctis mutters, but he does as Prompto says, snapping a few pictures. Prompto adjusts, standing directly in front of it, as if he's doing a direct comparison of how tall he is compared to the tree which doesn't even fit in the whole shot.
"You look good!" Noctis calls out. He always looks good, but his face is filled with such joy over this simple tree, Noctis can't even begin to describe the feelings wishing to burst out of his mouth.
"Noct, you come here!" Prompto calls out. He takes his camera back, grabbing a stranger to get a picture of them. First, they take a normal one, standing in front of the tree. But then, Prompto hugs one side of the tree and Noctis hugs the other, as if they're trying to reach for each other.
Noctis can't see Prompto from this side, the tree is far too huge, and he hates it. He hates the idea of hugging Prompto with something so large blocking them in between. He wants to reach for Prompto and grab him, and hold him as tight as he can. He never wants to let him go. He hates trying to do the impossible, hoping eventually he'll reach him.
He doesn't like being blocked... especially when it's himself doing said blocking.
He can't keep doing this to himself. Tree or no tree, Noctis has to try.
Prompto pulls away and takes his camera back, flipping through the photos. "Man, these look great... though you look a little grouchy in this one Noct," he teases.
Noctis shrugs because he knows he probably was... kind of still is. He's ready to get to L.A.
"Should we... head back to the car?" Noctis suggest.
Dramatically, Prompto leans against the tree. "I'll miss this old timer!" he says.
Noctis shakes his head and gently pats the tree. "Thanks bud," he mutters. This damn tree helped him make up his mind.
"Did you just thank it?" Prompto asks, tilting his head.
"Yeah... you know... for giving us good pictures," Noctis shrugs trying to play it casual as they had back to the car.
"Yeah I really got some great ones!"
They admire the trees back down on the way car, and Noctis feels a wave of exhaustion run over him. He's got a lot to think about... a lot to plan. He can't wait to be in their L.A hotel, comfortable on his bed.
At the car, Prompto stands next to it, waiting for Noctis to unlock it. "So..." Prompto says, hovering his hand over the door handle of the car. "Should we finally get to L.A?"
Noctis nods, unlocking the door to get into the car for their last stretch of drive. "Yeah."
Noctis has finally decided; when they get to the Pink Wall... he's going to tell Prompto.
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bxcketbarnes · 6 years
Strange Occurrences | Part Two
Pairing: Steve Harrington x Reader
Author: @ninja-stiles
Words: 4304
Author’s Note: Hello hello, again. I’m going to be completely honest here. This part is lonnnnnng, but cute? I think it’s so adorable cute and Steve is a big ole cutie, so yeah. :) I hope you guys enjoy it and as always, my ask box is open for requests! Tagging @honeymoonmuke because she told me too when I posted this xD
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I sat on my bed after getting dropped off, my mind preoccupied with the strange events that happened tonight and Steve. I’ve heard that he was an asshole and then he changed when he dropped his “friends”, Tommy and Carol. I grabbed my school bag, taking my sketchbook out and a pencil, beginning to mindlessly draw.
I bite my lip when I realized I was drawing Steve, blushing a bit, glad that no one could see me because that’d be embarrassing. Haven’t even known him for that long and you’re already falling for him? Who am I? After finishing the quick sketch, looking at it, smiling to myself. I placed the book on the desk next to my bed before sliding under the covers, switching off the lamp as I try to get some sleep.
Rapid knocking on my door jolted me from my sleep, sitting up quickly as I squinted. Sunlight shone into my room, running my fingers through my hair as I got out of bed, cracking my door open, seeing my sister standing on the other side of it. “What is it?” I asked groggily, rubbing my left eye.
“There’s a boy outside asking for you,” Audrey smirked, wiggling her eyebrows as my eyes widened, closing the door quickly before running to the other side of my room. I whipped open the curtains, seeing Steve standing outside the front door, standing with his hands stuffed in his pockets, something I’ve noticed quite often.
I opened my window, “Steve?” I called out and he looked up, giving me a small wave and smile upon seeing me. I glanced at the clock on my nightstand, seeing it was almost noon. I looked back out the window, jumping slightly as Steve climbed up to my window. “Oh, hi… I-I apologize. I didn’t realize I slept so late.”
“It’s okay. I just got here. I kind of woke up late as well. Dustin will understand, I’m sure.” He chuckled, leaning against the window frame.
“Let me, uh, get dressed real quick and I’ll meet you out front,” I told him and he nodded, jumping down. I leaned out the window, seeing him dust himself off as I let out a sigh of relief. He’s crazy.
I opened my closet, pulling out a maroon sweater and a grey tank top, placing them on my bed before grabbing a pair of light denim jeans from my dresser. I quickly got dressed, slipping on a pair of white socks, going into my ensuite, brushing my teeth and such. I tied my tennis shoes before heading out the door, telling my parents I was going to a friends house.
