#very subtle rogers!reader
dreaminginpastels · 2 years
Hi could I request a spider man x fem!reader? In which she is kind of an adopted daughter to Captain America and has to figh against Peter and Stark during civil war. But Peter can't hurt her because he has a little crush and after the avengers solved their problems Tony encourages him to confess
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pairing: peter parker x fem!avenger!reader
summary: peter and reader are on different sides of the civil war conflict, and peter finds that he just can’t hurt the girl he loves.
warnings: none! just soft, adorable, dorky fluff with this cinnamon roll of a boy
reader pronouns: she/her (by request)
word count: 3.5k (I swear I’m not trying to make a habit of this)
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*✧ avengers masterlist | main masterlist | ask | taglist ✧*
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“Peter, what the hell are you wearing?”
From his crouched position, Peter glanced around quickly before shooting up, glaring at MJ. “I was trying to be incognito. Thanks for ruining it.”
“Uh, you’re literally crouching against a locker wearing all black clothes and black sunglasses in the heart of summer? Pretty sure you were a second away from ruining it yourself anyway.”
“Hey, I resent that-” Peter began, stepping forward as his arms crossed in spite, before his spontaneous attempt to spin back towards the object of his attention caused him to fall flat on his face.
Ignoring the chuckles emanating from the group that Peter was just peering at, MJ shot the back of his head a pointed look, as he remained flat on the hallway floor.
“Just tell me when they’re gone, alright?”
Glancing up at her, and accepting MJ’s outstretched arm, Peter lifted himself from the floor. “It’s not what it looks like.”
Furrowing her eyebrows, MJ retorted, “Oh, so you aren’t dressed as an emo spy, staring at that group of popular kids to get a glance at the new girl?”
A blush coated Peter’s cheeks as his arm automatically raised to rub the back of his neck. “Pfft, that’s uh…that’s absolutely…what I was doing. You got me.”
As he prepared to elaborate on his defeated response to MJ, the bell rang. Thankful for the reprieve, Peter glanced back in your direction, caught your eye from within the group and sent a small, awkward, wave your way. His breath hitched in his throat as you smiled warmly back at him and matched his wave in response, before walking off with the group. His heart soared when you glanced back at him before turning the corner on your way to your next class.
Resting his face on his chin, Peter watched you fondly from his regular seat in his physics class. Now, he discovered, one of three mutual classes that you had. You were discussing the work you had to catch up on with Mrs Warren, having transferred to the school part way through the current term, and Peter was mesmerised by your kind smile and glorious laugh.
Suddenly, he was pulled from his reverie by a sudden force, nudging him from his side. Scrambling to sit up properly, Peter turned to Ned, who was now smiling mischievously back at him. “Dude, you’re so smitten. I’ve never seen you like this.”
“Right. Smitten. Yeah.” Peter began, still focused on your conversation, before realising what he was admitting to. “I mean, no! I’m just trying to work out what the new girl’s deal is.”
It was a half-truth. The full truth was that Tony Stark, annoyed that Captain America had a new protégée, had asked Peter to gather intel, to work out what was so special about this girl that the Captain had ignored Tony’s pushbacks and insisted that the Avengers needed her as much as she needed them.
Tony had recounted the conversation to him the day before, with a level of detail that only pettiness allowed.
“She’s a good kid, Tony, and let’s face it - we can use as much support as we can get.”
“It’s not about how ‘good of a kid’ she is, Cap,” Tony began, pointedly. “She’s a kid, do we even know anything about her? Is she even on our side?”
“Our side?” Steve sighed, “Look, Tony, last I saw, she was saving busloads of kids from being crushed by the debris of collapsing buildings. She wants to help, and dammit Tony, she just needs a chance.”
“So you sympathise with her, is that it? She reminds you of how badly you wanted to fight for your country? The scrawny kid that just needed someone to believe in him?” He took a step towards Steve, and locked eyes with him. “You want to give her this chance enough that you’d risk her life for it, then by all means, bring her in. Just know that whatever happens to her is on your shoulders.”
An hour later, Peter had been summoned to Tony’s office.
“-And then he says ‘that’s a chance I’m willing to take, are you?’ and struts out!” Tony had marvelled at a speechless Peter. “I swear, if I have to spend one more minute staring at America’s ass as it walks away from me, I’m gonna lose it.”
Peter had chuckled lowly, unsure of how to respond to Tony’s outburst.
“It’s like, excuse me-” Tony began, spinning to face Peter with a pointed look, “Since when do we get protégé’s, am I right?”
Scrunching his mouth awkwardly as he thought of a way to reply that wouldn’t offend his new mentor, Peter had nervously muttered, “Well, I mean, you have me right, Mr Stark? I guess it seems kinda fair?”
In response, Tony waved a hand noncommittally, “Eh, it’s not the same.”
A little disenchanted, Peter raised an awkward hand to rub the back of his neck. “Uh i-it, it isn’t?”
Tony softened, clearly not meaning to offend him. Placing a hand on Peter’s shoulder, he responded, “Look, kid. I thought long and hard about inducting you into the Avengers, and it’s still something I have my reservations about. I don’t want to risk anyone’s life, but I have faith in you-”
Peter smirked up shyly at Tony’s words, and was met with the face of an inventor at work. “In fact, how would you like a little homework mission?”
And so here he was, sitting in his math class, trying desperately to find a way to talk to you, to find out literally anything about you. Partly for Tony, but mainly because he found himself drawn to you, and was unable to tear his eyes away.
Before he’d been able to report back to Mr Stark his findings, lacking as they may be, Peter had been alerted to a crisis that required immediate attention. Suiting up and swinging to his local bank, he was surprised to find the three bad guys already tied up and police sirens on their way. Standing in front of him, however, was a true sight to behold.
There you stood, beaming at him in an electric purple bodysuit. As he took the sight of you in, you walked towards him, placing a hand gently on his chin before whispering, “Looks like someone needs to work on that spidey sense, hmm?”
He barely had the time to regain regular brain functioning for long enough to formulate some semblance of a response before you were gone, vanishing as quickly as whatever witty remark he’d hoped to impress you with. Feeling a sudden emptiness without your intriguing presence, he came to and swung to his regular rooftop pondering space.
He could feel your presence behind him before you even said anything. He turned slowly to face you, relishing the moment of suspense as you approached him where he sat, legs dangling over the roof’s edge.
“Mind if I join you, Spider-Man?”
He shook his head, probably too eagerly, but you didn’t seem to mind. As you sat to his right, Peter blushed at your proximity, noting that with the whole roof at your disposal, you bunched up next to him.
You playfully nudged him with your shoulder, “So, what’s a sweet guy like you doing on top of a place like this?”
He chuckled, “Honestly? Trying to process how I’m supposed to feel about my job being done for me, and in such an effortless way.”
You smiled, eyes lighting up beneath your mask at the compliment. “Aww shucks, I’d say I feel bad, but I figure the quicker I am, the less risk there is to you. I’d hate to see you hurt because I didn’t get there fast enough.”
“I do, uh, I do have super healing, ya know?” He felt sheepish trying to impress you in such a boastful way, “-but I appreciate the sentiment.”
You smiled warmly, just as you had done in class earlier that day, and his worries disappeared. “So, uh, what are your powers?”
You laughed at his bashful curiosity, leaning towards him until your faces were mere inches away, before vanishing before his eyes.
Letting out a shocked gasp, Peter’s eyes widened, before he felt a gentle tap on his left shoulder. As he turned, he was met with a coy smile before you muttered, “Teleportation mainly.”
His jaw dropped in awe, “That’s-wow, that’s so cool.”
“Teleporting myself and small objects comes naturally but I’m still working on teleporting others,” you smiled warmly before adding, “-and don’t get me started on time travel.”
He audibly gasped, causing a fond chuckle to escape your lips. Just as he was wracking his brain for some topic to keep the conversation going, you stood up. “Well, this has been lovely but I have to head home. Hopefully I’ll see you around?”
He stood up, running a hand through his hair as he regarded you. “Yeah! I’d-uh, I’d like that.”
You seemed to consider him for a second, before quickly leaning in and placing a kiss on his cheek. When he looked back up, you were gone, and he found his hand automatically reaching up to where your lips had been, his cheek still tingling.
He was doomed.
That’s what they’d called you. The week after your official meeting on the rooftop, the tabloids had been almost as fascinated with you as he was.
He had to admit, it was the perfect superhero name for you. Every time he saw you, whether in class or fighting crime, he was always terrified that he’d blink and miss you. In fact, all of your encounters since that day had been brief. And he hated it.
In painful irony, his meeting with Tony the next day had been agonisingly long.
“Alright, kid, what can you tell me about y/n?”
Peter had sighed dreamily. “She’s amazing, Mr Stark. She’s kind, smart, she smells amazing-”
“Woah, Underoos, got anything actually useful?”
Peter had snapped out of it, then, a furious blush radiating from his cheeks. “Oh, sorry Mr Stark, uh, well she can teleport herself and small objects, and she’s working on time travel. And uh…she…”
Tony’s eyebrows had raised in impressed shock, then anticipation as Peter fumbled through the rest of his sentence. “-she may or may not have gotten to a crisis call faster than me.”
“Now that’s something,” Tony pondered aloud, “Good job, kid, proud of you.”
Peter smiled at the ground, “So, are you thinking that she can join the Avengers? because that, gee, that would be-”
Tony rolled his eyes before sighing, “Teenagers.”
If there had been any sign that Tony had softened and was genuinely considering inducting y/n into the Avengers, as Peter so desperately hoped, it had vanished as quickly as she could, when the news of the Accords broke out.
Tony wasn’t acting like himself, at least from what Peter had witnessed. He was emotional, more unpredictable than usual, and worst of all, resigned. Peter barely knew the man, but he knew that one thing Tony Stark did not do, was give up.
And so, when Tony summoned him for the fight at the airport, Peter had no choice but to go. What he wasn’t expecting, however, was to see you. He would’ve been delighted, had you not been standing next to Captain America, and therefore, out of his reach.
Determined to prove his worth to Tony, and, though he hated to admit it, you, Peter seized the opportunity to make his presence known by disarming the Captain, using his web shooters to seize his shield.
“Nice job, kid.”
“Thanks! I could’ve stuck the landing a little better it’s just-” Peter was suddenly thrown off-balance as you suddenly appeared behind him, stealing back the Captain’s shield.
“You’ve been busy.” The Captain addressed Tony.
“So have you.” Tony gestured to you, now returning to Captain America’s side and handing him his shield.
Tony turned to you. “Look, kid, I’m trying to keep this guy from tearing the Avengers apart. It’s not personal, but I don’t want to have any more casualties on my shoulders.”
You nodded, respectfully, before retorting. “Is that why you’ve recruited a teenager to fight your battles?”
Captain America smiled proudly at you then, placing an approving hand on your shoulder.
Tony wasn’t having it, however, and the tense conversation quickly devolved into a full-blown fight. As Tony flew away in his suit, he assigned his team fighting partners. Peter, devastatingly, was assigned you.
He groaned, begrudgingly, as he sprinted towards the spot you had just been, gaining momentum to swing himself higher into the airport where he thought he noticed you re-appear. As you appeared before him, he waved, awkwardly. “Hey, y/n.”
You smiled, “Hey, Peter.”
“I hope you weren’t offended by what I said down there, I just think it’s a bit hypocritical for Mr Stark to say that he doesn’t want to take any more risks when he’s throwing you in the firing line whenever it suits him.”
Peter softened, “Ah, yeah. I appreciate you worrying about me, I really do, y/n, but Mr Stark’s a nice guy and he believes in me, I know he wouldn’t risk-”
“Less talking, more fighting!” Peter could hear Tony through his suit, “You can get your flirt on later, kid. I need you now.”
Peter turned to you, thankful for the suit covering his blushing cheeks. “Look, I don’t want to fight you, would you mind maybe teleporting around the airport and I can just give chase? I don’t want to let Mr Stark down.”
You smiled at his loyalty, and winked before vanishing and appearing on the tarmac, next to where Natasha and Clint were fighting. As Peter swings down, you vanish and appear behind him, tapping him on the shoulder. Peter notices your rhythm, however, and just before you attempt to teleport again, he catches you with his web fluid and pulls you towards him, holding your body against his own. He smiles down at you, “Hi again.”
You giggle, “Nice one.”
Before you pull away, Peter feels himself thrown to the ground, ears ringing, and notices Wanda chastising you. As Wanda goes to intervene between Natasha and Clint, you suddenly appear on your knees over Peter. He looks up at your concerned face, and his heart melts. “Are you alright?”
He smiles up at you, “I am now.”
Peter notices your blush at his sudden courage, and feels his heart swell, until he notices a trailer flying towards you and quickly leaps up, holding it above the two of you. “Are you okay?”
Your eyes widened with shock, you nod. “Let me help you with that.”
Peter watches you grimace under an invisible pressure before suddenly feeling a lightness above him. He notices the trailer, slightly bent, appear behind you on the tarmac.
He steps towards you, looking deep into your eyes, “I thought you said larger objects were hard for you?”
You smiled at him bashfully, “I guess this time it was worth the risk.”
Before he could reply, he heard Tony in his suit again. “Kid, I need you inside!”
Apologetically sighing at you, he latched onto the airport hangar and swung himself inside, stopping Bucky and Wilson, before moving back outside to help Tony attempt to subdue Ant-Man, who had now grown to enormous proportions.
Finally finding his groove, Tony praised Peter for his fighting spirit, but at the most crucial moment, Peter distinctly heard a yell coming from the tarmac. It was Captain America attempting to warn you about Ant-Man’s enormous shoe that was seconds from crushing you, but you were too busy disorienting Natasha to hear him.
Peter had a split-second decision to make. The Captain was desperately sprinting towards you, but he wouldn’t make it in time. Similarly, Tony couldn’t hold off Ant-Man on his own, and they really needed to stop him. Staring into the face of the man who’s opinion mattered most in the world to him, Peter muttered an apologetic, “I’m sorry, Mr Stark” before swinging himself in record speed, clutching your body to his as he swung you out of harm’s way just in time, the two of you rolling to a stop further along the tarmac.
The fight seemed to stop in an instant, each Avenger in shock at the sight of their two youngest and most recent recruits in a dizzy haze, milliseconds away from tragedy. Tony and Captain America stopped everything, rushing to your sides. Peter looked down at you, desperately, shaking you as your eyes fluttered open and shut. “y/n? oh God, please tell me you’re okay. Hey, look at me.”
Peter rolled off you as you moved to sit up, glancing around you as the Captain reached your side and cradled you. He looked up at Tony, “I hate to say it Tony, but you were right. This is foolish. We need supervision, I was an idiot for bringing y/n into this without proper training. I know we never got a practice run but, for God’s sake, they’re kids Tony. What was I thinking?”
Tony shook his head. “You were thinking that every kid, especially those as brave as these two, deserve the chance to do what they were born to do.”
He turned to Peter, with a hand on his shoulder. “I’m so proud of you, kid. You know so much more than me, and you’re still a teenager. Imagine what you’ll do for this world as you get to my ripe old age.”
Peter chuckled before turning back to you solemnly, he looked at the Captain for permission before offering you a gentle hand to lift you up. “Thank you for trusting me.”
You smiled, “Thanks for having my back.”
A week later and Peter was standing in Tony’s office, having been summoned. He was pacing back and forth because, of course, Tony had decided to go and get some water for the two of them, leaving an anxious Peter to overthink whether Tony’s battle panic had worn off and he was about to get chastised for sacrificing the mission for a girl.
Rather, when Tony re-appeared with water and snacks for the two of them, he tried a different tact. “So, Baby America, hey?”
Had he not been so shocked, Peter would have absolutely lost it at the sight of Tony Stark - genius, billionaire, playboy, philanthropist, and above all, his mentor - wiggling his eyebrows excitedly like a schoolboy.  
Instead, Peter, quite embarrassingly, choked on his water, spluttering onto the table before him.
Tony looked at him with an eyebrow raised. “Gross.”
Peter wiped his mouth, “Oh God, I’m so sorry Mr Stark!”
“Never change, kid.” Chuckling, Tony pat his protégé’s shoulder affectionately. “But seriously, you’ve got the hots for her, right?”
Peter shook his head in disbelief, “Uh, yeah? I do?- I mean, she’s just amazing and honestly really inspiring, I mean, she literally saves lives every day, and she’s beautiful, and she actually laughs at my jokes! Can you believe that? and-”
Smiling fondly at the rambling, lovestruck teenager, Tony couldn’t help but interrupt. “-And so you’re going to tell her all this right?”
Peter’s eyes widened in mortification. “Oh God no! I’m lucky she even wants to spend time talking with me, I’m not going to ruin it by telling her that she’s the most beautiful girl on the planet.”
At that, Tony leaned towards Peter. Peter matched him, leaning forward in confusion. “Uh, kid? I think you just did.”
Slowly turning around as he did that night on the rooftop with you, Peter was met with your gorgeous face once more. Only, this time, the furious blush was for him, and him alone.
As you looked up and met his gaze, you offered him a small, awkward wave, and he was sure that you were meant for each other. He stood up and walked over to you, raising a nervous hand to his neck and rubbing gently - by now an endearing habit of his. “Uh, hi. I’m assuming you heard all that.”
You giggled, shuffling your feet nervously as you looked up at him, “Sure did.”
He grimaced, “Well, that’s embarrassing.”
You smiled warmly, “I think it’s sweet.”
His eyes widened in shock. “R-really?”
A step forward. “In fact, I think you’re sweet, and I’d kinda like to test that theory, if that’s okay with you?”
He looked down at you, eyebrows furrowed as his brain tried to connect the dots. Instead, he noticed you leaning in and realised what was happening just in time to process your soft lips on his. He closed his eyes, gently cupping your face with his hand as he returned the kiss.
When he opened his eyes, he felt a cool breeze, and realised that you’d teleported the two of you, locked in a kiss, back to the very same rooftop you’d first officially met. He looked at you with such longing as he whispered against your lips, “God, please be mine.”
You smiled at him, eyes crinkling in the corners as you whispered back. “Always.”
He let himself blink, knowing that you weren’t going anywhere.
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a/n: hello lovely nela! thank you so much for this request, it was such a cute one to write, and I hope that it’s everything that you wanted it to be 🥰 I’ll be honest, this one got away from me a bit, I got super caught up in their meet-cute and the exposition but hopefully that’s alright! I’m super excited to write more peter parker, and I’m really grateful that this was my first request for him. please feel free to request again, but also I’m really keen to hopefully get to your other request soon!
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313 notes · View notes
mrsbuckybarnes1917 · 18 days
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Previous chapter < MASTERLIST > Next chapter
You and Bucky deal with the fallout of the undercover mission.
Word count 3.3k
Warnings: reader coming to terms with Bucky's decision, trying to move forwards, betrayal, more miscommunication, anger, Bucky Barnes acting like a giant tool, Daisy Johnson and Melinda May make an appearance
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The next morning you woke early, determined to carry out your plan. Slipping out of the compound, you drove out of the parking garage in one of the convertibles with the top down and wind blowing through your hair. It was freezing cold and you knew it was reckless because it looked like the heavens would open at any minute, but you didn’t care. You arrived at Coulson Academy just as several large raindrops started to fall, and you sniffed slightly from the cold air. Putting the top up, you got out of the car and ran for shelter under the large awning of the Academy entrance.
"Ugh!" You stopped to flick off the water from your jacket.
"Subtle entrance." Melinda May’s voice startled you.
You jumped out of your skin. "Jeez, May! Why do you always have to lurk around?"
"Wasn’t lurking. Just waiting for you."
"How did you know I was coming?"
"I heard about what happened."
"Steve?" you asked.
Of course it had been Nat. She knew everything that happened, she knew exactly what you would do. Maybe you ought to have talked to her before leaving.
"Why didn’t you stop me?" you asked.
"Because I knew you needed to make this decision on your own," May replied calmly. "And I knew you would come here eventually."
You sighed, feeling a mix of relief and anxiety. "I don’t know if I’m making the right choice."
May placed a hand on your shoulder. "There is no right choice here. You need to take care of yourself for once, instead of putting everyone else’s needs before yours. Teaching at the Academy is something you would be good at. You have so much to offer, and… I believe in you."
You looked up at her, grateful for her support. She wasn’t one for heart to heart conversations, preferring to ignore her emotions altogether. "Thank you, May. I just wish it didn’t have to end this way with Bucky."
May gave you a knowing look, she knew exactly how you felt without you having to explain it to her. "Sometimes things don’t work out the way we want them to. But that doesn’t mean it’s the end of the world. You have a bright future ahead of you, and I'll be there to help you every step of the way."
"Can I stay with you for a while?"
May rolled her eyes, "fine."
You wrapped your arms around her in a quick hug. "You’re the best. I love you."
Natasha was waiting for you when you returned, lounging across the hood of one of the Porches, filing her nails.
"Tony won’t be best pleased if he sees you like that."
"I’m not too worried about Tony. I have more important things on my mind."
"Yeah?" you asked, knowing full well where the conversation was going.
"What happened last night?"
"Didn’t Steve tell you?"
"Rogers?" she scoffed. "He has no idea what he’s talking about half the time."
You looked around for signs of anyone nearby. The risk of having someone overhear your conversation was making you feel very uncomfortable. Natasha pulled you into a secluded corner with a view of the rest of the garage and gave you a very pointed look requesting that you spilled the beans. But somehow the words you wanted to choose made the problem seem trivial. So instead of telling her about all the events that had transpired, you kept it simple.
"He chose her. Apparently there isn't enough room in his life for both of us," you shrugged.
"Steve told me what she did." Your gaze snapped to Nat’s face, but her returning expression was angry. "I don’t understand why you didn’t tell him."
"It’s my word against hers, Nat. I have no proof that she took my idea. What am I supposed to say? His reaction last night proves that he doesn’t trust me." You sighed dismally.
"Do you need me to beat some sense into him?"
You smiled sadly at your friend.
"Sweetie, you need to tell him how you feel," she continued.
"I think it’s too late for that. I’ve made my decision."
"I can’t do anything to change your mind?"
"Please Nat," you pleaded. "This is hard enough."
She put her arms around your neck, leaning her forehead against yours. "But I’ll miss you."
"I’ll miss you too." You wrapped your arms around her waist, pulling her into a tight hug, trying not to let the tears start falling again. Eventually you pulled away, steeling yourself for the next step; telling Steve and Tony about your resignation.
As you made your way back into the compound, you caught sight of your best friend in the gym. He was pummeling a punching bag like he wanted to murder it.
You gathered every ounce of courage within you and approached Bucky, desperate to reconcile and recapture the bond you once shared. But as you reached out to touch his arm, he recoiled, his eyes blazing with a mixture of anger and hurt.
"Bucky, please. I’m sorry. I never meant to make you feel that way-"
"I thought I knew you, but I feel like I don’t know you anymore," he said, his voice laced with sorrow. "I know how you feel about Priya-"
"I can see it in your face. But I never thought you could be so spiteful."
Your heart, already shattered, fractured further still, and the tears you had held back cascaded down your cheeks. Your friendship, once unbreakable, seemed irretrievable. Bucky turned his back on you, leaving you broken, lost in a sea of regret and longing.
After drying your tears, you found Tony and Steve in the common area, deep in conversation. Taking a breath, you approached them, your voice steady but filled with emotion. "Tony, Steve, I need to talk to you both."
Tony looked up, concern etched on his face. "What's wrong, Cricket?"
You hesitated for a moment before speaking. "I... I need to resign from the Avengers."
Tony's eyes widened in surprise. "What? Why?"
You took a moment to gather your thoughts before explaining. "I could make up some logistical excuse but you'll both know it's a lie. It's... it's because of Bucky. I can't continue to work alongside him knowing how I feel and knowing that he's with someone else. It's too painful for me."
Tony and Steve exchanged a knowing look before Steve spoke up. "We understand Cricket. We've seen how hard this has been for you. But are you sure this is what you want?"
You nodded, tears threatening to spill over. "I can't stay here and pretend everything is okay when it's not. I need to take a step back and figure things out."
Steve placed a comforting hand on your shoulder but he looked like he was at a loss for words. So he took the professional route of comfort. "You're a valuable member of the team."
"Stay, we can find you another partner." Tony stood up, coming over to you. "I can’t just let you go without a fight."
You smiled weakly, grateful for their understanding. "Thank you, Steve. And thank you, Tony. But I just need some time to myself."
As you turned to leave, Tony called out to you. "Hey Sport, if you ever need anything, don't hesitate to reach out. We're here for you."
You nodded, feeling a sense of relief wash over you. It was time to focus on yourself and your own happiness, even if it meant leaving behind the life you had known as an Avenger. And maybe, just maybe, you would find a way to move on from Bucky and find your own path to happiness.
You'd barely taken three steps out of the common room before Steve caught up with you. "Have you spoken to him?"
"If you call ‘him telling me he doesn't even know who I am and then storming off’ speaking, then yes. I don't understand how this happened, Steve. I thought nothing could get between us."
"He loves you." Steve stopped in front of you. 
"Not anymore. He hates me."
Steve couldn't help but feel frustrated by how his two best friends could be so oblivious. 
"Look Steve, I'm sorry, I know Bucky’s your best friend. You don't need to hear me bad mouthing him." You stepped around him, making your way back to your room.
"Cricket, you're my friend too." Steve chased after you.
"Then will you help me pack?"
Steve sighed, he would never refuse anyone’s request for help. "Of course."
It hadn’t taken you long to pack your things into boxes. Your clothes weren’t difficult to shove into suitcases. Your wardrobe wasn’t extensive, having learned to live out of small spaces for many years, material things weren’t quite on your list of necessities. You had let Tony decorate your walls to his taste and you’d been pleasantly surprised at how good he was at guessing your tastes. However, you’d decided not to take these things with you when you left. It was time for you to make your own home. It was going to be a new challenge, you’d been involved with large institutions ever since you’d left home, and had never had to create a home for yourself before.
You turned to face Steve, Sam, and Nat, who were all standing in your room, looking at you with concern in their eyes.
