#his tail is twitching constantly all agitated
dallaswinstone · 2 years
catboy dally. i’m right. applaud.
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josiesullysblog · 1 year
~AGED UP Neteyam x Na’vi reader
~explicit content, soft dom Neteyam, sub reader, golden retriever boyfriend x black cat girlfriend
~Summary~You hate Neteyam’s guts because you're afraid he’ll break your heart. He is a lovesick fool who refuses to give up on you.
~Note-Everything done is consensual!!!
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Neteyam was the most annoying, agitating, boy you to ever met. You didn't like him, you made that very clear to anyone who had ears. His smile was gorgeous and you just wanted to smack it off, his laugh was better than any medication Mo’at could make. He was like your shadow, constantly following you around, but one thing you couldn't deny, he was your first love.
“Good morning!” Neteyam smiled ear to ear, tail wagging, and this lovesick smile wrote all over him. You rolled your eyes, “starting so early?” he nodded. This was the game you two played, Neteyam would follow you around like a lost puppy and you’d beg him to leave you alone. He always won.
Neteyam saw past this hard shell you put on. He knew you liked him, not to have a big ego but he saw the way you looked at him. You were just afraid to admit it. This was fun to him though, “what are we doing today, pretty girl “ you scoffed, “we?”
The boy nodded, “Neteyam do you have nothing else to do?” he pretended to think, “Not really,” you sighed, “you are infuriating,” you walked ahead of him as the boy trailed right behind you. “stop acting as if my presence is the most annoying thing.” he laughed as your eyebrows twitched, he loved seeing you mad.
“I wish I was acting,” you stopped and picked up a heavy box before giving it directly to him, “might as well help if your gonna be annoying.” you had a problem with commitment. You were afraid of putting your all into a boy because what if he breaks your heart?
A boy like Neteyam had heartbreaker written all over him, you believed he only wanted you for a while then he’d get bored. You were completely wrong, no matter how many times you turned him around, he was always there.
It was like he was a puppy, waiting for his command. This pissed you off more, Neteyam tried so hard with you, even if you were a bitch, flipped him off, and completely ignored him, he still liked you. What if you did day him? There was no way you could give him the love he deserves.
As you became lost in your thoughts, Neteyam dropped the box on the floor, “[Y/n]!” he said making a goofy face. “What?” You groaned as he just giggled, “I was wondering if after dinner maybe you and I-.” You cut him off.
“Busy, next time maybe,” you said shrugging and batting your eyes. Now he knew you weren't busy, you wanted to avoid him but he wouldn't let that happen. “Are you now? I didn't know you had friends?” you gasped loudly at his words before pushing him, “I have plenty of friends, you just don't see them.”
Neteyam laughed, “Someone you know of and someone you know is two different things,” you groaned, “get away from me,” his eyes lingered on you, “what? Now your gonna say I need to take a bath?”
He shook his head, “You remind me of this thing my father showed me, a cat,” you stopped walking before hitting the back of his head, “You think i’m ugly?”
“I didn't say that!” you nodded, “you said I remind you of a cat from your father's planet! You have clearly said it to insult me!” you started walking away, hurt. Neteyam was nice this newfound attitude, was not it.
“[Y/n], listen that's not what I meant!” you kept walking quickly trying to get away, “You have helped me, there is no reason you should be following me!” As your anger became louder, Neteyam's steps started quickening.
“I meant it as a compliment, you must see these kittens they are adorable!” he tried reaching out for your hand but you suddenly tripped into a hole. “[Y/N]!” The boy immediately went in right after you.
“AHHH,” fear covered you as all you saw was black, but before you hit the floor Neteyam’s hands stabilize you, “I’ve got you,” he whispered as he felt how fast your heartbeat was going.
“We're going to be in here for a while,” Neteyam said as he looked around, pitch black beside the little light from above which was the opening of the hole, “a while? Neteyam I have to head back!” you pushed him away and began looking for a way to exit.
“There is nowhere to leave, we must wait till someone notices we are missing,” you looked at the boy as if he had two heads, “We can't do that! What if they take hours!” the boy shrugged, “I don't know,” he gave a smile before sitting down.
You looked back up, attempting to climb, “save your energy, pretty girl,” you groaned before sitting across from him. He was the last person you’d wanna be stuck with.
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You both sat in silence till you had enough, “Neteyam no one will come! We will die in here if we continue to sit here!” you stood up. “This is all your fault,” you muttered as you looked around, “my fault?” Neteyam stood up looking at you. You nodded, “How is any of this my fault? You weren't looking at where you were going.”
“That's because you were chasing me!” Neteyam laughed, “I was trying to get you to listen,” you scoffed, “maybe if you hadn't insulted me, I wouldn't have been upset!”
“You're always upset, it's like you have a stick up your ass!” you hit the boy, even though it didn't seem to hurt him. “Shut up, Neteyam.” You looked up, “I think if you helped me up I’ll be able to reach that branch and climb my way out.”
You clapped at your idea, “Yes, I can! Help me Neteyam!” you turned around making the gesture for him to grab your waist. When Neteyam just stood there you turned to look at him, “What's wrong? Are you not strong enough to help me up?” The boy smiled, “I am more than capable of picking you up, I just don't want to.”
You gasped, “You want to be stuck here, till the day we die?” he shook his head, “No, we will get out of here but it's a good way to trap you.” you backed up from the boy, “trap me?”
“Yes, you have been avoiding me,” you didn't think he’d noticed, “no, I haven't.” He nodded, “Yes, you have, and I think I know why.”
Your heart sank there was no way he knew you loved him, and wanted to spend the rest of your life with him. “So, you are not letting me leave,” he smiled, “yep.”
He went to sit down but you stopped him, “I thought we were friends,” you tried getting him to let you out, “we aren't friends, [Y/n],” your eyes widen. The man followed you everywhere, always spoke to you, and would literally move the heavens and the earth for you is saying you guys aren't even friends? Yeah, your heart is a little broken.
Even if you and Neteyam didn't have a romantic relationship, you always assumed you’d both still be friends, “we aren't?” Neteyam’s heart broke hearing your voice. Your eyes bore into him as you waited for him to continue talking.
“Because I can't be friends with the woman i’m in love with,” he came closer. “What?” your heart beat quickly, “I can't keep pretending that I think of you as just my friend, [Y/n] i’m in love with you I want to spend the rest of my life with you.” he grabbed your hand, “and I don't know why but you try and hide it that you love me too and I see right through it.”
He started backing you up against the wall, “When I look at you, I fall deeper and deeper in love with you. If you can look me in the eyes right now and tell me you don't like me, I’ll help you out of here and leave you alone.”
You kept your head down, your mind more focused on his hand movement. His hand sat nicely on your thigh, “I love you,” you whispered as you felt his hand go higher, “fuck, [Y/n],” his hand found your clit and began rubbing, “so wet, have you been hiding this?”
Your hands clung to his shoulders as he moved his fingers faster. “Who knew you were such a slut,” moans fell from your mouth. He quickened his pace, coming closer to your face, “You don't know how long I’ve wanted to see you like this,” he smiled as he watch you fight moans.
“Everyone told me to leave you alone but I knew,” as his pace quickened with his other hand he forced you to look at him, “but I knew you were just waiting for me, waiting till the day I’d be able to breed you.”
“Teyem,” you grabbed his hand trying to slow his pace, “Aw is it too much?” you nodded, “too bad, I enjoy the faces you are making a little too much.”
Sensitivity rang through your entire body as you felt yourself near, “i’m gonna,” Neteyam’s smile deepened as he watched you. You came hard, letting all your moans out. You tried catching your breath, but you felt Neteyam’s hand rubbing your entrance, “Neteyam,” was all you were able to get out before you felt his fingers dig right back into you.
Your eyes rolled to the back of your head as Neteyam kissed your neck. “Your gonna come again for me, huh?” you shook your head, “N-no, I can't,” he smiled, “Yes, you can!” he sped up as he fekts your walls contract.
“Can't wait to see you bounce on my dick,” your legs began to shake as you felt yourself nearing, ‘Mine, all mine.” You nodded, “Yours,” you came at the exact moment, slumping into Neteyam’s arms. “I meant what I said, [Y/n],” you looked at him, “you're mine, and later tonight I’ll be sure everyone knows that,” you just looked at him, “Now, let's get out of here,” you nodded as you followed the boy's direction.
Miss me? I’m so sorry for being inactive, i’ve been so tired and had no time to write but thank you guys for the love! it warms my little heart to know you all love the stories i write! Next weekend it’s you part 2 will cone out! hope you guys enjoy this story! :)
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eldritch-spouse · 10 months
Wife innocently asking Kalymir about all of his scars and touching them and fawning over him, seemingly oblivious to how hot n' bothered he's getting.
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Ah, he caught you. How can he blame you? Kalymir is quite something, physically speaking. It's hard not to notice him, not to stare at him. In such a vivid garnet coloration, it's hard not to focus on the gashes of blush rose that cross his figure, standing out like sore thumbs.
Kalymir doesn't hide them, in fact, he practically goes out of his way to display them, like they're the most beautiful part of his body. He seems to think other people's scars, whether from battle or simple "blemishes" of nature, are also attractive- It was very odd to see him constantly trace a slash across your arm from a soft training session.
Nevertheless, the King is kind of primal sometimes. In the sense that prolonged gazing agitates him severely. It's hard to tell if he enjoys it or not, but you know it definitely reads as a challenge, if the growl under his words is any indication.
" So I am. " You blink.
It's clear you caught him in the middle of some sort of scheme, he only ever stands in front of his main (massive) fireplace with his arms behind his back when he's mulling over something. Kaly's already pissed from being interrupted, better not to test him further. But then again, you did come here to make sure he isn't spacing out in his own mind, in a positive feedback loop of fury...
" How did you get that one? " Walking to stand beside your demonlord, you point to his chest, specifically the large patch that crosses it diagonally.
Kalymir snorts, turning. " OH, SO YOU JUST CAME TO MAKE GOO-GOO EYES AT ME? "
You roll your eyes, but a lazy smile still graces your face. " I asked you a question. "
Apparently, you've successfully brought him out of his thoughtful stupor, because the Icon grins wide, teeth ever flared, and squats in front of you.
" THIS ONE HERE? " He barks, and you nod silently. " IT'S MY FAVORITE. " And his biggest. You wouldn't be surprised if it was his favorite precisely for that reason. " I GOT IT THE DAY I BECAME KING OF WRATH. "
Eyebrows rise, you gawk openly, rising loud cackles out of him. " No shit-? "
" YEAH BITCH. " He leers, fetching one of your hands and putting it up against the gnarled flesh, just beneath the bone growths on his upper chest. You blush a little, though allow yourself to map it out. " FEEL IT. "
Kalymir flexes. Although you're entirely unaware of it, his tail wags increasingly faster behind him. " I THOUGHT I WAS GOING TO DIE IN THAT ARENA, YET I WALKED OUT AS THE BEST WRATH COULD OFFER! "
When he puts it like that, it really is a scar worth showing off. You'd wear it with pride too. It actually sits very well upon him.
Your hand is forced to grope at the scarred flesh harder, every inch of tense muscle felt beneath his hot skin.
" Y-Yeah. " Is his breathing faster? You suppose you'd get excited talking about such a cool conquest too. " That's so brutal! I bet it hurt like a motherfucker too, you're amazing. "
Kalymir beams, puffing out further before you, even going as far as to raise his arms in a perfect display pose so you can see the way the healed tissue stretches to accommodate movement. Your gleeful giggle has him beaming back, happy to show off.
" DAMN FUCKING RIGHT I AM. " He huffs, greedily allowing you to explore the length of said scar, relishing your little hands on him, your words of complete awe.
Kalymir licks at his teeth and groans, wondering how long it'll take before you stop babbling and notice the twitching tent in his loincloth.
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senjuushi · 1 year
Ignore if its been requested, but this is for the Hybrid AU. How would they handle being in heat or something similar? (Yes this is for all Antiques)
Since that's a LOT of characters to do at once, these will be fairly short answers. >3> Also, the word "heat" is used loosely here, and refers to whatever form of mating cycle they'd have.
. . .
Enfield — You think he's overbearing normally? It's about to get so much worse. Heats make him clingy and downright smothering, and constantly looking for ways to fuss over people. He tries to block out the arousal part of it... but that doesn't work too well.
Snider — Menace. He's only vaguely aware of what his body is doing, but he still hates every second of it. Somehow in an even worse mood than usual, with heightened aggression... and a surprisingly needy side once the heat finally gets the better of him.
George — He somehow ends up even more energetic than usual, constantly fidgeting, and completely unable to stay still. Highly embarrassed by how his body is responding, but also worried about being a nuisance to whoever has to deal with it.
Kentucky — His braincells (whatever few of them there are) shut off almost entirely. Humping whatever gets too close is a common behavior, though he's terribly embarrassed once he realizes what he's doing. Whines constantly and gets annoyingly clingy.
Pennsylvania — While he's usually pretty good at controlling himself (or disappearing into the great outdoors to wait out the heat), there are times when biology gets the better of him. He ends up distracted and tense, clearly trying not to give in and relieve himself.
Charleville — Any kind of arousal is horribly shameful to him, so heats are misery. He hides his body's reactions desperately and is likely to shut himself away in his room until it's over, so that no one will be able to see what a dirty, impure thing he really is.
Chassepot — Heats make him agitated and aggressive, and no matter how hard he tries to keep that behavior in check, he's bound to lose his temper before it's done. Deeply ashamed of how improper the whole thing is, and hates anyone knowing he's affected at all.
Tabatiere — Another one who tries so hard to tune out what's happening to him, mostly because he can't imagine it being anything but disgusting to anyone else. The weird, desperate cravings for intimacy and touch don't go away so easily, though.
Dreyse — The suppressants he's given usually keep heats at bay, but when they do kick in, he's a mess. Restless, disoriented, and half-stupid with arousal, he's well past rational thought or dignity. Any attempts at controlling himself are bound to fail miserably.
Jitte — Affectionate. It takes a while for him to realize what's happening, and by that point, he's acting half-drunk and has probably slumped over into someone's lap at least once. Can (kind of) contain the behavior if he tries... so long as no one touches him.
Karl — Restless, fidgeting non-stop (with a visibly twitching tail), prone to nipping at any hands that get too close, and unable to stop the desperate little squeaks that keep escaping. Likely to hide until it's over because of how undignified the whole situation is.
Lorenz — He'll act mostly fine at first, but the second something makes the arousal spike, that composure falls apart. Touch is a guaranteed way to have his tail twitching and his back trying to arch, and there's no amount of denial that can save him after that.
Cutlery — Terribly embarrassed by his body's responses. He won't say a word all day in the hopes no one will notice, but the deep flush on his face gives it away... as does his constant squirming. Tends to get clingy and cuddly without realizing what he's doing.
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k4creative · 2 months
Raven and Cat
Please be my beta readers! 😊
I saw this photo on facebook for the umpteenth time this week and I decided to consider it a writing prompt. I'm keeping the premise, but I am deviating from the picture somewhat.
Here is the first part. I hope, I’ll be able to continue it!
Note: english is not my first language.
Any comment, criticism and good-intentioned help is welcome!
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In a forest clearing, on a moss-covered, sunny rock, a big white cat sleeps.
Calling this cat white though is like describing a sunset as ’orange’, or the eye of your lover as ’blue’... As the sun rays glide over his coat, you can observe, that parts of it are white as milk, others are like whitewash, or the silvery-creamy white of a pearl. His whiskers fracture the light into rainbow-coloured sparkles, and his fluffy tail – his pride and joy – gleams like the light of a harvest moon.
He sleeps restlessly. His ears are constantly twitching - catching the noises of the forest –, so does the end of his tail. Now his ears perk up, he opens one yellow eye and in the very next second he’s sitting upright, regally curling his tail around his front paws. He looks like, he never slept. An unholy swishing sound fills the forest clearing as an enormous black bird breaks the treeline. It lands without fuss a little further from the cat. It’s eyes glow purple for a moment, but the next blink clears the enchantment, leaving only the normal colour of anthracite in the big bird’s iris.
-Well? – asks the cat, unable to mask his agitation.
-Nothing. – comes the reply in a sharp, edgy tone. – I looked everywhere. – continues the bird, adjusting their chest feathers irritably – There’s no way she’s still in the vicinity. I can see traces of her mana all over the place…it is her territory after all…but beyond the Border…only a faint trail pointing North. We’re gonna have to follow her dammit! It’s been a month…
-I vote we wait for another week. There were times, she was away longer than…
-Yes yes – interrupts the raven rather rudely – but she always, always left instructions and sent dreams if she was delayed.
The cat visibly pouts after the interruption. His whiskers twitch and his pupils dilate for a split second. He remains accusingly silent, looking daggers at his companion.
-Look – says the raven, perfectly imitating a human sigh – I know you are territorial…I am too, but this is serious stuff.
-What about her villages? – asks the cat, finding her superior tone again.
-They have to make do without her anyway. – shrugs the raven – We did everything we could since she left. We educated that dull herbalist down in Riverbend. I replenished the potions of all the barber surgeons in the area and you strengthened every enchantment around the Border. The people gotta be fine until winter. – they tilt their head with a nasty expression on their beak - If this is not enough, they’d die without her anyway…
The cat lowers his lashes disapprovingly, then he lets out a sigh, yawns and stretches. The raven fidgets, waiting for a reply. They know that the cat has a bad temper and a stick up his butt about basically everything, so they force themselves to be patient. With two small licks of the hair on his chest, he finishes the ritualistic stretching and – apparently – the thinking too.
-I think in this particular matter your surmise might be true, bird. – the cat’s sonorous voice sounds in the raven’s head – However, an expedition of this importance and caliber should not be rushed. We need provisions: food, water, enchantments…we have to think about lodgings along the way…
-You must be joking! You are a hunter and a high class mage for the goddess’ sake! And I am a proud scavenger. Food? Water? Lodging?! It’s high summer, we can sleep wherever and whenever. You are nocturnal and I can adapt my eyes, so we can even move at night...! Stop pussyfooting around this and let’s go!
The moment they say it, the raven knows it was a mistake. They pull their head way down between the wings and with rapid blinking, looks apologetically at him. His eyes sparkle, ears flat, mane is all fluffed up and his whole body radiates righteous indignation. If the situation wouldn’t be this serious, the raven would flee now, till he calms down, but not now.
-Look, I am sorry! It was tactless of me to use that word, but we have to go and we have to start now!
-I will not let this insult slide, bird! -  sounds his voice in the bird’s head, underlined with a faint growl emanating from his throat. His blue left and yellow right eyes sparkle with fury. The raven is certain that if the enchantment would still be active, they’d be able to see his mana swirling red around his paws. After a few seconds of heavy eye contact, he gets a hold of himself.
-Unfortunately we really are pressed by time here. – he sighs, forcing calm on himself - She can only count on us. I will follow your lead for now, but be warned: you’re dancing on thin ice.