Steve and I walked to his car, driving towards Dustin’s house, my hands clasped together in my lap as music softly plays in the background. “Did you sleep well… knowing all this information?” Steve asked me, glancing over at me for a split second before returning his gaze back to the road.
“Uh, not really hence why I woke up late.” I chuckled, tucking a strand of hair behind my ear. “I ended up drawing for a couple hours before finally getting to sleep.” I smiled, recalling the fact that I ended up drawing him.
“You draw?” He asked, tapping his fingers on the steering wheel.
“Yeah, it’s a hobby of mine. I usually end up drawing if I’m bored or can’t sleep.” I glanced out the window as we pulled into Dustin’s driveway, seeing the excited young boy run towards the car, quickly getting in the BMW.
“Finally you guys are here. Did you guys like end up losing track of time while making out or something?” He asked and both Steve and I glanced back at the curly haired boy, our eyes widened.
“W-We didn’t… What? No. Where the hell did you get that idea?” I asked, my cheeks flushed a bit.
“Yeah, we both woke up late… in our own houses.” Steve corrected, glancing at me as my eyes were on the middle console of the vehicle.
“Sure. I’ll believe that.” Dustin laughed as Steve started the car, rolling his eyes. I sat forward, keeping my eyes on the road as I tried to get my body heat to drop. Me making out with Steve? Like that'll ever happen.
Steve parked the car on the side of the road where the train tracks begin, the three of us getting out heading towards the back of the car.
Dustin’s friend Lucas, I think, finally got back to him, the two of them talking over the walkie-talkie as Steve took a book bag out of the trunk, his trusty bat poking out of it as he placed it on his back.
“Just meet, Steve, Y/N, and I at the old junkyard,” Dustin mentioned as Steve handed me a pair of gloves.
“Steve? As in Steve Harrington?” Lucas’ voice came through the walkie and I chuckled, shaking my head as I grabbed the gloves out of Steve’s hands, our fingers brushing against one another’s.
I glanced up at him, giving him a small smile as I slipped them onto my hands, as I grabbed one of the buckets filled with cut meat.
“Alright, let's go,” Steve mentioned, the three of us heading down the track, the two boys walking in front of me.
I dropped a piece of meat every ten feet, admiring the woods around me, hearing Dustin and Steve talking in front of me.
“Alright, so let me get this straight. You kept something you knew was probably dangerous in order to impress a girl… who you just met?” Steve asked, confused as he threw another piece of meat on the ground.
“Alright, that’s grossly oversimplifying things,” Dustin stated, throwing down a slab of raw beef.
“I mean, why would a girl like some nasty slug anyway?” Steve asked another question. I walked a bit faster, catching up to Steve as he walked a bit behind Dustin.
“Maybe she’s into it.” I joked, tossing down raw food.
“See! She gets it. An interdenominational slug is awesome, dude.” Dustin glanced back at us, a huge grin on his face as I smile at the young child.
“Well, even if she thought it was cool, which she didn’t, I… I just… I don’t know. I feel like you’re trying way too hard.” Steve cleared up, tossing meat behind his shoulder before glancing down at me. “Don’t you think?” He asked for an opinion.
“I mean, I don’t know. It's kind of sweet I guess? If I was into interdenominational slugs I’d be down for it.” I divulged and Dustin turned around to give me a high five. I laughed, clapping our hands together as Steve scoffs.
“Well everyone can’t have your perfect hair, Steve,” Dustin said after he turned around. I glanced up at Steve’s hair, tempted to run my fingers through it, but decide against it since I’m wearing meat covered gloves and it would be weird…
“It’s not about the hair, man. The key with girls is just acting like you don’t care.” Steve disclosed and I frowned, throwing meat on the tracks. That’s not it at all.
“Even if you do?” Dustin asked, glancing at my saddened expression and Steve just nodded his head.
“Yeah, exactly. It drives them nuts.”
“Or it gives off the vibe that you don’t feel the same way and they try to move on and end up with someone, so how far does that really get you?” I explained, rubbing my nose with the inside of my arm.
Steve’s mouth opened and closed, looking befuddled. “Uhm, okay, good point.” He muttered, narrowing his eyebrows.
“So, if you act like you don’t care, then what?” The young child asked, glancing back at us.
“You just wait till, uh, you feel it.” Steve hit Dustin’s shoulder lightly with the back of his hand.
“Feel what?” Dustin and I both asked as I’ve become intrigued by his logic of girls.
Steve threw down a couple more pieces of meat before answering our question. “It’s like before it’s gonna storm, you know?” He paused, glancing at the ground. “You can’t see it, but you can feel it, like this, uh… electricity.”
