#I had another thing I was working on but I gotta format and colour still so I'll do that tomorrow
tevintersnakes · 27 days
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Some downtime doodles in my weekend
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theadventurerslog · 1 year
Chuchel | Part 1
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The Adventurer's Log
Release Date: 2018
After an accidental hiatus I am back! This time with a one-shot small game, Chuchel, from Amanita Design. I've played some of their games before: Samorost 1-3, Botanicula and Pilgrims. Amanita is a good name for this company. Their games are weird, surreal and can kind of feel like playing a fever dream, certainly in the case of what I've played so far of Chuchel.
The game plays out in what are essentially levels where you need to solve the puzzle to progress. There's no dialogue. It's all told through imagery and action. The little critter really wants a cherry that just keeps getting grabbed by a hand or stolen away by this other little critter that wants it too. So most levels, so far anyway, is just basically how to get the cherry...and then it gets stolen. Tough life for this cherry-loving fuzzball.
The game starts off with him asleep and I needed to wake him up.
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All kinds of things to make noise, but nothing individually was working. He'd just turn it off in whatever way he lazily could. Honestly, I get it. But, with some fiddling and trying everything I managed to get basically everything going off and that got him up.
And it's not a bad thing because that meant cherry time!
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Ooor, you know, not. We need a game after all.
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Down came the hand and bye-bye cherry and the chase began.
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It all looked good but then this other little hairless fat blobby... thing... appeared. You know what there are names listed somewhere and it's time to find out. Kekel! The purpley fellow is Kekel!
Anyhoo, this leads to a mixture of rivalry and helping each other out for this cherry... that tends to lead to Kekel still snatching it in the end and running off, little traitor. Kekel managed to snag the cherry which led to the chase scene in this post's banner image.
Then we came to this big ol' yellow fellow. The top comes off and the cherry ended up inside.
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Through some activities and sign usage I was able to get it to open up and...
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Kekel! Stole the cherry again...
The chase began again but this time led to some bird...critters... trying to label any of this stuff is hard and Kekel took off on one while I was able to grab another and start a flight sequence through several screens.
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Different screens had different formations of blobs. Running into one bounces you back a bit, so you gotta avoid them. You also can't stray into the next screens above or below or the hand appears and flicks you back. It wasn't too bad but a little clumsy feeling sometimes as you can only click the mouse to gain altitude and drop when not pressing anything which I believe is basically how flappy bird works? I never played it, just sections in games imitating it.
I did catch up and there were more shenanigans. I mean the whole game is just shenanigans, and I ultimately ended up a big snail thing with the cherry stuck up on a chandelier.
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The lever could be turned to lower the chandelier but Chuchel wasn't strong enough to get it lower enough. However, snail to the rescue. You can get them to retreat into the shell and up pops up this building with entrances to three different mini games based off the classics.
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The aim here was to win each one to earn a medal and then the medals were exchanged for a helpful prize.
First up I did Pac-Man.
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To be honest I wasn't particularly thrilled with this one. It was cute but there were three stages: a small one, the one pictured above and an even larger one. I just felt it went a little too long for me. Anyway, you gotta collect all the cherries. The bottle turns the yellow pips into cherries and you gotta get those too. The pac-men will kill you but you'll just respawn with everything still collected, so no big deal.
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The next one I did was based off Asteroids. They spit coloured liquid and you change into the colour that hits you and then can jump into the enemy with the matching colour to get rid of it. There were three stages of this one too.
And finally Tetris.
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Only instead of controlling the tetriminos you have to avoid getting squished by them. I got squished a few times, but once it goes long enough you get a win.
With all three medals I was able to get my reward and I have to be honest I couldn't figure out what I was looking at it until Chuchel ate it.
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I, I think I gave Chuchel steroids. Super buff fuzzball now. But I was able use the lever this time.
Naturally the cherry wasn't kept and more chaos ensued. I am skipping some levels here--you can play it yourself!--there's not a lot to say about some of them and I don't have screencaps for everything...or remember exact details and order of them all.
However, ultimately in this trail I ended thwarted by the giant hand again.
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It tossed the cherry next to the yeti-ish sort of being who only throws Chuchel away if you get too close. Then there's the green wormy fishy guys who are singing/yelling. This is actually a two screen puzzle. In the screen off to the right there are more fruit trees and Kekel is around and needed.
There are different fruits to eat that have different effects. One will turn Chuchel into a ball. Another will turn him or Kekel into a duck. And yet another multiples Chuchel as below.
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Chuchel party time! Until big blue there arrived and, um, dealt with them. Big mouth and all munch munch. But Chuchel is fine.
I actually got a bit stuck here because I needed the orange fruit, which can't be seen in the above image but it was behind the blue fellow, who did leave when the duplication was...handled. The other fruit could be shaken down by interacting with their trees but I couldn't find the orange not realizing it was connected to an orange trunk on the other screen. Once I got over that hurdle I got the orange fruit and fed it to Kekel who turned into a spider-like critter who I was then able to use on the singing green choir and he blocked off the mouths of four of them. The fruit respawned and so I fed it to Chuchel as well for more spidery action and blocked off the other four.
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That shut them up and the yeti was able to fall asleep leaving me free to cherry chase.
There was a giant jelly. There was a egg cracking.
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There was Chuchel foolishly and greedily throwing away his hard-won cherry thinking there was an even bigger cherry!
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Except, oops, it was its own creature. So that was a failure and now had to go back to chasing the original cherry. Don't be greedy, folks! That's Chuchel's lesson of the day!
Then there was some tricky slingshotting Kekel around to get a wooden creature to move away from the cherry. More cooperation doomed to not last...
Because shortly after there was a robot fight with Kekel!
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I had some more fumbling before I understood the controls. They're not hard controls, I just failed at first to realize that clicking the control sticks by Chuchel would cause my robot to punch. I got there in the end.
Then there was creepy skeleton.
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There didn't end up being much to do here and it was more a 'cutscene' than anything. But there was Chuchel. There was cherry. There was skeleton. There was both of them falling apart and getting their parts all confused and the skeleton ending up with the cherry in place of her eye. You know, chaos. Things did eventually get sorted out and we continued on our merry cherry chasing way.
To another multi screen puzzle but of a different kind and silly goose that I am I forgot to get screencaps of 2/3 of the rooms. The first room had the cherry in a cage, a stereo, a shower-head, a mirror and two hats. Wearing each of those hats takes you to one of the two other rooms. One takes you a place with a snow-globe and a snowman. The other to a cactus, a button and a mushroom.
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You can lick the mushroom and get some psychedelic fun times...
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Actions taken in that first room affect this cactus room so ultimately you take a series of steps that result in the cactus dancing until the cherry falls off. However the cherry is too prickly to touch so you go back to the base room where you discover it's fallen out of the cage there too and it's gettable! As gettable as it ever is.
Troublesome Kekel resulted in a series of whack-a-mole attempts until whacking the eye stalks of a big creature who naturally did not appreciate that.
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Run Chuchel run!
And run Chuchel did, straight into an alien ship.
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And that's where I stopped! How this is to be handled I have no idea yet. Click the things.
But that will be for next time to find out.
Time: 1:07
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thesixthstar · 2 years
Got tagged for this by @astriiformes!
Favorite colour(s): if we’re going for One Fave its gotta be dark teal.but really anything involving jewel tones, or anything shiny/iridescent.
Currently reading:  asdfjlasdfhkjds i currently have a stack of like 6 books that are “next on the list i promise” but ive gotten myself into a pattern where i can’t get myself to start a new fiction book, despite knowing i deeply enjoy them. I started the audio-book to Gideon the Ninth to see if that format would help, but that was a little too lore-heavy to start as audio-only.
Last movie:  Does the Jekyll and Hyde Broadway recording from 2001 with David Hasslehoff count? if not, then probably one of the Star Trek movies as i’ve been slowly working my way through every episode/movie of Star Trek in order of when they were released.
Last song I listened to: Does the Jekyll and Hyde Broadway recording from 2001 with David Hasslehoff count? if not, then Caledonia recorded by Derina Harvey Band (google tells me the original is by Dougie Maclean). Derina Harvey Band singer voice is. good.
Sweet, savory or spicy:  i am the stereotypical “white person can’t handle spicy” but sweet or savory is really a mood difference. Right now if you made me choose i’d lean towards sweet, but tell that to me in a few days when i am inhaling salt&vinegar chips like my life depends on it...
What I’m currently working on:  in life? im trying to stop procrastinating putting off going to IKEA and getting a desk to replace my shitty pandemic-unemployment-interim desk. In crafts? I’ve just finished enough of the planning stages for my next quilt (alphabet quilt for my brother’s second baby-to-be) that i can start touching fabric about it. Its the dreaded ‘should iron your fabric’ stage but i think i will survive the horror. In other projects? i’m back from another long hard day in the fiberglass mines. I am only partially joking. my yard had some Shenanigans occur many moons ago that resulted in junk and trash (of the ‘old furniture and random objects from storage’ variety) to be strewn about the yard. some of this included some of that pink fiberglass insulation fluff, which uh. while the landlords dragged their feet on getting things hauled away, got blown about fucking everywhere. The junk still hasn’t been hauled, and so i got fed up and now spend a few minutes of my lunch break each weekday out in the yard picking up Fluff of Get Mesothelioma instead of weeding like I intended to.
Tagging: (all very optional, so don’t feel bad if you don’t wanna) @windypenguin and @mctreeleth and @andallthehalflings
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studywithyashu · 4 years
How I write, format, and organise my notes.
thank you all for all of your various asks on studying and how I organise my notes :)
First, I usually letter out the title and write out the learning objectives, which my proffessors write out with each lecture. I’m handling alimentary parasitology right now, and it is VAST, so it helps having clear points to focus on in the sea of information -  that way I’m kind of staying focused and not getting overwhelmed (eyes on the prize, people!)
Then, I collate all the information I’m going to be learning from. For this particular module, I’ve got lecture slides, my notes (made on OneNote) that I’ve written during lecture, and our prof made us a massive parasitology study guide with notes and cross-strand links (extra notes on pathogenesis and post mortems etc.). So at this point I’ve got a few windows open, lol.
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This next step is super duper important, you gotta make yourself a fancy coffee. Might I suggest the viral dalgona coffe above? Before that was a thing I added some vanilla to my coffee. None of the other steps are going to work without the coffee, can’t stress this enough. (jk, don’t use this as inspiration to overly caffeinate. chammomile tea works just fine)
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Now, sit down in a nice space with maybe some tunes if that’s your thing (am currently listening to a lot of Lana Del Rey, her entire unreleased catalog is amazing), or sometimes if I’m having a hard time focusing I love putting on ASMR background noise. Here’s a link to my favorite, it’s a hufflepuff theme one! Make sure your study space is a nice one. I’ve put a few examples of the study spaces I’ve had in the past above, but of course now maybe avoid coffee stores (thanks, COVID!) when this is all over though, enlist a friend and study with them at a cafe for a little switcheroo!
It’s time. To go through all the slides with your learning objectives in mind and get straight down to it. Feel like you’re gonna be a bit distracted by ye old phone? I suggest using Forest! It’s what I use, I’m using it as I make these notes and only have access to my camera app thanks to it. 
Now is a good time to mention that I don’t make my first notes on a topic very succinct and focus more on understanding everything, these are quite detailed and are the first thing I refer to during revision when I have any questions or need a refresher. I’ll make a separate post on revision notes later, where I talk about flashcards etc. So these notes are just focused on getting it all on there.
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The first thing a lot of people mention is my notes just seem packed. as you see in the photo above, you’ve got loads of arrows going off sentences. Some in pencil, some in colours... I do this to make sort of ‘branches’ of each main point/sentence. I find this to be a nice way to flow my thoughts and make it still sort of summary-like. Some people find this cluttered, I find it really visually stimulating. 
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Next: I get questions about my diagrams. The first thing about my drawings (examples in photos above) is that I only make them if I find them  neccessary way to present the concepts in a way that both summarises them and makes them easier to understandl
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As for figures, I insert them as necessary. This goes for tables and graphs (above) and I just use them to display trends in data (for example, what months certain parasites peak at). They can be time consuming to make so I try to be pretty practical about what graphs I include. Again, if they don’t add to my notes/help me understand stuff better or summarise concepts in a useful way!
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I also LOVE using colours. I don’t colour code during all my notes, however. I only do it where it makes sense/is useful. For example, above on the lecture i revised recently regarding antibiotics, I’ve put drug names in one colour, their class in another colour, and any enzyme names in a different colour, making the facts easier for me to quickly refer back to :)
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I’ll also practise on little revision summary boxes for when I’m reading back over my notes closer to exams- this is something I’ve been doing over the years where I leave a little space and write down key facts to remember in pencil. Closer to the exam I’ll erase them and try to rewrite them from memory to test myself! An example of what that looks like is above.
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And finally, as you can see, above, sometimes at the end of my lecture notes I will do a little aside. This, by far, especiaIlly in college, is probably the thing I tell people who ask that surprises them the most: I literally almost never do further reading. This instance is one good example of when I deviate from that with an *ever so tiny* bit of further reading. I have an itnerest in goats and this makes me happy!! Since sheep and goats are both small ruminants and I’d just spent about forty minutes learning about sheep, I figured an extra fifteen minutes learning about the subtle differences in goats would be worth my time. I do this when birds come up, too :)
That’s all for this post! As always, send in your asks and I’ll happily turn them into posts if they’re long enough. Shout out to the anon who inspired this post and I’m always happy to answer any questions you guys have for me <3 as always, stay safe and stay lovely everyone :)
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project-ohagi · 4 years
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Keigo Takami ღ Hawks x Reader {Greek Mythology AU}
Buy me a coffee!! <3
Being celebrated as the town's best blacksmith and master-craftsman, you had many opportunities to provide exquisite items for the royal household. You lived within the boundaries of King Enji Todoroki's castle, and you knew the inhabitants quite well. Their splendid, sharp and practical weapons were fashioned in your very forge, and seeing the guards carrying them down the labyrinthine hallways of the castle filled you with a sense of pride. The furniture, often wooden and antique, with exotic designs that no other craftsman in the realm could ever replicate, received compliments not only from the king's subjects, but the foreign ambassadors, who proceeded to inform their employers of the magnificent works. You had big dreams and a means to achieve them.
You wandered the corridors of the castle, glancing at the hand-brewed lanterns littering the walls, illuminating the red and brown bricks. Their flames flickered like the tongues of dragons - a reliable source had once told you that the king himself reared these beautiful, dangerous beasts, although you had never seen them personally. The claim went invalidated, but your songbird was a lovely girl, very gentle and trustworthy. She possessed a meagre level of magic, which impressed you to no end. She slurred potions around and carried leaves of fern and belladonna wherever she travelled. Her companions were extraordinary, as well, and you often saw them as they graced the grasses of your small town. There was a boy with stunning verdant hair and a penchant for crying, plus a knight from the land controlled by King Toshinori Yagi. He had always been lax with the laws, and there was barely ever any crime, so the castle wouldn't suffer from having one less guard.
A pleasant humming sound drifted from your lips, echoing along the walls, making it seem as though someone was tailing you. Your (e/c) eyes fluttered shut as you allowed the crackling of the small flames to guide you safely on the path. Through the flesh of your eyelids, you could see the faint glow of fire beginning to dwindle. Ceasing any movement, you cracked open both eyes and resolved to find the problem. These lanterns had been imbued with the Eternal Flame, so it was (supposedly) unheard of for them to die out. It wasn't just one, either - as your gaze lingered on the husks of your lanterns, you noticed their light slowly diminishing, until all that remained was darkness.
You shivered, the lack of warmth enabling a frigid breeze to waft over you, like a bad dream.
"Whoa, who burned out all the lanterns?" A voice called, cheery amidst the dire circumstances.
That wasn't the only issue, however. This was a strange sound, a foreign one, and you knew all the sounds of this castle. You could pick people and objects apart by noise alone, and yet this was a trial your ears could not overcome. Another thing - you hadn't even realised there was someone else in the corridor with you. The earlier humming was a sound you only made when absolutely comfortable, usually while tinkering in your little shop. You were at home around the lanterns you had manufactured yourself. Yet, they died out. Every. Last. One. You didn't design things to fail. That was the first rule of the trade, and until now, you had sworn by it.
You decided to try this stranger. "I'm not quite sure. They weren't supposed to do that, and no-one else was here."
"Well then," His bones made a clicking sound, as if he was stretching. "It must have been you, or me, but I guess we'll never know."
The arrogance lacing his tone did tick you off slightly, but you had to sigh at his words. "Impossible." You muttered, almost condescendingly.
"I was specifically entrusted to fashion lanterns that would never die."
Your last sentence was likely whispered, but it still reached your accomplice's ears. Probably because he had elected to stand right behind you, which startled you out of your skin when he started talking again. Apparently, he was the king's jester or some other such nonsense. He must have been - no other sane person would dare disrespect the greatest figures of modern times (you thought quite highly of yourself, if that's not already evident).
Whistling, he asked, "Wooow, you made these? No wonder they burned out so fast. What did you make them out of? Wood and wax?"
You huffed indignantly, trying not to rise to his taunts. "It's impossible that they all went out. One or two, perhaps I could find fault in, but all of them? What magic is this?"
"The black kind?" The stranger offered, unhelpfully. "Don't get me wrong, they looked nice - so do you, by the way - but maybe you're not as great as you think, princess."
You searched for him in the dark, but that turned up nothing. "Please don't call me that. My name is (Y/n) (L/n). I'm the town's main blacksmith and craftsman - I know what I'm doing, and if I say this isn't normal, I would like to be believed. What is your name, anyway? I don't feel like calling you 'stranger' forever."
There was a pause and a near-incoherent sound, the he spoke. "I go by Hawks, beautiful, and you didn't call me 'stranger', unless you were thinking about me? Aww, I wonder why I haven't seen you before?"
You sighed. "Honestly, I'm not sure you can see me now."
"Haha, you're right! Well, gotta find some light, I suppose. Which way to safety...?" You heard his light footfalls, followed by a muffled cry.
"That would be the wall." You muttered, astounded by the apparent stupidity of this man.
He said nothing, but continued onwards. After a few moments, a warm hand moved to cradle yours, and he pulled you alongside him. You wanted to protest, but decided against it. You would get nowhere with trivial arguments. The corridor twisted and turned, and you suddenly remembered that one section leading off from it was restricted, but you wouldn't be able to see it in complete darkness. This did worry you slightly, but instead of vocalising your discomfort, you just squeezed Hawks' hand tighter. With him as delegated leader, he bumped into a few more walls on the way out. It seemed that, like you, he hadn't been expecting the lanterns to burn out as easily as they did. When you appeared to have reached a crossroads, he stopped. It was so abrupt that you actually slammed into his back. Trickles of hair brushed against your forehead, and you realised that you were probably just a fraction taller than him. At least this gave you one advantage. He could have his jokes and flirtatious words, but you had your trade and your height.
"Ahh..." He chuckled, a tone of uncertainty present in his voice.
"What's going on? Why did you stop?" You questioned, getting kind of annoyed with this guy.
He glanced around, but saw nothing, obviously. "I might have gone the wrong way?"
"You what?!" You yelled. "We have no light source, and now no sense of direction? Oh, more black magic..."
"It'll probably be fine." He responded, once more sounding as though he commanded some divine wisdom.
His one free hand traced the wall, and just as you were pondering whether to give him two free hands, a noise of acknowledgement erupted from his throat. You supposed that meant he knew where you were, but could he really tell from touch alone? It was likely a ploy, although it did something to calm your throbbing heart. He re-established his pace, dragging you in tow. He made a degree of small talk along the way, but it was drowned out by all the thoughts swimming in your head. His palm was dangerously hot, like an oven, yet you were finding it impossible to let go. It was the kind of heat source your body craved, although you weren't entirely sure why.