With that, the cat swishes his tail and with energetic bounds, fueled by his unquenched anger, he leaves the clearing. Due North.
The tension leaves the bird’s body after a few seconds. They imitate a heavy sigh again, and to calm themselves down, they emit a silent, low, purring ’kraa’. With a full body shake, they tidy their plumage, activate the enchantment in their eyes with a heavy blink, then take off to the sky, their giant wings beating the air heavily.
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jplupine · 10 months
Feral Possession: Chapter 10
Bunny and the Beast
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Pairing: Grimmjow Jaegerjaquez x Wynter Hughes [Nonbinary OC] Word Count: ~2.5k WARNINGS: 18+ MDNI, Exophilia, Demon!Grimmjow, Feral Behavior, Grimmjow being a Terror, Sexual Harassment, Threats of Bodily Harm
Summary: Wynter finds one of Grimmjow's soft spots he didn't even know he had.
You can also read it on AO3!
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Masterlist | Chapter 10: 
  "What are you doing all the way over there? I'm not gonna cut you." I said while looking at the demon standing a good few yards away. We were supposed to be training, but Grimmjow had only told me to practice swinging with no other instruction. But he also kept yelling at me to correct my posture or to change my stance, all the while throwing insults my way without actually showing me what I was supposed to be doing.
  His hands were on his hips, and if he wasn't in human form, his tail would probably be twitching with agitation.
  "Like I'm worried about that." He scoffed.
  "Then why are you halfway across the yard and yelling at me?"
  "Because you suck."
  "So you are scared of getting cut."
  "Then get over here and actually help me."
  "I will fucking cut you."
  "Good luck, Little Rabbit. You're a shit novice."
  "Yeah, well, you're a shit teacher. I guess I'll just have to invite some exorcist Uncle Jordan knew to teach me instead, and get rid of you while they're at it."
  "You don't even know any exorcists-"
  "Uncle Jordan had a book of contacts. I can easily go through them and find one." I declared, and Grimmjow narrowed his eyes at me. "So you can either actually teach me how to do this shit, or I get your ass kicked and someone else teach me." The demon stared at me for a few seconds, then began to walk over.
  He crossed his arms over his chest while looking rather guarded as he still was a few feet away. Grimmjow, for some reason, continued to be in his human form ever since the morning he stole my coffee and went to the front porch with it. It was odd to say in the least since before he was constantly in his demon form except for when Yui and Gary came over.
  Staring at Grimmjow, I furrowed my brows while keeping a firm hold on the katana in my hands.
  "For someone who practically humped my leg before, you sure lack that bravado when it comes to affection."
  "Shut the fuck up. You don't know what you're talking about." My head tilted as my brows rose high on my forehead since I could see the demon's ears shading pink.
  "Holy shit.... You're actually embarrassed?"
  "I am not." He snapped at me while baring his teeth that were abnormally sharp but could still pass as human.
  "Really? Your ears are turning red." Observing the demon, he actually did look to be embarrassed. It was....very odd. Putting his hands on his hips, he changed back to his demon form as short fur covered his animalistic ears. "Oh, my goodness. You're not used to affection, so you don't know how to deal with it, do you?"
  "I'm not some little mortal so easily affected by stupid shit like that."
  "I'm not!"
  "Right." He was growling at me now, and I simply took a step forward while lowering the sword. Grimmjow looked confused for a second before I gently slid my hand over his cheek. My fingers went further back to pet behind his ear, and the growling shifted to purring as his slit pupils widened. Grimmjow even leaned into my hand as I rose my brows at him.
  "Stop that!" He smacked my hand away when he snapped out of it, but he was only proving my point. "I'm not a fucking cat!"
  "Oh, I'm well aware."
  "Then stop fucking petting me!"
  "You obviously seem to like it from how you react. Though, I can only assume because you're not used to it is why you do....that." I waved my finger at him while seeing the aggressive body language he had that was made absolutely unintimidating by his wide pupils and his expression that was looking conflicted between two emotions.
  "I do not like it!" He snarled while getting close to my face to try and intimidate me. With a flat expression, I simply reached up and scratched under his chin. Almost immediately, he was purring again while tilting his jaw.
  "You can't tell me you don't like it and expect me to believe you when you're literally purring and leaning into it." Grimmjow smacked my hand away again.
  "You little fucker! Stop that!" His palm landed on my head as he ruffled my hair. "See how you like it, you shit."
  "It doesn't bother me, unlike you." I stated while looking up at Grimmjow. His nose scrunched up while both of his hands cupped my cheeks as he tried to get a reaction out of me. However, I just stood there while he was rubbing my cheeks. I wanted to snicker when I realized Grimmjow was basically doing the motion cats did when making biscuits.
  "This is bullshit."
  "Your hands are really warm." The demon paused while looking down at me, and the rest of his face began to scrunch up. My own eyes went wide because I could have sworn pink was dusting his cheeks just before he turned away from me. "I am genuinely shocked that you can make sexual advancements with such ease but blush at platonic affection."
  "I am not blushing!" Grimmjow growled as his tail swayed.
  "You literally shifted forms to hide the fact that your ears were turning red. Also, I know I saw your cheeks going pink just now." I waved my hand while looking at the demon as he still had his back to me. Grimmjow crossed his arms and shifted his weight on his paws. "You're, what, at least a century old? Has no one really ever shown you affection before? And I don't mean sex, I mean genuine non-sexual affection."
  His ears twitched, but he didn't say anything. I now actually felt a little bad for the demon. The dude had to be touch-starved. Running my hand through my hair, I rubbed the back of my neck while thinking.
  Maybe, just maybe, if I could actually get on good terms with Grimmjow....he just might be easier to deal with. I mean, the demon would still knock things off of shelves and tables just to get a rise out of me. Sheathing my sword, I walked up to Grimmjow and gave him a hug.
  "....What are you doing? Stop that."
  "Get off me."
  "Get. Off."
  "Just face it, I'm not gonna let you go. Not until you hug me back." I shrugged and heard a quiet growl rumble beneath my ear.
  "I will throw your ass across this yard."
  "I'm just gonna be here longer if you don't hug me."
  "I could rip your throat out."
  "I'm beginning to think you really like this."
  "I will break you."
  "I'm still not gonna move." The demon went quiet, then hesitantly hugged me. "See? It's not so bad." I muttered while casually rubbing Grimmjow's back. He set his chin on my shoulder, and I could hear a low purr. The hug was actually kind of nice if I was being honest. Grimmjow was warm and had a pleasant scent, and the soft purring had a relaxing effect.
  "Yeah, not bad at all." The demon said as his hands went down my back to grab my rear.
  "Aaand you ruined it." Rolling my eyes, I shoved Grimmjow back as he was laughing.
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  Cleaning off my glasses, I placed them back on my nose to read the text on the laptop screen. Grimmjow was boredly playing fetch with Dagur by tossing a tennis ball down the hall to have the heeler scrabbling after it on the hardwood floor. Scrolling down the page, I carefully read over the words to see if anything needed editing.
  "Oi. When are you gonna be done with that shit?"
  "I've barely been at this for two hours."
  "I'm working. This is how I get money, Grimmjow. Not everyone can be a freeloader like you."
  "You're staring at a screen."
  "It's called reading. You should try it sometime, there's plenty of books in here." I popped off, and the demon clicked his tongue at me before tossing the ball again. "It's too dark out to do any more training, so I don't know what else you expect me to do."
  "I didn't even say anything yet."
  "By now, I know what that tone means."
  "How could you even-"
  "You're predictable." I said before looking up at the demon glancing over his shoulder at me. "Also, after being stuck with your ass after a few months, I'd be dense as a rock to not know that tone by now."
  "Worth a shot." He shrugged before turning back to the hall as Dagur trotted up with the ball.
  "Yeah, and every shot you take misses. Speaking of which, I've noticed you don't try any of that crap with Yui or Gary when they come over. And before you jump to shit, no, I don't want you to start trying either."
  "That punk bitch is a piss-boy, and that little girlfriend of yours isn't my type."
  "Okay, first off, you are the one who pissed on Gary. And how do you mean Yui isn't your type? Didn't think you were picky enough to have a type."
  "Oi!" His gaze snapped back to me as I scrolled down more. "I can have types."
  "Really? Mr. I Don't Mind If You Just Want My Body isn't interested in Yui who's cute as a button? Gary, I can understand since you two don't get along, but her?"
  "Hey, I said I don't mind if you just want my body. You're powerful and taste fucking delicious. That woman doesn't even have half the power you do. I was serious before when I said I'm surprised you survived this long tasting the way you do."
  "Oh, so it's power you're attracted to? Why am I not surprised." Briefly glancing at Grimmjow, I saw his eyes narrowing at me, and I smirked. "You like to play the beast and bunny game, but is that what you're really after?"
  "Are you asking me what I think you're asking me?"
  "I might be."
  "You'll only ever be a little rabbit, Wynter."
  "I wasn't asking what you think I am." Grimmjow's ears perked before a sinister-looking grin played onto his lips.
  "What I think you are?" He stood up and pounced on the desk, and he crouched with his elbows on his knees while looking down at me. "It's what I know you are. Just a frightened little rabbit fluffing up to try and seem bigger."
  "If you haven't noticed, I haven't been genuinely scared of you in a while." Picking up my water bottle, I popped the cap to take a drink. "Between the deal and me knowing your name, you can't actually hurt me. What's left to be scared of? That nasty glare? You stealing my food? You're more of a rabbit now than I am."
  "Really? And which of us could break the other in half with ease? Which of us is hunting the other-"
  "First off, 'could' simply means you have the potential, not that you would. Secondly, you're not hunting shit. You're bound here and laze about the house, causing minor trouble here and there around the property. About the only thing that actually has to be scared of you is other demons that wander into the yard." Setting the bottle back down on the desk, I looked up at the demon. "You're just a big kitty now, Pantera."
  The demon growled and shoved the back of my chair into the bookcase behind the desk while digging his claws into the material of the chair. He was balanced on the armrests as his fangs were close to my face, and his tail was twitching with agitation. He looked pissed while I calmly sat there, and his eyes locked with mine.
  "Watch your mouth, Little Rabbit."
  "Why? I even know what makes you weak now."
  "You don't even know how to access enough spiritual power to even hurt me."
  "Oh, I didn't mean that. I literally mean 'makes you weak'." Confusion flashed across his eyes before I knocked his feet off of the armrests, making him land in my lap. I chuckled while rubbing his cheeks and ears and saw his pupils widen as he began to purr. "Look at that, Big Bad Demon purring like a kitten."
  "I will destroy you."
  "You literally can't."
  "I can make eating your soul the most painful experience you could ever endure."
  "That's a long way away. Might as well get the most out of now."
  "Fuck you, you little shit."
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  Barely peeking open an eye when I felt a dip in the bed, I saw Grimmjow crawling up while in his human form. He face-planted into the pillow next to me without saying anything. The room was dead silent in the dark, and my brow slowly rose at the blue-haired man.
  With his face still in the pillow, he grabbed one of my hands and gently set it on his head. I wasn't sure if he knew I was still awake, but I doubted it since he tensed up when my fingers ran through his short hair.
  "Relax. It's not something bad." My voice was barely over a whisper as I spoke. "It's okay to want affection."
  "It's stupid. I hate it." He growled, and his voice was muffled by the pillow.
  "What, the purring?"
  "Yes, the fucking purring."
  "That just means you actually like it."
  "I'm not a fucking housecat."
  "No, you're not." I was honestly surprised how quickly just showing the demon affection got him to this. "You know, the sound is actually very relaxing. It's nice." Grimmjow rolled his head to glare at me. "I'm serious. Come here, lemme show you something nice in return. And no, keep your head out of the gutter." I quickly added while raising my arm.
  He looked at me like I was stupid, and I sighed through my nose.
  "Scoot over here." I waved my hand at the demon before draping one of his arms over my side. Resting my jaw on top of his head, I brushed my fingers through his hair again. I knew it was rather odd to be cuddling a demon that only a few months ago was scaring me shitless and chasing me through the house, but Grimmjow was actually reciprocating. If he could be this calm more often, things would not only be less stressful, but I'd also be spending less to replace what he broke around the house.
  And also because cuddling was nice and this gave me someone to hold while sleeping. It was a win-win. Grimmjow got physical affection after being touch-starved for who knows how long, and I got a cuddle buddy that made a noise that was a literal destresser.
  I could feel Grimmjow's breath on my throat and chest as that low rumbling sound filled the quiet. So even in his human form, he purred? How sweet.
  Closing my eyes, I could feel Grimmjow relaxing into the contact. Between the warmth and the purring, it was easy to fall asleep.
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shorkbrian · 3 years
I watched a documentary abt the planet and unfortunately was thinking abt Shouto at the same time....
(NSFW, hybrid, sorry. Dubcon)
Rare leopard hybrid Shouto.
You’re taking care of him, just got him at the beginning of winter. He has a special diet, requires special care and supplements, the poor hybrid burned in a wildfire.
He’s so pretty though, with his dual-colored fur. The fuzzy, twitching ears on top of his head make him look so cute, even though he has miles of corded, dangerous muscles lying underneath his skin.
Sharp claws that could shred you in a second.
But Shouto is amicable, appreciates your care and lets you help him heal from his burn. Eats everything you feed to him, even the gross-tasting medicine. He likes when you scritch behind his ears, purring and leaning into your hand, sometimes almost falling over onto you as he chases your deft fingers.
He has his own room, which is for the best. You hadn’t realized that wild hybrids were used to nudity, not until you came home one day early on during his stay and found him sleeping face-down on the couch, completely nude.
The hybrid has the most beautiful body, lithe muscles prominent underneath his soft skin, white-and-red hair along his arms and legs, all soft and furry. Fat balls perfectly showcased between his legs, resting underneath his muscled ass as the hybrid lounged on the couch.
You’d grown accustomed to his frequent nudity after the first couple of months.
Shouto walking into the kitchen in the morning with morning wood, acting as if it was completely normal. And maybe for him it was, but you still blushed and averted your eyes every single time. He wasn’t shy about cuddling up to you, silently asking for more pets by nudging his head against you, tail flicking back and forth contentedly. It felt weird having a naked hybrid purring and shuffling closer to where you sat, but you were a professional, you just had to learn how to take it in stride.
Sad news came with his most recent vet visit - The leopard hybrid wouldn’t be able to live in the wild again. 
His burns were too severe, you’d have to help him heal for quite a few more months and it was already apparent that the hybrid had bonded with you, was quickly adjusting to his new life.
Shouto wasn’t upset.
He liked living with you, a life where all his needs were met and cared for. You had a nice big backyard with large trees, a pool, chairs where he could stretch out and sun himself for hours if he so chose.
His room was spacious, and he had his own bed. You bought plenty of toys that kept his mind occupied, kept him from being bored or becoming listless.
You cared for him so gently, saw to his every need. Shouto liked you.
With the news of his inability to be released back into the wild, you began teaching him how to live in the human world.
Humans wore itchy clothes almost always, and hybrids were mandated with collars and leashes in public places. Shouto honestly didn’t mind the red leash you bought for him - he felt safe with you holding onto him. And he felt that you were holding onto him just as much as he was holding onto you, a single hand gripping your shoulder or pinching the fabric of your shirt as you walked.
But he didn’t like the clothes.
They were tight and constricting and hot, and the leopard tried to strip down as often as he could, which meant you were heavily exasperated struggling to keep him clothed in public spaces.
And then spring rolled around.
Poor Shouto was used to finding the nearest female and breeding, never having to use his hand or deny his urges. He got to fuck and hunt and sleep, a perfect, fulfilling life.
The only thing he could do now was sleep.
You weren’t his species, but you were attractive, and you cared for him; he’d developed quite the emotional attachment to you. But when he tried breeding with you, you had rejected him with a scandalized “Shouto, you can’t!”
His mood soured.
You took him to the special animal vet again, and were hit with what Shouto knew all along.
He needed to breed, needed to hunt. Just because he was practically turning into a housecoat didn’t mean that his instincts were fading away.
So you told him how to jerk off.
The conversation was filled with long pauses, stuttering, and your face being beet red the entire time. Shouto didn’t understand, he couldn’t breed his hand? It was pointless, and when he tried, it barely even felt good, didn’t sate his instinctual urges.
You were able to tamp down his urges for hunting by signing him up for a hybrid-only running club. But you couldn’t help him with his breeding problem.
And Shouto just got so frustrated. 
His tail was constantly waving with agitation now, the hybrid stalking nude around your house with a chubbed-up cock and a sour look upon his face.
It came to a head when you were taking him out one day, intent on getting him some fresh air so that he wasn’t trapped in your stuffy house that smelled of angry, horny leopard.
You bought him soda, which he gulped down, careful in holding it so that his sharp claws didn't puncture the can. He informed you he was still thirsty. So you took him to the store, allowing him to pick out any drink he wanted.
The entire time you were checking out, his eyes were glued to a couple in another lane, buying chocolate and wine and condoms, lazily kissing each other and ignoring everyone else.
Shouto was fine walking out to the parking lot, fine as he helped you load the groceries into the back of your car, fine as you led him to the passenger seat, opening the door so he could climb in. 
But you were so close, and you smelled so good, and Shouto was irritated he wasn’t allowed to breed, but other humans obviously were.
You were shoved against the seat, Shouto attacking your neck with kisses and painful bites as his claws shredded your clothing, revealing your body.
“Shouto! Stop it! Don’t do that!” You cried, but the hybrid wasn’t listening. He wasn’t a housepet, you shouldn't’ try to order him around like one.
“Wait, we’re-! We’re in public!”
“Your kind has a thing for filming animals when they breeding, market it off as “educational”.” Shouto pointed out, and well, fine, but you were a human and he was a hybrid, this was illegal.
But he didn’t care.
All he cared about was sating his instincts, slipping inside your hole with a soft purr, rutting against you with flexing hips.
He didn’t know to touch you, or to try and make you feel good, but his dick was so long, fat round balls squishing up against you in such a pleasurable way that you were wiggling in his hold, whimpering out pathetic little embarrassed noises.
You hoped no one could see you.
When Shouto came, he stayed put for a little bit, still grinding his softened cock into you, hissing a little bit. It had been so long since he had fucked, since he had bred.
When he finally let you squirm away from him, his face was rosy, sweaty, but pleased. “We’re doing that again when we get home.”
You were his care-taker, were you not? You’re supposed to take care of his needs.
All of them.
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mrskurono · 3 years
...dare i say it... catboy kageyama...
Not me trying to avoid talking about my husband too much bc well....I get really stupid when Kageyama is brought up 👉👈 Annnnd I got carried away
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tags: pet play, vaginal penetration, dry humping, spit, praise kink, knotting
character(s): Kageyama Tobio (hq)
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⇾ This man is a dog.