“Oh like in the electromagnetic field when the clouds in the atmosphere-,” Dustin begins to get all sciencey when Steve cuts him off.
“No, no, no, no, no. Like a… like a sexual electricity.” He clarified and I rolled my eyes, thrusting meat to the ground, glancing between the two of them as they bonded, if you could call this that. “You feel that and then you make your move.”
“So that’s when you kiss her?” Dustin asked and my eyes widened, muttering an “oh Jesus,” as Steve reaches his hand out.
“No, whoa, whoa. Slow down, Romeo.” Steve laughed, glancing over towards me since I’ve been quiet this entire time, basically. Dustin apologized quietly as Steve continued his thought. “Sure, okay, some girls, yeah. They want you to be aggressive. You know, strong, hot and heavy, like a lion.”
I pressed my lips into a thin line, trying not to laugh as I shook my head. Girls are fucking crazy. What’s wrong with us? “Is that how you are, Y/N? You like it hot and heavy?” Dustin asked me and I blushed a bit, not expecting this kind of question.
“Uh…” I trailed off, pretending to think about it as I felt Steve’s eyes staring at the side of my face before shaking my head. “N-No, I like it slow.” I muttered, embarrassed a bit since I haven’t had a “real” boyfriend. The one I had in elementary school doesn’t really count apparently.
“See, that’s another one! Slow and stealthy like a ninja.” Steve mentioned and I nodded in agreement.
“So, what’s Nancy?” Dustin asked and I looked up at Steve, seeing his face drop slightly. I frowned, realizing that they might not even be together anymore as he answered.
“Nancy’s different. She’s different than the other girls. Kinda like Y/N.” My lips parted slightly as I stopped for a moment, the two continuing as I threw a piece of meat, continuing forward as my mind tuned out the conversation, thinking about what Steve had said. I’m… different? He thinks I’m different?
I was so entrapped in my thoughts that I hadn’t noticed them stopped, running into Steve’s back, putting up my hands to stop myself when I prick a couple fingers on some of the nails on his bat. “Ouch,” I muttered, taking the glove off and glancing down at my finger to see it bleeding a bit, but not too badly. “Sorry…”
“Jesus, are you okay?” Steve asked, taking my hand in his after sliding one of his gloves off and he ran a finger over the wound. I nodded my head, feeling my heartbeat pound against my ribcage. “Gotta be careful. Don’t get too lost in that pretty head of yours.” He laughed as the three of us continued walking again.
My cheeks flushed, feeling the warmth of them as I swallowed thickly. “Okay,” I whispered, sliding the glove back on.
We reached our destination of the Hawkins junkyard, Steve sliding his glasses off as he looked around. “Oh yeah, yeah, this will do.”
He walked towards the bus as Dustin and I stayed behind a bit. “So, do you like Steve?” The young boy asked me and I groaned.
“No, Henderson, I don’t,” I muttered lying to him and myself as I walked after Steve. I laid a few more pieces of meat down as we got towards the middle, the three of us dumping the rest into a pile.
“I said medium-well.” A young voice called out and the three of us looked up, seeing what I assume to be Lucas and another teenage girl with him as they walked towards us after waving.
“Who the hell is that?” Steve and I asked at the same time, glancing towards each other for a few seconds before I look back at the two kids.
Steve, the random girl, and I began getting to work as Dustin and Lucas chatted behind an old vehicle.
“Steve, can you help me with this?” I called out, not being able to move this giant metal object that’s blocking what we needed.
“Yeah.” He answered, jogging over to me as I stood to the side, watching and slightly admiring him as he moved the thing with ease. Steve placed it down next to a washer machine, turning to face me as he wiped his hands off. “Impressed?” He grinned, using his charm as I chuckled, shrugging my shoulders playfully.
“Maybe, I don’t know. I’ll have to keep an eye out for when you do more impressive things.” I grinned, taking the metal roofing and bringing it to the bus, laying it on the outside. I went back over towards Steve, crouching down to grab a few more metal slabs as he looked around.
“Where the hell are the other two?” He asked and I pointed towards the old rusted vehicle. Steve scoffed, heading towards the two youngins, smacking a metal folding chair against the car. “Hey, dickheads! How come the only one helping me is Y/N and this random girl?” He asked and I laughed, shaking my head as I brought the metal to the bus, letting out a huff of breath, resting my hands on my hips, watching their interaction. “We lose light in like forty minutes. Let’s go.” He muttered beginning to walk off, continuing to yell, “let’s go, I said!”
The two kids yelled at him, following as we begin to place the metal onto the bus, creating a bunker for when the night comes, setting our trap. Steve took the gas can, pouring a trail of gasoline from the pile of meat to the doors of the bus. The random girl, Max, taking the ladder into the bus, shoving it through the emergency exit that’s on the roof of the bus.