Suddenly, an ear-splitting screech began to resonate like a gong, and before you had chance to ask what the hell was happening, you were tugged through the wooden frame of a door. It closed as soon as you stepped into the bright, blinding light. After all that darkness, this seemed like Hell. At least for the first few minutes. Once your eyes managed to adjust, you peered through heavy eyelids, hoping to catch a glimpse of the man calling himself 'Hawks'.
He was absolutely gorgeous.
Those tussles of hair that had previously ghosted your forehead turned out to be feathery and ash-blonde in colour. A small amount of stubble hung from his chin, and as he yawned, you saw perfect, snowy-white teeth. When he noticed the starstruck expression on your face, he grinned, the corners of his lips moving upwards. You blushed - even his cocky smile was breath-taking. He had the most awe-inspiring, chocolate-brown eyes, that twinkled in the glinting candlelight. His fluffy eyebrows made your heart weep, and the formation of those black triangles below his tear ducts reminded you of a bird. His peasant clothes were nothing to write home about, but the way he wore them certainly was. He somehow made them look more appealing and seductive than they should have been, yet you couldn't put a finger on the reason. An onyx, stud-shaped earring adorned both ears. He must have been a similar age to you - around 22 - and you wondered if he would consent to court someone so soon after meeting them. Despite his frankly irritating nature, he made your heart sing, and you instantly knew that you needed to be with him.
"Too hot for you, princess?" He smirked, arrogantly.
You flushed. "S-Sort of."
Adding moisture to his lips, he retorted, "Well, you're pretty sexy yourself, Miss."
After this comment, you immediately retracted your gaze, opting to look around the room instead. "W-Where are we, anyway?" You asked, a little confused.
"My bedchambers." He replied, laughing at your face, which was now stained red.
"W-Why am I here??"
He shrugged. "You followed me, dollface."
"You dragged me!"
In a district far removed from the prying eyes of royal sentries, a hoard of villainous men and women alike resided. Their sanctuary had been built in haste, as their ancestors needed a safeguard, away from anyone who might wish to hurt them. Those people, namely the kings Enji Todoroki and Toshinori Yagi, were fierce yet kind rulers, protecting their realms while simultaneously warding away the evil that lurked around the bend. Although their relationship was strained, the kings banded together for the greater good, and finally succeeded in expelling the tyrants. However, nothing was ever so simple - spies had been recruited and placed around the perimeter of the realms. They often caught wind of conspiracies, and would venture into the twisting labyrinth of a wasteland where they were never supposed to find. The mice frequently managed safe journeys, but the grand dictator, All For One, had abilities that far exceeded those of any normal human; he could hear their footsteps, smell their shallow breaths, feel those tell-tale vibrations in the air. There was never any privacy in his castle, and certainly no safety.
If he sought after your head, he would receive it. However, unlike what the rumours suggested, he never abused this power, instead deciding to reserve it for the serious threats. There was no point waging war against the kings without sufficient battle tactics, and All For One remained wounded from his encounter with the stronger of the two: King Toshinori Yagi.
"What shall we do with him, master?" A raspy voice called out, partially muffled by the detachable hand covering his face.
The large, shadowy figure he addressed reclined in his throne, looking upwards and intertwining his fingers, as if contemplating the question. This was all pretence - he had already begun putting the plan in motion, after all. To ease his pupil's mind, he replied, "Bring him in. Question him. Torture him if you have to. If he has valuable information, let him live. If he refuses to speak in three days' time, execute him."
"As you wish."
Messy blue hair whipped in all directions as he signalled for a few of the people in the room. They followed his lead, heading out of the double doors and down the nearest hallway. With him, there walked a tall, lean individual with an ebony mane and oddly-symmetrical burn marks, the skin purple and wrinkling. It was held together crudely by metal hoop piercings. Beside him, a smartly-dressed man with wisps of purple and black mist in place of a body, and a young, blonde girl with a Cheshire-Cat grin. These were apparently the people for the job. In this world of tricks and magic, these four were the ringmasters, controlling the rest of the troupe with strings of steel.
"Who do we get to kill this time??" The girl asked, almost drooling in anticipation of the hunt.
"You heard what master said." Came the agitated response. "We capture him and try to get what we need. If he manages to stay sane for three days, then you can have your fun."
The patchwork zombie spoke next. "How are we doing this, then? We can't storm Enji Todoroki's castle."
As his words echoed around the walls, a swirling vortex appeared, growing bigger and bigger until it could allow for all four to plunge into the blackness. Two, however, were commanded to hold back - the girl and the man with purple patches of flesh. The warp gate closed as soon as the others stepped through.
The hunters were on the prowl.
"Ah...don't be shy. Admit it - you wanted to spend the night with me." Hawks gifted you a wink, both flirtatious and amused.
He must have been savouring your embarrassment. "I can't admit what isn't true." You glanced towards one of the massive, stained-glass windows lining the nearby wall. Although it was difficult to see, you determined that it was indeed night-time. How had you spent so long in the castle? You could have sworn it was early afternoon when you arrived, and you shouldn't have been there for more than a few hours. Your detour with this cocksure fairy didn't feel as though it had taken any more than half an hour. Perhaps that was just because your brain was preoccupied, enjoying the company it was in. "I should leave now. It's late, and my shop needs guarding."
"Haven't you fashioned some defence system? Surely (Y/n) (L/n), the oh-so-talented master-craftsman would be prepared for everything?" He taunted, clearly trying to back you into a corner.
"I'm afraid I can entertain you no longer, jester. I need to leave. Something strange is happening - can't you sense it? Those lanterns were my inventions, and I need to figure out why they died." Turning on your heel, you began to walk away from the blonde-locked man and his mahogany door.
However, his laugh stopped you in your tracks. "I guess I do act like a jester, don't I?"
Mysteriously, like smoke, his voice soon trailed off. You couldn't even begin to comprehend how such a flashy, boisterous person would all of a sudden go completely quiet. It wasn't just that - you couldn't hear anything but the ear-splitting silence, like static running through your veins. The walls weren't moaning, the floor wasn't creaking, and nobody seemed to be breathing. There were no sounds. None at all. It was as if Hawks, along with the very castle, knew something you didn't, but their lips were sewn shut. You wondered if the walls would collapse around you, burying you alive, or maybe the ghosts of Enji Todoroki's victims would seek revenge, but instead attach themselves to and haunt you until the end of your days.
"What-" You tried to break the ice that had settled like stalactites on the ceiling, but felt as though a veil was slowly being wrapped around your neck, preventing any more words from reaching the surface.
Suddenly, hands as warm as a furnace grasped your ice-cold ones and dragged you through the door. When you looked at him, you saw that his face held a serious expression. He definitely knew something - something bad. You wanted to ask, but couldn't quite find the words to do so. Stepping through the door felt weird, as if your feet weren't touching wood, but rather something less material. You squeezed your eyes shut tightly, opting to trust the man you had only recently met. After a few seconds, he tumbled on to a hard surface and, still being hand-in-hand, your body crashed into his. His head slammed into the brick, eliciting a faint, pained noise. Truth be told, he was in a lot of pain, but he didn't want you to have any anxieties about the situation, so he refrained from screaming. That was so much worse than stubbing your toe.
"You were surprisingly easy to catch, despite your profession. I did not expect you to have an accomplice, however. She could prove to be troublesome." The voice resonated in your ears painfully, like white noise.
"She's not an accomplice. I met her about two minutes ago - she looked lost, so I was just pointing her in the right direction." Hawks drew out the lie, allowing more time to think of an escape.
Whoever else was out there laughed. "We have orders, Hawks. You have been flying too close to the sun for a long time, and now it is your time to fall."
"So, what's the plan?" Hawks breathed, sparing a side-glance at your trembling figure. "Are you gonna put me in chains, lock me in the dungeons? You do have dungeons, right? I mean, this place is massive, and pretty much a castle."
"This place," The voice began. "Is a labyrinth."
You tugged at Hawks' sleeve. "What are you doing? Are you trying to get us killed??" You whisper-yelled, both furious with and concerned for the man.
"Out of tricks? That's such a shame. To answer your question: we will lock you in one of the many chambers within this labyrinth. There are so many corridors, that even if you were to escape from your cell, you would never reach the surface."
The air swirled in front of you, a mixture of black and purple. Two legs protruded from within, followed closely by a slim body, clad in a suit. Behind this imposing figure, another man stepped out of the darkness. He was dressed far lighter than the former, in only an onyx shirt, baggy trousers and slip-on shoes. You didn't recognise either of these men, given that you mostly stayed in your small town, never straying further than the treeline of the surrounding forest. Despite this, it was easy to reckon that they were the rumoured tyrants. At least, two of them. That thought made your hair stand on end, as though it had been exposed to a great deal of static electricity - what if there were more, hiding in the black void, ready to pounce at any moment? As if sensing your fear, one of the men (the one who seemed as if he might tend to a bar in his off-time), turned to address you.
"Miss, if you comply, then nothing shall be done to cause you harm." His tone was polite, but by that time, you had already chosen your side. You would remain with the person who had stolen your heart in a matter of minutes, with his witty, mischievous nature, and how he laughed in the face of danger, just to keep you safe.
So, although it might have been reason enough for your head to roll, you showed a level of defiance that they weren't expecting. The other man, whose voice was a lot more sickening, muttered something you couldn't hear, scratching his neck as he did so. His partner in crime seemed to sigh (though, with him having no discernible mouth, it was hard to tell), but elected against opposing his superior. The orders had already been given, after all, and any accomplice of the target must suffer the same, horrendous fate as him. You never knew what such seemingly innocent people could be hiding. Before he was grabbed, Hawks made an attempt to snare one of the stray knifes littered on the ground. His enemies noticed the plot, however, and ensured it wasn't followed through. A set of calloused hands gripped your neck and waist, hoisting you up on to your feet. You lashed out, but the hand around your neck clamped down harder, making you choke. You were gradually running out of oxygen. Soon, you couldn't handle the strain of fighting, and your body went limp, slumping against the blue-haired man. It was uncomfortable, but your vision was dimming, just like your lanterns back in the castle of Enji Todoroki. Just before you blacked out, you made the connection - they had been responsible for your burnt-out lights.
A spellbinding sight awaited your tired eyes - the walls were covered in ancient carvings, spiral-designs and other such patterns. You, alongside your companion, were confined in a large room, with no obvious doors or windows. You attempted to move, and although you had no bindings, your muscles were stiff. Almost immediately, your mind went into overdrive, trying to work out a viable escape plan. You could always create something to break through the wall, but you weren't sure how deep the labyrinth ran, and it seemed appropriate to assume that you would be easily captured. Raising a hand to your mouth, you began muttering to yourself, slowly piecing together a picture of what you were going to do. You needed to be extremely careful, as there were two lives on the line. If you were discovered mid-escape, it was likely that you would be executed, since you doubted Hawks had the skills required to take flight.
"...Flight! That's it!" You silently praised your ingenuity, glancing around to see if there was anything that could be of use. "Alright...I need the framework, and then something to hold them together. The shape needs to be perfect, for the air to pass over..."
Whilst in the midst of your mutterings, Hawks awoke and contemplated his situation. Then, he noticed you had been shoved into the same cell as him. An unfamiliar feeling welled up inside his chest, tugging at his heartstrings. It was a concoction of guilt, dread, love and sadness. You appeared to be working on something, kneeling in the dirt and presiding over your art. He stood with much effort, and he thought for a moment that his legs might have been broken. He managed to hobble over to where you were stationed, giving him a better view of whatever you were trying so desperately to complete. Your hands were moving rapidly, not letting him concentrate for very long. One minute, they just looked like smashed pieces of wood, but the next, they had a proper form.
"They'd be great if we could actually get out. Did you think about that, princess?" He had been in the labyrinth before, and knew just how tricky it was to navigate - it was meant to gradually drain your sanity, and make you compliant. If that didn't work, there was always good old-fashioned torture.
You responded after a few beats of silence. "You can do something about that, then. We'll need quite a large hole, or else these things won't get through."
Hawks smirked. "You're trying to get out? Bold of you to assume you can."
"Bold of you to suggest I can't." You countered, adding the finishing touches to your work. "Okay, now listen carefully - I managed to sculpt these out of scraps of wood, and I melted the wax from those candles." You pointed to them. "They will hold long enough to get us back to the realm of Enji Todoroki, but you cannot, under any circumstance, get caught in the heat of the sun. If you do, not only will you have wasted one of my creations, but you will plummet to your death. do you understand?"
There was a mischievous glint in his chocolate orbs. "You'd make a good gypsy, y'know."
You masked your smile behind irritation. "Do you understand?"
"Oh, completely. I just have to stay away from the sun, right?" He nodded.
"Correct." You released a breath you didn't know you had been holding; this man was going to be the death of you. A speck of silver flashed in your peripheral vision, and you directed your gaze accordingly. "Why would someone leave a hammer...?" You mumbled, confused.
Hawks hummed, then looked towards the object. "Well, seems like you've found our way out."
Stepping forwards without hesitation, he picked it up and did an initial, experimental swing. It collided with the wall of the labyrinth, severing the carvings and creating a small dent. His lips twitched upwards, and he held the hammer more firmly in his hands. He swung it again and again, shattering the wall almost entirely. To your surprise, it gave way to blinding sunlight and lush green land. Your mouth fell agape - both of you had been anticipating another layer of the winding entanglement. Nodding once to yourself, you handed a pair of wooden wings over to your accomplice, reminding him of your prior warning. Clasping your own tightly on to your person, you stood on the edge, looking down. You heard an awkward gulp from beside you - Hawks must have been nervous. Just before you were about to soar to freedom, a portal, black and purple, fissured a section of previously untouched wall. Two figures began marching into the frame.
You didn't give Hawks any time to think. With a hand on the wings, you propelled him forwards. You jumped out of the labyrinth after a few seconds, tailing closely behind Hawks, who was flapping his newly-acquired wings rather awkwardly. Although you detested the idea, you spared a brief glance back to your prison, seeing those two men standing among the ashes of the wall. Their faces displayed not anger, as you expected, but glee. Disturbed, you averted your eyes. They would not silence you. The people of your town would indeed hear your voice again, purchase your goods and request specific items. You would not be trapped.
Never again.
"Hawks, are you doing okay? Remember you need to move them yourself - just like a bird." You called, swooping past the blonde-haired man. An ecstasy-streaked expression had appeared on his face. You had to smile at this.
"This feels amazing! Damn, you really are good at making things. When we get back, could you jazz these up a bit for me?" He glided in the air, riding the wind, the breeze fluffing up his hair.
Below, a vast expanse of sea stretched out, going for miles and miles. You wanted to fly down, gently touching the surface with your feet, and making it look as though you were walking on water. Your eyelids flickered shut as you relished in Gaia's soft breaths. The clouds slowly ghosted past you. By the time you opened your eyes, it was far too late. Savouring the sweet taste of fresh air, like a starved child, Hawks had been consumed by a false sense of security. He neglected to recall your warning. The bright rays of the sun beamed down on his figure, washing an unpleasant heat over him. The wax which held his wooden wings together began to drip, raining down on the surface of the ocean like snowflakes. Soon, fractures started to show in the wood. You wanted to scream at him for being so idiotic. Instead, you dove towards the falling form. You missed by a millisecond. Speed was quickly becoming an issue, but you continued descending, reaching out a hand in the hopes that he would grab it. His arms and legs were flailing, and he couldn't seem to stay still for long enough. The water was luring him closer and closer.
In one last ditch effort, you howled out his name. "Hawks!"
His body met the blue liquid, and he was dragged down further, as if compelled by a magnet.
You caressed the water, watching and waiting for any sign of him. Tears were clouding your vision, cascading down your cheeks and eventually dripping down, into the sea. You didn't know if they would ever reach him, but you whispered a few words, distorted by sobs.
"...I warned you..."
[Word Count: 4779]
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patricianandclerk · 5 years
Rated T. Very much unrequited Gabriel/Aziraphale, and weird himbo angel not knowing what feelings are. 2k.
“See?” Gabriel said again, more urgently this time, because he wanted Aziraphale to like him, and to smile, and to say— He didn’t know. He didn’t know what he wanted him to say. But he was different, and it was frustrating, didn’t he see it? Didn’t he see how different he was, and how Gabriel noticed, and how Gabriel wanted him to notice him back?
Gabriel caught him when he came to deliver some paperwork upstairs. He’d shaken off his usual retinue – for some reason, he wanted to do this alone, to approach the angel of the Eastern Gate, to— He didn’t even know.
It was some time after Eden, and he saw the white-robed figure move past one of the celestial not-quite-corridors, and he— Well, he did run, because here, in the offices, he was not quite celestial, as he was in the Heavens themselves, but approximated a shape like they had, the people down below.
“Ah!” Aziraphale blurted out when Gabriel rushed up behind him, moving swiftly in front of him before he could keep moving past. The bodies they had were made corporeal from the approximations they had here, in the offices, and Aziraphale’s was small and soft and rounded at the edges. Gabriel’s was bigger: he was taller, and his shape had harder angles, at the shoulders and the waist. That felt important, in so basic a way that it was difficult to think about why precisely.  “Gabriel,” Aziraphale said, with a weird, awkward smile.
“Aziraphale,” Gabriel said, to hide the fact that he couldn’t think of something to say. He didn’t need anything from Aziraphale – merely that seeing him, he had been curious, had wanted to come closer… But what was there to be curious about? He was only around humans, and Gabriel didn’t care about them, that was other people’s business – he lead other angels, he managed other angels, and humans, they were other people’s job. His job, his job, it was…
Aziraphale was leaning away from him, against a pearly-white wall, clutching a sheaf of papers against his chest.
“What’cha got there?” he asked.
“Er, my miracle reports,” Aziraphale said. “But—”
“Do you like it?” Gabriel asked, the question dropping out of his mouth unbidden. He’d never ask, he was aware, if Aziraphale were like other angels, or if other angels were around, but he wasn’t like other angels, and they weren’t. It was just him and Aziraphale in a stretch of infinite corridor, just the two of them. He liked that. Just the two of them. That felt… Yeah. It felt different than when it was just him and Michael, or just him and Sandalphon.  
“Do I,” Aziraphale said, and Gabriel watched his eyes move one way down the corridor and then down the other, “do I like what?” Aziraphale’s eyes were so boring, not like Gabriel’s at all, but he wanted to look at them, for some reason, wanted to take them in – they were a drab, blue colour, or maybe green, and he leaned in to examine them better, watching the way the pupils shifted and widened, the way his mouth opened. Aziraphale had pink lips. The colour seemed important, for some reason – he didn’t know why.
“Earth!” Gabriel said.
“Oh. Er, well, yes, rather, I mean, I like… I like my work.”
“Good!” Gabriel says, and he clapped his hand against Aziraphale’s shoulder… and touched softness, real softness, and he let out an exhalation, pressing his palm to the white cloth there. It was worn, the cloth, worn and soft to his palm, the fibre rendered light and smooth by repeated wear, and beneath it he could feel the warmth of Aziraphale’s body – a real body! – and the regular beat of his heart. “Wow,” he murmured, putting his other hand on Aziraphale’s other shoulder. It was so… It was warm! He’d never really felt warmth before, not— not physically. And this was without a body – what would it feel like, if he, Gabriel, were fully physical too?
He squeezed, and Aziraphale lets out a noise.
“Did I hurt you?” he asked, curiously kneading his thumbs on the flesh under the robe. He was so warm. Would Gabriel be this warm, if he had a body? “Does it hurt?”
“It doesn’t hurt, no,” Aziraphale said, his tone a little bit sharper. He was normally… Prissy. Fussy. But the smile had shifted and faltered off his face. But he was different. But there was just enough steel in that tone that Gabriel tilted his head slightly to the side to listen, his hands lingering on Aziraphale’s shoulders even as they loosened their grasp. “But I— I don’t really wish to be squeezed, Gabriel.”