⇾ No ifs ands or buts about it, puppy!Kageyama is stoic and seen as such a gracious companion by anyone who doesn’t know him
⇾ But as his master you know so much better than that about your sweet little puppy
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⇾ He is no kitty just look him, puppy!Kageyama for days
⇾ Everyone else thinks you have the most composed, well behaved pup who is just so pretty and cute!
⇾ Jokes on them, Kageyama is excitable, attention seeking and constantly bothering you behind closed doors
⇾ While he’s clueless behaved out in public, puppy!Kageyama is all over you in his element
⇾ Puppy!Kageyama prefers to be at home and there’s so many reasons why, the main one, being that he can’t help be all over you
⇾ He’s grabbing at you all the time, whining and pawing at you
⇾ Though he’ll wait pretty well if you yell at him, puppy!Kageyama doesn’t like to get yelled at and when you do it then you’re stuck praising him and showering him with attention when you’re finally able to give him your entire attention
⇾ Puppy!Kageyama gets super excited when his master’s attention is entirely on him
⇾ Getting too wiggly and jumping on you while you rub behind his ears and coo at what a cute boy he is
⇾ God yes he’s a slobbery one I remain unconvinced he gets that worked up
⇾ But he’s a big pup and sooner or later he will knock you over
⇾ Praise and petting and soon he’s whining and his poor excited-ness has spread to more than just his wagging tail
⇾ Big pup means big problem down there
⇾ Puppy!Kageyama never realizes his own problem but he won’t stop rubbing on your thigh, humping your leg and whining as you ruffle his black hair and coo at him that he’s such a good boy
⇾ You gotta take care of this poor pup!
⇾ Letting him get between your legs, rubbing himself your crotch as he pants above you and his tail keeps wagging and he looks down at you with big blue eyes unable to look away while he whines
⇾ Keeping puppy!Kageya like this is never a good idea!
⇾ Agitated puppy sometimes nips so your best choice is to let him have his way
⇾ Puppy!Kageyama can’t help but stuff his aching cock inside you and when he does it’s like the poor thing overstims himself right then and there
⇾ Baby is thicc and long it’s a good thing he’s so stupid and will fuck you in any position you want so you can take him comfortably 
⇾ Relentlessly he’ll fuck himself stupid with your cunt as he keeps drooling, grabbing at your waist and thrusting into you
⇾ One track mind when he gets like this, he must knot you
⇾ Puppy!Kageyama loves it when you continue to rub along his ears and pet him, telling him how good he’s doing and how good he makes you feel
⇾ Just gets him more excited to hear your words of praise
⇾ Doesn’t take long for it to be too much for the poor baby
⇾ He’s rutting inside you and trying to stuff his knot inside you, desperate to be closer to you
⇾ Face red, panting, drooling over your neck and your tits, puppy!Kageyama is desperate to shove his knot inside you
⇾ Baby needs a little help and angling your hips up so he can push himself inside is everything he needs
⇾ Puppy!Kageyama stuffs his cock inside you without reservation 
⇾ The moment he moans and buries his face in your neck as the rest of him follows suit
⇾ Will pass out on you with his knot deep inside you 
⇾ Tail lazily wagging as he licks at your neck and slowly ruts his hips into you
⇾ Puppy!Kageyama will go from 100 to 0 so fast after he’s knotted you, big baby passed out on you as he pumps you full of cum 
⇾ His knots last forever but you don’t mind bc when he’s like this its the calmest he is and you love holding your big silly boy close while enjoy that warm twitch in your cunt <3
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downywrites · 3 years
bird took request and wrote it. bird hope’s its oke. It’s late here I will die thanks
Ask here
Aww, thanks mate. I really appreciate it! Let’s get on with the writing, shall we?
It was a known fact that Schlatt was not the nicest of people. The ram constantly pissed people off, made rules that made the others spiteful, and, to put it simply, enraged his subjects. And, boy, did they love to voice it. Quackity groaned loudly, slamming his face into the desk of papers he had. The worst part? It didn’t even hurt. The paperwork stacks were big enough that his face never made contact with the table. The vice president’s wings flapped slightly in their work binds. “Why is there so fucking much?!?”
Tubbo sighed, ears flicking downwards even more, scuffing his hoof on the floor dejectedly. “I dunno, man. Is this just the same letter, mailed like 17 different times?” A tired puff of air escaped his mouth as he glared tiredly at a veritable pile of angrily sign letters, each with the same to and from. The duo’s tempers were building to a breaking point. Tubbo ground his hoof into the unpolished floors as he grit his teeth. “Shouldn’t Schlatt be here to at least see what they are saying? He really doesn’t understand his people…”
Quackity scoffed at the goat hybrid’s words, hands itching to yank the old, musty books from the presidents that had preceded the fool that currently controlled the country. The duck pulled off his work restraints that he wore, unloosening the leather straps and letting them fall on the floor. “I’m done with this shit. It’s time to make him pay.” Tubbo shied away from the idea. “I don’t think that’s a good idea...he might kill us if we do anything bad to him.” The other turned around, eyes gleaming with the man’s old playfulness. “Nah, we’ll do something bad that he can’t prove. Something so devious, that stupid grass-grazer wouldn’t see it coming.” He rubbed his hands together, chuckling like a madman while ignoring the protest of the other herbivore in the room. “Hey, I’m also a-” “Tubbo.”
The smaller of the two stepped back into a small pile of letters, nervousness spiking at the change of tone. “I- uh, sorry?” Quackity clapped his hands together. “We strike at dawn.” Sighing with relief, Tubbo nodded, ears flopping slightly as he did so. He headbutted the other carefully, tail wagging when the other pat his head a little. “You really don’t give a fuck what Schlatt says about your butting tendencies, do ya?” Tubbo giggled, a light, reedy sound that echoed slightly in the absence of the person who usually occupied the place. “Yeah, nah. I don’t think Schlatt cares about me enough to worry about that.”
Quackity wanted to say otherwise, eyes glancing to his desks and back to the minor. He opened his mouth to speak, but the words refused to come out, jamming and freezing up right before he could say anything. Shutting his mouth so he didn’t look like a fool, the gambler watched as the land-dwelling hybrid sorted through some of the piles with careful hands. A sense of warmth and fondness grew in his heart before he could put it out. He shook his head vigorously at the thought. ‘No, I can’t bond with him. A gambler never shows his cards.’
Another voice in his head disagreed with his words, slamming their cards down on the table. “Well, are we a gambler right now, or are we a vice president? It's a change, Quackity. You need to understand. Tubbo loves you. Are you going to love him back, or make him sad?’ One of his hands came to rub at his temple. ‘Damn, I didn’t think that taking such a random spot in the cabinet would make me have to change so many of my habits.’ Ironically enough, Tubbo piped up at that very moment.
“Hey, as the vice president of the whole of the country, I think you could answer a few of these ourselves!”” His ears perked up in excitement, his little puffy tail wagging behind him as he sorted out some of the lesser complaints and twirled a fountain pen in between his fingers. Sitting down on one of the couches, his eyes scanned over one of the letters, wincing at the harshness of the words on the weak parchment. The sound of the pen nib scratching against the back of the paper cut through the silence in the room adjoining the office. Wings flapped slightly as he moved. Sitting down carefully next to the younger, he crossed his legs over each other, eyes glancing at the squid ink on the paper.
After a while of silent writing, his voice, croaky from smoke and yelling and all that which is bad, escaped him. “Hey, you know, I never really got to tell you my plan.” A small, little breezy laugh from the other. His voice rang out, all sweet and flowery, like a bee that had just landed on a flower, yet sharp underneath, like the stinger nestled deep in the insect’s body. “Go on, tell me big man. I’d like to hear it.” Their voices intertwined as the rain poured outside, drumming melodically on the old shingles of the presidential house.
The calm never lasted long enough for anyone’s liking. The lights of the sun’s first rays slipped through the room, casting a dancing shimmer onto Tubbo and Quackity’s resting faces. The duck hybrid blinked himself awake, wincing at the light drilling into his eyes from the stained glass window. “Ugh..” Rubbing his eyes and sitting up, he winced at the pop and crunch of his joints shifting. “Ouch. Bad sleeping positions can suck my dick.”
The duck hybrid craned his neck to look at the other sleeping figure, unsurprised at the sight of the much heavier sleeper still passed out on the couch where he was working last night. The boy looked so calm, his face a shade of yellow and gold from the morning light. Quackity couldn’t help but smile at him. The peaceful scene would be adorable in any place, in any setting.
But he knew that the peace wouldn’t stay for long. Once the day began, there would be lots of work to do. All of the papers that he and his ally had not finished would be a problem to solve, that was for sure. It didn’t help that Tubbo tried to make each letter he answered thoughtful and carefully worded, making it even longer to answer a single thing. All in all, if he didn’t try to finish it or try to hide the extra stuff that hadn’t been finished, the silence and calm that pervaded the room wouldn’t be around long enough to give the goat a good night’s sleep.
Walking over to the side of the room that Tubbo resided in, he poked him slightly, reluctant to wake the resting boy. “..Tubbo? You there, buddy?” No response from him. His chest rose and fell in a calming pattern, like the tides just barely kissing the beach. “Tubbo? Schlatt might be mad if he thinks we fell asleep on the job…” The boy’s ears twitched slightly. His eyes slowly opened a crack, just barely.  A yawn, then, loud and almost violent compared to the gentle, restful sleep he seemed to have been in. “Hmm.” His half-open eyes came to rest on Quackity, a small smile gracing his face. “Hello there. Wha’ did I miss?”
The slur in his voice only accentuated the cuteness behind his words. “Nothing much, just need you to be away before the ‘big boss’ shows up.” The duck added a little roll of his eyes and some air quotes to spice up his words, wings fluttering up and out in a show of agitation. A sleepy giggle got rid of any regrowing hostility towards the irritating president. “Is our plan still the same? No hurting him, right?” A quack and a sigh. “Fine, no hurting him. I hope your little plan is just as good as my original one, you tiny goat.” He shuffled towards the coffee machine in the corner of the room, cursing lightly when he bumped into the blunted edge of the table as he did so. Tubbo began to stretch out himself, muscles cramped from being on the couch for so long. “When d’you think he’s comin’ in?” He shrugged, holding out two coffee cups in his hands. “Who knows. The man’s got a schedule that could make even XD weep.”
The room filled with the scent of fresh brew, making Tubbo wrinkle his nose in slight distaste. He never quite liked the scent of coffee, but he refused to tell Quackity that. Moving back towards the table in front of Tubbo, the elder of the two placed down the two mugs, now full of the dark, deep brown liquid. “Want creamer or sugar or something, little bud? Didn’t put any in, just in case I fucked up your morning joe. Couldn’t have that, could we?” “No, we couldn’t, big man. Would be a mighty shame.” Tubbo put it to his lips anyways, wincing at the acrid taste that cursed his sensitive taste buds. And the burning sensation. That too. He put it down quickly, hissing slightly. “Owie.” Quackity chuckled, a twinge of concern lacing his laugh. “You good, Tubbo? That was some scalding stuff you just chugged. Might want to blow on that first.” The sound of a door creaking open made them both tense slightly. ‘Here comes the sun, doo doo doo doo!’ supplied his mind, rather unhelpfully. ‘Here comes the sun!’ He couldn’t even trust his brain to play the right song. Classic Quackers.
The man of the hour walked into the room, scuffed and scratched hooves raking on the floor and producing a nasty noise as he walked. Not even bothering to hand his coat up, the man tossed it onto the floor, the unironed, probably unwashed jacket making the soft sound of fabric crumpling onto the wood as he went. “What’s up, fuckers?” A loud slam made Tubbo flinch significantly more, prompting the duck to instinctively shield him with his wing. “Hello, Schlatt.” Tubbo looked at the man through his friend’s wings, half in awe of how fast his tone changed and half in fear. It was obvious that the two of them hadn’t finished the work they were told they were to do yesterday. He pinned his ears back, already whimpering in fear.
A shit eating grin grew on the ram’s face at the sight of the room. “So, it seems you two idiots haven’t finished the work I gave you yesterday.” He walked more into the room, towering over the two seated people with a look of condescension clearly saturated on his face. “Looks like you two need a punishment.” Quackity’s face hardened. Tubbo’s face contorted into an expression of fear. “Just a little punishment…”
Quackity really, really wanted to slam his face into the desk again. “He gave us MORE paperwork?!? And then he left his office? AGAIN? UGH!” The secretary whined a little as well. “I mean, at the very least, he could have told us just to finish a little bit less...he kind of, uh, showed us an entire mountain of work he had been failing to work on for, like, a month!” Quackity trilled loudly in agreement, startling him into dropping the wad of papers he had in his hand. “Yeah, that’s what I’m talking about! Stand up to the Schlass!” Tubbo couldn’t help the resulting snort. “The Schlass?” “Yeah! Schlatt and ass together equals Schlass!” The boy couldn’t help but stare at him.
“...Yeah, okay, not the best name ever. But!” Quackity perked up, eyes still grealming with mischief. “We can still enact our plan tonight!” The goat hybrid’s tail wiggled happily behind him, a small puff of forest brown and mocha with extra cream making a blur where his pants met his shirt. “Yess!” Quackity’s sorting got a little faster, energy restored by the reaction he got from the younger. “All we have to do is wait…”
When Schlatt said that he was into bondage, he did not mean this. Not in the slightest. Schlatt struggled in the ropes, eyes a mix of confused and sleepy. The afternoon light was still visible through the slits in his presidential bedroom, so he presumed he hadn’t been kidnapped or been knocked out for more than a day or two. “What the fuck is going on?” The sound of a familiar gait made him simultaneously relax and tense up. “Quackity? Get me out of this shit, you fucking weak excuse of a vice president!” The duck hybrid stepped into his range of vision, face fitted with a look of indifference and condescension, something he was familiar with seeing in the mirror every morning. “You know, you’ve been rude to us all week. Actually, all month. Maybe even the last few months?” Schlatt had the nerve to look sheepish. “You didn’t like it? Then why didn’t you tell me-”
Quackity cut him off with a loud huff. “Why didn’t I tell you? I wonder why, dipshit!” He threw his hands up in the air, his silhouette at the door looking more menacing than the real deal. “Really, Schlatt! For someone who struts his stuff every four seconds, you really don’t know when we need you or when you need to stop acting!” His ears pulled back a little in his anger. And, all of a sudden, his anger vanished into something else. “But, Tubbo told me to use my anger for something else. Tubbo..” He trailed off, eyes unfocusing for a moment. “He helped center me a little more. And, yes, you’re an asshole, but all it takes to make you realize the problems we have is just a little nudge. And look!” Black eyes bored into nervous rectangular. “This is more than just a nudge at this point.” The ram tensed while he processed. Within a few seconds, he calmed down, relaxing a bit more. “So you’re not gonna stab me. Great. Is that all?”
He got an eyebrow raise for the effort. “Oh, that’s not all, buster. Since I didn’t want you to get off scot free, I decided Tubbo and I would be able to mess with you while you’re still down for the count!” With that, he moved closer to the man, tasering his sides roughly to get a quick reaction out of him. The ram bucked and laughed, eyes widening from the sudden jolts of tickling lighting arcing down his spine. “AHAHA! DUhuckie?!?” The sound of hoofsteps rapidly approached the door, slowing only to reveal a small, fluffy bed of hair peeking out to the side of the rectangle of light. “Can I help now? Or do you still want to finish your epic monologue?” Quackity nodded. “Yeah, let’s wreck this cocky bastard’s shit. You know, just a little punishment.” If Schlatt’s fur could pale, it would have.
“No, no, no..Let’s t-talk this out, here..” He shook his head vehemently at the two devious pairs of eyes closing in on him. A pair of hands gently scratched at his ribs, working their way down. They carefully rubbed between the bones, trying to be soft and gentle. The president burst into soft laughter, squirming in his bonds. “Does that tickle, Mr. President? I sure hope so!” Prime, Tubbo’s voice was just so cute. Schlatt didn’t have the heart to be mad at the sweet thing tickling him so kindly. On the other hand...where was Quackity? As if he was summoned by the very thought, the vice president latched onto his hips, kneading them quickly and frenetically. The sudden change made him arch his back with a loud (and rather girly) shriek. A small patch of red bloomed under his fur.
“Was that a shriek? Damn, Ram! Didn’t know you could go falsetto!” Tubbo seemed more impressed than teasy, little stars glimmering in his eyes and a small ‘o’ on his face. The tickling started up again, this time with both of them going a little slower so the ram didn’t just deflate from the sudden sensations. Schlatt decided that this was infinitely worse. The light, almost nonexistent sensations were near unbearable to him. “Cuhuhuhut ihihit ohohut!” The smaller herbivore was quick to answer him. “Cut what out? If you want, I can go faster-”
“Nope! This is a punishment, not a chill session!...Is that what you kids call one of these?” The goat shook his head no.
“Well, fuck. I need a return on that stupid book.” The banter that was occuring was making his ears burn.
“Juhuhust shuhuh-hut thehe fuhuhuck uhuhup!” Quackity didn’t like that. Another round to his hips made him cackle and buck. “You really should shut your mouth for once, Rammy. Maybe you wouldn't have gotten yourself into so much trouble with us in the first place.” He trilled quietly into his ear, breath ghosting on it just enough for it to tickle. Tubbo giggled again, tail wagging with the knowledge (read:interrogation benefits) from one of his cabinet members fresh in his head. “Hey Quackity? According to the nice deer man, Mr. President here has ticklish hooves! He also, uh, can’t stand the light stuff.”
The ram’s eyes bugged out, hot blood rushing to his face. “W-where- what? How? You fucker, who did you bribe-” “No bribes! Just some really, really good convincing~” Quackity purred, feathers ruffling with a sense of pride and a hint of mischief. “Really, really good…” Schlatt shook his head, muttering little ‘no’s under his breath. “Dohohon’t yohohou fuhuhucking dahahare.” Flicking his ears back to ignore the little coos that came from the duck, he focused on Tubbo, eyes pleading for help silently. Tubbo pinned his ears in empathy, but he didn’t move to help him. Instead, the boy pulled out a small, pitch black feather, healthy sheen obvious in the doorway’s light. Positioning himself at the struggling president’s hooves, he made a thumb’s up gesture, avoiding the slightly heated glare of the elder herbivore.
“Sorry, sir. I have to help the one who’s in charge right now.” Feathers puffed up even more, making the duck hybrid look more fluffy and pettable by the second (not that the ram would pet him after this shit. No way). “That’s right, bitch. I’m in charge right now. And I say that we get revenge on this little shit right here.” Quackity took the man’s other ankle into his clutches, placing his finger directly on the squishy, sensitive part of his hoof. It trembled underneath his touch, a small whimper escaping the ram at the extra warmth of anticipation flooded his system.
“Dohon’t fuhucking tehease….”
“Or what, big guy? Kill me? Fire me? You don’t have the balls.”