As dusk came around, the five of us got into the bus, Steve closing the doors behind us as I sat down on the ground, playing with my fingers. Steve sat down next to me as we sat in silence, watching the sun continue to set, darkness settling over.
The charming older teenager began playing with the lighter, Dustin pacing around in front of us as Max speaks up. “So you really fought one of these things before?” Steve nodded his head, his other hand brushing mine lightly, my cheeks flushing. “And you’re, like, totally, one hundred percent sure it wasn’t a bear?” Max asked, her arms crossed over her chest.
“Shit. Don’t be an idiot. Okay? It wasn’t a bear. Why are you even here if you don’t believe us?” Dustin asked, quite rudely, as I frowned and her eyes went wide. “Just go home.” He muttered, walking towards the end of the bus.
“Geesh. Someone’s cranky. Past your bedtime?” She asked, getting up before heading up the ladder to sit on the roof with Lucas, who’s keeping a lookout.
“That’s good. Just show her you don’t care.” Steve mentioned and I frowned, even more, looking towards the young boy.
“I don’t,” Dustin admitted, looking down at us as Steve winked at him, a small laugh escaping my lips. “Why are you winking, Steve? Stop.” He mumbled, sitting down on one of the old tattered seats.
I sighed, pushing myself off the floor as I stepped towards Dustin, sitting in the empty spot next to him, laying a hand on his back. “You okay?” I whispered, leaning my head down a bit.
“Yeah, I’m fine. Why wouldn’t I be?” He asked me and I gave him a small smile.
“Because I saw the way you looked when she showed up with Lucas. Listen, I don’t know much about relationships. I mean, I haven’t had a boyfriend before, only in elementary school, but apparently, it doesn’t count.” I mumbled, clasping my hands together as he looked towards me. “Girls like it when you show them that you care. I know Steve’s had much more experience and some girls probably eat that “don’t care” shit up, but I think Max is the type of girl who likes a guy who cares.”
“It doesn’t matter anymore. I’m pretty sure she likes Lucas, but thanks for the advice.” He smiled and I wrapped my arms around his shoulders, giving him a tight hug.
“You’re alright, Dustin.” I grinned, rubbing his back. His arms wrapped around my torso as my eyes glanced towards Steve, his already on me.
“You too, Y/N.”
After talking to Dustin I walked back over to Steve, sitting down next to him as he kept his eyes on me. I glanced up at him, rubbing my hands together as it was getting a little cold on the bus.
“You’re really good with kids.” He mumbled, running a hand through his hair. I shrugged my shoulders, leaning my head against his shoulder.
“I have a younger sister. Plus it’s weird to see him so down when he’s been giddy the past couple days I’ve known.” I muttered, feeling the warmth radiate from his shoulder. Steve wrapped an arm around my shoulder, pulling me a bit closer.
A loud screech or growl echoed throughout the area, making me jump as I gripped Steve’s arm, all three of us getting up to look out the gated window.
“You see him?” Dustin asked and Steve shook his head.
“Lucas? What’s going on?” Dustin yelled, looking up the ole in the roof for a second before looking back out the window. My heartbeat picked up rapidly, my hands becoming sweaty as my breathing quickened.
“Hold on,” Lucas called out as we looked around the foggy junkyard. “I’ve got eyes! Ten o’clock! Ten o’clock!”
I squinted, seeing a small figure that’s on all fours and I backed up a bit, hitting the ladder behind me. “Holy shit...” I muttered, resting a hand on my forehead.
“What’s he doing?” Dustin asked.
“I don’t know,” Steve answered as they continued to stare out the window. “It’s not taking the bait. Why isn’t it taking the bait?” He asked the youngin.
“Maybe he’s not hungry.”
“Maybe he’s sick of cow,” Steve muttered, stepping back as he looked like he just got an idea. He began walking towards the front of the bus as I stepped up.
“Steve? Steve, wait, no.” I called out, placing my hand on his arm as he stopped, turning around to face me. “Please don’t do this.”
“It’ll be okay. Just get ready.” He tossed the lighter to Dustin, stepping down towards the door as he glanced back at me, nodding for me to open it. I shook my head, getting a little teary-eyed as he walked towards me. “Hey… I’ll be fine. We need to lure it in somehow.” Steve whispered, one of his hands softly rubbing my arm.
“Just… come back, okay?” I breathed my hands on his torso. He smiled, nodding his head slowly and before he could turn away, I pressed my lips against his in a short kiss, pulling away after a couple of seconds.
Steve’s lips parted, looking down at me in surprise as I tucking a piece of hair behind my ear. “I’ll definitely come back alive if I can kiss you again.” He mumbled.
I giggled, fumbling with his denim jacket as I nodded my head. “You can kiss me after you come back safely.” I opened the door to the bus as Steve grinned, stepping out into the open as he swung his bat around.