"Come on, sugar cakes. Isn’t there any way we can convince you to stay?" Sam asked.
"I appreciate the sentiment, guys, but I need to do this," you said, zipping up your suitcase.
"Cricket, you’re too valuable a member of the team," Steve said, stepping forward.
"You know that’s just not true, but thank you for saying that. But I just can’t stay here knowing that Bucky’s mad at me," you replied, feeling a sting in your chest at the thought of leaving your best friend behind.
"Bucky will come around, he always does," Sam chimed in, trying to reassure you.
"I don’t think so, not this time. He’s really upset with me," you said, feeling tears welling up in your eyes.
Nat walked over to you and put a comforting hand on your shoulder. "Cricket, you can’t just leave because of this. You’re stronger than that."
You shook your head, wiping away a tear. "I can’t stay here, Nat. It’s too painful."
"We understand, but we don’t want you to go," Steve said, his voice filled with emotion.
"I know, but I have to do this. Please, don’t tell Bucky I’m leaving. I need to do this on my own terms," you pleaded, wondering if Bucky would even notice your absence.
The three of them exchanged a look before nodding in agreement. "Okay, we won’t tell him. But promise us you’ll keep in touch," Sam said.
You nodded, feeling grateful for their understanding. "I promise. Thank you, guys. I’ll miss you all."
You were the last to leave your room, the others had carried your things to the van you were borrowing from the garage. You sighed, you would miss the luxury and convenience that came with being a member of the Avengers Initiative. There were only a few things left in your room; the wolf plushie Steve had won you at Coney Island, you later realized that it reminded you of Bucky, and the still wrapped gift you had bought for Bucky, the card you’d written him still stuck to the top. There was no reason to take those things with you, but you just couldn’t bring yourself to throw them away. You decided to leave them on your bed. The next owner of the room could decide what to do with them.
On your way out, you ambled past the hangar bay, spotting Bucky in full tactical gear prepping for a mission. You had no idea that he had been assigned to something. 
"You have a mission?" you blurted out, causing Bucky to turn to you.
"Yes." His voice was monosyllabic.
"No, with me." Sharon materialized suddenly.
"Oh, hey Sharon. I hope you guys are safe out there."
Bucky looked back at you, a fleeting look of regret crossed his face, before he turned and walked away. He didn’t waste any time requesting a new partner, you thought. Just when you thought he couldn’t hurt you anymore. At least he would be safe with her; Sharon was a good agent, she would watch his back, that’s what mattered the most.
As you walked out of the compound, you felt a mix of sadness and relief. It was time to start a new chapter in your life, even if it meant leaving behind the Avengers and the man you loved. You knew it wouldn’t be easy, but you were determined to make it work. And maybe, just maybe, one day Bucky would understand why you had to go.
Your friend, Daisy Johnson stopped by for a visit just after you had moved into your new apartment. You hadn’t seen her for a few years, since she had decided to travel the stars with her sister, Kora and now boyfriend, Daniel Sousa. She had insisted on coming over to your place, since May had insisted that you find your independence.
"So tell me, what’s the deal with your love life?" Daisy enquired after her third glass of wine.
"What love life?" you asked, sarcastically.
She laughed, "oh come on! You’ve been living in a building with all those Avengers! You can’t tell me that it’s all completely innocent!"
"Hey, just because you fell in love with your first S.O.!"
"Ouch! That’s a low blow! It’s not my fault Ward turned out to be a HYDRA psychopath!"
"No, he was out of this world."
Both of you laughed, despite the pain that was associated with the memories of the parasitic inhuman who had infested and possessed the corpse of your dead traitorous colleague and used his body to control other inhumans. Sometimes there was nothing else to do but laugh.
"So, are you telling me that you haven’t gotten any sex since you moved in there?"
You shrugged.
"Not even Bucky Barnes? Like have you seen him?" Daisy had always expressed her attraction to your favorite super soldier, but she stopped as she noticed the change in your expression. "What is it? Did something happen with him?"
"No," you shook your head.
"Then why did you leave?"
You shrugged.
"Come on, spill. May wouldn’t tell me. But it’s got something to do with him, right?" Daisy scrutinized your face, coming to sit beside you. "Did he hurt yo-?"
"NO!" you responded before she had the chance to finish. "Not like that."
"But he did something."
"Bucky’s my best friend." You said, not being able to muster enough enthusiasm into your words for them to be believable.
"We just clicked, you know? Right from the start. It was like we were made to be partners. We could share everything with each other, we knew what the other person was going to do in the field without even discussing it. But outside of that too, I felt like I could share anything with him. I even told him about…"
You didn’t have to explain yourself further, Daisy Johnson was the only other living person in the world who knew about the sexual abuse you had suffered as a teen. You had never told a soul when you had been an adolescent, fearing that you wouldn’t be believed, which had led to a lifetime of shame and a stigma of being seen as broken. But secrets often come out, whether you want them to or not. And during a mission, the man who had been responsible for your trauma was involved. Eventually your secrets had surfaced, no matter how deep you buried them, but Daisy had been there for you.
"But I thought there might be something more between us, something… as hard as I tried… I couldn't deny - I was… am in love with him."
"You are?"
"I never told him how I felt. I was afraid of ruining our friendship. But it feels like fate had other plans and he started dating Priya. I was happy for him, of course, but deep down, I couldn't help but feel … jealous.
"And as his relationship with Priya went on, I just found myself feeling more and more envious. I couldn't stand the thought of someone else being with him, especially when I knew how I felt. But I kept my feelings to myself, not wanting to cause any trouble." You sighed.
"What changed? What made you leave?"
"Bucky's birthday. I spent weeks planning the perfect gift for him, something that would show him how much he meant to me. But before I could give it to him, Priya just swooped in and stole my idea, presenting it to Bucky as if she had come up with it on her own.
"Bucky was thrilled with the gift, but when he turned to me expecting something from me, I- I didn’t know what to do. I couldn't bring myself to tell him that Priya had taken my idea, so I stayed silent. Daisy, he was so angry and hurt, thinking that I didn't care enough about him to get him a gift.
"In the end, he chose Priya over me, believing that she cared for him more. He said he loved her based on something I came up with! And I tried to apologize and explain, but he didn't … doesn’t want to hear it. He said felt like he never knew me, like our friendship had been a lie. Now he doesn’t even want me in his life!"
Daisy put her arms around your neck, pulling your head onto her shoulder. The wine had loosened your tongue and talking through what had happened was helping you to truly understand what had happened.
"I can’t believe this bitch!" Daisy muttered in your ear. "Want me to quake her for you?"
You let out a watery chuckle. "I just feel so alone. I know that it’s my own doing, I could have told him how I felt. I could hardly blame her at first, she had no idea. But now…I fucking hate Priya for coming between us, for stealing my chance at happiness with Bucky." You scoffed at your own words. "You know, deep down, I knew that it was my own fear and jealousy that had drove us apart in the first place. I let my feelings get in the way of our friendship, and now I’ve lost the one person who means the world to me." Talking to Daisy had given you time to take stock and really process what you had lost.
"So what’re you going to do now?" Daisy asked.
"What am I supposed to do, Daisy?"
"Let him cool off and try again!"
"And say what exactly? Take me back as your friend? I’m in love with you? He clearly doesn’t feel the same way, so what am I achieving other than getting hurt watching him being happy with someone else?"
"You could come with me, Kora and Daniel. We’re heading back off-world next week."
"And watch you and Daniel making those lovey-dovey faces at each other all day? Thanks, but I think I’ll pass."
"So you’re just going to teach? With May?"
"Yeah," you shrugged. "Teach and wallow about my sad, loveless life."
"You know I love you, right?" Daisy pouted at you.
You laughed, "yeah, I love you too."
Once Daisy left, you continued to think about Bucky. You missed the easy camaraderie you once shared with him, the way you could finish each other’s sentences and laugh until your sides hurt. But now, there was a distance between you that seemed insurmountable. Bucky had made his choice and you were left to pick up the shattered pieces of your friendship. You wondered if he ever truly understood how much you cared for him, how much he meant to you.
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rookthorne · 1 year
⠄⠂⠁⠁⠂⠄⠄⠂ 𝐖𝐞’𝐫𝐞 𝐒𝐭𝐚𝐫𝐯𝐢𝐧’, 𝐃𝐚𝐫𝐥𝐢𝐧’
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It was only meant to be a visit — to get to know them better, learn of their dynamic and learn just how you would fit in. They, however, had other ideas.
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჻჻჻჻჻჻჻჻ 𝒑𝒂𝒊𝒓𝒊𝒏𝒈 ༄ Fireman!Bucky Barnes x F!Reader x Fireman!Steve Rogers
჻჻჻჻჻჻჻჻ 𝒘𝒐𝒓𝒅 𝒄𝒐𝒖𝒏𝒕 ༄ 5.2k
჻჻჻჻჻჻჻჻ 𝒘𝒂𝒓𝒏𝒊𝒏𝒈𝒔 ༄ Fluff, aftercare ჻჻჻ SMUT: Oral (F + M receiving), fingering, protected piv, mutiple orgasms, denied orgasm, dom/sub/switch dynamics ჻჻჻ KINKS: Dirty talk, praise, voyeurism, exhibitionism, degredation, dumbification, objectification
჻჻჻჻჻჻჻჻ 𝒂𝒖𝒕𝒉𝒐𝒓 𝒏𝒐𝒕𝒆𝒔 ༄ Look at those warnings, huh? Yeah, have fun folks. ✌ ༄ A very special thank you to my love, @duckybarnes1917's for your help and encouragement when I pitched this idea to you.
჻჻჻჻჻჻჻჻ 𝒂𝒏𝒕𝒉𝒆𝒎 ༄ Eat Your Young by Hozier
჻჻჻჻჻჻჻჻ 𝒃𝒆𝒕𝒂 ༄ @sgt-seabass
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჻჻჻჻჻჻჻჻ 𝒆𝒗𝒆𝒏𝒕 ༄ @buckybarnesevents Into an Alternate June-iverse 𝗖𝟰 — First Responder AU — Masterlist
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𝐁𝐮𝐢𝐥𝐭 𝐃𝐢𝐟𝐟𝐞𝐫𝐞𝐧𝐭𝐥𝐲 𝐌𝐚𝐬𝐭𝐞𝐫𝐥𝐢𝐬𝐭
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It had been only a few days since that encounter at the station. 
Embers had settled like lead weights in your stomach, lighting up your nerves with a mere spark – more often than not it was their text tone, or the sound of their honeyed voices on a call that was the culprit and soul cause, and the bastards knew it, too.
Very little deliberation was needed to come to your decision. An inane part of you, perhaps closer to the surface than you cared to admit, nor acknowledge, wanted this. You wanted to be a part of what they were, you wanted to feel the warmth of the love they could give, and… many other things. 
Before that thought could dig its claws too deep, the open roller doors of the station came into view, and you took a deep breath as you walked up the driveway. Steve and Bucky had asked you to pop in for a visit, and they had offered to take you home when their shift ended – naturally, you had been apprehensive about just whose home you’d be returning to. 
“There she is!” Steve called, making his way down the driveway with Bucky peeking around the doorway with a bright smile. “Hey there, sweetheart,” Steve said, glancing you up and down – and the action didn’t leave your skin crawling as you had felt all too many times before with other men, rather, you felt shy. “How’re you doing?”
“Good– I’m good, Stevie,” you replied, happily accepting his hug. 
“Hey! Nuh-uh,” Bucky rushed, jogging over, a full pout on his lips. “My turn.” Steve laughed and let you go, only for you to be swept into Bucky’s arms and off your feet. “She’s mine now, punk,” Bucky called, carrying you as he stalked into the station, ignorant of your breathless laugh and pleas to be let down. “Shouldn’t have let her go.”
“Let me down, Buck,” you laughed, hitting his shoulder with your hand and holding around the back of his neck for dear life with the other. “Please!”
“Alright, alright,” Bucky soothed, and he set you gently down on your feet. “There you go. Now, we’re cutting our shift short because Nat and Peter were gracious enough to come in an hour early.”
“Bless ‘em,” Steve cut in. “So, we can head home, decompress and relax, y’know.” The not-so-subtle wink and sly smirk gracing Steve’s handsome features only caused the inferno to ignite. 
Before you could reply, Bucky shoved him towards the locker room. “Get a move on then.”
Steve left with a salute and that left Bucky and you standing beside a parked fire truck. You went to open your mouth to speak, but a quiet yipping noise stalled the cogs in your mind, and you stared at Bucky with wide eyes. “Was that a dog?”
The sheepish shrug and shy smile that grew on his lips made him look so much younger – a boy caught red handed with his hand in the cookie jar. “Yeah… surprise?”
“You have a dog?”
Bucky went to open his mouth when the door leading to the office opened abruptly, and Peter appeared. “Oh, hey! It’s good to see you- whoa!”
You watched in awe as Peter stumbled, pushed to the side by two fast blurs darting out from behind his feet. They were small, but fast and over excited, the exact embodiment of what a puppy–puppies, would be. “You have puppies!”
“Yeah, yeah- Captain, no! Sit,” Bucky commanded, and you watched as the most excited of the two fell back from scrambling up your knees to his back legs in a perfect, fluid movement. You crouched down to be level with the two black and white – Dalmatian – puppies, cooing at them quietly. The smaller and calmer of the two stared up at you through bright blue eyes curiously, a slight tilt to their head.
“Who are these precious babies?” You asked, offering a hand to them so they could sniff. “They’re adorable.”
Bucky groaned as he kneeled down. “‘M gettin’ too old for this shit,” he joked, and you chuckled.
“You’re ageing like a fine wine, Buck,” you replied before you thought better of it, and your eyes widened. Shit, you silently cursed. 
“Why thank you, honey,” Bucky purred. Fuck. “Anyway,” he continued, pointing at the larger of the two puppies. “This is Captain, he’s Stevie’s boy.” You cooed at Captain and he whined quietly, wiggling with excitement. “And this,” Bucky pointed at the smaller puppy, a soft smile on his lips and eyes bright with love, “is Cleo. She’s my little girl.”
“I love them so much,” you gushed, not realising how Bucky’s gaze that held so much adoration and softness for his little Cleo, to you. “How old are they?”
“Old enough to be terrors,” Steve said above you and you jumped. “We goin’ home?”
“Yeah,” Bucky replied, getting to his feet with a huff. “You ready, doll?”
You nodded and scratched behind Captain and Cleo’s ears. “Do they stay here, or-”
“No,” Steve laughed, smiling fondly down at the two puppies. “C’mon guys, home time.” Like a scene from a Disney movie, the two bounding balls of energy ran after Steve as he walked out of the station, presumably towards their car. 
The jingling of keys pulled you from the sight of Steve’s broad back and you looked over at Bucky to see him already staring at you, a brow raised and an arrogant smirk plastered on his lips. “Quit ooglin’ my husband, honey,” he said, his voice low. “A fella might get the idea you want him more.”
You had the sense to roll your eyes at his dramatic ways, and he laughed as he slung an arm over your shoulder. His grin was contagious and you couldn’t help but mimic it as he walked you out the door, pointing the set of keys to a huge pick-up truck. “Let’s go home, hey?”
The drive home was sat in comfortable silence, interrupted by bouts of banter and the barking yips of overexcited puppies. Before long, Bucky pulled the truck into the driveway of a modest home reminiscent of a brownstone flat – the yard was small but tidy, and there was a two-car garage attached to the side. 
“Alright,” Steve said around a yawn. The puppies in his lap shifted and whined restlessly. “Welcome to our humble abode, sweetheart.”
“It’s gorgeous.” 
Bucky made a small noise of contentment and slid out the driver's seat, while you shifted and followed Steve off the bench seat and out the passenger door. The puppies ran onto the yard and jumped over one another, making you giggle at their antics. 
You could hear Bucky moving around the front of the truck and you went to look over your shoulder at him, only to jump and gasp in fright as Steve’s hand – callused and warm, grabbed your own and threaded his fingers through yours. “Easy, sweetheart,” Steve cooed, tightening his grip. “C’mon, come inside.”
With little choice, but with no hesitation, you followed Steve as he followed Bucky to the front door of their home. “Captain, Cleo– here,” Bucky called, and the two puppies ran between the gaps and through the doorway. “Bring our girl in, punk,” Bucky goaded, watching Steve as he stood in the doorway, still holding your hand and staring at you with an unreadable expression – Bucky’s voice seemed to wake him from his trance and he pulled you inside. 
The fact that Bucky moved to stand right behind you as soon as you walked through the threshold of their home, sent a chill of something up your spine and that pit of embers to become a sparking heap again. 
“D’you want something to drink, darlin’?” Steve asked. The endearment made your eyes widen only slightly and you recovered just in time to ask for some water – just. 
Captain and Cleo moved to settle on a giant dog bed in the living room beside the open doorway, and Bucky put a hand on your lower back, urging you forward into the cosy room and towards a couch. “Make yourself at home.”
“Okay,” you mumbled, taking a seat between three giant pillows. Opting for comfort in this new environment and in the presence of these two Gods among men, you grabbed one and leant it on your knees, hugging it to your chest. 
You watched as Bucky toed off his boots and slipped the suspenders off his shoulders, only he caught you staring and he smirked. “You’re so adorable, honey,” Bucky cooed and you felt hot, the cinders in your stomach igniting into a dull roar. “‘M gonna go get changed, Stevie will be with you in just a second, alright?”
As if Bucky had summoned him, Steve appeared around the corner, wearing sweats and a white tank top with a glass of water in one hand, a mug filled with a steaming liquid in the other. Steve and Bucky smiled at one another, and you watched with your mouth slightly agape as Bucky cupped the back of Steve’s neck roughly and pulled him into a kiss – holy fucking shit, you cursed. 
The visual was burnt into your eyelids and you took a deep breath just as they pulled apart, and Bucky departed – though not before he smacked Steve on the ass, the latter only rolling his eyes in response. 
“Here you go,” Steve said, offering you the glass of water before falling onto the couch next to you. He groaned loudly and threw his head back over the back of the couch and shuffled his legs so his thighs were spread, and you couldn’t resist the urge to stare at the way his muscles moved and pulled taut to show off that damned jawline. “You stare any longer, sweetheart, and I won’t be able to control myself.”
Dammit, you swore. So much for subtlety. 
More to distract yourself, you took a gulp of water and placed the cup down on a coaster on the coffee table. A low huff and whine came from the dog bed next to the couch and you looked over to see Cleo already staring at you sleepily. “Such an adorable baby girl,” you cooed.
“Nope, that’s you, honey,” Bucky said suddenly and you almost squeaked – thankfully you killed the noise in your throat before you could embarrass yourself further. “I know we talk every day at this point,” he continued, flopping down on your other side, and tucking his knee up under his other thigh so he could face you. “But how are you–how have you been feeling?”
It was difficult to discern just what he was asking – was he asking about how you felt about them? About the risque and teasing texts and calls you had more often than not initiated? 
“Don’t stress that pretty head of yours, honey, I meant exactly what I asked,” Bucky said quietly, and you felt Steve shift next to you, his interest obviously piqued. “How are you doing? Work, all that shit.”
“Oh,” you breathed, relieved. “I’ve been good, work has been busy–but I’ve been good.”
“We know,” Steve purred, his breath suddenly very hot against your neck. “Because you’re our good girl, aren’t you?”
You blanched. “What the-”
Their laughter broke the tension – deep belly laughs and wide grins, though when you looked at Steve, his grin had something else teasing, wolfish, and you found you liked it. 
“I would say I’m sorry,” Steve tried, grinning and flicking his gaze between Bucky and your deer-in-headlights-esque shock. “But I’m really not.”
“You fuckin’ menace, Stevie,” Bucky chuckled. “Leave ‘er alone!”
“What the hell was that?” You demanded, a grin teasing your own lips. In no way were you mad, though you were shocked with the visceral reaction to those simple words had on you – you knew you liked it, but that much?
You were doomed. 
“Nothin’, nothin’,” Steve sighed, still grinning, though he eyed you like a wolf who had cornered his prey. The air became thin and you felt Bucky shifting closer – the tension in the room crescendoed and your breath hitched as they fell silent, the heat of their combined gazes almost too much to bear. 
“Sweetheart,” Steve started, his voice low, tentative; an unspoken hesitance. “We brought you home to get to know you, and we are going to get to know you, just as you would get to know us, but,” he leant forward and time stopped – Steve was in your space, unyielding and determined to be heard. “Do you want this?”
“This?” You echoed breathlessly, only to end on a gasp when Bucky’s hand moved to your neck – no pressure exerted, no sense of danger, but a promise and an intention that stole your breath completely. You could feel Bucky’s thumb brushing soothingly against the side of your neck, but it only sent your head spinning.
Damn him for listening when you let slip you had enjoyed the thought of his or Steve’s hand around your throat. 
“Listen to Stevie, honey,” Bucky said, his tone firm and insistent. 
“You call the shots here,” Steve continued, though his gaze flickered from Bucky’s hand to your face. “But, to be honest, I want this–so does Buck, don’t you?”
“More than you can imagine,” Bucky growled. “What d’you say, doll?”
Blood pounded in your ears and you gulped, the movement against his hand made Bucky exhale heavily. “Yeah–Yeah I want this, I want it-”
“You tell us to stop if you need us to,” Steve commanded, watching only you and you met his gaze. “Understood?”
“Understood,” you answered.
The wolves pounced. Bucky tightened his grip on the sides of your neck while his other hand went to your hair, gripping it and pulling gently so your face was tilted up, where Steve claimed your mouth – his kiss was surprisingly soft, gentle from what you had expected. 
“Bedroom, now,” Bucky rasped, and Steve pulled back, running his thumb along your bottom lip. 
“Fuck,” Steve growled, his voice just as raspy as Bucky’s – like your admission and want for this had turned them feral. They pulled you to your feet and you gasped with the rush. “Jump, darlin’,” Steve demanded, and hazy as you felt, you did as you were told; only for the ground to become suddenly very far away. “Atta girl.”
Steve was carrying you – he was carrying you, and Bucky’s hand was insistently groping at Steve’s ass as he carried you down a hallway. “How are you-”
“Firefighter, honey,” Bucky drawled while he kicked the bedroom door shut with his foot. Steve placed you gently down on the bed and stood up, and when Steve moved to shuck down his sweats, Bucky whined, his hands flying forward and gripping Steve’s shoulders and pulling him into a heated kiss – teeth and tongue clashing like they were going to consume one another. 
Bucky pulled back only far enough to pull down Steve’s sweats, boxers included. “Mine, don’t do my job, Stevie- Fuck,” Bucky breathed, rushing to literally tear at Steve’s tank top with ease.
“Oh, fuck,” you moaned, and the two turned their heads to look at you – Steve’s expression heightened with a smug smirk, while Bucky looked at you through hooded eyes and a wolfish grin. 
“She’s pretty, ain’t she, Stevie?” Bucky said through his teeth, his gaze flashing dangerously. “I wan’ her.”
“Go to her, baby,” Steve ordered. The tone sent your stomach into a fit and the inferno spread like wildfire through your every last nerve – the intensity sending a rush of vertigo and you found yourself reaching out, desperate to touch. “Go on, you don’t stop until she comes, understood?”
Heaven above, you wondered if you could come alone from those words. 
“C’mere,” Bucky said, pulling you to your feet. With just as much ease as he had torn–undressed Steve, Bucky left you standing bare for only a solitary second before he pulled you onto the bed with a low, rumbling growl. The pillows were soft under your head and you sighed happily as Bucky settled his boxer-clad hips between your spread thighs. “You alright, honey?”
“I’m great,” you grinned, and Bucky laughed before he surged forward, marking the column of your throat with expert precision until your eyes fluttered closed. “Bucky, please-”
“Please what, sweetheart?” Steve asked, hovering by the head of the bed before he reached over and fisted Bucky’s hair, pulling back harshly. The moan that left Bucky’s lips made your breath stutter. “What do you want? Tell us.”
Bucky moved and tilted his head down, and whether it was a help or a hindrance, his clothed cock rubbed insistently against your clit and you moaned. “Be a good girl for us, honey,” he whispered, and he dropped to his elbows, caging you against him. 
“Please, please, I- I need to-”
“You want to come, is that it, darlin’?” Steve pondered. His gaze suddenly pinned Bucky in place, a realisation behind his flickered aggression. “Buck, baby, you didn’t do as you were told.”
Bucky froze before he lowered his head against your neck, mouthing at it while moving his hips against your heat torturously slow. “‘M gettin’ to it, Stevie,” he replied, his breath hot against your neck and suddenly, he started sucking in earnest – the sharp, intense feeling forcing a choked moan from you. 
“Get to it faster, then,” Steve admonished. You could sense the eye roll Bucky hid by the curtain of his hair, but he still moved down your body, mouthing at your skin and leaving a trail of heat that culminated between your hips – unbearably so. 
You watched, your breath hitching, while Bucky moved your legs either side of his head so your thighs rested on his broad, muscled, and tattooed shoulders. “Oh, god-” You tried, only for your breath to stutter and falter at the first broad lick of Bucky’s tongue against your clit. “Fuck!”
“Go on, baby,” Steve muttered, watching Bucky as he nestled closer. “Fuck her with your tongue.”
The feeling was indescribable – the pull of Bucky’s mouth and the warmth and pressure of his tongue insistently drawing patterns just as pretty as his tattoos on your clit, only to stop and move his tongue down, paying attention to your weeping cunt. You couldn’t hear his groans and moans over the roaring in your ears, though you were grounded by the soft brush of Steve’s fingers down your neck and over your shoulder. 
It was short lived. 
As Bucky forced his tongue to do as Steve had ordered, Steve lowered his head to suckle at a breast, his hand coming to cup your other breast and flick the hardened nub until you whimpered. 
The bed began to squeak and rock and you lifted your head to see Bucky’s hips thrusting desperately against the edge. “Baby, no, you come when she does,” Steve cut in, his tone snappish and commanding. You could have sworn you felt Bucky’s whine through your entire body with how he had sucked your clit into his mouth. 