“Oh,” Gabriel said, and rubbed his thumbs against Aziraphale’s shoulders, wondering if his skin would feel this smooth. “Do you like having a body?”
For a second, Aziraphale’s face was frozen, and Gabriel wanted to drink it in, wanted to etch it all down. He was so different to the other angels, especially the ones in Gabriel’s retinue, and for some reason, for some reason, that was catching on him, making him look, and examine, and touch. What was it?
Aziraphale’s gaze flitted down Gabriel’s approximation of a form, and Gabriel felt—
It felt like a flush of something, or a rush, or a flow, or—
“Well,” Aziraphale said, in his funny, prissy way. “It would be rather hard, Gabriel, to perform my duties without it.”
Gabriel laughed. It was a joke, wasn’t it? It was funny?
He laughed, and Aziraphale looked at him with… Gabriel couldn’t shake the implacable feeling that laughing was the wrong thing to do, and with great reluctance, he drew his hands away from Aziraphale’s shoulders, but where did he usually put them, when they weren’t touching someone else? He couldn’t remember. He’d never touched someone else like this before. In his pockets? In front of his belly?
“You’re funny,” Gabriel said, not letting his uncertainty show in his face – because angels, he was certain, weren’t uncertain, and he, Gabriel, he definitely wasn’t uncertain, not about anything.
“Thank you,” Aziraphale said. “Now, Gabriel, I really— I really do have this paperwork to put away—”
“I’ll do it for you!” Gabriel said.
“Oh, no, no, you really don’t have to—”
Gabriel reached to take the file from Aziraphale’s hands, dragging it away from his chest, and Aziraphale let out a sort of— It was a kind of breathless noise, still leaning away from him, and Gabriel said, “I’m going that way anyway,” which wasn’t true, but felt like what should be said. “You gotta get back to work, right?”
“Right,” Aziraphale echoed. “Er— Th— Thank you, Gabriel, dreadfully kind of you, honestly, ever so…”
“Well,” Gabriel said, “bye.” He said it more forcefully than he meant to, except that he felt hot, somehow, hot and uncomfortable, another one of those stupid emotions that being in a form like this gave you and he didn’t know what it was called, and he didn’t want to look it up in the catalogue.
But he was already bustling off, and he did bustle, somehow moved stuffily, nervously, his hands in front of him. Once or twice, he glanced back at Gabriel, and Gabriel watched him walk away, for some reason—
No reasons. No reasons.
“Ah, Gabriel,” Sandalphon said, “how—”
Gabriel slapped the file against Sandalphon’s chest, still watching Aziraphale move. His body… shifted, when he moved. Would Gabriel’s do that, if he had a body? “Take this down to have it filed for me, would you? Thanks, champ.”
“Er,” Sandalphon said, “alright.”
Gabriel got a body.
They tried to ask him why, but when he stared at them, they just hurried more quickly through doing the forms, and now, he had it, and it was… He liked it, yeah. He liked it, he liked it, and the clothes! You could dress it up, and there were fabrics even softer than the ones Aziraphale had worn – there were soft silks and felts and velvets, and when you dragged your fingers over them, you felt the fabric underneath, felt it touch against the pads of your fingers.
He liked it. He liked it. He liked—
You had hair!
In his approximation, before, it had just been a shape on his head, it had just been colours, but this, this is— You could touch it. He could run his fingers through it, and feel the individual hairs brush back against his palm, and either side of his fingers.
“Aziraphale!” he said when next he saw the other angel, delivering more paperwork – they’d be formatting a new system, soon, with pigeons or doves or something, but he didn’t really care how it worked – and he stumbled back from Gabriel just like last time, his gaze falling in line with his chest.
“Ga— Gabriel,” Aziraphale said. “Er, hello, may I— that is to say, er, is there anything I can help with?”
“I got a body,” Gabriel said demonstratively, puffing out his chest and looking down at Aziraphale. “See?”
“Right,” Aziraphale mumbled. “Yes, yes, I see— I see that. Very nice.”
A silence passed. Aziraphale wasn’t back against a wall, this time: they were together in the middle of the floor, and Aziraphale swallowed, shifting his paperwork in his palms. The pause had gone on for too long, Gabriel thought.
Just as Aziraphale coughed politely, and was going to say, “Well, I ought be going—”, Gabriel said, “You can touch it, if you want.”
Aziraphale stared at him, and once more, his eyes went wide, and Gabriel wanted to do something about them, about the colour in them, wanted to grab Aziraphale’s head and tilt it back so he could look at them in the light, but no, no, he wouldn’t like that – that would be like being squeezed, wouldn’t it? No. He didn’t want… He didn’t want to do something Aziraphale wouldn’t like. It seemed important, somehow, significant.
He wanted, he realized, with a sort of prickling clarity, that he wanted Aziraphale to like him. Everyone liked him, everyone, everybody, but— But he wasn’t sure, with Aziraphale. He wasn’t certain that Aziraphale did. He wasn’t sure Aziraphale liked anybody.
“Er,” Aziraphale said, shaking his head. “Er, n— No, no, Gabriel, I really don’t need to…”
“No, it’s okay,” Gabriel said, and he wanted to say, but you can, you can, I told you you can, and I touched you before, and I want you to do it back, and I won’t squeeze you, I’m sorry, I won’t squeeze you, I want to do it right, because it’s a body, and I like it, I want it, it’s weird, it’s hard, it’s different, but I want you to feel my suit, the fabric… Instead, he said, “Here,” and grabbed Aziraphale’s hand by the wrist.
“Oh, Gabriel—!”
He pulled Aziraphale’s hand, which was soft and warm, so warm, up against his chest, so he could feel the silk of his scarf, and the warmth that came off Gabriel’s chest. He felt the hardness of Aziraphale’s ring on his pinky finger, so different to the softness of the flesh, and he felt Aziraphale’s fingers twitch.
“See?” Gabriel said again, more urgently this time, because he wanted Aziraphale to like him, and to smile, and to say— He didn’t know. He didn’t know what he wanted him to say. But he was different, and it was frustrating, didn’t he see it? Didn’t he see how different he was, and how Gabriel noticed, and how Gabriel wanted him to notice him back? “I got a heartbeat and everything.”
Aziraphale’s lower lip quivered as he looked at Gabriel’s chest, and then up and into his face. His eyes crinkled at their edges as he smiled awkwardly, politely, didn’t he know another way to smile?
“Yes,” Aziraphale said, falteringly. “Well done. Good chap.”
It wasn’t what Gabriel wanted. He didn’t know what he wanted, except that he wanted, and that it panged, kinda. It panged. He didn’t like it. He let go of Aziraphale’s hand, and it lingered against his chest for just a second, just Aziraphale’s palm on his sternum, fingers brushing his scarf, before it withdrew. Just a second, it was only a second, but time was different up here, anyway, and maybe it was different, maybe he did…?
“Well,” Aziraphale said, always with the polite smile. “No rest for the, er, w— Good.”
“Right,” Gabriel said, a little woodenly, feeling hollow, and watched him go.
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comicteaparty · 4 years
April 4th-April 10th, 2020 Creator Babble Archive
The archive for the Creator Babble  chat that occurred from April 4th, 2020 to April 10th, 2020.  The chat focused on the following question:
What is something you’ve improved with in regards to writing or comic creation thanks to working on your story?
Oh this one i can answer definitively. it's 100% lineart. forcing myself to have to do lineart for hours everyday is definitely a way to force yourself to get better at it while i still don't like it it's something that i can do now without being scared about it
shadowhood (SunnyxRain)
Colouring. I had to get really creative in expressing emotion and hinting plot devices with colour. Also got much better with drawing gesture drawings due to looking at a lot of references!
Cronaj (Whispers of the Past)
Either writing dialogue or drawing/painting backgrounds... I used to be particularly awful at writing dialogue. It was too stiff and formal, and sounded a lot like old prose. Now, because of writing a comic and going through several scripts, the dialogue is a lot more natural, and the pacing is more realistic to actual conversations. And the other: backgrounds. I really used to not even draw them at all, and doing a comic forced me to have to think about environments in scenes. So I went from drawing floating characters to having to consider where they are and how it affects the story/mood.(edited)
Feather J. Fern
Paneling! That was my main focus to figure out how to do good paneling to have clearer pages
Deo101 [Millennium]
Honestly? Everything. It's all gotten better and I've learned so much. I would say my biggest improvement is probably in my time management, and art wise is probably composition and layouts. But it's hard to pick because I've grown so much in every aspect!
chalcara [Nyx+Nyssa]
Biggest thing I learned was to keep the story small and focused - and that the smaller, more human struggles are much better in creating tension than the whole default "the world's gonna end!" thing. Mind you, I still love a good "world's ending" story, but you gotta make people CARE about the people in that world first!
Holmeaa - working on WAYFINDERS
ohohohoooo I have done more drawing in photoshop in this short time I have worked on Wayfinders, than the rest of my life! That has given me some skills for sure! Coloring is another one, and generally just efficiency and flow in a comic
Nutty (Court of Roses)
For me it's been my use of color, and getting more confident in experimenting with it to really drive home a scene's mood!
LadyLazuli (Phantomarine)
The clearest improvement I always notice is my layouts - I’ve gotten more adventurous with panel shapes and placement as time has gone on, experimenting with more interesting designs for the whole page. Some of those experiments haven’t been totally successful but it always feels like a worthwhile try. I’ve gotten some really, REALLY cool layouts out of these experiments, and I love seeing how dynamic the panels have become compared to my first chapter. Also speed. I’m so much faster now. Thank gooooooodness (edited)
Eightfish (Puppeteer)
@LadyLazuli (Phantomarine) I've definitely noticed the experimental panel layouts! They're really cool.
Planning. Book 2 is when I started using sketchbook thumbnails to plan ahead. The luxury of that first draft meant I could rethink panel layouts and how to best express the events happening if I first had an idea of what was happening laid out.
Also digital art by necessity since I switched to digital during the current arc. I was decent at lineart already, but other aspects have really challenged me to grow as an artist. I had to totally rethink the way I create backgrounds for instance. During this time the background quality actually declined a little while I got used to a new method, but experience has improved my skills greatly as I force myself into new methods.
Hmmm maybe paneling, speechbubbles and backgrounds? My current project is my second real attempt at doing a comic, but I have learned a lot of stuff from the community and general art and story tutorials. Backgrounds and bubbles were the worst for me when first starting out, I only read manga before starting so the speechbubble shapes did not fit with how English is written. Plus I've only drawn wooded fantasy settings before making my comic, so using a ruler, figuring out perspective points and drawing buildings was very new to me. I still hate drawing cities and such, but I've gotten a lot better at it and it is easier to do now. Since I mostly stuck with B&W before my current project, coloring also kind of improved? Depending on who's looking at it. Lmao If I were to think about story/characters/dialogue, I have no idea if I've improved. Honestly, I don't pay much attention to the quality. Also my brain kinda says it's all bad regardless of what I make.(edited)
Joichi [Hybrid Dolls]
For my Improvements: I'm getting better at my comic panels, as I adjust to the vertical style. Before I've always drawn the standard format. It's more than just boxes, I try to keep a variety of sizes. I'm picking up roughly how much 'gutter space' I need per 2-3 panels.etc I'm also improving on choosing colors that fits my love of detailed linework.(edited)
OH! I'm also learning about Clip studio shortcuts, how to use the assets they provide which makes the process, abit easier on me. Things I need to change, is I want to get a good speedy coloring style, without referring to my usual coloring.(edited)
Tuyetnhi (Only In Your Dreams!)
the more I worked on the comic, the more I feel ambitious in making different angles and perspective. So it's really hitting me out of my comfort zone which is good! lol Though I'm trying to keep in mind of my speed, what I feel like I've improved a bit is trying to keep in mind of paneling and dialogue.
Process! Space and i have definitely figured out the most productive way to produce content at the rate and quality that also provides us with time for our own projects. Comics are a useful tool that helps you discover ways to better organize your creative workflow for sure!
sssfrs (JOE IS DEAD)
I think probably scenery. I used to dread drawing inanimate objects but now I feel more confident in filling in a scene & even look forward to it sometimes. Maybe also page composition and paneling but I still have a lot to learn there
eli [a winged tale]
One of the reasons I embarked on the webcomic journey is to push myself to improve not only storytelling but also utilizing art to create a reader experience that would be difficult to replicate with just words. I’d like to think that 9 months into making A Winged Tale, I’ve improved on deciding when is a good opportunity to invest more into backgrounds vs character dynamics and when should be focused more on sequences of panels and composition. While the comic is written in a four panel format, more and more I’m finding areas where the story could be told by breaking those rules (attached pic). It’s a balance and I hope going forward I will improve more in pushing the limits of panels and find ways to express the story in fun and interesting ways.(edited)
Joichi [Hybrid Dolls]
Wow that's a very good description @eli [a winged tale] I look forward to reading more of your story journey
eli [a winged tale]
Thanks so much Joichi! I’m eager to keep learning~
Capitania do Azar
I'm gonna go with planning and actually getting it done. I'm so much faster because now the process is much more streamlined to me
My whole comic was started s an exercise to just get better at comics generally so I’d probably say every part I’ve improved at? The biggest things are probably colors and the upfront planning process
Phin (Heirs of the Veil)
Ooof hard question. I think my main improvement lies with page and speechballoon layouts and writing natural feeling dialouge. I'd say maybe also character acting?
Joichi [Hybrid Dolls]
I'm slowly learning how to create more engaging comic narrative. I read and research in the polished prem webcomics to see what makes them engaging? Like I'm going to challenge myself by creating a series of short stories with a reoccurring set of characters. Every new comic series I create is an experience, trial and error. Sometimes I skip the writeup and just go in blind, trust my own instincts. I'm glad to reach out and talk about it than in my own head. I hope by this year, I'll have at least 2 chapters of Hybrid Dolls out.(edited)
keii’ii (Heart of Keol)
I've definitely gotten better at planning/ outlining multiple chapters ahead of time. I did not even do this when I was doing the first 10 something chapters. (I did attempt an outline before I began the comic, but the story changed significantly from the outline by the time I started the comic, and I did not try to do it again for a long while.) I can't remember when I started, but I do recall having a lot of trouble the first time I tried to do it. It's gotten a little easier each time, though. In fact, I just spent the past few days outlining the next few very important chapters, de-tangling some big tangles. I'm really glad my outlining (and overall writing) skills had leveled up, because HOO boy, I don't think my 2014-2015 self could have done this!
I also became friends with enviros. I had already become somewhat comfortable drawing perspective when HoK started, but I had a sort of mechanical approach to it, like "oh I need some enviro for these establishing shots, guess I'll draw them." But now I LOVE drawing enviros! (some types anyway...) It's my comfort activity, something I treat myself to after a long day! In the thumbnails for my next few pages, there's a few enviro-heavy panels that I have to remove, because I drew too many of them (and the pacing got too slow as a result). I have to stop myself from drawing too many of these.
My biggest improvement is probably I've come to understand my characters and my themes much better, but that's more of a "I got better at making HoK" than a "I got better at making comics." There's definitely a difference between the two.
Joichi [Hybrid Dolls]
@keii’ii (Heart of Keol) ah I totally understand I tried the outline method before I start but my story changed alot after I drew it. So it start to feel like a waste of time for me, but I'll still write an outline to make sure to plan where my story heads(edited)
keii’ii (Heart of Keol)
Yeah! I needed to draw those first few chapters to understand the direction of my own story.
The drawing part is an essential part of self-reflection, to try to understand what it is that I want out of the story. The answer has always been there in my heart, but I'm not able to see it clearly from the get-go.
Joichi [Hybrid Dolls]
I end up breaking scenes and put them in for future episodes, since I want to get a certain flow in the story.
It could be tricky to see what it is you want out of the story until you are in at least 3 chapters in?
keii’ii (Heart of Keol)
I needed way more than 3 chapters -- though granted, my chapters are short, so that could be a part of it
Joichi [Hybrid Dolls]
I see the early first script as testing the water. like a test to figure out the characters personalities. Unless you are bringing in old characters which you knew before?(edited)
keii’ii (Heart of Keol)
Even if the characters have been with you for a while, unless I have made a comic with them, there is a big chance that the characters will completely change, too.
You know, I was thinking about about this, mostly about how I wouldn't have been happy if I was able to finish my comic the day I started. Then I realized I'm happy that I didn't. The first chapter wasn't the best, I was just learning how to coloring a comic, still fleshing out my characters and was still brainstorming small kinks in the story. I also still didn't have as much of an understanding of perspective, or panel and bubble layout. Even though I still have a lot I need to work on, I've gotten a lot better in all those aspects. Even though my use of color is weird, I've definitely gotten much more confident in it, enough so that I experiment and take a lot more risks with style. Even though my panelling can be boring, I have a much better understanding of how I want a page to look. I've improved a lot with my planning as well, like even though my thumbnailing/storyboarding only takes maybe 30, I've learned to step away for a bit if I don't like a layout, or analyzing why I don't like it and brainstorming ways to make it better. If I had magically finished the comic all at once, it would look really bad and may have been less readable.
Joichi [Hybrid Dolls]
That is inspiring to hear about your improvement @DanitheCarutor
Chiming in! Just this week, Miko (my co-creator) and I were discussing how far we've come from when we started our first comic (https://liarsgotoparadise.com/) vs. where we are now. I think there have been a lot of learn experiences, such as art, dialogue, general editing - but especially with pacing and character interaction. We regret that we didn't stop to focus more on that interaction, as we wanted to move ahead in the story...and now we can't change that, except to start now and not allow ourselves to grow impatient. Take our time and enjoy the journey - that's our new motto. There's a time to rush ahead in perilous moments, but there's also definitely a time to catch our breaths and let the characters mingle and speak. It's an improvement that will become more noticeable going forward in Liars and our second comic as well.
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ichigopanhpff · 5 years
BNHA Fic: Blink! Ch. 1
My first BNHA fic! It’s a slow start, but we’ll get there. I’m gonna let the story take me to the ships organically. My writing style doesn’t like forcing anything. Also working on the OC profile sketch so you guys can get a better visual :D
I’ve also noticed the reader inserts are definitely more popular within the fandom. But me being me, I like to go against the grain and made an OC instead. Or you can just imagine yourself as my OC ^_^;
The world is your hero loving oyster.
This chapter will cover a little bit of the “Two Heroes” movie and takes place post All-Might’s retirement and the start of dorm life. It will also cover everything that will be in S4. So if you don’t read the manga, it’ll be major spoilers for you :X You’ve been warned, frens.
With the U.A. dorms being implemented for the safety of students, Aizawa took a deep sigh, pinched his nose bridge and squeezed his eyes shut in hopes of lubricating his eyeballs and relieve some stress. With All-Might handling Midoriya’s enrollment at the moment, he had one extra business to attend to in regards to class 1-A.
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“Mr. Aizawa, we’ve arrived,” the driver announced.
Thanking him upon exiting the car, the sulking sleep-deprived man looked up at the high scale apartment complex with a light breeze blowing past.
This was his fail-safe in case he can’t be there.
While there were others he’s considered for the role, Aizawa knew it had to be her; the way her mind worked set her apart from the other candidates; hell, she could even mentor someone like Yaoyorozu in expanding her battle stratagem methods.
Class 1-A’s homeroom teacher was greeted by the front desk in the lobby as he made his announcement to see someone in the Takahiro residence. Making his way to the elevators, Aizawa pressed the designated floor and rode it up in silence. Having been her homeroom teacher before, he wanted to see her progression and perhaps, push her a little bit more in becoming the hero he sees in her.
To push away the doubts and darkness from her past that constantly cloud her heart.
