#little baby snores are very cute though
Since my niece isn’t used to my house yet, it’s easier to get her to nap if she’s on me, so I’m wearing her in her carrier while I’m eating breakfast and I’m so nervous I’m going to drop food on her.
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yanderenightmare · 4 months
fem reader
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Thinking about snugglebug boyfriends…
Soft-spoken and so very clingy – resting atop you, warming his hands under your shirt with his sleepy head cuddling your tits, not far off from snoring snot-bubbles – soft lips kissing the plush flesh with woozy murmurs – drumming his fingers down your thighs when squeezing them around him and drowsily humping his clothed bulge against your mound.
He’ll dig his hands under you and unclasp your bra, coming to paw your freed titties – lifting your shirt to needily suckle on your cute little nipples like a baby.
“Stop that, it’s weird…” You whine – your hand in his hair, trying to tug him off.
But he just whines in return, “But, baby~ please?” Begging you with a pout on his lips – cinched brows as he looks up at you with big puppy-dog eyes swirling with plead.
You can't say no to him when he looks at you like that.
You give in with a sigh, feeling how hard he is through his pants as he nudges the pudgy sack against you all wantonly – and he wraps his lips around your nipple again, drooling on it as he coos soft moans.
You don’t get why he insists on being so… so virginal. All cuddles and dry-humping – never with his hand wrapped around your neck or a hard smack against your ass. Always begging to put the tip in and almost cumming in his pants before he’s even unpacked himself from his boxers.
He’s so hopeless – all blushy atop you, dewy-cheeked with a curl between his brows – eyes closed in bliss as he rubs himself against your panties – almost as though he doesn’t want to take himself out in fear he’ll cum as soon as he touches it.
He collapses with a sigh after a few minutes, licking your neck as he creams his underwear – and you huff, having been left in wet panties yourself from all the teasing. 
“Don’t be mad~” He drawls, lipping a path of wet kisses down your chest, over your belly, until he reaches the wet spot on the cottony lace covering your slit.
And you’re almost begging him to slip it to the side, but like always – he settles on nose-kissing your clit through the fabric, dipping his tongue into the trail and lapping at you until your panties are soaked as you cum out of sheer edging.
He climbs up again, planting a kiss on your cheek before nuzzling back against your tits with a pleased smile on his face.
You hate him…
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BNHA – Deku, Eijrou, Denki, Mirio
JJK – Mahito, Gojo, Choso, Yuji, Yuuta
BLLK – Nagi, Bachira
AOT – Armin
DS – Tomioka, Tanjiro, Zenitsu
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buckyalpine · 4 months
Bucky in blue pjs who is soft and shy and so cute but sometimes sleeps naked when it gets too hot - I really love a happy, cuddly, shy Bucky. I thought this was adorable, I refuse to not make you all think about it too:
Bucky who got the softest pair of baby blue pj's for his birthday and it's all he wears to sleep. It's his favorite thing ever. He blushed when he saw the letters JBB sewed on the inside; he has no idea who got it for him and he's happy to let it remain a mystery though he secretly hopes they're from you. He saw you sneaking a peek at the size label of his t shirt before scurrying off out the door.
He looks so cozy when he's lounging in them, usually tucked in some corner with a book, a glass of milk and some chocolate chip cookies. He was also given a new pillow; a firm one that wasn't too soft. At first he was reluctant to use it but now he can't go anywhere without it. Imagine how precious he'd look trudging around with it on a moving night because he's sleepy but he doesn't want to miss out either. He starts off awake but seconds later, his face is smushed into the pillow and he's softly snoring. You always make sure to tuck him in with the throw blanket and it never fails to make him let out a content little sigh. Him being a soft, shy little cutie is exactly why the next part is everything.
Him sleeping naked.
As the weather warms up, the AC is on full blast and thank god for Stark technology because it can get as cold as winter if needed.
It wasn't perfect.
It conked out and it leaves everyone as grumpy as ever because no one can sleep and Tony keeps insisting he'll figure it out any day now. Everyone looks miserable except Bucky. He looks as happy as a clam coming down for breakfast in his favorite pj's.
"How on earth did you get any sleep Bucky?" You can't believe he looks so well rested, especially when he has the serum that keeps him extra warm.
"And you're in full on pajamas, you slept in that?!" Steve gawks from the side while you also continue to look at him curiously, his cheeks tinting pink.
What no one knows is Bucky sleeps naked as the day he was born when it gets too hot. His body did a decent job of regulating heat on its own but throwing off the extra layers didn't hurt.
Of course, he didn't want to tell anyone that part.
The part where when it gets too warm, he starts off by shucking off his shirt. Then eventually his pants. He could keep his boxers on but his door was locked and it just feel so freeing-
"I slept fine!" He blurts out hoping you wouldn't pry anymore while his best friend stares at him suspiciously. He races out of the kitchen as soon as he has his coffee and he hopes to drop the subject.
But he isn't so lucky.
Because on a particularly exhausting night, he doesn't realize he didn't fully shut his door. You were on your way to your room, peeking in to say goodnight seeing as he hadn't closed the door yet but-
You squeaked seeing his perfectly toned ass, thighs spread apart, back muscles relaxed, all on full display, blinking frozen on the spot before quickly slipping out of his room and shutting the door behind you.
You're beyond giddy for the rest night, unable to shake the image of a very naked, sleeping Bucky out of your mind; his pretty face relaxed, the gentle snores, his meaty legs, his cute butt-
You will yourself to think of something else but how could you when he looked so perfect. The next day Bucky notices you acting jumpy around him while making breakfast which is unusual for you...
"Everything okay, y/n?" He asks so gently and you nearly melt on the spot, biting back a smile.
"I-I came by your room to say good night, thought you were still awake" You shrug, eyes flicking to his before looking back down at your feet, letting him piece together what you were hinting at. His brows furrow before his eyes grow wide, cheeks flushed down to his neck and up to his ears. You could have sworn you heard him squeak when he stammers out a response. Barely.
"Oh-I-when-what time did you come" He has no idea what you saw or didn't see but either way he knows you know. He hadn't even bothered with clothes the night before going right from the shower straight to bed, fuck what if you didn't want to speak to him again-
"I see why you're able to sleep so well now. It's our secret" You throw him a wink, giggling before running off and Bucky nearly faints himself, he thought he couldn't possibly fall in love more but-
Anyway idk what's wrong with me, my mind has been off the deep end somewhere.
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ambermeh · 18 days
The triplets on tour
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⋆ would be worried that he was being distant so would call you basically every night (if you weren't coming with them) and tell you about the day 'hey are you sure your okay I feel like I haven't spoke to you properly for a while' 'Matt we spoke yesterday, it's fine. Just enjoy tour'
⋆ probably be very tired so he would just want to here about your day while he recovered from the amount of talking and activites he has done that day 'tell me about what you did baby I am just going to listen okay?'
⋆ If you were not there for the whole tour I think you would arrange a surprise visit on one of the days with Chris and Nick and he would just spend the whole time cuddling in the tour bus and showing you round 'I still can't believe you're here. I missed you so much, you have to come next time because I cannot survive another night without you'
⋆ would send you a fit check every morning, just to get your opinion
⋆ the fans would want to see you so every once in a while you would get a message of a video of a fan saying how much they love you
⋆ Would make a big fuss about leaving you and act all tough infront of everyone but really it breaks him a little bit 'just between us I am going to call you everyday and will literally come back home if you don't answer' 'Chris, I'm going to answer stupid'
⋆ Has a ridiculous amount of energy afterwards and will keep on talking to you through all hours of the night until he falls asleep 'so then I went to see Nick and you will not believe what happened....' 'Chris.... CHRIS' (Chris just snoring)
⋆ will have phone sex with you because he doesn't want you to be unsatisfied at home 'baby I need to hear your voice can you just talk me through it please' 'of course baby'
⋆ Sends photos with the whole crowd
⋆ is SO smug if he wins and uses it to his advantage 'guess who won, I'm now Kind Chris now'
⋆ If you came to one of the show he would literally stop as soon as he saw you and just run to you and hug you, would not leave your side the whole time (grabs onto your wrist) 'you are not leaving my side, Y/N'
⋆ would send you texts saying how much he missed you
⋆ sends the most out of pockets voicemails because he just wants to tell you about what happened 'you need to be here because Chris was being so stupid on stage and just talking nonsense'
⋆ If you came to the tour for one of the nights he would be shocked. He would have offered for you to come but then after telling him you had work he left it. Once he saw you he would not stop screaming 'Why didn't you tell me? How didn't I know? I hate you for leaving me for so long.'