“That’s it, sweetheart,” Steve purred, turning to look at you. A harsh suck from Bucky forced a hiccuped moan from your lips and you whined, fisting your hands in Bucky’s hair. “He’s makin’ you feel good, huh?”
“Y-Yeah, oh, fuck- Ah!”
“Oh, sweetheart, lookatchu,” Steve continued, ignorant of your heaving breaths and inability to hear nor compute a damn thing except for the fact Bucky was swirling and suckling at your clit like a man starved. “So fuckin’ pretty like this.”
“Bucky! Oh, fuck- Fuck!” You cried, startling at the feeling of Bucky’s fingers burying themselves deep in your cunt. “Please!”
Your pleading only spurred Bucky on, and you watched through blurred vision as Steve grinned wickedly, his gaze focused on Bucky's head shaking side to side. “You’re fuckin’ her real good, baby,” Steve breathed, and his gaze snapped towards your pleading expression. “Oh, you’re close, aren’t you, sweetheart?”
“Yeah!” You cried. “Steve, Steve please-”
“Bucky, baby,” Steve said, still looking at you and you did your best to stare back, to hold his gaze. “Be a good boy for me and make her come, she wants to be your good girl.” 
Fire burst through every nerve and your back arched to the ceiling, your mouth opened in a silent scream, and Bucky still did not stop. “That’s it, good girl, there’s a good girl- Fuck,” Steve breathed. Waves and waves of sensations crashed against you, pulling you under, with every brush of Bucky’s fingers and tongue and every suck of his lips. He followed you as you writhed on the bed, drawing out every last second of your climax. 
Bucky finally pulled back from between your thighs for breath, his chest heaving while your slick covered his lips and chin. The impish grin that split his face made you twitch and whine breathlessly, though it didn’t deter him from launching up onto the bed to claim your lips in a heated kiss. 
“Baby,” Steve rushed, pulling Bucky off you and ignoring his grunt of protest. “Lie back, baby, I want your dick in my mouth.”
The promise made Bucky move almost comically quick and he rested his back against the bed head, thighs spread. “Catch your breath, honey,” Bucky whispered as Steve moved to settle between Bucky’s thighs. “We’re not done with you.”
You watched in daze as Steve pulled Bucky’s boxers down, and you revelled in the groan of pleasure that escaped Bucky as Steve swallowed him to the hilt with no preamble. “Stevie, fuck,” Bucky gasped, fisting Steve’s blond hair and holding him in place. “‘M not gonna last long, baby, fuck.”
A rush of energy pulsed through you and you got to your knees, wobbling only slightly. Bucky watched you through hooded eyes, reaching a hand out and you took it, falling against his side and pulling him into a heated kiss – swallowing his moans and cries. You hissed against his lips as his hand wandered down your back to cup and grope at the globes of your ass – his hands rough but warm. 
Bucky’s hips jerked up violently and he cried out, his stomach flexing and you watched in awe as Steve worked faster. “Baby, ‘m gonna come, don’t you dare stop- Fuck!”
“Bucky,” you simpered and his gaze snapped to you – his once bright eyes blackened and eclipsed, so fucking far gone, you mused silently. “Come for me, handsome, c’mon.”
The loud shout that echoed off the walls made you grin dazedly, triumphant at wrecking the man before you like he did you. You watched as Bucky twitched and moaned, writhing weakly against Steve’s incessant sucking, his cheeks still hollowed. “Stevie- please, I can’t,” Bucky gasped, sagging in relief when Steve finally pulled off, grinning that same wicked smile. 
That same smile he turned on you. “My turn.”
“Wha-” You tried, though your attempt at being coherent was marred by the fact Bucky had manhandled you into his lap, locking you in place by trapping your arms by your sides and forcing your legs open and keeping them there with his feet. The heat billowing from Bucky burned against your skin, and you wriggled, whining from the feel of his still hard cock resting against your lower back.
“Shh, honey,” Bucky cooed, resting his chin against your shoulder. Despite the rush you found your breathing slowing at his soothing tone. “I’ve gotchu, and Stevie’s gonna fuck you so good you won’t remember your own fuckin’ name, how ‘bout that?”
“Fuck,” you croaked, shivering in his hold. You could feel your cunt clench around nothing and you began to pant, as desperate to get air as you were to finally be filled with Steve’s cock. 
“She’s so pretty like this, Buck, fuckin’ hell,” Steve rambled, rooting through a bedside draw before pulling free a foil packet. “Touch her for me.”
“Oh-” You shuddered, your legs jerking against Bucky’s hold as his hand wandered down your stomach.
“Be good for me, honey, my sweet doll, huh?” Bucky breathed and you whimpered. The feel of his fingers trailing so close caused goosebumps to rise in the wake of his fingers, right until they settled between your folds and circled your clit. 
“That’s it, baby,” Steve breathed, stopping his rush to just watch. “Speed it up, I think she can come once more– what d’you think, sweetheart?”
“I can’t-”
“You can,” Bucky replied. “Stevie wants to watch you come undone again, and like the good girl you are-” As he spoke, his fingers picked up their speed and you heaved for breath against the onslaught of sensation. “-You’re gonna put on a show for ‘im, aren’t you?”
“Ye-Yeah, ah! I am, I- oh,” you gasped, and with your arms trapped you could only scramble to hold Bucky’s hips, the pillows, the sheets – something, anything to ground yourself. 
“Come for me, sweetheart,” Steve called, though he sounded underwater – muffled and so far away. “Let go, let go for us.”
You screamed to the ceiling, shaking violently through your second climax that cleaved you like a whip, and Bucky was the only thing holding you together. 
“Fuck, if she looks as pretty as she does without our cocks filling her, Stevie,” Bucky mumbled into your hair, soothing the aftershocks with gentle kisses against your temple. “Imagine how she’d look while you’re gonna fuck her.”
Steve groaned loudly in response. “Move, Buck, I need-”
You whined as Bucky slowly lowered you down his front so your hips were canted forward, and your shoulders rested against his middle, just above his stomach. “There you go, doll, easy,” he soothed, pulling your slumped head back against his chest. “You with us, honey?”
“Yeah,” you said, your voice hoarse, but you grinned dopily up at them. “Don’ stop, more-”
They laughed heartily – the rumbling in Bucky’s chest soothing something deep in your mind. It was hard to form any string of thought, coherent or not. 
“You’re just so fuckin’ pretty, sweetheart,” Steve whispered, and you whined, chasing his lips. “No, I wanna watch you.”
If Bucky hadn’t kept hold of you, you could have sworn you had started to ascend – the stretch of Steve’s cock burned, the pain exactly what you had wanted, and you moaned loudly. “That’s it, honey,” Bucky cooed, moving a hand to squeeze your breast. “Takin’ Stevie so well, fuck.”
“Oh, god,” Steve groaned, bottoming out in your cunt and stilling. The small twitches against your walls made you whimper, though you grinned wickedly up at him, watching his bowed head until he met your gaze. “Sweetheart, what are- Shit!”
You chuckled weakly and you felt Bucky move behind you, his lips nipping at the side of your neck. “You tryin’ to make him come, huh, kitten?”
The name pulled a moan from your lips and Steve gasped, your cunt squeezing him like a vice – the once steady rhythm you had pulsing around him thrown out. 
“Do that again, Buck,” Steve breathed. “She’s fuckin’ squeezing me.”
“Aw,” Bucky cooed, and you groaned when Steve started to move – far too fucking slowly. “You want Stevie to fuck you senseless? You want Steve to squirm?”
“Uh-huh,” you replied quietly. 
“She’s too fucked out to form words, baby,” Bucky said to Steve, his tone biting and just the perfect amount of mockery. “I want you to fuck her– fuck her just how you want, go on.”
“Not funny, Buck,” Steve gritted out before he thrusted hard enough to jolt you up Bucky’s chest. It was like you weren’t there – a toy for them to use to rile one another up, and you fucking loved it. 
“Oh, it is,” Bucky continued, shifting slightly so he could attack the other side of your neck. Your whimpers and moans were completely ignored while Steve thrusted shallowly. “You better fuck our girl senseless, baby, or I’ll have to do it myself. You don’t want that do you? You want her pussy all to yourself, you don’t want to share, do you?”
The words were a catalyst to something – the cogs of Steve’s mind finally clicking into place to reveal the wolfish greed he had harboured from the beginning. His thrusts turned brutal and every rock of his hips punched a moan from your lungs, the quickfire and brutality of each thrust driving you up Bucky’s chest. 
“Please-” You gasped, scrabbling to grab hold of something and Bucky’s hip was the only thing you could find purchase on. “Please, oh, fucking- Stevie!”
“That’s it, kitten, scream for him,” Bucky purred before grabbing the back of Steve’s neck and pulling him into a bruising kiss, throwing off his rhythm. You whined loudly and Bucky pulled back, chuckling darkly. “Fuck her, Stevie, make her come.”
A low growl shook Steve’s chest, and it rattled your last sense of control. “Fuck, sweetheart,” he rambled, attaching his lips to your neck, the opposite side of where Bucky was marking you with his teeth and tongue. “You feel so fuckin’ good.”
You clamped down tighter on his cock and your moans grew in pitch, but Steve didn’t falter. “She’s close, Stevie, good boy,” Bucky purred. Steve only moaned, shifting his knees so he could fuck you harder. You could feel Bucky’s hand moving down your stomach and a loud static filled your ears. “You wanna come for him, don’t you, kitten? You wanna be a good girl for us?”
Words failed you. Your mouth opened and closed uselessly as you felt Bucky reach your hip, though he didn’t stop. A full body shudder tore through your limbs and you keened, curling inwards as Bucky’s fingers found your much too sensitive clit with his fingers – all through Bucky’s deft touches, Steve didn’t stop his thrusts, if anything, they got harder, faster, as he chased his release.
“Come for us, honey,” Bucky whispered, his breath hot on the shell of your ear. Steve nodded desperately and whined as the start of your climax trapped him, your cunt sucking him in and not allowing him to leave. “Come for us, kitten- Good girl! Oh, lookatchu! Fuck, that’s a girl, good girl-”
You were drowning in pleasure, you couldn’t breathe – couldn’t feel anything but the deadly throes and sensations of Steve’s cock grinding against that spot and the feeling of Bucky’s breath, hot on your neck. 
Slowly, you came to laying on your side, pressed between two bodies. 
“There she is– hey, sweetheart,” Steve whispered in your ear. Somehow, he was holding you to his chest and Bucky was laying facing you, his eyes opening quickly at Steve’s words. 
“Stevie fucked you a bit too good, honey,” Bucky chuckled, cupping your jaw and sidling closer so he could kiss your forehead. “Are you alright?” As he spoke, Steve rubbed one hand up and down your side as you shivered, squeezing you close with the other. 
“‘M fine,” you said. “Wha’ happened?”
“You blacked out, doll,” Bucky explained. “It was only for a little while.”
“Awesome,” you whispered, and Steve and Bucky laughed. “Are you guys okay?”
“Fuckin’ fantastic,” Steve said – you could hear the grin in his words, and Bucky nodded, agreeing wholeheartedly. “We can talk serious shit later, alright? We wanna hold you a lil’ longer.”
“I would love that,” you hummed happily and snuggled into Steve’s arms, smiling as Bucky moved even closer. 
One thing was for sure, today for sure cemented the fact that you had made the right decision – now all you had to do was buckle in for the ride.
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⠈⠂⠄ 𝐢𝐧𝐛𝐨𝐱 | 𝐥𝐢𝐛𝐫𝐚𝐫𝐲 | 𝐚𝐨𝟑 ⠄⠂⠁
⠈⠂⠄ 𝐦𝐚𝐬𝐭𝐞𝐫𝐥𝐢𝐬𝐭 | 𝐜𝐨𝐥𝐥𝐞𝐜𝐭𝐢𝐨𝐧𝐬 ⠄⠂⠁
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scandinavianfairytale · 4 months
Pairing: Senator Steve Rogers x Assistant Reader
Warnings: This is straight up filth 😅 18+, Rated R 🙈 Smut, including but not limited to: oral, PinV, cheating, power dynamic is askew, age gap...
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It was wrong. So wrong. So very wrong. For a number of reasons.
1. He was married.
2. He was significantly older than you. And we're talking about that he could be you father older than you.
3. He was your boss.
You could probably think of other reasons why, but these were the major ones. Yet, it didn't stop you from lusting after the senator. And you tried to distract yourself, mainly with work, but whenever you were alone with him, your knees shook, your core throbbed, and your head felt dizzy.
But you couldn't seduce a married man.
Or maybe you could.
Just not as directly as you would any other men.
In the beginning you were subtle. A button opened there, a skirt too short there. A little moan or gasp sprinkled in between the meetings. A hand lingering too long.
Nothing. There was no reaction from Steve.
So then you resorted to blatant tactics. Before going into his office you changed into the same clothes, just two sizes two small. On a number of occasions you even forgot the bra.
Still nothing. He was driving you insane. After every meeting where you basically offered yourself on a silver plate,.you had to go to the restroom and take the edge off. Your hands felt like cheap alternative to what you were actually after. Even at home, your toys paled in comparison to the fantasies that were playing in your head.
In one last ditch effort, you put on the tightest skirt you had in your wardrobe, a skirt that was more like a second skin than a piece of clothing. Ditching the thong, you entered Senator Rogers office, knees shaking in anticipation of what might happen.
He fucked you that night. Three times. Your head was spinning by the end of the fuck session. You were bent over the table, taken on the floor, on all fours, the couch used for support after your arms gave out and then to properly finish the evening, you got down on your knees and sucked him off.
After that, you were hooked. You were insatiable. How could you not be? The way he looked, sounded, and carried himself was enough to drive a woman insane. Put that together with the best fuck you experienced in your life and you got yourself a proper cock whore.
Steve was preparing his notes for tomorrows speech when a soft knock on the door of his office interrupted his train of thought. Your head poked through the crack and he smiled, motioning you in.
"Why are you still here so late?" Steve asked as he patted the chair next to him, insinuating that you can or should sit.
"Well, there are so many things left to do by tomorrow." You replied as you sat down. Steve picked up his scotch and leaned back in the leather sofa he was sitting in.
"There's always a lot of work to be done. And I know all the necessary things have already been done, so why don't you try again, sweetheart." He smirked.
"I wanted to catch you alone." You bit your bottom lip.
"Oh?" Steve cocked an eyebrow.
"I want to help you. I can see you're stressed and I thought, maybe I could help."
"How do you think you could help me?" You stood up, and you took his hand, guiding it under your skirt. Steve's eyes widened as his hand came into contact with your bare and very wet pussy. Your breathing deepend as his guided hand cupped you, and your tummy tensed in anticipation.
"I think you might be right." Steve smirked as he scanned your face, eyes hodded, lips parted and a little flush in the cheeks.
"Stand wider. I want to feel you." He commanded, and you obeyed, no questions asked. As soon as your skirt was hiked up, Steve's fingers invaded your slippery hole, making you moan. He started fingering you, and those wet, squelching noises that he loved started coming from you. Plus combining with your pants and moans...music to his ears.
He knew he was bad. Sick, some would even call him. After all, he was MUCH older than you and in a position of power.
But it's not like you were that innocent either. Not when you flaunted your assests just to get a rise out of your boss. You definitely were not innocent when you grabbed his tie, pulling him into a supply closet at the Gala and giving him the best head he's ever had, while his wife was looking for him. And especially not when after just swallowing his cum, you talked to his wife, laighing with her as if you were good friends.
And it's not like he didn’t feel the guilt. His wife was the love of his life. They made a life together. A good life. He still loved her. Steve knew he would always love Peggy. He knows he will never love anyone else, but love and lust are not the same. Missionary sex once a month in the shared bed is not the same as the risky, almost violent, ball busting sex in all positions in all places at all times pf the day or night.
"Senator." You moaned, as you stopped holding back your need and your hips started gyrating against his hand. That. That right there, that was what sealed the deal for him. That was when he realized that while it was a regrettable mistake, he was going to make it again and again. And again.
"Are you gonna cum?" Steve's eyes darkened as he watched your pussy grinding against his hand and knuckles and how your juices oozed out, dripping down his forearms.
"Uh-huh" Your needy voice surprised you. You have never been this needy before.
"Come here." He demanded, his other hand grabbing your hips, steadying them and he blew on your hot pussy, making you throw your head back, screaming in pleasure. Steve smirked before delving next to his fingers, and he started lapping at your juices, savoring the taste like a starved man.
"More. Pleaseee, senator." You begged.
"Call me Steve." He smirked and he stopped everything he was doing, making you keen.
"Steve! Please, don't stop." You uncleanched your eyes, but he could see how much you wanted to roll your eyes in pleasure.
"Better. Now cum, sweetheart, let me taste you, properly."
It took only a few thrusts before you squirted all over his face. He held you in place, saving you from crumpling down on the floor as your knees shook. Steve kissed your pussy, smiling up at you as your breathing started getting back normal.
"Let me take care of you." You whispered as you straddled his hips, opening his trousers and pulling his painfully hard cock out before slowly sinking on him, your overly sensitive pussy, pulsating as it made room for his gritty cock.
"You feel amazing." Steve moaned as he felt your wet walls. You kissed him, pressing your body as close as you could, letting both of you feel the stretch. His hands traveled down to your ass, gripping it tight before he started thrusting up.
"Wait." You stopped him. "You just sit here, I'll do everything."
How could he refuse? How could he say no to you, really?
Sure enough, you got to work, grinding against his pelvis, thrusting your hips up and down, sending shivers and pulses down to your tiptoes. But Steve could not just sit still while you did all the work. He unbuttoned your blouse and pulled down your bra so your breasts spilled out. He realized all your cloths fit you now, as opposed to a few weeks ago.
"Before we started this, did you change your clothes every time before coming to see me?" He asked as he grabbed your jaw, making you look at him.
"Yes." You moaned. "I wanted to give you a preview."
"You certainly don't leave anything to the imagination, you dirty whore." He smirked and slapped your tit. He thought back to that day when this began. You nervously entered his office, bringing him the files he asked for. Just before reaching him, you tripped, and all the papers fell on the floor. He was going to help you, but then he noticed how tight the skirt you were wearing was and how it stuck to your skin, providing a visible outline of your pussy. At that point, he had been trying so hard to resist the temptation, but having this clear of a view of your pussy, he snapped. He bent you over the desk that night.
"Fuck yes." You screamed as his hand went to your clit and pinched it.
"Come on, you said you wanted to take care of me. Do it." Steve taunted. "Try harder."
You started circling your clit, while grinding at his pelvis. He could feel you clenching around him, and he knew you were close. He pinched one of your nipples, rolling it in between his fingers, while his mouth started sucking on the other.
"God, yes. Steve-I-" Your voice broke as you squirted again. You bucked your hips a couple of more times, before you climbed off of him and kneeled in front of his opened legs. His cock was just perfect, a little red, soaking from his precum and your juices and so thick. Your mouth practically watered at the sight of Senator's Rogers dick.
"Fuck." Steve let out as you took him down your throat. You were always eager to give a blowjob. You knew guys usually don't get good head and women in general don't like giving head. But you fucking loved it. There was so much power in this.
You took him whole, until your nose touched his hair base. Staying there, breathing through your nose, you stared at him.
"Fuck." He groaned as he looked at you.
Finally, you started bobbing your head up and down his shaft, the noises both of you were making were egging you on. One of your hands massaged his balls, while the other stroked his perineum, making the man above you shudder and thrust his hips further into your mouth. You smirked with your mouth full of cock. It really was a power move.
"C'mon, stop playing and make me come." Steve groaned in frustration, slapping you face and shoved your head down to the base of his cock, making you choke. You tapped his thigh and he let you go.
"Use my throat." You leaned back on your heels, opening your mouth, inviting him in. Steve stood up and pushed his cock down your throat again. His hands framed your head, and he started thrusting into you.
"God yes." Steve yelled in ecstasy. Your hands went to your pussy. One started playing with your clit while with the other you shoved three fingers in it.
"That's it, play with yourself." He shoved his cock faster and harder into your mouth. Like he was fucking your pussy and it made you so wet. It was the perfect sinful melody that filled the office. As you listened to him pant and groan, you knew he was close. His thrusts became erratic until finally he slammed your head down his cock and kept you there as he emptied his sack. You came at the same time, he shoved you down last time, squirting again.
As he let you go, you opened your mouth, showing him you swallowed every last drop.
Steve zipped up his pants while you sat in your own release, still panting. He brought you tissues to clean yourself up before helping you stand up and giving you a glass of water.
"Do you feel better?" You asked. Steve let out a chuckle.
"I feel much better. I think tomorrow's speech is going to go smoothly." He observed you. "Let me take you home. You shouldn't be driving this exhausted."
You nodded before taking his hand and letting him take you to his car. Steve let the driver know where to go, and he closed the door, waving you off, before returning back to his office and cleaning the mess you created.
Thank you for reading 🙈
The GIF doesn't belong to me 💙
Yeah...so I have no words other than this is filthy 🙈 I'm not sorry though 🙈
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montcumbry-gaytor · 1 year
Could you do the baby got back ask with the marvel men
This ass can be put to great use, and so can theirs 🤭🤭🤭
(plz include Steve, tony, Bucky, Thor… etc 🤭)
Marvel Men with a Reader with a big ass <3
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No doubt slaps your ass, Maybe grabs it
Slapped it once with his little portable iron man hand thing and it bruised
He kissed it better
He specifically has a chair for u and it has subtle divots of ur ass
He wants to make bowls from the shape of ur asscheek
Has slapped ur ass in while coming into a meeting room
No shame
This boy is tall.
Like his pelvis meets with ur lower back.
He thinks ur the perfect size to come up behind cause his titties rest on your shoulders
Runs his hands on your waist and then Squeezes that shit
From how fuckin rough he is he demolishes ur ass
There will be bruises.
When ur laying down he kisses ur butt where he left bruises and apologizes
genuinely feels bad that he's insanely rough
He worships your ass
Has never seen anything like it
He has his hands all over it cause like.. it's not taboo to show affection in Asgard
He likes eating ur ass
"A gift from Venus no doubt"
Definitely carries u
"A man as well looking as you shouldn't be walking."
Thinks ur living, breathing, ethereal royalty
Won't deny how smitten he is about it
Is a starer and will gaslight his way into not being caught
Hand accidentally brushes it while walking beside you?
Definitely ruins him
He wants you to bounce your ass on him like no tommorow
You in a suit?
He fainted, literally.
Thor laughed at him for days.
Will grab the waistband of your pants / underwear and jus-
Very touchy behind closed doors
Doesn't like showing PDA
Will deadass grovel to his knees and kiss it
If he's feeling like a BITCH he will bite it
No hesitation
If u pull his hair and tell him off about it he totally gets off on it
This man is a magician and previously a Neurosurgeon
Skilled with his hands
Literally up to no good,
Cannot bend over with him ANYWHERE near u
Even then u cannot trust him to not slip his hand thru a portal and f with u
Knows you love it
"It was the cloak"
The cloak proceeded to try and choke him out.