The moment his feet carried him to the apartment, the door swung open to reveal a middle-aged woman slightly shorter than him with tied up brownish pink hair and hazel green eyes.
“Ah, sensei! Welcome!”
“Thank you for seeing me at such short notice, Mrs. Takahiro,” the man greeted with a soft bow before entering to remove his shoes. “Especially with your busy schedule at the moment.”
“Oh it’s no trouble at all!” she happily responded. “And please: call me Victoria. My last name makes me sound like an old lady.”
Making idle small talk, Victoria led Aizawa into the living room from the foyer. A girl with short rose gold coloured wavy hair could be seen curled up on the couch, reading a book. A teapot with three cups of tea had already been prepared on the coffee table.
“Ren. Aiwawa-sensei’s here.”
She looked up to meet his tired obsidian eyes.
“Oh. Welcome sensei,” she softly greeted and closed the book. “What brings you here?”
“Lots of things.”
He softly huffed as he settled himself down on the couch opposite of her. Ren set her book down to give her full attention.
“Ah, is it about the dormitory format for the upcoming semester?” she asked. “That’s one of the things I wanted to discuss with you and your mother.” “But we already submitted the proper paperwork for it.” Victoria sat down next to her daughter. “Did we fill out something wrong?” “No not at all,” Aizawa responded and leaned forward with clasped hands, making eye contact with the two. “This is a bit sudden, but I’ll cut right to the chase: Ren, I’d like you to move to 1-A.”
His request was met with sudden confused silence.
“I’m sorry, what now?” Ren chirped out with a blank expression. “I’m rather confused too,” Victoria agreed. “She’s already a second year...” ”Am I being left behind?” “Allow me to elaborate: I’d like Ren to be the Resident Advisor for 1-A’s dorms,” he clarified. “I think you’d be a great asset to further develop the class’ bonds and abilities as heroes.”
“While it seems like a good idea and all...” Ren’s mother trailed off with a look of concern. “Do you think she’s ready for that big of responsibility? Given what’s been going on lately with villain attacks and some of your students being caught in the crossfire...”
“That’s exactly why I’d like your daughter to help them. Her first-hand experience and knowledge would know best in how to maximize survivability in those situations. And to talk some sense into them when their hero complexes get out of hand.”
Both mother and daughter let out an uncomfortable sigh the moment those words left Aizawa’s lips. Ren tightly gripped the hem of her long black t-shirt, physically trying to repress those memories as she stared down at her now white knuckles.
“Of course, it’s a big adjustment on your end and I’m not expecting an answer immediately,” he continued with a sympathetic tone. “But let me ask you this: what kind of a hero do you want to be?”
Her head immediately jolted up to meet Aizawa’s serious expression. It was a question he’s asked her time and time again during her first year, as if to remind her the reason for being at U.A.
“Would you rather be the character in a story where you’ll let your misfortunes dictate your life or overcome it and be the tragic hero?”
“Aizawa-sensei,” Victoria interjected, feeling rather defensive. “You of all people should know this is a very big ask. May I ask your reasoning behind it?”
He let out a heavy sigh before answering and looked down at his tea cup.
“Out of my years at U.A., this is the first time I’ve felt the real limitations of my role as a teacher and as a pro hero.”
“You’re talking about USJ and Kamino incidents...” Ren plainly said.
“Exactly. I need someone I can fully trust to support me and the students when something happens.”
“I see…” She looked down at a random spot on the floor, feeling unsure how to answer. “But there’s gotta be other students my year who are better suited for this.”
“I have considered your classmates, even some from the support course...” Aizawa began. “But they lack the one thing you have: the ability to have a clear mind when facing chaos.”
“You speak too highly of me, sensei...” The girl’s face expressed anxiety. “I can’t help but think you chose those words to appeal to my ego.”
“I’m just seeing the things you don’t see in yourself,” Aizawa bluntly stated. “So, if we agree to this...” Victoria chimed in. “What will Ren have to do?”
“She’ll still go to her classes as usual. But as I mentioned, she’ll be living in 1-A’s dorms to supervise the students in case anything happens, be it a fist fight or a break-in. She’ll also be a confidant for them to help with their mental and emotional growth in order to become better future heroes.”
Before the discussion could continue on, a mobile phone’s shrill ring filled the silence at the far end of the room. Victoria apologized for the intrusion and went to immediately grab it. She can be faintly heard speaking in Dutch as she made her way into the home office.
“Your mom… knows a lot of languages,” Aizawa praised.
“It’s because of her quirk, Polyglot,” Ren answered and picked up her cup of lukewarm tea and took a small sip. “It allows her to know every known speaking language without having to pick up a book on it. Pretty handy, given her job and all.”
A short silence filled the two.
“When… do you need an answer from me?” “Two days.” “That’s not a lot of time huh.” “It really isn’t. I’m sorry to impose this on you, but would you please give it some thought?” Ren gave a small nod, still feeling uneasy about the proposal.
“Ah my apologies,” Victoria said in Japanese while walking back to the living room. “Just a small work emergency.”
“No, no it’s fine. I think I’ve covered everything any way.”
Aizawa took a quick sip of tea before standing up from his seat, with the two following suit.
“We’ll need to hear your response in two days,” he reiterated. “If you have any questions, feel free to reach out.”
“Given what the teachers have to do at the moment, it can’t be helped. We’ll have a proper discussion about it. Thank you, Aizawa-sensei,” Ren’s mom said and bowed. “I’ll show you out.”
Watching the two adult’s backs shrink down the hallway, Ren took a shaky breath. Her, a leader of one of the most rambunctious hero classes that’s ever graced U.A.? They must be desperate, she thought.
After washing the dinner dishes, Ren showered up and entered her room. Letting out a long sigh, the day’s event replayed through her head. Her thoughts were interrupted with a soft melodic ring from her mobile phone; it was Melissa calling. She immediately sat down on the comfort of her bed before picking up.
“Ah, Mel!” she answered in English. “You finally got back to me.” “Yeah sorry! So much has happened!” “Are you okay? I saw on the news what happened.” “Just a few bruises and scratches. I’m fine.” “What about your dad? I mean...” “He’s cooperating with the authorities right now to get leniency on his sentence. Sam, however, didn’t make it… He lost too much blood from the gunshot wound.”
A quick beat of silence sat between the two girls.
“I’m… sorry to hear that… But you’re not gonna get kicked off of I-Island are you? You can always stay with us–” “Ren I’ll be fine,” Melissa reassured. “You’re always such a worrier.” “It’s because you’re not and always have your head in developing support items,” she huffed.
All she could do is agree and laugh. Ren and Melissa Shield were childhood friends from when she still lived in California. Despite her being a year older, she was practically a sister from another mister.
“I also heard some U.A. students were there to help All-Might when stuff went down.”
“Oh yeah! They were all so amazing! Their quirks were so powerful!” Melissa excitedly spoke and told her about everyone she met; it was mostly about someone named Midoriya Izuku though since he stuck by her from the get go and Uraraka Ochaco.
“Hm, they sound like an interesting bunch. What year are they?” “From what I can remember, Deku said they’re all first years.” “First year...” Ren mumbled and flopped down on her bed.
The dots connected and her shoulders jolted up.
“Ah. Could it be… class 1-A… by any chance?” her voice quivered out. “I think so… Why do you ask?”
She told Melissa everything that happened earlier in the day about Aizawa’s proposal in regards to her being an R.A.
“Well what do you think? Are you up for the challenge?” “I dunno,” Ren groaned out and face palmed. “It just makes me sound like a glorified babysitter. And I have to start thinking about where I’ll do my work-study soon. I don’t wanna rely on my mom for money forever.” “I get where you’re coming from...” Melissa began. “But you don’t have to decide on that until later on anyways. So I say go for it! You shouldn’t limit yourself to only the things you can do well.” “Yeah, I guess.”
Chatting for a bit longer, the two friends said their good nights and hung up.
The next day felt like it came too soon. Ren decided to wake up a little earlier to catch her mom before she left for work; she knew she’d be back late tonight. She also had to start packing up her stuff to be sent to the dorms. Shuffling out of her room in a sleepy daze, she managed to peek one eye open wide enough to see the back profile of her mom.
“Oh morning, sweetie. You’re up early,” her mom greeted while reaching for the house keys in the foyer. Ren started mumbling incoherently.
“Really now. I know my quirk can understand everything, but that’s just being disrespectful,” her mom teased.
Rubbing her face to wake herself up a bit more, she let out a long sigh before trying again.
“Mom, I’m gonna do it.” Victoria took a beat to process what her daughter just said. “I had a feeling you would...” her mom said with a small smile. “Your eyes looked restless yesterday.”
Victoria came up to her daughter and wrapped her in a tight embrace, with her returning it.
“Your dad and brother would agree too… They are the reason why you wanted to be a hero in the first place.”
All Ren could do was nod into her mother’s shoulder, increasing the strength of her hug. They survived their personal hell; being a glorified babysitter is just another item on the list.
“This doesn’t mean I’ll worry any less,” her mom sniffled. “You’re gonna give me more wrinkles.” “I’ll try my best not to and contact you on the weekends,” Ren reassured.
Releasing from the hug, Victoria sighed and softly cupped her daughter’s face to get a good look at her.
“Sometimes I feel like you’re growing up too fast and before I know it, you’ll be out there everyday saving people from danger… I can’t help but feel proud and scared at the same time.”
All she could respond with was a small smile and sad eyes; no matter what she could say, it’d offer her mother no comfort whatsoever. Ever since losing her dad and brother from when they lived in California, all they could do was rely on each other after moving to Japan. Even when they had strong disagreements, the two of them always manage to talk it out at the end of it all.
While Ren was busy packing up her life at home, Victoria handled the rest of the details regarding her daughter taking on the position with Aizawa. With everything close to finalization, the mid-summer heat in August slowly waned as the new lives for U.A. students began at the recently built dormitories.
The only thing she was looking forward to was not having to take trains during the morning rush hour anymore. Despite having first day jitters back at school, her schedule was packed to the brim: not only did she have to show up for dorm orientation with her class, she then has to run down to 1-A afterwards so Aizawa could introduce her. And then, she has to unpack and go over her duties with the class.
Thankfully, her orientation ended early and she had a bit of time to hang out with her friends before making her way over to 1-A. They found a good shaded spot outside the dorms to chill out.
“I think I bit off more than I can chew...” Ren tiredly blurted out to her friends and sighed heavily as she fanned herself with her hand. Cicadas could be heard chirping loudly around the tree-covered campus. “This damn heat’s not helping either. I just wanna sleep.”
“But man, for Aizawa-sensei to pick you to look after the problem children...” her friend Seri remarked, admiring her newly manicured nails. “That’s rough.”
“Y’think he’s doin’ this on purpose to torture ya?” her other friend Tomoe teased and took a sip from her juice box.
“No, no. He doesn’t have time for stuff like that,” Ren waved it off. “He seemed pretty serious ‘bout it.” “It does suck though. I was really lookin’ forward to being in dorms with you,” Seri pouted. “You’re only sad ‘cus you won’t be able to raid my room to copy my homework and eat my snacks,” Ren half-jokingly pointed out, only to be responded with a hearty giggle. “Ya know me too well, Ren-Ren.”
She quickly looked at her mobile phone and her watch for the time.  Her eyeballs immediately bolted out of her sockets.
“Oh crap! I have to go. Like, right now.” “Ehh? I thought you had more time to hang!” Tomoe exclaimed. “I thought so too! Until I realized my watch is dead! Oh holy shit!” “And there it is: the Takahiro Special,” Seri deadpanned with a chuckle.
Ren hurriedly gathered her belongings and ran off shouting, “I’ll text you guys later!”
After mad dashing for 10 minutes in the oppressive humid heat, the rose colored haired girl barely made it to the entrance to 1-A. Huffing heavily at the door and dripping with sweat from her forehead, she pushed it open to see the backs of the entire class with Aizawa’s ebony black hair peeking up.
“Sorry...” she gasped out in between breaths with one hand on the door, the other on her knee for support. “Watch… dead… time...”
“It’s fine,” Aizawa quickly replied in his monotone voice. “Just get in here already.”
Slowly making her slumped form up to where 1-A’s homeroom teacher was, Ren could already feel their excited and curious eyes on her.
“Before I leave, I have one more announcement: This slumping bag of sweat here will be your new Resident Advisor,” he stated and looked to the side at her. Excited chatter started up among the class. “Hey, introduce yourself. You’ve caught your breath right?”
She took a deep breath before standing straight up to face the class, wiping some sweat from her face with her sleeve; she can only hope she looks presentable right now.
“I’m second year Takahiro Ren and will be living with you in this dorm for the duration of your first year,” she introduced with a small smile. “You can just call me ‘Ren.’ I’ll do my best to help you all.”
“Takahiro will be helping me keep an eye on you all,” Aizawa interjected. “If you wish to regain my trust given recent events, I assure you do not want to anger her. She’s tough enough to contend with the 3rd years and will make light work of you zygotes.”
Ren immediately flicked her head in his direction, eyes widened. “W-w-wait wait wait! Aizawa!” she stuttered out in a state of panic. “Don’t say somethin’ like–”
“Well, I’ll leave you all to it in unpacking your rooms,” the scruffy teacher ignored her pleas and continued on. “I’ll give you an explanation tomorrow of how things will operate from now on. You’re dismissed.”
“Yes, sir!” the rest of the class greeted as Aizawa left.
“Senseiii!!!!!!!” 1-A’s R.A. shouted at the disappearing figure and groaned dejectedly. “You’re not gonna make this easy, are you?”
“There, there,” one of the girls came up to give a comforting pat on her shoulder. She looked up to see a bright smile from a girl with pink skin and hair. “Aizawa-sensei’s always been that kinda person.”
“No I’m sure this is karma...” Ren muttered out with a dark look in her hazel green eyes. “I gave him a hard time last year, even after he expelled almost the entire class.”
“Ehhh?! You mean that actually happened?!” some of the boys exclaimed. “We thought it was just an empty threat!” a boy with long spiky blond hair said.
“Hm? No.” She looked up to face the group of boys to her right. “He called them garbage heroes with no potential. Expelling first years has been his signature at U.A. . Quite Darwinistic, but understandable. You can’t have the hero market saturated with the ones who can’t do their job right. We’d have no jobs by the time we graduate.”
The entirety of 1-A could only stand there in shock.
“Honestly, I was surprised the class was so big when I walked in,” Ren sheepishly confessed with a side grin to match it. “So you must’ve done something to really impress him.”
As expected of Aizawa-sensei, class 1-A collectively thought in despair and huffed a sigh heavy enough for their souls to leave their physical bodies. Feeling the gloom exuding out, she had to quickly divert their thoughts.
“A-anyway!” She clapped her hands to gather everyone’s attention again. “Let’s unpack our stuff first and then we can talk some more.”
Everyone went about their own tasks in settling into their new home.
Finally finding her room on the 4th floor, she changed out of her school uniform and into an over-sized white tank top with a black sports bra peeking underneath and loose sport shorts that came down to her knees before getting down to business.
Before they knew it, the early late summer night crept into view. Exhausted from their efforts, those who finished made it down to the common room to relax.
Ren, however, had been staring at one specific box intensely for the past 15 minutes from her bed. While her room was in order, the presence of that one box irked her to no end. She tied her hair up into a messy bun, revealing her fresh undercut and getting lost in her thoughts. The verdana door was open to get some fresh air in.
Did she subconsciously pack it by accident?
No. She was sure she left it back home with her mom. Shaking her leg nervously and chewing on the tip of her right thumb, she decided to shove it into her closet for now and deal with it later.
Making her way to the elevators, the doors opened up to reveal a boy with spiky ash blond hair; he was wearing a scowl on his face with closed eyes.
Bakugou Katsuki.
He casually walked past her on his way back to his room.
“H-Hey, Bakugou-kun,” Ren greeted with a hint of nervousness, already aware of his infamous temper. “You’re all settled in?” “Yeah, I’m ‘bout to go sleep. Those idiots downstairs are sayin’ somethin’ ‘bout a room contest. I don’t want them extras bargin’ in my space.” “Ah I see. Then I’ll–” “Takahiro-senpai.”
She turned to meet the explosive boy’s ruby red eyes currently glaring at her with intent, sizing her up.
“Aizawa-sensei... He said you were strong.” “W-well, not really. It’s just Aizawa doin’ his usual–” she stuttered out. “Don’t gimme that crap,” he growled out in annoyance. “If you weren’t, he would’ve expelled you.”
Bakugou then flashed her his signature cocky grin and pointed his thumb to himself.
“Fight me. Right now. I wanna see your strength with my own eyes.” “It’s against school rules for upperclassmen to fight underclassmen outside the designated fields without a teacher present,” she plainly stated, as if reading from the school manual and crossed her arms.
Clicking his tongue, he walked away from Ren. The door to Bakugou’s room could be heard opening and closing.
It’s just as his file says, he’s sharp, she thought. Definitely someone who you can’t let your guard down around.
A close-to-mid range fighter too. If they ever face off, he’ll prove to be troublesome.
“Wait a minute...” she muttered to herself and realized something. Running back into her room, she opened her top desk drawer and took out the roster file Aizawa gave her on 1-A. Separating out each student’s profile by their fighting range type, she slammed her hand onto the desk angrily.
“So that’s your game. I totally got baited,” she huffed out in defeat.
Screw the whole “I need someone trustworthy to have my back.”
Aizawa just wanted her to work on her weakness in confronting close-range fighters!
And half of them made up this class! As expected of Eraser Head, having eyes everywhere. Inwardly groaning at the realization, muffled footsteps and chatter could be heard going past her door outside.
“Whadaya think?! Isn’t it cute?!”
That’s Ashido’s voice. That means... Oh crap.
The room contest.
Chapter 2
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12freddofrogs · 5 years
An episode of my ideal Batfamily TV Show
Over the past few weeks I’ve been writing about how I’d make a Batfamily show. It got somewhat longer than I expected. I’m still not entirely sure how I feel about the dotpoint writing style, but at this point I’ve invested far too much effort not to start posting.
This is an extract from Chapter/Season One, aka the ‘Dick is Robin’ era. Specifically the ‘Dick is seventeen and starting to chafe under Bruce’s leadership, beginning to plan a move to Bludhaven’ era. The formatting doesn’t quite translate to tumblr, but the full chapter is available on AO3. Please check it out - other episodes include the time Batgirl accidentally told the internet Batman’s breath smells like pepperoni, has to frantically make sure he never finds out; a full-length flashback episode that draws paralles between how Dick met Bruce and how growing up changed their dynamics; Dick trying to work out the best way to invite Babs to prom; and a glimpse into what the general perspective of Bats are when Gotham City puts on a play about them. Lots of Batfamily fluff, and in the coming weeks another five seasons/chapters will be added to play around with character dynamics for everyone.
Season One, Episode Thirteen - Birdcage
One episode revolves around Dick Grayson, the billionaire ward of Bruce Wayne, getting kidnapped.
 Bruce is going frantic.
 He can’t even leave because he has a dozen police with him at all times. It’s clearly killing him that Batman can’t go.
Batgirl on the case, though.
Bruce is trying to whisper tips about the detective work into his phone without letting Detective Montoya see him. Batgirl grumbles that she knows what she’s doing.
Dick, meanwhile, is very bored.
He’s tied up on a chair, trying to entertain himself by untangling the knots. Whenever the kidnappers glance at him, he goes still again, not letting them realise his hands are free.
He makes it into a game, waving and pulling faces whenever they look away.
They don’t catch him at this, but when moving him to a new location, they put a blindfold on.
Naturally, Dick takes this off as part of his game. Just slightly, only barely enough that he can peek.
 It has the added bonus of letting him see the kidnapper’s faces once they remove their ski-masks.
Less of a bonus when one of them comes over and sees the hint of Dick’s iris peeking through a gap.