The finger slowly wiggled its way down his hoof, the owner delighting in the giggles and squirming that it caused. “And, besides, you like this, don’tcha?” He glanced at the man’s tail, the little puff wiggling where it was on the pillows. “I can see your tail, Rammy.” Schlatt turned away from them, trying in vain to shield his red face from view. “S-shuhuhut thehehe fuhuhuck uhuhup!” Tubbo decided to join in on the fun, dragging the feather over the outer parts of his hooves. The resulting flinch and squeal was worth it.
Quackity took it slow, circling the smooth pad on the inside of the hoof and using his nails ever so slightly. It was absolute torture, but Schlatt lived for that type of stuff. His tail thumped violently against the bed as they teased him, giving away his feelings to the duo wrecking him.
“Aww, is Rammy liking this? That’s so cute…~”
“Quackity, his face is so pink! It’s cute!”
Ah, well. There goes his dignity. Another finger traced on his hoof, making his giggles hike up in pitch and volume. The ticklish feeling suffused throughout his whole body, arcing like electricity at his extremities. Nails scratched at his hoof, this time a little faster and aiming to make it as ticklish as physically possible. The feather on his other hoof began to swipe within the more sensitive inner areas. “AHA! IHAhaHA’M SAHAreheHEHEE! PleHEHeaSE!” “are you though?~” He nodded his head frantically through his laughter, tears pricking at his eyes. “MEHEHERCY!” Tubbo and Quackity exchanged a glance. “Think he’s had enough, Tubbo?” “Yeah, I think he has.” He relaxed his shoulders a little in relief. “For now.” Nevermind.
The tickling slowed down, rubbing away the sparking feeling left behind. His giggles subsided slowly as they cooed at him. Schlatt’s tail, however, never stopped wagging, beating the mattress in a steady beat. Quackity untied the knots slowly, smiling at the panting ram. “Had fun, Schlatt?” A glare, then. “Just get me down from here, vice.” “Yes, sir.” And if the deer cabinet member found himself in a sticky situation a very miffed president set up for him, no-one was the wiser. Except for his right-hand men, of course. Who would he be without them?
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chenziee · 3 years
Here's a fun prompt for you..
Au where’s Law's a marine admrial purposely misinterpret the orders of taking care of Strawhats, and especially take out Strawhat Luffy...much tothe dismay of the world government and the enjoyment the Strawhats...
Thank you so so much for this prompt! It was so fun to work with and I really hope to explore it more than what I’ve got so far :D Seriously, thank you, I hope you enjoy reading as much as I enjoyed writng <33
Also sorry for being so slow;;
Take out as in on a date, right?
[read on AO3 or below the cut]
Being called into the Fleet Admiral’s office first thing in the morning wasn’t Law’s favourite way to start a day. He supposed it wasn’t the poor messenger’s fault but he also couldn’t have been bothered to play nice when he got woken up after a grand two hours of sleep—sleep that he damn well deserved after an entire night out on a mission—and so he only glowered at the marine standing by the door to his room, hoping his stare would convey the displeasure he was feeling and make the man go the hell away.
Sadly, even though the pink haired Captain cowered under Law’s sharp glare, he stood his ground. “I’m sorry, Admiral, but the Fleet Admiral said it’s urgent,” he rattled off, speaking fast and unnecessarily loud, even waving his hands in front of himself as if he could deflect Law’s wrath if he tried hard enough.
“He always says that,” Law muttered, letting go of a frustrated groan. “Fine, I’ll be right there. There better be enough coffee to wake up an entire battleship by the time I get to his office.”
“Yessir!” The Captain, Cobie or something, Law was pretty sure, saluted before high tailing it out of Law’s room. Probably off to make the coffee himself.
Law only shook his head before letting himself fall face-first back into his pillow.
Five more minutes couldn’t hurt, right?
“I called you in here three hours ago,” Sengoku said tiredly, tapping his fingers against his desk as he leaned back in his chair, regarding Law with a displeased stare.
Law thought to himself that if anyone had the right to sound tired, it was him, but he knew better than to provoke his grandfather when he was already this agitated. Law may have had zero respect for authority but he also didn’t have a death wish.
So instead, he only blinked slowly and sipped on his coffee. “Well, I’m here now. What did you want?”
Sengoku took a deep breath, looking like he was ready to chew Law out for his lack of enthusiasm but after meeting Law's blank gaze, he deflated. Instead, he simply rubbed the bridge of his nose and Law felt like he was having a flashback to when he was 13 and Cora-san first brought him to headquarters. Back then, Sengoku was also constantly getting angry at Law's jaded, nihilistic attitude before catching himself.
And Law was grateful to him for that. After Cora-san had explained who Law was, what had happened to him in Flevance and then later with Doflamingo, Sengoku always took great care not to lose patience with Law, showing him just as much respect and love as Cora-san did, no matter how badly Law acted.
And even though Law did give him as much cheek as he did to everyone else in a position of authority—or anyone under the World Government in general—he still loved his grandfather regardless.
Right now, however, it looked like Sengoku was closer to snapping at Law than he ever was in the past. Which was funny, because Law didn’t recall doing anything to incur his boss’ wrath. Not in the past 24 hours at least.
“Care to explain this report of yours?” Sengoku finally hissed.
Law frowned, picking up the papers that were pushed in his general direction. It was the report he had submitted late last night, a recount of the mission Sengoku himself had sent him on. And for once, he had followed his orders to a T so he had to wonder what exactly the issue was.
He turned to the side to look at Cora-san, who was sitting on the couch while Sengoku’s pet goat chewed on his coat. His dad only shrugged, accidentally spilling his own coffee all over his lap, and offering Law no explanation. So, the Admiral turned back at Sengoku. “I don’t understand,” he said, raising an eyebrow as he tossed the report back at the Fleet Admiral’s desk.
Sengoku let go of a sharp breath. He pulled the papers towards himself, flipping through them until he found the part he wanted and started reading out loud. “He was surprised at first but agreed immediately. His crew wasn’t too happy about me stealing their captain but he told them not to follow us. So, we went alone, thank fuck. I really wasn’t looking forward to eating while having to babysit all the other idiots as well.
“We ended up going to this cute place at the port since he wanted to be close to the ocean. Made them give us their best table with a view—the stupid Admiral thing is good for something at least. We ate (bill attached, thanks) and talked for a long while. I can’t be bothered to recount all that, but I want it to be known he waves his hands around a lot when excited and it’s really cute.
“After the place ran out of food, he took my hand to drag me off and we took a walk around the beach. I told him to just call me Law again but he keeps insisting on calling me Torao. Said he likes it because it “makes him feel warm” and I couldn’t say no to that face. I kissed him. And I think I’m really in love.”
Sengoku stopped reading then. He slammed his hand down at the report, anger radiating off of him as he glared at Law with his jaw clenched. “Are you going to keep playing dumb with me?” he growled when Law didn’t say anything.
Law simply returned his gaze impassively. “I don’t see the issue. I was on a mission and this is the mission report.”
“This is not a report, it’s a goddamned love letter!” Sengoku finally snapped and Law had to bite his cheek to stop himself from snorting at the way the Fleet Admiral's eye twitched in irritation. “Your orders were clear. Either arrest or kill Straw Hat Luffy before he causes even more trouble!”
Making sure his face was perfectly straight, Law looked Sengoku in the eyes and slowly replied, “You said, and I quote, ‘Take Straw Hat out before the Five Elders drive me insane.’”
Heavy silence settled over the room. Law watched calmly as Sengoku’s expression went from confused to surprised to completely blank before his entire face twisted in anger. It took the old man a while to form a coherent sentence but when he finally spoke up, his tone of voice was ice cold and obviously forced to stay level. “You know damn well what I meant.”
“Maybe,” Law couldn’t help but say, quickly hiding his smirk behind his coffee cup.
Sengoku took a deep breath, seemingly puffing up and Law thought he would finally explode but then he looked at Cora-san instead. “Roci, you try and tell him something!”
Law tilted his head back, looking at Cora-san expectantly. He paused from where he was now trying to get Baarbara the goat to let go of his pack of cigarettes and looked up. First at Sengoku, then his eyes slid to his son. “Good job, Law, I told you you could do it,” he said seriously and Law’s smirk only widened at his words.
“ROCI!” Sengoku shouted for the first time, making Cora-san jump, his cigarettes flying out of his hands and out the window.
At least he wouldn’t be setting himself on fire anytime soon, Law thought to himself as he shook his head at the man’s fumbling.
“What, dad? I’m just happy he’s happy,” Cora-san said, sitting back in the couch as if nothing happened.
“Normally I would agree but not in this case. You’re his father, do something about this before anyone hears about it!” Sengoku ordered, gesturing between Law and his report.
Cora-san exchanged a look with Law before tilting his head at Sengoku. “You want me to scold him for breaking the rules? Me, who burned down like five hospitals for him when he was little?”
A few beats of heavy silence passed before—
“You did what?!”
It was only an hour later, after Sengoku thoroughly chewed both his son and grandson out, that Law and Cora-san were finally able to leave the Fleet Admiral’s office, and even though Law stopped paying attention five minutes in, he was still glad that was over. He could only listen to an old man go on and on about law and marines and pirates and hospitals for so long before wanting to go drown himself.
“So it’s been two years,” Cora-san noted as they set off together in search of more coffee for Law. “Can I meet your boyfriend now that you finally had a proper date?”
Law chuckled at how eager Cora-san sounded. He had been bothering Law over this since he and Straw Hat started dating and Law would be lying if he said he wasn’t starting to cave. “I don’t know if I can deal with the both you and his crew of idiots at the same time.”
“Why?” Cora-san whined.
“Because,” Law started slowly, shooting Cora-san a look, ”I feel like someone would end up drowning by the end of it and I’m not sure I would be willing to save either of you. You’d probably end up pulling out some baby pictures or something else stupid.” And Law really really wasn’t up for dealing with that.
“I wasn’t going to! But thank you for the idea.” He smiled brightly, and Law wanted to be mad at him but he couldn’t—not when he looked at him like that.
One more reason to keep the two of them away from each other. Embarrassing sharing of childhood and love confession stories aside, Law’s heart probably wouldn’t be able to handle two of these blinding grins at once. He would just end up agreeing to anything these two idiots came up with.
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delimeful · 4 years
the shapes in the silence (12)
warnings: dissociation, fighting, mild blood & injury, panic, another hopefully less bad cliffhanger
Puff woke up to a gentle hand down his back ridges, his hoard chattering above him, and an odd, high pitched note on the edge of his hearing.
His ears twitched in agitation at the noise, but his hoard took priority, so he took a moment to stretch before finally tuning into the conversation.
The three of them were arguing about another one of their screen viewings, trying to decide which one of their little stories to play. Each of them seemed to treasure very specific titles with passionate reverence, but for Puff couldn’t tell the difference between most of them. The screen was always too bright for his eyes to focus on for long, and the sounds often too loud.
As such, when the decision was left up to him, he simply stared at them blankly for a moment before settling back into a curled up shape to continue dozing.
There was a pause in the chatter (making the strange noise seem all the louder) and then they continued speaking in much more muted tones, indicating discomfort and uncertainty. Puff felt a twinge of discontent run through him and sighed grumpily.
This was the problem with a human-shaped hoard. They were so difficult to maintain.
Not that Puff would trade his hoard for all the shining things in the world. Each of them on their own were more valuable than any number of treasures combined. Every dragon probably felt that way about their hoard, but in his case it was true.
He let his eyes slit open, peering at the nearest of his collection.
Roman, who carried the smell of pigments and an appreciation for the finer things himself, was like a golden gauntlet. Ornate but handcrafted, painstaking care in every detail, and dripping with rubies.
Logan, who needed his hands occupied just as well as his mind, was like an illuminated manuscript. Pages draped in silver leaf edging, needing such a delicate touch to keep the ink from wearing away.
Patton, who watched them all with keen eyes and a warm gaze, was like a polished wooden music box. Inside, rose-colored clockwork met precisely placed metal prongs, together producing the notes to a nostalgic tune.
They were so precious, all of them, but never more than when they were shining their brightest with joy and contentment.
Puff was having a hard time making them happy, lately. Without Not-Puff, it was much harder to figure out which actions would keep his hoard from becoming dull with misery. His tail thrashed irritably as he once again felt the absence in himself.
Despite his constant presence as a part of their shared being, Not-Puff was assuredly not part of the hoard. He was like a rusty, chipped butterfly knife. All double edges and caked dirt from lack of care. Barely even worth looking at.
Still, Not-Puff was better at understanding which choices would make the hoard happy, which meant he was useful to have around. Puff mentally prodded at the barrier aiding in keeping the other half of him tucked quietly away, but there was no response. As the days passed, he’d only stirred when one of the hoard did something dangerous-stupid that went against all of their shared protective instincts, and even then, only barely.
It made Puff think that he didn’t plan on coming back.
It wasn’t like Not-Puff was a dragon, so maybe he simply didn’t care as much about the hoard. And even if he was gone for good, what did Puff care? That just meant more room for him in the empty, echoing space of their mind.
… Whatever.
Puff rolled over and got to his feet, stretching his wings out until they threatened to cramp. How irritating, thoughts like this keeping him up when all he wanted to do was take a nap.
If he couldn’t sleep, he might as well investigate the source of the noise.
He leapt easily to the floor, his hoard having already picked a glow story to watch in subdued silence. Patton called out a parting caution, and then Puff was off, trotting over to the stairs.
He passed Not-Puff’s room with barely a glance down the darkened hall. It was empty, obviously, though most of his hoard didn’t seem to realize. Logan and Patton often stood at the threshold, knocking and trying to coax Not-Puff out with sweet foods or concerned words, and while Roman generally avoided it, Puff had caught him staring more than once.
No matter what they tried or didn’t try, it remained locked up, silent and dark inside. Just like its former resident.
Puff could still get in, though he refrained from using the small flap-like door when others were watching. It wouldn’t do to make his hoard feel excluded, after all.
His dagger, the obsidian one with the gilded edges and honeyed words, could get inside, too.
His dagger-- Puff couldn’t quite recall the false name he used-- spent a lot of his time locked in that room, which was a bit foolish of him. It couldn’t be pleasant. Even Puff could feel the stagnant, fearful aura that lingered there, and dragons weren’t known for being affected by such things.
Not-Puff had complex, many-edged feelings towards their dagger, but it didn’t really matter, because Not-Puff had complex feelings about all of the hoard. He was a strange one like that.
In any case, it didn’t stop Puff from occasionally tromping off to go curl up in his dagger’s lap, letting the silly creature talk at him. He always talked when Puff came to bask with him, trying to coax Not-Puff out with lies and threats and even apologies that made his voice crack.
None of it ever worked.
He wasn’t in Not-Puff’s room now, though. Puff felt around curiously, and found his dagger was out in the real world, playing pretend.
He did that more and more often these days, dressing up to masquerade as Not-Puff for their Thomas. It was a strange practice. Puff much preferred his dagger as himself, all shining scales and black velvet.
Thomas was the crown of their little hoard, of course. It only made sense.
The odd tone grew in intensity, and Puff shook off his distractions, ears flattening against his skull. He could curl up with his hoard later, once this irritating buzzing was-- as Roman would say-- vanquished.
He passed the doors in the hall one after another, listening carefully at each one. After such a thorough inspection, the answer became clear.
Puff studied the portal-like entrance to the imagination, head tilting back and forth as he listened carefully to the noise. Not-Puff’s fear of this realm had kept Puff from wandering into it alone up until now, but the painful buzzing was definitely coming from it.
It was Not-Puff’s own fault for not being around to stop him, he decided, and stepped through.
As Puff trotted down cobblestone paths and dirt roads after the sound, it only seemed to grow more and more intense, enough so that he had to stop a few times to shake his head agitatedly, trying to get rid of the ringing headache.
At least those irritating shadow projections Not-Puff spawned weren’t present. The woven thread around his neck seemed to do well enough preventing them, which was good, because Puff wasn’t in the mood to go scampering around avoiding the trifling things. Not when there were noises to attend to.
“So it worked, after all.”
The strange, lilting voice made him spin around, wings flaring defensively.
Up in the twisting boughs of an old oak, the stranger cocked their head, bird-like. “I wasn’t sure it would,” they continued. “You’re a strange one, aren’t you?”
They tossed a hollow stone in their hand, the strange noise emanating from it. The scales along their cloak rattled with every movement, and Puff’s hackles rose in response. He remembered them. The Witch that tried to turn him against his own hoard.
“Now, don’t be rude. I’ve skinned beasts much larger than you with barely a snap of the fingers, you know.” They slid down to the ground, and Puff skittered back a few steps. “Halt.”
The compulsion took root firmly in him, keeping his feet glued to the ground. He hissed viciously, furious that their magic had such a hold on him. They sauntered closer and dropped to a squat.
“So my thrall does affect you… perhaps before was a one-off? I suppose it’s still interesting enough that you somehow keep your mind.” The eyes of their mask were dark and hollow, sending a chill down Puff’s spine even as he continued to growl viciously. “Quiet, now. Keep your mouth shut.”
His teeth clacked together painfully as his mouth snapped shut, leaving an impotent glare as his only form of defense.
“Perfect,” they said, and plucked him up from the ground, calming his struggles with another pulse of magic and a hand down his spine. “His Royal Irritation has been rearing for fight after fight lately, so it’ll be nice to finally have some leverage on my side.”
A chill spread through him.
“How long do you think it will take for him to find you?” they mused, tone light and mocking as they continued to run their hand along his spine possessively. “Days? Weeks? I certainly hope I’ll have enough time to prepare for company.”
Puff felt as though the metal cuff around his leg had grown suddenly heavy. He had a sinking feeling that it wouldn't take them nearly as long as he might hope, not when his hoard had grown so used to having him constantly nearby. Not when there was a tracker to lead them right into the Witch’s trap.
“Don’t fret, little dragon,” they crooned, tapping a finger between his eyes. “Sleep. I’ll wake you for the fun.”
Unable to do anything else, he obeyed.
When he woke, it was on the floor of an ornate birdcage, with magic thick in the air.
He uncurled, limbs weak, and pushed himself up to see that not one, but three of his hoard were before him, standing there in the grand hall of an ancient castle, facing off with the Witch.
The sight sent a thrum of alarm through him. The three of them didn’t enter the Imagination together often, and the effects of their combined presence made the place feel more real, more lasting.
Seeing the way they were back to back, surrounded by vicious constructed monsters, that wasn’t a good thing. That was a very, very bad thing indeed.
Even from his position next to the Witch’s throne, he could make out the cut on Roman’s forehead that continued to drip blood into his eyes, the way Logan leaned his weight heavily on one foot as though injured, the exhausted shaking of Patton’s frame as he tossed away a monster at Roman’s back.
More than that, he could feel the strain of his mental connection to his hoard, the urge to keep them from harm nearly all-consuming. They were his, and he would not stand idly by while they suffered.
For the first time in weeks, there was a stirring inside of Puff, like a billowing of air on banked coals. A white-hot glow, expanding with nowhere to go.