It was not happy
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sleepingdeath-light · 2 years
thigh riding headcanons ; original avengers & loki (18+)
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kinktober day twenty five extra
pairing ; bruce banner x gender neutral!reader, clint barton x gender neutral!reader, loki laufeyson x gender neutral!reader, natasha romanov x gender neutral!reader, steve rogers x gender neutral!reader, thor odinson x gender neutral!reader, tony stark x gender neutral!reader
note ; minors and ageless blogs will be blocked
bruce banner
thigh riding is the safest way for bruce to pleasure you because there’s very minimal risk of him hulking out and hurting you
it also allows you both to work around his busy schedule and the state of exhaustion it leaves him in
like he can just lay back in bed in his pyjamas and let you take care of yourself with minimal work on his end whilst he just praises and encourages you in equal measure
or you can just straddle him when he’s at his desk in the lab and take care of yourself whilst he works on some paperwork — one arm holding you steady against his chest whilst the other works on whatever s.h.i.e.l.d assigned to him
he also just enjoys seeing you ride his thighs because he gets a perfect view of every expression and reaction you give him
clint barton
thigh riding is usually used as a type of foreplay for clint or just as a way for you both to get off when you’re both too tired or too busy to do anything else
it’s usually very messy and clumsy, filled with lazily wandering hands and sloppy kisses as you love against each other
he’ll be half guiding you, half letting you take control — getting pleasure both from pleasuring you and from the minimal friction caused by you brushing against his clothes crotch
clint isn’t necessarily talkative when you guys do this, but he does tend to let out a good few grunts, groans and muffled moans that sound vaguely like your name
big on teasing you about it after the fact either through outright stating how good you looked/sounded/felt or by slapping/pinching/patting your ass as a sign of appreciation
loki laufeyson
thigh riding is an act that loki can either take or leave depending on your preferences
like he doesn’t dislike it, and in fact would quite enjoy to see you pleasuring yourself on his thigh — so desperate for him that you can get off without much intervention so long as he’s there
but he solidly prefers oral and penetrative sex to thigh riding
that being said, if you were to ask him he’d be more than happy to oblige — spreading his legs wide to accommodate you where he’s sat and patting one thigh in an inviting gesture be treated by the smug, mischievous smirk that graces his features
he’d either give you his complete attention or none at all; either returning his focus back to whatever it was he was doing beforehand (likely reading a book) and allowing you to take what you needed from him, or taking complete control and guiding you every step of the way as you get off on his thigh
the former is a subtle way to humiliate you and get you to beg for him — to show off the effect he has on you without him having to say a word (you can’t get off without him yet you’re eager enough to soil his clothes with your desperation)
and the latter is a complete show of his dominant nature: large hands grasping at your waist or hips to hold you in place with no room for argument, piercing eyes shamelessly looking over every inch of your body, strong thigh pressed up against your clothed sex and silver tongue teasing and mocking you for your desperation
either way, your climax will come on his terms and you’ll be receiving plentiful teasing commentary before, during and after the fact (including remarks about you returning the favour in due time)
natasha romanov
thigh riding is something that nat enjoys being on the giving and receiving end of depending on her mood
if you’ve been good or she’s too tired to have sex with you, she’ll instruct you to straddle her thigh and ride it — keeping one hand on your hip to maintain control as she lets you take what you need
though this doesn’t mean she’ll let you get away with anything — you’re still very much so at her mercy even if you’re on top, so expect to be given instructions to follow and proper punishments if you fail to do so
even if your relationship is more vanilla, nat would still maintain this air of dominance she’d just lay off the punishments
if she were to ride you, however, it’s usually due to a combination of your misbehaviour and her need for release
as in she’ll straddle you and take whatever pleasure she wants, allowing you to see her completely bare and horny, but forbidding you from touching her and denying you that same release in return (i.e. you can see her but you cannot touch her)
steve rogers
thigh riding is a completely alien concept to steve and would only really be done if he’s too busy to tend to you otherwise (such as if he’s prepping for a mission and has been neglecting you)
doesn’t really guide you as he trusts you enough to let you take what you need, but will have one hand lightly gripping your waist to make sure you don’t fall
will dutifully follow any requests you make of him — though he will 100% get rather red in the face and stammer slightly through his “of course”s and “like that?”s
and whilst he does try to get his work done, he can’t help but get distracted and aroused by the sounds you’re making and the feeling of you sliding along his thigh — especially if you’re leaving a wet patch behind
so despite his best efforts, no more work will be done after this as thigh riding will usually precede love making unless he’s physically unable to do so for some reason
thor odinson
thor is always eager to please you and can get off on giving pleasure alone, so thigh riding would be something he’d happy to try with you
starts off very chatty and vocal, one hand leisurely resting on the small of your back as he praises and compliments you in every tongue he knows — only occasionally breaking it up with questions about if you’d like him to do anything
trusts you to take the reins for the most part, but will sometimes move his thigh up to meet you just to get a reaction out of you
well he tries to hand over the reins, but after a while the combined friction of your leg accidentally brushing against his crotch and the feeling of your arousal through his clothes starts to get the better of him and he starts to take control
of course he’s still chasing your high, but the way his large hands are gripping your waist and his mouth is crashing against yours — successfully muffling the loud groans and grunts he’s making — may be enough to convince you otherwise
but either way you’ll end up reaching your high soon enough, with plentiful bruises on your hips and the swollen lips to prove it
tony stark
tony tends to treat thigh riding as a type of foreplay or one way of him to meet you in the middle if you have a higher libido — which would be shocking considering his reputation
he doesn’t really get too much pleasure out of having you ride him, but he’s not shy about enjoying the view - tending to lean back on his forearms and letting you take what you need
shamelessly looks you up and down and is very big on dirty talk when you’re riding his thighs — commenting on how he can feel you through his clothes and telling you to just “take what you need honey/babe/etc.” whilst he relaxes
as foreplay he’d be much more involved, using it as a way to make sure you’re prepped and excited beforehand by moving with you and reaching down to play with you through your clothes as you grind against him
but either way this man will not be subtle about how much he loves seeing you come undone on top of him
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biteofcherry · 1 year
To find the light, we must first touch the darkness
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Please also check out @bluepinkangel​’s amazing hot moodboard for this universe 🖤
dark!mafia Steve Rogers x female reader
summary: When you’re unexpectedly appointed to run a health center, you foresee many struggles along the way, but not one in the form of a merciless mob boss. Steve Rogers’ core aim is to own and he won’t take no for an answer. To any of his demands.
warnings: dark!Steve Rogers (really, he’s not a softie here, he dark); manipulation; blackmail; threats; power imbalance; specific warnings will be added for each chapter separately
warnings for this chapter: none
Be patient, please, this first part is only an introduction and setting the scene.
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Chapter 1. Storm on the horizon
~ * ~
A stream of dark cars, which slowly pulled up to the curb, distorted the innocent image of pristine sidewalk with raised flower bed pots soaked in early summer sunlight, immediately drawing Felix’s attention from the plants he’s been watering in his office. 
The center had a large parking lot on the other side of the property, where clients could leave their cars without interrupting the usual street flow at the front side. No one ever pulled up to the very front; beside that one evening a few years ago when the official opening ceremony turned into a gala with VIPs coming in their fancy limousines. 
Felix narrowed his eyes, watching through the window as three big, black cars stopped right in front of the steps leading to the building. Expensive models. They looked reinforced, too, meaning they were probably more expensive than a line of limousines. 
Two men stepped out of the first car, both of them doing a subtle sweep around before approaching the middle car. They stood on both sides of the backdoor, watchful of anything changing in their surroundings. 
A man slipped out of the front passenger’s side - big and bulky, with dark hair pulled into a bun, and dark sunglasses covering his eyes. He was wearing all black, from the heavy military boots to leather jacket and leather gloves. 
He walked around the car to the backseat guarded by two other men and pulled the door open. 
When yet another man stepped out, slowly stretching to his full height, Felix’s heart dropped to his stomach. 
That man he recognized. 
That man should not be anywhere near here. 
The watering-can almost fell out of Felix’s hand, his fingers spasming in a tremble of panic. Water spilled on the windowsill as he dropped it down with a thud, before running out of his office. 
The center has been quiet for the past few days, only slowly getting back to life after its short period of mourning. At this early time of day there weren’t many people inside, most patients coming in a bit later. 
Felix rushed down the corridor, shaken with the unexpected arrival and not knowing how to proceed. 
He should be doing something, he thought. Warn the right people. Having things not go smoothly was a novelty with which he had trouble dealing, especially in those circumstances. 
Not so long ago he boasted about having things under control, gaining even more confidence when you turned out to be kind and inexperienced in the nuances of the city’s complex socio-political wires. He could work with you without a hitch, Felix convinced himself - and others - of that fact. 
Three black cars pulling up in the early morning hours wrecked that simple plan.
Almost at your door, Felix ran straight into Natalie, your assistant. She was smaller than him, a filigree silhouette with a sharp bob and a murderous look. With a calendar in one hand and a traveling mug with hot coffee in the other, Natalie glared at him.  
“Felix, what the hell?” It was too early in the morning, for her at least, to be dealing with any crap. 
“Rogers is here! S-Steve Rogers is here!” 
He was breathless, air in his lungs burning not from the pace with which he ran, but the fear of that man about to enter the place.
Natalie frowned, looking above Felix’s shoulder at the still quiet and empty hall. Rogers’ name was recognized by many people in the city, even the lucky ones who had absolutely no connection to the dark tentacles of his criminal empire. 
Though, some whispers suggested that somehow everyone was tied to him. Some people just didn’t know it, living in sweet oblivion. 
“Well, then,” she took a sip of her coffee, “shouldn’t you be greeting him at the door and asking what exactly is he here for?”
“He’s not here for me, you know that.” Felix nearly shrunk in on himself, scared of the prospect of facing Rogers. 
He definitely didn’t want to be on his radar, even as someone simply pointing directions. They said Rogers never forgot a face. Oh no, it was better to be completely out of sight. Hide in a closet and wait for the storm to pass. 
“Of course.” Natalie rolled her eyes. “It’s obvious he’s here for the new boss.”
That moment the door to your office opened and you stepped out, almost bumping into Natalie - your newly acquired, or inherited, assistant. 
“I was actually about to go look for you.” You smiled at her.
Natalie, though she could be sour like a lemon, provided you a sense of security in the wicked waters you were treading through as of a few days. 
“I went through the outlines for the group classes last night.” You informed her.
 “I’d like to schedule a meeting with the therapists and construction manager. It would be better if they explained to him which changes in the project they need to be done.”
“I’ll arrange it.” She nodded, balancing the mug in the crook of her elbow and flipping the calendar open. 
You’ve met some well organized people in your life, but Natalie was like the highest functioning computer in a tiny human flesh. She included everything in the schedules she made, with traffic jam and bathroom breaks. 
Why she kept a paper calendar as well as a digital one in her phone, you had no idea. As long as it worked for her, and she worked for you, you weren’t going to judge her methods.
“I’ll reschedule today’s meeting with the lawyers, too.” Natalie added casually.
“Isn’t that in-” you checked your watch- “half an hour? Why do we need to reschedule?”
“Another meeting came up.” Natalie answered with a shrug, her gaze flicking to the end of the corridor from where heavy footsteps of someone approaching were gaining in volume. “A rather important one.”
“With whom?” You frowned. 
Beside the lawyers, or your grandmother, there wasn’t anyone you expected to be calling you on a whim demanding immediate attention. No one that you were aware of, at least. 
“Steve Rogers.” Felix squeaked.
“Who is that?” Your frown remained, only deepened. 
You didn’t recognize that name from any legal papers in which you were swarmed for the past couple of days. 
Felix’s eyes grew big, even Natalie seemed surprised that you didn’t immediately react at the sound of his name. 
Working at the center since its beginnings, they were probably used to all the people from elites and various organizations with whom Howard Stark used to work while running this place. 
You were barely familiar with some of the institutions. You knew you had to broaden your knowledge now, but it couldn’t be done in a week. You doubted it could be done in a year.
You were simply a neuropsychologist who spent two days every week for the past year helping Howard Stark after his stroke. A pawn on the full board of other specialists, who all tended to Howard. 
And yet, it was you with whom he grew a certain bond, maybe fondness, that led you to the overbearing mess of a situation. 
When Howard passed a few weeks ago, your mourning over a friendly patient was disrupted by an unexpected summoning. To the will reading. 
Among all of his wealth and companies, which were all inherited by his son Tony and his family (the sweetest woman you ever met, Pepper, and their daughter), the little chunk - a drop in the ocean really - was signed over to you.
The health and therapy center which Howard founded after his first stroke. Back then he bounced back to health quickly, but his road to recovery taught him how little help there is for people with neurological damages and impairments of any kind. 
It was a very narrow field. Getting appointments with specialists was hard, and mostly not covered by the insurance companies.
So Howard founded this center - in a huge building that once upon a time was a palace, then a private school, then a library before that one got a new, modern building in the heart of the city. 
You visited the place with him a few times, using very well equipped rooms and strolling through the vast inner garden. During one of your visits, you briefly mentioned how the place could also open for kids and teens after appropriate adjustments. 
Was it then that Howard decided to leave the center to you after his death? 
Was a single sentence enough to make such a drastic change in his will?
Then again, Howard was eccentric. Tony was too, from what you learned. He also wasn’t at all annoyed that his father included you in his will. 
Since the will reading, your life flipped upside down. You had no idea how to run a place like that, there was so much to learn. But it also was like a spark of courage to reach for dreams you never hoped to achieve. With the right people at your side, you could maintain the place and even expand it in the right direction.
For now, however, you were a green little sprout in a huge field of unknown. And the name Steve Rogers rang no bells.
“He’s-” Natalie paused, searching for the right word- “influential.”
He was more. 
He had power and control. 
Not only over the city’s streets, which he was ready to drown in blood if needed. Over hundreds of rats running in the wheel of the underworld’s crime machine, as well over people in pristine places and on high stools in the capitol. 
And he conquered it in brutal ways; paved his road with bodies and fear.
It was safe to assume that if someone had any influence - be it political, or in the media - Rogers had that person on a string. No, not a string, a heavy chain with immediate suffering at the end if they stepped out of line.
One could assume Stark knew Rogers in some capacity, though the man not once stepped anywhere near the center. Whether he had Howard in his pocket, or if they had a different relation, they were never seen together here. 
“I’ve been meeting influential people for the past week.” You scoffed. “Each of them had a scheduled meeting. Mr Rogers can schedule one too.” 
You wanted to maintain a good relationship with donors and patrons, but you weren’t going to bend your back for any of them. People needed to learn boundaries. Rich people especially. 
“It would be better-” Natalie began.
A male voice, deep and cool as a mountain brook, interrupted her:
“I do have a scheduled meeting.”
His voice carried over through the corridor easily, without him having to shout. In a few, long strides he was standing right behind Felix. Another man kept a step behind him. 
He walked with the prowess of someone who owned the place (and anyone in it). For a split of a second you felt like taking a step back and bowing your head. Then you remembered that he did not, in fact, own the place. 
Nor did he own you.
Rogers was tall, Felix’s head barely reaching above his shoulder. With golden blond hair, shorter at the sides and slightly longer strands coiffed back. You saw a glimpse of your own stunned reflection in his dark aviators before he took them off, revealing stunningly blue eyes. 
Broad shoulders seemed to stretch the black leather of his jacket and when he put his hands on his hips his frame appeared to double in size. 
His gaze briefly slid from you to Natalie, who was now taut like a string, quickly returning to you with a mocking glimmer in his eyes.
“Don’t I, Miss Stendhal?” He addressed Natalie. Somehow, it sounded as if he knew her, and it wasn’t a good thing at all.  
“Yes.” She replied immediately, astonishingly calm and stoic. “Mr Rogers had scheduled this meeting a week ago, but I made a mistake writing it in the calendar. It’s my fault there was a mishap. I’m sorry.” 
You turned to stare at her, disbelieving every single word. 
You may have known her for less than two weeks, but you already learned she makes no mistakes of that kind. Her organization skills were better than the army’s. 
Natalie’s face betrayed nothing. She was as poised as every day, admitting to the supposed mistake with cool professionalism. 
“That’s okay. I’m sure you corrected the issue.” Rogers smiled. 
It was charming at first glance. Reminded you of a chivalrous sweetheart from the romances you occasionally liked to read. But there was an edge to it, like a shark’s grin a second before making you his dinner. 
“Of course.” Natalie tilted her chin, as if offended that someone dared to doubt her efficiency. “Like I said, I’ve rescheduled the lawyers to clear this hour for you, Mr Rogers.”
Then she took two graceful steps to the side, clearing the entrance to your office. She sent a glare Felix’s way - who was nearly shaking like a leaf having Rogers at his back. He shuffled quickly to her side, not once glancing at Rogers or his bodyguard. 
Natalie gave him her coffee mug, so he could focus his trembling hands on something. His thoughts scattering, Felix mindlessly lifted the mug to his lips and took a nervous sip. Natalie would undoubtedly tear his head off for it in different circumstances. 
The moment his path was clear, Rogers took a single step forward. It was enough to find himself toe to toe with you. 
A waft of spicy, woody scent of his cologne swirled around you; a teasing tendril as much part of him with its dangerous allure. He towered over you and the expanse of his chest seemed to cut off your vision of anything else around. 
The fact you had to crane your neck to look up at him seemed to amuse him. Or please him. 
Perhaps both.
Whatever kind of benefactor he was, you suspected you wouldn't like him a single bit. There were no idle threats made, not even any pompous comments a spoiled prick with money could make. 
Yet he made the hair on your nape stand, your pulse quickening as adrenaline poured into your system at the instinct’s suggestion that this was a dangerous predator. 
You weren’t sure if you’d fight or flight, though usually you chose the former. 
Unknown to you yet, he wouldn’t allow you either.
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the-marvelclub · 5 months
While you were sleeping
bucky barnes x reader
Summary: Reader is in love with the mysterious man who goes every week to the bar where she works. When one night she witnesses a fight that leaves the man in a coma and he´s taken to the hospital, she is mistaken for his fiancée, unaware that the mysterious man is Steve Rogers himself. With no family and after losing everything in The Blip, reader becomes captivated with Steve's friends and their unconditional love for her that she can't bring herself to tell the truth. Things get complicated when she finds herself falling for Steve's best friend, Bucky.
Author’s note: This is my first time writing for Bucky and I'm planning to make it a series. Loosely based on the 1995 movie "While You Were Sleeping". English is not my first language. Feedback is always appreciated.
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If someone had asked you a couple of years ago if you believed in love at first sight you probably would’ve laughed in their face, the whole concept seemed to belong only in the white pages of a book or in the bright screen of a tv, but not in real life, real life was more complicated than that. The idea of giving your heart away to someone you just met was ridiculous.
But that was before.
Now you were completely sure that you belonged to him, that you had belonged to him from the moment he walked through the doors of the small and almost empty bar where you worked.
It was the way he carried himself, hands in his pockets as he made his way to the front bar, the way he wore that ridiculous baseball cap that hide his dirty blond hair, the way he had run his fingers through that full beard when he ordered a drink and how he had closed his eyes shut placing a hand on his chest laughing when Joe, the bartender and owner of the bar, told him a joke. You'd be lying if you said you didn't spend most of your time daydreaming about what it would be like to kiss him, hold his hand or even start a life with him. Well, I guess Joe was right, you needed a new hobby. His routine was always the same; Monday night, when the bar was almost empty, Steven would arrived and go straight to the front bar, order a couple of beers and exchange a couple of jokes with Joe. One hour later he would pay and then leave. Although you hadn’t spoken to him, you couldn't help but admire him from afar, happy just to see him once again.  
“Earth to y/n" Jimmy, your co-worker and next-door neighbor spoke, waving his hand repeatedly in front of your face forcing you out of your thoughts that always seemed to revolve around Steven and how much you wished the weekend would end so you could see him again. "Busy thinking about me?" You saw him giving you a crooked smile in the dim light and running his eyes up and down your entire body in a not so subtle way.  
“You got me" You sighed standing up straight, cleaning the table in front of you. Since the first day you started working there, he had taken a certain interest in you, always making flirtly comments and asking you to dates despite making it very clear you would never go out with him.
“I'm going to bed" he let out as he put on his denim jacket, little drops of sweat covering his chubby cheeks and making his curly black hair stick to his skin. "You are more than welcome to join me." He said winking at you and you couldn’t help but to roll your eyes at him, shaking your head in desapproval as you wave goodbye. 
The clock in front of you read 2:43 a.m. as you let out a yawn and rub your eyes from exhaustion watching the only clients left in the bar. Working as a waitress in a small bar wasn't your dream job but it paid the bills. Besides, Joe had taken you in and allowed you to stay in the small apartment above the bar for a reasonable price, which helped you a lot.
Things after the Blip hadn't been the same, one day you were in the kitchen of your beautiful apartment making dinner and the next thing you knew, you woke up on the cold hard kitchen floor with the most horrible headache. Strangers, who seemed to be living in your apartment now, giving you shocked looks. In a matter of seconds, 5 years had passed and everything you once knew had disappeared; your home, your job, your family. You shook your head pushing those thoughts away not wanting to think about it at that moment. Turning to look at the couple when they ask you for the check, you smiled, thinking about how in a few more minutes you would be curled up in your soft and warm bed. You really had to talk to Joe about switching to the morning shift. 
You cleaned the table once the couple had left and turned off the lights making sure the doors were securely closed. Grabbing the garbage bags you made your way to the back door and into the back alley of the bar to throw them away. The cold wind brushed against your skin making you shiver, the old streetlight which kept flickering was the only thing that separated you from the darkness of the night.
The dead silence that lately seemed to fill the city was interrupted by a sudden loud crash that startled you making you drop the garbage bags, turning around you saw a man lying on the ground trying to get up, where the hell had he come from?
You gasped.
It was Steven. Your Steven. Only this time his pretty face was covered in small cuts and blood was coming out of his nose dripping into his white shirt, the shock written all over his face when his eyes set on you made you froze. In a blink of an eye, he had lunged at you and pulled you behind the big metal trash container before the deafening sound of guns being fired and bullets passed by the two of you.
"Are you okay?" he shouted over the noise when you let out a scream and hold onto him, his worried eyes searching your face making sure you were okay. It was the first time he had ever spoken to you and you couldn’t breath, the words got caught in your throat, refusing to come out. You haven’t been this closed to him before. He seemed rather familiar. "Stay here, don't move" he ordered you when you didn’t say a word and then run into the alley again.
Your stomach shot up to your throat when you took a quick look to see what was happening; Steven was fighting with a man who were dressed in black, two more were lying unconscious in the floor, his cold and calculating look told you that he wasn't planning on stopping anytime soon. The smell of sweat and blood filled the air and fear ran through your body as you watched the man take the gun and point it at him, everything after that moved in slow motion; in one quick movement, Steven had snatched the gun from the man’s hands and threw it away as he connected his fist with his face. Blood splattered on the ground. You didn't know he could fight like that, his movements were fast and precise, as if he had been training for that moment his whole life. He smashed his knee against the man’s face and without giving him time to recover from the blow, he attacked him again, his fists reaching his already bloodied face again and again making him fall to the cement with a thud, totally unconscious. That's when a bright white light appeared, illuminating everything, a fourth man that you haven't seen before was leaning against the brick wall near Steven, he didn't look bigger than the man lying unconscious on the cement next to him but an uneasy feeling invaded you, he wasn't trying to fight Steven, in fact he hadn't tried to attack him, no, he was studying him, he was studying every move he made, that's why when Steven attacked him, he quickly dodged his blows and with a quick movement he placed both hands on his head, the white light no longer illuminated the alley but small flashes of light seemed to want to escape from in between his fingers, you didn't know what was happening but when you heard Steven howl of pain and fall to the ground on his knees you knew that he was hurting him.
You didn't know what came over you but the next thing you knew is that you grabbed a metal pipe that was lying next to you and ran towards that man, catching him off guard and hit him in the back of the head, making him dropped to the floor. You quickly turned around searching for Steven, that’s when you saw him, he was on his knees on the pavement, his back was turned from you, he stay there for a couple of seconds not moving before fallen to the ground just like the other guys. You ran to him immediately, dropping to your knees, ignoring the pain that shot up all over your legs as you did.
“No, no, no, are you okay? Talk to me" you whispered desperately as you brought your ear to his chest trying to see if his heart was still beating.  "Come on Steven, you have to wake up" you pleaded shaking him but his eyes remained closed.  With shaky hands you grabbed your phone from your pocket and diall 911.
He was not waking up.
"W-where are you taking him?" you asked the doctor once you finally caught sight of Steven, everything was moving so fast in the hospital, they were carrying a very unconscious Steven on the gurney and everyone was shouting instructions. You frowned as they look between Steven and you, curiosity and what it seems like confusion written all over their faces. What was going on?
The gray-haired doctor immediately turned around, finally noticing your presence when they led Steven through some doors and you tried to follow him. "Oh, you can’t go in there" he said quickly raising a hand, stopping you from entering those doors.
"No, you don't understand. I was with-"
"Are you family?" he cut you off, his gaze full of exasperation.
"No," you muttered. You just wanted to know if he was going to be okay. "But I was-"
"You can't go in. Family only." He interrupted you again "Wait in there" he said coldly pointing to the small waiting room.
You sighed in defeat knowing that there was nothing you could do now, you followed Steven with your eyes until you saw him disappear through the white doors.
“But I was going to marry him" you murmured to yourself, hating the fact that this was the first time he had ever spoken to you and now it was very likely that you would never get the chance to talk to him or see his handsome face anymore, hell you didn't even know if he was going to be okay, or if you would ever see him alive again.
You bit your nails feeling nervous as you waited in the waiting room. It had been 2 hours and you knew that they had already contacted his family and that you should probably leave but you couldn't help but stay to see if you heard at least something that would tell you that he had woken up. That he was okay.
"Hello, sweetheart" you looked up as you heard the nurse's voice standing in front of you with sympathetic eyes. "You're y/n, right?" You noded. "Come with me". Without saying a word you followed her, noticing that she was taking you to the intensive care area. "I'll give you a few minutes" she smiled stopping in front of a door and indicating for you to go in.
Steven was lying on the white hospital bed, machines connected to his still unconscious body, a sigh of relief left your body as the small sound that filled the room indicated that his heart was still beating. "Is he here? What the hell happened?" You heard a voice say before other voices chimed in and everyone started talking at the same time, commotion filling the hallway outside the room. You stuck your head out the window trying to see what was going on outside and your face lost its color. The Avengers were in the hallway along with the same doctor you had talked to hours ago and they were heading to the room. What the hell was going on? You slowly made your way to the wall as far from the door as you could when the group of superheroes enter the room, all their attention fixed on Steven, oblivious to the fact that you were in the room. You frowned at how weird the situation was and then you darted your eyes to Steven. Realization washing all over you.
You take in a sharp breath.
How had you not noticed before?  Blond hair, blue eyes, the only thing different about him was his beard which made him look very different from that golden boy that America loved. Steven... Steve. Steve Rogers. The Steve who used to be Captain America. You put your hand to your mouth in disbelief as to why you hadn't recognized him much earlier.
"What is going on?" You heard Sam Wilson ask, you remember hearing about him on the news although lately you didn’t pay much attention to what was happening, always too focus on your job or in attending the meetings of your support group.
"He's in a coma" the doctor began to explain and you took a breath "What they told me is that they found him in an alley unconscious, apparently there was a fight. We don't know much yet". You opened your mouth to tell them that you knew what had happened but the doctor spoke again "We don't know what caused this state, his vital signals are strong as well as his brain waves. He's a super soldier so i'm pretty sure he's going to be just fine". You sighed in relief as you listened to him.
"Thank you doctor, but we'll take it from here. We already have everything ready to transport him to the Avengers Compound." One of them talked and at that moment the policeman who had take your statement when you had called 911 hours ago walked through the door, his eyes fixed on you, the nurse who had let you into the unit behind him.
"I've been looking all over the hospital for you, I need to ask you a few more questions" he addressed you, making everyone in the room turn to look at you for the first time. You froze, your heart starting to pound as all eyes focused on you.
"Who's she?" The woman with short blonde hair spoke. You opened your mouth to answer when the nurse spoke for you.
"She's his fiancé."
Wait, what?
"She's Y/n and she's going to marry him" She spoke again throwing you a smile.
You shook your head repeatedly, your mouth opening and closing but no words came out, why had she said that? Commotion filled the room once again preventing you from speaking.
"Better yet, she save his life" commented the policeman smiling.
The whole room fell silent.
"I thought it was a fight," one of them said, confusion on his face.
"She fought the other guy, Steve was too weak to keep fighting, without her, he might not have survived".
They all stared at you once again, surprise written all over their faces. Before you could say anything else, the blonde haired girl, who you knew was known as Black Widow, walked up to you and wrapped her arms around you, making you freeze, squeezing you tightly before pulling away, only then you were able to see the tears that run through her face, she looked relieved but there was still worry in her eyes,  she wiped away the tears quickly before speaking. "I'm sorry, it's just that we hadn't seen or talked to him in over 2 years, we didn't even know he was here in Brooklyn, after everything that happened -" you could tell her voice cracked and she shook her head before continuing "We thought we'd never see him again. But I'm glad he found you and that you're taking care of him.” She whispered, a smile dancing on her lips. “Thank you for bringing him back to us, I can’t wait to hear all about you”.