I closed the door, heading over to stand next to Dustin as Max came down the ladder. I could hear Steve mutter to himself, walking closer to the pile of meat.
“What’s he doing?” Max asked.
“Expanding the menu,” Dustin responded and I frowned, nibbling on my bottom lip.
The demodog began to get into sight, Steve eyeing it carefully. “Steve! Watch out!” Lucas yelled from up top and my heart stopped. “Three o’clock! Three o’clock!”
I looked towards the direction three o’clock would be in, seeing a few more demodogs jumping onto some old vehicles. “Oh no…” I muttered, the color draining from my face as he spun in a circle noticing more of them around him. I ran towards the front of the bus, opening the door. “Steve! Come back! Come on!” I yelled desperately.
One of the demons darted towards him as he swiftly moved out of the way, rolling across a rusted hood. Another leaped towards him, which Steve swung the nailed bat in its strange face before making his way back towards the bus. The kids were encouraging him on as he dived in and I closed the door. Steve’s arm laid against my legs, placing a piece of metal slab against the door before pressing his foot against it.
I couldn’t concentrate on anything anyone was saying as my breathing became heavier, on the verge of a panic attack. The bus began to shake as I held on to the seat tightly. “S-Steve…” I muttered, my heart beating against my chest.
“It’s okay. Just breathe, alright? I’ll keep you safe, I promise.” He muttered, grabbing my hand as we stood away from the door. I froze when I heard loud footsteps stomping on the roof, looking up through the opening seeing the demodog. I let out a scream as it opened its mouth, Steve pushing me out of the way. “Get out of the way, Y/N! You want some? Come get this!” He yelled at it and it screeched down at us before his attention was brought somewhere else, taking off in the direction of the woods.
I furrowed my eyebrows together in confusion, my hand gripping Steve’s jacket as I let out a sigh of relief. The five of us quietly made our way out of the bus, seeing one last demodog running off in the distance.
“What happened?” Lucas asked, glancing around. I stepped off the bus, leaning my hands against my knees, taking deep breaths.
“Steve scared them off?” Dustin questioned, not sure what happened either as I ran my fingers through my hair.
“No,” Steve muttered, turning around, bat resting on his shoulder. “They’re going somewhere. Alright, let’s get back to my car. You three,” he points towards Lucas and Max, “follow where they’re going. I’m going to drop Y/N off home since she’s seen quite enough.”
I hugged myself, feeling Steve’s hand resting on my lower back as we dispersed. We walked quickly back to his car, taking about ten minutes. The two of us got into his car, driving back towards my house as I couldn’t stop my hands from shaking.
Steve reached over, grabbing my hand, intertwining our fingers as his thumb rubbed the back of my hand. “It’s gonna be okay. We’re going to end this.” He told me, glancing over at me for a few seconds.
He pulled into my driveway, turning towards me as I stared forward, my mind racing with the events of tonight. “I don’t know how you guys… those kids can handle this.” I muttered, rubbing my hands on my face, looking over at the charming man in the driver's seat.
“I know. I don’t know how they do it either, but they’re strong kids.” Steve told me.
“They are…” I trailed off, leaning my head against the headrest. “Has anyone told you that you have incredible hair?” I asked, smiling softly as he chuckled, nodding his head.
“Actually, yes.” Steve grinned, running his fingers through his lovely hair. I bit my bottom lip, reaching my hand over running my own fingers through his hair. Holy shit it’s soft. “Having fun?” He asked, laughing a bit as I nodded.
“It’s really soft.” I giggled, looking into his eyes before he leans down, pressing his lips against mine. I laid my other hand on his cheek, moving my lips against his as I wrapped the other around his neck, playing with the tiny hairs.
Steve pulled away from me, resting his forehead against mine as our breath hits each other’s lips, his fingers softly tracing my cheekbone. “Can I call you tomorrow?” He asked me, and I nodded my head, smiling softly.
“Yeah, definitely.” I got out of the car, leaning against the window as he opened it, smiling at me. “Goodnight, Steve.”
“If you have trouble sleeping tonight, don’t be afraid to call me,” Steve smirked and I glanced around, licking my lips slightly.
“I mean… you could just stay over, so I don’t have to call you. My parents are out with some friends and my sister is most likely asleep. You won’t have to climb up to my window.” I mentioned and he turned his car off, getting out, locking the doors before we head to my house.
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fandomfriend33 · 3 years
I Wouldn’t Have Nothing If I Didn’t Have You- Chapter 1: Inciting Incident
SUMMARY: Peter meets Gwen Stacy, and she tips the meticulous balance he has between the different sections of his life. Chaos ensues. But the chaos might just be worth it.