⋆ shows you around everywhere and has a cute little date as soon as you get out
⋆ would have a movie night on the tour bus, Nick falls asleep almost instantly though
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aly4khq · 1 month
✰⋆⁺₊⋆ - i always win. - ⋆⁺₊⋆✰
- xᴀᴠɪᴇʀ -
warnings!: eating out, overstim
today was you and xavier's day off. the wanderer activity lately has been very low compared to a few months ago, signifying that it's that time of year where you guys can take a little break once in a while.
in the fresh morning of april, a lovely tuesday, the sun shone through your blinds blinding you as your eyes opened. turning to the other side to wrap your legs around xavier, they plopped onto nothing. in concern, your eyes sprung open, you hands lifting your body up.
he was gone. but where? turning back around slowly, still infected by sleep, the light from your phone presented '8:15'. now in your how many years you've know xavier, he never wakes up this early unless it's forced (by you) or he has a very early mission do to at the base. stretching as you moaned from the feeling of the heat, your ear picked up the noise of the door opening.
there he was, in nothing but his boxers walking around the house as he sweats from a possible workout. smiling, you sleepily waved at him, too tired to be speaking. chuckling in return, he ruffled your hair before pecking your neck softly. moving your neck due to the tickly sensation, a small whine escaped your mouth.
"..why are you awake so early..?" your voice was tougher than normal, a slight rasp involved too. he tried to drag you out of bed properly but you resisted. he sighed.
"you know. it's actually not that early. i'd say 6 is early."
shaking your head no, you tried to pull him back into bed. your eve wrapping around his arm as you used your horrible morning strength to get him down. he watched you, just admiring you before you gave up.
"come on. let's shower together." he won the fight, grasping your hands in his as he kissed them, running around and kneeling down. he looked back, silently telling you to get on his back.
slowly and steadily, you shifted your body to his back, holding onto his neck your legs clinging onto his waist. he slowly rose to his feet, holding the bottom of your thighs to secure you tightly. walking to the shower, he tried to to wake you up more after hearing your cute little snores.
"hey hey hey! no more sleeping." you practically scoffed at his words, rising your head and biting the back of his neck.
"coming from you...master...sleepyhead..." a yawn separated most of your sentence even though he understood it all.
after making it to the bathroom, he placed you onto the toilet, making sure that you were leaning on the wall so you didn't fall. your tired eyes slowly tracked his steps.
putting the water on...grabbing a few bubble maker bottles...making sure it was warm...looked at you..
"come on darling. bath time."
holding your hands out to be carried, he used that to take your his shirt off leaving you only in your underwear. the soft black lace absorbing his light heart. you stretched as the morning sun started to wake you under before a sharp feeling came from your hip.
your eyes shot down to stare at xavier's long fingers snapping the side of your underwear against your skin before going onto his knees. his hand rushing up your thighs gently, caressing the soft skin.
"...xav...what r you doing.." your hands rested on his shoulders, his hypnotising baby blues trapping yours. he had his cheeky face on. his hand slowly pulling your underwear down. his fingers patting at the wetness of your pussy.
"so wet..this early baby?" he teased,biting your thighs as your head flew back, your hand covering your eyes. a slight giggle running out of you.
"for you of course. you can't be so hot and not expect me to- OH! my gosh-"
you gasped, instantly grasping at his hair. the sensation of his tongue fighting with your flaps, sucking harshly of the flesh as he pulled you closer by your thighs.
you whimpered, crying out as he continued to eat your out, harshly yet so deep you couldn't even breathe before he was back at it again. the digits of his fingers in you increasing by the minute. your legs clenching around his head as he sucked harder, his normally soft persian blue eyes now stern and dull.
"don't...move." he growled into your pussy, making sure you couldn't move as he went faster and faster.
" wait!- wait, baby please- xavier! i can't!!-"
you squealed trying to catch a break, you weren't prepared for this. your legs trembled violently around his head, your head nearly banging against the bathroom wall behind you by the force of his tongue.
"xavier i'm gonna-" the cool in your stomach was intense but he didn't slow down whatsoever, you squirmed and begged in his mercy. but he didn't stop. he wanted to see you squirm. he wanted to see you struggle to take the pleasure he was giving you.
suddenly, his face was coated in your liquids, and he didn't waste a single drop, if he wasn't always pussy drunk than this would be a different type of hungry.
after taking all of your results off his face, he went back to your core, desperately looking for more. taking every ounce of you into his mouth.
"okay! okay! we get it...we get it..." you huffed.
he picked you up, slowly placing you in the tub before situations himself right behind you making sure that your were stable.
"your pussy is such a delicious dinner, you know?" he whispered in your ear as you bit his hand softly.
"stop it..you're so cringe eww- ow!"
he pinched your side as you bit hi harder. soon enough, water was everywhere and you were scrapping inside the bathtub. slowly you gave up as he started tickling.
"OKAY! you win!-"
"see? i always win."
do not steal my work even tho they are trash!
date made: 21-25/4/24
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skiiyoomin · 1 month
Hey I just saw that your requests are open and the haikyuu brainrot is hitting me once more. Could I request some content energetic bbs Noya, Bokuto, and Hinata (separate) and the reader taking care of them when all that energy finally runs out and they crash? I'm in desperate need of fluff lmao
yes ma´am 🫡 some fluffy energetic bbys brainrot coming right up
am i procrastinating my exams to do this? yes, yes i am
warnings: nothing, just tooth rotting fluff
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Taking care of them when they run out of energy
Nishinoya Yuu
Noya is like a literal babyyy. He loves loves lovesss when you pamper him and baby him. Especially during those moments where all he needs is a little silence and your comfort cause he doesn´t have one single ounce of energy left. He loves crashing down on the sofa, his head on your lap and your fingers through his ginger hair.
"Long day?"
Your soft honey like voice drifts to his ears, and all he can manage to respond is a small low hum.
He feels like he absolutely won in life when you not only move away to prepare a warm bath for him, but you also slip inside the tub behind him and wrap your arms around his torso. He melts like puddy when your soft hands begin to massage his scalp while you make sure the shampoo reaches his roots, and in his mind, he questions if that was what heaven felt like.
You had to coax him into getting out of the tub after a long while passed, your skin pruned and the bath no longer as warm. Though honestly, Noya could´ve stayed like that forever, however, the image of you cuddled up under the safety and warmth of the bedsheets sounded far more tempting. So, with groggy movements, he stepped out and wrapped a towel around his waist.
He may be small, but he was not light, and in his dazed like state, he didn´t seem to remember as he all but plops down right on top of you. Were it any other day, you would´ve shoved him off, but the way his eyelids fluttered close and his lips seemed to be in a permanent pout were too cute. So, adjusting your position so you could at least breathe, you run your hand up and down his back, your other playing with his soft locks. And just like that, he was out like a light.
Bokuto Koutarou
You knew the second you started dating Bokuto, that you´d be in for a rollercoaster of emotions. You had become accostumed to his wide range of emtions that seemed to appear at the most sudden times. Nevertheless, there were days where his energy seemed to be on a constant low. He moved in slow sluggish motions and not a single thought seemed to pass through his mind.
You found out that one of his favorite things that you do at times like this is giving him a looong massage. His body would be flopped face down on the comfort of your bed while you oiled up his bare back. He´d expressed to you many times that he was convinced your hands were made by the very gods, because when they slowly massaged the tense muscled of his back, he felt like he was on cloud 9.
You´d make your way up until you reached his broad shoulders and neck. Small muffled groans would be heard from him every once in a while, but he´d mostly remain uncharacteristically quiet.
If he didn´t pass out from your massage, because trust me, he has passed out many times before, then you´d watch a random movie while he nuzzled into your warm body. His soft breaths tickled the sensitive skin of your neck and his buff arms wrapped around your body, like a bear engulfing you in a hug.
Every once in a while you´d press your soft lips to his forehead, or you´d run your fingers through his bicolored strands. And I can assure you that with a couple more sweet kisses, he´d be out like a light, his soft snores filling the silence of the room.
"I love you"
You whisper, pressing one last kiss to the crown of his head before you too, fall into deep slumber with your big baby in your arms.
Hinata Shoyo
If there´s one thing Shoyo loves more than anything in this world, it´s your cooking. And there´s nothing like your homemade food on a day where he can´t give his fullest.