The one that finds it curses violently, and tries to pull it back to where it should be.
“Just take the whole thing off; it’s not worth it if he’s already seen our faces.”
The kidnappers call Bruce.
He’s sitting in the police precinct, waiting impatiently and frustrated that he can’t do anything.
 When he realises who it is he waves over Gordon, putting it on speaker phone.
 “I’m here. Where’s Dick — is he okay?” Bruce asks, an odd mix of frantic and controlled.
 “He’s fine. Have you got our money?”
  Gordon cuts in. “We want proof of life, first.”
  “Alright, fine.”
 Back in the warehouse, the phone is jammed to Dick’s ear. “Hi, Bruce.”
 “Dick! Are you okay? Have they hurt you?”
 “I’m fine.” Dick glares at the kidnappers.
“For the time being,” the lead kidnapper corrects, taking the phone back. “Have you got our money, Mr Wayne?”
  “Yes, yes,” Bruce’s voice comes over the phone. “I’ll send it through now, just don’t hurt Dick.”
 The kidnappers wait until their laptop announces that money has been paid into the account. The one sitting on the laptop nods at the one with the phone, while the third waits in the corner.
  “Well, it looks like that’s all come through,” the lead kidnapper says. “Which means I’m actually really sorry about this, Mr. Wayne.”
  Dick immediately stiffens. The boredom vanishes from his face.
 “See, if all had gone according to the plan, we would have handed him over now. But unfortunately, someone put the blindfold on him wrong, and he saw our faces.”
 Dick’s eyes widen as the man takes out a gun and hefts it at him. “Wait—”
 “Please understand, this is just protocol.”
The scene switches back to the precinct as a gunshot echoes.
“No!” Bruce jumps to his feet, so hard that he nearly overturns the table. 
Gordon goes white, and the rest of the police listening in look alarmed.
The phone keeps playing, sound of something crashing, a fight going on off-screen.
Shot changes back to the warehouse.
A bullet is embedded in the wall.
Dick is standing in the middle of three unconscious men, breathing heavily. “Please understand, this was just protocol,” he mutters venomously.
 He picks up the gun, unloading it before placing it safely on the table. Then he turns around to focus on the squawking phone.
  “Richard, are you there?”
  “Dick, Dick, talk to me!”
  “What is happening?”
 He almost takes it, before he pulls back, glances at the unconscious men around him.
Bruce at the precinct is still looking sick before a new voice hits the speakerphone.
 “Batman, the phone’s still going.” The voice sounds muffled, as if whoever’s speaking is halfway across the room. “Could you maybe get it… nope, heaven forbid you ever talk to anyone. Fine, I’ll do it.” The voice clears up as the phone is picked up. “Heya, this is Robin. Yes, that Robin. Don’t worry, Grayson’s safe.”
  Bruce lets out a long slow breath, and needs to clutch at the desk to remain standing. Colour begins to return to his face.
 Gordon takes the phone. “Hi, Robin. Gordon here. Can we talk to Richard?”
  Camera changes back to Dick, holding the phone.
 “Heya, Commish!” ‘Robin’ says it cheerier than would be natural, his voice slightly higher than usual. “Sure thing, just give me a second. The kid’s, um, throwing up. But you know the first attempted murder’s always the hardest.”
  “No rush,” Gordon says in the precinct, checking with his eyes to see if Bruce is okay with that. Bruce nods. “Can you tell me what happened?”
  “Nothing special, really,” Robin says, grimacing despite his cheery tone. “Batman and I tracked down these guys, and right on time. Stepped in before it could get ugly. We’ll leave them tied up for you at the scene.”
  He reaches for his belt, realises he’s not wearing it, and goes for the rope that had attached him to the chair.
  “Okay. Where are you?” Gordon’s voice is mildly scratchy — the signal isn’t great.
 The question makes Dick freeze. He glances at the window, and can only see that they’re several storeys above the ground.
 The shot changes back to the station as ‘Robin’ stumbles for an answer. “We are… hold on, one second I’m talking … just a minute… okay, fine, here.” There’s a stumble of movement as if the phone was being passed from hand to hand, and then a new voice comes on.
  “Bruce?” The ‘Dick Grayson’ voice is quieter than ‘Robin’, soft and very shaken and not as high pitched. “Are you there?”
 “I’m here, Dickie,” Bruce says immediately. “Are you okay?”
  “I’m — I’m fine. Robin and Batman got here just in time.” Dick’s voice hesitates. In the warehouse, he’s struggling to tie up one of the men who’s semi-conscious. “Robin was so cool when he broke in, he just took the guy out like that!”
In the precinct, Bruce can’t help but roll his eyes. But he’s smiling nonetheless.
Dick moves onto tying up next kidnapper, holding the phone at arm’s length. “You weren’t too bad yourself with that flip out of the way, kid,” he says as Robin. “Where did you learn to do that?”
 Switches back to ‘Dick’. “The circus.’
 ‘Robin’: “Well, nothing beats Bat training, but that was pretty cool.”
Batgirl bursts in through the window.
 She lands on the ground in a perfect spring, and then pauses to notice the unconscious men.
  Dick shakes his head frantically, striking one hand across his throat. “Hey, Batgirl!” he says gleefully, his voice contrasting with his expression. “Sorry, I can’t talk right now. I’m on the phone with the Commish, talking about how me and Batman saved Grayson.”
“Right.” Batgirl nods once, relaxing against the wall. “Sorry I’m late.”
“No sweat. Batman and Robin are capable of doing this ourselves.” He winces when Batgirl raises an eyebrow. “Sorry Commish, gotta go, we’ll drop the Grayson kid off for you on the ground.”
He hangs up.
“ ‘Batman and Robin are capable of doing this ourselves’?”
“I know, I know, don’t mock me.” Dick rubs his hand over his forehead. “It was the first thing I thought of.”
They decide Batgirl should deliver Dick back to safety.
Batgirl takes the phone back, texts an address to the precinct, and hangs up.
They finish locking up the criminals, and then wait at the window until they see a patrol car approaching.
“Alright. Let’s go.” Batgirl opens the window and holds out her arms to Dick.
“What – what are you doing?”
 “Well, you can’t exactly swing down yourself, Boy Wonder.”
“Oh. Right.”
Dick is awkward about pressing himself so close into Batgirl, wrapping his arms around her neck securely. “Is this okay? Am I hurting you?”
Batgirl doesn’t even answer, just wraps one arm around his back and then other to her grappling hook.
 They swing out the window. Dick gasps and clutches tighter without entirely meaning to.
They land behind the police car.
“Wow, that is terrifying when it’s not your line,” Dick whispers in her ear.
“Go on.” Batgirl pushes him forward to the police rushing towards them.
Dick obligingly untangles himself from her and sprints towards them, collapsing theatrically to whimper when he reaches the patrol.
Bruce arrives later in Gordon’s car.
Dick is sitting in the patrol vehicle, a shock blanket draped around his shoulders when he sees his guardian.
He jumps up and runs forward, hugging Bruce.
Bruce hugs him back.
Later, they’re driving back home.
It’s the first time the two have been alone since Dick got kidnapped.
“In all honesty. Are you okay?”
“Yeah, sure. I’m fine,” Dick says dismissively. There’s no sign of the fact he’d been crying moments before he got into the seat.
“Good. I’m glad.” Bruce hesitates. “I was… worried, when I heard that gun go off.”
“Didn’t think I could handle it?” Dick challenges.
“That’s not what I meant and you know it.”
Dick’s jaw tenses, but he relaxes into the chair, finally safe. “Yeah. I know.”
Full Fic Available on AO3.
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Fic: Come As You Are (1/11)
Summary: A series of codas/tags/missing scenes to every episode of the first season of TItans. In the first episode, our protagonists are moving towards each other, but first, they each navigate the existential nightmare that is their own mind.
Warnings: SPOILERS for the whole series, some swearing, lot of dense parenthetical nonsense and fancy formatting. Dick and Rachel marinate in their own anxiety. I’ve also taken the liberty to fill in some gaps that were left by canon.
this is meant to be a companion series to my episode recap series. i’m in the midst of my worst writer’s block ever--it took two whole months just to write this chapter; i’m still far from happy with it, but if i looked at it anymore i was going to scream--but i hope to finish both the recap series and this fic series before s2 airs this fall. 
(s/o to @cautiousamber whose continued love for the show and for what it's doing delights me always)
Come As You Are
Strange things live inside Rachel’s head.
When she was little, people around her would come to her in her dreams in coloured silhouettes, glowing and wailing, ripped into pieces by monsters that lurked in the shadowy corners of her mind. As she grew, the figures grew more refined, more recognisable, but they never stopped screaming; when she heard words, it was only the monster that spoke.
The years passed, and the dreams started to leak into the real world: she would see strange, fresh scars on Melissa’s arms while trembling in her arms after another DREAM; hazy, coloured halos followed people she knew and horrible things happened to people she hated; the monster would stare back at her in the mirror now, eyes inky black, leaking venom into her veins. TRUST ME, the monster would say, calm while everybody else screamed, and Rachel, well. After a point, she forgot to scream, too.
Then one night, she dreams of a little boy on the trapeze who watches his parents fall to their deaths, and the monster does something it has never done before: it laughs.
“Master Dick, I trust you received the package I sent you last week?”
Dick idly doodles a large ‘R’ on his notepad while wedging his phone between his shoulder and his ear. “I did, Alfred, it came in just this morning. Thanks. I, uh,” he makes the edges sharper, the ends like knife blades, “I should’ve called to let you know earlier.”
“Yes,” Alfred says crisply, “You should have.”
He twists the pad until it looks like the R is in motion, bounding across the page. Two tables over, Detective Oyode flings a casefile onto his desk in disgust. Across the room, Johnson is eyeing Dick with suspicious disdain. The air is heavy with the smell of stale coffee; there’s a lingering whiff of cigarette smoke from the balcony where Carter, Takashi and Mulligan take smoke breaks twice every hour, on the dot. The floor buzzes with steady chatter, the clicking of computer keys and ringing phones. Dick’s active cases tray is screamingly empty.
“I’ve been busy,” he says. “Settling in, and all that.”
“I see.” A pregnant pause. “And I suppose your new responsibilities as a police detective is the only reason you requested that I send over your modified batarangs?”
“Birdarangs,” Dick says, without thinking.
“Ah. Yes.” Alfred’s voice turns fond. “It’s been well over a decade since you came up with that convention, Master Dick; I must confess that it is good to hear it again. More than anything… it is reassuring to see that you haven’t decided to retire Robin altogether.”
A knot of anxiety tightens somewhere behind Dick’s sternum. This is about as secure a line as he can get without actually using the comms in his Robin suit, but it’s still jarring to hear someone just—just say it aloud like that. Especially after—
Dick’s grip on his pen tightens and he scores across the ‘R’ with such ferocity that the nib tears through the paper. Johnson’s put his coffee mug aside and is starting to walk in his direction and if Dick tenses any more he’s sure he’s going to do something he’ll regret. “Sorry, Alfred,” he says. “Something’s come up; I gotta go.”
“Very well, Master Dick. I hope that you will continue to keep in touch.”
“Bye.” He slips the phone in his pocket, gets up, and tosses his ruined pad in the wastebin. He neatly sidesteps Johnson, swipes the abandoned casefile from Oyode’s desk, and hurries out of the precinct.
(it’s all right. you’re beautiful.)
Now that (she’s) put some distance between (her) and (her) attackers (hot metal projectiles where there should be nothing but fire, but she can’t—she can’t—), the molten panic that’s been fuelling (her) escape abates, just a little. (She) slows to a walk, pulling (her) coat close.
(it’s cold, but she’s known colder.)
The further (she) walks from the woods, the less desolate it is. There are more buildings here and more people, turning to look at (her) as (she) walks by them. Almost on instinct, (she) turns into a gas station and makes (her) way into the bathroom, coming to a stop in front of a grimy mirror. (She) is all edge and glorious skin, shining and sharp.
(beautiful. you will know it. and more importantly, they will too.)
(She) empties her purse to find documents and keys and a dozen little opaque clues as to (her) identity. (She) is Kory Anders, and the name is both everything and nothing at all. It is everything because it fits, slots into place effortlessly in her mind like she’s known it all along, but doesn’t trigger a cascade of memories, or anything other than flashes of light and bone-deep cold (and unimaginable pain).
No matter. She is Kory Anders, and this is as good a starting point as any. Besides, she is sure that the real her has a taste for adventure.
When the fight’s over, Dick changes into regular clothes a couple of dead-end alleyways over and limps back to his car, trying very hard not to think about Batmobiles, or Batcaves, or anything bat-related whatsoever. His shoulders ache with tension and his knuckles feel pulverised—he isn’t quite used to being the ones delivering all the punches yet. There’s blood and glass in his hair and the acrid stench of used smoke pellets lingers around him like a miasma; he’s stuffed his costume and weapons back in the case, but there are still red smears around the lock and—
—he’s not even entirely sure he’s managed to leave the site of the fight clean; or if he’s gotten all the security cams in the alley; it’s been so long since he’s done this and even longer since he’s done it alone—
(All right. Deep breath. Deep breath. Another one. And another one.)
Everything feels even more absurd when, later in the night, he’s stuck in downtown traffic, trying to breathe past bruised ribs and the bite of glass shards in his fingers. It wasn’t supposed to be like this; moving this far from Gotham was supposed to be the start of a clean break. He’d been slowly working up to visiting Wayne Manor one more time (one last time, but he can’t—he can’t bring himself to—) to return the Robin costume, trying to reconcile the memories of safety and comfort he had under Bruce and Alfred’s care with yawning isolation of that gigantic mansion, the stomach-dropping terror that he would be abandoned (again) if he failed (again), and the anger that never seemed to stop simmering regardless of how much he punched, how much he cried, how much he laughed.
Being Robin without Batman feels like something vital’s been cut out of him, but just being Dick Grayson isn’t enough for all the evil in the world.
Dick stumbles into his apartment building, trying very hard not to make carrying a giant silver briefcase in the dark seem suspicious. He enters his apartment—dangerously open to the world but devoid of shadows—and lets himself slump onto the sofa. He’s going to (clean his costume and equipment, scrub the security cam feeds, clean the car of bloodstains and evidence, destroy the copy of Oyode’s file that he’d made, type up a report for his personal log) but for now he closes his eyes and—breathes.
Just for a minute.
The city is drab and cold in ways Rachel is entirely unused to; for some reason, she thinks of old white bedsheets turned grey from use and wear and repeated washing over years and years. Melissa ripped one of them into rags the last time Rachel DID SOMETHING STUPID, knocked over a vase, cut her hand on the shattered pieces, and dripped blood all over the kitchen floor. Melissa’d spent an entire afternoon scrubbing at bloodstains, refusing to answer to Rachel’s tearful apologies. (The voice told her to break the next vase over Melissa’s head, which made Rachel want to vomit.)
Melissa had washed the blood out of those rags as thoroughly as she could, leaving them even more dirty-grey than they were. That’s what the city looks like: wrung of colour, washed and washed again into grey submission—
“We’re here,” the officer in the front seat of the car says, dropping Rachel abruptly out of her thoughts. She’s taken into the precinct and asked to sit inside a windowless room; it isn’t until the officer that’s trying to get her attention touches her shoulder and she flinches, light and sound and terror rushing in, that the numbness abates and the voice snarls KILL HIM!
The officer looks shocked for a moment before his expression softens and he backs away. “Somebody will come talk to you now, okay?” he says, and leaves. Rachel waits and picks at the fraying edges of her sleeves, wishing—not for the first time—that she’d brought her phone along. It’s not like she has anybody to call, really; she just wants something to do that’s not staring at the walls (of an interrogation room, this is an interrogation room) and trying not to think about how desperately alone she is right now.
A few minutes later, Detective Dick Grayson walks in and introduces himself. Rachel jolts at the sight of him; she can hardly hear what he’s saying over the chorus of holy shit! holy shit! that’s taken over her mind, because holy shit—this is the little boy on the trapeze. He glows blood-red, and every movement of his leaves behind smudges of light and colour and life in this otherwise cement-grey room.
She holds his hands, tells him, you’re the boy from the circus; he frowns, but doesn’t tell her she’s crazy, or stupid, or BADWRONGEVIL. Dick Grayson promises to help her, and for the first time since watching her mother fall to the floor with a bullet hole through her head, Rachel feels hope.
Kory Anders is on a plane to the United States.
Twelve hours ago, she didn’t know her name; now she not only has an identity, but a destination, a purpose (a mission). Everything from swiping cards to speaking a dozen different tongues to summoning fire to her fingertips to the clean, beautiful effortlessness of throwing an asshole across a hotel room has been… intuitive; she thinks as she does, moves as she feels, learns as she touches. She doesn’t know what she will find when she lands (knows without really knowing that where she is going is both impossibly vast and comically small) but she’s going to start with looking for the girl in the photo and see where that leads her.
(--to a bubble suspended in infinite nothingness, shackles around her wrists and feet—)
And if that means burning up a few more entitled assholes along the way, so be it.
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spdtactics-a · 5 years
the great irene mom rankings!
i said i’d do these earlier so here we are with irene first! 
moms are ranked based on four things: their supports with frederick, the inheritance they pass down in-game and how it would change irene as an actual unit in game, hair colour, and the corresponding sibling + their dynamic.
 i’m doing these in order of recruitment, as well as including chrom and emmeryn. i went the extra mile and included icons for all the robinsexuals just for fun, which are included at the bottom. they won’t be rated, i just felt like completing all the potential moms(tm). 
i also edited the skin tones for the moms who are naturally darker skinned ( ...or should be ), then noticed i fucked it up a little and... honestly i’m too tired to go back and redo it, pls understand i’m sorry ;____;
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frederick’s daughter. an enigmatic cavalier who aspires to be as great a knight as her father. the most afraid of fire.