No, no, no.
"Oh, and by the way, welcome to the family".
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holylulusworld · 11 days
Indecent Proposal (19)
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Summary: Your boyfriend wants to be part of their empire. You are the pawn he’s willing to sacrifice.
Pairing: Mobster!Stucky x fem!Reader
Warnings: established Stucky, caring mobsters, pregnant reader, polyamory, fluff, romance
Indecent Proposal (18.2)
Indecent Proposal masterlist
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“I must inform you, that this is a commitment ceremony, with no legal backing. It’s not a real wedding,” the celebrant clears his throat to get your attention.
You’re busy staring at your men, a big grin on your face. They mirror your smirk and chuckle as you ignore the man in front of you.
“It’s a wedding as we say so,” Bucky grunts. “Legal or not, Y/N will become our wife. Period. Now do your job. We pay you a fucking lot of money for it.”
“Aw, you made Bucky mad,” you grab Bucky’s hand and squeeze it. “You look very handsome today, Mr. Barnes.”
“What about me?” Steve flashes you a stunning smile. His heart flutters exactly the way it did the day he married the love of his life, Bucky.
“You’re always stunning, Mr. Rogers,” you wink at Steve. “Today, you are even hotter.”
“Uh-huh,” Bucky purrs your name and wiggles his eyebrows. His playful mood makes you giggle. “This scream for a hell of a wedding night.”
“I bet you can’t wait to get me out of the dress,” you giggle and slap Bucky’s chest when he tries to kiss you. “Not before you said yes.”
Bucky quirks a brow. He smirks and pounces on you to cup your face. Mouthing ‘Yes’ Bucky smirks against your lips. “Now, you must say yes.”
“Yes,” you breathe against his lips. “I want to be your and Steve’s wife and do dirty things with you for the rest of my life.”
“How about we focus on the ceremony now,” Steve looks down at his body. “I didn’t choose to wear a tuxedo today for nothing. I want to marry our beautiful bride.”
Bucky wraps his arm around your middle and kisses your ear. “What do you say, doll? Do you want to make Steve happy and marry his sexy ass?”
“I think I can do that,” you smirk at Steve. “Come here, big guy. I wanna get a better look at you, Stevie. You look so handsome today.”
“All for you, doll,” Steve cups your face to press a kiss to your forehead. “You look beautiful yourself, Y/N.”
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“We came here together to witness the union of James Buchanan Barnes, Steven Grant Rogers, and Y/N Y/L/N. They love each other dearly and want to take the next big step in their relationship.”
You almost giggle at the celebrant’s serious expression. He continues his speech while you can’t wait to wear their ring and dance with your husbands.
It doesn’t matter to you that your marriage isn’t legal or that your ceremony does not provide any special rights or privileges for you and your men.
All that matters is that the men you fell in love with hold your hands and whisper sweet words in your ear while the celebrant bores you with his speech.
“Steven Grant Rogers. James Buchanan Barnes. You are already a loving couple and share a profound bond,” he continues. “Do you want to take Y/N Y/L/N to your wife and let the love you planted months ago grow?”
Bucky suppresses a snort, but he squeezes your hands. “I do.”
Steve is less subtle. He rolls his eyes. This is the worst speech he ever heard, but he doesn’t want to ruin the ceremony for you. All that matters is that you are here with him and Bucky.
“I do,” Steve says after a short pause. You held your breath for a second, fearing Steve would change his mind.
“Phew, I feared you want to play runaway bride,” you joke and wink at the celebrant. “All is good. He’s all in.”
The man huffs and drops his eyes to his notes. This is the least romantic ceremony he ever witnessed. You’re a sassy brat, and your soon-to-be husbands are horny bastards staring at your grown tits.
“Y/N Y/L/N, you are their third, the missing piece they finally found. You’re more than they ever wished for. Do you want to join their bond and become their wife?”
You sniffle. “I do.”
“Aw, baby doll,” Bucky coos and wipes your tears with his thumb. “Don’t cry.”
“It’s just…I’m so…happy…and” you choke on your tears. “I’m having your babies, and your cocks are so good. How can a woman not cry knowing you will dick her down for the rest of her life.”
“Naughty as always,” Steve laughs. “We should come to an end, don’t you think.” He looks at the celebrant.
“Yes…yes,” the man says. “James Buchanan Barnes. Steven Grant Rogers. Y/N Y/L/N. You came a long way and decided to go the rest of the way together. I’m honored to be the one declaring your husbands and wife.”
You choke out a sob.
“You told me before the ceremony that you have prepared a speech, miss Y/L/N. Please speak now.”
You nod and take a deep breath. “I…when you stepped into my life I was at my lowest. I couldn’t believe what happened to me, and my life. But you Steve,” you look at Steve and smile, “and you Bucky,” you turn your head to look at Bucky, “showed me what love, and devotion mean. I promise to love and cherish you, and to support you in all of life's ups and downs, today, tomorrow, and always.“
Steve and Bucky sniffle. Bucky barely can hold back the tears as you continue.
“I carry your future, and you are holding mine in your hands. I hope the feeling you give me will never fade. I love you, and the wonder you helped me create.”
“Fuck doll,” Bucky sniffs. 
“Same,” Steve tries to keep it cool but fails. 
“Oh, and I want to do dirty things for the rest of our lives with you…”
Now they laugh, and you join them. You giggle and snort, and even the celebrant joins your laughter.
This wasn’t the most romantic ceremony, but you wouldn’t want to change a thing. To you and your men, it was perfect.
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“Phew…yeah. That was the sexiest thing I’ve ever seen…” You nod to yourself. “Do it again, Stevie. Give it to him good.”
“Doll, this is dancing, not sex,” Steve tuts while you pout at him. “Come here and join us.” He holds out his hand. 
“My feet hurt,” you whine and hop off the couch. Steve, Bucky and you danced for half of the night. Now you only want to crawl into bed and cuddle the hell out of your newlywed husbands.
“One last dance,” Bucky licks his lips as you kick your shoes off. He looks at your bare feet when you slowly walk toward them. “Fuuck…” He imagines you barefoot and heavily pregnant.
“Okay,” you take Steve’s offered hand. “One last dance…”
Part 20
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buckrecs · 1 year
Hi Sera! I’ve been wanting to ask for recs for a while but every time I think of something you’ve already posted it, but I am a bit obsessed with this right now so I thought I’d ask anyways(you are a gem and do so much for the bucky girls on this hellsite and I love you for it!)
Have you got any Brother’s Bestfriend/Best Friend’s Brother Bucky recs?
Brother’s BFF / BFF’s Brother Bucky
masterlist | req masterlist
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i follow you (pretend you want me to) by @buckys-black-dress
your best friend’s older brother who has never once given you a second glance finally does one day when he seems to be fond of your new tattoo. it throws you for quite the loop, to say the least.
The Number One Rule by @justkending
Y/N has always been seen as “Steve’s rambunctious sister.” However, she grew up, graduated, and moved to London to study abroad for 4 years and get her bachelor's degree. The girl that returns looks nothing like the teenager that left. But don’t worry, the attitude is still there and stronger than ever. What’s to come of the two grown adults that used to push each other's buttons, but now have a lot more in common than they’ve ever realized?
Untouched by @buckyalpine
A series of discovering all your firsts with your brothers hot best friend.
Save Me From Myself by @fatecantstopme
You and your boyfriend get into a fight and he beats you. You go to your brother’s house for support only to find his best friend and roommate, Bucky Barnes, instead. Bucky is furious when you tell him what happened and he takes care of you.
This Must Be A Dream by @lunarbuck
You've been best friends with Becca Barnes since third grade and have been pining over her older Bucky just as long.
super rich kids by @traitorjoelite
kids with too much money, parties every night, and an incident with your best friend's brother is just the norm on the upper east side.
The First Birthday by @eviesaurusrex
It’s not his first birthday after Hydra, but the first birthday he thinks he actually wants to celebrate—only because of YN.
it’s really you (that’s on my mind) by @heavysoldat
inseparable since middle school, it was no surprise that you ended up falling for your long-time best friend. what was surprising, was who you actually ended up with at the end of the day.
Miss America and the Heartbreak Prince by @fangirlovestuff
Your brother’s best friend, Bucky Barnes was a serious pain in your ass. Shame, since he used to be so nice when you were younger. Too bad he’s changed now in high school. Or has he? All it takes is some detective work, milkshakes and pranks for you to finally figure it out. 
Bucky Barnes x Rogers!Reader by @itsapeterthing
You’ve known your brother’s best friend Bucky Barnes since before you can even remember. As the two of you get older, your relationship grows from one of teasing friendship to an everlasting love. Despite all odds and decades apart, you never fail to find each other every time.
Not as Subtle as You Thought by @marvelousmarvelimagines
You and Bucky have been hiding a relationship from your brother successfully for several months now. Bucky’s getting tired of it though and wants to tell Steve. Are you willing to risk that? 
About Time by @vanillanaps
Coming clean about being in a relationship with your brothers best friend is never easy—or is it?
A Secret by @tweedlydumbtweedlydoo
You’re Steve’s younger sister and secretly dating Bucky and Steve finds out.
Brother vs Boyfriend by @marvelous-imagining
I Will Always Pick You Up by @eviesaurusrex
Usually, Bucky would pick her up wherever she is, but today, with a night out with some of her fellow Avengers (and her brother), it wasn’t possible that her secret boyfriend could come and pick her up, would it?
Hands Off by @buckysgoldenheart
You’re Steve’s cousin and he has some rules when it comes to you that Bucky isn’t a fan of. Mainly, that he can’t have you.
i wanna be yours by @noctumbra
you’d support him no matter what. he was yours at the very end. and you were his. 
On My Mind by @targaryenvampireslayer
You haven't seen your Brothers Best Friend in far too long. Neither of you can wait. Sexy challenges ensue.
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thesecretwriter · 11 months
more than just friends (part 1) - steve rogers.
pairing: Steve Rogers x female reader
warning: angst city, mean!steve rogers, hurtful words, argument between steve and reader, platonic!bucky barnes, features some of the avengers
summary: the reader and steve have a tension between them - even if they're just friends. whenever they are in the company of each other everything feels right. even at the smallest of moments. steve wants the opportunity to love someone. he wants to move on from the 'what ifs?' from his past, but why does it seem so hard? this is where the reader comes in, always there when steve needs to talk or just bask in the silence of each other’s company. she craves to feel a love she has never known. can the man she dreams about provide that for her or is she pinning after a story with no ending.
word count: 2.4k
a/n: this is a rewrite of a fic from a while back. i didn't like how it was, so here ya go, enjoy!
minors/ageless blogs dni.
part 1, part 2, part 3, part 4, part 5
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“Steve, have you seen y/n?” Sam asked as Steve walked into the living room.
“No, how would I know where she is?” Steve asked confused, with a hint of annoyance in his tone.
“What’s going on with you? I just asked a question.” Sam stated perplexed.
Steve was never one to be rude to his friends, regardless of his mood, he was always able to be respectable. However, his mood seemed to be on the downside today.
He ignored Sam and walked to the elevators. As he waited for the elevator, Tony appeared next to him with a small smirk.
“Top of the morning to you, Cap,” he said greeted unnecessarily loudly.  
“Tony,” he responded with a stiff nod.
“What’s the plans for today?” He asked.
“Nothing,” Steve answered straightforwardly.
“Okay good. Do you know where y/n is?” he asked, feigning curiosity.
“No. I do not,” he answered muttered.
All Tony did was nod since Steve seemed agitated, which was very rare to see.
“Alright then, I’ll leave you to it. Although if you are looking for her, I suggest looking near the compound grounds,” with nothing else left to say. Steve is left wondering why you could possibly be out there on your own.
He didn’t seem to notice the contradiction behind what Tony said, he asked where you were, but ended up answering his own question.
Steve made his way down and was thinking of asking Bucky to spar with him outside. It seemed like the weather was good, and all he wanted was to take his mind off from today. Sparing would be a good distraction.
“Hey buck, wanna spar outside? The weather seems to be working in our favor,” he asked Bucky who was seemingly playing with his pocketknife.
“Sorry Steve. Kinda busy right now. You could ask y/n though. She’s available today,” he said dismissively.
“I would’ve asked her if I wanted to.” He grunted and started to walk off.
What was wrong with everyone? They kept on mentioning y/n, he thought to himself.
Steve had a good mind of telling everyone to leave him alone, but the curiosity of got the best of him and he found himself walking toward the compound grounds.
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After 2 years of exchanging glances and smiles, sharing vulnerable words and subtle touches, you were finally going to tell Steve about how you feel. Anyone with two eyes and a brain can see and sense the feelings that Steve seems to feel towards you.
So, you came clean to the team about what you wanted to do. Being the good support system they were, they helped you to set up a cute little picnic for you and Steve on the compound grounds that has a breathtaking scenery surrounding it.
The difficult part was getting an unsuspecting Steve to your location, but that seemed to work on your behalf since you see Steve heading in your direction.
“Hey,” you say nervously as he gets closer.
“Hi, what’s with the food and picnic setup?” he asked as he glanced behind you to see all the food set out.
“I decided that it was a good morning to have a little picnic, in fact I was hoping for you to join me since I have something to discuss with you,” you rambled on trying to grasp onto the right words while your hands moved around.
The night before had your tummy filled with butterflies. You even practiced what you wanted to say and how you were going to say it.  
“Alright, but I have somewhere I need to be in about an hour,” Steve replied, his tone was monotone which was rather unusual of him. He glanced down at his watch and then back up at you.
“It won’t be long,” you smiled and went over to the blanket you had spread out.
Steve sat across from you and took a plum that was within his reach.
It was quiet for a moment before you finally built up the courage to start telling him how you feel.
“You’re a very dear friend of mine and I’m happy to have you be a part of my life. God knows how many times you were there when I needed someone. We’ve shared many moments in the time we have known each other in ways no one else could. You may be Captain America to the world, but to me you’re Steve Rogers. The man who puts everyone before himself and adjusted to living in a new world. There are so many things about you to admire. The moment you and I made eye contact when we were celebrating Peter’s 18th birthday made me realize how I feel about you. Every moment I spend with you, I fall deeper,”
Your heart rate had spiked up since the moment you started talking. Your eyes never left Steve’s; he could see the emotion in your eyes as every word left your lips.
A moment of silence passed through the atmosphere around you.
Steve woke up from where he was sat and began to walk away from you, not even looking back.
It happened so fast that you only took a deep breath in after his figure faded into the distance.
You suddenly felt a drop on your hand that was settled on your lap. It was your tears. One by one, the tears began to roll down your cheeks.
Everything hit you at once and the negative thoughts started, how could you even think that he could feel the same? Steve Rogers, who had encountered so many people that did more than you could ever dream of.
But then again everyone around you were so sure that he felt the same, were they wrong? All of them?
You sat there alone and staggered with your thoughts – time moved around you and you didn’t know how long it took, but you eventually gathered the food and other items and walked toward the compound hoping to not see anyone on your way up to your room. You couldn’t bear to have them see you like this.
Once you were in your room, you collapsed on your bed and sobbed to your hearts content. Only one thought was on your mind.
His words would’ve been better than his silence.
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Hours passed, and by now it was dark outside.
“Steven Grant Rogers, who gave you the audacity to act the way you did with y/n?” Bucky’s voice boomed through the empty living room as Steve arrived back at the compound after spending the whole day away and Bucky had been sitting and waiting for him.
“What now Buck? I had a rough day and would like to spend the night peacefully in my room,” Steve complained as he glared at his metal armed friend.
“Rough day? You have some nerve acting like that after what happened between you and y/n?” Bucky questioned growing annoyed.
“It’s none of your business,” Steve stiffened knowing that by now every one of the avengers knew what happened.
Upon your lack of presence the whole day, Bucky sought you out to see how the picnic had panned out, you had given him the rundown version of what happened, and to say he was disappointed and angered towards Steve would be an understatement.
“None of my business? Funny how you say that after talking to me about her the way you do. In all our years of friendship, I have never heard you speak about anyone the way you spoke about her. She finally got the courage to express how she felt and all you did was walk away?” Bucky was on the verge of throwing the nearest object at Steve.
Steve spent hours talking about what an admirable woman you are and how the smallest things you did made his heart skip a beat. Where were those words now? What changed how he felt? If anything, he should be happy that you reciprocated the way he felt towards you.
“Today is just not the day for that, and I don’t want to deal with her overexaggerating,” he said with anger.
“Where is all this even coming from? And what day could it possibly be that you would act this way-“
“It’s the damn day I first met Peggy, okay!” Steve shouted.
A silence fell upon the two super soldiers.
“The day you met her-…Steve that is the silliest thing that has ever come from you. I would understand if it were the day she died, but this? The day you met her? Peggy lived a full life with a man she loved, she had children and experienced life till the end. You have someone who is more than willing to give you the same, and you disregard her because it is the day you met Peggy?”
Bucky stared at Steve with a look of shock, the man standing before him was unrecognizable to him.
Steve remains quiet.
Yes, he did have someone who he can have a life with, but to him Peggy was it. She saw him for who he really was. Had he not gone under ice he would have been the man to give Peggy the life she deserved. At least that’s how he felt whenever his thoughts strayed to the past.
He ignores Bucky’s stare and makes his way to your room. In his mind, his best friend would not have spoken to him like that if you did not open your mouth to them. This is all your fault, or at least in his eyes it was.
Once in front of your door, he angrily knocked on it, waiting for you to open the door.
“It is 9 freaking pm, whoever is behind this door better have a good reason to be knocking on it,” he heard you mutter.
“Oh, I have a very good reason,” he grits as you open the door and stand looking at him astounded.
“Wha-… Steve, where were you? I haven’t seen you since the morning,” you inquire, completely forgetting about how he made you feel and concentrating on whether he was okay from the way he looked so angered.
“Where I go and what I do is none of your business, but since you can’t seem to keep your mouth shut. I was at Peggy’s grave the entire day,” you stared at him with your mouth agape, he had never spoken to you with such a venomous tone.
“… and if you would’ve kept your mouth shut, then I wouldn’t have my best friend blowing up in my face and arguing with me the minute I step in. Can you ever keep things to yourself?” he asked annoyed.
By now you had processed every word you said.
“Steve, I would never say anything to cause an argument between you and Bucky. Whatever happened this morning did hurt me, I confessed my feelings to you, and you just left. But Bucky and the rest of the team were the ones to convince me to even talk to you about it. Had I known what day it was I would’ve never done anything,” you kept your tone calm and collected. Although Steve had never spoken to you like this, you would never hold this against him.
Today was a meaningful day for him, and like you said, had you known what day it was you would have never even planned the picnic.
“Is that so? Because if I recall you were the one to orchestrate the whole plan. Sure, the others may have pushed me in your direction, but you played the bigger part in it,” he said recalling how everyone basically made him find you this morning.
“I’m going to ignore every word you say because I know you’re only saying it out of anger. You can speak to me when you have calmed down and collected your thoughts, because clearly this is not the Steve that I know talking,” you said this looking him straight in the eyes and meaning every word that left your lips.
It is unfortunate to say, but there were many times where you fell victim to being the target of many people’s anger. Although you knew they would never say these words in the right state of mind, it still hurt to endure hearing them from people you care about, and right now hearing it from the man you love was slowly tearing your heart apart.
“You think you know me so well. Sure, I come to you when I need someone but that is only because you were just there, always waiting. Doing nothing else but waiting. You think I want to come to you? The only reason I even make my way to you is because Peggy is not here. If she were here, you wouldn’t even be an option,”
Each word to you was a knife to the heart and a pinch at your soul.
Tears made their way down your face, your knees felt weak, with your heart beating too fast. His words had struck a nerve, and to you, they may have held some form of honesty in them.
“You don’t think I know that? I stay at your side knowing that I will never be good enough. That I will never be her, yet I still stayed when you needed me, just hoping that somewhere in that heart of yours you would find a way to love me... No more now, no more will I put your feelings before mine. I stand by what I said before, but your words hurt too much to ignore. Goodnight Captain,”
With that being said you close the door and lock it, falling to the floor and bringing your knees to your chest.
You heart was officially done.
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mamamittens · 1 year
Oh, Sweet Child of Mine (Pt. 13)
Platonic Yandere Whitebeard Crew (Ft. Others) & Reader Insert
Warnings: Yandere behavior and a wide variety of burn related injuries, as well as drowning. If yandere content makes you uncomfortable, please do block the tag 'oh sweet child of mine' as well as any variation of 'one piece yandere' that you feel is necessary.
This is the end of things. All that's left is the epilogue. Your choices have consequences, I've only seen them through.
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Word Count: 2,325
Marco chatted with an older gentleman about the local weather, meandering his way to any strange arrivals at the island. While he didn’t see Teach, it was possible he was hiding out at an inn until Marco left.
He found himself constantly pissed and surprised at how damn clever Teach was.
Several times they managed to just barely miss him out at sea. If Marco didn’t know any better, he’d assume that someone was telling Teach exactly when it was time to leave. But that window of time had been shrinking for the past month. Where once they missed him by a week it was now a matter of hours. And Marco could feel how close they were.
“Yeah, this weather really brings out weird people, doesn’t it… Say, have you seen any shady characters around lately?” Marco asked, refraining from fiddling with his buttoned-up shirt. Not exactly subtle to question the locals with a massive Jolly Roger staring at them.
Marco didn’t even get an answer being the sound of a distant explosion reached his ear. He sighed, fully expecting to see fire on the horizon from whatever shit Ace had gotten himself into now.
First Smoker and now this?
His eyes rolled over the sea and widened with shock.
A column of fire and smoke violently erupted into the sky in the direction of the other island he’d sent Ace to investigate—wrongly assuming that he’d find less trouble with a smaller island.
Marco was airborne in an instant, speeding over the land and sea as he rushed to find out what was going on.
The minutes ticked by as his lungs filled with sea salt from diving to gain speed before gaining altitude to do it all over again. Getting faster and faster with each repetition. Boats blinking by as he crossed the expanse.
Damn near half the island was on fire in some way or another. Demolished buildings and rocks littering the sea in debris fields as people fled quickly.
Marco banked sharply, ice in his heart as he spotted the marine vessel moored nearby.
He found Ace on the other side of the island facing fucking ADMIRAL AKAINU of all fucking marines. Your familiar shape pinned to the admiral’s chest. Teach dead—where the fuck did his head go?!—just behind you both.
Marco was fit to sweep down and toss Ace into the ocean his own damn self when the young man threw a fiery punch at the admiral. Only to find that it was himself that was burned.
The literal worst case scenario matchup for Ace and you were right in the middle of it.
Marco wanted to rescue you both—he really did—but clearly Akainu wasn’t planning on killing you. The crazy bastard even shielding you from excessive blows.
At the very least, he could plan to steal you back later. But Ace was certainly not getting such consideration. Akainu planned to kill him. If it was just Ace he had to worry about, he’d go down right now and take Akainu head on with no problem—okay, a bit of a problem, he’s not an Admiral for nothing. But at any moment The Mad Dog could turn on you and Marco had no idea if your devil fruit combined with his would help. Hell, if Akainu had just slung you over his shoulder, Marco could probably pick you up with a small distraction.
But there was no way Akainu wouldn’t notice him aiming right for his chest.
And Marco—much as he ached to admit it—only had one solid plan of action.
Marco tilted his wings and prepared to dive at Ace. Hold onto the stubborn bastard and take them both far away.
The marines would fuck up eventually and you’d be right back where you belong. Even if ‘fucking up’ was just not having a full escort to Marineford as Marco stashed Ace somewhere he couldn’t blast his way into a fight he can’t win.
A massive ball of lava arched into the sky, the heat searing as it passed him by barely an inch. His body beneath the phoenix fire burning bright to heal the damage before it cauterized completely. Leaving a deep ache in his wing that promised to take him down if he lost his head again.
Marco reared back, soaring higher to avoid a repeat. To get a moment to think since clearly Akainu wasn’t entertaining a retreat either.
He had to get Ace. Fast.
You remember the first time you really understood what your devil fruit was. There weren’t any other users near you when you first ate it, so it took some time before the effects became clear.
A man came to the island. Ostensibly a traveling stage magician. He was good at crafting a compelling stage presence, but the entire time you watched him, you got this strange feeling. Like a faded memory recalled through scent. A series of seemingly unrelated images and sensations undeniably connected to one person. A vague emotion. All of it strung together like pearls. An odd sense of creeping exhaustion seeping into your skin.
Cut grass and mint. Woven daisy chains tangled in your hair during summer. Spring rain and dewdrops on misty mornings. Softer than buttercup petals and flashy like daffodils after winter.
You watched as he offered his beautiful volunteer ‘assistant’ a playing card. Flicking his wrist to then ‘magically’ present a white rose that blossomed in his hand.
The drain went from a dripping tap to a river.
The rose grew, vines wrapping around his arm with thorns and blooms sprouting until he and his unfortunate volunteer was consumed by a rose bush.
They were fine, but more than a little cut up from the thorns.
Teach’s devil fruit was like a forest gone silent and dark. Shadows in thick water dragging your feet as you walked. Breath fogging the air as the atmosphere pressed down on you. Threatening to swallow you whole if you tripped. It felt like a graveyard emptied of it’s dead and leaving you alone with ghosts. The threat of a knife still sheathed in a sleeve.
Ace’s fruit felt like a campfire at night. Consuming your view with flying embers, reaching high into the sky. Warm laughter and cinnamon smoke curling around a hearth fire wreath. Blazing with conviction so bright it dimmed the stars. Surrounding you in excess.
Marco’s fruit was like a firework. A cry shooting through the air in triumph as the atmosphere burned with it’s brilliance. The flash of the sunset and sunrise just as it slips past the edge of the horizon. Flooding your senses with thick incense as birdsong echoed. Bitter medicine and tangy sweets on your tongue.