He had spent the entire day jumping around, his energy at it´s peak. But the more it had dragged on the more he wished he could speed off back home and rest in your loving arms.
He was sprawled across the couch, his tired half lidded eyes boring into whatever was playing on the TV, he couldn´t even process anything. He feels the couch dip beside him, and when he turns his head, he finds you with a bowl of your homemade ramen in your hands. The steam wafted into the air and to his nostrils. He could already taste it in his toungue, making his stomach rumble.
However, he´s slightly surprised when you move the bowl away when he tries to reach out for it.
"Let me take care of you"
Is all you mutter. That´s how he finds himself curled up on the couch while you feed him the ramen, making sure to blow on the food each time you picked up a portion of it.
His heart fluttered when you pampered him this way. Or when you put away the bowl after he eats it all up and when you pepper slow kisses around his entire face. They werent rushed or overwhelming like they normally were. No, these were precise, like you were deliberately making sure to kiss every inch of his skin.
During these times, he absolutely needs to be the little spoon. He likes the feeling of being taken care of. The way your arms would wrap around his torso, your warm breath tickling the nape of his neck and making his spine shudder ever so slightly.
It´s in these moments where, as he´s drifting off to sleep with, he really feels an overwhelming sense of love and adoration for you
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nexysworld · 20 days
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Summary: Toji is returned to you, beat up after a job, he comforts you the best way he knows how. Pairing: Toji Fushiguro x Fem Reader Tags: NSFW, MDNI, Face Riding/Sitting, Fem Receiving Oral, Light mentions of being injured, Hurt Comfort. Happy ending, drabble. WC: 1.1K
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A/N: This is a quick one dedicated to one of the best people I know @dollfacefantasy. Thank you to @gigabyte-flare, @explorevenus, @kaitkatme and @d10nyx for beta reading.
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Toji had always refused to tell you what he really did for a living, and while it didn’t take a genius to know it was less-than-legal, you never thought that it would end with him hurt so badly. He was a tank of a man, and you always assumed that meant he was impenetrable. 
If only.
Lying there covered from the neck down in bandages, he still managed to look handsome. Eyes closed, his pointed features relaxed as he snored lightly, chest rising with the even rhythm of his breathing. “Idiot.” You said, reaching out to touch his cheek. It was the first time you’d touched him in hours. When Shiu had dumped him back at your shared apartment, you were scared he’d shatter under your fingertips. “Good mornin’ to you too, Mamas.” His voice was hoarse and he hadn’t bothered to open his eyes. “How are you feeling?” “Not great. Not the worst I’ve ever been.” The thought of that made your shudder. “ You had me worried so bad, I should’ve killed you myself.” “It’s cute you think you could.” “Shut up.” You leaned down to press your lips to his. “Just, shut up.” “Kiss me again, and I might.” You didn’t waste time, capturing him in another needy kiss. You let your lips linger on his, eyes fluttering shut as you took in the feeling of him. The scar on the corner of his mouth, the slight chappyness of his compared to your soft ones. It was him. It was Toji.
Having pulled back just a few inches, you felt his calloused thumb run over your cheek. “You’re cryin’, Mamas. Did I really scare you that much?” You couldn’t speak, fighting off your tensing face muscles from scrunching up into that childlike ugly cry. “Yeah, you did.” “Let me distract ya then. Been too long without tastin’ my pretty baby.”
You couldn’t help but laugh at his suggestion. “Seriously? You can barely sit up, and you’re already talking about getting laid, typical.” “My face is feelin’ cold, figured you could warm it up… wait actually now that I think about it my whole head’s been feelin’ a little cold.” The one arm he could move, reached up to pat the top of his head. You winced as you watched him make the discovery himself. It had been a shocker to you when you first saw it, but those inky blank locks were gone. “Where’s my fuckin’ hair?!” You flinched slightly at his tone. “Shiu said that the sorcerer who did this to you shaved it, like a battle tradition or something. I mean…..it kind of suits you, sexy in a real Vin Diesel kind of way.” You offered, your own words not as confident as you wanted them to be. Really though, he was still handsome to you, he was your man…just now he was your very shiny bald headed man. He narrowed his eyes at you, clearly not finding the amusement or reassurance in your words. “Hop up.” “You really want me to?” “Yeah, need a distraction for myself now.” “If you insist.” You moved from where you were seated, discarding your clothing as quickly as you could. While normally you’d have taken the time to tease him, show off a bit, you both were clearly in a rush to be connected to each other. It was a bit awkward, but you managed to seat yourself over his head without disturbing any of his injuries, a death grip on the headboard kept you “That’s it, Mamas.” He murmured against your thigh. He brought his good hand up to squeeze your thigh to coax you down. Normally there’d be more space for you to see what you’re doing, but with his lack of mobility or real support, you were going in blind. The first time you lowered yourself, your clit bumped his nose, you gasped slightly from the quick flicker of warmth it pulled from you. “Sorry.” You mumbled, lifting yourself up again. This time, you missed again, wet folds coming into contact with the smoothness of his forehead. You almost went to try for a third time until you adjusted slightly and realized it felt good. The expanse of his forehead, including the small wrinkles above his brow bumped against your clit in a way you’d never felt before. 
You closed your eyes and tossed your head back as you tested the waters again, grinding down against his forehead, the lack of hair giving you more room to drag your sensitive bud over. It was similar to how you imagined the feeling of rutting against his abs or thigh, but without the friction of body hair. “Uh, what are ya doin’?” 
The sound of his voice snapped you back to the moment. “Oh god sorry.” Despite your words, your hips moved on their own, wet folds gliding across his head. “You’re nowhere near my mouth, ya know that, right?” “Yeah, yeah….yeah, I know…just god it feels amazing.” You could sense the confusion on his face from the way his brows came together beneath your aching need. “S’okay, right?” “Might blind me with your juices.” He said, though his voice gave clear indicators that he wasn’t sure what was going on still. “I-I can stop.” You rutted down in a circle motion this time, and it was almost enough to send you over your peak.
“Don’t do that. If ya feel good, then ya feel good, can’t take that away from my baby. Just promise to let me get a taste before you hop off.” “D-deal.” You muttered, tossing your head back as you humped his fleshy cueball.”Gonna cum…gonna cum…” You whined, head lolling back, knuckles white and legs shaking as you finally found your desperate release. 
As promised, before sliding off, you pushed yourself as best you could with your jello legs farther down, allowing him the chance to lap at your sensitive wetness. “Fuck, think ya nearly waterboarded me. Can’t even open my eyes.” 
“Sorry…” You said sheepishly, the post nut clarity sinking in and reminding you that shame existed. “Don’t be, meant it as a compliment. You taste just as good as I remember too.”
Sliding off the bed, you reached for your discarded shirt, using it to blot your wetness from his face so he could at least open his eyes. “Another perk, looks like it polished you right up.” You joked, swirling the cottony fabric around his head as if you were doing it to a new bowling ball. 
He rolled his eyes in response, but that huge smile he was known for was painted on his face despite himself. “You owe me a blowjob for that one.” 
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darylsdelts · 1 month
Hi lovely, how are you? I saw a TikTok where this girl was babying her partner to see how he’d react. It got me thinking what would Daryl be like if he was half asleep or half awake on his partner’s chest while they call him all sorts of sweet names and kiss his face and play with his hair. Sorry if it’s cringey!!! I just love babying men 🤣🤣
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Okay picture this, It’s super early in the morning and you wake up first which is unusual, usually Daryl is already up and gone by now but today you wake up to the archers messy hair spread across your chest.
He had a tough day yesterday which probably explains why he’s still letting out soft snores into your pillowy breast. One of his arms is bent and held to his chest, the other is on you, his hand flattened over your collarbone.
His lips are parted ever so slightly, looking down you can see his cute nose nuzzled against your sternum.
You move your hand, the one that isn’t on his back, very slowly to hook his hair behind his ear so you can get a good look at his soft and fair eyebrows and his relaxed eyelids.
His nose twitches slightly when his hair is moved away, letting out an almost missable whiny sound.
Your force yourself not to giggle so that your chest doesn’t move whilst he gently rubs his cheek on your chest, nuzzling further.
You bend your neck to plant a kiss on the top of his head, your hand now cupping his jaw and your thumb stroking over his stubbly cheek.
“Good morning sleepy baby…”
He groans quietly, actually sounding like a cranky toddler.
“Nuhh” his protest is so quiet you almost miss it.