WARNINGS: Cursing (idk about this chapter specifically)
RELATIONSHIPS: Eventual Peter Parker x Gwen Stacy
Some housekeeping things:
-The Avengers do not know that Peter is Spider-Man
-Peter's friends (minus Gwen Stacy) DO know he is Spider-Man
-Both of these things are bound to change
Masterlist (I’m just starting, so it isn’t made yet. I also don’t have a taglist yet but let me know if you would like to be on one.)
“Peter Parker.”
“Here,” Peter responded without looking up, his focus almost entirely on the history homework in front of him.
Now, if you asked Peter, he would tell you that it was pointless to have a history class at a science school. But no one had asked for his opinion on the matter. So here he was.
Peter was actually in Mr. Harrington’s science class at the moment, and he would’ve rather been listening to the man boringly rattle off the rest of the names for attendance. However, more homework meant less patrolling.
And less patrolling meant more crime.
And more crime meant more lives at stake.
And if the only way Peter could motivate himself to do History work was to tell himself that lives depended on it? Well, whatever worked.
“Psst… Peter.” Ned poked Peter in the arm, quickly stopping Peter from overanalyzing his homework status.
“MJ said she’s bringing the new girl to our lunch table. Apparently they’re friends now or something.”
Peter stared at the paper in front of him, attempting to comprehend both the paper and Ned’s words at once. Needless to say, he didn’t do a very good job of either. 
“What?” Peter finally looked up and made eye contact with his best friend. “New girl?”
Ned waved his hands around in a little gesture to emphasize the words, “Yeah, the girl in our math class.”
“Ned, I wasn’t in math today.”
“Oh yeah!” Ned said a bit too loudly for Peter’s liking. “That car chase on fourth street, right? I saw a video on YouTube. Dude, that flip over the stoplight was so wicked, and then you-“
“Ned!” Peter said through clenched teeth. “I overslept, remember?”
“Oh! Right, overslept,” Ned echoed, adding in a wink for reassurance. 
Peter sighed at his friends' antics before smiling softly. “…the flip looked cool?”
“So cool!”
“Parker, Leeds.” Mr Harrington set down his laser pointer as he called out the pair. “I assume you're having a very exhilarating conversation about the different nitrogen bases found in the nucleotides of DNA, correct?”
There was scattered laughter throughout the room (the loudest very obviously being Flash) as Ned nodded his head enthusiastically. “Yep, absolutely!”
“Really? Which one?”
Ned shared a quick panic filled glance with Peter before responding. “Peter, actually, was the one who brought it up.”
Thanks, Ned.
Peter laughed awkwardly. “Oh yeah, you know, I just think that- that they’re all so cool!” Peter stumbled out as he thought of an answer. “I mean thymine? It’s awesome, right? Totally my favorite.”
There was a moment of silence as the room digested Peter’s answer. He could practically feel his face turning the shade of his Spider-Man mask. 
Eventually, Mr. Harrington raised an eyebrow. “Can a person even have a favorite-“
“I completely agree.”
The entire room, Peter and Ned included, turned their attention to the back of the room where the voice originated.
Peter was surprised to find a girl he didn’t recognize. Her blonde hair was held back by a black headband, matching her black turtleneck perfectly. However, what really stuck out to Peter was the bright green jacket around her shoulders. Compared to the rest of the students in the class wearing various shades of blue, black, and gray, she stuck out quite a bit.
Not in a bad way, he added. More like a rose in a field of dandelions. No, that’s dumb. Roses grow in bushes. Oh, whatever.
“There’s a reason thymine replaces uracil as RNA converts to DNA,” she continued, undeterred by the stares of her classmates. “Thymine is much more resistant to genetic mutations which makes the entire DNA strand stronger in the long run.”
Peter was stunned at her explanation. It actually made a lot of sense, so Peter continued it as if that’s what he had been thinking the whole time.
“Yeah, exactly! Uracil is designed to be more resistant to oxidation which only occurs outside of the nucleus anyway.” Peter turned back towards Mr. Harrington as he talked. “Our cells being able to notice that and make our DNA stronger in more useful ways by using thymine instead is just really cool.”
Mr. Harrington opened his mouth to respond, but appeared to find no words and closed it again.
In the teacher’s momentary lapse, Peter turned his head back to the girl and caught her eye. He mouthed a grateful ‘Thank you.’ She gave Peter a small smirk, prompting Peter to turn back around.
By then, Mr. Harrington seemed to register what had just happened and finally managed to create a response. “Well, uh, very good. Please just- just save the conversation for another time, alright? Ms. Stacy, I would like to speak with you after class. Anyway-“
The poor teacher jumped back into his lesson, allowing Peter and Ned to share relieved glances with each other.
Peter tried to focus on said lesson, or even back on his incomplete history homework, but his mind kept drifting back to the girl and her explanation.