Whitebeard’s fruit was something a little different. A tremble in your bones. Strength and uncertainty held in the same hand. The ground beneath your feet shifting on a level you could only just barely sense. Heavy bass that thrums in your heart. The short hairs on the back of your neck tingling. Senses reaching for a source with no name. An echo of something much larger than yourself.
Held in place, frozen with your heart stuttering in fear, you bathed in the feeling of Admiral Akainu’s devil fruit. Exhaustion burning away to ash as horror bled from your lungs.
Hot and cracked, uncompromisingly deadly around you. Fire pouring like thick liquid from the earth. Consuming everything in it’s path as it simply oozed forward. Belches of toxic gas as magma was ejected in thick clumps from broken rubble. Life smoldering in it’s presence before being smothered under it’s weight. Move or be moved. It smells like death and cinders as burning ash coats your lungs and skin.
You reflexively tried to curl your hand into a fist and your muscles spasmed, nerves screaming at the abuse so soon after your shoulder had been set.
Panicked, you looked at Ace, aware that your new ability would be useless if you couldn’t even hold it for a second. He would have to get close to deal damage and in that timeframe, he’d be close enough for Admiral Akainu to kill him with ease. But Ace didn’t seem to know that, his lips twisted into a snarl as he locked eyes with Admiral Akainu. Fire sparking in his hands as he clenched his fists, scorching the earth around his feet in a burst of heat.
He screamed, damn near feral as he charged forward with his arm reared back.
Ace’s fist was stopped by Admiral Akainu’s hand, a blast of heat ringing out like a shockwave. Admiral barely let his raised hand drip with magma before Ace shot back with a startled hiss, eyes wide in shock.
“Your devil fruit is beneath mine in power level, Fire Fist. And that’s before my partner got involved.” Admiral Akainu declared with a slight, smug grin.
But Ace wasn’t about to back down. Spinning on his heel as he launched a fireball at Admiral Akainu. Aside from turning to shield you from the direct path, it flew harmlessly past him.
Attack after attack was simply batted away or ignored completely. Like the Admiral was taunting Ace.
Playing with his food until he got bored.
A flicker of blue and gold in the sky drew your attention and Admiral Akainu’s.
You nearly sighed in relief at the magnificent sight of Marco preparing to dive.
T-This was good!
He could take Ace and get out of here!
Admiral Akainu threw back his fist and hurled a mass of molten lava into the sky, nearly clipping Marco. The pirate instantly scrambling to gain altitude to protect against another attack.
While you wholeheartedly believed that Marco could face Admiral Akainu, it would be a massive risk with Ace and yourself so close to the crossfire. And Ace would never leave him behind. And if you overtly tried to assist, there was every chance the marine would simply break your neck for being a traitor.
Maybe with luck, you could have ‘dialed down’ Admiral Akainu’s devil fruit to allow Marco and Ace to flee—assuming Ace even let it happen to begin with. But your damaged hands couldn’t handle the tensed position right now without flinching and breaking the bloody scabs. You weren’t sure you could repeat the feat for an appreciable amount of time either. They’d need more than a second to get the hell out, after all.
You had no doubt Akainu would explode if he realized you were helping your friends escape.
Your thoughts screeched to a halt.
You looked around you at the devastation. Every jeer and blow Akainu delt shook the ground and brought hot magma to the surface as he wound himself up. Losing his shit as Ace refused to falter and Marco kept trying to rescue him without getting hit—he’d heal from that, right? Could he? You weren’t sure and the thought that Marco could actually get hurt scared you—
You squeezed your eyes tight. Let the world fall away as you imagined that dial again. The dizzying heat around you fading to a buzzing pressure.
The needle bouncing in and out of the red with every attack.
If you could turn it to zero, totally cutting off the power of his devil fruit, then what would happen if you pushed it the other way?
 The image of a volcano came to mind. Violently exploding as plumes of gas and smoke ejected into the atmosphere.
Akainu was already capable of such things.
Just like that magician could already create bushes from a single flower.
Ace needed to get distance. Marco needed a distraction. It wasn’t going to be fun. It certainly wasn’t going to be very safe. But it would double perfectly as both an escape for your friends and an alibi for assisting them.
A sudden, explosive volcanic eruption seemed like exactly what you needed.
You wrapped your less injured arm around Akainu, placing your bloody hand on his back as he made a soft noise of surprise. You looked up at Marco, your eyes connecting as he seemed to suddenly start to dive down instinctively.
You mouthed one word.
“Dial up: Overclock!” You pushed against the connection between your fruits, the air sucked out from your lungs.
For a moment, nothing seemed to happen. Akainu was frozen, staring down at you with an expression bordering on awe. Heat rising between you as suddenly, the ground buckled.
Falling and then heaving up.
Ace screamed your name in horror.
Marco crying out with a sound more avian than man.
You didn’t realize the volcano would be underneath you.
Magma rushed up like a geyser, slamming Akainu and yourself into the air as though Whitebeard himself punched up beneath your feet. It happened so fast you don’t even recall the moment after.
Just thick, black smoke rushing around you until you cleared the top of the billowing cloud, almost floating for a moment. Skin scalded and cracked, bleeding from any number of burns you didn’t even have time to feel.
Akainu no longer in sight.
Then the ground rushed towards you, yanking your innards first as you screamed. Barely having time to hope you didn’t hit land before you realized you’d been ejected at an angle, skin seared and the air cutting past you as the sea rose to meet you instead.
The you hit the water as though it was made of bricks, knocking out the air from your entire body as you gasped, sinking beneath the waves motionlessly. Salt burned your wounds and eyes and lungs. Limbs frozen for any number of reasons—take your pick really—as you sank beneath the waves.
With no idea if your plan worked, you could only watch as darkness consumed you. Your heart burning as you choked on seawater.
This wasn’t how you wanted to be free.
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gayerthanevertbh · 2 years
say your prayers - one.
pairings | dark!priestess!natasha romanoff x reader
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– summary: your school have church service once every week. of course, as a good little schoolgirl you are, you attend to it. which means you always have to see your priestess, natasha, who you are secretly infatuated with. until there was an unexpected turn that made you feel something else other than good. but maybe, even better.  
– warnings: smut/dark taboo themes - 18+ YOU’VE BEEN WARNED! non-con/dub-con, religious themes, sacrilegious acts, blasphemy of religion, biblical references, rough sex, loss of virginity, dark!natasha, oral sex (r receiving), Mother kink, heavily detailed smut, natasha being a creep, and more.
– notes: this was so well written i’m actually kind of happy about this chapter. there will be more in the future, for now this. enjoy! <3
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I attend the chapel every week. The school requires you to, so I don’t really have a choice. Usually, my choices are: to drop my scholarship and move to a new school so I don’t have to do all the religious routine or suck it up. And mostly, I do suck it up. Mainly because my parents are believers of God and would be a saint when it comes to him. I’m like that too, I pray and confess my sins and sometimes even ask for help when I do need it. I’m a good girl, as they say. And I am a good girl.
It just simply goes away once I see my priestess once a week.
Ruther Catholic College has been my high school life, I’ve been in boarding school ever since I turned fifteen years old. My parents, who are religious people, think that Catholic schools do good for schoolgirls like me. I am a good schoolgirl, I just have issues that I’d rather not talk about. I have never been vocal about it either, not finding a sense in it since I don’t talk to a lot of people. I do have friends, but I skip my time with them so that I could read my books. I’m an aspiring writer, a journalist. I write the simplest stories that are book worthy and it makes me think that I am talented and educationally smart–since I was raised that way. I’m a Rogers, for Christ’s sake. Of course, being academically smart has to be on the charts.
But I cannot shake off my infatuation with my priestess, Natasha, who is twice my age. She has the kindest eyes that I’ve ever laid my eyes on, all my teachers are bastards and have soggy jawlines. But Mother Natasha has a face of a babe with the maturity that comes with it. Her lips are subtle and thick, and her hands are quite long and neat. She wears this attire every Friday and does the chapel, preaches the word of God, and makes us go to the confession room to reveal our sins with no shame. I still have to wonder who was behind that divider, because there are many women in that church that could possibly be forgiving my sins. I’ve blatantly confessed to many women, not knowing who they are.
Anyway, the humanities building is the largest dorm of all in New York. We have our own rooms, our own food too. But we are still required to go to the cafeteria to say our prayers, to bond with other schoolgirls. I, personally, do like having my own space. The context of someone being in your room can be very intrusive, which I am not fond of. I have a desk that has most of my writings, and poems that are short. On the other side, my single bed was there as well as my long rectangular-shaped window. Beside the door are my bookshelves which have the cross of Jesus Christ above the wooden shelf. I’d invite a friend or two to have a book date, but never less sleep there. There would be a couple of nuns on the watch, especially at night. That means we aren’t allowed to even get out of the building without permission and say where we are headed. Only our parents can pick us up from our school.
Today is Friday which is my luck to see Mother Natasha again. I hiked my white long socks all the way to my knees and got into my black shoes that felt hard on my heels. Though, I have no choice but not to wear them. When I was in the hallway, I could feel the cold breeze of the air. It’s September and it’s the start of my year, I turned eighteen a week ago and spent it with my parents. Some of them say I still act like a fifteen-year-old kid, but I don’t think that way. With how smart I am, I felt like an adult once I reached this age. I see Wanda with her hair tied up that shows off her brunette locks, she smiles at me and brings her arm inside mine.
“Guess what?”
“What?” I asked while trying to stop the itch from my feet, making my face scrunched in a weird look.
“I’m getting a laptop soon!” she says joyfully, squealing with her arms tightening around mine. It hurt, but it didn’t matter. I smiled to silently tell Wanda that I was happy for her, truly I was.
“That’s nice,” I responded with a huff because of the cold wind. “I was wondering when I’m going to get mine. I could write better stories there.”
“You’re always writing and reading, don’t you ever get bored?”
“No,” I huffed again. “Not really. It only keeps me away from reality, I get to choose what it feels like to be loved and unloved. I also get to choose whether I’m religious or not.”
I was a good girl but never came to terms with my religion. I believe in God, though. I truly do think he’s capable of all of us sinners and people, it’s just hard to believe when your teacher says something about the world ending. Revelation is not the best chapter in the Bible, it never was. Truly because I think it’s fictional and hypothetical for these things to happen, it has been said for many years. I still don’t see it happening.
Maybe that makes me a sinner of not being afraid of death. I'm not afraid of the underground world once I die, because I know that it’s a place for me and other people who go through my struggle. I’d rather not admit it, it makes me feel ashamed of myself.
When we reached the big wooden doors that lead to the chapel, I gulped. I could feel my throat restraining as if I’m not allowed to talk–which was the case, you aren’t allowed to talk in the chapel. Once it opens, all of us schoolgirls come rushing in quietly. Of course in line. I see my teachers being in the back row while there are a few nuns in the front row, and the section of my class sits in the right row in the middle of the church. So I sat there quietly with Wanda, who had her feet pressed together. A nun was at the altar playing the piano that was ringing in our ears beautifully, and I do find it relaxing. And once everyone was in the chapel, the priestess made her entrance.
Mother Natasha.
I could hear Wanda mumbling, “I wonder if she has a husband. She seems lonely, I mean look at her stance. It screams I want a husband. Do you think she wants one? Or does she have one already?”
I imagine Mother Natasha bringing her husband, who is possibly a priest. And I almost made a grimace look because of that imagination. I’d like to think Natasha is a lonely person who has her personal space and has a wonderful mind. And even if I don’t know her, she radiates that kind of mood. Especially how well-spoken she was, even if they are scriptures from the Bible. I responded to her quietly that I don’t think that she wants a husband, and Wanda just shrugs saying with another mumble: “That’s sad, I don’t want that. I would like a husband someday.”
Why do everyone has to think about marriage? Why can’t we just be happy with ourselves? I do personally think that marriage is a waste and something impulsive to do. There’s nothing forever in everything, even with stupid marriage. The thought of the word forever cringes me, it makes my body feel tingly with that word. I hate it, I hate it more than my dad.
“Please stand up for our prayer,” says Mother Natasha with a broad voice, everyone else closing their eyes. I had to do it as well but urged them to open again just to see her, to take a glimpse of her. After a long prayer, the service began. I was holding onto my Bible while still listening to her preaching, appreciating how there was so much power in her voice. I wish I could easily do that, to attract people with just my voice.
“For rebellion is as the sin of divination,
And insubordination is as iniquity and idolatry.
Because you have rejected the word of the Lord,
He has also rejected you from being king.”
When she says those words with such vulnerability, we make eye contact. It was brief, yet it meant so much to me. She looked at me. And I could see her creating a small smile that was so fainted, you could barely see it. My body tensed from the way her eyes were looking at mine, it was like I couldn’t breathe. My heart stopped. How utterly infatuated I was with something sinful that I cannot despair. She was a woman, a grown woman. I was a kid, practically a teenager still. Yet, she still looked at me without meaning.
After the service, we were asked to go to the confession room as always. It had to take a while since there were a lot of students and it took at least a minute or two. I was waiting in line with my fingers playing on the edge of my skirt. I bit the inside of my cheek, wondering about the possibilities that could happen later once I confess. But mostly, I thought about how Mother Natasha looked at me and almost gave me a smile. Was it sinful enough for me to want it from her?
“Y/N Rogers,” a nun calls me. I lifted my head up in response. “You’re up next. Don’t take too long.”
I mumbled a thank you for being polite and walked inside the small booth, closing the curtains. It felt intimate to be here again, to sit on the warm wooden chair and be faced by a divider. I start by saying with a light voice: “Bless me, Mother, for I have sinned. My last confession was about watching sexual films that my friend and I did, and I have thoughts about it. And for my next confession, I began to research abortion so that I could be prepared for the future. I know that it’s sinful to kill a child inside of your womb, but I was very curious. I will never do something like that again. And for my last one, I’m having an infatuation with someone that they do not know me. They barely made eye contact with me, and I’ve been thinking about them for the longest time.”
There was a short pause until the priestess asked, “Is this person a schoolmate?”
I began to shake my head. Lies, full of lies. I can’t confess something like this, it would be sinful enough to commit to it. It was just a stupid girl crush, no big deal. Wrong, it was a big deal–especially at this church. Homophobia is the real issue here, and they ban any homosexual acts from this school. So, I lied through my teeth.
“No, Mother. Someone else outside of school.”
“By the authority vested in me by the church, I absolve you of your sins in the name of the Father, Son, and the Holy Ghost. May your confession be a reminder of you, child.”
I then realized how feminine the voice of that woman was. It sounded younger, and not some haggard old voice that you’d usually hear from another priestess. No, this sounded different. It sounded exactly just like Mother Natasha, although more feminine. Much lighter. I overthought this conversation until I made my way back to the room, where I had to do my project in English Class. My teacher, Mrs. Davis, is an outstanding poet. I love learning from her, but she seems too old for me to like. I’m assuming she’s in her sixties or maybe late fifties, but who am I to care about her age? I just simply love her class.
I kiss the small cross from my bracelet as I do a little prayer by the window, apologizing for my sins. It’s a daily ritual, a routine where I knelt down peacefully and talked to God. Whether he’s hearing me or not, I could tell how disappointed he was with my simple infatuation with a woman who was in her forties. I was ashamed, but never truly understood with the exception of being homosexual. Perhaps, I was. But I try my best to push it away, and it’s working.
“Forgive me, Lord Father, for I have sinned today. I know I may have disappointed you, and I will do my best to remain pure to your eyes. In the name of the Father, Son, and the Holy Ghost. Amen.”
Saint as she was on the outside, the devil she was on the inside. Natasha has urges, sexual urges. Maybe infatuation too, but more on the concept of fucking someone has been on her mind. Especially to me, specifically to me. How she’s trying to condemn herself whenever I'm around, how to try not to notice my eyes whenever she preaches. She prays to the Lord every day to push the feeling off, to be a saint in front of his eyes. But her urges continue on as if it was hunting for prey.
Mother Natasha is now inside your room with the door being quietly closed. She holds her clerical collar around her neck, trying to hold off the animalistic self to not grow out immediately. She takes in the coolness of my room, hearing the sounds of the clock ticking as well as the lights outside from the window are yellow. She looks at my desk and places a finger down, swiping across from the wood. She brings her finger to her tongue and licks it–rolling her eyes back at her head at the image of me on her desk. It’s getting worse day by day whenever she sees me by the halls of Ruther College, she wants to bite me. To simply take me that no one else could. Mother Natasha takes a few steps to my bed and simply admires my slumbered body, smiling to herself and whispering: How beautiful you are, my little lamb. How effortlessly pretty you are.
She takes out her hand and ran her knuckles against my soft cheek, afraid enough that she’ll wake me out of my slumber. Relief left her body when I didn’t stir awake and continued her actions. Mother Natasha has always admired me, especially whenever the teachers would talk about me to her. They would say how well disciplined I am and how much they love my writings, saying that some of my essays could be poetry. She admires that very deeply and takes it in by heart. Before she could do further action, she goes to my desk and starts opening drawers quietly. Something catches her eyes, it’s underwear that has never been washed.
“Perhaps this is yours, little lamb,” she murmurs to herself while touching the cloth of my old juices, running her thumb against it. She brings it to her nose and smells it, almost making a euphoric sound out of it. She’s insane, utterly and completely insane to me. “How beautiful you are, how much you make me crazy.”
Mother Natasha shoves the sheer pink panties inside of her pockets and maneuvers toward me once more, looking down at my body. She takes the ridge of the blanket and moves it down slowly, her eyes staring at my face to see if there are any reactions. None. So she continued until the blanket was at my feet. I was still asleep, deeply in fact. My eyes were so shut that I didn’t even know she was already behind me, her hands remained untouched from my hips. It was as if she was afraid to even hold my arms, to smell my neck. Forgive me, Father, she thought to herself and takes a good amount of smell of my hair. Strawberries. She began to be obsessed with me at this moment and thought about numerous acts that she could do to my body.
I was awoken with a strong pair of hands on my mouth, making me scream from the top of my lungs. Above me, there was a familiar sight and I will never forget this day when I found out that it was Mother Natasha who was on top of me. I was bewildered, scared, and distraught. But scarier if that made sense. I tried pushing her off with my hands fighting against her, but she was unbelievably strong. Was this happening? Am I dreaming? I was infatuated with her and wanted her to notice me, but never like this.
“Shh, baby, please,” her voice sounded like a beg, her eyes are now kind but I could see much evil that was inside her green eyes. “Please stop, quiet down. Shh, it’s okay. I won’t hurt you. I just want a little taste from you, okay sweetheart? Just a little taste…”
Once she put her hand away, I wanted to scream. But her lips were attached to mine and I simply almost passed out because of it. Is this what it feels like to be kissed by your priestess? Her lips were so soft, so plump. My eyes went from terror to closing them, almost giving in to how well she pressed her lips on mine. My hands went immediately on her chest and pushed her as hard as I could, but her hands were caught on my wrists and her eyes are no longer kind. Her eyes were in pure anger.
“Stay down,” she demanded, hovering over my small body as I tried fighting against her. Tears are starting to form in my eyes, but she didn’t care. She needed to let it all out. “Baby, you’re breaking a poor old woman’s heart. Please stay still. I need to take you, I want you so much.”
I wanted to be freed from her arms, away from her lips. I didn’t want it, I told myself not to want it. It was a sin, an awful sin especially when it comes from another woman. Would’ve it been better if she was a man? Hell, that’s even worse. If I do admit that I like it, I might as well be as sinful as she was. Her hands were absolutely everywhere, she was holding my hips with a grip–making me think there would be a mark as well as her kisses on my neck. She was desperate. So so desperate for me. My face was pressed against the soft pillow as she assaulted my helpless body, smiling faintly to herself when I was only wearing a pink tank top along with white cotton panties.
“How beautiful you are, my little angel…” she whispers to my ears and hooks her fingers to my underwear. My eyes bulged out and I was quick to say something before she could even pull them down.
“I’m not experienced, I don’t–can you please stop what you’re doing to me, Mother?”
She clicks her tongue and juts her lower lip as if feeling bad for me. I started to whimper when she shakes her head a “no”. Meaning, that she doesn’t want to stop. She was about to hurt me and I’m going to like the hell out of it.
“Jus’ be a good girl for me,” Mother Natasha mumbled while kissing the corner of my lips sloppily, trying to pull away from her mouth but she makes a threatening voice: “Stop moving or I will hurt you.”
I quivered from the voice that she erupted, I trembled vigorously when she put her hand on my right breast–her mouth near my ear as she shushes me down, threatening me some more. I wanted her to stop, I wanted her to leave. Because knowing myself, I could lose control once she doesn’t stop. I was inexperienced, I don’t know how to touch a woman or even a man. My lips are no longer a virgin, they have been manipulated by her lips instead of a precious one. But maybe, she is the precious one. Maybe, I was just stubborn to realize that.
“Forgive me, Father,” I whispered to myself while her lips were biting on my neck–hissing myself with a loud whimper and immediately covering my mouth once more. From the corner of my eye, I could see her smirking as she whispers hotly on my face: “There’s no Father here, my little girl. It’s just me, Mother. I will take good care of my precious baby.”
She brings down my panties with a grunt, her other hand still on my mouth as she throws the discarded undergarment onto the ground. Mother Natasha quietly gasps to herself as she sees my unshaven core, her mouth-watering from the sight. I could feel more tears trickling down from my eyes as she touches my cunt, knowing how dry it was.
“I’m going to get you so wet, little lamb… You shall see the ecstasy from the Lord. This is his gift, bringing me to you, kitty.”
With those nicknames, it made me wet. Those words are so foreign in my ears like I’ve never heard of them before. And I never did, so the way her sultry voice speaks to me makes me want her to touch my sensitive parts until I was eaten by her. How much I wanted her and how endlessly I denied it. I continued to cry and so on, letting her dominate my poor body while she was smiling at how much has been revealed to her.
“Recite the whole Hail Mary for me,” she quickly says with a domineering voice, turning me until my back is pressed against the mattress. I looked at her and pulled my tank top upwards with effort. “Detka, stop fighting it. Eventually, your virginity shall be mine. We were meant to be this way, accept it.”
I couldn’t. I thought this was supposed to be different, I thought that she’ll only be my priestess and nothing more than that. But I was so driven by her stamina and her harsh kisses that I’m making myself give in, I must give in to not disappoint her. So I did. She smiled widely once I took off my tank top, throwing it across the room and I was fully naked beneath her. I covered my chest with my arms and shyly said, “I think we’ve had enough, Mother. I–I think we should stop.”
“There’s no stopping here,” she harshly whispers and kisses my lower lip; biting it even, which made me let out a tiny whimper. “Give yourself to me, little lamb. I’ll make sure you’ll be filled with so much love from me, I promise.”
She pushed my legs wide and gasped quietly once she saw the full view of my vagina, I could see her hungry eyes far from here. It’s a sight that I’ll never forget, that I’ll imagine once I go to sleep every night. Her mouth lands on my stomach and makes swirling kisses with her tongue, whispering biblical words that I cannot comprehend due to the fact that I’m a mess. Tears are coming out like a river, as well as my whimpers of mercy. She gives open-mouth heated kisses on my pelvis and finally, her mouth was on my cunt. I arched my back in response, my hand went flying to her hair to grip it; she didn’t mind. To her head, she loved it.
“Please,” I begged and took a deep breath, releasing the tension inside of me. “You have to stop, Mother. I–I can’t do this with you, this is wrong.”
She shakes her head in disagreement with her eyebrows scrunched together, but her eyes are still glued to my clitoris. She whispers with a deeper voice: “This is never wrong for the both of us, my child. It’s meant to be.”
Her tongue squirmed all over my folds as I covered my mouth with my mouth, moaning when her lips were attached to my clitoris. She sucks on it, making a sipping sound while her hands are roaming around my stomach to calm me down. Her mouth was rough, as well as her tongue. Especially her tongue. It’s like she knows what she’s doing with it, and I don’t even understand the techniques that she’s releasing from within her. Mother Natasha continued to eat me from down there as I prayed to the Lord for my sins; quietly.
“You taste divine, my angel…” she praises, her eyes closed as she licks and licks my departed folds, the tip of her tongue prodding against my cunt. “So fucking good, this pussy is so beautiful… Want you to shave it for me.”
I still had my hand gripping her hair tightly and let her assault my cunt with her mouth and her tongue that would draw me from my orgasm. She still had her chapel outfit on, which kind of made my body feel hot. I could still see the clerical collar around her neck, as well as her cross necklace that was made out of wood. But none the less, I was in true heaven while she ate me out like a starved animal.
“I’m so–Lord, Forgive me,” I begged, and I pleaded. My chest starts to heave deeper as my pants become more ragged. “Stop, please stop! It’s too much–I can’t take it…”
“You taste so fucking good,” she groaned against my cunt, admiring my clenching hole. “Look at that, you are nothing but my child. I’m cleansing you away from your sins, I’m the one who listens to them. Don’t be a dumb baby.”
I let out a whining moan at the sound of her voice and how she says them with so much sexual power within her body. I began to whine more once I felt two fingers dipping inside of my vagina, and I immediately lifted myself away.
“No, please. Anything but that. I’m saving myself for the Lord,” I whimpered in pleading but she never wavered. She just kept her arms around my hips as her fingers rubbed my clenching hole. I said with a louder voice, “I said stop, Mother! You’re going to hurt me with your fingers…”
“No, no, baby…” she coos, smiling at me gently while still rubbing smoothly against my hole. She could see how terrified I was, could see how pure I was. And she was grown enough to know that she was taking advantage of me. Should I let her? If I was going, to be honest in the vein of the Lord, yes I wanted her to take my virginity. “Don’t be scared, my child. I’m here to take care of you, remember?”
She thrust two fingers inside my womb without warning, making me scream from my hand. It felt like something broke inside of me, like a river flowing out of my vagina. And to my thoughts, it was my juices. She loved the way I screamed, the way my body squirmed to get away from her. But really, I just wanted more. I needed more even though it stings, it hurts.