“You look so pretty Dare Bear”
God, how that nickname makes him cringe (he secretly loves it but he’s never want you saying it in front of anyone)
“Mmm shuddup”
Your other hand rubs his back, softly squeezing his side then rubbing circles on his hip over his boxers. You remember him almost falling asleep in his jeans last night when you were playing with his hair, you had to practically undo them and pull them off of him.
He still has his shirt on though, there was no way you were getting his head off your chest last night to pull it off.
“C’mon stinker, let’s get up”
He grumbles.
“If you get up now, I’ll make you toasts and cut the crusts off…” you bargain.
He starts to shift up into a sitting position.
“Hmmmphh… evil woman…”
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I definitely just made up a few words but whatever. He’s baby and he prefers toast without crusts because he’s a little prince and a brat. Teehee! Thanks for the request anon!!
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awfcspencer · 5 months
Excessive || leah williamson x reader
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leah williamson x reader
prompt: It is your daughter’s first Christmas and Leah absolutely spoils your daughter.
warnings: maybe slightly suggestive at the very end, mostly fluff though!
a/n: Short and sweet one for Christmas day, merry Christmas everyone! Hope everything went well today. Something about Leah and Christmas warms my heart.
The snow crunched softly under your feet as you enter yours and Leah’s shared home. You had ran out to grab a few last minute Christmas items for tomorrow. Opening the door, you can hear Leah’s voice echo through the house and the occasional babble from your daughter. Dumping the acquired bags from your minor trip in the kitchen and taking off your coat and gloves, you make your way towards the noise.
Your house was flooded with Christmas decor, twinkling lights hung from every corner. A large white tree with gold decorations and matching colored tinsel stood in the center of your living room, creating a fairytale setting. This was your daughter’s first Christmas as she born in late May. Everyone knew that Leah absolutely adores Christmas, it being her ultimate favorite holiday, so you already knew she was going to make your daughter’s day incredibly special, that combined with her first ever Christmas, she was in for a treat.
Hearing you enter the room, Leah faces the giggly baby your way before saying, “Look who is home!”. A large smile appears on your daughter’s face as she spots your return and makes an effort to escape Leah’s arms and be in yours. Grabbing her, you place her on you hip and spin in a few slow circles, around and around, forcing a laugh from the both of you and you place a small raspberry kiss on her cheek.
Leah has now gotten to her feet and forces you and your daughter in for a strong hug, quickly placing a soft kiss on first your temple and then your daughter’s.
“How was she while I was gone love?” you ask her as you bounce your daughter on your hip, her tiny little hands trying to pull anything she can get ahold of.
“A perfect little Angel like always. Aren’t you always an Angel.” she replies while gently trying to pretend to pinch the small baby’s cheek. Looking back and forth between your wife and daughter is when you first realize their matching pjs. “Wearing matching sets, without me?” you pretend to be hurt.
“Yours are upstairs love, go get changed and we can start a Christmas movie before we lie her down.” Leah explains as you hand her the small baby and run to quickly discard your old clothes and place the identical pair of pajamas on and return to the two.
Upon your return, “Look how gorgeous mommy looks in her set.” Leah says, making your heart melt. “I can say the same about her mama.” you reply before grabbing your phone to capture your outfits on camera. Leah and your daughter in Christmas themed pajamas next to the tree quickly became your favorite photo you have ever taken, posting it to your instagram before closing your phone.
With a Christmas movie on and a bottle of warm milk in your daughter’s tummy, she was out like a light, snoring softly as she was nestled in between you and Leah. Leah carefully picked her up and placed her in her cot before returning to you.
“Okay baby we need to wrap some of her gifts.” you tell her, walking to the closet where you were storing a few of the gifts you had gotten for your daughter. You and Leah had discussed that she necessarily would not be old enough to fully understand Christmas and unwrap gifts so you would mostly focus on a few toys and a few cute outfits. She already had everything she could ever need and want so you didn’t want to waste money on stuff she wouldn’t use.
Returning with a few of the items, Leah is awkwardly rubbing the back of her neck, you could tell she was slightly stressed. “What is wrong baby?” you ask out.
“Before I begin, you have to promise me that you won’t get mad” she rambles out. Quickly confused, you look at her to continue, “I promise” you say questioningly, “What did you do?”
“I might have bought a few more things for her.” she says quietly, almost like she was scared of saying it.
You laugh out, “That’s fine Lee, I also got a few more things for her when I was out, I couldn’t help myself. Go get them so we can wrap them for her for tomorrow!” you tell her.
“Well you see thats the issue” she says before a long pause, “It might be more than a few per-say.”
Grabbing your hand, she leads you towards the guest room, a room you probably haven’t entered in ages. Walking into the room, you see an indescribable amount of toys, clothes, and accessories, just toys upon toys.
“Leah Cathrine Williamson” is all you can mutter out as you pinch the bridge of your nose. “I thought we discussed this!” you say.
In the room, you take notice of things like a bike, “Lee she is just over 7 months old, she can’t even stand, let alone ride a bike.” you laugh out.
“I know baby, but I would be at the store or online shopping and I would see something and I had to immediately buy it for her. Then at some point, I just kept buying things. And it is her first Christmas, I want to make it perfect for her.” she tries to explain.
Your immediate anger has subsided and has now been replaced with adoration for your wife in front of you. How could you possibly be mad at her when she is so sweet. She makes your heart melt, all she wants to do is make tomorrow special and share her adoration for the festive holiday with your daughter.
“Okay Lee, I’m not mad baby. It is kind of the sweetest thing ever. But if we don’t start wrapping gifts now, we won’t be done until next year’s Christmas.” you tell her as you have now moved to wrap gifts since there is basically a toy store in your guest room.
“I’m telling Santa to put you on the naughty list for this.” you tell your wife as you are nearly finished wrapping the gifts.
She fake scoffs, “You wouldn’t” she says as she pretends to be highly offended.
“Oh, I would.” you quickly reply.
“I can make it up to baby.” she tells you as she pulls you in for a deep kiss.
Before you head to bed for the night to prepare for tomorrow, Leah says, “Hey love”, you look towards her, “I’m like 95% sure my mom did the same thing for baby girl.” she says. All you can do is laugh. Like mother like daughter.
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Does astarion hog the blankets? Who is more cuddly? Does anyone snore? Etc, just wondering about cute sleeping stuff that’s actually sleep related ;)
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Yes! This is my shit!
(Astarion x Ace!Tav Masterlist)
Initially I would have said no to Astarion being a blanket hog, because undead therefor can’t get cold, but then the holiday animation hit me with Astarion in a Snuggie and now I have to rethink everything
Truth of the matter is, he and Tav are both blanket hogs and it has started many an argument
Astarion doesn’t see the problem, he holds Tav like a hot water bottle, a mountain of blankets on top of them, wrap them both up in a blanket burrito and boom, everybody it warm
However, that also means there’s a good hour of Tav pressed up against his freezing body until their heat builds up enough to make up the difference, the least Astarion could do is get a full meal in so they don’t have to do all the work
Plus, Tav actually has to be able to breath so positioning can get difficult
They also have both developed a habit of not moving their sleep and curling up as small as possible
This can cause one of them (mostly Tav) to pull the blankets fully off the other and roll into their own personalized burrito
If Astarion does this, it’s not too hard for Tav to wake him up and slip under the blanket; again, they’re his hot water bottle and he also doesn’t really sleep; he’s still an elf and only requires four hours of trance a night
Still Astarion is a man who enjoys his comforts so just because he’s awake doesn’t mean he feel compelled to do anything in particular, besides, he’s not opposed to sleep
If Tav does this though, Astarion gets very annoyed and when he tries to take it back Tav fights because his feet are cold so it takes some more persuading and cuddles for them to loosen their grip
On that subject, snuggling was a bit of a slow burn for them; I wrote a headcanon here
Short version, it takes them a while to feel comfortable, but once they do, they can’t stop; babies are touch starved af
Most nights end with them holding or at least touching each other in some way
On a different note, Astarion does have to contend with nightmares, but he isn’t noisy about it
He doesn’t call out in his sleep or scream, he shakes and tenses until his body springs up eyes wide and alert
He’s torn more than one pillow with his nails gripping it too tight; he was just thankful it was the pillow and not Tav
He does his best to deal with them on his own, he doesn’t want to be more of a burden then he already feels he is
That does stop him from curling a little more around them, or listening to their heart beat until he can feel it in his own chest
Tav has woken a few times to him doing this, but doesn’t usually say anything, if he wants to talk about it he will, there’s no forcing it
Tav is a little less graceful with their nightmares
They don’t come as often, but they do come loud and sudden
They already mumble in their sleep as is; nothing major, just little things here and there, deep sighs and low grumbles
Astarion has learned to ignore most of it, but he can’t ignore and sudden cry of “no” right beside him
It’s not often he gets to play savior, but he can pull Tav out of their own head and back to the waking, safe and sound
It’s new for both of them, allowing themselves to be in that vulnerable a position with someone else, but it’s something they quickly find they don’t do without
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scoutswritingcorner · 2 months
Hi, could you do a Charlie Morningstar x GN Reader Platonic/ Romantic(sprinkle NSFW) either fic or headcanon? She's my fave aside from Alastor.~ I love her so much as Verbalese paid 50k! (jk)
Sweet As Candy
Charlie Morningstar x GN!Reader
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A/N:I have deprived my followers of Charlie content for too long. I am sorry. ALSO I WENT A LIL HEAVY ON THE NSFW PART IM SO SORRY FRIEND! I can talk about Charlie all day, I love her so much.