Despite being an advanced level biology class, this was still a fairly basic level of knowledge (at least to Peter’s standard). It wasn’t common for someone to know as much about DNA as Peter. Having literally had his DNA altered by a radioactive spider, could you really blame him for taking an interest in the subject? Of course, physics would always be number one for Peter, but still.
Who was this girl?
As if on cue, like Ned often seems to be, Peter’s question was answered as the boy whispered, “That’s the new girl.”
“What’s her name?”
Ned shrugged in response before turning towards the board once more. 
Peter chewed on the end of his pen as he mulled over the last five minutes of his life, history homework long forgotten. 
Gwens POV
“Gwendolyn Stacy,” Mr. Harrington greeted as she approached his desk.
She smiled. “Gwen is alright, Mr. Harrington.”
“Gwen it is.”
“I’d like to apologize for earlier,” Gwen started. “I know I spoke out of turn-“
“Apologies won’t be necessary, Gwen.” Mr. Harrington offered a warm smile. “I actually wanted to offer you an opportunity.”
Gwen raised her eyebrows in surprise. “Opportunity?”
“Yeah. Your explanation earlier reached a very high level of intelligence, much higher than we have gotten to at this point in the school year. I was impressed.”
“Oh,” Gwen answered sheepishly. “Thanks.”
“I knew students here liked science, but I never expected them to be thinking about the pros of DNA structures outside of class,” Mr. Harrington explained happily.
Gwen almost laughed at that, but she managed to keep a straight face as she nodded seriously. She didn’t want to crush his happiness on her first day of school. If he wanted to be that optimistic about his students, so be it. “Yep! One of my favorite pastimes.” 
“I know, right?” Mr. Harrington turned around and reached into his desk, pulling out a stack of papers. “Anyway, are you aware of our academic decathlon team?”
Gwen shook her head slowly.
“Long story short, it’s like a science competition, but with every subject. Does that make sense?”
Gwen raised an eyebrow. “Sorta?”
“Awesome! Here’s a packet with more information.” He handed her the papers as he continued. “If you have time, we’re having a little meet after school that you’re free to go to, just to watch.”
“Oh, uh, cool?” Gwen stared at the packet in her hands. Mr. Harrington had somehow managed to give too much information and barely any at all at the exact same time. It was almost impressive.
He stared at her for a moment before speaking again. “You seem confused. Are you confused?” He didn’t wait for an answer. “That was confusing, wasn’t it? Here, follow me.”
Mr. Harrington led her out into the hallway. “Peter! Could you come here for a sec?” He asked loudly over the sea of kids.
A boy about halfway down the hallway turned around with a bewildered look on his face.
Hold on, Gwen thought, That’s Thymine boy!
As the boy, Peter, approached, Gwen couldn’t help but make out some details about him that she hadn’t before. Back in the classroom, she had time to appreciate his slightly wavy hair that curled at the ends. But by the disgruntled way he brushed the hair out of his face a total of three times as he walked the hallway, she could tell he didn’t care for it nearly as much as she did. His shirt said something about atoms, but Gwen couldn’t read it around the blue flannel he wore.
She didn’t really have time to analyze much else, Peter being surprisingly good at slipping through the hallway in minimal time. She’d have to ask how he did that.
Mr. Harrington spoke up before Peter had the chance to. “Gwen, I assume you know Peter. I think Ms. Warren mentioned you were both in her first hour for Math?”
Gwen squinted her eyes as she looked between Peter and the teacher. “Actually, I didn’t-”
“Yep!” Peter responded quickly, cutting her off. “Yeah, this morning.” Peter side eyed her quickly, a visible plea of please don’t rat me out.
For the second time that day, for reasons unknown, Gwen found herself covering for Peter. “This morning,” she repeated slowly.
Mr. Harrington looked between the two of them, somewhat aware that he had missed something, but he didn’t go into it. “I was just mentioning to Gwen that she should check out our Academic Decathlon team. We have an open spot, with Liz moving and all.”
Had Gwen not already been watching Peter with suspicion, she might’ve missed the small wince he gave at Mr. Harrington’s words, one that was easily covered up with a smile. Every moment she spent staring at Peter added another level of mystery to whoever he was.
She pulled her eyes away from Peter and back towards Mr. Harrington, who was still talking obliviously. “Would you mind explaining it to her a bit more at lunch or something? I wouldn’t want to make you two late for your next classes. I’m sure the information would also be more useful coming from another student.”
Peter nodded before responding. “I- yeah, uh, I can do that. No problem.”
The teacher clapped his hands together once and smiled brightly. “Perfect! Now go be smart elsewhere. I’ll hopefully see you both after school.” And with that, Mr. Harrington strode back into his classroom, leaving both Peter and Gwen in awkward silence. At least it felt that way, despite the other groups of students chattering just a few feet away.
This would be a fun conversation.