“That’s it,” she kisses my clitoris again while pulling out slowly to just pump in again, with more force this time. She could see the way my hips arched and with that, she pushes my lower stomach down with a growl. “Be a good angel, little girl. You’re giving yourself to me, what a saint. Beautiful, just like that… You’re so tight.”
She completely lost her temptation over me, she was a whole new person. And either way, she didn’t care. She wanted me as much as I wanted her–now that I have figured that out. She curls her fingers inside of me with a vigorous moan, latching her mouth once again on my clit while flicking that blud. I start praying once again, asking for forgiveness. Telling to God how much I’ve disobeyed him, it was a sin to commit an affair with a woman0–especially a priestess. I can’t help myself, I’ve fully grown to the feeling of her inside of me. I wanted it, even though on the outside I didn’t.
“Stop,” I whined while I still had my eyes closed, trying to get away from her hungry mouth. But her arms were so strong that you’d think twice if she’s a woman. Maybe she’s just a very strong person. “Please stop, I can’t take it! I’m sorry, forgive me, Father… For I have sinned. Oh god, please–I’m feeling so–”
“You’re loosening up,” she chastises, pulling herself up to smother her wet lips against mine. Our teeth clad together and made a clink, which hurt a bit. But I was so lost from the pain and pleasure that she was giving me, that I couldn’t help but let out a desperate moan. She smiles against my wet lips, almost tasting me. “I broke you in, huh? I love your pretty little body so much…”
She gropes my breasts while thrusting inside of me hard, her fingers curling to hit my special spot. My eyes were shut completely as my mouth gaped open, giving her access to kiss me. I could feel her dark redhead locks against my sweaty skin as she pumps her fingers, feeling my walls not as tight anymore. She loved the feeling of her taking my virginity, the one where she gets to taste a girl first. And god, I have made her crazy. Utterly insane.
I moved my head away from her lips and held onto the headboard steadily, almost coming from an orgasm that I’d never had before. She still has that smile on her face, it was as if she had won some trophy. And then I realized I was that trophy, I was her prize. I could feel the cross dangling onto my face as she whispers harshly, “Good little girls like you make me feel alive, lamb. You have no idea how attracted I am to you, how obsessed I am whenever you pass by. I know your little stares, baby. I’m not dumb enough to not see them.”
Immediately, I was embarrassed. But that feeling was at the corner since there are multiple emotions that I’m going through in just one night. I wanted to hate her, to never see her again. She was a saint that I always praised, but a demonic human being at night. Though, I love her. I love the way she manipulates my body, how she could control it–knowing what she wants. I was just some little girl in her eyes and felt innocent. Maybe those were her type, good little innocent girls like me. Except that, I was at the right age. It would’ve been an awful turn if I was a bit younger.
Our kiss was like an unforbidden fruit, like how Eve finds a beautiful apple from the snake. She was Lucifer, I was Eve. She knew how to manipulate me into some kind of sick action that I really loved, and I hate myself for it. I loathe thinking that this was not destiny because it felt like it did.
“I have so much desire for you,” her breathing becomes hard and I don’t know how to respond to her desperation. Her eyes are closed now, but I felt her forehead against mine as she gropes my right breast with a tight grip. “Forgive me, my child. I just couldn’t help myself any longer… I had to take you.”
Come for me, angel. Come around my fingers.
Those words repeat in my head as her mouth latched now on my nipple, sucking it while still rubbing my clitoris with her thumb–her fingers still inside of me. I felt disgusted. Yet, alive. My cunt was now abused with her power and I wasn’t ashamed of it, but I could still feel my tears falling down from my eyes endlessly, it was as if I am truly ashamed of what is going on. Eventually, I came on her fingers and she had her mouth on me to muffle my screams. She knew what she was doing, she damn knew. I was so lost with the feeling, the mixture of pain and pleasure. My body trembles from her fingers inside of me as my body sweats like crazy.
“That’s it,” she whimpers, kissing my lips harder with her rough mouth. “That’s it, come on… You’re so good to me. You’re such a good little schoolgirl, huh?”
I nodded relentlessly and continued to come around her fingers. Once I am done, she pulls out slowly and brings her lips to her mouth–sucking my come with her eyes closed. I watched the way she lathers her other all over her fingers as if she was starved. And truly, I was too. I panted loudly and laid my head back onto the pillows, sobbing after our sinful encounter.
Her eyes soften and touch my cheek with her knuckles, whispering: “You did good, my child. You did very well. I hope to see you again next week. Will I see you again?”
Why was she acting desperate? She knows she has more power over me, why is she giving me the control to see her? Mother Natasha has the willpower to control me, to make me feel like a bad person. It all felt different, too different. But I gave her a slight nod and tuck myself away from her, still whimpering from the sex that we made. I hear her say: “I made love to you, my child. Don’t act like you don’t like it. You came around my fingers, I hope you get to do that with my cock too someday.”
Someday? And what does she mean by that? Was there something else that I did not know? I felt scared now but wanted her to hold me close. Eventually, I felt the bed dip and watched her as she fixed herself, mumbling a few words that I could barely hear. She turns over her shoulder and gives one last smile before she leaves my room, closing the door quietly.
I cried during that night, feeling ashamed of what I’ve felt or thought. I hate to admit that I loved our sex, I loved the way she took me. But it felt so sinful that I could feel my body as a dirty thing; a dirty creature. I never want to show up in her chapel again, I never want to see those eyes.
But I do, so badly that it aches me.
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theconstantsidekick · 14 days
Captain America: Civil War ft. Static (9) | s.r
Pairings: Steve Rogers x Stark!Reader, Tony Stark x Stark!Reader (siblings)
Genre: Angst city babyyyy
Summary: Zemo has a revelation in store for the Stark siblings, and suffice it to say neither of them takes very kindly to being betrayed by someone they had once trusted with their life.
(These scenes incorporate y/n, codename—Static, into the pre-existing story as a character without making drastic changes to the plot or mythos. All the major plot points from the MCU remain in place with the addition of the reader as Static, who is not only a Stark but also enhanced. Whatever events from the canon aren’t mentioned, take place without much change.)
Warnings: Swearing, Mentions of Past Trauma, Canon Typical Violence, Accident?
a/n: My writing speed is that of a fucking turtle.
Captain America: Civil War ft. Static (8) | Captain America: Civil War ft. Static (10) | Series Masterlist | Age of Ultron (Static Origin Story) | The Avengers (ft. Static) | Captain America: The Winter Soldier (ft. Static) | Static Verse Masterlist
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“Ross has no idea I'm here. I'd like to keep it that way. Otherwise, I gotta arrest myself,” she hears Tony’s voice ring out somewhere ahead.
“Well, that sounds like a lot of paperwork,” she can hear Steve’s desperation for truce in his response. 
Y/n can glitch in right now. She’s at the end of the corridor, a couple of steps and she’ll be with them. But not yet. She’s desperate for there to be a solid sign of the truce. She isn’t sure she can watch her brother and the man she loves with her body and soul fight any more. It’s been tearing her apart. 
The truce—even a temporary one—is all she can hope for. And apparently good things come to those who wait.
“It's good to see you, Tony.” Steve adds finally.
“You too, Cap.” Tony responds. A smile breaks out on her face. “Hey, Manchurian Candidate, you're killing me. There's a truce here. You can drop the…” she hears Tony say and she knows that is the right moment.
Sergeant Barnes lowers his weapon and the moment he does, she miscalculates by an inch and glitches in just behind him.
“Am I interrupting something?”
The progression of Sergeant Barnes’ gun changes instantly. It’s aimed at her within the second. The response time on the man is beyond absurd. She’d go as far as to say it’s impressive if she weren’t, you know? Whatever, you get it.
Her hands fly up. “Easy there, Sergeant!”
“What the hell are you doing here?” Tony asks from where he’s standing down the stairs, in front of Steve.
Slowly, with her hands still up, she descends down the stairs to stand between the two most important men in her life. “What the fuck does that even mean? You thought I was going to leave you two alone after the shit you’ve been pulling in the last 72 hours?”
“I didn’t think you’d come,” Steve adds, with a hint of hope in his words. If she were looking his way, she’s sure she could spot the curve of his lips forming the most subtle smile. She absolutely loves seeing that smile… but she doesn’t really wanna look his way, in the general direction of the man right behind Steve.
“I wish I hadn’t, then I wouldn’t have a gun pointed at me,” she retorts, eyes straight ahead, staring at the slimy gray walls of the HYDRA facility.
“Are you—” Tony takes a step closer to her, “Are you trying not to make eye-contact with Barnes?”
Her hands are still up as she’s facing Tony, “Yeah, no. I’m trying not to even look in his general direction. I’m still pretty scared of him.” She turns to the Sergeant but her eyes are locked on a spot on the floor that seems particularly interesting right now. ���I’m extremely sorry, Sergeant Barnes, I mean no offense by this,” she looks to Steve, “but can you please make him put the gun down, it’s really not helping.”
“Bucky,” is all Steve has to say and instantly the gun’s down. It’s like whatever trance the Sergeant was in has broken. .
“I really am sorry,” she tries to tell him, looking vaguely in his direction. “It’s purely instinctual. It’ll fade… eventually. But for now…”
“I—” Sergeant Barnes tries but she cuts him off.
“We’ll talk about this, but not here and definitely not now.” Sergeant Barnes just nods slowly. Satisfied, she looks back at her brother and her boyfriend, “Let’s focus on stopping Zemo for now, rest we can figure out when time comes.”
With that sorted, all four of them begin making their way slowly down the corridor.
“I got heat signatures,” Tony comments.
“How many?” Steve asks.
“Uh, one,” Tony offers after a moment of consideration.
That makes Y/n halt her steps. Something’s off. She can feel something off. There’s a presence she can’t put her finger on. Not Zemo. Something else.
“What’s wrong?” Sergeant Barnes asks her.
She thinks it over for a second and then, “Nothing.”
As they walk into the vast chamber the lights come on. There are capsules in front of them, attached to the wall each one containing an enhanced soldier from the 1991 experiments. Hazy, yellow mist descends within the capsules. However, the bullet holes on the glass enclosures is what scares the shit out of her.
“They’re… They’re dead,” Y/n notes.
There’s a short crackle and a voice sounds out from the speakers. “If it’s any comfort, they died in their sleep.” It’s Zemo. Her eyes fly from Tony to Steve who seem to be having the same realization. “Did you really think I wanted more of you?”
“What the hell?” Sergeant Barnes questions under her breath.
“I’m grateful to them, though. They brought you here.” Zemo appears in a control room.
Before Y/n can warn him against it, Steve hurls his shield at him but it ricochets easily against the chamber and comes flying back to Steve. 
“Please, Captain,” Zemo’s voice is laced with a smirk. “The Soviets built this chamber to withstand the launch blast of UR-100 rockets.”
“I’m betting I could beat that,” Tony retorts, walking closer.
“Oh, I’m sure you could Mr. Stark… Given time,” Zemo taunts. “But then you’d never know why you came.”
“You killed innocent people in Vienna just to bring us here?” Steve questions Zemo from across the glass window of the chamber.
Zemo, fucking, smirks.
It should terrify her, and to some extent it does. But there’s something in his eyes, something so familiar to her that she can’t believe she’s seeing it reflected back. She’s seen that look in her own eyes in the mirror for decades.
It’s fire. It’s fire and it’s rage and it’s as personal as it can get.
“I thought about nothing else for over a year. I studied you. I followed you. But now that you’re standing here, I just realized… there’s a bit of green in the blue of your eyes,” Zemo notes, and fuck if that doesn’t creep the shit out of her. “How nice to find a flaw.”
“You’re Sokovian,” Steve notes. “Is that what this is about?”
“Sokovia was a failed state long before you blew it to hell. No.” Zemo dismisses the assessment so easily, so carelessly, it’s making all the damn alarm bells go off in her system. “I'm here because I made a promise.”
Steve studies Zemo for a second and then,, “You lost someone?” 
His eyes darken.
Y/n knows that feeling, this feeling. She knows it through and through.
Zemo clicks his tongue, then, “I lose everyone. And so will you.” He presses something on the console to his right. Instantly the computer on Steve’s right lights up. Something flashes on screen, Y/n can’t help herself, getting more curious by every passing word of the conversation, she walks over to Steve, to the computer. 
16 Декабрь 1991
She… she’s not sure how to…
What’s happening?
This isn’t—this isn’t…
“An empire toppled by its enemies can rise again. But one which crumbles from within? That’s dead…” Zemo’s words are dangerous.
“Anthony,” is all that Y/n can choke out. It’s probably her tone, and the use of his full name that brings Tony rushing over to her side.
She reaches for his hand. Instinctually, Tony disassembles his armor from his hand so he can hold hers.
When Tony looks at the freeze frame of a secluded road and the date on the tape, December 16 1991, his eyes rove with anxiety. “I know that road. What is this?”
As the tape begins to play, the horror unfolds in front of her eyes. She watches unable to breathe with an iron grip on the Iron Man. 
She watches the car crash, she watches Howard Stark plead only to be shocked at the face of his assailant. She watches as her bloodied-up best friend, the person who saved her, the person who gave her a home—the person who gave her a family—is struck in the head with a metal arm. She watches on as Howard’s body slumps, falling to the ground lifelessly. His corpse is then dragged back and placed in the driver’s seat of the car.
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Then the assailant moves on to the next target, the collateral damage, Maria. He walks over to the passenger seat of the car where Maria is calling for Howard. She watches Maria plead for help but help doesn’t arrive. Instead, expressionless, the assailant chokes the life out of her. Maria Stark dies. The kindest woman she’s ever known in her life is drained of her life and left like trash at the corner of an unnamed road.
The Winter Soldier then walks up and aims the gun at the surveillance camera and shoots it.
The screen goes black.
Y/n had some semblance of an idea that perhaps yes, Howard and Maria Stark’s death wasn’t an ordinary accident. She’d desperately begged Peggy to look into it, with Thompson and Souza. They had and gave it the all clear.
But in this moment, she thinks—she realizes, perhaps she always knew the truth and was too afraid to look into it. Because if not then, why didn’t she investigate it herself? Back then she’d given herself the excuse that Tony needed her more than the investigation. She’d told herself that she’d be too biased to conduct a sound inquiry. Her feelings would’ve gotten the entire thing too muddled up and messy. She told herself it was the smarter thing to maintain distance. 
That was all horseshit.
She was a scared little kid on the streets of Madripoor once again. She’d lost her family and was walking around without a place to call home and the thought of having to fight HYDRA on top of that would’ve been too much. She’d looked the other way, let things slide, let the murder of her only family slide on account of being a fucking pussy.
And now, she has to confront the truth.
“Did you know?” Tony asks Steve somewhere behind her.
She can’t take her eyes off the now black screen.
“I didn’t know it was him,” Steve answers.
“Don’t bullshit me, Rogers! Did you know?” 
There’s silence for a few seconds, a long, long few seconds, and then, “Yes.”
That—now that makes Y/n turn.
She only catches Steve’s eyes for a second, before Tony’s punching Steve and reengaging the Iron Man helmet. 
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More things happen, the fight’s broken out, she’s sure more shit goes down but something just pricked her in the back of her neck and she’s feeling a little dizzy. Everything feels… so fucking heavy. 
Y/n can still hear the commotion from the fight between the men but it seems distant.
“My apologies, Miss Stark, you imbalance the scales too much,” Zemo’s voice rings out on the speaker. “You’ll be back in the game in just a little while.”
“You ever plan on opening your eyes, sleeping beauty?
“What have you got against my happiness, you cruel, cruel man?”
“I’m not the one who wanted to do this, remember?”
“Has anyone ever told you you’re an ass?” She dragged herself out of the passenger seat of the car. Stretching to unfold her joints, she shoved the man next to her just for the fun of it. 
“I’ve got a list of ‘em under my bed, you want to be the latest addition?” He threw back with a smile. Say what you will about the man, but no one can ever deny that Howard Stark had a killed smile. 
“Smart ass,” she chided him without much heat.
“Yeah, yeah. Tell me something new,” he retorted, hand waved in dismissal. “You ever gonna tell me why we’re here? As far as I recall, I was promised the best bachelor party known to mankind.”
She rolled her eyes. “I didn’t promise jackshit, dickwad. I told you we were going to Atlantic City, the rest you made up all in your head, all by your lonesome.”
“What’s a man supposed to think when his best friend tells him that the bachelor party road trip is going to be to Atlantic City?” He pulled a box of cigarettes from his pocket. He put the cigarette between his lips and lit it.
They were leaning on their broken down car, parked on the beach—parked, however would be a generous term. They’d pushed it off the highway onto the beach as a makeshift camp site. The sun was setting ahead of them, slowly being swallowed up by the waves. The wind blew in their faces, as the cars passed by behind them. It made the shit-show of a road trip seem almost worth it… if you didn’t include their car breaking down in the middle and having to push it for a couple miles. Yeah, pretty worth it apart from that one slight glitch.
“I’m your best friend?” She asked, absolutely confused.
Howard just looked at her once before breaking out in maniac laughter. “What sorta question is that?”
“A genuine one,” she told him, serious as ever. “Howie, you serious? I’m your best friend?”
“Yeah, Stark! Obviously you’re my best friend, who else?” He replied, still laughing his ass off. 
“Any fucking body, man. Even Jarvis seems like a more likely option than… me,” she answered.
“That’s some horse shit, Stark and you know it! We live together, we work together, we shit together, eat together. I don’t think I’ve seen anyone’s face as much as I’ve seen yours in the last couple years. You’ve got my last name, damn it. Who the fuck else would be my best friend?” He was looking at her then, genuinely concerned. He seemed like she was asking him if the moon truly revolved around the Earth.
“I… I thought all that—all that’s shit you have to live through cause Peggy dumped me on you,” she provided meekly.
That apparently irked him some. “You think I do all that shit with you cause of Peggy?” He asked. 
She nodded in a simple reply.
That apparently was not the right move. 
He threw the cigarette to the ground, quite angry now, “Why the fuck would I? I’m not a saint and you know it. I never have been. You could count all my good deeds on one hand and all of them had a selfish reason behind it.” He began to pace.
“What was the reason behind this one?”
He looked at her, eyes wide in astonished fury. “The reason behind letting you into my life was that you are by far the only person who understands me. You are the only person I have ever met who’s never asked me to mold myself into something I’m not, while simultaneously encouraging me to be better. You’ve been in my corner, without hesitation and you’ve ripped me a new one when I’ve been wrong. You, Stark, are the only person I’ve ever met who is able to make me believe I am a good man, and understand that I can be better!” He seemed like he was about to blow a gasket. “People see me, see an ass and let me be. You are probably the only person who looks at me and sees the complexities, the entire picture of me as a man. No one gets me, Stark, not even me… Not like you do. 
“At the end of the day, sharing a beer with you, working on cars with you, bitching about S.H.I.E.L.D. with you, that shit keeps me sane. Part of me’s so fucking glad you quit, cause now you’re not gone for days on end for stupid fucking missions. Cause then I get to sit with you and chat about absolutely nothing.” He was still pacing. “You really thought I did all that out of the goodness of my heart? You think I gave you my name cause Peggy asked me to?”
She nodded again, which again was apparently not the right call.
“FUCK, Stark! If I were such a giver I would’ve joined the fucking Red Cross! I gave you my name cause you are my family, damn it!”
“Oh?!” He raged, not pacing anymore. Facing her, he asked, “That’s all you got?”
She thought for a second, looked over at the man who was standing in front of her, wearing a t-shirt and jeans like any normal dude. The last time she saw the man without a suit and tie was a long time ago, he looked much less of a dick this way. 
“We came here for, i don’t know, for something like a… a last hurrah. I found a place downtown. That and—” she was cut off.
“What?” Howard Stark looked like someone had just punched him in the gut. 
“I found a place downtown,” she told him. “Gimme a week or so, I’ll be out before the wedding.”
She hesitated, “I’d be out sooner but I don’t really own… furniture?”
She didn’t know how to respond to this line of questioning anymore. “What do you mean what?”
“Is this about what happened? If you’re mad at me, which you have every right to be, let’s fight it out. Punch me if you want, Stark. I’ll take it!” He looked so desperate, it threw her for a spin.
“No! No, this isn’t about that,” she told him, because it’s not.
“Then why else would you talk about moving out?” He didn’t let her answer. He took a couple steps towards her. He fumbled with his words, going back and forth before he looked at her and said, “Look, I understand what I did… I wa—I was way out of line. But I am truly sorry, Stark. I promise you, it will never happen again. I… My head wasn’t in the right place. I thought if I found something—no I don’t know. I thought I could help. You were struggling with controlling your powers, so I thought maybe I could find something to help you with it. I thought I’d tell you if I found something, and if I didn’t then… Then no harm done, right?” He seemed beyond desperate.
“It’s not about that, Howie.”
“Come on! I know you’re pissed at me! Just say it!”
She walked past him, with her back to him and her face to the ocean ahead, she replied, “I am not pissed at you, Howie…”
“Don’t bullshit me.”
She exhaled deeply. “I’m hurt, not pissed.”
“Is that why you want to move out?” He asked, his voice small.
She turned to him then, “What? No! You’re my best friend, dickwad. I ain’t ditching you cause you did something profoundly stupid?” 
“I’m your best friend?” Howard asked.
She rolled her eyes. “Fuck off, asshat.”
He took a step towards her. “No, seriously. I thought, after what I pulled…”
“You were an ass, yes. It was a breach of trust and like I said, I am… I’m pretty hurt… But that’s got nothing to do with any of this.”
“You’re getting married, man. I can’t keep crashing on your couch once your wife’s around,” she explained. “How is she gonna feel?”
“Elated,” he answered easily. Before she could argue, continued, “I think Maria is more excited about sharing the place with you than me. Something about you being a better cook or whatever.” He leaned on the car again, pulling out a fresh cigarette, he lit it.
“Oh so it’ll be you, your wife and the freeloader on the couch? One big happy family?” She was frankly really confused about the entire arrangement.
He rolled his eyes. “Yeah, right. I’ve never bought groceries a day in my life, and yet the fridge is always stocked. You’re the farthest thing from a freeloader, Stark. And besides, I’m not as big a dumbass as you think I am, you know? I’m not gonna make her move into my room that shares a wall with yours.”
“Then?” She asked, motioning him to pass the cigarette to her. She took a drag.
“I live in a mansion, you idiot. We’ll move into the master-bedroom, like God fucking intended I’ll turn my old room into my lab, which let’s be honest is already my lab, and we’ll be fine and dandy!” He took the offered cigarette from her hand and took a drag himself.
“You really didn’t think I had a plan?” He asked with the smirk audible in his words.
She shook her head, “I thought moving out would be the kinder, smarter thing to do.”
“I’d be done burdening you and it’d be less humiliating than you finding me a place as a way of politely telling me to fuck off,” she offered.
He looked at her again, “If after all these years you don’t already know that place is your home, then I have been doing something seriously wrong.” 
Somewhere behind them, up the hill on the road, a car was parked as the two passengers were yelling out their names from inside it. It was Jarvis and Maria, calling out to them. She and Howard had called them asking for help once they knew their car couldn’t be saved even with the joint acumen of both friends. 
They both turned at their names being yelled out. Looking back at the site of Maria waving at them, Howard’s head fell. “I really have been doing it wrong, haven’t I?”
She motioned for both of them to park the car and join them on the beach before turning to Howard. “You’ve been doing just fine.”
“I shouldn’t have lied to you about the experiments,” he stood up straighter. ���If you want to move out because of all that shit, I understand. I’ll get you a place in New York, not too close but not too far either. And you don’t gotta worry about any furniture or any of that shit. I’ll get it sorted.” He turned over to Jarvis and Maria who were walking down the hill to them. “Hey Jarvis, what was the name of my realtor?” He shouted.
She punched him on the shoulder, hard.
“OWW! What was that for?”
“For betraying my trust and conducting experiments on my blood without my consent,” she told him, his face sobered instantly. So she punched him again.
“Thinking I cared for you so little that betraying me would change the fact that you’re my best friend.”
“What in God’s name are the two of you doing?” Maria asked as she and Jarvis finally came to stand in front of them.
“Oh I was just about to ask Stark if I can punch for thinking you and I were going to kick her out,” Howard told Maria while looking at her with a smirk.
“You’re welcome to try.” She told him.
But Maria intervened, “What kind of nonsense is that? Why the hell would you move out?” Her tone is so stern it throws her off. “You’re family.”
And just like that, it was settled.
Y/n was a Stark.
When she wakes up, all she can hear is Steve’s voice ringing in her ears.
‘Don’t bullshit me, Rogers! Did you know?’
Her eyes couldn’t focus. Try as she might, her head is too heavy for her vision to be anything but blurry. Everything’s too heavy. She tries to stand, but the weight of her bones seem so foreign, she can barely flip herself onto her stomach.
But then, she hears something. The sound of a metal clashing into metal.
And a yelp. Tony’s yelp.
That’s a war cry. 
With whatever little strength she can muster up, she pushes herself off the ground. Stumbling across the hall, struggling to make her way through the  broken pieces of concrete, she gets to the end of the corridor, to the sight of her brother, on his knees, being tag teamed by Sergeant Barnes and Steve Rogers.
Suffice it, all hell breaks loose.
Her armor is up within the second.
Instantly she glitches in front of Tony, between the two super soldiers. Punching Barnes in the throat, her focus lands on Steve.
“Y/n,” Steve tries, stumbling back.
“Steve,” she speaks evenly, as she takes a step towards him.
“Y/n, he didn’t know,” his words are haphazard, confused. He keeps stepping back, trying to put distance between himself and her.
She’s not going to let him go that easily. “Uh-huh.”
“HYDRA had brainwashed him,” Steve says.
Her fists clench. 
“You know what that’s like, don’t you?”
And that—well, he shouldn’t have said that.
The first punch she throws lands straight on his jaw. She even hears it crack.
“Y/n,” he tries again, stumbling back.
“Talking part’s over, Rogers.” The second hit lands directly to his gut. He falls to his knees, she grabs his collar, dragging him upright, she hits him, and then hits him again, and again. As she’s going for another hit, a metal arm wraps around her wrist—halting her in the process.