-👑 You both start off as good friends, you knew her for so long that you just kinda know the best ways to wrangle her in when she gets too excited.
-👑 This girl trusts and loves you so much like even before you both start dating? You say something or give her your honest opinion even though it might hurt her feelings? She gladly listens and thanks you for your input. 
-👑 Oh boy when she realizes she has feelings for you? She’s stuck in a little funk, because you're her best friend in all of hell and now she has feelings for you? What if you reject her? What if you hate her? It takes some divine intervention from Lucifer for her to not constantly break down from overthinking everything. 
-👑 Now this goes without saying, Lucifer? Adores you. You're Charlie's best friend (and crush), but if you hurt her he will kill you. No if ands or buts. Charlie tells him not to threaten you, she doesn’t want him to freak you out.
-👑 Once she realizes you feel the same? OH BOY- She’s a happy camper and just hugs you before immediately pulling away asking if you’re sure because dating THE princess of hell can put a target on your back easily. Once you say you are very much sure you want her and only her? She tears up and starts crying, it’s not sad tears but happy ones! She is just like her father and when she gets super emotional it ends up in tears.
-👑 Omg Kisses abound, like if you don’t like showing a lot of PDA? She kisses your cheek but she actually kisses you in private! But if you don’t mind the kisses? She’s giving you a bazillion before night time. She can’t help it! You’re just too darn cute!
-👑 I have a hunch she loves taking photos of you- Like some? You’re not even paying attention to the camera or you’re just busy with something else, she has a folder in her phone with pictures upon pictures of you. She’s a simp. (The apple really doesn’t fall far from the tree.)
-👑 Also a huge cuddler, just standing somewhere with her? She’s moving behind you to hold you, arms wrapped around your waist as she leans against you. She’s tall asf she has the privilege of doing so. Sitting on her lap? She’s got you locked in and she’s not letting you go anytime soon? She may look weak but this girl is strong asf.
-👑Sleep headcanon rq? She snores but it’s so soft you can’t hear it unless you’re super close to her. Also moves alot, like her legs twitch and she tends to not be comfortable enough so when she is? She starfishes out on the bed so you have to either lay on top of her or get used to waking up with an arm on your face/neck.
-👑 PETNAMES GALORE!! Calls you so many names: Baby, babe, sweetheart, lovebug, the list goes on and on.
-👑 Service top most of the time, only really cares about your own pleasure than her own. But when she’s riled up or showing her true form (*cough* in the show *cough*) she’s very much the dominant one. 
-👑 Most definitely talked to you about this before because she loves and cares for you but has a safeword for both of you, such as the red, yellow and green light or something easy enough both of you can say.
-👑 She loves it when you use her horns as something to grab onto but don’t be too rough as they are sensitive. Other than that? Grab them horns and pull her head around, she loves it. 
-👑 In my mind she hates being degraded but if you want her to degrade you or just talk dirty? Give her a moment to shake the flush off her cheeks then she’ll call you all types of names. 
-👑 Whatever equipment you have down there? Doesn’t matter to her, she loves you and will peg the shit out of you. 
-👑 If you do get to pleasure her? It doesn’t take long until she goes into subspace and starts crying from the pleasure. Check up on her every now and then please, cause she’d be too lost in the pleasure to voice something if it crosses a line for her.
-👑 AFTERCARE QUEEN RIGHT HERE!! She’ll pick you up and take you to her bathroom. Want bathbombs? You got it baby. Want to do face masks as well? Of course!
-👑 Will definitely wash your hair and clean any marks she left on you. Please return the favor and wash her hair too, she’s just a simple girl who wants love.
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buckyalpine · 1 year
Drunk Bucky
Drunk babie Bucky who has no idea how to act around you, harbouring the biggest crush known to man. He’s managed to hide everything but that pink blush on his cheeks is nothing but a traitor.
With you, he’s nothing but respectful and polite; the most physical contact he’s had with you is a one armed hug on your birthday. 
Except now.
He stumbled in with Steve, eyes sparkling, skin flushed, a goofy grin on his face. He keeps giggling to himself and no one has any idea why; Steve is just happy they made it back in one piece. 
“Someone had too much to drink” Steve snorted while Bucky gasped, absolutely offended. 
How dare his bestfriend say such a thing. 
“Noooo. Bucky would never have enough to drink Bucky’s’not drunk-oof!” Bucky tripped over his own feet, landing face flat on the floor, letting out a muffled groan as you rush towards him. 
“Oh my god, Bucky!”
“lil bunny” he snickers as he peels his face off the floor, coming face to face with your bunny slippers “s’cute” he slurs, batting one of the ears with his hand. “N’fluffy. S’a fluffy lil bunny” 
He continued to swat at your slippers while you try to hold in your laugh, bending down to get an arm over your shoulder while Steve tries to haul him up. 
“C’mom big guy, let’s get you up” You try to pull him off the ground but he whines instead. He lets out a disgruntled huff, already quite comfy on the compound floor, his comfy bed can wait. You manage to get him on his knees, though he’s still swaying, flopping forward. letting his face smush against your stomach. You gasp, your face heating up while Steve snorts, throwing his hands up, more curious to see how the rest of Bucky’s antics unfold. 
“So soft” he practically purrs into your tummy, rubbing his face against your PJ shirt. 
“And warm”
“S’my name doll, sounds pretty when you say it’ll” His hands sneak up to wrap around your waist so he can hug you close and steady himself, swaying with his eyes closed. 
The sound of a camera clicking breaks you away from the 6 foot baby clinging onto you, Steve quickly shoving his phone back into his pocket, innocently staring off at nothing. You shake your head, gently patting Bucky’s hair, the super solider looking up at you with puppy eyes, his chin still resting on your stomach. 
“How about we get you to bed Buck, you need your sleep” 
“Don’t wanna go to bed” He let out a yawn, sleepily rubbing his eyes, trying to will the drowsiness away. 
“Why not bub” You coo, unable to resist the way he was so much like a baby right now, itching to kiss his pouty little face. 
“Wanna talk to you” He shrugged, letting you take his hands in yours and get him to his feet. 
“Okay, how about we go to your room, get you ready for bed and then talk?”  You lead him to the elevator and push the button to your floor, keeping a steady arm around him while he leans against you, no thanks to Steve who insisted he had to make poptarts that very second. 
“No” He pouts when you stop in front of his door, shuffling and holding your hand tighter, his eyes peeking at your room instead. 
“Do you want to sleep in my room?” You offer with a smile, giggling at the way his eyes light up, nodding as soon as the words left your mouth. 
“C’mon” You tug him along and sit him down on your bed. You promise you won’t disappear into thin air when you leave him to grab some of his clothes, clumsily getting him into some sweats before letting him lay down.
He looked so at peace, curled up on your pillow, softly snoring while you held yourself back from wrapping him up in your arms. 
“You’re so cute” you whisper, more to yourself but he hears it loud and clear, suddenly sitting up right and pulling you onto his lap.
“Y’think I’m cute?” He looked at you wide eyed, sleep now completely gone, his attention fully on what you just said. 
“I do” You giggle, carding your hands through his hair while he nuzzles into your palm. “The cutest” You coo while he pulls you closer so he can bury his face into your neck, letting out a content sigh. 
“M’the cutest?” 
“Absolutely, the cutest” you nod while he pulls you again, this time so you’d both lay down with his arms around your waist and his head on your chest. 
“So cute, my Bucky”  You rub soft circles onto his back while he blushes more, hitching a leg over you while snuggling more. 