A gloved hand flicked the bars of the cage, bringing all his furious attention to the Witch. Their invisible gaze rested intently on him, making his scales prickle.
“Enjoying the show, small one?”
If looks could kill, this battle would be long over. The Witch laughed lowly at him.
“You look at me so fiercely, but this wouldn’t have been possible without you, you know?” They turned their gaze back to the battle with a darkly satisfied tint to their voice. “All three of them, right here in the palm of my hand for the sake of such a tiny, helpless creature. I’d almost think there’s something genuinely special about you. Too bad you probably won’t survive the heartbreak when I kill them.”
The snarl Puff let out seemed too small, too weak to even begin to express the amount of vitriol inside of him. The Witch didn’t even glance at him before rising to their feet to join the battle themself. His body trembled oddly.
He was afraid, he realized with a startle. He was more afraid than he’d ever been before.
That internal stir rose up again at the emotion, but it still felt as though a wall of thick mental fog separated Puff from it, like reaching through a haze. Bracing himself, he pushed past it anyways, dizzy with the effort.
For the first time since they’d been separated, Not-Puff was reaching back. Puff hesitated for the barest of moments.
If they did this. There would be consequences.
If they didn’t do this…
Nothing could be worse than losing them, one of them answered, and the other agreed. Which one was which didn’t really matter, in the end.
He took the anger and the fear that bubbled up inside of him and let them grow, welling up into one singular drive to protect. And, as the empty space around him seemed to vanish, he realized that he was growing, too.
The bracelet was the first thing to go, the connecting thread snapping at the pressure of his changing form. The tracer cuff followed easily, metal crumpling, and then the bars of the birdcage bent until they snapped, and then he was free of every restraint at last.
Virgil half-expected to come back to a human shape at that very moment, but Puff was still more than present in their mind, and as much as he loved their humans, there was clearly a superior option to better keep them all safe.
He flickered up like the flame tongues of a rising bonfire, or a bolt of energy connecting the earth and heavens, until he was big enough that his wings spread and met the adjacent walls of the throne chamber.
Every eye in the room was upon him, and when he growled, it was like the rolling crashes of a thunderstorm. Some of the monsters cowered away from that alone, turning tail and fleeing.
The Witch looked up at him and cackled, exuberant where they should be terrified.
“I knew there was something there, something different! You may have changed shape, little dragon, but my thrall isn’t so weak as to be influenced by size. You’ve only made your hoard’s end that much easier for me!”
Virgil could see the three of them behind the Witch, crowded together and staring up at him with equal parts apprehension and hope. His hoard wouldn’t be hurt a single moment longer. Not by the Dragon Witch, and certainly not by him.
The Witch lifted their arm and snapped their finger at him.
“Stop all that noise, little dragon,” they commanded, and the compulsive magic washed over him and rolled right off.
Slowly, deliberately, he took a step forward, and his growl rose in volume, echoing off the vaulted ceiling.
There was a heady feeling of satisfaction at the way the Witch stumbled back, the mask barely hiding their shock. “I said stop, right now.”
The magic passed, easier and easier to ignore. The Witch would never control this body again, no matter what form it took.
With a howl of wordless anger, they vanished from sight, and all the monsters that remained turned to him with aggression writ in every line of their bodies. An unfamiliar sensation welled up in his chest, waiting to be released.
Might as well see what this familiar-unfamiliar form could manage.
Working off Puff’s instincts, Virgil opened his mouth and let something click in the back of his throat before exhaling what looked like thick, rolling smoke. It filled the air, clumping together dense and heavy, and Virgil blinked, recognizing the form of it.
Huh. Storm clouds.
In the next moment, lightning sparked, shooting down and lancing straight through every attacking creature. Virgil darted a few steps closer, somewhat alarmed that friendly fire might hit the others, but even as they hunched down in surprise, any electricity that neared them seemed to simply veer away.
Of course it did, the more draconic part of him crowed smugly. No magic of his would hurt his hoard.
He went to his humans anyhow, moving slow so as to not startle them. He was the oversized one, now.
He needn’t have worried. As soon as he lowered his head into range, Patton lunged forward, wrapping his snout in the best hug he could manage. He was clearly sniffing back tears. “Oh, kiddo, we were so worried!”
Roman was attempting to casually lean on his sword, but there was clear relief in his gaze, too. “We should have known better than to believe the Dragon Witch would get the better of you, huh, Puff?”
Virgil huffed a cloud of colorless vapor into Roman’s face. Affectionately.
“We should celebrate our reunion later, once we’re safely out of here,” Logan pointed out over Roman’s faux-indignant complaints.
Despite his own words, Logan took a moment to reach out, gently placing a hand on the side of Virgil’s head as though to reassure himself that he was real. Virgil leaned into the touch slightly, an odd pleased chur bubbling up from his chest.
As his eyes slitted nearly shut in happiness, he caught movement from the corner of his vision.
The Witch, holding one hand aloft and casting something that made his skin prickle, aiming not at him, but at the other Sides.
Quicker than he could think, his body was moving, curling around his precious people with only a second to brace himself before the attack struck him solidly in the back.
It seemed a simple strike at first, barely breaking skin, and he regained his footing as the others rose to his defense with a ferocity that made his chest feel strangely pressurized. Between the three of them, the Witch was more than outmatched, and they were finally forced to flee.
It was only then that Virgil noticed the feeling of rot and fever spreading along his skin.
He stumbled, and then lay down heavily as his energy dipped well below what was sustainable. The others fluttered around him like moths, trying to figure out what was wrong.
Virgil let out a sigh, almost too exhausted to be panicked. He’d really thought for a moment that he’d pull it off, that he could deal with the backlash of the huge, energy-draining form on his own in private and maintain this fragile balance. So much for that.
On his next exhale, there was a flash-crack as the transformation came crashing back down on him, leaving him snapped back into the form he’d abandoned. Anxiety.
Around him, there was a stunned silence to replace the earlier clamor. He forced himself to blink his eyes open, resisting the urge to squint and see them more clearly. He didn’t really want to see what kinds of expressions they were wearing.
Whatever the Witch had cursed him with was still active, burning him up from the inside-out like the awful fever Thomas had gotten when he was ten. If the others weren’t going to take the opportunity to discorporate him, the poisoned injury would manage just fine on its own. And he’d just gotten back, too.
At least the others weren’t in danger anymore. Hopefully, Thomas would be okay until he reformed.
… Who was he kidding? Thomas had managed fine all these days with him gone. He would probably be better off without Anxiety, just like everyone had always said.
Still, he was leaving the others without being punished for the deception he’d been subjecting them all to for so long. He was leaving them without any real answers at all.
“Sorry,” he managed to grit out, barely able to think past the blood rushing in his ears. It seemed to break the fragile silence, because the others all began speaking at once, creating an indecipherable tangle of noise.
Soundlessly, Virgil passed out.
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catzula · 4 years
Lost and Found
250 followers! Thank you! I couldn’t edit this, it’s pretty late where I live, but I think it turned out pretty well and I'llprobably edit it in the morning, so, ugh, enjoy!
btw I just realized this is my 25th post and it’s funny since it’s also 250 followers thank you post hehe also a last minute edit of oh shit I had a taglist and like ily aah first time tagging someone @astroninaaa
Bakugou x fem!cat quirk!reader
warnings: kissing, cursing, it’s 7.6k- I swear I tried to keep it short but I couldn’t, being very annoying to each other- I don’t know tbh
genre: fluff, enemies to lovers au
It wasn’t a secret that you and your neighbor didn’t like each other, but what many people didn’t know was how deep this dislike was. You were in a war, fighting each other openly or secretly, but always finding a way to irritate each other to the most.
You groaned when you heard loud thuds coming from the apartment right next to you, waking you from your one of many daily naps. Trying to go back to sleep, you closed your eyes and snuggled even deeper to the blanket fort you have made, but had to open them once again when you heard a louder thud followed with a string of curses, and guessed that he probably had tossed into another furniture. Really, how long does it take for one to get used to the placement of their furniture?
Pressing the pillow you were hugging to your ear to cancel out the noise, you took a deep, irritated breath, but you knew you wouldn’t be able to sleep again. You could hear his every move, whether it was because of your heightened hearing abilities, or because he was generally a loud person, you weren’t sure. When you finally heard him settling down on the couch, you hoped to sleep, groaned with frustration when he turned the tv on, and like always, on the loudest setting.
”Oh my god!” You screamed into your pillow, sitting up from your sleeping position. Everything was much better before he had moved to the place right next to you. When you didn’t work on your college assignments, you usually slept when you were home, so you wished for silence, and you had no problems with that whatsoever until he moved to the apartment next to you.
Though you weren’t the only one unhappy because of their neighbor. Bakugou, too lost countless hours of sleep because of the cats whining and screaming every night, since it was really common of your quirk for the cats to feel and want to be closer to you. It was like every cat in the damn neighborhood was pulled to you, and they all seemed to be very agitated since they just never shut up. Bakugou needed his sleep -so did you, but it seemed he wasn’t aware of that… or simply didn’t care- and it affected his life enormously when he couldn’t get his sleep, as it had been affecting him the past few weeks.
He had bought a cat repellant for that, a device that released a sound only cats could hear, to prevent the cats from lurking around the building, not even thinking of its effect on you. After only an hour of using the device, he heard a very aggressive knock on his door, only to find his downstairs neighbor glaring at him. Her hair disheveled and ruffled like a cat’s fur would be when it was angry, purple bags under her eyes, and her face pale, looking like she came to his door straight from a war.
He also noticed how one of your socks were missing, and the odd scene of one clothed and one bare foot made him want to laugh. He didn’t know it was because of the many cats that liked to steal your stuff since they thought of your scent relaxing.
It wasn’t the first time he had seen you, but it still took a moment for him to recognize you. His gaze wandered on the tail wagging behind you and the pair of cat ears on your head, grimacing when he caught himself thinking about how cute you looked.
”What do you want?” He asked with a glare as intense as yours, but you gritted your teeth and kept glaring without answering his question. He could see your cat ears twitching with the now increased sound since you were closer to the source. ”What- what the fuck is that?”
”What is what?” Bakugou raised his shapely brows, though he was well aware of the reason you were here. Your eyes roaming in the room, trying to find where this goddamn noise was coming from, you looked so irritated that he felt his lips twitching to a smile at the sight.
Without waiting for him to invite you in -not that he would do that- you entered his house, walking to the table that stood in the middle of the room. Your ears were twitching constantly with irritation, your tail not moving anymore.
”Hey, what the fuck are you doing, just walking in my damn appartement?!” He shouted, holding and pulling you back from your elbow, but you easily pulled yourself free from his grip with the adrenaline flowing in your veins. And Bakugou was a smart man, one look you sent his way told him to stay away from you.
The room was unexpectedly tidy, especially for a guy as impatient and angry as him, and the caramel scent you always sensed whenever you saw him now even stronger. A small, black device on the table caught your eye, noticing it was that that caused you to go insane.
”This! What the fuck is this? ” You took it to your hands and brought it closer to your eyes to examine it closer, though the ongoing noise making you shriek with discomfort.
”Is this a cat repellant?!” You blurted out, now even angrier. Quickly putting the device back to its place, he noticed the pure disgust on your face. You turned back to face him, meeting his blood-red eyes that were twinkling with amusement. Seeing him enjoying this made your blood boil, you physically had to hold yourself back from jumping on him and ripping that stupidly good looking smile off of his face.
”You bastard,” you choked out when he didn’t answer, ”you bought a cat repellant?!” Pressing every button on the device, you desperately tried to stop the sound. ”Of course I did.” He answered, the amused look in his eyes now gone with your insult. ”Your cats wouldn’t let me sleep! They’re so fucking annoying.”
”Is that so? ” You asked, taking a deep breath of relief when you finally closed that shitty device off. ”Am I supposed to buy a Bakugou repellant, then? Since you’re so fucking annoying, too. ” You shot back, and you had to admit, it wasn’t nearly as clever as you wanted it to be, but it still worked since Bakugou was seemingly fuming.
”You little- You have the audacity to come into my house, force yourself in, and talk to me like this? You really are as dumb as you look.”
Your eyes narrowed, hands itching to throw a punch right across his handsome face. When you stood silent he sighed with annoyance. ”Get out already! I don’t have time for this shit.” He pulled you towards the exit, but you still had much to say. Apparently, Bakugou knew what you were thinking since when you didn’t exit the room, he simply took the device and turned it on.
Hearing the sound so suddenly made you choke on your words for a second or so, making you want to carve your ears out. ”You- you-” You tried to talk, but he couldn’t care less.
”I said get out.” He ordered, and you did, though not because you were afraid of him, but because the sound was unbearable. Storming out of the room, you promised yourself to annoy him as much as he did you.
This day was the beginning of the war between you two (though you never once heard that noise again after that day, and you were secretly grateful… not that you would admit to that).
You made the cats jump on him when they saw him, get in his apartment, and shed as much as they could whenever they had the chance, making them steal his socks and small trinkets just to piss him off, so in return, he became the loudest neighbor ever. Using the tv in the loudest setting, playing that goddamn drum set every now and then -hitting hit like his life depended on it-, training on the punching bag he hung on the wall that was joint with your wall, you could swear he bought the loudest vacuum cleaner available, and he always played that horrible horrible music that was almost as bad as the cat repellant.
Your cats left furballs in his balcony, he sprayed lemon juice to your balcony, somehow knowing the citrus smell always made you gag and gave you the worst headaches. It went on and on, and it was just getting tiresome at this point, but neither of you was willing to back off.
Stretching your muscles that were stiff from sitting in one place for a long time, you couldn’t help the cat-like moan coming out of your lips, remembering you had another assignment that was due a week from today, though knowing yourself, you would either do it today or the last day. Deciding it was better to at least start it today, you stood up, going towards the kitchen to fix yourself something to eat, though the sudden lack of noise coming from next door making your ears perk up with curiosity.
You listened to him a bit, trying to guess why he was so quiet all of a sudden, but shrugged to yourself and took a snack out of your cupboard. You were going to the balcony to work on the assignment when you heard the water running, explaining the sudden lack of noise.
Since the marble ground in the balcony always made your feet feel cold, you looked for your socks, and you could swear you left them right on the counter, though it wasn���t much of a shock not to find them there. The cats loved to steal or move stuff that belonged to you, and a small part in you felt a little better since Bakugou was going through the same thing.
Since you and Bakugou shared a balcony and both enjoyed being outdoors, it was hard to escape each other, and crossing paths out there always led to the worst arguments. So you were glad to have some quiet time you could spend alone here.
You sat down, sipping on your coffee as you tried to find a comfortable position. As you opened a new word document, you bit your lip, thinking of a strong sentence to start the essay. It was always the hardest to write the first few sentences, you thought. You made a motion to tie your hair, only to find your hair tie missing, too.
Diving deep in your thoughts, writing and erasing the different versions of the same sentence, you hadn’t realized Bakugou was done with his shower, nor had you noticed him and another familiar face coming out, joining you in the balcony.
“Oh, hey Y/N-chan!” You heard someone call out to you, the sound making you let out a small shriek of surprise. It was Kirishima, one of the rare people who visited Bakugou often. His red hair was as spiky as ever, and it always made you wonder how he styled his hair to get that spiky style. Kirishima’s hair always had that hair-gel smell to it, unlike Bakugou’s caramel and mint-scented ones, indicating Kirishima’s hair was not naturally spiky.
“Hey, hey- It’s just me!” He told you when he heard your shriek and noticed how you tucked your tail anxiously between your legs. It took you a few seconds for your nerves to calm down and accept that he wasn’t a threat. “Oh, I’m sorry Kiri-kun. I wasn’t paying attention.” You said with an apologetic smile, noticing how Bakugou winced as you called his friend Kiri-Kun.
Bakugou had a pair of shorts and a shirt on, the black shirt clinging to his frame that caused your ears to twitch in embarrassment of your thoughts.
His ashy hair was still a bit damp, though it was obvious he blow-dried them. You didn’t expect less from the control-freak, though, you could do without that mind-fuzzing caramel scent of his.
“Oh, were you working on something?” Kirishima smiled sweetly as he glanced on your computer screen. “Yeah,” you answered with a pout that meant it’s-not-going-well, making his smile wider. “It’s not important, though.” You closed the screen since you weren’t actually doing anything other than looking at the blank word document.
“Oi, shitty hair!” Bakugou called out when you kept talking with his friend, both of you ignoring him in his part of the balcony. “Come here.”
“Aww, missed me already?” Kirishima teased, causing Bakugou to growl with annoyance. “If you don’t come here right now-” He stopped mid-sentence when he heard you sigh. The crimson gaze quickly turning to you, the annoyed look on his face left its place to straight on angry.
“What the fuck is your problem?”  
“Can you at least try to be a little more quiet? You’re hurting my ears.” You answered with a mocking look, though what you said wasn’t exactly the truth. Disturbing, maybe, but not quite hurtful.
“Can you try to be a little less annoying? You’re hurting my nerves.” Kirishima pouted when Bakugou shot back at your unnecessary attempt to fight with him. “Now- Bakubro, that’s not something you say to a lady.”
Bakugou looked like he had a lot to say, but surprisingly, he chose to stay quiet. Instead, he sat in his place with a grumpy pout on his face and arms crossed on his chest, the sight caused an odd, tingly feeling to spread in your chest. “Will you come here already?” He finally asked when Kirishima kept making small talk with you.
“Eh,” Kirishima sent him a toothy grin as he scratched the back of his neck, “why don’t you just come here?”
“Haah?!” Bakugou blurted, making your ears to hurt for real this time. “I’m not sitting with her!”
“And I’m not sitting with him!” You answered though the blunt response of not being wanted did hurt just the little bit. Denying this feeling, you glared at his crimson eyes, the ones that were challenging you to do so. It took at least 30 seconds before Kirishima interrupted the silent war going between you and Bakugou, finally allowing you to blink or look away. “Oh, quit being a baby, you two.” Kirishima muttered, rolling his eyes. “Both of you are adults enough to sit together for an hour or two without killing each other.”
When Bakugou clicked his tongue in annoyance and looked away, Kirishima pestered him. “Right, Bakugou?” It was a secret challenge, you were sure. If you started an argument, you would lose. And God knew, you would rather die than lose to him.
So without protesting you sat back in your place, followed by Kirishima, who was grinning mischievously. Bakugou was the last to sit down, displeasure and annoyance evident on his face. You took a long sip of your now cold coffee, sending a teasing smile to Bakugou in the process, earning an annoyed “tch” from him. You noticed he did this quite often.
“So,” Kirishima said cheerfully to at least diffuse some of this heavy tension in the air. “How are you, Y/N-chan?”
You shrugged. “Not much, I guess. I’m a little bored at home, and it sucks that I can’t even sleep because of a certain someone.” You didn’t hold back from sending one more look at the blonde’s way.
“Serves you right,” Bakugou growled, his eyes narrowed into slits, “since I can’t sleep either.” You noticed Kirishima snickering as he rolled his eyes with irritation.