Turning she faces Barnes. Knees him in the side, waits for him to recoil, for the hurt and lands a gorgeous uppercut. She grabs him by his shirt to keep him from falling. Pulling him back, she knees his other side, elbows him right to the face, once, twice, thrice before he blocks her.
He tries to land a hit to her side but she dodges easily. He’s using his right arm, instead of the metal one. It’s Barnes fighting her right now, not The Winter Soldier. She aims a kick to his temple but is blocked by Steve before she can land it. He pulls her by her leg, ready to throw her to the other side of the room only to get her off Barnes. He thinks she’s targeting him, that Barnes is her focus, the main subject of her anger.
He couldn’t be more wrong.
Mid motion of Steve yanking her off, she glitches out of his hand easily. She glitches in, less than a second later, only a couple steps ahead of him.
He yelps, shaking off his hand. The contact of his hand on her leg sent a bolt of electricity through his hand. She’s brimming with so much power right now, she’s kind of impressed with him still standing. He eyes her. She can see a confusion of determination and.. Fear.
It makes her a little cocky.
With a clenched jaw and a slight tilt of her head, she challenges both men to do their worst.
Steve attacks her from the left side, while Barnes takes her on from the right. It’s hubris at its best. Steve Rogers is holding back because he believes he’s stronger, he believes he might hurt her. Sergeant Barnes is afraid to even have the fight, he’s only fighting to protect his best friend. But otherwise, he’s ridden with guilt—guilt of killing Howard and Maria, guilt of all the people he killed when he was brainwashed by HYDRA, the guilt of torturing her relentlessly under HYDRA’s mind control. Barnes is fighting with his heart, not his head.
Both men have made the crucial and substantial error of pissing her off.
She reads their attacks easily, dodging most and letting Barnes hit Steve by just moving out of the way or using Steve’s momentum to land a punch on Barnes. Their fight pattern is old and boring, just like them. Barnes manages to land a hit to her leg, she gives it back to him two folds by wrapping her thighs around his throat and throwing him through the ground. Steve on the other hand barely manages to land a hit to her gut.
“Ugh!” She yells out, and the man halts instantly.
“Are you okay?” Steve asks, more out of habit than anything else.
Fucking idiot, she thinks, before kicking him straight in the chest. He stumbles back and falls on his ass. Furious at his naivete, he’s back on his feat instantly. With Barnes in toe, they jump back in on her.
But she sees them coming a mile away every single time—that’s the curse of fighting with your heart. It makes you predictable… if you know the person you’re up against.
There’s a hold, Steve’s shield against her punches, while the other hand’s occupied dodging attacks from Barnes. Steve looks at her then, right in the eyes before speaking between her punches, “Never thought you’d use it against me when I taught it to you.”
Belatedly, and only once the words leave Steve’s mouth does she realize that the move was his, he taught it to her on a sweet summery evening. They were covered in sweat and it felt sweeter than sin when one thing led to another and he’d tackled her to the ground for a completely different purpose altogether. She can practically feel her blood run cold.
The irony is, she would look back on this moment later and realise, that right now she’s doing the same fucking thing as the boys—fighting with her heart, with all the fire that’s burning inside of that small fragile little organ that her head doesn’t have a fucking chance against it. And unfortunately she doesn’t realize it until she makes the mistake of ignoring Barnes’ left arm. The metal arm.
Barnes lands blow right to her chest, the force of his super strength along with the metal fucking arm courtesy of HYDRA, sends her flying across the room. Her head hits the wall before she falls to the ground.
Her consciousness comes and goes, but she can swear she can hear Tony cursing at what she presumes are the offending party, Barnes and Rogers. But she can’t be too sure, the world seems to be slipping from her, like sand through her fingers.
“I know you always do, but I’ll say it just for my peace of mind—look out for Tony, will you?” Maria asked with such trepidation that one would think she genuinely was afraid the answer could ever possibly be anything except yes… AS IF. 
But Y/n just nodded.
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Maria nodded as well and then looking back she placed a kiss on Tony’s cheek.  
“We’ll back by Monday morning,” Howard informed her, a little hesitant.
“Enjoy the fucking Bahamas,” Y/n had replied with a substantial amount of bitterness. She never appreciated it when they—more pointedly Howard—left Tony behind, so the bitterness came quite easily. And somehow it became the last thing she ever said to the two people who (along with Tony) constituted her entire family.
Her eyes open because of the sheer brightness of it. Her concussed brain cannot fathom what could possibly be radiating so much light. Until her eyes focus, then she sees it. Tony’s blast against Steve’s shield.
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It breaks her heart. 
Then they’re fighting again. Steve’s falling heavy on Tony. With emotions running so high, she’s sure Tony’s not quite focused on his training. He’s probably relying on F.R.I.D.A.Y. to examine his fight patterns. She wants to help, but her head feels heavy, like there’s a leak in it. Stretching a hand with all her might, she touches the offending leak on the back of her head and apparently it really is a leak, because when she brings her hand back in front of her, it’s covered in red.
She looks around for Barnes then, suddenly very worried for Tony’s safety. She can’t protect him from both of them if she’s injured. But when she spots him lying on the ground, left shoulder armless and in ruins, all her fear fades away and she’s only left with pity.
When she looks back at Tony, he’s turned the tides. Steve’s on the floor on his knees in front of him.
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“He's my friend,” she hears Steve say in between heavy breaths. But even on his feet with Tony looming over him, Steve Rogers sounds nothing but determined.
“So was I,” Tony replies… heartbroken.
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Tony punches him again, then again and then throws him off to the side. “Stay down. Final warning,” he warns, blasters pointed at Steve.
Steve struggles to his feet, his face bloody and his gate weary. He raises his fists and stares Tony down, “I can do this all day.”
Iron man raises his left palm ready to fire. Bucky grabs his leg and Tony spins, kicking him in the face. Steve grabs Iron Man and lifts him over his head, then throws him down, punches him and bashes his mask off with his shield before striking down hard on the suit's core.Tony looks horrified and glowers fearfully at Steve who pants for breath. Both have blood spattered across their faces. Steve looks back at Tony then shuts his eyes and slumps down.
Later, much much later she’ll realize Steve had slammed the shield onto the arc reactor at the center of Tony’s suit on purpose. She doesn’t know that right now. Right now it’s too late, she sees red.
Slowly and then all at once the ground begins to shake. All three men are confused for a second until it clicks, for Barnes before either of her two favorite men in her life. Barnes is the one who looks to her for an explanation for what could very easily be a natural calamity. The other two follow eventually.
“Y/n,” Steve tries.
But like she’s already pointed out, it’s too fucking late. She’s radiating power, too much of it. Only when the men begin covering their eyes does she realize she’s radiating light, too much of it. She’s on her feet, levitating, inches above the ground.
“Doll,” Steve tries again. He shouldn’t have.
Her hands clench and the building begins shaking.
Steve takes a few steps towards her, with something akin to love in his eyes perhaps but she doesn’t much care for it now. “Doll, you gotta hear me out.”
“No…” she thinks aloud, “No I don’t.” She lets her hands go free, there’s a wave of energy that explodes from her, it's bright and it’s pink and it’s pure unadulterated power. The walls begin to crack, pieces of the structure begin to fall and all she can do is relish the horror in Steve’s eyes as the realization of her strength dawns on him.
The sky above them becomes more visible as the building and its miscellaneous parts fall away, and the sky is a soft shade of pink. She’s moving each and every part of their surroundings, even the clouds. They’re rubbing against each other, thunder crackling above them. There’s heat in her power, just as much as there is inside her. She’s burning with it, she wants to burn Steve with it as well.
How fucking dare he raise that shield against Tony? Against Howard’s son? After everything he did for Steve? After everything Tony did for Steve? After everything she did for him… after all her love?
How fucking dare he?
Her armor is up in a second and she hits the ground. Before Steve can even comprehend what’s happening, she manifests her blade, before he can register it, she’s shoving away Barnes who had stepped in to protect his best friend, before he can even react, her blade is glowing bright and pink inches from his eyes, already at his throat.
“Y/n,” Tony calls out, and his voice is the only thing between her and the death of Captain America at her hands.
It takes everything in her to not give in, to not slide her blade a little further, it’s already cutting in, drawing a drop of blood. She watches it trickle down onto his uniform. It breaks her heart, it breaks her apart. She loved this man, she loves this man, body and soul. She is his, even now. She doesn’t know how to not be his. She doesn’t know how to stop loving him, she is not sure she wants to, even now. But this is the cost of betrayal.
Barnes tries to step in, but he’s quite broken already. Moreover, he’s not her sinner. She glitches away with Steve only a couple steps away. Barnes is about to try again when she presses the blade further in, only by a millimeter but it draws more blood and Barnes backs down immediately. He looks to Tony, hopelessly.
“Y/n,” Tony begins. “Let him go.” His voice is broken and strained as it takes everything in him to get back on his feet. 
“Why?” She challenges. She’s raging, there’s so much inside her, so much brimming just under her skin, she’s electrified by it. The ground beneath her feet is shaking well enough that it’s cracking. They should be running, all of them should be running. Outside they can hear the structure crumbling to the ground, pieces of the building are falling all around them too.
“Because you love him, Y/n,” he tells her easily. There is no urgency in his voice, there is no fear either. He’s not worried about getting buried under the rubble, he’s not particularly worried about Steve either, she thinks. He’s speaking as if he’s just stating a fact, and a fact it is. “You love him so damn much.”
“So?” She watches Steve wince at her response, which wouldn’t throw her off all that much but he hadn’t even flinched when she’d first placed the blade against his throat. 
“So?” Tony throws back, his voice rumbling alongside the thundering clouds. It’ll begin raining any second now. “So it’ll kill you to kill him.”
“He deserves it,” she tells Tony, because he fucking does.
“I know,” Tony acquiesce. “But you don’t. It’ll break you, Y/n. And I can’t… I can’t lose you too….”
She knows he’s right. If she kills him right here, right now, and she could, she really fucking could, Tony would lose her because she well and truly loves this man more than she needs air to breathe. Because with every one of her responses she watches his heart break and while it felt like vengeance, her heart is aching knowing that she caused it.
What the fuck does that even mean? She wants him to hurt, like he’s hurt her but causing him pain hurts her more than it harms him so what even is the fucking point?
What in the fuck is the motherfucking point?
“Fuck!” She curses. 
She looks at Tony, covered in wounds and blood, who, just like her, is raging with anger only kept at bay out of reverence for her. He shakes his head. 
“FUCK!” She yells out, another wave of power pulsing out of her, breaking the entire foundation of the building at once. And then swiftly, she pushes Steve away and rushes over to her brother, shouldering his weight. 
Behind her, she hears Steve take a step towards her, but is stopped in his tracks when an entire staircase falls in front of him, blocking his path. It’s for the best. “Get out,” Tony tells him. “Get the fuck out of our lives, Rogers.” She doesn’t turn to look at Steve’s face at his words. She doesn’t want to know. 
Steve begins leaving, helping Barnes up and shouldering his weight. 
There’s rubble falling all around them when Tony calls out one last time. “That shield doesn't belong to you. My father made that shield!”
“You don't deserve it,” she says it only as a whisper but she knows he can hear it clear as day. 
Steve stops, raises his chin, then drops the shield and walks away with Bucky's arm around his shoulder.
Before the entire thing can collapse on their heads, Y/n glitches Tony and herself outside, near his jet.
It begins raining. It’s not supposed to rain this time of year in Siberia, but with the amount of energy Y/n has let escape into the sky, the clouds had very little say on the matter.
They sit there on the snow, under the rain and watch as the building crumbles to the ground. It’s a fucking mess. 
It’s silent but the animosity in the air is clear.
She knows he hates her right now and she can’t blame him all that much to be honest.
“You should have let me kill him,” she tells him.
Tony scoffs. “You should have let me kill Barnes.”
“Wasn’t his fucking fault he was brainwashed. He probably didn’t even remember till Zemo showed him the fucking tape. But Steve… he knew, and he lied to us.”
“You got great taste in men.”
Her jaw clenched, “You should have let me kill him then.”
“What would be the point?”
She doesn’t know the answer. But the terse tone of his voice is proof enough that a part of him blames her for it too. And well, he should. She could’ve done so much more about it all but instead she chose to fall for the man who lied to them about the death of their family. Of course he hates her. She hates herself.
Her phone chimes. Reluctantly she checks it. “Fuck,” she curses.
“Let me guess, in another 5 minutes I’m about to get a text from dear old Theadore about how he’s on his way ready to rain down hellfire?” Tony questions, clearly rhetorically. When she doesn’t respond, Tony clenches his jaw and says, “Get out of here, I’ll take care of it.”
“Tony,” she tries.
“Get out of here, Y/n!” Is all he says as he gets up and begins making his way inside his jet.
She stands there for a second, soaking in the rain, letting the snow beneath her feet burn her cold. And then she glitches away.
Read the next part here, Find the series masterlist here. Find other Static Verse works here.
tag list: @aryksworld @freeflyingphoenix @arikarapli @just-anotherstan @justab-eautifulmess @ceo-of-daichi @roxannejblack @liketearsintherainn @paintballkid711 @starkleila @heyitsmereading @fairlygothparents @euphoria-svt @sidepartskinnyjeans @mini-kunoichi @third-broparcelicito @siwiecola @haleybutnotthecomet @mvaldez7821 @iamspeed16  @ashpeace888 @hopeofwinter @percabethfangirl987 @lilfuturescars @hailqueenconquer
tag list is important now more than ever, i post but very scarcely, please let me know if you want to be on it.
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The Demigod On Earth - Steve Rogers x Reader (Happy Mother's Day)
A/N: Sorry it's late but better late than never!
Summary: You spend your last mother's day as a family of three, well four if you count Scout
Word Count: 1.8k
Warnings: Fluff!
Dividers by @firefly-graphics
Masterlist / Main Masterlist
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Happy Mother's Day
You tried to hide your smile as you heard shuffling outside your bedroom door. You had already been awake for a while, mostly because of the day-to-day routine, but also because 8-year-old JJ was awful at whispering. He’d snuck in this morning to wake Steve asking for help with breakfast. You pretended to still be asleep until you heard them head downstairs.
Once you heard the noise of them all walking back upstairs you closed your eyes again to keep up the pretence. The door creaked open and you heard JJ’s bare feet padding around the bed before he climbed up.
“Gently” Steve reminded him, as JJ crawled over your legs.
“I know” JJ replied quietly before he leant down to press a kiss to your cheek “Morning Mommy” 
You made your eyes flutter open and smiled warmly up at JJ “Morning bean” 
“Happy Mother’s Day” JJ beamed as you pushed yourself up into a sitting position, your hand running over your bump which was beginning to become more and more pronounced.
“Thank you sweetie” you smiled wrapping your arm around him and pulling him in for a snuggle.
“We made you breakfast, Daddy helped so it was all good for the baby” JJ explained as he snuggled into you.
You smiled and kissed the top of his head “That’s very sweet of you, me and little pea are very grateful”
Both you and Steve had been nervous to tell JJ about the new baby. You’d waited until you were in the second trimester to tell him in case anything went wrong. You already had experience of how JJ reacted when the attention was all on him after you came back. Thankfully in the nearly two years since then, JJ had matured a lot and was really excited to have a little brother or sister.
You’d have to wait and see whether that changed once the little one was here. Especially since JJ wouldn’t be able to play with them from day one. But you and Steve already had a plan to make sure JJ didn’t feel left out.
Steve who was holding the tray with your breakfast walked over to place it down on your lap. He pressed a gentle kiss to your head as he did so.
“Feeling okay?” He asked quietly.
You answered with a subtle nod of your head. The first trimester had felt completely different this time. You guessed it was because you didn’t know you were pregnant with JJ until you were nearly in the second so never noticed the symptoms before. At least the morning sickness hasn’t been any worse than before.
“Right let’s tuck in before this gets cold” you smiled, offering JJ a slice of fruit that you spotted him spying. 
JJ grinned back at you accepting the snack, tucking in as he snuggled into you. 
Once all the food was eaten JJ climbed off the bed to go get something. He returned a few moments later with a small gift that he’d clearly helped wrap if the copious amount of sticky tape was anything to go by, as well as an envelope. 
“Here you go Mommy” he said passing you the present as he climbed back into bed next to you.
“Thank you bean, you wrapped this so nicely” you complimented him. 
“Daddy helped me,” JJ said bashfully. 
“Well, that’s very good of him to help,” you said sending a smirk Steve’s way.
You then opened the present to find a mug inside that JJ had painted. It was absolutely gorgeous with a painting of you, Steve, JJ and Scout on it. There was also a 5th thing on it that made you tilt your head, not able to work out what it was. 
“This is very sweet Bean, you did such a good job” you praised him “Who’s this next to you?” you asked guessing it was a person.
“It’s the new baby” JJ explained making your heart melt, you could see it now it was a baby all swaddled up “Daddy told me that they are really small”
You nodded “That’s right, you used to be this small too, it’s why we call you Bean” you explained.
JJ nodded his head “Daddy showed me a picture” 
Steve hummed in agreement “Can’t quite believe you used to be that small, especially now you’re so big” he said as he ruffled JJ’s hair making JJ giggle and complain. 
“Open the cards now,” JJ said passing you the two envelopes “This one first”
You smiled at him as you did what you were told, opening it up to find a handmade car inside. Your smile widened as you opened it up and saw JJ’s handwriting which was getting so neat, as well as a blue paw print from Scout. 
“So that’s why there was a blue paw print in the kitchen the other day,” you said knowingly over to Steve.
He gave you a bashful smile “I thought I got them all”
You chuckled wishing you had seen the chaos that would have been Steve chasing Scout before he tracked blue paint too far into the house as well as the task of getting the paint out of his fur.
You then moved on to the next card which you had originally thought was from Scout but you had a suspicion as to who it might be from and you hoped you could keep it cool with your pregnancy hormones. 
Despite your best efforts when you saw the handmade green card covered in drawings of peas you couldn’t help but let out a watery chuckle. Inside was more of JJ’s handwriting but this time the card was addressed from the new baby. 
“I made it green because we don’t know if it’s a boy or girl and you call it little pea” JJ explained as he pointed to all the different peas he’s drawn with smiley faces. 
“It’s amazing Bean, you’re gonna be the best big brother ever” You smiled warmly, wrapping your arm around him to give him a tight cuddle. 
“I can’t wait to meet them” JJ murmured as he snuggled into you. 
“We can’t wait either bean” Steve said softly as he rubbed JJ’s back.
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It was a couple of weeks later and you were absolutely buzzing with excitement. Both you and Steve had taken the day off work as you had an appointment this morning with your OBGYN. You had once again decided to find out the gender of your new addition, however, this time you had decided to surprise JJ with it. 
You had made a point of not asking JJ what he wanted and he hadn’t said what he wanted either. If he did have a preference you hoped the surprise reveal you had planned would be enough to keep him excited even if it wasn’t what he wanted. 
Steve was currently picking JJ up from school while you put the finishing touches to the cake you had made as well as make sure you had cleaned up all the coloured batter so the surprise wasn’t spoilt. 
You had just finished cleaning everything up when you heard the front door open. Scout who had been at your feet hoping for scraps instantly spang up to go greet Steve and JJ. You could hear JJ giggling as he cuddled with Scout and Steve made his way into the kitchen carrying JJ’s rucksack. 
“The cake looks good” he smiled greeting you with a kiss on the cheek before moving to empty out JJ’s bag and lunchbox. 
“I hope it tastes as good as it looks” you hummed as you helped him. 
JJ made his way into the kitchen in search of his usual post-school snack, his eyes lighting up when he saw the cake covered in white frosting. 
“Can I have cake for my snack?!” he asked hopefully. 
“Yes you can but this is a very special cake” you explained as Steve lifted JJ up to sit at the kitchen island where the cake was resting. 
“What’s special?” JJ asked as he sat down. 
You moved to set up your phone ready to record so you could share the video with your friends and family later. 
“Me and mommy went to the doctor’s today to find out whether you’re gonna have a little sister or little brother” Steve explained “and this cake is gonna tell us which it is”
“Really?” JJ beamed excitedly. 
“Yes, so we’re gonna carefully cut into it and if it's blue inside it's a boy, and if it’s pink it’s a girl” you explained as you walked back over and grabbed the cake slice. 
“I can’t wait” JJ grinned bouncing in his seat. 
“Us too, now close your eyes so it’s a surprise,” Steve told him, JJ grinned as he closed his eyes tightly. 
You then carefully took JJ’s hand so he could ‘help’ you cut the cake. Just before you made the first cut you looked over at Steve who was smiling back at you with so much warmth and love in his eyes. You mouth an ‘I love you’ to him which he mouthed back. 
You returned your attention back to the cake and made the first cut and then the second, you pulled the slice out slightly before telling JJ he could open his eyes “alright you can look now JJ”
JJ opened his eyes and excitedly gasped “It’s Pink!” 
“That’s right you’re gonna have a little sister” You smiled warmly glad that he seemed excited. 
“Like Morgan?” he asked excitedly. 
“Yep just like Morgan, but the baby is gonna be really small remember so she won’t be able to play with you straight away” Steve reminded him gently. 
“Gentle playing” JJ nodded. 
“Yeah gently playing, and she’ll sleep a lot too like you did, but when she’s awake and you’re around you can have cuddles with her because you give the best cuddles” you said wrapping your arm around him to cuddle him which made him chuckle.
“Okay” JJ grinned as you plated up a small slice of cake for him before grabbing a slice for both you and Steve. 
Steve smiled warmly at you as you passed him his slice “That went really well” he commented. 
“Yeah I don’t know why we were so nervous” you admitted, smiling warmly at JJ as he tucked into his slice of cake “he’s just as excited as we are” 
“Mom?” JJ then asked.
“Yeah sweetie?” you asked.
“Does the baby have a name yet?” he asked between mouthfuls. 
You shook your head “No not yet, me and daddy need to do some thinking about that, but sometimes we need to meet the baby to know what to call it” you explained.
JJ nodded his head in understanding “What can I call her now?” 
“You can call her sweet pea like we have been already and then we’ll call her by her name when she arrives” Steve explained. 
“Okay, I can’t wait to meet her” JJ grinned returning his attention to his cake slice. 
“Us too Bean” You smiled as Steve wrapped his arm around you, his hands resting on your bump as we kissed your cheek.
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cebwrites · 2 years
stealing their clothes (Zoro, Law, Killer)
masc reader he/they law, trans zoro word count: 0.8k
He’s not very tall, at least in comparison to the average height on the Grand Line, but Zoro is a broad lad
He’s smug about how loose his shirts are on your shoulders and doesn’t bother to hide an inch of it
Zoro doesn’t wear perfume, but he does like catching a whiff of his natural scent on you when he hugs his partner from behind, wearing his shirt
It is Zoro though, and he’s stinky, so you don’t make a habit of it
That said, if you give him an incentive to wash these clothes more by wearing them (the clean ones), mossy might be compelled to swing more in your favor~
Zoro’s pants tend to be very loose for better mobility when he’s running around swinging his swords, and he definitely likes seeing you wearing them - preferably without a top on like him, showing off his top scars - the most on lazy days where the two of you just get to chill, or even during training
Although, you might need a belt if you do decide to rock some marimo joggers, or at least tighten the strings a lot, because Zoro’s a big boy and he’s also proud of that
If you ask him nicely enough, he just might let you use his bandana as an accessory - highly suggest you wash it (thoroughly) first, though, god knows that Zoro doesn’t
They’re annoyed, first and foremost, that you keep stretching out his hoodies - Law’s at the very least relieved that there isn’t a snowball’s chance in hell that you’d fit into his skinny jeans, unable to even get them past your knees
He’s lanky and you love that about them - long legs, grabbable waist and everything - but the unfortunate circumstance of that is that sharing clothes isn’t always a viable option, or at least not sharing clothes that fit well
That aside, however, there’s a non-insignificant part of them that really likes their clothes on you; it’s cute gay shit, not that Law would admit it out loud that they see it as such and it makes them happy
Law’s jolly roger stretched a little distorted across your chest, their cologne lingering on your skin from his clothes even long after you’ve taken it off, wearing them afterwards and still getting hints of your shampoo on it - it’d be a point of pride for Law and a not-so-subtle claim on you as their own
Not that Law was the type of person to be overly possessive anyway, but if there’s one thing that Law is, it’s petty, and what better way to show everyone that you were theirs than to have you in his clothes?
That said, Law will 100% return the favor, so if you find that something in your own wardrobe’s gone missing, check their office or the bedroom - Law can tolerate a little teasing about it, as a treat, but not a lot
As an added bonus; even if it’s not an item of clothing that’s theirs, Law definitely likes seeing you in animal print like his own - just be prepared for whatever that is to be “borrowed” and may or may not be returned later until you pick it up from Law’s laundry basket
Another man built like a brick shithouse - what exactly are they eating on the Grand Line and is it testosterone???
Killer likes seeing you in his clothes; wandering into the kitchen for a late night snack with him wearing nothing but one of his oversized shirts that reached your thighs while Killer only had a pair of tatty old joggers on
The kind of domestic shit that Kill never thought would happen for someone like him but here you are, lighting up his life by being a little shithead, getting on his nerves for fun much like your captain does and showing affection to each other through loving banter
Killer’s at least a semi-private person, so he wouldn’t encourage strutting around like that when the rest of the crew could see, but at the same time if you did, that was your prerogative and he couldn’t stop you
Any and all teasing from other Kidd Pirates - or even the captain - though, would be promptly ignored
Just as he is reserved, however, he’s also cheeky, so every now and again out of left field, when you’re wearing nothing but one of his shirts, chatting to someone out on the deck during an early morning when the sun and most rest of the crew have yet to rise - he’ll smack you on the ass as he passes by on his way to make breakfast
If you needle him about it later on asking why, he’ll pretend like he doesn’t know what you’re talking about and that it “never happened” to his knowledge - you then get into a noogie fight with Kill about it that dissolves into sweet, private laughter
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