“M’your Bucky?”
“You’re my Bucky” 
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treasuringizu · 2 years
-don’t want to be away
⇝ izuku midoriya x reader | fluff fluff fluff
⇝ word count: 1k
⇝ a/n: wtf this is way longer than i meant it to be i just wanted a small blurb to get out my thoughts of izuku😭
⇝ synopsis: izuku is very very clingy when he's tired
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you’re on the couch reading the new book you just bought when izuku comes home. the tv is on in the background, channel flipped to some random cartoon that you vaguely recognize from when you were a kid. you had just turned to a new page when you hear the distant sound of keys jingling, and then the front door opens.
you check the time, noticing it’s a little later than usual, and then your eyes move to watch him trudge through the door. when his eyes meet yours, he gives you a tired smile that isn’t quite as radiant as his others but just as sweet, and he toes off his shoes.
you fold the top right corner of the page you’re on in your book. “long day?”
he sighs, unzipping his costume and beginning to strip as he pads along to you. “somewhat.”
your heart squeezes for him. izuku — deku — who gives and gives and rarely takes. you know your eyes are sad. “aw, baby.” pushing your book to the side, you open your arms wide for him. “come here.”
izuku complies without hesitation, down to just his boxers, costume laying on the floor behind him. you know he’ll clean it up later. he settles on top of you, wrapping his arms around your middle and resting his head on your chest. your own arms go around him, head resting on top of his, unruly curls tickling your chin. he lets out a deep sigh, nuzzling into you and squeezing your body once. “hi baby.”
you smile. “hey izu.” your hand is running through his hair, careful not to pull on the tangled spots and you give him a kiss on the crown of his head.
he hums, “how was your day?”
you explain to him everything you did, although you had already updated him throughout the day with various texts and pictures, and he you. he still listens to every word you say, nodding his head and humming along, eventually falling asleep on you. you listen to his soft snores, smiling to yourself about how much you love him. his weight feels so comforting on you.
it’s a little while later when you need to pee, so you try to gently detach him from your body, maneuvering him as best as you can with how much he weighs with all those big muscles.
you know your attempts at gently moving him have failed though when he starts to stir, eyes opening revealing a beautiful viridescent. "baby?" he sits up and yawns, extending his arms out past his head to stretch. "what..." a cute yawn interrupts him. "what are you doing?"
“go to bed, izu." you cup his face to peck his forehead, moving to pull away but then stopped by his arms wrapping around you. he rests his head on your stomach, giving it a kiss.
"where are you going?" he mumbles against you.
"i gotta use the bathroom."
"okay." he hums, still not letting go of you.
you stifle a laugh, running a hand through his har. "you need ta let go of me in order for me to do that."
"...oh." reluctantly, he removes himself from your body, looking up at you with a sheepish smile.
you laugh harder this time, causing his smile to grow bigger. "be right back."
moving over to the bathroom, you flick the lights on, settling on the toilet. you're there for at least ten seconds before the door opens again, and in comes izuku, still shirtless, still pantsless. you ogle him as he struts in like its the most normal thing ever, and you don't even say anything as the hunk of man plops on the floor in front of you, crossing his legs.
"yeah?" he scoots closer to you, yawning again and covering his mouth.
"um. what... are you doing?"
he only blinks owlishly at you, sleep still obvious in his eyes. "im waiting for you to finish."
your eyes widen, and you don’t know whether to laugh or be confused. “you couldn’t wait in the bedroom?”
he throws that smile at you. the smile that melts your heart and your defenses. the smile that makes you fall in love all over again every time. “i didn’t want to be away from you.”
your heart fills with even more love than you thought possible.
as you finish up, izuku alternates between watching your every move and smacking his head on the wall as he falls asleep.
you shake your head, chuckling softly as you look at him, his eyes half closed. "izu?"
he blinks a couple of times, coming back to reality. "hmm?"
"you wanna take a shower?" you reach out your hand to help him up, and his own — large and warm — swallows yours. he stands, muscles rippling. he doesn't answer, instead using his arm to pull you into him, and you land against his chest with an oof. he hugs you close to him, resting his head in the crook of your neck and breathing in deeply. his skin is warm against you.
you bring your own arms around him. "you're awfully clingy tonight, aren't you?"
"that’s cause i just love you so much." he kisses your head.
you smile. "love you too." you stay like this with him for what you assume is a few minutes, and once you think he's fallen asleep again on you, you bring up taking a shower again.
"later," he answers.
"you mean tomorrow?"
"okay, baby." you detach yourself from him, heart warming at the whine he lets out and how he tries to reconnect. you place your hand on his chest, pushing him back. "let's go to bed, izu."
he nods his head, and you grab his hand once again, shutting the lights and leading the way out to the bedroom. izuku obediently follows you and squeezes your hand.
you strip and settle into the comfortable bed with him, his legs tangling with yours. you end up on his chest and he's holding you tight like if he lets go you might just disappear.
it's silent for a few minutes until you hear him mutter a thank you.
you blink. "for what?"
"for... being here. loving me. letting me love you."
you melt. "of course. you know you don't have to thank me for that. if anything, thank you izuku. thank you." a moment passes.
"i love you."
"i love you too."
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veeaxx · 1 year
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— EXAMS ★ their s/o pushes themself to study for the upcoming exams, but it might be getting out of hand.
note: this is a no overworking zone, rest if you need rest!! m.list is here characters: various haikyuu boys x reader
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⋆ seeing as suga does tutor the first years sometimes, this isn't something new to him.
⋆ in fact, this is quite the common sight. he sees the first/second years stress over their exams all the time.
⋆ yet, he does get overall concerned for them.
⋆ if i know one thing, exams are important but YOU definitely come first!
⋆ what if they get too stressed and pass out? what if they prioritize studies over their own well-being?
⋆ suga's mom instincts kicking in: 🏃💨
⋆ so when he sees you studying for the exams yourself, he can't help but think how determined you are.
⋆ his cute, adorable s/o set on one goal, passing the exams..he finds it cute.
⋆ he does joke about it quite a bit. poking your cheek from time to time all while he softly coos at you. "determined, aren't we? hehe."
⋆ he does understand your concentration though, he will leave you be to avoid distracting you of course!
⋆ he doesn't think much of it at first, studying is a normal sight, obviously. it's even more normal with you, because you two have study dates all the time.
⋆ still cautious about you stressing yourself though. he'll brush it off in the meantime, but he won't forget.
⋆ a few hours pass by. he's gone to volleyball practice, done a few school-works, etc. he can't wait to relax.
⋆ he hums softly before taking out his phone to check the time, it nearly being evening.
⋆ slowly opening the classroom door "time to go home sugar,” he says softly.
⋆ his eyes widen in slight surprise as he sees you there, multiple empty cans of energy drinks, cluttered papers, and notes around your desk.
⋆ your eyes snapping open from time to time as you try to avoid snoozing off.
⋆ as cute as it may sound, he's genuinely concerned. like 😥
⋆ he walks over to you, slowly tapping your shoulder as your eyes flinch open. you rub your eyes before looking up, seeing the concerned smile of your boyfriend.
⋆ "oh, hey suga.." he chuckles quietly. "you look exhausted, sugar. maybe you should rest."
⋆ you whine, "but i need to stud—" he softly shushes you, helping you get up from your chair. "baby, exams are still in a few days. yet here you are worrying your pretty little head." he says.
⋆ "take a break, love. we can get some snacks before we go home, okay?" suga hand in marriage now 💳💥💥💥💳💥💥
⋆ there's no over-studying when suga's around.
⋆ baby would literally pamper you till all the stress goes away!
⋆ no doubt has beef with the subjects you're studying for, like how dare you make my bby stress out 😤
⋆ very good boyfriend, 11/10!
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⋆ he also knows how it feels, studying for a complicated exam.
⋆ not that daichi has bad grades, but because he also sees his underclassmen having quite a hard time.
⋆ he's also fairly concerned, not only because you're his partner, but because he cares about you. he can't forgive himself if something happens to you :((
⋆ although, seeing you study does motivate him to as well.
⋆ his baby's so determined to pass the examinations..how cute!
⋆ that doesn't stop him from trying to prevent anything from happening to you though.
⋆ "hey, make sure to take a break, alright?" he murmurs, rubbing your shoulders gently. "yes i will, daichi, love." you reply, smiling.
⋆ will leave you alone if you ask him to! he doesn't want to distract anyone here. he might as well attend volleyball practice—and come back for you later.