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supports: hmm... while i love frederick/mu, the in game supports themselves feel kind of weird making the jump from being platonic to romantic... but honestly, they work for me! i think it’s just the format they’re presented in that feels a bit jumpy and choppy? in any case robin helping frederick get over an aversion and better himself for it is very cute. i like it.
inheritance: obviously, the mu is the best parent for any child unit. robin would provide access to every class in the game, so long as it isn’t gender locked-- and heck even her growth rates would vary wildly depending on how you set robin’s. 
hair colour: i just used the default one here or else i’d have gone insane, but a lot of the custom colours did look really cute! i’m especially fond of the araceli-esque blue. :3c
sibling(s): she’d get morgan as a younger sibling... or two! which... could be a pretty fun dynamic. being morgan’s sibling would be the only instance in which irene is older.
overall: the most important thing to note about the mu is that every interpretation, default or custom, is wildly different. while this isn’t necessarily a bad thing, it does make it kind of hard to pin down what irene’s life would have been like with robin as her mother (...or other father). that said, the mu’s disappearance would definitely have inspired her to keep going with her training as a knight. unaware of what truly happened to her missing parent, irene would hope to find them someday. again... this really does depend on the mu and their interpretation-- but all in all, a solid irene.
final rating: ★★★★★★★☆☆☆ ( 7 scales tipped out of 10 )
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supports: the supports in game are fucking hilarious, but i don’t know how i feel about them in a romantic context? 
inheritance: chrom’s lord class is non-inheritable, but at least irene would get aether and the (albeit unrealized) ability to wield falchion, if lucina’s sibling supports are anything to go off of! otherwise, the only new class irene would get out of the mix is archer, and i actually couldn’t find the village maiden!lucina stat modifiers for a reference... but chrom’s default growth rates are the highest in skill and speed, so i feel like him as her father would definitely influence that. as for the brand, it’s on the back of her neck!
hair colour: yknow i didn’t think i’d be crazy about lord blue(tm), but it looks really nice with brown eyes... also, irene wouldn’t have to rely on magic to disguise herself as lucina while acting as a decoy. :3c
sibling(s): i’ll admit i’m not the biggest lucina fan out there anymore after some... personal stuff, but i do think lucina would be a cute older sister for irene... if not a little intimidating. while irene would idolize her big sister, she would also often feel as though she’s left in lucina’s shadow... which wouldn’t help much with her self esteem-- hell, she’d feel as though she HAD to work as hard as she already does just to match up... and it could lead to extreme recklessness on irene’s part-- which is NOT something you’d want from a princess of the realm or a knight. 
overall: i love princess irene, but chrom isn’t exactly my first pick for her exalted parent-- mostly because of lucina and the very limited class pool irene would get as a result; she’s barred from lord and chrom’s only other class that doesn’t overlap is archer... like, oof? that said, i honestly do really love the idea of chrom BEING irene’s father. he’s just... such a good dad? he’d really, really help her unlearn a lot of the habits she drilled into herself to be a “model princess” and ideal knight just by... you know. being himself! being younger than lucina, irene’s memories of chrom aren’t as vivid, and honestly a little warped by her sister’s and other father’s perceptions... getting to know the real man would be. so good for her!!! tldr chrom could be a really great dad for irene, but... he has a few teensy things holding him back from being phenomenal. when it comes to royal irene i love papa chrom, but i do think uncle is a bit better.
final rating: ★★★★★★☆☆☆☆ ( 6 unpeeled oranges out of 10 )
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supports: they’re cute! they’re not my absolute favourites, but lissa getting to marry her first love is sweet. i just happen to prefer frederick and lissa with other people.
inheritance: i’ve always really liked the concept of pegasus knight and healer irene, and lissa provides both of those things with the cleric, troubadour, and pegknight lines! also galeforce. gotta love galeforce. while they’re classes that would take a bit of work for irene to really blossom in, from a character development standpoint i think they’re wonderful. like-- she doesn’t have to imitate frederick entirely to be just as good of a knight, she can incorporate things her mom taught her as well. like owain irene does have the brand surface as lissa’s daughter, and it’s still on the back of her neck.
hair colour: lissa’s blonde and emmeryn’s blonde are actually super close in colour! it’s nearly impossible to tell, but emmeryn’s is slightly more saturated. either way i prefer irene with darker hair colours, but the royal blonde is cute.
sibling(s): oh dear god i don’t think irene’s equipped to handle owain of all people as her older brother... she was a really shy little kid, and as much as she’d love owain i do feel like his energy would be........... overwhelming?????? for her? that said i think owain would also know when to dial things down for her sake... that said, irene would really admire owain and while not bold enough to take part in justice cabal shenanigans, she would support them from a distance! still, being lucina’s cousin is... hard.  
overall: i actually don’t have strong feelings on momther lissa one way or another! it’s a pairing i’m not overly invested in, but it’s one of those pairings i think would be cool in-game, if irene was an actual unit. it’d... just come at the cost of messing up owain imo. sooo yeah. it’s not awful, but there are definitely better pairings out there.
final rating: ★★★★★☆☆☆☆☆ ( 5 frog pranks out of 10 )
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supports: i do like the tidbit that sully was training for knighthood at 15-- it makes the headcanon that ylisse was so desperate for recruits during the apocalypse they were knighting trainees that young a little more plausible, as my hc is that irene was knighted at the tender age of 15 for those exact reasons. that said, the supports themselves are kind of... meh. they felt perfect leaving off at a, the s-rank feels a bit “well we have to marry them off now so you can get the kid i guess” and shoehorned in than anything. 
inheritance: sully shares her base class with irene, but since frederick also has the wyvern rider class in his kit, the only new class offered to irene is myrmidon... which is kind of sad. myrm’s a great class, but OOF that class pool...
hair colour: sully’s red is the softest and dullest out of all the red haired gen 1s, and it’s nice on irene... but eh. there are nicer.
sibling(s): ... i just don’t like kjelle all that much. i don’t know why. i never really use her... i think it’s because she’s an armoured unit and eh, no thanks. i like the idea of irene and kjelle being friends, though... just not siblings.
overall: while having two knightly parents would make irene’s transition from shy, girly child to lady knight a lot easier, sully... is not a mom i’m a huge fan of for irene. her class pool is ridiculously limited, the family dynamic with kjelle isn’t one i’m a huge fan of... while i think irene would be inspired by and look up to sully, it’s hard to see her as irene’s mother. more like a mentor, if anything. you feel?
final rating: ★★★★☆☆☆☆☆☆ ( 4 business swords out of 10 )
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supports: i’m actually doing this one in my current awakening run! while the supports are fun and i like them, i’m... not a huge fan of their ending and ‘miriel vanishing for weeks at a time’. like. uh. okay.......... cool........... i guess?? that said, they’re nicer than sully’s supports lmao.
inheritance: miriel flips irene’s entire concept on its head-- as frederick’s daughter, she’s a very physical based unit who doesn’t really... excel at magic. meanwhile, all of miriel’s classes are magic. a miriel!irene inherits the mage, dark mage, and troubadour lines-- while i think she’d struggle with anima, light, or dark magic, i always see irene as having a natural, innate talent for healing. she would make a decent war cleric! 
hair colour: miriel’s hair is one of my favourites in the game and irene pulls it off well! it’s that pretty, dark red...........
sibling(s): maybe i’m just biased and adore bp too much, but the entire reason i like miriel as irene’s mother is because of laurent! i think they’re a nice match as siblings. studious, observant, kind laurent and his little sister... they’d both take care of everyone else and it could probably be a little overbearing, but... it’d be really sweet. i love it. i also headcanon laurent to have been the one who used his magic to make irene’s hair blue whilst she pulled a frey and acted as a decoy in the bad future... the angst potential there is lovely. imagine realizing your little sister embarking on what’s basically a suicide mission really is the only way to slip past enemy lines to safety? and setting her up to do just that?  r i p laurent. but also please consider irene being a late bloomer to non-healing magic and her brother teaching her. it’s good shit! >:3c
overall: the main appeal of miriel to me is getting laurent as a brother, and the concept of a late-blooming magical irene. miriel’s and frederick’s supports are good but i’m not 100% sold on their ending, and there are just frederick pairings i like better.
final rating: ★★★★★★★☆☆☆ ( 7 mysteries of the universe solved out of 10 )
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supports: YES??? YES!!!!!! mu aside, frederick is my favourite sumia pairing! ... out of what’s available in game, anyways. sumia’s just so earnest and eager to help out as much as frederick does and he’s endeared by it and I’M endeared by it and they’re just so ridiculously SWEET it rots my teeth and yes pLEASE...
inheritance: sumia passes down pegasus knight, cleric, and knight-- once again giving me the option of f a l c o n  k n i g h t  i r e n e complete with galeforce. and i love me some f a l c o n  k n i g h t  i r e n e.
hair colour: it’s lighter and less saturated than her default fred brown, but sumia’s hair is very pretty on irene... i like it a lot! 
sibling(s): i know i said owain would probably be a little overwhelming to have as a brother, therefore it ought to be the same for cynthia... but i actually don’t see that being the case! before their parent’s deaths, cynthia was shy and soft and girly-- much like irene. i can see both sisters vowing to grow stronger and become knights of ylisse together-- they just have different ideas of what constitutes heroism. irene’s vision of a hero is more like their father’s: someone who’s always looking after everyone, even when it goes unnoticed-- and sometimes it works better when it’s unnoticed. cynthia is dazzling glamour and drama, ready to punish evildoers in the name of the moon with the coolest entrances and speeches ever. she keeps morale up with theatrics and works hard to be that shining light for everyone with them, where irene supports from the shadows. while she’d be adverse to acting out cynthia’s flights of fancy in the bad future, she... could be roped into trying in the past, and it would help her kick a lot of her reservation and shyness. cynthia and irene are good sisters and i love them!!!
overall: i love fredsumia in general, so sumia as irene’s mom is just so good to me already???? even without thinking about it too deeply, i can just look at sumia and be like ‘yeah, she could have a kid like irene.’ 
final rating: ★★★★★★★★★☆ ( 9 flower fortunes out of 10 )
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supports: i actually really like frederick’s and maribelle’s supports. they’re hilarious and sweet and just-- yeah. i like maribelle being willing to learn menial tasks to better instruct her own servants and just... yeah!!! it’s cute!!! i like maribelle/fred!
inheritance: maribelle gives irene a lot of the classes lissa does-- troubadour, pegasus knight... then mage. anything that can give me galeforce falcon knight irene is a good time!! it’s a shame brady could do better for a father...
hair colour: god maribelle’s hair is bright... but it looks cute with the brown eyes!
sibling(s): oh my god brady and irene would be really cute as brother and sister... they’re both soft kids(tm) and the narrative of irene having to work really, really hard to become a knight lends itself well to her being a duchess’ daughter!! i also have a hc that irene used to hang out in whatever ‘medical bay’ brady cobbled together after his scare with that guy who became a risen mid-healing, to both have an excuse to avoid any burning of bodies and protect brady from another incident... look they’re just. cute.
overall: while it does sacrifice some of brady’s potential, irene being maribelle’s daughter is solid and interesting!! fred’s and maribelle’s supports are genuinely good, irene’s backstory lines up well with maribelle being her mom, brady’s a great brother, and gameplay wise she gets good class options! maribelle? solid choice!!!
final rating: ★★★★★★★☆☆☆ ( 7 parasols out of 10 )
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supports: these are actually supports i quite like! frederick learning new things and overcoming fears are always a joy to see, and seeing a more relaxed side of panne is really cute... they’re good!! 
inheritance: panne gives irene a unique class in taguel, as well as thief and wyvern rider! while she’d have to be very careful of anti-beast weapons, the thought of irene with the bunny ears is... cute...
hair colour: dark colours really do suit irene; i just wish i had the patience to edit taguel ears onto that icon... because she’d definitely have them.
sibling(s): mmmm yarne’s another kid i’m not huge on, and i do feel like they’d clash as siblings... while yarne is self preserving to a fault, understanding the weight of his (and irene’s) legacies as the literal last two taguel in the world, irene throws herself into danger regularly as a knight without any regard for her own safety. there would... probably be arguments about it. i dunno, yarne just... also doesn’t work as fred’s kid imo?? it could just be personal preference...
overall: taguel irene!!! taguel irene!!! while i love panne’s and fred’s supports and the concept, the family dynamic with yarne just... doesn’t... click very well for me? they really do feel like they’d be at each other’s throats a lot over clashing ideologies, and mmmm it would be fun for character development, but... i dunno. i’m just not feeling it as something to write?
final rating: ★★★★★★☆☆☆☆ ( 6 carrots out of 10 )
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supports: NO!!! cordelia’s supports with frederick are some of my least favourites in the game!!! i blame the mention of c h r o m and how it is in-context. it’s like frederick’s just... settling for being second best, even if cordelia claims she’s giving up on chrom, then considering severa’s recruitment dialogue... mmmmmm. i don’t... like that... they both deserve better...
inheritance: cordelia’s fun in that between all of her class lines -- pegasus knight, mercenary, dark mage -- she can use every single weapon in the game. this trait passes on to both irene and severa, and irene does get some nice options to play around with 
hair colour: the fiery red is nice, actually, but it’s a little TOO vivid to suit irene...
sibling(s): i feel like severa’s bold and abrasive nature would either extend to her little sister or she’d be an overly smothering big sister to overcompensate for perfect mom cordelia’s absence. there’d be no in between, and shy, meek irene would... suffocate from it. they’d work better as friends than siblings.
overall: while this would be a nice pairing in a playthrough WITHOUT ruining severa in the process, i don’t like it much in context. the supports are some of my least favourites, severa isn’t a good fit for irene’s sibling, and i... just like both units with other people! 
final rating: ★★☆☆☆☆☆☆☆☆ ( 2 unrequited crushes out of 10 )
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supports: okay, the supports themselves are nice. they’re a sweet concept-- nowi wanting to make sure frederick receives recognition for all his hard work, despite him being content just... helping from the shadows. that said i still... can’t get past the whole nowi looking like a child thing. i know she’s over 1000 years old but it still feels super awkward to me? then again that’s a nowi complaint in general... so... rip nowi i really do love you i swear--
inheritance: manakete irene!!! manakete!!! irene!!! nowi also gives mage and wyvern rider, as well as decent magic growths-- late bloomer magical dark knight irene is fun, but... manakete irene
hair colour: nowi’s green is pretty wild, but i think that with the long ears it’d be cute!!
sibling(s): nah and irene would prooobably make cute siblings, but i don’t think nah’s backstory gels well with irene’s. in nah’s, both of her parents died when she was an infant. i hc frederick was among the last to die. something has to be altered pretty radically for this to fit, or else fred just up and ditched his kids, and... no. 
overall: honestly this would be one of my favourites if not for the massive edits to irene’s overall concept and the nowi problem(tm). manakete irene is a really fun concept, fred’s and nowi’s supports are really cute tbh and their ending is sweet, i feel like nowi’s light-heartedness and maturity underneath it all are something that would be really good for irene, but... the amount of editing needed to make it work kinda ruins the idea for me.
final rating: ★★★★☆☆☆☆☆☆ ( 4 dragonstones out of 10 )
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supports: they’re... hm. they’re... interesting? see tharja’s supports are like how i view cordelia’s: the less mentions of robin ( and chrom in cordelia’s case ), the better. tharja talks about robin a lot in the c-a ones, but thankfully there’s no mention of them in the s. so that’s points in tharja’s favour! they’re not bad, but i do think i like tharja and frederick with other people.
inheritance: tharja passes down dark mage and archer, then knight overlaps with irene’s classes inherited from frederick. magical irene is once again on the table, but given the nature of future!tharja, i feel like irene would be horribly scared of or at least averse to dark magic and against trying it for herself. 
hair colour: dark hair colours always look good on irene... though grabbing it off tharja’s sprite was weird, because the sprite makes it look more brown than black. oh well.
sibling(s): while fred/tharja isn’t terrible, ohhhhh boy the implications it has for irene’s childhood isn’t fun. she and noire sound like good sisters, but... once frederick dies tharja snaps hard, and begins using noire as a guinea pig. given i hc frederick as one of the last to die, either irene is already knighted and in a horrible position to get noire out of that situation until their mother dies too, or frederick dies earlier and she ends up trapped in the abuse too. it’s just... a very sad situation and i can’t... i feel really bad putting irene in either of them. either she chases frederick and knighthood and unintentionally abandons noire, or she has to suffer future!tharja.
overall: despite the iffy future!tharja situation, i do think that the interactions with past!tharja and noire would make for really interesting character development. and you all know i am HERE for character development! frederick’s supports with tharja aren’t bad ones, but they’re not necessarily my favourites either. dunno, just... not huge on this one, but i don’t hate it!
final rating: ★★★★★☆☆☆☆☆ ( 5 hexes out of 10 )
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supports: this one was........... weird. like, it shows fred’s overbearingness extends to everyone when he’s trying to lend a hand and it’s really cute, but... mmmmmmmmmm i really don’t know. i like olivia with other people more and her supports can be kind of hit or miss as it is for me, even when i like the pairing. 
inheritance: olivia doesn’t give dancer, what even is the point-- no, but irene could inherit myrmidon, pegasus knight, and since dancer is exclusive to olivia, mercenary! if you want g a l e f o r c e  f a l c o n  k n i g h t  irene, it’s a good choice! 
hair colour: irene with olivia’s pink is cute, but i like darker tones on her, personally...
sibling(s): irene being inigo’s younger sister could be fun? they’re both shy characters and deal with it in different ways-- irene threw herself into training, inigo followed the ‘talk to girls’ advice. i can see them lowkey clashing over that, but still being close? it sets up for really fun shenanigans in fates too, as irene and corbett go to fateslandia on their own and settle in hoshido, meanwhile inigo’s summoned there by anankos and ends up in nohr... on a less potentially tragic note, irene being soleil’s aunt is cute. 
overall: this is another pairing i like more for the sibling than the parents, but it’s still a solid one! the supports are kind of weird to me, but then again as much as i love olivia her supports are... mmmmm. irene gets great classes out of the deal, as well as the coveted galeforce, and inigo is a fun brother. all in all, it’s one of the better ones! 
final rating: ★★★★★★★☆☆☆   ( 7 dances out of 10 )
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supports: these are my absolute favourites, with sumia’s supports being just sliiiiightly behind them. i just love how highly frederick and cherche hold each other in high esteem from day one? they learn from each other, they snark about virion in private together, and their ending and their “famously disarming smiles” is so good??? power. couple. 
inheritance: cherche passes down wyvern rider, cleric, and troubadour. healer irene is back in play, which i love!! she wouldn’t get minerva as a wyvern rider because gerome already has her, but it’s Fine.
hair colour: mmm, it looks so cute on her! i love cherche’s pink...
sibling(s): the contrast between brooding, distant gerome and gentle, shy irene is really fun to me! i feel like they’d be super close as kids but get along less as they grew older, but that also opens the doors for that sweet, sweet character development and reconciliation. and if you know anything about me, i live for character development.
overall: cherche is irene’s default mom for a reason. frederick’s and cherche’s supports are my favouites for them both, she lends really well to the idea of irene being less talented with offensive magic but having a hidden talent for healing, and her hair colour is pink-- but still that nice darker tone that i like on her. gerome is... a bit of a piece of work, but they contrast in an interesting way and the development that comes with reconciliation is appealing! so yeah! i love!!! cherche!irene! 
final rating: ★★★★★★★★★★ ( 10 snacks for minerva out of 10 )
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supports: they, uh... don’t have any. the draw for fredemm in general is that he’s a knight and she’s the exalt, and i mean... it’s really a sweet concept! i do prefer emm/phila and frederick with other people, but it is an emmeryn ship i still really like! it does require some shifting things around on irene’s part as she’d now have to be older than all of the children to even exist in the bad timeline, but... eh. details.
inheritance: emm’s classes are the same ones as lissa’s, so see her section! as always with princess irene, the brand is on the back of her neck.
hair colour: it looks really close to lissa’s, but it’s just a little more saturated...
sibling(s): not counting emmeryn fankids, irene would be an only child. i guess that means she would treat lucina, her sibling, and owain like siblings of her own! that said, she would still undergo the lucina problem-- being related to falchion’s bearer and unable to wield it herself  despite being a member of the exalted bloodline does a number on irene’s confidence and self image as a princess. now that i’m thinking about it, what if princess irene got geirskogul...
overall: if i’m doing princess irene, emmeryn is my favourite of the ylissean royal sibs to be her other parent. everything is a little more hc based and shifts around a bit based off portrayals and whatnot, but i really like exalted irene so it’s worth it!!  
final rating: ★★★★★★★★☆☆ ( 8 miracles out of 10 )
just for fun...
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andrethegiant3001 · 5 years
You’ve Gotta be (Psych)idding Me (WIP)
Prologue: Only Time will Tell
The future is a funny thing. Everyone spends so much time trying to prepare for it, control it, understand it, predict it. But the only thing that truly knows the future is the future itself. It’s the runner at the head of the race, always two steps ahead.
Lizzie Bennet likes to think that she’s one of the few people that can interpret the vague and elusive nature of time. She knows that time is a circle, not a line, spinning around and around until it settles on a narrative it likes, a narrative that the people within it spiral into. She understands that the future and past are fragile and tangible things, breaking and bending to the whims of those around it. She remembers that the future is a promise, not a guarantee. Promises can be broken.
And yet, with all her otherworldly knowledge, idiots like the one standing in front of her still feel the need to doubt her.
“No offense, but psychic powers are usually… a farce.”
No offense, but you look like you belong in a shitty version of ‘The Wolf of Wall Street’.