“Must be something in the air.” He joked, an attempt to stop the fight before it started, but neither of you was paying attention to him.
“Oh, really? You can’t sleep, and that’s my fault?” You asked quirking a brow up and scoffed when he nodded curtly. “I’m not the irrationally loud one around here, am I?”
“No, your cats are the irrationally angry ones.” Bakugou answered, weaving his hand through his now dry and messy hair, a way of showing his frustration. Your eyes followed his hand, gulping when you noticed your mind started to wonder how it would feel like under your touch.
Noticing how one small act diffused your anger and fuzzied your mind almost instantly, you felt even angrier than before. “Oh, yeah.” You exclaimed. “That should explain why you bought a fucking cat repellant!” His teeth gritting with annoyance, he was going to answer if it wasn’t for Kirishima whose eyes widened with genuine shock.
“You did what?!”
“You heard it! I was losing my mind because of him.” You muttered under your breath, remembering that god awful sound, shivering because of the memory.
“Then make your cats shut up!”
“For the love of God, they’re not my cats! I can’t do anything to stop them from wanting to be closer to me.” Well, that was a lie, but they didn’t need to know that. It was just that the cat’s presence calmed you, making you feel a little less lonely.
“Beats me.” Bakugou answered, though didn’t hold back a ‘You either make them shut up, or else’ look. This only made you angrier, you could feel your hands itching to punch him in his smug face.
Both of them were well aware of how your tail was perking and ruffling behind you, indicating just how irritated and angry you were. “You’re just so god damn annoying, I can’t even-”
“Guys, guys.” Kirishima stopped you by holding your arm when you sprinted on your legs, either to jump on him or run inside, you weren’t sure either. “You did tell me you were going to sit like an adult and not fight, right?”
“He started it!” You felt like a child, but it was okay since he was acting like one too.
“Me?!” He growled, his eyes never leaving yours, and you felt the odd urge to gulp. Taking a deep breath, you sat back down when Kirishima looked at you with a brow quirked up.
“Can you play some music?” You asked for a change of topic. When Bakugou reached for his phone, you grimaced, remembering the things he often listened to. He saw the sour expression on your face and rolled his eyes.
“Now what?”
“I didn’t say anything!” You protested though you kept making a face, you sighed when he looked at you demandingly. “It’s just that… your music taste is kinda lame.”
“What?!” He blurted out, looking genuinely shocked, which amused you just a little bit. Kirishima was roaring with laughter, obviously not expecting that either. “My music taste is the best in the fucking world!” He grunted, his cheeks slightly tinged pink.
“Not to me.” You shrugged, which caused a grumpy expression to find its place on his face. “Then you just have bad taste in music.” He reached for his phone one more time, not breaking eye contact once as he opened a song. You expected that loud music he always seemed to enjoy but were surprised when you heard a soft acoustic guitar instead.
“Oh, I love this song.” Kirishima muttered as he closed his eyes and went along with the song, causing Bakugou to send you a knowing smirk that just screamed ‘See? Even he likes it’ And you couldn’t deny it was… good.
“Well, it’s not that bad, I guess.” You admitted hesitantly, forgetting how bad you were at lying, thanks to your feline parts. This only made Bakugou’s smirk even wider, almost turning it to a genuine smile that made him look even more handsome than he already was, and you felt like smiling back at him. Kirishima stood up, mumbling about getting coffee as he went inside, but neither of you paid attention. “I didn’t think you listened to these kind of music, too.”
“That’s on you for being prejudiced.” He mumbled, and you furrowed your brows. “Prejudiced? If there’s anyone prejudiced here, it’s you!” You protested at the accusation, making him lean even closer to you, so close that you could almost feel the heat radiating from him.
“You don’t know anything about me.” He told you with a low voice that sent goosebumps down your spine. You could feel your breath hitching in your chest, your heart beating like it was trying to scare him away. “I might not know you personally, but I know what type of a person you are.”
“Oh, really?” He quirked his brow, interested. “Do tell me. What kind of a person am I?” He looked like he was just teasing you, but you could see how serious he was under his cynical mask. “Well,” you started your sentence without thinking, “you are a selfish, self-centered, egoistic man who doesn’t care about anyone else but himself.” You exclaimed as you thought about all those times you were awoken from your sleep, that god awful day you almost lost your mind, and the times you had the worst headache because of the citrusy smell he kept spraying on your balcony.
“You want everyone to do anything you say without question, expect them to do everything your way and the way you want it to be, not even thinking about how it would effect them!”
He stood silent at your sudden exclaim, and you didn’t miss how his upper lip curled in a threatening manner. His ruby eyes burning with anger, you couldn’t help but think how beautiful they looked.
A few seconds of silence past, making you wonder if you went too far, and just as you were about to apologize, you noticed his eyes softening just a little bit, a small smirk finding it’s way on his soft-looking lips. “You know, you may be right in all those.” He muttered his voice so low that made your tail stay still with- excitement? His smirk grew wider when he looked at your still tail and perked up ears, and you knew he was well aware of your feelings.
“But,” He started to talk, once again leaning closer, so close that his porcelain skin just millimeters away from your face. “how are you any different, than me?”
Now, that was the last thing you expected him to say.
And it was the only thing that could leave you speechless like this. Your mouth slightly agape, you looked at him with wide, innocent eyes, rapidly trying to find an answer to turn this all around.
But instead, you had to admit defeat.
You sighed as you stood up, taking your laptop and your half-full coffee mug off the table. “Touché.” You told him with a small smile, and you saw him smiling, too.
Standing up, you opened your balcony door to have some fresh air and take a break from the essay you just weren’t able to perfect. You had finally managed to finish writing, but editing was just as hard. Rubbing your temples, you stretched your muscles, bored from doing the same thing for the past few hours or so.
As if it wasn’t bad enough, your thoughts had been drifting to the handsome man living right next to you almost constantly. You couldn’t help but replay the conversation you had that day when Kirishima had visited him, and even if you didn’t want to admit, your opinion of him had been changing this past week or so.
Throughout the past one or two weeks, you noticed how these balcony conversations started to happen every day, sometimes even twice a day. You somehow managed to cross paths every single day -you didn’t want to admit, but it wasn’t exactly wrong that your balcony visits were getting frequent at this point, in hope to… catch a glimpse or have a conversation- what you didn’t know was that it was the same with him, too.
He found himself looking your way whenever he was out, sitting in his side of the balcony. Or when he was watching tv or anything, his eyes always looked at your side to find a glimpse of you, going out with two mugs of coffee in his hand when he saw you, your laptop open in front of you, your tail wagging and ears twitching whenever they caught a sound. He couldn’t help but smile when he saw you sitting there, typing something with a displeased look and furrowed brows.
And even though you concealed it immediately, he always caught the bright smile that sat on your lips whenever you spotted him with an extra mug of coffee in his hands.
“Oh, hey.” You muttered when you saw him coming out of his apartment, trying to wear his slippers without spilling the coffee (one of his socks was missing, and you found this to be hilarious). The mixture of his caramel scent and the coffee smell caused you to short circuit for a few seconds.
Pressing your lips together, you tried to suppress your smile, but you were half sure your tail gave your emotions away. “Working hard.” He grunted, and you nodded, this time unable to conceal the smile hanging on your lips.
You shrugged, closing your laptop, fully aware there was no way you could focus on your work when he was sitting right across you -especially looking this good, did he do something with his hair? How did he look this good this early in the morning?-
“How’s Kirishima?” You asked when the silence ensued. His brows twitched with the question, but he grunted. “Good, I guess. He’s working hard.”
“Oh, and here I am, thinking that it was because of me boring him to death that he wasn’t visiting anymore.” You joked, finally able to get a responsive smile back form him. “That, too.” He answered.
He watched as you sipped the coffee he brought -oddly, it was just the way you liked your coffee- and smirked when a relaxed smile appeared on your face with the familiar taste.
“This is… really good. Thanks.” You mumbled, feeling how your cheeks were starting to heat up. You were about to ask something unimportant just for the sake of talking when he suddenly leaned in, his face so close to yours that you didn’t even notice his hand above you, touching your hair with a softness you didn’t expect from him.
You couldn’t even question what he was doing as his hand straddled your hair, his ruby eyes slightly narrowed and looking at you, his tongue sliding on his soft-looking lips, focused. His caramel scent now so strong, you held your breath, or maybe it was because of the excitement that caused you to do so.
It wasn’t something he had planned to do either, more like a pure instinct that caused him to lean closer to you and try to take that stray leaf that was stuck in your hair.
Your eyes wandered over his flawless face, and just as you did so, his eyes lowered to yours, only to find them looking at him, wide open. The way you looked at him was so sweet, so innocent, and so unlike the anger he thought he would see, it caught him off-guard, his hand slipping and grazing your cat-ears, instead.
His thumb caressing your velvety ears, it was a natural reaction of your body, to close your eyes and lean into his touch, and a deep purr escaped your lips, making you both look at each other with widened eyes.
A few seconds of silence past as you prayed to god or whatever force there was, that he didn’t hear the sound that just came from you. But your hopes died when he looked at you like you grew a second head.
“Did you-” He stammered, causing the heat on your cheeks to worsen, “Did you just purr?”
“I didn’t purr- sh-shut up!” You exclaimed, but he wasn’t over it yet, apparently.
“No- no, did you really just-” His hand that was still on your head moved slightly, and even though you were expecting it this time, you couldn’t conceal how your body flinched and how your tail moved with the feeling of his hand on your ears. The smirk that was growing on his lips didn’t help either.
“Can you- can you stop that?” You whispered, and he chuckled. “What, this?” He asked, moving his thumb ever so slightly, just to be able to see that expression on your face, one more time. The way you closed your eyes with an animalistic instinct, your ears twitching under his touch, and it felt so right-
“Y-yes, stop that please.”
He pulled back, sipping his coffee with a smug grin on his lips. “Didn’t know my neighbour was so sensitive.” He muttered into his mug, not helping your situation the slightest bit.
“Of course my ears are sensitive!” You protested, trying to shake the embarrassment away. “I am a cat after all.”
He hummed, agreeing to what you said, but somehow it felt even worse when he agreed to you.
“Oh my fucking god!” You screamed at the annoyingly loud music coming from the other side of the wall. Standing up, you walked to the joint wall, feeling even more frustrated when you felt your concentration fading. Just a few seconds ago you were on fire, working on the essay like it was the last thing you were going to do, and now, it was gone forever.
You looked at the small USB drive that stood on your desk, the one that held every document that was supposed to be on your laptop.
Since your laptop was quite old, it didn’t have enough space to hold many things, so until you had enough money to buy a new one, you came up with this solution, though, it wasn’t very practical.
“Bakugou!” You hit the wall with all your might, trying to get his attention. “For the love of god, can you please shut the fuck up?”
You knew he could hear you since his grunts and snickers were audible to your ears, but he didn’t seem to care, he turned the volume up, instead. Gritting your teeth with annoyance, you started kicking the wall.
“I’m trying to-” Your voice was muffled by the guitar solo. “I’m worki-” You tried to scream when you finally heard the guitar solo coming to an end, but your words once again faded when the drums started to play, this time even louder than before.
“Bakugou, I’m working here!” You screamed, knowing it wouldn’t reach him. Huffing with annoyance, you ran your fingers through your hair to look somewhat decent and got out to the balcony. You didn’t notice how you left the USB on the counter, or that you left the balcony door open when you ran outside.
Bakugou grinned when he heard a soft knock on his balcony door. He was well aware of who it was, and he ignored how fast his heart suddenly started to beat when he heard the knocks.
What he couldn’t ignore was, however, that it wasn’t him being stupidly stubborn when he played that loud music. He knew you were working, and a tiny voice his mind told him that if he played it loud enough, he might get the chance to see you.
Bakugou gave the punching bag one or two last punches before he turned to the door and opened it for you, a smug grin that you were now used to see -and somehow even started to like- on his face. You looked thoroughly annoyed, though he was well-aware of how your tail swayed behind you with excitement and playfulness.
You had pajama’s on, a little too light for the chilly night. Bakugou grunted in a disapproving manner, though he did skid aside, a way of telling you to get in already. As you took the silent invitation, both of you were thinking of the same night, when you had barged in his house for buying a cat repellent. He couldn’t help but smile at the odd memory.
“What’s your problem?” He asked in fake annoyance.
“You’re being too loud!” You protested though the smile on your lips and the sparkle in your eyes gave your act away. “I can’t work because of you.”
“Must be because I’m a smug bastard who doesn’t care about anyone but himself.” He teased, the words 'but then again, so are you’ unspoken, but very much told. You rolled your eyes at the attempt to get you flustered. “And I’m here to tell the smug bastard to be quiet for a few fucking hours so I can work, 'kay?” You told him with a challenging look as you made your way back out to the balcony.
“Whatever the princess says.” He answered cynically, but his smile was genuine for once.
“Goodnight, Bakugou.” You finally gave in and smiled back brightly, and he felt this odd tingle in his chest, which had been happening quite frequently lately.
“Goodnight, princess.” The nickname was meant to be cynical and mocking, though somehow it felt endearing, instead.
With a smile on your lips, you turned back to your apartment, the lack of noise from the apartment next to you a pleasant surprise, making your smile even wider.
Your smile faded when you looked at the USB that was on the counter. Or more like, lack thereof. You were sure you had left it right there, and then you had just-
Oh, shit.
You could smell the cats that were here a few seconds before you, and there was no mistake, it was them who took it along with a few other stuff. Groaning and cursing, you started to walk around the house, frantically searching for the little USB drive, looking under the tables and cupboards, under the fridge, over the fridge, under the curtains…
Running your hands through your hair, you got out of your apartment, not even aware of how cold the night was. If it wasn’t in your apartment, you knew only one other place they could hide your stuff in. The garbage.
Groaning and cursing, you arrived at the big, smelly green thing that was almost a second house to the stray cats. The cats felt your presence before they even saw you, running away for their lives since they could feel how furious you were.
“Where is it?!” You asked them before they could get away, but they ignored your question and ran, leaving you alone in this miserable place. No matter how in contact you were with your feline side, you could never understand how cats could feel at ease in the garbage.
Biting your lip in hesitation -is it really that important? Can’t I just rewrite the 200 files in there?- you rolled your sleeves up, disgust boiling in the pit of your stomach. You finally managed to get one foot in there, the smell and the feeling altogether making your eyes water with disgust, and you were well aware, the second you let your guard down, you would throw up.
What took the most courage was to put your hands in there and actually move the trash. You could only thank God that not everything was out in the open, and most was in big black trash bags, but some were ripped open and scattered, thank the cats.
Even if it was the most disgusting thing ever, you did get used to the sickening smell and the feeling of sitting on top of the trash. Whenever a cat got close to you to apologize, you threw whatever was in your hand at them -along with a string of curses-, making them realize you were pissed.
Bakugou was smiling when he closed the door after you. He tried to stop smiling and be annoyed with you, but how could he when you looked at him like that? He remembered how you purred that day when he had touched your soft ears, the memory only making his cheeks red and his grin wider.
He was going to go on with his workout when he heard a noise coming from outside. He frowned when he realized it was once again the cats scattering and playing with the garbage. He was going to ignore it, but he groaned in annoyance when he heard a loud glass breaking sound. They were particularly messy today.
Wearing the sweatshirt that was on his chair, he went downstairs to at least scare them away, but as he got closer to the source of the sound, he also noticed someone talking to themselves, grumbling and mumbling under their breath, and he noticed it was you in the garbage, and not cats.
His eyes widening when he got sure it was you -he could recognize your voice, especially when complaining- cursing and searching the trash.
You noticed his presence, your hands coming up as if to say I’m not guilty, and you looked at him with horror. “Wh- what are you doing here?!” You stammered when he kept looking at you with disgust and confusion.
“I should be the one asking that.” He answered, “What the fuck are you doing in there?!”
“I- I’m-” How were you even supposed to answer that? “I’m searching for something.” You finally admitted, tears swelling in your eyes, and this time, not because of the smell. “The cats stole my- and now I’m- I gotta-” It was especially hard to talk as you tried to hold back your tears, you realized, not even able to make a full sentence.
“What?” He asked, rightfully confused.
“I- I left my USB on the counter- and now it’s gone! I had my assignments and everything in there and now I can’t find it.” You finally managed to answer, you could feel a tear sliding down your cheek and you couldn’t even wipe your tear since your hand was dirty.
“For fucks sake, how did you even-” He stopped talking when he heard your sniff. “Wait- are you crying?”
“No!” You answered, biting your lip. “It just smells really bad in here, the heightened smelling abilities and shit, you know.” You lied, not very good, though.
He rolled his eyes. “Yeah- right.” Expecting him to turn around and go his not disturbingly bad smelling home, but he got a little closer to you, instead.
“Scoot over.” He told you after inspecting the garbage with his ruby eyes, looking very- very uncomfortable.
“What?” You asked as you dropped the trash that was currently in your hands. “You heard me.” Bakugou muttered. “Scoot over, I’m coming in.”
“You’re going to help me?!” He scoffed when he heard the disbelief in your voice, and you couldn’t suppress the odd feeling of relief washing over you. It wasn’t having someone next to you to help, but it was having him near you.
He held the cold metal, pulling himself up and joining you in your misery. “Thank you, Bakugou.” You muttered as he settled to the place next to you, a sour expression on his face, caused by the disgusting feeling and smell.
“Whatever, let’s just find the shitty thing and get out of here already.” He grunted, and you smiled.
Drying your hair with a towel, you were finally able to get rid of that awful smell. Bakugou was already clean and dry, sipping something out of his mug. You were surprised to see him sitting out in the balcony, despite the cold weather and the late hour.
“Hey,” you muttered, running the towel through your hair one more time. You heard him grunt in response, not raising his head from the steaming substance -it was coffee, you realized, and you noticed there was one mug right where you usually sat, too- and sat across him.
“Is the shitty thing still working?” He asked, breaking the silence. He scoffed when you nodded. You were about to thank him for the 100th time when he leaned a bit closer to you, his eyes narrowing and lips curling in a frown in displeasure.
“Didn’t you dry your hair after taking a shower?” His hand touched your hair. Not giving you the time to answer, he stood up and sat next to you, instead. “You dumbass, it’s fucking cold.”
Shaking his sweatshirt off of him, he pulled it over your head, dressing you with it, even though it was a little too big for you. He closed the hood and hid your cat ears and damp hair under it, his scent all your mind could process for a second or so.
His thumb touched your cheek softly as he closed the hood, Bakugou noticed how you leaned into his touch or drew a sharp breath as he traced a soft line with his touch.
Suddenly, his presence was overwhelmingly strong, your bodies so close and his face near yours, your mind only occupied with him and him only. His gaze dropped to your lips as you took one more sharp breath, ruby eyes darkening as you rolled your lip in your mouth anxiously.