⋆ and so, he does. as soon as he finishes practice, he sends you a text saying he'll walk you home.
⋆ however, his message remains unseen despite being sent. which is quite odd, as you always would reply immediately.
⋆ "maybe they're busy.." is what he thinks.
⋆ but when he opens the door, oh boy, he's in for a surprise.
⋆ his s/o, knocked out on the desk, nearly snoring. papers and a few notebooks clattered around.
⋆ his eyes are wide, because this is exactly what he had thought of happening. walking over to you, he tucks a strand of your hair behind your ear, sighing in concern.
⋆ "i thought i told you to rest, sweetheart.." he mumbles quietly, not wanting to wake you up.
⋆ as if on cue, you slowly open your eyes before locking contact with your boyfriend. "oh, hi daichi..what time is it?" you ask, rubbing your eyes.
⋆ he sighs once again, ruffling your hair. "enough studying, baby. you better rest." he replies.
⋆ if you try saying no, it's quite useless. he'll keep saying no to over-studying again.
⋆ will get you anything to make sure you feel better and less-stressed.
⋆ he'll ask the teacher to excuse you if needed.
⋆ once you finally get the rest you need (most likely a nap), he'll be the happiest person alive.
⋆ "sleep well, babe." he mutters as he kisses your forehead.
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⋆ quite annoyed how you insist you're fine, yet you're clearly tired.
⋆ "tch..stop insisting you're alright, idiot." bakugo vibes frfr 🫡
⋆ but if you really insist, then sure, he'll leave you be.
⋆ he's really concerned though, trust me.
⋆ he just won't show it much because he's being tsukki.
⋆ tsukishima is no doubt smart, which earns him loads of people asking for help on studying.
⋆ with his sour demeanor however, he turns them down as yamaguchi apologizes on his behalf. or he'll snicker with tsukki, lol
⋆ but if you ask, oh, that's a different story. he'll oblige on one condition, buy him some strawberry shortcake.
⋆ anywhooo—while studying, he keeps an eye on you, especially if he can see you're tired.
⋆ if he needs to go to practice, he'll politely ask one of your classmates (or his, if you're both in the same class) to watch over you until he comes back.
⋆ tsukki being kind since when?!! 🫢
⋆ "hey, watch over y/n for me. leave them and you're dead, got it?" nvm he's still rude as ever 🫠
⋆ also sends you a text as soon as he finishes, but if there's no reply he's sour and worried af lol
⋆ imagine, he opens the door calmly, and sees you passed out.
⋆ if the classmate assigned to watch you was still there, he'll actually be kind and thank them all while quietly ushering them out.
⋆ once he's alone with you, he'll sigh softly before sitting down to you.
⋆ "i thought i told you to rest, stupid." he says before taking another look at your sleeping face.
⋆ you looking all pretty sleeping brings a slight tinge of red to his cheeks. kissing your forehead, his blush only turns redder, oh you'd be teasing him all the time if you were awake.
⋆ when you do wake up, he'll be back to his normal self.
⋆ no excuses, you're taking a break from studying. no ifs and no buts either!
⋆ what'll the teacher say? don't worry, he's taken care of that. hungry? he's got your favorite snacks at the ready. cuddles? sure, just this once.
⋆ ask and you'll receive ;)
⋆ will always accompany you to study after that.
⋆ he's really the the sweetest boyfriend, but just for you.
⋆ and by the way, when he kissed you—you weren't even sleeping 🤫
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⋆ this goofy lil mf !!!
⋆ will tease you on purpose to mess with you, and he gets you everytime.
⋆ i mean, since you're studying he might as well tag along and study too.
⋆ can't leave his precious baby studying alone, can he?
⋆ while it may seem like tendou does not take anything seriously, he knows when someone may have pushed boundaries a lil too far.
⋆ in this case, you pushing your own boundaries by overworking yourself to study.
⋆ satori's pretty smart, in and out of volleyball. don't think you can fool him that easily, dear 😞
⋆ "oh y/n my love~~ don't overwork yourself too much!" "awe.. you're such a sweetie, tendou." "only for you, my sunshine~!" 🥹💕
⋆ he literally needs to go to practice but is still clinging onto you like a koala.
⋆ if you do happen to convince him to attend practice, he will be thinking about you the whole time. he might even mess up a bit because he already misses you that much.
⋆ "oi, tendou! get your head out of the clouds and play well!" semi shouts from the other side of the court, earning a teasing broken-hearted look from the middle blocker. "ouch, semisemi's so harsh!"
⋆ when on the way back after practice, he can't help but have quite the happy mood.
⋆ yknow, you guys could ask each other questions to review, or take down notes together, or—
⋆ his thoughts come to a halt when he sees his lover, in their desk with a look of pure exhaustion on their face. "oh, you're back, babe." you say, before yawning.
⋆ "could you wait just a lil bit more? i gotta tackle this last part—" you mumble, before closing your mouth in your boyfriend's presence.
⋆ "enough studying, baby! look at you, so stressed out and tired." he continues, "how could you do this to yourself?!" your eyes widen in slight surprise as your boyfriend exaggerated nearly every detail of your actions, it's actually quite cute seeing him ramble.
⋆ "t-tendou, i'm fine, baby." you reply, holding his face softly. "you're so cute when you're worried."
⋆ a blush makes it's way onto tendou's face. "i know you think you're fine, y/n-chan. but the way i see it, you're tired, my love." he continues, "rest, sunshine! it'll refresh you a lot, promise."
⋆ tendou touching our hearts fr 💘
⋆ long story short, he's very mindful about studying now. he's gotta be there with you!
⋆ also, he will always let you take breaks if needed! tendou's got snacks, cuddles and anything you'd like at the ready~
⋆ "take good care of yourself, my love!" he exclaims before kissing you, making you giggle.
⋆ "yes, tendou, my love. i won't forget this time." you reply, holding his hand.
⋆ oh man, he really loves you.
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⋆ kenma himself is quite smart. some may think he only prioritizes video games—but in reality, studies are something he maintains.
⋆ and besides, to complete some of his games, you're required to solve puzzles to move onto a level !!
⋆ so technically, he never lacked smarts in the first place.
⋆ kenma also hates being burnt out, and due to that, he usually requires a study partner to be able to check on him.
⋆ back then, it would always be kuroo—and it remained the same, until he started studying with you.
⋆ i am not implying he replaced rooster head btw 😢
⋆ and throughout time, he started to notice how you'd stay up quite late just to study.
⋆ on one point, staying up late is something he does all the time. but he's aware it could have negative health benefits.
⋆ and so, he'd try his absolute best to remind you that you should take breaks once in awhile.
⋆ "rest, babe." he whispered. "hm? what was that, kenma?" you say, turning your head to face him. "i said you should rest, i don't like seeing you tired.." he replied, blushing softly.
⋆ you always give him the same "i will!" which makes him think you're lying.
⋆ he does trust you, but do you really think he believes that 🤨
⋆ anywho, he does understand that you need to study, so he'll leave you be.
⋆ is lowkey the type to send someone to spy on you/j
⋆ i mean, he'll see you after anyway, not much of a big deal.
⋆ atleast, that's what he thinks. but the moment he sees you again, oh boy..
⋆ it's as if a tornado came and wrecked everything.
⋆ i'm exaggerating ofc, but yk what i mean 👍
⋆ letting out a soft sigh, he walks over to your cluttered desk, crouching to be able to see your exhausted expression.
⋆ "hey, kenma...what's up?" you ask, straightening your form as you look at your partner lovingly, albeit visibly tired.
⋆ "you look tired, bunny." he mutters, being careful not to raise his voice too much to avoid making you surprised.
⋆ "haha..yeah, math's taking a toll on me, hun." you reply, yawning while stretching your arms in the air.
⋆ "i promise, i'm almost done, maybe 5 more minutes?" you continue, looking at the clock on the wall, which makes kenma look at you in disbelief.
⋆ he softly grabs your hand, blushing a bit due to embarrassment. "kenma?" you ask, "is something wrong?" you ask. "bunny, don't overwork yourself. you look exhausted, let's take a break." he replies, rubbing your hand softly.
⋆ surprised at the little gesture of affection, your eyes widen, as if it's the first day you saw kenma. such a sweetheart.
⋆ giving up the act, you smile and nod. "sure, let's take a break, love." which in return, makes him smile as you stood up from your chair.
⋆ if the message wasn't already clear, you're not sneaking off to study, that's a nono!!