The teenage girl standing next to him shoots him a wary look, momentarily pulled away from the homemade essences she had been drawn to originally. Lizzie bites her tongue and gives the stranger a cursory once over. He’s wearing slacks and an Oxford shirt with the sleeves rolled up, showing strong, tan forearms. She doesn’t need to be a psychic to guess that he’s an asshole.
He’s also really hot.
(She’s really unimpressed with the lack of correlation between physical attractiveness and positive personality traits. The world isn’t a fair place.)
“You realize that you basically just said ‘no offense, but I think you’re scamming people out of their money’? How exactly am I supposed to not be offended by that?”
The girl sighs in exasperation, “Can’t we do one thing without you pissing off a random stranger?”
Lizzie feels an odd surge of affection for the girl that she hadn’t previously expected. Then again, she had sensed a positive aura when the two walked in, she just hadn’t been sure which one of them was emitting it. Now she’s definitely sure that it isn’t coming from him.
“Stay out of this Georgy,” the guy snaps before turning back on Lizzie. “Look, I’m trying to be polite. I just don’t believe in what you do.”
“A murderer in a nice suit is still a murderer.”
“That’s a terrible analogy.”
Lizzie scoffs, “Whatever, the point stands. Just ‘cause you dress your bigotry in a bow doesn’t make it okay.”
“It’s hardly bigotry when most psychics actually scam people out of their money. That’s called statistics.”
“So you’re telling me that statistics give you the right to come into my store and insult my career choice?”
“First off, career is a bit of a strong word-”
“Do you get off on being condescending?”
“Secondly, statistics give me a right to be wary of people trying to take advantage of me.”
“I’m pretty sure profiling works off of the same logic.”
“You’re kidding,” he says blankly, “the difference is people can’t choose their skin colour. You can choose your job.”
“I didn’t choose to be a psychic.”
“Oh, so we’re going off of the assumption that you actually have spooky psychic powers? Hang on, let me recalculate my line of argumentation.”
“Fuck you,” Lizzie says with a saccharine smile. Then she swivels to face the girl, “Can I help you.”
Her face lightens up a little in response, but before she can respond, the guy butts in again, “I get it. Now that you’ve realized you’re not going to get any money out of me, you’re turning to my kid sister. Real ethical.”
She’s going to wring him with her bare hands.
(Un)fortunately, his sister decides to step in before Lizzie murders him. “Please Will, I’m not a kid,” she says breezily, “could you try not being a dick for once in your life?”
He scowls, “Don’t swear.”
“It’s not swearing if I’m referring to you by your middle name,” she flashes him a wicked smile and turns to Lizzie, “I’m actually interested in a tarot reading.”
“I don’t think that’s a good idea.”
“You’re no fun,” she pouts, “I’ll even pay for it myself.”
He laughs, “It’s not paying for yourself if you get your allowance from me. Besides, it’s not about that. It’s about the principle.”
“The principle being sticking to your guns when you’re being an ignorant dipshit?” Lizzie raises an eyebrow. “You’re a stellar role model.”
“No,” he rolls his eyes and speaks slowly, like she’s a child, “the principle is that I don’t give money to scammers with shit customer service.”
Lizzie feels her temper rising, but purses her lips and makes sure her voice is level in order to keep her cool, “I’m going to have to ask you to leave.”
“You’re kicking me out,” it’s a question, but it comes out as a statement.
Instead of answering, she turns to the girl (Georgy?) and smiles warmly, “I can do a tarot reading now or some other time as long as he’s out of my general vicinity.”
At that, the guy laughs sardonically and brushes past her to stalk towards the door. But when his arm skims hers, something weird happens. A sensation spreads through her entire body, like she’s suddenly been set on fire. Her mind flashes, an image of hands on skin, tugging at her waist, teeth nipping at her lips, dragging a heady moan out of her mouth. The scene changes to Georgy laughing loudly as she jumps into a pool, her cannonball formation spraying Lizzie with water before Georgy reaches up to pull her in too.
But she doesn’t only see her two customers. She feels Jane across town, putting the finishing touches on a wedding cake she was commissioned to make. Her eyes flash to her mother’s house, where the woman stands in the center of the room, performing a ritual for onlookers all around. Then she catches a glimpse of the people walking on the sidewalk in front of her shop, the acute feeling of… irritation taking over her body as she looks from them to her sister back in the shop, still talking to that woman who seems intent on exploiting her-
Lizzie snaps out of it, her eyes flying open to the girl standing in front of her.
What the fuck just happened?
She blinks slowly and looks around the room before looking back to Georgy, trying to gauge if she’s disoriented in any way by what just happened. The girl looks fine though, a little put off by the immature behaviour of her brother, but otherwise completely tethered to reality.
Lizzie shouldn't have expected anything different. Others never see.
Georgy is grimacing when she looks over at her, “I’m sorry about him, he’s just…” she trails off and looks over to where he’s waiting for her by the door, “the worst.”
That brings Lizzie back to the present and she laughs lightly, “That’s an understatement.” If anything, the pained look on Georgy’s face grows stronger at the comment, like she wants the ground to swallow her whole.
Lizzie can sympathize. She’s had quite a few I-wish-the-ground-would-swallow-me moments.
“He’s actually not as bad as he seems,” she starts, but quickly realizes by the look on Lizzie’s face that there’s really no use in defending him. “Anyway, I’ll stop by sometime for a tarot reading. Without him.”
Lizzie nods approvingly before relenting a little, “Don’t worry about it. I’m used to skeptics.”
She thinks of her mother, faux psychic extraordinaire.
She almost doesn’t blame him for his doubts. Almost.
She huffs out another sigh, “Sure, but he has this nasty habit of thinking that the world actually cares about his shitty opinions,” Lizzie laughs out loud at that, surprising even herself. Georgy gives her an award winning smile before turning towards the door. Lizzie takes the hint and heads back to the counter, arranging a set of lighters with cheesy inspirational quotes twisted around to make puns. She tries really hard to distract herself and not look back at the guy or think about the guy or analyse what the guy’s touch did to her.
She just doesn’t understand how someone like him could bring on such a strong connection to the spiritual world.
She’s just finished adjusting a lighter that says ‘you’re a-MAZE-ing’ with a little design of a maze in the background when she hears it.
“You’re not coming back to this crap shack.”
She looks over to the door where Georgy catches her eye and gives a little wave before saying, “Like you could stop me.”
Lizzie simultaneously feels the need to either laugh out loud or punch something as hard as she possibly can.
You can read the rest of this story on my fanfiction.net account linked here: You’ve Gotta be (Psych)idding Me
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chimchimchoo · 6 years
Fly Me to the Moon :: Ch 1
Genre: Pure fluff crack
Word Count: 2,510
Pair: Yoongi x Jimin
Collaborated with @tayvengeance
Chapter: 1
Jimin stared at the note on the bathroom wall for a solid 5 minutes before he pulled out his phone and typed in the number.
authors note: we do not own any of the pictures, for better formatting so it’s more comfortable to read, check it out on AO3! AO3 link:  https://archiveofourown.org/works/14944508/chapters/34626863 Twitters: Tae’s Sujin’s <3 - Tae & sujin
Chat with Mochi_Moves
Will this make you feel happier?
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What the fuck
Who is this?
That doesn’t matter. Did the picture make you laugh? c:
No what the fuck
I think you have the wrong #
Aw :c
No, I just found this number and wanted to make you a happy emo boy!
Wait, who are you
How do you know I’m emo
Also it’s not emo
It’s grunge
Fuck you
But..I’m not supposed to tell strangers my name :c
Just call me Mochi
I’ll be your anonymous friend c:
Why are you a sad grunge boy?
Life is a bitch
That’s why.
Ohmygod, this poor soul
Who hurt you??????
Like i’m gonna tell a stranger my life story
But didn’t you know?
It’s easier to tell strangers
Come on c: c: c:
Add another smile to that and I just might strangle you
I’m kidding
But not really
Now that’s a relatable emotion
Okay alright
I won’t pressure you
You can tell me tomorrow c:
Instead tell me something happy about yourself!
I have mint hair.
I guess that’s happy?
Coloured hair makes me happier
Mint???? Wow!
I’ve never seen anyone with mint hair
That must look so cool *.*
No, what if you’re a predator
I’ve watched Catfish
I know how this shit goes
But I’m not! Just the hair
Only if you tell me who you are
How do I know you’re not a predator either?
Maybe you’re the bathroom janitor for all I know
I just found it in the bathroom and wanted to
cheer up a sad grunge emo boy
Goddammit Hoseok.
He fucking put my number on the
stall wall again, didn’t he
I’m gonna fight him
Last time he did this, I got calls
for a week.
Holy shit.
You know my arch nemesis?
Yeah! I dance with him!
He’s a great friend
Annoying sometimes…
BUt wonderful c:
Holy shit
You’re that Jimin kid he always
talks about
The revered dancer
“God, Yoongi you should see him. The way he moves his body is
the closest humans will get to magic.”
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He really said something like that?? Wow, he’s really pushing it
But you exposed yourself,
Nice to meet you Min Yoongi c:
That’s Yoongi HYUNG to you
Well, since I know you’re not going to prey on my gay ass
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Ah, well
Two gay boys can be friends
So don’t worry
I won’t be a gay predator
Is it gay to have gay friends
Let’s try it and see if it’ll answer your question!
Well, I showed my face.
Your turn, punk.
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I’m not a punk :c
According to Hoseok
I’m a soft mochi
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Is that that Taehyung kid
He’s in my art class
I swear to GOD
Loudass motherfucker
But I guess he makes me laugh
Holy shit he’s been reading over
your shoulder?
Hey kid, you’re wild. I admire it.
Especially when you got the fire alarm to go off
in the middle of free painting the other day.
Idk how you did it. You didn’t even leave your
I hav my ways ¯\_(ツ)_/¯ Next time i jasdskjf
Sorry! Taehyung took my phone
When I left the room
But yes it’s the one and only
We’re roommates
I see. So no hanging at your place.
I’m just kidding
Not really
But yeah
Oh, so you do want to
come over sometime then?
Is that what you’re saying?
c: c: c:
I thought we had bonded over being
Hobi’s friend
I thought WE were gay pals
Without it being gay
Ah, you’re right!
I thought maybe
You already went onto the next base
Im so glad it didn’t turn out like that
My best gay pal c:
Second to Taehyung of course
I mean, you are a handsome fella
I don’t uh, date, really.
Ahhhh, does your love life
have to do with you being a sad emo grunge boy?
A tragic backstory?
A tale for another time.
(like far beyond this time)
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So like
Someone’s persistent
Why do you wanna know so bad?
Gonna try to fix the depressed grunge boy?
You’re just an interesting person
Min yoongi
I’ll figure you out c:
That’s hyung to you, brat.
Chat with Mochi_Moves
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Did this cheer you up?
He had too much soju last night
You all drank without me
What the fuck
I’m sorry :c
I’ll invite you next time!
It was a night out for the dance team
But it can just be us the next time
And I’ll bring taehyung
And hoseok
You don’t want to be around the dance team
When they’re drunk
Trust me
I’ll take your word for it.
But did it cheer you up????
How can I not laugh at his dumb face
Just don’t tell him
He’ll make me do push ups for days
if he finds out I have this
considering he blacked out
and doesn't remember a thing
I told him you found my number yesterday
He screamed
Then he sent me this:
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And asked how gay I was for you
No. it brings me joy.
Hey, haven’t you been trying to make me
It worked.
That’s true..
My pain is your happiness
But I told him I wasn’t gay for you
He sent me this:
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And said “how about now?”
I just need to know, what was the
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Why does hyung still have this
I swear
I’m going to go talk to this..
He’s in the other room
Tell him I said thank you for our new
Kakao chat background pic
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I don’t know what to say to that
That was a performance I did a few years back
For a dance competition
Hoseok hyung begged
I didn’t want to
But i did anyway, it’s hyung
I can’t say no to him
I retired the exposed chest look
So don’t expect another one
Not to sound gay or anything
You have a nice body.
Good job.
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What about you Mint Yoongi?
What do you do?
Write/compose/play music
A lil art here n there
I’m skilled on the piano.
And I have some beats on soundcloud
Wow! I love a good artist c:
Have you released anything to music companies??
You must be famous! Can I hear some of your work??
I’m about as famous as you.
There you go, I guess.
It sounds amazing!
You’re so talented
One day you could compose a song
For one of my shows???
How cool would that be?!
Woah, take me to dinner first
So are you asking for a date??
Mint Yoongi
We haven’t even met formally yet…
So fast..
You were the one talking about intimacies
Composing a song for someone is as
intimate as fucking them.
Alright alright
Just gay best pals
Who’ve never met
Well are you insinuating that we should get up
get out and go meet somewhere?
That would be a good start
Hoseoks been wanting me to meet you for forever now
I just never had the time
Let’s do it for the sake of this poor hyung
It’s a monday morning.
I don’t have class.
We’re getting coffee.
Why is Hobi hyung but you REFUSE TO
Meet me at the campus cafe at 10?
Yeah. Sounds good.
Chat With Mochi_Moves
Mint Yoongi?
What is it?
Did I leave my composition notebook
at your place? I can’t find it
And I’m honestly freaking out
I’m gonna have a panic attack
All my songs are in there
And some stuff I don’t want people
poking around in
Give me just a second, I’m walking back to my room
I’m almost there
It’s okay
Oh goodness
I found it!
I caught Taehyung holding it, but I don’t think he read anything
I’ve never lurched at him so quickly
Do you want me to drop it off?
Yes <3
That heart was so entirely
A you thing
Aw c:
You’re sending hearts now
Did it make yours go bangya bangya
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Just a little
That’s fucking gay wow
I’ll safely return your notebook now!
I’ll guard it with my life
And I won’t read anything
I promise
You’re a true hero
I might end up composing that song for
you if you don’t watch out.
You want to go to the next base already?
I’m impressed
Don’t get your hopes up, sweetie
My emotional capacity is that of a
If you triple the recipe, you’ll get a tablespoon
I just gotta triple my love
And your emotional capacity will go up
Which girl group sang that
Bc that’s what you sound like
It’s pretty gay.
I live with a gay roommate,
I learn a lot of gay things from him
Now open up Mint Yoongi
I’m outside
I would yell @ you for not calling me hyung
But i want my damn notebook.
I’m coming.
Chat With Mochi_Moves
Mint Yoondi
Are you drunk?
So muffh soju
Whaff aru yo u ding
Where are you?
Are you safe?
I jusf go t home
Tae t ae passef out
I wasa bored
And mussed u
You saw me like 7 hours ago
That wascd so lo ng ago
You should drink water and go to sleep
For your health
Im nof tierd
Ill  dinrk wahter though
Aru you still u p wrintinh musi
As usual.
WHAt isi it about this tim e/?
My first love.
Fird love?
I neve r heARd anything abo ut your love life
Didi somethin rly happen to make u
An emo grunge bo y?
Can you ttell me about it??
Not when you’re drunk.
Ask me when you’re sober.
You sitll won t share about yourself :c
I thoght we were best gay pals
I thoufht we got close enough to talk abuot these kind
Of things
Your hangover is gonna be nasty.
How about
I come over in the morning, bring some fire ramen
And tell you about me.
I just don’t want you to forget the conversation.
minT yoon gi
The sweetest man
Fire ranen sounds
You bet your ass I’m the sweetest man
I’ll fuck up anyone who says otherwise.
Sweet as suga r
Damn right i am
Chat With The.V.Zone
Lstn Yoongz
I saw your notebook
I figured you weren’t above snooping in my shit
Trying to figure me out
Or whatever.
I was nvr a fan of you in the first place
Ill b honest
I used to find you unbearably obnoxious
I don’’t kno what my Chim has goin on in his head
But he’s all ovr u these days
And im gttn weird vibes
I dnt feel comfortable with this situation
Bck off a little
Chim is a sensitive soul
I don’t want any1 hurting him
Just curious, but what did you read
Smthn abt ur first love
That’s uh,
I wrote that about my piano
Look, my family situation was kinda
It wasn’t great
So I played piano and wrote music
And well
I fell in love with it.
I think it’s the only thing I’ve ever loved.
Wow u r so gay
My name is literally sugar, why are you all
so surprised to find out i’m nice?
U always look rly grumpy
Like ur ready 2 kill someone
I dnt want my Chim around a murderer
It’s call resting bitch face and I’m sorry it
bothers you.
Jimin is a dear friend to me. I would never
do anything to hurt him.
If u say so
But im not kiddin bout backing off
Chims mine
Wait, are you harbouring romantic
feelings for Jimin?
Am i
Am i harborinfdsf
Ohmyg o d
Ur so funny
Im crying
Oh dear god no
Im happily taken
But ty for ur concern
See, we don’t talk so I don’t know these
things about you.
Don’t worry
You still and will forever remain Jimin’s #1
But wait
What abt u
R u harboring feelings for my Chim??
I liked it better when we weren’t talking
O h
I liked it better when we weren’t talking too.
Every single fiber of my being tells me that
that is a lie
U dont kno me
Yeah that’s the problem
Rmbr Jimin’s recent performance?
U 2 sick with the flu
And cldnt go
:/ I still feel bad about that.
He was so excited for me to watch.
I hve pics
V good pics
If u tell me ill send them 2 u
U wont regret
:) :)
You know, I might have misjudged you, Kim Taehyung.
I apologize for that.
U r forgiven
Well. I haven’t told anyone this
I have
regarding a certain person
Park Jimin.
Some1 in luv
With my Chim
You throw the word “love” out so easily
I’ve only known him personally for like 2 weeks
Gr8 point
Thats why ur perfct 4 him
An intellectual
I’ll deliver what i promised
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Cherish these with ur lyfe
Regrettin that flu yet?
Holy shit
I’m gay
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frederator-studios · 6 years
Adrian Thatcher: The Frederator Interview
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From Nelvana’s studio in Toronto, Adrian Thatcher has been expertly steering the Bravest Warriors Space Whale from the Director’s chair. We here at Frederator have had as much fun watching Adrian’s work, as he's had creating it! Here, Adrian discusses his windy path toward directing animated TV, and the many awesome shows and films he’s contributed to along the way. I’ve gotta echo Adrian on one BIG point: bring Clone High back!!
Did you go to school to study animation, or anything else?
I went to Sheridan College in Ontario. I applied for almost every artistic course I could think of: Illustration, Graphic Design, Industrial Design, and of course Classical Animation. I ended up taking one year of Illustration before switching to Classical Animation. 
When did you know you wanted to work in cartoons, and what inspired that choice?
Like a lot of people in animation, I didn’t even realize that working in cartoons could be an actual career. Drawing was pretty much the only thing I did as a child, so I knew that I’d have a career in something creative. But animation probably would have been very far down the list—I really enjoyed graphic design and advertising in high school. I didn’t make a conscious choice to pursue animation professionally until about halfway through my first year of college. The industry was booming and it was in the news a lot. Jurassic Park, Toy Story, The Mask. It didn’t take long to discover that many Sheridan graduates were key players in some of these films. These were people that went to the exact same school I did; I thought, “I can do that!” 
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So that was my first concrete inspiration, from a career perspective. But I had early brushes with animation as a kid. My big brother showed me how to make flip books. The subject of which mainly consisted of a little stick-man skateboarder doing tricks before falling off of cliffs, smashing into walls or onto a bed of spikes. Inspiring stuff as a kid, seeing your drawings move, but not exactly something that I thought I could turn into a career.
What shape did your path through animation take, position to position?