“I-” You started to talk, but stopped when you noticed you had nothing to say. Maybe you should thank him again, you thought, and as you were about to do so, his thumb that was on your cheek pressed in, in a warning manner.
“I swear to god, if you thank me one more fucking time-”
“What?” You asked, not realizing you were getting closer to him, so close that you could feel his soft breath on your face. “What will you do if I thank you one more fucking time?”
He saw the challenging smile that was forming on your soft-looking lips, swallowing the excitement that was rising in his chest. “I will- silence you.” Bakugou answered, also smiling.
“Well then, thank you Ba- mmph!-” Bakugou was a man of his word, after all, so he did what he said. His lips closing in on yours, for the first time in your life, you weren’t mad at someone for not letting you finish your sentence.
Your head right on his chest, you could hear his steady heartbeat, the sound oddly comforting. One of his arms was wrapped around your waist, holding and not letting you an inch away from him, the other softly stroking your hair and your ears, smiling at the feeling of you purring right on top of his chest.
It felt so nice to be so close to him, your hand in his ash-blond hair, running your fingers through them. You moved in your place a little, snuggling into him, making him grunt in annoyance. “Stop moving, shitty woman.”
You smiled, moving even more just to annoy him even further. He was going to say something when a loud cat scream caused both of you to shut up. You could feel him gritting his teeth, his irritation evident, and you weren’t making it better by laughing at him.
“You know, this is all your fault-” He protested, but was once again interrupted by the cats. “For fucks sake- can’t you silence them, at least for one night?”
“Okay, okay. Just this one night.” You always liked hearing the cats, they made you feel lonely, but tonight, you didn’t need them to make you feel better.
You opened the window, leaning a bit as you glanced at the blonde that was watching you with much interest, sending a small smile his way as you opened your mouth and shouted. “Shut up!”
Bakugou didn’t know what exactly he was expecting, but he definitely didn’t expect that. “Is that it?” He asked in disbelief as you settled back on top of his chest, his arms wrapping you immediately.
“Yup,” You nodded, a cheeky smile on your face. He shook his head side to side, though he was laughing as he did so.
“I would’ve done that sooner if I knew,oes d it work on you, too?.” He muttered in your hair and laughed when you punched him. Pulling back slightly, he made you look at his face. “So it doesn’t work.” He grinned when you rolled your eyes. “But, still, that was fucking hot.” Bakugou muttered, leaning in to kiss you one more time.
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(Prompts with boxes have been taken, highlighted have been written)
Requests for this card are closed, thank you to anyone who sent in requests! If you don’t want to see these you can block the tag #false bthb. As always shoot me an ask if you wanna be tagged in future stories, whether it be for bad things happen bingo or any of the other series, one shots or in general!
I’ve been picking at this particular request since early December as the person who requested it had a lot of details they wanted put in making the writing process a bit more challenging. As a disclaimer, note that the chapter is split between present time and the past; with Logan recalling things in his past in an attempt to make the details requested for the story flow better. I received this request from AO3.
General taglist: @im-an-anxious-wreck
Experimental Socialization
Summary: Logan was raised by the government to be nothing more than an experiment and a weapon, utilizing his unique abilities as a mutant. When he finally escapes things are much different than he imagined they’d be but thankfully finds others like him willing to help guide him right where he needs to be.(Happy Ending)
Warnings: allusions to abuse, physical punishment and human experimentation, tw for weapons and fire, panic attack. If there are more please let me know
Prompt; Not Used To Freedom (requested by AngstyEmoGal on AO3)
Ships: Intrulogical, Logan x Remus
WC: 3432
“You just gotta breathe, Logan. In four, hold seven, out eight remember? You’re doing great, just keep going.”
Logan felt himself slowly coming back to reality as his breathing evening out, the raw panic that had gripped his chest easing slightly as Virgili continued coaxing him through the exercise. He felt the other slowly rub up and down his arm in a slow, steady beat that helped ground him further in reality and he smiled up at his friend gratefully and nodded to let xem know he was okay. Gripping his knees as Virgil’s voice trailed off he squeezed his eyes shut tightly and let out one last calming breath.
“Thank you, Virgil. I-” He struggled to find words, gesturing flippantly in the air making Virgil grin.
“It’s okay. Take your time, L.”
Logan puffed his cheeks out in frustration, thoughts swirling too quickly for him to comprehend anything but the apprehensive fear he held for the plans Remus had made for them later that evening. “I am- not used to being outside. Given my history and the threat I pose as a potential compromise to our place of hiding I fail to understand Remus’ reasoning for going out when we could just as easily celebrate our relationship here.”
“Hm.” Virgil leaned back on xyr hands and looked up at the low ceiling of their underground paradise. “Can’t really see the stars from here, no matter how many stickers Princey finds and puts up it can't really be compared to the real thing.”
Logan had made the mistake of going on a tirade of space facts a few months into his stay in the hideout, Remus patiently listening to the extensive infodump of constellation facts and space physics and planetary rotation. Having a limited amount of books to entertain oneself with for extended periods of time meant memorizing entire books on one subject, which Logan had used all too happily as a figurative escape from his situation in the past until he had actually managed to escape when he was 16. Hearing Logan speak so passionately about the subject had apparently made his mind up that he was taking Logan outside for their first “official” date to view the stars, which had then landed Logan in his current state of panic as he realized that date was today and he was decidedly not ready for what might lay in store outside of safety of the hideout.
“I can stay close by if you want. I won’t spy or anything and Remus won’t have to know.” Logan looked over as his thoughts were interrupted by the offer, Virgil turning invisible and reappearing a couple seconds later to emphasize xyr point. Smiling Logan shook his head, knowing the other derived as much joy from going outside as Logan felt about going himself.
“Thank you for the offer though, you’re very kind.” Letting his thoughts drift again he idly wondered when Virgil had discovered xe could disappear and reappear at will and if xyr parents had tried to hide it before the government had found out. His own parents-
“Logan?” A very small Logan turned at his mother’s voice, losing his concentration which made the hidden jar of Crofters fall from its suspended place in the air and smash to the floor. His parents hadn’t known he possessed any sort of powers, and even as small as he was he still understood the position he’d put them in if they ever found out. Fearfully his hands dropped to his sides as his mother covered her mouth in shock, tears rolling down her cheeks as she took a step back.
Men in suits and long coats were there just a few hours later, speaking in hushed voices while both of his parents cried and he was ushered out the door and into an unmarked car, quiet as he understood yelling and crying would do him no good now. What’s done was done, all he could do was be compliant and hope to be treated gently.
The room suddenly brightening with a flickering light brought him back out of his thoughts, Roman entering with his signature bright flame held proudly in his hand. The image of him in his rather scrapped together Princely outfit posing subconsciously in the doorway was almost enough to make Logan roll his eyes but he didn’t want Virgil to think it was because of xem so he managed to restrain himself.
“My dearest brother has been pacing in the same spot for two hours now and I haven't been able to calm him down soooo I thought to check on our resident nerd.” Roman declared with his usual flare. Logan actually did roll his eyes this time but Virgil did as well so he figured it was fine.
“The ‘resident nerd’ is doing fine, Roman. Though it's concerning to hear Remus is nervous as well considering he’s the one who suggested the date.”
Roman waved his hand at Logan dismissively. “He’s just a sap- moreso than me surprisingly. He doesn’t want to do anything to put you in danger but he wants to do something nice, so he’s worried that’s all. Remus is an idiot but I trust him with my life; believe me when I say you have nothing to worry about except his terrible sense of humor.”
Logan merely hummed in response, staring at the way the flame moved around as Roman gestured with his words.
He panted as he rolled out of the way of another flamethrower, singeing the tips of his hair in the process but he couldn’t afford to slow down enough to worry about that. Years of training with different fighting styles had earned him incredibly fast reflexes but a good portion of his accuracy in knowing where to step and when was owed to him working even harder to focus his powers. Thoughts from others constantly surrounded him on a regular basis, getting more and more prevalent the older he grew. Learning to block out the constant string of stimuli was a useful skill to keep him sane but learning to hone in on specific thoughts to predict actions was what had kept him alive.
He ducked below another bullet and brought up his leg in the same motion, kicking a throwing knife to the side and sending it to clatter harmlessly between one of his assailants feet. A twirl to the side and a tilt of the head let another bought of flame boil the air beside him while another knife just barely brushed his ear. The constant bang of bullets and roar of flames and whistling of knives was overwhelming and made the air so thick he could barely draw a breath and it was becoming a struggle to concentrate the way he needed to and-
A high pitched alarm sounded one, twice, three times- a blaring flash accompanying it that left him blinking painfully. His shoulders slumped as the barrage finally ended, another successful training day completed. He watched as everyone began putting their weapons away, laughing and congratulating each other, clapping themselves on the back and discussing whatever they had planned after this. No one even spared the thing they had been firing at seconds before a spare glance, save for the director of the branch, who took long steps forward to stand in front of him only to snap his fingers and motion forward no doubt to see him back to his room until dinner. Absorbing the sounds around him he drank in as much praise as he could that wasn’t his and would never be for him; people rarely congratulated weapons after all.
“Is this where we all decided to hide today?” Logan looked up to see Patton sitting cross legged on one one of the beams in the ceiling, grinning happily down at them even as their fluffy ears twitched nervously and even fluffier tail whipped back and forth in agitation. They must have come back from trying to calm Remus as well, Logan mused; Patton had never done well being in the same room as Remus who tended to voice his thoughts abruptly and without much care to how they might sound to others which always managed to set Patton on edge no matter how hard they tried not to show it.
Patton was a rare mutant in that as opposed to being born with abnormal traits or abilities they had been a science experiment from the start- an effort to create super soldiers rather than stealing them away from families and training them. Even rarer was the fact that the DNA splicing had taken extraordinarily well by pure chance as Patton was born with a mutation that left their DNA incredibly malleable- a mutation that never would have been discovered had cellular manipulation not been the reason for them being in the experimental branch that they were. They had tried cloning Patton at first to see if their power could be duplicated but when that failed to work they began trying to combine them with different animals to see if desirable traits would come forward. By manipulating them on a physical and anatomical level they were able to change some parts of them to be more cat like, intending, Patton had guessed, to turn them into a kind of stealth soldier but they got away before they completed it, leaving them with heightened agility and surgically coaxed cat ears and a tail. They were only a child when the lab had done this but somehow they were never bitter, simply preferring to leave their past alone and embrace whatever future they could make- a trait Logan greatly admired them for even if their unending optimism could be somewhat grating at times.
“Did Janus brush your tail out Pat? It looks fluffier today.” Patton preened at Virgil's compliment, their tail beginning to wave in a more relaxed manner as their mind was distracted from whatever it was Remus had been ranting about.
“He did! He found a cat brush and got it for me so I could finally get the undercoat out!” Jumping down and landing lightly on their feet they posed a little and flashed another wide grin.
“Beautiful as always, Patton.” Roman said genuinely as he lowered his hand into a barrel to light up the paper scraps and wood in it for the night, the dim sunlight that had filtered through the grated having long since died. The home was a modified branch of a sewer system, thankfully the part most removed from the city where it flowed without the stench and was sealed off inconspicuously enough that in the ten years Janus and Remus had been using it no worker had ever found it.
It had been Janus and Remus who had found him, beaten and bloody from an escape attempt he had made just days before his real one. He had made a weak attempt to coax the scientists into a false sense of security, holding back the full scoop of his powers during training for a year in anticipation for his final escape. He had punished severely but had simply thrown him in his regular cell, assuming he wasn’t strong enough to do any more damage than they had seen him do already and trusting that they had beaten him down enough that it would be a while before he tried again- if he ever did. Not six days later the mangled metal of the front of his cell was tossed into a group of guards, walls torn apart in a straight line to the exit and the huge buzzing gates leading to the outside world thrown open wide and stuck there with varying amounts of heavy debris.
The outside world, as it turns out, was a lot bigger and louder and downright terrifying when you weren’t being sent out as a personal assassin or field missions or training sessions- all controlled on some level to keep him from being killed and compromised. Without the begrudged protection from the labs and moreover having to hide from said lab was another story entirely. The times they searched for him and how closely they came to his spots were random and made it incredibly hard for him to pick out their thoughts from anyone else’s in the city and figure out how close they were. On more than one occasion they passed right by him crouched under piles of garbage or laying low under a hedge, his breath held as he tried desperately to keep himself as still and quiet as possible, thoughts of what they would to him once they found him pounding against his head and making him squeeze his eyes shut to keep his terrified tears from falling.
That was how Remus had found him. It had been dark and hours had passed since the searchers had left that park he had been hiding in. He had still been hiccuping down his sobs as he rolled out from under the hedge that he hadn’t bothered to scope the area for anyone’s close by thoughts, having shut out as much as he could after they had left to try and block out any other hate fueled thoughts that may send him spiraling again. His heart had leapt in his throat so high his breath caught painfully, immediately shifting to offense as he tensed, ready to fight as long and hard as he could. He couldn’t go back- he wouldn’t. No matter what they did or promised him or punished him with; he’d go down fighting or not at all.
But Remus had only raised his hands in the air in a motion of peace, eyes widening as he locked onto the government issued bracelet that marked him as an experimental mutant. He had grinned impossibly wide then Logan remembered, briefly disappearing from his sight and reappearing a moment later, setting him even more on edge but curious nonetheless.
“I’m like you.” Remus had said quietly. “Basically I run real fast and the government hasn’t figured out how to get me yet.”
Logan had watched as he jiggled his wrists a bit for emphasis, bare save for colored chords that he assumed didn’t associate him with any government branch since they didn’t look official.
“Are you okay?” Remus had asked next and mutely Logan nodded, unsure of how to react to this fellow mutant who had never been caught by any sort of lab, apparently living as free as one could when you were as different as they were. He stepped back as another man appeared behind him, Janus he later learned.
“Liar.” Janus had hissed, making Remus reach around and smack the back of his head.
“It was a polite thing to ask that he tried to dismiss Jan. Let the adults speak for a second.”
Logan had noted the faint pout on Janus’ face though he was still trying very hard to look intimidating. And then all at once his eyes had turned cold as his attention was once again focused on Logan, glaring menacingly from beneath a black bowler hat. “I’m younger than you and yet I’m the one that has to put my foot down. He’s being chased clearly; we are not bringing him back with us.”
Remus has turned, Logan seemingly forgotten for the moment. “That’s not how it works! He needs help and we’re not leaving him to starve or be found in the middle of a park! What would Patton say?”
“Patton is a soft fool who needs to figure out where their morals stand. I myself am choosing not to compromise our place of hiding and three other people that you know those power hungry idiots would love nothing more than to get their hands on!”
Remus rolled his eyes so hard his head had lolled with it, face going pale as he watched something in the sky. It was then that Logan heard the telling sound of a helicopter flying low and getting closer but he had barely tensed before he found himself gripped around the middle and held vertically with the ground flying underneath him. They stopped abruptly and he was set down, blinking in rapid confusion as Remus grinned sheepishly at him.
“Welcome to the hideout?”
Logan’s eyes had widened and his breath had caught yet again, chest tightening as he shook his head vehemently. “You can’t- I need to go back! They’ll do anything to get me back-!”
He was stopped from going forward with a finger to his chest, his blue eyes locking with beautiful brown as Remus held his gaze. “And we will do everything to keep you safe.”
Safe. With that one word Logan was his. He hadn’t known why and he still didn’t quite understand it but he had trusted Remus with everything he had- and he still did. Even as Janus had stalked off grumbling and Virgil and Roman had kept their distance at first Remus had kept him close and showed him how much better his life could be, even if they were living in a modified sewer system.
Back in the present he looked up as a hand was thrust under his chin, smiling softly as he took Remus’ hand and let himself be led away from the others’ idle chatter. He counted himself extremely lucky in the end that Janus had eventually come around to him, seeing how happy he made Remus and how Remus made Logan feel it had been him to finally talk to Logan about it and get the two to officially talk about how they felt, going on about the being “hopeless gay idiots” when they had finally started to date officially. Logan wasn’t sure what he’d do without Remus at this point, just a year later and he was so attached to their small group of hideaways he wouldn’t trade for the world.
They approached the exit to the sewers, Remus swinging their hands between them. Logan held his breath right before they crossed the threshold, closing his eyes and letting it out slowly as his feet met grass and he opened his eyes to the darkened field. There were a few tunnels that lead out to different places depending on where they needed to go and this, Remus had told him, was his favorite because of how empty it was. The city lay far in the distance so there was almost no light pollution to block out the sky. Soft grass and flowers brushed his ankles as he scanned the area carefully, seeing nothing but trees lining the far end of the field with a road so far away he could barely, make it out in the darkness. Remus tugged his hand softly to get his attention, searching his eyes for any hint of discomfort.
“Is this okay?’
Logan took another breath and let it out, the last of his nerves fading away as he took in the quiet. “It’s perfect Remus.”
The other grinned and tugged a little harder this time, walking fast to the middle of the field where he stopped suddenly and raised Logan’s arm up to lead him into an impromptu twirl. Logan laughed quietly and then louder as he was dipped, secure in Remus’ strong hold as he reached up to grip the back of his neck. He was safe. He was free and safe and happy finally with someone who truly loved and cared for him. His breath caught in his throat again but this time in awe, Remus chuckling as he was laid down carefully tucked into his side, till with his arms around his neck.
The stars shone bright and winked lazily while swirls of color dusted faintly behind them. The moon was waning, a barely there light that let the beauty behind it show fully as the wind whisked away any clouds that dared to try and cover it. It was everything Logan had ever hoped it would be and more, excitement thrumming through him as he squeezed Remus tightly in an attempt to convey it. He felt Remus grin against his scalp where his face was buried in his hair.
“It’s beautiful isn't it?”
Logan looked back at him, light from the stars reflected in his eyes and wild brown hair framing his face. He leaned up slightly and kissed him, a faint brush of their lips that left them both grinning like the idiots they were. Placing a hand on Remus’ cheek Logan smiled at him, thumb brushing over his cheek in adoration.
“Absolutely stunning.”
This work and others are also available on AO3!
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jaskiersvalley · 4 years
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@i-am-a-blob-fish You absolutely had a galaxy brain idea here! This is absolutely a wonderful idea and I wholeheartedly agree with you. A continuation of this story.
The tour bus was one of the few times the wolves could be in whatever form they preferred. Somehow Jaskier had managed to find them the most oblivious driver on earth. Or maybe he was just too used to the weird things celebrities tended to get up to when bored. So he didn’t seem too fazed when he had an odd mix of sometimes wolves and sometimes humans on the bus while Jaskier talked to them all like they were interchangeable entities.
That was how Jaskier found himself with a reputation. It became a bit of a trademark of his to be seen with at least one wolf by his side. People complained quite a lot, asking about permits and safety but Jaskier never acknowledged them. After all, the wolves weren’t on leashes, nor did they have collars. Nobody could probe they were his. If anything, Jaskier told his management that he was theirs, the wolves’ human. A few outlets pondered about the link between the scarred wolves and the scarred bodyguards Jaskier was seen with quite often. However, nobody dared say it outright for fear of ridicule. Even if the scars looked eerily identical on humans and wolves. Even if the humans seemed to have a weird penchant for wearing yellow contact-lenses that were rather wolf like.