⋆ if you need anything, kenma will literally go out of his way to get it for you (that is, if it is obtainable in the first place).
⋆ most importantly, if you just want to rest with him, he'll oblige to that too!
⋆ he's really just concerned, so don't get him worried again, or else he might as well drag you to play a game with him on his psp, heheh.
⋆ "you did well, y/n. i'm proud of you." he mumbles, stroking your hair.
⋆ boyfriend material !!!!
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HAIKYUU TAGLIST: @millenialfanfictionaddiction, @queen-aria-things
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Hello! I saw you were taking requests so if you don't mind can you do one with cassian where reader and him have a cute little baby girl and just some lovely bonding with their family. Lots of cute moments with their baby girl ❤️
Cassian x f!Reader.
Warnings; Mentions of abuse (clipping)
Hope you enjoy it!
Clear sky, and bright sun the day was perfect and what made it even better is that Cassian put all his duties on hold to spend the day with you and your beautiful 14-month-old baby girl Alette. You and Cassian picked that name because it means -small winged one- in an ancient language. Alette recently started walking and you were exhausted, she would stand up, flare those little wings and run around the house, bumping into tables and breaking everything along the way. You dreaded the day she would figure out how to fly and the thought that you won’t be able to fly with her brought too much pain. You and Cassian met in one of his missions, he came to the Illyrian camp you were raised in because someone had informed them that they kept the clipping. When he landed, he was met with the sight of you, naked and blood streaming down your back, then the mating bond snapped and he went feral, he slaughtered everyone responsible for your clipping. No matter how much he tried he couldn’t save your wings and even though you were devastated he helped you so much that you got over it very quickly. Well not entirely because when Alette was born, and you saw her small wings you realised that you wouldn’t be able to teach her how to fly or play with her in the sky. Cassian of course noticed this and reassured you that he would help you experience all those things.
 Alette is the spitting image of her father, black hair, golden- brown skin and your personal favorite; hazel eyes. Other than that, she is also taller and stronger than the other kids her age. At first you joked that you would call her Cassian junior or Cassiana but when you saw your mate’s excitement you quickly told him no and never mentioned it again.
Alette’s giggle pulled you out of your thoughts, she was currently sitting on the floor in the dining room watching Azriel’s shadows slithering around as he got ready to leave. Cassian was still sleeping.
“I’m leaving do you need a ride?” Azriel asked as he patted his body probably checking if he has all his weapons.
“No, thank you… I will wake Cassian up if I need something” you replied. “He’s still sleeping?” Azriel quirked one eyebrow.
“Yes, Alette kept him up all night” you muttered. The shadowsinger nodded and with a kiss on Alette’s head he was gone.
“Dada” your daughter shouted. “You want dada?” you asked her and smiled when she eagerly nodded. She is such a daddy’s girl. You thought and picked her up.
You walked into your room; Cassian was sprawled on the bed in his underwear. His muscled body on display and his face soft with his full lips parted as he quietly snored. Alette was wiggling in your arms, trying to escape as she saw her dad.
You placed her on the bed, and she crawled towards him, when she reached him and tried to get on top of his chest Cassian grabbed her and started tickling her sides making her scream and laugh. “Got you little bat” he boomed and filled her face with kisses.
Alette was laughing so hard that you could swear everyone in Velaris could hear her.
Cassian stood up with her in his arms and approached you. “Good morning doll” he said and kissed you. Alette giggled and caressed your cheek.
“Good morning dada” you laughed making him grin proudly.
After Cassian had his breakfast and you gave Alette her fruits you decided to go out and spend the day in the nature, so Cassian picked both of you and flew you to a field by the Sidra. You were sitting on the grass with Cassian, and you watched Alette running around chasing butterflies, both of you had smiles on your faces as you watched her. “Thank you” Cassian whispered and you looked at him, confusion evident in your expression. “For giving me Alette… thank you. I love you both so much, I feel like I’m the happiest male on the world.”
You teared up “Oh Cass we love you too.” You replied and opened your mouth to continue but stopped when you saw his worried gaze, your head snapped in the direction he was staring at and…
Alette was flapping her wings; her little legs weren’t touching the ground, and she had a determined look on her face. She was trying to reach one of the butterflies that was sitting on a tree.
“Cass…” your voice was shaky. “Got it” he whispered and got up. Alette was floating higher than before. Cassian tiptoed towards her and when he reached her, he stretched his hand and grabbed her making her yelp. She looked back and giggled when she saw her father. Cassian chuckled and brought her back to you. His palm was beneath her belly, and he kept her up in a laying position, her wings were fluttering, and she was acting like she was flying. You laughed and reached for her, once you had her in your arms Cassian grabbed you both and shot to the sky, making both of you yelp and laugh. He was flying in circles above the field, diving and then shooting up again. When you touched the ground again you wiped the tears from laughter and watched your mate and daughter both of them with bright smiles on their faces running around you as Cassian chased her.
Alette was sleeping on Cassian’s lap; she was exhausted from playing with both of you and didn’t even eat the lunch you packed for her. The moment she crawled on her daddy’s lap, and he started stoking her hair she was out.
“Thank you for flying us around today” you muttered as you caressed his jaw.
“I told you doll; I will make sure you get to experience those things with her, I will fill the space your wings left empty.” He smiled.
I'm working on all your requests, I will post everything as soon as its ready. So please be patient and forgive me for any delay! Requests are open but delayed!
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fyodorloveclub · 1 year
thoughts on sigma? Can be sfw or nswf but im desperate for anything crumbs :')
i'll provide sfw and (n)sfw for u hehehehe. minors DNI !
✰ sigma is a very gentle lover. his touches, words, and actions are all very gentle and considerate he is just such a sweet boy
✰ sigma's receiving love language is words of affirmation. baby just wants to be told that he's doing a good job and to be reminded how much u genuinely love and appreciate him for who he is :") his giving love language is definitely acts of service though. he has a hard time expressing himself personally with words, he feels much more confident showing his own love and appreciation through his actions. he'll get your chores done for you if he gets home first, cook for you, always makes you tea in the morning, etc.
✰ sigma fucking loves when you play with his hair. he'll sit there and purr if you run your fingers through it, brush it, braid it, scratch his scalp, anything. (he also likes when u pull it)
✰ sigma had a hard time warming up to physical touch and intimacy when you first started dating as it was a completely foreign concept to him, but as he gets more comfortable he gets so clingy. he still needs space, but it's not unusual to find him in a state where he just constantly needs to be either near your or touching you - whether that be holding your hand, your thigh, the small of your back, leaning his head on your shoulder, hugging you from behind as you cook, the list goes on. he just loves the physical reminder of you being there.
✰ sigma LOVES to read. he likes the classics but his guilty pleasure is YA novels - he fucking loves the hunger games
✰ sigma snores. just a little bit. its endearing more than anything
✰ sigma isn't overtly possessive, def doesn't control you in any way, but he is very very protective of you and likes to keep you close. not many things or people in life are his, but you are, and he's not going to give that up easily !
✰ sigma is a soft dom. no doubt he loves pinning you down and fucking you senseless, but he will also fucking melt while you ride him, unafraid to let out little moans and whimpers as he holds your hand and presses his face into the pillow
✰ when you and sigma have sex, he likes it when the both of you are completely naked. he likes the intimate, vulnerable, almost primal feel of nothing in between you
✰ sigma LOVES your thighs, no matter the size. he just wants to kiss and bite and lick them, and def wants to fuck them. he has such a thing for thigh jobs, he has a huge thing for thigh fucking pls it turns him on so much
✰ sigma eats pussy like NO OTHER
✰ sigma's cock is relatively average length, prob around 5.5 to 6 inches but def thicker, like there's some stretching and burning for you for sure !! it's also slightly curved and the tip is very pink hehe. he has a very light dusting of hair around the base and the wimpiest little happy trail but its so cute
✰ sigma loves to mark you up. its his way of being possessive without actually being possessive. you'll find yourself covered damn near head to toe in bites and hickeys and scratches and bruises (very much concentrated around your thighs)
✰ sigma's 2 fav positions are missionary (bordering on mating press, he likes having you very much on display) because he really wants to see your face and be able to kiss you, and spooning. he's a big fan of lazy morning sex, no pressure or high expectations, just hugging you close to his chest as he slips himself inside of you with a sigh
✰ sigma is a big fan of aftercare, and doing it right. when you get rough, at the end he's always making sure you're okay and if you need anything, will rub your back and kiss on you or take you to the bath because making you feel good does not end as soon as you both cum!!
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