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sserpente · 7 years
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A/N: Request from anon. Loki, our little devil. ♥
26th October: Villains. 👹 | feat. Loki
Words: 1005 Warnings: implied smut
You had asked him to dress up. In fact, you were the only one who had asked him to join the party tonight. When Stark invited Thor and the rest of the Avengers as well as a couple of his other friends including you, he had, of course, “accidentally” forgotten to invite Loki as well. For all he cared, the God of Mischief could mould in his room until the party was over but you were not having that.
Against all reason, you liked the mischievous Trickster, voluntarily spending time with him and teaming up with him when it came to research. At first, he had made sure to make your day a living hell but soon after already, he had realised you were actually into him, which was exactly the reason why he had accepted the invitation to the party—he was going to be there as your company.
Naturally, Tony had insisted on costumes. A Halloween party could not work without costumes, he had said so when you told Loki he would have to dress up as something scary, he had only looked at you in pure confusion at first.
“You want me to dress up?”
“Yes. I’ll be wearing a costume too. You know illusions and magic, I’m sure you can think of something that will scare the shit out of everyone.” You encouraged him, winking as you applied your make-up. Still rather suspicious, Loki nodded before a scornful smirk appeared on his lips. He had an idea then.
… And the idea was brilliant. Tony always called him a devil behind his back and of course, Loki was very well aware of that. So, tonight, he had decided to make truth of the Christian villain figure. Only he didn’t apply make-up like you did. Loki grew actual horns, claws and a pointy tail, along with a split tongue.
It was just magic, he had told you, and the effects would wear off tomorrow but still, you were a little concerned, even if at the same time, he looked incredibly hot.
“So you’re an angel tonight, huh?” Clint asked with a beer in his hand. You nodded with a smile, giving the halo on your head a little tuck. “I assume Loki is a devil… damn, gotta admit, that’s a great costume, dude.”
He still held a grudge against Loki, of course. They all did, in a way, but the fact they were all a little tipsy already helped easing the tension a little, otherwise the archer would probably have strangled him on the spot.
The God of Mischief frowned. Apparently, this wasn’t the reaction he had hoped for. The horns were real, growing out of his forehead and staining his skin with real blood and Clint was saying it was a great costume?!
“Primitive mortal,” he mumbled, putting an arm around you as you walked further into the room. You had to hold back your giggle, especially when Steve showed the exact same reaction.
“Looks real,” he said, nodding.
Loki growled, sticking out his split tongue. “That’s because it is.”
“Sure thing…” With that, and his eyes rolling, the soldier walked away.
The God of Mischief almost threw a tantrum. Was he not intimidating enough? Had he lost his punch? This was impossible. He was a bloody devil tonight, people ought to fear him! Now instead, they complimented him on his “awesome costume”.
You bit your lower lip, patting his back rather hesitatingly to not upset him any further.
“If it’s any consolation, I think you like scary as heck and I hope you won’t kidnap me and bring me to hell overnight.”
“You do not count, my dear, you know I will not hurt you.”
His words warmed your heart.
“And I appreciate that a lot. But then maybe tonight we can pretend.”
Loki chuckled. You loved making him laugh like that. He didn’t do it too often, at least not in a sincere and honest way.
“So… you scare me and then I run and you hunt me down?” You suggested, looking up at him innocently. Instantly, you were met with a sneaky smirk.
“And what happens then?”
“That depends on whether you catch me or not.”
“Is that a challenge?” He teased, his smirk growing even wider. “Run.” He said then, a lustful sparkling in his blue eyes.
So you did. You legged it all the while bursting out in laughter, storming away from the party. You would make sure he caught you but you also knew that he would do so either way. He was a devil, after all.
Your escape, naturally, lasted for only half a minute. Right after, Loki suddenly appeared right in front of you, making you crush straight into his arms. His hands clung onto you like they were made of steel when he lifted you up, carrying you to his bedroom in a possessive and almost brutal manner.
Biting your lower lip, your eyes widened at his rather seductive words. “Got you, little mortal.”
“No! No, please, don’t!” You screamed, forcing yourself not to giggle. “Please don’t kill me!”
“Oh, I will do much more to you than just kill you, little mortal.”
W-what? Oh my… this was turning into some kinky role play, both you and him noticed at the very same moment. Loki decided to act on it, making your lower regions clench in joyful anticipation. Who would have thought you could be more than just friends?
Well, technically, you could have, for he was outrageously attractive but Loki… liking… you? In a romantic way? This was insane!
“It has been a while since I have bedded a mortal woman… I make you an offer. If you sleep with me tonight, I shall spare your life.” He purred, gently biting your neck before sliding his split tongue up and down your sensitive skin.
“Will you be gentle with me?” You whispered submissively. Loki breathed in sharply.
The door fell shut. Game on.
“I cannot make you any promises, little mortal.”
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