As Jaskier’s fan base grew, the wolves got their own fans. It became a challenge amongst fans to see all four wolves. Somehow, things got to the point that there was always a wolf on stage with Jaskier. Rumour had it, it was after a fan with less than pleasant intent had tried to clamber on and only a white haired, gruff bodyguard had been able to stop him. After that, a wolf was always on stage and there were fan arguments about which wolf was the favourite. Some people were a fan of the white wolf, probably the most distinctive of the lot. He was a habit of falling asleep and twitching as though running in a dream while on stage. Yet if there was even a single stumble or flat note from Jaskier he was up. Little did people know that Geralt had a knack for sleeping anywhere on the tour bus as long as Jaskier was within hearing distance.
Others had a marked preference for the smallest wolf. He seemed to love Jaskier with shameless honesty, always under his feet and pressing against his leg or lying on his feet. Most of the time, when Jaskier took a break between songs for a drink, he ended up having to give Lambert a tummy tickle which had him thumping his tail enthusiastically. It was Eskel who suggested doing it near the drums so Lambert’s tail got its own drum solo which turned into a real crowd-pleaser. This was no different in human form. Lambert was almost constantly on the lookout for cuddles, sitting down next to someone and slipping closer and closer until he was shamelessly sprawled over his victim. It was usually Eskel or Jaskier, only because they gave the best head pats.
Another popular one was when Eskel sat with Jaskier at gigs. He was one that the crowds took a little while to warm up to until someone pointed out he always sat with his scars facing away from the crowd. Things really turned in his favour when a microphone picked up his soft whines. And then Jaskier was taking a break from singing and shoving his microphone at Eskel and encouraging him to ‘sing’. The howl had the crowd joining in and, from then on, whenever Eskel was guarding Jaskier on stage, it could be expected that for at least one song Jaskier would trade his lines for Eskel’s howls. Even better, when they were cooped up on the tour bus and travelling, Jaskier was bored, he could grab a guitar and shove it at Eskel, teaching him how to move progressively less clumsy fingers over the frets. While not a quick student, Eskel was diligent and persistent. After a few months, he could just about strum out simple chord progressions while singing along with Jaskier.
Vesemir was the one who divided the fans the most. He didn’t do anything on stage except stare. But his eyes were constantly on Jaskier, unwavering and guarding. Some people dismissed him as the oldest of the wolves, grizzled and old looking. Boring. But his devotion was something nobody could question. He even watched Jaskier when they were out and about. While the younger bodyguards deflected crowds, Vesemir would be the one with eyes on Jaskier at all times. Nobody could snatch him from under his watchful stare.
In a way, it was inevitable that some idiot would try and ruin everyone’s fun. Jaskier was making his way to a venue when someone charged, knife in hand and screaming obscenities. The crowd screamed as Vesemir yanked Jaskier behind him while Lambert jumped at the attacker, Eskel and Geralt ready to step in while also protecting Jaskier.
“It’s your turn tonight,” Geralt snapped at Eskel. “Get them in.”
There were murmurs of someone getting hurt in the altercation and Jaskier fretted with his two wolves when neither Lambert or Geralt appeared before he was due on stage. Not willing to leave Jaskier alone, both Eskel and Vesemir followed him onto stage. The crowd went wild at the sight of not one but two wolves. They settled on either side of Jaskier, the old one staring at him while the scarred one stared out at the crowd, obviously in no mood to sing.
Three songs in, the two wolves’ attention snapped to the side of the stage and even Jaskier looked over, face softening into something sad but tender. The entire crowd fell silent as two more wolves padded in, the youngest leaning against the white one while limping, a crude, bloody bandage running over his front leg.
“Oh Lambert,” Jaskier breathed, forgetting the microphone and everything else. He approached the injured wolf who whined at him softly. Nobody dared breathe as the scarred wolf got up and moved next to Lambert, nudging him to lie down and protectively curled around him. Coos rippled through the crowd at that, it only got louder when the white wolf flopped down and the oldest joined the pile.
“Alright pups,” Jaskier rumbled softly. He stood up and turned back to the crowd with a grin. “Looks like a full house tonight!”
Attention was very much torn between Jaskier’s performance and the pile of wolves. Especially when Lambert sat up with a yawn and limped off stage. Three minutes later a human with a bandage wandered back towards the side stage, looking a little rumpled and tired. Those who could see were pointing him out, especially when the scarred wolf looked at him agitated. The first step onto the stage and the wolf covered his eyes in a very human gesture. Realising his mistake, Lambert stepped back into the shadows and a moment later a wolf limped out to join the pile again to three very judgemental looks from the other wolves.
“That’s Lambert for you,” Jaskier shrugged with a laugh. The ruse was up. “If any of you others want to introduce yourselves, you might as well.”
Walking over, Jaskier watched as Lambert shifted, a little sheepish and the crowd cheered wildly. He turned and reached for the scarred wolf who visibly rolled his eyes but a moment later a hand was grabbing Lambert’s as Eskel pulled himself up.
“Idiot,” he muttered but stayed pressed close to Lambert.
“Eskel, our wonderful singing wolf!” Jaskier introduced with a grin and squealed when someone all but tackled him, Geralt, human as could be, was rubbing against him like a wolf.
“My white wolf, Geralt.” Jaskier was purring as he gave Geralt a look that was impossible to misread as anything but love.
Grumbling, the final wolf shifted and Vesemir shook his head at the others.
“Papa wolf, where would we be without you, Vesemir?” The sweet words were met with a snort and Vesemir shifted back, settling back down into a comfortable but alert sprawl. It was an obvious suggestion and Jaskier shooed the other three to go relax in the changing rooms or stretch their legs in a run around building while he finished up.
After that, while the wolves still made appearances on the stage, the crowd now screamed their names, eager for their attention as much as Jaskier’s. And nobody ever dared try anything against Jaskier again. Especially not when he had Lambert and Eskel snuggled on stage, Lambert happily shameless in demanding attention from both of them. Only once did Eskel pounce on him playfully and they tumbled off the stage amidst growls and nips. They slunk back to Jaskier a moment later, looking sheepish and he had to stop singing to laugh at them. Videos of the incident circulated in fan groups for months on end after, admiring how the wolves both seemed to realise they were falling at the same time and seemed intent on protecting the other from the worst of the fall.
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omnivorousshipper · 3 years
Demonic Necessities- A Rowen Fic
Based on this writing prompt here
Owen let out a hiss as he tried to spread more of the waxy substance across his horns, but he knew he wasn't doing a good enough job. He had three sets of horns that had unfortunately twisted around each other. It was difficult to feel where each set started and another ended
He had already gone to Deckard, asking him to wax his horns, but ever since their mother had negotiated his marriage, his older brother was constantly busy
Why the heavens did they need a truce with the angels? Deckard's marriage with another demon would be much more preferable! Even a human would be better!
But no. Their mother has arranged for Deckard to pair up with an angel of Deckard's choosing.
Which meant Owen would be seeing less and less of his brother because of the many trips he had to make to the heavens to meet his new partner
Scowling, Owen's bat like wings flared in disgust and his pointed tail flicked in agitation
His horns were feeling dry and irritated. He could ask a servant, but he didn't need all of his mother's layer of hell knowing he couldn't take care of his own horns like a spawnling. He could ask Hattie, but he knew she didn't have much more skill than him
His little sister often visited a satyr on the middle plain who was skilled at taking care of horns
Thinking, Owen looked around his chambers and his eyes landed on a summoning book. His mother wanted him to practice his summoning of her demonic armies, but Owen had been more interested in beings from the other plains
Stepping up to the book and flipping through, Owen landed on the middle plain. Apparently humans were the best beings to summon to hell. They weren't connected to either hell or heaven's magics, so they could survive on any of the three plains
Nodding to himself, Owen looked over the summoning requirements. Looked easy enough
After a short while, Owen had his sacrifice of food and summoning circle ready
Chanting in one of the many languages of humans, Owen watched as the circle lit up with red and black magic. As his chanting grew louder, the circle grew brighter
In a flash of bright light, a loud bang echoed through his chambers. Shielding his eyes, Owen’s pointed ears twitched as he heard a grunt from the circle
Blinking, Owen looked up and saw a figure sitting on the ground, coughing harshly
The human looked average enough to Owen. He hadn't seen many humans before
"What the fuck?" The human coughed and looked around slowly
Tilting his head, Owen examined the human. He had a small mustache, with dark skin, and a bald head. Owen couldn't help but stare at the smooth skin. Not even a single nub of a horn to be seen
Nor was there a pair of wings or a tail poking out from behind the human. Truly strange
Still watching the human, Owen stood still and silent as the human finally turned his eyes on him
Before launching himself backwards and against the invisible walls of summoning circle
"What the fuck?!" The human screeched
"Stop making so much noise!" Owen snapped. "Do you want someone to hear you? Do you know how much trouble I'll be in if my mother finds out about you?"
His mother hated it when magic was performed in her castle without her knowledge
"Do I know?!" The human yelped. "I don’t even know if this is real!"
"It very much is." Owen glared as the human still stared up at him in fear. "Listen. You're in hell-"
"What?! Did I die? Was I really that bad of a person?"
"-And I summoned you!" Owen snarled over the human's rambling
"I summoned you here so you could help me with something."
"Um." The human squinted. "Isn't it supposed to be the other way around. You know, demons getting summoned by humans?"
"Are you saying I'm not powerful enough to summon a weak human?" Owen hissed and took a threatening step forwards. He would not stand to be insutled in his own home!
"No, no, no! That's not what I meant!" The human waved his hands frantically. "I'm just asking! I don't understand what's going on!"
Narrowing his eyes, Owen sneered at the human
"I summoned you to help me with a task. Once that's finished, you may go home."
The human looked him up and down, and Owen couldn't help but spread his wings a little more. He always enjoyed showing off to new people
"I won't have to, uh, kill anyone, right?"
"No." Owen rolled his eyes. "I simply need help waxing my horns."
"T-that's it?"
"Yes." Owen snapped. "Now are you going to help or will I have to summon another human?"
"I guess I can."
Nodding, Owen used one of his clawed feet to scratch at the summoning circle, releasing the human
"Um." Owen frowned as the human stood and cleared his throat. "I'm Roman."
"Owen." He drawled back. "Follow me."
Walking deeper into his chambers, Owen heard the human, Roman, following after him. Hopefully he would be just as good as Deckard is at waxing his horns
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nokiawrites · 4 years
ʙᴜɴɴʏ ʙᴜɴᴄʜᴇꜱ(ɪᴢᴜᴋᴜ x reader)
(Boss-Intern/Hybrid AU)
Warnings: Smut, Cat Hybrid!Female!Reader, Bunny Hybrid!Izuku, (Everyone is pretty much hybrids) Im also rlly bad at warnings
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Summary: Your new bunny Intern with the silvery voice has caught your attention once again, but who knows if this time you can get to him first.
    The quick pitter patter of my feet as I walk through the parking lot to the elevator are drowned out by my thoughts.  
         My every waking thoughts constantly running rampant of that that green haired ball of energy. So sickeningly sweet yet enticing. Our newest Intern, Izuku Midoriya. The bunny hybrid who held the whole world in their eyes. Just the same as the last time you saw him.
 You slowly enter the elevator and press the button for your floor number, tail swaying from side to side slowly. Standing there idly humming to yourself as the lift slowly rose to your floor. ‘PING’ the loud sound of the lift arriving snaps you out of your daze. The doors slowly open and you step out and begin making your way to your office. 
Besides the soft hums of conversations and typing it is rather peaceful in the cubicles. “Hey (y/n)!”. Well shit. You turn to where the voice came from and lo and behold the man whose been on your mind, standing there in all his glory. He smiles brightly at you, ears on the top of his head at full height. You look at him blank faced. 
“Please stop calling me by my first name during work hours, people will think we are friends.” You spit at him in a hushed tone. You turn away and begin walking away. He follows behind you closely, he begins giggles. “I mean of course were friends dummy.” He says to you in full confidence. “Well im sorry to burst your fucking bubble, were far from friends, you work for me and thats all.” 
You make it to your office and kicking your heels off. His ears drooped some. “Well its ok (l/n), No need to be a bitch about it.” He huffs at you also walking into your office closing the door and plopping down on the sofa. “Me?! A Bitch?!” Your head does a perfect 180 and you scowl at him.“Yea, you.” He plops a gummy bear into his mouth. “Where the hell did you get gummy bears from?! You know what, doesnt matter, stop eating in my office. I have work to do.” 
You shuffle over to your desk  and plop down in your seat, pulling out your papers and beginning to work. Your ears sit upright. You can hear loud Chewing. Ignoring it was not even an option. You can hear it over your on thoughts at this point. You look up with a huff and there izuku is. “You chewing to loud dipshit.” For a bunny hybrid he is loud as hell. 
Your becoming irritated. A knock on your door turns your attention away from the green haired male laying on your sofa. “Come in” you mumble. Your assistant Tsuyu walks in. “ Ms(l/n), Mr Todoroki wants to know if your meet for later today is still on?” She shuffles through papers in her hands. You take a minute to think, ‘do I really want to have to deal with Enji’s shit today? nah’. “ Tell him i would like to reschedule for next week, and Tsuyu, take a rest of the day off I got it today.” She nods her head and walks out quietly shutting the door behind her.
A couple of minutes goes past uneventfully. “You know you cant always be mad at me.” The human bunny hybrid speaks. You chuckle at him “Thats a good one.” You continue doing what you were doing. Izuku sits up from his lying down position. “Im serious, listen we both made mistakes. So we have to let go to help ourselves grow as people.” You sit your pen down and you look at him. “Are you fucking kidding me? We both made mistakes? You fucking cheated on me, and WE made mistakes? You must be out of your rabbit ass mind!”
 You jolt upwards, now standing making your way around the desk to the sofa. “Hey I said sorry, okay.” He says as you stalk closer to him. “ Do you think sorry is going to fix the fucking pain i felt?” Your ears are completely pined against your head as you his at him. “well what do want me to do?” You take the tights off of your legs and ball it up, throwing it. You begin to slide you panties off. griping them in your hand tightly. “If your really fucking sorry you’ll make mommy feel good.” Izuku turned pink. 
“You know I cant do that, you know im dating Ochaco.” You shake your head. “Do you really think I give a fuck about that home wrecking bitch, do what your told unless you want you darling little Ochaco to know that her boyfriends boss is his ex girlfriend and that you dick still gets hard to the thought of my cunt on your face?” He freezes. “Your probably fucking hard right now aren’t you. You sick fucking shit. Getting off of calling me mommy” Before he can react you stuff your underwear in his mouth. “go ahead, can you taste mommy on it?” He says something unintelligible and nods. 
“Good because that is the last time you will ever fucking taste it.” He reaches to take the panties out of his mouth. You slap him with force before he can. You can tell he’s gonna bruise later. His phone rings. its Ochaco. He looks up at your form questioningly. You nod. “Pick it up” He does just that. As he talks you begin to unzip his pant. His breath hitches. keep talking, you mouth to him. You pull out his hard length. He twitches in your hand. gracious amounts of precum falls onto your hand. His tip red with a purple hue. You flatten you tongue and run it from base to tip and stopping to suck on his mushroomed head. 
He chokes on his spit “uh yeah im fine Ochaco I just choked on my spit, but i have to go, yeah ill t-talk to you later bye.” He rushed to hang up his phone up. You stood back up, taking in the view of him. He looked so perverted with his dick out leaking and pulsing. But he looked so innocent with his flustered face. You wanted to corrupt him. He reaches out and cups your naked core. Massaging your folds. You lean into him, beginning to straddle him. He rubs his fingers against your wet entrance, slightly teasing you. He pushes his two fingers into you breaching your warm walls. You reach both of your hands around to his back. Your hand grabs his shoulder. The other one slowly going down his back. You grip his tail. 
“(y-y/n) you know my tail is sensitive.” He removes his fingers from you and grips your hips with both hands. You smirk against his neck. “I know.” You snatch his cotton ball of a tail with your hand. His hips thrust up into yours. His dick ruts against your wet core. The humping motion causing his dick to stimulate your clit. Your feeling hot, you can feel your heart beat in your pussy. “Come on baby, fuck mommys tight pussy. You have my permission. He whines out starting to rut harder against you. You lift yourself lining izuku’s meat rod to your dripping core. You begin to slowly go down, Not used to the feeling of him inside of you yet. Izuku grabs you hips and slams you down onto him before you could intervene. 
Izuku begins to get into position, he braces his feet on the floor and grips you with both arms, beginning to thrust up into you. You can barley keep your eyes open. His curved dick keeps beating at your walls. You reach down to you clit and begin to rub it trying to satisfy that building pressure in your abdomen. You gush out on him, he humps you through it all. You push off of him with a huff. “Mommy?” He whines out at the loss of your heated walls. walking over to your desk you sit on the edge and spread you legs giving him a good view of your box. “Come on baby, come get what you want.” He practically jumps out of his seat and rushes to you, lining back up with you and pushing straight back into your depths. you wrap your legs around him. He starts fucking into you like he was out for revenge. 
You throw your head back moaning out as his tip hits your g spot. Your tail raps around his leg. “Say you love me more than Ochaco.” You breath out. No answer. He keeps fucking into with the speed of a jack rabbit. You santch his hair pulling his head back. He moans out as he gets closer. You grab his face between your fingers and pushing your foot into his hips causing him to stop thrusting. "Tell me you love me more than her, fucking say it. your tail begins flicking the more agitated you get. Looking at you doe eyed he stumbles over his words "You know i cant say that, i love both you and Ochaco the same." You scoff looking away in disgust. "If that was fucking true you wouldnt be balls deep in me while your girlfriend is at home waiting for you." 
You look back at him in disgust for the second time today. Pushing him off of you. Causing his dick to fall out with a wet sound. He whimpered at the loss of your heat. "kneel" you bark at him. Ears pined to the top of your head. Midoriya drops to his knees his ears lifeless against his head. "Know show mommy that your sorry for being a shitty boyfriend who cant even keep his dick in his fucking pants." "m'sorry" he mumbled. 
" Stop being a little fucking bitch and actually apologize!!" You yell at him. He just stares up at you. Hissing you hop off of the desk pulling your skirt down and snatching him up by the collar of his shirt, " If you dont want to be here get the fuck out, go the fuck home. Why are you still here if your in love with her?" You begin to push im towards your office door, eyes filling with tears.  “ill have you transferred to another buliding." You begin putting yourself back together and getting dressed. "N-no, im sorry." He squeaks out after almost a eternity of silence. You wipe the tears out of your eyes, putting a stern face on. 
“well i have no other choice, your fired.”
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