Great question! Let’s see, a walk down memory lane. My first job was at Walt Disney Animation Canada. Yes, they had a Canadian studio. Two actually: one in Vancouver, one in Toronto. I was hired onto the pre-production crew for Hercules II after my second year at Sheridan. The first job I did was inbetweening for Sylvain Chomet (The Triplets of Belleville) on development animation for a new Hercules villain. I enjoyed that but also wanted to explore my options, and pre-production was great for that. I did a little character, location, and prop design, as well as storyboarding. After Hercules II, we began Peter Pan: Return to Neverland; by then I’d narrowed my focus to location/prop design. I learned a ton from lead designers Ted Collyer and Dermot Walshe. From there I moved into production layout on Little Mermaid II, Lady and the Tramp II, Jungle Book II and a few smaller projects. For those films, I moved to Walt Disney Animation Australia for two years. Sydney was awesome and I learned a lot from the people down there, even if I didn’t know it at the time.
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When I returned to Toronto, I started my 16+ year career with Nelvana as a location/prop designer on Clone High. A couple production layout gigs at Nelvana followed and then I was given my first art direction job on a show called 6teen after doing the development location designs in full colour. I loved the job even though I’d never planned on being an Art Director. I don’t think I even knew what an Art Director did until I started! I remember going home after being offered the job and searching the Internet for information about being an Art Director. I must have found the right stuff, because after that, I art directed Ruby Gloom, Willa’s Wild Life, and Scaredy Squirrel before getting my first directing job on The Adventures of Chuck and Friends. I even managed to win an Emmy award for Outstanding Individual Achievement in Art Direction on Willa’s Wild Life. After Chuck and Friends I went on to direct Oh No! It’s an Alien Invasion, Ranger Rob and then….wait for it... BRAVEST WARRIORS!
Ahh ye-ah! Since you've done everything from layout to design to art directing, do you have a favorite role? Was directing your goal?
I think that my favorite job has to be directing - it’s definitely where I’m happiest. At times it almost feels like that first week on the job at Disney, where I could choose what I wanted to do. Directing allows me to have a hand in many areas of the production. I still design some characters and locations, like the Slumber Sisters (BW, “Chained to Your Side”) and the Techno-Cavern (BW, “Whispers in the Morning”). I’ve even storyboarded a little! Ted Collyer and I teamed up to board the new Bravest opening. My favorite part of directing is working closely with, and having the support of, so many great people. People like my Assistant Director Campbell Bryer, who can step in and handle production details when my schedule gets crazy—and it often does. Marc Sevier, who keeps an eagle eye on the animation; Davian Bobrowska’s amazing art direction. Everyone on the team, really. I never chased directing: I just focused on learning as much as I could in the role I was in. Once I felt I’d learned enough in the role I was doing, I wanted to learn more, and that’s what really led me to directing. I’m still learning more every day.
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What qualities are most important for a Director in animation to have?
Wow, there are so many and they all feel of equal importance. But a few in no particular order: I think that you need to remain humble. Having a big head as a Director will not serve you well. The ability to listen to the ideas of others and to collaborate is paramount. And having a sense of humor, of course!
If you weren't a Director of animated TV, what would you be?
That’s easy. I’d be a general contractor. For some reason I really like mudding and taping and I can cut in with a paint brush like a pro… I kinda wish I was kidding. Either that or a very low paid singer/songwriter. Yeah, I play a little guitar. No, not a ukulele. I mean I play guitar a little.
Do you have a favorite project ever, and why?
I’d have to say that I’m currently experiencing it! Directing Bravest Warriors here at Nelvana and getting to know all the great people at Frederator over the last year and a half has me in a permanent state of happy. 
Aww, yay! What do you like best about the show?
Making Bravest is a blast. I get the biggest pleasure from the writing and humor. It has a great balance of weirdness and intellect. Benjamin Townsend (Story Editor) has done a fantastic job of guiding the writers through the Bravest Multiverse. He’s very well read and a student of culture - it shows through in every script. We’re lucky to have him on the team.
Who is your favorite character on Bravest, and why? Do you have a favorite episode of the current season, so far?
My favorite character changes every day. I think it might be Danny…or Wallow…but then there’s Beth. Arrgh, this is tough. I think I have to say Danny. John (Omohundro) brings so much to the role. He’s a super funny dude! And my favorite episode? That’s even tougher. So far, I’d have to say it’s episode 416 “Nothin’ Stays the Same” by Ryan North. It’s a great Beth episode with a Groundhog Day theme. I really like the fast pace of that one.
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How was it to work on Clone High - do people still tell you how much they love it? (I love it, so that counts as one).
HA! Clone High. I still love it. Yes, I still drop that name and get great reactions. Even now we quote Clone High on a daily basis here at Nelvana. Interesting fact: when I got the Bravest Warriors job, the very first person I contacted was Ted Collyer (Director of Clone High) to be part of the Bravest storyboard team. Lucky for us, Ted was just finishing up another series and accepted. Ted has been a huge part of Bravest; he was my teammate in boarding the opening. Clone High definitely deserves a reboot! Bring it back! Bring it back!
What were your favorite cartoons growing up, and what are your favorite animated shows or movies?
My absolute favorite cartoon growing up was the Bugs Bunny Road Runner Show. Sooo many iconic characters, and I loved the short formats. I think a show of the same format and structure would do well today. Of course The Simpsons. For animated movies, I’m a bit of a Disneyphile. My favorite of all is Aladdin. Toy Story II is right up there too. And, even though it’s not animated: Back to the Future. I’ve watched that movie too many times to count.
Thank you for the interview Adrian, and the awesome work on Bravest Warriors! Which everybody can catch up on riiiiiiight here :)
- Cooper
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copperbora · 6 years
Concept Writing - Kit at the Vet
Heyo, beautifuls! I thought I’d share this piece, which is a concept for a maybe future story. Note that there’s certain elements which I’m not happy with - wolves are so overdone in shape shifting genre - but it’s still a great start and I hope that you enjoy it. 
Kit at the Vet By Rosanna P. Brost October 26th 2017
A kind, animal loving woman is sobbing. She has brown eyes, curly black hair and her husband is as bald as a baseball, with a voluminous moustache capable of winning best in show in any facial hair competition. He sits with one arm around her, consoling her and using his other hand to pet the strawberry blonde and grey dog laying at their feet. Despite the blood matted in the dog’s fur on one hind leg, it appears to be mildly annoyed, as does the receptionist who is sitting at the clinic’s counter. The waiting room is painted a soothing green, the floor is honeyed wood and the dog is really wishing that she could do something about the leash in the lady’s hand, which is so inconveniently attached to her neck, which the man won’t stop touching.
The dog is me and I am not a dog at all but a wolf but I’m also not that either, because I am actually Aurora Peters, Homo sapiens. These schmucks who have brought me in to Pleasant Hill Veterinary Practice are just two more in an annoyingly long line of idiots who apparently can’t read the ‘if found injured, please admit to hospital, not vet’ tag on my collar, or my name, or my mom’s phone number or even my home address. Instead, they’ve all taken me to the vet and it’s only stupid luck that there is only one veterinary practice in town for them to come to. Everyone here knows me, right down to the Russian Blue greeter cat, who has just come to say hi, but Jacob Hars, my well-meaning benefactor, rudely shoos her away. Luna gives a dissatisfied brrrt and wanders off, tail waving in the air, passing Doctor Hank Johnson as he steps out with a clip board. I meet his eyes and we share a moment of shared disgruntlement, then he greets my benefactors, the Hars, who tearily declare the usual.
“Doctor, we think she was hit by a car -”
“Her owners should know better than to let her roam!”
“There’s no name on her collar at all -”
“Doctor, if her people don’t want her, we’ll take her! She’s a beautiful animal!”
“I am truly grateful for your concern for this animal, Mister and Missus Hars,” says Hank charitably, “but I assure you, Kit has a good home and we have her on record. She’s just got a nasty little habit of jumping fences, that’s all.”
The Hars gasp and complain a bit more, but eventually Hank chivvies them out, the receptionist Tanja assuring them that they really do know me, then Hank pulls me into the back room with one of the clinic’s leashes. The moment that we’re through the door and out of sight of the waiting room he unclips the leash from my collar and glares at me. Despite the fact that he’s one tall dude, colour me uninspired - after all, there’s rainbow tabby cats all over his scrubs and he wears a bowtie decorated with paw prints. Plus, he’s like family to me, almost a second father; we even celebrate Christmas together every year and I gave him a birthday present just last week. (An obnoxiously lurid set of new scrubs, of course.)
“Kitsune, you gotta stop getting yourself into so much trouble,” says Hank crossly. “What’d you even do to yourself, girl?”
With some effort, because doing so opposes my current cute ‘n fluffy form, I speak, “I got caught in a barbed wire fence. It was rather against letting me continue on my merry way.”
He rolls his eyes. “You know, there are safer ways of practicing your bloody shape shifting! Couldn’t you have waited for shutzhund tomorrow?”
Ahh, shutzhund. Some girls have volleyball, some girls have jogging and then there’s freaks like me who compete in the lovely German dog sport of mauling guys in heavily padded protective suits - as a dog. My team mate is even a real dog, Hank’s champion Russian bred German Shepherd Vlad, (who, if you’re wondering, does indeed kick my ass at Shutzhund.) Hank got me into it because he figured that since I insist on moving around on all fours and pretending more or less to be canine, I needed to learn how to defend myself that way. Thus far, it has helped me learn how to bark convincingly, which has proven incredibly entertaining.
“Work was so boring, I needed to go out for a run,” I say, extending my hind leg and wincing at the shallow gash in it. “Good thing I’ve had my tetanus shot, eh?”
“Aurora Peters, what season is it?” demands Hank, crossing his arms.
“Fall…?” I say, cocking my head to signal my what-are-you-getting-at because honestly I have no idea why he is asking this dumb question.
“Yes, it’s Fall - hunting season, Aurora! The time of year when a bunch of idiots with guns who don’t know a deer from a shadow are running around our fields and forests looking for wildlife to put bullets in! And what are you, currently, woman?” he snarks. 
I glance at myself, then bare my teeth in a smirk which I have been perfecting in front of my mirror. “Gorgeous.”
Hank looks heavenward, as if asking God for help with bettering my youthful lack of brain cells. “A wolf! And if they don’t mistake you for a wolf, which lots of idiots hate, they’ll mistake you for a bloody flaming coyote, which people hate even more! Do you want a bullet in your brain, woman? ‘cus I can’t fix that!”
He likes calling me ‘woman’ - it’s as if he’s trying to remind me that I am actually a human, a fact which I am quite painfully aware of, thank you. 
“Not particularly,” I say, “but I wasn’t really in a field -”
“It don’t matter!” snaps Hank. “Kitsune, you gotta stay in town right now! And wear a bloody reflective vest, you ninny - emulate dog instead of arrooo.”
I sniff, “I wear it when I am hiking, but I need someone to put it on for me and I was alone, so -”
“Couldn’t you have stopped by here? Or gotten Rick, anybody to put it on for you?”
I look at him blankly, silently admitting: this would have been smart.
“But I’m alone tonight, so how the heck would I get it off afterwards?” I ask shrewdly.
Cue another eye roll. “You come by here and I’d take it off for you, you know I’m here for another hour. Kit, why can’t you have a weekday hobby? Why do you have to spend every spare minute you have running naked around town?”
He’s right, actually; if I were to transform right now, I would be naked, a fact which many townspeople have witnessed, thanks to the first time that I was hit by a bicycle (bikes are my nemesis) and the good Samaritan cyclist tried to help me. When I spoke up to say that I had just been stunned and was fine, the cyclist had fainted. Me, being kind of an idiot, had transformed back to perform CPR if needed, thinking they were in cardiac arrest - and at that moment, a long line of kindergartners had walked past the park where we were with their teacher on the way to the pool, the kids discovering quite abruptly what boobs look like. I had been unable to concentrate enough to change back, so I had ran streaking for home, only for my embarrassment to become truly complete by the police officer who had stopped by to write me a ticket for public indecency that evening. It had not ended there - for weeks I had had the parents of the kindergartners being terribly rude to me and that was about the time when I opted to spend the rest of my secondary education at home. 
“Well, since you were dumb and forgot to bring by another set of clothes for circumstances like this from the last time that you swore you wouldn’t show up here like this, you can spend the rest of my shift hanging out with Vlad until I can drive you home,” determined Hank and he herded me into his office, where Vlad was quite happy to slobber all over my face. Tail clamped between my hindquarters to thwart Vlad’s mundane yet cherished canine hobby of butt sniffing, I turned back to the door, just as Hank was about to shut it. His eyebrows shunted low over his dark eyes and I nervously laid back my ears.
“Y’know, Kit, someday this shape shifting nonsense is going to get you into some real trouble, and I might not be there to help,” said Hank and with these forbidding words, he walks off, cheerfully calling a greeting to his next, real patient.
Unfortunately, he repeats this warning in some format every time I end up at his clinic on four legs - after all, that’s how we first met - so I don’t really listen to him. Instead, I proceed to horse around with Vlad.
Like an idiot.
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buckysmetallicstump · 7 years
Side to Side
Pairing: Bucky x Reader
Word Count: 1293
Summary: With your loud music playing, you wake Bucky up in the middle of the day but the song seems to grow on him.
Warnings: Implied Smut, bad writing
A/N – As you can tell, I haven’t been as active on this blog so I’m still getting into the rhythm of writing Bucky again. I apologise again.
A/N 2 – This is my entry for my girl @caplansteverogers #caplansongficchallenge – and to use the prompt Side to Side – Ariana Grande – I hope you like it even though I think it’s a pile of crap.
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I'm talkin' to ya
See you standing over there with your body
Feeling like I wanna rock with your body
And we don't gotta think 'bout nothin' ('bout nothin')
I'm comin' at ya
'Cause I know you got a bad reputation
Doesn't matter, 'cause you give me temptation
And we don't gotta think 'bout nothin' ('bout nothin')
Dancing around your kitchen, the music was blasting out as loud as you could get it. You forgot that you didn’t live alone, causing a grouchy, grumpy Bucky to stumble out of the bedroom that the two of you had shared.
I've been here all night
I've been here all day
And boy, got me walkin' side to side
I've been here all night
I've been here all day
And boy, got me walkin' side to side (side to side)
You pulled open the pancake mix and tossed it into a bowl, wiggling your hips at the same time Ariana Grande sang the chorus of Side to Side. When the milk and the rest of the wet ingredients were mixed in properly, you grabbed a ladle and set the frying pan on the heated stove.
‘Urgh, would ya turn it down!’ Bucky shouted over the noise. ‘It’s the freaking morning!’
Glancing at the watch on your wrist, you confirmed your suspicions when you saw that it was 1:37 in the afternoon.
‘It’s PM not AM, you ass.’ You hollered over the vibrating speaker system, walking over and turning it down so he would quit whining about the noise in the kitchen.
‘What is she even talking about? Rocking from side to side? Is that a sex joke that I’m not comprehending? I don’t-’ Bucky’s confusion made you laugh.
‘It has many interpretations but yeah sex could be one of them.’
Been tryna hide it
Baby, what's it gonna hurt if they don't know?
Makin' everybody think that we solo
Just as long as you know you got me (you got me)
And boy I got ya
Cause tonight I'm making deals with the devil
And I know it's gonna get me in trouble
Just as long as you know you got me
‘We should have sex to this song. It’s got a good rhythm.’ He simply said, not looking at you in your eyes and walking past you to make himself some coffee, the strong kind.
Rolling your eyes at his bluntness, you set yourself back to work on the pancake mixture, the pan slowly heating enough for you to ladle on the mix into the pan and instantly the aroma wafted through the kitchen and into your nose. It wasn’t often that you had a normal day where you didn’t have any assignments or missions to take care of. You could be in a place that was just you and Bucky, a place where the two of you could relax until the world needed saving from another alien invasion, probably tomorrow or later on today but for now you were going to domesticate your lives and pray that you could just eat your pancakes in peace with your man by your side. Well as much peace as you could when you thought about how loud Bucky could get when he eats sometimes.
Bucky moaned at the taste of the coffee on his taste buds. Your jaw dropped when he sighed, signaling that he was finished, he never ceased to amaze you that he could drink a scolding hot cup of coffee and not be affected but then you thought that it could have something to do with the super soldier serum that was running through his body. He moved onto making himself a second cup and proceeding to make you your third one of the day.
The music – still playing – seemed to have an affect on your body. You dipped and rotated your hips, Ariana taking over your body and making you move to her beat.
Bucky, this time, took a sip of his hot beverage and set it on the countertop where he had left yours. Taking a spatula, you checked the underside of the pancake to see its golden brown colour that had been left behind. With a nod of your head, you deemed that side of the pancake done and flipped so that the other side could cook.
Thankfully, the pancakes stacked up pretty quickly and you and Bucky could munch of the syrup drenched goodness.
Walking over to the docking station, you hit the replay button before the song could end. Finishing your small stack, you danced over to Bucky, tearing off a piece of his pancake and popping it into your mouth with a groan. He whined at your fast actions, you stealing some food off of his plate was normal but when it was the first thing that happened after Bucky had awoken.
It’s a dangerous thing; to mess with Bucky’s food but you would take that chance.
As you were about to head on back to the kitchen to clean up but Bucky had grabbed your arm to stop you from moving any further away from him.
‘What did you just do?’ Bucky’s voice held a sternness but a teasing measure to it too.
Disgustingly, you opened your mouth and showed him the remnants of the pancake that you hadn’t swallowed, ‘I ate some of your pancake, you want it back?’ With a full mouth, your words came in a jibberish jumble. You didn’t give him anytime to answer before you were chewing the last of it and swallowing it down with your coffee. Grabbing onto his hand, you slowly walked backwards, dragging him along with you.
Linking your fingers together, you brought his to your hips and wiggled them. The words holding a meaning of the formation of yours and Bucky’s relationship.
These friends keep talkin' way too much
Say I should give you up
‘I’m glad I didn’t.’ You whispered so quietly you thought you had to repeat it just in case he missed it as the song faded out of your ears, Bucky’s breath fanning over your neck as your feet slowed.
He hummed, low in his throat, the lack of words exchanged between you taking a toll on him. ‘And what's that, Y/N/N?’
Pulling away from him, you drug your fingertips over his growing stubble, sweetly smiling at him and his furrowed brows. ‘Not listening to the rest of them, not giving up on you.’
‘Me too. I couldn’t imagine what my life would be like without you.’ He says sincerely, with love hinted in his eyes.
You can’t help but ruin the moment.
‘You’d probably be with Steve talking about how cool your new arm is.’
‘Shut up, ya little shit. In all seriousness, although I didn’t like the way we met,’ he gives you a glare with a squint in his eyes, still feeling your heel in his neck. ‘I’m glad you listened to Steve when he told you not to murder me.’
‘Eh, you were cute. And you were struggling to breathe, kinda made me a little happy, a little tingly on the inside.’ You winked at him, licking your lips and pulling your bottom lip between your teeth.
‘Gee, thanks, Y/N.’
‘No problem.’ You smiled again, one that was toothy and cheeky.
Bucky shook his head and rolled his eyes, wrapping his arm around your waist and hoisting you up in his arms. He ambled over to where your phone and speaker were, holding them in one hand as the other held you up. Bucky was a man on a mission and you had a feeling you were going to live out his recently configured fantasy of having sex to the song that had woken him up past one PM.
Lemme know what you think…
 @thorne93  @winterboobaer @becaamm @you-know-whodoesthat-crazypeople @jotink78  @shifutheshihtzu @hymnofthevalkyrie @capsheadquaters  @kurosaki224-new-blog @emilyevanston @themcuhasruinedme  @goody2shoessmut @vibranium-arm @feelmyroarrrr @redlipstickandplaid  @sometimes-iwrite-blog  @caplansteverogers @mizzezm @brandybucky @howlingbarnes  @winter-in-wakanda @jesspfly @skybinx-blog @capnbbarnes  @buckyappreciationsociety @aubzylynn @notsoprettykitty @lilasiannerd @muliermalefici @melconnor2007 @emoryhemsworth @cojootromuelle  @thing-you-do-with-that-thing
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